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‫نماذج طب مع الترم الثاني‬

‫جامعة صنعاء‬
‫‪4th Level‬‬
‫طب بشري‬

‫دفعة نبض الحياة‬

‫عـــمــار الــشـرجـبـي‬ ‫أنـــــــــور مــــطـهــــــر‬ ‫مـحمـد حسني أبو عقة‬ ‫إعداد‬

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- Clinical forms of viral hepatitis appear as following except :-
a- Carriers

b- Asymptomatic

c- Acute

d- Chronic

e- Convalescent.

2- Phases of acute hepatitis include the following except :-

a- Incubation

b- Asymptomatic infection

c- Carrier state

d- Icteric

e- Convalescent state.

3- Worldwide the intermediate prevalance rate of hepatitis B carriers is about :-

a- 3%

b- 5%

c- 7%

d- 15%.

4- Worldwide the intermediate prevalance rate of hepatitis C carriers is about :-

a- 3%

b- 7%

c- 10%

d- 25%

e- 30%.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- Percentage of hepatitis cases due to other viruses :-
a- 10%

b- 5%

c- 2%

d- 7%

e- ................

6- Percentage of hepatitis B carriers ( Hbs Ag) in thr world is :-

a- 15% and more

b- 10% and more

c- 5% and more

d- 3% and more.

7- The incubation period of hepatitis B is :-

a- 2-7 days

b- 7-14 days

c- 14-25 days

d- 4 weeks- 6 months

e- 8 weeks - 12 months .

8- Viral hepatitis B may occur without symptoms in following percentage of cases :-

a- 90%

b- 80%

c- 75%

d- 65%

e- 25%
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
9- Hbs Ag is detectable from :-
a- The first month of infection

b- The first half of the

c- The first half of the Third month of infection

d- The first half of the First month of infection

e- The first half of the second half of third infection.

10- Patients with acute hepatitis C progress to cirrhosis in the following percentage
of cases :-

a- 25%

b- 65%

c- 75%

d- 85%

e- 95%.

11- In treatment of hepatitis interferen has the following problems except :-

a- Ramain expensive

b- increase relapse

c- decrease response of patient to 5%

d- has nemures side effect and complications

e- Causes renal failure.

12- The diagnosis of acute HA on chronic HB is when the following serologically

appears :-
a- Hbs Ag +ve and HA +ve

b- Anti-HA +ve and Anti-HBc +ve and Hbs Ag +ve

c- Anti-HC +ve and Anti-Hbe Ag +ve

d- HbsAg +ve and Anti-HA +ve

e- HbsAg +ve and Anti-HA +ve.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
13- The following are water borne disease Except :-
a- Hepatitis B

b- Shigellosis

c- Cholera

d- Hepatitis A

e- Poliomyelitis.

14- The following are food related diseases, Except :-

a- Typhoid fever

b- Taeniasis

c- Gastrointestinal TB

d- Hepatitis B

e- Botulism.

Read the following case history and Answer questions 1-4 :-

An increasing number of cases og jaundice is reported from village in Ibb
The cases mostly reported among younger ages and associated with nauseas,
loss of appetite. No deaths were reported .

1- The most likely diagnosis :-

a- Hepatitis B

b- Hepatitis A

c- Hepatitis E

d- Hepatitis C

e- b and c.

2- The most possible source of this outbreak is :-

a- Blood transfusion

b- Contaminated water/food

c- Hepatotoxic drugs

d- Contaminated syringes/needles

e- a and d.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
3- The following are important measures in the management of cases except :-
a- Supportive therapy

b- Isolation of cases in high risk occupation e.g. Food handlers

c- Educate cases on measures to prevent transmission

d- Adequate nutritional balance

e- Oral corticosteroid therapy.

4- The following measures are useful in controlling such outbreak EXCEPT :-

a- Adequate supplies of safe drinking water

b- Proper disposal of sewage within communities

c- Personal hygiene practices

d- Mass vaccination with hepatitis A vaccine

e- regular hand-washing with safe water.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- ALL of the following are True about Malaria Except :-
a- Malaria can be diagnosed based on symptoms

b- Malaria occurs in Saudi Arabia and Yemen

c- Malaria is disease of the Tropics

d- Complicated Malaria can cause acute encephalitis

e- Malaria is infectious disease.

2- ALL of the following about Malaria are True Except :-

a- Malaria is tropical disease

b- The general symptoms of malaria are non-specific

c- Malaria occurs in Yemen and the united Arab Emirates

d- Severe malaria can cause cerebral oedema

e- Malaria is infectious disease.

3- The most life threatening and dangerous malaria is :-

a- Plasmodium Ovale

b- Plasmodium Vivax

c- Plasmodium Falciparum

d- Plasmodium Malaria

e- None of the above.

4- The severity of malaria infection depends on of the following Except :-

a- Genetic factors

b- Species of the parasite

c- Mode of transmission

d- Pregnancy

e- Physical factors
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- Confirmation of Malaria infection is by :-
a- The pattern of fever

b- Blood film

c- Jaundice

d- History of exposure to malaria in endemic area

e- Splenomegaly syndrome.

1- The following could be differential diagnosis for bloody diarrhea Except :-
a- Shigellosis

b- Giardiasis

c- Amoebiasis

d- Campylobacter

e- Salmonella.

2- The following could be differential diagnosis for watery diarrhea Except :-

a- Rotavirus

b- Amoebiasis

c- Cholera

d- Giardiasis

e- Staph food poisoning.

3- The treatment of outbreak of diarrhea the following measures are recommended

Except :-
a- Rehydration

b- Anti-motility drugs

c- Good nursing

d- Light diet

e- None of the above.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
4- The most effective measure for prevention of infantile Gastroenteritis in Yemen is
( Select one) :-
a- Chemoprophylaxis

b- Proper sanitation

c- Convalescent serum

d- Passive immunization

e- Vaccination.

5- The following are risk factors for Gastroenteritis amongst children Except :-
a- Young age

b- Overcrowding

c- Using infant feeding bottles

d- Malnutrition

e- Measles.

6- There has been outbreak of Shigellosis in your village, as doctor in charge, which
of the following polices would you recommended :-
a- Treat all patients and close contact with naldixic acid

b- Organize in emergency center to provide I.V fluid for severe cases, ORS for less severe cases and
selective chemotherapy

c- Treat all dehydrate patient with I.V fluid

d- Treat all patients with tetracycline

e- None of the above.

7- Regarding Gastroenteritis, select true statement :-
a- Man in the principle reservior of infection.
b- The most common cause in Yemen is parasites.
c- Females are more common than males.
d- The Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) is suitable for all kinds and degress of dehydration.
e- Is high during winter season.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
8- The most effective measure for prevention of infantile Gastroenteritis in
Yemen is ( Select one) :-
a- Chemoprophylaxis
b- Proper sanitation
c- Convalescent serum
d- Passive immunization
e- Vaccination.

9- The following are risk factors for Gastroenteritis amongst children Except :-
a- Young age
b- Overcrowding
c- Using infant feeding bottles
d- Malnutrition

e- Measles.

10- There has been outbreak of Shigellosis in your village, as doctor in charge,
which of the following polices would you recommended :-
a- Treat all patients and close contact with naldixic acid
b- Organize in emergency center to provide I.V fluid for severe cases, ORS for less severe
cases and selective chemotherapy
c- Treat all dehydrate patient with I.V fluid
d- Treat all patients with tetracycline
e- None of the above.

11- The treatment of outbreak of diarrhea the following measures are

recommended Except :-
a- Rehydration
b- Anti-motility drugs
c- Good nursing
d- Light diet
e- None of the above.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- The incubation period of cholera ranges from :-
a- Few hours to 5 days

b- 1 to 2 weeks

c- 2 to 6 months

d- 10 to 15 days

e- 3-8 weeks.

2- Water chlorination is One of the preventive measures of :-

a- Cholera

b- Brucellosis

c- Malaria

d- Tetanus

e- Measles.

3- Regarding of Cholera treatment all of the statements are True Except :-

a- Rehydration should be completed in 1 hour

b- Goal of therapy is to replenish fluid losses caused by diarrhea and vomiting

c- Fluid therapy is accomplished in rehydration

d- Fluid therapy is accomplished in maintenance

e- Rehydration should be completed in 4 hours.

4- Regarding drug therapy for Cholera all of the following statements are True Except :-
a- Tetracycline is used for children

b- Doxycycline is used for adults

c- Drug therapy is to prevent complications

d- Drug therapy is to reduce morbidity

e- Drug therapy is to eradicate infection.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- One of the following measures dose Not prevent the spread of Cholera outbreaks :-
a- Vaccination

b- Promoting the sanitary disposal of human waste

c- Safe water supply

d- Safe food practices

e- Health education.

6- The following are goals of Cholera drug therapy Except :-

a- To eradicate infection

b- To reduce stigma and discrimination

c- To reduce morbidity

d- To prevent complications

e- A and B .

Read the following case history and answer questions 1-3 :-

There is an outbreak of severe watery diarrhea and vomiting in camp for internally
displaced. The outbreak affects all age groups and not associated with fever but
many deaths are happening.
1- The most likely diagnosis is :-
a- Cholera

b- Shigellosis

c- Salmonella food poisoning

d- Staph food poising

e- Amebic dysentery.

2- In treatment of the affected patients the following are important measures EXCEPT:-
a- Antimotility drugs

b- Good nursing

c- Light diet

d- Rehydration

e- Antibiotics.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
3- The following measures are useful in controlling such an outbreaK EXCEPT :-
a- Prophylactic antibiotics for all camp's residents

b- Reporting

c- Publicize the importance of hand washing and hygienic measures

d- Investigate food, water and milk supplies

e- Insure general sanitation measures.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
Parasitic Infection
1- The following causative agent of beef tapeworm is :-
a- Enterobius vermicularis

b- Ancylostuma duodenale

c- Ascaris Lumbricoidesis

d- Hymenolepis nana

e- Taenia saginata.

2- The following causative agent of dwarf tapeworm is :-

a- Enterobius vermicularis

b- Ancylostuma duodenale

c- Ascaris Lumbricoidesis

d- Hymenolepis nana

e- Taenia saginata.

3- The human infections with beef tapeworm take place through :-

a- ingestion of egg in contaminated food

b- Ingestion of egg in contaminated water

c- Uncooked or undercooked meat containing larvae is ingested

d- directly from focally contaminated finger

e- Ingestion of insects bearing larvae that have developed from egg ingested by the insect

4- ALL the following are preventive measures for Ascariasis Except :-

a- Individual protection ( wearing shoes in the endemic areas)

b- Educating the public in the use of to toilet facilities

c- In rural areas, construct privies which prevent dissemination of ascarid eggs

d- In endemic areas protect food from dirt

e- Encourage good hygiene habits by children.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- The infective stage of Ancylostomiasis is :-
a- Filariform larve

b- Rhbditiform larve

c- Embryonated eggs

d- Onchosphere

e- Cysticercus.

6- Filariform larva is the infective stage of :-

a- H. nana

b- Enterobius Vermicularis

c- Ascaris Lumbaricoidies.

d- Ancylostoma doudenale.

e- S. mansonai.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- Regarding rabies reservoir all the following Except :-
a- Foxes

b- Dogs

c- Cats

d- Human

e- Bats.

2- Regarding epidemiology of rabies all the following are True except :-

a- Rabies is widly distributed over the world

b- Rabies is fatal to both human and animals

c- Rabies is vaccine preventable

d- Rabies is not public health problem

e- Reliable data on rabies.

3- Regarding rabies all the following statements are True Except :-

a- Rabies is viral zoonotic disease

b- Rabies is neuroinvasive disease

c- Rabies causes acute encephalitis in mammals

d- Rabies is musculoskeletal disease

e- Rabies infects domestic and wild animals.

4- ALL the followings are mode of transmission of rabies Except :-

a- Transplant

b- Animal bite

c- Animal licks

d- Feco-oral

e- Air-born.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- The main synonym of Rabies is :-
a- Lockjaw

b- Enterobiasis

c- Chickenpox

d- Chikungonya

e- Hydrophobia.

6- Regarding Rabies all of the following statements are True , EXCEPT :-

a- Rabies is prevetable disease

b- Once symptoms of the disease develop Rabies is fatal

c- Rabies is still significant public health problem

d- Rabies is Not prevetable disease

e- Rabies is acute neuro-invasive infectious disease.

7- Which of the following diseases is zoonotic disease :-

a- Shigellosis

b- Salmonellosis

c- TB

d- Rabies

e- Amoebiasis

8- Human Diploid Cell Rabies (HDCR) for post exposure prophylaxis given in:-
a- Three doses

b- Four doses

c- Six doses

d- Five doses

e- Twenty doses
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
Pelvice Infection
1- Pelvic inflammatory disease can involve infection of the following Except :-
a- The endometrium

b- The uterine wall

c- The Bladder

d- The ovaries

e- The fallopian tubes.

2- Pelvic inflammatory disease may caused by :-

a- Pure aerobic bacteria

b- Pure anaerobic bacteria

c- Mixed aerobic infection

d- Virus infection

e- All of the above.

3- Risk factors for pelvic inflammatory disease is include all the following
a- Having multiple sex partners

b- Intrauterine device

c- Menopause

d- Current infection by sexually transmitted organism

e- Unsafe abortion.

4- Sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease include the following Except :-

a- Endometriosis

b- Infertility

c- Chronic pelvic pain

d- Mortality (particulary in neglected tubo-ovarian abscess)

e- Ectopic pregnancy.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- Which of the following may reduce the risk of Pelvic inflammatory
disease :-
a- Vaginal douche

b- Combined oral contraceptives

c- Latex condoms

d- Vaccination

e- All the above.

6- Pelvic inflammatory disease can be caused by all except :-

a- Tuberculosis

b- Gonorrhea

c- HIV

d- Syphilis

e- Trichominiasis.

7- The syndromic management for Pelvic informatory diseases prevention :-

a- Is effective for women

b- needs laboratory services

c- Requires minimal training of providers

d- All of the above answers are correct

e- None of the above answers are correct.

8- Primary prevention of PID focuses on :-

a- Treating the cases

b- Promoting early detection of cases

c- Educating people to protect themselves

d- All of the above

e- None of the above

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- The infectious diseases that lead to secondary nephritic syndrome in children
all the following except :-

a- Hepatitis B, C

b- Malaria

c- HIV

d- Epstein Barr virus

e- Measles.

2- Factors affecting Kideny all the following except :-

a- Analgesic drugs

b- Hypertension

c- Metabolic

d- Infection

e- Emotional

3- The infectious diseases that cause ARF all the following except :-
a- Malaria

b- Leptospiroses

c- Tetanus

d- Dengu hemorrhagic fever

e- Hepatitis A.

4- The Commonest organism lead to UTI is :-

a- The commonest organism is proteus in children

b- The commonest organism is E.coli in children

c- The commonest organism is pseudomonus

d- The commonest organism is staphylococcus

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- Regarding HIV/AIDS all the following are True except :-
a- HIV/ AIDS is epidemic

b- HIV/ AIDS is pandemic

c- HIV/ AIDS is epizootic

d- HIV/ AIDS is endemic

e- HIV/ AIDS is enzootic.

2- ALL the following factors attribute to AIDS spread in yemen Except :-

a- Geographical

b- Social factors

c- Yemeni emigrants

d- Blood safety

e- Refuges and immigrants.

3- ALL of the following are ways lead to transmission of HIV except :-

a- Receiving blood contaminated

b- Immigration

c- Sharing needle with

d- Being born to HIV-infected

e- Engaging in anal intercourse.

4- The main way of infection with HIV infection is :-

a- Mosquitoes

b- Toilet Seats

c- Hugging

d- Intercourse

e- Tears.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- The most persents infected with HIV develope detectable antibodies within :-
a- 2-4 weeks

b- 2-3 weeks

c- 2-3 months

d- 4-8 months

e- 8-10 months.

6- HIV passes through the following mean :-

a- Tears

b- intercourse

c- Toiles seats

d- Hugging

e- Mosquitoes.

7- ALL of the following are risk activities that promote transmission of HIV
Except :-
a- Type of intercourse (Vaginal, anal)

b- Urbanization

c- Condum use

d- Frequency of multiple sex partner

e- Cultural acceptance of multiple partener.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- Discharge is common clinically of STD except :-
a- Gonorrhea

b- Syphilis

c- Trichomoniasis

d- Clamydia

e- Candidiasis.

2- Sexually transmitted disease is :-

a- are also caused by virus

b- Lead to infant deaths

c- can reduce the immunity

d- all of the above

e- none of the above.

3- The following disease have sexual rate of transmission except :-

a- Gonorrhea

b- Syphilis

c- Taeniasis

d- Trichomoniasis

e- Viral hepatitis B.

4- STDs complications can be all except :-

a- Still birth

b- birth defects

c- ectopic pregnancy

d- death

e- malpresentation of the fetus.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- Discharge is common clinical feature of the following STIs EXCEPT :-
a- Gonorrhea

b- Trichomonoasis

c- Syphilis

d- Chlamydia

e- Candidiasis.

6- The following are risk factors of STIs Except :-

a- Broken homes

b- Prostitution

c- Malnutrition

d- Alcoholism and drug addiction

e- Social unrest.

7- Regarding STIs all the following statements are true Except :-

a- More prevalent in urban than rural areas

b- Widespread

c- Involving primarily young people between 20-35 years

d- Fatal

e- Occur primarily in low socioeconomic classes.

8- Regarding Sexual transmitted infections (STIs) all of the following True Except :-
a- The true incidence of STIs will never be known

b- STIs have serious complications

c- STIs are not common in developing countries

d- All available data indicate very high prevalence of STIs

e- Emergency of antimicrobial resestence to STIs agents .

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
9- The following are medical sequels of STIs Except :-
a- Cancers

b- Renal calculi

c- Congenital anomaly

d- Pelvic inflammatory disease

e- Infertility.

10- ALL the following agents can causes STIs Except :-

a- Plasmodium falciparum

b- HIV

c- Hepatitis B virus

d- Neisseria gonorrhea

e- Treponoma pallidum.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
Iodine Deficiency
1- Only one of the following intervention methods must be used to control Iodine
Dificiency Disorders (IDDs) in an epidemic area :-
a- Using enriched salt with iodine

b- Using injection or drops from iodide oil

c- Adding iodine to drinking water

d- Consuming sea foods

e- All of the above.

2- One of the following methods cannot be used in Yemen as a suitable

intervention method to control Iodine Dificiency Disorders :-
a- Nutrition education on consuming the iodised salt

b- Fortification sea and rock salt with iodine

c- Giving all school children drops from iodine oils

d- Encourage farmers to enrich soil with iodine elements

e- Nutrition education to consume food sources rich with iodine.

3- One of the following statements is the meaning of the Total Goitre Rate (TGR)
which estimated the Iodine Dificiency Disorders (IDDs) amongst school children :-
a- The total perecent of grade (0) from palpation of the Giotre amongst school children

b- The total perecent of grade (1) from palpation of the Giotre amongst school children

c- The total perecent of grade (2) from palpation of the Giotre amongst school children

d- The total perecent of grades (1+2) from palpation of the Giotre amongst school children

e- The total perecent of grades (0+1+2) from palpation of the Giotre amongst school children.

4- In Yemen the last result of the National Iodine Dificiency Disorders survey
estimated that the Total Goitre Rate (TGR) was 17.6%, which means :-
a- The prevalence of this problem is mild

b- The prevalence of this problem is severe

c- The prevalence of this problem is moderate

d- All of the above

e- None of the above.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- ALL of the following statements are the result Iodine Dificiency Disorders (IDDs)
Except :-
a- Increased stillbirth rate

b- Increased abortion rate

c- Neurological cretinism amongst newborns

d- Decreased immunity amongst children

e- Decreased school achievement amongst school children.

6- Control measures against IDD include the following :-

a- Iodization of salt.

a- Iodised oil.

b- Iodine in bread.

d- A and B

e- all of the above.

7- The adult human body normally contains approximately the following level of
iodine :-
a- 0.5 mg of iodine.

b- 5 mg of iodine.

c- 50 mg of iodine.

d- 500 mg of iodine.

e- 5 grams of iodine.

8- Goiterous regions in the Yemen include all of the following Except :-

a- Hodeidah.

b- Sana'a.

c- Ibb.

d- Taiz.

e- Al-Jawf
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
9- Iodine dificiency disorders (IDD) include all of the following Except :-
a- Goitre.
b- Hypothyroidism.
c- Hypospadius.
d- Cretinism.
e- Nystigmus.

1- The incidence of Coronary Heart Disease can be reduced by :-
a- Management of diabetic cases

b- Promoting physical activity

c- Proper diet

d- All of the above

e- None of the above.

2- Which of the following statements is correct regarding the risk of coronary heart
disease :-
a- It increases with diabetes by 20% in men

b- It increases with diabetes by 30% in men

c- It increases with diabetes by 50% in men

d- It increases with diabetes by 30% in women

e- It increases with diabetes by 50% in women.

3- Which of the following statments represent the best answer :-

a- HTN is more prevalent among blacks than white

b- HTN is more sever among blacks than white

c- Blacks have lower rate of coronary heart disease

d- Only A and B are correct

e- a, b, and c are correct.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
4- Regarding of Coronary Heart disease, which of the following statement/s is/are correct :-
a- Cigarette smoking is modifiable risk factors

b- More prevalent in men than in women

c- It's prevalent increases with increasing age

d- High level of cholesterol is predisposing factor.

e- All of the above.

5- Uncontrolled HTN increases the risk of developing :-

a- Cerebrovascular disease

b- Coronary heart disease

c- Nephropathy

d- a and b

e- All of the above.

6- The incidence of Coronary heart disease can be reduced by :-

a- Management of diabetic cases

b- Promoting physical activity

c- Proper diet

d- All of the above

e- None of the above.

7- Regular physical exercise :-

a- Decreases HDL.

b- Increases HDL.

c- Increases blood pressure.

d- Reduces coronary heart disease by 10-15%.

e- None of the above.

) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- The following are risk factors for Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) among
the children under age of five years EXCEPT :-
a- Young age.
b- Poor domestic sanitation.
c- Smooke from cooking fuels and tobacco.
d- Low birth weight and undernutrition.
e- Overcrowding and large family size.

2- Regarding assessment and classification of ARI amongst children aged 2

months up to 5 years, The following are considered general danger signs
Except :-
a- The child is not able to drink or breastfeed.
b- The child has convulsion
c- The child vomits everything.
d- The child is lethargic or unconscious.
e- The child has high fever (higher than 28.4 °C)

3- Regarding Pertussis , All of the following true Except :-

a- Pertussis caused by Bordetella pertussis.
b- No Transplacental immunity against pertussis.
c- Pertussis is transmitted from person to person.
d- The incubation period is 14-24 days.
e- The maximum infectivity period is during the 1st 4 weeks after onset of the illness.

4- Regarding Pertussis ALL of the incorrect Except :-

a- The paroxysmal stage is usually last for 10 days .
b- More common in males than females.
c- The catarrhal stage of pertussis is 1-2 weeks.
d- Malnourised infants must not be vaccinated againts pertussis.
f- Infant with chronic heart disease must not be vaccinated against pertussis.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- Regarding Pertussis ALL of the incorrect Except :-
a- The paroxysmal stage is usually last for 10 days .
b- More common in females than males.
c- Malnourised infants must not be vaccinated againts pertussis.
d- Infant with chronic heart disease must not be vaccinated against pertussis.
e- The catarrhal stage of pertussis is more than 6 weeks.

6- Regarding the period of communicability of pertussis, select the right answer :-

a- Two days before the onset of the symptoms to 5 days after appearance of the symptoms.
b- Three days before the onset of the symptoms to 7 days after appearance of the symptoms.
c- From the early catarrhal stage to three weeks before onset of paroxysms in patients not
treated with antibiotics.
d- From the last two days of the incubation period to one week after onset of paroxysms.
e- When the patient is not treated with erythromycine the period of communicability is
uaually ten days after onset of erythromycine therapy.

7- Regarding the incubation period of pertussis , select the right answer :-

a- 2-4 days.
b- 10-24 days.
c- 21-28 days.
d- 28-48 days.
e- 7-14 days.

8- Regarding ordinary pertussis vaccination, select the right answer :-

a- The first dose given routinely at the age of three months.
b- The second dose given routinely at the age of sex months.
c- It is a live attenuated vaccine.
d- It is a killed vaccine.
e- It is a toxoid vaccine.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
9- Regarding the causative agent causing Whooping cough, select the right
answer :-
a- Bordetella Parapertussis.
b- Bordetella Pertussis.
c- Bordetella Bronchoseptica.
d- Adeno viruses.
e- All of the above.

10- Administration of pertussis vaccine is advisable :-

a- Children with history of convulsion.
b- Children above the age of 5 years old.
c- Children with epilepsy.
d- All of the above.
e- None of the above.

11- Regarding fast breathing, All of the following are true Except :-
a- Infant aged less than 2 months, and his or her respiratory rate is 60 per minute or more
has fast breathing.
b- Child aged from 2 months up to 12 months, and his or her respiratory rate is 50 per
minute or more, has fast breathing.
c- Child aged from 2 months up to 2 years, and his or her respiratory rate is 30 per minute or
more, has fast breathing.
d- Child aged from 12 months up to 5 years, and his or her respiratory rate is 40 per
or more, has fast breathing.
e- Child aged from 5 months up to 11 months, and his or her respiratory rate is 40 per
minute or more, has fast breathing.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
Food Poisoning
1- Which of the following food poisoning has the shorter incubation period :-
a- Salmonella infection food poisoning.
b- Bacillus cereus food poisoning.
c- Clostridium perferingens food poisoning.
d- Staphylococcal aureus food poisoning.
e- Clostridium botulinum food poisoning.

2- Which of the following diseases is due to dealing with infected meat :-

a- TB.
b- Brucellosis.
c- Viral hepatitis A.
d- Streptococcal infections.
e- Staphylococcal enterotoxin poisoning.

3- The following are food related diseases, Except :-

a- Typhoid feve.
b- Taeniasis.
c- Gastrointestinal TB.
d- Hepatitis B.
e- Botulism.

4- Staphylococcal food intoxication can be transmitted due to the following :-

a- Improper storage of food.
b- Infected hands of food handler's.
c- Leaving food at room temperature for long time before eating.
d- All of the above.
e- None of the above.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- Food-Borne intoxication are caused by the following organismd Except :-
a- Helicobacter pylori.
b- Staphylococcus aereus.
c- Salmonella typhi.
d- Clostridium botulinum.
e- Clostridium perfringens.

6- Regarding food poisoning the following statements are correct Except :-

a- All have either bacterial or chemical causes.
b- All have different incubation period.
c- Mostly have the same presentation among exposed population.
d- Manifested in form of gastrointestinal or extra-gastrointestinal disorder.
e- All accompanied fever.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- The commonest cause of anemia is :-
a- Malaria.
b- Thalassemia.
c- Folate dificiency.
d- Iron dificiency.
e- Cancer.

2- ALL of the following are way of prevention of anemia in pregnant Except :-

a- Nutrition improvement.
b- Birth spacing.
c- Blood transfusion
d- Parasite control.
e- Prophylactic treatment given to all mother from the beginning of pregnant.

3- According to the World Health Orgainasition (WHO) 2008, the cut-off

values for program health significance, mild anemia is diagnosed when
hemoglobin level is :-
a- >_ 4.9.
b- 0.5 to19.9.
c- 20.0 to 39.9.
d- >_ 40.0.
e- None of the above.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- The following are reasons for WHO announcement of TB is reemerging disease
Except :-
a- TB drug resistance.
b- Adequate case detection, diagnosis and cure.
c- Demographic factors.
d- Adverse socioeconomic.
e- Impact of the HIV pandemic.

2- The causative agent of TB is :-

a- Mycobacterium Leprae.
b- Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
c- Leishmania donovani.
d- Taenia saginata.
e- Staphylococcus aureus.

3- Which of the following modes of transmission is correct regarding TB:-

a- blood transfusion.
b- droplet transmission.
c- sexual transmission.
d- animal bit.
e- infected mosquito bit.

4- ALL of the following statements are true Except :-

a- TB one of the top killers of women.
b- TB cannot affect animal like cattle.
c- TB is chronic, specific communicable disease.
d- TB preventable.
e- Yemen is one of the high TB burden countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region (EMR).
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- Regarding TB all of the following statements are true Except :-
a- Is one of the top killers of women.
b- Can not affect animal like cattle.
c- Is chronic specific, communicable disease.
d- Is preventable.
e- Yemen is one of the high TB burden countries in EMR.

6- Regarding TB all of the following statements are true Except :-

a- TB affect animals like cattle.
b- TB is not preventable.
c- TB is chronic, specfic disease.
d- TB is a communicable disease.
e- It can also affect other organs or tissue of the body.

7- Regarding TB the following are true Except :-

a- Tuberculin Test is very sensitive.
b- Pulmonary TB less prevalent than Extra-pulmonary TB.
c- TB is an endemic disease in Yemen.
d-TB is socioeconomic health problem.
e- TB can be transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of the causative agent.

8- The drug resistance is caused by :-

a- irrgular supply of drug.
b- Low BCG coverage.
c- Incorrect prescription.
d- Non-compliance to treatment.
e- Lack of supervision and follow up.

9- TB drug resistance is not caused bt One of the following :-

a- Irregular supplyp of drugs.
b- Low BCG coverage.
c- Incorrect prescription.
d- Non-compliance to treatment.
e- Lack of supervision and follow-up.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
10- Effective anti-microbial TB treatment reduces infectivity :-
a- by 100% within 48 hours.
b- by 90% within 48 hours.
c- by 85% within 48 hours.
d- by 80% within 48 hours.
e- by 75% within 48 hours.

11- Life expectancy in Yemen is :-

a- 56
b- 58
c- 60
d- 65
e- 68.

12- ALL of the following are results of achieving the DOTs strategy in Yemen
Except :-
a- case- detection rate 61%
b- growth rate = 3.02%
c- defaulter rate = 5%
d- Treatment success
e- Conversion rate for all new smear positive case 90%.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- The World Health Organization (WHO) currently recommends the
following main strategy for Schistosomiasis control in endemic areas :-
a- Health education.
b- Focal snail control by molluscides.
c- Mass chemotherapy.
e- Improved sanitation.

2- WHO currently recommend the following strategy as the main strategy for
Schistosomiasis control in hyper endemic areas :-
a- Health education.
b- Focal snail control by molluscides.
c- Mass chemotherapy.
d- Improved sanitation.
e- Vaccination.

3- The following measures are useful in reducing transmission of Schistosomiasis

Except :-
a- Health education.
b- Focal snail control by molluscides.
c- Vaccination.
d- Improved sanitation.
e- Selective mass chemotherapy.

4- The cardinal (main) symptoms of urinary Schistosomiasis is :-

a- Painless hematuria.
b- Frequent painless micturition.
c- painlessTerminal hematuria.
d- Terminal dysuria.
e- Terminal hematuria.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- The best treatment for schistosomiasis is :-
a- Metrifonate.
b- Oxaminquine.
c- Praziquantal.
d- All of the above.
e- None of the above.

6- The most effective control measures for reducing contamination of water by

egg of schistosomiasis is :-
a- Chemotherapy.
b- Provision.
c- Health education.
d- Prevention of access to transmission sites.
e- None of the above.

7- Regarding to the Schistosomiasis, the number of exposed persons in the

world :-
a- 200 million.
b- 300 million.
c- 600 million.
d- 32 million.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
Typhoid fever
1- Regarding Typhoid fever all of the following statements are true Except :-
a- Typhoid fever is systemic bacterial disease.
b- Typhoid fever is disease of poor environmental sanitation.
c- Typhoid fever occurs in parts of the world where water supply is unsafe.
d- Typhoid fever occurs in parts of the world where sanitation is substandard.
e- Typhoid fever occurs in parts of the world where vaccination coverage.

2- The following are the causative agents of Enteric fever Except :-

a- S. Typhi.
b- S. paratyphi A.
c- S. paratyphi B.
d- S. paratyphi C.
e- S. sonni.

3- The control of Typhoid fever can be achieved by general rise in the following
measures Except :-
a- Economic development.
b- Sanitary standards.
c- Health education.
d- Vaccination coverage.

4- One of the following is not related to period of communicability for Typhoid

fever :-
a- Usually from the first week thought convalescence.
b- As long as the bacilli appear in the excreta.
c- About 10% of untreated patients well discharge bacilli for three months after onset of
d- Usually from the first to third week.
e- 2-5% become permanent carriers.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- The causative agent of Typhoid fever is :-
a- Tania Saginata.
b- Sigella zonni.
c- Salmonella Typhimurium.
d- Salmonella Typhi.
e- Shigella shiga.

6- Strawberry tongue is characteristic of :-

a- Measles.
b- Rubella.
c- Mumps.
d- Scarlet fever
e- Varioia.

7- The only hemorrhagic fever that can be prevented by vaccination is :-

a- Dengue fever.
b- Ebola fever.
c- Rift valley fever.
d- Yellow fever.
e- Kyasanur forest disease.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- Regarding Measles, all of the following are correct Except :-
a- Measles is transmitted from person to person mainly by contact.
b- Measles is common during winter and spring.
c- The incubation period is 10 days from exposure to the onset of fever.
d- The reservoir is in form of acute and chronic cases.
e- The infectivity period is usually 4 days prior to rash onset to 4 days.

2- Regarding Mmeasles, all of the following are incorrect Except :-

a- The catarrhal stage usually lasts for 4 days.
b- Measles infection provides short-term immunity.
c- Koplik's spots appear 6 days before the eruptive stage.
d- Anaphylactic reaction as result of previous dose is not contraindication for the second dose.
e- Vit A 100,000 IU orally, should be given to newborn babies.

1- Toxoplasmosis is :-
a- Zoonotic disease.
b- leading to life immunity.
c- Caused by viral infection.
d- All of the above.
e- None of the above.

2- Prevention of Toxoplasmosis includes :-

a- Waering gloves when contacting with soil.
b- Vaccination.
c- Eating unfatty food.
d- All of the above.
e- None of the above.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- First level in the primary health care network is :-
a- Health unit.
b- Health canter without beds.
c- Health center with beds.
d- District health center.
e- Governorate hospital.

2- Principle of medical profession including following Except :-

a- High quality of Knowledge.
b- High quality of Skills.
c- High quality of Experience.
d- High qualitiy Medical ethics.
e- High quality of Communication.

3- Princeple of primary health care all of the following true Except :-

a- Focud on prevention.
b- Affordable.
c- Multi-sectorial approach.
d- Community participation.
e- Appropriate technology.

4- Levels of responsibility in national surveillance all the following

Except :-
a- Global.
b- Goverment.
c- District.
d- National.
e- Peripheral.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- Objective of the national Surveillance System all the following Except :-
a- Health education.
b- Continues and Systemic collection of data.
c- Analysis and feedback of collected information.
d- Implementation of prompt response for disease outbreak.
e- Using data for the purpose of health services planning.

6- The Stunting rate in Yemen is :-

a- 53%.
b- 46%.
c- 34%.
d- 28%.
e- 12%.

7- Rehabilitation in Yemen is the :-

a- First level of health care.
b- Second level of health care.
c- Tertiary level of health care.
d- Fourth level of health care.
e- Fifth level of health care.
‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري ‪ 4th Level‬دفعة نبض الحياة )‬
‫‪ _8‬ظٓزخ انعذٌذ يٍ االختظاطاخ نألسثاب انتانٍّ ياعذا ‪_:‬‬
‫أ_ نتطٕر انظُاعاخ انذٔائٍح‪.‬‬
‫ب_ نهعشٔف عٍ انتخظض انذقٍق‪.‬‬
‫ج_ انتطٕر انٓائم فً انًعارف انطثٍّ‪.‬‬
‫د_ نهتطٕر انتقًُ ٔاالكتشافاخ انحذٌثّ‪.‬‬
‫ِ_ انتُايً انًستًز نتكانٍف انزعاٌح انظحٍح ٔتعشٌش انزعاٌح انظحٍح األٔنٍح‪.‬‬

‫‪ _9‬عُذ انزغثّ فً اختٍار االختظاص فاٌ جًٍع انعثاراخ انتانٍّ طحٍحّ ياعذا ‪_:‬‬
‫أ_ ٌثذأ انتفكٍز انجذي فً االختظاص ٔ انًفاضهح يٍ انسُح انزاتعّ ٌٔتخذ انقزار سُّ االيتٍاس‪.‬‬
‫ب_ تشكم سُّ االيتٍاس جشء ْايآ يٍ اسثاب اختٍار االطثاء الختظاطاتٓى انًستقثهٍح‪.‬‬
‫ج_ ٌثذأ اختٍار انتخظض فً انسُّ انزاتعّ ًٌٔتذ انى االيتٍاس‪.‬‬
‫د_ كثٍزآ يا ٌتى انتاثز سهثآ أ اٌجاتآ تانظفاخ انشخظٍّ الساتذج كم اختظاص‪.‬‬
‫ِ_ يٍ انًٓى انخطٍط تظٕرِ يُٓجٍح ٔطحٍحح الختٍار االختظاص حسة انًٍٕل ٔانزغثّ‬
‫ٔنٍس حسة انعزع ٔاالتاحح‪.‬‬
‫‪ٌ _10‬تٕجّ االطثاء َحٕ االختظاص نالسثاب انتانٍّ تاستثُاء ‪_:‬‬
‫أ _ نٍُم يكاَّ اجتًاعٍّ اعهى‪.‬‬
‫ب _ نٍُم درجّ عهًٍّ يزيٕقح ‪.‬‬
‫ج _ الجم تحسٍٍ انًزدٔد انًانً ‪.‬‬
‫د _ نهتعايم يع أًَاط يختهفح يٍ انحاالخ‬
‫ِ _ الَّ اطثح يٍ انسٓم اإلنًاو تكم جذٌذ يٍ انطة‪.‬‬
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
1- Golden role of food safety is :-
a- Choose food processed for safty.
b- Reheat cooked foods thoroughly.
c- Protect food from insect, bites.
d- a and b
e- All of the above.

2- One of the following indication can be used as quick method to assess

the nutritional status among preschool children in emigrant camps :-
a- Med upper arm circumference. (MUAC).
b- Body mass index (BMI).
c- Height for age.
d- Weight for age.
e- Weight for age.

3- When the result of BMI of the adult women is 24.99 kg/m2. Your
assessment of the her nutritional status is :-
a- Stunted.
b- Wasted.
c- An overweight.
d- In the 1st degree of obesity.
e- Normal nutrition.

4- One of the following is nearly the daily requirement from protein for
the adult female :-
a- 66 gm/day.
b- 2200 kcal/day.
c- 330 gm/day.
d- 264 gm/day.
e- 12-15 gm/day.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
5- Marasmas can be classified among preschool children when :-
a- Their weight for age <60% of the standard weight without oedema.
b- Their weight for age 60% of the standard weight without oedema.
c- Their weight for age between 60-75% of the standard weight without oedema.
d- Their weight for age <75% of the standard weight without oedema.
e- Their weight for age and height for age <60% of the standard weight without

6- The following are considered as duties of environmental health

Except :-
a- Refuse managment.
b- Water supply.
c- Food safety.
d- Disease treatment.
e- Vector control.

7- The previous HIR were :-

a- Smallpox, cholera, malaria.
b- Smallpox, .plague, viral.
c- Yellow fever, plague and cholera.
d- Cholera, AIDS and plague.
e- Yellow fever, AIDS and cholera.

8- The new HIR is :-

a- National response.
b- Regional response.
c- District response.
d- Globalization response.
e- Country response.
) ‫ دفعة نبض الحياة‬4th Level ‫جامعة صنعاء ( طب بشري‬
9- HIR entered into forece in :-
a- 2000
b- 2007
c- 1998
d- 2005
e- 1965.

10 -Vaccination is :-
a- The fifth element in primary health care.
b- The fourth element in primary health care.
c- The third element in primary health care.
d- The first element in primary health care.

10- Read the following statement and Answer questions 1_4 :

Department of surveillance in Ministry of public Health and Population
noticed an increasing number of fever, headache, and joint pain. Few
cases developed severe disease jaundice and hemorrhagic manifestation
followed by death.
1_ The most possible diagnosis :_
a_ Dengue.
b_ Malaria.
c_ Cholera.
e_ Sleepiness sickness.
2_ The most likely mode of transmission is :_
a_ Vector born.
b_ Droplet infection.
c_ Feco_oral route.
d_ Direct contact.
e _ Vchicle born.
3_ The following are important lines of treatment EXCEPT :_
a_ Supportive treatment.
b_ Fluid and electrolyte management.
c_ Hemodynamic monitorig
d_ Non_steroidal anti_inflammatory drugs.
e_ Antibiotics.

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