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This document outlines energy efficiency standards for existing buildings and was developed by ASHRAE to establish testing and design guidelines on a voluntary basis.

This document establishes voluntary consensus standards for energy efficiency in existing buildings through testing, design guidelines, and other information to guide the industry.

ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) is the organization that developed this energy efficiency standard.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

(Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2015)

Includes ANSI/ASHRAE/IES addenda listed in Annex N

Energy Efficiency in
Existing Buildings

See Annex N for approval dates.

This Standard is under continuous maintenance by a Standing Standard Project Committee (SSPC) for which the Standards Com-
mittee has established a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions, including procedures for timely,
documented, consensus action on requests for change to any part of the Standard. The change submittal form, instructions, and
deadlines may be obtained in electronic form from the ASHRAE website (www.ashrae.org) or in paper form from the Senior
Manager of Standards. The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard may be purchased from the ASHRAE website (www.ashrae.org)
or from ASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: orders@ashrae.org. Fax: 678-539-
2129. Telephone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide), or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in US and Canada). For reprint permission,
go to www.ashrae.org/permissions.

© 2018 ASHRAE ISSN 1041-2336

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 100

Cognizant TC: 7.6, Building Energy Performance
SPLS Liaison: Larry Kouma (2017–2018)
SPLS Liaison: Keith I. Emerson (2015–2017)
IES Staff Liaison: Mark Lien
ASHRAE Staff Liaison: Ryan Shanley (2017–2018)
ASHRAE Staff Liaison: Mark Weber (2015–2017)
Wayne H. Stoppelmoor, Jr.*, Chair Michael Jouaneh* Daniel G. Salinas*
Gordon V.R. Holness, Vice-Chair (2014–2017) Jim M. Kelsey Richard S. Sweetser
Glenn Friedman*, Secretary Dennis R. Landsberg* Adrienne G. Thomle*
Robert E. Chase Toby K.W. Lau* Cedric S. Trueman*
Joseph T. Firrantello* Neil P. Leslie* Ayman Youssef*
Charles R. Foster, III Richard J. Liesen* Alexander M. Zhivov
Michele Friedrich Jean T. Piecuch*
Kyle W. Hasenkox* Steven Rosenstock*

* Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publication
This edition of Standard 100 is dedicated to the memory of Michele Friedrich for her devotion and commitment of many years to ASHRAE
and to this standard, and to Jeff Park for his steadfast contribution to the previous edition of this standard.


Steven J. Emmerich, Chair Roger L. Hedrick David Robin

Donald M. Brundage, Vice-Chair Rick M. Heiden Peter Simmonds
Niels Bidstrup Jonathan Humble Dennis A. Stanke
Michael D. Corbat Srinivas Katipamula Wayne H. Stoppelmoor, Jr.
Drury B. Crawley Kwang Woo Kim Richard T. Swierczyna
Julie M. Ferguson Larry Kouma Jack H. Zarour
Michael W. Gallagher Arsen K. Melikov Lawrence C. Markel, BOD ExO
Walter T. Grondzik R. Lee Millies, Jr. M. Ginger Scoggins, CO
Vinod P. Gupta Karl L. Peterman
Susanna S. Hanson Erick A. Phelps

Steven C. Ferguson, Senior Manager of Standards

This American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary consensus Standard developed under the auspices of ASHRAE. Consensus is defined by the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), of which ASHRAE is a member and which has approved this Standard as an ANS, as “substantial agreement
reached by directly and materially affected interest categories. This signifies the concurrence of more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity.
Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward their resolution.” Compliance with this Standard is
voluntary until and unless a legal jurisdiction makes compliance mandatory through legislation.
ASHRAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and public review.
ASHRAE Standards are prepared by a Project Committee appointed specifically for the purpose of writing the Standard. The Project Committee
Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE members, all must be technically
qualified in the subject area of the Standard. Every effort is made to balance the concerned interests on all Project Committees.
The Senior Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for
a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard,
b. participation in the next review of the Standard,
c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard, or
d. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.

ASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information and accepted industry
practices. However, ASHRAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any products, components, or systems tested, installed,
or operated in accordance with ASHRAE’s Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under its Standards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or
free from risk.


ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for rating purposes, by suggesting
safe practices in designing and installing equipment, by providing proper definitions of this equipment, and by providing other information that may serve
to guide the industry. The creation of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them, and conformance to them is completely
In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or implied, that the
product has been approved by ASHRAE.
© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018
Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings
Foreword .....................................................................................................................................................................2
1 Purpose.............................................................................................................................................................2
2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................2
3 Definitions .........................................................................................................................................................2
4 Compliance Requirements................................................................................................................................4
5 Energy Management Plan.................................................................................................................................6
6 Operations and Maintenance Requirements.....................................................................................................8
7 Energy-Use Analysis and Target Requirements ...............................................................................................9
8 Energy Audit Requirements ............................................................................................................................28
9 Implementation and Verification Requirements ..............................................................................................30
10 Residential Buildings and Dwelling Units ........................................................................................................30
11 References ......................................................................................................................................................34
Normative Annex A: Alternative Energy Intensity Targets ....................................................................................35
Informative Annex B: Timeline ..............................................................................................................................52
Normative Annex C: Forms ...................................................................................................................................54
Informative Annex D: Operations and Maintenance Requirements for
Building Systems and Elements ........................................................................................................62
Informative Annex E: Energy Efficiency Measures ...............................................................................................68
Informative Annex F: Standard 100 Compliance Flow Chart ................................................................................75
Informative Annex G: Climate Zones ....................................................................................................................76
Informative Annex H: Simple Payback and Life-Cycle Cost Analysis ...................................................................77
Informative Annex I: Building Energy Modeling.....................................................................................................78
Informative Annex J: Derivation of Energy Intensity Targets for Standard 100.....................................................79
Informative Annex K: Fuel Heat Content Conversion Values—“Other” Fuels.......................................................93
Normative Annex L: Operations and Maintenance Implementation ......................................................................95
Informative Annex M: Guidance on Building Type Definitions ..............................................................................97
Informative Annex N: Addenda Description Information .....................................................................................100


Approved addenda, errata, or interpretations for this standard can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAE
Web site at www.ashrae.org/technology.

© 2018 ASHRAE
1791 Tullie Circle NE · Atlanta, GA 30329 · www.ashrae.org · All rights reserved.
ASHRAE is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute.
© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merely unabridged dictionary accepted by the authority having juris-
informative and does not contain requirements necessary diction.
for conformance to the standard. It has not been pro-
analog control: a control loop in which data is expressed or
cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard
measured by means of one or more physical properties that
and may contain material that has not been subject to
can express any value along a continuous scale. All types of
public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objec-
control systems may provide analog control.
tors on informative material are not offered the right to
appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.) authority having jurisdiction (AHJ): the agency or agent
responsible for enforcing this standard.
baseline: the first-year energy-use intensity for the building at
With the publication of the 2015 edition, Standard 100 was the beginning of the compliance determination process.
placed on continuous maintenance, which allowed it to be
binary control: a control loop in which there are only two
revised periodically via approved addenda. This 2018 edition
states, such as on-off or open-closed.
of the standard includes the following changes:
building: a structure, including mobile homes, manufactured
• The Purpose of the standard more clearly indicates the
homes, and other factory-built buildings, wholly or partially
overall goal, which is to reduce energy use in existing
enclosed within exterior walls, or within exterior and party
buildings while recognizing the importance of both
walls, and a roof, that affords shelter to persons, animals, or
energy efficiency and actual performance.
• Normative primary energy EUI target tables are pro-
vided in Sections 7 and 10 and in Normative Annex A, building manager: the person responsible for maintaining the
along with a primary energy EUI calculation option in building, its envelope, and its energy-using systems. The
Annex A, to add an alternative compliance path for the building manager may also be the person responsible for
qualified person seeking compliance with the standard. expending funds on capital improvements to the building.
• Energy audit requirements for buildings without energy building operator: the person or persons who have responsi-
targets are clarified by qualifying when a Level 1 audit bility to inspect, operate, and maintain the building systems
can be used to comply with the standard. and components that fall within the scope of this standard.
• New Informative Annex M provides additional guidance The building operator may be an employee of the building
on selecting the appropriate building type. owner, the building manager, or a contractor.
building owner: the holder of the property title for the build-
1. PURPOSE ing and/or the land upon which the building sits.
1.1 This standard provides criteria that will result in reduced capital management plan: a financial plan to set aside capital
energy consumption through improved energy efficiency and to replace or upgrade building systems at the end of their use-
performance in existing buildings. ful life and/or to improve performance and energy efficiency.
1.2 This standard is directed toward providing procedures
complex: a group of individual or interconnected buildings on
and programs essential to energy efficient operation, mainte-
contiguous property.
nance, management, and monitoring; increasing the energy
efficiency of the energy-using systems and components; and conditional compliance: a compliance level between the
upgrading the thermal performance of the building envelope. completion of implementation in Section 9.1 and verification
of compliance in Section 9.2. Conditional compliance expires
2. SCOPE 15 months following the completion of implementation.
This standard applies to existing buildings, portions of build- conditioned space: a space that is provided with heating and/
ings, and building complexes, including the envelope and all or cooling capable of maintaining the temperature of the
systems in the building. This standard excludes industrial and space between 50°F (10°C) and 86°F (30°C)
agricultural processes in buildings for which the energy tar-
crawl spaces: a shallow, unfinished space beneath the first
gets do not include those processes.
floor or under the roof of a building.
3. DEFINITIONS daylight harvesting: the automatic control of electric light
3.1 General. Certain terms, abbreviations, and acronyms are levels in response to the amount of daylight in the space.
defined in this section for the purposes of this standard. These daylight hours: the period from 30 minutes after sunrise to 30
definitions are applicable to all sections of this standard. minutes before sunset.
Terms that are not defined herein, but that are defined in
dimmer: a device that varies the current through an electric
standards that are referenced herein, shall have the meanings
light in order to control its level of illumination and energy
as defined in those standards.
Other terms that are not defined shall have their ordi-
narily accepted meanings within the context in which they are direct digital control (DDC): a control system consisting of
used. Ordinarily accepted meanings shall be based on Ameri- microprocessor-based controllers that monitor and control
can Standard English language use, as documented in an building systems equipment through input devices (such as

2 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

sensors), output devices (such as switches and actuators), and interactive effect: the change in resultant energy-savings esti-
programmed control sequences. mates or actual energy savings due to analyzing or imple-
discounted payback: the time when the accumulated savings menting multiple EEMs that interact with one another.
achieved by an investment, discounted by the appropriate dis- internal rate of return (IRR): the discount rate in a capital
count rate, equals the initial cost of the investment. The project that makes the net present value of all cash flows from
appropriate discount rate is determined by the facility owner a particular project equal to zero. The higher a project’s IRR,
to reflect the owner’s investment criteria. the more desirable it is to undertake the project. IRR can be
energy accounting system: a system for measuring, collect- used to rank several prospective projects under consideration.
ing, and documenting the building’s use of energy. IRR is defined by the following equation:
energy auditor: see qualified energy auditor. n
CF t
energy cost: the total cost for energy supplied to a building or 0 =  -------------------------
 1 + IRR  t
– CF 0
building site, including such charges as base charges, con- t=1
sumption charges, demand charges, customer charges, power
factor charges, and miscellaneous charges such as sales taxes.
energy efficiency measure (EEM): an action taken in the oper- n = the useful life of the measure in years
ation or equipment in a building that reduces the energy use of CFt = the annual cost savings of the measure in year t
the building without negative impact within the building. (cash flow in year t)
energy manager (EM): the individual, identified by the CF0 = the initial cost of the measure (cash flow initial)
building owner, who has responsibility for ensuring that
energy use in the building is minimized without compromis- lamp: a replaceable component of a luminaire, such as an
ing the indoor environmental quality (building indoor air incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce light
quality, thermal comfort, visual acuity and comfort, sound from electricity.
quality). The EM may be the building owner, a tenant, an
lighting schedule: a list that provides a count of all lumi-
employee of the owner or tenant, or a contractor retained by
naires in the building, their lamps, lighting controls, fixture
the owner or tenant.
types, and product information.
energy-use intensity (EUI): an expression of building energy
lighting power density: the lighting power per unit area of a
use per year in terms of net energy divided by gross floor
building or a space in a building.
energy target (EUIt): the net EUI (of a building) that has luminaire: a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or
been established for compliance with this standard. lamps (and ballasts and/or drivers when applicable) together
with the housing designed to distribute the light, position and
gross floor area for nonresidential buildings: the sum of the protect the lamps, and connect the lamps to the power supply.
floor areas of all the spaces within the building with no
deductions for floor penetrations other than atria. It is mea- maintain: the process of keeping equipment and components
sured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the operating or functioning in accordance with manufacturers’
centerline of walls separating buildings, but it excludes cov- recommendations and industry standards over their service
ered walkways, open roofed-over areas, porches and similar lives. It involves but is not limited to carrying out observation,
spaces, pipe trenches, exterior terraces or steps, roof over- lubrication, adjustment, calibration, testing, cleaning, replace-
hangs, parking garages, surface parking, and similar features. ment, and repair at appropriate intervals as applicable to the
specific equipment or component.
gross floor area for residential buildings: the sum of the
floor areas of all the conditioned (heated and/or cooled) motion sensor: an occupancy sensor used for exterior areas.
spaces within the building, including conditioned garages,
multiscene control: a lighting control device or system that
conditioned basements, and conditioned attics. It is measured
allows for two or more predefined lighting settings, in addi-
from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the centerline
tion to an “all off” setting, for two or more groups of lumi-
of walls separating buildings. It excludes crawl spaces, cov-
naires to suit multiple activities in the space, and allows the
ered walkways, open roofed-over areas, porches and similar
automatic recall of these settings.
spaces, exterior terraces or steps, and roof overhangs.
high-efficacy lamps: lamps with a minimum efficacy of 60 lm/ net energy: the sum of the metered energy entering the build-
W for lamps over 40 W, 50 lm/W for lamps over 15 to 40 W, or ing minus metered energy leaving the building. The same
40 lm/W for lamps 15 W or less. applies to portions of buildings with submetering. Bulk fuels
are included using the equation in Section
HVAC system: the equipment, distribution systems, and ter-
minals that provide the processes of heating, ventilating, or nighttime hours: the period from 30 minutes before sunset to
air conditioning to a building or portion of a building. 30 minutes after sunrise.
industrial process: a systematic series of mechanical or nonrenewable energy: energy other than renewable energy or
chemical operations that produce or manufacture something. recovered energy.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 3

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

nonresidential building: as used in this standard, any build- recovered energy: energy reclaimed for useful purposes that
ing that does not match one of the types of residential build- would otherwise be wasted.
ings listed in the Table 7-1. residential building: for the purposes of this standard, any
nontarget buildings: buildings with activities not listed in building matching one of the descriptions for building types
Table 7-1 in more than 50% of the gross floor area. 49 through 53 in Table 7-1.
occupancy sensor: a device that detects the presence or service log: a document in which service and maintenance
absence of people within an area and causes lighting, equip- work performed for a given piece of equipment is recorded,
ment, or appliances to be regulated accordingly. and that contains a date, the service technician’s name, and a
optimized bundle: a collection of EEMs that maximizes the description of work performed.
energy savings at a facility within the cost effectiveness crite- simple payback (years): the estimated initial cost of an EEM
ria of the standard. It excludes any measure with a simple divided by the estimated annual cost savings of the measure
payback that exceeds the life of the measure. A bundle of expressed in years. The cost savings may include energy cost
measures is optimized by including the maximum number of savings and incremental routine operations and maintenance
EEMs within the bundle while still meeting the cost effective- costs.
ness criteria. The process for determining the optimized bun- site energy: energy consumed by a building as measured at
dle may be an iterative one due to interactive effects of the boundaries of the building site.
individual EEMs.
source energy: energy consumed by a building as measured
photosensor: a device that detects the presence of and/or at the building converted using source (primary) energy con-
measures the amount of visible light, infrared (IR) transmis- version factors to account for the energy consumed in the
sion, and/or ultraviolet (UV) energy, and emits a signal based extraction, processing, and transport of primary fuels such as
on the presence, absence, and/or amount of these entities. coal, oil, and natural gas; energy losses in thermal combustion
primary energy: see source energy. in power-generation plants; and energy losses in transmission
and distribution to the building. See also primary energy.
qualified commissioning authority: a person with experience
commissioning at least two projects of similar size and of zone: a space or group of spaces within a building for which
similar equipment to the current project, and at least one in the heating, cooling, or lighting requirements are sufficiently
the last three years. This experience includes the writing and similar that desired conditions can be maintained throughout
execution of verification checks and functional test plans; any by a single controlling device.
one of the following: 3.2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
a. A licensed professional engineer in the jurisdiction AHJ authority having jurisdiction
where the project is located
DDC direct digital control
b. A Certified CPMP (ASHRAE), a Certified Commis-
sioning Professional (Building Commissioning Associ- EEM energy efficiency measure
ation), Certified Commissioning Authority (AABC EM energy manager
Commissioning Group), Accredited Commissioning
Process Provider (University of Wisconsin at Madison), EUI energy-use intensity
Systems Commissioning Administrator (National IRR internal rate of return
Environmental Balancing Bureau), or Certified Build- O&M operations and maintenance
ing Commissioning Professional (Association of
c. A person qualified by the AHJ
4.1 Building Type Requirements
qualified energy auditor: a person having training and exper- 4.1.1 Nonresidential Building
tise in building energy auditing; any one of the following: A building or complex of buildings whose major-
a. A licensed professional architect or engineer in the ity of gross floor area has activities number 1 through 48 and/
jurisdiction where the project is located or 53 in Table 7-1 shall comply with the requirements of Sec-
b. An energy auditor/assessor/analyst certified by tions 4.2 and 4.3.
ASHRAE or AEE for all building types, or certified by The qualified person determining compliance shall
BPI or RESnet for residential buildings
c. A person qualified by the AHJ a. determine whether or not the building seeking compliance
has an energy target (EUIt) according to Section 7,
qualified person: a person having training and expertise in b. establish the energy target (EUIt) according to Section 7,
building energy-use analysis; any of the following: c. complete Form B,
a. A licensed professional architect or engineer, or d. indicate on Form A if this compliance is for the whole
licensed contractor in the jurisdiction where the proj- building or for individual tenant spaces in a multitenant
ect is located building, and
b. A certified energy auditor or manager e. submit Forms A, B, and C to the authority having juris-
c. A person qualified by the AHJ diction (AHJ).

4 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

4.1.2 Residential Building measured EUI is less than or equal to the energy target, the A building with activities number 49 through 52 in building complies with the standard. If the building’s postim-
Table 7-1 shall comply with the requirements of Section 10. plementation measured EUI is greater than the energy target, The qualified person determining compliance the building does not comply with the standard and the condi-
shall indicate on Form A if this compliance is for the whole tional compliance is suspended until either
building or for individual dwellings in a multidwelling build- a. additional EEMs have been implemented that reduce the
ing and submit Forms A, B, and C to the AHJ. subsequently measured EUI to below the energy target and
4.1.3 Buildings with Residential and a new Form A is submitted to the AHJ or
Nonresidential activities b. the AHJ revokes conditional compliance. Individual dwelling units in a multitenant building
seeking compliance apart from the building shall comply with 4.3.3 Buildings without Energy Targets
Section 10. A qualified energy auditor shall conduct an The qualified person determining compliance for energy audit according to Section 8, and the optimized bundle
buildings with both residential and nonresidential activities of EEMs shall be identified according to Section
shall comply with Section Implement EEMs. The entire optimized bundle
4.2 Energy Management Plan and Operations and of EEMs identified shall be implemented. Upon completion
Maintenance Program of the implementation of the optimized bundle of EEMs, a
building shall be granted conditional compliance in accor-
4.2.1 Operations and Maintenance. The building man-
dance with Section
ager shall comply with the operations and maintenance
(O&M) requirements of Section 6. The qualified person Exception to No individual requirement need be
determining compliance shall state in writing on Form A that met that would compromise the historical integrity of
the operating and maintenance requirements of Section 6 a building or part of a building designated by a gov-
have been met according to the following subsections. ernment body for long-term preservation in its exist- For first-time applicants, for the previous year. ing state, such as historical monuments. For previously compliant buildings, since the pre- Verification of Compliance. If the building com-
vious validation of compliance. plies with Section 4.2, then within 15 months following the
4.2.2 Energy Management Plan. The building manager completion of implementation of the optimized bundle of
shall comply with the energy management requirements of EEMs, building owners with conditional compliance or the
Section 5. The qualified person determining compliance shall qualified person representing the building owner shall submit
state in writing on Form A that the energy management pro- verification that measured postimplementation energy savings
gram described in Section 5 has been developed and is being meet or exceed 75% of the energy savings projected in the
maintained as of the date on Form A. energy audit report to the AHJ. Energy savings shall be com-
pared at the whole-building consumption level in common
4.3 Building Energy Use units for electricity, fossil fuels, and other sources. If the mea-
4.3.1 Measured EUI. The qualified person shall calculate sured postimplementation energy savings of the package of
the building’s measured energy-use intensity (EUI) by com- EEMs do not meet or exceed 75% of the energy savings pro-
pleting Form C according to Section 5.2. jected in the energy audit, the conditional compliance is sus-
4.3.2 Buildings with Energy Targets pended until either Building Meets the Energy Target (EUIt). If the a. additional EEMs are implemented that reduce the subse-
building’s measured EUI is less than or equal to its energy quently measured energy savings of the package of EEMs
target, the building complies. so that it meets or exceeds 75% of the energy savings pro- Building Does not Meet the Energy Target jected in the energy audit or
(EUIt). A qualified energy auditor shall complete an energy b. the AHJ revokes conditional compliance.
audit according to Section 8, and EEMs that will reduce
energy use to meet the energy target shall be implemented 4.4 General
according to Section 9. Upon completion of the implementa- 4.4.1 Administrative Requirements. Administrative
tion of all required EEMs, a building shall be granted condi- requirements relating to permits, enforcement by the AHJ,
tional compliance. locally adopted energy standards including energy perfor-
Exception to No individual requirement need be mance targets, interpretations, claims of exemption, and
met that would compromise the historical integrity of rights of appeal are specified by the AHJ.
a building or part of a building designated by a gov- 4.4.2 Alternative Energy Targets (EUIt). The qualified
ernment body for long-term preservation in its exist- person determining compliance shall demonstrate to the AHJ
ing state, such as historical monuments. that they have met the required energy targets on either a site Verification of Compliance. Within fifteen energy or source energy basis in accordance with Section 7 or
months after the completion of Section, the EUI shall Section 10 or have met the requirements in Section 4.3.3 for
be recalculated by the energy manager (EM) from 12 consec- buildings without energy targets. Alternative performance
utive months of measured energy use, and Form A shall be requirements, such as those in Normative Annex A, are per-
resubmitted to the AHJ. If the building’s postimplementation mitted to be specified by the AHJ.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 5

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

5. ENERGY MANAGEMENT PLAN 5.1.3 The EM shall provide a copy of the energy manage-
ment plan to the building occupants and other stakeholders
5.1 Establish the Energy Management Plan
5.1.1 The building owner shall designate an energy man-
5.1.4 The building owner shall review and sign the energy
ager (EM) to develop and maintain an energy management
management plan annually.
plan for the building.
Exception to 5.1.1: Buildings smaller than 5000 ft2 5.2 Building Energy Monitoring. Building net energy use
(465 m2) are not required to have an EM or an energy shall be monitored and recorded in accordance with following
management plan. sections.
5.2.1 Provide measured net energy consumption data for
5.1.2 The energy management plan shall incorporate the each building, including all forms of imported and exported
following. energy from at least 12 consecutive months of data monitored An energy accounting system to record the energy in a period not to exceed two years prior to the efficiency
use in accordance with Section 5.2. audit. The net energy concept is illustrated in Figure 5-1 and In the initial year of compliance, the building’s Table 5-1 and is calculated in accordance with Section 5.2.4
energy-use intensity (EUI). as follows: Annual updates of the net energy use and EUI. Net energy use = (1a + 1b + 1c + 1d) Annual comparison of the net EUI to the energy – (3a + 3b + 3c + 3d + 3e)
target. where 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d are metered energy supplies that are Documentation of original, current, and changes used in the building (this includes bulk energy sources), and
in number of occupants, weekly operating hours, or time of 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, and 3e are metered energy excesses that are
day scheduled for occupancy, production rates, and energy- supplied to another building or grid as useful energy.
using equipment that would have caused change in the mea- 5.2.2 Energy-use data for each type of energy imported into
sured EUI. and exported from the building shall be collected from utility Energy audit reports and recommended energy or energy delivery bills (that must include the quantity of
efficiency measures (EEMs). (Refer to Section 8.) energy or fuel delivered) or by monitoring local energy A list of EEMs that have been implemented and meters (either utility or owner-provided meters). If the
dates of implementation, including the following: exported energy cannot be measured, it shall be estimated
using a methodology that is acceptable to the authority hav-
a. An operations and maintenance (O&M) program as ing jurisdiction (AHJ).
defined in Section 6 for the EEMs When an energy type such as oil, solid fuels, or
b. An implementation plan for EEMs, including EEM com- biomass is delivered in bulk to the building for storage prior
missioning to actual use, the annual energy use for that energy type shall
c. Staff training plan for EEMs be calculated as follows:
d. Ongoing commissioning plans for the EEMs
Annual energy use = A + B – C A method to inform occupants about the benefits
of efficient energy use, and to instruct them in the use and where
adjustment of operable windows, HVAC system controls, and A = measured inventory of the energy type at the
lighting system components and controls. This shall include beginning of the 12 month period, converted to energy
materials (electronic or printed) as appropriate. equivalent (Refer to Section 5.2.3.) A training plan for the O&M personnel to operate B = the amount of the energy type delivered to the
the building systems to achieve established indoor environ- building during the 12month period, converted to
mental targets with optimum energy efficiency. energy equivalent (Refer to Section 5.2.3.) A capital management plan identifying equip- C = measured inventory of the energy type at the end of
ment for replacement with energy efficient and ENERGY the 12 month period, converted to energy equivalent
STAR® rated equipment in case of failure. (Refer to Section 5.2.3.) A contact list of suppliers and manufacturers’ If the annual energy consumption of an invento-
local representatives of energy efficient equipment, qualified ried energy type is less than twice its on-site storage capacity,
energy auditors, the EM, and the building owner. the inventory measurement accuracy and methodology shall The current lighting schedule and the calculated be reported as part of the energy accounting system documen-
lighting power density along with the potential savings from tation.
any potential EEMs. 5.2.3 Energy Conversion Factors. The site energy content The current lighting satisfaction survey and of different forms of purchased energy shall be converted
lighting checklist as described in Appendix D of Performance from the purchased unit to the standard site energy unit. If site
Measurement Protocols for Commercial Buildings 1. energy conversion factors are not provided by the utility or

6 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Figure 5-1 Net energy concept.

Table 5-1 Energy Flow Definitions

Building Renewable Energy Exported from Building

Energy Delivered to Building Energy Production for Beneficial Use
1a. Electrical 2a. Electrical 3a. Excess solar thermal
1b. Gas 2b. Thermal 3b. Excess solar or wind electrical
1c. Steam/hot-water (HW)/chilled and hot water (CHW) 3c. Recovered thermal energy
1d. Bulk fuel (coal/biomass/propane/oil) 3d. Excess co-gen electrical
3e. Excess co-gen thermal

fuel supplier, the conversion factors in Table 5-2a shall be Record each residential building’s EUI as fol-
used. (See also Informative Annex K.) lows, as applicable:
5.2.4 The energy accounting system shall perform the fol- a. annual net energy use, MJ/gross floor area for residential
lowing. buildings, m2 Record annual net energy consumption data for b. annual net energy use, kBtu/gross floor area for residen-
each building, including all forms of purchased energy from tial buildings, ft2
at least 12 consecutive months of data. Record total net energy use expressed as Btu/year 5.3 Energy Manager. The EM shall be responsible for the
(MJ/year). following. Record each nonresidential building’s EUI as fol- 5.3.1 Conducting technical, policy-related planning related
lows, as applicable: to energy efficiency.
5.3.2 Purchasing energy for spaces under his or her control.
a. Annual net energy use, MJ/gross floor area for nonresi-
dential buildings, m2 5.3.3 Public relations matters related to energy.
b. Annual net energy use, kBtu/gross floor area for nonresi- 5.3.4 Implementing the results of energy audits and EEMs
dential buildings, ft2 outlined in the energy management plan.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 7

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 5-2a Site Energy Conversion Factors 6. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE
Fuel Oils kJ/L Btu/U.S. gal
6.1 Scope. Section 6 applies to the building envelope, build-
#1 37,600 135,000 ing systems, and building equipment that directly or indi-
#2 38,700 139,000 rectly consume energy.
6.2 Operations and Maintenance Program. A formal oper-
#4 40,700 146,000
ations and maintenance (O&M) program shall be established
#5L 41,300 148,000 and implemented in order that the building energy-using sys-
tems achieve their intended energy efficiency throughout their
#5H 41,800 150,000
service life.
#6 42,900 154,000 It documents the O&M objectives, establishes the criteria
for evaluation, and commits the building operator and main-
Gas kJ/m3 Btu/ft3 tenance personnel to basic goals of performance (such as
Natural Gas 38,400 1030 minimizing equipment failures, ensuring ongoing efficient
operation, and performing identified maintenance require-
kJ/L Btu/U.S. gal ments).
Propane 25,500 91,600 6.3 Operation and Maintenance Implementation. The
Electricity kJ/kWh Btu/kWh O&M program shall be implemented in accordance with Nor-
mative Annex L.
3600 3412
6.4 Operations and Maintenance Tasks
Informative Note: Energy accounting and conversion factors shown in Table 5-2 are 6.4.1 Maintenance for all equipment, components, and sys-
based on site energy.
tems shall be in accordance with applicable manufacturers’
requirements and shall also include tasks that minimize fail-
Table 5-2b Primary Energy Conversion Factors ures and maintain energy consumption efficiency, such as
Energy Form Conversion Factor
those found in Informative Annex D for the following build-
ing systems:
Electricity 3.15
• Building envelope
Natural gas 1.09 • Domestic hot water
Fuel oil 1.19 • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
• Refrigeration
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or propane 1.15
• Lighting
Other 1.10
• Controls
Purchased district energy Hot water 1.35 • Electric power distribution and on-site power generation
Steam 1.45 6.4.2 Safe and reasonable access shall be provided to all
equipment covered by the O&M program for inspection,
Chilled water 1.04
maintenance, and repairs.
Informative Note: Energy accounting and conversion factors shown in Table 5-2b are
based on site energy using conversion factors in Table 5-2a converted to primary or
6.4.3 The O&M requirements shall be reevaluated when
source energy. Section 4.4.2 of the standard allows alternative energy targets established building use changes or renovations/alterations are made that
by the adopting AHJ. The AHJ may choose to use site energy to source energy conver-
sion factors shown in Table 5-2b or may use other conversion factors following the
affect the facility’s operations.
processes and procedures incorporated within ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 105, Standard
Methods of Determining, Expressing, and Comparing Building Energy Performance
6.5 Tenant Improvements. The energy manager (EM) shall
and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The AHJ may also choose to use locally appropriate put in place a formal process to ensure that any tenant
factors for source (primary) energy. improvements involving a change in space use or the reloca-
tion of partitions (including partial height partitions) do not
5.3.5 Evaluating energy efficiency of proposed new con- change the annual net energy use except to the extent that the
struction, facility expansion, remodeling, or new equipment annual net energy use change (increase or decrease) is consis-
purchases. tent with any change in the building’s energy target.

5.3.6 Reviewing building O&M procedures for optimal 6.6 Equipment and Component Replacement
energy management. 6.6.1 When HVAC, domestic hot-water heating, or refriger-
ation equipment or appliances are replaced, the replacement
5.3.7 Adhering to energy codes and standards. equipment shall meet the most stringent energy efficiency
requirements in the federal equipment standards, in the appli-
5.3.8 Reporting regularly to management and other stake-
cable building code, in ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.12, or in
holders .
ASHRAE Standard 90.2 3.
5.3.9 Developing and implementing an energy efficiency Exception to 6.6.1: Equipment intended for standby or
plan according to Section 9.1. emergency use only.

8 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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6.6.2 Lighting Replacement the following equation, and reported on Normative Annex C, When lighting equipment is replaced, the replace- Form B:
ment equipment shall meet the most stringent energy effi- EUIt = (A × S × EUIt1)1 + (A × S × EUIt1)2 + …
ciency requirements in both the federal equipment standards
+ (A × S × EUIt1)i + … + (A × S × EUIt1)n
and in the applicable building code. The replacement of any lighting equipment shall where
not increase the existing installed lighting power demand.
(A)i = percentage of the gross floor area with
Exception to The existing installed lighting single building activity i
power may proportionally increase when the current
light levels are below those recommended in the IES (EUIt1)i = building activity target from Table 7-2a
Lighting Handbook 4. or 7-2b for space i
(S)i = operating shifts normalization factor
7. ENERGY-USE ANALYSIS AND from Table 7-3 for space i
(A × S × EUIt1)i = the weighted space EUI target for space i
7.1 Building Type and Energy Targets
Exceptions to 7.2.3:
7.1.1 Building Type. Buildings are divided into 53 types
with activities as shown in Table 7-1. Buildings with one or 1. Spaces where more than 75% of the gross floor area
more activities listed in Table 7-1 have energy targets as has a unique building activity shall be reported as a
shown in Table 7-2a or 7-2b. single-use building or as a multiuse building in
7.1.2 Energy Targets. Site-based energy targets are shown accordance with either Section 7.2.2 or Section
in Tables 7-2a in both I-P and SI units, while source-based 7.2.3.
energy targets are shown in Tables 7-2b in both I-P and SI 2. Spaces less than 10% of the gross floor area with a
units. Site energy electricity use and fossil fuel use targets unique building activity can combine their floor area
listed in Tables 7-2c and 7-2d are for use in target calculations with the floor area within the building that has a sim-
by authorities having jurisdiction. ilar building activity as determined by the EM or
All energy targets were derived from Commercial Build- other qualified person.
ing Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) 2003 and Resi- 3. Spaces in buildings with multiple activities that are
dential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) 2005 data by not listed in Table 7-1 and have a total combined
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and the U.S. Depart- area  A nont arg et comprising less than 10% of the
ment of Energy (USDOE) and represent the 25th bottom (low building gross floor area Agross can be excluded from
energy) percentile of energy use by each building category. building energy target calculations if the energy use
The median numbers for each building category from of such space is metered separately. The energy tar-
CBECS and RECS data representing all buildings in the get for the remaining part of the building shall be
building type/activity across all climatic conditions were calculated after deducting the unlisted building type
extrapolated to 17 USDOE climate zones using multipliers floor area from the building gross floor area (Agross –
generated through simulation of a representative building for  A nontarg et).
each group of building categories. Informative Annex J gives 4. Spaces in multiple-activities buildings, with activi-
a detailed explanation of target table derivation. ties not listed in Table 7-1, comprising more than
Informative Note: Tables 7-2c and 7-2d should not be 10% but not more than 50% of the gross floor area
applied separately for individual energy sources. The tables are shall comply with either Section 7.2.3, Exception 3,
used in accordance with Normative Annex A, Equation A-1, to or Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.1, and 4.3.3.
determine the appropriate source energy target. 7.2.4 Energy Targets for Vacant and
7.2 Determining Energy Target (EUIt) Partially Vacant Buildings
7.2.1 The energy manager (EM) or qualified person shall The energy target for a 100% vacant building
determine the energy target (EUIt) according to Section 7.2.2 shall be based on its prevacancy activity if the intended use of
for single-type/activity buildings and Section 7.2.3 for mixed- the building will be unchanged.
use buildings, and shall complete Form B. If the total floor area of a nonheated, noncooled,
7.2.2 Energy targets for buildings with a single activity and nonilluminated vacant part of a building is smaller than
shall be calculated as follows: 30% of the gross floor area, then it shall be excluded from
(EUIt) = S × (EUIt1) the gross floor area, and the energy target shall be deter-
mined based on the remainder of the building as described in
where (EUIt1) is the building activity energy target value in Section 7.2.3.
Table 7-2a or 7-2b for the appropriate building activities/types If the vacant part of a building is heated and/or
and climate, and S is the building operating shifts normaliza- cooled and the building energy-use data for a recent 12 con-
tion factor in Table 7-3. secutive month period when the building was occupied is not
7.2.3 Energy targets for buildings with multiple activities available, compliance of this part of the building will be
shall be determined using weighted averages of building determined after it becomes occupied and energy-use data
activity energy target for each area with a single activity, per become available for 12 consecutive months.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 9

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Table 7-1 Commercial and Residential Building Types/Activities

No. Commercial Building Type No. Commercial Building Type

1 Admin/professional office 28 Preschool/daycare
2 Bank/other financial 29 Other classroom education
3 Government office 30 Fast food
4 Medical office (nondiagnostic) 31 Restaurant/cafeteria
5 Mixed-use office 32 Other food service
6 Other office 33 Hospital/inpatient health
7 Laboratory 34 Nursing home/assisted living
8 Distribution/ship center 35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority
9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 36 Hotel
10 Convenience store 37 Motel or inn
11 Convenience store + gas 38 Other lodging
12 Grocery/food market 39 Vehicle dealership/showroom
13 Other food sales 40 Retail store
14 Fire/police station 41 Other retail
15 Other public order/safety 42 Post office/postal center
16 Medical office (diagnostic) 43 Repair shop
17 Clinic/other outpatient health 44 Vehicle service/repair shop
18 Refrigerated warehouse 45 Vehicle storage/maintenance
19 Religious worship 46 Other service
20 Entertainment/culture 47 Strip shopping mall
21 Library 48 Enclosed mall
22 Recreation No. Residential Building Type
23 Social/meeting 49 Mobile home
24 Other public assembly 50 Single-family detached
25 College/university 51 Single-family attached
26 Elementary/middle school 52 Apartment building (2 to 4 units)
27 High school 53 Apartment building (5+ units)
Informative Note: Apartments with units where all utilities are submetered are considered as single-family attached residences, and those with at least one type of utility not submetered,
(e.g., hot water, steam) are considered as nonresidence (#53). Examples: social housing, leased condos.

10 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2a Building Activity Site Energy Targets (EUIt1) (I-P Units)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
1 Admin/professional office 39 40 39 42 33 39 33 46 40 40 48 42 39 54 47 58 81
2 Bank/other financial 55 57 56 59 46 55 47 65 56 57 68 59 56 76 67 82 115
3 Government office 49 50 49 52 41 48 42 57 49 50 60 52 49 67 59 72 101
4 Medical office 33 34 33 35 28 33 28 39 34 34 41 36 33 46 40 49 69
5 Mixed-use office 45 46 45 48 38 45 39 53 46 47 56 48 45 62 55 67 94
6 Other office 38 39 38 40 32 37 32 44 38 39 47 40 38 52 46 56 78
7 Laboratory 178 176 171 175 147 165 159 194 173 179 209 187 181 232 211 249 331
8 Distribution/shipping center 12 16 16 20 11 18 14 27 23 22 36 30 24 49 40 60 113
9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 6 8 8 10 5 9 7 13 11 11 17 14 12 24 19 29 54
10 Convenience store 135 146 135 152 127 139 141 166 150 157 178 162 167 193 179 208 263
11 Convenience store with gas 108 118 109 122 102 112 114 133 121 126 144 130 135 156 144 168 212
12 Grocery/food market 112 122 113 127 106 116 118 138 125 131 149 135 139 161 149 174 219
13 Other food sales 34 37 34 38 32 35 36 42 38 40 45 41 42 49 45 53 66
14 Fire/police station 66 65 63 64 54 61 59 71 64 66 77 69 67 85 78 92 122
15 Other public order and safety 60 59 57 59 49 55 53 65 58 60 70 63 61 78 71 84 111
16 Medical office (diagnostic) 33 32 32 32 30 32 27 32 30 28 30 30 28 31 30 31 35
17 Clinic/other outpatient health 50 48 49 48 45 48 40 48 46 42 46 45 42 47 45 46 52
18 Refrigerated warehouse 69 68 66 68 57 64 62 75 67 69 81 72 70 90 82 96 128
19 Religious worship 23 23 22 23 19 22 21 25 23 23 27 25 24 30 28 33 43
20 Entertainment/culture 23 23 22 23 19 21 21 25 23 23 27 24 24 30 28 32 43
21 Library 61 61 59 60 50 57 55 67 60 61 72 64 62 80 73 86 114
22 Recreation 26 26 25 26 22 24 24 29 26 26 31 28 27 34 31 37 49
23 Social/meeting 28 27 26 27 23 26 25 30 27 28 32 29 28 36 33 39 51
24 Other public assembly 28 28 27 28 23 26 25 31 27 28 33 30 29 37 33 39 52
25 College/university 62 61 60 62 45 58 50 72 60 65 78 65 65 90 78 99 147
26 Elementary/middle school 38 37 36 37 30 35 32 41 36 36 42 37 35 46 41 49 72
27 High school 45 45 44 46 33 42 37 52 44 47 57 48 47 66 57 72 107
28 Preschool/daycare 49 48 46 48 39 45 41 52 46 47 54 47 46 60 53 63 93
29 Other classroom education 25 25 25 25 18 24 21 29 25 26 32 27 27 37 32 40 60
30 Fast food 261 268 263 277 237 266 253 305 280 284 332 301 295 364 333 393 497
31 Restaurant/cafeteria 141 145 141 150 126 143 137 166 151 156 179 163 166 195 181 213 268
32 Other food service 77 79 77 82 69 78 75 91 83 85 98 89 91 107 99 116 146
33 Hospital/inpatient health 142 143 140 141 134 138 130 143 129 135 139 126 135 142 130 144 166
34 Nursing home/assisted living 84 83 81 83 69 78 75 91 82 84 99 88 85 109 100 118 156
35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 40 43 42 47 31 43 40 58 48 54 65 55 52 75 66 85 119
36 Hotel 50 51 48 52 47 49 48 55 52 52 57 55 53 61 59 65 75
37 Motel or inn 55 53 52 51 48 50 46 52 50 48 53 50 49 56 52 57 69
38 Other lodging 53 50 50 49 46 48 44 49 48 46 50 48 47 53 50 55 66
39 Vehicle dealership/showroom 49 50 49 53 38 48 42 60 52 52 68 58 58 78 69 87 124
40 Retail store 28 29 28 30 21 27 24 34 30 30 39 33 33 45 40 50 71
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

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Table 7-2a Building Activity Site Energy Targets (EUIt1) (I-P Units) (Continued)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
41 Other retail 49 50 49 52 37 48 42 59 52 52 67 58 57 78 69 86 124
42 Post office/postal center 43 42 41 42 35 39 38 46 41 43 50 45 43 56 51 60 79
43 Repair shop 28 28 27 28 23 26 25 31 28 28 33 30 29 37 34 40 53
44 Vehicle service/repair shop 33 33 32 32 27 31 29 36 32 33 39 35 33 43 39 46 61
45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 14 14 14 14 12 13 13 16 14 14 17 15 15 19 17 20 27
46 Other service 60 60 58 59 50 56 54 65 59 60 71 63 61 78 71 84 112
47 Strip shopping mall 59 59 58 62 46 57 51 71 62 63 82 70 71 94 84 106 151
48 Enclosed mall 56 56 55 59 44 54 49 68 59 60 78 67 68 90 80 101 144
ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
49 Mobile/manufactured home 38 40 40 45 30 41 38 54 45 51 62 52 49 71 62 80 112
50 Single-family detached 28 30 30 33 22 30 28 40 34 38 46 38 36 52 46 60 83
51 Single-family attached 32 34 34 38 25 35 32 46 39 43 53 44 42 60 53 69 96
52 47 50 50 56 37 51 47 68 57 64 77 65 61 89 78 101 140
(in 2 to 4 unit building)
53 32 34 34 38 25 35 32 46 39 43 53 44 42 60 53 68 96
(in 5+ unit building)
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

12 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2a Building Activity Site Energy Targets (EUIt1) (SI Units)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone
3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
1 Admin/professional office 443 456 446 472 372 440 379 518 449 458 547 475 446 608 536 657 921
2 Bank/other financial 628 648 633 670 528 625 537 735 637 651 777 673 633 864 761 932 1307
3 Government office 553 570 556 589 464 550 473 646 560 572 683 592 556 759 669 820 1149
Medical office
4 377 389 380 402 317 375 322 441 382 390 466 404 380 518 457 559 784
5 Mixed-use office 512 528 516 546 430 509 438 599 519 530 633 549 516 704 620 760 1065
6 Other office 428 441 431 456 359 425 366 500 433 443 529 458 431 588 518 634 889
7 Laboratory 2025 2001 1939 1988 1668 1873 1806 2199 1968 2029 2374 2125 2055 2633 2399 2830 3759
8 Distribution/shipping center 140 178 187 227 121 202 163 306 256 248 403 340 271 558 458 682 1280
9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 68 86 90 110 59 98 79 148 124 120 195 164 131 270 221 330 619
10 Convenience store 1528 1657 1538 1727 1442 1577 1606 1882 1700 1783 2027 1837 1898 2198 2032 2368 2987
11 Convenience store with gas 1231 1335 1239 1391 1161 1270 1294 1516 1370 1436 1633 1480 1529 1770 1637 1907 2407
12 Grocery/food market 1273 1381 1282 1439 1201 1314 1339 1568 1417 1486 1689 1531 1582 1831 1693 1973 2489
13 Other food sales 386 418 388 436 364 398 405 475 429 450 511 463 479 554 513 597 754
14 Fire/police station 746 737 714 732 614 690 665 810 725 747 874 782 757 970 883 1042 1384
15 Other public order and safety 679 672 651 667 560 629 606 738 660 681 797 713 690 884 805 950 1262
16 Medical office (diagnostic) 380 366 369 364 341 365 304 360 346 320 346 337 319 353 342 348 397
17 Clinic/other outpatient health 570 549 554 546 512 548 456 540 519 480 518 506 478 530 514 522 595
18 Refrigerated warehouse 784 775 751 770 646 726 700 852 762 786 920 823 796 1020 929 1096 1456
19 Religious worship 266 263 255 261 219 246 237 289 259 267 312 279 270 346 315 372 494
20 Entertainment/culture 264 261 253 259 217 244 235 286 256 264 309 277 268 343 312 369 490
21 Library 696 688 667 684 574 644 621 756 677 698 816 731 707 905 825 973 1293
22 Recreation 300 297 287 295 247 278 268 326 292 301 352 315 305 390 356 420 557
23 Social/meeting 313 309 300 307 258 290 279 340 304 314 367 329 318 407 371 438 581
24 Other public assembly 321 317 307 315 264 297 286 348 312 321 376 337 326 417 380 448 595
25 College/university 701 697 683 709 509 661 573 817 682 734 888 740 739 1028 882 1125 1668
26 Elementary/middle school 429 422 408 424 345 395 363 463 406 410 479 418 401 525 465 556 818
27 High school 512 508 499 518 372 482 418 596 498 536 648 540 539 750 644 821 1217
28 Preschool/daycare 553 544 526 547 445 510 468 596 523 529 618 538 518 677 599 717 1055
29 Other classroom education 286 284 279 290 208 270 234 333 278 300 362 302 302 419 360 459 681
30 Fast food 2970 3045 2983 3148 2693 3018 2870 3470 3180 3223 3767 3420 3353 4130 3785 4463 5646
31 Restaurant/cafeteria 1605 1651 1599 1709 1429 1620 1557 1882 1720 1769 2038 1846 1882 2220 2051 2420 3044
32 Other food service 877 902 874 934 781 886 851 1029 940 967 1114 1009 1029 1213 1121 1323 1664
33 Hospital/inpatient health 1610 1624 1591 1602 1518 1570 1481 1628 1462 1533 1578 1435 1529 1615 1482 1631 1882
34 Nursing home/assisted living 955 944 915 938 787 884 852 1038 929 958 1120 1002 970 1243 1132 1335 1774
35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 457 483 480 538 357 493 456 656 549 613 744 626 586 852 753 968 1352
36 Hotel 563 576 548 585 530 553 548 621 590 594 653 622 599 694 668 735 852
37 Motel or inn 630 598 595 579 542 573 528 586 565 543 600 572 556 634 595 650 779
38 Other lodging 602 571 568 553 518 547 505 560 540 519 573 547 531 606 568 621 745
39 Vehicle dealership/showroom 557 570 555 598 427 542 479 677 588 589 768 663 655 886 784 985 1413
40 Retail store 319 326 318 342 244 310 274 387 336 337 439 379 375 507 449 564 808
41 Other retail 555 568 553 595 425 540 478 674 586 587 765 660 652 883 782 981 1407
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 13

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Table 7-2a Building Activity Site Energy Targets (EUIt1) (SI Units) (Continued)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone
3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
42 Post office/postal center 485 479 464 476 400 449 433 527 471 486 569 509 492 631 574 678 900
43 Repair shop 323 319 309 317 266 299 288 351 314 324 379 339 328 420 383 451 600
44 Vehicle service/repair shop 375 370 359 368 309 347 334 407 364 376 439 393 380 487 444 524 696
45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 163 161 156 160 134 150 145 177 158 163 191 171 165 212 193 227 302
46 Other service 685 677 656 672 564 634 611 744 666 686 803 719 695 891 811 957 1271
47 Strip shopping mall 669 668 654 705 520 647 580 812 702 721 929 797 808 1072 952 1200 1716
48 Enclosed mall 637 636 623 671 495 616 552 773 669 686 885 759 770 1021 906 1143 1634
ASHRAE Climate Zone
3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
49 Mobile/manufactured home 430 454 452 506 336 464 429 617 516 577 699 589 553 801 708 911 1272
50 Single-family detached 319 337 335 376 250 344 318 458 383 428 519 437 410 595 526 676 944
51 Single-family attached 367 388 386 432 287 396 366 527 441 493 598 503 472 685 605 778 1087
52 539 570 567 635 422 582 538 774 647 723 877 739 693 1006 888 1142 1595
(in 2 to 4 unit building)
53 367 388 385 432 287 396 366 526 440 492 597 503 472 684 604 777 1085
(in 5+ unit building)
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

14 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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Table 7-2b Building Activity Source Energy Targets (EUIt1) (I-P Units)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 123 127 113 130 95 112 93 109 91 118 91 90 91 101 94 109 152

2 Bank/other financial 174 180 161 185 134 159 133 155 129 167 129 128 131 143 134 154 216

3 Government office 153 158 142 162 118 140 117 136 113 147 113 113 115 126 117 136 190

4 Medical office (nondiag.) 105 108 97 111 81 95 80 93 77 100 77 77 77 86 80 93 130

5 Mixed-use office 142 146 131 151 110 130 108 126 105 136 105 104 105 116 109 126 176

6 Other office 119 122 110 126 91 108 90 105 87 114 88 87 89 97 91 105 147

7 Laboratory 561 555 493 548 425 477 446 463 397 522 394 404 424 436 421 468 622

8 Distribution/ship center 39 49 48 62 31 51 40 64 52 64 67 65 56 92 80 113 212

9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 19 24 23 30 15 25 19 31 25 31 32 31 28 45 39 55 102

10 Convenience store 424 460 391 476 367 401 396 396 343 458 337 349 391 364 357 392 494

11 Convenience store + gas 341 370 315 384 296 323 319 319 276 369 271 281 316 293 287 316 398

12 Grocery/food market 353 383 326 397 306 334 330 330 286 382 281 291 325 303 297 326 412

13 Other food sales 107 116 99 120 93 101 100 100 87 116 85 88 98 92 90 99 125

14 Fire/police station 207 204 182 202 156 176 164 170 146 192 145 149 157 160 155 172 229

15 Other public order/safety 188 186 166 184 142 160 150 155 133 175 132 136 143 146 141 157 209

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 105 102 94 100 87 93 75 76 70 82 57 64 66 58 60 58 66

17 Clinic/other outpatient health 158 152 141 150 130 139 112 114 105 123 86 96 98 88 90 86 98

18 Refrigerated warehouse 217 215 191 212 164 185 173 179 154 202 153 156 164 169 163 181 241

19 Religious worship 74 73 65 72 56 63 59 61 52 69 52 53 56 57 55 62 82

20 Entertainment/culture 73 72 64 71 55 62 58 60 52 68 51 53 56 57 55 61 81

21 Library 193 191 170 188 146 164 153 159 137 179 136 139 145 150 145 161 214

22 Recreation 83 82 73 81 63 71 66 69 59 77 58 60 63 65 62 69 92

23 Social/meeting 87 86 76 85 66 74 69 72 61 81 61 62 66 67 65 72 96

24 Other public assembly 89 88 78 87 67 76 71 73 63 83 62 64 68 69 67 74 99

25 College/university 194 193 175 196 130 169 142 175 141 190 154 145 156 177 160 194 288

26 Elementary/middle school 119 117 104 117 88 101 90 97 82 105 80 79 82 87 82 92 135

27 High school 142 141 127 143 95 123 103 125 100 138 108 103 110 124 113 136 201

28 Preschool/daycare 153 151 134 151 113 130 115 125 106 136 103 102 108 112 105 119 175

29 Other classroom education 79 79 71 80 53 69 58 70 56 77 60 57 63 69 63 76 113

30 Fast food 824 844 759 868 685 768 708 730 642 828 626 650 691 683 664 739 934

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 445 458 407 471 364 412 384 396 347 455 338 351 389 367 360 400 504

32 Other food service 243 250 222 258 199 225 210 216 190 248 185 192 213 201 197 219 275

33 Hospital/inpatient health 446 450 405 442 386 399 365 343 295 394 262 273 316 267 260 270 311

34 Nursing home/assisted living 265 262 233 259 200 225 210 218 187 246 186 191 199 206 199 221 294

35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 127 134 122 148 91 125 112 138 111 158 123 119 122 141 132 160 224

36 Hotel 156 160 140 161 135 141 135 131 119 153 108 118 124 115 117 122 141
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 15

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2b Building Activity Source Energy Targets (EUIt1) (I-P Units) (Continued)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

37 Motel or inn 175 166 151 160 138 146 130 123 114 140 100 109 115 105 104 108 129

38 Other lodging 167 158 145 152 132 139 124 118 109 133 95 104 110 100 100 103 123

39 Vehicle dealership 154 158 141 165 109 138 118 142 119 151 128 126 136 147 138 163 234

40 Retail store 88 90 81 94 62 79 68 82 68 87 73 72 77 84 79 93 134

41 Other retail 154 157 141 164 108 137 118 142 118 151 127 126 133 146 137 162 233

42 Post office/postal center 134 133 118 131 102 114 107 111 95 125 94 97 101 104 101 112 149

43 Repair shop 90 89 79 87 68 76 71 74 63 83 63 64 68 70 67 75 99

44 Vehicle service/repair shop 104 103 91 101 79 88 82 86 73 97 73 75 77 81 78 87 115

45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 45 45 40 44 34 38 36 37 32 42 32 32 35 35 34 38 50

46 Other service 190 188 167 185 144 161 151 157 134 176 133 137 143 147 142 158 210

47 Strip shopping mall 186 185 167 194 132 165 143 171 142 185 154 152 166 177 167 199 284

48 Enclosed mall 177 176 159 185 126 157 136 163 135 176 147 144 159 169 159 189 270

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 119 126 115 139 86 118 106 130 104 148 116 112 115 133 124 151 210

50 Single-family (detached) 89 94 85 104 64 88 79 96 77 110 86 83 84 98 92 112 156

51 Single-family (attached) 102 108 98 119 73 101 90 111 89 127 99 96 98 113 106 129 180

52 Apartment building (2 to 4 units) 150 158 144 175 107 148 133 163 131 186 146 141 143 166 156 189 264

53 Apartment building (5+ units) 102 108 98 119 73 101 90 111 89 126 99 96 98 113 106 129 180
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

16 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2b Building Activity Source Energy Targets (EUIt1) (SI Units)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 1394 1437 1289 1478 1075 1273 1061 1237 1029 1338 1032 1025 1037 1143 1069 1234 1730

2 Bank/other financial 1979 2040 1829 2098 1526 1807 1505 1755 1460 1899 1465 1454 1489 1623 1517 1752 2455

3 Government office 1740 1794 1608 1845 1342 1588 1324 1543 1284 1669 1288 1279 1303 1427 1334 1540 2159

4 Medical office 1187 1224 1097 1259 916 1084 903 1053 876 1139 879 873 877 974 910 1051 1473

5 Mixed-use office 1613 1662 1490 1710 1244 1472 1227 1430 1190 1547 1194 1185 1197 1322 1236 1428 2001

6 Other office 1346 1388 1244 1428 1038 1229 1024 1194 993 1292 997 990 1010 1104 1032 1192 1671

7 Laboratory 6375 6301 5602 6224 4821 5414 5060 5255 4510 5922 4477 4588 4813 4948 4780 5317 7064

8 Distribution/ship center 439 559 540 709 351 583 458 731 587 723 761 733 638 1048 912 1281 2404

9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 213 271 261 343 170 282 221 354 284 350 368 355 319 507 441 620 1163

10 Convenience store 4812 5219 4446 5407 4166 4556 4501 4498 3897 5203 3823 3966 4441 4129 4049 4449 5614

11 Convenience store + gas 3877 4205 3581 4356 3356 3670 3626 3623 3140 4192 3080 3195 3590 3327 3262 3584 4522

12 Grocery/food market 4010 4349 3704 4506 3471 3796 3750 3748 3247 4335 3186 3305 3696 3441 3374 3707 4678

13 Other food sales 1214 1317 1121 1364 1051 1149 1135 1135 983 1313 964 1001 1117 1042 1021 1122 1416

14 Fire/police station 2348 2320 2063 2292 1775 1994 1863 1935 1661 2181 1649 1689 1782 1822 1760 1958 2601

15 Other public order/safety 2140 2115 1880 2089 1618 1817 1698 1764 1513 1987 1502 1540 1622 1661 1604 1784 2371

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 1196 1153 1066 1139 986 1056 852 860 792 933 652 728 745 664 682 654 745

17 Clinic/other outpatient 1793 1730 1600 1708 1479 1584 1278 1290 1189 1400 978 1093 1117 996 1024 981 1118

18 Refrigerated warehouse 2470 2441 2170 2411 1868 2097 1960 2036 1747 2294 1734 1777 1861 1917 1852 2060 2736

19 Religious worship 838 828 736 818 633 711 665 690 593 778 588 603 638 650 628 699 928

20 Entertainment/culture 830 821 730 811 628 705 659 685 587 771 583 598 638 645 623 693 920

21 Library 2192 2167 1926 2140 1658 1862 1740 1807 1551 2036 1539 1577 1649 1701 1644 1828 2429

22 Recreation 945 934 831 923 715 803 750 779 669 878 664 680 718 734 709 788 1047

23 Social/meeting 986 975 866 963 746 837 783 813 697 916 692 709 745 765 739 822 1092

24 Other public assembly 1010 998 887 986 764 858 802 832 714 938 709 727 771 784 757 842 1119

25 College/university 2207 2194 1985 2222 1479 1920 1617 1990 1599 2153 1745 1645 1766 2013 1822 2205 3267

26 Elementary/middle school 1350 1329 1178 1328 998 1142 1017 1105 931 1197 904 902 931 986 927 1046 1538

27 High school 1611 1601 1441 1621 1074 1394 1171 1424 1141 1564 1222 1167 1250 1409 1283 1544 2287

28 Preschool/daycare 1741 1713 1519 1712 1286 1473 1311 1425 1200 1543 1165 1163 1223 1272 1194 1348 1982

29 Other classroom education 901 895 806 907 601 780 655 797 638 875 683 653 718 788 717 863 1279

30 Fast food 9354 9588 8619 9855 7782 8720 8040 8291 7288 9405 7104 7385 7844 7760 7543 8387 10609

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 5055 5199 4619 5351 4130 4682 4361 4496 3942 5162 3843 3987 4414 4172 4088 4547 5720

32 Other food service 2763 2842 2525 2925 2257 2559 2384 2458 2155 2822 2101 2179 2420 2280 2234 2485 3126

33 Hospital/inpatient health 5069 5113 4597 5015 4385 4536 4149 3891 3351 4474 2977 3098 3590 3035 2954 3064 3537

34 Nursing home/ 3008 2973 2643 2937 2275 2554 2388 2480 2128 2794 2112 2165 2260 2335 2256 2509 3333
assisted living

35 Dormitory/fraternity/ 1439 1522 1388 1684 1033 1424 1277 1568 1257 1789 1402 1352 1383 1601 1500 1819 2541
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 17

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2b Building Activity Source Energy Targets (EUIt1) (SI Units) (Continued)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

36 Hotel 1772 1815 1585 1832 1532 1599 1534 1483 1352 1733 1231 1344 1409 1304 1330 1382 1600

37 Motel or inn 1983 1883 1719 1812 1565 1655 1480 1401 1296 1585 1131 1236 1303 1191 1185 1222 1464

38 Other lodging 1895 1799 1642 1731 1495 1581 1414 1339 1238 1515 1081 1181 1250 1138 1132 1168 1399

39 Vehicle dealership 1753 1794 1604 1871 1233 1566 1343 1617 1347 1720 1448 1431 1542 1665 1563 1851 2654

40 Retail store 1004 1027 918 1071 706 896 769 926 771 984 829 819 877 953 895 1059 1519

41 Other retail 1747 1787 1599 1864 1228 1560 1338 1611 1342 1714 1443 1426 1516 1659 1557 1844 2645

42 Post office/postal center 1527 1509 1342 1491 1155 1297 1212 1259 1080 1418 1072 1099 1143 1185 1145 1273 1692

43 Repair shop 1017 1005 894 993 769 864 807 838 719 945 714 732 771 789 763 848 1127

44 Vehicle service/ 1180 1166 1037 1152 892 1002 936 973 835 1096 828 849 877 916 885 984 1307
repair shop

45 Vehicle storage/ 512 506 450 500 387 435 407 422 362 476 360 369 399 397 384 427 567

46 Other service 2156 2131 1895 2105 1630 1831 1711 1777 1525 2003 1514 1552 1622 1674 1617 1798 2389

47 Strip shopping mall 2107 2104 1891 2207 1502 1869 1624 1941 1609 2103 1753 1721 1888 2014 1896 2255 3225

48 Enclosed mall 2006 2004 1801 2102 1430 1780 1546 1848 1532 2003 1669 1638 1808 1918 1806 2147 3071

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Residential 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 1354 1431 1305 1584 971 1340 1201 1474 1182 1683 1319 1272 1303 1506 1411 1711 2389

50 Single-family (detached) 1005 1062 969 1176 721 995 892 1095 878 1249 979 944 957 1118 1047 1270 1774

51 Single-family (attached) 1157 1223 1115 1354 830 1145 1027 1260 1011 1438 1127 1087 1117 1287 1206 1462 2042

52 Apartment building 1698 1796 1638 1987 1219 1681 1507 1850 1484 2111 1655 1596 1622 1889 1770 2147 2998
(2 to 4 units)

53 Apartment building 1155 1221 1114 1351 829 1143 1025 1258 1009 1436 1125 1085 1117 1285 1204 1460 2039
(5+ units)
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

18 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2c Building Activity Electricity Site Energy Use Targets (ELUIt1) (I-P Units)

Electricity Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 39 40 34 41 29 34 28 29 23 36 19 22 24 21 21 22 31

2 Bank/other financial 55 57 49 58 41 48 39 41 33 51 26 31 34 29 29 31 44

3 Government office 49 50 43 51 36 42 35 36 29 45 23 27 30 26 26 28 39

4 Medical office (nondiagnostic) 33 34 29 35 24 29 24 24 20 31 16 18 20 17 18 19 26

5 Mixed-use office 45 46 40 48 33 39 32 33 27 41 22 25 27 24 24 26 36

6 Other office 38 39 33 40 28 33 27 28 22 35 18 21 23 20 20 21 30

7 Laboratory 178 176 149 173 128 144 132 122 101 159 81 97 110 89 93 95 127

8 Distribution/ship center 12 16 14 20 9 16 12 17 13 19 14 16 15 19 18 23 43

9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 6 8 7 10 5 8 6 8 6 9 7 8 7 9 9 11 21

10 Convenience store 135 146 118 151 111 121 118 105 87 139 69 84 101 74 78 80 101

11 Convenience store + gas 108 118 95 121 89 98 95 84 70 112 56 68 82 60 63 64 81

12 Grocery/food market 112 122 99 126 92 101 98 87 73 116 57 70 84 62 65 67 84

13 Other food sales 34 37 30 38 28 31 30 26 22 35 17 21 26 19 20 20 25

14 Fire/police station 66 65 55 64 47 53 49 45 37 58 30 36 41 33 34 35 47

15 Other public order/safety 60 59 50 58 43 48 44 41 34 53 27 33 37 30 31 32 43

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 33 32 28 32 26 28 22 20 18 25 12 15 17 12 13 12 13

17 Clinic/other outpatient health 50 48 43 48 39 42 33 30 27 38 18 23 26 18 20 18 20

18 Refrigerated warehouse 69 68 58 67 50 56 51 47 39 61 31 38 43 34 36 37 49

19 Religious worship 23 23 20 23 17 19 17 16 13 21 11 13 15 12 12 13 17

20 Entertainment/culture 23 23 19 23 17 19 17 16 13 21 11 13 15 12 12 12 17

21 Library 61 61 51 60 44 50 45 42 35 55 28 33 38 31 32 33 44

22 Recreation 26 26 22 26 19 21 20 18 15 24 12 14 16 13 14 14 19

23 Social/meeting 28 27 23 27 20 22 20 19 16 25 12 15 17 14 14 15 20

24 Other public assembly 28 28 24 27 20 23 21 19 16 25 13 15 18 14 15 15 20

25 College/university 62 61 53 62 39 51 42 45 35 57 30 34 39 35 34 38 56

26 Elementary/middle school 38 37 31 37 27 30 27 26 21 32 16 19 21 18 18 19 28

27 High school 45 45 38 45 29 37 31 33 26 42 22 25 29 25 25 28 41

28 Preschool/daycare 49 48 40 48 34 39 34 33 27 41 21 25 28 23 23 24 36

29 Other classroom education 25 25 21 25 16 21 17 19 14 23 12 14 16 14 14 16 23

30 Fast food 261 268 230 275 207 232 210 193 163 252 128 156 179 139 146 151 191

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 141 145 123 149 110 125 114 105 88 138 69 84 101 75 79 82 103

32 Other food service 77 79 67 82 60 68 62 57 48 76 38 46 55 41 43 45 56

33 Hospital/inpatient health 142 143 122 140 117 121 108 90 75 120 54 66 82 55 57 55 64

34 Nursing home/assisted living 84 83 70 82 61 68 62 58 48 75 38 46 52 42 44 45 60

35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 40 43 37 47 28 38 33 36 28 48 25 29 32 29 29 33 46

36 Hotel 50 51 42 51 41 43 40 34 30 46 22 28 32 23 26 25 29
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 19

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2c Building Activity Electricity Site Energy Use Targets (ELUIt1) (I-P Units) (Continued)

Electricity Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

37 Motel or inn 55 53 46 50 42 44 39 33 29 42 20 26 30 21 23 22 26

38 Other lodging 53 50 44 48 40 42 37 31 28 41 20 25 29 20 22 21 25

39 Vehicle dealership 49 50 43 52 33 42 35 38 30 46 26 30 35 30 30 33 48

40 Retail store 28 29 24 30 19 24 20 22 17 26 15 17 20 17 17 19 27

41 Other retail 49 50 43 52 33 42 35 37 30 46 26 30 35 30 30 33 47

42 Post office/postal center 43 42 36 42 31 35 32 29 24 38 19 23 26 21 22 23 30

43 Repair shop 28 28 24 28 20 23 21 19 16 25 13 15 18 14 15 15 20

44 Vehicle service/repair shop 33 33 28 32 24 27 24 23 19 29 15 18 20 16 17 18 23

45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 14 14 12 14 10 12 11 10 8 13 6 8 9 7 7 8 10

46 Other service 60 60 50 59 43 49 45 41 34 54 27 33 37 30 31 32 43

47 Strip shopping mall 59 59 50 62 40 50 42 45 36 56 32 36 43 36 37 41 58

48 Enclosed mall 56 56 48 59 38 47 40 43 34 54 30 35 41 34 35 39 55

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 38 40 35 44 26 36 31 34 27 45 24 27 30 27 27 31 43

50 Single-family (detached) 28 30 26 33 19 26 23 25 20 33 18 20 22 20 20 23 32

51 Single-family (attached) 32 34 30 38 22 30 27 29 23 39 20 23 26 23 23 26 37

52 Apartment building (2 to 4 units) 47 50 44 55 32 45 39 43 33 57 30 34 37 34 34 39 54

53 Apartment building (5+ units) 32 34 30 38 22 30 27 29 23 38 20 23 26 23 23 26 37

a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

20 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2c Building Activity Electricity Site Energy Use Targets (ELUIt1) (SI Units)

Electricity Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 443 456 390 468 325 385 315 327 262 407 212 246 269 233 235 252 353

2 Bank/other financial 628 648 553 664 461 546 447 464 372 578 300 350 386 331 334 357 501

3 Government office 552 569 486 584 406 480 393 408 327 508 264 308 338 291 293 314 440

4 Medical office (nondiagnostic) 377 389 332 398 277 328 268 278 223 347 180 210 228 199 200 214 300

5 Mixed-use office 512 528 451 541 376 445 364 378 303 471 245 285 310 270 272 291 408

6 Other office 427 441 376 452 314 372 304 315 253 393 204 238 262 225 227 243 341

7 Laboratory 2024 2000 1694 1970 1458 1637 1501 1388 1148 1802 918 1103 1249 1009 1052 1084 1441

8 Distribution/ship center 139 178 163 224 106 176 136 193 150 220 156 176 166 214 201 261 490

9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 67 86 79 109 51 85 66 93 72 106 75 85 83 103 97 126 237

10 Convenience store 1528 1657 1344 1711 1260 1378 1335 1188 992 1583 784 954 1152 842 891 907 1145

11 Convenience store + gas 1231 1335 1083 1379 1015 1110 1076 957 799 1275 631 768 931 678 718 731 922

12 Grocery/food market 1273 1381 1120 1426 1050 1148 1112 990 827 1319 653 795 959 702 742 756 954

13 Other food sales 385 418 339 432 318 348 337 300 250 399 198 241 290 212 225 229 289

14 Fire/police station 745 737 624 725 537 603 553 511 423 663 338 406 462 372 387 399 531

15 Other public order/safety 679 671 569 661 489 549 504 466 385 605 308 370 421 339 353 364 483

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 380 366 322 360 298 319 253 227 202 284 134 175 193 135 150 133 152

17 Clinic/other outpatient health 569 549 484 541 447 479 379 341 303 426 200 263 290 203 225 200 228

18 Refrigerated warehouse 784 775 656 763 565 634 582 538 445 698 355 427 483 391 407 420 558

19 Religious worship 266 263 223 259 192 215 197 182 151 237 121 145 166 133 138 142 189

20 Entertainment/culture 264 261 221 257 190 213 196 181 150 235 120 144 166 131 137 141 188

21 Library 696 688 582 677 501 563 516 477 395 619 316 379 428 347 362 373 495

22 Recreation 300 297 251 292 216 243 223 206 170 267 136 164 186 150 156 161 214

23 Social/meeting 313 309 262 305 225 253 232 215 178 279 142 171 193 156 163 168 223

24 Other public assembly 321 317 268 312 231 259 238 220 182 285 145 175 200 160 167 172 228

25 College/university 701 696 597 703 445 577 476 515 398 652 343 384 448 394 387 431 639

26 Elementary/middle school 429 422 356 420 302 345 302 292 237 364 185 217 241 201 204 213 314

27 High school 511 508 436 513 325 421 347 376 290 476 250 281 324 287 282 315 466

28 Preschool/daycare 553 544 459 542 389 445 389 376 305 469 239 280 317 259 263 275 404

29 Other classroom education 286 284 244 287 182 236 194 210 162 266 140 157 186 161 158 176 261

30 Fast food 2969 3044 2606 3119 2353 2637 2385 2189 1856 2861 1456 1776 2035 1583 1660 1711 2164

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 1605 1650 1397 1693 1249 1416 1294 1187 1004 1570 788 959 1145 851 899 927 1167

32 Other food service 877 902 764 926 683 774 707 649 549 858 431 524 628 465 492 507 638

33 Hospital/inpatient health 1609 1623 1390 1587 1326 1372 1231 1028 853 1361 610 745 931 619 650 625 721

34 Nursing home/assisted living 955 944 799 929 688 772 708 655 542 850 433 521 586 476 496 512 680

35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 457 483 420 533 312 431 379 414 320 544 287 325 359 327 330 371 518

36 Hotel 563 576 479 580 463 483 455 392 344 527 252 323 366 266 293 282 326
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 21

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2c Building Activity Electricity Site Energy Use Targets (ELUIt1) (SI Units) (Continued)

Electricity Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

37 Motel or inn 630 598 520 573 473 500 439 370 330 482 232 297 338 243 261 249 299

38 Other lodging 602 571 497 548 452 478 419 354 315 461 221 284 324 232 249 238 285

39 Vehicle dealership 557 569 485 592 373 473 398 427 343 523 297 344 400 340 344 377 541

40 Retail store 319 326 278 339 213 271 228 244 196 299 170 197 228 194 197 216 310

41 Other retail 555 567 483 590 371 472 397 426 342 521 296 343 393 338 343 376 539

42 Post office/postal center 485 479 406 472 349 392 359 332 275 431 220 264 297 242 252 260 345

43 Repair shop 323 319 270 314 233 261 239 221 183 287 146 176 200 161 168 173 230

44 Vehicle service/repair shop 375 370 314 365 270 303 278 257 213 333 170 204 228 187 195 201 267

45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 163 161 136 158 117 132 121 111 92 145 74 89 103 81 84 87 116

46 Other service 685 677 573 666 493 554 508 469 388 609 310 373 421 341 356 367 487

47 Strip shopping mall 669 668 572 699 454 565 482 512 410 640 359 414 490 411 417 460 658

48 Enclosed mall 637 636 544 665 432 538 459 488 390 609 342 394 469 391 397 438 626

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 430 454 395 501 294 405 356 389 301 512 270 306 338 307 310 349 487

50 Single-family (detached) 319 337 293 372 218 301 265 289 224 380 201 227 248 228 230 259 362

51 Single-family (attached) 367 388 337 428 251 346 305 333 257 437 231 261 290 263 265 298 416

52 Apartment building 539 570 495 629 369 508 447 489 378 642 339 384 421 385 389 438 611
(2 to 4 units)

53 Apartment building 367 388 337 428 251 346 304 332 257 437 231 261 290 262 265 298 416
(5+ units)
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

22 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2d Building Activity Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use Targets (FEUIt1) (I-P Units)

Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 0 0 5 0.4 4 5 6 17 16 5 30 20 15 33 27 36 50

2 Bank/other financial 0 0 7 0.5 6 7 8 24 23 6 42 28 22 47 38 51 71

3 Government office 0 0 6 0.5 5 6 7 21 21 6 37 25 19 41 33 44 62

4 Medical office (nondiagnostic) 0 0 4 0.3 4 4 5 14 14 4 25 17 13 28 23 30 43

5 Mixed-use office 0 0 6 0.4 5 6 7 19 19 5 34 23 18 38 31 41 58

6 Other office 0 0 5 0.4 4 5 5 16 16 4 29 19 15 32 26 34 48

7 Laboratory 0 0 21 1.5 18 21 27 71 72 20 128 90 71 143 119 154 204

8 Distribution/ship center 0 0 2 0.2 1 2 2 10 9 2 22 14 9 30 23 37 69

9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 0 0 1 0.1 1 1 1 5 5 1 11 7 5 15 11 18 34

10 Convenience store 0 0 17 1.3 16 17 24 61 62 18 109 78 66 119 100 129 162

11 Convenience store + gas 0 0 14 1.1 13 14 19 49 50 14 88 63 53 96 81 104 131

12 Grocery/food market 0 0 14 1.1 13 15 20 51 52 15 91 65 55 99 84 107 135

13 Other food sales 0 0 4 0.3 4 4 6 15 16 4 28 20 16 30 25 32 41

14 Fire/police station 0 0 8 0.6 7 8 10 26 27 7 47 33 26 53 44 57 75

15 Other public order/safety 0 0 7 0.5 6 7 9 24 24 7 43 30 24 48 40 52 68

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 0 0 4 0.3 4 4 5 12 13 3 19 14 11 19 17 19 22

17 Clinic/other outpatient health 0 0 6 0.4 6 6 7 18 19 5 28 21 16 29 25 28 32

18 Refrigerated warehouse 0 0 8 0.6 7 8 10 28 28 8 50 35 27 55 46 59 79

19 Religious worship 0 0 3 0.2 2 3 4 9 9 3 17 12 9 19 16 20 27

20 Entertainment/culture 0 0 3 0.2 2 3 3 9 9 3 17 12 9 19 15 20 27

21 Library 0 0 7 0.5 6 7 9 25 25 7 44 31 24 49 41 53 70

22 Recreation 0 0 3 0.2 3 3 4 11 11 3 19 13 11 21 18 23 30

23 Social/meeting 0 0 3 0.2 3 3 4 11 11 3 20 14 11 22 18 24 32

24 Other public assembly 0 0 3 0.2 3 3 4 11 11 3 20 14 11 23 19 24 32

25 College/university 0 0 8 0.6 6 7 9 27 25 7 48 31 26 56 44 61 91

26 Elementary/middle school 0 0 5 0.3 4 4 5 15 15 4 26 18 14 28 23 30 44

27 High school 0 0 6 0.4 4 5 6 19 18 5 35 23 18 41 32 45 66

28 Preschool/daycare 0 0 6 0.4 5 6 7 19 19 5 33 23 18 37 30 39 57

29 Other classroom education 0 0 3 0.2 2 3 3 11 10 3 20 13 11 23 18 25 37

30 Fast food 0 0 33 2.4 30 33 43 113 117 32 203 145 116 224 187 242 306

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 0 0 18 1.3 16 18 23 61 63 17 110 78 65 121 101 131 165

32 Other food service 0 0 10 0.7 9 10 13 33 34 10 60 43 36 66 55 72 90

33 Hospital/inpatient health 0 0 18 1.2 17 17 22 53 54 15 85 61 53 88 73 89 102

34 Nursing home/assisted living 0 0 10 0.7 9 10 13 34 34 9 60 42 33 67 56 72 96

35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 0 0 5 0.4 4 5 7 21 20 6 40 26 20 46 37 53 73

36 Hotel 0 0 6 0.5 6 6 8 20 22 6 35 26 21 38 33 40 46
1. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 23

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2d Building Activity Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use Targets (FEUIt1) (I-P Units) (Continued)

Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

37 Motel or inn 0 0 7 0.5 6 6 8 19 21 5 32 24 19 34 29 35 42

38 Other lodging 0 0 6 0.4 6 6 7 18 20 5 31 23 18 33 28 34 40

39 Vehicle dealership 0 0 6 0.5 5 6 7 22 22 6 41 28 23 48 39 53 77

40 Retail store 0 0 4 0.3 3 3 4 13 12 3 24 16 13 28 22 31 44

41 Other retail 0 0 6 0.5 5 6 7 22 21 6 41 28 22 48 39 53 76

42 Post office/postal center 0 0 5 0.4 4 5 6 17 17 5 31 22 17 34 28 37 49

43 Repair shop 0 0 3 0.2 3 3 4 11 12 3 20 14 11 23 19 25 33

44 Vehicle service/repair shop 0 0 4 0.3 3 4 5 13 13 4 24 17 13 26 22 28 38

45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 0 0 2 0.1 1 2 2 6 6 2 10 7 6 11 10 12 16

46 Other service 0 0 7 0.5 6 7 9 24 24 7 43 30 24 48 40 52 69

47 Strip shopping mall 0 0 7 0.5 6 7 9 26 26 7 50 34 28 58 47 65 93

48 Enclosed mall 0 0 7 0.5 5 7 8 25 25 7 48 32 27 55 45 62 89

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 0 0 5 0.4 4 5 6 20 19 6 38 25 19 44 35 49 69

50 Single-family (detached) 0 0 4 0.3 3 4 5 15 14 4 28 18 14 32 26 37 51

51 Single-family (attached) 0 0 4 0.3 3 4 5 17 16 5 32 21 16 37 30 42 59

52 Apartment building (2 to 4 units) 0 0 6 0.5 5 6 8 25 24 7 47 31 24 55 44 62 87

53 Apartment building (5+ units) 0 0 4 0.3 3 4 5 17 16 5 32 21 16 37 30 42 59

1. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

24 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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Table 7-2d Building Activity Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use Targets (FEUIt1) (SI Units)

Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 0 0 56 4 47 55 64 191 187 51 336 228 174 375 301 405 568

2 Bank/other financial 0 0 80 6 66 79 91 271 265 73 476 324 250 532 427 575 805

3 Government office 0 0 70 5 58 69 80 238 233 64 419 284 218 468 376 505 708

4 Medical office (nondiagnostic) 0 0 48 4 40 47 54 162 159 44 286 194 147 319 256 345 483

5 Mixed-use office 0 0 65 5 54 64 74 221 216 59 388 264 201 434 348 468 656

6 Other office 0 0 54 4 45 54 62 184 180 50 324 220 169 362 291 391 548

7 Laboratory 0 0 244 18 210 236 305 811 819 227 1455 1021 807 1623 1346 1744 2317

8 Distribution/ship center 0 0 24 2 15 25 28 113 107 28 247 163 107 344 257 420 789

9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 0 0 11 1 7 12 13 55 52 13 120 79 53 166 124 203 382

10 Convenience store 0 0 194 15 181 198 271 694 708 200 1243 882 744 1355 1140 1459 1841

11 Convenience store + gas 0 0 156 12 146 160 218 559 570 161 1001 711 602 1091 919 1176 1484

12 Grocery/food market 0 0 161 13 151 165 226 578 590 166 1036 735 620 1129 950 1216 1534

13 Other food sales 0 0 49 4 46 50 68 175 178 50 314 223 187 342 288 368 465

14 Fire/police station 0 0 90 6 77 87 112 299 301 84 536 376 299 598 496 642 853

15 Other public order/safety 0 0 82 6 70 79 102 272 275 76 488 342 272 545 452 585 778

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 0 0 46 3 43 46 51 133 144 36 212 162 125 218 192 215 245

17 Clinic/other outpatient health 0 0 70 5 64 69 77 199 216 54 318 243 187 327 288 322 367

18 Refrigerated warehouse 0 0 94 7 81 91 118 314 317 88 564 395 312 629 522 676 898

19 Religious worship 0 0 32 2 28 31 40 107 108 30 191 134 107 213 177 229 304

20 Entertainment/culture 0 0 32 2 27 31 40 106 107 30 190 133 107 211 175 227 302

21 Library 0 0 84 6 72 81 105 279 282 78 500 351 276 558 463 600 797

22 Recreation 0 0 36 3 31 35 45 120 121 34 216 151 120 241 200 259 344

23 Social/meeting 0 0 38 3 32 36 47 125 127 35 225 158 125 251 208 270 358

24 Other public assembly 0 0 39 3 33 37 48 128 130 36 231 162 129 257 213 276 367

25 College/university 0 0 86 6 64 83 97 301 284 82 544 356 290 633 495 694 1028

26 Elementary/middle school 0 0 51 4 43 50 61 171 169 46 294 201 156 324 261 343 504

27 High school 0 0 63 5 47 61 70 220 207 60 397 260 209 462 361 506 750

28 Preschool/daycare 0 0 66 5 56 64 79 220 218 59 379 259 205 417 336 442 650

29 Other classroom education 0 0 35 3 26 34 39 123 116 34 222 145 120 259 202 283 420

30 Fast food 0 0 375 28 339 380 484 1279 1323 361 2309 1643 1315 2546 2124 2751 3480

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 0 0 201 15 180 204 262 694 716 198 1249 887 740 1368 1151 1491 1876

32 Other food service 0 0 110 8 98 111 143 379 391 108 683 485 406 748 629 815 1026

33 Hospital/inpatient health 0 0 200 14 191 198 250 600 608 172 968 689 602 996 832 1005 1160

34 Nursing home/ 0 0 115 8 99 111 144 383 386 107 687 482 379 766 635 823 1093
assisted living

35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 0 0 60 5 45 62 77 242 228 69 456 301 232 525 422 597 833

36 Hotel 0 0 69 5 67 70 92 229 245 66 400 299 236 428 375 453 525
1. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 25

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-2d Building Activity Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use Targets (FEUIt1) (SI Units) (Continued)

Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

37 Motel or inn 0 0 75 5 68 72 89 216 235 61 368 275 218 391 334 401 480

38 Other lodging 0 0 71 5 65 69 85 207 225 58 351 263 209 373 319 383 459

39 Vehicle dealership 0 0 70 5 54 68 81 249 245 66 471 318 259 546 440 607 871

40 Retail store 0 0 40 3 31 39 46 143 140 38 269 182 147 313 252 347 498

41 Other retail 0 0 70 5 53 68 81 249 244 66 469 317 254 544 439 605 868

42 Post office/postal center 0 0 58 4 50 56 73 194 196 54 349 244 192 389 322 418 555

43 Repair shop 0 0 39 3 33 38 49 129 131 36 232 163 129 259 215 278 370

44 Vehicle service/repair shop 0 0 45 3 39 44 56 150 152 42 269 189 147 300 249 323 429

45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 0 0 20 1 17 19 24 65 66 18 117 82 67 130 108 140 186

46 Other service 0 0 82 6 71 80 103 274 277 77 492 345 272 549 455 590 784

47 Strip shopping mall 0 0 82 6 65 81 98 299 292 81 570 383 316 661 534 740 1058

48 Enclosed mall 0 0 78 6 62 77 93 285 278 77 543 365 303 629 509 704 1007

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 0 0 57 4 42 58 72 227 215 65 429 283 218 494 397 561 784

50 Single-family (detached) 0 0 42 3 31 43 54 169 159 48 318 210 160 367 295 417 582

51 Single-family (attached) 0 0 49 4 36 50 62 194 183 55 366 242 187 422 340 480 670

52 Apartment building 0 0 71 6 53 73 91 285 269 81 538 355 272 620 498 704 983
(2 to 4 units)

53 Apartment building 0 0 48 4 36 50 62 194 183 55 366 241 187 422 339 479 669
(5+ units)
1. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

26 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 7-3 Building Operating Shifts Normalization Factor

Weekly Hours Weekly Hours

50 or 51 to 50 or 51 to
No. Building Activity/Type Less 167 168 No. Building Activity/Type Less 167 168
1 Admin/professional office 1.0 1.0 1.4 29 Other classroom education 0.8 1.3 1.3
2 Bank/other financial 1.0 1.0 1.4 30 Fast food 0.4 1.1 2.1
3 Government office 1.0 1.0 1.4 31 Restaurant/cafeteria 0.4 1.1 2.1
4 Medical office (nondiagnostic) 1.0 1.0 1.4 32 Other food service 0.4 1.1 2.1
5 Mixed-use office 1.0 1.0 1.4 33 Hospital/inpatient health 1.0 1.0 1.0
6 Other office 1.0 1.0 1.4 34 Nursing home/assisted living 1.0 1.0 1.0
7 Laboratory 1.0 1.0 1.0 35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 1.0 1.0 1.0
8 Distribution/ship center 0.7 1.4 2.1 36 Hotel 1.0 1.0 1.0
9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 0.7 1.4 2.1 37 Motel or inn 1.0 1.0 1.0
10 Convenience store 1.0 1.0 1.4 38 Other lodging 1.0 1.0 1.0
11 Convenience store and gas 1.0 1.0 1.4 39 Vehicle dealership/showroom 0.8 1.2 1.8
12 Grocery/food market 1.0 1.0 1.4 40 Retail store 0.8 1.2 1.8
13 Other food sales 1.0 1.0 1.4 41 Other retail 0.8 1.2 1.8
14 Fire/police station 0.8 0.8 1.1 42 Post office/postal center 0.7 1.5 1.5
15 Other public order/safety 0.8 0.8 1.1 43 Repair shop 0.7 1.5 1.5
16 Medical office (diagnostic) 1.0 1.0 1.5 44 Vehicle service/repair shop 0.7 1.5 1.5
17 Clinic/other outpatient health 1.0 1.0 1.5 45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 0.7 1.5 1.5
18 Refrigerated warehouse 1.0 1.0 1.0 46 Other service 0.7 1.5 1.5
19 Religious worship 0.9 1.7 1.7 47 Strip shopping mall 1.0 1.0 1.0
20 Entertainment/culture 0.8 1.5 1.5 48 Enclosed mall 1.0 1.0 1.0
21 Library 0.8 1.5 1.5 Weekly Hours
22 Recreation 0.8 1.5 1.5 Residential Building 50 or 51 to
No. Activity/Type Less 167 168
23 Social/meeting 0.8 1.5 1.5 49 Mobile home 1.0 1.0 1.0

24 Other public assembly 0.8 1.5 1.5 50 Single-family detached 1.0 1.0 1.0

25 College/university 0.8 1.3 1.3 51 Single-family detached 1.0 1.0 1.0

26 Elementary/middle school 0.8 1.3 1.3 52 Apartment building 1.0 1.0 1.0
(2 to 4 units)
27 High school 0.8 1.3 1.3 53 Apartment building 1.0 1.0 1.0
(5+ units)
28 Preschool/daycare 0.8 1.3 1.3

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 27

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8. ENERGY AUDIT REQUIREMENTS 8.3.2 Buildings that Do not Meet Their Energy Targets
8.1 The qualified energy auditor shall complete Forms D Overall Process. An energy audit shall be conducted, and an
and/or E and submit to the authority having jurisdiction associated energy audit report shall be provided, for all build-
(AHJ). If an energy audit is required within this section, a ings that do not meet their energy target. The energy audit
copy of the audit summary results shall be included in the shall be completed by a qualified energy auditor practicing
compliance documentation. Compliance with this standard within their field of competency. The energy audit shall be at
shall be achieved by adopting energy efficiency measures an audit level specified by the qualified energy auditor to be
(EEMs) that collectively will reduce annual building energy sufficient to identify and evaluate the EEMs that, if imple-
use. Fuel switching shall not be permitted for this purpose mented, would result in the building meeting its energy tar-
unless the fuel switching saves annual energy costs. get. The qualified energy auditor may refer to the list of
potential EEMs in Informative Annex E.
8.2 Energy Audit Requirements for Buildings After the completion of the audit and the selection of
without Energy Targets EEMs to be implemented, the applicant must calculate an
8.2.1 Overall Process. An energy audit shall be conducted adjusted energy-use intensity (EUI) for the building based on
for all buildings not having an energy target. The energy audit the estimated energy savings from the selected EEMs and the
and the associated energy audit report shall be completed by a historical energy use of the building. This adjusted EUI is
qualified energy auditor practicing within their field of com- then compared to the energy target for the building. If the
petency. The energy audit shall be a Level 2 audit (as defined adjusted EUI is less than the energy target, the applicant shall
in Section 8.4.2). For a building having a gross floor area proceed with implementation (see Section 9). If the adjusted
10,000 ft2 (1000 m2) or less, either a Level 1 audit (as defined EUI is greater than the energy target, a more rigorous energy
in Section 8.4.1) or a Level 2 audit (as defined in Section audit investigation is required to identify additional EEMs.
8.4.2) shall be conducted. This process is repeated until the building’s adjusted EUI is
Exception to 8.2.1: Buildings that have completed an less than its energy target.
energy audit within the previous three years may use Calculation of the adjusted EUI is shown in the following
the results of the previous audit, provided that the scope equation:
of the energy audit meets the requirements of this sec-
EUIadj = (Energyhist – Energysaved)/GFA
tion and that there have been minimal changes to the
systems within the audit scope. where
8.2.2 The scope of the energy audit shall include the fol- Energyhist = historical annual energy use,
lowing required end uses as applicable to the building: kBtu (MJ)
• Envelope Energysaved = estimated annual energy savings,
• Lighting kBtu (MJ)
• Cooling GFA = gross floor area, ft2 (m2)
• Heating Following the completion of an energy audit that has
• Ventilation and exhaust systems identified EEMs sufficient to meet the building’s energy tar-
• Air distribution systems get, the applicant shall implement those EEMs per the
• Heating, chilled, condenser, and domestic water systems requirements of Section 9.
• Refrigeration except for food processing refrigeration Exception to 8.3.2: Buildings that have completed an
energy audit within the previous three years may use
• Power generation equipment the previous energy audit to identify EEMs for imple-
• Uninterruptible power supplies and power distribution mentation, provided that the scope of the energy audit
units meets the requirements of this section and there have
• People-moving systems been minimal changes to the systems within the audit
scope. In this case, the same comparison of adjusted
8.2.3 The following end uses are not included in this stan-
EUI to energy target shall be made by the applicant. If
the EEMs identified in the audit are still applicable,
• Industrial processes have not been implemented, and if implemented would
• Agricultural processes result in the building meeting its energy target, these
measures shall be implemented by the facility, and the
• Irrigation
project shall follow the procedures in Section 9. If the
8.2.4 Following the completion of the energy audit, the identified EEMs do not result in an adjusted EUI less
building owner will select and implement EEMs per the than the energy target, a new energy audit shall be con-
requirements of Section 9. ducted as described Section 8.3.2.
8.3 Energy Audit Requirements for 8.4 Energy Audit Levels. This section outlines the require-
Buildings with Energy Targets ments for Level 1 and Level 2 energy audits for buildings.
8.3.1 Buildings that Meet Their Energy Targets. Build- 8.4.1 Level 1 Audit. Buildings shall perform a Level 1 audit
ings that meet their Energy targets under Section 7 are not (walk-through analysis) as defined in ASHRAE’s Procedures
required to perform an energy audit. for Commercial Building Energy Audits, 2nd Edition 5.

28 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

8.4.2 Level 2 Audit. Buildings shall perform a Level 2 d. EEM simple payback
Audit (energy survey and engineering analysis) as defined in e. EEM measure life
ASHRAE’s Procedures for Commercial Building Energy
Audits, 2nd Edition 5. U.S. Federal Facilities. Federal facilities shall
follow the National Institute of Standards and Technology
8.5 Energy Audit Report. This section prescribes the over-
(NIST) Building Life-Cycle Cost (BLCC) Program.
all approaches and methods to be used in the energy audit
report for audits completed under Sections 8.4.1 or 8.4.2. 8.5.5 End-Use Analysis. The energy audit shall include an
8.5.1 Audit Results. The energy audit report shall define end-use analysis that compares the estimated energy use of
the actions necessary for the building owner to achieve the the facility after implementation of all selected EEMs to his-
energy and cost savings that are recommended in the report. torical utility consumption. The intent of this requirement is
to ensure that estimates of the base-case end-use energy esti-
Energy audit results shall be presented in a summary
mates and potential energy-savings estimates in the energy
table that includes, at a minimum, an estimate of each of the
audit report are reasonable.
following: Requirements for Level 1 Audits. The analysis
• A list of recommended EEMs that, if implemented, will shall demonstrate that the sum of base-case end-use energy
either meet the energy target for the building if it has a estimates total no more than the historical energy consump-
target or, if it does not have an energy target, will meet tion for the end use at the site. This shall be done by complet-
the economic criteria set by the standard in Section 9. ing the following:
• The estimated energy savings and peak demand savings
associated with each recommended EEM, expressed in a. The historic energy use shall be apportioned into each of
the cost units used on the building owner’s energy bills, the end uses, such as HVAC, lighting, domestic hot-water,
and the units used for comparison with the energy target. and plug loads.
• The estimated (modeled) energy cost savings associated b. The qualified energy auditor shall verify that each EEM
with each recommended EEM. savings estimate is reasonable in comparison to the energy
consumption of that end use based on energy consumption
• The estimated cost of implementation for each recom-
survey data or experience with similar sites.
mended EEM. The costs of implementation shall include
the required monitoring of energy savings per the End-use analysis shall be conducted for all fuel types at
requirements of Section 9. the site, such as electricity, natural gas, or fuel oil, for which
• The simple payback or return on investment (ROI) for EEMs are identified.
each recommended EEM or bundle of EEMs. Informative Note: For example, if the audit identifies
• The simple payback of the optimized bundle of EEMs lighting retrofit opportunities, the energy auditor shall com-
that will achieve the energy target for buildings with pare the identified energy savings for those opportunities with
energy targets or meet the financial criteria set out in the the base-case energy use of the facility and demonstrate that
standard for buildings that do not have energy targets. they make up a reasonable fraction of the historical electricity
consumption at the site. (See Form D in Normative Annex C.)
When considering multiple EEMs with interactive effects,
the order of analysis shall start with load reduction measures Requirements for Level 2 Audits. The energy
and proceed through distribution systems and associated auditor is required to estimate the energy use of all end uses
equipment efficiencies and then plant and heat-rejection sys- that individually comprise more than 5% of total historical
tems. Any interactive effects on equipment sizing and part- building energy use. The energy estimates for these end uses
load performance of equipment shall be accounted for due to shall be summed and compared to historical energy consump-
reduced loads on subsequent systems. tion for the facility. The sum of the base-case end-use energy
8.5.2 Interactive Effects. Energy savings analysis shall estimates must be between 90% and 100% of the historical
include interactive effects of all selected EEMs. energy use at the site.
8.5.3 Optimized Bundling. The EEMs recommended in This comparison shall be conducted separately for each
the energy audit report shall consist of an optimized bundle of fuel type, such as electricity, natural gas, or fuel oil, for which
EEMs. EEMs are identified. On-site energy sources such as solar,
photovoltaic, geothermal, and wind shall be included.
8.5.4 Financial Analysis. Financial analysis shall be made
using current utility rate charges for the site. For customers Correction for historical weather for the base year versus
who are charged based on time-of-use or peak demand (kW), average weather used in baseline estimates may be used.
cost analysis of those EEMs shall include appropriate treat- The same energy-use estimates that comprise the end-use
ment of the costs savings associated with the measures and analysis shall also be used as the basis for energy savings cal-
reflect peak demand or time-of-use cost savings. culations. The qualified energy auditor shall verify that each Nonfederal Facilities. The minimum financial EEM savings estimate is reasonable in comparison to the his-
criteria required for reporting include the following: torical energy consumption of that end use based on energy
consumption survey data or experience with similar sites.
a. EEM implementation cost The qualified energy auditor shall verify that the com-
b. Energy cost savings based on current utility rates bined savings from multiple EEMs shall take into account
c. Maintenance and operation cost savings (or penalties) interactive effects among measures.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 29

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Miscellaneous plug loads may be estimated on average staff shall be trained, at a minimum, as established by the oper-
equipment power density and building area. (See Form E in ations and maintenance (O&M) program defined in Section 6.
Normative Annex C.) Exception: Buildings 5000 ft2 (465 m2) and less.
8.5.6 Baseline. The baseline for energy- and cost-savings Multiple Buildings. For campuses having multi-
estimates shall be taken to be the condition of the existing ple buildings connected through one billing meter, a multiple-
building at the time of the initial comparison with the build- building plan shall be implemented to coordinate EEM imple-
ing’s energy target or at the time of the initial required audit. mentation among the buildings and measurement of the EUI
The energy-savings estimates shall be calculated as the differ- of the campus.
ence between the energy use of proposed systems and the Implementation and Commissioning of EEMs.
baseline energy-use estimates of those systems.
EEMs shall be implemented and commissioned. The qualified
9. IMPLEMENTATION AND energy auditor or qualified person shall review the commis-
VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS sioning report and certify that the EEMs are functioning as
9.1 Developing and Implementing an Informative Note: For guidance on commissioning pro-
Energy Management Plan tocols, refer to ASHRAE Guideline 0, The Commissioning
9.1.1 Requirements. Buildings that have an energy target Process, and ASHRAE Guideline 1.1, HVAC&R Technical
shall comply with the requirements of Section Build- Requirements for the Commissioning Process.
ings that do not have an energy target shall comply with the Energy Efficiency Priorities. Implementation of
requirements of Section All buildings larger than EEMs shall be prioritized to take advantage of the life cycle
5000 ft2 (465 m2) shall implement an energy management of building systems and to minimize the disruption of build-
plan as described in Section 5. The energy management plan ing occupants.
shall be integrated into the building’s capital management
plan as described in Section 5. The energy management plan 9.2 Verification of Implemented EEMs
shall include the elements listed in Section 5. 9.2.1 Verification of Implemented EEMs for Buildings Buildings with Energy Targets. For buildings with Energy Targets. Upon implementation of EEMs, the
having energy targets, energy efficiency measures (EEMs) building’s EUI shall be monitored until one full year’s data
identified from the energy audit shall be implemented in order demonstrate that energy targets have been met.
to meet the building’s energy target. Develop a written plan for 9.2.2 Verification of Implemented EEMs for Buildings
maintaining the building’s energy-use intensity (EUI) at or without Energy Targets. Upon implementation of EEMs, the
below the energy target. affected end-use systems shall be monitored for one year to Buildings without Energy Targets. Buildings verify EEM energy savings. The qualified energy auditor or
that do not have an energy target shall implement the EEMs qualified person shall review the results of the EEM energy
identified from the energy audit within four years from the monitoring and certify that the energy savings of the package
application of compliance. of EEMs meets or exceeds 75% of the energy savings pro-
jected in the energy audit as required. For nonfederal buildings, the optimized bun-
dle of EEMs shall use all EEMs with a combined simple pay- 9.3 Compliance. The qualified person shall complete the
back less than or equal to five years. compliance documentation as required in Section 4.
Exceptions to
1. A life-cycle approach may be used with the opti- DWELLING UNITS
mized bundle consisting of EEMs with an inter-
nal rate of return (IRR) greater than or equal to 10.1 Compliance Requirements
20% using BLCC5 with the current BLCC5 10.1.1 This section applies to individual dwelling and
defaults. BLCC5 is a free market tool and can be housing units that are covered under the Residential Energy
found online. Consumption Survey (RECS) administered by the EIA and
2. EEMs that have simple payback greater than the are identified by activities number 49 through 52 in Table 7-1.
effective useful life of the equipment shall be 10.1.2 This section includes the following.
excluded from the optimized bundle. Attached/detached single-family houses. Federal buildings shall follow the National Manufactured and modular housing units and
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Building Life- mobile homes.
Cycle Cost (BLCC) Program, and the optimized bundle of Individual dwelling units, such as apartments or
EEMs shall use all EEMs with a savings to investment ratio condominiums, within multifamily housing buildings (when
(SIR) to meet federal requirements. addressed separately from common areas), provided that all
9.1.2 Implementing the Energy Management Plan. The energy used in a dwelling unit is metered separately for that
sequence in which measures are implemented shall be evalu- dwelling unit.
ated so that EEMs take into account the impact of previously 10.1.3 All other residential buildings, including multifam-
implemented EEMs. ily housing unit common areas as well as those units without Training of Building Staff. An ongoing written separate dwelling unit metering, are covered by the commer-
training plan shall be implemented. Building occupants and cial sections of this standard in Sections 4 and 7 as building

30 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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type 53. Barracks and dormitories are covered in Sections 4 Table 10-1 Building Types Derived from RECS
and 7 as building type 35.
No. Residential Building Type
10.1.4 All residential dwelling units seeking compliance
shall meet the energy targets according to the requirements 49 Mobile home
under Section 10.4. 50 Single-family detached
10.1.5 A multifamily residential building or an individual 51 Single-family attached
dwelling unit can be granted conditional compliance for up to
52 Apartment building (2 to 4 units)
15 months following completion of Sections 10.2, 10.3, 10.4,
10.5, and 10.6. Within 15 months, the building or dwelling 53 Apartment building (5+ units)
unit is reevaluated for its energy-use intensity (EUI), and the
conditional compliance either becomes full compliance or is equipment shall meet the applicable building code or
revoked and the building does not comply with the standard. ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 2 requirements.
10.1.6 A flowchart showing the compliance process is pro- Lighting Replacement
vided in Informative Annex F. When lighting equipment is replaced, the
10.1.7 The timeline for compliance is shown in Informative
replacement equipment shall meet the most stringent energy
Annex B.
efficiency requirements in both the federal equipment stan-
10.1.8 Compliance forms for reporting compliance to the dards and in the applicable building code.
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) are found in Normative
Annex C. The replacement of any lighting equipment
shall not increase the existing installed lighting power unless the
10.2 Energy-Use Intensity current light levels do not meet the IES Lighting Handbook 4
10.2.1 Compliance with this section requires the reporting recommendations.
of annual EUI for a building or individual dwelling unit. The
10.3.4 Report Building Characteristics. The following
building or dwelling unit owner shall report the EUI and
basic characteristics shall be reported on Form B in Norma-
energy target on Form A in Normative Annex C.
tive Annex C.
10.2.2 Collect building energy-use data and report this infor-
mation using Form B in Normative Annex C. Annual net energy A building identifier (optional) and building
use is building energy-use data for 12 consecutive months address, including city, state, country, and mail and postal code.
within the last 18 months. Refer to Section 5.2 for details of the The ASHRAE climate zone as found on the map
collection and recording of building energy-use data. in Informative Annex G.
Residential buildings’ EUI shall be calculated as follows: The start and end dates of the 12 month data
EUI = annual net energy use, measurement period.
MJ/gross floor area for residential buildings, m2 (SI) The gross floor area of the building in square
EUI = annual net energy use, feet (square metres) as defined in Section 3.
Btu/gross floor area for residential buildings, ft2 (I-P) The number of conditioned floors, with subtotals
10.3 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of above-grade and below-grade floors.
10.3.1 Operations and Maintenance Program. The build- Building type, which relates to the occupancy
ing systems shall be operated and maintained in order to carried out in the building.
ensure that the building or dwelling unit and its energy-using
systems achieve their intended energy efficiency throughout Select building types from among the types of
their service life. residential buildings listed in Table 10-1. When applied to this standard, Sections 4, 5, and 10.3.5 The EUI and energy target shall be reported on
6 of ANSI/ACCA Standard 46 shall apply to all building sys- Form C in Normative Annex C. Compliance with this stan-
tems. References to Section 7 and Appendix A of ACCA dard requires that the building annual net energy consumption
Standard 4 shall not apply. be less than or equal to the intensity value for the building All O&M activities shall conform to the manu- types and building climate zone as calculated per Section 7.2.
facturers’ requirements. Exception to 10.3.5: The AHJ may adopt alternate energy
10.3.2 The O&M requirements shall be reevaluated when targets, such as those in Normative Annex A, as
building use changes or other changes are made that affect the desired.
building’s operations.
Informative Note: Energy targets listed in Table 10-2a and
10.3.3 Equipment and Component Replacement 10-2b were derived from RECS 2005 data and represent the When HVAC, domestic hot-water heating, and 25th bottom (low energy) percentile of energy use by each
refrigeration equipment and appliances are replaced, the building category. The median numbers for each building cate-
replacement equipment shall meet the most stringent energy gory from RECS data representing all buildings in the building
efficiency requirements in the federal equipment standards, type across all climatic conditions were extrapolated to 17
the applicable building code, or ASHRAE Standard 90.2 3. USDOE climate zones using multipliers generated through
Exception to For multiunit residential build- simulation of representative building for each group of building
ings that are higher than three stories, replacement categories. Refer to Informative Annex J for more information.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 31

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table 10-2a Building Activity Site Energy Targets, kBtu/ft2·yr (I-P Units)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile/manufactured home 38 40 40 45 30 41 38 54 45 51 62 52 49 71 62 80 112

50 Single-family detached 28 30 30 33 22 30 28 40 34 38 46 38 36 52 46 60 83

51 Single-family attached 32 34 34 38 25 35 32 46 39 43 53 44 42 60 53 69 96

52 Apartment (in 2 to 4 unit building) 47 50 50 56 37 51 47 68 57 64 77 65 61 89 78 101 140

53 Apartment (in 5+ unit building) 32 34 34 38 25 35 32 46 39 43 53 44 42 60 53 68 96

a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

Table 10-2a Building Activity Site Energy Targets, MJ/m2·yr (SI Units)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile/manufactured home 430 454 452 506 336 464 429 617 516 577 699 589 553 801 708 911 1272

50 Single-family detached 319 337 335 376 250 344 318 458 383 428 519 437 410 595 526 676 944

51 Single-family attached 367 388 386 432 287 396 366 527 441 493 598 503 472 685 605 778 1087

52 Apartment (in 2 to 4 unit building) 539 570 567 635 422 582 538 774 647 723 877 739 693 1006 888 1142 1595

53 Apartment (in 5+ unit building) 367 388 385 432 287 396 366 526 440 492 597 503 472 684 604 777 1085
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

Table 10-2b Building Activity Source Energy Targets, kBtu/ft2·yr (I-P Units)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile/manufactured home 119 126 115 139 86 118 106 130 104 148 116 112 115 133 124 151 210

50 Single-family detached 89 94 85 104 64 88 79 96 77 110 86 83 84 98 92 112 156

51 Single-family attached 102 108 98 119 73 101 90 111 89 127 99 96 98 113 106 129 180

52 Apartment (in 2 to 4 unit building) 150 158 144 175 107 148 133 163 131 186 146 141 143 166 156 189 264

53 Apartment (in 5+ unit building) 102 108 98 119 73 101 90 111 89 126 99 96 98 113 106 129 180
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

Table 10-2b Building Activity Source Energy Targets, MJ/m2·yr (SI Units)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile/manufactured home 1354 1431 1305 1584 971 1340 1201 1474 1182 1683 1319 1272 1303 1506 1411 1711 2389

50 Single-family detached 1005 1062 969 1176 721 995 892 1095 878 1249 979 944 957 1118 1047 1270 1774

51 Single-family attached 1157 1223 1115 1354 830 1145 1027 1260 1011 1438 1127 1087 1117 1287 1206 1462 2042

52 Apartment 1698 1796 1638 1987 1219 1681 1507 1850 1484 2111 1655 1596 1622 1889 1770 2147 2998
(in 2 to 4 unit building)

53 Apartment 1155 1221 1114 1351 829 1143 1025 1258 1009 1436 1125 1085 1117 1285 1204 1460 2039
(in 5+ unit building)
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

32 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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10.3.6 Comparing Performance. Compare building EUI An online home energy audit using the
using the data from Form C with the energy targets listed in Department of Energy’s Home Energy Saver Pro website.
Table 10-2a or Table 10-2b for single-use buildings An in-home energy survey audit per Resi-
10.3.7 If the building EUI meets the energy target, com- dential Energy Services Network (RESNET) National Stan-
plete the compliance forms for buildings with energy targets dard for Home Energy Audits.
(Section 4). Level 2 Audit. Residential buildings shall per-
10.3.8 If the building EUI exceeds the energy target, the form a home energy audit comparable to the level of effort
operational settings shall be reviewed and the building shall defined by either of the following.
undergo an energy audit as described in Section 10.4. The Comprehensive home energy audit according
building will then need to be retrofitted and energy efficiency to the RESNET National Standard for Home Energy Audits.
measures (EEMs) implemented to improve energy perfor-
mance in order to be in compliance with this standard. Building Performance Institutes Home
Energy Auditing Standard (BPI-1100-T-2012).
10.4 Energy Audit Requirements
10.4.6 Building Audit Report. This section prescribes the
10.4.1 Buildings that Meet Energy Targets. Buildings overall approaches and methods to be used in the energy audit
that meet their energy targets under Section 10 are not report for audits completed under Section or
required to perform an energy audit. Audit Results
10.4.2 Buildings that Do Not Meet Their Energy Tar- The energy audit report shall define the
gets. A Level 1 or Level 2 energy audit shall be conducted for
actions necessary for the building owner to achieve the energy
all buildings that do not meet their energy target. The energy
and cost savings that are recommended.
audit shall be completed by the building owner or qualified
person and be at an audit level sufficient to identify and eval- Energy audit results shall be presented in a
uate the EEMs that, if implemented, would result in the build- summary table that includes, at a minimum, an estimate of
ing meeting its energy target. The building owner or qualified each of the following:
person may refer to the list of EEMs in Informative Annex D. a. A list of recommended operational setting adjustments
Exception to 10.4.2: Buildings that have completed an and EEMs that, if implemented, shall meet the energy tar-
energy audit within the previous three years may use the get for the building.
previous energy audit to identify EEMs for implementa- b. The energy savings associated with each recommended
tion. After the completion of the audit and the selection of EEM expressed in the cost units used on the building
EEMs to be implemented, the applicant must calculate an owner’s energy bills, and the units used for comparison
adjusted EUI for the building based on the estimated with the energy target.
energy savings from the selected EEMs and the historical The estimated (or modeled) utility cost sav-
energy use of the building. This adjusted EUI is then
ings associated with each recommended EEM.
compared to the energy target for the building. If the
adjusted EUI is less than the energy target, the applicant The estimated cost of implementation for
shall proceed with implementation (see Section 10.5). each recommended EEM. The costs of implementation shall
10.4.3 If the adjusted EUI is greater than the energy target, include the required monitoring of energy savings per the
a more rigorous energy audit is required to identify additional requirements of Section 10.6.
EEMs. This process is repeated until the adjusted EUI is less The simple payback for each recommended
than the energy target. EEM or bundle of EEMs.
10.4.4 Calculation of the adjusted EUI is shown in the Measure Order. When considering multiple
equation below: EEMs with interactive effects, the order of analysis shall start
with load reduction measures and proceed through distribu-
EUIadj = (Energyhist – Energysaved)/GFA tion systems and then plant and heat-rejection systems.
where Financial Analysis. Financial analysis shall be
made using current utility rate charges for the site. For cus-
Energyhist = historical annual energy use, kBtu (MJ) tomers who are charged based on time-of-use or peak demand
Energysaved = annual energy savings, kBtu (MJ) (kW), cost analysis of those EEMs shall include appropriate
GFA = gross floor area for residential buildings, treatment of the costs savings associated with the measures
ft2 (m2) and reflect peak demand or time-of-use cost savings, if appli-
Following the completion of an energy audit that has The minimum financial criteria required for
identified EEMs sufficient to meet the building’s energy tar-
reporting include the following:
get, the applicant shall implement those EEMs per the
requirements of Section 10.5. a. EEM implementation cost
10.4.5 Energy Audit Levels. This section outlines the b. Energy cost savings based on current utility rates
requirements for Level 1 and Level 2 energy audits. c. O&M cost savings (or penalties) Level 1 Audit. Residential buildings shall com- d. EEM simple payback
plete either of the following. e. EEM measure life

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 33

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

10.4.7 End-Use Analysis. The energy audit shall include between the energy use of proposed systems and the baseline
an end-use analysis that compares the estimated energy use energy-use estimates of those systems.
of the building or individual dwelling unit after implementa- 10.5 Implementation and Verification Requirements
tion of all selected EEMs to historical utility consumption.
10.5.1 Implementation
The intent of this requirement is to ensure that estimates of
the base-case end-use energy estimates and potential energy- Requirements. Buildings shall comply with the
savings estimates in the energy audit report are reasonable. requirements of Sections and and shall
include, at a minimum, the following. Level 1 Requirements. The analysis shall An O&M program as defined in Section 10.3.
demonstrate that the sum of base-case end-use energy esti-
mates total no more than the historical energy consumption Implementation plan for EEMs.
for the end use at the site. This shall be done by completing EEMs identified from the energy audit shall be
the following. implemented in order to meet the building’s energy target. The historic energy use shall be apportioned Develop a written plan for maintaining the building’s EUI at
into each of the end uses, such as HVAC, lighting, domestic or below the energy target.
hot water, and plug loads. Monitoring of EUI, including all implemented
The building owner or qualified person shall verify that EEMs.
each EEM savings estimate is reasonable as compared to the 10.6 Monitoring. Upon implementation of EEMs, the build-
energy consumption of that end use based on energy con- ing’s EUI shall be monitored until 12 consecutive months of
sumption survey data or experience with similar sites. energy-use data demonstrate that the energy target has been End-use analysis shall be conducted for all met and Form A is submitted to the AHJ.
fuel types at the site, such as electricity, natural gas, or fuel 10.6.1 If the building’s postimplementation measured EUI
oil, for which EEMs are identified. is less than or equal to the energy target, the building com-
Informative Note: For example, if the audit identifies plies with the standard.
lighting retrofit opportunities, the building owner or qualified 10.6.2 If the building’s postimplementation measured EUI
person shall compare the identified energy savings for those is greater than the energy target, the building does not comply
opportunities with the base-case energy use of the facility and with the standard and the conditional compliance is sus-
demonstrate that they make up a reasonable fraction of the pended until either
historical electricity consumption at the site. a. additional EEMs are implemented that reduce the subse- Level 2 Requirements. If a Level 2 audit is nec- quently measured EUI to below the energy target or
essary, the building owner or qualified person shall estimate b. the AHJ revokes conditional compliance.
the energy use of all end uses that individually comprise more
than 5% of total historical building energy use. The energy 11. REFERENCES
estimates for these end uses shall be summed and compared 1. ASHRAE. 2010. Performance Measurement Protocols
to historical energy consumption for the facility. The sum of for Commercial Buildings. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
the base-case end-use energy estimates must be between 90% 2. ASHAE. 2013. ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1,
and 100% of the historical energy use at the site. Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise This comparison shall be conducted separately Residential Buildings. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
for each fuel type, such as electricity, natural gas, or fuel oil, 3. ASHRAE. 2007. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2,
for which EEMs are identified. On-site energy sources such as Energy-Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential
solar, photovoltaic, geothermal, and wind, shall be included. Buildings. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
4. IES. 2011. Lighting Handbook, 10th Edition. New York: The same energy-use estimates that comprise the Illuminating Engineering Society.
end-use analysis shall also be used as the basis for energy- 5. ASHRAE. 2011. Procedures for Commercial Building
savings calculations. The building owner or qualified person Energy Audits, 2nd Edition. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
shall verify that each EEM savings estimate is reasonable as 6. ACCA. 2007. ANSI/ACCA Standard 4, Maintenance of
compared to the historical energy consumption of that end use Residential HVAC Systems. Arlington, VA: Air Con-
based on energy consumption survey data or experience with ditioning Contractors of America.
similar sites. 7. AHRI. 2009. AHRI Guideline X, Induced Draft Furnace The building owner or qualified person shall Heat Exchanger Inspection. Arlington, VA: Air
verify that the combined savings from multiple EEMs shall Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute.
take into account interactive effects among measures. 8. ASHRAE. 2013. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55, Thermal
Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy. Miscellaneous plug loads may be estimated on Atlanta: ASHRAE.
average equipment power density and building area. 9. ASHRAE. 2013. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1, Venti- Baseline. The baseline for energy- and cost-sav- lation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. Atlanta:
ings estimates shall be taken to be the condition of the existing ASHRAE.
building at the time of the initial comparison with the building’s 10. IEA. 2009. IEA ECBCS Annex 46: Energy Process
energy target or at the time of the initial required audit. The Assessment Protocol. International Energy Agency,
energy-savings estimates shall be calculated as the difference Paris, France.

34 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This is a normative annex and is part of this standard.) stock (a Canadian building sample was not available at the
time of table development.) Refer to Informative Annex J for
NORMATIVE ANNEX A further information on derivation of energy use targets.
A1.1 Alternative Source Energy Use Intensity Target Cal-
culations. Electricity use and fossil fuel use targets listed in
Tables A-3 and A-4 shall be permitted to be used in source
AND SOURCE ENERGY USE INTENSITY TARGETS energy EUI target (EUIt1) calculations by authorities having
TABLES jurisdiction in accordance with Equation A-1.
The alternative targets listed in Tables A-1 and A-2, and fuel- EUIt1 = ELUIt1 × SEFel + FEUI t1 × SEFfe (A-1)
specific targets listed in Tables A-3 and A-4, for use in target
calculations by authorities having jurisdiction, were derived where
from Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey ELUIt1 = local electricity use target EUI from Table A-3
(CBECS) 2003 and Residential Energy Consumption Survey
SEFel = local source energy conversion factor for
(RECS) 2005 data by Oakridge National Lab (ORNL) and the
U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) and represent the 40th
bottom (low energy) percentile of energy use by each building FEUI t1 = local fossil fuel energy use target EUI from
category. Table A-4
The median numbers for each building category from SEFfe = local source energy conversion factor for fossil
CBECS and RECS data representing all buildings in the build- fuel energy use
ing category across all climatic conditions were extrapolated Informative Note: Tables A-3 and A-4 should not be
to 17 DOE climate zones using multipliers generated through applied separately for individual energy sources. The tables
simulation of representative building for each group of build- are used in accordance with Equation A-1 to determine the
ing categories. Zone 5C values are based on U.S. building appropriate source energy target.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 35

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-1 Alternative Building Activity Site Energy Targets (I-P Units)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone
3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
1 Admin/professional office 47 49 48 50 40 47 40 55 48 49 58 51 48 65 57 70 98
2 Bank/other financial 67 69 68 72 56 67 57 79 68 70 83 72 68 92 81 100 140
3 Government office 59 61 59 63 50 59 51 69 60 61 73 63 59 81 72 88 123
Medical office
4 40 42 41 43 34 40 34 47 41 42 50 43 41 55 49 60 84
5 Mixed-use office 55 56 55 58 46 54 47 64 55 57 68 59 55 75 66 81 114
6 Other office 46 47 46 49 38 45 39 53 46 47 56 49 46 63 55 68 95
7 Laboratory 216 214 207 212 178 200 193 235 210 217 254 227 220 281 256 302 402
8 Distribution/shipping center 15 19 20 24 13 22 17 33 27 26 43 36 29 60 49 73 137
9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 7 9 10 12 6 10 8 16 13 13 21 18 14 29 24 35 66
10 Convenience store 163 177 164 185 154 169 172 201 182 191 217 196 203 235 217 253 319
11 Convenience store with gas 132 143 132 149 124 136 138 162 146 154 175 158 163 189 175 204 257
12 Grocery/food market 136 148 137 154 128 140 143 168 151 159 181 164 169 196 181 211 266
13 Other food sales 41 45 41 47 39 43 43 51 46 48 55 50 51 59 55 64 81
14 Fire/police station 80 79 76 78 66 74 71 87 77 80 93 84 81 104 94 111 148
15 Other public order & safety 73 72 70 71 60 67 65 79 71 73 85 76 74 94 86 102 135
16 Medical office (diagnostic) 41 39 39 39 36 39 32 38 37 34 37 36 34 38 37 37 42
17 Clinic/other outpatient health 61 59 59 58 55 59 49 58 55 51 55 54 51 57 55 56 64
18 Refrigerated warehouse 84 83 80 82 69 78 75 91 81 84 98 88 85 109 99 117 156
19 Religious worship 28 28 27 28 23 26 25 31 28 28 33 30 29 37 34 40 53
20 Entertainment/culture 28 28 27 28 23 26 25 31 27 28 33 30 29 37 33 39 52
21 Library 74 74 71 73 61 69 66 81 72 75 87 78 76 97 88 104 138
22 Recreation 32 32 31 32 26 30 29 35 31 32 38 34 33 42 38 45 60
23 Social/meeting 33 33 32 33 28 31 30 36 33 34 39 35 34 44 40 47 62
24 Other public assembly 34 34 33 34 28 32 31 37 33 34 40 36 35 45 41 48 64
25 College/university 75 74 73 76 54 71 61 87 73 78 95 79 79 110 94 120 178
26 Elementary/middle school 46 45 44 45 37 42 39 49 43 44 51 45 43 56 50 59 87
27 High school 55 54 53 55 40 52 45 64 53 57 69 58 58 80 69 88 130
28 Preschool/daycare 59 58 56 58 48 54 50 64 56 57 66 58 55 72 64 77 113
29 Other classroom education 31 30 30 31 22 29 25 36 30 32 39 32 32 45 38 49 73
30 Fast food 318 325 319 336 288 323 307 371 340 344 403 366 358 441 405 477 603
31 Restaurant/cafeteria 172 176 171 183 153 173 166 201 184 189 218 197 201 237 219 259 325
32 Other food service 94 96 93 100 84 95 91 110 100 103 119 108 110 130 120 141 178
33 Hospital/inpatient health 172 174 170 171 162 168 158 174 156 164 169 153 163 173 158 174 201
34 Nursing home/assisted living 102 101 98 100 84 94 91 111 99 102 120 107 104 133 121 143 190
35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 49 52 51 58 38 53 49 70 59 66 79 67 63 91 80 103 145
36 Hotel 60 62 59 63 57 59 59 66 63 63 70 67 64 74 71 79 91
37 Motel or inn 67 64 64 62 58 61 56 63 60 58 64 61 59 68 64 70 83
38 Other lodging 64 61 61 59 55 58 54 60 58 55 61 58 57 65 61 66 80
39 Vehicle dealership/showroom 60 61 59 64 46 58 51 72 63 63 82 71 70 95 84 105 151
40 Retail store 34 35 34 37 26 33 29 41 36 36 47 41 40 54 48 60 86
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock. A Canadian building sample was not available at the time of table development.

36 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-1 Alternative Building Activity Site Energy Targets (I-P Units) (Continued)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone
3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
41 Other retail 59 61 59 64 45 58 51 72 63 63 82 71 70 94 84 105 150
42 Post office/postal center 52 51 50 51 43 48 46 56 50 52 61 54 53 67 61 72 96
43 Repair shop 35 34 33 34 28 32 31 38 34 35 40 36 35 45 41 48 64
44 Vehicle service/repair shop 40 40 38 39 33 37 36 44 39 40 47 42 41 52 47 56 74
45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 17 17 17 17 14 16 16 19 17 17 20 18 18 23 21 24 32
46 Other service 73 72 70 72 60 68 65 80 71 73 86 77 74 95 87 102 136
47 Strip shopping mall 72 71 70 75 56 69 62 87 75 77 99 85 86 115 102 128 183
48 Enclosed mall 68 68 67 72 53 66 59 83 71 73 95 81 82 109 97 122 175
ASHRAE Climate Zone
3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
49 Mobile/manufactured home 46 49 48 54 36 50 46 66 55 62 75 63 59 86 76 97 136
50 Single-family detached 34 36 36 40 27 37 34 49 41 46 55 47 44 64 56 72 101
51 Single-family attached 39 42 41 46 31 42 39 56 47 53 64 54 50 73 65 83 116
Apartment (in 2 to 4 unit
52 58 61 61 68 45 62 58 83 69 77 94 79 74 107 95 122 171
Apartment (in 5+ unit
53 39 41 41 46 31 42 39 56 47 53 64 54 50 73 65 83 116
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock. A Canadian building sample was not available at the time of table development.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 37

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-1 Alternative Building Activity Site Energy Targets (SI Units)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone
Commercial Building 3B 3B
No. Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
1 Admin/professional office 538 554 541 573 452 535 460 628 545 557 665 576 541 739 651 798 1118
2 Bank/other financial 763 787 768 814 641 759 653 892 774 790 943 818 768 1049 924 1132 1587
3 Government office 671 692 676 716 564 667 574 784 680 695 829 719 676 922 813 995 1395
Medical office
4 458 472 461 488 385 455 392 535 464 474 566 491 461 629 555 679 952
5 Mixed-use office 622 641 626 663 523 619 532 727 630 644 769 666 626 855 753 923 1293
6 Other office 519 535 523 554 436 517 444 607 526 538 642 556 523 714 629 770 1080
7 Laboratory 2459 2430 2354 2414 2026 2275 2193 2670 2389 2464 2883 2580 2495 3198 2913 3436 4565
8 Distribution/shipping center 169 216 227 275 147 245 198 371 311 301 490 412 329 677 556 828 1554
9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 82 104 110 133 71 119 96 180 151 146 237 199 159 328 269 401 752
10 Convenience store 1856 2013 1868 2097 1750 1914 1951 2286 2065 2165 2462 2230 2305 2668 2467 2875 3628
11 Convenience store with gas 1495 1621 1505 1690 1410 1542 1572 1841 1664 1744 1983 1797 1857 2150 1988 2316 2922
12 Grocery/food market 1546 1677 1557 1748 1459 1595 1625 1904 1721 1804 2051 1858 1921 2223 2056 2395 3023
13 Other food sales 468 508 471 529 442 483 492 577 521 546 621 563 581 673 622 725 915
14 Fire/police station 905 895 867 889 746 838 808 983 880 907 1061 950 919 1177 1073 1265 1681
15 Other public order & safety 825 815 790 810 680 763 736 896 802 827 967 866 837 1073 978 1153 1532
16 Medical office (diagnostic) 461 445 448 442 414 444 369 437 420 388 420 410 387 429 416 423 482
Clinic/other outpatient
17 692 667 672 663 621 666 554 655 630 583 630 614 580 644 624 634 723
18 Refrigerated warehouse 952 941 912 935 785 881 850 1035 926 955 1117 999 967 1239 1128 1331 1768
19 Religious worship 323 319 309 317 266 299 288 351 314 324 379 339 328 420 383 451 600
20 Entertainment/culture 320 317 307 314 264 296 286 348 311 321 375 336 325 417 379 448 595
21 Library 845 836 809 830 697 782 754 918 822 847 991 887 858 1099 1002 1181 1570
22 Recreation 365 360 349 358 300 337 325 396 354 365 427 383 370 474 432 509 677
23 Social/meeting 380 376 364 373 313 352 339 413 370 381 446 399 386 495 450 531 706
24 Other public assembly 389 385 373 382 321 360 347 423 379 390 457 409 395 507 461 544 723
25 College/university 851 846 829 862 618 802 696 992 828 891 1078 899 897 1248 1071 1367 2025
26 Elementary/middle school 521 513 495 515 419 480 441 562 493 498 582 507 488 637 565 676 994
27 High school 621 617 605 629 451 586 508 724 604 651 787 656 655 911 782 997 1478
28 Preschool/daycare 671 661 638 664 540 619 568 724 636 642 750 654 628 822 728 871 1281
29 Other classroom education 347 345 339 352 252 328 284 405 338 364 440 367 366 509 437 558 827
30 Fast food 3607 3697 3622 3822 3270 3664 3485 4213 3861 3913 4574 4153 4071 5015 4596 5420 6856
31 Restaurant/cafeteria 1949 2005 1941 2075 1735 1968 1890 2285 2088 2148 2475 2242 2285 2696 2491 2938 3696
32 Other food service 1066 1096 1061 1134 949 1076 1033 1249 1142 1174 1353 1226 1249 1474 1362 1606 2020
33 Hospital/inpatient health 1955 1972 1932 1945 1843 1906 1798 1977 1776 1862 1917 1742 1857 1962 1800 1980 2286
Nursing home/assisted
34 1160 1147 1111 1139 956 1073 1035 1260 1127 1163 1360 1217 1177 1509 1374 1621 2154
35 555 587 583 653 434 599 554 797 666 744 903 761 711 1035 914 1176 1642
36 Hotel 683 700 666 711 644 672 665 754 716 721 793 756 728 843 811 893 1034
37 Motel or inn 765 726 722 703 658 695 641 712 686 660 728 695 675 770 722 790 946
38 Other lodging 731 694 690 671 628 664 613 680 656 630 696 664 645 735 690 755 904
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock. A Canadian building sample was not available at the time of table development.

38 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-1 Alternative Building Activity Site Energy Targets (SI Units) (Continued)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone
Commercial Building 3B 3B
No. Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
Vehicle dealership/
39 676 692 674 726 518 658 582 822 714 716 933 805 795 1076 953 1196 1715
40 Retail store 387 396 386 415 296 377 333 470 408 410 534 461 455 616 545 684 982
41 Other retail 674 689 672 723 516 656 580 819 711 713 929 802 792 1072 949 1191 1709
42 Post office/postal center 589 582 564 578 485 545 525 640 572 590 690 618 598 766 698 823 1093
43 Repair shop 392 388 376 385 323 363 350 426 381 393 460 412 398 510 465 548 728
44 Vehicle service/repair shop 455 450 436 447 375 421 406 494 442 456 533 477 462 592 539 636 845
Vehicle storage/
45 197 195 189 194 163 183 176 215 192 198 232 207 200 257 234 276 367
46 Other service 832 822 796 816 685 769 742 903 808 833 975 873 844 1081 985 1162 1544
47 Strip shopping mall 812 812 795 856 631 785 704 986 853 875 1129 968 982 1301 1156 1457 2084
48 Enclosed mall 774 773 757 815 601 748 670 939 812 833 1075 921 935 1239 1100 1388 1984
ASHRAE Climate Zone
3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
49 Mobile/manufactured home 522 552 548 614 408 563 521 749 626 700 849 715 671 973 860 1106 1544
50 Single-family detached 388 410 407 456 303 418 387 556 465 520 630 531 498 723 638 821 1146
51 Single-family attached 446 472 469 525 349 481 445 640 535 598 726 611 574 832 735 945 1320
52 655 692 688 771 512 706 653 940 786 878 1065 897 842 1221 1078 1387 1937
(in 2 to 4 unit building)
53 445 471 468 524 348 480 444 639 535 597 724 610 573 830 733 943 1317
(in 5+ unit building)
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock. A Canadian building sample was not available at the time of table development.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 39

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-2 Alternative Building Activity Source Energy Targets (I-P Units)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial Building 3B 3B
No. Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 148 154 139 157 116 136 112 131 110 143 109 110 121 122 114 132 184

2 Bank/other financial 211 217 197 225 162 194 160 189 156 204 157 156 172 173 161 188 263

3 Government office 186 192 171 197 145 171 143 165 138 178 138 136 151 152 144 165 231

4 Medical office (nondiag.) 126 132 119 135 98 116 95 112 94 123 94 93 103 103 98 113 158

5 Mixed-use office 173 176 159 182 133 156 132 153 126 166 128 127 140 141 132 152 214

6 Other office 145 148 133 153 110 130 109 127 105 137 106 106 116 118 110 128 179

7 Laboratory 680 674 598 664 515 578 541 562 481 634 479 490 532 528 510 568 756

8 Distribution/ship center 47 60 58 75 38 64 48 79 62 76 81 78 76 113 98 137 258

9 Nonrefrig. warehouse 22 28 29 38 17 29 22 38 30 38 40 39 37 55 48 66 124

10 Convenience store 513 558 474 579 445 489 482 480 417 558 409 423 460 442 433 476 600

11 Convenience store + gas 416 450 382 467 358 393 387 387 335 450 330 341 371 355 349 383 483

12 Grocery/food market 428 466 396 482 370 405 401 402 346 464 341 354 384 368 361 397 500

13 Other food sales 129 142 119 147 113 124 121 122 105 140 104 108 116 111 110 120 152

14 Fire/police station 252 249 220 244 191 214 199 208 177 234 175 181 196 195 187 209 278

15 Other public order/safety 230 227 202 222 173 194 182 189 163 213 160 164 179 177 171 192 254

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 129 123 113 122 104 113 90 91 85 99 70 78 85 71 74 70 79

17 Clinic/other outpatient 192 186 171 182 159 171 137 139 126 149 104 117 128 107 110 105 120

18 Refrigerated warehouse 265 261 231 257 199 225 210 218 186 245 185 190 206 205 197 220 293

19 Religious worship 88 88 78 88 66 75 70 74 64 82 62 65 70 70 68 75 100

20 Entertainment/culture 88 88 78 88 66 75 70 74 62 82 62 65 69 70 66 73 98

21 Library 233 233 205 229 176 199 185 194 165 219 164 168 183 182 175 195 259

22 Recreation 101 101 90 100 75 87 81 84 71 93 72 73 79 79 76 85 113

23 Social/meeting 104 104 93 103 81 90 84 86 76 99 74 76 83 83 80 88 117

24 Other public assembly 107 107 95 106 81 93 87 88 76 99 75 78 84 85 82 90 120

25 College/university 236 233 212 238 157 206 172 212 171 229 187 176 194 216 194 235 349

26 Elementary/middle school 145 142 127 141 107 121 109 117 99 128 96 97 106 105 100 111 164

27 High school 173 170 153 172 116 150 126 153 122 166 130 125 139 150 138 165 244

28 Preschool/daycare 186 183 162 182 139 156 140 153 128 166 125 125 137 135 128 145 212

29 Other classroom education 98 95 87 97 64 84 70 86 69 93 74 69 78 85 76 92 137

30 Fast food 1002 1024 922 1052 833 934 860 887 779 1004 760 791 852 829 807 897 1133

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 542 554 494 573 442 500 465 480 422 552 411 426 461 446 437 487 611

32 Other food service 296 302 269 313 243 275 255 263 229 301 225 233 252 244 239 265 335

33 Hospital/inpatient health 542 548 491 536 468 486 443 416 358 479 319 330 381 325 315 327 378

34 Nursing home/assisted 321 318 283 313 243 272 255 265 227 298 226 231 251 250 241 269 357
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

40 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-2 Alternative Building Activity Source Energy Targets (I-P Units) (Continued)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial Building 3B 3B
No. Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

35 Dormitory/fraternity/ 154 164 147 182 110 153 137 167 135 193 149 145 157 171 159 194 273

36 Hotel 189 195 171 197 165 171 165 158 144 184 132 145 154 139 142 149 171

37 Motel or inn 211 202 185 194 168 176 157 151 138 169 121 132 143 128 128 132 156

38 Other lodging 202 192 176 185 159 168 151 143 133 161 115 125 137 122 122 124 150

39 Vehicle dealership 189 192 171 200 133 168 143 172 144 184 155 153 164 179 167 197 284

40 Retail store 107 110 98 116 75 95 81 98 83 105 89 89 94 102 96 113 162

41 Other retail 186 192 171 200 130 168 143 172 144 184 155 153 163 177 167 197 282

42 Post office/postal center 164 161 145 160 124 139 129 134 115 152 115 117 127 126 122 135 180

43 Repair shop 110 107 95 106 81 93 87 91 78 102 75 78 85 85 82 90 120

44 Vehicle service/repair shop 126 126 110 122 95 107 101 105 89 117 89 91 99 98 94 105 139

45 Vehicle storage/ 54 54 49 53 40 46 45 45 39 50 38 39 43 43 42 45 60

46 Other service 230 227 202 225 173 197 182 191 163 213 162 166 180 179 173 192 256

47 Strip shopping mall 227 224 202 235 162 199 174 208 172 225 187 184 197 216 203 241 344

48 Enclosed mall 214 214 194 225 153 191 165 198 163 213 179 175 188 205 193 229 329

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 145 154 139 169 104 145 129 158 126 181 141 136 148 162 152 182 256

50 Single-family (detached) 107 113 104 125 78 107 95 117 94 134 104 102 110 120 112 135 190

51 Single-family (attached) 123 132 119 144 90 121 109 134 108 155 121 117 126 137 130 156 218

52 Apartment building (2 to 4 183 192 176 213 130 179 163 198 158 225 177 171 185 201 189 229 321

53 Apartment building (5+ 123 129 119 144 90 121 109 134 108 155 121 117 126 137 130 156 218
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 41

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-2 Alternative Building Activity Source Energy Targets (SI Units)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 1681 1753 1576 1778 1313 1543 1273 1493 1250 1624 1243 1251 1369 1388 1290 1494 2092

2 Bank/other financial 2397 2468 2232 2561 1838 2199 1814 2144 1770 2321 1778 1766 1949 1964 1834 2135 2989

3 Government office 2111 2182 1937 2241 1641 1937 1623 1873 1562 2022 1564 1545 1715 1729 1630 1878 2626

4 Medical office (nondiag.) 1431 1502 1346 1529 1116 1313 1082 1276 1067 1392 1071 1055 1169 1174 1109 1281 1793

5 Mixed-use office 1967 2003 1805 2063 1510 1773 1496 1737 1432 1890 1457 1447 1586 1601 1494 1729 2433

6 Other office 1645 1681 1510 1743 1247 1477 1241 1439 1198 1558 1200 1202 1321 1345 1245 1452 2028

7 Laboratory 7727 7655 6795 7540 5843 6565 6142 6379 5467 7194 5442 5568 6041 5998 5795 6447 8581

8 Distribution/ship center 537 680 657 854 427 722 541 896 703 862 921 883 863 1281 1109 1558 2924

9 Nonrefrig. warehouse 250 322 328 427 197 328 255 434 338 431 450 442 421 619 543 747 1409

10 Convenience store 5831 6332 5384 6579 5055 5548 5474 5456 4738 6332 4649 4808 5228 5016 4912 5401 6810

11 Convenience store + gas 4722 5115 4333 5299 4071 4464 4392 4398 3801 5105 3749 3876 4210 4034 3962 4355 5486

12 Grocery/ 4865 5294 4497 5477 4202 4596 4551 4560 3931 5271 3878 4023 4358 4184 4097 4504 5678
food market

13 Other food sales 1467 1610 1346 1672 1280 1412 1369 1384 1198 1591 1178 1226 1322 1259 1245 1366 1729

14 Fire/police station 2862 2826 2495 2774 2167 2429 2260 2362 2005 2652 1992 2061 2225 2220 2128 2369 3159

15 Other public order/safety 2611 2576 2298 2525 1970 2199 2069 2144 1848 2420 1821 1864 2029 2007 1947 2177 2882

16 Medical office 1467 1395 1280 1387 1182 1280 1018 1032 963 1127 793 883 966 811 838 790 897

17 Clinic/other outpatient 2182 2111 1937 2063 1805 1937 1559 1574 1432 1691 1178 1325 1449 1217 1245 1195 1366

18 Refrigerated warehouse 3005 2969 2626 2916 2265 2561 2387 2470 2109 2785 2100 2159 2338 2327 2241 2498 3330

19 Religious worship 1002 1002 886 996 755 854 796 842 729 928 707 736 794 790 770 854 1131

20 Entertainment/culture 1002 1002 886 996 755 854 796 842 703 928 707 736 788 790 747 833 1110

21 Library 2647 2647 2331 2596 2002 2265 2101 2199 1874 2486 1864 1913 2079 2071 1992 2220 2946

22 Recreation 1145 1145 1018 1138 854 985 923 950 807 1061 814 834 901 897 860 961 1281

23 Social/meeting 1180 1180 1050 1174 919 1018 955 977 859 1127 836 859 940 939 906 1003 1323

24 Other public assembly 1216 1216 1083 1209 919 1050 987 1004 859 1127 857 883 959 961 928 1025 1366

25 College/university 2683 2647 2410 2704 1783 2344 1957 2409 1945 2599 2121 1994 2205 2448 2206 2671 3962

26 Elementary/ 1645 1610 1444 1600 1215 1379 1241 1330 1119 1459 1093 1104 1208 1195 1132 1259 1857
middle school

27 High school 1967 1932 1740 1956 1313 1707 1432 1737 1380 1890 1478 1423 1577 1708 1562 1878 2775

28 Preschool/daycare 2111 2075 1838 2063 1576 1773 1591 1737 1458 1890 1414 1423 1561 1537 1449 1644 2412

29 Other classroom 1109 1073 985 1103 722 952 796 977 781 1061 836 785 882 961 860 1046 1558

30 Fast food 1137 1162 1047 1195 9454 10603 9771 1007 8852 1140 8634 8978 9672 9414 9168 1018 1287
5 6 2 0 1 4 2 2

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 6153 6296 5613 6508 5023 5679 5283 5456 4790 6266 4670 4832 5235 5059 4958 5529 6938

32 Other food service 3363 3434 3053 3556 2757 3119 2896 2986 2603 3415 2549 2649 2861 2775 2717 3010 3800

33 Hospital/inpatient health 6153 6224 5581 6082 5318 5515 5029 4723 4061 5437 3621 3753 4329 3693 3577 3714 4291
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

42 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-2 Alternative Building Activity Source Energy Targets (SI Units) (Continued)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

34 Nursing home/assisted 3649 3613 3217 3556 2757 3086 2896 3013 2577 3382 2571 2625 2852 2839 2739 3053 4056

35 Dormitory/fraternity/ 1753 1860 1674 2063 1247 1740 1559 1900 1536 2188 1692 1643 1785 1943 1811 2199 3095

36 Hotel 2146 2218 1937 2241 1871 1937 1878 1792 1640 2089 1500 1643 1749 1580 1607 1686 1943

37 Motel or inn 2397 2289 2101 2205 1904 2002 1782 1710 1562 1923 1371 1496 1629 1452 1449 1494 1772

38 Other lodging 2289 2182 2002 2098 1805 1904 1719 1629 1510 1823 1307 1423 1551 1388 1381 1409 1708

39 Vehicle dealership 2146 2182 1937 2276 1510 1904 1623 1954 1640 2089 1757 1742 1857 2028 1902 2241 3223

40 Retail store 1216 1252 1116 1316 854 1083 923 1113 937 1193 1007 1006 1063 1153 1087 1281 1836

41 Other retail 2111 2182 1937 2276 1477 1904 1623 1954 1640 2089 1757 1742 1856 2007 1902 2241 3202

42 Post office/postal center 1860 1824 1641 1814 1412 1576 1464 1520 1302 1724 1307 1325 1443 1430 1381 1537 2049

43 Repair shop 1252 1216 1083 1209 919 1050 987 1032 885 1160 857 883 966 961 928 1025 1366

44 Vehicle service/repair 1431 1431 1247 1387 1083 1215 1146 1194 1015 1326 1007 1030 1119 1110 1064 1195 1580

45 Vehicle storage/ 608 608 558 605 460 525 509 516 443 564 428 442 486 491 475 512 683

46 Other service 2611 2576 2298 2561 1970 2232 2069 2172 1848 2420 1842 1889 2046 2028 1970 2177 2903

47 Strip shopping mall 2576 2540 2298 2667 1838 2265 1973 2362 1953 2553 2121 2085 2238 2455 2309 2732 3906

48 Enclosed mall 2432 2432 2199 2561 1740 2167 1878 2253 1848 2420 2035 1987 2131 2327 2196 2604 3736

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Residential Building 3B 3B
No. Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 1645 1753 1576 1920 1182 1641 1464 1792 1432 2055 1607 1545 1684 1836 1720 2071 2903

50 Single-family (detached) 1216 1288 1182 1423 886 1215 1082 1330 1067 1525 1178 1153 1247 1366 1268 1537 2156

51 Single-family (attached) 1395 1502 1346 1636 1018 1379 1241 1520 1224 1757 1371 1325 1436 1558 1471 1772 2476

52 Apartment building 2075 2182 2002 2418 1477 2035 1846 2253 1796 2553 2014 1938 2106 2284 2151 2604 3650
(2 to 4 units)

53 Apartment building (5+ 1395 1467 1346 1636 1018 1379 1241 1520 1224 1757 1371 1325 1435 1558 1471 1772 2476
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 43

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-3 Alternative Building Activity Electricity Site Energy Use Targets (I-P Units)

Electricity Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 47 49 42 50 35 41 33 35 28 44 22 26 31 25 25 27 38

2 Bank/other financial 67 69 59 71 49 59 47 50 40 62 32 37 45 35 36 38 54

3 Government office 59 61 52 62 44 52 42 44 35 54 28 33 39 31 32 34 47

4 Medical office (nondiag.) 40 42 36 43 30 35 28 30 24 37 19 22 27 21 21 23 32

5 Mixed-use office 55 56 48 57 40 47 39 40 32 51 26 31 36 29 29 31 44

6 Other office 46 47 40 49 33 39 32 33 27 42 22 25 30 24 24 26 36

7 Laboratory 216 214 181 210 156 175 160 148 123 193 98 118 138 108 112 116 154

8 Distribution/ship center 15 19 17 24 11 19 14 21 16 23 17 19 20 23 21 28 53

9 Nonrefrig. warehouse 7 9 9 12 5 9 7 10 8 12 8 9 10 11 11 13 25

10 Convenience store 163 177 143 183 135 148 143 127 106 170 84 102 119 90 95 97 122

11 Convenience store + gas 132 143 115 148 108 119 115 102 85 137 68 82 96 72 77 78 99

12 Grocery/food market 136 148 120 153 112 122 119 106 88 141 70 85 100 75 79 81 102

13 Other food sales 41 45 36 47 34 38 36 32 27 43 21 26 30 23 24 25 31

14 Fire/police station 80 79 66 77 58 65 59 55 45 71 36 44 51 40 41 43 57

15 Other public order/safety 73 72 61 70 52 59 54 50 41 65 33 39 46 36 38 39 52

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 41 39 34 39 31 34 27 24 22 30 14 19 22 15 16 14 16

17 Clinic/other outpatient health 61 59 52 57 48 52 41 37 32 45 21 28 33 22 24 21 25

18 Refrigerated warehouse 84 83 70 81 60 68 62 57 47 75 38 46 53 42 43 45 60

19 Religious worship 28 28 24 28 20 23 21 20 16 25 13 16 18 14 15 15 20

20 Entertainment/culture 28 28 24 28 20 23 21 20 16 25 13 16 18 14 14 15 20

21 Library 74 74 62 72 53 60 55 51 42 67 34 41 48 37 39 40 53

22 Recreation 32 32 27 32 23 26 24 22 18 28 15 18 21 16 17 17 23

23 Social/meeting 33 33 28 33 24 27 25 23 19 30 15 18 21 17 18 18 24

24 Other public assembly 34 34 29 34 24 28 26 23 19 30 15 19 22 17 18 18 25

25 College/university 75 74 64 75 47 62 51 55 43 69 37 41 49 42 41 46 68

26 Elementary/middle school 46 45 38 45 32 37 32 31 25 39 20 23 28 21 22 23 33

27 High school 55 54 46 55 35 45 37 40 31 51 27 30 36 31 30 34 50

28 Preschool/daycare 59 58 49 57 42 47 42 40 33 51 26 30 36 28 28 30 43

29 Other classroom education 31 30 26 31 19 25 21 23 18 28 15 17 20 17 17 19 28

30 Fast food 318 325 279 333 252 282 255 234 198 305 156 190 221 169 178 183 231

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 172 176 149 181 134 151 138 127 107 168 84 102 120 91 96 99 125

32 Other food service 94 96 81 99 73 83 76 69 58 91 46 56 65 50 53 54 68

33 Hospital/inpatient health 172 174 149 169 142 147 131 110 91 146 65 79 99 66 69 67 77

34 Nursing home/assisted living 102 101 86 99 73 82 76 70 58 91 46 56 65 51 53 55 73

35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 49 52 45 57 33 46 41 44 34 59 31 35 41 35 35 39 56

36 Hotel 60 62 52 62 50 52 49 42 37 56 27 35 40 28 31 30 35
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

44 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-3 Alternative Building Activity Electricity Site Energy Use Targets (I-P Units) (Continued)

Electricity Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

37 Motel or inn 67 64 56 61 51 53 47 40 35 52 25 32 37 26 28 27 32

38 Other lodging 64 61 53 58 48 51 45 38 34 49 24 30 35 25 27 25 31

39 Vehicle dealership 60 61 52 63 40 51 42 45 37 56 32 37 42 36 37 40 58

40 Retail store 34 35 30 37 23 29 24 26 21 32 18 21 24 21 21 23 33

41 Other retail 59 61 52 63 39 51 42 45 37 56 32 37 42 36 37 40 58

42 Post office/postal center 52 51 44 51 38 42 38 35 29 46 24 28 33 26 27 28 37

43 Repair shop 35 34 29 34 24 28 26 24 20 31 15 19 22 17 18 18 25

44 Vehicle service/repair shop 40 40 33 39 29 32 30 28 23 36 18 22 26 20 21 21 28

45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 17 17 15 17 12 14 13 12 10 15 8 9 11 9 9 9 12

46 Other service 73 72 61 71 52 59 54 51 41 65 33 40 47 36 38 39 52

47 Strip shopping mall 72 71 61 74 49 60 52 55 44 68 38 44 51 44 45 49 70

48 Enclosed mall 68 68 59 71 46 58 49 52 41 65 37 42 49 42 43 47 67

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 46 49 42 54 31 44 38 42 32 55 29 33 38 33 33 37 52

50 Single-family (detached) 34 36 31 40 24 32 28 31 24 41 21 24 29 25 25 28 39

51 Single-family (attached) 39 42 36 46 27 37 32 35 27 47 25 28 33 28 29 32 44

52 Apartment building (2 to 4 units) 58 61 53 67 39 54 48 52 40 68 36 41 48 41 42 47 66

53 Apartment building (5+ units) 39 41 36 46 27 37 32 35 27 47 25 28 33 28 29 32 44

a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 45

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-3 Alternative Building Activity Electricity Site Energy Use Targets (SI Units)

Electricity Site Energy Use EUIS by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 534 556 476 563 397 467 378 394 318 494 255 301 355 283 284 305 427

2 Bank/other financial 761 784 675 810 556 665 538 566 451 706 364 425 506 401 403 435 610

3 Government office 670 693 586 709 496 586 481 495 398 615 321 372 445 353 359 383 535

4 Medical office (nondiag.) 454 477 407 484 338 397 321 337 272 424 220 254 303 239 244 261 366

5 Mixed-use office 625 636 546 653 457 536 444 459 365 575 299 348 411 327 329 353 496

6 Other office 522 534 457 552 377 447 368 380 305 474 246 289 343 274 274 296 414

7 Laboratory 2453 2430 2055 2386 1767 1985 1822 1685 1392 2188 1115 1339 1567 1223 1275 1315 1750

8 Distribution/ship center 170 216 199 270 129 218 160 237 179 262 189 212 224 261 244 318 596

9 Nonrefrig. warehouse 79 102 99 135 60 99 76 115 86 131 92 106 109 126 120 152 287

10 Convenience store 1851 2010 1628 2082 1529 1678 1624 1441 1207 1926 953 1156 1357 1023 1081 1101 1389

11 Convenience store + gas 1499 1624 1310 1677 1231 1350 1303 1161 968 1553 768 932 1092 823 872 888 1119

12 Grocery/food market 1544 1681 1360 1733 1271 1390 1350 1204 1001 1603 795 967 1131 853 901 919 1158

13 Other food sales 466 511 407 529 387 427 406 366 305 484 242 295 343 257 274 279 353

14 Fire/police station 908 897 754 878 655 735 670 624 510 807 408 496 577 453 468 483 644

15 Other public order/safety 829 818 695 799 596 665 614 566 471 736 373 448 526 409 428 444 588

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 466 443 387 439 357 387 302 272 245 343 162 212 251 165 184 161 183

17 Clinic/other outpatient 693 670 586 653 546 586 463 416 365 514 242 319 376 248 274 244 279

18 Refrigerated warehouse 954 943 794 923 685 774 708 652 537 847 430 519 607 475 493 509 679

19 Religious worship 318 318 268 315 228 258 236 222 186 282 145 177 206 161 169 174 231

20 Entertainment/culture 318 318 268 315 228 258 236 222 179 282 145 177 204 161 164 170 226

21 Library 840 840 705 822 606 685 623 581 477 756 382 460 539 422 438 453 601

22 Recreation 363 363 308 360 258 298 274 251 206 323 167 201 234 183 189 196 261

23 Social/meeting 375 375 318 371 278 308 283 258 219 343 171 206 244 192 199 205 270

24 Other public assembly 386 386 328 383 278 318 293 265 219 343 176 212 249 196 204 209 279

25 College/university 852 840 725 855 536 705 576 624 484 787 417 466 560 479 468 522 775

26 Elementary/middle school 522 511 437 507 367 417 368 351 285 444 224 265 313 244 249 257 379

27 High school 625 613 526 619 397 516 425 459 351 575 303 342 409 348 344 383 566

28 Preschool/daycare 670 659 556 653 476 536 472 459 371 575 290 342 405 313 319 335 492

29 Other classroom education 352 341 298 349 218 288 236 258 199 323 171 189 229 196 189 213 318

30 Fast food 3611 3691 3167 3782 2859 3206 2898 2660 2254 3469 1770 2159 2510 1920 2017 2077 2625

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 1953 1999 1697 2060 1519 1717 1567 1441 1220 1906 957 1162 1358 1032 1091 1128 1415

32 Other food service 1067 1090 923 1126 834 943 859 789 663 1039 523 637 742 566 598 614 775

33 Hospital/inpatient health 1953 1976 1688 1925 1608 1668 1492 1247 1034 1654 742 903 1123 753 787 758 875

34 Nursing home/ 1158 1147 973 1126 834 933 859 796 656 1029 527 631 740 579 603 623 827
assisted living

35 Dormitory/fraternity/ 556 591 506 653 377 526 463 502 391 666 347 395 463 396 398 448 631
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

46 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-3 Alternative Building Activity Electricity Site Energy Use Targets (SI Units) (Continued)

Electricity Site Energy Use EUIS by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

36 Hotel 681 704 586 709 566 586 557 473 418 635 307 395 454 322 354 344 396

37 Motel or inn 761 727 635 698 576 606 529 452 398 585 281 360 423 296 319 305 361

38 Other lodging 727 693 606 664 546 576 510 430 385 555 268 342 402 283 304 287 348

39 Vehicle dealership 681 693 586 720 457 576 481 516 418 635 360 419 482 414 418 457 657

40 Retail store 386 397 338 416 258 328 274 294 239 363 206 242 276 235 239 261 374

41 Other retail 670 693 586 720 447 576 481 516 418 635 360 419 482 409 418 457 653

42 Post office/postal center 591 579 496 574 427 476 434 401 331 524 268 319 374 292 304 313 418

43 Repair shop 397 386 328 383 278 318 293 272 225 353 176 212 251 196 204 209 279

44 Vehicle service/repair shop 454 454 377 439 328 367 340 315 259 403 206 248 290 226 234 244 322

45 Vehicle storage/ 193 193 169 191 139 159 151 136 113 171 88 106 126 100 105 104 139

46 Other service 829 818 695 810 596 675 614 573 471 736 378 454 531 414 433 444 592

47 Strip shopping mall 818 806 695 844 556 685 585 624 497 777 435 501 581 501 508 557 797

48 Enclosed mall 772 772 665 810 526 655 557 595 471 736 417 478 553 475 483 531 762

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 522 556 476 608 357 496 434 473 365 625 329 372 437 374 379 422 592

50 Single-family (detached) 386 409 357 450 268 367 321 351 272 464 242 277 324 279 279 313 440

51 Single-family (attached) 443 477 407 518 308 417 368 401 312 534 281 319 372 318 324 361 505

52 Apartment building 659 693 606 765 447 615 548 595 457 777 413 466 546 466 473 531 744
(2 to 4 units)

53 Apartment building 443 466 407 518 308 417 368 401 312 534 281 319 372 318 324 361 505
(5+ units)
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 47

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-4 Alternative Building Activity Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use Targets (I-P Units)

Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 0 0 6 0.4 5 6 7 20 20 5 36 25 20 40 32 43 60

2 Bank/other financial 0 0 9 0.6 7 8 10 29 28 8 51 35 29 57 45 62 86

3 Government office 0 0 7 0.6 6 7 9 25 25 7 45 30 25 50 40 54 76

4 Medical office (nondiag.) 0 0 5 0.4 4 5 6 17 17 5 31 21 17 34 28 37 52

5 Mixed-use office 0 0 7 0.5 6 7 8 24 23 6 42 28 23 46 37 50 70

6 Other office 0 0 6 0.4 5 6 7 20 19 5 34 24 19 39 31 42 59

7 Laboratory 0 0 26 1.9 22 25 33 87 87 24 156 109 89 173 144 186 248

8 Distribution/ship center 0 0 3 0.2 2 3 3 12 11 3 26 17 13 37 28 45 84

9 Nonrefrig. warehouse 0 0 1 0.1 1 1 1 6 5 1 13 9 6 18 13 22 41

10 Convenience store 0 0 21 1.6 19 21 29 74 76 21 133 94 77 145 122 156 197

11 Convenience store + gas 0 0 17 1.3 16 17 23 60 61 17 107 76 62 117 98 126 158

12 Grocery/food market 0 0 17 1.4 16 18 24 62 63 18 111 79 64 121 102 130 164

13 Other food sales 0 0 5 0.4 5 5 7 19 19 5 34 24 20 36 31 39 50

14 Fire/police station 0 0 10 0.7 8 9 12 32 32 9 57 40 33 64 53 68 91

15 Other public order/safety 0 0 9 0.6 8 8 11 29 30 8 52 37 30 58 48 63 83

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 0 0 5 0.3 5 5 5 14 15 4 23 17 14 23 21 23 26

17 Clinic/other outpatient health 0 0 7 0.5 7 7 8 21 23 6 34 26 21 35 31 35 39

18 Refrigerated warehouse 0 0 10 0.7 9 10 13 34 34 9 60 42 35 67 56 72 96

19 Religious worship 0 0 3 0.2 3 3 4 11 12 3 20 14 12 23 19 25 33

20 Entertainment/culture 0 0 3 0.2 3 3 4 11 11 3 20 14 12 23 19 24 32

21 Library 0 0 9 0.6 8 9 11 30 30 8 53 37 31 60 49 64 85

22 Recreation 0 0 4 0.3 3 4 5 13 13 4 23 16 13 26 21 28 37

23 Social/meeting 0 0 4 0.3 4 4 5 13 14 4 24 17 14 27 22 29 38

24 Other public assembly 0 0 4 0.3 4 4 5 14 14 4 25 17 14 28 23 30 39

25 College/university 0 0 9 0.7 7 9 10 32 30 9 58 38 32 68 53 74 110

26 Elementary/middle school 0 0 6 0.4 5 5 7 18 18 5 31 22 18 35 28 36 54

27 High school 0 0 7 0.5 5 7 8 24 22 6 42 28 23 49 39 54 80

28 Preschool/daycare 0 0 7 0.5 6 7 8 24 23 6 40 28 23 44 36 47 70

29 Other classroom education 0 0 4 0.3 3 4 4 13 12 4 24 15 13 28 21 30 45

30 Fast food 0 0 40 3.0 36 41 52 137 142 39 247 176 143 272 227 294 372

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 0 0 22 1.6 19 22 28 74 77 21 134 95 77 146 123 160 200

32 Other food service 0 0 12 0.9 11 12 15 41 42 12 73 52 42 80 67 87 110

33 Hospital/inpatient health 0 0 21 1.5 20 21 27 64 65 18 104 74 64 107 89 107 124

34 Nursing home/assisted living 0 0 12 0.9 11 12 15 41 41 11 74 51 42 82 68 88 117

35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 0 0 6 0.5 5 7 8 26 25 7 48 32 26 56 45 64 89

36 Hotel 0 0 7 0.6 7 7 10 24 26 7 43 32 26 46 40 49 56
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

48 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-4 Alternative Building Activity Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use Targets (I-P Units) (Continued)

Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

37 Motel or inn 0 0 8 0.5 7 8 9 23 25 6 39 29 24 42 36 43 51

38 Other lodging 0 0 8 0.5 7 7 9 22 24 6 37 28 23 40 34 41 49

39 Vehicle dealership 0 0 7 0.6 6 7 9 27 26 7 50 34 27 59 47 65 93

40 Retail store 0 0 4 0.3 3 4 5 15 15 4 29 20 16 33 27 37 53

41 Other retail 0 0 7 0.6 6 7 9 27 26 7 50 34 27 58 47 65 92

42 Post office/postal center 0 0 6 0.5 5 6 8 21 21 6 37 26 21 41 34 44 59

43 Repair shop 0 0 4 0.3 4 4 5 14 14 4 25 17 14 28 23 30 39

44 Vehicle service/repair shop 0 0 5 0.3 4 5 6 16 16 4 29 20 17 32 26 35 46

45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 0 0 2 0.2 2 2 3 7 7 2 12 9 7 14 12 15 20

46 Other service 0 0 9 0.6 8 9 11 29 30 8 53 37 30 59 49 63 84

47 Strip shopping mall 0 0 9 0.7 7 9 10 32 31 9 61 41 33 71 57 79 113

48 Enclosed mall 0 0 8 0.6 7 8 10 31 30 8 58 39 31 67 54 75 108

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 0 0 6 0.5 5 6 8 24 23 7 46 30 25 53 43 60 84

50 Single-family (detached) 0 0 5 0.4 3 5 6 18 17 5 34 23 18 39 31 44 62

51 Single-family (attached) 0 0 5 0.4 4 5 7 21 20 6 39 26 21 45 36 51 72

52 Apartment building (2 to 4 units) 0 0 8 0.6 6 8 10 31 29 9 58 38 31 66 53 75 105

53 Apartment building (5+ units) 0 0 5 0.4 4 5 7 21 20 6 39 26 21 45 36 51 72

a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 49

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-4 Alternative Building Activity Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use Targets (SI Units)

Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

1 Admin/professional office 0 0 69 5 57 67 77 230 227 62 404 278 230 455 363 490 686

2 Bank/other financial 0 0 97 7 80 96 109 331 321 89 578 393 327 644 516 700 980

3 Government office 0 0 84 6 71 84 98 289 284 78 508 344 288 567 459 616 861

4 Medical office (nondiag.) 0 0 59 4 49 57 65 197 194 53 348 235 196 385 312 420 588

5 Mixed-use office 0 0 79 6 66 77 90 268 260 72 474 322 266 525 421 567 798

6 Other office 0 0 66 5 54 64 75 222 217 60 390 267 221 441 351 476 665

7 Laboratory 0 0 296 21 254 286 370 984 993 276 1769 1239 1013 1968 1632 2115 2815

8 Distribution/ship center 0 0 29 2 19 31 33 138 128 33 299 196 145 420 312 511 959

9 Nonrefrig. warehouse 0 0 14 1 9 14 15 67 61 17 146 98 71 203 153 245 462

10 Convenience store 0 0 234 19 220 242 329 842 860 243 1511 1070 876 1646 1383 1772 2234

11 Convenience store + gas 0 0 189 15 177 194 264 678 690 196 1219 862 706 1323 1116 1428 1800

12 Grocery/food market 0 0 196 15 183 200 274 703 714 202 1261 895 730 1372 1154 1478 1863

13 Other food sales 0 0 59 5 56 61 82 214 217 61 383 273 222 413 351 448 567

14 Fire/police station 0 0 109 8 94 106 136 364 364 102 648 458 373 728 599 777 1036

15 Other public order/safety 0 0 100 7 86 96 124 331 336 93 592 415 340 658 548 714 945

16 Medical office (diagnostic) 0 0 56 4 51 56 61 159 175 43 258 196 162 266 236 259 294

17 Clinic/ 0 0 84 6 79 84 94 243 260 65 383 295 243 399 351 392 448
other outpatient health

18 Refrigerated warehouse 0 0 114 8 99 111 144 381 383 107 683 480 392 763 631 819 1092

19 Religious worship 0 0 39 3 33 37 48 130 132 36 230 164 133 259 217 280 371

20 Entertainment/culture 0 0 39 3 33 37 48 130 128 36 230 164 132 259 210 273 364

21 Library 0 0 101 7 87 99 126 339 340 95 606 426 349 679 561 728 966

22 Recreation 0 0 44 3 37 43 56 147 147 41 265 186 151 294 242 315 420

23 Social/meeting 0 0 46 3 40 44 57 151 156 43 272 191 158 308 255 329 434

24 Other public assembly 0 0 47 3 40 46 59 155 156 43 279 196 161 315 261 336 448

25 College/university 0 0 104 8 77 101 117 364 345 99 662 431 362 770 599 840 1246

26 Elementary/middle school 0 0 63 5 53 60 75 205 203 56 355 246 203 392 319 413 609

27 High school 0 0 76 6 57 74 86 268 251 72 481 317 264 560 440 616 910

28 Preschool/daycare 0 0 80 6 69 77 96 268 265 72 460 317 262 504 408 539 791

29 Other classroom education 0 0 43 3 31 41 48 151 142 41 272 175 148 315 242 343 511

30 Fast food 0 0 456 34 412 462 588 1554 1607 437 2807 1997 1621 3088 2582 3340 4222

31 Restaurant/cafeteria 0 0 244 18 219 247 318 842 870 240 1518 1075 878 1660 1396 1814 2276

32 Other food service 0 0 133 10 120 136 174 461 473 131 829 589 480 910 765 987 1246

33 Hospital/inpatient health 0 0 243 17 232 240 303 729 737 208 1177 835 726 1211 1007 1218 1407

34 Nursing home/ 0 0 140 10 120 134 174 465 468 130 836 584 478 931 771 1001 1330
assisted living

35 Dormitory/fraternity/ 0 0 73 6 54 76 94 293 279 84 550 366 299 637 510 721 1015
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

50 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table A-4 Alternative Building Activity Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use Targets (SI Units) (Continued)

Fossil Fuel Site Energy Use EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (MJ/m2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Commercial 3B 3B
No. Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

36 Hotel 0 0 84 6 81 84 113 276 298 80 488 366 293 518 453 553 637

37 Motel or inn 0 0 91 6 83 87 107 264 284 74 446 333 273 476 408 490 581

38 Other lodging 0 0 87 6 79 83 103 251 274 70 425 317 260 455 389 462 560

39 Vehicle dealership 0 0 84 6 66 83 98 301 298 80 571 387 311 665 536 735 1057

40 Retail store 0 0 49 4 37 47 56 172 170 46 327 224 178 378 306 420 602

41 Other retail 0 0 84 6 64 83 98 301 298 80 571 387 311 658 536 735 1050

42 Post office/postal center 0 0 71 5 61 69 88 234 236 66 425 295 242 469 389 504 672

43 Repair shop 0 0 47 3 40 46 59 159 161 44 279 196 162 315 261 336 448

44 Vehicle service/repair shop 0 0 54 4 47 53 69 184 184 51 327 229 188 364 300 392 518

45 Vehicle storage/ 0 0 24 2 20 23 31 80 80 22 139 98 82 161 134 168 224


46 Other service 0 0 100 7 86 97 124 335 336 93 599 420 343 665 555 714 952

47 Strip shopping mall 0 0 100 8 80 99 119 364 354 98 690 464 375 805 650 896 1281

48 Enclosed mall 0 0 96 7 76 94 113 348 336 93 662 442 357 763 618 854 1225

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Residential Building 3B 3B
No. Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

49 Mobile home 0 0 69 5 51 71 88 276 260 79 522 344 282 602 485 679 952

50 Single-family (detached) 0 0 51 4 39 53 65 205 194 58 383 256 209 448 357 504 707

51 Single-family (attached) 0 0 59 5 44 60 75 234 222 67 446 295 241 511 414 581 812

52 Apartment building 0 0 87 7 64 89 111 348 326 98 655 431 353 749 606 854 1197
(2to 4 units)

53 Apartment building 0 0 59 5 44 60 75 234 222 67 446 295 241 511 414 581 812
(5+ units)
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 51

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor-

mative and does not contain requirements necessary for
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and
may contain material that has not been subject to public
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at

Compliance shall be deemed to be valid for the number of
years indicated in the tables below, beginning with the date of
the signature on Form A in Normative Annex C.
For buildings with energy targets, Table B-1, “Compli-
ance Timeline for Buildings with Energy Targets,” shall
apply. For buildings that do not have energy targets, Table B-
2, “Compliance Timeline for Buildings without Energy Tar-
gets,” shall apply.

52 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table B-1 Compliance Timeline for Buildings with Energy Targets

Event Time Frame Reference

Step 1—Determine (a) the building’s measured energy-use intensity (EUI) and (b) Time 0 Section 4.3.1
the building’s energy target.

Step 2—If building’s measured EUI is equal to or less than its energy target, go to Time 0 Sections and
Step 9. If the building’s measured EUI is greater than its energy target, continue to
Step 3.

Step 3—Carry out an energy audit. 0 to 4 months Sections and 8.2.2

Step 4—Identify a package of energy efficiency measures (EEMs) and, assuming 2 to 6 months Section 8.2.2
their implementation, calculate an adjusted EUI for the building that is equal to or
lower than its energy target.
Step 5—Implement the selected package of EEMs. 3 months to 1 year Sections 8.2.2 and

Step 6—Apply for conditional compliance At completion of Step 5. Section a

Step 7—Measure the building’s energy use for 12 months and determine its post- 12 to 15 months after Section 4.3.1
EEM energy-use intensity. completion of Step 5.

Step 8—If the building’s measured EUI is equal to or less than its energy target, go 12 to 15 months after
to Step 9. If the building’s measured EUI is greater than its energy target, return to completion of Step 5.
Step 4, identify additional EEMs, and calculate a new adjusted EUI that is equal to
or lower than the building’s energy target.
Step 9—Apply for compliance with Standard 100. 12 to 15 months after Section and Form A
completion of Step 5.
Note: A building that achieves compliance shall remain compliant for a period of five years from the date of validation.

Table B-2 Compliance Timeline for Buildings without Energy Targets

Event Time Frame Reference

Step 1—Determine the building’s measured energy-use intensity (EUI). Time 0 Sections 4.3.1 and 5.2
Step 2—Carry out an energy audit. Determine an optimized bundle of energy 0 to 6 months Sections 4.3.2 and 8.1
efficiency measures (EEMs) and calculate the building’s adjusted EUI.
Step 3—Initiate implementation of the optimized bundle of EEMs identified in the 2 to 8 months after Sections 4.3.2 and
energy audit. completion of Step 2.
Step 4—Apply for conditional compliance. At completion of Step 3. Section 4.3.2
Step 5—After all EEMs have been implemented, measure the building’s energy use Within 4 years of Step 4 Section 4.3.2
for 12 months and determine the energy savings from the implemented EEMs.
Step 6—If the building’s measured EUI is equal to or less than the adjusted EUI from Within 4 years of Step 4 Section 4.3.2
Step 2, go to Step 10. If the building’s measured EUI is greater than the adjusted EUI,
but the energy savings from the EEMs are at least 75% of the estimated savings from
Step 2, go to Step 10. Otherwise, continue to Step 7.
Step 7—Identify and implement additional EEMs so the building will achieve its 2 to 12 months after Sections 4.3.2 and
adjusted EUI from Step 2. completion of Step 6.
Step 8—After all EEMs have been implemented, measure the building’s energy use 12 to 15 months after Section 4.3.2
for 12 months and determine the energy savings from the implemented EEMs. completion of Step 7.
Step 9—If the building’s measured EUI is equal to or less than the adjusted EUI from 12 to 15 months after Section 4.3.2
Step 2, go to Step 10. If the building’s measured EUI is greater than the adjusted EUI, completion of Step 7.
but the energy savings from the EEMs are at least 75% of the estimated savings from
Step 2, go to Step 10. Otherwise, return to Step 7.
Step 10—Apply for compliance with Standard 100. Within 60 months after Section and Form A
completion of Step 4. (with additional forms as
Note: A building that achieves compliance shall remain compliant for a period of five years from the date of validation.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 53

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This is a normative annex and is part of this standard.)


Form A—Compliance with Standard 100

Name of Building

Street Address

City State Zip Code

Building Owner:

Name of qualified person:

Street Address

City State Zip Code

Telephone No.

Licensure or Certifying Authority:

Name of energy manager (if different):

Street Address

City State Zip Code

Telephone No.

This compliance is for (a) whole building or (b) individual dwellings or tenant spaces. A
List dwelling units or tenants space names below. (Use additional sheets if necessary.)

List the building types as defined in Table 7-1 of this standard with the percent of floor area for

Use Form B and attach to this form.

KBtu/ft2·yr (MJ/m2·yr)

List the energy target for this building (as calculated in Section 7.2).

List the Actual measured EUI for this building (Form C).

List the months/year of the collected data (mm/yyyy – mm/yyyy)

54 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Form A—Compliance with Standard 100 (Continued)

Have the energy management requirements of Section 5 been met? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Have the operation and maintenance requirements of Section 6 been met? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Date the Level I audit was completed (N/A if none required).

Date the Level II audit was completed (N/A if none required).

Have all EEMs required by Section 8 been implemented? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Have the requirements of Section 9 been completed? [ ] Yes [ ] No

We state that this building complies with ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100:

Signature of qualified person: _______________________ Date: __________________

Signature of energy manager: _______________________ Date: __________________

Signature of authority having jurisdiction:
(Conditional)(Final) Compliance ___________
________________ Date: ____________
Circle ONE

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 55

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Complete Form B with the Following Information f. Fill in the operating shifts normalization factor (S)i from
Table 7-3 for each activity that has an area entered from
a. A building identifier (optional) and a building address, Step 6.
including city, state, country, and zip code. g. Fill in the activity energy target (EUIt1)i from Table 7-2
b. The ASHRAE climate zone as found on the map in Infor- (or table from AHJ) for each activity that has an area
mative Annex G. entered from Step 6.
c. The gross floor area in square feet (square metres) shall be h. Calculate weighted space EUI target (A × S × EUIt1)i for
reported as defined in Section 3. each activity that has an area entered from Step 6.
i. Add up fraction of floor area and enter sum in “Total frac-
d. If entire building is single activity/type not listed in Table tion of floor area with target,” and add up all weighted
7-1, it should be listed as “building without target” on space EUI targets and enter sum as the “Energy target” on
Form A. List “Energy target” as “N/A” on Form B and Forms B and A.
Form B is considered complete. j. If more than 50% of gross floor area has no target, it
e. Fill in fraction of gross floor area (A)i for each activity. should be listed as “building without target” on Form A.
For single-activity buildings this is 1.0. List “Energy target” as “N/A” on Form B.

Form B—Building Activity and Energy Target (EUIt)

Building identifier:


City, State, Country, Zip (mail) Code:

ASHRAE climate zone as found on the map in Annex F:

The gross floor area of the building in ft2 (m2):

Activity Energy Target (EUIt1)i

Activity Energy Target (EUIt1)i

Fraction Floor Area (A)i

Fraction Floor Area (A)i

Operating Shifts (S)i

Operating Shifts (S)i

Space (EUIt)i

Space (EUIt)i
Building Activity/Type Building Activity/Type
Admin/professional office Preschool/daycare
Bank/other financial Other classroom education
Government office Fast food
Medical office (nondiagnostic) Restaurant/cafeteria
Mixed-use office Other food service
Other office Hospital/inpatient health
Laboratory Nursing home/assisted living
Distribution/ship center Dormitory/fraternity/sorority
Nonrefrigerated warehouse Hotel
Convenience store Motel or inn
Convenience store and gas Other lodging
Grocery/food market Vehicle dealership/showroom
Other food sales Retail store
Fire/police station Other retail
Other public order/safety Post office/postal center
Medical office (diagnostic) Repair shop
Clinic/other outpatient health Vehicle service/repair shop

56 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Form B—Building Activity and Energy Target (EUIt) (Continued)

Activity Energy Target (EUIt1)i

Activity Energy Target (EUIt1)i

Fraction Floor Area (A)i

Fraction Floor Area (A)i

Operating Shifts (S)i

Operating Shifts (S)i

Space (EUIt)i

Space (EUIt)i
Building Activity/Type Building Activity/Type
Refrigerated warehouse Vehicle storage/maintenance
Religious worship Other service
Entertainment/culture Strip shopping mall
Library Enclosed mall
Recreation Residential Building Activity/Type
Social/meeting Mobile home
Other public assembly SF-detached
College/university SF-attached
Elementary/middle school Apartment building (2 to 4 units)
High school Apartment building (5+ units)
Total fraction of floor area with target:
Energy target (EUIt):

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 57

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Form C—Energy-Use intensity Calculations

Energy-Use Numerical Value Conversion Multiplier to Energy,

Fuel Type Source of Energy (during the 12 month period) kBtu (MJ) kBtu (MJ)
1 Energy Delivered to Site
1a Electricity
1b Gas
Natural gas
Other (explain)
Fuel oils
1c District Energy
Hot water
Chilled water
1d Bulk Fuel
bituminous A
bituminous B
bituminous C
Sub-bituminous B
Sub-bituminous C
Other (explain)
1e Waste Streams
Hot water
Cold Water

58 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Form C—Energy-Use intensity Calculations (Continued)

Energy-Use Numerical Value Conversion Multiplier to Energy,

Fuel Type Source of Energy (during the 12 month period) kBtu (MJ) kBtu (MJ)
3 Energy Exported from Site
3a Hot water from
fossil fuels
3b Electricity from
3c Waste Stream

Hot water

Cold water

3d Electricity from
3e Hot water from
3f Steam from
fossil fuels
Total net energy (Refer to Figure 5-1); kBtu (kWh) (Rows 1 through 3)
Energy-use intensity = Total net energy/(conditioned [gross] building floor area); kBtu/ft2 (kWh/m2)
Building energy target; kBtu/ft2 (kWh/m2)

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 59

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Form D—End Use Analysis Requirements Level 1

Compliance Form—Standard 100

Section 8, “Energy Audit Requirements”
End-Use Analysis Requirements—Level 1
Complete the following tables OR attach a report summarizing same (such as DOE-2 BEPS).
Add additional sheets as necessary for other fuel sources.
Electric End Uses (List base-case energy-use estimates of all identified EEMs.)
End-Use Description Consumption Estimate, kWh % of Total
Historical annual electricity consumption:
Compute % of historical:

Fuel or Other End Uses (list base-case energy-use estimates of all identified EEMs)
End-Use Description Consumption Estimate, kBtu % of Total
Historical annual fuel/other consumption (kBtu):
Compute % of historical:

We affirm that the estimated base-case energy use for the end uses at the site are less than or equal to the annual historical energy consumption.
Signature of person determining compliance: __________________________________________________________________________________________

60 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Form E—End Use Analysis Requirements Level 2

Compliance Form—Standard 100

Section 8, “Energy Audit Requirements”
End Use Analysis Requirements—Level 2
Complete the following tables OR attach a report summarizing same (such as DOE-2 BEPFS),
Add additional sheets as necessary for other fuel sources.
Electric End Uses (List base-case energy-use estimates of all end uses that comprise >5% of annual site use).
End-Use Description Consumption Estimate, kWh % of Total
Historical annual electricity consumption
Compute % of historical

Fuel or Other End Uses (List base-case energy-use estimates of all end uses that comprise >5% of annual site use.)
End-Use Description Consumption Estimate, kBtu % of Total
Historical annual fuel/other consumption (kBtu)
Compute % of historical

We affirm that
K All end uses that comprise >5% of the annual historic energy use are included in this analysis.
K The total energy use of base-case energy use is between 90% and 100% of historical consumption.
K The same base-case energy use was used to determine estimated energy savings for the site.

Signature of person determining compliance: __________________________________________________________________________________________

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 61

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor- Exceptions to D2.2.3:
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for 1. Systems dedicated to serving equipment requiring
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed higher water temperatures,
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and 2. Systems that use a water heater to meet both domes-
may contain material that has not been subject to public tic hot-water needs and space heating load.
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at D3. HEATING, VENTILATING, AND
INFORMATIVE ANNEX D D3.1 Scope. The scope of Section D3 includes HVAC sys-
OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE tems and components used to condition spaces within build-
REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING SYSTEMS ings. The O&M requirements for these systems and their
AND ELEMENTS components should minimize energy use over time, while
providing heating, ventilation, and cooling as needed for
D1. BUILDING ENVELOPE building operations and occupant needs. The O&M require-
ments for these systems should be evaluated when building
D1.1 Operations and maintenance (O&M) requirements for
use or other changes are made that affect system operations.
the building envelope should include all applicable items in
Section 6 plus the following. D3.2 General Requirements
D1.2 The energy manager (EM) should verify a building D3.2.1 O&M requirements for HVAC systems include all
envelope inspection is performed at least once every three applicable items in Section 6 plus the following.
years. Corrective action should be taken as needed, including D3.2.2 Each O&M task should be performed in a safe and
addressing all items below. professional manner by qualified personnel. Tasks that
require specialized expertise should be performed by person-
D1.3 Seal all exterior joints in the building envelope, and all
nel with the requisite expertise who are certified where
around penetrations of the building envelope by utility ser-
required by code or regulation.
D3.2.3 O&M tasks should be performed twice per year,
D1.4 Replace broken or missing windows.
unless otherwise noted in this standard, or as recommended
D1.5 Repair or replace exterior door weather stripping, by the manufacturer.
threshold, and door sweeps as needed. D3.2.4 Securely and visibly display a list of operating
D1.6 Seal or cap obsolete shafts, chimneys, and other air parameters, such as temperature set points, pressures, and
chases. operating schedule, for each piece of equipment in the equip-
D1.7 Repair or replace existing door closers on exterior doors. ment room or the equipment location. For equipment located
in other areas, the list of operating parameters should be
D1.8 The EM shall develop, document, and distribute proce-
located in a readily accessible location close to the equip-
dures to building personnel for energy-efficient operation of
ment, such as the unit control panel, or at the equipment
exterior doors, loading docks, and operable windows.
access point, such as the roof hatch.
D2. DOMESTIC HOT-WATER SYSTEMS D3.2.5 For systems using refrigerant, maintain the refriger-
ant charge per the manufacturer’s requirements.
D2.1 General Requirements
D3.2.6 Display and maintain a service log on each piece of
D2.1.1 O&M requirements for domestic hot-water (DHW) equipment as a visible and waterproof document.
systems include all applicable items in Section 6 plus the fol-
D3.2.7 The EM and/or building operator should schedule,
verify, and record O&M evaluations of the HVAC systems,
D2.1.2 Securely and visibly locate a list of operating taking corrective action where indicated. Such evaluations
parameters, such as temperature set points, pressures, and should include the following.
operating schedule, at each piece of equipment.
D3.2.7.1 Poll occupants and users of the HVAC systems
D2.2 Hot-Water Heaters for any observations or operational issues that have occurred.
D2.2.1 Maintain proper combustion efficiency—carry out D3.2.7.2 Physically inspect the maintained systems and
a combustion analysis and carbon monoxide testing at least components.
annually, and make necessary corrections to achieve rated D3.2.7.3 Analyze occupant complaints and how these
efficiency and safety. relate to system operation.
Exception to D2.2.1: The input capacity of the heater is D3.2.7.4 Maintain indoor environmental quality parame-
less than 100,000 Btu/h (29,310 W) ters that have been established for the building, including
D2.2.2 Deenergize booster heaters when the serviced temperature, humidity, and ventilation.
equipment is not in use or is in standby mode. Make allow- D3.2.7.5 Maintain HVAC system rooms and spaces for
ance for warm-up time in heater schedule. proper and safe service access. Relocate any material or
D2.2.3 Control the DHW heater so that DHW temperature debris impeding access to the HVAC equipment. Maintain
is maintained between 120°F (49°C) and 125°F (52°C). service lighting.

62 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

D3.2.7.6 Maintain HVAC system schedules to meet cur- D3.3.2.3 Maintain heating operations so they do not
rent requirements, including the following: result in short or rapid cycling of the burners.
a. Occupied mode D3.3.3 Venting
b. Unoccupied mode, such as automatic shutdown, setup D3.3.3.1 Maintain combustion and ventilation air openings.
mode, setback mode D3.3.3.2 Maintain boiler vent discharge and intakes.
c. Start mode, such as warm-up mode, cool-down mode, D3.3.4 Steam and Condensate Return Loop
optimum start mode D3.3.4.1 Maintain condensate return systems.
D3.2.7.7 Maintain HVAC system electrical connections. D3.3.4.2 Maintain feed water systems.
D3.2.7.8 Maintain equipment to avoid excessive mechan- D3.3.4.3 Maintain pressure relief and venting.
ical noise and vibration. D3.3.4.4 Maintain steam traps.
D3.2.7.9 Maintain HVAC heat exchange surfaces for D3.3.4.5 Maintain water treatment.
effective heat transfer. D3.3.5 Hot-Water Hydronic Loop
D3.2.7.10 Maintain serviceable points of lubrication. D3.3.5.1 Maintain pump operation and sequencing.
D3.2.7.11 Replace or clean filters in accordance with the D3.3.5.2 Maintain water systems makeup and relief.
manufacturer’s recommended schedule or design pressure drop. D3.3.5.3 Maintain system water pressure.
D3.2.7.12 Maintain HVAC system piping and duct sys- D3.3.5.4 Maintain system free of leaks and entrained air.
tems against leakage.
D3.3.5.5 Maintain water treatment and antifreeze addi-
D3.2.7.13 Maintain insulation on HVAC system piping tives.
and duct systems.
D3.4 Chilled-Water Systems. The scope of this section cov-
D3.2.7.14 Maintain the steam water heating, hot-water ers the operation and maintenance of chillers, condensers,
heating, and chilled-water cooling control valves against leak- open- and closed-type cooling towers, pumps, valves, strain-
age a minimum of once every three years. ers, piping, and all fittings and components comprising the
D3.2.8 Document periodic maintenance work and service entire system.
work on service logs. D3.4.1 Chillers
D3.3 Boiler Systems. The scope of this section covers the D3.4.1.1 Maintain refrigeration system for proper tem-
operation and maintenance of boilers, flues/vents, feed water peratures and pressures.
equipment, piping, valves, steam traps, strainers, all fittings,
D3.4.2 Chilled-Water System Controls
and components comprising the entire system.
D3.4.2.1 Maintain controls to cycle the chilled-water
D3.3.1 O&M requirements for boiler systems include all system through an entire cooling cycle and verify proper
applicable items in Section 6 plus the following. operation.
D3.3.1.1 Boiler Burners D3.4.2.2 Maintain flow controls, operating controls, and
a. Maintain proper combustion efficiency—carry out a com- safeties for proper operation.
bustion analysis and carbon monoxide testing at least D3.4.2.3 Maintain reset and head pressure controls for
annually, and make necessary corrections to achieve rated proper operation.
efficiency and safety. D3.4.2.4 Where cooling is provided by multiple units,
b. For boilers 400,000 Btu/h (117,240 W), design input, maintain proper sequencing to achieve maximum efficiency
perform combustion analysis, and make adjustments to while meeting required load.
optimize boiler efficiency at least once annually. D3.4.3 Chilled-Water Hydronic Loop
c. For boilers <400,000 Btu/h (117,240 W), design input,
D3.4.3.1 Maintain proper water temperatures during
perform combustion analysis, and make adjustments to
optimize boiler efficiency at least once every three years.
d. Maintain burners. D3.4.3.2 Maintain proper pump operation and sequencing.
e. Maintain combustion chamber to avoid incomplete com- D3.4.3.3 Maintain proper system water pressure.
bustion. D3.4.3.4 Maintain the entire system and ensure the distri-
f. Inspect combustion chamber against cracks or deteriora- bution system is free of leaks and entrained air.
tion. D3.4.3.5 Maintain water treatment.
g. Maintain pilot and flame controls, flues, combustion air D3.4.4 Cooling Towers and Condenser Water Loop
openings, and safeties.
D3.4.4.1 Maintain proper water temperatures during
h. Maintain boiler blowdown to ensure it is functional and operation.
not excessive.
D3.4.4.2 Maintain proper pump operation and sequencing.
D3.3.2 Boiler Controls D3.4.4.3 Maintain the entire system and ensure the distri-
D3.3.2.1 Adjust controls to cycle the boiler system bution system is free of leaks and entrained air.
through an entire heating cycle and maintain proper operation. D3.4.4.4 Maintain water treatment, bleed control, and
D3.3.2.2 Maintain reset controls. cycles of concentration.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 63

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

D3.4.4.5 Maintain corrosion coupon consumption. D3.8.4 Maintain controls, including sensors, wiring, pneu-
D3.4.4.6 Maintain cooling tower sump. matic tubing and their connections, damper actuators, damper
linkages, and damper sequencing for proper operation.
D3.4.4.7 Maintain proper fan operation.
D3.9 Unitary Systems and Air-Handling Systems
D3.5 Air-Side Heating, Cooling, and Ventilating Systems.
The scope of this section covers the operation and mainte- D3.9.1 See Section D3.5.1 as applicable.
nance of air-side heating, cooling, and ventilating systems D3.9.2 Maintain system heating and cooling operation.
ducting; terminal units; and components comprising the D3.9.3 Maintain controls for proper sequence of opera-
entire system. tions.
D3.5.1 Air-Handling Systems D3.9.4 Maintain condensate drain pan and piping.
D3.5.1.1 Maintain all airflow components, including D3.9.5 Maintain direct-expansion cooling or heating.
motors, fans, variable-frequency drives, inlet vanes, drain D3.9.6 Refer to Section D4 for direct-expansion refrigerant-
pans, piping, ductwork, dampers, louvers, coils, energy based systems.
recovery devices, and cabinets, as applicable.
D3.10 Evaporative Cooling Systems
D3.5.1.2 Maintain controls, including sensors and actua-
tors, and proper sequence of operation. D3.10.1 See Section D3.5.1 as applicable.
D3.10.2 Maintain proper fill and drain operation.
D3.5.1.3 Maintain heat exchange devices, including coils.
D3.10.3 Maintain water compartment moisture and air
D3.5.1.4 Maintain damper systems.
D3.5.2 Heat Recovery Systems Including Energy
D3.10.4 Maintain sprayers, nozzles, evaporative media,
Recovery Ventilation (ERV) and Heat Recovery Ventila-
and water distribution components for proper operation.
tion (HRV)
D3.10.5 Maintain drains and clean sumps.
D3.5.2.1 See Section D3.5.1 as applicable.
D3.10.6 Maintain proper system heating, heat recovery,
D3.5.2.2 Maintain correct physical operation, such as
and cooling operation.
wheel rotation, as applicable.
D3.10.7 Maintain controls for proper sequence of operations.
D3.5.3 Humidification
D3.11 Geothermal Systems
D3.5.3.1 Maintain fill and drain systems.
D3.11.1 See Sections D3.5.1and D3.9 as applicable.
D3.5.3.2 Maintain water compartment for proper opera-
tion. D3.11.2 Maintain system heating and cooling operation.
D3.5.3.3 Maintain sprayers and nozzles. D3.12 Terminal Systems
D3.5.3.4 Maintain sumps. D3.12.1 See D3.5.1 as applicable.
D3.5.3.5 Maintain control valve and steam traps. D3.12.2 Maintain system heating and cooling operation.
D3.6 Perform heat exchanger testing on furnace heat D3.13 Thermal Energy Storage Systems. The scope of this
exchangers at a minimum of once every three years per AHRI section covers thermal energy storage systems, ice-storage
Guideline X, Induced Draft Furnace Heat Exchanger systems, phase-change storage systems, hot-water storage
Inspection 7. systems, and heat storage systems (e.g., using thermal mass).
D3.13.1 Maintain all equipment in accordance with require-
D3.7 Review occupant hot/cold complaints and operator
ments for each type of equipment elsewhere in this section.
hot/cold observations. If the complaint is validated, do the
following. D3.13.2 Operate the thermal energy storage system
through its entire cooling and/or heating cycle and verify
D3.7.1 Check the HVAC system equipment operation.
proper operation of all controls. Perform adjustments and
D3.7.2 Review draft problems. repairs as necessary.
D3.7.3 Review zoning conflicts.
D3.7.4 Test the zone for good and stable temperature control. D4. REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS
D3.7.5 Measure the humidity level to verify it is below the D4.1 Scope. The scope of Section D4 includes the operation
ASHRAE Standard 55 8 upper dew-point limit of 62.2°F and maintenance of refrigeration systems and equipment that
(16.8°C). do not supply comfort cooling, such as display case refrigera-
tion systems, refrigerated warehouses, and all medium- and
D3.7.6 Adjust diffusers and other parts of heating and cool-
low-temperature-product refrigeration systems.
ing distribution systems to minimize overheating and over-
cooling of rooms and zones. D4.2 Operations and Maintenance. O&M requirements for
refrigeration systems include all applicable items in Section
D3.8 Maintain economizer systems.
D6.1 plus the following.
D3.8.1 Check that dampers move freely through their
D4.2.1 Monitor refrigerating systems at regular intervals,
entire operating range. Clean, lubricate, adjust, and repair as
determined by the type of system and historic leakage rates,
to ensure that systems are well sealed, have the correct refrig-
D3.8.2 Maintain damper blades and side seals. erant charge, and are operating properly. Take the following
D3.8.3 Maintain wiring. actions as applicable.

64 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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D4.2.2 Securely and visibly locate a list of operating D4.7.5 Maintain the interior of refrigerated enclosures for
parameters, such as temperature set points, pressures, and punctured or broken panels and breaches around ducts, pipe,
operating schedule, at each piece of equipment. or wiring penetrations; maintain vapor barrier integrity.
D4.2.3 Check for refrigerant leaks using industry standard
procedures. D5. LIGHTING SYSTEMS
D4.2.4 Monitor and record all additions of refrigerant to, or D5.1 The O&M program should include a lighting systems
removals from, the system, along with the reason for the section. The lighting systems plan should include, as a mini-
action. mum, the requirements listed in Section D5, which should be
D4.2.5 Maintain the refrigerant charge within the manufac- implemented at the time of compliance with this section and
turer’s specified range. at three-year intervals thereafter.
D4.3 Maintain evaporator defrost system for proper operation. D5.2 Lighting Controls. The EM should inventory and ver-
ify correct operation, programming, and placement of all
D4.4 Retail Store Product Display Refrigeration Systems lighting controls. Lighting controls that have been disabled
D4.4.1 Maintain refrigeration systems. should be repaired and made functional. Functional testing
D4.4.2 The EM should work with staff to ensure they know should be performed on dimmers, multiscene controls, occu-
correct product loading practices for display refrigerators. pancy sensors, time switches, or photosensors, if present, in
Avoid uneven loading, overloading, blocked air curtains, or accordance with the requirements of Section 9.4.4 of
blocked return air paths. ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1.
D4.4.3 In stores that are not open 24 hours a day, maintain D5.3 Luminaire Integrity. The EM should survey all exist-
the use of night covers for display cases and refrigerators to ing luminaires and create an as-built lighting schedule. This
minimize ambient air infiltration. lighting schedule may be developed using a lighting survey
D4.5 Walk-In Coolers and Freezers tool. The EM should calculate and document the lighting
power density and compare with any previous lighting power
D4.5.1 Maintain refrigeration system. density calculation, such as those from original design docu-
D4.5.2 Maintain doors, including hinges, gaskets, and clo- ments or from previous lighting schedules. Continued compli-
sures. ance with this section requires that the lighting power density
D4.5.3 Maintain evaporator and condenser coils. does not increase with time unless there is a corresponding,
D4.5.4 Maintain evaporator drains lines. In freezers, main- documented change in use of the space.
tain the drain line heat tape to operate properly, and maintain D5.4 The current lighting schedule should be evaluated for
the drain line insulation in good condition. opportunities for energy savings through implementation of
D4.5.5 Maintain the defrost operation, including fre- energy efficiency measures (EEMs), such as those listed in
quency. Schedule defrost to avoid activation during peak Informative Annex E, Section 6 (nonresidential), or Section 7
demand periods. (residential), and an estimate of the energy savings should be
prepared. This estimate will be included in the energy man-
D4.5.6 Maintain the interior of refrigerated enclosures for
agement plan (see Section if an energy management
punctured or broken panels and breaches around pipe or wir-
plan is required).
ing penetrations; maintain vapor barrier integrity.
D4.5.7 Encourage users to turn lights off when the room is D5.5 Occupant Training
vacant. D5.6 Lighting Maintenance. The O&M program should
D4.6 Ice-Making Machines specify the following:
D4.6.1 Maintain refrigeration systems. a. Replacement of failed lamps and ballasts.
D4.6.2 Maintain water system, reservoir, and evaporator b. Replacement of failed luminaires.
coil for scale or mineral build-up and proper operation. c. Periodic cleaning of all optical surfaces, including lenses,
D4.6.3 Maintain strainer, inlet water valve screen, and float reflectors, louvers, and shielding mechanisms, as well as
valve for proper operation. lamps. Individual luminaries should be cleaned whenever
lamps or ballasts are replaced, and all luminaries as a
D4.6.4 Maintain air filter, condenser coil, and condenser fan. group should be cleaned at least once every three years.
D4.6.5 Maintain the bin ice control for proper operation, All such cleaning should be performed in accordance with
including drain and water overflow. manufacturer’s instructions if available.
D4.7 Refrigerated Warehouses d. Any lamp or ballast replacement within the existing lumi-
D4.7.1 Maintain refrigeration systems. naires in a space should not increase the installed interior
lighting power density of the space unless the previous
D4.7.2 The EM should work with users so that product is light levels were less than the IES recommended levels as
located to permit air circulation, particularly near walls and specified in the IES Lighting Handbook 4 or in the IES
ceiling. Recommended Practices title for that space type. If the
D4.7.3 Examine walls and ceiling monthly for evidence of exact space type cannot be found, then the space type with
frost build up. Locate the source and make corrective repairs. the closest functional activities should be used.
D4.7.4 Maintain doors, rollers, door travel, and threshold e. For exterior residential lighting, all replacement lamps
as needed to minimize door leakage. should be high-efficacy lamps unless controlled to auto-

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 65

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

matically limit power use to less than 2200 total hours of D6.2.4 Correct all issues found during the control system
full-power operation per year. evaluations.
f. For nonresidential exterior lighting, turn off all exterior D6.3 Pneumatic Controls (including Pneumatic Sensors
lighting during daylight hours. and Actuators)
Exceptions to D5.6(f): D6.3.1 Check for properly operating receivers controllers
1. Signage. and transducers and calibrate as required.
2. Lighting needed for safety. D6.3.2 Check for oil in the air lines and clean lines and any
3. Lighting needed for operational necessity. affected components as required.
D6.3.3 Check filters on air dryer and clean or replace as
D5.7 Interior Lighting in Nonresidential Buildings. A light-
ing satisfaction survey should be conducted at least every three
years and key issues identified and corrected as necessary. D6.3.4 Check condenser coil on the air dryer and clean as
D6. CONTROLS SYSTEMS D6.3.5 Check pressure reducing valves (PRV or regulator)
operation and calibrate as required.
D6.1 Scope. The scope of Section D6 includes all types of
control and energy management systems and components D6.3.6 Check for leaks in air storage tank.
used to control conditioned spaces within buildings. D6.3.7 Check tank condensate drain operation.
The O&M requirements for these systems and their com- D6.3.8 Check thermostat for proper operation and calibrate
ponents should minimize energy use over time while provid- as required.
ing control of equipment and systems as needed for building D6.3.9 Check system for leaks in the high pressure lines.
operations and occupant needs. The O&M requirements for
D6.3.10 Check compressor run time; it should run less than
these systems should be reevaluated when building use or
50% of the time. If runtime is excessive, check for leaks or
other changes are made that negatively affect the systems’
other causes of high demand for control air and take correc-
tive action as needed.
D6.2 All equipment should be maintained according to the D6.3.11 Correct all issues found during the pneumatic con-
manufacturer’s instructions. trol system evaluations.
D6.2.1 Each O&M task should be performed safely and in D6.4 Analog Controls
accordance with good trade practice by qualified personnel.
D6.4.1 Check differential pressure gages operation.
Tasks that require specialized expertise should be performed
by personnel with the requisite expertise and who are appro- D6.4.2 Check differential pressure switches operation.
priately certified where required by code or regulation. D6.4.3 Check air pressure switches operations.
D6.2.2 O&M tasks should be performed twice per year, D6.4.4 Check thermostat operation.
unless otherwise noted in this standard, or as recommended D6.4.5 Check transformer input and output voltages.
by the manufacturer. D6.4.6 Check system’s back-up batteries.
D6.2.3 The EM and/or building operator should schedule D6.4.7 Correct all issues found during the analog control
and perform evaluations of the control systems twice per year. system evaluations.
System evaluations shall include the following:
D6.5 Direct Digital Controls (DDC) (including Electronic
a. Reviewing recorded trouble calls and occupant complaints Sensors and Actuators)
and analyzing how these relate to control operation. D6.5.1 Review DDC system applications programs and
b. Physically inspecting maintained systems and compo- verify the system is working in accordance with the design
nents. sequence of operation.
c. Checking that all set points are correct per efficiency D6.5.2 Confirm component readings are in range through
requirements, design, or the owner’s needs. audits, calibration, or comparison to performance standards.
d. Checking to ensure seasonal control changes are adjusted. D6.5.3 If the DDC system has back-up batteries, check sys-
e. Checking that time of day and holiday schedules are opti- tem’s back-up batteries.
mized to meet current occupied hours. D6.5.4 Inspect, clean, and maintain all sensors and meters
f. Making calibration checks of all system-level sensors, in conformance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
including hot-water, chilled-water, and multiple-zone air-
D6.5.5 Verify the most recent calibration report of CO2
handling units, at least every three years.
sensors and recalibrate as recommended by the manufacturer.
g. Making calibration checks of all space sensors showing
D6.5.6 Check whether outdoor devices have adequate
small drift or offset over time at least once every five
enclosures and whether the enclosures are in good conditions.
h. Checking whether controls are overridden or in manual D6.5.7 Verify input and output transformer voltages.
operation and making corrections as necessary. D6.5.8 Verify control actuation, linkage attachment, stroke
i. Checking the control of minimum outdoor air ventilation timing, and torque required for motor actuators.
and making adjustments where necessary to avoid either D6.5.9 Correct all issues found during the DDC system
excessive or inadequate minimum outdoor airflows. evaluations.

66 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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D7. ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION AND D7.5.1 Fuel-Fired Cogeneration. A monthly record of
ON-SITE GENERATION SYSTEMS cogeneration operating hours and heat recovery should be
maintained and reported annually. Annual energy generated
D7.1 Scope. The scope of Section D7 covers aspects of
and useful heat recovered should be compared to the design
O&M for the building electrical power system that relate to
estimates for these values.
the facility’s energy efficiency.
D7.5.2 Photovoltaic (PV) Systems. PV system perfor-
D7.2 O&M requirements for electric power distribution and mance should be reported on an annual basis. The annual out-
on-site generation systems include all applicable items in put should be compared to the system’s designed output or
Section D6.1 plus the following. output during previous operating periods. Shortfalls in annual
D7.3 Each piece of on-site electrical generation equipment or system performance should be analyzed for cause and possi-
built-up system should be maintained to the manufacturer’s ble system defects, and troubleshooting and corrective work
instructions. should be performed as necessary.
D7.5.3 Fuel Cells. Fuel cell performance should be
D7.4 Metering and Submetering. Meters and submeters
reported on a monthly basis. Shortfalls in monthly system
owned by the facility should be calibrated at least once every
performance should be analyzed for cause and possible sys-
five years per the manufacturer’s instructions.
tem defects, and troubleshooting and corrective work should
D7.5 On-Site Electricity Generation be performed as necessary.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 67

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(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor- E1.3.3 Insulate basement wall with a slab over unheated
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for basement.
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed E1.4 Windows
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and E1.4.1 Replace single-pane and leaky windows with ther-
may contain material that has not been subject to public mal/operable windows to minimize cooling and heating loss.
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at E1.4.2 Install exterior shading, such as blinds or awnings,
ASHRAE or ANSI.) to cut down on heat loss and to reduce heat gain.
E1.4.3 Install storm windows and multiple glazed windows.
INFORMATIVE ANNEX E E1.4.4 Use tinted or reflective glazing or energy control/
This informative annex provided categorized listings of typi- E1.4.5 Replace existing fenestration (toplighting and/or
cal energy efficiency measures (EEMs) that can be applied to sidelighting) with dual-glazed low-e glass wherever possible
enable buildings to meet the set energy targets. It identifies to reduce thermal gain.
commonly applied elements that can improve building perfor- E1.4.6 Adopt weatherization/fenestration improvements.
mance but is not intended to suggest specific requirements, E1.4.7 Consider replacing exterior windows with insulated
nor does it comprehensively covered all of the options avail- glass block when visibility is not required but light is
able to an owner. required.
Measures included in these listings are intended to
E1.4.8 Landscape/plant trees to create shade and reduce
improve energy efficiency and reduce overall energy use.
air-conditioning loads.
They are not intended to encourage fuel switching unless such
actions as installation of cogeneration, trigeneration, or com- E1.5 Doors
bined heating and cooling plants would result in overall E1.5.1 Prevent heat loss through doors by draft sealing and
reduction in total energy used. using thermal insulation.
Some measures, such as demand response/control, may E1.5.2 Install automatic doors, air curtains, or strip doors at
also save energy as an incidental side benefit. Other measures high-traffic passages between conditioned and unconditioned
may result in extension of the capacity of given infrastructure spaces.
systems and/or the ability for energy efficiency to defer or E1.5.3 Use self-closing or revolving doors and vestibules if
eliminate the need for plant expansions. Such results can be possible.
factored into the resulting return on investment or life-cycle
E1.5.4 Install high-speed doors between heated/cooled
cost analysis.
building space and unconditioned space in the areas with
E1. BUILDING ENVELOPE high-traffic passages.
E1.6 Install separate smaller doors for people near the area of
E1.1 Walls
large vehicle doors air leakage.
E1.1.1 Insulate Walls. Retrofit insulation can be external
E1.6.1 Seal top and bottom of building.
and internal.
E1.6.2 Seal vertical shafts, stairways, outside walls, and
E1.1.1.1 External post insulation makes large savings
possible, as this type of insulation contributes not only to a
reduction of the heat loss through large wall surfaces but also E1.6.3 Compartmentalize garage doors and mechanical
eliminates the traditional thermal bridges where floor and and vented internal and special-purpose rooms.
internal wall are anchored in the exterior wall. E1.7 Moisture Penetration
E1.1.1.2 Internal insulation is typically used when exter- E1.8 Reduce air leakage.
nal insulation is not allowed, such as for historical buildings. E1.9 Install vapor barriers in walls, ceilings, and roofs.
E1.1.2 Insulate cavity walls using spray-in insulation.
E1.1.3 Consider converting internal courtyard into an
atrium to reduce external wall surface. E2.1 Ventilation
E1.2 Roofs E2.1.1 Reduce HVAC system outdoor airflow rates when
E1.2.1 Use cool roof (high-reflectance roofing material) possible. Minimum outdoor airflow rates should comply with
with reroofing projects. ASHRAE Standard 62.19 or local code requirements.
E1.2.2 Determine roof insulation values and recommend E2.1.2 Reduce minimum flow settings in single-duct and
roof insulation as appropriate. dual-duct variable-air-volume (VAV) terminals as low as is
practical to meet ventilation requirements.
E1.2.3 Insulate ceilings and roofs using spray-on insulation.
E2.1.3 Minimize exhaust and makeup (ventilation) rates
E1.2.4 Where appropriate, exhaust hot air from attics. when possible by complying with the most stringent federal,
E1.3 Floors state, and/or local code requirements.
E1.3.1 Insulate floors. E2.1.4 When available, use operable windows for ventila-
E1.3.2 Insulate floors using spray-on insulation. tion during mild weather (natural ventilation) when outdoor

68 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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conditions are optimal. Confirm that the facility has been E2.2.13 Eliminate or downsize existing HVAC equipment
designed for natural ventilation and that control strategies are in an existing building or group of buildings when improve-
available to operate the facility in the natural ventilation mode. ments in building envelope, reductions in lighting or plug
E2.1.5 Eliminate outdoor air ventilation during unoccupied loads, and other EEMs that reduce cooling or heating loads
building morning warm up. have been implemented.
E2.1.6 Convert mixing air supply systems into displace- E2.2.14 Eliminate HVAC use in vestibules and unoccupied
ment ventilation systems to create a temperature stratification spaces.
in spaces with high ceilings and predominant cooling needs. E2.2.15 Minimize direct cooling/heating of unoccupied
E2.1.7 Consider replacement of all-air HVAC system with a areas by system zone controls, occupancy sensors, or by turn-
combination of a dedicated outdoor air system coupled with ing off fan-coil units and unit heaters.
radiant cooling and heating systems. E2.2.16 Replace forced-air heaters with low- or medium-
E2.1.8 Convert constant-volume central exhaust systems temperature radiant heaters.
into demand-based controlled central exhaust systems when
E2.2.17 Replace inefficient window air conditioners with
high-efficiency (i.e., high SEER rating) modular units or cen-
E2.1.9 Convert HVAC systems to provide ventilation in tral systems.
accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62.1 9.
E2.2.18 Employ heat recovery from exhaust air and pro-
E2.2 HVAC Distribution Systems cesses for preheating or precooling incoming outdoor air or
E2.2.1 Convert a constant-air-volume system (CAV) supply air.
(including dual duct, multizone, and constant-volume reheat
E2.2.19 Install transpired air heating collector (solar wall)
systems) into a VAV system with variable-speed drives
for ventilation air preheating.
(VFDs) on fan motors. A VAV system is designed to deliver
only the volume of air needed for conditioning the actual E2.2.20 Modify controls and/or systems to implement
load. night precooling to reduce cooling energy consumption the
E2.2.2 Control VAV system VFD speed based on the static following day.
pressure needs in the system. Reset the static pressure set E2.2.21 Use waste heat, such as hot gas, return air heat, or
point dynamically as low as is practical to meet the zone set return hot water, as an energy source for reheating for humid-
points. ity control. (Often air is cooled to dew-point to remove mois-
E2.2.3 Reset VAV system supply air temperature set point ture and then must be reheated to desired temperature and
when system is at minimum speed to provide adequate venti- humidity.)
lation. E2.2.22 Avoid temperature stratification with heating,
E2.2.4 If conversion to VAV from CAV systems is imprac- either by proper air supply system design or by using tem-
tical, reset supply air temperatures in response to load. perature destratifiers such as ceiling fans.
Dynamically control heating duct temperatures as low as pos- E2.2.23 In humid climates, supply air with a temperature
sible, and cooling duct temperatures as high as possible, above the dew point to prevent condensation on cold surfaces.
while meeting the load. E2.2.24 Insulate fan-coil units and avoid their installation
E2.2.5 Use high-efficiency fans and pumps; replace or trim in unconditioned spaces.
impellers of existing fans if they have excessive capacity rela-
E2.2.25 Clean heat exchangers (to maintain heat exchange
tive to peak demand.
efficiency) in the evaporators and condensers of refrigeration
E2.2.6 Install higher-efficiency air filters/cleaners in HVAC equipment on a seasonal basis.
system. Size ducts and select filter sizes for low face velocity
to reduce pressure drop where available space permits. E2.2.26 Use high-efficiency dehumidification systems
based on either dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) or
E2.2.7 Insulate HVAC ducts and pipes, particularly where
VAV systems.
they are outside the conditioned space. Ensure that duct insu-
lation and vapor barrier are maintained or enhanced to ensure E2.2.27 Identify whether there are any rogue zones (i.e.,
thermal performance and avoid water vapor intrusion. zones that determine the cooling or heating demand on the
entire system) in a multiple-zone air-handling system, and
E2.2.8 Check for air leaks in HVAC duct systems and seal
modify them to eliminate their negative impact.
ductwork as indicated.
E2.2.9 Rebalance ducting and piping systems. E2.2.28 Modify supply duct systems to eliminate duct con-
figurations that impose high friction losses on the system.
E2.2.10 Provide cooling effect by creating air movement
with fans. E2.2.29 Convert three-pipe heating/cooling distribution
E2.2.11 Select cooling coils with a face velocity range of systems to four-pipe or two-pipe systems. Eliminate simulta-
300 to 350 fpm (1.5 to 1.75 m/s) to reduce the air pressure neous heating and cooling through mixed returns.
drop across the cooling coil and increase the chilled-water E2.2.30 Convert steam or compressed air humidifiers to
system temperature differential across the system. ultrasonic or high-pressure humidifiers.
E2.2.12 Replace standard fan belts with fan belts designed E2.2.31 Replace mechanical dehumidification with desic-
for minimum energy losses, such as cog belts. cant systems using heat-recovery regeneration.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 69

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E2.2.32 Consider small unitary systems for small zones E2.3.15 Implement an energy management system (EMS)
with long or continuous occupancy. Avoid running large dis- designed to optimize and adjust HVAC operations based on
tribution systems to meet needs of small, continuously occu- environmental conditions, changing uses, and timing.
pied spaces.
E2.2.33 Install thermostatic control valves on uncontrolled E3. REFRIGERATION
or manually controlled radiators. E3.1 Reduce Loads
E2.2.34 Replace unitary systems with newer units with E3.1.1 Install strip curtains or automatic fast open and
high efficiency and high SEER ratings. close doors on refrigerated space doorways.
E2.2.35 Install evaporative precooling for direct-expansion E3.1.2 Replace open refrigerated cases with reach-in
(DX) systems. refrigerated cases.
E2.2.36 Install air-side heat recovery for systems using E3.1.3 Replace old refrigerated cases with new high-effi-
100% makeup air, such as run-around piping or energy ciency models (improved glazing, insulation, motor effi-
exchange wheels. ciency, and reduced antisweat requirements).
E2.2.37 In reheat systems, make adjustments as necessary E3.1.4 Replace worn door gaskets.
to minimize reheat energy consumption while maintaining E3.1.5 Replace broken or missing automatic door closers.
indoor environmental quality. E3.1.6 Check defrost schedules and avoid excessive defrost.
E2.2.38 In multiple-zone systems, identify any rogue zones E3.1.7 Repair/install refrigeration piping insulation on suc-
that consistently cause the reset of system-level set points in tion lines.
order to satisfy that one zone’s heating or cooling demands. E3.1.8 Install humidity-responsive antisweat heating
E2.3 Building Automation and Control Systems (ASH) controls on refrigerated case doors.
E2.3.1 Create building/air-conditioned space zones with E3.1.9 Install refrigerated case, walk-in, or storage space
separate controls to suit solar exposure and occupancy. lighting controls (scheduled and/or occupancy sensors).
E2.3.2 Use night setback, or turn off HVAC equipment E3.1.10 Install night covers to reduce infiltration in open
when building is unoccupied. cases.
E2.3.3 Install occupancy sensors with VAV systems; set- E3.1.11 Install low/no ASH refrigerated case doors.
back temperatures and shut off boxes. E3.1.12 Replace lights with LED strip lights with motion
E2.3.4 Install system controls to reduce cooling/heating of sensors in refrigerated cases and spaces.
unoccupied space. E3.1.13 Increase insulation on walk-in boxes and storage
E2.3.5 Lower heating and raise cooling temperature set spaces that have visible moisture or ice on walls, corners, etc.
points to match the comfort range prescribed in ASHRAE Ensure that insulation and vapor barrier are maintained or
Standard 55 8. enhanced to ensure thermal performance and avoid water
vapor intrusion.
E2.3.6 Install an air-side and/or water-side economizer
cycle with enthalpy switchover when compatible with the E3.2 Improve System Operating Efficiency
existing equipment, space occupancy, and distribution system. E3.2.1 Clean condenser coils.
E2.3.7 Schedule off-hour meetings in a location that does E3.2.2 Check the refrigerant charge and add when needed.
not require HVAC in the entire facility. E3.2.3 Reclaim heat from hot-gas line for domestic water
E2.3.8 Retrofit multiple-zone VAV systems with direct dig- heating or space heating.
ital controls (DDC) controllers at the zone level, and imple- E3.2.4 Install floating-head pressure controls, adjustable-
ment supply air duct pressure reset to reduce supply air duct head pressure control valve, and balanced port expansion
pressure until at least one zone damper is nearly wide open. valves for DX systems.
E2.3.9 Eliminate duplicative zone controls such as multiple E3.2.5 Install floating suction pressure controls on DX sys-
thermostats serving a single zone with independent controls. tems.
E2.3.10 Adjust hot-water and chilled-water temperature to E3.2.6 Install evaporator fan motor VSDs and controllers
develop peak-shaving strategies based on an outdoor air tem- in walk-ins and refrigerated storage spaces.
perature reset schedule. E3.2.7 Replace single-phase, <1 hp evaporator fan motors
E2.3.11 Adjust housekeeping schedule to minimize HVAC with electrically commutated motors.
use. E3.2.8 Replace three-phase evaporator and condenser
E2.3.12 Install programmable zone thermostats with motors with premium efficiency motors.
appropriate deadbands. E3.2.9 Replace single compressor systems with multiplex
E2.3.13 Use variable-speed drives (VSDs) and DDC on systems and control system.
water circulation pump and fan motors and controls. E3.2.10 Install mechanical subcooling.
E2.3.14 Reduce operating hours of complementing heating E3.2.11 Install mechanical unloaders on appropriate multi-
and cooling systems. Ensure proper location of thermostat to plex reciprocating semihermetic compressors.
provide balanced space conditioning. E3.2.12 Install VFD on ammonia screw compressors.

70 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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E3.2.13 Install high specific-efficiency (Btu/W) condensers. E5. ENERGY GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION
E3.2.14 Install hybrid air-cooled/evaporative-cooled con- E5.1 Boiler System
densers. E5.1.1 Install air-atomizing and low NOx burners for oil-
fired boiler.
E5.1.2 Investigate economics of adding insulation on pres-
E4.1 Domestic Hot-Water Systems ently insulated or uninsulated lines. If pipe or duct insulation
E4.1.1 Lower domestic water set point temperatures to is missing, replace it with new material. Ensure that the pipe
120°F (49°C) insulation and vapor barrier are maintained or enhanced to
E4.1.2 Install point-of-use gas or electric water heaters. ensure thermal performance and avoid water vapor intrusion.
E4.1.3 Install water-heater blankets on water heaters. E5.1.3 Review mechanical standby turbines presently left
E4.1.4 Where permitted by the manufacturer, and in con- in the idling mode.
junction with the manufacturer’s control system, install auto- E5.1.4 Review operation of steam systems used only for
matic flue dampers on fuel-fired water heaters. occasional services, such as winter-only tracing lines.
E4.1.5 Insulate hot-water pipes. E5.1.5 Review pressure-level requirements of steam-driven
E4.1.6 Reclaim heat from waste water, refrigeration sys- mechanical equipment to consider using lower exhaust pres-
tems, cogeneration, or chillers. sure levels.
E4.1.7 Install solar heating where applicable. E5.1.6 Survey condensate presently being discharged to
E4.1.8 Replace dishwashers by installing low-temperature waste drains for feasibility of reclaim or heat recovery.
systems that sanitize primarily through chemical agents rather E5.1.7 Reduce boiler operating pressure to minimize heat
than high water temperatures. losses through leakage.
E4.1.9 Retrofit dishwashers by installing electric-eye or E5.2 Chiller System
sensor systems in conveyor-type machines so that the presence E5.2.1 Chiller retrofits with equipment that has high effi-
of dishes moving along the conveyor activates the water flow. ciency at full and part load.
E4.1.10 Reduce operating hours for water-heating systems. E5.2.2 Cooling tower retrofits, including high-efficiency
E4.1.11 Install gray water heat recovery from showers, fill, VSD fans, fiberglass fans, hyperbolic stack extensions,
dishwashers, and washing machines. fan controls, VSD pump drives, and improved distribution
E4.1.12 Install low-flow dishwashing prewash spray noz- nozzles.
zles. E5.2.3 Install economizer cooling systems (HX between
E4.1.13 Replace outdated laundry equipment with newer cooling tower loop and chilled-water loop before the chiller).
models. E5.2.4 Install evaporative cooled, evaporative precooled, or
E4.2 Water Conservation water-cooled condensers in place of air-cooled condensers.
E4.2.1 Replace faucets with units that have infrared sen- E5.2.5 Isolate offline chillers and cooling towers.
sors or automatic shutoff. E5.2.6 Reduce overpumping on chilled-water systems.
E4.2.2 Install water flow restrictors on shower heads and E5.2.7 Replace single compressor with multiple different-
faucets. size staged compressors.
E4.2.3 Install covers on swimming pools and tanks. E5.2.8 Install two-speed, mechanical unloading, or VFD
E4.2.4 Install devices to save hot water by pumping water on compressor motors.
in the distribution lines back to the water heater so that hot E5.2.9 Use of absorption chiller when there is cogeneration
water is not wasted. Install industrial waste/sewage metering. system, waste heat, or solar thermal available.
E4.2.5 Install water metering. E5.2.10 Install double-bundle chillers for heat recovery.
E4.2.6 Install landscape irrigation timers to schedule sprin- E5.2.11 Free cooling cycle by piping chilled water to con-
kler use to off-peak, night, or early morning hours when water denser during cold weather.
rates are cheaper and water used is less likely to evaporate. E5.2.12 Prevent chilled water or condenser water flowing
E4.2.7 Use low-flow sprinkler heads for landscape irriga- through the offline chiller. Chillers can be isolated by turning
tion instead of turf sprinklers in areas with plants, trees, and off pumps and closing valves.
shrubs. E5.2.13 For equipment cooling, control makeup water and
E4.2.8 Use sprinkler controls for landscape irrigation that reduce blowdown by adding temperature control valves to
employ soil tensiometers or electric moisture sensors to help cooling water discharge lines in equipment such as air com-
determine when soil is dry and gage the amount of water pressors and refrigeration systems.
needed. E5.2.14 For evaporative cooling systems, install drift elimi-
E4.2.9 Use trickle or subsurface drip systems for landscape nators or repair existing equipment.
irrigation that provide water directly to turf roots, preventing E5.2.15 For evaporative cooling systems, install softeners
water loss by evaporation and runoff. for makeup water, side-stream filtration (including nanofiltra-
E4.2.10 Install low-flow toilets and waterless urinals tion, a form of low-pressure reverse osmosis), and side stream
E4.2.11 Use water reclamation techniques. injection of ozone.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 71

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E5.2.16 For evaporative cooling systems, install submeters E5.4.1 The application of cogeneration should be consid-
for makeup water and bleed-off water for equipment such as ered where use of both electrical and thermal energy can be
cooling towers that use large volumes of water. achieved on a cost-effective basis.
E5.2.17 Evaporative cooling systems control cooling tower E5.4.2 Subject to AHJ approval, where combined heat and
bleed-off based on conductivity by allowing bleed-off within power (CHP) plants are installed as energy efficiency
a high and narrow conductivity range. This will achieve high improvements, the energy audit and analysis of overall build-
cycles of concentration in the cooling system and reduce ing energy use performance may follow the Federal Energy
water use in cooling towers. Management Program (FEMP) guidelines, Reporting Guid-
E5.2.18 Clean evaporator and condenser surfaces of fouling. ance for Federal Agency Annual Report on Energy Manage-
ment (per 42 U.S.C. 8258) Attachment 3. Energy efficiency
E5.2.19 Optimize plant controls to raise evaporator tem-
projects may be allowed to receive a credit in the amount of
perature as high as possible while meeting system loads. Also
the annual source energy savings from CHP, which would be
optimize condenser water temperature control to achieve best
used to offset the building site energy used in calculating and
combination of chiller and tower efficiency.
comparing against the EUI targets.
E5.2.20 Optimize multiple chiller sequencing.
E5.2.21 Control crankcase heaters off when they’re not E6. NONRESIDENTIAL LIGHTING
needed. In implementing any of these EEMs, care should be taken to
E5.2.22 Raise evaporator or lower condenser water tem- not compromise the photometric distribution or any required
perature. light levels.
E5.2.23 Optimize multiple chiller sequencing. E6.1 General. Check the current IES recommended light
E5.2.24 Use two-speed or variable-speed fans instead of levels for the tasks in the facility. They may be lower than
water bypass to modulate the cooling tower capacity. when the original lighting system was designed. Use these
current recommended light levels to help shape all future
E5.2.25 Balance water flow in the chilled-water system. lighting decisions, including those enumerated here.
E5.2.26 Use VFDs for the primary chilled-water pumps E6.2 Daylighting
above 5 hp (3.7 kW). Consult chiller and tower manufactur- E6.2.1 In any spaces with fenestration, evaluate opportuni-
ers’ specifications to set appropriate minimum flow limits. ties for daylight harvesting by determining the spatial day-
E5.2.27 Apply cooling load-based optimization strategies. light autonomy (sDA) in accordance with IES LM-83. In
E5.2.28 Install water-source heat pumps (WSHPs) to aug- spaces where sDA300,50% is greater than 55%, consider
ment the capacity of the hot-water boiler and to reduce the cool- installing daylight switching or daylight dimming controls
ing load on the existing chiller systems when heat is required. (and appropriate ballasts if the lighting system is fluorescent
or high-intensity discharge [HID]) to reduce use of electric
E5.2.29 Trim impellers on all condenser water and chilled-
water pumps that are oversized.
E6.2.2 In any spaces with fenestration, evaluate the need
E5.2.30 Replace all pump and fan motors with premium
for shading by determining the annual sunlight exposure
efficiency motors.
(ASE) in accordance with IES LM-83. In spaces where
E5.3 Thermal Storage and Heat Pumps ASE1000,250 is greater than 10%, interior and/or exterior shad-
E5.3.1 Install cool storage to reduce peak demand and ing should be installed to reduce solar heat gain and cut down
lower electric bills. on heat loss and control the amount of light entering the space
E5.3.2 Install hot-water storage to shave peaks of hot-water from the exterior.
use or to store reclaimed energy from combined heat and E6.2.3 Install a skylight, tubular daylighting device, or sun-
power systems or waste heat from chillers for later use. light delivery system to reduce the use of electric lighting and
E5.3.3 Install add-on heat pumps. provide natural daylight to the internal spaces of the building.
E5.3.4 Install secondary pumping systems. E6.3 Luminaire Upgrades
E5.3.5 Install VFDs on secondary pumps and replace most E6.3.1 Upgrade incandescent lamps in existing luminaires
three-way valves with two-way valves. with more effective sources, such as halogen, integrally bal-
lasted compact fluorescent, solid state (LED), or metal halide
E5.3.6 With cool storage and VFDs on fans and pumps, retrofit lamps. Alternatively, replace incandescent luminaires
consider use of low-temperature chilled water to reduce fan with luminaires using these sources.
and pump energy.
E6.3.2 Upgrade T12 fluorescent luminaires with more
E5.3.7 Replace electrically powered air conditioning and effective sources, such as high-performance T8 or T5 sys-
heating units with heat pumps. Consider geothermal or tems, by replacing lamps and ballasts, using luminaire up-
ground-source heat pumps. grade kits, or installing new luminaires.
E5.3.8 Replace electric water heaters with electric heat- E6.3.3 If the lighting system is already a high-performance
pump water heaters. fluorescent system, consider replacing the lamps with
E5.4 Electric and Heat Cogeneration reduced-wattage lamps (where appropriate).

72 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

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E6.3.4 For fluorescent lighting, install high-performance cable to lighting for covered vehicle entrances or exits from
electronic ballasts that are multilevel or continuously dimma- buildings or parking structures where required for safety, secu-
ble with the appropriate controls. rity, or eye adaptation.
E6.3.5 Replace mercury vapor or probe-start metal halide E6.6.2 Reduce power levels or turn exterior signage off
HID luminaires with pulse-start metal halide or high-perfor- when appropriate.
mance T8 or T5 fluorescent luminaires. E6.6.2.1 Signs that are meant to be on for some part of
E6.3.6 Upgrade task and display lighting, including light- daylight hours should be reduced in power by at least 65%
ing in refrigeration and freezer cases, to more effective during nighttime hours. All other sign lighting should auto-
sources such as LED. matically turn off during daylight hours and reduced in power
E6.4 Signage by at least 30% from an hour after closing until an hour
E6.4.1 Evaluate upgrading standard fluorescent or neon before opening. These controls are not applicable to sign
signage with more effective sources, such as high-perfor- lighting using metal halide, high-pressure sodium, induction,
mance T8 or T5 fluorescent systems or solid-state (LED) sys- cold cathode, or neon lamps that are automatically reduced by
tems. at least 30% during nighttime hours.
E6.4.2 Upgrade all exit signs to solid state (LED). Supple- E6.6.3 When selecting new outdoor luminaires, consider
mental lighting may need to be added if the existing exit sign the amount of backlight, uplight, and glare delivered by each
also provides general lighting. luminaire type to improve functionality and minimize envi-
ronmental impacts. See ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard
E6.5 Lighting Controls
189.1-2011, Section 5.3.3.
E6.5.1 Reduce lighting use through management and con-
E6.7 Luminaire Layout
trolled systems. In general, consider bringing the lighting
control protocols for the building up to ASHRAE/IES Stan- E6.7.1 Consider using lower levels of general illumination
dard 90.1-2010 (Section 9.4.1) standards; this includes the overall and then supplement with task lighting where needed.
following. E6.7.2 Consider new layouts that may maximize efficiency
E6.5.2 Reduce operating hours for lighting systems and reduce the total connected lighting load. Consider plug-
through the use of controls and building management sys- and-play systems to provide flexibility as space use changes.
tems. This includes the use of shut-off controls, such as time E6.8 Other
E6.8.1 Implement a plan to recycle lamps, ballasts, and
E6.5.3 Use reduced lighting levels, including off, when luminaires removed from the building.
spaces are unoccupied, during nighttime hours, and for
E6.8.2 Consider updating lighting systems to provide for
restocking, cleaning, and security. Whenever possible move
demand response capability so that lighting loads are reduced
restocking and cleaning operations to normal operating hours.
during periods of peak electricity demand. These types of sys-
E6.5.4 Use occupancy, vacancy, or motion sensors. Wher- tems can provide day-to-day energy savings in addition to
ever applicable, these sensors should either be manual-on or demand response capability.
turn lighting on to no more than 50% of lighting power.
E6.5.5 Use controls to provide multiple light levels or dim- E7. RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING
ming where appropriate.
E7.1 General
E6.5.6 Recircuit or rezone lighting to allow personnel to
E7.1.1 Replace incandescent lamps with halogen, inte-
only turn on zones based on use rather than operating the
entire lighting system. grally ballasted compact fluorescent, or solid-state (LED) ret-
rofit lamps in existing luminaires.
E6.5.7 Install personal lighting controls so individual occu-
pants can vary the light levels within their spaces. E7.1.2 Color temperature indicates the color appearance of
the light produced by the lamp. Halogen lamps are a more
E6.5.8 Consider installation of lighting systems that facili-
energy-efficient form of incandescent technology and will
tate load shed requests from the electric utility or energy
deliver light similar to incandescent lamps. Linear fluores-
cent, compact fluorescent, and solid-state (LED) lamps are
E6.5.9 Evaluate turning emergency lighting off or to a available in a variety of color temperatures. Lamps with color
lower level when a building or portion of a building is com- temperatures of 2700 K and 3000 K will deliver the most
pletely unoccupied, without sacrificing safety requirements. incandescent-like light. Lamps with a color temperature of
E6.6 Exterior Lighting 3500 K deliver a neutral, white light. Lamps with color tem-
E6.6.1 Use automatic controls that can reduce outdoor light- peratures of 4000 K and higher will deliver cooler, white
ing levels or turn lights off when either sufficient daylight is light; the higher the color temperature number, the cooler the
available or when lighting is not needed. All facade and land- light.
scape lighting should be off from an hour after closing until an E7.1.3 Select lamps appropriate for use in enclosed lumi-
hour before opening. All other lighting should be reduced by at naires, outdoor applications, and cold temperature applica-
least 30% during that same time frame or when a motion sensor tions, and for use with dimming controls. Check the packaging
detects no activity for 15 minutes. These controls are not appli- or manufacturer’s website for guidance.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 73

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

E7.1.4 Use energy-efficient technologies such as fluores- E7.2.7 Add task lighting that uses energy-efficient technol-
cent, compact fluorescent, or solid state (LED) in applications ogies, such as fluorescent and solid state (LED), and reduce
with the longest operating times. or eliminate overhead lighting.
E7.1.5 Use a whole-home lighting control system that pro- E7.3 Exterior
vides energy-saving features, such as dimming, occupancy E7.3.1 Install time switches and/or motion sensors to con-
sensing, and daylight harvesting, and allows occupants to turn trol outdoor lighting.
all the lights off from a single location or remotely.
E7.2 Interior
E7.2.1 Replace on/off switches with dimming controls, E8.1 Install energy-efficient transformers. Use infrared cam-
vacancy sensors, or countdown timers. Use dimming controls, eras to identify high-heat-loss transformers.
vacancy sensors, or countdown timers for lights or fans in E8.2 Install electrical meters for submetering lighting, eleva-
bathrooms. Use vacancy sensors in garages, laundry rooms, tors, plug loads, and HVAC equipment.
closets, and utility rooms. E8.3 Reduce demand charges through load shedding, opera-
E7.2.2 By replacing lamps and ballasts or installing new tional changes, and procedural changes.
luminaires. Ballasts should be FCC rated for residential use. E8.4 Replace oversized electric motors with right-sized or
slightly oversized motors.
E7.2.3 Evaluate replacing incandescent and halogen lumi-
naires with dedicated compact fluorescent or solid-state E8.5 Replace existing three-phase, 1 hp (746 W) and greater
electric motors with premium-efficiency motors (often a bet-
(LED) luminaires.
ter choice than rewinding motors).
E7.2.4 When replacing fluorescent ballasts or installing
E8.6 Replace existing one-phase, 1 hp (746 W) and less
new fluorescent luminaires, evaluate using electronic dim- motors with electrically commutated motors.
ming ballasts with the appropriate dimming controls.
E7.2.5 Evaluate adding daylight-sensing controls for gen- E9. APPLIANCES
eral illumination lighting in rooms with windows or skylights. E9.1 Install appliances (clothes washers, dehumidifiers,
Use in combination with dimming systems so that the electric dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators, room air cleaners and
light level can be adjusted based on the amount of daylight purifiers, office equipment, and televisions) that are certified
available. as ENERGY STAR® compliant.
E7.2.6 Install vacancy sensors to automatically turn off E9.2 Reduce plug loads, using devices to shut off equipment
lighting in closets, storage, work rooms, garages, and exterior not being used (use occupancy sensors or timers).
buildings when the space has been vacated for 15 minutes. E9.3 Install vending-machine controllers.

74 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for confor-
mance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain
material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material
are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)


ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 75

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been pro-

cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved
objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

Figure G-1 U.S. climate zone map.

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor- component replacement costs, and the useful life of the equip-
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for ment. Other factors that may also be considered include tem-
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed porary disruption of building operations.
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and
H1.2 Simple Payback. Simple payback can best be
may contain material that has not been subject to public described by the following equation:
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at Simple payback =
ASHRAE or ANSI.) Total project cost/Annual changes in cash flow

INFORMATIVE ANNEX H Annual changes in cash flow typically reflect the energy
SIMPLE PAYBACK AND LIFE-CYCLE COST savings resulting from the EEMs under consideration.
ANALYSIS H1.3 Life-Cycle Cost Analysis. The evaluation tool that
yields the most comprehensive analysis is called life-cycle
H1. SIMPLE PAYBACK AND cost analysis, which takes all capital, energy, and operating
LIFE-CYCLE COST ANALYSIS costs into account over the useful life of a facility or EEM.
H1.1 General. For small buildings and efficiency improve- Life-cycle cost analysis provides a means to establish the
ment measures with a payback period of fewer than five worth of a particular project and is generally required to
years, simple payback is probably adequate to make deci- appropriately allocate limited funding. In line with typical
sions. For federal buildings and for larger buildings or build- capital investment considerations, the present value of future
ings with longer payback periods, more sophisticated benefit of investment should be greater than the initial cost.
financial analyses are advisable. Life-cycle cost analysis should follow the National Insti-
Life-cycle costing (LCC) is used to evaluate the total cost tute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Life-Cycle Costing
of ownership of energy efficiency measures (EEMs). LCC Manual or the Building Life-Cycle Cost (BLCC) computer
accounts for factors such as the time value of money, escala- program. Both can be accessed from the Federal Energy Man-
tion of energy costs over time, annual maintenance costs, agement Program (FEMP) website.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 77

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor- equivalent forms. Simulation software varies in sophistica-
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for tion and detail, from the quick view programs such as
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed eQUEST (DOE-2), EnergyPlus, or manufacturers’ software,
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and such as HAP or Trace. End-use specific tools are available
may contain material that has not been subject to public for pumping systems from the DOE’s Advance Manufactur-
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on ing Office. The Standard 90.1 User’s Manual compliance
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at forms can be downloaded from ASHRAE’s website.
ASHRAE or ANSI.) Utility rate structures and tariffs are published by the
Energy Information Agency or can be obtained from your
INFORMATIVE ANNEX I local utilities and energy suppliers.
BUILDING ENERGY MODELING The energy simulations of the reference building and the
proposed building models must use the same annual hourly
weather file, and that file must represent a typical weather year
I1.1 General. For larger, more complex buildings, computer- for the current building location. The weather file should be
ized energy modeling can be a valuable tool in simulating the selected from the climate zone that most closely represents the
annual energy use of a building and in analyzing alternative typical weather conditions at that location. Many simulation
energy efficiency measures (EEMs) or for optimizing energy programs provide specially formatted versions of the TMY2
efficiency bundles. The tool can also help prioritize invest-
or other similar weather files for use with their programs.
ment strategies and identify the most cost-effective measures.
Data from the existing building can be used to develop ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 (versions 2004, 2007, and
the baseline reference building model, and that model should 2010) provides background modeling and simulation guid-
be validated against current annual utility costs. The validated ance in Appendix G, “Performance Rating Method.”
model can then be modified to reflect proposed EEMs, either Energy models should be developed by qualified profes-
individually or collectively, in order to create the proposed sionals and meet the minimum eligibility requirements under
building model. the ASHRAE Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP)
Unless specifically impacted by the proposed EEMs, the certification program.
proposed building model should be identical to the reference The design-day weather data used for sizing equipment
building model for all elements, including building classifica- shall represent 99.6% annual cumulative frequency dry-bulb
tion, location, utility rate structure, annual weather data, temperature for heating conditions and the 1% annual cumula-
design-day weather data, internal design conditions—summer tive frequency dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures for cooling
and winter, form, shape, orientation, envelope, infiltration, conditions. Table I-1 lists sources of design-day weather data.
interior lighting, HVAC systems, ventilation requirements,
receptacle load, process loads, occupancy, and operating
schedules. ASHRAE. 2005. ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals.
The models can be documented by reports generated by Atlanta: ASHRAE.
the modeling software or by manually completing the com- ASHRAE. 2006. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169, Climatic
pliance forms from the Standard 90.1 User’s Manual or Data for Building Design Standards. Atlanta: ASHRAE.

Table I-1 Annual Weather File Sources

Weather File Source

TMY2—Typical Meteorological Year 2 http://www.rredc.nrel.gov/solar/old_data/nsrdb/1991-2005/tmy3

CTZ2—California Climate Zone 2 http://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/index.html

Table I-2 Design-Day Weather Data Sources

Weather File Source

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169 (ASHRAE 2006)

ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals (ASHRAE 2005)

78 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor- included in Standard 100). A goal of this step was to develop
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for building EUIs by climate zone, because EUIs for any given
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed building type differ significantly depending on their climato-
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and logical location (variations are typically large for site-energy-
may contain material that has not been subject to public based EUIs and small for source-energy-based EUIs; com-
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on pare Tables J-6 and J-7). ASHRAE climates zones are shown
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at in Figure J-1.
ASHRAE or ANSI.) To identify representative zonal EUIs (CBECS observa-
tions by building type and climate zone were insufficient for
INFORMATIVE ANNEX J this), zonal EUI ratios (EUI for climate zones divided by a
DERIVATION OF ENERGY INTENSITY TARGETS national EUI) were provided from building simulation mod-
FOR STANDARD 100 eling performed by the National Renewable Energy Labora-
tory (NREL; Deru, et al. 2011) for 16 different climate zones
These analyses were conducted by Terry R. Sharp of Oak (Figure J-1)3,4. These ratios were used to derive zonal EUIs
Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in collaboration with the by building type by multiplying them by CBECS national
ASHRAE Standard 100 committee and Dr. Alexander Zhi- median EUIs. This step produced representative total EUIs
vov, the working group chair responsible for targets develop- by building type and climate zone (both on a site and source
ment, and are reprinted here with permission of ORNL (ref. basis).
Report No. ORNL/TM-2014/215). The CBECS database, via a simple parsing method, was
Tables J-6 and J-7 illustrate example building energy effi- found inadequate to provide reliable EUI values by climate
ciency targets in the form of total building energy use intensi- zone for a large number of commercial U.S. building types.
ties (measured in kBtu/ft2·yr). Table J-6 shows the site- This was primarily due to insufficient sample size when the
energy-based1 building total energy use efficiency targets data were parsed by building type and climate zone. A similar
from Table 7-2. Table J-7 shows the source-energy-based problem was noted by Griffin et al. (2008). As a result, an alter-
equivalent values2 of Table 7-2. The different forms (site or native method was utilized to derive EUIs by climate zone.
source) have distinct advantages depending on the goal of the Zonal EUI ratios (EUI for climate zone/EUI national) were
user or authority. Both could provide equivalent, alternate provided from building simulation modeling performed by the
methods of complying with the efficient building targets of National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (Deru et al.
Standard 100 (if the source-based alternative were added) or 2011) for 16 different climate zones. These ratios are shown in
serve as high-performance building targets for other stan- Table J-1 and were used to derive zonal EUIs by building type
dards, codes, programs, or entities. by multiplying them by the CBECS national median EUIs.
The summary that follows provides an overview of the This step produced the site-based building total EUIs by build-
strategy used to derive the site and source energy targets in ing type and climate zone in Table J-3. A similar method was
Standard 100 (Tables J-6 and J-7, respectively). used to derive the zonal EUIs for residential building types
using the RECS database (DOE 2005), also listed in Table J-3.
Step 1: Generate Building Total Energy Use
Intensities by Building Type by Climate Zone Step 2: Identifying Zonal Efficiency Targets—
The Top 25th Percentile EUI Values by Climate Zone
In this step, national building total energy use intensities
The committee, in developing the targets in Standard 100,
(EUIs in kBtu/ft2·yr) were derived via analysis of the DOE
wanted to use the top (best) performing 25th percentile of an
Energy Information Administration’s Commercial Buildings
EUI distribution for each building type as the energy target
Energy Consumption Survey (DOE 2003). The EUIs derived
for buildings. In this respect (there are considerable differ-
are national median values. The building EUI values were
ences in others), this approach is similar to the criteria that
derived based on building types as classified by the
EPA uses for its highly recognized Energy Star designation
PBAPLUS8 variable in the CBECS database. This classifica-
awarded to commercial buildings. The challenge was to iden-
tion yielded 48 different commercial building types for the
tify representative 25th percentile values when there was no
analysis (five additional residential building types are
climate-zone EUI distribution available.
This was accomplished by comparing the 25th percentile
1. Site energy (also called “secondary energy”) is the energy pro-
duced from raw fuel, such as electricity supplied by the grid or values from the CBECS national distributions to the national
heat received from a district heating system (typically measured
at the end use or building). 3. In the zonal EUI ratio calculation, consistent with the basis for the
2. Source energy (also called primary energy) represents and “EUI for climate zone” term, the “EUI national” term was also
accounts for the raw fuel (energy) that is consumed to create heat based on NREL simulation results. It is not identical to a CBECS
or generate electricity for the end user or building (see ASHRAE national value.
Standard 105 for additional information). This is sometimes an 4. The 16 different climate zones referenced in this document com-
important consideration because as much as 3 units of raw fuel prise the 8 zones shown in Figure J-1 (color coded) split into
(energy) may be required to generate a single unit of energy for moist (A), dry (B), and marine (C) regions. The small climate
the end user or building, such as for electricity supplied by the zone (both in geographical area and number of buildings) 7B was
grid or heat received from a district heating system. not analyzed.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 79

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

distribution medians—the 50th percentile value (by building BUILDING ENERGY USE TARGETS BY FUEL TYPE
type). A simple ratio of the 25th to 50th percentiles was To develop targets by individual fuel type, representative
developed for each building type. These ratios were then mul- energy use fractions (median values) by energy type and cli-
tiplied by the climate-zone-based EUIs developed in Step 1 to mate zone were derived from the parsed data. These fractions
approximate the higher-performance 25th percentile EUI were then multiplied by the total energy targets in Table 7-2
value in each climate zone. to produce the analogous zonal building efficiency targets by
At this point, high-performance energy targets by build- fuel type shown in Tables J-8 and J-9.
ing type for each climate zone had been established. These
are the values provided in Tables J-6 and J-7, equivalent but REFERENCES
accounted for on a different basis. ASHRAE. 2014. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 105, Standard
In this way, high-performance energy targets were estab- Methods of Determining, Expressing, and Comparing
lished by building type for each climate zone. These results Building Energy Performance and Greenhouse Gas
are summarized in Table J-4. Emissions. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
Deru, M., K. Field, D. Studer, K. Benne, B. Griffith, P.
Step 3: Develop Schedule Multipliers Torcellini, B. Liu, M. Halverson, D. Winiarski, M.
Rosenberg, M. Yazdanian, J. Huang, and D. Crawley.
Beyond floor area, another major driver of energy use in
2011. U.S. Department of Energy commercial reference
buildings for many types of commercial buildings is operat-
building models of the national building stock. National
ing hours. Table J-5 can be used to account for the impact of
Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report (NREL/
different operational shifts when benchmarking a building to
TP-5500-4686). Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/
the Standard 100 targets. Recent analysis shows that this table
is directly applicable to the equivalent source-energy-based
targets provided in Table J-7. DOE. 2003. Commercial building energy consumption survey
(CBECS). U.S. Energy Information Administration,
Derivation of schedule multipliers began with a graphic,
Washington, DC. Available at http://www.eia.doe.gov/
histogram-based inspection of the weekly operating hours of
all CBECS observations by building type (the national sam-
ple). From these, three dominant weekly operating hours cat- DOE. 2005. Residential energy consumption survey (RECS).
egories emerged: (1) 50 or fewer weekly operating hours, (2) U.S. Energy Information Administration, Washington,
168 operating hours, and (3) between 50 and 168 operating DC. Available at http://www.eia.gov/consumption/
hours. Based on these, median national EUIs for the CBECS residential.
observations in each of these three operational categories Griffin, B., N. Long, P. Torcellini, R. Judkoff, D. Crawley, and
were calculated by building type. These were then divided by J. Ryan. 2008. Methodology for modeling building energy
the CBECS national medians by building type (for all opera- performance across the commercial sector. National
tional categories) to derive ratios for shift multipliers by Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report (NREL/
building type. The resulting shift multipliers are summarized TP-550-41956. Available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/
in Table J-5. fy08osti/41956.pdf.

80 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table J-1 Ratios of Climate Zonal EUI to Average of All EUIs by Building Type

ASHRAE Climate 3B 3B
Zone: 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 6A 6B 7 8
Building Type Climate Zone EUI Ratio
All Office 0.91 0.94 0.91 0.97 0.76 0.90 0.78 1.06 0.92 0.94 1.12 0.97 1.25 1.10 1.35 1.89
Large Office 0.88 0.95 0.88 0.98 0.80 0.89 0.81 1.07 0.88 0.98 1.07 0.91 1.15 1.01 1.21 1.63
Medium Office 0.98 0.97 0.98 0.97 0.78 0.93 0.77 1.05 0.91 0.93 1.11 0.96 1.24 1.09 1.33 1.86
Small Office 0.87 0.90 0.89 0.95 0.71 0.89 0.75 1.06 0.96 0.91 1.19 1.06 1.36 1.21 1.50 2.17
Warehouse 0.52 0.66 0.69 0.84 0.45 0.75 0.61 1.13 0.95 0.92 1.50 1.26 2.07 1.70 2.53 4.75
Stand-alone Retail 0.85 0.87 0.85 0.91 0.65 0.83 0.73 1.03 0.90 0.90 1.17 1.01 1.35 1.20 1.50 2.16
Strip Mall 0.89 0.89 0.87 0.94 0.69 0.86 0.77 1.08 0.94 0.96 1.24 1.06 1.43 1.27 1.60 2.29
Primary School 0.98 0.97 0.93 0.97 0.79 0.90 0.83 1.06 0.93 0.94 1.10 0.96 1.20 1.06 1.27 1.87
Secondary School 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.92 0.66 0.86 0.74 1.06 0.88 0.95 1.15 0.96 1.33 1.14 1.46 2.16
Supermarket 0.83 0.90 0.84 0.94 0.78 0.86 0.87 1.02 0.92 0.97 1.10 1.00 1.19 1.10 1.29 1.62
Fast Food 0.89 0.91 0.90 0.95 0.81 0.91 0.86 1.04 0.96 0.97 1.13 1.03 1.24 1.14 1.34 1.70
Restaurant 0.88 0.91 0.88 0.94 0.79 0.89 0.86 1.04 0.95 0.97 1.12 1.02 1.22 1.13 1.33 1.68
Hospital 1.02 1.03 1.00 1.01 0.96 0.99 0.94 1.03 0.92 0.97 1.00 0.91 1.02 0.94 1.03 1.19
Outpatient heath care 1.08 1.04 1.05 1.03 0.97 1.03 0.86 1.02 0.98 0.91 0.98 0.96 1.00 0.97 0.99 1.12
Motel 1.07 1.01 1.01 0.98 0.92 0.97 0.90 1.00 0.96 0.92 1.02 0.97 1.08 1.01 1.10 1.32
Hotel 0.93 0.96 0.91 0.97 0.88 0.92 0.91 1.03 0.98 0.99 1.08 1.03 1.15 1.11 1.22 1.41
Mid-Rise Apartment 0.78 0.82 0.82 0.92 0.61 0.84 0.78 1.12 0.93 1.04 1.27 1.07 1.45 1.28 1.65 2.30
Note: The “All Office” category was calculated from the large, medium, and small office numbers.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 81

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

Figure J-1 U.S. climate zone map.

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table J-2 ASHRAE U.S. Climate Zones

Zone Thermal Criteria Representative U.S. City

1A 5000 < CDD10°C Miami

2A 3500 < CDD10°C ≤ 5000 Houston

2B 3500 < CDD10°C ≤ 5000 Phoenix

3A 2500 < CDD10°C ≤ 3500 Atlanta

3B—Coast 2500 < CDD10°C ≤ 3500 Los Angles

3B—Other 2500 < CDD10°C ≤ 3500 Las Vegas

3C HDD18°C ≤ 2000 San Francisco

4A CDD10°C ≤ 2500 and HDD18°C ≤ 3000 Baltimore

4B CDD10°C ≤ 2500 and HDD18°C ≤ 3000 Albuquerque

4C 2000 < HDD18°C ≤ 3000 Seattle

5A 3000 < HDD18°C ≤ 4000 Chicago

5B 3000 < HDD18°C ≤ 4000 Denver

6A 4000 < HDD18°C ≤ 5000 Minneapolis

6B 4000 < HDD18°C ≤ 5000 Helena

7 5000 < HDD18°C ≤ 7000 Duluth

8 7000 < HDD18°C Fairbanks

1. Climate zones are more fully described in the references (Briggs, et al.; Deru, et al.).
2. Representative cities were used for simulation modeling.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 83

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table J-3 CBE CS/RECS Total Site-Based Energy-Use Intensities

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBTU/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Building Commercial 3B 3B
Category Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

Education College/university 88 88 86 89 64 83 72 103 86 92 112 93 93 129 111 142 210

Education Elementary/middle 54 53 51 53 43 50 46 58 51 52 60 53 50 66 58 70 103


Education High school 64 64 63 65 47 61 53 75 63 67 81 68 68 94 81 103 153

Education Other classroom 36 36 35 36 26 34 29 42 35 38 46 38 38 53 45 58 86


Education Preschool/daycare 70 68 66 69 56 64 59 75 66 66 78 68 65 85 75 90 133

Enclosed mall Enclosed mall 80 80 78 84 62 77 69 97 84 86 111 95 97 128 114 144 206

Food sales Convenience store 192 208 193 217 181 198 202 237 214 224 255 231 239 276 256 298 376

Food sales Convenience store with 155 168 156 175 146 160 163 191 172 181 205 186 192 223 206 240 303

Food sales Grocery/food market 160 174 161 181 151 165 168 197 178 187 212 192 199 230 213 248 313

Food sales Other food sales 48 53 49 55 46 50 51 60 54 57 64 58 60 70 64 75 95

Food service Fast food 374 383 375 396 339 379 361 436 400 405 474 430 422 519 476 561 710

Food service Other food service 110 113 110 117 98 111 107 129 118 122 140 127 129 153 141 166 209

Food service Restaurant/cafeteria 202 208 201 215 180 204 196 237 216 222 256 232 237 279 258 304 383

Inpatient Hospital/inpatient health 202 204 200 201 191 197 186 205 184 193 198 180 192 203 186 205 237
health care

Laboratory Laboratory 255 252 244 250 210 236 227 277 247 255 299 267 258 331 302 356 473

Lodging Dormitory/fraternity/ 57 61 60 68 45 62 57 83 69 77 94 79 74 107 95 122 170


Lodging Hotel 71 72 69 74 67 70 69 78 74 75 82 78 75 87 84 92 107

Lodging Motel or inn 79 75 75 73 68 72 66 74 71 68 75 72 70 80 75 82 98

Lodging Other lodging 76 72 71 70 65 69 63 70 68 65 72 69 67 76 71 78 94

Nursing Nursing home/assisted 120 119 115 118 99 111 107 130 117 120 141 126 122 156 142 168 223

Office Admin/professional 56 57 56 59 47 55 48 65 56 58 69 60 56 77 67 83 116


Office Bank/other financial 79 81 80 84 66 79 68 92 80 82 98 85 80 109 96 117 164

Office Government office 69 72 70 74 58 69 59 81 70 72 86 74 70 95 84 103 144

Office Medical office 47 49 48 51 40 47 41 55 48 49 59 51 48 65 57 70 99


Office Mixed-use office 64 66 65 69 54 64 55 75 65 67 80 69 65 88 78 96 134

Office Other office 54 55 54 57 45 53 46 63 55 56 66 58 54 74 65 80 112

Outpatient Clinic/other outpatient 72 69 70 69 64 69 57 68 65 60 65 64 60 67 65 66 75

health care health

Outpatient Medical office 48 46 46 46 43 46 38 45 43 40 43 42 40 44 43 44 50

health care (diagnostic)

Public assembly Entertainment/culture 33 33 32 33 27 31 30 36 32 33 39 35 34 43 39 46 62

Public assembly Library 88 87 84 86 72 81 78 95 85 88 103 92 89 114 104 122 163

a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock (a Canadian building sample was not available at the time of table development).

84 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table J-3 CBE CS/RECS Total Site-Based Energy-Use Intensities (Continued)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBTU/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

Building Commercial 3B 3B
Category Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8

Public assembly Other 40 40 39 40 33 37 36 44 39 40 47 42 41 52 48 56 75

public assembly

Public assembly Recreation 38 37 36 37 31 35 34 41 37 38 44 40 38 49 45 53 70

Public assembly Social/meeting 39 39 38 39 32 36 35 43 38 39 46 41 40 51 47 55 73

Public order Fire/police station 94 93 90 92 77 87 84 102 91 94 110 98 95 122 111 131 174
and safety

Public order Other public order and 85 84 82 84 70 79 76 93 83 86 100 90 87 111 101 119 159
and safety safety

Religious Religious worship 33 33 32 33 28 31 30 36 33 34 39 35 34 44 40 47 62


Retail Other retail 70 71 70 75 53 68 60 85 74 74 96 83 82 111 98 123 177

(except malls)

Retail Retail store 40 41 40 43 31 39 35 49 42 42 55 48 47 64 56 71 102

(except malls)

Retail Vehicle dealership/ 70 72 70 75 54 68 60 85 74 74 97 83 82 111 99 124 178

(except malls) showroom

Service Other service 86 85 82 85 71 80 77 94 84 86 101 90 87 112 102 120 160

Service Post office/postal center 61 60 58 60 50 56 54 66 59 61 71 64 62 79 72 85 113

Service Repair shop 41 40 39 40 33 38 36 44 39 41 48 43 41 53 48 57 75

Service Vehicle service/repair 47 47 45 46 39 44 42 51 46 47 55 49 48 61 56 66 87


Service Vehicle storage/ 20 20 20 20 17 19 18 22 20 21 24 21 21 27 24 29 38


Strip shopping Strip shopping mall 84 84 82 89 65 81 73 102 88 91 117 100 102 135 120 151 216

Warehouse Distribution/ 18 22 24 28 15 25 21 38 32 31 51 43 34 70 58 86 161

shipping center

Warehouse Nonrefrigerated 8 11 11 14 7 12 10 19 16 15 25 21 16 34 28 41 78

Warehouse Refrigerated warehouse 99 97 94 97 81 91 88 107 96 99 116 103 100 128 117 138 183

Residential Apartment 68 72 71 80 53 73 68 97 81 91 110 93 87 126 112 144 201

(in 2 to 4 unit building)

Residential Apartment 46 49 48 54 36 50 46 66 55 62 75 63 59 86 76 98 136

(in 5+ unit building)

Residential Mobile/ 54 57 57 64 42 58 54 78 65 73 88 74 70 101 89 115 160

manufactured home

Residential Single-family attached 46 49 49 54 36 50 46 66 55 62 75 63 59 86 76 98 137

Residential Single-family detached 40 42 42 47 31 43 40 58 48 54 65 55 52 75 66 85 119

a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock (a Canadian building sample was not available at the time of table development).

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 85

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table J-4 Energy Use Intensity Targets

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
1 Admin/professional office 39 40 39 42 33 39 33 46 40 40 48 42 39 54 47 58 81
2 Bank/other financial 55 57 56 59 46 55 47 65 56 57 68 59 56 76 67 82 115
3 Government office 49 50 49 52 41 48 42 57 49 50 60 52 49 67 59 72 101
4 Medical office (nondiagnostic) 33 34 33 35 28 33 28 39 34 34 41 36 33 46 40 49 69
5 Mixed-use office 45 46 45 48 38 45 39 53 46 47 56 48 45 62 55 67 94
6 Other office 38 39 38 40 32 37 32 44 38 39 47 40 38 52 46 56 78
7 Laboratory 178 176 171 175 147 165 159 194 173 179 209 187 181 232 211 249 331
8 Distribution/shipping center 12 16 16 20 11 18 14 27 23 22 36 30 24 49 40 60 113
9 Nonrefrigerated warehouse 6 8 8 10 5 9 7 13 11 11 17 14 12 24 19 29 54
10 Convenience store 135 146 135 152 127 139 141 166 150 157 178 162 167 193 179 208 263
11 Convenience store with gas 108 118 109 122 102 112 114 133 121 126 144 130 135 156 144 168 212
12 Grocery/food market 112 122 113 127 106 116 118 138 125 131 149 135 139 161 149 174 219
13 Other food sales 34 37 34 38 32 35 36 42 38 40 45 41 42 49 45 53 66
14 Fire/police station 66 65 63 64 54 61 59 71 64 66 77 69 67 85 78 92 122
15 Other public order and safety 60 59 57 59 49 55 53 65 58 60 70 63 61 78 71 84 111
16 Medical office (diagnostic) 33 32 32 32 30 32 27 32 30 28 30 30 28 31 30 31 35
17 Clinic/other outpatient health 50 48 49 48 45 48 40 48 46 42 46 45 42 47 45 46 52
18 Refrigerated warehouse 69 68 66 68 57 64 62 75 67 69 81 72 70 90 82 96 128
19 Religious worship 23 23 22 23 19 22 21 25 23 23 27 25 24 30 28 33 43
20 Entertainment/culture 23 23 22 23 19 21 21 25 23 23 27 24 24 30 28 32 43
21 Library 61 61 59 60 50 57 55 67 60 61 72 64 62 80 73 86 114
22 Recreation 26 26 25 26 22 24 24 29 26 26 31 28 27 34 31 37 49
23 Social/meeting 28 27 26 27 23 26 25 30 27 28 32 29 28 36 33 39 51
24 Other public assembly 28 28 27 28 23 26 25 31 27 28 33 30 29 37 33 39 52
25 College/university 62 61 60 62 45 58 50 72 60 65 78 65 65 90 78 99 147
26 Elementary/middle school 38 37 36 37 30 35 32 41 36 36 42 37 35 46 41 49 72
27 High school 45 45 44 46 33 42 37 52 44 47 57 48 47 66 57 72 107
28 Preschool/daycare 49 48 46 48 39 45 41 52 46 47 54 47 46 60 53 63 93
29 Other classroom education 25 25 25 25 18 24 21 29 25 26 32 27 27 37 32 40 60
30 Fast food 261 268 263 277 237 266 253 305 280 284 332 301 295 364 333 393 497
31 Restaurant/cafeteria 141 145 141 150 126 143 137 166 151 156 179 163 166 195 181 213 268
32 Other food service 77 79 77 82 69 78 75 91 83 85 98 89 91 107 99 116 146
33 Hospital/inpatient health 142 143 140 141 134 138 130 143 129 135 139 126 135 142 130 144 166
34 Nursing home/assisted living 84 83 81 83 69 78 75 91 82 84 99 88 85 109 100 118 156
35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 40 43 42 47 31 43 40 58 48 54 65 55 52 75 66 85 119
36 Hotel 50 51 48 52 47 49 48 55 52 52 57 55 53 61 59 65 75
37 Motel or inn 55 53 52 51 48 50 46 52 50 48 53 50 49 56 52 57 69
38 Other lodging 53 50 50 49 46 48 44 49 48 46 50 48 47 53 50 55 66
39 Vehicle dealership/showroom 49 50 49 53 38 48 42 60 52 52 68 58 58 78 69 87 124
40 Retail store 28 29 28 30 21 27 24 34 30 30 39 33 33 45 40 50 71
41 Other retail 49 50 49 52 37 48 42 59 52 52 67 58 57 78 69 86 124
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock (a Canadian building sample was not available at the time of table development).

86 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table J-4 Energy Use Intensity Targets (Continued)

EUIs by Building Type by Climate Zone (kBtu/ft2·yr)

ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Commercial Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
42 Post office/postal center 43 42 41 42 35 39 38 46 41 43 50 45 43 56 51 60 79
43 Repair shop 28 28 27 28 23 26 25 31 28 28 33 30 29 37 34 40 53
44 Vehicle service/repair shop 33 33 32 32 27 31 29 36 32 33 39 35 33 43 39 46 61
45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 14 14 14 14 12 13 13 16 14 14 17 15 15 19 17 20 27
46 Other service 60 60 58 59 50 56 54 65 59 60 71 63 61 78 71 84 112
47 Strip shopping mall 59 59 58 62 46 57 51 71 62 63 82 70 71 94 84 106 151
48 Enclosed mall 56 56 55 59 44 54 49 68 59 60 78 67 68 90 80 101 144
ASHRAE Climate Zone

3B 3B
No. Residential Building Type 1A 2A 2B 3A Coast Other 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5Ca 6A 6B 7 8
49 Mobile/manufactured home 38 40 40 45 30 41 38 54 45 51 62 52 49 71 62 80 112
50 Single-family detached 28 30 30 33 22 30 28 40 34 38 46 38 36 52 46 60 83
51 Single-family attached 32 34 34 38 25 35 32 46 39 43 53 44 42 60 53 69 96
52 Apartment building 47 50 50 56 37 51 47 68 57 64 77 65 61 89 78 101 140
(2 to 4 units)
53 Apartment building (5+ units) 32 34 34 38 25 35 32 46 39 43 53 44 42 60 53 68 96
a. Zone 5C values based on U.S. building stock (a Canadian building sample was not available at the time of table development).

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 87

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table J-5 Operating Shift Multipliers

Operating Shift Multipliers Operating Shift Multipliers

Weekly Hours Weekly Hours
50 or 51 to 50 or 51 to
No. Building Activity/Type less 167 168 No. Building Activity/Type less 167 168
1 Admin/professional office 1.0 1.0 1.4 28 Preschool/daycare 0.8 1.3 1.3
2 Bank/other financial 1.0 1.0 1.4 29 Other classroom education 0.8 1.3 1.3
3 Government office 1.0 1.0 1.4 30 Fast food 0.4 1.1 2.1
4 Medical office (non-diagnostic) 1.0 1.0 1.4 31 Restaurant/cafeteria 0.4 1.1 2.1
5 Mixed-use office 1.0 1.0 1.4 32 Other food service 0.4 1.1 2.1
6 Other office 1.0 1.0 1.4 33 Hospital/inpatient health 1.0 1.0 1.0
7 Laboratory 1.0 1.0 1.0 34 Nursing home/assisted living 1.0 1.0 1.0
8 Distribution/shipping center 0.7 1.4 2.1 35 Dormitory/fraternity/sorority 1.0 1.0 1.0
9 Non-refrigerated warehouse 0.7 1.4 2.1 36 Hotel 1.0 1.0 1.0
10 Convenience store 1.0 1.0 1.4 37 Motel or inn 1.0 1.0 1.0
11 Convenience store with gas 1.0 1.0 1.4 38 Other lodging 1.0 1.0 1.0
12 Grocery/food market 1.0 1.0 1.4 39 Vehicle dealership/showroom 0.8 1.2 1.8
13 Other food sales 1.0 1.0 1.4 40 Retail store 0.8 1.2 1.8
14 Fire/police station 0.8 0.8 1.1 41 Other retail 0.8 1.2 1.8
15 Other public order/safety 0.8 0.8 1.1 42 Post office/postal center 0.7 1.5 1.5
16 Medical office (diagnostic) 1.0 1.0 1.5 43 Repair shop 0.7 1.5 1.5
17 Clinic/other outpatient health 1.0 1.0 1.5 44 Vehicle service/repair shop 0.7 1.5 1.5
18 Refrigerated warehouse 1.0 1.0 1.0 45 Vehicle storage/maintenance 0.7 1.5 1.5
19 Religious worship 0.9 1.7 1.7 46 Other service 0.7 1.5 1.5
20 Entertainment/culture 0.8 1.5 1.5 47 Strip shopping mall 1.0 1.0 1.0
21 Library 0.8 1.5 1.5 48 Enclosed mall 1.0 1.0 1.0
22 Recreation 0.8 1.5 1.5 Residential Building Activity/Type
23 Social/meeting 0.8 1.5 1.5 49 Mobile home 1.0 1.0 1.0
24 Other public assembly 0.8 1.5 1.5 50 Single-family detached 1.0 1.0 1.0
25 College/university 0.8 1.3 1.3 51 Single-family attached 1.0 1.0 1.0
26 Elementary/middle school 0.8 1.3 1.3 52 Apartment building (2–4 units) 1.0 1.0 1.0
27 High school 0.8 1.3 1.3 53 Apartment building (5+ units) 1.0 1.0 1.0

88 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Table J-6 Building Total Energy Use Targets (Site Energy)

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 89

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Table J-7 Building Total Energy Use Targets (Source Energy)

90 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Table J-8 Building Electricity Use Targets

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 91

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Table J-9 Building Fossil Fuel Use Targets

92 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for confor-
mance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain
material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material
are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)

ASHRAE Standard 105-2014, Table G1, has been reproduced here as Table K-1 and can be used to determine the heating value
of fuels other than those listed in Table 5-2 of this standard.
Table K-1 Higher Heating Values

Coals Btu/lb kWh/kg

Anthracite 12,700 8.2

Semianthracite 13,600 8.8

Low-volatile bituminous 14,350 9.3

Medium-volatile bituminous 14,000 9.0

High-volatile bituminous A 13,800 8.9

High-volatile bituminous B 12,500 8.1

High-volatile bituminous C 11,000 7.1

Subbituminous B 9000 5.8

Subbituminous C 8500 5.5

Fuel Oils Btu/U.S. gal kWh/L

#1 See Table 5-2 10.5

#2 See Table 5-2 See Table 5-2

#4 See Table 5-2 See Table 5-2

#5L 148,000 11.5

#5H 150,000 11.6

#6 See Table 5-2 See Table 5-2


Natural gas See Table 5-2 See Table 5-2

Propane See Table 5-2 See Table 5-2

Bagassee (Moisture Free) 8900 Btu/lb 5.8 kWh/kg

Sawdust, Peat, Bark 9000 Btu/lb 5.8 kWh/kg

Woods Mass lb/corda (kg/m3) Million Btu/Corda (kWh/m3)

Species Greenc Air-Dryb Greenc Air-Dryb

Ash 3840 (480) 3440 (430) 16.5 (1300) 20.0 (1600)

Aspen 3440 (430) 2160 (270) 10.3 (800) 12.5 (1000)

Beech, American 4320 (540) 3760 (470) 17.3 (1400) 21.8 (1800)

Birch, yellow 4500 (560) 3680 (460) 17.3 (1400) 21.3 (1700)

Douglas fir 3200 (400) 2400 (300) 13.0 (1100) 18.0 (1500)

Elm, American 4320 (540) 2900 (360) 14.3 (1200) 17.2 (1400)
a Based on 80 ft3
of solid wood stacked in a 128 ft3 cord, for a void fraction of 37.5%. Cubic metres apply to the gross volume of a stacked pile of wood with this void fraction.
b 20% moisture.
c 40% to 60% moisture.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 93

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table K-1 Higher Heating Values (Continued)

Woods Mass lb/corda (kg/m3) Million Btu/Corda (kWh/m3)

Species Greenc Air-Dryb Greenc Air-Dryb

Hickory, shagbark 5040 (630) 4240 (530) 20.7 (1700) 24.6 (2000)

Maple, red 4000 (500) 3200 (400) 15.0 (1200) 18.6 (1500)

Maple, sugar 4480 (560) 3680 (460) 18.4 (1500) 21.3 (1700)

Oak, red 5120 (640) 3680 (460) 17.9 (1400) 21.3 (1700)

Oak, white 5040 (630) 3920 (490) 19.2 (1600) 22.7 (1800)

Pine, eastern white 2880 (360) 2080 (260) 12.1 (1000) 13.3 (1100)

Pine, eastern yellow 4000 (500) 2600 (330) 14.2 (1100) 20.5 (1700)
a Based on 80 ft3
of solid wood stacked in a 128 ft3 cord, for a void fraction of 37.5%. Cubic metres apply to the gross volume of a stacked pile of wood with this void fraction.
b 20% moisture.
c 40% to 60% moisture.

94 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This is a normative annex and is part of this standard.) shall include adjustment, service, or replacement of invento-
ried equipment and systems.
NORMATIVE ANNEX L L2.2.4 Inspection and Maintenance Task Frequencies.
OPERATIONS AND Frequency of inspection and maintenance tasks for invento-
MAINTENANCE IMPLEMENTATION ried equipment and systems shall be established. If unaccept-
Informative Note: This annex is based on Section 4 of able condition indicators or unacceptable performance is
ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180-2012, Standard Prac- found during two successive inspections, the owner or
tice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building owner’s designated representative shall investigate and ana-
HVAC Systems, with application to the operations and mainte- lyze possible causes. At a minimum, the following possible
nance (O&M) of all building systems. causes shall be investigated:
• Poor field practices. Review inspection documentation
L1. RESPONSIBLE PARTY and/or technician execution to ensure maintenance tasks
The building owner shall be responsible for meeting the are performed correctly.
requirements of this standard. The owner may designate other • Insufficient time budgeted for tasks. Review time bud-
parties that shall be authorized and contractually obligated to geted to the technician to ensure that reasonable time has
fulfill the owner’s responsibility. been given to perform the tasks.
• Component repairs noted/pending/not made. Inspect
L2. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM documentation to determine that repair or component
Each building system shall have an O&M program that, at a replacement has been undertaken.
minimum, preserves the condition of the system and its ele- • Design issues. Determine whether underlying design
ments in a manner that enables the system to provide the issues are causing successive failures
intended thermal and visual comfort, energy efficiency, and • Obsolete equipment or components. Determine whether
helps to achieve the intended indoor environmental quality the equipment or component has been in service beyond
required for the building. its useful life.
At a minimum, the O&M program shall contain an inven- • Conditions outside of the building system causing failure.
tory of equipment and systems to be inspected and maintained Investigate whether water leaks, vandalism, a problem in
and a maintenance plan describing the goals, objectives, and the building envelope, a problem with the power supplied
execution of the systems maintenance program. to the building, or some other external factor is causing
L2.1 Inventory of Items to be Inspected and Maintained. the problem.
Components of building systems that impact the building’s Based on the analysis, the inspection frequency or the
performance shall be inventoried. This detailed list shall be maintenance task shall be modified to resolve the deficiency.
used to establish unacceptable system condition indicators, If acceptable condition indicators or acceptable perfor-
inspection frequencies, and maintenance tasks. mance is found during three successive inspections, the
L2.2 Maintenance Plan Development. For any given facil- inspection frequency for that task may be reduced from the
ity, the maintenance plan shall be written and developed spe- existing frequency. The reduced frequency shall be based on
cifically to meet the size, design, scope, and complexity of the specific findings and shall be documented.
the systems serving that facility. The plan shall describe Frequency may be adjusted for climate related or opera-
required tasks, identify the party responsible for performing tional reasons. Each adjusted frequency shall be documented,
these tasks, specify the authorizing party, document comple- including the reason for the adjustment.
tion of required tasks, and subsequently monitor the results. Informative Note: Examples include the following:
The plan shall include all of the following information.
• Cooling tower shutdown during the winter. Inspection
L2.2.1 Performance Objectives. Performance objectives and maintenance may be suspended during the shutdown
shall incorporate thermal and visual comfort, energy effi- period.
ciency, and indoor environmental quality metrics. Perfor- • A new chiller is installed and the old chiller is
mance objectives shall be based on design intent and retained as a backup. Inspection and maintenance of the
operational criteria specific to a particular system. The source backup unit may be adjusted to reflect fewer operating
of the performance objectives shall be documented. hours.
L2.2.2 Condition Indicators. Indicators of unacceptable • A new lighting fixture and lamp is installed with a
system and equipment conditions shall be established. These much longer life expectancy. Inspection and lamp
indicators are measurements or observations of conditions replacement frequency may be extended to reflect the
that could lead to failure or performance degradation. new device.
L2.2.3 Inspection and Maintenance Tasks. Inspection
L2.2.5 Documentation. A minimum inspection and main-
and maintenance tasks for inventoried equipment and systems
tenance documentation package shall consist of the following
shall be established. Inspection shall include the physical
assessment of system components and may include measure-
ment of operating parameters and data provided by sensors or a. Listings of building systems and system components with
a building management system (BMS). Maintenance tasks associated performance criteria pertinent to the facility

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 95

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

b. Inspection and maintenance tasks and the method of verbal instructions, execution of the task shall be documented
tracking (automated or manual) and archived for future reference.
c. Sufficient record detail and verification (written or elec- L2.4 Revision of the Maintenance Program. The O&M
tronic) to demonstrate implementation of the mainte- program shall be reviewed, and revision considered, in any of
nance plan. the following situations:
The inspection and maintenance document directory a. Modifications to the building that impact building system
shall provide easy access and be well organized and clearly performance objectives have occurred.
identified. Emergency information shall be immediately b. The building function or its use has changed in a way that
available and shall include emergency staff and/or agency impacts building system performance objectives.
notification procedures. c. Building system component changes have occurred.
L2.3 Maintenance Plan Authorization and Execution. d. One or more systems are found to be incapable of achiev-
Inspection and maintenance tasks shall be performed on an ing their performance objectives.
established frequency or upon a documented observance of e. Upon documented recommendation from the maintenance
unacceptable condition. Whether authorized by written or provider.

96 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor-

mative and does not contain requirements necessary for
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and
may contain material that has not been subject to public
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at

Table M-1 lists subtypes for several building types/activities
listed in Table 7-1. Observations in the 2003 CBECS data are
not identified at the subtype level. These subtypes provide
examples of more specific building uses included within the
types. The information used to develop this table was com-
piled from the CBECS website (EIA 2017) and communica-
tion between ORNL and the EIA.
For more information on property definitions, see https://

EIA. 2017. Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption
Survey (CBECS). Building type definitions. http://

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 97

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table M-1 Subtypes Included in CBECS 2003 Commercial Building Types

No. in Table 7-1 Commercial Building Type Includes Subtype

1 Admin/professional office Nonprofit/social services
Religious office
Sales office
3 Government office City hall/city center
6 Other office Call center
Contractors office
12 Other food sales Bakery
17 Clinic/other outpatient health Outpatient rehabilitation center
20 Entertainment/culture Museum
Sports arena
Night club
22 Recreation Gymnasium
Health club
Bowling alley
Ice rink
Field house
Indoor racquet sports
23 Social/meeting Community center
Meeting hall
Convention center
Senior center
24 Other public assembly Armory
Broadcasting studio
Exhibition hall
Funeral home
Student activities center
Transportation terminal
29 Other classroom education Adult education
Career/vocational training
Religious education
32 Other food service Catering service
Coffee/bagel/doughnut shop
Ice cream/frozen yogurt shop
Reception hall

98 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Table M-1 Subtypes Included in CBECS 2003 Commercial Building Types (Continued)

No. in Table 7-1 Commercial Building Type Includes Subtype

38 Other lodging Convent/monastery
Halfway house
Retirement home
Shelter/orphanage/children’s home
41 Other retail Beer/wine/liquor store
Rental center
45 Vehicle storage/maintenance Car barn
46 Other service Beauty parlor/barber shop
Car wash
Copy center/printing service
Dry cleaner/laundromat
Gas station
Kennel/animal shelter/pet grooming
Photo processing shop
Tanning salon

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 99

© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been pro-

cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved
objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018 incorporates ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2015 and Addenda a, b, c, and d to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2015. Table N-1 lists
each addendum and describes the way in which the standard is affected by the change. It also lists the ASHRAE, IES, and ANSI approval dates for each addendum.

Table N-1 Addenda to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2015

Approval Dates
Addendum Sections Affected Description of Changes* • ANSI

a 1 (Purpose) Addendum a makes changes to the Purpose (Section 1.1) of the Standard to more clearly October 31, 2017
indicate the overall goal which is to reduce energy use in existing buildings, while recognizing April 5, 2017
the importance of both energy efficiency and actual performance. November 1, 2017

b 3 (Definitions); 4.4.2; 5.2.3; Table 5-2; 7.1; 7.2.2; Addendum b provides normative primary energy EUI target tables in Sections 7, 10, and April 6, 2017
Table 7-2; 10.3.6; Table 10-2; Normative Annex A; Normative Appendix A of the standard, along with a primary energy EUI calculation option in (ASHRAE Std. Comm)
Informative Annex J; Informative Annex K Appendix A, to add an alternative compliance path for the qualified person seeking May 1, 2017
compliance with the standard. Primary energy EUI target tables are to be selected by the (ASHRAE Board of Dir.)
authority having jurisdiction using the same procedures as currently used for selecting the site April 5, 2017
EUI target tables in Standard 100-2015. A primary EUI calculation option and associated EUI July 24, 2017
target tables for electricity and fossil fuel use are included in Appendix A for authorities
having jurisdiction that prefer to use locally derived primary energy conversion factors. The
qualified person is permitted to demonstrate compliance using either the site energy target or
primary energy target selected by the authority having jurisdiction.
c 8.2 Addendum c clarifies the energy audit requirements for buildings without energy targets by October 31, 2017
making it clear when a Level 1 audit can be used to comply with the standard. October 19, 2017
November 1, 2017

d Informative Annex M (new) Addendum d adds to the standard an informative annex that provides additional guidance on October 31, 2017
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018

selecting the appropriate building type. October 19, 2017

November 1, 2017
* These descriptions may not be complete and are provided for information only.


Approved addenda, errata, or interpretations for this standard can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAE website at www.ashrae.org/technology.
© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.




This standard is maintained under continuous maintenance procedures by a Standing Standard Project Committee (SSPC) for
which the Standards Committee has established a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions, includ-
ing procedures for timely, documented, consensus action on requests for change to any part of the standard. SSPC consider-
ation will be given to proposed changes within 13 months of receipt by the Senior Manager of Standards (SMOS).

Proposed changes must be submitted to the SMOS in the latest published format available from the SMOS. However, the
SMOS may accept proposed changes in an earlier published format if the SM`OS concludes that the differences are immaterial
to the proposed change submittal. If the SMOS concludes that a current form must be utilized, the proposer may be given up to
20 additional days to resubmit the proposed changes in the current format.



An electronic version of each change, which must comply with the instructions in the Notice and the Form, is the preferred
form of submittal to ASHRAE Headquarters at the address shown below. The electronic format facilitates both paper-based
and computer-based processing. Submittal in paper form is acceptable. The following instructions apply to change proposals
submitted in electronic form.

Use the appropriate file format for your word processor and save the file in either a recent version of Microsoft Word (pre-
ferred) or another commonly used word-processing program. Please save each change proposal file with a different name (for
example, “prop01.doc,” “prop02.doc,” etc.). If supplemental background documents to support changes submitted are
included, it is preferred that they also be in electronic form as word-processed or scanned documents.

For files submitted attached to an e-mail, ASHRAE will accept an electronic signature (as a picture; *.tif, or *.wpg) on the
change submittal form as equivalent to the signature required on the change submittal form to convey non-
exclusive copyright.

Submit an e-mail containing the change proposal files to:


Alternatively, mail paper versions to:

Senior Manager of Standards
1791 Tullie Circle, NE
Atlanta, GA 30329-2305

Or fax them to:

Attn: Senior Manager of Standards

The form and instructions for electronic submittal may be obtained from the Standards section of ASHRAE’s Home
Page, www.ashrae.org, or by contacting a Standards Secretary via phone (404-636-8400), fax (404-321-5478), e-mail
(standards.section@ashrae.org), or mail (1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305).
© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.



NOTE: Use a separate form for each comment. Submittals (Microsoft Word preferred) may be attached to e-mail (preferred),
or submitted in paper by mail or fax to ASHRAE, Senior Manager of Standards, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-
2305. E-mail: change.proposal@ashrae.org. Fax: +1-404-321-5478.

1. Submitter:

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Telephone: Fax: E-Mail:

I hereby grant ASHRAE the non-exclusive royalty rights, including non-exclusive rights in copyright, in my proposals. I
understand that I acquire no rights in publication of the standard in which my proposals in this or other analogous form is used.
I hereby attest that I have the authority and am empowered to grant this copyright release.

Submitter’s signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

All electronic submittals must have the following statement completed:

I (insert name) , through this electronic signature, hereby grant

ASHRAE the non-exclusive royalty rights, including non-exclusive rights in copyright, in my proposals. I understand that I
acquire no rights in publication of the standard in which my proposals in this or other analogous form is used. I hereby attest
that I have the authority and am empowered to grant this copyright release.

2. Number and year of standard:

3. Page number and clause (section), subclause, or paragraph number:

4. I propose to: [ ] Change to read as follows [ ] Delete and substitute as follows

(check one) [ ] Add new text as follows [ ] Delete without substitution
Use underscores to show material to be added (added) and strike through material to be deleted (deleted). Use additional pages if needed.

5. Proposed change:

6. Reason and substantiation:

7. Will the proposed change increase the cost of engineering or construction? If yes, provide a brief explanation as
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[ ] Check if additional pages are attached. Number of additional pages: _______

[ ] Check if attachments or referenced materials cited in this proposal accompany this proposed change. Please verify that all
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attachments here:

Rev. 1-7-2013
© ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

ASHRAE is concerned with the impact of its members’ activities on both the indoor and outdoor environment.
ASHRAE’s members will strive to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of
the systems and components in their responsibility while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide,
consistent with accepted Standards and the practical state of the art.
ASHRAE’s short-range goal is to ensure that the systems and components within its scope do not impact the
indoor and outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the Standards and Guidelines as established by
itself and other responsible bodies.
As an ongoing goal, ASHRAE will, through its Standards Committee and extensive Technical Committee structure,
continue to generate up-to-date Standards and Guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and promote
those new and revised Standards developed by other responsible organizations.
Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date Standards and design considerations as the
material is systematically revised.
ASHRAE will take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information of its primary interest and
will seek out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating
Standards and Guidelines.
The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will be considered within the scope of the
system’s intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materials, if any, will also be considered.
ASHRAE’s primary concern for environmental impact will be at the site where equipment within ASHRAE’s scope
operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and
energy transportation will be considered where possible. Recommendations concerning energy source selection
should be made by its members.
ASHRAE · 1791 Tullie Circle NE · Atlanta, GA 30329 · www.ashrae.org

ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the
built environment. The Society and its members focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality,
refrigeration, and sustainability. Through research, Standards writing, publishing, certification and continuing
education, ASHRAE shapes tomorrow’s built environment today.

For more information or to become a member of ASHRAE, visit www.ashrae.org.

To stay current with this and other ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines, visit www.ashrae.org/standards.

Visit the ASHRAE Bookstore

ASHRAE offers its Standards and Guidelines in print, as immediately downloadable PDFs, on CD-ROM, and via
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between the active Standard or Guideline and its previous version. For more information, visit the Standards and
Guidelines section of the ASHRAE Bookstore at www.ashrae.org/bookstore.


To ensure that you have all of the approved addenda, errata, and interpretations for this
Standard, visit www.ashrae.org/standards to download them free of charge.

Addenda, errata, and interpretations for ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are no
longer distributed with copies of the Standards and Guidelines. ASHRAE provides
these addenda, errata, and interpretations only in electronic form to promote
more sustainable use of resources.

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