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Class Dnslib

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// IPplan v4.92b

// Aug 24, 2001


// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

// (at your option) any later version.


// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


// GNU General Public License for more details.


// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


// workaround for funky behaviour of nested includes with older

// versions of php


// common class functions for forward and reverse zones

class DNSZone extends IPplanDbf {

// form variables

var $hname;

var $ttl;

var $refresh;
var $retry;

var $expire;

var $minimum;

var $responsiblemail;

var $slaveonly;

var $zonepath;

var $seczonepath;

var $info="";

var $serialdate=0;

var $serialnum=0;

// local class variables

var $grps;

var $errstr = "";

var $err = 1;

var $clone = 0;

function SetSOA($hname, $ttl, $refresh, $retry, $expire, $minimum,

$responsiblemail, $slaveonly, $zonepath, $seczonepath, $info="") {

$this->hname = $hname;

$this->ttl = $ttl;

$this->refresh = $refresh;

$this->retry = $retry;

$this->expire = $expire;

$this->minimum = $minimum;

$this->responsiblemail = $responsiblemail;

$this->slaveonly = $slaveonly;
$this->zonepath = $zonepath;

$this->seczonepath = $seczonepath;

$this->info = $info;

function SetSerial($serialdate, $serialnum) {



// work out the new serial number from a previous SetSerial

function Serial() {

$now = getdate();

$newserialdate = $now["year"] . str_pad($now["mon"], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(

$now["mday"], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

if ($this->serialdate==$newserialdate) {





// remove domain name from FQDN, converts to lowercase

// if domain cannot be stripped, return FQDN with trailing .

function strip_domain($hname, $domain) {



// use ~ as sperator as this cannot appear in dns name

$temp = preg_replace("~\.$domain$~", "", $hname);

if ($hname===$temp) {


return $temp;

function ZoneAXFR($domain, $server) {


$res = new Net_DNS_Resolver();

//$res->debug = 1;



$answer = $res->axfr($domain);


echo "<pre>";



echo "</pre>";



// check for errors


if ($res->errorstring != "NOERROR") {


$this->errstr .= sprintf(my_("Zone transfer for domain %s failed with message %s"), $this-
>domain, $res->errorstring)."\n";

return "";


if ($answer) {

$this->hname=array(); $i=1; // kill form information

foreach($answer as $rr) {

if ($rr->type == "SOA") {








if ($rr->type == "NS" and $rr->name == $this->domain) {

$this->hname[$i++]=$this->strip_domain($rr->nsdname, $this->domain);

$this->err = 0;

return $answer;

} else {

$this->errstr .= sprintf(my_("Zone transfer for domain %s failed - using defaults: %s"), $this-
>domain, $res->errorstring)."\n";

// could not do transfer, so use defaults from now on!

$this->err = -1;

return "";

} // end class DNSZone

// specific forward zone functions

class DNSfwdZone extends DNSZone {

var $cust;

var $dataid;

var $domain;

var $server;

var $createmod;

var $expiremod;
var $regmod;

function SetForm($cust, $dataid, $domain) {

$this->cust = $cust;

$this->dataid = $dataid;

$this->domain = $domain;

function SetDate($createmod, $expiremod, $regmod) {

$this->createmod = $createmod;

$this->expiremod = $expiremod;

$this->regmod = $regmod;

function FwdDelete($cust, $dataid, $domain) {

// use local function variables as they may change

$this->cust = $cust;

$this->rangeindex = $dataid;

$this->areaindex = $domain;

// check for records

$result = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT recidx

FROM fwdzonerec

WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=$dataid");

$recs=$result->PO_RecordCount("fwdzonerec", "customer=$cust AND data_id=$dataid");

if ($recs) {

$this->errstr .= my_("Cannot delete domain zone - there are still DNS records\n");

return FALSE;

$result = $this->ds->Execute("DELETE FROM fwdzone

WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=$dataid") and

$this->ds->Execute("DELETE FROM fwdzoneadd

WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=$dataid") and

$this->ds->Execute("DELETE FROM fwddns

WHERE id=$dataid");

return $result;

function FwdZoneAddRR ($dataid, $answer) {


foreach($answer as $rr) {

if ($rr->type == "A") {


$host=$this->strip_domain($rr->name, $this->domain);


else if ($rr->type == "CNAME") {


$host=$this->strip_domain($rr->name, $this->domain);

$iphostname=$this->strip_domain($rr->cname, $this->domain);

else if ($rr->type == "NS" and $rr->name != $this->domain) {


$host=$this->strip_domain($rr->name, $this->domain);

$iphostname=$this->strip_domain($rr->nsdname, $this->domain);

else if ($rr->type == "MX") {


$host=$this->strip_domain($rr->name, $this->domain);

$iphostname=$rr->preference." ".$this->strip_domain($rr->exchange, $this->domain);

else if ($rr->type == "TXT") {


$host=$this->strip_domain($rr->name, $this->domain);

// truncate TXT field to 254 chars - can be much bigger

$iphostname=substr($rr->rdata, 1, $rr->rdlength > 254 ? 254 : $rr->rdlength);

else if ($rr->type == "SRV") {


$host=$this->strip_domain($rr->name, $this->domain);

$iphostname=$rr->preference." ".$rr->weight." ".$rr->port." ".$this->strip_domain($rr-

>target, $this->domain);

else if ($rr->type == "AFSDB") {


$host=$this->strip_domain($rr->name, $this->domain);

$iphostname=$rr->preference." ".$this->strip_domain($rr->exchange, $this->domain);

else {


$result = $this->ds->Execute("INSERT into fwdzonerec

(customer, data_id, sortorder, lastmod, host,

recordtype, userid, ip_hostname) ".

"VALUES ($this->cust, $dataid, ". $i.",".





$this->ds->qstr($iphostname).")" );

if (!$result) {

return FALSE;


return TRUE;

function FwdAddNS($dataid) {

// add reverse DNS into fwddns table

for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {

if (isset($this->hname[$i]) and !empty($this->hname[$i])) {


// add DNS records

$result=$this->ds->Execute("INSERT INTO fwddns

(id, hname, horder)





if (!$result) {

return FALSE;

return TRUE;

// test if the zone exists and lock for update

function FwdZoneExists($cust, $dataid) {

// need to do select as mysql driver does not have RowLock

// mysqlt does have rowlock

$row = $this->ds->GetOne("SELECT data_id

FROM fwdzone

WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=$dataid");

$this->ds->RowLock("fwdzone", "customer=$cust AND data_id=$dataid");

return !empty($row);

function FwdUpdateSOA($cust, $dataid) {

// use local function variables as they may change

$this->cust = $cust;

if (!$this->FwdZoneExists($cust, $dataid)) {


$this->errstr .= my_("Could not find the zone - possibly deleted by another user")."\n";

return FALSE;

// work out new serial numbers


// check and warn if there are zone records if slaveonly=Y

if ($this->slaveonly=="Y") {

$result = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT count(*) AS cnt

FROM fwdzonerec

WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=$dataid");

// loop through each host record

$row = $result->FetchRow();

if($row["cnt"] > 0) {


$this->errstr .= my_("You are changing this zone to a slave only zone, but there are zone

// Updated DB here.

$result = $this->ds->Execute("UPDATE fwdzone ".

"set serialdate=".$this->ds->qstr($this->serialdate).
", serialnum=$this->serialnum".
















" WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=".$dataid );

if($this->ds->GetRow("SELECT info

FROM fwdzoneadd

WHERE customer=$cust AND

data_id=$dataid")) { // should have FOR UPDATE here!

$result = $this->ds->Execute("UPDATE fwdzoneadd ".

"set info=".$this->ds->qstr($this->info).

" WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=".$dataid );

else { // no record, insert

if (!empty($this->info)) {

$result = $this->ds->Execute("INSERT into fwdzoneadd (customer, data_id, info) ".

"VALUES ($this->cust,".


$this->ds->qstr($this->info).")" );

// delete all the DNS records first to preserve correct order

$result=$this->ds->Execute("DELETE FROM fwddns

WHERE id=$dataid");

// add reverse DNS into fwdzone table


return $result;

function FwdAddSOA() {

// work out new serial numbers


// Add to DB here.

$result = $this->ds->Execute("INSERT into fwdzone (customer, domain, error_message,

createmod, lastmod, expiremod, regmod, serialdate, serialnum, ttl, refresh, retry,

expire, minimum, responsiblemail, userid, zonefilepath1, zonefilepath2, slaveonly) ".

"VALUES ($this->cust,".






$this->ds->qstr($this->serialdate).", $this->serialnum,".










$this->ds->qstr($this->slaveonly).")" );

// did not fail due to key error?

// should not fail as we checked this already!

if ($result) {

if (DBF_TYPE=="mysql" or DBF_TYPE=="maxsql") {


else {

// emulate getting the last insert_id

$result=$this->ds->Execute("SELECT data_id

FROM fwdzone

WHERE customer=$this->cust AND

$temprow = $result->FetchRow();


if (!empty($info)) {

$result = $this->ds->Execute("INSERT into fwdzoneadd (customer, data_id, info) ".

"VALUES ($this->cust,".


$this->ds->qstr($this->info).")" );

return $dataid;

// key error?

return 0;

function FwdAdd($cust, $domain, $server) {

// use local function variables as they may change

$this->cust = $cust;

// is the server variable set? then do zone transfer

// should really only read SOA if slaveonly set

if (!empty($server)) {

$answer=$this->ZoneAXFR($this->domain, $server);

// fatal zone transfer error?

if ($this->err > 0) {

return $this->err;

// could use unique key on database to do check, but requires extra key

// just to add a new record

$restemp=$this->ds->Execute("SELECT domain FROM fwdzone

WHERE customer=$cust AND domain = ".$this->ds->qstr($this->domain));

if ($restemp->FetchRow()) {

// domain already exists, fail transaction


$this->errstr .= sprintf(my_("DNS Domain %s could not be created - possibly duplicate

zone"), $this->domain)."\n";

else {

// create the actual zone



// did not fail due to key error?

if ($dataid) {

if(!$this->FwdAddNS($dataid)) {

$this->err = -60;

return $this->err;

// now load individual rr records if zone transfer requested

// only if not a slavezone and no previous error

if (!empty($server) and $this->slaveonly=="N" and !empty($answer)) {

if(!$this->FwdZoneAddRR($dataid, $answer)) {

$this->err = -60;

return $this->err;

// or clone zone if clone requested

else if (empty($server) and $this->slaveonly=="N" and $this->clone) {

// this SQL only works with MySql v >= 4.0.14

$result=$this->ds->Execute("INSERT INTO fwdzonerec

(data_id, host, recordtype, ip_hostname, sortorder, customer, userid, lastmod)

SELECT $dataid AS data_id, fwdzonerec.host, fwdzonerec.recordtype,

fwdzonerec.ip_hostname, fwdzonerec.sortorder, fwdzonerec.customer,

".$this->ds->qstr(getAuthUsername())." AS userid,

".$this->ds->DBTimeStamp(time())." AS lastmod

FROM fwdzonerec, fwdzone

WHERE fwdzonerec.data_id=fwdzone.data_id AND


$this->err = 0;

else {

$this->err = -60;

$this->errstr .= sprintf(my_("DNS Domain %s could not be created - possibly duplicate

zone"), $this->domain)."\n";

return $this->err;

function FwdZoneExport($cust, $dataid) {

// use local function variables as they may change

$this->cust = $cust;


// Update DNS Database Serial Count. Update Serial Count only when we export.

$result = $this->ds->Execute("UPDATE fwdzone ".

"set serialdate=".$this->ds->qstr($this->serialdate).

", userid=".$this->ds->qstr(getAuthUsername()).

", error_message=".$this->ds->qstr("").

", lastexp=".$this->ds->DBTimeStamp(time()).

", serialnum=$this->serialnum".

" WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=".$dataid);

if ($result) {

$sqllastmod = $this->ds->SQLDate("M d Y H:i:s", 'lastmod');

$result = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT data_id, domain, engineer, error_message,

responsiblemail, serialdate, serialnum, ttl, refresh, retry, expire,

minimum, zonefilepath1, zonefilepath2, customer, admingrp,

$sqllastmod AS lastmod, userid, slaveonly

FROM fwdzone

WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=$dataid");

$row = $result->FetchRow();


$info = $this->ds->GetOne("SELECT info

FROM fwdzoneadd

WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=$dataid");

$tmpfname = tempnam (DNSEXPORTPATH, "zone_".$this->domain."_");

if(!$tmpfname) {


$this->errstr .= my_("Could not create temporary file!");


$fp = fopen ("$tmpfname", "w");

// header of document

$output='<?xml version="1.0" ?>';

fputs($fp, $output);

fputs($fp, "\n");

fputs($fp, sprintf('<zone domain="%s" slaveonly="%s">', $row["domain"],

(empty($row["slaveonly"]) ? "N" : $row["slaveonly"])));

fputs($fp, "\n");

fputs($fp, sprintf("<path>\n<primary>\n%s\n</primary>\n",


fputs($fp, sprintf("<primaryfile>\n%s\n</primaryfile>\n",


fputs($fp, sprintf("<primarydir>\n%s\n</primarydir>\n",

fputs($fp, sprintf("<secondary>\n%s\n</secondary>\n",


fputs($fp, sprintf("<secondaryfile>\n%s\n</secondaryfile>\n",


fputs($fp, sprintf("<secondarydir>\n%s\n</secondarydir>\n",


fputs($fp, "</path>\n");

// SOA portion

fputs($fp, sprintf('<soa serialdate="%s" serialnum="%02d" ttl="%s" retry="%s" refresh="%s"

expire="%s" minimumttl="%s" email="%s" />',

$this->serialdate, $this->serialnum,








fputs($fp, "\n");

// additional fields

if (!empty($info)) {

$template=new IPplanIPTemplate("fwdzonetemplate", $cust);

if ($template->is_error() == FALSE) {


fputs($fp, "<additional>\n");

foreach($template->userfld as $field=>$val) {
fputs($fp, sprintf("\t<%s>%s</%s>\n",




fputs($fp, "</additional>\n");

// nameservers

$result1 = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT hname

FROM fwddns

WHERE id=$dataid

ORDER BY horder");


while($row1 = $result1->FetchRow()) {

fputs($fp, '<record><NS>');

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $row1["hname"]));

fputs($fp, '</NS></record>');

fputs($fp, "\n");


if ($cnt < 2) {



$this->errstr .= my_("Invalid zone - zone should have at least two name servers


$sqllastmod = $this->ds->SQLDate("M d Y H:i:s", 'lastmod');

$result = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT recidx, data_id, host, recordtype, ip_hostname,

error_message, sortorder, customer, $sqllastmod AS lastmod, userid

FROM fwdzonerec

WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=$dataid

ORDER BY sortorder");

// loop through each host record

while($row = $result->FetchRow()) {

fputs($fp, sprintf('<record><%s>', $row["recordtype"]));

fputs($fp, sprintf('<host>%s</host>', $row["host"]));

// MX records are in format "10 hostname.com" in database field ip_hostname

if ($row["recordtype"]=="MX" or $row["recordtype"]=="AFSDB") {

list($preference, $iphost) = explode(" ", $row["ip_hostname"], 2);

if (is_numeric($preference) and $preference >= 0) {

fputs($fp, sprintf('<preference>%s</preference>', $preference));

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $iphost));

else {

fputs($fp, '<preference>10</preference>');

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $row["ip_hostname"]));

else if ($row["recordtype"]=="SRV")

list($priority, $weight, $port, $iphost) = explode(" ", $row["ip_hostname"], 4);

if (is_numeric($priority) and is_numeric($weight) and is_numeric($port)

and $priority >= 0 and $weight >= 0 and $port >= 0 ) {

fputs($fp, sprintf('<preference>%s %s %s</preference>', $priority, $weight, $port));

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $iphost));

else {

fputs($fp, '<preference> Invalid SRV record </preference>');

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $row["ip_hostname"]));

else {

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $row["ip_hostname"]));

fputs($fp, sprintf('</%s></record>', $row["recordtype"]));

fputs($fp, "\n");

// close zone

fputs($fp, '</zone>');

fputs($fp, "\n");


// give file proper extension

rename($tmpfname, $tmpfname.".xml");


return $tmpfname.".xml";

//return $tmpfname;

// database error?

} // end of class DNSFwdZone

// specific forward zone functions

class DNSrevZone extends DNSZone {

var $cust;

var $zoneid;

var $zone;

var $zoneip;

var $size;

var $server;

function SetForm($cust, $zoneid, $zone, $zoneip, $size) {

$this->cust = $cust;

$this->zoneid = $zoneid;

$this->zone = $zone;

$this->zoneip = $zoneip;

$this->size = $size;

function RevDelete($cust, $zoneid, $zone) {

// use local function variables as they may change

$this->cust = $cust;

$result = $this->ds->Execute("DELETE FROM zones

WHERE customer=$cust AND id=$zoneid") and

$this->ds->Execute("DELETE FROM zonedns

WHERE id=$zoneid");

return $result;

function RevZoneAddRR ($zoneid, $answer) {

global $grps;

// open a new database connection

$ds = new Base();

if(!$ds) {


$this->errstr .= my_("Could not connect to database");


foreach($answer as $rr) {

if ($rr->type == "PTR") {


$domain=$rr->ptrdname; // proper domain name

$host=$rr->name; // in format

else {


// now split ip address

list($oc1, $oc2, $oc3, $oc4, $tail) = split("\.", $host, 5);


if (testIP($ipaddr)) {

$this->errstr .= sprintf(my_("Invalid address %s"), $ipaddr)."\n";



$result = $ds->FetchBase($this->cust, 0, 0);

if (!$result) {


$this->errstr .= $ds->errstr;

// add records here - got a match for a subnet

if ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {


$affected=$ds->UpdateIP(inet_aton($ipaddr), $baseindex, "hname", $domain);

if (!$affected) {
$ds->AddIP(inet_aton($ipaddr), $baseindex, "", "", "", "",

"Reverse zone import", $domain, "");

// no subnet matched, add something to the error string

else {

$this->errstr .= sprintf(my_("No subnet found for address %s"), $ipaddr)."\n";

return TRUE;

function RevAddNS($zoneid) {

// add reverse DNS into fwddns table

for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {

if (isset($this->hname[$i]) and !empty($this->hname[$i])) {


// add DNS records

$result=$this->ds->Execute("INSERT INTO zonedns

(id, hname, horder)




if (!$result) {

return FALSE;

return TRUE;

// test if the zone exists and lock for update

function RevZoneExists($cust, $zoneid) {

// need to do select as mysql driver does not have RowLock

// mysqlt does have rowlock

$row = $this->ds->GetOne("SELECT id

FROM zones

WHERE customer=$cust AND id=$zoneid");

$this->ds->RowLock("zones", "customer=$cust AND id=$zoneid");

return !empty($row);

// test if the zone has changed records - check the last serial for the zone

// against the ippaddr table for changed records i.e. records with a date equal or

// later than the serial date

function RevZoneChanged($cust, $zoneid) {

$sqlfn = $this->ds->SQLDate('Ymd','ipaddr.lastmod');

$row = $this->ds->GetOne("SELECT zones.id

FROM zones, base, ipaddr

WHERE zones.customer=base.customer AND

base.baseindex=ipaddr.baseindex AND

$sqlfn >= zones.serialdate AND

ipaddr.ipaddr >= zones.zoneip AND

ipaddr.ipaddr < zones.zoneip+zones.zonesize AND


return !empty($row);

function RevUpdateSOA($cust, $zoneid, $zone, $zoneip, $size) {

// use local function variables as they may change

$this->cust = $cust;

if (!$this->RevZoneExists($cust, $zoneid)) {


$this->errstr .= my_("Could not find the zone - possibly deleted by another user")."\n";

return FALSE;

// work out new serial numbers


// Updated DB here.

$result = $this->ds->Execute("UPDATE zones SET zoneip=$zoneip".
















" WHERE customer=$cust AND id=".$zoneid );

// delete all the DNS records first to preserve correct order

$result=$this->ds->Execute("DELETE FROM zonedns

WHERE id=$zoneid");

// add reverse DNS into fwdzone table


return $result;

function RevAddSOA() {

// work out new serial numbers

// Add to DB here.

$result = $this->ds->Execute("INSERT into zones

(customer, zoneip, zone, zonesize, serialdate,

serialnum, error_message, ttl, refresh, retry, expire, minimum,

lastmod, responsiblemail, userid, zonefilepath1,

zonefilepath2, slaveonly) ".

"VALUES ($this->cust, $this->zoneip,".

$this->ds->qstr($this->zone).", $this->size,".

$this->ds->qstr($this->serialdate).", $this->serialnum,".












$this->ds->qstr($this->slaveonly).")" );

// did not fail due to key error?

// should not fail as we checked this already!

if ($result) {

if (DBF_TYPE=="mysql" or DBF_TYPE=="maxsql") {


else {

// emulate getting the last insert_id

$result=$this->ds->Execute("SELECT id

FROM zones

WHERE customer=$this->cust AND


$temprow = $result->FetchRow();


return $zoneid;

// key error?

return 0;

function RevAdd($cust, $zone, $server) {

// use local function variables as they may change

$this->cust = $cust;

// is the server variable set? then do zone transfer

// should really only read SOA if slaveonly set

if (!empty($server)) {

$answer=$this->ZoneAXFR($this->zone, $server);

// fatal zone transfer error?

if ($this->err > 0) {
return $this->err;

// could use unique key on database to do check, but requires extra key

// just to add a new record

$restemp=$this->ds->Execute("SELECT zone FROM zones

WHERE customer=$cust AND zone = ".$this->ds->qstr($this->zone));

if ($restemp->FetchRow()) {

// domain already exists, fail transaction


$this->errstr .= sprintf(my_("DNS Domain %s could not be created - possibly duplicate

zone"), $this->zone)."\n";

else {

// create the actual zone



// did not fail due to key error?

if ($zoneid) {

if(!$this->RevAddNS($zoneid)) {

$this->err = -60;

return $this->err;

// now load individual rr records

// only if not a slavezone and no previous error

if (!empty($server) and $this->slaveonly=="N" and !empty($answer)) {

if(!$this->RevZoneAddRR($zoneid, $answer)) {

$this->err = -60;

return $this->err;

$this->err = 0;

else {

$this->err = -60;

$this->errstr .= sprintf(my_("DNS Domain %s could not be created - possibly duplicate

zone"), $this->zone)."\n";

return $this->err;

function RevZoneExport($cust, $zoneid) {

// use local function variables as they may change

$this->cust = $cust;


$result = $this->ds->Execute("UPDATE zones ".

"set serialdate=".$this->ds->qstr($this->serialdate).

", userid=".$this->ds->qstr(getAuthUsername()).

", lastexp=".$this->ds->DBTimeStamp(time()).
", error_message=".$this->ds->qstr("").

", serialnum=$this->serialnum ".

" WHERE customer=$cust AND id=$zoneid");

if ($result) {

$sqllastmod = $this->ds->SQLDate("M d Y H:i:s", 'lastmod');

$result = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT id, zoneip, zonesize, zone, serialdate,

serialnum, ttl, refresh, retry, expire, minimum, zonefilepath1,

zonefilepath2, responsiblemail, customer, $sqllastmod AS lastmod,

userid, slaveonly

FROM zones

WHERE customer=$cust AND id=$zoneid");

$row = $result->FetchRow();





$tmpfname = tempnam (DNSEXPORTPATH, "revzone_".$this->zone."_");

if(!$tmpfname) {


$this->errstr .= my_("Could not create temporary file!");


$fp = fopen ("$tmpfname", "w");

// header of document

$output='<?xml version="1.0" ?>';

fputs($fp, $output);

fputs($fp, "\n");


list($octet1,$octet2,$octet3,$octet4) = explode(".",$ip);

fputs($fp, sprintf('<zone domain="%s" zoneip="%s" zonesize="%s" prefix="%s"

slaveonly="%s" octect1="%s" octect2="%s" octect3="%s" octect4="%s">',

$row["zone"], $ip, $row["zonesize"], $prefix,

(empty($row["slaveonly"]) ? "N" : $row["slaveonly"]),

$octet1, $octet2, $octet3, $octet4));

fputs($fp, "\n");

fputs($fp, sprintf("<path>\n<primary>\n%s\n</primary>\n",


fputs($fp, sprintf("<primaryfile>\n%s\n</primaryfile>\n",


fputs($fp, sprintf("<primarydir>\n%s\n</primarydir>\n",


fputs($fp, sprintf("<secondary>\n%s\n</secondary>\n",


fputs($fp, sprintf("<secondaryfile>\n%s\n</secondaryfile>\n",


fputs($fp, sprintf("<secondarydir>\n%s\n</secondarydir>\n",


fputs($fp, "</path>\n");

// SOA portion

fputs($fp, sprintf('<soa serialdate="%s" serialnum="%02d" ttl="%s" retry="%s" refresh="%s"

expire="%s" minimumttl="%s" email="%s" />',
$this->serialdate, $this->serialnum,








fputs($fp, "\n");

// nameservers

$result1 = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT hname FROM zonedns

WHERE id=$zoneid

ORDER BY horder");


while($row1 = $result1->FetchRow()) {

fputs($fp, '<record><NS>');

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $row1["hname"]));

fputs($fp, '</NS></record>');

fputs($fp, "\n");


if ($cnt < 2) {



$this->errstr .= my_("Invalid zone - zone should have at least two name servers defined");


// get records from main ipplan ipaddr tables

$result1 = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT ipaddr.ipaddr, ipaddr.hname

FROM base, ipaddr

WHERE base.customer = $cust AND

base.baseindex = ipaddr.baseindex AND

ipaddr.ipaddr >= ".$row["zoneip"]." AND

ipaddr.ipaddr <= ".($row["zoneip"]+$row["zonesize"])."

ORDER BY ipaddr.ipaddr");

while($row1 = $result1->FetchRow()) {


// ignore blank records

if (empty($row1["hname"])) {


// test for valid domain name

if (!preg_match('/^(([\w][\w\-\.]*)\.)?([\w][\w\-]+)(\.([\w][\w\.]*))?$/', $row1["hname"]))

$this->errstr .= sprintf(my_("Invalid record - ignored: %s %s"), $ip, $row1["hname"]);


fputs($fp, '<record><PTR>');

fputs($fp, sprintf('<host>%s</host>', $row1["hname"]));

list($octet1,$octet2,$octet3,$octet4) = explode(".",$ip);

fputs($fp, sprintf('<octet1>%s</octet1>', $octet1));

fputs($fp, sprintf('<octet2>%s</octet2>', $octet2));

fputs($fp, sprintf('<octet3>%s</octet3>', $octet3));

fputs($fp, sprintf('<octet4>%s</octet4>', $octet4));

fputs($fp, "\n");

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $ip));

fputs($fp, '</PTR></record>');

fputs($fp, "\n");

// close zone

fputs($fp, '</zone>');

fputs($fp, "\n");


// give file proper extension

rename($tmpfname, $tmpfname.".xml");



return $tmpfname.".xml";

//return $tmpfname;

// database error?

// Update DNS Database Serial Count. Update Serial Count only when we export.

$result = $this->ds->Execute("UPDATE fwdzone ".

"set serialdate=".$this->ds->qstr($this->serialdate).

", userid=".$this->ds->qstr(getAuthUsername()).

", serialnum=$this->serialnum".

" WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=".$zoneid);

if ($result) {

$result = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT * FROM fwdzone

WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=$zoneid");

$row = $result->FetchRow();


$tmpfname = tempnam (DNSEXPORTPATH, "zone_") or

myError($w,$p, my_("Could not create temporary file!"));

$fp = fopen ("$tmpfname", "w");

// header of document

$output='<?xml version="1.0" ?>';

fputs($fp, $output);
fputs($fp, "\n");

fputs($fp, sprintf('<zone domain="%s" slaveonly="%s">', $row["domain"],

(empty($row["slaveonly"]) ? "N" : $row["slaveonly"])));

fputs($fp, "\n");

// SOA portion

fputs($fp, sprintf('<soa serialdate="%s" serialnum="%02d" ttl="%s" retry="%s" refresh="%s"

expire="%s" minimumttl="%s" email="%s" />',

$this->serialdate, $this->serialnum,








fputs($fp, "\n");

// nameservers

$result1 = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT hname

FROM fwddns

WHERE id=$zoneid

ORDER BY horder");


while($row1 = $result1->FetchRow()) {

fputs($fp, '<record><NS>');

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $row1["hname"]));

fputs($fp, '</NS></record>');
fputs($fp, "\n");


if ($cnt < 2) {

insert($w,textbr(my_("Invalid zone - zone should have at least two name servers defined")));

$result = $this->ds->Execute("SELECT * FROM fwdzonerec

WHERE customer=$cust AND data_id=$zoneid

ORDER BY sortorder");

// loop through each host record

while($row = $result->FetchRow()) {

fputs($fp, sprintf('<record><%s>', $row["recordtype"]));

fputs($fp, sprintf('<host>%s</host>', $row["host"]));

// MX records are in format "10 hostname.com" in database field ip_hostname

if ($row["recordtype"]=="MX") {

list($preference, $iphost) = explode(" ", $row["ip_hostname"], 2);

if (is_numeric($preference) and $preference >= 0) {

fputs($fp, sprintf('<preference>%s</preference>', $preference));

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $iphost));

else {

fputs($fp, '<preference>10</preference>');

fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $row["ip_hostname"]));

else {
fputs($fp, sprintf('<iphostname>%s</iphostname>', $row["ip_hostname"]));

fputs($fp, sprintf('</%s></record>', $row["recordtype"]));

fputs($fp, "\n");

// close zone

fputs($fp, '</zone>');

fputs($fp, "\n");


return $tmpfname;


} // end of class DNSFwdZone


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