Chapter 2 Tenses
Chapter 2 Tenses
Chapter 2 Tenses
In some languages, verb tenses are not very important or do not even exist. In English,
the concept of tense is very important. In this lesson we look at the idea behind tense, how to
avoid confusing tense with time, and the structure of the basic tenses, with examples using a
regular verb, an irregular verb and the verb be.
a) My mom goes to market every Day.
b) The children play volleyball every afternoon.
c) Erika walks to campus everyday.
d) The midwife checks the pregnant women three times a week.
e) The midwifery students practice delivery method once in a week.
2. Pola kalimat ‘nominal’
(+) : Subject + to be (am, is, are) + Compliment (object/adjective/adverb)
(-) : Subject + to be (am, is, are) + Not + Compliment (object/adjective/adverb)
(?) : to be (am, is, are) + S + Compliment (object/adjective/adverb)
a) She is my English Lecture. (Noun)
b) We are midwifery students of STIKES Dr. Soebandi Jember. (Noun)
c) Miss Yuni is a generous department leader in our campus. (Adjective)
d) Greta and Sherliya are responsible leader in our class. (Adjective)
3. Fungsi
1) Kebiasaan sehari-hari:
I have breakfast at 7.00 every morning.
I get up early in the morning.
2) Pekerjaan yang sering kali dilakukan:
I always visit my grandmother.
He often comes late.
3) Kebenaran umum:
The earth goes round the sun.
The river Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean.
4) Suatu pernyataan pada saat sekarang:
I love him.
He likes coffee.
John is a clever boy.
5) Kalimat dalam bentuk present tense juga terkadang disertai adverb of time atau
kata keterangan waktu. Beberapa adverb yang sering digunakan misalnya every
day, every week, today, tonight, this week, dan lain-lain.
6) Selain itu juga terkadang disertai adverb of frequency atau kata keterangan yang
menerangkan “seberapa sering”, yaitu often, always, generally, usually, seldom,
sometimes, dan lain-lain.
4. Catatan
Jika kata kerja dalam bentuk present ini digabungkan dengan subjek orang ketiga
tunggal maka harus ditambah akhiran -s. Ada beberapa aturan dalam
mencantumkan akhiran -s ini, yaitu:
1. Untuk kata kerja pada umumnya, tambahkan -s. Contoh:
- eat » eats
- run » runs
2. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran –s, –ss, –sh, –ch, –x, –z, dan –o, tambahkan –
es. Contoh:
- catch » catches - fix » fixes
- miss » misses - go » goe
3. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran konsonan+y, –y diganti dengan –ies. Contoh:
- fly » flies
- cry » cries
- hurry » hurries
2. Fungsi
a) Tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang
berlangsung pada saat sekarang (pada saat di informasikan).
1. We are studying TOEFL right now.
2. Miss. Lutfiah is teaching English right now.
3. We are in the on line class right now.
4. I am listening to Miss. Lutfiah right now.
b) Menjelaskan suatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung di seputar waktu present.
1. It is raining at the moment.
2. We are staying at home now.
3. Corona Virus is happening at the moment.
c) Menyatakan “changing situation”
1. The economic situation is getting worse since Corona Pandemic.
2. The condition of my town is changing since Corona Pandemic.
3. The population of the world is rising very fast.
4. My mom’s health is getting better
3. Notes
a) Keterangan waktu yang dipakai: now, at present, at this moment, dan lain-lain.
b) Salah satu ciri bentuk continuous adalah akhiran –ing pada kata kerjanya.
c) Aturan penggunaan “ing” dalam setiap kata kerja:
1) Untuk kata kerja pada umumnya, cukup tambahkan –ing. Contoh:
- watch » watching - eat » eating
- fly » flying - go » going
2) Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran –e, maka –e harus dihilangkan
sebelum ditambah –ing. Contoh:
- love » loving - argue » arguing
- save » saving - rise » rising
3) Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran –ee, -e tidak perlu dihilangkan. Cukup
ditambahkan –ing. Contoh: Agree: agreeing, See: seeing
4) Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan satu huruf vokal dan satu huruf
konsonan, maka konsonannya didobel sebelum ditambahkan –ing. Contoh:
Sit : sitting kidnap : kidnapping
Run : running get : getting
4. Beberapa kata kerja yang tidak dipakai dalam bentuk present continuous:
a) Verbs of sense atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan indra. Contohnya see, hear,
smell, notice, recognize.
b) Verbs of emotion atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan emosi. Contohnya
desire, refuse, forgive, wish, care, hate, adore, like, dislike.
c) Verbs of thinking atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan pemikiran. Contohnya
feel, realize, understand, know, mean, suppose, believe, expect, remember,
recollect, forget, trust, mind.
d) Verbs of possessing atau kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan kepemilikan.
Contohnya own, owe, belong, posses.
e) Kata-kata kerja lainnya, termasuk seem, appear, contain, consist, keep, concern.
2. Fungsi:
a. Bentuk ini juga dapat digunakan ketika kita membicarakan sesuatu
kejadian/aktivitas yang dimulai dikerjakan pada masa lampau dan hingga
sekarang masih berlangsung (there is a connection with the present time).
1) I have lived in Jakarta since 1999.
2) I have taught in STIKES Dr. Soebandi since 2010.
3) I have studied in STIKES Dr. Soebandi since 2014.
4) She has worked in the bank for five years.
b. Bentuk tense ini juga digunakan untuk memberikan informasi baru atau
mengumumkan suatu kejadian yang baru saja terjadi/berakhir (giving new
information, to announce a recent happening)
1) I’ve lost my key (I haven’t got it now)
2) Ow! I’ve burn myself
3) Jim has gone to Canada. (He is in Canada or on his way there now)
4) I’ve just finished my work.
5) I’ve just eaten.
c. Use the present perfect to say that you have ever/never done something during a
periode of time which continues up to the present.
Dave : Have you travelled a lot Nora?
Nora : Yes, I’ve been to 47 different
countries. Dave : Really? Have you ever
been to China? Nora : Yes, I’ve visited China
Dave : What about India?
Nora : No, I’ve never been to India
d. Digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan berulang dalam periode waktu yang tidak
ditentukan antara masa lalu dan kini.
They have seen that films six times
We have eaten at the restaurant many times.
She has visited her grandmother frequently.
1. Pola kalimat Verbal
(+) : Subject + Verb2 + Object + Adv of time
(-) : Subject + Did + Not + Verb1 + Object + Adv of time
(?) : Did + Subject + Verb1 + Object + Adv of time?
3. Fungsi
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang telah terjadi di masa lampau.
Kata kerja yang digunakan merupakan Verb bentuk ke 2 (regular/irregular verb)
1. Pola kalimat:
(+) : Subject + Shall/Will + Verb1 + Object + Adv of time
(-) : Subject + Shall/Will + Not + Verb1 + Object + Adv of time
(?) : Shall/Will + Subject + Verb1 + Object + Adv of time
2. Penggunaan:
a) Bentuk ini digunakan jika kita membicarakan suatu perencanaan.
1) I will go to Malang next month.
2) They will visit their family tomorrow.
3) We will study together tonight.
b) Bentuk ini digunakan untuk membicarakan suatu kejadian yang akan terjadi
1) I think it will rain tomorrow because the clouds are there now.
2) “Oh, I feel terrible. I think I will be sick.
EXERCISE 2. Supply a suitable simple present tense of the given verb in the bracket!
My daily activities
Every morning from Monday to Saturday, I get up at 6 o'clock. After breakfast, I go to school
by bicycle. It takes me about 20 minutes from my house to my school. Usually, I study at
school until 11:30 a.m. I return home at noon to have lunch with my family. In the afternoon I
attend English and computer courses. I always get home just in time for dinner at 7:30 p.m.
After dinner, while my parents are watching television in the living-room, I read books or
prepare for school in my own room.
I am free at weekends. On Sunday mornings, I get up later than usual. Then I often go
shopping downtown with my friends. Sometimes we go for a picnic in the countryside. On
rainy Sundays, I stay at home reading books and listening to music. I am quite happy with my
daily activities.
Write your daily activities using present tense!
EXERCISE 5. Translate words or phrases related to daily activities into English!
EXERCISE 2. In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form
Example: Please don’t make so much noise. I....................(study)
Answer: I am studying.
In this exercise you have to read the situation and then write a suitable sentence.
Use the verb give.
Example : Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. (lose) He has lost his key.