Fullmakt en 107011
Fullmakt en 107011
Fullmakt en 107011
Power of attorney
Moving to someone, working, studying or visiting
Sweden or after applying for Swedish citizenship
Use this power of attorney if you are going to move to someone, work, study or visit Sweden or if you have applied
for Swedish citizenship and you want someone to represent you.
You can revoke your power of attorney at any time by submitting form 111011 for revocation of a power of attorney to
the Swedish Migration Agency.
My representative also has power of attorney to represent me in a case where I represent a child under
18 years.
This power of attorney is valid until I revoke it. If I do not revoke it, this power of attorney ceases to apply
when the matters the power of attorney relates to have been finally decided.
MIGR 107011 2019-11-28