Ids Ae 2
Ids Ae 2
Ids Ae 2
e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 21, Issue 3, Ser. IV (May - June 2019), PP 47-55
Abstract: Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the important and useful technologies that used to monitor
systems or networks. Several researchers have performed feature extraction methods to improve the
performance of IDS for detecting network traffic and malicious attacks. Different input features will change the
detection performance dramatically when using IDS. The classification process could be prolonged when using
high-dimensional features in a large number of network traffic. Recently, feature representation and application
of several classifiers became a keen interest for researchers to develop a new strategy to improve the
classification performance. In this paper, a hybrid feature extraction (SA_PCA) is proposed from the
combination of two algorithms namely Sparse Auto-encoder (SA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for
extracting high-level feature description to low-level features. Then, the extracted features are used for the
classification using different classifiers. The hybrid SA_PCA is compared with other existing extraction methods
that proposed by previous researchers. The simulation results for the proposed method includes: SA_PCA used
to extract low-level feature from high-dimensional features and compared with other works and the extracted
feature set is used for classification process using existing classifiers. The results show that the proposed hybrid
method is more efficient for IDS.
Keywords: Feature Extraction, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Machine Learning, Principal Component
Analysis (PCA), Sparse Auto-encoder (SA).
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Date of Submission: 01-06-2019 Date of acceptance: 17-06-2019
I. Introduction
The situation for the network security becomes more complicated with the development of new Internet
technologies like mobile payment, file sharing, and instant messaging. Moreover, the security environment of
the network is threatened seriously by the attackers who become more invisible and cost of the attack is reduced
further. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is an influential defense technology that has grown rapidly and become
one of the key technologies for ensuring security aspects in network system. The IDS is developed for the
network security to control its protection system which helps in monitoring network-systems operations that
based on the security strategy and different intrusion behavior like result or attempt are found that automatically
respond to prevent intrusion or illegal access effectively [1]. Two types of processing methods are included by
IDS and these are anomaly-detection and misuse-detection. The intrusion behavior model is defined accurately
in advance by the misuse-detection system. If the exact pattern of the attacker‟s attacks match with pattern-
library in the detection system then the intrusion behavior is detected. The consideration of intrusion activity for
anomaly detection system is unknown which is a subset of unusual activity. The invasion event is considered
when normal behavior pattern is deviated for a certain extent [2] [3].
Many researchers have used machine learning classifiers for improving efficiency and performance for
the intrusion detection system and the breakthrough progress are achieved. Moreover, only satisfactory results
are obtained from most of the machine learning classifiers in small datasets. Space complexity and time
complexity are the two main limitations that usually faced by these algorithms when they are used for large-
scale IDS. The main reasons for this kind of situation are due to the input data that has attributes with nonlinear
characteristics and high dimension. Therefore, dimension reduction of input data is an essential step for the
process of intrusion detection that should be more effective on high dimensional data.
In 2006, an article is published by a professor named Hinton working in University of Toronto in
Canada on deep learning in science. In his research, the artificial intelligence and big data are analyzed that set
of a waving research. Also, many hidden layers are present in the deep artificial neural networks (DANN) that
has tremendous capability of learning features and this result facilitate the original data in the form visualization
and performance classification. Furthermore, huge workload is reduced by DANN technique for the feature
DOI: 10.9790/0661-2103044755 47 | Page
A Hybrid Feature Extraction Method For Network Intrusion Detection System
extraction process and the efficiency is improved. Deep learning and principal component analysis are one of
the best solutions for the intrusion detection system due to the outstanding performance that deals with complex
and large scale data. Hence, stack auto-encoder (SAE) with principal component analysis model is proposed for
the dimension reduction of IDS samples. Furthermore, we use the extracted features for classification process
using machine learning classifiers and compared the results with other existing methods [4].
In the following segments, Section II discuss the related works presented by several researchers for
intrusion detection system using deep learning and machine learning techniques, Section III describes the
proposed methodology of the hybrid feature extraction method and description of the dataset, Section IV
describes the proposed work process, Section V discuss the results obtained from the overall proposed work and
comparison with other existing models, Section VI concludes the work with some future enhancements.
feature reduction is done by its hyper edges. Therefore, this paper focus on feature reduction of large dataset by
using proposed hybrid method named SA_PCA and analyzes the performance using ML classifiers.
III. Methodology
A. Auto-Encoder
This auto-encoder (AE) is the formation of three-layered unsupervised neural network model that
consist of output-layer that known to be reconstruction layer, hidden-layer, and input-layer. Figure 1 shows the
basic structure of AE. Figure 2 shows the representation of AE [22].
Specific feature vectors are transformed gradually by AE into abstract feature-vectors. It can realize
well about the non-linear transformation from high-dimensional data space to low-dimensional [23]. There are
two stages mainly considered in the processing of automatic encoder and these are Encoding and Decoding and
it can be defined as:
The process of decoding from the hidden-layer to reconstruction layer is defined by:
Therefore, from the given formulas denotes that is the input data vector and
reconstruction vector is denoted by for the input-data and low-dimensional
vector is given as for the hidden-layer.
Each layer of SA is sequentially trained by using greedy layer pre-training technique for accessing
optimized connection weights and entire bias values of stack auto-encoder network. The error function result
between the input-data and output-data is fine tuned using error back propagation method and satisfy the
expected requirements.
For error function is denoted by and is defined by:
Therefore, the processing update for bias and weights are given as:
Where, is represented as the nth original vector and its reconstruction-vector. The update
learning rate is indicated by .
Henceforth, principal component analysis is defined as:
- is the principal component of „j‟,
- is the extracted feature,
– Numerical coefficient ,
q – Dimension space,
B. Dataset
Several public datasets are used in IDS that are based on KDD99. The advancement of the existing
dataset named NSL-KDD is used in our experimental purposes. The dataset contains a total of 22543 test-
samples and 125973 training-samples which include four types of attack samples and these are Probing attacks
(Probe), User to root attacks (U2R), Denial of service attacks (DoS), and Remote to Local attacks (R2L) which
is shown in Table 1. The training dataset is used to train the proposed model, and the test dataset is to test the
performance of the detection possibility of the trained model [26].
C. Preprocessing
This is the first process of the proposed model for the NSL-KDD dataset that holds about 41 features
that are classified into 0-1 type features, symbolic features, and percentage type features. Here, the feature
Num_outbound_cmds value for all is given 0 that is not useful for the classification process which is removed in
this phase. Since, the proposed SA_PCA model input is numeric matrix we convert symbolic-features into
Numeralization Process
The numeralization process is performed by using one-hot encoding. The NSL-KDD dataset has
symbolic-features which includes „Service‟, „Protocol Type‟, and „Flag‟. Three separate symbolic-feature values
are included in „Protocol Type‟, 70 separate symbolic-feature values are included in „Service‟, and 11 different
symbolic-features are given in „Flag‟. Therefore, once numeric processing is completed 121-dimensional
features are extended in NSL-KDD dataset.
Normalization Process
The result comparison is facilitated by the maximum and minimum normalization technique that
denoted by the equation 9 which feature values are normalized in NSL-KDD dataset. The denoted as
maximum value of the original dataset and is defined as minimum, the original feature is denoted by F
and is defined as normalized-feature value.
In this phase, the remaining features of NSL-KDD dataset is taken after the preprocessing step is
completed. The 41-dimension features are extended to 121 dimensions and number of input-layer neurons is
selected for SA_PCA. The parameters used for the simulation is given in Table 2. The features of the dataset
SA_PCA model are given in Table 3.
11 SRV_diff_Host_rate
12 SRV_Count
13 Error_Rate
Table 3 shows the extracted feature-set after the proposed SA_PCA model is applied in which the most
important features are selected. Totally 13 features are extracted out of 41 feature-set each which accessed using
the neural network model of sparse auto-encoder and the principal components of each variable. The type of the
features are also given in which it is a continuous or discrete is analyzed which could help to improve the
performance of the classifiers.
D. Metrics
The experimental results are measured using the metrics of confusion matrix. Table 4 shows the
significant of the confusion matrix. From Table 4, True Positive (TP) specifies number of correctly classified
normal instances, True Negative (TN) indicates number of attack instances that correctly classified, False
Positive (FP) identifies number of normal attacks incorrectly, and False Negative (FN) indicates incorrect
number of attack records [27].
Three main metrics are used for simulation results and these are Detection Rate (DR), False Positive
Rate (FPR), and Accuracy and the formulas used for these metrics,
Accuracy is give condition of the precision on many use cases. Be that as it may, a great deal of times
the precision of the system we are building probably won't be attractive or probably won't take us to the best
positions on the pioneer load up in information science rivalries.
----------- (i)
Detection ratio gives a proportion of the testing adequacy and determined as a proportion of deformities found
preceding discharge and after discharge by clients.
----------- (ii)
False Alert Rate is an incorrect radar target recognition choice brought about by clamor or other meddling signs
surpassing the identification limit.
---------- (iii)
accuracy of 98.6%, detection rate 98.45%, and fewer false alarms rate which is about 3.12% is compared with
NSL-KDD Datasets.
The multi-classification evaluation based on Normal, U2R, R2L, Probe, and DoS are shown in Table 7.
The proposed algorithm shows better results when comparing with other classifiers used earlier [28]. The
different category classification results shown that detects different attacks are Normal has an accuracy of
98.91%, DoS has 98.6%, R2L has 92.45%, U2R has 85.73%, and Probe has 93.42%.
VI. Conclusion
In this paper, a hybrid feature extraction method named SA_PCA is proposed for extracting the certain
features to improve the performance in terms of accuracy, detection rate, and false alarm rate. Several
researchers have used many learning methods for large volume of data to obtain the classification performance
based on five-category which includes, Normal, Probe, U2R, R2L, and DoS. From the simulation results, the
proposed SA_PCA method shows a better classification performance when compared with other classifiers. The
SA_PCA obtain 98.6% of accuracy, 98.45% of detection rate, and 3.12% of false alarm rate.
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IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) is UGC approved Journal with Sl. No.
5019, Journal no. 49102.
K. Nandha Kumar. " A Hybrid Feature Extraction Method For Network Intrusion Detection
System" IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) 21.3 (2019): 47-55.