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RUHRA Brochure - Region I

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The Philippine National Health Research

System, with its goal to enhance health status

through research, generates the National
Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) as
one of its core areas, alongside ethics,
utilization, resource mobilization, system
monitoring and evaluation, and capacity
building. While the NUHRA serves as the
country’s template for health research and
development efforts, the Regional Unified
Health Research Agenda (RUHRA) is more
relevant to regional problems and gives
direction at the regional level.

The RUHRA presents the identified health

research priorities. It should guide researchers
and funders alike in the development of more
relevant health research in the region for the
next six years.

Health research projects in the Ilocos Region Region 1 Health Research and
mainly focused on drug discovery and medical Development Consortium
Batac City, Ilocos Norte
technology development, implemented by Tel: (077) 792-3133
research hospitals and academic institutions Fax: (077) 792-3133; (077) 617-1517
and generally funded by the Department of region1.healthresearch.ph
Science and Technology Philippine Council for
Health Research and Development. Identified
health research priorities include improvement
of existing research on drug discovery and
technology development, and a more rigorous
focus on communicable and non- Philippine National
communicable diseases, vulnerable and Health Research System
indigenous populations, food safety and DOST-PCHRD
Bicutan, Taguig City
nutrition, and health governance and financing. (02) 837-7535; (02) 837-7536
The Regional Health Research and
Development Consortium of each region was Triple burden of disease Food safety and nutrition
included in the identification process of health Researches on factors that affect Researches that will evaluate
research priorities through the conduct of a emerging and re-emerging nutrition status and programs
consultation. The regional consultation for diseases implemented for a more in-depth
Region I was held on 23-24 March 2017 understanding of malnutrition
facilitated by the Alliance for Improving Health
Outcomes, Inc. The consultation was attended Health of vulnerable
by 23 participants. Their input, together with Health governance and
technical papers and situationers defining the
Researches on factors that affect policies
national and regional status of health research,
the health of vulnerable Researches that will assess and
was considered in the formulation of the
NUHRA and RUHRA. populations and its relationship evaluate government health and
with their socio-economic status health-related programs and
The research priorities and perceived needs of
each representative were raised through small Drug discovery and
focus group discussions, with participants development Functional foods and
grouped into two categories: government Researches on medical products nutraceuticals
agencies and hospitals, and academe. Both and medicines out of endemic Researches on developing food
groups suggested research topics and a herbal plants with medicinal value products and nutraceuticals from
representative from each presented these to available agricultural products
the plenary. Eight general themes were
established and prioritized using criteria with Health technology and
designated scoring weights established by the Health financing
stakeholders. The themes were ranked using
Researches on data management Researches that will evaluate the
the following criteria:
and information sharing, and safe effectiveness and efficacy of health
 relevance at 40%,
and accurate rapid diagnostic kits financing in public and private
 feasibility at 30%, and
healthcare facilities
 impact at 30%.

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