College of Nursing: Pharmacological Management
College of Nursing: Pharmacological Management
College of Nursing: Pharmacological Management
Brand Name: DUPHALAC Generic Name: LACTULOSE Drug Classification: OSMOLAR LAXARTIVES
Dosage, Route & Frequency Drug-Drug & Drug- Side Effects Adverse Reactions
Drug Action Indications Contraindications
Recommended Prescribed Food Interactions (By System) (By System)
PO 30–60 mL/d 20cc now then Increases water content and Anti-infectives: Treatment for Patients on low- GI: nausea, vomiting, EENT: tinnitus
prn BID softens the stool. Lowers the pH decreased lactulose constipation galactose diets. diarrhea, intestinal
of the colon, which inhibits the efficacy cramps, abdominal GI: fecal impaction
diffusion of ammonia from the Hypersensitivity to distention, flatulence
Other laxatives: lactulose Other: salicylate
colon into the blood, thereby
interference with toxicity
reducing blood ammonia levels.
response to lactulose
Absorption:Less than 3%
absorbed after oral
Distribution: Unknown.
Metabolism and Excretion:
Absorbed lactulose is excreted
unchanged in the urine.
Unabsorbed lactulose is
metabolized by colonic bacteria
to lactic, acetic, and formic
Half-life: Unknown
A: Assess patient for abdominal distention, presence of bowel sounds, and normal pattern of I: Monitor fluid intake and output. Note signs and symptoms of fluid and electrolyte imbalances
bowel function. Assess color, consistency, and amount of stool produced. PSE: Assess mental that may result from watery stools. Habitual use of laxatives can cause fluid volume deficit,
status (orientation, level of consciousness) before and periodically throughout course of therapy. electrolyte losses, and loss of urge to defecate. Encourage patient to increase water intake (if
Monitor serum electrolytes periodically when used chronically. May cause diarrhea with resulting not contraindicated), which will decrease hard, dry stools. Teach patient not to chew tablets but
hypokalemia and hypernatremia to swallow them whole. Encourage patient to time administration of drug so as not to interfere
with activities or sleep.
D: Constipation related to ignoring urge to defecate
E: Determine effectiveness of nonpharmacologic methods for alleviating constipation. Evaluate
P: Patient will have a normal bowel elimination pattern. Patient will exercise, eat foods high in patient’s use of laxatives in managing constipation. Identify laxative abuse.
fiber, and have adequate fluid intake to avoid constipation.