Viewpoint 2
Viewpoint 2
Viewpoint 2
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Unit 1 • Talk about types of • Use auxiliary • Idiomatic • Use stressed • Stressing
literature, reading verbs, to, one, expressions for auxiliary verbs auxiliaries
A great read
habits, and favorite and onesto understanding (/ (do, does) before for emphasis
pages 10-19
authors. avoid repeating can't make heads main verbs to page 138
• Discuss the pros words and or tails of it) and add emphasis.
and cons of reading phrases. remembering (It's • Use if so to
and writing biogs. on the tip of my mean "if this is
•Analyze and tongue) true'; and if not
interpret a poem. • Synonyms to mean "if this
(enduring is not true:·
Unit3 • Talk about different • Use participle • Expressions with • Express a • Stress in
social pressures that clauses to link take (take contrasting view expressions
you and others face. events and add advantage of, with expressions of contrast
pages 30-39
• Discuss the information take credit for ) like having said page 139
challenges of about time or • Synonyms (often that and then
starting college and reason. - frequently; again.
other new •Add emphasis show - reveal ) • Use even so and
experiences. with so ... that, even then to
• Discuss how such ...that, introduce a
children put even, and only. contrasting idea.
pressure on parents.
• Evaluate gender
differences in
Checkpoint 1 Units 1-3 l)d(jl'S ,1Q ,) 1
Unit4 • Talk about the • Use future • Expressions to • Use expressions • Stress in
natural world. perfect forms to describe the like What's more adding
• Present information talk about the behavior of to add and focus expressions
about a member of past in the wildlife on new ideas. page 139
pages 42-51
the animal future. (hibernate, • Use in any case
kingdom. • Use predator) and in any event
• Consider the impact prepositions • Suffixes with to strengthen
that humans have and -able arguments and
on nature. prepositional ( remarkable, reach
phrases to valuable) conclusions.
combine ideas.
The blogosphere
• A presenter shares
A brief history of
• Write a review of a
book you have
Heads or tails
• T hink of
• More on auxiliary verbs
to avoid repetition
statistics about • An article about enjoyed. situations when • too, either, so, neither, I;
blogging. different types of • Describe, evaluate, you can use and (to) do so
My interpretation poetry through and recommend certain idioms. • More on using to to avoid
is . .. history a book. repeating verb phrases
• Someone gives an • Coordinate • More on one /ones to
interpretation of a adjectives. avoid repeating countable
poem. • Avoid errors with nouns
yet. pages 144-145
It's an issue ... Spring semester • Write an evaluation Take credit! • Clauses with prepositions
• Two people discuss courses in of a course. • Write sentences and conjunctions+ -ing
the challenges Language and • Plan and write an that paraphrase • Passive forms of
when kids become Society evaluative report. the meaning participle and time
more independent. • Course outlines • Express results in of new clauses 1,
Language and of classes about writing. expressions. • More on so and such II
language and • Avoid errors with • More on even and only II
• A professor society therefore. pages 148-149
introduces a course
on language and
The Antarctic How nature • Write a persuasive Golden eggs • More on the future
• An expert answers inspires science essay about an • Notice the use perfect
questions about - a look at some environmental of specialized • T he future perfect for
Antarctica. notable inventions concern. vocabulary in predictions and
The genius of the • An article about • Use academic general English assumptions
natural world how nature prepositions and or in idioms. • Formal prepositional
• A presenter shares inspires impersonal one. expressions
ideas about how innovation • Avoid errors with • More on the fact that,
biomimicry could upon. prepositions + perfect
solve problems. forms
pages 150-151
Unit 5 • Talk about • Use adverbs • More formal • Use expressions • Stress in
inventions, progress, with continuous adjectives like Let's put it expressions
and human and perfect (obsolete, this way to make page 140
pages 52-61
achievements. forms of the portable) a point.
• Evaluate the passive. • Adjectives into • Use expressions
motivation of • Use past nouns like Maybe (not),
people who are modals with the (convenient - Absolutely (not),
driven to perform passive. convenience; and Not
dangerous feats. easy- ease) necessarily in
• Discuss the pros and responses.
cons of research.
• Discuss inventions
and innovations.
Unit& • Talk about business • Use relative • Verbs that mean • Use negative • Prepositions
and retail. clauses that attract and deter and tag in relative
• Consider the begin with (entice, questions to clauses
motivations behind pronouns or discourage) persuade others page 140
pages 62-71
shopping habits. prepositions. • Adjectives of your point of
• Evaluate the benefits • Use some, any, (malicious, view.
of online and instore other, others, vulnerable) • Use grantedto
shopping. and anotherto concede points.
• Present the refer to people
advantages of big and things.
business and small
Checkpoint 2 Units 4-6, ", /'J n
Units • Talk about people • Use the perfect • Adjective • Use expressions • Saying
and events in infinitive to antonyms like Let's not go perfect
history. refer to past (lasting - there to avoid infinitives
pages 84-93
• Determine what time. temporary, talking about a page 141
makes a historical • Use cleft superficial - topic.
event sentences profound) • Respond with
"world-changing:' beginning with • Metaphors (sift, That's what I'm
• Talk about the It to focus on bring to life) saying to focus
importance of one's certain nouns, on your
family history. phrases, and viewpoint.
Kristen Ulmer - a Invention: inspired • Write an opinion Old or ancient? • Adverbs in present and
world-class extreme thinking or essay about • Learn synonyms past passive verb phrases
skier accidental technological to express basic • Adverbs in perfect verb
• A reporter relates discovery? progress. concepts in phrases
her conversation • An article about • Compare and formal writing. • Adverbs and past modal
with Kristen Ulmer. how inventions contrast arguments. verb phrases
Whats the point of
come about • Use it clauses+
passive to say what
• Questions with passive
past modals '
• Two people discuss people think. pages 152-153
the benefits and • Avoid errors with
drawbacks of affect and effect.
Too good to be true 7 Data leakage -Are • Write a report on Its tempting. • Pronouns and numbers in
• Four consumer you protected? data security. • Write word relative clauses
experts talk about • An article about • Use modals to avoid family charts. • Nouns in relative clauses
special promotions. keeping a being too assertive • other, every other, oth�r
The top threats business's and to make than
• A business expert information recommendations. • More on another
discusses the risks secure • Use expressions to pages 154-155
of running a describe cause
( This may be the
business. !
result of . .. ).
•Avoid errors with
can and could.
Tracing family The Ancient Lives • Write a narrative Deep, low, high • More on perfect
histories Project essay about your •Look up the infinitives
• Two friends talk • An article a bout family or someone synonyms and • The perfect infinitive after
about their family the collaboration you know. antonyms of adjectives and nouns
backgrounds. between experts • Order events in the new words. • More on cleft sentences
Citizen participation and volunteers in past. with it+ be
projects piecing together • Avoid errors with •it+ be+ noun phrase in
• A lecturer describes the past in the end and writing
projects that help at the end. pages 158--159
uncover the past.
Unit 10 • Talk about the • Use continuous • Noun and verb • Highlight topics • Stress and
news, who reports infinitive forms collocations by putting them intonation
it, and how. to report events (undergo at the start or page 142
• Discuss if speed or in progress. surgery, contain end of what you
accuracy is more • Use the an oil spill) say.
important in news subjunctive to • Vocabulary to • Use this and
reporting. describe what express truth or these to
• Evaluate how much should happen, fiction ( verify, highlight
you trust what you what is fabricate) information and
hear or read in the important, and that and those tc
news. to refer to refer to known
demands and information.
Unit 11 • Talk about whether • Use be toto • Idioms and • Use expressions • Stress in
information is true refer to fixed or phrasal verbs like That doesn't longer
Is it real?
or not. hypothetical with turn ( turn seem right to idioms
• Consider how you future events. over a new leaf, express page 143
would handle an • Use passive turn around) concerns.
emergency. verb • Words in context • Use to me, to
• Talk about white complements. (lucrative, her, etc. to
lies and if they're laborious) introduce an
ever acceptable. opinion.
• Discuss if art
forgers are still true
Unit 12 • Talk about being • Use objects+ • Phrasal verbs • Use expressions • Stress with
independent, the -ing forms after (go by, pick like I can see it reflexive
psychology of prepositions up on) from both sides pronouns
attraction, and the and verbs. • Expressions with and by the same page 143
brain. • Use reflexive be, do, go, have, token.
• Discuss the pronouns take ( be close to, • Use to put it+
differences between - including to have to do with) adverb to
online and add emphasis indicate your
in-person - and each meaning behind
relationships. other I one an opinion.
• Discuss another.
Other amazing feats Robots • Write an essay How do you do • whatever, whichever, and
• T hree • An article about about whether it? whoever as subjects and
documentaries the widespread robots can replace • Ask yourself objects
describe marvels of use of robots in humans. questions using • Patterns with however
engineering. society • Express new vocabulary. and whatever
Is she for real? alternatives. • More on inversion
• A radio interview • Avoid errors with • Inversion with modals
about a robot. would rather I and in passive sentences
rather than. pages 160-161
Online lies Authenticating art • Write an essay Use it or lose it. • More on be to; be due to,
• Two friends talk • An article about about fake • Use new be meant to
about the lies that the techniques designer goods. vocabulary in • be to for orders and
people tell about used to identify • Share your views imaginary instructions
themselves online. art forgeries and those of conversations • More on passive perfect ..
others. with a friend. infinitives :,
Fakes of art! !
• A radio program • Use academic • would rather ,,
profiles artist John conjunctions and pages 164-165 'i
• Avoid errors with
provided that.
"Helicopter" parents The developing • Write a report Pick and choose • Common verbs,
• A mother and son brain using statistics. • Create a adjectives, and nouns +
talk about • An article about • Compare statistics. thesaurus. object+ -ing
overprotective how brain • Use expressions • More on reflexive
parents. development like twice as likely, pronouns
Understanding the relates to four times more • Referring to unknown
brain - outcomes
• Four professionals
behavior often.
• Avoid errors with
pages 166-167 Ii
twice. 1:
lecture about the 1:
impact of brain I
research on their
Checkpoint 4 Units 10-12 pd�]PS 136 137
Lesson A Memoirs
Grammar in context
A Read the six-word memoirs below. Can you guess the story behind each memoir?
Who are you - in six words? Our readers wrote their autobiographies in just six words.
Lindsay Yoshio Tim
Former accountant Traveled everywhere. Every 10 years,
now wears chef's Saw everything. I reinvent myself.
apron. Sadly, broke.
B '4>>)co 1.02 Listen. Which memoir is each person talking about? Write the letters a-f.
1. __ "Like me he seems family oriented. He's obviously enjoying family life - as I am. But he
finds it hard. Most people do. I know my sister does.She has three children - all under six!"
2. __ "Well, she obviously changed careers - a lot of people do these days. But it sounds like
she took a risk by choosing a career that's not as lucrative, which is what I did, too. I hope it
works out for her. It did for me, but for some people it doesn't:'
3. __ ''I'd say this person worked hard in college, which most students do. But it's too bad he
or she hasn't gotten any work. I know a lot of graduates who haven't. It's so discouraging:'
4. __ "Sounds like me.I was the perfect kid - made my bed, ate my vegetables, and my
brothers never did. At college I went wild, as a lot of kids do. Dyed my hair pink .. :·
5. __ "This person clearly likes change.Actually, I'm thinking of making a big change in my life.
I'm contemplating volunteering. I think it's a great idea, but my family doesn't for some reason:'
6. "He must have traveled all over. I'd love to do that.I haven't been abroad once.Most of
my friends haven't either. I'm saving up for a trip, and so is one of my friends. So maybe soon."
About C
you I
Pair work Discuss the questions below. Do you agree?
You can avoid repeating words by using auxiliary verbs (e.g., be, have, do).
The auxiliary can be in He's obviously enjoying it - as I am. (= am enjoying it)
the same tense as the I think it's a great idea, but my family doesn't. (= doesn't think it's a great idea)
first verb. She took a risk, which is what I did, too. (= took a risk)
I haven't been abroad. My friends haven't either. (= haven't been abroad)
The auxiliary can also She obviously changed careers - a lot of people do these days. (= change careers)
be in a different tense I hops it works out. It did for ms. (= worked out)
B Complete the conversations. Use auxiliary verbs. Then practice with a partner.
1. A Have you ever taken any risks in life?
B No, I suppose I L:i""'c"''+ really. I went to college, as my brother . It was expected,
I guess. And I went into dentistry, which is what my dad , too. I guess I don't like
taking risks. My brother , though. He gave up a good career to go into music.
2. A So, what's one of the best experiences you've had in life?
B Well, I guess I've been lucky. I met the perfect guy. And you know, a lot of people ____
And we don't have any financial worries. That's nice. Many couples these days.
3. A Have you ever made a decision you regret?
B Well, let's see. I had the opportunity to go to China on a school trip, but I didn't go. Some of my
friends , either. But I wish I had. I think they'r e planning a trip for next year - I
hope they , anyway. I won't say no next time.
4. A Have you traveled much? I mean, where have you been?
B Well, I haven't traveled much, though all my friends ____. I think it's good to travel, but
my parents . They worry about me being safe.
About I C Pair work Ask and answer the questions in Exercise B. Give your own answers.
Viewpoint My life
Group work Write your own six-word "memoir" on a piece of paper. Then mix up the papers
and take turns reading each one aloud. What can you guess about the writer? Make
comparisons with other people. Can you guess who wrote it?
sort I C Complete the idioms in the chart. Use the interviews above to help you. Then ask and
answer the questions in Exercise B. Use at least six idioms in your answers.
Understanding Remembering
"I have lots of favorite authors, but one that comes to mind is Paulo Coelho."
Granun�1r extr'-1
Infinitive verb phrases; one, ones s,,,,.,.,q,, 145
You can avoid repeating infinitive verb phrases by using to when it is clear what you mean.
I would love to write like her, but I'll never be able to. I mean, I'd like to, but . . .
We had to read Shakespeare's plays in college. Well, we were supposed to.
Notice the negatives with try and prefer.
I shouldn't read trashy novels, and I try not to, but . . .
I used to read a lot, but these days I prefer not to. irLanguage
You can use one or ones to avoid repeating countable nouns. Don't use them after my, your; his, etc.,
some, any, or both unless there is an adjective.
Common errors
I've read all her books. Her best one is . . .
Of the books I read, the ones I like best are nonfiction. You can omit one I ones after first. second, next,
best, but not after new, big, small, long, etc.
I hope she writes a new one. ( NOT ... -&-flew.)
B How can you avoid repetition in some of these
sentences? Delete words or use one I ones. Write
one or ones in parentheses where they are optional.
1. These days I hardly ever pick a book up. Well, I tend not to pick up a book. Ia rather read a magazine.
2. There's a lot of literature I haven't read. I've never read Moby Dick, but Io like to read Moby Dick one day.
3. I read plays, especially modern plays. My favorite playwright is Arthur Miller.
I've read all his plays. His best play is Ihe Crucible. Though you have to see it
performed to really get something out of it.
4. In elementary school, we had to learn poems by heart. At least we were
supposed to learn poems by heart.
5. I read for half an hour in bed every night before I go to sleep. Well, I try to read
for half an hour in bed every night.
6. I can't see the point of going into bookstores to buy print books. I tend not to go
into bookstores to buy print books. My books are all downloaded onto a tablet.
It's cheaper.
7. It's beyond me why people don't listen to audio books more. I love
autobiographies, and it's a great way to "read:' especially long autobiographies.
I always get new audio books if I'm able to get them.
8. I still go to the library to borrow books. The books I get are usually historical
novels. They're the best books.
9. I haven't read much classic literature, but I like the work of Jane Austen. Some
of her books are also movies, like Emma and Pride and Prejudice. Both movies
are good, but the best movie is Emma. That sticks in my mind.
you I C Pair work Discuss the sentences in Exercise B. Are any of them true for you?
Professor Not long ago, they were predicting that because of the increase in
phone and computer use. people would stop reading and writing.
But we haven't. In fact, we're reading and writing more than we did.
So, are there implications of this for literature? And if so. what?
Yolanda Yes, well, it does seem that with social media everybody's
writing something these days, like biogs and check-ins and
status updates. I know I am.
Elena Which is a good thing. I mean, I do like the fact that anyone can
write a blog. It makes writing, well, ... more democratic
Professor I do think, though, that it gives the impression that anybody can
be a writer. But doesn't it take talent to be a good writer? And if
not, then does that mean anything goes?
Tariq Yes. nowadays anyone can publish a novel online, but how do
you know if it's any good? How do we evaluate it?
Yolanda Do you need to, though? I think the real problem is with
nonfiction. I mean, how do you determine what information you
read on the Internet is accurate and reliable?
Professor Yes. indeed. That's just as important, if not more important .
• C
• Notice how the speakers add a stressed auxiliary verb It does seem that everyone's
In conversation ...
D �>>)co 1.os Read the conversations. Add the auxiliary verbs The most common phrases with I do are:
do or does to add emphasis where possible, and make I do think, I do like, I do know. I do want,
any other necessary changes. Then listen and check. I do enjoy, I do believe, I do feel, I do agree.
1. A The problem with many of the blogs you read is that they're very poorly written.
B Yeah. I think it's hard to find ones that are well written. Some have good content, though.
2. A You know what I hate? Microblogs. I feel they're a waste of time and not worth reading.
B Well, I follow some celebrities. I enjoy reading their thoughts on life.
3. A I believe that people are much less afraid of writing now. I know I am. It used to be so
hard to get your work published, but not anymore. The Internet really makes a difference.
B But it seems like that's the problem. Anyone can get their work out there.
4. A It's interesting how new kinds of writing have come about in recent years. Like those cell
phone novels that started in Japan. It makes you wonder why they became so popular.
B Yeah. It seems unlikely that people would want to read books on a cell phone.
About I E Pair work Discuss the conversations in Exercise D. Do you agree with the views presented?
you What other views do you have about each topic?
Unit 1: A great read
'4•co 1.oe You can use If not means "if the answer is ·no'" or "if
if so, especially in formal this is not true."
speaking. It means "if And if not, then does that mean anything
the answer is 'yes'" or goes?
"if this is true."
You can also use if not to restate
something with more emphasis.
Are there any implications of this
That's just as important, if not more
for literature? And if so, what?
infonnation online. Number the professor's responses 1-5. If not
If so
a. D Well, you'll need to develop the skiU of deciding what's relevant.
If not, you'll waste a lot of time.
b. D Well, if so, don't use it. You should only use trusted sources for your essays.
c. D That could be dangerous. You need to consult a professional. If not, you could damage your health.
d. D If so, you need to write that in your paper and describe the different outcomes of each study.
e. D It is, and they could fail if they're found out; plagiarism is wrong, if not dishonest.
I B Pair work Discuss the problems. Do you have similar ones? How do you solve them?
you I C Pair work Discuss the questions.
• Do you read or write blogs? • Did the presentation change your views about blogging?
• Are you more likely to now? • Did it give you any new information?
A Well, to be honest, I don't read many biogs, but it does seem that they could be interesting.
B Yes. I do think that they might be a useful way of promoting yourself at work, for example. 11Mi- _,,_
See page 138.
A Prepare Do you or your friends enjoy reading poetry? Who are some of the famous
poets you know of? Make a list.
"Octavio Paz is a well-known poet here."
B iiJ Read for main ideas Read the article and the extracts from some poems. What
kinds of poetry does it refer to?What are the features of each type?
A brief history o� s During the European Renaissance, (late 15th to early 17th
century), a poetic form that became popular was the sonnet.
This has only 14 lines of verse. William Shakespeare, who was
one of the many Renaissance poets, composed 154 of them.
1 In the Museum of the Ancient Orient in Istanbul, Turkey,
there is a small tablet with ancient Sumerian script on it. · An extract from Shakespeare's Sonnet 18
Few people have been able to read it, but Turkish historian
and archaeologist Muazzez ilmiye <;ig believed that the Shakespeare is praising the lasting beauty
words on the tablet are those of a lover from 4,000 years ofa woman.
ago and that it is the oldest love poem ever found.
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
2 Of course, love has been one of the enduring themes of T hou art more lovely and more temperate:
poetry for centuries. Additionally, in pre-literate society, Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
poetry was often used as a means of keeping oral history And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
alive, for storytelling, or simply as a way of recording family
history or law, for example. Indeed, these societies had no
6 In other cultures, there are different forms of
other means of registering important events or cultural
traditional poetry. Japanese haiku is structured with
information, and reciting poetry was a way to pass what
17 syllables in a 5-7-5-syllable pattern. Haiku often
they held dear from generation to generation.
describes nature and communicates an abstract
3 Poetry was also valued in religion as a way of remembering idea or a feeling in a
teachings and prophecies. Many of the world's sacred moment in time. One Haiku
scriptures are written in poetic verse. Early agrarian eighteenth-century master by Kobayashi Issa
societies used poetry in rituals to encourage a good haiku poet - Kobayashi Issa lkinokori
harvest, while early Chinese poetry evolved from folk songs. - wrote about his sadness on
4 One of the earliest known Western poems is Homer's The the death of his third child samusa kana.
Iliad, written in the eighth century BCE. It is typical of an and then his wife.
epic poem and consists of 15,000 lines in a strict rhythmic 7 While the forms of poetry have changed over time, it has
structure. It tells of the war between the Acheans and generally retained a style and rhythm that make it different
Trojans and talks of gods and heroes like Achilles and from other forms of writing such as novels, essays, letters, or
Patroclus. With themes of war and fate, it is believed that articles. Nevertheless, one of the continuing debates
The Iliad was learned by heart and repeated as part of centers around the issue of "What is poetry?" - a debate
passing on cultural values and educational messages. that still goes on with the rise of rap culture in the United
States. Some see rap as the return of poetry as a
An extract from The Iliad performance art - poetry that should be heard rather than
Patroclus asks his friend Achilles for read - while critics say that rap should not be considered as
permission to join the battle, which poetry at all because it does not use "correct" English.
Achilles has left. Regardless of the ongoing debate, many rappers do
"Give me your armor to put on your shoulders;. consider themselves as poets. Certainly, the topics of rap
The Trojans might suppose I was you, songs are those of love, war, life, and death - something
Hold back, and give the Acheans' sons a breather, that hasn't changed since poetry first established itself as an
For breathing spells in war are very few. · art form.
Then, with a shout, fresh men might easily
Turn tired men from the ships toward the city." Reading tip
In the last sentence or paragraph, writers often return
to the theme raised at the start of the piece.
C Read for main ideas Find the ideas below in the article. Write the paragraph number.
7. the spiritual applications of poetry
l. What are some of the abstract (6) I en�uring (2) I lasting (5) themes of poetry?
2. Why was poetry retained (7) I held dear (2) I valued (3) in early societies?
3. In early societies, poetry was used for recording (2) I consisting of (4) I registering (2) what?
4. What famous poem describes a war (4) I values (4) I battle (4}?
5. Who wrote (6) I evolved (3) I composed (5) sonnets?
6. Which cultures used poetry as a way (3) I fate (4) I means (2) of educating audiences?
7. What is the nature of the ongoing (7) I continuing (7) I communicating (6) debate about rap?
8. Do you have a favorite verse (3) I poem (1) I prophecy (3}?
B Pair work Discuss the questions in Exercise A. Use the article to help you. Also add your own
ideas and views.
E) Listening My interpretation is
A '4>>)co 1.10 Read and listen to the poem. Who is the poet
talking about? PRIME by Amy Lowell
Your voice is like bells
B '4>»co 1.11 Listen to one person's interpretation of the poem. over roofs at dawn
How does the person answer these questions?
When a bird flies
l. What do you think of the poem? Si...e fi...·,",(S ... And the sky changes to a
2. What image does it bring to mind? fresher color.
3. How do you think the poet feels? Speak, speak. Beloved.
4. How does it make you feel? Say little things
For my ears to catch
you I C Pair work Discuss the questions
in Exercise B. Do you agree?
And run with them to
my heart.
Writing A short yet powerful novel • • •
In this lesson, you ... Write a review of a book.
• write a book review. Choose a book that you have enjoyed and write
• link adjectives. a review of it for the "'Book Club" section of a
• avoid errors with yet. magazine.
A Look at a model Look at the review of a novel. What does the writer think of the novel?
Undertine adjectives that are linked together.
A short yet powerful novel, John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men is set in California during the
Depression of the 1930s. It tells the story of the friendship of two ranch workers and their
hopes and dreams. Lennie, a physically large but gentle man of limited intelligence, and
George, his tough yet compassionate and caring friend, share a dream that will be difficult,
if not impossible, to fulfill: owning a piece of land.
Throughout the novel, Steinbeck creates an atmosphere that is dark and menacing. It is
clear from the start that this is a story that is not going to have a happy ending. Its
dramatic, though not entirely unexpected, ending leaves the reader feeling sad but perhaps
hopeful that the values of friendship and trust remain stronger than the desperate realty
that George and Lennie inhabit.
Brilliantly written, Of Mice and Men is compelling, if at times depressing, with themes
that are as relevant today as they were then. It is a magnificent work of fiction.
B Focus on language Read the chart. Then choose the best options to complete the sentences
below. Sometimes all are correct.
A Match the situations with the expressions. Write the letters a-f.
1. You're talcing a class, but you're not sure you're a. It's beyond me why he did that.
learning anything. __
2. Someone has just unfriended you on your social b. I have to learn it by heart.
networking site - you have no idea why. __
3. You're trying to remember the name of the author c. Sorry. I lost my train of thought.
of a book you've just read. __
4. You have to give a short presentation in class d. I hope I get something out of this.
without using any notes. __
5. You're telling someone a story, but you get e. That really sticks in my mind.
distracted. --
6. You're telling someone about something memorable f. It's on the tip ofmy tongue.
that happened to you when you were little. __
B Look at these idioms. Think of a situation when you might use each idiom. Write the situations.
C Word builder Find the meanings of these idioms. Then write a situation for each one.
Professor: In the college debate next week, the subject to be discussed is changing
attitudes toward privacy. Do you think privacy has a different meaning nowadays?
Gert: Yes, definitely. I mean, people put pictures online and share intimate details with
hundreds of so-called friends on social networks. You can watch videos of absolutely anything,
you know, people brushing their teeth - all kinds of things that were once considered private.
Ricard: Right. And every few minutes, they post updates saying what they're doing. "The
cat just bit me," or "Gonna wash my hair." We don't need to know things like that.
Lorraine: True. You can get to know more about people on the other side of the world
than about someone next door or the guy upstairs. But I guess it's pretty harmless.
Gert: Maybe, but what about real invasions of privacy? Like online stores bombard you with ads offering personal
recommendations because they know what you've searched for. And applications programmed to monitor your email,
then on your screen you get those pop-up ads based on what you've just written? They're the ones I find creepy.
Lorraine: Well, you can just ignore ads. What worries me is the information demanded from you if you just want a
username for a website - sometimes they want your mailing address, cell phone number, date of birth ... everything.
There must be a lot of people happy to give away all this information, but they have no idea of how it'll be used. They
get taken in by websites eager to make money by selling their databases to other companies.
Professor: Privacy is not an easy concept to dftfine. So, let's see if we can come up with a definition of privacy.
B �>>)co 1.13 Rewrite the comments. Replace the under1ined words with the type of phrase
given. Do you agree with the comments? Discuss with a partner.
1. The invasion of privacy is an important matter that we should discuss. (active infinitive) I mean,
how to protect our privacy is an issue that should be taken seriously. (passive infinitive) And
anyone who is willing to part with personal information is just taking a risk. (adjective phrase)
2. I hate it when online stores monitor the items that you have put in your basket and then bombard
you with emails that offer you discounts on those same things. (prepositional phrase, present
participle) I delete all emails that are sent by shopping websites on principle. (past participle)
3. It's useful that they send advertisements that they target at you personally. (past participle)
Sometimes you get discount coupons that are for things you really need. (prepositional phrase)
4. Giving your phone number in stores to get a refund is nothing that we should worry about.
(active infinitive) The thing we should watch is when they want your fingerprints. (active infinitive)
5. Friends who share your personal details with strangers - that's one of the potential dangers that
exist in social networking. (present participle, prepositional phrase) For example, I know far too
much about the person in the apartment that is downstairs. (adverb)
B '4>l)co 1.1s Read the article. Are any of the items of technology from your list mentioned?
Use either ... or . .. to list two alternatives. It plays either easy-listening music or birdsong.
It emt.r reads your messages or gives you a traffic report.
Use both ... and ... to combine two phrases Both solar-powered and wind-powered energy
or clauses in an affirmative context. supplement the regular electricfty supply.
Use neither ... nor. combine two Dishwashers and vacuum cleaners are regarded neither
phrases or clauses in a negative context. as remarkable objects nor as luxuries.
Use not only . .. but also ... to combine two Many homes boast not only high-speed Internet
phrases or clauses in a more emphatic way. connections but•'-
high-tech entertainment systems.
Common errors
B Rewrite the comments using the Use both ... and . .. to emphasize that there are two people or things.
conjunctions given. You may have Use either . .. or . .. when there is a choice of alternatives.
to change the form or order of the Technology improves both our efficiency and our quality of life.
words, or leave some words out. (NOT ... ifflf3(eves either . .. er . ..)
Then practice with a partner.
1. A You know what I don't like? High-tech gadgets with all those functions that you don't want or
use. (neither ...nor) Like my alarm clock tells the time and gives the temperature outside.
(not only ... but also)
B It's like my cell phone.I don't open the calendar, and I don't use the voice-activated calling.
(neither ... nor)
2. A You know, chores were much harder for our grandparents' generation. I mean, my
grandmother washed everything by hand, and she hung it out to dry. (not only ...but also)
B Well, they didn't have the luxury or the convenience of all our labor-saving devices.
(neither ... nor)
3. A Imagine running your home from your laptop.You could control the
heating system, the lights. (both ... and) Well, everything, really.
Then if you forgot to turn off the stove or the coffee pot, you could
just do it when you got to work. (either ...or)
B It'd be handy, too, on vacation. I mean, you could check on your
house and you could water your plants.(not only ...but also)
4. A I'd love a robot that can cook or clean.(either ...or) I think chores
are boring and a waste of time. (both ...and)
B Me too.My friend bought one of those robot vacuum cleaners. It
saved her time and did a better job than she did. (not only ...but also)
you I C a
p i;J
What do you think about the views above? Discuss your ideas. Do you agree?
Unit 2: Technology
Lesson C Invariably, it's more efficient.
O Conversation strategy Signaling expectations
A Do you think you're good at multitasking?What two things can you do at the same time?
B �>>)co 1.1s Listen. What does the research that Lucia read say about multitasking?
• c
• Notice how Rashad and Lucia Adverbs can express what you ...
D Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined words with the adverb form of the
word in bold. Then discuss the information with a partner. Do you agree?
A i4>>)co 1.1e Listen. Five people talk about multitasking. Number the summaries of their views 1-5.
O All young people do it. 0 It's dangerous while driving. 0 It's actually pretty easy.
D You get less work done. D It affects your concentration.
B i4>>)co 1.19 Read the responses below. Then listen again and number the responses 1-5.
__ Right. You couldn't possibly say that multitasking is a good skill to have, then.
__ Yeah, it can't possibly be that hard to do two simple everyday tasks at the same time.
__ Right. You can't possibly concentrate on driving if you're on the phone.
__ I know. I mean, you can't possibly expect them to do anything different.
__ Exactly. But you can't possibly avoid phone calls and things, even if you work at home.
you I C i4>>)co 1.20 Listen again. Write your own responses. Then compare with a partner.
the same time and do each thing properly. TI-\IH� I'M vE¥'!.i
Goop AT"
2. , I end up making mistakes when I try to do ,-1\ULTITAS\::.IN G-.
more than one thing at once. It's usually better to take your time.
3. That's what drives me crazy - trying to have a conversation with
someone and they're checking messages on their phone.
_______, I just make an excuse and leave.
4. I don't know about you, but I just sit and
watch a TV show. I have to do other stuff at the same time.
5. I can see you can listen to music and study - it helps you
concentrate, . I mean, that kind of 0 0 If
you I C Pair work Do you agree with the comments above? Discuss with a partner.
A Actually, I agree. You can't possibly expect people to do three or four things at the same time
and do each thing properly.
B Oh, I totally agree. I mean, invariably you end up making a mistake with something.
Unit 2: Technology
Lesson D Technology adoptions
O Reading
A Prepare When new gadgets come onto the market, how many people in the class:
a. buy them immediately? b. wait and see what other people say about them?
c. never buy them? Take a class vote.
B J:il Read for main ideas Read the article to see if your class fits the model in the
diagram. Complete the labels in the diagram with terms and percentages in the article
to help you find out.
LatinAmerica/ 43. D%
comparison with other regions, at %, Middle East 40.2 1l.
followed by at 67.8%. In comparison, World,Avg. 34 3%
B Focus on language Read the chart. Then undertine the expressions for describing and comparing
in the paragraph in Exercise A.
C Write and check Write a report on Internet use, using the information from the graph
in Exercise A and the pie chart below. Then check for errors.
Ibe pie CbAd sbows the pe,.CC...fA�e of lnfe,..,e:l: "'se,.s by wodd ,.e�ion, As cAn be seen in the CbMt,
tbe bi�best pe..cenfA�C of "'se,.s An in A{,A. Ibey Acco"'d fo .. 44.9% of the wo ..ld's "l.1C"S· .. ·
Asia .Africa
D lat.Am./
•Source: Adapted from InternetWorld Stats· Penetration Rates are based on a world population
of 7,012,519,841 and 2,405,510, 175 estimated Internet users on June 30. 2012. Copyright� 2012, Miniwatts Marl<eting Group
Unit 2: Technology
Vocabulary notebook High-tech gadgets
Adjective+ noun collocations
,., tl.\fv.,..e; se\t-c\e.M� wi....doWs, °""'
When you learn a new compound adjective, find
out what nouns you can use after it. Then use the
1 hDpe fo ,,....._dw,,+e i.-. +i...e ,.,of-foo-disf...,..,f tl.\fl.\,..e.
expression to say something true about your life. rd \011e 4'\ self-cle.......·,..., 01/"' .......d se\.f-cle.......� w·,...doWs,
Dictionary tip
When you look up a compound word in an online
dictionary, look at the other items in the drop-down menu high-pitched
as you type. You can often find other useful compounds.
A Complete each comment with one adjective from the box. Then make the sentences true for you.
1. We've had bi�b-speed Internet connections in this country for years. Hi�b-speed trains, too.
2. I don't live in _______ comfort. It gets hot in the summer, so lei love an________bedroom.
3. I'm always making _______ decisions. I'm always making _______ changes to plans, too.
4. We don't have too many _______ appliances or gadgets, apart from a washing machine.
5. I'd rather have a ________ kitchen than a-------- robot in the house.
B Find each adjective in Box A in the article on page 22 and write the noun it describes. Then find at least
two other nouns in Box B that you can use it with.
I I airline
carbon-neutral appliances food
climate-controlled car house
home-cooked dinner mall
human-like environment sculptures
solar-powered equipment travel
C Word builder Complete the compound adjectives in each group with the same word.
1. wind--___ ; battery-___ ; high-___ 3. -tech; - level; -class
2. energy- ; cost- ; fuel-___ 4. _-sufficient; __-explanatory; _-conscious
�··?J·i,ilm¥\ffli6\$ Complete the chart of these words from Exercise 2A on page 27.
Verb Noun
Self, self, self!
The top adjectives with self include:
self-sufficient, self-serving, self-conscious,
assumption self-explanatory, self-employed, self-taught,
self-centered, self-reliant, self-evident
Unit 2: Technology
In Unit 3, you •••
• talk about different social pressures.
• use participle clauses to link ideas.
• add emphasis with only, even, so . .. that, and such . ..that.
• change your view as you speak.
• use even so and even then to introduce contrasting ideas.
B '4>»co us Listen. What pressures does each person talk about? Are any on your list?
Growing up, I was always branded a rebel, which is a little unfair. I guess, though, that
I've never really conformed to social norms, being single and not having had any
children at the ripe old age of 30! I just never met anyone, working as hard as I do. But
having built up a successful career. I'm happy with my life choices. People say, "Oh,
you'll regret it when you're old and lonely." But looking around, I see plenty of elderly
people with families who are still lonely.
2. VICTOR. JG l'.111, 1111 1\1,·"1, ,, •'" l'I,, ,'11·.iilt.111t .111<! 1, ... t.1111.1111 ll\\'t1t·1
I recently decided to get out of the rat race, having been in it most of my adult life. I'd
been thinking about doing something different, but then I got laid off and was offered a
generous severance package. So, presented with a golden opportunity to change my
life, I bought a small restaurant here. Working in the PR industry, people are under
enormous pressure, you know, to look good, have the right clothes, and be "perfect,"
wruch is really stressful. Not to mention the work hours. I got out. I'm earning less now,
running this place, but I just know I'll be a lot happier going forward.
Thinking about it, this is probably going to sound silly, but I feel tremendous pressure to
have an active social life. I don't have that many friends compared to my co-workers, or
so 1t seems. I dread Fridays, when they ask if I'm going out with friends on the weekend.
And speaking of friends, with social networking, you're supposed to have hundreds of
them, and I don't. I mean, not wanting to be rude or anything, I can't see how you can
have that many friends, really.
About I C Pair wo11< Which of the pressures above are common in your society?
"I don't think there� a lot ofpressure to have kids, but I do think people feel pressure to . . ."
Unit 3: Society
O Grammar Linking events
1t out I A How do the people in the article on page 30 express the ideas below? Rewrite the clauses in
bold. Then read the grammar chart.
1. When I look around, I see plenty of elderly people with families who are still lonely.
2. I've never really conformed to social norms because I'm single and haven't had any children.
O � , .· ..,, ':..,
Gr.u11,11.u ,�,tr.,
Participle clauses
You can use participle clauses to link events and add information about time or reason.
The subject of the participle clause and the main clause is usually the same.
Present participle Growing up, I was always branded a rebel. (= When I was growing up)
I never met anyone, worlclng a• hard u I do. (= because I work hard)
Perfect participle Having built up a suoct1aful Cllrffl, I'm happy with my life choices.
I've never conformed to social norms, not having had any children.
In conversation ...
B Complete the things the people say about pressures Expressions like generally speaking, thinking
in life. Write participle clauses, using the verbs given. about it, bearing in mind, speaking of, and
Sometimes there is more than one answer. talking ofare participle clauses, but they often
have a different subject from the main clause.
1. (be) a woman, I feel a certain pressure to dress
Bearing in mind the economy, it's no wonder
well. I mean, (not want) to sound sexist, but people feel pressured.
unlike my male colleagues, I feel I have to wear something
different every day to the office. I think most women do,
generally (speak).
2. (grow up) in a family where money was tight, I felt a lot of pressure - especially as a
teenager. I used to feel really bad, (not be) able to afford brand-name sneakers or the
latest cell phone. So now, (experience) that, and you know, (bear) in mind that
kids just want to fit in, I always try to buy my boys the things their
friends have.
3. Well, (come) from an academic family, I was to supposed
go to a top school. But when I was 18, (work) hard to get
the grades I needed, I decided I really wanted to pursue a career as
an artist. So, (make up) my mind to do that, I kind of
dropped out of formal education altogether. (look back), it
was the best decision I ever made.
4. (stay) home and (raise) a family, I've sometimes
felt pressure from my friends who work outside the home. They '"
probably think that, (not have) a proper career, I haven't
really "done" anything, which is really unfair. I mean, (think)
about it, I'd say raising kids is the most important job there is.
C Pair work Write your view about each comment in Exercise 28. Then discuss your comments
with a partner. What other social pressures are there?Where do these pressures come from?
"Being a student, I don't really feel any pressure about how to dress. Not having had any fashion sense
my entire life, I tend not to worry about these things."
Unit 3: Society
Lesson B New experiences
O Vocabulary in context
A �»>co 1.24 What challenges might students face before starting college? Make a list.
Then read the web page. How many of your ideas are mentioned?
So you've graduated from high school and you're ready to people that it's worth the effort. However, don't let your social
take the next step in your academic career. You'll probably life take precedence over your studies. You are there to get a
be so excited that you can only think of the fun ahead. degree, after all.
However, going to college can be such an overwhelming ·---------------------------------------------------------------
experience that some 35 percent of freshmen drop out in the
: "Remember to take care of yourself by
first year and many leave before the end of the first semester.
But don't worry! There are steps you can take to help you
! getting enough sleep. The consequences of
face the challenges and i sleeping only four hours a night are so huge that
make your first semester ; you don't even realize till it's too late." -CAITLIN
both successful and ·' ----------------- ----------------------------------------------
enioyoble. Academically, it's up to you to take responsibility for your
studies, and you should take into account the fact that you may
If, in the first few weeks,
struggle with new academic challenges. Take the initiative and
you feel so anxious that
talk to o professor about any problems you hove.
you only want to take
· ------------------------ ---------------------------------------
refuge in your room,
don't. That will only ! "If you don't understand something, ask.
make things even worse. : Take charge." -ERKAN
It's only natural to feel
like this, and you won' t In class, learn how to toke criticism without toking offense or
be the only one, so talk toking it personally. If you' re shy, take note of how successful
to someone about ii. students interact , and use their strategies for participating. If
'·--------------------------------------------------------------- you get o bad grade, take heart: it's only one bad grade
( "It takes time to adjust to college llfe. It may and is unlikely to throw your studies off course. Even the best
! even take most of the first year." -RORY students don't always get straight /:\s.
After the first few weeks, time will go by so fast that your first
On the social side, take advantage of what college life hos semester will be over before you know it. Look bock and
to offer. For example, take part in extra-curricular activities; take stock of all you've achieved. Then take credit for
toke up a new sport or hobby - it's such o great way to meet surviving your first semester of college. Good job!
I B Find expressions in bold with these meanings, and write them below. Then find other
expressions with take on the web page. What do they mean? Compare with a partner.
you I C Pair work Do you agree with the advice given on the web page?
What other advice could you give to someone starting college? QWI Seepage 39.
Unit 3: Society
f) Grammar Adding emphasis
F igure
1t out I A Add one word to each sentence and cross out the underlined words to keep the same
meaning. Use the web page to help you.Then read the grammar chart.
1. You may get anxious, and the result will be that you'll take refuge in your room.
2. Taking up a new sport is a good way to make friends, and the result will be that you won't regret it.
3. Adjusting to college may take a year, which is surprising.
4. Before you go to college, you may think about the fun ahead and nothing else.
Gran1n1ar extra
so ... that, such (a I an) ... (that), even, and only O Seepage ;49
You can use so . .. or such . .. (that) to emphasize the results or effects of something.
Use so ... + adjective I adverb (that) ... or such ... (a I an) + (adjective) noun (that) ...
You'II be • excited that you can only think of the fun ahead. Time goes .a fast you won't notice.
It's such an overwhelming experience that many students drop out
Even can add emphasis or signal that something is surprising. Only means "no one else" or "nothing
else." Use them before the phrase or part of the sentence you want to emphasize.
You don't..,.,, realize. (NOT ... ewA EleA't .. .) You only want to take refuge in your room.
It may even take a year to adjust to college life. It will only make things wo,se.
That will make things ewn worse. It's only natural to feel anxious.
Even the best students don't always get A's. Only you can take charge of your situation.
I B Complete the conversations with so ...that, such (a I an) ... that, only, or even. If none f'rt, write
a dash (-).Then practice with a partner.Do you agree with the answers? Share your ideas.
1. What problems do people face when they move to a new city?
A My friend said he _-_ didn't __ anticipate how difficult it would be until
he moved last year. He said finding an apartment was hard work __
he ended up taking refuge on a friend's couch. He got a place a month
ago. Icl have been depressed __ I would've given up! It took him
__ long to settle __ he almost moved back. But he has positive
outlook things always work out for him.
B There are probably things you __ don't __ take into account - like
changing your address on your driver's license. You're usually busy
when you move __ you don't __ have time to stop and think.
2. What's it like starting a new job?
A You know, my first day at this job was big deal I couldn't eat. I __
felt nervous the week before I started But you can do your best to fit in.
I worked __ hard my first week __ it was over before I knew it.
B Well, I'm pretty outgoing, but __ I get nervous in new job situations. But it
___ lasts a few days. I'd say you should take the initiative to get to know
people. Then you'll get __ involved __ you'll forget you were __
nervous. In the end, __ you can take responsibility for how things turn out.
Carol I do think life was a lot easier when I was your age - for
young people, I mean.
Ashley You do? In what way?
Carol Well, there wasn't all this peer pressure to have the latest
fashions and cell phones and that sort of thing. But having
said that, there were other pressures.
Ashley Like what?
Carol Oh, back in the day, women were expected to stay home
arid raise a family. I mean, some women worked, but
even so, their options were limited.
Ashley Well, I guess that's changed, which is good. But then again,
they say women still do more of the household chores.
Carol True.
Ashley I think the worst thing now is like pressure to get good
grades. You c an study and study, but even then, you're not
guaranteed a good job at the end of it.
Carol Yes, there's so much competition for jobs nowadays. But
then, I suppose there always was .
• c
•• •
Notice how Carol and Ashley change their view and Having said that, (though), . . .
express a contrasting view with expressions like But then, ...
these. Find examples in the conversation. (But) then again, . . .
D Link each comment (1-6) with a contrasting view (a-f). Use an expression from Exercise C.
1. There are so many social a. __________, it's hard to live without a
problems today. cell phone.
2. You're not cool if you b. , fashion's always been a
don't have a car. big thing for a lot of people.
3. Getting a good job is a real c. ---------� education was the
problem. only way for my parents' generation to get ahead, too.
4. Looks are important, as is d. , you had to have a
keeping up with the latest trends. motorbike to be cool at one time.
5. And you have to have the latest e. H,,._v·,"'.J s"'-;d t'-l"'-t, t'-lo"'-'.J'-l , there have always been
gadgets. issues to fix in society.
6. There's so much pressure to do f. ---------� I don't know anyone who's
well in school. unemployed.
you I E Pair work Take turns starting conversations using the full comments above. Continue
each conversation with your own views.
Unit 3: Society
Strategy plus even so, even then
A '4>l)co 1.21 Read the comments below.Then listen to people talking about various issues. Predict
which comment each person makes next. Number the comments 1-4. There is one extra.
___ But even so, they all still want to fit in with their friends.
___ Even then, I'm sure he got lower grades than he could have - deliberately.
___ And even then, they're not guaranteed to get a place in college.
___ Even so, the major problem is that too many kids skip school.
___ But even so, we still see some cases of this kind of behavior.
you I B '4>l)co 1.21 Pair work Listen and check your answers. Then discuss the issues with a partner.
Do you see these types of problems and peer pressures in your society?
B '4>l)co 1.30 Listen again. Complete the contrasting views the speakers give next.
you I C Pair work Discuss the opinions in Exercise B. Do you agree? How else do kids pressure
parents? What would you do to resist pressure if you were a parent?
·�ctually, I agree that young people should wait before learning to drive. Though having
said that, I guess some kids need to drive at 16, like if they've started working. Even so, it
might be better . . ."
Unit 3: Society
Lesson D Language and society
fJ Reading
A Prepare When you study a language, what kinds of things do you leam7 Make a list.
B [ii Read for main ideas Read the course outlines. Write the title of each course in the
space provided. There are two extra titles.
Language and Social Roles Accent and Dialect Right or wrong? Can technology help?
Language and Education Language Change What is bilingualism?
Participants should gain an understanding of how language reflects social structure and social change.
Cowse 101: Course 103: _________________
1 Language is constantly in development, and this course looks 3 Correct grammar is usually
at one aspect of this: neologisms, i.e., new words. New words seen as the grammar
enter the language, sometimes pushing old words out of use. employed by educated people
New words are very seldom completely new and are typically of higher social status, such as
made up of existing words or segments of them. Scientific great writers, or those in
terms such as nanotechnology and psychotherapy combine power. In this course, we use a
classical Latin and Greek roots in new ways. Computer and corpus (a large computer
Internet terminology reuses familiar everyday words, giving database of recorded
them novel meanings (mouse.friend, memory stick, paste), and conversations and written texts) and dedicated software to
new words are formed from the initial letters of existing words investigate thousands of examples of people from every social
(RAM, USB). Sometimes names such as trade names form new and educational background speaking and writing. We find
words (to Google), or words change word class (a big ask, a there is consensus in that people generally follow the same
must-have). On other occasions, English simply borrows from rules of grammar. Nevertheless, we can also observe numerous
other languages (pizza, sushi). Such developments reveal a cases where everyone seems to "break the rules" without
great deal about changes in society. comment. When everyone ignores a grammatical convention,
is the rule still valid - or should we rethink it?
A Look at a model Look at some students' comments on a course. Check (,I) the comments that
are included in the report. Would you put the other points in paragraph 2 or 37 Write the number.
B Focus on language Read the chart. Then underline the examples of results in Exercise A.
1. The teacher spoke too fast. This made it difficult for students to
follow. (participle)
2. The campus was too far from the city. We were only able to go
there once. (so ... that or so)
3. Some lectures were too long. This left no time for questions. (participle)
4. There was a good mix of nationalities. English was widely used. (Consequently or As a result)
5. The accommodations were excellent. We recommend staying on campus. (therefore)
D Write and check Write an evaluation of a Common errors
course that you have taken. Use Exercises A
Do not use therefore by itself to join two clauses.
and C to help you. Then check for errors. It was excellent. Therefore, I would recommend it. OR
It was excellent, and therefore, I would recommend it.
(NOT !t ·,·,'8s eKeel!eflt #te:•efere ! wet1/ei reeefflfflOflfi it.)
Unit 3: Society
Vocabulary notebook Take credit!
--�- --- -
Learning tip Paraphrase
fAkc f i..t. ·1"·.+·,.,,five
When you learn an expression, write it in a
sentence that paraphrases the meaning. It will help
1 >\Ud fo fAl(e fi..t. i"ifiAfi11e o" " P"o3ecf Af WOI'\(, ""'d
you remember the meaning of the expression. sf.,,,..f ·.+ w".f i..pv.f WAifi"" .fo,.. 'fV\'f co-wOY\c_e>'S,
A Complete the sentences with the correct expressions from the box. Use the underlined paraphrases to
help you.
take advantage of take credit for take into account take part in take responsibility for
1. It's good to events that your friends organize and join in what they are doing.
2. I should being single and make the most of the fact that I have few responsibilities.
3. When you see some teens behaving badly, you should how easily they can be
influenced and consider the peer pressure they are under.
4. If I do something wrong, I have to it and take the blame for it.
5. You should the good things you do in your community because it's important to know
how to accept praise and be recognized.
D Look at the course outlines on page 36. Find words for the paraphrases in
bold. Then write sentences using the words and giving examples. Refer to Exercise 2 on page 37
to help you.
Give an example of ...
1. something you don't often do and something you often do.
2. an issue on which there is agreement in your group of friends.
3. something you think of as very important in life.
4. something you do that shows or makes evident your personality.
5. a way that something is usually done in society that you don't agree with.
6. how people judge you by your way of speaking or how you dress.
7. an area in your country that has very different pronunciation.
8. something that you feel is essentially dangerous.
9. a thing you own that is better than a friend's and something that is not as good.
Unit 3: Society
Checkpoint 1 Units 1-3
Peer pressure
A Circle the correct auxiliary verb. Then complete the sentences with an appropriate
adverb from the box. Sometimes there is more than one answer.
1. A My friend says she feels a lot of pressure from her parents, as I am I do, really. You know,
to take all these extra classes, play an instrument, do a sport.I mean, do you?
B Oh, yeah. , our parents never did all this stuff. , they just want us to
have more opportunities than they did I are. Well, I know my mom is I does.
2. A There's all this bullying in schools.But you know, I've never experienced it.
And I know my friends haven't I have, either.Have you?
B Well, , a lot of it happens 6nline.So , you don't see a lot of it. And
our school has a strict policy on bullying, which a lot of schools does I do, I suppose.
3. A I don't really feel any strong peer pressure, though my best friend does I is. Do you?
B Well, there's some. My friends are all pretty confident, but I do I am, too.
A That's good. I mean, , you want supportive friends.Well, I have I do. Some
people are always worrying about what others think - as my friend is I are.And
____ , that's bad for you.
B Pair work Ask and answer the questions in Exercise A. Use even so and even then.
'Jtctually, my parents don't pressure me at all. But even so, I still want to do well so
I don't disappoint them. So yeah, I try to get good grades and everything."
Using technology
A Complete the comments using to, not to, one, or ones. Complete the undertined idioms.
1. There's software on my computer that I don't know how to use.And I'll probably never be
able . I mean, Io like , but's me.
2. You know, my phone has all these useless functions. Like the most useless for
most people is the stock market report. I don't see it.
3. I can't use the remote to record anything. Well, I could, but I prefer . I can't make
heads it.And I always mess up the satellite channels when I try ____
4. We want to get one of those things that cleans your floors. Well, we were going ____
Oh, what are they called? It's on the tip - those, um, robot things.
5. We never had calculators in my day.Not like the they have now.You had to learn
all your math tables by . You just had to come with it all.
6. A gadget I can't live without? I don't know off the top . Nothing comes .Io
like to get a scooter, but I'll never be able .The I want is so expensive.
I B Pair work Discuss the comments above. Are any true for you? Express a contrasting
view with expressions like Having said that, But then, and {But) then again.
"I have no idea how to use spreadsheets, but I'd like to. Having said that, I'm not sure 1 need to."
Solar power
A How many compound adjectives do you remember? Make a list. Then use them to discuss
different technologies with a partner. Use can't possibly and couldn't possibly.
"I bet a lot of people couldn't possibly live without their labor-saving devices."
B Circle the correct options to complete the information from a website selling solar-power panels.
Worried about heating costs? If so, I If not, why not install solar panels in your home to reduce your
energy bills? They are now such I so affordable that everyone can benefit from them. And what's just
as important, if not I if so more important, is that it's such I so a clean source of power that you'll be
helping to reduce pollution, too. With some systems, you can even I so get paid for the energy you
produce. The panels such I only take a day to install. Your heating bills will fall so I such rapidly that
you'll be pleased that you've made so I such a great investment.
C Rewrite the comments using the phrases in parentheses.
1. I know there are a lot of people for solar energy. (happy to pay)
2. Solar power is not a cheap technology, or so I heard. (to install)
3. The people have it, and they said it cost a fortune.. (next door)
4. Solar panels change the look of your home. (on the roof)
5. It's definitely something because it saves money. (to be considered)
6. People will be disappointed. (hoping to get their money back quickly)
7. I also heard that some homes can't have it. (built before a certain date)
B '4>l)co 2.02 Listen and read the excerpts from a nature documentary. Complete the photo
captions with these words: a. breeding, b. hibernation, c. migration.
I C Copy the chart and write the bold words and collocations in the documentary. Add others
you want to learn . Which facts did you know?Which didn't you know?Tell a partner.
survival (food and sleep) having young homes and groups
Use the simple form to suggest that an event How far w/11 the tern have flown?
will be complete before a certain time. It w/11 have flown 70, 000 kilometers by the time it arrives
back in the Arctic.
Use the continuous form to suggest that an How long wlll it have been hibernating?
event will be in progress at a particular time By then, it wlll have been hibernating for six months.
in the future. Common errors
Do not use the future perfect in if or time clauses.
B Complete these excerpts from the documentary. Us When it arrives back, it will have flown 70, 000
a future perfect fonn'of the verbs given. Sometimes kilometers. If it has not been attacked ...
(NOT Wfiefl it wiN he·,'C erri·,ed reek . .. )
there is more than one correct answer.
(NOT ,'fit ·,vih' FJet he�'C 13eef1 etteekeei . .. )
1. It's winter in Canada and too cold for the monarch
butterfly to feed and survive. So it starts its journey south, and by the time it
arrives in Mexico, it w·,ll t,Me flow"' (fly) more than 4,000 kilometers
(2,485 miles).
2. Giant pandas almost exclusively eat bamboo. At the end of the day, when it
finishes feeding, it (eat) 40 pounds of bamboo and it
_______ (forage) for 16 hours.
3. These gray whales are leaving their feeding grounds in the cooler north to breed
in the warmer south. When they reach Mexican waters, they _______
(swim) 160 kilometers (about 100 miles) a day for 8 to 10 weeks.
4. After mating at sea, female leatherback turtles come ashore. It's here that they dig a
hole, and by the end of the night, they (lay) 80 or more eggs.
5. Some bald eagle nests weigh more than a ton. But by the time they reach this
weight, the bald eagles (add) sticks to the nest for several years.
6. This female elephant is heavily pregnant. By the time she is ready to give birth, she
_______ (carry) the baby for over 22 months.
C Pair work Take turns asking and answering questions about the facts in Exercise B.
How much can you remember?
B '4»>co 2.03 Listen to extracts from a geography lecture about deserts. Which three slides
does the professor refer to 7 Number the slides 1-3. There is one extra slide.
1 "Deserts are, for lack of a better description, among of animals can also survive in a desert climate by virtue of
some of the most fascinating and diverse landscapes on having adapted to the environment.Some, like the camel,
earth.They cover approximately one-third of the earth's can go up to eight days without drinking.As for smaller
land surface and stretch across all continents. But what is mammals, many have adapted by means of living
a desert? Most people think of them as hot, sandy places underground or by hunting only at night." ...
thanks to photographs of sand dunes in the Sahara desert.
3 "One problem with deserts is that they expand and
But in fact, only about 10 percent of the world's deserts encroach on arable land. In fact, there is great concern in
are covered with sand dunes, including the Sahara. In line
many parts of the world about this process, known as
with USGS* definitions, a desert is an area that has less
"desertification." Take for example the Gobi desert, which
than 250 millimeters (10 inches) of rain per year.So has spread, in part due to the fact that agricultural
Antarctica is a desert, apart from being one of the coldest
practices have changed from those in use prior to the
places on earth.And in addition to cold deserts, there are
1950s.China was faced with increasing areas of arid land
also mountainous deserts." ...
in place of its valuable grasslands.And, as a result of
2 "Deserts are also commonly believed to be wastelands, experiencing increasingly severe dust storms, China has
on account of their harsh living conditions for wildlife and started planting trees with the aim of halting
plants.But far from being barren, deserts are often very desertification. By the end of the planned 70-year project,
rich in plant life.Death Valley in the United States has they will have planted more than 4,500 kilometers
over 1,000 plant species in spite of the fact that it has (approximately 2,800 miles) of trees."
some of the most extreme conditions.And many species *United States Geological Survey
C Complete the sentences with information from the lecture. Then replace the underlined
words with an expression from the lecture. In some, more than one expression can be used.
If a preposition starts an -ing clause. the verb has the same subject as the verb in the main clause.
As • result of experiencing severe dust storms, China started planting trees.
Some prepositions can be followed by the fact that+ a clause. Use the fact that if the subject changes.
Antarctica is a desert apart from the fad tlNrt it Is one of the coldest places on earth.
The Gobi desert has spread due to the flld that agricultural practices have changed.
B Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underlined ideas with the expressions given, and make
any other necessary changes. Some have more than one correct answer.
1. It is not true that deserts are unpopulated - they are home to almost one-sixth of the world's
population. (Far from) FM tYOW. be.·, ...� V."'fopv.l"-+e.o, +s Me. i..,ow.e. +o ...
2. Many animals burrow underground to avoid the harsh sun, and they are nocturnal.(In addition to)
3. Plants such as cacti not only have long roots, but they can store their own water. (Apart from)
4. Some desert plants survive for hundreds of years because of these kinds of adaptations. ( thanks to)
5. Many desert areas are expanding because humans graze animals in semi-arid areas. (on account of)
6. Environmentalists are concerned that these farming practices have caused desertification. (about)
B '4>l)co 2.oe Listen to a seminar discussion. What factors contributed to the problem of overfishing?
Julio Well, the biggest issue seems to have been overfishing.
Ovf', , i..,.._, 0
Something like three-quarters of the world's fish species
� have been completely exploited. It's only a matter of time
· ·Language
before the fishing industry collapses completely.
Maria Not to mention all the other industries that depend on it.So
who or what's responsible for it all?
Julio Well, the international community has been increasing
fishing capacity, for one thing ...
Ulma And additionally, governments give subsidies, so large-scale
fishing operations took over. And big commercial fleets are
much more efficient at finding fish as well.
Maria And on top of that, I guess consumers got used to having a wide
variety of fish available, so the demand was there. Also, fish
became much more affordable.
Ulma What's more, the public has, to a large extent, been pretty
apathetic. And then industry has been slow to respond to
concerns. In any case, apathy has contributed to the problem.
D i4>>)co 2.01 Listen to more of the discussion. Write the missing expressions. Then practice.
Julio True. And of course another problem is all the pollution that runs into the oceans.
Maria Yeah, the amount of trash that's dumped in them. Apparently, there's
a huge trash pile in the middle of the Pacific that you can see from space.
_______, whales and dolphins can eat that stuff.
Ulma And _______,, it's irresponsible, dumping waste where we get our food.
Maria all that pollution is changing the chemistry of the ocean, which affects the
lifecyde of fish. _______ ,, it has an impact on shellfish. Coral _______.
Ulm a _______ there's the issue of meltwater from the ice caps caused by rising
Julio There's a lot of debate about that, but in any event, it's impacting the ocean.
Unit 4: Amazing world
O Strategy plus In any case, in any event
t4>1co 2.oe You can use You can also use in any case
in any case to add more or in any event when you
information to make reach a conclusion that you
an argument stronger think is the only possible one.
or clearer.
In any case, apathy has In any event, it's In any case is more frequent.
contributed to the problem. impacting the ocean.
In any case
In any event
'4>>)co 2.os Find two appropriate conclusions for each conversation. -------...c==c;.___.,
Write the letters a-f. Then listen and check your answers. Practice with a partner.
1. A It seems like global warming is still a controversial issue. But don't scientists all agree that
temperatures are rising? And what's more, that it affects the oceans with sea levels rising?
B I suppose the controversy is about what's causing the increase in temperatures. ____
2. A You know what's interesting to me? We really don't know that much about the oceans.
B Yeah, though they're making new discoveries all the time.
A Yeah, no. They definitely know more now than, say, 20 years ago. ____
3. A There are some amazing creatures in the ocean, like jellyfish that glow in the dark.
B I know. Not to mention the ones that can kill you, like the box jellyfish.
A Actually, there are a lot of poisonous creatures in the ocean. Like, well, I can't think. ____
a. In any event, there's definitely evidence that the atmosphere is getting warmer.
b. But in any event, there are lots of species we haven't discovered yet.
c. But in any event, there are a lot of deadly things in there.
d. In any case, you have to be careful in some places when you go swimming.
e. In any case, there's no doubt that the climate is changing.
f. Though we haven't made it to the bottom. In any event, we're a long way from fully exploring it.
Lesson D Biomimicry
O Reading
A Prepare Look at the title of the article and the photos. What do you think biomimicry is?
B [ii Read for main ideas Read the article. What inventions has nature inspired?
By the end of this century, as one looks back on the 2. TERMITE MOUNDS A
multitude of achievements, one may be surprised to find that Zimbabwean architect was
a number of technological and scientific advances will be faced with the difficult task
based upon observations in nature, as opposed to accidental of finding a workable
discovery or a result of trial and error in a laboratory. solution to the problem of
A relatively new field of research, called biomimicry, is designing a new building
providing significant insights and solutions for scientists that would stay cool even
and inventors in areas from medicine and technology to without air conditioning.
transportation and construction. Looking for an affordable
alternative, he found his
Using nature to solve design problems is not new. The Wright
inspiration in African
brothers observed the flight of birds while building their
termite mounds. He noticed
plane. However, in recent years, biomimicry has become an
that the mounds termites build catch air at the base and
established discipline among scientists, and one that is
circulate it up through their mud home. As a result of
generating some remarkable inventions. Here are some that
replicating the system in his building, he reduced energy
in the not-too-distant future will have had a considerable
costs by a measurable amount. His building uses one-tenth
impact on our lives.
of the energy of similar buildings and shows that there is a
1. SHARKSKIN A viable alternative to using air-conditioning systems.
University of Florida
3. GECKO FEET For human beings, walking up walls is the
engineering professor
stuff of movies - unimaginable in
noticed that sharkskin
real life. Or is it? Inspired by the
remains amazingly
millions of tiny hairs on gecko feet,
clean and that plants
scientists are working hard to
and sea animals have
produce a "gecko tape" to use on
difficulty adhering to
the soles of footwear. The tape
it. He created a
mimics the hairs on the gecko's feet
pattern that mimics the shark's tiny scales. Apart from the fact
and is a powerful and dependable
that it was up to 85 percent cleaner than smooth surfaces, it
adhesive. Scientists hope to have a
also prevented harmful bacteria from sticking to it.
product for space stations and
The result was a material that can be used for hospital tray underwater applications in the near
tables and bed rails, as well as other areas where there is a high future. And who knows? By the end
risk of passing on infections. In several years, it is likely that of the century, they may have
Professor Brennan's invention will have had demonstrable created a boot that enables us all to climb buildings like
benefits in terms of reducing hospital-acquired infections, and it Spiderman. Imagine how profitable that would be!
will undoubtedly have saved thousands of lives.
C Pair work Share what you learned about biomimicry using the -able words in Exercise A.
B i4>»co2.11 Listen again. Have the problems already been solved7WriteY (Yes) or N (No) on
each picture above.
vou I C Group work Look back at the examples in the lesson. How else could the ideas be applied to
real-wortd problems7What other amazing things are in nature7What problems could they solve?
"Maybe in the future scientists will have developed a material that cleans itself. like that flower. If they
used it 011 cars, you would never have to clean your car."
Unit 4: Amazing world
Writing Does it matter?
In this lesson, you ... Write an essay.
• write a persuasive essay. The World Animal Foundation estimates that by 2025
• use academic prepositions and one. as many as one-rdth of all animal species may well
• avoid errors with upon. have become extinct. Does this matter?
A Look at a model Read the introductions to two essays that answer the question above. What
view does each one take?What arguments does each one make?
1. The estimate that 20 percent of animal species 2. The claim that a large proportion of animal species
may disappear within a short time is alarming. The is at risk of dying out is a subject of great debate
loss of any species matters because it can upset the within the academic community and amongst
balance of nature. Each organism depends upon scientists in particular. One might think that this is a
another to survive, and the disappearance of one major problem and that one's worst fears for the
species may have unknown consequences for earth will materialize. However, one can equally
another. The earth maintains a delicate balance, argue that species have become extinct throughout
which relies upon the complex interaction of plant the history of this planet. In terms of our survival,
and animal species. We do not always see what is however, this has not proved critical. Therefore, the
happening beneath the surface. The loss of species extinction of species, far from being a disaster, can
may be a warning that we are destroying our planet simply be considered part of the normal evolutionary
and therefore our very existence. process.
Show you understand the
B Focus on language Read the chart. Then undertine the question by restating it in your
examples of formal prepositions and circle examples of own words. Give your opinion in
one for general statements in Exercise A. your introduction and conclusion.
•monfl• scientists. . . .
Each organism depends upon another.
It is a subject of debate within the academic community and
In term• of our survival, this has not proved ctiticsl.
One I one's can refer to "people in general" or "you I your." You can use it to give opinions.
OM might think this is a major problem and that on•'• worst fears will materialize.
C Complete the sentences with prepositions. Then rewrite them using one I one's.
A Complete each sentence with a word in the box. Sometimes you'll use a word twice.
1. ,I When eggs t,Afct, , baby birds, fish, or insects come out.
If you plan something in secret, you t,Afct, a plan.
2. ,I Animals that for life stay together forever.
A presidential candidate chooses a running , who becomes vice president if elected.
3. ,I In academic writing, the offspring, or babies, of animals are called their ____
You can also use the expression the to mean all young people.
4. ,I A is a group of birds or animals.
It can also be a country that is governed by a more powerful country.
5. ,i A
is a place where most birds have their young.
egg is a sum of money you save for a special purpose.
6. ,i When animals , they have young. A specific type of animal is also called a ____
If you say someone or something is part of a dying , it means there aren't many left.
7. ,I Breeding, feeding, fishing, or hunting are places where these activities take place.
To have for something means to have reasons for it, such as for divorce.
8. ,i To means to dig into something and a can be the hole where an animal lives.
A person can also into something. It means he or she investigates it.
9. ,I The movement of birds, animals, or people is called ____
From that word, we get other words like immigrant, emigrate, etc.
* A bird, a fish, or an insect an egg.
Someone that makes a lot of money for others is called the goose that the golden egg.
11. ,i In biology, a is an animal that attacks and eats other animals.
In business, it's a company that tries to buy or take over other companies.
12. ,i Both animals and humans have to their families.
B Word builder Here are some more idioms with animals. Find out their meaning.
be a guinea pig beat a dead horse clam up have ants in your pants
be in the doghouse be a fish out of water get off your high horse have butterflies in your stomach
C •D•H•hL11¥j;m@jJ• Can you think of a thing or person for each expression? See Exercise 2A, page 49.
/1. a remarkable animal that has considerable intelligence------
2. a dependable source of information or a notable authority on the natural world------
3. something you've learned about nature that previously was unimaginable to you------
4. a viable or workable alternative to fossil fuels------
5. an affordable way to experience nature------
6. a profitable product with measurable results that resulted from replicating nature ------
Unit 4: Amazing world
In Unit 5, you • • •
• talk about inventions, progress, and human achievements.
• use adverbs with continuous and perfect passives.
.!<IOO/v,r�,. • use modal verbs with passive forms.
• make a point with expressions like I look at it this way.
0 • use expressions like absolutely notto make responses
irLanguage stronger.
B �>»co2.12 Read the article from a hiker's blog. Which items in the photos are mentioned?
The most rudimentary instrument that has been widely used now an integral part of our daily lives,
for centuries to find direction is the magnetic compass. It was making moving maps, communicating with
probably invented by the Chinese and was based on the metal smartphones, and offering handheld location devices. It had
lodestone, which had long been admired for its ability to point originally been developed for military purposes, but it soon
toward north. Countless lives have undoubtedly been saved became part of everyday technology, and innovative ways
over the centuries on land and at sea thanks to the compass, to use GPS - from tracking migrating birds to helping golfers
which functions equally well in daylight, darkness, or thick fog. judge their shots - are continually being found through
Even in our electronic age, magnetic compasses are still being ongoing research. The system has already been incorporated
made, and their basic design has not changed for centuries. into aircraft and ship design as standard, and many other
They are compact, functional, and portable. technologies also derive considerable benefit from it.
Toward the end of the twentieth century, alternatives to the But what about the humble compass? Is it obsolete now?
compass were being intensively developed, and significant Has it been completely forgotten? We'd like to hear your views.
advances were made - thanks to satellite technology. GPS* is
Find more formal adjectives in the blog with similar meanings to the
words in the chart.
you I D Pair work Take tums using the adjectives you found to talk about everyday objects you own.
"My cell phone is becoming a bit obsolete. It's one of those older flip-phones, but it's functional."
Unit 5: Progress
Grammar Information focus 1
F_igure' A Write these sentences in the passive. Find similar sentences in the blog to help you, and
it out
undertine them. Then read the grammar chart.
1. They are continually finding new applications for GPS.
2. All serious hikers were still using the compass until very recently.
3. Has GPS completely replaced the compass?
4. The Chinese had originally developed the compass.
,:111111't.ll 1•\(t.l
Adverbs that say "how" and "how much" or that describe the participle often go before the participle, e.g.,
badly, intensively, seriously, largely, greatly, widely, completely.
Alternatives to the compass being lntM.,.,.ly developed. It has been widely uHd.
Some adverbs can go in both positions, e.g., increasingly, previously, largely, originally, initially, continually, generally.
GPS Is Increasingly being used ...OR GPS Is being lncreuln,ly used ...
It hH previously been uHd ...OR It has been previously uHd ...
B Look at these examples of progress. Rewrite the underlined parts of the sentences in the
passive. Add the adverbs given - sometimes there are two - and use by if necessary.
1. Do you know how memory foam was developed? Well, NASA had developed the
material (originally) to improve the safety of aircraft cushions. And now, of course,
they are incorporating memory foam (generally) into a whole range of everyday
products, like memory-foam beds, which they are using (increasingly) in hospitals.
They have saved countless lives (apparently) because foam beds reduce pressure
sores when patients are bedridden for long periods of time. And they have
improved the lives of these patients (fortunately, greatly).
2. It's interesting when you think about a lot of the things we use in everyday life.
Inventors had devised many of them (initially) for other purposes.While they were
developing these products (still), no one really thought about spin-offs. Take, for
example, smoke detectors. They had produced them (apparently) in the 1970s to help
detect toxic gases in the space station. Now they are installing them (increasingly) as
standard in newly built homes all over the world.
3. The abacus is a tool that we have used (long) for counting and in fact even today, they are
using abacuses (currently) in many parts of the world. People think that the Chinese had
invented them (originally). And I guess the ones that we are familiar with today were. But
they had constructed similar counting boards (already) in Roman times, and they had
used them (reportedly, widely) across Europe. Although calculators have overtaken the
abacus (largely), it's interesting that they have not made it obsolete (completely).
you I C Pair work Read the information again. Then take turns retelling the information.
What other examples of progress can you think of7
Unit 5: Progress
Lesson B What drives us?
Grammar in context
A One kind of progress is when people push the limits of what the human body can do. Why
do you think people take on challenges like running marathons or walking across deserts?
"I guess people like to test their limits." "Well, people also do these things to raise funds for charity."
B ..,))coz.13 Listen. What dangers did Beaumont face on his expedition?
In 2008, a 25-year-old Scottish man, Mark adventurers like these should not have been
Beaumont, set a new record by cycling around permitted to attempt such dangerous
the world in 195 days. Although it was an expeditions. After all, there are easier - and
incredible feat, things did not always go safer - ways to challenge yourself, raise money
smoothly. Pedaling across difficult terrain was for charity, or break world records. Did Mark
often extremely painful. On top of that, his Beaumont feel that he might not have been
wallet and camera were stolen, and at one point given another opportunity to make his mark on
he could easily have been killed in the United the world and pursue his ambition if he hadn't
States when a motorist drove through a red taken this chance?
light. In fact, the whole trip might well have
been cut short at several points, owing to
sickness, flooded roads, and mechanical
problems. Sometimes, when traveling through
particularly dangerous regions, he was made to
sleep in grim police cells for his own protection.
Beaumont was lucky. He put his life in danger
and survived. Others who pursued incredible
feats, like climbing Mt. Everest, have died in
their attempts. Indeed, the majority of people
who have died on Everest were young people
with families and partners, so what drove them?
They must have known the dangers, so why did
they consciously choose to put themselves in
harm's way? Some would argue that
Unit 5: Progress
Grammar Information focus 2
it out I A Rewrite the sentences in the passive, starting with the words given. Use similar sentences in
the article to help you. Then read the grammar chart.
1. Something might well have injured Beaumont. BcAl.\""o"'f . . .
2. Something could easily have cut the trip short. Tt..,c fr-ip . . .
3. They shouldn't have allowed him to do it. He ...
c;,,1111111.11 t•,,a,.1
Past modals and the passive; the verb make in the passive � " ,.,.,, 1••1
B Look at more feats and things people might have said beforehand. Rewrite the sentences as
what people might have thought afterward. Add the adverbs, where given.
1. Kristen Ulmer, an extreme skier, skied down the face of Grand Teton, U.S., in 1997.
a. An avalanche could bury her alive. She cov.ld eAs·,1y L,AVe bee" bv.�ied A\",11eby "'" AVA\A"ci,e. (easily)
b. They might postpone her attempt due to bad weather. Her attempt . (well)
c. They shouldn't encourage her to do it. She-------------------
2. Philippe Petit walked a tightrope between the twin towers in New York City in 1974.
a. The wind could blow him off. He-------------- ----· (easily)
b. They should make him wear a safety harness. He --------------· (also)
c. They should never allow him to do it. He-------------------
3. Alain Robert got arrested in 2010 after climbing the Lumiere skyscraper in Sydney.
a. They shouldn't arrest him, and they shouldn't throw him in jail, either. He _______
b. He could kill someone if he falls. Someone ________________ . (well)
c. A company might sponsor him for advertising. They shouldn't give his stunt so much press.
He . His stunt ______________
C Pair work Discuss the feats in this lesson. What else might have happened to the people?
B �>>)co 2.1e Listen. What does Alba think about space exploration? How about Jack?
space but not till we've made our own world a better place.
May e.Ma be not .
b y
_ _ _ � - _ .......:==========::=::::::::::;;;:;;========;;;;;;
• C
• Notice how Alba and Jack use (Let's) put 1t tl11s way· One way to look at it
D �»>co 2.17 Listen to the rest of Alba and Jack's conversation. Write the expressions you hear.
Alba Well, what could have been done to research alternative fuels,
for example, if we'd had all those billions of dollars. : there are
better things to spend money on.
Jack Yeah, possibly. But : Plenty of countries don't have space
programs, but they don't necessarily spend their money on better things.
Alba I'm not sure that's entirely true. I mean, some countries are way ahead in terms of using
alternative energies. I mean, : that in itself does more for the planet.
Jack Well, not only have better technologies been developed, but also
new medicines are being discovered. - all that research that's
done in space.
I E Pair work Practice the whole conversation. Whose opinions do you agree with?
Unit 5: Progress
Strategy plus Absolutely (not), not necessarily
'4>>)co 2.11 You can use Absolutely (not) If you want to say
or Definitely (not) to make a yes (or something is not
no) response stronger. completely or always
Use Probably (not) and Maybe true, you can say
(not) if you do not want to commit Not necessarily.
strongly to a response.
You can't say we don't
need those things.
I Match the statements with the responses. Write the letters a-e. Then practice with a partner.
Practice again, giving your own responses.
1. Space exploration is certainly not a waste of money or a waste of time, as some people say. ___
2. Do you think we'll ever discover life on other planets? _ __
3. Don't you think we should send humans to Mars, no matter how much it costs? ___
4. Another thing about space programs is they promote international cooperation, which is good. ___
5. Life wouldn't be as exciting if we didn't explore space. ___
a. Probably not. Though there are still plenty of things to explore on earth.
b. Absolutely not. For every dollar spent on space, $8 of economic benefit has reportedly been generated.
c. Definitely. I mean., they've successfully landed a spacecraft there, so why not a human.
d. Not necessarily: I mean, if you want to keep your technology a secret, then it's not good.
e. Maybe. Maybe not. But imagine if we did find other life forms. There'd be a lot of issues to consider.
I C Pair work Discuss these questions. Give
Wit'( ])of-I 'T iov ST.l•ilt T
-e,y t.,ool<•MCr 11'4 "(oull:
...oOI"\ �
examples or reasons to support your ideas.
• What research has contributed most to
society in the last 10 years?
• Which areas deserve more research?
What outcomes would you like to see?
• What subjects do you feel
should not be researched? Why?
• Who should pay for research?
See page 140.
Unit 5: Progress
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Lesson D Smart ideas
A Prepare Scan the article. What is the focus of the article? Check (w") one topic.
D How to become an inventor D How different inventions come about
D How to market a new invention D Why some inventions fail
B l:iJ Read for main ideas Read the article. Where do these sentences fit in the article?
Write the correct letters in the spaces.
a. There is seemingly no end to the number of inventions we can look forward to in the future.
b. Necessity is the mother of invention - or so the saying goes.
c. The smartphone app is another good example.
d. It is generally believed that inventions are the result of focused effort by inventors seeking
specific solutions to specific problems.
e. Clearly, many inventions have come about from a mix of astute observation and inspired thinking.
f. In reality, most people probably will never invent something as world-changing as the steam engine.
"I guess high-speed rail has really improved the efficiency in travel. The convenience ofjumping on a
train rather than going to the airport is one reason high-speed trains are so widely used."
Writing /tis often said . ..
In this lesson, you ... Write an opinion essay.
• compare and contrast arguments. Some people argue that technological progress is
• use it clauses + passive. always positive. Others dispute this. What is your
• avoid errors with affect and effect. view and why?
A Look at a model Look at the introduction to an essay responding to the question above.
Underline the thesis statement. Circle the topics that the student will discuss in the essay.
It is often said that technological progress is important and can only have positive or
beneficial effects on our lives. Progress, it is argued, especially in the fields of medicine,
communications, and infrastructure, has improved the quality of life for human beings. In
contrast, others disagree, saying that progress mostly To compare opinions, include:
has a negative impact, in particular on the Introduction - outline the issues and
environment. While progress can have both positive give your view
and negative effects, I would argue that the positive Opinion 1 with reasons and examples
Opinion 2 with reasons and examples
effects of progress outweigh the negative.
Conclusion - summarize the
arguments and restate your view
B Focus on language Read the chart. Then rewrite the
underlined parts of the sentences below using it clauses and the adverbs given.
You can use it clauses with the passive to introduce what people say or think.
Adverbs like often, generally, well, widely emphasize what is commonly said. while I whereas
It is often said that technological progress is important. although
However, .. .
It Is generally accepted ... I widely Ncognlzed ... I well known ...
In contrast, .. .
It has a/so been Nported I shown I suggested that ...
Nevertheless, ...
On the one I other hand, ...
1. People accept that progress is inevitable, but we should examine this carefully. (generally)
2. People recognize that progress in industry can cause pollution. (widely) On the other hand, people
understand that some industries are making efforts to become "greener:' (also)
3. Scientists have shown that life expectancy is increasing as a result of medical advances, although some
people suggest that this is only the case in wealthier societies. (also)
4. People know that progress in communications leads to a better-functioning society. (well) Nevertheless,
they recognize that privacy and security issues are a growing problem. (widely)
5. People have suggested that technological progress often comes out of military programs. However,
people believe that developments like the Internet benefit everyone. (generally)
6. People have reported that so-called industrial progress adversely affects the poor. In contrast, people say
that the wealthy become wealthier. ( often)
C Write and check Now write Common errors
your own opinion essay for the
Do not confuse affect and effect. Affect is a verb; effect is a noun.
question. Then check for errors.
Progress affects everyone. (NOT Pfflgress effeets e1<er>eRe.)
Read a classmate's essay. Do
Progress has several positive effects. (NOT ... se1-erB.' 13esiti·.-e Bffeets.)
you share the same views?
Unit 5: Progress
Vocabulary notebook Old or ancient?
,-Learning tip:'. ,. Building synonyms 0
bAd= 1W\'W'tOI', f>OO"
It's useful to learn more than one way to express Wrl-h Ye.Ce>\+ "°"""'ces j,.. GPS, olde" "'-"sio...s � suw. i"'t'-".'°"·
basic concepts like big, small, many, important,
good, bad, etc., especially for formal writing.
Yov.. c,.,.. be tl"ed .f°" Po°" per-.f°"w.""'ce WOY\t.
Dictionary tip
Your word-proces sing software
A Choose a synonym from the box for these words. Then complete the probably has a thesaurus to
example sentences. help you find sy nonyms, but
check them in a dictionary
compact countless functional integral obsolete .I portable before you use them.
1. e ___
easy to carry = "'P.:..:.o,..,_f,.'-"b=l=- We have a p o,fAble grill that we barbecue on.
2. useful = ______ Kitchen appliances should be both .and attractive.
3. small = ______ With gas prices so high, people are now buying cars.
4. essential = ______ Having ideas is an part of.making progress.
5. many, a lot of = ______ There have.been inventions that didn't work.
6. out of date = ______ The typewriter has more or less become ______
B Write synonyms for these adjectives. Then write a sentence that uses the synonym you came up with.
1. modest, ordinary = ______
2. creative, new = ______
3. simple, basic = ______
4. important, big = ______
5. usual, not special = ______
C Word builder These words are all synonyms of one or more words in Exercises A and B. Find their
meanings. Then write them next to their synonyms above.
�l4frJijji§iifujftflfijJ• Look back at the article on page 58. Look for the words there and in Exercise 2A
on page 59 to help you complete the chart below.
Adjective Noun
willing w·,1r,"''"'ess
Unit 5: Progress
In Unit 6, you •••
• talk about business, retail, and threats to companies.
• use relative clauses that begin with pronouns and prepositions.
• use determiners and pronouns like some, any, other(s), another.
• persuade people of your views using negative and tag questions.
• say granted when someone makes a good point.
B '4>l)co 2.21 Read the case study for an online coupon company. How does the business work?
A CASE STUDY - Online coupons
, For decades savvy shoppers have been clipping coupons from
\ newspapers and magazines, with which they can save money on
, everything from groceries to spa treatments. The emergence of the
, Internet provided a new opportunity to coupon businesses, many of
' which have been very successful. Then came Groupon.
Like many start-up companies, Groupon was founded by a
forward-thinking entrepreneur, in this case, Andrew Mason. As In just three years, it had more than 85 million global customers,
with many such entrepreneurs, some of whom have become all of whom "opt in" to the site. The company also had more than
overnight multimillionaires, Mason had a deceptively simple idea: 55,000 merchants from whom deals were sought.
attract subscribers to whom you email special deals. These daily A SUCCESS STORY
promotions give subscribers steep discounts, some of which may
t••• exceed 50 percent, on a range of goods and services. The success Over 90 percent of participating companies, most of which are
of any deal depends on the extent to which people sign up. If the small businesses, said the Groupon promotion attracted new
number of people who sign up falls short of the target, the deal customers, and 87 percent reported increased awareness of their
doesn't go through. product or service in the community. Groupon may not be suitable
for every enterprise, but for plenty of small business owners, many
GOALS AND GROWTH of whom struggle to grow, it can be a lifesaver, especially in an
Some of the main goals for the company were to grow their uncertain economy. One such small business, a bakery in New
subscriber base in key cities around the world; sell daily deals, York, offered half-price cupcakes. More than 9,000 coupons were
which was revolutionary in the coupon business; and create purchased, new customers came in, and business spread by word
awareness of the brand in national and international markets. of mouth, all of which has to be good for the bottom line!
C Pair work Take tums retelling details from Exercise B. How much can you remember?
you I C Pair work Which of the promotions in Exercise A do you think work best?
Why7Which promotions have you used7What did you buy?
See page 140.
online from a major retailer online from smaller companies online at auction sites
in store from a superstore in store from locally owned stores other ways?
B .. >>)co 2.24 Listen to the podcast. What changes in retail does the speaker predict?
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Word Make a chart of verbs in the podcast for attracting people and deterring them. T hen use
at least six new verbs to tell a partner what attracts you to stores and what deters you.
Seepage 71.
1. Cheaper prices will attract certain people, and certain people will find special offers appealing.
2. Every (and it doesn't matter which) store that creates a good atmosphere will do well.
3. Lowering prices is one way to attract customers, but stores need to find additional ways, too.
4. One store might have nice music. A different store might have a restaurant.
V. - · ·. · · ·
Gr.un111dr extra
some, any, other, others, another
Some and any have "strong" forms. You can use the strong form of some to talk about "certain but not
all" people or things. The strong form of any means "it doesn't matter which."
Lower prices wil tempt some people, and some will be attracted by special offers.
Any store that makes people feel at ease wi l probably generate more business.
Use other before a plural or uncountable noun, after the, your, this, some, etc.
Stores need to find other ways to attract customers. Common errors
Other evidence suggests music can actually irritate people.
Don't use another with a plural noun.
It needs to be like your home, not some other unfamiliar place.
Retail stores need to find other ways to
attract customers. (NOT BFfetfier ,wws)
Others is a pronoun. Don't use it before a noun .
. . . but others know they can probably get what they want cheaper online. (OR other people)
Use another before a singular count noun or as a pronoun to replace a singular count noun.
Another store might offer self-service ordering. Yet another might create a "third place."
B Complete the sentences with some, any, other, others, some other, and another. There may be
more than one answer. Then discuss the ideas in pairs. Would they entice you to shop in store?
1. retailers are staying open 24/7 to draw customers in to compete with online stores.
2. retail experts say stores need to attract customers by becoming "idea centers:' For example,
there are customers who want to see kitchen appliances in a kitchen layout. want
to touch products before buying. store that doesn't create an experience may not last.
3. One way stores can compete is to give excellent customer service. way is for stores to
provide services you can't get online. stores entice people with home-baked cookies that
___ customer can take. stores offer special deals only to in-store customers.
4. There are so many choices for consumers online. Stores could offer a limited selection, but there
needs to be choice. suggestion is for retailers to offer shopping advice. Once a
retailer has customer in the store, it needs to keep them so they don't go to store.
• What are the advantages of shopping online? Are there any disadvantages?
• In what other ways can regular stores compete with online stores?
• What kinds of services do you think shoppers will demand in the future?
• What other changes do you think there will be in the retail business?
You can ask You know what I mean? to check that others agree with or understand you.
B �>>)co 2.2s Listen. What is "buycotting"? Do Erkan and Dion agree that it works?
• C
• Notice how Erkan and Dion use negative questions Don't you think companies should
D Read more excerpts from the conversation. Rewrite each first question as a negative
question, and add a tag question to each response. Then practice with a partner.
A Don't you believe corporate social responsibility is a good thing? I mean, I do.
B Actually, I do, too. More companies should do business ethically, shouldn't they?
. A till>>)co 2.21 Match the statements with the responses. Write the letters a-e. Then listen and check.
1. Don't you think companies often forget that it's their employees that make them successful? --
2. Manufacturers need to make sure that they're environmentally friendly, don't you think? __
3. Doesn't the research show that people prefer to buy from socially responsible businesses? __
4. Don't you believe companies should give a percentage of their profits to charity? __
5. It's interesting to see the gender and racial balance of people on a company's website.__
a. They can tell you a lot, granted, but it doesn't mean that they reflect who the company actually employs.
b. Well, granted it's nice to give something back to the community.But you can't make it law, can you?
c. Well, they should, granted.But there's the cost, isn't there? The cost of going green can be prohibitive.
d. People should come first. Granted. But it's often the staff that gets laid off when times are tough.
e. Um, they might say that, granted, but when it comes down to it, they probably buy what's cheap.
you I B Pair work Discuss the statements above. Do you thin k any are particularly controversial?
1. A It's better to support small, local businesses.We should all support our neighborhood stores.
B Well, yeah, it's nice to buy things at small stores and everything.But ...
2. A Big companies typically employ a lot of people.That's a
good thing.
' ' '.,
' , , ,....
B Yeah, I guess.I mean, they do provide a lot of jobs, but ...
3. A The trouble with those big-box stores, you know, the huge
superstores, is that they've driven out small-business owners.
B Well, that can happen.But ...
4. A Small clothing stores tend to give you better personal service.
I mean, they have more time for you.
B Well, it's true. But ...
5. A The biggest advantage of small stores, like small shoe stores,
is you can find things that are different. You can also usually find better-quality things.
B Well, the quality of the products is usually good at small stores.But ...
B Pair work What are the advantages of big businesses versus small businesses? Prepare a
debate to present to the class.
A Don't you think that generally it's better to support small, local businesses?
B Not necessarily. I mean, granted, small business is good for a community, but . . .
B [ii Read for main ideas Read the article. How many of your ideas are mentioned?
What types of data leakage can you find? What are the reasons for it?
Like any company, your business is no doubt one in online banking, or shopping can put your computers at
which technology is widely used. Online banking, sales, risk from theft or viruses from malicious sites.
networked collaboration, and communication are central 5 Other common behaviors are when employees knowingly
to your operation, and your IT professionals carefully bypass or change security settings to access sites for
safeguard your electronic data. But how secure is that data? personal use and also when they fail to use passwords or
You might well have software that protects you from the · log off correctly. According to the report, one-third of
external threats of hacking and industrial espionage, but employees leave their computers on without logging off
are you overlooking another threat that's closer to home? when they leave their desks, including overnight, and a fifth
2 You probably encourage your staff to take work leave logon information in insecure places, often next to
home. With laptops, portable storage devices, and their computers.
smartphones, it's easy for employees to finish off that 6 Remote working also causes problems if employees
report at night or reply to email on the train to work. transfer or copy data from company computers to
Thanks to technology, you have a productive workforce home computers, to which others may have access and
that works for you during off hours. However, this many of which may not have the same level of security.
means your confidential company data is out "in the Computers and storage devices can be lost or stolen
open," outside of your premises. It's less secure and when used in public, and the practice of discussing
is vulnerable to misuse and theft. And you don't need sensitive company information in public, where others
reminding that the loss or leaking of sensitive financial can overhear, is widespread. Incredibly, 25 percent of
data, strategic plans, and intellectual property could not employees admit to sharing such information with
only cost your company its competitive edge but could friends, family, and strangers.
ruin it completely.
' B Pair work Use the adjectives above to rephrase the questions. Then discuss with a partner.
• What are acceptable uses of an employer's computer? What's not acceptable?
• How common do you think hacking is these days?
• Are you personally open to attack by harmful software?
• How do you keep your private information safe, especially online?
• Do you ever feel that really private information about you is unsafe online?
A Look at a model Brainstorm some ideas about the causes of and solutions to data leakage for a
report. Then look at the extracts from a report below. Does it include any of your ideas?
Leakage of sensitive data is a serious All of the above factors can cause data
problem, which can occur in any company leakage, which could potentially damage the
for a number of reasons. One reason may be company's profits and image. To prevent
the fact that employees take work outside of data leakage, a number of security measures
the office on portable devices. Some of these should be employed, many of which are
devices might be shared with other people simple to implement.
or may not be as secure as company
1. As a company, we need to control what
computers. Second, employees can access
data. leaves the building. It would be
their personal email and other websites
advisable not to allow employees to take
from work computers and they may fail to
work home.
observe security procedures when doing so.
This could allow malicious software to 2. We could also enforce the rules on using
attack company servers. Another cause of private computers.
data leakage is thought to be ...
B Focus on language Read the chart and underline the modal verbs in Exercise A.
C Rewrite the underlined parts of each sentence below using the modal verbs given.
1. Security� improved if procedures are in place. Data leakage� a result of poor security. (can, may)
2. A possible cause of data leakage� that employees don't realize that they should not discuss work with
friends and family. One reason for this� a lack of training. (could, may, might)
3. Data leakage� also caused by employees' use of instant-messaging programs. (might)
4. Certain Internet sites are infected by viruses, so it� advisable to limit access to them. (may, would)
5. Employees' laptops infect company computers, which causes data loss. (might, may)
6. One possible solution� to check employees' devices on a regular basis for malware. (could)
D Write and check Write the report Common errors
on data leakage in the task above. Do not use could for things which in fact do happen.
Then check for errors. Employees can access their personal email.= They do this, we know.
(NOT EFFtplBy'Ces eeuki eeeess ..., except in sentences like this:
· Employees could access their email if we allowed it. = It would be possible.)
A Complete the charts with verbs from the podcast on page 64. Then add nouns and adjectives from the
same word family to the chart on the left.
C Word builder Find the meaning of these verbs. Are they verbs that mean
"attract" or verbs that mean "deter"?
�IY:Hml#n¥i@61& Which of the adjectives below have other forms in the same family with the
same meaning?What are they?Write them in the chart. Use Exercise 2A on page 69 to help you.
In 1954, Roger Bannister achieved a big milestone: he ran a mile in under four minutes. This
was something that had (see, previously) as almost impossible, though
a lot of people had tried. The four-minute barrier has (break, since)
numerous times and is now the normal time for most medium-distance runners. In fact,
records in track are (achieve, still) today, largely thanks to creative, new
technology. Technology has (use, widely) to enhance performance in the
sport. Running shoes are (improve, continually) and are far different from
the basic rubber-soled shoes of the 1950s, which are now out of date. Clothing is much more
useful, too. Even the ordinary T-shirt has (redesign, completely) so that
it removes sweat from an athlete's body. In addition, easy-to-carry and small devices, such as
GPS watches, can monitor heart rate, etc., and ;µ-e now a necess ary part of tracking a runner's
performance. Further advances in sports techriology are (make, currently).
It's a continuing process, and it may only be a matter of time before we see the headline, "The
three-minute-mile barrier has (shatter, finallyf'
B Pair work Discuss each of the topics below about sports and athletics today. Use In any
case to make your argument stronger and In any event to reach your final conclusion.
• use of performance-enhancing drugs • training children from an early age to compete
• high salaries that some athletes receive • use of technology to improve performance
1. In the last few years, the tiger been have could wiped off easily the planet by poachers. But
the extinction of tigers prevented may been have well by innovative programs, some
_______ focus on preserving tiger habitats. How else can we protect endangered
2. When some endangered species were first brought into captivity, there were critics, many
_______ believed that breeding endangered animals in captivity have not been
should permitted. Although some programs failed well might have, many didn't. What is
your view on keeping animals in captivity?
3. News reports have detailed specific cases of wild animals attacking their trainers, all
_______ suffered severe injuries, which killed have could easily them. Other
reports highlight how wild animals, many are losing their habitats,
encroach into neighborhoods and are shot. In other cases, animals have been to perform
made in jobs and entertainment. What is your response to this treatment of animals? How
can people protest, and to should they send their complaints?
B Pair work Discuss the questions above. Use expressions like Apart from anything else,
What� more, etc., to add and focus on new ideas. Use granted if your partner makes a
good point that doesn't change your opinion.
"Well its important to educate people about tigers in addition to preserving their habitats."
Checkpoint 2: Units 4-6
That's the business! Stores use smart tactics to woo customers.
Don't be deterred! But be careful.
A Read the headline. Then write as many words as
you can to replace woo and deterred.
B Complete the sentences. Use a fonn of the future perfect of the verbs given, if possible, or the
simple present if not. More than one form may be correct. Then add the words from the box.
"Black Friday" is the start of the holiday shopping season. By the time Black Friday ______
(arrive), retailers need to be ready. Most stores (prepare) for the sales for
weeks. They (stock) their shelves with goods at low prices. When the doors
______ (open), store that is not ready may end up not making a profit
for the whole year. Stores (advertise) their deals for days. reduce
prices by 50 percent. take up to 75 percent off. By the time the doors open,
_______ customers (wait) in line for several hours. ______
shoppers (camp out) for more than 24 hours to get the best deals. However,
not all are genuine. stores advertise deals, but there's only one item at this price.
______ tactic is to sell old goods. is to sell products made just for the sale.
By the time stores close, they (serve) millions of customers. They ______
(take in) millions of dollars in revenue, and no doubt some customers (spend)
more than they intended to.
C Rewrite each comment in two ways: (1) as a negative question; (2) by adding a tag question.
Then discuss the ideas with a partner. Use strong responses and expressions like Just think
and Let's put it this way to make your point.
1. It's crazy to camp out all night until a store opens. 3. People buy things just because they're on sale.
2. It makes sense for stores to offer big discounts. 4. Sales are just a clever marketing tool.
A Don't you think it's crazy to camp out all night until a store opens?
B Oh, absolutely not! Just think: you can get some really great deals.
Surviving it all
Complete the prepositional phrases. Then choose the correct words to complete the article.
Bald eagles are not actually bald, which may not be in with most people's
expectations. from being the national symbol of the United States, it is a protected
species. Northern eagles migrate but return to the same breeding ground I young year after year
and mate I hibernate for life. They often build their nests I burrows near water on of
the fact that they feed mostly on fish. They dig / lay between one and three eggs, which mate I hatch
after 35 days. The eagles sit on the nest to keep I store the eggs warm and also to prevent them being
attacked by predators I reserves such as squirrels. The parents initially hatch I raise the young in
the nest, but once the chicks have feathers, the parents stop feeding I breeding them and they may
go up several days without eating. Far being neglectful, the parents
are simply encouraging the chicks to leave the nest and learn to fly. Once out of their nests, the
chicks are fed by the parents to build up their fat reserves I habits and are taught to hunt so they can
survive I migrate the winter months. Bald eagles don't store I build up food or hibernate I breed,
and they often hunt other birds. Their presence in an area can be unwelcome to the
fact that they can destroy other birds' colonies I grounds.
Lesson A Parenting
O Grammar in context
A What's the best age to become a parent?Tell the class your views.
B '4>>)co 3.oz Listen to the podcast. What's the speaker's main proposal about parenting?
T "·'
Our Family Season Some school districts have recognized this and
continues with introduced programs where students take care of a
computerized baby doll that behaves like a real baby.
Rachel Birken's It cries in the night and needs to be changed and
take on the topic comforted. It helps young people understand what is
involved in starting a family.
of parenting. One college senior I know who did this told me it was a
cool experience and that had he not taken that class,
A friend of mine struggling with sleepless nights after he wouldn't have realized what hard work a baby is.
the birth of her daughter recently said to me, quote,
"Had I known having a baby would be this hard, I Were I in charge of education, I would make all
might have waited a few more years. Why aren't students from the age of 12 do this for a whole
parenting classes mandatory, especially in high weekend every year.
school?" Which got me thinking: Why aren't they? Should you need further evidence that parenting classes
Ask any new parent this question: "Would you have are a good idea, school and city districts all over the
benefited from parenting classes?" and you'll probably country are expanding programs that offer workshops in
get the answer, "Absolutely!" Most parents experience parenting skills - not to students - but to parents of their
problems with sleepless nights, anxiety about their students. Clearly, there is a need out there.
baby's health, and as their children grow, issues with So let's make parenting classes mandatory.
behavior and setting boundaries. Should you think Otherwise, we run the risk of creating a generation of
your experience will be any different, think again. parents who are unprepared to tackle the most
Parenting is a skill to be learned. important job of their lives.
• What reasons does the speaker give or imply for her proposal? What are they?
• What gave her the idea in the first place?
• How does the baby doll program work? What is its goal?
• Why do you think parenting classes are offered by city and school districts?
Unit 7: Relationships
Grammar Hypothesizing
F igure
,tout I A Rewrite these phrases without If. Use the podcast to help you. Then read the grammar chart.
Imperative ... and . . . Ask any new parent the question, and you' II get the answer, "Absolutely!"
"Had I had the chance to take care of a doll in high school, I would have done it."
A '4>))co 3.os What issues do you think couples should discuss and agree on before they get
married? Make a list. Then read the article. Which of your ideas are mentioned?
About B
you I
Complete the expressions with words from the article . Then discuss the comments
with a partner. Do you agree with the views given?
l. I know that divorce causes a lot of pain , but it takes a lot of time
______ to discuss these questions, too. I think you should just get married if you
want to and then wait what happens.
2. I don't think people stop before getting married. There are a lot more things
to agree on above the ideas in the article.
3. Sooner everyone argues. You can't avoid it as husband ______
4. All couples have their ups . You can't agree on everything, so pick
______ what you argue about.
5. I agree marriage is about give , but I Uke to get my own way, and slowly
______ I usually do.
6. In this day , we don't need advice about marriage. I'm sick ______
of reading articles like this.
7. It's not a problem to live in two places. Ito be fun to travel back _____
I C Make a chart of the expressions in bold in the article. Add more ideas.
I and
w•·,+ ••d «< Seepage 83.
Unit 7: Relationships
Grammar Information focus
Underline the sentences in the article with these meanings.
It Out�
1. How do you spend money? Is it a problem right now?
2. Why are divorce rates high? It's not clear.
3. Will you keep separate bank accounts? Do you know?
4. Where do you live and work? You can't always pick and choose.
G,.unrnar e1'trc1
Wh- clauses as subjects and objects {:'- :;,.,·, .,o.1,· ·� ·
A wh- clause can be the subject or object of a verb. Using a wh- clause as the subJect gives extra
emphasis to it Notice the statement word order in the wh- clause.
Objects Can you agree how often your partner's family can visit without arguing?
Tell each other now whether I if you intend to worlc long hours.
Agree now on what your financial goals are. In conversation ...
You can also say whether or not when
B Rewrite the two sentences as one sentence. Keep the clauses there is a choice of two options.
in the same order.
Discuss whether or not you would
1. Should you tell your husband or wife this? Which of his or her both move to another city.
friends don't you like?
Shov.\d yov. tell yov." hv.sbA"d o" w·,te Wh 1C:::h o{ his o" he" .f.,·,e"ds yov. do"'+ \',1<.e?
2. Why do couples divorce? It's usually obvious, don't you think?
3. How many hours a week do you work? It can easily become a problem, can't it?
4. It's important to discuss this. Do you both want children?
5. You should also decide this. How many children do you both want to have?
6. You need to find this out. Does your partner have different religious or political views?
7. Who does the chores? This will become an issue sooner or later.
8. Is it important to decide this? How often will you go out separately with your own friends?
I C Pair work Discuss the questions and statements above. Do you have the same views?
Of covRse I'LL
Mt,..,P:.'R"f '{OU! HeRE'',
Pair work Discuss the 10 most important issues you need to agree
on before you get married. Use these ideas and add your own.
A How you spend money is the first thing to discuss, I would say.
B Yes. It seems to me you should agree on what you spend money on.
In conversation ...
You can soften opinions with I would say, I would
think, I would imagine, and It seems to me.
Seepage 141
Unit 7: Relationships
Lesson C In the end
O Conversation strategy Finishing a point
A '4>l)co 3.06 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet dating sites? Make a
list. T hen listen. What do Tara and Carmen think about them?
• B
• Notice how Carmen andTara summarize at the end of the day in a word
In conversation ...
About C '4>l)co 3.07 Listen. Complete Tara's
I The most common expressions are in the end and at
comments with the expressions you the end of the day. In writing, you can use in a word and
hear. T hen discuss the views with a in a nutshell or the more formal in the final analysis.
partner. Do you agree with her?
1. People don't go out to meet people - it takes time. , we're all too busy.
2. I read an academic article about Internet dating that said, "Online daters are just like
face-to-face daters. , there is no difference between them."
3. You can email and call or video chat before you first meet. So really, _______
you're already friends.
4. You don't need to go out and spend money on movies or restaurants. , it's
a lot cheaper.
5. And because you do it from home, you don't get into difficult situations. _______
it's safer, too.
6. There are lots of people that you can get to know online. _______ , you don't have
to choose just one.
Unit 7: Relationships
f) Strategy plus ... , then
�>»co 3.08 You can end a You can also say In that
response with then to draw case, which means
a conclusion from what "because of what was just
someone just said. said:'
1. Some research shows that 94 percent of online daters go out more than once. __
2. Apparently, only 5 percent of people who use online dating actually establish a relationship. __
3. Online daters prefer instant messaging to email because it's more like a real conversation. __
4. They tend not to use their webcams, though. __
5. What a lot of people do is to email or chat for weeks before they actually meet. __
6. Look at the people using Internet dating sites, and you'll find mostly middle-aged people. __
I B Pair work Take turns reading the comments. Use your own responses with then or in that case.
E) Strategies
A Circle the best options to complete the rest of Carmen and Tara's conversation.
Sometimes both are correct. T hen practice in pairs.
Carmen: So if there are hundreds of people on the site, how do you choose one,
then I in a word?
Tara: Well, you fill out a long questionnaire about yourself and the site gives you a short list.
In that case I At the end of the day, they do all the hard work and match potential
Carmen: So in that case I in a word, the computer chooses someone?
Tara: No. Well, kind of. I mean, it gives you a selection to choose from based on your
questionnaire. I mean, in that case I when all's said and done, it's pretty efficient.
Carmen: That's one way of putting it. But I suppose it's just like regular dating. I guess
in the end I in that case, it's really no different from meeting a stranger at a party.
you I B P air work What are the best ways to meet people? Discuss the ideas below and add your own.
Unit 7: Relationships
Lesson D Smart families
O Reading
A Prepare Look at the title of the article and the photo. Brainstonn ideas, words, and
expressions that you expect the writer to include. What arguments do you expect to read?
B [ii Read for main ideas Read the article. How many of your ideas were included?
is it driving families apart?
1 Look inside any family home in the evening, and you might
see a typical enough scene: Mom and Dad, each on their
own laptop or tablet, streaming movies, catching up on
work, or maybe answering email on their smartphones.
Meanwhile, one child is chatting online with one school
friend while texting another. The other is playing a video
game with a friend on the other side of the city at the same
time as playing chess against an uncle in another state. Eacr
member of the family is totally absorbed in his or her own
piece of technology. How you interpret such a scene might
depend on your attitude toward technology. Do you see a Just over half of the 2,253 people surveyed agreed that
close family that is enjoying "quality time" together? Or do technology had enabled them to increase their contact
you perceive this family unit as "together" only in a physical with distant family members and 47 percent said it had
sense, as a dysfunctional family whose members are improved the interactions with the people they live with.
isolated from one another, inhabiting parallel virtual worlds?
5 Thanks to more sophisticated, lighter, and more portable
2 For some, the effect of technology on human relationships tablet, smartphone, and computer technology, family
is worrisome. It appears to be the case that many people members who might otherwise have sat in separate
would much rather spend time with their gadgets than rooms can now be in the same one while still occupying
with one another. Technology, they claim, becomes a il different mentill space. Look back at our typical family
substitute for face-to-face human relationships, which is a scene above. Is it any different from four people reading
cause for concern. their own books? Does the fact that each person is
3 According to some experts, technology is changing how immersed in a screen rather than a paper page make their
people interact with each another, and for the worse. Some activity any less sociable?
teachers say it is difficult to get students' attention and 6 Moreover, even the closest of families and couples need
they have to compete with texting and surfing the Web time away from each other at some point to pursue their
to such an extent that many schools now require students own interests. Technology allows people to be both
to leave mobile devices in their lockers. In the same way, present and absent simultaneously.
young people try to get their parents' attention but have to
? Where technology will lead us remains to be seen. How it
contend with smartphones, tablets, and other technology.
affects the quality of our family relationships is up to all of us.
4 However, a report from the Pew Internet and American
Life Project offers a more hopeful and encouraging view,
suggesting that far from replacing human contact, new Reading tip
technology can actually enhance family relationships. Writers sometimes give their own views in a
question. Is it any different from four people reading
their own books?
C Read for inference Do you think the writer would answer "yes" or "no" to these questions?
G ive reasons for your answers.
• Is technology driving families apart?
• Is reading books better for family relationships?
• Should families spend as much of their free time together as possible?
• Do we know where technology will lead us?
• Is it the responsibility of families to decide what impact technology has on their relationships?
D Read for detail Are the sentences true (T), false (F), or is the information not given (NG)?
Find evidence in the article for your answers. Then compare with a partner.
1. The writer believes the family in the example is dysfunctional. __
2. Some people believe that we prefer the company of our computers to being with other people. __
3. Teachers who can't get their students' attention resort to using technology. __
4. The Pew study says that technology makes family relationships more distant. __
5. Technology allows people to do their own thing in the same part of the house. __
6. Reading is better for family life than using computers. __
B '4>»co 3.10 Listen again and answer the questions in the chart. Write one example for each item.
you I C Pair wori< Do you agree with the expert's views?What do you think about each (TIOnitoring
device in the chart?Would you ever use one? How would you feel if someone monitored you?
Unit 7: Relationships
Writing It just takes a little thought.
In this lesson, you ... Write a magazine artide.
• write a magazine article. A college magazine has asked you to write
• use expressions like a number of and a little. an article called Enhancing friendships -
• avoid errors with a number of, etc. a how-to guide.
A Look at a model Look at the extract from an article. Which topics does it cover? Write them in
the article. Brainstorm other ideas that the article could include.
Relationships with friends are very important to our well-being.However, many of us often
take the people closest to us for granted, which can result in losing friends.There are a
number of factors that lead to improved relationships, including ___________
and support.With just a little thought, you can enhance any friendship ....
There are a variety of ways to keep in touch with people.Social networks, texts, and phone
calls enable us to find out what is happening in our friends' lives and update them about events
in our own. They don't take a great deal of effort but do contribute to a feeling of closeness.
Not seeing friends can have a negative impact on your relationship.Therefore, it's
important to spend a certain amount of time with them.
B Focus on language Read the chart. Underline examples of the expressions in the article above.
Use a plural verb with a number of, several, etc. + plural noun.
There are a number of factors that lead to . . . (NOT There ts ... that .'cads to ...)
C Circle the best expressions to complete the article. Sometimes there are two.
Spending quality time together doesn't need to cost a huge amount of I a number of I various money.
It just takes little I a little I a small amount of imagination. Few I A few/ A variety of friendships can
survive without regular contact, and there are various I a great deal of I a variety of ways you can spend
meaningful time together. Here are just a little I a few I few ideas: Take a walk. Go to a museum. Exercise.
Sending a message to say "Hi" doesn't take a great deal of I several / little time, either, but it can create
a number of I an enormous amount of goodwill. Don't just send messages on birthdays or other special
occasions. A birthday card may have little I several I a few effect if you are not in regular contact. You
can find a range of I various I few websites that have fun greeting cards to send at any time of year.
D Write and check Look at the Task at the top of the page. Write your article. Then check for errors.
Unit 7: Relationships
Vocabulary notebook Now or never
Personalized sentences
pA'io\ hid S\.\.ffir·�
When you learn a new expression, use it
in a personalized sentence to help you
D,vo.-ce. c"°' A lo-t of P"'.'"' A>\d sv..He."i""1 A>\Q 1 .fe.e.l
remember it. lv..Cky fi.,,.f w..y pAre....f s ""-"'-" ,of cf,vo.-ce.d.
above and beyond live and work success or failure back and forth sick and tired wait and see
1. I'm not sure how I did on my last exam. I'll just have to-------
2. People are always throwing trash around in my neighborhood. I'm of it.
3. My dad is so great. If I ever ask a favor, he always goes what I ask for.
4. What determines the of a relationship is your ability to communicate.
5. When I'm working on a project with classmates, we send each other files all day.
6. I'm lucky that I get to in the sa.nie city.
B Write personalized sentences for these expressions.
1. time and energy ___________________________________
2. stop and think __________________________________
3. ups and downs----------------------------------�
4. give-and-take ____________________________________
5. sooner or later __________________________________�
6. slowly but surely _________________________________
C Word builder Find the meanings of these expressions. Then use each one in a personalized sentence.
far and away now and then out and about to and from
last but not least now or never over and above
1 fi..;1"'1<. co""'""'"'"'icAfio"' ·,s tM ""'d AWAY fhe. l'\'\osf i""po,.f1."'f fhi"'' i"' ""'Y ,e.11.f",o"'si..·,p.
�l,{JmfJ.t£jmj@jj Complete the questions with the words in the box. Then write true answers.
Refer to Exercise 2A on page 81 to help you.
1. Why do you think some families are ? What can their relationships?
2. Is a long email from a friend a good for having a conversation with that person?
3. Do you any differences in the way that older and younger people use technology?
4. Do you find it that people spend so much
time on their computers?
5. Do you ever have to with television to get
the attention of your family?
6. Do you ever get so in your work that you
forget to have dinner?
7. What two things can you do ?
Unit 7: Relationships
In Unit 8, you •••
• talk about events in history and famous historical figures.
• use the perfect infinitive after verbs like seem and would like.
• use it-cleft sentences to focus on information.
• avoid topics of conversation with expressions like Let's not go there.
• say That's what I'm saying to focus on your viewpoint.
For me it would I'm Latin American, so I
definitely be Leonardo da would nominate Simon
Vinci. I'd love to have Bolivar as the person I
met him; he was such a would like to have known.
creative genius and not He's supposed to have
just an artist. He seems been a very charismatic,
to have foreseen a courageous leader and
number of inventions is acknowledged to
I studied philosophy, so I
that only came about have helped achieve
would like to have spoken
hundreds of years later, independence for several
I'd choose Cleopatra - the face-to-face with the Chinese
like flying machines and countries in Latin America
last pharaoh of ancient philosopher Confucius. I'd
types of weapons. I'd in the nineteenth century.
Egypt. She is thought to Patricio, Caracas like to have discussed with
like to tell him he really
have been very beautiful him his political philosophy
did see the future.
Naomi, Chicago and is generally considered and his ideas about family
to have formed some values. He seems to have had
extremely effective political a lot of respect for older
alliances. Not many women people, and even though he
were that influential in lived more than a thousand
ancient times. I'd like to years ago, his beliefs are still
have seen how she did it. relevant.
Lucinda, Nairobi Li-yun, Shanghai
you I C Pair work Discuss the questions about the people above. Give reasons for your views.
Which figure do you think ...
1. attracted admiration and gained the most respect? 4. was particularly clever at political relations?
2. was the most intelligent and the most talented? 5. accomplished the most?
3. had ideas that could be applied nowadays? 6. would make the best role model?
Unit 8: History
O Grammar Referring to past time
�igure I A
1t out '
Use the interviews to help you complete the answers. Then read the grammar chart.
You can use the perfect infinitive after verbs such as acknowledge, believe, consider, know, say, and think
when they are in the passive, and after be supposed to.
She is considered to have formed some extremely effective political alliances.
You can use the perfect infinitive after would like I love I hate, etc., for events that did not happen.
/' d love to have met Leonardo da Vinci.
In conversation ...
Li-yun would like to have spoken face-to-face with Confucius.
People generally say, e.g., I would have liked
to do it. not I would like to have done it. Some
B Complete the sentences using the verbs given and a also say, I would have liked to have done 1t.
perfect infinitive. Some verbs are passive.
• What famous person from history would you like to have met?
• What contribution is he or she said to have made to history?
• What kind of person is he or she believed to have been?
• What interesting things is he or she supposed to have done?
• What one question would you like to have asked that person?
• How would you like to have spent the day with him or her? See page 141.
"I'd love to have met John Lenrion. He's generally acknowledged to have been a great songwriter."
Unit 8: History
Lesson B Events that changed the world
Vocabulary in context
A What twentieth-century events do you think most changed the wortd? Make a list.
i think the invention of the Internet changed the world most. We just can't live without it now."
B '4tau.12 Listen to the podcast. What two broad kinds of historical change are mentioned?
Many events are said to have example, it was the invention of the airplane that
been "world-changing," and made it possible to cross continents in a matter of
it's not only headline writers hours, and it was when Internet use became
who use this phrase. But what widespread that the world turned into a global
does it mean? In most cases, v.illage. These innovations brought about massive
planet Earth as a whole changes, and many would now consider it impossible
remains the same, even after a major event such as a to without them.
natural disaster. That said, a catastrophic asteroid impact
millions of years ago is believed to have destroyed almost Equally, change can also be
all life - an event that can genuinely be said to have gradual or imperceptible. It
been universal and world-changing. However, as a rule, was more than 30 years ago
even significant events have mostly local effects and that scientists started alerting
only a superficial or temporary impact on the vast us to the fact that the world
majority of people outside the affected region. Perhaps it climate was changing, but the
is only when we are personally affected that we describe change was neither immediately apparent nor sudden.
such events as "world-changing." Events that may seem minor or insignificant - for
example, slight or minute changes in average global
Occasionally, events do have temperatures over a number of years - can make it
a profound impact, such as difficult to predict lasting or long-term effects.
the revolution in travel and Generally, it is not the small things that we worry
communications in the about. We react to visible or rapid change, and it is the
twentieth century. For events with immediate effects that get the headlines.
"The oil spills in the Gulf ofMexico had lasting effects on the tourist industries." &'lam¥&
Seepage 93.
Unit 8: History
Grammar Giving ideas extra focus
it out I A How are these ideas expressed in the podcast? Write sentences. Then read the grammar chart.
1. The invention of the airplane made it possible to cross continents.
2. Headline writers aren't the only ones who use this phrase.
3. The world turned into a global village when Internet use became widespread.
�). . ,. . ' .. (:" ,
Cleft sentences �
You can give extra focus to a single noun. phrase. or clause by putting it at the beginning of the sentence,
after it+ be. After nouns, use a relative pronoun - usually who or that. After other items, use a that clause.
Unit 8: History
Lesson C Don't get me started.
O Conversation strategy Avoiding a topic
A Are you interested in history? Why? Why not? Share your ideas with the class.
B �>>)coa.13 Listen. What does Tom think about history? How about Celia?
Tom You know, I never did like history in school. It just wasn't a subject I
enjoyed, remembering all those dates. I didn't see the point.
Celia Well, I guess it's not just about learning dates. It's about trying to
understand why people did things or what society was like through
the ages.
Tom But I mean, so often the facts get distorted, like what happened in
the last war. But don' t get me started on that.
Celia Well, yeah. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to find out the truth
and then learn from it so we don't repeat the same mistakes.
Tom But that's what I'm saying. We don't learn, do we? I mean, look at what's
happening around the world today. We seem to have learned absolutely
nothing. It's like history repeating itself. But that's another story.
Celia Yeah, but even if we still have disputes, maybe we'll deal with them
in a different way. I mean, engage in dialog ... negotiate.
Tom But most of the time, talks just break down and don't go anywhere.
But anyway, let's not get into politics .
• C
• Notice howTom uses expressions Don't get me started (on ... ).
D �>))co a.14 Listen to more of the conversation. Complete the expressions that you hear.
T hen practice the whole conversation with a partner.
Celia I know. There've been some terrible events in recent history, as you know.
Tom I know, . We probably won't agree on anything, so
Celia OK, but it's amazing how little people know of their own country's history
Tom Yeah, but there'll always be different versions of events, like the latest peace talks.
Celia Yeah. They seem to have collapsed . ___________ . You know, I wonder how
future generations will see us.
Tom Greedy and aggressive, l'd say. You know what I think. ___________
Unit 8: History
Q Strategy plus That's what I'm saying.
�>))co 3.15 You can use That's what I'm saying
in responses to focus on
your viewpoint. But that's what I'm saying.
We don't learn, do we?
'4>l)co 3.16 Complete each conversation with two responses from the
People also say That's
box. Write a-f. Then listen and practice. Practice again, this time
what I mean/ meant.
giving your own answers to the questions.
1. A History is an interesting area because you can study the history of anything, can't you?
B I suppose it involves everything from everyday life to great political events and wars and so on.
2. A Do you think you need to know the history of art to appreciate it? i
. .
B Well, all art builds on the past, either by developing or rejecting it. "
'}' .
3. A I guess I'm interested in the history of ideas, like how ideas spread.
,c. . ''�
Isn't that what's important?
B Yeah. I guess new ideas help us develop and keep history moving.
1. What fact does Patrick mention when he says, "But that's another story"?
2. When Patrick says, "That's what I mean;' what is he talking about?
3. Patrick says, "Let's not get into that:' What doesn't he want to talk about?
you I C Pair work Discuss the questions.
1. Is it important for people to know about their family history? Why? Why not?
2. Have you or any of your friends tried to trace your family history? Was it successful?
3. What do you know of your family history? Are there any interesting stories?
4. Do you think adopted children should be able to contact their biological family? Why? Why not?
Unit 8: History
Lesson D Unearthing the past
O Reading
A Prepare You are going to read an article about ancient texts. Match the tenns on the left
with their definitions on the right. Then compare answers with a partner.
B Lil Read for main ideas Read the article. What is the Ancient Lives Project? How does
it work?
They may not have had computers, databases, social networking sites, or spreadsheets, but
the ancient Egyptians are known to have kept careful written records, not only of important
people and events but also of the minute details of everyday life. In 1896-1897, hundreds of
thousands of fragments of papyrus with writing on them were found on the edge of a ruined
Egyptian city, in a place which is believed to have been the city's landfill. The fragments, which
filled 700 boxes, were taken back to Oxford, England. The manuscripts, written in ancient
Greek, now belong to the Egypt Exploration Society - an organization that was established
over 125 years ago to carry out archaeological fieldwork and research in Egypt.
2 As a rule, it is archaeologists, anthropologists, and paleographers who sift the evidence of our
distant past, feed our hunger for knowledge about our ancestors, bring to life dead languages,
and paint a detailed picture of ancient life for us. However, in this case, there were simply not
enough experts to read all those tantalizing fragments of ancient Greek, so they mostly remained
undisturbed in their boxes. Those pieces that the experts did decipher revealed a fascinating
picture of ancient Egyptian life: Literary, religious, and philosophical texts sat alongside bits of
gossip, receipts, marriage certificates, personal letters, love potions, wills, sports reports, and other everyday texts.
3 It is not uncommon for archaeologists to involve non-specialists in their work. The two men who discovered the
papyrus fragments hired local labor in Egypt. Every year, volunteers take part in archaeological digs, spending
hours on their hands and knees, delicately scraping in the sand and soil of lost cities or the remains of our
ancestors' homes. It is this slow, painstaking work that helps archaeologists piece together the jigsaw puzzle of
the past. It can also be fun: Working with a team at an archaeological site is how many young people choose to
spend their vacations.
4 In 2011, a groundbreaking project was rolled out that allowed volunteers all over the world to help reveal the
past while sitting at home in front of a computer screen. The Ancient Lives Project grew from a simple idea -
log in at its website, look at a papyrus fragment on your screen, check each symbol you see against an on-screen
keyboard of ancient Greek letters, click when you think you have a match, and after a few minutes' work,
upload the results to the project's paleographers. It is this imaginative use of the collective labor of thousands
of volunteers and '·armchair archaeologists" that now enables the experts to read and share with us the
hundreds of thousands of manuscripts so that we can look into a window
on the past. And who knows? We may even see our own reflection. Reading tip
Writers sometimes use a pronoun in a
way that means you have to read on to
find out what it means, as with the first
word of the article (They .. . }.
Unit 8: History
you I C Check your understanding Are the statements true (T) or false (F) based on the article?
1. The papyrus fragments had been carefully stored away by the Egyptians. __
2. For a long time, nobody read most of the manuscripts that were found. __
3. The manuscript fragments were largely official documents. __
4. Archaeologists often get non-professionals to help with physical work. __
5. You can earn money by taking part in the Ancient Lives Project. __
6. You need to be able to understand ancient Greek to participate. __
About I D React Pair work What would the documents you throw away or delete each week reveal to
future generations about life today? Discuss.
1. Archaeologists work carefully through the evidence of our distant past. (para. 2) frH
2. Paleographers translate languages that no one speaks anymore. (para. 2)
3. Archaeologists satisfy our desire for knowledge about our ancestors. (para. 2)
4. They describe in detail ancient life. (para. 2)
5. Religious and philosophical texts were found alongside bits of gossip, receipts, etc. (para. 2)
6. Volunteers help archaeologists to build a detailed picture of the past. (para. 3)
7. In 2011, a project began that allowed volunteers to help decipher the manuscripts. (para. 4)
8. The translations of the manuscripts will allow people to observe the past. (para. 4)
B Pair work How important is it to "unearth the past"? Discuss, using the metaphors above.
B �>»co 3.20 Listen again. Complete each sentence with three words.
Unit 8: History
Writing /n the end, . . .
In this lesson, you . . . : Write a historical narrative.
• write a narrative essay. You have been asked to write a history of your
• order events in the past. family, a family member, or someone in the
• avoid errors with in the end and at the end. community for a website. Write a short essay.
A Look at a model Look at the extracts from a narrative essay. Order the events 1-4.
D Annie left her hometown. D Annie got married. D The war started. D Annie's parents died.
My mother, Annie Mason, left the city where she lived shortly after the war started and
went to work on a farm in the country. Prior to leaving home, she had lost both her parents
in the war.Shocked and saddened by this tragedy, she decided to leave the city.As the train
took her away from her old life, she felt sad and lonely....
On arriving at the country station, she met a young man who offered to carry her bags.
This was the man who eventually became my father.It was love at first sight.Finally, she had
a chance of happiness.
They moved back to the city once the war had ended. As soon as they found jobs, they
married and subsequently had four children, all of whom were successful. In the end, they
retired to a small house near the railroad station where they'd first met....
B Focus on language Read the chart. Then underline examples of ordering events in Exercise A.
C Rewrite these sentences, using the word(s) given and making any other changes.
1. My father met my mother, and then he applied for a job in California. (after)
2. He had lived in the U.S., but he moved back to Mexico when his contract came to an end. (previously)
3. He arrived back in his hometown and met the woman who became my mother. (as soon as I eventually)
4. After they were married, they moved to San Diego. (once)
5. My mother found out that she was pregnant before their fifth wedding anniversary. (prior to)
6. They had three more children and were happy living in the U.S. (after a while)
7. They moved back to Mexico and left their "American life" behind them. (in the end I participle clause)
8. When he walked into his new home, my father vowed he would never leave again. (on)
D Write and check Now write Common errors
a short essay as described
in the Task above. Then
Use at the end of+ a noun. At the end of the war, they got married.
check for errors. In the end refers to the conclusion of all the events. In the end, they retired.
Use finally at the end of a series of other events. She finally found happiness.
Unit 8: History
Vocabulary notebook Deep, low, high
Learning tip -. Synonyms and antonyms
IA deep C::O>\\/eYSIAf°iO>\ :: W'IC.IA>\j'°1{v.� f"'Otov.l'\cl
When you learn a new word, look up its synonyms (words with
1 .f<jvj1Al1 \"1�hf-t._e.1A.-fc.d
similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings).
Be careful: Different meanings of a word can have different IA deep vo·,c::c :: IA \ow voice
synonyms and antonyms. 1 IA h°1�h-pifc::t._e.d \/0.1<:C.
A Underline three antonyms to the words in bold below. Circle the synonym.
Synonym Antonym
1. aj
m or
2. gradual
3. long-term ---------------
4. massive
C Word builder These words are all antonyms of words in Exercises A and B. Find their meanings and add
them to the examples above.
D •D•?J,j.ij11¥iffli@if• Match the metaphors from the article on page 91 with their meanings.
Metaphor Meaning
1. bring something to life __ a. satisfy the desire to learn
2. sift (through), e.g., evidence, facts __ b. make something interesting or current
3. feed a hunger for knowledge __ c. observe
4. paint a detailed picture __ d. work carefully through
5. sit alongside __ e. explain or describe in detail
6. piece together a jigsaw puzzle of something __ f. begin or put into practice
7. roll out (a project) __ g. figure out a mystery or problem
8. look into a window on __ h. be (together) with
E Now look at these metaphors. Write the metaphor from Exercise D that
means the opposite of each.
Unit 8: History
0 • talk about engineering feats, challenges, and devel opments.
irLanguage • use whoever, whatever, etc., to talk about unknown people or things.
• start sentences with negative adverbs for extra emp hasis.
• give facts using expressions like considering and given (that).
• use at all and whatsoever to emp hasize negative ideas.
CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Whenever you wash your jeans, CIVIL ENGINEERS These engineers are at the heart of
remember it was a chemical engineer that developed urban planning and transportation design. Wherever you go
the fade-resistant dye. Pick up any game console - that and whatever you do today, you'll encounter their work. The
scratchproof plastic was made system of pipes that brings
by these engineers. Chemical water to your shower, the roads
engineers also help produce you drive on, the bridges you
medicines and cosmetics, cross, the buildings you occupy
and find solutions to damage - these are all examples of civil
caused by harmful chemicals. engineering work.
However you look at it, a career in engineering is exciting and rewarding. Whoever you are and whichever field
of engineering you choose, you have the potential to design and ctevelo11 1iroducts that will have an enormous
impact on society.
-- ---�- ---�� - �
B Pair work Discuss the questions.
1. What skills do engineers need, according to the web page?
2. What types of activities do the different fields have in common?
3. Which field of engineering sounds most interesting? Which is most valuable to society?
4. Does the web page succeed in getting people to consider engineering as a career, in your view?
B '4>l)co 3.22 Complete the sentences with -ever words. Then listen and check.
1. A Do you really understand what engineers do?
B Well, I didn't until now.I mean, someone said they were studying engineering,
I never really understood what they were doing.
C I do - well, kind of. My friend's an electrical engineer, and he told me that _____
I use like a cell phone or satellite TV or , that's the kind of thing he's worked on.
2. A Do you have what it takes to be an engineer?
B Sure. there's a problem at home, I can usually
fix it.
C Me? Absolutely not.______ way I look at it, I'm not
cut out to be an engineer.
3. A Do you think engineering could be an exciting career?
B Oh, definitely. says it's boring doesn't know
what they're talking about. I mean, field of
engineering you look at, there's something interesting.
C It depends.I mean, designing things for space stations or ______ sounds fun.
4. A Do you ever think about how roads and bridges and actually get built?
B Yes. I see a new bridge or skyscraper or being built, I think
______ designed all that must be a genius. It's amazing how it's all planned and managed.
C Yeah. you think of high-rise buildings, you have to admire built them.
you I C Group work Take turns answering the questions. Who knows the most about engineering?
Who would be most suited to a career in engineering?
Word I B Complete the chart with vocabular y in the article. Add other items you want to learn.
Then tell a partner about engineering feats you know of.
"Well, one that comes to mind is the airport they constructed in Hong Kong.
They built an island to put it on. " �
See page 103.
1. They not only completed it on time, but the viaduct opened a month ahead of schedule.
2. Engineers had never before attempted to build a bridge of this size and scale.
3. They didn't realize how much the project would push the boundaries of engineering.
G,.uu,n.u t'\tr.1
Negative adverbs and word order U �· · · · · ·
If you use a negative adverb (e.g., never, not) to start a sentence for emphasis, put the verb before the
subject. Use do or does for simple present and did for simple past verbs.
Not only does it ease traffic congestion, but it has become a landmark.
Not once did the engineers fail to find a solution.
Writing vs. Conversation
Never before had engineers attempted to build a bridge like this.
The inverted forms are about three
Use the same inversion after little, rarely, and only+ prepositional phrase. times more common in formal
Only by elevating the highway were the architects able to achieve writing than in conversation.
the stunning visual impact.
B �>l)co 3.24 Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Make any other necessary
changes. Listen and check. Then close your book. How much information can you remember?
1. They not only had to erect seven towers taller than the Eiffel Tower, but they also had to make
sure the towers were at exactly the right point.Not only ...
2. They supplied the concrete by building a concrete factory on-site. Only. .. �
3. Engineers have rarely constructed freeways out of steel.Rarely ... Li
4. Engineers had never before built such a tall bridge.Never before ...
1tictt1'1>1&LE n-.T of'
5. No one had positioned a road onto towers in this way.Nor ... Eti�11uu: 1MG- 'I:
6. They didn't realize how difficult it would be.Little ...
7. You never hear of projects like this going according to schedule.Never . ..
B �>l)co 3.2& Listen again. Answer the questions about each project.
1. What was the main challenge of the project? 3. What world record did it break at the time?
2. What specific aims were engineers trying to accomplish? 4. How many people use the facility annually?
C Pair wori< Choose an engineering feat from the lesson or another you know about.
Prepare a presentation to give to the class.
B �»>co 3.27 Listen. What challenges do Sonia and Scott talk about?
their opinions and thoughts, using expressions given (that I the fact that)
like these. Find the examples in the conversation. in view of I in light of (the fact that)
D �»>co ua Listen. Complete the sentences with the expressions you hear.
1. the world's population is growing, I predict there'll be a crisis over water one day.
2. For some regions, access to water should be relatively easy, the technology to
extract water from underground already exists.
3. Having clean water is a really pressing problem, especially something like
80 percent of illnesses in developing countries are linked to poor water conditions.
4. over 90 percent of the world's water is in the ocean, we should find a way to
use more sea water for drinking water.
5. everyone needs water, youo think more people would be concerned about it.
6. how precious clean water is, we should pay more for it and people should be
fined if they waste it.
you I E Pair work Discuss the statements in Exercise D. What are your views?
A I think there will definitely be a crisis over water supplies in the future.
B Especially considering it's such a basic need. Some people say it will even lead to conflicts.
Unit 9: Engineering wonders
O Strategy plus at all, whatsoever
'4>1co 1.21 You can Whatsoever is more emphatic
use at all or It is mostly used after no ...,
whatsoever to not any ..., or none.
emphasize a
negative phrase.
Some places got no rain at all.
I mean, none whatsoever.
About Find two responses for each comment. Write the letters a-f. Then practice in pairs. Continue
you I the conversations.
1. Engineering is so important, yet it's not a subject you can take in high school. ____
2. It seems that either money or politics gets in the way of finding solutions to most problems. ____
3. It takes years before engineering breakthroughs affect most people's lives. ____
a. Right. But there's no doubt whatsoever that we can solve these issues.
b. Yes, a lot of them have no impact on us whatsoever.
c. Right. It makes no sense whatsoever. I mean, we should just get on with it and sort these things out.
d. I know. There are no classes in it at all. There was nothing whatsoever like that when I was a kid.
e. Well, I don't see much evidence at all for that. It depends what advances you mean.
f. Yeah, and there shouldn't be any problem at all including it in the curriculum.
B l:iJ. Read for main ideas Read the article. Then check (,/) the best title for the article.
1. D Robots cause unimaginable problems 3. D Home is where your robot is
2. D The future is here and it's robotic
1 Robots are probably not high on the list of priorities serious diseases. For example, ETH Zurich researchers
for the average consumer. The nearest they might have developed micro-robots that are the size of bacteria.
come to a robot is a robotic vacuum cleaner, which While more research needs to be conducted, possible
maneuvers its way around the home picking up dust. applications include carrying medicine to specific areas
For most people, not only is the thought of interacting of the body and treating heart disease.
with a humanoid robot in their kitchen highly unlikely,
Search and rescue
but it also seems a little absurd. Some even consider it
5 Whatever challenges responders face when
positively creepy, which may in part be because people
they arrive at a large-scale disaster site - for
are unsure how to relate to a robot. Such reluctance
example, after an earthquake - one of the
might also be explained by the ethical dilemmas posed
greatest is determining where victims may still
by using robots instead of real people for certain tasks.
be trapped. Germany's Fraunhofer Institute
Is it acceptable, for example, to have robots babysitting
has been developing a robotic "spider" that can easily
our children or looking after our elderly?
move through the debris of collapsed buildings and
2 Robots have of course played a critical part in send rescuers live images or even sense hazards such as
society for decades. In the 1960s, robots transformed leaking gas. The advantages of using robots as opposed
the automotive industry by performing hazardous and to humans in these situations are obvious.
repetitive tasks and working more efficiently and more
Ocean exploration
accurately than humans. They could also work longer
6 U.S. Navy-backed
hours, which undoubtedly had an enormous impact on
research has produced
the profitability of the industry. Since then, industrial
a robotic "jellyfish" that
robots have been deployed in various manufacturing and
can power itself using
electronics industries. Many of the products we purchase
hydrogen from seawater.
have been assembled or handled in some way by robots.
Possible applications
Little do consumers realize how much their lives are
include monitoring oceans for signs of pollution or
actually already influenced by robotics.
for security purposes, and for exploration of otherwise
3 If you consider the robotics industry today, there inaccessible ocean waters.
doesn't seem to be a field that is not influenced by
7 However you look at it, robots will increasingly
robotics in significant ways. Indeed, robotics now plays
be part of our lives in the future. The field of
a role in everything from agriculture and forestry to
robotics is rapidly expanding, and scientists are
mining and construction - even to warfare.
forging ahead with developing robots that can
Medical robotics see, speak, think, and even make decisions based
4 For years now, surgeons have been using robots in on the environment around them. The applications
performing different types of operations. Not only is of robotics seem unlimited, and certainly
robotic surgery less invasive, the general public might perceive the
but recovery for the patient advantages of using robots in specialized
is much quicker. More areas. The question remains: How
recent groundbreaking accepting will we be of having robots
developments may have rather than humans,
a profound impact on as caregivers for our
identifying and treating families?
C Understanding inference Do the statements below agree with the information in the article?
Write Y (Yes), N (No), or NG (lnfonnation not given).
1. The average consumer really wants to get a robot for their home. __
2. It's generally more efficient to use robots in industry. __
3. Patients who have robotic surgery live longer. __
4. The robotic spider decides where it should go to find victims of earthquakes. __
5. The robotic jellyfish can go to places where humans can't normally go. __
6. Robots will always play a limited part in our lives in the future. __
B Pair work Discuss the questions above. Think of as many ideas as you can.
A Look at a model Look at these extracts from an essay. Think of a topic to add to each paragraph.
...There are a number of fields in which robots can and should be There are a number of . ..
used as opposed to human beings. These can be classified into the One is ... Another ... Yet another ...
following types: dangerous activities; tasks requiring extreme precision; They can be classified into the
tedious, repetitive work; and activities that require huge computing following types: ...
power. One area is in heavy industry, where robots are already used They can be divided into four
groups/ categories. The first is ...
instead of human beings.Not only can they do dangerous or unpleasant
jobs, they are also more efficient.Another example of where robots are
a good alternative to humans is in space exploration....Yet another is ... I
...On the other hand, there are some fields where a robot, however smart, would be no substitute for 1·
a human being.One example of this is caring for people in hospitals. Although robots can now perform
surgery, human caregivers rather than robots are best at satisfying the psychological needs of patients. In
fact, most patients would rather be cared for by a human caregiver than a robot.An additional area is ...
B Focus on language Read the chart. Then underline the expressions for stating alternatives and
preference in the paragraphs in Exercise A.
You can use these expressions to wnte about alternatives. Rather than joins nouns.
Robots are used in industry In plaa of I lnffHd of I l'llther than humans. verbs. prepositional
Human caregivers a oppoNd to robots are best st caring for patients. ph r ases, adjectives. or
Robots are a good •lternMlve to I •ubnltute for humans in space. adverbs. Notice the verb
forms after rather than.
Would rather, be preferable to, and be no substitute for express preference. Rather than u•• I u•ing
Most people would,.,,._ have a human caregiver than a robot. humans for these tasks,
Robots are no •ubnltute for humans in some areas. we should use robots.
C Complete the sentences with expressions from the chart. How many correct answers are there?
1. In jobs where conditions are dangerous, robots are the obvious human workers.
2. The construction industry could easily use robotic devices hwnan beings.
3. There are many industrial jobs where robots would be a better humans.
4. Manufacturers use robotic technology because it employing people.
5. using human mechanics, some companies now use robots that repair themselves.
6. In teaching, however, use robots as teachers, we should always employ humans.
7. Robots are people when it comes to jobs such as hotel receptionists.
D Write and check Now Common errors
write your essay as
Do not use prefer after would rather.
I would rather be cared for by a robot. (NOT I )','<Jt1,'d re#ler {Jr-cfer te ee ...)
above. Then check for
Avoid using rather before than in basic c omparis ons.
Robots are more suited to heavy work than humans. (NOT ... ).,e,<k re#ler thBfl ...)
Unit 9: Engineering won ders
Vocabulary notebook How do you do it?
Ask a question
Q Wh"'t's W\d\de. o.f steel i"' ft...e. l<it<t.,e....?
When you learn new vocabulary, put it into a
question to ask yourself. Thinking of the
A Tt...e. s·,\vc,Whe. I k"'ivcs "' �-
question and answer can help you remember it.
�··H,i,Q,f@ffij@jf) Read the questions below. Replace the verbs in bold with words from the box.
Then write your own answers to the questions. Refer to Exercise 2A on page 101 to help you.
l. What's the best way to decide which courses you should take in college?
2. What single thing would change your life completely?
3. How do you get along with people generally? Are you good at
communicating with others?
4. What jobs in your home would you let a robot do?
5. Are you able to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses?
6. Have you ever had to do a survey for a school project?
7. Which industries are robots best used in?
8. How does your boss or professor watch and check on your performance?
In this age, many young people may think that life is hard. They not only find it
difficult to get work, but that it takes time even to get an interview. Young
people have never before found it so difficult to buy their first home. But maybe we need to
____ think for a moment, because it's only by looking back in history that we are able to
gain a different perspective.
In the 1930s, people were accustomed to the downs of the stock market, but
when it crashed on October 29, 1929, it initiated the Great Depression. The U.S. had never
before experienced such a catastrophic economic loss, which was coupled with a drought and
failure of crops. The Depression not only affected the economy, but it also had a huge social
impact. People had rarely had so little money. It was a time of great pain-----·
Unemployment rates rose above and anything seen previously. Many young
men not only had to wait to find work before marrying, but many, sick of not
being able to find work, migrated in the thousands to other states. Divorce rates had rarely
been as low as in the 1930s. However, wives often ran away from their marriages.
Homelessness became a huge problem. Some people were able to find a roof over their heads
only by moving in with their relatives.
History shows us that later things can change, and for the 1930s generation,
they did - slowly We'll have to see what the next decades will bring
us. But one thing is for sure: we move back between good times and hard times.
B Pair woric Do you think life is difficult for young people? In what ways is life today
easier than a hundred years ago? Summarize your points with expressions like
At the end of the day.
� . . When all is said and done, life is a lot easier today than a hundred years ago."
View: How do we approach problems in the world needs to change. We should analyze
precisely what are the problems are. Then we should consider whether have there have been
similar problems in history. What we do we fail to do is learn lessons from history.
Comment 1: Sir Winston Churchill said, "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to
repeat it." When we are faced with a world crisis, we look back and consider how did it
happened. Only several decades ago, our country suffered a crisis that threatened our
security. Yet most people have no idea why do things like that happen. When people's lives
are directly affected, they pay attention to what's going on in the world.
Comment 2: If we had learned anythingfrom the twentieth century, this century might be more
peaceful. We should look back before any crisis looms. If we don't, we are doomed. And if you
should think our problems are new, think again. If you ask any historian, they'll tell you the
same problems occur throughout history. If I were in a position of influence, I'd make history a
required subject every year of s<;hool.
Checkpoint 3: Units 7-9
Improve your relationships
A Complete the article with whatever, whenever, whoever, whichever, however, and wherever.
Then replace the words in bold with one word with a similar meaning.
Problems with a relationship? ______ you look, you'll find advice. But have you tried these tips?
1. you do, don't ignore a problem - no matter how unimportant it may seem. If it's a
small issue, talk it through right away. is at fault, ask what you can do to help solve
the problem. You'll notice an instant change in attitude from your partner.
2. you have an argument, figure out what it is really about. Many times they seem to
be about something "on the surface;' but often there's a deeper problem. So focus on
______ that problem might be, and you are having an argument about the
same old topic, don't just fire off a quick answer. Try a different response. You might see a quick
change in the direction of the argument and a clear difference in the outcome. Bad moods are
common. If your partner is in a bad mood, just remember it's probably for a short time.
Remember that while there's a small chance it's about you, most likely it's not. So ______
it's obvious that he or she needs some space, give it to them.
3. the problem, you solve it, use it as a life lesson. Solving even tiny
problems can create deep and lasting changes in your relationships in the future.
B Pair work Discuss the advice in Exercise A. What other advice do you have? Use expressions
like considering and in light of (the fact that) to support your opinions.
A However you look at it, you can't really ignore any problem in a relationship.
B Right. I mean, given the fact that you live with someone day after day, its important to solve problems.
Construction projects
A Complete the paragraph with words and expressions. Use the cues given to help you.
Many modern buildings are made of s+eel and (materials). Sometimes they are
_____ (built) or (put together) in one place and then brought to the construction
site to be (moved) into position or (put up). After that, all the services need
to be (put in). Construction scheduling is a huge challenge. Even though companies
agree to complete projects (quickly), their schedules often (are late).1his
can be because of a (lateness) in getting materials or because the project is complex.
For example, roads that are (lifted up) above cities are particularly complex. However,
companies often have to pay penalties if the project is not (finish punctually).
B Use the verbs given with perfect infinitives. Then add the expressions in the box. There may
be more than one correct answer. Do you have similar views about your city?
don't get me started in that case let's not go there then what I'm saying whatsoever
Everything's different now. If you look at old photos, the city (seem I change)
completely. The old stores (appear I go - I mean, there are none left ______
The old neighborhoods (be supposed to I be) really beautiful, so _____
why did they demolish all the old wooden houses? It's terrible. But . I ______
(would love I meet) the planners and asked, "Why did you destroy the character of the city,
_____ ?" They also took out all the trolley cars, which (be said to I be) more
environmentally friendly than cars. We need to think about the environment. But ______
We've just lost so much. That's ______
��.._,.t .,''_. , •• ,! •� .• � I, h''r ;�,._b:5 ,i'�••:Z••:•,•:�'f�').�',����· • " • • ''
c .... ___.._
Efforts to contain the oil spill on the south coast appear to be working. But the oil giant responsible for the disaster l ' !
could be facing more difficulties. Local businesses were rumored yesterday to be considering legal action, claiming
for loss of income and livelihood. "People are going to be suing people over this," said one fisherman. A spokesperson
I ';'
for the oil company said they are committed to compensating victims affected by the spill. [Full story]
2.����������������������������������- - '
A blast in the downtown area has caused extensive damage. Investigators are not sure what caused the
explosion but have not ruled out the possibility that it was a terrorist attack. Three people were reported to \, i I •'
. •
have been acting suspiciously in the financial district, and police were said to be searching for a red pickup truck
that was seen in the area. A bomb went off in the same area two years ago. [Full story)
Three years after becoming the first female senator from her state, a young politician may be preparing to run for
office in the upcoming presidential election. While the senator seems not to be announcing her campaign just
yet, an appearance on a Sunday morning talk show has fueled speculation. [Full story)
RELATED The president's press secretary announced that the president will be undergoing routine surgery later
this week and might not be able to greet a trade delegation of Chinese officials. [Full story)
lnvestors might have been worrying unnecessarily after the stock market plunged to an all-time low last month.
Stocks are now making a modest recovery as markets are said to have been gaining in confidence over the
last two weeks. However, there are still concerns over the state of the economy and the huge deficits. Protesters
are said to be planning more demonstrations in the capital. The marches seem to have been going peacefully so
far. However, police say that they will be mobilizing riot squads if tensions escalate. [Full story)
Word C Make a chart like this of the collocations in bold in the article . Then take turns telling
the news stories in Exercise B to a partner.
B Complete the news reports using continuous infinitives of the verbs given with or without to.
Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.
Pair work Choose a story that's in the news at the moment. Prepare a news report to
present to the class. Give as much detail as you can.
"Fans of the biggest sitcom on television may have been protesting unnecessarily. The show's producers
announced that they are going to be bring the show back for at least one more season."
Grammar extra
The subjunctive � Seepage 163
The subjunctive uses the base form of the verb. Use it for all persons - including third person singular -
after certain verbs, nouns. and adjectives. You can use it to refer to demands. suggestions, and
recommendations; to say what is important; or to say what should happen 1n an ideal world
Verbs: demand, insist, require, request, The judge demands that the jury reach its verdict.
ask, suggest, recommend They insist that everything be edited.
Nouns: demand. requirement, insistence. The requirement that a journalist check the facts can mean
suggestion, recommendation time is lost.
Adjectives: important, crucial, necessary, It is important that the story be instantly available.
advisable, essential
The negative form is not+ verb. It is essential that its reputation not be damaged.
Writing vs. Conversation
The subjunctive is rare in conversation. People say:
B Read the comments below. Then complete the The judge asked the jury to reach its verdict.
editorial extracts that reflect these views. Use the It's important that the story should be I is accurate.
subjunctive form of the underlined verbs in the
1. Parents say: "Our kids aren't Parents are demanding that their children well-informed
aware of world events:' "They're about world events. Many feel it is important that children from
not exposed to 'proper news' sixth grade on to reputable news sources. Their insistence
early enough:' "We want that the school curriculwn students current events is right.
schools to teach current events:' It is our recommendation that every school this a p1iority.
"They should make it a priority:'
2. Students say: "Local news needs Students feel it is essential that the news media's attitude toward
to change:' "They should young people . Their recommendation that the news
include more news about us:' ___ more items that are relevant to their concerns seems
"The local TV station should justified. Student leaders have suggested that our local TV station
have reports on our activities:' ___ more coverage of student politics as one example. We
would recommend that their suggestions ___
"Don't ignore us."
3. Media experts say: "Newspapers It is crucial to the well-being of society that newspapers , but
shouldn't die:' "They should they do need to change. The suggestion that the traditional business
change their business model:' model should be taken seriously. It is time to insist that the
"The consumer should pay consumer more for access to high-quality news reports.
more for access to online news."
you I C Write an editorial about an issue that you feel strongly about. Share it with the class.
B '4>»co 4.04 Listen. How do Jill and Kyung get their news?
• C
• Notice how Jill and Kyung highlight the topics they talk
My girlfriend, she watches
about. Sometimes they put the topic at the start of a news c/1a1111els all the time.
sentence and then use a pronoun. Sometimes they put the It drives me crilzy, hearing
topic at the end. Find more examples in the conversation. the same thing all the time_
In conversation ...
When speakers put a topic at the end, it's usually after an evaluative comment such as It drives me crazy.
Note: These structures are for use in conversation only. Do not use them in writing.
D '4>»co us Guess the missing topics in these sentences. Then listen and write the topics.
1. ------, that's another thing people listen to but can never remember afterwards.
2. these days, it always seems to be reporting what's going to happen. It's annoying.
3. that's beyond me. I don't understand anything about the markets and trade.
4. it's more informative than TV news. The reports are just more in-depth.
5. they're all I read these days. I never have time to read the full articles or news stories.
6. It's fantastic, having on your phone. You can keep up with the news wherever you are.
7. It takes up so much airtime . Especially if you're not interested in football or whatever.
8. They're so dirty and difficult to handle, . I don't miss them at all.
you I E Pair work Discuss the statements in Exercise D. Do you agree?
A '4>l)co 4.07 Complete these comments with this, that, these, or those. Use the cues in
parentheses. Then listen and check.
l. There's show on the radio called Radio Lab. It has really interesting,
creative reports on things like time, or ants, or numbers. It's so cool. Do you listen to the radio
much? (highlight)
2. There were all students in my high school who had no idea what was going on in the
world. (highlight) To them, international news was boring. Do you follow international news?
3. You know talk show host on late night TV? I don't like her interview style. (sound
negative) I don't think talk show hosts should be aggressive. What do you think?
4. I hate magazines that make up news like celebrity gossip or stuff that you know
isn't true. (be specific) Don't you?
I B Pair work Ask and answer the questions at the end of each comment above.
"The first issue is probably about the fact that news is often reported instantaneously."
1. D The speed at which news is reported 4. D 24-hour rolling news reports are superficial.
2. D The cost of publishing news stories 5. D The use of graphic photos
3. D The increase in the number of news sources 6. D The influence of reporters on events
B '4>l)co 4.oe Listen to a radio show. Which trends do the speakers refer to?
Check (�) the topics in Exercise A.
C '4>l)co 4.09 Listen again. Circle the correct option to complete each sentence.
Then discuss the expert's views with a partner. Do you agree?
See page 142.
Unit 10: Current events
Lesson D Reporting the news
O Reading
A Prepare Are some sources of news more trustworthy than others? In what ways?
"I think the news on public radio is pretty reliable because . . ."
B [it Read for main ideas Read the article. What kinds of information does the writer
question in terms of its accuracy?Why is information sometimes not accurate?
Pair work Discuss the questions. Try to use at least six of the new words.
• Does the situation the article describes apply to news organizations you follow?
• Do you always trust everything you hear or read?
• Have you ever found something in the news to be exaggerated or misleading?
• Do you think news stories about celebrities are fabricated? What else is?
• Which news channels do people trust most?
• Do you enjoy satirical news websites or TV shows? If so, which ones?
B Focus on language Read the chart. Then complete the sentences below with simple present verbs.
Use a singular verb if the main noun in a phrase is singular, but not in expressions that mean "a lot of."
The number of websites ... has grown. BUT A number of websites have appeared.
Use a plural verb after noun and noun, when the main noun is plural. and after an irregular plural noun.
Political reporting and campaigning are in danger of misleading the public.
The reasons for inaccurate news coverage are varied. People pass on inaccuracies.
Common errors
Be careful with the verbs in relative clauses.
The number of websites which check news has grown. (NOT . . . checks . . . . he�-e)
Dictionary tip
Read all the examples in a dictionary entry for a word. They often give clues to collocations.
B Find two verbs in the box that can be used to complete each sentence below.
arise called in escalate explode go go off mobilized plummet plunge start
B '4>»co 4.,,0 Read the blog. What threats does it mention? Are any of the threats on your list?
1. Life as we know it will end. 3. It's certain there will be debris from space.
2. Civilization is going to collapse very soon.
(,,.,,,,,,,.,, ,.,,,.,
Expressions with be to � .. ·, ,. ,,. :
You can use be to to refer to the immediate future, especially events that are fixed or decided.
A TV documentary is toair later this week.
You can also use be to in conditional sentences and for hypothetical events in the future.
If wear• to survlv• 8 catastrophe, we'd better shape up.
If society were to col/apse, these people are well prepared.
Be about to means something will happen very soon; be bound to or be set to suggest certainty.
Civilization Is not about to collapse. There's bound to be debris falling on us.
These expressions can also be used to talk about the future as it was seen in the past.
They said the world WH to end in 2012. It wH bound to happen, they said.
B Complete the sentences from a survey using the words given. Then ask
and answer the questions. Do situations like these concern you?
1. If scientists are right, a global flu pandemic (bound) occur
sooner or later. Some years ago, a flu virus that (set) affect
millions of people turned out to be less disastrous than predicted.
If another pandemic (be) occur, would you panic?
1. A super volcano in North America (set) explode
sometime in the future. It's not known when, but an eruption is
40,000 years overdue if past patterns (be) be repeated. If you
_____ (about) travel to that area soon, would you cancel your trip?
1. Doomsayers predict that cyber-warfare (bound) happen
soon. They're not the only ones who think that computer systems
_____ (set) fail as a result of infiltration. Security experts say I
that if cyber-terrorists (be) attack, we would not be prepared.
In conversation ...
Viewpoint Are you prepared?
You can introduce what you say
Group work Discuss the questions below. with an adverb (e.g., clearly,
fortunately) to show your attitude.
• Have you ever had to evacuate a building for any reason?
Do you know what you're supposed to do in a fire drill?
• If communications systems were to shut down around the country, what would you do?
How would it affect you?
• Do you know what people are to do if utility supplies shut off for any reason? What problems
would the loss of utilities be bound to cause?
• If you were to hear of an impending crisis (such as a hurricane), how would you prepare?
• What supplies should people have ready in these situations?
..Interestingly enough, we had to evacuate our office building one time. Luckily, it was OK in the end."
Unit 11: Is it real?
Lesson B Hard to believe irLanguage
Vocabulary in context
A '4>>)co4.11 Read the article. What is FrankAbagnale known for - now and in the past?
Word I B Find idioms and phrasal verbs with tum in the article that have the meanings below.
1. stop being involved in ________ 6. refuse ________
2. become ________ 7. go back in time _______
3. stop a bad habit _______ 8. become apparent _______
4. ignore ________ 9. make something better ________
5. a moment of change ________ 10. go to, approach _______
C Pair work Discuss the questions. How many turn expressions can you use?
I. Why does Frank Abagnale have a "notorious" past? Why is he now a respected authority on
2. When did he begin his life of deception? How did he turn his life around?
3. What do you think about the way Abagnale turned over a new leaf?
4. Have you seen Catch Me };'�u Can? If not, would you like to? See page 125.
Base forms, infinitives, and -ing forms can have passive forms after some verbs and expressions.
Base form He'd rather IHI temflfflbered for his INOrk with the FBI. (= i.e., that others remember him )
He'd rather rememlHlr his work with the FBI. (= He prefers to remember it himself.)
Infinitives Abagnale deserves to IHI Nmlred. (= Other people should admire him.)
A 12-year prison term appeprs to haw, IHlen consk»red harsh even then.
Use base forms after had better; would rather. and modal verbs.
Use infinitives after appear; claim, deserve, expect, love, etc., seem, want, 'd like.
Use -ing forms after avoid, be worth, enjoy, love, etc., mind, recall, remember; regret.
B Complete what these people say about a movie of their lives. Use passive verb complements
of the verbs given. Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.
If they made a movie of my life, ...
l. Io rather (play) by Chris Rock than anyone else. I want ______
(remember) for my humor, and he's a funny guy. I wouldn't mind ______ (play) by Eddie
Murphy, either.
2. One thing I'd really like------ (know) for is being kind to
people. Io rather (remember) for that than for the hours
I spend at work.
3. I took my math exams three times to improve my grade. That deserves
------ (include) in a movie about me!
4. Don't show my first job - I never expected (fire). I hate
______ (tell) what to do and I argued with my boss. I was right,
but it wasn't worth (fire) for.
5. One story about me that should never ______ (tell) is the time I stole money from my
mother's purse. Fortunately, it seems (forget). I'm sure she'd rather not
______ (remind) of it in the movie.
6. I've always avoided (make) to do things that I don't want to do. That's one thing
I'd like (say) about me.
7. Io like (give) the chance to direct the movie. I might ______ (nominate)
for "best director:' I'd enjoy (present) with an award!
you I C Imagine a movie being made of your life. Make the sentences above true for you. Then share
your ideas with a partner.
"I think one thing I'd really like to be known for is being a good friend." ..;..J_
See page 143.
"For example, if an older person asked me to guess their age, I might say they're younger."
B �»>co•.12 Listen. What doesTania think about telling lies? How aboutTom?
Tania You know, it's interesting. A friend of mine was telling her
12-year-old son about how it's not good to tell lies, and
then he caught her telling a lie.
Tom He did not.
Tania Oh, yeah.They were going into an amusement park, and
s�e told them he was 11 to get the reduced rate. And her
son called her on it.
Tom Well, yeah. I mean, that doesn' t seem right.
Tania Yeah. And she's like, "It's just a white lie:· I guess. to her,
it was no big deal. But you know, I'm not comfortable
with that. To me, it was a lie.
Tom Yeah, very much so, but ... did you tell her that?
Tania No. I just laughed it off.
Tom See, that doesn't sit quite right with me.
Tania But what are you supposed to do? Say, "That's wrong"?
Tom Yeah. but I mean, if you don't say anything, that's kind of
a lie. too. That would be my concern, anyhow.
• C Notice howTania andTom use That's not good I'm not too happy about (that).
D �»>co 4.13 Listen. Complete the conversations with the expressions you hear.
1. A You know what I don't like? When people realize they've done something wrong, and
then they don't tell the whole story - you know, to try and hide it. _______
B Yeah. . That's kind of like lying, too, when you don't tell the whole story.
2. A What do you do if you find out your friend's boyfriend is cheating on her? Do you tell her?
B No. . I mean, it's not your business. It's better not to get involved.
A Yeah, but - not saying something.
3. A So if someone asks you, "Does this look good?" and it looks awful, what would you say? I
mean, you can' t say it looks terrible. You'd hurt their feelings. _______
B Yeah, but you can still say it looks awful but in a tactful way. Like, "Your other one looks
way better."
About I E Pair work Discuss the conversa�i�ns above. What are your views?
Unit 11: Is it real?
m� Strategy plus To me, ...
�llco4.14 You can You can also use
use to me to mean to + other pronouns
"that's how it seems or nouns.
to me:· "that's my To her, /To my friend,
view." it was no big deal.
A �>»co4.15 Listen to five people talk about white lies. Number the responses 1-5.
D Right. And you don't want to risk your friendship over something so minor. To me, it's not worth it.
D Maybe to them, it's a way of trying to make friends, like saying, "Look, I'm worth knowing:'
D Yeah. To him, that's not a lie. He's just telling a story, and he's getting a bit carried away.
D Very much so. In any case, is that really a lie? To me, it's just a case of believing in yourself.
D I agree. Saying something's nice is a relatively minor thing to me.Like, it doesn't hurt anyone
you I B �>»co4.16 Pair work Listen again and discuss each response. Do you agree with
the speakers?
B [ii Read for main ideas Read the article. What techniques are used to authenticate art?
techniques, such as analyzing the handwriting of the artist's
signature. More technological approaches include carbon
dating the pigments in the paint or the age of a canvas. In one I
1 When a work of art sells at auction for millions of dollars, case of a painting whose origin was uncertain but thought to
the buyer needs to be certain of its authenticity. Establishing be that of Leonardo da Vinci, a high-resolution multi-spectral
this is not always straightforward, and therefore it is not camera was used to identify a faint fingerprint on the canvas.
uncommon for forged works of art to change hands for The fingerprint was then matched to another on a known
large sums of money, earning the forger or corrupt dealer work of da Vinci's. Carbon dating of the canvas also matched
huge profits. Forgery can be a lucrative business. Museums, with material of the same period - around 1500. With such
galleries. and private collectors all over the world have techniques. the painting's authenticity seemed to have been
repeatedly been confirmed, although there are still those who fiercely contest it.
taken in by art 5 More recently, experts have turned to digital-imaging
forgeries despite techniques to examine works of art in fine detail, such as
their best efforts the brushstroke patterns in a painting. In one study, analysts
to authenticate the scanned 23 genuine van Gogh works into a computer and
artwork, as this studied the number of brushstrokes they had, their length and
almost unbelievable how steadily they had been made. Statistical models were then
story illustrates. developed to create a unique "signature" of the work. Works
2 Several decades ago, a New York art dealer bought three of art that were known to have been forged were found to
watercolors, which he believed to have been painted by have more brushstrokes when compared to genuine works.
the famous Russian artist Marc Chagall. The fact that
they were fakes may never have come to light had the
dealer not met with the artist that very same day, entirely
by chance. Chagall reportedly declared the paintings to
be fake immediately on seeing them. The man who sold
the art, and who also happened to be the forger. served
several years in prison as a result of his dishonesty.
3 However, most dealers are not this fortunate, and in most
cases experts are unable to rely on the word of the actual 6 The difference in value between a forgery and a genuine
artist to determine whether a piece of artwork is authentic. piece can run into millions of dollars, so there's a lot at stake.
In the past, it was art experts and academics who were Not only that, but anyone who appreciates art wants to see
the main sources for authentication, rather than scientific the handiwork of the original artist and not be fooled by
proof. Other methods of authenticating art include tracing the copycat efforts of a forger. However, experts now have
its ownership, a laborious and often unreliable process, a growing arsenal of forensic techniques. which may well
especially if the work is several centuries old. make it harder to pass off forged works of art in the future.
4 While these methods of verifying a work of art remain
Reading tip
important. experts also rely on a variety of other
Writers often use the first paragraph of a text to set out a
problem to which the rest of the text will offer solutions.
C Read for detail Answer the questions about the article.
l. What is not uncommon in the art world?
2. How was the Chagall forgery uncovered?
3. Why has authenticating art been unreliable in the past?
4. How can experts tell if a van Gogh painting is genuine?
5. Why is it important to be certain about a work of art's authenticity?
D Read for inference Are the sentences below true (Tl or false (Fl or is the information not
given (NG)? Write T, F, or NG.
B '4>})co4.20 Listen again. Complete the sentences in no more than four words.
A Look at a model Read the extracts from six essays. Which say that selling fake goods can be
stopped (Y)?Which say it can't (N)?WriteY or N. Do you agree with the arguments they make?
1. I would argue that sellers of counterfeit products are unlikely to be stopped irrespective of
any efforts to do so given the demand for cheap goods. __
2. Clearly, people are attracted to fake goods regardless of the economic consequences. Yet if the law
were enforced, this industry could be shut down. __
3. It is inevitable that this activity will continue given that there is a market for fake goods. __
4. The law can be changed, assuming that there is enough political will to do so. __
5. I consider buying fake goods to be a form of stealing in view of the fact that it deprives the
designers of income. However, it would be nai've to think that it can be stopped. __
6. This activity can be stopped provided that the authorities take decisive action. __
B Focus on language Read the chart. Then circle the expressions used in the extracts above.
"Because": considering (that), in view I light of {the fact (that)], given (that)
It will continue In view of the fact I given that there is a market for fake goods. I given the demand.
C Complete the sentences with appropriate expressions. There may be more than one answer.
l. People buy fake goods to save money how much harm they are doing to the industry.
2. the time that designers put into creating their work, we should pay the full price.
3. It is illegal to buy counterfeit goods. some people continue to do this.
4. People think it is acceptable to buy fake goods they are for their own personal use.
5. legitimate businesses lose massive profits from the sale of counterfeit products, it
is imperative that the law be enforced.
D Write and check Write the essay in the Task above. Then check for errors.
Common errors
Don't use provided that to give reasons.
Counterfeit items should not be sold given that this is illegal. (NOT fjre�·feiefi tl=let. .. )
A Complete the conversations with the expressions from the box. You may need to change the form of
the verbs.
turn back the clock turn down turn out turn over a new leaf turn to
C Word builder Find the meanings of these expressions. Then write a conversation using each one.
turn inside out turn into turn upside down turn up somewhere
�·jijOiC,bfuj@fi\$ Complete the paragraph with the words in the box. Refer to Exercise 2A on
page 123 to help you.
B •>»co 4.21 Listen. What experience did each person have of becoming independent?
In psychology, young people between the ages of 17 and 22 are often characterized as experiencing "early
adult transition." At this age, they might leave home to attend college, get their first job, or think about starting
their own family. It's a time when young people start to separate from their family attachments and become truly
independent. We asked readers to tell us about their experiences of becoming independent.
"Actually, I've always been independent. "Interestingly enough, I didn't find it hard leaving home. I think
My parents raised me and my brother actually my parents hod a much harder time dealing with
that way. They always insisted on us me becoming independent. But at the time, they
making our own decisions. I guess they encouraged me to leave without me realizing how
were big believers in children being difficult it was for them. My mom said later that she
responsible for themselves and their and my dad dreaded me leaving and hated the
own choices. Like I remember us setting thought of them becoming 'empty nesters.' But for me,
off on a trip one time, and it was it was all just a big adventure." lARRY, 22
snowing, and I wouldn't wear a coot.
And I was frozen and sobbing. And I "I left home with little experience of being independent. I'd
remember my mom saying, always depended on my parents being there and doing
'It's your own fault.' everything for me. Leaving home was a big shock to
She's always hated me. I couldn't cook, didn't know how to do laundry.
people complaining I mean, there's nothing wrong with children relying
about things that are on their parents. But it's a balance. I wish mine had
their own fault." been more supportive of me doing things by
CHRIS, 24 myself." PAUlA, 46
About C
you I
Pair work Discuss the questions.
adjective + preposition There's nothing wrong with children relying on their parents.
noun + preposition They were big believers in children being responsible for themselves.
used before the -ing form.
About B Rewrite the undertined parts of the sentences. Use an object and
you They dreaded my leaving.
an -ing forrn. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.
1. A How independent were you when you were a kid?
B Very. I remember that my brother took me off to explore the neighborhood. My parents
weren't really concerned about the fact that we might get lost or fall or anything.
C Not at all.My parents were really protective. They couldn't even deal with the fact that we went
away for summer camp. I hated the fact that they fretted so much.
2. A Do you think it's good for young children to be independent?
B Well, I 'm a supporter of the idea that kids should learn to be independent at a young age.
I didn't mind that my dad told me to get a job when I wanted a new bike.I was only 12, but I
did.There's nothing wrong with the idea that kids should have to do things for themselves.
C Well, I'm not so sure. I'm a big believer in the idea that kids need to be kids.I don't like the
thought that they grow up too early.I don't recall that my parents gave us much responsibility.
It resulted in the fact that they raised two happy, carefree kids.
About I B Rewrite the undertined phrases with phrasal verbs from the article. You may need to change
the verb forms or word order. Which sentences do you agree with? Compare with a partner.
1. If his profession is anything to be considered, this shouldn't have happened to him.
2. He shouldn't have let his cousin persuade him to try online dating.
3. He couldn't have known when he chose the photo that it was a fake.
4. The poor English in the emails should have revealed "her" secret immediately.
5. It's odd that he didn't notice the fact that it wasn't a real person sooner.
6. It's a matter of someone looking for Jove, and anyone can be fooled by a chatterbot.
7. It could happen to anyone if they know how to do online dating.
8. If it had happened to me, Ia try to stop being upset by it. Or Ic:I. try to make it seem less serious.
sort I C Make charts of phrasal verbs like this. Add other verbs you know. Compare with a partner.
Use each other or one another when the subject does Common errors
something to an object and the object does the same Don't confuse each otherwith themselves,
thing to the subject. ourselves, yourselves.
They wrote to each other I one another for months. Helen and I looked at each other.
= She looked at me and I looked at her.
B Complete the conversation with appropriate pronouns. We looked at ourselves in the mirror.
= I looked at my reflection. She looked at hers.
A Have you ever been taken in by someone?
B Not that I can think of. But did you ever see that movie Catfish? It's about this guy and someone
he met online. They wrote to for months. And sheo described ______
as this young woman and sent him these songs that she said she'd written. And he kind of
convinced that he was really attracted to her.
A Oh, I've heard those stories, where people fall in love online and then when
they meet, they find in this awkward situation where they
don't really like at all.
B I know. See, I don't think I'd ever let get into a situation
like that. But anyway, he started picking up on these weird things, like
that she hadn't written the songs . And even though
they'd seen photos of and spoken to , he realized something
wasn't right. So he talked into driving across the country to
meet her. Anyway, I don't want to spoil the ending! You'll have to see the movie ______
I guess the story isn't that unusual, but it was interesting that they were able to
document it.
• Do you consider yourself an expert on relationships?
• Do you know anyone who falls in love easily?
"People get taken in by those lottery emails. I got one myself last week, as a matter of fact." 586 page 143.
B i4>>)co 4.25 Listen. What does Sydney think about judging people by their appearance?
How about Nate?
D i4>>)co 4.26 Read Speaker A's views below. Then listen and complete the various
responses. Which views, if any, do you agree with7 Discuss the ideas with a partner.
1. A They say you're more likely to stop and help attractive people on the street. That's awful, really.
B Yeah, but people probably don't do it deliberately. It's probably just instinct.
C Actually, , you might not feel safe stopping and helping a stranger.
D I guess . I think we're all probably influenced by looks in some way.
2. A You should always trust your first instinct about someone, don't you think?
B Well, it depends. I mean, instincts can be right. But , sometimes you need
time to get to know someone new. Like, I don't like it when people think I'm unfriendly
because I'm shy. , I guess I prefer people who are more friendly than I am.
C Well, . Trust your instincts and give people the benefit of the doubt.
D Yeah. I mean, what if you just met them on a bad day? You should either trust your instincts
and hope you're right, or _____ , you can be cautious and let them prove you wrong.
1. They often say people choose a life a. Though that seems like the last reason to marry
partner who looks like them. __ someone, to put it mildly. ____......__
2. People are often suspicious of people b. To put it simply, the media just creates
who look and dress differently. __ unrealistic expectations.
3. TV is responsible for our obsession c. To put it bluntly, they should be more
with looks. __ concerned with their personality.
4. People should make an effort to look d. I mean, to put it bluntly, there's nothing
good. __ worse than people looking like a mess.
5. Some people care too much about e. Which is pretty shallow, to put it politely. I
their appearance. __ personally think it makes people interesting.
Strategies Stereotypes
A '4>l)co 4.28 Read the information. Circle the best expressions in the people's reactions. Then
listen and check.
1. Researchers say certain names on resumes receive more callbacks than other names.
Mindy That seems ridiculous, to put it mildly I equally. Why should a name matter?
Leo Actually, people probably react to names all the time. I mean, at the same time I to put it
bluntly, they might draw conclusions, for example, about a guy with a feminine name like Lee.
Harriet Well, I can see it from both sides I by the same token. Either those interviewers are
stereotyping people, or maybe it's that they really don't think the person is suitable for the job.
2. Employers often consider elderly people as less productive and are therefore less likely to employ them.
Yvette That's not fair. I mean, older people have a wealth of experience to contribute. At the same
time I To put it mildly, it's true they might not be able to do physically demanding work
Grant Well, I can see it from both sides I if you look at it from an employer's perspective, I
think it's justified because, urn, older people are more likely to have health issues. To put
it simply I Equally, they're more likely to get sick
Susan Well, I can see it from both sides I to put it bluntly: Older people may cost a company
more, but they're probably reliable.
you I B Pair work Discuss the information and views in Exercise A. Do you agree7What other
stereotypes do people have? Are stereotypes ever justified?
"I have to say it seems unfair, to put it mildly, to judge someone by a name.
After all, you don't choose your name."
B Read for main ideas Read the article. Were your guesses in Exercise A correct? How is
the brain different across gender and age?
C: . C
�strengthen. r-,'-1 - �
l I I·-s· ·=:r
'Ci -·,..�
It is clear, therefore, that how young people
;J ,..,
spend their time really is of great importance.
3 Surprisingly, and contrary to earlier beliefs, the brain is still
developing even in the early twenties. Areas of the brain that are
related to emotion, decision making, reasoning, and problem
solving are still not fully matured. This may go some way toward
explaining impulsive behavior in teens and why vehicular accident
rates in young people are significantly higher than those among
older people. Young people just don't have the capacity, that is, the
set of skills necessary, to make complex judgments while driving.
4 There are also differences in the way brains develop across
At the heart of psychology is understanding behavior, and gender. It appears that girls are ready to process more
understanding behavior has much to do with understanding challenging information earlier than boys, with the area of the
the brain, an endeavor that has proved somewhat elusive. brain responsible for this activity peaking at the age of 14 to
However, as neuroscientists become more efficient at 16 in boys, a full two years later than girls. In addition, studies
mapping the brain, and as they gain more insight into how have demonstrated that girls and boys process language input
the brain develops and functions, scientists believe they may in different parts of their brains. Girls typically tend to display
be closer than ever to an understanding of why we behave in stronger language skills than boys. Girls have more brain
the way we do. Differences in behavior as we age and matter dedicated to language skills. "If there's more area
between genders may well be accounted for by the physical dedicated to a set of skills, it follows that the skills will be
state of and changes in our brains. more refined," says David Geary, PhD, professor of
2 At the age of six, the brain is about 95 percent of its adult psychological sciences at the University of Missouri.
size. Over the coming years, it continues to thicken and 5 This kind of research raises important questions about how
develop extra connections. Around the age of 12, it is believed boys and girls should be taught in schools to maximize their
that the areas of the brain that are used most will strengthen learning. For example, the idea of single-sex education should
in terms of neural connectivity. Cells in the brain that are not perhaps be taken into consideration. Experts say that we would
used tend to wither and die. The implications are enormous. do well to revisit the timing of the subjects taught in school,
What you do with your brain in your teen years may well given that some parts of the brain develop before others.
determine how your brain functions for the remainder of your Additionally, what we understand about the adolescent brain
- �
life. If a teen spends endless hours watching TV, the neural should perhaps inform public policy and the laws we make with
�� c � � ? . ; - c 2-s s_ -
connections that help the brain process TV are what will regard to the minimum driving age.
C Read for detail Complete the sentences. Then compare with a partner.
1. Mapping the brain is important because--------------------
2. How your adult brain works may largely be a result of _______________
3. In their early twenties, young people probably still don't have the skills to ______
4. The brains of young girls and boys differ in that---------------
5. Understanding the brain may have a social impact - for example, in areas of ______
Unit 12: Psychology
D Paraphrase Read the sentences below. Underline the sentences in the article that they
1. After the age of six, the brain continues to mature.
2. How you use your brain as a youngster may well impact the efficiency of your brain as an adult.
3. The brain is still not fully grown in early adulthood, which is the opposite of what was previously believed.
4. Male and female brains mature differently.
5. It is worth trunking about educating male and female students in different schools.
l. Do you think how we behave relates to how our brains are hardwired at birth?
2. What do you think is the key to understanding how people behave? Do you think we are near an
3. Do you think lawmakers should reconsider the legal age for driving as a result of this research?
4. What aspects of the teenage brain and behavior should schools think about?
5. Do you believe that understanding the teenage brain is essential? Why?
6. Do you feel the article gives part of an explanation of why teens behave differently from adults?
I B Pair work Ask and answer the questions in Exercise A.
I C Pair work Discuss the impact of the research in the different fields mentioned. Which field do
you think would benefit most from research? In what ways?
A look at a model Which of the sentences do you think are true?Then read the report and check.
a. Girls use phones more than boys while driving. c. Boys talk to people outside the vehicle more.
b. Girls are less likely to eat while driving than boys. d. Boys are less likely to turn around while driving.
Per mile driven, teen drivers have four times as many crashes as adult drivers.* According to
research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, teen girls are ...
• twice as likely as teen boys to use a cell phone while driving.
• nearly 50 percent more likely than males to reach for an object in the vehicle.
• nearly 25 percent more likely to eat or drink while driving.
The same report shows that teen boys ..
• are roughly twice as likely as girls to turn around in their seats while driving.
• communicate with people outside of the vehicle twice as often.
*Centers for Disease Control
B Focus on language Read the chart. Then underline the statistical comparisons in Exercise A.
C Complete the sentences with the information given. Then write the report in the task above.
1. Sixteen-year-old drivers are to be in a fatal crash when there are three or more young
passengers in the car when they are driving alone. (four times I likely)
2. A 16-year-old is only to be involved in a fatal crash with one young passenger in the car.
(3% I likely) However, a 17-year-old driver is be involved in a fatal crash. (66% I likely)
3. With an adult passenger over 35, teen drivers are when they are alone. (twice I safe)
4. Boys turn around in their seats while driving girls. (twice I times)
5. Girls use a cell phone while driving boys. (twic� I often)
6. If there is loud talk, teen drivers are to have a serious incident. (six times I likely)
7. Insurance costs for a 16-year-old driver can be for an 18-year-old. (twice I much)
D Write and check Write the report in Common errors
the Task above. Then check for en"Ors.
Don't use twice+ a comparative adjective.
They are twice as safe with an adult. (NOT They are twiee sefer . ..)
A Replace the bold expression in each essay extract to avoid the repetition. Use a word or an expression
in the box, and make any other necessary changes.
1. Charismatic individuals can often talk other people into doing things they don't want to do. It can be difficult
to resist someone who is good at talking people into things.
2. Some people are good at hiding how they feel and not giving
anything away. Their expressions do not give them away. Some expressions are too informal for
3. Many people would like to find the right partner but do not know writing. Check in a dictionary. If it says
how to go about it. For example, they don't know how to go about "spoken" or "informal;' don't use the
expression in formal writing.
finding places to meet people.
4. When it comes down to finding a partner, it is not always easy to hit it off
make the best choice. Also when it comes down to deciding INFORMAL
whether or not to get married, you need to be sure. to like someone and become
5. It is important to play down your shortcomings and play down friendly immediately
your failures in job interviews.
B Match the expressions in bold with the words and expressions on the right. Write the letters a-d.
Then rewrite the sentences using the altematives.
1. It's not always easy to pick up on other people's moods. __ a. stop being upset by
2. If you only go by looks, you may choose the wrong partner. __ b. be fooled
3. It's easy to be taken in by people who seem sincere. __ c. take into consideration
4. You have to put difficult or unpleasant experiences behind you. __ d. notice
C Word builder Find the meaning of the expressions in bold, and write a word or expression with a
similar meaning. Which are too informal for writing?
1. It may be necessary to brush off criticism. _______
2. Life can get to people sometimes. -------
3. Some people never hit it off. _______
4. Often it is better to give in. _______
Jl4,ij0iiU.,ijrifldil) Match the expressions on the left with the ones on the right. Write the letters
a-f. (See Exercise 2A on page 133 to help you.)
1. be at the heart of __ a. be near
2. have to do with -- b. be essential
3. be close to __ c. should, be advised to
4. be of (great) importance -- d. relate to
5. go some way toward __ e. be the key to
6. would do well to -- f. help, make progress with
In the news?
A Replace the undertined words in the reports with expressions from Unit 10, Lesson A. Then
complete the verb phrases to express the ideas given in brackets [ ].
,.,cc+ " dclc,'-fio"
l. The failure of the president to meet a group of foreign heads of state this week has encouraged
rumors about the state of her health. She had surgery earlier this year. However, it is thought that
doctors are insisting on t,c" t,Mi"' [ = insisting that she should have] more surgery before they can
agree to [ = agree that she can carry out] her normal duties. This comes in a week when
her main political rival stated he was running for office. Analysts say with the political
uncertainty, there is a danger of [ = that the stock market be affected]. They say they
cannot exclude the idea of [ = idea that the economy may collapse]. Stocks fell sharply.
2. A bomb exploded near a central market in the capital early this morning. There were no injuries.
A protest group has said it was responsible. If these protests continue, it could result in ____
[ = have the result that the government will take action]. Riot squads may be put on the streets. A
government spokesperson said that victims will be paid damages and that the protest movements need
to be controlled. It is thought the government is already preparing a legal case against one group.
B Complete the sentences from an editorial column with an appropriate verb in the subjunctive.
l. The requirement that every student an advanced English exam to graduate is a good one.
2. It is essential that everyone English well.
3. Our recommendation is that English exams harder.
4. Colleges should demand that any student who fails in college for another year.
5. It is crucial that our country better at English than neighboring countries.
C Pair work Do you agree with the editorial in Exercise 81 What subjects do you think should
be mandatory? Signal your concerns with expressions like That doesn't sit right with me.
A [j1 Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
B [II Read the conversation. Rewrite the phrases in bold to emphasize the speakers' ideas.Then
listen, check, and repeat.
1 do 1<..-.ow
A I know computers help people learn, but I think they often make it difficult to concentrate.
B Well, at one point I worried that using computers in class was a mistake, but now I don't.
A Yeah, no. I mean, it's been shown that math students learn algebra faster on a computer.
B And it's true that students often pay more attention to a good computer program ....
A But I've noticed that students spend a lot of time doing other things instead of studying.
B Yeah, I'd hoped that wouldn't happen, but there are lots of distractions on the Internet.
About I C Pair work Practice the conversation. Then discuss the ideas. Which do you agree with?
• • •
pronoun.The main noun or pronoun gets the secondary stress.
• • •
info,mation online
• • attitudes toward privacy
• • • •
info,mation considered prltrate
people on social networlcs ads n,questing private infonnation something to wony about
A ,[j1 Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the phrases.
B !:ii Listen. In the bold phrases, undertine the syllable with the secondary stress and circle
the syllable with the primary stress.Then listen, check, and repeat.
1. I often feel that !!titudes toward &,acy are changing for the worse. It seems like information
once considered private is now shared freely on social networks.
2. I ran into a problem after checking out some products on the Internet. On every website I went
to, I got all these ads for similar products.
3. Someone hacked into my email, probably because I used a password based on my birthdate.
Now when I choose passwords, I never choose anything obvious.
4. I have maximum privacy settings on my social networks so my boss won't see the photos posted
by my friends. That really is something to think about.
About I C Pair work Have you or has anyone you know had these problems?Tell your partner.
Speaking naturally
Speaking naturally
Unit 3, Lesson C Stress in expressions of contrast
Notice which words are stressed in these expressions introducing a contrasting view.
It's important to get a college degree, but even then, you won't necessarily find a job.
Having said that, though, your chances are better if you finish college.
There's a lot of competition for jobs these days. But then again, there always has been.
Even so, the competition is probably more intense now than ever.
A Lil Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
B J:IJ Listen. Circle the stressed word in each bold expression. Then listen, check, and repeat.
1. I think you should attend the best college that accepts you. Having said that, though, you need
to make sure you can afford the housing and tuition costs.
2. I think it's great that people have a shorter workweek than they used to. But then again, many
people now work two jobs in order to earn enough money to live on.
3. More people are working overtime, but even then, many have a hard time paying their bills.
4. I think it's good that people are getting married later, when they're more mature. But even so,
the divorce rate doesn't seem to be going down.
5. There is competition for jobs. Having said that, there aren't enough candidates for some jobs.
About I C Pair work Discuss the comments. Which views do you agree with?
A W Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
8 l:IJ Listen to these conversations. Circle the stressed word in each bold expression. Then
listen, check, and repeat.
1. A No one seems to agree on the causes of global warming. What's� they don't agree on
any solutions, either.
B I suppose it's hard to identify the causes, but in any event, we need to do something.
A I agree. I mean, we need to prepare for higher temperatures, not to mention extreme
weather events like hurricanes. And on top of that, there's rising sea levels.
2. A The world uses way too much oil, and what's more, demand is increasing every year.
B Yeah. Not to mention the fact that the supply of oil is decreasing pretty quickly.
A And on top of that, people aren't trying very hard to develop different energy sources.
B You're right. In any case, we'll need to do something soon. We're running out of oil.
About I C Pair work Practice the conversations. Then discuss the issues. What's your view?
Speaking naturally
Speaking naturally
Unit 5, Lesson C Stress in expressions
Notice that in these expressions, which introduce different perspectives on an issue,
the primary stress is on the determiners, and the secondary stress is on the verbs.
One way to look at it is that space exploration is a good investment.
• •
I don't really agree. Let me put it this way: If money's limited, you need to set priorities.
To put it another way: As long as people are hungry, we can't waste money on space.
A l:11 Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
B [11 Listen to these conversations. In the bold expressions, circle the primary stress and
underline the secondary stress. Then listen, check, and repeat.
which word has the primary stress in each phrase.
Online coupons bring in new customers, some of whom become regular customers later on.
These coupons generate income for gyms, many of which have equipment that isn't used for
long periods during the day.
A [il Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
B [II Listen and repeat these sentences. Pay particular attention to the weak forms of the
prepositions and the stressed words in the bold expressions.
1. Online coupons don't always work for small restaurants, most of which have low profits.
2. The steep discounts, some of which attract lots of customers, often don't continue long term.
3. Restaurants get paid a low fee for their meals, half of which goes to the coupon website.
4. Coupons attract particular types of people, many of whom never return for a full-price meal.
5. Often a restaurant's regular customers, all of whom pay full price, get annoyed that others are
getting better deals.
About I C Pair work Discuss the ideas in the sentences. Which do you agree with?
Speaking naturally
Speaking naturally
Unit 7, Lesson 8 Binomial pairs
Notice how and and but are reduced in these binomial expressions. Notice also that the
primary stress is on the second word of the pair and the secondary stress on the first.
• • •
I'm sick and tired of getting work calls at night. When I'm home, I need peace and quiet.
• •
I suspect that, s lowly but surely, phone calls will become an issue between me and my wife.
A [jJ Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
B r:tJ Read the conversation. Circle the bold words that have the primary stress. Undertine the
bold words with secondary stress. Then listen, check, and repeat.
A J:il Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
B W Listen and repeat these sentences. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the
perfect infinitives.
1. I'd like to have studied math with Einstein.He's said to have been a great teacher.
2. I would love to have gone to the moon with Neil Armstrong.
3. People seem to have lived much simpler lives 100 years ago - certainly less stressful.
4. My grandparents' generation seems to have had more time to spend with family.
5. We're supposed to have made great progress in how we handle conflict, but I'm not so sure.
6. People are said to have lived healthier lives until about 20 years ago.
About I C Pair work Discuss the sentences. Do you agree?
Speaking naturally
Speaking naturally
Unit 91 Lesson C Intonation of background information
Expressions that give background information, or information you expect your listener
to know, have a fall-rise intonation: considering ..., given (that I the fact that) ..., in
view of (the fact that) ..., in light of (the fact that). ..
Space exploration is expensive. Cons idering the �, it makes no sense at all to go to Mars.
A [II Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
B W Listen to this conversation. Circle the stressed words where the fall-rise intonation starts in
the undertined parts of the sentences.
A I'm getting worried about the storms we've had recently, iven all the aama e.
B Well, in light of rising sea levels, I think this is just the beginning. Fran y, I think it's time for
people to start moving away from the coasts.
A Maybe. But what are we going to do about places like New York, Bangkok, and Rio? We can't just
move entire cities, given the huge populations.
B No, but we could build sea walls for protection, given how serious this is.
A I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, considering the incredible cost.
B But in view of the fact that 15 of the world's 20 largest cities are in flood zones, we can't ignore the
problem. We have to find ways to protect the people in these cities.
About I C Pair work Practice the conversation. Which ideas do you agree with?
A J:J.l Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
B J:11Each phrase has two stressed syllables shown in bold. Listen and circle the syllable
with the primary stress.
Speaking naturally
Speaking naturally
Unit 11, Lesson B Stress in longer idioms
Phrasal verbs are usually stressed on the particle. However, in idioms that are phrasal
verbs with a noun object, the object has the primary stress.
• •
• •
I tumed around and looked in the mirror.
I realized that I needed to tum my life around. BUT
I tumed it around.
A W Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
B W Listen. Circle the word that has the primary stress in the bold expressions.
Then listen, check, and repeat.
1. Have you ever known anyone who was in a bad situation but was able to turn his life around?
2. Have you ever needed to turn your back on friends who were doing things you didn't approve of?
3. If you knew some friends were cheating on exams, would you turn a blind eye to what they were
doing? Or would you turn them in to the teacher?
4. Have you ever wanted to turn over a new leaf for any reason?
5. Do you ever feel you want to turn back the clock to a time when life was more fun?
6. Have you ever regretted turning down an opportunity of some kind?
About I C Pair work Take turns asking and answering the questions.
Once my parents found themselves in trouble because some harassing emails had been sent
from their computer. They themselves hadn't sent the messages, of course.
I myseff have never had a problem with my email. But once / let myseff be tricked into giving
money to a con artist on the street.
A W Read and listen to the information above. Repeat the example sentences.
B W Listen. Circle the stressed reflexive pronouns. Then listen, check, and repeat.
1. People allow themselves to taken in by the same scams again and again. If you think you'll never
get taken ir(iourse_!!) think again. History repeats itself.
2. I wouldn't describe myself as terribly cautious, but I never open emails if I don't recognize the
sender. I've never had a virus myself, but I just want to protect myself.
3. You have to be careful not to let yourself be fooled when you meet people online. They often say
things about themselves that are simply untrue.
4. My brother got so upset with himself because he was spending too much time on social media, so
he deleted all his accounts. It was a decision he made himself.
About I C Pai r work Read the comments aloud. What do you think of the ideas they express?
Speaking naturally
Unit 1, Lesson A Grammar extra
O More on auxiliary verbs to avoid repetition
• You can use auxiliary verbs to avoid repetition of these verb tenses and forms.
Simple present or past I don't often take risks, but my best friend does all the time.
Present or past continuous I was hoping to graduate last year. One of my friends was, too.
Present perfect (or continuous) I've been thinking about settling down, but my friends haven't.
Past perfect (or continuous) I'd never had straight A's till this year, though my friends all had.
Modal verbs My dad can't understand why I want to travel, but my mom can.
Use auxiliary and modal verbs to complete what these people say about the different topics.
Use the same tense and form as the first verb.
1. Work: Well, I was trying to get a job in TV Actually, I know a couple of other people who ____
too. But I'm finding it difficult to get any job, as many people these days.
2. Family: I've never really thought about starting a family, and I know my husband either.
I'm getting so involved in my career at the moment, as we all , I guess.
3. Relationships: I hadn't really met anyone serious until now, though a couple of my friends ____
I mean, I can really imagine getting married now - I just hope my girlfriend ____
4. Social life: It's funny. Some of my friends are going to parties still, but I . I'm not
interested. I want to do other things with my life now. I think my closest friend , too.
5. Hobbies: I haven't had much time to do anything, but my wife . She's been learning
how to edit videos. I don't often use my computer now; well, I a bit but not a lot.
6. Travel: My sister and I went to Italy last fall. I hadn't gone overseas before that, and she ____
either. We had a fabulous time. Now I want to go away again - and my sister , too.
Complete the bold phrases with an auxiliary and the sentences with (to) do so. Then write
another way to state the bold phrases using so or neither.
1. To get ahead in your career, you often have to move to another city. I don't really want to uproot
my family, and my wife , either, but if necessary, we'll ____
2. A friend asked me to go to a debate club last year with him, and you know, I was happy ____
And actually, I'm glad I did. I can speak much more confidently now, and my friend , too.
3. It's easier than ever now to take a year off before college if you can ____
4. My friend's thinking of studying in Paris. I , too, if I can get the money ____
5. I've always wanted to go on a cycling tour, but I've never had the time . But finally my
sisters and I are planning to go next spring. I'm looking forward to it, and my sisters , too.
Grammar extra
Unit 1, Lesson B Grammar extra
More on using to to avoid repeating verb phrases
• You can use to to avoid repeating an infinitive verb phrase when it is clear what you mean.
Use to after choose, deserve, expect, hate, hope, like, mean, intend, need, prefer, want, 'd like.
I've never written a journal. I keep meaning to./ But I hope to./ I' d prefer not to.
• You don't need to after agree, ask, promise, forget, try, or after want, like, wish in if clauses.
"I want to get my novel published. I've tried (to} but can't." "/'II look at it if you want I like I wish."
• When you use be in the first clause, including in the passive, use to be in the second clause.
My parents aren't interested in poetry, and they've never pretended to be.
In college, I wa• a•ked to enter a short-story contest, though I didn't expect to be.
Complete the comments with to or to be. Write parentheses where to is not needed.
1. A classmate asked me to comment on her poems. Well,I promised (+o) ,and I really tried
____ . But they were really bad. After a month,she asked,"Did you read them?" I said,
"Sorry,I forgot ____
2. My friend has entered a few writing contests. She's never won,though she always expects ____
3. Io love to see a Shakespeare play in English. I've always wanted ,and I intend
---- one day.
4. I was voted the best fiction writer in high school,though I didn't deserve __ __
5. You can borrow my e-reader if you want . I lost some books off it. I didn't mean
____ ,but ...
6. I'm just not very good at writing,and I'll never hope ,really. I'll stick to math!
7. My sister wants to work in publishing. Well,she hopes ____
8. I think I'm going to have to play the lead role in the school play,but I'd prefer not ____
A Complete the sentences using the words given. Sometimes there is more than one answer.
1. These days anyone (not I wish) to have their information online may find it impossible.
2. Computers (not I protect) by antivirus software are unsafe.
3. If you think you've been hacked, there are some warning signs (not I ignore).
4. There are some basic rules for first-time users (not I familiar) with social networks.
5. Your phone number is one example of information (not I post).
6. Don't allow people (not I in your contacts list) to read your profile.
7. Another thing (not I do) is to post photos of yourself doing silly things.
8. Remember that your problems at work are a subject (not I discuss) on social media sites.
9. Online ads (not I click) on are the ones that say you won a prize.
you I B Choose a sentence from Exercise A that you agree with. Explain why.
1 "-5ree. It's i,.\w,.osf ·,w-.poss',ble {o.. people ...of w',si..;,..,� fo hMc the·, .. ·,..,{o.. w.Af',o.., o ... r, ...e fo sfop
·,+ f..o..-. h"'-ppe..,·,..,�- Eve"y f',w.e yov.. si�"' v..p fo "'- wcbs',fc yov.. f..."'-VC fo �ive pc.-so..,,,..I ·,..,fo.-w.1.f',o..,.
Grammar extra
Unit 2, Lesson B Grammar extra
More on two-part conjunctions
• You can use two-part conjunctions to combine nouns. adjectives. and verbs.
Nouns My TV can play either DVDs or Internet movies.
Both the mouse and the k eyboard are wireless.
My friend has neither a TV nor a computer in her home.
The kitchen has not only a seff-cleaning oven but also a robot that cleans the floors.
Adjectives Some high-tech products are either very expensive or very complicated.
Housework is both boring and tiring.
Housecleaning with modern appliances is neither difficult nor time-consuming.
Using a microwave to cook is not only simple but also fast.
Verbs You can either raise or lower all the blinds with a remote control.
My alarm clock both flashes lights and sounds an alarm to wake me up.
Older cell phones neither play music nor take pictures.
/' d like a robot that not only cleans the house but also cooks the meals.
Common errors
Don't use neither ... nor when you have already used a negative verb. Use either ... or.
We do not have either a dishwasher or a washing machine. (NOT Wede Ftet he�e Ftedlicre ...)
If you use a modal verb, put it before the first conjunction.
My Ncan either stream movies or play DVDs. (NOT My Neither CBFI st."CBffl ...)
l. Many features in high-tech homes are convenient.They are innovative. (both ...and)
M"'"'Y -tc"-tv.,.cs i"' i._·,�h-tc<:h hO""CS "-'"C both co"'vc"'·,e"'t "'"'d i"'"'ovAf,vc.
2. 1n high-tech homes, one control manages temperature. It manages lighting. (both ...and)
3. Remote computers can control the central systems. Smartphones can control them. (either ...or)
4. In new, high-tech homes, cooking is simpler. It is more efficient. (not only ... but also)
5. Refrigerators list their contents.They suggest recipes for the foods available. (not only ...but also)
6. Cookbooks won't be needed anymore. Recipe cards won't be needed anymore. (neither ... nor)
7. A computer displays the recipes on your kitchen counter. It reads the recipes aloud. (both ...and)
A Rewrite the sentences using two-part conjunctions to combine phrases and clauses.
1. You can control the systems when you're at home.You can control them when you're somewhere
else. (either ...or)
2. With a sophisticated security system, you can monitor your house at work.You can monitor your
house on vacation. (both ...and)
3. A high-tech home can adjust the temperature when it gets cold outside. It can adjust the
temperature after it warms up. (not only ... but also)
you I B Write three sentences about a home you'd like to live in. Use two-part conjunctions.
1 wov.ld lil<.c to live i"' "' i._o""e th"-t h"-S both "' ""ode'""' 1<.it<:hc"' "'"'d "' "'·,cc e"'te'"t"-i"'""C"'t syste""· ...
Grammar extra
Unit 3, Lesson A Grammar extra
O Clauses with prepositions and conjunctions + -ing
• Clauses with prepositions (e.g., after, by) + -ing or conjunctions (e.g., while, when) + -ing are
common in writin g. The subject of the -ing clause and the main clause should be the same.
After compltttlng my masters, I felt pressured to study for a PhD. (Formal: On I Upon compltttlng ...)
By taking extra classes, and without telling anyone, my sister was able to graduate early.
Many students take on part-time work while ftfldylng for their masters.
I changed careers and became a writer after having worked in accounting all my life.
Complete the blog. Use -ing clauses with the words given.
(After I spend) my college years at home, I was ready to set off into the world.
So, (after I graduate) , I flew to New York on a one-way ticket. (In/ look back)
____, I feel I became truly independent (upon I board) the plane. However,
(while I stay) with a friend for a week, I felt the initial excitement begin to wear off.
Luckily, I had gotten in touch with her (before/ leave) home. But I didn't want to
overstay my welcome. I also realized, (when I go) for my first job interview, how much
pressure I felt. I had to find a job and a place to live quickly. I soon found a paid internship at a
design company (by I make) dozens of phone calls, and shortly (after I start) ____
work, I was invited to rent a room in a colleague's apartment. (Since I come) to New
York, I have felt the pressure of city living, but I enjoy it. Of course, I've often felt homesick, but
(by I make) use of social media, I keep in touch with people. I also make sense of my
experience of post-college life (through I write) this blog.
Rewrite the underlined clauses with a participle or time clause, as in the chart above. In two
cases, you need to delete and from the sentence.
Before he was elected, a politician said that if more women managed corporations and more men
stayed at home with their families, the world would be a better place. I heard the speech while I was
employed at a bank, and I took it to heart. At the time, my wife, who held a higher position than me,
and I were expecting our first child. She was faced with the prospect of interrupting her career, and
she suggested that I should be the primary caregiver. So, I was given the chance to take care of our
child, and I immediately agreed to do so. As I had been raised in a traditional family, I knew my
parents would pressure me to pursue my career. Indeed, when they were informed of our decision,
they were clearly disappointed. Twelve years later, I still believe I made the right choice. In fact, I feel
fortunate, if I am compared to many of my friends. When I'm asked if I made the right choice, I say
it's the best decision I ever made. My wife agrees. She is now the president of a large company.
Grammar extra
Unit 3, Lesson 8 Grammar extra
O More on so and such
• You can use such before some nouns to add emphasis. It means "big."
It makes such a difference to keep your desk neat. Mine was such a mess. I was such an idiot.
• With some nouns, such can refer forward to what will be mentioned.
Organize your time in such a way that you have time for a social life.
• You can use so and such with determiners and pronouns: so much I many I few I little; such a lot.
In my first semester, there were so many parties that served pizza and soda. I ate so much (pizza)
and drank such a lot (of soda) that I gained weight.
• You can use so much as an adverb and before comparative adjectives and adverbs.
I enjoyed college so much. ft was so much better I more fun than I expected.
The time went by so much more quickly than I thought it would.
Use so or such to complete the posts on a website about the challenges of marriage. Then
write a post of your own on the topic of marriage using so or such.
1. There's no ____ thing as an easy marriage. It was ____ much harder at first than I
imagined. I worked a lot, and my husband and I spent ____ little time together
that we jlllllOSt broke up.
2. Getting married had an impact on some of my friends. They had a lot of arguments at
first, but my husband and I didn't have many. You just have to take responsibility for
making things work.
3. I've always loved my single life much that I can't imagine getting married. Married life has
been a disaster for some of my friends, and I've seen many of them get divorced
4. I've enjoyed being married much more than I thought. It's been a great
experience. My advice is to live your life in a way that nothing takes precedence over
your marriage.
I Cross out the incorrect uses of even and only. Then answer the two questions about yourself.
A Do you remember your first job? I remember mine. I was nervous, even after the first month. But
that's only because my boss only was so scary. She used to yell at everyone.
B Oh, that makes you feel even worse, if you have a boss like that.
A Yeah. I think only there was only one person that my boss liked. And even he even didn't like her.
I only stayed in that job three weeks. Then I moved to another city. Have you ever had to move?
B Um, just once. We moved when I only was eight, and that was only because Dad got a new job. My
parents even hadn't considered it before - they hadn't even been on a vacation.
Grammar extra
Unit 4, Lesson A Grammar extra
More on the future perfect
• The future perfect describes events that at a future point will be in the past, or in a time leading up
to that future point in time. It can emphasize the completion of the events.
In tlM> months, it will be winter and many birds will have migrated south. (The migration is complete.)
• Time expressions, especially with by, are often used with the future perfect to show the time by
which an event will be complete, e.g., by then. by that time, by the time (that) . .., by 2030, by the
end of the century, by the age of six, within 30 days, within a decade, within the next 20 years.
Within the next 10 years, many species will have become extinct.
• The future perfect has a passive form - will have been + past participle - but it is not very common.
In the time it takes you to do this lesson, hundreds of sharks will have been killed.
Complete the time expressions with by or within. Then rewrite the verbs in bold using either
the active or passive form of the future perfect.
____ the time our children reach adulthood, hundreds of species disappear off the face
of the planet. One study estimated that 2050, 37 percent of terrestrial species die out
or will be in danger of extinction. That is well over a third the next 30 years.
Sea life is also in danger. the time that sea levels rise 50 centimeters (about 20 inches),
one-third of nesting beaches in the Caribbean lose, leading to the decline in turtle populations.
____ the end of this century, it is believed that seawater temperatures rise enough to affect the
food supply of some ocean species. This impacts various species in different ways. For example, it is
believed that only a few decades, the reproductive cycle of the sperm whale affect, which
threatens the very survival of the whale itself.
Rewrite the undertined parts of the blog using the future perfect.
w·,11 "ot I wo"'t t.-Ave i._e,.,..d
It is unlikely that there is anyone who has not heard about the threat to certain species on the planet.
No doubt you have reacted to the news that species such as polar bears are under threat. But what
can we as individuals do? In recent years, perhaps you have noticed the appeals for help that come
in the mail or that are on TV. They are certainly having an impact on my children. I'm sure that in
addition to sending donations to various charities, you have heard about the "adopt an endangered
animal" programs. I suspect what you haven't realized is how expensive these "adoptions" are. Not
that I mind donating $50 for my child to adopt an orangutan or a Sumatran rhino. It's all for a good
cause. And no doubt donations have saved some obscure species from the brink of extinction,
and certainly the programs have motivated many children to become involved. What I hadn't
expected was for a cuddly stuffed toy version to arrive in the mail. Now my daughter wants the
entire collection, which is all very well - except there are more than 100 endangered species that she
can sign up to help!
Grammar extra
. 4, L esson B
<f--v Un,t Grammar extra
:Y Formal prepositional expressions
• Some prepositional expressions are very frequent in academic writing. You can use them instead of
more common prepositions to make your writing sound more formal.
after One desert spread subsequent to I following the introduction of new farming practices.
before Delegates will meet ahead of I in advance of I prior to the conference.
with Talks will take place In conjunction with I alongside an exhibition on deserts.
Small mammals. together with I along with larger ones. survive in harsh climates.
about There is concern with respect to I with regard to I regarding I in relation to
because of It is classified as a desert owing to I in view of I on account of I given its lack of
Circle the correct expressions to complete the paragraph. Then rewrite each sentence using
an alternative expression from the cha� above. More than one expression is possible.
Complete the sentences. In some, you need to add the fact that in others, add having.
1. The Atacama desert is considered the driest region by virtue of ____ some parts
have no rain.
2. Apart from it is so dry, much of the land is also at high elevation.
3. It is surprising that over a million people are recorded as settled there given
____ it is so arid.
4. Population centers developed in several areas despite it is so inhospitable.
5. Teams of astronomers operate observatories in the desert due to its skies are so clear.
6. Crops can now be grown owing to farmers have developed irrigation systems.
7. Communities in northern Chile no longer import water into the region thanks to they
can now collect water from fog. Lives have improved.
8. A Canadian development team can be credited for helped to develop this system.
Grammar extra
Unit 5, Lesson A Grammar extra
O Adverbs in present and past passive verb phrases
• In present and past passive verb phrases, adverbs usually go after the verb be. In negative
statements, adverbs usually go after not. This is the most frequent position for most adverbs.
Simple present passive Present continuous passive
New discoveries are apparently made every day, GPS software is continually being upgraded.
Simple past passive Past continuous passive
Asbestos was widely used until the 1960s. Alternatives were not yet being developed.
• Some adverbs usually go before not, e.g.: also, still, just, probably, certainly, reportedly, attitude adverbs.
Alternatives were •Imply not developed until later. Alternatives were .till not being developed.
• Adverbs that describe the participle (e.g., to say "how" or "how much") often go before it.
Some inventions are not being widely reported or are being completely ignored by the media.
Read the clues. Write the underlined words in the correct order. Can you guess the product?
1. A variation of this product widely been used has for millennia - since 4000 e.c.E., in fact.
2. A number of my friends said they thought that it had invented originally been by the Egyptians.
3. However, the first "recipe" for the product as we know it today been had created apparently by the
Chinese. Historians say it used had been obviously to protect bronze mirrors in the second century.
4. In addition, records show that medicines had wrapped been carefully in it for safekeeping.
5. A replacement product yet been discovered not has, unless you consider computer technology.
6. The idea we can live without it not has materialized completely still, but will it ever be obsolete?
l�dl?d :1�.MSUV i �Spl�X'iJ
Grammar extra
Unit 5, Lesson 8 Grammar extra
Adverbs and past modal verb phrases
• In past modal verb phrases, adverbs like probably. certainly. and definitely often go before the modal.
Active Passive
He never should have tried to jump. The jump certainly could have been stopped.
He probably should not have jumped. ft probably should not have been allowed.
• Within the verb phrase, adverbs can go after the modal or after have. After the modal is more frequent.
He should never have gone there. It should never have been allowed.
Something bad could easily have happened. Someone could easiy l have been killed.
Read the post from a video website and the various comments. Put the words in a
correct order. There is more than one correct answer.
Read the excerpt from an editorial news column. Then read the comments. Complete the
questions in the passive form, using the verbs given.
The youngest British woman ever to climb Mount Everest was welcomed home by her family and
friends this week Such is the danger of climbing Everest that the return of any climber must be
met with relief. However, the young Briton reported treacherous conditions. She had to climb past
several badly-injured people and even some who had died. She had also experienced a dangerous
100-person "snarl up;' as people rushed to the summit during a period of calm weather. It raises
important questions about such dangerous expeditions. For example:
1. Should people !,Mc bee"' Allowed (allow) to climb in such treacherous conditions?
2. Could the injured climbers (help)?
3. Could more (do) to make the climb safer?
4. Would deaths (prevent) if people had shown better judgment?
5. In the past, should people rescued off the mountain (make) to pay for their rescue?
6. Should climbers (charge) for failing to help other injured climbers?
Grammar extra
Unit 6, lesson A Grammar extra
O Pronouns and numbers in relative clauses
• Relative clauses can start with a pronoun (both, each, much, neither, none, several, etc.) + of or with
numbers and quantity words (half, 30 percent, the majority, etc.) + of.
In 2013, we launched two new products, neither of which was successful. I both of which failed.
The company had four directors, each of whom made a fortune. I none of whom stayed after the sale.
There are over 2 million businesses in Canada, the majority of which have fewer than 100 employees.
One company has 500 employees, haff of whom are part-time.
Common errors
Don't start these types of relative clauses with which or whom.
There are 100 companies, most of which have one employee. (NOT ... whieh fflost of them have ...)
Rewrite each pair of sentences from a report using a relative clause. You may delete words.
Co.._s,.,.....,c..s, ""osf o.f Wt._o"" Mc o.._ +-,,t._f bv.d,cfs, .,....c looki"' fo sAvc .... o.,.cy Wt._c ... ft._cy st._op.
l. Consumers are looking to save money when they shop. Most consumers are on tight budgets.
2. There are thousands of online coupon sites. The majority of these offer more or less the same thing.
3. So how do you know which sites to use or which information to trust? Much of it is misleading.
4. Our staff researched 10 options. Two of them are avid coupon users.
5. Two sites we researched had out-of-date coupons. Both are major players in the coupon business.
6. Our staff identified four more sites. None was easy to navigate.
7. On two sites, staff found much better deals than on other sites. Neither site is particularly well-known.
8. These two sites had coupons with discounts up to 30 percent. Each one specializes in grocery coupons.
9. Ofthe 10 sites we surveyed, three had too many distracting banner ads. Eighty percent offered email alerts.
Rewrite the undertined parts of the report as relative clauses that begin with the bold words.
j.,. wt._jct._ .._o ...css {Ails.
Imagine a perfect economic environment that no business fails in. Unfortunately, the truth is that
the rate that start-up companies fail at is high. The high failure rate, and the main reasons for this
are given below, is concerning. Many owners, and start-up costs are high for them, are deterred by
the risk of failure.
Reasons for failures of start-up companies
1. The frequency that new businesses fail at is high when they're started for the wrong reasons.
2. Many new business owners lack basic skills, and the importance of this cannot be underestimated.
Above all, they need to be able to manage finances, and an understanding of this is critical.
3. The employees that the owner entrusts the business to often have the wrong skills.
4. A new business must have a website, and the functions can vary and without it the business will fail.
5. Many new business owners underestimate the prices that their products must sell at to make a profit.
Grammar extra
Unit 6, Lesson 8 Grammar extra
other, every other, other than
• Before other, you can use the, any, some, all, many, much, most, no, (a) few, every, this I that, etc.
One retailer outsells all other stores. No other store can compete. Few other stores do as well.
There is no other business news. If any other information comes to light, it will be reported.
• You can also use these words: several, various, numerous, whole, certain, countless.
Online shopping is a whole other problem for small retailers. There are several other threats too.
• Every other can mean "alternate" and is often used with time words (day, week, year, etc.).
We go to the grocery store every other weekend.
Common errors
• Other than means "except" or "apart from."
Salesclerks need to speak a language other than English. Don't use others before a plural noun.
Retailers face other threats.
(NOT o#ters #treats)
Use other, others, or every other to complete the sentences in this business report.
1. While many retailers are struggling, one electronics retailer outperforms all stores. No ___
company attracts such a loyal consumer base. In fact, many consumers will not be seen with products
___ than these smartphones or tablets, which must be the envy of most retailers.
2. Selling print magazines has been difficult in recent years. One magazine recently announced that
it will now publish only online, and numerous magazines are considering doing the same.
Many have simply gone out of business.
3. Maintaining sales is a problem for any small business, but supporting online sales is a whole
___ issue.Some simply don't create user-friendly sites, while some often don't know
how to make their sites visible on the Web.
4. While some stores are concerned about the loss of sales to online retailers, certain stores
are tackling the issue head-on. One retailer lets customers pick up goods that they ordered online
at the store the same day. It's a huge advantage over all competing stores, which deliver
their goods only week.
Q More on another
• Another can mean "an additional" or "an alternative." You can use it before a singular countable
noun, the pronoun one, numbers, and few. or as a pronoun instead of a singular count noun.
I bought another sweater. I liked it so much I bought another (one) in another color.
I actually bought another three sweaters. In another few weeks, I'll buy some more.
Read the blog. Find seven more places where you can replace words with another.
I recently bought a sweater online, but when it arrived, it didn't fit. I decided to order a clHfereHt one
in a different size, and return the first sweater. It was a long process. I called customer service, and
they promised to send me a return label. Only they didn't. I emailed them, made a second call, and
then sent an additional email. Finally, I got the return label and went to the post office. I had to make
a further trip, however, as I had forgotten to wrap the sweater in the original packaging. Now I have
to wait an additional five days before it ships. I'll have to wait an extra couple of weeks before the
refund appears on my credit card statement. Meanwhile, I ordered a new sweater, which was out of
stock. Next time I'll just go to the store.
Grammar extra
Unit 7, Lesson A Grammar extra
More on inversions
• Inversions are generally used in formal English. Use were+ subject(+ infinitive) to describe an
imaginary situation in the present or future. Use had+ subject + past participle for the past.
Were he to have a child, my son would take classes. Negative: Were he not to have .. .
Had they known about the classes, my friends would have Negative: Had they not known .. .
taken them.
• You can also use If it weren't for . .., If it hadn't been for . . ., Were it not for . .., and Had it not been for
+ noun phrase. They mean "If someone or something didn't exist or something hadn't happened."
If It weren't for my parents, I wouldn't be able to continue with my education.
OR Were It not for my parents, I ... (hypothetical statement about the present)
If It hadn't been for my parents, I wouldn't have been able to continue with my education.
OR Had It not been for my parents, I ...(hypothetical statement about the past)
A Rewrite the underlined parts of the blog abo�t parenting teenagers, using· a structure in
the chart. Start with the word in bold.
There are many challenges associated with parenting, especially parenting teens. Some parents claim
that if the advice in parenting magazines didn't exist, they would not know how to deal with their
teenage children. If these magazines had existed when we were younger, we could certainly have
learned from them. We relied instead on our friends for advice. Indeed, if my wife and I had not
had the support of other parents with the same challenges, we may not have survived the journey.
If our neighbor in particular hadn't existed, life would have been much harder. We had it tough, or
so we thought. However, as you get older, you realize your "mistakes:' If we had been able to see
things from our teenager's perspective, we may have realized that it was our daughter who needed the
advice - on how to handle us, her parents. Now a parent herself, she discussed this with us recently.
If she had not done so, we may not have formed the close bond that we have today. She said:
1. If I were suddenly to find myself a parent of teenagers, Ia trust them to make good decisions.
2. If I had thought you would listen without judging me, I would have talked to you more openly.
3. If it weren't for the fact that you were always so busy, I would have spent more time with you.
If it hadn't been for that conversation, we would probably have interfered too much as
grandparents, too. Now we trust her decisions as a new parent. If she were a teenager today, our
daughter would be proud of us!
B Complete the company article extracts about its family-friendly policies. Use the words given
and a structure from the chart.
All parents complained of high childcare costs before our childcare center opened 10 years ago.
Many say that (it I not be) for their own parents' help, they could not have continued
to work when their children were small. The center is highly valued by employees. "_____
(it I not be) for the care center, I simply couldn't do this job;' is a typical comment. The costs of
running this facility are high, but (be) the center (close), the company
would lose experienced employees. Flexible working is also important. Most parents said that
_____ (they I have) the opportunity to work part-time when their children were small, they
would have done so. Others said they needed two incomes. One told us, " (we I not keep)
working, we couldn't have managed financially:' Trying to juggle family life and career is still an
issue. Many non-parents report that (it I not be) for their careers, they might start
families earlier.
Grammar extra
Unit 7, Lesson B Grammar extra
O More on what clauses
• Speakers often use a what clause as the subject of a verb to do the things below.
Describe and What we're seeing is . . . What we do know is . . . What we've seen is . . .
analyze situations What we've found is . . . What's happening now is . . .
What it comes I boils down to is . . .
Say what is being What we're doing is . . . What we've done is . . .
done What we're (really) trying to do is . . . What we don't want to do is . . .
Say what is needed What we need to/ have to do is . . . What we want to do is . . .
or wanted What we're looking for is . . . What we would like to do is . . .
Rewrite the undertined sentences in the article. Use what clauses and add the verb is.
An organization recently released a report on the state of families today. The report said, "We're seeing
today the unprecedented breakdown of relationships:· While the cause of the breakdowns is complex, the
report emphasized, "We do know that divorce is tearing families apart:• Their survey asked people, "How
do you keep your relationship strong?" Here are some excerpts from the responses.
1. "We're creating more family time:'
2. "My husband and I have gone to counseling:'
3. "We want to stay together. We've found that it gets easier with time:'
4. "It boils down to being more tolerant of other people:·
5. "It comes down to small things, like doing something special for each other every daY:'
Complete the article extracts about the "worst marriage trends.n Use the words given.
1. In Japan, some couples get (what I know) the "Narita divorce:' It's named after
the airport near Tokyo and refers to the fact that the couple starts divorce proceedings on
returning from their honeymoon.
2. (what I consider) by most people to be a private experience after the
wedding - the honeymoon - is becoming a family and friends affair. A group honeymoon,
or (what I call) by some a "buddymoon;' is the latest "worst trend:'
3. An email to four bridesmaids from a bossy bride - or (what I call) a
"bridezilla" - has gone viral. The bride told them what they (could I wear) and
what they (must I do).
4. In case you're not sure (what I require) to create a cost-effective wedding, it is
______ now (what I term) a "drive through'' ceremony. Couples are
getting married at fast-food restaurants!
Grammar extra
Unit 8, Lesson A Grammar extra
More on perfect infinitives
• You can use perfect infinitives after verbs in the present or past.
He seems to have fooled everyone. (= It seems now that he fooled everyone.)
He was said to have had special powers. (= It was said in the past that he had special powers.)
• There are three negative forms. The first is the most frequent and the third the least frequent.
His wealth does not appear to have changed him.
His wealth appears not to have changed him.
His wealth appears to have not changed him.
Rewrite the underlined parts in this biography. Change the it clauses, using perfect
infinitives, and change the punctuation. Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.
H,.,..,..Y Hol.\di.-.·, WAS 1(.-.ow.-. +o hMe Sl.\tte,
Near the end of his life, the great magician Harry Houdini, it was known,
suffered from appendicitis, for which, it was said, he refused treatment.
However, as part of a challenge, a Canadian studen . t unexpectedly punched
him in the stomach, which, it was believed, caused Houdini a fatal injury.
It was a sad ending for a man who people still think is the greatest magician
of all time. As in death, his life was shrouded in mystery and, it seems,
caused great speculation. It was Harry Houdini himself who claimed to be
a native of Appleton, Wisconsin. However, he was actually born in
Budapest, Hungary, and moved to the U.S. when his family emigrated in
1878. His family, it appears, wasn't wealthy. But the poverty in which he
lived, it appeared, did not deter him from seeking success. Houdini, it is
known, tried all kinds of magic tricks early in his career. However, his early
tricks, it seems, weren't successful. He, it appears, got his biggest break with
an act where he freed himself from a pair of handcuffs. It was the start of an
extraordinary career as an escape artist.
Read the information about Nelson Mandela. Rewrite the underlined parts of the sentences
by using the perfect infinitive.
1. Many students today are too young and didn't see Nelson Mandela released from jail in 1990.
2. He is one of many activists who strived for racial equality in South Africa in the 1960s.
3. While he was dismayed when he received a life sentence in prison for his activist work, he
remained true to his beliefs for a free and equal society. He spent 27 years in prison.
4. It was a remarkable accomplishment when he came out of jail without any anger or resentment.
5. It was also an achievement that he became president of South Africa in 1994.
6. It must have been an honor hearing his first speech after his release.
7. He is one of only two people that became an honorary citizen of Canada.
8. Many of the celebrities who have visited South Africa say they feel privileged because they met him.
9. I'm sure he was proud that he contributed so much to his country's history.
Grammar extra
Unit 8, Lesson B Grammar extra
More on cleft sentences with it+ be
In cleft sentences with it+ be, the item that you focus on can be the subject or object of the next
clause. When it is the object, you can leave out who, that. or which.
Subject The Internet changed everything in the twentieth century.
- It was t�e Internet that changed everything in the twentieth century.
Object Martin Cooper invented the cell phone.
- It was the cell phone (that I which} Martin Cooper invented.
I remember studying Edison for a history project.
- It's Edison (who I that} I remember studying.
Read the story. Rewrite the sentences, using it+ be clefts to focus on the words in bold.
There were many influential figures in my past, but my grandpa influenced me most. When I was
still an impressionable child, he took me to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. I will never forget
it as an adventure. I remember staring in a.we at the space shuttle and ricllilg in the simulators.
However, the exhibit that explained how NASA needed children like me to become scientists had
the biggest impact on me. I realized we have NASA scientists to thank for many of the things we
see in daily life: baby formula, freeze-dried food, and ear thermometers. Not only that, but NASA
technology put people into space. That day changed everything for me all those years ago. Looking
back on my childhood, I recall those NASA scientists as being my heroes. Today I'm a scientist, and
I told my grandpa first about my ambition to become one. His response convinced me. "Of course
you can be a scientist. You can be anything you want to be;' he said.
Complete the sentences in the article. Use it+ be+ the noun phrase given + that.
On July 20, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on the moon. 1± w"'-s """ even± ±b"'-± (an event)
will forever be remembered in history, and (no surprise) more than half a billion
people watched it on television. During the previous decade, (no coincidence)
other countries had been developing rockets of their own. (a period) became
known as the "Space Race;' as countries competed to develop superior space technologies.
In 1961, a Russian cosmonaut named Yuri Gagarin became the first human to go into space.
_______ (a move) spurred President John F. Kennedy to announce a program to land people
on the moon by the end of the decade. (a decision) energized the entire nation.
However, in 1967, during a launch test, three U.S. astronauts were killed (a tragedy)
almost derailed the whole program. After an overhaul of the entire operation, the Apollo 11 mission was
ready. As Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon in 1969, he declared, "That's one
small step for man, one giant leap for mankind:' For those watching, (a day)
they will never forget, and for everyone else, (a moment) defined an era.
Grammar extra
Unit 9, Lesson A Grammar extra
O whatever, whichever, and whoever as subjects and objects
• Whatever. whichever. and whoever can be the subject or object of a verb.
Subject Whatever happened to the idea of building things to last?
Object Whichever (program) you choose, make sure it's one that you're interested in.
• Sometimes a clause with whatever. whichever. or whoever is the subject or object of a verb.
Subject Whatever happens In your career is your responsibility.
Object We don't just take whoever applies to this program.
Read the report about women in STEM professions. Complete the sentences with whatever,
whichever, whoever, or whether. Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.
1. Researchers found gender bias against women in jobs they chose in the fields of
science, technology, engineering, and math - also known as STEM fields.
2. Women are often considered as less capable than men their qualifications are.
3. STEM field they pursued, women were often also seen as less likable than men.
4. High school test scores now show that wants to excel in STEM subjects can do so.
5. If the school environment is right, girls can excel in STEM subject they choose.
6. else high school teachers may do, however, they must focus on teaching spatial
skills to girls.
7. Colleges should not just accept ______ applies for STEM majors. They should actively
recruit girls into these courses.
8. All students, male or female, should be mentored in college.
• The pattern whatever the+ noun means "it doesn't matter what the (noun) is."
We should make efforts to train a new generation of engineers, whatever the co9f.
Whatever the reason, engineering isn't attracting as many students as we need.
In writing ...
Rewrite the undertined parts of the comments using The most common collocations in whatever
however or whatever+ an adjective or adverb, or the + noun are reason(s). case, outcome,
whatever the+ noun. cause, merits, explanation, price, cost.
1. It doesn't matter how much you aim to earn in life - and it doesn't matter how hard you try - you
won't find a better career than engineering, in my view.
2. Engineering is a good choice, no matter what the cost is and no matter how demanding the course.
3. It doesn't matter what the cause is, there are simply not enough engineers.
4. It doesn't matter how many engineers we train, there will never be enough.
5. It doesn't matter what the financial merits are of a career in engineering, nothing beats the feeling
of creating solutions to problems, no matter how challenging they are.
Grammar extra
Unit 9, Lesson 8 Grammar extra
More on inversion
• Use inversion when these adverbs begin a sentence. Notice the words that begin a second clause.
Negative adverbs: Not only . .. (but), Never, Nowhere, No sooner . .. than, No longer
Adverbs with negative meaning: Hardly I Scarcely ... when, Little, Rarely, Seldom
Only+ adverb, prepositional phrase. or clause: Only then, Only after, Only when ...
Expressions with no: At no time, At no point, By no means, Under no circumstances
Not only does it wobble as people walk across it, (but) it also causes nausea.
No •ooner had the paint dried at one end than it needed repainting.
Hardly had construction begun when there were problems.
It opened. Only then I Only after the ceremony I Only when it opened did they see the problem.
At no time did anyone raise any objections to the construction of this bridge.
• Do not use inversion after only, hardly, and scarcely when they modify a noun. or after In no time.
Hardly a week went by that there wasn't a problem. In no time, they built the main structure.
In writing ...
Rewrite the information, starting with the bold After Nowhere, there is often a comparison.
negative adverb or a negative equivalent (e.g., Nowhere was the need for redevelopment
As soon as-+ No sooner). Use inversions where more evident than here.
There isn't a more famous sight anywhere in the world than the Leaning Tower of Pisa. However,
its designers did not intend the tower to lean by any means. As soon as construction started,
problems began. Work had hardly begun on the tower in 1173 when engineers noticed it was
leaning. In the following centuries, it not only leaned farther, but it also seemed like it would
collapse. It was only after it became unsafe in the early 1990s that authorities finally closed the
tower. And it was only then that there was an effort to stabilize it. As soon as it closed, work started.
A day hardly went by that there wasn't a danger of collapse. Nevertheless, the tower was restored.
Today, the tower has not only reopened to the public, it has been declared safe for 200 years.
Grammar extra
Unit 10, Lesson A Grammar extra
O Simple vs. continuous infinitives
• Infinitives can be simple or continuous. The simple form describes single or repeated events in a
factual way. It can also suggest that an event is complete.
A scientist claims to have found a cure for malaria. She hopes to publish her research soon.
• The continuous form describes events as activities that are ongoing or temporary. It can suggest
that the event is not complete.
The team appears to have bfl•n worlclng on their research for several decades.
They seem to b• making great progress.
Complete the infinitives in the editorial with the verbs given. Sometimes both simple and
continuous forms are correct.
Weather-forecasting techniques appear to have (improve). Certainly, the predictions of
the scale and timing of major weather events, such as hurricanes, seem to have (become)
more accurate - fortunately so, because the frequency of strong storms appears to ____
(increase). However, what we, as a society, appear not to (do) is to recognize how serious
forecasters' warnings are and take appropriate action. As another huge storm hits the coast, some
residents of low-lying areas appear not to have (listen) to the reports on TV and radio
that urged them to evacuate. They seem to have (hope) that the forecasts were exaggerated.
Others were too poor (move) and seem to have (have) no help from officials.
Now, looking at the devastation, many are lucky to have (survive). The whole city appears
to have (stop) working even though officials are likely to have (prepare) for a
state of emergency for several days and despite the efforts of utility companies, which we believe
to (work) around the clock to restore power. They hope to (get) the city back
to normal in the next few days. We are fortunate to have (have) the warnings, but many
of us are unwise to have (ignore) them.
Grammar extra
Unit 10, Lesson 8 Grammar extra
More on the subjunctive
• The subjunctive form is used for both the present and the past. It does not change.
An editar may require that a jovrnalist reveal his or her sources.
The military instistee/ thclt all r�porters l•av• the war zone.
• Passive forms of the subjunctive are be + past participle and not be + past participle.
It is essential that interviewees i,. trHte<I with respect
We reqvested that the exact location of the journalists not be broadGHt.
Read the editorial. Find 10 verbs you can change to the subjunctive form, either by deleting a
verb or changing the form of a verb.
Journalists who cover combat zones often PiiY the ultimate price for their determination to report the
news. While media outlets may not require a reporter to leave a war zone, they often encourage him
or her to do so. Even so, journalists often insist that they should be allowed to stay. Typically, they
request that their exact locations are not revealed to ensure their safety. While viewers demand that
journalists should provide detailed reporting on conflicts worldwide, it is essential that the dangers
they face in doing their work are recognized. One such courageous reporter died this week. Her
family asked the media to respect their privacy. However, she herself requested that her work should
not be abandoned. Indeed, in a video made shortly before her death, she said that it was critical that
the plight of civilians in the cross fire is publicized. This editor asks that this reporter should not be
forgotten. It is important that she is remembered for her courage in reporting the truth.
Grammar extra
Unit 11, Lesson A Grammar extra
More on be to; be due to, be meant to
• You can use be to to describe fixed events in the future, especially official or scheduled events.
The president is to host a summit of world leaders in May. World leaders are to meet in May.
• Be due to suggests that the time is or was known. Be meant to means "what is or was intended."
The report Is not due to be published until next week. Results were due to be announced last week.
The law Is meant to protect citizens from cyberattacks. It wH not meant to restrict freedoms.
Read the article and complete it with the prompts given. Use the passive where necessary.
State officials (due I attend) a national disaster conference next month as part of a
series of events. The upcoming conference (be I consider) how to cope with major
disasters. "It (mean I teach) us how to survive:• the governor stated, "in the event of a
major catastrophe:· With so many in the media declaring, "The world (about I end):'
it would serve us well to know how to survive. But how likely is such an event? The world
_____ (due I end) in 2012, but it didn't. In fact, if the media hyp e (be I believe),
disasters would have struck the world several times over in the last decade. Disaster theories
have suggested that nuclear weapons (about I launch) accidentally, that millions
of people (about I kill) by a deadly virus, or that the northern United States
_____ (about I destroy) by a super volcano. While much of the hype (be I ignore),
there are other real dangers if experts' warnings (be I believe). Perhaps. then, we really
should prepare for disaster. If water supplies (be I interrupt), what would you do?
If your family (be I force out) of the area, where would you go? If your community
_____ (be I hold) a disaster awareness event next month, attend - it could save your life.
Read this emergency fire plan from a company website. Rewrite the plan, using be to.
1. Keep all fire doors shut at all times. An fi,..e doo... s Me to be kept s�"'-t At All +-,�es.
2. Do not tamper with fire alarms and sprinkler systems.
3. If the fire alarms sound, staff members should leave all personal belongings and exit the building.
4. Staff members should not stay in the building under any circumstances.
5. No one should use the elevators in the event of a fire.
6. All staff members should meet in the parking lot.
7. Each department head should take a roll call once staff is assembled in the parking lot.
8. No one should leave the lot until notified that it is permissible to do so.
9. Under no circumstances should anyone return to the building without notification from the fire
Grammar extra
Unit 11, Lesson 8 Grammar extra
More on passive perfect infinitives
• Passive perfect infinitives can follow active or passive verbs. The most frequent active verbs are seem,
appear, claim. The most frequent passive verbs are be believed, be known, be reported, be found, be
rumored, be alleged, be said, and the expression be supposed to.
Shakespeare's plays appear to have been enjoyed by Queen Elizabeth I.
Shakespeare I• believed to h•ve been born in 1564.
Complete the sentences in the article using the verbs given. Sometimes the first verb in
each pair can be present or past. Each verb phrase has a passive perfect infinitive.
The movie Anonymous reignited interest in the English poet and playwright Shakespeare. The plot of
the movie focuses on the debate, which (seem I not /resolve), about whether
Shakespeare wrote his own plays . Few records of his personal life (appear I keep),
which makes verifying his work difficult . Here are some of the issues on which scholars
_______ (seem I divide) for many years.
would rather
• After would rather, you can use a passive base form.
He would rather be ,wmember«J for his philanthropy. He'd rather not be remembered for his crimes.
Read the article and complete it with passive base forms of the verbs given.
In law enforcement, many crimes go unsolved and sometimes remain a mystery. Not so in the case of
a Florida grandmother. While she would probably rather (know) for her good
deeds than (remember) for her crimes, this "pillar of the community" shocked
neighbors when she was arrested 34 years after her crimes were committed. She was sent to jail, and
while it's understandable that anyone would rather (give) probation than
_______ (sentence) to five years in prison, the woman shocked the community again.
Two months later, she escaped from prison, obviously feeling that she would really much rather
______ (leave) alone to live her life out of jail than (serve) a
prison sentence.
Grammar extra
Unit 12, Lesson A Grammar extra
Common verbs, adjectives, and nouns + object + ..Jng
• Here are some common verbs. adjectives, and nouns that introduce object + -ing patterns.
Verbs + keep, appreciate, remember, leave,, mind, get1 heat; see, fetJI, watch
prepositions hear aoout. listen to. wcrry abo11t, result in count on, dep�nd an, think of, in$ist on
Adjectives + interested in, tir�d Qf, sick of, supportive Qf, worried about wronQ with. responsible
prepositions for. excited at>aut (ufl)comfartable with, aware of, $�rious aboyt, good about.
happy with I about, fine with Qrateful for, crucial I critical to, crazy about
Nouns + Qicture I photo I video of. thought Qf, report af, qvestiQns of I abQut. prababilit'y
prepositions of, possibOity gf, chance(s) of, danger of. wo,ries about way of
I l'flmtmb•r my f•th•r giving m� a lat of advice.
But he also said. ·•rm not ,.,pon1/bl• tor you ttp••tlng my mistakes!"
I said, "There's no olt11no• of m• dolttfl that!"
A Read the advice to parents of young adults .. Rewrite the under1ined parts of the sentences,
using a pattern in the chart. You may need to delete or add words and change the verb forms.
Grammar extra
Unit 12, Lesson 8 Grammar extra
O More on reflexive pronouns
• Reflexive pronouns are often used after find, protect, defend, consider I see, call, ask, kill, describe,
identify, pride . . . on (= be proud), distance. express, reinvent, introduce, see for.
He prid.. hims•lf on being an e><pett but even he found hlms•lf "dating" a piece of software.
Read the article and complete it with reflexive pronouns. If one is not needed, write an X.
Even if you pride on being a good judge of character, when it comes to online
relationships, ask if you are sure about who you are in touch with. Meeting people
online is a challenge in . Many of us who have found in a problematic online
relationship say we didn't see it corning - even those of us who call experts. People often
reinvent online, and email doesn't lend to getting to know someone well.
You may have to protect from dangerous people. Take my friend Ana, who considers
____ a cautious person. This guy introduced via a dating site and described
____ as caring and single. The relationship developed , but on their first real date,
he apologized for being evasive, which in was a warning sign. How the story
ends speaks for . He turned out to be married. She distanced from him, but he
started turning up at her home. She couldn't relax and complained to the police.
Complete the sentences. Then rewrite sentences 1-4 as you might tell a friend in a conversation.
1. Everyone should make sure that bis o" bC" personal details are not online.
&c,,yo"'c si.._o...ld """'l<.C Sl.\l'C f i.._c·,,, pCl'SOl'\"I\ dct4'1i\s "ll'C l'\Ot 01'\lil'\C·
2. An onHne dater can always ask for a background check if wishes to.
3. Nobody should let guard down when they meet date.
Meet several times, ask to meet friends, and find out where
________ works.
4. Everybody should ask if is a good judge of character.
If not, ask a friend to come along and meet your new date.
5. People can protect by meeting in a public place.
Grammar extra
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26 Roger., E.M. 2003. Diffi,sion ofInnuvations (Slh Edition). New York: Free Press. 80 Data used by permission of Pew Research Centers Internet & American Life Project.
28 "World Internet Penetration Rates by Geographic Regions - 2012" and "lntemtt Ustrs in the 136 Information on women in the workplace used from the U.S. Census Bureau (www.census.
World, Distribution by World Regions - 20 I 2; Copyright o 2000 - 20 I 2, Miniwatts Marketing gov/hhes/socdemo/education/data/cps/2010/tables.html) and from a 2009 study conducted by
Group. All rights reserved. N. Scott Taylor of the University of New Maico.
48 "Sharkskin," from restarch by Anthony Brennan, PhD. professor of biomedical engineering.
University of Florida.
Development of this publication has made use of the Cambridge Engllsh Corpus (CEC). The CEC is a computer database of contemporary spoken and written English, which currently stands
at owr one billion words. It includes British English, American Engllsh, and other varieties of English. It also includes the Cambridge Learner Corpus, developed in collaboration with the
Univenity of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. Cambridge University Press has built up the CEC to provide evidence about language use that helps produce better language teaching materials.
Irregular verbs
Base form Simple past Past participle Base form Simple past Past participle
be was/were been make made made
beat beat beaten mean meant meant
become became become meet met met
begin began begun mislead misled misled
bend bent bent overcome overcame overcome
bet bet bet pay paid paid
bind bound bound prove proved proven/proved
bite bit bitten put put put
bleed bled bled quit quit quit
blow blew blown read read read
break broke broken ride rode ridden
breed bred bred ring rang rung
bring brought brought rise rose risen
broadcast broadcast broadcast run ran run
build built built say said said
burst burst burst see saw seen
burn burned/burnt burned/burnt seek sought sought
buy bought bought sell sold sold
cast cast cast send sent sent
catch caught caught set set set
choose chose chosen sew sewed sewn/sewed
cling clung clung shake shook shaken
come came come shine shone shone
cost cost cost shoot shot shot
creep crept crept show showed shown/showed
cut cut cut shrink shrank shrunk
deal dealt dealt shut shut shut
dig dug dug sing sang sung
do did done sink sank sunk
draw drew drawn sit sat sat
dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt sleep slept slept
drink drank drunk slide slid slid
drive drove driven sling slung slung
eat ate eaten slink slunk slunk
fall fell fallen SOW sowed sown
feed fed fed speak spoke spoken
feel felt felt spend spent spent
fight fought fought spill spilled/spilt spilled/spilt
find found found spin spun spun
fit fitted/fit fitted/fit spread spread spread
flee fled fled speed sped sped
fling flung flung spring sprang sprung
fly flew flown stand stood stood
forbid forbade forbidden steal stole stolen
forget forgot forgotten stick stuck stuck
forgive forgave forgiven sting stung stung
freeze froze frozen stink stank stunk
get got gotten strike struck struck
give gave given string strung strung
go went gone swear swore sworn
grow grew grown sweep swept swept
hang (an object) hung hung swim swam swum
have had had swing swung swung
hear heard heard take took taken
hide hid hidden teach taught taught
hit hit hit tear tore torn
hold held held tell told told
hurt hurt hurt think thought thought
keep kept kept throw threw thrown
know knew known understand understood understood
lay laid laid wake woke woken
lead led led wear wore worn
leave left left weep wept wept
lend lent lent win won won
let let let wind wound wound
lie (down) lay lain withhold withheld withheld
light lit lit write wrote written
lose lost lost
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