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Cortex Xsoar Admin

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Cortex XSOAR Administrator’s Guide


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Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

© 2020-2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Palo Alto Networks is a registered trademark of Palo
Alto Networks. A list of our trademarks can be found at www.paloaltonetworks.com/company/
trademarks.html. All other marks mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.

Last Revised
May 5, 2020


Table of Contents
Cortex XSOAR Overview................................................................................11
Cortex XSOAR Licenses.......................................................................................................................... 13
Cortex XSOAR License Types...................................................................................................13
Cortex XSOAR Users.................................................................................................................. 13
Add a License................................................................................................................................ 13
Product Support Lifecycle...................................................................................................................... 15
Cortex XSOAR Telemetry.......................................................................................................................16
Data Usage Collection................................................................................................................ 16
Runtime Data Usage Collection................................................................................................18
Cortex XSOAR Concepts........................................................................................................................ 19
Incident Fields............................................................................................................................... 19
Incident Lifecycle..........................................................................................................................19
Integrations.................................................................................................................................... 19
Integration Instance..................................................................................................................... 20
War Room...................................................................................................................................... 20
Indicators and Indicator Types................................................................................................. 20
Jobs.................................................................................................................................................. 21
Use Cases....................................................................................................................................................22
Analytics and SIEM...................................................................................................................... 22
Case Management........................................................................................................................22
Data Enrichment & Threat Intelligence.................................................................................. 22
Email Gateway.............................................................................................................................. 23
Forensics and Malware Analysis.............................................................................................. 23
Network Security (Firewall)....................................................................................................... 24
Network Security (IDS/IPS)....................................................................................................... 24
Vulnerability Management......................................................................................................... 24
Keyboard Shortcuts.................................................................................................................................. 25
Playbooks, Scripts, and CLI........................................................................................................25
Open and Close Right Shoulders............................................................................................. 26
How to Search in Cortex XSOAR.........................................................................................................27
Using the Search Query............................................................................................................. 27
Configure System Notifications.............................................................................................................29
Install DBot for Slack............................................................................................................................... 30

Single Server Deployment.............................................................................. 31

System Requirements.............................................................................................................................. 33
Cortex XSOAR Server................................................................................................................. 33
Cortex XSOAR Engine................................................................................................................ 33
Web Browsers...............................................................................................................................34
Required URLs...............................................................................................................................34
Performance Benchmark.........................................................................................................................36
Disk Usage..................................................................................................................................... 36


Performance Benchmark Test...................................................................................................36
Benchmark Process......................................................................................................................37
Benchmark Results.......................................................................................................................37
Install Cortex XSOAR for a Single Server Deployment................................................................... 39
Installer Flags.................................................................................................................................40
Install Cortex XSOAR Offline................................................................................................................ 44
Dependencies for Offline Installation..................................................................................... 44
Post-Installation Checklist.......................................................................................................................46
Server Post-Installation Health Check.................................................................................... 46
Monitor Cortex XSOAR Components.....................................................................................47
HTTPS with a Signed Certificate..............................................................................................48
AWS EC2 Deployment Guidelines....................................................................................................... 51
Upgrade the Cortex XSOAR Server..................................................................................................... 53
Uninstall Cortex XSOAR......................................................................................................................... 54

Distributed Database Deployment...............................................................55

Distributed Database Deployment....................................................................................................... 57
Single database server................................................................................................................ 57
Multiple database servers.......................................................................................................... 58
Sizing Requirements for Distributed Database Deployment......................................................... 59
Install Cortex XSOAR for a Distributed Database Deployment.................................................... 60
Install a Distributed Database Node....................................................................................................62
Configure a Live Backup for a Distributed Database Overview................................................... 63
Configure the Live Backup Environment for a Distributed Database............................. 63
Transition a Standby Server to Active Mode........................................................................ 66
Transition an Active Server to Standby Mode for a Distributed Database.................... 67
Change the Node Admin Password..................................................................................................... 68
Delete a User from a Node....................................................................................................................69
Convert a Single Server Deployment to a Distributed Database Deployment.......................... 70
Reindex Databases in a Distributed Database Deployment.......................................................... 72
Restore Databases in a Distributed Database Deployment........................................................... 73
Upgrade the Cortex XSOAR Server for a Distributed Database...................................................74

Proxy.................................................................................................................... 75
Configure Proxy Settings........................................................................................................................ 77
Use NGINX as a Reverse Proxy to the Cortex XSOAR Server......................................................78
Use Engines Through the NGINX Reverse Proxy................................................................ 78
Install NGINX on Cortex XSOAR............................................................................................. 78
Generate a Certificate for NGINX........................................................................................... 78
Configure NGINX......................................................................................................................... 79

Manage Data......................................................................................................81
Reindex the Entire Database................................................................................................................. 83
Reindex a Specific Index Database...................................................................................................... 84
Reindex the Entire Database for a Distributed Database...............................................................85
Reindex a Specific Index for a Distributed Database...................................................................... 86
Free up Disk Space with Data Archiving............................................................................................ 87
Migrate Data to Another Server...........................................................................................................90
Move Data Folders to Another Location on the Server................................................................. 91
Restore an Archived Folder....................................................................................................................92

Users and Roles.................................................................................................93
Users and Roles Overview..................................................................................................................... 95
Roles in Cortex XSOAR...........................................................................................................................96
Define a Role.................................................................................................................................96
Default Admin............................................................................................................................................99
Self-Service Read-Only Users............................................................................................................. 100
Configure the Server for Self Service Read-Only Users.................................................. 100
Create the Self Service Read-Only Users............................................................................101
Create the Read-Only Dashboard......................................................................................... 101
Create the Read-Only Incident Type and Layout.............................................................. 102
User Settings and Preferences............................................................................................................103
Details........................................................................................................................................... 103
Notifications................................................................................................................................ 104
Shift Management.................................................................................................................................. 105
Managing Shifts..........................................................................................................................105
User Invitations....................................................................................................................................... 107
Invite a User................................................................................................................................107
Integration Permissions.........................................................................................................................109
Password Policy...................................................................................................................................... 110
Create a Password Policy........................................................................................................ 110
Edit a Default Password Policy.............................................................................................. 110
Change the Administrator Password.................................................................................................113
Authenticate Users with SAML 2.0................................................................................................... 114
Set up Okta as the Identity Provider Using SAML 2.0.....................................................114
Set up Microsoft Azure as the Identity Provider............................................................... 122
Set up ADFS as the Identity Provider Using SAML 2.0................................................... 129
Configure User Notifications...............................................................................................................142
Set the Default Theme for New Users.............................................................................................143

Disaster Recovery and Live Backup.......................................................... 145

Disaster Recovery and Live Backup Overview............................................................................... 147
Troubleshoot Live Backup....................................................................................................... 147
Host Names, DNS, and Disaster Recovery...................................................................................... 149
Configure the Live Backup Environment..........................................................................................150
Configure Live Backup for Multiple SAMLs........................................................................151
DR Scenario: Testing the DR Environment......................................................................... 152
DR Scenario: Unrecoverable Active Server Failure........................................................... 153
DR Scenario: Unrecoverable Standby Server Failure........................................................153
Transition an Active Server to Standby Mode................................................................................155
Transition a Standby Server to Active Mode.................................................................................. 156
Transition Between DR States Through the Configuration File................................................. 157
Upgrade the Live Backup Environment............................................................................................ 158
Cortex XSOAR Engines and Disaster Recovery..............................................................................159
Backup the Database.............................................................................................................................160
Restore the Database............................................................................................................................161

Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR....................................................163

Remote Repositories Overview.......................................................................................................... 165
Configure a Remote Repository on a Development Machine.....................................................166

Configure a Remote Repository on the Production Machine..................................................... 169
Edit and Push Content to a Remote Repository............................................................................ 171
Troubleshoot a Remote Repository Configuration........................................................................ 173
Troubleshoot a Remote Repository Definition...................................................................173
Troubleshoot Editing and Pushing Content........................................................................ 174
Troubleshoot Content Issues..................................................................................................175

Engines.............................................................................................................. 177
Cortex XSOAR Engines Overview..................................................................................................... 179
Engine Proxy............................................................................................................................... 179
Engine Architecture...................................................................................................................179
Engine Load-Balancing..............................................................................................................179
Engine Installation and Configuration...................................................................................180
Install Cortex XSOAR Engines.............................................................................................................181
Run the Engine as a Service on Windows...........................................................................183
Use an Engine in an Integration......................................................................................................... 185
Manage Engines...................................................................................................................................... 186
Configure Engines.................................................................................................................................. 187
Edit the Engine Configuration................................................................................................ 187
Configure the Engine to Use a Web Proxy.........................................................................188
Configure the Engine to Call the Server Without Using a Proxy................................... 189
Configure the Number of Workers for the Server and Engine...................................... 189
Configure Access to Communication Tasks through an Engine.....................................190
Notify Users When an Engine Disconnects........................................................................190
Remove the Cortex XSOAR Server From the Load-Balancing Group...........................190
Remove an Engine..................................................................................................................................191
Troubleshoot Cortex XSOAR Engines...............................................................................................192
Troubleshoot Engine Upgrades.............................................................................................. 192

Docker............................................................................................................... 193
Docker Installation................................................................................................................................. 195
Install Docker Enterprise Edition on Cortex XSOAR........................................................ 195
Install Docker Community Edition on Cortex XSOAR......................................................196
Install Docker Distribution for Red Hat on Cortex XSOAR.............................................197
Install Docker Images Offline.............................................................................................................. 199
Configure Python Docker Integrations to Trust Custom Certificates....................................... 200
Docker Images in Cortex XSOAR.......................................................................................................202
Manage Docker Images............................................................................................................203
Create a Docker Image In Cortex XSOAR...........................................................................204
Docker Hardening Guide......................................................................................................................206
Configure Memory Limit Support Without Swap Limit Capabilities............................. 208
Run Docker with Non-Root Internal Users.........................................................................208
Use a Docker Image for Python Scripts...............................................................................209
Configure the Memory Limitation......................................................................................... 209
Test the Memory Limit.............................................................................................................210
Limit Available CPU...................................................................................................................211
Configure the PIDs Limit......................................................................................................... 211
Configure the Open File Descriptors Limit......................................................................... 212
Troubleshoot Docker Networking Issues............................................................................ 213
Run Docker with Non-Root Internal Users......................................................................................214

Dashboards...................................................................................................... 217

Dashboard Overview............................................................................................................................. 219
Create a Dashboard............................................................................................................................... 220
Add a Widget to a Dashboard............................................................................................................ 221
Configure a Default Dashboard..........................................................................................................222
Share and Unshare a Dashboard........................................................................................................223
Edit a Dashboard.................................................................................................................................... 224

Reports.............................................................................................................. 225
Reports Overview...................................................................................................................................227
Chromium Installation for Reports.....................................................................................................228
Install Chromium on Fedora, RHEL, or CentOS................................................................. 228
Install Chromium on openSUSE and SUSE..........................................................................228
Install Chromium on Ubuntu or Debian...............................................................................228
Configure Cortex XSOAR to Use PhantomJS................................................................................. 230
Create a Report.......................................................................................................................................231
Schedule a report................................................................................................................................... 232
Schedule a Report Examples...................................................................................................232
Create an Incident Summary Report................................................................................................. 235
Add a Widget to a Report................................................................................................................... 236
Edit a report.............................................................................................................................................237
Change the Report Logo...................................................................................................................... 238
Configure the Time Zone and Format in a Report.........................................................................239
Troubleshoot Reports............................................................................................................................240

Widgets............................................................................................................. 241
Widgets Overview..................................................................................................................................243
Create a Widget in the Widgets Library.......................................................................................... 244
Widget Parameters....................................................................................................................244
Create a Custom Widget Using a JSON File...................................................................................246
JSON File Widget Parameters................................................................................................246
JSON File Widget Example..................................................................................................... 248
Create a Custom Widget Using an Automation Script................................................................. 250
Script Based Widgets Using Automation Scripts Examples............................................ 250
Create a Widget from an Indicator....................................................................................... 258
Edit a Widget...........................................................................................................................................260
Create a Used Percentage Widget for a Disk Partition................................................................ 261
Saved By Dbot (ROI) Widget.............................................................................................................. 263
Customize the Currency Symbol in the Saved by Dbot Widget.................................... 264

Manage Indicators..........................................................................................265
Understand Indicators........................................................................................................................... 267
Feed Integrations....................................................................................................................... 267
Indicators Page........................................................................................................................... 269
Indicator Reputation..................................................................................................................270
Indicator Types........................................................................................................................... 272
Indicator Fields........................................................................................................................... 275
Exclusion List...............................................................................................................................277
Create a Feed-Triggered Job.................................................................................................. 277
Manage the Indicator Timeline.............................................................................................. 278
Auto Extract Indicators......................................................................................................................... 279
Auto Extract Modes.................................................................................................................. 279
How to Define Auto Extract...................................................................................................280


Configure What Auto Extract Executes...............................................................................280
Disable Auto Extract for Scripts and Integrations............................................................. 281
Auto Extract Indicators from a Phishing Email...................................................................281

Incident Lifecycle....................................................................................................................................287
Planning........................................................................................................................................ 287
Configure Integrations.............................................................................................................. 288
Classification Mapping..............................................................................................................288
Pre-Processing............................................................................................................................ 288
Incident Created.........................................................................................................................288
Running Playbooks.................................................................................................................... 288
Post-Processing.......................................................................................................................... 288
Incidents Management..........................................................................................................................289
Fetch Incidents from an Integration Instance.....................................................................290
Classification and Mapping......................................................................................................290
Create a Search Query for Incidents.................................................................................... 293
Create a Widget From an Incident........................................................................................294
Customize Incident View Layouts......................................................................................... 297
Incident Investigation................................................................................................................318
War Room Overview................................................................................................................ 319
Work Plan.................................................................................................................................... 325
Link Incidents.............................................................................................................................. 326
Investigate Using the Canvas................................................................................................. 328
Incident Actions..........................................................................................................................332
Evidence Handling..................................................................................................................... 333
Incident Tasks............................................................................................................................. 334
Incident Fields.............................................................................................................................335
Incident De-Duplication........................................................................................................... 345
Post Processing for Incidents................................................................................................. 350
Incident Access Control Configuration.................................................................................352

Playbooks Overview.............................................................................................................................. 357
Task Types...................................................................................................................................357
Inputs and Outputs................................................................................................................... 358
Field Mapping............................................................................................................................. 358
Manage Playbook Settings...................................................................................................................359
Playbook Inputs and Outputs..............................................................................................................360
Playbook Tasks........................................................................................................................................363
Create a Conditional Task....................................................................................................... 363
Communication Tasks...............................................................................................................365
Playbook Task Fields.................................................................................................................373
Extend Context....................................................................................................................................... 379
Extend Context in a Playbook Task...................................................................................... 379
Extend Context using the Command Line...........................................................................379
Generic Polling........................................................................................................................................ 381
Inputs............................................................................................................................................ 381
Generic Polling Example.......................................................................................................... 382
Limitations of Generic Polling.................................................................................................383
Filters and Transformers.......................................................................................................................384
Create Filters and Transformers in a Playbook.................................................................. 384


Filter Objects Using a Transformer.......................................................................................385
Filter Objects Using the Set Command................................................................................387
Filter Operators.......................................................................................................................... 389
Transformers Operators...........................................................................................................391
Create Custom Filters and Transformers Operators.........................................................395
Common Scripts to use in Automations...........................................................................................398

Work with SLAs..............................................................................................403

SLA Overview..........................................................................................................................................405
Create an SLA Field............................................................................................................................... 406
Manage SLA and Timer Fields in an Incident..................................................................................408
Create an SLA Trigger...........................................................................................................................409
Customize SLA Scripts.......................................................................................................................... 410
Search Incidents using SLA and Timer Fields..................................................................................411
Configure the Global Risk Threshold.................................................................................................413

Machine Learning Models............................................................................ 415

Machine Learning Models Overview.................................................................................................417
Create a Machine Learning Model.....................................................................................................418
Machine Learning Model Example........................................................................................ 419
Phishing Command Examples Using a Machine Learning Model...................................420
Phishing Classifier Demo...................................................................................................................... 423
DbotPredictOutOfTheBox Parameters................................................................................ 423
DbotPredictOutOfTheBox Parameters................................................................................ 423
DbotPredictOutOfTheBox Examples.................................................................................... 424

Lists.................................................................................................................... 427
Work With Lists......................................................................................................................................429
Use cases..................................................................................................................................... 429
List commands............................................................................................................................ 429
Create a List................................................................................................................................ 430
Set the List Separator Character........................................................................................................ 431

Cortex XSOAR Enterprise Mobile App..................................................... 433

Cortex XSOAR Enterprise Mobile App Overview..........................................................................435
Android Certificate Requirements......................................................................................... 435
Use the Cortex XSOAR Enterprise Mobile App.................................................................438

Agents Overview.................................................................................................................................... 447
Shared Agents......................................................................................................................................... 448
Configure a Shared Agent Instance...................................................................................... 448
Install a Shared Agent...............................................................................................................449
D2 Agent.................................................................................................................................................. 451
Install a D2 Agent......................................................................................................................451
Troubleshoot a Remote Installation (Windows)..............................................................................453
Agent Tools.............................................................................................................................................. 454
Configure Cortex XSOAR to Use PowerShell.................................................................... 454
D2 Agent Script Commands................................................................................................... 456
Return the memory dump file script.....................................................................................459

Running a Batch file Using Agent Tools.............................................................................. 460
View All Running Processes Script........................................................................................462

Logs.................................................................................................................... 463
Audit Trail................................................................................................................................................. 465
Send the Audit Trail to an External Log Service.............................................................................470

Cortex XSOAR Overview
Cortex XSOAR combines security orchestration, incident management, and interactive
investigation into a seamless experience. The orchestration engine is designed to automate
security product tasks and weave in human analyst tasks and workflows. Cortex XSOAR is
powered by DBot, which learns from the real-life analyst interactions and past investigations to
help SOC teams with analyst assignment suggestions, playbook enhancements, and best next
steps for investigations. With Cortex XSOAR, security teams can build future proof security
operations to reduce MTTR, create consistent and audited incident management process, and
increase analyst productivity.

> Cortex XSOAR Licenses

> Product Support Lifecycle
> Cortex XSOAR Telemetry
> Cortex XSOAR Concepts
> Use Cases
> Keyboard Shortcuts
> How to Search in Cortex XSOAR

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Cortex XSOAR Licenses
• Cortex XSOAR License Types
• Cortex XSOAR Users

Cortex XSOAR License Types

The following table describes the different license types that are available for Cortex XSOAR.

• Cortex XSOAR Community Edition: (General free usage) Evaluates Cortex XSOAR for partner
• Cortex XSOAR Threat Intel Management: Limited to customers migrating from Minemeld and do not
require case management for security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR).
• Cortex XSOAR Starter Edition: Relevant for customers who require case management for SOAR.
• Cortex XSOAR: Relevant for customers with case management for SOAR and threat intelligence needs.

Cortex XSOAR Users

Cortex XSOAR has audit users and full users.
Audit user
Audit users have read-only permission in Cortex XSOAR, meaning they do not have the ability to edit
system components and data, or run commands, automations, and playbooks. Audit users can view
incidents, dashboards, and reports.
Full user
Full users have read-write permission in Cortex XSOAR, meaning they have the ability to view and edit
system components and data. They can investigate incidents, run automation scripts and playbooks, chat in
the War Room, and so on. Full users’ access to Cortex XSOAR is determined by their assigned role.

Add a License
Follow these steps to add a new license to your Cortex XSOAR instance.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
STEP 1 | Save the license file.

STEP 2 | Go to Settings > About > License.

STEP 3 | (Optional) Refresh the browser.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Product Support Lifecycle
Versioning Model
Cortex XSOAR versioning methodology is based on M.N.P:
• M: major version number
• N: minor version number
• P: patch-set number
Release Cycle (subject to change)
• 1 major version released every 12-18 months (major version is M.x.x. For example, 2.0.0).
• 3 minor versions released annually (minor version is M.N.x. For example, 2.2.0).
• Patch set version - release based on need (M.N.P. For example, 2.2.1).
Support and End-of-Life
Major releases are supported for at least two years after the release date. For the latest major version
released, a minimum of two minor versions (the most recent) are supported. For example, as of June 2021,
Cortex XSOAR 6.1.0 and 6.2.0 are supported, as they are the latest two minor versions of the 6.0 major
For the major version prior to the latest version, a minimum of one minor version (the most recent) is
supported. For example, as of June 2021, Cortex XSOAR 5.0 is the previous major version, so only Cortex
XSOAR 5.5 (the latest minor release) is supported. Support for Cortex XSOAR 5.5 ends October 1, 2021.
Only latest patch set versions of releases are supported. After the end of life date, customers requiring
support are required to upgrade to a supported major version.

Cortex XSOAR Version End-of-life

6.2 Sept 26, 2022

6.1 Two months after 6.5 release date. Estimated EOL for 6.1 is
Jan 1, 2022.

5.5 Oct 1, 2021

General Guidelines
You should use the latest releases, as these include bug fixes, performance improvements, stability
enhancements, and may include security patches.

You can continue using a version that is end-of-life. However, when encountering an issue
that requires Customer Support involvement, you may be asked to upgrade to a supported
version before assistance can be provided.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Cortex XSOAR Telemetry
Cortex XSOAR uses telemetry to collect specific usage data. This data is analyzed and used to improve
Cortex XSOAR, and to identify common usage to help drive the product roadmap.
By default, telemetry is enabled. It is recommended that you do not disable telemetry.
To disable telemetry, go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Telemetry.

Data Usage Collection

Cortex XSOAR Component Data Collected

Playbooks All custom playbooks, excluding encrypted playbook inputs and

script arguments. The number of times each playbook was run.

Automations All custom automation scripts in the system, excluding passwords

and arguments defined as "secret".

Layouts All custom layouts and the incident fields being used.

Classifiers All custom mapping and classification configurations.

Integrations Metadata for all custom integrations. The integration script is not

Integration instances Metadata for all integration instances, such as the instance name,
brand, and category. Private information, such as credentials, is not

Command Usage The number of times each command is run.

Most-used commands The command names of the most-used commands, per incident

Custom Fields All custom fields, including incident fields, indicator fields, and
evidence fields.

Incident Types All custom incident types and corresponding data, such as
associated playbook.

Incidents Metadata for all incidents, including the number of incidents per
incident type, the amount of time each incident stage took to

Incident Metadata The number of incidents for each incident type, the average time of
each stage.

Incident Actions Incident creation, incident updates, whether the incident owner
suggestion assignment was used, file linkage, files uploaded to the
War Room.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Cortex XSOAR Component Data Collected

Incident Cluster Usage Modifications to the similarity filter, changes to the time frame.

Custom Indicators All custom indicator types and corresponding data, such as type and
related incidents.

Indicator Reputations All indicator types, including name, regex, reputation command, and
reputation script.

Playbooks The number of times each playbook is run, playbook updates,

playbook deletions.

Jobs Created jobs, updated jobs.

Widgets All custom widgets.

Dashboard All custom dashboards.

Reports Metadata for all scheduled reports, including name, schedule time,
tags, and paper information.

Pre-Process Rules All pre-processing rules.

Exclusion List A summary of exclusion list rules, and exclusion count per indicator

Users All user metadata. Sensitive user data is hashed, for example, user
name, email address, and phone number.

Roles All roles.

Licenses License information.

Canvas The total number of canvases and the number of nodes and
connections for each canvas.

Version Cortex XSOAR version and content version.

Pages The pages of Cortex XSOAR that are accessed.

User Actions User updates, logins, updated credentials, login method, color

Settings Update/delete: incident types, reputation (indicator types), Cortex

XSOAR lists

Help Search When the search is accessed, the search query.

Evidence Create/update/delete evidence.

Layouts Create/update/delete layouts.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Runtime Data Usage Collection
This data is collected every 5 minutes.

Cortex XSOAR Component Data Collected

New Incident Incident source, incident type, playbook name, and playbook ID.

Playbook Run Incident source, incident type, playbook name, playbook ID, and is
sub-playbook (whether it is a sub-playbook.

Command Run Incident source, incident type, command, integration brand, trigger
method (manual/automatic).

Incident Close Incident source, incident type, open duration, and timer fields and

Manual Task Start Task type, incident type, playbook name, playbook ID, and task

Manual Task Completion Task type, incident type, playbook name, playbook ID, and task

To-Do Task The total number of To-Do tasks. Whether the DBot suggested was


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Cortex XSOAR Concepts
It is important to familiarize yourself with Cortex XSOAR components, UI terminology, and key concepts.

Potential security data threat that SOC administrators identify and remediate. There are several incident
triggers, including:
• SIEM alerts
• Mail alerts
• Security alerts from third-party services, such as SIEM, mail boxes, data in CSV format, or from the
Cortex XSOAR includes several out-of-the-box incident types, and users can add custom incident types
with custom fields, as necessary.

Incident Fields
Incident Fields are used for accepting or populating incident data coming from incidents. You create fields
for information you know will be coming from 3rd party integrations and in which you want to insert the

Incident Lifecycle
Cortex XSOAR is an orchestration and automation system used to bring all of the various pieces of your
security apparatus together. Using Cortex XSOAR, you can define integrations with your 3rd-party security
and incident management vendors. You can then trigger events from these integrations that become
incidents in Cortex XSOAR. Once the incidents are created, you can run playbooks on these incidents to
enrich them with information from other products in your system, which helps you complete the picture. In
most cases, you can use rules and automation to determine if an incident requires further investigation or
can be closed based on the findings. This enables your analysts to focus on the minority of incidents that
require further investigation.

Third-party tools and services that the Cortex XSOAR platform orchestrates and automates SOC
operations. In addition to third-party tools, you can create your own integration using the Bring Your Own
Integration (BYOI) feature.
The following lists some of the integration categories available in Cortex XSOAR. The list is not exhaustive,
and highlights the main categories:
• Analytics and SIEM
• Authentication
• Case Management
• Data Enrichment
• Threat Intelligence
• Database
• Endpoint
• Forensics and Malware Analysis
• IT Services
• Messaging


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
• Network Security
• Vulnerability Management

Integration Instance
A configuration of an integration. You can have multiple instances of an integration, for example, to connect
to different environments. Additionally, if you are an MSSP and have multiple tenants, you could configure a
separate instance for each tenant.

Cortex XSOAR Playbooks are self-contained, fully documented prescriptive procedures that query, analyze,
and take action based on the gathered results. Playbooks enable you to organize and document security
monitoring, orchestration, and response activities. There are several out-of-the-box playbooks that cover
common investigation scenarios. You can use these playbooks as-is, or customize them according to your
requirements. Playbooks are written in YAML file format using the COPS standard.
A key feature of Playbooks is the ability to structure and automate security responses, which were
previously handled manually. You can reuse Playbook tasks as building blocks for new playbooks, saving
you time and streamlining knowledge retention.

The Automation section is where you manage, create, and modify scripts. These scripts perform a specific
action, and are comprised of commands associated with an integration. You write scripts in either Python or
JavaScript. Scripts are used as part of tasks, which are used in playbooks and commands in the War Room.
Scripts can access all Cortex XSOAR APIs, including access to incidents, investigations, share data to the
War Room, and so on. Scripts can receive and access arguments, and you can password protect scripts.
The Automation section includes a Script Helper, which provides a list of available commands and scripts,
ordered alphabetically.

Cortex XSOAR has two different kinds of commands:
• system commands - Commands that enable you to perform Cortex XSOAR operations, such as clearing
the playground or closing an incident. These commands are not specific to an integration. System
commands are entered in the command line using a /.
• external commands - Integration-specific commands that enable you to perform actions specific to an
integration. For example, you can quickly check the repuration of an ip. External commands are entered
in the command line using a !. For example, !ip.

War Room
The War Room is a collection of all investigation actions, artifacts, and collaboration pieces for an incident.
It is a chronological journal of the incident investigation. You can run commands and playbooks from the
War Room and filter the entries for easier viewing.

Indicators and Indicator Types

DBot can simplify your incident investigation process by collecting and analyzing information and artifacts
found in War Room entries. Cortex XSOAR analyzes indicators to determine whether they are malicious.
Using indicator types reveals predefined, regular expressions in the War Room.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Hits are indicators that are determined to have a bad reputation, and were previously identified in the
network. The reputation is the indicator's level of maliciousness, determined manually or by hypersearch
scripts. If a hypersearch script identifies an indicator, the source is DBot.
There are many out-of-the-box indicator types, but you can add custom indicator types as necessary. The
following is a list of some of the indicator types, but the list is not exhaustive:
• IP address (IP4, IP6)
• Registry path
• Email
• File hash (SHA-1, MD5)
• Domains
When you add an indicator type, you can add enhancement and reputation scripts. Enhancement scripts
enable you to gather additional data about the highlighted entry in the War Room. Reputation scripts
calculate the reputation score for an entry that DBot analyzed, for example, DataIPReputation, which
calculates the reputation of an IP address.

The playground is a non-production environment where you can safely develop and test automation scripts,
APIs, commands, and more. It is an investigation area that is not connected to a live (active) investigation.
To erase a playground and create a new one, in the Cortex XSOAR CLI run the /playground_create

You can create scheduled events in Cortex XSOAR using jobs. Jobs are triggered either by time-triggered
events or feed-triggered events. For example, you can define a job to trigger a playbook when a specified
TIM feed finishes a fetch operation that included a modification to the list.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Use Cases
This section includes common Use Cases for the different categories of Cortex XSOAR integrations. While
this list is not meant to be exhaustive, it's a good starting point for you to understand what use cases could
be supported by your integration.

Analytics and SIEM

Top Use Cases:
• Fetch Incidents with relevant filters
• Create, close and delete incidents/events/cases
• Update Incidents - Update status, assignees, Severity, SLA, etc.
• Get events related to an incident/case for enrichment/investigation purposes
• Query SIEM (consider aggregating logs)
Please Note: This will normally include the Fetch Incidents possibility for the instance. It can also include
list-incidents or get-incident as integration commands. Important information for an Event/Incident.
Analytics & SIEM Integration Example: ArcSight ESM

Top Use Cases:
• Use credentials from authentication vault in order to configure instances in Cortex XSOAR
(Save credentials in: Settings -> Integrations -> Credentials) The integration should include the
isFetchCredentials Parameter, and other integrations that will use credentials from the vault, should
have the ‘Switch to credentials’ option
• Lock/Delete Account – Give option to lock account (credentials), and unlock/undelete
• Reset Account - Perform a reset password command for an account
• List credential names – Do not post the actual credentials. (For example – Credential name: McAfee
ePO, do not show actual username and password.)
• Lock Vault – In case of an emergency (if the vault has been compromised), allow the option to lock +
unlock the whole vault
• Step-Up authentication - Enforce Multi Factor Authentication for an account
Authentication Integration Example: CyberArk AIM

Case Management
Top Use Cases:
• Create, get, edit, close a ticket/issue, add + view comments
• Assign a ticket/issue to a specified user
• List all tickets, filter by name, date, assignee
• Get details about a managed object, update, create, delete
• Add and manage users
Case Management/Ticketing Integration Example: ServiceNow

Data Enrichment & Threat Intelligence

Top Use Cases:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
• Enriching information about different IOC types: Upload object for scan and get the scan results. (If
there’s a possibility to upload private/public, default should be set to private). Search for former scan
results about an object (This way you can get information about a sample without uploading it yourself).
Enrich information and scoring for the object.
• Add/Search for indicators in the system
• Add indicators to the exclusion list
• Calculate DBot Score for indicators
Data Enrichment & Threat Intelligence Integration Example: VirusTotal

Email Gateway
Top Use Cases:
• Get message – Download the email itself, retrieve metadata, body
• Download attachments for a given message
• Manage senders – Block/ Allow specified mail senders
• Manage URLs – Block/ Allow the sending of specified URLs
• Encode/ Decode URLs in messages
• Release a held message (The gateway can place suspicious messages on hold, and sometimes they would
need to be released to the receiver)
Email Gateway Integration Example: MimeCast

Top Use Cases:
• Fetch Incidents & Events
• Get event details (from specified incident)
• Quarantine File
• Isolate and contain endpoints
• Update Indicators (Network, hashes, etc.) by policy (can be block, monitor) – deny list
• Add indicators to the exclusion list
• Search for indicators in the system (Seen indicators and related incidents/events)
• Download file (based on hash, path)
• Trigger scans on specified hosts
• Update .DAT files for signatures and compare existing .DAT file to the newest one on the server
• Get information for a specified host (OS, users, addresses, hostname)
• Get policy information and assign policies to endpoints
Endpoint Integration Examples: Cortex XDR, Tanium and Carbon Black Protection

Forensics and Malware Analysis

Top Use Cases:
• Submit a file and get a report (detonation)
• Submit a URL and get a report (detonation)
• Search for past analysis (input being a hash/URL)
• Retrieve a PCAP file
• Retrieve screenshots taken during analysis
Sandbox Integration Example: Cuckoo Sandbox


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Network Security (Firewall)
Top Use Cases:
• Create block/accept policies (Source, Destination, Port), for IP addresses and domains
• Add addresses and ports (services) to predefined groups, create groups, etc.
• Support custom URL categories
• Fetch network logs for a specific address for a configurable time frame
• URL filtering categorization change request
• Built in blocked rule command for fast-blocking
• If there is a Management FW, allow the option to manage policy rules through it
Network Security Firewall Integration Example: Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS

Network Security (IDS/IPS)

Top Use Cases:
• Get/Fetch alerts
• Get PCAP file, packet
• Get network logs filtered by time range, ip addresses, ports, etc.
• Create/manage/delete policies and rules
• Update signatures from an online source / upload + Get last signature update information
• Install policy (if existing)
Network Security (IPS/IDS) Integration Example: Protectwise

Vulnerability Management
Top Use Cases:
• Enrich asset – get vulnerability information for an asset (or a group of assets) in the organization
• Generate/Trigger a scan on specified assets
• Get a scan report including vulnerability information for a specified scan and export it
• Get details for a specified vulnerability
• Scan assets for a specific vulnerability
Vulnerability Management Integration Example: Tenable.io


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Keyboard Shortcuts
There are several keyboard shortcuts that enable you to quickly navigate and manage Cortex XSOAR.

Playbooks, Scripts, and CLI

Description Mac Windows Available in Pages

Fast Navigation Command-K Ctrl + K All

Focus on the CLI Command-; Ctrl + ; All

Save the Playbook Command-S Ctrl + S Playbooks

Auto-Align the Command-L Ctrl + L Playbooks (edit mode)


Save the Automation Command-S Ctrl + S Automation


Create a New Command-I Ctrl + I Automation

Automation script

Create a New Incident Command-I Ctrl + I Home, Incidents

Open the Markdown Ctrl-M Ctrl + M CLI area in all pages

Box and the Toolbar in

Toggle Full View/Right Option-F Alt + F Dashboard, Incident

Side Menu View Page, Automations,

Switch Between Incident Pages

Description Mac Windows

Navigate to the Incident Details Option-1 Alt + 1


Navigate to the War Room Page Option-2 Alt + 2

Navigate to the Workplan Page Option-3 Alt + 3

Navigate to the Evidence Board Option-4 Alt + 4


Navigate to the Related Option-5 Alt + 5

Incidents Page


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Description Mac Windows

Navigate to Canvas Page Option-6 Alt + 6

Open and Close Right Shoulders

Description Mac Windows

Open/Close the Incident Option-Q Alt + Q

Summary Quick View

Open/Close the Systems Option-W Alt + W


Open/Close the Incident Team Option-E Alt + E


Open/Close the Incident Option-R Alt + R

Context View


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How to Search in Cortex XSOAR
Cortex XSOAR comes with a very powerful search capability. You can search for data in Cortex XSOAR in
the following ways:
• Using the search query: searches for information using the Lucene query syntax. The search
query appears in the Indicators, Incidents, Jobs, Playbooks, Automation, and the Evidence Board
pages. For example, to search for all incidents that have the status as pending and are critical, type
status:Pending and severity:Critical.

• Using the search box: searches for incidents, entries, evidence, investigations, and indicators in Cortex
XSOAR. The search box appears in the top right hand corner in every page. You can either type free text
or search using the search query format (use the arrow keys to assist you in the search). For example,
incident.severity:Low searches for all incidents that have low in the severity category.

• Using a general search. For example, when searching for a table in the Users tab, searching for a widget,
or a task in a playbook, etc.

Using the Search Query

The search follows the Lucene query syntax. The search is performed on certain pages such as incidents,
indicators, etc, or the entire data (titles, entries, chats, etc.).


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Basic syntax of the search
You can add some of the following inputs, when searching for data:

Input Description

Add text Type any text. The results show all data where one of the words
appears. For example, the search low virus returns all data where
either the string, low or the string, virus appears.

and Searches for data where all conditions are met. For example,
status:Active and severity:High finds all incidents with an
active status that has an high severity.

or Searches for data where either conditions are met. For

example, status:Pending and severity:High or
severity:Critical finds for all incidents with a pending status and
with severity high or critical.

* Wildcard search: * and ? should be used when searching for partial

strings. For example, when searching for all scripts that start with AD,
use AD**. If you need to search for script, which contains "get", search
for *get*.

“” An empty value.

- Excludes from any search. For example in the Incidents page the -
status:closed -category:job searches for all incidents that are
not closed and for categories other than jobs.

Relative time. For example: Relative time in natural language can be used in search queries. Time
filters - < and > can be used when referring to a specified time, such as
• “half an hour ago”
dueDate:>="2018-03-05T00:00:00 +0200".
• “1 hour ago”
• “5 minutes ago” When adding some fields, such as Occurred you can
• “10 days ago” enter the date from the calendar. You can also filter the
• “five days ago” date when the results are displayed.
• “5 seconds ago”
• “two weeks ago”
• “a month ago”
• “a few months ago
• “one year ago”
• a week ago


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Configure System Notifications
If there are multiple instances of a mail sender in Cortex XSOAR, you can choose which email sender
should send the notification by configuring the server.notification.using.send-mail key in the
advanced server configuration settings.
If you do not configure the advanced server setting, Cortex XSOAR uses the first email integration it finds
to send the system notifications.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Enter the following key and value:

Key Value

server.notification.using.send-mail The mail sender instance name.


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Install DBot for Slack
The following steps explain how to install and configure the DBot app for Slack.
By default, DBot monitors all channels in non-verbose mode.

STEP 1 | Go to https://dbot.demisto.com to install the DBot app for Slack.

STEP 2 | Click the Add to Slack button.

STEP 3 | When prompted, review the required permissions and click Allow.

STEP 4 | Go to https://dbot.demisto.com/conf to configure the DBot app for Slack.

Select which channels and conversations to monitor.


Single Server Deployment
> System Requirements
> Install Cortex XSOAR for a Single Server Deployment
> Install Cortex XSOAR Offline
> Post-Installation Checklist
> AWS EC2 Deployment Guidelines
> Upgrade the Cortex XSOAR Server
> Uninstall Cortex XSOAR

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
System Requirements
Cortex XSOAR requires the following software and hardware. Ensure you meet all minimum system
• Cortex XSOAR Server
• Cortex XSOAR Engine
• Web Browsers
• Required URLs

Cortex XSOAR Server

Cortex XSOAR server has specific operating system and hardware requirements.
Operating Systems
You can deploy Cortex XSOAR on the following operating systems and must meet the minimum hardware

Operating System Supported Versions

CentOS 7.x and 8

Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04

RHEL 7.x and 8

Oracle Linux 7.x

Amazon Linux 2

Hardware Requirements

Component Dev Environment Minimum Recommended

CPU 8 CPU cores 16 CPU cores

Memory 16GB RAM 32GB RAM

Storage 500GB SSD 1TB SSD with minimum 3k dedicated IOPS

Cortex XSOAR Engine

Cortex XSOAR engines are compatible with the following operating systems and must meet the minimum
hardware requirements.
• Windows
• MacOS
• Linux
Hardware Requirements


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Component Dev Environment Minimum Production Minimum

CPU 8 CPU cores 16 CPU cores

Memory 16GB RAM 32GB RAM

Stoarge 20GB 20GB

Web Browsers
Cortex XSOAR supports the following web browsers:

Web Browser Version

Chrome 46.x and later

Safari 6.x and later

Firefox 43.x and later

Microsoft Edge Latest version

Internet Explorer 11

Required URLs
You need to allow the following URLs for Cortex XSOAR to operate properly.

Function Service/Port Direction

Web interface HTTPS (443/configurable) Users > Server

Engine connectivity HTTPS (443/configurable) Engine > Server

Integrations Integration-specific ports Server > Integration

REST API HTTPS (443/configurable)https:// Third Party > Server


Docker • https:// Server > Docker URLs

• https://auth.docker.io
(This URL may change according to
Docker’s discretion).
• https://
(This URL may change according to
Docker’s discretion).

Cortex XSOAR content updates • https://api.github.com Server > GitHub


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Function Service/Port Direction
• https://github-production-release-

Marketplace • xsoar.pan.dev/marketplace- Server > Marketplace

index-mapping (download packs
and view marketplace)
(download packs and view
• xsoar-authentication-
(login and register users)
• xsoar-marketplace-
(review packs)
• xsoar-marketplace-
(subscribe to packs)
• xsoar-premium-content-
(download premium packs, including
free premium packs)
• xsoar-contribution-
dev.web.app (contribute packs)


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Performance Benchmark
Cortex XSOAR is designed to maximize performance and enable scalability, delivering factors to provide the
best experience and performance, and such benchmarking process is conducted annually to ensure the best
performance levels.
Cortex XSOAR performance is determined by compute, memory, and HD performance. Each component
can impact a different part of the system, therefore it is important to ensure that you deploy Cortex XSOAR
on an infrastructure that meets all requirements.
The amount of data each incident holds can have a significant impact on performance and disk space of the
system. To achieve optimal performance and disk usage, we recommend that an incident not be larger than

Disk Usage
The required disk space for each incident varies based on the number of integrations and the size and
complexity of the playbook. We simulated the number of incidents and their respective size in the disk.
For the simulation we used out-of-the-box integrations and an example phishing playbook (see Simulation
Incidents and Required Disk Size table).
The incidents were generated using genuine phishing emails of various sizes, which averaged 4KB.
The below values show the disk space for incidents after ingestion and playbook run, without Demisto
data compression. A plain incident before ingestion and playbook run averages 3KB in the file system, and
depends on the data received from the SIEM.

You should not compare disk usage tests between versions. Different tests are performed for
each version.

Product Version 10,000 40,000 100,000

5.0 22 GB 90 GB 225 GB

5.5 27 GB 108 GB 270 GB

Performance Benchmark Test

The benchmark test was performed on dedicated virtual servers running Amazon Linux 2. The following
tests were performed on dedicated machines with recommended specifications. The tests were performed
with a dedicated SSD hardware IOPS granting persistence input/output operations per second, rather than
possible varying IOPS rate, which is common in cloud machines.
The virtual server specifications were:
• 16 CPU cores
• 32 GB RAM
• 1 TB SSD (GP2)
• Cortex XSOAR v5.5


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Benchmark Process
The benchmarking process is executed using an automated test, which allows for batch incident mapping
and classifying, ingestion, and execution of a specified playbook. We then measure each step in the incident
lifecycle and measure the total time it took from the first incident received to the last incident closed.
The same three tests were performed on two different environments, a single-server environment and
a multi-repo environment. Each environment contained only out-of-the-box integrations, scripts, and
• Ingest and run 50 incidents with an automated playbook to completion.
• Ingest and run 100 incidents with an automated playbook to completion.
• Ingest and run 500 incidents with an automated playbook to completion.
Incidents are ingested via HTTP REST request.
Each incident automatically triggers the default phishing playbook (complicated level), which performs the
actions listed below. These actions are performed simultaneously for all incidents, on each test.
• Parse and process the email
• Auto-run IOC extraction and reputation checks for all indicators
• Extract attachments
• Calculate incident severity based on IOCs
• Notify users (administrators and the email sender) about the progress of the incident
• Close the incident

Benchmark Results
The results are the average time for each test.
The numbers specified were processed without data compression. The results might vary based on
the machines' hardware specifications, system configurations, Docker version, and the type of actions
Cortex XSOAR utilizes free memory and available resources to enable faster system performance, including
cache, containers manipulation, and more.
Single-server Tests

Number of incidents executed in Time to complete ingestion Time to complete playbook


50 814ms 2m49s

100 1.84s 4m43s

500 10.15s 31m22s

Distributed Database Tests

The environment that was tested consisted of four servers: 1 app server, 1 main DB node, 2 DB nodes)
• 1 application server
• 1 main DB node


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• 2 DB nodes

Number of incidents executed in Time to complete ingestion Time to complete playbook


50 0.5s 2m12s

100 1.05s 4m42s

500 5.2s 22m59s


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Install Cortex XSOAR for a Single Server
In a standard Cortex XSOAR deployment, the app server and database server are installed on the same
Installation File Structure
This is the file and folder structure in a standard Cortex XSOAR installation.

Asset Path

Binaries /usr/local/demisto

Data /var/lib/demisto

Logs /var/log/demisto

Configuration /etc/demisto.conf (will not be created if defaults are selected during installation)

Reports /tmp/demisto_install.log

Install Log /tmp/demisto_install.log

Verify the following information and requirements before you install Cortex XSOAR.
• Your deployment meets the minimum system requirements.
• You have root access.
• The production server has Python 2.7 or 3.x.
• (CentOS 8) Open the installation script by running the sudo yum install tar command.

STEP 1 | Download the server package from the link that you received from Cortex XSOAR Support.

STEP 2 | As root user, execute the .sh file.


STEP 3 | Accept the EULA and complete the installation process.

STEP 4 | Run the chmod +x demistoserver-xxxx.sh command to convert the .sh file to an
executable file.

STEP 5 | In a web browser, go to the https:// serverURL: port to verify that Cortex XSOAR was
successfully installed.


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Installer Flags
Flags that follow the -- separator

Flag Type Description

-C N/A (CentOS) Tells yum to run

entirely from system cache, and
does not download or update
any headers unless it has to
perform the requested action.

-backup Boolean Whether to back up server data

when upgrading the Cortex
XSOAR server.

-backup-tenants Boolean Whether to back up server data

for tenants when upgrading the
Cortex XSOAR server. Default is

-conffile String The server .conf file. The

default location is /etc/

-db-address1 String The host name or IP address of

the remote database.

-db-any-certificate Boolean Whether to trust any certificate

when communicating with the
database. Default is true.

-db-conn-port String The secure connection port for

the remote database. Default is

-db-only Boolean Whether to set up only the

Cortex XSOAR database server.
Applicable for remote database
deployment. Default is false.

-db-port String The port of the remote database.

Default is 443.

-db-secret String The secret for the remote


-db-use-proxy N/A The proxy is used when

communicating with the


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Flag Type Description

-demisto-no-gpg-check N/A Tells yum to disable the gpg

signature when checking for the

-distro String Forces the Linux distro (such

as CentOS, Debian, or Debian

-do-not-start-server N/A Prevents starting the server

when the installation or upgrade
is complete.

-dr N/A Sets up the disaster recovery


-elasticsearch-url String Elasticsearch URL addresses

For example, http://

-elasticsearch-api-key String The Elasticsearch API key, which

should be used in licensed

-elasticsearch-username String The Elasticsearch username.

-elasticsearch-password String The Elasticsearch password.

-elasticsearch-proxy Boolean Whether to use a proxy

when communicating with
Elasticsearch. Can be true or
false. Default is false.

-elasticsearch-insecure Boolean Whether to trust any certificate

when communicating with
Elasticsearch. Can be true or
false. Default is true.

-elasticsearch- Integer The amount of time (in seconds)

before Elasticsearch times out.
Default is 20 seconds.

-external-address String The external address of the

instance during installation.

-h N/A Displays installation help.

-index-entries Boolean Whether to index entries.

-otc String The one-time configuration

file. The default location


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Flag Type Description
is /var/lib/demisto/

-prev-uninstall-script String The path for the uninstall

script. The default location
is /var/lib/dpkg/info/

-purge N/A Removes the existing Cortex

XSOAR installation.

-restore-entries Boolean Restores the entries index. If

false, it prevents restoring the
entries index. The default is true.

-server-only N/A (For remote database

deployments) Sets up only the
Cortex XSOAR server.

-tools Boolean Installs the required tools. The

default is true.

-use-prev-uninstall- N/A (For Cortex XSOAR upgrades)

script The script that deletes the
Cortex XSOAR user and group is
not run.

-y N/A Answer all installer questions

with y/yes, including the Cortex

Flags that precede and include the -- separator

Use the following flags to get help or information about the ./demistoserver-5.5-XXXXX.sh file.

Flag Description

--help Prints a message.

--info Prints embedded information, including title, default target directory,

or embedded script.

--lsm Prints an embedded LSM entry, if one exists.

--list Prints a list of files located in the archive.

--check Checks the integrity of the archive.

Use the following flags to run the ./demistoserver-5.5-XXXXX.sh file.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Flag Description

--confirm Prompts you to confirm before running an

embedded script.

--quiet Prints only error messages.

--accept Accepts the Cortex XSOAR license.

--noexec Embedded scripts are not run.

--keep The target directory is not deleted after running an

embedded script.

--noprogress Progress is hidden during decompression.

--nox11 An xterm is not spawned.

--nochown Extracted files are not given to users.

--nodiskspace Disk space is not checked for available space.

--target dir Extracts directly to an absolute or relative target


--tar arg1[arg2...] Accesses the archive contents.


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Install Cortex XSOAR Offline
These instructions apply when using the Cortex XSOAR installer script for installation with no internet
connectivity. The dependencies might change across releases. Always verify that your yum repo packages
are updated according to the dependecy list.
To install Cortex XSOAR without an internet connection, you need to download CentOS packages and
Docker dependencies before you install Cortex XSOAR server.
Docker is used to run Python scripts in an isolated container.

STEP 1 | Create a local yum repo with the required dependencies for your deployment type.

STEP 2 | Download and install the Docker dependencies.

1. In the Cortex XSOAR installer download link, append the link with downloadName=dockerimages.
2. Run the docker load -i <YOUR.DOCKER.FILE>.tar command from the Cortex XSOAR server
3. Verify that the local yum repository is properly configured before you run the Cortex XSOAR

STEP 3 | Run the command for your deployment to install Cortex XSOAR.

Deployment Type Command

CentOS ./demistoserver-x.x-xxxxx.sh -- -tools=false -C

Red Hat ./demistoserver-x.x-xxxxx.sh -- -tools=false

STEP 4 | Run the repoquery -a --installed command to verify that the required dependencies were
successfully installed.

Dependencies for Offline Installation

RPM dependencies
The following dependencies are required for Red Hat and CentOS deployments.
• systemd
• samba-client
• samba-common-tools
• samba
• xmlsec1
• xmlsec1-openssl
• rpm-build
• libcap
• file-devel
• fontconfig
• expat
• libpng


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• freetype
• java-1.8.0-openjdk
• git

Debian dependencies
The following dependencies are required for Debian and Ubuntu deployments.
• systemd-services
• smbclient
• xmlsec1
• rpm
• libcap2-bin
• file
• libfontconfig1
• libexpat1
• libpng12-0
• libfreetype6
• openjdk-8-jre
• git


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Post-Installation Checklist
• Server Post-Installation Health Check
• Monitor Cortex XSOAR Components
• HTTPS with a Signed Certificate
• Configure Websockets

Server Post-Installation Health Check

After you install the Cortex XSOAR server, it is recommended that you verify the installation by checking
several systems and running several commands.
If you experience issues with any of these health checks, contact the Cortex XSOAR support team.

Check the Docker sub-system

Run these commands in the playground.
• /docker_images: Verify that either a list of Docker images or an empty list is returned.
• !py script="demisto.results('hello world')": Verify that hello world is returned, not
an error.
• sudo docker info: Check for warnings or errors.
If no Docker images were installed, then the !py script="demisto.results('hello world')"
command might take several minutes to execute, and might fail the first time it is run. If the command fails,
rerun the command after five minutes.

Verify Integration Tests

Create an instance of each of the following integrations and test each of these integrations by clicking the
Test button in the integration instance.
• urlscan.io
• ipinfo
• PhishTank
• OpenPhish
• Rasterize
Also, run !FailedInstances in the playground to test all configured integrations and check outputs to
see that there are no errors returned.

Run Commands in the Playground

We recommend that you run the following commands in the playground.

Command Related Full Command Description

Name Integration

url urlscan.io !url url="https:// Submits a URL to scan.

PhishTank Checks URL reputation


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Command Related Full Command Description
Name Integration

ip ipinfo !ip ip="" Checks the IP reputation (when

information is available, returns
a JSON with details). Uses all
configured Threat Intelligence

rasterize Rasterize !rasterize url="https:// Converts the contents of a URL to

google.com" an image file or a PDF file.
!rasterize-email Converts the body of an email to
htmlBody="<h1>hello an image file or a PDF file.

!Ping address= Verifies accessibility of the host

from the Internet .

Check the reporting sub-system

Run any report and verify that the PDF output resolves correctly.

• Verify that your content is up to date. Navigate to the Playbooks section and click Check for new
• Verify that you see automation scripts in the Automations section.
• Verify that you see playbooks in the Playbooks section.
• Verify that you see dashboard widgets in the My Dashboards section.

Monitor Cortex XSOAR Components

Cortex XSOAR provides several tools to monitor your system’s health. For self-hosted instances, use your
organization's standard system health monitoring tools to monitor the performance of your server's disk,
CPU, and RAM.

Verify That The Server Is Up and Running

To check that the server is up and running, navigate to the following URL: https://
<your.demisto.hostname>/health. If the server is up and running, the system returns HTTP status
code 200 OK.

Integration Fetch Error Notifications

You can specify a comma-separated list of users to notify when an integration fails to fetch events.

Monitor Engine Hosts

For all instances, in addition to monitoring your Cortex XSOAR server, it is important to monitor the health
of your engine hosts. You should ensure that the service is up and running, and that the disk, CPU, and RAM
are not being over-utilized. For additional ways to monitor and manage your engine hosts, see the following
sections in Managing Cortex XSOAR Engines:
• Get Engine Logs


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
• Notify Users When an Engine Disconnects

Post-Installation Health Checks

After you install Cortex XSOAR, we recommend that you run several health checks, for content,
integrations, Docker images, and so on, to verify that your environment is working as expected. For more
information, see Server Post-Installation Health Check.
If you experience issues with any of these health checks, contact the Cortex XSOAR support team.

HTTPS with a Signed Certificate

By default the server uses a self-signed certificate for a secure HTTP connection. Only TLS 1.2 is supported.
If you want to use your own server certificate (X.509 certificates), it is recommended to replace `/usr/
local/demisto/cert.key` with the private key and `/usr/local/demisto/cert.pem` with the
certificate. To create your own certificate and key, see Create a Private Key and Certificate Signing Request
For the certificate PEM file, you must concatenate the certificate chain one after the other in the file. The
SSL certificate should come first, and the CA certificate(s) second. Only the certificate itself is needed, i.e.
the text between and including "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and "-----END CERTIFICATE-----".


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
You can store the key and certificate in a different location, by changing the /etc/demisto.conf file and
adding the locations below:


Ensure both files have the correct ownership: demisto:demisto

If your private key is encrypted, you need to add the key password to the one-time-configuration (OTC) file
located in /var/lib/demisto/otc.conf.json. After the file is saved and the Cortex XSOAR server is
restarted, the OTC file is automatically deleted. Add the following content to the OTC file.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

Cortex XSOAR server does not support PKCS#8 encrypted PEM files.To validate that the file
is supported, check that the "DEK-Info" header exists.

When using a Safari browser, the self-signed certificate must be added to the OS Keychain.

Create a Private Key and Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Follow these instructions to create a private key and certificate signing request.

STEP 1 | On a SSH session to the Cortex XSOAR server, generate the private certificate by running the
following command.
openssl genrsa -out DemistoPrivateKey.key 2048
The RSA private key is generated.

STEP 2 | Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) by running the following command.
openssl req -new -sha256 -key DemistoPrivateKey.key -out

STEP 3 | Follow the on-screen instructions.

The CSR is sent to the certificate signing authority. The CA authority sends the certificate by email in
different formats. Use the certificate in X.509 format with the .pem extension.

STEP 4 | Replace the existing internal certificate in /usr/local/demisto/cert.pem and key in /usr/
local/demisto/cert.key with the newly generated private certificate and key.

STEP 5 | Restart the Cortex XSOAR server.

Keep the certificate and key in a place other than /usr/local/demisto.

Troubleshoot Creating a Private Key and CSR

After the newly generated certificate key pair is copied to /usr/local/demisto, if the browser does not
show the new certificate, do one or more of the following:
• Check whether the FQDN specified in the certificate is the same as the FQDN of the Cortex XSOAR
• Check whether there are any other certificates or keys in /usr/local/demisto, other than the ones
generated recently for the Cortex XSOAR server. If so, remove or move them to another folder on the
• On your browser on which you are trying to load Cortex XSOAR, clear cookies and other data. For
example, in Chrome, go to Settings > Advanced > Clear Browsing data > Clear data.
• If the Cortex XSOAR server is behind a load balancer, re-upload the certificate on the load balancer. For
example, if the Cortex XSOAR server is behind the ELB (Elastic Load Balancing), re-import the certificate
on ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) on the Amazon Certificate Manager AWS console.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
AWS EC2 Deployment Guidelines
AWS EC2 deployments have specific technical and sizing requirements, and a set of Cortex XSOAR best
After you configure and verify your AWS EC2 deployment, install the Cortex XSOAR Server.
Supported AWS EC2 Instance Types
Cortex XSOAR server installation is supported on the following Amazon EC2 instance types.

Instance Type Instance Name

M5 m5.4xlarge



M4 m4.4xlarge



C5 c5.4xlarge



C4 c4.4xlarge


R4 r4.4xlarge



T2 Only use this instance type for evaluation and testing.

Supported EC2 Storage

We recommend that you use EBS-optimized2 instances (included in C4,M4 instance family types).

Minimum disk space for production environment is 500 GB.

Network and Security

Inbound connections: Cortex XSOAR server requires that you open HTTPS port 443 for inbound


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Outbound connections: outbound ports depending on your integrations and specific requirements. By
default, AWS opens all traffic.
Supported OS
Cortex XSOAR supports server installation on these Linux distributions.
• CentOS v7.2 and later (recommended)
• Ubuntu Server v14.04 LTS and later (recommended)
• RHEL v7.2 and later (Docker CE is not supported. You need Docker EE to run specific Docker-
dependent integrations and automations. For more information, contact the Demisto support team).
AWS Backup
You can use Amazon EBS snapshots3 to back up your AWS EC2 instances. Use snapshots for incremental
backups, point-in-time restoration, and to view history data.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Upgrade the Cortex XSOAR Server
The installer automatically detects the existing configurations and applies them to the upgraded server.

STEP 1 | Back up the entire system.

STEP 2 | Download and run the installer file.

sudo ./demistoserver-5.5-XXXX -- -y


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Uninstall Cortex XSOAR
When you uninstall Cortex XSOAR, configuration files and files that were created by engines (i.e., log files)
are not removed. If you uninstall and then re-install Cortex XSOAR, make sure the d1.conf and other
related files are removed.
The uninstall command supports the y flag.

Run the following command to uninstall Cortex XSOAR.

sudo ./demistoserver-xxxx.sh -- -purge.


Distributed Database Deployment
> Distributed Database Deployment
> Sizing Requirements for Distributed Database Deployment
> Install Cortex XSOAR for a Distributed Database Deployment
> Install a Distributed Database Node
> Configure Live Backup for a Distributed Database Deployment
> Change the Node Admin Password
> Delete a User from a Node
> Convert a Single Server Deployment to a Distributed Database Deployment
> Upgrade the Cortex XSOAR Server for a Distributed Database

56 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment
© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Distributed Database Deployment
This multi-tier configuration enables you to scale your environment and manage load resources. Cortex
XSOAR supports two types of multi-tier configurations. In both multi-tier configuration types, there is a
single app server.
Each database server, main and nodes, must have its own disaster recovery server configured.

Although a distributed database deployment might enhance performance, there are various
factors that must be considered. This might not be the preferred deployment method for
you. Contact your Cortex XSOAR Customer Success manager before you implement a
distributed database deployment.

Single database server

When you deploy Cortex XSOAR with a single app server and a single database server, the database server
is considered the main database, on which all content is stored.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment 57

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Multiple database servers
When you deploy Cortex XSOAR with a single app server and multiple database servers, the first database
you install is considered the main database and all additional database servers you install are considered
secondary nodes.
The main database server maintains all content that is not an incident or related to an incident, such as
playbooks, automations, integrations, and so on.
The nodes maintain all incidents and their related data, for example, the playbook used when processing the
specific incident or indicators extracted from the specific incident. Incidents are distributed between the
different secondary nodes using a round-robin system.

• You must ensure that ports 443 and 50001 are open from the app server to the database
servers. In addition, port 443 needs to be open while you are initially registering a
database node.
• Each database server, main and nodes, must have its own disaster recovery configured.

58 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment

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Sizing Requirements for Distributed Database
App server

Component Dev Environment Minimum Production Minimum

CPU 8 CPU cores 16 CPU cores

Memory 16 GB RAM 32 GB RAM

Storage 500 GB SSD 500 GB SSD

Main database

Component Dev Environment Minimum Production Minimum

CPU 8 CPU cores 16 CPU cores

Memory 16 GB RAM 32 GB RAM

Storage 500 GB SSD 500 GB SSD with minimum 3k

dedicated IOPS

Database Node

Component Dev Environment Minimum Production Minimum

CPU 8 CPU cores 16 CPU cores

Memory 16 GB RAM 32 GB RAM

Storage 500 GB SSD 1 TBSSD with minimum 3k dedicated


CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment 59

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Install Cortex XSOAR for a Distributed
Database Deployment
Make sure you meet all sizing requirements for a distributed database deployment.
This document provides information for installing a new Cortex XSOAR environment in a distributed
database configuration where the database and app server are installed on different machines.
If you already have a standard Cortex XSOAR deployment, you can convert it to a distributed database.

STEP 1 | To install the database server, run the sudo ./demistoserver-X.sh -- -db-only -db-
secret=<your_db_secret> -y command.

Parameter Description

demistoserver-X The name of the Cortex XSOAR installer, where X is the version and build number.

db-only The flag indicating that only the database server is installed.

db-secret The 10-character string that you defined when you installed the database server.

y The flag that completes the installation silently by answering yes to the remaining
installation questions. Default settings are applied where applicable.

sudo ./demistoserver--5.5-45985.sh -- -db-only -db-secret=9876543210 -y

STEP 2 | To install the app server, run the sudo ./demistoserver-X.sh -- -server-only -db-
secret=<your_db_secret> -db-address=<IP or hostname> -external-address=<IP
or hostname> -y command.

Parameter Description

demistoserver-X The name of the Cortex XSOAR installer, where X is the version and build number.

server-only The flag indicating that only the application server is installed.

db-secret The 10-character string that you defined when you installed the database server.

db-address The database server's public IP address or hostname. Do not include the http or https

external-address The app server’s public IP address or hostname. Do not include the http or https

y The flag that completes the installation silently by answering yes to the remaining
installation questions. Default settings are applied where applicable.

sudo ./demistoserver--5.5-45985.sh -- -server-only -db-secret=9876543210 -

db-address= -external-address= -y

60 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment

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STEP 3 | (Optional) Install additional database servers (nodes).

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment 61

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Install a Distributed Database Node
When working in a distributed database configuration, you can have multiple databases working with the
Cortex XSOAR app server, known as database nodes. The database nodes connect to the Cortex XSOAR
application server and provide additional database bandwidth to the main database.
Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting and verify that the External Host Name is populated.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Advanced > Remote Databases.

STEP 2 | Click Create Node.

The installer begins to download.

STEP 3 | Copy the demistonode-5.0-X.sh file to the machine on which you want to install the node.

STEP 4 | Run the node installation using the following command: sudo ./demistonode-X.sh -- -
external-address=<IP or hostname> -y.

Parameter Description

demistonode-X The name of the Cortex XSOAR database node installer, where X is the
version and build number.

external-address The node’s public IP address or hostname. This is the address that the
node uses to register with to the cluster and that the App Server uses to
communicate with the node. Do not include the http or https prefix.

y Answers all remaining installation questions with a yes (using default settings)
and enables you to continue the installation silently.

For example: sudo ./demistonode--5.0-45985.sh -- -external-address= -y

STEP 5 | In Cortex XSOAR, verify that the new database node appears in the list of remote databases.

62 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment

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Configure a Live Backup for a Distributed
Database Overview
Live Backup for distributed database environments enables you to mirror your active database servers
to passive servers, and, in a disaster recovery scenario, easily convert your passive servers to the active
database servers.

Live Backup only backs up the database servers. As no information is stored on the
application servers, there is no need to back those up. In the event that an application server
fails, you can install another application server.

Server actions are mirrored in real-time. There may be pending actions due to high server load, connectivity
issues, and so on. Note the following:
• Live Backup uses a single active server and a single standby server.
• Active / Active configuration is not currently supported.
• Each host retains its own distinct IP address and hostname.
• Neither host has any awareness of which node is truly active. Therefore, failover is not dynamic,
meaning that making a node active must be done manually, by an administrator.
In the event of a server failover, engines dynamically reconnect to the active host.

As the process of making a Cortex XSOAR server active is a manual process, it is

conceivable that two servers could be active simultaneously. You must avoid this scenario
because both hosts collect and work on potentially the same security incidents, which could
possibly lead to the following:
• Incident duplication.
• A higher load on your integration endpoints.
• Possible significant database inconsistencies due to duplication of internal identifiers
being shared between nodes and causing existing incidents to be overwritten.

If there is ever uncertainty about whether a host that is presently down or stopped was in
an active state before it went offline, it is recommended that you put the presently active
node into a standby state before starting the Cortex XSOAR service on the other host. You
can then make it active again after you have confirmed whether the host you are starting is
already in active mode.

Configure the Live Backup Environment for a Distributed

STEP 1 | Navigate to Settings > Advanced > Remote Databases.

STEP 2 | Select the database node for which you want to configure Live Backup and click Edit Live
Backup Configuration.

STEP 3 | Toggle the Live Backup field to On.

STEP 4 | Configure the backup server properties.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment 63

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
1. Property Value

Hostname Backup server IP address or hostname (without

the https:// prefix).

Port 443 (by default).

Trust server certificate On: certificates are not checked. Off: certificates
are checked.

Use proxy Select whether to use a proxy.

STEP 5 | Click Save Live Backup Configuration.

STEP 6 | Copy the installation package to the machines on which you want to install the live backup
servers. Ensure that the backup server has a different IP address from the active server.

STEP 7 | Install Cortex XSOAR using the following command: ./demistoserver-xxxx.sh -- -

dr -do-not-start-server -db-only -external-address=<IP or hostname> -db-
secret=<your_db_secret> -y

2. Parameter Description

demistoserver-X The name of the Cortex XSOAR installer, where

X is the version and build number.

dr The flag indicating that the installation is for

disaster recovery.

do not start server The flag indicating that the server should not be

db-only The flag indicating that only the database server

is installed.

db-secret The 10-character string that you defined when

you installed the database server.

external-address The app server's public IP address or hostname.

Do not include the http or https


y Answers all remaining installation questions with

a yes (using default settings) and enables you to
continue the installation silently.

This automatically enables

telemetry. For more information,
see Cortex XSOAR Telemetry.

64 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment

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For example: sudo ./cortexxsoarserver--5.5-70066.sh -- -dr -do-not-start-server
-db-only -db-secret=9876543210 -external-address= -y

STEP 8 | Verify that the passive server is accessible from the active server through port 443 (or any
other port configured as a listening port). Make sure that there are no firewalls that might drop

STEP 9 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR server.

STEP 10 | Create a tarball file of the following necessary files and folders on the active server to be
copied to the passive server.
• /var/lib/demisto/data
• /var/lib/demisto/artifacts
• /var/lib/demisto/attachments
• /var/lib/demisto/systemTools
• /var/lib/demisto/d2_server.key
• /usr/local/demisto/cert*
• /usr/local/demisto/demisto.lic
To create the file, use the following command, which preserves demisto:demisto ownership and
file permissions. tar --ignore-failed-read -pczf demistoBackup.tgz /var/lib/
demisto/data /var/lib/demisto/artifacts /var/lib/demisto/attachments /var/
lib/demisto/systemTools /var/lib/demisto/d2_server.key /usr/local/demisto/
cert* /usr/local/demisto/demisto.lic

STEP 11 | Copy the created tarball file (demistoBackup.tgz) to the passive server using
either scp or a tool that you prefer. For example, scp demistoBackup.tgz

STEP 12 | On the passive server, extract the backup tarball file with the following command (original file
permissions and ownership will be preserved): tar -C / -xzpvf demistoBackup.tgz

STEP 13 | Start the passive server.

STEP 14 | Start the active server.

If the procedure was successful, you will see the following information populated in the table in Settings >
Advanced > Remote Databases.

Property Value

DR Link The hostname or IP address of the backup server.

DR Status The connection status to the backup server.

Possible values are:
• Ok
• Pending
• Error

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment 65

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Transition a Standby Server to Active Mode
The following instructions are for replacing the main database in the event of a real disaster scenario. This
means that the main database is down and cannot be brought back online. Since the user interface is not
available, the procedure involves manual steps.

STEP 1 | Manually verify that the main database really is down (as opposed to a connectivity issue for a
particular app server). Make sure it will not come back online later.
1. Determine if the main database’s host machine is down and cannot be restarted.
2. If the main database’s host machine is up, log into it and check if the demisto service is down and
cannot be restarted.
3. If the demisto service is up, rule out a network or firewall issue by checking if the main database’s
machine is accessible from the app server's machine.

STEP 2 | For each app server:

1. Stop the service.
- CentOS: sudo systemctl stop demisto
- Ubuntu: sudo service demisto stop
2. Manually change the active database address in the server's local configuration file. The default
location of the configuration file is /etc/demisto.conf
For example:

3. Start the service.

- CentOS: sudo systemctl start demisto
- Ubuntu: sudo service demisto start

STEP 3 | Navigate to the URL of the passive server and log in as an administrator. You are presented
with the following page:

66 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment

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STEP 4 | Click the Make this the production server button.

STEP 5 | In the Switch Hosts dialog window, type Switch Hosts in the text box.

The database monitoring dashboard should appear and the database server is now active.
When the system is back online, you will probably want to set up a new standby server for your main
database. See Configure a Live Backup for a Distributed Database Overviewfor details.

Transition an Active Server to Standby Mode for a Distributed

This procedure assumes that your main database is online. If you are dealing with a failure of the main
database, follow the instructions in Transition a Standby Server to Active Mode.

STEP 1 | On the application server, navigate to Settings > Advanced > Remote Databases.

STEP 2 | Select the database server you want to transition, and click Switch Host.

STEP 3 | In the Switch Hosts dialog window, type Switch Hosts in the text box.

STEP 4 | Click the Yes, switch hosts button to commit the change.

It may take several minutes for the switch to occur and be reflected in the page.
If you used this procedure to recover from a database failure, you will probably want
to set up a new standby server for that database. See Configure a Live Backup for a
Distributed Database Overview for details.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment 67

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Change the Node Admin Password
By default, after installing a node, the password for the database server is the same as the admin user and
password on the App server. For security reasons, you might want to change this password.

STEP 1 | Open a command line window.

STEP 2 | Make the following API call.

curl --request POST \ --url https://<SERVER>:<PORT>/users/setpw \ --header

'Remote-Database-Authorization: <Base64-DB-SECRET>' \ --header 'content-
type: application/json' \ --data '{ "id": "<userName>", "password":

Parameter Description

Server The hostname or IP address of the database server node.

Port The port through which you are connecting. Do not include
the http or https prefix.

Remote-Database-Authorization The header you need to provide to circumvent user


DB-SECRET The 10-character string that you defined when you installed
the main database server.

When sending the API call, make sure that

the string you insert is encoded as base-64.

id The name of the user whose password you want to change.

password The new password for the admin user.

68 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment

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Delete a User from a Node
Follow these steps to delete a user from a node.

STEP 1 | Open a command line window.

STEP 2 | Make the following API call.

curl --request POST \ --url https://<SERVER>:<PORT>/users/delete\ --header

'Remote-Database-Authorization: <base64-DB-SECRET>' \ --header 'content-
type: application/json' \ --data '{ "ids": ["userID"]}'

Parameter Description

Server The hostname or IP address of the database server node.

Port The port through which you are connecting. Do not include
the http or https prefix.

Remote-Database-Authorization The header you need to provide to circumvent user


DB-SECRET The 10-character string that you defined when you installed
the main database server.

When sending the API call, make sure that

the string you insert is encoded as base-64.

id The name of the user to delete from the node.

To get a list of use IDs, make a users/delete call and leave
the ids field empty.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment 69

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Convert a Single Server Deployment to a
Distributed Database Deployment
This information is only intended for existing, single-server deployments that you want to convert to a
distributed database deployment.
To ensure that you do not lose your existing data, the machine on which Cortex XSOAR is currently
installed must be converted into the database server.

Your Cortex XSOAR Engines are currently configured to connect to the previous
configuration of the Cortex XSOAR platform, which you have now converted to the database
server. You need to change the engine configuration so that it connects to the newly installed
Cortex XSOAR application server.

STEP 1 | Convert the existing deployment.

1. Stop the server using the sudo service demisto stop command.
2. Optional If you have docker images that you want to copy, run the following command:
docker save -o <name>.tar <image>
• name is the name of the output file to which you want to save the docker image
• image is the current docker image that you want to save
Copy the tar file you created to the machine on which you will install the application server.
3. Run the Cortex XSOAR installation package using the sudo ./demistoserver-X.sh -- -db-
only -db-secret=<your_db_secret> -y command.

Parameter Description

demistoserver-X The name of the Cortex XSOAR installer, where X is the version and
build number.

db-only The flag indicating that only the database server is installed.

db-secret A 10-character string that you will need to provide for the app

y Answers all remaining installation questions with a yes (using default

settings) and enables you to continue the installation silently.

For example: sudo ./demistoserver-5.0-45985.sh -- -db-only -db-

secret=9876543210 -external-address= -y

STEP 2 | Install the Cortex XSOAR app server using the sudo ./demistoserver-X.sh-- -server-
only -db-secret=<your_db_secret> -db-address=<IP or hostname> -external-
address=<IP or hostname> -y command.

70 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Parameter Description

demistoserver-X The name of the Cortex XSOAR installer, where X is the version and
build number.

server-only The flag indicating that only the appserver is installed.

db-secret A 10-character string that you will need to provide for the app server.

db-address The database server's public IP address or hostname. Do not include

the http or https prefix.

external-address The app server's public IP address or hostname. Do not include the
http or https prefix.

y Answers all remaining installation questions with a yes (using default

settings) and enables you to continue the installation silently.

For example: sudo ./demistoserver--5.0-45985.sh-- -server-only -db-

secret=9876543210 -db-address= -external-address= -y
1. Optional If you copied docker images from the database server to the application server, run the
following command:
docker load -i <name>.tar
Where name is the name of the file to which you saved the docker image(s).
2. Verify that your docker images were properly loaded using the docker images command.

STEP 3 | Reconnect all Cortex XSOAR engines.

1. Connect to the machines on which the engine is installed.
2. Stop the engine service using the sudoservice d1 stop command.
3. Navigate to /usr/local/demisto/ and open d1.conf in a text editor.
4. Under EngineURLs and AgentURLs, replace the current values with the app server’s external IP
address or hostname.
5. Under ServerPublic, replace the current value with an updated value.
In Cortex XSOAR, go to Settings > Integrations > Engines.

Click Create New Engine.

Under Installer Type, select Zip.

Download the newly created engine package.

Open the d1.conf file located in the engine package in a text editor.
Copy the value of the ServerPublic field and past it in the d1.conf file located on your engine

6. Restart the engine using the sudo serviced1 start command.

STEP 4 | Check the status of the engine using the sudo systemctl status d1 command.
The engine logs are available at /var/log/demisto/d1.log

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment 71

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Reindex Databases in a Distributed Database
The following are the steps required to reindex databases in a distributed database deployment. The
amount of time needed to reindex the databases depends on the amount of data in the databases.

STEP 1 | Log in to the app server and databases (main, node1, node2...) via SSH.

STEP 2 | Stop all Cortex XSOAR services in the following order: app server, node databases, main
sudo service demisto stop

STEP 3 | Back up the index directory in each database.

cp -r /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx /tmp/demistoidx

STEP 4 | Remove the index directory by running:

rm -rf /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx

STEP 5 | Start the main database.

sudo service demisto start

STEP 6 | When the main database is up, start the node databases.
sudo service demisto start

STEP 7 | Start the app server.

sudo service demisto start

STEP 8 | Verify that all of the remote databases are enabled.

To enable remote database, go to Settings > Remote Database and select the checkbox for the remote
database and click Enable Node.

72 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment

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Restore Databases in a Distributed Database
Follow these steps to restore the databases in a distributed database deployment.

STEP 1 | Log in to the app server and databases (main, node1, node2...) via SSH.

STEP 2 | Stop all Cortex XSOAR services in the following order: app server, node databases, main
sudo service demisto stop

STEP 3 | Restore the index directory in each database.

sudo cp -r /tmp/demistoidx /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx

STEP 4 | Change the owner of the databases.

sudo chown demisto:demisto /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx

STEP 5 | Start the main database.

sudo service demisto start

STEP 6 | When the main database is up, start the node databases.
sudo service demisto start

STEP 7 | Start the app server.

sudo service demisto start

STEP 8 | Verify that all of the remote databases are enabled.

To enable remote database, go to Settings > Remote Database and select the checkbox for the remote
database and click Enable Node.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment 73

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Upgrade the Cortex XSOAR Server for a
Distributed Database
The installer automatically detects the existing configurations and applies them to the upgraded server

STEP 1 | Copy the installer to each of the machines in the distributed database environment.

STEP 2 | Stop the app server using the command sudo service demisto stop.

STEP 3 | Stop the database servers using the command sudo service demisto stop on the main
database and all secondary databases.

STEP 4 | To upgrade the database servers, run the sudo ./demistoserver-X.sh-- -y command on
the main database and all secondary databases.

STEP 5 | To upgrade the app server, run the sudo ./demistoserver-X.sh-- -y on the app server.

STEP 6 | Start the database servers using the command sudo service demisto start on the main
database and all secondary databases..

STEP 7 | Start the app server using the command sudo service demisto start.

74 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Distributed Database Deployment

> Configure Proxy Settings
> Use NGINX as a Reverse Proxy to the Cortex XSOAR Server

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure Proxy Settings
Proxy settings can be configured globally in Cortex XSOAR by adding them as a server configuration.

Generally, when you need a proxy for Cortex XSOAR, you also need a proxy for Docker. For
information about how to configure Docker to use a proxy, see the Docker documentation.
When using a BlueCoat proxy, ensure you encode the values correctly.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Add one of the following keys and values.

Configuration Key Value

http proxy http_proxy http:/user:password@prox-

For example, http://

https proxy https_proxy https://user:password@prox-

For example, https://user:password@prox-

STEP 3 | Click Save.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Use NGINX as a Reverse Proxy to the Cortex
XSOAR Server
NGINX can act as a reverse proxy that sits between internal applications and external clients, forwarding
client requests to the appropriate application. Using NGINX as a reverse proxy in front of the Cortex
XSOAR server enables you to provide network segmentation where the proxy can be put on a public subnet
(DMZ) while the Cortex XSOAR server can be on a private subnet, only accepting traffic from the proxy.
Additionally, NGINX provides a number of advanced load balancing and acceleration features that you can
The following topics describe how to install, use a Self-Signed Certificate for non-production environments,
and how to configure NGINX.
• Install NGINX on Cortex XSOAR
• Generate a Certificate for NGINX
• Configure NGINX

Use Engines Through the NGINX Reverse Proxy

If you want to use a Cortex XSOAR Engine (d1) through the reverse proxy, you need to modify the
following entries in the d1.conf file to point to the host and port the NGINX server is listening on:
• EngineURLs
• AgentURLs

Install NGINX on Cortex XSOAR

You can install NGINX on the Red Hat/Amazon (yum) and Ubuntu Linux distributions. For full instructions
and available distributions, see NGINX documentation.

STEP 1 | Run one of the following commands according to your Linux system:
• RedHat/Amazon: sudo yum install nginx
• Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install nginx

STEP 2 | (Optional) Verify the NGINX installation by running the following command:
sudo nginx -v

Generate a Certificate for NGINX

You should not use self-signed certificates for production systems. It is recommended to use a properly
signed certificate for production systems. These instructions are intended only for non-production setups

STEP 1 | To use OpenSSL to generate a self-signed certificate run the following command:
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/
nginx/cert.key -out /etc/nginx/cert.crt

STEP 2 | When prompted, complete the on-screen instructions to complete the required fields.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure NGINX
Follow these instructions to configure NGINX on Cortex XSOAR.

STEP 1 | Open the following NGINX configuration file with your preferred editor:

STEP 2 | Use the following configuration template:

Replace DEMISTO_SERVER with the appropriate hostname.

# Replace DEMISTO_SERVER with the appropriate hostname. If needed, change

port 443 to the port on which the Demisto server is listening.

upstream demisto {
server DEMISTO_SERVER:443;

# Uncomment to redirect http to https (optional)

# server {
# listen 80;
# return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
# }

server {
# Change the port if you want NGINX to listen on a different port
listen 443;

ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/cert.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/cert.key;

ssl on;
ssl_session_cache builtin:1000 shared:SSL:10m;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

access_log /var/log/nginx/demisto.access.log;

location / {

proxy_set_header Host $host;

proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

proxy_pass https://demisto;
proxy_read_timeout 90;

# Note the regex prefix '^(/acc_\w+)?' is needed for multi-tenant

# In non MT envs you can use the following: location ~ /(websocket|
location ~ ^(/acc_\w+)?/(websocket|d1ws|d2ws) {
proxy_pass https://demisto;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
proxy_set_header Origin "";
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

STEP 3 | Restart the NGINX server, by typing the following command:

sudo service nginx restart

STEP 4 | Verify you can access Cortex XSOAR by browsing to the NGINX server host.


Manage Data
> Reindex the Entire Database
> Reindex a Specific Index Database
> Reindex the Entire Database for a Distributed Database
> Reindex a Specific Index for a Distributed Database
> Free up Disk Space with Data Archiving
> Migrate Data to Another Server
> Move Data Folders to Another Location on the Server
> Restore an Archived Folder

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Reindex the Entire Database
Follow these steps to reindex the entire database.

STEP 1 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.
• systemctl stop demisto
• sudo service demisto stop

STEP 2 | Backup the index directory.


STEP 3 | Delete the index folder using the following command.

rm -rf /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx

STEP 4 | Set permissions using the following command.

sudo chown -R demisto:demisto /var/lib/demisto/data

STEP 5 | Start the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.
• systemctl start demisto
• sudo service demisto start

STEP 6 | Log in to your Cortex XSOAR instance and verify that the reindex process was successful.
All should appear, for example, incidents, playbooks, automations, and so on.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Reindex a Specific Index Database
Follow these steps to reindex a specific index database. You can also reindex the entire database.
Depending on the volume of the data in the system, it may take some time for the indexing to complete.
You can reindex more than one database at a time by listing the indexes as a comma separated list
When you are working in a Distributed Database Deployment distributed database configuration, nodes
must be enabled. To enable nodes, go to Settings > Remote Database and select the checkbox for the node
and click Enable Node.

STEP 1 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.
• systemctl stop demisto
• sudo service demisto stop

STEP 2 | Backup the index directory using the following command.

tar -czvf filename.tar.gz /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx
The backup of the index directory should be not stored under /var/lib/demsito.

STEP 3 | Run the server and be sure to specify the index as an argument.
sudo /usr/local/demisto/server -restore-index-name=indexName -public /usr/
local/demisto/dist -stdout -conf /etc/demisto.conf

STEP 4 | Log in to your Cortex XSOAR instance and verify that the reindex process was successful.

STEP 5 | When a message appears stating Server up and running, good luck to us all or the
Cortex XSOAR UI displays, verify that all the data is present from the reindexing, and stop the
process by pressing Ctrl+C or Cmd+C.

STEP 6 | Set permissions by running the following command.

sudo chown -R demisto:demisto /var/lib/demisto/data

STEP 7 | Start the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.
• systemctl start demisto
• sudo service demisto start


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Reindex the Entire Database for a Distributed
Follow these steps to reindex the entire database in a distributed database environment. Depending on the
volume of the data in the system, it may take some time for the indexing to complete.

STEP 1 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR service.

sudo systemctl stop demisto

STEP 2 | Stop the demisto instance on the main database and all secondary databases.
sudo systemctl stop demisto

STEP 3 | Delete the index folder on all databases using the following command.
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx

STEP 4 | Set permissions on all databases using the following command.

sudo chown -R demisto:demisto /var/lib/demisto/data

STEP 5 | Start the main database and all secondary databases.

sudo systemctl start demisto

STEP 6 | Start the Cortex XSOAR service.

sudo systemctl start demisto

STEP 7 | Log in to your Cortex XSOAR instance and verify that the reindex process was successful.
All of your data should appear, for example, incidents, playbooks, automations, and so on. If there is a
problem, contact the Cortex XSOAR support team.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Reindex a Specific Index for a Distributed
Follow these steps to reindex a specific index in a distributed database environment. You need to log in
to each database machine and run the indexing command with the name of the specific index on each
database machine. Depending on the volume of the data in the system, it may take some time for the
indexing to complete.

STEP 1 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR service.

sudo systemctl stop demisto

STEP 2 | Log in to the main database machine and all secondary database machines.

STEP 3 | Stop the demisto instance on the main database and all secondary databases.
sudo systemctl stop demisto

STEP 4 | On each database machine, run the server and be sure to specify the index as an argument.
sudo /usr/local/demisto/server -restore-index-name=indexName -public /usr/
local/demisto/dist -stdout -conf /etc/demisto.conf

STEP 5 | Log in to your Cortex XSOAR instance and verify that the reindex process was successful.

STEP 6 | When a message appears stating Server up and running, good luck to us all or the
Cortex XSOAR UI displays, verify that all the data is present from the reindexing, and stop the
process by pressing Ctrl+C or Cmd+C.

STEP 7 | Set permissions on all databases using the following command.

sudo chown -R demisto:demisto /var/lib/demisto/data

STEP 8 | Start the main database machine and all secondary database machines.
sudo systemctl start demisto

STEP 9 | Start the Cortex XSOAR service.

sudo service demisto start


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Free up Disk Space with Data Archiving
Cortex XSOAR supports full archiving of incidents, entries and indicators by month. Data from incidents,
insights (indicators), and entries are stored in folders on a monthly basis.
If disk space needs to be freed up, you can archive folders to condense unused data within them. It is
recommended to archive folders and not delete them permanently.
Locate the folders that reside in the following location (where Cortex XSOAR is installed), /var/lib/

Although the folders reside in /var/lib/demisto/data/, Do Not save the backup folders
under /var/lib/demisto/.

The following data folder and files can be found in this folder.
• demisto.db - db for all playbooks and automation - all things not having to do with incidents and insights
• demistoidx - indexing of the system
• partitionsData - Data of incidents, insights, entries split up by month resolution
The following is an example of how the folders and filenames will appear in your system.

$ tree /var/lib/demisto/data

### demisto.db
### demistoidx
# ### accounts
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### entries_082017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### entries_092017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### entries_102017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### evidences
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### incidents_082017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### incidents_092017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### incidents_102017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### investigations_082017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### investigations_092017
# # ### index_meta.json


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
# # ### store
# ### investigations_102017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### newInsights_082017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### newInsights_092017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### newInsights_102017
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
# ### playbooks
# # ### index_meta.json
# # ### store
### partitionsData
### demisto_082017.db
### demisto_092017.db
### demisto_102017.db

Follow these steps to restore a folder that was previously archived.

STEP 1 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR service using the following command.
$ sudo service demisto stop

STEP 2 | Create the following directories:

mkdir /var/lib/demisto-archive
mkdir /var/lib/demisto-archive/archived-2019

STEP 3 | Navigate to the /var/lib/demisto-archive/ filepath using the following command.

cd /var/lib/demisto-archive/

STEP 4 | Move the data you want to archive to the archive directory using the following command. The
following command moves all folders that have a mmyyyy suffix.
mv /var/lib/demisto/data/**/*_<date_to_archive>* /var/lib/demisto-archive/
For example:
mv /var/lib/demisto/data/**/*_092019* /var/lib/demisto-archive/

If the mv /var/lib/demisto/data/**/*_<date_to_archive>* /var/lib/

demisto-archive/archived-2019 command does not work in your environment,
archive the indicies and partition separately. First create the following directories:
mkdir /var/lib/demisto-archive/archived-2019/demistoidx/
mkdir /var/lib/demisto-archive/archived-2019/partitionsData/
Then, archive each index and the partition that has a mmyyyy suffix. The following are the
commands to archive the current indices and the partition:
sudo mv /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx/entries_082019 /var/lib/


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
sudo mv /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx/evidences_082019 /var/
sudo mv /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx/incidents_082019 /var/
sudo mv /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx/invTaskIdx_082019 /var/
sudo mv /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx/investigations_082019 /
sudo mv /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx/newInsights_082019 /var/
sudo mv /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx/todosTask_082019 /var/
sudo mv /var/lib/demisto/data/partitionsData/demisto_082019.db /

STEP 5 | Create the compressed archive of your selected files and folders using the following tarball
$ tar -cvzf demisto-2019-archive.tar.gz /var/lib/demisto-archive/

STEP 6 | Start the Cortex XSOAR service using the following command.
$ sudo service demisto start


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Migrate Data to Another Server
In certain cases you might need to move data between servers, for example, when a stronger production
server is required.

STEP 1 | Install Cortex XSOAR on the new server.

Do not start the server when the installation finishes.

STEP 2 | Change the /var/lib/demisto directory to /var/lib/demisto.old.

STEP 3 | Copy the following files and directories from the old server to the new server.
• /var/lib/demisto
• cert.key and cert.pem under /usr/local/demisto
Make sure that ownership of the directories and file are set to demisto:demisto

STEP 4 | Start the new server and wait for the server to complete the indexing process.


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Move Data Folders to Another Location on the
Follow these steps to move the directories installed on the Cortex XSOAR server to another location.
Let <new path> mark the base path to which to move the Cortex XSOAR server files.
Always use the cp command with the -p flag to retain the original file permissions.
Use the following commands to only move the data.

STEP 1 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR service.

sudo service demisto stop

STEP 2 | Move /var/lib/demisto to <new path>/var/lib/demisto .

cp -pfr /var/lib/demisto <new path>/var/lib

STEP 3 | Add or modify keys by editing the existing /etc/demisto.conf file.

Contents of the /etc/demisto.conf file are in JSON format and can hold additional data than what
is shown in the example. In most cases, the existing demisto.conf file will not contain the necessary
keys, such as folders and DB.



"lib":"{new path}/var/lib/demisto"

"DatabaseDir":"{new path}/var/lib/demisto/data",
"IndexDir":"{new path}/var/lib/demisto/data"


STEP 4 | Start the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.
sudo service demisto start

STEP 5 | (Optional) Verify that the process was performed successfully and remove the original directory


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Restore an Archived Folder
Follow these steps to restore a folder that was previously archived.

STEP 1 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.
• systemctl stop demisto
• sudo service demisto stop

STEP 2 | Navigate to the /var/lib/demisto filepath using the following command.

cd /var/lib/demisto

STEP 3 | Create a directory named archive using the following command.

mkdir archive

STEP 4 | Restore the folder using the following command, where folderName is the name of the folder
to restore.
tar -C archive -xvzf folderName

STEP 5 | Move the idx data back to the original demistoidx folder using the following command.
mv archive/*2017 data/demistoidx

STEP 6 | Move the partitions back to the original partitionsData folder using the following command.
mv archive/*2017.db data/partitionsData

STEP 7 | Start the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.
• systemctl start demisto
• sudo service demisto start


Users and Roles
> Users and Roles Overview
> Roles in Cortex XSOAR
> Self-Service Read-Only Users
> Shift Management
> User Invitations
> Integration Permissions
> Password Policy
> Change the Administrator Password
> Authenticate Users with SAML 2.0
> Configure User Notifications
> Set the Default Theme for New Users

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Users and Roles Overview
Cortex XSOAR uses role-based access control (RBAC) for controlling user access. RBAC helps manage
access to Cortex XSOAR components, so that users, based on their roles, are granted minimal access
required to accomplish their tasks.
You can manage the following settings/roles in the USERS AND ROLES tab:
• View and manage different roles and access permissions in the Roles tab. You can add as many roles as
required and change their permission levels, as described in Roles in Cortex XSOAR.
• View and manage different users in the Users tab. You can view the user’s details such as name, email
address, last log in, whether they have been locked out, and so on. You can also manage the user’s
password, unlock their account, disable, enable, and remove their account.
• Invite users and manage invitations, as described in User Invitations. After the user has accepted the
invitation you can manage their role in Cortex XSOAR.
• Assign roles to commands at the integration instance level. This means if you have multiple instances of
the same integration, you can assign different roles (permission levels) for the same command in each
instance. For more information, see Integration Permissions.
• View details of actions taken in Cortex XSOAR in the Audit trail.
• Set a password policy, as described in Password Policy.
You can also authenticate users with SAML 2.0, using Okta, Azure, and so on, as described in Authenticate
Users with SAML 2.0.


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Roles in Cortex XSOAR
A role is a set of permissions that determine which actions and resources users within that role are granted
access in Cortex XSOAR. Users are assigned to at least one role, depending on their required level of access.
Cortex XSOAR has the following assigned roles:

Role Default Permissions

Administrator Read/Write permissions for all components and access

to all pages.

Analyst Mix of Read and Read/Write permissions for all

components and access to all pages.

Read-Only Read permissions for all components and access to all


You can add as many roles as you require, by clicking New. To create a new role, see create a new role.
Follow the same steps when editing a role. When defining a new role, you can add permissions, SAML and
AD Roles, defining shift periods and so on.
You can view and change the following permission levels as required:

Permission Description

None No access to the specified component.

Read Can view but not edit the specified component.

Read/Write Can view and edit the specified component.

If you want to manage shift periods for users, including who is on call and to whom to assign, you can define
a role for a specific shift period and then assign that shift to a user.

Define a Role
Cortex XSOAR comes with three roles with default permissions. You can add as many new roles and
combine them with other roles, such as single sign on.

STEP 1 | In the Roles tab, click New.

STEP 2 | In the Role name field, type the name for the new role.

STEP 3 | Select the category permissions.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Component Description

Investigations Sets the permission level generally for

investigations or set different permission levels
for data and chats. You can also limit the role
to exclude executing potential harmful actions
when building your own integrations.

Incident table actions Limits table actions in the Incidents page, such as
delete, edit, close and so on.

Jobs Limits permissions for managing jobs.

Scripts Limits permissions for managing scripts. If the

user has read/write permissions you can enable
users to create scripts that run as a Super User.
In the Script page, you can define which roles are
permitted to run an automation, and according to
which role the automation executes.

Playbooks Limits permissions for creating, editing and

deleting Playbooks.
You can also add, change, and remove roles
from a playbook when clicking Settings in the
Playbooks page.There are several notes and
limitations you should familiarize yourself with
when assigning roles to playbooks.

Settings You can set the permission level generally for all
settings or split them according to the following:
Users: includes invitations and editing
Integrations: whether a user can add, edit or
delete instances.
Credentials: whether a user can add, edit, or
delete credentials.

Administration Limits permissions for server configurations,

editing layouts for indicators and incidents,
integration permissions, audit trails and the
password policy.

STEP 4 | In the Page Access section, select the pages you want the user to have access.

STEP 5 | To assign the role to an active directory group, in the AD Roles Mapping section, from the drop
down list, select the group as required.

STEP 6 | To assign a role to a single sign on group, in the SAML Roles Mapping section, from the drop
down list, select the group as required.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
To associate roles to an AD or SAML group, you need to add a SAML instance and configure your
identity provider.
Users can log into Cortex XSOAR with their Active Directory or SAML user name and passwords. Their
permission in Cortex XSOAR is set according to the groups and mapping set in Active Directory or SSO.
For more information, Authenticate Users with SAML 2.0.

STEP 7 | If you want to associate the role with another role, in the Nested Roles section, from the drop
down list, select the nested role, as required.
The Nested Role overrides any settings you select in the Roles tab.

STEP 8 | To add a shift period of work to the role, in the Shifts field, click + Add Shift and define the
required period.
Weekly shifts start on Sunday and specified in the UTC time zone.

STEP 9 | Click Save.


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Default Admin
You can configure a user with an administrator role to be a default admin user. Default admin users are not
counted as license users, cannot be deleted, and is also a tenant admin.
A default admin user has the following privileges:
• Users and Roles
• Change the role of users
• View all users' invitations
• View all users
• Enable/disable other users
• API Keys
• Revoke all API keys
• Create/update API keys for other users
• Incidents
• Change any incident field
• Edit and view any incident
• View audit log of incidents
• Integrations - Trigger integration fetch command
• Dashboards - Unshare/delete dashboards
• Automation - Run any automation
• Playbooks
• Change playbook task assignees and complete an task
• View all scripts/playbooks/all data
• Multi-tenant - View all multi-tenant tenants
• File Entries - Delete files entries from the file system.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Users and Roles > Users.

STEP 2 | Select a user who has an Administrator role and click Roles.

STEP 3 | Select Set as Default Admin and click Save.


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Self-Service Read-Only Users
The self service read-only users feature provides users who do not have an account and at least one role
mapped in Cortex XSOAR the ability to access Cortex XSOAR in a very limited capacity.
Self service read-only users can:
• create incidents
• view their own incidents
• add notes and attachments to their incidents
• view the dashboards created for them by the administrator
An example of an incident that a self service read-only user could create is to report that they lost their
Self-service read-only users can only view their own data. They cannot start an investigation, create
dashboard or reports, or change anything in incidents they create.
In order to create notes, the self service read-only user must mark the Mark as a note option.
It is recommended, but not required, that read-only users have an existing account in the company’s
enterprise directory and Cortex XSOAR configured to authenticate and authorize read-only users using the
same the same enterprise directory with LDAP, AD, or SAML authentication protocols.
A user is considered as a read-only user if it has no role associated with the Cortex XSOAR users settings.
To enable the self service read-only user feature, Cortex XSOAR administrators need to:
• Set server configuration parameters to:
• Allow authenticated users without roles to access the home page.
• Define the list of dashboards such users have access to.
• Create self service read-only incident types. Since self service read-only users cannot initiate an
investigation, the playbooks associated with these incident types should run automatically
• Create self service read-only users if no enterprise directory is configured with Cortex XSOAR.
• Create incident layouts for self service read-only users and allow read-only users to access the incidents
tabs containing such layouts.
• Create and share dashboards for read-only users.

Configure the Server for Self Service Read-Only Users

To configure the server for self service, set the create.read.only.users and the
dashboards.read.only.users keys.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting

STEP 2 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

STEP 3 | Enter the key create.read.only.users and value true.

STEP 4 | Click Save.

STEP 5 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

STEP 6 | Enter the key dashboards.read.only.users and type a comma-separated list of the names
of the dashboards you created for the self service read-only users.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
STEP 7 | Click Save.

Create the Self Service Read-Only Users

If you have an enterprise directory and central authentication is configured on Cortex XSOAR, and if the
Self Service Read-Only user configuration is set, then you do not need to do anything to create the user.
Any user logging into Cortex XSOAR with a valid enterprise username and password, but without any role
associated in Cortex XSOAR’s user’s configuration, will be treated as a Read-Only user and will enter into
the Cortex XSOAR Self Service portal.
However, if there is no enterprise directory and central authentication, then you need to create such users.
To do this, create a temporary role and assign it to the user. After you create the user, delete the role, so
the user will appear in Cortex XSOAR with no role.
In either case, the read-only users do not count as a user in your license pool.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Users and Roles.

STEP 2 | Click the Roles tab.

STEP 3 | Click New.

STEP 4 | In the Role Name field, type the name for the new role. you do not need to assign it any

STEP 5 | Click the Users tab.

STEP 6 | Click Invite User.

STEP 7 | Enter the user’s email address and select the role you created and click Invite.

STEP 8 | Click the Roles tab and delete the role you created.

Create the Read-Only Dashboard

When creating the dashboard, in the Data Query field of the Quick Chart Definitions window, make sure
you add the filter CreatedBy:me.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
This allows the user to see his own data in the dashboard. The administrator can see the dashboard but
cannot see the data.

Be sure to share the dashboard with the read-only user after you create it. For information about creating
dashboards, see Create a New Dashboard.

Create the Read-Only Incident Type and Layout

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Advanced > Incident Type.

STEP 2 | Create an Incident Type for the self service read-only user. Be sure to configure the playbook
to run automatically.

STEP 3 | Select the Incident Type and click Edit Layout.

STEP 4 | Create a new incident tab dedicated to read-only users.

STEP 5 | Hover over the tab you want the self service read-only user to view and click the gear icon.

STEP 6 | Click Viewing Permissions.

STEP 7 | In the Viewing Permissions window, select the Permit users with no roles to view this tab

STEP 8 | Customize this incident tab to only include widgets with data read-only users can access. Such
information can be Case Details, Timeline Information, Attachments, and War Room entries.

STEP 9 | Test and validate this incident tab layout as a read-only user to ensure it displays correctly and
without an insufficient permission error message.


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User Settings and Preferences
You can configure several settings and preferences to customize your work environment.
To view or adjust your user settings and preferences, click your user name on the bottom of the left side

The Messages tab is where you view all messages, notifications, incidents, and tags you have been
mentioned in. The date is located to the right of each message. At the top of the page is a search bar where
you can search for specific messages, notifications, and more.

The Details tab is where you update your personal information, including the email address, phone number,
and password.

Option Name Action

Full Name The display name used in Cortex XSOAR.

Email The email address to which to receive notifications

from Cortex XSOAR.

Phone Number The phone number where you can be contacted.

Password Your password for Cortex XSOAR. The password

must adhere to these minimum requirements: 8
characters, 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter,
and 1 digit or symbol.

Retype Password The password you created.

Drop any image here (or click to browse) The image to use in Cortex XSOAR.

The Preference tab is where you customize your personal experience with Cortex XSOAR.

Option Name Action

Default Landing Page The page to load by default, when logging in to

Cortex XSOAR. Can be, Incidents, Dashboard,
Playbooks or Automation.

Help Snippet Whether to have Help Snippets displayed or not.

Enable Shortcuts Whether to have shortcuts available.

Choose Theme The preferred theme to be used.


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Option Name Action

Script Editor Style The style of the editor to use to use in the
Automation and BYOI.

Date Format Your preferred date format and time display


Display Timezone The timezone to associate with your account, in

Country/City format.

Highlight Indicators in Playground Whether to have indicators highlighted in the


Sign me out of all other sessions (this session When clicked, your account will be automatically
remains open) signed out of all sessions it is signed in to, except,
the current session which will remain signed in and

Sign me out of all sessions When clicked, your account will be automatically
signed out all active sessions you are logged in to
including the current session which will be signed
out and will close.

The Notifications tab enables you to select which notifications to receive and the method for receiving the
notifications (email, mobile, or Slack).


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Shift Management
Shift management helps you define multiple shifts within Cortex XSOAR. Each shift can be assigned to a
user role so you are able to assign one or more analysts across different shifts.
You can do the following:
• Enable incidents to be routed automatically to analysts based on shifts, workloads and machine learning
recommendations, ensuring full staff coverage for incoming incidents.
• Define multiple shifts, which can be added to a role, and in turn assigned to a user. To manage shift
periods for users, see Managing Shifts.
• Automatically route incidents to analysts based on shifts, load and machine learning recommendations in
playbooks and automations
After assigning the role to users, Cortex XSOAR recommends who to assign incidents. When assigning an
analyst to an incident, these shifts can be taken into account.

If you want to consider on-call users only run the getOwnerSuggestions command.

Managing Shifts
You can define shifts for various roles and then add them to automations, playbooks and incidents.

STEP 1 | Define a Role.

STEP 2 | In the Shifts field, click Add Shift and add the required period.
Weekly shifts start on Sunday and are specified in the UTC time zone format.
For example, we create a role called First Shift and add a shift starting on Sunday and ending Monday.

STEP 3 | Click Save.

STEP 4 | (Optional) To add the role to a user, in the Users tab, select the user you want to add.


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STEP 5 | Click Roles.

STEP 6 | From the drop down list select the role you created.

STEP 7 | Click Save.

You can also assign the role to a playbook or automation as required.

STEP 8 | (Optional) You can view on-call users details in a dashboard by adding the required widgets.


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User Invitations
Before inviting users to your Cortex XSOAR environment, you need to add an email integration instance,
such as EWS, Gmail, EWS, Mail Sender, and so on.
After adding an email integration instance, you can send emails to a user's email address. You must add their
role and choose whether to invite them to a specific incident.
After you Invite a User, an invitation is valid for one week from the time it was sent. If it is not accepted, the
invitation expires, unless the invite expiration is resent. Once users accept the invite, they have access and
permission within Cortex XSOAR, according to the roles you assign them.
If you need to connect to an external host name, add the External Host Name in the Server Configuration
section in the Troubleshooting page, otherwise the URL invite may not be valid.
In the Invites tab, you can see details of all the sent invitations including the invite URL and whether they
have been accepted.
You can also take the following actions:

Action Description

Delete the invite If the user has not accepted the invitation you
can delete the invite and the user cannot use this
invitation to join the Cortex XSOAR environment.

Resend the invite The user receives another invitation. The

expiration date extends for another week.

Reset the expiration The expiration for the selected invitation is

extended for one more week.

Invite a User
You can invite one user at a time and add their roles as required. The invitation is sent by email to the user’s
email address or you can copy the URL invite and send it direct. An invite is valid for one week.
Ensure that you configure an Email integration, such as Gmail, EWS, Mail Sender, and so on.
You may need to add an external host name if your Cortex XSOAR needs to connect to an external host

STEP 1 | Select Settings > Users and Roles > Invites.

STEP 2 | Click Invite User.

STEP 3 | Type the email address of the user you want to add.

STEP 4 | From the drop down list, select at least one role to assign to the user.

STEP 5 | (Optional) Select an incident to assign the user.

STEP 6 | Click Invite

Details of the invitation appears in the Invites tab.


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The user is sent an email with details on how to join. Once accepted the user’s details appear in the
Users tab.


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Integration Permissions
You can use Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to assign commands at the integration instance level. If you
have multiple instances of the same integration, you can assign different roles (permission levels) for the
same command in each instance.

To restrict access to integrations using RBAC, see Roles in Cortex XSOAR.

If you want to view or edit integration permissions, go to Settings > USERS AND ROLES > Integration
Permissions . You can see a list of all the enabled integrations in Cortex XSOAR. Under each integration you
can see the following:
• Commands: a list of all commands for the integration.
• Instance: a list of all instances for the integration.
• Permitted roles: a drop down list of roles you can assign to the command.
Users that do not have command permissions cannot do the following:
• Run the command from the CLI (!).
• Complete pending tasks in a Work Plan that run the command.
• Edit arguments for playbook tasks that have this command.
• Select the command when editing a playbook.
• Select a script if using a reputation-command.


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Password Policy
You can set a password policy for all internal users in Cortex XSOAR. The password policy enables you to
do the following:
• Set password complexity requirements.
• Set the password expiry and prevent repetition passwords (remembers up to the last 30 passwords).
• Brute-force prevention (user lockout after a number of attempts).
By default, Cortex XSOAR provides the following default password policy:
• A FIPS compliant password policy in the Password Policy tab. To create a password policy, see Create a
Password Policy.
• New installations: when installing Cortex XSOAR in interactive mode, you must have a strong password.
If installing with the -y option you can use a non FIPS compliant password, but you must change the
password upon first log in.
• Upgrade: all internal users with a non FIPS compliant password may need to change their password
upon next log in. Password expiry and repetition prevention does not work retroactively and passwords
before the upgrade are not considered. For existing passwords, the expiry countdown starts from the
upgrade time.
Before installing or upgrading, you can change the password policy by adding a server configuration, as
described in Edit a Default Password Policy . However, as soon as you make password changes in the
Password Policy tab, these settings override the server configuration settings. All further changes are
made in the Password Policy tab.

Create a Password Policy

In Cortex XSOAR you can set a default FIPS compliant password policy in the Password Policy tab. Any
changes in the Password Policy override any password changes made in the server configuration settings.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > USERS AND ROLES > Password Policy.

STEP 2 | In the Enable Password Policy section, select On.

STEP 3 | Add the password requirements, as necessary.

The 0 value disables the settings.

STEP 4 | When selecting unlock choose one of the following options to unlock the user’s account:
• By Admin only: only administrators can manually unlock user accounts.
• Automatically: users can unlock themselves after a specified time.
Locked out users cannot use API keys. Cortex XSOAR has a delay mechanism for multiple failed logins.
However, unlike the lockout mechanism, this system is not suitable for preventing automated brute-
force attacks. It is useful for preventing accidental lockouts.

STEP 5 | Click Save.

Edit a Default Password Policy

When installing or upgrading Cortex XSOAR, users with non FIPS compliant passwords may need to change
their password upon next log in. You can change this behavior before upgrading or installing by adding a
server configuration.


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After adding a server configuration, you can see the changes in Settings > USERS AND
ROLES > Password Policy. However, when you make any changes in the Password Policy
tab, these override the changes made in the Server configuration. You then make any future
changes in the Password Policy tab.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

STEP 3 | Add the keys and values, as described in Default Password Policy Keys.

STEP 4 | Click Save.

Instead of adding the keys separately, you can enter one key containing all of the information in the
following format:


Default Password Policy Keys

By default, when installing or upgrading, users may need to change their passwords. You can change this
behavior by configuring a server, as described in Edit a Default Password Policy and add the following keys
and values.

Keys Default values

password.policy.default.enabled Default is true.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Keys Default values

MinPasswordLength Default is 8.

MinLowercaseChars Default is 1.

MinUppercaseChars Default is 1.

MinDigitsOrSymbols Default is 1.

ExpireAfter Default is 0. Numeric settings are disabled with a 0


ExpireUnit Values are month, week and day. Default is Month.

PreventRepitition Default is true.

MaxFailedLoginAttempts Default is 10. How many attempted log ins within

one minute. For example, 10 failed logins within
one minute.

SetUnlockAfterMinutes Default is 0. User unlocks automatically after x

minutes (if 0, only an administrator can unlock).


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Change the Administrator Password
Use this procedure when the administrator cannot log in and has forgotten the password. To change a
password, you need to create a new administrator and then you can change the password for the current
You create the new administrator by creating a one-time configuration (OTC) file, in which you define the
user configurations. After the file is saved, restart the Cortex XSOAR server. The OTC file is automatically

STEP 1 | Define a new administrator, by creating a /var/lib/demisto/otc.conf.json file with

content similar to the following.
Ensure the file has demisto:demisto ownership.

"users": [{
"username": "newadmin",
"password": "veryStrongPassword!",
"email": "admin@example.com",
"phone": "+650-123456",
"name": "New Admin Dude",
"roles": {
"demisto": [

STEP 2 | Save the file and restart the Cortex XSOAR server by running the systemctl restart
demisto command.
The file is removed when Cortex XSOAR restarts.

STEP 3 | Log in to Cortex XSOAR by using the new administrator credentials, as created in step 1.

STEP 4 | Change the password for the current administrator and log out.

STEP 5 | Login to Cortex XSOAR using the current administrator credentials, including the new

STEP 6 | Remove the new administrator you created in step 1.


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Authenticate Users with SAML 2.0
SAML exchanges authentication and authorization data between security domains. SAML 2.0 is an XML-
based protocol that uses security tokens containing assertions to pass information about a principal (usually
an end user) between a SAML authority (Identity Provider) and a SAML consumer (Service Provider).
SAML 2.0 enables web-based authentication and authorization scenarios including cross-domain single
sign-on (SSO), which helps reduce the administrative overhead of distributing multiple authentication
tokens to the user. For more information about SAML 2.0, see SAML 2.0 Wikipedia.
You can authenticate your Cortex XSOAR users using SAML 2.0 authentication with your identity provider,
such as Okta. You need to define Cortex XSOAR authentication in your Identity Provider’s account, then
create a SAML 2.0 instance in Cortex XSOAR.

Set up Okta as the Identity Provider Using SAML 2.0

You can authenticate your Cortex XSOAR users using SAML 2.0 authentication and Okta as the identity
provider. You need to authenticate Cortex XSOAR in your Okta account, and create a SAML 2.0 instance in
Cortex XSOAR by completing the following procedures:
• Create Okta Groups for Cortex XSOAR Users
• Define the Okta Application to authenticate Cortex XSOAR
• Configure the SAML 2.0 Integration for Okta
• Map Okta Groups to Cortex XSOAR Roles

Create Okta Groups for Cortex XSOAR Users

To authenticate Cortex XSOAR users with Okta, you need to have at least one Okta group that defines
Cortex XSOAR users, which eventually is mapped to Okta roles. There are two common methods for
grouping and mapping users:
• Create a single Okta group for all users. For example, Cortex All Users.
• Create an Okta group for each business unit. For example, Cortex XSOAR IT, Cortex XSOAR Analysts,
Cortex XSOAR Admins.

STEP 1 | Log in to Okta and click Admin.

STEP 2 | Log in to Okta and select Directory > Groups.


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STEP 3 | Click Add Group.

STEP 4 | Type a name and description for the group.

The name and description should enable you to easily identify the users of that group.

STEP 5 | To add users to the group, select the group name you created in step 4.

STEP 6 | Click Manage People and add the users as required.

STEP 7 | Click Save.

STEP 8 | Define the Okta Application to authenticate Cortex XSOAR.

Define the Okta Application to authenticate Cortex XSOAR

You need to define the Okta application to use it in Cortex XSOAR.
Before you start you need to create a group as described in Create Okta Groups for Cortex XSOAR Users.

STEP 1 | Log in to Okta and click Admin.

STEP 2 | Select Applications > Applications > Add Application.

STEP 3 | Click Create New App.

STEP 4 | From the Create a New Application Integration window, in the Platform field, select Web.


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STEP 5 | In the Sign on method field, select SAML 2.0.

STEP 6 | Click Create.

STEP 7 | From the General Settings section, in the App name field, type a name for the application and
click Next.

STEP 8 | In the SAML Settings section, add the following parameters:

• The GENERAL parameters
For information about the parameters, see SAML Settings for the Okta Application.

STEP 9 | Click Next.

STEP 10 | Select the following options:


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STEP 11 | Click Finish.
When setting up the integration in Cortex XSOAR, you need to add the setup instructions and Identity
Provider metadata.

STEP 12 | Continue with Configure the SAML 2.0 Integration for Okta.

SAML Settings for the Okta Application

The following tables describes the SAML settings for Otka.
General Parameters

Parameter Value

Single sign on URL https://<cortexxsoarURL>/saml

Audience URI (SP Entity ID) https://<cortexxsoarURL>/saml/metadata

Default RelayState Keep this field empty.

Name ID format EmailAddress. The Cortex XSOAR username is the

user's email address, as defined in Okta.

Application username Okta username.

Update application user name on Create and update


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Attribute Statement Parameters

Name Name Format Value

FirstName Unspecified user.firstName

LastName Unspecified user.lastName

Email Unspecified user.email

login Unspecified user.login

Phone Unspecified user.primaryPhone


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Group Attribute Statement parameters

Name Name format Filter Name of group

memberof Unspecified Equals Name of the group you

have created.

The Group Attribute Statement parameters define which groups to associate with Cortex XSOAR and which
groups are to be mapped to Cortex XSOAR roles. In this example, add a group called Everyone.

If you are using memberof as a group attribute statement, ensure not to use the memberof
as an attribute statement. You cannot have both single user and group user attributes.

Configure the SAML 2.0 Integration for Okta

You need to configure the SAML 2.0 integration so you can use it in Cortex XSOAR.
Before you start, access the Okta Setup Instructions and Identity Provider metadata in Okta, as described in
Set up Okta as the Identity Provider Using SAML 2.0.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

STEP 2 | Search for SAML 2.0

STEP 3 | Click Add instance to configure a new integration.


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STEP 4 | Add the SAML 2.0 Okta Parameters.

STEP 5 | Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.

STEP 6 | To verify that the settings are successful, in the instance settings, click Get service provider

STEP 7 | Map Okta Groups to Cortex XSOAR Roles.

SAML 2.0 Okta Parameters

The following table describes the SAML 2.0 parameters for Okta, when adding a new instance in Cortex

Attribute Description

Name A name for the integration instance.

Service Provider Entity ID The URL of your Cortex XSOAR server (also known as an ACS URL).
In the format: https://yourdomain.com/saml

Idp metadata URL URL of your organization’s IdP metadata file. You can find this in
the Sign On tab in Otka or when defining an Okta application, as
described in Define the Okta Application to authenticate Cortex

IdP metadata file Your organization’s IdP metadata file. You either need to add the IdP
metadata URL or the file.

IdP SSO URL The URL of the IdP application that corresponds to Cortex XSOAR.
You can copy and paste the IdP SSO URL in Okta, when clicking
View Setup Instructions.

Attribute to get username Attribute in your IdP for the user name.

Attribute to get email Attribute in your IdP for the user's email address.

Attribute to get first name Attribute in your IdP for the user's first name.

Attribute to get last name Attribute in your IdP for the user's last name.

Attribute to get phone Attribute in your IdP for the user's phone number.

Attribute to get groups Attribute in your IdP for the groups of which the user is a member.

Groups delimiter Groups list separator.

Default role Role to assign to the user when they are not a member of any group.


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Attribute Description

RelayState Only used by certain IdPs. If your IdP uses relay state, you need to
supply the relay state.

Sign request and verify response Method for the IdP to verify the user sign-in request using the IdP
signature vendor certificate.

Identity Provider public Public certificate for your IdP.


Identity Provider private key Private key for your IdP, in PEM format. Created locally by the user
who wants to use SAML. The matching public key is uploaded to

Do not map SAML groups to SAML groups will not be mapped to Cortex XSOAR roles.
Cortex XSOAR roles

Map Okta Groups to Cortex XSOAR Roles

It is important that when you specify the Okta group in Cortex XSOAR to map to a role that you use the
exact group name as it appears in Okta. Alternatively, you can specify .*, which will pass all Okta groups to
the relevant Cortex XSOAR roles (this is not recommended).

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Users & Roles > Roles.

STEP 2 | Create or edit an existing role, as described in Define a Role.

STEP 3 | In the SAML Roles Mapping field, specify one or more SAML groups to map to the Cortex
XSOAR role.

In the following example, you want to add the group, called “Everyone”, which has been defined in the
Group Attributes Statement field in Okta:

In Cortex XSOAR, in the SAML Roles Mapping field, add the following:


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Set up Microsoft Azure as the Identity Provider
You can authenticate your Cortex XSOAR users using SAML 2.0 authentication and Microsoft Azure (Azure)
as the identity provider. You need to authenticate Cortex XSOAR in your Azure account, and create a SAML
2.0 instance in Cortex XSOAR, by completing the following procedures:
• Create a Non-Gallery Application in Azure
• Define Azure to authenticate Cortex XSOAR
• Configure the SAML 2.0 Integration for Azure
• Map Azure Groups to Cortex XSOAR Roles

Troubleshooting (generic - known errors)

The following are known issues when using Single sign on in Azure:
• Method Not Allowed: Ensure the endpoint is used for the Service Provider Entity ID and Reply URL
for the IdP and Service provider, in the format: https://demisto-dns/saml.
• "{"id":"errSAMLLogin","status":400,"title":"Failed
to login via SAML","detail":"Failed to login via
SAML","error":"","encrypted":false,"multires":null}": Most likely an attribute mapping
issue. Ensure that all attributes that appear in Cortex XSOAR SAML 2.0 configuration are reflected in
Azure claims and its associated SAML assertion. Attributes are case sensitive.
You may also receive this message, if you select the Don’t map SAML groups to Demisto Roles
checkbox and you do not define a role in Default role (for IdP users without groups) in the SAML2.0
• After connecting through SSO, a user may temporarily see the home screen, but immediately returns to
the login page. The user does not have any group assigned, so he cannot login.
Check the group mapping and see whether the memberOf attribute is correct. As a workaround, if
you did not set the group mapping, you can use the Default role (for IdP users without groups) in the
SAML2.0 configuration.


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Create a Non-Gallery Application in Azure
In Azure you need to create a non-gallery application and add groups to your application, before configuring
single sign-on. Once completed, you can then configure the SAML 2.0 instance using Azure in Cortex

STEP 1 | From the home page, select Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications > New

STEP 2 | Select Non-gallery application.

STEP 3 | Type the name of your application and click Add.

STEP 4 | If you have not created any users or groups, go to Home > Azure Active Directory and select
the following:
• For users, select Users > New user and create or invite a user.
• For groups, select Groups > New Group and type the group information as required.

STEP 5 | From the Name of the Application Overview window, in the Getting Started section, click
Assign users and groups.


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To access the Application overview window, go to Home > Azure Active Directory > Enterprise
applications and then select your application, created in step 3.

STEP 6 | In the Name of the Application Users and groups window, click Add user.

STEP 7 | In the Add Assignment window, click Users and groups.

STEP 8 | Select the group/users as required and click Select.

STEP 9 | Continue with Define Azure to authenticate Cortex XSOAR.

Define Azure to authenticate Cortex XSOAR

You need to authenticate Cortex XSOAR for single sign-on section in your Azure environment. Before you
start, ensure that you have created a non-gallery application and assigned users, as described in Create a
Non-Gallery Application in Azure.

STEP 1 | Go to Home > Enterprise applications > Name of your application.

STEP 2 | In the Set up single sign on section, click Get started.

STEP 3 | Click SAML.

STEP 4 | In the Basic SAML Configuration section, add the Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL
(Assertion Consumer Service URL).
Use the format https://<XSOAR Server FQDN>/saml


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STEP 5 | In the User Attributes & Claims section, click the edit icon and add the following attributes and
values as required.

Ensure the attribute names match the names in Cortex XSOAR, when defining the instance.

STEP 6 | To add a new group, click Add a group claim.

STEP 7 | In the Group Claims (Preview) window, select Security groups.

STEP 8 | In the Advanced options section, select the Customize the name of the group claim check box.

STEP 9 | In the Name field, type memberOf.

STEP 10 | Click Save.

Ensure that you have a group assigned to a user in the Cortex XSOAR in Azure.The Object ID is added to
the SAML Roles Mapping field in Cortex XSOAR.


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STEP 11 | Note the App Federation Metadata Url and Login URL, which are needed to configure the
instance in Cortex XSOAR.

STEP 12 | You can now add an instance in Cortex XSOAR, as described in Configure the SAML 2.0
Integration for Azure.

Configure the SAML 2.0 Integration for Azure

Before you configure an instance of the SAML 2.0 integration in Cortex XSOAR, you need to configure
Azure. For more information, see Set up Microsoft Azure as the Identity Provider.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

STEP 2 | Search for SAML 2.0


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STEP 3 | Click Add instance to configure a new integration.

STEP 4 | Add the parameters, as described in SAML 2.0 Azure Parameters.

STEP 5 | Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.

STEP 6 | To verify that the settings are successful, in the instance settings, click Get service provider

STEP 7 | To map Azure groups, continue with Map Azure Groups to Cortex XSOAR Roles.

SAML 2.0 Azure Parameters

The following table describes the SAML 2.0 parameters for Azure, when adding a new instance in Cortex

Attribute Description

Name A name for the integration instance.

Service Provider Entity ID The URL of your Cortex XSOAR server (also known as an ACS URL).
In the format: https://yourdomain.com/saml

Idp metadata URL URL of your organization’s IDP metadata file. You can copy this from
the App Federation Metadata URL in the SAML Signing Certificate
in Azure.

IdP metadata file Your organization’s IdP metadata file. You either need to add the Idp
metadata URL or the file.

IdP SSO URL The URL of the IdP application that corresponds to Cortex XSOAR.
You can copy this from the Login URL field in the SAML Signing
Certificate section.

Attribute to get username Attribute in your IdP for the user name. Value: nameIdentifier

Attribute to get email Attribute in your IdP for the user's email address. Value: Email

Attribute to get first name Attribute in your IdP for the user's first name. Value: FirstName


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Attribute Description

Attribute to get last name Attribute in your IdP for the user's last name. Value: LastName

Attribute to get phone Attribute in your IdP for the user's phone number. Value: Phone

Attribute to get groups Attribute in your IdP for the groups of which the user is a member.
Value: memberOf

Groups delimiter Groups list separator. Value: “,”

Default role (for IdP users Role to assign to the user when they are not a member of any group.
without groups) For example, Analyst.

RelayState Only used by certain IdPs. If your IdP uses relay state, you need to
supply the relay state.

Use system proxy settings Select the check box to use proxy settings.

Compress encode URL (AFDS) (Manadatory) Select the check box to compress encode URL (AFDS).
If not, you may receive a Decoding Flat error during connection.

Service identifier (AFDS) Add the appid value, which can be found at the end
of the IDP metadata URL. For example, https://

Do not map SAML groups to SAML groups are not mapped to Cortex XSOAR roles. Default roles
Cortex XSOAR roles are assigned and you can select them later.

Map Azure Groups to Cortex XSOAR Roles

It is important that when you add the SAML role in Cortex XSOAR to map it to the Object ID in Azure.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Users & Roles > Roles

STEP 2 | Create or edit an existing role, as described in Define a Role.

STEP 3 | In the SAML Roles Mapping field, type the Object ID that appears in Azure.
For example, in Azure, we created a group, called Cortex Admins. Note the Object ID below:


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Add the Object ID to the SAML Roles Mapping field in Cortex XSOAR:

STEP 4 | Click Save.

Set up ADFS as the Identity Provider Using SAML 2.0

You can authenticate your Cortex XSOAR users using SAML 2.0 authentication and Active Directory
Federation Services (ADFS) as the identity provider. You need to authenticate Cortex XSOAR in your ADFS
account, and create a SAML 2.0 instance in Cortex XSOAR by completing the following procedures:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
• Create Relying Party Trust in ADFS
• Define the Claim Issuance Policy
• Configure the SAML 2.0 Integration for ADFS
• Map ADFS Groups to Cortex XSOAR Roles
For troubleshooting issues such as DNS configuration, Endpoints and Idp initiated sign on, see Microsoft AD
FS Troubleshooting.

Create Relying Party Trust in ADFS

In ADFS you need to create a Relying Party Trust. The following procedure uses ADFS 3.0 on Windows
Server 2016 and shows demistodev.local as the ADFS portal service which will allow a trust connection
from the https://demo.demisto.com web server.
You must have a valid and trusted server certificate for ADFS to work, not the self-signed certificates that
come with Cortex XSOAR. If you do not use a trusted server certificate for ADFS, you will experience TLS
connection issues with ADFS and the integration will not work properly.

STEP 1 | Log in to the ADFS server management console.

STEP 2 | In the tree in the left panel, right-click Service and select Edit Federation Service Properties.

STEP 3 | Click the General tab and confirm that the DNS entries and certificates names are correct.


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STEP 4 | In the tree in the left panel, right-click Relying Party Trusts and select Add Relying Party

STEP 5 | The Add Relying Party Trust Wizard screen appears. Click Start.


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STEP 6 | In the Select Data Source page, select Enter data about the relying party manually.

STEP 7 | Click Next.


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STEP 8 | In the Specify Display Name page, type a display name for the trust in the Display name field.
In this example, the name of the trust is Demisto.

STEP 9 | Click Next.

STEP 10 | (Optional) In the Configure Certificate page, you can configure the claims encryption.

STEP 11 | Click Next.

STEP 12 | In the Configure URL page, select Enable support for the SAML 2.0 Web SSO protocol, and
enter the Cortex XSOAR server URL followed by /SAML.

STEP 13 | Click Next.

STEP 14 | In the Configure Identifiers page, add the Relying party trust identifier. The identifier can be a
friendly name, the same as the Display name, or the application URL. This identifier is used to


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redirect the user back to the Cortex XSOAR web server instead of asking the user to manually
choose which service should log in to the ADFS IDP portal.

STEP 15 | Click Next.

STEP 16 | In the Choose Access Control Policy page, select an access control policy for the
authentication portal. In this example, we choose .


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STEP 17 | Click Next.

STEP 18 | In the Ready to Add Trust page, verify that all the setting are correct.


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STEP 19 | Click Next and then click Close.

STEP 20 | Define the Claim Issuance Policy.

Define the Claim Issuance Policy

You need to define the claim issuance policy. Before you start you need to create the Relying Party Trusts
as described in Create Relying Party Trust in ADFS.

STEP 1 | From the right menu pane of the Relying Party Trusts, click Edit Claim Issuance Policy


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STEP 2 | Click Add Rule.

STEP 3 | In the Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard, select Transform an Incoming Claim from the drop
down list.


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STEP 4 | Click Next.

STEP 5 | In the Configure Claim Rule page, type the Claim rule name WindowsAccountName which will
pass the user login name in AD and select the Windows account name for the Incoming and
Outgoing claim type.

STEP 6 | Click Finish.

STEP 7 | Add another claim rule which will pass the AD user account attributes to Cortex XSOAR. This
step is required to map the user group membership, full name, email, phone and other LDAP
1. From the right menu pane of the Relying Party Trusts, click Edit Claim Issuance Policy
2. Click Add Rule.
3. In the Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard, select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims from the drop
down list.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Configure Claim Rule page, type a claim rule name, select Active Directory from the Attribute
store drop down list and map the required fields. Note that the user group attribute is mandatory if
you wish to map the user group to the Cortex XSOAR user role.


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6. Click Finish and then click OK to create the claim rules.

STEP 8 | Open PowerShell and make sure the IDP Sign-on page is enabled


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If one of these setting are set to false, enable it by typing Set-AdfsProperties -<Property Name
RelayState or EnableIdp> $True

STEP 9 | Verify that the ADFS IDP Sign-on page is working by browsing to the ADFS service portal URL,
in our example: https://demistodev.local/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon.aspx

STEP 10 | Continue with Configure the SAML 2.0 Integration for ADFS.

Configure the SAML 2.0 Integration for ADFS

You need to configure the SAML 2.0 integration so you can use it in Cortex XSOAR.
Before you start, ensure that you have defined the claim issuance policy as described in Define the Claim
Issuance Policy.

STEP 1 | Log in to the Cortex XSOAR server.

STEP 2 | Click Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

STEP 3 | Search for SAML 2.0.

STEP 4 | Click Add Instance to configure a new integration.

STEP 5 | Add the SAML 2.0 ADFS Parameters.

STEP 6 | Select the following checkboxes:

• (Optional) Do not validate server certificate (insecure) - If you are using a self-signed certificate for
the ADFS server you can select this checkbox.
• Compress encode URL (ADFS)

STEP 7 | Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.

STEP 8 | To verify that the settings are successful, in the instance settings, click Get service provider

STEP 9 | Map ADFS Groups to Cortex XSOAR Roles.


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SAML 2.0 ADFS Parameters
The following table describes the SAML 2.0 parameters for ADFS, when adding a new instance in Cortex

Attribute Description

Name A name for the integration instance.

Service Provider Entity ID The URL of your Cortex XSOAR server (also known as an ACS URL).
In the format: https://yourdomain.com/saml

Idp metadata URL ADFS URL+ /federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml

IdP SSO URL ADFS URL+ /adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon.aspx

Attribute to get email Attribute in your IdP for the user's email address.

Attribute to get user name Attribute in your IdP for the user's user name.

Attribute to get first name Attribute in your IdP for the user's first name.

Attribute to get last name Attribute in your IdP for the user's last name.

Attribute to get groups Attribute in your IdP for the groups of which the user is a member.

Default role Role to assign to the user when they are not a member of any group.
Users can be assigned to a default role at Cortex XSOAR in case
there is no mapping between their AD group membership and a
Cortex XSOAR server role.

Service Identifier (ADFS) The ADFS relay identifier which Cortex XSOAR will redirect the user
for SSO first login.

Map ADFS Groups to Cortex XSOAR Roles

Map the AD user account group memberships to a Cortex XSOAR server role.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Users and Roles > Roles.

STEP 2 | Create or edit an existing role, as described in Define a Role.

STEP 3 | In the SAML Roles Mapping field, specify one or more SAML groups to map to the Cortex
XSOAR role.


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Configure User Notifications
Cortex XSOAR enables you to configure which notifications you want to receive and through which
channels. Each user can define their own notification settings, so that a user's preferences does not affect
another user.
Notifications are presented by categories. By default, all of the categories and channels are selected.

STEP 1 | Go to your user profile.

STEP 2 | Click the Notifications tab.

STEP 3 | Select the items for which you want to receive a notification, and the method through which
you want to receive that notification, such as Email and Mobile.

STEP 4 | Click Save.


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Set the Default Theme for New Users
By default, the color theme for new users is light. When you add the following server coniguraitons, the
selected theme is the one applied to all new user. Each user can change the theme in their user preferences.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Ab out > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

• Key: default.theme
• Value: Can be dark, darkula, or light


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Disaster Recovery and Live Backup
> Disaster Recovery and Live Backup Overview
> Configure the Live Backup Environment
> Transition a Standby Server to Active Mode
> Transition an Active Server to Standby Mode
> Transition Between DR States Through the Configuration File
> Upgrade the Live Backup Environment
> Cortex XSOAR Engines and Disaster Recovery
> Backup the Database
> Restore the Database

146 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup
© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Disaster Recovery and Live Backup Overview
Live Backup enables you to mirror your production server to a backup server. In a disaster recovery
situation, you can easily convert your backup server to be the production server.
Server actions are mirrored in real-time. There might be pending actions due to high server load,
connectivity issues, and so on. Note the following:
• Live Backup uses a single main server and a single standby server. Beyond these, additional servers are
not currently supported.
• Active/Active configuration is not currently supported.
• Each host retains its own distinct IP address and host name.
• Neither host has any awareness of which node is truly active. Therefore, failover is not dynamic,
meaning that making a node active must be done manually, by an administrator.
In the event of a server failover, engines dynamically reconnect to the active host.

As the process of making a Cortex XSOAR server active is a manual process, it is

conceivable that two servers could be active simultaneously. You must avoid this scenario
because both hosts collect and work on potentially the same security incidents, which could
possibly lead to the following:
• Incident duplication
• A higher load on your integration endpoints
• Possible significant database inconsistencies due to duplication of internal identifiers
being shared between nodes and causing existing incidents to be overwritten.

If there is ever uncertainty about whether a host that is presently down or stopped was in
an active state before it went offline, it is recommended that you put the presently active
node into a standby state before starting the Cortex XSOAR service on the other host. You
can then make it active again after you have confirmed whether the host you are starting is
already in active mode.

To configure the live backup environment, see Configure the Live Backup Environment.
The following scenarios describe how to test, and deal with active server failures:
• DR Scenario: Testing the DR Environment
• DR Scenario: Unrecoverable Active Server Failure
• DR Scenario: Unrecoverable Standby Server Failure
When you first install the Cortex XSOAR server and starts for the first time, you can use a configuration file
to transition between DR states, as described in Transition Between DR States Through the Configuration
If you need to upgrade your live backup environment, see Upgrade the Live Backup Environment.
For details about the relationship between engines and disaster recovery, see Cortex XSOAR Engines and
Disaster Recovery. For information about host names, DNS, and disaster recovery, see Host Names, DNS,
and Disaster Recovery.

Troubleshoot Live Backup

If you receive an out of memory error when live backup is enabled, consider changing the server
configurations for disaster recovery.
1. Select Settings > ABOUT > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

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2. Add the following configurations

Key Description Value

dr.batch.size Controls the number of actions sent to the disaster Default is

recovery server in one request. A very high value can 500
cause memory issues. A very low value can cause
performance issues, which causes the backup server
to be synced slower (not in real-time).
It is recommended to start low (25-50) and increase
according to memory usage.

dr.queue.size The total number of actions to keep in memory before Default is

entering recovery mode. It is recommended to keep 10*dr.batch.size
the default number, as it is relative to the size of the
dr.batch.size configuration.

148 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup
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Host Names, DNS, and Disaster Recovery
Consider the following about host names, DNS and DR:
• When configuring Live Backup, each Cortex XSOAR server should have its own unique host name and IP
• You may require for analysts to always navigate to the same host name when accessing Cortex XSOAR.
In this scenario, configure a separate DNS record which points to the active Cortex XSOAR server. In the
event of a server failover, you are required to manually repoint this DNS record to the IP of the newly-
active Cortex XSOAR server.
• It is critical that the TTL of the DNS record be set to a zero value. If it is higher, analysts are not able to
access the active server using the shared host name until the TTL of the record expires and the DNS
record is refreshed in the cache. This could take more than an hour.
• If you do not require a single URL to access Cortex XSOAR, when a server failover occurs, you might
point your browser to the URL of the newly-active Cortex XSOAR server.

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Configure the Live Backup Environment
Live Backup enables you to mirror your production server to a backup server, and in disaster recovery
scenarios to easily convert your backup server to be the production server.

Before you start, ensure that you save the disaster recovery configurations before you copy
all files

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Server Configurations and do the following:
1. Verify that the External Host Name is correct.
2. Click Add Server Configuration.
3. Add the following key and value.

Key Value

ui.livebackup True

STEP 2 | Go to Settings > Advanced > Backups and in the Live Backup field, select ON.

STEP 3 | Configure the following backup server parameters.

Parameters Value

Hostname/IP Address Backup server IP address or Host name (without

https:// prefix).

Port Default is 443.

Trust server certificate (unsecured) ON: certificates are not checked. OFF:
certificates are checked.

Use proxy Select whether to use a proxy.

STEP 4 | On another machine with a different host name or IP address, install Cortex XSOAR using the
-- -dr -do-not-start-server flag, by typing the following command:
# ./demistoserver-xxxx.sh -- -dr -do-not-start-server

STEP 5 | Verify that the backup server is accessible from the production server through port 443 (or any
other port configured as a listening port). Ensure that there are no firewalls that might drop

STEP 6 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR server, by typing the following command:
sudo service demisto stop

STEP 7 | Create a tarball file of the necessary files and folders on the production server to be copied to
the backup server. Ensure that all files and folders have demisto:demisto ownership.

150 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup
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The following command preserves demisto:demisto ownership and file permissions:
# tar --ignore-failed-read -pczf demistoBackup.tgz /var/lib/demisto/data /
var/lib/demisto/artifacts /var/lib/demisto/attachments /var/lib/demisto/
systemTools /var/lib/demisto/d2_server.key /usr/local/demisto/cert* /usr/

STEP 8 | Copy the necessary files and folders from the production server to the backup server. Ensure
all files and folders have demisto:demisto ownership.
• data
• /var/lib/demisto/artifacts
• /var/lib/demisto/attachments
• /var/lib/demisto/systemTools
• /var/lib/demisto/d2_server.key
• /var/lib/demisto/cert*
• /var/lib/demisto/demisto.lic

STEP 9 | Copy the created tarball file (demistoBackup.tgz) to the backup server using either scp or a tool
that you prefer, by typing the following:
# scp demistoBackup.tgz root@<yourBackupServerIPorHostname>:/root

STEP 10 | On the backup server, extract the backup tarball file with the following command (original file
permissions and ownership will be preserved).
# tar -C / -xzpvf demistoBackup.tgz

STEP 11 | Start the backup server and then the production server by typing the following command in
each environment:
sudo service demisto start
If the procedure is successful, Live Backup is ON:
If the server is active, Cortex XSOAR appears as usual when you connect. You can Transition an Active
Server to Standby Mode or Transition a Standby Server to Active Mode.

Configure Live Backup for Multiple SAMLs

These steps describe how to configure live backup for multiple SAMLs by configuring SAML integrations for
each server.

STEP 1 | Verify the External Host Name value matches the URL of the production server by going to
Settings > Troubleshooting > Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | On the production server:

1. Go to Settings > INTEGRATIONS > Servers & Services and search for SAML2.0.
2. Create a SAML integration by clicking Add Instance.
3. Add the required parameters. For more information about setting up a SAML integration, see
Authenticate Users with SAML 2.0.
Ensure that Service Provider Entity ID parameter matches the URL of the production server. This is
the only valid value. For example, https://prod.demisto.com/saml.
4. Verify that you can access the production server using SSO authentication.

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STEP 3 | On the disaster recovery (DR) server:
1. Create a SAML integration by repeating steps 2.1 to 2.3.
Ensure that the Service Provider Entity ID parameter matches the URL of the DR server. This is the
only valid value. For example, https://dr.demisto.com/saml.
2. Verify that you can access the production server.

STEP 4 | (Optional) For Dev/Test environments, switch to the DR server and the test SSO login.

DR Scenario: Testing the DR Environment

Before you make the backup server the new production server, ensure the original production server is
down (not live). If you make the backup server the new production server while the original production
server is still live, you can experience significant issues.
After finish testing the failover scenario (backup environment), you need to revert the server to its original
state, which you can do through the UI or by modifying the configuration file.

STEP 1 | If you want to use Cortex XSOAR to backup the server, do the following:
1. On the live production server, select Settings > Advanced > Backups > Switch Hosts.
2. When prompted, complete the online Switch Hosts instructions.
Ensure that the production server is not live.
3. Go to the backup server and follow the on-screen instructions:

4. In the backup server environment, go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

5. For the External Host Name key, update the value to the host name of the backup server (the new
production server).
The backup server is unaware of its external host name.
After a successful switch, the backup server is now live.

STEP 2 | If you want to use a configuration file to test the DR environment, do the following:
1. In the backup server, stop the server by typing:
sudo service demisto stop
2. Open the /etc/demisto.conf file and change the Server.dr.enabled property to false.
3. In the live server, open the /etc/demisto.conffile and change the Server.dr.enabled
property to true.
4. Access the backup server using its IP address to check that the server is up and running.

152 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup
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STEP 3 | To revert to the original settings, repeat the steps above.
When following the instructions, remember the backup server is now the production server and
production server is now the backup server.

DR Scenario: Unrecoverable Active Server Failure

In the event of an active server failure where the server cannot be restored (flooding, fire, meteor impact,
hardware failure, etc), follow these steps to convert the backup server to the new production server and
then configure a new backup server.
Before you start you need to Configure the Live Backup Environment.

STEP 1 | On the standby server, follow the steps in Transition a Standby Server to Active Mode.

STEP 2 | If your analysts use a single, pivoting host name to connect to the active Cortex XSOAR server,
update your DNS record to re-point your Cortex XSOAR server host name to the now active
server. For more information about host names, see Host Names, DNS, and Disaster Recovery.

STEP 3 | If using engines, confirm that they are connected in Settings > Integrations > Engines.
If they have not reconnected and you have confirmed that network connectivity is good between the
engine and the now active (previously backup) server (i.e., it is reachable on TCP 443 or the port you
have configured), then follow the guidance in Host Names, DNS, and Disaster Recovery.

STEP 4 | Obtain a new server environment according to your requirements.

Do not install Cortex XSOAR until step 5.

STEP 5 | Follow the procedure for Configure the Live Backup Environment using your now-active server
as the primary host, and copying its files and data to the newly-built Cortex XSOAR server.
Confirm that Live Backup is working.

STEP 6 | If appropriate for your environment (depends on whether you want to remain on the present
active node), transition the active node over to the newly-built host by following the procedure
Transition an Active Server to Standby Mode and confirming that Live Backup is again

STEP 7 | If applicable, follow step 3 to reconfirm that engines are connected.

STEP 8 | Re-point your shared DNS record, if applicable, back to the primary Cortex XSOAR server and
have analysts reconnect.

STEP 9 | Confirm that Cortex XSOAR is working by confirming that your integrations are working
properly, incidents are being created normally, and that Analysts can login and work normally in
Cortex XSOAR.

DR Scenario: Unrecoverable Standby Server Failure

In the event of an unrecoverable standby server failure (flooding, fire, meteor impact, hardware failure, etc),
follow these steps.
Before you begin, ensure that you Configure the Live Backup Environment.

STEP 1 | Obtain the new server that will serve as your new standby server according to your

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup 153
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Do not install until step 2.

STEP 2 | Follow the procedure for Configure the Live Backup Environment using the newly-active
server as the primary host, and by copying its files and data to the newly-built Cortex XSOAR
server. Confirm that Live Backup is working.

STEP 3 | Test the new server by following the steps in DR Scenario: Testing the DR Environment.

154 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup
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Transition an Active Server to Standby Mode
If you are performing a manual failover in a DR simulation (when both hosts are operational), remember to
always first put your active server into Standby mode before failing over.

STEP 1 | On the active server, navigate to Settings > Advanced > Backups.

STEP 2 | Click Switch Hosts.

STEP 3 | In the Switch Hosts dialog box, in the text box, type Switch Hosts.

STEP 4 | To commit the change, click Yes, switch hosts.

You are immediately taken back to the login page, where if you try to login again, you will be presented
with the This is currently the backup server page.

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Transition a Standby Server to Active Mode
If the server is active, when you connect to it, Cortex XSOAR appears as normal. After logging in, if the
server is in standby mode, it appears like this:

STEP 1 | On the standby server being transitioned to active mode, from the This is currently the Backup
Server page, click Make this the production server.

STEP 2 | In the Switch Hosts dialog box, in the text box, type Switch Hosts.
Cortex XSOAR appears and the host is now active.

156 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup
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Transition Between DR States Through the
Configuration File
It is possible to transition a server between active and standby states via the /etc/demisto.conf
configuration file, when the server is new and starts for the first time. It cannot be used at any other time.
You need to set the server.dr.enabled configuration property to true or false. If set to true, the
server is in DR mode when it starts. If set to false, the server is in active mode when it starts.


If the DR state of the server is ever transitioned through Cortex XSOAR, the setting is stored in the Cortex
XSOAR database rather than in the demisto.conf file. The database config setting for dr.enabled
always takes precedence over demisto.conf, and changing the server.dr.enabled setting in the
demistor.conf file has no effect.
In a real disaster recovery scenario, one in which the original production server is unrecoverable, you need
to convert the backup server to the new production server and then configure a new backup server.

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Upgrade the Live Backup Environment
Follow this procedure when upgrading your Cortex XSOAR version.

STEP 1 | Stop the main Cortex XSOAR server and the DR Cortex XSOAR server by typing the following
sudo service demisto stop

STEP 2 | Upgrade the DR Cortex XSOAR server.

STEP 3 | Upgrade the main Cortex XSOAR server.

STEP 4 | If the DR Cortex XSOAR server did not start, restart the DR Cortex XSOAR server.

STEP 5 | If the main Cortex XSOAR server did not start, restart the main Cortex XSOAR server.

158 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup
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Cortex XSOAR Engines and Disaster Recovery
In the event of a failover between the Cortex XSOAR server, engines are capable of dynamically failing over
to the active node. This should happen automatically if the engine was deployed after DR was configured.

Assuming all is configured and working properly, it should not be necessary to change DNS
to affect an engine failover when a server failover occurs.

If engine failover is not working when failing over between Cortex XSOAR servers (i.e., does
not display as Connected: false in Settings > Integrations > Engines, it is likely due to one of
the following causes:
• The file /var/lib/demisto/d2_server.key is not the same on each Cortex XSOAR
server. This can sometimes happen if Live Backup was previously configured using
Cortex SOAR (Demisto) 4.0 and this file did not exist at the time that Cortex XSOAR was
first configured. Copy this file from the primary server to the backup server and restart the
backup server service.
• On the engine, the EngineURLs array property of /usr/local/demisto/d1.conf is
missing the IP or host name of the backup Cortex XSOAR server. Solutions are:
Simply redeploy the engine from Settings > Integrations > Engines. This should
automatically include both servers in the d1.conf file.
Modify the JSON in conf file manually, to add the other server to the EngineURLs
array, and restart the engine. If a syntax error is detected in the JSON, the engine
service refuses to start and may not log any error messages. The array should now look
something like:

EngineURLs": [
"wss://cortex xsoarserver1:443/d1ws",

"wss://cortex xsoarserver2:443/d1ws"

• Host name resolution is broken from the engine to one of your servers. Use ping or
nslookup to confirm that the engine host can resolve the backup server, and that the IP
address is of the server correct. If not, it may require a change to your DNS environment
or a network or host firewall is blocking connectivity from the engine to your backup
Cortex XSOAR server.

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Backup the Database
With Cortex XSOAR, you can perform both automated and manual backups, which store the entire
database of incidents, playbooks, scripts, and user defined configurations. Cortex XSOAR stores daily,
weekly, and monthly backup files.
You can define whether you want Cortex XSOAR to create automatic backups, and the location to store the
backups. The database backup files are located in /var/lib/demisto/backup. In addition to automated
backups, manual backups are recommended before doing server operations and maintenance work. We also
recommend you set up backups for additional Cortex XSOAR folders listed in Step 3, scheduled for off-peak
hours, using your standard backup tools.

STEP 1 | Create a manual backup, before server operations or maintenance work.

1. Stop the service.
sudo service demisto stop
2. Create the backup file. The default directory for the database is /var/lib/demisto/data.
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /var/lib/demisto/data
The backup of the database directory should not be stored under /var/lib/demisto.

STEP 2 | Configure automated database backups.

1. Select Settings > ADVANCED > Backups.
2. Check that Automated Backups are enabled.
3. Backups Directory - option to change where backups are stored.
4. Backup Time - option to change the scheduled time for daily backups.
5. Define the maximum number of daily, weekly, and monthly backups to store.

STEP 3 | Backup additional directories.

The following directories must be backed up manually:
• /var/lib/demisto/artifacts
• /var/lib/demisto/attachments
• /var/lib/demisto/d2_server.key
• /var/lib/demisto/tools
• /var/lib/demisto/versionControlRepo
• /usr/local/demisto
• /etc/demisto.conf

160 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup
© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Restore the Database
Cortex XSOAR automatically backs up the database. If the database becomes corrupted or you need to
revert to an earlier version of your data, you can restore a database backup.

STEP 1 | Log out all users from Cortex XSOAR.

STEP 2 | Stop the service.

sudo service demisto stop

STEP 3 | Delete the contents of the database directory.

By default, the database directory is /var/lib/demisto/data.

STEP 4 | Copy the backup file to the database location.

STEP 5 | Extract the .gzip backup file using tar -xzf <file-name> .
When you run the command, new sub-folders are created (where you ran the command) with the db
files inside. If you use the default path, the files are in the var folder. For example, the following files are

root@myhost:/var/lib/demisto/backup# tar -xzf daily_29_Jun_2021__0738.tar.gz

root@myhost:/var/lib/demisto/backup# cd var/lib/demisto/backup/
daily_29_Jun_2021__0738# ls
demisto.db demisto_062021.db

STEP 6 | (Automatic Backup) Move the demisto_XXXXX.db files to the partitionsData folder.
Keep the demisto.db file in the /data parent folder.
If you backup manually, you do not need to move the files, as the required _XXXXX.db files are already
in the partitionsData folder.

STEP 7 | The following directories need to be restored manually:

• /var/lib/demisto/artifacts
• /var/lib/demisto/attachments
• /var/lib/demisto/d2_server.key
• /var/lib/demisto/tools
• /var/lib/demisto/versionControlRepo
• /usr/local/demisto
• /etc/demisto.conf

STEP 8 | Restart the server and log in to Cortex XSOAR.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup 161
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162 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Disaster Recovery and Live Backup
Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR
> Remote Repositories Overview
> Configure a Remote Repository on a Development Machine
> Configure a Remote Repository on the Production Machine
> Edit and Push Content to a Remote Repository
> Troubleshoot a Remote Repository Configuration

164 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR
© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Remote Repositories Overview
Cortex XSOAR supports the ability to work with separate repositories for development and production
environments. This enables you to develop and test all of your content in one location, and when it is ready,
you push the content to the remote repository. On your production environment, you pull the content as
you would all other content updates.

The development and production environments must be running on the same version of
Cortex XSOAR.

In addition, Cortex XSOAR content updates are only delivered to the development environment. This
enables you to determine which updates you want to push to production.

Working with remote repositories is git-based. Any service that supports this protocol can be
used, for example, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc. In addition, on-premise repositories are
also supported.

How it Works
In the production environment, the content appears as a content update, just like any other, and you pull
the content from the remote repository into your working branch.
To work with remote repositories, you must have two separate Cortex XSOAR environments on two
separate machines. The development environment is used to write the following content:
• Automations
• Playbooks
• Integrations
• Classification
• Agent tools
• Incident fields
• Indicator fields
• Evidence fields
• Incident layouts
• Incident types
• Pre-processing rules

If you have more than two pre-processing rules in your Local Changes queue, you must
push all of those changes to the remote repository.
• Indicator types
• Reports
• Dashboards
• Widgets
On the production environment, it is not possible to edit these elements.
You need to configure a remote repository both on a development enviornment and a production
environment. After you develop your content, if you want it to be available as part of a content update for
the production environment, you must push the changes to the remote repository. If you experience issues,
learn how to troubleshoot remote repositories.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR 165

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure a Remote Repository on a
Development Machine
To work with the remote repositories, you must have at least two machines, one for development and one
for your production machine.
Before configuring the remote repository, review the following list of prerequisites:
• Ensure that you have network connectivity from the Cortex XSOAR server to your repository. All
communication goes through the Cortex XSOAR server so it must have access to the remote repository.

You cannot configure a Cortex XSOAR engine to manage communication to the remote
• When creating a repository in your remote Git platform, verify that the repository contains branches.
Defining the repository in Cortex XSOAR does not create the branches.
• Before toggling the remote repository feature on or off, or changing your repository configuration,
ensure to back up your existing content to your local computer by navigating to Settings > About >
Troubleshooting > Custom Content and clicking Export.
• You need to install Cortex XSOAR on your development environment, as described in Single Server

STEP 1 | Configure the environment.

1. On the machine that is designated to be the development environment, navigate to Settings >
About > Troubleshooting > Custom Content and click Import.
2. Verify that the content in both the development and production environments is synchronized
before you proceed. If you do not synchronize the content, you might lose content in one of the

STEP 2 | Define the Repository.

1. Go to Settings > Advanced > Content Repository.
2. Click the On/Off slider to enable the remote repositories
3. Set the current machine as the development environment.
4. Enter the URL and connection credentials (including the private key) to the repository. Only SSH
connections are supported.

If you are using a passphrase, only RSA private keys are supported.

If your SSH connection uses a port other than port 22 (the default SSH port), you must include the
ssh string and port number in the url. In the following example, we use port 20017:
5. Select the active branch on which you will be working.
6. Click Save.
7. In the Migrate server changes screen, determine whether or not you want to keep the content that
is currently on the development server, or discard the changes and synchronize completely with the
remote repository.

166 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR

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Selected content: the current content on your server will be maintained and presented in the Local
Changes window.
Cleared content: the current content on the server will be overwritten by the content in the remote
repository, if it exists.

8. Click Continue.
Content from the remote repository is installed.
This can take several minutes depending on the amount of content in the remote repository and your
hardware configuration. Your custom content is automatically backed up to the Cortex XSOAR server
any time you change one of the remote repository settings. The backup is located under /var/lib/

STEP 3 | Manage Classifiers.

1. Go to Settings > Integrations > Classification and Mapping.
2. Select the classifier that you want to keep.
3. Make a small change and save the classifier.
Each integration instance has its own classification. You can only push one classification per integration.
When switching the remote repository to dev mode, if you have multiple instances of the same
integration, the last classification that was saved appears in the Local Changes. You should decide which
classification you want to keep, and make a small change to that classification

STEP 4 | Push Content to the Remote Repository.

1. Go to Settings > Local Changes.
2. Select the changes that you want to push to the remote repository, and click Push.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR 167

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
You should not manually push content to the remote repository. Use only the procedures outlined in
the documentation to ensure that your content is properly updated in the production environment.

168 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure a Remote Repository on the
Production Machine
To work with the remote repositories, you must have at least two machines, one for your development
environment and the other for your production environment.
Before configuring the remote repository, review the following list of prerequisites:
• Ensure that the Selective Propagation feature is enabled (default).
• Verify that the content that you want already exists in the remote repository. You cannot edit content in
the production environment. All of the content is fully synchronized with the remote repository.

Any content that exists in the production environment, but not on the remote repository,
will be deleted

STEP 1 | Define the repository.

1. Navigate to Settings > Advanced > Content Repository.
2. Click the On/Off slider to enable the remote repositories.
3. Define the machine as the production environment.
4. Enter the URL and connection credentials (including the private key) to the repository. Only SSH
connections are supported.

If you are using a passphrase, only RSA private keys are supported.

If your SSH connection uses a port other than port 22 (the default SSH port), you must include the
ssh string and port number in the url. In the following example, we use port 20017:
5. Select the active branch from which you pull content.
6. Click Save.
In the Discard server changes screen, you are presented with content that exists in your production
environment, but does not exist on the remote repository. This includes integrations, and their
instances and classifiers.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR 169

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7. Type Discard in the relevant field and click Continue. All of the content that appears in this screen
is discarded and permanently deleted.
Content from the remote repository is installed. This can take several minutes depending on the
amount of content in the remote repository and your hardware configuration. In addition, your
custom content is automatically backed up to the Cortex XSOAR server any time you change one
of the remote repository settings. The backup is located under /var/lib/demisto/backups/

STEP 2 | Pull Content from the Remote Repository

Once you push content from the Development machine to the remote repository, it is available as an
update for the production environment.
1. Check for updates.
2. Click Install Content.

170 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Edit and Push Content to a Remote Repository
Once you develop your content, for it to be available as part of a content update for the production
environment, you must push the changes to the remote repository.

You should not manually push content to the remote repository. Use only the procedures
outlined in the documentation to ensure that your content is properly updated in the
production environment

You can save version and manage revisions locally using the Save Version button. Alternatively, you can
click and save the changes.

These options are only available for the following content types:
• Automations
• Playbooks
• Integrations
• Classifications
• Layouts
• Reports
• Dashboards
For all other content types, your changes are automatically saved to the local changes.

STEP 1 | Push Content to Remote Repository.

1. Navigate to Settings > Local Changes.
The available content changes are shown.
2. Select the changes that you want to push to the remote repository, and click Push.
When using remote repositories in a multi-tenant environment, the main account uses propagation
labels to distribute content to accounts. These labels must come with the content that is being
pushed from the development environment. When editing your content in the development
environment, keep in mind that you must also add propagation labels as part of the editing.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR 171

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STEP 2 | Control Access for Pushing Content.
1. Navigate to Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Server Configuration
2. Click Add Configuration.
3. Under key, enter UI.version.control.admin.only
4. Under value, enter true.
5. Click Save.

172 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Troubleshoot a Remote Repository
You can troubleshoot the following issues:
• Troubleshoot a Remote Repository Definition
• Troubleshoot Editing and Pushing Content
• Troubleshoot Content Issues
Question: Which services are supported?
Answer: Working with remote repositories is git-based. Any service that supports this protocol can be used,
for example, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc. In addition, on-premise repositories are also supported.
Question: Does Cortex XSOAR remote repository configuration support GPG signing?
Answer: yes
1. Connect to the remote repository using SSH.
2. Run the following commands:
• git--global config user.signingKey KEYID where KEYID is your key ID.
• git --global config commit.gpgSign true
Question: Can I limit permissions for pushing content?
Answer: Yes. See Edit and Push Content to a Remote Repository.
Question: Can I edit content in my production environment?
Answer: No. When working in a remote repository configuration, content can only be edited in the
development environment.

Troubleshoot a Remote Repository Definition

The following instructions describe how to troubleshoot when defining a remote repository.
dial TCP Error Message
If a dial tcp...error message appears, when defining your remote repository and loading the list of
repository branches.
1. Contact your system administrator to enable connectivity. This may occur due to connectivity issues,
such as a closed port or a proxy that is not enabling the connection.
Invalid SSH URL Error
An Invalid SSH URL error label appears, when defining your remote repository and entering the Repository
1. Ensure the URL is not the HTTPS version. Currently only SSH connections are supported (and only from
the server itself, no engine support).
2. Ensure the URL ends with `.git` such as `ssh://git@content.demisto.com:20017/~/my-project.git`.
Permission Denied Error
A permission denied error appears, when attempting to fetch the repository branches. This occurs because
currently Cortex XSOAR supports only `RSA PRIVATE KEY`.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR 173

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1. Ensure you have set the correct passphrase and are using the correct key type.
2. Navigate to the directory in which you saved the private key file.
3. Open the private key file in a text editor and verify that the file begins with -----BEGIN RSA
If the file does not begin with this text, regenerate the private key and add the -m pem flag. For
example,ssh-keygen -t rsa-b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com" -m pem.
Internal Server Error
The internal server error. Something went wrong. error message appears, when attempting
to fetch the repository branches.
1. In the server log files, search for Host keyverification failed error message.
2. Connect to the server by SSH.
3. Run the following command:
ssh-agent bash-c "ssh-add ~/key; git clone [url]"
4. Copy the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts to /var/lib/demisto/.

Troubleshoot Editing and Pushing Content

When you push your content to the remote repository, you might receive the following error messages
Invalid Signatures When Committing
When you push your content to the remote repository, you might receive the following error message:
Error: Commits musthave valid signatures.
This occurs when your Git server configuration requires that every commit must have a signature.
1. Connect to the remote repository server using SSH.
2. Run the following commands:
• git--global config user.signingKey KEYID where KEYID is your key ID.
• git --global config commit.gpgSign true
GIT Version Out-of-Date
When you push your content to the remote repository, you might receive the following error
message: error GIT: failedexecuting [rebase [--exec=git log --max-count=1
--pretty=format:%H;printf'>';grep -o "\w\{40\}" .git/rebase-merge/done |
tail -n 1 --strategyrecursive --strategy-option theirs --onto stag --root
This occurs when you have an outdated GIT version on your server. You must have at least version 2.21.0.
To update your GIT version:
1. Export the custom content by going to Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Custom content > Export.
This exports the state of the current content.
2. Turn off the remote repository feature on the dev server.
3. On your server, either download and install an updated RPM package of the GIT client, or run the
Demsito installer again.
4. Turn on the remote repository feature on the dev server.
5. Import the previously exported content.
This restores the local content.

174 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR

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Troubleshoot Content Issues
After enabling the remote repository feature or updating content, some content is missing. To resolve this
issue, restore the content backup package that was created when you enabled the feature or updated
1. Copy the content package from the server to your local machine using the scp command.
The backup is located at /var/lib/demisto/backup/content-backup-*
2. In Cortex XSOAR, navigate to Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Custom content > Import and
upload the content package.

CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR 175

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176 CORTEX XSOAR ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE | Remote Repositories in Cortex XSOAR
> Cortex XSOAR Engines Overview
> Install Cortex XSOAR Engines
> Use an Engine in an Integration
> Manage Engines
> Configure Engines
> Remove an Engine
> Troubleshoot Cortex XSOAR Engines

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Cortex XSOAR Engines Overview
Cortex XSOAR engines are installed in a remote network and allow communication between the remote
network and the Cortex XSOAR server. Although you cannot run scripts, you can run integration
commands. It is possible to install a single engine, or multiple engines. An engine is used for the following
• Proxy
• Load-Balancing

Engine Proxy
Cortex XSOAR engines enable the Cortex XSOAR server to access internal or external services that are
otherwise blocked by a firewall or a proxy, etc. For example, if a firewall blocks external communication and
you want to run the Rasterize integration, you need to install an engine to access the Internet.

Engine Architecture

Within the network, you need to allow the Engine to access the Cortex XSOAR server's IP address and
listening port (by default, TCP 443).

Engine Load-Balancing
Engines can be part of a load-balancing group, which enables distribution of the command execution load.
The load-balancing group is a group of engines that use an algorithm to efficiently share the workload for
integrations that the group is assigned to, thereby speeding up execution time. In general, heavy workloads
are caused by playbooks that run a high number of commands.
Before configuring an integration to run using multiple engines in a load-balancing group, we recommend
that you test the integration using a single engine in the load-balancing group.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
When you add an engine to a load balancing group, you cannot use that engine separately.
The engine does not appear in the engines drop-down menu when configuring an integration

By default, the Cortex XSOAR server is part of the load balancing group. It is recommended that you
Remove the Cortex XSOAR Server From the Load-Balancing Group when there are two or more engines in
the load-balancing group, or if you use engines to access integrations that are inaccessible from the Cortex
XSOAR server.

Engine Installation and Configuration

You can Install Cortex XSOAR Engines on Linux and Windows machines. After installing the engine, you can
Configure Engines, such as log levels, remove a server to the load-balancing group, use as a web proxy, etc.
You can also Manage Engines, such as getting logs, add/remove engines, delete engines, remove engines,

For Linux machines, you need to install Docker before installing an engine. If you use the
Shell installer, Docker is automatically installed.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Install Cortex XSOAR Engines
You can install Cortex XSOAR engines on all Linux and Windows machines. Although Cortex XSOAR
engines are intended for Linux operating systems they can be used on Windows, but Windows machines do
not support Python integrations
After creating an engine in the Settings page, you download one of the following file types for installation
on the engine machine:
• Shell: For all Linux deployments, including Ubuntu, CentOS and RHEL, etc. Automatically installs Docker,
downloads Docker images, and enables remote engine upgrade.
The installation file is selected for you. Shell installation supports the purge flag, which by default is false.
• DEB: For Ubuntu operating systems.
• RPM: CentOS and RHEL operating systems.

Use DEB and RPM installation when shell installation is not available. You need to install
Docker and any dependencies.
• Zip: Used for Windows machines.
• Configuration: Configuration file for download. When you install one of the other options, this config file
(d1.conf) is installed on the engine machine.

When you create the engine, the python.engine.docker key is set to true. If Docker
is not available when the engine is created, the key is set to false. If this happens, in the
d1.conf file, you need to set the key to true

Before you begin, check you have the required Cortex XSOAR Engine requirements.
After you install and deploy an engine, there are several ways that you can Manage Engines. For Linux
systems, you can run Python integrations on an engine. Ensure you have Python 2.7 or later installed on the
engine machine. Running Python integrations needs to be through Docker.

STEP 1 | Define the base URL.

The base URL is the external IP address of your Cortex XSOAR server. If you do not define the base
URL, you need to add it to the d1.conf file after you create the engine.
1. Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.
2. From the Server Configuration section, in the Base URL (for D2 Agents and Engines) type the Base
For example, for https://ec2-54-228-48-128.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/, type eu-

STEP 2 | Create an engine.

1. Select Settings > Integrations > Engines > Create New Engine.
2. In the Engine Name field, add a meaningful name for the engine.
3. Select one of the installer types from the drop down list.
For Linux systems it is recommended to use the Shell installer.
4. (Optional) If you want to add the engine to a load balancing group, from the drop down list, select the
group you want to add.
The dropdown list only appears after you have created and connected an engine and created a load
balancing group.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
The engine cannot be used as an individual engine and does not appear when configuring an engine
from the drop down. list. To add the engine to a new load balancing group, see Manage Engines.
5. (Optional) Select the checkbox to enable multiple engines to run on the same machine.
6. (Optional) Add any required configuration in JSON format.
7. Click Create New Engine.

STEP 3 | For Shell installation, do the following:

1. Move the .sh file to the engine machine using a tool like SSH or PuTTY.
2. On the engine machine, grant execution permission by running the following command:
chmod +x /<engine-file-path>
3. Run as a root user
4. Install the engine by typing one of the following commands:
With tools: sudo <engine-file-path>
Without tools: sudo <engine-file-path> -- -tools+false
If you receive a permissions denied error, it is likely that you do not have permission to access
the /tmp directory. Run the ./demisto.sh --target {/targetFolder} command. The
{targetFolder} can be any folder to which you have write access.

STEP 4 | For RPM/DEB installation do the following:

1. Move the file to the required machine using a tool like SSH or PuTTY.
2. Type one of the following installation commands:

Machine Type Install Command

CentOS/RHEL (RPM) sudo rpm -Uvh d1-2.5_15418-1.x86_64.rpm

Ubuntu (DEB) sudo dpkg --install d1_xxx_amd64.deb

3. Start the engine by running one of the following commands:

Machine Type Start Command

CentOS/RHEL (RPM) sudo systemctl start d1

Ubuntu (DEB) sudo service d1 restart

STEP 5 | For zip file installation, do the following.

1. Move the d1 zip file to the engine machine using a tool like WinSCP.
2. Unzip the file and move it to any location you require.
3. Open the file and run the d1_windows_amd64.exe file.
Every time you want to connect to Cortex XSOAR you need to run the D1 Application file.
Alternatively, you can run the engine as a service.

STEP 6 | Use an Engine in an Integration.

STEP 7 | (Optional) If you experience performance issues you may need to Configure the Number of
Workers for the Server and Engine.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Run the Engine as a Service on Windows
You can run the engine as service on Windows machines. In this procedure we use NSSM, which is a free
utility that manages background services and processes.
You can configure the Run Registry Keys instead of using the NSSM utility.
Before you begin, install the engine on the required machine.

STEP 1 | Download the latest NSSM zip file by going to http://nssm.cc/download.

STEP 2 | Unzip the file and move the contents to the same directory you installed the engine.

STEP 3 | Open a command prompt as an administrator and type the following command:
.\nssm.exe install d1engine
Ensure that the nssm exe file is in the same directory as the engine you want to run.
The NSSM service installer appears.

STEP 4 | In the Application Path, browse to the engine file.

The engine file is called d1_windows_amd64.exe. The Startup directory is automatically populated
(where the .conf and .log files are located).

STEP 5 | Click Install service.

A message appears confirming that service was installed.

STEP 6 | Start the service, by typing the following command:

.\nssm.exe start d1engine
Confirmation appears that the engine started successfully.

STEP 7 | (Optional) Go to the Task Manager and check that the service is running.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
STEP 8 | (Optional) To stop the service, type the following command:
.\nssm.exe stop d1engine

STEP 9 | (Optional) To remove the service, type the following command:

.\nssm.exe remove d1engine confirm


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Use an Engine in an Integration
When you create an integration instance, you can select whether to fetch incidents and run commands
executed for the integration using the engine or a load-balancing group of engines. After you assign the
Engine or load-balancing group to an integration instance, you can run commands using the Engine or load-
balancing group by specifying the using argument.
Command Example
!url url="www.cnn.com" using=urlscan.io_instance_1


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Manage Engines
After you have installed the engine, you can manage engines and load-balancing groups by going to
Settings > Integrations > Engines to manage engines and load-balancing groups. You can do the following:
• Add/remove engines to the load-balancing group.
You can only add the engine to the load-balancing group after you have connected the engine
• Get engine logs
Logs are located in /var/lib/demisto.
• Upgrade an engine
When an engine requires an upgrade, the Cortex XSOAR version for that engine is red. You need
to select the checkbox for the engine that requires an upgrade and click Upgrade Engine. When the
upgrade finishes, the version appears in the Cortex XSOAR Version. The upgrade procedure can take
several minutes.
You can only upgrade the engine if you installed the engine with the shell installer. To upgrade engines
that were not installed with the shell installer, you need to remove the engine and do a fresh install. For
more information, see Install Cortex XSOAR Engines. For troubleshooting, see Troubleshoot Engine
• Delete engines


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure Engines
You can Edit the Engine Configuration either by modifying the d1.conf file on the engine or in Cortex
XSOAR when managing engines. You can only configure an engine in Cortex XSOAR if you have installed
the engine using the shell installer.
You can configure the server and engine to do the following:
• Configure the Number of Workers for the Server and Engine
• Configure Access to Communication Tasks through an Engine
• Notify Users When an Engine Disconnects
• Remove the Cortex XSOAR Server From the Load-Balancing Group

Edit the Engine Configuration

You can edit the engine configuration by modifying the d1.conf file on the engine, or in the Cortex
XSOAR platform by modifying specific properties in the JSON formatted configuration dialog box (Shell
installations only).

STEP 1 | To modify the d1.conf file:

1. On the machine on which you installed the engine, navigate to the d1.conf file:

Installation Type Location

RPM, DEB, Shell /usr/local/demisto

ZIP Same folder as the binary.

2. Modify the file as required. See Common Properties When Editing an Engine Configuration.
You can Configure the Engine to Use a Web Proxy or Configure the Engine to Call the Server
Without Using a Proxy.

STEP 2 | Modify the configuration in Cortex XSOAR.

Ensure that the data is in JSON format. The properties that you specify override the values defined in
the d1.conf file. A use case for modifying the engine configuration is if you want to generate engine
logs for a specific log level.
1. From the engines table, select the engine you want to modify the configuration, and click Edit
2. In the JSON formatted configuration section, modify the properties as required. For more
information, see Common Properties When Editing an Engine Configuration


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Common Properties When Editing an Engine Configuration
The following table describes the common properties when editing an engine configuration using the
d1.conf file (located by default at /usr/local/demisto/in the JSON formatted configuration section.

Property Type Values Edit

http_proxy String The IP address of the HTTP The engine d1.conf

proxy through which the engine file

https_proxy String The IP address of the HTTP/s The engine d1.conf

proxy through which the engine file

LogLevel String • debug The engine d1.conf

• info file or in the JSON
• warning formatted configuration
dialog box.

BindAddress String The port on which the engine The engine d1.conf
listens for agent connection file.
requests and communication task

EngineURLs String array An array of Server addresses The engine d1.conf

to which the engine tries to file.
connect. If you change the server
URL, you need to update this

LogFile String Path to the d1.log file. If you The engine d1.conf
change the name or location of file
the d1.log file, you need to
update this parameter.

engine.allow.data.collection Disables the option to send The engine d1.conf
communication task forms file.
through the engine.
• false

Configure the Engine to Use a Web Proxy

Configure the engine to use a web proxy, by adding the following configuration to the d1.conf file, with
your specific proxy details:

{"http_proxy": "http://proxy.host.local:8080",
"https_proxy": "https://proxy.host.local:8443"}


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure the Engine to Call the Server Without Using a Proxy
In some cases, you may need to configure the engine to call the server without using a proxy when working
with integrations (but not use a proxy when calling the Cortex XSOAR server).

STEP 1 | On the computer where you have installed the engine, go to the directory for d1.conf file.
For RPM, DEB, Shell go to /usr/local/demisto.

STEP 2 | Add the following configuration:

Key Value

engine.to.server.proxy false (default is true)

Configure the Number of Workers for the Server and Engine

If you experience performance issues, check the workers.log file to check if all workers are busy.
Before increasing worker count, verify that there is enough CPU to handle the additional workers. You can
configure the number of workers both for the server and engine or separately.

STEP 1 | To configure the number of workers for the Server, do the following:
1. Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.
2. Add the following key and value:

Task Value

workers.count.Tasks Number of workers for the server.

Default: 4 workers per CPU core.

STEP 2 | To configure the number of workers for the engine, do the following:
1. Go to Settings > Integrations > Engines.
2. Select the engine checkbox you want to define the number of workers.
3. Click Edit Configuration.
4. In the JSON formatted configuration field, add the following engine configuration in JSON format:

Parameter Value

workers.count.engines Defines the number of workers for all engines across the system.
This will override any other engine-worker configurations. Default is
4 workers per CPU core.

workers.per.cpu Defines the number of workers per engine CPU. By default, each
CPU has 4 workers, meaning that for an engine machine with 20
CPU, there will be 80 workers.


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Configure Access to Communication Tasks through an Engine
You can use engines to enable users who do not have access to the Cortex XSOAR server to access the
forms sent out in communication tasks. In such instances, the engine serves as a proxy and passes the
information in the forms to the Cortex XSOAR server.
Ensure that the BindAddress in the engine d1.conf file is configured to a port on which the engine can
listen. The engine server address and the configured BindAddress are required to enable external users to
communicate with the Cortex XSOAR server.

STEP 1 | Navigate to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | Click Add Server Configuration.

1. Under Key, enter data.collection.external.link and under Value enter the address of the
engine through which the external users communicate.
2. Click Save.
3. Repeat this process for the condition.ask.external.link server configuration.

Notify Users When an Engine Disconnects

You can specify which Cortex XSOAR users receive an email notification when an engine disconnects.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | In the Server Configuration section, add the following key and value.

Key Value

engines.notification.users A comma-separated list of Cortex XSOAR users. For

example, user1,user2,user3

Remove the Cortex XSOAR Server From the Load-Balancing

You may need to remove the Cortex XSOAR server from the load-balancing group when there are two or
more engines in the load-balancing group, or if you use engines to access integrations that are inaccessible
from the Cortex XSOAR server.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Add the following key and value.

Key Value

engine.group.add.server.to.group False

The value is not case sensitive.


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Remove an Engine
You can remove an engine depending on your operating system.

Run the following commands according to your operating system:

Operating System Command

RPM Get the full package: rpm -qa | grep -i ^d1_*

Remove the package: rpm -evv d1_ <package name>

DEB Get the full package: dpkg-query -W -f='${Package}' d1_*

Remove the package: dpkg --purge <package name>

SH Remove an engine: sudo <engine-file-path> -- -purge


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Troubleshoot Cortex XSOAR Engines
When troubleshooting Cortex XSOAR engines, you need to access the logs from Settings > Integrations >
Engines and select the engine you want to download the logs.
Debug Engines
The d1.log field appears whenever a Cortex XSOAR engine is running. The d1.log field contains information
necessary for your customer success team to debug any engine related issue. The field displays any error, as
well as noting whether the engine is connected.

Engine Errors
These are some common Cortex XSOAR engine errors.
443 Error
This error might occur when a connection is established between an engine and the Cortex XSOAR server,
because, by default, Linux does not allow processes to listen on low-level ports.
Error Message
listen tcp :443: bind: permission denied
• In the d1.conf file, change the port number to a higher one, for example, 8443.
• Run this command: s**udo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /path/to/binary. After
running this command the server should be able to bind to low-numbered ports.

Troubleshoot Engine Upgrades

If the engine upgrade fails, you can manually upgrade the engine.

STEP 1 | Access the engine machine using a tool like SSH or PuTTY.

STEP 2 | Navigate to /usr/local/demisto and check which upgrade file exists.

File Action

d1_upgrade.sh 1. Run the chmod +x /usr/local/demisto/d1_upgrade.sh

2. Run the sudo /usr/local/demisto/d1_upgrade.sh

d1_upgrade_archive.sh 1. Run the chmod +x /usr/local/demisto/

d1_upgrade_archive.sh command.
2. Run the sudo /usr/local/demisto/
d1_upgrade_archive.sh command.


> Docker Installation
> Install Docker Images Offline
> Configure Python Docker Integrations to Trust Custom Certificates
> Docker Images in Cortex XSOAR
> Docker Hardening Guide
> Run Docker with Non-Root Internal Users
> Use a Docker Image for Python Scripts
> Troubleshoot Docker Networking Issues

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Docker Installation
Docker is used to run Python scripts and integrations in a controlled environment.
You can install Docker on the following Enterprise Linux platforms:
• Docker Enterprise Edition
• Docker Community Edition
• Red Hat Docker Distribution
• In some cases, the Docker created veths are not correctly bridged and the Docker container can’t access
the network or internet. You should update systemd.
• To verify that the Cortex XSOAR OS user has necessary permissions and can run Docker containers, run
the following command from the OS command line.

sudo -u demisto docker run --rm -it demisto/python:1.3-alpine python --


If everything is configured properly you will receive the following output. Python 2.7.14.
After installing Docker, you may need to configure docker images and update settings.

Install Docker Enterprise Edition on Cortex XSOAR

Follow these steps to install Docker Enterprise Edition and Cortex XSOAR on RHEl7.x

STEP 1 | Install Docker EE.

STEP 2 | Install Cortex XSOAR.

STEP 3 | After Cortex XSOAR is installed, run the following commands:

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker demisto

STEP 4 | Start the Docker service.

STEP 5 | (Optional) If you installed Cortex XSOAR before Docker EE, you should perform the following
You will receive an error message during the Cortex XSOAR installation. Acknowledge the error and
then proceed.
1. Stop the Cortex XSOAR server.
2. Install Docker EE.
3. Run the following commands:
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker demisto
4. Start the Cortex XSOAR server.
5. Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.
6. Remove the following keys:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
7. Start the Docker service.

Install Docker Community Edition on Cortex XSOAR

It is recommended that you install Docker Enterprise Edition (EE), but it is still possible to install Docker
Community Edition (CE). These instructions assume a clean Enterprise Linux installation without Docker EE.
Before you begin:
• Ensure that you have the recommended storage drivers for devicemapper and vfs.
• Check the kernel version.
You must have Linux kernel 3.10 or above. To check your kernel version, run the following command:

$ uname -r
• Update Container-Selinux if you receive the Requires: container-selinux >= 2.9 message.

STEP 1 | Run the following commands:

• sudo yum install -y yum-utils
• sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/
• sudo yum install -y --setopt=obsoletes=0 --nobest docker-ce

STEP 2 | After installation, start Docker daemon to fetch images during installation by running the
following command:
systemctl start docker

STEP 3 | Install Cortex XSOAR.

STEP 4 | (Optional) If you are using Docker for an Engine, Install an Engine.

STEP 5 | Run the following commands:

• sudo usermod -aG docker demisto
• systemctl restart docker

Update Container-Selinux
When installing Docker, if you receive the message Requires: container-selinux >= 2.9, you
need to install a newer version of container-selinux.

STEP 1 | Go to CentOS Packages.

STEP 2 | Find the latest version of container-selinux and copy the URL package.

STEP 3 | Run the following command:

sudo yum install -y <copied container-selinux url

STEP 4 | Install the latest version by running the following command (assuming the latest version is


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sudo yum install -y http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/extras/x86_64/

Install Docker Distribution for Red Hat on Cortex XSOAR

Red Hat maintains its own package of Docker, which is the version used in OpenShift Container Platform
environments, and is available in the RHEL Extras repository. For more information about the different
packages available to install on Red Hat, see Red Hat Knowledge Base Article (requires a Red Hat
subscription to access).

RHEL 8 and later do not support this Docker installation method.

CentOS 7 provides a similar docker distribution package as part of the CentOS Extras

STEP 1 | Install Red Hat’s Docker package.

STEP 2 | Run the following commands:

systemctl enable docker.service
systemctl restart docker.service

STEP 3 | Change ownership of the Docker daemon socket so members of the dockerroot user group
have access.
1. Edit or create the file /etc/docker/daemon.json
2. Enable OS group dockerroot access to Docker by adding the following entry to the /etc/
docker/daemon.json: "group": "dockerroot"file. For example:

"group": "dockerroot"
3. Restart the Docker service by running the following command:
systemctl restart docker.service
4. Install Cortex XSOAR.
5. After Cortex XSOAR is installed, run the following command to add the demisto os user to the
dockerroot os group (Red Hat uses dockerroot group instead of docker):
usermod -aG dockerroot demisto
6. Restart the Cortex XSOAR server.

STEP 4 | Set the required SELinux permissions:

Cortex XSOAR uses the /var/lib/demisto/temp directory (with subdirs) to copy files and receive
files from running Docker containers. By default, when SELinux is in enforcing mode directories under /
var/lib/ it cannot be accessed by docker containers.
1. To allow containers access to the /var/lib/demisto/temp directory, you need to set the correct
SELinux policy type by typing the following command:
chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /var/lib/demisto/temp
2. ( Optional) Verify that the directory has the container_file_t SELinux type attached by running
the following command:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
ls -d -Z /var/lib/demisto/temp.


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Install Docker Images Offline
Follow these steps to install Docker images when the Cortex XSOAR server is not connected to the

STEP 1 | Download the Docker image by appending the download link you received from Cortex
XSOAR with the following parameters.

STEP 2 | Copy the downloaded Docker image to the Cortex XSOAR server.

STEP 3 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.
• systemctl stop demisto
• sudo service demisto stop

STEP 4 | Load the Docker image using the following command.

sudo docker load -i <YOUR_DOCKER_FILE>.tar

STEP 5 | Start the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.
• systemctl start demisto
• sudo service demisto start


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Configure Python Docker Integrations to Trust
Custom Certificates
Python integrations running in Docker contain a built-in set of CA-Signed certificates, to which you can add
custom trusted certificates when needed. For example, if you are working with a proxy that performs SSL
traffic inspection or using a service that has a self-signed certificate.

Only PEM format certificates are supported.

STEP 1 | Configure the custom certificates.

1. Create a certificates PEM file that includes all of the required custom certificates.
2. (Optional) If you require the standard set of certificates trusted by browsers, download the PEM
certificates file provided by the Certifi Project and add your custom certificates to the file that
contains the standard set of certificates.
This example adds the proxy-ca.pem file (custom certificate) to the cacert.perm file (standard
certificates): cat proxy-ca.pem >> cacert.pem
3. Copy the certificates PEM file to the following path.

STEP 2 | Configure the Cortex XSOAR server settings.

1. Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.
2. In the Server Configuration section click Add Server Configuration.
• Key: python.docker.use_custom_certs
• true
3. Save the server configuration.
4. Restart the Cortex XSOAR server to verify that all existing Docker images are relaunched.

STEP 3 | (Optional) Add the certificate files to engines.

1. Configure each engine to use the /var/lib/demisto/python-ssl-certs.pem file.
2. Make sure that you have the following directory on the engine host.
3. Set the demisto user as the directory owner with 0700 permissions.
4. Copy the python-ssl-certs.pem file to the /var/lib/demisto directory.
5. Add the following configuration to either the engine configuration file (UI) or to the d1.conf file.
"python.docker.use_custom_certs": true
6. Restart the engine.

STEP 4 | Verify that the configuration was added successfully.

If you are using an SSL inspection proxy (MiTM) and want to verify that the certificates are properly set,
you can run the following command, which will fetch from www.google.com using HTTPS, and print the
headers of the response: !py script="import requests; print(requests.get('https://

After you save the server configuration, Docker images that are launched by the Cortex XSOAR server will
contain the certificates file mounted in the following path:


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Additionally, the following environment variables will be set with the value of the certificates file path,
which enables standard Python HTTP libraries to automatically trust the certificates (without code
If you are developing your own integration (BYOI) and using non-standard HTTP libraries, you might
need to include specific code that will trust the passed certificates file when the environment variable
SSL_CERT_FILE is set. In these cases, always use the value in the environment variable as the path for the
certificates file, and do not hard code the mounted path specified above. For example:

certs_file = os.environ.get('SSL_CERT_FILE')
if certs_file:
# perform custom logic to trust certificates...

The Python SSL library will check the SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable only when using OpenSSL.
If you are using a Docker image that uses LibreSSL, the SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable will be


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Docker Images in Cortex XSOAR
Docker is a tool used by developers to package dependencies into a single container (or image). This
means that when creating an integration in Cortex XSOAR you are not required to “pip install” all required
packages. The dependencies are part of a container that “docks” to the server and contains all libraries
needed to run the integration. For more information see Docker documentation.
Why use Docker?
Docker is used to run Python scripts and integrations in a controlled environment. Integrations are run
isolated from the server, which prevents accidental damage to the server. By packaging libraries and
dependencies together, unknown issues can be prevented from occurring since the environments remain
the same.
Script and Integration Configuration
Specifying which Docker image to use is done in the Cortex XSOAR IDE (Open: Settings > Docker image
name). If an image is not specified, a default Docker image using Python 2.7 is used. New scripts and
integrations use Python 3, unless there is a specific reason not to use it. For example, a need to use a library
which is not available for Python 3).

You can specify in the Cortex XSOAR IDE the Python version (2.7 or 3.x). If 3.x is chosen,
the latest Cortex XSOAR Python 3 Docker image is selected automatically.

The selected Docker image is configured in the script or integration YAML file under the dockerimage
Docker Images
Cortex XSOAR maintains a repository of Docker images, all of which are available in the Docker hub under
the demisto organization. The Docker image creation process is managed in the open-source project
demisto/dockerfiles. A search of the repository-info branch should be done prior to creating a new image.
The repository is updated nightly with all image metadata and os/python packages used in the images.

For security, images that are not part of the Cortex XSOAR organization in Docker hub
cannot be accepted.

When an engine needs a Docker image it pulls it either from Docker Hub or from a custom registry, if
defined in the server configuration: python.docker.registry.
From version 5.0, the engine can fetch Docker images directly from the Cortex XSOAR server. If the engine
fails to fetch the Docker image from the registry it tries to fetch it from the Cortex XSOAR server. The
server packages the image when running docker save, and sends it to the engine, which enables the
engine to obtain the required images, even if it does not have network access to the Docker Hub. The
engine can only obtain images that are available from the server.
If an existing image cannot be found, you can create a Docker image.
Package Requirements
Consider some of the following:
• Does the package have known security issues?
• Is the package licensed?
• What type of license is used?


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The Cortex XSOAR Content repository is only compatible with packages that use the MIT license. As a
general rule, only use permissive licenses. For a complete list of licenses and types, see comparison of
free and open source software licenses.

Other licenses might be permitted with specific approval.

Security Concerns
Due diligence needs to be done on all approved packages. Including verifying the package name is correct.
In 2018 a scan of PyPI resulted in the detection of 11 “typo-squatted” packages which were found to be
malicious. See Detecting Cyber Attacks in the Python Package Index (PyPI).
Create a Docker Image in Cortex XSOAR
After due diligence has been completed and licenses checked, you can Create a Docker Image In Cortex
Docker Files (Required for Production)
If the integration is for public release, the integration pushes Docker files into the dockerfiles repository.
Pushing into the repository will add an image (after the approval process) to the Docker hub Cortex XSOAR
organization. For more information, see Cortex XSOAR’s Dockerfiles and Image Build Management.

When modifying an existing Docker image, ensure the change does not disrupt other
integrations that may use the same package. All Docker images are created with unique
version tags, for which overriding is blocked.

Manage Docker Images

You can find, create, and update Docker images using the following CLI commands. You can also configure
the server to change the base Docker image, and define a Docker registry other than Docker hub.
Display, Create and Update Docker Images

Command Description

/docker_images Displays all available Docker images.

/docker_image_create Create a Docker Image In Cortex XSOAR.

/docker_image_update Updates a specified, or all Docker images. Use this when you
change a Docker image, and that image is used in a script, avoiding
the need to manually update the Docker image.

Change the Base Docker Image

You need to add the following server configuration in Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

Key Value

python.docker.image The Docker image you want to define, as the base image. For


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Define a Docker Registry
You need to add the following server configuration in Settings > About > Troubleshooting

Key Value

python.docker.registry The registry you want to point to. For example:


If the alternate registry requires authentication you will need to login into the registry with the Cortex
XSOAR OS user. Type the following:
sudo -u demisto docker login >registry server>.
For more information about Docker login, see the Docker documentation.

Create a Docker Image In Cortex XSOAR

After due diligence has been completed and licenses checked, the following steps can be taken.

STEP 1 | In the War Room, type the following command:

/docker_image_create name

STEP 2 | Add the following arguments:

Argument Description

name New Docker image name. Lower case only

dependencies New Docker image dependencies. Python libs like stix or requests, can
have multiple libs as comma separated: lib1,lib2,lib3.

packages New Docker image packages. OS packages like libxslt or wget, can have
multiple comma separated packages: pkg1,pkg2,pkg3.

base New docker image base image to use. Must be ubuntu based with python
installed. Default is demisto/python3-deb base image, with python 3.x.

In the following example create a Docker image called example_name and use the python dependency,
Mechanize. You can specify OS packages. This example requires wget as a package.
/docker_image_create name=example_name dependencies=mechanize packages=wget
When the Docker image is created, the following dialog box appears.

The Docker image is ready to use.

STEP 3 | (Optional) If you need to update a Docker image, type the following command:


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STEP 4 | Add the following arguments:

Argument Description

image The name of the image.

all Pulls all images.

STEP 5 | (Optional) To see all available images, type the following:

This command does not accept any arguments and lists all available Docker images.


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Docker Hardening Guide
This guide describes the recommended Cortex XSOAR settings for securely running Docker containers.
Run Docker with a Non-Root Internal User
Running Docker containers with non-root internal users provides added security isolation and follows the
principle of least privilege. For more information, see Run Docker with Non-Root Internal Users.
Limit Container Resources
To protect the host from a container using too many system resources (either because of a software bug
or a DoS attack), limit the resources available for each container. In Cortex XSOAR, some of these settings
are set using the advanced parameter: python.pass.extra.keys. This key receives as a parameter full
docker run options, separated with the ## string.
Limit Available Memory
It is recommended limiting available memory for each container to 1 GB.

On RHEL and CentOS 7.x distributions with Docker CE or EE with version 17.06 and
later, ensure that your kernel fully supports kmem accounting or that it has been compiled
to disable kmem accounting. The kmem accounting feature in Red Hat’s Linux kernel
has been reported to contain bugs, which cause kernel deadlock or slow kernel memory
leaks. This is caused by a patch introduced in runc, which turns on kmem accounting
automatically when user memory limitation is configured, even if not requested by the Docker
CLI setting --kernel-memory (see: opencontainers/runc#1350). Users using Red Hat's
distribution of Docker based on version 1.13.1 are not affected as this distribution of Docker
does not include the runc patch. For more information see Red Hat’s Docker distribution
If you do not want to apply Docker memory limitations, due to the note above, you should
explicitly set the advanced parameter: limit.docker.memory to false.

Swap Limit Support: Not all Linux distributions have the swap limit support enabled by default.
• Red Had and CentOS distributions usually have swap limit support enabled by default.
• Debian and Ubuntu distributions usually have swap limit support disabled by default.
To check if your system supports swap limit capabilities, after logging into the Server machine console (ssh),
run the following command:
sudo docker run --rm -it --memory=1g demisto/python:1.3-alpine true command. If
you see the WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the
cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap. message in the output (the message
may vary between Docker versions), you have two options:
• Configure swap limit capabilities by following the Docker documentation.
• Configure Memory Limit Support Without Swap Limit Capabilities.
If swap limit capabilities is enabled, Configure the Memory Limitation.
To test the memory, see Test the Memory Limit.
Limit Available CPU
It is recommended limiting each container to 1 CPU. See Limit Available CPU.
Limit PIDs


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It is recommend limiting each container to 256 PIDs. This value is sufficient for using threads and
sub-processes, and protects against a fork bomb. You need to configure the PIDs limit, by setting the
python.pass.extra.keys advanced parameter. If you have this key already set up with a value append
to it the config after a ## separator.
Limit Open File Descriptors
It is recommend using a soft/hard limit of 1024/8192 filed descriptors for each container process. You need
to Configure the Open File Descriptors Limit. If you have this key already setup with a value, append to it
the config after a ## separator.
Check Docker Hardening Configuration
To test that the hardening configuration has been applied correctly use the DockerHardeningCheck
automation. For example:
Successful output:

Unsuccessful output:

Working with engines


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For each engine to which you want to apply Docker hardening, you need to edit the engines’ configuration
to include the Docker hardening advanced parameters. For example, you would add the following snippet to
the configuration JSON file:

{"docker.run.internal.asuser": true,"limit.docker.cpu":
true,"limit.docker.memory": true,"python.pass.extra.keys": "--pids-

Configure Memory Limit Support Without Swap Limit Capabilities

If you see the WARNING: No swap limit support you can configure memory support without swap
limit capabilities.

STEP 1 | Set the docker run option --memory-swap option to -1 (disables swap memory enforcement).

STEP 2 | In Cortex XSOAR, select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 3 | Type the following:

Name Value

python.pass.extra.keys --memory=1g##--memory-swap=-1

If you have the python.pass.extra.keys already set up with a value, append it to the config file are
the ## separator.

Run Docker with Non-Root Internal Users

For additional security isolation, we recommend running Docker containers as non-root internal users. This
follows the principle of least privilege.

STEP 1 | Configure Cortex XSOAR Server to execute containers as non-root internal users.
1. Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.
2. Add the following:

Key Value

docker.run.internal.asuser true
3. Click Save.
4. Reset the running containers using on of the following methods:
From the Cortex XSOAR CLI, type /reset_containters command.
Alternatively, restart the Cortex XSOAR Server.
5. From the Cortex XSOAR CLI, type the following command to check if the container is running as non-
root internal user:
!py script="import os;print(os.getuid())"
If the server configuration was added successfully and the container is running with a non-root
internal user, the output is a non-zero UID.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
If the server configuration was not configured correctly and the container is running with an internal
root user, the output is 0.

STEP 2 | For containers that do not support non-root internal users.

1. Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.
2. Add the following:

Key Value

A CSV list of container names. The Cortex XSOAR server

matches the container names according to the prefixes of the
key values.

For example, docker.run.internal.asuser.ignore=demisto/python3:,demisto/

The Cortex XSOAR server matches the key values for the following containers:
The : character should be used to limit the match to the full name of the container. For example,
using the : character does not find demisto/python-deb:

Use a Docker Image for Python Scripts

By default, Cortex XSOAR runs Python scripts in a Docker image. The default Docker image that Demisto
uses is demisto/python, but you can use other Docker images that you have on your system. Cortex
XSOAR supports the following Python versions:
• 2.7
• 3.0 and later
To disable Docker, contact Cortex XSOAR support.

STEP 1 | Access an automation script and go to Advanced > Docker image.

STEP 2 | In BYOI, set the Docker image to use to run the integration by expanding Script > Python.

Configure the Memory Limitation

If swap limit capabilities is enabled, in Cortex XSOAR configure the memory limitation using the
following advanced parameters.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
STEP 2 | Type the following:

Key Value

limit.docker.memory true

docker.memory.limit 1g

STEP 3 | Reset the running containers by typing the following command:


Test the Memory Limit

After configuring the memory limitation to the recommend 1 GB, you can test the memory limit in the

Run the following automation script:

from multiprocessing import Process

import os

def big_string(size):
sys.stdin = os.fdopen(0, "r")
s = 'a' * 1024
while len(s) < size:
s = s * 2
print('completed creating string of length: {}'.format(len(s)))

size = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024

p = Process(target=big_string, args=(size, ))
if p.exitcode != 0:
return_error("Return code from sub process indicates failure:
print("Success allocating memory of size: {}".format(size))

The command returns an error when it fails to allocate 1 GB of memory. For example:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Limit Available CPU
Follow these instructions to set the advanced parameters to configure the CPU limit.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Type the following:

Key Value

limit.docker.cpu true

docker.cpu.limit 1.0(Optional) Default is 1.0 if not specified.

STEP 3 | Reset the running containers by running the /reset_containers command.

Configure the PIDs Limit

Configure the PIDs limit by setting the python.pass.extra.keys advanced parameter.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Type the following:

Key Value

python.pass.extra.keys --pids-limit=256

STEP 3 | Reset the running containers by running the following command:


STEP 4 | (Optional) To Test the PIDs limit, run the type the following command in the playground:
!py script="from multiprocessing import Pool; p=Pool(256); print('pool
When the limit is in place, the command fails with a Python OSError. For example:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure the Open File Descriptors Limit
You need to set the python.pass.extra.keys advanced parameter to configure the open file
descriptors limit.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Type the following:

Key Value

python.pass.extra.keys --ulimit=nofile=1024:8192

STEP 3 | Reset the running containers by running the following command:


STEP 4 | (Optional) To test the file descriptors limit, run the following command in the playground:
!py script="import resource;print('file descriptor limit: ',
The command prints the file descriptor limit (soft and hard). For example:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Troubleshoot Docker Networking Issues
In Cortex XSOAR, integrations and automation scripts run either on the server or in a Docker container.
Server-based integrations
Integrations and automation scripts that run on the server include native integrations (part of the server
binary) and JavaScript integrations. JavaScript integrations run within the Cortex XSOAR server process
using a JS virtual environment. These integrations use the same network IPs as the server.
Docker-based integrations
These include integrations written in Python or Powershell. Docker creates its own networking, thus the
integrations are using a different networking stack from the Cortex XSOAR server. The source IPs for these
integrations are different and provided according to the Docker networking configuration.
When running integrations or automations that run within Docker containers you might encounter cases
that networking fails for these integrations. The following are several examples of error messages that
indicate a networking issue:
• [Errno -2] Name does not resolve
• [Errno 110] Operation timed out
• Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Try again
It is recommended that you use the Docker networking stack because it provides networking isolation and
to consult the Docker documentation to resolve Docker networking issues.
In cases that running with Docker's networking stack continues to cause issues, there is an option to run
Docker containers with the host networking. In this mode, the container will share the host’s network stack
and all interfaces from the host will be available to the container. The container’s host name will match the
hostname on the host system. To enable host networking, add the following advanced server configuration
in Cortex XSOAR:
• Key: python.pass.extra.keys
• Value: --network=host
After you add the server configuration, run the /reset_containers command from the Cortex XSOAR
CLI to reset all containers and to begin using the new configuration.
• For multi-tenant deployments, you need to add this setting to each tenant.
• When using engines, you need to add this settingto each engine.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Run Docker with Non-Root Internal Users
For additional security isolation, we recommend running Docker containers as non-root internal users. This
follows the principle of least privilege.

STEP 1 | Configure Cortex XSOAR Server to execute containers as non-root internal users.
1. Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.
2. Add the following:

Key Value

docker.run.internal.asuser true
3. Click Save.
4. Reset the running containers using on of the following methods:
From the Cortex XSOAR CLI, type /reset_containters command.
Alternatively, restart the Cortex XSOAR Server.
5. From the Cortex XSOAR CLI, type the following command to check if the container is running as non-
root internal user:
!py script="import os;print(os.getuid())"
If the server configuration was added successfully and the container is running with a non-root
internal user, the output is a non-zero UID.

If the server configuration was not configured correctly and the container is running with an internal
root user, the output is 0.

STEP 2 | For containers that do not support non-root internal users.

1. Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.
2. Add the following:

Key Value

A CSV list of container names. The Cortex XSOAR server

matches the container names according to the prefixes of the
key values.

For example, docker.run.internal.asuser.ignore=demisto/python3:,demisto/

The Cortex XSOAR server matches the key values for the following containers:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
The : character should be used to limit the match to the full name of the container. For example,
using the : character does not find demisto/python-deb:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
> Dashboard Overview
> Create a Dashboard
> Add a Widget to a Dashboard
> Configure a Default Dashboard
> Share and Unshare a Dashboard
> Edit a Dashboard

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Dashboard Overview
The dashboard consists of visualized data powered by fully customizable widgets, which enables you to
analyze data from inside or outside Cortex XSOAR, in different formats such as graphs, pie charts, or text
from information. For more information about widgets, see Widgets Overview.
When you first install Cortex XSOAR, the following dashboard tabs are created:
• Incidents: information relating to incidents, such as severity type, active incidents, unassigned incidents
and so on.
• Threat intelligence Management: information relating to threat intel management indicators.
• System Health: information relating to the Cortex XSOAR Server.
• My Dashboard: a personalized dashboard relating to your incidents, tasks, and so on.
• SLA: information relating to your Service Level Agreement.

You can change the order of the dashboards in the dashboard tab by clicking next to the
relevant dashboard, and then drag and drop the dashboard into the required location.

In every dashboard, you can set the date range from which to return data and the refresh rate. In the
DASHBOARDS tab, you can do the following:
• Create a Dashboard
• Edit a Dashboard
• Import and export a dashboard, which is useful in a test and production environment.
• Share and Unshare a Dashboard
• Delete or remove (if shared) a dashboard.
If you want to set up dashboards as a default for all existing and future users, see Configure a Default


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create a Dashboard
You can create and customize multiple dashboards, which are personal to the user.

STEP 1 | From the homepage, in the DASHBOARD tab, click New Dashboard.

STEP 2 | From the Dashboards page, in the Widget’s Library section, add the widgets to the dashboard.

STEP 3 | From the Date Range drop down list, set the date range for the dashboard.
Widgets can have their own date range, which may be different than the dashboard’s date range.

STEP 4 | Type a name for the dashboard.

STEP 5 | Click Save or Save Version.

Save Version enables you to view a history of the changes made to your dashboard. You can revert to
previous versions.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Add a Widget to a Dashboard
You can add a widget to an existing or a new dashboard.

STEP 1 | Create or edit a dashboard.

STEP 2 | When editing a dashboard, click Add Widget.

STEP 3 | In the Widgets Library section, search for the widget you want to add and click Add.

STEP 4 | To edit the widget, select the gear button > Edit Widget.

STEP 5 | Add the Widget Parameters.

STEP 6 | Click Save.

By default, a widget inherits the date range that you specify when creating the widget, but you can
modify the date range when you create the dashboard or report. If the date range for the report or
dashboard does not include the widget date range, the data is blank. To override the dashboard or
report’s date range, click Use Widget’s date range.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure a Default Dashboard
You can configure Cortex XSOAR to set a default dashboard for all existing and future users.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

STEP 3 | Add the default.dashboards key with the dashboard ID value.

If left empty, Cortex XSOAR uses the out-of-the box dashboards as default. For more information,
about out-of-the box dashboards, see Dashboard Overview. To get the ID of the dashboard, export the
dashboard, and open the JSON file.

STEP 4 | Refresh the browser.

This procedure does not affect any custom dashboards already set by users.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Share and Unshare a Dashboard
You can share dashboards with all users in your organization. Only the user that shares the dashboard
has permission to stop sharing (unshare) the dashboard. You can share dashboards if you have changed a
default dashboard or created a new one. Users have the option to add and remove the shared dashboard
from their dashboard view.

STEP 1 | Go to the dashboard you want to share/unshare.

STEP 2 | To share a dashboard:

1. Select gear button > Share.
2. To add the shared dashboard, from the home page select DASHBOARDS > Add dashboard and
select the dashboard you want to add.

STEP 3 | To unshare a dashboard, from the drop down list, click Unshare.

STEP 4 | To remove a shared dashboard, selectDASHBOARDS > gear icon > Remove.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Edit a Dashboard
You edit a dashboard by adding deleting or changing the widgets. You can also adjust the size and position
of the widgets.

STEP 1 | In the homepage, select the gear button > Edit.

STEP 2 | Edit the widgets, as required:

• Add a Widget to a Dashboard
• Edit a Widget
• Remove a widget
• Change the Date Range for the dashboard
• Change the name of the dashboard

STEP 3 | Click Save or Save Version.

Save Version enables you to view a history of the changes made to your dashboard. You can revert
to previous versions. You can revert to the original default dashboards, by selecting Reset Default


> Reports Overview
> Chromium Installation for Reports
> Configure Cortex XSOAR to Use PhantomJS
> Create a Report
> Schedule a report
> Create an Incident Summary Report
> Add a Widget to a Report
> Edit a report
> Change the Report Logo
> Configure the Time Zone and Format in a Report
> Troubleshoot Reports

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Reports Overview
Reports contain statistical data information which enables you to analyze data in PDF, Word and CSV
formats. A report contains widgets , which enables you to analyze data from inside or outside Cortex
XSOAR, in different formats such as graphs, pie charts, or text from information.
Cortex XSOAR uses Chromium or Chrome to generate reports. If your operating system does not have
Chrome or Chromium you need to install. Alternatively, you can use PhantomJS (deprecated), which is not
developer supported. You need to Configure Cortex XSOAR to Use PhantomJS.
Reports can be time bound or non-time related. Time bound reports are incident summaries over a period
of time. For example, incident summaries over the last 24 hours, or last 30 days. Non-time related reports
are filtered summaries of incident data. For example, open, late, and critical incidents.
Cortex XSOAR comes with out-of-the-box reports, such as critical and High incidents, Daily incidents, last 7
days incidents, and so on. These reports cannot be edited apart from the schedule time and who can receive
the report.

If you want to change these type of reports, go to github reports repository, download and
update the JSON file, and upload the report.

You can do the following:

• Create a Report
• Add a Widget to a Report
• Edit a report
• Change the Report Logo
• Configure the Time Zone and Format in a Report

For custom reports you cannot generate CSV reports unless you define it in a JSON file and
import it to Cortex XSOAR.

You can run the report immediately or schedule a time as described in Schedule a report.
You can schedule a report directly from incident, as described in Create an Incident Summary Report.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Chromium Installation for Reports
Cortex XSOAR uses Chromium or Chrome to generate reports. If Chromium or Chrome is not installed, the
report will be generated using PhantomJS, which is deprecated and not developer supported. For more
information about how to use PhantomJS, see Configure Cortex XSOAR to Use PhantomJS.
By default, Chromium or Chrome is installed when installing Cortex XSOAR for most operating systems.
However if you use one of the following operating systems, you need to download and install Chromium.
• Fedora, RHEL, or CentOS
• openSUSE and SUSE
• Ubuntu or Debian

Install Chromium on Fedora, RHEL, or CentOS

If you are using Fedora, RHEL, or CentOS you need to download and install Chromium or Chrome for your
operating system.

STEP 1 | Install the Chromium package from the repository, by typing $ sudo sh -c 'echo -e
"[google-chrome]\nname=google-chrome - 64-bit\nbaseurl=http://dl.google.com/
ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub" >> /etc/yum.repos.d/google-

STEP 2 | Refresh the repository, by typing $ sudo yum update.

STEP 3 | Install the stable version of Chromium by typing $ yum install google-chrome-stable.

Install Chromium on openSUSE and SUSE

If you are using SUSE or openSUSE, download and install Chromium or Chrome for your operating system.

STEP 1 | Install the Chromium package from the repository by typing, $ sudo zypper ar http://
dl.google.com/linux/chrome/rpm/stable/i386 Google-Chrome.

STEP 2 | Refresh the repository by typing, $ sudo zypper refresh.

STEP 3 | Install the stable version of Chromium by typing, $ sudo zypper install google-chrome-

Install Chromium on Ubuntu or Debian

If you are using Ubuntu or Debian, download and install Chromium or Chrome for your operating system.

STEP 1 | Install the Chromium package from the repository by typing the following command:
$ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main"
>> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list'

STEP 2 | Add the SSL key by typing the following command:

$ wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo
apt-key add -


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
STEP 3 | Refresh the repository by typing the following command:
$ sudo apt-get update

STEP 4 | Install the stable version of Chromium by typing the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure Cortex XSOAR to Use PhantomJS
Cortex XSOAR uses Chrome to generate Cortex XSOAR reports. You either need to install Chrome or use
PhantomJS (deprecated) to generate reports. You need to add a server configuration to use PhantomJS.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

STEP 3 | In the Key field, type reports.force.phantomjs

STEP 4 | In the Value field, type true

STEP 5 | Click Save.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create a Report
You can create and customize reports in the REPORTS tab. You can add widgets, schedule times, add
recipients, change the format, size, and so on.
Reports are generated using Chromium browsers. If you do not have a Chromium browser you can either
download the browser or generate reports using PhantomJS (deprecated). For more information about how
to use PhantomJS, see Configure Cortex XSOAR to Use PhantomJS.

STEP 1 | From the homepage, in the REPORTS tab, click New Report.

STEP 2 | From the Reports page, in the Widget’s Library section, add the widgets as required, as
described in Add a Widget to a Report.

STEP 3 | From the Date Range drop down list, select the date range from which to generate the report.
Widgets can have their own date range, which can be different from the report’s date range

STEP 4 | To schedule a report, see Schedule a report.

STEP 5 | To change the number of recipients or their details, in the Recipients field, click the number of

STEP 6 | To change the format, orientation and paper size select the options as required.
It is recommended to use landscape to ensure that all information displays in the report.

STEP 7 | Before generating the report, click Preview to see a preview of the report. You can change the
size or arrange the widgets as required,

STEP 8 | Click Save or Save Version.

Save Version enables you to view a history of the changes made to your report. You can revert to
previous reports.

STEP 9 | To generate the report immediately, in the Reports tab, click Run Now.
The Report downloads.
Ensure that you enable pop-ups in your browser.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Schedule a report
You can schedule a report to run on particulars times with start and end dates. You can also add restrictions
on the report content and the number of recipients. If you want to send the report to users by email, you
need to add an email integration instance, such as EWS, Gmail, EWS, Mail Sender, and so on.

STEP 1 | In the Reports tab, select the report you want to schedule.

STEP 2 | In the Next Run field, click Disabled or the date it was last run.
If creating or editing a report, click next to the Schedule field.

STEP 3 | In the dialog box, add the following information:

• The name of the recipients you want to send the report, if required.
• Select the Scheduled check box.

STEP 4 | If you want to restrict the content of the report in accordance with a user’s authorization,
select the Run with current user.
To change authorizations, go to Settings > USERS AND ROLES. For more information about users and
roles, see Reports Overview.

STEP 5 | Schedule a report according to one of the following methods:

• Cron view: Schedules a report according to a Cron time string format, which consists of five fields
that Cron converts into a time interval. Use this view to schedule a report on certain hours, days,
months, years, and so on. For examples of Cron strings, see Schedule a Report Examples.
When using the Cron view the Start at and Ends fields may conflict with the Cron string expressions.
• Human view: Schedules a report according to the set number of hours. You can add days of the week
with start and end times.
When scheduling a report in the Human view the Next Run date may be incorrect. You may need to
change the number of hours field when scheduling the report.

STEP 6 | Click Save.

The schedule date appears in the Next Run field.

Schedule a Report Examples

The following examples describe how to schedule a report using the using Cron scheduler format. The Cron
time string format consists of five fields that Cron converts into a time interval. For example, a Cron string
of 0 10 15 * * runs a report on 15th of each month at 10:00.

Schedule a report starting January 1 and then monthly

In this example, you want to schedule a report on January 1, 2020 at 0800 and thereafter 1st of each
In the Cron Expression field, type 00 8 1 1/1 *

Number Description

00 00 in minutes


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Number Description

8 8am

1 The first of each month

1/1 Starting in January, and every month thereafter. If you want the report to
start on a different month, change 1/1 to the relevant month, such as 2/1 for
February, 3/1 for March and so on.

* Any day of the week

The reports run at 8am on January 1, 2020, February 1, 2020, March 1, 2020 and so on.

Cron calculates the next relevant date. If you want the report to run next month, provided that
date has passed in the current month, you do not need to specify the month. For example,
assume the date is 12 December. To run the report on 11 January at 8am, type 00 8 11 * *.
The report starts running on 11 January (and on 11th of each month thereafter). If the current
date is 10 December, the next run date would be 11 December.

Schedule a report on once a year

In this example you want to schedule a report on 6 January 2020 at 0800 and every year on the 1 January
(the current date is Thursday 12 December 2019).
In the Cron Expression field, type 00 8 1 1 *

Number Description

00 00 minutes

8 8am

1 1st day of each month

1 Starting every January. For different months change the number

* Any day of the week

The report runs at 0800 on 1 January 2020, 1 January 2021, 1 January 2022, and so on.

Schedule a report every week on a Monday

In this example, you need to schedule a report at midnight every week on a Monday (the current date is
Thursday, 12 December 2019)
Type the following expression in Cron: 00 0 * * 1

Number Description

00 00 in minutes

0 Midnight


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Number Description

* Any day

* Any month

1 Monday

The report runs on the first available Monday 16 December at midnight, and on 23 December, 30
December, 6 January, and so on.

Schedule a report every weekday from February for 6 months

In this example, you need to schedule a report at 5.30pm every weekday (Mon - Fri) starting in February for
the 6 months (assume the current date is Thursday 12 December 2019).
In the Cron Expression field, type 30 17 * 2/6 1-5

Number Description

30 30 minutes

17 5pm

* Any day

2/6 Starting in February for the next 6 months.

1-5 Monday to Friday

The report runs at 5.30pm on February 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and so on.

Schedule a daily report

In this example, you need to schedule a report every day at 0600 (the current date is Wednesday 12
In the Cron Expression field, type 0 6 * * *

Number Description

00 00 in minutes

6 6am

* Any day

* Any month

* Any day of the week. If you want to run from Monday to Friday, type 1-5. For
Sunday to Thursday, type 0-4.

The report runs at 6am on 13 December, 14, 15, 16 and so on.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create an Incident Summary Report
You can create reports based on the tabs in the Incident page, which enables you to capture investigation-
specific data and share it with team members.

STEP 1 | Go to the Incidents page and select the incident for which you want to create a report.

STEP 2 | In the Case Info tab, select Actions > Report.

STEP 3 | To build a new report, from the Build Report tab, select the following:
• Format
• Orientation
It is recommend to use the landscape orientation to ensure that all information displays in the report.
• Paper Size
If you want to use the setting as a template, click the Save report as template check box.

STEP 4 | To use an existing template, from the Select a Template tab, select the template.

STEP 5 | Click Generate report.

You can see a list of incident reports in the Reports page.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Add a Widget to a Report
You can add a widget to an existing or a new dashboard.

STEP 1 | Create or edit a report.

STEP 2 | When editing a report, click Add Widget

STEP 3 | In the Widgets Library section, search for the widget you want to add and click Add.

STEP 4 | To edit the widget, click the gear button and select Edit Widget.

STEP 5 | Add the Widget Parameters.

STEP 6 | Click Save.

By default, a widget inherits the date range that you specify when creating the widget. If the date range
for the report or dashboard does not include the widget date range, the data is blank. To change the
widget’s date range, click the gear icon and select either Use Widget’s date range, or Use Dashboard’s
date range.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Edit a report
You can edit custom reports by adding, editing and removing widgets, changing the layout, output type and
so on. You cannot edit out-of-the-box reports or reports that have been created from an incident summary.

STEP 1 | In the Reports page, locate the report you want to edit and click the edit button.

STEP 2 | Update the report as required:

• Add a Widget to a Report
• Edit a Widget
• Remove a widget
• Change the date range from the Date Range drop down list.
• Schedule a report
• Change the number of recipients or their details by clicking the number of recipients in the
Recipients field.
• Change the format, orientation and paper size, as required.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Change the Report Logo
By default, reports include the Cortex XSOAR logo. You can change the logo to match or your organization

STEP 1 | Save your logo as a base64 image or upload it to a URL.

STEP 2 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 3 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

STEP 4 | Add the following keys and values:

• Key: reports.logo.customer
Value: The base64 image or URL for your logo.
• Key: reports.logo.demisto
Value: False


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure the Time Zone and Format in a
You can set the time and date format, and a time zone for reports by adding a server configuration. When
this is not specified, the time/date format and time zone are the local time and location when the report is

Most out of the box reports, time zone and time formats cannot be changed. For custom
reports, custom fields can be changed.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

STEP 3 | Add the following keys and values:

Key Value

reports.time.formatThe time/date for your report. For example:

• 02 Jan 20 15:05 GMT
• Thursday, 02-Jan-20 15:05 MST
• 2020-01-02T15:05:10Z07:00
• 01-Jan-Month, 02-02-Day, 03-15-hours, 04-minutes, 05-seconds,

reports.time.zone The time zone for your report. For example:

• Asia/Jerusalem
• America/New York

STEP 4 | Click Save.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Troubleshoot Reports
By default, when you generate a report the JSON file is not retained. This JSON file is needed to
troubleshoot report issues.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | Click Add Server Configuration.

• Key: report.remove.data
• Value: false

STEP 3 | Generate the report.

STEP 4 | Download the JSON file from /var/lib/demisto/temp/.

STEP 5 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting and delete the server configuration you created.


> Widgets Overview
> Create a Widget in the Widgets Library
> Create a Custom Widget Using a JSON File
> Create a Custom Widget Using an Automation Script
> Edit a Widget
> Create a Used Percentage Widget for a Disk Partition
> Saved By Dbot (ROI) Widget

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Widgets Overview
Widgets are visual components that enable you to analyze data internally or externally from Cortex XSOAR,
in different formats such as graphs, pie charts, text from information, and so on.
Cortex XSOAR comes with a number of out of the box system widgets, such as Today’s New Incidents,
Late Incidents, and Saved by Dbot, etc. You can edit these widgets, when creating or editing a dashboard or

Some out of the box system widgets are not editable. If you want to change these widgets,
go to the github widgets repository, download, update the JSON file, and upload it to the
Widgets Library.

You can create widgets from the following and then add them to a dashboard or report, as required:
• Widgets Library: create the widget in the Widgets Library which is then available for all users.
• Create a Widget From an Incident: create the widget from the incident page and then add it to a
dashboard or a report.
• Create a Widget from an Indicator: create the widget from the indicators page then add it to a
dashboard or a report.
• JSON file: these are static widgets and display relatively straightforward information, such as grouping
incidents severity by type, active incidents by type, and so on.
• Automation Script: you can create dynamic widgets using automation scripts for more complex
calculations, such as calculating the percentage of incidents that DBot closed. The automation script can
pull information from the Cortex XSOAR API. For examples, see Script Based Widgets Using Automation
Scripts Examples.
If you want to add a script based widget to a dashboard or report, you need to create a widget in the
Widgets Library. You can create or upload the script to the Automation page or you can directly upload
the script to the Widgets Library.
You can also add a custom widget in the War Room, so you can easily view the incident in a widget format,
such as severity in a bar chart.

If you have a significant numbers of widgets, performance may be affected. You should try to
keep widgets simple (no scripts) and refresh times higher than 1 minute whenever possible.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create a Widget in the Widgets Library
Widgets are visual components that populate dashboards and reports with specific data. Although there
are various out-of-the-box system widgets available, you can create custom widgets in the Widgets Library.
You can also create them from an incident or an indicator.

STEP 1 | Create or edit a report or dashboard.

STEP 2 | (Optional) If editing an existing report or dashboard, click Add Widget.

STEP 3 | In the Widgets Library click the +button.

STEP 4 | From the drop down list, select one of the following data types:
• Incidents Data
• Indicators Data
• Script based
Relevant if you have created a script in the Automation page.
• Upload
You can upload either a JSON file or a script file.
You can change the data type when you edit the widget.

STEP 5 | In the Quick chart definitions window, select the Widget Parameters.

STEP 6 | Click Save.

The widget is added to the widgets library.

STEP 7 | Add the widget to the dashboard or report.

Widget Parameters
The following table describes the widget parameters in the Quick chart definitions window.

Parameter Description

Data Type The type of data you want to display. From the drop down list, you can select the
• Incidents
• Indicators
• Scripts
When selecting Scripts, if your script does not appear you need to add it to the
Automation page and add the widget label.

For some widgets you cannot select the data type, such as task


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Parameter Description

Data query Queries query data in the Lucene query syntax form relating to the dataType. For
example when dataType is incidents and the query is: -status:closed and owner:"",
it queries all incidents that are not closed, which does not have an owner.

Time frame The time frame to retrieve data.

When you add the widget, it automatically uses the date rage of
the dashboard or report. You can change it by clicking the gear
icon and selecting Use widget’s date range.To revert, click the
gear icon again and select Use dashboard’s date range.

Incidents by Filters the data according to the incident type.

Indicators by Filters the data according to the indicator.

Tasks by Filters the data according to the Task ID.

Entries by Filter the data according to the entry, such as the date created.

Views data in a bar format.

Views data in a column format.

Views data in a line graph format.

View the data in a pie format.

Views data in a number format. You can do the following:

• To compare dates for a particular period, select the Display Trend check box.
For example, this week vs. last week, this year vs. last year, and so on. To
change the comparison period, in the Time frame field from the drop down list,
select the relevant date.
• Select a widget color threshold to highlight the threshold data and define the
threshold by selecting the Widget color threshold check box. For example, if
less than 150 red, 100 yellow, 50 green. To add more thresholds, click Add
new threshold. You can change the colors as required.

Views data in a table format. Click the gear icon to edit columns.

Views data in a text format, which can be used as a text summary of the displayed
data. You can use {0} to display a query value and {date} to display the date.
Markdown is supported.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create a Custom Widget Using a JSON File
You can create a custom widget for your dashboard or report using a JSON file and then add the new
widget to a new or edited dashboard or report. If you want to create more complicated widgets using
scripts, see Create a Custom Widget Using an Automation Script.

STEP 1 | Create a JSON file, and add the JSON File Widget Parameters.

STEP 2 | Create or edit a dashboard or report.

STEP 3 | In the Widget Library section, select the add button > Upload.

STEP 4 | Select the JSON file you created in step 1 and click Open.

STEP 5 | To add the widget to the dashboard or report, click Add.

JSON File Widget Parameters

The following table describes the parameters for a JSON file when creating a widget. For an example of a
JSON file, see JSON File Widget Example.

Parameter Description

id The unique identifier for the widget.

name The display name of the widget.

datatype The data source of the widget. Must be one of the following:
• incidents
• indicators
• messages
• entries
• scripts
Relevant only when you are creating an automation script.
• tasks

query Queries query data in the Lucene query syntax form relating to the
dataType. For example when dataType is incidents and the query is: -
status:closed and owner:"" it queries all incidents that are not closed, which
does not have an owner.
For script based widgets, the query is the name of the script.

sort Sorts the data, when displaying the widgetType (such as table, list, bar,
column, pie) according to the following:
• field: the field name for which to sort.
• asc: whether to sort data in ascending values. If true, the order is in
ascending value.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Parameter Description

widgetType The type of widget you want to create. Must be one of the following:
• bar
• column
• pie
• number
• line
• table
• trend
• list
• duration
• image

size The maximum number of returning elements. Use 0 for the widgetType's
default. Note the following:
• Table/List: To change the size, go to Settings > About >
Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration add the
default.statistics.table.size. key and then add the value. Default is up to
• Chart: Default is up to 10.
• Number and Trend: Ignores the size value.

category Adds a category name. The widget appears under a category instead of being
classified by dataType.

dataRange The time period for which to return data. The time period is overridden by
the dashboard or report time period. Default is all times.
• fromDate: The start date from which to return data in the format: “YYYY-
MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ”. For example, "2019-01-01T16:30:00Z"
• toDate: The end date for which to return data in the format: "YYYY-MM-
DDTHH:MM:SSZ". For example, "2019-01-01T16:30:00Z" -
• period: An object describing a period of relative time. If using the
fromDate/toDate parameters, this paramter is ignored.
• byTo: The to period unit of measurement. Values are ‘minutes', 'hours',
'days', 'weeks', 'months'.
• byFrom: The from period unit of measurement. Values are: 'hours',
'days', 'weeks', 'months'.
• toValue: The duration of the to period. Integer.
• fromValue: The duration of the from period. Integer. For example, last
7 days - { byFrom: 'days', fromValue: 7 }.

description The description of the widget in the Widget Library.

params Enriches the widget with specific parameters, mainly based on the
widgetType. Includes the following:
• groupBy: An array of field names for which to group the returned values.
Used when widget type is bar, column, line or pie. For example, ["type",
"owner"], groups results by type and owner, and returns a nested result
for each type with statistics according to owner.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Parameter Description
Bar/column charts defined with two groups can become
• hideLegend: Shows or hides the legend, if it exists. Default is false.
• keys: An array that enables processing the data value and modifies
it by the given list of keys. For example, ["avg|openDuration /
(3600*24)"] process for each group found in the result, the average
open duration (in days).
• text: The markdown text for text widgets or image data for image
widgets. For example, if you want the widgets to appear on separate
pages in a report, use [ “\\pagebreak” ].
• timeFrame: Supplies the custom time frame for which the widget scales.
Values are "years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes". The default is
• tableColumns: Enables you to define the name of the columns in a list
or table. For example, "[{ "key": "name" }, { "key": "mycustomfield" }]",
displays the name and a custom field.

legend An array of objects that consists of a name and color. The name must match
a group name. The color can be the name of the color, the hexadecimal
representation of the color, or the rgb color value. (V6.0+)

JSON File Widget Example

In the following example, create a JSON file to display Incidents severity by type, which contains the
• Bar chart
• Incidents from the last 30 days
• Grouped by severity and for each severity display the nested group size (count of incidents displayed by
the length of the bar) colored according to type.
Create the following JSON file:

"name": "Incident Severity by Type",
"dataType": "incidents",
"widgetType": "bar",
"query": "-category:job and -status:archived and -status:closed",
"dateRange": {
"period": {
"byFrom": "days",
"fromValue": 30
"params": {
"groupBy": [


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
You can see the following parameters:
• The Widget is called Incident Severity by type.
• The data type is incidents.
• The widget type is bar.
• The query specifies that you do not want to return incidents that are categorized as job nor incidents
that are archived and closed.
• For the date range, the fromValue sets the widget to display the last 30 units of time. The byFrom sets
the units of time to days, which results in the last 30 days.
• The params parameter is set with a groupBy value marking the first group by severity name and then by
type (making the bar chart stacked).
After you import the widget into the Widget Library the following widget appears:

You can see the incidents are grouped by severity and the number of incidents are displayed by the length
of the bar, which are colored according to type.


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Create a Custom Widget Using an Automation
You can use custom script based widgets with an automation script to create dynamic widgets for more
complex calculations. For examples of creating widgets using scripts, see Script Based Widgets Using
Automation Scripts Examples.

Cortex XSOAR supports JavaScript, Python and PowerShell.

If you create or upload the script to the Automation page, you can use the script in any widget (rather than
uploading the script each time), use the script with a JSON file, and you can also add it an Incident and an
Indicator page.

STEP 1 | Create a new script by uploading or creating a new script in the Automation page.
You can also upload the script in the Widgets Library. If creating a JSON file, the script is the widget
query and the script should return a value in the format of the widget type you want to use. For
example, number, or text.

STEP 2 | For dashboards and reports, after creating the script, you need to create a widget in the
Widgets Library, as described in Create a Widget in the Widgets Library.

STEP 3 | Select the Script based data type and then add the script.
You can also create a JSON file and upload the JSON file directly to the Widgets Library. For
information about JSON file parameters, see JSON File Widget Parameters.

STEP 4 | Add the script based widget to one of the following:

• Report
• Dashboard
Ensure you select the Script based data type.
• War Room
• Incidents Page
• Indicators Page

Script Based Widgets Using Automation Scripts Examples

The following examples are script based widgets using automation scripts. After creating the script, you
do not need to create a JSON file as you can create a widget in the Widgets Library. For more information
about creating widgets in the Widgets Library see Create a Widget in the Widgets Library.
• Text
• Number
• Duration
• Chart
• Table or List


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In this example, create a script that queries and returns current on-line users, and displays the data in a
Markdown table. If using a JSON file, you must set widgetType to text.
In the automation script, type one of the following return values:

return executeCommand("getUsers", {online: true})[0].HumanReadable;


demisto.results(demisto.executeCommand("getUsers", { "online": True })[0]


(Optional) If creating a JSON file, type the following:

"id": "1a2b3c4d",
"name": "GetOnlineUsers",
"dataType": "scripts",
"widgetType": "text",
"query": "GetOnlineUsers"

When creating or editing the widget in the Cortex XSOAR, to add a page break, type /pagebreak in the text
box. When you generate a report, the widgets that follow the page break are on a separate page.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
In the Cortex XSOAR dashboard, the following widget displays the on-line users:

This example shows how to create a single item widget with the percentage of incidents that DBot closed.
In the automation script, type one of the following:

var res = executeCommand("getIncidents", {

'query': 'status:closed and investigation.users:""',
'fromdate': args.from,
'todate': args.to,
'size': 0
var closedByDbot = res[0].Contents.total;

res = executeCommand("getIncidents", {
'status': 'closed',
'fromdate': args.from,
'todate': args.to,
'size': 0


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
var overallClosed = res[0].Contents.total;

var result = Math.round(closedByDbot * 100 / overallClosed);

return isNaN(result) ? 0 : result;


res = demisto.executeCommand("getIncidents", {
"query": "status:closed and investigation.users:\"\"",
"fromdate": demisto.args()["from"],
"todate": demisto.args()["to"],
"size": 0
closedByDbot = res[0]["Contents"]["total"]

res = demisto.executeCommand("getIncidents", {
"status": "closed",
"fromdate": demisto.args()["from"],
"todate": demisto.args()["to"],
"size": 0
overallClosed = res[0]["Contents"]["total"]
if overallClosed == 0:
result = round(closedByDbot * 100 / overallClosed)

(Optional) If creating a JSON file, type the following:

"id": "closed-by-dbot-incidents-percentage",
"name": "Closed By Dbot",
"dataType": "scripts",
"widgetType": "number",
"query": "DBotClosedIncidentsPercentage"

In this example, create a script that queries and returns a time duration (specified in seconds), and displays
the data as a countdown clock. If using a JSON file, you must set widgetType to duration.
In the automation script, type one of the following return values:

return JSON.stringify([{ name: "", data: [120] }]);



© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
demisto.results('[{"name": "", "data": [120]}]')

The return type should be a string (any name) and an integer. The time is displayed in seconds.
(Optional) If using a JSON file, type the following:

"id": "1a2b3c4d687",
"name": "slaRemaining",
"dataType": "scripts",
"widgetType": "duration",
"query": "RemainingSLAScript"

After you have uploaded the script and created the widget, you can add the widget to the dashboard or
report. The following widget displays the time duration:

In this example, create a script that queries and returns the trend between two sums. If creating a JSON file,
set widgetType to trend.
In the automation script, type one of the following return values:

return JSON.stringify({currSum: 48, prevSum: 32});


demisto.results({ "currSum": 48, "prevSum": 32 })

The returns displays a an object which compares the current sum with the previous sum.
(Optional) If creating a JSON file, type the following:

"id": "1a2b3c4d55",
"name": "DailyTotalTrend",
"dataType": "scripts",
"widgetType": "trend",
"query": "DailyTotalTrendScript"


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
A valid result for a chart widget is a list of groups. Each group points to a single entity, for example, in bar
charts each group is a bar. A group consists of the following:
• Name - A string.
• Data - An array of integers.
• Color - A string representing a color that will be used as a default color for that group. It can be the
name of the color, a hexadecimal representation of the color, or an rgb color value (optional).

A widget legend color will override a group color if it exists.

• Groups - A nested list of groups (optional).

In this example, we show how to create a script that will query and return the trend between two sums in a
pie chart. If creating a JSON file, set the widgetType to one of the following chart types.
• Pie
• Line
• Bar
• Column
Simple pie/chart
In the automation script, type the following return value:

var data = [
{name: "2018-04-12", data: [10], color: "blue"},
{name: "2018-04-10", data: [3], color: "#029be5"},
{name: "2018-04-17", data: [1], color: "rgb(174, 20, 87)"},
{name: "2018-04-16", data: [34], color: "grey"},
{name: "2018-04-15", data: [17], color: "purple"}
return JSON.stringify(data);


data = [
{"name": "2018-04-12", "data": [10], color: "blue"},
{"name": "2018-04-10", "data": [3], color: "#029be5"},
{"name": "2018-04-17", "data": [1], color: "rgb(174, 20, 87)"},
{"name": "2018-04-16", "data": [34], color: "grey"},
{"name": "2018-04-15", "data": [17], color: "purple"}

(Optional) If creating a JSON file, type the following:

"id": "1a2b3c4dee",
"name": "DailyTotalSales",
"dataType": "scripts",
"widgetType": "pie",


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
"query": "DailyTotalSalesScript"

After you have uploaded the script and created the widget you can add the widget to a dashboard or report.
The following widget displays the trend in a pie chart:

Two group chart


var data = [
{name: "2018-04-12", data: [10], groups: [{name: "Unclassified", data:
[10] }]},
{name: "2018-04-10", data: [3], groups: [{name: "Unclassified", data:
[2] }, {name: "Access", data: [1] }]},
{name: "2018-04-17", data: [1], groups: [{name: "Unclassified", data:
[1] }]},
{name: "2018-04-16", data: [34], groups: [{name: "Unclassified", data:
[18] }, {name: "Phishing", data: [14] }]},
{name: "2018-04-15", data: [17], groups: [{name: "Access", data: [17] }]}
return JSON.stringify(data);


data = [
{"name": "2018-04-12", "data": [10], "groups": [{"name": "Unclassified",
"data": [10] }]},
{"name": "2018-04-10", "data": [3], "groups": [{"name": "Unclassified",
"data": [2] }, {"name": "Access", "data": [1] }]},
{"name": "2018-04-17", "data": [1], "groups": [{"name": "Unclassified",
"data": [1] }]},
{"name": "2018-04-16", "data": [34], "groups": [{"name": "Unclassified",
"data": [18] }, {"name": "Phishing", "data": [14] }]},
{"name": "2018-04-15", "data": [17], "groups": [{"name": "Access", "data":
[17] }]}


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Table or List
In this example, you need to create a script that queries and returns employee information in a table. For
Table or List, if creating a JSON file, set the widgetType to table or list. When using lists, a maximum of two
columns displays, the rest are ignored (do not display).
In the automation script, type one of the following return values:

return JSON.stringify({total: 3, data:[

{Employee: 'David D', Phone: '+14081234567', Email: 'David@org.com'},
{Employee: 'James J', Phone: '+14087654321', Email: 'James@org.com'},
{Employee: 'Alex A', Phone: '+14087777777', Email: 'Alex@org.com'}


demisto.results({ "total": 3, "data": [{"Employee": "David D", "Phone":

"+14081234567", "Email": "David@org.com"}, {"Employee": "James J", "Phone":
"+14087654321", "Email": "James@org.com"}, {"Employee": "Alex A", "Phone":
"+14087777777", "Email": "Alex@org.com"}]})

(Optional) If creating a JSON file, type the following:

"id": "1a2b3c4de345",
"name": "EmployeeInfo",
"dataType": "scripts",


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
"widgetType": "table",
"query": "EmployeeInfoScript"

After you have uploaded the script and created a widget you can add the widget to a dashboard or report.
The following widget displays the employee information:

Create a Widget from an Indicator

Widgets are the visual components that populate dashboards and reports with specific data. Although there
are various out-of-the-box system widgets available, you can create custom widgets from indicators and
then add them to a dashboard or report. You can also Create a Widget in the Widgets Library.
To create a widget from an indicator, you need to run a query from the Indicators page, and then save the
visual results as a widget.

STEP 1 | In the Indicators page, from the drop down list select the date range.

STEP 2 | In the query field, type the query criteria as required and run the query.

STEP 3 | Click Create a Widget button.

STEP 4 | Add the Widget Parameters.

STEP 5 | Click Save.

The widget is added to the Widgets Library.

By default, the widget inherits the date range that you specify when creating the widget,
but you can modify the date range when you create the dashboard or report. If the date
range for the report or dashboard does not include the widget date range, the data is
blank. To override the dashboard or report’s date range, click Use Widget’s date range.

Add a Custom Widget to the Indicator Page

You can add a custom widget to the info tab when you view a detailed indicator. Every time you open the
detailed incident or indicator type you can see the widget.
Before you start, you need to create a custom widget, as described in Create a Custom Widget Using an
Automation Script.

In the Automation page, when adding or editing the script you want to use, ensure that you
add the dynamic-section label.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Advanced.

STEP 2 | To add a widget to an indicator, click the Indicator types tab.


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STEP 3 | Select the indicator type you want the widget to appear and click Edit layout.

STEP 4 | From the Layout Builder window, in the Library section, drag the General Purpose Dynamic
Section into the layout area you want it to appear.

STEP 5 | In the General Purpose Dynamic Section, click the edit button.

STEP 6 | Type a name and description for the widget.

STEP 7 | In the Automation script field, from the drop down list select the automation script you want
to add.

If the automation script does not appear, you need to add the dynamic-section label to the
script in the Automation page.

STEP 8 | Click OK.

For an example of adding a widget to a incident (which follows the same procedure), see Add a Custom
Widget to the Incident page.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Edit a Widget
You can edit an existing widget in the dashboard or report, or in the Widgets Library. If editing a widget
in the Widgets Library it is available to all users. If editing a widget in a dashboard or a report directly the
original widget in the Widgets Library is unaffected.
Not all widgets are editable, such as system widgets.

STEP 1 | Create or edit a dashboard to report.

STEP 2 | To edit the widget in a dashboard to report, from the widget, select the gear icon > Edit
If the widget is not in a dashboard or report, you need to add the widget.

STEP 3 | To edit the widget in the Widgets Library, search for the widget and then click the edit button.

STEP 4 | In the Quick chart definitions window, edit the Widgets Parameters as required.

STEP 5 | Click Save.

If you are editing the widget in the dashboard or report, the widget appears in the dashboard or report.
You can then adjust the size and move the widget as required.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create a Used Percentage Widget for a Disk
In the System Health tab, by default you can view the used percentage widget for the whole disk. If you
want to create a usage percentage widget for a disk partition, you need to add a server configuration and
then create a new dashboard.

STEP 1 | Add the partition path to the Server configuration.

1. Select Settings > About > Add Server Configuration.
2. Add the following key and value:

Key Value

disk.partitions.to.monitor Path and name of the partition. For example, if

your disk partition is “/run”, add this value.

Wait a few minutes for the system to update.

STEP 2 | Export the System Health dashboard.

1. Go to Home > DASHBOARDS > System Health.
2. Click and then click Export.
The dashboard file downloads.

STEP 3 | Update the dashboard file you downloaded in step 2.2.

1. Open the file, search for "query": "disk.usedPercent", and add the following disk partition:
"query": "disk.usedPercent./<name of partition>",
For example, to add, /run, change the parameter to "query": "disk.usedPercent./run”,


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
2. Save the file as a yml file.

STEP 4 | Import the file.

1. In the DASHBOARDS tab, click and then click Import.
2. Select the file and click Open.
The Disk Used Percentage widget for the disk partition appears in the new dashboard. It may take a
short while for the widget to update.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Saved By Dbot (ROI) Widget
In the Dashboard, Incidents tab, Cortex XSOAR comes with a number of pre-installed widgets, such as
Saved by DBot.
The Saved by Dbot widget calculates the amount saved in Dollars according to actions carried out by all
users in Cortex XSOAR across all incidents.

Although the widget comes out of the box with Cortex XSOAR, you can add the Return on
Investment (ROI) widget in the Widgets Library, which is identical to the Saved by Dbot

The following parameters are used to calculate the amount saved by Dbot (ROI):

Parameter Description

Man Hour The amount in Dollars of each hour for an analyst.

Roundtrip The time it takes in minutes to run an integration task with any of the
integrated products. This can be a command within a script or inside the
War Room.

Report The times it takes to write an incident report.

Script The time it takes to undertake an action that a script would do.

The ROI is calculated as follows:

#of times roundtrip done in the given time period * time taken to do
roundtrip) + (# of times report generated in the given time period * time
taken to generate report) + (# of times automation run in given time period *
time taken to run automation)] * cost of 1 Man hour in dollars.
You can change the way ROI is calculated based on your own statistics of time taken to perform the tasks
for the actions when done manually. To change the statistics, select Settings > About > Troubleshooting >
Add Server Configuration and add the following keys and values:

Keys Values

ROI.Cost.ManHour Amount in Dollars. Default: 60

ROI.Time.RoundTrip Amount in minutes (whole number). Default: 5

ROI.Time.Report Amount in minutes (whole number). Default: 5

ROI.Time.Script Amount in minutes (whole number). Default: 5

You can also change the currency symbol from Dollars to a currency of your choice.


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Customize the Currency Symbol in the Saved by Dbot Widget
The default currency symbol in the Saved by Dbot widget is the Dollar sign ($). To change the currency
symbol, you need to create a widget using a JSON file.
In this example, which you can use as a template, we changed the value for the currencySign argument
to Euro (€).

"name":"Return On Investment (ROI)",
"prevName":"Return On Investment (ROI)",


Manage Indicators
> Understand Indicators
> Indicators Page
> Indicator Reputation
> Indicator Types
> Indicator Fields
> Exclusion List
> Create a Feed-Triggered Job
> Manage the Indicator Timeline
> Auto Extract Indicators

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Understand Indicators
Indicators are artifacts associated with incidents, and are an essential part of the incident management and
remediation process.
They help to correlate incidents, create hunting operations, and enable you to easily analyze incidents and
reduce MTTR.
Cortex XSOAR includes an Indicator repository, which collects and correlates indicators across all incidents,
alerts, and feeds flowing into Cortex XSOAR.
• Indicators Page
• Indicator Reputation
• Indicator Types
• Indicator Fields
Detect and ingest indicators
There are several methods by which indicators are detected and ingested in Cortex XSOAR.

Method Description

Integration • Feed: integrations that fetch indicators from a feed, for example TAXII,
AutoFocus, Office 365, and so on.
• Mail: integrations that consume emails with STIX or CSV files and add
the indicators to the indicator repository.

Incident • Manual: user marks a piece of data as an indicator.

• Auto-extract: indicators are extracted from every incident that flows
into Cortex XSOAR, for example from a SIEM integration.

Regex query A query that identifies indicators in the War Room.

STIX file Manually upload a STIX file on the Indicators page.

Script • FetchIndicatorsFromFile: accepts a file from which it extracts indicators

and processes them in Cortex XSOAR.
• CreateIndicatorsFromSTIX: extracts indicators from a STIX file and
processes them in Cortex XSOAR.

Feed Integrations
Cortex XSOAR has several out-of-the-box threat intelligence feed integrations.
• AutoFocus
• Microsoft Azure
• Bambenek Consulting
• Blocklist_de
• Microsoft Office 365
• Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS EDL Service
• Proofpoint
• Recorded Future RiskList


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
• Spamhaus
Common feed integration parameters
This is a non-exhaustive list of the most common feed integration parameters. Each feed integration
might have parameters unique to that integration. Make sure to read the documentation for specific feed

Parameter Description

Name A meaningful name for the integration instance. For example, if you
have separate instances to fetch indicator types, you can include the
name of the indicator type that the instance fetches.

Fetch indicators Select this option for the integration instance to fetch indicators.
Some integrations can fetch indicators or incidents. Make sure you
select the relevant option for what you need to fetch in the instance.

Sub-Feeds Some feeds might have several lists or files that provide indicators.
The sub-feeds parameter enables you to select the specific list or file
from which to fetch indicators. For example, Bambenek Consulting
provides different lists for IPs and domains. Each of the Bambenek lists
are available as sub-feeds.

URL The URL of the feed.

Fetch Interval How often the integration instance should fetch indicators from the

Indicator Reputation The indicator reputation to apply to all indicators fetched from this
integration instance.

Source Reliability The reliability of the source providing the threat intelligence data.

Indicator Expiration Method The method by which to expire indicators from this integration instance.
The default expiration method is the interval configured for the indicator
type to which this indicator belongs.
• Indicator Type: the expiration method defined for the indicator type
to which this indicator belongs (interval or never).
• Time Interval: expires indicators from this instance after the specified
time interval, in days or hours.
• Never Expire: indicators from this instance never expire.
• When removed from the feed: when the indicators are removed from
the feed they are expired in the system.

Bypass exclusion list When selected, the exclusion list is ignored for indicators from this feed.
This means that if an indicator from this feed is on the exclusion list, the
indicator might still be added to the system.

Trust any certificate When selected, certificates are not checked.


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Parameter Description

Use system proxy settings Runs the integration instance using the proxy server (HTTP or HTTPS)
that you defined in the server configuration.

Do not use by default Excludes this integration instance when running a generic command that
uses all available integrations.

Indicators Page
The Indicators page displays indicator dashboards, a table or summary view of all indicators, and enables
you to perform several indicator actions.
Indicator actions
You can perform the following actions on the Indicators page.

Action Description

Create incident Creates an incident from the selected indicators and populates relevant incident
fields with indicator data.

Edit You can edit a single indicator or select multiple indicators to perform a bulk

Delete and Exclude You can select to delete and exclude one on or more indicators from all
indicator types or from a subset of indicator types.
If you select the Do not add to exclusion list check box, the selected indicators
are only deleted.

Export Exports the selected indicators to a CSV file.

Export (STIX) Exports the selected indicators to a STIX file.

Upload a STIX file Uploads a STIX file and adds the indicators from the file to the system.

Create a new Manually creates a new indicator in the system.


Indicator query
You can search for indicators using any of the available search fields, but there are several fields specific to
indicators that you can use to search for indicators.

Field Description

sourceBrands Indicator feed or enrichment integrations.

sourceInstances A specific instance of an indicator feed or enrichment integration.

expirationSource The source of the indicator having expired status.


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Field Description

isShared Whether the indicator is shared to tenant accounts (multi-tenant only).

tags Tags applied to indicators.

comments Search for keywords within indicators’ comments.

Indicator Reputation
An indicator’s reputation is assigned according to the reputation returned by the source with the highest
reliability. In cases where multiple sources with the same reliability score return a different reputation for
the indicator, the worst reputation is taken.
Indicator reputations
Indicators are assigned a reputation on a scale of 0 to 3.

Score Reputation Color

0 None No color

1 Good Green

2 Suspicious Orange

3 Bad Red

Example 1
In this example, two 3rd-party integrations, VirusTotal and AlienVault, return a different reputation for the
same indicator. VirusTotal returns a reputation of Good, and AlienVault returns a reputation of Bad. The
indicator’s reputation will be Bad.
Example 2
In this example, two sources with different reliability scores return a different reputation for the same
indicator. The first source is a TAXII feed with a reliability score of C - Fairly reliable, and the second source
is a CSV feed with a reliability score of B - Usually reliable. The TAXII feed returns a reputation of Bad
and the CSV feed returns a reputation of Good. The indicator’s reputation will be Good because the CSV
reliability score is higher than that of the TAXII feed.
Source reliability
The reliability of an intelligence-data source influences the reputation of an indicator and the values for
indicator fields when merging indicators.
Indicator fields are merged according to the source reliability hierarchy. This means that when there are two
different values for a single indicator field, the field will be populated with the value provided by the source
with the highest reliability score.
In rare cases, two sources with the same reliability score might return different values for the same indicator
field. In these cases, the field will be populated with the most recently provided source.
For the field types Tags and Multi-select, all values are appended, nothing is overridden.


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Source Reliability Score Notes

User (manual) A+++ A user manually updates the

reputation of an indicator.

Reputation script A++ A script with the reputation tag,

which calculates the reputation
of an indicator. For example, the
DataDomainReputation script
evaluates the reputation of a
URL or domain.

3rd-party enrichment A+ An integration or service that

evaluates the reputation of
an indicator. For example, the
urlscan.io integration evaluates
the reputation of a URL.

Feed reliability A: Completely reliable The feed reliability is applied at

the integration instance level.
B: Usually reliable

C: Fairly reliable

D: Not usually reliable

E: Unreliable

F: Reliability cannot be judged

Indicator expiration
Indicators can have the status Active or Expired, which is determined by the expirationStatus field. When
indicators expire, they still exist in Cortex XSOAR, meaning they are still displayed and you can still search
for them. A job runs every hour to check for newly expired indicators.
By default, indicators are expired according to either the expiration interval configured for the indicator
type to which the indicator belongs, or to never expire.
This is the hierarchy by which indicators are expired.

Method Description

Manual A user manually expires an indicator. This method overrides all other

Feed integration The expiration method configured for an integration instance, which
overrides the method defined for the indicator type.

Indicator type The expiration method defined for the indicator type to which this indicator
belongs (interval or never). This is the default expiration method for an


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Customize the Dbot Reputation Score Logic
Cortex XSOAR calculates the reputation score of an entity (IP, URL or hash file) by considering the score
received by third-party integrations used (such as VirusTotal and X-Force). The Dbot score is determined by
the data reputation scripts. Amending the following scripts changes the way Dbot handles the reputation.
• DataIPReputation
• DataHashReputation
• DataURLReputation
You can customize the Dbot reputation score according to your own logic. For information about how
Cortex XSOAR handles reputation scores, see Indicator Reputation.

STEP 1 | Go to the Automation page and locate the script you want to edit.

STEP 2 | Click Copy Automation and modify an existing reputation script, such as DataURLReputation.
In the following example, we redefine the values for each reputation:

Ensure that the Reputation tag is selected.

STEP 3 | Click Save.

STEP 4 | To add the script to the indicator, go to Settings > Indicator Types.

STEP 5 | Select the indicator type that you want to add the script and click Edit.

STEP 6 | In the Reputation Script field, select the script you modified in step 2.

STEP 7 | Click Save.

Indicator Types
The indicators are categorized by indicator type, which determines the indicator layout (fields) that are
displayed and which scripts are run on indicators of that type.
There are several system-level indicator types.
• IP Address
• Registry Path Reputation
• File
• Email
• Username
• Hostname
• Domain
• File Enhancement Scripts


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• CVE CVSS Score

Create an Indicator Type

When you create a custom indicator type, you configure numerous fields and settings that impact how
indicators of that type are enriched, expired, how the reputation is calculated, among others.
Before you create a custom indicator type, you should familiarize yourself with the indicator type profile.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Advanced > Indicator Type.

STEP 2 | Click the Add Indicator Type button.

STEP 3 | Configure the indicator type as needed.

Indicator Type Profile

In addition to configuring the standard indicator type fields, you can map custom indicator fields to context
There are a number of configuration options and fields that you must complete when creating a new
indicator type.

Table 1: Settings

Field Description

Name A meaningful name for the indicator type.

Regex The regular expression (regex) by which to identify indicators for this
indicator type.

Formatting Script The script to run on and modify how the indicator displays in Cortex
XSOAR, such as in the War Room, reports, and so on. For example,
the UnescapeURLs script extracts URLs that are redirected by security
tools or unescapes URLs that are escaped for safety (e.g., hxxps://

Enhancement Scripts A script to run on an identified indicator. For example, an enrichment

script, a script that runs a search in a SIEM for the indicator, and so on.
After indicators are identified, you can go to the indicator quick view,
click the Actions button and run an enhancement script directly on an
indicator. In order for these scripts to be available in the drop-down
menu, they need the enhancement tag.

Reputation Command The command to run to calculate the reputation of indicators of

this type. The result (reputation) is only associated with the specific
indicator on which it’s run (not the indicator type).

Excluded Integrations Integrations to exclude when calculating the reputation, evaluating,

and enriching indicators of this indicator type.

Reputation Script User-created scripts that either override the Cortex XSOAR command
algorithm or run on top of the data returned from the command. In
order for these scripts to be available in the drop-down menu, they


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Field Description
require the reputation tag. The output of this script is a reputation
score, which is used as the basis for the indicator reputation.

Indicator Expiration Method The method by which to expire indicators of this type. The expiration
method that you select is the default expiration method for indicators
of this indicator type.
The expiration can also be assigned when configuring a feed
integration instance, which overrides the default method.
• Never Expire: indicators of this type never expire.
• Time Interval: indicators of this type expire after the specified
number of days or hours.

Context path for reputation When an indicator is auto-extracted, the entry data from the
value (Advanced) command is mapped to the incident context. This path defines the
context key that the indicator reputation is mapped to.

Context value of reputation The value of this field defines the actual data that is mapped to the
(Advanced)) context path.

Cache expiration in minutes The amount of time (in minutes) after which the cache for indicators
(Advanced) of this type expire. The default is 4,320 minutes (three days).

Formatting scripts for out-of-the-box indicator types are now system level. This means that
the formatting scripts for these indicator types are not configurable. To create a formatting
script for an out-of-the-box indicator type, you need to disable the existing indicator type and
create a new (custom) indicator type. If you configured a formatting script before this change
and updated your content, this configuration will revert to content settings (empty).

File Indicators
Cortex XSOAR uses a single File indicator for file objects. Files appear with their SHA256 hash and all other
hashes associated with the file, (MD5, SHA1, and SSDeep) are listed as properties of the same indicator.
Also, when ingesting an incident through an integration, all file information is presented as one object.
For example, when viewing an incident, you can see a file indicator with a Bad Reputation value:

When clicking the indicator, you can see additional information for that indicator, including all of the other
known hashes associated with this file:


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If the file appears in a different incident with a different name, and has any of the same hash values, it
automatically associates with the original indicator.

The new File indicator only affects new indicators ingested to the Cortex XSOAR platform.
Indicators that were already in Cortex XSOAR continue to appear as their respective hash-
related indicators.

If you want to have each file hash appear as its own indicator, do the following:
1. Go to Settings > Advanced > Indicator Types.
2. Select the File indicator and click Disable.
3. Select the following required hashes:
• File SHA-256
• File SHA-1
• File MD5
• SSDeep
4. Click Enable.

Indicator Fields
After you create a custom indicator field, you can add it to the indicator layout for the indicator types to
which you assicated the field.
• Create a Custom Indicator Field
• Map Custom Indicator Fields

Create a Custom Indicator Field

Indicator Fields are used to add specific indicator information to incidents. When you create an indicator
field, you can associate the field to a specific incident type or to all incident types.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Advanced > Fields.

STEP 2 | From the drop-down menu, select Indicator.


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STEP 3 | Click New Field.

STEP 4 | Configure the basic settings.

Field Description

Field Type Determines the acceptable values for the field.

Case Sensitive If selected, the field is case sensitive, which affects searching for
the field in Cortex XSOAR.

Mandatory If selected, this field is mandatory when used in a form.

Field Name A meaningful display name for the field. After you type a name,
you will see below the field that the Machine name is automatically
populated. The field’s machine name is applicable for searching and
the CLI.

Tooltip An optional tooltip for the field.

Placeholder Optional text to display in the field when it is empty.

STEP 5 | Configure the attributes.

Field Description

Add to indicator types By default, the Associate to all option is selected, which means this
field will be available to use in all incident types.
Clear the check box to associate this field to a subset of indicator

Make data available for search The values for this field can be returned in searches.

STEP 6 | Click Save.

Map Custom Indicator Fields

You map custom fields for an indicator type. Before you can map custom indicator fields, you need to
Create a Custom Indicator Field and associate the field with the necessary indicator types.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Advanced > Indicator Types.

STEP 2 | Select the check box for the indicator for which to map the custom fields.

STEP 3 | Click the Edit button.

STEP 4 | Click the Custom Fields tab.

The custom fields associated with this incident type are listed in the table. If you do not see a custom
field in the list, verify that you associated the custom field to this incident type.

STEP 5 | (Optional) In the Indicator Sample panel, enter an indicator relevant to the indicator type to load
sample data.


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You can map a field to a context key from the indicator’s returned context data.

STEP 6 | Click Choose data path to map the custom field to a data path.
1. (Optional) Click the curly brackets to map the field to a context path.
2. (Optional) From the Indicator Sample panel, select a context key to map to the field.

Exclusion List
Indicators added to the exclusion list are ignored by the system and are not considered indicators. You can
still manually enrich IP addresses and URLs that are on the exclusion list, but the results are not posted to
the War Room.
There are several methods by which to add indicators to the exclusion list.

Delete and exclude

You can select one or more indicator from the Indicators table and click the Delete and Exclude button.
The indicators are deleted from the Indicators table and added to the exclusion list. You can associate these
indicators with one or more indicator types.

Manually add indicators to the exclusion list

From the Exclusion List page, you can manually add a single indicator or define indicators using a regular
expression (regex) or CIDR.
A regular expression enables you to identify a sequence of characters in an unknown string. The following
example would identify www.demisto.com: [A-Za-z0-9!@#$%\.&]*demisto[A-Za-z0-9!@#$%
Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) enables you to define a range of IP addresses. For example, represents the IPv4 address and its associated routing prefix, or equivalently, its subnet mask, which has 24 leading 1-bits. The IPv4 block represents the 1024 IPv4 addresses from to

Create a Feed-Triggered Job

You can define a job to trigger a playbook when the specified feed or feeds finish a fetch operation that
included a modification to the feed. The modification can be a new indicator, a modified indicator, or a
removed indicator.
For example, you want to update your firewall every time a URL is added to, modified, or removed from the
Office 365 feed. You can configure a job that triggers that playbook to run whenever a modification is made
to that feed.
You can customize the new job form by editing the Indicator Feed incident type.

If you want to trigger a job after a feed completes a fetch operation, and the feed does
not change frequently, you can select the Reset last seen option in the feed integration
instance. The next time the feed fetches indicators, it will process them as new indicators in
the system.

STEP 1 | Go to the Jobs section.


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STEP 2 | Click the New Job button.

STEP 3 | Configure the job parameters.

Parameter Description

Job type Select the Feed triggered option.

Trigger Define the trigger for the playbook.

• All feeds: the playbook will run when a modification is made to
any feed.
• Specific feeds: select the feed instances that will trigger the
playbook to run when a modification is made to the specified
feed instances.

Name A meaningful name for the job.

Playbook The playbook that will run when the conditions for the job are met.

Tags Add tags to apply to the job, which you can use as a search
parameter in the system.

Manage the Indicator Timeline

A large number of indicators can affect performance of the indicator timeline. There are several advanced
server configurations you can implement to manage the indicator timeline performance.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

Key Value Description

indicator.timeline.enabled true or Enables the indicator timeline in all flows. The

false default is true.

true or Enables the indicator timeline for a specific

false indicator type. This configuration overrides
the indicator.timeline.enabled
For example:

true or Enables the indicator timeline in the auto-extract

false flow. The default is true.

indicator.timeline.max.sizeNumber The maximum number of indicator comments

(timeline and regular). The default is 100.

true or
indicator.timeline.worker.enabled Enables you to add timeline comments through
false content integrations.


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Auto Extract Indicators
The Auto Extract feature extracts indicators and enriches their reputations using commands and scripts
defined for the indicator type. You can automatically extract indicators in the following scenarios:
• Incident creation
• In a playbook task
• Using the command line
By default, Auto Extract is enabled for incident creation and using the command line to help you get up and
running as you set up your environment. As your system matures and you start ingesting more events and
have more integrations configured, using Auto Extract can adversely affect system performance.
As a result, Cortex XSOAR recommends that you turn off Auto Extract using the server configurations for
the different Auto Extract options and only turn it on for those specific scenarios where it is necessary.

Auto Extract Modes

Auto Extract supports the following modes:
• None - Indicators are not automatically extracted. Use this option when you do not want to further
evaluate the indicators.
• Inline - Indicators are extracted and enriched within the context that Auto Extract runs, and the findings
are added to the Context Data. For example, if you define Auto Extract for the Phishing incident type
as inline, all of the indicators for incident classified as Phishing will be extracted and enriched before
anything else happens. The playbook you defined to run by default will not run until the indicators have
been fully processed. Use this option when you need to have the most robust information available per
indicator. Unless otherwise configured in a system configuration, this is the default mode in which Auto
Extract executes.

This configuration may delay playbook execution (incident creation).

• Out of band - Indicators are enriched in parallel (or asynchronously) to other actions. The enriched data
is available within the incident, however, it is not available for immediate use in task inputs or outputs
since the information is not available in real time.

Global Server Configurations for Auto Extract

You can control the default behavior for auto extract using the following server configurations:

Component Key

Incident creation reputation.calc.algorithm: applies to incident

creation generally. Default is inline. You can change the
value when editing an incident type, which overrides the
system configuration for this incident type.

Tasks reputation.calc.alogorithm.tasks: applies to

the result of the task. Default is none. You can change
the value when editing a task, which overrides the system
configuration for this task.

Manual reputation.calc.algorithm.manual: applies to

commands triggered from the CLI. Default is Out of Band.


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Component Key
You can change the value when using the auto-extract
parameter, which overrides the system configuration for this

Each configuration can accept one of the following values:

• 1 = None
• 2 = Inline.
• 3 = Out of Band

How to Define Auto Extract

Incident Types
To define auto extract for an incident type, do the following:
1. Navigate to Settings > Advanced > Incident Types.
2. Select the incident you want to edit by clicking the checkbox and then clicking the Edit button.
3. In the auto extract drop down menu, select the mode you want to use.
If you select Use system default, you use the values defined in the server configurations.
4. Click Save.
For an example on how to use Auto Extract, see Auto Extract Indicators from a Phishing Email.
Playbook Tasks
To define auto extract for a playbook task, do the following:
1. Select the playbook you want to add auto extract, and click Edit.
2. In the playbook, click a task to open the Edit Task window.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. In the auto extract drop down menu, select the mode you want to use.
5. Click OK.
To define auto extract using the Cortex XSOAR CLI, use the auto-extract= parameter with the
script and the mode for which you are setting up auto-extract. For example, !EmailReputation
email=email@email.com auto-extract=inline, filling in the script and mode you want to define.

Configure What Auto Extract Executes

When Auto Extract is used, it extracts all indicators that match the regex defined in an indicator type, and
enriches those indicators using its commands. For example, out-of-the-box, the URL indicator is enriched
using the !url command. You can decide to further enrich IP indicators by using a script that calls multiple
integrations, such as urlscan.io and URLhaus.

By design, domains are extracted only from URLs and email addresses. Otherwise, the
amount of incorrect extractions would be huge and every <text>.<text> would be considered
as a domain indicator. So, for example, google.com will not be extracted, but https://
google.com will.

STEP 1 | Navigate to Settings > Advanced > Indicator Types.


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STEP 2 | Select the indicator type for which you want to configure the command or script and click Edit.
For out of the box indicators, the Name and Regex fields are disabled.

STEP 3 | Under Reputation command, enter the command to execute when auto extracting indicators
of this type.

STEP 4 | Under Exclude these integrations for the reputation command, select which integrations
should not be used when executing the reputation command.

STEP 5 | Under Reputation Script, select the script to run when enriching indicators of this indicator
type. The scripts override the reputation command.

STEP 6 | Click Save.

Disable Auto Extract for Scripts and Integrations

You can disable auto-extract for a specific automation or integration.

STEP 1 | Disable for an Automation.

To disable Auto Extract for an automation, add the ‘IgnoreAutoExtract’: True value to the entry

entry = { 'Type': entryTypes['note'],

'Contents': { 'Echo' : demisto.args()['echo'] },
'ContentsFormat': formats['json'],
'ReadableContentsFormat': formats['markdown'],
'HumanReadable': hr, 'IgnoreAutoExtract' : True

STEP 2 | Disable for an Integration.

To disable Auto Extract for a specific integration, add the ‘IgnoreAutoExtract’: True value to the
integration configuration.

Auto Extract Indicators from a Phishing Email

The following scenario shows how Auto Extract is used in the Process Email - Generic playbook to
automatically extract and enrich a very specific group of indicators.

STEP 1 | Navigate to the Playbookspage and search for the Process Email - Generic playbook.
This playbook parses the headers in the original email used in a phishing attack. It is important to parse
the original email used in the Phishing attack and not the email that was forwarded to make sure that
you are only extracting and enriching the email headers from the malicious email and not the one your
organization uses to report phishing attacks.

STEP 2 | Open the Add original email attachments to context task.

Under the Outputs tab you can see all of the different data that the task extracts.


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STEP 3 | Navigate to the Advanced tab.
Under Auto extract indicators, ensure that the Inlineoption is selected. This indicates that all of the
outputs will be processed before the playbook moves ahead to the next task.


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STEP 4 | Open the Set incident with the Email object data task. This task receives the data from the
Add original email attachments to context task and sets the various data points to context.
Under the Advancedtab, ensure that Auto extract indicators is set to None because the indicators have
already been enriched and there is no need to do it again.


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In the above example, had we set the reputation.calc.algorithm.tasks server configuration to 1, we would
not have had to go into the Advanced tab of the Set incident with the Email object data task and manually
tell the task not to extract the indicators. It would use the system default.


> Incident Lifecycle
> Incidents Management
> Fetch Incidents from an Integration Instance
> Classification and Mapping
> Create a Search Query for Incidents
> Create a Widget From an Incident
> Customize Incident View Layouts
> Incident Investigation
> War Room Overview
> Link Incidents
> Investigate Using the Canvas
> Incident Actions
> Incident Tasks
> Customize Incident View Layouts
> Incident Fields
> Incident De-Duplication
> Create Pre-Process Rules for Incidents
> Post Processing for Incidents
> Incident Access Control Configuration

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Incident Lifecycle
Cortex XSOAR is an orchestration and automation system used to bring all of the various pieces of your
security apparatus together.
Using Cortex XSOAR, you can define integrations with your 3rd-party security and incident management
vendors. You can then trigger events from these integrations that become incidents in Cortex XSOAR. Once
the incidents are created, you can run playbooks on these incidents to enrich them with information from
other products in your system, which helps you complete the picture.
In most cases, you can use rules and automation to determine if an incident requires further investigation
or can be closed based on the findings. This enables your analysts to focus on the minority of incidents that
require further investigation.
The following diagram explains the incident lifecycle in Cortex XSOAR.

Before you begin configuring integrations and ingesting information from 3rd parties, you should plan

Phase Description

Create fields Used to display information from 3rd-party integrations and playbook
tasks when an incident is created or processed. For more information, see
Incident Fields.

Create incident types Classify the different types of attacks with which your organization deals.

Create incident layouts Customize your layouts for each incident type to make sure the most
relevant information is shown for each type. For more information, see
Customize Incident Layouts.


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This is an iterative process. After you initially create your fields and incident types, as well as implement
them in your incident layouts, you can start the process of ingesting information. You can then see how
accurately you have mapped out your information. Make changes as you go along and learn more about
the information you are receiving. Information that is not mapped to fields is available in labels, but it is
much easier to work with the information when it is properly mapped to a field and displayed in the relevant

Configure Integrations
You configure integrations with your 3rd-party products to start fetching events. Events can be potential
phishing emails, authentication attempts, SIEM events, and more.

Classification Mapping
Once you configure the integrations, you have to determine how the events ingested from those
integrations will be classified as incidents. For example, for email integrations, you might want to classify
items based on the subject field, but for SIEM events, you will classify by event type. In addition, you have
to map the information coming from the integrations into the fields that you created in the planning stage.
For more information, see Classification and Mapping.

Pre-processing rules enable you to perform certain actions on incidents as they are ingested into Cortex
XSOAR directly from the UI. Using the rules, you can select incoming events on which to perform actions,
for example, link the incoming event to an existing incident, or based on configured conditions, drop the
incoming incident altogether. For more information, see Create Pre-Process Rules for Incidents.

Incident Created
Based on the definitions you provided in the Classification and Mapping stage, as well as the rules you
created for pre-processing events, incidents of various types are created. The incidents all appear in the
Incidents page of the Cortex XSOAR user interface, where you can start the process of investigating

Running Playbooks
Playbooks are triggered either when an incident is created or when you run them manually as part of an
investigation. When triggered as part of an incident that was created, the playbooks for the type of incident
that was classified will run on the incident. Alternatively, if you are manually running a playbook, you can
select whichever playbook is relevant for the investigation. For example, playbooks can take IP address
information from one integration and enrich that IP address with information from additional integrations or

Once the incident is complete and you are ready to close it out, you can run various post-processing actions
on the incident. For example, send an email to the person who opened the incident informing them that
their incident has been resolved, or close an incident in a ticketing system.


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Incidents Management
Incidents are events that have been observed at a point in time for analysis. Cortex XSOAR ingests incidents
from an integration instance, from the REST API, or from an incident that you create manually.

To view the REST API documentation, select Settings > INTEGRATIONS > API Keys > View

In the Incidents page, you can view the following:

• All incidents in Cortex XSOAR.
By default, the Incidents page displays all open incidents from the last seven days. You can update this
by creating a new search query.
You can Create a Widget From an Incident, based on the search query and add it to a dashboard or
• Incident categories in a bar chart format. You can change these categories by selecting a different chart
from the drop down list from each individual chart. You can also hide the chart panel.
• All Incidents that are ingested into Cortex XSOAR in a table format, which is used to assign incidents,
and perform batch actions on multiple incidents. You can see general information about the incident
such as the type, the severity, when it occurred, and so on. The status of the incident is classified as
Active: The investigation has started. The War Room is activated and the Playbook starts, if assigned.
Users can be assigned to this incident.
Pending: The investigation has not started and no War Room has been activated. As soon as you open
the incident, it becomes active.
Closed: The investigation has been closed.
You can limit access to investigations and restrict investigations according to your requirements, as
described in Incident Access Control Configuration.
When selecting the incident, you can do the following:
• Investigate an incident: You can view a detailed summary, investigate, add evidence, see related
incidents and so on.
• Assign: You can assign incidents to any user that has been added to Cortex XSOAR.
• Edit: You can edit the incident parameters and then rerun the incident again, which is useful while
developing playbooks. You can process an incident multiple times for a playbook while being developed,
without creating new incidents every time.
• Mark as Duplicate
• Run Command
• Export to a CSV file
• Close the incident
• Delete the incident
You can create a new incident by clicking New Incident. You can also create a new incident in the REST API
You can filter the incidents that are ingested into Cortex XSOAR by Manually De-Duplicate Incidents,
setting up pre-process rules to perform certain actions, or automatically de-duplicate incidents. After you
close an incident you may want to automate an additional action such as closing a Remedy ticket. For more
information, see Post Processing for Incidents.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Fetch Incidents from an Integration Instance
You can poll third party integration instances for events and turn them into Cortex XSOAR incidents that
trigger automations (fetching).
There a number of integrations that support fetching, but not all support this feature. You can view each
integration in the Demisto Developer Hub.
You can set an integration to fetch events, when defining an integration from the INTEGRATIONS tab in
the Settings page, by selecting the Fetches incidents check box.
Once enabled, Cortex XSOAR searches for events that occurred within the time frame set for the
integration, which is based on the specific integration. The default is 10 minutes prior, but can be changed
in the integration script implementation.
The next fetch depends on the “systemwide interval”. The default is 1 minute, but it is possible to override
this by setting server configuration server siem incidents schedule. The value is the interval in seconds
(s), minutes (m) or hours (h). You add a server configuration in Settings > About > Troubleshooting. For
example, type jobs.serversiemincidents.schedule key and 120s value.

If you turn off fetching for a period of time and then turn it on or disabled the instance and
enabled it, the instance remembers the "last run" timestamp, and pull all events that occurred
while it was off. If you don't want this to happen, verify that the instance is enabled and
then click Reset the “last run” timestamp in the settings window. Also, note that "last run" is
retained when an instance is renamed.

You set the objects to be fetched and their mapping in Settings > INTEGRATIONS > Classification &

Classification and Mapping

The classification and mapping feature enables you to take the events and event information that Cortex
XSOAR ingests from integrations or REST API, and classify the event as a type of Cortex XSOAR incident.
For example, Cortex XSOAR might generate alerts from Traps which you would classify according to the
information in those either as dedicated Traps incident types, Authentication or Malware. You might have
EWS configured to ingest both phishing and malware alerts, which you would want to classify to their
respective incident types based on some information in the event. By classifying the events differently, you
have more control of the incident type and allowing you to run multiple playbooks for the events coming
from one source.

Classification determines the type of incident that is created for events ingested from a specific integration.
You can classify events in the following ways:
• Defining an integration
Select the incident type that is created. When this is configured, it becomes the default incident type. If
you do not classify the event through classification and mapping, it is set as what you have defined here.
• Setting a classification key
Use the classification engine to determine the incident type. This overrides whatever you configured in
the integration settings.


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Once you classify the incident, you can map the fields from the 3rd party integration to the fields that you
defined in the incident layout. Any fields that you do not map, are automatically mapped to Cortex XSOAR
labels. While this information can still be accessed, it is always easier to work with fields.
To get the most benefit out of classification and mapping, ensure that you understand which information is
ingested from the events, so you can set up the fields and incident types accordingly.

Classify Events Using a Classification Key

When an integration fetches incidents, it populates the rawJSON object in the incident object. The
rawJSON object contains all of the attributes for the event. For example, source, when the event was
created, the priority that was designated by the integration, and more. When classifying the event, you
want to select an attribute that can determine what the event type is.

STEP 1 | Open the Classification & Mapping window for the Integrations instance.
1. Go to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services and next to the integration instance, click
2. In the Classification & Mapping tab, from the dropdown menu, select the integration instance.

STEP 2 | In the Values to Identity column, drag values from the Unmapped Values column or type your
own value.

STEP 3 | Click Create mapping to open the classification wizard.

STEP 4 | Load event data using one of the following options:

• Pull events: pull from integratioName. Cortex XSOAR fetches events from the instance (alerts,
notifications etc.)
• Pull events: upload a JSON file containing the rawJSON object from the integration. The file must be
uploaded in JSON format.
• Skip getting samples: Map the attributes without event data. Not recommended.

STEP 5 | Set the classification key.

The event attributes are presented on the right side of the screen. Click on the attribute by which you
want to classify the incidents. You can navigate between the fetched events to view all of the attributes
in the other events and to ensure that you are selecting a viable attribute.
You can use filters and transformers to make the selection more exact.

STEP 6 | Click Done.

Once you select the attribute, the unique values for the attribute that you have selected from the
fetched events appear under the Unmapped Values column.

STEP 7 | Drag any unmapped value to the Values to Identify column for the incident type to which you
want to classify. Any unmapped values that you do not classify, an incident type as defined in
the integration is created.
You can map multiple values to an incident type, but you cannot map an unmapped value to multiple
incident types.

STEP 8 | Map Event Attributes to Fields so the information is indexed.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Map Event Attributes to Fields
You should map event attributes to the incident fields so the information is indexed. By default, attributes
are not mapped to any fields. They are only available in the incident.labels of the incident.
Before you begin
Ensure you have classified events using the classification key.

STEP 1 | In the incident type, click Edit Mapping

STEP 2 | In the Mapping Wizard, in the Map to column, click Choose data path.

STEP 3 | Click the event attribute to which you want to map. You can further manipulate the field using
filters and transformers.

STEP 4 | Click Done.

Receive Notification on an Incident Fetch Error

The administrator and Cortex XSOAR users on the recipient’s list receive a notification when an integration
experiences an incident fetch error. Administrators with multiple instances of mail sender can choose to
receive one email notification instead of multiple email notifications. Cortex XSOAR users can select their
notification method, such as email, or mobile, from their user preferences.

The connectivity behavior that exists between third-party applications may trigger a fetch
failure, which will send a notification to an administrator and users. The notification may no
longer be relevant because the fetch might operate correctly just after the notification was

Before you begin

In the integration instance, ensure that you select the Fetch Incidents checkbox.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Add the following keys and values:

Key Value

module.health.notification.usersList of names in CSV format, for example



STEP 3 | (Optional) Administrators that have multiple instances of mail sender configured that want to
receive only one email notification need to add the following key and value:

Key Value

server.notification.using.send-mail The mail-sender instance name.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create a Search Query for Incidents
The default view of the Incidents page displays all open incidents from the last seven days. You can
customize which incidents are displayed by creating and saving queries. You can also customize the
information that is displayed for each incident by customizing the table summary layout and the Chart
panel. This information is then saved as part of the query.

STEP 1 | In the query bar, type your search criteria.

By default, the syntax is -status:closed -category:job, which searches for categories other than
jobs and not those that have been closed. You can add fields like severity or type to narrow your search
to critical issues or issues of a certain type.

STEP 2 | From the drop down list, select the date range for which you want to search.
By default, it is the last 7 days.

STEP 3 | If you want to customize the table summary view, click the gear icon above the table.

STEP 4 | If you want to customize the chart panel, go to one of the charts and from the drop down list
select the chart as required.

STEP 5 | To save the query do the following:

1. Click Add to Saved queries.
2. Type a name for the query.
3. Click Save.
When clicking Saved queries you can view all saved queries, mark them as default, or delete the queries.

In this example, you need to search for all incidents according to the following criteria:
• Status is not closed
• category is not job
• type is phishing
• opened within the last 7 days
In addition, add the Created column to the table summary.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create a Widget From an Incident
Although there are various out-of-the-box system widgets available, you can create custom widgets from
incidents and then add them to a dashboard or report. You can also create a widget in the widgets library.
To create a widget from an incident, you need to run a query from the Incidents page and then save the
visual results as a widget. For an example, see Create a Widget From an Incident Example.

STEP 1 | In the Incidents page, from the drop down list select the date range.

STEP 2 | In the query field, type the query criteria as required and run the query.

STEP 3 | Click Create a Widget button.

STEP 4 | Add the Widget Parameters.

STEP 5 | Click Save.

The widget is added to the Widgets Library.

By default, the widget inherits the date range that you specify when creating the widget,
but you can modify the date range when you create the dashboard or report. If the date
range for the report or dashboard does not include the widget date range, the data is
blank. To override the dashboard or report’s date range, click Use Widget’s date range.

Create a Widget From an Incident Example

In the following example, you need to create a widget that contains:
• Incidents created in the last 6 months
• Status: All statues other than closed
• Category: All categories other than jobs
• Use Access Investigation - Generic playbook

STEP 1 | In the Incident’s page, run the following query:

STEP 2 | Click type the name (Closed Job Incidents with Access Investigation (past 6 months)) and save
the query results as a widget:


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STEP 3 | Add/Edit a dashboard and locate the widget:


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STEP 4 | Add the widget to the dashboard. If no data is returned, click Use widget’s date range.


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Customize Incident View Layouts
Each incident type has a unique set of data relevant to that specific incident type. It is important to display
the most relevant data for users at all stages of the incident life cycle.
You can customize the display information for existing incidents, and the fields in incident forms, by
modifying the sections and fields for each view.

There are several Cortex XSOAR system layout sections and fields that you cannot remove,
but you can rearrange them in the layout and modify their queries and filters.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Advanced > Incident Types.

STEP 2 | Select the incident type check box that you want to customize.

STEP 3 | Click Edit Layout.

STEP 4 | Select one or more of the following views to edit:

View Description

Incident Summary The fields and sections displayed in the Incident


“New”/”Edit Form The fields and sections displayed when creating a

new incident or editing an existing incident.

“Close” Form The fields and sections when closing an incident.

Incident Quick View The fields and sections when displaying the
incident quick view.

Mobile The fields or sections displayed on a mobile.

STEP 5 | From the Library section, in the Cortex XSOAR Sections drag and drop the following sections
as required.

Section Description

New Section After creating a new section, click the Access

Fields tab and drag and drop the fields as

Cortex XSOAR out of the box sections Out of the box sections such as Attachments,
Evidence, and so on.

General Purpose Dynamic Section Enables you to assign a script to this section.
For example, assign a script that calculates the
total number of entries that exist for an incident,
and it dynamically updates when new entries are
added to the incident.


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STEP 6 |
(Optional) To edit the section, select the section, click and then Edit section settings.

STEP 7 | Edit the section as required and click OK.

STEP 8 | Click the save button or Save Version.

Customize Incident Layouts

After configuring your fields and incident types, it is important to build or customize the layout to
ensure that you are seeing the information that is germane to the incident type. For example, for a
phishing incident you will want to see email headers, which would not be relevant for an access incident.
Additionally, while some information might be relevant for multiple incident types, its location in one
incident type might require more prominence than in another incident type.
You can customize almost every aspects of the layout, including, but not limited to:
• which tabs appear
• in which order do they appear
• who has permissions to view the tabs
• which information appears and how is it displayed
You can add dynamic sections to a layout, such as a graph of the number of bad indicators, their source, and
severity. Also, you can use queries to filter the information in the dynamic section to suit your exact needs.

Customize an Incident Type Layout

Each Incident Type should show the information that is most relevant to it. That includes the right fields and
information types in the right places.

STEP 1 | Navigate to Settings > Advanced > Incident Types.

STEP 2 | Select the incident type whose layout you want to edit and click Edit Layout.
You are presented with the current layout, which is populated with demo data so you can see how the
fields fit.


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STEP 3 | (Optional) Drag and drop the tabs to reorder their appearance. For example, drag the War Room
so it appears after the Work Plan. You can also click +New tab to add a tab that currently does
not exist.

STEP 4 | Manage general settings for a tab.

You can configure which tabs appear and for whom, as well as duplicate or remove tabs from the layout.
1. Hover over the tab that you want to configure.
2. Click the gear icon.
You are presented with the following options:
• Rename
• Duplicate
• Delete
• Hide
• Viewing Permissions

STEP 5 | Define the section properties.

You can determine how a section in the layout appears in the layout. For example, does the section
include the section header or not. You can also configure the fields to appear in rows or as cards. For
example, if you know that some of the field values will be very long, you are better off using rows. If you
know that the field values are short, you might want to use cards so you can fit more fields in a section.

1. To remove or duplicate a section, or change its properties:

• Click the section title. In the image above, that is Timeline Information.
• Click the pencil icon and select the relevant option.
2. To change the information that appears in dynamic sections:
• Click the section title. For example, Indicators.
• Click the pencil icon and select Edit section settings.
• Under Query, enter the parameters by which you want to filter the information that appears.


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For example, to see all indicators of type IP and with a reputation of Bad that were
found by a specific feed since March 1st 2020, enter Type:IP and reputation:Bad and
firstseenbyfeed:>="2020-03-01T00:00:00 +0200".
• Click OK.

STEP 6 | Add New sections or fields to a Layout

You can add new sections or fields to the layout by dragging and dropping them from the Library on the
left into the layout.
Example - Add a Button Field
1. Under the Fields section of the Layout Builder Library, drag the +New Button field into the relevant
2. Click the Click to configure button.

3. Enter a descriptive name for the button and select the script that you want to run when the button is
4. Click Save.

Add a Custom Widget to the Incident page

You can add a custom widget in the Case info and Investigation tabs when you view a detailed incident.
Every time you open the detailed incident you can see the widget.
Before you start, you need to create a custom widget, as described in Create a Custom Widget Using an
Automation Script

In the Automation page, when adding or editing the script you want to use, ensure that you
add the dynamic-section label.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Advanced.


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STEP 2 | To add a widget to an incident, click the Incident Types tab.

STEP 3 | Select the incident type in which you want the widget to appear and click Edit layout.

STEP 4 | From the Layout Builder window, in the Library section, drag the General Purpose Dynamic
Section into the layout area in which you want it to appear.

STEP 5 | In the General Purpose Dynamic Section, click the edit button.

STEP 6 | Type a name and description for the widget.

STEP 7 | In the Automation script field, from the drop down list select the automation script you want
to add.

If the automation script does not appear, you need to add the dynamic-section label to the
script in the Automation page.

STEP 8 | Click OK.

The following example, shows how to add the Indicator Widget Bar to all Phishing incident types in the
Case info tab.
1. In the Incidents Types tab, select Phishing.
2. Click Edit Layout.

3. After adding the General Purpose Dynamic Section into the layout area, edit the widget, by adding the
name and script.


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4. Go to the Incidents page.
5. Select an incident with incident type Phishing.
6. Click the Case Info tab.


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Add a Dynamic Section to an Incident Layout
You can add automation script-based content to the Incident Summary and Incident Quick View layout, by
adding the General Purpose Dynamic Section in the layout builder.
The General Purpose Dynamic Section enables you to configure a section in the Incident Info tab from an
automation script. The automation can return a simple text, markdown, or an HTML, the results of which
appear in General Purpose Dynamic Section.
You can add any required information from an automation. For example, you can assign a script that
calculates the total number of entries that exist for an incident, and it dynamically updates when new
entries are added to the incident. You can also Add a Custom Widget to the Incident page and Add Note
Information Using an Automation Script.
Before you begin, you need to create an automation script.

STEP 1 | Select the incident type you want to add the General Purpose Dynamic Section by completing
steps 1 to 3 in Customize Incident View Layouts.

STEP 2 | In the Incident Summary tab, drag and drop the General Purpose Dynamic Section onto the
You can also select this section in the Incident Quick View tab.

STEP 3 |
Select the General Purpose Dynamic Section, click and then Edit section settings.

STEP 4 | In the Name and Description fields, add a meaningful name and a description for the dynamic
section that explains what the script displays.

STEP 5 | In the Automation script field, from the drop down list, select the script that returns data for
the dynamic section.
For the script to appear, the script needs the dynamic-section tag assigned in the Automation page.


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STEP 6 | Click OK.

Add Note Information Using an Automation Script

This example shows how to add note information to an incident using an automation script through the API.
For this script to run, you need to add a Demisto REST API instance. You add the script to the automation
page and then add the script to the incident layout builder using the General Purpose Dynamic Section.

STEP 1 | Go the Automation page and add the following script:

id: ShowLastNoteUserAndDate
version: -1
name: ShowLastNoteUserAndDate
script: |2

function getLastNote(incidentID) {
var body = {pageSize:1,categories:['notes']};
var res = executeCommand('demisto-api-post', {uri:'/investigation/' +
incidentID, body: body});
if (isError(res[0])) {
throw 'demisto-api-post failed for incidnet #'+incidentID+'\nbody
is ' + JSON.stringify(body) + '\n' + JSON.stringify(res);
if (!res[0].Contents.response.entries) {


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return null;
var notes = res[0].Contents.response.entries;
var lastNote = notes[notes.length-1];
return lastNote;

lastNote = getLastNote(incidents[0].id);

if (lastNote) {
md = `#### Update by ${lastNote.user} on
md += `\n---\n`;
md += lastNote.contents + '\n';

return { ContentsFormat: formats.markdown, Type: entryTypes.note,

Contents: md } ;
} else {
return 'N/A';
type: javascript
- dynamic-section
enabled: true
scripttarget: 0
runonce: false
runas: DBotWeakRole

STEP 2 | Select the incident type to add the script, by completing steps 1 to 4 in Add a Dynamic Section
to an Incident Layout.

STEP 3 | In the Automation script field, select the automation added in step 1.

STEP 4 | Go to the incident that you want to view the note information.
You can see note information, containing the last user and date.


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Create Dynamic Fields in Incident Forms
You can control which fields display in an incident form, and which values display for single-select and
multi-select fields. The scripts support JavaScript and Python.
This can be useful in the following scenarios:
• You want to have certain values appear in a certain field when the value of another field is a or b.
For example, if the value in the Owner field is Admin, the values in the assignee field should be Jane,
Joe, or Bob. However, if the value in the Owner field is anything else, the values in the assignee field
should be Mark, Jack, or Christine.
• You want a field to be available in a form only in certain conditions.
For example, if the value in the Severity field is High or Critical, the Escalate field should be
available with values of Yes or No.
However, if the value in the Severity field is Low or Informational, the Escalate field should not

STEP 1 | Navigate to the Automation page and duplicate the hideFieldsOnNewIncident automation.
1. Give the script a descriptive name.
2. Enter a useful description.
3. Under Tags, make sure that the field-display tag appears.
This tag must be applied for the script to be available to be used on the field.
4. Save the automation.

STEP 2 | Write the automation script.

This can be done either in the script window to the left, or in the script settings on the right. Review the
examples at the end of this section for more information.

STEP 3 | Add the script to the relevant field.

1. Navigate to Settings > Advanced > Fields.
2. Click +New Field to create a field, or select the existing field to which you want to add the script and
click Edit.
3. Under Field Type, select the field type. For example, Single select.
4. Under Field Name, enter a descriptive name.
5. Under the Attributes tab, in the Field display script field, select the script you want to run on this
6. Complete the remaining field-definitions and click Save.

STEP 4 | Implement the Assign To field in the relevant layouts. For more information, see Customize
an Incident Type Layout.


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Example - Change Field Values Dynamically
The following example shows how you would create a script for the Assignee field, which shows different
values depending on the values in the Owner field. If the Owner is defined as ‘admin’, the list of available
assignees will include one group of people. If the Owner is defined as anything else, the list of available
assignees will include a different group of people.
1. In the Automations page, we copy the hideFieldsOnNewIncident and name it
2. In the Description field, we enter the following:
Changes values available in the Assignees field based on the person defined as the owner.
3. Under Tags, let’s add the field-display tag.
4. For the automation, we enter the following code:

incident = demisto.incidents()[0]
field = demisto.args()['field']
if incident.get('owner') == 'admin':
demisto.results({'hidden': False, 'options': ['jane','joe', 'bob']})
demisto.results({'hidden': False, 'options': ['mark','jack', 'christine']})

• demisto.incidents is the incident in which this script is running.
• incident.get(‘owner’) is the field within the incident.
• demisto.results tells us whether to hide the field or not, and which values should appear in the field.
When the owner is admin, the values will be Jane, Joe, and Bob. When the owner is anyone else, the
values will be Mark, Jack, and Christine.
5. We navigate to Settings > Advanced > Fields and click +New Field.
• We’ll call the field Assign To:.
The Values field in the Basic Settings tab has been left blank because we hard-coded the values in
our script.
• Under the Attributes tab, in the Field display script field, select the changeAsigneesPerOwner
script we created above.
• Fill in the rest of the field definitions as desired and click Save.


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6. We have to implement the field in an incident layout. For our example, we’ll use the Authentication
incident type.
7. Lastly, we create an incident and see what happens when the Owner is set to Admin and when the
Owner is set to anything else.

Example - Hide Field based on Context

In this example, we'll show how to hide a field for a new incident form, but display the field when editing
the form. We'll also set field values for a multi-select field in the case of an existing incident.
For this example, we use the hideFieldsOnNewIncident out-of-the-box automation.

incident = demisto.incidents()[0]
field = demisto.args()['field']
formType = demisto.args()['formType']
if incident["id"] == "":
# This is a new incident, hide the field
demisto.results({"hidden": True, "options": []})
# This is an existing incident, we want to show the field, to know which
values to display
options = []
# The field type includes the word select, such as Single select or Multi
if "Select" in demisto.get(field, "type"):
# take the options from the field definition
options = demisto.get(field, "selectValues")


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
demisto.results({"hidden": False, "options": options})

1. We navigate to Settings > Advanced > Fields.

2. Select the Malicious Cause field and click Edit.
3. Under the Field display script field, select the hideFieldsOnNewIncident script and click Save.
4. Navigate to the Incidents page and click New Incident.
5. Under the Type field, select GDPR Data Breach.
Scroll down and note that under Mandatory Information, there is no Malicious Cause field.
6. Click Create New Incident to save the incident.
7. Select the incident you just created and click Edit.
Scroll down to the Mandatory Information section and note that the Malicious Cause field appears
and the options for the field are retrieved from the initial field definition.

Examples of Script Based Widgets for Incident Layouts

The following are examples of the script based widgets that are supported in incident layouts:
• Charts
• Pie
• Duration
• Number
• Number Trend
A valid result for a chart widget is a list of groups. Each group points to a single entity. For example, in bar
charts each group is a bar. A group consists of the following:
• Name - A string.
• Data - An array of integers.
• Color - A string representing a color that will be used as a default color for that group. It can be the
name of the color, a hexadecimal representation of the color, or an rgb color value (optional).


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• Groups - A nested list of groups (optional).
Vertical Bar
In this example, create a script in Python that displays a vertical bar of the indicators by severity.

data = {
"Type": 17,
"ContentsFormat": "bar",
"Contents": {
"stats": [
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "high",
"label": "incident.severity.high",
"color": "rgb(255, 23, 68)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "medium",
"label": "incident.severity.medium",
"color": "rgb(255, 144, 0)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "low",
"label": "incident.severity.low",
"color": "rgb(0, 205, 51)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "unknown",
"label": "incident.severity.unknown",
"color": "rgb(197, 197, 197)"
"params": {
"layout": "vertical"


After you have uploaded the script and created the widget, you can add the widget to an incident layout.
The following widget displays:


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Horizontal Bar
In this example, create a script in Python that displays a horizontal bar of the indicators by severity.

data = {
"Type": 17,
"ContentsFormat": "bar",
"Contents": {
"stats": [
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "high",
"label": "incident.severity.high",
"color": "rgb(255, 23, 68)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "medium",
"label": "incident.severity.medium",
"color": "rgb(255, 144, 0)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "low",
"label": "incident.severity.low",
"color": "rgb(0, 205, 51)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "unknown",
"label": "incident.severity.unknown",
"color": "rgb(197, 197, 197)"
"params": {
"layout": "horizontal"


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.


After you have uploaded the script and created the widget, you can add the widget to an incident layout.
The following widget displays:

Stacked Bar
In this example, create a script in Python that displays a stacked bar showing the success and failures on
specific dates.

data = {
"Type": 17,
"ContentsFormat": "bar",
"Contents": {
"stats": [
'name': 'time1',
'name': 'Successes',
'data': [7],
'color': 'rgb(0, 205, 51)'
'name': 'Failures',
'data': [3],
'color': 'rgb(255, 144, 0)'

'name': 'time2',
'name': 'Successes',
'data': [9],
'color': 'rgb(0, 205, 51)'
'name': 'Failures',
'data': [4],
'color': 'rgb(255, 144, 0)'


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
"params": {
"layout": "horizontal"


After you have uploaded the script and created the widget, you can add the widget to an incident layout.
The following widget displays:

In this example, create a script in Python that queries and returns a pie chart.

data = {
"Type": 17,
"ContentsFormat": "pie",
"Contents": {
"stats": [
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "high",
"label": "incident.severity.high",
"color": "rgb(255, 23, 68)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "medium",
"label": "incident.severity.medium",
"color": "rgb(255, 144, 0)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "low",
"label": "incident.severity.low",
"color": "rgb(0, 205, 51)"


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "unknown",
"label": "incident.severity.unknown",
"color": "rgb(197, 197, 197)"
"params": {
"layout": "horizontal"


After you have uploaded the script and created the widget, you can add the widget an incident layout. The
following widget displays indicator severity as a pie chart:

In this example, create a script in Python that queries and returns a time duration (specified in seconds), and
displays the data as a countdown clock.

data = {
"Type": 17,
"ContentsFormat": "duration",
"Contents": {
"stats": 60 * (30 + 10 * 60 + 3 * 60 * 24),
"params": {
"layout": "horizontal",
"name": "Lala",
"sign": "@",
"colors": {
"items": {
"#00CD33": {
"value": 10
"#FAC100": {
"value": 20
"green": {
"value": 40
"type": "above"


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.


After you have uploaded the script and created the widget, you can add the widget to an incident layout.
The following widget displays the time duration:

This example shows how to create a single item widget that displays a number.

data = {
"Type": 17,
"ContentsFormat": "number",
"Contents": {
"stats": 53,
"params": {
"layout": "horizontal",
"name": "Lala",
"sign": "@",
"colors": {
"items": {
"#00CD33": {
"value": 10
"#FAC100": {
"value": 20
"green": {
"value": 40
"type": "above"


After you have uploaded the script and created the widget, you can add the widget to an incident layout.
The following widget displays:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Number Trend
This example shows how to create a single item widget that displays a number trend.

data = {
"Type": 17,
"ContentsFormat": "number",
"Contents": {
"stats": { "prevSum": 53, "currSum": 60 },
"params": {
"layout": "horizontal",
"name": "Lala",
"sign": "@",
"colors": {
"items": {
"#00CD33": {
"value": 10
"#FAC100": {
"value": 20
"green": {
"value": 40
"type": "above"


After you have uploaded the script and created the widget, you can add the widget to an incident layout.
The following widget displays:

Customize Incident Close Reasons

The default incident Close Reason values are:
• False Positive
• Resolved
• Duplicate
• Other
To customize the values you need to add a new server configuration.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Add the following key and value:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Key Value

incident.closeReasons A comma-separated list. For example, False


For multi-tenant deployments, you

need to add the configuration to
each tenant, not only the main

Change the Display Name of Security Incidents

In Cortex XSOAR, the default term used for a security incident is incident. You can change the term that is
used for security incidents from a predefined list of options. This term displays in reports, menus, tables, and
commands (local and server) in Cortex XSOAR.
The term you select does not change the display name for content-related items, such as playbooks,
integrations, scripts, and so on, dashboards, or the API.

(Multi-Tenant) When changing the display name of security incidents, the URL link which
contains /incident may not work properly. For example, when changing the incident
to case, sometimes the links are formed with the/incident URL and not with the /case
URL. This can usually be corrected by clearing the browser cache and reloading the page.

STEP 1 | Navigate to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

STEP 3 | In the Key field type UI.term.incident.

STEP 4 | In the Value field enter the value for the term.

Value Term

0 Incidents (default)

1 Cases

2 Alerts

3 Events

4 Plays

5 Tickets

6 Issues

STEP 5 | Restart the server.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Incident Investigation
An incident investigation can be opened in the following ways:
• Automatically: If associated with a playbook, incidents open automatically for investigation and run the
associated playbook.
• Manually: Open an incident manually by selecting the incident in the Incidents table.

After an incident is created, it is assigned a Pending status in the incident table. When
you start to investigate an incident the status changes automatically to Active, which
starts the remediation process.
• CLI: If you want to open a incident in the CLI, type /investigate id=<incidentID#>.
Incidents page
When opening an incident, you see the following tabs, which assist you in the investigating the incident:

Tab Description

Incident/Case Info A summary of the incident, such as case details, work plan, evidence, and so on.
Most of the fields are for information only, although you can add the following:
• Evidence: A summary of data marked as evidence. You can add evidence in
this tab or in the Evidence Board.
• Notes: Displays any notes that have been entered. For example, understand
specific actions taken by the analyst and the underlying reasons, see chats
between analysts to highlight how they arrived at a certain decision, etc. You
can also see the thought process behind identifying key evidence and learn
about similar incidents in the future.
You can also add notes in the War Room.
• Tasks: View tasks to complete as part of an investigation. You can add tasks
in this tab or Create a To-Do Task.
You can send a permalink to a specific Investigation Summary by copying its URL.

You can edit the fields by customizing incident view layouts.

Investigation An overview of the information collected about the investigation, such as

indicators, email information, URL screen shots and so on

War Room A comprehensive collection of all investigation actions, artifacts, and

collaboration. It is a chronological journal of the incident investigation. Each
incident has a unique War Room.

Work Plan A visual representation of the running playbook that is assigned to the incident.

Evidence Handling View any entity which has been designated as evidence. The Evidence board
stores key artifacts for current and future analysis. You can reconstruct attack
chains and piece together key pieces of verification for root cause discovery.

Related Incidents A visual representation of incidents that share similar characteristics, such as
malicious indicators, or part of a phishing campaign.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Tab Description

Canvas Visually maps an incident, its elements, correlated investigation entities, and the
progression path of the incident, combining analyst intelligence with machine
The Related Incidents page is orientated towards exploration and searching for
similar data. The Canvas maps incidents and indicators by enabling you to decide
what you want to include in a layout of your choice.

You can Link Incidents, edit the incident, add a child incident, add tasks, notes, and so on. For more
information, see incident actions.
If you want to customize incident layouts, see Customize Incident View Layouts.

War Room Overview

Within Cortex XSOAR, real-time investigation is facilitated through the War Room, which is powered by
ChatOps and helps analysts to do the following:
• Run real-time security actions through the CLI, without switching consoles.
• Run security playbooks, scripts and commands.
• Collaborate and execute remote actions across integrated products.
• Capture incident context from different sources.
• Document all actions in one source.
• Converse with others for joint investigations.
Cortex XSOAR also provides machine learning insights to suggest the most effective analysts and
command-sets. Each incident has a unique War Room.
When you open the War Room, you can see an number of entries such as commands, notes, evidence,
tasks, etc, in several formats such as Markdown, HTML and so on. When Markdown, HTML or geographical
information is received the content is displayed in the relevant format.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
You can do the following actions for each artifact entry.

Action Description

Edit You can edit, format or delete your own entries. If an entry has been changed, a History
link will appear where you can view all changes to the entry.

Mark as Opens the Mark as evidence window where you specify the evidence details to be
Evidence saved in the Evidence Board. The Evidence Board stores key artifacts for current and
future analysis. You can add evidence in Case Info tab, the Evidence Board, or the War

Mark as note Marks the incident as note. Notes can help the analyst understand why certain action
was taken and assists future decisions. You can add them also in the Case Info tab.

View artifact Opens a new tab for the artifact.

in new tab

Detach from Removes a task from the artifact.


Attach to a Adds a task to the artifact.


Download Downloads an artifact according to the entry type, such txt files for text, json for a
artifact JSON entry, etc.

Add tags Add any relevant tags to use, which helps you find relevant information.

You can run various commands in the CLI, by typing the following:
• !: includes adding evidence, assigning an analyst, etc.
• /: includes adding notes, close an investigation, etc.
• @: send notifications to administrators, teams, analysts, etc.
You can edit incidents, create a report, add child incidents, and so on, as described in Incident Actions.
Filter Entities

You can filter entries by clicking . You can add any filter by selecting the checkbox or click to remove
that action. The filter menu contains three types of War Room entities by which you can filter:
• Actions
• Tags
• From
Use the And/Or toggles between the Actions, Tags and From sections.
• And: Use to combine two or more filters.
• Or: When one item is found it shows relevant entries.
You can save the filter by clicking Add. You can also retrieve Saved filters.

Cortex XSOAR does not index notes, chats, and pinned as evidence entries. If you want to
index these entries, see Index War Room Entries.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Index War Room Entries
By default, Cortex XSOAR does not index notes, chats, and pinned as evidence entries from incident War
Rooms and it is not possible to find these entries in the Search Incidents bar. Use this procedure to index
these entries, which also re-indexes incidents for selected months.

Depending on the number of cases in your system and server hardware, the re-indexing
operation can take a significant amount of time, during which the Cortex XSOAR server is
inaccessible. It is recommended to undertake this procedure when it has a minimal impact
on your organization. After completion, you should review your Cortex XSOAR server, as it
may have some impact on performance.

STEP 1 | Log in to your Cortex XSOAR server as root or an account with sudo privileges.

STEP 2 | Stop the Cortex XSOAR service by running the following command:
systemctl stop demisto

STEP 3 | Make a backup copy of your demisto.conf file by running the following command:
cp /etc/demisto.conf /etc/demisto.conf.bak

STEP 4 | Edit the /etc/demisto.conf file for all databases by adding the entries (highlighted in bold) in
the following format:

"server.entries.restore": true,
"db.index.entry.disable": false,
"DB" : {
"IndexEntryContent": true
"granular": {
"index": {
"entries": 7

The granular.index.entries total value is 7, which is split as to:

1: notes
2: chats
4: pinned as evidence
You can choose one of the values separately, or add them together for all values. For example, 7 is the
total of 1 (notes) + 2 (chats) + 4 (pinned as evidence).

STEP 5 | Save the file.

It is recommended that you validate JSON changes before committing them.

STEP 6 | Delete the relevant War Room entries index on all databases by running the following
command on each database machine:
rm -rf /var/lib/demisto/data/demistoidx/entries_MMYYYY
For example, to re-index March 2020, run the following command:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
sudo -u demisto -g demisto -- /usr/local/demisto/server -stdout -restore-
To add indexing for additional months, run the same command for each month, but change the date in
the command, after "entries_". Adding months may cause re-indexing to take longer depending on the
number of cases in the system.

STEP 7 | Start Cortex XSOAR from the command line by running one or more of the following
• For the current month:
# sudo -u demisto -g demisto -- /usr/local/demisto/server -stdout -
For example, to re-index March 2020, run the following command:
sudo -u demisto -g demisto -- /usr/local/demisto/server -stdout -restore-
• For multiple months, add the dates as CSV values:
sudo -u demisto -g demisto -- /usr/local/demisto/server -stdout -restore-
For example, to re-index January, February, March 2020, run the following command:
sudo -u demisto -g demisto -- /usr/local/demisto/server -stdout -restore-
A number of entries related to indexing appear, similar to below:

2019-03-21 19:00:45.651 info DB restoring 419 keys into index entries from
investigations-264/ (source: /home/circleci/.go_workspace/src/

2019-03-21 19:00:45.6649 info entry DB put in batch 78 index entries

investigations-264/ (source: /home/circleci/.go_workspace/src/

2019-03-21 19:00:46.4385 info entry DB put in batch 100 index entries

investigations-264/ (source: /home/circleci/.go_workspace/src/

2019-03-21 19:00:47.0948 info entry DB put in batch 100 index entries

investigations-264/ (source: /home/circleci/.go_workspace/src/

2019-03-21 19:00:47.8588 info entry DB put in batch 100 index entries

investigations-264/ (source: /home/circleci/.go_workspace/src/

2019-03-21 19:00:48.6046 info entry DB put in batch 41 index entries

investigations-264/ (source: /home/circleci/.go_workspace/src/

2019-03-21 19:00:48.6047 info DB restore into [entries]



© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
[] completed (source: /home/circleci/.go_workspace/src/github.com/

When the re-indexing has completed, the above console messages cease and
Demisto runs automatically.

STEP 8 | Confirm that you can search your case comments through the search bar.

STEP 9 | Stop the service by using CTRL-C as the Cortex XSOAR server is running locally from the
command line.

STEP 10 | Start Cortex XSOAR by running the following command:

systemctl start demisto

Add a Custom Widget in the War Room

You can add a custom widget in the War Room using an automation script. After creating the script in the
Automation page, to add a custom script based widget, you need to run a command in the War Room.

STEP 1 | Create a Custom Widget Using an Automation Script.

STEP 2 | Go to the War Room and run the following command:

where scriptName is the name of the automation script you created in step 1.

In the following example, you need to add a custom widget that shows you the severity of the indicators in
an incident, as a bar chart.
Use the following script:

id: ee3b9604-324b-4ab5-8164-15ddf6e428ab
version: 49


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
name: IndicatorWidgetBar
script: |-
# Constants
HIGH = 3
LOW = 1
NONE = 0

indicators = []
scores = {HIGH: 0, SUSPICIOUS: 0, LOW: 0, NONE: 0}
incident_id = demisto.incidents()[0].get('id')

foundIndicators = demisto.executeCommand("findIndicators",
{"query":'investigationIDs:{}'.format(incident_id), 'size':999999})[0]

for indicator in foundIndicators:

scores[indicator['score']] += 1

data = {
"Type": 17,
"ContentsFormat": "bar",
"Contents": {
"stats": [
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "high",
"label": "incident.severity.high",
"color": "rgb(255, 23, 68)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "medium",
"label": "incident.severity.medium",
"color": "rgb(255, 144, 0)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "low",
"label": "incident.severity.low",
"color": "rgb(0, 205, 51)"
"data": [
"groups": None,
"name": "unknown",
"label": "incident.severity.unknown",
"color": "rgb(197, 197, 197)"
"params": {


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
"layout": "horizontal"

type: python
- dynamic-section
enabled: true
scripttarget: 0
subtype: python3
runonce: false
dockerimage: demisto/python3:
runas: DBotWeakRole

Create a new automation by adding the script and then in the War Room run the !IndicatorWidgetBar
The custom widget appears in the War Room.

Work Plan
The Work Plan is visual representation of the running Playbook that is assigned to the incident. Playbooks
enable you to automate many of your security processes, including, but not limited to handling your
investigations and managing your tickets. Work Plans enable you to monitor and manage a Playbook work
flow, and add new tasks to tailor the Playbook to a specific investigation.
When clicking the Follow checkbox you can see the Playbook executing in real-time.
In the Work Plan you can do the following:
• View inputs and outputs of a playbook.
• View, create, and edit a playbook task for each required step.
When you create a task, add a name, automation, and description. The name and description should be
meaningful so that the task corresponds to the data that you are collecting.
For each task you can do the following:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Designate tasks as complete either manually or by running a script.
Assign an owner for a task.
Set a due date for the task.
Add comments and completed notes, as required.
• Re-run the playbook, zoom in and out, and export to a PNG format.

Link Incidents
You can link or unlink incidents through the following:
• In the Related Incidents tab.
• A pre-process rule, so that as soon as an incident is ingested into Cortex XSOAR you can link incidents.
• Using the CLI.
After you link the incident, you can view linked incidents in the Case Info tab.

Manage Related Incidents

Related incidents are a visual representation of incidents that share similar characteristics, such as malicious
indicators, or part of a single phishing campaign. Viewing related incidents in a single view enables you to
consolidate the investigation by deduplicating and linking related incidents to the incident you are viewing.
Linking incidents helps you assess whether the action taken is effective.
Using the Related Incidents Map
Go to the incident that you are investigating and click Related Incidents.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Understanding the Related Incidents Map
• The incident you are currently investigating is at the center of the Related Incidents map, surrounded by
the related incidents. The more similar a related incident, the closer it is to the center.
• The incidents are categorized according to incident status (pending, active, and closed) and type (such as
malware, phishing, and so on). In this example, phishing is categorized:

Shape Status

Pending status

Active status

Closed status

• The map has a time spectrum. Incidents on the right side of the map are newer than the current incident,
and the incidents on the left are older. Related incidents are spread across the spectrum according to
the time the incident was created. The time scope is 30 days before and 30 days after the currently
investigated incident. You can modify the range by using the Date Range.
• Use the Similarity Scale to display related incidents that are more similar or less similar to the current
• Hover over a related incident to view detailed information.
• Click an incident to view a comparison of the two incidents, which shows instances of similar indicators
between the incidents. You can click multiple incidents by using ctrl + click or command +
click. In the Similarities window, you can pair as Linked or as Duplicate. The incident appears as linked
in the Linked Incidents table in the Case info tab.
If you want to build your own related incidents and indicators a layout of your choice, use the Canvas. The
Related Incidents page is orientated towards exploration and searching for similar data.
You can configure an allow list or an ignore list for which incident fields to use for related incidents, as
described in Configure Incident Fields for Related Incidents.
Configure Incident Fields for Related Incidents
You can configure an allow list or an ignore list for which incident fields to use for related incidents. If you
define an allow list, related incidents only use specified fields for calculation. If you define an ignore list,
related incidents are calculated without the specified fields.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Add the following keys and values:

List type Key Value

Allow list incident.metadata.whitelist A comma-separated list of fields to add to the

allow list.

Ignore list incident.metadata.ignore.list A comma-separated list to exclude from

related incidents.

Link and Unlink incidents in the CLI

You can link and unlink incidents in the CLI. The linked incidents appear in the Case Info tab.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
STEP 1 | To link an incident, in the CLI, type the following command:
!linkIncidents linkedIncidentIDs=<id> action=link
Confirmation of the linked incident appears in the War Room and in the Case Info tab. In this example,
we have linked the incident ID#3

STEP 2 | To unlink the incident, type the following command:

!linkIncidents linkedIncidentIDs=<id> action=unlink

Investigate Using the Canvas

The Investigation Canvas enables you to visually map an incident, its elements, and progression path,
combining analyst intelligence with machine learning.
To access the investigation canvas, click Canvas from the incident you want to investigate. The incident
appears on the canvas display. In the Add entity to canvas section, DBot provides suggested indicators and
incidents that might be connected or relevant to the current incident for you to add to the canvas.
Searches are server side searches.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Incident Suggestions
The incidents are calculated according to the related incidents algorithm, which are based on several
• Common labels
• Common indicators
• Common incident custom fields
You can add the incidents by dragging and dropping the incident onto the canvas.
Indicator Suggestions
The indicators are determined according to the following factors (in this order):
1. Indicators with a bad reputation from the original incident (the incident that initiated the investigation).
2. Indicators that are shared between incidents that you added to the canvas.
3. The malicious ratio, which is the ratio between the indicators that appear in incidents with a bad
reputation, compared to the total number of incidents in Cortex XSOAR.
You can add the indicators by dragging and dropping the indicators onto the canvas.

You can Edit Dbot Incident and Indicator Suggestions in the Entity Library.

Key Features
You can do the following:
• Auto Populate the Canvas with related incidents, suspicious URLs and so on by using machine learning.
The closer an entity appears to the center, the more closely related it is to the investigated incident.
• View an incident and indicator: view details of incident and indicator, including various actions in the
Dbot Suggestions: Quick View Window.
• Connect incidents: connect each incident by linking each incident and use comments on entity
connections to communicate important information with team members by adding notes to connectors
between entities.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
• Dynamic Connections: when you rearrange entities on the canvas, the connections dynamically move
with the entities. Connections that are dotted lines indicate that the indicator is part of the investigation,
or two incidents are defined as related incidents. These connections are dynamic, which means if one
entity is an IP address and you add that IP address to the allow list after it was added to the canvas, the
dotted-lined connection is automatically removed.
• Capture the Canvas as an image: capture and study the incident by clicking Export to PNG.

Auto Populate the Canvas

Cortex XSOAR can automatically populate the Canvas with related entities using machine learning. If your
canvas is already populated, auto populating it deletes all of the existing content.

STEP 1 | Go to the Canvas tab of the incident you are investigating and click Auto populate.

STEP 2 | If you want to customize the canvas, click Customize and select the following:
• If, and how many, related incidents appear.
• The maximum distance over which items are included in the canvas in the Similarity Max Distance
By default the distance is set to 0.8. The closer the score is to 1, the less related they are to the
• Linked incidents
• Bad and suspicious common indicators
• Configure the threshold above which an indicator is ignored in the Indicators Ignore Threshold.

STEP 3 | Click Auto populate.

The closer an entity appears to the center, the more closely related it is to the investigated incident.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Dbot Suggestions: Quick View Window
The Quick View window displays information for the entity selected on the canvas, either an incident or an
indicator, each of which have DBot suggested indicators.
You can highlight entities on the canvas to show visually how the incident progressed.
Searches performed in the Quick View pane are client-side searches.

Incident Quick View

You can view basic information, such as type, severity, time line information labels, and indicators. The
indicators that DBot suggests to add to the canvas for this incident are determined according to the
following factors (in this order):
1. Indicators with a bad reputation from the current (selected) incident.
2. The malicious ratio, which is the ratio between the indicators that appear in incidents with a bad
reputation, compared to the total number of incidents in Cortex XSOAR.
Indicator Quick View
You can view source information, hashes, known history, comments and do certain actions such as run
scripts, delete, exclude and so on.
The indicators that DBot suggests to add to the canvas for the selected indicator are determined according
to the following factors (according to this order):
1. Relations between all canvas investigation contexts. For example, if a hostname and IP address are
associated with the same endpoint, the context key is suggested as an indicator.
2. An ssdeep with 50% or higher similarity.
You can Edit Dbot Incident and Indicator Suggestions in the Quick View window.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Edit Dbot Incident and Indicator Suggestions
In the Investigation Canvas, Dbot provides suggestions in the Entity Library section and the Quick View
window. You can change these suggestions by adding keys and values when adding a server configuration.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Add the following keys and values as required:

Key Description

canvas.suggestions.IncidentIndicatorSuggestions.max Maximum number of suggestions

for malicious suggestions. Default:
Relevant for Library and Quick

canvas.suggestions.IncidentMutualIndicatorSuggestions.max Maximum number of suggestions

for common indicators between
incidents. Default: 5
Relevant for Library and Quick

canvas.suggestions.IndicatorIndicatorSuggestions.max Maximum number of suggestions

for indicators. Default: 5
Relevant for Quick View.

ml.suggestions.canvas.leftpane.incidents.limit Maximum number of incidents in

the Quick View window. Default:
Relevant for Quick View.

Incident Actions
In an incident, you can undertake a number of actions, such as edit the incident, add a child incident, add
tasks, notes, and so on.
When clicking Actions you can undertaken the following actions:

Action Description

Edit Edit the incident as required.

Report Create a report to capture investigation specific data and share it with team

Add child Adds a child incident to the incident.

Child investigations are used to compartmentalize sensitive War Room activity.
You can create child investigations to collaborate discreetly with a select group
of people on a specific topic of investigation. Child investigations are also used in


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Action Description
situations where a secondary investigation is needed and its content may add too
much "noise" in the original investigation.
You can also create child investigations from the CLI using the /
investigation_child_create command.
To turn the child investigation to a discrete investigation, select the Restricted

Closing a parent investigation also closes all associated child


Restrict incident Restrict an investigation to the incident owner and team.

Close incident Marks the incident as closed.

Delete Deletes the incident

When clicking you can undertake the following actions:

Action Description

Quick View You can see a summary of the incident, timeline information, labels, and indicators.

Incident Tasks Add tasks for users to complete as part of an investigation.

Systems Details of any D2 Agents that are deployed to perform forensic tasks on machines.

Team Add team members to the incident.

Context Data View context data. The context is a map (dictionary) that is created for each
incident and is used to store structured results from the integration commands
and automation scripts. The context keys are strings and the values can be strings,
numbers, objects, and arrays.
You can use context data to:
• Pass data between playbook tasks.
• Capture the important structured data from automations and display the data in
the incident summary

You can also edit or add actions in the Case Info/Incident Info field.

Evidence Handling
You can view or designate any entity as evidence which enables you to reconstruct attack chains and piece
together key pieces of verification for root cause discovery.
In the War Room you can mark any entity as evidence by clicking the flag next to each entry. You can view
the evidence in the War Room or open the evidence entry from the Evidence Board. When adding evidence
you need to add a description which should contain enough details that can be used for future reference.


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Adding a tag helps you to find the evidence by searching for the tag. You can also add an occurrence date
and time.
The Evidence Board
The Evidence board stores key artifacts for current and future analysis. You can view and manage evidence
entities that were detected in the War Room and designated as Evidence.
You can search for evidence and select the date range when the evidence occurred.
Evidence can be viewed in Table View or Summary View. In the Table View, you can remove, export, or
show in the War Room. In the Summary View you can remove or edit the evidence.

Incident Tasks
Incident tasks are tasks for users to complete as part of an investigation, which are split according to the
• Playbook Tasks: you can view, assign an owner, complete, and set a due date for playbook tasks that
require attention.
• To Do Tasks: create tasks for users to complete as part of an investigation, and which are not attached
to the incident's playbook. A playbook can finish running and an incident can be closed even if the
incident contains open To-Do tasks.
You can Create a To-Do Task directly from the incident Case (incident) info tab or in the To Do Task
Alternatively, you can create To Do tasks in the command line.

Create a To-Do Task

You can create To-Do tasks directly in the incident from either the Case (Incident) Info tab or the Incident
Tasks window. You can also create To Do Tasks using the command line.

STEP 1 |
From the incident, click and then click Incident Task.

STEP 2 | In the Incident Tasks window, click the To Do Tasks tab.

You can also add To Do Tasks from the Case (Incident) Info tab if you have customizedthe incident to
include To Do tasks.

STEP 3 | Click Add a task.

STEP 4 | Add the Task Details as required:

Parameter Description

Task Name A meaningful name for the task (mandatory).

Task Description A meaningful description for the task that provides sufficient information for
the assignee to complete the task.

Assignee The user to assign to the task. You can only assign a single user per task.

Set due date The due date for the task. If the task is not completed by this date, it is marked
as overdue but is not a roadblock for the investigation.


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Parameter Description

Tag the result with Tags to apply to the To-Do task.

STEP 5 | Click Save.

If you have customizedthe incident, you can see the To Do Tasks from the Case (Incident) Info tab.

Incident Fields
Use Incident Fields to accept or populate incident data coming from incidents. You create fields for
information that arrives from third party integrations in which you want to insert information. The fields are
added to Incident Type layouts and are mapped using the Classification and Mapping feature.
Incident Fields can be populated by the incident team members during an investigation, at the beginning of
the investigation, or prior to closing the investigation.

Creating Incident Fields is an iterative process in which you continue to create fields as you
gain a better understanding of your needs and the information available in the third party
integrations that you use.

You can set and update all system incident fields using the setIncident command, of which each field is
a command argument.

Incident Field Types

You can add the following field types, when adding a new field.


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• Attachments : enables adding an attachment, such as .doc, malicious files, reports, images of an incident,
• Boolean (checkbox)
• Date picker
• Grid (table): include an interactive, editable grid as a field type for selected incident types or all incident
• Long text
• Markdown
• Multi select
• Number: can contain any number. The default number is 0. Any quantity can be used.
• Role: roles assigned to the incident determine which users (by the role to which they are assigned) can
view the incident.
• Short text: maximum of 60,000 characters.
• Single select
• Tags
• Timer/SLA: view how much time is left before an SLA becomes past due, as well as configure actions to
take in the event that the SLA does pass.
• User : a user in the system to state a manager or fallback.

Basic Settings
The following table lists the fields that appear in the Basic Settings page, and their descriptions. The Basic
Settings page is available for the following field types:
• Long text
• Mult select
• Short text
• Single select
• Tags

Name Description

Placeholder Define the text that appears in the field before users enter a value.

Values A comma separated list of values that are valid values for the field.

Timer/SLA Fields
The following table lists the fields specific to Timer/SLA fields, and their descriptions.

Name Description

SLA Determine the amount of time in which this item needs to be resolved. If
no value is entered, the field serves as a counter.

Risk Threshold Determine the point in time at which an item is considered at risk of not
meeting the SLA. By default, the threshold is 3 days, which is defined in
the global system parameter.


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Name Description

Run on SLA Breach In the Run on SLA Breach field, select the script to run when the SLA
time has passed. For example, email the supervisor or change the

Only scripts to which you have added the SLA tag

appear in list of scripts that you can select.

Attributes Parameters for Incident Fields

The following tables list the fields that are common to all Incident Fields.

Name Description

Script upon change The script that dynamically changes the field value when script conditions
are met. For a script to be available, it must have the field-change-
triggered tag, when defining an automation. For more information, see
Field Trigger Scripts.

Field display script Determines which fields display in forms, as well as the values that are
available for single-select and multi-select fields. For more information,
see Create Dynamic Fields in Incident Forms.

Add to incident types Determines for which incident types this field is available. By default,
fields are available to all incident types. To change this, clear the
Associate to all checkbox and select the specific incident types to which
the field is available.

Default display on Determines at which point the field is available. For more information,
see Incident Field Examples.

Edit Permissions Determines whether only the owner of the incident can edit this field.

Make data available for Determines if the values in these fields are available when searching.
In most cases, Cortex XSOAR recommends that you
select this checkbox so values in the field are available
for indexing and querying. However, in some cases, to
avoid adverse affects on performance, you should clear
this checkbox. For example, if you are ingesting an email
to an email body field, we recommend that you not index
the field.

Add as optional graph Determine if you can create a graph based on the contents of this field.
This field does not appear for all field types.

Incident Field Examples

The following section shows several examples of common fields that are used in real-life incidents.
False Positive


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Below is an example of a mandatory Incident field "False Positive" to be filled at time of Incident Close. The
Field can have a value YES or NO and the SOC admin should be able to query or run report based on this
field. After this field is added, all incidents will need to have this filled in before an incident can be marked

SLA Fields
The following SLA field can be used to trigger a notification when the status effecting the SLA of an incident
changes. If the SLA is breached, we have configured the field such that an email is sent to the owner's

Troubleshooting Conflicts with Custom Incident Fields

When trying to download a content update, you receive the following message:
Warning: content update has encountered some conflicts


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This occurs when a content update has an incident field with the same name as a custom incident field that
already exists in Cortex XSOAR.
Click Install Content to force the update and retain your custom incident field. The content update will
install without the system version of the incident field.

Create a Custom Incident Field

You can define custom incident fields based on the information you want to display in your Incident Type
layouts, as well as the information ingested from third party integrations.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > ADVANCED > Fields > + New Field.
Depending on the field type, you can determine if the field contents are case-sensitive, as well as if the
field is mandatory.

STEP 2 | In the Field Type field, from the dropdown list select the Incident Field Types.

STEP 3 | Complete the following parameters:

Field Description

Field Name A descriptive name indicating the information that the field contains.

Tooltip (Optional) Additional information you want to make available to users

of this field.

STEP 4 | If relevant to the field type, add the Basic Settings.

If adding a grid, see Create a Grid Field for an Incident Type.

STEP 5 | In the Attributes tab, add the attribute parameters.

STEP 6 | Click Save.

STEP 7 | To add the field to the incident, go to Settings > ADVANCED > Incident Types, select the
incident, and click Edit Layout.

STEP 8 | In the Library dialog box, in the Cortex XSOAR Sections tab, drag and drop + New Section on
to the required tab.

STEP 9 | In the Incident field tab, drag and drop the field that you have created into the New Section.

Create a Grid Field for an Incident Type

The grid field enables you to view and edit a table when adding it to an incident. You can create a grid field
and add it to an incident type.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > ADVANCED > Fields > + New Field.


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STEP 2 | From the New Incident Field window, in the Field Type field, from the drop down list, select
Grid (table).

STEP 3 | Complete the following parameters:

Parameter Description

Field Name A meaningful name for the grid field.

Tooltip (Optional) A brief descriptive message that explains what the field is and
how to use it.

User can add rows (Optional) Enables users to add/remove rows in the grid.

STEP 4 | In the Grid tab, add or remove the required rows and columns.
How you design the grid determines how it appears to users. If users can add rows, they can add rows,
but not columns.

STEP 5 | Configure each column by selecting the required field types, such as short text, boolean, URL,
etc, for each column.
For example, we want to define three mandatory columns: Name, Location, and Date. If you select the
Lock checkbox, the value for that field is static (not editable). If you do not select the Lock checkbox
(default), users can perform in-line editing.


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STEP 6 | In the Attributes tab, add the attribute parameters.
For example, we have added the emailFieldTriggerd script and made the field available to Access,
Malware, and Network incident types.


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STEP 7 | Click Save.

Use Scripts with the Grid Field

You can use scripts to manipulate and populate data in the Grid field. In this example, we will use the
following scripts:
• Automatically populate a column value when the grid is changed.
• Create a new row in the grid manually or as part of a playbook.

If you select the Lock checkbox for a column, only a script can populate the values for that
column. If a column is unlocked (default), the column values can be entered manually (by
users), or by a script. For a script to be available in the Script upon change drop-down menu,
it must have the field-change-triggered tag.

Grid Field Script Example

In this example, the grid is a shift summary for analysts, who can add comments for the incident during their
shift. We want to use a script to automatically populate the Date Logged column with the current date
when a user adds a new row to the grid.
Sample script
The ShiftSummariesChange script is called with an old value and a new value. The script operates in the
following phases:
• The script gets all new rows, and sets the Date Logged field to now (current day).
• For each existing row, if the name matches, but the findings column is not updated, the Date Logged
column is also updated.
• The Shift Summaries field is saved with the new values using the setIncident command.


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Add a Row to a grid Using a Script
During playbook execution if a malicious finding is discovered, you want to add that finding to a grid. You
can use a script in the playbook to add a new row to the grid with the malicious finding.
Sample Script
This is a Python script, which requires 2 arguments:
• fieldCliName: the machine name for the field for which you want to add a new row.
• Row: the new row to add the grid. This is a JSON object in lower case characters, with no white space.

fieldCliName = demisto.args().get('field')
currentValue = demisto.incidents()[0]["CustomFields"][fieldCliName];

if currentValue is None:
currentValue = [json.loads(demisto.args().get('row'))]

val = json.dumps({ fieldCliName: currentValue })

demisto.results(demisto.executeCommand("setIncident", { 'customFields':
val }))

Field Trigger Scripts

Incident fields can be associated with trigger automation scripts that can check for field change conditions
and take actions based on the change. These scripts can perform any action, such as dynamically changing
the field value, notifying the responder when an incident severity has been changed, etc, when the
conditions are met. For example, when using the ChangeRemediationSLAOnSevChange automation, it
changes the Remediation SLA of an incident, when the severity of the incident changes for any reason.
Automations can be created in Python, PowerShell, or JavaScript in the Automation page. To use a field
trigger automation, you need to add the field-change-triggered tag when creating the automation. You can
then add the automation in the Attributes tab, when you edit or Create a Custom Incident Field. If you did
not add the tag when creating the automation, it cannot be added.
Cortex XSOAR comes out-of-the-box with the following field change scripts in the Automation page:


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• ChangeRemediationSLAOnSevChange
• emailFieldTriggered: Changes the incident field when the email body or subject changes.
• StopTimeToAssignOnOwnerChange: Stops the Time to Assignment SLA field, as soon as an owner
was assigned to an incident.

The ExtraHop Reveal(x) Content Pack contains a field trigger script, which only tracks the
incident if it is from an ExtraHop Detection.

A common use case is to create the following automation that verifies that changes made by a playbook
only will take place and not by a user manually.

args = demisto.args()
user = args["user"]
if user:
demisto.executeCommand("setIncident", {args["name"]: args["old"]})

The automation checks who made the change using the user field. The name argument returns the field
name, so that it can be attached to multiple incident fields, and block changes to them, without the need to
have a different automation for each field.
Automation Arguments - Related Information
When an automation is triggered on a field, it has the following triggered field information available as
arguments (args):

Argument Description

associatedToAll If the field is associated to all or some incidents. Value: true or false.

associatedTypes An array of the incident types, with which the field is associated.

cliName The name of the field when called from the command line.

description The description of the field.

isReadOnly Specifies whether the field is non editable. Value: true or false.

name The name of the field.

new The new value of the field.

old The old value of the field.

ownerOnly Specifies that only the creator of the field can edit. Value: true or

placeholder The placeholder text.

required Specifies whether this is a mandatory field. Value: true or false.

selectValues If this is a multi select type field, these are the values the field can take.

system Whether it is a Cortex XSOAR defined field.


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Argument Description

type The field type.

unmapped Whether it is not mapped to any incident.

useAsKpi Whether it is being used for tracking KPI on an incident page.

username The username of the user who triggered the script.

validationRegex Whether there is a regex associated for validation the values the field
can hold.

Script Limitations
• Trigger scripts cannot close incidents.
• Post-processing scripts can modify an incident, but if a modified field has a trigger script, it is not called.
• Incident modifications executed within a trigger script are only saved to the database after the
modifications are completed.

Incident De-Duplication
In the lifecycle of incident management, there are cases when incidents are duplicated. Cortex XSOAR
provides the following de-duplication capabilities:
• Manual De-Duplication: You can manually de-duplicate incidents from the Incidents page or the Related
Incidents page. To de-duplicate incidents manually, see Manually De-Duplicate Incidents.
• Automatic De-Duplication: You can automate de-duplicate incidents by using Pre-Process Rules and
• Automations: You can create an automation that creates child incidents from duplicates.
• Playbooks: Identify, review or close duplicate incidents using playbooks.

Pre-Process Rules
Pre-Process rules enable you to perform certain actions on incidents as soon as they are ingested into
Cortex XSOAR directly from the user interface. Through these rules, you can select incoming events on
which to perform actions, for example, link the incoming incident to an existing incident, or under pre-
configured conditions, drop the incoming incident altogether.
You can de-duplicate incidents by selecting the Link and Close action in the Pre-Process Rules tab. To
create a pre-process rule, see Create Pre-Process Rules for Incidents.
The Link and Close action creates an entry in the Linked Incidents table of the existing incident to which
you link, and closes the incoming incident. If an existing incident matching the defining criteria is not found
an incident is created for the incoming event.

There are several out-of-the-box playbooks you can run to identify and close duplicate incidents.
Alternatively, you can use these playbooks as the basis for customized de-duplication playbooks. For
example, instead of automatically closing the duplicate incidents, include a manual review of the duplicate


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Playbook Description

Dedup - Generic Identifies duplicate incidents using one of the

supported methods, such as the machine learning
model (used mainly for phishing).

DeDup incidents Checks for duplicate incidents using the

FindSimilarIncidents script, which is a rule-based
If duplicate incidents are found, they are closed as

DeDup incidents -ML You can set the threshold for the duplicate
incidents. If duplicate incidents are found, they are
closed as duplicates.

Automatic De-Duplication Using Scripts

There are various scripts you can use in automations and playbooks to identify and close duplicate
• FindSimilarIncidentsByText
• FindSimilarIncidents
• GetDuplicatesMI

• Identifies similar incidents based on text similarity. For this script you specify incident keys, labels, or
custom fields.
• The comparison is based on the TF-IDF method.
• A score is calculated for each candidate (0-1), and incidents are considered duplicates when exceeding
the threshold. The default threshold is 98%.

!FindSimilarIncidentsByText textFields=name,details
maximumNumberOfIncidents=1000 threshold=0.95 timeFrameHours=24
This command example checks for duplicate incidents using the following methodology:
1. Query for duplicate candidates:
• Incidents created in the previous 24 hours [timeFrameHours=24].
• Includes closed incidents [ignoreClosedIncidents].
• Maximum number of incidents to check is 1,000 [maximumNumberOfIncidents=1000].
2. For each candidate, concatenate name and details incident fields [textFields=name,details] into a text
3. Compare the current incident text with all candidates using the TF-IDF method
4. Check if there is at least one similar candidate:
• Candidates with a TF-IDF score of 95% [threshold=0.95]. If there is at least one candidate, announce


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• Rule-based script that identifies similar incidents based on common incident keys, labels, custom fields,
or context keys.
• We recommend using incident keys, for example, "type" for same incident type.
• Due to performance considerations, we recommend not using context keys, for example, if the value
also appears in the label key. Each duplicate candidate creates an additional server query.

!FindSimilarIncidents similarIncidentKeys="type,severity"
ignoreClosedIncidents="yes" maxNumberOfIncidents="1000" hoursBack="48"
timeField="created" maxResults="10"

This command example checks for duplicate incidents using the following methodology:
1. Query for duplicate candidates:
• Incidents created in the 48 hours [hoursBack="48", timeField=created] before the original incidents
• Excludes closed incidents [ignoreClosedIncidents=yes]
• Maximum number of incidents to check is 1,000 [maxNumberOfIncidents=1000]
• Filters by the same incident type and severity [similarIncidentKeys=type,severity]
2. Check for candidate with the same Email/from label, or similar Email/subject label:
• Contains, or contained, the original incident Email/subject label, and similar Email/text label
• Equal or a maximum difference of 5 words from the original Email/text label
3. If duplicate incidents are found, store the results in the context:
• Maximum of 10 [maxResults="10"]

• Identifies duplicate incidents based on a machine learning (ML) algorithm, which uses ML techniques
with predefined data. Alternatively, you can use data from the local environment.
• This script takes several features into consideration: labels comparison, email labels (relevant for
phishing scenarios), incident time difference, and shared indicators (which you can customize with

!GetDuplicatesMl maxNumberOfIncidents="1000" timeFrameDays="7"

ignoreClosedIncidents="yes" threshold="0.5" compareIndicators="Email,
IP, Domain, File SHA256, File MD5, URL" compareEmailLabels="Email/
headers/From, Email/headers/Subject, Email/text, Email/html, Email/
attachments" compareOtherLabels="yes" compareIncidentTimeDiff="yes"
UseLocalEnvDuplicatesInLastDays="0" ipComparisonSubnetMask="32"
This command example checks for duplicate incidents using the following methodology.
1. Query for duplicate candidates:
• Incidents created in the 7 days [timeFrameDays="7"] before the original incidents
• Excludes closed incidents [ignoreClosedIncidents=yes]


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• Maximum number of incidents to check is 1,000 [maxNumberOfIncidents=1000]
2. For each candidate calculate features based on similar email labels and other labels:
• Email labels [compareEmailLabels, compareOtherLabels]
• Indicators [compareIndicators, ipComparisonSubnetMask]
• Time difference between the incidents [compareIncidentTimeDiff]
3. Build machine learning model based on pre-defined data set:
• Does not take into account local environment data set - linked and duplicate incidents in the system
4. Predict whether each candidate is a duplicate:
• Prediction is based on a score (probability) between 0-1

Manually De-Duplicate Incidents

You can manually de-duplicate incidents from the Incidents page or the Related Incidents tab.

• To de-duplicate incidents from the Incidents page:

1. Select the incident check boxes that are duplicates.
2. Click Mark as Duplicate.
3. Type the ID of the incident that you want to retain.
4. Click Validate.
5. Click Close others as duplicate.
The duplicated incident is removed from the table.

• To de-duplicate incidents from the Related Incidents tab:

1. From the Incidents page, select the relevant incident check box.
2. In the Related Incidents tab, click the related incident you want to de-duplicate.
3. Click Duplicate.
4. Click Close as duplicate.
The duplicated incident is closed and marked as duplicate.

Create Pre-Process Rules for Incidents

Pre-processing rules enable you to perform certain actions on incidents as they are ingested into Cortex
XSOAR. Using the rules, you can select incoming events on which to perform actions, for example, link
the incoming incident to an existing incident, or under configured conditions, drop the incoming incident

Rules are applied in descending order, and only one rule is applied per incident.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > Integrations > Pre-Process Rules > New Rule.

STEP 2 | In the Rule Name field, type a name for the rule.
It is recommended that you give meaningful names that help you identify what the rule does when
viewing the list of rules.


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STEP 3 | If you want the rule to apply to a specific incident, in the Conditions for Incoming incident
section, click Add filter and set the incident field and value.
For example, if you know there is a phishing campaign, you can create a rule for email subject with a
potential phishing as the value.
You can add multiple conditions within a filter and add multiple filters. For more information about
filters, see Filters Reference.

STEP 4 | In the Action section, from the drop down list determine which action to take in the event that
the incoming incident matches the rule.

STEP 5 | Depending on the Action field, complete section 3.

For example, in the Action field, if you select Drop and update, in section 3, complete the Update field.
Section 3 enables you to link to an incoming event and update the incident depending on the selected
filter. For information about the Action section and the fields in section 3, see Rule Actions for Pre-
Process Rules.

STEP 6 | (Optional) To test the rules to ensure they are effective and efficient, click Test.
Testing is useful for ensuring that you are receiving the desired results before putting a rule in
production. It is recommended that you provide an existing incident as a sample incident against which
the rule can run.

STEP 7 | Click Save.

In most cases, in a phishing campaign, the email subject is similar. In section 1, we create a condition for
incoming incidents that contains phishing in the email subject. For example, this is a phishing email.
As this is a campaign, we want to drop the incoming incident and link (update) it to an existing incident.


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In Section 3, we want to tell Cortex XSOAR which incident to link (update) the incoming incident. In this
example, we link the email subject to the oldest incident, (link to the first incident in the campaign) and to
those email subjects that are identical to the incoming incident.

Rule Actions for Pre-Process Rules

The following table describes the rule action for pre-process rules.

Option Description Section 3

Drop Drops the incoming incident and no None

incident is created.

Close Closes the incoming incident. None

Drop and Drops the incoming event, and updates Update

update the Dropped Duplicate Incidents table of
1. Determine if you want to update the
the existing incident that you define. In
newest or oldest incident within a
addition, a War Room entry is created. If
time range.
an existing incident matching the defined
criteria is not found, an incident is created 2. Select the incident you want to update
for the incoming event. together with the value.

Link Creates an entry in the Linked Incidents Link to

table of the existing incident to which you
1. Determine if you want to link to the
oldest or newest incident within a
time range.
2. Select the incident you want to update
together with the value.

Link and close Creates an entry in the Linked Incidents Link to

table of the existing incident to which you
1. Determine if you want to link to the
link, and closes the incoming incident.If
oldest or newest incident within a
an existing incident matching the defined
time range.
criteria is not found, an incident is created
for the incoming event. 2. Select the incident you want to update
together with the value.

Run a script Select a script to run on the incoming Choose a script

From the drop down list, select the script
to run on the incoming incident. Only
When you create a script,
scripts that were tagged preProcessing
you need to add the
appear in the drop-down list.
preProcessing tag for the
script to appear in the list
of available scripts.

Post Processing for Incidents

After you remedy an incident, you may want to perform additional actions on the incident, such as closing a
ticket in a ticketing system or sending out an email. You can create a post-processing script to cover these


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If a post-processing script returns an error, the incident does not close.

You need to Create a Post-Processing Script and then Add a Post-Processing Script to the Incident Type.
Arguments Exposed in the Post-Processing Script
These arguments are exposed in the post-processing script:
• closed (closed time)
• status
• openDuration
• closeNotes
• Custom fields are set at closure either explicitly (through the CLI) or implicitly (through Cortex XSOAR).

Create a Post-Processing Script

This procedure describes how to create a post-processing script after an incident has been remedied.

STEP 1 | Select Automation > New Automation.

STEP 2 | Type a name for the post-processing script and click Save.

STEP 3 | In the Tags field, from the drop down list select Post-processing.

STEP 4 | Add fields as required.

STEP 5 | Click Save.

STEP 6 | Add a Post-Processing Script to the Incident Type.

The following script example requires the user to verify all To Do tasks before closing an incident. Before
you start, you need to configure a Cortex XSOAR REST API instance.

inc_id = demisto.incidents()[0].get('id')
tasks = list(demisto.executeCommand("demisto-api-get", {"uri": "/todo/

if tasks:

for task in tasks:

if not task.get("completedBy"):
return_error("Please complete all ToDo tasks before closing the

Add a Post-Processing Script to the Incident Type

Before you start you need to Create a Post-Processing Script. After you add a post-processing script to the
incident type, all incident types will use the post-processing script.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Advanced > Incident Types.

STEP 2 | Select the incident type you want to add the post processing script.


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STEP 3 | Click Edit.

STEP 4 | In the Post process using field, from the drop down list, select the script.

STEP 5 | Click Save.

Incident Access Control Configuration

You can limit access to incidents by:
• Limiting access to incidents by restricting an investigation.
When you mark an investigation as Restricted, only the incident owner and the team associated with
the incident can view the investigation. Other users cannot view or access the incident. You can always
remove the Restricted configuration.
• Limiting actions in the incident table according to roles.
You can edit the incident table action by going to Settings > USERS AND ROLES > Roles and selecting
the table actions for the role. For more information about defining roles, see Define a Role.
• Limit Access to Investigations using RBAC.

Limit Access to Investigations using RBAC

When you define access to an investigation according to Cortex XSOAR’s roles, only users with that role
can view and access the investigation.

STEP 1 | In the Incident page, select the incident you want to restrict access.

STEP 2 | In the CLI, type /incident_set roles=name of the role.

STEP 3 | To check that the role was assigned to the incident, click the War Room tab.

STEP 4 | (Optional) For automations:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
• Use the setIncident command in a playbook.
• Specify the roles that you want to have access to the incident investigation.

Restrict an Investigation
You can restrict an investigation to the incident owner and the team associated with the investigation.

STEP 1 | Do one of the following:

• Open the incident and select Actions > Restrict incident.
To remove the restriction select Actions > Permit incident.
• In the CLI, type /investigation_restrict id= id_ number

STEP 2 | (Optional) For Automation do the following:

• Use the restrictInvestigation command in a playbook.
• Specify the incident ID of the incident for which you want to restrict access.
• Set the Restrict argument to True to restrict the incident.
• Set the Restrict argument to False to remove restricted from the incident.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
> Playbooks Overview
> Manage Playbook Settings
> Playbook Inputs and Outputs
> Playbook Tasks
> Extend Context
> Generic Polling
> Filters and Transformers
> Common Scripts to use in Automations

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Playbooks Overview
Playbooks are at the heart of the Cortex XSOAR system. They enable you to automate many of your
security processes, including, but not limited to handling your investigations and managing your tickets. You
can structure and automate security responses that were previously handled manually. For example, you
can use playbook tasks to parse the information in the incident, whether it be an email or a PDF attachment.
You can interact with users in your organization using communication tasks, or remediate an incident by
interacting with a 3rd party integration.
Playbooks have different task types for each of the actions you want to take along the way. There are
manual tasks where an analyst might have to confirm information or escalate an incident, and there are
conditional tasks with a loop to check if certain information is present so you can proceed with your
investigation. The playbook tasks can open tickets in a ticketing system, such as Jira, detonate a file using a
As you are building out your playbook, keep in mind the following:
• What actions do you need to take?
• Which conditions might apply along the way? Are these conditions manual or automatic?
• Do you need to include looping?
• Are there any time-sensitive aspects to the playbook?
• When is the incident considered remediated?

Task Types
The answers to the above questions will determine what kind of task you will need to create. Playbooks
support the following task types:
• Standard tasks - these range from manual tasks like creating an incident or escalating an existing
incident, to automated tasks such as parsing a file or enriching indicators. Automated tasks are based
on scripts that exist in the system. These scripts can be something that was created by you, the user, or
come pre-packaged as part of an integration. For example, the !file command enables you to enrich a file
using any number of integrations that you have installed in your system. Alternatively, the !ADGetUser
command is specific to the Active Directory integration.
• Conditional tasks - these tasks are used as decision trees in your flow chart. For example, were
indicators found. If yes, you can have a task to enrich them, and if not you can proceed to determine
that the incident is not malicious. Or, you can use conditional tasks to check if a certain integration is
available and enabled in your system. If it is, you can use that integration to perform an action, and if not,
you can continue to a different branch in the decision tree.
Conditional tasks can also be used to communicate with users through a single question survey, the answer
to which determines how a playbook will proceed.
• Data collection - these tasks are used to interact with users through a survey. The survey resides on an
external site that does not require authentication, thereby allowing survey recipients to respond without
All responses are collected and recorded in the incident's context data, whether you receive responses
from a single user or multiple users. This enables you to use the survey questions and answers as input for
subsequent playbook tasks.

You can collect responses in custom fields, for example, a Grid field.


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• Section headers - these tasks are used to manage the flow of your playbook and help you organize your
tasks efficiently. You create a Section Header task to group a number of related tasks under the Section
Header, as you would items in a warehouse or topics in a book.
For example, in a phishing playbook, you would have different sections for the investigative aspect of the
playbook, such as indicator enrichment, and the tasks for communication with the user who reported the

Inputs and Outputs

Depending on the task type that you select, and the script that you are running, your playbook task has
inputs and outputs.
Inputs are data pieces that are present in the playbook or task. The inputs are often manipulated or
enriched and they produce outputs. Outputs are objects whose entries will serve the tasks throughout the
playbook, and they can be derived from the result of a task or command. To learn more about inputs and
outputs, see Playbook Inputs and Outputs.

Field Mapping
You can map output from a playbook task directly to an incident field. This means that the value for an
output key populates the specified field per incident. This is a good alternative to using a task with a set
incident command.


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Manage Playbook Settings
You can manage general playbook settings such as the name, who can edit and run the playbook, as well as
for which incident types the playbook runs in the playbook settings.

STEP 1 | From the Playbooks page, click the playbook that you want to manage.

STEP 2 | Click Settings.

STEP 3 | Add the following settings as required.

1. In the Roles field, from the dropdown list, select the roles for which the playbook is available.
2. In the Playbook triggers section, select the incident types for which this playbook runs.
This overwrites the settings configured in the respective incident types. The playbook currently
defined for the incident type is listed under Triggered playbook.
3. In the Advanced section, determine whether the playbook runs in quiet mode.
When Quiet Mode is selected, playbook tasks do not display inputs and outputs and do not auto-
extract indicators.
Playbook tasks are not indexed so you cannot search on the results of specific tasks. All of the
information is still available in the context data, and errors and warnings are written to the War
Room. Quiet Mode is recommended for scenarios that involve a lot of information that might
adversely affect performance, for example, processing indicators from threat intel feeds.

STEP 4 | Click Save.


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Playbook Inputs and Outputs
Playbooks and tasks have inputs, which are data pieces that are present in the playbook or task. The inputs
are often manipulated or enriched and they produce outputs. The inputs might come from the incident
itself, such as the role to whom to assign the incident, or an input can be provided by an integration. For
example, when an Active Directory integration is used in a task to extract a user's credentials.

In the image above, we see a playbook that is triggered based on context data, meaning an incident. The
first two inputs are the SrcIP, which comes from the incident.src key, and DstIP, which is retrieved
from incident.dst.
In addition, the playbook itself creates output object whose entries serve the tasks throughout the


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
For example, we create a list of endpoint IP addresses which can later be enriched by an IP enrichment task,
or a list of endpoint MAC addresses, which can be used to possibly get information about the hosts that
were affected by the incident.
Outputs can also be data that was extracted or derived from the inputs. For example, in the following image
we received the user's credentials from Active Directory, and used those credentials to retrieve the user's
email address, manager, and any groups to which they belong.


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An output can then serve as input for a subsequent task. For example, the user's manager who was
returned as an output in the image above, can be used as an input to retrieve information from Active

Notice that the input for this task is Account.Manager, which is the output we highlighted in the playbooks
inputs, above.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Playbook Tasks
Cortex XSOAR supports different task types for the different aspects of the playbook. Each task type
requires different information and provides different capabilities. You should choose your task type based
on what you want to accomplish in the task. For example, for enrichment, you might want to run an
enrichment sub-playbook or a command that returns additional information for an indicator. If you are at a
fork in your decision tree, you should use a conditional task to help you determine which path to continue
• Conditional Task
• Communication Tasks

Create a Conditional Task

Conditional tasks are used for determining different paths for your playbook. You can use conditional tasks
for something simple like proceeding if a certain integration exists, or whether a user account has an email
Alternatively, you can use conditional tasks for more complex situations. For example, if an indicator was
enriched and the reputation was set to bad, escalate the incident for managerial approval. However, if the
indicator reputation is unknown or good, proceed down a different route.

STEP 1 | In a playbook, click + Create Task.

STEP 2 | Select the Conditional option.

STEP 3 | In the Task Name field, type a meaningful name for the task that corresponds to the data you
are collecting.

STEP 4 | Select the required option based on the conditional task.

Option Description

Built-in Creates a logical statement using an entity from within the playbook. For
example, in an access investigation playbook, you can determine that if the
Asset ID of the person whose account was being accessed exists in a VIP list,
set the incident severity to High. Otherwise, proceed as normal.


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Option Description

Manual Creates a conditional task which must be manually resolved. For example, in
an access incident investigation, you might ask the user if they attempted to
access their account. A manual task checks if the user responded.

Choose automation Creates a conditional task based on the result of a script. For example, check if
an IP address is internal or external using the IsIPInRanges automation. When
using an automation, the Inputs and Outputs are defined by the automation

STEP 5 | Complete the task configuration in the remaining tabs. Some configurations are required, and
some are optional.


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STEP 6 | Click Save.

Communication Tasks
Communication tasks enable you to send surveys to users, both internal and external, to collect data for an
incident. The collected data can be used for incident analysis, and also as input for subsequent playbook
tasks. For example, you might want to send a scheduled survey requesting analysts to send specific incident
updates, or send a single (stand-alone) question survey to determine how an issue was handled.
To allow users outside the Cortex XSOAR server network to access the communication task link, you need
to configure access to the communication task through an engine.

Ask task
The conditional Ask task is a single question survey, the answer to which determines how a playbook
will proceed. If you send the survey to multiple users, the first answer received is used, and subsequent
responses are disregarded.
Users interact with the survey directly from the message, meaning the question appears in the message and
they click an answer from the message.
The survey question and the first response is recorded in the incident's context data. This enables you to
use this response as the input for subsequent playbook tasks.
Since this is a conditional task, it's important to remember to create a condition for each of the answers.
For example, if the survey answers include, Yes, No, and Maybe, there should be a corresponding condition
(path) in the playbook for each of these answers.

Data Collection task

The Data Collection task is a multi-question survey (form) that survey recipients access from a link in the
message. The survey resides on an external site that does not require authentication, thereby allowing
survey recipients to respond without restriction.
All responses are collected and recorded in the incident's context data, whether you receive responses
from a single user or multiple users. This enables you to use the survey questions and answers as input for
subsequent playbook tasks.

You can collect responses in custom fields, for example, a Grid field.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create an Ask Task
The conditional Ask task is a single question survey, the answer to which determines how a playbook
will proceed. If you send the survey to multiple users, the first answer received is used, and subsequent
responses are disregarded.
Users interact with the survey directly from the message, meaning the question appears in the message and
they click an answer from the message.
The survey question and the first response is recorded in the incident's context data. This enables you to
use this response as the input for subsequent playbook tasks.
Since this is a conditional task, it's important to remember to create a condition for each of the answers.
For example, if the survey answers include, Yes, No, and Maybe, there should be a corresponding condition
(path) in the playbook for each of these answers.
In the task configuration there are several tabs that you can enter values for. Some configurations are
required, and some are optional. For detailed information for each configuration tab.

STEP 1 | In a playbook, click + Create Task.

STEP 2 | Select the Conditional option.

STEP 3 | Enter a meaningful name for the task, which corresponds to the data that you are collecting.

STEP 4 | Select the Ask option.

STEP 5 | OptionalTo customize the look and feel of your email message, click Preview.
You can determine the color scheme and how text in the message header and body appear.


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Ask Task Examples
These examples show you how to implement some common uses of the Ask task.
Send emails to users
In this example, the message and survey are sent by email to all users with the Analyst role, and several
external users. We didn't include a message body because the message subject is the survey question we
want recipients to answer. There are three reply options, Yes, No, and Not sure. In the playbook, we will
only add conditions for the Yes and No replies.


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Send a survey
In this example, the message and survey will be sent to recipients every hour for six hours, until a reply
is received. The SLA is six hours. If the SLA is breached, the playbook will proceed according to the Yes

Customize an Ask Task

You can customize the message HTML and CSS for a data collection task.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Add the key messages.html.formats.externalAskSubmit, and add the following HTML
with your customizations as the value.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-

com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
<head> <title> {{.title}} </title>
<!--[if !mso]><!-- --> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"
content="IE=edge"> <!--<![endif]--> <meta http-
equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta
name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<style type="text/css"> #outlook a { padding: 0;
text-decoration: none !important; color: #4da9ff;
} a{ text-decoration: none !
important; color: #4da9ff; }
.ReadMsgBody { width: 100%; }
.ExternalClass { width: 100%; }
.ExternalClass * { line-height: 100%;
} body { margin: 0;
padding: 0; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-
text-size-adjust: 100%; } table,


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
td { border-collapse: collapse; mso-table-
lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt; }
img { border: 0; height: auto; line-
height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;
-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; }
p { display: block; margin: 13px 0;
} </style> <!--[if !mso]><!--> <style
type="text/css"> @media only screen and (max-width:480px)
{ @-ms-viewport { width: 320px; }
@viewport { width: 320px; } }
</style> <!--<![endif]--> <!--[if mso]>
<xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings>
<o:AllowPNG/> <o:PixelsPerInch>96</o:PixelsPerInch>
</o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml> <!
[endif]--> <!--[if lte mso 11]> <style type="text/
css"> .outlook-group-fix { width:100% !important; }
</style> <![endif]--> <style
type="text/css"> @media only screen and (min-width:480px)
{ .mj-column-per-100 { width: 100% !important;
} } </style>
<style type="text/css"> </style> <style type="text/
css"> div { margin: 0 auto;
} td { padding: 0; }
p { padding: 0; margin: 0;
} </style> </head> <body>
<div style="background-color: #f9f9fb;width: 100%; height: 100%; font-
family: Helvetica, 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Geneva, Century Gothic, Arial,
sans-serif;"> <table style="background-color: #00eb9a; width: 100%;
height: 80px; vertical-align: middle;"> <tbody> <tr>
<td style="width: 70%;"> <h2 style="margin: 0 10px;">Message
From {{.title}}</h2> </td> <td style="width: 30%; text-
align: center;"><img style="margin: 0 10px; width: auto; max-height:100%;"
src="{{.logo}}" alt="Logo" /></td> </tr> </tbody>
</table> <h3 style="text-align: center;">{{.subject}}</h3>
<div style="margin: 20px; background-color: white; padding: 20px;">
<p style="word-break: break-all;">{{.body}}</p> <br />
{{.links}} </div> </div> </body> </html>

Create a Data Collection Task

The Data Collection task is a multi-question survey (form) that survey recipients access from a link in the
message. The survey resides on an external site that does not require authentication, thereby allowing
survey recipients to respond without restriction.
All responses are collected and recorded in the incident's context data, whether you receive responses
from a single user or multiple users. This enables you to use the survey questions and answers as input for
subsequent playbook tasks.
You can include two types of questions in the survey; stand-alone questions and questions based on a
Cortex XSOAR field.
• Stand alone questions are presented to users directly in the message, and from which users answer
directly in the message (not an external survey).
• Field-based questions are based on a specific Cortex XSOAR field (either system or custom), for
example, a Grid field. Questions The response (data) received for these fields automatically populates
the field for this incident in Cortex XSOAR.
You can collect responses in custom fields, for example, a Grid field.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
If responses are received from multiple users, data for multi-select fields and grid fields
are aggregated. For all other field types, the most recent received response will override
previous responses as it displays in the field. All responses are always viewable in the
context data.

STEP 1 | In a playbook, click + Create Task.

STEP 2 | Select the Data Collection option.

STEP 3 | Enter a meaningful name for the task that corresponds to the data you are collecting.

STEP 4 | Determine how the message will appear to users and how the message or survey will be sent.
The survey does not appear in the message. A link to the survey is automatically placed at the bottom of
the message.

STEP 5 | Enter the questions that the survey will contain.

You create questions in the survey, you can drag-and-drop questions to rearrange the order in which
they display in the survey.

STEP 6 | OptionalTo customize the look and feel of your email message, click Preview.
You can determine the color scheme and how text in the message header and body appear, as well as
the appearance and text of the button the user clicks to submit the survey.

Data Collection Task Examples

These examples show you how to implement some common uses of the Data Collection task.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Stand-alone with multi-select answer
In this example, we created a stand-alone question, with a multi-select answer. Note that this question is
not mandatory, and we did not select the First option is default checkbox. Had we selected this checkbox,
the Reply Option "0" would be the default value in the answer field.

Field-based using a custom field

In this example, we created a question based on a custom Grid field that we marked as mandatory. For the
question field, we included a descriptive sentence explaining how to fill in the grid.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Customize a Data Collection Task
You can customize the message HTML and CSS for a data collection task.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Add the key messages.html.formats.externalFormSubmit, and add the following HTML
with your customizations as the value.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-

com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"> <head>
<title> {{.title}} </title> <!--[if !mso]><!--
--> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<!--<![endif]--> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
initial-scale=1"> <style type="text/css"> #outlook a {
padding: 0; text-decoration: none !important;
color: #4da9ff; } a{ text-decoration:
none !important; color: #4da9ff; }
.ReadMsgBody { width: 100%; }
.ExternalClass { width: 100%; }
.ExternalClass * { line-height: 100%; }
body { margin: 0; padding: 0;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust:
100%; } table, td {
border-collapse: collapse; mso-table-lspace: 0pt;
mso-table-rspace: 0pt; } img {
border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%;
outline: none; text-decoration: none; -ms-
interpolation-mode: bicubic; } p {
display: block; margin: 13px 0; } </style>


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
<!--[if !mso]><!--> <style type="text/css"> @media
only screen and (max-width:480px) { @-ms-viewport {
width: 320px; } @viewport { width: 320px;
} } </style> <!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if mso]> <xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings>
<o:AllowPNG/> <o:PixelsPerInch>96</o:PixelsPerInch>
</o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml> <![endif]--
> <!--[if lte mso 11]> <style type="text/css">
.outlook-group-fix { width:100% !important; } </style>
<![endif]--> <style type="text/css">
@media only screen and (min-width:480px) { .mj-
column-per-100 { width: 100% !important; }
} </style> <style type="text/css">
</style> <style type="text/css"> div {
margin: 0 auto; } td {
padding: 0; } p { padding:
0; margin: 0; } </style> </head>
<body><div style="background-color: #f9f9fb;width: 100%; height: 100%;
font-family: Helvetica, 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Geneva, Century Gothic,
Arial, sans-serif;"><table style="background-color: #00eb9a; width: 100%;
height: 80px; vertical-align: middle;"><tbody><tr><td style="width:
70%;"><h2 style="margin: 0 10px;">Message From {{.title}}</h2></td><td
style="width: 30%; text-align: center;"><img style="margin: 0 10px; width:
auto; max-height:100%;" src="{{.logo}}" alt="Logo" /></td></tr></tbody></
table><h3 style="text-align: center;">{{.subject}}</h3><div style="margin:
20px; background-color: white; padding: 20px;"><p style="word-break:
break-all;">{{.body}}</p><br /><p style="word-break: break-all;"><a

Customize the SOC Name

The default name that appears in the survey header is Your SOC team. Follow these steps to customize the
name of the SOC.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Add the key soc.name, and add the display name of your SOC as the value.
This name is used in the default message and email of the communication tasks, and the web survey for
all communication tasks.

Playbook Task Fields

This page lists all of the fields that are available when defining a playbook task. The fields that appear
depend on the task type you select.

Manual task settings Fields

Name Description

Default assignee Assign an owner to this task.

Only the assignee can complete the task Stop the playbook from proceeding until the task
assignee completes the task. By default, in addition
to the task assignee, the default administrator can
also complete the blocked task. You can also block


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Name Description
tasks until a user with an external email address
completes the task.

Set task reminder Define a reminder for the task, in weeks, days, or

Field Mapping
Map output from a playbook task directly to an incident field.

The output value is dynamic and is derived from the context at the time that the task is
processed. As a result, parallel tasks that are based on the same output, might return
inconsistent results.

1. In the Field mapping tab, click Add custom output mapping.

2. Under Outputs, select the output parameter whose output you want to map. Click the curly brackets to
see a list of the output parameters available from the automation.
3. Under Field to fill, select the field that you want to populate with the output.
4. Click Ok.

Advanced Fields

Name Description

Using Determine which integration instance processes

the script you select for this task.

Extend context Determine which information from the raw JSON

you want to add to the Context Data. This must be
entered as contextKey=RawJsonOutputPath.

Ignore outputs When selected, this takes the results from the
Extend context field and overwrites existing

Execution timeout Define how long a command waits, in seconds,

before it times out.

Only the assignee can complete the task Stop the playbook from proceeding until the task
assignee completes the task. By default, in addition
to the task assignee, the default administrator can
also complete the blocked task. You can also block
tasks until a user with an external email address
completes the task.

Number of retries Determine how many times the script attempts to

run before generating an error.

Retry interval Determine the wait time (in seconds) between

each execution of the script.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Name Description

Auto extract indicators Determines whether or not indicators from this

task should be automatically extracted, and if so,
using which method. Valid values are:Use system
default - use the option defined in the system
configuration. For more information, see Auto
Extract.None - Indicators are not automatically
extracted. Use this option when you do not
want to automatically extract and enrich the
indicators.Inline - Indicators are extracted and
enriched within the task. Use this option when you
need to have the most robust information available
per indicator.

This configuration slows down your

system performance.

Out of band - Indicators are enriched in parallel

(or asynchronously) to other actions. The enriched
data is available within the incident, however, it is
not available for immediate use in task inputs or
outputs since the information is not available in
real time.

Mark results as note Select to make the task results available as a note.
Notes are viewable in the War Room.

Mark results as evidence Select to make the task results available as

evidence. Evidence is viewable in the War Room.

Run without a worker Select to execute this task without requiring a

worker. When cleared, this task will only execute
when there is a worker available.

Skip this branch if this automation/playbook is Select to enable the playbook to continue
unavailable executing if an instance of the automation,
playbook, or sub-playbook is not available.

Quiet Mode Determine if this task operates in Quiet Mode.

When in Quiet Mode, tasks do not display inputs
and outputs, nor do they auto-extract indicators.
Errors and Warnings are still documented. You can
determine to turn Quiet Mode on or off for a given
task or control Quiet Mode by what is defined at
the playbook level.


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Details Fields

Name Description

Tag the result with Add a tag to the task result. You can use the tag to
filter entries in the War Room.

Task description Provide a description of what this task achieves.

Timers Fields

Name Descriptions

Timer action Determine which action to take when the timer is

triggered. Valid values are: Start, Stop, and Pause.

Select timer field Select the field on which the timer is applied.

Message Body Fields

Field Description

Ask by The method for sending the message and

survey.EmailSlackMattermostIf you do not specify
this parameter, the Allow from workplan method
will be enforced, meaning users can complete the
survey from the workplan.

To The message and survey recipients. There are

several ways to define the recipients.
User role: Click inside the field to select a user
role. All users assigned to the role will receive the
message and survey.
Email address: Manually type email addresses for
Cortex XSOAR users and/or external users.
Context: Click the context icon to define recipients
from context data.

Subject The message subject that displays to message

recipients. You can make the survey question the
subject, but if you don't write the question here,
you should write the question in the message body

Message body The text that displays in the body of the message.
Although this field is optional, if you don't write
the survey question in the Subject field, you should
include it in the message body. This is a long-text


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Field Description

Reply Options The answers that display in the message, which

users can select directly from the message.

Set task reminder The schedule, in weeks, days, or hours, to resend

the message and survey to recipients before.

Timing Fields
The configuration options in the Timing tab define the frequency that the message and survey are resent to
recipients before the first response is received, and the task SLA.

Field Description

Retry interval Determine the wait time between each execution

of a command. For example, the frequency (in
minutes) that a message and survey are resent to
recipients before the response is received.

Number of retries Determine how many times a command attempts

to run before generating an error. For example, the
maximum number of times a message is sent. If a
reply is received, no additional retry messages will
be sent.

Task SLA Define the deadline for the task, in weeks, days, or

SLA Breach Select this checkbox to complete the task if the

SLA is breached before a reply is received. You can
select which condition is applied to continue the

Questions Fields
Stand-alone questions

Field Description

Question A question to ask recipients.

Answer Type The field type for the answer field. Valid values
are:Short textLong textNumberSingle select -
requires you to define a reply option.Multi select
- requires you to define a reply option.Date

Mandatory If this checkbox is selected for a question, survey

recipients will not be able to submit the survey
until they answer this question.


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Field Description

Help Message The message that displays when users hover over
the question mark help button for the survey

Placeholder The empty value text that displays in the

question's answer field.

Field-based questions

Field Description

Question The question that displays before the field for

users to complete. This field doesn't necessarily
need to be a question, it can also be a descriptive
sentence explaining how users should complete
the field.

Field associated with this question The field associated with the question will
automatically take all the parameters from the field
definition, unless otherwise defined.

Mandatory If this checkbox is selected for a question, survey

recipients will not be able to submit the survey
until they answer this question.

Help Message The message that displays when users hover over
the question mark help button for the survey


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Extend Context
There are situations where the data returned by an integration or command is not exactly what you
need. For example, when you run the command !ad-get-user name="sampleName", you receive
information about the user's dn, email, and more. However, you might only want the name of the user's
manager. And you might want to store that information in a specific field.
Cortex XSOAR enables you to do that using the Extend Context feature. Extend Context can be used as in
the situation above, or when you want to run a command multiple times and save the output to a different
key each time. Using our !ad-get-user command from above, run the command once to retrieve the
user, and once to retrieve the user's manager. Also, there are situations where an integration is configured
to display only some of the information that you retrieved. The information is shown in context-data, but
there is more available. For example, when you run a command to retrieve offenses from a SIEM, only
some of the information is displayed, per the configuration of the instance. You can use Extend Context to
retrieve the additional information and place it in a new field.
By default, when you run a command, either from the command line or as part of a script or playbook, a
subset of JSON fields are returned. To display the full JSON response, run the command using the raw-
response=true flag.

Extend Context in a Playbook Task

You can extend context either in a playbook task, or directly from the command line. Whichever method
you use, Cortex XSOAR recommends that you first run your command with the raw-response=true flag.
This will help you identify the information that you want to add to your extended data.

STEP 1 | Navigate to Advanced tab of the relevant playbook task.

STEP 2 | In the Extend Contextfield, enter the name of the field in which you want the information to
appear and the value you want to return. For example, using the ad-get-user command, you
could enter user=attributes.displayname to place the user's name in the user key.
To include more than one field, separate the fields with a double colon. For example:

STEP 3 | To output only the values for Extend context and ignore the standard output for the command,
select the Ignore Outputs checkbox.
While this will improve performance, only the values that you request in the Extend Context field will be
returned. In addition, you cannot use Field Mapping as there is no output to which to map the fields.

Extend Context using the Command Line

You can extend context either in a playbook task, or directly from the command line. Whichever method
you use, Cortex XSOAR recommends that you first run your command with the raw-response=true flag.
This will help you identify the information that you want to add to your extended data.

STEP 1 | Run your command with the extend-context flag !<commandName> <argumentName> <value>
For example, to add the user and manager fields to context use the ad-get-user command, as follows:
!ad-get-user username=${user.manager.username} extend-


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STEP 2 | To output only the values that you set as Extend context, run the command with the
ignore-ouput flag=true. !ad-get-user username=${user.manager.username} extend-
context=manager=attributes.manager::user=attributes.displayName ignore-

By default, offenses pulled from QRadar to Cortex XSOAR return 11 fields, including event count, offense
type, description, and more. In the following example, we use extended context to show which additional
information is available and how to map it to a field:
• Run the command !qradar-offenses raw-response="true". You see that there are an
additional 20 fields or so that are retrieved.
• Identify the fields that you want to add and run your command. For example, to retrieve the
number of devices affected by a given offense, as well as the domain in which those devices
reside, run the following command: !qradar-offenses extend-context=device-


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Generic Polling
When working with certain 3rd party products (detonation, scan, search, etc.) you may have to wait for a
process to finish on the remote host before continuing. In those cases, the playbook should stop and wait
for the process to complete on the 3rd party product, and continue when it is done. You may not achieve
this via integrations or automations due to hardware limitations. One method for solving this is using the
GenericPolling playbook.
The GenericPolling playbook periodically polls the status of a process being executed on a remote host,
and when the host returns that the process execution is done, the playbook finishes execution.
How to use
Follow these instructions to use the GenericPolling playbook.

• Start command: The command that fetches the initial state of the process and save it to the context.
This command usually starts the process that should be polled. For example:
Detonation: Submits a sample for analysis (detonated as part of the analysis). For example, joe-
Scan: Starts a scan for specified asset IP addresses and host names. For example, nexpose-start-
Search: Searches in QRadar using AQL. For example, qradar-searches.
• Polling command: The command that polls the status of the process and saves it to the context. The
command input must be checked as Is array, as this allows the playbook to poll at once more than a
single process being executed. For example:
Detonation: Returns the status of the analysis execution. For example, joe-analysis-info.
Scan: Returns the specified scan. For example, nexpose-get-scan.
Search: Gets a specific search id and status. For example, qradar-get-search

Input Description

Ids A list of process IDs to poll (usually a previous task output).

PollingCommandName Name of the polling command to run.

PollingCommandArgName Argument name of the polling command. The argument should be the
name of the process identifier (usually an ID).

dt Cortex XSOAR Transform Language filter to be checked against the

polling command result. Polling will stop when no results are returned
from the DT filter.

Interval Interval between each poll (default is 1 minute).

Timeout The amount of time that'll pass until the playbook will stop waiting for
the process to finish. After this time has passed the playbook will finish


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Input Description
running, even if it didn't get a satisfactory result (the action is done

If the polling command has more than a single argument you can add
their names via this input, for example: arg1,arg2,....

If the polling command has more than a single argument you can add
their values via this input for example: value1,value2,....

Generic Polling Example

Detonate File - JoeSecurity

• Start command: The joe-analysis-submit-sample command starts a new analysis of a file in Joe
• Polling command: The joe-analysis-info command returns the status of the analysis execution.
• Argument name: The webid argument name of the polling command.
• Context path to store poll results: Joe.Analysis
ID context path: webid stores the ID of the process to be polled.
Status context path: Status stores the status of the process.
• Possible values returned from polling command: starting, running, finished.
• DT We want a list of IDs of the processes that are still running. Let's explain how it's built:
Path.To.Object(val.Status !== ‘finished’).ID Get the object that has a status other than


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‘running’, then get its ID field. The polling is done only once the result is finished. The dt filter returns
an empty result in that case, which triggers the playbook to stop running.

Limitations of Generic Polling

• Global context is not supported.
• Does not run from the Playground.
• The polling command must support a list argument.


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Filters and Transformers
In Cortex XSOAR, data is extracted and collected from various sources, such as playbook tasks, command
results, and fetched incidents, which is presented in JSON format. The data can be manipulated by using
filters and transformers. You can add filters and transformers in a Playbook task or when mapping an
Filters enable you to extract relevant data, which you can use elsewhere in Cortex XSOAR. For example, if
an incident has several files with varying file types and extensions, you can filter the files by file extension
or file type, and use the filtered files in a detonation playbook. To create a filter, see create a filter.

In Cortex XSOAR version 5.5 and below, if you want to filter more than one object such as
nested objects you need to either create a top level key using the Set command or use a
transformer as a filter.

Transformers enable you to take one value and transform or render it to another value. For example,
converting a date in non-Unix format to Unix format. Another example is applying the count transformer,
which renders the number of elements.
To create a transformer, see create a transformer. When you have more than one transformer, they apply in
the order that they appear. You can reorder them using click-and-drag.

Create Filters and Transformers in a Playbook

You can create filters and transformers when adding or editing a task in a playbook or when mapping an

In Cortex XSOAR version 5.5 and below you cannot filter nested objects unless you use the
Set command, or use a filter as a transformer.

STEP 1 | Create or edit a playbook task.

STEP 2 | In the field you want to add a filter or transformer, click and then select Filters and

STEP 3 | In the Get field, type or select data your want to filter or transform.

STEP 4 | (Optional) To filter the data, click Add filter.

1. Select the data you want to filter.
2. Select the Filter Operators.
3. Add the value.
For example, to filter for PDF file extensions:
Get File.Name
Filter, File.Type equals PDF.
4. Click the tick box to save the filter.

STEP 5 | (Optional) To apply transformers to the field, click Add transformer.


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1. Click the transformer and select the relevant transformer.
For example, you may want to change the date format for when incidents occurred.
2. Select the Transformers Operators.
3. Click the tick box to save.

STEP 6 | (Optional) To test the filter or transformation click Test and select the investigation or add it

Filter Objects Using a Transformer

When filtering data, Cortex XSOAR only filters the first object in the data. If you want to filter nested data
you can either Filter Objects Using the Set Command or use a transformer as a filter.
For example, to filter an email from EWS.Email, if you add a filter for an email, Cortex XSOAR
filters EWS and not the Email. To filter the email, you need to add a transformer as a filter using the
WhereFieldEquals operator.

STEP 1 | In the Get field, type the data you want to use. For example, EWS.Email.


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STEP 2 | In the Apply operations on the field, add a transformer. In the this example, we want to filter
all emails from asaf@demisto.com.

STEP 3 | Click Test to view the filter.


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Filter Objects Using the Set Command
You can only filter top-level objects, not nested objects. To filter nested objects, you need to either Filter
Objects Using a Transformer or add a top-level key by using the Set command, which adds the nested
context data to the top level. You can then create the filter.
For example, we have a number of URLs, and want to see only amazon.com. We need to add URLData to
the top level key and then filter the context data for amazon.com.

STEP 1 | Add the nested context data to a top level key by typing the following command in the
!set key=<data to add> value=<value of the data to add>
For example, to filter URL data, type !set key=URLData value=$(URL.Data). You can see that
URLData has been added to the top level:


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STEP 2 | Create the filter in the Filters and transformers window.

STEP 3 | (Optional) Click Test to test the filter.


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Filter Operators
Filters enable you to extract relevant data for use elsewhere in Cortex XSOAR. For example, if an incident
has several files with varying file types and extensions, you can filter the files by file extension or file type,
and use the filtered files in a detonation playbook.
Note the following:
• Filters try to cast the transformed value and arguments to the appropriate type. The task fails if casting
fails. For example, “a” Equals {“some”: “object”} => Error
• If the filter's left-side value expects a single item, but receives a list, the filter passes if at least one item
meets the requirements. For example, [“a”, “b”, “c”] Equals “b” => true.
• If the filter's left-side value expects a list, but receives a single item, it converts it to a list with a single
item. For example, “a” Contains “a” => True.
• Some filters are implemented as automations, meaning custom transformers, automation with the filter
tag. You can find examples in the automation description. For more information about creating custom
filters, Create Custom Filters and Transformers Operators.
• You can only filter at the root level. Filters cannot filter items nested in an object, such as a list, unless
you Filter Objects Using a Transformer or Filter Objects Using the Set Command.
• Filters in conditional tasks do not iterate the items of the root. Instead, they fetch the left-side value and
the right-side value, and compares between them.
Filter Categories
• Boolean: Determines whether a Cortex XSOAR field is true or false, or the string representation is true
or false.


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• Date: Determines whether the left-side time value is earlier than, later than, or the same time as the
right-side time value.
Supported time and date formats:

Format Example

ANSIC Tues Jan _2 15:04:05 2019

UnixDate Tues Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2019

RubyDate Tues Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2019

RFC822 02 Jan 19 15:04 MST

RFC822Z 02 Jan 19 15:04 -0700 // RFC822 with numeric zone

RFC850 Tuesday, 02-Jan-19 15:04:05 MST

RFC1123 Tues, 02 Jan 2019 15:04:05 MST

RFC1123Z Tues, 02 Jan 2019 15:04:05 -0700 // RFC1123 with numeric zone

RFC3339 2019-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00

RFC3339Nano 2019-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00

Kitchen 3.04PM

Stamp Jan _2 15:04:05

StampMilli Jan _2 15:04:05.000

StampMicro Jan _2 15:04:05.000000

StampNano Jan _2 15:04:05.000000000

The following table shows the After date filter:

Left-Side Value Right-Side Value Result

Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST Mon, 02 Jan 2003 15:04:05 MST True

Mon, 02 Jan 2003 15:04:05 MST Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST False

Mon, 02 Jan 2003 15:04:05 MST 1136239445 False

• General: Includes general filters, such as contains, doesn’t contain, In, empty, etc.
The following table shows an example of the Contains general filter:


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Left-Side Value Right-Side Value Result

a, b, c a True

a, b, c d False
• String: Determines the relationship between the left-side string value and the right-side string value,
such as starts with, includes, in list, and so on. The string filter returns partial matches as True.
The following table shows an example of the Matches (regex) string filter.

Left-Side Value Right-Side Value Result

Dbot makes your life easy .*easy True

• Number: Determines the relationship between the left-side number value and the right-side number
value, such as equals, greater than, less than, etc.
The following table shows an example of the Doesn’t equal number filter:

Left-Side Value Right-Side Value Result

8 2 True

8 8 False
• Unknown: Miscellaneous filter category

Transformers Operators
Transformers enable you to take one value and transform or render it to another value. When you have
more than one transformer, you can reorder them using click-and-drag.
Note the following:
• Transformers try to cast the transformed value (and arguments) to the necessary type. Tasks will fail if
casting has failed, for example ({ “some”: “object” } To upper case => Error)
• Some transformers are applied on each item of the result. For example, a, b, c To upper case => A,
B, C.
• Some transformers operate on the entire list. For example, a, b, c count => 3.
• Some transformers are implemented as automations (meaning custom transformers automation with the
transformer tag. You can find examples in the automation description. For more information about
creating custom transformers, see Create Custom Filters and Transformers Operators.
Transformer Categories
Date: Transforms the date. For example:

Name Description Example

Date to Converts any date to a specified string format Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05
string to the given format. String to format. By default MST => 02 Jan 06 15:04 MST.
RFC822 (02 Jan 06 15:04 MST).


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Name Description Example

Date to Converts any date to Unix format. See the Filter Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05
Unix Operators for a list of supported time and date MST => 1136214245

General: Includes general transformers, such as sort, splice, stringify, etc. The following table describes the
General examples:

Name Description Example

Unique Returns a de-duped version of a list. a, b, a, c, d, a, b => a, b,

c, d

Slice Returns part of a specified list in a range of from a, b, c, d from: 1, to: 3 => b, c
index (included) through to index (not included)
from: Zero based index at which to begin
extraction (default: 0)
to: Zero based index before which to end
extraction (default: list length)

Slice by Returns part of a list specified in a range of from a, b, c, d from: b, to: c => b,
item item (included) through to item (not included). c
from: Item from which to begin the extraction. If
not specified, extracts from the beginning of the list.
to: Item before which to end the extraction. If not
specified, extracts from the end of the list.

Sort Sorts an entire list. Supports strings and numbers. b, c, a => a, b, c

descending: 2.1, 1.2, 3.4 descending: true
true to sort in descending order, default is false. => 3.4, 2.1, 1.2

Get Get item at the given index. b, c, a index: 0 =>b

Index: Index of the item to get. b, c, a index -1 => nil

Splice Adds or removes items to/from an array. a, b, c, d,index: 1 deleteCount:

2=> a, d
index: (required) Zero-based index at which to begin
add/remove items. a, b, c, d, index: 2 item: w
deleteCount: Number of elements to remove from => a, w, c, d
‘index’, default is 0.
item: Item to add to the array after ‘index’ position.

Index Returns the first index of the element in the array, a, b, a, c, d, a, b, item: b =>
of or -1 if not found. 1
item: Item to locate in the array. a, b, a, c, d, a, b, item: a
fromLast: true => 5
fromLast: true to get the index from last. (default
is false).


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Name Description Example
a, b, a, c, d, a, b, item: w =>

Get Extracts a given field from the given object. {“name”: “john”, “color”:
field “white”} field: “color”
field: (required) The field to extract from the result

Stringify Converts the given item to a string. { “name”:“john”,

“color”: “white” }

Count Returns the number of elements. b, c, a => 3

null => 0
a => 1

Join Concatenates all elements. b, c, a separator: , => b,c,a

separator: Specifies a string to separate each pair of b, c, a => bca
adjacent elements of the array, default is an empty

String: Transforms strings. To make regex case non-sensitive, use the (?i) prefix (for example (?
i)yourRegexText. The following table describes string examples.

Name Description Example

replace Returns a string with some or all matches of a pluto,is,not,a,planet

match regex pattern, and replaces with a specified string. regex: “,” replaceWith: “;”
regex: A regex pattern to be replaced by the
replaceWith argument. “pluto is not a planet” regex
.*to replaceWith vega => vega is
replaceWith: The string that replaces the string
not a planet
specified in the toReplace argument, default is an
empty string.Detailed RegEx syntax can be found
on https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax

Substring Returns a subset of a string between one index pluto is not a planet from: 4
and another, or through the end of the string. to: 10 => o is n”
from (required): An integer between 0 and the
length of the string, specifying the offset into
the string of the first character to include in the
returned substring.
to (optional): An integer between 0 and the length
of the string, which specifies the offset into the
string of the first character not to include in the
returned substring.

Split Splits a string into an array of strings, using a hello world,bye bye world =>
specified delimiter string to determine where to hello world, bye bye world
make each split.
hello world delimiter


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Name Description Example
delimiter: Specifies the string which denotes the => hello, world
points at which each split should occur, default
delimiter is,.

Split & Splits a string into an array of strings and removes hello & world delimiter: & =>
trim whitespace from both ends of the string, using a hello, world
specified delimiter string to determine where to
make each split.Argumentsdelimiter: Specifies the
string which denotes the points at which each split
should occur (default delimiter is”,”).

From Returns a subset of a string from the first from pluto is not a planet from:
string string occurrence. pluto is => not a planet
from (required): String to substring from.

To Returns a subset of a string until the first to string pluto is not a planet to: a
string occurrence. planet => pluto is not
to (required): String to substring until.

concat Returns a string concatenated with given prefix night prefix good => good night
and suffix.
night suffix shift=> night shift
prefix: A prefix to concat to the start of the
suffix: A suffix to concat to the end of the

Number: Transforms a number. Examples:

Name Description Example

Floor Returns the highest integer less than or equal to 1.2=> 1

the number.

Ceil Returns the lowest integer greater than or equal to 1.2 =>2
the number.

Round Returns the nearest integer, rounding half way 7.68 => 8
from zero.
2.43 => 2
2.5 => 3

Absolute Returns the absolute value of the given number. -2 => 2

Decimal Truncates the number of digits after the decimal 8.6666 by 2 => 8.66
precision point, according to the by argument.
by: Number of digits to keep after the decimal
point, default is 0.


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Name Description Example

Modulus The modular operator (%) returns the division 20 by: 3 => 2
by (required): Modulo by, default:0

To Converts a number to a percent. 0.22 => 20

withsign: Specify true to include %. Default is false 0.22 withsign: true =>20%

Quadratic Returns the result of the Quadratic Formula.b 1 b: 3 c: 2=> -1.00, -2.00
equation (required): The b number of: ax2 + bx + c = 0,
3 b: 2 c: 4=> (-0.333 +1.106i),
default is 0.c (required): The c number of: ax2 + bx
(-0.333 -1.106i)
+ c = 0, default is 0.

Create Custom Filters and Transformers Operators

If you require a filter or transformer operator that is not provided out of the box, you can create your own
by creating a script and then adding to the operators window.

STEP 1 | Select Automation > New Automation.

STEP 2 | Type a meaningful name for the Automation script, and click Save.

STEP 3 | To create a filter operator script, do the following:

1. In the Tags field, add the filter tag.
If you want a custom transformer that operates on an entire array rather than on each individual
item, you need to add the entirelist tag.
2. In the Arguments section, add the following arguments:

Argument Description

left Mark as mandatory. This argument defines the left-side value of the
transformer operation. In this example, this is the value being checked if
it falls within the range specified in the right-side value.

right Mark as mandatory. This argument defines the right-side value of the
transformer operation. In this example, this is the range to check if the
left-side value is in.


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3. Add the script syntax and save.

STEP 4 | To create a transformer operator script do the following:

1. In the Tags field, add the transformer tag.
2. In the Arguments section, add the following arguments:

Argument Description

value Mark as mandatory. The value to transform. In this example, this is the UNIX
epoch timestamp to convert to ISO format.


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3. Add the script syntax and save.

STEP 5 | Go to the filters and transformers window and select the operator.


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Common Scripts to use in Automations
Common Scripts are scripts that contain common code (functions, variables, etc.) to be used across scripts
which can be embedded when writing your own Automation scripts and Integrations. The common scripts
appear in the Automation page, but are used to enhance the API in other scripts and integrations.
For example, the function tableToMarkdown in CommonServer.yml takes a JSON and transforms it to
markdown. You can call this function from integrations and scripts that you author.
CommonServer is a system script and cannot be changed. You can add your own functions to the
CommonUserServer script which is a built-in script that can be modified.
You can also use CommonUserServer to override our existing scripts in CommonServer.
Common Scripts for Python
To find common scripts for Python open the Automation screen and search for CommonServerPython.
If you have your own common scripts in Python that you would like to save and reuse you can save them in
Common Scripts for Java Scripts
To find common scripts for Java Script open the Automation screen and search for CommonServer.
If you have your own common scripts in Java Script that you would like to save and reuse you can save
them in CommonServerUser.
Python Common Scripts

Script Description Parameter

positiveUrl Gets the Entry parameter from the WarRoom and Entry parameter
checks each Reputation Tool to determine if the URL
in this Entry parameter is malicious or non-malicious.
You can change the threshold by changing the
Thresholds dictionary.
The function returns true if the URL is safe, otherwise
returns false.

positiveFile Gets the Entry parameter from the WarRoom and Entry parameter
checks each Reputation Tool to determine if the file in
this Entry parameter is malicious or non-malicious.
You can change the threshold by changing the
Thresholds dictionary.
The function returns true if the file is safe, otherwise
returns false.

vtCountPositives Gets the entry parameter and checks how many good Entry parameter
URLs are hosted on the IP in this entry.

shortCrowdStrike Formats the response from CrowdStrike to a pretty Entry parameter



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Script Description Parameter

shortUrl Gets the Entry parameter from the War Room and Entry parameter
checks it in the Reputation tools (adding information
to context and formatting the response to the War
Room) when checking the URL.

shortFile Gets the Entry parameter from the War Room and Entry parameter
checks it in the Reputation tools (adding information
to context and formatting the response to the War
Room) when checking the IP.

FormatADTimestamp Gets the Entry parameter from the War Room and Entry parameter
formats the timestamp returned from AD.

formatCell Gets the JSON parameter string and formats it to a JSON parameter
regular string that can be used in a table. string

flattenCell Gets the JSON parameter string and converts it to a JSON parameter
string that can be used in a table. Also supports tables string
containing sub cells.

flattenRow Gets a key and data and adds it to the context. Checks Key and data,
if the key already exists. It it exists, it creates an array and optionally
in the existing key. dedup=False – don’t
add duplicate items

fileResult Creates a new file that contains the data and displays Filename and data
the file in the WarRoom.

JavaScript Common Scripts

Script Description Parameter

tableToMarkdown Converts a Cortex XSOAR table in JSON format Table name, JSON object
to a Markdown format table. and the headers to

closeInvestigation Closes the current investigation. args - arguments for the

close (what happened,
damage, etc.)

setSeverity Sets the severity of an incident. The incident arg that has 2 keys:
must be related to the current investigation.
• 'id' - the incident id
• 'severity' - the new
severity value (Critical,
High, Medium etc.)

setIncident Sets fields of the incident. The incident must be Dictionary of args - has 5
related to the current investigation and be the optional keys:
only incident in it.
• type
• severity


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Script Description Parameter
• details
• name
• incident systems

createNewIncident Creates a new incident with the fields specified. Dictionary of args - has
This is only carried out if an incident with the 5 optional keys: type,
same name does not exist as an active incident. severity, details, name
and the incident systems.

setOwner Sets the owner of the incident. The incident Owner user name.
must be related to the current investigation.

taskAssign Assigns a playbook task to a user. Dictionary of args - has 2

• 'id' - the task id
• 'assignee' - assignee
user name

setPlaybook Sets investigation playbook Playbook name.

isCommandAvailable Checks if the specific command is available. Command name.

objToMd Converts a given object to Markdown while Object

descending multiple levels.
Gets the object that will be converted to

positiveUrl Gets the Entry parameter from the WarRoom Entry from War Room.
and checke each Reputation Tool if the URL
in this Entry parameter is malicious or non-
You can change the threshold by changing the
Thresholds dictionary.
The function returns true if the URL is safe,
otherwise returns false.

positiveFile Gets the Entry parameter from the WarRoom Entry from War Room.
and checks each Reputation Tool if the file
in this Entry parameter is malicious or non-
You can change the threshold by changing the
Thresholds dictionary.
The function returns true if the file is safe,
otherwise returns false.

positiveIP Gets the Entry parameter from the WarRoom Entry from War Room.
and checks each Reputation Tool if the IP in this
Entry parameter is malicious or non-malicious.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Script Description Parameter
You can change the threshold by changing the
Thresholds dictionary.
The function returns true if the IP is safe,
otherwise returns false.

shortCrowdStrike Formats the response from CrowdStrike to a Entry from War Room.
pretty Markdown.

shortUrl Gets the Entry parameter from the War Room Entry from War Room.
and checks it in the Reputation tools (adding
information to context and formatting the
response to the War Room) when checking the

shortFile Gets the Entry parameter from the War Room Entry from War Room.
and checks it in the Reputation tools (adding
information to context and formatting the
response to the War Room) when checking the

shortIp Gets the Entry parameter from the War Room Entry from War Room.
and checks it in the Reputation tools (adding
information to context and formatting the
response to the War Room) when checking the

treeToFlattenObject Flattens all JSON tree objects to key-value JSON object.



© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Work with SLAs
> SLA Overview
> Create an SLA Field
> Manage SLA and Timer Fields in an Incident
> Create an SLA Trigger
> Customize SLA Scripts
> Search Incidents using SLA and Timer Fields
> Configure the Global Risk Threshold

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
SLA Overview
Cortex XSOAR supports specific fields for managing SLAs and timers.
SLAs are an important aspect of case management. You can incorporate SLA fields in your cases so you can
view how much time is left before the SLA becomes past due, as well as configure actions to take in the
event that the SLA does pass.
In addition, you can now view the number of cases that are at risk of passing the SLA, or are already late,
using pre-configured widgets. The widgets present information based on the default threshold, which can
be configured globally.
Present SLAs in Incident Summary Layouts
Once you have configured the SLA fields and timers, your incident summary screens will display information
about the status of the SLA, if any of the SLAs are past due, and if so, by how much.

In the image above, for example, we see that the timers for several of the fields are in various states.
Detection SLA is past due, while Remediation SLA has nearly 5 days remaining.
Customize CSV Reports for SLA Fields
You can add SLA specific information to your CSV reports. Edit the table columns field in the JSON report
to include the SLA data that you want.
For example, assuming that you have an existing timer field named myslatimer, we can use the following
options as csv columns:
• myslatimer: displays a summary of the timer status and sla.
• myslatimer.runStatus: displays a run status of the current timer.
• myslatimer.totalElapsed: displays the total elapsed time, in seconds, of the current timer. If the timer has
ended, it displays the total duration.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create an SLA Field
By default, the system comes with several SLA and Timer fields.
The SLA fields count down the time remaining, while as a timer field it serves as a counter, counting the
time that has elapsed since started. In the event that no SLA is defined, the SLA fields serve as a counter.

STEP 1 | Navigate to Settings > Advanced > Fields.

STEP 2 | Click +New Field.

STEP 3 | Under Field Type field, select Timer/SLA.

STEP 4 | Enter a name and optional tooltip for the field.

STEP 5 | Define a duration for the SLA of this field. If no value is entered, the field serves as a counter.

STEP 6 | Determine the risk threshold for this timer. When the timer falls below this threshold, it is
considered at risk. By default, the threshold is 3 days, which is defined in the global system

STEP 7 | Under Run on SLA Breach, select the script to run when the SLA time has passed. For example,
email the supervisor or change the assignee.
Only scripts to which you have added the SLA tag will appear in list of scripts that you can select.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
STEP 8 | Click Save.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Manage SLA and Timer Fields in an Incident
You can manage the timers and SLA for a specific incident. This enables you to manage SLAs on a global
level within the SLA fields, and on a more granular level within specific incidents when the need arises. For
example, if the severity of the incident dictates that you decrease the response time for the given incident.

STEP 1 | SLA Fields

You can use commands to set the SLA for a specific SLA field in a specific incident using the
setIncident command and adding the SLA field for which to set the time.
If you do not enter a value for the slaField parameter, the time you enter is applied to the incident's Due
The following example shows you how to change the Time to Detection field to 30 minutes for the
current incident:

!setIncident sla=30 slaField=timetodetection

When defining the values for the slaField and timer commands, all values must be in
lowercase and cannot have any spaces.

STEP 2 | Timer Fields

You can use commands to change the state of a timer for an incident using the following:
• startTimer - Starts the timer. This command should also be used to restart a paused timer.

Timers are not started automatically when an incident is created.

• pauseTimer - Pauses the timer.

• stopTimer - Stops the timer. Once a timer is stopped, you can only reset a timer using the
resetTimer command.

Timers are automatically stopped when an incident is closed.

• resetTimer - Resets a timer. This command should be used to enable a timer that was stopped.
The following example shows you how to pause a timer for a specific field in the current incident:

!pauseTimer timerField=timetodetection

You can specify the incidentID to change the timer for a different incident.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create an SLA Trigger
Timers are specific tasks that you implement in playbooks to manage SLAs. The timers can be triggered to
start, pause, or stop when a certain task occurs. For example, a timer can be triggered to stop for the Time
to Assign field when the incident is assigned an owner, and to immediately start the timer for the Time
to Remediation field.

STEP 1 | Navigate to the Playbooks page.

STEP 2 | Select the playbook to which you want to add the timer and click Edit.

STEP 3 | Click the + symbol to add a new task or click an existing task to edit the task.

STEP 4 | In the Timers tab, select the action that you want the timer to perform for the given task. Valid
options are:
• Start - Starts the timer.

Timers are not started automatically when an incident is created.

• Pause - Pauses the timer.

• Stop - Stops the timer. Once a timer is stopped, you can only reset a timer using the resetTimer

Timers are automatically stopped when an incident is closed.

STEP 5 | Select the field on which the timer is applied.

STEP 6 | Click Ok.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Customize SLA Scripts
Scripts in Cortex XSOAR enable you to automate processes. In the context of SLA, you can create scripts
that will perform specific actions when the SLA is breached. Each SLA script must include the SLA tag.
Cortex XSOAR comes with an out-of-the-box script, called SendEmailOnSLABreach, that sends an email to
specific users when the script is triggered. By default, the script sends an email to the incident assignee, but
you can configure additional recipients within the script.
When you create your own scripts, the following arguments are automatically added, in addition to the
basic elements provided with every script (for example, current investigation and current incident):
• field - the current triggered sla breach field object (contains: name, cliName, threshold, etc)
• fieldValue - the current triggered sla field's value, for example the startDate.
The following table lists the different properties in the SLA timer field value:

Property Type Description

dueDate Date The date by which the SLA for this timer is due.

breachTriggered Boolean Was the timer already in breach of the SLA.

sla INT (in The period defined as the SLA for this timer. This is the value that
minutes) you defined in the timer field.

endDate Date The date at which the SLA timer completed.

lastPauseDate Date The last date at which the SLA timer was paused.

startDate Date The date at which the SLA timer was started.

accumulatedPause INT (in The total number of seconds that the timer was in a paused state.

totalDuration INT (in The total number of seconds that the timer was running. This
seconds) property is populated after the timer is stopped.

slaStatus INT Represents the Demisto SLA status. Values are:

0 - The SLA is within the alloted range.
1 - The SLA is below the defined risk threshold.
2 - The SLA is in breach.

runStatus String Represents the current status of the timer. Values are:


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Search Incidents using SLA and Timer Fields
You can search for incidents based on their SLA in several ways:
• based on the SLA status

The SLA status is not defined unless the timer is in a stopped mode, meaning, either
paused or ended.
• based on an SLA field
• based on a timer field
For example, you can search for all of the timer fields that are currently running, or you can search for all
incidents with a specific SLA status.

STEP 1 | Navigate to the Incidents page.

STEP 2 | To search for an incident whose timer is still active, enter the following:
• The name of the field
• The run status
• The due date. This is required for queries who run status is neither ended nor paused to improve
query performance.

STEP 3 | To search for an incident whose timer is no longer active, enter the SLA Status.

In the following example, we are searching for all incidents that have an SLA timer called slatimer and fulfill
the following criteria:
• The run status is neither ended nor paused AND the due date is later than now, meaning, the due date
has not yet passed.
• Incidents whose run status is ended or paused and the SLA status is within the alloted time.

(-slatimer.runStatus:(ended paused) and slatimer.dueDate:>“now”) or


In the following example, we are searching for all incidents that fulfill the following criteria:
• The run status is either ended or paused AND the due date is earlier than now, meaning, the due date
has already passed.
• Incidents whose run status is ended or paused and the SLA status is late.

(-slatimer.runStatus:(ended paused) and slatimer.dueDate:<“now”) or


In the following example, we are searching for all incidents that fulfill the following criteria:
• The run status is neither ended nor paused AND the due date is between now and 5 hours. The 5 hours
represents our risk threshold.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
• Incidents whose run status is ended or paused and the SLA status is Risk.

(-slatest.runStatus:(ended paused) and slatest.dueDate:>"now" and

slatest.dueDate:<"in 300 minutes") or (slatest.slaStatus:"risk")


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Configure the Global Risk Threshold
By default, the risk threshold is 72 hours. You can change the threshold by adding a parameter to the
system settings.

STEP 1 | Navigate to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | Under Server Configuration, click Add Server Configuration.

1. In the key field, enter sla.risk.threshold.
2. In the value field, enter the number, in hours, to which to set the risk threshold.

STEP 3 | Click Save.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Machine Learning Models
> Machine Learning Models Overview
> Create a Machine Learning Model
> Phishing Classifier Demo

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Machine Learning Models Overview
Machine learning models enable Cortex XSOAR to analyze and predict behavior through incident types
and fields. The model uses past incidents that have already been classified to classify incoming events
Machine learning models are used mainly for phishing incidents. You can train it to automatically recognize,
for example, phishing emails, emails that are legitimate, and those that contain spam.
Machine learning models enable you to do the following:
• Use as part of a scoring/severity set.
• To close incidents automatically more accurately than manually defining a threshold.
• Handle only incidents that the classifier marks as malicious.
You train models by inputting data through incident types and fields. Cortex XSOAR returns all the incidents
containing the specified field. You can then map these field values into different verdicts. The verdicts
determine what the model predicts, so you should make the verdict definitions meaningful.
By default, Cortex XSOAR trains models from input data contained in an Email body, Email HTML, and
Email subject. You can change the name of the fields containing the subject and body. Cortex XSOAR then
trains a model and returns the accuracy of the model against each category.
To create a machine learning model, see Create a Machine Learning Model.
The machine learning model for phishing can be used as following:
• Part of the Phishing Investigation - Generic v2 playbook, when adding the
DbotPredictPhishingWords command, or when creating a playbook.
When Cortex XSOAR runs the playbook it takes the machine learning model that you have defined.
• Run the !DbotPredictPhishingWords command in the War Room or in the Machine
Learning page, by typing: !DbotPredictPhishingWords modelName="name"
emailBody="body"emailbodyhtml=”email body html” emailsubject=”email subject”.
For examples, see Phishing Command Examples Using a Machine Learning Model
You can run a phishing classifier demo, without the need to create a machine learning model.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create a Machine Learning Model
A machine learning model enables Cortex XSOAR to predict the classification of phishing incidents. For
example whether the incident should be classified as legitimate, malicious, or spam. You can use these
models in conjunction with your default investigation playbooks or run commands separately in the War
Room. It is usually used for training a model to predict the classification of a phishing incident. The main
goal of the machine learning model is leveraging past phishing incidents to assist with the investigation of
future incidents.

STEP 1 | Select Settings > Advanced > ML Models > New Model.

STEP 2 | In the Model name field, type the name of the model that you want to create.

STEP 3 | (Optional). In the Description field, type a meaningful description for the machine learning

STEP 4 | In the Incident type field, from the drop down list, select the type of incident where you want
you want to the machine to be trained, such as Phishing.

STEP 5 | In the Incident field, from the drop down list, select the incident field where you want the
model to learn to predict. The model trains using these fields as a label. For example, Email

STEP 6 | Select the date range where you want to run the machine learning. The more incidents, the
better results. It is recommended to use a longer period.

STEP 7 | In the Maximum number of incidents to test, type the number you want to test that is used
to train the model. Reduce the number only if the number of incidents is too large and causes
performance problems. Use a higher number if you have more samples in your environment
Default is 3000. The results appear in the Field Mapping field.

STEP 8 | In the Verdict fields, define the name of the verdict for which to map your data.
Verdicts are group of labels, for which each verdict includes 1 label or more. You must map all existing
labels into 2 or 3 different verdicts. The model is trained using these verdicts. All labels that are
mapped into the same verdict are treated as if they have the same label. You can choose any label for
your verdict field, but the training model calculates the model based on the verdict, so it should be a
meaningful name.

STEP 9 | In the Field Mapping field, drag and drop the Field Mapping data into Verdict fields.
You need a minimum of 50 results returned. For an example. see Machine Learning Model Example.

STEP 10 | If you want to change the fields where email body and email subject are stored in the
incident, in the Argument Mapping select the equivalent fields for Email body, Email HTML
and Email subject.
By default, the machine learning model trains the Email body, Email HTML and Email subject.

STEP 11 | Click Start Training.

In the ML Models window, the machine learning model starts analyzing the data. When finished, if
successful, the percentage scores appear, which reflect how precise the results are according to class. If


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
using the phishing incident type, you can now use model in the machine learning or War Room window
or in the playbook. For more information, see Machine Learning Models Overview.

Machine Learning Model Example

In this example, we want to create a machine learning model for Phishing using a customlabelfield. The
customlabelfield manually classifies data as to Phishing, Spam and legit.
1. From the New ML Model window, in the Incident type field, select Phishing.
2. In the Incident field, select the field which contains the label you want the model to train. Assume that
the field which contains the type of the mail is called customlabelfield.
In the Field Mapping field, the following data is returned:

3. Define the Verdict fields according to malicious, spam, and legit.

4. Drag and drop the data from Field Mapping into the relevant Verdict fields.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
5. In the Argument mapping field keep the arguments as the default. We want the machine learning model
to train on Email body, HTML and Subject.
6. Click Start Training.
The model starts training and when successful returns the following information:

The returned data shows that it found 3 categories together with the percentage scores, which reflect the
precision of the results.
You can now use the machine learning model in the Phishing Investigation - Generic V2 playbook, in the
Machine Learning page or in the War Room. For examples how to use it in the War Room, see Phishing
Command Examples Using a Machine Learning Model.

Phishing Command Examples Using a Machine Learning Model

In this example, we have created a machine learning model, called “demoModel” that predicts the following:

For an example how to create the machine learning model, see Machine Learning Model Example.
After running the command, Cortex XSOAR returns the following information:
• TextTokensHighlighted: The text of the email message with the highlighted positive words (if found).
• Label: The predicted label found by the model.
• Probability: The prediction probability.
• PositiveWords: Words that encouraged the model to make the prediction.
• NegativeWords: Words that are in general not correlated with the predicted class and reduced the
model’s confidence in its prediction.
In the War Room, run the following commands:
!DBotPredictPhishingWords modelName="demoModel" emailBody=”Your email account
was LOGIN today by Unknown IP address:, click on UPDATE


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
<http://helpd.moonfruit.com/> to validate and verify your email account now to
avoid Outlook Web App been disabled for user”

!DBotPredictPhishingWords modelName="demoModel" emailBody=“Your Outlook

Exceeded its storage limit Click here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/
e/1FAIpQLSckF75SUgErVFmTEfHhhFkiX2-4V2tgC0nssDvpkqZnPz4pkQ/viewform> fill and
SUBMIT for more space or you wont be able to send Mail.”

!DBotPredictPhishingWords modelName="demoModel" emailBody=“Dear member, the

credit card we have on file for your PayPal service was declined when we
attempted to bill you for your most recent service fees. For this reason,
your service could be suspended. You must update your billing information
immediately in order to avoid any interruption to your services”

DBotPredictPhishingWords modelName="demoModel" emailBody=“lose 22.5lbs in 3

weeks! flush fat away forever! free 30-day supply **http://www.adclick.ws/
p.cfm?o=423&s=pk19.** to unsubscribe, click below: http://u2.azoogle.com/?


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Phishing Classifier Demo
Cortex XSOAR comes out of the box with a pre-trained phishing classifier. The phishing classifier uses the
DBotPredictOutOfTheBox automation, which enables you to get a prediction for a phishing incident
using Cortex XSOAR’s pre-trained model. After running the feature, you can see how it works in practice
and then create your own machine learning models.

The main purpose is to demonstrate how the phishing classifier feature works, so that
you learn how to train a classifier using your own data. We do not recommend using it for

To run the phishing classifier, in the War Room, type !DBotPredictOutOfTheBox, and add the relevant

The output parameters are the same as the output of DBotPredictPhishingWord. The
DBotPredictPhishingWord automation allows you to get a prediction for a phishing
incident, using a model trained using your own classifier. For more information, see Machine
Learning Models Overview.

For practical examples, see DbotPredictOutOfTheBox Examples.

DbotPredictOutOfTheBox Parameters
The following table describes DbotPredictOutOfTheBox parameters.

Parameter Description

emailBody The plain text of the email body for which you want to get the

emailBodyHTML The HTML of the email for which you want to get the prediction.
If the email body is filled, this field can be left empty.

emailSubject The plain text of the email subject for which you want to the

labelProbabilityThreshold All predictions are given in a confidence value between 0-1. If this
parameter is set to 0, all model predictions are given. If more than
0, only confidence predictions higher than this value are given.

minTextLength Minimum length of text (subject and body) required for getting a

topWordsLimit Maximum number of words to highlight in the result.

wordThreshold the lower this value is, the more words will be highlighted in the

DbotPredictOutOfTheBox Parameters
The following table describes DbotPredictOutOfTheBox parameters.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Parameter Description

TextTokensHighlighted The text of the email message with the highlighted positive words (if

Label The predicted label of the message.

Probability The prediction probability between 0-1. The higher this value, the
more confident the classifier is in its prediction.

PositiveWords Words that encouraged the model to make the prediction.

NegativeWords Words that are in general not correlated with the predicted class and
reduced the model’s confidence in its prediction.

DbotPredictOutOfTheBox Examples
The following examples describe the parameters and output of the DbotPredictOutOfTheBox
Run the following command in the War Room:
!DBotPredictOutOfTheBox emailBody="<Message>".

Label Message

Malicious Your email account was LOGIN today by Unknown IP address:, click on
UPDATE <http://helpd.moonfruit.com/> to validate and verify your email account now to
avoid Outlook Web App been disabled for user

Spam Your Outlook Exceeded its storage limit Click here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/
e/1FAIpQLSckF75SUgErVFmTEfHhhFkiX2-4V2tgC0nssDvpkqZnPz4pkQ/viewform> fill
and SUBMIT for more space or you wont be able to send Mail.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Label Message

Malicious Your email password expires in 2 days to retain email password and details. CLICK HERE
En54dvjVK6-Mxlu5G-A/viewform to update immediately

Spam lose 22.5lbs in 3 weeks! flush fat away forever! free 30-day supply **http://
www.adclick.ws/p.cfm?o=423&s=pk19.** to unsubscribe, click below: http://


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
> Work With Lists
> Set the List Separator Character

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Work With Lists
A list is a collection of one or more items of the same type, for example plain text, JSON, or HTML, that you
can use in scripts, playbooks, or any other place where the context button appears (double-curly brackets).

Use cases
These are some common use cases for creating and using lists in Cortex XSOAR.
• A list of allowed executable files against which to check potentially malicious executable files.
• An HTML template that you can define to use as part of a Communication task.
• Store data object, for example JSON, that you can call as inputs for scripts and playbooks.
• Use the getList or addToList commands in a script to take action based on the list data, for example,
res = demisto.executeCommand("getList", {"listName": demisto.args()
["listName"]}) will return all list entries in the script.

List commands
You can use the following list commands in scripts and playbook tasks.
Retrieves the contents of the specified list. The command has the following required arguments.
• listName: the name of the list for which to retrieve the contents.
Creates a list with the supplied data. The command has the following required arguments.
• listName: the name of the list to which to append items.
• listData: the data to add to the new list.
Appends the supplied items to the specified list. If you add multiple items, make sure you use the same list
separator that the list currently uses, for example a comma or a semicolon. The command has the following
required arguments.
• listName: the name of the list to which to append items.
• listData: the data to add to the specified list. The data will be appended to the existing data in the list.
Adds the supplied data to the specified list and overwrites existing list data.The command has the following
required arguments.
• listName: the name of the list to which to append items.
• listData: the data to add to the specified list. The data will overwrite the existing data in the list.
Removes a single item from the specified list. The command has the following required arguments.
• listName: the name of the list from which to remove an item.
• listData: the item to remove from the specified list.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Create a List
Predefined lists can be created and modified to be used in scripts and War Rooms. A list can contain items
of the same type in any format that would be useful for you. These are later parsed by scripts, and can be
modified by scripts. For example, you might need to create a list of e-mails, a list of known trusted IPs (allow
list), JSON objects, etc.
Cortex XSOAR includes the following out of the box lists:
• Indicators exclusion list
• Internal IP ranges

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Advanced > Lists.

STEP 2 | Click Add a List.

STEP 3 | Type a name for the list.

STEP 4 | Add the required data.

STEP 5 | Click Save.

STEP 6 | (Optional) To modify the list, select the list and click the edit icon.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Set the List Separator Character
You can set a custom separator globally (all lists) or for individual lists. The custom list separator can only be
a single character, for example a single semicolon (;) or a single colon (:). If you set the separator as multi-
character, the default separator will be applied. The default separator is a comma (,).
If you set a global list separator and custom separator for an individual list, the separator set for the
individual list overrides the global list separator.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | In the Server Configuration section, click Add Server Configuration.

STEP 3 | Add the necessary key and value.

Type Key Value

Global list.separator Single-character separator. For example “;”.

List list.<listName>.separator Single-character separator. For example “;”.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Cortex XSOAR Enterprise Mobile App
> Cortex XSOAR Enterprise Mobile App Overview
> Android Certificate Requirements
> Use the Cortex XSOAR Enterprise Mobile App

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Cortex XSOAR Enterprise Mobile App
The Cortex XSOAR Enterprise mobile app provides a set of features that enable you to make incident and
task-based decisions on a mobile device.
The App sends the same notifications as the web application. It enables you to do the following:
• View system dashboards and incidents
• Assign analysts to incidents
• View, send and receive messages, upload, download files, and attachments in the War Room.
• Update incident types and severity
• Modify incident tasks
• Close incidents
• View, assign and mark as complete your tasks
System Requirements

System Minimum Requirements

Cortex XSOAR Version 4.5 and above.

Android • Version 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API 16) and above.

• Use a CA-Signed SSL certificate or customize the andriod apk. For more
information, see Android Certificate Requirements.

iOS • Version 9.0 and above.

• Use a CA-signed certificate. If not, contact your system administrator.
Verify that your server's certificate appears on the Apple list of CA trusted
If the certificate is not in the list, contact your administrator to request they
update the server with one of Apple's CA trusted certificates.

Download the App from Google Play (Android) and the App Store (iOS).

Cortex XSOAR Enterprise mobile app has OS specific and app specific requirements.
Ensure you meet all system requirements before downloading and installing the App.

After downloading the App, you can use the app, which has some of the same features as the web app.

Android Certificate Requirements

You need to use a CA-signed SSL certificate from a trusted official Certificate Authority. If you cannot
obtain approval to use a trusted CA, you can customize the android apk, as described in Deploy the Android
apk in a Self-Signed Certificate and an MDM Environment.

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Before you add the CA-signed certificate to Cortex XSOAR server, ensure the certificate contains the full
certificate chain. If the certificate does not contain the full certificate chain, you need to Obtain the Full
Certificate Chain for a Certificate.
If you do not use a trusted official CA signed SSL certificate or you do not use the Android APK,you need to
Configure the Mobile Device for Users.

Deploy the Android apk in a Self-Signed Certificate and an MDM

You may decide to use your own private CA generated certificates for Cortex XSOAR, as opposed to buying
a trusted CA certificate. If so, the Cortex XSOAR mobile app running on devices with the latest Android
versions might experience difficulty connecting to the Cortex XSOAR server due to Android restrictions.

Check whether you can connect to Cortex XSOAR through your browser, even if you cannot
connect through the Cortex XSOAR app. If you cannot connect to the server through your
browser, there could be other issues, such as VPN connectivity into the organization’s
private network.

This procedure enables you to deploy the android apk file in an environment with a self-signed certificate
and a MDM, or other internal distribution mechanism. You do this by manually changing the android apk file
and allowing distribution of the apk to your users through direct link to the apk or MDM of your choice.

STEP 1 | On a Java installed Linux or Mac computer, download the following:

1. The latest Cortex XSOAR apk from the Play Store or a non-signed version from
the download server using your Cortex XSOAR installer download link and append
&downloadName=android_unsigned_apk to the link.
2. The change_apk_cert.sh shell script tool from the download server using your Cortex XSOAR installer
download link, and append &downloadName=change_apk_cert to the link.

STEP 2 | Place the privately issued certificate (.crt file) that you wish to deploy in the Android app, on
the same computer, as referred to in step 1.

STEP 3 | Install the APKtool on the computer.

STEP 4 | Run the script by typing the following command:


STEP 5 | When prompted, use the other files as input.

STEP 6 | Distribute the apk to your users (by direct link to the apk or MDM of your choice) and ensure
connectivity is made.

STEP 7 | (Optional) If the MDM environment issues an error (for example, APK is not zip aligned,
APK signature is invalid or does not exist, or similar) you need to re-run the script
with zipalign and jarsigner enabled.
1. Ensure that you install zipalign, which is part of Android Studio.
2. Ensure that you install jarsigner, which is part of JDK.
Ensure your machine’s path is set correctly to include the jarsigner tool.
3. Run the script in step 4 and add the following options:

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
-z,--zipalign: The path to the zipalign tool
-k,--keystore: The path to the keystore to use for jarsigning the apk
-a,--alias: The Alias
If the MDM environment issues an Upload a new apk file with different package, or a
similar error, contact Customer support.

STEP 8 | Repeat the process for every build of the apk that you wish to deploy.

Obtain the Full Certificate Chain for a Certificate

If you are using a CA-signed certificate, ensure the certificate contains the full certificate chain. If the
certificate does not contain the full certificate chain, perform these steps in your Cortex XSOAR server

Relevant for Administrators only. The following instructions are for Android 9 Pie. For other
Android versions, the navigation path to find trusted credentials is different.

STEP 1 | Obtain an SSL certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority.

STEP 2 | To upload the CA-signed certificate to a Cortex XSOAR server, follow the instructions in
HTTPS with a Signed Certificate.

STEP 3 | (Optional) Open the certificate in /usr/local/demisto/cert.pem.

STEP 4 | (Optional ) Locate the root certificate and vertify that it includes the ---BEGIN CERTIFICATE---
header and the --- END CERTIFICATE--- footer.

STEP 5 | (Optional) From the command run the following command:

openssl s_client -connect www.microsoft.com:443 -showcerts.

STEP 6 | Copy the entire certificate chain in order.

STEP 7 | (Optional) Paste the entire certificate chain directly under the root certificate in the cert.pem

STEP 8 | (Optional) Restart the Cortex XSOAR Service

Configure the Mobile Device for Users

If users do not use a trusted official CA signed SSL certificate or use the Android APK, you need to convert
the pem file to a cert file and add it to the root of your device.

STEP 1 | In Cortex XSOAR go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Security and download the

STEP 2 | From the command line, execute the following command:

openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DM -in ~/<file_path>/<certificatename>.pem
-out ~/<file_path>/<certificatename>.crt

STEP 3 | Copy the .crt file to the /sdcard folder on your mobile device.

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
STEP 4 | On your mobile device, go to Settings > Security & location > Advanced > Encryption &
credentials and when prompted, enter the certificate name for the .crt file.

Use the Cortex XSOAR Enterprise Mobile App

When you log in to the Cortex XSOAR Enterprise mobile app you can do the following:
• Switch Accounts in Multi-Tenants Deployments
• Manage Dashboards in the Cortex XSOAR Enterprise Mobile App
• Work with Incidents
• View your own tasks in the My Tasks tab: chose options to complete the task and manually mark the
task as complete.

Log in to the Cortex XSOAR Enterprise App

If your organization requires you to connect to Cortex XSOAR using a VPN connection, ensure that you are
logged into the VPN.

STEP 1 | Open the Cortex XSOAR Enterprise App.

STEP 2 | Type the Cortex XSOAR server URL.

To obtain your Cortex XSOAR server URL, open Cortex XSOAR and go to Settings > About >
Troubleshooting > Server Configuration > External Host Name and copy the Cortex XSOAR URL.

STEP 3 | Do one of the following:

• To authenticate with Google IAP, tap Sign in Google.
Enter the username and password and tap Next.
• To enter your username and password or use SSO (authentication key is required) tap Next and enter
your details.

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Switch Accounts in Multi-Tenants Deployments
Similar to Cortex XSOAR, when you log in to a Multi-Tenant deployment, the Cortex XSOAR Enterprise
mobile app displays the main account, where you can see dashboards and incidents for all the accounts you

STEP 1 | To switch between accounts, go to Settings > Account.

STEP 2 | In the Account field, from the drop down list, select the account to manage.

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Manage Dashboards in the Cortex XSOAR Enterprise Mobile App
In the Home tab, you view your dashboard. To view all dashboards, tap and select the dashboard
you want. Like the web application, the mobile app remembers and displays the most recently viewed

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Some widgets in the dashboard open the incident list, which is automatically filtered according to the
widget’s filter. For example, tapping on Today’s New Incidents widget, takes you to the Incidents list,
showing only incidents opened today.
Some dashboard widgets are not supported in the mobile app. To view full dashboards, go to the web
application. Use the Dashboard Builder (in the web app) to create a custom dashboard for the mobile app.

Work with Incidents

You can view all the incidents according to your selected filter. For each incident you can view the
• Summary
The incident summary supports a limited number of sections and fields. You may want to create a
custom incident summary layout for the mobile app. For more information, see customize incident
layouts in the Help.

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• War Room Chat
You can view, send and receive messages, upload, download files, and attachments.

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• Tasks
You can assign analysts to the task, chose options to complete the task and manually mark the task as

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
To perform action on the incident, tap . Support. Supported incidnet actions include:
• Assign an analyst to the incident
• Change the incident severity
• Change the incident type
• Close the incident

> Agents Overview
> Shared Agents
> D2 Agent
> Agent Tools

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Agents Overview
Agents enable you to transfer files and execute commands on remote machines.
You can create a D2 Agent for a specific incident or you can create a shared agent for a number of
You need to install the D2 Content Pack, which enables you use commands and automations for D2 and
Shared Agents. You can use the automation scripts that come out-of-the box or configure and create scripts
in Agent Tools.

Most D2 automations and commands are relevant for both D2 Agents and Shared Agents.

After installation, you can run Powershell commands directly from Cortex XSOAR on common applications,
such as Office 365 and Active Directory. You need to Configure Cortex XSOAR to Use PowerShell, before
running PowerShell commands.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Shared Agents
A shared agent enables you to transfer files and execute commands on remote machines for a number of
incidents. If you want to create an agent for a specific incident only, create a D2 Agent.
Before installing a shared agent, you need to create a shared agent instance. The default hostname must be
the same as the endpoint’s system name.
Shared agents enable you to do the following:
• Perform tasks from the Cortex XSOAR CLI as if you were using the target machine.
• Run pre-defined D2 Agent automation scripts.
• Create and configure automation scripts, using Agent Tools.
• Run existing D2 Agent forensic tools (agent tools) as part of a Cortex XSOAR playbook.
You can run all of the D2 automations, such as D2 Exec, D2Drop, etc. You need to add the name of the
shared instance at the end of each automation.

Configure a Shared Agent Instance

To create a a shared agent, you need to configure a new integration instance for the shared agent.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

STEP 2 | Search for shared agent.

STEP 3 | Create and configure a new integration instance by clicking Add instance.

STEP 4 | Add Shared Agent Instance Parameters.

STEP 5 | Click Done.

You can now Install a Shared Agent.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Shared Agent Instance Parameters
The following table describes the shared agent parameters when creating a new instance.

Parameter Description

Name A meaningful name to remember for later use.

Credentials Username for the target machine.

Password Password for the target machine.

Default Hostname or IP IP address of the target machine.


Target Architecture amd64 or i386

Target Operating System Windows, Linux, or OSX.

Ciphers (Linux only) You can change the cipher mechanism used by SSH to install
the agent.

Target Domain or Hostname (domain or workgroup) of the target machine.


SMB protocol version For Widows remote installation SMB protocol is used (port 445). In case
of SMB errors, you may need to specify SMB 2 or SMB 3.

Install a Shared Agent

Install a shared agent on machines that are under investigation to unobtrusively perform forensic tasks on
those machines.
Before you begin:
• (Windows) You have at least Power User credentials.
• (Windows) Enable the Service Message Block Protocol.
• (Remote installations) Firewall Port 445 (SMB) is open.
If you experience issues during installation, see Troubleshoot a Remote Installation (Windows).

STEP 1 | Configure a Shared Agent Instance

Verify that you have defined the external IP address or base URL of your Cortex XSOAR server by going
to Settings > About > Troubleshooting.

STEP 2 | If installing manually, install the shared agent on the system.

1. Type the following command:
!sharedagent_create system=<agent-instancetem_name>
For example, !sharedagent_create system=”sharedagent_demo”.
2. In the Dbot response, click Download Agent.
3. On the target machine, unzip and run the agent zip file.
4. (Optional) In the Cortex XSOAR CLI, run the following command to test the agent installation.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
!D2Exec cmd=`cmd /c dir` using=agentInstanceName

STEP 3 | Install the Shared Agent remotely.

The agent is installed remotely (from the Cortex XSOAR server) the first time you communicate with it.
1. Go the incident you want to add the shared agent.
2. In the CLI, run any D2 command. For example, to test the agent installation, type the following
!D2Exec cmd=”cmd /c echo d2 test” using=”sharedagent-demo”

STEP 4 | (Optional) Configure Agent Tools that invoke existing forensic applications.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
D2 Agent
Create and install Cortex XSOAR dissoluble agents (D2 agents) on machines that are under investigation to
unobtrusively perform forensic tasks on those machines. After the agents complete the forensic tasks, they
dissolve leaving no trace. D2 agents are designed to assist you when performing an investigation in the War
Room and for a specific incident only.

If you want to create agents for more than one incident, create a shared agent

D2 Agents enable you to do the following:

• Create and Install a D2 Agent, using the CLI. You can install remotely or manually.
• Perform tasks from the Cortex XSOAR CLI as if you were using the target machine.
• Run pre-defined D2 agent automation scripts.
• Create and configure automation scripts using Agent Tools.
• Run existing D2 agent forensic tools (agent tools) as part of a Cortex XSOAR playbook.
• Kill or assign an expiration date of an agent to dissolve it on the target machine.

D2 Agents are usually installed on Windows, as UNIX systems have different solutions, such
as SSH. If you cannot access a target machine, you might need to set up a Cortex XSOAR
engine before you can install and run agents on that machine.

Install a D2 Agent
Install a D2 agent to assist you when performing an investigation in the War Room.
Before you begin, do the following:
• (Windows) You have at least Power User credentials on the target machine.
• (Windows) Enable the Service Message Block Protocol on the target machine.
• (Remote installations) Firewall Port 445 (SMB) is open on the target machine.
You can install the D2 agent manually or remotely. When port 445 is open, you can install the D2 agent
remotely (from the Cortex XSOAR server) the first time you communicate with it. If you experience issues
during installation on Windows machines, see Troubleshoot a Remote Installation (Windows).

STEP 1 | Add the system (machine under investigation) to an incident.

1. Type the following command:
/system_add host=<name of the host name> arch=<name of the architecture>
os=<operating system> user=<name of user> password=<Will-Prompt-After-
Enter> name=<name of the D2 agent>
For example: /system_add
host=ec2-108-128-180-161.eu.west-1.compute.amazonaws.com arch=amd64
os=windows user=administrator password=<Will-Prompt-After-Enter>name=d2-
2. Press enter, and when prompted, type the password.
In the War Room, confirmation appears that the system was added to the incident:


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STEP 2 | If installing manually, install the D2 agent on the system.
1. Type the following command:
!d2_create system=<system_name>
For example, !d2_create system=”d2-demo”.
2. In the Dbot response, click Download Agent.

3. On the target machine, unzip and run the agent zip file.
4. (Optional) type the following command to test the agent installation:
!D2Exec cmd=`cmd /c dir` using=<agent-instance-name>

STEP 3 | Install the D2 Agent remotely.

The agent is installed remotely (from the Cortex XSOAR server) the first time you communicate with it.
1. Go the incident you added the system in step 1.
2. In the CLI, run any D2 command. For example, to test the agent installation, type the following
!D2Exec cmd=”cmd /c echo d2 test” using=”d2-demo”

STEP 4 | (Optional) Configure Agent Tools that invoke existing forensic applications.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Troubleshoot a Remote Installation (Windows)
The following table describes the error messages you may receive when remotely installing the shared
agent or D2 agent on Windows.

Error Message Workaround

NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE Verify that the username and password are correct in the
integration instance configuration settings.

NT_STATUS_NO MEMORY • This error is not related to memory. The workgroup is

• If the target machine is inside the domain, enter the domain
in the Target domain or workgroup parameter in the
integration instance configuration settings.
• If the target machine is not in the domain, enter the
machine's hostname (not the host address) in the Target
domain or workgroup parameter in the integration instance
configuration settings. To get the machine's hostname, run
the hostname command from the terminal.

NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL The IP address is incorrect.

NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT • Firewall is blocking SMB/Port 445.

• Wrong address

NT_STATUS_DUPLICATE This error is related to a DNS issue. If you are using Amazon,
use the actual IP address and not the URL.

NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_RESET The target machine might not support SMB 1 connection. Make
sure SMB2 is active on the target machine and specify the
SMB argument value as 2. For more information about how
to detect, enable, and disable different versions of SMB for
Windows and Windows server, see SMB assistance.

Agent is installed but unresponsive Verify that the base URL for D2 agents and engines is correct
and reachable from the network segment where the agent is
installed. Go to Settings > About > Troubleshooting and verify
that you defined the external IP address or base URL of your
Cortex XSOAR server.


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Agent Tools
Agents make use of pre-defined end user generated automation scripts. You can extend scripting
functionality by deploying forensic agent tools with a Cortex XSOAR Agent.
Agent Tools comes with a number of out of the box scripts, which can be configured, such as Office365,
Active Directory, and WinPmem.
You can create your own scripts and files by going to Settings > Agent Tools > + Add Tool. The files and
scripts must be in zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2, or tar format.
For example, you can create the following scripts:
• Run a batch file.
• Return the memory dump to the War Room.
• View all processes
Once deployed, the agent can use the tool (e.g. create a memory dump can be copied to another machine
for forensic analysis).
Although you can run PowerShell commands directly from Cortex XSOAR on applications such as Office
365 and Active Directory, if you want to use PowerShell scripts, you need to Configure Cortex XSOAR to
Use PowerShell Use the D2 Agent Script commands to assist you with script arguments.

Configure Cortex XSOAR to Use PowerShell

You can run PowerShell commands directly from Cortex XSOAR on common applications such as Office
365 and Active Directory. If you want to use PowerShell, you need to configure Cortex XSOAR.
Relevant for both D2 agents and shared agents.

STEP 1 | Create the PowerShell script you want to run.

In this example, we have created a PowerShell script, called printarg to print an argument.

param([string]$myarg = "")
Write-Host "This is my argument: " $myarg

1. Zip up the file. In this example, we will call the file script.

STEP 2 | Upload the zip file you created in step 1.

1. Select Settings > Integrations > Agent Tools > Add Tool
2. Add the file.
You can see the script file contains the PowerShell script.


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STEP 3 | Create an automation that runs the PowerShell script.
1. Go to the Automation page and upload the script.
In this example we have created an automation called D2PowerShellEx.

Important to note:
command.push("powershell.exe"): Runs the PowerShell.
command.push("'" + which("printorg.ps1") + "'"): The absolute path of the executable
//+ script/printorg.ps1: Annotation that tells the agent which tools to send to the Windows
machine. The name of the zip file (script) and the script name (printarg.ps1).


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
For more information about the commands, see D2 Agent Script Commands.
2. Click Save.

STEP 4 | Run the automation in the War Room.

To run the automation, you need to install either a D2 Agent or a Shared Agent
For example, type !D2PowerShellEx myarg='success' using=sharedagent-demo

D2 Agent Script Commands

The following are the D2 agent scripting commands. Each command is followed by its description, its
syntax, and an example where applicable.

Cortex XSOAR server comes with a few example agent scripts. These will help you get more
acquainted with the functions. You can copy the scripts, change them and check the results.

Command Syntax Description

env var env = {OS:"",ARCH:""}; Holds the environment variables. env.OS

and env.ARCH are populated with OS and

pwd function string pwd(); Returns the absolute path of the working

which function string which(path string); Returns the absolute path for a given path or

execute function ExecResult execute(cmd Executes the given command.

{Stdout string // process stdout captured Stderr
string // process stderr captured PID int // PID
of process that was running Success bool //
whether process ended successfully Error
string // string describing the error if exsts}


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Command Syntax Description
Example: var ret=execute('ls -

pack function null pack(content object, Returns the content as an entry on the
contentformat string[optional]); investigation. Content can be a JSON object
or when specified value.contentformat may be
one of the following: 'table', 'text' or 'json'. If
not provided, the format will be determined
according the type of content.

pack_file function null pack_file(path string, Returns the path as a file entry on the
content string[optional]); investigation. If content is provided, it will be
attached to the file.

files function []FileInfo files(folder Retrieves a list of files from the folder. If
string, recurse bool[=false], hashes recurse is true, sub-folders will be included. If
bool[=false], regex string[=""]); hashes is true, it will compute hashes for each
file. If regex is provided, it will return only file
names matching the regex.
Returns an array of:{Created int CreatedStr
string Accessed int AccessedStr string Changed
int ChangedStr string Path string Type string
Size int Mode string MD5 string SHA1 string
SHA256 string SHA512 string SSDeep string}

copy function int copy(src string, dest Copies the source (src) to the destination (dest).
string, overwrite bool[=false], regex If overwrite is false, it will throw an exception
string[=""]); if the destination exists. If regex is provided,
it will copy only files matching the regex. This
function is not recursive.
Returns: The number of items copied.

move function int move(src string, dest Same as copy, but also deletes the source files.
string, overwrite bool[=false], regex

del function int del(file string, regex[=""]); Deletes the file. If the file is a folder, and
regex is not empty, it will remove only the files
matching regex from that folder.

grep function []GrepMatch grep(path string, Searches the given path for files matching
regex string, recursive bool[=false]); regex. If recursive is true, it will dive into the
sub folders.
Returns an array of: { Path string // Path to
file matching Offsets [][]int // The matching
indexes on the line}


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Command Syntax Description

strings function []string strings(path string, Searches strings contained in the file provided
min int[=4], max int[=1024]); by path. Use min and max to control the sizes
of the strings that are captured.

bytes function string bytes(file string, offset Returns a size bytes chunk of a file starting at
int[=0], size int[=1024]; offset.

mkdir function bool mkdir(path string); Returns 'true' if a folder was created. Throws
an exception otherwise.

rmdir function bool rmdir(path string); Removes the folder provided by *path.
Returns: 'true' if a folder was removed. Throws
an exception otherwise.

join_path function string join_path(part1, part2... Joins the paths provided by part1 to partN.
Returns: Path string.
Example: console.log(join_path("/

http function HTTPResponse http(url string, Performs HTTP GET call to URL with the
arg object); provided arg as a request body.
Returns object:{StatusCode int // HTTP
response code Status string // HTTP status as
text Cookies []http.Cookie Body string Headers
http.cookie object: Name string Value string
Path string // optional Domain string //
optional Expires time.Time // optional
RawExpires string // for reading cookies only //
MaxAge=0 means no 'Max-Age' attribute
specified. // MaxAge<0 means delete cookie
now, equivalently 'Max-Age: 0' // MaxAge>0
means Max-Age attribute present and given
in seconds MaxAge int Secure bool HttpOnly
bool Raw string Unparsed []string // Raw text
of unparsed attribute-value pairs


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Command Syntax Description

read_file function string read_file(path string); Returns the entire content of the path. Throws
an exception if it does not exist.

wait function string wait(seconds int); Sleeps for the number of defined seconds.

Windows Specific Functions

Command Syntax Description

processes function ProcessInfo[] processes(); Returns a list of processes.

services function ServiceInfo[] services(); Returns a list of services.

wmi_query function Object[] wmi_query(query Executes a WMI query.

Returns an array in JSON representing the

registry function Object[] registy(path string); Gets all values under the registry path provided
by path as a set of JSON objects. This function is
always recursive if a key name is provided.
The key name must start with one of
the following: "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT",

ifconfig function Object[] ifconfig(); Returns a list of all interface adapters and their

fsconfig function Object[] fsconfig(); Returns a list of all file systems.

accounts function Object[] accounts(); Returns a list of all defined user accounts.

Return the memory dump file script

You can run files using the D2Winpmem automation, which returns the memory dump file to the War
Room. Useful when dealing with any type of malware. You can use this for both shared agents and D2

STEP 1 | Go to the Automations page and search for D2Winpmem automation.

STEP 2 | Select Copy Script.

STEP 3 | In the //+winpmem/winpmem_2.0.1.exe line in the script, change it to the file you want to
run. For example, //+New-collectorD2/New-collectorD2.bat

STEP 4 | In the var exename = 'winpmem_2.0.1.exe'; line write the file you want to execute.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
STEP 5 | In the var dumpFile add the file you want to run.

// {
if (env.OS !== 'windows') {
throw ('script can only run on Windows');
var arch = wmi_query('select OSArchitecture from win32_operatingsystem')
var exename = 'Testd2.bat';
var dumpFile = env.TEMP+ '\\New-collectorD2.bat';
var output = execute('cmd /c dir /s ' + env.TEMP , 30); // 10 minutes
//if (output.Success) {
// pack_file(dumpFile);
// del(dumpFile);
// } else {
// throw output.Error;
// pack('Winpmem failed: ' + ex);

STEP 6 | Click Save.

Running a Batch file Using Agent Tools

Run a simple batch file that returns results of a dir command. You can use this Automation either in a
Playbook or in the Cortex XSOAR CLI (manual investigation in an incident War Room.
Before you begin:
• Open ports between the Cortex XSOAR server and the Windows server:
Port 445 from Cortex XSOAR server to Windows server.
Port 443 from Cortex XSOAR server to Windows server and vice versa.
• Set credentials for the Windows server

STEP 1 | Create a batch file.

The file must be in ZIP or Tar format.
In this example, we add created a batch file, called TestBatch, containing the following.

cd c:\

STEP 2 | Upload the batch file to run.

1. Select Settings > > Agent Tools > + Add Tool
2. Drag-and-Drop or browse to the Zip or Tar file created in step 1.

STEP 3 | Add a system to the incident in the CLI or Automation.

Use the following automation called "D2Execute.yml" to install the D2 Agent from within a playbook and
run the automation (D2Run) that is running the utility/batch.


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
id: ef9edd54-0580-4945-8f06-f43dfb69fb20
version: 20
name: D2Execute
script: |-
{"name":demisto.args()["name"], "host":demisto.args()["host"],
"username":demisto.args()["username"], "password":demisto.args()
["password"], "os":demisto.args()["os"]}))
demisto.results("Installing Agent...")
demisto.results("Running script...")
{"id":demisto.args()["name"], "using":demisto.args()["name"]}))
type: python
tags: []
enabled: true
- name: name
required: true
default: true
description: System name
- name: host
required: true
description: Computer name
- name: os
required: true
- linux
- osx
- windows
description: OS
- name: username
required: true
description: username
- name: password
required: true
secret: true
description: password
- name: scriptName
required: true
description: Script Name
scripttarget: 0

STEP 4 | Execute the utility running the CLI or Automation.

For example, use the following D2Run.yml automation:

id: 9a18460a-e72f-488a-8112-044c9a7be76a
version: 13
name: D2Run
script: |-

var batch_file = 'TestBatch.bat';


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
if (env.OS !== 'windows') {
throw ('script can only run on Windows');

var d2path = pwd();

var batch_path = d2path + '\\' + batch_file;
batch_path = batch_path.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\\\\\");

pack(execute('cmd /c ' + batch_path, 60));

type: javascript
tags: []
enabled: true
scripttarget: 1

Note the following:

//+TestBatch/TestBatch.bat: this is the name of the zip/batch file that you upload in Agent Tools.
var batch_file = 'TestBatch.bat';: name of the batch file to run.

View All Running Processes Script

You can run the D2Processes automation to see all the running processes.

STEP 1 | Go the incident where you want to run the D2 Processes automation.

STEP 2 | Type the following command:

!D2Processes using=<name of agent instance>
For example, !D2Processes using=sharedagent_demo


> Audit Trail
> Send the Audit Trail to an External Log Service

© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Audit Trail
The audit trail displays a log of all administrative user interactions with Cortex XSOAR. The log is sorted by
date and covers which users interacted in what way with system objects, and associated data. The audit trail
does not include actions performed in the war room. These actions are documented in the war room.
You can search the audit trail log for user interactions based on free text.
To view an audit trail, navigate to Settings > Users and Roles > Audit Trail.
To customize which columns are visible in the audit trail log, click the table settings button.
To export the audit trail log, use the GetAudits command from the Cortex XSOAR REST API. See the Cortex
XSOAR REST API documentation.
Extract a Day’s Audit Trail
You can write a script that runs daily to extract that day's audit trail, and upload it to your SIEM with
uploader programs. The following is an example of a curl command that will fetch all audits from June 22,
2017 and later - up to 10,000 actions.
curl -k -X POST https://<IP>:<PORT>/settings/audits -H 'accept: application/
json' -H 'authorization: <API KEY>' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d
'{"size" : 10000,"query": "modified:>2017-06-22T00:00:00"}'
Purge Audit Entries
You can define the retention period of the audit trail. By default audit entries will be retained forever. To
purge periodically, add a server setting in Settings > About > Troubleshooting where the key is:
• demisto.audits.purge (true will start the purging process)
• demisto.audits.purge.retention. The value is the number of days to save the log. Default is
To define how often to check the audit trail log, in Settings > About > Troubleshooting
add demisto.audits.purge.delay where the value is how often to run the retention
(demisto.audits.purge.retention). The default is every 24 hours.
Purging can also be done manually. The following is an example of a curl command that will purge all audits
from June 22, 2017 to June 30, 2017.
curl -k -X POST https://<IP>:<PORT>/settings/audits/purge -
H 'accept: application/json' -H 'authorization: <API KEY>' -
H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"page": 0, "size":
100,"fromDate": "2017-07-22T09:01:08.462954465+03:00","toDate":
"2017-07-30T12:23:08.462954597+03:00","period": {"by": "","toValue": null,
"fromValue": null, "field": "" }, "fromDateLicense": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}'
The following table describes components and actions.

Component Actions

account • block
• unblock
• add
• delete
• stop
• start


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Component Actions

APIKeys • delete
• add

AppServer • restart

backup • edit

Canvas • add
• edit
• delete

classifier • add
• copy
• edit

content • install

credentials • add
• edit
• delete

Dashboard • add
• delete
• edit

engine • add
• edit

entry • restore
• delete
• removeentrypermanently
• edit

execute • add

host • delete
• downloadconf
• add

HyperProcess(reputation) • add
• delete

incident • edit
• close
• execute
• delete
• duplicate
• notcreated
• add


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Component Actions

incidentField • add
• edit
• delete

IncidentType • disable
• enable
• delete
• edit
• add

indicator • edit
• add
• delete

indicator BulkEdit • edit

Integration permissions • edit

integrations • add
• delete
• edit

integrationsConfig • add
• edit
• delete
• upload

investigation • close
• reopen
• edit
• add

invite • add
• utilized
• delete

Jobs • add
• edit
• disable
• enable
• delete
• pause
• resume
• runnow
• abort

Layout • add
• copy


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Component Actions
• edit

License • invalid

List • edit
• add
• delete

LiveBackup • switch
• add
• delete

login • failure
• in
• out
• outall
• outmyself
• outmyselfothersessions
• outuser

logout • failure

PasswordPolicy • edit

playbook • add
• edit
• attach
• detach
• upload
• copy
• delete

PreprocessRule • edit
• add

PropagationLabel • delete
• add
• edit

RemoteDB • download
• enable
• disable
• add
• create

role • add
• edit
• delete


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Component Actions

script • copy
• upload
• edit
• add
• delete

ServerConfiguration • edit

task • add
• copy

Telemetry • edit

user • edit
• lockout
• unlock
• add
• enable
• setpassword

whitelist • delete
• batchcreate
• add

Widget • edit
• add
• reset


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Send the Audit Trail to an External Log Service
Organizations that are required to implement centralized logging for compliance and monitor requirements
will benefit from the syslog export.
To send the Cortex XSOAR audit trail to an external log service, you create several custom server

STEP 1 | Select Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Add Server Configuration.

STEP 2 | Add the following required keys and values:

Key Value Required

syslog.enabled true Required

syslog.protocol tcp Required

Default: unix (for localhost syslogging)

syslog.host <syslog server> Required. This key is

not required for UNIX

syslog.port <destination port> Required. This key is

not required for UNIX

syslog.tag <syslog tag> Default is Demisto. Optional

syslog.format RFC3164 Optional

Default is empty, which uses a custom
format that is a combination of both

syslog.filter <object/action> Optional

syslog.priority Default is a number for LOG_INFO with Optional

LOG_DAEMON. If you want to change the
default, contact Demisto Support

Filter Example
In this example, we want to match audit trail entries of login success and login failure. To
accomplish this, we set the syslog.filter parameter to login/.*.
Sample Syslog


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
CEF:0|Demisto|Demisto Enterprise|3.6.0-
failure|3|suser=john startTime=1521835930684963 cs1=john
cs1Label=identifier cs2=Cookie: [hsfirstvisit\=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost
%3A7070%2F||1464113050169; _ga\=GA1.1.296351272.1461620234; __hstc
__hssrc\=1; hubspotutk\=72e717e61ded2087506747f5da786796; local-
theme\=light; XSRF-TOKEN\=AgF4Peo0Gqa8zlIB31fLl9rHrbsLn2uri/zJ
\=]\n\nReferer: [http://localhost:8080/]\n\nAccept: [application/
json]\n\nX-Xsrf-Token: [AgF4Peo0Gqa8zlIBk1GLl9rHrbsLn2uri/zJ
\=]\n\nContent-Length: [142]\n\nAccept-Language: [en-US,en;q\=0.9,he;q
\=0.8,ms;q\=0.7]\n\nContent-Type: [application/json]\n\nhost/ip:
[::1]:62296\nConnection: [keep-alive]\n\nUser-Agent: [Mozilla/5.0
(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/65.0.3325.162 Safari/537.36]\n\nApi_truncate_results: [true]\n
\nOrigin: [http://localhost:8080]\n\nAccept-Encoding: [gzip, deflate,
br]\n\nerror: Invalid credentials:Invalid username or password\nDnt: [1]\n

CEF:0|Demisto|Demisto Enterprise|3.6.0-
startTime=1521835934123052 cs1=john cs1Label=identifier cs2=host/ip:
[::1]:62296\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.162 Safari/537.36
cs2Label=details client:

message: CEF:0|Demisto|Demisto Enterprise|3.6.0-

suser=john startTime=1521835927224046 cs1=john cs1Label=identifier cs2=N/A


© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

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