Ufas Quiizzes
Ufas Quiizzes
Ufas Quiizzes
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1. Standards and Interpretations adopted by the
Financial Reporting Standards Council (FRSC). They a. Identifying
comprise: b. Measuring
c. Communicating
a. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
d. All of the above
b. Philippine Accounting Standards (PASs); and 7. _______________ the process of analyzing events
c. Interpretations and transactions to determine whether or notthey will
d. All of the above be recognized.
10. Which of the following statements in relation to a. Indirect materials and indirect labor
income is true? b. Depreciation of factory building
c. Maintenance of factory equipment
a. Income encompasses both revenue and gain.
d. Cost of factory management and administration
b. Revenue encompasses both income and gain.
c. Gain encompasses both income and revenue. 16. Which of the following should not be taken into
d. Income encompasses review only. account when determining the cost of inventories?
11. Inventories are assets (choose the incorrect one) a. Storage costs of part-finished goods
b. Trade discounts
a. Held for sale in the ordinary course of business.
c. Recoverable purchase taxes
b. In the process of production for sale.
d. Import duties on shipping of inventories inward
c. In the form of materials or supplies to be
consumed in the production process or in the 17. The cost of inventories does not include
rendering of services.
a. Salaries of factory staff
d. Held for use in the production or supply of
b. Storage cost necessary in the production
goods or services.
process before a further production stage
12. The cost of the inventory is the sum of c. Abnormal amount of wasted materials and
distribution costs
a. Cost of purchase and cost of conversion
d. Irrecoverable purchase taxes
b. Direct cost, indirect cost, and other costs
c. Cost of purchase, cost of conversion and other 18. An entity shall classify an asset as current when:
cost incurred in bringing the inventory to (Choose incorrect one)
present location and condition
a. it expects to realize the asset or intends to sell
d. Cost of conversion and other cost incurred in
or consume it, in its normal operating cycle;
bringing the inventory to present location and
b. it holds the asset primarily for the purpose of
13. The cost of purchase of inventory does not include c. it expects to realize the asset within more than
twelve months after the reporting period; or
a. Purchase price
d. the asset is cash or a cash equivalent unless the
b. Import duties and other irrecoverable taxes
asset is restricted from being exchanged or
c. Freight, handling and other cost directly
usedto settle a liability for at least twelve
attributable to the acquisition of goods
months after the reporting period.
d. Trade discount, rebates and other similar items
19. An entity shall classify a liability as current when:
(Choose incorrect one)
a. it expects to settle the liability in its normal a. The consignor but not the consignee
operating cycle; b. The consignee but not the consignor
b. it holds the liability primarily for the purpose of c. Both the consignor and the consignee
trading; d. Neither the consignor nor the consignee
c. the liability is due to be settled within more 4. How should the following costs affect the retailer's
than twelve months after the reporting period; inventory?
d. the entity does not have an unconditional right Freight CostsInterest on loan
to defer settlement of the liability for at least a. Increase No Effect
twelve months after the reporting period. b. Increase Increase
c. No Effect Increase
20. An entity shall present all items of income and d. No Effect No Effect
expense recognized in a period:
5. Given the financial manager's preference for faster
A. in a single statement of profit or loss and other receipts of cash flows
comprehensive income; or
a. longer depreciation life is preferred to a shorter
B. in two statements: (1) a statement displaying the one.
profit or loss section only (separate ‘statement of profit b. shorter depreciation life is preferred to a longer
or loss’ or ‘income statement’) and (2) a second one
statement beginning with profit or loss and displaying c. The manager is not concerned with depreciable
components of other comprehensive income. lives, because depreciation is a non-cash
a. Statement A is correct and Statement B is d. The manager is not concerned with depreciable
incorrect lives, because once purchased, depreciation is
b. Statement A is incorrect and Statement B is considered a sunk cost.
c. Both Statement A & B is incorrect
d. Both Statement A & B is correct 1. The depreciable life of an asset can significantly
affect the pattern of cash flows. The shorter the
Quiz No. 3 depreciable life of an asset, the more quickly
1. Which of the following would not be reported as the cash flow created by the depreciation write-
inventory? off will be received.TRUE
2. Non-cash charges are expense that involve an
a. Land acquired for resale by a real estate firm actual outlay of cash during the period but are
b. Agricultural produced held by a farm not deducted on the income statement. FALSE
c. Partially completed goods held by a 3. Under the basic Modified Accelerated Cost
manufacturing company Recovery System (MACRS) procedures, the
d. Machinery required by a manufacturing depreciable value of an asset is its full cost,
company for us in the production process. including outlays for installation. TRUE
4. Business firms are permitted to systematically
2. The following are excluded from the cost of
charge a portion of the market value of fixed
inventories, except;
assets, as depreciation, against annual
a. Selling costs revenues. FALSE
b. Freight Charges on goods acquired on FOB 5. Given the financial manager's preference for
Destination faster receipt of cash flows, a long depreciable
c. Abnormal amount of wasted materials, labor or life is preferred to a shorter one. FALSE
other productions costs 6. For tax purposes, using MACRS recovery
d. Storage costs necessary to further the periods, assets in the first four property classes
production process. are depreciated by double-declining balance
(200 percent) method using the half year
3. Goods on consignment should be included in the convention and switching to straight line when
inventory of: advantageous. TRUE
7. The MACRS depreciation method requires use the cash budget is not necessarily adequate for
of the half-year convention. Assets are assumed ensuring solvency. TRUE
to be acquired in the middle of the year and
only one-half of the first year's depreciation is
recovered in the first year. TRUE Quiz no. 4 PPE
8. Free cash flow (FCF) is the cash flow a firm
generate from its normal operations; calculated 1. Property, plant and equipment are tangible items
EBIT-taxes + depreciation. FALSE that;
9. The finance definition of operating cash flow I. Are held for use in production or supply of
excludes interest as an operating flow, whereas goods and services, for rental to others or for
the accounting definition includes it as an administrative purposes.
operating flow. TRUE II. Il. Are expected to be used during more than
10. The net fixed assets investment is defined as one period
change in net fixed assets plus depreciation. a. I only
TRUE b. Il only
11. The net current assets investment is defined as c. Both I & II
the change in current assets minus the change d. Neither nor II
in sum of the accounts payable and accruals.
TRUE 2. Major spare parts and standby equipment which are
12. In the statement of cash flows the financing expected to be used over a period of more than one
flows are cash flows that results from debt and year shall be classified as
equity financing transactions, including a. Property, Plant and equipment
incurrence and repayment of debt, cash flow b. Inventory
from sale of stock, and cash out flows to c. Non-current Investment
repurchase stock or pay cash dividends. TRUE d. Expense
13. Cash flow from operations is equal to firm's net
profits after taxes minus all noncash charges. 3. Cost that are expense immediately include all of the
TRUE following. Except
14. In statement of cash flows the operating flows a. Cost of opening a new facility
are cash flows directly related to purchase and b. Cost of introducing a new product or service
sale of fixed assets. FALSE including cost of advertising and promotional
15. An increase in the firm's cash balance is an activities.
inflow of cash flow. FALSE c. Cost of conducting business in a new location,
16. Depreciation is considered to be an outflow of including cost of staff training.
cash since the cash must be drawn from d. Cost of testing whether the asset is functioning
somewhere. FALSE properly.
17. The statement of cash flows allows the financial 4. The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment
manager and other interested parties to analyze that is acquired in exchange for combination of
the firm's past and possibly future profitability. monetary and non-monetary asset is measured at the
18. To assess whether any developments have a. Fair value of the asset given up plus the amount
occurred that are contrary to the company's of any cash or cash equivalent transferred.
financial policies, the financial manager should b. Fair value of the asset received plus the amount
pay special attention to both the major of any cash or cash equivalent transferred.
categories of cash flow and the individual items c. Carrying amount of the asset given up plus the
of cash inflow and outflow. TRUE amount of any cash or cash equivalent
19. Because depreciation is treated as a separate transferred.
source of cash, only net rather than gross d. Carrying amount of the asset received plus the
changes in fixed assets appear on the statement amount of any cash or cash equivalent
of cash flows. FALSE transferred.
20. Because the cash budget shows cash flows only
on a monthly basis, the information provided by 5. The cost of an item of property, plant and
equipment that is acquired in exchange for
nonmonetary asset and the exchanged lacks b. Fair value and directly attributable cost incurred
commercial substance, the cost of the acquired c. Carrying amount and directly attributable cost
asset is measured at incurred
a. Fair value of the asset given up d. Carrying amount
b. Fair value of the asset received
c. Carrying amount of the asset given up
d. Carrying amount of the asset received
10. A donated plant asset for which the fair value has
been determined, and for which directly
attributable costs were incurred, shall be recorded
at an amount equal to
a. Directly attributable cost incurred