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Get A Link

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Get a link, promote the link, earn $65 or $100 whenever someone signs up

using said link. Sounds simple right?

You can get 1 or 2 sign-ups a week, let alone a month working 2 or 3 hours a day, so
let's get into it.

Just Go to Bluehost, scroll down to find the option that says affiliates, and sign
up. Bluehost is one of the best web hosting services online. Signing up as an
affiliate with Bluehost, you will earn $65 per successful sign-up. If you happen to have
a website that gets frequented enough, you can contact Bluehost's support team and
ask for your bounty to be increased to $100 per sign-up. Worry not, as you don't
NEED to own a website. You can head over to Medium – Where good ideas find
you. And create a profile that will function as your very own blog (hosted on a 3rd
party platform). It's not the same as having your own website, but not everyone can
make and manage a website, so this will do for now.

While signing up for Bluehost, you will notice you must fill in your PayPal account
details; this might be a problem if you're living in a country where PayPal is not
allowed. However, this can be bypassed if you know someone who lives in a country
where PayPal is permitted; you can ask them to create an account for you. Another
solution would be to head over to CJaffiliate and sign up to Bluehost from there. Why
is that an option? Because CJ allows direct bank transfers as a form of
payment, this way you won't need a PayPal account.

After acquiring your affiliate link, you can create between 5 to 10 about Bluehost and
share them on your medium profile. They don't have to be lengthy and scholarly

articles. And if you don't know where to start, a simple google search on Bluehost will
present you with a comprehensive list of articles that you can draw inspiration

You need to think outside the box and write something more than a review, as
the internet is just flooded with those.

Thank you for reading this far! I hope this post expanded your options even though
just a bit. If you would like more information on Bluehost, in addition to more ideas to
market your affiliate link, make sure to watch this video. Best of luck on your journey!

Stuck At Home? Make Money Online Now in 2021
Many people have lost their jobs during this Covid-19 pandemic. Even businesses had
to close down. If you are one of those people then this post is for you. Keep on
reading and you will learn how to start working from home and making money online.

We have two main paths for making money online:

First Path:

In this path you can work for a few hours and make a maximum of 5 dollars. This
includes going to some websites and doing small tasks like clicking on links or clicking
on ads. However, this is not the best path.

Second Path:

This is the correct and recommended path. Following these five strategies you will be
able to build a real online business.

The Five Main Strategies to Work Online:

1- Content Creation

2- Freelancing

3- Affiliate Marketing

4- SAAS Services

5- Online Store

These are the five main strategies that you need to follow. You can choose to work on
one of them or even mix them up together.

1- Content creation :

a- The first example of content creation is our blog or main website, where we have
thousands of visitors every month. Here you can navigate to all our online services.

b- Then we have our YouTube channel, that has over 70 thousand subscribers and we
get around 25 thousand new subscribers every month.

c- We also have our Udemy courses where you can find a variety of courses. There are
around 72 thousand students following our courses.

2- Freelancing:

Freelancing is simply providing your skills online. If you are skilled in something
specific like graphic design, digital marketing or any type of skill that you have. You
can then provide them as a service online. In our case, we have our own website where
we provide services.

3- Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is simply promoting a product for someone else. You can then earn
a commission when someone buys the product. You can watch and learn more
about affiliate marketing if you like.

4- SAAS Services:

SAAS services or SAAS business is simply publishing a service online. It is a web

application where you can charge members on a monthly basis. An example of this is
the service L-ink.me. Another example is H-supertools, where we got around 32
thousand subscribers. It is a free service that runs on monetized ads.

5- Online Store:

An online store may be a physical store like selling physical products or a digital store
like selling courses or selling software applications. In our case, we have our academy
on H-educate.

How To Mix Strategies?

You can choose one of these strategies to start with or you can even mix them

Step 1:

As a beginner, you might want to start with a 0 budget. Your first step is to create a
website. You can use Blogger to create a free website, which is a service by Google.
You can then post your content on this website. You can also use YouTube and make

Next you must think about which strategy you want to go with. As a beginner, you can
start with affiliate marketing and freelancing.

Step 2:

So you have created your website and you have your content. Now you need to decide
whether you want to go with affiliate marketing and freelancing together or separately.
You can go to websites like Fiverr, Freelancer or Upwork and publish your services.

Step 3:

You now have your posts on your website and you have published your services. Your
next goal is to grow your audience by getting traffic and building email lists. So focus
on that and you will gradually build your audience

Follow these strategies and you can potentially make a couple of hundred dollars

starting the first month. After that you will be able to boost your online business and
even earn more. So go ahead and start now!

How to Easily Promote Affiliate Links Now Without A Website!
In this post I will share with you a very simple and straight forward affiliate marketing
strategy that will allow you to promote your affiliate links on any website. So if you
don't have your own website, don't worry, because you don’t need one!

How To Promote Affiliate Links?

In our case, we are using a website called aThemes to promote our affiliate links. It is a
company that publishes WordPress themes and sells WordPress themes and so on. So
we have included a promo link on this website that says “Get a Free Ebook”. If you click
on it, it will open our ClickBank affiliate offer. This way, we are promoting our affiliate
link on this website using a technique called “Overlay Pages” or “Overlay Links”.

First you need to get your affiliate link, which in our case we will be using Impact as an
example. It is an affiliate network like ClickBank, CJ Affiliate, or JVZoo. You can use any
affiliate link of your choice, you can even promote your own website.

In our example we will be promoting an Envato product from ThemeForest which is a

WordPress theme or an html template or website template. For example, you can
simply search on Google for top 10 WordPress themes. What we did first is get a link
to a website where we can promote our offer. The website we used is aThemes, but
you can also use CodeMap or whichever website you want.

How to Get an Overlay Link Tool or Overlay Page Tool?

You can use Sniply or Snip.ly, where you can sign up for free and then go to the
dashboard to simply create a new snip. After that copy the target website’s URL, paste
it there and click on Create a Snip. It will take you to the link creator. Then it will show
you the website and where you can edit the URL. That is where you will put the affiliate
link and then click on snip. You will get a link that you can copy.

Other Options That You Can Use:

Sniply maybe a bit costly for beginners since the cheapest price on Sniply is $29 per
month for 5,000 clicks. That is why there are two other options that you can use.

Option 1: L-ink.me

The pricing on L-ink.me is only $8.99 for unlimited clicks, which is much cheaper.

Option 2: CodeCanyon

If you go to CodeCanyon and search for a premium URL shortener, you will find a
script that costs $33. You can simply buy it from there, host it and run your own
business providing this service.

So you can pick any of these options or you can search for any alternative that
provides this overlay technique.

How to use this technique?

After signing up and opening your account on L-ink.me, you can go to overlay pages
and then create a new overlay. In our case we chose that it is a popup for a link or
product. You can also create a poll or a contact form. Name it anything you want and
write a custom message.

Then put the name in the overlay label. Next you will need to enter the affiliate link
after which you can name the button text. When you are done, simply save the overlay.
Now you need to go back to the dashboard and paste the main target website link.
Then select the overlay you made in the custom overlay. Click on shorten, then copy
the link and paste it in your browser to open it.

This way you can promote your affiliate links on any website! However, take notice of
this small important tip. Whether you are using Sniply or L-ink.me or any other overlay

service, not all websites allow this technique. It will tell you that this URL cannot use
this redirect method because it does not allow this. So just find a website that allows
this method, shorten the link and start promoting.

Start now and try out using this technique so you can also promote your affiliate links
on any website!

5 Main Ways to Make Money Online

The website is like a navigational map to all of your businesses. So, on your main
website, you should link to all of your services.

You may have services like online courses related to a specific topic. A service may
also be a blog which includes articles and tutorials about valuable topics that
are informative and benefit the readers. You can provide links to your main
website and other services through your blog.

It’s also possible to have services like SAAS business models which are software that
you sell to people on a monthly/yearly basis.

Freelancing gigs are services that you provide depending on your skills; for example,
graphic design, programming, or anything you’re good at.

Affiliate marketing is another service that is beneficial for the flourishment of your
business. You get more traffic to all of your services through your main website if
you include several links to whatever you’re offering. For example, you can promote
your services in the articles that you publish on your blog or through videos on
your YouTube channel. In addition to that, you can add advertisements or sell ad
spaces on your main website and blog.

¿Cómo puedo hacer 500 dolares mensuales con el internet desde la

Esperaba encontrar más repuestas a ésta pregunta, pero dado que por ahora nadie ha
compartido ninguna idea significativa daré mi aporte y experiencias.

Para bien o para mal, vivimos en un mundo globalizado, con lo cual pesé a ciertas
desventajas también tenemos acceso a un mercado laboral global, pero hay algunos
requisitos que de entrada nos pueden limitar en nuestra búsqueda:

 Hablar/escribir/leer inglés. Esto para mi es lo fundamental. Antes de

entrar a las recomendaciones concretas de cómo hacer $500 dólares
mensuales es necesario aclarar que la mayoría de éstas opciones requieren
un buen nivel de inglés.
 Cómo mínimo tener un conocimiento intermedio del uso de la
computadora, si bien para muchos esto no representa un problema, muchas
otras personas aún necesitan reforzar sus conocimientos de manejo de
herramientas ofimáticas, usar eficientemente los buscadores web, manejar
herramientas de comunicación (skype, hangouts, slack, etc…)…
Ahora que hemos aclarado los requisitos casi indispensables para poder ganar $500
mensuales usando internet y una computadora (decente), procedamos con las ideas y
algunas experiencias que he tenido.

Plataformas para freelancers

Dado que soy Ingeniero de Software, está fue la vía más segura para ganar dinero
extra hace algunos años. Ahora bien, eso no significa que las opciones estén limitadas
sólo a profesionales del área tecnológica, otras áreas como diseño, redacción,
traducción o mercadeo también están en alta demanda en éstas plataformas. Las
principales son:


Uno de los líderes del sector. Sólo necesitas crear tu perfil y comenzar a enviar
propuestas. En la búsqueda puedes filtrar por tus áreas de experticia e incluso recibir
alertas cuando un nuevo trabajo se publique.


Upwork fue el resultado de la unión de dos de las mejores plataformas para freelancers
y empleadores que habían en el mercado: oDesk e Elance. Y el caso de mi profesión ha
resultado ser la mejor opción si lo que quieres es trabajo a largo plazo o contratos más


 Es un mercado global. En ocasiones tienes que competir con personas de

India y Pakistán (por ejemplo), quienes cobran un precio muy por debajo de
lo que puedes permitirte. Pero no te preocupes, si eres bueno en lo que
haces, aunque tome un tiempo demostrarlo en cualquiera de las plataformas,
ten por seguro que trabajo nunca te faltará. Muchos empleadores que he
visto buscan calidad y no bajos costos.
 $500 es una cantidad pequeña, he llegado a ganar hasta 3 veces esa
cantidad en mi tiempo libre cuando trabajaba como freelance, pero debes
tomar en cuenta que toma su tiempo y que lo recomendable asumir
el freelancing como un estilo de vida. Tengo amigos que han llegado a ganar
más de 60k en un año, sin embargo les ha tomado su tiempo alcanzar las
tarifas por hora que les han permitido tal cosa.


Piénsalo, tienes una computadora e internet. Nunca, ninguna generación pasada tuvo
tanto poder en sus manos. Tienes acceso a toda la información sobre casi cualquier
tema, puedes aprender de las mejores universidades del mundo y gratis. Y, una de mis
favoritas, puedes compartir lo que sabes y lo que te hace especial, y aún así ganar
dinero. ¿Cómo?

Primero comencemos con lo que necesitas.

 Un buen micrófono para tu computadora

 Un programa para grabar tu pantalla (Camtasia, ScreenFlow si usas Mac…)
 Ser un experto en algo
Ahora si, ¿cómo?


Udemy es una de las mejores plataformas de enseñanza/aprendizaje disponibles. De
hecho yo la uso para aprender y mantenerme actualizado. A la fecha llevo más de 100
cursos comprados.

Lo mejor es que está al alcance de cualquiera enseñar y aprender. Imagina que creas
un curso sobre  ¿Cómo aprender excel en 3 horas? y lo publicas en la plataforma a un
precio de $10. Luego de un mes resulta que 100 personas han comprado tu curso, de
las cuales en éste caso hipotético, tu las has llevado a todas por medio de la
promoción que le hayas hecho al curso. En este caso te toca 97% de las ganancias, así
que al final del primer mes habrías ganado unos $970, deduciendo unos $200 en
concepto de marketing, te quedan $770. Nada mal, eh?

Siendo un inversor popular


Si lo tuyo son las finanzas e inversiones y sientes que tienes algo de Warren Buffett,
puedes probar suerte convirtiéndote en un “inversor popular” en eToro, el cual te
permite invertir en acciones, índices, divisas y commodities, y opera bajo la nueva
tendencia de Trading Social.

El mínimo para comenzar a invertir es de $50, y puedes comprar acciones completas o

fracciones de ellas, así que no necesitas iniciar con un gran monto, Y si eres bueno los
usuarios de la plataforma pueden elegir ¨copiarte¨, lo que significa que las operaciones
tu hagas con tu dinero también se hará con la cantidad que te asignen. Si logras que al
menos 50 personas te copien, puedes ganar $500 mensuales y se te cataloga como
¨Rising Star¨, y si de continuo demuestras ser buen inversor puedes ganar de $1000 a
más. Nada mal considerando que también estarás multiplicando tu dinero invertido.


Amazon KDP

Si lo tuyo es escribir, prueba publicar a Amazon. Hace algunos años publicar un libro
era algo tedioso y tardado. Ahora el proceso de publicación se ha hecho más accesible
en formato digital, y Amazon en definitiva es el rey en ese ámbito con su
plataforma, Kindle.

Así que, si tienes talento y algo de suerte, puedes vender suficientes libros para ganar
$500 o más (mucho más) cada mes. Pero, no termina ahí, te dije que podrías publicar
libros digitales, no? Bueno, eso era hace solo semanas, para la fecha que estoy
escribiendo ésta respuesta Amazon adicional te permite vender copias de tu libro
impresas por ellos en demanda.[1] suena bien, eh?

Esas son mis ideas para ganar $500 en base a mi experiencia, espero alguna te pueda
servir. Finalmente, como mi primera recomendación y de paso mi favorita fue trabajar
como freelance, te dejo una infografía que explica qué áreas están en demanda y cómo

Sólo has zoom a la imagen.

Notas al pie
[1] Get help with self-publishing your book to Amazon's Kindle Store


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