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Final Agenda - Deciphering Morphology

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8 th - 9 th
October 2021

D eciphering M orphology:
N avigating D iagnosis T hrough N ovel L ens

Virtual Meeting, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai

Dr. Sangeeta Desai
Professor & Head, Pathology, TMC

Organizing Secretaries
Dr. Mukta Ramadwar Dr. Gauri Deshpande
Professor, Pathology, TMC Assistant Professor, Pathology, TMC
Friday, 8th October 2021 DAY - 1

9.45am to 10.00am Welcome and inauguration Dr. Sangeeta Desai

10.00am to 11.30am Head and Neck - Chairperson : Dr. Munita Bal

Thyroid tumors Dr. Asawari Patil

Sinonasal tumors Dr. Swapnil Rane

Salivary gland tumors Dr. Katha Rabade

11.30am to 1.00pm Gynaecology - Chairperson : Dr. Bharat Rekhi

Ovarian tumors Dr. Kedar Deodhar

Uterine tumors Dr. Santosh Menon

Cervical, vulval and vaginal tumors Dr. Neha Mittal

3.00pm to 4.00pm Paediatric solid tumours - Chairperson : Dr. Trupti Pai

Malignant round cell tumors Dr. Mukta Ramadwar

INI1-deficient tumors Dr. Poonam Panjwani

4.00pm to 5.00pm Breast Tumor - Chairperson : Dr. Ayushi Sahay

Papillary lesions of breast Dr. Asawari Patil

Biomarker interpretation in breast Dr. Tanuja Shet

Residual cancer burden Dr. Sangeeta Desai

7.00pm to 8.30pm Hemato-lymphoid system - Chairperson : Dr. Sumeet Gujral

T-cell lymphomas Dr. Tanuja Shet

B-cell lymphomas: Indolent &

Dr. Uma Sakhadeo
low grade

B-cell lymphomas: High grade Dr. Sridhar Epari

Saturday, 9th October 2021 DAY - 2
Symphony of Predictive Biomarkers
9.30am to 10.00am Dr. Gauri Deshpande
Chairperson: Dr. Sangeeta Desai
10.00am to 11.30am Bone and soft tissue tumors - Chairperson : Dr. Neha Mittal

Bone Tumor Dr. Mukta Ramadwar

Soft tissue Tumor Dr. Bharat Rekhi

Soft tissue tumors: Potpourri Dr. Poonam Panjwani

11.30am to 1.00pm Central Nervous system - Chairperson : Dr. Katha Rabade

Introduction to CNS tumors Dr. Sridhar Epari

CNS potpourri-1 Dr. Ayushi Sahay

CNS potpourri-2 Dr. Gauri Deshpande

3.00pm to 4.00pm Genitourinary system - Chairperson : Dr. Uma Sakhadeo

Kidney tumors Dr. Santosh Menon

Prostate tumors Dr. Sangeeta Desai

4.00pm to 5.00pm Thoracic tumors - Chairperson : Dr. Gauri Deshpande

Lung tumors and predictive IHCs Dr. Rajiv Kaushal

Mediastinal tumors Dr. Trupti Pai

Pleural tumors Dr. Nupur Karnik

7.00pm to 8.30pm Gastrointestinal system - Chairperson : Dr. Kedar Deodhar

Neuroendocrine tumors Dr. Rajiv Kaushal

Appendiceal neoplasms Dr. Munita Bal

GI potpourri Dr. Subhash Yadav

Virtual Conference
October For More Details Visit
2021 tmhpathconference.com

Department of Pathology, Tata Memorial Centre, invites you to a 2-day virtual CME on 8th
& 9th October 2021 focusing on newer tumour entities and novel immunohistochemistry.
Last few years have seen incorporation of newer entities and newer diagnostic
approaches in practice of Oncopathology. With the advent of targeted therapies and
precision medicine, accurate diagnosis has become imperative more than ever.
In recent years, various molecular markers have been successfully developed into
antibodies which can be tested by immunohistochemistry techniques.
These newer biomarkers are paving new inroads into tumour diagnostics as well as into
prognostication and prediction of treatment response.
This CME will provide an overview of recent advances in Oncopathology
supplemented with potpourri of interesting cases highlighting clinical utility of novel
immunohistochemistry based biomarkers.
Save the date, learn, interact and walk along the frontiers in Oncopathology.

Dr. Sangeeta Desai,
Chairperson, Pathology Academic Meetings 2021
Professor & Head, Department of Pathology,
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, India

Organizing Secretaries
Dr. Mukta Ramadwar Dr. Gauri Deshpande
Professor, Pathology, Assistant Professor, Pathology,
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai

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