Hemorrhagic Stroke: Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Hemorrhagic Stroke: Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Hemorrhagic Stroke: Intracerebral Hemorrhage
SERIES Hemorrhagic Stroke:
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
by Marilyn M. Rymer, MD
through less-dense white matter and into the ventricles subcortical locations. Lesions in the peripheral brain
resulting in increased intracranial pressure. A hematoma parenchyma (lobar hemorrhages; see Figure 2) are usually
incites local edema and neuronal damage in the adjacent attributed to amyloid angiopathy in the elderly, but may
brain parenchyma which typically lasts from 5 days to also be due to hypertension. Hemorrhages may dissect
2 weeks, with the largest increase in edema occurring from the brain parenchyma into the adjacent ventricular
in the first 72 hours.3 Thrombin within the hematoma space or they may be isolated to the intraventricular space
plays a central role in promoting perihematomal edema. (see Figure 3), both carrying a poor prognosis.6
Hemoglobin and its products, heme and iron, are potent CT with contrast and CT angiography (CTA) may
mitochondrial toxins leading to cell death. identify associated aneurysms, tumors and underlying
AVMs, although MR scanning is more sensitive for AVMs,
Diagnosis and Assessment especially cavernomas. MRI is a reasonable alternative
The early risk of neurological deterioration and to CT scanning but is usually not as practical in most
cardiopulmonary instability in ICH is high, making hospitals.
urgent diagnosis and management critical. The history Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is the gold
must be taken quickly. It is important to know whether standard for identification of aneurysms and AVMs. Most
there is any history of trauma, hypertension, excessive cases compatible with either hypertensive or amyloid
use of alcohol, any use of drugs either by prescription angiopathy etiologies will not require angiography. A
or recreation that could play a role such as cocaine, search for a secondary cause is recommended when:
warfarin, aspirin, clopidogrel, or any hematologic UÊ Age <45 years
disorder. UÊ No history or presence of hypertension
The first priority in the physical examination is to UÊ Unusual location i.e. temporal lobe
assess vital signs and determine if intubation is required UÊ Increased edema on initial CT scan
for safety during imaging. It is important to determine UÊ Multiple hemorrhages present
if acute myocardial injury is a risk in patients with UÊ Irregular shape of the hemorrhage
severely elevated blood pressure (BP).After the patient
is medically stabilized, the next step is to obtain stat labs Treatment of ICH
to include protime/INR, PTT, CBC with platelet count, Primary Therapy
D-dimer, fibrinogen, electrolytes, BUN/creatinine, There are no evidence-based primary therapies that
glucose, liver functions and type and screen to blood improve outcomes for acute ICH. Clinical trials have
bank and then get the patient to an imaging study as fast shown that early treatment with recombinant Factor VIIa
as possible. prevents early ICH expansion, but clinical outcomes were
not changed.7
CT head scanning has clarified the natural history of Medical Management
ICH and is the major test in use to differentiate between Blood Pressure
acute ICH, SAH, and ischemic stroke. It is an extremely General medical management includes attention
sensitive test to detect both ICH and SAH and to identify to airway, oxygenation, hydration, glucose <180,
the size and location of the hemorrhage. Hematoma temperature at 37.5 degrees C, early nutrition and
expansion, highly associated with clinical deterioration mobilization, and prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis.
and poor outcomes, is evident in nearly 40% of cases The head of the bed should be up 30 degrees and the
within the first 3 hours after onset of symptoms is also patient should be monitored in an ICU setting.
well-documented with CT scanning.4,5 An approximate The target blood pressure should be individualized
volume of the hemorrhage can be determined by depending on factors including history of hypertension,
multiplying the maximum length (cm) times the intracranial pressure, age, presumed cause of the
maximum width (cm) times the number of transverse CT hemorrhage and interval since onset. In several
scan cuts (height in cm) and dividing by 2. retrospective studies, elevated systolic blood pressure
The most common site for hypertensive ICH is greater than 160 mm HG on admission was associated
the putamen (see Figure 1) but it may occur in other with growth of the hematoma but this has not been
Figure 3 Figure 4
Intraventricular hemorrhage, usually related Cerebellar hemorrhage. This is the one potential neurosurgical
to hypertension. emergency.
52 | January/February 2011 | 108:1 Missouri Medicine