Shell Case Study
Shell Case Study
Shell Case Study
Case study About Objective Solution Results
Impact UK were asked to work with As the 1st global leadership team was Impact were involved in the design "The significant preparation by Impact
Shell’s 1st global leadership team as newly established and faced the and preparation phase of the Sales 1st ensured a very thorough understanding
Shell Lubricants are one of they developed the Sales 1st additional challenge of working annual conference, offering advice and of Shell’s wider business and most
business strategy: ‘Drive towards virtually it was essential that the five- guidance to orient and engage the importantly, the role of Sales 1st and it’s
the global leaders in the 2012’. day event achieved the following team and define successful outcomes. specific objectives and challenges.
lubricants industry, objectives: However, the approach was considered
manufacturing and marketing Shell’s Sales 1st global leadership team There were clear business outcomes and impartial drawing on extensive
a range of top quality are responsible for developing § Develop a leadership team of sales to achieve, but the Sales 1st team experience to facilitate a self-driven
leadership capability, standardised and marketing professionals recognised that with such a newly solution, always mindful of a healthy
lubricant products. processes and best practice that § Achieve alignment and established team from differing challenge and providing support to
reflects Shell’s global vision. They aim commitment to key business cultures, they needed to put ensure quality and delivery. The
to create a motivating sales priorities and issues leadership behaviour at the heart of business value was immediate with a
environment that enables sustainable § Review performance to date, their actions. Initial challenges included final day VP engagement driving real
top-line growth across the business celebrate success and agree next establishing a business start point and substance and excellence in both the
and further develops Shell’s position as steps an immediate team. materials produced and the team
a world-class sales organisation. The § Create an environment of openness dynamic and relationships. The creation
Sales 1st programme is intended to and safety to share feedback and Impact led the initial session on the first of a shared purpose and winning
extend Shell Lubricants’ position as the best practice. day as the group explored how they mentality was palpable and highly
global market share leader of all should best work together to become rewarding for all involved.
finished lubricants (source Kline 2008). a high performing team. The next day
revolved around information sharing This experience was a highly effective
from each member of the leadership catalyst to generating superior
team. Impact consultants worked with performance both as individuals and as
the conference chairperson to assess a collective team. It gave us the real
and amend the meeting agenda to foundation to build that sense of
ensure that every moment the team connection and mutual endeavour,
spent together was as valuable as which we have now encapsulated in our
possible. Impact’s skills at business ways of working. We recognise that this
facilitation resulted in a unique is the start of our journey to becoming a
dialogue to shape future strategy and high performing team with visible
agree working practices. success and recognition driving real
commitment at all levels.