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Lost and Found: The Kitchen. Remind Learners To Record

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8Lost and found

8.1 Language note: Separable multi-word verbs

Goals: talk about attitudes to possessions Most of the multi-word verbs in 4 are separable, i.e. the object
describe objects pronoun goes between the verb and the particle: throw (it)
away, tidy (it) up, clean (it) up, put (it) away, give (it) away.
Core language: However, you can only say get rid of it (not get rid it of). When
VOCABULARY Multi-word verbs: tidying and cleaning the object is stated (not a pronoun), it follows the multi-word
Describing products verb, e.g. clean up the kitchen. Remind learners to record
new words and expressions in their vocabulary notebooks and
to write sentences to illustrate meaning and use.
Clutter, rubbish, stuff
You could use photocopiable activity 8A on the
READING Teacher’s DVD-ROM at this point.
1 a Focus the class on the heading of the article and
the picture of Michelle Passoff and ask learners to SPEAKING
predict what it might be about. Learners then read the 5 / Learners discuss the questions in pairs or
introduction to the article and talk about the questions groups. In feedback, ask one or two learners for their
together. Check the three words and get some answers to the third question. This will lead into the
feedback from the class. Finally, ask learners what next activity.
they think declutter means and explain that it is a
‘creative’ play on the word clutter, making it negative.
a rubbish b clutter c stuff
VOCABULARY Describing products
b Give learners time to read through the rest of the
article and the comments in the tint panel below it, 1 Learners read about the website, Freecycle. Check
then discuss the potential benefits of decluttering as a any global problems together before learners discuss
whole class. the questions in pairs.
2 a Focus on expressions. Do the first expression with the
Language note: clutter, rubbish, stuff
class, then learners continue in pairs.
The three words have a similar meaning in this context, but
very different uses beyond the text. Stuff is extremely high Good points: instructions are included; in good working
frequency (195 in the CIC frequency list) because, like thing, order; comes with; in quite good condition; ideal for
it is a general noun (uncountable) which is used to refer to Bad points: play up; could do with
everything from physical objects to ideas, events or states.
It is commonly used in vague expressions, e.g. and stuff like b Learners cover the previous offers and complete
that, that kind of stuff. See further examples in the comments the microwave text. They can do this in pairs, or
at the end of the article. Rubbish refers both to physical individually before checking with a partner.
things and to ideas of no value (e.g. That’s absolute rubbish!),
while clutter refers only to physical objects. 1 order 2 play 3 included 4 with 5 for

2 Reading for detail. Learners scan the article to find You could use photocopiable activity 8B on the
who says the things in sentences 1–5. Learners check Teacher’s DVD-ROM at this point.
their ideas in pairs. Then feed back as a class.
1 Manuel (in comments) 2 Michelle Passoff 3 Roger WRITING AND SPEAKING
(in comments) 4 Don Aslett 5 Ana (in comments)
3 Give learners a few moments to think of something to
3 / Learners discuss the opinions in pairs or describe. Walk round and help with ideas if necessary.
groups. In feedback, find out what learners feel about Monitor while learners are writing their descriptions
the topic. and help as necessary.
4 Learners exchange descriptions with three or four
VOCABULARY Multi-word verbs: tidying and people. This should enable them to find something
cleaning they need and to find a new home for their unwanted
4 Focus on multi-word verbs. Make sure learners products. Encourage learners to find out more about
cover the article and then complete the sentences in each other’s products.
pairs. They can check their own answers in the article
Alternative: Milling
when they’re ready.
In 4, learners can walk round the class reading each other’s
1 throw away 2 tidy up 3 clean up 4 put away descriptions and asking questions. Set an appropriate time
5 get rid of 6 give away limit, e.g. three or four minutes. Then learners get into groups
of three or four and talk together.

Unit 8 Lost and found 75

8.2 Optional extra

Goals: talk about unexpected travel situations In a multicultural class, encourage learners to compare
discuss options and decide what to do the efficiency of transport systems in their countries. In a
make deductions monocultural class, focus on transport that is available in the
learners’ country, e.g. if there are no trains, talk about buses
Core language: and how reliable they are.
VOCABULARY Travel situations
GRAMMAR Modals of deduction and speculation
PRONUNCIATION Emphatic stress Lost
GRAMMAR Modals of deduction and speculation
A nightmare journey
1 a Read the example sentences, stressing the modal
LISTENING verbs for emphasis. This will help learners with the
1 Pre-listening discussion. Focus learners on the meaning and also with the pronunciation work on
pictures and elicit some ideas about what Alice and emphatic stress which follows.
Javier might be talking about. Direct attention to the 1 The train must go from here.
question and discuss it as a class or in pairs. 2 There might be a local bus that goes past.
2 Listening for main idea. Explain that Alice and Javier There could be one further along.
3 This can’t be our train!
(pictured next to this activity) are on a journey and
that a number of things go wrong. Point out that A–F b Direct learners to p154 to find another example of each
relate to conversations at the different times shown. modal verb in the scripts. Remind them that they should
Learners read the first two questions, then listen only look for modal verbs with the meanings in a.
to recording 2.21A. Learners discuss their ideas in
C That can’t be the only way, surely!
pairs. Play the conversation again if necessary before
D There must be a problem with the engine.
checking as a class. Continue as above for each Well, it could be an hour before it gets here.
conversation, B–F. E We might be able to hitchhike.

A 1 They’re going to Sue’s birthday party (a barbecue). 2 a Learners complete the conversation with modal
2 They get on the wrong train (to Newmont, not
Beauville where they want to go).
B 3 They need to go (direct) to Newmont, get a train b Play recording 2.22 so learners can check their own
back to where they started, then get a train to answers. Point out that could is also possible in gap 3.
C 4 All the trains to Beauville are cancelled, so they 1 can’t  2 must  3 might  4 must  5 can’t
have to get a bus instead.
5 Learners’ own ideas Note: Grammar practice
D 6 The bus breaks down.
7 Learners’ own ideas (e.g. hitchhike) You could do the grammar practice on p140 at this point.
E 8 They should wait for the next bus.
9 Alice thinks they should start walking and try to
get a lift with someone.
PRONUNCIATION Emphatic stress
F 10 No. They miss the party. 3 a Play recording 2.23 or say the sentences yourself and
ask learners in which sentences the stress makes the
VOCABULARY Travel situations speaker sound more or less certain.
3 Focus on expressions. Learners read through 1, a more certain, 2, b less certain
Alice’s description of her journey. Remind them to
b Learners practise saying the sentences, emphasising
think about the form of the verbs. Do the first one
the modal verbs in each one.
together, then learners continue in pairs.
1 got on  2 get off  3 were cancelled  4 broke down SPEAKING
5 got a lift  6 got stuck  7 got lost  8 gave us a lift
4 a / Focus learners on the picture and give them
time to read the situation. Explain that the activity
SPEAKING is a sort of puzzle and that they need to discuss and
4 a Focus learners on the situations and give them a few choose the best option in each case as a pair or group.
minutes to remember travel problems they’ve had and Remind them that they should discuss the options
think about what to say. Tell learners not to worry if using modals of deduction as appropriate, and decide
they don’t have a story for all the situations; when what to do at each stage. Discuss the first four options
they talk together in b, other learners’ stories may as a class, putting learners’ ideas on the board if
remind them of similar things that have happened they’re different from the examples. This will serve as
to them. a reminder to learners to try to use the target language
b Walk round while learners are talking and take in their discussions. Then learners continue in pairs,
a note of uses of the target language for a feedback following their chosen paths through the different
session at the end of the activity. scenarios at the back of the book. Monitor while

76  Unit 8  Lost and found

learners are talking and help if there are any problems TASK
moving forward. Take a note of how learners use the 5 Preparation. Set up the role play and walk round
modals for a feedback session. while learners are preparing and help as necessary.
b Round-up. Find out who got home first and last and
Alternative for weaker groups
feedback on learners’ use of language.
Learners prepare for the role play in A/A and B/B pairs.

6 a Role play. Learners have their conversations. In

8.3 Target activity feedback, find out if the lost property office has their
Goals: describe objects possession (it does).
make deductions
b Learners change roles and have another conversation
Core language:
using different information. Monitor while learners
TASK VOCABULARY Describing objects
8.1 VOCABULARY Describing products
are talking. You may want to feed back to learners on
8.2 GRAMMAR Modals of deduction and speculation useful and incorrect language from their conversations
before they continue with further role plays.
c Learners do two further role plays.
Find something at lost property
d Round-up. Find out if learners found all the things
1 Pre-listening discussion. Focus learners on the
pictures of the objects and ask learners where they 8 Explore
might find them all in one place (to elicit lost property
office). Discuss the questions as a class or in pairs.
This will set the context for the listening. Keyword: have
2 Explain the situation and give learners time to read Goal: use have in a range of different uses
the questions, then play recording 2.24. Learners Core language
match the pictures with the conversations. have in present and past perfect
have to for obligation
1 1 E  2 D  3 F Causative have
2 It has the mobile phone, but not the black leather have + noun
wallet or the sports bag. Expressions with have + noun

TASK VOCABULARY Describing objects Uses of have

3 a Learners match sentences 1–7 with the pictures. 1 a Focus learners on the questions, then play recording
2.25. Feed back as a class.
1 E  2 F  3 E  4 D  5 D  6 D  7 F
1 her coat
b Learners work through a–c in pairs, before checking 2 at the bus stop
as a class.
b Learners read the sentences from the conversation
a size – colour – material (1–4) and match them to a–d. Check as a class.
b Learners’ own answers
Possible answers: colour: red, blue, gold, purple, 1 c  2 d  3 b  4 a
yellow, etc.; material (adjectives): plastic, metal,
canvas, glass, wooden, etc.; size: tiny, large, huge, c Learners read the email and do questions 1 and 2
medium-sized together.
c on the top; on the back
1 An old man found it at the bus stop outside her office.
4 a Writing. Give learners time to think of a possession and 2 ­ Guess what! I’ve found my coat. It took most of the
to write a description of it. Remind them not to say what day to find it. I couldn’t get through to lost property
the possession is. Walk round and help as necessary. on the phone so I had to go there, but nobody had
handed it in. I thought it might be at the office so I had
b Learners listen to each other’s descriptions and to go all the way into town to check but it wasn’t there
guess what the possessions are. Monitor and be either. I had some lunch with Lorna, and I then saw an
prepared to help out if there are problems that impede old man wearing my coat! I asked him about it and he
said he had found it at the bus stop outside the office.
I said he could keep it, as I had just bought a new
one. Have you found your phone yet?
Anyway, I have to go now. See you later.

Unit 8  Lost and found  77 

Causative have
Explore speaking
2 a Focus learners on the short conversation and answer
Goals: describe objects you don’t know the name of
the questions as a class. Write the pattern on the use vague language to describe things
board so learners can refer to it when they write
Core language:
their questions in b. Point out that get and have are
Vague language
interchangeable in this structure and add get to the
pattern on the board.
1 Focus learners on the pictures and talk about what the
1 Someone else did it (the dry cleaners). objects might be used for with the class.
2 have + noun + past participle 2 Listening for main idea. Play recording 2.26 and get
b Writing questions. Do the first one with the class and learners to match the conversations to the objects in
write it on the board as an example. Point out that the pictures. Then they discuss the three questions in
learners can also ask for information such as where pairs before checking as a class.
(do you have your hair cut?) or how often, etc. 1B 2A 3C
1 the mbira (conversation 3)
Possible questions
2 the tallboy (conversation 1)
Do you have your car fixed or do you do it yourself?
3 the bilum (conversation 2)
Do you have your windows cleaned or do you do them
yourself? 3 a Listening for detail. Play recording 2.26 again,
Where do you have your hair cut?
How often do you have your nails manicured?
stopping after each conversation so pairs can discuss
Do you have to have your accounts done by someone? the similarities and differences. Don’t go through the
How often do you have your home cleaned? answers at this stage.
c / Asking and answering. Learners talk in pairs b Learners check their ideas in the conversations on the
or groups. Encourage them to ask for more details, page.
e.g. how often, where, etc., and decide who is the most Possible answers
self-sufficient. 1 It’s not nearly as big and it’s made of wood with metal
Alternative: Survey 2 It’s much taller.
You could do this as a class survey, with each learner taking 3 It’s like rope, but more delicate than rope.
one action and writing two or three questions for it (as
suggested above). Learners then mill around the class asking 4 The distinctions between the three categories are quite
their questions. Give them a time limit, e.g. three or four subtle, so do this with the class and don’t spend too
minutes. Depending on the size of the class, learners then much time on the differences between the three sets of
get into groups to share what they found out or report their expressions.
information to the class.
1 c  2 a  3 b

Common expressions with have + noun 5 a Preparation. Give learners time to choose
3 a Draw attention to the highlighted expressions in a–g. something to describe and to prepare what they want
Learners do the matching in pairs or individually to say. Walk round and help with ideas and vocabulary
before comparing with a partner. as necessary while they’re working.
b Speaking and listening. Learners take turns to
1 e  2 a  3 g  4 d  5 c  6 b  7 f
describe and listen to each other’s descriptions and
b Find someone who. Elicit a question for the first guess what they’re describing (and perhaps draw the
item from the class and write it on the board. Then object). Encourage them to find out more information
give learners a moment to prepare the rest of the about the objects by asking further questions. Monitor
questions to ask a partner. while they’re talking and take a note of good and
incorrect language use for a feedback session at
2 Do you always have a word with your boss when you
the end.
have a problem?
3 Do you have a go at fixing things in the home? /
Have you ever had a go at fixing things in the home?
4 Have you had a chance to do your homework?
8 Look again
5 Do you have something boring to do at the weekend,
but don’t have a choice (about this)? Review
6 Do you have a feeling that something exciting will
happen today? GRAMMAR Modals of deduction and speculation
c Asking and answering. Learners talk together. 1 a Look at the first sentence and examples with the class
Encourage them to find out more information by and elicit more ideas from learners. Write the ideas
asking questions. Monitor while they are talking and on the board to demonstrate the activity, then learners
feed back as necessary. continue in pairs.
You could use photocopiable activity 8C on the
b Walk round while learners are writing more situations
Teacher’s DVD-ROM at this point. and help as necessary. Put pairs into groups to guess
what is happening. Feed back as a class by asking
learners to present and guess situations in open pairs.
78  Unit 8  Lost and found
VOCABULARY Travel situations NOTICE Using synonyms
2 a Learners do the matching individually before 5 This activity draws attention to the use of synonyms
checking with a partner. in written English. If learners are struggling, let them
look back at the article to find the words.
get stuck, get on/off, get a lift, get lost, (get down)
give somebody a lift 1 rubbish, stuff, things, possessions
break down 2 Learners’ own answers
be stuck, be cancelled, be lost 3 throw away, have a clear out, get rid of, give away

b Learners read the situations and complete the

sentences by inserting expressions at the points Self-assessment
indicated. Remind them that they may have to change Go through the list of goals, eliciting language from the
the forms of the verbs. unit for each one. You may need to remind learners of the
1 get stuck  2 broken down  3 is cancelled  4 get on
contexts for the goals and let them look back through the
unit if necessary. Then they circle the appropriate number
c Give learners a few minutes to think about the for each goal. Walk round while they are doing this and talk
situations and to come up with ideas. Then they to learners about their progress. Remind learners about the
can take turns to tell each other what they did. Ask extra practice opportunities under the box, and ask where
different learners to give an idea for each situation. they can find things.

CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 7 – Matching people

to jobs and activities
3 a Learners complete the sentences. Check as a class.
1 someone  2 person  3 something  4 thing

b Writing sentences. Walk round while learners are

writing and help as necessary.
c Speaking. Learners discuss the activities. In
feedback, find out if they agreed with each other.

4 a Say the /A:/ sound for the class so learners know what
to listen for, then play recording 2.27 or say the words
yourself. Learners underline the letters (one or two
letters) which make the /A:/ sound, then check with a
partner. In feedback, check learners are aware of the
silent l in calm, half and halve (/A:/).
argument, dance, dark, article, bar, calm, alarm, half,
castle, star, example, halve, arm, large, far

Language note: Variation in pronunciation

For many speakers, ar is pronounced /A:r/, depending
on where the speaker comes from (e.g. USA, Scotland,
Ireland). A in the middle of words is pronounced // by many
speakers, e.g. in the North of England and in the USA.

b Learners match the spelling patterns to the words

in a. Remind learners to say the words out loud to
each other.
1 argument, dark, article, bar, alarm, star, arm, large, far
2 calm, half, halve
3 dance, castle, example

c Spellcheck with books closed. Play recording 2.28 or

say the words for learners to write them down. They
can check their own spelling at the end.

Unit 8  Lost and found  79 

Unit 8  Extra activities on the Teacher’s DVD-ROM
Printable worksheets, activity instructions and answer keys are on your Teacher’s DVD-ROM.

8A Clearing out 8B Freecycle happy families 2 8C Story generator

Introduction slip

You are going to invent a story.
First you will need a main character. Decide together:
• Who is it? Describe him/her.
8B Freecycle happy families 1
✂ • What is his/her job?
• Where does he/she live?
• Where is he/she, and what is he/she doing when the story starts?
Story slips

Your main character has a secret. What is it? Why is it important?

Your main character has to do something he/she doesn’t want to. What is it? Why doesn’t
he/she want to do it?
Someone else has a message to give to your main character – what happens when he/she
phone computer bicycle hobby hears it?
✂ Someone has an accident. Who? What causes it?
Your character has to have his/her suit cleaned in a hurry. Why?
Your character has a problem. What is it?
Somebody has a dream. Who? What does he/she dream of?
Something terrible has happened. What? Why is it a problem?
put away
will you please

Two old friends have a chat. What do they talk about?

have a good clear-out

phone computer bicycle hobby

get rid of

Your main character has a chance to solve his/her problem, but he/she chooses not to.
cups ✂

CDs live Brother Why not?

especially back

cases week Somebody has a word with your main character that changes everything. Who?

bring What does he/she say?


others need know

games Somebody has to travel far away. Where to? Why?
put away

clothes please tidy this room up kitchen A character has a choice to make. What is it?

food laundry basket plates


An old woman has a feeling something is wrong. Who is she? What does she do?

just pleasepick up dirty

phone computer bicycle hobby
Someone has to tell your main character something important but can’t. Why not? What is it?
clear up fit ✂
Sister Your main character has a mysterious meeting. Who with? Where?
more space difficult keep clean

English Unlimited Intermediate Teacher’s Pack Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011 Your main character has a friend who helps. Who is the friend? How does he/she help?

tidy up



Someone has a brilliant idea. What is it?


food Your main character has a job to do, but he/she doesn’t have time to do it.
Your main character has a bit of good luck.
Love Mum phone computer bicycle hobby

English Unlimited Intermediate Teacher’s Pack Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011 English Unlimited Intermediate Teacher’s Pack Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011
English Unlimited Intermediate Teacher’s Pack Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011

8A Clearing out 8B Freecycle happy 8C Story generator

Activity type: Speaking and writing – families Activity type: Speaking and writing –
Reconstruct note from visual cues and Activity type: Speaking – Card game Collaborative story-building/rehearsal/
a ‘word cloud’ – Individuals/Pairs – Groups retelling – Groups
Aim: To practise using multi-word Aim: To practise describing products Aim: To practise uses of have
verbs for cleaning and tidying and asking for things politely Language: Keyword have – Use at
Language: Multi-word verbs: tidying Language: Describing products – Use any point from Keyword have, p67.
and cleaning – Use at any point from at any point from 8.1. Preparation: Make one copy of the
8.1. worksheet for each group of learners.
Preparation: Make one copy each of
Preparation: Make one copy of the Worksheets 1 and 2 for each group. Cut up each worksheet to make one
worksheet for each learner (and one Cut up Worksheet 1 to make a set Introduction slip and one set of 20
copy of the original note for each of four Character cards. Cut up Story slips.
learner if desired). Worksheet 2 to make a set of 16 Time: 20–30 minutes (plus further
Time: 20–30 minutes Object cards. Shuffle the Object cards. writing time if required)
Time: 15–20 minutes

Unit 8  Self-study Pack

In the Workbook On the DVD-ROM
Unit 8 of the English Unlimited Intermediate Workbook Unit 8 of the English Unlimited Intermediate Self-study
offers additional ways to practise the vocabulary and DVD-ROM contains interactive games and activities for
grammar taught in the Coursebook. There are also activities your learners to practise and improve their vocabulary,
which build reading and writing skills and a whole page of grammar and pronunciation, and also their speaking
listening and speaking tasks to use with the Interview video, and listening, with the possibility for learners to record
giving your learners the opportunity to hear and react to themselves, and a video of authentic spoken English to use
authentic spoken English. with the Workbook.
• Vocabulary: Multi-word verbs: tidying and cleaning; • Vocabulary and grammar: Extra practice activities
Describing products; Travel situations; Describing objects • Pronunciation: Emphatic stress
• Grammar: Modals of deduction • Explore speaking: What a ... !
• Time out: Quiz: Are you organised or disorganised? • Explore listening: A lost item
• Explore writing: Selling things online • Video: Nightmare journeys
• Interview: Nightmare journeys – Clare and Andrés

80  Unit 8  Lost and found

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