Dear Respondent,
If No then go to: Qn No 9
4) How did you know about the type of Laptop you are using right now?
Newspaper [ ] Magazine [ ]
Television [ ] Radio [ ]
Friends and Family [ ] Others [ ]
5) What was the offer that you got when you bought your Laptop?
Price discounts [ ] Extended Warranty [ ]
Freebies [ ] Others [ ]
6) Do you think that you get influenced by sales offers while buying Laptop?
Always [ ] Sometimes [ ]
Never [ ] Can’t Say [ ]
7) Are you satisfied with the Laptop you are using right now?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
10.3 Upgradation
Not Important [ ] Less important [ ] Important [ ] Very Important [ ]
10.4 Configuration
Not Important [ ] Less important [ ] Important [ ] Very Important [ ]
11.2 Freebies
Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ] Can’t Say [ ]
14) Where do you get the information about the latest offers?
Newspaper [ ] Magazine [ ]
Television [ ] Radio [ ]
Friends and Family [ ] Others [ ]
15) Does the dealer have influence while buying any type of Laptop or IT
Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ] Can’t Say [ ]
16) Do you think that sales promotion offers has following impact on the brand
you use?
17) Which company do you think has the best sales offers?
HCL [ ] HP [ ] IBM/Lenovo [ ]
Acer [ ] Zenith [ ] Others [ ]
18) Personal Details
18.1 Age
18-25 [ ] 25-40 [ ]
40-60 [ ] 60 and above [ ]
18.2 Gender
Male [ ] Female [ ]
18.4 Occupation
Government Job [ ] Working in private sector [ ]
Own Business [ ] Retired [ ]
Student [ ]
Thanks for filling up the questionnaire and for your valuable time.