Assesment/Enrichment: in GE707: Reading in Philippine History
Assesment/Enrichment: in GE707: Reading in Philippine History
Assesment/Enrichment: in GE707: Reading in Philippine History
Reading in Philippine History
Second Semester 2020-2021
Submitted by:
Johaina L. Ali
BSED Filipino I
Submitted to:
Prof. Mary Grace Gallego
Subject Instructor
Lesson 3: Historical
Lesson 1: Cavite
Lesson 2: Agrarian Reform from the Spanish Colonial Philippines to the Present
Chapter 5: Local History, Museums, and Cultural Communities in Mindanao
Lesson 2:
Chapter 1
1. How important historical writings to the person, group and country? Discuss the
importance of Historical Analysis.
Historical writings is very important for a person, a group and a country.
These writings are the means to understand our past. Our past is very
important for us because without our past, we could not be what we are
right now. By historical writings we understand the past, and learn many
things so much that was crucial to understand the future as well.
Historical Analysis is a method of the examination of evidence coming to
an understanding of the past. It is particularly applied to evidence
contained in documents, although it can be applied to artifacts.
2. How do you give meaning to the so called “HISTORY”? Discuss
History is the study of the human past as it is described in the written
documents left by human beings. The past, with all its decisions
completed, it’s participants dead and its history told, is what the general
public perceives as the immutable bedrock on which we historians and
archeologist stand. In history we study about the past, we came to know
about the reigns of various kings. History also gives us an idea about the
state of art, literature, culture, and civilization.
A 4. The third part of diplomatic source. The attestation of those responsible for the
document, which may be the author, writer, counter signer, principal parties
involved, and witnesses to the enactment or the subscription.
a. Eschatocol c. content
b. Protocol d. negotiable
a. Newspaper c. painting
b. Electronic data d. tape recorder
D .9. These are materials made by people long after the events being described had
taken place.
a. Primary source c. scientific source
b. Diplomatic source d. secondary source
Historical criticism began in the 17th century and gained popular recognition
in the 19th and 20th centuries. The perspective of the early historical critic
was rooted in Protestant Reformation ideology since its approach to biblical
studies was free from the influence of traditional interpretation. Where
historical investigation was unavailable, historical criticism rested on
philosophical and theological interpretation. With each passing century,
historical criticism became refined into various methodologies used today:
source criticism, form criticism, redaction criticism, tradition criticism,
canonical criticism, and related methodologies.
History, like all subjects, is subjective — given that the practitioners are subjects.
Objectivity is a myth. You may objectively measure the temperature, but what
that means or implies requires an inferential jump that can only be done
subjectively. Hard sciences have a rigorous protocol that allows for shared
subjectivity in that what constitute valid inferences is more or less predetermined
in most fields.
History is the same, only with two additional problems. First, those who create
the source documents from which historians study, were all people writing
from their own subjective point of view. So historians have to piece together
this disparate, often contradictory, accounts to try to figure out what is true,
what is imagined, what is due to viewpoint, and what is fabrication.
Then, they have the added problem that there isn’t a standard limit upon valid
inferences from the data as there is in the hard sciences. So the range of
theories gets wider. There’s also no real ability to experiment, so the ability to
verify a theory is highly limited.
But that doesn’t mean history isn’t rigorous, or false. The terms “objective”
and “subjective” are heavily overused to imply a hard truth versus a soft
opinion. History as a discipline is a serious academic field with robust
methods of investigation that take just as long to master as physics or
chemistry or any hard science field.
You will be rated according to the following rubrics: Poor (1point). The content is
incomplete, major points are not clear and question was not adequately answered. (2)
Fair (2points). The content is not comprehensive or persuasive. Major points are
addressed, but not well supported. Responses are inadequate or do not addressed
assignment. Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought; (3)
Good 3(points). The content is accurate and persuasive. Major points are stated.
Responses are adequate and addressing assignment. Content and purpose of the
answer are clear; and (4) Excellent (4 points). The content is comprehensive, accurate
and persuasive. Major points are clearly stated and well supported. Responses are
excellent. Content and purpose of the answer are clear.
Pigafetta had managed to survive, along with his journal – notes that
detailed the discovery of the western route to the Moluccas. And along the
way, new land, new people; on the far side of the Pacific, the fleet had
stumbled across the Marianas archipelago, and some three hundred leagues
further west, the Philippines.
three years earlier. These men completed the first circumnavigation of the world.
Pigafetta's surviving journal is the source for much of what is known about
Magellan and Elcano's voyage. Antonio Pigafetta (1491 – c. 1531) was a
Venetian scholar and explorer. He joined the expedition to the Spice Islands led
by explorer Ferdinand Magellan under the flag of King Charles I of Spain and,
after Magellan's death in the Philippines, the subsequent voyage around the
world. During the expedition, he served as Magellan's assistant and kept an
accurate journal which later assisted him in translating the Cebuano language. It
is the first recorded document concerning the language.
Assessment/ Enrichment:
B. Poor (1point). The content is incomplete, major points are not clear and question
was not adequately answered. (2) Fair (2points). The content is not comprehensive
or persuasive. Major points are addressed, but not well supported. Responses are
inadequate or do not addressed assignment. Content is inconsistent with regard to
purpose and clarity of thought; (3) Good 3(points). The content is accurate and
persuasive. Major points are stated. Responses are adequate and addressing
assignment. Content and purpose of the answer are clear; and (4) Excellent (4
points). The content is comprehensive, accurate and persuasive. Major points are
clearly stated and well supported. Responses are excellent. Content and purpose of
the answer are clear.
The King of Spain tasked him to document the colonized customs
and traditions(“natives”) based on, arguably, his observations and judgments.
Notably, de Plasencia wrote the Doctrina Cristiana, an early book on the
catechism believed to be the first book ever printed in the Philippines. Such
initiatives were an accustomed practice of the colonizers during the Age of
Discovery to enhance their superiority over the colonized and validity of their so-
called duties and legacies to the world.
3. What is the important connection of the document to your recognition and
appreciation of the Tagalog customs?
it is a blend of many cultures that have come to our shores & rooted in our own
native Filipino culture. The importance of looking at one’s own culture
should always be emphasized not only for the sake of national pride but for
the recognition that our culture is relevant and beautiful. Furthermore, it can
be a significant source of ideas and inspiration to solve our modern
problems. Only when we, Filipinos, begin to look into ourselves will we find what
we need to move forward. But the important connection of the document is for
knowledge and observation of how it was back then to now, and what are the
customs that we still have now and why is this legend still be believing till now.
Almost all of the customs back then had long been forgotten and this documents
made us appreciate the simple things and belief in life as a Filipino more than
Explore: Compare Famous Paintings of Luna and Amorsolo
The students will search online for 5 paintings, one from Luna and the other one from
Amorsolo. They will discuss the ideas portrayed in the paintings.
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basement of the Roman
Colosseum where the
portray the darkness of fallen and dying
the room. The people in gladiators are dumped
the painting represent the and devoid of their
shapes and time is shown worldly possessions. At
because we know that the center of Luna’s
this painting is a painting painting are fallen
that was made to show gladiators being dragged
the old times. by Roman soldiers. On
the left, spectators
ardently await their
The principles of design
chance to strip off the
present in the painting are
combatants of their metal
proportion and unity.
helmets and other
Proportion is evident
armory. In contrast with
because we can see that
the charged emotions
artists has painted the
featured on the left, the
people in the painting with
right side meanwhile
normal body parts and
presents a somber
that it was not altered in
mood. An old man
any way. Unity is shown
carries a torch perhaps
because all of the parts in
searching for his son
the painting unifies with
while a woman weeps
each other to make single
the death of her loved
The Blood Compact The formal elements that The painting portrays the
are shown in the painting 1565 Sandugo (blood
1886 are light and shape and compact ritual) between
time. Light is being used Datu Sikatuna of Bohol
here because the artist and Miguel Lopez de
used artificial light to Legazpi, surrounded by
portray the darkness of other conquistadors. A
the room. The people in blood compact was done
the painting represent the in order to seal their
shapes and time is friendship and establish
shown because we know amicable bonds between
that this painting is a the two parties.
painting that was made to
show the old times.
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1892 of Juan Luna’s life, the be “caught up in
tones and mood of his dramatic events” that
paintings shifted from lead to a “heroic path”,
dark to light. The Parisian Life has a
“playful” and “relaxed
mood” that does not
provide “the slightest hint
of the tumultuous
happenings to come” in
Luna's personal life.
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and El Ciego is an gently strumming a guitar
exceptional example of a woman leans toward
that. him and an adoring
gaze. The guitar
symbolizes the talents of
You will be rated according to the following rubrics: Poor (1point). The content is
incomplete, major points are not clear and question was not adequately answered. (2)
Fair (2points). The content is not comprehensive or persuasive. Major points are
addressed, but not well supported. Responses are inadequate or do not addressed
assignment. Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought; (3)
Good 3(points). The content is accurate and persuasive. Major points are stated.
Responses are adequate and addressing assignment. Content and purpose of the
answer are clear; and (4) Excellent (4 points). The content is comprehensive, accurate
and persuasive. Major points are clearly stated and well supported. Responses are
excellent. Content and purpose of the answer are clear.
1. What can you say about this line in the speech of Corazon Aquino:” and so
began the revolution that has brought me to do democracy’s most famous home,
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the Congress of the United States”? which concept in this line is important to
you? Why?
This line in Corazon's speech indicates that she believes that USA is democratic
and can help them from Philippines's dictatorial regime. In this line, she is
recalling the events that they went through in trying to liberate Philippines and
achieving peace through peaceful ways.
2. What did Corazon Aquino mention in her speech pertaining to the aspiration of
the Filipino people? What are the specific lines for this? What do you feel about
these lines?
Pertaining to the aspirations of the Filipino people, Corazon Aquino mentioned
the ratification of a Constitution which will give full recognition and protection of a
citizen’s basic rights and freedoms. For instance, rights against violations of
integrity of the person; rights against interference with the sovereign
prerogatives of the people to dictate the democratic government they want and
to let their voices be heard. According to me, I feel these rights against abusive
authority, are provisions that bind the state to the fulfillment of the just
aspirations of the nation: progress, peace, security and equity.
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You will be rated according to the following rubrics: Poor (1point). The content is
incomplete, major points are not clear and question was not adequately answered. (2)
Fair (2points). The content is not comprehensive or persuasive. Major points are
addressed, but not well supported. Responses are inadequate or do not addressed
assignment. Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought; (3)
Good 3(points). The content is accurate and persuasive. Major points are stated.
Responses are adequate and addressing assignment. Content and purpose of the
answer are clear; and (4) Excellent (4 points). The content is comprehensive, accurate
and persuasive. Major points are clearly stated and well supported. Responses are
excellent. Content and purpose of the answer are clear.
1. How do you understand “Mutiny”? Its causes and effects to our country in General.
The term ”Mutiny” is commonly used for a rebellion among members of the
military against an internal force, but it can also sometimes mean any type of
rebellion against any force. Mutiny does not necessarily need to refer to a
military force and can describe a political, economic, or power structure in which
there is a change of power.
2. Among the different versions of Cavite Mutiny, which one is most credible? Why?
Defend your answer using primary or secondary sources.
There are different sides of the story regarding the Cavity mutiny; there are
distinct versions and interpretations as well. But as a Filipino, I will believe the
version of my own race. I may be biased in my opinion but I will present and
discuss things to elaborate it and to defend why I think Tavera’s version is the
most credible among them.
First, I want to introduce Dr. Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo Tavera, a Filipino
scholar and researcher, who wrote the Filipino version of the bloody incident in
Cavite. The other versions came from a Spanish historian, Jose Montero y Vidal
and Gobernador General himself, Rafael Izquierdo.
Both Filipino and Spanish versions presented that the reason of the mutiny was
due to the unfair decision of the Gobernador General in the abolition of the
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privileges in terms of taxes and force labor. However, Vidal and Izquierdo’s
accounts became biased and added some information.
In Vidal’s account, he emphasized that the goal of the uprising is to overthrow
the Spanish Government in which agreed by Gov. Gen. Izquierdo and added
that they wanted to have new “hari” in the person of Father Burgos of Father
Zamora. On the other hand, Tavera’s account mentioned that the mere caused
of the uprising was the dissatisfaction of the native Filipino soldiers and laborers
and the policies of the new Gobernador General. This account was supported by
Edmund Plauchut, a French writer.
Obviously, there was an unfair treatment during the Spanish era. And there’s no
doubt that the reports of Izquierdo became bias also. Even when the ruling
came, there was no process of further investigation about the mutiny and even
killed the alleged founders, Gomez, Burgos and Zamora.
This unforgettable event strengthened the dominance of the Spanish Friar and
led the Spanish government to control the soldiers.
There may be instinct versions but the positive effect of the Cavity Mutiny was
the awakening of the Filipino that led to the independence of our nation.
You will be rated according to the following rubrics: Poor (1point). The content is
incomplete, major points are not clear and question was not adequately answered. (2)
Fair (2points). The content is not comprehensive or persuasive. Major points are
addressed, but not well supported. Responses are inadequate or do not addressed
assignment. Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought; (3)
Good 3(points). The content is accurate and persuasive. Major points are stated.
Responses are adequate and addressing assignment. Content and purpose of the
answer are clear; and (4) Excellent (4 points). The content is comprehensive, accurate
and persuasive. Major points are clearly stated and well supported. Responses are
excellent. Content and purpose of the answer are clear.
2. Cite evidences which would suggest that the first mass happened in Masau
(Butuan) and Limasawa (Southern Leyte).
On Easter Sunday, March 31, 1521, the first documented Catholic Mass in the
Philippines was held. It was led by Father Pedro de Valderrama of Ferdinand
Magellan's expedition along the coastlines of what Antonio Pigafetta referred to
as "Mazaua" in his chronicles.
Today, this site is widely believed by many historians and the government to be
Limasawa off the tip of Southern Leyte, However, until at least the 19th century,
the prevailing belief was that the first mass was held in Butuan.This belief is
maintained by some, who assert that the first mass was instead held at Masao,
3. How credible is this account in explaining the site of the First Mass?
The most complete and reliable account of the Magellan expedition into
Philippine shores in 1521 is that of Antonio Pigafetta which is deemed as the
only credible primary source of reports on the celebration of the first Christian
Mass on Philippine soil.
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4. How do the evidences presented in the text help you understand the controversy
on the First Catholic Mass in the Philippines?
The evidences presented in the text help us to compare and contrast the written
evidences to draw a firm and correct conclusion about the First Catholic Mass in
the Philippines. In this, we are able to assess where the First Catholic Mass was
truly held.
You will be rated according to the following rubrics: Poor (1point). The content is
incomplete, major points are not clear and question was not adequately answered. (2)
Fair (2points). The content is not comprehensive or persuasive. Major points are
addressed, but not well supported. Responses are inadequate or do not addressed
assignment. Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought; (3)
Good 3(points). The content is accurate and persuasive. Major points are stated.
Responses are adequate and addressing assignment. Content and purpose of the
answer are clear; and (4) Excellent (4 points). The content is comprehensive, accurate
and persuasive. Major points are clearly stated and well supported. Responses are
excellent. Content and purpose of the answer are clear.
1. What does the issue on the First Cry depict about the Filipinos?
It describes how Filipino fought for freedom in the hands of Spaniards way back
then. And it is also about how they tear their cedulas as marked as their
allegiance to suppressors.
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Papal Decree 1. It is the decree which aimed to relieve the Filipino Catholics of tax
burden by reducing the number of feast days and having one patron saint only per
personal 3. It is a form of forced labor where able –bodied men were required to
work in construction and building of ships.
Sumuroy 4. He was a Waray form Palapag, the old Northern Samar, who led a
revolt against forced labor.
Maniago 5. He was the leader of the revolt in Pampanga, who led a revolt against
the tribute, forced labor and rice exploitation.
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Responses are adequate and addressing assignment. Content and purpose of the
answer are clear; and (4) Excellent (4 points). The content is comprehensive, accurate
and persuasive. Major points are clearly stated and well supported. Responses are
excellent. Content and purpose of the answer are clear.
1. What is the difference between pre-colonial and Spanish era land system of
The difference between pre-colonial and Spanish era land system of ownership
is that you do truly own your land. The European system of monetizing
everything including land ownership has made the life of everyone around the
world terribly complicated. In fact, the system we have in place right now
prevents “all” people from owning anything “literally”, even the land you inherited
from your forefathers after many generations. You might say “no, I own the land
and the house, I paid for it”. If you believe that, then try to avoid paying your
yearly residence tax for a few years, see if the government doesn’t take it. No,
we don’t own anything, we continually pay for the right to use the things we paid
for, but it’s theirs for the taking once you neglect that yearly obligation. Car
registrations, business permits, driver’s licenses, income tax all follow the same
formula of government coercion.
2. What is land reform program? How and why this should be implemented?
The program was created to end unfair land ownership practices by divvying up
the land and providing proper documentation to its rightful owners,
or Agricultural Reform Beneficiaries. Beneficiaries include farmers, farmworkers,
landless owners, and tenants who cultivated the land for years.
3. Which enacted law on land-holding do you think is essential and is needed by the
country? Discuss its essence as a law.
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You will be rated according to the following rubrics: Poor (1point). The content is
incomplete, major points are not clear and question was not adequately answered. (2)
Fair (2points). The content is not comprehensive or persuasive. Major points are
addressed, but not well supported. Responses are inadequate or do not addressed
assignment. Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought; (3)
Good 3(points). The content is accurate and persuasive. Major points are stated.
Responses are adequate and addressing assignment. Content and purpose of the
answer are clear; and (4) Excellent (4 points). The content is comprehensive, accurate
and persuasive. Major points are clearly stated and well supported. Responses are
excellent. Content and purpose of the answer are clear.
2. Why it is that museums represent the “PIECES OF THE PAST”? Explain your answer.
Museums are said to represent pieces of the past because in museums, we can
find a lot of different things acquired from the past. Through these things, we are
able to know more about history. In museums, we can find the pieces of
creativity and effort that has probably made a huge impact on today's society.
These are kept and valued so that people in the future will be able to appreciate
the past.
3. What are some observations about the museums in the country?
I observed that the museums in our country is very historical. Some of them are
clothes of our hero’s and writings of them and also some of our traditional things.
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4. What can be done to encourage local people to visit museums and historical sites?
Governments can take steps to encourage local residents to attend museums
and historical buildings. First, authorities can organize cultural events and
regular exhibitions at these places to provide people with a new experience
every time they visit them. The second solution would be offering free tickets
and discounts at the weekends so that low income and middle-income families
can visit. For example, schools can provide assignments related to the history of
a country, and this will motivate parents to take their children to the historical
museums to collect useful information which will help them excel in their studies.
1. What makes the Lumad of Mindanao unique from other indigenous tribes in the country?
Lumad are distinct from the Moro (indigenous Islamic) tribes, which include
about 14 sub-groups concentrated in western Mindanao. Lumad are also
distinct from the indigenous groups which are based in Mindanao but rooted in
Visayan culture. Lumad are found throughout Mindanao, in remote mountainous
areas and valleys, in low-lying plains, and in coastal areas. Over the years, the
Lumad have nurtured and protected their traditional ancestral lands, and their
individual cultures. Lumad culture is rich and diverse, with a wide range of
languages, chants, rituals, dances, and other traditions.
2. What are the important contributions of Muslim and Lumads to the Mindanao’s
Lumads have contributed greatly in developing the region of Mindanao. It was
executed in a blog, KASAMA Vol. 11 No. 3 on 1997, that since the Spanish
colonization, Lumads played host to 226 development- generating projects. The
1980 records stated the projects that exploited lands which they considered as
their ancestral domain. These were:
110 logging concessions
92 grazing projects
8 mining concessions
4 Plantation Corporations
4 Industrial Tree Plantations
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4 Government Reservations; and
4 Power Generating Plants
3. Why is there a need of preserving the culture, values, and traditions of Muslims and
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