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Omnisec Resolve

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Resolve, reveal, realize


Malvern’s OMNISEC is a complete gel OMNISEC can accurately measure the The complete, integrated OMNISEC solution is made up of 3 components:
permeation/size exclusion chromatography most important characterization
(GPC)/(SEC) solution consisting of systems, parameters including: OMNISEC RESOLVE - an integrated pump,
detectors and software. degasser, autosampler and column oven
• Absolute molecular weight and for managing the separation in a single
Malvern’s expertise has enabled the molecular weight distribution advanced unit.
development of the most sensitive and • Intrinsic viscosity and
accurate multi-detector GPC/SEC system molecular structure OMNISEC REVEAL - an integrated multi-
for the characterization of synthetic and detector module for the characterization
natural polymers, and proteins. • Sample concentration
of synthetic and natural polymers,
• And many more and proteins:

• The most sensitive light scattering

detector in the world
• Unrivalled baseline stability on all
detectors for greater sensitivity to
low concentrations of sample
• Self balancing viscometer detector
• Wide UV/VIS wavelength range to cover
all applications
• Simple and intuitive to use, due to OMNISEC software - completely new version 10 to make GPC/SEC analysis as easy and
advanced design features intuitive as possible. Supports the power of advanced detection, reduces workload and
improves your productivity.

• Autosampler temperature control (4-60°C) protects proteins from degradation and

improves polymer dissolution
• Waste-free injections from vials or 96-well microtiter plates
• The low volume degasser enables faster mobile phase exchange
OMNISEC is • Inert (316 stainless steel) viscometer pressure transducers can tolerate a wider pH range
easier to use
• System temperature control (up to 65°C) reduces operating backpressure
• Greater efficiency through work-flow based software for system control and analysis
• The revolutionary user exchangeable viscometer capillary module reduces service time and cost
• Integrated pump back seal washing reduces seal wear.

• The new light scattering detector is the most sensitive on the market, enabling measurements of
molecular weights as low as 200 Da, injection masses as low as 100 ng of material and samples
with low dn/dc
better results • Integrated detectors module minimizes inter-detector band broadening
• Column and detector temperature control (20-65˚C) improves resolution and stabilizes baselines
• Flexible autosampler delivers accurate and precise volumes for unsurpassed data reproducibility.

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Resolve, reveal, realize


The complete GPC/SEC solution Absolute Molecular Weight, Molecular Size

OMNISEC RESOLVE has been designed The highest quality GPC/SEC measurement GPC/SEC Separation Detection
using our 30 years of experience in GPC/ requires two things: As the dissolved sample flows through Once separated, the sample can be
SEC and precision electronics to achieve the
• a good separation of the sample - the porous column matrix, the individual characterized using one or more detectors
highest possible standard in chromatographic
RESOLVE molecules diffuse in and out of the pores. to reveal its nature. Multi-detector GPC/
performance. The efficient degasser, low-
• sensitive detectors to characterize the Larger molecules are excluded from SEC uses a combination of detectors to
pulsation pump, outstanding autosampler
separated sample - REVEAL more pores, and so travel through the fully characterize the sample in a single
and large capacity column oven combine to
column faster, eluting earlier while the experiment.
give reduced baseline noise and improved
smaller molecules elute later. The result
stability to maximize measurement sensitivity
is a separation by hydrodynamic size for • Refractive index and absorbance (UV/
and accuracy.
measurement by the detectors. Vis) detectors measure a sample’s
OMNISEC REVEAL is the integrated
multi-detector platform. It is available • Light scattering detectors measure absolute
with refractive index, full range UV/Vis molecular weight
photodiode array, light scattering and • A Viscometer measures intrinsic viscosity,
viscosity detectors to meet the needs of a which is representative of a molecular
wide range of applications. Each detector is structure, density and branching
outstandingly sensitive and stable to ensure
it delivers first class GPC/SEC data for every



Measure the concentration of almost any solute Refractive Index (RI)

Measure the concentration of chromophore-containing samples UV/Vis Absorbance (PDA)

Measure absolute molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of synthetic Light Scattering (LS)
and natural polymers, and proteins Performance delivered
Measure the intrinsic viscosity (IV) of your sample to investigate molecular OMNISEC delivers both the separation and
structure and branching detection performance required to generate
the most sensitive and accurate results.
Combine the results to measure other properties such as hydrodynamic radius (Rh),
Triple Detection (TD)
radius of gyration (Rg), and Mark-Houwink parameters When a NIST standard is measured using
OMNISEC, the standard deviation of 10
Achieve better baseline stability for improved accuracy and sensitivity Temperature controlled detectors
repeat injections of a solution containing
OMNISEC RESOLVE only 5 µg of the sample is just 1%.

Improve baseline stability Low pulsation pump OMNISEC will provide the data quality
for your application.
Reduce downtime with faster solvent changeover and equilibration Low volume degasser

Protect fragile samples such as proteins from degradation Temperature controlled

Reduce viscosity of high viscous solvents such as DMSO autosampler (4-60°C)

Minimize waste of precious samples Waste free autosampler

Improve separation quality and resolution Integrated column oven

4 www.malvern.com 5
Resolve, reveal, realize


Absolute Molecular Weight, Molecular Size, Structure Integrated separations module

Product performance Take control of polymer performance OMNISEC RESOLVE is a combined pump, What benefits does a complete GPC/SEC system that includes OMNISEC RESOLVE provide?
For both synthetic polymers and natural GPC is used in many industries as a degasser, autosampler and column oven
for mobile phase delivery and • A complete solution from a single manufacturer with an intuitive software
polymers, product performance is key to development and QC tool. With a full
sample injection. package that handles everything from instrument control to data acquisition
your success. For example: understanding of your polymer’s
and data analysis
• If a polymer molecular weight changes • Unattended operation using the autosampler, even with sensitive samples
from the specification, it may be too weak • The polymer manufacturer can such as proteins, thanks to its temperature control
or too difficult to process appropriately grade and sell their product
• Poor control of PLA/PLGA molecular weight • The polymer scientist can fully investigate


could result in uncontrolled drug release the structure/molecular weight relationships
• A change in branching level in • A drug delivery scientist can optimize
polycarbonates will affect the final controlled release
product brittleness
• Hyaluronic acid can be marked for use in
• Ineffectual derivatization or cross-linking the appropriate surgical or cosmeceutical
of HA products may result in poor application
product performance and more rapid
• The eye-drop manufacturer can better
clearance from the body
control clearance rates
• If the molecular weight of a cellulose
derivative in eye-drops is too low it will
be cleared too quickly from the eye

• Low volume degasser makes for rapid

solvent and buffer changeover

Solvent Degasser • Improved degassing efficiency means

more stable detector baselines

Isocratic pump

• Self-priming and optimized for GPC/SEC

to offer excellent flow rate stability to
reduce baseline noise in all detectors
• Integrated backflushing automatically
Absolute Molecular Weight, Aggregation, Conjugation protects seals from mobile phase
salt precipitation
Molecular weight is important for proteins Column oven
because it relates directly to their quaternary
structure, oligomeric state and activity. • Maintain a stable separation temperature
from 20 to 65°C
Protein aggregation in a biopharmaceutical Injection loop • Accommodate up to 6 analytical columns
reduces efficacy and risks an immunogenic
or 1 GE TricornTM column
reaction. With OMNISEC you can determine
aggregate, molecular weight, size and Autosampler
• Inject samples from vials or 96-well
Conjugation affects clearance rates and microtiter plates with unrivalled accuracy
efficacy. With OMNISEC you can measure and precision
the extent of conjugation, for example, of
• Cool sensitive samples like proteins to
PEGylated proteins. Autosampler 4°C to protect them from aggregation
Intrinsic viscosity relates to protein • Warm viscous samples like those in
structure allowing you to distinguish DMSO to 60°C to improve injection
between globular and fibrous aggregates. volume accuracy
In addition, it can be used to calculate
• Zero injection volume overhead
hydrodynamic size (Rh).
mode prevents wastage of your
most precious samples
and oven
6 www.malvern.com 7
Resolve, reveal, realize


Integrated multi detector module Designed with the GPC/SEC workflow in mind

OMNISEC REVEAL is an integrated It can act as a stand alone detector connected to your existing GPC/SEC system or as Workflow oriented software
multi-detector module for advance GPC/ a complete GPC/SEC solution in combination with the OMNISEC RESOLVE module.
SEC measurements incorporating refractive OMNISEC software v10 has been designed with you and your priorities in mind. It makes GPC/SEC analysis as easy and intuitive as possible.
index, UV/Vis absorbance, light scattering An integrated design keeps all of the detectors in one compartment, The software is laid out to guide the user through setup, data acquisition and analysis in an intuitive workflow.
and intrinsic viscosity detectors. The high affording multiple advantages:
The software’s advanced user interface reduces training requirements for new users.
sensitivity and measurement quality that • Inter-detector tubing is minimized reducing band broadening to improve data
it provides ensures maximum return on quality and result accuracy
your investment.
• The detectors and the inter-detector tubing are all maintained at the same
temperature to further improve data quality by maintaining baseline stability

Refractive index Intrinsic viscosity

+ -


OMNISEC REVEAL’s refractive index The new pressure transducers in OMNISEC

detector measures the concentration REVEAL’s differential viscometer improve
of almost any solute. Its robust flow baseline stability, sensitivity and robustness.
cell allows it to be kept series with the Their 316 stainless steel construction
other detectors, maximizing sensitivity means few limitations with salts or pH.
and minimizing band broadening. It has an interchangeable capillary module
for fast user replacement and the ability to
self-balance for simple, automatic setup.
Light scattering UV/Vis

RALS Detector
Software features
Lens Lens LALS Detector
Key features that make multi-detector
analysis more valuable than ever include:

• Intuitive look and feel based upon the

latest software tools
• Simple and customizable reporting
to present only the data that is most
important to you
Mobile Mobile • Overlay multiple injections and results
phase phase
quickly and easily
• Easy exporting of data
The unique light scattering detector combines the sensitivity of 90° Right Angle Light • 1-click from data to results!
Scattering (RALS) with the accuracy of 7° Low-Angle Light Scattering (LALS). Its superior The UV/Vis photodiode array (PDA)
sensitivity makes it the ideal choice for measuring precious samples where only small covers wavelengths of 190-900 nm,
injections can be afforded or for samples with low dn/dc, while its 18 µL flow cell opening up absorbance measurements
minimizes band broadening. to a wider application range.

8 www.malvern.com 9
OMNISEC Molecular Characterization System OMNISEC Molecular Characterization System

Parameter Specification Parameter Specification


Concentration, dRI, dn/dc, dUV, dA/dc, Light 4-capillary Wheatstone bridge with
scattering intensity (SLS), Molecular weight Principle self-balancing mechanism and user-
Parameters measured (Mn, Mw, Mz), Polydispersity, Radius of exchangeable capillaries
Gyration, Intrinsic viscosity, Mark-Houwink a &
K, Hydrodynamic radius (viscosity) Differential pressure
±2500 Pa
dynamic range
Synthetic polymers, Natural polymers Differential pressure baseline
Sample types 0.3 Pa
(polysaccharides, DNA), Proteins noise

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, 4th Gen Intel® Inlet pressure dynamic range 100 kPa
Core I7 Processor (Quad Core HT, 3.4 GHz
Recommended computer 4-capillary Inlet pressure baseline noise 0.01 kPa
Turbo, w/HD Graphics, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Malvern’s materials characterization specification differential
memory, 500 GB 3.5 inch SATA (7200 RPM)
viscometer Baseline drift <0.2 kPa
technology and expertise enables HDD, Full-HD monitor
scientists and engineers to Data collection rate 100 Hz Minimum quantifiable mass
1 µg of 100kDa molecular weight
polystyrene in THF
understand and control properties
of dispersed systems. Malvern’s US 14/599,033, US20140060162A1 & Detector volume 17 µL/capillary
Patents EP2619543B1, US20140144214A1 &
instruments are used to measure EP2619544A1 “Delay volume” volume 8 mL per column
particle size, particle shape, zeta
Excellence through experience World-class service and support OMNISEC REVEAL
potential, molecular weight, size Protection
Firmware-based transducer
Many Malvern systems are used in highly Malvern offers professional support at all overpressure protection
and conformation, rheology and for Dimensions (W, D, H) 42, 64, 60 cm
chemical identification. regulated environments and product validation levels. Our intention is to increase your
This information helps accelerate and R&D traceability are priorities for our laboratory’s productivity through the creation
customers. Operating to ISO9001: 2008 with of a working relationship for the lifetime of Power requirements 600 W Dimensions (W, D, H) 42, 64, 89 cm
R&D, enhance product quality,
optimize process efficiency. TickIt accreditation for software development, your instrument providing service support, Detector temperature Weight 62 kg
20 - 65° C
Malvern is a major supplier to the highly training and information. control range
Power requirements 600 W
demanding pharmaceutical and chemical
Areas we work in: •  Global network of fully trained
Dynamic range ±2.5 x10-4 RIU
industries. Malvern’s products play pivotal Principle
Isocratic pump with continuous back
service personnel Baseline noise <10-7 RIU seal washing
• ACADEMIC BIOCHEMICAL roles in high quality research and
RESEARCH manufacturing throughout the world. •  World-wide co-ordination for Differential Baseline drift <3x10-7 RIU/hr Flow rate range 0.005 - 10 mL/min
As a global supplier we believe we have multi-national companies refractive index Pump
• BIOPHARMACEUTICALS detector Minimum quantifiable 100 ng of 100kDa molecular weight Flow rate accuracy ±1%
responsibility to minimise the impact we have mass polystyrene in THF
•  Technical support from the Malvern Pressure range 0 - 5000 PSI (34.5 MPa)
• FOOD AND DRINK on the environment and operate to both
Helpdesk via telephone or email Flow cell volume 12 µL
• ASPHALT ISO14001 and OHSA18001. Pulsation 0.1456% @ 1 mL/min in water
•  Range of maintenance contracts Wavelength 640 nm
• PHARMACEUTICAL Validation and service agreements to cover Baseline noise 2x10-5 AU Degassing capacity >90%
To help our customers comply with the Baseline drift 5x10 AU/hr
Volume 960 μL
• CHEMICALS requirements of the Regulatory Authorities, such •  Validation support Wavelength range 190 - 900 nm
as the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) Number of samples Up to 192
• MINING AND MINERALS •  Consultancy-based on site Diode-array- Wavelength accuracy <1 nm
and the Medicines and Healthcare Products training courses based UV/Vis
spectrometer Wavelength resolution 0.6 nm Sample container types HPLC vials; 96-well microtiter plates
• POWER GENERATION Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Malvern provides a
•  e-Learning training courses via Number of wavelengths 1024
• CEMENT comprehensive range of validation tools. Temperature control range 4 - 60° C
the internet
Flow cell volume 7.5 μL
• METAL POWDERS These aids follow a user’s validation process
•  Classroom training courses Injection volume range 1 - 300 μL
through from Installation and Operational Path length 10 mm
Qualification (IQ/OQ) to the maintenance Principle RALS/LALS Injection volume accuracy >99.5%
• SURFACE COATINGS phase with annual OQ renewals and the Autosampler
•  Sample and application Operating angles 90° & 7°
• ELECTRONICS provision of standards for Performance consultancy. <0.3% RSD in full loop mode
Dynamic range 2500 mV
Qualification (PQ). For products subject to Injection volume precision <0.5% RSD in partial loop mode
• CERAMICS FDA regulation, we have solutions to help Baseline noise <0.1 mV <1% RSD in μL pickup mode
• ADHESIVES AND SEALANTS with 21 CFR Part 11 compliance. Baseline drift <0.2 mV/hr
Light scattering Injection overhead volume 0 µL in μL pickup mode
detector 100 ng of 100kDa molecular weight
Minimum quantifiable mass
polystyrene in THF
Syringe volume 250 µL standard
Molecular weight range 200 - >107 g/mol

Flow cell volume 18 µL Column capacity 6 x analytical (1 x Tricorn 10/300 GL)

No other company offers more Laser 50 mW Column oven

Temperature control range 20 - 65° C
Laser wavelength 640 nm

10 www.malvern.com 11
Malvern Instruments Limited
Grovewood Road, Malvern, Malvern Solutions: Advanced technology made simple - distributor details
Worcestershire, UK, WR14 1XZ

Tel +44 1684 892456

Fax +44 1684 892789


Malvern Instruments is part of Spectris plc, the

Precision Instrumentation and Controls Company.
Spectris and the Spectris logo are Trade Marks of
Spectris plc.

All information supplied within is correct at time

of publication.
Malvern Instruments pursues a policy of continual
improvement due to technical development.
We therefore reserve the right to deviate from
information, descriptions, and specifications in this
publication without notice. Malvern Instruments
shall not be liable for errors contained herein
or for incidental or consequential damages in
connection with the furnishing, performance
or use of this material.
Malvern and the ‘hills’ logo and OMNISEC,
are International Trade Marks owned by
Malvern Instruments Ltd.

© 2021


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