Ebanking Synopsis
Ebanking Synopsis
Ebanking Synopsis
Roll No. 40
BBA-6th Sem
Synopsis on E-Banking
Executive Summary
It is an umbrella term for the process by which a customer may perform banking
transactions electronically without visiting a brick-and-mortar institution. The following
terms all refer to one form or another of electronic banking: personal computer (PC)
banking, Internet banking, virtual banking, online banking, home banking, remote
electronic banking, and phone banking. PC banking and Internet or online banking are
the most frequently used designations. It should be noted, however, that the terms used to
describe the various types of electronic banking are often used interchangeably.
Introduction to E-Banking
E-banking is defined as the automated delivery of new and traditional banking products
and services directly to customers through electronic, interactive communication
channels. E-banking includes the systems that enable financial institution customers,
individuals or businesses, to access accounts, transact business, or obtain information on
financial products and services through a public or private network, including the
To date, more banks have established an advertising presence on the Internet- primarily
in the form of informational or interactive web sites-than have created transactional web
sites. However, a number of Banks that do not yet offer transactional Internet banking
services have indicated on their web sites that they will offer such banking activities in
the future.
Internet banks generally have lower operational and transactional costs than do traditional
brick-and-mortar banks; they are often able to offer low-cost checking and high-yield
Certificates of deposit. Internet banking is not limited to a physical site; some Internet
banks exist without physical branches, for example, Tele bank (Arlington, Virginia) and
Bank net (UK). Further, in some cases, web banks are not restricted to conducting
transactions within national borders and have the ability to make transactions involving
large amounts of assets instantaneously. According to industry analysts, electronic
banking provides a variety of attractive possibilities for remote account access, including:
A- Yes (91)
B- No (64)
A- Never (5)
B- 1 time (47)
C- 2-3 times (17)
D- 4-6 times (11)
E- Every day (10)
3 Do you use any of the follows when you use e-banking?(choose the most
Frequently used one)
5 How often do you use the item you chose per week?
A- Never (31)
B- 1 time (35)
C- 2-3 times (10)
D- 4-6 times (5)
E- Every day (2)
6 Please rate, how convenient do you think of using this e-banking item?
A- 1 (3)
B- 2 (8)
C- 3 (27)
D- 4 (30)
E- 5 (11)
7 Please rate, how reliable do you think of using this e-banking item?
A- 1 (3)
B- 2 (6)
C- 3 (24)
D- 4 (34)
E- 5 (13)
8 Which of the follows do you prefer most to use for authentication (verification)?
A. Security deivce (84)
B. SMS text password (receive the one-time used password
from the bank via SMS) (33)
C. E-certificate (38)
10 Age range
A- 15 - 18 (6)
B- 19 - 23 (144)
C- 24 - 29 (4)
D- 30 - 35 (0)
E- 36 - 41 (1)
F- 42 - 47 (0)
G- 48 or above (0)
11 Gender
A- Male (83)
B- Female (72)
a) http://www.scribd.com/doc/49627165/consumer-behaviour-towards-E-Banking-
b) http://www.oppapers.com/essays/Challenges-Of-E-Banking-In-India/569710
c) http://www.scribd.com/doc/18028736/Online-Banking-System
d) http://www.indianmba.com/Faculty_Column/FC545/fc545.html