Lesson 4 IO and Learning Outcomes-1
Lesson 4 IO and Learning Outcomes-1
Lesson 4 IO and Learning Outcomes-1
Associate Professor & Head In-charge
Centre for Educational Media and Technology, NITTTR, Chennai
Module 1- Orientation towards Technical Education and Curriculum aspects NITTTR, Chennai
Module 1- Orientation towards Technical Education and Curriculum aspects NITTTR, Chennai
Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Aims, goals and objectives are sequentially related; they occur in hierarchical order. The limit
or the height of society aspiration is encapsulated in its aim. Ritz (2014) considers aim as “a
general statement that suggests direction”. It provides a guide for the educational and
training processes by which a terminal point of live outcome is focused. Anderson, Krathwohl
et al (2000) see goal as statement of academic intention which are more specific than aim (it
is a subset of aim). The statement of goals denominates the amorphous terms of the aim
which are not directly measurable. Nodding (2007) believes that aims and goals are “brushed
aside in favour of objectives because the last can be cast in language conducive to
measurement”. Curriculum development is concerned with putting activities in place in order
to effect desirable change in learners’ behaviour (Nilcholls, 1973). Therefore, objectives
designed for classroom activities bring into fore the kind of knowledge and skills needed in
the society. Lawton(1975) explains that the structures and elements of curriculum must be
designed in such a way as to promote social utility, social responsibility, common culture and
personal satisfaction.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Specific statements
AIMS and GOALS: Aims are general statements that provide direction or intent to educational
action. Aims are usually written in amorphous terms using words like: learn, know,
understand, appreciate, and these are not directly measurable. An aim is the product of a
long term endevour measured over a program or a course of one or more years
Goals are statements of educational intention which are more specific than aims. Goals too
may encompass an entire program, subject area, or multiple grade levels. They may be in
either amorphous language or in more specific behavioral terms.
OBJECTIVES: Specific statements setting measurable expectations for what learners should
know and be able to do, described either in terms of learning outcomes (what the learners
are expected to learn), products or performance (what learners will produce as a result of a
learning activity) or processes (describing the focus of learning activities). They can be seen
as refinements of curriculum aims/goals that, for example, specify: performance standards or
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
those skills and knowledge the learners are expected to be able to demonstrate; inferred or
precise degree of mastery; and the conditions under which the performance will take place.
In terms of effectiveness, curriculum objectives should: be concise and understandable to
teachers, learners and parents; be feasible for the teachers and learners to accomplish;
encompass previous learning and require the learner to integrate and then apply certain
knowledge, skills, and attitudes in order to demonstrate achievement; and be measurable on
a cumulative basis and at different stages of the learner’s educational career.
Curriculum, syllabus, text book, teaching methods, modes of evaluation - all these are based
on certain theories of learning or teaching models. In order to implement the educational
plan or improve the practice of teaching and learning, the necessary knowledge of various
theories of learning and its outcomes is required. The concept of instructional objectives is
based on those theories. In this unit you will understand the concept of instructional
objectives based on learning theories and their relationship with instructional objectives for
evaluating the teaching-learning process.
Educational research has established the fact that achievement is enhanced in a classroom,
where students can perceive a sense of direction for learning. Classroom management and
teaching blend together as a unified process when instructional objectives provide goal clarity
for teachers and students.
Instructional Objectives is one of the most important components of the teaching learning
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Instructional objectives form the basis for the choice of the following:
Instructional Planning
Instructional Methods,
Instructional Resources (Materials and Media)
Evaluation Procedure.
The purpose of objectives is not to restrict spontaneity or constrain the vision of education in
the discipline; but to ensure that learning is focused clearly enough that both students and
teacher know what is going on, and so learning can be objectively measured.
An instructional objective is a statement that will describe what the learner will be able to do
after completing the instruction. According to Dick and Carey (1990), a performance objective
is a detailed description of what students will be able to do when they complete a unit of
instruction. It is also referred to as a behavioral objective or an instructional objective. Robert
Mager(1984), in his book Preparing Instructional Objectives, describes an objective as "a
collection of words and/or pictures and diagrams intended to let others know what you
intend for your students to achieve"
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Figure 3: Instructional Objectives for teacher, learner and question paper setter
Instructional objectives form a basis to assess the learners and the teaching learning
process by providing information to the following persons.
Assist students in organizing and studying the content material and guide them
what is expected from them.
o The teacher can use objectives to make sure goals are reached.
o Students will understand expectations. Any skill is learned more effectively if
the learner understands the reason for learning and practicing it.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
When writing instructional objectives, focus on the learner, not the teacher!
Realistic objectives can be achieved by the learners within your time frame and in
your given environment.
Measurable objectives enable you to observe and determine how well learners have
acquired skills and knowledge.
Learner centered objectives state what the learner can do at the end of training.
They always start with action verbs.
Specify intended results or outcomes, and not the process. Teaching and lecturing is
part of the process of instruction, but it isn't the purpose of the instruction. The
purpose is to facilitate learning.
Different types of learning require different learning experiences and hence different
types of objectives.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
1. Cognitive
2. Psychomotor
3. Attitudes
Heinich and his colleagues (2002) suggest that well written objectives have four parts. They
call these parts the ABCD's of instructional objectives.
A. Audience
The audience is the group of learners that the objective is written for. Objectives are not
written for the teacher.
This is often written "the learner" or "the student"; however, it could be written as specific
as "The third year mechanical engineering student".
B. Behavior
The behavior is the verb or observable action/behavior that describes what the learner
(audience) will be able to demonstrate, perform, or exhibit after the instruction.
observable (visible or audible)
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
In each of these examples you can observe behavior. If a statement does not include an
observable, visible, or auditory behavior or performance, then it isn't yet an objective.
Therefore, you should modify your objectives until it answers the question, "What will the
learner be DOING when demonstrating achievement of the objective?"
If you apply the question above, what would somebody be doing if they were "understanding"
mathematics or "appreciating" music? There's really no way to observe "understanding" or
"appreciating" since both of those statements describe abstract states that are not directly
C. Conditions
Conditions are the circumstances (under commands, materials, directions, etc.) which the
objective must be completed. All behavior relevant to intended student learning outcomes
can best be understood within a context of the conditions under which the behavior is to be
performed or demonstrated. The location of the condition component in an objective may
be at the beginning of the sentence or after the behavior component.
What will the learners be expected to use when performing (e.g., equipment, tools,
forms, calculator, charts, etc.)?
What will the learner be allowed to use (or not use) while performing (e.g.,
checklists, notes, textbook, or other study aids)?
What will be the real-world conditions under which the performance will be
expected to occur (e.g., on top of a flagpole, under water, in front of a large
audience, in a manufacturing plant)?
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
There is a preferred order when writing objectives. The condition is usually placed first,
followed by the behaviour or verb and then the criteria. Objectives are written in the future
Rule 1 : State the objectives in terms of the learner i.e. what the learner does after
instruction and not in terms of what the teacher does.
Rule 2 : Instructional objectives should not be stated in terms of either the process of
instruction or process of learning, but in terms of observable behaviour described
by an action verb.
Rule 3 : An objective should consist of only one learning outcome, not many.
Rule 4 : Begin every objective with an action verb which precisely indicates the learning
outcome in definite terms.
Rule 5 : Objective should not be mentioned as a mere topic / sub topic / subject matter.
Rule 6 : Objective should specify the standards of minimum acceptable performance.
A statement of a learning objective contains a verb (an action) and an object (usually a noun).
The verb generally refers to actions associated with, ie, the intended cognitive process
The object generally describes the knowledge students are expected to acquire or
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
For example, all procedural knowledge may not be more abstract than all conceptual
knowledge. And metacognitive is a special case as. in this model, metacognitive knowledge
Is knowledge of one’s own cognitive and about oneself in relation to various subject matters.
Factual – the basic elements a student must know to be acquainted with a discipline or solve
problem in it .
Conceptual -The inter relationship among the basic elements within a larger structure that
enable them to function together.
Procedural -How to do something, methods of inquiry and criteria for using skills, algorithm
techniques and methods.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Example: The student will learn to apply the reduce-reuse-recycle approach to conservation
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
1. Mastery objectives
2. Developmental objectives
Mastery objectives are typically concerned with the minimum performance essentials ---
learning tasks/ skills that must be mastered before moving on to next level of instruction.
Rule 1 : State the objectives in terms of the learner i.e. what the learner does after
instruction and not in terms of what the teacher does.
Rule 2 : Instructional objectives should not be stated in terms of either the process of
instruction or process of learning, but in terms of observable behaviour described
by an action verb.
Rule 3 : An objective should consist of only one learning outcome, not many.
Rule 4 : Begin every objective with an action verb which precisely indicates the learning
outcome in definite terms.
Rule 5 : Objective should not be mentioned as a mere topic / sub topic / subject matter.
Rule 6 : Objective should specify the standards of minimum acceptable performance.
Imprecisely stated objectives related to classroom instruction can be vague and open to many
interpretations. Badly written objectives are of little use to the instructor concerned.
Objectives prefaced with ambiguous statements such as, at the end of the session, “the
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
participant will have a sound knowledge of ….” should be avoided because the words “sound
knowledge of” could be interpreted in many ways.
Action verbs for Cognitive Domain, Affective Domain and Psychomotor Domain are
given in Appendix-I
In Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, the Remember, Understand and Apply are considered as lower
level abilities or cognitive skills. Higher-order thinking skills are reflected by the top three
levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analyze, Evaluate, and Create.
How do you incorporate High order thinking skills into your syllabus?
The most obvious space to embed critical thinking in a Syllabus is in the Student-Learning
Outcomes section. Learning objectives contain an action (verb) and an object (noun), and
often start with, “Student’s will be able to…” Bloom’s taxonomy can help you to choose
appropriate verbs to clearly state what you want the students to do at the end of the course,
and at what level.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
that some types of learning require more cognitive processing than others. In Bloom's
taxonomy, for example, skills involving analysis, evaluation and synthesis (creation of new
knowledge) are thought to be of a higher order than the learning of facts and concepts which
requires different learning and teaching methods.
Higher-order thinking involves the learning of complex judgmental skills such as critical
thinking and problem solving. Higher-order thinking is more difficult to learn or teach but also
more valuable because such skills are more likely to be usable in novel situations.
Course outcomes are broad statements of what is achieved and assessed at the end of a
course of study. The concept of learning outcomes and outcome-based education is high on
today's education agenda. The idea has features in common with the move to instructional
objectives which became fashionable in the 1960s, but which never had the impact on
education practice that it merited. The distinction between learning outcomes and learning
objectives is not universally recognized, and many instructors may find that the term ‘learning
outcomes’ describes what they have already understood by the term ‘learning objectives’.
Some scholars make no distinction between the two terms; those who do usually suggest that
learning outcomes are a subset or type of learning objective. Learning objectives, for example,
may outline the material the instructor intends to cover or the disciplinary questions the class
will address. By contrast, learning outcomes should focus on what the student should know
and realistically be able to do by the end of an assignment, activity, class, or course. The same
goals addressed by learning objectives can be equally addressed by learning outcomes, but
by focusing on the application and integration of the course content from the perspective of
the student, learning outcomes can more explicitly and directly address expectations for
student learning.
Many instructors may find that the reflective process of developing learning outcomes is
something that they have already incorporated into their course planning processes. The
phrase ‘learning outcomes’ thus simply offers a more precise term for discussing the creation
of learning aims and expectations that centre on application and integration of course
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
teaching practice and assessment. The shift to learning outcomes opens course design to better
curriculum alignment and accountability in teaching and learning. Well-designed learning outcomes
bring clarity of expectations for student performance, and open up new possibilities for increased
student satisfaction. Learning outcomes and taxonomies of learning are now central for teaching and
learning in higher education. They provide possibilities to achieve what is commonly called ‘curriculum
alignment’. Curriculum alignment involves organizing curriculum in a coherent structure with aims,
learning outcomes, teaching strategies, content and assessment all aligning in order to improve both
the coherence of curriculum and student learning.
Learning outcomes can be precisely defined as statements of what a learner is expected to know,
understand, and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes are constructed as a taxonomy of what graduates are expected to know,
understand and be able to do as a result of learning. They are expressed in terms of the dimensions
of knowledge, skills and the application of knowledge and skills.
The focus in recent years on learning outcomes represents a shift from the traditional ‘teacher
centred’ approach, where the common practice was to design courses starting from the content or
what the teacher was to deliver in a certain amount of time, to a ‘student-centred approach’. In the
student centred approach the focus is shifted towards what students are expected ‘to know,
understand, and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning’.
Learning outcomes have the potential to improve course design and quality in higher education. The
writing and use of learning outcomes shifts the focus to effective learning and teaching and can lead
to greater transparency for students and all stakeholders involved in higher education. Learning
outcomes can serve as a general organising principle for practice in learning and teaching and
encourages a shift to student-centred pedagogies. They open possibilities for diverse assessment
practices that are able to connect curricula to new contexts created by the fast pace of change in
technology and workforce demands.
The advantages of learning outcomes for a clear and transparent curriculum design and assessment
and prescriptive nature of learning outcomes have been disputed by some scholars. It is important to
take into consideration the risks and critical points when we design and write learning outcomes.
Teaching and learning should stay flexible and consistent with a pedagogic ethos that encourages
scholarship, creativity and the unrestricted pursuit of ideas. No one approach has the ability to solve
the complexity that is good curriculum, teaching and learning. Nevertheless, the shift towards learning
outcomes aims to improve learning and in this sense, students, academics, course designers and policy
makers can use learning outcomes as a starting framework for teaching, learning and assessment.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Programme Educational
Objectives (PEOs)
Programme Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) are central to your course’s curriculum. They articulate to
students, faculty, and other stakeholders what students will achieve in each course and how
their learning will be measured. A Learning Outcome (LO) is a measurable, observable, and
specific statement that clearly indicates what a student should know and be able to do as a
result of learning.
Action verb
Subject content
Level of achievement
Condition of performance (if applicable)
A learning Outcome (LO) is a measurable observable and specific statement that clearly
indicates what a student should know and be able to do as a result of learning.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Step 1
Select an action verb using Bloom’s Taxonomy; Make sure that you select a verb that you can
observe and measure. There are many verbs that, can’t be directly observed and therefore
are difficult to assess in the classroom. Do not use the following verbs:
Step 2
Next, select the subject content students are performing that task for. For example,
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
errors”. This tells students the level of achievement that’s expected of them. Importantly, you
don’t need a level of achievement for every LO. It is not necessary to say “effectively”,
“accurately”, or “correctly” on a LO, these are all implied. We expect students to achieve all
outcomes in all courses correctly and accurately. Levels of achievement are for specific cases.
Let us see the difference between aims or goals, learning objectives and learning outcomes?
The structural distinction between learning objectives and learning outcomes is that learning
objectives relate to learning from a teachers’ point of view and are closer to a teacher-centred
approach, while learning outcomes refer to what a student will be able to do as a result of learning,
hence are sources of evidence in the student-centred approach.
Aims or goals in teaching and learning are broad sentences reflecting general intentions and desired
outcomes of an institution, program or course. These important statements stay clearly distinct from
learning outcomes. Aims serve the important function to indicate and promote the main values and
general directions that guide the process of teaching and learning. Aims reflect vision and general
intentions, and the overall desirable results. Example: Curriculum and teaching practices aim to link
students’ learning experiences to the world graduates will confront.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
• Learning outcomes are statements of what a student will be able to do or demonstrate at the
completion of a certain sequence of learning (course, program). Learning outcomes are mainly
concerned with the achievements of the learner and less with the intentions of the teacher.
Learning outcomes inform students of what is expected of them in terms of performance, to
achieve desired grades and credits. Example: At the end of the course students will be able
To demonstrate the ability to use mathematical and statistical techniques.
To design Entity Relationship Model for a database system.
Learning Objectives tend to describe specific discrete units of knowledge and skill can be
accomplished within a short time frame
The objectives are important to the teacher because they make goals more realistic.
Having specific instructional objectives allows you to look at the overall lesson in a more
analytical way and break it down into parts.
Instructional objectives state what specifically is to be learned. They state the expected
learning outcome. They may be phrased similar to this, “Upon completion of the lesson,
the student will be able to…”
Clearly articulated learning objectives can provide a roadmap for the instructor and the
student so that both share the same perspective of where their instructional journey is
taking them.
Learning Outcomes are statements that describe or list measurable and essential
mastered content-knowledge—reflecting skills, competencies, and knowledge that
students have achieved and can demonstrate upon successfully completing a course.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
3. Gagne R.M (1970) The Condition of Learning, (Revised Edition). New York: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston Inc.
4. Robert M. Gagne & Leslie L. Briggs (1974) Principles of Instructional Design, New York:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc.
5. Walkin. L (1982), Instructional Techniques and Practice, (ELBS Edition). Avon, Great
Britain: Stanley Thornes ( Publishers) Ltd.
6. Learning outcomes resources from DePaul’s Office for Teaching, Learning and
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Appendix -1
Elaboration of the six levels of thinking in Bloom’s taxonomy
1 2 3 4 5 6
Remembering Can the Understanding Applying Can the Analysing Can the student Evaluating Can the Creating Can the student
student RECALL Can the student EXPLAIN ideas student USE the new DIFFERENTIATE between and student JUSTIFY an GENERATE new
information? or concepts? knowledge in another RELATE constituent parts? opinion, decision or products, ideas or ways
familiar situation? course of action? of viewing things?
Recognising Interpreting Summarising Executing Differentiating Checking Generating
Locating knowledge Changing from one Drawing a logical Applying knowledge Distinguishing relevant from Detecting Coming up with
in memory that is form of conclusion from (often procedural) to a irrelevant parts or important inconsistencies or alternatives or
consistent with representation presented routine task. from unimportant parts of fallacies within a hypotheses based on
presented material. to another information. Synonyms presented material. process criteria
Synonyms Synonyms: Synonyms Carry Synonyms or product. Synonyms
Identifying Paraphrasing Abstracting ing out Discriminating Determining whether a Hypothesizing
Finding Translating Generalising Selecting process or product has Proposing
Measuring internal consistency.
Selecting Representing Outlining Constructing Focusing Synonyms Developing
Indicating Clarifying Précising Demonstrating Distinguishing between Testing Engendering
Converting Computing Separating Detecting Synthesising
Recalling Rewriting Inferring (Sub)dividing Providing options
Retrieving relevant Abstracting a Calculating Monitoring
knowledge from Restating general theme or Manipulating Examining Concluding
Expressing Relating Devising a procedure for
long-term memory. major point Operating Assessing accomplishing some task.
Synonyms Exemplifying Synonyms Preparing Organising
Finding a specific Determining how elements fit Appraising Synonyms
Retrieving Extrapolating Producing Discriminating Designing
example or or function within a structure.
Naming illustration of a Interpolating Drawing up Synonyms Determining Formulating
Reproducing concept or Predicting Practising Outlining Critiquing Detecting Combining
Recounting principle Concluding Implementing
Structuring the appropriateness of Compiling
Synonyms Extending Applying knowledge
a procedure for a given
Instantiating Generalising (often procedural) to a task or problem.
non-routine task. (Re)arranging Synonyms Revising
Illustrating... Comparing
Synonyms Categorising Judging Putting together
Representing Detecting
correspondences Using Ordering Questioning Suggesting
examples between two Estimating Deriving Justifying Producing Inventing a
ideas, objects, etc Predicting product Synonyms
of Showing Attributing Defending
Synonyms Solving Determining the point of view, (Re)constructing
Classifying Discussing
Determining that Contrasting Changing bias, values, or intent Composing
something belongs Matching Discovering
underlying Modifying
presented material. Arguing
to a category (e.g., Mapping Explaining how Altering
concept or Synonyms Including
Verifying Building
principle). Constructing a Deconstructing Rating
Synonyms cause-
Module 1- Orientation towards Technical Education and Curriculum aspects NITTTR, Chennai 22
Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Appendix -1
Elaboration of the six levels of thinking in Bloom’s taxonomy
1 2 3 4 5 6
Remembering Can the Understanding Applying Can the Analysing Can the student Evaluating Can the Creating Can the student
student RECALL Can the student EXPLAIN student USE the new DIFFERENTIATE student JUSTIFY an GENERATE new products,
information? ideas or concepts? knowledge in another between and RELATE opinion, decision or ideas or ways of viewing
familiar situation? constituent parts? course of action? things?
Subsuming and-effect model Finding Comparing Ranking Enlarging
Organising of a Contrasting Valuing
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Appendix -1
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Appendix -1
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Appendix -1
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Appendix -1
6 Adaptation adaptable proficiency, a learner's ability Examples: Responds effectively to adapts, adjusts, alters,
to modify motor skills to fit a new unexpected experiences. Modifies changes, integrates,
situation. Skills are well developed instruction to meet the needs of the rearranges, reorganizes,
and the individual can modify movement learners. Perform a task with a machine revises, solves, varies.
patterns to fit special requirements. that it was not originally intended to do
(machine is not damaged and there is no
danger in performing the new task).
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Appendix -1
http://www.humboldt.edu/~tha1/bloomtax.html &
The Affective Domain addresses interests, attitudes, opinions, appreciations, values, and
emotional sets. This domain includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally,
such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. The Taxonomy
is hierarchical (levels increase in difficulty/sophistication) and cumulative (each level builds
on and subsumes the ones below). The levels, in addition to clarifying instructional objectives,
may be used to provide a basis for questioning that ensures that students progress to the
highest level of understanding. If the teaching purpose is to change attitudes/behavior rather
than to transmit/process information, then the instruction should be structured to progress
through the levels of the Affective Domain.
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Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Appendix -1
Module 1- Orientation towards Technical Education and Curriculum aspects NITTTR, Chennai
Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Appendix -1
Module 1- Orientation towards Technical Education and Curriculum aspects NITTTR, Chennai
Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Appendix -1
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