Basic Psychological Processes Syllabus
Basic Psychological Processes Syllabus
Basic Psychological Processes Syllabus
M.A in Yoga
Maximum Marks: 100
Examination: 75
Assignments: 25
To provide sufficient knowledge and information about the nature and history of
psychology, different fields of psychology, approaches in psychology and methods of
To provide understanding in biological basis of behaviour.
To explain psychological processes of attention, perception, and forgetting. Unit 1:
1.1 Meaning and Definition of Psychology; Brief Historical Background: Greek Period;
Medieval Period, Pre-modern and Modern Period
1.2 Fields of Psychology: Abnormal Psychology, Clinical Psychology, experimental
Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology, Counseling Psychology,
Industrial Psychology, Physiological Psychology.
1.3 Methods of Psychology: Experimental, Observation, Survey, and Case Study. Unit 2:
Approaches in Psychological Studies
2.1 Biological Approach: Basic Concept, Assumptions, and Theories Leading to the
Development of Biological Perspective
2.2 Psychodynamic & Behaviourist Approach: Basic Concept, Assumptions, and Major
2.3 Humanistic & Cognitive Approach: Basic Concept, Assumptions, and Major
Unit 3: Biological Basis of Behaviour
3.1Biological Basis of Behaviour, Genes and Behaviour, Neurons: Structure and Neural
Conduction Mechanism
3.2. Central Nervous System: Functions and Structure of Brain and Spinal Cord
3.3 Peripheral Nervous System: Functions and Structure of Somatic and Autonomic Nervous
Unit 4: Psychological Processes: Part A (Learning, Memory, Forgetting)
4.1 Learning: Meaning, Definition, Types and Theories of Learning
4.2 Memory: Basic Concept, Types of Memory, Methods of Measuring Memory.
4.3.1 4.3 Forgetting: Basic Concept, Theories of Forgetting
Unit 4: Psychological Processes: Part B (Learning, Memory, Forgetting)
5.1 Sensation: Sensory receptors, Types of Sensation, Measuring the Sensation,
Signal Detection Theory, Sensory Adaptation, Light and Dark Adaptation
Suggested Readings
Morgan CT and King R : Introduction to Psychology. Tata McGraw Hill
Publising Co. Ltd. New Delhi
Guilford J P : General Psychology. D. Van Nostrand: Princeton Munn N.
L. : Introduction to Psychology. New Delhi. Oxford and
IBH Publishing Co.