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Sample Test Project: District / Zonal Skill Competitions Category: Manufacturing & Engineering Technology

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Sample Test Project

District / Zonal Skill Competitions

Skill- Electronics
Category: Manufacturing & Engineering Technology

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 1

Table of Contents

A. Preface ....................................................................................................................................3
B. Test Project ..............................................................................................................................4
C. Marking Scheme ..................................................................................................................... 10
D. Infrastructure List................................................................................................................... 13
E. Instructions for candidates...................................................................................................... 14
F. Health, Safety, and Environment ............................................................................................. 15

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 2

Section - A
A. Preface

Skill Explained:
The electronics industry is very diverse and has evolved into several special domains. Almost
every aspect of today’s world relies on, or directly uses, electronics technology.

Engineering Technicians/Technologists will work across many aspects of electronics, with

increasing specialization and technical developments. The key areas of specialization, which
can be seen as careers in their own right include the designing of prototype circuits, schematic
capture and layout to create/verify/simulate schematic circuits and printed circuit boards. This
is a specialized occupation in its own right, and also involves the creation of production
documents such as Bill of Materials, Gerber Files and drill files.

Electronics specialists work in a wide range of industries supported by highly technical

specialist equipment. These tools are often specialized, and also include measurement test
equipment. Computers and specialist software development tools are used to create programs
for embedded systems and programmable devices. Embedded System design involves
interfacing Microcontroller unit (MCUs) to the outside world via sensors/communication

Eligibility Criteria (for IndiaSkills 2018 and WorldSkills 2019):

Competitors born on or after 01 Jan 1997 are only eligible to attend the Competition.

Total Duration: 4 Hrs

Task A : 60 Minutes
Task B : 90 Minutes
Task C : 90 Minutes

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 3

Section - B
B. Test Project

Task A – Schematic Design

Competitor Instruction Sheet

You have 60 Minutes to complete this task

You are to complete designs, keep in the mind the following observations
1. Please complete the design according to the following requirements.
2. Use only the component from the part list of your designs.
3. You may not need all components in the parts list.
4. You can start using PCB design only after submitting the paper schematic.

Competitors can read component data sheet that is provided with only personal computer
which contains data sheet pack. The hard copies brought by competitor can’t be used, but
competitors can read the hard copies provided with competition organizer. When you have
completed your designs you are to submit your answers on the provided Answer Sheets to
the Expert. You will then be given the schematic solution for schematic entry into PCB design
software. You cannot start your PCB design in this phase of the Test Project.

Task B – Design of Printed Circuit Board

Competitor Instruction Sheet

You have 90 Minutes to complete this task

1. Design printed circuit board using PCB design software tool.

2. Prepare the PCB design as per specified position of components in shown figure.
3. Complete the design, save PCB Gerber files in the pen drive.
4. Create a BOM, containing all information for your schematic design.
5. Create a pdf files as requested in the statement.
6. Follow the rules as specified in the statement.

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 4

Task C – Build and Test Hardware design project
Competitor Instruction Sheet

You have 90 Minutes to complete this task.

1. Assemble PCB, calibrate and check its operation.

2. Completing the project, submit all the product and documents.

Example of Test Project-Hardware Design

“LED Running Light”


Make an electronic circuit in which there are eight LEDs in circular pattern and they should
be glowing one by one in a sequence with a time difference of 0.5 seconds.

The circuit must be designed using the components provided in the given list. Components
other than the list will not be provided.

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 5

Block Diagram

PCB Design

Submit the following PCB Gerber files to the experts in the usb sticks.

*.GBL Bottom Layer

*.GKO Keep Out Layer (Dimension)

*.txt NC Drill File

Submit the following files as *.pdf Data

All schematics

PCB Top Layer (scale 1:1)

PCB Bottom Layer (scale 1:1)

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 6

Component Placement Side (scale 1:1)

PCB size is 120mm x 80mm and should be Single side PCB.

Place Power supply, 8 LEDs and controlling part as shown in the “Figure”.

Place wherever competitor wants to be electronically stable except assigned Component

Figure. PCB layout

The participant has to design the circuit using the component given below:

Item Parts name Parts value (Model) Qty. Remarks

1 IC-Timer NE555 4

2 IC-Counter 4029 1

3 IC-NOT Gate 7404 1

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 7

4 IC- Quad bilateral switches 74HC/HCT4066 1

5 IC-NAND Gate 7400 2

6 IC-AND Gate 7408 2

7 IC-Voltage regulator LM7805 1

8 IC-Opamp LM358 2

9 IC-Frequency to Voltage Converter LM2907 1

10 IC- 3 ½ Digit A/D Converters 1


11 IC- Decade and Binary Counters 1


12 Seven Segment Displays 14.2 mm (0.56 inch) 5

13 LED 5mm Red 5

14 DC socket 12v 1

15 Resistor 330Ω, 1/4W, 5% 5

16 Resistor 1KΩ, 1/4W, 5% 10

17 Resistor 4.7KΩ, 1/4W, 5% 5

18 Resistor 10KΩ, 1/4W, 5% 5

19 Resistor 220KΩ, 1/4W, 5% 5

20 Resistor 100k, 1/4W, 5% 5

21 Resistor 1M, 1/4W, 5% 5

22 Ceramic Capacitor 0.1uF 1

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 8

23 Ceramic Capacitor 0.47uF 1

24 Ceramic Capacitor 0.22uF 1

25 Ceramic Capacitor 100pF 1

26 Ceramic Capacitor 0.02uF 1

27 Ceramic Capacitor 0.001uf 2

28 Ceramic Capacitor 0.01u F 5

29 Ceramic Capacitor 0.1u F 5

26 Electrolytic Capacitor 220u F/16V 2

27 Potentiometer 10KΩ, 1/4 W, 5% 3

28 Rectifier Diode 1N4001 - 1N4007 5

29 Transistor BC548

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 9

Section – C
C. Marking Scheme

The Assessment is done by awarding points by adopting two methods, Measurement and

• Measurement - One which is measurable

• Judgments - Based on Industry expectations

Aspects are criteria’s which are judged for assessment.

In Electronics skill all markings are done on measurement basis.

Marks awarded will be 0 or full marks.

a. Marking Scheme module wise with detailed assessment criteria

(a) Hardware Prototype Design module - 100 marks

(i) Phase 1: Development of circuit(s) - 20 marks

(ii) Phase 2: Design of PCB-board layout and production of Gerber files -40 marks

(iii) Phase 3: Prototype Assembly -40 marks

a. Production and assembly of PCB – 20 marks

b. Functionality of PCB prototype to specification- 20 marks

b. Marking Scheme with detailed assessment criteria

Sub Obtained
Sub - Criteria Max
Criteria Aspect - Description
Name or Description Aspect Mark

Hardware Module-
Module a
Schematic Design Connection of 12V AC/DC
(i) 1.1 2.00
(20 Marks) Block

Connection of 5V DC
1.2 2.00

Connections of 555 Timer

1.3 in Astable Mode for 0.5 2.50
Sec pulses

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 10

Connections of Shift
1.4 2.50
register block

1.5 Connections of 8 LEDs 2.00

Connections to Shift
1.6 register IC to re-initialize 2.50
the LED Rotation

Connections to Shift
1.7 register for initial pulse as 2.50

VDD Connection of all

1.8 components as per 2.00

GND Connections of all

1.9 components as per 2.00

Hardware Module -
Module a PCB Design PCB Design Quality:
(ii) 2.1 Difference in the track 3
(40 Marks) widths

PCB Design Quality:

2.2 3
Jumper Wires

PCB file generation & pdf

2.3 3

PCB layout and

2.4 Component Positioning- 4
(Power supply block)

PCB layout and

2.5 Component Positioning- 4
(555 Timer Block)

PCB layout and

2.6 Component Positioning- 4
(Shift Register Block)

PCB layout and

2.7 Component Positioning- 4
(LEDs Block)

PCB layout and

2.8 Component Positioning- 4
(Other Components)

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 11

PCB routing as per IPC
2.9 4

Overall design as per IPC

2.10 3

2.11 PCB Design Size 4

Hardware Module –
Module a Production &
3.1 Component Forming 4
(iii)a Assembly of PCB
(20 Marks)

3.2 Component Placement 4

Component Soldering
3.2 4

3.3 Component Orientation 4

Design without any

3.4 correction (no cutting of 4
tracks or rewiring)

Module a Functionality of Check #1: +12V Block
4.1 3
(iii) b Proto unit (20
Check #2: +5V Block
4.2 3

4.3 Check #3: 555 Timer 4
Output pulses at 0.5 Sec
Check #4: Shift Register
4.4 3

4.5 Check #5: 8 LEDS 3

4.6 Check #6: initialization of 4
LED rotation
Total 100

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 12

Section - D
D. Infrastructure List

Infrastructure List (Tool and equipment including raw material)

The quantity is given for each candidate

S. Item Requirements/Specification Qty

1 Workbench 2’x3’ 2
2 Soldering iron 15 W 1
3 Soldering iron stand Metal 1
4 Solder wire 0.6/0.7/0.8mm 100gm
5 Magnifying glass Hand/table mounted 1
6 Calculator Scientific 1
7 Desktop/Laptop I3,4gb,500gb HDD or higher 1
8 Printer Deskjet/LaserJet 1
9 Electronics components As per specified in the task 1
10 Multimeter Digital 3 ½ digit 1
11 Software PCB design (Eagle/Proteus/Altium) 1
12 Paper A4 Size 2
13 Pen/Pencil/Eraser Blue/HB 1
14 Power Supply Digital Power supply 3-15V/5A 1
15 Power Socket AC socket 3
16 ESD Mat 2’x3’ 2
16 ESD point Grounding point 2

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 13

Section – E

E. Instructions for candidates

The Participating Competitors must consider the following;

• Experts shall not be allowed to give any help to Competitors to interpret the Test Project
except where agreed by the Jury before the start of the competition

• Every Competitor has the right to expect that no other Competitor will receive unfair
assistance or any intervention that may provide an advantage

• Accredited personnel at the Competition shall ensure that the above principles of
honesty, fairness and transparency are observed at all times

• When the Competition is over, Competitors shall be given time to exchange views and
experiences with other Competitors and Experts.

• In case a Competitor has to withdraw due to illness or accident; marks will be awarded
for the work completed.

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 14

Section – F

F. Health, Safety, and Environment

1. All accredited participants, and supporting volunteers will abide by rules and
regulations with regards to Health, Safety, and Environment of the Competition venue.

2. All participants, technicians and supporting staff will wear the required protective
personnel clothing.

3. All individuals must have Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) awareness and use ESD
a. when working with components/circuits
b. Must wear eye protection while soldering or cutting components.

4. All participants will assume liability for all risks of injury and damage to property, loss
of property, which might be associated with or result from participation in the event.

5. The organizers will not be liable for any damage, however in case of Injury the
competitor will immediately inform the immediate organizer for medical attention.

Version 1 – Dec 2017 Skill- Electronics 15

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