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Portable Hardness Test: Application Range - Primary Industries

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Wide measuring range
Hardness reading in split seconds
For all metallic materials
Measures in any direction
Data transfer to PC / printer
High accuracy ± 4HL (0.5% at 800 HL)
Instant digital display of hardness value

Application Range - Primary Industries

• Good for all metals • Metal production & processing
• Ideal for production level testing • Automotive & transportation
• Best suited for on-site testing of heavy, big or already installed parts • Machinery & power plants
• Handy for difficult to access or confined test locations • Petro-chemical, refineries
• Compensation for impact direction • Aerospace & shipyard
• Excellent for material selection and acceptance tests • Metal constructions
• Easy to use and accurate on curved test surfaces (R > 10 mm) • Testing services & laboratories

Standardized according to ASTM A956-96

all you need for quick, precise hardness measurements!

Standard Equipment D Standard Equipment G Standard Equipment E

Art. Nr. 350 01 000 Art. Nr. 350 92 000 Art. Nr. 350 93 000
Impact device D with 1.5 m cable and Impact device G with 1.5 m cable and Impact device E with 1.5 m cable and
electronic indicating device, standard electronic indicating device, standard electronic indicating device, stan-
test block D, coupling paste, carrying test block G (seperate), 6.1 kg carry- dard test block E, coupling paste and
case 325 x 295 x 105 mm, weight 4.8 kg. ing case 325 x 295 x 105 mm, weight carrying case 325 x 295 x 105 mm,
8.1 kg (6.1 kg + 2.0 kg) weight 4.8 kg.
In addition to universal unit D, the
following units are assembled from This variant version is recommended Comprises impact device E with
accessory combinations. for the exclusive measurement of diamond test tip for an extremely
solid and heavy components in the long life. Recommended where the
Brinell range. Unit G places low de- predominant hardness values to be
mands on measuring location sur- measured are in excess of 50 HRC,
face finish. Typical applications: forg- respectively 650 HV, or for extra hard
ings or solid castings components.

Other units are available: Standard Equipment C, Art. Nr. 350 95 001
Standard Equipment DL, Art. Nr. 350 91 310
Standard Equipment S, Art. Nr. 350 91 410

EQUOTIP Measuring Principle

When the test is carried out, an impact body with a tungsten carbide
HL = B * 1000 = r * 1000 test tip is impelled by spring force against a test surface from which
A vi
~vi it rebounds. Impact and rebound velocities are measured by fal-
lowing method: a permanent magnet integrated into the impact
Time body passes through a coil and induces an electric voltage during
its forward and return travel. These voltages are proportional to the
velocities and are processed and displayed as the hardness value L
on the indicating device.

Impact phase Rebound phase

The Hardness Value "L"

This term, 1978 introduced by Proceq into measuring technology, is the quo-
tient for the impact body's rebound and impact velocity, multiplied by 1000.
Harder materials produce higher rebound velocity than those which are less
With reference to a particular material group (e.g. steel, aluminium etc.) the
L-value represents a direct hardness measurement and is used as such. Com-
parison curves with standard static hardness values have been established
(Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell C) for the most prevalent materials, enabling the L-
values to be converted into the relevant values for these procedures.
With EQUOTIP 2, such hardness values can be directly displayed in the hard-
ness scales HRC, HB, HV and HS.
Additionally, the user can input up to 20 "plant internal" conversion tables.

EQUOTIP Performing of Hardness Test

1. Load 2. Place 3. Measure

Simple - few operating ele- No subjective measuring er- Read off the hardness value L.
ments. Accurate measure- rors are possible. Readings
ments possible even by oc- are available for automatic
casional users. Absolutely no processing of printout.
Impact body with settings required.
spherical test tip Reliable, ultra-modern elec-
and permanent
magnet tronics, battery state indicator
and automatic reading can-
cellation in the event of low
battery. LCD display for low
Support ring power consumption. Simple,
instantaneous function check.
The instrument is immediate-
ly ready for the next impact
which will erase the L-value

Technical Data Unit D

Vickers Brinell Rockwell Shore Tensile strength
Material Group* HV HB HRC HRB HS N/mm2
1 steel and cast steel 81-955 81-654 20-68 38-100 30-100 274-2193
2 cold work tool steel 80-900 21-67
3 stainless steel 85-802 85-655 20-62 47-102
4 cast iron lamellar graphite GG 90-698 90-664 21-59
5 cast iron nodular graphite GGG 96-724 95-687 21-61
6 cast aluminum alloys 22-193 19-180 24-85
7 copper/zinc alloys (brass) 40-173 14-95
8 CuAI/CuSn alloys (bronze) 60-290
9 wrought copper alloys, low alloyed 45-315
* Specific acceptable materials for each group available on request

Measuring ranges of the most important hardness measuring procedures in comparison to the
hardness of different metals
1100 hard steels
(cold rolls)
900 Tool & high-
800 speed steel

700 High-strength
Rockwell HRC

600 steel

Shore HS

Heat-treatable steel
Cast iron
Brinell HBW
Brinell HBS

Vickers HV


Aluminium, Brass

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Hardness Value L

EQUOTIP Impact Devices
The EQUOTIP unit is fitted Impact Device D Impact Device DC Impact Device DL
with universal impact Art. No. 350 71 001 Art. No. 350 71 002 Art. No. 350 71 310
device D. Special impact Application: For the majori- Application: Use in very Application: For measure
devices are available for ty of your hardness testing confined spaces, e.g. ments in extremely confined
use in extremely confined assignments in holes, cylinders or for spaces or at the base of
spaces, with special com- Weight: 75g internal measurements on grooves.
ponent geometry or surface assembled machines. Weight: 100 g
finish. These significantly Weight: 50 g
extend the possibilities of
application for the EQUOTIP
procedure. Each special
impact device is compa-
tible with unit D indicating
device and is supplied as

Impact Device G Impact Device C Impact Device S Impact Device E

Art. No. 350 72 001 Art. No. 350 75 001 Art. No. 350 71 410 Art. No. 350 73 001
Application: Solid compo- Application: Surface Application: big, heavy Application: For measure-
nents. e.g. heavy castings hardened components, and massiv materials - ments in the extremely
and forgings. coatings, thin walled or extremely hard test pieces - high hardness range
Weight: 250 g impact sensitive compo- rolls in the upper hardness (always in excess of 50
nents (small measuring range HRC/650 HV): Tool steels
indentation). Weight: 80 g with high carbide content
Weight 75 g inclusions.
Weight: 80 g

Operator - friendly
At a glance the large LCD monitor provides information on:
• Hardness value L (measured value)
• Lowest value (min)
• Highest value (max.)
• Range (R)
• Standard deviation (s)
• Mean value (x)
• Converted mean value
• Impact no.
Shown in the information line are the current basic settings.
In the example:
• Impact device D
• Impact direction downwards
• Mean value automatically formed after 5 individual
• Conversion to HRC
• Consecutive measuring series no.
Visual representation of the last measuring series provides an
immediate survey of hardness level and regularity.
Freely selectable setpoints limits.
The user can set up the EQUOTIP device to his specific
requirements with a few keys.

EQUOTIP indicating device

• Supplied by 6 Nos. 1.5 V Mignon cells, operating life with
one set of batteries approximately 60 hours at 20° C
• Connection for standard mains supply 9 V DC, 0.2 A
• Permissible temperature range 0°C to + 50° C
• RS 232C interface
• Dimensions: 180 x 175 x 80 mm / 800 g

The mesured data can be transmitted via interface RS 232C to an external printer in on-line-mode. The stored data (capa-
city of memory approx. 5000 values) can be transferred by means of EQUOLINK-Software via RS 232C to a computer.

Impact devices
D, DC,
Preparation of the surface DL, E, S C G
Roughness class ISO N7 N5 N9
Max. roughness depth Rt 10 µm 2.5 µm 30 µm
Centre line average CLA, AA, Ra 2 µm 0.4 µm 7 µm

Min. weight of samples

of compact shape 5 kg 1.5 kg 15 kg
on solid support 2 kg 0.5 kg 5 kg
coupled on plate 0.1 kg 0.02 kg 0.5 kg

Min. thickness of sample

uncoupled 25 mm 15 mm 70 mm
coupled 3 mm 1 mm 10 mm
surface layer thickness 0.8 mm 0.2 mm

Max. hardness of samples

Indentation size on test surface

with 300 HV, 30 HRC *
diameter 0.54 mm 0.38 mm 1.03 mm
depth 24 µm 12 µm 53 µm
with 600 HV, 55 HRC *
diameter 0.45 mm 0.32 mm 0.90 mm
depth 17 µm 8 µm 41 µm
with 800 HV, 63 HRC *
diameter 0.35 mm 0.30 mm
depth 10 µm 7 µm

* approximate hardness conversion for steel

Support rings
On curved surfaces having a radius less than 30 mm, effective positioning on the testpiece
is faciliated by the use of support rings (set of 12). The appropriate support ring is screwed
on to the front of the impact device. The set includes support rings for cylindrical, hollow-
cylindrical, spherical or hollow-spherical sufraces with a radius of 11 mm.
Special support rings can be manufactured for geometrically complex surfaces.

Application criteria
valid for impact bodys D, DC, DL, E, S
As is standard practice for hardness measurements, the measuring location surface should be bright and smoothly
ground. It does not have to be polished. Damage to the test piece surface after testing with EQUOTIP will be minimal. At
least 2 to 3 test impacts should be made at each measuring location, and then in all cases the average should determine
for the individual readings. A surface of 10 x 10 mm is sufficient for measurement purposes. The device can also be used
without special preparation using the EQUOTIP unit D. Slim workpieces and those weighing between 2 and 5 kg must be
placed on a solid baseplate for testing in such manner that the force of the impact neither shifts them nor causes them to
flex, since otherwise the readings could be falsified.
Compact miniature parts with plane measuring surfaces can also be tested, but must be "coupled" for the purpose with
rigid base. "Coupling" is effected by lightly coating the workpiece with coupling paste and "sticking" it firmly to a base-
plate of adequate weight.

Subject to change without notice

For Sales and Service Contact:

Europe/Africa Americas Asia/Pacific
Proceq SA Proceq USA, Inc. Proceq Asia Pte Ltd
Ringstrasse 2 117 Corporation Drive 12 New Industrial Road #02-02A
CH-8603 Schwerzenbach Aliquippa, PA 15001 Singapore 536202
Switzerland USA Republic of Singapore
Tel: +41 (0)43 355 38 00 Tel: +1-724-512-0330 Phone: +65-6382-3966
Fax: +41 (0)43 355 38 12 Fax: +1-724-512-0331 Fax: +65-6382-3307
info-europe@proceq.com info-usa@proceq.com info-asia@proceq.com

810 350 01E ver 08 2006 © Proceq SA, Switzerland. All rights reserved. www.proceq.com

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