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Normandy Maneuver

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Simonds and Montgomery Attempt the Armoured Breakout


Department ofHistory
McGill University

September 1997

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• C Roman Johann Jarymowycz 1997

• Acknowledgments

List of Illustrations



List of Tables ix

Abstract x

Abstrait Xl

Prologue 1

Chapter 1 Canadian Mechanization And Western Armoured Doctrine 12

Chapter 2 Maneuver Warfare In The Beach Head - Two Armoured Battles 58

Chapter 3 Breakout 1: Operation Atlantic Jul 19 III

Chapter 4 Breakout 2: Operation Spring JuI25 145

Chapter 5 Breakout 3: Operation Tota/ize Aug 8 184

Chapter 6 Breakout 4: Operation Tractable Aug 14-21 228

Chapter 7 Canadian Armour In Normandy 264

Chapter 8 The Operational Art In Norrnandy - SHAEF vs STA VKA 299

Appendix A Allied Armour Formations ETO 332

Appendix B Armoured Corps Casualties 333

Appendix C Sampling of Allied Tank Casualties 334

Appendix D Analysis of Sherman Casualties: 6 June - 10 JuIy 335

Appendix E Tank States 2 CAB Normandy June-August 1944 336

Appendix F Effective Tank Strengili 2nd Canadian Army July 1944 339

Appendix G German Panzer Strength Normandy 1944 340

Bibliography 341

AIl Maps, Analyses and Charts are original art work drawn by the author.



r m not sure l would recommend this to anyone over fifty. The hope that
experience brings wisdom and practice makes perfect is poorly buttressed by stubborn
habits, failing vision and selective memory. In the end it is the love of history and the
mil itary that proves irresistible. Soldiers can only hope that any tactical interpretation
survives close scrutiny - this applies more to amateur historians than their victims.
It is necessary to thank a host ofkind supporters. l must begin with Brian McKenna who,
by including me in the process of creative historical drama, afforded me an opportunity
for research l would have never managed from a classroom in Pointe Claire. The heady
excitement ofhis film projects gave me the impetus to approaeh McGill University and
seek admittance. This too would have not been possible without the help of my former
professors, Terry Copp and the late Robert Vogel, who cordially stood on my behalt:
Sadly, Professor VogeI died before l could demonstrate any tangible effort for him ta
l have been fortunate enough to meet and learn from Canada's great military
historians. The encouragement ofTerry Copp, Jack English and Stephen Harris has been
splendid and educating. They have shared important documents, offered sage advice and
most importantly, have given me the gift offriendship. l doubt very much l would have
had the opportunity to test any historical conclusion if not for Terry Copp's ensuring
there were symposiums at whieh to speak and journals whieh would publish an early
effort. Like Terry, Jack English has been both inspiration and sustenance. 1 cannot resist a
sophomoric sense of awe that these gentlemen so willingly and cheerfully take the time to
support historieal hoplites Iike myself:
The research behind this thesis has been made possible by sympathetic academics
throughout North America. l must particularly thank Mr. David A. Keough, Chief,
Manuscript Branch at the United States Army Military History Institute, Upton Hall,

• Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Without bis guidance 1would not have discovered the United

States Army in its most aesthetic and important years. Upton Hall's Librarian, Mc. D.

• Slonaker took me into dusty dungeons and pointed out armoured studies that gave
substance ta theory. The Direetor ofthe Patton Museum Library, Dr. John M. Purdy was
a generous hast and ensured 1 left Fort Knox with enough data and insight from the
manuscript collection ta do American Armor justice. Professor Reginald Roy' s
generosity in sharing the Marshal Stearns Papers allowed me ta begin with an early
insight into Simonds and his peers. The ladies at McGill's InterLibrary Loan delivered
vital papers from obscure lands and at one point secured the entire collection ofCavalry
Journals - ten shipping boxes worth. Academie thanks must include Mr. Earl Clark, my
former principal, who never forgot his historical roots and kindly permitted me ta be
tmant for an extra year when 1 needed time most.
Colleagues in the Military have offered support and opportunity. Former
Commanders ofCanadian Forces StaffCollege at Fort Frontenac, Brigadier Generais
Clive Milner and Bob Alden, ensured 1 participated, as a Militia member of the Direeting
StatI: on StaffCollege Battlefield tours in France and Germany. Leal John A.
MacDonald kindly shared his notes and manuscript on the Canadian senior generalship.

• Colonel David M. Glantz offered encouragement and direction in my attempts to

understand the Soviet Army and Deep Battle. Despite my seeming reserve towards the
Artillery, 1am grateful ta two gunner officers, Leols Peter Kraemer and David Patterson
for access to their libraries and collection of military pamphlets.
Finally, 1am indebted ta two people without whose support 1would not have
completed this effort: my wife, Sandra, and my mentor, Professor Desmond Morton. The
almost miraculous appearance ofDoctor Morton from distant Mississauga resurrected a
work that had been long donnant. With bath stick and carrot, he managed ta drive a
scruffy Phoenix out of military ashes. His patience and detennination overcame my most
stubborn inability ta listen ta common sense and the voice ofexperience. His military
determination ensured l fell into line and recognized pearls of wisdom when they were
given. As most staffcollege habitués, 1 needed a senior OS ta clean up my tactical
approach. Fortunately, his magistrator's gift to balance discipline with kindness and
humour made the experience a pleasant one. l can ooly hope 1 have not let him down.

• v
My wife overcame challenges that would have broken MOSt. She somehow

• managed to balance personal reversais, a successful professional career, the editorship of

this thesis, and still create a splendid home lire. Her uncomplaining patience, creativity,
and ever supportive wit were an inspiration and put iota perspective my own petty
difficulties with drowning chapters. Her unerring eye, a perfeet comprehension of
auftragstaktik, and a partisan alliance with Dr. Morton ensured the mission reached its
goal. l cannat adequately express my gratitude.

• vi

Figure Page
1. The Royal Canadian Artnoured Corps (1914 - 1945)................................. 25
2. '. Western Infantry Main Battle Tank............................................................ 28
3. Western Armoured Divisions 1942 30
4. Lessons From the Desert............................................................................ 32
5. Desert Solutions......................................................................................... 35
6. Western Armoured Divisions 1943 39
7. Canadian Armoured Division 1943-44 41
8. The Royal Canadian Arrnoured Corps 1943. 42
9. Western Armoured Divisions 1944 49

• 10.
Buron: 7 June 1944....................................................................................
North Nova Seotia Battlegroup and 25 S8 panzergrenadier: 7 June 1944...
Buron: 1400 brs, 7 June 1944.....................................................................
Buron 7 June 1944: Phase 1 and Phase 2....................................................
14. Buron 7 June 1944: Phase 3 and Phase 4.................................................... 86
15. Le Mesnil-Patry Il June 1944: The Dempsey-Keller-Wyman Plan 96
16. Le Mesnil-Patry Il June 1944: Maneuver Warfare 106
17. Goodwood's Last Phase 20 July 1944: Operation Atlantic 128
18. Ficst Battie of Verrières Ridge: Phase 2......................................... 135
19. Operations CobralSpring: Normandy Front 24 July 1944........................... 149
20. Operation Spring: Opposing Forces. 158
21. Spring: 2 S5 Pz Korps Counterattaeks 173
22. Spring 2S July 1944: Taetieal Analysis 179
23. Operations CobraITotalize: Normandy Front 7 August 1944...................... 187

24. Opposing Forces 1 Cdn Army Front 8 August 1944 193


25. Totalize - Attaek Formation. 196
26. The Allied Strategie Offensive - Operational Evolution............................... 232
27. Four Battle Groups......................................................................................... 249
28. Operations TotalizelTractable: Taetieal Analysis 258
29. Canadian and German Main Battle Tanks: Franee 1944 279
30. Allied and German Tank Destroyers: Franee 1944....................................... 292
31. Allied Tank Casualties 318
32. The Allied Strategie Offensive 325

• viii

Table Page
1. German Panzer Units Normandy 1944 June - July 52
2. Panzer Arm Strength.as at 7 lu.ne 1944 53
3. Tank States 12 SS Panzer Division 7 - 30 June 1944 92
4. 2nd Canadian Corps: Operation Spring 153
5. German Forces Facing 2nd Canadian Corps..... 157
6. 2nd Canadian Corps Int Summary No. 13 157
7. 2nd Canadian Infantry Division 18 - 25 July 1944..................................... 160
8. Armour Available ta Simonds for Phase 2 Totalize 213
9. Simonds's Armoured Corps - Normandy 1944 243

• 10.
Strength for German Tank Forces in the West............................................
German Panzer Battalions vs. Canadian Tank Battalions............................
Tiger vs. Sherman Penetration
Tank Losses from 136 Engagements
14. German Tank Losses by Causation 1944-45 '" 294
15. 2 CAB Losses Operation Spring .. 316
16. 2 CAB Lasses Operation Tractable.. 316
17. Allied Tank Casualties Sampling ETO 1944.............................................. 319

• ix


Mechanization signaled the end ofthe cavalry but the renaissance ofheavy cavalry
doctrine. The tank heralded the retum ofbreakthrough operations and maneuver warfare.
Initially, the western cavaIries refused doctrinal revision and chose instead to fight bitter
rear guard actions against Fullerist zealots.
The Canadian Cavalry, prompted by Blitzkrieg's triumphs, effortlesslyevolved
into a tank force - virtually overnight. Canadian doctrine, however, was ersatz. Denied its
own vast training areas, the aCAC WH sandwiched iota southem England and saddled
with British warfighting techniques developed-in the Western Desert. In Normandy,
Canadian operational art was driven by GeneraIs Simands and Crerar, both gunners, who
had neither the skiII nor experience to conduet armoured warfare. Hampered by General
Montgomery' s inability to reproduce a strategie offensive comparable to that
demonstrated on the Russian front, Allied armoured forces were squandered in
mismanaged frontal attacks.
In the United States, the attempts to protect the horse forced a praetorian's revoit

• that ended with General Chaffee garroting the US Cavalry, eliminating it from future
battlefields. The doctrinal dominance of the American Armored Force was subsequently
threatened by a cabal under artillery General Leslie McNair who imposed the Tank
Destroyer philosophy. Internecine squabbles and economic nationalism prevented
America from producing a tank capable of meeting German panzers on even terms.
Though failing technically, the US Armored force succeeded doctrinally via the Louisiana
maneuvers and produced a balanced Armored Division. General Bradley's 12th Army
Group arrived in France with a purposeful dogma that had been further refined at the
Combat Command, Divisional, and Corps level in North Africa and Sicily.
American annour maneuvered during Operation Cobra but it did not fight massed
panzers; this was saon redressed in Lorraine where American armoured doctrine reached
taetical maturity. Canadian armaur fought tank battles throughout Operations Spring,
Totalize and Tractable, but it did not maneuver. American and Canadian annour' s best
opportunitYfor strategie vietory occurred in Normandy. The Canadians, despite better

tanks and favourable terrain, failed operationally ~d received no second chance.


• En quête de manoeuvres opérationnelles lors de la Campagne de Normandie

La mécanisation marque la fin de la cavalerie - mais la renaissance des principes de
la cavalerie lourde. L'utilisation des chars de combat marque le retour aux opérations en
profondeur et à la guerre par des manoeuvres. Dans un premier temps, les cavaleries de
l'ouest repoussent Padoption de cette nouvelle doctrine et choisissent plutôt de s'opposer
farouchement aux fanatiques de Fuller.
Voyant les succès énonnes remportés par le Blitzkrieg allemand, le Canada passe,
presque du jour au lendemain, de la cavalerie à la force blindée. Malheureusment, la
nouvelle philosophie du Canada est inapplicable sur le terrain. Habitué aux grands espaces
pour les manoeuvres, le F.RB.C est cantonné au sud de l'Angelerre et soumis à des
stratégies de combat britanniques élaborées pour le desert. De plus, en Normandie, les
opérations militaires canadiennes sont sous le commandement des généraux Simonds et
Crerar, tous deux artilleurs et sans aucune expérience dans le commandement des divisions
blindées. Handicapées par l'incapacité du général Montgomery à élaborer une stratégie
offensive comparable à celle démontrée sur le front russe, les forces blindées alliées sont

• victimes de mauvaises stratégies militaires.

Aux Etats Unis, les tentatives de maintenir la cavalerie débouchent sur la révolte
d'une bande de hauts gradés, révolte toutefois étouffée par le général Chaffee qu~ du même
coup, met fin à la cavalerie américaine, ainsi l'éliminant des futurs champs de bataille. La
doctrine de la prépondérance au recours à l'infanterie dans l'armée américaine fait ensuite
l'objet d'une cabale de la part du général de l'artillerie Leslie McNair qui impose plutôt la
philosophie de la destruction de la force blindée par les canons antichars mobiles. Ces
disputes internes et le nationalisme économique des américains les empêchent de produire
un véhicle blindé apte à tenir tête aux panzers allemands. Cependant, en dépit de cette
infériorité technique, la force blindée américaine réussit à élaborer une stratégie lors de
manoeuvres'en Louisiane: cela lui permet de former une division blindée équilibrée. Le 12e
groupe d'armée, sous les ordres du général Bradley, débarque en France avec une stratégie
bien arrêtée ayant fait ses preuves en Afrique du Nord et en Sicile.
A l'occasion de L'Opération Cobra, la force blindée américaine réussit à manoeuvrer

mais, lors de ces manoeuvres n'affionte pas une force organisée de panzers allemands. Ella

aura à le tire à faire en Lorraine - moment où la doctrine équilibrée de la force blindée

• américaine atteint sa maturité tactique. La force blindée canadienne affronte l'ennemi lors
des opérations Spring, Tota/ize et Tractable mais la manoeuvre stratégique n'y est pas. La
plus belle occasion pour les forces blindées canadienne et américaine de remporter une
victoire stratégique a lieu en Normandie. Les canadiens, en dépit d'une supériorité technique
et malgré un terrain de débarquement favorable, échouent par manque de stratégie offensive
efficace et n'ont pas de seconde chance.

• xii


Simonds and Montgomery Attempt the Armoured Breakout Battle

"There is no teacher like a bullet." Stacey's terse summation of doctrinal reality

cantains the nut of the tactical evolution. Whether in the execution ofbattle drills or the
conduet of a strategie offensive, experience bred success. The evolution ofNorth
American armoured doctrine featured a steady repetition ofthe Allied-Axis ballet:
apprenticeship under the unforgiving scowl of the veteran. German and Soviet skills were
honed in Man~huria, Spain, Poland, France, and the Russian steppes. American and
Canadian doctrine survived the Mediterranean only to discover the bitter reality of the
Tiger and the Panther in the vexatious quest for operational maneuver.

It May be argued that there is Iittle new to be said about Allied arms in the
Western European Theatre. In Canada, the dean ofmilitary history, Professor C. P.
Stacey, has touched on most aspects. The more research condueted, the greater Stacey's
stature. In the Staff College Battle Field Studies, military historians walk the ridges and
orchards, well-thumbed book in hand, quoting passages to each other - "Stacey 174,
verse 9: 'Weil May the fields grow green and lush upon its gçntle slopesH.'." In the end,
Stacey is not overly protective of Canadian arms; his eritical analysis ofNormandy is
about as good as it gets in military history. He is, nevertheless, weIl disposed towards
Simonds and Crerar.
The Allied record in Normandy is irritating simply because we know we couId
have done better. The extensive casualty rates to infantry and armour nearly exhausted
American arms and created a political crisis in Canada. The dazzling success of
American armour during Cobra's pursuit eclipsed the Canadian armoured batttes of
August, despite the fact that the vast majority of Allied tank casualties tram direct guntire
engagements occurred in 2nd Canadian Corps. The exultation ofOperational Maneuver,

• the clasing ofthe Falaise Gap, and the liberation ofParis obfuscated the reality oftaetical


• deficiency. It required three bloody months and seven major Operations to drive the
Germans out ofNormandy. This occurred despite total air supremacy and a strategieal
numerical advantage. The reasons fortactical frustration are technical, geographical, and
primarily, doctrinal.
Western experience with armour lagged behind central and eastern Europe. By the
time the King and Roosevelt governments were elected, Hitler had already formed bis
fifth panzer division and Stalin had an entire Mechanized Corps in his tank park. When
France fell there were only fourteen light tanks in Canada and the American Army had
less than thirty modern armoured fighting vehicles. l The United States Cavalry drove
horses iota battle en portée and disguised its few tanks as "combat cars" to avoid
genealogical feuding.
Colonel F. F. Worthington formed a Canadian armoured corps in 1940 with
ancient Renaults but no doctrine; conversely, General Adna Chaffee was dispatched to
Washington as the stiletto of a doctrinal revoit spawned in Louisiana. Both produced
superb armored forces that were social and material mirrors of each other but differed
sharply in dogma. The Canadians were totally shaped by the British; the Americans,
notwithstanding flirtation with French and German doctrine, were in the end, produets of
their own philosophes.
England, despite Fuller, had considerable mechanical and tactical difficulty with
the tank. No saoner had the Western Desert Army adopted the massed arrnoured attack as
doctrine, than Rommel began ta decimate their desert tank brigades by employing a more
sophisticated form ofall arms cooperation in the maneuver battle. By the end ofthe
Narth African war, Allied numbers and air superiority defeated the Deutsches Afrika
Korps, but it would require more than shaking desert sand out of map cases to prepare for
the Tigers and Panthers prowling western France. The British, and subsequently the
Canadians, failed to appreciate what a panzer division was and the constant

1 C.P. Stacey, The Military Problems of Canada (roronto: Ryerson, 1940), 125, ancl Lany
Worthington, Worthy (Toronto: MacMillan, 1961), 138. See, Brereton Greenhous, Dragoon - The
Centennial History orThe Royal Canadian Dragoons. 1883-1983 (Ottawa: Campbell, 1983), 284 and, John
F Wallace MC, Dragons of Steel (Bumstown: General Store Publishing, 1995), 115. Harry C. Thomson
and Lida Mayo, The United States Anny in World War II The Ordnance Department: Procurement and

fuum!y (Washington, D. C.: U. S. GovemmentPrinting Office, 1960)~ 201-202."By the lime Gennany
invaded France in May 1940, the US Anny possessed only 28 new tanks (10 medium and 18 light tanks)
and 900 obsolete models scattered amongthe infantry, mechanized cavaIry, and ordnance depots."

reorganization orthe "empire" armoured division suggests near desperation. The

• American approach, inspired by Chaffee and the Louisiana maneuvers, was nearer the
mark. Despite considerable German example and abundant reports from the European
theatres, there is little evidence that Canadian armour was used correctly by its generaIs.
This has not really been appreciated in Canadian military history. The disappointing
Allied tactical record in Normandy has been attributed to Many causes: the primary one is
German military skiII, but engineering failures are equally significant. The Allies built the
wrong tanks and found themselves outgunned and outarmoured.
. The Canadian Army developed its panzergrenadier doctrine far too late to enable
the annoured units to fight effectively. Its key generals were primarily artiIIery officers
whose views regarding armoured warfare were established before the war and only
marginally evolved by the Iimited battie experience they were permitted. Although the
American army was committed toward the flexible operational groupings prescribed by
Chaffee, it soon handicapped itselfby creating a semi-permanent tacticai bureaucracy
that began with the Combat Command and often extended down to the Task Force. The
Allied offensive was built around the conservative set piece attack, rather than the fluid

• battle.
Although North American armoured formations fought in North Afiica and Italy,
it was only in France that classical armoured doctrine could be tested at the taetical,
operational, and strategicallevel. For Canadians, the proper study of Armour rests
exclusively in the Normandy campaign; for Americans, the Iessons begin with the pursuit
towards the Seine and end with Patton's operational counter stroke in the Battle ofthe
There is cumulative excellence in North American military history. The
accomplishments ofC. P. Stacey, Terry Copp, John EngIish, J. L. Granatstein, Desmond
Morton, and Reginaid Roy are impressive and well buttressed by American counterparts
like Martin Blumenson, R. F. Weigley and Carlo D'Este. Their review of archivai
documents suggests there is cause for sorne dissatisfaction with Allied generalship.
D'Este has made a convincing case against Montgomery; while Professors Granatstein
and Morton have noted at least one chink in Sirnonds's facade. English carefully records

bath the casting of the Normandy Annyand the shortcomings ofits divisional

• commanders while Copp has examined technical difficulties (what Sîmonds called
"failure of minar tacties") and, with Bill McAndrew, the psychological effeets of
Normandy on the fighting man. Copp, who has written the greatest number oftaetical and
operational studies orthe 2nd Canadian Corps, considers Colonel English's efforts
deconstruetionist, and may regard this effort as particularly harsh. On the other hand, he
acknowledges there is room for "technical analysis,,2 on the armoured battlefield.
Ifthere is criticism to be made against A1lied commanders, and it is in their
interpretation ofthe Operational Art. One hesitates to include Simonds, a Corps
Commander, in any discussion that centers araund - as any doctrinal discussion of
Normandy must - the technical application of the Strategie Offensive and the use of
armoured forces as an instrumental part of that aim. It was perhaps more Crerar's
hesitation to command rather than Simonds's tactical dominance that elevates the latter to
the status of Army Commander.
Conversely, it is Montgomery' s inabHity to achieve a strategie decision that
reduces him to the level ofa senior army commander in whose shadow Crerar, but
especially Dempsey, could not flower. The American army's faHure ta secure a total
triumph in Normandy by slamming the daor shut at Chambois does not lessen Bradley's
stature as an Army Group Commander. For it was Hodges's bulldog tenacity coupled
with Bradley's determination to claw through the bocage into "the green fields beyond"
that set the stage for Patton to mirror Tukhachevsky. However, it was also Montgomery
and Bradley's inability ta cope with Deep BattIe that permitted the bulk ofthe
Wehrmacht to escape to fight again in Lorraine, Arnhem and the Ardennes.
The Normandy-Lorraine historians - Weigley, Belfeld and Essame, Ellis, Wilmot,
Blumenson and D'Este - placed beside their Canadian counterparts, present a phaIanx of
knowledge that is inspiring, intimidating and, in sorne cases, downright cruel. Belfeld and
Essame lament: "It was unfortunate that the better trained British 2nd Army couId not
have been employed to close the Falaise Gap.,,3 BIumenson and D'Este are equally curt:
"The First Canadian Army, by failing ta achieve its objectives quickly along the road to

2 Terry COPPJ unpublished manuscript on Operation Totalize, deIivered at the Military History

Seminar at Wilfrid Laurier University, 3 May 1997.
J Eversley Belfeld and H.. Essarne The BattIe for Nonnandy (London: Pan, 1983), 233.

Falaise, provoked profound disappointment and helped to pralong the existence ofthe
Falaise gap, the German escape route.,74; "... the slowness in closing the two gaps, the
most important of which was the inability ofthe Canadians ta develop their operations
more quickly."s By far the most critical assessments were made by Stacey himself:
It is not difficult ta put one's finger upon occasions in the Normandy
campaign when Canadian formations failed to make the most oftheir
opportunities. In particular, the capture ofFalaise was long delayed, and it
was necessary to mount not one but two set-piece operations for the
purpose at a time when an early closing ofthe Falaise Gap would have
inflicted most grievous hann upon the enemy and might even,
conceivably, Rave enabled us to end the war sorne months sooner than
actually was the case. A German force far smaller than our own, taking
advantage of strong ground and prepared positions, was able ta slow our
advance to the point where considerable German forces made their escape.
That this was also due in part to errors ofjudgment south of the Gap
should not blind us to our own shortcomings.5
Stacey's reflections invite closer inspection of both Anny Groups. While the
terms "operational maneuver" and "glubokii boi" (deep battle) May not have penetrated
into Camberley, Kingston and Leavenworth by 1939, their essential elements, debate

between "attrition" and "maneuver," were established. Although "Maneuver Warfare" is
a relatively new term, its sum and substance are not. Allied (and this certainly includes
American) "errors ofjudgment" begin weil before Normandy and Africa. The fact that
Bradley broke out and maneuvered with five armoured divisions rather than seven or nine
invites careful investigation of General L. J. MeNair's Tank Destroyer doctrine.
Canadian General Charles Foulkes, a veteran orthe Nonnandy battles, candidly
noted: " When we bumped into battle-experienced German troops we were no match for
them. We would not have been successful had it not been for our air and artiUery
support.'" This is seconded by Major General Harry Foster, a cavalry officer, who
commanded infantry formations in Normandy:

4 Martin Blumenson, The HattIe ofthe GeneraIs (New York: William Morrow and Company,
1993). 269.
S Carlo D'Este, Decision in Nonnandy (New York: Harper Perennial1983). 457.
6 Colonel C. P. Stacey, Official History orthe Canadian Army in the Second Wortd War. Volume
m. The Vigory Campaign: The Operations in North-West Europe. 1944-1945 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer,
1966), 275-276•

• 7 Stacey, Vic:torv Campaign. 276.


• We were no match for Germans once they were dug in. It could be argued
that everything being equaI, defenders a1ways hold an advantage over
attackers. But in Normandy everything wasn't equal. We held the
advantage; in the air; at sea and on the ground. Yet every time our troops
got beyond the range ofsupporting artillery or sour weather grounded our
fighter bomber cover, the Germans stopped us cold. 8
The two are often quoted together and serve primarily to extend phantasm to the Norman
battlefield. Military history has innocently perpetuated or given approval en passant to a
mix ofmyths. These include overstated German tactical and technical excellence, the
overstated effects of taetical and strategical air superiority, and alleged existence of
overwhelming AlIied numerical dominance.
Our military history is both too critical and tao forgiving. It bestows exaggerated
virtues to Teutonic warriors yet denies kudos to the German operational commanders
who fiustrated Bradley, bested Dempsey and stymied Crerar. Our history exculpates too
readily the sins and errors made by operational chiefs. Indeed, Montgomery and Simonds
have become virtual sacred cows. But this is more a Canadian vice. Weigley is not afraid
to say: "Montgomery not only erred but persisted in error for days on end in his
judgement of the Canadians' pace toward Argentan.,,9 The Canadian historian must risk
re-examination of the Normandy pillars. Any investigation ofSimonds leads to Crerar, a
middleman and a compliant sign post painting towards Montgomery. Here historians
have left sorne room for maneuver. A critical analysis, particularly an armoured doctrinal
study ofNormandy, may not plow totally virgin ground, but will uncover a few new
stones and buried icons.
For if the Canadian Army has few champions, the Canadian Armoured Corps has
even fewer~ Our best historians did not write from the back ofa sabretache. This is not to
suggest that the Service Corps or the Queen ofBattle cannot be sympathetic to the arme
blanche or familiar with its doctrinal raison d'être. Professors Granatstein and Morton
took the gloves offin "Bloody Victory" when they wrote ofSimonds's armoured plan for
Tractable: "The result was a scheme few coffee-table strategists would use - even in

8 Tony Fostert Meeting of Generais (Toronto: MedlUe~ 1986)t 366.

• 216.
9 Russell F~ WeigleYt Eisenhowerts Lieutenants (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990),

desperation." 10 Professor English has initiated sorne censure ofdivisional commanders,
but in the end he saved his strongest criticism for Canadian annour: "Without question
the tank arm remained the weakest link in the Anglo-Canadian order ofbattle." 1L Both
statements deserve careful scrutiny - it remains ta extend the Granatstein and Morton
thesis and include Operations Spring, At/antie and Cobra in the investigation.
There are no operational studies of American and Canadian armour in Normandy.
Fuller, Liddell Hart, Macksey and the authors 12 of a handful ofunit histories include
passing reference to American and Canadian tanks. Kitching certainly gives it a serious
try, but in the end there is ne>eanalysis that traces the resurreetion of cavalry as a break.
through weapon, or offers a sympathetic shoulder for both the RCAC and the Armored
Force. The terms "grand taetieal," "operational" and "strategieal" are sometimes raised,
often incorreetly, but critieal examination is rare.
The employment of massed tanks as an operational weapon that is capable of
strategie result is not weIl understood by Canadian military historians. In fact while Hp
service is given ta tank attack, the majority ofNorth American historians have little or no

armoured experience. Worse, they fail to recognize the passion and the technical acumen
required to effect a Blitzkrieg or an effective pursuit. The final suceess, or near strategie
vietory attained in Normandy, can only be properly understood in terms ofDeep Battle

10 1. L. Granatstein and Desmond Morto~ Bloody Victorv (Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys,
1984), 173. British historian Richard Lamb presents a baJanced anacked on Montgomery which, though it
nulS sorne friendly interference? makes it clear the commander of 21st Anny Group was neither decisive
nor tactically perspicacious. Sec: R. Lamb, Montgomery in Europe 1943 - 1945 - Success or Failure?
(London: Buchan & Enrigh~ 1960).
Il John A English, The Canadian Anny and the Normandy Campaign (New York: Praegert 1994).
11 British technica1 and doctrinal evolution is weil covered by Lieutenant..General Sir Gifford le Q
Marte~ Our Annoured Forces (London: Faber and Fabert 1945), Lord Carver, The Apostles of Mobility
(New York: Lees Knowles Lecturest Holmes and Meier Pub t 1979), Robert H Larsan, The British Army
and the Theorv of Annoured Warfare 1918 .. 1940 (Newark: University ofDelaware Press, 1984), Kenneth
Macksey, The Tank Pioneers (New York: Janes, 1981).
A. J. Snùthers' two first rate efforts: A New Excalibur - The Development of the Tank 1909-1939
(London: Grafton, 1986) and, Rude Mechanica1s - An Account Of Tank Maturity During The Second
World War (London: Leo Cooper, 1987). In addition, H. W. Winton, Ta Change an Anny· General Sir
John Bumett-Stuart and British Armoured Doctrine. 1927-1938 (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas,
1988). American unit histories include: Donald E. Huston Hen on Wheels (San Martin: Presidio? 1977)?
Robert S, Alle~ Lucky Forward. The History orPatton's Thini US Anny (New York: VanguarclI947),
George F. Hoffinan, The Super Sixth: Histoty orthe 6th Armored Division in World War II (Kent: Kent

State University Press, 1979); see also: General E. L. M, Burns Mud (Toronto: Clarke Irwin, 1970). There
are no Canadian divisional studies.

and Operational Maneuver. The West's unpreparedness, particularly Canadian, ought ta

• be reviewed from a mechanized cavalry point ofview because, despite the cacophony of
claims for either ofthe two other combat arms, it is armour and only armour that was and
is the arm ofdecision.
There exists a venerable hast ofEuropean armour aficionados who trace the
social, political, technical and, to an extent, taetical history of the tank. The ranks of
armour historians diminish as one crosses the ocean west. Despite the many fine
American and Canadian efforts ta describe armour as a symbiotic energy, the interested
historian is left considerable room for maneuver. For the military analyst prepared to
examine the historical record with one eye on the existent doctrinal curriculum, the
taetical battlefield begs to be tilled. It should be understood that.save for Normandy,
Lorraine and the Third Army counter stroke in the Ardennes, there are no other occasions
for grand tactical and operational study of armour on the western front.
The effect ofEuropean development in the thirties is clearer when examined
though the reports ofMilitary Liaison Officers and the personal papers of American staff

officers, many ofwho become Yankee "apostles ofmobility" and future captains of
armour. War Diaries and manuscripts, particularly the collections at the National
Archives in both Ottawa and the United States Army Military History Institute, form the
foundation ofany armoured study. The ETHINT collection at Carlisle includes the vast
body ofETO interviews and unit tactical accounts - many ofwhich are translated. It is
the radio logs, in supplement to War Diaries, that are the most informative, particularly if
the historian is fortunate enough to discover battle entries recorded in pencil - far more
interesting than the detoxified typed versions signed off by a commanding officer months
Canadian National Film Archives and the cinematic archives at both The Library
ofCongress and the British War Museum, are equally important sources ofhistorical
record. AlIiëd and Axis cinema teams often shot combat footage on the day ofkey
actions. Weathert visibilitYt ground conditions, even orders of battle, can often he
confirmed. The reports of2nd Operational Study Group at first seem to unfairly
contradiet established Air Force accounts until the historian reviews a hundred gun

camera reels ofTyphoons and P47s assaulting German armour and realizes the plight of

the pilot pressing home an attack deep behind enemy lines. Only a fraction dared to go

• lowenough or close enough before releasing their rockets. The majority let fly weil
outside lethal ranges for small arms or light tlak. It is a wonder that any tanks were hit at
ail, and in fact, few were.
University studies ordered by the AGF to supplement the technical studies
conducted by the Aberdeen Proving Grounds are invaluable complements to Lullworth,
Bovington, Schrivinham and BRAC!ASG studies serving ta better illustrate the technical
limitations of armoured warfare and the real effects of the engineering failure. These
appear to be passed over by historians - this may be due ta a certain unfamiliarity with
tank: combat or a hesitation ta review technical data. But this is appropriate for a study of
annoured doctrine and the accumulated data (now far easier to study via the computer),
presents a clearer illustration of the brutal consequences of technical inferiority, poor
planning, and the dangers ofintemecine competition.
Operational investigations are best supplemented by a look at the other side orthe
hill. German archives in Freiburg are vital aides to any comprehensive understanding of

Normandy. Often, battles which figure prominently in American and Canadian histories,
are tactical asides to Dietrich's Corps or von Kluge's Army Group. Conversely,
seemingly secondary actions, virtually ignored by western official histories, tum out to be
important efforts determinedly conducted by a panzer corps, or, in one case, the effort of
an entire Army. It is engaging to review Leibstandarte documents and discover that Tilly-
la-Campagne, more a Canadian embarrassment than final triumph C'Congratulations,
you've been kicked out ofTilly again" 13), is the stuffoflegends in Schutzstaffel history.
Imagine hardened lst SS Panzergrenadiers, veterans ofRussia, Italy and France, relaxing
in a Kneipe, singing "Der Schlacht bei Tilly - Montecassino der Leibstandarte Adolf
Hitler." There are effiJsive articles, songs, even poems 14 written about the Leibstandarte's
struggle with Canadians aver Verrières Ridge, which consisted of a series of smaIl unit
actions almôst forgotten by the Canadian Military.

[3 DHist. 86/544 Crerar Papers. Montgomery to Crerar, 9 August 1944.

l4 Correspondance Professor Gerhard Stiller; unpublished manuscript 5~ Pz.. 1 SS LAH
Nonnandie 1944"', Stuttgart, 1990, 1991; unpublished manuscript "Nonnandie 1944 .. Beitrag Heinz Wolfel
(Kompanietnlpp 7. Pz. Rgt. 1)"; unpublished manuscript: '~illy- Montecassino der 7~ Kompanie : gef. von

RolfEhrbardt" and, Rudolf Lehmann und RalfTiemann Die Leibstandarte Band IV/I (OsnablllCk: Munin
Verlag, 1986)~

• Schutzstaffel histories were initially dismissed, unfairly, as propaganda but

several are excellent. Lehmann and Tiemann's efforts on behalfofthe Leibstandarte and
Herbert Fürbringer for the 9th SS Hôhenstauffen are particularly instructive. A
disappointingly small number ofGerman histories are available in English; Hubert
Meyer's long awaited Kreigsgeschichte der 12.SS-panzerdivision Hitletjugend was
finally translated in 1994; Lehmann was not available until 1996. The remainder are left
to the determined historian arrned with basic German and a good dictionary. Examination
of the expedient Morgend and Abendmeldungs submitted ta Heeresgruppe B
headquarters offer a better appreciation ofa squadron's defence of St. André in the death
throes of Spring or the practice of the operational art via the Auftragstaktik doctrine used
against Simonds during Totalize and Tractable.
Although the armoured corps is chastised for alleged taetieal shorteomings, it is
operational failure whieh constitutes the real problem. Tactieal collapse at this level begs
serious finger pointing at Simonds, Crerar, and their bosses. This should, in fairness,
inelude General Eisenhower for he relinquished his tactical burden ta a bibelot trom the
2nd Canadian Corps has long been deprived of critical operational analysis. This
is perhaps because the technical complexities ofarmoured warfare at the tactical and
operationallevel are generally not weil understood. The existence of a "Great Tank
Scandai" and its effect on American and Canadian armour is grasped in general but not
translated in terms oftactical and operational consequences. Gunnery, flotation,
mechanicaI reliability, and protective armour demand comparative study. Daily tank
states often offer a clearer picture of combat than War Diaries. Comprehensive taetical
evaluations serve to answer basic questions. What killed tanks? How did tactical
maneuver figure in actual combat scenarios? A pure tank battle, whether in Normandy or
Lorraine, deserves close, indeed, sympathetic study.
American success during Cobra overshadows the faet that Patton, when faced
with a decision between maneuver and attrition, chose a most uncavalier option at Metz.
The faet that Canadian armour finally does break out is overlooked or diminished.
American armour maneuvered during Operation Cobra, but it did not fight massed

• panzers. This was saon redressed in Lorraine where American armoured doctrine reached

tactical maturity. Canadian armour fought tank battles throughout Operations Spring,

• Totalize and Tractable, but it did not maneuver. Canadian armour's greatest opportunity
for strategie victory occurred in Normandy. It is appropriate that an armoured officer
review these matters, pick up the thrown gauntlet, and attempt ta explain the armoured



Getting Ready for Normandy

The horses seemed to realize that sometlùng Wlusual was afcot, as saon they were
moving along very steadily with ears pricking and nostrils sniffing the new territolY with
. . great interest
"A" Sqn RCD: route march from St John to Petawawa, JuIy 1937 1

The Canadian Cavalry passed effortlessly from horse to tank. Unlike their
confrères in America, there were no bitter doctrinal battles or opposing philosophies to be
vanquished. This happened largely because the Canadian Cavalry missed the interim step
of initiatory mechanization and its accompanying baggage: the struggle for doctrinal
control. By the end ofthe Great War, the Cavalry was a professional force with creditable
battle experience perfected over four years of combat. With little fanfare, Canada had

• developed the components of a rather sophisticated mechanized force which included

cavalry, tanks, and armoured cars. The first modern AIlied mechanized formation on the
Western Front was the Canadian MotorMachine Brigade2 whose armoured cars
distinguished themselves in severaI battles throughout 1916 - 1917. It was raised in
Montreal by private funds and permitted ta take part in operations in France as an
experiment. Commanded by the eccentric Brigadier General R. Brutinel, the "composite
brigade" performed particularly weil as a mobile rearguard during the last German
offensive. 3 However, while effective in favourable terrain, the brigade was not capable of

1 Military Gazette Vol. XV Oct 37. The March of"A" Sqn RCD from St Iohn PQ to Petawawa
Military Camp, Ontario, 13 Jul-25 Ju~ 1931.
2 "Bngacœ" in the artillery sense, actually a battalion. The unit wu initially organized as squadrons (8
cars, 16 Vickers HMGs, two per car). Designated Automobile Machine-Gun Brigade No. 1 CEF on 15 Sept
1914, the unit cornprised 230 men and 20 annoured cars. Commercial chassis by the Autocar Company of
Ardmore, Pa., annoured with 10mm Bethlehem Steel plate and anned with two Vickers HMG.
3 LtCol W. K. Walker, "The Great Gennan Offensive, March 1918, With Sorne Accounts of the
Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade", COQ, Vol IX. "The tactical annoured car wüt is four cars and so
must not be split up.'" 412. Sec also, G. W. L. Nicholson, Canaman Expeditionary Force 1914-1919,

• (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1962), 432. Redesignated 151 Canadian Motor Machine-Gun Brigade, CEF on
16 May 1915. In 1919 it became 151 Motor Machine Gun Brigade, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. On 1Oct


accompanying attacking infantry. With a foot in the door of a future doctrine, the

• Canadian Corps went on to arder modem armoured fighting vehicles. The 1st Canadian
Tank Battalien4 was authorized in May 1918, anived in the UK on 21 Iune and began
training. A second battalion was formed in the fall, before the Armistice. By May 1919,
both units were disbanded as indeed was the veteran army - Ottawa was anxious ta rid
itselfofa tao large and expensive machine that was really only good for killing Gennans.
The post war Canadian military abandoned its Corps structure, dismissed its divisions,
and even declined to field brigades. With the disbanding of the Motor Machine Gun
Brigade and the Tank Battalions, therewas no force left to argue on behalf of armour.
Without tanks or an ersatz Royal Tank Corps (RTC) in its midst, the Cavalry resurfaced
as a better model of the force that participated in the Boer War..
The decade after the war offered minimal opportunity to train, although sorne
trials were conducted.s The arrivai oftwo Vickers light tanks in 1927 encouraged tank
advocates but did not advance Tank Doctrine. 6 The Canadian Cavalry remained on the
periphery oftactical evolution.' The two remaining active regiments, The Lord

Strathcona's Horse and The Royal Canadian Dragoons, were divided into independent
squadrons stationed hundreds of miles apart and conducted training better suited ta
gamson duty in Palestine or Tndia. 8 Cavalry officers followed the mechanization debates

35 it was convened to 15t Armoured Car Regiment and rmally, on 15 Oec 35 amalgamated with the 6th
Duke ofConnaught's Royal Canadian Hussars, a Montreal Cavalry regiment designated for mechanization:
Duncan Crow, British and Commonwealth Annoured Fonnations <1919-46) (Windsor: Profile, 1971), 54.
4 LtCol. Bovey, "Canadian Educational Institutions in the Great Wat' Canadian Defence Ouanerly
Vol. Y (hereafter cited as COQ), (Ottawa: Runge Press. 1924), 85. Subaltems were raised from university
student cadres ftom McGill and University ofToronto. Laval University officer cadres were recroited for
the second battalion. The commanding officer was R. L. Denison. After training at Bovington the unit (806
al1 ranks) was sent to France.
S See: LI. N. G. Duckett, "Mechanized Transport Vehicles at Petawawa Camp", "Recent
Mechanized Trials Carried out in Canada" and Maj. L. C. Goodeve, "Mechanization" COQ Vol V.
6 It must be borne in mind that the Royal Tank Corps is always experimenting; no drill or lacties
are definitely laid down; all is still in process oforganization and discussion.n Maj T. V. Scudmore, "The
Vickers Light Tank" CDQ Vol V, 32L
7 Greenhous, Dragoon, 272-280. A1so, W. B. Fraser, Always a Strathcona (Calgary: Comprint
Publishing, 1976), 123-126.
IJ Major R.. S. Timmis, ''The Problems ofthe Post-War Yeomanry in Their Application to the
Canadian Mounted Troops" Canadian Defence Ouarterly (Vol II, 1924-25): "The double rank trains them

• for war. So does the sword The C.. O. must insist that alllûs officers are horsemen. A Sports Day should
be held at the end oC Camp can anyone say that the Militia CavaIry is DOW as efficient as it was in 1914?

with avid interest9 but, denied mechanization, concentrated on mounted skills. The hard

• won lessons ofWorld War r, ifnot forgotten, were certainly not being used. Tactics in
training still involved the sword, and often enough, only the sword. Summer exercises
more resembled Boer war problems. 10 Still, the charger carried its own mystique and,
slow or not, a rnounted trooper drew far more interest from the gals than a lorry driver.
By the rnid thirties, although the requirements ofEmpire service remained
paramount, there was, nevertheless, a nationalist urging for a Canadian approach to war.
"We are no longer tied to the apron strings ofthe Motherland." Il Modem thinkers wrote
on behalf of their respective branches urging mechanization throughout the twenties and
thirties: "We have too much infantry, tao little artillery. Tao much cavalry."12 Canadian
military thought was influenced predominantly by the British, although foreign armies'
doctrinal thinking, particularly the French, carried considerable influence: "To the
infantry mind there will never be enough artillery and never enough tanks ... attacking
tanks will saon be rendered powerless by the surviving anti-tank weapons.,,13 After 1929
aIl Permanent Force training was stopped. The absence of combined-arms training

ensured that senior commanders were to have no experience when large formations were
raised for war. The termination of large scaie maneuvers guaranteed that bath the militia

The Yeomanry claim they could be ready for active service in 8 weeks. Could our wùts? They could not.",
9 Generally, the pro horse faction dominated: t~we read absurd ideas about cavalry from the pen
of people who evidently know nothing about the branch of the service and not very much about the other
branches .... We do not want our leading pattais to gaIlop blindly into ambush as the French cavalry 50
often did in 1914 - but we want Ûlem to go straight for their enemy mounted whenever they have a
reasonable chance ofdoing 50 and establish a moral ascendancy." LtCol H. V. S. Charrington MC, "The
Employment ofCavalry" Military Gazette (Vol. 6. 1927-28), 367.
10 Cavary charges continued to end summer training camps and the Balaclava Mêlée was still
standard for gymkannas: Harwood Steele, The Long Ride - A Short History of the 17th Duke ofYork's
Royal Canadian Hussars (Montreal: Gazette Printing, 1934), 42-43. t~as tate as 1936 the wüt had only four
automatie weapons to train with, yet had double that nwnber ofcavalry swords." R. H. Roy, Sinews of
Steel - The History of the British Columbia Dragoons (Kelowna: Charters Publishing, 1965), 90. Horsed
formations could maneuver with case in areas where tanks could ooly advance at ùûantry pace. Major C.
W. Devy, LSH(RC), UA Cavalry Trek Through Alberta" COQ (March 1934), 216. An ReD squadron
marched from St Jean Quebec to Petawawa Ontario covering 320 nùles in 13 days.
Il Capt A. W. Boultier, ~~What Price Mechanization" COQ (JuIy 1934), 401. Boultier referred to
the large number of NPAM cavalry units wlùch, on paper, suggested a strong mounted reserve.
11 Boultier, 402.

13 Chefde Battalion, Baures, ~'The Attack Problem from an Infantry Point of View" CDQ (Vol
XXIII, Oct 1933), 88.

and regulars "were unable to derive even the marginal benefits that came from
supervising its summer camps." 14 As a weak compromise, the Militia StaffCourse
continued until the summer of 1938. The imminence ofwar cancelled the Eastern course
in its first week. The Advanced Course (MSC) was cancelled in 1939 "owing to the lack
of qualified candidates.nlS
Incredibly, the catalyst that should have stirred an interest in staff training,
Le. "the war, n was the reason given to terminate the training. This act was
either inconceivably short..sighted or an acceptance of the limited value of
the Militia Staff course in the tirst place. 16
Events in Austria and Czechoslovakia prompted the resurreetion ofField
Maneuvers in the summer of 1938. The lack of modem equipment was to retard
meaningful training and a bureaucratie Catch 22 delayed modemization further:
"MacBrien argued that it was unwise to alter organization and tactical doctrines in
anticipation oftechnical change. n17 More important ta future battlefield operations was
the domination of Canadian arms by the Artillery.18 Druy two Cavalry Officers, C. C.
Mann and H. W. Foster, were given advanced staff training between 1921 and 1939,19

both in the year hostilities began.

14 Stephen I. HarrisyCanadian Brass: The Making ofa Professional Anny. 1860-1939 (Toronto:
University ofToronto Pressy 1988)y 197.
IS Report of the DND, fiscal year ending 31 March 1940, CAN, 38.
t6 "The Canadian Militia had conducted staff training throughout forty lean years and in the same
time had panicipated in two wars as part ofan imperial anny.... By 1939, four hundred nûlitia officers had
qualified for m.s.c.(Militia StaffCourse) and twenty nine had qualified MS.C. (Advanced Course). Ofthis
total many retumed to war staff courses al Camberley or the Royal Military ColIege." LCol JOM A.
MacDonald, In Search of Veritable: Training The Canadian Anny StaffOfficer. 1899 to 1945 (MA Thesis,
Kingston: Royal Military College, 1992), 86-87, also see, English, 98. By 1940 the year long staff courses
al Camberley and Quetta were tenninated. Shorter (10..17 week) courses were given to Empire officers at
Camberley. Canadian vacancies were limited to five, which triggered an angry protest from McNaughton.
DND began a Staffcourse in the summer of 1941 ybased at RMC with a 16 week curriculum. By March
1944 the Iunior War StaffCourse and the War StaffCourse had gmduated 534 officers.
t MacDonald, 199.
18 Between 1905 and 1939 seventy-five Canadian officers had been awarded a pse as graduates of
Camberley or Quetta. Two were from the Service Corps, eleven were Re Signais, and twelve were
engineers. The Infantry Corps was a1lotted twenty-one vacancies wlùle the cavalry. over thirty-four years,
was pennitted seven officers. Meanwhile the Artillery was awarded twenty-one positions, equal to the
lIÛantry and three tintes that ofthe Cavally. MacDonald, 199.

19 RG24 National Defence 1870..1981. NAC, Ottawa. See also, Annual Reports orthe Oeparbnent
of Militiaand Defence and the Depanment of National Defence, 1896..1946, Kïng's Printer, Ottawa.

McNaughton "ignored infantry and cavalry officers in the 1930s .... The simple

• faet that infantry and cavalry officers were bypassed in the selection for staff college
meant that they were ineligible and unready for senior commands in 1939.,,20
McNaughton was a Canadian version ofAmerican General Leslie McNair. Bath were the
makers oftheir national army) bath had extensive control over development and both
were artillery officers. The gunner cabal that dominated the development ofboth the
AGF and Canadian Army deserves examination. The professional results achieved by
McNaughton speak for themselves.2 1

Eguipping the Army

The Canadian mechanization remained theoretical. When the decision ta abandon

the horse was made) it was received without much grumbling. Canada, like the US) was
rapidly becoming motorized. The problem centered around acquiring a military budget
that would allow sorne modernization and effective training.
... the maximum force which Canada could raise and maintain in a war of

approximately two year)s duration wouId not exceed Il divisions and 4
cavalry divisions .... This project has since remained the basis ofthe _
Canadian Militia organizations The future defence requirernents of
Canada would be adequately met by a reduction ... of the Land Forces to a
total of 6 Infantry divisions and 1 cavalry division. 22
The Canadian military obsolescence was illustrated by a secret report prepared forthe
Prime Minister by the Chief of the Defence Staffin 1935. 23 General McNaughtonts

:l0 MacDonald, 207.

Zl "It is hardly surprising, therefore, that eight of the twenty-two major generals and above who
commanded divisions, corps, or the anny overseas were fired for incompetence before they saw action; that
two more were reHeved after their first battle; and another survived only nine months. Nor is it shocking
that the record of regular officers who commanded brigades early in the war was, if anything, worse."
MacDonald, 211. When the '~JuIÙor StatICourse" was begun in Camberley in Oct 1942, Canada sent 6-10
majorsILtCols to attend the six week tutorials. The resu1ts were disappointing: "The Canadian officers
attending the Senior Officers' Schoo1 are not a good selection; that out of 10 students 50% are defiIÙtely
below what is wanted and that three of them should never have been sent at aU. General Montgomery
expresses doubt as to whether sufficient care was taken when choosing them.n RG24 9872. Folio 2/505/1-
2, NAC 1S JWle 1943.
nO Rist 112.3M2009 (07) Secret The Defenee of Canada. Précis and Memorandum 28 May 1935.
23 u(l) There is not a single modem anti-aircraft gun ofany sort in Canada.(II) The stocks offield
gun ammunition on band represents 90 minutes tire at DOnnai rates for the field guns inherited trom the

• Great War and which are now obsolescent..•. (lV) About the ooly article ofwhich stocks are held is
hamess, and this is practically useless.... (V) There are ooly 25 aircraft of service type in Canada, ail of

comments should have further noted that there was not a single modern tank in Canada.

• Further, although the artillery had experimented with self-propelled guns (the "Birch"
Gun) and caterpillar traetors ("Dragons"), there was no armoured schooL Still, the Army
attempted to remain academically au courant. The Canadian StaffCourse reviewed
modem arms and taeties and ineluded armour theory as early as 1925. The Canadian
Militia Staff Course hammered home "the principles laid down in FSR,,24 and condueted
"StaffRides" or "Taetical Exercises Without Troops" (TEWTsiu on horseback. The well
known Canadian eye for ground was now tempered to included "Tank Problems."
However TEWTs were no substitute fer armoured field training.
...what responsible military opinion recognizes as the potentially most
powerful arm of the service - and what is even more senous, no officer
trained in the command ofthat arnt. 26
The Canadian Staff seems ta have spent as much energy planning an invasion of
the United States27 as it did in producing a Canadian template for a European
expeditionary force. The professional military in Ottawa ignored mechanization partly
because of a suffocating sycophantic vassalship ta British arms. Despite often important

insights by regular and militia officers, the Canadian army was content to await British

which are obsolescent e.''<cept Cor training purposes... (VI) Not one servicc air bomb is held in Canada."
Defence expenditures Crom 1931 to 1935 were the lowest since before the Great War. 1934 ExpenditW'e
appropriation totaled 8,473,126 for all three services. D Hist 112.3M2009 (07) Secret The Defence of
Canada - Précis and Memorandwn. 28 May 1935, 18. A $lep back for the most innovative, the most
successful, and the most feared Allied Corps in the Great War, was Sir Arthur Cunie's First Canadian
Corps - "The most powerful selfcontained striking force on any battle front" C. P. Slacey, Introduction to
the Study ofMilitarv History (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1953), 147.
24 Lt Col H. Wyatt Johnson 17 DYRC~ "From Civilians to Colonels" COQ (1935). By the 30s,
modem Militia senior officer's training was based on "Memorandwn ofTraining of the Canadian Militia
1934" which produced "qualified" Commanding Officers for the militia regiments.
2S As earlyas 1929 Militia Staff Course lactical problems and précis included the tank: "Useful for
counter-attacks and ta dea1 with othertanks." See Précis No. 13,14,15, 19,24,25 Militia StaffCourse
"Problems in DeCence and Withdrawa1; Tactics; Advance Guan!. "Tanks DOW the chief menace ta defence
and greatly weaken it. Most careful consideration must therefore be given to anti-tank defence." 1929..1931.
Major F. R. Henshaw had written in 1930: "For tactica1 reconnaissance the lightly equippecl cavalryman,
mounted on a good horse, is still unrivalled." "The Employment ofTanks" CDQ (Vol VII 1929..30), 355.
26 Maj E. L. M. Burns, "A Step Towards Modemization" CDQ (Vol. XII, Oct 34·JuI3S), 298.
27 R. A. Preston, The DeCence orthe Undefended Border: Planning for Warin North America 1867..
1939 (Montreal: McGiIl-Queens University Press, 1977), 217. "In the carly 1920's, a single officer, Col. J.
("Buster") Sutherland Brown, director of military operations and intelligence was solely responsible for the
fonnulation ofstrategie plans in Canada•.•• Between Dcc 1920 and April 1921, working with a small staff of

NCO cle~ Brown prepared the Defence Scheme Number 1, a 200 page plan for war with the United

requirements rather than define Canadian future needs. It was finally Prime Minister
Mackenzie King 28 who reacted to European mobilization by ordering an eleventh hour
revamping of Canadian Arms. It was dangerously late but then Canada was not within a
Luftflotte's or Panzer Corp's striking distance.

Burns vs. Simonds - A Place for Armour in the Corps

Lieutenant Colonel E. L. M. Burns, perhaps by default, appears as the only person

close to a Canadian military philosophe before the '39-'45 war.29 Ifthere was a Canadian
. .
mechanization debate, it was the low key, largely philosophical contest between Burns
and Captain G. G. Simonds. The subject appeared to be mechanization, but it was really
centered on the organization ofan Empire Infantry division. It was, in its way, a spirited
debate. For military intellectuals - a dangerous term to use with any army - it was the
only game in town. Burns ("A Division That Can Attack,,30) proposed a triangular
division with two infantry brigades and one armoured brigade with four tank battaIions.
"The essence of the new offensive doctrine should be that, normally, the assault must be

• canied out by tanks, not by infantry, or even by infantry with tank assistance. ,,31 Captain
Simonds's rebuttal (U An Army that can Attack - a Division that can Defend,,)32 drew a
prompt reply33 from Burns who argued, correctly, that Simonds did not understand
rapidly-moving warfare wherein divisions had to perform a multiplicity oftasks in
various directions and it wouId he Uextremely difficult for a higher commander ta

~ King's programmes mainly helped the ReAF. See: 1. L. Granatste~ Canada·s War (Toronto:
Oxford University press, 1975), 55-56; Blair Neatby, William Lyon Mackenzie King Vol 3 (Toronto: U of
Toronto Press, 1976), 279-286. AIso, James Eayrs, In Defence of Canada - Appeasement and
Reannnament, (Toronto: U ofToronto Press, 1965). 45, 197,226. James Eayrs. A Low Dishonest Decade:
Canadian E.xtemal Policy 1931-1939; (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1965), 148-52, and, Brian
Nolan, King's War(Toronto: Random House, 1988), 133.
29 Burns published more titan any other serving officer - over forty-five articles and reviews in The
Canadian Defence Quarterly and The Military Gazette. Arnongst the more interesting mechanization-
annoured articles are: "The Mechanization of CavaIry" COQ, 3;"A Step Towards Modenùzation" COQ
December, 1934, 298, and, "Infantry and Tanks in the Spanish Civil War" The Military Gazette, August,
1939. 3.
30 E. L. M. Burns, .~ A Division That Can Attack" COQ. April, 1938, 282.

31 COQ,_April, 1938, 297.

32 CDQ, IuIy, 1938, 414.

• 33 E. L. M. Burns, "Where Do Tanks Belong?", CDQ, March, 1939, 416.


distribute and redistribute his 'offensive' weapons in time to meet the needs ofthe
changing situations.,,34 Burns neatly predieted Simonds's weaknesses as corps
commander in Normandy.

Simonds's final article was a disengagement that attempted to summarize his

understanding of war: "The Attar.k." His thesis, "No book of doctrine can be a substitute
for common sense and good judgment,,3S attempted to sort out the tank-infantry battle. He
began ta preach: "... the tank has been rendered valueless by modern anti-tank defence
... no matterwhat the maximum speed ofwhich a given tank May be capable, the pace at
which it can advance will be·slow.,,36 The real issue, how ta use tanks in mass, was
ignored. Here Simonds gave an indication how he would fight as the future commander
of the only Canadian armoured force capable of operational maneuver. His conviction
that any advance by armour would be slow became a self fulfilling prophecy.
Distinct from their American and British counterparts, the Canadian
mechanization debate was not a bun fight within the Cavalry but an argument between an
engineer and a gonner over the best type of infantry division. Burns and Simonds were,

• ofcourse, both wrong. Both stopped short ofoutlining the Kampfgruppe or a groupement
tactique. Burns's tanks-alone theories were somewhat alarming as he was to eventually
command the 5th Canadian Armoured Division. This occurred in the rough terrain of
Italy, under a very entical B. L. M. Montgomery and Burns did no serious damage.
Simonds, however, was by far the more dangerous. He neither understood armour
nor wanted to understand armour. Worse, his mind was made up. The Simonds-Burns
debate could be dismissed as an amusing footnote to Canadian Mechanization if it were
not for the narrow taetical conclusions bath future generals exhibited and were ta carry
into battle.

34 COQ, March, 1939, 417.

COQ, JuIy, 1939, 379.


36 COQ. JuIy, 1939, 381,382.


• The Origins ofCanadian Armour: Worthy in Camp Borden

The Tank is nothing more than the latest expression ofprotected mobility from which
offensive power can be developed.
J. F. C. Fuller

As Germany re-armed, Western concern was reflected in the press. In February

1936, the Military Gazette examined "Our Bows and Arrows Army": "Mechanization has
advanced apace in ail the great artnies of the world while we limp along with ail the
equipment of the days of the"Great wàr, which really means bows and arrows compared
to rifles and the old artillery.,,37 By 1935, the Mackenzie King govemment was planning
economic recovery. Canadian foreign policy toyed with appeasement and, perhaps,
abandonment ofGreat Britain in the case of an eastern European war. Mackenzie King
was the only western war leader ta have met Hitler before hostilities, and when he did, in
1938, he was the only leader to make it clear his nation was prepared ta fight. He
thereafter set about trying to make the Dominion ready.38 By 1939, the tank had

• progressed from an attempt to find one' s way through a machine gun swept battlefield ta
an aggressive arm capable of strategie decision. Sorne officers understood the issues
clearly and dispassionately: "The problem ofarmour which is a praetical problem and
depends for its successful solution upon a mass of mechanical detail is being largely
obscured by violent propaganda and emotional appeals about 'Iosses' .,,39 By the Munich

37 Canadian Military Gazette (February 1936), Editorial, 1.

38 See: J. L. Granatstein Canada's War.; Desmond Morton, A Military History of Canada,
(Edmonton: Hunig Publishers, 1985). A re-armament programme had been adopted in 1936. The first
priority was ta be the Royal Canadian Air Force, the second, the Navy and Iast. the Anny."In the swmner
of 1938. for the fllSt lime in many years, a large portion of the PennanentForce was assembled at Camp
Borden for combined maneuvers.... In the Spring of 1939, Mr. King told Parliament that 200 18 pounder
field guns had bœn equipped with pnewnatic tires and the process was continuing." C.P Slacey, The
Militarv Problems of Canada (Toronto: Ryerso~ 1940), 125. See aIse: NAC RG 24 "Abridged Report on
Permanent Force CoUective Training Camp Borde~ 1938. "Three exercises were held but not in
accordance with FSR II" however, the Iast aet featured "an immediate counter attack •.• supported by
arti1lery and tanks." 15, 16, 17.

39 v. W. Gennains, ~Annoured Warfare, APlea for Common Sense" AnnyQuarterly (VoL XVI
April-July 1928), 369.

Crisis, the Canadian militia had been reorganized and was training for modern war, but it

• was attempting this without modem equipment.40

Finally, in 1938, a Canadian Armoured Fighting Vehicles School was formed at
Camp Borden, Ontario.41 There still were no modem tanks in Canada, save a dozen
Carden Lloyds and Vickers, which were defended with hopeful enthusiasm rather than
sober analysis ofarmoured status quO. 41 The School Commandant was Brevet LtCol F. F.
Worthington, a former Machine Gun Corps officer who had distinguished himself in the
Great War. Worthington was a skilled instructor and a great motivator of men. He
bristled with ideas and energy; he was Canada's answer to Van Voorhis and Chaffee.
Worthington was tireless, a "soldier's soldier," who understood men, tactics, and war. 43
Although an infantry officer, he instinctively understood maneuver warfare: "Cavalry is
not simply an arm - it is astate ofmind.,,44 Unfortunately, he was no Patton. He had Iittle
idea how to train a tank division or a tank force. The Canadian Armoured Force was ta
growat an amazing pace but it would not reach maturity.
In 1936, six NPAM units had been designated "Tank.,,45 By August 1939, the
Ontario Regiment and the Three Rivers Regiment were mobilized but had still received

• no tank training. That faU, after the collapse ofPoland and the introduction ofBlitzkrieg
to the military world, the Canadian Govemment decided to abolish the Tank School.

40 See~ Slacey, The Militanr Problems of Canada. Harris, Canadian Brass, and, Larry Wortlùngton,
Worthy (Toronto: MacMil~ 1961), 135, 138, 141-143. In 1930, a mechanized course was run in
Kingston Ontario. It used 12 Carden Lloyd Machine Gun Carriers ("tankettes") and lasted eight months.
These same carriers ronned the nucleus orthe Armoured schoal in Borde-n. The School was a "Mechanized
Force" in the French and Arnerican style: armour and a squadron ofcavalry (RCD).
41 Worthingto~ 138, and, Greenhous, 284.
42 "It is by far the best general purpose tank in existence but it can only be considered as a stop gap
and an experimental weapon." MajorT. V_ Scudmore"The Vickers Light T~ CDQ (Vol V), 321.
43 Frederick Franklin Worthington was barn in Scotland but graduated ftom the University of
California He volunteered for General Pershing's expedition in Mexico. He fought as a mercenary in
Nicaragua and ChUe. He enlisted in the Canadian Black Watch at the begiIUùng orthe Great Warand won
both the MM and the MC twice. By 1944 (at S4 years old) he was already a legend in me Annoured Corps:
n As stem a believer in the striking power ofan annoured division as Martel ofEngland, deGaulle of

France, Gen Wonhington is known throughout the land as the 'Father' of the Cdn Annd Corps." RG 24
17446. Camp Borden, Canadian Annoured School Journal The Tank May, 1944.

44 Major General R. W. Grow, "Black Lines on a Map" 31 Oct 1952. The Robert W. Grow Papers,
Hofmann Collection~ MEIl? S.

oiS The Essex Regiment, the Ontario Regiment, Argyll Light Infantry, the New Brunswick
Regiment, the Three Rivers Regiment and the Calgary Regiment

NDHQ's Memorandum on Training clearly stated the opinion ofthe Canadian General

• Staffregarding armour: "Under modem conditions, the infantry soldier still being the
only agency which can take or hoId ground."4ô
Continued spectacular success by Germany's panzer force brought the
government ta its senses. On 13 August 1940, the Minister ofNational Defence ordered
the creation of an Armoured COrpS.47 Unlike its southem neighbour, the Canadian Army
entered the tank business without a power struggle or the castration ofa traditional arm.
Regiments with lineages begun in the eighteenth century maintained their traditions and
readied for mechanized war..Unfortunately, there was no pause for a doctrinal shake-out,
a creation of a home grown doctrine as condueted by the American Army in Louisiana
and Carolina.48 Canadian tactics would be imposed by the British Empire.
Worthington, mirroring Adna Chaffee's rise, was promoted and became
Commandant of the Canadian Armoured Fighting Vehicle Training Center. Like Chaffee,
Worthington successfully argued for the conversion of the Cavalry to armoured
regiments to farro an Armaured Corps. Unlike Chaffee, Worthington did this with NDHQ
support; there was no Chief of Cavalry blocking his way.

• The tirst Canadian tank formation was the Ist Armoured Brigade, commanded by
Worthington and composed of the Fort Garry Horse, the Three Rivers, and Ontario
Regiments. The horsed cavalry was quickly dispatched. 49 That fall, Worthington visited
the United States and bought out obsolete American Renaults to be used as training
tanks. 50 Because of wartime trade restrictions, he formally signed for a load of scrap iron,

46 "The attack is based on man power (the riflernan) supported by tirepower (artillery and the
machine gun) ... any slender tank resources could be made use ofby this method, either to lead the
attacking (infantry) columns or the mopping up battalions." "Memorandum on Training" COQ Vol XIV,
October 1936.
47 Worthington had convincecl Rogers but the Minister was tragically killed in a plane crash.
Ralston waited until panzer divisions had chased McNaughton's ExpeditioJWY force out ofFrance before
approving Worthington's memo for the creation of an armoured force.
48 See: Jean R.. Moenk. A Historv ofLarge-5cale Anny Maneuvers in the United States. 1935-
1964 (Vltginia: Headquarters United States Continental Anny Command.. Fort Monroe, 1969), 2-4.
49 The Royal Canadian Dragoons were redesignated as The ReD ACR (Armoured Car Regiment).
The Regiment ~~concentrated at St J~ held a final mounted parade, and saw with heavy hearts their
mounts sold or destroyed.n Greenhous, 296. See: Larry Wortlùngton, The Spur and the Sprocket
(Kitchener: Reeve Press, 1968).

50 uI then ... purchased 236 last war six ton Renaults." Canada bought the obsolescent FT 175
from the US Anny at S120 a ton as scrap iron and 4S tons of spare parts plus 13 new engines. "During the

destined to be shipped to the "Camp Borden Iron Foundry."Sl By the winter of 1940, a

• Canadian infantry division was converted to armour, and three units were selected for
incorporation to the 1st Army Tank Brigade.
Doctrinal confusion saon became evident. Tom between the requirement to build
a panzer division and Canadian affection for the regimental system, the Canadian
Armoured Corps chose the latter - not the right solution, but understandable. However,
military bureaucracy then decided ta abandon the most important of ail principles in the
regimental system - tribal identity - and each unit assigned to the Armoured Corps
adopted a numerical designation. The number allotted respected regimental seniority, but
nevertheless, the units in the Armoured Corps were to be represented by numbers, not
names. Maj. General Samson, who was to command the Armoured Division, preferred
the original titles but accepted Worthington's policy:
Within the corps there must be a uniformity of training ... a uniformity of
purpose and doctrine ... a uniformity and interchangeab il ity of personnel,
and general organization ta fo llow that of the British. ~2
Samson agreed ta build a formation wherein "free use of officers and other ranks

capable ofperforming duties required irrespective orthe individual units to which they
beIong."~3 Nevertheless, compromise crept in.~4 Although General Worthington
attempted to create an RTe mentality,SS in practice, regiments maintained their oid ways.

tour of the States (1940) 1saw the American Mediwn M.3 latterly known as the Grant and Lee." RG 24
Vol. 10455. Letter from MajGen F. F. Worthington to CMHQ, 22 Mar 45.
Sl Canadian attempts to get carly training in Britain met with fallure. Crerar tried to get 50 men to
England but the British declined: uThe supply ofequipment for the Canadian battalion is 50 doubtful that
no good purpose can be served by dispatch ofeven a cadre." CMHQ File "Policy re Annoured Troops.
War office letter to Brig H. D. G. Crerar, CMHQ.
52 Roy, 134.
53 NAC RG24 "Formation of Armoured Corps"; Memorandum ftom Samson to Worthington;
"Organization. Training and Employment ofa Canadian Annoured Corps', 19 July 1940.
54 For example, the reconnaissance regiment of the 3rd InfantIy Division was "7th Recce
Regiment (17th Duke ofYork's Royal Canadian Hussars)." MajGen Sansant, commander of the annoured
division, "would have preferred to keep original Wlit titIes, but he bowed to the opinion ofothers." Roy,
SS Basically, the Fuller·Lidde1 Hart ~~tanks alone" school that proposed massed armour (not
combined arms) as the doctrinal solution to future MT. See: J. F. C. Fuller, The Conduct of War (London:
Sillon Praed 1972), 240, and, Lectures on FSR II (London: Sillon Praed, 1931); Lectures on FSR III
<Operations between Mechanized Forces) (London: Sifton Praed, 1932), Towards Annageddon: The

• Defence Problem and Its Solution (London: Lovat Dickson, .1937). AIso, Jay Luvaas, The Education ofan
Anoy • British Militarv Thougbt 1815-1940 "The Discordant Tnunpet - Major Generai J. F. C. Fuller",

• The Canadian Armoured COrpSS6 was a Melange oftraditions. The only unit ta perpetuate
the all-Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade, the 6th Duke ofConnaught's Royal
Canadian Hussars, was reduced to a Headquarters Defence Squadron.
Like the British, the Canadians succumbed to General Martel's influence and
pressed their Guards regiments into armoured raies. 51 However, since there was no
regular Brigade of Guards in the Canadian forces, the designation carried no particular
elite status nor special entrance requirements for recruits. For an army about ta raise a
modern tank force, regimental elitism and preferential groupings made little sense.
Eventually most units had become a pretty homogenous mix of regulars, militia, and
civilians sharing inexperience and tactical ignorance.
Of the six original tank regiments formed in 1936, only two remained by 1941.58
On the surface they appeared to he the units that could boast a relatively pure tank
lineage, but in fact, there was no clear doctrinal distinction. The Canadians adopted the
CUITent British Army doctrine which was itself in a state of confusion and about to go
through the Golgotha of desert warfare. By then, the Canadian Armoured Corps had
grown to include the 5th Arrnoured Division (originally "lst Cdn Arrnd Division") with
two armoured brigades (lst and 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigades), a reconnaissance

355,380. See: B. H. Liddell Hart Paris: orthe Future ofWar (New York: E. P. Dutto~ 1925), The British
Way in Warfare (London: Faber & Faber, 1932), The Future of Infantry (London: Faber & Faber, 1933).
56 At the end of the war (August 1945) King George VI awarded the prefix "Royal" to the CAC in
recognition ofits outstanding war record. ft comprised thirty annoured units, each ofwhich, except two,
had a second regiment in Canada. The 19th Alberta Dmgoons served ooly in the Reserve Army.
57 Martel convinced the Brigade of Guards ta metamorphosize ÎIlto an eHte panzer corps. See: Sir
Giffard Le Q. Martel, Our Armoured Forces (London: Faber and Faber, 1945), 104,361. It was imitated
by Canada \Vith varying success. Sorne, like the 21st and Und CAR, continued the customs of the Brigade
of Guards. There were other minor differences including traditional competition between regular and
reserve officers.
58 The six \Vere: The Argyle Light Infantry (Tank); The New Brunswick Regiment (Tank); The
Essex Regiment (Tank); The Ontario Regiment (Tank); The Calgary Regiment (Tank) and the TItree Rivers

Regiment (Tank). RG24 Worthington Memo 1944. The TItree Rivers Regiment was bilingual (40%
francophones in 1936). 1. Y. Gmvel, Histoire du Regiment de Trois Rivières (Trois Rivières: Editions du
Bien Public, 1941), UL
• • •
~SI4- .Automobile Machine· Gun Brigade)

( 1111 lst & 200 Mater Machine Gun Brigadev ( 1117· _··l~--o;-~I~~ T~~k--B-;;~~-·_·- )

~.I. 2nd Canadion Tank Bottallen )

Argyle lt Inf (Tank) 1131 1 Div 1148

lUI New Brunswick Regt (Tank)
CAV Regt 2 Div CAV Regf 1 Armd Bde
Essex Regt (Tank) 1 Hussars. FGH 1 Hussars
ScJ't. RCO fGH
Ontario Regt (Tank) SqI'l, lDSH
Three Rlvers Regt (Tank) Ontario Regf (lk)
Three Rivers Regt (Tk)


1 Armd Car Regf (RCD)
18 ACR (12 Man D)
1 1st Army Tank Bde
"'%1 11 Armd Regt (ONTARIO)
Armd Regt (lHREE RIVERS)
1 Armd Bde 2 Armd Boo 3 Armd Boo Il Armd Bde 14 Armd Regt (CALGARY)
,..... 2 Armd Regf (lDSH) 3 Armd Regt (GGHG) 25 Armd Regt (E~ln) 21 Armd Regt (GGFG)
6 Armd Regi (1 H) 5 Armd Regt (8 PLNBH) 28 Arrnd Regt (B R) 22 Armd Regf (CGG) 2nd Army Tank Bde
10 Armd Regt (FGH) 9 Armd Regt (SCD) 29 Armd Regf (SAR) 27 Armd Regt (SHER FUS)
20 Tank Regt (16/22 SASK H)
23 Tank Regt (HAUFAX R)
3rd CON INF DIVISION 26 Tank Regt (GSF)
7 Recce Regf (17 OVRCH)


1143 18 Armd Cor RegI (12 MAN D)
1 Armd Cor Reg' <RCO}

5 CON ARMD DIVISION lst Army Tank Bde

3 Armet Recce Reg, (GGHG) 11 Armd Regt (ONTARIO)
12 Armd Regt OHREE RlVERS)
Armd Bde ~ Armd Bde 14 Armd Regt (CALGARY)
21 Armd Regt (GGFG) 2 Armd Regt (LDSH)
22 Armd Regf (CGG) 5 Armd Regt (8 PLNBH'
28 Armd Regt (BCR) 9 Armd Regt (BCD) 2nd Army Tank Bde
6 Armd Regt (1 H) lA
10 Armd Regt (FGH)
7 Recce Regt (17 DYRCH)

(recce) regiment,59 an independent tank brigade, and two recce regiments, one for each
infantry division. In 1942 the corps added a second armoured division (4 CAO), anather
independent tank brigade (2nd Army Tank Bde), and a third recce regiment for 3rd
Canadian Infantry Division. In early 1943, the Corps was tatally reorganized and reduced
from twenty-three armoured regiments and six brigades to nineteen regiments in four
brigades including divisional and corps reconnaissance units. 60
For a short time there were three Army Tank: Brigades and three Armoured
Brigades. Eventually 2nd Army Tank Brigade \vas broken up for reinforcements, the 3rd
redesignated, and the entire corps reorganized again in what Montgomery called
"Canadian musical chairs." By 1943, the Corps had settled down and comprised two
independent tank brigades, renamed simply as "armoured brigades," two armoured
divisions, three divisional recce regiments and three corps recce regiments.

The Division as Toolbox

The fact is that the British had no idea at ail as to the sort of war they were going to tight,
nor the sort of war that it wouid suit them best to fight if the enemy would be so kind as

• to allow them to choose.

Lt. General Sir Francis Tuker
On the contrary there was the uneasy marriage ofthe utank-a1one" school of the Royal
Tank Corps~ and the "annour-is-cava1ry'~ school of the cavalJy. To this want of
intellectual preparedness was added want of ope rational experience....
Correlli Barnett, The Desert GeneraIs
France 1940 had been an epiphanic experience. IfPo\and had been dismissed as a
lucky victory against a second rate oppanent, then no one could deny the triumph of
panzers over both the French Army and the British Expeditionary Force. The ail-tanks
school had triumphed. It was a double triumph in that the French campaign at once

59 Ist ACR (RCD) provided recce; the Ist Annd Bde comprised 2 CAR (Strathcona~s Horse), 6
CAR (The lstHussars), and lO CAR (The Fort Garry Horse). 2nd Annd Bde held 3 CAR (The Governor
General's Horse Guards), 5 CAR (8th Princess Louise New Brunswick Hussars) and 9 CAR (The British
Columbia Regiment). The Ist Anny Tank Brigade had three regiments: Il Annd Regt Tank (flle Ontario
Regt); 12the ART (The TItree Rivers Regiment) and 14th ART (The Calgary Regiment). Lastly, there were
two divisional recce regiments. Ist Canadian Infantry Division: 4 Rec:ce Regt (4th Princess Louise
Dragoon Guards); 2nd Canadian fnfantry Division: 8 &ecce Regt (14th Canadian Hussars).
60 The EIgins (25 CAR) became an Annoured Delivery Regiment, The BCR (28 CAR) joined 4th

Annd Bde replacing the Sherbrooke Fusiliers and The South Alberta Regiment (29 CAR) became 4 CAO' s
recce regiment.

legitimized bath mechanization and large armoured forces and it also gave bragging

• rights to the Royal Tank Corps which had been heretofore dismissed as annoying zealots.
In faet, the War Department had incorrectly interpreted the essential element of the
German victory. It was the panzer division, not the panzer, that defeated the AIlied
arrnies. The German commanders created mission oriented, customized groupings that
reflected a sound doctrine and an experienced organization to drive it.
The Germans conducted tactical groupings made ta order for the task required.
When the mission was done, the tools were put back into the box. There was no tribal
system ofregimental or corps fealty to·fight against; the Wehrmacht loyalty was to the
division. It was this ability to aet as siblings ofa greater family that permitted quick and
efficient ad hoc battle organizatians.
For the British, the campaign in France was an initial "shake out" whereas by
1940, the German army had done with experimentation. Spain, Austria, Czechaslovakia
and the final dress rehearsal in Poland had honed the panzer blade and produced battle-
wise staffs. Nevertheless, doctrinal superiority and experience could always be stopped
cold by determined leadership and good kit. The panzer arm, protected by complete air

• superiority, raced through France defeating penny packets of AIlied annour. The one fear
was that a solid concentration of tanks attacking the very exposed flank could end it ail.
This nearly occurred when the BEF finally, albeit briefly, got its ducks in a row.
On 20 Maya counter-attack by British Matildas near Vimy Ridge almost
succeeded in cutting off the spearhead of the panzer army - Rommel' s 7th "Phantom"
Panzer Division. General Martel's tanks61 routed the flank guard and then savaged the
main body. German counter-attacks by Panzer IIIs and Pragas were easily beaten off; the
S5 Division Totenkopf, in its first campaign, broke. Martel was elated:
His tanks were knocked out quite easily by our 2-pdr. anti-tank gun,
whereas our infantry tanks resisted the shell tire of the corresponding enemy
37-mm. gun without difficulty. Sorne tanks were hit tifteen times without
having an effect on the tank or the crew. When a tank can advance and
ignore the tire of the main enemy anti-tank guns, a great moral effect is

61 Martel, 65. The Tank Brigade only had two batta1ions: 4th and 7th RTR.

• 62 Martel, 69.


• FRANCE 1935:
CHAR 81 bis
Gun: 7Smm (Hull); 47mm (Tumt)
Combat Weight: 32 tons
Atmour (max): 60mm

Spccd: 17 mph
First Combat: France 1940

Infantry Tank Mk liA -Matilda"
Gun: 40nun (2 Pdr)
Combat Weight: 26 tons
Amour (max): SOmm
Spced: 15 mph
Crcw: 4
Fim Combat: France 1940

UNITED STATES 1940: 75mm
Gun: 1Smm (Hull); 37mm (Turrcl)
Combat Weight: 30 tons

Spccd: 25 mph
Crcw: 6
Fint Combat: Western Desert 1941


Infantry Tank Mk IV (A22) "CHURCHILL Mk .. 76mm'
Gun: 76mm (Hull) 40mm (Turrct)
Combat Weight: 38.5 tons
Armour(max): 102rnm
Spced: 15 mph
Crcw: 5
Fint Combat: Franc:e (Dieppe) 1941
By 1942 the British SCRAP the HULL GUN.
"CHURCHILL" Mk II and ms' MAIN ARMNAMENT is mounted in TURRET.
CANADA: 1941
Tank Cruiser Mk Il "Ham Mk 1"
Gun: 40mm (2 Pdr) Qluymowyc:z
Alli 91
Combat Wcight: 28 tons INFTANKS,CCR.
Atmour (max): 76mm -
Speed: 25 mph
Crcw: 4

"IfTanks are to survive al infantty pace while supporting men on foo~

they must resist the fire of current anti-tank guns~ and yet retain the ability
to destroy hostile men and weaponst including enemy tanks."
British General StaŒPolicy amendmen~ 1938

• Figure 2

Rommel was forced to bring up a battery of88mm dual purpose guns from his

• divisional anti..aircraft battalion to finally stop the British advance: "1 personally gave
each gun its target.,,63 Martel's tanks, unsupported by infantry, were reduced ta
ineffective troop sized elements64 that eventually were forced to withdraw, ending the
only serious Allied attack in the 1940 campaign.
The Iessons were clear: tanks could not attack unsupported and required bath
armoured infantry and artillery to deal with enemy anti-tank gunners. Finally, mass was
imperative if an armoured attack was ta absorb lasses and still have the punch ta break
through. Martel was appointed Commander of the Royal Artnoured Corps (RAC) in
December 1940 and immediately reorganized the armoured division, adding more
artillery and infantry.
His attempts at reform were resented by RTe partisans, particularly General
Percy Hobart: "One of the rudest men in the Army, a fanatic for his own conception of
armoured forces, full ofprejudices and especially intolerant.,,6s Hobart was archetypal of
the aggressive Fullerist advocate: "His tactical ideas are based on the invincibility and
inwlnerability of the tank ta the exclusion of the employment of other arms in correct

• proportion. ,,66 The British evolved from "ail tank" forces in which infantry, artillery and
engineers were relegated to auxiliaries, ta mixed brigade groups wherein each tank
brigade was given its own infantry. British armour was organized in the French vogue;
Infantry tanks were grouped in independent "Tank Brigades" while Cavalry tanks were
organized into "Armoured Brigades." The cavalry spirit was proudly reflected. As late as
1943, the 7th Armoured Division (the "Desert Rats") had a "Light Brigade" and a
"Heavy Brigade.,,61 At one stage the armoured brigades became mini divisions, each with

63 Rommel's account from: B. H. Liddell Hart, The Rommel Papers (New York: Harcou~ Brace
and Company, 1953), 32.
64 "We were now practically isolated in this area .~." Marte169~
65 Hobart went ïnto the Western Desert to take command of the 7th Armoured Division and got
them ready to take on the Italians but was saon sacked: see Martel and, 1. P. Harris and F. H~ Toase
(Editors), British Annour 1918-1940: Doctrine and Development Annoured Warfare (New York: St
Martin's Press, 1990), 48~
66 Lt General H. M.. "Jumbo" Wilson complaining to Wavell in November 1939~ Kenneth Macksey,
Annoured Crusader (London: Hutchinso~ 1967), 165~

67 This unfortunate commemoration ofBalaclava seems to have been intended .. "The Charge of
the Light Brigade" bas always been seen as a victory of the cavaIry spirit. not a resounding tactical defeat





~ 1·1 I~I 1RliJ 1---1

1.-1 1.' 1 RIi 1

1"1 1.1 1 ~1 ADDomecl Car Rqt

Lt Bdc: 3 LT Tk Rcats;- 1 Moeor fDf Ba; 1 Any Rest

I~I III'iI Hvy Bele: 3 Med Tt R.eltl; 1 Mot« InfBn; 2 My Relll

lDfBdc: 3 lDfBu; 1 Arty R.qI; l ADtinnk Rest
Div TroopI: AmiTIDk Regt; AM; Sip; &giDeers

6 Tank Bns: TklInt7Arty Ratio 6:5:4 Cl.uYWOWYCZ



• 1 ~1
j. . . . l "Si 1


1-..1 lAI
PIDZCI"<mmdierReat: 3 PzOmL Bu
Alty Reet: 2 Mcd Any BDI; 1 Keavy Arty BIl

2 Tank Bos: TklInf7Arty Ratio 2:3:3



Inti 1 1.1 1.1 1A 1 Tank

Rqt: l U !kBD; 2x Med Tk Bu

Ta Rq1: 1 Lt Tk Ba; 2x Mcd Tk Bu

'.11·1 ~
.r' lDCllegt 3 Motorized Rifle BDJ
3lt ArtyReat

6 TankBns: TklInf7Arty Ratio 2:1:1

• Figure 3

• its own infantry and artillery battalions, but without the supporting arms and services
(engineers, ordnance, transport, signaIs, etc.) ta make them effective Kampfgryppen. The
Brigade Group was accused ofbeing "a fancy name for a disastrous dissipation of
effort. n68
In August 1942, General Auchinleck ordered annoured divisions to fight as
tactical units, not as brigade groups. "We have always opposed the pemicious infantry
brigade group system. It does for small wars but it is rubbish for modern war. It Ieads to
confusion, dispersion, unbalancing of forces and chaotic planning. ,,69 Finally, the
armoured division was reduced to a three tank battalion armoured brigade, with its own
motorized infantry battalion, and a three battalion infantry brigade. This was the model
adopted by Canada.
Still the taetical problem continued in that British armoured divisions fought their
brigades as independent entities. They were regularly committed in bits and defeated in
bits: "For Ritchie had thrown his annour into battle piecemeal and had thus given us the
chance of engaging them on each separate occasion with just enough ofour own tanks.n'o
There was still no working doctrine that permitted the division's tools to be effectively
used. Although armoured divisions were streamlined, their two brigades fought as
separate entities. The divisionaI organizations continued ta be armour heavy; the infantry
and artillery were banished to "Support Groups."
The Afrika Korps arrived in Tripoli weIl schooled in the aIl arms battle. The
panzer division, as a tool box, permitted German Kampfgruppen to dominate. 71 The
British did not employ Kampfgruppen "aIl arms teams"; their tanks attacked without
infantry or artillery, which were locked up in medieval keeps called boxes:

68 P. G. Griffith, "British Armoured Warfare in the Western Desert 1940-43": J. P. Harris and F.
H. Toase (Editors). Armoured Warfare. (New York: St Martin's Press. 1990). 70. See aIse: Paddy Gri.ffi~
Forward into Banie. (Wiltshire: The Crowood Press. 1990).
69 Auchinleck quoted; LtGen Sir Francis Tuker. Approach ta Battle (London: Cassel~ 1963). lOS.
70 Rommel. quoted by: Liddell Hart. The Rommel Papers 208.
11 The British persistently redesigned their formations; the 7th Annoured Division went through
at least four organizational changes. hosted seventeen different annoured regiments and nine ditrerent

• infantry battalions within two years. See: MajGen G. L. Verney. DSO. MVO. The Desert Rats (London:
Greenhill Books. (990). Verney lists all four separate orders ofbatt1e for the 7th Annd spanning 24


alsert bailles .Irl cOllparld ta Naval Ingagements

• "no captain can do very wreng ifhe places bis ship alongside that ofthe eneglY."

and ~lr8 'kiiisa

Tanks with 75mm ~~Q caJlbers cao f1ght lt olt li 75G-10lnn
main armament cao defeat enemy annour.
~.~ __.._~~.~~..~~.!.~.~~~. kill !~.!!.~ . _ __ __ ~_.

._--~----....",.. __
Mk III despite improved 50mm gun, had to close distllce to under 750m
in order ta defeat Granfs annour
Stuart (Brft 'Ho~t) with 37mm gun had ta close ta under 5(Xkn
in ordei' to deI. MIé lIl's annour; however, Mk IIl's gU" couId klll Stuart al 750+
,a;~ ~
Stuart had ta close ta undar 250m ln order to defeat Mk IVs armour.
Mk IV began killing Stuart li 1000rnf. ~.-4~&---
~ .~~. ~~ ~
Most tank battles fDllhI al UIIDER 500 mlters
Tank tires nll. vehlcl. HULL Tank commander obsen..
Il hldden from en gun flre enllre ,.hlcl. (hulland TUIIET) Is hlddeD

.~,. . . . .'i&ïliMllllï

l'Inb will 1It 1."la"lI 1I0It ..... tilt atU ..- ..-.. (I.....r effective raIII
III ,.w. DOW poIIU_ ...... JlllUnl, lat final.1t OIrill rln. . 5GO-751111.
lIost If GrI.t 1. vtsIM••


Franlal ARMOUR Isltranglat dies.Aulg ow; ,mv
Alm Il ta ••t a FUNK Dr REAl shot

Thiclœst Armour:
Front TurretlHull
GU" ManUet

Max traverse: 15°

. ,


• ~It lU_ 1IItIIr....r

011l1li • • fllIII;lI
011 . . . . .

There was an even more disastrous result from this failure by the British

• Staffta design a homogeneous battIe group. The infantry in their "boxes"

when in defence, would caU on the tanks for support when hard pressed,
for they tao needed 25·pounder H. E. on a scale which no single battery
could supply. In the result the practice grew up ofrequiring British tanks
ta run around the desert attempting to proteet the "boxes" threatened with
being overrun. 72

Laagers and Desert Logistics

Tank battles stopped at night in the desert, allowing both sides ta replenish and
repaira The British rallied to the rear and formed proteetive laagers (which is exactly what
the American and UK Armoured Divisions did during Operation Desert Storm in the
1991 Iraqi campaign). The laager (pronounced "lahger") was a .Boer word and referred ta
a defensive circ1e of wagons. The Germans formed laagers as well but they did so on the
battlefield. This permitted German electrical and mechanical engineers, organized into
recovery and repair teams, to move forward during the oight and repair the tanks left on
the battlefield. The Germans had weil equipped mobile repair shops that could handle ail

minor and most major repairs - repairing tracks, transmissions, main guns, radios, and
dust filters.
However Many vehicles the Germans lost they were going to get a far
greater number back in action than we could because oftheir efficient
recovery system. Their huge tracked and wheeled tank·transporters were
actually going iota battle with the tanks themselves. Even while the
fighting was going on, the men in the transporters were prepared ta dash
iota the battle, hook on to damaged vehicles and drag them ta a point
where they could start repairs right away.73
Most tanks were abandoned after one hit due to fear of fire and since bath sides
used solid shot, the damage was usually repairable. Ifanti..tank shot penetrated annOUf, it
caused "splash"; the violence of the penetration melted the armour plate as it entered and
bits of molten metal flew around wounding the crew. By owning the battlefield, Rommel

12 G. Macleod Ross, in collaboration with MajGen Sir Campbell Clarke, The Business ofTanks
1933 to 1945 (Devon: ArthurH. StockwelI, Elms Court, 1976), 174. uThese boxes faced four-square,
ready to meet altack from any direction. It was the old idea of the British square at Waterloo.... Each box
was completely surrounded with a ring oflandnùnes and barbed wire. Guns faced outwards•... The boxes
were only a mile or two square at the MOst, and were provided with water, food and ammWlÎtion to
withstand a siege." Alan Moorehead, African TrUogy (London: Hamish Hanulton, 1944), 314.

• 13 Moorehead, 224.

would often salvage as much as fi fty percent ofhis day's losses. The British did not have

• a comparable organization. British tanks were taken to Corps or Army rear areas to effect
repairs. By the end of the African war, the British Army had organized their own corps of
electrical and mechanical engineers (EME).
Another major problem was battlefield replenishment. The British brought their
fuel up in flimsy tins that leaked and could be eut with a bayonet (UPetrollay around in
flimsy square tins,,74); there were estimates ofup to twenty percent fuellosses during
transport caused by leaking tins. The Mrika Korps used a steel container. The British
showed ungrudging respect ror German resourcefulness; the Wehrmacht's gas cans,
dubbed "Jerry Cans," were collected as prized booty.
IfFrance 1940 demonstrated the decisiveness ofmassed armour in operational
maneuver, then the Western Desert was the taetical sweat shop. The debate of"armour or
gun" was fought ta an inconclusive end. Both sides scrambled to introduce better
proteeted and better armed tanks. The Germans started with one important advantage -
the 88mm anti-tank gun. The weapon killed British armour at distances oftwo thousand

meters or better. The "88" provided the Germans with an anvil upon which to hammer
British armour or a shield to deflect an attacker's blow while they attacked another more
vulnerable part. The British seemed incapable ofeffeetively responding to the
challenge. 7s

74 Moorehea~ 343. Their most popular use was as $lOves. A tin was cut in two, halffilled with
sand, doused wim petrol and lit, allowing the crew to "brew up" their tea. "Brew up" was a particuIarly
desert tenn and referred both to meals and tanks. The Gennan cans were sturdy, had an effective stopper
and could cany petrol or water. They are still calledJerrycans today by ail English speaking annies and the
basic German design is still use~ aIthough the containers are now made ofhard plastic.
15 '~As soon as the Gennan 88-mm. A.A.lanti-tank gun appeared near Sollwn on the Egyptian
frontier in the summer of 1941~ there were many calls on G.H.Q. Cairo to release sorne ofour 3.7-inch
A.A. guns for anti-tank work with the Desert forces but not till the Battle of GazaIa a year Iater were these

powerfuJ flat-trajectory guns fitted with anti-tanJc sights and armed and converted to this ground raIe. It is

still a mY$lery why this was not done before and why. when as many as sixty-two were so convert~ onlya
trickle ofthem were in use in that battle." Tuker, 14. The British AA gwt was not popuIar with the British

Infantry as an anti-tank gun. 115 high silhouette was difficult to bide and its tremendous back blast kicked
up great dust clouds that promptly invited eoemy attention.

• DI~SI~R'.' SOI..U'.'IONS
The ·PIVOTI and Armour MaRluver



F z




• FigureS

• The US Army: Getting Ready for Afiica and Europe

The tank was introduced to protee! against automatie small anns tire, wiùch was
developed 50 greatly during and since the World War. Its answer is tire against which the
tank does not protect - the anti-tank gun. That tItis answer failed was primarily due to the
pitifully inadequate number and power of French and British anti·tank guns, as weil as
their incorrect organization.
General L. J. McNair

The Tank Destroyer concept, "initiated by George C. Marshall, nurtured by

Lesley 1. McNair, and implemented by Andrew D. Bruce, was the US Army's response
to the revolution in warfare known as the blitzkrieg.,,76 Marshall, whose patience had
been sorely tried by both the Infantry and Cavalry Chiefs, directed in 1940 that his G3
establish a small planning and exploring branch, primarily to consider anti..tank defense.
The foxes were in the doctrinal hen house.
A series of Anti..tank Conferences were called in April 1941 and representatives
included aIl Branch Chiefs. It was decided ta create a "Tank Destroyer' - a 75mm gun
mounted on a half..track - and farro "divisional Anti.tank Battalions in each foot infantry

• division, motorized infantry division, and possibly, armored force division and second, to
form GHQ Anti..tank battalions.,,77 The Infantry Branch embraced the McNair Doctrine:
An increase in armor or gun power can have no purpose other than to
engage in tank to tank action .. which is unsound". Moreover, such a tank
would be disadvantageous in carrying out the primary mission of armor ...
to defeat those elements of the enemy which are vulnerable to tanks. The
answer to heavy tanks is the tank destroyer. 78 .
Although the Louisiana Maneuvers created an armoured métier within the upper
echelons of the US Army, Louisiana did not nail down tactical solutions. The McNair
bund were encouraged by British experience in the Western Desert. In May 1941, the
British 10st over three hundred tanks within two days during Operation Batt/eaxe. Tank
Destroyer (TD) theorists noted the effect of anti.. tank tire and felt vindicated. The faet

16 Dr. Christopher R. Gabel, Seek. Strike. and Destroy: US Ann! Tank Destroyer Doctrine in
World War II (Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Leavenworth Papers No. 12. Combat Studies Institute. US Anny
Command and General Staff College. 1985). 67.
11 AGF Study No. 29., The Tank Destroyer Historv Historical Sectio~ AGF 1946. 2-3. The
McNair case rested on a sure rrre argwnent to convince Congress: "It is poor economy to use a $35,000
medium tank to destroy another tank when the job can he done by a gun casting a fraction as much.~

• 78 Bailey, 9.

• that the very deadly 88mm had no counterpart in either American or British arsenal was
A year later, American Grants surprised the Germans. Despite the obvious
shortcomings, their armour and tire power more than made up the difference. The
American 75 mm could penetrate the "face hardened" annour German tanks were
sporting. At long range, the Grant's annour bested the long SOmm L/60 on Mk ms.
Predictably, when the new version of the Mark IV, the AusfF2 with a long 75mm Kwk
U43 gun, appeared, it defeated the Grant with ease. Nonetheless, the ID lobby dismissed
tank vs. tank engagements. Tanks were ta be massed in Armored Divisions until
breakthrough was prepared by the infantry. They wouId then perform as Mongol hordes
and run amok in the enemy rear. The first test for American Armor would be in Africa.
It did not work weil; worse, Kasserine demonstrated the tank destroyer doctrine
was "a fundamentally flawed set ofprinciples."79 Marshall and McNair remained
unconvinced, even after a Deeember 1942 fact finding tour returned from Tunisia and
declared: "The Doctrine ofhaving IDs ehase tanks is absurd."so The ID programme
continued despite their inability to survive a punch-up and, more serious, it diverted
effort from the race to develop an American heavy tank. As the 5th and 8th Armies
captured Rome, the Americans were stymied in the bocage ofNormandy, slaughtered by
Panthers and Panzerfausts - Bradley was forced ta look for towed anti-tank guns because
ail he had were Shermans and TOs. The Tank Destroyer doctrine was the old artillery
response to cavalry: grouping gun battalions to defeat Cuirassiers with another grand
batterie. McNair's poeket battleship solution - an armoured fighting vehicle that could
run away from trouble - did not work because eventually even the Graf Spee had ta tum
and tight.

19 Gabel, 67.
80 115 leader, General Jacob Devers, presented interesting conclusions: "The Shennan was the best
tank on the battlefield; the tank destroyer was not a practical tactical concept; the war was a war of

gunpower and; Arnerican troops would have to acquire a higher standard ofdiscipline." He was selectively
ignored. Quoted by MGen E. N. Hannon, commander l US Annd Div. The Ernest N. Harmon Papers.

Helping the British

• The American preparation for war was thorough.81 American tank crews were
introduced into desert combat by sub units which was something the Canadian Army,
despite efforts by McNaughton, did not achieve. 82 The AGF used the Desert Training
Center in Fort Irwin, as weil as considerable maneuver aceas in Texas. American
armoured divisions and their staffs reached North Africa already desert worthy. By 1943,
American equipment was battle proven but the armoured divisions were not. The 8th
Army' s post Kasserine holie~..than-tho~ attitude enraged American officers who expected
gratitude for saving Egypt with Grants and SheFffians rather than condescending advice
on how to beat Rommel.
l do not believe we should be over exercised by the opinion ofthe British
as ta our organization and methods. l do not believe the British know any
more about how to fight an armoured division or how it should be
organized than we do. 83
Experienced AGF tank officers noted that El Alamein had been the one major British
success but it also demonstrated that Montgomery couId not handle annour. The first and

• only time he created an armoured corps of two full divisions, the Corps de chasse,
Montgomery botched the job. 84
The desert demonstrated the twO approaches to armoured warfare - the German
"tool box" versus the British two solitudes. Even within the armoured division, the
infantry was almast an annoyance: a soft skinned target that had ta be got out of way or
proteetively dug in so that the tanks could get on with the job ofwinning the main battle.

81 The fltSt M4s arrived in Egypt in August 1942 C'Great secret") and remained hidden until 2nd
n An advance party from the tank development center in Aberdeen established an Ordnance
Training School at the Roya! Anny Corps Schoal in Abassia , Egypt on 4 May 1942 under Colonel George
B. Jarrett.The Americans quickly proved accomplished at Desert maintenance and saon established their
own schoal, a successful rival to the RAC Desert School. The British at first criticized: American
IL • • •

upstarts who clidn'tknow a thing about desert warfare." Canadians did acquire combat experience in Africa
but on an individual basis as over two hundred uCan Loan" officers volunteered to serve with British units.
It produced battle savvyjunior leaders but not the experienced staffs and fonnation commanders required
to lead Canadians in ltalyand France.
The Ernest Nason Hannon Papers. USAW. C. Hannon coIlU1W1ded bath Ist and 2nd Arrnd Divs.


84 Barnen, 269_ 271-282; Tucker, 252·257.






1'-1 1--1 1..1

1--1 1..1
1.' 1.. 1 Div Traopl: Ami1iuk Rest; AM.; Sip; Eapneen
AImd Bele: 3 Mec! Tk R.eata; 1 Motor IafBn

1.. 1 1nfBde: 3 Motar IDfBll

5 My Reab; 1 All1iTIIlk Rest

3 TankBns: TkJInf7Arty Ratio 3:4:6



I,·...~I 1·..1

1~ 1 lA' 1
1"'1 I.r' 1Tank~::1kRe&tl

panzer R.cat: 3 PzOrcD BDJ

Arty Reat :2 Med Alty Bu; 1 Heavy Art'! Bn

2 Tank Bns: TkJInf7Arty Ratio 2:3:3



Id'il 1.1 ~
Tank Rcgt: 3x Mccl 'Ik BDJ

1.1 1g 1
Mcch InfRegt: 3lt Mech IDfBns
Ally Rest: 31 Ally BDI

1--1 I~I
3 TankBns: TkJInf7Arty Ratio 1:1:1

• Figure 6

This led to "boxes" and the "pivot" doetrine8S which made sorne sense in the desert, but

• was unfortunately taught as a universal annoured-infantry technique and found its way
into Normandy. In retrospect, the Germans did most of the teaching in the desert. They
excelled at logistics, technology, and, most importantly, in tactical commando The British
had no Rommel. Meanwhile, American opinion oftheir allies had not risen during their
Afiican and Sicilian exploits:
The British soldier ... his knowledge of minor tactics in general is below
that of our soldiers. Between British officers, high or low, there is no
comparlson. Our officers are fundamentally better grounded in tactics than
l have ever seen in any British officer. 86
By the end of 1943 the British had settled on the makeup oftheir armoured
division and the Americans had been tested. They finally won th.eir tirst tank hattles at
Gela, Sicily and at Salernos7 defeating a poody coordinated attack by 16th Panzer
Division. Again, the fact that naval, not tank, gunnery dissipated Kesselring's attack was
recognized en passant. The AGF saw it as a vindication of the Sherman. After-action
reports praising the M4 were accepted at face value. The prospects of repeating this sort
of success in France seemed logieal. Reports from Military Attachés in Moscow about

• the new main battle tank, the Mk V Panther, did not cause grave worry. The prospects of
technological inferiority and a "great tank scandai" seemed remote.

Panzer Armee Kanada

The 1943 armour reforms left the Canadian Armoured Corps with four major
formations: 1st and 2nd Armoured Divisions, independent tank formations designed to
work with an infantry Corps, and the 4th and 5th Armoured Divisions (4 CAO and 5

85 "The brigade is made up of three independent units ... the pivot is in the fonn ofa triangle ...
average side f~r a bde will not be more than 2400 yds." RG24 13788 HQ 4 Cdn Annd Div Trg Bulletin No.
49 "The Pivot" 12 Oct 43, 1.
86 In this lelter, sent during the Salerno Operation, Hannon added: u ••• and if we should lose this
bridgehead, which might happen, it will be because the German breaks through on the British side." Lelter
to Gen M. W. Cl~ V Anny. 27 Sept 43, Hannon Papers.
87 The Gela counter-attack by the Hennan Goering Panzer Parachute Division ( 90 Mark IVs and
17 Tigers) was met by anti-tank, tank, and naval gun tire. The Gennans lost fony-live ~ ofwhich ten

were Tigers. A~ as in Tunis~ the Tiger seems to have made no serious impression. Afteraction reports
glowed: "mighty proud ofhis M4 tank••.. Knocked out six Tigers •.•" Bailey, 53.

CAD) designed for the breakout and pursuit. Here was a splendid mechanized force tailor

• made for France. It was ta be dissipated by both Allied and Canadian commanders.


~ TtRegt
~ TkRegt
~ M4/VC ~ .... /VC

r:::::l Meen Bn
5Tank Bns equiv: TkIInflArty Ratio 5:4:2

Figure 7
Each armoured division comprised two brigades. The armoured brigade held three
tank regiments and a mechanized infantry battalion equipped with armoured persoMel
carriers (American M3 White halftracks). The infantry brigade had three motorized
infantry battalions. By 1943, the Canadian Army had given up on its own tank, The Ram

II, but decided against using the British Churchill tank. AlI Canadian armoured regiments
were equipped with the American M4 Sherman. The armoured reconnaissance regiment
was also equipped with Shermans as were the two independent armoured brigades. The
divisional and corps reconnaissance regiments were equipped with armoured cars.
Armoured doctrine stated that tank divisions were only to be used for the breakout
and pursuit phase ofwar;88 therefore tank support for infantry divisions came from GHQ
Tank battalions dedicated to this raie. The British anny used "Tank Brigades" equipped
with slow, weil armoured "Infantry Tanks": the Matilda, the Valentine, and eventually
the Churchill. In the Canadian army the infantry support mission was awarded to the M4
Sherman, the wrong tank, saddled with the wrong doctrine.

The !talian Battle School: 1943 - 1944

We had our first real battle on a divisionallevel with the Germans.

1st Cdn Div. War Diary, 8-9 December, 1943

88 FM100-S. 24 Jan 1941 and the original draft:, FMI7-10, 21 Jan 1941 "Doctrine and
Organization orthe Armored Division." Mm.
• • •


L:=.J 1 Armd Car Regt (ReD)
18 ACR (12 Man D)
st Army look Bde
w œ
11 Armd Regt (ONTARIO)
12 Armd Regt <THREE RNERS)
14 Armd Regt (CALGARY)
4 Armd Bde

2nd Army lank Bde


7 Racee (17 DYRCH

=1 Ntu::::=
001 1143 n"
_. ~ ~_ n-y'
V'~-~n "
lst Army Tank Bde
11 Armd Regt (ONTARIO)
12 Arrnd Regt (THREE RlVERS)
14 Armd Regt (CALGARY)

Armd 8de Armd Bde

21 Armd Regt (GGFG~ 2 Armd Regt (LDSH)
22 Armd Regt (CGG)'~ 5 Armd Regt (8 PLNBH 2nd Army Tank Bde
28 Armd Regt (BCR) . , ,,, 1 t 9 Armd Reg. (BCD) 6 Armd Regt (1 H)
la Armd Regt (FGH)
27 Armd Regt (SHER FUS)



• During the 1943 winter, the Allies had become completely mired in the Italian
peninsula. The "soft underbelly ofEurope" hardened as Hitler introduced tirst class
divisions supported by new tank battalions. 89 The US anny now had over eighteen
months ofhattle experience in Europe, which included North Afiica, Sicily, and the
Salerno-Anzio battles. The Canadian army was entering its fifth month ofoperations. The
British 8th Army was weil inta its fifth year ofwar. It became painfully clear that lessons
leamed in the Desert would not play in Europe.
Italy was tougb, mountainous, rugged, and cruel to annour. The terrain soaked up
infantry and ruined tanks. Divisions slated ta be "D Day Dodgers" were daomed ta a year
ofhloody battle in what was to quickly become a secondary and relativeLy unimportant
front. The Apennines divided Italy into east and west theatres wherein corps and armies
fought in near isolation. Major ranges ran north-south, minor Mountains and river valleys
feH away to the east and west, anchoring the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas. There was no
open country, no formational maneuver, no place ta go but north. With tittle possibility of
operational surprise,90 it was the last place a taetician would contemplate armoured
operations. Unfortunately, it was alsa the first place Canadians deployed their first
armoured division.
Despite the protests ofthe commander ofthe Canadian Forces, General
McNaughton, the First Canadian Army was divided between England and Italy. The
decision to deploy a corps in the Mediterranean was sound. Canadians needed battle
experience to train both formations and senior staffs. This should have been done in 1942
but the Dieppe91 disaster prevented it. Sending the First Canadian Division into Sicily for
experience made sense; keeping it there was questianable. Creating a full corps by
deploying the 5th Canadian Armoured Division to Italy made no military sense at all and

89 More Tiger batta1ions were sent SchwerPz Abt 501, 502 and the most menacing tank destroyer
to date, the Ferdinand or Elephant Ninety Elephants were buiIt but were badly mauIed at Kursk The si.xty
survivors fonned a schwer Pz laeger abt (heavy Tank Hunting Battalion) and were sent to ltaly.
90 Both Salerno and Anzio were brilliant opemtional surprises that should have produced vietory.
However, the option was forever gone as uD Day" approached and naval assets re-deployed to EngIand..
91 The flfSt canadianarmoured fonnation to see battle, The Calgary Regiment (14 CAR). was
destroyed on the beach at Dieppe but managed to set the right tone for the Corps: the first tank off the barge

and the first senior officer killed was the CO, LtCol1. G. Andrews. Terence Robertson, The Shame and the
Glorv - Dieppe (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1962), 358. The Calgaries were equipped with
Churclùlls. For ltaly they were remounted in Shennans.

Montgomery wasted no time in telling its commander, General E. L. M. Burns,92 just
that: "You're useless to me, totally useless."

Fighting in Italy: Not the Desert

The 5th Canadian Armoured (5 CAD) did not profit by its first two commanders.
Simonds left before he could fight the division and was replaced by Maj.Gen. E. L. M.
Burns, his literary adversary from the COQ mechanization debates. Despite his passion
for annour, Burns was not th.e man fo~ the job. His sour extemal appearance earned him
the nickname "Smiling Sunray." His superior officers quicldy had reservations about his
battle skills: "Exceptionally high qualifications but not a leader. Difficult man to
approach, cold and Most sarcastic. Will never secure devotion from his followers.,,93
When the ChiefofStaffCMHQ, Lt-Gen K. Stuart, visited Italy in July 1944, he was met
with complaints from General Leese, Commander 8th Army regarding 5 CAO. 94 Lt. Col
B. M. Hoffmeister, a militia officer, was given the division and Burns was kicked
upstairs. Burns did no better as a Corps Commander.

• Ist Canadian Armoured Brigade (1 CAB)9S quickly learned sorne important

basics. The Three Rivers Regiment's (12 CAR) first encounter was typical. The unit
advanced with infantry into difficult terrain but soon became separated. 96 German
machine gun fire kept the Canadian riflemen pinned down while tank hunting teams went

92 Actually the filst battlefield commander of 5 CAO was General Simonds. Before he managed to
acquire m!Y battle experience he was appointed Commander 2nd Canadian Corps and sent to England.
93 RG24: MG27 m BU Vol. 54. "Officers Overseas Personal Evaluations.'· Stuart also wrote:
"Ras probably one of the best sta1Ibrains in the anny and whilst he willlead his division successfully, he
would give greater service as a high staff officer.'·
94 ua. Lack ofeffective control of his Div. Comds by the Corps Comd; b. Improper working of the
uo., staff; c. Poor orgamzation of traffic control; d. Lack ofvision and drive on the part of the Cruef
Engineer Ist Cdn Corps; e. Poor command and staff arrangements by HQ 5 Annd Div•..the question of
Corps COO1l1lé\l1der ... Leese said: a. That Burns is entirely lacking in the type of personality required for a
Corps Comd, b.. That he was Iacking in power ofcommand. c. That he was lacking in tactical sense, d. That
he felt the Divisional Commanders and principal staff officers had lost confidence in their Corps
Commander•....In these circwnstances Leese considered that Burns should be replaced either by a weil
tried Canadian Commander or by the best British officer that could he made available." Notes by Lt Gen K.
Stuart Regarding His Trip To ltaly.. 21 July 1944. RG24: MG27 mBII Vol. 54. Stuart.
95 Three annoured Regiments: Il CAR (The Ontario Regt); 12 CAR (The Three Rivers

Regiment); 14 CAR (The Calgary Regiment).
96 Gravel, 54.

after the Shermans. After taking severe casualties, the 12th Armoured Regiment's M4s

• fled. New ad hoc operational procedures were quickly established: "Tanks should not he
sent into villages without infantry leading ... mortars are a danger to the Sherman diesel
engine.,,97 Established drills had "infantry leading" through covered terrain. In ItaIy this
definition stretched to include open terrain with scrub, earth moguls, thin orchards, and
small farms.
Battlegroups were understood in principal but, as Stacey had noted,98
experimenting against the Ist 55 Panzer Korps would be a finishing school almost tao
difficult to handle. It was going to be a hard summer.

Artillel)' Combat

In the nineteenth century a general watched the battlet in the early twentieth he stared at
an empty landscape wondering what was happening on the other side of the bill ... but in
the 19405 he could listen to the battle.99

Combat in ItaIy saon created casualties from machine gun and mortar fire. When
tanks were requested, they demanded infantry support. The ritlemen hesitated since the

• very reason that prompted requests for tanks, machine-guns and mortars, were still in
place. The preferred solution was "bags of arty fire." The conditions in Italy forced
greater emphasis on artillery in order ta save lives. "Ammunition expenditure was
extremely high .,. casualty Iists were correspondingly reduced."lOO Tactical probIems,

97 BRAC Report, 12 Oct 43. RG24 14186. Cdn Archives.

98 Stacey's critique ofCanadian performance is the toughest to date:" ...we had probably not got
as much out of our training as we might have.... The Canadian Anny suffered from possessing a proportion
of regimental officers whose attitude towards training was casua1 and haphazard rather than urgent and
scientific'"t 275. Stacey limited bis criticism to commanders below Brigade level.
99 Bidwell~ 198.
100 R.-E. Cockran, Canaman Gunner BaUle SchooI1943-1945: The {taHan Carnpaign and the
Emplovment orthe Ist Canaman Infantry Divisions AnilIery·(1982 MA Thesis, University of New
Brunswick) and, Shelford Bidwell Gwmers at War ATactical Study orthe Royal Artillery in the Twentieth
Centurv (London: Arms and AnnourPress, 1970). Sec also: R. G. S. Bidwell, "The Development of British
Field Artillery Tactics 1940-1942: the Desert War» and, "The Development ofBritish Field Artillery
Taetics: Dld Principles - New Methods 1940-1943" Journal orthe Royal ArtiIleryt Match and September
1968; Shelford Bidwell and Dominick Graham File Power: British Weaoons and the Theories ofWar.
(Boston: George Allen and Unwin, 1985). Also, Kenneth Brookes, Battie Thunder. the Storv ofBritain's

• Artillery (London: 1973); Brig A. L. Pembenon, Development of Artillerv Eguipment and Tactics
(London: 1950); LCOL G. C. G. Grey. "Regimental Organization - A Defence and a Claim" Royal

peculiar to Europe, were identified during the Sicilian operations but the gunners were

• not capable of correcting them before the peninsular campaign. "By 1941 [British]
artillery officers supporting armoured regiments were mounted in tanks and equipped
with a second radio on the tank command network."lOl Sadly, the luxury ofa tracked
vehicle for FOOs (Forward Observation Officers) was limited to tank divisions. 102
Gunner radios were mounted in vehicles which tried ta stay on roads since cross country
movement "shook the heU" out ofthe set. Because vehicles could not follow the infantry,
supporting an attack meant either the infantry relaying back to the gunner net via radio or
the FOO dismounting. 10J Given good communications, the FOO spoke directIy ta the
guns. Unlike the American artillery, Canadian FOOs commanded their own guns and
could arder, not request, tire.
In 1942 when medium and heavy guns became available in greater numbers, it
was decided ta group them together under a brigadier and headquarters with an organic
signais unit. The title for these powerful tire organizations was "Army Group, Royal
Artillery" (AGRA). They were deployed as corps troopsl04 - as many as three hundred

guns could be directed against a target in a remarkably short period of time. Artillery

Artillery Journal. (No.3, 1942); G. W. L. Nicholso~ The Gunners of Canada (Ottawa: Queens Printer;
101 Notes from the Theattes of War, No. 1. (Cyrenaica: November 1941), 4.
102 The common map used in Africa was 1:100 000; these were replaced by [talian 1:25 000 maps
which permitted more detailed rue planning. Fife control was by "survey" • tire of more than the 4 - 6 guns
of a single battery eould be concentrated rapiclly on a single target. The gWl position officer fixed his
position from the map using a eompass while the observing officer plotted targets converting nom terrain
to the map grid. canadian gunners; indee~ aIl Commonwealth artiIlery, used the British Parharn system
(General H. 1. Parham; R. A.) that direeted that every gun that could bear on the target as soon as it \Vas laid
and loaded, would be fired.
103 "On 17 1an in the Il Cdn lnfBde, three FOOs were knocked out early and another was pinned
down for half a clay. As a result no observed fire eould he brought down in suppolt." D Rist 171.009 D 116.
CMHQ Teg liaison Letter No. 9, lS Iune 44; Part IV, 1. The Number 18 Set (portable "man pack") radio .
used a dry œil battery whieh had a limited lue. The range was approximately two miles in good terrain.
The Artillery used the No. 19 Sel This was vehicle mounted, employed a wet eell battery, and had a much
greater range; however, it was not man portable. The Gunners also had the No. 22 Set which could he put
on a sied and pulled by two men. Its whip antenna could broadcast 5 - 16 miles. Unfortunately; it was not
employed below regimentallevel. An improved portable radio, the No. 38 set, was finally available to
FOOs in 1944. Il a1so had a limited range (1.5 - 3 miles, depending on terrain) but it did give gunners the
ability ofgoing forwardon foot and re-broadcastingthrough theirvehicle's No. 19 set. CockI'an; 88.

• 104 Bidwell~ 258.


• doctrinal evolution, what Cockran caUs the "Gunner Battle School" ofItalylOS evolved
briskly.106 The appointment ofBrigadier W. S. Ziegler as Commander Royal Artillery
(CRA) in March 1944 created the driving force behind these advances. Infantry officers
were taught a simplified method of controlling tire by observed shooting and "on call"
targets became available in early 1944. These innovations left the 1st Corps technically
ahead of2nd Canadian Corps which was concentrating on the amphibious invasion.

Getting Ready for the Western Panzers

There was to he no more experimentîng. Doctrine and eqpt had ta he finalized now, due
to the short trg period available
Minutes~ Montgomery Trg Conf Il Jan 44

The Canadian tank battalions prepared for Normandy in different ways. Second
Canadian Armoured Brigade (2 CAB) was both the designated "Army Tank Brigade"
tasked with supporting the infantry battalions of2nd and 3rd Infantry Divisions, as weIl
as the amphibious assault formation supporting General Keller's infantry on D Day. 2
CAB tank regiments spent much time practicing beach landings and waterproofing their
tanks. Meanwhile, 4th Armoured Division's battalions concentrated on standard
armoured training.
The 2nd Canadian Corps mustered a total of ten armoured regiments. Each
regiment paraded an average of sixty main battle tanks (MBTs): fifty-five M4 Shermans,
twelve M4VC Fireflies and twelve Stuart reconnaissance (Urecce") tanks. The
organization called for three squadrons ofM4s of four troops each. Every tank troop
comprised four f\.1BTs: three 76mm gun Sherman M4 but only one Sherman VC "Firefly"
Ca converted M4 with a 17pdr -76mm main gun). Production delays had limited

lOS Coc~ 94. There were five major Canadian offensive operations in Italy: Sicily, The Moro-
Ortona Salient in December 1943~ The Liri ValleYt The Gothie Line, and the Montone-Savio River.
Problems identified in Sieily were only partially solved by Ortona. The Liri Valley required on the spot
solutions for immediate problems as they occurred in battle. It is considered a key tuming point - ftom then
on the Divisional Artillery was capable of providing necessary fire suppon and "able to experiment with
the tactics of tire support.,t
106 Flexible time or on call concentrations against enemy positions replaced moving barrages and
gained popularity as a solution to control problems. By the time the lst Corps reached the Gothie Line~
artillery control problems had been largely overcome. Canadian gwmers produced tadical innovations that

included fle:<ible fire plans and specifie target concentrations caIled for exclusively by radio - set piece
artillery barrages were out ofvogue. only on-caU targets and smoke screens were used. Flexibility had
become the key.

• distribution of the only tank that could kill Panther and Tiger to twenty-five percent of
establishment (one FireFly per troop offour MBTs). It would not improve until1945.
Training for battle in France rarely included divisional or brigade level exercises.
Most regiments were left queuing up for space on the Salisbury Plain or Bovington.
Training was at the troop or squadron level. The basic level of armoured skills was
covered in the initial (often the only) tank course offered. Armoured crew training
comprised a four week course which eavered the entire spectrum ofarmoured skills from
driving and gunnery ta tacties. 107 The final week was spent at Lullworth Ranges where
crews practiced far twa days firing 7Smm AP, 7Smm HE Coax MG, "Ground Browning"
(50 Cal HM:G) and PistaI. A full five days were used for travelling, setting up, cleaning
up, maintenance and "turning over tks ta new caurse."l08 A thirteenth day was set aside
for rest. The remaining fifteen days were mostly spent teaching driving skills. This was
an acceptable introduction only if supplemented by additional regimental training,
however, the curbed availability of maneuver areas in the UK hindered this. Training
cantinued an a strictly rationed basis, and generaIly limited to troop level.
Meanwhile, in France, the German army had mustered the crème de la crème of
its armaured force. The armaured formations deployed in Narmandy were the best in the
Third Reich. The term "elite" was not merely applicable, it was required. 109 German
panzer divisions were restruetured after the defeat at Kursk. The final version, the type
1944 panzer division, included the equivalent of three armoured battalions and two
panzergrenadier regiments. The tanks were grouped in the division's Panzer Regiment: a
Panther equipped battalian and a second composed ofPzIVs, the workhorse of the

107 Four hoW'S were devoted to teaclûng "Hull Down" and "Turret Down" positions, the sine qua
non of tacticaI survival. Two full days were devoted to "Troop Tactics" and a further two days were set
aside for squadron tactics."Sqn Tactics" included "Sqn in Defensive pasn Supporting Inf." One clay was
spent in ''Tk vs. Tk action using Blank, sqn against sqn, or half sqn against ha1f sqn, if two sqns not
available." CAC Fd Trg Syllabus (Armd) 1943-44, D Hist 141.009.
108 Almost 50 percent (twelve days) of the total 28 days were spent in movemen~ maintenance and
administration. CAC Fd Trg Syllabus (Annel) 1943-44.
109 Eighteen Gennan annoured formations fought in the Nonnandy Campaign. They included nine
panzer, ofwhich five \Vere SS, and one SS Panzergrenadier Division. The remainder were independent
battalions and assault gun brigades ofwhich the deadliest were the three Tiger battaIions and one

IagdPanther battalion. Only two panzer divisions weIe aIIotted complete complements ofAPCs: the
Grossdeutsehlancl whose strength equalled a small Corps, fought exclusively in Russia, however the 130th
Panzer Division, better known as PanzerdivisionLehr. was statioued in Nonnandy.



(Np BDB ID 1AR1Y Armourecl Recce R.egt

1--' lai 1.. 1 ~

Amxl Bdc: 3 Mcci 'IkRcgtl;

1 Mech 1Df8ll
lDfBde: 3 Mot« IDfBn

1 SP Rest. 1 Pd Any ReaU;

1'" 1 AntiTIDkReat(l'Dl)

'''1 I-AI
1 Ülrl
S Tank Bns equiv: TkIInf/Arty Ratio 5:4:2



1è1>.1 1.. , ~ =a::2McdnReg1l

2xPzOrcaRqt 6 pzGrcn Bas (one x APCs)

~ 1'" 1"1 [-" 1~a;;&t_3XBl1(SPIMMHev)

1"1 1"1 1..... 1 Nebclwafc<B.

3 TankBns equiv: TklInf/ArtyRatio 3:6:4

1151 lai I~ 1Tank


I~I I-.J...I
R.egt: Jx Mcd Tk Bas
Mech Inf'Regt: 3~ Mech IDfBas
My Regt: 3x AJty Bos

la' ~
3 Tank Bns: TklInf/Arty Ratio 1:1:1

• Figure 9

German army. The panzergrenadier battalions were victims of Allied strategie bombing;
production could not keep up with bath losses and equipment tables. Ofthe six
panzergreoadier battalions allotted per panzer divisions, ooly one was to be equipped
with armoured personnel carriers, the halftracked Schützenpanzerwagen (sdKfz) 250
series. The remainder were transported in trucks. The panzer divisions' artillery regiment
held lOSmm and lS0mm towed guns and there was ooly one selfpropelled battalion,
combining both the heavy and medium SP types, the IOSmm Wespe and the ISOmm
Humme1. 1lO
. The Type 44 panzer division's armour was divided between the panzer regiment
and the panzetjaegerAbteilung (tank destroyer) battalion. The latter was initially
equipped with the Sturmgeschütz m (Stug) assault gun. The Stug had a very low
silhouette (chassis ofthe PzKw rv1k 1ll), was heavily armoured,' and initially designed to
support close assault by infantry. Its 75mm StuK 40 U48 gun had proven to be an
effective tank killer in Russia where Stugs were used both as "infantry tanks" as weil as
tank destroyers. The type 44 ID battalions were to be equipped with the new and very

deadly Jagdpanzer IV, the larger, sleeker evolution of the Stug based on the Mark IV
chassis. Tt carried a deadly 75mm PaK 39 L/48 gun which could kill all western and Most
Russian tanks.
German production did not keep up with lasses or Hitler' s insistence that new
armoured formations were to be created in 1943 and 1944. Few panzer divisions in
Normandy were fully up to establishment. Units arrived in the west as skeletons with
very few tanks and began to rebuild in the comparative peace ofFrance and Belgium.
Within a few months, the ranks were filled with recruits, transferred cadres, and veterans
coming back from hospitals and home leave. Tanks trickled in from third line repair or
faetory rebuilds and Pz!V battalions "took a number" and awaited their turn for
conversion ta Panther. The restruetured battalions were trained in the great panzer centers
of the Third- Reich: Panderborne, Graffenwohr, Senelager and the former French Army
tank training school at Mailly-le-Camp.

ll0 Artillery SPs were built on obsolete or readily availâble tank chassis: the Wespe used the P~
Hummel the PzIV. Allied SPs were put on Grant, Ram and Sherman chassis.

Initially, the Panther Battalions concentrated on their basic skills which included

• tlrst line repair and maintenance, driver training, radio operating, and gunnery. By 1943..
44 cross training was an unaffordable Iuxury. New crews Iearned only one task: driver,
radio operator/loader or gunner. Commander l 55 Pz Korps, General Sepp Dietrich,
recalled a Mk V that had to be shifted: the "crew commander drove the tank into place
but had the greatest difficulty.nlll As soon as a graduated battalion was sent to its parent
division, the second stage of training began. This was to consist of concentrated gunnery
and tactics based on the Kampfgrugge, the aIl arms team. However, training ammunition
was searce: "five rounds per crew per month" ll2 was average; few gun camps were held
and controlled gasoline rations limited maneuvers.
The renowned efficiency of the panzer divisions was founded upon vigorous
training at the sub unit level and outstanding leadership. The Most heavily decorated and
Most experienced NCOs and officers were placed in charge of recruit training. The battle
experience of the leaders made up for the limited training opportunities available. A good
example is the 12th 5S Hitlerjugend (12 HJ). Comprised of teenagers from the Hitler
Youth, it was derided in the western press as "the milk bottle division," "Hitler's baby

• division" and used as an example of the deteriorating state of the German army. Within
two weeks ofbattle it had mysteriously metamorphosed from "the kid division" to
"fanatical ... Hitler's pet crop ofterrorists ... more animal than human" ta, finally,
elite. 1l3 Again the answer was experience. The officer and NCO cadres of 12HJ came
from its parent unit, the 1st 5S LeibstandarteAdolfHitIer, the absolute standard of
perfection. Hitlerjugend officers and NCOs had a minimum orone campaign in Russia;
Many had two or three and the original cadre, like Kurt Meyer, began tighting in the 1939
Polish campaign.

111 8..155 5S OberGruppen.fiihrer Georg Keppler 1. SS Panzer-Korps 16.8-18.10 .44, 2. an~ MS

C-048. SSGeneral Fritz Kraemer, UOas L SS Pz. Korps im Westen 1944" (part 2) Appx 2. MHI. See also,
RG24 10 677 Interrogation Report Joseph uSepp" Dietrich, 3-6.
112 Operations Research Office ORO T 117 Alvin D. Caox and L. Van Loan NaisawaId,
Johns Hopkins University, Fort Leslie 1. MeNait, Washington, 31 March 1951(Hearafter cited as ORO T
117). Gennan Estimates and Comments on Their Own Tank Casualties. Anx 2, Apx E.

113 Luther, 58, Stacey, VicroIT Campaign, 133-137, Englis~ 212, aIso RG24 10811 WD 2nd
Cdn Corps, Enemy Int S~ JWle 44, and, RG24 13766 WD 3 CID JWle 44.

The Enemy Order ofBattle

• German panzer divisions in Nonnandy sported a varied order ofbattle. Several

had their tirst battalions still undergoing conversion and arrived in battle with no
Panthers. One was partially equipped with French tanks. The pzjaeger battalions were
still primarily equipped with Stug m and at best had one or two companies of the new
JPz IVs. The Normandy panzer arm looked like this:
DIV: 188 288 ~ la 58 1288 1758PzGR
TKREGT: 58 PlRegt 1 S5 PzRegt2 SS PzRegt9 58 PzRegt la 58 P2Regt 12
Ist8nc· MkV MkV MkV MkV
StuglJpzBn SSStugAbt 1 SSStugAbt2 SSStugAbt 9 SSJPzAbt12 SSStugAb

DIV: 2PZ ~ ~ pzLEHR

TKREGT: Pz Regt 3 PzRegt22 PzRegt 16 Pz Regt Lehr
lstBn: MkV MkIDIIV MIe V
2ndBn: MkIV MkIV MkIV MIe IV
StuglJpzBn .JPzAbt 38 StugAbt200 JPzAbt228 JPzAbt 130
Tiger spzc:oy

TigerBn: 101 SSspzabt 102 SSspzabt 503spzabt

StugBde: PzBde 341 PzBde 394
JgdPzBn: 654 sjpzabt
Ind PzAbt: 100ertzpzabt 206ertzpzabt

• Table 1
The 9th, 21st, 116th and lOthSS Panzer Divisions had no Panthers at alL us The
strongest division in France was the Panzer Lehr. 1l6_AlI Lehr panzergrenadier battalions

114 As at 25.7.44t based on retums from 5 Pz Anny Daily Reports C'Abendmeldungen") and
translated Oberkommando West. See: Bundesarclùv RH21-5/44, "I(riegstagebuch panzer-
Anneeoberkommando 5.'\ Abendmeldungen 23.7.44 - 25.7.44. See also complete Gennan OrderofBaUle
for France July 1944 in: MS B-162, Oberkommando West WarDiaryt translated. "The West (1 Apr-IS
Dee 44)", MHI Panther-Abteilungen (recently converted fm MkIV) arrived at the last moment:
Abl Parent Div Str Month
l.JSS-Pz.Rgt.12 12.SS-Pz.Div. 79 June 44
Pz Lehr Regt Pz.-Lehr-Div 89 June
l.JPz.Regt.3 2.Pz.Div. 79 June
1./SS-Pz.Rgt.9 9.SS-Pz.Div. 79 June
l.JSS-Pz.Rgt.l l.SS-Pz.Div. 79 July 44
l.JSS-Pz.Rgt.2 2.SS-Pz.Div. 79 July
The numbering of each panzer divisionts tank regiment varied. The S5 regiments took the name of
their division: 1 S5 Pz Regt for Ist S5 LAH, 12 S5 Pz Regt for 12th S5 HI etc. The Wehrmacht regiments
retlected a complex historical past and evolution: Pz Regt 3 was in 2nd panzer Divt Pz Regt 22 was
attached to 2151 Pz Div. Fully equipped divisions (1 SSt 2 SS, 12 55 t 2nd Pz and PzLehr) were stabled with
incomplete fonnations; for example, 9 5S had no tank destroyer battalion, 10 55 had neither a Jagdpanzer

nor a Panther battalion. ETHINT 67t WD 5 Pz Anny, 14; and., Bunderarchiv RH19IX120 Heeres Grouppe
B "Meldungen & Unterlagen le von derzeit 1.7.44 .. 31.8.44": 16.8.44. MHI.

• had APCs, a ratio unmatched by any panzer formation in the west, including Ist SS LAR.
The next strongest formations were 2nd Panzer "Vienna" Division, and 12th SS
Hitlerjugend. The remaining divisions averaged farty-five tanks per MIe IV battalion and
thirty-five Panthers each. 117 Panzer Ersatz und Ausbildungs Abteilung 100 and Panzer
Abteilung 206 were equipped with obsolete tanks 118 that were good for chasing maquis
away fram rear area headquarters but little else.
Three of the panzer divisions were "bom" in the west; the 9th SS Hôhenstauffen,
10th SS Frundsberg and 12th SS Hitlerjugend were raised in Belgium and France and had
about one year of training. 119 At the beginning orthe Normandy campaign, the 9th S5
and 10th SS were in Russia, sent there in April 1944 to rescue the Ist Panzer Army
trapped in the Tarnopol Pocket. They retumed ta Normandy as the 2nd SS Panzer Korps

Il S It was, a shadow ofRommel's old unit Its two understrength MkIV battalions, augmented with
a surprising number ofPzMk IDs, included outdated French tanks: 94 Mark !Vs plus Stunngeshütz
Abteilung 200: 23 Somuas, 43 Hotchkiss and 45 Lorraine converted to tank destroyers, mounting German,
French or Russian 75176mm guns in open armoured compartments, built in local faetories on the initiative
of the division staff: Lefebvre, 120-123 an~ RG24 10677t Interrogation Report GenLt Feuchtingert 25
116 97 Mk IV, 86 Mk V, 40 Stug nIlJPz IV, and a company ofTiger Ils. Its King Tigers were
cursed with a myriad of mechanical defects and only 6 reached Normandy.
117 Table 2: Panzer Arro strength as at 7 June 1944:
PzLehr 2Pz 116Pz 21Pz 9Pz 1SSPz 2SSPZ 9SSPz la SSPz 128SPz
MkIV 97 94 58 98 71 42 44 41 32 91
MkV 86 67 38 25 30 48
ID 40 41 21 111 5 44 36 38 44
17 SSPzGren sPzAbt 503 S8101 8S102 JpZ654 E/AzIOO ElAz200
Ti~er 24 37 28 12
ID 32
FrAFV 15 24
... .. .
The 9th Panzer DIVISIon pamclpated only m the Fal81se Gap and Ils tanks were qwckly lost fi rearguard
actions and mechanical breakdoWD. The independent Stug brigades were actually assault gun battalions
redesignated by OKW as brigades in 1944. They were deployed in small packets as uinfantry tanks" in the
American sector.
118 PzErsatz 100 had 27 tanks (8 Hotchkiss, 1RenaultB-1, l PzKwill and 17 RenaultR-3Ss);
PzAbt 206 had 23 tanks (14x PzKw 38-H 735(f):Hotchkiss; 4x PzKw 35-S 739(f):Somua S-35;and Sx
PzKw B-2 740(1): B-l bis). See: Lefebvre, 122-123.
119 9th SS I4HtlhenstautTen" was raised in January 1944 and by Febnwy was training al Mailly-Ie-
Camp; its sister unit, rOth SS "Frundsberg", also raised in Jan 43, trained in the Angouleme area, then in
the Pyrenees. l2th SS uHitIerjugend" was raised in June 1943 and trained in the Beverloo, Belgium
military training area R.J. Bender and H.P. Taylor Uniforms. Organization and History ofthe Waffen SS
Vol 3 (San Jose: Bentier 1972), 43, 51,95. Fora German review of the origins orss Division heraldry,

See: "A Speech made by Himmler to the 17th 88 Pz Gr Division, 'Goetz von Berlichingen' " 10 April 44,
in France. Anx 2 ta G2 Periodic Report No.32, 12 Army Group. Chester B. Hansen Papers. Documents and
Reports Folder July 1..15, 1944. MHL

on 26 June; by then all three "Hitler Youth" divisions 120 were veterans. The

• PanzerdivisionLehr began as an elite unit simply because it was formed by grouping the
staffs ofthe panzer training schools throughout Germany. The instructors, decorated
veterans, formed a division ofexperts. Allied Intelligence had sorne problem with Panzer
Division 130 (Lehr) at first. "Lehr" means "training" and it was assumed this was a unit
composed ofraw recruits. It soon became painfully evident what PanzerLehr really was.
Lavishly equipped, it fought with a determination and expertise that quickly won it
genuine respect.

Only three Tiger battalions were stationed in France during the Normandy
campaigns - ail three fought exclusively in the Caen sector. The 101 S5 and 503
schPzAbt were generally east and south of Caen and the 102 S5 fought Southwest of
Caen in the Odon-Orne triangle. Tiger battalions were organized into three 14 tank
companies for a theoretical strength of 45 tanks. This was rarely the case and troop

• strength was never maintained once combat began. 121 The Tiger battalions were
originally intended ta be bath independent units and part ofa panzer division's "schwere
kompanie." In early 1944 the heavy tank poliey was changed; Tigers were no longer sent
to panzer divisions but now formed exclusive independent units, "schwere panzer
abteilung" (schPzAbt), heavy tank battalions under corps control ta be grouped with
divisions only as required. The first were Wehrmacht Abteilungs and began with the 500
series, SS Tiger Abteilungs were formed in the summer of 1943. 122

120 9th and 10th SS had large cadres ofHitler Youth. Most 9 SS recruits were ethnie Gennans
from Hungary, and the Berlin area - 70% were conscripts. The 10th SS was similar. The 12th SS was raised
as " a new elite all-Gennan division...a second Leibstandarte." The Officers and NeOS were drafted from
the IstSS LAH, and while MOst ofits recnlÎts were volunteers directIy from the Hitler Youth, it had a
portion ofcOnScripts and even HiWi volunteers from eastem front PWs. Sec: Huben Meyer 2-8, Luther I-
Il Benderlraylor, 44, 58,96. Also, M. Cooper The Gennan Anny 1933-1945 (London: Scarborough,
1991), 502-3.
121 The only Tiger batta1ion to he equipped with KingTigers, besides the "Iost" company in
PanzerLehr, was Schwerepanzerabteilung 503. The unit had been fonned in May 1942 and had fought at
Kursk where it was credited with "501 tanks, 388 anti-tank guns...n destroyed.Lefebvre, 114.

ln They were renumbered in OCtober 1944; 101 SS became 501 SS schPzAbt, 102 SS became
502 SS, and 50 on.

The advent orthe StaIin, the T34/85, and to sorne extent, the Firefly, put an end to

• the Tiger's virtual invincibility.l23 Tiger l production was entirely stopped in August
1944, tapering off as Tiger II construction took aver. This was considered a mistake by
Guderian and other panzer generals. The time lost during the changeover ta the more
complex Tiger II deprived the Germans ofseveral hundred MarkVIs. The King Tiger was
the better tank, but by 1944 the question was quantity, not quality. Any super 75mm gun,
let alone an 88, was sufficient ta kHI any allied tank and most Russian annour. In the end,
only fourteen KingTigers actually fought in Normandy. The combined Tiger strength of
the three schwere (heavy) battalions totalled eighty-nine tanks 124 on D Day.

Canadian Mechanization: Conclusions

The first step in forming the CAC was basic training, a task at which Worthington
excelled. The second, doctrinal training, was to prove elusive ta the Corps. It was
eventually taught as pure theory and remained as such, but current theory changed
seasonally with each British clefeat or victory in the Western Desert. Although the

• Canadian Armoured Corps' equipment would be on a par with any western ally, its
leadership was in dire need of operational experience. The Corps was rushed offta
England where it would be schooled in the ways of desert warfare and guided through the
lush downs of southem Dorset where training was doomed ta endless repetition of
squadron drills across cramped training areas where solutions ta field problems were
saon committed ta memory by the dullest tactician. Divisional exercises were not held
except as comprehensive movement problems which worked the division and corps staffs
but frustrated the regiments and brigades since most areas, especially wheat fields, were
strictly off limits to armour:

123 "The Tiger. for a long time regarded as a 'Lüe Insurance Policy'. is relegatecl to the ranks of
simply a 'heavy tank' ... No longer can the Tiger prance around oblivious of the laws of tank tactics...Tlûs
means, inter aIia. that Tigers can no longer show themselves on crests 'to have a look around' but must
behave like other tanks." Orders were to cross crests only "in a body, by rapid bounds, covered by tire" .. or
else 6'detour." Instructions to Tiger Abt crews fin {asp General Pz Troops June 44 , MS C-048. SSGeneral
FritzKraemer, "Das 1. 55 Pz. Korps im Westen 1944" (part 2) Appx 2. MHI.
124 15t Company, 503 schPzAbt. KingTigers for 3rd Company "reached Pari~ but not Nonnandy."
Lefebvre, 119. S03schpzabt: 24 Tigers; 101 5S: 37 Tigers; 102 S5: 28 Tigers. M5 155, General der

PzTruppenKrueger. "1 S5 Pz Corps (16 Aug-6 Sep 44)"; MS 8-747; B-748; 8-749, Gen derWaffen SS
Bittrich, "II 5S Pz Corps (14 Iun -S Iul44)"; and, Lefebvre; 114-119.

We often fail ta get the full value from our training because ofrestrictions
that are imposed to prevent damage to crops or ta property. So Many
ordees have been issued on this subject that officers and men hesitate at
times ta leave the raad; as a result we often see head-on collisions [taetical
battles] with no attempt at quick deployment offthe road, rapid maneuver,
and flanking movements. Ali this is very bad ... it leads ta unreal
situations; it also develops bad habits within units, and reacts adversely on
the standard of minor tactics. 125
Tank crews sent ta Normandy were skilled in driving, communications and at an
acceptable gunnery standard, but their regimental and brigade commanders had no idea
what.to do with them in open country..Meanwhile, in Canada, bisected with efficient
roads and rail heads, hours from the tank assembly plants ofDetroit and Montreal, lay
vast training areas that extended for hundreds ofkilometres. The rush ta meet the
Empire's demands denied the Canadian Army its own formative maneuvers. It may be
argued, of course, that with the gunner-infantry attitude prevailing in Ottawa, no new
doctrine would have emerged had they occurred even then. Certainly Worthington had
neither the political clout nor, perhaps, the vision ta organize operationallevel exercises.
Camp Borden and Dorset would have to do.

• The Canadian Army did not convert ta mechanization; it was raised as a

mechanized army. It was the solution British, French, and American philosophes had
argued for: put tanks into the cavalry; accept the obvious, simple fact that the essence of
the cavalry spirit is mounted warfare, not horse warfare. Unfortunately, the Canadians
implemented British techniques with little regard for their own roots. The Cavalry
adopted RTC terminology, style, and attempted to redetine itself around the black beret.
The CAC was built on ersatz traditions and imposed doctrine. Although the Canadian
Army was to become) proportionally, the most mechanized in the entire war, the
Canadian Armoured Corps lacked experienced commanders.
In Canada we have no soldier trained in the operation ofwhat responsible
military opinion recognizes as the potentially most powerful arm of the

125 Comments br LtGen B. L. M. Montgomery as Com~ South East Commando Nevenheless he

went on to stale: "Tracked vehicles, such as tanks and carrie~ ca.n do great damage to cultivaled fields
unless great cale is taken~ Such vehicles will keep 10 roads whenever they cao. When moving acress

country they should avoid cultivated fields, foot crops, hop fields etc." RG24 14136 WD Conunander
Canadian Corps Dec 42: "Damage to Crops and property" Issued, Il May 42, 7, 1L

service - and what is more serious, no officer trained in the command of

• this arm. 126

Bums's words were prophetie. The Canadian Army's failure to produce offieers qualified
in temperament and experience ta lead armoured formations was ta cost dearly.

• 126 Burns, '~A Step Towards Modemization''. 305.



Buron: 7 June
Battlegroup Cunningham vs. Kampfgruppe Meyer

As the boats moved slowly from the quayside the pipers climbed to the bows ...
Every North Nova tingled as he heard the n Atholl Highlanders"
Will R. Bird

D Day Armour

The Norm~ndy landing was an impressive example of Allied power. Although the
Soviet strategie offensives were far more formidable machines ofdestruction, the
technical sophistication and organization of Overlord was unequalled. The West, at last,

drew admiration trom Stalin. Surprise was totaL OKW was taken eompletely offguard
and did not release the panzer divisions in time to launch a eounter stroke that could have
destroyed at least one of the landing areas. Major-General R. F. L. Keller's 3rd Canadian
Infantry Division assaulted Juno Beach, supported by the 2nd Canadian Armoured
Brigade eommanded by Brigadier R. A. Wyman. Its DD (Duplex Drives) Shermans
"swam in" and provided the tirst waves of infantry with direct guntire. Although sorne
tanks were swamped, the Shermans that did reaeh the beaches rattled the German
defenders, a second rate "static division," the 716th Infantry. The unit had been stripped .
down but it still had mortars and artillery. Despite the questionable quality ofits troops, l
the eoncrete and steel made up for naturai bravado.1

1 Gennan fonnations in France had been stripped oftheir rec:ce companies and best men.
Replacements consisted ofolder men and "HiWis" - volunteers from the PW cages of the Russian front. At
least a third of most Gennan infantry divisions (and some Panzer and 55 units) had Ukrainians, Poles and
1 The 716th fought weIl in its bunkers with sorne troops hanging on after they had been
surrounded. The radar station at Douvres, a group ofbunkeB, held out for days and wouJd create serious

problems for the Keller by denying the Nonh Novas effective artillery support on 7 June. Stacey, Victory
Carnpaim 122..24, 134.


One squadron ofarmoured cars from a British unit was to provide the division

• reconnaissance. A vanguard ofKeller' s own recce, "A" squadron, The 7th Recce Regt
(17 Duke ofYork's, Royal Canadian Hussars), landed with the first waves but was
organized as dismounted "Contact Detachments." The Dets were both insurance and
court spies. They established a supplementary communications link "whose primary task
would be to see that the divisional commander was kept informed as to just what his
Battalions were doing.,,3 Medium Reconnaissance, which meant to discover the location
of the enemy armoured reserves as weil as information on the Orne crossings, was
assigned'to "c" Squadron, The lons ofCourt Regiment. The British armoured cars "were
to lunge forward as soon as coastal defences were overcome and destray aIl bridges aver
the Orne along a fifteen mile stretch.,,4 However, "e" Squadron landed late smack ioto a
jam of vehicles. At one point, the divisional commander himself was directing traffic. S
Keller did not receive information about German reserves and key bridges were not
destroyed. The 21st Panzer and 12th 5S moved freely across the Odon and Orne Rivers. 6
The Canadian armour that survived the landing was aggressively handled. The
deepest Allied penetration on D Day was by the 6th CAR (The First Hussars). A troop

• from "e" Squadron penetrated to Secqueville-en-Bessin but, without infantry support, the
tanks withdrew to the safety of the beach defence perimeter for the night.

German Reaction

Field Marshal von Rundstedt did not control his own armour. The S5 panzer
divisions were operational reserves, released by HitÎer himself. Control ofWehrmacht
panzers was a compromise reached after what Von Geyr called a "cock tight." Rommel,

J Stacey,- Victory Campaign, 82. Most dets' radios went dead. Aggressive officers moved along
the beaches "Iooking for things to do." Interview with LtCol W. Bowen, 17 DYRCH, Elgin, Nov 1989.
Bowen eventually directed naval tire against a beach gw1 that was blocking the Wimùpeg Rifles' progress.
4 Stacey, Victory Campaign, 8I.
5 "Rad was in the nùddle oftlüngs, directing tmffic himself. We never did get off the beaches until
dark." Persona! interview, correspondence with General S. V. Radley-Walters, 1987, 1990, 1993.

6 GenLtEdgarFeuchtinger, "History of21 Pz Div" ETHINT ŒW'Opean Theatre Intelligence
Series), MS (Manuscript) B-631, Mm.

as commander of Army Gruppe B, was permitted controL ofthree panzer divisions: 2nd,

• 21st and 116th Panzer. 7

General Edgar Feuchtinger's 21st Panzer Division would reaet quickly, but its
meagre strength was dissipated in a series ofconfused orders that led to wasted
countermarches. The 21 st Pz was not a first class formation. It supplemented the Mark IV
Battalion with an ersatz collection ofassault guns. "Panzer Abteilung 200" sounded
menacing but could only fight from ambush. Nevenheless, the ooly panzer counter-attack
condueted on the afternoon of6 June was launched by 21st Panzer Division. After
initially chasing British and Canedian paratroopers around the west bank of the Orne, .
Feuchtinger ordered the Ist Abteilung ofpanzer R-egiment 22 to attack the gap between
Juno and Sword. This dangerous thrust was stopped by British anti-tank tire from the law
ridge near Périers. Although the Pz!Vs were forced bac~ the accompanying infantry,
elements from Panzergrenadier Regiment 902, actually reached the coast at Lion-sur-
Mer, separating the Canadian and British beachheads and relieving 716 units. They did
not stay. Fleets ofgliders flying over their heads to LZs near Caen convinced them they
were about to be cut off: The armour battle continued near Bieville and Périers. Oberst

• von Oppeln-Bronikowski, commander ofpz Abt 1, ordered his tanks onto the defensive
near Bieville. They checked the advance of27th British Brigade from hull down
positions and, arguably, saved Caen.
The D-Day actions of21 Panzer have come under sorne criticism. General
Marcks, Commander LXXXIV Korps, saw them leave their start line but was not
impressed with the hesitancy of the panzerkompanies. Nevertheless, Lion-sur-Mer was
reached by eight p.m... this success was followed by a premature decision to abandon the
town. Although there was plenty of light, confusion dominated the battlefield. The 902
proved to be a scrappy oudit and did not simply run away. They hit Le Régiment de la
Chaudière that evening, overrunning a platoon and causing sorne consternation in 8th

7 He did not own the MOst powerful unit in NonnandYt Panzer Division 130 (pz Div Lehr), which
was at full strength - a rarity in the Wehnnacht However Pz Lehr had ta recall its Panther battalion which

was entrained and en route to Russia. The Panthers were being loaded at 0230 on June 6th but the bn did
not get underway until 1700 D Day. By 1830 the Division began its rnarch from Chartres .. sorne 200 miles.
By 7th June it bad lost 84 halftrackslprime moverslSP guns, 10% of its trucks and 5 tanks to air strikes.
Effects aï Strategie and Tactical Air Power on Militarv Operations: Annex No. 17. "Summary of

Observations GeneraIleutenant Bayerei~ CG Panzer Lehr Div on Effect of Air Attack June 1944- ta April
1945." 5 June 45. The Sheffield Edwards Papers (G3 Air SHAEF). Mm.

• Cdn Brigade. 8 By the morning ofthe 7th, bath Pz Abt 1 and pzGren Regt 902 were
northeast ofCaen9 astride the Orne River blocking approaches from Sword.
The one panzer division capable of launching a serious counter stroke was the
12th SS Hitlerjugend Panzer Division but it was beset by delays. Its road march was
targeted by Allied "labos" (fighter bombers). Only one regiment and portions ofthe Mk
IV battalion reached Caen by evening. D Day armoured battles were a series ofgun duels
between Canadian tank troops and German anti-tank guns. The 12th 55 vanguard, thanks
to the delay battle fought by 21st Panzer Division, reached Caen and deployed north of
the city.

The Canadian Commanders

o Day's main task was to get troops ashore and establish a beach head - SHAEF
did not want another Dieppe. The Canadian 0 Day commanders were hand-picked for the
mission. 3rd Div was an amphibious assault division. Major General Rod Keller, who
looked like he could punch his way into France, was chosen because he would eventually
make "a two-fisted and competent Corps Comd." 10 However, he did not impress
Lieutenant General Kenneth Stuart, the Chiefof Staff at C1vlHQ: "Pompous,
inconsiderate ofothers. Anything but brilliant and much over-rated. Consider that he has
not the ability ta command a Brigade in the field much less a Division."u
Keller, who had survived a minor discipline problem quietly handled by Canadian
Army Headquarters, seemed to have Generais H. D. G. Crerar's and G. G. Simonds's
confidence. He certainly was the man ta get the battalions onto the beach. But he proved
unable, bath taetically and spiritually, to get much more out ofhis troops. Keller
answered ta a complex command structure: General Crocker who commanded 1 Corps,
General Miles Dempsey, commander 2nd British Army, and finally, Montgomery who
led 21 Army Group. General Omar Bradley (lst US Army) would saon command the
American 12th Army Group but was operationally subordinate to Montgomery,

8 Stacey~ Victorv Camoaign, 134-135.

9 Feuchtinger, B-63 L

• 10

RG24: ORist 312.009 Stuart Correspondance, 26 March 1944.
RG24: MG 27 fi, BIl, Vol 54. File: "Officers Overseas Personal Evaluations."

appointed ta fight the bridgehead battle by the Allied Supreme Commander, General
Dwight David Eisenhower. Until he felt ready to move his headquarters from England ta
France, Eisenhower made Montgomery responsible for both lodgement and breakout.
Direct British command over Canadians would continue until the commander of the First
Canadian Army, General Crerar, had landed both bis infantry divisions. The 2nd
Canadian Infantry Division (2 CID) was to fol1ow 3 CID as soon as the beaches could
accept more traffic.
Once 2nd Canadian Corps was ashore, its commander, Lieutenant General Guy
Simonds~ would assume taetical·control. He had been well regarded as a division
commander in Italy:
Most outstanding officer but not a leader of the type that will secure the
devotion ofhis followers. Similar in characteristics to General Burns and
would give his best service as a high staffofficer. Has undoubted ability
and will fight his division and make few mistakes. 12
When the remainder ofthe Canadian contingent had landed in early July, First Canadian
Army Headquarters would be established under General Crerar. It was to prove to be an

interesting exercise in personalities. Simonds and Crerar already disliked each other; a
silly incident in Italy just made things worse. 13
Montgomery did not think much ofCanadian senior officers in general. If he had
a Canadian favourite, it was Guy Granville Simonds, British born, with an agreeable
Empire style that fit in easily with any British staff. Straight shooting Canadians who
were critical ofBritish methods (and there was much to be critical about) were disliked
and dismissed as crude Americans, or worse, colonials. General Montgomery considered

11 RG24 MG27 III B Il Vol 54. Stuart: "Officers Overseas Persona! Eva1uations:~
13 Simonds disliked bis old boss Andy McNaughton and was instrumental in embarrassing him
publicly during the Italian campaign. He next fought with Crerar; their correspondence contains a forgive
and forget resolution that was made through clenched teeth. Crerar had arrived in ltaly to take over lst Cdn
Corps. He wished to quickly establish a headquatters and bring Simonds under bis control. Simonds did not
wish to answer to Crerar. He preferred Montgomery. When Crerar sent ms LO~ Capt Kirk, ta measure
Simonds's command caravan 50 he could have a duplicate buil~ Simonds gave Kirk a blast and threw him
out. Crerar felt this was a persona! slight to himselt: which it was. The two officers exchangecl a series of
legal size~ single spaced, typed letters over the event while the Corps was fighting Gennans. By the third
series of exchanges~ Simonds apologized (sort ot) and the two agreed ta forgive and forget; they didn 'l.
RG24 Crerar Papers: Ilalian Correspondence with Sîmonds. 1943 CMHQ internai stroggles even reached
the cars ofthe Min ofNational Defense•."..telegrams thathave passed•• .like those emanating from

partisans on opposite sides than from co-workers from a conunon cause." RG24. 312.009. LDS2. Stuart
Correspondence. 26 March 1944.

Simonds his protégé. The Italian campaign had tested Simonds as an infantry

• commander. For a gunner, he did weIl; but then Italy was a gunner's war.
Simonds's next appointment was commander, 5th Cdn Armoured Division. He
never took it into action. By January 1944, he was in England, selected ta command 2nd
Cdn Corps. He brought George Kitching with him and gave him the 4th Cdn Armoured
Division. Kitching had served Simonds as GSa 1, in 1st Cdn Div Headquarters. His only
armoured command, indeed rus only major command was the Ilth Infantry Brigade, 5th
CAO. As he was whisked offto England by February 44, he was unable to get any
experience in the workings of a large armoured formation. He did, however, put in one
brigade attack:
My brigade had not been able to train with tanks during December ... we
had little opportunity to train with the Three Rivers Regiment before going
into action alongside them. So the need for much closer co-operation
between armour and infantry was the tirst of our tessons. We also
disèussed the pros and cons of the artillery barrage and whether it might
have been better to do our initial attack on a two..battalion front instead of
one. 14

Kitching's appearance in London did not meet with Crerar's approval: "1 am
opposed ta commanders being followed, wherever they go, by their personal
favourites."u Nevertheless, Crerar could be professional in his evaluations. By May
1944, he indicated to Stuart that he was prepared to choose Simonds over Burns as his
replacement: "In my opinion, bath Simonds and Burns are capable of filling the
appointment of Army Comd. Of the two, Simonds would probably be more brilliant and
show more drive in field operations.,,16
Simonds's arrivai at 2nd Cdn Corps promptly resulted in a severe shake up in
command: "He was not noted for an abundance of tact or discretion. Even Montgomery

14 These same words might have been written to describe 4 CAD's performance after Tota/ize.
See: Gen George E. Kitchin& Mud and Green Fields (St Catherines: Vanwell, 1993), 174. Kitching
commanded Il cm from 1 Nov 43 to 13 Feb 44. His brigade attacked into the Qnona salient (lS-I8th
January 44). The 5th Armd Div did not get into any serious "armoured" action Wltil the battles for Rome
(24 May-4 June). See al50, Stacey, Victorv Campaim 367.370,427,692.
IS MG 27 III. Bl1, Vol 54. Letterto Stuart. 17 Jan 44.

• 16 RG24 MG27 m B11 Crerar Papers Vol 3. "Top Secretto Gen Stua.rt" 16 May 44.

found his protégé 'a tittle headstrong.",l7 General Worthington was sacked from 4th Cdn

• Armoured Div because he was too old. Simonds's youth movement swept out any
battalion commander or brigadier who Simonds decided was antediluvian.
1 regard it as a first duty ofevery commander and commanding officer to
see to it that the command of subordinate formations or units is in fit.
competent and energetic hands. In this matter there can he no compromise.
and 1 consider a commanding officer who tolerates ineffective
subordinates. is himselfunfit for the responsibility of
command. 18[underlining is Simonds's]
Simonds went on to explain his philosophy of commando He produced a comprehensive
slate that outlined the "Essential"Qualities'in the Leader." These included:
In no sense listed in any arder of priority ... Moral Qualities (Character
and layaity); Mental Qualities (Knowledge, Judgement, Initiative and
Alertness) and Physical Qualities (Fitness, Skill at Arms and Youth). "A
man is never tao young for a job, but he may be too old.... If an offieer is
fit to command a unit at twenty-five, he will be twice as good in eommand
as he will be at thirty-five.,,19
White sorne unit commanders may have deserved to be canned, there were a lot of
taetical babies thrown out with the geriatric bath water. General F. F. WOl1hington did

• not shine as a trainer of divisions, but he was a trainer of men. His exereises in the UK
demonstrated little finesse and rudimentary understanding ofarmoured doctrine at the
operational level. Worthington Iiked to surprise his enemy by doing the unusual. Sorne of
his tactieal ploys were regarded as silly pranks, and sorne were. Stuart did not think he
had the stuffto eommand a division:
Aggressive, with reputation as fearless fighter. Not a good
diseiplinarian.... Allows his interest to become absorbed in too Many
matters outside his command, leading to complaint of difficulty of
seeuring proper direction and guidance on the part of his subordinate
commanders. Consider present command too high for his abilities.2°
His replacement, Major General George Kitching, had absolutely no armoured
experience and amved in Normandy without a single divisional training exercise under

17 James Eayrs, In DeCence of Canada - Peacemaking and Deterrence, (roronto: University of

Toronto Press, 1972), 61.
18 RG24 Vol 10925 239 C3(D9) Simonds to '~All Fonnation Commanders 2nd Canadian Corps"
19 Feb 44.
tg RG24 Vol 10925 239 C3(D9) Simonds, 3.

• 20 MG.27 mBIl, Vol 54. "Oflicers Overseas: Persona! Evaluations."


his belt. He had virtually no time to train "his" division. Simonds's command decisions

• before Nonnandy were curious; in July and August, they were to prove deadly.

Plans and Geography

During the Thunderclap Conference held on 7 April 44, Allied commanders

agreed on three initial phases for Normandy Operations: "(a) the seizure of the lodgement
area, including Caen and the country south and east of it; (b) the occupation of the
Cherbourg peninsula; and, (c) the seizure of the Brittany portS.,,21 With Caen secured, the
Allies were in a position ta strike for Paris or Brittany. IfCaen remained in German
hands then the Allies would be forced iota a "battte of the beach head" - fighting to get
enough physical rcom to aetually land their breakout force. The g~6graphy ofNormandy
is divided in two main areas. West ta east, the ground is mostly bocage (extensive hedge
rows with thick roots that prevented armoured maneuver) except for the area around
Caen. The only clear area, indeed, the best tank country in north-west France was south
of Caen. A May 1944 Intsum (Intelligence Summary) circulated to D-Day formations

gave this description of the Caen battle area: "Topography: low lying, featureless, gently
undulating cultivated countryside ... there are few hedges.,,22 Given operational surprise,
aggressive action could deliver Caen into Allied hands by 7 June. Kudos for Rod Keller' s
initial success belonged to the company and battalion commanders who wrestled the
defences trom German hands. Keller's ability to command his division in battle was
about to be scrutinized. He could take a beach, but could he take Caen? His first test was
on 7 June.

:n RG24 Vol 12745 Interview withLt Gen G. G. Simonds by C. P. Stacey.

• n RG 24 14045 IntSwn Apx A to 2 CAB 00 No. 1. May 1944.


• 9 Brigade Stokes for Caen

His blood spanered face was very pale and aIl at once each man realized that the war was
very near.
Will R. Bird: NNS land on IW10 Beach

By the morning of 7 June the situation at Juno looked most promising. The
beaches were secure, ail three brigades and their armour had come ashore, and no major
German counter-attack had taken place. Save for 21st Panzer's raids against 8th Brigade,
there haq been no serious enem~ activity. ~he radar station at Douvres held out and there
was only sporadic tire along the Canadian front. Every now and then a solitary anti-tank
gun or machine gun would open up, but the soldiers quickly dealt with these
interruptions. The aim was to take Caen and the road to Caen lay open. Keller ordered his
depth formation, commanded by Brigadier D. A. Cunningham, to strike south and capture
Carpiquet airport.
Cunningham was a lawyer from Kingston, Ontario. A tall, weil spoken, intelligent
officer, he was tiercely proud ofthe fact that he commanded the only "Canadian

• Highland Brigade.,,23 He had previous battle experience in Italy (he had been Crerar's Gl
Ops) and was wellliked by the British; both Cracker and Dempsey had great
expectations afhim. Cunningham got along with Simonds and Crerar4 but he did not get
"along with his immediate boss. He considered Keller a "sergeant major.,,25 On D-Day,
Cunningham pushed the 9th through 8th Brigade and set up Brigade HQ in Basly, about
two miles from the front line that extended south to Villons-les-Buissons. Later, General
Keller confided to Crocker that he felt Cunningham had "failed ta take objectives.,,26

23 9 cm comprised: The Highland Light Infantry of Canada The Stonnont, Dundas and Glengany
High1anders, and The Nonh Nova Scotia Highlanders. Cunningham always wore a Balmoral and often
spol1ed a kilt Personal interview with Srig D. A. Cwmingham. Kingston Ontari0 141an 1990.

24 RG24 ~G 30 157. Vol8L D Crerar Papers. Confidentialletterto Stuart. 10 Jul44.

2S Cunningham did not think much ofKellerts intellectua1 ability and considered rus Divisional
Commander pushy: '~I don 9t think he really knew what the heU to do...! don 9t think he had all the qualities a
divisional commander should have•..leading and knowing ms troops." Keller had previously instructed
Cunningham on the Militia Staff Course at RMC. He still treated CWUlingham as "a student" CW1JÙngham.
26 It is not clear, but likely that Keller was aetually referring to the attack on Carpiquet.. RG24;

MG30 157. Vol 8LD. Crerar Papers. Rand written ConfidentiaI letter from Brig A. E. Walford (DA&CMG,
1 Cdn Army) after intelVÎew with Keller. 13 Jul44.

Carpiquet Airfield was located southwest of Caen on a flat plateau that gave away

• to the south and the Odon River. The plateau overlooked the junction of the Orne and
Odon rivers. On a clear day, one could see across the Orne onto the plain that led to
Bourguébus Ridge. Looking south past Fleury, Verrières ridge layon the horizon like a
beached whale. Control ofCarpiquet gave a commander domination of the Orne
crossings as weIl as a direct route ta the center ofCaen, the bridges leading ta Falaise,
and Paris. Should Cunningham capture Carpiquet and exercise a bit of initiative, he could
push another ofhis three infantry battalions through the open ground ofthe Caen
hippodrome directly ta the hotel·area and Gestapo headquarters. This would give him
immediate access to the Orne bridges. Should an aggressive divisional commander follow
up 9th Brigade with a determined push and 2 CAB' s tanks, Caen could easily faIl on the
second day of the invasion. Carpiquet was not defended. The only German units in the
area were a motarized flak platoon on the airfield itselfand a battery of lOSmm medium
howitzers. Ail three units were from the 12th SS (Hitlerjugend) Panzer Division.

The Hitledugend Panzer Division

• 12th S8 was raised in 1943 near Beverloo, Belgium. [ts cadres were mostly
volunteers fram the Hitler Youth, although it had transfers from Wehrmacht units as weIl
as general conscripts.27 The officers and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) were
combat veterans drawn from the Hitlerjugend's "parent" unit, the Leibstandarte Adolf
Hitler (LAH), the elite 1st 55 Panzer Division. 28 The average recroit age was seventeen
and the soldiers were treated accordingly. Kurt Meyer boxed the ears ofa homesick
soldier who had run away during basic training: "That's in place ofyour father. Nowoff

l1 In addition to transfers and conscripts, the division's other ranks included about 500 ltaIians.
Russians and Volksdeutsehe. Hubert Meyer, Kriegsgeschichte der 12.SS...panzerdivision "Hitleriugend"
(Osnabrück: Munin Verlag, 1987).Vo12 and, Hubert Meyer, trans H. H. Henschler, The Historv orthe 12.
SS-Panzerdivision "Hitler Jugend" (Winnipeg: Fedorowicz Publislùng, 1994), 6-8, also, Craig W. H.
Luther, Blood and Honor: The Historv orthe 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitler Youth". 1943-45 (san Jose:
R. James Bender Pub., 1987), 30-33, 62, 93.
28 Besides cadres of Nees andjrofficers, 23 high ranking (Captain and above) officers transferred
from 1LAH to 12 HI including the Div Comd, Fritz Witt, Hubert Meyer, Max: Wünsche, Arnold
Iiirgensen, Heinz Prinz, Hans Scappini, Wilhelm Molmke, Bernhard Krause, Gerhard Bremer, Hans Siegel

and Kurt Meyer himselt: See: H. Meyer, 802--813. AIso, RudolfLelunann und Ralf Tiemann Die
Leibstandane Band IVII, (Osnabrock: Munin Verlag, 1986).

with you, and do your duty like the others. The matter is forgotten. ,,29 The parental
attitude to command was an intelligent choice. Most Hitlerjugend soldiers had fathers on
the Russian front and left home while their families endured the horrors ofAllied
strategie bombing. Many had recently lost one or bath parents. The officers and Senior
Non..Commissioned officers were more like older brothers; the unit commanders were
father figures.
Many officers and NCOs, in faet, took a special interest in the boys such
as Ietters ta authorities and even comforting them when homesickness
struck. Divisional poliey in general promoted an unusually close
relationship between unit leaders and their troops. The result of such a
bonding process would be poignantly evident during the Normandy
campaign, when, on occasion, young soIdiers risked their lives to retrieve
the bodies of fallen leaders. 30
Despite the larger than life legends associated with the 12HJ, it was not raised as
an elite panzer division, but as motorized infantry. A visit by General Guderian in
October had so impressed him that he at once aceepted their request to be upgraded to a
panzer division. This was not easy in 1943. That the unit received any equipment at ail
was due to its progenitor, the 1st S8, and the efforts of its weil connected officers. The
commander ofHitlerjugend's Panzer Regiment, SS Brigadier Max Wünsche, ("decorated
like a Christmas tree... approx 6ft 4in in height, broad shouldered...a good Iooking man,
blonde, with eyes not unlike Meyer's, and in one phrase, the perfect example of Aryan
youth as laid down in the pages of 'Mein Kampf' ... ,,31) had served as Hitler's aide until
he convinced his reluctant Führer to al10w him to fight with the LAH in Russia. The unit
acquired equipment by pleading and scrounging. Its tirst armoured vehicles appeared via
1st SS largesse. Wünsche's initiative gave the HI Panzer Regiment a unique look in the
German panzer corps. When Italy surrendered in 1943, Wünsche raided the storage
depots ofthe Italian navy and brought back brown leather coveralls and jackets made for

29 "Discipline was strict, the youths forbidden to drink, smoke or to pattonize the local brotheIs. In
fac~ any relationship with girls was prohibited for those under 18. The boys were given sweets instead.n
Luther~ 62, 74.

.30 Luther 62.

• ]1 RG24 10414 "Special Interrogation Report BdeFührerMax Wünsche Comd 12 SS Pz Rege, 24

Aug 45. The commander of9th Panzer Kompanie was von Ribbentrop, son orthe Nazi foreign minïster.

• ItaIian submarine crews. The leathers proved to be an excellent protection for tank crews
against burns and were the envy ofGerman and Allied armoured units alike.
12 55 was a 1944 type panzer division. It was organized around three maneuver
units: a panzer regiment and two panzergrenadier regiments. SS Panzer Regiment 12
comprised two tank battalions: a Panther battalion and a PzKw MIe IV battalion.
Although its infantry was designated "panzergrenadier" (armoured infantry), there were
fewer annoured personnel carriers (APCs). The average was one Schützenpanzerwagen
battalion per regiment, but the 12 SS only had one APC battalion (in Mohnke's 26th 5S
pzGren Regiment) for the entire division. J2 The unit was supported by dual purpose
FLAI< 88mm and a strong artillery regiment.
The division's order ofbattle included 177 tanks. 33 In addition, the division's anti-
tank battalion had three companies (28 vehicles) ofthe JagdPz IV, a vehicle better
armoured than any Allied tank, superior to the Mark IV, and mounting the same gun as
the Panther. Unlike Allieri tank destroyers, the German JagdPanzers were weIi armed and
armoured. They could both support infantry and fight Allied tanks. Main battle tanks
were used in the recce troop instead of Iight tanks. The 12th 55 was unique in that it had
a fifth tank company in its second battaIion. 34 On 6 June the 12th SS fielded 185 tanks;
the total MBT strength of its opposite number, the 2nd Canadian Arrnoured Brigade (2
CAB) was 190 Shermans and 33 Stuart reconnaissance tanks. 3S

3Z 12 SS Pz Div(as at 6 Jun 44): SS Pz Regt12: 151 Bn 63x PzVPanther, IInd Bn 94x PzIV; S5 pzjg
Bn12: 28x PzjgIV and 12x 75mm Pak 40; 12 SS PzArty Regt: Onlyone of its three battalions was self propelled.
Ist Bn 12x Wespe 105mm SP, 6x Hummel 150mm SP; IInd Bn: 18xl05nun towed; llIrd Bn: 4x 105mm tow~
12x 150mm towed; The division had its own multiple rocket launcher battalion, "Nebelwerrers." 5S
WerferAbteilung 12: 12:< 150mm Nebelwerfer; 6x 280mm Nebelwerfer, 6x 320mm Nebe1werfer; S5
FlakAbteilung 12: 12x 88mm FJak, 9x 37mm Flak: 25th SS PzGren Regt; 26th SS pzGren Regt (3rd Bn in APCs);
Recce Sn; Pioneer Bn; and three support services battalions. Commander: 5SBrig.Fhr. Fritz Witt; Chiefof Staff:
Stubaf Hubert Meyer; S5 PzRegt12: Ostubaf Wün5che; 151 Pz Bn: Jürgensen, 2nd Pz Bn: Prinz 5SPzGrenRegts
25, 26: StafKurt Meyer, Mohnke; Recce: StubafBremer. H. Meyer 352-359.
33 94 Panzer IVHs, 63 Panther Gs, 12 Panzer 38C'ns and 8 command tanks. PzKw IV AusfH
featured a high velocity Kwk 75mm U48 gun. The Panther carried the hot KwK42 U70 7Smm gun. The Pz
38(t) was a Czech tank and used by 12 5S FOOs as an arty command vehicle. See: H. Meyer and, F. M.
von 5engerund Etterlin~ Die Deutschen Panzer 1926-1945 (Munchen: Lehmanns Verlag, 1965).
34 Pcrhaps due to von Ribbenttop's connections, he ended up commanding the extra company.
35 RG24. WD 2 CAB. Tank State 6 June 1944. Each regiment reported S5 5he~ 12 VC

Fireflies and Il Stuarts. However, Stacey notes: The IstHussar's strength had been 50 reduced in the D

Day fighting that squadrons had to he combined into one and the regiment was not ready to give immediate
support to the infantty when the advance began." Stacey, Victorv Carnpaign. 126.


• The first 12th SS unit to reach Caen was the 25th SS Panzergrenadier BattaIion
commanded by SS BrigadetUhrer Kurt Meyer. Six years' battle experience in Poland,
France, the Balkans, and Russia had produced a battle-wise, aggressive commander.
Meyer's dynamic career eamed him the title "Schnelle Meyer." By the time he
commanded the 12th SS Division, he was known as "Panzermeyer.,,36
Standing approx 5 ft: 10 in. in height, broad shouldered, thick set, his
whole appearance dominated by his cold grey-blue eyes, which fixed one
with what almost.amounts to a stare whenever he is talking, Kurt Meyer is
the personification ofNational Socialism.... On military matters his mind
was crystal clear, and once having orientated himself on a map he was
able to go through the campaign phase by phase givi.ng strengths,
boundaries, tasks with consummate ease. The whole time, however, his
conversation was coloured by the pride that he had in his men and the way
they fought. 37
12 HJ's progress was hampered by Allied air power and petrol shortages. The Panther
battalion and Mohnke' s 26th Pz Gren Regt would not arrive in Caen until the night of the
7th. The Panzer Division Lehr was sa heavily attacked that it would not reach the

• beachhead for days and 21st Panzer had shot its boit. 12HJ was alone. The counter-attack
against the Allied beaches had to be conducted by Meyer' s brigadegroup. Neither the
German nor the Canadian attack plan was particularly creative. Keller ordered
Cunningham down the main road and that's exactly what Cunningha~ did. The 9th
Brigade advanced "one up": the North Nova Scotia Battiegroup marched south on the
Les Buissons-Carpiquet macadam.
Meyer, with his objective, "The Beaches," deployed his regiment "three up." His
battalions were spread across the front line in an arc. The 3rd Battalion was on the left
near the western outskirts ofCaen and to the rear ofthe Abbaye Ardennes, which served
as Meyer's command post. The Abbaye was a miniature fortress; ilS high stone wans
surrounded gardens, ponds, great medieval barns, a main residence, and the great Abbaye

36 "panzenneyer's" tank experience was limited to panzeriagers in Poland. He made bis name as
the dace devil CO of the motorcycle company and the recce battalion. The "panzer" sobriquet is more a
reference to charc1eter rather than exploits in tanks. The Chiefof Staff of 12 5S was Huben: Meyer, no
relation. The officers were given a cigarette ration. Sînce he did not smoke. the COS traded bis cigarettes
for sweets andjam. He was privately called "MannaIade Meyer." Personal interview Hans Siegel. 199 L

• 37 RG 24 10474 Special Interrogation Report BdeFübrer Kurt Meyer Comd 12 58 ID. 24 Aug 45.

BURON: 7 JUNE 1944

• @JAltYMO~

7 JUNE 1944
25th SS PZ GREN REGY: = ~M1lfS

• Figure 10

itselfwhich was a taU feudal structure with splendid carvings, gothic windows, and four

• turret-towers. Each turret was about five stories in height and provided magnifieent views
overthe Caen countryside, overlooking Cussy, Authie, and Gruchy. The northem towers
faced the channel beaehes - "le manche" could aimost be seen.
The 2nd Bn deployed northeast ofthe Abbaye at Bitot, parallel to Ist Bn in the
village ofLa Folie. Meyer arranged Prinz's 2nd Bn in a tight arc behind the infantry
battalions. The 5th and 6th Pz Companies were astride the Caen-Bayeux highway,
covering Carpiquet and the Abbaye Ardennes. The PzIV's killing zone was the main road
tram Les Buissons that led south through Buron and Authie to Carpiquet. 7th Pz Coy was
southwest ofthe Abbaye Ardennes just above St. Germain-la-Blanche-Herbe. Captain
Hans Siegel's 8th pz Kompanie was south ofLa Folie, supporting Ist Battalion.
"Company" is generous as Siegel's entire command was 4 PzlVs. The 9th Pz Company
was held in reserve south of the Abbaye. Prinz's battalion paraded less than fi ftYtanks. 38
In support, Meyer had a large slice ofthe division's artillery and multiple rocket
launcher regiments (105mm, 170mm and Nebelwerfer batteries) as weil as the infantry
guns integral to the rifle battalions. 39 In addition, he was given medium and heavy tlak

• (dual purpose 88s) which he deployed aiong the left and center as an anti.. tank gun line.
From his position high in the northwest tower of the Abbaye, Meyer could see the wide
panorama ofthe front. On his left rear was Carpiquet and the main highway to Bayeux.
Behind him were the spires of Caen, and to his far right were elements of21 Panzer
blocking the approaches from the British beach at Douvres. Across his front was the open
flat ground that led to the Canadian beaches. Nothing was seen ofCanadian troops,
although firing was heard in the direction ofLes Buissons and Douvres. The barrage
balloons on the horizon gave a good indication where the center ofeach beachhead was.
How Meyer planned to storm the beaches is not clear. Based on his Russian
experience, there was a good chance that ifhe broke through the outer perimeter and
began to run amuck in the rear areas, the Canadians would panic and collapse. He did not
think the Canadians were going ta be tough ta crack and referred to them as "kleine

38 Siegel estimates "About 30 panzers [from II PzBn} participated in the 7 Iune attack." Interview
Hans Siegel~ Normandy and Bad Teinach, 1991~ 1992. See aIso Luther~ H. Meyer, and K. Meyer.

39 Gennan doctrine allowed infantry regiments and banalions lavish numbers ofSlmm mortars as
weil as low velocity 7Smm assault guns. This "regimentaI arty'~ was towed or manhandled into position.

fische. n40 Information from both 716 and 21st Pz told Meyer he faced the better parts of

• two divisions on twa separate beaches. His jaurney ta Caen must have convinced him of
the deadliness of Allied fighter bombers, but his Eastern Front background could not
have prepared him for the weight of naval gun tire that awaited him should he get close
to the beaches. Conversely, the closer the combat, the safer he was. By striking quickly,
breaking in, and playing the fox in the hen bouse in the beach administrative area, Meyer
could be sare fram bath artillery and air, but he would have ta move quickly. His armour
had anived in dribbles, held up by air attack, mechanical breakdown, or empty fuel tanks.
WünscheJs Panthers were stranded east of the Orne waiting for fuel, and Meyer's men
were tired after twenty-four hours of raad marching.

The Canadians

The Canadian battlegroup was based on the North Nova Scotia Highlanders
(NNS) which censisted of a unit from the Maritimes whose officers and men were a
bardy collection of fishermen, farmers, and hard-rock miners. The NNS was grouped

• with a unit from Quebec, The Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment (27 CAR). The "Sherbies,"
recruited trom Quebec's eastem townships and the western provinces, like the NNS, were
mostly a collection of farmers and miners. Their officers were generally from the cities,
many ofwhom were students or graduates from Bishop's University. Bath units were
hard working "no friUs" regiments and, by 1944, thoroughly trained. However, unlike the
12 55, neither the Canadian officers nar the NeOs had any previous battle experience.
The NNS comprised four infantry companies supported by its own mortars, anti-
tank platoen, and reconnaissance plataon. The Support Company had enough bren gun -
carriers41 to mount a company; basically, the Novies were "leg infantry" - they walked to

40 RG24 10677 Interrogation Lt General Feuchtinger, CÛt 2151 Pz.Div. 2S Aug 1945.: "When
Feuchtinger had briefed Meyer on the situation, the Standartenfilhrer assured the GenLt that the English
ukleine fischen (little fish) would saon be thrown back inlo the sea."
41 Fully tracked, lightly annoured utility vehicles; no over head cover and anned with the Czech
designed "Bren" gun, the standard light machine gun found in an infantry section. The carriers were

slightly larger than a Jeep but had good cross-country ability and were certainly preferable to advancing on

battle. 42 The Sherbrooke regiment was three squadrons strong. The Regimental

• Commander, Lt.Col. Mel Gordon, had his own Headquarters troop and the Regimental
Recce troop which held eleven M2 Stuarts, with turrets. 43 The North Novas, commanded
by Lieutenant Colonel Charles Petch, ("his ability as a soldier and his forceful personality
were responsible for the unit's attainment of a high degree of efficiency"44) were
supported by a platoon of medium machine guns from the 3rd Divisional Machine Gun
Battalion, The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada, and a troop of MIO tank
destroyers from the divisional anti-tank battalion. Artillery support was to be provided by
14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment (priests); naval gunfire was to be controlled by a
Naval Fire Direction officer.

The Advance to Contact

Petch did not begin his advance until 7:45 a.m. 4S Minor sniper and long range
anti-tank tire seems to have delayed the NNS. The opposition possibly consisted of
determined 716 stragglers, but more probably incorporated remnants of the same 215t

• Panzer Combat team (192 Pz Gren Bn)46 that had hit Le Régiment de la Chaudière on the
night of the 6th. Petch deployed his battlegroup; Stuarts from 27 CAR recce troop Ied as
the vanguard:
Behind them came "e" Company of the Highlanders, riding on the
battalion's carriers. Next came a platoon of medium machine-guns from
the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa, a troop oftank destroyers of the
divisional anti-tank regiment, two assault sections of pioneers and four
battalion 6-pounders. Behind this vanguard, which was commanded by

42 North Nova Scotia Highlanders: Pipe Band and HQ, four rifle companies A., B, C, D; AnU-tank
Platoon: 8x 6 pdr; Monac Platoon: 12x 3" mortars; Recce Platoon, Pioneer Platoon, Carrier Platoon, Signal
Platoon. CO: Lt Col Charles Petch, 2IC. Major O. F. Fomes, RSM Joc MacNeil, A Coy: Maj L. M. Rhodenizer,
B Coy: Maj J. W. ponglas, C Coy: Maj J. O. Leannent, D Coy: Maj C. F. Kennedy.
43 "C3nadian" Stuarts in ltaly had their turrets removed and were used as both recce and FOO
vehicles. Normandy Stuans kept their turret and the 37mm gun. "Policy re removal of Stuart turrets left to
discretion of fmns." RG24 14186 BRAC HQ First Cdn Army, 31 Jul44.
44 Will R. Bir~ No Retreating Footsteps - the storv orthe North Novas (Kentville: Kentville
Publishing, 1983), 25.
45 Stacey, Victo!V Campaign, 126.

• 46 Stacey, Vietorv Campaign, 127. See also Meyer, Craig, von Luck.


....,.... 7 lune 1944


Lt.-cot. M.BL Gordon

~ 24x IOSIIIII1 PriOlt

7 June 1944

.' llt~
SS..BrigadefUhrer K. Meyer
SS-SturmbumfùhrerH. PriD%
12.tb 5S ARIY


• Figure Il

Major J. D. Learment of the North Nova Scotias, came the main body of

• the advanced guard, three infantry companies riding on Sherman tankS.47

Petch controlled an annour heavy battiegroup which consisted ofa full regiment
of tanks and his own battalion. In the open country south ofLes Buissons, the tanks
should have been leading and maneuvering freely. Instead, they canied infantry. In the
ftaly doctrine of 1944, tanks were ordered in suppon ta infantry. Although this was a
situation where someone (Cunningham or Keller) should have ordered an armoured
battlegroup with "infantry under command" ta strike for Caen, no one seems ta have
thought ofit.48 The Kampfgrupp.e principl~ was not being practiced by Canadians.
Meyer, an infantry commander, had tanks under direct commando More
important, Meyer was forward, observing the battle. Cunningham, in British.. Canadian
style, was at his Headquarters following events based on radio situation reports. White
the North Novas appear ta have simply driven south astride the road, there is evidence
that LtCol Gordon attempted sorne maneuver with his squadrons, but since they carried
riflemen, it must have been limited. Untit the infantry dismounted, the tanks were, de
facto. "battie taxis." There was a minor skirmish with anti..tank guns before they secured

• Buron. 49 It had taken Petch three hours to advance less than two miles.

47 Stacey, Victory Campaign, 128.

48 rt would not have been too difficult to son out The 27th CAR and the NNS were old friends
and had rehearsed this exactly a year before on Exercise Ram "designed to practice close cooperation
between the North Novas and the Sherbrooke Tank Regiment" By June 44~ after three 36 months in the
~ the NNS had completed 21 major training exercises: Beaver ~ ThistJe~ Conqueror~ Beaver IV, Tiger~
Harold. Alpine, Ladybir~ Airedale, Spartan ..the greatest offensive exercise ever staged in the military
lûstory ofthese Islands" • London Times 12 March 1943), Wels~ Beach. Ram. Scalpsie, Ulysses, Pirate,
Snowball, Pus~ Endeavor, Pedal~ and, Prank. U •••the Novas rode on tanks••.•" Bird, 39. They could not
have been better tl'ained or more ready.
49 ''Two 88-mm guns are said to have been knocked out before the village was in our hands. Buron
was occupied by 11:50." RG 24 15271 WD NNS 7 June 44. Accordingto Huben Meyer, there were no 88s
in Buron. There were 88 FIak guns from IlFlak12 outside Cussy and in Franqueville but it is not clear if
they depIoyed there before or after the Buron battle. No unit from 12 SS opened fire before 1400. Meyer
did note ''To the left were only stragglers ftom 716 Inf.Divand small groups oC the 21.Pz.Div, probably

from panzerjAgerabteilung 200." H. Meyer, 40. Sec also ETHINT MS B-814 "Interview Pz Col Fritz
Kzaeme~, 28.4.48.

• First Blood: "Panzers - Marchr"

Suddenly, all heU broke loose.

RSM "Bill" Baillie, NNS

The Canadian battlegroup's advance had been observed with great interest by
Meyer from the Abbaye's turret. so He decided to delay his own attack and engage this
very promising target which was pushing south so nicely concentrated, its flanks totally
exposed. "He immediately directed that tire could only be opened on his order. n51 "B"
Company, North Novas, pushed"towards Authie which was approximately 1200 meters
south ofBuron. The infantry dismounted halfway and the Shermans deployed to give
covering tire. "Shortly 'c' Company passed two platoons in carriers through 'B'. After a
short skirmish they took Authie and proceeded ta dig in on the south edge ofthe village,
which was under intense mortar and artillery fire."S2 It is not clear who was involved in
the skirmish as 25 SS was not yet launched into the counter-attack. The 9th Brigade
Operations Log has Authie secured at 1300 hours. "Ten minutes laterthe Brigade
informed Division that there was annour 800 yards east of Authie....nS3

• At this point Petch stopped ail aggressive action, even though "27th Armoured
Regiment's Stuarts had reported themselves in Franqueville, close ta Carpiquet. n54 By
now "An Company had also dismounted their tanks and were pushing on alone. Petch
had decided to withdraw the troops in Authie and form a "battalion fortress" on the rising
ground north orthe village. "A:' Company accordingly dug in southeast ofGruchy.
Meyer' s initial instructions were compromised when Petch stumbled into a firefight, lost
initiative, and decided to dig in. Clearly, the Canadians could not be tempted further.
Meyer' s concem grew as from his northeast he saw British tanks "assembling in the area
south of Colomby-sur-Thaon. n55 With Petch declining ta advance and settling for a vague

sa 12HJ HQ Sigs section had rigged wire to the turret providing Meyer with communication with
bis entire commando His arty FOCs aIso used the Abbaye as an OP.
SI H. Meyer, 42.
52 Stacey, Victory Campaign, 128.
53 Stacey. Victory Campaia 128.
54 Stacey. Victory Campaim 128.

• S5 H. Meyer, 42•

~ UlS1"ER RE

SITUATION: 1400 HfI, 7 JUNE 1144




• Figure 12

'~fortress" around Buron, the circumstances were perfeet for a bold brigade commander to

• take the reins and initiate maneuver warfare: use the Novas as the Brigade "pivot" and
swing a second battalion onto Carpiquet since the lead squadron of27th CAR was just
about there. This is what the 1944 doctrinal instructions described and these were the
accepted taetics. But there was no leadership trom brigade. Cunningham was still weIl
back; ronning the battle by acquiescence. Once Petch lost the will to push, 9 Brigade
stopped cold, which was unfartunate because Cunningham had two fresh infantry
battalions down the road. Up to this moment, save for scattered tire and a few stonks
from monars, nothing signiticant had occurred. Suddenly the situation came to a head:
Untersturmfiihrer Porsche was reconnoitring with his four Panzer lVs
alang the Franqueville-Authie road. At 1400 hours he unexpectedly
encountered Sherman tanks of the Sherbrooke Fusiliers which were
approaching from Authie. In the brieffire fight three ofhis panzers were
knocked out. S6
Meyer wasted no time. He tumed ta the commander ofthe 12th 5S Pz Regt, Max
Wünsche, who was with him in the Abbaye turret, and signalled the attack. Wünsche
promptly issued the arder "Panzers-March!" and the Hitlerjugend whirlwind descended

• on Petch's Maritimers.

Buron: Phase 1 - The Attack orthe 3rd /25 5S pzGren

Captain Fraser kept shooting Wltil he was killed. So did the North Novas with him, and
the Sherbrooke Fusiliers and the Cameron HighJanders who elected ta fight ta the finish.
Will R. Bird; North Nova Scotia Regiment History

The tactical situation was not in the Canadians' favour. The leading Stuarts of the
27 CAR Recce Troop had reached Franqueville and the troop leader actually reported
seeing Carpiquet airfield. S7 They disappeared from the battle the moment Wünsche
ordered his tanks forward. They were likely immediately engaged by Prinz's 5th Panzer
Company whic~ presumably destroyed most of them very quickly.58 The German attack

S6 H. Meyert 42.
S7 Interview Gen Radiey-Walters, Caen. 1992. Franqueville leads ta the Bayeux Iùghway and then
ralls into a low gully made by the main railway line to Bayeux. Beyond this dead ground one can easily
make out the green sweep of the airfield and the spires ofCaen. The Stuarts must bave felt they were
praetically in Caen.

• SB The midnight June 7th Tank State reported by 27 CAR to 2 CAB shows only 2 operational M3s
out ofthe troop's complement of 11. RG24 14045 WD 2 CAB 8 June 44.

"surprised the enemy in the left flank.... Within a short time several Shermans were in
t1ames and exploded."s9 Petch's battalion, with both flanks in the air and no support at
hand, was caught flat footed as the lead companies were trying to extricate themselves
from Authie. "Cn Company and part of"B" Company were overrun. Things became truly
perilous when it was realized that the supporting Canadian artillery regiment, 14 RC~
was not in range and could give no indirect tire support.60 Worse, the Naval FOO's
communications completely broke down, thereby eliminating any hope for naval gun tire
as well. 61 Although the Highlanders and their supporting tank squadron fought
determinedly, the enemy attack swept ail before it. Directly, "A" Company neac Gruchy
was hit and after a salid fight, it too, was ovenun: AlI that stood between Meyer and Les
Buissons was "0" Company, frantically digging in at the southeast corner afBuron.

Tank and Infantry Close Quarter Battle

As German infantry pushed forward through the waist high wheat,62 their Panzer
IVs swept wide ta the west of Authie and Gruchy ta cut offBuron. They were met by two

• squadrons of the 27th which swung Ieft and right acound Buron in an attempt to save the
Ieading companies. 5th and 6th Panzer Companies were hit by both Sherman tank tire
and Canadian anti..tank guns. Four Panzer IVs were immediately set on fire. As the tank
battle raged, the Hitlerjugend launched their attack on Buron. But "D" Company would
not budge and heavy house to house fighting ensued. Buron, 1500 meters north of
Authie, was in range of 14 RCA and, for the tirst time, the panzergrenadiers had to
contend with heavy indirect tire as weIl as desperate small arms tire from the North
Nova's platoons. Further, the Sherbrooke squadrons' tire was now augmented by tire

59 H. Meyer, 42.
60 14 ReA was Ustepping up" by battery during the NNS advance but came wtder ~'continuous
monar fire" in i~new gwt area (probably from the Gennans al Douvres). Major '~Iimnûe" Stewart recalls
taking both direct and indirect fire white trying to deploy. Interview, Bdc. J. StewaI't July 1994.
61 UBill" Saillie, a NNS Sgt al Suron, remembers seeing "the young Naval officer standing on the
road beside bis useless radio, crying • just crying in frustration." Personal interview RSM W. Baillie, 1992.
62 The attack was filmed by an S5 Cinema team: b/w footage shows a bright sunny clay, the tall
wheat fields around Buron and the young panzergrenadiers, halfhidden in the grain, advancing with their
tanks. See: NFB archives in Montreal, The Canadian National Film Archives, Ottawa and British Film

Archives, British War Museum, London; the film bas close-ups ofknocked out 27 CAR Shennans as weil
as a frame ofa halfbumed sweatshirt with a crest and identification "Canadian Annoured Corps."
BURON 7 "UN. 44
2Sth . . REGT Ba va NNS BQ
PHAS. 1: 1400 Hra

AnACK: 3rd DN / 8 as

• BURON 7 "UNE 44
Dth 18 REGT Ba
PHASE 21 1500 Hn
v. NN. Ba

2nd BN 125 55 Jolna attack


from the Tank Destroyer troop near Les Buissons. AIthough not effective against Panther

• and Tiger, an MIO could dispatch a Pz IV with ease: "The defense by the Canadians was
sa strong that the panzers had ta tum back. ,,63 Buron held.

Buron: Phase 2 - The Attack ofthe 2nd /25 SS pzGren

At 1500 hours Meyer ordered his center and right wing ta attack. The battle for
Buron appeared ta be in hand, but strong British forces were demonstrating on his far
right and making a bid for Cambes, on the north road that led ta the center of Caen.
. .
2nd/25 SS Pz Gren had no enemy in front and the Canadians on its right were
withdrawing. Its commander, Sturmhannfiihrer Scappini, attacked through St. Contest
and into Galmanche "without encountering serious resistance, bothered ooly by artillery
tire. ,,64 The supporting panzer companies followed the panzergrenadiers in a wide wedge
formation, pausing every now and then to exchange tire with the Sherbrookes on their far
left. The lst/25 SS was not ready to attack and waited until Scappini's companies had
secured their left flank before advancing against Cambes where they knew the larger

parts of two British infantry battalions, and at least one armoured regiment, awaited them.
The confusion around Buron continued. Petch feH back towards Les Buissons
while Gordon's tanks gave him covering fire. Although the infantry battle had been all
S8 thus far, the tank battle was better matched. The PzI(w IV H was a fair counterpart ta
the M4 Sherman. Each tank' s gun could defeat the annour of the other at extreme range.
The Sherbrookes were concentrated around Buron with sixty-seven gun tanks, including
twelve Firefly 17 pdrs; the 2nd Pz Battalion was strongly supported by artillery and 88
anti-tank tire but committed its tanks piecemeaL 5th and 6th Panzer Companies had no
more than twenty tanks between them and, even if 9th and 7th Company got in the odd
lucky shot, the combat ratio was still about fony to sixty-seven in the Canadians' favour.
Prinz's 5th and _6th Pz Companies were short by at least seven tanks, while the 27th CAR
was augmented by additional tire trom the MIO troop near Les Buissons. Nevertheless, it

63 H. Meyer, 42.

64 H. Meyer, 43. As Scappini and bis command group were out on a recce, ther ··were swprised
by three advancing Canadian tanks." Scappini was killed.

was about as fair a tank fight as one got in N ormandy. The Sherbrookes had the

• numerical advantage, but the experience edge went to the panzers.

Cunningham had still not come farward and continued to follow events via
wireless. Brigadier Wyman did the same. His location is not confirmed, but, in
accordance with Canadian procedure, he was likely co-located with 9 Brigade or Keller's
Headquarters. As he became aware of the tank battle, he reacted to Gordon's pleas for
support. At 1430 hours 27 CAR reported themselves heavily engaged with enemy tanks
in the Buron area and asked for reinforcement. Brigadier Wyman ordered 10 CAR to
stand by ·to move in full strength and went forward. 65 As Meyer's second phase
commenced, 3rd/25 SS gave Buron another try:
... attack on Buron with the remaining panzers. Again, house to house
fighting. Many prisoners were taken. We pushed past the edge of town.
Heavy machine gun tire, we pressed our heads into the ground. There was
no possibility offurther advance. We had ta withdraw again. 66
Once more "D" Company defeated its attackers. The confusion of battle could not
result in any sort of rational deployment by Petch. "D" Company, or what was left of it,
held Buron. Remnants of"A" and a large part of"B" Company were in the grain between

• Buron and Les Buissons. Gordon's annour was on the flanks, mostly to the east,
engaging 5th and 6th Pz Coys as weil as the newly appeared 7 Pz Coy as it headed
toward St. Contest. The center approach was covered by IDs and what was left of the
NNS anti-tank platoon.67 The 3rd/25 SS attacked again.
The German anack consisted of two waves of infantry, then the panzers
advanced slowly and purposely. The infantry ofthe Novas withdrew to
positions directly south ofLes Buissons. As it turned out, only tive men of
"C" Company and few of"A" Company made it there. German infantry
pursued them, recaptured Buron and then attacked "D" Company of the .

65 RG24 14045. WD 2 CAB, 7 June 44. UAt 1430 27 CAR reported themselves heavilyengaged
with en tanks in thê area of Buron and asked for relief. Brig Wyman ordered 10 CAR to stand by ta move
in full strength and wenl fwd using 2 HQ tanks to make a persona! recce of the sil. At 1700 Brig Wyman
rctumed with the news that the situation was in band." RG 24 14045 WD 2 CAB 7 JWle 44.
65 Strummann Vasold report. Quoted in H. Meyer, 42.
67 The platoo~ now under command of Sergeant 1. 1. Martin, deployed in the taU grain covering
the center road leading to les Buissons. They were at the Mercy of any attacking infantty. E.~sed and

unsupported, they opened tire on a PzIV troop as it attempted to skirt Buron and drive into Les Buissons.
Persona! interview, J.J. Martin, 1991.

North Novas with Bayonets. Our tanks roUed past "0" Company and

• retreated with only minor losses. 68

"D" Company hung tough and beat back the assault. Undaunted, OstubafMilius
organized his companies for yet another attempt. Thraughout, a defeatist attitude
prevailed in Petch's headquarters.
The battalion prepared to defend itselfto the last. When the panzers came
araund the flanks, the remaining tanks of the 27th Canadian Armoured
Regiment, the self propelled anti-tank guns in the woods ofLes Buissons,
and alilight infantry weapons opened tire aver the heads ofour own
troops on the north edge ofBuron. 69
"D" Company' s stand seemed to put things into sorne sort of perspective. A potential rout
became a partial withdrawal ta a final stand, but then the final stand area became the 5tart
line for a battalion counter-attack.

Buron: Phase 3 - The Attack of the Istl25 SS pzGren and The North Nova Counter-attack

At 1615 hrs Meyer launched the third and final stage ofhis attack. Waldmüller's
Ist Saltation moved north taward Cambes supported by Siegel's 8th Panzer Company.

• The objective was the village of Anguerny, five miles north and halfway to the coast. As
they reached Cambes they ran inta twa British units, 2nd Royal Ulster Regiment and the
tank squadrons ofthe East Riding Yeomanry. A bloody battle ensued with heavy lasses
on bath sides. Eventually the Ulsters withdrew but Waldmüller was too battered ta
pursue. He ordered his Kampfgruppe ta withdraw to the southem edge of Cambes. Both
sides settled for a stand off. 70
Meyer' s attack had ground to a hait. He had taken heavy casualties but had little
to show for it. Two campanies of Novas were overrun but Buron was still in Canadian
hands. Meanwhile, Milius' third attack was making progress. Supported by mortars,

61 RG 24. WD 27 CAR. 7 June.

69 There was much talle of withdrawal to a "battalion fortress" near Les Buissons to await the
dreaded final anack. RG 24. WD NNS. 7 JW1e.
70 The accompanying panzer action was short lived. Though Siegel's entice command amounted to
five Mark IV~ he courageously attacked; one of bis tanks broke down and bis own command tank was
disabled: ~Artillery tire made a tree fall on my panzer's turreL It was jammed and l could not traverse. My
other tanks drove past but soon were knocked out. One tank: feU into a shell crater. AU my tanks were

disabled in minutes. They were not destroyed; we repaired them in the evening but the anack ended after
onlya few minutes." Persona! interview H. Siegel, 1990, 1992.

artillery, and Nebelwerfers, the Hitlerjugend determinedly advanced into Buron and again

• engaged in savage house-to-bouse close combat.

At about this time, a ruoner ftom "0" Company reported ta Petch that their
forward positions had been overrun and help was required at once. This seemed ta have
triggered Petch's donnant aggressiveness as he ordered an immediate counter-attack. A
scratch North Nova-Sherbrooke combat team ofabout one infantry company and a
decimated squadron of tanks advanced toward Buron: "A savage battle followed as we
attacked with the remaining twelve tanks under cover of strongly concentrated tire,
direeted by a fOIWard observation officer, -on the fOIWard positions of"D" Company."n
Petch's attack succeeded. The group reached "D""Company, drove out platoons of3rdJ25
S5 Panzergrenadier Battalion, and recaptured Buron. For ail intents, the battle was over
as bath sides reorganized and attended to the Many wounded. Sadly, the battle did not
end with a Canadian roar, but a whimper:
At dusk Brigadier Cunningham granted the remnants of the advanced
guard permission to fall back to Les Buissons. The 9th Brigade's other
units (The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders and the Highland
Light Infantry) had moved up and dug in in this area. The remains of the

• North Nova Scotias and the Sherbrooke Fusiliers now moved ta join with
them in forming a brigade fortress. 72

The Tank Battle: Boldness

At 1700 Brigadier Wyman returned with he news that the situation was in hand.
2 CAB War Diary. 7 June

There can be little fault found in the conduct of the Sherbrooke Fusiliers. They
and the Novas were victims ofa doctrine out of place in Normandy. Grouping an
armoured regiment in support ta an infantry battalion vanguard in open country created
obvious problems. A doctrine that was built around a pivot mentality hastened to
construet a fo~ess (the brigade "boxes" of the Gazela Line at Tobruk) at the tirst sign of
a panzer attack. Maneuver warfare was not attempted. The basic principles of war,
Concentration ofForce and Maintenance of the Aim, became secondary ta a "safety first"

RG 24 WD NNS: 7 June.


71 Stacey. Vietoty Campaignt 132.





attitude that finally gave ascendaney to the enemy. The Canadians reaeted to the 12 SS

• when they were in a position to force the issue.

Meyer' s attack was not a partieularly elever bit oftaeties. He sent in his rneagre
tank resources piecemeal, his rifle battalions did not support one another, and he had no
effective reserve. Was it poor judgement or contempt for the inexperieneed Canadians?
The question is answered as one examines Meyer's attack on Bretteville the next day,
8 June. He sent in his motorcyele company and Jürgensen's Panther battalion to be cut up
by the Royal Winnipeg Rifles in street fighting.
In Many ways Meyer is a good example ofwhat Worthington would have been
like in Normandy. He was not a great tactician. He inherited a first rate staff, so it is hard
to say if he was a good divisional commander. But, he was a dynamic and aggressive
leader. He inspired his men, he took personal risks, and he led from the front. Although
his turret in the Abbaye Ardennes gave him an unobstructed view of the entire battlefield,
Meyer toured the area on a motorcyele, personally visiting battalion commanders during
the thiekest fighting. When a British push near Malon threatened his right flank and he
saw troops begin ta fall back, he "ran towards them and pointed at the enemy.

• Recognizing their commander, the youths retumed at once to their posts. Having steadied
the faint ofheart, Meyer returned ta l'Abbaye."n
His opposite number, Cunningham, did not figure prominently in the battle. This
again was not a question of courage, but ofdoctrinal training. Cunningham finally left his
headquarters and moved forward to see Petch when the North Novas had pulled back
between Buron and Les Buissons. He estimated he got within four or tive hundred yards
of the German tanks. He had not come up ta take over the battle: ~~I saw a counter-attack.
You can't alter much. You're putting in an appearance, helping out what you can dO."74 1t
is mere speculation to consider what a counter-attack by two battalions would have
accomplished instead ofPetch' s ad hoc combat team. The very minimum would have
been a solid control ofBuron. Could Cunningham have attacked without armour? By
1700 hrs the Sherbrookes had been reduced ta about twelve fighting tanks. There were,
however, more tanks in 2 CAB. Brigadier Wyman's conduet was passive. He had given

73 Craig, 143.

• 74 Cunningham interview~ s.

the First Hussars, 10 CAR, a waming arder at 1430 hrs. They never joined the battle.
Wyman does not appear to have taken additional action beyond his initial instructions to
stand by. Gordon's queries regarding their arrivai were calmly, yet evasively, answered,
but no decisive action was taken. 75
With an armoured regiment in bis bip pocket,76 it is curious why Wyman did not
play a bolder and more aggressive part in the battle. He was Uposted to Camd 2 Cdn
Armd Bde trom BRAC Cdn Army in arder that this formation would have battle-
experienced Comd in very important assault stage."n Agai~ he showed himselfto be a
defensively minded commander conforming to a defensive doctrine. How Wyman could
interpret the chaotic scene around Buron, and the desperate counter-attack by a handful of
tanks and infantry against an SS panzergrenadier Regiment as a "situation weil in
hand,"78 is confusing. There is no evidence that Wyman made personal contact with
Petch, Gordon, or Cunningham. It is not clear how far forward bis reconnaissance took
him. Had he arrived in 27 CAR's battle lînes, he would have seen the plain before him
strewn with the burning wrecks of sixty tanks: more than he had ever witnessed in his
entire battle experience in the war. His hesitation in sending in 10 CAR may have been
part of a scheme to counter-attack should Meyer reach Les Buissons. These were safe,
conservative taetics; a tank regiment in reserve offered the 9 Brigade box armoured
depth. Wyman's command decision was, basically, to do nothing.
With naval and field artillery guntire behind him, Cunningham was sare, but it
was not a propitious start for the Brigade. A certain amount of confusion, perhaps fear,
may have influenced Canadian deployment; however, both Cunningham and Wyman

75 RG 24-14045 WD 2 CAB. 7 June.

2 CAB Op Log records: 1435 Hrs 7 June: To 27 CAR .. Are you able to mainrainyourposn."
1440 Hrs To 10 CAR "Stand by to meve in full strength"; 1447 Hrs (to 2 CAB fin 27 CAR): "Q~ Are we
going ta get rft? A. Can you hold out for the moment? (No reply); 1457 Hrs (To 27 CAR): "10 CAR bas
been ordered to standby in full strand will be ready to reùûorce." RG24 140432 CAB Op Log.
17 DHist MG 30 E 157. Crerac Documents. Msg CANMIL ta Main HQ First CDN Arroy.8 Aug
44. Bingham replaced Brigadier N. A. Gianelli (LSH Re) who relinquished command an 18 May 44 - a
late time te change bosses. The decision was a knec jerk reactio~ part ofSimonds' 5 detennination to
SUlTound himselfwith youth. Gianelli was 49 years old "the oldest commander ofa field formation in the
Cdn Anny." WD 2 CAB. 18 May 44. He was considered "somewhat below the average of the officers
attending" the Cdn StaffCollege when rated as a Captain in 1925. Archives. RMC Library. Confidential.
RMC 6-14-3. 17 March 25.

1 78 WD 2 CAB. Radio Logs: 7 June 44.


were brought into 3rd Div because oftheir combat experience in Italy. The Hitlerjugend

• was no more seasoned than 9 Brigade; the difference was leadership. Even though Meyer
and Prinz were more experienced than Cunningham or Wyman, the key was that they
were weil forward and aggressive. They had a sense ofthe battle and psychologically
dominated their opposite numbers.
The real question is where was Keller? Wyman technically did not have the
authority to launch a brigade group counter-attack. Wyman' s 2 CAB was the infantry
tank brigade. Keller could have launched a divisional counter-stroke. With Cunningham's
Brigade and Wyman's tanks, an.aggressive push would at least have reached the outskirts
of Caen, ifnot the Orne. It must be remembered that on 7 June, Buron was the only game
in town for 3rd Cdn Div. No other operation that day presented the promise orthe
consequences that a successful attack toward Caen would bring. The 7th ofJune was the
tirst of two occasions in the battle for the beachhead that Keller formed and attacked with
what was, for a1l intents, an armoured battlegroup. Ifhe had the foresight ta group a
strong strike force, why did he not follow it up? Keller never did come forward to see
Cunningham or Wyman during the battle. Why he did not became clearer as the battle for

• Caen extended into late June and early July.

Gordon vs. Fonz: Eine Reine Panzer Kampf

Buron was the tirst armoured battlegroup battle in the Normandy Campaign. It
reflected the current state ofan inadequate doctrine: self imposed restraints on the use of
armour which reflected inexperience rather than common sense. Command relationships
were ad hoc; no one was the boss. It was very polite, and very British. "In support" meant
that you did your best but did not compromise your own doctrine and tactics. "By the
book" tactics meant using long range tire and speed ta keep out of trouble. This did not
make for dyna~ie tactics or leadership. The concept of Auftragstaktik (mission driven
tacties) was not inculcated during tactical training. Combat teams and small groupment
taeties were about ta evolve naturally in the American divisions far to the west in the
bocage but not around Caen. The absence ofan Auftragstaktik approach meant


• Behfelstaktik79 (Command driven tactics) dominated. The Americans recognized it early.

The Canadians did not.
The employment ofthe 27 CAR Recce troop is unfortunate. Theyadvanced Iike a
large raindrop on a window astride the road to Carpiquet until they were hit by 2nd SS
Panzer Baitalion and promptly vanished from the battle. Their rate was discovered the
next day by a Panther zug (tank troop) attacking toward Norrey via Carpiquet: "We drave
past an airfield ... where a tank battle seemed to have taken place the previous day. A
number ofknocked-out light tanks, probably English, were scattered through the
terrain. uso Apparently the Stuarts aetually reached the airfield. There was a good scrap
and they May have taken a few ofPrinz's panzers with them: "1 think l also saw knocked
out Panzer IVS."SI In situations as this, main battle tanks were required for recce. A troop
of Shermans are better than Stuarts because they can do something about a hard contact;
bath fight for information or defend the area they have reached, creating that important
"pivot" that was cardinal ta the taetics taught Canadians. As an alternative, a troop of
eleven Stuarts, divided into four or five patrols, advancing on a 3000 - 5000 yard front,
could very weIl have made a difference. They cauld have advised Gordon and Petch that
the western flank was open, the eastem flank, Ardennes to St. Contest, was crawling with
Meyer' s troops, and that Carpiquet was unoccupied. Using armoured recce aggressively
is what armoured tactics are aIl about. It should be remembered that when the 12 SS was
ordered to advance to the beaches and counter-attack, their divisionaI AufkHinmg unit
was split into four scouting parties, each ofwhich contained a couple ofeight wheeled
armoured cars. 82 The mission covered a front ofweIl over fifteen miles. The point is,
recce must seek out the enemy.

79 See: LtCol Knut Czelslik, "Auftragstaktik - Thoughts ofa Gennan Officer", Infantrv, VoISl,
No.l. Jan-Feb 1991: "General Otto von Moser mentioned the concept of Auftragstaktik for the fll'St time
when he wrote in 1912, ·leadership action ... by which the higher leader does not give bis suborclinate a
binding arder, but more an excerpt from bis own thought process, through which he demands the
intellectual cooperation for the accomplislunent of the combat mission.•...The double-edge nature of
Auftragstaktik therefore becomes clear - in the context ofdirection and independence, of free maneuver
room or no~ of responsibility and obedience.", 11.
80 Report by Unterscharfiihrer Alois Morawetz, leader of a half ~ from 3rd Pz compélIly of Ist
Bn, 12 SS Pz Regt (panthers). Quoted in Meyer, 58.

81 H. Meyer, 58.
82 1. party: Untersturmführer Kudoke.•.coastal sector Villers-sur-Mer - Deauville to Honfleur. 2.
party: Unterscharführer Zinzmeister...HouIgate-Dives-Cabourg and east to the mouth of the Orne.'3. party:

• The tirst armoured battle augured weIl. Two balanced forces met, slugged it out at
battle range, and reaffirmed confidence in their own annour and gunnery. Once the
crew's annour got overtheir jitters, troops and squadrons performed splendidly and basic
training was validated: troops maneuvered, Fireflies83 provided ovelWatch, and panzers
were destroyed. The 27th CAR left the battlefield weary, bruised but tested, and ·battle
proven. A1though the 27th recorded respectable kills, "Reported they had in tum knocked
out thirty-one enemy tanks, four enemy SP guns, and eighteen anti-tank guns. Eleven of
the ko'd en tanks were believed to be Tigers,n84 they had not met the enemy's main battle
tanks. There were no Tigers in this battle; indeed, they would not appear in any number
until the Canadians had crossed the Orne. Meyer reported nearly three hundred casualties
ta his panzergrenadiers, seventeen tanks destroyed, and an equal number damaged. 8S It is
likely that thirty-four German tanks were hit and at least temporarily abandoned in-the
armoured battle. Most suffered minor damage and were recovered at night, but at one
point there were three dozen deserted or burning Mark !Vs strewn around the battlefield.
Canadian losses were heavy. The North Novas reported 242 casualties and
another 128 men taken prisoner which was a terrible toll for a regiment in its first battle.
The Sherbrooke Regiment recorded twenty-one Shermans knocked out and seven
damaged. 86 Many Canadian tanks were repairable.

Unterscharfilhrer Fingerhut..Ome river-Riva Bella and the coastal sector ta St. Aubin. 4. party:
Oberstunnfiihrer Hansmann. Bayeux area and the eastem coastaI sector to Courseulles." Meyert 58.
113 Hans Siegel recalls no special instructions regarding Fireflies during June. "AlI panzers were
84 WD 27 CAR 8 June 1944; see also WD 2 CAB and 2 CAB Tank State 8 June 44.
8S Craig puts the number at uA dozen Panzer !Vs were a total 10SSt and others had been damaged."
Crai& 145. 27 CAR War Diary claims forty-one enemy tankst attached squadron estimates total thirty-
three plus five probables.
86 The Op Log at 2 CAB records at 2100 7 June: "Remainder 27 CAR est at 25 tks orchard
993741. 10 CARfJas Sqn in vicinity...." RG24 14045 OP Log 2 CAB. Five days after th~ battle the
Sherbrookes were still short 18 Shel'OlallSt 8 Fireflies and 4 M3s for a total of 30 lost or in repair tanks. An
unotlicial tank state for 7 lune puts Sherbrooke Ioses at 34 ShennansJ 9 Fireflies and 9 Stuarts: total of 52
AFVs. This probably represents a more accurate pieture of"tanks Imocked out in battIe.tJ The actual 2 CAB
Tank State for midnight 7 lune shows a deficit ofthïrty..six Shennans and six Stuarts which made a total of

[ony..two tanks lost. The tirst available Tank State for 27 CAR was on 12 June when they reported thirty-
seven Shennans four Fireflies and seven Stuartsavailable for action. RG24 14045 OP Log 2 CAB and 27


7·30 JUNE 44: Av'Z.Tank States 12 SS Pz Div vs. 2 Cdn Armel Bdell1

TiIl.TI Marit: V MarlclV JPtlStuIl J!lPanth TorauPu ToralMBT,
12 SS Pz Div 63 94 28 185
2 Cdn Annd Bele 193
TOTALS 63 94 28 18S 193
Table 3
Buron should be remembered as a major armoured banle - a striking panorama of
over ninety tanks, Canadian and German, littered across the battlefield. In their tirst
armoured trial, both 2nd Panzer Abteilung and 27th CAR fought weIl. But then courage
was never the issue. By giving the battlefield ta Meyer, Keller and Cunningham settled
for defeat instead oftriumph. Meyer's efforts ta bulldoze through the Canadians, though
technically unimpressive, were delivered with agwessive detennination. Even though the
North Novas beat him at the Company and Battalion level, Meyer ~efeated the Canadian
leadership at the Brigade and Divisionallevel through boldness. Giving up Buron was ta
cost 3rd Division four more bloody weeks ofbattle ta capture a town they held on 7 June.

Le Mesnil-Patry Il June: Battlegroup Wyman vs. Kampfgruppe Mohnke

He had tried to make a tourniquet using the ribbon ofhis Knight's Cross and a flashlighl
Hubert Meyer

The situation on the beachhead was unsatisfactory. Keller was behind schedule,
most ofthe D Day divisional objectives were still not taken by 0+5, and the beach area
had become a crowded place. Luckily, German assaults against the Canadian beaches
were poorly planned and executed. Each Hitlerjugend attack failed before the detennined
fire of the raw infantry battalions of7th and 9th Brigades. The L2th SS record is a
juxtaposition of bold personalleadership by senior and junior officers, exceptional
determination and bravery by young, inexperienced panzergrenadiers, and Mediocre
tactics. Combat experience in Russia gave 12th SS leadership command superiority but it
did not give them tactical superiority. A sober examination will show they were, in fact,
poor tacticians.-The Buron attack and the bravado of pushing Jürgensen's Panthers into
Bretteville may reflect boldness, but makes little military sense. However, Russian

B7 Canadian data based on 2 CAB Daily Tank States and Radio Logs reporting Tank States. RG 24
Vol. 14,0467 Iune44 to 30 IMe 44. For Gennan statistics see: RH21-5/44, "Kriegstagebuch Panzer·
Anneeoberkommando 5.", AbendmeldWlgen 7.7.44 .. 30.7.44, and, History 12.SS-PzDivHitleriugencl 57,

• 71,78,85. Meyer Iists "58 Pz IV and 44 Pz V (panthers)" ready for action on 24 JW1e, 93.

veterans knew that reckless audacity succeeded more often than not, particularly with

• superior tanks. Again and again the Germans used their panzers with a confidence and
audacity that bordered on brash stupidity. Although psychologically daunting, Panther or
Tiger could not make up for the fact that they were bound to be destroyed if they attacked
a defensive position in either close terrain or built up areas.
Any German attaek was doubly arduous in the face of Allied air supremacy.
Nonetheless, even the air force could be outfoxed. As early as 9 Iune, panzer companies
openly maneuvered despite the threat of Typhoons. The Hitlerjugend quickly discovered
the pilots' habits: "The twelve Panthers were lined up next ta each other at a right angle
to the railway line.... There were almost no fighter bombers in the air, as was usual for
noon_time. usB Allied controL ofthe skies denied panzer divisions routine replacements.
Bringing up petrol, ammunition, and spare parts was in itself a frustrating operation.
What is amazing is that the Germans managed ta run their tanks for the full three months,
ta maneuver at the operationallevel, and conduet strategie deployment. In the face of ail
the air forces deployed against them, in late Iune 1944, OKW redeployed a full SS panzer

corps from Russia plus an additional three panzer divisions from northem France and
Belgium in less than three weeks. This then was the status quo ofGerman arms: a superb
doctrine, an efficient experienced staft: and a command technique that often translated
into absurd battlefield solutions. Bretteville is a good example:
With the dusk the Kampfgruppe began the attack fram the area south of
Franqueville. 4. Panzerkompanie moved on the right ofthe road, 1.
Panzerkompanie to the left. Most of the motorcycle riflemen had mounted
the panzers. Standartenfiihrer Kurt Meyer accompanied the troops in a
sidecar motorcycle as he had promised to his 15. Kompanie during
training for the first attack.... A group of motorcycle rif1emen and the
vehicle of the artillery observer drave behind Kurt Meyer, 100 m further
behind came the rest of the motorcycle riflemen. The Panthers drove at
high speed through the open and flat terrain towards Le Bourg. The
Regimental commander Kurt Meyer raced into the sman village on his
motorcycle. 89

88 After action report Alois Morawetz. Meyer, 58.

89 Meyer had briefly commanded the 15th Motorcycle Company, and promised the young
Hitleriugend recruils that he wouId be with them when they fought their first battle and lead them into their
baptism offire. He kept bis word. even though this was an anaek by rÜfgensen's lst Pz Bn and he had bis

bands full faeing British 3rd Div troops and 9th cm with bis own. 25th Pz Gre~ regiment See H. Meyer,
55, Luther, 163.

In an action aIl too familiar, the Hitlerjugend attack drove into a kill-area.

• Steady Canadian and-tank tire and accurate shooting checked the triumph
of the will: "Wünsche drove with his command panzer ta Norrey. He
came under heavy frre.... With heavy hearts, Kurt Meyer and Max
Wünsche had ta make the decision ta break off the attack. ,,90
At last the Panthers withdrew, leaving burning cornrades. Meyer tried to storm the
enemy with quick and violent close assaults. This worked on the Russian front but failed
time and again against prepared Canadian defenses. The German contempt for the quality
of American, British and Canadian soldiers appears throughout the Normandy campaign.
The Allied over-dependence on ~illery a~d a hesitancy to exploit success had been
noted by the Germans:
The morale of the enemy infantry is not very high. It depends largely on
artillery and air support. In case of a weil placed concentration of tire from
our own artillery and infantry will often leave its position and retreat
hastily. Wheneverthe enemy is engaged with force, he usually retreats or
surrenders. 91
Conversely, in defence, the Thin Red Line tradition appears to have been weIl
borne by the rifle battalions. But then, the defence was everyone's preferred option in

Normandy. Hitlerjugend grenadiers were particularly vigorous. They fought with
fanatical determination and would not surrender. In the attack, confronted by Canadian
air and artillery superiority, they were generally beaten. The Meyer Iegend was mostly
style, not taetics.

Le Mesnil-Patry: A Second Armoured Battlegroup Attack

It was a complete and costly failure.

C. P. Stacey. on Le Mesnil-Patry
For this operation the Bn will be under command of6 Annd Regt.
War Diary. QOR, Il JW1e 44

In the early morning of Il June, General Keller ordered his second, and last,
armoured battlegroup attack. He seleeted the 6th CAR (1st Hussars) to attack and capture

90 H. Meyer. 56. Morawetz: 'vrbey were bumed. without exception, in their faces and bands••• 15
of the 35 crew members from the knocked out panzers had been killed. The rest, with few exceptions, were
wound~ almost ail with bums.". 59. Max Wün5che laler wrote to Ruben Meyer: "1 could have cried with
rage and sorrow." H. Meyer, 55-56. See also, RG24. WD Regina Rifles. June 8 44 Bretteville. Report Ll

Col. Matheson.
91 Quoted in Stacey, Vidory Camoaim 274.

Le Mesnil-Patry. The village was south of the Bayeux-Caen highway and railway lines,

• just below Bretteville, and covered the western approaches ta Carpiquet and Caen. The
hurried decision ta attack the village was:
... probably taken at a conference which General Dempsey held with his
two Corps commanders at 5:00 p.m. on 10 lune. Headquarters Ist British
Corps, under which the Canadian division was still operating, Iogged at
noon Il lune a message ftom 30th Corps concerning an attack then being
launched by the 69th British Infantry Brigade in the area about Bronay.
The log noted, "3 Cdn Div to keep 50 Div full~ informed about progress
of2 Cdn Armd Bde which will help 69 Bde."g
Bronay was just one mile north-east ofLe·Mesnil-Patry. If the attack succeeded, the 2nd
Battalio~ of 26th 55 pzGren Regt would be cut off and destroyed; a gap tom in the 12 55
front leading directly to Carpiquet, the rear of Caen, and the Odon-Orne juncture.
Commander 2 CAB, Brigadier R. A. Wyman, gave orders at 1100 a.m., 10 June. 93 The
commander of 10 CAR " held his own an hour later. ,,94
Wyman's ability to command an armoured brigade is open ta question. He was
imported from 1 CAB in Italy where he was not overly popular or considered tactically
able by his peers and subordinates. 95 Heavy set and of medium height, he resembled

• Keller which perhaps influenced the Canadian senior staff. The high regard he enjoyed
from Crerar was ta prove most useful. Wyman enjoyed having a good time; three weeks
before the Normandy Invasion, he lingered at a Mess Dinner, l'drinking whiskey until
0745 a.m. with two other officers,,96 and was discovered drunk by the milkman. In the
ensuing banter, Wyman discussed D-Day in sorne detail, particuJarly 3rd Division's raIe.
His visitor reported the conversation to the authorities. Montgomery immediately ordered
a general court-martial for Wyman. Only Crerar's direct intercession, UWyman's

92 WD 2 CAB; WD 6 CAR; Slacey Vietory Campaignt 140.

93 WD 2 CAB. Il June 1944.
94 WD 6 _çAR. ll1une 1944.
9S Wyman had been a Militia officer in the Artillery (92 Field, Edmonton) and a CNR clerk before the
war and this may not have impressed bis annoured confreres. Wyman argued with ms 1 CAB regimental
commanders who questioned his "experience." These included Lt.Col E. L. Booth osa (12 CAR· TItree
Rivers Regt; later as Brigadier commanded 4th Armoured Bdc, 4 CAO during Totalize-Tractable); LtCol (Iater
Brigadier) C. A. Richard "Stoney" Richardson osa (14 CAR .. CaIg3IY Tanks). Richardson is reputed to have
said: l'I hope wc dontt have to fight as a brigade as Wyman will have us killed." Personal Interview, Brigadier
Harold HurdIet RCSi8St HQ 1 CAB; 6 June 96.

• 96MG30 E1S7 Vol 7. BrigW~ 2 CAB. Incident May 44. Report ofCourt of Inquiry.
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continued command of2nd Armd Bde is important from the operational point of view,,,97

• saved his neck and insured that he would lead 2 CAB into battle. At the 10 June Orders
Group, 2100 hours, Wyman:
...announced his plan to be that 10 CAR should make a gaod intermediate
objective tomorrow Il June, by last light and that 6 CAR should go
through ta the final objective 12 June. 6 CAR is to make use of Il June ta
get as much rest as possible for tank crews who are thoroughly tired out.98
But at 0730 hours, Il June, 2 CAB War Diary recorded that "orders were received from
div to adv the time of the attack toward Cheux and carry out as early as poss today,
instead oftamorrow.,,99 Wyman·scheduled a second 0 Group for 1100 at Bray: "6 CAR
ordered ta cross SIL by 1300 hrs ... the Bde Comd decided ta fol1ow closely behind the
attacking regt with a sroall tactical headquarters in 3 tanks." 100
The Ist Hussars went into battle procedure. Ideally, the commanding offieer
would conduct a detailed reconnaissance with his "R Group" (a Reconnaissance Group
composed of attached arms, artillery representative, and his Sqn leaders) then complete a
thoughtful appreciation of the situation before issuing orders. In turn, the Squadron

commanders would issue their more detailed orders to the troop leaders. This process
would be repeated, concurrently, by each supporting arm. StaffSchools stressed that
commanders had to think Utwo down": consider the time required to inform the lowest
group in the chain, the trooper and soldier, who would do the aetual fighting. This seldom
oecurred in Normandy. Troops were generally briefed en passant on their way ta an
objective, if at all. 6 CAR attempted ta react ta the new attack time: "In the moming we
were told we were moving at 1100 hrs Sun Il Jun. 1 knew one tank would he left behind,
but was told later that only eighteen took part in the shoot. There was no briefing."lol
Sorne lst Russar troops were "under the impression it would be a quiet HE shoot
with the Artillery."lo2 There was no lime for a CQ's appreciation; ifthere had been, it

97 MG3O-ElS7 Vol 7. Lelterfrom Crerarto Montgomery 14 May 44.

98 WD 2 CAB. Il June 44.
99 WD 2 CAB. Il June 44.
tOO WD 2 CAB. Il June 44.
101 D Hist 141.4 A60 13(D1). and WD 6 CAR: Account ofPersonal Experiences in Action on Sun
Jun 11-44. TprDodds AO~ 6 CAR(1H) Appx 10, L

• t01 Dodds, L

would have had little use since the attack was micro managed to the point where the

• orders given by Brigade were simply repeated to each level ofcommand. The rush to
battle would create problems that spelled Le Mesnil-Patry's doom: "The attack was thus
put in at very short notice and with less careful preparation than would have been
desirable, particularly in respect to artillery support."IOJ
The plan was that "B" Squadron and one COY ofINF were to seize the
initial objective, LE MESNIL-PATRY, while "C" Squadron deployed on
high ground on the right flank to support them with covering tire. There
was no time for the Div Arty plan and the shortness oftime allowed for
planning did not give the sub-unit commanders the chance to brieftheir
men of their own individual taskS. 104
The armoured battlegroup would advance south across the Caen-Bayeux
Highway, cross the east-west railway and attack through Norrey-en-Bessin with a view to
seizing the high ground south ofCheux. The operation's base was the 7th Cdn Brigade
front lines. The tactical firm base would be provided by The Regina Rifles who had a
company astride the railway and in Norrey-en-Bessin. Grouped with 6th CAR were three
companies from The Queen's Own Rifles (QOR). It was not made clear that they were

• part of an armoured battlegroup; sorne company commanders thought this was ta be a

"Rifles operation":
The attack on Le Mesnil-Patry would be made by "D" Company under
Major J. N. Gordon. '~A:' Company, under Major H. E. Dalton, on the
capture of the village, would pass through and secure the road junction
halfa mile beyond the town. Then "B" Company and "c" Company were
to be carried on tanks a distance of sorne five miles from the Start Line to
the high ground south ofCheux. lOS
It is not certain whether the QOR Commander, Lt.Col D. G. J. Farquharson,
attended Lt.Col Colwell's 0 Group or ifhis command relationship stipulated "Under
Command" to 1st Hussars. The maneuver plan is confusing. It called for an advance
south inta the Norrey area and then a right flanking onto Le Mesnil-Patry. In addition, the
QOR apparently understood their role to be a frontal attack from either Le Mesnil or
Norrey or bath anta Cheux.

103 Slacey, ViCIOIT Campaign, 139.

104 WD 6th CAR. Il June.

105 Lt.Co1 W. T. Barnard E.D., C.D., The Oueen's Own Rifles of Canada 1860-1960 (Don Mills:
The Ontario PubIislùng Company Ltd., 1960), 201.

"A plan conceived in sin and barn in iniquity." First, no time was allowed
for reconnaissance; secondly, no artillery preparation was provided despite
the fact that it was known that the place was strongly held; and thirdly, the
men were expected ta go in riding on tanks through flat wheat fields, thus
providing perfect targets for the defenders. 106
The British (and Wyman's) plan depended on a quick seizure ofLe Mesnil. Once
this was secure, the north-west quadrant of the 12 SS defence perimeter could be snipped
off by a supporting attack from 69th (British) Infantry Brigade positioned ta the north-
east ofLe Mesnil-Patry. Success would mean the destruction of the bulk of 26th SS Pz
Gren Regiment, commanded by .Obersturqtbannfiihrer Wilhelm Mohnke. 107 Beyond lay
the opportunity ta exploit to the Odon or hook back east toward Carpiquet and eut off the
rest ofthe Hitlerjugend. Once Colwell' s Hussars established the "pivot" at Le Mesnil, the
rest ofWyman's armoured brigade, consisting of two regiments, 10th CAR and 27th
CAR, would bash south and push for the high ground. With no Panthers or Tigers
supporting Mohnke, this could he the operation that craeked the entire Caen defence.
The attaek began after 2:30 p.rn. Considerable time was spent netting in. Tanks
had ta tune their radios and ensure that a11 stations on their radio net (an organization of

• radios transmitting on a common frequency) were in communication. This included aIl

regirnental tanks 108 as weil as supporting arms that joined the formation:
... spent most ofFri netting in the sqn tanks on the sqn frequency and on a
flick ta the RHQ freq. There were 21 tanks altogether on the netting. Five
troops ofthree each with six in HQF two ofHQF tanks were on the RHQ
frequency, and on flick ta the sqn. Many of the tps were green, most of
them were new to me. 109

106 Barnard, 20i.

107 Infamous in history as "HitJer's last General." Mohnke commanded the Führer bunker and was one of
the Iast to see Hitler. Captured by Russians, he eventually returned to Germany evidently under NATO/CIA
protection. His participation in PW incidents near Buron and Malmady during the Ardennes has never been
officially investigated. See: [an Sayer and Douglas Botting, Hitler's Last General - The Case Against Wilhelm
Mohnke (London: Bantant, 1989), 156, 163·169,248·256.
lOS A co~~unication "net" had over 60 radios, plus attached anns. Squadron Commanders used the
Regimenlal conunand net, then another radio/frequency ta conununicate with troop leaders. If they did not have a
second radio Sqn OCs would "flick" between the two. Officers aIso used the tank's intercom to instroct driver and
the gunner.
lmwo 6 CAR. After action report Tpr Dodds, 1. "The netting was quite troublesome. We had moved
the S at night and most of us had had ooly an hours sleep. We moved offand latec l saw we had picked up sorne

in(, the QOR. There was mucb delay during wlùch the air wu jammed by someone asking for SWl-Ray ••• One
other tank continual1y asked to be renetted, he had lime ta net a dozen sets by that lime 50 r finally told mm to
"Jock up and shut up." Replacements in the Canadian annoured and infantry forces seern toœUy out ofproportion

• Leading a squadran required a quick thinking, calm officer. The officer

commanding (OC), normally a Major, was responsible for navigation as weil as tactÎcs.
He supervised his troop commanders as wel1 as bis own tank's tire and movement.
Firet1ies were deployed ta conduct "over watch." Ifthere was infantry to support, the OC
had ta deal with the company commander. The infantry radios often did not work. Thus,
regular halts were required ta permit their officers to approach the command tank and use
the "infantry radio" which was, in effect, a caU box with a phone mounted on the rear of
the hull. Ifthis was out (shot offor ripped offduring movement)110 the OC leaned out
and yelled. Most crew commander casualties were head wounds fram shrapnel or small
arms. "Buttoning up" was unpopular: "claustrophobie ... no reliable vision ... difficulty
breathing."ul Many tank offieers simply broke down.
6th CAR had just received twenty replacement tanks and crew. The men were not
campletely trained but were sent into their first battle. Most ofthe regiment had little idea
ofwhat the mission was ail about. 112 For many of the tank troops it was simply a case of
"follow my leader" until they got inta contact. Lt.Col. Colwell's regiment advanced south
across the highway and railway tracks.
The Regiment's vanguard consisted of"B" Squadron, with "0" Company
Queen's Own Rifles riding on the tank's back deeks. Just south of the railway tracks was
a knoeked out Panther. 113 A couple ofnervous troops immediately deployed upon
sighting it and several tanks engaged the hulk with direct fire. 114 The road was narrow

with the casualties reported. Units in action less than a day are regularly cornplaining about the low quality of
replacements. 151 Hussars took sorne cas on the beaches but did oot fight serious actions untilllth June. The
numbers of"green" troops suggest psychologica1 cas were promineot as weil. See Terry Copp and Bill
McAndrew Battle Exhaustion: Soldiers and Psvchiatrists in the Canadian Anny. 1939-1945 )Montrea1: McGill-
Queen's Univ. Press, 1990).
lIOn 18 cases are reported of the in( telephone being tom offeither by fouling fence posts etc., or
by not being replaced securely enough after use." RG24 10460. Answers to TIc Gunnery Questionnaire. 33
Annd Bde. 25 JuI 44.
111 RG24 10457 Report on RAC Weapons 14 Iune 1945.
112 Tpr Dodds for example, who, despite working in a Squadron headquarters, had oot been given
any ordees.
113 From 3rd Pz Company, 12 5S - a victim orthe 8th June attack.
114 This reguJarly happened when troops reached new terrain. T1uee Panther hulks sat in a field

south of bill 67: "Every lime a new squadron came through the area they shot up those hulks. l bet they
even reponed them as kiIls. There was no sense breaking radio contact to correct them. People were just
nelVOUS and fired at the first target they came across." Interview Gen S. V. RadIey-Walters. 1993.

with high abutments. The Regiment continued in single file and reached Norrey at 1430
~ hOUŒ:
... as our leading squadron was starting off they round that the Regt would
have to pass through NORREY-EN-BESSIN in Hne ahead formation. Our
inf had sown mines on bath sides of the road BRETI'EVILLE-NORREY,
and they had not been lifted; there was no time to wait for them to
accomplish this. We changed our start Hne as soon as this intelligence was
received and "B" Sqn went on its way followed by "c" and"A" Sqns and
RHQ close ta the rear. 115 •

The village was dominated by a charming gothic church in the center of town and
that is where the battlegroup headed. The bell tower had served as an artillery OP and
was badly damaged by Canadian artillery and tank tire. Burrowed inside Norrey was the
Pioneer Platoon from 2nd Bn, 26th SS Pz Gren Regiment. The Canadian advance had
been carefully reported and as the vanguard reached the town center, German artillery
and mortar fire began to fall. The QOR, riding on the back decks of the Shermans, were
totally exposed. There were two options: dismount and take cover in the beaten zone or
increase speed and drive out of fire. The tanks increased speed. At the center of town was
a crossroad. The road to Le Mesnil was a sharp right tum. At 1506, the regiment reported
~ "advance held up by MG and mortar tire from en positions which they couId not
locate." 116 The Hussar tanks attempted ta steer through this under tire and try ta reach the
open fields beyond. "Ail hell breaks loose from the enemy lines in the way of mortar and
MG tire and the casualties are considerable ... very few of the lads not wounded.,,1l7 The
SS Pioneers had been instrueted to:
let the tanks roll by and only tight the infantry following behind with rifles
and machine guns ... since the enemy infantry did not follow the tanks but
was mounted on them, the men opened tire immediately. The Canadian
infantry jumped off: The tanks rolled, their machine guns tiring wildly in
ail directions, at high speed towards Le MesniL Bloody hand-to-hand
combat between the Pioneers and the Canadian Infantry broke out. 1l8

115 WD 6 CAR. Il June 44.

116 WD 2 CAB. Il June 44.
[17 RG24 IS 168. WD QOR. Il June. At 1300 hrs WD reported" disembarking on Norrey-en-
Bessin and Conning up at 919704."

liS Meyer, 67.

Colwell had driven iota a kilI area. The Shermans were easy targets in the narrow

• streets and raced for open country. The Queen's Own Rifles were left ta sort out the
Hitlerjugend infantry. It was a logical decision. Ta stop and fight a single platoon would
have jeopardized the entire attack; however, now the Ist Hussars were no longer a battle
group. They had been stripped oftheir infantry and would have no secure base until "0"
Company had secured Norrey, behind them. The whereabouts ofColwell's Stuart recce
troop is not certain; they do not appear to have been used in the advance. The presence of
a second QOR Company, mounted in carriers directly behind the lead squadron, would
have been ofsome help. Instead; a fraction of"D" Company, about a platoon's worth of
infantry doggedly trying to keep up on foot, followed the Shermans. The Ist Hussars'
War Diary insists that "Between the two towns the enemy brought down heavy mortar
and MG tire ta bear on the lnfwho were forced to go to ground. The tanks moved
forward and mopped up the MG nests and Inf positions, thus allowing sorne of our lof to
gain the immediate objective. n1l9 The Queen's Own Rifles agree with the Hussars that
they were hit after passing through Norrey, despite 12 58 insistence that Norrey was held,

at least partially, by their Pioneers:
Despite the hurry it was about 1430 hours before HO" Company, riding on
the tanks of"B" Squadron lst Hussars, left Norrey-en-Bessin. Le Mesnil-
Patry was 1,200 yards away. The intervening country was practically ail
flat fields ofgrain. About 300 yards had been covered before the storm
broke. In a few minutes halfthe company and halfthe tanks had been
wiped out. 120

Panzer Battles

Meurte el caballa perdide el hombre

Spanish Cavalry Ma'dm

"B" Squadron, 6th CAR, broke out ofNorrey and shook out into battle formation
as it headed for_Le Mesnil-Patry, one mile ta the sauthwest. Meanwhile, "C" Squadran
attempted ta maneuver into open ground to provide covering tire.
While the battle was progressing "~'t Sqn and "RHQ" were advancing
through NORREY-EN-BESSIN ta the start line whicn was just to the west

119 WD 6th CAR. Il June 44.

• 120 Bernard, 202.


of the town. Over the air came information from "B" Sqn that they had

• reached their initial objective and their forward troops were weIl on the
way beyond Le Mesnil-Patry. 121
Given German records and eye witness accounts, this seems doubtful. However, it is
clear sorne ofthe Canadian Infantry and tanks eventually fought their way into the
"D" Company survivors now kept to the ground and crawled doggedly
f01Ward. Despite losses the outskirts ofLe Mesnil-Patry were reached.
Then Major Gordon FeweIl wounded. Lt. H. G. Bean, already wounded in
the leg, gathered together Sgt S. T. Scrutton, seven riflemen and two
tanks. Working to a flank the little group entered the village at the eastem
end. 122
What appears to have happened is that "B" Squadron and "D" Company cleared Norrey
and were followed by "cn Squadron and one to two QOR platoons. As the leading
Canadian tanks and infantry neared the objective, they were taken under tire from the
northwest, from Le Mesnil-Patry, and from the southeast. The squadron had driven into
another classical killing zone - a horseshoe of small arms and anti-tank tire.
Suddenly both "B" and "C" Sqns reported a/tank guns and tanks flring on

them. This information was passed ta our Bde who in tum ordered our
men not to flre on them as they were friendly tanks. The CO ordered
Major A D'A Marks "C" Sqn to hold his tire and fly his recognition flags.
Major AD' A Marks acted upon this and even got out of his tank to ensure
that ail the tanks were flying their flags. l23
The battle had reached its culminating point. Colwell had broken through at the
juncture oftwo 55 Sattalions, IIT.l26 and 1.26. Both were supported by Pale 75s but no
Panthers, despite the Hussars' insistence in their after-action report that there were Mark
Vs in the battle. The tank unit supporting 26th SS was 2 CAB's oid nemesis, Heinz
Prinz's 2nd Pz Battalion ofPz!Vs. Ta be exact, there was one panzer outfit in the
immediate area: Hauptsturmführer (SS Captain) Hans Siegel's 8th Panzerkompanie.
Wilhelm Mohnke was weB forward, watching the Hussar' s attack. He promptly
drave to Heinz-'s Headquarters ta request l'Panzer support against an attack by enemy

121 WD 6th CAR. Il June 44.

1n Bernard, 202. After a brierfirefight Lt Bean was wounded twice. The Sgt took command and
the QOR group, si:< strong, withdrew~ Bean was awarded the MC, Scrutton the MM.

• 123 WD 6th CAR. Il June 44.


tanks and infantry near Le Mesnil." 124 Prinz ordered Siegel, who had just arrived at his
HQ, to immediately tum north and investigate. 125 The 8th Pz Company was already
deployed in an "ambush position behind the sector ofII.l26, approximately 1 km south of
Le Mesnil." 126 The noise ofhattle caught their attention and soon they observed
"mushrooms ofsmoke, generated by knocked out tankS.,,127 Siegel ordered his tanks ta
counter-attack. "Within a minute or so, four or five Shermans were buming." 128 As he
arrived on the battle field, Siegel could not make out the location ofthe Canadian annour.
He followed a tree line and then saw dug in panzergrenadiers painting north-west with
their enttenching tools. "1 decided ta have" look." 129 Following their direction, he pushed
through the woods and suddenly before him lay the 6th Canadian Armoured Regiment:
"B" Sqn pushing forward towards Le Mesnil and "C" Sqn far to the rear moving up ta
support. He ordered an immediate attack with his company headquarters troop which
consisted ofthree Pz Mark lVs. While the remainder ofhis company engaged the
Hussars from the Le Mesnil area, Siegel conducted a bold flanking maneuver that
brought him square against the exposed left rear of"B" Sqn and enta the flank ofuC"

Sqn as it was trying to advance forward ta assist. "Even before our infantry was ready to
storm ahead, the three panzers drove past the burning wrecks and between the fruit trees
ta our own main line of resistance." 130
Siegel's counter-attack was immediately observed by the Hussars: " ... the enemy
were beginning ta outflank US."t3l Caught in a cross tire, losing tanks, short ofinfantry
support, and now hit from his left flank by Siegel's HQ troop, Colwell was forced to
concede: "The position of the whole regiment was in danger ofbeing outflanked by the

124 Meyer, 68.

125 Siegel had arrived al Prinz's HQ lo participate al the awarding of Iron Crosses to bis men.
There were no tanks in the immediate vicinity of Le Mesnil. Personal Correspondence Siegel, 1993.
126 Meyer, 68.
121 Meyer; 68.
128 Unterstunnfiihrer Jeran, 8th Pz Coy. Quoted in Meyer, 68.
129 Conversationlcorrespondence Siegel; Nonnandy, Bad Teinach. 1990, 1993.
tJO Unterstunnfilhrer Jeran, 8th Pz Coy. Quoted in Meyer, 68.
131 WD 6th CAR. 11 June. At 1521 6 CAR reported "En Romets (tanks) coming in on righl
tlank" al 1623: "We are being engaged by en Romets on right tlank" 1648: "One ûû coy almost wiped oul

• aJso severe tanlccas. Sunrayordered wdrto SL." 1746: "CO'sveh Kao's." RG2414045 WD 2 CAB. Ops
Log. Il June 44.

enemy's armour, sa the CO ordered his Sqns ta the original start line ta reform.... "B"

• Sqn went on fighting as they must not have received the arder ta withdraw.,,132 There was
little ofhis Regiment left133 for Calville ta save: thirty-seven Shermans had been knocked
out in the battle. 134 The heart ofthe regiment had been tom out. The full horror of the
Regiment's "Black Day" was made ail the more painfully clear when the Regimental
Padre reached the battlefield on the night of the 16th:
In sorne cases the bodies were indistinguishable from one another; simply
a mass ofcooked tlesh welded together in the great heat; we had ta sift
through this for identity tags. Each tank told the same story - broken legs,
broken arms, open chest wounds, and sa on, had trapped Many sa that they
had bumt alive. The screams l thought l had heard during the action had
not been imaginary after all. 13S
"B" Squadron had been virtually wiped out; aIl officers and non commissioned
officers, save three, were dead. The Regiment lost a total ofeighty Hussars; "0"
Company ofthe Queen's Own Rifles 10st ninety-six, ail ranks. The 12 SS casualties
amounted ta 189 Grenadiers and panzer crews, ofwhom fi fty-faur were killed. Casualties
ta Siegel's Pz Kompanie were light: three tanks, ofwhich one was repaired, and one man

• dead. 136

132 WD 6th CAR. Il June 44.

133 Evidently even the withdrawal was a nightmare : L4Further caIamity stnlck. The Gennans
managed to get in to our artillery wireless net and put in a cali for defensive tire on the Queen's Own area
and on The Regina Rifles at Norrey-en-Bessin. It was a clever move on the part of the enemy. Immediately
heavy tire poured down; sorne twenty minutes elapsed before the Brigade HQ couJd get it stopped. The
havoc wrought was dreadfuL" Bemar~ 202. It is cenainly possible this occurred. 12 SS discovered an
intact 27CAR Shennan on June 8th with marked maps, codes, and signais operating codes. (H. Meyer: 7·8
June). The sudden deadly appearance ofCdn artillery is a puzzle. It is possible they were firing in support
throughout the battle but not noticed by Hussars or QORs.
2 CAB WD records '11830 -6 CAR reptCQ's tkwas ko'd. At 1900 LtCol R. K. Colwell came
to Bde HQ himselfto give the first clear account of what happened."
us A Historv of the First Hussars Regiment (London. ON: privately printed, 1951), 77.

136 Siegel's subsequent actions in battles around Caen eamed him the Ritterkreuz (Knight's Cross to the
Iron Cross).
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8 (-)
26ff~MOHNKE (Siegel)

2/12~R1NZ LE MESNIL PATRY 11 JUNE 44 il //c

MANEUVER WARFARE: l . . '. ,l.J,,%é%


• Battle Analysis

Perhaps the most important aspect of the General Staff Corps Jay in the fact that its
members were trained to judge events and make appreciatioDS, both operational and
tactical to a definite and uniform systellL
Heinz Guderian; P8l17.er Leader
Conceived in sin and barn in iniquity.
Company Commander QOR; Conunenting on the Le Mesnil-Patry attack plan

This was the ÏlCst "official" armoured attack in Normandy by 2 CAB and was also
ta be their last. 137 The assault was a rash action, yet one ofthose inspired things that
could go either way: 30th Corp's idea about a double envelopment was clever enough but
the method was suspect. 1t was a hurried affair against a prepared defensive position held
by a determined enemy who had already been proven to have deadiy arms in the area. As
it turned out, neither 69th Brigade nor the Panthers showed up. The Hussars' lasses were
later rationalized by Canadian headquarters with lame staries ta ease the Regiment's
nIt tumed out 1ater that the Regt had been thrown in ta the attack suddenly

• ta break up a Panther div attack, sa saving 7 cm from being cut off and in
the broader picture it helped 7 Armoured Div to advance on our right
flank, so the fairly heavy casualties had not been in vain." 138
The main British attack by 69th Brigade fizzled early. For a brigade attack, there
was little supporting tire delivered against Le Mesnil.. Patry. The British stan Une was
ooly two miles trom the village. The southern thrust advanced about eight hundred yards
before tuming back under heavy fire. The big push toward Bronay, after advancing about
a mile, was deflected back ta the north...east. The victors were 2nd Bn, 26th SS, supported
by a company ofPanthers fram 2./12 SS and an armoured Kampfgrylme (ll./130) trom
PanzerLehr. The armour of 69 Brigade was never close enough ta help 6th CAR., making

137 Simonds's parade ground marshaling of the brigade in Totalize and Tractable should not counL
138 WD 6th CAR Il IWle 44. In fact 7th Annoured did not altack Wltil the 13~ its thrust was

toward Villers Bocage, where it was destroyed by Winman' 5 famous "lone Tiger." See Chester Wilmot,
The Struggle for Europe (London: Collins, 1952) 309.

it doubly tragic that the Canadian regiment was ordered to hold its tire during a crucial

• rime ofthe battle for fear ofhitting fiiendly troops.139

A list of doctrinal "don'ts" were broken. l40 It would be difficult ta assign
exclusive blame to Wyman. He was following Keller' s orders, who in tum was ordered
by Cracker ta conduct a hasty attack. However, there was no proper battle procedure, no
recce, and a series ofstart lines, the last of which was not secured. What the 6th CAR
War Diary and Official History refer to as start Iines were actually phase Iines. The
Battlegroup start line, the Caen..Bayeux Railway, was held by an infantry company from
The Regina Rifles who appears ta have had at least sorne troops as far forward as Norrey
itself. 141 The Reginas did not secure Norrey and ifthey were aware ofthe presence of
26th SS Regfs Pioneer Platoon, it was not relayed ta Colwell. The hurried battte
procedure meant most Hussars and certainly most Riflemen had no idea of the coming
operation or really where they were going. Tank crews who survived a hit on their tank
found themselves totally lost when they tried ta retum on fOOt. 142
The Fire Plan appears ta have been rushed and incomplete. The attached FOOs

tinally called down artillery but it was tao late. It is not simply hindsight to suggest a
good stonk on Norrey and Le Mesnil as the Hussar vanguard was approaching. As tlawed
as Allied doctrine may have been, what did exist was ignored. There was no supporting
tire base and the Hussars, who arrived on the battlefield one squadron at a time, were
engaged and destroyed piecemeal. Intelligence was incomplete despite the activity of
Mohnke's Regiment in the days preceding the attack. Quite obviously, there was not
enough infantry. Ail of"D" Company, QOR, was wedded ta "B" Squadron and their

139 According to the 6th CAR War Diary the arder was camplied with by sorne troops, perhaps C
Sqn. There is reasonable doubt that B Sqn, directIy engaged with the S8 and Wlder attack from Siegel's
company would have checked tire. Siegel recalls a spirited firefight continued right up to the end. He also
reca1led that sorne of the Canadian tanks camouflage (netting or piles ofstraw) were set on tire during the
Colonel English refers to it as "this disgraceful affairJt : John A English The canadian Anny
and the Nonnandy Campaign - A Study of Fail ure in High Commando (New York: Praeger, 1991), 214.
141 Barnard. 202; reCers to "The Regina Rifles at Norrey en Bessin:' See WD Regina Rifles.
142 Dodds rceaIls: "1 was kneeling on the tlooring re-arranging the ammo when the tank was
stmck The dvrs hatch was knoc:ked offand the 75 knocked ou~ the breech etc., shook violentJy and went
skywards, Sgt Johnson said "Bail Oul" The Capt gave one hesitant look skywards and then bath were
gone.·' Dodds eventually made bis way back to 6th CAR (it look 24 hours). His recommendations: "The

value of briefing of all ranks before an operation 50 that they will know which way to go when unhorsed is
eviden~ also each man should have a pocket compass if such a thing is possible.Jt

action, though gallant, was confused and fragmented between Norrey and Le Mesnil. It is
unclear what "A:' Squadron and the other three QOR Companies were doing throughout
the action. If the German account is to be accepted, they were still fighting through
Norrey throughout the battle. The 12 SS Pioneers must be credited with a most
determined defence.
Unlike the 7 June action by 27th CAR, there was no satisfying final counter-
attack ta restore the situation. But then Colwell did not have the resources Mel Gordon
enjoyed. He was about three infantry companies short and there were no attached anti-
tank gunS', not even a troop ofMIO Tank Destroyers. The 1st Hussars Recce Troop was
not used. The Stuarts could have given valuable service by a quick reconnaissance into
Norrey or by probing the approaches toward Le Mesnil-Patry. "c" Squadron does not
appear to have entered the show and was stuck trying to get out ofNorrey. There appears
to be no effort made by Colwell, despite the faet his RHQ was at the rear of the tank
column and in front of the remaining three QOR companies, ta attempt to maneuver or
take control beyond his two orders to fly recognition flags and then withdraw.

The Brigade reserve) 10 CAR, was not called forward. Wyman) s inexperience
was evident, which is curious since his alleged combat background was the specifie
reason why he was given the appointment as Commander, 2nd Armd Bde. 143 Clearly,
armoured experience in Italy was worth little in Norrnandy. The doctrinal training of
2 CAB or QOR does not seem ta have prepared them for an armoured operation. As
infantry tanks they were trained ta support infantry, but Le Mesnil was an armoured show
with the QOR supporting the tanks. It was ta he the last 2 CAB battiegroup.144
The Commander of2nd Armoured Brigade did not appear on the battlefield and
neither did his boss) General Keller. As before in Buron, Le Mesnil-Patry was "the only
game in town." Wyman attempted ta impose leadership by radio. Placing his tacticai
headquarters (three tanks) on the wrong side ofNorrey and declining to come forward
during battle ensured he wouid have no knowledge or influence on Le Mesnil-Patry. He

143 UBrig Wyman was posted to COMO 2 CDN ARMD BDE from BRAC CDN ARMY in order
that this fmn would have battle-experienced COMD in very important assault stage." Crerar Papers. Gen
Montague, CanMil London, from Crerar, Main HQ First Cdn Anny. 8 Aug 44.
144 '''As a result oftoday's action by 6 CAR the Bde Comd R. ~ Wyman, early this moming made

• note that we are being outgwmed by the enemy and that we should have a higher preponion of Shennan
VCs with 17 Pdr." RG24 WD 2 Cdn Annd Bde 121une 44.

was content to follow the events on wireless until a shaken unhorsed Colwell walked up

• to his Sherman and reported. This was no way to run an armoured attack.
The effects of the June battles began to tell on the armoured regiments of2 CAB.
By 21 June ("D plus 15") the mounting losses and mechanical breakdowns had not been
matched by arrivai of replacement tanks from the beaches. The villages abandoned by
Cunningham and Keller on 7 June were now the object of bitter, costly battles. By 6 July
regiments had been reduced ta thirty.. four tanks and sorne infantry battalions to "fi fty-
four men per coy. n 145 The battles to extend the beachhead were small, costly affairs. The
regiments of 2 CAB, in good "infantry tank" fashion, were fragmented and parceled out
one squadron at a time per operation or per infantry battalion. In Operation Windsor, the
attack on Carpiquet Airfield (4 July), the North Shore Regiment and Le Régiment de la
Chaudière were each supported by a squadron of tanks from 10th CAR, The Fort Oarry
Horse (FOR). 146 ~other Squadron ofFGH had been attached to the Winnipeg Rifles and
been so badly mauled by Panthers of Ist Bn, 12 S8 Pz Regt, that "At 9:00 Brigade
ordered the battalion back to the start line and 44 rocket-firing aircraft were sent in to

attack 17 enemy tanks or self-propelled guns which had been reported dug in around the
airfield.,,147 "A" Squadron, Sherbrooke Fusiliers, had been sent on a diversion to
demonstrate on the left towards the Château de St. Louet and Gruchy. This was
"successfully executed and a considerable number ofcasualties were inflicted on the
enemy without our own force suffering any important losses.,,148

14S WD 27 C~ 8.
146 RG24.-WO FOR. July; WD Regt de la Chaudière; Jacques Castonguay [et) Annand Ross Le
Régiment de la Chaudière (Levis: imprimé privé, 1983), 270-275. The history totally ignores the presence
ofCanadian tanks in the battie.
147 RG 24. WD Royal Winnipeg Rifles JuI 44; Op Log 3rd InfDiv, Jul44.
148 The squadron leader, Major S. V. RadIey-Walters, was "highly praised for his excellent and
invaluable work by Maj-Gen Keller...." WD 27 CAR. Supplemental Report 17 Ju144, 3. "An sqn had

l~accounted for sorne 75 GermaIlSt a 37 mm AIIK gun with other possibles and no loss to themselves other
than 2 tks damaged on a minefd."
The First Battle for Verrières Ridge

The Strategie Commander

Divisions are grouped according to this employment in the plan.I will never employ an
armoured corps.
B. L. M. Montgomery: 21stAnny Group sta.ffConference~ 13 Jan 1944

It is a matter of debate whether General Montgomery had a strategie mind. An

examination ofhis activities in Africa and France suggests he had a flair for lavish
spectacle and liked to dabble in maneuver warfare but he was not good at it.
Montgomery' s claim to rame is the "set pieee" battle which is an attritionist approach

• based on numerical superiority, an embarrassment ofartiIlery, and a stubbom succession

of frontal attacks until one side runs out of men or equipment. This seemed to work in
Africa. The first El Alamein (Alem Halfa) was a brilliant defensive battle with ail
respects to its purported arehiteets, General Sir Claude Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief
Middle East, and Major-General E. Donnan-Smith~ acting Chief of Staff: Eighth Army.l
The breakout, often called the third El Alamein, featured a pathetic inability to use the
"force de chasse" composed oftwo armoured divisions designed to follow the 8th Army
Schwemunkt and overrun the remnants of the German-Italian host as it fled to Tripoli.
The dean ofdesert warfare outfoxed Montgomery. The one "ail Monty" defensive victory
over Rommel was at Medenine where the Afiica Korps threw itselfonto the British
pakfront and g..o.t sorne of its own medicine. There was no maneuver warfare.
Montgomery arrived in Normandy experienced in the "dueks-in-a-row" offensive and
somewhat disappointed by the stalemate ofItalian operations.

l See Correlli Bamett The Desert Generais (New York: Vlking, 1961) 177-189 an~ Tucker~ 137..


It was Eisenhower's wish that Montgomery assume operational responsibility in

• Normandy. By the end of lune, with three German armies in the area, breaking out would
require organizing a strategic offensive using the resources of two army groups. "D Day"
was a brilliant example ofan Allied strategic offensive; a failure could have set the war
back by years. The aim of the next effort would be a breakout battle that ended with the
Allies across the Seine. The first goal was to breakout and acquire operational maneuver
thereby securing the destruction of the German army in the west and/orthe capture of
Paris. Either could bring about an operational, perhaps strategie, victory. Montgomery
was working against time and geography.-
Time was critieal beeause every week brought in more American divisions and
strengthened Bradley's hand. It is not unfair ta suggest Montgomery wanted another
Alamein and preferred an alI-British knockout punch to an Allied or American win.
Although he insisted that he had planned Normandy aIl along as an American victory-
draw the Germans to the east, break out on the west - bis actual conduct shows a series of
desperate attempts to crack the Germans near Caen. Montgomery's other obstacle was

the bocage. The sunken lanes, paralleled by medieval hedges that could stop a tank,
reduced the Normandy battle to a series ofbloody company-platoon-sized actions fought
at ranges of less than one hundred yards. At least that was the situation in the American
and British sectors.
In the Canadian sector the open ground beyond Caen was an armoured officer' s
dream. Unfortunately, the long ranges favoured German tank guns. This, coupled with
the very determined, almost fanatic, defence by the Hitlerjugend Division, presented a
daunting task. Nevertheless, a breakthrough near Caen could Mean immediate operational
maneuver. A breakthrough in the British-American sector de facto resulted in another
two weeks of fighting through bocage until open area was reached.
IfMontgomery had a strategie bent then a generous interpretation could he that he
attempted a series of chess moves: Operation Epsom (reaching the Odon River), the
taking ofCarpiquet, dominating the Odon-Orne junction and the western Orne crossings
and Caen's left flank, and tinally, Operation Windsor, the capture of Caen itself. Ignoring
the thrashing of 7th Armoured by 10l st Schwer Panzer Abteilung (in effect, Wittman's

• two Tigers), the British had successfully pushed their yvay into the Odon Valley and were

doggedly fighting for the heights overlooking the Orne Valley by early JuIy. It was clear

• that taking Caen was going to be a costly effort. Montgomery responded by using a
strategie ann to win an operationai offensive - the Allied bomber force.
Using the heavies to clobber Caen did marvelous service for the troop's morale
but accomplished little. The city was turned into a rubble strewn obstacle and could have
become a Stalingrad had the Germans chosen to defend it. Strategie bambing in support
of a ground offensive was contrary to both RAF and USAAF doctrine. It put them under
Army command, albeit briefly, and set a dangerous precedence - bombers as heavy
artillery. -Caen set the pattern for the Allied Strategie Offensive; any serious attempt at a
breakout would be preceded by a heavy air attack. It was the key difference that separated
the Allied operational meehanics. The Russians fired artillery, the Western Allies
dropped bombs.
Caen initiated the pattern and Goodwood was confirmation. Montgomery had
failed ta break out during Windsor. There was a hurried German withdrawal but no rout.
Now he had ta do it aIl again. This time he had the benefit ofbeing on the Orne and
better able to take advantage ofthe British foothold on the eastem bank captured by 6th

• British Para Divan D Day. Ordering heavy bombers and squeezing aIl his annour into
the eastern bridgehead, Montgomery prepared for "El Alamein IV." This was a grand
plan if Epsom and Windsor were the detailed part ofa strategical whole. Conversely, the
case may be made that the previous attacks were a series ofindividual attempts ending
with Goodwood before Montgomery beeame truly strategie and planned the double
offensives of Cobra and Spring on 25 July.


• Goodwood

We have nolbing to fear from Panther and Tiger Tanks

General Montgomery, 4 July 1944
[ do not need an American annoured division for use on my eastem flank; we really have
ail the annour we need.
Montgomery ta Eisenhower, 8 July 1944
AP shot 88mm was quite extraordinary - as they came across the tops of the corn you
could aetually see them coming - as they left a wake rather like that of a torpedo .•. and
one could, in fact, take evasive action.
MajO'r Bill Close"; "A" Sqn, 3 RTR, nonh of Cagny, 19 July 1944

Operation Goodwood had the potential to chase the German armies aeross the
Seine. General Q'Connor's 8th Corps, comprising three British armoured divisions (7th
"Desert Rats,n llth, and the Guards Armoured) were ta break out on the east of Caen, fan
out onto the high ground ofBourguébus-Verrières, and exploit towards the Seine and
Falaise. Planning on the Corps level started on 13 July.
... the operation presented unusual diffieulties, involving an advance for
the first three miles through a corridor two miles wide both flanks of

• which were held by the enemy. It was therefore decided to enlist, for the
first time on a large scale, the aid of the Strategie Air Force in the tactical
role ofneutralizing these menacing flanks ....2
The bomber support was impressive: "Between 0545 and 0800 hours on 18 July,
1056 Lancasters and Halifaxes ofBomher Command, 570 Liberators of the vm Air
Force and 318 Mediums of the IX Air Force operated in close support...."J The effects of
the attack were initially devastating: U70% ofPrisoners ofWar interrogated 24 hours
after Bomber Command's attack ... could not be interrogated because they couId not
hear.,,4 The aims of Goodwood have been mueh debated. If it was part of a grand scheme

1RG 24 10554 L21S B2.013 LD2. Secret The GoodwoodMeeting 18·21 JuIf 1944. Para 1. The
Goodwood conference was a post-monem held to analyze the operation's failure.
3 RG 24 -f0554 215 B2 Secret.. Tactica1 Bulletin No.38. Operations by Bomber Command in Close
Support ofthe Army • Cae~ 18th July, 1944. "Tlùs raid was either the most useful or one of the most
usefu1 ofthe operations carried out by Bomber Command in direct support ofthe Allied Armies." Martin
Middiebrook and Chris Everi~ The Bomber Command War Dianes 1939-1945 (Londo~ Penguïn, 1985),
4 RG 24 10554 215 B2 Secret.. Para 12. E.xtract from SHEAF report on Goodwood bombing. Diary
enrry from officer 2 CAB: "It was a scene of uUer desolatioD. l have never seen such bomb craters. The

• trees were uprooted, the roads impassable. There were bodies in haIt: cnunpled men. A tank Jay still
buming with a row offeet sticking out from undemeath. In one crater a man's head and shoulders appeared

to "write down" German armour and open the door for Bradley in Cobra, it was not made

• clear to the armour commanders. Rather than expect a "holding battle":

"Pip" Roberts relates that: "We had discussed in conference with Dick
O'Connor what should be done after we were firmly established on the
high ground beyond Bourguébus and 1 am quite sure that Falaise was in
everyone's rnind as a point to be aimed for. When Hobart went up to 8th
Corps HQ before the battle, O'Connor consulted him as ta 'the best
formation in which the three armoured divisions should move once they
had broken through into open country.' ,,5
Goodwood included a virtual "who's who" of the grand old chaps ofRoyal Tank Corps
doctrine.' Besides the vast operational experience of 0' Connor and the tactical
background ofRoberts, there was the raging bull of the Royal Tank Regiment, General
Hobart himselt: It is possible that this fellowship of the British armour decided to
misinterpret Montgomery' s infantry approach and redefine the operational aim as, in fact,
a breakout. However, it is more likely that a btitzkrieg was exactly what General
Montgomery wanted. Here was a bomber blasted Schwerpunkt that made Guderian' s
breakthrough at Suden insignificant. Eisenhower himself expected no less than : "a drive
across the Orne from Caen towards the south and southeast, exploiting in the direction of

• the Seine basin and Paris.,,6

Intelligence information prior to the attack estimated elements of three panzer
divisions in the area (21 Pz; 1 SS LAH; 12 SS Hl) for a total oftwo hundred tanks and
thirty-five assault guns 7. This did not appear to include the presence oftwo Tiger
battalions: 101 SS schwerPanzerabteilung and 503 schPzAbt. Tl)e 503rd, a Wehrmacht
unit, was equipped with one company of brand new Tiger II B, the "Royal" or 'King
Tiger" - the most advanced tank in the world.
The German defenses had been set by Rommel himself; Goodwood was to be the
last Rommel-Montgomery battle. The defence zone began with a thinly held outer
perimeter ofobservation posts and machine-gun nests. Behind lay the main defensive

sticking out from the side. The place stank.'~ Maj Gen H. Essame, Normandy Bridgehead (London:
Ballantyne, 1970), 155.
s RG 24 10554 L215B2.oo ID2. File by C. P. Slacey, taken from draft sent to him by Liddell Hart
9 Sep 54.
General D. D. Eisenhower, Report Nonnandy Campaign ETO 1946. MHI.


1 Goodwood Conference.

area based on "web" defence: fortified villages with interlocking arcs of tire covering the

• forward zone and buttressed by more strong point hamlets. In the rear, deployed in open
agriculturalland, studded with a number of compact, well-built stone villages, were the
German gun lines. In total, Rommel created tive defense lines supported by mobile
reserves ofPz IV, Panther and Tiger battalions. If German armour was permitted ta
maneuver, it could black any British penetration with accurate long range tire.
Resolute local commanders who had survived the savage bombing9 (most
Germans were in shock, Many soldiers went mad 1'1 sat tight and fought from villages that
stood Iike rocks in an armoured British sea. Decisive local commanders reacted quickly
and organized effective ad hoc anti..tank defenses. ll Soon British squadrons were being
shot up from the flanks and rear. 12 Disorder began ta emerge. The British armoured
division still fought in two solitudes. The tanks, à la old Fuller 1 RTe doctrine, went in
alone. As German reserve tank battalions arrived (panthers from lst SS and 12th SS as
weil as Tigers from 101 SS and 503 schPzAbt), the British tank divisions received
increasingly deadly tire from their front as weIl. Saon the plain before Bourguébus was

covered with nearly five hundred burning British tanks. The Goodwood offensive failed.
Lt. General G. G. Simonds, who had just arrived to take over 2nd Canadian Corps,

8 Eisenhower, Para 5: Terrain. In addition, there were three railway lines that had to be crossed,
two of which were elevated embankments. The entire area was dominated by Bourguébus Ridge.
9 RG 24 10554. DAT Air Ministry Tactical Bulletin No.38 (Ame l.B). In addition. "From 0700 -
0745hrs 9 USAF dropped 100 lb and fragmentation bombs in the area of the 'tank nm' (fused nose
instantaneous to avoid crater). From 0830.Q900hrs Frénouville, La Hogue and Bourguébus were bombed
by 8 USAF using [000 lb bombs "to disrupt enemy concentrations and prevent or delay counter-attack.",
10 The Commander of No.2 Company ofTigers from 503 SchPzAbt deployed in the middle orthe
bombing area described tanks "thrown in the air like match sticks" and soldiers driven to suicide.
Il The 21st Panzer's Colonel Hans von Luck was shocked to sec masses of British tanks south of
Colombelles heading toward Bourguébus and the Paris highway. He quickly reorganized village strong
points then noticed a fIak battery still attempting to engage Allied tactical air. "1 gave clear orders to get
immediately involved in this batùe by fighting the British tanks." The Luftwaffe officer gave ."..a flat
refusaI. So l took out my little pistol and asked him whether he would like to be killed immediately or get a
high decoration. He decided for the latter." Witlùn minutes the battery was shooting British annour. Sec
film documentary Operation Goodwood for tlùs particuJar version and, Hans von Luc~ Panzer Commander
The Memoires of Colonel Hans von Luck (New York: Praeger, 1989), 154.
11 "Pip" Robens candidly recalled the efTccts ofGennanltre: "Perhaps you would like to consider
what you would do as commanding officer when having not heard from your rear squadron for sorne lime,

and you look back and you find that they ail seem to be knocked oulo.some ofthem were burning. sorne of
the crews have bailed out - at any rate, they are not operational." Operation Goodwood.

watched the disaster from the bluff on the east edge ofCarpiquet airfield. 13 It was ta

• make a lasting impression and influence his next two operations. 14 Goodwood confirrned
another Montgomery pattern: any failed breakout attempt was immediately re-baptized as
a "holding battle."

Problems in Canadian Command

one might almost say fright ...

General Cracker, evaluating Keller's leadership of 3 Cdn Div

When Montgomery had removed sorne British commanders because of high

casualties and disappointing performance, his A.nily Commander, Dempsey, tald him he
had the same problems within 3rd Canadian Div. The Canadian push towards Caen had
fallen flat beginning with the battIe ofBuron on 7 June. Subsequent brigade offensives
like Le Mesnil-Patry or the attack on Carpiquet were poorly planned, poody supported,
and mostly, at brigade and divisionalleveI, poorly Ied. The results were the same:
maunting casualties to the infantrylS and a continued stalemate. The attacks on the

eastem (Caen) flank produced titde; the frontal probes were doubly frustrating since they
were being fought to recapture the same villages that Keller had agreed to give up on
7 June.
The Commander of3rd Division was not weIl. The four weeks oftighting had
affected his health and military judgment. He had punched his way into Normandy and
promptly ran oul ofideas. The tirst criticism came from senior British commanders.
Keller's immediate boss, General Crocker, wrote an adverse report with veiled reference
to corpulence and drink. u~eller is not really fit temperamentally and perhaps physically;

[3 Goodwood's failure totally enraged Eisenhower and confmned the desire of Air Force officers,
still angry after thë anny'5 failure to exploit the Caen bambing, to get rid ofMontgomery: ."..the attempt
by Tedder and the little coterie ofBritish staff officers at SHEAF to get Montgomery sack~ which
actually got as far as ChurchilL" Essame, 157.
14 Marshal Stems: Stems Papers - correspondence between Prof. ReginaId Roy and tvfarshal Stems
(Simonds's ADC) which look place duringthe preparation ofDr. Roy's superb book: Normandy 1944.
IS "The SO and G HighIanders had only SI men per coy left..•" RG24 14287, Ops Chamwood

(Caen). 27 Cdn Arrnd Regt (Sher Fus) 17 IuL Aller action repon and "lessons leamed": one of the most
complete armoured historical documents round for Iune-IuIy 44~ Also, RG24 15271 WD SDO July 44.

he is a man who has the appearance of having lived preny well." 16 More serious was the

• warning that Keller was ruining his division:

... the Div lapsed into a very nervy state.... Exaggerated reports ofenemy
activity and their own difficulties were rire; everyone was far too quick on
the trigger~ and general attitude of despondency prevailed ... the steadying
hand ofthe Commander was required. It was totally lacking; indeed the
state orthe Div was a reflection ofthe state ofits commander. He was
obviously not standing up ta the strain and showed signs of fatigue and
nervousness (one might almost say mght) which were patent for ail to
see. 17
Keller' s commanders, including Montgomery, recommended he be sacked. Even though
he had ruthlessly removed British commanders on the same front, Montgomery passed
the decision along ta Crerar. Crerar deferred ta his subordinate, Guy Simonds.
Both had been handling another problem - Keller's attempts to sack Cunningham.
The Buron battle had opened a nerve (u ... Bde had failed ta take objectives ... delay in
use ofreserve ... lack of drive.... ,,18). Subsequent actions resulted in an adverse report
and Keller' s insistence that Cunningham must go. There was a serious personality
clash. 19 Crerar decided that Cunningham had not been handled weil by Keller but then

• "Crocker's handling ofKeller has not brought out the best in the latter.,,2o Keller was
ordered ta see Simonds. The interview began with a discussion about the proposai to tire
Cunningham. Keller was adamant. Simonds suddenly produced British reports criticizing
Keller's command of3rd Division. Keller read them - it was a devastating blow. He
broke down: "He did not feel his health was good enough to stand the heavy strain and

16 There was earlier evidence of a nùnor drinking problem in UK and discipline ftom Crerar:
"Keller... drank too much and made an objectionable fool of himself on social occasions." Crerar Papers. V2,
3 May 43 Keller enjoyed lûmself in the mess. "He usually ca1led for a bottle of Johnny Walker Black to be
set in front ofhim. This was nonnally gone by the end ofdînner." Colonel G. RoutIey, 17DYRCH, persona!
interview, 2S October 1988. If drink was a problem for Keller, it does not seem to have becornc serious until
Nonnandy. A more likely analysis is that KeUer's hea1th suffered from the combination ofhattle exhaustion.
nerves, diet and drink
11 RG 24 10633 Crerar Papers.V3 Letter from Crocker. July.44.
18 RG 24 10633 CrerarPapers V3. Letterfm Brig A. E. WalfordDA&CMG First Cdn Anny. 13
lui 44.
19 Keller had been Cwuùogham's DS at StaffCallege. The sophisticated Iawyer left unimpressed
with bis regular force boss. Keller may have becn jealous afCunningham's status: "Cunningham was the
'wbite..haired boy' with Cracker and Dempsey befare the assault" Interview Cunningham., 1990 and Crerar
Papers, 10 Iul44letter to LtGen Ken Stuart.

2{J RG 24 10633 Crerar Papers. la July 44 letter to Sîmands. In a letter ta Stuart Crerarwrote: "r

am not sure al all ofKeller being able ta last the course." CrerarPapers 1S Jul44.

asked that he be medically boarded as he felt that he would be found to be unfit.,,21 It is

• difficult to say whether Keller agreed with the censure, or ifthe realization that every one
afhis superiors (Cracker, Dempsey, and Montgomery22) thought him useless, was tao
much for his ego. What is clear is he took the easy approach. He did nat fight for his job.
He tried ta quit for reasons ofhealth. Today, an enlightened chief Medical officer might
have agreed with Keller. His inability and subsequent frustrations and fatigue had made
him a high ranking psychiatrie casualty.23 Keller tried to get Simonds ta let him go.
Simonds would have none ofit. He looked beyond Keller and saw a division that was
faltering"spiritually as weil as physicaIly. He figured the 10ss ofa brigadier and the div
commander would be too mueh: "1 am NOT prepared to recommend his removaI on
evidence at present available to me.,,24
There is not much evidence ta show Keller or Cunningham were beloved or had
Iegendary status in 3rd Division. They were liked. Generally, they were not weil known.
Cunningham was not a showman; he tried to do his job - "1 visited each battalion
daily.,,2s As the Normandy battle grew complicated, Keller 50ught the protection ofhis

headquarters more and more. He did not appear forward during battles. As an infantry
officer he likely suffered the news of the mounting casualties as much as the battalion
commanders. There is little direct evidence to support Crocker's insinuation that Keller
was a caward. However, it is clear he did not lead from the front. Keller and Cunningham
remained at their posts. Simonds sent them inta Atlantic and Spring. Bath would not do
partieularly weil but by then, the battle was weil out of a brigade or divisional
commander's hands. It had become a Corps show. Normandy was now Simonds' s war.

21 Crera.t:-~apers 14 Jul44 MemorandWTL

Z1 Crerar Papers. Dempsey agreed, as did Montgomery: ~ undecided and apprehensive, and \Vas in
no sort of way a Commander...! consider he is not good enough ta comrnand a Canadian division..."
23 see Copp and McAndrew Chapter 6.

:.. Crerar Papers. V3~ 27 July 44 Simonds ta LtGen Sir Miles C Dempsey, roc Second Arroy.
Simonds was concemed ".,with the bigger problem of maintaining morale of 3 Canadian Division~"
Although he noted: "1 believe MajGen Keller bas failed to do bis best•••~"

• 2S Cumûngham, s.

Foulkes vs Schack

• The Canadian portion of Goodwood was called At/antïe. The operationaI

instruction for Atlantic was issued on 16 July from Simonds's headquarters. 2nd Cdn
Corps had become operational on Il July. General Simonds owned 8000 yards affront -
the 2nd and 3rd Canadian Infantry Divisions, the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade and
the 2nd Canadian Army Group Royal Artillery.
While British annour was attacking south and east, the 3rd Cdn Div was to cross
the Orne with two brigades and work its w.ay aloog the east bank, driviog out Germans
from the industrial parks of Colombelles and Vaucelles. A Canadian advance prateeted
the British right flank and drave towards the bridges and roads that connected Caen to the
southem plains and Bourguébus. It was a slow, dirty process. Fighting in built up areas is
an infantry man's war. The Germans called it rattenkrieg. Keller's advance did not help
the British much. His division was saon bogged down in a time wasting, life wasting
effort against second rate troops that had become formidable defenders in the rubble.
Bambing and artillery tire tumed each house ioto a fartress. 26

• On the far right, Simonds introduced a new Canadian Division ioto battle -
Lieutenant General Charles Foulkes' s 2nd Infantry. The division had arrived in late June
and by the 19th was ready for battie. Foulkes owned three full brigades of infantry - nine
rifle battalions. His task was ta secure a supplementary crossing on the Orne at Faubourg
de Vaucelles and push south towards Verrières ridge: "... and will be prepared on orders
GOC 2 Cdn Corps, ta capture area Verrières 0460 by an attack. :..,,27 The 4th Cdn Inf
Brigade (Brigadier S. Lett28) was the vanguard followed by 5th cm. The objective was
Verrières Ridge. The Orne crossing was not easy. The south bank suddenly rose as steep-
cHifs that dominated aIl approaches from Caen. The baptism of tire introduced severa!
battalions into battle including the Black Watch from Montreal.

26 Stacey~ Victory Campaign, 158; D'Este, 315-316.

l7 RG24 2 Cdn Corps Operational Instr No.2 Operation Atlantic. 16 JuIy 44.
2S Lett had been wounded in Dieppe. He was wounded again on the 18th.. LtCol C. M. Drwy look
over briefly and "Lt CoL F. A. Clift orThe South Saskatchewan Regiment aeted thereafter until Lt ColI. E.

Ganong look command orthe brigade." Stacey Victory CampaigJh 172. Neither the Brigade norThe South
Sask were commanded by their original COs throughoutAtfanlic.

• The defenders were from the newly arrived 272. Infanterie Division, commanded
by Lieutenant General Friedrich August Shack. The 272nd was one ofthe 1943 series of
infantry divisions reformed after demobilization in the months following the campaign in
France. Its complement was a mixture ofregular infantry, older veterans, and Polish,
Russian and Ukrainian volunteers. 29 The 272nd was training on the French Riviera neac
the Spanish border when the invasion struck. By 18 July, Schack's men were deployed
behind the Orne River, defending the southem suburbs ofCaen and the gateway to
Verrières Ridge. The contest between Foulkes 2nd Cdn InfDiv and Schack's' 272
Infantry has been noted en passant within Canadian Military History. It is an interesting
subplot to the battles for Verrières. On 18 July the two divisions, trained but untested in
battle, were locked in a bloody struggle that would last until27 July. The two
commanders' duel was never fully resolved, but the Goodwood-Atlantic high watermark
was reached when Foulkes had nearly five battalions on, and adjacent to, Verrières
Charles Foulkes was born in England, grew up near London Ontario, joined the
Militia and was eventually commissioned into the ReR as an infantry officer. He served
in various appointments and enjoyed a meteoric rise during 1941-43. Foulkes was a
regular officer with a career that matched his personality: careful, methodical and dull.
He was not a great soldier and he was not a particularly good divisional commander. His
performance during Atlantic and Spring eventually drew the ire of Simonds who tried to
get rid of him. However, Foulkes had an important ally in General Crerar who proteeted
him. They shared a common trait - hatred of Simonds.
Foulkes's opposite number, August Schack, was weil educated for a regular
officer, holding a degree in Theology from Breslau. A veteran ofthe Great war: his battle
experience included Poland, France 1940, Lappland and Russia. He had commanded the
War College in Potsdam, the 216th Infantry Division on the eastern front, and assumed
command of272nd on December 1943.30 The Canadian Intelligence Corps condueted a

29 Mostly Gennan (generally aider than Class l InfDivs) with a high number of"HiWis" (foreign
volunteers) included from Russian PWs, UkrainianSt Poles, even Asian types: WD 5 cm records notOO 272
PWs looked "Jap, probably Lapland or Mongo!." Ser. 68, 19 Iuly 44.

30 Personal File F. A. Schack. Office orthe ChiefofHistorical Operational History (German)
Branch. l Apr 1945. MHI. Schack served in Russia May-oetober 43, CommandOO 272 Dec43-Sep44; 81
Corps Sept 44; 63 Corps Nov-Dcc 44; 32 Corps March - May 45.

detailed interrogation ofSchack in August 1945. The investigating officer decided he was

• a comp 1ete idiot:

GenLt Friedrich August Schack, Commander of272 Infantry Division is
one of those generals who never knew anything and forgot it aIl. A thinner
and more gentle version of the Erich von Stroheim type ofPrussian
general, Schack's irremovable monocle and shaven head portrayed the
ruthless, efficient German officer so loved by Hollywood. A high pitched,
excitable voice and rather vacant, shifting eyes - an absent minded, stupid
man, born, rather than made, to his profession. His knowledge of details
such as boundaries orthe division, localities of formations or strengths of
units at any given stage in the battie was pitiful. Even the date of the
invasion had slipped his memory, and he excused his vagueness about the
numbering ofthe regiments in his division by explaining that he was
subsequently given command of81 Corps and had, therefore, forgotten a
great deai about 272 Infantry Division. After a moming with General
Schack, it can only be said that the reason 272 Infantry Division remained
in the Normandy battle at ail must have been due to a capable divisional
staff, and an undoubtedly efficient Corps Commander. It could have
achieved nothing at ail under the sole direction of its commander. 31
In fact, Schack' s division inflicted more casualties and created more reverses for
2nd Canadian Corps than any other German Division in the Normandy Campaign. If

• Schack was totally incompetent, it seems to have escaped the German High Command as
weil as his American captors who interrogated him two years later. 32
Schack had deployed according to Rommel' S orders. The forward line was along
the Orne followed by a series ofsuburban strongpoints trom Caen to Hill 67. As more
troops arrived, they were organized in web defence and formed four more lines of
defence that included Hill 67, Verrières Ridge, and its reverse slope. Behind the ridge

31 RG24" 10677 uSpecial Interrogation Report GenLt F. A. Schack" HQ Cdn Forces Rolland. 2
31 Re was decorated four times and was to eam the Eichenlaub to the Ritter Kreuz in September
1944 for bis divisionts stand in Nonnandy. Re next 5e1Ved as commander ofthree different infantry corps.
During American interrogation Schack appears opinionated and knowlecJgeable. His memoay improves
enough to offer a complete divisional Order ofBattIe and name each unit and subunit commander down to
support company level: MS B·702 46272d Infantry Division by General der Infanterie a.d. Friedrich-August
Schack u • Historical Division HQ US Army, Europe. 1947. MHl. See aIso: Martin IeMer, Die 216/272
rnfanterie Div. Ban Nauheim. Podzun. 1964. "

• were SchackJs artillery and RommelJs mobile reserves. These included elements of2nd
Panzer Division and the elite 1st SS Leibstandarte AdolfHitler (LAH).33
LAH was a superb panzer formation. It traced its roots ta the praetorian guard
raised to protect the Führer and then earned battle honours in France 1940 and Russia. It
enjoyed the best of men and the pick ofequipment. Its commander was SS Oberfiihrer
Theodor Wisch: "As a type he was entirely different outwardly from Kurt Meyer....
Pleasant faced J with sunken eyes brought on no doubt by the suffering ofthe past year.,,34
Wisch relieved 12 SS HI south or Caen in early July and after ten or twelve days handed
over ta Schack's 272nd. U ••• the Panzer IV AbteiIung was left under corps command to
help 272 Divan the west bank orthe Ome.,,3S 1 SS tank strength was high - "about 100
ta 120 runners.,,36 During GoodwoodLAH Panthers helped destroy Montgomery's
armour while its Pz IVs wrecked 4th and 6th Canadian Infantry brigades on Verrières. 37

Simonds vs. Dietrich: Round l

He gave the Waffen SS a style and an esprit de corps which may possibly be compared
onJy with Napoleon's Imperial Guard.
Otto Skorzeny, of S5 General Joseph "Seppn Dietrich

Normandy operations took on a totally different tone when Lt. General Simonds
activated 2nd Cdn Corps Headquarters.J 8 Simonds was to conduet four major offensives:
Atlantic. Spring. Totalize. and Tractable. In each battle his fce was the 1 SS Panzer
Korps and his opposite number was Obergruppenfùhrer (55 Lt General) Josef"Sepp"
Dietrich. They were very different in style and temperament. Simonds dominated his
Corps; he commanded ruthlessly and planned each baule down to battalicn leveL His
plans offered little or no room for initiative or maneuver. Each battle began as a set piece

33 "The l 5S Pz Div was placed in readiness in the rear of the 272 InfDiv in the area St AIGNON..
Friedrich-August Schack : "272 Imantry Division (15 Dec 43..26 Ju144), 9.
34 Interrogation Report Brigadefilhrer Wisch, Comd 1 S5 Pz Div. RG24 10677. 25 Aug 45.
35 Wisch, 2.
36 RG24 10677 Special Int Report: Brigade Führer Wiscl~ L
37 Batlle at La Hogue. Wisch, 2-3. Arriving in the Verrières area were the remainderof2nd

Panzer, the van guard of ll6th Panzer, elements of 9th and lOth 58 Pz Divisions and l02nd 55 schPzAbt
38 5imonds opened bis Tac HQ at Amblie on 29 June; he formaIly took command of u 800 yards of
front in the Caen sector" at 1500, Il July. Stacey, Victorv Campaign, 166.

action in the image ofhis mentor, General B. L. M. Montgomery. Each, save the last

• phase of Tractahle, ended in failure, confusion, and a disheartened abandonment of

action by the corps commander. Simonds commanded through his exaeting orders,
constant conferences, and by radio. He was often found forward ofhis own division
commanders but lacked the experience and personal flair to get great things out ofhis
subordinates; he had serious reservations about three of them and the fourth, the only
general with whom he had a decent relationship, he fired.
Yet Simonds is the great Canadian General orthe Second World War. His tenure
in this admirable position is partly due to his meticulous planning, but mostly because
much ofthe serious competition was so dull and mediocre. Simonds was Ua Most forceful
and original soldier. Ambitious, reserved and ruthless, Simonds was not an easy man to
serve - he was intolerant of minds legs capable than his own. Yet he received respect. ,,39
As a divisional commander he was rated as: "Most outstanding officer but not a leader of
the type that will secure the devotion ofhis followers. Similar in characteristics to Burns
and would give best service as a high staff officer. Has undoubted ability and will fight

his Division and make few mistakes.,,40 He was hated by his army commander who was
jealous ofhim and attempted to prevent his appointment to Corps Commander.
On a number of occasions l have prevented him from following a foolish
course ofaction or got him "on the rails" again and my advice seemed to

be sought ... Simonds is not only highly "tensed up" but also gives me the
impression that he resents any control ... he has a1l the military brilliance
for higher command in the field with his tense mentality, under further

39 Wilmot 410.
40 M027 TIr Bl1 Vol S4 Ralston Pa pers 1943. uOfficers Overseas Persona! Evaluations" Burns was
rated: "Exceptionally high qualifications but not a leader. Difficult man to approach, cold and most sarcastic.
Will never secure the devotion ofhis followers. Ras probably one of the best staffbrains in the anny...."
Foulkes was credited with "exceptional abiIity, sound tactical knowledge a great capacity for quick, sound,

decisions, energy and driving power ... quaIified to command a division." H. Crerar 9 June 42. MG30 El57. On
16 May 44 Cre~ ~ote to Stuart: "Simonds and Burns are capable ofsuccessfuIly filling the appointment of
Anny Comd. orthe two Sîmonds is probably the more brilliant.... Sîmonds and l agree that, as regards

mentality, Foulkes possesses the necessary qualifications (to command a corps). On the ether hand, he bas not
been tried in the field ... he may not show himselfequipped with the necessary mental and moral stamina" By
2 Ju11944 Burns was out ofthe running for anny command "In brier. General Alexander reports that in spite of
other qualities, LlGen. Burns shows Jack of tactical sense and power ofcommand." Crerar's attempts to sink
the career ofhis fel10w guoner round him in a sttange alliance with Foulkes toward the end of the wat. Their
conspiracy bath took awayanny command mm Simonds and, despite efforts on his behalfby Montgomery,

kept him in exile until August 1949. Sec. DRist Biog F: Foulkes Papers. Correspondance: Field Marshal BLM·
Foulkes 12 and 26 Sep, 31 <Xt 47; Correspondance Foulkes 1 Sîmonds 1947,1948, 1949.

• strain through increased rank and resfonsibilities, he might go "offthe

deep end" very disastrously indeed.4
Simonds's success was entirely due to Montgomery: "1 have the bighest opinion of
Simonds. He tried to go off the rails once or twice when he tirst went into action with bis
division, but l pulled him back again, and taugbt him his stufI,,42 Simonds's tactical
ability has been given the benetit ofdoubt. Save for an amiable examination by John
English, 43 his tactics have been politely, almost gentIy, ignored by a Canadian military
history that appears ta prefer ta see Simonds as the compulsive genius, the scientist
striving towards breakthrough in his labaratory, frustratingly let down by paor apparatus
and untrained assistants.
The man who most often stymied 8imonds's alleged brilliance was Sepp Dietrich.
A virtually perfect antithesis to Simonds's cold, detached style, Dietrich was open,
boisterous, gregarious, and loved by both his men and his commanders. He had the
common touch. He was common. 44 Dietrich was one of the tirst German tank soIdiers of
the First World War; commissioned in 1923, he joined the Nazi Party and rose rapidly
thraugh the AlIgemeine SS until he was appointed Commanding Officer ofthe
Leibstandarte AdolfHitler. He led the unit inta combat in Rolland, France, and Russia,
where his counter-attack in the winter of 1942 recaptured Kharkov and brought deserved
credit upon the LAH. By the summer of 1943 he handed over the 1 S8 (by now an elite
panzer division) and began to organize the new 1 5S Pz Korps. Despite his success in
combat, ("Thanks ta the leadership ofDietrich, the Leibstandarte escaped at least seven

41 DHist. 861544 Crernr Papers. Personal and Confidential Letter to Montgomery. 17 Dec 43.
42 Crerar Papers. Correspondenee from Montgomery to Crerar 21 Dec 43.
43 And in sorne extent by J. L. Granatstein and Desmond Morton, Bloody Vietory. 167, 173 . John
English forgives Simonds bis fallures but bas less patience with Crerar: "Unlike anything produced by Crerar, the 2
Canadian Corps operational policy enuneiated by Simonds ref1ected originality, clarity and completeness.", 238. J.
L. Granatstein's The Generais .. The Canadian Anny's Senior Commanders in the Second World War (Toronto:
Stoddart, 1993) is a political analysis ofSimonds. His tactics are vicwed from a safe, almost detached distance.
Granatstein's conclusion is decisive: nSimonds: Master of the Battlefield." Dominick Graham's The Priee of
Command .. a Biography of General GUY Simonds (Toronto: Stoddart, 1993.) bas been savaged by bis fellow
historians (sec: Granatstein review Canadian Militarv Histoty: Vol 2, No. 2. Autumn 1993). It is a friend1y account
and does not provide more information on Simonds's tactical mind or reaction to bis many tactical failures.
44 Dietrich's chann did not win over bis Canadian interrogators who described him as nSho~ about S'7"

tall, squat, a broad, dark face dominated by a large, wide nase, rapidly dwindling haïr, he resembled more the
butcherthat he started to be back in 1909 than the general he became in 1933." RG24 10677 Special Interrogation
Repon. Oberstgruppenführer Joseph "Seppn Dietrich., 1.

times trom annihilation.,,4s) and his obvious administrative skill, Dietrich was scorned

• outside the 55: "The Wehrmacht contemptuously referred to him as the 'Wachtmeister'
(Sergeant Major) .... Rundstedt's description ofSepp Dietrich is admirable for both its
accuracy and brevity. 'He is decent, but stupid.' ,,46

Within the 5S, Dietrich was respected and regarded with affection. The
identification devices and heraldry orthe 1st 88 LAH, 12 S8 Hl and the 1 SS Pz Korps
itselfaIl bear testimony to Dietrich. His name, used as a pun, is the skeleton key or
thieves' tool within the shield that was fixed on every fighting vehicle and tank. "As a
one-time' NCO, his relationship with his men was closer than that of any other
commander. Nevertheless, he expeeted the highest performance from his soldiers.,,47
On 12 Iune 1944 Dietrich took over command ofPanzer Group West as wel1 as
retaining control of 1 SS Pz Korps; he became responsible for one of the largest and
arguably most famous armoured forces in military history: four S5 panzer divisions, three
Wehrmacht panzer divisions and two Tiger battalions. He destroyed Montgomery's
armour in Operation Goodwood, wrecked Atlantic and Spring, and stopped Bluecoat. He
snatched victory from Simonds after Totalize and Tractable appeared to have broken

• open the eastem Normandy front. His style was simple and direct ("a brave, incorruptible
man,,48). He let his commanders go about their business. There was Iittle apparent
brilliance or the engineer's precision about his style. Nevertheless, he got results.
There were two fundamental differences between Simonds and Dietrich. First,
and most important, Dietrich could rely on both his own considerable experience and that
ofhis commanders, most ofwhom he trained personally, and sorne ofwhom had served
with him since 1933. Simonds had no such riches although he, like Dietrich, had never
commanded a Corps before, he had no experience in armoured warfare and neither did

45 MantFranz Kurowski Hitler's Generais Edited by Correlli Bamett (London: Weidenfeld and
Nicholson. 1989); -417.
46 Special rnterrogation Report. Oberstgrupoenführer Josef"Sepp" Dietriclb 3.
47 Kurowski. 417.
48 Field Marshal Hans von Kluge. Letter to Hitler, 18 August 1944. Despite the snobbery shown
toward Dietrich by the Wehnnacht's Prussian hierarchy, von Kluge (who also originally dismissed
Dietrich's leadership qualities) came to respect him through out the fighting in Nonnandy: "1 have come to

know and appreciate as a brave, incorruptible man in these difficult weeks." Quoted in Milton Shulman
Defeat in the West (London: Seckerand Warburg, 1947). 152.

his officers. Second, Dietrich's tactics did not arise from complex plans. They were
straightforward and easily understood; he let his commanders do the fighting and he
provided the reseIVes as they were needed. That, as Napoleon once noted, was the only
activity left to a commander once the battle had begun. Simonds's operations were based
on an intricate design and ended in disarray. Each offensive introduced a new formula, a
new gimmick. That was the doctrinal difference between the two armies. The Germans
knew how to fight and had confidence in a proven doctrine; the Canadians were learning
to fight. The Simonds-Dietrich contests began with At/antie.

The Ficst Verrières: The German Counter-Attack. 20-21 July

We chased you from the beachest we chased you through the grain.
YoutU soon wish you never heard orthe Normandy Campaign
"Luger Lugging Ludwig - Lay That Luger Downlt:Popular front line 500& 2nd Cdn InfDivt July 44
Intention: 2 Cdn Inf Div will be prepared to exploit to the SOUTH and secure areas
BASSE 0163 IFS 0463 pt 72 0461 ST. ANDRE-SUR-oRNE 0261 and area
Operational Order 20d Cdn Corps; OperationAtlantic 16 Jul44

On the evening ofthe 19th, General Dempsey ordered Simonds to take over Bras
from British armour as saon as possible. It was ta prove impossible. The fields
surrounding Bras, which was situated in the Middle ofBourguébus Ridge, were littered
with British armour. O'Connor's 8th Corps had been stopped cold. Keller's 3rd Cdn
Division had just c1eared Vaucelles and managed to get a brigade into Cormelles. The
Germans still held the high ground. By next moming Dempsey issued an amended plan:
8th Corps would hold fast but 7th Armoured Division was to capture Bourguébus. 3rd
Cdn Inf Div would relieve the battered Ilth Armoured Division and the 2nd Cdn Div
would advance southward and establish itselfon the Verrières feature. 49
By 20 JuIy, 2 CID was across the Orne and pushing south along the road that led
to St. André, May, and Verrières Ridge. After tenacious fighting, the forward companies
ofthe 272nd had been forced out of Vaucelles and Fleury-sur-Orne. Hill 67, which
dominated St Martin, St André and May-sur-Orne, was secured. The Camerons pushed
into St. André and Foulkes had three infantry battalions poised ta capture Verrières itself.

• 49 Stacey, Victorv Campaign.. 174.



Situation 2nd CON CORPs 20 July 44



• Figure 17

Commanding the division May have been frustrating for Foulkes. He was not a

• dynamic leader; he led from his Command Post via radio-telephones and was generally
out oftouch with the forward battalions. Rad Fouikes wanted to direct the battle, he
would have had little room for creative maneuver. 2nd Corps Staffplanning reached
down to battalion level; everything was spelled out. Every attack was frontal and the
brigade staffs were reduced to cheerleaders. As it became evident to Simonds that the
Ridge was within reach, he ordered Foulkes to push 6th Brigade forward and secure the
most dominating feature south ofCaen. Although Goodwood had failed as a breakout, if
the Canadians could take and hold Verrières Ridge (a jumping otipoint for Falaise), part
of the operation's objectives might yet be saved. At the least, RommeI's main defensive
area would have been pierced and outflanked.
The final push for the ridge was made by Brigadier H. A. Young's 6th Infantry
Brigade with the Essex Scottish placed under command. 50 The Brigade was spread out
across the entire 2nd Division front. The Camerons were holding the right flank in St.
André and engaged in a nasty house-to-house battle against the 980th Regt of the 272nd.
The South Saskatchewan Regiment (South Sask) and Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal (FMR)

• were deployed two up and ordered ta advance on a 2000 meter front. This meant the
battalioos would saon be totally out of sight of each other and oot capable of mutual
The top of the ridge is flat and kidney shaped. The western end dominates May,
St. André, St. Martin, and Beauvoir Farm. The eastem end contraIs Route Nationale 158,
the Caen-Falaise Highway. The center has a slight depression; in that bowl is the village
of Verrières, unseen except for the steeple of its church. Young's attack went in at 1500
hrs, supported by Typhoons and artillery. By 1730 hrs, the FMR had captured both
Beauvoir and Troteval Farms and were advancing on Verrières village. Ta their right, the
South Saskatchewan had pushed up onto the western crest of the ridge and were ready ta
swoop down on Fontenay-le-Marmion. It had aiso begun ta rain. Behind the rain came a
fire storm that turned success into tragedy. From the area of Verrières village, the

SO 6 cm had one ofthree French Canadian Battalions in Nonnandy (there were ollly four in Europe),
Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal, 100 by the oflicers recruited from Montrears French Canadian elite. The remaining

units were from western Canada: The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders and The South Saskatchewan

Gerrnans unleashed a violent counter-attack. Tanks and panzergrenadiers pushed forward
supported by mortar tire. The two leading companies ofthe FMR disappeared.
The German attacks were by Kampfgruppen (KG) formed from 272nd Infantry,
2nd Panzer (KG_Kahn) and 1 SS LAH. 51 The Leibstandarte52 had Kampfgruppen in
Verrières, Tilly-la-Campagne, and La Hogue. Their initial attack, by KGs composed of
5th and 6th Companies of2nd Battalion, 1 SS Pz Regt ~ IVs), supported by 9th
Company, 3rd Bn, lst panzergrenadier Regt, appears to have come via Verrières.
They overran the leading FMR companies,53 tumed west, and, in concert with 2nd
Panzer's·Kampfgruppe Kohn, shattered The South Saskatchewan Regiment. As the
westemers fought to conduet an orderly tactical withdrawal, Colonel Kohn's battle
groupS4 came upon the unlucky Essex Scottish. "Two of its companies are reported to
have broken; it became disorganized and lost very heavily."ss There was no Canadian
armoured counter attack despite the faet 2 CAB faced Mark IVs and on hand was a
veteran tank regiment - The Sherbrooke Fusiliers.56

SI The 2nd Panzer was still cast of the Orne but managed to organize a battle group and get it south

of Verrières by 19 July. Bundesarclûves: RH21-5/50 Kriegstagebuch des Panzer Anneeoberkommando 5.
Angefagen 10.6.44; gefchloffen: 8.8.44. Reports 19-21 Jul44. The guts of the unit: Panzer Regiment 3,
pzGren Regt 304, and Div HQ did not appear in 2nd Cdn Corps area until 24 July. Major Koch
commanded 2nd Bn. 3 Pz Regt. In the fighting west of the Orne the CO of 3rd Pz Re~ Col Kahn had been
killed, the CO of 151 B~ Major von Leesten, seriously wounded. Koch's KG deployed behind Verrières
ridge: "we were sent to the rear in reserve, Le. tanks, annd infantry and 2nd Bn 74th Arty Rgt." Statcment
Lt Peter Prein, April 1990.
S2 The Division had concentrated in the Forêt de Cinglais area with its HQ at Lahousse (approx 3
km south of Verrières Ridge). Two of its Kampfgruppen had becn in action west of the Orne at Eterville
and Louvigny as late as 11-13 July. LAH counter-attacks began late 18th July and continued through 19th.
By the 20th the Divisions main elements were on Bourguébus with KGs in La Hague, Tilly-la-Campagne
and Verrières. A combat tcam had been near Ifs but withdrew to Beauvoir far during the night of 19/20th.
Rudolf Lehmann und RalfTiemann Die Leibstandarte Band IV/I (Osnabruck: Munin Verla& 1986), 178·
182. Bundesarchives: RH21-5150 Kriegstagebuch des Panzer Anneeoberkommando S. Angefagen 10.6.44.
53 The FMR was reduced to 50% effective strength. Two rifle comparues lisimply dîsappeared"; the
depth company commanded by Major Dextraze came Wlder "machine gun tire from tanks and mortars." They
saon had 30% casualties and the attack stopped. During July 44, the FMR was able to produce only one strong
rifle company. Persona! interviews General J. J. Dextraze, 1990, 91, 92. See also, RG24 10985 Message Log 5
CIB, 19 July 44. -.
S4 "Our counter-attack with ail available elements ofthe 1 SS Pz Div LAH dislodged the enemy
from BOURGUEBUS [Verrières ridge) which he had penetrated with about 50 tanks and took height 67
south ofFieury-sur.Qme." Qberst Kohn \Vas killed west of St Martin church 19/2Oth July. RH21-5/50
Kriegstagebuch 5 Pz Army 20.7.44, and., Stacey 178.
S5 Stacer, Victorv Campaign. 175. See also: Schack. B-540, 10.

56 27th CAR's squadrons ('~~' right; "e" left), had moved into position below the high ground to
suppon an attack on St André..sur-ome. RG 24 14287 WD 27 CAR, 19 JuIy 44.

The Com's Counter-Attack: 21 July

Goodwood was shattered but had created sorne problerns for the Germans.
Although Montgomery had been embarrassed, by battle's end, 2nd Canadian Corps held
part ofBourguébus ridge, Hi1167, Beauvoir Farm, and the town of St. André. Hill 67
overlooked the valley before Verrières Ridge and dominated the taetical approaches to
the ridge and Fontenay-le-Marmion. The feature was a jump offpoint for any attack
against Verrières. St. André was the anchor on the Orne. It controlled the only bridge in
the area capable of taking Tigers and was the Orne terminus for the east-west road that
connected Maltot and Vieux in the Odon salient with Bourguébus and the main Caen-
Falaise highway, Route Nationale 158.
Dawn, 21 July, found General Foulkes still in a tactical muddle. The 6th Brigade
had been thrown off the ridge and Troteval and Beauvoir farms were lost to German
counter..attacks. The South Sask, totally disorganized, had been withdrawn trom the
battlefield. S7 The remnants of the FMR. and Essex Scottish, each about two weak
companies strong, were hanging on below Beauvoir, while the Camerons, grimly fighting

• for their foothold in St. André, were in danger ofbeing surrounded. Sepp Dietrich,
accompanied by LtGen Freiherr von Lüttwitz, Commander 2nd Pz Division, met with
Schack on the 20th and decided to follow up their earlier success by ordering his panzer
divisions to help Schack eliminate the Canadian battalion in St. André and recapture Hill
67. sS The attacks began very early in the moming. l'In der Nacht das Korps. das die LAH
die 272. Tnf. Div. links von uns bei ihrem Angriffzur Wiedereinnahme von St. Martin-de
-Fontenay und St. André-sur-Orne unterstutzen sol.".59 Assaults were made by Schack's
980th Regiment supported by a KG trom 1 SS LAH - Panthers from 1st Abteilung, l SS-
Pz Regt and infantry from 2nd Battàlion, 1 SS pzGren Regt.60 The Kampfgruppe blitzed

S7 "170 prisoners afa Canadian ùûcliv passed through the command post." Schac~ 8-540, Il.
sa Dietriêli was briefed on the 272nds counter-attacks and 2nd Cdn Div's poor showing: "Zu
unserer Verblaffimg envidel1e Sepo Dietrich in seinen bayerischn Dialekt: 'Eh es nicht schiesst glaub ich
nicht dranl'." WD 272.Inf.Div. 21 July 44. RH 26-27215, 23.
S9 "That night the Corps ordered LAH and 272 InfDiv ... left of St Martin-de-Fontenay and St
André..." Lehmann, 181 and Martin Jenner, Die 216J272.niedersêchsische rnfanterie Division, 1939-
1945. <Bad Nauheim: Podzun-Verlag, 1964), 158-159.

60 This battalion was motorized. Like the 12 S5 HJ~ and despite its status, the LAH had only one
truc pzgren banaIion equipped with APCs - 3rd Bn ftom the 2nd 55 Pz Gren Regt.

through the Essex Scottish and drave them back ta Ifs, the 2 Pz KG pushed through St.
Martin and around the flanks ofthe Camerons. The attack bogged down in bitter tighting
that took heavy casualties from bath sides:
Our own counter attack immediately launched tram the south onto Hill 72
[Verrières] held up under enemy barrage and flanking tire from ST
MARTIN, but we were able ta recapture Hill 72 after bitter fighting ...
sorne of our combat teams penetrated ST MARTIN and ST ANDRE SUR
ORNE, but were unable ta clear up localities before dark as the enemy
was stubbomly defending bunkers and strongpoints which the Gennans
had canstructed inside. 61
Foulkes, after sorne urging from Simonds, aeted to restare the situation. With
three battalions broken and a third about to be overrun, the situation looked grim. Second
Division still had not regrouped its annour, but it did have Simonds to sort out the
artillery. Only one fresh battalion was in position to redress the situation - The Black
Watch (Royal Highland Regiment), the crème de la crème ofCanadian infantry. The
Montrealers were a cocky group of officers from Westmount and men from the working
classes ofwhat seemed like every city in North America. 62 The Watch had fought its way

into Ifs by the evening of the L9th. The next aftemoon they watched as the Essex Scottish
and South Saskatchewan feH back in disorder from the German counter-attack.
Commander of 5th CIB, Brigadier W. J. Megill DSO, deployed his battalions in a wide
defensive arc in case the German attack gained momentum and struck north toward the
Orne bridges. The German attack paused after clearing the 6th Brigade off the ridge. On
the 2Ls1, continuing counter-attacks by 272nd and 1st SS Kampfgruppen again threatened
to storm Hill 67 and totally cut off the Camerons in St. André. General Simonds finally
ordered Wyman's 2nd Armoured Brigade to support Foulkes's Division. Prompted by
Simonds, Foulkes promptly tasked LtCol. S. S. T. Cantlie's Black Watch to strike south
and conduct, in effeet, the corps counterstroke.63

61 Schack: 8-540, L1.

61 The Watch was comprised of Montrealers but included Canadians from every province plus
nearly 100 Americans, Ukrainians, Poles, GelllWl5, Danes, Irish, English, even Scots - ail wearing the Red
Hackle. The unit was steeped in ttadition and esprit de coms. During the Great War, the German Anny had
cluistened the kilted regiment "the ladies from hel!." RG24 15009 "Ist Bn The Black Watch RHR of
Canada Pt II Orders" Parade States, June-JuIy 44; Interviews, RSM C. W. Bolton, Cpl B. Ducket~ 1990~

63 The Orders Group ran late. The Watch crossed the start line as senior officers scrambled to
reach theircommands. Correspondance Capt Campbell Stuart~ 28 May, 1990.

The attack was supported by ail available guns, shooting "a formidable artillery
programme, ,,64 and squadrons trom 6th and 27th CAR. There was no real battlegroup
formed. The Watch was not given a regiment oftanks under command and Wyman
conversely, was not given the Black Watch and ordered to form an armoured battlegroup.
It; it was, after ail, ideal tank country.6S The gunners laid down a perfect barrage; the
Watch leaned into it as if on maneuvers. By 8:00 PM they had advanced just over a mile
in "a real text book attack,,66 and secured the forward bluffof Verrières, digging in
around the narrow gauge railway crossroads, about 500 meters west of Beauvoir farm.
The front line had been secured..
Secure may be a generous ward. Although ·Troteval and Beauvoir farrns had been
lost, the approaches to Ifs and 67 had been blocked; but there was still over a mile of
open tank country between the Watch and St. André. The 17 pdrs had not gone forward
and the tank squadrons hung back. Throughout the counter-attack, Canadian and British
tanks had been supported by tire from the rear. From their positions on 67 and the
crossroads, two highland regiments, the Calgary and Black Watch, were ta enjoy a

ringside view as a third highland battalion, the Camerons, was about to receive the full
attention of Dietrich's 1 5S Panzer Korps. The Germans overlooked St. André from the
waoded high graund ofFeuguerolles acrass the Orne, from May-sur-Orne, and finally, to
the east, from Verrières itself. It was a perfect killing ground. The only tank squadron
forward of67 was "A" Squadron, 27th CAR (The Sherbrooke Fusiliers Regiment).67

64 Stacey, Victory Campaign, 176.

65 "Unquestionably, they should have been intimately supponed by tanks that far better than
infantry chests could lean mto a barrage and take a bit Doctrine played a part here, as well as an annoured
corps perception that other arms failed to understand the limitations ofannour, that tanks should not be
expected to lead atiacks against prepared eoemy anti-tank positions." Englis~ 230. English is correct. The
Black Watch counter-attack, delivered against a recently arriv~ disorganized enemy on the fonvard slope
of Verrières ridge was not about to meet any serious pale fronts. This was the lime and place to lead with as
much annour as Wyman could scrounge.
66 Interview Brigadier W. J. Megill. Kingston. January 1990.
67 J. A. EngIis~ one of the few miIitary historians prepared to discuss fauit in Canadian

commanders notes: "The Sherbrookes were slow to dispatch their reserve squadron forward.." English,
229. He could have better said: '~Wyman was slow to dispatch bis reserve regiment Corward."

Radley-Walters and the Panzers

• Stout-hearted, calm and deliberate crew cornds who make haste slowly will in every

engagement best the enemy's ponderous tanks.
After Action Report, A Sqn, 27 CAR; Operation Atlantic
'~An and "B Sqns, with "C" Sqn in reserve, moved up to tire posos in sp of in! at first
light Enemy counter-attacks developed at 0630 with infantry and tics, at 1430 hrs and al
1700 hrs, all ofwhich were driven off. 68
WD 27 CAR 22 JuIy 44

Major S. V. Radley-Walters's "A" Squadron had been tasked to "support" the

Cameron Highlanders in St. André. It was a typical armour-infantry grouping for the
. . '
time. Radley-Walters discussed the situation with the closest Company commander and
"did what l could to help OUt.,,69 The Commanding Officer of the Camerons, LtCol. N. H.
Ross, did not command the tanks assigned to him; he couId, however, request assistance.
It was a poor doctrinal solutio~ but in this case worked out weil because of the squadron
commander's aggressiveness. Radley-Walters was from Sherbrooke Quebec, son ofa
Minister, a graduate ofBishop's University.70 A large, powerfully built man, he played
varsity football, loved hunting and fishing and spoke with a soft Eastern Townships drawl

• that suggested a simple, honest farmer. His quiet demeanor disguised a sharp analytical
mind and determined stalker' s instinct that made him the top Canadian tank killer in the
Second World War. He had been in action from the D Day landing, the tank battle at
Buron, and the feint at Carpiquet. 71 He had that rare but successful combination of the
tank ace: a good eye, an aggressive, daring nature, and bags ofhunter's luck. The
Sherbrooke Fusiliers were not only weil led by their CO, LtColonel Mel Gordon, but weil
served by creative and tactically gifted squadron leaders who strove to develop gunnery
techniques and improvised banle field solutions to overcome the German advantage.
Radley-Walters's contribution to RCAC doctrine was customized armoured
protection and smoke tactics: his squadron pioneered appliqué armour in 2nd Army72 by

68 RG 24.-27 CAR WO. P. 7. (Namltive) 22 Ju144.

69 futerview Radley-Wallers. KilaIoe, Nonnandy, Kingston. 1989,90,92.
70 He acquired bis nickname "Woppy" al Bishops from a Czech roommate who could not manage
to pronounce "RadIey..Wallers." The men in A Sqn called him "Major Rad."
11 RG24 27CAR WD.

72 RG24 10460. BRAC ReDort on 2 CAB July 44. '~Maj Radley-Walters stated that Churchill track
links loosely tack welded on rus glacis plate deflected 88mm AP shot fired from a IëUlge of 100 yds."

• First Sattle of
Phase 4: St Andre
22 • 23 Jul

• Figure 18

• welding tank tracks to his Shermans for point defence. In the attack he used smoke and
maneuver against the superior panzers. He joined the Camerons ready to fight. It was ta
prove the most intensive seventy-two hours ofhis war. 73 "A" Squadron deployed north of
St. André to cover the approaches and get a clear view ofVerrières, the dominating
ground. "The orchard NE of the town was occupied by 18~O hrs along with a handful of
On arriving on the high ground (023624) tks were seen immediately below
in the valley at a range ofapprox 600 yds. Confusion arose, due mainly to
poor visibility.... They were ascertained ta be PzI{w Y's in two gps of8
and 6 respectively approx 300 yds apart. The group ofS was immediately
to our front and the group of 6 to our left front. After one hour' s exchange
of tire, during which we lost one tank, there was no noticeable effeet on
the enemy. It was decided ta place sorne of our tks along the orchard
WEST of the main road and just NORTH of St. André proper.... Ail tks
laid smoke whereupon the recce offr led the way down the main road with
1 tp, the remainder of 4 tp and 2 tp following in that arder. No 4 troop
peeled off into the orchard and immediately adopted good tire positions
among the consolidating inf; six of the three remaining seven tanks pushed
on into the NE area of St. André - one tic, caught along the main road
where the smoke screen thinned, was KO'd. For two hours the enemy was
engaged from three sides with the battle raging in our favour. Around
1430 hrs we accounted for eight PzKw Ys as against tive of our own.
However, the posn of the six tks NE of the town was becoming perilous ..-
two tks being KOd, two turrets jammed and another with its crew
commander dead. Furthermore the enemy inf were ... a perpetuai source
of danger as they infiltrated to within 25 yds. 2100 hrs found the Sqn
consisting of six "tanks (32% eff strength) assisting in an observation role
from the high ground north o(S1. André until darkness. 7S
This was the classic Allied Normandy tank battle. "A" Sqn ran into a
Kampfgruppe attack, either lst or 9th SS76. The panzergrenadiers went forward and

73 "Counter-attacks developed on St André from the SW and SE at 1715 hrs.Others were broken
up byarty fire. The Regiment destroyed 13 enemy tanks...•" WD 27 CAR. 21 JuIy.
74 '"The tps \Vere disposed tactically with l and 2 tps maintaining hull-down observation posns LOO
yds left of the orchard on to the high ground immediately in front; 5qn HQ including the 17 pr was in the
fwd orchard; 3 and 4 troops were in reserve and in sp in the rear ofthe orclwd. Before last ligh~ two
enemy PzKw Y·s appeared on the horizon at 500 yds in full view ofsqn HQ but NOT orthe tps. On
engagin& one burst into tlames and the second was immobilized. WD 27 CAR A Sqn After Action

Report. Al/antic. July 44.

"A" Sqn After Action Report July 44.


76 Both lst B~ 9 5S Pz Regt and lst Bn, l 55 Pz Regt bad KGs in the area and bath Iaunched
attacks within a 48 hour period. RH 26 27~ JuIy 44. Bundes Archive.

circled ta the west ofN128, the main road, trying ta get into St. André. The tanks

• wheeled around "the Factory" and sent one panzer company right, ta flank St. André, just
east ofN128. When the tire fight began, the Shermans' range was 600 meters, incapable
of penetrating the Panthers. There were only two options for Radley-Walters: rernain hull
down on Hill 67, caU for artillery, and watch the tight (this would have meant
abandoning the Camerons in St. André), or, to boldly attack. An aggressive charge was
the only way "A" Sqn could close the range and allow its tanks ta use their superior turret
traverse and wrest sorne advantage from the Panthers. It was a gutsy move. Firing smoke
rounds ta cover its approach, "N' Sqn attacked. The action was a jewel ofsmall unit
tactics. Boldness was costly and by midnight, the Sqn had been reduced to six tanks.
The successful Canadian counter-attack and Sirnonds's continued presence on 67
was noted with concern by Heeresgruppe B. The recapture ofHill 67 was given priority.
Byaftemoon, 21 July, four Kampfgruppen from Ist 55 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, 9th
SS Hëhenstauffen, 2nd (Vienna) Panzer Division and even a battle group from 2nd SS
Das Reich77 deployed in the MaylFontenay area ready ta attack St. André and Hill 67. 78

Undaunted, Radley-Walters maneuvered south toward the orchard at St. André and took
up tire positions to support the battered Camerons.
Enemy tks appeared in force at about 1000 hrs numbering as many as 14
at a time on the high ground south of St. André at 1500 yds. They were
immediately engaged. Within an hour tive were burning and the remainder
withdrew. Around 1600 hrs they again appeared in force but out of
range.... Around 1800 hours when we were stealthily moving the 17 pr
into a good tire posn the enemy attacked the general position with tanks
and inf. At least two tks were within 100 yds before being spotted. A
quick exchange offire resulted in our destroying two against one of ours.79
The surprise attack was conducted by Panthers from 1st Battalion, 9th Pz
Regiment, 9 SS Hohenstauffen who worked their way through town and sneaked up on

77 DasReich has been recorded as ..the" 5S panzer division fighting the Americans on the west
flank of the bridgëhead, in faet, of its two Kampfgrupoen, one regularly appeared in the Caen area and a
DasReich KG was in May-sur-Orne circa 21-22 JuIy.
78 Across the Orne were the anti-tank guns and artillery spolters of 10th S5 Pz Div Fnmdsberg
supported by 102nd SS schPzAbt whose Tigerswere ordered to support attacks against 67. In additio~ the
anillery of lst 5S PZ and 2nd S5 Pz Korps plus the rue of two complete Nebel werfer Brigadcs the 7th and

8th- was superimposed onto the area. RH21-S/S0 Kriegstagebuch des Panzer Anneeoberkommando S.
Angefagen 10.6.44; gefchIoffen: 8.8.44.

• '9 I~A" 5qn After Action Report July 44.


"A:' Squadron. The Hôhenstauffen attack continued but its fury was directed against the

• Camerons in house-to-house fighting:

"The enemy attack continued for about halfan hour but mainly on the
posos SOUTH ofthe town. The remainder of the evening found us
eogaging anything and everything up ta 2100 yds with the 75mm and the
Lt Col. Ross' s Camerons fought almost hourly platoon battles. At several places the
272nd's positions were literally across the street from the Highlanders. 82 The last attack
(at 1700 hrs) was launched from the SE toward St. André sur Orne.
"A" Sqn was in pasn in an orchard prepared to meet this thrust and called
for assistance from "B" Sqn ... accounted for 13 Geralds, mostly Panthers,
with an additiona12 probables during the day. At 1920 hrs the enemy was
withdrawing towards May-sur-Orne under our fire al1d probably not more
than 3 or 4 tks successfully retired over the ridge. 83 .
At night "A" Squadron would pull back behind the orchards north of St. André or
on the western slope of 67 and farm a squadron leaguer. 84 Once the squadron reached a
sare harbour it would be met by its Al echelon vehicles which had crawled forward in
4'black out drive" to deliver ammunition and petrol. If possible, the Regimental Sergeant

• Major sent up a hot meal in "hay boxes"; if not, the men made do with iron rations. The

SO About 20 Jui 44, 9 SS Pz Div was subordinated to l SS Pz Corps to eliminate by a counter..


altack a strong penetration in the Corps area east of the Orne." MS# B-748 Battles and Movements of II 55
Pz Corps From 24 JuI to the Beginning of Sep 44, 1.
81 The Cameron's Regimental History aIso notes that .".. a guncrew of the attached Anti·Tank troop
gave heroic support. The gwmers accounted for five enemy tanks at point blank range, engaging in a duel
almost "muzzle-to.. muzzle' with the ferocious and detennined enemy." The Camerons also used their
platoon anti.. tank weapons (the PIAT) to defend against Panthers at close range. R. W. Queen-Hughes,
Whatever Men Dace: a HistolY orthe Oueen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada. 1935-L960.
(Winnipeg: privately printed, 1960), LOS.
82 Monars and 885 ""had the placed taped." The Camerons were within hailing distance orthe
Gennans throughout the action: .".. Capt. Dave Rodgers had the unique experience of canying on a verbal
slanging match with a German soldier who was an ex-eanadian.." Queen.. Hughes, 106.
83 "A" S9!! After Action Report JuJy 44.
84 On 19 JuIy, 27 CAR Tank State was S3 M4, 8 VC and 7 M3. By midnight 23 Iuly, Tank State
was 2S M4 and 6 VC. The Regiment's 50% losses were mostly borne by A Sqn. RG 24 WD 27 CAR WD
2 CAB. Hard evidence of2nd Pz and 9 5S presence was given to Corps Intelligence: HOhenstautTen PWs
and captured a bergepanzer MkV (recovery tank) with the Trident markings of 2 pz. '~As darkness
approached, the raUy flag was flown and we pushed otrto laager near Fleury sur Orne. One tp 0('48" Sqn
relieving '''A'' Sqn.. The tanks at the rearofthe COIUIM became involved in the darkness in confused

• RG 24 WC 27 CAR. Ailer Action Report on Atlantic by "'A" Sqn.. JuIy 44.


Squadron leaguer gave them a few precious hours to repair, replenish, and rest. 8S 231uly

• was warm and cloudy. 2nd Corps Headquarters was busy planning Operation Spring. At
1 5S Pz Korps Headquarters interest in St. André and Hill 67 continued. The last German
thrust came over the open ground between May and the Verrières crossroads. The bulk of
a Panther battalion appeared and pushed south towards St. André:
18 German tanks were pinpointed by Maj S. V. Radley-Walters, OC '4A"
Sqn, east ofMay-sur-Ome during the moming. Air support was requested
immediately and although it was subsequently ranked MOST
Th4MEDIATE by Comd, 6 Cdn InfBde, it took one and a halfhours to
find out from 2 C.dn InfDiy that air sp was not available. This ideal target
had by then, somewhat dispersed and medium arty hit the remainder. 86
Long range tire by Fireflies and infantry 17 pdrs from 67 kept the Panthers at bay.
Artillery tire took the tight out of the supporting German infantry and the panzers
decided not to go in atone. The last attack of Atlantic ended with a shrug. The Camerons
and "A" Sqn had survived - only just.87
One of the longest and tactically, most interesting armoured contests in the history
of the Canadian Armoured Corps had been fought at St. André. During a seventy..two

• hour period from 21 ta 23 July, the battlegroups oftive panzer divisions, fourofthem SS,
had attacked St. André. They had decimated the Camerons and effectively destroyed "A"
Sqn twice but the Canadian force hung on and defeated each thrust. Tanks from three
panzer divisions penetrated into St. André. Panther hulks were found near the church, at

8S The squadron commander did not rest: lvrbe fresh crews weren'talways trained ..• rd get a
lantem and gather the new men around the back of my tank - pick up sorne stones and stan explaining
tactics: ~Here's how we work...herc's how l wanl you to support each other'.n Interview Radley..Walters.
Kilaloe, Normandy, Kingston. 1989, 90,92. See: ORist 171.0090110 "First Cdn Anny System of
Replacement" Appx B to C?vrnQ Trg and Liaison Lelter No. 9. 8 Aug 44.
86 WD 27 CAR. . 22 July 44.
87 RadIey..Wallers was totally frustrated at the lime it look an "air tentacle" (the British term for
the Forward Air Controller - an Air Force officer in a truck with a powerful radio to direc:t Typhoon
attacks) to arrive:_'~rll neverforget the sight About 20 Panthers crawlingover Verrières ridge, there they
were, the biggest target [ had ever seen. We bit them with everything we had and kept calling for air
support. Finally, in the aftemoon this Brit officer arrives, flight boots, sweater, big RAF moustache.
gets out ofhis truck and with a big toothy smile says: "RighI, where's the Hun1." They had to stop me. l
was going to hit him." Interview, Radley..Walters. Air support caused concem in Sth Brigade as weil.
Brigadier Megill recalled seeiog the Panthers moving forward and frustrated with the inactivity, personally
drove to Caen to "shake up the Air net" He was held up by traffic jams. Interview, Brigadier MegilI. One
reason may have been the weather: "Cloudy weather and heavy rainfall on 21 Jui 44 prevented the enemy

from committing rus airforce in support ofground combat to the ordinary extent .•. bad weather continued
during the following 3 days and only cleared on the aftemoon of24 luI." Schack, a..540, Il.

the crossroads ofN 162, throughout St. André, St. Martin and the fields beyond. 27 CAR
claimed twenty-six tanks destroyed and four probables, mostly by"An Squadron. This
total amounted to thirty per cent of the regiment's tank victories since 0 Day, including
the battle for Buron on 7 June. The defence has passed into military obscurity, mostly
because ofthe whirlwind ofhlood, fury and tragedy that was to follow across the same
fields ofgrain on 25 July: Operation Spring.

Atlantic Lessons Learned: Tanks Versus Infantry

Weil may the wheat and sugar..œet grow green and lush upon its gentle slopes, for in that
now half-forgotten summer the best blood of Canada was freely poured out upon them.
C. P. Stacey

The 19 July German counter·attack was a gaod example ofwhat the RTC ideal
world was aIl about - a good demonstration of local initiative and Auftragstaktik. 88 If
tanks could catch unsupported infantry in the open, any action quickly became a rout. In
the case of6th Brigade, three under-strength companies ofPz IVs (about twenty to thirty

• tanks) scattered the entire formation. The LAH counter·attack accomplished two of its
goals: restoring contact with the overrun 272nd Grenadiers in Beauvoir Farm and
checking the entire Canadian attack - an impressive bonus was throwing 6th Brigade off
the ridge and reestablishing the HKL. Putting aside the Orne crossing and house clearing
through Fleury and Ifs, this was 2nd Division's first full day in action since Dieppe. The
inexperience ofbattalion, brigade and division commanders was clear. The beauty about
the Verrières position is that most of the crest and forward slope can be comfortably
observed from Hill 67. This required a strong mix of determination, leadership, and, it
must be said, courage. The tactical commander need not sit in a cellar trying to make
sense out ofgarbled radio transmissions or liaison reports. Fleury and Ifs were less than
two kilometres_fr0m Hill 67. Ail Foulkes had to do was drive up (in a tank ifthat was

88 Explanation of"Auftragstaktik": "Gen. DePuy: •..do what the nextlùghercommanderwould do

if he were mere and knew the same situation..' Gen. v. Mellenthin: ·Exactly. The success of Auftragstaktik
presumably rests, at lcast in part, on knowledge by the subordinate ofthe higher commander's concept of
operations and objectives. In these circumstaDces the subordinate can choose sensible courses ofaction
which contribute to the desired outcome within the framework of the overall scheme. Extraet: "GeneraIs


Black and Von Mellenthin on Tactics: Implications for NATO Military Doctrine" BDM Corporation,
Virginia, 19 December 1980, 17-18. MHI.

preferred) and simply look. The rain, German tire, and Canadian inexperience took their
There are several important questions raised in this battle. Where were the 6 pdrs
of the three infantry battalions and where were the 17 pdrs attached to the brigade?
Veteran hands would have brought them forward without being told to. By the time 2nd
Anti-tank Regt was final1y ordered to advance, it was too late. They ran into an LAH
troop and were wiped out. These things are leamed from experience or realistic training.
Senior Officers' TEWTs may have concentrated tao much on "beach-head tactics," yet
2nd cm"was not a "Ianding division"; training in the UK may have been incomplete. 89
Simonds and his generals needed more time ta shake Italian dust out oftheir map cases
and sort out a doctrine for the open areas south ofCaen. The tactical grouping for
Atlantic was awkward and belied the inexperience ofboth.90
A fresh brigade, grouped with Wyman's 2 CAB, would have been a better choice
to attack the ridge. 6 CIB, under an action commander, went in with no mutual support.
They were overrun and swept offthe ridge. The ooly stable brigade was MegilPs, which

had established a pretty solid defensive arc based on the Orne, Hill 67, and Ifs. Veterans
would have expected Foulkes to use Megill or 4th Brigade ta counter-attack. Instead
Foulkes did nothing; Simonds took over the battle and personally snatched the Black
Watch away from Megill and placed it under Clîft's commando He then ordered 6th
Brigade ta counter-attack. The corps counter-attack was conducted exclusively by the
Black Watch, supported by three squadrons of annour from two. different regiments. The
attack had plenty ofDiv and Corps artillery; Simonds saw to that.
The most puzzling question has to be where was 2nd Canadian Armoured
Brigade? July 20 was the sort ofsituation Wyman had probably hoped for at Le Mesnil-
Patry. The terrain was ideal for armour. 2nd Div had broken through to Verrières. The
question became if not now, when? The bulk ofan entire armoured brigade watched an

89 "There was to be no more experimenting. Doctrine and eqpt had to be finalized now, due to the
short trg period available." RG24 13711, WD 2 Cdn Corps. Minutes ofConference held by General
Montgomery HQ 21 Anny Group 0930 hrs 13 Jan 44.
90 After Young was wounded, Clift took command as acting Brigadier. He was given a fourth
battalion and ordered to attack Verrières. He aIready had the Camerons fighting a serious battie for the key

viUage of St. André which should have held bis complete attention.

• infantry brigade routed. The answer was that there was no armoured brigade. Doetrlne
had seen to that as well. 91 The Corps plan penny-packeted the tanks by individual
squadrons and eliminated the possibility ofan armoured counter stroke.
It had been a bad day for Allied annour aIl round: 7th Br Artnd, tasked with
supporting 6 cm, sat back and did tittle while LAH MIe lYs wrecked the FMR and
recatured Verrières and Troteval Farm. 92 Still, Wyman should have held a third regiment
in his hip pocket ready ta exploit just in case Simonds, Foulkes, Keller, or one ofthe
brigadiers got lucky. While Simonds did not attempt to create an armoured battlegroup
for a reserve, neither did Wyman. After Le Mesnil-Patry, Wyman's annour battles took
on an interesting pattem.93 They were defensive, they were defeatist, and they were never
characterized by quick thinking. What could have been is best illustrated by what
happened in the three-day battle that featured both a successful brigade counter-attack
and a stalwart defence of St. André by the Cameron Highlanders and the Sherbrooke
Fusiliers: two battered unÎts standing against the continued assaults ofbattle-wise
Russian and Italian front veterans.
Again, taetically, the German was far from perfecto Experience May have
triumphed over the novice battalions of 2 CID but Dietrich appears as rushed and sloppy
as Simonds. The German attacks were rashly planned and delivered in piecemeal fashion.
With the armour available, there is Iittle doubt that a single concentrated effort would
have swamped the Camerons and Sherbroekes. Instead, they were regularly given
respites; this faver, no matter hew short, was decisive. Tanks were allowed to "bomb up,"
troops were visited by officers, morale was restored. The battle was fought at "Desert
pace." Things stopped at night. Shermans and Panthers retired to their hacheurs to

91 "Th bdes may be placed Wlder comd ofdivs but regts not under comd ofbdes. Regts should be
pIaced in sp." Minutes ofConference Montgomery 21 AG 13 Ian 44.Para 15.
92 Stacey. VicroIT Campaign, 174-175.
93 One reason why Simoncls did not worle closely with Wyman may have been because they did
not bit it off in ltaly. 1 CAB worked 50 often with 8th Anny troops that when Simonds (Comd 1 Cdn Div)
attempted to order around Cdn tank regiments, Wyman responded: "Sir, l am not under your command - l
work for General Leese." Simonds was livid and had a long, unforgiving memory. Interview, Brigadier H.
Hurdle. Radio Logs and WD of2 CAB, 27thCARand 10 CAR record thatsupportingarmour saw the
Gennan counter-attack and individuaI squadron commanders asked for direction. RadIey-Wallers recalls

that the tanks \Vere "Toid 10 hold their tire" for fear of killing Canadian infantry. "We saw them in the
distance, lots ofblack figures running araund - they could have becn Germans. Theo we saw what looked
Iike white handkerchiefs waving. It was our infantry surrendering."

replenish and get an hour or two ofsleep. Except for probing patrols by 272nd infantry,

• both sides left each other alone in the darkn~ss. The German prospect to storm St. André
and recapture Hill 67 was thwarted by bad planning and Allied guns. Although 19-23
Iuly was over-cast, the power ofthree divisional artillery groups and two AGRAs could
not be ignored. "The enemy ... succeeded in pushing back the bravely tighting but less
weil armed 272 InfDiv in costly battles.,,94 After their ill-fated attempt to counter-attack
the beachhead in June, the 1st SS Pz Korps was more cautious about testing Allied FOOs.
Canadian Armoured Doctrine was not created in the United Kingdom or Camp
Borden; it evolved in battle. The RCAC's·"Louisiana" was Normandy. It was a grass
roots doctrine that tirst appeared at the troop, then·squadron, level. It does not appear to
have cross fertilized or matured at the brigade and divisionallevel. There were no Mel
Gordons controlling divisional maneuver from a turret weil forward in the line ofbattle.
Without stout-hearted, calm and deliberate leaders, 2nd Canadian Corps was sentenced to
continued frustration. The Canadians had taken Verrières and lost it, but they hung on ta
Bourguébus, Hill 67 and St. André. Simonds' s Corps was poised ta complete the job and
Montgomery, smarting from Goodwood's failure, ordered him ta give it one more go. It

• was ta be launched on the same clay as Bradley's breakout at St. Lo on 25 July. Simonds
called it Operation Spring. The operational problem facing Simonds was that
Montgomery had succeeded tao weIl in "writing down" the German armour. Simonds's
Corps now faced the overwhelming aggregate ofevery German tank formation in France
including the only IagdPanther battalion in western Europe. 9'

A Sgn's Barde in St. André Reviewed

In retrospeet, Atlantic 's one bright light was the defence of St. André. This
modest battlegroup encounter has been overlooked by Canadian military history yet for
aIl the hand WÙ!1ging about armour inferiority, it clearly establishes an important Iesson:
M4 squadrons, with Fireflies in intimate support, led by aggressive and experienced

94 RH 26 Iuly 44.
95 RH 26 f RHl1; Lelunann etc.: The 2nd 55 Das Reich KG was in the area shortly after
Goodwood 1Atlantic but was soon drawn to St Lo. Panzer units facing Bradley were Das Reich - initially

with only the Pz IV battaIio~ 17 SS Pz Gren Div with battaIion ofassault guns and the battered but game

officers, employing maneuver and ail arms cooperation, were able to defeat Panthers both
in defence and in the attack.
St. André is the only armoured action documented by after action reports from
t8.l1k tank troop and squadron commanders. It is corroborated by t1anking regiments'
reports and the War Diary of the Cameron's. More importantly it is substantiated by
German archivai evidence from 272nd, 9 S8, 2nd Panzer, Ist and IInd SS Pz Korps War
Diaries. Sherman M4 was totally inferior to Panther on most counts but the M4 Firefly
was the best Allied tank on the front and, as part ofa squadron team, quite capable of
taking out Mark Vs. This laboratory experiment further illustrates that disadvantages
aside, Canadian armour could handle itself if properly used and given a fighting chance.
This left the burden of responsibility for tactical and operational victory with the
brigade, divisional, and corps commanders. Despite Canadian military apologists, this
responsibility ta group, employ and direct massed armour correctIy does not diminish
with higher rank. Without a doctrine and no armoured experience, Guy Simonds was
soon to be given the opportunity ta direct a grand armoured hosto His veteran regiments

in 2 CAB were ready and the newIy arrived 4th and Ist Polish Armoured were still
shaking out. The successful attack, its taetical plan, and the ail important designation of
assault echelons is in the hands orthe overall commander. Simonds was about to get
three kicks at the cano



The Second Battle for Verrières Ridge

It may seem ungrateful ta raise criticism at this stage. We are. however. a veay self-
critical nation. It bas been our main source of strength.
Lt. General Sir Giffard Le Q. Martel
The British character is naturally not inquisitive enough and îndividual officers and
soldiers tend ta shirk inquiring into matters which they consider the business ofother
Cooperation with other Arms: The Tactical HandIing of the Armoured Division. Feb L943

Armour in Mass: Doctrine

By 1943 the British Army had officially renounced Fuller and Hart and admitted

• that tanks by themselve~ cannot win battles. The emphasis however, remained on
armoured superiority. "Ifa commander succeeds in destroying the greater part of the
enemy's armour, white keeping the majority ofhis own tanks fit for action, he can
operate freely, quickly and boldly over wide areas." l The normal roles of an armoured
division were defined as:
a. Co-operation with the main army and the Air Forces in effecting the
complete destruction ofthe enemy, usually by envelopment, or by deep
penetration through his defences after a gap has been made in his main
position by other formations.
b. Pursuit?
No mention is made ofdestroying the arrnoured formations of the enemy. Paradoxically,
this task w~~ given to the infantry divisions even though desert operations showed that
infantry can only kHI tanks in selfdefence. In the offensive, armour must do the tank

1 Mil Trg Pamphlet No.41. The Taetical Handling orthe Annonred Division and its Comoonents
(London: The War office, 1943), 2
2 Further: "c. Co-operation with other anns in the defence, usually by counter-anack. d. To

threaten the enemy and sa force him to alter or disclose bis dispositions." Mil Trg Pamphlet No. 2. The
Offensive. (London: The Wu Office. 1943), 8.


• kiIIingjob. This was one orthe lessons ofGoodwood. The armoured advance in
Goodwood was destroyed by enemy tank tire and Pale (panzerkannone: anti..tank) strang
points. Although much has been made ofthe web defence and fortified villages around
Bourguébus, a complete analysis shows that mobile reserves (panthers and Tigers)
plugged the gap and threw O'Connor back.
By the summer of 1944 the set piece attack doctrine was force fed to Canadian
Corps and Divisional commanders. Armoured divisions were to be kept in reserve,
protected against casualties, until after the dog fight had been won by the infantry and
breakout could occur. An Operational Breakln and subsequent Dog Fight, as the Soviets
were busy demonstrating in the East, required an overwhelming preponderance of
artillery. 3 Deciding that his gunners could not deliver, Montgomery had switched ta
heavy bombers. In his 13 Jan 44 Conference for senior commanders of21 Army Group,
General Montgomery stated his concept ofoperations. It should be remembered that
Montgomery won at Alamein by out..lasting Rommel. The conference notes, which
oudine the proposed doctrine, devoted one paragraph to the "Use of Armour." In it
Montgomery stated that tanks "must be brought through the breakthrough boldly to seize
high ground.,,4 There are two problems here: Montgomery did not really know how to
use tanks boldly and the bitter reality that, even with audacity and courage, a long range
gun duel between Sherman and German main battle tanks was no contest. Massed tanks
had to be handled with care lest the operational arm have its blade point broken.
British..Canadian attack doctrine began with a "break..in" by infantry divisions,
supported by tanks as deemed necessary. Special armour (Flails, Fascines) might be made
available. Individual squadrons, perhaps regiments, were added to the "dog tight" ta
guard the infantry brigades against counter..attacks by enemy armour, or support attacks
on strong points. The annour used during the initial stages was what the British dubbed
"Infantry Tanks" - independent Tank Brigades composed ofChurchills and operating
much like 2 CAB. The Arrnoured divisions were used exclusively to "break out and

3 See Chris Bellarny: Artillerv Red Gad of War - Soviet Artillery and Rocket Forces (London:

Brassey's DeCence Publishers, 1986), 62,66,201-202 and. Gudmundsson, 135-136.

The essence ofthe 1943 doctrine for an armoured division' s attack was based on
securing a "pivotn around which its armoured brigade could maneuver. This was a desert
taetic that was only theoretically practical in the bocage. It was, however, a possible
option in the open ground south ofCaen. Securing a pivot for maneuver was also the role
ofUthe rnixed divisions in the offensive." The Infantry Division's tasks were:
a. To destroy the main force ofthe enemy
b. To create opportunities for the employment ofthe armoured divisions,
either around the enemy flank Of through his front.
c. To seize and hold ground as a pivot ofmaneuver for armoured
d. To engage and to destroy enemy armoured formations. S
The experience ofcombat and the technical inferiority of Allied tanks demonstrated
inherent problems with this doctrine and raised questions regarding the role of armOUf. If
the role ofinfantry was ta "destroy the enemy armoured formations," then what were
tanks supposed to do - maneuver in open terrain as light cavalry?
The answer, demonstrated again and again in France, Libya and the Russian

steppes, was clear: the raie of massed armour was ta destroy the enemy' s massed armour
by combat and then ta destroy the enemy' s army by maneuver. Only massed armour can
attain strategic results via Operational Maneuver; that is why the Americans called it "the
arm of decision." Maneuver over great distances gave Sherman more than a fighting
chance. The trick was to get past the fixed defences. In the breakin-breakout phase, the
Sherman bowed to the Panther-Tiger combination. In the pursuit, it ran their tracks off. 6

4 RG24 l3711, "Minutes of Conference Reid by General Montgomery HQ 21 Anny Group 13 Jan
44"'(hereafter cited as Montgomery Trg Com 14 Jan 44), 2.
S Mil Trg Pamphlet No.41, 8.
6 Panthers were troubled with design defeets and tequired regular maintenance· once extensive,

prolonged maneuver began, they lost their advantage. See: Dept of Anny Pamphlet No. 20-202 Gennan
Tank Maintenance in World War IL June 1954~ 23-26.

• Simonds and Tanks

A charaeteristic of good generalship is to concentrate overwhelming force and fire power

at the decisive point and at the right time
The Offensive. War Office Pam No. 2, JWle 1943
A holding attack which actually engages. instead of a feint which does not engage. can
seldom he effective if its attack fails, because the enemy is no longer onder threat in that
sector. He bas won and can tum elsewhere.
LtGen Sir FrcU1cÎs Tuker

Sirnonds's early debates with Burns in the Canadian Defence Ouarterly give sorne
insight into how Simonds would use tanks: "Assisted by the neutralizing effect of
artiIIery and machine gun support, tanks can close the enemy defenees until they ean see
the hostile posts and engage them at decisive short range.,,7 Subsequent development as a
formation commander does not appear to have changed Simonds's mind:
The situation in the TEWT was that the armoured brigade had reached its
objective and was anxious to push ahead while the enemy was
disorganized. Simonds laid down that armour should pause, reorganize on
the objective and then wait until the artillery had caught up with them

before advancing any further. Brad ( Brigadier G. R. Bradbrooke,
commanding the 5th Cdn Armoured Brigade) disagreed strongly with this
poliey and went on ta commit 'hara kiri' by saying, "Why should l wait
for another 24 guns when l've got over 150 ofthem in my tanks? l don't
need the artiIlery to shoot me on ta anything and 1can get there quite weil
myself." ... The atmosphere became electric. Guy Simonds was an
artiIlery man and to a gunner this was heresy ofthe worst kind.... Brad
remained unconvineed and lost his command. 8
Simonds's doctrinalloyalty was to artillery, not armour. Releasing the armour to fight
freely was an uncomfortable option. He really had no idea what it was ta do. To Simonds,
to give the tanks their reins, to gallop and fight the enemy as they found him, was to
surrender control. He was a Montgomery acolyte, and the Montgomery system was to
stop "frigging about,,,9 reorganize, and put the ducks in a row.
Springwas, in fact, "the second battle for Bourguébus ridge," the infamous
Goodwood objective and actuaUy a spur of Verrières ridge. When Simonds watched the

1 Capt G. G. Simonds, "The Attack", Canadian Defence Ouarterly. Vol XVI Oct 1938, 379.
Kitching, 168.


9 Minutes, 13 Jan 44, 2.

• • •





British battle from the high ground southeast of Carpiquet airtield, he was shaken by the
sight oftank after tank being taken out by German gun tire: "Within seconds it seemed as
though 20 or 30 British tanks were 'brewing up.' )) LO As the smoke from hundreds of
hulks smeared the horizon, he made up bis mind. He turned ta his aide, Captain Marshall
Steams, and said: "When my tum cornes, we will do it at night."LL
Operation Spring was Simonds's second Corps battle but the tirst proper "aIl
Simonds" show. The operation was planned in great detsil by the Corps. BasicalIy, it was
a frontal attack directly into the teeth ofthe strongest concentration of German panzer
forces in the West and the largest number ofSS units seen in tbe entire war on either
front. 12 In a post war interview, Simonds explained to C. P. Stacey that Spring was
actually intended to be notbing more than a "holding battle" and the very nature and
objectives of such an operation prevented him from revealing his real intent at the Spring
Conference held on 23 JUly.13
However, the Corps' operational arder made it clear that Spring was another
breakout operation. It was understood as such by bath the Canadian and British formation

commanders. No Britisb14 or Canadian general, besides Simonds, recalls that Spring was
ta be a holding battle. Foulkes, who became CGS, vehemently denied Simonds's

10 Marshal Stearns Papers: correspondance between Capt Marshal Stearns (ADC to Simonds) and
Dr. Reginald Roy during the preparation ofNonnandy 1944 (Toronto: Macmillan, L984). From Dr. Roy's
collection. Steams, correspondance, 23 March 1981, 2.
1t Stearns Papers, 2.
1: The Shuztstaffel grouping facing Simonds actually exceeded Gennan S5 Panzer concentrations
for the Kursk offensive (1943): six panzer divisions and three Tiger battalions not including schjpzabt 654
and L16th Pz Div which were within striking distance. See: Erich von Manstei~ Lost Victories (Chicago:
Henry Regnery, 1958), 443-448 and, RG24 Vol 10,680: "Weekly Reports HQ Anny Group B 10.7.44-
25.7.44" and 2nd Cdn Corps lot Report, "Locations of Identified Gennan Formations", 2S July, 1944.
13 RG24 20,275 "Memorandum of Interview with Lt-Gen G. G. Simonds 19 Mar 46" by Col C. P.
Stacey, 2. Chester Wilmot was convinœd Spring was "essentiallya 'holding attack' with very limited
objectives at the crest ofBourguébus Ridge. Montgomery's directive ofJuly 21st repeated his faltÙliar
theme. Second Anny was to 'operate intensively' with the object of 'leading the enemy to believe that we
contemplate a-major advance towards Falaise and Argentan.", 390~
14 RG24 10,808. "Operational Orders • Spring", for British 7th AD and Gels AD stated clearly:
"Corps Comd's fntention: a To capture the high groWld above La Bruyère 0756. b. Ta exploit to wooded
area squares above 1160 and 1159... c. To exploit ta secure the high ground round Cintheau.x 0754 and to
seize Bretteville and the c:rossings overthe river [the Laison] at this place.", 1. çompare with: "Simonds
confinned that he had told General Dempsey in advance that a break-through was probably too much ta
hope for; but it was ofcourse 'luite out ofthe question to issue an operation order on those terms ...

General Simonds did not, however, go ioto detail with his appreeiation to General Dempsey." RG24 20,275
Interview with Simonds 19 Mar 46, Stacey~ 2.

allegation. Bath British Armoured Division Commanders and ail Canadian Brigade

• Commanders understood Springto be "a blitz" - a night capture ofVenières and a dawn
breakout by two armoured divisions toward Falaise.
Taking Simonds at his wor~ the tactics ofa holding battle ought to be examined.
There is an a priori puzzle: if the net result ofa holding battle (a full commitment of the
enemy's armoured reserves) already existed before Spring, what was the operational aim
of Spring? Clearly, ta keep German tanks away from Cobra. Therefore a holding battle
would have ta not only force the line divisions (21st Pz, Ist SS, lOth SS, 12th SS) into
counter-attacking but also force von Kluge to commit the operational reserves (9th SS,
2nd and 116th Pz).
Should Simonds bring Most ofthese forces into battle he would accomplish the
operational goal of a classic holding battle. 15 The essential element requires the capture of
a key part of the enemy's defensive area. This forces counter-attacks that chew up the
enemy's reserves. If the enemy fails to recapture the key area taken but still has tank
forces available, theyare then "fixed" to prevent breakthrough attacks. This robs the

enemy of operational maneuver within his own rear area. Therefore, the key is to capture
and hold the enemy' s vital ground and he will be magnetized to your seetor.
On the other hand, if Simonds meant to break out - or at least capture Verrières-
then his tactics should have been dictated by his own published "Attack Doctrine."
Simonds's understanding of the German defensive battle was acquired during the [taHan
Campaign, and, although the terrain and tactical problems w~re rather different, he
superimposed his doctrinal solution onto the Normandy battlefield. In an Operational
Poliey for 2nd Canadian Corps published in early 1944, Simonds laid out his thoughts on
the corps battle:
8. Either infantry or armoured divisions should advanee on a single thrust
line, disposed in depth on a one-brigade front, ...
10. Advancing on a single thrust line with brigades disposed in depth has
the following advantages: (a) The divisional artil1ery, even if reinforced by
a proportion of medium and field artil1ery from the corps, is only

lS The Pz Div Lehe, 2nd SS Das Reich and l7th S8 pzGren Divisions were weIl west, facing
Bradley's 12th Anny Group. lOth S8, with 102 58, schPzAbt faced Dempsey but were deployed on

Simonds's flank overlooking the Orne and certainly capable ofgetting mi.xed up in Spring. RH21-SI44,
Kriegstagebuch Panzer-Anneeoberkommando s. Abendmeldungen 23.7.44 - 25.7.44.

sufficient to support attack by one brigade ... (b) The leading brigade,

• operating from a firm base, can act with great boldness, for there is always
a soUd anchor on which recovery can he made ifthe Germans make a
sudden, strong counter-thrust ...
ATTACK 13. The essence orthe German system ofdefence is the
counter-attack.... A weIl planned inrantry attack. with ample tire support
will penetrate such a position with comparative ease. but the tirst
penetration will stir up a homet's nest.... The success orthe offensive
battle hinges on the defeat of the German counter-attacks. with sufficient
ofour own reserves in hand to launch a new phase as saon as the enemy
strength has spent itself. The defeat of these counter-attacks must forro
part of the original plan of attack which must include arrangements for
artillery support and thè forward moves of infantry supporting weapons -
including tanks - on the objective. 16
As before, the attack plan for Spring '.vas outlined in the greatest detail by
Simonds's staffand left no room for creative tactics at the brigade or battalion level and
little latitude for innovation by the Division commanders. It violated the main tenet of
Simonds's Doctrine: "a single thrust line in depth on a one brigade front... ,,17 perhaps
because Simonds had little faith in Foulkes's ability to handle his green division as weil
as realistic reservations about Keller's battle skills. The plan also contradicted Simonds's

• theory of tasking:
The correct allocation oftroops is best assured ifeach commander thinks
in terms of formations or units "two below his own command" ... , each
commander will arrive at a correct allocation oftroops without breaking
up existing organization - the latter always a bad practice in battle where
team work counts for sa much. 18
The classic Simonds Normandy battle featured the mathematical preciseness ofan
elaborate tire plan; it emphasized exacting staffwork and attention to minute detail and
timings. By July, brigade and battalion commanders were asked to execute, not think.
Montgomery had advised Crerar that ''No plan ofbattle survives enemy contact."
Simonds certainly understood this but nevertheless created battletield solutions with the
following cbaracteristics: creative attempts to solve a tactical problem that were complex,
rnisused massed armour, and exaggerated German defensive capability and depth.

16 MG 30E 157.Vol 7. Secret. 1-8 Ops17 Feb 44. Operation al Policy 2 Cdn Coms~ 2. Underlining
is Simonds's.
17 Simonds Op Policy, 3.

• 18 Operational Policy 2 Cdn Corps•


• Uncfer Command
BI' Gis Amri Div
4 ArrndRegts
4 rnrBns
2nd Cdn Corps: Operation Spring

Under Command
7 Br A""dDiv
4 Annd Regts
4 rnrBns
Corps Recce Regt

2 Cdn A,.".dBde
3 Annd Regts
2 Cdn [nfDiv
1 Recce Regt
9 InfBns
3 Ctfn ln'Div
l RecceRegt
9 InfBns
3 ArtyRegts 3ArtyRegts 3 ArtyRegts 3 AttyRegts
l Anti Tk Regt 1 Anti TIc Regt l Anti Tk Regt 1 AntiTkRegt

1 Arty Regt
3 Mediwn Regts
Table 4

Spring: Phases of Attack

The legacy of six weeks of breakout attempts was an overwhelming concentration

of German annour in the area around Caen: seven panzer divisions (1 S8, 9 S8, 1055,
12 5S, 2 Pz, 21 Pz and 116 Pz), aIl three Tiger battalions and the JagclPanther battalion.
These were specitically centered against General Simonds's 2nd Canadian Corps. The

reasons were simple: it was great tank country, closest ta the Seine and presented
Montgomery the best prospects for destroying the Wehrmacht's forces in France.
Although Bradley was about ta launch Operation Cobra, given the dense bocage and
eonstrieted road network ofle Suisse Normande, chances for a rapid and extensive
American penetration appeared sIim. 19
Bradley's attack on the western flank has been touted as the climax of the master
plan outlined by Montgomery in St. Paul's school weil before the invasion. By the end of
July, a successful attack anywhere on the Normandy front might save Montgomery's
waning reputation. After the eostly Chamwood and Epsom offensives and the disaster at
Goodwood,20 Montgomery' s eritics were having a field day at SHAEF. 21 Eisenhower was

19 Bradley's initial plans were modest The operational goal for 12th Anny Group was Coutances
and "crossing of the Sienne River" - 25 km from St La. Cobra was planned in essence as a more moderate
Goodwood and perbaps appreeiated as such by MontgomelY. See: Operation Plan "Cobra" Dated 13 Iuly
1944, HQ 12 Anny Group, issued 16 July 1944. Chester B. Hansen Papers, "Documents and Reports on
Operation 'Cobra' Folder. MHI.

20 "Goodwoodwas not, infaet, Montgomery's idea; itwas Dempsey's." Alun Chalfort
Montgomery of Alamein. <New York: Athenae~ 1976), 242.

livid after Goodwood' s failure and rumours that Churchill was about to relieve

• Montgomery ofcommand abounded. 22

Another speculation was that Montgomery's vanity could not accept an all-
American victory as the finale of the Norrnandy Campaign. He wanted desperately to
defeat Field Marshal Erwin Rommel one more time. The "Desert Fox" had heId his oId
nemesis pinned to the beaches for two months. Goodwood was their last test and unlike
El Alamein, Rommel's defences prevailed23 against the Montgomery "set piece battie. n
Rommel was wounded during Goodwood and replaced by Field Marshal von Kluge who
did not change the defence scheme or Rommel's deployment ofpanzers. Montgomery
May have understood Svechin's basic principles of the classic strategie offensive,
("Tactics are the steps trom which Operational Art leaps - Strategy points out the
path."24) but he was to have considerable trouble with the planning and execution.
Commanding four armies appears to have been tao much for him. The probability of
even limited success in the same area where Goodwood had failed was minute.
NevertheIess, Montgomery ordered a second attack. 25 There are speculations as ta why he

• 21 Particularly his RAF nemesis, Tedder. See: D'Este Decision in Nonnandy, 394-396,501 Nigel
Hamilton Master of the Battlefield Monty's WarYears 1942-44 (NY: McGraw Hill, 1983), 733-7J5,7J7.
Alister Horne Monty. The Lonely Leader. 1944-1945. (NY: Harper, 1994), 170-171,220.
22 One version held that Churchill had landed in Normandy on 22 July with '~the letter" in his
poeket. "But the visit of General Marshall on 24 July must have been bis worse moment .. Marshall \Vas
quite prepared to unseat him because of slow progress. Colonel Dawney has recorded that this was one of
the fewoccasions when Montgomery was visibly worried." Chalfort, 244. See: Hamilton, 737..740.
Eisenhower was particuJarly frustrated at Montgomery's continuai fallure: "Ike is like a blind dog in a Meat
house - he can smell il, but he can't fmd il.n Capt H.C. Butcher, My Three Years With Eisenhower (New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1946), 619. Montgomery did not impress Bradley's Staff Officers: uspectacular
entrance, standing in bis corduroy trousers, rus enonnous loose fitting gabardine coat and bis beret like a
poorly tailored bohemian painter." diary, Col. Chester B. Hansel\ 16 Jul44. Chester B. Hansen Papers,
23 SeeLiddell ~ The Rommel Paoers. 491-492, Ronald Lewin, Rommel as Militarv
Commander (London: Batsfor~ 1968), 228,487-488, Desmond Young, Rommel (London: Collins, 1950), .
213; Butcher, 617-618. An~ Wilmot 343,351,356-357.
Z4 David M. Glantz "The Nature of Soviet Operational Art:' Parameters. Journal of the US Anny
War College Vol XV, No. 1, 1985, 6.
2S M 5 14: "Second Anny will carry out its attack by Cdn Corps east orOme to capture Fontenay.
Stan atk 2S July." Montgomery signalled bis boss: "Am not going to hold back and wait on western front..

Have ordered Dempsey to 100se his forces tomorrow anyhow and the Cdn Corps attack will begin at OJ30
hours 25 Jut,., Msg to Eisenhower, 24 JuIy 44. Omar N. Bradley Papers: Correspondance 1936-1960, MHL

• did. Montgomery pleaded strategie necessity.26 He did not have complete confidence in
Bradley or Cobra and envisioned "a series of left-right-left blows on either side ofthe
ome" 27 in arder to "to keep the enemy guessing.,,28 He was sparring with the Germans
("pivot on our left ... swing hard with our right"~ instead oflanding the knock out blow.
He justified his scheme for Spring to Eisenhower with an optimistic "Tt may weIl be that
we shaH achieve our abject on the western flank by a victory on the eastern Hank. ,,30 This
was not a convincing plot for a Strategie Offensive, which was, after ail, Montgomery's
ooly job. The departure from the "set piece" approach was taetically refreshing, but what
Eisenhower needed was a clear plan for an Allied version of Stavka' S31 "Summer
Offensive," not Marshal Ney's "s'engager, puis voir" style. Montgomery placed two
British armoured divisions (the 7th Armoured and the Guards Armoured) under
command to Simonds; "de Guingand phoned Ike to assure him that Monty had 'fattened
up' the attack. ,,32
Spring was planned as 2nd Cdn Corps' tirst night attack. The break-in phase was
done exclusively by infantry battalions. Their mission was nothing less than the capture
of Verrières ridge. H-Hour was 0330. This allowed the brigades approximately three
hours before "tank light,,33 permitted the German defenders ta bring long range frre ta
bear. Simonds's plan specified three phases: securing the start line, capturing the center

26 ·'Monty was not an unusual general. He was a competent generaI in positional warfare. But he
never e~. ploited his victories. He wouldn't fight until he had everything ... the breakout came because
Bradley and Patton got tired ofwaiting around for Monty and fina11y Ike gave pennission to Bradley to go
ahead." Air Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham, Interview by Dr. Forrest C. Pogue, 14 Feb 1947. Pogue
manuscripts. Patton Museum Library, Fon Kno~ Ky.
21 Quoted in Teny Copp and Robert Vogel, Manie LeafRoute: Falaise (Alma: Maple LeafRoute,
1983), 80.
28 David Eisenhower, Eisenhower. At War 1943-1945 (New York: Wings Books, 1986), 376;
Montgomery's directive, Stacey, Victol)" Campaign. 181-183.
29 Home, 231.
30 Quoted, Copp 1Robert Vogel, Falaise, 66.
31 Stavka (Stavka Glavnovo Kamandovaniya VooruzhelUlykh Sil USSR): Politburo committee
responsible for direction of alliand, sea and air operations. Stalin was chainnan. A. Seato~ The Russo
German War (Novato: Presidio, 1971, 83.598. And, J. Erickson The Soviet High Command (London:
Macmillan, 1962), 598-9.
3Z Butcher, 623. David Eisenhower says "boIster the attack", 377.

33 The earliest tinte when annoured gun sights could distinguish targets and support the infantty or
engage tanks. The Zeiss optics on German tanks were considerably superior to Sherman sights. Further, the
moming sun would rise over Verrières and bum straight into advancing Canadian eyes.

and flanks of Verrières (May, Verrières and"Tilly), and finally pushing through second
echelon battalions ta capture the reverse slope strong points that anchored the German
defence (Fontenay-le-Marmion and Rocquancourt). Once the reverse slope ofVerrières
had been secured, German counter-attacks would he at a disadvantage. Panzers would
have to advance across open terrain visible to Canadian Firef1ies and FOOs. German
mortar and artillery gun areas would be in mortal danger, sorne uoder direct Canadian
fire. 34 At this stage Simonds couId release his two British armoured divisions to race for
the high ground and subsequently, Falaise. That was his stated plan.
A1tematively, if in faet Simonds secretly planned ta fight a holding battle, he must
tear a hole in von Kluge' s front, and establish a threatening bulge 00 Verrières. This
wauld have the same effect as 22nd Brigade dug into A1em el Ralfa ridge during Second
Alameio: 3$ aoy German armoured attack would be disrupted by artillery and shot to
pieces by tan~ and anti-tank tire. Ifhis opposite number, Dietrich, threw in a11 his
reserves, Simonds would still have the Guards Armoured Division and parts of2 CAB to
black and, given the right moment, counter-attack himself: 36 If Simonds could force

Dietrich to commit the KGs of2nd, 1 SS, 12 SS, and 21 Pz, ifhe could entice 9 SS and
116th Pz forward, then Bradley's annour would have nothing to tqreaten its advance. The
possihility of a Mortain counter-attack would be ruled out.

Canadian Intelligence

2nd Canadian Corps intelligence collecting had been' superb. The final days of
Atlantic had produced a complete breakdown of Shack's reinforced division down ta the
actual oames ofhattalion and company commanders. 37 The presence of 1 SS Pz Korps

34 The three supporting artillery concentrations planned by 5 Field in support of 5 Bdets attack
were calle~ appropriately enoug~ "Skip". "lump" and "8tumble "Stumble" was centered on May-sur-

Orne. RG24 Xoi 10,826 "Notes for CCRA's Conference on Operation ~Spring'. 23 luI 44" an~ "2 Cdn Inr
Div 00 No. 1, 24 lui 44". Trace "Y" ReA 2 Cdo InfDiv Any Fiee PIan 25 lui 44.
35 Barnett, 245,247.
36 To react to a Canadian capture of Verrières, Commander Ist 5S Pz Corps, Sepp Dietrich would
have to counter-attack with 2nd Panzer and 151 S5 Kampfgruppen and then consider tasking 9th S8. He had
access to 102 55 schPzAbt Tigers, remaining JagdPanthers from 654 schjpzabt and perhaps the 10 5S Mk
IV bo. However, he would require pennission from von Kluge to move those away from the British sector.

• 37 ORist MAl239, "Interrogation Repo~ 2 Cdn Corp~ 24 Iul44." Complete breakdown of 272
Arly Regt including "Personalities" (Commanding Officer, staff and battery commanders). Supporting

and its Tiger battalions had been confirmed during Goodwood. Since Simonds and his

• staffhad the information available38 it may be surmised that they decided a night attack
supported by an overwhelming artillery tire plan would minimize the danger fram tank
tire. Besides, if the aim was a holding action, the more German tanks, the merrier. 39

J SSP:Korl'S 2SSP:KtWp$ WehnruJdlt

1 SSLAJ[ 12SSHJ ll11l:!E 9SSH JOSSF 21 Pz Div
18S PzR(2 Bn) 1288 Pz R (2 Bn) 980 GR (2 Bn) 98S PzR(2 Bn) 10S8 Pz R (l Bn) 22 PzR(2 Bn)
ISS PGR(J Bn) 2588 PaR (3 Bn) 981 GR (2 Bn) PGRH(4Bn) 2155 PGRC3 Bn) 192 PGR (2 Bn)
2S8 PGR(J Bn) 2658 PaR (3 Bn) 982GR(2Bn) 22S5 PGR (3 Bn) 125 PGR (2 Bn)
18S My (3 Bty) 1288 Arty(4 272 Arty (4 Bty) 9S8 arty (3 Bly) 105S Arly (3Bty) Arty (3 Bty)
188 JPz (3 Bty) 1288 JPz (3 Bly) 272 JPz (4 Bty) 958 JPz (3 Bty) 200 JPz (2 Bty)

We1ImuIdII SS SS We1lmuldlt
2 Pz Div 116Pz Div 101 SS sPzAbt 102 SS sPzAbt 503 sPzAbt
3 PzR(2 Bn) 16 PzR(l Bn)
PGR(2Bn) PGR(2Bn)
PGR(2Bn) PGR(2Bn)
ArtY(3 Bty) Arty (3 Bty)
38 JPz (3 Bty) 228 ]Pz (3 Bty)40
Table 5: Gennan Forces Facing 2nd Cdn Corps

reports outlined the organization ofthe three Grenadier Regiments. Report MA 249, MA 238. RG24 Vol

10,677. In additio~ French civilians had infonned Cdn Int officers about the presence of mine tunnels
onder St Martin as well as the shaft that connected Fontenay-Ie-Mannion to May and Rocquancourt.
31 RG24: "21 Amy Op Intsum3S, 36"; "2nd Anny Intsum 1.138'\ "1 Br Corps Intsum 47".54. "2
Cdn Corps fntsums JJ45, 47, 49.50,54,57 and "Interrogation Logs Period: 12 JuI .. 26 JuI", WD 5 cm. 19-
22 Jul44.
39 RG24 Vol 14046 WD 2 CAB; Int Sums: uApx A to Int Sum No.47" Dated 24 Jul44. fndicate
sorne confusion: "Part of the mystery orthe present whereabouts of the 55 panzer divisions." However A
Sqn, 27 CAR actions 19-22 July had confinned presence 9 SS and 2Pz. RG24 Vol 14287 WD 27 CAR "Op
~ Atlantic' 31 Ju144", 21-23.

Table 6: 2nd Cdn Coms Tnt Summary No. 13 : Estimate ofEnemy Strs as at 23 Ju144.
fOnDation Int:.Bn§ ~ P7.V ~ StugIlllJPz IV Fd 1 Med Gms
l S5 Pz 4.5 60 20 35 44
9 58 Pz 4 20 50 20 41
la S8 Pz 2.5 30 2S 30 41
12 55 Pz 3 4S 3S 30 30
2 Pz 3.5 30 20 37 42
21 Pz 2 60 30 20
272 me 4 9* 48
la 1SS sPzAbt 25
1025S sPrAbt 30
503 sPzAbt 30
·Possibly Marders. For an Int Estimate this was remarkably complete except for 10 5S which did not have
its Panther Battalion in Normandy. The presence of 116 Pz Div had not yel been discovered.
40 l2!!!!il: 10 S5, 21 Pz, 116 Pz had!1Q Panther Bn; sPzAbt: Tigers (S03rd had a Coy ofTiger ils);
PGR: Pz Gren Regt - 1 S8, 12 S5, 9 5S, 10 SS and 2 Pz Divs each had 1 APC Pz Gren Bn, remainder were
motor!pl GR: Grenadier Regiment - each of 2x InfBns. Fus Bn: Fusiller BattaIion (Div Recce - bicycle

• borne).


24-25 JULY 1944
., 346~

7'" P7

_:::'I~~-Iler liB)

• Figure 20

• Foulkes vs. Schack: Round 2

General Foulkes was given three tasks. First, secure the division start line which
was the east-west road that ran along the northern edge ofVerrières through Troteval
Faon, Beauvoir Farm, St. Martin, St. André and ended at the Orne river. Second, capture
the two key villages that controlled the center and western flank ofVerrières Ridge:
Verrières and May. Third, secure Fontenay and Rocquancourt. Foulkes's tactical solution
was interesting. He attacked two brigades up, each leading with an infantry battalion.
However, given Simonds's detailed Operational Instructions, it could be argued he had
few alternatives. Nevertheless, he could have chosen ta be strong somewhere; instead, his
tactical plan ensured he was weak everywhere.
On the left, 4 Brigade was ta capture Verrières and Rocquancourt. Foulkes had
reduced this brigade to two battalions: the RHLI (The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry -
the "Rhilies") and the RRC (The Royal Regiment ofCanada). The start line was to be
secured by another "borrowed" regiment, Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal, already shattered by
On the right, 5 Brigade was tasked with the capture ofthe western half of
Verrières Ridge: the villages ofMay sur Orne and Fontenay-le-Marmion. Brigadier
Megill had been ordered to throw two battalions against the main line ofenemy
resistance held by elements ofat least four German battalions. 41 To augment his
divisional reserve, Foulkes ordered Brigadier Megill to transfer Le Régiment de
Maisonneuve to 6th Brigade. In return he gave Megil1 the depleted Camerons, still tfYÏng
to secure St. André. Megill' s brigade now faced the challenge of using two infantry
battalions with which to capture May and Fontenay consecutively. Given the state of
RdeMais, S Sask and the Essex, there was no effective brigade reserve.
On the east side orthe ridge, Keller's 3rd Canadian Infantry Division prepared to
capture Tilly-la-Campagne. The North Nova Scntia Highlanders were aiready in

41 Bundesarchiv RH19IX19 Tagesmeldungen yom 6.6.44 bis 31.8.44., 258. Schackts resources
\Vere: Grenadier Regt 980 (3 weak Bns); Gren Regt 981 (2 weak Bns. 481 t 483); Gren Regt 982 (2 weak
Bns, 350 t 485); Fusilier B1\ Artillery Regiment, And-tank Bn.. Roughly the equivalent of7·8 Canadian Inf

Companies. Megill was baclly out nurnbered. A1so B-540 Schac~ 13-14 an~ MS B-702 Gen der Infanterie
Friedrich-August Schac~ '~272d Infantry Division (26 luI-I2 Sep 1944)" US Army, Europé: Historical
Divisio~ 1945. Mm, 1...2.

Bourguébus, just north ofTilly, and held their own start line. Keller was attacking one

• brigade up, one battalion leading against a strongpoint held by a company of

Leibstandarte supported by Pz lYs. It was not going ta be a pretty sight.
The final Corps Commander's conference was attended by both Divisional and
Brigade commanders. 42 In retrospect, Foulkes's Division was given too ambitious a task.
To ease the burden, Simonds gave Foulkes 2 CAB (less one regiment) under command
and lots ofartillery support. But Foulkes knew less about tanks than Simonds. He
awarded his armour piecemeal, by squadrons, one per brigade. Both he and Keller had
generously allotted one squadron of Sbermans to each battalion condueting the third
phase assaults. As the battle became complex, they forgot about the rest. There was no
mutual support within the divisions, nor within the brigades. Brigadier R. A. Wyman,
Commander of2 CAB, had no effect on Spring. His presence went unnoticed,
2nd Canadian Infantry Division
Command and Grouping 18 July-25 July 44
GOC: Maj. Gen. C. Foulkes
OS01: Lt Col C. R. Arclubald; CRA: Brig R. H. Keefler

Operation Atlantic
4th Infantry Brigade 5th Infanqy Brigade 6th Infantty Brigade
Comd: Brig. S. Len Comd: Brig. W. J. Megill Comd: Brig. H. A. Young
The Royal Regiment of Canada The Black Watch RHR. of Canada Les Fusiliers Mont Royal
The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Le Regiment de Maisonneuve The Queens Own Cameron Hi
The Essex Scottish Regiment The Calgary Highlanders The South Saskatchewan Regt

Operation Spring
4th Infantry Brigade 5th Infantry Brigade 6th Infantry Brigade
A/Comd: LtCol 1. E. Ganong Comd: Brig. W. J. Megill Comd: Brig. H. A. Young
The Royal Regiment of Canada The Black Watch RHR oC Canada The South Saskatchewan Regt
The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry The Calgary Highlanders Le Regiment de Maisonneuve
Les Fusiliers Mont Royal The Oueens Own Cameron Highlande The Essex Scottish Regiment
Table 7

41 ReId at 1000 a.m. on 24 JuIy. Simonds outlined the gen scheme oC the proposed breakthrough.
Simonds told Stacey that he decided not to hold a formai "orders group" for Spring just a series of
colÛerenœs. Stacey interview Simonds, 2.
43 It bas been argued that there was litt1e an annd bde commander couId do: "Taetics we adopted
in the UK: where does the brigadier go? He just set up beside the Div Commander and listened to the battle

- even regimental COs had littIe influence on tactics. Interview. BGen RadIey-Walters, May 94•

Schack's Defence

General August Schack's 272nd Infantry Division had taken well over thirty...five
per cent casualties by the time At/antie had ended. His regiments had been counter...
attacking throughout the battle, the Most recent efforts being the attempt to recapture St.
André. By 25 July, Schack was reduced to three very weak regiments. 44 He deployed two
up, using Highway 162 as the inter-regimental boundary. The 982nd Regiment was
deployed east - in St. André and astride the Orne. The 981st Regiment was east of Route
Nationale 162 and held St. ~artin, the."Factory," (a mining industrial complex with a
prominent elevator tower leading to the tunnel beneath) and the open area on the western
forward slopes of Verrières. Its two battalions were weil dug in and carefully laid out
killing zones in the open fields. 4s The Fusilier Battalion held May and the third Regiment,
980, was in depth, defending reverse slope positions along western Verrières from May
ta Rocquancoùrt. This regiment was supported by the divisional anti-tank battalion, and
the vanguard ofa 2nd Pz Kampfgruppe, the headquarters troop of four Pz lVs, stationed
in May.46

• The importance of holding on to the western end of Verrières did not elude
Armeegruppe B Headquarters. On 23 July Schack was visited by Feldmarschalls von
Rundstedt and von Kluge in his headquarters in Bretteville. 47 He reviewed the past day' s
fighting and outlined the precarious state ofhis division. The 272nd was quickly
reinforced. 48 This gave Schack the depth he required ta hoId his sector against a corps

44 Schack, l, RG24 VolIO,SOS. Interrogation Log. 2 Cdn Corps. 26 Jul44. 272 had becn in
constant action with 2 CID and under continuai obselVation by FOOs from area Hill 67 - lire \Vas miserable
for Schack's men. PWs taken from 272 Fus Bn and 981 Gren Regt on 2S JuI "had no food for l\Vo day-s."
Interrogation Log. 2 Cdn Corps. 26 lui 44. See also: Terry Copp, The Brigade - The Fifth Canadian
InfantrY Brigade. 1939-1945 (Stoney Creek: Fortress, 1992), 60-6l.
4S The fields offire were "Like roads cut through the wheat" for MG42 fire. ~The wheat was \Vaist
high, you'd corne to like an intersection of lWo cleared lanes and there would be MG tire coming in al
about knee high level. l don 't think they aimed al ail. l think lhey just set up their machine guns and fired
them while they hid in their trenches." IntelViews, Cpl Duckett:, RSM Bolton, MontteaI, November 1989.
46 RG24 Vol 10677. 1 Corps Interrogation Team "Report 272 Fus Bn, 272 Div. 1Br Corps Cage.
3 Aug 44", Atlantic - Spring reduced 272 Fus Bn to "roughly 300 men: 3 rifle and 1 hy coy.", 2 Also,
Schack, B-540, 12.
47 RH26-2721S. WD 272. Infanterie-Division. 23.7.44. AlthoughDietrich is not mentioned, he was
present. He had a1so visited Schack carlier (20 JuIy 44) with LtGen F von Lultwitz (CO 2nd Pz Div).
48 '~Ausserdem wurd en im abschnitt der Div. am 24.7.44 eine panzerabteilung und ein
Pz.Gren.Btl. von 2.Pz.Div., eioe pz. Abt. und cio Pz.Gren.Btl. von 9.SS Pz.Div., die Aufkar.Abt der 10.8S

• attack. Schack's only dedicated reserve was Kampfgryppe Sterz trom 2nd Panzer
Division which comprised a weak Panther battalion, a depleted Panzergrenadier battalion,
and a platoon ofthe deadly JpzIVs. 49
Within 1 SS Pz Corp's operational dep~ only 30 minutes from May, sat two
9 S5 Panzer Kampfgruppen: Gepanzerte Gruppe Meyer, commanded by
Obersturmbannruhrer Otto Meyer (no relation to the Hitlerjugend's Kurt Meyer), and KG
Zollhofer commanded by Obersturmbannfiihrer H. Zollhofer, CO ofthe combined 9 SS
Panzergrenadier force, "Regiment Hëhenstauffen." These battlegroups, available to
Schack but controlled by von Kluge, were the ooly SS reserve available - in fact,
comprised the entire operational reserve for 1 S8 Pz Korps. If their attack failed, Dietrich
would have to ransack 1st and 12th S8 for Kampfgruppen and re-deploy heavy reserve.
Dietrich had ordered 503 sPzAbt, still grouped with 21st Panzer, ta deploy closer to
Verrières ridge. Its Tigers would soon poke their snouts into Spring and wreck Canadian
annour supporting the attack on Rocquancourt. so The last, and only true operational

Pz.Div. unmittelbar hinter der H. K. L. beiderseits von St. Martin ais Eingreifreserven bereitgestellt." (one
tank bn and one pzgren bn from 2 Pz Div. a pz bn and one pzgren bn from 9 SS Pz and the recce bn from
10 8S Pz deployed behind the Forward Edge of the Banle Arca (HKL) and in the 8t Martin area).
Bundesarchiv RH26-2721 5. 272. Infanterie-Division.. 27; sec also ETHINT B..540 and Schack, B 702:
272 InfanUy Division in Nonnandy. and. Martin Jenner, Die 216./272 niedersAchsische Infanterie-Division
1939-1945 (Bad Nauheim: Podzun Verla& 1964). 158-159. Shack did not actually have SS KGs "under
command" Hohenstauffen was Dietrich's ooly Corps reserve and after the Attentat S8 panzers were
answerable only to Hitler or trusted S8 generaIs.
49 RH19 IXI9. WD Pz Armee5 places 10 S8 Recce Bn south of St Martin: the Factory area.
ETHINT MS B-257, Gen F. v. Luttwitz, "2 Panzer Division in Nonnandy" US Anny, Europe: Historical
Division, 1945, 24. The fonnatioD was originally commanded by Gen Heinz Guderian unill the Anschluss,
after wlûch it recruited Crom the Vienna area It anived in the Caen area: "16 JuIy .. transferred south of
Caen ... evening of 24 JuIy ... Div HQ at Angoville, 25 miles south of Caen.", 24-26. Also: Franz von
Steinzer, Die 2. Panzer Division (Friedberg: Podzun-Pallas VerJag. 1974), 19~ F. J. Straas. Geschicte der
2. Wiener Panzer-Division (Vienna: Vowinczel, 1977). 185..186, and, Helmut Ritgen "Kampfum May..
sur-Qrne am 25 Juli 1944u unpublished manuscript, Moorkamp, 1990.
50 Dietrich claimed 503 sPzAbt was under command to 272nd InfDiv. There is contradicting
evidence. 503 sPzAbt remained onder command to 2151 Pz (during B/uecoat and Falaise Poeket). Dietrich
may have briefly snatched it from General Feuchtinger before Spring. Feuchtinger complained loudly and
often that Calladians and English wouId U ••• eat him up" unIess he was reinforeed with "bis" heavy tanks.
Dietrich sneered: "Er hatte mehr Angst ais VateriandsIiebe" (UHe [Feuchtinger] bas more fcar than
patriotism"). RG24 Vol 10677: Interrogation Report Oberstgruppenführer JosefDietric~ L 2 Cdn Corps
lot correctIy identified 503rd's presence in 2151 Pz and their new KonigTigers: "503 Hv Tk Bn ident ...
under 21 Pz Div ... one of the three companies of503 Hy Tk Bn is DOW known to be equipped with new 67
ton Tiger." RG24 Vol 14046. WD 2 CAB. Int Sum 41. 22 July 44. Sec: Interrogation Report GenLt
Feuchtinger. RG24 Vol 10677, 2S Aug 45. PzArmeeS WD repons Tiger-Abt 503 "im Raum sudwestl

Moult" (9 km east ofTilly), "schw.Pz.Abt101 sud! Tilly-la-Campagne" (area Rocquancourt, 2 km south of
Tilly) and "schw.Pz.Abt.l02. im Raum Preaux" (in area Preaux, which is 4 km west ofSt André). RH
211549, 10.6.44-8.8.44~ and RH19IX19, 258. The 654 sJPzAbt <schwerejagdpanzerabteilung: heavy tank

reserve in Normandy, was the l l 6th Panzer Division deployed astride the Laison River

• and about 45 minutes away from Verrières. Simonds would succeed weil beyond his own
expectations ifvon Kluge would be forced to use this formation. 51
Despite the company of sorne very respectable armour, Schack still had to tight
the infantry battle. His regiments were much weakened by Atlantic and the trickle of
replacements were ofvery poor quality. However there were plenty ofMG42s and anti
tank weapons: "every second inf man has a 'Faustpatrone' .,,52 He was supported by two
complete Nehelwerfer Brigades (7th and 8th Werferbrigaden ) plus the artillery
resources of lst S5 Pz Korps and neighbouring corps; this consisted ofalmost one
hundred batteries of lOSmm and ISOmm guns; not including hundreds ofmortars which
were the German infantry's favourite, and most effective, indirect tire weapon. S4 At/anlie
had driven in Schack' s forward zone. His defence was DOW based on company
strongpoints in mutual support, each with an anti-tank capability, if only at the
panzerfaust Ievel. Whether Simonds realized it or not, and as Corps commander he
should have, 5th Brigade's attack was to begin within the second stage ofSchack's
defence. Spring had already broken in.

• 9 Brigade: Death in Tilly

The 3rd Div attackjumped offright on time. The North Nova 5cotia Highlanders
left their Start Line and approached Tilly-la-Campagne with two companies up. "Monty's
Moonlight" made the Highlanders uncomfortable. The enhanced Iight was made by

destroyerbattalion}. was also available. 115 IagdPanthers were also west of the Orne and free to join 10255
in creating havoc in the St. André area. The 654th was the only IagdPanther unit on the western front - 50
exclusive that it was only used as an operational reserve. OKW WD fust recorded i15 presence when iL
appeared al May-sur-Orne in rnid July. RH21-5/49, Abendmeldtmg Okdo.dH.Gr.B, 24.6.44. and, RH19-
IXI9 PzArrnee WC Tagesrneldtmg 24.7.44, 935. Sec: Eric Lefêvre, Panzers in Nonnandy Then and Now
(London: Battle ofBritain Prints. 1990), 47.120.
51 Total reaction tirne" included decision tinte and banIe procedure. e.g.: Meyer's 9th 55 KG was

30 minutes driving time ftom Verrières Ridge. Its reaction lime (including a Waming arder, combat
estimate, then Radio or Verbal Orders) without including lime for recce - could take 45 minutes.
52 RH 19009.272 Div, Report 272 Fus Bn, 25.7.44.
53 Equipped with 150mm Werfer, 210mm Werfer and 300mm batteries. sec RH19 0020, Anlage 3
"Die Werferbrigaden 7 und 8", 2.

54 RH19 0(/20, WD Heeresgruppe B. 24.7.44. "86.A.K. - 55 Battr., r.SS-Pz.Korps - 20 Battr.,
II.SS-Pz.Korps - 25 Battr."

directing powerful search light beams off low clouds creating an eerie illumination which
the Germans called Leichenlicht - "dead men's light."sS Since the searchlights were in
Caen, behind them, most infantry during Spring relt the effect dangerously silhouetted
them to the enemy. The silence was suddenly broken by automatic tire. Immediately,
casualties were taken by LtCol Petch's men. Bloody hand ta hand tighting ensued as the
Maritimers met the Leibstandarte AdolfHitler, simply the best division in the Third
Tilly was held by a battlegroup ofpanzergrenadiers from 2nd Battalion, IIIrd 5S
pzGr Regiment. 56 Close quarter combat erupted; the Gennans shouted "Surrender,
Canadal,,'s7 The stone buildings ofTilly made it into a natura! fortress. Petch grabbed a
house or two but by dawn his men were mostly huddled around the northern perimeter of
Tilly while the Waffen SS defended their strongpoints. The North Novas were now too
close for artillery support and daylight made movement suicidaI. The NNS hung on while
their CO desperately tried ta get armoured support. Petch was back at the start line in
Bourguébus, approximately 200 meters behind, using a radio ta direct the battIe. 58

Brigadier Cunningham ordered "B" Squadron, Fort Garry Horse (commanded by
Major A. S. Christian), originally tasked ta support the Highland Light Infantry into
Secqueville, to go forward and help. The tanks advanced boldly, initially using a railway
line for cover, then crossed into the open fields heading directly for the village. 59
Camouflaged within Tilly were tanks commanded by Untersturmfiihrer Gerhard Stiller. It

55 "artificial moonlight supplied by eight searclùight btys"; although the British Anny Operational
Research Group had come up with severa! navigation aides for night fighting, they were only for
vehicles.RG24 14116 WD 6 cm. 25 ruI 44. '~Dead Men's Lighl": translation of taped statement made by
Peter Prein. former Lieutenant and Signal Officer of 3rd Panzer Regimen~ 2nd Panzer Division.
correspondance, April 1990.
56 Augrnented by the Pioneer platoon and Flak zug (anti-aircraft ttoop) supportOO by 7th Pz
Kompanie, Ist 55 Pz Regt. Lehmann und Tiem~ 182 an~ correspondance with Gerhard Stiller, OC 7
Pz Coy, 1 55 Pz Regt. LAH. 15 March 1990.
57 Roy, LOS.
S8 Petch's conduct did not endearhim to bis battalion. Correspondance NNS veteran~ 1990.
S9 Befoee his attack, Major ChristiaI\ "according to instructions. had been giving useful direct tire
support.... No more tanks could he committed as the remainder of the Regiment might he required by 3rd
Canadian Division in other important operations." Lt Col E.M Wilso~ 00., Vanguard - The Fort Gany
Horse in The Second World War. (Doetinchem: Uitgevers-Maatsehappijt C. Misset NVt 1945)t 46.See

also, RG24 14234 WD FGa 25 Iul 44: " 5qn remained in position ofsupport aIl night though
communications with the Infbroke down completely."

should have been a fair fight: Shermans against Mark IVs.60 Stiller held his fire until

• Christian was within 200 meters. He engaged the rear Shermans fust, and then raked the
squadron right to left. The rear troop was completely destroyed "keine funfMinuten. ,,61 -
in less than five minutes. Christian refused ta quit: "The squadron made three gallant
attempts dunng the day to help the infantry but each time it was repulsed. Before the day
was over, 'B' Squadron had lost eleven tanks - almost the entire squadron.,,62 Why
Brigadier Cunningham sent in a single, unsupported squadron ta rescue a battalion is
unclear. There is no record whether Lt.Col. R. E. A. Morton (Commanding Officer,
FOR) argued against il, or if.he even knew. Separating squadrons from their regiments
and grouping them with brigades was accepted doctrine in 2nd Cdn Corps, but ordering
"B" Squadron ta attack alone, over open country, was rash. Ta allow the squadron ta
continue its attack throughout the day without support or reinforcement suggests
incompetence. This was a task for an armaured regiment. It is not clear if Cunningham
and Morton went forward ta have a look; it is more Iikely that they bath stayed on the net
following the action by wireless. The Garries, true to their lineage,63 advanced

unhesitatingly in the finest traditions ofCanadian Cavalry.
The North Novas would spend the day on Tilly's outskirts, enduring small arms
and mortar tire, until Petch ordered them out in the darkness. That night Keller, under
Simonds's orders, told Cunningham he would have ta go back in with two regiments: the
NNS and the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders (SOGs). The North Novas

60 Stacey states in Victory Campaign "B" Squadron "met Panther tanks and anti-taI\k guns." In
fac~ it was facing PzMkIV AusfHs., 189.
61 '~Wir haben Glück das die SOMe noch sa tieC steht und die Tommy-Panzer. die jetzt von
Nordwestern amollen. gegen die Sonne "chten mussen. Naher ran kommen lassen. lautet die Devise.
Gefilhrlich "chten sich ihre Kannonenmündungen auf unsere Heckenstellungen. EndIich. LeuchtsignaJ
weis 'Feuer Cfei' Aus den Panzer-Lauerstellungen fegen die Leuchtspuren hinuber. Schus au( Schus jagt
aus den Rohreo. wahrend weitere Panzer in unsere Heckenreihe einscheren. Keine funfMinuten dauert der
zauber und der AngritIdes Tommy steht." Personal correspondance, Gerhard Stiller, 16 April 1990.
61 Roy, Normandy 1944. 108. StilIer's sketches credit at least one Garry Shennan actually
entering Tillybefore it was knacked out by a flank shotfrom "Pz Nr. 711", lûdden in the '~Marieganen."
However, tlùs could weil he from a Iater (1 August) attack: Stiller correspondance.
63 The FOR were original members ofthe Canadian CavaIry Brigade, the beau sabreurs tbat
charged a German brigade at Moreuil W~ 30 March 1918. Sec: COQ Vol.. 3. 1925-26. LtCol C. E.
ConnoUy, ''The Action ofthe Canadian CavaIry Brigade at Moreuil Wood and Rifle Wood- March and
April 1918" an~ Brereton Greenhous "The Position was Desperate, If Not Fatal - The Canadian Cavalry

Brigade atMoreui1 Wood", Canadian Defense Quarterl! (COO), (Vol 17, No.4, Spring 1988). CDQ (Vol II
Oct 1924), 399. COQ (Vol III 1925-26).

were too bloody and oumb to reaet; the SnGs "were staggered by this blow, relt by ail
ranks.,, 64 9 Brigade didn't want to go back ioto Tilly; both COs pied their case ta
Cunningham who agreed and went to see Keller. A nasty scene erupted. Keller threatened
Cunningham, who stood by his COs. By the early moming of the 26th, the attack was
cancelled. Nevertheless, Keller ordered an investigation. Within days Cunningham, Petch
and Christianseo ofthe SnGs had been sacked. Spring cast 3rd division bath men and
experienced officers - D Day veterans who had been in the field for two months. The
eastem anchor of Verrières Ridge remained firmly in German hands.

Armour Destroys the Black Watch

l still have nightmares of that horrible and disastrous clay. l still remember my friends'
faces today who were killed that clay.
D81792 Pte. 10hn Conway. The Black Watch

On the 'eastem flank 4th Brigade's attack began weIl. The Royal Highland Light
Infantry, cornmanded by Lt.Colonel John M. RockinghaI1\ reached Verrières village
quickly, and, in a flerce hand to hand battIe, threw out the 5S company which was dug in

• among the stone houses. The elite grenadiers65 who had fought with fanatical
determination and much skill had been given a rude surprise by the southem Ontarians.
The center of Verrières Ridge was reported captured by 0750 hrs. It was to be the only
Canadian success of the operation. 66
On the 5th Brigade front, the battle went much as feared by Megill. The
Camerons failed to secure the start line. Their attack began at 2045 hours 24 July and
they gave the task to a single company.67 Meanwhile, the Calgary Highlanders'
supporting attack was given little taeticalleadership fram the battalion commander.

64 RG24 15271 WC 5DG, 251uly 44.

65 A combat team from 1 55 comprised ofan infantry company, engineers and anti-tank guns
supported brarmour. "Pz GrenRgtl die 1.. 2.. und 15. Kompanie. venarkt [reinforced] durch
Stunngeshütze und die 5.IPz.Rgt.1 [panthers)." LehmannlTIemann, 188-190.
66 See: DHist 1206, Letter ftom Brigadier 1. M. Rockingham to C. P. Stacey 27 Oct 1948
describing the baule for Verrières. Also, Brereton Greenhous Semper Paratus - The Historv orthe Royal
Hamilton Light Infanttv (Hamilton: RHLI Historica1 Associatio~ 1977), 245-250.
67 RG24 Vol 14.116. 6 cm WD 241ul44.: "MajorLane (Ied) the Camerons ofC attack.... The
attack by the Camerons was less dramatic (than the FMR attack) in that it invo1ved a clearance of many

• places. This proved a slow and difficult task At least 12 MG posts were cleared out before the coy got to
its objective at about 0100 lus the following moming."

• Although the Calgaries discovered that the start line was not clear, LtCol D. G.
MacLauchlan took no decisive action. MacLauchlan set up his battalion tactical CP
(Command Post) in an orchard north ofthe St. André-St. Martin crossroads and tried to
direct the battle by radio. 68 The actual Calgary attackwas led by Company commanders.
It was poorly executed, featured no mutual support, and failed to capture May.69 By the
time the Black Watch had deployed for the advance to Fontenay.le-Marmion, the Calgary
Highlanders were scattered ail over the battlefield. The Watch was forced to c1ear
Schack's troops out of the village, a task it never fully completed. When the
Commanding Officer, LCOL S. S. T. Candie, moved to St. Martin Church to recce, he
was killed by a burst of machine gun tire; the Second in Command, Major Modzfeldt,
and the senior company commander were wouoded. "Command ofthe unit was assumed
by Major F. P. Griffio of' A' Company sometime between tive and five thirty.,,70
As Griffin attempted to clear his start line and sort out his regiment, he was
continually harassed by Division and Brigade Headquarters. Up to now things had been
frustrating for Foulkes. Suddenly it appeared to be all right. The Royal Regiment of
Canada signalled it was ready to bypass Rockingham at Verrières71 and cross the crest
from the north east; ail Foulkes had to do was to coordinate the Black Watch attack. If
they advanced at the same time from the north west, he would have a pretty pincer. His
late timings and failure at May would be forgiven. He demanded Megill get the Black
Watch moving. Griffin was visited twice and summoned to the radio every five minutes.
At last, Brigadier Megill himself appeared. 72 There are conflicting stories as to what

68 MacLauchlan was evacuated by Megill during the battle because he was "exhausted by the
day's events" - more likely to get mm out orthe way. See Copp, 83, David Bercuson states:
"MacLauchlan's leadership came into question." David Bercuso~ Battalion ofHeroes (Calgary: Calgary
Highlanders Regimental Funds Foundation, 1994), 80.
69 RG24 10,874, Brig W. 1. Megill, "Report of Action Calg Highrs 2S Jul44" 5 CIB, 28 Jul44, 2.
Lt.Col. D.. McLaughlin, "Account orthe Attack by Calg Highrs on May-sur-orne, 2S Ju144."2 Cdn Inf
Div. 28 Jul44, 1-2. Also, Copp, 74-75, and Bercuson, 76.
70 Roy, 123. See also Dr. R. H. Roy, "Black Day for the Black Watch"" COQ, 19S5, 38-39.
71 DHist 112.310 Report on "Operation Spring" 2S Ju144 prepared by Capt J. Swettenham:
"Then al 0825 hours, the battalion \Vas reported to he 'just south' of Verrières.•.• Here may he found the
real reason for the peremptory orders which reached the Black Watch to press on to Fontenay." Section 6,

il Copp 84-85, Roy 123-125, Interview Megill, S.

• Griffin set a compass bearing and led the Watch straight up the slopes of
Verrières. It has been partrayed as a rash decision and the principal reason far Simonds's
infamaus "a series of mistakes and errors ofjudgment in minor tactics,,73 assessment,
certainly aimed at Griffio and probably MacLauchIan. Griffin ordered the tanks ta skirt
his advance on the right, drive south ta May and protect his flank until he reached his
start line on top of the ridge. Then his Shermans could shoot him ioto Fontenay. "BU
Squadron, under command ofCaptain John W. "Jake" Powell, had been delayed in St.
André. 74 Griffin decided not to wait. The Black Watch battlegroup had not gone more
than 600 yards when they ran into a German counter-attack.

Kampfgruppe Sterz

By ten o'clock the situation for 272nd Division was tense. Their right had been
tumed by the RHLI' s capture of Verrières. Schack's forward companies reported Griffin
more or less in control of St. Martin and the "Faetory" and threatening May.7s With his
right flank threatened and the Hauptkampflinie (Main Battle Line ) mostly lost, Schack
ordered his armoured reserve, KG Sterz, ta strike against St. Martin.
Major Sterz originally commanded the 20d Panzer's 38th PzJaegerAbt. His KG
comprised "the remaining tanks of 1st Bn 3rd Panzer Rgt, 12-14 Panther tanks, the
remainders of Ist Bn, 304 Panzergrenadier Rgt, under Capt Scholiog, an outstanding one-
eyed officer, and the 75mm tank destroyers of38th PanzerJaeger Bn.,,76 Kampfgruppe
Sterz 77 arrived on the ridge at the same time as the Black Watch, already under heavy
tire from 272nd's machine guns and mortars, was approaching the crest. It was a

13 RG24 20275 HQ Cdn Forces in the Netherlands. LlGen G. G. Simonds, "Attack by R H. C. -

Operation ~Spring. nt 21 Jan 46., 5.
14 RG24 20275 Col. C. P. Stacey, "Memorandum of Interview with LtCol. 1. W. Powell, Subjeet:
The Attack on Fontenay-le-Mannio~ 2S July 44", 1,2. The Sqn Commander, Maj W. E Harris MP, bad
becn wounded near "the factory" after Griffin's Orders Group. St André's narrow lanes (sorne were
mined) proved difficult. Personal correspondance LtCoi. J. W. Powell. 1990-1991.
7S Copp Brigade. 60 -62.
76Pre~ 2.

n "Kampfgruppe Sterz was positiQned south-southwest otMay-sur-Cme with the mission to

counter the enemy atfacks expected." Prein Correspondance. See also, B von Franz Steiner, Die 2. Panzer-
Division 1935-1945 (Friedberg: Podzun-Pallas Verlag, 1974), 214. The 2Sth was a clear day: "the enemy
attacked on 2S JuIy in fine and slightly cloudy weather." Schack, B-540, 12.

massacre. Sterz ordered bis Panthers into May in a left hook, and the panzergrenadiers

• and Jagdpanzer IVs across the open ridge ta the right. As they came inta tire position,
mostly hull down, Sterz's Kampfgruppe tore into the Watch with cannon and automatic
fire while the Panthers engaged the lst Hussar Squadron approaching May.
"B" Squadron arrived at the Factory just as the Black Watch was crossing the
open wheat fields, halfway to the crest and already receiving heavy tire: "We noticed
wounded men crawling back through the grain." 78 Powell ordered the squadron ta
immediately support with machine guns and sent two troops up the road into May-sur-
Orne: The Shermans reached the town·center at the same time as Sterz's Panthers. A
quick tire fight knocked out two Shermans. The Squadron withdrew to the outskirts of
May where they noticed the remnants of"e" Company, Calgary Highlanders, concealed
in houses and ditches. 79 The westerners were most glad to see them. "B" Squadron
deployed astride the road and gave what support it could as the Watch, which by now
was reduced to about sixty men, and stiIlled by Griffin, disappeared over the ridge.
General Simonds joined General Foulkes in the early moming ofJuly 25th
shortly before the Black Watch attack was to 51art. General Foulkes had

his command post in the basement of a factory ... we were very close ta
the Black Watch when they received their worst dose ofenemy tire. It was
obviously overwhelming. We knew something dreadful had taken place. 8o
The counter-attack by the 2nd Panzer stopped Powell cold and destroyed the
Watch. In fact, Sterz's assault behaved exactly as predicted by Simonds in his
Operational Policy published in February:
The way in which the Germans support their infantry in the counter-attack
must be clearly understood. They move tanks or self-propelled guns to
within close range of the objective they are trying ta retake. These do not
support by neutralizing tire, in the ordinary sense, but with aimed shell tire
direeted through telescopic sights at a range at which individual infantry

78 RG24 Vol 20,275 Letter to Director DRist by Capt T. E. Williamso~ Troop Leader \Vith B Sqn
6 Cdn Annd Regt (lH) 25 Iu144, dated 23 Ian 46, and correspondance LlCol Powell.
79 RG24 10874, repons Megill, McLaugh1~ RG24 Vol 20,275 Williamson an~ Copp, 79.
80 Steams Pa pers, letter 23 Mar 81, 3. Foulkes HQ was in a Brewery in Fleury which he never
left. Simonds drove forward when communications failed and probably watched the slaughter trom ms

Staghound (annoured car), atop Hill 67. Megill also testified he was atop Hill 67 and observed the RHC
attack Megill Interview.

dispositions can be picked out. The moral and material effect on our

• German Reaction
troops ofthis type of fire is considerable. 81

OperationaIly, Spring (specifically, the RHLI success), created a stir at lst SS Pz

Corps headquarters and soon drew the attention ofvon KIuge's staff. The heavy artillery
bombardment and presence oftwo armoured divisions suggested this May he a follow up
ta Goodwood. Von Kluge disagreed. Spring was missing the signature hallmark of a
major Allied operational effort. He demanded to know where the heavy bombers were.
Although von Kluge did oot believe this was another Montgomery breakout attempt, the
large red arrow striking across Verrières painting south toward Falaise worried him. He
drove to Dietrich' s Headquarters. 82
The Leibstandarte had reacted violently ta Rockingham's victory. Its commander,
SS General Theodor Wisch, began Spring with over 30 Panthers, his Pz IV Abt, and the
seconded "101 Hy Tank Bn with about 20-25 tanks capable ofrunning.,,83 His battalion

commander at Verrières, Stunnbanntùhrer Becker, immediately launched counter·
attacks. They attempted to eovelop the Rhilies and cut them off: But Rockingham, who
had a detachment of 17 pdrs from 2nd Anti-tank Regt ReA under command, had
deployed them around Troteval to protect his flanks. Their fire drove off the first German
thrustS. 84 Meanwhile, the tanks of22nd British Armoured Brigade were poking through
the tree line at the top ofVemères. The British behaved timidly. With four tank

8t Simonds Opcrational Policy, 2nd Corps.

82 Abendmeldung, 5 Pz Army WD 2S July 44, and, Martin Blumenson, Breakout and Pursuit - US
Anny in Wo~l~ War II (Washington: Office of the ChiefofMilitary History, 1969), 239.
83 RG24 10677 "Special Tnt Repon: Brigad Führer Wisc~ Comd l S5 Panzer Div ~ Adolf Hitler'
(6 JWl44 - 2S Aug44)" 2S Aug 45. 3.
84 Rockingham felt that too much credit had been given to supporting anns: '~As for the counter-
attack in the evening, by which lime the tanks of the 7th Armoured Division had arrived, the artillery,
mortar. bren, rifle, and even sten, grenade and PIAT tire was just as responsible for repeUing the enemy as
were the tanks and typhoons, which were, in any case, being directed by the RHLI .•. Counter-attacks of

equal strength were directed against the RHLI as weil as other units involv~ even before the arrivai of the
Annour." Rockingham letter to Stacey, 27 Oct 48.

regiments and five rifle battalions 8S at the ready, they could have struck for May,

• Fontenay or Rocquancourt. They did not. Auftragstaktik was not in the British doctrine.
They watched patiently, ducking 88 tire tram across the Orne, and waited for
Simonds to do something. The GOC, believing the initial optimistic reports trom Keller
and Foulkes that Tilly and May had been cleared, decided to wait for his last phase to
work itself out - the capture ofFontenay and Rocquancourt by the Black Watch and
Royal Regiment ofCanada. His inactivity is curious. Since his attacks were ronning at
least five hours late, the Corps Commander must have realized that ail surprise had been
lost and he was losing the initiative. However, if he was indeed attempting ta conduct a
holding battle, then he had partially succeeded. In faet, he now had an opportunity ta fix
ail German reserves by attacking in strength and securing the entire ridge.
Instead, Simonds cancelled the armoured advance. He was going ta wait for his
infantry and artillery ta capture May and Tilly, unsupported. In the interim, Simonds
ordered the 22nd Armoured to assist the RHLI. The British interpreted this ta mean
feeding in one squadron at a time ta help Rockingham. The remaining tanks assumed hull

down positions on the north slope in the area ofBeauvoir farm out of sight of any target
save for Feuguerolles (four km west), and awaited either the official word to "go" or a
German counter-attack. Eventually a squadron fram Ist Royal Tanks winkled its way
past Verrières and peeked over the ridge into Rocquancourt. It was met with anti-tank fire
and quickly lost a troop of Shermans. Overhead, Typhoon pilots reported seeing "a
shooting gallery" of about sixty enemy tanks on the reverse s.lope of Verrières ridge.
1 RTR promptly withdrew. 86 Despite this, there is no debate that British tank support
helped Rockingham hang on. The RHLI was attacked seven times throughout the day'.

85 County ofLondon Yeomanry and 15t Royal Tanks were on the ridge (neac Beauvoir). 5th Royal
Tanks were closer to Troteval. trading shots with Gennan tanks nearTilly. The Queens Brigade (lst/5th.
1st/6th and lstl7th Queens Royal Regiment) was nonh ofBeauvoir. close to Ifs with 8th Hussars Wlder
commando R624 10933 7 Annd Div Op Instr No. 1 20 Jul44, RG24 10934 7 Annd Div Int Sum No. 45,
2S Ju144 and Int Sum No. 46. 26 Jul44. Sec aiso. MajGen G. L. Verney. OSO. MVO. The Desert Rats
(London: Greenhill Books. 1990).
16 Memories of Wittman at Villers Bocage and the bunûng tanks of Goodwood made them think
twîce. uThe Desert Rats were not the cocky scrappers of North Arrica rame. They were tired and cautious

- almost gun shy. Although individual squadrons were still pretty goe<L the division as a fighting force
sagged. Eventually Montgomery was forced ta replace their commander. although the 7th fought no

differently for its new boss either. It was a spent unit. The best British tank division in Nonnandy \Vas
Robert·s novice 11th Annoured.

At about the same time as the Black Watch was being destroyed by Sterz, the

• Royal Regiment of Canada pushed past Verrières and advanced against Rocquancourt.
As 1 RTR, they were stopped by a "hurricane of tire" from a classic reverse slope
position. The supporting Canadian tank squadron never crossed the ridge. As it
maneuvered acound the eastern flank ofVerrières village, it was met by long rangetank
ftre from across the highway. The Fort Gany Horse and Ist Hussars reported they were
being engaged by "an Elephant." It was, in fat!, the tirst Canadian contact with the
heaviest tank in Normandy: 503 schPzAbt had joined the Verrières battle. 87 Their
presence would shut offany attempted movement south along Route 158. By noon aIl
Canadian progress was halted across the entire front. The 9th and 5th Brigade attacks had
met with tragic results and the only bright Iight was Rockingham determinedly holding
onto Verrières. Simonds spent a good deal oftime in 2nd Division's sector, conferring
with both Foulkes and Maj General G. W. E. 1. Erskine, Commander 7th Armoured.
Around 1300 hr. Simonds decided that Tilly and May were to be secured before armour
passed through. He ordered continued attacks against bath objectives. Foulkes decided to

use the Maisonneuves alone while Keller ordered Petch to go in again with the SDGS. 88

Panzer Gegenangriff: 9 SS Hëhenstauffen

UHarzer~the Tommies have broken through in 272nd Division's sector. The axis ofaltack
is Caen·TIlUry-Harcourt via Saint-Martin and May, as weil as the Caen-Falaise roule via
Rocquancourt. The 9 SS Pz Division Hc3henstautI'en will attack nonh as soon as possible
and reestablish the HKL. Engage with two regimental Kampfgruppes.
Any questions? No? WeIl then. move now. Speed is essential!"
Operational Order for 1 SS Corps Counter-attack. 2S Jul 44
Chiefof Staff 1 SS Pz Korps. Oberfiihrer Kramer,
10 COS 9 88 Pz Div, SSLtCol W. Haner, 2S July 1944

Simonds's plans were disrupted by Dietrich's corps counter-attack. The failure ta

recapture Verrières caused mounting concern in lst 5S Pz Corps HQ. The presence ofa
large tank formation had been reported and bath May and Tilly were still threatened. A

81 6 CAR WD, 2S Iul44; RG24 137112 Cdn Corps, Ops Log, 2S Iul44, Sheet 8, erroneously
reported contacts with IadgPzTiger 1Ferdinand 1Elephant this reappears in modem histories: "tiest
disastrous confrontation with a Gennan 'Ferdinand' or 'Elephant'•.." Roy, 116. In fact the Elephant never
deployed in the west; Kursk survivors were sent to Italy.

88 8imonds also ordered Foulkes to attack Rocquancourt "with the support of the whole Corps
artillery" by 1830 hrs. Stacey, Victory Campaign. 193.

• Figure 21

Canadian breakthrough, or simply securing the remaining villages on Verrières, would
destroy Schack's 272nd Division and much ofWisch's infantry. Von Kluge gave
Dietrich permission to use the 9th SS.89 Dietrich called S5 Oberfùhrer Sylvester Stadler,
Commander 9th S5, and announced "The Tommies have taken Verrières."gO 9th SS was
directed to strike north immediately and its objective was "Rohe 88,"91 the center of the
ridge. Stadler had both of his battle groups ready. Kampfgruppe Meyer was the
Gepanzerte Gruppe (annour heavy battlegroup) and heId MOst of the 9 SS armour: aIl
available tanks from the Panther battalion, the Pz IV battalion and the Stug battalion. 92
Under eommand to Meyer were a Flak troop, engineers and possibly a panzergrenadier
company. Kampfgruppe Zollhofer, eomprised Pz Gren Regiment Hohenstauffen,93 a Flak
troop and a troop ofJagdpanzer IVS. 94
Stadler attacked two up. Zollhofer drove towards St. Martin, while Meyer headed
for the ridge center. Meyer was met by the concentrated tire of a sereen of Canadian
17pdr anti-tank guns and the tank guns from 22nd Armd Brigade. Reporting he had
encountered a pakfront, Meyer advised his battlegroup that "Wer die Hëhe uberschreitet

ist ein toter man" (whoever crosses this ridge is a dead man)9S and side slipped west to
support Zollhofer's attaek. This was a classie example of Auftragstaktik and
determination. Understanding his commander's intent, Meyer continued the battle in its

89 S Pz Annee WD, 2S JuIy 44 aneL 81umenson: " Kluge spent 2S July inspecting the forward
positions of Pz Group West. He was on hand to witness the reaction to an attack nearTilly launched by 2nd
Canadian Corps. The Canadians gained a mile or two until 9 55 Pz Div was commilted to stop the
advance.", 239.
90 Herbert Fürbringer9.55-Panzer..Oivision H6henstautren: 1944 Nonnandie (Osnabruck: Munin..
Verlag GMBH, 1987), 339. 5ee also, Otto Weidinger Kameraden bis zum Ende (Das 55 pzGrcn Regt 4
"OF' (Oldendorf: VerIag K. W. 5hintz, 1987).
91 RH19IX19 Tagesmeldung 25.7 Heeresgroppe B, 267. AIso, Fürbringer, 340.
92 USAETHINT P Series Manuscripts: 55 Qberst W. Harzer, 9 55 Panzer Div "Hôhenstaufl"en",
2S lui-Nov 44, 162. And ETInNT MS B407. S5 General Sylvester Stadler. 9 55 Pz Div 20 Iune..24 July
44. Stadler tated ms strength as: "Troops 88%; pzGren Bn 60% (few officers); Artillery 90%; Tanks 70%;
the division did not receive 30y reinforcements either before or after the invasion.", 2. M5 B..747and MS .
B-748. 255 Pz Korosby S5 General W. Bittric~ commander. 9th 55 reached Nonnandy 14-20 June,
initialIy without its Panther battalion. Concentration finally completed by 2S lune.
93 RG24 13712, Int 5wn 2 Cdn Corps: 9 55 was reduced to one pzGren Regiment by 2S July:
"Due to heavy (osses on 18 July, 19 55 and 20 55 PGR amaIgamated into 1 Regt of4 bos." Herbert
Fürbringer, 9.SS-Panzer..Division (Bayeaux: Editions Heirndal,1990), 339-340.
By 25 JuIy, 9 5S Pz strength was Il Stugs, 18 Pz IV and 18 Panthers. Fürbringer, 342.


95 Fürbringer~ 340.

most favourable sector.96 Canadian battalions and brigades, products ofBritish training,

• would have likely stopped when their phase orthe attack was blocked.
The 9th SS left hook was late getting offthe mark. The Hohenstauffen had
considerable trouble crossing the crest near May. "Wo ist Zollhofer?" demanded Schack.
By 1840 hours the Kampfgruppe had joined the battle. One reason for Zollhofer's delay
was that he, like Sterz, was met by a Canadian attack.97
Foulkes ordered Le Régiment de Maisonneuve, under command to 6th Brigade
and still bruised after clearing Etavaux, to go forward and capture May. Atone and
unsupported, the Maisies managed ta push a few hundred yards south oftheir start line
but saon took heavy flanking tire from the 272 defenders still in St. André as well as
10 5S and 102 SS Tiger fire from across the Orne ("Sturmpanzer und Tiger vom
Westufer der Orne den Kampfvon St. Martin,,98). Just as the Montrealers were making
progress, they, like the Black Watch earlier, encountered a counter...attacking
Kampfgruppe. The 9 S5 cleared May, recaptured the Factory, and forced the
Maisonneuves back into St. André. 99 The remainder of the evening and part of the next
day was spent in fighting ta keep the 9th SS from recapturing bath St. André and the key

• terrain beyond. 100 Panthers penetrated as far north as the slopes ofHill 67. 101
Hohenstauffen had reestablished the Hauptkampflinie.

96 L. F. Ellis, Victorv in the West Vol II (London: HM80, 1968), 379. Sec also B-470 9 S8
Panzer Division 20 Joo-25 Jul44. That 9th SS arrived at Verrières, let alone attacked St Martin. is amazing
given the air activity aver Spring: '~... 1,700 sorties in arder to support the attack and to lillÛt the power of
the enemy' 5 counter-attacks. Rocket firing Typhoons aJone flew aver fifty missions in response to the
Anny's caUs." Copp, Vogel Falaise, 18, and, Stacey, Vietory Campaign, 193.
97 RG24 14109. WD 5th Canadian Brigade, Fürbringer, 341, Schack 8540, 13.
98 RHIX L911X1M. Abendmeldung Okdo HeeresGruppeB. 25.7.44. This was noted at 1700 hrs.
99 Copp Brigade, 83. "The 9 [SS} Pz Div counter-attacked al L7:30 with the object ofrecapturing
the HKL and by fall of clark had regained 1-2 km ground.... The 9 5S Pz Div still reached the nonhem road
of ST MARTIN on the same clay." Schack, B-540, 13.
100 "A 22h. le 25 juillet, le Maisonneuve lancait une deuxième attaque, sans plus de succès."
Jacques Gouin Bon Coeur et Bon Bras - Histoire du Régiment de Maisonneuve (Montreal: Regimental
Association. 1980), 103. Also: P. E. Schramm Kriegstagebuch des Oberkommandos der Wehnnacht Band
IV (Frankfurt: Bernard und Graefe VerIag, 1961), 328.
101 The 9 SS attack petered out by the moming of 27 July, after they had recaptured May, St.

Martin. 2CAS 12 Corps logs on 26th JuIy continu "ko'd Panther at Grid 023615" - the southem slope of
Hill 67.

Von Kluge, now with one eye on St. Lo, where this time there were reports of
heavy bombers, was satisfied. Although Verrières village remained in Canadian hands,
most of the ridge had been held or recaptured. The original HKL had been restored in
272nd's sector102 and bath the corps and operational reserve were intact. The 9th 88
counter·attack had not ooly restored the situation but dashed aU prospects of Simonds
saving Spring. 103 Simonds had been poorly supported by his divisional commanders who
exhibited timid leadership. Schack observed: "Command on the British [Canadian] side
was ... much too methodical and bent on security and this from the lowest to the highest
command posts ... repeatedly favourable opportunities were not recognized and exploited
fast enough by the command. n104 FouIkes in particular offered littIe heIpful intelligence:
General Simonds could not get the infonnation he needed especial1y from
2nd Division Headquarters and the Brigade Headquarters. This is why he
spent sa much time at or near 2nd Division trying to get the proper picture.
It was most frustrating to him. 105
His already Iow opinion ofFoulkes dropped considerably after Spring. Simonds
decided "he must get rid of General Charles Foulkes, who in his opinion, did not have the

right qualities to command ... on at least three occasions Guy Simonds confided in me
that he was going to get rid of Charles Foulkes.,,106 The dissatisfaction with his
commanders was to continue; Foulkes stayed on.
Spring marked the second lime Guy Simonds had confronted Sepp Dietrich. It
was again an unsatisfactory conclusi01.1 for the Canadian general. This battle of Corps
Commanders began with Simonds numerically disadvantage~ operationally, but capable
of local superiority. Had Simonds counter-attacked Hëhenstauffen when Meyer and
Zollhofer had reached their culminating point, Spring may have gone differently.l01

102 RG24 10677: Interrogation Report. Oberstgruppenfiihrer IosefDietrich. During bis

interrogation Dietrich stated "So much did 272 InfDiv suifer during this period ... that the division was
finally pulleclgut on the 29 July...."
103 Black Watch and Calgary WD 26 July: the battalions withdrew ta Basse and Fleury-sur.()me.
104 Schack, a·540, 16.
lOS" Sleams Papers, letter 23 Mar 8L
106 Kitching, 189.

107 "In verlaufder schweren kampfe sudlich Caen gelanges dem Feind; westlich der suasse Caen-
Falaise in unsere Stellungen einzubrechen und weitere Infanterie und Panzerkmfte nachzufuhren. Unsere
fanatisch kampfenden Truppen verhinden jedoch das Auswenen der feindichen Embroche. Der VerIuste

• Spring - Analysis: Neither Holding Action nor Breakout

While GeneraI Simonds was wcU aware of the purpose of"Spring" and an the other
heavy night attacks, it was most frustrating to him. l can remember tears coming to bis
eyes on one occasion when once again wc were asked 10 put forth a "holding attack."
Captain Marshal Steams

l am convinced that the Canadians could have brought about a much quicker decision if
they had exploited our inferiority and their own ovenvhelming superiority in personnel
and material in a more fle.'C1ole command and if they had sooner recognized and more
ruthlessly e.xploited our crises of ollen catastrophic dimensions.
Lt General F. A. Schack

Night attacks are complex at best - ad hoc night attacks (Spring was planned and
ordered within two days of Atlantic) carry the seeds oftheir own destruction. Despite a
superb flre plan to support the attacking troops, there were bound to be serious problems
in moving formations in darkness through terrain that was under indirect and often direct
defensive tire. For the Germans, Spring was a classic defensive battle. Dietrich's forward
strongpoints, Tilly, Troteval and St. Martin, decimated Simonds's first echelon. The dog
fight chewed up his second echelon. Dietrich launched Stadler at exaetly the right
moment and the Hëhenstauffen did the rest: Uln spaten Abenstunden gelang r.ss Pz.
Korps im Abschnitt Tilly-Orne die alte HKL trotz stârkster rdl. Gegenwehr
zuruckzugewinnen.,,108 Dietrich, given free rein by von Kluge, reacted decisively and
aggressively. Granted, he had Iittle choice. Failure meant the end ofthe Normandy front.
By the morning of26 July, he presented von Kluge with a complete defensive vietory.
Operation Spring has been the subject ofmuch study and debate. 1t is perhaps the most
investigated Canadian Operation in the Western Campaign. No less than three official
reports exist, including the controversial comments written by General Simonds
himself. 109 The official study, Report No. ISO, was ordered destroyed by the CGS,
General Foulkes, allegedly because of disagreement between himselfand Simonds over
its contents. It nevertheless survived and is particularly informative on two accounts: Guy
Simonds revealed that Operation Spring was actually intended to be a holding battle and

der Feindes sind hoc 18 Panzer warden abgeschossen." Erich Murawski Der Deutsehe Wennachtbericht
(Boppard am Rhein: Herald Boldt Verla& 1962), 207.
lOS WD Anneegrupoe B. Tagesmeldung 26.7.44.~ 267.

109 Report ISO is a compendium ofthe official work prepared for the Minister ofDefenœ. This file
includes the Simonds report as weU as statements by participant$.. It was ordered destroyed by General
Foulkes as COS but Stacey managed to protect one copy in the Directorate ofHistory.

that its failure was not due to poor planning but minor tacties. 110 This raises the question:

• if Spring was a holding hattle, was it an operational success although a taetical failure?
The commander who surrounds himselfwith radios and a staffwill not
understand what is going on at the sharp end. The Dietrich approach was ta go have a
see. The Simonds technique was a little ofboth. The Commander of2nd Corps was often
further forward than his divisional or brigade commanders. He saw much but seems to
have been unable ta react decisively. His engineer..gunner mind searched for a technical
solution. Simonds the soldier saw Griffin destroyed and became depressed. "When the
newS' came over the communications system that 'the Black Watch have been wiped out',
General Simonds did not say anything although he invariably reaeted very violently ta
such negative information .... "Ul On the other hand, the RMC trained British gentleman
calmly waited for his divisional commanders ta sort things out. This finally ended with
him losing his cool, having a public row with Foulkes, and then ordering a series of new
attacks, sorne by first echelon battalions already bloodied by battle and thoroughly
demoralized. Simonds's solution to Spring was ta reinforce failure and even that came

tao late. He was already facing mutiny in 9 Brigade and something close ta it from 6
Brigade and its GOC. 112 With the Corps deployed ta resist another counter..attack, it
would require pretty speetaeular leadership ta retum to the offense. Finally, he just gave
up and called the whole thing off: 113
Canadian historica! support for Simonds fails ta consider the actual tactical
evolution around Ist Cdn Army from 2S July ta 5 August. C. P. Stacey defended
Operation Spring as an operational attempt to prevent von Kluge from appreciating that
the American attack launched west or St. La on this same day was to be the main Allied

Ii0DHist 112.HO.OO3 "Report on Operation Spring'\ 8. Conversely, Gennan defenders [eft.

Verrières with bigher opinions about Canadian infantry, see Schack. B-540, 16.
III Stearns 23 Mar 8i.
112 "The Bde Comd told this to the GOC and stated tbat he felt it was bis duty to the men under bis
command and to the Divas a whole, and that it was bis duty to present the picture to the Corps Comd ta the
end that this situation shauld be clarified before any funher adv was attempted...• The GOC (Foulkes) said
he agreed with Brig Yaung and that he would make arrangements to meet the Corps Comd iaunediately."
RG24 14116 WD 6 cm 1500 25 Jul44.
IIJ The Guards Armoured remained unused throughout the battle despite their operational forecast.
RG24 1371 2 Cdn Corps, Ops Log, 25 Iul44, and, RG24 10808: Gds Annd Div 00 No.2, 24 Iul44, 1,2.
See also, The Earl of Rosse and Col. E. R.. Hill The Storv of the Guards Annoured Division .. 1941-45
(London: Athenae~ 1969).



PHASE 2UNE -----Ù-

MW" ,
PHASE 3 UNE -----:1



• Figure 22

effort. It appears in this respect the operation was useful, although from the beginning the

• Germans recognized it as a limited attack 1. L. Granatstein and D. Morton avoid the

issue. Col 1. A. English prefers not to evaluate Spring, at least operationally, although he
does point an accusing finger at Foulkes and Keller: "In a very large measure,
responsib il ity for the relatively lacklustre showing of Canadian anns in Normandy must
be laid at the feet of divisional commanders. Clearly, neither Keller nor Foulkes were as
tactically competent as Simonds."u4 Terry Copp believes "Operation Spring may not
have been planned as a holding operation but it certainly became a very successful
one.,11U A study of the armoured operations, particularly German operational flexibility
before and after the battle, suggests a different interpretation.
Rad Spring lasted halfas long as B/uecoat, the threat ofa push to Paris would
have shifted interest away trom Bradley. 116 If Spring was ta be a successful holding
action, it had to keep the panzers neac Caen for at least four days. If he understood his
Commander's intent Simonds must have appreciated that Montgomery didn't want the
panzers on the east of the Vivre, where they could escape; he needed them west of

Falaise. Nevertheless, both Dempsey and Simonds sought ta break out. That is why two
complete armoured divisions were allotted ta 2nd Canadian Corps.
Spring failed operationally and taetically. The immediate lessons learned was the
ail tao obvious absence of the ~'combat team" or battlegroup. Current doctrine permitted
commanders to attach individual tank squadrons "in support" ta a brigade. This did not
create a symbiotic weapon capable of attack or defence in a tactical dog...fight. Petch,
MacLauchlan and Candie went in alone. Even after delay forced attacks in clear daylight,
there was no effort ta forro ad hoc combat teams. Senior commanders' ignorance of
armour resulted in Foulkes (and Wyman - who should have known better) to allow one
tank squadron to probe May and another ta guide the RRC into Rocquancourt. Keller and
Cunningham ordered a single FGH squadron to attack Tilly, weIl after it had been made
clear all Génnan village strongpoints were held by Kampfgruppen.

114 EngIish, 306, 249-250.

liS Copp Brigade, 86.
116 "Annourcame ftom Monty's frontat the time ofMortain and caused trouble." Gen Omar N.
Bradley, interview, Poguet 14 Oct 1946.

• The only combat teams and battlegroups taking part in Spring were German.
Despite the apparent difficulties that Simonds and bis commanders had with planning1l7
and condueting a corpslarmy level offensive, they were equally burdened with doctrinal
failure at the tacticallevel. The grouping ofall arms into a funetional team was still
beyond Allied expertise. Only three ofnine available Sherman squadrons aetively
participated in Spring. British armour (7th Armoured Division with twelve squadrons)
was introduced piecemeal at Verrières; the Guards Armoured Division, with another
twelve squadrons, was not used at all. 7th Annoured' s timidity, much Iike its earlier
performance during Atlantic, was disappointing. Particularly unfortunate was their
apparent refusaI to support the Black Watch as it was being slaughtered by Sterz's
counter-attack. 1l8

The Mystery ofMontgomery's Grand Tactics

Before 25 July there were eight panzer divisions around Caen. Within four days
ofBradley's launching Operation Cobra, over halfofthem had disappeared. 1l9 St. Lo is a
halfday's drive from Falaise and a Kampfgryppe could move to blocking positions
within a day. A complete division and its trains might possibly take as long as a week,
although 2 SS Korps required only two weeks to move trom the Brody area in Russia to
Caen in June. The 272nd left on the night ofthe 26th and relieved 12 5S Hl on the east
side of the 1st Cdn Army front. 10 S5 re-deployed on 26 July and headed west. 9th
Panzer, 120 2151 Panzer and 116th Panzer withdrew on the 29th; 9th S5 handed over to

117 Schack notes: "The enemy's way offighting was very methodical and always intent on
maintaining sufficient security. In defense, he held captured ground bravely and tenaciously." Schack, B-
540, 16.
118 22nd Annoured Brigade deployed its four armoured regiments and mechanized infantry
battalion on the northem slope ofVerrières nearthe roadjunction evacuated by the Black Watch before
dawn. During the attack, the adjutant ofthe Watch, Capt Campbell Stuart, who lost wireless contact with
Griffin desperately drove up trying to get help. "1 climbed on the tracks ofa weil positioned tank and
banged on the hatch. A head eventually appeared and toId me to get my carrier out ofthere as it would
draw 88 tire. l did 50 and queried him about the battaIion. He discIaimed any knowledge and promptly
closed the hatch. Capt Campbell Stuart, persona! correspondance, 1990.
119 A Montgomery apologist argues: "Ifttie Gennans could have shifted even a single battered

panzer division toward Bradley ..• it wouId have made bis breakout infinite1y more difficu1t and costly -
perhaps even impossible before August." Alistair Home "In Defense ofMontgomery" The Quarterly
Journal ofMilitarv Historv. Autunul 1995, Vol 8, No. 1), 67. In fa~ four, eventually s~ shifted over•
~ 120 9th Panzer arrived in Nonnandy after Operation Spring. via Falaise.

• 89th Infantry Division on 1st August. Finally, Ist SS LAH began to thin out on 3 August.
On that day, eight days after Spring had ended, Simonds was faced with a single panzer
division, the only German reserve on his front. It was the old Canadian nemesis, Kurt
Meyer's 12th SS Hitlerjugend. 121
Spring neither destroyed von Kluge' s panzer reserves nor magnetized them ta
Simonds's sector. Von Kluge's ability to re-deploy his tanks would stop Dempsey
cold. 122 Operation B/uecoat was, in theory, a decoy to draw German attention and
strength away from Bradley "Second British Army must hurl itself into the fight ... 50 as
to make easier the task ofthe American armies fighting on the western flank."I23 It was a
confusing strategy since Dempsey's objective was the communication center of Vivre,
south of St. Le and southwest ofCaen. Montgomery was attacking away ftom Simonds
and towards Bradley. Bluecoat, if anything, hastened the departure of panzer divisions
and threatened MajGeneral J. Lawton "Lightning Ioe" Collins's VII Corps, the force
responsible for Cobra's initial phase: getting through the bocage. 124 IfDempsey

121 P. E. Schram, OKW War Dimy (l Apr-lS Dec 44) Historical Division. ETO MS B-034, 5S..
60, 77. See also. RG24 Vol 14046 WD 2 CAB Int Sum 5 Aug 44. Cdn Int confmned 9 SS and 10 SS had
left.9 SS was identified at Caumont; "10 SS bas during past three days gone west." Fordetails of pz div
redeployment, S5 Panzer formations: MS 155, General der PzTruppen Krueger, 1 SS Pz Corps (16 Aug- 6

Sep 44t and. Gen der WatTen SS Bittrich, "U SS Pz Corps (14 Jun - 5 Jul44)." MS B..35S, Gen der
warren 5S Theodor Wisch, "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler in Aug 44"; Maj.Gen. Stadler, "9 SS Pz Div (20
lune - 31 Jul44)." Wehnnacht Pz fonnations: MS A 904 Gen der Panzertruppen Frhr. von Luttwitz, Comd
2 Pz Div Interrogation. 1 Dec 1952, 4. B-631 Lt.Gen. Feuchtinger, "21 Pz (28 Jul..14 Aug 44)"; B..o5S,
Maj.Gen MueHer, Hl16 Pz (21 Aug -19Sept 44)." Head Quarters Reports: MS B-162, OKW War Diary
"The West (1 Apr..1S Dec 44)." MHI.
1n After the 25th, von Kluge tumed bis full attention ta Bradley and en passant, Dempsey. He was
capable ofoperationaI maneuver but forbidden to employ it creatively. Hitler's order. "Starre
Verteidigung" (rigid defence), forced him to hold everywhere. MS B 723 "breakthrough to Avranches: "27
lui Fldm von Kluge [orderedl ... transfer XXXXVI Pz Korps - 2 Pz and 116 Pz to Seventh Anny ... 116th
Pz. Combat Team (1 Pz Sn, 1 pzGr Bn, 1 Any Bn and elements Recce Bn) managed to reach the L'Epine
area.6 km soutlleast of Villedieu. in the morningof31 July.". 13,34. RH21-5/44, Kriegstagebuch panzer-
Anneeoberkommando 5. 10.6.44-8.8.44, "272.1.D. lost mit Infanterie-Teilen. in der nacht vom 26.127.
beginnend. 21.Pz.Div. aus bisherigem Abschnitt heraus." Abendmeldung 27.7.44, US. MS B 034, OKW
WarDiary (l Apr..IS Dcc 44) "Feuhrerapproved the release of 116 Pz ... 0915, 28 JuIy ..• 116 Pz Div
requested to St Lo.", 58. 1st 5S was the last pz div to leave Verrières, sec, MS B 35S Wisch: "The
division [LAH] was ordered to withdrnw swiftly, after reIiefby an inf div to the combat area NE ofMortain
... Advanced units, Pz Bn l, Pz Gr Bn IIIJ2, Eng Bn. The clay for this march was 6 August", 3. Also, RG
24 Vol. 10,680, trans of"Weekly Reports ftom Anny Group B, Juiy - August 44." 30.7.44:u 9 SS IaWlched
an attack [againstB/uecoat].'\ 2.
123 Hamilto~ 758.
124 By early August, B/uecoat drew three panzer fonnations (21~ 9 5S Pz and 10 SS Pz) as weil
as aIl three Tiger battalions (10 l, 102 SS and 503 schPzAbt) west ofthe Orne. See Russell F. Weigley,
Eisenhowefs Lieutenants (Bloomington: Indiana University Presst 1990), 151-154, 168-169.

succeeded, he would either get involved in a nasty traffic jam with VII Corps or have to

• execute a sharp left turn in order to face east again. If this was part ofMontgomery's
master plan, it was awkward, launched late (30 July) and directly into the least favourable
terrain imaginable: an expensive waste of precious British resources. Dempsey saon ran
into rnined bocage and was checked by counter..attacks made by 21st Panzer, 125 955 and
10 SS Pz Divs, units that were supposed ta have been "written down" in front of Caen by
Simonds. Bradley would soon reaiize that the better part of another four panzer divisions
were heading his way.
. At the end of Spring,. von Kluge had both restored his eastem front and retained
freedom ofaction - operational maneuver. He had hurt 2nd Cdn Corps: "Hierbei hatte
der Feind Hohe blutige Verluste,,126 (the enemy took high bloody casualties). He could
deploy his panzers anywhere he wished, and he had panzers ta send.

III U21st Panzer Division, being brought up from the east bank ofthe Orne except for Annd.Op v.
Oppeln which was committed south of Couvain..•On. 3 August 1944, 21st Pz Div, adjoining 10 SS Pz Div
was holding against a much superiorforce...Adv elms of9th SS Pz Div .. reconnaissance bn, reinforced by
tanks .•.Theattackwas continued on 3 August 44, 21stPzDiv gained the Caen-VlI'C road. With that, the
eoemy break-through to Vire was prevented for the time being." MS B-148. II SS Pz Korps. 3..5.

• 126 WD Heeresgroppe B, Morenmeldung 26.7.44 RH19 IXIM.



Simonds Seeks Operational Maneuver

What looked good to [Simondsts) precise engineering mind on paper seldom worked in
practice once the human clement was added.
Brigadier Harly Foster
Timete et Interficiminil
Motto for Canadian Annour, proposed by MajGen F. F. Worthington, November 1944

The fear of German armour forced Simonds into his second successive night
attack. In his post.battle analysis of Spring the commander of2nd Canadian Corps
appeared to have been content with the essence ofhis faiIed plan: darkness and narrow
fronts. Somehow Simonds also deduced that the Germans had, with superhuman effort,

• laid a minefield of enormous size under the same ground over which they had been
counter-attacking just twelve days ago. AIthough there were no intelligence reports
indicating new engineer activity and AIlied interdiction made the sudden arrivaI of a
quarter of a million mines remote, the new breakout offensive was built around the
clearing ofarmoured lanes through minefields of the type last seen at El Alamein. Was it
Montgomery' s influence, or a creative rnind let loose?2 The greater probab il ity is
Simonds was alarmed by the failure ofOperation B/uecoat
Despite the claims ofMontgomery apologists, it is difficult to believe that
Tota/ize t Bluecoat and Tractable were part ofa strategie offensive designed to assure the

1 nBe Afraid and you will Die."

~ Appx "H" ta CMHQ Trg Liaison Letter No. 12. LtCol Ealsh MC, RA sr Atk. School of Any,
Larkhill. Extracts from a Report on a Recent Visit to Normandy. July 1944. ORist 141.009 D116. "'Very
few mines have been encountered sa far. Neither side appears to be using mines extensively at present."
(para 4). Also: .".one British or Soviet tank was imInobîlized for every 1900-2300 land mines originally
laid. This figure accords with the British AOROu" Operations Research Office OP~ T 117 Alvin D. Coox

Operations Research Office The Johns Hopkins University, Fort Leslie J. MeNait, Washington, 31 March

1951, 68.


• success of an American breakout and envelopment.3 But in fact, Cobra was launched on
Bradley's initiative as a reaction to Montgomery's inactivity rather than as a part ofthe
British commander' s master plan:
The breakout came because Bradley and Patton got damned tired of
waiting around for Monty and tinally Ike gave direct permission to
Bradley to go ahead. 4 •

Montgomery's new dir~ive (MS1S) was passed on 27 July and suddenly ordered
"a big attack with six divisions trom Caumont towards Vire and hope ta get it launched
not later than 2 August."s This operation was ordered while Hodges was still stuck in the
bocage. Bradley's annour would not break out at Avranches until31 July. The
Americans were fighting their way through thick hedgerow~ against determined
rearguards - tough going for armour. As Martelliked ta say: "The tank is not afraid of
the gun; it is afraid of the concealed goD.,,6
Bluecoat was preceded by an air strike of seven hundred medium bombers.
Dempsey attacked with six divisions west ofthe Noyers in the direction of the Vire. "The
two were complementary - Montgomery the extrovert, who loved the headlines;
Dempsey the introvert, who shunned publicity, but who got on with the job efficiently
and without any fuss.'" Dempsey's 30,000 vehicles stnlck south through the Suisse
Normande "but were soon caught in an inextricable mine field where tanks, Bren-
carriers, half tracks became entangled and neutralized ....,,8 The British advanced further

3 The Americans proposed that the British 1Canadians breakout east not south, in the direction of
Lisieux and the Seine. There are no references to anything like a plaJUled grand encirclement 1t was
proposed, howevert "one corps to clear Brittany." See: 21 AGp/207211G Plans. 27 June 44: Operation
Luckv Strike - Clearance ofNormandy. Colonel Harrison HO Heiberg. G3 t ChiefofPlanst 12 Army
Group. Heiberg Papers. Patton Museum Libraryt Fon Knox.
4 Air Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham, IntelVÎewed by Dr. Forres! C. Poguet 14 Feb 47, Pogue
Manuscripts. Patton Museum Libnuyt Fort Kno~ Ky. See: Operation Plan "Cobra" Dated 13 July 1944t
HQ 12 Anny GroUpt issued 16 JuIy 1944. Chester B. Hansen Pape~ "Documents and Reports on
Operation ~Cobrat Folder." Bmdley's Mission was conservative: VII Corps with armored and motorized

elements will seize COUTANCES and crossing ofthe SIENNE River to the Southwest. In addition, it will
seize BREHAL and prevent any movement of enemy reinforcements to the North." .
s Hamilto~ 757.
6 Martelt 216.
7 Sir Brian Horrockst with Eversley Belfeld and MajGen H. Essame, Coms Commander (New

York: Charles Scribnerts Sons, 1977)t 23.
"S "The lûlly terrain proved both criss-erossed with exceptionally numerous hedgerows - except it
was dryt it was sorne ofthe worst ofthe Bocage - and.liberally sprinkled with mines." Russell F. Weigleyt

than before but were stopped by a parsimonious German counter-attack that bled them
dry and allowed von Kluge to build up his Mortain counter-attack force.
Operation B/uecoat, a1though it was supposed to break through to the Vire,
endured savage closed terrain fighting trom 30 July until 5 August and finally fizzled.
B/uecoat May have been another disappointment, yet ifone compares it to Spring, one
can afford to be generous, and say that was a holding action. The British serum locked in
and pushed for seven days. Spring was caneelled by the evening of its first day.
Terry Copp, the only Canadian military historian to have produced a taetical study
of Canadian operations in Normandy, 9 suggests that the real problem in Normandy was
manpower. Both the Canadian Army, an all-volunteer force whose weil was near dry by
August, and the British Army could not afford the casualties inflieted by the Germans.
This may have influenced Montgomery's tactics. Ifthis was true then he failed miserably.
His left-right-left eombinations show little skill in the ring. 10 Sending Dempsey into the
bocage in a fruitless breakout tumed holding action, cost him thousands of irreplaeeable
infantry. Not reinforeing Simonds or continuing to hammer at Verrières suggests he lost

the stomach for a true attrition battle - this was not the Montgomery ofEl Alamein
fame. ll
AIthough B/uecoat was saon bogged, Cobra succeeded, perhaps weil beyond
Montgomery's expectations. By 29 July, Collins had sealed the Roncey poeket and
MajGen Troy H. Middleton's VITI Corps (MajGen 1. S. Wood's 4th Armored and

Eisenhower's Lieutenants .. The Campaign ofFrance and Gennany. L944·L945 (Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1990), 169.
9 Copp, Brigade. 108-110, and also, Terry Copp and Bill McAndrew, Baule Exhausùon - Soldiers
and Psychiatrists in the Canadian Anny 1939-1945 (Montreal: McGiIl-Queen's University Press,1990),
115-124. Copp's intimate knowledge of the Canadian soldier's mind makes him particuJarly competent to
discuss whether the 2nd Cdn Corps was close ta breaking by August. British casua1ties in the bocage
fighting suggests the situation was about as bad in Dempsey's Anny.
10 "Montgomery was not an unusual generaL He was a competent general in positional warfare but

he never e:<ploited bis vietories.•.." Coningham, Pogue Manuscripts.

Il This prompted the following observation from 5 Pz Anny: "The English and even more sa the
Americans have been afraid ofand avoided any large sacrifice of men •.• even when they were forced to

buy certain successes with heavy losses, they still shrank from the all-out, the truc soldierly sacrifice~"
Quoted in G2 Periodic Report No. 130, 151 US Anny, 18 OCt 1944. Martin M. Philipsbom Papers, MHI.
• • •

~. ---...,. PARIS
\H xxxx l~HFALAISE


xxxx ~
3~US nr«f
«f COlIRA 2. c:ott ~

MajGen R. W. Grow's 6th Armored Divisions) had secured Avranches. L2 On 1 August,
Patton's Third Army became operational and by that afternoon had sent Growto capture
Brest and launched Wood towards Rennes. It was no longer a taetical breakthrough, but a
full sized operational breakout. Bradley had acquired operational maneuver in von
Kluge's operational depth. By 3 August, Wood was in Rennes, to the absolute "shock" of
von Kluge's senior statI: while Grow was halfway to Brest. Patton had penetrated eighty
miles ioto Brittany. That evening Montgomery telephoned Crerar and instructed him "...
to Iaunch a heavy attack from the Caen sector in the direction ofFalaise." 13 Montgomery
ordered Totalize in direct reaction to Eisenhower's command to be bold - Crerar
wouldn't get Totalize going until8 August.

The TacticaI Situation

The enemy's first objective, while continuing frontal breakthrough attacks, is to ouillank
and encircle the bulk of the 5th Panzer Armee and the 7th Anny on lwo sides.
Secret Intelligence Repon Armee Gruppe B: 7 August 44
l do not wish, or intend, to be a nuisance to anyone.

• General Crerarto General Bradley, 30 June 1944

There is no evidence that Crerar tempered Simonds' s tactical ideas. Montgomery

could have, but was echelons above him, and Harry Crerar would not accept that sort of
interference. Besides, Crerar did not enjoy a good relationship with his bOSS. 14
Conversely, Simonds would not go to Crerar for help. The Commander ofFirst Canadian
Army did not have the taetical skills to rein in Simonds although he was smart enough to
seek his council: "Crerar Ieaned on Simonds ail the time. l don't think he ever issued an
important arder without first consulting Simonds, and mast of these orders were inspired

12 "VII Corps captured Avranches with 4 and 6 Annd Divs almost abreast; 6 Annd on the right
followed by the 79th and 8th Inf,. 79th on rt. G3 lst US Anny Intsurn, 280S00B to 290S008 Jul44.

Chester B. Hansep_ Papers. HMI. See Weigley, 173, 157-L5S.

13 Hamilto~ 774.
14 Crerar took over 151 Cdn Anny and had a row with his British Corps Commander, LtGen
Cro<:ker. Crerar tried to tire Cracker but Montgomery stepped in. Montgomery's policy was made clear as
to how to deal with Cracker: '~An Anny Commander should give bis Corps Commanders a task, and lcave
it to them as to how they do it." MG30 ElS7 Crerar Papers VolS, 24 July 44. Later Montgomery wrote to
AIanbrooke: ~I fear he (Crerar) thinks he is a great soldier, and he was detennined to show it the moment

he took command at 1200 hrs on 23 JuIy. He made bis first mistake at 1205 hrs; and bis second after lunch.
MG30 E157 VolS. Montgomery correspondance to Field Marshal AIanbrooke. 26 Iul44, 1.

• by Simonds." 15 The 2nd Corps staff: aIl chosen for their youth and vigour were
cheerleaders, not advisors. Crerar reigned supreme, but Simonds ruled uncontrolled.
Operation Totalize was scheduled to be launched a full two weeks after Cohra.
When it was ordered, Bradley's annoue was racing to encompass Normandy, Brittany

and the Loire; the war in France appeared about over. 16 But by 4 August Bradley became
conselVative. The reports ofHitler's directives for counter-attack, as weIl as Ultra
intercepts that indicated five panzer divisions were heading towards Mortai~ made him
cautious. These were the same outfits that Simonds didn't fix to the Caen front and
Demp·sey failed to make an impression upon during Bluecoat. 17
Given Bradley's reluctance to allow Patton to continue to run 100se,18 it was now
Crerar's tum ta do something about Normanqy from the eastem flank. He decided to give
Simonds a second go at a Corps attack. 19 Totqlize would be launched 8 August, the
legendary black day of the German Army and one day after von Kluge planned to launch
the Mortain counteroffensive - Operation Lüttich.
It should have been easy as certainly the odds had changed. During Spring the
combat ratio was decisively in the Germans' favour. Now Simonds had resources <?fthree
infantry divisions, 2 CID, 3 CID, 51st British, and two armoured brigades (2 CAB and 33
British Armoured Brigade). More importandy, he DOW had two fresh armoured divisions,
4th Canadian Armoured Division and Ist Polish Armoured Division (4 CAD, 1 PAO).
Facing him was the recentIy arrived 89th infantry division ofLtGen Heinrich, just out of

15 Steams Papers 23 Mar 81, 4.

16 MS15: 27 lui 44. Montgomery to Bradley, Dempsey, Patton and Crem: "On the western flank,
the First US AÏmy has delivered the main blow ofthe whole Allied Plan and is maldng excellent progress."
See, C'Letter of Instructions Number Two" (Bradley) 3 August 44, HQ 12 Anny Group, Bradley Papers,
17 Ofeight panzer divisions ncac Caen on 26 JuIy, by 30th JuIy only Ist S5 LAH.and 9th 55 H
remained. HOhenstauffen left on Ist August and 1 55 LAH began redeployment on the 3rd. 21 Pz, 9 5S Pz
and 10 S5 Pz took part in Bluecoat. The four remaining panzer divisions continued west.
18 "Letter of Instnlctions Number Four" (Bradley) 8 August 44, HQ 12 Anny Group, Bradley
Papers, MHI.

• 19" This plan [to attack towards Falaise] a1ready ~draftedt, at least in Simonds mind and General
Rodger weIl aware ofprinciples to he involved." Stearns Papers, 23 Mar 81, S.

garrison duty in Norway and quite incapable ofputting up effective resistance. 20 Behind

• thenl lay one panzer division, the only tactical or operational reserve on the eastern
Normandy front, the 12th SS Hitlerjugend. 21
The Germans still held Verrières Ridge, Tilly, Rocquancourt, Fontenay, May-sur-
Orne, as weil as St. Martin. Thanks to Rockingham, the depth of German defences had
been somewhat reduced. The ooly heavy armour available, 101 SS sPzAbt, currently
fighting Dempsey west ofthe Orne, was a half day' s march away, but due ta retum under
Kurt Meyer's aegis. Schack's 272nd Division had left Verrières ridge. The General took
his batteted regiments and slipped east ta take over the seetor held by 12 SS HI astride
the road ta Paris. But Simonds would not bother Schack. He was going to butt his head
against Verrières again, and this time he had acquired the missing ingredient ofthe Allied
breakout formula - heavy bombers. This was going to be an offensive blessed at the
highest levels. SHAEF was ta expect much from the Canadians but they were to he

~o RG24 Vol. lOt81l. lst Cdn Anny fnt Sum No.38 6 Aug 44. and, Kriegstagbuch Panzer
Anneeoberkommando 10.6.44-8.8.44. RH21-S/44. 89th InfDivComprised 10SSt 1056 Gren Regts~ Fusilier
Company and 189 Arty Regt. It had more infantry than 151 SS LAH.
21 Simonds May have been fed misinformation by bis Int staff. "During the night of 5/6 Augus~ a
soldier of89. fnf.-Div. deserted to the enemy. In addition. an ambulance ofthatDivision got lost and ended
up in Canadian PQ~itions. This allowed the enemy to determine that the "LAH" Division had been
relieved.... That impression was possibly reinforced by the faet that Kampfgruppe WÜ1lSche had set up 65
dummy panzers in the area around Billy and Conteville (3.5 km north of St. Sylvain)." H. Meyer, 170.
Wisch staled that by 6th August most ofthe division was co-located with 2nd Pz ready to attack Monain.
MS B-358. MGenderS5 Theodor Wisch, "5tellungnahme mm Fragebegen ueber den Einsatz der
Leibstandarte AdolfHitler Un August 1944."t 3. The strength of 1 SS Pz Korps had diminished
considerably. "Gliederung r.S5 PzKorps am 27.7,1944: SchArtAbt 55 101 7xlOcml17Scm; schPzAbt SS
101 12x Tiger I; 272 ID 50%; 276 ID SOo/o; 12 SS Pz SOo/Ot 20x PzlVN; 1 SS Pz 600/0, 60x PzIVN." 9 S5

and 2 Pz were al same strength as 1 S5 while "116 Pz etwa 800" der Sollstaerke." MS C-048. S5General
Fritz Kraemer, "Das I. SS Pz. Korps im Westen 1944" (part 2) Appx 2. MHf.

• Tata/Ize - The Plan

Two break-in Operations are required.

General Guy Simonds - before Totalize.
Like Montgomery, bis approach to the problems ofbattle was that ofa scientist. Both
were military perfectionists, bu~ whereas Montgomery was primarily the expert
implementer, Simonds was the radical innovator, forever seeking new solutions.
Chester WUmot

Tota/ize was to be the last great offensive in the Normandy Campaign. It was
Montgomery' s final opportunity. ta wrest personal victory and publicity from Bradley.
The presence of the heavy bombers sealed the contraet; it was ail or nothing. Tota/ize was
Crerar's tirst "Army" battle and he May have been nervous about it. 22 The weight could
not have been ail that heavy since the Commander tumed everything over to Simonds.
Nevertheless, Crerar recalled, post factum, that Tota/ize was his tactical inspiration made
into technical reality by Simonds:
My basic taetical plan ... the attack should secure maximum of surprise as
means and methods employed ... neutralize the long range and strength of

the enemy's anti-tank defence and to ensure we get through and beyond
the enemy zone of dense defensive tire, developed mainly by his mortars
and machine guns.... With these principles before him, the detailed plan
for the attack was drawn up with very great skill by Lt.Gen. Simonds. 23
Totalize was a grand corps battle, as 2nd Corps controlled every resource available to the
First Canadian Army. Ifthere was any pressure, the Iion's share fell on Simonds's
shoulders. He decided that the Germans were not going ta be surprised as to the location
and direction of the offensive, but he was capable of perplexing them "in respect ta time
and method.,,24 It has been suggested25 that ULTRA briefings from the Signais Liaison

:!2 Crerar had been busy writing congratulatory messages to Bradley. If Tota/ize succeeded he
would meet mm face to face at Argentan. Crerac had toadied up to Lst US Anny Commander directIy he
anived: " l wouId like to pay an occasional visit to the US Anny sector and pick up such helpful ideas as l
may ... l do not \y!'sll. or intend to be a nuisance to anyone - but, if in suitable circwnstance l should meet
up with Grow, Collins or any ofyour Div Commanders ... it might be helpful ifyou wouJd issue me with
any credentials required to identify me." Omar N. Bradley Papers: Correspondance 1936-1960, 30 June 44.
23 RG24 10635. Crerar letter to J. L. Ralston (Min ofDefence) 8 Sep 44.
24 RG24 Vol. lOt8112 Cdn Corps Gen G. G. Simonds "Planning Operation Totalize, A..
Appreciation by the Corps Commander" 1 Aug 44, 9.

• 25 McGiIl historian David Q'Keefe suggests that Simonds's reading ofULTRA transcripts
convinced him that 1 55 LAH was still in 2nd Corps' operational area of responsibility: "Without any other

Unit attached ta lst Cdn Army HQ convinced Simonds that 1 SS LAH was still south of
Verrières and dug in astride the main Falaise highway on the high ground near
Cintheaux. Certainly Simonds was unique as the only Allied Corps commander in
Normandy cleared for ULTRA dissemination26 but intelligence interpretation would have
been stretched to report the Leibstandarte's presence south ofCaen.
Simonds's own Intelligence Staff concluded that 89th Infantry Division had
relieved 1 SS but "estimated that 1 SS Pz had left one anti-tank battalion deployed on the
front. n27 An initial report admitted that the whereabouts of 1 SS and 12 SS Pz Divs were
not sa clear but subsequent intelligence made things clearer: "On 1 August news was
received that large amounts of 1 SS and at least a battlegroup of 12 SS were fighting
further West at VASSY and the FORET DE GRIMBOSQ respectively.,,28 This suggests
that Simonds, rather than being influenced by ULTRA29 and his own Intelligence
resources, chose ta ignore most recent information and stuck ta his original appreciation,

information to corroborate the Ulua decrypts, Crerar's Chief ofStaff, Churchill Mann. phoned Brigadier
Elliot Rodger (5imonds's Chief of Stail) to tell mm that there were signs that 1 S5 Panzer division was
pulling away from the front.•.. After reviewing Ultra infonnation which came to bis attention on August 6,

• Simonds called Crerar to tell him he had changed Totalize ... Simonds appreciated that the second ~'break­
in" nùght meet stronger resistance than originally anticipated but Celt assured that the original Air plan
would now be even more beneficial ... he scrapped the original idea of sending the 4th Canadian Armored
and the 3rd Canadian Infantry to attack the second line and instead. put the Polish and 4th Canadian
Annored division together!' UnpubHshed manuscript: nSituating the Appreciation: Intelligence for
operation Totalize". 2, and persona! interview, 2 May 1997.
26 uCanadian First Army recipients ofULTRA: Lt General H. D. G. Crerar GOC, Lt General G.
G. Simoncls, Bdr.• C. C, Mann COS, Col G. E. Beament ColGS, LtCol W. B. T. Reynolds GSa 1 Air,
LtCol E. D. Danby GSa 1 Ops. LtCol McDougall GSa (lB), LtCol P. Wright asa 1, Major J. A. Apis
GS02.". G2 SHAEF InternaI Memo "List of Recipients of Ultra." The Richard Collins Papers (02
SHAEF). MHI. See also, "Reports by US Army ULTRA Representatives with Anny Field Commands in
the European Theatre ofOperations 1945." SRH.Q23. HMI.
27 RG24 10811 WD 2 Cdn Corps Repon: Section nI uPlanning Operation Totalize - Section III,
The Enemy. General Situation mid-July L944." 15 August 44.
2S WD 2 Cdn Corps. Totalize "The Enemy. General Situation IlÛd-July 1944."
~ ULTRA infonnation was a mix of Siglnt (Signais Intelligence) and eavesdropping. Raw
ULTRA was genera1ly garbled and subjeet to interpretation~ Infonnation was transrnitted verbally by SLU
officers or interpieled and written as data "from an excellent source .•• a special source. Often ULTRA
intercepts got lucky and this was generally during hcctic ope,rations: "it was found that the use of plain
language by the Gennans wast as expected, fairly common during any period when they were sustaining
severe pressure and this practice became even more wide spread as war progressed. Artillery units talked in
the clear quite frequently...2 Pz (Div} radio contact began earlYt over a month before D.Day ... after 2
August [2 Pz} identified by intercept only rarely.•. It should be pointed out that iJûormation was chiefly
drawn from low-grade traffic anaIysis ... much of the pertinent pan of the [ULTRA] units' contribution to

radio intelligence is contained in the decipherments of this mediwn grade traffic. ULTRA Third Army
Radio Intelligence History in the Campaign ofWestem Europe. October 1945. SHRO 42 HM1., 28,29.

~101 Ht'z Abt

I:!!!!!Imger 1El
• Figure 24

written on 1 August wherein he concluded, mostly based on Spring analysis that: "The
position [May sur Orne to Tilly and south ta Hautmesoil] is at present manned by 1 SS
Right and 9 SS Left. "JO Faced with the latest ULTRA updates as weÙ as his own lot
Sums, Simonds was clearly not prepared ta revise his estimate at this late date. He may
have been overtaken by events.

Neo Classical Testudos - Evolution ofthe Simonds Doctrine

General Simonds decided ta launch another frontal attack. Jl As there was little
option for maneuver before breakout, Simonds settled on technique. Totalize is often used
ta show Simonds's creative mind at its best. It is sometimes used ta demonstrate his
genius for planning and his engineer's precision. Simonds crafted a plan of attack unlike
any other. Again he decided ta go at night. Again he used artificial moonlight. Now came
the changes, and they were doetrinally astounding. Armour was ta lead. The spearhead of
this night attack was not going ta be infantry but a meat grinder of armoured columns. He
drew up two armoured Testudos before the start line which consisted ofan intricate

• parade of navigation tanks, mine clearing flail tanks, armoured bulldozers, fiame
throwing Churchills, and main battle tanks32 in a very cavalry column of fours. These
were followed by "Simonds's APCs," Priest selfpropelled guns converted ta armoured

30 RG24 WD 2 Cdn Corps "Planning Operation Totalize - Appreciation by Corps Commander" 1

August 44. On 6th August Crerar had written to Cracker and Sîmonds: "As it is appreciated that 12 SS Pz
Div is now concentrated in wooded area Valmany-Mezidon-Blay la Campagne, these c atks may be in
sorne str and pressed with detennination." RG24 10634 Crerar Papers 6 Aug 44. Simonds wrote back: .it U ••

is possible that neither 1 SS or 12 SS may be involved in the fighting on the May-La Hogue position.
Because this second 'breakthrough' operation bas been foreseen in the original plan .•. the weight of the air
support has been disposed to deal with it during the second phase ofTotalize." 6 Aug 44.
31 RG 2410808. WD 2 Cdn Corps. 5 Aug 44. rnstr No. 4 Operation Tota/ize. "Intention: To
Breakthrough the-enemy positions astride the Caen Falaise Raad. Method : 3 Phases: L Breakthrough the
Fontenay (0358) - La Hogue (0960) pasn. ll. Breakthrough the Hautmesnil (0852) - St Sylvain (1354)
position. ill. Exploit as ordered by Comd 2 Cdn Corps."
32 Totalize contradicted accepted procedures, a daring experiment within British (see Brit FSRs:
The Annd Div 1941 an~ The Annd Div 1943.) as weil as then CUITent American annoured theories (see:
FM 17-32 Armoured Force Field Manual Aug 1942; FM 17-100 Tentative Employment orthe Armd Div.
Sept 1943). See: Maj Picke~ "Annored Breakthrought' Annored CavairvJoumal (No. 5. Sept-OCt 1949),

23. VP. Naib, uThe Tank Versus Tank Battle" Annor (Nov-Dec. 1954), 32. Col. W. D. Duncan "Mass
Employment of Annor' Armor (March-Apnl19S4), 34.

persoMel carriers (Kangaroos) at the Corps Commander's request.33 Each armoured

• group was packed closer than PiccadiUy Circus at rush hour: "1 left my tank and walked
back to the end of the regimental column, we were closed so tight that my feet never
touched the ground, 1just stepped from tank to tank. ,,34
The attack was to crawl along on compass bearing at a snail' s pace white flails
and dozers cleared the ground of mines. To ensure direction was maintained, Simonds
had Bofors guns deployed on either side of the columns tiring tracers down the axis of
advance. Batteries ofgiant anti-aircraft search lights were used for both artificial
moonlight as weil as long distance beams that were fixed over the distant objective and
served as a surreal guide. The Corps Signais Regiment set up radio homing beacons to
guide the tank commanders. 3s
This grand march was supported by a preparatory barrage and attacks by night
bombers designed ta obliterate the towns that eluded capture during At/antie and Spring.
Tota/ize was an extraordinary offensive, of such Cecil B. DeMille epic proportions that it
overwhelmed senior officers in briefings:

1weB recall his 0 Group before Totalize when the several div comds sat in
a circle under the pine trees (all being much older than GOS and sorne
with desert sand in their ears) to whom he opened, "Gentlemen we will do
this attack at night with annour." Their jaws dropped noticeably.36
Its sheer scope was sa much larger than life that it ensured every participant was a share
holder in its success. It was Simonds's masterpiece and it had everything, from flame
breathing Crocodiles to electronic warfare. It was clearly bound to fail.

33 The SP M7 Priest regirnents (3 rd Div: 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th Fd Regts RCA) armed with LOSnun
gun howitzers but outranged by 2S pounders, the standard gun in RCA Field Regiments. Sexton SPs (found
in 4 CAO, S CAO and 1 PAD) carried 2S pounders. The decision to strip the infantry SP regiments was
made to standardize anillery. uDefrocked Priests" did not come about because SPs were no longer required
by 2 Cdn Corps. The infantry was supported by towed 2S pounders, the annoured brigades by Sextons.
Simonds's anempt to secure a patent for uhis APC' was not granted by the War Department. Fully tracked
Kangaroos were superior cross country vehicles but had no overhead cover. Complaints were regîstered by
RCN and Royal Navy that Simonds's had cannibalized beached landing c~ cutting out steel plate for
"Kangaroo over head cover."
34 Gen S. V. RadIey Wallers, persona! interview, May 1990.
3S RG 24 10456. Totalize Reports. "Ifyou went too far left on your tilleryour ear phones were
filled with 'Dit·Daw...Dit..Daw" • ifyou went too farrightyou heard 'Daw-Dit..Daw-DiL Ifyou were right
on the center you heard a steady mushy sound." Gen S. V. RadIey Wallers, persona! interview, May 1990.

36 Elliot Rodger~ quoted by Dominick Graham, The Priee of Command - A Biography of General
Guy Simonds (Toronto: Stoddart, 1993), 148.

TOTALIZE - Attack Formation

Lead Regimental Battle Group

• Ali Troops in "Une Ahead"

~ VanGuard

r!1 ~ ~ l!1
ASqn Black
r!1 r!1 ~ r!1
~ ~ ~ ~ Flails

r!1 r!1.. l!1 r!1 Tank

RHO Black r!1 l!1 ~ l!1
l!1 l!1 ~ ~
• BSqn Black
l!1 r!l l!1 l!1
aa8 S RE Party
~ li ~ ~ ARVs
Infantry Bn
(Kangaroos) ~ B~ B BullDozers

r!1 r!1 ~ r!l RHQBlock

r!l r!1 r!1 r!l
CSqn Black-- Legend

MBT Navigation flail RCE RCE RCE·ARV

Tank Tank BullDozer (AnnoW'ed
(Annoured) ~covety

RCE: Royal Canadian Enginccrs Vehicle)

Figure 25

.'. There were no doctrinal precedents, unless one decided that the classic was El
Alamein, and the best way to win in Normandy was to Iaunch a Montgomery style desert
attack.37 It was·Bluecoat's terrible experience with mines that appears to have inspired
Simonds ta plan Totalize' s armoured crawl. It is not recorded ifany 2nd Corps staff
officer suggested to Simonds that mines readily sown by German infantry in the closed
country south of Villers-Bocage38 were a near impossible task in the open country south
ofCaen. Tota/ize was too complex, and like Spring before it, based on untrained,
unrehearsed troops. No one dared tell the emperor about his clothes. It is perhaps unfair
ta criticize Simonds. At least he tried. At least he attempted innovation. But the simple
truth was that he was out ofdoctrinal ideas. He really did not know what to do with his
infantry or armour. He was trying new combinations, gambling with lives to save lives.
Whereas tanks were used in hors d'oeuvres sized portions during Spring and
Atlantic, this time there would be a surfeit ofarmour - two tank brigades in Phase 1 and
two entire armoured divisions in Phase 2. The forthcoming traffic jam should have been
predicted by the movement planning officers. It probably was. The road march to the
form-up place for Phase 1 was"~ dustYhell- you couldn't see much.,,39 Simonds
planned ta use the cab rank in the air for support during the advance; he aiso created an
armoured cab rank at the Tota/ize start Hne. Attack aIong narrow fronts seems to have
been the only option he could think of:
Put down a rog upon it and it is helpless. Introduce ioto that fog, not a long
straggling Hne of tanks, striving to see each other and painfully keeping
direction, but a mass, a "phalanx," of tanks on a narrow front. What hope
have the defenders got? Those in the path of the charge are overwhelmed
from right, center and left. Those on the flanks hear the noise, but cannat

31 See English, The Canadian Army and the Nonnandy Campaign. 266. Simonds was in North
Arrica and observed the battIe of Wadi Akarit in April 1943. Colonel English, reviewing the influences on
Simon~ noted that "El Hamma, Montgomery's suggested model "for Epsom, may also have been the
precursor of Totalize.", 267.
38 Allied Intelligence traced the removal of panzer divisions from the bocage throughout early JuIy
as Rommel tried to rebuild an operational reserve. As the armour left, it was replaced by second grade
infantry divisions who sowed mines ta increase protection. This was not the case in the area aroWld
Verrières. Ccln Tnt reports never reported extensive engineer aetivity. ORS data showed that only 9% of
tank wastage was caused by mines vs. 89% from AP shot.. See: RG24 Vol 10,460 2 CAB Papers: Report
No. 12~ "Analysis of75mm Sherman Tank casuaIties 6th June to 10th July 1944" (hereaftercited as ORS
Report No. 12), l, and, Report No. 17 Analysis of Gennan Tank casuaIties in France 6th June ta 31st


August" (hereafter cited as ORS Report No~ 17), 3~

39 Interview Radley-Walters, May 1990.

see to interfere. The tanks, fol1owed by (or carrying) their infantry, go

• through to their obi:ctive, consolidate it during darkness and wait for pick
up in the moming.
The solution to his problem was round on the Russian front which used
overwhelming artillery on a front wide enough ta tear holes that could not be plugged or
covered by fire. The Russian offensive tore out divisional sized sections of front, poured
in armoured battlegroups and immediately did battle with panzer reserves wmch they
overwhelmed. Simonds did not learn from the Russians, although ironically, a delegation
from Stalin visited him on 27-29 JUly,41 just as Tota/ize was ordered.
... asking what die enemy strength opposite us was compared to our own.
When we told them and that we were going to attack they were greatly
surprised. They stated that they would not attack unless they outnumbered
the enemy by at least 5 or 6 to 1.42
Simonds and his staff smiled politely and ignored the Russians; they lacked style and it
was quickly assumed they laeked eredibility.43 In faet, the Soviets were "eehelons
above" 44 the western allies and Soviet strategie offensives were launched on a level of
sophistication unknown ta 12 Army Group.45 If one eompared actual infantry strengths

and tank-artillery superiority, Simonds was very elose to the ideal Russian attaek ratio of

40 Current Reports (rom Overseas (CRFO) 6 (26July 1943), 17-1S. Quoted by English, 267.
41 They hadjust returned from Bmdley's Headquarters (visit 13-26 July) where Arnerican wags
cracked: "My g~ the Russians have broken through to St. LoL" The visitors frightened Russian PWs and
wmerved Gennans. "Young, black·haire~ savage looking, inclined to glower a good de~ trim and neal
and incredibly bright.... Russian asked a Gennan paratroop captain what he thought might have to happen
to Gennany after we win the war. Capt was terrified, guessed, he saiei, that Germany would probably be
broken up into littIe pieces. Without moving a muscle, Russian stiffened, ~Not Gennany, captain -
Gennans.' He did not Mean to be clever." ChesterB. Hansen Papers, personal diary, 13, 26 Jul 44. The
Russians saw Simonds on 27 July. The officerswere: Maj.Gen. 1. Skliarov, Maj.Gen. V. A. Vasiliev, Col.
V. Gorbatov and Rear Adm. N. Kharlamov. Simonds received the Soviets with a Guard of Honour (12 Man
D) and a band. The party lWlched at Simonds's "An Mess. RG24 10S08 WD.2 Cdn Corps. 27 July 44.
42 Steams Papers, 27 AprSI, 2.
43 .tt .young men in baggy trousers with tunics tightly belted and high leather boots, peaked bats.
Shyand Wlsmiling. They greeted the general with few halting words of English in heavy boyish accent..."
Hansen Diary, 13 July 44, and RG24, 2 Cdn Div HQ WD JuIy 44. WD includes photos of grim faced, wiry
men in loose summer tunics and weIl wom boots.
014 W. C. Frank, Jr., and P. S. Gillette. Soviet Militarv Doctrine trom Lenin to Gorbachev. 1915-
1991. Greenwood. London.1992. P.13S.
45 One possible rebuttal was suggested by Brooke in a letter to Montgomery: uthe Gennan density
in Normandy is 2 1/2 limes that on the Russian front, whilst our superiority in strength was only in the
nature ofsorne 25% as compared to 300% Russian superiority on Eastern Frontn Brooke did not point out

that real Soviet superiority was a1so 25% and the overwhelming numbers were achieved because of
STAVKA planning and a working doctrine. Hamilton, 767.

10:1. Here was a golden opportunity for victory, ifhe used mass and terrain correctly.
Tota/ize required a classic artillery offensive. Instead, Simonds invented a monster mine
field and then applied the principles that won Lightfoot for Montgomery and cost him

AlI Revved Up and No Place To Go

Tota/ize has been misrepresented as a masterpiece of planning. The battle is seen

for the tinsel not the tree. The simple fact remains that Tota/ize was essentially a slower
and more tightly controlled version of Sprfng. While the latter gave the brigades and
divisions little room for creative maneuver, Tota/ize ensured there was none. Bombers
were new, night was not. Simonds's mine phobia was new, although not a single Spring
attack faltered because of mines, and the Germans paraded no less that eight panzer
battlegroups across the open area behind Verrières throughout July 21- 26. Tanks leading
was new. Tanks leading at night was most certainly unusuaI. Simonds hoped ta succeed
on the narrow corridor he predicted was the key to success in his February Operational

• Guide, except that this time there were only two narrow fronts, not three, and each was
exactly four tanks wide.
It must be remembered that there was no place ta go. Once breakthrough
had occurred, the entire offensive would stop and wait for a daylight attack by American
B-17s ta blast more Norman villages out of the ground. This imposed the initial delay on
success. The attackers would then loiter at the start line until two armoured divisions
completed a forward passage oflines and settled into the Phase Two Une ofdeparture.
Only then could the armour break out. The criticisms are obvious and have already been-
made elsewhere. 46
A passage oflines exercise is always difficult, but was bound to be chaotic with
two untried art.!!0ured divisions. Ta make it even tougher, Simonds had decided ta attack
two up; he squeezed lst Polish AD beside 4th CAD and gave each a frontage of one
thousand yards. The Pales' start line "was complicated by the fact that they had heavily

46 But not with great resolve. Copp and Vogel~ Morton and GranatsteÙ\ Roy and even English

appear more fascinated with the intricacies of Tota/ize than with its strange obsession with mines and
Simonds's considerable difliculty with massed annOUf.

wooded areas on their front.,,47 The armoured commanders did not like it. "Both General

• Maczek, who commanded the Pales, and l asked General Simonds ta extend our frontage
to give us room for maneuver, but he would not agree as it would mean changing the
objectives of one of the assaulting divisions.,,48
Simonds was gambling. He "wanted ta shoot the works" on the second phase of
Totalize, "That is why he used two divisions, he thought that at least one would get
through.,,49 It seemed like a calculated rislc, but armoured divisions don't function like
AGRAs. Squeezing in more inta less space does not result in overwhelming tire
superiority, but instead, confusion and inviting targets for 88s.

Totalize: 7/8 August - The First Night Attack

The sense of nightmare unreality ... the feeling of detached horror at the sight ofa man
being engulfed by the flames ofa buming tank.
Yet there remains an atmosphere of romance about this Operation.
WD: 33 Br ArrndBde, Tatalize

There were other difficulties. 50 2 CAB and 33 BAB were required, as the force in

place, to assist 4th Armoured and 1st Polish Armoured in their movement forward, secure
the start line and allow them to launch inta Phase 2 in an orderly fashion. But the lead
tank brigades had their own problems. "Soon visibility literally nil ... hampered by large
bomb craters ... tanks feH in ... recovery impossible."sl Navigation tanks saon became
ditched and communication problems mounted. The leading elements became
"hopelessly intermingled and confusion was made worse by the flails who had not been

47 Kitching, 193.
48 Kitching, 193.
49 Steams interviewed by Dr. R. Roy, 14 JuIy 1982, 3.
so Totalize '$ ftrSt bombing was delivered by 660 heavy bombers. "Because the bombing ended
early [called offby master bombers as tgts "became obscured"l, the ground attack (wlùch had been
scheduled to begin half an hour befôre the last bombs feU on the distant targets) aetua1ly began balf an hour
after the bombardment had concluded. Oust and smoke from the bombing, combined with darkness (and
sadly inadequate map.. and compass-reading) led many of the attackers to lose direction." Brereton
Greenhous, Stephen 1. Harris, William C. Iohnston and William G. P. Rawling, The Crucible ofWar.
1939-1945 The Official History of the Royal Canaman Air Force - Volume nI (Toronto: University of
Toronto Press, 1994), 814.
SI RG24 10455 Report: An Account ofOps by 2 Cdn Annd Bde, 14-16 Aug 44", 4. "There were

nwnerous halts, due to unavoidable delays by the leading tank ... though collisions were ftequent, the work
ofthe tank drivers was most commendable." Vanguard, 52.

present at the rehearsal and who lost station very early in the proceedings.,,52 Entire

• troops were lost, sorne for over 24 hours. Regiments lost direction and became involved
in friendly firefights. Several squadrons actually steered a 180 degree course change in
the dust, darkness and excitement of combat.
Head of column became split in individual parties led by officers who
were attempting through the thick haze to pick up land marks ... officers
were leading tanks on foot ... one party ... had gone so far off its line to
get involved with a Canadian column on the right.... Charlie Charlie caUs
ta follow Very lights ... normal channels ofcommand ceased to function.
No one knew where his troop or squadron leader was and Many a good
tank: commander had little idea ofwhere they were themselves. 53
Moming found them anything but a force-in-place; rather, scattered combat teams
holding an area that ended at the bomb Hne for Phase 2. No mines ~ad been encountered.
German defensive fire was scattered, panicky, and mostly iileffeetive. The dust
and confusion hindered progress. Tilly did not fall until 0800 and Rocquancourt was not
fully secured until after midday. The Canadian annour arrived steadily on the battlefield
until bath divisions had the bulk oftheir tank: brigades formed up north of the start line,
about 0830 on the moming ofthe 8th. Before them lay open country. Simonds had

• broken through.
The morgenmeldung sent a chill through von Kluge: "We have to risk everything.
A breakthrough has occurred near Caen the like ofwhich we have never seen. ,,54 While
aIl the criticism of Totalize may be valid - it was unnecessarily complex, confused and
much tao slow - nevertheless, 2nd Corps had muddled through. Despite himself,
Simonds had broken past aU three lines of the German defence in depth. Nothing lay
between him and Falaise except scattered Kampfgryppen of 12 SS HI which were slowly
moving northwards preceded by their worried commander.
Would Simonds boldly drive to Falaise? No. He called for a hait ta allow artillery
to catch up and the heavy bombers ta pulverize his imagined secondary defence zone.
Simonds's conviction that Von Kluge had created a GrosskampfHKL behind his HKL
on Verrières is unfortunate, for there was no secondary area ofdefence. Every passing

2 CAB, S.
53 RG24 10455 BRAC Battle Report No.2, «Amour Report: 144 RAC - 51 H Div Totalize."

• 54 RG24 Vol 10677, 2 SS Pz Korps WO. Von Kluge to Hausser, evening 8 Aug 44..

.' minute allowed Meyer and Dietrich ta bring in more reserves into bJocking positions to
seal the break. It has been suggested that it was tao Jate to call offthe bombers. Crerar
would probably have been reluctant to tell Harris "no thanks after aU" following the
difficult staff'wark and coordination required ta switch them on in the first place. At tirst
light aIl forward advance stopped as 2nd Cdn Corps waited on their start Unes for the B-
l7s ta arrive, something which would not happen for another six hours. 5s

The Green Fields Beyond

l tlùnk tlûs made Guy Simonds overly cautious; as a result we lost the momentwn orthe attack.
Maj.Gen George Kitching
They tended to go through all the phases. The Canadian Army never got over the staff
college habit offollowing out every little part of the routine.
BrigadierE. T. Williams: 03 21 Army Group
[ don 't know the reason for the inactivity of the Cdn forces, after the first obj was gained,
but [ suspect that it was NOT entirely the fault ofthe front line tps but rather the result of
too much planning by 2nd Cdn Corps
Generalmajor der Waffen SS Kurt Meyer

Kitching must have realized he had finally taken his division inta the "green fields
beyond,,,~6 ahead ofhim lay golden wheat fields that stretched aIl the way to Patton and
Paris. His opposite number, "Schnellemeyer"S7 responded in his traditionally aggressive
style although he was momentarily shaken by the sight ofthe retreating 89th Infantry
Division. ~8 He got out ofhis kübelwagen and rallied the broken infantry.~9 Meyer quickly

55 The armoured van guards were almost in position by 0600, the two armoured divisions would
be in place by 1100. Time for bombs on target was 1255.
56 Kitching had inherited not only 4 CAO but its heraldic devices as weIl. Worthington fixed bis
own family crest (a Ram) as the division's ractical symbol and had given it a green shoulder patch; "First it
perpetuates the 4th Div ofthe Iast war. Secondly it perpetuates the tlùrd colour of the Royal Tank Corps,
vis 'Through Mud and Blood to the Green Fields Beyond'. Keeping this motto in nûnd for our Div, it is
inevitable that we must pass through mud and blood before we can reach those green fields." RG24 13788.
Worthington writing in 4 Cdn Annd Div Trg InstrNumber 16. 12 Aug 43.
57 By now he was "Panzenneyer" to the Hitlerjugend but still known as "Schnellemeyer" ta Von
Kluge and Eberbach. H. Meyer, 162.
~8 '~For the fust lime during these long and cruel years ... 1see fleeing Gennan soldiers.... M~e~ 1
stare at the leaderless soldiers. My uniform sticks to my skin. Cold sweat breaks from ail pores. 1know that

the rate of the city of Falaise and thus the safety of the two Gennan annies depends on my decision."
quoted by H. Meyer, Rist 12 5S Pz Div., 172. See also: Kurt Meyer, Grenadiere (Munich: Schild Verlag,
1957) 281...282 .

organized a blocking position around Cintheaux then drove north to see for himself

• Auftragstaktik, the doctrine of ad hoc commancl again saved the German army. Although
this scene could have happened in the Canadian, British or American armies, it was more
normal in the German. The British-Canadian Regimental syste~ tribal identity, "our
officers" - "their officers," the "look-the-other-regiment-broke" mentality generally made
ad lib regrouping difficult. Canadians and British Iived in their solitudes. Regiments
watched other regiments being shattered white waiting for orders. Brigade commanders
watched brigades being decimated and waited for orders. Auftragstaktik doctrine allowed
for taetical initiative; German discipline ensured that leaders of impromptu battlegroups
followed orders without question. German senior headquarters reacted immediately to
Totalize. 6o Sepp Dietrich, Commander 1 SS Pz Korps ordered 12 SS to stop the enemy
breakthrough in a counter-attack. At the same time General Eberbach, the supreme
commander of5 Panzerarmee drave up ta meet Meyer in Urville and "agreed with
PanzerMeyer's assessment of the situation and supported his decisions for a counter-
attack.,,61 Meyer decided to strike with two battlegroups: KG Waldmüller and KG
Krause. He then deployed the remainder of his division. 62

• Panzer Gegenangriff
With the cavalry attack it is oot the size of the horse
but the impetuosity of the charge that turns the scales.
Frederick the Great

59 Meyer, 281. Hans Siegel recalled that Meyer is supposed to have said: . "What? Do you expect
me to stop the Tonunies aIl by myself?" Siegel, persona! interview, Sept 1992.
60 llEven before dawn on 8 August, the Divisional Commander, Oberfilhrer Kurt Meyer, drove to
the front with severa! messeogers ta establish a personal understanding of the development ofevents 00 the
spot ... Meyer drove cross-country to Cintheaux..•" Meyer, 171.
61 H. Meyer 175-176.
61 Meyer's reaction was quick: "Kampfgruppe WaIdmüller, reinforced by II. Panzer-Abteilung and
one Tigerkomœnie is to capture the hills of St. Aignan in a counter-attack;-the Korosbegleitkompanie
(escort company)î5 attached to KG Waldmü1Ier .•. the Divisionsbegleitkompanie with attached 1.
Kompanie of SS Panzeriagerabteilung 12 is ta capture, advancing by way ofEstrées, the bill west of St
Sylvai~ and will be attached ta KG WaIdmüller;- Kampfgruppe WÜDSChe is ta immediately break offthe
counter-attack near Grimborq and Brieux, disengage from the [British] ...and will defend the narrow
passage between Laison and Laize... the Flakabteilung is to establish an anti-tank barrier on bath sides of
the Route Nationale in Hoe with Bretteville-le-Rabet; The Aufldanlngsgruppe under the leadership of
Uotersturmfilhrer Wieoecke is to maintain cootact with the left wing of 272.Inf.-Div, and reconnoitre ioto

the gap assumed to exist from there to the west •.• the Divisional commander will remain with
Kampfgruppe WaIdmülIer... translated in H. Meyer, 172. See, K. Meyer, 282.

When Meyer arrived at the Canadian front line he was astounded: "Seeing these

• concentrations of tanks aImost took our breath away.,,63 There before him lay Simonds's
armoured might. The strange thing was that no one moved. The blitz that shouId have
swept forward and carried away the 89th stragglers, his own Kampfgmppes and indeed
Meyer himseLf, sat fixed. "We could not comprehend the behavior ofthe Canadians. Why
did these overwhelming tank forces not push on their attack?"64 As Meyer surveyed the
Canadian armour, he noticed the single B-17 overhead. "It flew across the terrain several
times and then set a visual marker. nos It was a Pathfinder, the "FOO" orthe heavy
bombers; an airbome forward air contraller, leading the heavy bomber stream and
marking the target. Meyer had seen it befare the bombing ofCaen and Goodwood. The
puzzle of Simonds's inactivity was solved. He raced to his radio: "Get Closer! Get
Closerl,,66 Ifhis panzers remained on high ground, they wouId he destroyed. Safety Iay
near the Canadian start line. He directed his Kampfgryppes to attack immediately.67
The counter-attacks ordered by Meyer were another ~\vho's-who" of tank warfare
in Normandy. The Hitierjugend brought up the great warriors orthe SS: Krause,

WaldmülIer, Wünsche and, the "Black Knight" himself, Michael Wittman. The highly
decorated Wittman was already a legend on bath German fronts and his most recent coup
was the almast single handed thwarting ofOperation Perch by counter-attacking 7th
Armoured Div on 12 June and forcing 30th Br Corps back to its start line. 68
Waldmüller and Wittman arrived first and smartly went inta the counter-attack.
As they shook-out in the open fields leading to Point 122, the c~nter of the Canadian start
line, Waldmüller left his panzergrenadiers and Jagdpanzer IVs from JPzAbt 12 at

63 RG 24 Vol. 10,474 "Special Interrogation Repon BdeFührerKunMeyer 1255 Pz Div ~Hit1er­

Iugend' 24 Ang 45", ~~Operation Totalize", 6-7, Also, MS B 814. Interrogation Report: "I2.SS.Pz.
Division, 28.4.48'" 2, Luther..232, H. Meyer, 173.
64 "Operation Totalize", 7, Meyer, 173.
65 Meyer, 173.
66 fntervi;w Siegel, Sept 1992.
67 "r shook Michael Wittman's band and mentioned the extremely critica1 situation. Our good
Michaellaughed his boyish laughter and climbed mto bis Tiger." K Meyer, quoted in H. Meyer, 173. Also,
Special Interrogation Repon Kurt Meyer, 24 Aug 45, 7.
68 "Here was an opportunity which might be made the tuming point in the bridgehead battle...• In
meantime.... Out of the woods lumbered a Tiger tank which drave on to the road and proœeded right down

• the line [of22nd Annd Bde) ...'brewing up' one vehicle after another ... the rood was an infemo with 25
annoured vehicles blazing - all the victims of this lone Tiger." WiImot,. 309. Also, Lefebvre, 169..176.

Cintheaux, creating a block on the main raad. His Pz !Vs maneuvered northeast while
Wittman's Tigers rumbled due north beside Route 158. Tigers always attacked ifthe
opportunity presented itself. The benefit ofcreating elite schwerpanzer battalions was
that they were weil trained, highly motivated and exhibited a faith in the superiority of
their machines that often ignored taetical reality. This time there was little choice.
Wittman adjusted his throat Mike and ordered "Panzer Marsch!"
2 CAB and 4 CAB were assaulted by Waldmüller's Kampfgryppe (thirty-nine
Pz!Vs and four Tigers) as they jockeyed for fire positions north of Gaumesnil. The odds,
farty-three tanks against six hundred, were ridiculous. However, because ofthe narrow
frontage, the best Simonds's brigades could do was to each deploy twa squadrons
forward. That reduced the combat ratio to 1:2. With the advantage of high morale and
unorthodox taetics, Waldmüller' s KG used the scattered farmhouses for cover and closed
the distance, firing as it moved fraln bound ta bound.
Wittman, alone with a handful ofTigers, simply charged up the center: "raced
right into enemy tire ... his tactic during such situations: Get throughl Don't stop! Into

the dirt and reach a free field offire.,,69 His Tigers advanced in "V" formation, stopping
brief1y near the hedge row at GaumesniI, then rolled acrass the open fields, pausing now
and then ta tire and knock out a Sherman at long range. As the distance closed, 17pdrs
from 2 CAB replied. "The attention of the attacking Tigers was concentrated on the
Canadian tanks of the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade which were advancing on both
sides of the Route Nationale. n7o Suddenly Wittman's Tiger exploded. The flash, then
fireball, temporarily blinded the AIlied tank gunners. The turret was lifted into the air and
slammed into the ground behind pzkw No. 007. The ace of aces was dead. The debate
over who scored this Most spectacular of tank kills still continues. 71

69 H. Meyer, 173, See, Special Interrogation Report 24 Aug 45, 7. Direct attack was not
considered rash by German officers with Eastern Front experience: "One of the simplest methods of sealing
off a break-through or eliminating a penettation is the frontal counter-attack." German Defense Tactics
against Russian Break..Throughs US Anny Trg Pam No. 20..233. Oct 1951, 63. ''Tigers sometimes used
aImost rec:k1essly; their crews taking risks to a degree which indicates the utmost confidence in the
vehicle." RG24 14H86, BRAC, 151 Cdn Anny CAC Bulletin No.1 AppxF"Experience with TigerTanks."
70 H. Meyer, 336.
71 Both 2 CAB and 33 BAB were in the area For a while it was assumed that Winman wu bit by

Typhoons. His body was not discovered until1982. Gennan War Graves Commission corroborated that an
identification disc, fragments ofa leatherjacket and a pistoi belonged to Wittman. Investigation of
Canadian archives photographs confinned TigerOO7 was hit by tank fire, sec RH 24 Vol. 10,458, File

The attack by Wittman's Tigers and Waldmüller's tanks disrupted the entire
Canadian front. AIthough the 12 SS attack was a mixed bag ofMark !Vs and JagdPanzer
IVs, the ferocity and aggressiveness oftheir thrust set 4th Armoured and lst Polish back
on their heels. Directly above the German attack f1ew the 492 Fortresses from 8th
USAAF. 72 A couple of lead bombers dropped short. The airbome OP desperately flew
into the bomber stream wiggling his wings to signal the error, but the following
squadrons followed suit and released their bombs. The Ist Polish Armoured was badly hit
as were elements of3rd Canadian Division, the main headquarters of2 CAB, 2 Cdn
AGRA and 9 AGRA. Shock and confusion followed. At 1330 Simonds's Headquarters
demanded Crerar "Stop ail bombing.,,73 Simonds had considered calling off the bombers
earlier, but it was tao late. The 8th USAAF was already airborne and his communication
chain stretched back to Canadian Army Headquarters "and from there to RAF
Headquarters in England and from there to USAF Headquarters in England and from
there to the leaders ofthe attacking formations,,,74 after which SHAEF would be advised

• 212c1.1009 (037). Sec, Les Taylor, "Michael Witunan's Last Baule" Afterthe Baltle. NoA8, 1985, 46-52.
Taylor suggests the credit goes to Trooper Joe Ekins. Firefly gunner in An Squaclron, Ist

Northamptonshire Yeomanry. The WlÎt WD records "Three Tigers repol1ed moving towards 'lA" Sqn and
were brewed at 1240, 1247, and 1252 hours. ,. Another clairnant is Canadian General S. V. Radley Walters
whose squadron CA Sqn, 27 CAR) engaged the Wittman from the north west - rus gunner knocked out a
Tiger. Visits to the site have satistied him that bis claim may weil be vaUd. Max Hastings notes Wittman
"met bis end in the tlùck ofconcentrated f.tre from a clutch of Canadian Shennans." Max Hastings,
Overlord (New York: Simon and Shuster, 1984), 299. "Wittman spotted a number of Allied Shennans
advancing towards Cintheaux and began firing at these machines...these tanks were from a Canadian
armoured unit trying to take the high ground in the vicinity of Pt 112 from the West..." Gary L. Simpson,
Tiger Ace: The StoO' of Panzer Commander Michael Wittman (Atglen: Schiffer, 1994), 304. Wittman was
finally buried with bis crew (grave No. 120, R 3, B 47) in the Gennan warcemetery al La Cambes.
nu 1,0 19 aircraft - 614 Lancasters, 392 Halifaxes, 13 Mosquitoes - attacked five aiming points in
front of Allied troops." Middlebrook and Everi~ 557. The Heavy Bomber Phase of Tota/ize was aetually
rescheduled for 1226 am. Marker shells were fired by 23rd Field at 1255 hrs. The bombers may have
started bombing early, mistaking the Cramesnil east-west road for the Bretteville-le-Rabet road that lead to
St. Sylvain. 5urprisingly there was laughter from the 12 SS. The tension had been broken by a young
panzergrenadier ('la lypical boy from Berlin") who shouted: "Welche Ehre, für jeden von W1S schicht
Churchill einen Bombed" (What an honour. Churchill is sending one bomber for each ofusl). K. Meyer,
286. The 12 S5 counter-attack seems to have taken place during the bombing raid.. 151 Northamptonshire
WD records Tigercombat from 1220 to 1252 hrs. Taylor, 47.
73 RG 24 10635. WD ; Ops Message Log. 2 Cdn Corps HQ, 8 Aug 44, Operational Report C. O. 1
Polish AnndDiv '4FightingDuringThePeriodFrom 7-12 Aug 1944" 13 Aug44, 2.
74 "General Simonds had a constant complain~ and had aIready voiced it severa! times, that our

contact with the Air Force was too remote. Toward the latter stages of operations in. Europe we did get
forward observation Air Force personnel who would be with the forward WlÎts and through wireless would
contact the fighter bombers overhead and call them down on specifie targets like a house or a tank, etc. But

and then Harris notified. Commander 2 Cdn Corps did not think he could caU them back;
perhaps he should have tried earlier. The bombing went in and it was a debacle. In typical
style, Simonds pronounced:" From now on it will be the RAF. n75 The B-17s flattened the
target villages but they disrupted more Canadian formations than German. 76 One
Canadian casualty was General Rad Keller, last seen being carried into an ambulance
shouting ta his batman: "Roberts, bring me my pistol~ l'm going to shoot the tirst
American l see~,,77

Command and Control: Kitching's Kampfgruppen

Drive on whenever there is a gap. NO "waiting for George:' Don't expeet the batt1e to go quite ta plan.
Simonds at Corps Comd's "0" OP "Totalize": lOOO Hrs, 23 , lui 44
The enemy .. ' carried out all his attacks with tanks and without infantry.
General Eberbach reporting to Von Kluge: 2330 ~ 8th Aug 44

The bombers cast Simonds time. As the 1st Polish Armoured Division and 4 CAD

• were trying to sort themselves out, they were attacked by Kampfgruppe Waldmüller:
immediately engaged Polish infantry. The grim duels of panzers against tanks were
fought by the fighting vehicles of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division and Michael

·Wittman's Tigers.,,71 The attack disrupted H Hour. Tota/ize'5 second phase did not get
going until 1530, two hours late.
At the time, my division was accused ofbeing slow in getting to our start
Une ... because ofour very restricted frontage, had only about five

the Air Force never trusted an anny characler to do this. They would never surrender to the Anny the right
to have authority to direct their actions." Steams Papers 23 Mar 81, 7.
75 Steams 23 Mar8I, 7.
76 6S deâd, 250 wounded, SS vehicles destroyed. Most of the casualties were in Maczek's division.
Stacey, Vittol)' Campaign. 223. Oddly enough, the unit's Operational Repon only refers to "part orthe
arty, but also amn dwnped for AGRA." After Tota/ize 's first clay Maczek was optimistic:" Our own lasses
were insignificant" See: RG24 WD l Pol Annd Div: Operatiooal Report. C. O. l Polish Arm Div
"Fighting During the Period From 7-12 Aug 1944", 3.
77 Tony Foster, Meeting of GeneraIs (Toronto: Methuen, 1986), 360, and, Brigadier General
Megill, persooal interview, IS Ianuary 1990.

• 78 Meyer, 173, Interrogation Report. 7-8.


hundred yards in which to maneuver. This was the normal frontage for a
squadron to operate in....79
Kitching's grouping cannot be faulted. His vanguard was an armourlinfantry
battlegroup named, in German style, after their commander. By 1800, the lead attack by
Halpenny Force (The Canadian Grenadier Guards and The Lake Superior Regiment) had
bogged down a kilometre south of Cintheaux, still held by the ad hoc rear guard thrown
together by Meyer. Maczek's lead brigade, attacking two regiments up with 2nd Pulk
Pancerna and 24th Lancers, had forced Waldmüller's Pz !Vs back but now ran ioto
another çounter-attack from the ~ast by th~ Divisionbegleitkompanie (Divisional Escort
Company) which had]Pz lYs under commando The weIl armoured, low silhouetted tank
destroyers brewed up twenty-six Shermans. "The Pales no longer dared ta leave
Cramesnil forest."so Simonds, trying to control the battle by radio was not pleased: "Why
don't the Pales get on?,,81 Maczek tried ta explain but it feU on deaf ears.
Les Allemandes avaient caché des cannons anti-tank et quelques "Tigres"
dans deux bosquets, séparés par une petite plaine. Le 2e Regt tomba dans
un guet-apens quand il arriva entre ces taillis. Sa surpris fut totale. Mais on
effectua aussitôt un regroupement de blindés et dans un bruit infernal

• l'avance continua lente et inexorable. 82

Although they faced mostly Mark lVs, the 1 PAO attack against Meyer's elastic defence
could not make progress on the narrow front. Worse, Totalize's pause gave Lt General
Wolfgang Pickert, commander 3rd Flak Corps, time to deploy his 88s ta complement the
anti-tank pak front 12 S8 had formed with their own divisional flak in the Quesnay wood
The Canadian attacks went in unsupported and piecemeal. As Meyer noted: "We
were unbelievably lucky - the opposite side did not carry out one single concentrated
attack.,,83 By 1510 the Poles reported they were regrouping. The Canadian Grenadier
Guards condueted a series ofsquadron level attacks, trying to shoot infantry battalions
into Cintheaux or attempting to maneuver past individual strong points. By last light, the

19 Kitching, 194.
80 Meyer, 173.
81 RG 24 10635. WD ; Ops Message Log. 2 Cdn Corps HQ. 170S hrs, 8 Aug 44.
La Première Division Blindé Polonaise (Brussels: Welfare Section of 1 PAD, 1945), Il.

82 _ ,

1] Meyer 173, Interrogatio~ 8.


regiment had lost seventeen tanks. 4 CAB had fought 40 tanks south to Langannerie, east

• ofRoute 158. There they were final1y stopped by 88 tire from Pickert's guns and Flakabt
12 in Quesnay Wood.
l constantly ordered these guns to stay forward and act in an anti-tank raie
against Allied armour. My orders were just as often countermanded by
Pickert, who moved them back into the rear areas to protect administrative
sites. l asked time and time again that these guns be put under my
command, but l was always told by High Command that it was
impossible. 84
This time Pickert followed orders and "in less than forty-eight hours the hulks ofover
ISO Sherman tanks dotted the rolling wheàtfields north ofthe Laison River. n8S
Despite exhortations throughout the day by Kitching, who was in
tum being hounded by Simonds, the armoured regiments could not get
gaing. Inexperienced, rattled by Waldmüller' s counter..attack, and shaken
by the friendly bombing, 4 CAB moved gingerly past the craters and
reacted with undue tactical intent to any enemy salvo. This was their
baptism of tire. The Commander of4th Armoured Brigade, Brigadier R.
A. Booth, proved a disappointment in that he behaved in the same
indecisive manner as Wyman. He had been promoted trom LtColonel
directly to Brigadier and was given 4 CAB because of his alleged battle

experience and tactical competence. He was a firm believer in the
battlegroup and was convinced that the Fuller system (massed tanks alone
had little chance ofsuccess) was wrong. Actually, "tanks alone," more
correctly, a tank_heavy battle group with Iittle or no infantry but
accompanied by FOOs, FACs and engineers, could do wondrous things
against an armoured counter..attack force. Dynamic leadership was
essential, but Booth had as.little success with his regiments as Wyman. 86
When Halpenny Force approached Bretteville..le-Rabet, they were engaged by fire
from Meyer's anti-tank battalion and 88s from Pickert's pak front. The taetical answer
was maneuver by battlegroup, not tactics at the squadron leveL Maneuver required a
brigadier or GSO to point regiments in the right direction. The battlegroups were

84 General Joseph ·~Seppn Dietric~ commander 151 SS Pz Corps. Quoted by Shulman, 150.
8S••~[ wamed the Field Mars~" said Dietric~ ~'that the Canadians had only been stopped on the
Laison River for a short period. Shul~ 15L

86 Booth's frusttation, and inability, is recorded in 4 CAB Ops Log: 1617:·' You are reporting no
opposition 50 push on. Ifthere is opposition then l should know about il" 1702 ·'Fetch Sunray, what is hoId
up? Push on ..• no opposition in front - yet the going is very slow. l am not waiting any longer..." 1736
"Put Sunray on sel Put Sunmy on sel Get Swuay immediatelyt" From1736 ta 1830 4 CAB Logs records

consist mostly of ignored commands !rom Booth to 22 and 28 CAR to "Put Sunray on set." RG24 14052
WD 4 CAB, 8 Aug 44.

• overwhelmed by their tirst action. They either forgot about the supporting arms or were
"not wholly aware ofthe capabilities ofthe gunners; we were never asked for smoke.,,87
Instead ofusing the team work ta take out rear-guard positions, the squadrons tried to do
it themselves and faHed: "... during these actions we never received one request for fire
support and we began to think we were just along for the ride."S8 In its fust battle, 4th
Armoured tried ta feel its way around the blocking force, looking for a hale. When it
found an enemy strongpoint, its regiments attacked it. It has been suggested that the
inexperience of 4 CAO and 1st Polish Artnd resulted in the error of"pausing ta deal with
strongpoints rather than bypassing them. ,,89 In fact, there was no room to do this as long
as Corps held them to their boundaries. There were no open flanks in the narrow frontage
Simonds gave to Kitching and Maczek. An armoured regiment bypasses an enemy
strongpoint by saturating it with direct and indirect tire, then maneuvering around the
open flank using its own smoke as protection. Any attempt to seek out un trou Normande
would meet with the long reach ofan 88 or super 75.90 Eventually it was tao late; the
squadrons required fuel, ammunition, rest, and mostly a conference to sort everyone out.
Kitching, pushed by Simonds, quite rightly wanted the breakout to keep going. Every
hour lost meant more Tigers, more Panthers and more panzergrenadiers on the battletield.
The Corps commander had ordered them to press on through the night. But they
were not going to heed his requests. It was not in their doctrine. To Simonds's rage, the
armoured regiments did exactly what ail armoured regiments had been doing since 1939.
Ta Simonds's fury and Kitching's exasperation91 the regimental COs fell back on their

87 Lt.Col R. S. Lucas, Foo, 23rd Regt (SP) supporting4 Cdn Annd Bde during Totalize.
Correspondence \Vith LCol J. A. English 12 Mar 90.
88 Lucas, 12 Mar 90.
89 Weigley, 204.
90 The opposition amouoted to a battalion's worth ofanti-tank fire: "Die 12.SS PzDiv Hitleriugend
<Meyer> vertarkt durch 80 stunngeschutz und 88 Flak. brachte die Polen bei St Sylvain zum stehen Wld
hinderte die Kanadieran Heraustreten ans Bretteville-sur-Laize." Eddy Bauer Der Panzerkrieg (Bonn:
Verlag Bodo Zimmennan, 1965), 135.
91 RG24 14052 OPs Log 4 CAB; 8 August. Brigadier Booth's and General Kitching's .
exhortaûons took on increasing annoyance and dïrectness. By 1800, exchanges between HQ 4 CAB 1 4
CAD and the annoured regiments were decidedly angry. The regimental commanders, either due to enemy
action or to simply avoid confrontatio~ ignored most orthe calIs: "You can get crackingL.Are you

• moving? ... Push onl ..• Fetch Sunray ••• Put Sunray on setl ..• Get Sunray immediatelyl Wbat is hold up?
... Ifyou have no opposition you must push onl Outflank and push onl No opposition in front yet the going
is very slow. l'm not waiting any longer - l want you to move fastl"

Dorset training92 and went back ta a "rear rally" and laagered.93 "[A] momentous

• decision - which granted Brigadeführer Kurt Meyer a respite ofseven hours to rally the
89th Division and deploy his 12th 55 Panzer Division - vitiated Simondsts intention 'to
press straight on steadily regardless. t n94 This was combat refusaI with dire future
consequences bath on the men of4 CAB and their commander.
Nothing Booth couId do would change things; indeedt he does not seem to have
tried. He disappeared from the battlefield and had ta be personally ferreted out by
Kitching, who was so exasperated that he went forward ta sort out Booth personaIly. He
found him asleep in his tank:
1 had the greatest difficuIty in locating him and he would not answer caUs
on the radio. When 1finally found him he was nearly two miles away tram
the battle and fast asleep in his tank. l personally had ta climb up on the
tank ta wake him and tell him ta go and see what "vas happening. l was sa
angry that 1ordered him out ofthe tank and gave mm a ton~e-lashing for
five minutes. He was almost in tears when he went forward. 9'
By then it was tao late for everyone. 4 CAB did not get going again until the next day and
Tota/ize lost another eight hours.

Kitching or Maczek waited tao long to sort things out when their brigade
commanders began to lose their grip. Simonds tried ta Iight a fire under his corps but
wasn't sure which division needed his attention most. Ist Canadian Army HQ watched
patientlYt hoping Simonds would find a solution. While Crerar stayed in his

92 Training by British 1 Canadian Officers fresh trom the Desen and ltaJian Campaigns resulted in
a "tanks only fight in day" mentality: uUnless there is sorne fmal objective there is no limit to the advance
which must he pressed from f1I'St light Wltil the light fails. As a matter of routine approximately one ho ur
before clark comds automatically begin their night dispositions and ü possible get themselves disengaged~
secure and capable of being replenished. If this is done weil a good start can he made at first light the next
clay." DRIST. Royal Annoured Corps. Operational CircuJar No. 1. 7th Annd Div Ops. 26 Nov North
Africa to Nov 43, Voltumo River ltaly. RG 24 BRAC files and TRG Files 4 CAO.
9J went back to a regtl barbour at GaurnesniL It was then 2000 hrs and it was considered that in
U •••

view ofthe fact that darkness was rapidlyapproaching, the fact that some regrouping and proper tying up
for the next advaiiëe was neœssary." RG24 14260 WD 22 CAR CGG, 8 August 44.
94 H Meyer, 264.
9S Kitching, 195. Booth realized Canadian/British Annoured Doctrine was flawed. DOOng a
TEWf, (Ex Iroquois, 1July 44) he ordered his syndicales to use battIegroups (Udesigned to beat the
eoemy"). It is likely Booth not Kitchingwho created HaJpennyand Worthington Force. RG24 Vol. 14051
and 15098. However, J. A. English notes that Booth...delegated tactical responsibility down ta battle

groups with the resuIt that artillery was never effectively brought to bear against pockets of resistance..."
Englis~ The Canadian Anoy and the Normandv Campaim 290.

Headquarters,96 his opposite number, SS General Eberbach, his face badly scarred from

• battIe bums, a Ritterkreuz at his throat, drove forward to see Totalize and then went to
von Kluge ta discuss their dilemma: the "personlichen Befehl des Führers" ordering
continued efforts toward Avranches versus the very real threat ofat least two Cdn arrnd
divs about to breakthrough to Falaise. His sombre evaluation convinced the Fieldmarshal
to release the Panther Abteilung of 9th Panzer Division and l02nd SS sPzAbt (Tigers) as
reinforcements for Meyer: "I have no other forces left. Ifthis keeps going the same way
tomorrow, we shaH be unable to stop it.,,97
Simonds was still determined to make something of Totalize; he again would
attack at night and would use searchlights to create "movement light. ,,98 Bath
battlegroups were given objectives astride Highway 158, the road to Falaise. The
Grenadier Guards were told to clear Bretteville-le-Rabet. Aggressive leadership could
push them past Quesnay woods. A brisk flanking maneuver would easily bring them ta
Point 140, highest of the bluffs overlooking the Laison River, and a springboard for
Falaise. The BeRs were ordered ta take Point 195, a knoll with the same characteristics

as Hill 67 in that it resembled an open plain until the crest then fell away south
overlooking the approaches ta the Laison, the Laize and finally, Falaise. Point 195 was
west ofHighway 158. The arrivai oftwo armoured battlegroups on the Laison would
break down the door leading ta Falaise, Chambois, and Argentan. The Hitlerjugend
'would not be able to cover a breakthrough six miles wide.
Totalite deserves sorne study. It was the first Canadian attack by a complete
armoured corps. ft was the first occasion since early June that balanced battlegroups were
used in the attack and was also the first time that proper armoured battlegroups were
created. Le Mesnil-Patry saw Wyman arder the QORs ta ride on tanks which entered the

96 "Crerar...operated by very different methods...Weather pennitting, he used to fly daily over the
fighting area..in a Iight aircraft. Horrocks, 3L "When Guderian first tried to explain the concept [of

commanding massed armour circa 1938] .•.General Fritsch asked him "And how do you intend to control
this division?" and Guderian answered, "From the front using radiol" Fritsch replied, "Nonsense. The ooly
way to command a division is ftom a desk at the rear, using a telephone." "Translated Taped Conversation
\Vith General Hermann Balcle, 12 January 1979", BattelIe, Columbus Laboratories Tactical Technology
Center, Columbus, 21.
97 Quoted in Meyer, 174. Sec also: RH 21-5/52 Kreigstabuch des PanzerArmeeoberkommando - 9.9.44: noch 9.8.44. Bundesarchiv, Freiburg.

91 RG 24 WC 344 Independent Searchlight Battery RA. 8 August. "Troops rernained
deployed...Movement Light again provided throughout the night" And, Stacey, Vietory Campaign. 225.

battlefield a squadron at a time. Wyman never used his brigade as a complete weapon,

• although it was available. Kitching gave Booth the reins.

The combat ratio finally favoured the attacking Canadians; Booth alone had 240
tanks against about 100 tanks available ta Meyer. Further, Meyer, whose panzers were
still arrlving in the area, had to caver the entire front and maintain a reserve. The only
reinforcements expeeted were the Panther battalion from 9 Pz, seconded to Meyer on von
Kluge' s arder and the grenadiers of 85th Infantry Division, arriving on bicycles via
Vimoutiers and Trun.
Attacking with two armo.ured divisions forward meant Meyer would be forced to
divide his resources. At best, fi fty German tanks would be capable of interfering with
Booth's concentration of over two hundred Shermans. Further, Simonds had immediate
access ta Wyman's 2 CAB, which had already enjoyed a punch up with WaldmüIler and
Wittman. This allowed an attack ratio of roughly 425 Shermans and another 240 Polish
tanks against Meyer's scattered zugs. The prospects oftactical victory was within
realistic reach. In terms ofFireflies alone, the Canadian attackers held a decisive
numerical advantage.

• Armour Available to Simonds for Phase II Totalize

4 Cdn Armd Div 1 Pol Arrnd Div
29Annd~eRe~ lOC~WŒ

4 Cdn Annd Bde 10 Pol Annd Bde 2 Cdn Annd Bde 33 Brit Armd Bde
21 CAR (GG) 1PAR 6 CAR (1 Hussars) 144th Bn Royal Arrnd Corps
22 CAR (GGFG) 2 PAR 10 CAR(FGH) lst East Riding Yeomanry
28 CAR(BCR) 24 Lancers 27 CAR (SherFus) Northamptonshire Yeomanry

Total: 14 Annoured Regiments ( 840 tanks )


In the early hours of9 August 4 CAD finally got its regiments going. Kitching
had a rough idea ofhow to go about this armoured business. This was another
opportunity to break out and achieve operational maneuver. Ali the bold things that were
going on in Cobra, that had occurred in Barharossa and France 1940, were there for the
4 CAB deployed two-thirds ofits armoured brigade as balanced Kampfgruppen:

• "Halpenny Force," and "Worthington Force" which was a second armoured battIe group

based on the 28th CAR (the British Colombia Regiment) grouped with three companies

• of the Algonquin Regiment mounted in White half track armoured personnel carners.
However, as one military historian put it "the subsequent performance of this force in
contrast with that ofHalpenny's illustrated the depth ofthe tactical schizophrenia that
gripped the armoured corps ofthe British and Canadian armies. n99

Armoured Breakthrough: The Death ofWorthington Force - 9 August

The wild dash they had to make did not lend itself to calm ground appreciation ...
Maj L. C. Monk: The Algonquin Regiment
... and the officers mee gallant gentlemen who bore no malice and knew no fear, made their military
recognition, while the horsemen on each side watched with eager eyes for an opening to charge.

Sir William Napier The cavaJry commander requires the rarest combination of talent He
must have the great prudence which is always required of an ofticer holding a responsible
post; and at the same time he must possess extraordinary rashness and bravery, and
. combine the greatest calmness with the greatest impetuosity.
Colonel George T. Denîson

• Lt.Col Don Worthington (no relation ta General F. F. Worthington), started out in

darkness. The plan was simple: south beside Route 158, then cross the highway and head
west to the highest piece ofground. It should have worked. However, a night approach
through what had now become a German defensive zone instead of a rear area, was a
risky challenge for a regiment in its tirst battle. The atmosphere, already electric with the
excitement of tirst enemy contact, was heightened by the confused pace of the advance.
It was so dark 1 could only see the red back lights ofthe tank in front.
Sometimes we crawled along. Finally we just stopped and waited for first
light. There were break downs. My troop pulled out acound a broken down
Sherman and promptly got lost -there were too Many tank tracks. The
Regiment was being led by Lt "Wing Ding" Wilson - he made a right tum
but everyone else turned left - didn't believe "Wing Ding" could navigate
... that'show we got lost. 100
The main body of Worthington Force turned east. They May have been confused by the
hard surface road that ran east from Bretteville..le-Rabet and mistaken it for Highway

99 English, 280.

100 Account by Lt Harvey McDennot~ Troop Leader BCRs, 9 August. BCR historical file,
provided by adjutant, 1994.

158. Theo, "high ground was sighted and we headed for it. nlOI Theyarrived in the area of

• Point 140, bluffs overlooking the Laison River, and stopped. "Without knowing it
Worthington had captured one ofthe Polish armoured divisions' objectives."lo2
Tragically, they were on the wrong hill.
Worthington's force set offa real panic in 12 S5. The front had been penetrated.
The ooly thing that stood between the BeRs and Falaise was Meyer's own HQ, about
three kilometres away. He ordered KG Wünsche to counter-attack immediately. Using a
Panther company from 1 Abt, 12 S5 Pz Regt and a handful of recentIy arrived Tigers
from the' 102 S8 sPzAbt, Wünsche ordered a double envelopment to hit the BCRs from
north and south. This was more practicality than clever tactics. Each element served a
double purpose. The southern hook of Tigers would engage Worthington's Shermans at
long range while covering against an approach along Route 158. The northern hook
blocked an advance by 15t Polish Armoured whose regiments were risht behind
The Poles' performance was not discernibly better on the 9th. Although they were

operating on the eastern flank of Simonds's morning attack and thus faced considerably
fewer anti-tank positions, their advance was quickly halted as was the Grenadier Guards'
advance on Quesnay Wood. The real tragedy was their inability to close the distance to
Worthington's BCR battlegroup as it was being steadily decimated on Hill 140. A
detennined drive would have not only rescued 27th CAR but probably crossed the Laison
and completely tumed Meyer's flank.
Maczek's leading squadrons could not have helped but notice the plight of the
BeRs and Algonquins. Several times their tanks attempted to give support - lOth
Chasseurs advanced to St. Sylvain but were forced back by a handful ofPanthers. A
second regiment, 151 Pulk Pancerna, commanded by Major Stefanowicz, attacked from
the northeast and cIaimed to have reached the Laison River near Rouvres where they shot
up a bicycle company from 85th German Infantry. They were immediately engaged by
Wünsche. Stefanowicz, without infantry or FOOs, decided to retreat. 10J

lOt RG24 Vol. 10,800 WD 28th CAR, 9 Aug 44~

lin Kitching, 196.

• 103 see: S. Maczek, Avec Mes Blindés (paris: Presses de la Cite, 1961), 188~ and Meyer 178~

Meanwhile, around Point 140, 12 SS Pz Regiment counter..attacked by tire from
long range. The remainder ofSS schPzAbt 101's Tigers (reinforced with a zug from 102)
approached from the southwest, crossed Highway 158, and took out 27 CAR's Shermans
from an area south of Quesnay and the high ground across the Laison. Concurrently,
Wünsche's Panthers drove northeast then circled to complete the envelopment. The
Polish armoured regiments were taken on at long range by these Panthers supported by a
few Mk IVs and JPz IVs left over from Waldmüller's 8 August attack. Again these were
mistakenly reported as Tigers and the over cautious leading Pulks stopped short and
withdrew from the disadvantage- ofa long-range gun dueL A1though 12 SS Krieggesichte
credits Maczek's attack with destroying two German combat teams,I04 Simonds was
exasperated with both Kitching and Maczek and the "complete lack of
communication. nlos His anger finally forced him forward, where he chewed out the tirst
regimental commander he saw. 106 The Poles vexed Simonds and drew scom from
l don't know what went wrong with the Poles on those two days, 8 and 9
August, but they certainly were no help to us.... 1formed a poor opinion

• of the Pales in that baule. If they had been as aggressive as Worthington

had been thev would have been there to relieve him ofsome of the tierce
pressure.... 107
In Maczek's defence, the inexperience and real fear ofhis men cannot be discounted. On
their move to the Tota/ize FUP both the 4th CAO and 1st PAD drove through part of the
Goodwoodbattlefield. Tank crews gaped at the sight of the sixty odd bumed out hulks

104 "The Korosbeglcitkompanie was wiped out by that attack, the Divisionbegleitkompanie was
overrun from the south at approximately 1400 hours. Howevert it was able to bold on and withdn1w to the
woods 2 km southeast of St. Sylvain in the evening.tt H. Meyert 178. This success seems to have been
ignored by Simonds and subsequentlYt by modem Canadian Military Historians.
105 Steams 27 April8l~ 2.
106 The 4 CAB Radio Log la Aug 44 t follows the BCR predicament and the less than detennined
Canadian response: 0937hrs. We are being rued on from rear...1228 hrs. Must have assistancct cannot bold
posn..•1236lus BM (Cbubb) 4CAB: How does it look? 22 CAR: Damn Serious...1301hrs. Sttongly
attacked...severe cast severa! tks brewed up...130S Srig (Booth) 4 CAB to 21 CAR: Make a mad clasb to
help Sil Will give good results... Ta 22 CAR: Rold on to yr posn and gains you have made at all costs. 21
CAR will belp you... 22 CAR: l have IS tks leftL.Infstill here. Wc are few in numbers..•1652 lus 22 CAR:
Ambulance can come up all the way here. Rd clear....1712 lus 22 CAR: Can you give us sorne suggestions
about our tgts in refta bombing•••1828 hrs 22 CAR: Quite a bit ofactivity on right flank..••• Rest

uninteUigible ta operator.
107 Kitcbing, 196.

that still littered the area. Ifthat did not shake them up, it certainly created an attitude of
serious caution. Aggressive leaders quickly overcame this as with the example ofCdn
Grenadier Guards troop commander Lt. J. P. Phelan who knocked out eleven anti-tank
guns "in as Many minutes" 108 during Tota/ize. But the Pales, despite seeing the BCR's
predicament decided not to rush the Panthers engaging Worthington. Whenever a Pulk
advanced, it was savagely engaged by Wünsche. Maczek reported:
right flank held up by enemy anti-tank guns at 110485 ... can you do
anything about it? ... 3 PW taken 1700 hrs ... ident 25 Gr Regt 25 pzGr
divided ioto 3 groups. First Waldmüller. Second Krause ... other ba~le
group on their right flank. They have tanks ~ IV and VI estimate 10-20
strong. Eoemy infdefending St. Sylvain. En making gaod use of
mortars. 109
German aggressiveness, and the ever present fear ofTiger by inexperienced
crews, saved Meyer but killed Worthington: "les Allemandes lancerent de fortes contre-
attaques appuyées par des Tigres. Elles furent toutes brisées et nous infligeames des
pertes très lourdes à l'ennemi ... les Allemandes contre-attaQuerent farouchement.,,110
Despite strikes from RAF Typhaons and the presence of the Palish vanguard ooly two

• miles away, Worthington Force was left unsupported throughout the entire day as
Wünsche's tanks picked them off one by one.
By evening the entire Regiment's tanks, the halftracks of the Algonquin
~egiment, and most of the men had been killed or wounded. 1ll Hill 140 was an armoured
graveyard abandoned to the Germans. Amang the dead was the gallant Lt.Col.
Worthington. 112 Kitching' s armoured assault was over, and for ail intents and purposes,
so was Tota/ize. Kurt Meyer's analysis bears repeating:

lOS Phelan was awarded the Military Cross See: Colonel A. Fortescue Duguid, Historv orthe
Canadian Grenadier Guards 1760-1964 (Montreal: Gazette Printing. 1965), 264.
109 RG24 13712. WD 2 Cdn Corps. Msgs fin 1 Pol AD, 1800 and 2345 hrs 9 Aug 44. Despite the
ragged, incomple!c: nature of the Sitrep. it was the most useful message sent byan annoured unit to 2nd
Corps that day.
110 _ , La Première Division Blindée Polonaise (BlUxelles: Impremerie Union Office, 1954), 12,
III Forty-seven tanks, 250 men from BCR and Algonquins plus an Wldetennined nwnber of half-
tracks. 12 SS suffered no [osses in this engagement: "Wir selbst haOOn nicht eiDen Panzer verloren." K.
Meyer, 294.

• 112 The destruction of the BCR unlike the destruction orThe Black Watch during Spring - was
given little officiaI attention. The ditTerence was the political c[out ofthe Montreal Watch which forced an

Every opening phase ofa Canadian Operation was a complete success and
the staffwork a mathematical masterpiece ... every Canadian Operation
bore the mark ofintensive planning and was built on sound principles.
Canadians never followed up their opening success to reach a complete
victory. Every one of the Canadian attacks lost its push and detennination
after a few miles. Armoured warfare is a matter ofusing opportunities on
the battlefield, therefore the Divisional Commander belongs with the
leading combat group.113
Much has been made about the BeRts arrivai on the wrong objective: "This
episode, with its tragic mixture ofgallantry and ineptitude....,,114 The BCRs may have
been los~ but 2nd Cdn Corps ha~ also lost.the BeRs. Worthington's attack has been seen
as the glass halfempty; the fact remains that a battlegroup had broken through and
penetrated into Meyer's rear area. Nothing lay between Worthington and Falaise. What
the BCRs (indeed, Kitching) desperately needed was to have success reinforced. In the
full scope of an armoured breakthrough, particularly at the corps level, a matter of four
miles is mere bagatelle. Maneuver warfare rapidly encompasses enemy positions. Had
Worthington been followed immediately by a second regiment and then by a second
armoured brigade, whether Canadian, British or Polish, the BeR breakthrough would

• have been the tale ofRommel's 7th Panzer on the Sedan. One difficulty was that
Worthington did not know where he was, but conversely neither did Kitching or
Simonds. To paraphrase Wilde, losing one's armoured regiment in the dark is
unfortunate, but for a division to lose an entire battlegroup in clear daylight is sheer
carelessness. llS
There were attempts made ta find them. The 4th Division CDA, Brigadier J. N.
"Herm" Lane, frustrated at his guns' seeming inability to support the BeRs, flew his
Math spotter aireraft south along Route 158 searching for Worthington Force. His eyes
fixed onto Hill 195; he reported no contact as he determinedly flew past that feature until

investigation by the Minister oC Defence. As late as 19 August 44, correspondance from Stuart to Crerar
about the 25th JuIy action al Fontenay were Iisted "Top Secret No Circulation"': RG24 10635.
113 DRIST 811104: Interview Kurt Meyer; Canadian Chaplain's Report. 3 Sep 50.
114 Slacey, Vietorv Campaign, 229.
liS Bng Booth, in a less than controlled manner, ordered 21 CAR "to make a mad clash Corward to

relieve itl" He had no idea where the BCRs were nor 30y practical solutions. RG24 14052 WD 4CAB. la

he could actually see Falaise. Rad he glanced left 1l6 he would have quickly spotted a

• regiment of Sherman tanks on high ground, mixed with half-tracks and infantry, with
scores of vehicles buming black smoke. That he failed to see them is a mystery. The
simplest explanation is he did look and because they weren't supposed to be there, he did
not see them. What he did see, he decided, were the Shermans ofMaczek's Polish
Liaison between 2nd Corps and the supporting RAF headquarters was poor.
Typhoons had been supporting the BCRs for hours. The information was not relayed to
Kitching or Simonds. Finally, an armoured officer might ask the obvious question: where
was the recce? With five reconnaissance regiments at their disposai, two of them
armoured,117 Kitching and Simonds had the resources to find Worthington. Again the
answer may lie in doctrinal evolution. By the summer of 1944 wise heads in the
Armoured Corps decided that a better way to use the div recce regiment would he ta
ignore doctrine and use its tanks as another armoured unit, either as reserve or a
supporting battlegroup.118

Simonds sent the Canadian Grenadier Guards south ta look at 195. They were
quickly tumed back by Pickert's 88s. 119 The rest of the day was spent in frustrating radio
calls. Simonds:
was alarmed at the lack of information as ta the whereabouts of sorne 4th
Division units. He visited 4th Division Headquarters twice on the 9th
hoping ta find things straightened out. l knew he was disappointed but
trying not ta show it. 120 .

116 This flight was duplicated by a Kiowa helicopter in May 1991. The author flew the route
simulating Moth speeds at varying heights along the described approach as weil as one further west. At aIt
times. bath bills were clearly visible with very litlle effort. Pt 140 was particularly easy to identify. Pt 195
was more difficult because ofils particuJar geography.
117 18th Armd Car Regt (12 Manitoba Drageons) - the 2nd Cdn Corps recce <Staghounds); 8th
Recce regt (l4th Cdn Hussars) .. 2nd Cdn InfDiv recce; 7th Recce Regt (l7th Duke ofYork's Royal
Canadian Hussars} - 3rd Cdn Div recce; 29th Recce Regt (The South Alberta Regiment) - 4th Cdn Annd
Div recce - equipped with Shermans; IOth Chasseurs .. 151 Pol Annd Div recce (equipped with CromwelIs).
118 The Corps recce 18th Arrnd Car Regt was screening the left fl~ east of 1 PAD. The other
recce regiments were not given recce tasks.
119 At 130S Booth ordered the Guards to "Make a Mad Dash to help sil Will give goocl results."
By 1307 22 CAR reported to Booth: "1 have 1S tks leftl 3 robots exploded beside us, 885 to front and left
Oank- they have us covered from ail directions.n 4 CAB Log, 9 Aug 44.

• 120 Steams Papers. 23 MarSI, 2.


2nd Canadian COrpS (thirteen armoured regiments) simply stopped and waited for the
BCRs to tind themselves. Neither the Poles nor 4 CAB seemed to be capable of
maneuvering past the handful of tanks Wünsche had holding the flanks. The
determination ofMaczek' s division is in question. They were weil past the shock of
being bombed and now faced an open front where they could maneuver. The presence of
a Canadian regiment on their objective seems to have made little impression:
There certainly was a tremendous difference between the aggressiveness
of the Ieading armoured regiments - more particular the Canadian than the
Polish.... Sorne seemed to tum away in face ofcomparatively minor
opposition. 121
The real mystery is Army communications. The Germans benetited from
Canadian lapses in wireless and general security.l22 IfMaczek's rear link reported the
action and contact with Canadian Shermans to 2nd Cdn Corps Headquarters, it does not
appear to have reached Simonds. l23 The status ofcommunications is one of the more
serious difficulties that Simonds experienced bath at Totalize and Tractable. Eventually
this Jack ofcontrol was ta cost Kitching his job. It should be pointed out that neither

Kitching nor Simonds had exercised their commands in England before Normandy.124
4 CAO and lst Polish AO arrived in Normandy in time to shake out and get ready for
Totalize. Simonds sent in a complete armoured corps into his greatest battle seemingly
without testing taetics or communications. 12S Again, his plans were overtaken by events.

121 Steams Papers 23 Mar 81. Simonds's displeasure saon reached Montgomery's ears: ··P. S.

Latest reports are that 4 Canadian Division is weil on. The Poles are still on their stan line & still exposing
the eastem flank of the Canadian spearhead. l have told Harry to give the Poles a kick up the fork." Monty
to Srooke. 9 Aug 44 as in Hamilto~ 782.

1n Meyer recalled that: " ... most excellent documents were always to be round in captured
Shermans." Wisc~ 3.
123 Il is interesting to note that 4 CAB WD reported '~Poles repon 28 CAR bad1y shot up ..• bas
only 7 tks left." RG24 14052 WD 4 CAB Ops Log 9 Aug 44.

124 The training in England Iacked a certain vision. In Ex Frost (4 Dec 43)t the aim was to
"Practice Harbouring by Day and Nigh~t the emphasis was on "leaving harbours scrupulously clean.'
Subsequent exercises~; Sodamint) did not emphasize maneuver: urestricted by use ofroads." Stacey
noted: "Kitching took over the division at the end of February 1944. He never had the opportunity of
commanding it in a full·scale exercise beCore it went into action. Ourlng the spring months tank movement
\Vas kept to a minimum to conserve the ttacks orthe tanks that were used in operations." StaceYt Victorv
Camoaim 276.
ln AIthough individual wüts from 4th CAO conducted a test "raid" before TOlalize and

participated in two unsuccessful attacks against Tilly..la..campagne the two armoured brigades were not


Veteran Canadian and British armour had easily defeated the initial counter-attack
by WaIdmüller. Fireflies had Tiger's number. Oid hands seemed capable oftaking Tiger
on while new crews still feared the Tiger bogeyman. Simonds hriefly tasted operational
maneuver then lost it. The fault for a failed army level breakthrough cannat he laid at the
feet of one armoured regiment. 126
The 2nd Corps continued to butt its head against Meyer's front daor for one more
day. Simonds gained a couple ofpieces oftaetical real estate, but the battle was over. The
actual end came with the failure to reinforce Worthington on Hill 140.

Totalize - Analysis

In the end it is the result of the manner in which cards are played or th~·battle fought that
is put down on the score sheets of history. Therefore [ rate the skillfuI tactician above the
skilled strategist, especially mm who plays bad cards weil.

The operational results of Totalize were a gain of over eight miles and the virtual
destruction of one German infantry division. It was the deepest penetration made by

• either Ist Cdn or 2nd Br Army thus far in the campaign. The German forces were
stretched to breaking point and Crerar was poised on an excellent jump-off place to attack
Falaise. StrategicaIly, the western front, to quote von Kluge, "had burst.,,127 Patton had
entered Le Mans, eighty miles due south of the Laison and the "Falaise pocket" had been
formed. Totalize's tactical results were disappointing. Night moves for armour were
dangerous and, one could argue, irresponsible. There was only the vaguest doctrine for a
night attack by armoured divisions and it had not been practiced since El Alamein.
Totalize demanded complex phases that would have sorely tested the most experienced
armoured formations; to set them upon Kitching and Maczek was venturesome planning.
FinaIly, as Meyer noted in his personal critique, "Stopping to water your horses in the

126 At one point he seems to have considered blaming the Ist Polish Annoured Division. In
correspondance to General Stuart, he wondered "IfPoles not inclined for the battle" and proposed: '~We
take away their tanks to keep up the offensive suength...." RG 24 10634. Msg Simonds to COS 1130 ~
12 Aug 44. Simonds's second night attack certainly prompted an OKW response: "9 August 0300 hours to
instruct the Panther battalion of9 Pz Div to pivot toward 155 Pz Corps." OKW WD, 82.
127 Hitler, seeingvon Kluge's worried report snapped at Warlimont: ~ You tell Field Marshall von
Kluge to keep on 100king to bis front, to keep his eyes on the enemy and not to look over bis shouIder."
Warlimon~ 446.

middle ofa cavalry charge" 128 is not maneuver warfare. There was no operational
breakthrough, despite the faet that by the moming ofthe 8th a considerable gap had been
created in 1 SS Pz Corps. A congregation ofthirteen armoured regiments had been
stopped by an equivalent ofone. Again, a handful ofTigers rattled the Allied armoured
force. While Bradley had successfully defeated the Mortain counteroffensive offour
German panzer divisions, Crerar had been unable to crack one. Totalize was Simonds's
battle. It should have become Crerar's battle directIy penetration occurred.
1st Canadian Army was not direeted with convincing operational skill. Both
Army and Corps Headquarters were mesmerized by Falaise. Crerar should have
considered his left flank and the Seine. The entire eastern front ofNonnandy, from the
Caen-Paris highway, to the Laison River, was held by Schack's 272nd Infantry Division.
Its three regiments could not scrape together more than the equivalent oftwo to three rifle
battalions. 129 Behind Schack there was nothing, no panzer reserve, not even a single
Tiger. Crerar continued to drive south where Meyer was being reinforced daily from
Eberbach's panzer divisions inside the pocket. 130 It would have been most interesting to

see Crerar behave like Patton and head for the Seine and Paris, via the shortest way.

Directing The Corps: Simonds as Chairman orthe Board

The invaluable knowledge gained in our large scale training maneuvers in Louisiana and
Carolina and the Desert Training Center crystallized thought to the tactica1 funetions of
our major units and 50 the Corps was accepted, and might be Iikened to a holding
LtGen A. C. Gillem Jr, Commander XIII Corps
Corps Corrunander is the highest grand tactical commander on the battlefield. He is the
la51 man towards the rear and who directs tacticaI f1J'e on the enemy. He is Ûle
commander who conduets the battle.
General Haislip, Commander XV Corps

128 DHist-Sl/l04 "Ex1Iacts Kurt. Meyer Chaplain's Report ofInterview 3 Sep 50", 1.
129 RH26-272! 5. Bundesarchiv. 272 Infanterie-Oivisiolh 28...34. AIso, "By 29 July - all elements
of2151 panzerhad been relieved except for 2d Coy of 192 Mtn InfRegt and the 200th Assault Gun Bn
[converted French tanks] which remained in the 272 sector for sorne time." MS B·702 Gen der Inf A.
Schack, "272 InfDiv (26 July-12 Sept 44)", 3.
t30 Meyer was reinforced throughout Tota/ize:10 155 sPzAbt, 10255 sPzAbt; the Panther

battalion from 9th 5S and 85th Infantry Div arriving on bicycles (interesting target for recœ annoured cars)
via Vimoutiers.

While Bradley directed his two armies and Collins and Patton maneuvered their
corps, Montgomery looked over bath Dempsey's and Crerar's shoulders. Crerar let
Simonds do pretty much as he liked. Simonds had enough to attempt ta wreck a front
line, but he couldn't break out - at least in the correct Soviet style. If he tumed ta his boss
for help, Crerar could honestly say he had given him everything he had. There were no
more tanks in the cupboard. Delay became embarrassing; by 9 August, lst Cdn Army
was still fighting "The Normandy Campaign" while the 12th American Army Group was
sixteen days inta uThe Campaign for Northem FranCe. nl3l
The Corps is the hem of.Operatianal Maneuver; it is the first permanent planning
structure that guides operations. Dynamic corps win campaigns. American Doctrine
stated that:
... the attack by a corps ordinarily is a matter of days and not ofhours ...
planning requires weeks, even months ahead of contemplated, probable or
possible Operations ... ail units are provided with operation overlays and
objectives designated. 132
By those standards Simonds's hurried preparations for Spring, Tota/ize and

Tractable show him ta be a remarkably skilled technical, if not tactical, planner.
Conversely, it says little for Crerar's or Montgomery's ability 133 ta forecast operations.
The time denied Simonds could have been better used ta prepare divisions: "most
important, subordinate commanders and their staffs, through conferences and war games,
[shauld] become familiar with ail plans and their variations." 134
American General Wade H. Haislip argued that the corps commander and
his staff must have complete flexibility of thought and action and develop simple

131 Arnerican Operational Histories consider the Nonnandy Campaign over on 24th July (before
Spring is laWlched); the Northem France Campaign (25 July..l4 Sept) begins a month before Simonds
closed the Gap.
132 FM iOo-I5 Larger Units. Para 173, see a1so, FM 101..10. IThe Corps>.
133 "Monty, who has never won a battle since he left Aftica and only El Alamein there. r won
Mareth for hîm...I can outfight that little ~ Monty, anytime." Provinge, lIS, 175. Wilmot's evaluation of
Crerars etfons a1so show the Iinùts ofMontgomery's operational planning: u the evidence suggests that
the [CanadianI thrust from the nonh was not pressed with sufficient speed and sttength.1t Wilmot, 424-425.
Sec, "Letter ofInstructions NumberThree1t and "Letter ofInstructions Number Four" (Bradley) 6, 8

August 44.
134 FM 100-IS.

plans. 13S Simonds had remarkable freedom ofaction and it could be argued that he

• enjoyed too much. On 26 July Montgomery wrote a letter ofadvice ta Crerar on how ta
handle Simonds: "When an Army Commander has only one corps in his army he will,
unless he is careful, find that he is trying to command that corps himself in detail. He has
to exercise great patience and restraint.,,136 Bradley had to intervene and check Patton
when, witb impatient cavalry gusto, he countermanded or "adjusted" his own corps
commander' S orders. 131
Crerar took the advice too literally and evolved a hands-offpolicy that virtually
gave Simonds command of the lst Cdn Army until the end ofthe Falaise Campaign.
Crerar's "Attack Doctrine" was tinally published in July 1944 and dealt in generalities
until he mentioned artillery. It was uninspiring. 138 Crerar had Iittle concept of an
armoured break-through attack. He relt more comfortable in issuing a "Taetical
Directive" for his Army which was nothing more than aspects of a brigade lever attack
prepared by a gunner. Nevertheless, it may be argued in bis defense that he had enough
sense to let his corps commander do the thinking for him, even though Simonds, like

Crerar, was learning through experimentation.
It is easy enough to go "Simonds bashing." But if2nd Cdn Corps had achieved
total success, what would Montgomery, or specifically, Dempsey, have done on 26 July?
He was not organized ta either reinforce or, more importantly, exploit, a Canadian
breakthrough. Montgomery had not deployed 2nd British Army in anticipation of victory

13S" ••• once you have made a decision, stick to it...a1ways have a mai.Î1 effort and pour it down in
front of the place you want to go." "Example of the Attack of a Fortifiee! Zone" Wade H. Haislip Papers.
16. OC~. MHI.
136 MG30 E1S7 VolS. Crerar Papers. The incident with General Sir J. T. Cracker, Commander 1st
British Corps, led to the infamous ur fear he thinks he is a great soldier...He made his first mistake at 1205
hrs and bis second after lunch" crack by Monty to Brook ce Crerar. Montgomery was wrong; Crocker
behaved like a snot. Crerar was right to have wanted mm disciplined. Patton would not have stood for il,
but Crerar was too polite, too inexperienced and too ïnsecure. See, Slacey. Victory Camœign, 196-197.
Ofteft-llecessary, butjust as often led to confusion. Patton simply had no lime for slow thinking
generaJ~ at any level. "1 had to use the whip on bath MiddIeton and Milliken taday - they are bath too
cautious." Patton in Charles M. Provinge. The Unknown Patton (New York: Bonanza Books, 1983), 170.
138 "The particular problem of the First Cdn Anny will he the development of a "Break-ln" and
"Break.through" battle...A relate~ and most important, requirement - which must be thoroughly drilled
into the mincis of aIL those under command - is to resist the temptation to "go to ground" if, or whe~ their
forward movement happens to come under heavy enemy fire...To press on is not only tactically souncl it is,

for the individuaI, much safer." MG30 ElS7. Crerar Papers. Tactical Direàive by Comd First Cdn Anny•

• but rather in expectation ofCanadian faHure. It is unlikely Montgomery schemed against

Crerar or Simonds, but he certainly failed ta plan ahead. 139 The tactical deployment of
2nd Army could only lead to a Bluecoat type operation, an attack on the wrong side of
the Orne and into the wrong terrain. The best Dempsey could do is send a corps east via
Caen - a long trek. Montgomery' s concept of future operations, despite bis energetic
claims to the contrary, was short-sighted.
There is another simpler possibility. In hindsight, the grand Cannae encirclement
that was Falaise was brilliant. It was everything Montgomery was not. It is far more
creative than dull tidy Montgomery who was simply sticking to the basic plan he laid out
on 15 May.140 His goal was ta support Bradley, to push south, not to encircle the
Germans. Montgomery wanted ta accomplish his stated aim - clear Brittany and capture
a decent port:
As ta Caen, even General de Guingand didn't tell the truth about that. It is
true there was a plan which showed the Americans coming up on the right
towards the Seine while they [21st Army Group] swung at Caen. But that
is far different from the decision to strike out on the right and pull quickly
around. Monty undoubtedly intended ta start the breakout on his front and
then let the Americans come around as they cou Id. He intended at first for
Patton ta spend his time cleaning up the few Germans in Brittany.141

139 UMontgomery's decision not to reinforce the Canadians was made August 11 ...'' Bradley,
quoted by Carlo D'Este "Falaise: The Trap Not Spnmg" The Quarterly Journal ofMilitary History, Spring
1994, Vol 6 No.3, 61. "1 couId not understand why at 50 crucial a moment Monty had not reinforced the
Canadians•..• His unrealistic faith in the Canadians had cost us the golden opportunity." Omar N. Bradley
and Clay Blair, A GeneraI's Life (New York: Simon and Schuster,1983), 299.
140 The scheme was an ever widening bridgehead that would eventually reach the Seine but only
after Briuany and northern Bay ofBiscay ports were seized. The intent was to push out in the southwest
toward Vivre and Avranches. The planned campaign as outlined by Montgomery had no "Cannae"
strategy. See: Maps and schedules, First US Anny Group: "Invasion of the Continent ofEurope,
Discussion, Planning and Operation, Lan~ Air and Sea, Initial Planning, December 1941 to Fall ofMe~
November 1944", Numa A. Watson Papers, USAMHI. An~ "Strategy ofthe Campaign in Western Europe
1944-1945" The General Board United States Forces. European l1leatre, 1945, 30-3 L
141 Wing Commander Leslie Scarman, Aide to Lord Tedder. Interview by Dr. Forrest C. Pogue. 8
Mar 47. The Naval Chief of Staff o!Tered a ditTerent spin:: ''Monty's taIk ofhis original pian to hinge on
Caen is absolute balls. Monty's a great operational commander. When he was checked in bis original intent

oftaking Caen he had the idea ofdomg the other op. 1believe the second shows greater insight 1don't sec
why he doesn't tell the tnJth.." Capt J. Hughes Hallet, Naval COS COSSAC. Interview by Dr. Forrest C.
Pogue, 12 Feb 47, Pogue Manuscripts. Patton Museum Library, Fort Knox, Ky.•

Minor Tactics

AlI too often the battle-pi.xies faïled us; they always watch
for the chance of letting down the unskilled.

Tactically, Simonds has and should be criticized for an inability ta handle annour
after phase two; this failure somehow mutated into official bewilderment, echaed even by
Stacey, at the action of the BCRs. However, by 9 August, Crerar should have been weil
forward and directing the pursuit from Simonds's tactical HQ, if not trom a tank. At this
stage it was a question ofcoordination with British forces and the creative direction of
operationallevel formations. Simonds was juggling the equivalent oftwo corps. He was
controlling the largest arrnoured force yet available to a Canadian generaL
Any tactical analysis must also note the conduct ofKitching and Maczek. From
the outset, bath were quite unable to get anything out oftheir divisions. Frustrated
directives sent by radio were generally ignored. Both the Polish and Canadian armoured
brigadiers had no practical effect on the battle. 142 Tota/ize was fought at the battlegroup

level by lieutenant colonels and majors.
Tota/ize's operational set backs - the decision to stop for a second bombing
phase, the unfortunate bambing of friendly vanguards by 8th USAAF and finally,
inability ta get going against scrappy but inferior opposition - may be attributed to bad
luck but the post mortem will find doctrinal inexperience as the probable cause of death.
Kurt Meyer was unforgiving in his evaluation of Tota/ize:
British and Cdn planning was absolutely without risk; neither army
employed its arrnd strength for (the job for) which it was created. In bath
armies, the tk was used, more or less, as an inf sp weapon.
- Arrnd warfare is a matter of using given opportunities on the battlefield,
therefore the Div Comd belongs on the leading combat gp, ta see for
himself, ta save precious time, and to make lightning decisians fram his
moving tank. He, and no one eIse must be the driving force ofhis div....
-The Brit and Cdn farces executed the ops in an inflexible, time wasting,
method. Never once did "Speed" as the most powerful weapon of Armd
Warfare, appear. 143

142 Maczek didn 't think they had done too badly: ··La Division a bien passé son baptême du feu."

La Première Division Blindée Polonaise. 13.
143 Kurt Meyer Interview, 2.

Meyer's comments have been sniffed at by bath veterans and historians. This may be
sour grapes. His qualifications ta criticize Totalize are the best imaginable - he won the



Simonds Acquires Operational Maneuver

Tractable was certainly one orthe strangest attack formations anyone ever clreamed up
and without a hope ... of sucœeding as pIanned.
Brigadier Harry Foster
He formed deep, massive columns, and put them in motion toward the point ofattack..
Not one of the horsemen in these masses would have been able to give rus horse another
direction had he wished to do 50.
HOhenlohe: Conversations Upon Cavall)'.

Any debate over Simonds's purported genius will include as evidence his second
attempt to break through ta Falaise - Operation Tractable. One can imagine a weary
Simonds surveying the debacle of the two evenings' worth of Totalize and thinking: "The
next time my tum cornes, we'll go in day...." Simonds's commitment to the Montgomery

• set piece battle remained undaunted. In faet, although Tractable was a day operation, it
borrowed heavily from Tota/ize. The darkness was replaced by a thick smoke screen and
the tank columns were replaced by an armoured phalanx but the operation still carried a
heavy bomber attack, the SHAEF seal ofapproval for an official break out attempt.
By now the AJlied offensive had been totally subverted by a dangerous
dependence on air power as a doctrinal antithesis ta the Soviet strategie offensive. Air
Marshal Tedder noted later: "The Army having been drugged by bombs, it is going to be
a difficult process to cure the drug addicts."l Despite the unity of command bestowed by
Eisenhower, Montgomery resisted shifting the combined Allied AGRAs and their
equivalents to support a breakout and conduct a strategie arti/lery offensive! - one big U

1 Iohn Termine, The Right ofthe Line .. The Royal Air Force in the European War 1939-1945
(London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1985), 645. Tota/ize and Tractable fratricide did not put Simonds off -
Termine notes Tedder was referring to Simond's request for air anack on Walcheren in October 44.
2 ArdelUles 44 included a German sttategic artillery offensive. Control of incfireçt tire was in the
bands of a single officer, der Artilleriekommandeur CArko)t who couid group divisional and corps

resources.. B. 1. Gudmundson On Artillerv (Westport: Praeger, 1993), 134·136. Soviet anillery was even
more sophisticated ""The maneuver was carried out br rail and rood over a distance of sorne 600 to 660
kms between 5 and 13 July [l944) .•.35 t OOO motorvehicles and 3500 artillery pieœs •.. strength was


strike,,3 as the Stavka called it- far deadlier than the bomber "siam dunk." Besides the
quick tire planning and easy target swapping, artillery could "repeat" until a particularly
difficult area had been obliterated. Once the bombers had made their pass, they were
gone. There was no correction of error.
On the other side of the channel, "Bomber" Harris was not very keen about his
Wings becoming a permanent part ofarmy operations. Both Harris and Doolittle (Eighth
US Air Forcet harboured their wings for air offensives destroyed politicalS centers like
Berlin, eliminated strategie industries (chemicals, aireraft production, synthetic oil plants,
etc.) and' hastened the destruction ofthe Luftwaffe. The AIlied air offensives savaged the
German Air Force by forcing it ta do battle against increasingly bigger and better
American fighter squadrons. By the summer of 1944 the skieswere full of improved P-
47D Thunderbolts, and the best air superiority fighter of the war, the P-51D. With
Mustang and Jug 6 support, the heavy bombers not only pounded ground targets but
watched as their "little friends" decimated the jaegergeschwader of the Luftwaffe.'
Nevertheless, the Harris lobby now found itself an integral part of the ground

offensive. The operations were planned by the army and the Air Force filled in. It was
almast like being under commando They didn't like il. 8 "They would never have

increased from 5500 to 9000 units and a density of 180 to 240 guns, mo~ and rocket launchers per km
.of Front." Chris Bellamy. 62.
3 1. Erickson~ L. Hansen, W. Schneider~ Soviet GroWld Forces· An Operational Assessment.
Westview. Boulder. 1986~ 16. and. A. A. Sidorenko~ The Offensive (Moscow: Voenizdat, 1970). 128.
oC Include Gen Curtis LeMay and other "Air Power" advocates. There was no single command for

Allied air forces. The strategic bombers were put under Eisenhower's operational control for Over/ord.
Subsequent Operations could be ordered but required considerable cooperation from the bomber chiefs.
S One of the major concems during Julyand August was the VI rocket attack. The flying bombs
were hilting London and morale was shattered ("aJann and despondency"· Churchill). The RAF was
ordered to bomb the Iaunch sites on the Normandy and Pas de Calais coast lfMontgomery couldn~t over
nm them then Harris would have to flatten them. Operation Cl'osshow (attack on V weapon sites) required
all heavy bomber resources. The raids were costly - 3.000 aircrew. Tenaine, 653.
6 The P+f.~ aImost as large as a B17, and heavy r'the gliding angle ofa brick"). was dubbed 0'lug"
(as in Mille lug) by crews. See: William Gree~ Famous Fighters orthe Second World War (London:
MacDonald, 1957), 84-90.
7 Adolf Galland: " Between January and April 1944 our day fighter ann lost more than 1.00 pilots.
They included our best Staffel. ~ and Geschwader commanders." Alfrid Priee Luftwaffe (London:
p~ 1969), 133 and, Adolf Galland, The First and the Lut (New York: Ballantyne. 1957)~ L95; See aIso~
Janus BekkerThe Luftwaffe War Diaries (New York: Ballantyne, 1964), 522-523.

• a .~ Anny Headquaners. however~ was decidedly dissatisfied at this lime with the arrangements in
effect for obtaining air support within the theatre. particuIarly when requests involved resources beyond

• surrendered to the Army the right to have authority to direct their aetions."g Harris
reviewed Chamwood, the first use ofheavy bombers, and offered an acid critique: "The
army unfortunately did not exploit its opportunities."lO A subsequent failure at Goodwood
and Totalize created and fed an angry anti-Montgomery lobby in the RAF, determined to
get him sacked. ll Sir Arthur Harris May have said "Don't he shy ofaskïng"12 but there is
reasonable doubt whether he actually meant it.
The bombers, used "improperly, as super heavy artillery," 13 were, despite the new
bomb sight, an area weapon. Bambing radii could vary fram one to ten miles. Sanitizing
the start line at Cobra and Tota/ize was not the same thing as slamming Essen or
Cologne. Mistakes were made and the Air Force got the bad press. Bombs often landed in
wrong places and generally hindered the speed ofthe attack. 14 During Cobra, Tota/ize
and Tractahle, the USAAF and RAF killed or wounded an impressive number of senior
officers L5 and hundreds of Al li ed troops. This was big time fratricide.

those of the tactical group immediately supporting the Anny. Brigadier Mann reported to General Crerar
that existing practice 'in effect. results in the Senior Air Staff Officer 83 Group RAF becoming the
adjudicator of the military necessity or desirability of a particular attack upon a panicular target'. no matter
how strongly or urgent1y the Anny had put the case; he particularly complained of the delays involved. n
StaceYt Victorv CampaigI'h 238.
9 Steams 23 Mar 8l 7.t

la Turraine~ 6S 1.

Il Tedder stated the RAF felt they had been "had for suckers. 1do not believe there is the slightest
indication of a clean breakthrough." Turraine, 653-656, Nigel Hamilton 733, 745 and~ Carlo D'Este, 310.
12 Harris to Crerar. 7 August, quoted in Stacey, Victorv Campaign. 218.
L3. "When the use of heavy bombers in the battlefield, very close to our own troops, was first put
to forward l expressed doubts; it seemed to me that the anny had no idea what risks the troops would he
running." Sir Arthur Harris. Bomber Offensive (London: Collins, 1947), 211, 213 and, Hamilton, 733.
14 "The margin ofsafety is 500 yards ..• but a few bombs may fall within the local bombline (an
•Army Bombline' and a 'Local Bombline' are designated•... Originator orthe request will give a Local
Bombline ... and define the ûmes during which attack will take place)." Appx A to Operational
Memorandum No. 34. 30 Aug 44. Col S. E. Edwar~ G3 Aïr, 12 Anny Group. The ETO Board Survey
(Questionnaire prepared by R. H. George of Brown University, IWle. 1949) reported US Anny opinion on
heavy bomber support. HQ XIX Corps: uThe heavy bomber effort al St. Lo is believed to be ineffective ...
disorganizing troops lo such an extent that full advantage could not he taken of the carpet bombing attack."
HQ 2nd Arrnd Div: "Results ofbombing were devastating but certain shortcomings reduced its
effectiveness considerably. The necessity lo withdraw ourtroops from the front Iines caused initialloss of
1500 yds which had lo regained by fighting because the enemy followed our retrograde movement
closely. The Sheffield Edwards Papers. MHL

1In a horrid irony, the adventof Cobra and the triwnph of American annour brought about the
death of Annor's nemesis, General Leslie McNair "The first three star general in our history to die on a
battIefield." E. J. Kahn Ir, McNair: Educatorof An Army (Washington: The Infantry Ioumal, 1945), 1. His

At any rate, thanks to Montgomery's approval and Crerar's diplomatie skills, the
bombers were back again for Tractable. This time Simonds would use the RAF which
was a peculiar ehoice since the British were committed ta "area bombing." The USAAF,
with the faults it did have, was most practiced at daylight bombing and committed to
putting aU the bombs "in the pickle barrel." The RAF attacked at night and anything
within ten miles of the bombing point appears ta have been a wizard praog, judging by
Berlin, Nuremberg and Dresden. Given the results at St. La and his own experience at
Totalize, Simonds's decision to use heavy bombers a second time further illustrates his
doctrinat bankruptcy.
Tractable 's aim, again, was to complete the encirclement of German armies in
Normandy. Montgomery' s August Il directive stated:
10. Canadian Army will capture Falaise. This is a first priority, and it is
vital it should be done quickly.
Il'' The Army will then operate with strong armoured and mobile forces
ta secure Argentan. 16
Crerar again deferred ta Simonds by issuing his own directive on 13 August that

• pretended ta push corps around but basically ordered Simonds to perform the main task.
The mission was then changed: 2nd British Army would now capture Falaise. The object
of Tractable was to "dominate" Falaise "in arder that no enemy may escape by the roads
which pass through or near it.,,17 What Montgomery meant is not clear, but a successful
British capture of Falaise couId close the gap and give Dempsey sorne much needed
recognition in the campaign.
Operation Bluecoat, had been a costly disappointment. The fighting had been
savage; much British blood had been spil1ed and even though Mont Pinçon, the German -
"wedge to stop their defensive door opening any further," 18 had been captured, the

death caused a tremendous flap and angered Marshall. MeNair had recentIy been "appointed" (via the
"BodyGuard" deception) to replace Patton as Commander FUSAG. He visited Bradley before the St Lo
attack and insisteëfon observing the bombing from a sIit treneh with the Corward battalion ofthe 30th
Infantry: "Sorne person had said: • The troops sure Iike to see you up fronf." The bombs landed right on
top of him: ..threw his body 60 fcet and mangled it beyond recognition except for the three stars on his
coUar." Hansen Diary, and documents 12 Army Group H~ 25-27 July 44.

16 RG 24, 10811 WD 2nd Cdn Corps, 2lst Anny Group Directive Il August 44.
17 RG 24 10811 WD 2nd Cdn Corps, "Ops First Cdn Anny", August 44: Memo "Operation

Tractable", 13 Aug 44 and, Stacey, Vietorv Campaign. 237.

11 Wilmot, 409.


• CRERAll orders SIMONOS tG

IaDDCh ICCOnd Operation
~ective FALAISE



• [~"_iii~~ii~~~naUDCh
Objective Operation

f ~ 14AUG
~.....~~ " SE PARIS
;;i'-".IO~NTooMER.YcloeaDOtdw1P XX~X ~CO~~) \~~;EUX
InU% AmlyGroap B ~'3
AI G ~~;p
"-.. .....

~RADLEYbelicves eocirclement
BRADLEY ~" S AÎièON bas failed; STOPS adv 13th AUI
authorizes PATroN advance ID
12th MUY Glmup DREUX

• Figure 26

operational results were unspectacular and costly in both morale and commanders.
Lt.Gen. Bucknell, GOC 2nd British Corps, had failed to perfonn after being ordered by
Montgomery to "get on or get out" and paid the priee. He was followed by a virtual
blood-Ietting ofsenior officers: "Bullen-Smith (51st Highland Div) .'. had to go .... l
removed Bobbie Erskine (7th Armd Div).... l also had to remove Loony Hinde (23 Armd
Bde).,,19 Meanwhile, Bradley had won an impressive victory at Mortain and the attention
of the world's press as American armour ran unchecked through Brittany and the Loire
Montgomery continued to ignore the German eastern flank, stretched thin as a
party balloon, and held by tired, unsupported infantry divisions. A viable operational
solution was to look beyond Falaise-Argentan and strike directly for the Seine and Paris.
It is what Patton wanted to do. But both Montgomery and Bradley seemed to be content
with more conservative objectives. 2o Tasked by Crerar to dominate Falaise, Simonds
decided to try another frontal set piece attack. He again placed his faith in the heavy
bomber attack.

In daylight, with massive smoke screens forward, 2nd Corps would attack in two
columns, each comprising an armoured brigade followed by two infantry brigades. The
forward brigade would be borne in armoured carriers, the rearward would march. The
attack was a smorgasbord ofBlitzkrieg principles. The tanks were to secure the high
ground and establish the pivot. Simonds maneuvered armour at the taetical, not
operationaI, level. Finally, the mechanized infantry would mop up the Laison valley
while the marching infantry brigades "would be in readiness to pass through and hold the
high ground seized by the tanks.,,21 A German commander would use his
panzergrenadiers to join the tanks in a massed exploitation and pursuit. Simonds may
have intended to use the Polish arrnoured brigade for this role.
The western "box" was based on 3rd Cdn InfDiv less 8th Brigade but included
2 CAB under ëommand; the eastern "box" comprised 4th Cdn Arrnd Div plus 8th Bde.

19 Montgomery to General SîrOliver Leese~ 21 August 44~ quoted in Hamilton, 804.

20 See Martin Blwnenson The Battle orthe Generais. The Untold Story orthe Falaise Poeket (New
York: William Morrow and Company~ Ine. 1993)~ 211~ 213. Hamilton 786. also: "Letter of Instructions

Number Four' BradIey~ 8 August 44.
21 Stacey. Victory Campaign, 237.

• Simonds, still smarting trom Tota/ize's faUure, laid down the law to his tank
commanders: "He stressed the necessity for pushing armour to the very limits of its
endurance and that any thought ofthe armour requiring infantry protection for harbouring
at night or not being able to move at night was to be dismissed immediately."n The
armour was formed up as for the changing ofthe guard on Parliament Hill:
Each armoured brigade had about 150 tanks drawn up in three ranks of
about 50 in each rank and only fifteen yards between tanks. Each ofthe
two blocks of 150 tanks represented a soUd phalanx of armour one
thousand yards wide and two hundred yards deep.23
The van was composed ofarmoured engineers and recce, then the main body of massed
tanks, followed by annoured infantry.24 Marching brigades brought up the rear. The
Corps' open flank was screened by 18 CAR (12th Manitoba Dragoons). Medium
bombers would bash the villages, artillery smoke would mask the flanks and the mine
sweeping flails 2S would Iead. It was again, an engineering solution. If Simonds had lost
control of the armoured regiments during darkness, he now had them in day, weil in
front, formed up and Iiterally, "on parade." He shouldn't lose track ofthem now.
The front was about 800 yds, GGFGs on the right, ourselves on the left,
the BeRs and Bde HQ behind, the total depth being 120 meters. Our
formation was three sqns up, each sqn being 2 troops up - we were to
move off at 1140 hours, speed 12 mph. The air was electric?6
Military historians are tom between the plausibility that Tractable was a clever bit of
work that demonstrated Simonds's inventiveness or the "suggestion even ofan
unfamiliarity with basic armoured vehicular movement.,,27 Was this the way to use

::!2 RG24 13789 WD HQ 4 Annd Div. 13 Aug 44. Simonds a1so decided to enJarge bis Tac HQ:
"living from sIit trenches and mess tins should come to an end and the caravans, messes and other adm
vehs would not move with Main Div HQ. The news was received with great rejoicing by all pers."
23 Kitching, 197. and, RG 24 1426022 CAR CGG. 8 Aug 44. Each regimental front was apx 270
yds - about three football fields. Basica11y, the same area of maneuver that Totalize presented.
24 Wasps (tlame tItrowers on Bren gun carriers) used for the first tîme. A tenifying weapon • Wasp
crews, Iike the Churchill-Crocodile crews were generally shot if captured.
~ Simonds again attnouted superhuman logistic and engineering skills to the 12 HI by convincing
himselfthere were serious mine fields in ms path. His Intelligence certainly clid not suggest there were.
Failure was by Airforce photo interpreters to advise Simonds that the Laison was a tank obstacle was key.
Missions flown in late July!August (see: lst Cdn Anny Air Phot Int Collectio~ Terry Copp, Wilftid
Laurier) should have led topograplûcal engineers to realize tIùs.

26 RG24 14260 WD 22 CAR CGG, 14 August 44.
Z7 Stacey prefers to concentrate on the killing of an officer from 8th Recce Regt (discussed below)
whose captured papers were "containing the gist ofGeneral Simonds's orders.n R. Roy relt uIt was a sound

massed armour? Sorne military historians were curt: "The result was a scheme few
cotfee-table strategists would use - even in desperation."28
If Simonds thought that the Laison Hne was lightly held then ms ideas malee sorne
sense; however, Simonds presented Tractable as an attack against a prepared main
defence position - not a task for armoured divisions. He got it exaetly backwards:
The armored division is the basic large armored unit of the combined
arms.... In general the role ofthe infantry division operating with armored
divisions is ta create the opportunity and the role of the armored division
is to exploit it. 29
The British opinion was:
There are two main raies for armoured components in an army. These are:
a. in conjunction with infantry to etfeet the lbreakin' or breaching of main
enemy defensive position. b. Exploit, strike deep in the enemy's rear·
installations either through gaps or around the flank. 30
The issue isn't which current doctrine was correct - the point is Simonds made things up
as he went along.
Rather than create customized groupings, Simonds ordered the tanks ta go in
alone. Battlegroups tried during Totalize were now abandoned. The set piece had ail
Simonds's elements, like playing pieces on a chess board. No complicated packaging ta
confuse staffs or letting armoured commanders run wild, just a gaod old fashioned 1916

plan - imaginative, weil thought ou~ and carrying a powerful blow." Keegan ducks the issue completely
and senIes for nostalgia by quoting Tractable 's "wüorgettable sight of hundreds ofannoured vehicles
massed on the plains of rolling corn...JI; Jolm Keegan Six Armies in Normandy (New York: The Viking
Press, 1982), 254,256. Copp and Vogel note it was "an operation ofconsiderable complexity...one of the
MOst rcmarkable assault operations of the Second World War ...." Their analysis for failure noted the
difficulty with Simonds's smoke plan, the bombing and the 8th Recce incident but conclude with "The
reality is that no AIlied annoured formation, British, American, Polish or Canadian, proved capable of
breaking through organized German defences...without the assistance of the most elaborate air and artillery
support" Terry Copp and Robett Vogel MaDle LeafRoute: Falaise (Alma: Maple LeafRoute, 1985), 116;
J. A. English, an e:\.'perienced Staff College instructor, offers Simonds mild criticism: "Not to have e.xpected
huge amounts of dust to generate mass confusion and associated control problems, however, seems an
extraordinary oversight, suggestive even of an unfamlliarity with basic annored vehicuIar movement This,
coupled with a misreading ofthe Laison was the fatal flaw of 'Tractable'." English, 299.
2B 1. L. Granatstein and Desmond Morton, Bloody Victory, 173.
:zg FM17-100 "Employmentofthe ArmoredDivision." 29 Sept 1943. (Washington: Deptoft11e
Anny, 1943), 9. FM17-100 bad its roots in the praetical doctrinal sweat shop ofLouisiana See MGenB
Magruder"The Armored Division" US AnnyTrgPam, Fort Knox ,4 Mar 1941. See, FMl00-5, 24 Jan
1941 and the original dratt FM17-10, 21 Jan 1941 "Doctrine and Organization ofthe AnnoredDivision."

• L944, 6.
30 "The Cooperation of Tanks with Infantry Divisions" Military Trg Paro No.63, War Oflice, May

assault with tanks forward. Replacing artillery by Lancasters and Halifaxes had a modem
touch but basically it was a series ofrucks and mauls towards the opponent's goaL
Simonds may have been influenced by the British annoured doctrine:
The work of a "rugger" serum may be aptly compared with the operation
ofan armoured division. The vast majority ofthe players at first employ
ail their strength and energy to hoId and push back their opponents. Once
this is done, the "wing forward" may break away in order to penetrate the
defence, and the remainder of the forwards will back up this attempt to
The battle began badly before the first shot was fired. An officer from 8th Recce
Regiment got lost and was killed inside li SS lines. His maps were taken to Meyer. They
contained the entire Tractable plan. Meyer adjusted his meagre resources ta meet the
onslaught: "During the night from 13 to 14 August, Kampfgruppe Krause (1.26 and
Divisionbegleitkompanie) was moved from Olendon (eight km north-northeast of
Falaise) ta Vi11er~..Canivet (six km northwest ofFalaise).,,32 Bad luck for Simonds but
realistically, there was Iittle the Germans could have done anyway. They were bound ta
defend the approaches onto Falaise, and Simonds, obligingly, was going through the front

• door again. Ifthere were adjustments ta the HI defence, they were cosmetic.
Simonds's decision to attack with two divisions f01Ward was carried out by his
armoured commanders, who in turn, deployed two..up using as much ground as they
could squeeze out of the boundaries. It was a11 very much the standard attack of
cuirassiersJ3 .. but this was 1944, not 1870. Simonds's understanding of tank tactics
appears to he based on his experience with a troop ofCanadian Horse Artillery. Like
many of his peers he associated the tank assault with the charge. The technical difference
was that tanks "charged" operationa/ly; tactically, they maneuvered into killing range and
destroyed the enemy with direct high velocity gun Îrre. 34 Like German or French heavy
cavalry at Sedan, Kitching's armour was being sent on a Todritt.

JI Mil Trg Pam No. 41. The Tactical Handling orthe Annoured Division and its Comoonents. The
WarOffice, July 1943, 6.
- H. Meyer, 184.
33 "The cuirassiers laid special stress upon riding boat to boo~ and never moved at a raster pace
than the trot" Ellis, 139.
34 uThe rush to battle' idea is WRONG. Here we creep up. Each tank should overwatch another


tank; each section should overwatch another sectio~ each platoon another platoon." Perkins, uCombat
Lessons CL 1- L944, 32.

Kitching's deployment has been criticized by J. A. English fOf countermanding

• Simonds's own operational poliey.J5 The problem was doctrinal. There was no clear
proven Allied breakthrough formula. Simonds was attempting a "break in" by forces
designed for a "break out." The real estate battle would have been better handled had the
Canadian Army understood the alchemy for the tankovii udar. Having given them a bit
more room, Simonds promptly drew them up as straight Iines in tight boxes. The
"Simonds Doctrine" was Most regularly betrayed by Simonds himselt:
It is not difficult ta find fault in Kitching's deployrnent; still, he attempted mass.
He learnecl his lessons during Tota/ize: Schwerpunkt works when Stukas keep the
defenders' heads down. Canadian armOUf, frustrated by the narrow ftontages, demanded
room to maneuver. Each brigade commander tried to gave his regiments the ground they
required to skirt or to overwhelm any surviving pak positions. Brigadier Booth was going
in without his stablemate, Wyman, who had been wounded duong Totalize. It was to be
Booth's last battle.

RAF and Yellow Smoke

• It was a sort of 'draw swords and charge' affair.

Major R. White, Ist Hussars

Like To/alize, Tractable began with a bambing attack. As in Tota/ize, the

bombers again pounded Simonds's troops as they waited on the stan lîne. Simonds
watched the attack from Hautmesnil Quarry accompanied by Air Marshal Coningham
who had come forward assuring 2nd Cdn Corps that the RAF, unlike the USAAF, would
get it right. As the bombs began to fall short,36 Captain Marshall Steams remarked "Here
we go again" and Simonds

35 English, 290: UKitching's reaction, however, was to attack with two brigades up, instead of in
depth as per Simonds's operational policy, leaving them pretty much to their own devices."
36 "805 aircraft: ••. a careful plan was prepared with Qboe and visual marking, and with a Master
Bomber and a deputy at each ofthe 7 targets. Most ofthe bombing was accurate and effective but, about
haIf:way through the raid, sorne ale started to bomb a large quany which may have been caused by the
yellow identification flares which were ignited by the Canadians. It wu wûortunate that the tgt indicator
being used by the Pathfinders were also yellow ... apx 70 ale bombed the quany and nearby Allied

positions over a 70 min period ... this was believed to have been the first occasion on wlùch Bomber
Command alc bad bit friendly troops during the Battle ofNonnandy." Middlebrook and Everitt, 562.

...spun around on me and said 'It)s only enemy mortars or counter
battery.' 1 will always remember Jarvis (the driver) in the rear view miITor
raise his eyebrows in a most revealing gesture. 1think General Simonds
also knew the RAF. had made a similar mistake ta the USAF but he just
could not) for the moment, accept it and ail its grave consequences. Theo
on loalcing up, there couId be no mistake. The bombers were very low
(less than 100 feet) and we could see the bomb bay doors open and the
bombs drop out....37
Simonds was immediately recalled ta Crerar's Headquarters for a conference. He left the
Air Marshal' s party ta find his way back through a very angry 2nd COrpS.38 After the dust
had settl~d) the order was given: "Move n~wl"39 The phalanxes surged forward. The
initial mounted rush was in the great tradition of Wagram, the heavy cavalry led into the
smoke and dust, aiming for the red sun:
The advance began in good arder for the first 100 yds sorne ofthe
formation was maintained. But then the dust came in billowing clouds.
Distant aiming marks were obliterated, tanks were held up getting through
minor bottlenecks, Foot Guards tanks came in our midst then blind
ronning Churchills with Fascines. But though the formation was lost, the
advance went 00. 40

• 37 The recognition problems persisted. Anny and Air liaison officers seem to have misunderstood
smoke and flare recognition codes: "1 can remember the path finders before the first wave of heavy
bombers cam over. dropping their markers right on targel 1 have no idea what went wrong. 1 also
remember a piper Cub. used by our artillery observation officers. flying right into the bomber fonnations
and releasing red flares to warn of sorne mistake. Apparently this meant to the bombers "you're on target,
hit them agaîn." Steams papers 5 Oct 81. 3. Harris' reaction was stem: "Disciplinary action was taken
against individuals whose responsibility could be established. Two Pathfmder crews were re-posted to
ordinary crew duties. squadron and flight commanders personally involved relinquished their commands
and acting ranks were re-posted to ordinary crew duty. and ail crews implicated were istarred' 50 as not to
be employed upon duties within 30 miles forward of the bomb line Wltil reassessed after further
experience.n Stacey. Victorv Campaign, 243-244. A reason for this prompt discipline must have been Air
Marshal Coningham's personal embarrassment - C'lùrious but cool as a cucumber...n ) he left the Tractable
area to visit RAF headquarters. Stearns papers 5 Oct 81. 3.
38 " just over 800 hundred aircmft from Nos 1. 4. 6 and 8 Groups hit at enemy concentrations and
strongpoints about a mile in front of the start line ... the master bomber iwas heard to stop sorne crews
from bombing a quarry short of the target... •The anny's curious request that, notwithstanding
unfavourable win_$. the bombing should take place from nonh to south, perpendicuIar (rather than pamllel)
to the front, 'in order to confonn to the ground movement' was in part responsible for the accident. Such
subordination ofBomber Command's effon to anny requirements bathered Harris when he fust saw the
plan for Totalize. but Sir Arthur had also becn nervous because, persuaded that they would not show up in
daylight, the army had chosen not to fue coloured marker shells to identify the targel'· GreeIÙlous. Harris
et ~ The Official History of the Roval Canaman Air Force Vol m. 815.
39 ''The fll'St bombs dropped on us al 1430 hours and at 1540 we had our Iast." Captain T. 1. Bell.

12 Field Regiment, quoted by Greenhous, Harris et al, 818•
40 RG24 74260 WD CGG 14 Aug44.

The initial German outposts41 were quickly overrun and suddenly the Shermans were
confronted with the prospects ofthe Laison river. The mighty Laison was more ofa ditch
.. in sorne places a soldier could leap to the other side. But its banks were difficult enough
ta create a tank obstacle. Canadian armour sniffed around the approaches looking for a
spot that would not risk a thrown track. The advance paused.
Immediately behind were the recce troops of the 17th Duke ofYork's Royal
Canadian Hussars. 42 While the annour waited for the Churchills to come up with
fascines, their armoured cars searched for a crossing. Eventually two were found43 and
the Hussars surged out of the smoke and onto the high ground dominating the river, the
last feature proteeting Falaise.
Both squadrons now found themselves, instead of in a mopping-up raIe,
taking the bridgehead over the river and coming under heavy anti-tank and
machine-gun tire. Col Lewis, realizing that his two squadrons were now in
front of the armour, crossed the river and found them digging in on the
south bank. 44
The advance stalled and broke up into traop and patrol-sized actions as individual pak
75s, 88s and ]Pz lVs unmasked. Finally, tanks crossed. Squadron sized goummes

• winkled up the high ground. They could do no better than the Hussars. As bold troop
leaders pushed forward, they were knocked out by Meyer' s pak 'n panzers. The advance
sputtered, then stopped. Tractable was aver.
Althaugh Kitching had two armoured brigades under command (2 CAB as weIl as
his awn 4 CAB) he again cauId not get the tanks moving. The grouping for Tractable had
divided the attackers inta separate eommands - infantry, recee and armour - each with a
specifie task. Control quickly slipped away and there was sa little information on the

.'1 Although pieces of 27151 and 85th Wehnnacht InfantIy Divisions were in the area. the principle
defence rested on the Hitleriugend, now nearly spent after counter-attacks during Totalize and the Clair
Tizon bridgehead.
4: 7th RëCce Regt's tasks were: "Mop up area between river lineand 2 CAB, thenjoin 2 CAB on
081." The unit was under command to 2 CAB along with 2 sqns 22 Drageons (F1ails); 80 Aslt Sqn RE
(AVREs); detaclunent RCE (2 Bulldozers).
43 tt. D. Ayer found a crossing site for tanks. Meanwhile Sgt G. RoutIey found a passable bridge
in Rouvres. Persona! interview, Colonels George Routier and Iames Domville. 1988. See. Pavey. 47.53.
44 URe gat the twa Squadron Commanders, Majs. E. R. Allen and C. W. MacLean, went ronvard

with them, recced for a commanding piete ofground and issued orders for an immediate advance and
consolidation ofpoints 160 and 165. covering the river crossing.~ Pavey, 53.

brigade and divisional radio nets, that Simonds was "appalled at communications of4th
Armoured Div.,,45 Added to this confusion was the loss ofLeslie Booth.46

Brigadier Booth had arrived in Normandy unprepared for his task. His previous
experience in Italy had taught mm to take on rear guards in very difficult terrain. There
was no maneuver since the ground prevented it. Now he was faced with the prospects of
directing three regiments across open country. Like his counterparts in the "Desert Rats,"
his heart sagged. He was lost in Normandy and totally ineffeetive. Kitching smelled death
on him "... l became convinced that Boothie had a premonition he would be killed. He
certainly was not the same keen and cheerful man of the year before in Sicily.,,47 He had
abandoned control during Totalize whilst in the most crucial part of the offensive.
During Tractable Booth watched mesmerized as his regiments rattled in and' out
of smoke, engaging distant targets which were ail invariably reported as Tigers. Suddenly
his own tank came under tire. Booth's Brigade-Major, A. G. Chubb, was right behind:
... saw him half sitting on the ground behind his tank. l dropped through
the escape hatch and l ran forward to him. He was conscious and spoke to
me. His right leg was shot offat the ankle and he appeared to be wounded

• in the chest. l dragged him by his belt towards my tank which finally
moved and Lt McLaughlin and l threw him on the back of my tank. 48
The mortally wounded Booth was then put by the side of the road beside dead and dying
troops and left for the medics. Kitching did not know he was dead until hours later. 49
The armour went uncontrolled and leaderless during Tractable's most critical
period. Kitching asked Simonds to give him Lt.Col. Bob Moncel, the Corps GSO 1; they
had discussed this earlier, but the jeune dauphin (at 26, Moncel would be the youngest
brigadier in the Canadian Army) would take Most ofthe day to arrive. Simonds's choice

4S Stearns, interviewed by Roy, 14 lui 82, 3.

46 The Commander of 12 SS Pz Abt II, Stunnbannfiihrer Karl-Heinz Pri~ veteran of Buron and
victor ofle Mesnil-Patry was killed during Tractable. He died on 14 August near Torps, 2 Km west of
47 Kitching, 195.
48 RG24 14052 WD 4 CAS. August. Appx 7. "Account for Day 14 Aug 44" by Major A. G.
49 Booth '5 performance bas not been examined in detail save for Roy who sees his loss as a
tragedy for 4 CAB: "Booth. had he continued in action. might have organized even part ofhis

brigade...One might speculate that had Booth not been killed al the outset ofthe battle, even the final
objective might have been seized..", 263,280. Copp 1 Vogel and Granatstein 1Morton note Booth en
passant. J. A. English is mildly critical., 290,312.

• for alternate brigade commander would have been Don Worthingtonso but after 9 August
that was no longer an option. Interim command went to Lt.Col. Murray Scott ofthe
Govemor General's Footguards who was attempting to 6ght bis regiment through
German lines while handicapped by a broken anlde. Being a good soldier, he saluted and
carried on. He should have told Kitching. Direetly Kitching discovered Scott was hurt, he
considered going forward and taking over personally. The armoured breakout was his
raison d'être and things were not going weil at the sharp end. It was to haunt Kitching
If l had known that Murray Scott had been injured before l appointed him
to replace Booth, 1would not have bothered with mm at ail. 1 would have
taken over the armoured brigade myself rather than have it go through
three commanders in thirty-six hours. SI
Despite the confusio~ the tanks and recce troops secured the high ground leading to
Falaise. Meyer directed his meagre reserves into blocking positions and held on while his
Kampfgruppe commanders counter-attacked for each piece ofground lost: "The enemy
was able to penetrate deeply inta the village. However, with the support ofa Tiger, he
was thrown back again.... "S2 Tractable did not formally end but continued in a series of
phases (mini Tractables) until the Falaise gap was closed.
Simonds would not accept failure. After a month of frustration he finally caught
the scent and began to move like an armoured corps commander rather than a gunner. His
frontal attacks had been directed into the only area that Meyer must defend. He now
began to use ground. Simonds shifted Kitching and Maczek southeast and ordered them
ta cross the Dives. It was the beginning ofMaczek's~ and Simonds's, golden hour.
At 0900 15 August Simonds met Kitching at Foulkes's 3rd Div Headquarters and
ordered him to cross the Ante river, northeast ofFalaise and "strike down the west side of

sa Stearns Papers 27 Apr 81, 2.

51 ~'Perhaps l should have taken over the annoured brigade in spitc of General Simonds's
objections. Certainly l would have donc 50 ifI had known that Moncel would not be available for those
five hectic days. With the 20/20 vision ofhindsigh~ l realize now that my commander ofartilIery,
Brigadier Lane, couId have done the job weIl. l shouId have sent him forward to take over the brigade on a

• permanent basis. l am sorry l didn't" Kitching, 200, 206.

52 Report from ~ commander 102 SS sPzAbt lS Aug. H. Meyer, 186.

• the River Dives and capture Trun."s3 4th Canadian Arrnoured got stuck crossing the Ante
but Maczek got lucky. His leading troops secured a crossing and he quickly brought up
his divisional engineers to throw a second bridge across the river. He was suddenly where
every armoured commander had dreamed ofbeing - in the pursuit. 1st Polish Armoured
had broken through. Simonds had acquired operational maneuver. He did aU the right
things: he gave Maczek his reins and hauled back on Kitching's bit.

Maczek and l Polska Dywizjia Pancema

PUa piwa peIne dzbanki - Kochaia ich Lublinianski

Lance gubi malo wartv - To jest polk dwacziesty czwarty
24th Polish Lance~

The proper study, perhaps the only operational study, of Canadian armour is the
period 9 to 21 August 1944. During this month Simonds controlled a tank force of
fourteen regiments consisting oftwo divisions and two independent brigades. By the time
he crossed the Ante he still had most ofthis force (Iess 33 BAB) intact. Operational
analysis ofCanadian armour is best based on the actions of Ist Polish and 4th Canadian
Armoured Divisions. Bath were equipped with the same fighting tanks, ss the same
artillery, the same number of infantry battalions, the same command structure and
support organization. Save for the regimental badges, they wore the same uniforms and
had surprisingly similar traditions. By the time the lOth Polish Dragoons arrived in
Normandy they even had a regimental tartan and dudziarz (pipers).S6

53 RG24 WD Ops 1st Cdn Anny HQ, Aug 44, Stacey, VictolY Campaign, 249, Hamilton, 794,
Kitching, 200.
S4 "Drinking becr from full tankanis, being loved by Lublin girls, still they stand with lances
ready, that's the 24th Regiment": Regimental mantra.
S5 The only difference being that Maczek's Recce Regiment (The lOth Chasseurs) were not
equipped with Shennans but with the faster British Cromwell. 1PAD div tac symbol \Vas the "Winged
Hussar" - a feathered crest that traced its origins to the great Polish Kingdoms of the Middle Ages.
56 The 10 Fulk Dragonow (lOth Regiment Polish Dragoons) became quasi-Scottish during their
stay in the UK "w szkockim tartanie. przyznanym przez larda Hamiltona" and adopted the Hamilton tartan
and trained its own pipers. Each unit had its own traditional mantra, sorne dating back to the Napoleonic
\Vars: Lü Fulk Strzelcow Konnych 1 W jednym iaociu w jednym bucie 1 Chom strzelec po Lancucie":

Tenth Regiment ofChasseurs a Cheval, some in slippers others in boots, they promenade in Lancuci. See

Henryk Smaczny Ksiega Kawalerii Polskiej 1914 - 1947. (Warszawa: Tesco przedsiebiorstwo

• Zpgraniczne, 1989), 156; StanislawKomomicki, Wojsko Polskie 1939-1945 (Warszawa: Wypawnictwo

Interprises, 1990), 253-255; Marian Zebrowski Polska Bron Pancema (London: White Eagie Press, 1971),

• Maj.-Gen. G. Kitching
Simonds's Armoured COrpS: Normandy 44
4th Canadian Armoured Division

Recc:e Retbnent (Shennana)

29 Recce Regt ( The South Alberta Regt)
ln Polish Armoured Division
Maj.-Gen. S. Maczek
Recce Rqlment (Cromwells)
10 Pulk Strzelcow Konnych (10 Chasseurs)
4th Cdu Armoured Brigade (Shennans) 10 Pol Armoured C.v.lry Brigade (Shenn&ns)
21 CAR (GovemorGeneral's Foot Guards) 1 Pulk Pancemego (lst Polish Armd Regt - PAR)S7
22 CAR (The Cdn Grenadier Guards) 2 Pulle Pancemego (2nd PAR)
28 CAR (The British Columbia Regt) 24 Pulk Ulanow (24th Polish Lancers)
Mecb IntBattaUon Mech IntBattaUoD
The Lake Superior Regiment 10 Pu1k Dragonow (iDth Polish Dragoons)58
IOth Infantry Brigade 3 Polisb RIne Brigade
The Lincoln and Welland Regiment Podhale Rifles
The Algonquin Regiment 8thRitles
The Argyll and Sutherland HighJanders 9thRilles
Antl-tank Relt And-tank Reet
5th Anti-tank regiment 1 Pancerna Artilleria Prati Pancer (lst Anti-tank Regt)
Dlvlslonal AI1U1ery Divbfonal ArtUlery
23rd Field Regiment (SP) 1 Pancema Artilleria Pulk (Armd Arty Regt - SP)
15th Field Regiment (Towed) 2 PancemaArtilleria Pulk (Towed)

Total 2-&0 Main Battle Tanks Total 240 MBT

Table 9

Although sorne of the senior Pales, including Maczek himself, had seen action in
the '20s against the SovietsS9 as weil as the '39 Polish and '40 French Campaigns, the
bulk of the officers and men were as new to combat as their Canadian counterparts.60
Their initial performance, much like 4th Armoured Brigade, was disappointing. In sorne
aspects it was worse. The 1st Polish commanders were criticized for showing Iittle
aggressiveness or tactical skill. Faced by Pz!Vs fram Waldmüller s Kampfgruppe, they

57 "Pulk": Regiment; ''Pancema'': Annoured, "IDanow": Lancers (as in German Uhlans);

"Strzelcow": Marksmen, musketeers - combine with "Konnych" (horses) to make Chasseurs a Cheval. The
Napoleonic influence on the Polish army is considerable (beside a half dozen line regiments in the Grande
Armee, the elite lancer regiment of the Imperial Guard was le Lancier Polonaise). "10 Chasseurs a Cheval"
reads better than "mounted rifles" since they were a recce regiment in the French tradition.
sa Dragoons in the traditional NapoIeonic sense of"mounted infantry."
59 It bas been argued that the motorized and cavaIry actions of 1920.. gave the PoIes a broader
insight into mechanized maneuver than their western counterpans. Polish GOC Marshal Pilsudski called
himself~'an open air strategist." Polish forces used Cavalry and airplanes for recce and strikes:"..this was
decidedlya warofmovement. It was open warfare.•" Maj O. H. SaWlders, "The Polish Carnpaignof 1920"
(Lectures delivered at US Army War College, Washington DC, 12 Feb 1933), 16.
60 The 151 Polish Division was built from veterans ofthe Russian War and the '39 Bzura

encirclement who arrived in England via the Baltic, the Balkans, and France. They were joined by
volunteer Polish cadres from North America, Latin America and even Africa. 1 PAD was Jargely built
through General Sikorski's energy and political contacts in America.

reported contact with Tigers and made no progress past their second phase start liner In
rebuttal it May be noted they were heavily hit by USAAF bombers and the resulting
confusion, coupled with the smart counter-attack delivered by Waldmüller and Wittman's
Tigers, created a reluctant and perhaps demoralized group of tankers. During both
Totalize and Trac/able the Poles found themselves victims offriendly fire. On both
occasions they were hit by heavy bombers which caused them to be disorganized.
Simonds was not very impressed with Maczek after Totalize. 6l He considered
disbanding the division altogether but was persuaded by Crerar and Stuart to give
Maczek another chance. By 16 August their faith was finally rewarded - Maczek and his
crews seemed to find their pace. Their progress from the Dives to Chambois and
Coudehard, despite the decidedly poor tank country, is a text book example ofan
armoured division in action. The Polish Division became the antithesis of its former self.
In the next five days it was to conduet a series ofbrilliant operations that were to close
the Falaise gap and allow Crerar, although Montgomery would eventually take the credit,
to trap two German armies.

• Falaise Ping-Pong: Montgomery' s Indecision vs. Maczek' s Action

By the time the Tractable-Falaise Operation had ended Simonds had beenjerked
around Iike a puppet on a string. Crerar's aperational directives ehanged almast daily but
Crerar himselfwas a victim ofMontgomery's indecision. Torn between the covert desire
to achieve a flashy grand finale that restored the limelight, and his main job ta direct the
operations ofboth 21st and 12th Army Groups, Montgomery failed miserably. He did not
know what to do with Bradley. At tirst he let him range far and wide, weil away from the
Falaise front. When Dempsey and Crerar floundered, he called him back. There were no
fewer than five different operationaI instructions regarding the teehnieal procedure ta
capture Falaisç_and elose the poeket:
On August 4, he assigned the place to Crerar, on August 6 ta Dempsey, on
August Il ta Crerar or Dempsey, on August 13 to Dempsey, and finally

61 Nevertheless. by the end of the Falaise Campai~ "General Simonds thought very hig1ùy of
General Maczektt Steams Papers 27 Apr 81, 3.

on August 14, ta Crerar. His inconsistency on Falaise paralleled his lack of
firm decision on how ta trap the Germans in Normandy.62
Bradley lost faith in Montgomery and Simonds. On 13 August after ordering Patton into
Falaise, he changed his mind. Convinced that the Cannae maneuver had failed, he cast a
larger net and ordered Patton to strike for Dreux, northwest of Vimoutiers. MajGen W. H.
Haislip's ISth Corps was ordered to hold at Argentan. 63 This was Bradley's famous
"haIt" order. If the Falaise Gap was going to be closed, then Simonds would have to do it.
Montgomery did nothing to countermand this. Throughout the battle he was the
antithesis ofhis legendary 'Weil rve given my orders there is nothing left to do but go to
bed' styIe. 64 AIthough he left the Americans alone, he interfered regularly with 21st
Army Group commanders, changing missions and practically hounded Crerar until he
secured his personal objective that someone, anyone, finally made contact with Bradley.
The lucky fel10w tumed out to be Stanislaw Maczek.
Maczek was Austro-Hungarian by birth and won bis spurs as a Kaisedaeger in the
Hapsburg cavalry. He comrnanded one ofPoland's two armoured brigades in 1938. He
was a modem tank officer à la Fuller, Guderian, and deGaulIe, and fought determinedly

• in the '39 campaign - one of the few Polish formations ta successfully counter-attack. He
eventually escaped to France and reformed the 10th Polish Armoured Brigade. After the
debacle of 1940, he reached Scotland via Algeria and Morocco. He raised the 10th PAB
for a third time, based on the British pattern, although it was not a British Legionne
Étranger but a "constituent element of the army of the Republic ofPoland. n6S
Simonds's initial Tractable grouping, aimed at Ua real blitz,,,66 was based on
brigade sized echelons (10 PAB was separate from 3 PIB). Maczek began Tractable as
the depth armoured division. Simonds either took sorne of his Totalize errors to heart or
perhaps still did not trust the Poles. As Tractable wound down in the center, Crerar

62 Blumenson~ 217.
63 'LXV Corps Operations August 44" The Wade H. Haislip Papers, MHI ur believe they were
sound [orders) ...The Decision was ltÛne and minealone." Bradley Papers~ 301 MHI. See: Stacey, Victory
Carnpaign, 245, Blumenson, 213. 220; Weigley, 206.
64 B. L. M. Montgomery, The Memoirs ofField-Marshal The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein
(London: Collins, 1958), 128.
See: Keegan, 264, Macze~ 235.


66 Steams Papers Il Mar 81.


ordered Simonds to change his principal objective and leave Falaise to the infantry and 2
CAB. 2nd Corps was now to capture Trun with its two annoured divisions. The Poles
were in the right place but Simonds had to arder Kitching to side step aIong his front and
reposition his division to strike towards Trun. This was no easy feat for a new division,
but Kitching was in position by the 16th. That day Simonds ordered bath divisions ta
strike south; 4 CAO was ta cross the Ante and 1 PAO was to cross the Dives while 3rd
Cdn InfDiv continued the attack against Falaise. Whether it was simply a matter oftime
to settle down or finally wearing out Meyer's meagre resources, General Maczek found
himselfwith bath room to maneuver and a mission that seemed tailored to his division's
heretofore frustrated élan. The Polish commander took offlike a bat out ofhell.
1st Polish Armoured broke out on Kitching's eastern flank. Maczek's own flank
was covered by the Corps Recce Regiment. He soon reached the Dives: 67 "Les lanciers
polonais parviennent à traverser la rivière plus à l'est, à Jort, et la 1er DB polonaise
s'enfonce vers les collines du Pays d'Auge.,,68 Maczek's force, consisting of lOth Armd
Brigade, followed in turn by 3 Pol InfBrigade,69 was deployed as per the '43 British

training pamphlet on the armoured division in the breakout, but with a touch of the
German - a reinforced vanguard based on 10 Pulk Strzelcow Konnych (1 Oth Chasseurs
or 10 PSK) with an extra infantry battalion grouped with a tank squadron. The van was
fol1owed by his armoured mass comprised of 10 Armd Bde less 24 Armd (L) Regt (lst
and 2nd Pulk Pancema and 10th Dragoons, the brigade mechanized battalion). The 3rd
InfBrigade, two battalions plus the 24th Lancers, was en prafen.deur.
Maczek quickly pushed past his Dives bridgehead and penetrated deeply into 1 SS
Pz Korps rear areas. He advanced his Kampfgruppen like the bull's horns ofa Zulu impi:
preliminary thrusts on the flanks while the head drove for Chambois. Meanwhile, 4 CAO
fought its way past traffic jams and minor but stubbom rearguards. Instead of3rd US
Army's cavalry romp, both armoured divisions had run out of tank country. Their
vanguards had-èntered le Suisse Normande.

67 RG24 L3712 WD 2 Cdn Corps. 15 Aug 44: upoi Mtd Rifles Regt crosses R. Dives apx 1530 at
225427 and 235463."
68 George Bernage. Nonnandie (Bayeu=<: Editions Heimelal. 1989). 459.

69 RG24 10942 WD Polish Armoured Division.. Rozkoz do Natarcia Nr.l. Conirrmatory Orders
issued 16 Aug 44.

Maczek, flanking wide, pushed past Meyer's rear guards; Kitching, striking into
• the Dives valley, soon got bogged down. It finally became clear to Montgomery that
waiting for Crerar to take Falaise while Dempsey and Hodges bashed forward through
the bocage was simply squeezing German toothpaste out of the tube. The center of the
gap was Trun. After having agreed upon Argentan as the inter army group boundary on
the 13th, Montgomery now ordered Bradley and Crerarto strike for Trun and
Chambois. 70 It was too late. Patton was already nearing Paris - XVth Corps reached the
Seine on the fifteenth of August.
Only three American divisions were available at Argentan: 80th and 90th Infantry
supported by 2nd French Armoured Division. Bradley had previously forbidden Third
Army to advance north when they could have easily reached Falaise. He now ordered
Patton to have Haislip capture Trun. The earliest American H Hour would be 0630, 18
August. Montgomery had lost operational control of the Falaise battle.
That same day, 16 August, Field Marshal von Kluge71 accepted defeat and had
ordered a general withdrawal ofGerman forces from the Falaise poeket. It was to be his
last operational arder: "... he was a good leader of troops, but he was no armoured
• general, and was a rather petty type ofJunker. n72 Bayerlein's curt portrayal of "der Kluge
Hans" (Clever Hans) could easily deseribe Montgomery.

Closing the Gap

The best news r can give you tonight is that the gap bas now been closed and the Polish
Annoured Division has reached TRUN and is pushing on to CHAMBOrs.
Montgomery to Brooke. 17 August 44

By midday, 17 August: "Simonds decided to move the whole 4 Cdn Arrnd Div
north and across the River Dives at Couliboeuf. It had been found abandoned by the

70 "At 2030 Army Gp Comd General Bradley called General Patton on the phone and stated in
substance that he-wanted General Patton to a1en 90th Div and the French 2nd Armoured which were to be
backed up by the 80th Infantry Division~ to attac~ take and hold the line Argentan-Trun. He further stated
that the Canadians were being ordered to push forward and close the gap from Falaise to Trun." WD HQ 3
US Anny 16 Aug 44. The Hobart R. Gay Papers (BOen. DICOS 3rd Army). MHI. Up to 16th August, 3rd
US Army WD had demonstrated a curious lack ofinterest in Canadian Operations.
71 • ETIDNT 67~ WD 5 Pz Anny~ 14; an~ Bundersarchiv RH19IX120 Heeres Gruppe B
"MeldWlgen & Unterlagen le von der zeit 1.7.44 • 31.8.44": 16.8.44. This was reinforcec1 the next clay by


armoured cars ofthe 12th Manitoba Dragoons, whom Simonds had ordered to tind ways
ahead.,,13 Meanwhile, Maczek was weIl beyond the Dives. He had reorganized bis force
into three battlegroups and had boldly advanced south, southeast and east?4 He had
totally outmaneuvered Meyer and reached not only Kitching's objective7S but created an
expanded bridgehead that allowed for corps maneuver. In a series ofchess moves, a
Polish armoured battlegroup struck southwest to eut offTrun and positioned itself on the
high ground dominating the town and the Dives valley.76 Having established a pivot and
an anchor on his flank above Trun, Maczek again reorganized and sent his left battle
group inwider enveloping maneuver that covered his open tlank and center, securing an
outward divisional perimeter against counter-atta<:ks. This was pursuit and operational
Simonds began ta visit Maczek regularly; his own Corps Taetical Headquarters
was Spartan, Utwo vehicles against a fence."n The Commander Iiked what he saw but
remained wary. This was not the armoured warfare as he had predicted or tried to
practice, but it produced results. He did not wait to bring up Corps artillery and he did not

force the Pales to tarry at safe phase lines while he tidied up. He became a decisive
commander working with a panzer leader who quickly gave him what he wanted. They

7Z ETHINT 66 ML 1079 "Interview GenLt Fritz Bayerlein", 7-9 Aug 45, 17, also, Wilmot. 3~7.
73 William Hutchinson "Test of a Corps Commander" MA Thesis, University of Victori~ 231.
and RG24 1372 2 Cdn Corps WD/Ops Log. Aug 44. RG24 10811 At lOIS hrs on 17 August Simonds
issued orders from Main HQ 4 CAO: ulink up with US Forces and hold the line of the River Dives" WD
2nd Cdn Corps G Ops Main. 17 Aug 44.
74 RG24 Vol 10,811 WD 2nd Cdn Corps G Ops Main Aug 44: ·~10 Pol Mtd Rifles on wide
front ..en resistance weak. Chiefhindrance rd blocked by retreating south civilians." Most French civilians
moved away from the Canadian advance which heralded destruction by air and artillery. As late as the
summer of 1984 the Mayor ofFalaise refused ta hast a reunion for RAF Typhoon pilots. He stated the
Gerrnans had always behaved "correctIy" in Falaise but the Allied air force destroyed his town. Interview,
Wing Commander Henry Ambrose. RAF. Nonnandy. May 1991.
75 4 CAO actually withdrew from the Tnm area on the 16th: "Obj could not be held due to hy atk
screen...main enemy opposition has been atk...PW reports tIc force under comd ofbattle gp WUnsche and
est str at 4S Tige~n They were right about Wünsche but exaggerated the annour: there were not 45 Tigers
in all of France on 16 Aug. let alone in 12 SS HI. Meanwhile, Maczek "surprised enemy...many PW and
much booty include 6 guns 105 mm in area 1847." By last light Kitching signalled: "Div wdr ta cane areas
for maintenance...." RG 24 13712. 2 Cdn Corps WD and Ops Log. 16 Aug 44. "General Simonds changed
our orders again. Instead of the annour going for Trun, it was now to deploy in an area about two miles
north ofit." Maczek. 203.
16 One of its combat teams may have entered the town center, beating 4 CAO van guards. See:

Eddy Florentin BanIe of the Falaise Gap (London: Elek Books, 1965), 177.
77 Steams 23 Mar 81, 6.

worked weil together: a tactical discussion, a quick agreement and then Simonds would
leave, allowing Maczek to carry on. The important thing was Maczek continued the
advance, relentlessly playing the center game towards Chambois and the Americ~s. His
second armoured battlegroup maneuvered southeast and drove towards Champeaux,
anchoring the envelopment and establishing a six mile front, the center ofwhich was four
miles from Chambois. Simonds passed the good news ta Crerar.
Montgomery was both pleased and excited. He ordered that it was essential that
the lst Polish Armoured strike past Trun to Chambois. Simonds gave the appropriate new
orders; Maczek called another quick Orders Group and again reorganized his division for
the last phase.lst Polish Armoured Division: Maczek's Grouping 17 Aug 44.

IOPSK~ 1Pol 1<31 2Pol Ié§1 24utansl~1

POdhal@ 9~ 8~ lODrag~
§ § §
Figure 27: Four Battle Groups
Four Battle Groups witb the following Tasks:
lO PSK BG: Secure Chambois; make contact with American forces
1 PAR BG: RaId in SU' area of height 259
2 PAR BG: Block Chambois 406513
24 PAR BG: Raid in SU' high graund between 259 and Trun
Maczek's organization for the final phase was simple: four balanced groupement
tactiques. Each comprised an armoured regiment (10 PSK was equipped with Cromwel1s)
and a mechanized infantry battalion. 78 Each Polish battlegroup also had a squadren of
tank destroyers attached - a "standard Normandy grouping" as practiced by the
This was not the sort ofdoctrine with which the British-trained Canadian staffs
may have felt comfortable. 1t probably gave Simonds a nagging headache and certainlY
would have rattled Crerar had he been forward enough to see. But Maczek was not to be
denied as long as he produced results and brought Montgomery's blessings upen the 151


Canadian Army. The attempt to capture Chambois by last light, 17 August, miscarried
when Koszutskr s 2nd PAR battlegroup, a victim of linguistic confusion, 79 captured
Champeaux by mistake. "During the night of 17/18 August one Polish tank regiment in a
misdirected night march, aimed at Chambois which arrived at Les Champeaux,
encountered elements of2 (SS) Pz Corps, an ominous sign."so
By 0900 ofthe 18th, 4 CAB's Canadian Grenadier Guards reached Trun, which
they found abandoned. Kitching had closed the northem part of the gap. 2nd Div had
cleared Falaise and the new commander of3 CID, Maj.Gen. D. G. Spry, had moved his
brigades'down toward the Dive9to coverthe northem bank from Morteaux-CouJiboeufto
Trun. "For the tirst time since the div arrived in Normandy it is now in country which has
not been ravaged by war. Rouses are intact, fields are greener and not littered with
wrecked enemy eqpt. Even the air smells fresh."Sl
The Polish battlegroups resumed their advance early on the 18th, but by now the
Germans were also moving by day through open terrain offering Allied tactical air targets
undreamed of. On 17 August., American, British and Canadian air squadrons had flown

2029 sorties into the Falaise Pocket; on the 18th it was 2057 and on the next day, 19
August, they would fly an additional 3856 sorties. Maczek's advancing battlegroups were
bath supported and attacked by their own air forces; everYthing from Typhoons to
Thunderbolts had a crack at the Polish vanguards and support echelons. 82 That afternoon
Simonds held his third Orders Group and again ordered Kitching and Maczek to take
Chambois and link up with the Americans. He went forward with Maczek and "arrived to

78 LOth Drageons were mounted in White half-tracks_ the remaining three carried their riflemen in
Bren Gun Camers.
79 "son guide civil. internretant malI-accent polonais. a confondu cette localité avec Chambois."
Georges Bemage, La Retraite Allemande - Nonnandie: Août 1944 (Bayeu.'(: Editions Heirndal. 1957), 85,
Maczek. 20S.
80 Hutchinson, 232. By 15th August Ultra intercepts had. despite the quality of transmissions,
detennined that considerable panzer forces were heading toward Chambois: .~ 2 Pz Div FomentaIlFaIaise
Road...9 SS Pz Div S. Falaise." SRH-049 Technical Signal Intelligence Transmitted Directif to 0-2 l2th
Anny Group. ETC From 14 August to May 1945, IS Aug~ 17 Aug 44. MHI.
81 RG 24 13789 WD 4 CAD 17 Aug 44. There were aIso clouds of rnosquitoes: "They are
definitely organized. In the clay flies and yellowjackets work ftom dawn till dusk. They flyat low level and
never miss." Besides the bugs, there was "Dysentery. We ail have it now."

82 By last light 18 August, 1Polish Annoured Division, fighting bath friendly air strikes and
German rear guards, had reœived 50% of2nd Cdn Corps' entire casualties: 263 as cornpared with 286 for
the remaining three divisions and two brigades. WD 2 Cdn Corps. 18 Aug 44; WC 1 PAD.

witness an attack on the Polish divisional headquarters by Typhoons of the RAF, one of
many such air attacks the Pales were to suifer that day.,,83
At 1100 a.m. 19 August, Simonds held yet another conference84 with his four
division commanders. The Poles were to leave the Trun area to 4 CAO and concentrate
on securing Chambois. 4 CAO would then hand Trun over ta 3rd Div and advance
southeast to capture Vimoutiers. 3 CID would advance along the north bank of the Dives
valley and follow Maczek into Chambois. 85 Somewhere behind, from the southwest,
would appear the vanguards ofDempsey's army, driving the Germans before them onto
the Canadian gun line on the Dives, much'like shooting grouse. The meeting broke up
and Maczek Ieft quickly ta catch up with his vanguard commanders. Simonds was not ta
see hi m for another two days.
Despite air attacks and increasingly stubborn German rear guards, by the evening
of the 18th Maczek's leading elements had eut the German line of escape. He had a battle
group outside Chambois, another on the ground of tactical dominance northeast of
Coudehard near Vimoutiers, and two battlegroups in his hip pocket. By the 19th, he had

closed the gap: "La Première Division avait atteint tout ses objectifs."s6
The presence of the Polish Armoured Division in the mouth ofthe gap a1erted the
new German theatre Commander, Field Marshal Walter Model _Uat fi ft y four he had
attained a field marshal's baton ... youngest in the Wehrmacht ... ruthless energy and an
intimate relationship with the Nazi Party.n87 The "Führer's Fireman" had replaced von
Kluge on the 17th; by the next day he was planning both a fight~ng withdrawa188 and a

83 RG24 13712. WD 2 Cdn Corps. 18 Aug 44 an~ Hutchinson, 235.

84 Simonds's aImost daily conferences \Vere not a good example of "mission driven" operations.
Part of the blame was Montgomery's (and thus Crerar's) changing directives; the other was doctrinal.
85 Foulkes's 2 CID would follow 3 CID and protect the flank of2nd Corps. RG24 13 712. WD 2
Cdn Corps. 19 Aug 44.
86 S. Maaek. La Première Division Blindée Polonaise (Bruxelles: Imprimerie Union Office.
(948). 15 and, Maczek Avec Mes Blindés, 211. The Polish presence on the heights above was discovered
by the Gennans late Friday. 18 August. A mixed column marching up the 0-16 was suddenly engaged by
concentrated tire from the wooded hills. Il was destroyed in 15 minutes: "The Germans. ta their
stupefaction and fright discovered that their retreat is henceforth cut off." They began to engage Hill 262
with mortar rue. T1ùs steadily increasing bombardment was ta last four full days. Bernage, 490.
81 See Shulman, 170. and Carlo D'Este in Barnen, HitJer's Generais, 319.

• 88 At 1915 Model met with Dietric~ Eberbach, Kuntzen, Gause and von Gerstorft: Surprisingly.
he confinned von Kluge's directive and ordered a humed withdnlwal from the tightening poeket: ~~so

• rescuing caunter-attack. Maczek ha.d farced the Germans inta desperate reaction; the 2nd
55 Panzer Corps, now compased of2nd SS DasReich, 9th 55 Hohenstauffen, 9th Panzer
and elements of 116th Pz,89 were ordered to stop, regroup, and attack back inta the
Simonds must now make fast the Polisn cork with Canadian glue. He was again
vexed by Foulkes and Kitching who had not succeeded as he would have liked.
Kitching's regiments were advancing cautiously and continued to suifer a nightmare of
communications problems. 4 CAD's progress was particularly annoying, considering the
difference in battle lasses between the two groups, and Maczek's units were taking the
bulk of2nd Corp's casualties. Kitching drave against the 12 SS rear guards, a generous
term as by now Meyer's three remaining Kampfgrnppen resembled squadron sized
combat teams, often based on a single pair oftanks. 90
The boundary problem continued. Montgomery did not adjust the battie real-
estate to canform to the changing situation. 91 Bradley refused to exercise initiative,
despite Patton's alleged affer ta "drive the British inta the sea for another Dunkirk.,,92

schnell aIs mOglich aus dem Frontbogen herauszuziehen." WD 5 Pz Anny, noch 18.8.44. His objective was
nothing less than the Seine: "Meine absicht ist Rueckzug hinter die Seine." See: MS A 922 General der
Panzertruppe Eberbach, uPanzergruppe Eberbach bei Alencon und beim Durchbruch aus dem Kessel von
Falaise." Quoted by Eberbruch, 7 Feb 46, 31.
89 116 Pz acquitted itselfwell in the "Hexenkesseltt or "Kessel" ("witch's cauldron"· standard
Gennan tenn for lhe Falaise Gap) despite the bad reputation it gained earlier: "Commanding General 47 Pz
Corps requests that Div Commander 116 Pz Div (von Schwerin) be relieved. This division always mucks
up the job." CG 47 Pz Corps to CG 7 Army, 2200 hrs, 6 Aug. Extracts from Telephone Journal 7 German
Anny (files captured by 1 PAD, now in US archives). Martin M Philipsbom Papers. Also, B-162 116th Pz
Div (11-24 Aug 44), B-058 GenMaj H. Voigtsberger, 116 Pz Div. Falaise and, B-1SS S8
OberGruppenfiihrer Georg Keppler I. 55 Panzer-Koros 16.8-18.10 .44., 2.
90 H. Meyer, 207-208.
91 "Monty is supposed to have done a greatjob at Falaise. Really helped the Germans get away.
Still wanted to do the job himself.... And then he brought in bis damned Inter-Army Group division again.
Jea10us of Patton -little man." Air Marshal Sir Arthur Coningharn, Interviewed by Dr. Forrest C. Pogue,
1+ Feb 47, Pogue Manuscripts. Patton Museum Library, Fort Knox, Ky.
92 There is debate whether Patton actually said this, see Blumenso~ 207-208, and Weigley, 206.
On L6th August "at 2030 Anny Op Comd, Gen Bradley called Gen Patton on the phone and stated in
substance that he wanted Gen Patton to alert 90th Div and Fr 2nd Armd Div which were to be backed up by
tlte 80th InfDiv to attack, take and hold the line Argentan-Trun.. He further stated that the Canadians were
being ordered to push forward and close the gap from Falaise to Trun.." extraet WD 3rd US Anny, The
Hobart R. Gay Papers (DICOS 3rd US Anny) 16 Aug 44. HMI. "The decision to tum XV Corps north from

LeMans was made by me and approved by General Montgomery, who also approved our advance as far
north as Argentan. Dempsey knew ofthis move and jokingly stated he was going to beat us to Argentan••••
Scveral days later~ 21 Anny Group urged us to push on still further north to Chambois and Trun. We did
advance as far nonh as Chambois, where we joined up with the Polish Division." Omar N. Bradley Papers:

With Bradley's stubbornness and Montgomery' s indecisiveness, the gap was shut but not
bolted. The Americans stayed put at Argentan. 93 Crerar aetually sent a liaison officer iota
Patton's Headquarters to coordinate the two advancing armies. He was sent back; direct
liaison with 1st Cdn Army was refused. Bradley would only deal with Montgomery.94

Maczuga: "A Polish Battlefield"

... la providence nous offre ainsi la joie d'une revanche sur cette unité combattue en
Pologne en 1939. mais cette fQis. les rôles en sont inversés.
Maczek , Qn being attacked by 2 SS Das Reich 19 August

Madel ordered 2 SS Pz Korps ta begin the!r counter..attack on the aftemoon of the

19th. They saon pushed Ist PAR's patrols away from Vimoutiers. Maczek's narthern
battIegroup fell back onto rus center, the highest terrain in the gap - Hills 262, 252 and
240. In the valley below, ID PSK penetrated into Chambois and met the vanguard of 90th
US Infantry Division. 95
Major W. ZgorzeIski ofthe IOth Polish Dragoons, spearheading for the
Canadians ... pronounced that our meeting was the first time American and

Polish soldiers had ever met on the field ofbattle. Neither ofus

Correspondance with Major Historical Figures 1936-1960. MHI. Correspondance with D. D. Eisenhower.
10 Sept44.
93 Although on l7th August a message was delivered from l2th Anny Group, signed by Bradley
which ordered the: ~, ...mission ofseizing Chambois, Trun and continue to advance to the North until
contacl is gained \Vith the British." extract WC 3 US Anny, The Hobart R. Gay Papers, 17 Aug 44. MHI.
94 ~'A British Liaison Oflicer by the name of- [name not given in enUyI reponed as Liaison
Officer from the Canadian Army. He was lold that unfQrtunately the Anny Commander could not accept
Liaison Officers from the Canadian Anny, but that the liaison betwecn the two would have to be through
Commanding Genernl, Twelfth US Anny Group; that he. the Army CQmmander, was very sony that t1ùs
was troe, but it was the policy of the Anny Group Conunander, therefore would have to be carried Qut"
The HQbart R. Gay Papers, extIaet WD HQ 3 US Anny, l7 Aug 44. Mm. The exception was artiIlery.
Bradley permitted communication between Corps ArtiUery Headquarters. Commander of 6th US Annd
Division had a more enlightened view ofcorps/anny boundaries: ~'not impenetIable barriers ... quite Ûle
contrary such a line constitutes an invitation to a cQmmander to seek out bis neighbour across the boundary
and arrange with him their adjoining operations to ensure mutual advantages." HIS 3l4.7 MGen R. W.
Grow, "Black Lines on a Map" 31 Oct 1952. The Robert W. Grow Papers, Hoffinan Collection. .MHI.
9S Simonds advised Crerar who responded wim undisguised delight Crerar to Simonds, 19 Aug
44, 2140 hrs: "Desire you transmit to GOC Pol Annd Div my congratulations conceming the impottant and
gallant pan ail under his command have played in recent fighting. The First Cdn Anny is very proud to
count the PQlish Annd Div amongst its formations." RG24 13712 1 Cdn Anny WD. " •.. made first contact
with anQther of their Allies, the Poles, when Co. 4 359th Inf reached a position W of Chambois and was
blocking the road to Trun and was passed through by reconnaissance elements of a Polish moored

brigade." MGen J. A. Van Fleet, Tough Hombres - The StQry ofthe 90th fnfantry Division (Paris:
Defossés- Neogravure, 194.5), 25. The 90th referred to the gap battles as the "Chambois Shambles."

appreciated that this was another historie moment - the closing ofthe
Falaise Gap.96
Saon, they tao were under attaek. 1 Polish Division had elosed the gap as an armoured
division in the pursuit - divided into maneuver elements and seeuring ground oftaetieal,
indeed strategieaI, importance. It now had to hold ground in closed terrain. This was not
the accepted operational doctrine for an armoured division: "Arrnd Div is not suitable for
defensive action and, as such, should be relieved ofthis type of mission as saon as
possible.,,97 It would have been understandable ifhe withdrew.
But Maczek was made o~ sterner s~ff. Realizing he was about to be surrounded,
Maezek organized his force iota two strongpoints. Chambois would be held by 10 PSK
reinforeed with the 24th Lancers battlegroup supported by "Tough Hombres.,·98 The
Coudehard - Bojois feature, dominating the Dives valley, would be held by the Ist and
2nd Polish Armoured Regiment's battlegroups. The battle position resenlbled a cudgel or
mace and Maczek, who hated using grid references, christened it Maczug~ a symbol of
sovereign power for Poles. 99
The Polish commander was alone. He had outrun Kitehing. 100 4 CAO did not

• strike for Vimoutiers; rather, it pushed slowly past Trun, along the north bank orthe
Dives. Armoured regiments had rough going in the hills and wooded ground. They
naturally gravitated toward the Dives valley which was wider and easier for tanks. The
valley quickly swallowed up 4th Brigade's tank squadrons. Gfteo, Simonds did not know
where Kitching's troops were, and he seems to have doubted whether Kitching did.

96 John Colby, War from the Ground crp - The 90th Division in WWII (Austin: Nonex
Press, (979) Recollections by Capl Laughlin E. Wate~ CO G Coy, 359tl1 fnf., 229.
97 FM17-100 "Employment of the Annored Division.", 9 an~ 'The Cooperation ofTanks with
Infantry Divisions" Military Trg Pam No.63, 6.
98 The 90th Inf was fonned from Texas and Oklahoma cadres - hence their red shoulder patch
"TO" - by 1944 tÏùs had prompted the division's nick narne: "Tough Hombres."
99 Maczek, 210-218. The position was based on lWo heights that dominated the Dives Valley:
Bosjois and Coudehard (which was just nonh east orMont Onnel- olten confused with Maczuga). The
third element was a point just nonh of Coudehard. It was wooded but covered the approach from
Vimoutiers. It was against this flank that the 2 55 Pz Korps attack stnlck fJISt. Maczuga ("la massue")
tumed out to be prophetie when. on the 22nd of August, the van guard of2nd French Annoured Division
arrived al position 262 "commandée par un officier, plus tard general~ portant le nom de Massu."

• 100 Maczek, 217-218.


Moncel was late in aniving at 4th Brigade. Kitching did rus best iOl in the meantime, but

• his division had become probing fingers rather than an armoured fist.
Military history has been kind to Maczek. Professor Terry Copp argues that
Kitching may have been cheated out of his just rewards 102 since 4 CAO captured Trun,
Crerar's first objective and the center ofthe gap. This is technically correct, although
there is sorne evidence the Pales were there first. 103 It may be noted that Maczek, by
arriving in the area earlier and securing the high ground north ofTron, made Kitching's
task easier. Therefore, Simonds had two operational objectives: Trun and Chambois.
Maczek grabbed one, Kitching finally grabbed the other. Since the gap was not
completely closed until after the 21st, it may appear that to single out Maczek for this
praise is excessive. However, operationaIly, the Poles did take the last objective. It may
not have been tidy, but it did the job. The 21st Army Group's blue boundary line finally
merged with 12th Army Group's blue Une. Maczek's accomplishment was noted by both
Bradley and Montgomery. That they chose ta overlook Kitching is unfortunate, but it is
not totally unfair.

Ordered ta reach Chambois and help 1 PAD plug Model's escape route, Kitching
threw in a battlegroup formed on his armoured reconnaissance unit, The South Alberta
Regiment (SAR), coupled with The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (AGSH). By the
time this force reached the middle of the gap, St. Lambert-sur-Dives, they were no more
than a combat team consisting of"e" Squadron SAR, supported by "B" Company,
AGSH. 104 The Shermans were led by Major D. V. Cume. The Falaise gap lOS was nowan

\0\ WD 2 Cdn Corps; 3 CIO: '~some troops spent the clay accumuJating loot"; "two armoured
regiments appear to have sat idle awaiting orders": Hutchinson, 240.
\02 Discussion with Teny Copp, May 1996.
\03 Maczek certainly thought 50 and apparently 50 did the British: ~'Freddie (de Guingand) thought
Bradley should bavejoined the Poles at Trun." Interview, Brigadier Sir Edgar Williams, Pogue Papers.
John Keegan agrees: ."..the lOth CavaIry Brigade departed from its start line nearTrun in carly aftemoon
(l7th August)." lEeegan, 274 and 272. '~ ... the 24th Polish Lancers crossed Louvières-en-Auge; the Poles
could have descended on Trun which they could see as if from a balcony, three kilometres lower down the
slope." FlorenlÏ1\ l77.
104 Currîe was soon to be reinforced by uC" Coy, Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders and "C" Coy
from The Lincoln and Welland Regiment
lOS The Falaise Pocket was "9 km in width and 12 in depth" on 18 August Inside were GeneraIs

Hausser (7th Annee), General Eberbach (Pz Gruppe Eberbach), Generais von Fonck (LXXIV Corps),
Elfeld (LXXXIV Corps). Staube (XXXXVIl Pz Corps) and Meindl (IInd Parachute Corps). The units in
the pocket comprised: 7 infantry divisions (84th,. 226th, 227th, 326th, 353r~ 363r~ and the elite 3rd

area approximately three miles wide with two poor roads that made up the remaining
escape routes for the two trapped German armies. One road led through St. Lambert; this
eventually became the "corridor ofdeath" as it wound its way up to the heights of
Coudehard and the Polish battlegroups. The second route skirted Chambois. The
Germans were detennined to do several things: destroy the Polish-American force in
Chambois, control St. Lambert, and break the two Polish battlegroups blocking D_16. 106
This would allow them to execute their last and most important aim, the extraction of the
forces within the pocket.
Currie attacked St. Lambert-sur-Dives; his force entered the village but was
stopped by a savage German counter-attack. Cume did not close the gap but his presence
forced the Germans ta continue attacking throughout the day to keep an escape route
open. These desperate assaults, put in as all-or-nothing actions, were defeated by Currie' s
dwindIing force. 107 His stand at St. Lambert won him a VC and allowed Simonds time to
bring up his brigades. Meanwhile, the Germans continued to seep through the St.
Lambert tissure, "a real valve through which the whole pocket was deflated.,,10s

The Poles and Americans hung on to Chambois and were eventually given less
trouble as the Germans concentrated on escape past them. The key to the puzzle was
Maczuga. Maczek' s men were surrounded and ronning low on food, Medicine, and
ammunition. By now the pocket had become a Kafkaesque nightmare filled with

Fallschinnjaeger); 5 armoW'ed divisions (1 SS LAH, la SS F, 2nd Pz, 116th Pz) and the remnants of L2 55
Hl. Though sorne units caught "Encirclement Fever". MOst remained surpri$gly calm and orderly during
the withdrawal operation.
106" During the entire time we were in Chambois. the fighting was sa fluid that many times we
were cut otT from our lines of supply. The Poles were cut off Crom theirs even more ... the Poles would turn
their prisoners aver ta us." Colby. 232. -
107 Participants in the fight recaUed Currïe "barely hung on ... low on ammUJÙtion and always
being flanked." LCol O. McLean MC, SALH, personal interview 23 JuIy 1994. "Seven enemy tanks,
twelve 88mm guns and Corty vehicles were destroyed, 300 Gennans were killed, SOO wounded and 2100
captured... ·We knew at one stage that it was a fight to the filÙSh but he (Cwrie) was 50 cool about il. it was
impossible for US-lO get excited.'" Extract ftom Currie·s VC citation: Surgeon Commander F. 1.
Blatherwick, 1000 Brave Canadians-The Canadian Gallantry Awards 1854-1989 (Toronto: UlÙtrade
Press, 1991), 72. "They had been WIélble to seize the bridges but without their valiant stand ... many more
Germans would have escaped." 0 'Este "Falaise: The Trap Not Spnmg.", 62, and. Stacey, Vietoty
Campaign, 260, 262, 264.
101 RG24 13712.2 Cdn Corps Ops log: 19 Aug44, 1145 hrs, fin 18 CACR: "En breaking thtough
atSt Lambert sur Dives 3326." OKW WarDiary, 21 August 44, 118: "Inasmuchas the British refrained

from pushing bard from the nonh, the retreating movements could be carried out according to schedule.
The Americans, however, continued ta press harel."

retreating German units, skeletons ofthe divisions that tried to attack Mortain and hold
the line against Patton and Dempsey. Model's troops were underthe harassing tire of
over 3000 guns - American, British and Canadian. The sky was tilled with AIlied fighters
and ground attack aircraft l09 which savaged the withdrawing columns as they approached
the gap. Allied air did not, however, attack Germans inside the gap.110 The real fear of
hitting their own troops, which they had been doing throughout Tractable, resulted in the
imposition ofa "restricted tire Hne" for corps artillery and air. German colurons quickly
realized that as they approached the St. Lambert-Chambois area, they were granted a
respite from rocket frring "Typhies" and '4JugS." The slaughter inside the gap, from St.
Lambert to Maczugi!, was caused by direct tire from Poles, Canadians, and the 359th US
lnf Regiment, as well as battalion mortars and regimental artillery batteries fleing over
open sights.

Kitching Relieved: "Kesselfieber"

Nor was the Canadian anack as vigorous and venturesome as the occasion demanded.

Chester Wilmot
Rain late on August 19 was more than an amen - it wamed that weather would
ground the fighter-bombers on August 20. The climax of the Nonnandy campaign
had come. [t would he a soldiers banle.
J. L. Granatstein and Desmond Morton

The 20th of August was Maczek's tiercest day. Hammered from two sides, the Ist
Polish Armoured was near ta being overrun. 111 The Germans attacked ail along the
Dives. Groups tried to break through at Trun and the crossings between it and St.
Lambert. The heaviest fighting continued around Currie's black and Maczuga. The
Germans hammered the position with mortars, artillery, Nebelwerfers and direct tank fire.

109 The effeet of air attacles was considerable although the effective kill ratio against annour was
much exaggerated and gave birth to a air attack legend that was mostly fiction. See, fan Gooderson~ 217.
110 See: General Richard Rhomer Patton~s Gap (Markham: Genera! Publishing Co, 1981), 224-

226. Rhomer's Air Force spin is both supported and attacked by military historians.
111 RG24 13712. WD 2 Cdn Corps. 1 Pol Annd Div to Corps: "Amn sit grave." 183020 Aug 44.
• • •
8-9 AU.G

00 t" =0 .~~~:(:.:::....~ACZEK
groups 1POL ARMD
ce r~~~
Cdl M8ch WÇoy --:IlIA- Gennan 1k Corq:)anv
.... '2-015MSAPC:. -.-.r'" (12-15MkVOflVMBl)

,~z ~~to F~~ ~_a~~_B~~~~_~~UGH -:2:...c4tAntt-=:=., -.at 12-15M1d1Stug1/.Pz1V

t~~:; ,t;'(..\,~m ....!iL.=.\ <::I: GERMAN PZ DIVS

2cm, ... fu1t' )~.,=q~ TRACTABLE
\;~; .~."'e._••..: FALASE ..'':':/........
'::: ~s~JugeOdflgh~-
deSpaafe rear guard aetIOO
;'..:: .

14-22 AUG ::..:
tI if if if


Combat team-sized attacks ftom 2 SS Pz Corps,' basically, Das Reich and 9th Panzer, 112
began to penetrate the outer perimeters ofMaczuga from the north. Maczek's
battlegroups were in serious trouble; these were dogged attacks by experienced German
At ftrst 2nd Corps did not appreciate the seriousness ofthe Polish situation.
FinaIly, the GOC decided to see for himself: uL'arrivée à mon P. C. du commandant de
corps canadien. le general Simonds. fait finalement changer d'opinion l'état-major
canadien."I13 Realizing that the Poles were in very real danger ofbeing over ruo,
Simonds' ordered Kitching to save them. ll:4 Kitching dragged his Ceet. He didn't like
Maczek and was in no hurry ta rescue him tram what Kitching relt was a self imposed
untenable position.
l said ta General Simonds words to this effect: 'To heU with them. They
have run out of food and ammunition because of the inefficiency oftheir
organization; our people have been fightin~ just as hard but we have
managed to keep up our supply system.' 11
Simonds was again made furious, 116 particularly when "l'attaque canadienne ne se
produit pas. nU7 On the moming of the 21st, to Kitching's displeasure, Simonds took over

• personaIly: "... he peremptorily ordered 4th Armoured Brigade ta rescue the Pales
immediately.nl18 He then tumed ta Kitching and ftred him on the SpOt. 119

112 uln the night of 17/18 August Corps received tlle order to witlldraw before the pocket was
closed...Direction of throst and attack objective for 9th Panzer Div was Trun; for 2d SS Panzer Div,
Chambois...9th S5 Panzer was able to push...onIy to the Les Cosniers area.•• 2d SS Pz Div at first gained
ground unhindered until it ran into a heavy tank engagement north of Coudehard."B-748. Wilhelm Bittrich,
II SS Pz Corps (15 Iul-21 Aug). MHI.
113 Maczek, 218.
114Simonds had reinforced Kitching with 2 CAB and 9 cm. Koszutski held a final Orders Group:
"GentIeme~ all is lost. [ do not think tlle Canadians can come to our rescue. We have...no food and very
little anununition...Fight all the same. There is no question ofsurrender. 1 speak as a Pole. Tonight we shaH
die." See: Keegan 28 Land Eddy Florent~ 261 for different versions of this speech.
115 Kitchmg, 20S.
116 The radio conversation between Sîmonds and Kitching was wîblessed by Maczek, who,
although he could not hear what Kitching said, guessed he was being difficult: '~Je n'entends pas les
repenses du commandant de la division blindée canadien, mais le ton et les repliques du general Sinlonds
me les laissent deviner." Macze~ 219.
117 Maczek, 219.

• 118 Kitching, 20S. "General Simonds bas ordered the foUowing action: 4 Annd Bde (4258) to c.
attack axis Pt. 240 (4259) Coudehard and to reorganize a position DOW held by Poles. 2 Cdn Annd Bde to

It was the most difficult thing he had ever had to do ... he had tremendous
confidence in him because of their close association in Sicily and Italy and
almost loved him as he would a brother, and admired his great courage
and personal ability; that he found it almost impossible to understand how
things had got sa out ofcontrol.120
The Canadian Grenadier Guards, followed by the Governor General's Foot
Guards, attacked with determination and bashed through to Maczuga. They were much
welcome: "the Pales cried with joy when we amved... .',121 AIthough past performance
had caused Simonds to lose faith in Kitching, the sluggishness in dealing with an arder ta
rescue Maczek may weil have b~n the last straw. 122

The Victol)' Numbers

The AIIied Intelligence had seriously underestimated the ability of the German leaders to
fonn effective battlegroups out of the more fanatical oftheir men who were detennined
to escape or die in the attempt
Lt. General Sir Brian Horrocks; 30th British Corps

The Nonnandy campaign was over. The Germans eventually withdrew 157,800
men from the Falaise pocket itself as weil as the bulk oftheir rear echelon troops and

• service equipment for a total of 165,800 troops123 safely evacuated north of the Seine.

seal offline Pt.240 (Village 3431). 10 InfBde, 9 lnfBde (latter under 4 Cdn A. Div.) to strike to the a.xis
Trun-Chambois and close gap." RG24 10634 Message Log 2 Cdn Corps, 1930 hrs. 20 Aug 44.
119 "Le 21 âout, tot dans la matinee, le commandant du corps vient me voir de nouveau pour
declarer qu'en raison d'evenements complexes ('operation ne sera declenchée qu'a present Avant de
repartir il ajoute en passant que depuis ce matin la 4e division blindée canadieMe est placée sous les ordres
du colonel T., chefd'etat-major du corps." Maczek now knew Kitching had paid the priee.
1Z0 Steams Papers 27 April 81.
1Z1 RG24: WD 22 CAR 22 August 1944."The picture at Point 262 was the grimmest the regimcnt
had so far come up against...Wlburied dead and pans ofthem were strewn about by the score...they had
severa! hundred prisoners of war loosely guarded in the field."
ln Hutchinson suggests another possibility as "the last sttaw": "Simonds went fonvard to HQ 4
Cdn Armd Div at about 1500 lus ( 20th August) to get to see for himself and obtain more accu.rate
information. Told by Maj-Gen Kitching that Trun and St Lambert were in Canadian bands, 8imonds
worked his way forward, in the 8taghoWld, to the high ground about one mile east ofTnm and two miles
from St. Lamberfto see the battle. Brought under machine gun tire by a party of Gennans about 300 yards
offthe main road on his returnjourney, Simonds came back inta Kitching's headquarters e.xtremely angry.
Though Kitching never cJaimed the rood between the two lowns was clear, Simonds berated mm for bis
failure to give accurate infonnation and then left In retrospect, Kitching believes this may have been the
critica1 incident in bis relationslùp with Sïrnonds." Hutchinson, 241. Kitching does not mention the incident
123 See: Meyer, Kreigsgeschichte der 12.58 Panzer Division. 354. Georges Bemage La Retraite
Allemande (Bayeux: Editions Heimdal, 1988), 36,87. Michel Duftesne: "Normandie: Âout 1944 Heurs et

• malheurs d'Wle fin de campagne. Les décisions des commandements allies et allemands." Rewe Historique
des Années. No.3 (Vmcennes: Château de Vmcennes, 1987), lVI-lIS.

• Although the divisions were dismembered124 and the panzer force all but shattered, there
were enough left over to destroy Operation Market Garden, cause the Americans serious
worry in Lorraine, gamson Calais, defend the Scheldt, and form the core ofanother
Strategie Offensive. The Order ofBattle for German forces in France and Belgium still
totaled weIl over 250,000 troops,12S
Historically, Falaise has produced a minor statistics kampf. There are varying
accounts and numbers. Recent studies suggest that orny 44,800 troops got out orthe
pocket. 126 Grand totais for German Normandy lasses appear ta include total casualties
from the entire campaign - D-Day ta Falaise. Further, statisticians appear ta confuse the
actual fighting elements with the A and B echelon elements orthe two armies.
Throughout the campaign, German rear areas (reforming Kampfgruppen, logistics and
administrative personnel, or troops in hospitals) were thinned out and steadily evacuated.
A good example is L2 S5 HI whose alleged reduction from 20,000 men ta a battlegroup
of 500 is often cited as evidence ofthe Normandy bloodbath. Hitlerjugend did suIfer and
Many of its commanders and panzergrenadiers died in Normandy but a surprising number
were captured or killed after the Kessel, during the Rücksmarsch through France and
Belgium. For example, Kurt Meyer, the COS, Hubert Meyer, ail three Regimental
commanders (Wünsche, Waldmüller and Mohnke), the bulk of the Divisional
Headquarters and Most of the rear echelon escaped the Falaise pocket despite the
supposed tight net created by Allied armour and taetical air: 12,000 Hitlerjugend and ten

124 Sorne Wlits~ through discipline and esprit de corps maintained morale. The Das Reich was
ugreatly impressed" when Meidel~s 3rd Fallshinnjaegers marched out orthe gap "in cadencett~ singing their
lied. Gennan discipline rernained tight throughout the August battIes~ 10 Polish Annd Bde found, included
in captured enemy documents "3 sheets ofvery paor quality note paper on which was written no less than
200 limes in an Wleducated Gothic fist: 'r must look at the training syllabus three limes a clay.'" RG24
13712 2nd Cdn Corps IntSum No. 20~ Aug 1944.
125 Broken down: 165~800 escaping from Nonnandy~ 72.000 from 15th Anny north orthe Seine~
plus training and support cadres. Dufresne daims"' un effectif nominal de 371~OOO hommes.tt Dufresne,
119. "On 29 Septernber OB West reported bis losses since 6 IWle as fol1ows: Army [total] 363,OOO...Navy
appx. 60,OOO ...Luftwaffe: 29~OOO, •.total (less fortresses) 460,900 (sic)," MS B-D34, OKW WarDiary, 29
Sept 44~ 151.

126 "44,800 honunes sortis de la Poche, 60,000 hommes entre le mer et Gace, lS,SOO hommes
entre Gace et Nonancourt, 25,500 hommes entre Nonancourt et la Seine, 12,000 hommes a l~est de
Vimoutiers." Bemage 114.

tanks assembled at Verneuil-sur-Avre after the battle. 127 Enough that the 12 55 HI

• remained a formidable force for the Ardennes offensive three months later. The 55
divisions in general seem to have got out ofthe Falaise pocket surprisingly weiL 128 The
real 10ss was the "small change" ofarmies - the infantry battalions - combat experienced
units that were either overrun or trapped within the pocket. The German army was still
65% horse drawn. Although there was no mass surrender and the bulk of the trapped
forces escaped, the battle has nevertheless been dubbed the "Stalingrad of the West" by
Western writers. The entire campaign was a long, slow bloodletting for the best
formations in the Reich 129 that ended with a impressive tour de force by Allied armour.

Paying The Piper

Montgomery' s "get on or get out" style had finally appeared in 2nd Cdn Corps.
The understanding and forgiving Simonds who had kept Keller and Foulkes in July now
ordered extensive decapitations. By the end of August 1944, among the nine infantry or
armoured brigades, three brigades retained their original commanders. Of the twenty-four

• infantry battalions only seven commands had not changed. Five battalions and two
armoured regiments 10st their commanders because they were considered unsuitable. 130

117 UThe totallosses to 22 August amounted to approxirnately 8,000 men. The existing strength of
the Division on that clay was approximately 12,500 men and not 500 me~ as repeatedly reported in relevant
lîterature." H. Meyer, 204.
128 Ist 55 LAH Pz Div: 10,000 ail ranks; 2nd 55 DR Pz Div: 12,000; 9th 55 H Pz Div: 15,000;
lOth 5S H Pz Div: 10,000; 12th SS HI: 12,000; 17th SS PzGren Div: 6000; Pz Div Lehr: 8,000; 2nd Pz
Div: 8,000; 9th Pz Div: 1000; 116th Pz Div: 8,300; 3rd Fallschinnjager: 5,000; 2,000 each for 276th, 277th
and 353rd InfDivs; 1,000 each for 84~ 326th, and 363rd InfDivs. Bayerlein (pzLehr) reponed:'~ ...20
tanks and tank destroyers...rour batteries of artillery...one and one halfbatteries of anti-aircrafl.. about 100
half-tracks, and about 100 motor vehicles." Impressive totals for a division that endured the initial bombing
at St La on 2S July. Bernage, 87 and Dufresne, 114, 119. Sec also: MS B-631, Feuchtinger: "21 Pz Div."
129 Estimates have include a grand total of 460,900 Gennan casualties, including naval and air
forces. "Et cette erreur est devenue un cliche reproduit a l'infmi." Dufresne 119. Allied losses were high:
206,703 American; 124,394 British and Canadian. First Cdn Anny sutrered 18,444 casualties by 23 August
(5021 were fatal). The Falaise Campaign cast total 5,679 casua1ties. Stacey, Victory Campaign, 271.
130 5laœy, Victorv Campaign, 275, see: Crerar Papers. "Personal and Secret ta Simonds 29 Aug
44 re 'Demotion ofCommanding Offrs'.tt By the end ofthe campaign the surfeit of Artillery officers in
command was fmaIIy noticed by Crerac. rn bis instructions to Simonds regarding a replacement for AlBrig

Ganong, Crerar wrote: "to he replaced by a suitable nominee C!lQ! a Gunner officer)." Underlining is

The American performance in the Normandy breakout has been bath praised and
criticized. The argument may be made that Bradley was not perfecto But to deny the
brilliance ofhis corps' operations would he unfair and petty. Raving acquired
Operational Maneuver, the Americans performed in a grand style that was as creative and
effective as Manstein' s 1940 Campaign in France. The Canadian Army did its job, albeit
at great, perhaps too great, a cost. Canadian losses per capita of their male population
were the heaviest ofthe western Allies. Crerar appeared content to follow orders rather
than ta read the battle and seize any initiative with his army. At a time when Patton was
both taking Brittany and stretching the envelope east toward Dreux, Crerar continued ta
bash south towards Argentan. 131
The performance ofCanadian armour is another story. The armoured divisions
were ill prepared for combat in Normandy at the operational or brigade level, however,
the exploits of individual regiments troops and squadrons were in the finest traditions of
any army. The difficulties lay in command and control. Simonds had two months to
perfect his art, Kitching and Maczek had three weeks. Normandy was a "learning

experience"; it tumed out to be the only experience.

131 Crerar was bighly regarded by at least one ofhis British Corps commanders: "General Crerar

who in my opinio~ bas a1ways becn Wlderrated, largely because he was the exact opposite ofMontgomery.

He hated publicity, but was full of common sense and always prepared to listen to the views of bis
subordinate commanders. Horrocks, 182.
U .


Out-Gunned, Out-Armoured, and Out-Numbered

The outstanding lesson of the campaign as far as the units wc have visited are concemed
is the fact that Shennan 75rnm is out·gunned and out-annoured by the Germans.
Operational Report First Cdn Anny 2 Aug 44

Valentines to Russia - The Canadian Tank Scandai

The Canadian Armoured Corps was an enthusiastic national response to

Blitzkrieg. The young Dominion fielded four independent armoured brigades and two
armoured divisions. As a symbol of its new strength and technical ability, they were to be
equipped with an advanced Canadian tank. The Ram rI was a rival ofthe American
Sherman and a serious contender for the North American main battle tank crown. It was
an advanced vehicle for its time, designed with a turret ring large enough to accept
heavier calibre guns. 2 The original plans called for the installation ofa six pounder,
which gave it immediate superiority over aU existing tanks; however, the guns were not
immediately available and a two pounder interim was installed. As the war continued,
Canadian industry caught up with demands. The Ram II was finally introduced, fitted out
with the six pounder gun and built in sufficient numbers sa each Canadian armoured
regiment would be completely equipped for the invasion ofEurope. It was not to happen.
As the war continued, armoured warfare mutated to monstrous proportions. Yet,
white the Germans and Russians were desperately augmenting armour and gun calibre,
the Western Allies continued to produce medium tanks. The requirements for the

1 Ram weighed 2S tons, Bine feet high, Bine feet wide and about 8.5 feet long; it could clear an
eight foot trench. Capacity was ISO gallons ofpetrol for a range of 125 miles. Top speed was 25 mph
Communication was provided bya No. 24 wireless. Sec: Chamberiain/Elli~ 172.. 174~ William Gregg.
Canadian Military Vehicle Profiles Vol 2 (Rockwood: Canadian Military Historical Society~ 1981)~ Profile

• No. 2.
2 Chamberlain 1Ellist 172, Grave, lOOt Gregg, Profile No. 2.


Sherman (successor ta the M3 Grant with a 75mm gun in a fully traversing turret) had
been drawn up by the Armored Force Board in 1940. A pilot vehicle (T6) was completed
at Aberdeen Proving Grounds on September 19, 1941: "It is tempting ta suggest that the
T6 was influenced, if not copied to sorne extent, from the Canadian Ram in view of its
similarity.,,3 An early production Ram, named for the device on General Worthington's
coat ofarms, left the Montreal Locomotive works in July 1941 for five months ofmals at
u. S. Army Proving Grounds in Aberdeen, Maryland. In the end, the Americans adopted
the M4 (soon to be christened "Sherman" by the British), while Canada mass produced
enough Rams to equip a full armoured COrpS.4
Regular use ofRam fi in the OK uncovered flaws. Vehicle trials were ordered in
1942 and finally a committee was formed ta evaluate the Ram vis à vis the Sherman,
which was being introduced into selected British armoured regiments in England. Its
findings were harsh. S It was decided to totally convert the Canadian Armoured Corps
from Ram II to Sherman. 6 The formaI announcement was made on 1 June 43.7 DND
ordered the Canadian Armoured Corps ta "reclassify Ram as a target tank and adopt the
M4A4 for the CAO."s Initial plans called for a mix ofCanadian produced Shermans

3 uDocumentaly evidence, and the chronology ofevents, disprove this however." Chamberlain and
Ellis, 114. uInstead ofwaiting for the redesigned vehicle which wouId eventually emerge as the M4t the
British Tank Mission in collaboration with the canadian General Staffdesigned a modified M3 for
production in Canada. The new tank was to use the standard M3 power train and nmning gear. but the hull
and turret would be a Canadian design." R. P. Hunnicutt, Shennan - A Historv ofthe American Medium
Tank (Belmont: Taurus, 1975), lOS, Chamberlain and EUis, l13 t William Gregg, Canadian Militaty
Vehicle Profiles Vol 1 (Rockwood: Canadian Military Historical Society, 19S1)t 14-15.
.. Grove, 99. "The APGts report on the Ram was concerned ooly with its comparison to the M4
and otTered no comment on its relevance to the T6 design." Chamberlain and Ellis, 114.
S "Ram II does not meet the requirements ofa tirst line operational tank... 6 pdr does not penetrate
enemy tanks at more than SOO yards ... navigates obstacles better, steering and braking superior
...[Shennan isJ ... less fatiguing •.. tire hazard less .•. the hull ofthe Ram is cast steel whereas the hull of
the Shennan is annour plate ..• cast steel is more easily penetrated." RG24 12 291 HQ 1 Cdn Army TIc
Bde. Minutes of Comparison Ram and Shennan Tanks. Committee headed by Srig. R. A. Wyman. 31 May
43. See: WD 9 CAR., 5 Annd Div, ltaly. 15 Dec 44. The decision was hastened on 22 May 43 when Stuart
advised McNaughton \lf "Serious Ram spare parts shortages...• General McNaughton referred to Ram l
conversion to recovery and engineer tank•••Rant Ils wouId be used for armoured OPs and Command
tanks••:' RG24 12183 1/ARMD OPS File. 19 Mar 43. RG24 12290. Stuart to McNaughton 22 May 1943.
6 RG24 12290. Memo Stuart to McNaughton 22 May 1943. RG24 12290 Cdn Tank Policy. Memo
1 June 43.
7 RG24 12290 Cdn Tank Policy. Memo 1 lune 43.
If Cdn Tank Policy. Memo 1 lune 43.

augmented by purchases from Washington. However, the American production cou Id not
meet the Canadian requirements. By the end ofJune the British War Office "confirmed
they will provide M4 ... 1000 M4A4 from UK.,,9 Subsequent agreements resulted in the
decision to reorganize three Canadian armoured brigades fram War Office resources, and
equip one brigade with M4AI from Canadian production.
Despite the clear requirement for a new tank, the Canadian tank industry was not
tumed around. Obsolete British Valentines lO continued ta he built for Lend Lease by
Henry Blaine Bowen at CPR's Montreal Angus ShOpS.ll Useless in a modem armoured
battle, the vehicles ended up·as "infantry tanks" in Russian second category assault
divisions. By the fall of 1943 it was patently clear that the Third Reich was in retreat in
Russia, pursued by factory fresh T34/85s and the first Stalin tanks. Sending Valentines to
Russia had negligible effect on the Soviet war effort but robbed Canadian regiments of
badly needed Shermans, or ideally, Fireflies.
Canadian production was restructured to produce ISO x 25 pounder Sexton 12 SP
(SelfPropelled) guns, and fi fty Shermans per month white the War Office promised to

equip the 4th and 5th Canadian Armoured Brigades with M4A4, the 2nd Cdn Armd Bde
with M4A2, and the Ist Cdn Arrnd Bde was to be given M4AI from Canadian production
Iioes. 13 The TOE (Table ofEquipment) Iisted 490 tanks per Canadian Armoured Division

9 The Canadian plans were to convert production "lOOOIO to 25 pd! artiIlery ... accept M4A4 from
WO ... arrange with WO re disposai of600 Ram Il.'' RG24 12290 Cdn Tank Policy. Memo 261Wle 43.
10 Britain ordered 300 Valentines !rom the Canadian Pacifie Rajlway Company on 13 August
1940. Initially they were to equip army tank brigades but the decision ta build a Canadian Cruiser tank
based on the American M3 Medium resulted in another production arder for Ram Is. Grove, 98.
Il Stalin had already forced the Americans to promise the Red Army all production ofDiesel
powered Shennans despite British picas. Diesels were less likely to "brew up." Despite theÎr tactical -
inferiority, Canadian Valentines were weil constructed and appreciated by Soviet infantry: "Only the first
30 VaIentines of the 1,420 finally produced by the CPR by May 1943 saw service in Canada, where they
were used for training. The rest went to Russia where they were sorne of the most popuIar western tanks
used by the Red Amy." Grove, 98. Also, Chamberlain/Ellis, 116.
12 "15 pro S. P. Tracked, Sexton" was anned with the 25 pdr and eventually replaced lOS nun SP
"Priests" initially distributed as SPs. Sorne Priests landed with 3 CID on 6 June. "Sexton entered
production al Montreal Locomotive Works early in 1943 and by the end ofproduetion in 1945,2150 had
been produced." Greeg, Profile No. 3., Grave, 100.
13 Decision taken at the end of August: RG24 12183 lIARMD OPS File Secret Memo 21 Aug 43.
The Sherman series included the following typeS:
Wright-Continental R-975 Whirlwind radial aircraft engine;

British designation Shennan I: 75mm gun
M4Al Wright-Continental (in some Cdn Annd Regts); -

and 193 main battle tanks (MBT) per independent Cdn Arrnd Brigade,14 but the net result
was the smôrgasbord ofequipment found in 2nd and 4th Cdn Arrnoured Brigades. 1s It
was not unusual to have a squadron's tank state include "!Win Jimmies" (GM engines),
Chrysler A-57 multi-banks, and even the Wright-Continental R-975 Whirlwind radial
aircraft engines. This created difficulties in supply and maintenance. Although delivery
was less than satisfactory, in the final review the decision to accept the M4 made good
sense. Although the British 16 stubbomly stuck to their doctrine ofCruiser and Infantry
tanks, a clear appreciation of Canadian requirements, the realities of the battlefield, and
production capabilities suggested that one tank, not two or three, was the logical solution.
There was no Allied main battle tank ready to meet Tiger. The Churchill was slow and
clumsy while the Pershing was still delayed by intemecine disputes. The immediate
choices were Sherman, Cromwell or Churchill. British tanks were praised for their
Christie type suspension, electrical fittings, gear boxes and steering brakes. British tank
engineering, in general, was poor. The engine compartment design, location of cooling
system, and other accessories made engine removal very difficult. 17 Of the Allied MBTs
available, only the Sherman was battle proven in 1943 and, when evaluated against
available British kit, a far better tank. The Sherman's engine mounting was designed for

British designation Shennan II: 75~ last series - 76nun gun

M4A2 Diesel powered GM Twin 6-71 (found in sorne Cdn units; mostly in USMC and Red Artny
fmns); Sherman fi 75nungun; Sherman mA 76mm gun
M4A3 Ford GAA (mostly US Arrny TIc Bns) Sherman IV an 75mm gun
M4A4 Chrysler A-57 mu1ti-bank: five automobile engines rnated together - lengthened rear hull
(manufactured almost exclusively for British 1 Cdn Regiments); Shennan V: 7Smm gun
M4A5 Designation for Canadian Ram Tank: only in Cdn units; one Ram r tested by US Army
Firefly: 17 pdr gun. (Brit 1 Cdn Arrnd Regts only): nearly all marks of Shermans were converted to
Firefly but most numerous was Sherman V. When fitted with 17pdr the suffix e was added, i.e.
Shennan rc, lIe, mc, IVC and Shennan VC (most numerous).
14 RG24 12183 l/ARMD OPS File: AnnouredRec:ce Regt received 43 MBT; Annd Regt 61. HQ
Annd Division 13 où.xed tanks (8 cruiser, 5 Comdl AA); HQ Arrnd Bde got 12 mixed MBT (8 cruisers~ 4
Comd 1 AA). By ·'cruiser" tanks \Vas meant Shennan. A "Command tank" was a Sherman with the gun
removed to allow for more mdios and maps.
15 Total US production of tanks was 88,410 ofwhich the Britishgot 25,600. Total British tank
production to December 1944 was 24,843. Gennan tank production was 24,360. The M4A4 Shennan tank
comprised 4,537 individual parts - ofthese only 1,269 were manufactured by Chrysler, the remaining 3,268
\Vere supplied by sub-contractors.
16 British Artny fielded 11 armoured divisions and 12 independent annoured brigades by 1945:
Crawford, 36-48.

• 17 "British tanks are not made to take the engine out...British tanks are generally barder to start."
Cletrac Questionnaire,. 2, 3.

easy service and quick removaL The turret and hull had more room for crews and
maintenance was relatively simple. "Better vision for both driver and bow gunner ...
power traverse ... spares were more readily available.,,18 The most beloved feature of the
Sherman was the power traverse. 1t gave the crews a fair chance, indeed, an edge, over
German armour in a close quarter melee.

The Canadian Shortages

Briefly therefore, we are short of Shennans, and we are likely to be shorter.

MajGen Richards, RAC, Main HQ 21 Army Group, 15 Aug 44

Allied armoured doctrine, side-tracked-by myopie squabbles and erroneous

analysis, failed to produce a tank capable of meeting German ar.mour on anything
approaehing an equal footing until 1945. Allied inability ta build a main battle tank,
despite extensive experienee and a wealth of teehnieal data from two theatres, resulted in
horrendous casualties ta bath its armoured forces and their aecompanying infantry.
Capitalist industry's failure ta forge what the Soviets and Nazis had aecomplished by

'. 1942 has been called "The Great Tank ScandaI." 19 The Canadian compromise ta keep the
tank industry "tieking over" with limited Sherman production and concentrate on the
Sexton SP was ta prove deadly by the summer of'44. 20 Tota11y dependent on British
supply, the Canadian Armoured Corps round itselfwithout the 17pdr Fireflies it required
to survive in battle. Worse, the Replacement and Conversion Units had no modem tanks
on which ta train crews - every production model was sucked into the Normandy
maelstrom. This was Canada's private "tank scandai": tying up assembly lines to crank
out hundreds of third-rate lend Iease tanks to a country that was already produeing the
best tanks of the war. Worse, remaining production coneentrated on manufacturing self

18 The engineering bad points were minor: position ofbatteries below turret basket on sorne
Sherman marks, long work required to change steering brake drums, and the "volute..spring..and..lever type
suspension."-RG 24 10457 WC 2 CAB June..July 44. RG 24 10457 WD 2 CAB June-July 44.
19 Sec: David Fletcher The Great Tank Scandai (London: HM Stationery Office, 1989), 1-2.
20 Chamberlain and Ellis note that: "Australia and Canada, which actually got as far as producing
tanks of their own in the war years, have always received less man their fair share ofrecognition for tlle
tremendous effort and iJùtiative involved. In each case their indigenous design started offbased on the
American M3 Mediwn tank...Both the Canadian and Australian vehicles ended up vastly superior to me

original M3...In the event of the Canadian ~ the Ram, still managed to play a Most important part in the
war, but as a special purpose vehicle in several essential but WlgIamorous roles." Chamberlain 1Ellis, 14.

propelled artillery white the tank crews were pleading for Fireflies. Particularly galling
was the revelation that shortly after the Normandy landings, 3rd CID scrapped its SP
guns and re-equipped with towed 25 pdrs. The tracked SPs were left to rust - eventually
mutating into Simonds's "Kangaroos.JJ 21 Complaints from both 2 CAB and the
Conversion Units harassed CMHQ, which in tum badgered Ottawa:
Sorne concem over the inadequacy oftraining of CAC reinforcements on
the Sherman tank mounting the 17 pdr ... ail available Sherman 17 pr
tanks are urgently required for operational theatre ... not possible ta
release even one for CRU training purposes. 22
By the time At/antÎe was aver, both Recruiting Units reported serious shortages and
finally, nil retums on Sherman VC Firefly and even Sherman lITs:
Secret. To Chief of Staff CMHQ from DRAC. 25 Jul 44. At present there
is no pool ofspare Shermans, either new or part wom ... the current
Sherman shortage precludes the use of more than an absolute minimum of
substitute vehicles. 23
Canadian repair crews (CEME) finally resorted to cannibalization. Eventually, returned
Shermans resembled Panther hulls arriving at the Henschel Werks from the eastem front,
stripped bare to the Metal. This resulted in stiff warnings from Main HQ First Army.24

• Over-confidence and a refusai ta listen to advice from the British military mission
resulted in Yankee hubris. Facing Normandy panzers and panzerfausts, Bradley's Corps
were confronted with sky rocketing tank casualties. By July, the impossible happened;
the American Army began to run out of tanks.

21 SPs ("Prieststt ) were built on M4 chassis and mowlted a 10Snun gun-howitzer. Canadian COAs
decided to reequip RCHA regiments with towed 25 pdrs because of the latter's superior range.
n 2 CACRU trained replacements for lst and 2nd Cdn Arrnd Bdes while 3 CACRU provided for
4th and 5th CABs.. RG 24 Vol. 10,457 BRAC File 30-7. 5 JuIy 44.
23 RG24 Vol. 10, 457 BMlRAC/443(RAC2) 2S luI 44.
24 RG24 10457 Secret 97-2-2: Main HQ First Cdn Anny 4 Aug 44. By 17 Aug First Cdn Army
alIounents for field units were: Shennan III xl; VC x66; V:<44; Cromwell x34; Challenger x8 and Stuart

:<93. Total deficiencies: 217 Shermans (equal to 2nd Br Anny's 217 for three Annd divs and two Tk Bdes)
and 259 other MET and Stuart vs. 2 Br Anny's 168. RG24 14186 BRAC First Cdn Amty lS Aug 44.

• Ongins ofthe Scandai

The individual superiority of Matilda in 1939, a superiority diminished by lack of

nwnerical strength, once fost was not regained until four years later with the 17-pounder
up-gunned Sherman in Nonnandy.
G. MacLeod Ross
Why is it that l am always the last to hear about this stuff: Ordnanœ told me this 76
would take care of anything the Gennans had. Now l find you can 't knock out a damn
thing with il
General D. D. Eisenhower

By the summer of 1944, western annour had evolved, in theory, in direct reaction
to German armament. In faet, it reflected the personal biases ofgeneral officers in key
positions who, rather than answer clear caBs from the battlefield, ensured their personal
philosophies were implemented. In England, Fuller-Liddell Hart disciples and RTC
zealots directed tank development.
In these lotus years until the outbreak of the Second World War, J. F. C.
Fuller and B. H. Liddell Hart began ta prod authority from inside and
outside the War Office respectively, though they never tackled the Many

technical problems which had to be resolved before the tank really
supplanted the horse on the battlefield.... In retrospeet it becomes clear
that no one in authorit~ was giving any thought to either the technics or
the tactics of the tank. S
In the United States, General Leslie McNair operated behind the support and approval of
George Marshall. While it may be argued that Russian and German armies were even
more under the aegis of their political bosses ( in particular Hitler, whose meddling in the
most trivial of technical decisians hamstrung bath the Panzer Arm and the Luftwaffe26), it
must be noted that dictatorships managed superb tank parks. Western expertise focused
on their air forces, yet even here they failed to produce an operational jet aircraft like the
Me 262. The Allies had aimed to develop an operational doctrine for their awn
Blitzkrieg, but could not exercise it while saddled with inferiar weapons whose taeties are
based on thë parry rather than the lunge. By the summer of 1944, Western creativity in
operational warfare appeared stymied. After five years of battle, Allied armoured

2S G. MacLeod Ross with Maj Gen Sir Campbell Clarke The Business ofTanks 1933 to 1945
(Devon: AnhurH. Stockwell. (976). 38·39.

26 Walter Warlimont. tIanS•• R. H. Barry Inside Hitler's Headguarters (New York: Praeger. 1964,

doctrine had not appreciably changed; there were still two types of AFVs: the Infantry
Tank and the Cavalry (or "Cruiser") tank. There were two types of formations: Tank
Brigades, which operated with or under command ofan infantry division, and Armoured
Divisions, capable ofoperational maneuver. In practice, the letter ofthe dual tank
doctrine was not religiously followed and the Americans and Canadians relied on one
battle tank, the M4 Sherman. The British, who could least afford it, deployed three main
battle tanks: the Churchill Infantry Tank and two Cruiser Tanks, the Sherman and the
The Allies had defeated TigerS" in North Afiica in the early months of 1943. By D
Day, Tigers had been living in British captivity for weil over a year. Why was German
superiority such a surprise in Normandy? A flawed appreciation, based on incomplete
evidence was the reasan. Initial contact with Tiger suggested that it cauId be knocked out
by available a~ti-tank artillery, and although a trial was ordered to test these theories, it
was never completed. 27 Accordingly, after final victorf in Africa, it was decided that the
Sherman couId do the job and the American heavy tank programme was stalled. The T7,

ready for production in 1943, was cancelled. The Sherman was the more lagical choice if
one's priorities were transportation: "... it was preferable to use the available shipping for
two 3D-ton medium tanks rather than one 60-ton heavy tank.,,28 Early reports, expressing
undue optimism and nationalistic self-satisfaction from Alamein and Tunisia, had been
encouraging. The American heavy tan.k was placed on the back bumer as McNair decided
to go into Europe with the Sherman and his Tank Destroyer~.29

27 Sec: RG24 10596. Repon by Col J. A. Barlow (DDG of A) and LtCol Neville, Weapons Tech
StaffField Force, regarding initial attempted test at Robaaba Pont du Falls on Ûle only Tigers killed in-
Africa. An RCE officer was present and look first photos. Test was cancelled when British RA officer
supporting the scientific team decided to withdraw bis anti-tank gWlS because ofsporaelie mortar tire.
28 R. P. Hunnicutt Firepower - A History of the Arnerican Rean Tank (NovalO: Presidio, 1988),
49. The decision was damned later by combat troops: "The ractthat our equipment must be shipped over
long distances does no~ in the opinion ofour tankers, justify our inferiority. The M4 bas proven inferior ta
the Gennan Mark VI in Arrica before the invasion ofSicily,. 10 Juiy 1943." BGen 1. H. Collier, Comd
CC"A." Exhibit No. 1. P. 1. ftom: Maj.Gen. I. D. White, Commander 2nd Annored Division, A Regon on
United States vs. Gennan Annour - Prepared for General orthe Anny Dwight D. Eisenhower, Suoreme
Commander AIlied Expeditionary Force 20 Match 1945, USAMHI. ExhIbât No. 3. Hereafter cited as W1ùte
29 Continued production ofM4A3 (76nun) and its brawny cousin (1781Ml mantlel, 140mm nose

annour, 102mm frontal plating), Ûle M4A3E2 - appropriately dubbed "Cobra King",. first used in Operation
Cobra but was better known as '~Iwnbo. This was the US interim version of an Infantry Tank.

While the Americans procrastinated, British industry was both not competent and

• tao extended by the war ta give tank design any sort ofpriority; as a result the least
skilled men ended up at the tank: design bureau.
... the D ofM who steadfastly refused ta stir the apathy ofthe General
Staffin this respect, refusing to up-gun his tanks because the General Staff
had not asked for bigger and better guns. Thus it came about that
ignorance interposed one more obstacle in the essentialliaison between
those whose duty it was to decide WHAT ta build and those whose
responsibility was HOW to build it. 3o
The result was the alarming state ofBritish Armour: under-armoured, under-gunned and
mechanically unreliable nightmares (l'... with the cooling system installed backwards to
suck in hot air from the engine and roast the crew ... it took forever to perform the
simplest repairs")? 1 The best the British could do was come up with the excellent 17
pounder and agree that the ooly decent tank to mount it on was the American Sherman.
American attempts to create an interim battle tank were blocked from within by
McNair' s preference for the tank destroyer and the bias of American Industry and
Ordnance against the simple logicai solution of the Firefly.32 The 1943 AGF policy
statement (issued after the North Afiican campaign) conciuded:
Bath British and American battle experience has demonstrated that the
anti-tank gun in suitable numbers is the master of the tank.... There has
been no indication that the 76mm anti-tank gun is inadequate against
German Mark VI tank. 33

30 Correlli Bamett, The Audit ofWar (London: Collins, 1986), 255 t see aIso Hancock and Cowing
British War Economy (London: Collins, 1969), 145.
31 Bamett, 263.
32 '~American tank development policy seems to have been just as moribund as the British, though
with more excuse due ta their isolation.... Between L919 and 1938 no less than 18 types of tank were built
as pilots, with none ever going to productioll: a record which parallels the British." Ross, 25S.The British
Director General of Artillery, General Campbell Clarke, sent a sample 17pdrto the British Inspector
General of Annament in Canada; the British Technical Mission in Detroit was able to obtain dimensions
and confinned that the Chrysler Shennan turret could he made ta accept il.
33 McNair ignored Devers' other recommendations regarding the ID progranune and immediately
cancelled the main battle tank. "The recommendation of a limited proportion of tanks carrying a 90mm gun
is not concurred in for the followîng reasons: The M4 tank bas been hailed widely as the best tank on the
battlefield toelay.... There appears to he fear on the part ofour forces of the Gennan Mark VI (l'iger) tank.
There can he no basis for the T26 tank other than the conception of a tank-vs.-tank duel- which is beüeved

to be unsound and unnecessaIy." Rg 337 (BQ. AGF) 320 "AGF Policy Statement", Chiefof StaffAGF.
Nov 43. USAMHI•

.. The report was premature and served ta further General MeNair's personal bias against
Armor and a eontemptuous reaetion ta British battlefield lessons as weil as bis own
staff' s report. Meanwhile, RAC Liaison Letters, issued throughout British, Canadian and
American headquarters, continued to send storm wamings.34 Despite the cautionary
advice given by ordnanee experts, the British could not convinee the Amerieans to build
Fireflies. The 17pdr was not considered suffieiently superior to the 76mm tank gun to
warrant American production. General Devers actually refused ta attend a shooting
demonstration that compared the 17pdr ta the 76mm and 90mm guns. Rejected in Detroit
and Washington, the British Teehnical Mission advised Whitehall that ifthe British
wanted Fireflies (the 17pdr M4), they wouId have to build them themselves. 3s
There were two reasons which prevented the Amerieans from aecepting
British advice: the suspicion that the Machiavellian British had so advised
because they had sorne ulterior and probably sinister motive, or, the fear
that if an American accepted our advice he would be told by the
isolationists that he had sold out to the Limeys.36
The Americans dug in their heels. The only reason the British won in the desert,
American tank designers said in private, was because American Orants and Shermans
arrived in time. It was American armor, not British, that won in Africa. Although
exaggerated, the theory was not altogether untrue. American faith in the 76mm gun and
the tank destroyer would not be shaken until Normandy, when it was too Iate, and
Bradley was reduced to begging Montgomery for Fireflies. 31

34 See: Infonnation on PzI(w VI from 30 Militaty Mission. Moscow. 30 April, 1943. From: David
Fletcher. editor Tigerl The Tiger Tank: A British View (London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1986),
27. See aIse RAC reports: ORist 171.0090116, RAC Liaison Letter, April 1943.
3S The 17 pdr \Vas a surrogate solution and seen as such by tank experts. The British Mission
continued to lobby for a new heavy tank: "Annoured Board recommends ... hy tIc T26A1 on a large scale,
development and correction ofdefects must be pushed with the greatest possible vigour.•. greatest poSSIble
urgency." RG24 10455 &AC Branch 21 Army Group. Brigadier G. Macleod Ross: "Report. British Anny
Staff 1British Min ofSupply Mission." 18 July 44. "US would refuse to fit 17 pdr on the grounds of
production, necessity and Jack oftime...[even though] ... 17 pdrwas superiorto US 3" comparative
ballistics \Vere 14.4 lbs at 2600 mettes for 3"US and 17 lbs at 3000 mettes for 17 pdr." RG24 10597 Memo:
"Washington Tank Meeting No. 69. Re: Fitting 17Pdr/3" ioto Vehs" 30 lune 42.

36 Vivian Dykes, quoted by Ross, 193.
31 Mayo, 331, 388, an~ Ross, 288, 290.

Although Tiger had been defeated, technical analysis was misinterpreted and

• incomplete and Panther had not been evaluated at al1. 38 The first Panther knocked out by
the Allies in Europe was killed in Italy, during the attack on the Hitler Line on 24 May 44
by a Canadian crew from the British Columbia Dragoons.39 The tirst detailed Panther
reports read by Eisenhower's staffwould be from Normandy.
Even more ftustrating for Bradley was the realization that Montgomery' s
armoured units, equipped with 17 pdr converted American M4s, owned the better main
baule tank. The AlIied armoured force was in a complete muddle. A certain bittemess
was directed at the British-Canadian Annies tram 12th Army Group. This resentment
was resurrected in the US Official History ofOrdnance which noted that while Shermans
were desperately needed by American troops, "There was one resource within the theatre;
the plentiful Shermans held in reserve by Field-Marshal Montgomery's 21st Army
Group.',.ro This raised a bitter protest tram British pundits41 but the question was fair. If
Montgomery reaUy meant ta adhere ta rus strategy, why not feed Bradley the extra tanks
for the breakout?

• 2 CAB Out-gunned, Out-numbered

The dichotomy within the Canadian "tank scandai" was that, despite an
impressive industrial base in Canada, the army was totally dependant on British stocks
for Shermans. Canadian tanks were built in the United States, shipped to England where
they went into a common pot, and were redistributed by the British Army.

38 "US Anny had accumte knowledge of the Panther's charaeteristics [August 1943] a1though
Dean [MajGen. William F. D~ head ofRequirements Sectio~ AGF] believed that the Gennan
production would emphasize Tigers. Yet there is no evidence that anyone in AGF wondered whether their
guns were adequate to cope with the Panther" Bailey, 91.
39 M4 Shennan, commanded by Lt N. C. Taylor; Gwmer was Tpr C. D. Shears. See: RG 24 WC
HQ S Cdn Annd Div. 24 May 1944. See a1so: Roy, Sinews of Steel, 250-251 for a detailed account ofthis
engagement by Taylor himself taken from BCD Archives.
40 Lida Maya, The Ordnance Departrnent: On Beachhead and Battlefront (Washington: Office of
Ûle ChiefofMilitary History, 1968), 312.
41 Brigadier MacLeod Ross (1942-1945 British Technical Liaison Officer to the U. S. Anny
Ordnance in Detroit - the "Arsenal ofDemocracy") takes issue with Lida Mayo's "ambiguous comments"
regarding tank shonage, paniculady her assenion that American replacement sh:lnages in Nonnandy
continued despite heavier casualties while Montgomery was permitted to maintain a generous reserve of

1,900 tanks for British and Canadian armoured battalions. Ross blames American shott-sightedness and
refusaI to accept practical advîce. Ross, 280.

Canadian military historians have been careful to point out the high casualty rates

• in Normandy.41 American, British and Canadian infantry battalions reported senous

shortages by the end ofJuly, however, a review oftank retums confirms that there was
also an equipment shortage. The slow unloading rate at the Mulberry harbours added to
difficulties. British production attempted to answer immediate, albeit reduced,
requirements ofBritish Armoured Divisions. Independent Infantry Tank Brigades took
second priority to the arm ofdecision. There was no favoritism; simply, there were not
enough Sherman VCs to go around. From June through early August, the maximum
number of Fireflies in the entire 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade never exceeded
twenty-three tanks.
The plight of2 CAB has been overlooked in the accounts ofthe great battles that
took place in July and August. Canadian attacks never enjoyed taaical superiority in
armour - indeed, they seldom had parity.43 The situation would not be redressed until
August when the cumulative effeets arfour Allied offensives and the virtually non
existent replacement programme had reduced German panzers ta mere shadows oftheir
o Day strengths.

41 "Field Marshal Montgomery bas published figures indicating that down to l October the 3rd
Canadîan Infantry Division had more casualties than any other division in the army group, and the 2nd
Canadian Division was next." Stacey, Vidary Camoaign, 271;" After 29 June the 3rd Division's NP rate
skyrocketed and during July more than one in every three casualties was due to battle exhaustion.... By 21
July the division had been in combat for six weelcs and had casualties almost equal to its total strength in
riflemen. Indeed, 75 percent or more ofthese casualties had occurred in rifle companies ofthe division and
the losses of officers and NCOs had been, as expected, proportionately very high." Copp 1McAndrew,
115, 117.
43 Table 10: Strength for Gennan tank forces in the west:
Dale hUI ('fi) hlV (%) PZV (%I) Auauh Oulllllld TO. Total 1% oCoverall Sir

30 Apr44 14.5 (16) 674 (J2) 514 (JI) 101 (l8) 119 (7) 1621 (19)

10 June 44 39 (5) 748 (J1) 683 (JS) 101 (16) 310 (8) 1861 (20)

See: MS#P.()59 US Anny Histoncal Section. 9 June 1950, lO-13.0CMH, USAMHI•




L 3
JPZJSTUGBN 1 2 3 4 0.25
GER. BN TorALS 3 7 10 Il 1.25
CDN RN TOTALS 3 3 3 6 14
Note: 25 Juiy includcs the 3 tank battalions of22nd British Annoured Brigade (7th Annd Div)
that supported Spring and actually engaged German annour. Canadian 1British tank
"regimentsn were in fact, battalion sized formations.
. Table Il

The most serious problems were Firef1ies and replacement crews. 45 If a squadron
lost 50-65% tanks, which was not unusual for tanks in Normandy engagements, the crews
generally suffered 15-25% casualties. Replacement MBTs were stocked by the
Replacement Squadron, or Tank Delivery Squadron, often formed from a unit that had
been broken up. Their mission was ta bring up new tanks from the beaches, fitting them
for action and filling them with new crews sent over from the training depots in England.

• The tanks were then delivered to the fighting regiments. The reality of operations
changed this. Tanks were placed in forward tank parks and simply picked up and driven
away, often directly into battle by veteran crews. Replacement crews were regularly
dumped off at RHQ and sent forward with the rations. Despite the large training cadres in
the schools and depots46 most new troopers arrived with only a rudimentary knowledge
of driving, mechanics or gunnery. Few were cross trained and many had only a brief
introduction to the Sherman itself: 47

44 RH21-5144, "Kriegstagebuch panzer-Anneeoberkommando S.", Abendmeldungen 23.7.44-

25.7.44MS 8-162, OKWWD 1.6.44-14.8.44. and, RG24 WDs 2 CAB, 4 CAB, 4 CAO, 2 Cdn Corps.
45 By 8 June, immediately after the battle for Buron, 27 CAR's tank states report reorganization
from four ta three 2 CAB squadrons: ~'The unit bas now been organized on a 49 fighting tank basis, Regtl
HQ 4 tks, ea~1! sqn HQ 3 tics, 3 tps of 4 tks each." DHist. War Diary 27 CAR. L4 L.4A27013(02). 17 July
1944. P. 3.
46 See MajGen E. L. M. Burns Manpower in the Canadian Army 1939-1945 (Toronto: Clarke
Irwin, 1956), 91.
47 '~I expected about 2S replacements, I gallO and when r Iooked at them closely, I realized that
ha1f ofthem were Second Lieutenants. 1 gathered them around the back ofa tank, took a Oashligh~ picked
up sorne stones and showed them how wc operated - basic taetics. Then 1 mixed them up in the crews,
Uying to make sure there were veterans with the new corners. 1 didn't break up oId crews ifI couId. At
dawn I took them into battle. The lucky ones survived." LtGenRadley-Walters, persona! intelVÏew, L991.

Sherman vs. Panther: Small Unit racties and Gunnery Complaints

• Stout·heartecL calm and deliberate crew comds who make haste sIowly will in every
engagement best the enemy's ponderous tanks.
u After Action Report on Atlantic by A Sqn. 23 luI 44

Aggressive Squadron commanders did triumph in tactical contests. Although they


had fought a half dozen engagements and two major battles (Buron and Carpiquet), the
Sherbrooke Fusiliers learned important lessons trom their three day contest for St. André
and Hill 67. In the after action report the squadron commander stressed three key points:
prevention ofenemy tank recovery, smoke sereens, and tactics:
It was found that ... Disadvantages were saon tumed into advantages by
the bold use ofthose taetics. Stout-hearted, calm and deliberate crew
comds who make haste slowly will in every engagement best the enemy' s
ponderous tanks. 48
One "(esson learned" taetical adjustment capitalized on a Panther design fault:
One round, which struck the lower half of the curved gun mantlet and
being def1ected downwards went through the top deeking (5/8" thick)
behind the driver. This exploded the amn, It appears that this can be done
every time by hitting the lower part of the gun mandet. 49
This required exacting gunnery but gave Shermans a fighting chance against Panther.
During June and early July comprehensive studies were conducted throughout
2 CAB regarding gunnery and tank survival. The most numerous and consistent crew
complaints were, in arder ofpriority: "1. Armour 2. muzzle flash on the 17 Pdr VC
Firef1y 3. observation and hatches.n$O Insuffieient armour protection was the great
nemesis. Frontal hits on Panther were defeated by German armoured plate at ranges weil

48 "Recoverv: Every effon must be made to bum enemy tanks when the possibility e:dsts of
recovering them, otherwise they live ta fight another day. Smoke: The practical use ofsmoke must never be
forgotten particularly in attack. A sqn shoot produces a most effective screen. Serious consideration to the
installing of rear enùssion smoke on tks should be considered." OHist 141.4A 27013 WD 27 CAR; "After
Action Report on Atlantic by A Sqn.l~ 23 Ju144.
49 RG24 14287 27 Cdn Annd Regt (Sher Fus) After Action Repon. 17 luI 44, 15. TIùs technique
had evidentIy been discovered by the Russians earlier because by the late summer new models ofPanther
with an improved, deflecting gun mantlet began to arrive on the Normandy front See: T. L. Jen~
Germanyt s PantherTank- The Ouest for Combat Supremaçy, (Atglen: Scrutrer Military, 1995) "Crun Gun
MantIel" "was introduced in September 44" on the Panther Ausf: G, 96.
50 RG24 2 CAB. Gwmery and CrewQuestionnaires. Appx D. Reports from aIl units in 2 CAB

June-JuIy re "Shennan II, V, VC and Stuart V. The other "top peeves" were seats that prevented access or
escape and anuno misfires.

under SOOm while the MkVs U70 gun couId take out Shermans at will. sL The high

• penetration rate to Sherman forced ad hoc measures on the battlefield:

The system used is to tack weld track links to tbe bull and the turret just
strong enough to avoid being shaken off by the vibration and the motion
ofthe tank. On top ofthe welded links additional loose links are either
hooked in by means of the end connectors or wired loosely into posn.
Under these circumstances a shot hitting one ofthese links breaks the weld
and allows one or a group of links to slip. These links also act as a burster
course for HE and have the effect of spaced annour in combating HC or
PIAT. j2
The acknowledged i~novator was Major S. V. Radley-Walters of "A" Squadron
whose technique was soon copied by the rest ~f the Regiment and 6th CAR. The method
spread throughout Normandy.53
On interviewing tk crews in the tk harbor they were unanimous on this
point and most of the crew commanders quoted numerous occasions
where both the 88mm and 7Smm HV AP shot had hit their tanks at close
range without penetrating. Maj Radley-Walters stated that Churchill track
links loosely welded on his glacis plate deflected an 88mm AP shot fired
from a range of 100 yds.... Every available type oftrack link is being used
and in "A" Sqn every tk was I?lastered ail over with Sherman, Churchill,

Panther and Tiger track links. S4
While there May have been concurrent, 27th CAR's solution was the first
officially considered by the War Office who promptly sent down an RAC team
accompanied by London engineers to evaluate the battlefteld

51 ~~ A single shot from a Panther knocking out two Shennans before finally stopping in the driving
sprocket of a third.'· Radley-Wallers persona! interview, 1990.
52 RG24 2 CAB. Appx D: '~Fighting Equipment Division D.TD. to 21 A..C. A..F.V. (Tech)."
Report and interviews with 6th, 10th. 27th CAR tank crews. 27 JuIy 1944 (Hereafter cited as D.T.D.
Report). -.
53 British units appeared to dislike uQuick Fix ArmoW'" because it was Canadian. ~'Tk crews state
that the preset Quick Fix plates are being removed by en shells •.. from Cdn sources ••. thought to he little
good .•. Cdn units [shauld) understand that titis does notprovide annourprotection in the true sense of the
worel." RG24 1045821 Anny Group AFVTech Report No. 1430 Aug44. ~~It wouid appearwiserto use
the extra weight-canying of the Shennan to take a better gun; i.e.• to make German tanks more wlnerable
rather than to attempt ta decrease our own vilnerability." No. 2 Section ORS~ Report No. 12. 2.

• 54 D.T.D. Report


Medium TIrIIc'Sbcnnm' M4 Al·A4 PlnzcrKampfWqcn IV Sei K.C% 16111 AUI! H

CJurl: 7Smm (75 Calibcr Lqlh) 0Un: 7SmmKwK40 (48Calibar~tb)
Rqo (EffFnnal Pcnotntion): MIe IV ta 1oocm~ PwbIlrtrllcr: nit ~e œŒFnxàl Penetntion): aU AUiedMBT ta tSOOm
Beat Annour Pmo1r'Iticn li soan: J.S" Bat AnnOta" Penontion Il 5OOm: 5.5"
Amlour Pi~ Shell Velocity mec: 2030fpI Annour Pieteinl SbeU Velocity mllCC: 750-930
Annour (mu): 3" Armour(màNnu): SO-71 mm
CanbatWoÏl~31 um Ccmblt Wcigbt 2S rom
Heia~287cm Hoighe 268 cm
Spoe 25 mpb(roedT. 20Cxcaunay) SplOd: 38 mph (RlId)~ 2S (xCOUlUy)
Cmr.S C'nlw: 5

Medium TIrIIc 'FItIf1y- M4 Al PanZlldCImp{Wagtll V "Panrher- Sei KCz t 71 AIDf: 0

Quo: 76.2mm Oun: 75mm KwK 42 (70 Calibcr ~th)
Rqe (EffFrorul Panetntian): MIe IV ta 2000m~ Paber 12~ Tiler 500 Rqo (EŒFrorul Penatntion): aU AUicd MeT ta 3lOOm
Beat Annour PcnelI"Iticn lIIl5OOm: CNer 6' Bat AnnOta" Pcnccration Il SOOm: S.S'
Annour Pi~ SheU VeJocity mIIec: 2030(pI Armour Piercing Shell Votocity mlsec: 93S.1120
AnnOUl(max): 8tmm Armour(min.mu): 80-1'20 mm
Canblt W~J3 um Canblt Wciaht44.8 tonI
He~2S7cm Hoiaht 300 cm
Spnct 25 mph (roedT. t s (xccuntry) SplOd: 46 mph (RlId)~ 24 (xCOUlUy)
C'nlw: s


Tank DaClClyIr MIO PanZllrKamptwllcn VI "Tiserl' Sd KCz 181 AUlf: E

0un:16mm Oun: 88mm KwK 36 (56 Calibcr Lqth)
Rqo (EffFrorul PlIlllntion): MIe IV ta ISOOm ~ P. . .trigcr: nil Rqo (EIrFrorui Ponolnlion): lU Allicd M8T to 2S00+m
Bat AnnourPenetnlÎon lIIl500ft: 3.5· Bat AnnOta" Ponontion It SOOm: ovor ~
Armotr Picrcing SheU VoJocity m/lec: 870 AnnourPim:in& Sboll VelocitymllCC: 810
Anncnr. S9mm Annour(min-max): l~IIOmm
Canbat W~ 30 tons Canbat Wciaht 5S rom
Hoïp: 287an Hoight: 286 cm (f)JAAYMOWYCZ
Specd: 26 mph (roedT. 15 (xccullry) Spcod: 38 mph (rœd); 20 (xalWltry) AUG97
Crcw: 5 Crew: 5 CONClERTlC.COR

MIlHU .... D, A:

DINH" ca• •Mur: ILL

• .-AL


PanzcrKcnpfWqen vr 'L18or n" SdICtt182 AUlt B
Ourr Umm KwK 43 (71 Caliber Lqlh)
~o (Efl'Fnxul Pcnetntion): .n
Allied MBT la 2SOO+m.
~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ BatAnnourPonecration Il 500m: 6"plUi
AnnourPierc:ing Shell Velocity mlacc: 1000-1130
IIIGT V.... IIAITUT • Annour(min.max): 1~1 sa mm

Cantal Wcigbt 69.7 tmII

DlFUCTID l.lf fIG" TUIU1': Hcight: 309 cm
Spad:: 31 mpb {rœd~ 17 (xc:owùy)

Figure 29

expedient. They complained about the additional weight and engine stress."

Notwithstanding official recommendations, crews continued to weld tracks onto their

tanks. If the angle was greater than 10 degrees and the range over 1000 "Quick Fix
armour" often saved the crew's lives. 56 In essence, it was "appliqué armour," now
standard throughout NATO and former Warsaw Pact armoured forces.

The Sherman VC Firefly

The weakness of the 17 pdr was its good gun but tIùn annour. The gun had a bright
muzzIe flash and a small puffofsmoke remained at the muzzle. This gave the position
away when the 17 pdr was firing beside 7Smm tanks.

The Firefly was both a godsend and a curse. It was the only tank capable oftaking
on the Panther and Tiger. This was quickly recognized by the panzer battalions and soon
Fireflies were singled out for special attention: "these are always hody engaged by the
enemy as soon as they are seen sa that cas in them are high. nS7 The Firefly' slang 17

pounder gave it a distinctive profile which crews tried ta disguise: U17 pr [barrel] should
be painted black for four ft from the muzzle."sg The Sherman VC had recurring
problems: main gun misfires, engine stoppages, and very high petrol consumption.
Besides the constant complaint over armour, muzzle flash caused the most concern.

55 Reports from D.T.D, BRAC and 2 CAB contain photographs. descriptions and crew comments.
See aIse: OHist 141.4A27013 27 Annd Regt (SHERFUS), RG 24 Vol 14,287 27 CAR uOperation
Atlantic" and, D.TD. Report. uWc carried 3.5 tons of e.wa track welded on our tanks 1" The chief engineer
counselled Radley-Wallers: UWhY9 with ail this extra weight, you 911 be lucky ifthis tank goes another 300
kilometres." The battle..scarred Major9weary after three days oChard fighting around St André9pointed to
Verrières Ridge, one kilometre away, and still held by the Gennans despile three Canadian assaults: "Ifshe
gets me to the top ofthat- she's paidforherselfl n LT.Gen. S. V. Radley-Wallers, correspondance and
interview April, 1992.
56 By OCtober even BRAC admitted that appliqué annour was not a bad idea: ··Instrs issued ...
extra track may be fastened to turrets and hulls at the discretion of Annd fmn comds ... addit 1000 lbs on
turret and 300.9 lbs on hull is suggested as reasonable maximwn.." RG24 14186 BRAC9First Cdn Anny,
CAC Int Bulletin No. l, lS Oct 44. Other crews used sand bags. wood planks. chicken wire cages filled
\Vith ration boxes and rood wheels. Germans used the same principle. Slugs even applied concrete around
the gun mantlet and the driver visor. Bruce Culver, Shennan in Action (Warren: SquadronlSignaI 9 1977),
9,37. 4S and, Bruce Culver, Stunngeschütz fi in Action (Warren: SquadrOnlSignal9 1976)9 49.
51 RG24 10460 2 CAB papers: Appx B. u6 Cdn Annd Regt. Answers to Tk Gwmery

• 58 RG24 10460 2 CAB papers: Appx: C. 14Reply 10 DTD Tk GUMery Questionnaire. By 10 Cdn
Annd Regt. Eqpt Shennan fi and VC and Stuart V.n

"There is no difficulty with the 75mm but with the 17 pr it is impossible ta observe under
1000 yds. ".59
The 17 pr full charge amn has such a high velocity that by the time the
dust has settled enough ta observe tire, there is no indication of strike.
This prevents accurate observation of tire and reduces the efficiency and
amn economy of the weapon. 60
The high velocity 17 pounder produced a bright flash that momentarily blinded
the gunner and announced to the watching world exactly where the Firefly was, soliciting
a prompt reply ftom hidden SP, anti..tank or tank guns, ifnot the target itself: 61 It was
recommended that the bow gunner or driver could often help indicating "fall of shot."
Normal wind dissipated the pollutants and allowed the gunner to identify fall of shot and
make the minute corrections that permitted the ail important second round hit; otherwise,
the Germans had enough time to respond.
The crew commander could try to help by sticking his head out the hatch and
follow the engagement with binoculars. At distances over 1500 meters the trajectory was
high enough and the time of flight long enough ta allow gunners to regain 20-20 vision.

Engagements under lOOOmeters, the area where the majority of tank actions took place,
meant that precious seconds were lost: "It is desirable eventually to have two Sherman
VCs per tp thus ta maintain constant tire which cannot be done now because tank must
withdraw to get fresh amn.,,62 To add to Canadian ire, German smokelessllow..f1ash

59 RG24 10460 2 CAB papers: Para. 8. This is supported by ail Canadian reports as weil as
supponing documentation ftom 144 RAC, 33 Annd Bde (British) included in the report Cornrnents are aIl
sirnilar: "Gun flash interferes with observation on Shennan VC...firing the 17 pr the flash seriously
interfered wiÙl observation." See Tk Questionnaires throughout
60 RG24 10457. l Cdn Field Research Section, Main HQ Ficst Cdn Anny. 141an 45. Report on
RAC weapons: Answer to WTSFF Questionnaire No. 1. The tIacer bum on 17pdr anuno was not
considered satisfactory: l~not bright enough...bums out too quickly." Other anuno types were aIso criticized:
••APDS was not liked by those who used it because of unpredictable accuracy at ranges over 800 yards. At
short range it is considerecl very etTective...HEAT was not considered very accurate at long range." The

Tank Gwmery Questionnaire (Apx A WTSFF) contained 27 specifie questions answered by regtl orres and
61 The main gun also produced a tremendous report accompanied by a violent blast that created
large dust cIouds. The tremor and blast annoyed accompanying infantry and momentarily obscured the
targel RG24 10457. l Cdn Field Research Sectio~ Main HQ First Cdn Army. 14180 45. RePOrt on RAC
weapons. Apx A WTSFF.

62 RG24 Vol. 10925~ 03 3 Cdn InfDiv Jul44. Lessons Leamed .. 3 Cdn InfDiv Questionnaire.
Appx "O." Other problems ernerged - gunnery misfires and sorne tanks t electric circuits caused engine
faHure: "Quite frequently the engine will stop." 3 Cdn InfDiv Questionnaire. Appx "O." In addition,

powder meant that the signature from a firing Panther or Tiger was considerably less
making acquisition more difficult. Only the dust from the cannon blast allowed detection
by the most alert Firefly gunners.
There was unanimous demand for a proper cupola to allow safe observation.
German tanks had commanders' cupolas fitted with episcopes that allowed ail around
observation and, when opened, proteeted the head ofthe crew commander. Canadian
Shermans and VCs' hatches opened upwards. German cupola hatches popped up a few
inches and then couId be swung ta the side: this gave the crew commander four inches of
clearobservation yet shielded him from shrapnel, air burst and machine gun bursts.
Canadian crews had no such protection yet most tank commanders chose to have hatches
open since spotting the enemy first was another life or death matter. Further, it allowed
the crew ta breathe fresh air. 63
Crews are exhausted and have headaches after long engagements but this
is not known whether this is normal or due to fumes. Fumes are not
noticed in the excitement of battIe. 64
Determined soldiers were prepared to take the risks and the results were predictable; the

• highest percentage of tank crew casualties were the vehicle commanders. 65 Regimental
requests were persistent :
The ail around vision cupola is very much wanted; crew commanders
consider that the present observation through the periscopes in the cupola

"Petrol consumption of lhis veh is high... n Tank Questionnaires throughout 6 CAR: Paras 14; 10 CAR

Para 15; 27 CAR: Paras 14J5t 33 Annd Bde: Para 8; 21.

63 Other adjustments were the universal dumping of the 50 Cal HMG mounted on Shennans. The
firing position (crew commander had expose his upper torso) was much disliked. The gun constantly hit
low branches or got entangled in wïre. They ended up on reconnaissance Bren Gun Carriers. Commander
of A Sqn, 7th Recce Regt recalled: l'We stripped the knocked out tanks found the ordinance tank parks or
were given 50s by crews. By the end ofJune every Bren Gun Carrier had its own 50 calibre machine gun.

Quite a lot of tire power for a recce troop." Colonel James Domville, persona! intelVÏew, 1988.
64 6 CAR answers to Questionnaire Para. 3.c. "Homelite fumes, howevert are distressing. In one
case a gnr was knocked by Carbon Monoxide from the Homelite while tiring with the Tk engine stoppcd.'t
33 BAB answers to Questionnaire Para 4. "Convoy driving most unpleasan~ especially in view orthe
diesel fumes given offby the Sherman III. If there is a following win~ panicuIarly when the tank is
stationary, the dust cloud moves ronvard interfering \Vith observation and the suction through the oil cooler
draws the dust through the fighting and driving compartmen~ through the periscope, lurrel ring and any
joint that is not dust tight» 27 CAR answers to Questionnaire Para15. ü.
6S " Casualties to tank commanders through head wounds when a tank is not penetrated are a
serious problem, as they take longer to train and are more difficult to replace:' RG 24 Vol. 10tSS4 Appx

• '~r to 21 Anny Group RAC Liaison Letter No. S, "Extraet From Report by Medical Research Section on
the DistributionofCasualties AmongstThe Crews ofCromwell and Sherman Tanks" 28 August 1945, 2.

is entirely inadequate and experience praves there should be at least a part
ofthe hatch open sa they can stick there heads out to observe. As a result
the cas ta crew comds have been very heavy from snipers and ordinary
rifle and MG tire. Crew comds once more demand that they have an
adjustable seat sa that they can see out of the cupola without having to
stand in an awkward posn. They point out that in the prolonged actions
that have taken place, cornds have ta stand for as long as 18 hrs on end. 66
Veteran tankers simply wanted Allied engineers to simply reproduce the Tiger cupola but
there was no response ftom the factories. Commanding a tank continued to be a very
dangerous and unarmoured occupation.
During the winter of1943, while formai tests were being conducted at Chobham,
a captured Tiger was put on public display at a: Horse Guards Parade.67 American and
Canadian armoured officers joined British school kids in climbing over the tank and were
relieved to find out it was a sitting duck for any 6 pounder. The truth was the exact
opposite. Controlled trials quickly proved that although Tiger could be killed via short
range flank tire, should it choose a less aggressive taetic and select ta fight it out at long
range, the Royal Ordnance scientists discovered, to their harror, there wasn't an Allied

tank in the inventory that could defeat its annour. Point blank engagements at under 100
meters proved that 6 pounder and 75mm tank guns could not defeat Tiger's armour. The
rounds simply bounced off
There was more bad news: controlled tests68 with standard Sherman and the new
A4 armed with the highly touted 76mm MIAI gun Gust being delivered ta American

66 10 CAR answers to Questionnaire Para S. ~'Unti1 the ARV cupola appears in the service, crew
commanders will continue to put their heads out when searching for targets or observiog tire." 27 CAR
answers to Questionnaire Apx D. Para S. ·'The Comd still prefers to put his head out while searching for
targets and observing fire ..•. There is a great demand for the commander's cupoJa. The present practice has
been to leave half of the hatch open and observe with the head out of the opening. Many crew commanders
have been lost this way due to mortar tire and snipers but the feeling is still that the chance must be taken."
33 BAB answers to Questionnaire Para S.
67 '~BJig A. Granelli visited the School ofTank Technology and retumed to repon he had seen Ole
'Tiger' PzKw VI, and had been impressed by its overall size~ ofwhich~ the Bdr saiel, '00 very accurate idea \Vas
conveyed by photographs.'" RG 24, L4045 WD 2 CAB 3 Dee: 43. Tigers had been atthe School ofTank
Technology at Chensey since October. ATiger was then placed in Horse Guards Parade for general public
inspection in November 1943. December's London Illustrated News (4 Dec 43 issue) shows Anny officers and
children climbing over the tank. It was retumed to Chertsey and Lullworth Camp, Dorset for gwmery trials.
61 Gennan tests recorded perfonnance ofKwK (tank gun) and Pak (AT gun): uCaIibre Muzzle

Annour-piercing capacity in mm with annor piercing sheIl 39 at MM Length Velocity rn/sec angle of60
degrees" at ranges to 3000 m. Both 7S and 88 nun regularly penetrated Shennan Annour equivaIents to 2000
m. 88mm penetrated at 3000 ID. MS#P-oS9, Gennan Tank Streogth and Loss Statistics (US Anny Historical

select tank battalions) produced disturbing results. The standard Sherman 75mm, which
formed the bulk of American, British and Canadian69 tank battalions, had no chance
against Tiger'O unIess they maneuvered within 100 meters and hit the rear turret or
vertical side plates. This was particularly risky business for US and British tankers since
Tigers were always protected by a silent partner71 and hedgerows were defended by
German infantry armed with panzerfaust. Canadian Shermans had to cross the open velds
that characterlzed the country between Caen and Falaise.

Penetration Table: Tiger versus Sherman Al (75mm M3 Gun) and Shennan A4 (76mmMIAI Gun)72
Tiser 1vs. Sherman A2 Shennan A2 vs. Iiger 1 Tiger 1 vs. Sherman A4 ShennaJ) A4 vs. TiRer [
Front: Tunet 1800 m Dm 1800 m 700 m
Mantle 200 m Dm 200 m 100 m
DFP Dm Dm Dm 600 m
Nose 2100 m Dm 2100 m 400 m
Side: Tunet 3500 m+ 100 m 3500 m+ 1800 m
Super 3500 m+ 100 m 3500 m+ 1800 m
Hull 3500 m+ 900 m 3500 m+ 3200 m
Rear: Tunet 3500 m+ 100 m 3500 m+ 1800 m
Hull 3500 m+ Om 3500 m+ 1700 m73
Table 12

• The 76mm M4 MIA4 stood a better chance however, A4 Shermans were in short supply.
Not a single 76mm was available on 6 June. By 6 September only 250, out of the 1913
tanks in 12 Army Group, were A4 Shermans. The British 76mm gun - the 17 pdr

Division, 9 IW1e 1950). The statistics provided by German experts (Professar Porsche. Hermann Burkhart
~[ueller-Hillebrand, and Generalobst Franz Raider), 7.

69 BritishlCanadian Regiments were variously equipped but primarily with the A4: "the decision orthe
US Service of Supply to allocate to the British the entire Chrysler output of Shennan (M4A4) tanks for the fl1'5t
quarter of 1943." Ross, 239. Ross insisted on "standardizing the engine" but was not totally sucœssful.
Canadian Shennans were driven by aircraft engines, Chrysler and Ford V-Ss. See: R. P. Hunnicutt, SHERMAN
A Historv orthe American Medium Tank (Belmont: Taurus, 1978), throughout, and, Konrad F Schreir Ir. The
Classic Sherman (Conga Park: Grenadier, 1969). 77, Chamberlain and Ellis, 116-118. Crow, 56-60.
70 Early versions orthe Sherman had a periscopic sight, the British Tank team visiting Washington
insisted that "British" Shermans be equipped with a telescope. American engines were ail superior to British
models. RoSS;- 241-242.
71 "Almost invariably. the sp ofat lcast one other tic or sp ~ which remained silent Wlti1 or
unIess needed." RG24 14186 BRAC, lst Cdn Anny CAC Bulletin No.l, Apx F "Experience with TIger
Tanks." IS Oct 44.
71 Tom Jentz and Hilary Doyle, Tiger 1 ReaYV Tank 1942-1945 (London: Osprey Military, 1993),
17,19-20. aIso, Tom Ientz and Hilary Doyle, Kingtiger (London: Osprey Military, 1993), 23,34.

• 73 British tanks fared the worse. Cromwell and ChW'Chil1 were easy kills; while their 7Smm guns had
little efrect on TIger's lough skin, sec: Ientz 1Doyle, 19.

mounted on the converted Sherman VC firing APCBC (self discarding sabot) scan
proved to be the only MBT thatcould defeat Tiger in a frontal engagement at ranges of
1700-1900 meters - and the tank crews loved it: "Without doubt the Sherman Firefly was
the best Allied tank ofWorid War TWO. n74

The Enemy's Cats

If we had a tank like that Tiger, we would all he home taday.

Sgt. Clyde D. Brunson, Tank Commander, 2nd Annored Division
Der Tiger ist, wenn man's bedenkt, Ein Wagen, der sich prinuna lenkt.7S
Tigerfibel (The Tiger Primer)

By July 1944, after three weeks ofNormandy combat, Allied armoured doctrine
had undergone drastic mutation. In the bocage country, American and British infantry
preceded assaults in order ta clear out tank hunting teams and lurking assault guns. In the
Caen sector every operational offensive that pushed into open country was savagely
hurled back despite overwhelming Allied artillery and air superiority. The German

defence so altered Allied doctrine that heavy bombers were pressed into service on four
separate army level breakthrough attempts and the Commander of2nd Canadian Corps
was forced to resart to complex night attack in August despite the fact that his opposition
had been reduced to one emasculated SS division. It was not until Bradley had achieved
operational maneuver that "traditional" armoured doctrine retumed. There were many
reasons for the stalemate from 6 June to rnid August; sorne ofthese include the Allied
inexperience, dynamic German leadership employing a proven doctrine, and defence in
depth. The list is long, but one could also simply say, "Tigers and Panthers." They
stopped the Allies cold. Nothing couId knock them out and nothing could withstand their

74 See: RG24 Vol. 10,457 2 CAB "Tank Questionnaire· Gunnery" 27 JuIy 44 Appx B. Firefly
firing "super APDS 17pdr shot" could not penetrate fronral annour on Tiger n but could defeat side and
rear annour on hull and turret 6 Mk V's were observed moving from ST ANDRE .•. which we
U •••

engaged together with B Sqn. Due to the range the 75nun had no AP effed:.... The Fireflies were brought
up and these two were brewed up." RG24 1428727 CAR After action repo~ 17 Jul 44, 16.
75 "When one thinks ofthe Tiger Tank, the vehicle is in the first rank'~ Tiger crews were given a
maintenance manual crigerfibel "The Tiger Primer") that included cartoons, maxims and mottoes:

• Tigerfibel. Inspector Geneml ofTank Troops 01.08.1943 (Wehnnacht Service Regulations D656/27).
Motorbuch Verlag. Stuttgart.

The technologieal superiority ofTiger and the aggressiveJ almost reckless way it
was employed by its confident crewsJ created a powerfullegend that mesmerized Allied
commands and agonized Allied armoured troops. British and American armies first
encountered the new German heavy tank, the PanzerKamptWagen VI "Tiger I," during
the North Arrican Campaign. It outclassed anything in the Allied inventory. It weighed
54.1 tons, carried 100mm frontal armour plate that defeated every gun in the Western
inventoryJ and mounted the 88mm Kwk 36 U56 cannon which killed every Western tank
it could find, at any range. Nonnandy introduced the Allies ta the newest main battle tank
in the Wehrmacht arsenal: the PanzerKampfWagen V "Panther": crew offive, combat
weight 44.8 tons, managed 45 kph on roads and 30 kph cross-country, which was 5 kph
raster than the Sherman, a much lighter tank. It carried the very deadly Rheinmetal 7Smm
KWK 42 U70. "The German guns have a much higher muzzle velocity and no tell-tale
flash. The resulting flat trajectory gives great penetration and is very accurate.,,76
PantherJ like Tiger, was produced as a German reaction to Soviet annour. In
1941, when General Guderian discovered the Soviet T·34 and KV tanks were superior to

• German main battle tanks, he urgently requested a special commission ta design a new
main battle tank as quickly as possible to "restore German superiority.,,77 Suggestions
included outright copies of the T-34. The final decision reached was to base the panzer
arm on two new ali-German designed tanks: Tiger and Panther. Rushed production had
its drawbacks. By 28 June 44, the Inspector General Panzer Troops, Heinz Guderian,
reported on the state ofGerman AFVs:
The PzKptw IV, V and VI have proven to be successful..[but]... The
Panther appears to catch tire quickly. The lire span of the Panther' s motors
(1400 to 1500 kilometres) is significantly higher than the Panther's final
drives. A solution to the final drive problem is urgently needed. 7&

76 Exhibit No. 1. Repon: SGen J. H. Collier, CC OLA", l, White Report.

71 General Heinz Guderian, Panzer Leader (London: Michael Joseph, 1952), 276.
78 MkVengines were unpredictable: OL27 JuIy-5 Aug the [panther] coy changed HQ three times,

• always- moving at night •.. new engines after435 miles." RG24 13712, Maintenance Log l S5 Pz Div 4
Coy, 1 SS Pz Regt. 1 JuI·30 Aug 44.

Despite the camplexity79 and high manufacturing cast, Panther became the main battle
tank for the Wehrmacht and dominated battle, particularly in the West. Although it
dwarfed Sherman, Panther outperformed the American tank in wet and muddy terrain. By
the faH of 1944, there were bitter complaints from battalion commanders and crew
commanders alike.
It has been claimed that our tank is more maneuverable. In recent tests we
put a captured German Mk V against ail models of our own. The German
tank was the faster, both across country and on the highway and could
make sharper tums. It was also the better bill climber. so
The Panther had six distinct advantages aver Sherman:
a. smokeless, low flash powder
b. better gun: higher muzzle velocity, greater accuracy, defeated ail Allied
armour: "The Jerries' guns didn 't fail, they knocked out three of our Tank
Destroyers and one Sherman tank at 2800 to 3000 yards. Ifourtanks had been as
good as the German tanks they wauld never had scored a hit .... l have actually
seen ricochets go through a M4 at 3000 yards. nS1
c. better armour defeated ail allied guns above 500 meters in frontal engagement:
" ... l saw a 90mm ID shell bounce offa Mark Vat approximately 1200 yards....

r have seen HEAT fired from a IOSmm Howitzer at a Mark Vat 400 yards. The
track was hit and damaged and a direct hit on the turret which only chipped the
d. superior sights : ~~German sights caused us much concern ... more magnifying
power and cleamess than our own ... they are able to choose their power between
2 and 6 power, where ours is a stationary 3 power. The German sights have
lighted graduations and can layon a target at night.... ,,83

79 .~ ••• a tremendous variety of spare parts was required...cannibalization by crews was so lhorough

that the manufacturer would rarely receive more than an empty hui!." Gennan Tank Maintenance in World
War II. Dept orthe Anny. No. 20-202. Washington 1954. German reports noted:·· ..• large fuel consumption
...arrangements must always he made for Panthers to be protected by other troops at night ... less suitable
than Mk UI or Mk lVor assault guns for supporting pzQrens in mopping up/ovenmning the enemy.t' WD 3
US ArmYt G2 Periodic Report No.5, Appx No. 2, 30 July 44. Hansen Papers.
80 Exlùbit No. 2. LtCol W. M. Hawkins, Il, "Sgt Frederick H. Wilso~ Tank Commander: ·'The
German Mark V, which is much heavier than our M4, beat ours around a large sized field. Made a sharp
swerve or reverse ofdirection in a shaner space than ours can possibly do." Exhibit No.3 Sgt F. H. Wilson,
41. White RëPorl
81 Exlùbit3, SgtLeo Anderso~ 13, White Report.
82 Exhibit No.3, S/Sgt Clarence W. Pennington, 22. And, Exhibit No.2, LtCollohn A. BeaU,
Comd, 702d Tank Destroyer Bn., 19. White Report.
83 ~'For shooting iota the sun they just tlip a lever WhiC:l just lets dawn a coloured lens, reducing

the glare.'t Exhibit 3, Pte Howard A. Wood, T-S, Gunner, 6. and, RG24 Vol. 104602 CAB ·'Answers to Tk
GunnelY Questionnaire" A lengthy report with returns Crom the three Annd Regts in 2 CAB. 27 JuIy 44.
Appx B, Para 15. AIso, Vol. 10, 457, 1 CAC June 1945, "Tank Questionnaire" Para 25.

• e. superior flotation: "... before the addition of track extensions, our medium
tanks sank 6 to 8 inches while the MkVtraclcs were not over 4 inches."s4
f. greater speed
Although it weighed less than Tiger, Panther was physically larger (68cm wider
and 34cm higher) but it was always portrayed as a subordinate tank. !ts presence created
less panic. It was one ofthe curiosities ofthe war. There were oruy three weak Tiger
battalions in ail ofFrance yet they were reported everywhere. Panthers outnumbered
Tigers by at least four to one, knocked out more armour and infantry but never inspired
quite. the same terror.

Tank Killing: The Facts

Some things 1have seen in combat that were disturbing and disgusting to any tanker. Many limes
l've seen our tanks engage Gennan tanks in tank duels. Their tanks have the ups on us...• 1am a tank
commander and a veteran of Africa, Sicily, France, Belgium, Holland and Gennany. 1have been
wounded once and have seen most of the action that my unit bas been in. 1guess 1amjust lucky.
Sgt Lee Anderson. Platoon Leader, 2nd Annd DiviS

Field studies based on actual engagements were gathered at the direction of

• American, British and Canadian armoured headquarters ta permit clearer doctrinal

analysis of tank engagements in the ETO and tender a vast amount ofvaluable evidence
for the resolute military historian. The highest number of Allied war casualties occurred
in the three months of the Normandy Campaign, and there were clear differences between
the British-Canadian and American wastage. American tank casualties peaked during the
winter of44-45, reflecting Lorraine and the Battle of the Bulge. During the same period,
wastage for 21st Army Group was virtually nil. British-Canadian armour lasses reached
their zenith during the Norman summer. By the time Cobra was in full slither, Patton's

84 Exhibit No.2, Col. Paul A. Disney, Comd 67th Armd Regt, 2, and, Exhibit No.2, LtCol Wilson
M. Hawkins, Comd 3rd Bo. 67th Annd Inf., 10. Exluoit No.3, lst Lt. Harold A. Shields, Co "A", 66th
Annd Regt: ~.I noticed that the Gennan tank had sunk iota the soft ground about 3.5 to 4 inches. l also
noticed the impressions left by an M4 mediwn tank and noticed that it had sunk about 5 or 6 inches. TItis
was very ioteresting to me, as the Gennan Mark V ~ weighing approxirnately 45 ton, was three limes
heavier than my own tank, weighing lS too. Our own M4 mediwn tank weighs 30 ton." and, "1 saw where
some MkV (panther) tanks crossed a muddy field without sinking the tracks over five inches, where we in
the M4 started across the same field the same clay and bogged down." Exhibit No.3, Cpl Henry J. Fazziru.
White Report.

• as Gennan Tanks Destroyed by XIX Corps. lS Dec 44. Booklet Tank and SP Gun Identification.
Tech rot Bulletin #8. 20 Feb 1945. ETO. .

Third Army faced little armoured opposition, yet enjoyed the lion' s share of the attention,
while Hodges, Dempsey and Crerar struggled against the bulk of 5 Panzer Armee.
The AGF commissioned a series of reports from the Aberdeen Proving Grounds
and independent university scholars. DND Ottawa tasked serving staff officers familiar
with the armoured operations in France. Among the Most complete efforts were two
surveys by Professors Coox and Naisawald, a Canadian study, exclusive to Normandy,
conducted by two veteran cavalry officers, Majors N. A. Shackleton and R. P. Bourne86
and a comprehensive study by David C. Hardison for Ballistic Research Laboratories,
Aberdeen Proving Grounds.-
Shackleton and Boume studied twelve key Normandy battles featuring Canadian
forces at division level and below. The report's most important tindings were:
a. An average of three to one superiority, in sub-units and weapons, of attacker
over defender was only achieved in two actions, No.5 at Carpiquet (4 July) which
failed, and No. 6 at Buron-Gruchy-Authie (8 July) which succeeded.
b. In two of the successful attacks the defenders had no artillery support and in a
third the defenders had no tanks.

f. In the successful attacks the value of attacking artillery and mortar fire
exceeded that of the defence by more than 50%.
g. Except in one instance in the successful attacks (Pt 140, the destruction of
BCRs by Kg Wünsche on 9 Aug) the value of attacking infantry exceeded that of
the defence.
h. Except in one instance, in the successful attacks the value of the attacking
annour was at least 30% less than that of the defence. 87
The Hardison study gathered data from 136 separate tank engagements (part of98
Battalion or Combat Command actions) covering the period 15 August 1944 to 30
December 1944. Seven unit actions featured the battalions of3rd Armored Div (MGen 1.
D. White) and 4th Armored Div (MGen 1. Wood) from the Breakout and Pursuit in

86 Operations Research Office ORO T 117 Alvin D. Coox and L. Van Loan Naisawald, l'SURVEY.
Shackleton, "Analysis of Firepower in Nonnandy Operations in 1944 NDHQ Operational Researcb and

Analysis Establislunent (Hereafter cited as Analysis Firepower Nonnandy Ops 44). And, David C.
Hardison, "Data on WWII Tank Engagements fnvolving the US Third and Fowth Armored Division~,
BRLM Repon No. 798 Ballistic Research Laboratories Aberdeen Proving GroW1~ Marylanc1 1947
(Hereafter cited as BRLM 798), and. BRLM Report No. 702, "Terrain and Ranges ofTank Engagement ' •

Research Laboratories Aberdeen Proving Ground. Maryland, 1946.
17 Boume 1 Shackleto~ 2..3. BRLM 198.

Normandy, through to the Arracourt Battles and the Relief ofBastogne. 88 The
participating armour was primarily M4 Sherman although Tank Destroyers (MIO and
MIS) participated in eight engagements. The four significant findings were:
a. Range was the determining factor and exclusively favoured the Germans.
b. The Local Advantage ofthe Defense:
In the 86 engagements in which the numbers of weapons and casualties are
known, the allies employed a total of797 weapons, 10st 149. The enemy used 327
weapons, lost 158 " ... In the 40 considered engagements in which they were on
the attack, the allies lost 100 of437 employed weapons while the defending
enemy 10st 45 of 135. In the 37 engagements in which the enemy were attacking,
they lost 83 of 138 weapons while the allied defenders lost 14 of205."
c. The Advantage ofFirst Fire:
"Of Il engagements in which they fired first, the attackers lost 12 of88 weapons
while destroying 30 of64 defending weapons. Ors7 engagements in which they
fired first, the defenders lost 22 of 23 8 weapons while destroying 154 of 397
weapons. Thus in 68 engagements 34 of326 weapons were 10st by the sicle which
fired first white destroying 184 of461 opposing weapons."
d. The Advantage ofMass:

"Ofthe 81 cases where a force of3 or less weapons was employed, that force, in
37 cases, was annihilated. Of 91 cases in which a force of over 3 weapons was
used, the force was annihilated in only 10 cases.... It is interesting ta note that in
100 of the considered 129 engagements, one force had no lasses ... in a majority
of engagements, one force tended ta possess an overwhelming immediate
The study further identified two critical factors in tank combat: Locating the enemy
(target acquisition), and, the Advantage of first fired AIMED rounds (77% of
engagements resulted with NO casualties ta one force).9o Above ail, distance and armour
decided tank combat results: "in a head-on one tank against one tank fight ours almost
always cornes out as a casualty.,,91 Of 136 tank engagements investigated, wastage was
equally distributed in the three main range categories: 0-500 meters, 501-1000 meters,
and 1001-3500 meters. Each range group accounted for approximately one third tank

88 "Data on WWII Tank Engagements Involving the US Third and Founh Armored Divisions't
and. White, "A Report on United States vs. Gennan Armour.
89 BRLM 798, 9 10,25.

90 BRLM 798, 25.

• 91 Exhibit No.2 Col L S. Hincls, Comd CCB, 2d Annd: "Comparison orus Equipment with
Similar Gennan Equipment" L t

• kills whereas German lasses dropped by 50% at distances ovec 1000 meters: "The higher
muzzle velocity increases their trajectory, as range estimations are of less importance
with such a flat trajeetory.,,92 The immediate battietieid effects ofthe "tank scandaI" were
that German guns couid kill at any distance but the superior armour on German tanks
made them twice as safe at long range.

Tank Losses trom 136 Engagements ~

Range Allied Tank Lasses per Action: Gennan Tank Lasses per Action
out of Total 215 AFVs Ka'D out of Total 175 MYs Ka'D
0-500 meters 75 -35% 57 -33%

501 - 1000 meters 65 -30% 76 -44%

1001 - 3500 meters 7S -35% 41-23%

Table 13

A continued series of corps levei tank battles like Goodwood or Tota/ize would
have reduced the Allied tank ann to near impotence despite the aggregate attrition to

• German armour. Notwithstanding overwhelming air and tank superiority, total Allied
casualties were almost three times that ofthe Wehrmacht. If not for the arrivai of an
another haif dozen American tank divisions, there would have been no appreciable AIlied
arrnoured mass capable of both continued breakthrough operations and folIow-through
maneuver. In operational contests, the old lesson was repeated and relearned: attrition
precedes maneuver.
Given the technological reality ofthe battletield, the art ofkilling German panzers
en masse had less to do with gunnery than operationai maneuver. The Soviets had
discovered this by 1943; the western Allies adopted a "we'lllearn from our own
mistakes" approach. It took Montgomery at least four tries before one ofhis arrnies broke
through an~ by then he had decimated his annouc and fired most of its leaders.

92 Wlùte: LtCol W. M Hawkins, Comd 3rd B~ 67th Annored Regt.

93 This graph represents results trom data ïncluded in Hardiso~ BRL MR-798 "Data on W.W. n
Tank Engagements Involving the U. S. TIùrd and Founh Annored Divisions" which comprises detailed

• accounts of 136 tank engagements circa 1944-45 in the ETa. The final statistics have been compiled by the

• Tank Datroyu M 10
Gin: 76nm ( Ca1ibcr Lenam)
Ranac (EJlFfOIU1 Penctr&lion): MIe IV to I500m ~ Plntbd1tIcr: ni!
JaBdl'ln= ·JII~ Jlclh V Sel Ktz 173
GIa: Dnm PaK4313 (71 Ca1ibcr L~)
Bat AJmour l'cncIraCion Il !0Om: U· Ranac (ElfFronlll PcnctnIion): aU Alli. MBT 2000+m
Armaur Pien:ina Sbell Vclocity ntNC: 810
Bell Frontll Peatnti. It ,QOm: 6- plu
AnnIlUr. !9mn AmIour Pill'Cini Sbell Vclocity rw'sc 1000·1130
AmIour(DÛ\-ax): 60-90 am
CombIl Weilhl: 30 CON
Combat Weigbt: 4SOS tonI
Speat 16 mph (rotd)~ 20 (xcoUlury) Heialcmcm
Specd: 46 mph (lOId)~ 24 (xœuncry)

Il'dJ'Inzu pz IV Sel Kfll621t

GIa: 75nm Sll&K 42 (70 Caübcr Lenatl1)
Ranae (EŒ'Fronlll Pcnetnlion): 111 Alli. MBT uoom
Bell Annaut P...tralion Il SQOm: 3.5-
Armour PiCl'l:Ùll SbcU Vdocityrw'sc 935·1120
GERMAN TD ADVANTAGE Armour (DÛ\·ax): 45-90 am
Combat Weiaht 15.1 un
Heilht: 115cm
Spaed: 40 mph (roecl)~ 16 (XCOIlIItry)


• StuG III compared ta Grant Tank Dall'oyer SlUCi III Sd Kt.t 141 AlISCB
GIa: 7Smm SluK 37 (24 cabber Lqth)
Ranac (ElY Franla1 Pencti'alion): aU Alli. MBT 1SOOm

Bat Armour Peniltntion Il SQOm: 3.S·
Atmour Piercina ShclI Vdocu)' rw'scc: 3U
Atmour (DÛ\-nu): sa-lia am
QImbU Weiaht 22 lOIlI
Ha,1r 194cm
Speed: 40 mph (road); 24 (xœuncry)

StuG III compared ta Sherman HEllER

JlldPuwr ·H~ PZ38 t
Ciun: 7smm ( 41 Cùibcr Lens"')
llInp <EI1'Fronlll PllI1IlhIion): lU Alli. MBT uOOm
Bat Annaur Penctwian It SDOm: 3.5·
Annour PiCll'CÎ,. ShcU Velocilynv'scc: 750·930
StuG III compared ta M10Tank Destroyer Annour(Dân-max): 20·75 am
CombIt Weiabt II ton5
Hàllr 110cm
Specd: 40 m}lh (RIId); 14 (lCCOW1cry)
Crew: 4
A1thaugh bath vehicles are 'ank Destroyers- and bath
are built on the chassls of an MBT, the M10 still has its MARDER III
turret. Trade otr:nexibility vs armour and high target profile.
Stug 1II can hide in small depressions and behind low walls.

Tank Dcslzoycr·Mardcrlll· AlllrM

Gin 15nm PaJC4013 (46 CùiberLcnath)
Rqc <EŒFrœcal ~Ifttion): aU Alliccl MBT ISOOm
BestAnnout Pcnelration It soom: s.s·

~ Picrcinc SIlcl1 ,..locilynv'iICC: i9S.933
@JAR'noQYYCZ A.nncu (min-ax): 1S.10 am
AUGB Combat Weillll: 10.s lDI1S
Hallle: 148cm
Speed: 41 mph (rCld); U (xcoœtty)

Figure 30

.- "Who Killed Tiger?"

It bas been stated that our tanks are supposed to attack infantry and should not be used
tank vs. tank. It bas been my experience that we have oever round this idea1 situation for
in ail our attacks we must of necessity fight Gennan tanks.
LtCol W. M. Hawkins, CO 3/67thAnndBn.

In my opinion the reason our armor bas engaged the Gennan tanks as successfu11yas it
bas is not due to any means to a superior tank but to our superior numbers of tanks on the
battlefield and the willingness of our tankers to take their losses while maneuvering to a
position from which a penetrating shot can be put through a weak spot of the enemy tank.
Colonel S. R. Hinds, CC "B", 200 Armored Div

On 24 May 1945 the three principal German operational commanders in the

Normandy campaign~ Generais von Geyr (panzer Gruppe West), Sepp Dietrich Cl SS Pz
Korps) and Paul Hausser (2 SS Pz Korps), joined General Heinz Guderian at the Seventh
Army Interrogation Center in Bavaria. During the session, this crème de la crème of
panzer leaders was posed the following question: "Ta what do you attribute German tank
lasses by percentage - air, anti-tank, and mechanical? Which was most feared by tank
crews?n94 Except for Guderian who was very hesitant about answering this question, the
replies were direct and revealing. Obergruppenfiihrer Paul "Papa" Hausser,9S whose
divisions were most victimized by AIlied air and Naval gunnery, noted:
During long movements to the zone ofaetion, 20-30 percent ofall tanks
en route faIl out due to mechanical failures. Considering the remainder as
100 percent, 15 percent are lost through mechanical failures; 20 percent
through air attacks; 50 percent through AiT defense; and 15 percent are
knocked out by artillery. Tanks and IDs are feared most by German tank
crew. 96
Guderian is quoted as saying that "60-70 percent through mechanical failures (Eastern
Front); 15 percent AIT; 5 percent artillery; 5 percent mines; 5 percent others.,,97 Dietrich
did not agree completely, "Mechanical failures, 30 percent; air 10 percent; Aff, 15


CASUALTIES", 92, takenfrom CooxandNaisawald, ORO 117.
9S "unser papa Hausser'~( our papa Hausser): Otto Weidinger, Karneraden bis zum Ende (Pas SS
pzGren Reg! 4 "OF') (Oldendon: Veria&, K. W. Schitz, 1987)~ 145.

96 von Geyr could not give even approximate figures. "He thinks air-tank cooperation the most

deadly combination." ORO-T-117 Gennan Estimates and Comments on Their Own Tank Casualties.
Annex 2 to Appendix E. Seventh Anny Interrogation Center~ ETO~ 24 May 1945. MHI.
97 ORO T 117, App" E, Annex 2, 92.

percent; tanks, 45 percent. Losses due to artillery were negligible. Most feared by crews:
Allied tanks and IDS.,,98
Von Geyr, who, mostly through inexperience and arrogance, lost his entire
Headquarters to an air strike by fighter ground attack in mid June, was understandably
impressed with air power. Those who sutfered through the full three months knew better:
tanks kili tanks. The most interesting information is the rate of mechanical breakdown.
The Generais' recollections were backed up by Allied ground survey teams who
examined every tank or AFV hulk round in the Normandy battlefield. They concurred
that wastage was, in faet, caused by mechanical breakdown or crew abandonment and
supported Dietrich's and Hausser's indifference toward the allied fighter ground attack
threat. Extensive American interrogation and battlefield inspection concluded that the
vast number of German tanks were killed by direct gun fire, the overwhelming majority
from tanks and IDs. The remaining losses were caused by air, mines, and miscellaneous
enemy action. Again, the highest single cause ofGerman tank losses was from
miscellaneous, non-enemy, action:

• Gunfue (75,76,90,TO)
Hollow charge
German Tank Losses by Causation 1944-1945 99
Cause of Immobilization No. of Sampled Tanks
Percent of Total Known
Air 91 7.5%
Mine 3 0.2%
Mise, enemyaction 9 0.7%
Mise, non enemy action 522 43.8%

Table 14

Normandy ended German industry's recovery in the face ofincreasing strategie

bomber att~~ks and Soviet offensives. The Speer reforms could keep pace with Eastern
Front wastage but were eventually overwhelmed by the drain from the Normandy

98 ORO T 117, Appx Et Annex 2t 92..93.

99 ORO-T-117. Appx Et Table XXXV. 252 panzers were destroyed by their own crews, 222 were
simply abandoned because of lack of spare parts, gast recovery or while under attack.

• battlefield. 100 Interestingly, during this period Allied tank production aetually dropped.
This was understandable in the UK where the War Department decreased tank
manufacture, preferring to concentrate on Firefly conversion and depend on American
lend lease M4s to equip its armoured divisions. American production began ta decrease
after Normandy and feU immediately before the Ardennes. The price for hubris was the
shock of the Bulge and slapdash M26 heavy tank which did not reach troops until weIl
into 1945. 101
The American Army commissioned supplementary studies to extend the initial
surveys submitted by 2nd and 3rd Arrnd Divisions. Professors Coox and Naisawald,
working, as fate would have it, out of the Operations Research Office in Fort Lesley J.
McNair, provided a conclusive analysis ofallied annour in battle. Their findings
1. Gunfire, bath numerically and percentagewise, exacted the highest over-all toU
of tank casualties....
2. Hollow charge weapons fluctuated at a very low level ofeffectiveness....
Toward the end ofthe war the incidence of tanks immobilized by panzerfaust
weapons, during offensive and pursuit operations, reached the toll of25 to 35
percent ofail tank casualties....
3. Land mine warfare indicated an increased number of mines employed by Axis
powers.... The decreased tank casualties to mines in the final stages of the
Western European campaign seemed to indicate that the enemy could not lay
mines because so Many of his troops were attempting to get out.

100 During the first five months of 1944, production kept pace with losses: Tanks - 3,571, Assault GooS-
2,550 for a total of 6, 12L For the same period Departrnent JN6 recorded accepting 5,212 units from the
manufacturer against a battlefield wastage of3,119. This gave the Wehrmacht a net gain of2,093 unîts.
Before 0 Day, total holdings for OKH had been increased by 36%.
1 Jan 44 6 JWle 44
PzMk VI 437 698
P2Mk V 1,386 2,234
P'zMkIV 1,558 2,048
75tmn Stug 2.439 2.933
Total 5,820 7,913
see: f. M. von Senger Wld Etterlin. Die deutschen Panzer 1926-1945 (MOnchen: J. F. Lehmanns Verlu~ 1965), 342-
101 AFV Production totals: 1943 1944
GERMANY 12,063 19~OO2
USSR 24,000 30,000
OK 1,476 2,474

USA 29,497 17,565
MS#P-059 "Gennan Tank Strength and L055 Statistics,t" Appendix 3 t'Production", and ORO T 117, TI Appx D. See
81sa: v. Sengeru. Etterlin. 346, Wilmot, 147. 150.

4. The Canadian sample provided the only detailed data from which conclusions
May be drawn concerning the toll exacted by non-enemy causation. The figures
show the very high proportion immobilized by this factor, in relation to all other
causes, during offensive and pursuit operations; thus, during the breaching of the
Gustav Line in Italy, terrain and mechanical failures accounted for twice the toll
exacted by the usually highest causative agent, gunfire. 102
Coox and Naisawald site 785 yards as the average ETO range for tank
engagement; this is lower than the average range from Normandy..Western France which
is 902 yards, based primarily on British-Canadian engagements in the area around and
south of Caen.103
Although Americans lost more tanks than the British and Canadians, the British
and Canadians did it with more style. Few defeats could equal the grandeur of500
burning hulks at Goodwood or the destruction of the BeRs during Tota/ize. The
Americans were bled slowly and methodically by Stugs, Paks and panzerfausts. Bocage
engagements were at point blank distance. Although the American tank battalion samples
total 2579, halfwere victims ofgunfire and only about 30% ofthis was tank fire. The
British and Canadian lasses ta gun flre were 60% ofwhich 55% were kills by tanks.

• Armour vulnerability forced the Sherman to try to close quickly but it was
generally quickly discovered: "The silhouette of the Sherman is such that it is easily
spotted 200-3500 yards away.,,104 German armour, openly contemptuous of the Al1ied
75mm gun, lOS tempted Shermans, daring them to come forward and joust: "the enemy
showed tendency to put his tanks on fôrward slopes and hold that position counting on
the extreme range as a safety factor.,,106 Sherman's only advàntage was the quick draw in
a short range gunfight:

102 ORO T 117 "Conclusions", 2-3.

103 Based on study ofBRL MR-798. Author selected 136 tank actions (August to December) \Vith
an average AIlied to German tank numbers of 12 tanks to 4 panzers. Average range of intervisibility \Vas
1229 yards, a.distance that would have been unusual in the ltalian Theatre for unitlsub unit action. Most
tank gun hits were on the hull (52%).
104 Exhibit No.J, Capt Henry W. Johnson, Co "F', 66th Arrnd Re~ S, White Report.
105 Although the British Armarnent Research Establislunent produced an Annour Piercing
Discarding Sabot (APDS) round for the 6pdr in laie 1943, an APDS round for the 17pdr was not available
until the summer of 1944; it immedialely became the mainstay for Firefiy and anti-tank troops.

• 106
31 Ju144.
0 Hist 141.4A27013 LD2. 27 Cdn Annd Regt (Sher Fus). Afteraction report, Ll. P. W. Ayriss

... the Oïlgear traversing, which gave hair-line laying orthe gun ... its
high speed in traversing trom target to target was sa much faster than the
gear on the German 'Tiger' tank that it was possible to catch the enemy
tank off line. 107 .
The great German bugbear was maintenance. Both Panther and Tiger were
difficult ta keep running. Because most abandoned panzers were recovered at night by
German mechanical engineers, there are few records of serviceable Panthers being
overrun by AIlied forces until the retreat from Mortain in late August. lOS German tank
maintenance and repair was carried out as far forward as possible. Maintenance crews
accompanied the troops "as enemy fire permitted.,,109 Mechanical Engineer officers of the
tank battalions accompanied the maintenance crews to the combat area and personally
directed their work.
Damaged tanks which could not be repaired with the available means by
combat units were collected by recovery vehicles and turned over to the
maintenance companies of the tank regiments or to other maintenance
shops. Byevening, battalions or regiments had a clear picture as to the
number ofoperational tanks, the number in need of minor repairs, the
number in need of major repairs and totallosses. These figures were
reported through command channels. 110

• Without normal first line repair support, Panther and Tiger could not keep pace
with Sherman: "Many a Panther was lost because of shortage of sorne elementary spare

107 Ross~ 248. u· ••• report thata Shennan had been knocked out with the German 75nun round
going through the transmissio~ through the ammunition rack on the hull f100rt through the engine and out
the rear!" Shennants gun could not retum the favour: ~~Ordering my gunner ta tire at the closest ~ which
was approximately 800 yards away. he placed one right in the side~ which was completely visible to me. To
my amazement and disgust, [watched the shell bounce off the side. My gunnertired at least six more
rounds at the vehicle hitting it from the tunet to the track...I was completely surprised to see it moving after
receiving seven hits from my gun. Sgt F. W. Baker~ 2nd Annd Div:~ Woga, 33~ 35-36.
108 One Mk V captured near Vimoutiers produced a log book tbat showed sorne impressive track
mileage; the vehicle had road rnarched trom Paris to Verrières. then to Mortain and back again ta the
Falaise area.-Ifthis Pantherwas typical. then Panthers couid keep going and trade maneuver for maneuver
with Shennan for considerable periods but only 50 long as the battlefield remained stable and nonnaI
maintenance and repair took place. Coox and Naisawald samplings indicatc 79% per annoured brigade per
79.4 days in Pursuit. The average per 100 miles was 79% offank losses and was attributed to Mechanica1
Failure. ltalian statistics for this period using 1200 Canadian and US tank casuaIties are 35% tank wastage
due ta Mechanical Failure. Overall ETO figures for AFVs immobilized by drowning~ accident. bogging and
rnechanical failure based on US and Cdn sample of 6200 casualties is 21% .

109 RG24 10553 CMF Inro Letter No. 10; Jentz, 91.

lIO P-059, 15.


• part or beeause it could not be repaired in time."lll Repair by tank crews was next ta
impossible; the MkV and Mk VI were too complex a machine and, by 1944, most erews
did not have the training or meehanical skills for anythjng exeept rudimentary
In conclusion, despite claims by RAF Typhoons,111 the most aecomplished
German tank killer in Normandy was German engineering. An astaunding 48% 113 of
German tank wastage was due ta abandonment or destruction by their own erews. In
some cases it was lack of fuel but mainly the cause was meehanieal break:dawn. The best
way te kilt the big cats was ta march them ta death. Maneuver warfare was the kiss of
death ta the panzer arm in 1944.
The final ward on German technology was nailed into the last paragraph of the
New Zealand Division study which concluded: "Who Killed Tiger? - Tiger Killed
Himself." 114

111 Publication No. 20-202 l'Gennan Tank Maintenance in WorId War Ir US War Office.
Department of the Anny, June 1954, 23-26.
112 See data from BRL MR-798, ORO T 117, ORS Report No. 12 and, ORS Report No.l7,
indicate Air Force claims were \vildJy exaggerated - no more than 9% of panzers were knocked out by air
strike. The number rose after Mortain to 25% of tanks attacked were destroyed by Rocket Projectiles from
Aircraft, Air Cannon and Bombs vs. 63% tanks Kao's by AP shot. See: !an Gooderson "Allied Fighter-
Bombers versus German Armour in North-West Europe 1944-45: Myths and Realities", The Journal of
Strategie Stumes Vol 14 No.2 June 1991, 210.
113 ORO T 117 claims 48% abandoned 1 destroyed by crews, Coox and Naisawald give 43.2%
abandoned. ORS Report No. 17 states that in the grand total of German tank \vastage, airstrikes accounted
for 4.4% vs. 11% from AP shot and 76% destroyed or abandoned by crews. ORS No. 17, 1-3.
114 During the sununer of '44 as the Gennans withdrew from Rome, a New ZeaIand Division
technical team set about examining the Tiger tanks round along the retteal To their surprise, there were
twelve Tigers round "on or alongside the road.n Seven had no battle damaget three were blown up by their
crews, and only two were ac:tually bit by Allied guns. Close inspection showed that most Tigers simply
broke down. Tigers were "not sufficiently reliable for long marches" The specialization required for

• maintenance \Vere more than the aIready bard pressed Gennan support system could keep up with. The
e.xperimentts conclusion was simple:"Push him ... make lûmnm.n RG24 14186 (BRAC) 1st Cdn Anny
CAC Inro Bulletin No. l, Apx F "Experience with TigerTankSt (2nd NZ Div lot Som 334) 15 Oct 44.


Penetrating and merciless anaIysis and criticism ofour military experience is needed if
our armed services are ta grow better rather than worse. We cannat atTord to have any
protected beroes.
Major P. E. Appleton, Cavalry
Tactics are the material ofOperational Art
A. A. Svechin
As wc maneuver in Louisi~ sa shaI1 we fight
Maj. General W. D. Crittenberger

Cavalry and Mechanization

• The introduction of armour in World War l signalled the end of cavalry

operations. Although mounted formations fought spirited campaigns during the Russian
Civil War and the Polish campaigns, the future lay in mechanization. The Fuller-Liddell
Hart solutions to future war (tlall-tank armies") were debated by military professionals
and initial1y rejected because ofthe mechanical unreliability ofthe tank and a parochial
reaction against young Turks who threatened to dominate the military establishment.
Despite the efforts ofarmour pioneers, mechanization succeeded primarily because of
politicians. The support ofboth Fascist and Communist despots created vast tank parks
and forced the west ta create parallel organizations. Notwithstanding experimentation in
Spain and Manchuria, mechanization was totally accepted only after the invasion of
Poland. France and England did not organize armoured divisions until 1940 and the
Canadian and American armoured corps were created after the German invasion of
Initially, both Infantry and Cavalry attempted to absorb the tank. The Cavalry
wanted ta bring it under control as a stable hand to the horse while the Infantry intended

• to use armour élS a mobile machine gun platform moving at a soldier's pace. Tank


fanatics' demand for a separate arm was successfully resisted in the USA but not in
Russia, Germany, and England. The creation ofthe RTC was a halfstep farward for
annour; it identitied and concentrated the zealots, making them easier targets. Both
European and American cavalry attempted to subvert mechanization. As Iate as 1939 the
cavalry still refused to recognize the capabilities ofarmour. l Opposition came principally
from senior commanders rather than the regiments who were, in fact, quite prepared ta
mechanize. The horse, ever the devoted comrade, was better off patrolling the frontier
and playing polo than advancing against shrapnel or maxim fire - no cavalier wanted to
see bis faithful steed slaughtered.
Blitzkrieg made the transition bath necessary and clear: Armour was cavalry.
Better still, the annoured division was the resurrection ofheavy cavalry. The panzer
brought promise oftactical dominance to the arme blanche. The US Cavalry, perhaps
because it continued ta perform operationai missions and developed a "modem" doctrine
for horses in the post war period, refused to accept any conversion. This refusaI ta accept
reality led ta a break between "cavalry" and "armor" that should never have occurred.

The US Cavairy would never recapture its former stature. Mechanization affected no
other arm in the same savage way.
The ~'Louisiana Maneuvers" served to both assay the intended doctrine and to
cenvince the doubtfuL The American mechanized jeune école tinally had the opportunity
te test current Branch doctrines. The results were conclusive: in any tactical problem
where armour was pitted against horsed or partially mechanized formations, the armoured
force sueceeded hands down. The maneuvers put the old-scheol opponents in their place
and allewed Armor to find its legs: "(Louisiana) indieated a definite change in poliey in
sa far as Infantry Tank units were concemed. Prior ta this time we had separate tank

1 nCavairy generaIs, and they were many, denied all their recent experiences and continued to
extol the power orthe well-bred horse.u A. 1. Smithers, Rude MechanicaIs - An Account of Tank Maturit;y
During the Second World War (London: Leo Cooper, 1987), Kil and 7. As late as November 1940 both
Generais J. 1(. Herr and G. A. Lynch (Chiefs orus Cava1ry and Infantry) opposed MGen F. M Andrews
(Anny G3) when he recommended to General Marshall that "the Annored Force he created as a separate
combat anD." Their argument was that it "violated" the terms ofthe National Defence Act of 1920 in
cteating "non-infantry and non-eavalry annored wùts." CavaIrv Journal (May.June, 1946), 38. For Ren' s
side, see: MOen J. K. Herr, and E. S. Wallace, The Storv of the US Cavalry (Boston: Little Bro~ 1953),
248-262. See aIso, Maj Gen R. W. Grow"The Ten Lean Years: From the Mechanized Force (1930) to the
Armored Force (1940)" Annor Jan-Feb, March-Apta May-June, July-August 1987 and, Robert. Allan

• Doughty, The Seeds ofDisaster • The Development of French Amy Doctrine 1919-1939 (Hamden:
Archon, 1985).

• platoons, companies and battalions widely dispersed overthe country.,,2 Yankee common
sense, with a litde help from Military Attaché reports and the spectre ofFrance 1940,
embraced both Fuller and the essence ofTukhachevsky while Canadian doctrinal
thinking remained docile and subservient to current British opinion.


There were two basic problems in the formation ofan "Armored Force": doctrine
and organization. Doctrine is simply a clear explanation of"how we fight". Ultra
sophisticated doctrines are useless ifthey are not understood by the troops who must
carry them out. Still, new doctrines cannot be simplistic if they are to produce results in
the battlefield. A three·part system is necessary.
The first stage is the formulation of a new doctrine by the General Staff: It should
be founded on basic tactical principles readily understood by soldiers but decisive at the
operational or strategie level. At the minimum, doctrine meets operational requirements.
Iftotally new, it requires modern equipment as weIl as effective control techniques. The
art is then perfected through war gaming. Thus an experimental formation is vital for any
army in arder ta rernain intellectually and tactically alive.
In the 1930s, western nations produced experimental tank outfits and conducted
trial rnaneuvers in Grafenwohr, the Salisbury Plain, Verdun, Kiev, and Louisiana. These
allowed the officers responsible ta test before they began ta teach. Since philosophes
differ in experience and paths ta conversion, there is always a bit ofLuther versus
Zwingli in the officer corps. The challenge in developing a "perfect doctrine" is to have it
function effectively at two levels. The difference between the Western philosophes and
the Soviet Union was that liberal democracy insisted on an egalitarian doctrine that
forced the staffta consider the welfare of the soldier. Although western generals wasted
their men as uselessly as totalitarian powers, General Staffs were concerned with unity of
doctrine and prepared to entertain debate. This cost time. Totalitarian regimes imposed
doctrinal solutions with exacting discipline. The Russians, and ta sorne extent the
Germans, developed an operational doctrine that, to the untrained observer, was barbarie:

• l Lessons Drawn (rom a Concentration orthe Provisional Tank Brigade. Presented to Officers of
2nd Annored Div 7 Oct 1940. Alvan C. Gillem Papers, MHl.

overwhelming numbers wearing down a gallant but spent foe. Instead, the zenith of
doctrinal accomplishment was the Eastern front where doctrine featured common sense
and simplicity for the soldier and intricate chess mayes for the grandmasters in the Red
Army's General Staff:
Once the academic staffs at War Colleges understand doctrine, it is ready to enter
the second phase, education. There are twa subsets: revising the curriculum and
edueating the officers who in tum will indoctrinate the masses and purge anyone who
does not profess the faith. Then formations must praetice the new principles in what
Francis Tuker called the "approach ta battle", the better the training, the easier the battle
("Train bard, fight easy" .. Savarov). The last, perhaps most important requirement is
teaching the doctrine to combat troops: "How we fight" primers.
Adopting an armoured doctrine is impossible without an industry and a generous
budget capable of equipping the force. Tank divisions need tanks. The Americans and
Russians had both. The British and Germans didn't. The German Army's tank
development programme looked good on paper, but it was, in sorne ways, bogus. The

industry that produced the Volkswagen3 could not manufacture a main battle tank able ta
move around the battlefield without a coterie of mechanics and spare parts. The Panther
and Tiger were deadly armoured killing machines but mechanieal nightmares invented by
engineers with a surprising inability to correct ~reakdown. Worse, they arrived Iate as a
response to the Red Army armour. Russian tanks were simple. They worked, and they
had big guns.4 The faet that when they finally reached the battletield, the individual
Panther and Tiger was marginally superior ta the T-34 or KV, is a moot point. The Red
Army was not jousting. The Soviet Strategie Offensive conducted operational maneuver
at the anny group level and called for masses of fast tanks that could attack deep and
required litde maintenance.
Effective Main Battle Tanks required both clever design and enlightened
development. The Americans, despite the acknowledged success of the Sherman, failed

3 In fa~ German industry couldn 't even manage sufticient ttansport .. hence the nearly one million
horses in the Wehrmacht.
4 As laIe as 1990s T34s confronted Canadian Cougar squadrons in Somalia The third world's
art1Ùes and revolutionary armies are mostlyequipped with TSS-T62 or their copies. The Afghani rebels

• traded in sheep herding for tank fighting~ Only robust annour could survive both the Himalayas and peasant

in this respect. Their inability ta produce an effective battle tank was not as complete a
disaster as Britaints, but it was serious. The US Armored Force did not have a tank that
could meet the enemy on relatively equal terms until 1945, despite the fact that the AGF
quickly realized they required a dependable main battle tank ta engage in Blitzkrieg:
... culminating phase of3rd Army maneuvers was designed ta illustrate
the action ofa large contingent oftanks to execute a breakthrough ... the
attack area was drenched by heavy rain storm ... the tank attack was
launched with disastrous results. Not over 20% ofthe tanks reached their
objectives.... They were impotent, faulty in design ofquestionable
military value. 5
The M4 was an interim solution. The mechanically reliable Sherman eventually won
campaigns, but at considerable cast to men and machines. The Arnericans have been
prepared ta learn from the Germans and are not ashamed to admit il. Wehrmacht dictums
fit Yankee style and temperament: "War is not normal. It cannot therefore be won by
rules that apply in peacetime. Situations in war chànge rapidly and changing situations
cannot be saved by rules. n6

Basics: Wha! is a Tank?

While western engineering fiddled with heavy armour, there were parailel forces
still at work; for even as "Armor" wrestled with tank doctrine, the Infantry and Artillery
Generais, who now were responsible for the creation of a modem army, continued ta
question the tank as a viable battle system. The issue was definition: what is a tank? More
importantly, what are tanks? The armoured division could not fight as an infantry
division nor support an infantry division. It had its own doctrine. The result was an
identified requirement for "Infantry Tanks" and "Cavalry Tanks." The British and French
convinced themselves this meant a requirement for two different types oftanks and
promptly went about developing them. But the West failed ta completely analyze the
problem. The answer to "What is a tank?U was that a tank represented a tracked,
armoured vehicle that could fight in any terrain, in any conditions, in any climate, singly

s Lessans Drawn [ram a Concentration af the Provisianal Tank Brigade. Presented to Officers of
2nd Annored Div 7 Oct 1940 I. R. GiIlem Papers. USAWC, Carlisle.

6 "Lecture, Captain Bechtolsheim, US Artillery SchooI1932", Brig.Gen.. Henry C. Newton Papers,

• or in small groups. The tank excelled in the attack, and was also deadly in the defence. It
best supported the infantry, but could fight independently or work with artillery and air.
There was simply nothing the tank, accepting its utter dependability on petrol, ail, and
logistic support, could not accomplish. 7
However, massed armour (tanlq) was a totally different matter. Chedéville's
observation nLe char est très delicat"S is best applied ta the armoured division or tank
army. Massed tanks are not capable of defending ground; they do not attack prepared
defenses and are severely limited by terrain and logistics. 9 Used in the Breakout and
Pursuit, tanks fight tanks but specificaIly, they maneuver. Massed armour, condueting
operational maneuver in deep battle, is capable ofachieving strategie results, and is
therefore a strategie arm.
This was realized in prineiple by most general staffs but, until August 1944
(Cobra), only efTectively practiced by the Germans and Russians. Given an orthodox tank
design, the issue was employment. The same tank could perform either Infantry or
Cavalry raIes as long as it could survive on the battlefield against enemy MBTs. By
1945, even Montgomery was convineed: nWe require one tank whieh will do both

7 The psychological effeet of annour often exceeded its actual ability: both Gennan and our
66 •••

own [tanks) have, in my opinion on our own infantry e.'C3ggerated out of all proportion •.• eventuallyone
German tank was heard approaelùng. Our in( had resisted German ùû c1atks all night but the approach of
the German tank was the deciding factor, and our infantry withdrew from the bridgehead." RG24 12185
BRAC Ist Cdn Anny, Brig G. R. Bradbrooke Second Periodical Report. Sect 18. "The Moral Effect of
Tanks." 6 Nov 44.
8 General Charles Chedéville, "Les Chars de combat actuels et le haut commandement", Rewe
Militaire Francaise mFebruary-March 1922, ttanslated, Fort Leavenworth: General Service Schools, 46.
9 ~~Proper Missions" for the Annored Division were confinned by the US Anny ETO General
Board (June-November 1945) ~~Annored Divisions Committee" (Hereafter cited as: ETO Annored Board).
The primary role was "offensive Operations in the enemy rear." The remaining missions, presented in order
are: 2. Breakthrough screen establish contact, 3. Seize essential ground, 4. Regain initiative, S. Restore

impetus ofan attack, 6. Spearhead attack againstan enemy "not prepared for full defence." 7. Attack on
narrow front against a prepared position, 8. Breakthrough on a wide front against a demoralized enemy, 9.
Exploit suceess, 10. Pursue, Il. Strategie Envelopment, 12. Destroy enemy annored units, 13. Operate
against Iightly annored fonnations, 14. Counter-attack in a withdrawal, 15. Delayas the Covering Force.

• ETHINT Study Number 48, File R 322.213. 7 Nov 45, 7.

10 Address to Royal United Service Institution, Nov 1945. Quoted in Cavalry Journal, Jan 46.

The Evolution of Armoured Doctrine: the American and Canadian Armies

To make war always means attacking.

Frederick the Great

The Canadian Cavalry was tao small to effectively participate in the

mechanization debate. Canadian mechanized and tank battalions were disbanded after
World War l and the cavalry reverted to a decentralized mounted force. Debate was
exclusively intellectual and conducted principally by non-cavalry officers (Simonds and
Bum~). The transition to ~our was ~ffortless since the European campaigns had de
facto refuted any possible objections. The Canadian Armoured Corps quickly evolved as
an efficient fighting force but its leadership was not developed in other theatres. Canadian
armour went to battle under the direction ofartillery, engineer, and infantry-trained
divisional and corps commanders.
The American Tank Corps experienced combat in France during the Great War
and enjoyed an established industrial base with the expertise ta develop and mass
produce tanks. The mechanization debate was bitter in the United States although the

• pioneering efforts by Van Voorhis and Adna Chaffee ensured that both experimentation
and cross fertilization ofofficers occurred. The negativism and resistance of the
American Cavalry was ill conceived and eliminated the Corps from a decisive role in
World War II. The War Department accepted the easiest solution to the problem in 1940,
and, rather than award control of armaur to the Infantry or the Cavalry, it gave it to
neither and created the Armored Corps.
My tirm belief is that had General Herr, fram the beginning, taken a
strong stand for the mechanization ofthe Cavalry Branch, the Armored
Force would never have been created. 11
The Cavalry was reduced ta reconnaissance duties at the squadron level. The AGF,
having garrotted the US arme blanche, and its grand traditions, was forced ta create a
newarmoüfed ethos. The GHQ and Armored Divisions' tank battalions could not invoke
the spirits ofbattles pasto Save for the few battalions that fought under Patton in 1918,
American armour had to redefine itself. Far younger than the RTC, not as brassy or

• 11 Grow, AnnOT April-Aug 1987, 38.


confident, but with the better equipment and a home grown doctrine,lz the US tank force
was a working class hast experimenting with the tenets of mechanized war. In sorne
ways, the Canadian Armaured Corps mirrored the American Armoured Force more than
its British brothers. In combat, American armaur endured the same teething troubles that
Canadian annour did, but it performed better at the Divisional and Corps level. This can
be traced directly to doctrine, leadership and experience.
European and American experiments with divisional balance represented the
particular convictions of their General Staffs. In their respective armoured divisions, the
French tanks outnumbered iafantry two ta one and the British six ta one. Pre-war
experiments, heavily influenced by Fuller, suffocated balance. The "aIl arrns team"
solution was marginalized in the new aU-tanks doctrinal catechisms. But by Mid war, the
German ideal panzer division had been reduced ta a recce battalion, two tank battalions,
four Panzergrenadier Battalions (mounted in APes if possible), an attached heavy tank
battalion plus a Jagdpanzer battalion of Stug IIIs or Panzedaegers. However, their secret
was not armour-infantry balance, but doctrinal balance:

The main point 1would like ta emphasize is that the overwhelming
success of the German Army was not due to the air corps, was not due to
motorized troops alone, but was due ta a balanced field army, with
balanced organization and balanced equipment, executing a plan under
almost perfect leadership 13
The British, and therefore the Canadian, solution divided the Arrnoured Division
into two solitudes: an Armoured Brigade and an Infantry Brigade. The Arnericans began
operations with balanced triplicates consisting ofthree tank oattalions, three armoured
infantry battalions, and three self-propelled artillery battalions. Both versions survived
the war; however, the final solution, set by the ETO Armored Division Committee (7"
Nov 45), was a battle proven US Armored Division that was based on imbalance: three
regiments, each with one tank battalion and two infantry battalions supported by five

12 Jean R. Moenk. A Historv of Large-Scale Afin! Maneuvers in the United States, 1935-1964
(Virginia: Headquarters United States Continental Anny Command, Fort Monroe~ 1969)~ 27. See aIso~
·'Lessons Drawn from a Concentration of the Provisional Tank Brigade." Presented to officers 2nd
Annored Divan 7 October, 1940. Alvin C. Gillem Papers, MHI and, "Report on Supply of Annoured
Units based on experience in Louisiana and Carolina Maneuvers, 9 Dec 1941" LtCoI. Henry C. Newton

Papers. MHI and, Carlo D'Este, Patton - A Gerons for War (New York: Harper Collins, 1995), 394.
13 Major Percy Black, AttachéatBerlin6Dec 39.

battalions of self propelled artillery (three medium and two heavy). The final solution had
infantry outnumbering tanks three to twO. 14 So much for Fuller and Liddell Hart.
The mutations that occurred in American armoured organizations were
considerably less drastic than the British; although there were two "heavy" armoured
divisions (the 2nd and the 3rd), the internai organization was not really tampered with.
Chaffee was even suspicious ofrelatively modem US Infantry terminology:
l do not like the words 'Combat Team' applied to armoured for in the
Army at large, it refers primarily to the infantry Regiment and its
associated battalion of artillery in the Triangular Division. l '
In the end, massed armour in an average tank division really meant about 250
tanks. The American Army's principal doctrinal evolution centered on combat team
tactics in the bocage. They never quite developed a Soviet-style strategic or operational
levei ofarmoured warfare; "Deep Battle" was to remain a Russian art until discovered by
the Pentagon in the late 19705. But then, the Americans could argue, they didn't have to.
Yankee doctrinal independence began in Louisiana and matured in North Afiica: "The
British suggested that American upstarts didn't know a thing about desert warfare. WeIl

• we didn't; but we did know how tanks worked... ,,16 Commander of Ist US Arrnored
Division was more blunt:
...the British officer seems ta know very little about defense, liaison,
contact between units and mutually supporting units. He covers this
ignorance by a studied nonchalance and indifference. 17
Despite Major General John S. Wood's comment ("Fuller and Liddell Hart are
contrary to the US Artny tradition set by Grant: attrition - wear the enemy down." 18), the

l4 EfO Annored Board, 7~ 8.

l5 13 Sept 1940: Unrevised COPY of Lecture given by MajGen Adna R. Chaffee to the Officers of
the Annoured Force at Fort Knox Ky on 13 Sept 1940. Crittenberger documents on 2nd Div. MGen W. O.
Crinenberger Papers. Nevenheless~ teons like "Combat Team", '~ask Force" and "Frag Orders" bcgan to
he used with reguJarity in the Annor Force as early as 1940 and 1941.
16 COl G. B. Jarrett Papers~ MHL
17 Letterto LGen Mark W. Clark, 29 Sept 1943. Hannon went on to say: "Ifwe shouJd lose this
bridgehead [Salerno) which might happen - it will be because the Gennan breaks through on the British
side." The Ernest Nason Hannon Papers, MHl.
18 Clarke Papers Vol 2~ 265. The commanders in 4th Armored carried mixed pedigrees: Baird was
the only Cavairy officer. Wood and Gaffey were Artillery while Clarke and Roge were Engineers. Clarke

noted that Liddell Hart called Wood: "The Rommel of the American Armoured Force .•• more conscious of
possibilities of deep exploitation and importance ofspeed than anyone else."

• American Army was quite comfortable with far ranging operations. In fact, it was bred on
them. Sherman's march ta the sea, or Lee's attack into Pennsylvania were classic
examples ofoperational maneuver and the "Deep Battle." With traditions like that in their
saddlebags, American cavalry generals would naturally conduet a devastating and
exacting pursuit, given the chance. The American Army, perhaps because their argument
over armor centered on custody rather than doctrine, approached the armored division
with a more open mind.
While operational maneuver was praeticed in Afiica and reached competence at
corps levels by bath sides, German maneuver (the Rommel effect) was the more creative.
Unfortunately, Montgomery's "set piece hattle" and new faith in defensive victories
overshadowed armoured operations and deep battle. Success at El Alamein and Medenine
deflected criticism ofMontgomery's handling ofarmour in the pursuit. Montgomery
became the doctrinal imperatur for British and Canadian Armies and he would have a
devastating influence on the Allied operationa! art.
Early ftghting confirmed the superiority of Auftragstaktik 19 the Kampfgruppe
system, and the all-arms team. German officers prided themselves on their
UFingerspitzengefuehl ... an instinctive sixth sense for terrain and tactics - a masterful
touch in the art ofwar.,,2o The key lessons, dominance ofarmour and the big gun, were
quickly understood by the Empire's army, but British industry failed to respond ta the
challenge with an efficient, let alone effective, main battle tank. The Allies, in the
delirium affinai victory in Tunisia, put the development of the heavy tank on the back
The tactical lessons ofNorth Africa forced a reorganization ofthe British, and
therefore, Canadian, Armored Division. The desert tactics ("the defensive box," "brigade
fortress," and the "pivot") were taught to AIlied armoured divisions preparing for
Normandy, but turned out ta be a waste oftime. In general, bath armies were close in
basic principles, although the Germans were better led at Divisional and Corps IeveL

19 General von Mellenthin, quoted in Generais Balck and von Mellenthin on Taetics: Implications
for NATO MiIitarv Doctrine. BDM Corporation. VlCginia. 19 Dec 1980, 22.

20 When challenged by US GeneraI DePuy "Out of every one hundred Gennan generaIs, (how
many) had Fingerspitzengefuehl?", General BaIck replie«, "Three or four, but they were unrecognïzed."
GeneraIs Balck and von Mellenthin on Tactïcs, 21.

Technology: Tank Scandais

The impact ofTiger was misinterpreted and incompetently reported after Tunisia.
Tests were incomplete and lengthy. By the time a complete analysis ofTiger's dangerous
potential was published by Aberdeen and Bovington, there was no time to aet. The
premature conviction that Sherman would do the job nicely eventually led to the Allied
"tank scandaL" Allied development ofheavy tanks was lax. Lessons from the Russian
Front had little effect. Parochial infighting, interdepartmental competition, and stubborn
bureaucracy delayed the appearance ofa suitable heavy tank until the last year of the war.
Chauvinism (little more than "our" 76mm gun is betterthan "their" 76mm gun)
prevented the American Army from mounting the British 17 pounde~l on their own
Shermans. Embarrassing, since the ooly effective tank killer in Normandy tumed out to
be the British "VC Firefly." Shaken awake by the reality of the battlefielc!, Bradley
urgently requested Fireflies; there were none to be had. Hopes placed in the American
76mm gun were disappointed; Allied tanks were out-gunned, out-armoured, and out-
maneuvered by German tanks.

• American (and therefore, Allied) tank development had been side-tracked. The
Tank Destroyer principle was imposed by General L. McNair and saon was proven
inadequate. The MIO was only effective at short range against Panther-Tiger and so
inadequately armoured that both Pz IIIs and mortars could stop them. Guns and armour
dominated fighting in Normandy and throughout Europe. Allied tankers were forced to
conduct engagements at very close ranges. This was not an immediate disadvantage in
the bocage but became crucial in the open plains south of the Orne. Panther's, Tiger' s
and Pak 75/88'5 extensive ranges dominated the Caen seetor. The Allies eventually
survived two serious scandais. The Normandy lessons were hastily overlooked because
there were no large scale American-German tank vs. tank contests, and at the end, the
Allies were.successful. The Ardennes again spotlighted allied inadequacy when Tiger Ils .
ripped through American units.

• 21 The 17 pounder was basically a high velocity 76mm gun.


The Tank in the Attack: Valour Denied

Intimate co-op between ÎJÛ and tics. If annour bas to go înto villages it must he preceded
by inf to deal with hidden enemy Atk weapons since the tk bas lost one of its main
weapons, i.e. its maneuverability..
Lessons Leamed 3 Cdn fnf JuIy L944

There has been sorne grumbling about armour's hesitation to lead during the
Normandy battles: "Without question the tank arm remained the weakest Iink in the
Anglo-Canadian order ofbattle.,,22 Yet armour cannot both be the excuse for tactical
deficiency as weIl as the reason for final operational vietory in Normandy. The battlefield
commanders have been called to task: -"... the buck must be passed back to higher
command for not insisting, as Montgomery did, on making armor confonn even against
its will. lJ23 but modem criticism rarely fises above the division headquarters. 24 Like
General Simonds himselt: historians often find fault in regiments, brigades and the
divisions: "Frustration with their tactical shortcomings demonstrably drave Simonds ta
assume more rigid control, possibly with a view to showing them how all-arms
operations should be conducted.,,25 This suggests a false premise - that Simonds's initial

• operational plans gave commanders extensive freedom of action, which they squandered.
This is certainly not the case in Spring, Totalize, or Tractable.
If the argument is that divisional commanders faHed to impose their personality
and give direction during battle, the same may easily be said ofSimonds. Spring and
Tota/ize are not examples ofdynamic leadership. Simonds's personal input during

n English, 312.
23 English, 230.
24 Although Stacey bas been stem with regimental officers, he avoided comments about Foulkes.
and Simonds. Stacey, Vietorv Campaign.. 275-276. Steven Harris bas ootOO reluetance in Canadian
military history ranks: "Taking their lead from Stacey, the popular historians ofFirst Canadian Army's
battle in Nonnandy have been altogether upbeat. They acknowledge that it had teething problems but
suggest that chis was somehowall right, especially when (beginnin& DOW, to drift into inaccuracy) we were
fighting battIe-hardened fanatics. Besides, they conclude, everything was under control and had shaken
itselfout by the end of August." Steven Harris' review ofEnglish: The Canadian Arroy and the Nonnandy
Campaign. "The Normandy Campaign", Forum Vol.6 No.3 Oct 1991, 27. Harris intended this for"R. H.
Roy.. Desmond Manon and 1. L. Granatstein" and perbaps Copp and Vogel. Morton and Granatstein are,
however wûque in their criticism ofSimonds at bis MOst dangerous: Tota/ize and Tractable. See Bloody
Vietorvt 167, 173. English is exempted for having noted KeUer's, Foulkes's, Kitching's and Crerarts shon

comings. Dr. Harris does, in the end, jaïn the popularfront ïn its pmise of Simonds.
2S English, 3 L3.

Tota/ize and Tractable consisted ofirritated exhortations to "Get cracking.,,26 Simonds's
tactical isolation ("Simonds stood alone. Too little staff or taetical depth existed either
above or below ta adequately support him, or even save him trom his foibles ....,,27) has
been weIl described but ought to include the fact that it was self imposed. Canadian
Corps and Army staffs were easily the match ofany Allied or German counterparts. He
often ignored (Spring, Totalize and Tractable) the intelligence provided. 28 The Canadian
problem was operational, not administrative.
Simonds escapes criticism because, as English, Granatstein and Graham note, he
was our best corps commander, indeed, our ooly Corps Commander in Normandy. Since
his character and resolution are beyond doubt, his ability has been granted a bye while
generals below him are given unsympathetic criticism. The taetical cases against Keller
and Foulkes are virtual nolle contendere; the verdict on Kitching was pronounced by
Simonds himself during Tractable. The remaining targets are found at the battlegroup
level (Lt.Col. 'Donald Worthington)29 or in the two armoured brigades (Brigadiers Booth
and Wyman). The latter merit reproach but are hardly the sole culprits.

Colonel English's final evaluation is particularly disturbing "... the infantry
nevertheless performed betterthan Canadian armor."JO This May he an exaggeration.
Apart from the actual invasion, and even here the decisive value ofHobart's "Funnies"
and the DD tanks cannat be overlooked, there were no infantry - only victories. Armour
is best judged via its métier - operational decision at the division and corps level.

:6 RG24 14052 OPs Log 4 CAB; 8 August 44.

27 EngIis~ 312.

21 Simonds's alleged hamstringing with inept staffshould be balanced with the fact that the one
consistent compliment given to Canadian operations by Gennan commanders was the high standard of staff
work: nEvery Canadian op bore the mark of intensive planning.... Every opening phase of a Cdn op was a
complete success and the statfwork a mathematical masterpiece." OFllST 811104: Interview Kurt Meyer;
Canadian Cnaplain's Report 3 Sep 50.
29 Neither Stacey nor Englîsh - indeed most Canadian military rustorians, are overly sympathetic
to Worthington and certainly don't darnn the corps commander for havinga breakthrough slip through rus
fingers: 6'This episode, with its tragic mixture of gallantty and ineptitude." Stacey, Vietory Campaign, 228,
·7ragically lost." English, 280, "Much bas been made ofthe faulty navigation ofthe BeR-Algonquin
force, but it is clear from the day's events that nothing much would have changed.." Copp 1 Vogel, 100,

"an epic ofcourage and sacrifice, it yielded no redeeming taetical gains~" Granatstein 1Morton, 172.
30 English, 312.

Operational maneuver eluded ail 21st Army tank formations until Simonds's armour
drove past the Ante and linked with Haislip to close the Falaise Gap.
Both arms had their share ofbunglers. The rout ofan infantry brigade, indeed, the
withdrawal ofFoulkes's entire division from Verrières Ridge during Atlantic, cannat be
singularly laid at the feet ofthe 27th CAR:"... the Sherbrookes were slow to dispatch
their reserve squadron forward.,,3 L Atlantic 's woes began with the Corps plan and
continued through the Divisional Headquarters' grouping instructions. Mel Gordon is no
more responsible for Atlantic 's failure than Don Worthington was for Totalize 's.
Simonds's own verdict against the Calgary Highlanders and Black Watch was ruthless:
"failure was not due to poor planning but minor tactics."J2 Outside ofindividual
examples of splendid leadership and grit (Rockingham in Verrières and Stewart taking
Hill 195 during Totalize) the infantry seems no more successful than the tanks.
There was Iittle cross training and combined arros-combat team training before
Normandy and this was quickly demonstrated in combat: "The inf comd should NOT try
and place tks on the ground any more than he would try to place arty guns. He should

state only where he wants the fire of the tkS."J3 The 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade
regularly complained against "Lack ofunderstanding by InfComds ofthe capabilities
and methods....,,34 After a month ofcombat, 2 CAB reported " an armored corps
perception that other arms faHed to understand the limitations ofarmor, that tanks should
not be expected to lead attacks against prepared enemy anti-tank positions.nJS The
infantry often had no idea what the tanks were doing or even ifthey were aetually being

31 English., 229.
31 RG24. Crerar Papers. Report No. 150.
33 03 3rd CID Iu144_ 2.
34 0 Hist 141.4A27013 LD2. 27 Cda Annd Regt (Sher Fus). Mer action repo~ Lt. P. W. Ayriss
31 Jul44. The Infantry-s tactical confusion or desperate initiative_ embraced TDs and artillery: " .•• sorne
Inffmns regaal them [SPsI as tks and use them as such when there are no real tics a110tted to them. "DHist
141.009. Dl16 Appx ~'H" to CMHQ TrgLiaison Letter No.I2 (Hereaftercited as Liaison 12). LlCol Ealsh
MC, RA sr Atk. Schoal of Arty, Larkhill. Exuaets from a Report on a Recent Visit to Normandy. JuIy
1944. AIso. "The infseemed to get their A tkguns and 17 prs up fast; but then the bn comd didn't seem to
realize that they could release us.... The 17 pr de~ once having got their guns in posn did not seem to keep
an adequate watch. They were very much aftaid offiringtheir guns." RG24 14287.27 CAR. afteraction
report, 17 JuIy 44. 17.

3S R024; 2 CAB Papers and Documents: Report No. 12: Analysis of75mm Sherman Tank

Casualties 6th June to 10th JuIy 1944."


• supported: "Inf should be taught to realize that even though their CO-op tks may NOT be
in their immediate view the tks are probably in a tire posn from which they, when called
upon, can give supporting tire.,,36

The Infantry's want ofproficiency with armour was doubly frustrating because it
became clear that infantry couId not advance or defend without tank support:
... the infantry man considers tanks are vital and indispensable to his
successful advance.... One tank: even though it does not tire at ail, will
restore impulse to an infantry advance which has broken down under
enemy tire. When the tank moves ahead, the infantry will invariably
regain heart for the combat. On the other hand an infantry attack
accompanied by tanks, which has been going forward with confidence and
efficient action will begin to flag and then fail if the tanks withdraw.37
This issue was not the utter dependence on armour by infantry38 but the need for
combined arms tactics at the combat team and battlegroup level. Armour's dual tasks - to
use both "Infantry Tanks" as weil as "Cavalry Tanks" has been dubbed "the tactical
schizophrenia that gripped the armoured corps of the British and Canadian armies.,,39
Montgomery's early instructions on grouping attempted to address command
relationships but ended up extending the confusion:
Tk bdes may be placed under comd ofdivs but regts not under cornd of
bdes. Regts should be placed in sp. Armd Bdes should not be placed under
comd of inf bde. When an armd regt is placed in sp of an inf bde, the armd
bde comd should do planning with the infbde cornd and not leave the
planning insofar as it affects the armourto the OC ofthe unit. Most
important - ail planning on Brig's leveL When planning, ensure it is a
combined plan for ail arms and notjust an infplan with tanks added on. 40

03 3rd CID Ju144, 2. Many infantry commanders were not familiar with tank tactics: tanks
were regularly sent forward as simple targets to draw enemy fire. LtCol Perkins, Tank Battalion
commander in ltaly, 1944. "Combat Lessons: Rank and File in Combat: What They're doing. How They
Do It" from S. L. A. Marshal: CL#l. US Army Publication 1944, 32.
31 D Hist CCCR Bulletin: Notes on Battlefield Experience. 19 July 44. "The ~morale' value ofan
AFV, whatever its nature, to the infantryman going fwd to attack•... In one or two extreme cases, even SPs
have been used as rallying pts for Inf who would not adv without them." Appx"H" to CMHQ Trg Liaison
Lelter No. 12. LlCol E Walsh MC, RA sr Alle, School of Arty, LarkhilI. Extracts ftom a Report on a
Recent Visit to Nonnandy. July 1944. DRist 141.009 D116. See aIso, DRist 171.009 (D160) 19 Aug 44
l~Notes on Battlefield Experience Meeting Training."

38 ~'Our sp by annour bas been very helpful.'" G3 3rd CID Jui 44, 2.

• 39

Englis~ 280.

Montgomery Trg Conf 14 Jan 44, 2.


• Sampling of Allied Tank Wastage

On severa! occasions tanks were asked to lead in attacks on manned A TIc defences. This
they di~ in order to maintain the momentum ofthe assauIt and suffered unduly high cas
in consequence41
The question ofwastage or casualty rates ("It seems incredible, in short, that the
tank arm with a significantly lower casualty rate aften remained behind while forlam
hopes ofinfantry, tom by enemy and friendly frre alike, plodded ever onward.,,42)
deserves sorne review. The notion that annour held back ("Unquestionably, they should
have been intimately supported by tanks that far better than infantry chests could lean
inta a barrage and take a hit.,,43) while a steadily reduced Canadian infantry conquered
Normandy is exaggerated. Dften, the opposite was the case: "The enemy [4th CAB]
seems to be reorganizing his units. He carried out aIl his attacks with tanks and without
The number one personnel killer in Normandy was the mortar (70%).45 By
detinition, it did not affect most tanks. Conversely, panzerfausts and pak 88s were not
aimed at individual soldiers. Of the five tank actions before Tota/ize and the fifteen
Canadian assaults that included two or more squadrons of tanks - from Buron (7th June)
to the closing ofthe Falaise Gap (22 August) - only one, the initial struggle for Verrières
during Atlantic, saw the infantry precede the armour onto the objective. 46

41 RG 24 14260 WD 2 CAB. Repon: Lessons from Operations. 26 June 44.

42 EngIish, 313.
43 EngIish, 230.
44 General Eberbach reporting to von Kluge; 2330 ~ 8th Aug 44, quoted in Meyer, 176.
45 RG 24 10554 BRA 2nd Arroy. Secret. RA 2 Anny Arty Notes. (pd 19 Joo- 6 Aug 44).uBy far
the highest number ofour casuaIties (about 70%) are from mortars. The problem of mortar location is
therefore as, or more, acute here than in other fronts."
46 The fifteen Canadian annoured, armoured heavy or infantry cum annour attacks are: 1. Buron-
7th June: 27 CAR. 2. Le Mesnil Patry - I1th June: 6 CAR. 3. Buron - 8th July: 27 CAR, 7th Recce. 4.
Carpiquet -4th Iuly: 10 CAR, 27 CAR. S.Atlantic: 19th July: 2 CAB. 6. St André -2Oth-22nd July: 27th
CAR. 7. Spring 25 July: 2 CAB. 8. Tota/ize Break-in -7/8th August: 2 CAB, 33 BAB. 9. Totalize Counter
attack by 12 S5 - 8th Aug: 2 CAB, 33 BAB, ehns 1 PAD, 4 CAO. 10. Tota/ize Breakout l - 8th Aug: 1
CAO. 1 PAD. 1L Tota/ize Breakout II .. Aug 9th: 22 CAR, 28 CAR. 12. Tractable Breakout-14th Aug: 2
CAB, 33 BAB, 1 PAD,4 CAO. 13. Tractable II -18-19 Aug: 1 PAO to Trun, Chambois. 14. Tractable II
Closing the Gap - 18 August: 1 PAD stand at Maczuga 119 August: 29th Recœ at St Lambert. 15. Falaise
Gap - 20 August: 22 CAR rescue to Maczuga. In comparison, Majors Boume and Shackleton analyze 12

battles: Buron, Putout-en-Bessin, Brettevtlle~ Le Mesnil Patry, Carpiquet, Grouchy-Buron, Verrières Ridge,
Tilly La Campagne (4 battles) and Pt 140 ("Worthington Force). Sec: Analysis Fireoower Nonnandy Ops
44, 1, 2 and, Table 1.

Canadian historians May be influeneed by General Burns's eminent study, Manpower in
the Canadian Arroy. His data for Normandy credits armaur with 22% easualties
eompared ta the infantry's 65%.47 These are totallosses and include infantry casualties
taken tram indirect tire ta whieh armaur was largely immune.48 The bulk of armoured
casualties accurred in the attack49 - after the infantry, armour's casualties exceed aIl other
arms and services. 5o Battle casualties to tank troop commanders were 57%51 eompared to
Rifle Platoon commanders 31.2%.52 BRL MR-798 stated: "Limited data on allied tank
crew casualties indicated that an average of2.0 to 2.5 crewmen per tank became
casualties.,,53 That meant for- each tank hit, crews took over 50% casualties. This rate of
wastage was not round in any other arm.

Detailed Wastage: 2 CAB in Battle

Battie data illustrates bath the aggressiveness of units as weil as a more aceurate
armoured pieture of actuallosses - but statisties do not reflect the psychologieal damage

• 47 MajGen E. L. M Burns, Manoower in the Canadian Army 1939-1945. (roronto: Clarke frwi~
1956), 91. Burns later writes: " It will aJso be noted that the aetua1 casualties in the Î1Ûantty were less than
as given in the 1944 wastage rate calculations.", 94.
48 "Limited Data on Allied tank crew casuaIties indicated that an average of2.0 to 2.S crewmen
per tank became casua1ties." ORO T 117, 4.
49 Gennan Tank Losses BRL MR-798 ORO T 117
GUNFIRE 43.8% 44%
50 In! 6S%; Amour 220/0, Artillery 90/~ Engineers 7%, SignaIs 40/0, Ordnance and RCEME 2 %,
ail others S%. Burns, 91. The greatest fear was fire but ooly 10% ofcrew cas were bums. RG24 10S54.
Repon Medical Research Section on Distribution of Casualties. 28 Aug 4S.
SI Casualties by position in main battle tanks were Conunander 57%; Gunner 51%, Loader SI 0/0,
Sow Gunner 48% and Driver 47%. Light tank crew casua1ties were higher. "Gennans would disable tank
by panzerfaust or Bazooka fire, forcing the crews to abandon the tank. When the crews were attempting to
abandon the tanks they would be shot with machine pistols or MGs." Visit Col Black to 736th Tank Sn,
HQ 9th US Anny. 24 Apr 45. P.37. See also: Gennan Tanks Destroyed by XIX Corps. IS Dcc 44. Booklet
Tank and SF"(Jun Identification. Tech Int Bulletin No. 8. 20 Feb 1945. CasuaJtics ''wholly outside their
vehicles, amounted to 40 percent of the total casualties sustained. Oftlûs figure, 30 percent, or Il percent
of the total, became casualties while trying to escape immobilized tanks." ORO T 117. 4, 12, Figure 8.
s: fnfantrv Offr Cas 1944 ETO. Rifle Pl Comd: 31.20/0, Rifle Coy Comd: 30.00/0, 2 i1c Rifle Coy:
20.10/0, C.O.: 18%. D Rist. 20RG. Report No. 19 "Infantry Officer Casualties.21 Army Group. As at 31
Jan 45". 120. Based on 2,407 Offr Cas from seven divisions suffered mm 6 Iune to 6 Nov 44. Monality
rates were highest for c.a. s (38.~1'o); Coy Comd (32.6%) and, Pl Comd 28.9 %.

• S3 ORO T 117, "PersolUlel Casualties." Tables ~ XXII, XXIV; "Conclusions", 38, 40,42, 4.

to crews who have received glancing hits or survived a knocked out tank. Brigade Tank
States, daily vehicle status reports, indicate that 2 CAB battlefield wastage equalled, and
in most cases exceeded, corresponding infantry casualties. 54 After the Atlantic battles,
27th CAR's lasses were 80% Sherman and 50% Firefly VC. This should meet any
historian's tough standards. FoUowing Spring, 2 CAB's Regiments reported the
following wastage:
2 CAB Losses Operation Spring55
6 CAR: S7%M4 7S%VC
10 CAR: 20%M4 42%VC
27 CAR: 40%M4 SO%VC
Table 15
4 CAD's lasses during Totalize are weIl known, Force Worthington alone took 85% tank
casualties. During Operation Tractable, 14 Aug, where both recce and annour took tums
leading the assault, 2 CAB's reported wastage by 16 August was:
2 CAB Losses Operation Trlldable
6 CAR: 62%M4 27%VC

• 10 CAR:
27 CAR:
Table 16

The combined strength ofFort Gany Horse and Ist Hussars was "equal only to two
sqns.,,56 This wastage was not made good until September.
The Sherman was an easy tank ta kilt It took 1.63 hi~s to knock one out. 57 Tt was
vulnerable to ail enemy anti-tank weapons and the majority of German AP shot (89%)
penetrated the hull and caused tires - a surprising 91.2% of Canadian tanks bumed when

54 By 12 June, 2 CAB reported the following losses: 6 CAR was reduced by 35% Shennan M4,
including 100% Firefly VC lasses; 10 CAR lost 37% M4s and 66% Fireflies; 27th CAB wastage was 33%
M4 and 66% VC. 2 CAB lost 45% of its Shennans and 77% ofFiretlies within six days ofcombat.
ss RG24 Vol. 14046 2 CAB Radio Logs 7 June 44-31 Aug 44. Data based on 2 CAB. BRAC Tank
States. 4 CAO boxes did not include daily tank states. 2 CAB tank states were incomplete during
56 Account orthe OperatiQns of6 Cdn Annd Regt (lH) 14·16 Aug 44. MG30 E1S7 VolS.

GOCinC File 13-0-1 also, WD 10 CAR 16 Aug44; 2 CAB Radio Log 14 Aug44.
57 ORS Report No. 17, S.

• hit and prompted the infamous "Ronson" nickname for the Sherman.sa This is
extraordinarily high compared to Allied average of65% (73.5% British and 54.9% US).
Diesels seemed ta bum less easily but they were not ta be had in large numbers. S9
As earlier data has demonstrated, range was the determining issue in Normandy.
It posed no limitations to German arrnour which killed comfortably at any distance, but
forced Allied tanks to close well within 500 meters to effect penetration.60 The average
engagement range in the Canadian sector during the Normandy campaign was 902 yards.
This range favoured German "suped up guns."

Panther roamed at will with a 75mm gun that frankly outclassed the gun
on the Sherman tank by a velocity of 1230 FPS .... It is hard for one to
appreciate such a fact but it meant in simple language, ~ractically two
German shells could be on their way to one American. 1
Allied study ofNormandy tank losses round that direct gun-tire accounted for 55% of
Canadian wastage, the majority being enemy tank fire. 62 British armoured divisions

S8 ~~Pcrcentage of tires caused by turret penetration is very high compared with those resulting
from penetration of engine compartmen~ Reason ... spiinters ignite the cordite in cartridge cases....
Cordite usually bums for a few minutes before the whole ofthe arnmunition is detonated." RG24 10458
BRAC Report "First Cdn Anny Tank Casualties. AFV Tech Report No.14t 30 Aug 44. See also RG24
10597, G. I. Finch, "rncendiary Projects Committee: Notes on Fire Raising in the AFY." 8 Mar 43.
59 uThe M4A2 was used for training in the USA and supplied both to the Soviet Union and Great
Britain. With few exceptions, the M4A2 was not used operationally by American forces due to War
Departrnent policy that US troops would only use petrol engined tanks." and, George Forty, M4 Sherman.
(poole: Blandford, (987), 59. Only the USMC used M4A2 dieselst 8,053 were built see: Camberlainl
Ellis, 116. "Most of the new M4A2s were supplied to the Soviet Union." Hunnicu~ 272.
60 Operational studies identified tanks most frequently attacked by Pzfaust in order: 1st.
Cromwell, 2nd. Sherman, 3rd. Cornet, 4th. Firefly. Tanks most attacked by AP shot: L Shennan, 2. Cornet,
3. Firefly. Operational Research Report, No.2 Op Research Gp. JW1e 44 - JuIy 45. D Rist 991705. See also,
ORO T 117, Table XIV. Coox and Naisawald site 785 yards as the average ETO range for tank
engagement Using BRL MR-798, author selected 136 tank actions (July to December) average range of
intervisibility was 1229 yards. Close range combat was deadlier: American..British wastage in bocage
exceeded Canaclian by 5: 1 in JuIy and 12:9 in August
6l Col G. B. Jarrett, Achtung Panzer - The Story of Gennan Tanks (Aberdeen: US Anny
Ordnance School, 1948), 3. Gennan evaluation of American annone was not kind: uHere on the western
front we are fighting an enemy superior to us in equipment but not in fighting spirit ... the enemy tanks are
timid.,t RG24 14186 BRAC, Bulletin No.5, Apx G: u2 5S Das Reich in Bocage Country."
62 uGunfire, both numerical1y and percentagewise, exaeted the highest over..all toll of tank
casualties...." In final totals, the American 3rd Army lost the most tanks followed by the 2nd British Army.
Canadian armoured wastage data was gathered from two formations: 2 CAB and 4th Canadian Armoured

Division. lst Polish Annoured Division was evaluated as a "UK formation" and its actions - mostly long
range tank vs. tank battIes during Totalize and Tractable raise the British average engagement range for
August. ORO-T..1L7, 2.

EJPfllU' In Manthly Plre.nII•••


100 ....-----.,..----....-.---.,...---~--~I




&5 .::::::::::}::'}:~i\
55 .....

'~;:' :.: ,\...'
.. . iCI)
50 di

.2 '.: ........:.-;.: : ;: :...

.' ~:. ::;::}g:
40 -.-::.


" " 0 '.: 0
50 <C'
25 cc
s: .........-
1- «
20 Z CI: ::J cr:
0< OCC
ëii :1: ~ 0
<C c.:»
15 :>
- ' C,.)

~~ ~~

US TANK CAS ~:rtftr::::<:::=:::t:;:::r:;::::{t::t::);:

DEPT ofARMY: Survey of Allrad Tank casualtfu rn Wortel War Il
Washrngton.1 Mardi 1951

Figure 31

absorbed most tank-to-tank kills during the great breakout attempts ofJune and July.
Subsequently, the Cobra "dogfight" within the bocage had US troops absorbing extensive
tank casualties trom panzerfaust and pak. By August, Patton had broken through but the
British were still grinding through B/uecoat, now taking the lion's share oftotaI kiUs
(tank, anti-tank, panzerfaust63 and mine) in the bocage. Concurrently, Canadian armoured
formations, attacking during Tota/ize and Tractable, suffered most gun kills 64 \vhile
eondueting tank-vs.-tank engagements in the open terrain south of Caen:
GUNFIRE: Allied Tank Casualties Sampling: ETO 1944"
June July August September October November December
CON 71% 50% 68% 38% 33% 2% 25%
OK 85% 70% 64% 40% 68% LO% 12%
USA 50% 28% 60% 64% 48% 47% 53%
BOLLOW CHARGE: AIlied Tank Casualties Sampling: ETO 1944"
June Joly August September October November December
CDN 1% 4% 9% 12% 10% 1% 25%
UK 3% 4% 12% 5% 6% L% 11%
USA 3% 22% 9% 8% 13% 9% 130/0
Table 17
Canadian annour aehieved numerical dominance in August; however, during June and

• July 2 CAB operated at extreme teehnieal disadvantage and fought at numerieal parity or
inferiority. This is not made elear by armour' s crities: armour advaneed until it was shot
to pieees.
Rad the near catastrophic easualties dealt the Allied armoured forces been
imposed on the combined Allied air forces, the Normandy Campaign would have ended
in a stalemate. When sixty American 8·17s were shot down on the October 1943

63 Bocage allowed unmanned tank ambush sites to he prepared: panzerfausts tied to trees with a
trip wire ("panzerfaust ais automatische sperre"). RG24 14186 BRAC Bulletin No. 4~ 2 Jan 45.
64 orthe 841 tank samples of AFVs destroyed by guns of7Smm and above, 48% ofAllied were
destroyed by 88mm gunfue (British studies credit 55%). In the 2nd Canadian Corps sector, Caen ta Falaise,
where terrain favoured long distance engagements, Canadian losses to 88nun gunfire were 77.20/0.Capt H.
B. Wright and Capt R. D. Harkness. A Survey ofCasualties Amongst Annoured Units in Northwest
Europe (Med1ëal Research Team, British 21 Army Group (No. 2 ORS) Jan 1946) and, Coox and
Naisawald, ORO 117 Based on 95 vehicle sample. Table XIV, 24.
65 ORO T 117, Table XVIII.
66 ORO T 117., 1-3, 6, 8, 14. Of a sampÜDg study of 10,388 known Allied tank casualties in ail
theatres of operatio~ 20% were caused by Gennan mines; Allied mines caused (ess than S% Gennan tank
casuaIties. Of Desttoyed vehicles inETO, 51%were causedbydirectgunfire, 20% by artiUery, 14% by

• Hollow Charge. Ofdisabled tanks, 28% gunfire, 52% artiUery/mortar and 5% HoIIow Charge. Based on 6th
Annd 18 July44-8 May 45.

Schweinfurt mission, further major efforts were terminated untillong-range tighters were
made available. "Not untillate in February 1944, was the Anny Air Force able to resume
its attacks. ,,67 Rad the same standards been applied to annour after Goodwood or upon
contact with Pantherrriger, the AIlied forces would have not advanced until the M26 or
the Tortoise appeared. Somehow, the loss of 60 heavy bombers was cataclysmic whereas
500 burning tanks constituted a lesson leamed.
Ail Allied tank outfits generally operated in the same aggressive style:
In my opinion the reason our armor has engaged the German tanks as
successfully as it has is not due ta any means ta a superior tank but to our
superior numbers oftanks on the battlefield and the willingness ofour
tankers to take their lasses while maneuvering to a position from which a
penetrating shot can be put through a weak spot of the enemy tank. 68
The technical imbalance dogging the Artnoured Corps was not experienced by the
[nfantry. AIthough they did not have an MG42 or panzerfaust, their basic weapons did
the job; their supporting artillery was superior ("Artillery is the main weapon of the
enemy' s annihilation tactics.,,69) and they enjoyed complete air superiority.70 If Canadian
infantry did not dominate German infantry (and Stacey et al admit they did not) it is not

• because they were outgunned, outarmoured or outnumbered. The armoured corps enjoyed
no such level playing field. Simonds's criticism ofarmour after Totalize was not that they
failed to follow doctrine, but rather that they did not scom doctrine and carry on attacking
frontally despite casualties, logistic limits, and the limitations of night.
Armoured doctrine was alien to Brigade, Division and Corps commanders who
grouped tanks inefficiently and used them clumsily. Canadian armour was not
concentrated throughout June and July. Tank actions were defeated in detail. The

67 Martin Caiden. Black Thursday (New York: Dell, 1960), 269. November 1943 USAAF
deployed Lightning P38Js (520 nùle range) followed in Dee l43 - Jan l44 by PS 10 Mustangs whose range
exceeded 600 miles. Sec al5O: John Sweetman Schweinfurt (New York: Ballantyne, 197L), 53.
68 E~bit No.2, 1, Colonel S. R. Hinds, Conunandin& Combat Command "B." Wlùte Report.
69 BRL Report. Captured Report quoted from Pz Div Lehr "Report on Experiences 6·22 JW1e."
See: Interview MajGen Stadler, 9 S8 pz: ."..the use of artillery by the British was definitely much more
powerful and oppressive than enemy air superiority.." Gennan 50ldiers feared: "the proximity ofradio
transmitters as enemy could detect their whereabouts, and concentrated artillery tire on the spot detected.
This fear was very widespread and took the fonn ofa complex 50 it wu ca11ed "Peil Psychoses. ft, 13, 18.
70 "During the period 6 JW1e to 6 September 1944, Aliied air supremacy permitted the use of air

• power in support of groWld forces in the campaign in France to an extent never before equalled." HQ ETC
US Anny fmmediate Report No.l {Combat Observations) 20 Nov 44. The Sheffield Edwards Papers. MHI.

standard "armoured battle" in Normandy was too often fought in support ofan infantry
attempt to break through established German defences. Despite experimentation with
night attacks, massed heavy bomber preparations, and extensive smoke screens, the
Canadian general stafftreated tanks as infantry addenda. Brigades were split. Regiments
were fragmented - vietims of incomplete training and misunderstood prineiples. Sorne
were simply without tactical ability altogether. Neither Sicily nor Italy prepared senior
commanders for Normandy. The Germans had the benefit of post graduate training in
Russia. The AGF had Louisiana. The Americans and British shared Tunisia. Canadians
had Dorset.
The MOst successful Canadian armoured tradition is the squadron attack.
Canadian Armoured doctrine evolved in battle. It was not created in the United Kingdom
or Camp Borden; the RCAC's "Louisiana" was Normandy. It was a grass roots doctrine
and first appeared at the troop, then squadron level. It did not mature beyond that. Once
the tanks broke through, as Maczek demonstrated, the regiments did pretty weil.
However, until a breakthrough, tank wastage equalled or exceeded infantry loss rates.

The real issue was Simonds's employment ofarmour. The record should be put straight
and armour' s denied valour restored.

Allied Operational Art

An opportunity that cornes to a commander not more than once a century. We ~re about to
destroy an entire hostile army.. .
General Omar Bradley

Mnogo raz podumat71

Stalin to the Stavka

When Simonds did acquire operational maneuver, the achievement was

overshadowed by overemphasis on other (American) triumphs on the Normandy front. In
their practice ofthe Operational Art, Canadian and British high command had no
praetical concept of"Deep Battle" and because of the emphasis on seaborne assault
Allied strategie offensives were principally ultra sophisticated amphibious operations.

• 7t "Let's think this over one more time"


The ooly model ofa successful Allied strategie ground offensive was, unfortunately, El
Alamein. It was to dominate the British..Canadian doctrine totally out of proportion ta its
The mechanies of a strategie offensive emphasized combined arms, massed
armour and breakthrough artillery. The Germans, and especially the Soviets, used the
strategie artillery offensive to support the 4'ooe big strike" ("a strong strike at one
point")71 which was based on massive artillery tire in concentrations unheard of in the
West. The assault was preceded by a 4'double barrage" followed by insertion ofmobile
formations with orders to avoid local engagements73 and quiekly overwhelm operational
reserves ("... numerous meeting engagements with the enemy's reserves where artillery
fought decentralized and using direct tire.")74
Initial preparatory tires averaged 2 hours and 30 minutes with a density of233
guns and rockets per km on an average breakthrough seetor oftwenty-four kilometres as
compared with the artillery density for Goodwood and Spring ofapprox eighty..three guns
per kilometre. The heavy bombers are not included in artillery density calculations, but

the bomber strike accounts for one continuous thirty minute stream of individual bombers
dropping single loads. Artillery tires are capable ofbeing revised (Soviets issued a
completely new counter battery plan within thirty minutes of the Lvov H Hour), repeated,
and accurately concentrated on troublesome strongpoints during an operation. Heavy
bombers, as Cobra, Totalize and Tractable proved, often missed.
Offensives included formai deception whieh was practiced by SHAEF but
centered on electronic misinformation (Operations Overlord and Fortitude).7S Another

Tl Sidorenko, 130, 1. Erickso~ L. Hanse~ W. Schneider, 16-20. Also, Bellamy, 6~ 135 and, H.
F. C. Duffy, Red Stonn on the Reich (New York: Da Capo Press, 1993), 332-337. There were twelve Red
Anny Strategic Offensives (rom the 24thDecember 1943 to 12th May 1944." The 1944 SummerofTensive
(221une-29 August 44) corresponds rougfùy with the Normandy Campaign (6 June to 30 August-
reaching the Seine at Elbeuf) but aIso coincided with the Belorussian Offensive (22 June-29 August).
73 4'Pfactically every Russian attack was preceded by large-scale infiltration, by an 'oozing
through' ofsmall wüts...." German after action report, as in, N. Leites, Soviet Style in War. (New York:
Crane Russak, 1990), 300.
74 Bellamy 135-136.
75 The sophisticated planning, control and pmcti~ technical efficiency required was best
ilIustrated during the destruction of Anny Group Center in JuIy 44. The Soviets conducted an artillery

maneuver moving 3,500 guns over 660 kms without the om knowledge. u Artillery concentrations were
increased ftom S,500 to 9000 guns aIong the attacked sector." Chris Bellamy, 62.

important feature was penetration by Operational Maneuver Groups (OMG). The OMG
was a tota11y mechanized assault unit, no smaller than a division and usually a tank corps,
whose mission was to quickly penetrate the front by avoiding aIl contact in order to reach
the enemy's operational depth. The OMG sougbt out political, operational, and strategie
objectives.'6 These independent formations, set loose in rear areas, not conforming to the
traditional maneuver, created immense headaches for defending staffs. They drew away
strategie reserves and disrupted communications. More dangerous, their presence denied
the defender operational maneuver in his own rear areas, which was their goal.
Facing a Soviet style.assault, the only viable defence doctrine centered on the
mobile defence capable oftrading ground for tactical advantage. Hitler would not hear of
it. The German General staffwas not permitted ta maneuver operationally and certainly
not strategically. The Wehrmacht was ordered to dig in and fight for every inch of
Mother Russia, a policy that was repeated in Normandy but not used to advantage by
Montgomery. This politically sound but militarily moronic strategy eventually resulted in
the "we couId have defeated them ifHitler let us" argument. l1 It is a moot point.

Stavka's aim was not a Schwerpunkt-Blitzkrieg penetration pouring troops
through the breach à la France 1940; instead, the assault ripped out a chunk sixty
kilometres wide. The defender cannat hold the shoulders ofa breaeh if the initial attack
destroys his entire upper torso: "large seale enemy lasses ... enemy could not close the
gaps ... was forced ta execute the maneuver of deep reserves and take forces from
strategie directions.,,78 Although "glubokii bai" (perfected in the 1942-43 campaigns)

76 OMO missions included Luftwaffe airfields, communication centers, high level headquarters,
and govemment centers. The group could be called upon to conduet a meeting engagement but this was
rate. The OMO was a one way operation. Its ~ assault guns, annoured personnel carriers, and self
propelled artillery, followed by mobile supply columns, raced to specific goals using any available
approach Wltil they captured the objective or raIl out ofsupplies.
77 Cuffy notes that beside Hitler's persistent meddling in deployment, operations, tactics even the
movement ofi tank ~ "Stalîn was Olympian and detached in comparison:' Duffy, Red Stonn on the
Reich, 362. See also Warlimont for detailed exarnples ofHitler's obsession with military trivia during
78 Sidorenko, 220; Stalin personally urged "a single main blow" for the offensive but finally
agreed with Rokossovskii to accept more than one operational attack to fonn a Strategie Offensive. See:
John Erickson The Raad to Berlin. Stalïn's War with Gennany. Vol 2. (London: Weidenfeld &. Nicholson.

1983), 203. The Russian tenninology for the annoured breakthrough is particuJarly apt and certainly more
stimulating than the low key tenus used by Canadians in imitation ofthe casua1, antitheticallanguage ofthe
British otlicer class ( "write down" "write off", "bump", "push through", "engage", "sort out" "smash",

• was the key to operational and strategie success against the Wehrmaeht'9 it was ail but
unheard of in the West. Montgomery and Simonds substituted breakthrough bombers for
breakthrough artillery but did not organize the second and third echelon armoured
formations required to extend the shock ofthe initial assault.
The concept of"bypassing points ofresistance" was perhaps understood by
Kitching, and Maczek, but Ieft ta brigade and regimental commanders ta bring it about.
The war time restrictions governing maneuver in farmlands and the paueity ofdivisional
exercises produced an armoured force unfamiliar with the essence of maneuver warfare.
Simonds's frustration at Totalize were foreseen by the SovietsSO whose operational
instructions emphasized: "one strike after the other ... it is not permissible ta
stop ... 'neostanovlivat sya' (do not permit yourselfto halt)."s1 By the summer of 1944,
the Red Army's offensive had evolved to a stage where the Wehrmacht eould not afford
to practice its own doctrine. The only defence against the Soviet strategie offensive was
not to defend.
To illustrate the total Allied miscomprehension ofwhat was going on in Russia,
the No.lD Liaison Letter (July 1944) distributed throughout 21st Army Group stated that
military reports demonstrated ·'the remarkable parallel between British and Soviet tank

"bash" etc). The aim of the offensive was not merely to "break-~ dog -figh~ and break out" but to
llrazdrobiC' (lear 10 fractions), urazedenif ( rip apart)and the very apt: razryvat ("tcar to pieces").
79 O. M. Glantz, The Soviet Conduct ofTactical Maneuver. (New York: Frank Cass, 1989), 19-
22, 151-153, 168. and, D. M. Glantz uThe Nature or Soviet Operational Art" Parameters. Journal orthe US
Anny War College Vol XIX No.l March 1989, 7-10. See also, W. F. Scott, The Soviet Art orwar.
(Wcstview: Boulder. 1982), 20,56-59; and, V. Matsulenko, uRazitie taktiki nastupatel nogo boya" (The
Development orthe tactics orthe offensive battle) Voenno-istoricheskii zhurna1 February 1968, 28-29.
An~ MS T 31 MajGen Peter von der Groeben Collapse of Afiny Group Center (22 June to 1Sept 44), 4b.

so "If you press on mm (a subordinate officer) he attacks. If you lcave him out ofyour sight, he
stops." N. K. Popel Tanki Dovemuli Na lapad (Moscow: Noenizdat, 1960), 120. It rnay be argued the
Soviets had five years to perfect their operational art - it shouid remembered the western Allies bad seven.
81 1944 Combat Regulations forTank and Mechanized Forces. «A tank attack must be carried out
without stopping...it is forbidden...to partition a combined arms fonnation assigned to a tank: brigade...•"
Chapter 1. l~FundarnentaIs." Leites, 54. See: Chris Bellamy Red Gad ofWar, 199-200; P. A. ZhiIin, The
History ofMilitarv Art (Moscow: Voenizdat, 1986), 126, Radzievsky, Tankovi Udar, 88. It may he argued
that the Soviet T-34 and StaIin series, as weil as weapons ranging from their submachine gun to hcavy
artillery were superior to western models. See: Ellis and Chamberlain,. 52-66, Eric Grove, 110-121;
Kenneth Macksey, Tank versus Tank, 84-87.

• Tactics.
82 Liaison LetterNo. 10. JuIy 44. D Hist 141,009 Dl16. Comparison of Soviet and British Tank


Tac Air prevaItI Ocmwl Puzet

DiviliOGl froID radliq invuioo area
in time to dcIeat AD1ed uaau1t divilioD'
Il tbcir moat vu1DcnbJc ltIIC

• Figure 32

Russian Disapproval

• Battle is the means ofthe operation. Tactics are the material ofOperational Art. The
Operation is the means of Strategy an~ Operational Art is the material of Strategy.
A. A. Svechin

l repeatedly urged Montgomery to speed up and intensify his efforts to the limit. He
threw in attack after attac~ gallantly condueted and heavily supported by artillery
and air~ but Gennan resistance was not crushed.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower

In comparison to Soviet offensives, Goodwood, Spring, and Tota/ize were sent in

along 6.4, 6 and 4.8 km frontages respeetively. These were noted with disapproval by the
Russians as "examples ofunsuccessful offensive operations." Stavka was bewildered by
"18 July Goodwood Front of 5 km,,83 with parlicular concem for: "the inaction of the
Allies on the remainder orthe &00t.,,84
The Lvov offensive took place at the same time as Goodwood. Stavka
concentrated 68% of Red Army divisions for the attack, including 80% ofarmoured
fighting vehicles, 65% of the artil1ery, and 100% of the aircraft. The breakout sector was
twenty-six kilometres wide while the offensive front extended 440 kms - considerably

superior ratios ta Goodwood figures. Since Montgomery had access to aIl the artillery and
armour8.S in Normandy, it is reasonable to assume it was his decision to have an "aIl
British" show rather than create a powerful second echelon based on an American
armoured corps.
Despite the orders given 7th British and Guards Armoured Divisions,86 there was
no actual breakthrough plan for Operation Spring rather a "wait and see" approach. The

immediate destruction ofvon Kluge's operational reserves was fundamental for a rapid

83 Sidorenko, 38.
84 Sidorenko, 4 L ''The main and decisive force in exploiting the success after the break-through
\Vere the tank annies and the detached tank and mechanised corps. In cooperation with the air force, like a
fast moving ram ofcolossal power, they cleared the way for field annies." F. M. Zhukov.
8S 12ih and 2151 Anny Groups had 10 Annd Divs (not including GHQ Tk Bns and Ind Tk Bdes)
vs. 10 Panzer and 1 PzGren divisions in Nonnandy by mid August (6 5S and 5 Wehnnacht). During
Spring, more SS panzer divisions were concentrated around Caen then were available for either panzer
Anny in Operation Zi/ade/le (Kursk). See: Helmuth Spaeter Panzerkorps Grossdeutsehland (Friedberg:
Podzun-PalIas Verlag~ 1988)~ 174-176., H. S. Scheibert and U. E. Elfrath Gennan Annoured Forces on the
Eastern Front 1941-44 (Dorheim: Almark, Podzun Verlag, 1971)~ 115. page refManstein, RH16n1 WD 5
Pz Anny: Order ofBattle Juiy 44 and OKW Orbal

• 86 WD 2 Cdn Corps, 23 Juiy 1944.


success in Normandy but Western planning paredied the actual mechanics ofa

• breakeut.87 From the briefing at St. Paul's Scheel ta the bridgehead battles ofJune, it was
always assumed the Allies would somehow break out. There was no specifie Allied
doctrine save that used in North Africa - Montgomery' s attacks tended to mimic El
Alamein, the one battle he knew how to win.
The AIlied breakout was played in five acts: Goodwood, Spring, Cobra,
B/uecoat, and Tota/ize. None of the 21st Army Group operations husbanded aIl available
resources, but they were very democratic efforts. Each team gave it a go and they shared
the strategic bombers. Planning Tota/ize, Simonds actually conspired ta stop the entire
offensive ta wait for a second bomber attaek. These operations, compared to Soviet
breakouts, appear amateur. By mid August, Montgomery, who ruled with an iron fist and
meddled in most affairs, ieft the Americans totally alone and permitted spontaneous
operational creativity in Canadian offensives. The idea of Simonds, a Corps Commander,
sitting alone in his caravan dreaming up new methods ofbreaking through 5 Panzer
Armee's defence would have been sa out ofplace in the Soviet system as to be

completely ludicrous.
,!he Allies could have duplicated the type ofartillery concentrations used by the
Russians. British and Canadian communications were superior ta the Soviets and the
logistic support was far more extensive. There were more than SOO guns in the Simonds's
Corps alone; Montgomery controlled over 3000 AIlied gons, not including thousands of
medium and heavy mortars, tank guns, rocket batteries, anti.. aircraft or anti..tank
regiments. The failure ofhis first major breakout attempt, Goodwood, forced him te
announce a battle philosophy based on a breakout through the American bocage secter.
This is suspect. Montgomery' s grasp of tank doctrine paralleled Field Marshal von
Rundstedt: "Of ail the German generals, Genfldm von Rundstedt knew the least of panzer
tactics - he was an infantryman of the last generation. ,,88

87 "The worth ofa mechanized unit shows itself in the lùghest degree when the eoemy has not yet
had time to organize anti-tank defense~" GenLt. Ivan G. zav'yaIov., Voyennaya Mysl' CMilitary Thoughtl
No. Il, Nov 1971 quoted in Scott and Scott. 217.

88 Panzer General Lee Geyer von Schweppenbur& when queried regarding von RWlClstedt' s
decision to commit entire divisions to the counter-attack in Normandy. ETHINT 13, 4...5.

The 1944 Soviet Strategie Offensive provides an interesting comparison to

• Normandy. The destruction of Army Group Center, June - August '44, included an
advanee of450 miles into German held territory. Normandy lasted 86 days and pushed
the Germans from the bocage to the Seheldt, the Ardennes, and Lorraine, about 350
miles. The Red Army destroyed over sixty divisions. Madel got most of his armies across
the Seine, lost no panzer divisions, and was able ta defeat Montgomery's next strategie
offensive, the rashly planned and tragieally executed Operation Market-Garden. 89

The Cannae Maneuver

And l sha1l pop out at them like an angry rabbil

Field Marshal BLM Montgomery
Manoeuvre warfare consists ofapplying superior forces on one poinl
Marshal F. Foch
The "write down the panzers" strategy is a popular military myth. The panzer
divisions were not heId in the Caen seetor despite Spring. Montgomery vacillated
between "holding" and "breakout." Although he ordered breakouts, he failed ta

• coordinate and support them: "In the finai stages Montgomery had British divisions ta
spare, b~t Simonds was not reinforced."gO The Caen sector offered the best opportunity of
destroying the German Army in the west ("at least 550 ofthe 750 [German] tanks
destroyed in Normandy by this date [end ofruiy], met their fate on the Caen &ont.,,91)
When he was at last offered Bradley' s gift of operationai maneuver and the possibility of
strategie victory, Montgomery chose conservatism and condueted the breakout with little

89 The division most responsible for destroying the British Airbome envelopment into Arnhem
was Monty'S-Qld frienci, the 9th 5S HOhenstauffen. "resting and refonning" neac the city after escaping
from the Falaise pockel See: R. J. Kershaw ~It Never Snows in September' The Gennan View ofMarket
Garden and the Battle of Arnhem. September 1944, (Ramsbury: Crowood, 1990), 16.304,308.
90 Wilrno~ 424.
91 Milton 5huJman, Defeat in the West (London: Secker and Warburg. 1947), 144.


decisiveness. In the end, the final encirclement ofthe Falaise Pocket was a series of

• division level thrusts overseen by the theatre commander. 93

The US pursuit during Cobra was speetacular, but overrated. There were no
German operational reserves to intercept or black. Nevertheless, there were not enough
armoured formations for envelopment, counter..attack and pursuit. McNair' s quest for the
"sound fundamentaln94 and a "lean and tough" infantry division was to cost the AGF tank
divisions by channelling effort, funds, and massive resources (schools, training centers,
engineering development and the assembly line production ofthree different ID models)
into his Tank Destroyer scherne. In the end, the AGF did not get the fi fty armoured
divisions it requested; in fact, Bradley broke out ofNormandy with five. One can ooly
speculate how Cobra would have been resolved had there been another American
armoured corps available ta maneuver It was an American infantry division, the 90th, not
an armoured division that met Maczek's 1st Poiska Pancema Divisia at Chambois. The
spectacular clearing ofBrittany, the Loire and the thrust ta Paris was mainly
accomplished by two tank: divisions: Wood's 4th and Grow's 6th. Allied armoured

indigence permitted von Kluge to maintain operational maneuver throughout the
GoodwC?od - Spring - B/uecoat - Cobra offensives until forced by Hitler to concentrate
and attack within the growing Falaise pocket.
Too Many Germans escaped from the pocket; white much ofthe fault is Bradley's
and Montgomery' s, Eisenhower cannot be absolved from some guitt. He refused to take
action even after it became apparent that Montgomery was n~t capable ofbreaking out of
Normandy and prepared to invent excuses to justify failure. He should have taken
command of the operational battle directly Patton cleared Avranches and Cobra required

92 "Montgomery's great error in the Nonnandy Campaign was continually to promise more than the
Second British Anny could deliver.u Stephen T. Powers ''The Battle of Normandy: The Lingering
Controversy." Ouarterly Journal ofMilitarv History. Vol 65. No. 3. JuIy 1992. 470.
93 Montgomery did impress at least one key player - "r know why you all hale him. You are
jeaIous: he is better than you are." Winston Churchill. quoted by Home, "In Defense of Montgomery". 66.
94 K. R. Greenfield., R. Palmer. and B. 1. WiIey. The Organization ofGround Combat Troops

<United States Anny in World War II: The Ground Combat Forces. (Washington: Historical Division US
Anny. 1947). 316-317. see aise: Weigley. 22-23.

• guidance - he could not have possibly done worse than Montgomery who spent his time
racing Bradley to Trun.9S
Simonds, without an armoured doctrine and helpful direction from above96 -
Crerar's inability resulted in far too much latitude to Simonds - behaved as his own army
commander. His "corps attacks" were aetually army level offensives that used most of
Crerar's resources. Despite a considerable cheering section in Canadian military history,
sober analysis of Tractable and Totalize will show they were inflexible, over-complicated
and carried the mechanics oftheir own destruction.
The faet that lst Canadian Army, despite a vast numerical advantage, was
checked by one weak panzer division (12thSSHJ) further illustrates the Canadian
difficulties with "warfighting" doctrine. As Commander of2nd Canadian Corps, Simonds
fought his tanks just as he described while a Captain - in penny packets of"GHQ"
squadrons, tossed out by headquarters as they saw fit. When he failed, he resorted to
extremes and threw brickloads of tanks down tight corridors. His inability ta select
armour leaders with the right stuffand his unnecessarily complex approach to annour
was ta rob him ofvictory in Operations Spring, Totalize and Tractable. In an evaluation
of2nd Canadian Corps' three attempts to break out, one is tempted to paraphrase
Simonds's own pronouncement upon the Black Watch at St André: a failure in major
taetics. Nevertheless, in the final assessment, given the weight of responsibility assigned
to him by Crerar, Simonds must be rated next ta Collins, Dempsey, Patton and Bradley,
all army commanders underMontgomery.
Massed armour required leaders with skill and imagination: "Cavalry is not
simply an arm - it is astate ofmind."97 Creative experiments with grouping and taetics
ensured that when they finally went ta war, the Americans were far closer ta emulating

9S Montgomery's wanime correspondence to Viscount Alanbrooke evaluated ms boss: "As a

commander, Eise1Ù1ower is quite useless. There must he no misconception on this matter; he is completely
and utterly useless." GleM LaFantasie, "Mont and Ike Talee Gettysburg" The Ouarterly Journal ofMilitarv
History Autumn 1995, Vol 8, No. 1, 73. This and the publication of the Montgomery's Memoirs may have
prompted Eisenhower's final judgement on the British Field Marshal: Ujust a little man, he's just as little
inside as he is outside." quoted by LaFantasie, 68.
96 Crerac was eventually removed from command of 151 Cdn Anny by Montgomery in the autumn
of 1944:"r had great troubles with Crerar He was utterly Wlfit to command an Anny, and sorne ofhis

DivisionaI Commanders weee very poor The Canadian Anny produced only one general fit to hold high
command in the Second World War - Guy Simonds." Montgomery, quoted by Hamilto~ 507.
97 Grow, "Black Lines on a Map", 5.

the success of the German Kampfgryppen than the British and Canadians. A study
comparing lst Polish Armoured and 4th Canadian Armoured Divisions is important
because it is the perfect laboratory experiment: the same vehicles, combat support, and
the same senior commanders. Their operational style was markedly different. 4 CAO
suffered from bath ineffeetive leadership at the divisional and brigade level as weil as bad
luck. l PAD, perhaps through good fortune, found itself in a position to excel. It did not
falter. Its success was unique in 21st Army GrOUp.98
Canadian doctrine evolved through attrition. Canadian senior commanders were
mostly artillery officers witb no talent"or inclination for armored warfare. Simonds chose
the wrong armoured leaders and sacked at least one right leader. General F. F.
Worthington, (UAggressive, with reputation as fearless fighter',9.9) should have been
given his chance at commando He was dynamic and made quick decisions. "Worthy" led
from the front. He couId have done no worse at Totalize orthe Tractable breakout than
George Kitching. The Simonds "ail youth" movement robbed him ofexperienced senior
leadership when he needed it most. lOO After the Normandy battle school, Maczek and

Kitching might have performed as weil as Wood or Grow but the Canadian Armoured
Corps had had its day in Europe.
Canadian armour would never again have the opportunity ta conduet the type of
operations it was offered in Normandy.

98 After the breakout was complete, MajGen Horrocks used annour boldly. The dash of Ilth and
Guards Annd Divs to Brussels is a classic example oran armoured corps in the pursuit. Horrocks, 77-79.
99 Me27. Vol 54. Ralston Papers: Division Commanders. Rated by Stuart before D Day. Stuart
felt Worthington was old and "not a good disciplinarian ... allows bis interest to become absorbed in too
many matters outside bis command"
100 In faimess to Simonds it should he noted that the Americans were equally heavy handed with
their older divisional commanders. MajGen H. W. Baird (62 years oId) was relieved of command of 4th
Annored and replaced by Wood. Bruce Clarke round him "sitting at ms desk with bis face in ms hands and
he was crying... 'Read this letter.' It was from George Marshal: 'You are too old to command a division,

and you are retired and ordered home.' " Bruce C. Clarke Papers. Mm. The Americans had the sense to
replace Baird in May, 1942. Simonds dumped Worthington less than five months before D Day.


4th Annoured Division
5th Armoured Division

Nonnandy - Cobra / Tractable; Gennany
ltaly, Holl~ Gennany

lst Mobile Division (1937)
lst Annoured Division (1938/1939)
Mobile Division Egypt (1938 -became 7th Armd Div)
200 Annoured Division (1939/1940)
6th Armoured Division (1940 Sept)
7th Armoured Division (1940 Sept) Nonnandy - Cobra / B/uecoat; Gennany
8th Annoured Division (1940 Nov)
9th Annoured Division (1940 Dec)
10th Annoured Division (1941 Aug fin lit C3v Div)
Il th Annoured Division (1941 Match) Normandy - Cobra / B/uecoat; Germany
Guards Annoured Division (1941 lun~ Cm Guards Bdc) Nonnandy - Cobra / B/uecoat; Germany
42nd Annoured Division (1941 Aug: from Int)
79th Armoured Division (L942 Sept) Nonnandy; Gennany


• 111 Armored Division

2nd Armored Division
3rd Armored Division
4th Annored Division
5th Annored Division
6th Annored Division
(1940) "Old Ironsides't:
(1940) 4'HeU on Wheels't :
(1941tSpearheadJt :
(1941)"Y for Vietorrt:
(1942)"Super Sixth't :
North Africa; ltaly
North Afiica; Nonnandy - Cobra; Gennany
Nonnandy - Cobra; Gennany
Normandy - Cobra; Germany
Normandy - Cobra; Germany
Normandy - Cobra; Gennany
7th Annored Division (1942)" Lucky Seventh": FrancelGennany
8th Annored Division (1942)"Iron Snake": FranceiGennany
9th Armored Division (1942)"Phantom" : FrancelGennany
LOth Armored Division (1942)"Tiger't: FrancelGermany
11th Armored Division (1942)"ThW1derbolt": FrancelGermany
L2th Annored Division (1942)"Hellcat" Germany
13th Artnored Division (1942)"Black Cat" Gennany
14th Armored Division (1942) Gennany
L6th Armored Division (1943) Germany
20th Artnored Division (1943) Germany


Ist PoLish Armoured Division (1942/43) Nonnandy - Cobra 1 Tractable; Germany
2nd French Annoured Division (1942/43) Normandy - Cobra; Gennany





May 1940 -April 1945

!llilI ~ ~ TOTAL
10 CAR FGH 86 402
12 CAR Th,eeRiwn 67 382
6 CAR IH 105 344
8RECCE 14 CH SO 308
27 CAR SHERFUS 66 287
14 CAR CALGR 44 273
28 CAR BeR 35 270
7RECCE 17 DYRCH 49 269
2 CAR LDSH 59 268
29RECCE SALTA 49 259
Il CAR ONTR 30 258
22 CAR CGG 57 250
3 RECCE GGHG 39 246
9 CAR BCD 48 245
2LCAR GGFG 58 204
5 RECCE 'PLNBH 27 179


·The high casualties attributed to Princcss Louise Dragoon Ouanfs. 4th Rccce Regt. occurred after the unit had becn convcrted to
infantry and sent into action beforc they had becn su ffi f:ientJ y traincd


UNIT Total
Ist Annored Division 6596
2nd Annored Division 5740
3rd Annored Division 9189
4th Annored Division 5907
5th Armored Division 3152
6lh Annored Division 4655
7f1l Annored Division 4899
Sf1l Annored Division 2039
9th Annored Division 2973
10mAnnored Division 3883
11th Annored Division 2912
12lh Annored Division 314 L
13th Armored Division 1165
14th Annored Division 2515
16th Annored Division 23
20th Armored Division 293



• Theatre ofoperations
Western Emupe
Sampling of Allied Tank Casualties 1:

Total Sample Total Known Casualties Gunfire Non Enemy

US .. 1944 2579 2065 1051 50.9% 292 14.1%

UK .. 1944 1103 1048 621 59.2% 21 2.0°1t»
CDA 1944 473 294 161 54.8% 66 22.4%
North Africa
US· 1942 72 37 23 62.2% 12 32.4%
US ·1943 205 81 36 44.4% 14 17.3%
UI( .. 1942 1123 1123 884 78.7% 1 0.1%
UK ·1943 182 182 140 76.9% 0
FR- 1943 39 39 30 76.9°1t» unknown
US· 1943 58 21 10 47.6% 4 19.0%
UI( ·1943 31 31 23 74.2% 0
CDA 1943 20 20 6 30.0% 4 20.0%

• Italy
US -1943
US .. 1944
UK -1943
UK - 1944 652 521 309 59.3% 18 3.5%
CDA 1943 73 66 21 31.8% 22 33.3%
CDA 1944 631 488 146 29.9% 246 50.4%



• (1)
Analysis of Sherman Casualties: 6th June· lOth July2
Total Tank Casualties ADalysed
(a) Nwnber penetrated by Gennan AP Shot
(b) Number Mined
(c) Number Damaged, unidentified but "brewed up"
Proportion of Total Tania
40 89%
(II) Total "Brewed Up": 37 82%
(a) Number penetrated by shot and "brewed up" 33 73~1o
(b) Number mined and "brewed Up" 3 7%
(c) Number "brewed up" by unknown causes 1 2%
Note: In severa! cases it is difficult to distinguish between penetrations of 7S and 88mm particularly ailer
the tank had "brewed up". Tao much reliance must not be placed on the proportion ofsuch
penetrations though the p'roponion g!.ven agrees weil with the estimated occurrences of such guns
given by 2nd Anny, Main HQ. Estimates by tighting soldiers were round to be unreliable since
ManY reported they had been knocked out by 88mm, when in fact it had been 7Smm shot, while the
reverse mistake bas not yet been discovered.
(nI) Proportion of Total Bits
Tanks Penetrated br German AP Shot
(a) Total Bits Recorded 65
(i) 7S mm 53 82%
(H) 88 mm 12 18%
(b) Number of Penetrations 62 95%
(i) 7S mm 50 77%
(ii) 88 mm 12 18%

• (c) Number of Failures to Penetrate


Distribution ofHits
7S mm
88 mm


Total 19 36 10

Distribution of Number of Hits reguired to knock out each Tank

Number ofRits lx HIT 2x Hits 3x Hits 4 5 6 7 8xHits
Tks Knocked Out ~ 11 2 1 1
Distribution of Hits
Angle of Penetration oo.~ go-30° 300-90°
Hull 32 19 8
Turret 19 16 3

Further Study of Tanks that were RIT but not Penetrated and remained in action
Total Tanks fuspected 124
Hits Failing ici Penetrnte 8

2 RG24 Vol. 14186. BRAC WarDiaryt Report No.12: "2nd Anny: Analysis of75mm Shennan Tank

Casualties Between 6th June and 10thJWle" and, data basedon ORO T 117, 16-27, Tables VII, VIII, X, ~ XI,
XII. And, Hardison BRL MR 798, Tablem 10.


• Tank States 2 CAB Normandy June-August 1944

. ' . .. .. . .. .. , .... ....

- ' ,.- ... .' .... ' "."

6 7 12 13 14
M4 VC MJ M4 VC M3 M4 VC Ml M4 vc MJ M4 vc MJ
6 CAR 50 12 11 38 7 6 19 0 7 41 5 10 39 5 7
10 CAR 50 12 11 39 7 7 35 . 7 36 3 9 36 3 9
27 CAR 50 12 11 21 3 1. 37 4 7 38 6 6 42 6 6

18 19 20 21 23
M4 VC MJ M4 vc M3
. M4 VC Ml M4 VC MJ M4 vc Ml
6 CAR 40 5 7 40 8 8 43 5 9 43 5 9 38 5 la
10 CAR 39 4 10 44 5 .9 41 5 la 44 5 10 4S 5 10
27 CAR 35 6 6 45 6 6 46 6 6 4S 6 6 32 6 9

24 27 28 29 30
M4 VC MJ M4 VC Ml Mol VC Ml M4 vc Ml M4 vc ~o

6 CAR 43 5 la 46 7 10 41 7 10 42 7 il 42 7 Ll
10 CAR 44 5 la 45 7 10 42 7 10 46 7 10 46 7 10
27 CAR 46 6 9 44 7 10 41 7 9 47 8 9 46 7 8

• D.J1yAvcJReit

M4:: .41:.

vc: ':..


Below 50%:

Tot· 3x
·I():.· 'OX


• 6 CAR 44
10 CAR 46
..- .

.' o •• ,.

. ..


..... -,.

27 CAR 47 7 5 48 6 10 51 7 9 49 7 9 50 8 9

6 7 8 9 10
M4 VC Ml !\of4 VC Ml M4 VC Ml M4 VC Ml !\of4 VC MJ
6 CAR 49 7 Il 44 7 11 47 7 Il 42 7 11 44 7 11
10 CAR 39 1 8 39 7 8 44 7 8 42 3 8 40 7 8
27 CAR 50 8 9 5S 8 9 38 6 9 33 6 9 39 6 9

11 12 13 14 IS
M4 VC Ml M" VC MJ M" VC Ml !\of4 VC M3 M" VC M3
6 CAR 44 7 11 S3 6 11 53 7 11 52 7 Ll 54 7 11
10 CAR 40 7 8 40 8 8 40 8 8 40 8 7 38 8 7
27 CAR 35 6 9 30 S 9 2S S 9 49 8 8 49 8 8

16 17 19 23 24
M4 VC Ml M" VC Ml M" VC Ml M4 VC M3 M" VC M3
CAR 54 7 53 7 11 44 6 11 43 7 11 42 7 il

6 11
10 CAR 38 8 7 39 8 7 35 8 6 49 7 5 52 9 7
27 CAR 51 8 8 53 8 8 S3 8 7 2S 6 7 34 1 9

25 26 27 29 30
M4 VC 1\013 M" VC Ml Mol VC Ml M" VC Ml M" VC M3

6 CAR 29 24 11 17 3 11 26 4 11 28 5 il
10 CAR 36 "7 11
8 43
7 8 41 8 6 41 8 8 48 8 8
27 CAR 38 7 9 33 6 9 31 7 10 49 11 10 50 11 la

31 BelowSO%
M4 VC M3 6.. 5,( Sx
6 CAR 28 5 11 10 lx.' Ox::
10 CAR 49 8 7 ...
21:. 2x 8x.
'l7CAR 49 11 10 ve:: . 7: .; .. 57% 'rot:: .8": IJx:..


• 6 CAR

. _ ....... _- .....







- .-


10 CAR 48 8 7 49 8 8 49 8 8 50 Il 8 50 11 8
'l7CAR 50 8 10 50 11 la sa 8 8 47 11 8 47 11 9

9 10 Il 12 13
M4 VC l'tU M4 VC MJ M4 VC MJ M4 VC Ml M4 VC MJ

6 CAR 4S 8 11 50 10 11 47 9 Il 48 9 9 48 10 la
10tAR 37 la 7 "40 la 7 45 11 7 44 11 6 4S LI S
27 CAR 41 11 9 43 la 8 46 Il 7 24 4 8 41 6 7

16 18 19 20 21
M4 VC MJ M4 VC Ml M4 VC MJ M4 VC Ml M4 VC M3
6 CAR 21 7 9 24 5 8 2S S 9 27 8 9 27 4 9
10 CAR 24 3 5 24 5 4 29 6 4 29 10 5 28 7 S
27 CAR 25 2 5 32 5 3 33 7 9 37 7 5 3S 7 5

22 23 24 29 JO
M4 VC Ml M4 VC MJ M4 VC M3 M4 VC 1\0 M4 VC 1\0

• 6 CAR
10 CAR
27 CAR






6 CAR 35 7 6 M":- "37 13% "10" 6x 9x

10 CAR 36 6 4 27" 6x lOx:
27 CAR 31 4 4 vc:: 7 59% Tot 19" 29x:

• •
BQ 6 Cdn Annd Regt 10 Cdn Annd Regt 17 Cdn Annd Regt TOTAL
Date 2 CAB 17PDR
SllER S~ ~ SilER 51lER ~ 511ER SllER ~ %
...·ua vr 5"...... TOTAL ""1. vr nr.fh. TOTAl AlJ6 vr ~. TOTAL FIREFLVS 5"......... ZCAB

03 lui 8 57 58 58 21 Il.6% 181

04 Jul 7 55 51 56 20 11.8% 169

09 lui 4 49 45 39 21 15.3% 137

IS Jul 9 61 46 57 23 13.3% 173

16 Jul 4 61 46 60 23 13.5% 171

17 Jul 8 60 47 61 23 13,1% 176

18 Jul 60 44 61 22 13.3% 165

19 lui 6 50 43 61 22 13.8% 160

23 lui

24 lui

















25 Jui 18 14.8% 122

26luL 7 24 3 11,1% 27 . 43 7 14.0% 50 33 6 15.4% 39 16 13,0% 123

26 lui S 25 4 13.8% 29 43 7 14.0% 50 31 7 18.4% 38 18 14,8% 122

27 lui 7 27 3 10,0% 30 41 8 16.3% 49 31 7 18.4% 38 18 14,5% 124

• •


182 127

141 97

65 47

37 25
37 20 Cl

654 PzAbt o
12 12

"11!li~I!'lfJlllj!I.1 Iltil·ltlll'lllllllllili.I!llill:
100 ElA PzAbt 15 o 15 o

TOTALS 95 51 298 171 598 426 367 249 39 o 12 1397 909



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