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Emergency Preparedness and Response in Metallurgical Processes

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METABK 59(2) 215-217 (2020)
UDC – UDK 669.14:669.015:338.95.076.2:331.04=111


Received – Primljeno: 2019-09-25
Accepted – Prihvaćeno: 2019-12-20
Preliminary Note – Prethodno priopćenje

The main aim of the presented paper is to feature the operational model of the emergency preparedness and re-
sponse. It is based on the risk analysis and allows for fulfillment of the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO
45001 norms. The model in question represents the base of the real aims’ unification within the range of proceeding
in case of the metallurgical processes’ failures.
Key words: metallurgy, production, emergency preparedness, emergency response, risk analysis

INTRODUCTION gency, in the integrated meaning, can be understood as

the unexpected incident causing the break of the pro-
In connection with globalization, economic develop- cess’ continuity and resulting in the pollutions of the
ment and implementation of “Industry 4.0” proactive environment and occupational accidents as well as loss
creation of the occupational safety in metallurgical pro- of property [10-12].
cesses should be integrated not only with the proceeding Possessing the emergency preparedness and re-
automation but also with quality assurance and environ- sponse model one can simultaneously fulfill formal re-
mental influence minimization [1-3]. The newest ISO quirements of the standards and minimize the risk of the
45001 standard, which describes the guidelines for oc- emergency defined.
cupational health and safety management system [4], can
be a foundation for such an integrated approach. Ten
chapters of the standard are due to, promoted by ISO, METHODOLOGY
new conception of High Level Structure [5]. Its aim is to The methodology of the conducted research includes
provide the univocal requirements and definitions for dif- preparation of the model of emergency preparedness
ferent management systems, especially for the most often and response in the integrated occupational, environ-
implemented ones: quality [6], environmental [7] and the mental and quality range.
occupational safety [4], which in fundamental range reg- It is based on the analysis of the requirements of new
ulate the way of acting resulting in fulfillment of the re- ISO 45001 standard and assessment of practical possi-
quirements and expectations of the external clients, inter- bilities of integration of the occupational safety manage-
ested parties as well as the workers. Those requirements ment system with the other management systems. Ac-
can be understood as a frames for consistent manner of cording to them when deviation arises organization is
objectives achievement. ready to remove or reduce their influences (Operation -
For achieving the further steps of the integration, the 8). Particularly in compliance with Emergency prepared-
methodology of the integration reflecting the models, ness and response (8,6) point organization should identi-
methods and tools is of major strategic importance for fy emergency situations, prevent them and be prepared to
the real integration of the systems [8,9]. The used mod- respond them. Organization prevents and reduces the
el should include the unique procedures and processes undesirable effects (Improvement - 10), especially – what
directed at succeed on operational integration. is required by Incident, nonconformity and corrective ac-
The integration on the operational level is especially tion point (10,2) – controls and corrects the incident,
relevant in the situations when there is no possibility to deals with the consequences, reviews the risk and chang-
assure the compatibility of the realized process with the es the system to minimize it. As the effect of identifica-
planned occupational safety, environmental and quality tion of threats, assessment of the losses and risk accepta-
requirements. In the time of emergency, due to the dif- bility evaluation organization makes a decision on how to
ferent internal or external factors resulting from natural undertake the risk. Therefore, the risk management must
disasters or technological accidents, regular conditions be perceived as the main part of the model. Even though
of work are changed in the special ones. It is accompa- organization is forced by the norms’ requirements to use
nied with the release of the pollutants into the environ- the risk management in the systemic actions, non of
ment and/or causes damage to employees’ health. Emer- standards requires the formalized risk management and
T. Karkoszka, e-mail: tatiana.karkoszka@polsl.pl, Silesian University indicates the concrete risk assessment methods [4,6,7].
of Technology, Gliwice, Poland That is why the starting point for application of the emer-

METALURGIJA 59 (2020) 2, 215-217 215


gency response is implementation of the developed The emergency preparedness is dedicated towards
method of risk assessment of the calculation character. minimization of the risk concerning the probability of the
The guidelines for risk assessment, which can be used as emergency. The emergency response is targeted at mini-
an element of emergency response, have been described mizing the risk connected with the threats resulting in the
in the following scientific papers [13-15] as the subject of occurrence of the influences on the environment as well
the author’s study. as the occupational diseases and the accidents at the
Emergency preparedness and response has been pre- workplace. It remains both as the actions undertaken im-
pared as a tool for process’ safety assurance in the qual- mediately after the emergency and as the preventive
ity, environmental and occupational safety context, es- ones. In the case of the reactive character it is included in
pecially for every metallurgical process. the improvement phase. Than it has a significant impact
on limitation of the emergency risk by minimizing both:
RESULTS IN METALLURGICAL PROCESS probability of occurrence and significance of effects.
Emergency preparedness should be interpreted as
The model includes the organizational and techno-
the reduction of the probability of the emergency and its
logical solutions used by the organization both to prevent
effects occurrence (OS2 < O1) and the minimization of
and to react to the effects of occupational threats, quality
the risk of the emergency (RS1 < R1). In contrast, assur-
incompatibilities and environmental influences, which
ance of the supervised conditions during the emergency
have already occurred in the dangerous situations. Emer-
situation should be understood as the limitation of the
gency response should be implemented when emergency
effects of the emergency, in the meaning of effects sig-
preparedness, aimed at stopping the accident by monitor-
nificance (SS2 < SS1) and minimization of the risk of the
ing of the identified operational criteria, is insufficient
occurred emergency (RS2 < R1).
and the emergency happens, see Figure 1.
The influences of the emergency, being embodied in
The base for procedure of emergency preparedness
the organization despite the emergency preparedness
and response is risk assessment. It indicates tools and
and the actions undertaken for the sake of the emergen-
methods for processes’ control and supervision. It ena-
cy are the subject of the analysis being in the same time
bles to point the solutions appropriate for the process
the inputs for the improvement process. The new im-
and describes human and intangible resources as well as
proved solutions of the emergency actions are directed
documentation specific for the concrete emergency.
at the limitation of both: emergency influence signifi-
When, during realization of the process and assur-
cance (SS3 < SS2) and emergency influence occurrence
ance of the supervised conditions, the compatibility of
(OS3 < OS1) and finally – minimizing the risk of the po-
the operational criteria with the requirements is not
tential emergency (RS3 < RS1, RS3 < RS2).
guaranteed, the conditions of dangerous situation occur.
It should be underlined that the above-mentioned ac-
When the effects of the meaningful threats became the
tions shouldn’t be treated as the one time activities but
real ones, the response to the effects of the threats based
as the continuous and repeatable ones. Propositions of
on the quality, environmental and occupational health
the preparedness and response actions in the chosen
and safety criteria are needed.
metallurgical processes have been shown in the Table 1.
After-emergency response acts also as the re-active
monitoring including the analysis of organizational and
technical factors creating such process’ conditions as can CONCLUSIONS
cause the accident. The results of the analysis are crucial
for identification of possibilities of process’ improve- Harmonizing the management systems according to
ment and assessment of the risk connected with them. the HLS can be considered only a starting point for the

Figure 1 Model of the emergency preparedness and response including scheme of risk minimization.

216 METALURGIJA 59 (2020) 2, 215-217


Table 1 Summary of the exemplary preventive and response actions.

Preventive/response Aim of the instruction Chosen preventive/response emergency actions
Emergency preparedness
Using the machines Characterisation of the safety manner Technological instruction of the continuous casting machine
and installations of using the installation in the normal operation
Monitoring the machines Identification of the situations connected with Condition based maintenance of the engines
and installations obsolescence of the installation and its corrosion of pulling rollers of the continuous casting machine
Threats’ analysis Regular assessment of the risk of the emergency Identification of potential emergencies, their risk assessment
and risk assessment situations for all of the CSC devices, preparation of the emergencies
response plans
Trainings for employees Identification of the training needs, provision Trainings concerning the continuous casting process,
and subcontractors of training and verification of their effects particularly machine design and operations as well as their
connection with cast defect-free products
Operational control Maintenance of the operational criterions in the Control of : particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen
supervised conditions dioxide, carbon monoxide
Emergency response
Actions after process’ Determining ways to restore machine / Repairing the ladle crane according
discontinuity installation to normal operation to the prepared emergency response plan
Environmental Laying down rules of conduct with environmental Reduction of uncontrolled particulate matter emission, with
emergency actions influences of the emergency cooperation with environmental emergency plan
Occupational accident Laying down rules of conduct at the time Risk reduction, first medical treatment, call of emergency
actions of occupationally dangerous emergencies services, with cooperation with designed procedures

integration of the implemented systems. In practice REFERENCES

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