Eapp Quarter 2: Jhareid O. Tumang Grade 12 Humss-D
Eapp Quarter 2: Jhareid O. Tumang Grade 12 Humss-D
Eapp Quarter 2: Jhareid O. Tumang Grade 12 Humss-D
Quarter 2
Module 3
Jhareid O. Tumang
Grade 12 Humss-d
What I know
Pre-Assessment: (True or False)
1. T 6.F
2. T 7.T
3. T 8.T
4. T 9.F
5. T 10.T
What’s new
-I find this activity was very easy and fun, because there is a guide words on the side of the
What’s More
Activity No.1: Enumerate
Sofia Gabriel
I believe that creating a cohesive, vibrant community that’s unite both the
young and the old is important to nurturing the growth of individuals. I
believe that community artworks are the anchors of this community,
creating and maintaining this sense of community. Therefore, I believe
that works of visual and otherwise, should be created and supported by
members of a community as important reminders and symbols of cohesive
-The situation I talks or that I will be given to her opinion or arguments of both young and old
people to be unliked and she propose this works of arts and visual.it should be supported by the politics
members of the community as reminders of the unity
Katic Siplora
-This second situation talks or arguments about the skills at every child that needs to participate in
every aspects outside, inside, and etc. this is importance of the contribution in the world/society. The
contribution of the young children
What I can do
Activity No.3: Society in Focus
- There are lot of chances to get hacked if your passwords is very that weak, there is still incidents I’ve heard that
there are almost a billion worth of money.
-There is still a chance’s that cheating are spreading all throughout public schools teachers are those
who supported to educate students, a little by little students get stubborn and start do cheating on the
last class of 2019 to 2020. The higher chances the students get a perfect score the higher their grades will
-Bullying hits different from a person, it can cause them depression and anxiety. Every person
deserves to be respected, but this incident happened specially in school. Neither on the outside. Bullies
and victims on the bully is never been good effect on people.
yber Libel
-Hits a big disadvantage all throughout about this issue. This talks about false information about
news or any spam messages online, with one hit you’re account will be hacked or posted any status that
will ruined your image with bad stages of posting in any social media platform. Cyber libel count on
by Unknown Author is licensed under
-This theft are going outside and inside. Near or far, issues it could be any person who’s part of illegal
work. Theft is always been an issue on TV or any community’s issues along the way. There are so many
reason for the suspect to do it. It is considered as the most high case in the country.
1. B 6.B
2. B 7.C
3. C 8.D
4. D 9.C
5. D 10.A
-I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach what I learned to other.
Additional Activities
I noticed that it is easy to understand when analyzing each dimension of further answer the questions.
A question I have is, do my learnings help my skills and knowledge in the future.
I’m not sure if I answer this module well.
I realized that when answering this modules I need an internet.
What’s More
Activity No.1: Mark it
Lesson 2
Writing a Position Paper
What I Know
Test No.1: Identification
1. T 6.F
2. T 7.T
3. T 8.T
4. T 9.T
5. T 10.T
What’s New
What I know about
1. Argument
2. Reason
3. Factual
4. Issue
5. Claim
6. Persuade
7. Evidence
8. Opinion
9. Counter Claim
10. Defense
*The writer gives information form what could be the readers do.
*The writer presents suggestion to solve problem on online learning by giving Ipad or
e- readers.
*The writer end with an appeal by providing the benefits to the students.
Reflective Essay
1.It is important to learn the various types of speech context to learn and be creative on the
paper we are writing the more it is explains precisely the higher chances people that will
understand deeply from it.
2.I think a speaker do to make an appropriates speech could be true Scenarious. And issue on
the community, every detailed they think is memorable for them because they need to think
widely from their given concept paper to the office.
As the text conclude the most reasons why there are still many people that are jobless person
is because of lack of requirements and high standards of jobs are in the country. It is more
valuable to explains that if we only lower our standards and accept those we think are
qualified then why not? Most of the Filipinos now are jobless because of this pandemic we are
The action should be lower their expected employed people, with or without experience as
long as they are hardworking and willing to do their job inside the company.
What I Can Do
Activity No. 2.3: Developing a Concept paper
1.C 6.G
2.A 7.B
3.B 8.G
4.F 9.A
5.D 10.D
Self Check
I have understood the lesson but there are still other things that won’t to review and learn.
*Unemployment race more than 50%of this *Gained more experience and enhance skills to have
economy but that’s before, how about in this a better guidance of life.
pandemic? It could be more than 90% range of
unemployed person.
[Short Description]
Realization Conclusion
*The compatibility and learnings of people who are *Unemployed persons need to be on job. Full time
willing to learn and give their best of the works. or part time as long as they can earn and support
their family needs.