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Review of Related Literature: A. Theory of Speaking

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This chapter is presented to highlight some theories related to the research.

It covers about Speaking,

A. Theory of Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is important part of the learning process of English as

second language (Nurhayati, 2016). Speaking skill is the ability to use the

language in oral form. Speaking is one of English skills defined as the

production of auditory signals designed to produce differential verbal

responses to listeners. Many experts have their various ideas in defining

the meaning of speaking. Scott and Ytreberg stated that “speaking is

perhaps the most demanding skill for the teacher to teach” (2004: 125). It

proves that speaking is the worthiest and influential skill mastered in

learning any languages in order to have some good communication with

surroundings. Through speaking, people can get and give informative

knowledge one another.

Harmer (2001) stated that speaking involves two or more people

trying to transfer ideas, feelings, thoughts, or discuss some topics one

another. Thornburry (2001) stated that speaking requires sentence

arrangement and contains some English components such as grammar,

pronunciation, and vocabulary. When students master those English


components, students literally can speak up in which language learners can

be claimed as successful learners when they can use that language as their

communication language (Brown, 2001).

2. Learning Speaking

According to Lindsay (2006) speaking is a productive skill to

communicate and interact with people involvingand delivering messages.

Despite writing is well known as media of transferring inspirations or

ideas, speaking is an express way to deliver messages to the interlocutors

in order to increase their knowledge such as delivering presentation in

front of class, a public speech, storytelling, group discussion, and etc. The

importance of speaking skill in learning foreign language, demand the

teacher or lecturer to be a creative person in order to help students in

learning speaking English (Nurhayati, 2016). Furthermore, this section

covers four main points about learning speaking English; these are the

aspects of learning speaking English, the goals of speaking ability, the

criteria for successful learners and the strategies for learning speaking

English. The explanation of each literature is as follows;

a. The Aspects of Learning Speaking

Lindsay (2006) classifies the aspects of learning speaking into

five aspects, those are; producing connected speech (assimilation,

omitted, added linking r, or weakened through contraction and stress

patterning), interaction ability including vocabulary usage used to

get fluent conversation, talking round gaps in their knowledge to


learn expressions to define things, speaking in a range context with

the environment, and balancing accuracy and fluency in order to

make interlocutors understand the messages delivered.

b. Target of Speaking Ability

The scoring of speaking ability can be divided into three

levels, those are;

1) Minimal: having incorrect pronunciation and unclear intonation.

2) Good: If the pronunciation is still in error and the intonation is

not clear, but it is well conveyed.

3) Excellent: perfect pronunciation and intonation.

c. Characteristics of Successful Speaking Activities

To ease teacher knowing how for the improvement of students’

speaking ability, the specific speaking ability measurement must be

clear. According to Ur (1999:120), there are four characteristics of

successful speaking activities, those are; talking a lot, class active

participation, high-motivated, and practice with surroundings.

d. Strategies in Learning Speaking

The English learning process in these classroom interactions

among student-student sand student-others can be carried out

effectively, although there may be some hindrances to face

(Nurhayati, 2018). Also, in learning speaking English, the students

need to have more practice in speaking English. Students need

strategy to support their progress fast and easily. There are four

strategies in learning speaking, those are; listening and practicing

speaking more (song, radio, movies), using English as daily

communication with surroundings to boost fluency, reading and re-

writing new vocabulary from English novels, newspaper, magazine,

etc, and trying to write diaries by using English

B. Teacher Practices

1. Teaching Speaking

In Indonesian formal education, English is used as local content or

extracuriculair in 2013 curriculum, that teachers are expected to develop

their innovation (Nurhayati, 2014). Teachers need to improve the practice

of speaking learning so that it will not be monotone or drive boredom

toward students. The following are interesting and effective innovation of

speaking practice.

a. Discussion technique

Discussion technique is a teaching and learning technique

where the teachers provide a problem and instruct the students to

express ideas, opinions, arguments and narratives related to the

material in order to make the students motivated, interested in the

lessons and build students’ critical thinking.

b. Question and answer technique

A question and answer technique means the teachers give

various questions to students aimed to build their understanding about


the material. This technique is also very good for helping students to

practice more courage to express their opinions and speaking skills

more systematically.

c. Repetition or drill

The teacher trains the learner's pronunciation through

repetition or drill. In this technique, the learner repeats it out loud as

soon as he hears the speech. The words are very short, stay on your


d. Reading aloud

It is used to provide a good pronunciation model for learners.

In this activity, the teacher asked the learners to read aloud one by one

and carefully check the pronunciation.

e. Story telling

Used to tell learners' own stories in class. This technology

provides learners with the ability to express thoughts and feelings

through oral language.

f. Games

In informal evaluation equipment, there are various games that

directly involve language production. Teachers should prepare games

suitable for the lessons explained before. Therefore, it can be used to

appropriately assess the student's oral ability. Besides, games provide an


enjoyable atmosphere, a situation in which communication is essential,

and a distraction from the study of language itself (Nurhayati, 2015).

Mastering English is considered as a crucial key to get succeed in

any aspect of life such as, economy domain, social life, education circle, or

even politic world since English is a global language. “Although, speaking

is totally natural, speaking is a language other than our own is anything but

simple” (Brown, 2001:272). This statement elaborates that speaking in any

languages including English as a foreign language in Indonesia is actually

a simple matter since being practiced in daily life without having worries

about grammatical structure. In this conclusion, teaching speaking is

actually letting the students express their emotion, feeling, thought and

need, to interact to other people in any social context by making English as

habitual and daily language.

2. Evaluation of the Speaking Program

Every practice of any foreign languages such English might have

an evaluation to measure how practicable the absorbed speaking skill tips

are. Phopam defines that “Evaluation is process through which a value

judgment or decision is made from a variety of observation and from the

background and training of the evaluation” (1974:253). Besides,

Djiwandano (1996:1) in Test Bahasa dalam Pengajaran defines evaluation

as a procedure or series of activities that are used to obtain a sample of

someone’s behavior to give an indication of someone’s abilities. In short,

assessment is a way or process to understand students' abilities in order to


understand their English learning problems or their attitudes towards

language learning plans.

According to Heaton (1998:19) speaking can be valued through

integrating some English skills such as listening, writing or reading, or

speaking itself by having a conversation with the English learners which

already integrating two English skill, listening and speaking.Furthermore,

Brown (2003) mentioned several ways of speaking scoring, such as; games

involving language production, oral presentation, translating some

categories of intensive English speaking words, reading aloud, having

interview (small dialogues), and conducting role play in the class room.

C. Review of Previous Study

At the time of writing this thesis, researchers have read many studies

related to this research. The researchers found some references from previous

research, as follows:

There are previous studies in this research they are:

1. A thesis by Ma’arif (2015) According to the research results, Anwarul

Haromain Islamic Boarding School has implemented many programs and

activities to improve students’ speaking skills and student problems. The

teaching and learning of spoken English is carried out in accordance with

the following exercises: materials, activities, media and assessments. To

support the teaching process, the teacher provides setting activities. There

are activities; daily activities, weekly activities and monthly activities.

Daily activities such as English day, vocabulary class, conversation class


and grammar class. Weekly activities, for example; vocabulary training

and debate. Monthly activities, such as; Santri performing arts or

language competitions. The student's problem is grammar and knowledge

vocabulary, as well as understanding other speech.

2. A thesis study entitled “ The Teaching Speaking in the English class at

MTsN Termas Baron Nganjuk” Evaluation that used in speaking was

oral test form. The technique of evaluation that used of conversation,

discussion, role-play, interviewing. The evaluation was done in every

meeting to get assessment from learners' ability in practicing their

speaking. Meanwhile for middle-test used written test that consist of

choosing word for the similarity pronunciation. Based on interviewing

with the teacher that has many advantages to reach the basic competency.

This technique was appropriate for big class to express students' opinion

and then to practice students' ability in speaking in front of classroom.

3. A thesis by Wahyuni (2017) According to the research results when

conducting speaking teaching, teachers and schools can provide extra

courses in the form of extracurricular, these courses are completed in the

spare time. The purpose of the program is to enable students to learn

speaking English more. In addition, it is also a way to promote students

to improve their ability, especially in oral English. The materials are used

by the English teachers of MAN 3 Blitar in the teaching process

according to the theme and curriculum format recommended by the

government. Appropriate selection of other materials can also help

increase students' interest. Familiar and up-to-date information will make


students interested in learning speaking English. In addition to using

appropriate materials and media to support the effectiveness of oral

teaching, teachers also use some teaching techniques such as discussion

and presentation, description and speaking presentation. In addition,

teachers always encourage students to practice speaking English by

giving them a motto. The assessment technology used by MAN 3 Blitar

in speaking teaching is based on students' speaking performance.

Teachers use grading standards to obtain scores for student performance.

In addition to teaching oral English in the classroom, MAN 3 Blitar also

provides some activities to promote students to learn English, such as

speaking lessons, English learning clubs, English entertainment days and

English course training.

4. A thesis study entitled “A Study on Teaching Speaking at MA Terpadu

Al-Anwar Durenan Trenggalek Academic Year 2013/2014” In speaking

teaching, teachers often find many problems to encourage students to

speak up. Therefore, teachers must formulate appropriate speaking

strategies in the teaching process to stimulate students' speaking

expression skills, because differences in students' speaking skills may

depend on teachers' use of strategies. The teacher’s strategy also helps to

improve the teacher’s ability to deliver materials, thereby enabling

students to establish a desire to learn. Teachers have some strategies for

teaching oral English: give students fluent and accurate practice, provide

appropriate feedback and corrections, use group work or paired

assignments, provide intrinsic motivational techniques, and use the


natural connection between speaking and listening to provide students

with opportunities to help with speaking communication and use real


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