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2021 Book OralAndMaxillofacialSurgeryFor

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Krishnamurthy Bonanthaya

Elavenil Panneerselvam
Suvy Manuel
Vinay V. Kumar
Anshul Rai

Oral and Maxillofacial

Surgery for the Clinician
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician
Krishnamurthy Bonanthaya
Elavenil Panneerselvam  •  Suvy Manuel
Vinay V. Kumar  •  Anshul Rai

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

for the Clinician
Krishnamurthy Bonanthaya Elavenil Panneerselvam
Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain hospital Associate Professor
Bangalore SRM Dental College, Ramapuram
India Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Suvy Manuel
Ananthapuri Hospitals & Research Institute Vinay V. Kumar
Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences Department of Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery
Trivandrum, Kerala Uppsala University Hospital
India Uppsala
Anshul Rai
Associate Professor
Department of Dentistry
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Video Editors
Jimson Samson Nehal Patel
Vice Principal Director, DCKH Cleft Center
Prof & Head of Department K. P. Sanghvi Hospital
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Surat, India
Tagore Dental College & Hospital
Chennai, India

Mr Brishank Pratap
Goa, India

Voice-over for Videos

Madhulaxmi Marimuthu
Saveetha Dental College
Chennai, India
Vivek Narayanan
Dean, SRM Dental College
Chennai, India

This book is an open access publication.

ISBN 978-981-15-1345-9    ISBN 978-981-15-1346-6 (eBook)

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021

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An important question that always comes up when a book of this scope and extent is written
is: why do we need one more?
This deserves a thoughtful answer and we shall try to do that while tracing the origin and
evolution of this book from an idea. Since its inception in 1969, the Association of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeons of India (AOMSI) has made steady and significant progress in terms of
its vision and commitment to promote the field. The members of AOMSI have also evolved
into a vibrant, multidimensional, passionate, and committed community of oral and maxillofa-
cial surgeons who are making substantial contribution to the field in India and around the
world. So it was only natural that the association decided to express its commitment to aca-
demic medicine coinciding with its 50th year in existence.
And what better way to express it than publishing an open source comprehensive textbook
on oral and maxillofacial surgery. This book showcases the experts and expertise of AOMSI
and has been made freely available to surgeons worldwide through generous funding from the
association. We are delighted to see this open access book published for free use by worldwide
community of MaxFac surgeons, especially the young surgeons and trainees in the field. This
book is published with a CCBY license and we encourage associations and institutes to widely
distribute the link to this book for maximum possible usage.
The AOMSI was very conscious that the development of our speciality was not an insular
one. As we evolved, we looked for guidance and training from colleagues around the world,
and in return, we provided our bit of experience and insights. This exchange of knowledge is
extremely important for ultimately improving patient treatment methods, techniques, and out-
comes. The same spirit was applied in producing this book as well’ as we requested eminent
clinicians and researchers from around the world along with our members to contribute to this
The book has contributions by society’s members within India as well as 41 international
authors from various countries. Thus, the extent of this makes it one of the most comprehen-
sive textbooks on the topic. The contributors were invited by the AOMSI keeping in mind their
scholastic profile while ensuring diversity and inclusiveness as well as a mix of young and
experienced surgeons. All the contributors have a track record of being high-volume clinicians
and educators in their field of expertise and are generally working at prestigious teaching insti-
tutions. This textbook as a scholarly venture condenses and amalgamates both the authors’
personal experience as well as being in line with the current evidence-based treatment princi-
ples in the field of maxillofacial surgery. In the beginning, the heterogeneous source of knowl-
edge did pose editorial challenges in standardization of the chapter structuring and scope.
However, the final outcome has achieved a blend of evidence-based, diverse surgical practices
along with cutting-edge technology for the practice of maxillofacial surgery in a fairly uniform
As the title suggests, this is meant to be a comprehensive resource for all clinicians, post-
graduate trainees, and young surgeons in their day-to-day clinical work. Graduate students and
surgeons will find this book useful in preparing for their university exams as well as board-­
certified exams from professional organizations. The book will help in decision-making,
implementing treatment plans, and managing problems that may arise while executing these

vi Preface

plans. Overall, the key objective is to help crystallize current evidence and provide protocols,
guidelines, and recommendations to assist dealing with most clinical scenarios. Keeping this
objective in mind, we have included components like case scenarios and video recordings of
surgical procedures in the book.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician is a compilation of 22 sections incorporat-
ing 88 chapters dealing with the nuances in the principles and practice of cranio-maxillofacial
and head and neck surgery. An important value addition is the library of 68 demonstrational
videos that have been compiled to give the readers a more interactive feel with audiovisual
The book is structured in a step-ladder fashion to guide the reader through the basic prin-
ciples of surgery before exposing to the full spectrum of specialty cranio-maxillofacial work.
The first section is devoted to the origin and scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery as a spe-
cialty and a description of the training standards practiced globally. The next four sections are
tailored to discuss the prospective patient, investigations, patient preparation, and anesthesia
techniques. Subsequent sections focus on minor surgical procedures involving the practice of
dento-alveolar surgery, implantology, and orofacial infections. With the above as the basis, the
textbook progresses to complex surgical procedures including facial trauma, orthognathic sur-
gery, TMJ, surgical pathology, and craniofacial and reconstructive surgery. The book also fea-
tures two exclusive sections which provide the readers a perspective on practice management
and research and publication.
The editors of the book would like to thank the office bearers of the AOMSI, in particular,
the dynamic and effervescent secretary, Pritham Shetty, for the constant support he gave while
undertaking this project.
Brishank Pratap, our tireless and innovative illustrator, needs a special mention for his
superb rendition of medical and technical illustrations throughout this book.
Our publisher Springer, particularly, Naren Aggarwal and Jagjeet Kaur, deserves our grati-
tude for constant support and advice throughout the preparation of this book.
Last but not least, we would like to express our deep appreciation for the authors for their
time, efforts, and priceless contributions.
We hope this book will be read worldwide, and we look forward to hear its critical reviews.

Bangalore, India Krishnamurthy Bonanthaya

Chennai, India  Elavenil Panneerselvam
Trivandrum, India  Suvy Manuel
Uppsala, Sweden  Vinay V. Kumar
Bhopal, India  Anshul Rai
Chennai, India  Jimson Samson
Surat, India  Nehal Patel

Part I Introduction

1 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in India: How Did We Get Here

and Where Are We Going?���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    3
Kishore Nayak

Part II Preoperative Assessment and Patient Preparation/Optimization

2 Preoperative Evaluation and Investigations for Maxillofacial Surgery���������������   11

B. Krishnan and Satyen Parida
3 Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery�����������������������   25
Aditya Moorthy and Shreya Krishna
4 Medical Emergencies in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Practice���������������������   49
Nallamilli V. S. Sekhar Reddy

Part III Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

5 Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery���������������������������������������������   61

Reena Rachel John
6 Office-Based Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery-The
American Model and Training���������������������������������������������������������������������������������   79
Payal Verma and Deepak G. Krishnan
7 Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery�����������������������������������������������������������������   95
Rebecca Jacob, Subramanyam S. Mahankali, Renita Maria,
Suman Ananathanarayana, Garima Sharma, and Mary Thomas

Part IV Imaging in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

8 Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials �����������������������������������������  121

Shyamsundar K. Joshi and Annie I. Kochuveettil

Part V Principles of Maxillofacial Surgery

9 Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control�������������������������������������������������  173

Rishi Kumar Bali
10 Pharmacotherapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery�������������������������������������������  195
Latha P. Rao
11 Wound Closure and Care in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery �����������������������������  217
Ravi Veeraraghavan

viii Contents

12 Postoperative Care of the Maxillofacial Surgery Patient �������������������������������������  239

J. Naveen Kumar and Poornima Ravi

Part VI Dentoalveolar and Oral Surgery

13 Principles and Techniques of Exodontia�����������������������������������������������������������������  259

Anuj Jain
14 Management of Impacted Third Molars ���������������������������������������������������������������  299
George Varghese
15 Management of Impacted Canines�������������������������������������������������������������������������  329
George Varghese
16 Endodontic Surgery �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  349
Deepti Simon
17 Preprosthetic Surgery�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  361
Bobby John

Part VII Dental Implantology

18 Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon���������������������������������������������  385

Supriya Ebenezer, Vinay V. Kumar, and Andreas Thor
19 Bone Augmentation Procedures in Implantology �������������������������������������������������  407
Vinay V. Kumar, Supriya Ebenezer, and Andreas Thor

Part VIII Odontogenic Infections

20 Odontogenic Infections: General Principles�����������������������������������������������������������  429

Anand Shukla and Divya Mehrotra
21 Fascial Space Infections�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  441
Rajasekhar Gaddipati
22 Osteomyelitis, Osteoradionecrosis, and Medication-Related
Osteonecrosis of Jaws�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  461
Christian Walter and Christoph Renné

Part IX Maxillary Sinus and the Oral Surgeon

23 Maxillary Sinusitis ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  475

Kandasamy Ganesan and Neelam Rathod
24 OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula���������������������������������������������  491
Suvy Manuel

Part X Nerve Injuries and Neuralgias of Oral and Maxillofacial Region

25 Trigeminal Nerve Injuries ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  515

Tara Renton
26 Trigeminal Neuralgia�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  531
Kandasamy Ganesan and Asha Thomson
Contents ix

Part XI Benign Pathologies of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region

27 Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” ���������������������������������������������������������������  549

Neelima Malik
28 Benign Odontogenic Tumours���������������������������������������������������������������������������������  577
Anjan Kumar Shah
29 Reactive Lesions of Oro-Maxillofacial Region�������������������������������������������������������  599
Raja Sekhar Gali
30 Fibro-osseous Lesions in the Maxillofacial Region �����������������������������������������������  615
Taranjit Kaur
31 Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region�������������������������������������������  629
Sanjiv Nair and Sunil S. Shroff

Part XII Aesthetic Procedures in Oral and Maxillofacial Region

32 Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics��������������������������  661

Arun Kumar Panda and Aarti Chowdhary
33 Botulinum Toxin and Fillers for Maxillofacial Esthetics���������������������������������������  691
Sainath Matsa
34 Hair Transplantation �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  707
Sreedhar Reddy Pothula and B. S. Jayanth
35 Ear Reconstruction���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  731
Paritkumar Ladani
36 Management of Facial Scars �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������  747
Velupillai Ilankovan and Anna Sayan
37 Surgical Facelift���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  759
Velupillai Ilankovan and Tian Ee Seah
38 Rhinoplasty���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  775
Nasir A. Nasser

Part XIII Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

39 Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery �������������������������������������������������������������  817

Shravan Renapurkar and Robert A. Strauss
40 Piezosurgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery���������������������������������������������������  831
Shravan Renapurkar and Sowjanya Nagamalla
41 Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery������  841
Shintaro Sukegawa and Takahiro Kanno

Part XIV Practice Management in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

42 Human Factors Recognition to Enhance Team Working

and Safer Patient Care���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  865
Peter A. Brennan and Rachel S. Oeppen
x Contents

43 De Novo Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery �������������������������������������������  871

Srinivas Gosla Reddy and Avni Pandey Acharya
44 Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery ���������������������������������������������������������  883
George Paul and Manjunath Rai
45 Research and Publishing in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery�������������������������������  927
George Dimitroulis

Part XV Salivary Gland Pathologies

46 Salivary Gland Pathologies �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  939

Nisheet Anant Agni
47 Obstructive Salivary Gland Disease and Sialendoscopy���������������������������������������  975
Prithvi S. Bachalli and Aditya Moorthy

Part XVI Maxillofacial Traumatology

48 Primary Assessment and Care in Maxillofacial Trauma���������������������������������������  983

Saurabh Saigal and Manal M. Khan
49 Management of Soft Tissue Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region������������������������  997
Abhay Datarkar and Shikha Tayal
50 Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques����������������������������������������������������� 1013
Omkar Anand Shetye
51 Principles of Internal Fixation in Maxillofacial Surgery ������������������������������������� 1039
Abhilasha Yadav
52 Fractures of the Mandible��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1053
Anshul Rai
53 Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 1085
Vikas Dhupar
54 Intraoral Endoscopic Approach for Treatment of Condylar
Fractures of the Mandible��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1115
Frank Wilde
55 Maxillary Fractures ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1125
Oommen Aju Jacob and Akhilesh Prathap
56 Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex��������������������������������������������������� 1151
Elavenil Panneerselvam, Poornima Ravi, and B. Sasikala
57 Orbital Fractures ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1201
Ananthanarayanan Parameswaran, Madhulaxmi Marimuthu,
Shreya Panwar, and Beat Hammer
58 Frontal and Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid Complex Fractures��������������������������������������� 1251
Kannan Balaraman
59 Gunshot Injuries of the Maxillofacial Region ������������������������������������������������������� 1267
Lt Col Rohit Sharma and Maj Anson Jose
60 Panfacial Fractures��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1283
Kiran S. Gadre, Balasubramanya Kumar, and Divya P. Gadre
Contents xi

61 Residual Deformities of the Maxillofacial Region������������������������������������������������� 1303

Samson Jimson

Part XVII Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

62 Myofascial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome����������������������������������������������������������������� 1343

Mirza Farhatullah Baig and Yashoda Ashok
63 Internal Derangements of the Temporomandibular Joint ����������������������������������� 1361
Gary Warburton
64 Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation������������������������������������������������������������������� 1381
V. B. Krishnakumar Raja
65 Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 1401
Sonal Anchlia

Part XVIII Orthognathic Surgery

66 Diagnosis and Planning in Orthognathic Surgery������������������������������������������������� 1437

Johan P. Reyneke and Carlo Ferretti
67 Surgery-First Orthognathic Approach������������������������������������������������������������������� 1463
N. Viveka Vardhan Reddy and Abhinand Potturi
68 Orthognathic Surgery for Mandible����������������������������������������������������������������������� 1477
Varghese Mani
69 Orthognathic Surgery for the Maxilla-LeFort I and Anterior
Maxillary Osteotomy ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1513
Ashok Dabir and Jayesh Vahanwala
70 Facial Asymmetry����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1549
Neelam N. Andrade, Paul Mathai, and Neha Aggarwal
71 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 1577
Suresh Menon

Part XIX Developmental Deformities of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region

72 Cleft Lip��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1593

Pritham N. Shetty, Jaideep Singh Chauhan, Mamatha Patil,
Neha Aggarwal, and Dipesh Rao
73 Cleft Palate ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1633
P. V. Narayanan and H. S. Adenwalla
74 Alveolar Bone Grafting ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1655
Veerabahu Muthusubramanian and Kalarikkal Mukundan Harish
75 Cleft Maxillary Hypoplasia������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1675
Philip Mathew, Mustafa. K, and Paul Mathai
76 Cleft Rhinoplasty ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1703
Sunil Richardson and Rakshit Vijay Sinai Khandeparker
xii Contents

Part XX Craniofacial Anomalies

77 Rare Facial Clefts����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1735
Srinivas Gosla Reddy and Avni Pandey Acharya
78 Hemifacial Microsomia (HFM) and Treacher Collins Syndrome ����������������������� 1769
Manikandhan Ramanathan
79 Modern Management of Craniosynostosis������������������������������������������������������������� 1813
David Koppel and Jaime Grant

Part XXI Malignant Pathologies of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region

80 Premalignant Lesions and Conditions of the Oral Cavity ����������������������������������� 1845

El Mustafa, Sat Parmar, and Prav Praveen
81 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning���������������� 1853
Vijay Deshmukh and Kishore Shekar
82 Principles of Surgical Management of Oral Cancer��������������������������������������������� 1869
Sushma Mehta and Moni Abraham Kuriakose
83 Sarcoma of the Maxillofacial/Head and Neck Region������������������������������������������� 1893
D’ Souza Jacob and Boyapati Raghu
84 Adjunctive Therapy in Oral Cancer����������������������������������������������������������������������� 1903
Amit Dhawan
85 Access Surgeries and Osteotomies for the Maxillofacial Region������������������������� 1915
Madan G. Ethunandan

Part XXII Reconstructive Procedures of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region

86 Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Maxillofacial Region��������������������������������������� 1941

Benjamin Turner, John Collin, and Rui Fernandes
87 Distraction Osteogenesis of the Maxillofacial Region������������������������������������������� 1969
R. S. Neelakandan
88 Hard Tissue Reconstruction of the Maxillofacial Region������������������������������������� 1997
Srinivasa R. Chandra and Vijay Pillai
List of Videos

Video 7.1   Demonstrates the technique of blind nasal intubation

Video 7.2   Demonstrates the various steps involved in submental intubation
Video 11.1  Various intra oral suturing techniques
Video 14.1  Surgical removal of impacted lower third molar (Mesio angular)
Video 14.2  Surgical removal of impacted lower third molar (Horizontal)
Video 14.3  Surgical removal of impacted maxillary third molar
Video 15.1  Surgical removal of impacted maxillary canine
Video 17.1  Labial Frenectomy
Video 17.2  Lingual Frenectomy
Video 18.1  Posterior tooth replacement (Implant)
Video 18.2  Immediate (Extraction socket) implant placement
Video 18.3  Multiple teeth implant placement
Video 18.4  Placement of zygoma implant
Video 19.1  Chin graft
Video 19.2  Direct sinus lift procedure
Video 24.1 OAF Closure by buccal advancement flap along with Caldwell luc procedure and
nasal antrostomy
Video 26.1  Ginwala operation
Video 27.1  Cyst enucleation (mandible)
Video 27.2  Cyst enucleation (maxilla)
Video 28.1  Mandibulectomy (marginal)
Video 28.2  Mandibulectomy (segmental)
Video 30.1  Surgical management (bone recontouring) of fibrous dysplasia
Video 32.1  Facial rejuvenation–HIFU
Video 33.1  Botox injection for facial wrinkles
Video 34.1  Hair transplant—FUE
Video 34.2  Hair transplant—FUT
Video 35.1  Ear reconstruction
Video 38.1 Rhinoplasty
Video 46.1  Sialolith-surgical removal of parotid calculi
Video 46.2  Surgical excision of mucocele
Video 46.3  Superficial Parotidectomy
Video 47.1  Sialoendoscopy (mandibular)
Video 48.1 Tracheostomy
Video 50.1  Eyelet wiring technique
Video 50.2  Arch bar technique
Video 50.3  IMF technique
Video 52.1  ORIF of mandibular symphysis fracture
Video 53.1  Submandibular incision
Video 53.2  Transmassteric approach
Video 53.3  Retromandibular approach
Video 53.4  Pre auricular incision

xiv List of Videos

Video 53.5  Alkayat bramley incision

Video 53.6  Rhytidectomy incision
Video 56.1  Gillies temporal approach
Video 56.2  Lateral brow incision
Video 57.1  Infra-orbital approach for orbital fracture
Video 57.2  Trans-conjunctival approach for orbital floor reconstruction with 3D mesh
Video 63.1  Level 1 Arthroscopy of TMJ
Video 63.2  Level 2 Arthroscopy of TMJ
Video 63.3  Level 3 Arthroscopy of TMJ
Video 65.1  TMJ ankylosis-interpositional gap arthroplasty
Video 68.1  BSSO with bur
Video 68.2 BSSO with saw
Video 68.3 Genioplasty
Video 69.1  Lefort 1 osteotomy
Video 69.2  Anterior maxillary osteotomy
Video 72.1  Millard rotation advancement repair
Video 72.2  Bilateral cleft lip repair
Video 73.1  Suspension palatoplasty
Video 73.2  Revision palatoplasty Furlow
Video 73.3  Partial palatal split palatoplasty
Video 75.1  Anterior maxillary distraction
Video 75.2  Cleft osteotomy (Lefort 1)
Video 76.1  Cleft rhinoplasty
Video 81.1  Wide excision of precancerous lesion
Video 82.1  Modified radical neck dissection (MRND)
Video 87.1  Extra oral mandibular Molina Distractor
Video 88.1  Free fibula osteocutaneous flap harvesting
Chapter Contributors and Video


Avni  Pandey  Acharya GSR Institute of Cranio-maxillofacial & Facial Plastic Surgery,

Hyderabad, Telangana, India
H. S. Adenwalla  Department of Plastic Surgery, Burns and the Charles Pinto Centre for Cleft
Lip, Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies, Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research
Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Neha Aggarwal  Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Meenakshi Cleft and Craniofacial Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Nisheet  Anant  Agni Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SMBT Institute of
Dental Sciences and Research, Nashik, India
Suman  Ananathanarayana Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia Asia Referral
Hospital, Yeshwantpur, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Sonal Anchlia  Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental College &
Hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Neelam  N.  Andrade  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nair Hospital Dental
College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Yashoda Ashok  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Meenakshi Ammal Dental
College and Hospitals, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Prithvi  S.  Bachalli Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rangadore Memorial
Hospital, Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Mirza  Farhatullah  Baig  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental
College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Kannan Balaraman  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ganga Medical Centre
and Hospitals, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Rishi  Kumar  Bali Postgraduate Department of OMFS, DAV Dental College Hospital,
Yamunanagar, Haryana, India
Peter A. Brennan  Maxillofacial Unit, Queen Alexandria Hospital, Portsmouth, UK
Srinivasa  R.  Chandra Department of Head and Neck Oncology and Reconstructive
Microvascular and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Fred and Pamela Buffett Cancer Center,
UNMC, Omaha, NE, USA
Jaideep Singh Chauhan  Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, the Smile Train CHL Hospital,
Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

xvi Chapter Contributors and Video Contributors

Aarti Chowdhary  Department of Periodontology, SD Dental College and Hospital, Parbhani,

Maharashtra, India
John Collin  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Florida, Jacksonville,
Ashok Dabir  D. Y. Patil University School of Dentistry, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India
Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai, India
Abhay Datarkar  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental College
and Hospital, Medical College Premises, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Vijay  Deshmukh Deshmukh Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery and Research Centre,
Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
JIIU’S Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalna, Maharashtra, India
Amit  Dhawan Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SGRD Dental Institute,
Amritsar, India
George  Dimitroulis  Maxillofacial Unit, St. Vincent’s Hospital—University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, Australia
Vikas  Dhupar Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Goa Dental College and
Hospital, Bambolim, Goa, India
Supriya Ebenezer  Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, University of Bern, Bern,
El  Mustafa Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
Birmingham, UK
Madan  G.  Ethunandan  Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial/Skull Base Surgeon, Honorary
Senior Clinical Lecturer, Lead, Head and Neck Cancer, University Hospital Southampton,
Southampton, UK
Carlo Ferretti  , Johannesburg, South Africa
Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Rui  Fernandes  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Head and Neck Oncologic
Surgery and Microvascular Fellowship, University of Florida, Jacksonville, FL, USA
Rajasekhar  Gaddipati Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Mamata Dental
College, Khammam, Telangana, India
Divya P. Gadre  Gadre Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Kiran S. Gadre  Gadre Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and
Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Raja Sekhar Gali  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Narayana Dental College
and Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
Medicover Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
Kandasamy Ganesan  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Southend University
Hospitals NHS Trust, Southend-on-Sea, UK
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Jaime Grant  Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK
Beat Hammer  CFC Hirslanden Kopf Zentrum, Aarau, Switzerland
Chapter Contributors and Video Contributors xvii

Kalarikkal Mukundan Harish  Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Ragas Dental

College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Velupillai Ilankovan  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,
Poole, UK
D’ Souza Jacob  Maxillofacial Unit, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guilford, UK
Oommen Aju Jacob  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ananthapuri Hospitals
and Research Institute, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Rebecca Jacob  Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Yeshwantpur,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Anuj Jain  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Department of Trauma and Emergency Medicine,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
B. S. Jayanth  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, ABMSS, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Samson Jimson  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tagore Dental College and
Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Bobby  John  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental College,
Kottayam, Kerala, India
Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Reena  Rachel  John Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vinayaka Mission’s
Sankarachariar Dental College and Hospital, VMRF, DU, Salem, India
Maj Anson Jose  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, ADC R&R, New Delhi, India
Shyamsundar  K.  Joshi  Department of Radiology, SDM College of Medical Sciences and
Hospital, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University, Dharwad, India
Takahiro Kanno  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shimane University, Faculty
of Medicine, Izumo, Shimane, Japan
Taranjit Kaur  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental College
and Hospital, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
Manal M. Khan  Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery, AIIMS Bhopal, Bhopal, Madhya
Pradesh, India
Rakshit  Vijay  Sinai  Khandeparker Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Goa
Dental College and Hospital, Bambolim, Goa, India
Annie  I.  Kochuveettil Department of Radiology, SDM College of Medical Sciences and
Hospital, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University, Dharwad, India
David Koppel  Scottish National Craniofacial Service for Children and Young People, Royal
Hospital for Children, Glasgow, UK
Shreya  Krishna Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rangadore Memorial Hospital, Apollo
Hospitals, Bangalore, India
V.  B.  Krishnakumar  Raja Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, SRM Dental
College & Hospital, Ramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
B. Krishnan  Department of Dentistry, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education
and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India
xviii Chapter Contributors and Video Contributors

Deepak  G.  Krishnan Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Cincinnati Medical

Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Balasubramanya  Kumar Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, St. Marthas’s
Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Vikram Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Vinay  V.  Kumar Department of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, Uppsala University
Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Moni Abraham Kuriakose  Cochin Cancer Research Centre, Kochi, Kerala, India
Paritkumar  Ladani Swiss Cleft and Craniofacial Centre, BSES MG Hospital, Mumbai,
Subramanyam  S.  Mahankali Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia Asia Referral
Hospital, Yeshwantpur, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Neelima Malik  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Krishna Institute of Medical
Sciences “Deemed to be University”, Karad, Maharashtra, India
Varghese Mani  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Mar Baselios Dental College,
Kothamangalam, Kerala, India
Suvy  Manuel Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ananthapuri Hospitals and
Research Institute, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Renita Maria  Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Yeshwantpur,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Madhulaxmi  Marimuthu Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental
College & Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Paul Mathai  Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jubilee Mission Medical College & Research
Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Philip  Mathew Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jubilee Mission Medical
College & Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Sainath Matsa  Praseedha Clinic for Maxillofacial Cosmetic Surgery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
Divya  Mehrotra Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, King George’s Medical
University, Lucknow, India
Sushma Mehta  Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Center, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Suresh  Menon  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vydehi Institute of Dental
Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Aditya  Moorthy Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rangadore Memorial
Hospital, Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Mustafa.  K  Department of Craniofacial Surgery, Kanachur Institute of Medical Sciences,
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Veerabahu Muthusubramanian  Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Ragas Dental
College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Chapter Contributors and Video Contributors xix

Sowjanya Nagamalla  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Virginia Commonwealth

University Medical Center, Richmond, VA, USA
Sanjiv Nair  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
P. V. Narayanan  Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Jubilee Mission Medical College & Research
Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Nasir A. Nasser  Barts & London NHS Trust, Whipps Cross University Hospital, London, UK
University Hospital, Berne, Switzerland
J.  Naveen  Kumar Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher
Education and Research, Chennai, India
Kishore Nayak  Bhagvan Jain Mahaveer Hospital, Bangalore, India
R. S. Neelakandan  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Meenakshi Ammal Dental
College and Hospital, MAHER, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Rachel S. Oeppen  Consultant Radiologist, University Hospital Southampton, Southampton,
Arun Kumar Panda  Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, SD Dental College and
Hospital, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India
Elavenil  Panneerselvam Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SRM Dental
College, Ramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Orbit & Oculoplasty, Aravind Eye Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Shreya  Panwar Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Meenakshi Ammal Dental
College & Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Ananthanarayanan  Parameswaran Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Meenakshiammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Orbit, Oculoplasty, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Shankara Nethralaya,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Orbit & Oculoplasty, Aravind Eye Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Satyen  Parida Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Jawaharlal Institute of
Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India
Sat  Parmar Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
Birmingham, UK
Mamatha Patil  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sparsh Hospital, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India
George Paul  Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Vijay  Pillai Department of Head and Neck Surgical Oncology, Mazumdar Shaw Cancer
Center, Narayana Health, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Sreedhar Reddy Pothula  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Pioneer advanced Hair Transplant
Centre, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Abhinand Potturi  SVS Institute of Dental Sciences, Mahabubnagar, Telangana State, India
Akhilesh  Prathap Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Pushpagiri College of
Dental Sciences, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
xx Chapter Contributors and Video Contributors

Prav  Praveen Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital,

Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
Boyapati Raghu  Maxillofacial Unit, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guilford, UK
Anshul Rai  Department of Dentistry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya
Pradesh, India
Manjunath  Rai Department of OMFS, A.  J. Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore,
Karnataka, India
Faculty of Dentistry, RGUHS, Bangalore, India
Manikandhan  Ramanathan Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Meenakshi
Ammal Dental College and Hospital, MAHER University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Meenakshi Cleft and Craniofacial Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Dipesh Rao  Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Latha  P.  Rao Department of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Aster Medcity, Kochi, Kerala,
Neelam  Rathod Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Southend University
Hospitals NHS trust, Southend-on-Sea, UK
Poornima  Ravi Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SRM Dental College,
Ramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Srinivas  Gosla  Reddy GSR Institute of Cranio-maxillofacial & Facial Plastic Surgery,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
N. Viveka Vardhan Reddy  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SVS Institute of Dental Sciences,
Mahabubnagar, Telangana, India
Shravan Renapurkar  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Virginia Commonwealth
University Medical Center, Richmond, VA, USA
Christoph Renné  Group Practice for Pathology Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany
Tara Renton  Oral Surgery, Kings College, London, UK
Johan P. Reyneke  Center for Orthognathic Surgery, Mediclinic, Cape Town, South Africa
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the
Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK,
Sunil  Richardson  Richardson’s Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu,
Saurabh Saigal  Department of Anaesthesiology, AIIMS Bhopal, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh,
B. Sasikala  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SRM Dental College, Ramapuram,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Anna Sayan  Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Poole, UK
Tian Ee Seah  TES Clinic for Face and Jaw, Singapore, Singapore
Nallamilli V. S. Sekhar Reddy  Panineeya Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Anjan  Kumar  Shah  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rajarajeswari Dental
College, Bangalore, India
Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Bangalore, India
Chapter Contributors and Video Contributors xxi

Garima  Sharma Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital,

Yeshwantpur, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Lt Col Rohit Sharma  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 11 Corps Dental Unit, Jalandhar Cantt,
Kishore  Shekar Head and Neck Surgeon (OMFS), Ninewells Hospital and Dundee,
University Medical School, Dundee, UK
Pritham  N.  Shetty Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Bangalore Institute of
Dental Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Omkar Anand Shetye  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Goa Dental College
and Hospital, Bambolim, Goa, India
Sunil  S.  Shroff Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain
Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Anand  Shukla Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, King George’s Medical
University, Lucknow, India
Deepti Simon  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental College,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Robert A. Strauss  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Virginia Commonwealth
University Medical Center, Richmond, VA, USA
Shintaro Sukegawa  Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kagawa Prefectural Central
Hospital, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
Shikha  Tayal  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental College
and Hospital, Medical College Premises, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Mary  Thomas Department of Anesthesiology, Regional Cancer Centre, Medical College
Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Andreas Thor  Department of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, Uppsala University Hospital,
Uppsala, Sweden
Asha Thomson  Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals, Norfolk, UK
Benjamin  Turner Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Florida,
Jacksonville, FL, USA
Jayesh Vahanwala  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vaidik Dental College &
Research Centre, Nani Daman, India
Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai, India
George  Varghese Principal, Professor and Head, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences, Tiruvalla, Kerala, India
Ravi  Veeraraghavan Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Amrita School of
Dentistry, Ernakulam, India
Payal Verma  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, OH,
Cincinnati, USA
Christian Walter  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery—Plastic Surgery, Mediplus Clinic Mainz,
Mainz, Germany
Gary  Warburton  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Maryland
School of Dentistry, Baltimore, MD, USA
xxii Chapter Contributors and Video Contributors

Frank Wilde  Department of Oral and Plastic Maxillofacial Surgery, Armed Forces Hospital,
Ulm, Germany
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital, Ulm, Germany
Abhilasha Yadav  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Awadh Dental College &
Hospital, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India

Video Contributors

Prithvi  S.  Bachalli Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rangadore Memorial

Hospital, Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Ramdas  Balakrishna Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, KLE’s Institute of
Dental Science and Research, Bangalore, India
Anandh  Balasubramanian  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tagore Dental
College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Mohan  Baliga  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Manipal College of Dental
Sciences, MAHE, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Biswajit  Kumar  Biswas Avinash Institute of craniofacial and Reconstructive Surgery,
Kolkata, India
Lokesh Bhanumurthy  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tagore Dental College
and Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Rohit  Chandra Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Department of Plastic Surgery, Max
Hospitals, Vaishali and Noida, India
Jaideep  Singh  Chauhan Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, CHL Hospitals,
Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Anil Kumar Desai  Craniofacial Unit, SDM College of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Dharwad,
Anjaneya  Dube Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saptarshi Hospital and
Cancer Centre, Jabalpur National Hospital, Jabalpur, India
Gunjan Dube  Dube Surgical and Dental Hospital, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
Shehzana Fatima  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE
S. Girish Rao  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Shri Shankara Cancer Hospital and Research
Center, Apollo Hospitals, Sagar Hospitals, Trustwell Hospital, NIMHANS, Bangalore, India
Charu  Girotra Department of OMFS, School of Dentistry, D.  Y. Patil Deemed to be
University, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Gaurav  Mahesh  Gupta Centre for Craniomaxillo Facial and Facial Plastic Surgery,
Pushpanjali Hospital & Research Centre, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
Rebecca Jacob  Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Yeshwantpur,
Bangalore, India
Jagadish Chandra  Department of OMFS, Yenepoya Dental College, Yenepoya Deemed to be
University, Mangalore, India
Samson  Jimson Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Tagore Dental College &
Hospital, Chennai, India
Chapter Contributors and Video Contributors xxiii

Adarsh Kudva  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Manipal College of Dental

Sciences, Mahe University, Manipal, India
Deepak  Kulkarni Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr D Y Patil Dental
College, Pune, India
Balasubramanya Kumar  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bhagwan Mahaveer
Jain Hospital, Vikram Hospital, Bangalore, India
Paritkumar  Ladani Swiss Cleft and Craniofacial Centre, BSES MG Hospital, Mumbai,
Ummar  Mangalath  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, MES Dental College,
Perinthalmanna, Kerala, India
Philip  Mathew Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jubilee Mission Medical
College and Hospital, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Sainath Matsa  Praseedha Clinic for Maxillofacial Cosmetic Surgery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
Aditya  Moorthy Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rangadore Memorial
Hospital, Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Ravindran  Nair Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Medical
College, Manjeri, Kerala, India
Anuradha  Navaneetham  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, M R Ambedkar
Dental College, Rajiv Gandhi University, Bangalore, India
Nilesh Pagaria  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Shrikrishna Hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh,
Arun Kumar Panda  Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, SD Dental College and
Hospital, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India
Ananthanarayanan  Parameswaran Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Nehal Patel  NuFace Maxillofacial Hospital, Surat, Gujarat, India
Kavitha  Prasad Faculty of Dental Sciences, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences,
Bengaluru, India
Satish  Kumaran  Pugazhendi Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, M.  R.
Ambedkar Dental College, Bangalore, India
Gunaseelan Rajan  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Rajan Dental Hospital, Chennai, Tamil
Nadu, India
Rajasekhar  Gaddipati Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Mamata Dental
College, Khammam, Telangana, India
Sushmitha  Rajmohan Department of Dentistry & Maxillofacial Surgery, ESIC Model
Hospital, Indore, India
Aasya the Clinic for Face Jaws & Teeth, Vijaynagar, Indore, MP, India
Vidya Rattan  Unit of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Health Sciences Centre, Postgraduate
Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India
Pothula Sreedhar Reddy  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Pioneer Advanced Hair Transplant
Center, Bangalore, India
xxiv Chapter Contributors and Video Contributors

Sunil  Richardson  Richardson’s Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu,
Senthil Murugan  Department of Oncology & Reconstructive Microsurgery, Saveetha Dental
College, Saveetha University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
DWIJAN Microsurgery Research & Training Centre, Chennai, India
Navin  Shah  Sunderlal Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, KM Shah Dental
College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, A Central deemed to be University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Yeshaswini  Thelekkat Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Azeezia College of
Dental Sciences and Research Kollam, Kollam, Kerala, India
Joji Thomas  Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Cosmopolitan Hospital Pvt Ltd,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India
P. Varun Menon  The Charles Pinto Centre for Cleft Lip, Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies,
Jubilee Mission, Medical College & Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Sankar Vinod Vichattu  Department of OMFS, Mar Baselious Dental College, Kotamangalam,
Kerala, India
B.  Vikraman Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ragas Dental College &
Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Gary  Warburton Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Maryland
Dental School, Baltimore, MD, USA
About the Editors

Krishnamurthy Bonanthaya  did his postgraduate dental studies from Mangalore University,

and then he obtained his MBBS from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal. He is also a fellow
of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. He is
currently the project director of Smile Train Project treating cleft lip and palate deformities at
Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Bangalore. He also holds the position of professor of oral
and maxillofacial surgery, Bangalore Institute of Dental Sciences, which involves undergradu-
ate and postgraduate training and the routine mix of maxillofacial surgical management. He is
the editor in chief emeritus of the Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery and has numerous
publications to his credit.

Elavenil  Panneerselvam  completed her postgraduation in oral and maxillofacial surgery

from the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Government Medical University, Chennai, India. She also
has a master’s degree in business administration, specializing in hospital management, fellow-
ship in Aesthetic Medicine and has been awarded Fellowship in Dental Surgery by the Royal
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow. She has contributed to textbooks on oral anat-
omy, local anesthesia, plastic surgery, and pediatric TMJ surgery. Presently, she holds a faculty
position at the SRM Dental College (Ramapuram), Chennai, as associate professor in oral and
axillofacial surgery. She is a recipient of the MM Cooper Memorial Research Award from the
Indian Society for Anatomists and the Ginwalla Trophy from the Association of Oral &
Maxillofacial Surgeons of India.

Suvy  Manuel  after his postgraduation from Government Dental College, Trivandrum,
University of Kerala, in 2002, gained the Diplomate of National Board in Oral & Maxillofacial
Surgery, Membership from the National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India; and
Diploma of Membership in Oral surgery, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.
During his tenure in the UK, he attained the Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery,
Royal College of Surgeons, England. Subsequently, he attained the Fellowship in Dental
Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. He is the MOMS RCSEd (Diploma of
Membership in Oral Surgery) Examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in the
Faculty of Dental Examiners, as appointed by the Dental Examinations Committee, RCS
He is former professor and postgraduate guide at the Kerala University of Health Sciences
and is a reviewer for the Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery.
Currently, he is attached to the maxillofacial units at Ananthapuri and KIMS Hospitals,
Trivandrum, India.

xxvi About the Editors

Vinay V. Kumar  completed his master’s in oral and maxillofacial surgery from Nair Hospital
Dental College, Mumbai, India, in 2008. He was an ITI Scholar in the Department of
Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery in Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz, Germany,
in 2010, where he went on to complete his Doctorate of Medicine in Dentistry (2013), obtain
a practicing license, and served as a visiting faculty. He completed the MD and PhD program
at the University of Medicine, Rostock, Germany in 2018. He is currently a Specialist Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeon in the Department of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, Uppsala
University Hospital, Sweden in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Uppsala University,

Anshul  Rai  is an Associate Professor in Department of Dentistry at All India Institute of

Medical Sciences Bhopal, MP. He has 54 publications to his credit out of which 24 belong to
prestigious international journals. He has contributed as a coauthor to Textbook of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery by Dr. Borle. He is a Fellow of Indian Board of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery (FIBOMS) and a fellow of the International Board for the Certification of Specialists
in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (FIBCSOMS). He is a reviewer for Journal of Maxillofacial
and oral surgery and Indian Journal of Dental Research.

Jimson  Samson  completed his postgraduate studies at the prestigious the Tamil Nadu Dr.
M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai. Since completing his MDS, he has been in academics.
He is a journal reviewer and also a section editor. He has lectured at various national and inter-
national conferences. He was also a faculty at OMFS workshops.
His special interest in research has made him Vice-Principal—Research at Tagore Dental
College & Hospital, Chennai. In addition, he also heads the Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery. He has published in indexed journals. He is now the Hon. State Secretary
of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry
Branch. He is also an elected member of the Executive Committee of the National Association.
He is a member of the Board of Studies for Postgraduate Studies of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery at the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai.

Nehal  Patel  completed his master’s in oral and maxillofacial surgery from A.B.  Shetty
Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore. He did his fellowship in Cleft and Craniofacial
Surgery from Mangalore. He did his mini residency in TMJ Arthroscopy and Total Joint
replacement from the USA. He worked as consultant cleft and craniofacial surgeon in BSES
MG Hospital. He is currently working as Director, ABMSS CLEFT PROJECT in Surat,
Part I
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in India:
How Did We Get Here and Where Are 1
We Going?

Kishore Nayak

1.1  istory of Our Missions and

H that we have witnessed have been rapid and hopefully pro-
Our Challenges gressive. From being oral surgeons, we transitioned and
added maxillofacial surgery and to our quiver and perhaps to
Any discussion about the history of surgery inevitably begins the chagrin competing specialties treaded into areas, once
with an invariable reference to Suśruta and his contributions considered “gray” and broadened the scope of our practices.
to facial surgery, in particular. While the contributions of the Mino S Ginwalla is regarded as the pioneer of oral and
sixth-century sage surgeon may somewhat be nebulous in a maxillofacial surgery in India. In the 1950s, Dr. Ginwalla
foggy poorly documented history, they are inevitably (and arrived in Mumbai following surgical training in Montreal,
arguably) numerous but need not be elaborated here in any Canada, and set up his practice at Nair Hospital. He was a
manner. What is lesser known and not often spoken about is part of the founding group of surgeons of the AOMSI in
that Suśruta considered surgery the first and foremost branch 1969. By the mid-70s, training programs were established in
of medicine and stated, “Surgery has the superior advantage most of the major dental colleges throughout India. Today,
of producing instantaneous effects by means of surgical there are numerous OMS training programs in India.
instruments and appliances. Hence, it is the highest in value The dental qualified persons are governed by the statutes
of all the medical tantras. It is eternal and a source of infinite of the Dental Council of India [3]. Currently, the Dental
piety, imports fame and opens the gates of Heaven to its vota- Council of India provides for a comprehensive 3-year pro-
ries. It prolongs the duration of human existence on earth and gram that includes a syllabus and curriculum that exposes
helps men in successfully fulfilling their missions and earn- trainees to standard procedures covering the full spectrum of
ing a decent competence in life.” [1, 2] oral and maxillofacial surgery [4]. This provides a legal
When applied specifically to the context of the specialty framework for the OMS to function. This qualification itself
of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery (OMS) emerging in India, is only permission to practice the specialty. In today’s sys-
it raises many important questions on how we have emerged tem, competence and eventual ownership of key surgical
and more importantly what we see ourselves evolving into in domains often only come from structured post-qualification
the years to come. Perhaps all those debates that we labored training.
along numerous times were all a part of our coming of age! Thus, traditionally, the specialty in India continues to be
Like elsewhere in the world, in the mid-twentieth century, predominately a dental subspecialty that leans toward the
we were probably practitioners of dentoalveolar surgery idea of a surgical branch of dentistry. While many arguments
working under very trying circumstances moving on to have been made for and against the need for a medical degree
where we are today. The specialty in India today, is truly all to augment the specialty, it is safe to postulate that for the
encompassing in its scope. It embraces the entire and near future, we will remain a dental specialty for a variety of
extended spectrum of the practice of oral and maxillofacial reasons. North Americans seem to have found a middle
surgery, and as the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial ground and of the 101 OMS training programs in the US, 55
Surgeons of India (AOMSI) approaches its 50th year in are single-degree programs (dental degree only) and 43 are
2019, there is no better time to look back and reflect on the dual-degree (dental and medical) programs, and three offer
past and contemplate where we are heading. The changes both options.
Drawing comparisons to the international scenario, the
specialty has always been on a pendulous path remaining
K. Nayak (*) undecided on the idea of whether it wants to stay a dental
Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Bangalore, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 3

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_1
4 K. Nayak

specialty or whether it wants to incorporate the medical the scope of our specialty. This expansion and contraction of
degree. In the USA where this trend initially started, the our scope may also be fundamental to continual evolution. A
practice of the specialty is protected by national, regional, large majority of our colleagues in India and worldwide
and local legislature as a dental specialty. In reality, there is operate within the boundaries of that scope of practice
no perceivable practical difference in the scope of practice defined as “expertise.” However, to turn areas of familiarity
between single- or double-degree practitioners in the States. into competence and expertise will require that the training
In the UK and many parts of Europe, the specialty has taken units and staff have the required skills and volume of cases to
leaps and bounds toward the medical path of training and it ensure hands-on experience and documentation. Only under
could very well be only a matter of time before the Specialty these circumstances can we be assured that the skill sets and
remains only remotely associated with Dentistry. The pri- competencies will be transferred and become enduring.
mary challenge was a lack of understanding, which centered It is ideal that all trainees are trained to achieve compe-
on the debate of whether a medical as well as a dental quali- tence in craniomaxillofacial trauma, orthognathic surgery,
fication was required prior to surgical training [5]. and TMJ surgery (i.e., maxillofacial surgery). This and only
Oral and maxillofacial surgery remains a specialty of den- this can provide the transition from Oral to Maxillofacial sur-
tistry in India and most training programs involve a graduate gery. There, however, is a clear and present reality that not all
study and thesis to obtain the Masters in Dental Surgery training programs are equipped to achieve this goal. Even
(MDS) degree. The dental practice act allows all qualified though training standards and syllabi exist, these standards
dentally trained oral and maxillofacial surgeons to practice are so broad that even programs with a very limited scope of
the unrestricted and full scope of the specialty, similar to training will meet accreditation standards by reporting a nar-
what occurs in the European nations that require a medical row set of hospital-based procedures that are not representa-
degree. In most of Europe, OMS has become a medical tive of the scope of practice required of modern OMS. Further,
subspecialty. the interest of the trainee in training in the full scope of sur-
Public perception of the scope of practice of the specialty gery is a factor that leads to mediocre training. The system of
remains below par. The specialty gets confused with other choosing a postgraduate training in OMS in India is severely
surgical domains within both dentistry and medicine that we handicapped and primitive. The factors that decide a train-
share a scope. ee’s choice of an advanced training program have nothing to
do with their aptitude or interest in a specialty. It is purely
based on their standing in a national entrance examination or
1.2 Expertise, Familiarity, their affordability of a position in a private institution. This
and Competence leads to complete neglect of the student’s natural aptitudes
leading to prosthodontists becoming orthodontists and endo-
“Innovation is the combination of different ideas and contri- dontists doomed into the world of oral and maxillofacial sur-
bution of the different minds.” gery. A disinterested trainee will be barely motivated to
Laskin [6] attempts to address this problem by dividing improve the scope of their practice following completion of
the scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery into three parts: their training, often limiting their practice to general den-
areas of expertise, competence, and familiarity. tistry and minimal indulgence in areas of “expertise.”
Bell [7], when contemplating the future of education and
• Areas of expertise include oral pathology/oral medicine, training in the specialty, raises some very valid concerns,
dentoalveolar surgery, preprosthetic surgery (including which seem to reflect the issues that affect the specialty and
implantology), and maxillofacial traumatology. its future worldwide. Many reasons for the training dispari-
• Areas of competence involve orthognathic surgery, tem- ties exist today—including training program location, the
poromandibular joint surgery, and local reconstructive presence or absence of a trauma center, limited head and
surgery. neck surgery experience, and local politics—but regardless,
• Areas of familiarity are cleft lip and palate surgery, the goal should be the same: to train oral and maxillofacial
regional reconstructive surgery, oncologic surgery, cra- surgeons to competence in the core areas of the specialty that
niofacial surgery, and cosmetic surgery. they will eventually practice.
The key point is that we, as a specialty, should ensure
Laskin’s system of classification, while seemingly appear- that we train to competence and expertise based on geo-
ing comprehensive, opens itself to a lot of debate and ques- graphic location, years in practice, fellowship training, and
tion. While there is no doubt that the areas of “expertise” are academic involvement. In years past, if an OMS graduate
unique to our specialty, it is our foray into those areas of wished to obtain training in any areas beyond basics, then he
competence and familiarity that has led to the expansion of or she often sought it outside of the specialty, in either oto-
1  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in India: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going? 5

laryngology or plastic surgery. With the emergence of sev- patient images and radiographs easily both for opinions and
eral teaching hospitals and colleges as well as standalone treatment planning. Such ease of access to patient images
independent centers of excellence, this scenario has drasti- and documents has become a routine tool in emergency room
cally transformed in India. Further, the development of a triages of patients in the evaluation of the priority of care.
number of fellowships that have been facilitated by the While technology in its current form is often perceived, as
AOMSI has resulted in a robust system within the specialty interruptive to one’s lifestyle choices, the advent and immer-
that caters to the trainee’s desire, merit, and quite often sion of artificial intelligence (AI) will make today’s technol-
desire to embrace technique and technology. The rapid and ogy ubiquitous without being intrusive. Operating theaters of
natural advent of OMS into areas of oncology and recon- the future are likely to be guarded by artificial intelligence.
struction, cleft lip and palate, craniofacial surgery, and aes- Imagine an operating theater that prepares itself based on the
thetic surgery has been unprecedented and the critical mass radiofrequency identification (RFID) of the surgeon who
of those who now fit in comfortably with these are their swipes her/his badge at the door—that surgeon’s preference
areas of expertise is on the rise. cards get read by the system and a central core will prepare
This has been a radical transformation. A few decades the instruments and supplies based on that surgeon’s choices
ago, wandering beyond the realms of dentoalveolar surgery for that particular case booked for him.
and facial trauma inevitably encountered a glass ceiling. Anesthesiology, radiology, and pathology are low-­
Today this has been most certainly breached. Moreover, hanging fruits in the AI world. Radiologists in large tertiary-­
while the majority of the specialty holds itself within the care centers in China, today, do not read radiographs
original areas of expertise, there is no doubt that the Big anymore; they simply look at false positives read the previ-
Bang Moment for OMS in India has happened and it is a ous night by their AI system. The system then learns from
great time to contemplate where we are heading. What does such mistakes and makes corrections forever. Computer sys-
the future hold for the specialty as we drift on our very own tems today have the capacity of a thousand human brains to
Starship Enterprise? process data. The more data we feed these AI systems, the
smarter they get. Google’s AI product called LYNA or
LymphNode Assistant is a trained algorithm that is capable
1.3 Predicting the Future of spotting the features of tumors that have metastasized,
which are notoriously difficult to detect. Self-teaching algo-
“Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose rithm systems will likely replace monitoring duties of the
and fell, and you can foresee the future, too.” Marcus anesthesiologists and critical care nurses in the hospital.
Aurelius. Surgical robots are also constantly evolving incorporating
Are we truly at a threshold or are we pieces in some con- precision haptics and AI. Robotic arms can already perform
tinuum? What factors will drive our evolution as a specialty tasks independent of a surgeon yielding it. Imperfections and
in India and our extended regions? What trends can we pre- errors that a surgeon may cause in an operation are avoided
dictably follow to predict our future? Can we perhaps take a in robotic surgery by consistent movements, angles, and
page from other fields in medicine to learn about ourselves? access that can only be achieved by that robot. Imagine a
Will changing attitudes and aptitude of a new generation robotic arm that can be programed to remove a mesioangular
have a powerful impact on our profession or will we forever impacted mandibular third molar? The robot surgeon can
remain loyal to the vestiges of the legacy left behind for us? assess the angulation of the impacted tooth based on the
Technology will undoubtedly play an important role in patient’s radiograph, adjust its angulation and access, make a
our future. Not just technology in patient care, but technol- buccal trough, and split the tooth precisely. Less error and
ogy in our lives. Telemedicine and teleconsults will become more precision, perhaps?
a part of our everyday practice allowing us to practice beyond The day is not far before a robotic arm can obtain a tissue
geographic limitations. Teleconferencing will make biannual sample from our patients at a mall kiosk. Algorithms can
AOMSI face-to-face conferences obsolete. In 2018, the then diagnose that tissue and their radiographs distancing the
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons patient further away from the conventional practice of medi-
(AAOMS) simulcasted their Dental Implant Conference, as cine. What is the future of our practices and our education in
did the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Their experi- these scenarios? A well-informed patient with access to
ence is that the while their total registration at these meetings information and technology may surpass the traditional med-
went up, the number of in-person registrants did not dissi- icine man for their healthcare. Direct to consumer marketing
pate. Consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeons all over the of healthcare tools such as genetic testing is already preva-
world have embraced telemedicine naturally, whether they lent in many countries. Several patients are aware of which
realized it or not. Mobile technology allows the transfer of chemotherapy may be best effective for the management of
6 K. Nayak

their cancers even before they see their doctor, today. Where surgery, aesthetic surgeons, and lab research. Larger sister
does that place a specialist in the future? specialties like ENT-Otolaryngology have also separated
In a keynote address at the Royal College of Surgeons in themselves into subspecialties. In the US, Pediatric otolaryn-
London at the 50th anniversary of the IAOMS, Brian Schmidt gology, head and neck Surgery, facial plastic surgery, otol-
DDS, MD, PhD, Director, Bluestone Center for Clinical ogy, skull-based surgery and surgery for sleep disorders are
Research, and Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at all recognized subspecialties within ENT in the US, for
New  York University pondered about the future of OMS which fellowship training is offered. The pediatric otolaryn-
internationally. He emphasized three units of care that oral gologist who specializes in airway surgery is unlikely to
and maxillofacial surgeons provide universally— attend a conference organized for the otologists.
Similarly, domains within oral and maxillofacial surgery
1. Management of maxillofacial trauma. are already starting to branch out into subspecialty pods
2. Management of oral cancer. and practices are being limited to the practice of such sub-
3. Management of craniofacial anomalies. specialties. That focus on a specific area within the spe-
cialty is also likely to be influenced by reimbursement for
His views suggested that the advent of seatbelts, airbags, services. The subspecialties that rake in more money for the
and safer road conditions in most countries is diminishing provider will thrive quicker and heftier than the latter.
our total volume of trauma. Further, patterns of wars have Changes in reimbursement strategies by hospitals will also
changed from the bayonets of World War I to drone-­ evolve in this equation. For instance, in the US, where a
controlled annihilation that ensures death! While bar fights large third-party payer system exists, clinical production
and interpersonal violence continue to create left-sided ZMC for a practitioner is often not measured in actual dollars, but
and mandibular fractures, the world of facial trauma is most in revenue value units (RVUs). Complex longer cases like a
certainly changing. head and neck disease ablation and reconstruction may not
He recognized examples of how personalized medicine is be related to a large reimbursement of dollars for the sur-
influencing the care of cancer patients. With our ability to gery alone; but the fact that the operating facility was used
map genomes and mutations, our ability to interpret cancer for several hours with the utilization of other resources
biology has had a meteoric rise even in the last decade. This such as nursing care, critical care, specialists like physical
leads to personalizing management via either chemotherapy therapists, speech therapists, nutritionists, and a follow-up
or radiotherapy with predictable success making most can- rehabilitation facility, all add up value to the health system
cers chronically manageable diseases rather than a death sen- ensuring reimbursement.
tence. The future of personalized medicine will most likely While this model seems to be working for now, the prac-
put the cancer surgeon out of an occupation. tice of medicine in the future unfortunately will be largely
He introduced a study that demonstrated how a serendipi- devised by the market and economics. The educational debt
tous finding in mice with Treacher-Collin’s syndrome treated for training our future generation is getting out of hand. In a
for endometrial cancer with a chemotherapeutic agent world where access to information is undoubtedly easier, the
knocked out the gene causing the craniofacial anomaly in the cost of a formal education is skyrocketing. Alternate models
following generation. This suggested that we could poten- of education may arise disrupting this traditional model.
tially be looking at gene therapy for craniofacial anomalies, Apprenticeships of the Osler era may be aft. Centers of
including cleft lip and palate. excellence are likely to develop that allows a pathway of
Schmidt’s observations and predictions suggest that the nontraditional training to an interested and talented trainee.
diseases and conditions that are the mainstay to our profes- Validation agencies like the International Board of
sion will alter significantly in the future. Laboratories in Certification of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (IBSCOMS)
Boston are very close to creating a template stem cells con- will have a bigger role in providing bonafide certification
struct that will replace dental implants with naturally grown outside of the current commercialized and often-diluted edu-
teeth. A dental caries vaccine is pending worldwide use. cation system.
How will these fundamental changes alter the practice of The millennial and the gen Z student will also play a large
our specialty in the future? role in the evolution of the specialty. Today’s trainee learns
Super specialization within the specialty is bound to hap- differently, synthesizes information differently. They grew
pen. Attendees of the annual sessions of the British up on smartphones and Google searches and not in libraries
Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons will be or poring over Encyclopedia Britannica. They are visual
struck by the design of the sessions. There are sessions learners with a panache for hand-eye coordination. They are
designed for oral surgeons, implantologists, educators, multitaskers. No doubt that there will exist friction between
deformities surgeons, ablative surgeons, and separately for a generation of older teachers and this generation of learners.
reconstructive surgeons, as there are for minimally invasive And, that too will only be momentary. The new trainee is
1  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in India: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going? 7

focused on lifestyle choices and is not unabatingly focused OMS is like no other branch of medicine or dentistry. It
on education and patient care. The new trainee values life has innovated, expanded, and usurped. It has replicated the
outside of work just as much as work. This will bring a new old kingdoms, which created vast expanses as it rolled along.
kind of diversity to the workplace. To make things worse, Eventually though, experience tells us that it can collapse
they will be treating a generation of aging patients who are under its own weight and might. As we look into the future,
used to a different kind of doctor from their times. The aver- we must not ignore our past. Empires end for two reasons…
age patient is older and healthier and has demands that may problems from within and failure to protect their borders. As
have been considered unreasonable at one time. They are for empires, so for OMS. Our mistakes and pettiness must be
likely to be tech-savvy themselves. They will seek many acknowledged, accounted for, and learned so as not to repeat
opinions before they commit to the recommendations of them.
their provider. They are likely to choose a surgeon based on We might have the ability as a specialty to control most of
the reviews on social media and the internet. Globalization our destiny, but some of it may be adapted based on our envi-
of the medical industry and technology means that they ronments. At the end of it all, if the specialty takes heed of
might be willing to travel to have the same procedure and three fundamental principles—patient care, education, and
product used elsewhere than their hometown hospital. meaningful research, we will continue to justify our exis-
Surgeons are working longer than they ever did as well. tence in the future.
What impact does that have in a crowded marketplace? Will
aging populations of patients and surgeons see an impact on
the way we work? Will longevity and increased career years References
keep the younger ambitious surgeon from getting to the top?
The retirement age of surgeons differs all over the world. 1. Suśruta Samhita. English translation by Kaviraj Kunja Lal
Bhishagratna, Calcutta, 1907, Chapter 16, 152–154.
Surgery is mentally and physically demanding. What effects 2. Raju VK.  Suśruta of ancient India. Indian J Ophthalmol.
does that chronic stress have on both the cognitive and physi- 2003;51:119–22.
cal decline in surgeons? Bhatt et al. did a narrative review on 3. Paul G. The future of maxillofacial surgery as a specialty of den-
the topics of “ageing” and “surgeon” in Medline in 2016 [8]. tistry. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2017;16(1):1–2. Published online
2017 Jan 16.
They could not find any common ground in these studies. A 4. Revised 2007 regulation of the Dental Council of India, Gazette of
surgeon who has to hang up his knife at 40 because of severe India Extraordinary No DE 22–2007, Government of India, dated
carpal tunnel in his hands is very different from one that has 20th November 2007, pp 56–68.
excellent physical health but severe cognitive decline. The 5. Nayak K. Oral and maxillofacial surgery: It’s future as a specialty. J
Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2011;10(4):281–2.
variables were too many for them to consider any consensus 6. Laskin M.  The past, present, and future of oral and maxillofacial
on their research question—“when should surgeons retire?” surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008;66:1037–40.
They concluded that,” Competence should be assessed at an 7. Bryan Bell R. Infinite cornucopia: the future of education and train-
individual level, focusing on functional ability over chrono- ing in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
Pathol Oral Radiol. 2016;121(5):447–9.
logical age; this should inform retirement policies for 8. Bhatt NR, Morris M, O’Neil A, Gillis A, Ridgway PF. When should
surgeons.” surgeons retire? Br J Surg. 2016;103(1):35–42.

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Part II
Preoperative Assessment and Patient
Preoperative Evaluation
and Investigations for Maxillofacial 2

B. Krishnan and Satyen Parida

2.1 Introduction 2.2 Preoperative Evaluation

A meticulous preoperative evaluation with the intention of The process of preoperative evaluation often begins with a
identifying modifiable clinical conditions and understanding standard history-taking and physical examination for the
the risk stratification is imperative for all patients being sub- particular patient. A detailed history of prior medical prob-
jected to any invasive procedure, inclusive of oral and maxil- lems, any previous surgical procedures, family, personal, and
lofacial surgery. Preoperative evaluation of such patients social history, any chronic medications and allergies or
would of course differ, often dictated by age and the overall addictions needs to be obtained. In addition, it is worthwhile
health condition that they present with. The choice of anes- obtaining details about the patient’s family physician if any,
thesia may vary depending on the surgical procedure whether he has health insurance, the employer’s details if the
intended: general anesthesia, conscious sedation, regional patient is employed, contact details of relatives, and any
blocks, local anesthesia, or various combinations of all of other information that may be deemed appropriate. The max-
these. The current chapter focuses on the preoperative evalu- illofacial surgeon has to judge how the medical problems of
ation of patients posted for maxillofacial surgery under a the patient will affect perioperative care, and conversely,
general anesthetic in a formal operating room setting. how perioperative events would influence the management
Nevertheless, it is essential to realize that a preoperative of the patient’s medical conditions. The patient’s comorbidi-
evaluation is more or less standardized, irrespective of the ties could result in a significant physiologic decompensation
type of surgery and practice (office-based dentoalveolar sur- due to myriad factors such as stress of the surgical proce-
gery, trauma, orthognathic surgery, elective esthetic surgery, dure, original goals of the surgical intervention not being
craniofacial surgery, etc.) and anesthesia being planned. The adequately met, and potential interactions between the regu-
goals of preoperative evaluation are summarized in Fig. 2.1 lar medications that a patient may be on or with drugs that
[1]. The intention is to minimize perioperative morbidity and may be required to be instituted as part of the perioperative
mortality, to the best possible extent. The major step toward protocol. The maxillofacial surgeon should, therefore, be
this goal requires the surgeon to be conscientiously aware of cognizant of what could possibly go wrong, and how those
the general condition and clinical state of the patient so that situations could be remedied. Also, it is critical that the sur-
in the eventuality of a critical event, he can intervene effec- geon be aware of all the medications (antidiabetic drugs,
tively and pertinently. This would involve modifying and anticoagulants, antiplatelets, etc.) and medical comorbidities
customization of the patient’s overall management to ensure (cardiopulmonary, central nervous system, hepatic and renal
that perioperative adverse events are avoided. disease, etc.) that the patient may be exposed to that could
threaten the safe performance of the surgical procedure and
have an adverse impact during the postoperative period. It is
essential that every member of the perioperative team must
be able to perform an independent assessment of the patient.
B. Krishnan (*)
Department of Dentistry, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate This does not imply being ignorant of the other person’s
Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India assessment since information needs to be shared by all com-
S. Parida ponents of the team, but each member should have his own
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, way of assimilating such information by adding to it by his
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and own independent assessment. This is important because
Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 11

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_2
12 B. Krishnan and S. Parida

Table 2.1  Preoperative medical evaluation questions for a healthy

History & Questions
  1. Do you usually get chest pain or breathlessness when you climb
up two flights of stairs at normal speed?
  2. Do you have kidney disease?
Reduce anxiety
with education   3. Has anyone in your family (blood relatives) had a problem
Risk Assessment following an anesthetic?
-Informed consent
  4. Have you ever had a heart attack?
  5. Have you ever been diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat?
GOALS OF   6. Have you ever had a stroke?
PREOPERATIVE   7. If you have been put to sleep for an operation, were there any
EVALUATION Formulate anesthetic problems?
Postoperative anesthetic   8. Do you suffer from epilepsy or seizures?
management plan   9. Do you have any problems with pain, stiffness, or arthritis in
your neck or jaw?
10. Do you have thyroid disease?
Laboratory Control of 11. Do you suffer from angina?
& cardiac perioperative 12.  Do you have liver disease?
testing disease 13. Have you ever been diagnosed with heart failure?
14. Do you suffer from asthma?
15. Do you have diabetes that requires insulin?
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
16. Do you have diabetes that requires tablets only?
17. Do you take any regular medications like antiplatelet or
Fig. 2.1  Goals of preoperative evaluation anticoagulants?
18. Are you taking any over-the-counter medications, psychiatric
medications, natural remedies?
19. Do you have habits like smoking, alcohol, or use of recreational
every specialty would have its independent perspective, drugs?
about the patient, although they would all be in the latter’s
best interests. For example, the surgeon might look upon
older age in terms of postoperative functional recovery, potential donor site evaluation. Finally, a neurological exam-
while the anesthesiologist would be contemplating the vari- ination would assess the patient’s mental status and any signs
ous comorbidities that could be associated. Accordingly, of pre-existing nerve or head injuries. A detailed description
each specialist would have his own concerns regarding the of the examination of all systems is beyond the scope of this
state of the patient, and therefore, the preoperative assess- chapter and the reader is advised to consult the references at
ment provides a meeting ground for all these concerns after the end of this chapter [1, 3–5].
everyone has performed his own independent assessment. Once the history and physical examination are complete,
The use of a medical history questionnaire provides the max- the clinician would be in a situation to risk stratifying the
illofacial surgeon with valuable information about the physi- patient according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists’
cal and psychological condition of the patient. Any medical (ASA) classification system (please see chapter on
history questionnaire can either be extremely useful or totally Ambulatory anesthesia for ASA table). Further investigations
worthless and its ultimate value depends upon the ability of or specialist consultation is determined by the ASA status.
the surgeon to interpret the significance of the answers and to This is especially imperative in patients with ASA Class III or
elicit additional information through physical examination IV who need to be further evaluated for their ability to with-
and dialogue history. A prototype of a health history ques- stand the proposed surgical procedure. Such patients, almost
tionnaire is seen in Table 2.1 [2]. always, require inpatient admission due to a higher risk of
A preoperative physical examination begins with a perioperative adverse events. Patients of ASA Class V are
recording of the patient’s vital signs. The oral and maxillofa- extremely moribund and would therefore invariably require
cial system, by virtue, of the proposed surgical site, receives admission irrespective of the surgical procedure involved. It
close attention by the surgeon. Of particular interest for the is extremely uncommon for a patient in this category to
surgeon would be recognizing potential difficulties in surgi- undergo any maxillofacial surgical procedure.
cal access and the need for alternative strategies and addi- Preoperative risk stratification can also include a surgical
tional surgeries (e.g., bone grafting/skin grating). The classification system [6] (Table  2.2). This classification is
cardiopulmonary examination assesses the rate and rhythm, quite useful for healthy patients undergoing a surgical proce-
murmurs, wheezing, rhonchi, and stridor. The musculoskel- dure, as risk assessment in these patients is now determined
etal examination will include a range of neck motion and solely by the nature of the procedure rather than the ASA
2  Preoperative Evaluation and Investigations for Maxillofacial Surgery 13

Table 2.2 Cardiac Risk Stratification for Noncardiac Surgical those carried out preoperatively on all patients, and not
directly related to the planned surgical procedure or the
Cardiac risk patient’s physical condition, are not recommended [10, 11].
stratification Procedure examples
Age-based criteria are controversial as test abnormalities are
High Risk Aortic, Major vascular Surgery, Peripheral
(>5%) vascular Surgery common in older patients but are not as predictive of compli-
Intermediate Intraperitoneal and Intrathoracic Surgery, Carotid cations as information gained from a detailed history and
Risk (1–5%) endarterectomy, Head and neck surgery, physical examination. “Cost consciousness” and “steward-
Orthopedic Surgery, Prostate Surgery. ship of resources” also have to be considered by the clinician
Low Risk (<1%) Endoscopic procedures, Superficial procedures,
as the commonly ordered “battery of tests,” though relatively
Cataract surgery, Breast surgery, Ambulatory
surgery inexpensive by themselves, can contribute to a significant
proportion of healthcare expenditure as a result of the fre-
quency with which they are ordered [12]. Beyond economics,
classification [7]. A similar surgical severity classification for the costs borne by patients include discomfort of needle sticks
oral and maxillofacial procedures has also been offered [8]. and blood loss with repeated phlebotomy, exposure to radia-
The preoperative assessment for oral and maxillofacial tion, and additional unnecessary workup of spurious results.
surgery will also require appropriate radiologic imaging for Good communication between the surgeon, medical consul-
diagnostic information and treatment planning. These tant, anesthesia team, and the patient is essential when con-
include panoramic, periapical, and occlusal radiographs, sidering preoperative testing that may affect the timing of the
ultrasound, CT and MRI imaging. The clinical evaluation surgery. Fit, young patients who are scheduled for outpatient
and imaging studies should help in the formation of a surgi- surgery or low-risk surgery generally do not require any rou-
cal plan, as to whether the surgery is going to be a simple or tine preoperative testing and, in the pediatric age group, a
a complex one, what kind of instrumentation will be required thorough clinical examination has been found to be of greater
for the same, or whether it would require the expertise of value [13, 14]. Routine urine or blood testing of the pediatric
other surgical specialties such as Ophthalmology, ENT, and patient is not clinically warranted without a specific indica-
Plastic Surgery. The anesthesia team can also examine these tion [15]. In general, test results within the past 6 months are
imaging modalities to identify potential difficulties that may acceptable if the patient’s history has not changed. If the
be encountered while intubating and securing the airway. patient’s condition has changed in the interim, adjunctive
tests within the past 2 weeks are more favored [1].
The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
2.3 Laboratory Investigations Surgeons (AAOMS) recommendations on adjunctive studies
prior to oral and maxillofacial surgery include, but are not
Preoperative patient assessment, ASA physical status, and limited to, both laboratory and imaging investigations [16]
severity of the proposed oral and maxillofacial surgical pro- (Table 2.3). Similarly, algorithms based on the ASA classifi-
cedure guide the clinician to select the appropriate adjunctive cation, surgical procedure, and age of the patient are also
studies for treatment planning. The ordering of adjunctive available to assist the clinician to choose the appropriate
laboratory and radiological investigations is often determined adjunctive preoperative tests [17, 18].
by a complex interplay of pre-existing attitudes, practice pat- While most standard texts would lead one to believe that
terns learnt during training, ease of ordering, fear of medico- extensive investigations in patients who are supposedly normal
legal consequences, and patient requests. When ordering a on history and clinical appraisal are not instrumental in improv-
test, clinicians are attempting to discriminate between patients ing outcomes or economically justified, it must be remembered
who have normal values and those who have abnormal ones. that these perceptions are built upon data accumulated from the
This is used to determine the possibility of the existence of a West, where regular health checkups and assessments are the
pathological condition that could impact the proposed surgi- norms. In contrast, in countries like India, a patient’s first visit
cal and anesthetic plan. The “normal” reference range for to a hospital may be for the surgery he is being posted for.
many clinical lab tests excludes the upper and lower 2.5% of Patients may also not be aware of existing comorbidities or
results, and therefore 5% of normal individuals will obtain an details of any earlier interventions. This often leaves the clini-
“abnormal” result. While these “abnormal results” can be cian with no other option than to do order a “battery” of the
ignored, sometimes they are not and the result is an additional so-called routine investigations to screen out potential patho-
unnecessary investigation. Clinicians must be confident that logical conditions. Ultimately, the choice of what laboratory
there is a clinical justification for the actual need for the test. investigations a patient may be subjected to is decided by the
Studies indicate that less than 0.25% of all “abnormal” results particular operating unit. It is important that such practices be
of preoperative tests before an elective surgery influences the customized to the population that the hospital caters to, and
perioperative management [9]. “Routine” investigations, viz., must be based on reasonable risk-benefit and cost analysis.
14 B. Krishnan and S. Parida

Table 2.3  Indications for commonly ordered preoperative laboratory tests based on specific findings during history and physical examination
(independent of patient age, American Society of Anesthesiologists’ classification, or surgical procedure)
Investigations Indications
Laboratory investigations
1. Complete Blood Counts:
WBC count Patients with infection/fever
On chemotherapy
Myeloproliferative disorders
Immune-compromised states (HIV)
History of cancer, chemotherapy, or radiation treatment
Platelet count History of low platelets
Bleeding history
Autoimmune disease
Liver disease
Hemoglobin/Hematocrit Anticipated blood loss greater than 500 ml
Suspicion of anemia
Recent chemotherapy/Radiotherapy (within 2 months)
Renal disease
Active cardiac symptoms
Recent blood loss
Sickle cell anemia/thalassemia
Recent autologous blood transfusion
Older patients undergoing major surgery
2. Chemistry:
Electrolytes/BUN/Creatinine Chronic Kidney Disease
Liver cirrhosis
Medications (diuretics, ACE inhibitor, digoxin)
Diabetes mellitus
On renal dialysis—K+ tested immediately prior to surgery
Creatinine Older patients undergoing intermediate-or-high-risk surgery
Patient for whom nephrotoxins will be used
When large fluid shifts or hypotension is likely
Glucose-(Fasting/Random/ Diabetes mellitus
Postprandial/Glucose Tolerance Long-term steroid medications
Test (GTT) /HbA1C) Liver cirrhosis
Pancreatic disease
Adrenal disease
Pituitary disease
>45 Years of age with no prior history of diabetes mellitus
3. Coagulation profile
Prothrombin Time (PT) Personal/ family history of bleeding diathesis or clotting disorders
International Normalized Ration Evidence of purpura or petechiae
(INR) On current or recent anticoagulation medications (warfarin/heparin)
Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) Liver disease
Abnormal liver function (jaundice)
Severe malnutrition
Chronic renal failure
History of stroke
Autoimmune disorders
PT (for warfarin) Repeated on the evening before/morning of the surgery to document normal coagulation parameters after
PTT (for heparin) stopping these medications, if indicated.
Bleeding Time (BT) Not a reliable preoperative indicator of platelet function. Not recommended for presurgical workup
Clotting Time (CT) Time consuming, poor reproducibility, insensitive to high doses of heparin, and sensitive in only extreme
factor deficiencies
Not of much value in modern laboratory settings
2  Preoperative Evaluation and Investigations for Maxillofacial Surgery 15

Table 2.3 (continued)
Investigations Indications
4. Liver function tests Cirrhosis
Alcohol abuse
Pancreatic disease
History of cancer
Easy bleeding and bruising
5. Type, screen, and Patients with bleeding or coagulation disorders
cross-sensitivity Surgeries with a potential for blood loss (>500 ml) even if transfusion is not expected.
This may help minimize the risk of later transfusion reaction.
6. Pregnancy testing (Serum/Urine) Premenopausal women of child-bearing age who have not had tubal ligation or hysterectomy (Urine
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin—HCG).
History and physical examination are insufficient to determine early pregnancy, and patients are often
unreliable in suspecting that they may be pregnant. Management protocols often change if it is discovered
that the patient is pregnant.
7. Arterial blood gases (ABG) Only if suspicion for hypoxemia or CO2 retention that would affect postoperative management.
8. Pulmonary function tests Previously unknown obstructive lung disease
Severe asthma
Symptomatic COPD
9. Urinalysis Active symptoms of Urinary tract infection (UTI), dysuria
No good evidence that preoperative abnormal urinalysis is associated with any postoperative
complication in nonurinary tract surgery.
10. Blood cultures Only if clinical suspicion of septicemia.
1. Chest X Ray Significant risk factors for postoperative pulmonary complications (severe/uncontrolled COPD, active
pulmonary disease/symptoms, abnormal lung sounds on physical examination, recent pneumonia) with
no previous chest X-ray for past 1 year may warrant preoperative chest X-ray irrespective of age.
Asymptomatic patients older than 50 years with no risk factors—insufficient evidence for ordering a
chest X-ray.
Should not be considered as an unequivocal indication for extremes of age, smoking, COPD, stable
cardiac disease, and recent resolved upper Respiratory Tract Infection (RTI).
Without symptoms or pertinent medical history, abnormal chest X rays do not predict a worse clinical
2. 12 Lead ECG History of cardiac disease (coronary artery disease, significant arrhythmia, structural heart disease,
compensated or prior heart failure)
Peripheral artery disease
Chest pains
Lung disease
Morbid obesity
History of stroke/cerebrovascular disease
Diabetes mellitus
Renal insufficiency
Patient is having an intermediate- or high-risk surgery
Consider in high-risk group based on epidemiology (males >40 years and females >50 years of age)
3. Echocardiogram Recent myocardial infarction
Congestive heart failure
Abnormal ECG
Unstable angina
Significant arrhythmias
Severe valvular heart disease
Previous history of coronary artery disease
Dyspnea of unknown origin
History of heart failure with progressive symptoms
Unstable cardiomyopathy
16 B. Krishnan and S. Parida

2.4 Preanesthetic Evaluation monic LEMON is a helpful tool for assessing the potential
for difficult intubation [23, 24] (Fig.  2.2). The Mallampati
The preanesthetic evaluation aims at getting a favorable classification, which relates tongue size to pharyngeal size,
­outcome, from the points of view of both the surgeon and the is a common component of a thorough airway examination
anesthesiologist by focusing on risk stratification and modi- [25]. The examination is performed with the patient in the
fication, and by developing a plan that appropriately sitting position, the head held in a neutral position, the mouth
addresses the risk-benefit ratio from the procedure, and also wide open, and the tongue protruding to the maximum. The
explores the other options available. It involves putting subsequent classification is assigned according to the pha-
together all the elements of the patient’s history, physical ryngeal structures that are visible: (Fig. 2.3).
examination, medications, allergies, laboratory studies, and
certain examinations of interest to the anesthesiologist (e.g., Class I: visualization of the soft palate, fauces, uvula, and
airway). This information is assimilated, and decisions are anterior and posterior pillars.
made regarding the plan for anesthetizing the patient once Class II: visualization of the soft palate, fauces, and uvula.
the full picture emerges. This, however, is a dynamic pro- Class III: visualization of the soft palate and the base of the
cess, and hence accommodates changes in the plan, if new uvula.
information surfaces, in the best interests of the patient and Class IV: soft palate not visible at all.
surgeon. It is also important to be aware of the strengths and
limitations of the set-up in which the particular surgical The important aspects of the airway, which can affect
intervention is being undertaken. Further, the preanesthetic intubation, include the degree of mouth opening, the size of
evaluation also attempts to allay patient anxiety regarding the tongue in relation to other oral structures, and the capa-
the procedure, takes necessary steps for risk reduction and to bility to align the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axes in
get informed consent. Finally, it leads to the choice of the more or less one straight line, with the patient’s head and
anesthetic plan to be followed, guided by the risk factors neck in the sniffing position. While the Mallampati classifi-
uncovered by the medical history, which covers the entire cation relates to soft-tissue sizes and their relationships with
perioperative period, inclusive of a plan as to where the each other, apart from mouth opening, there are several other
patient will be cared for postoperatively, and what kind of anatomical features that need to be considered in the evalua-
pain relief he/she should receive after surgery. tion of the airway (Table 2.4). Examination of systems, other
than the cardiopulmonary system, is dependent upon the pro-
posed surgical procedure and planned anesthesia, along with
2.5  spects of Evaluation Unique
A the clinical features of the patient. For example, a patient
to Anesthesia with a Le Fort II or III fracture may require a careful neuro-
logical and ophthalmological examination. Documentation
The perspective of each specialty also drives the way physi- of the findings of history and physical examination must
cal examination is conducted by each of them. All clinicians focus on the positive and negative findings after integrating
learn early as part of their training that relevant positive and information from the surgeon, patient, and other sources.
negative points not only direct the elicitation of history but
also examination. Airway examination is something that is
uniquely specific to anesthesiologists with the intention of 2.6 Assessment of the Pediatric Patient
predicting a difficult airway, that is, one that might result in
difficulty in ventilating or intubating the patient, or both. The The objective of preoperative assessment in the apparently
ASA task force on the management of the difficult airway healthy child is to discover medical or anatomic issues, hith-
stresses importance on the physical examination of the air- erto not acknowledged, that will escalate the risk of surgery
way [19]. While no single method can be deemed to be fool- and anesthesia. Special attention is warranted by virtue of
proof in this regard, the anesthesiologist is trained to examine specific anatomical and physiological differences from the
different aspects as well as scoring systems to be able to adult patient. Additional risk factors in pediatric patients,
make the assessment of a difficult airway [20–22]. The mne- apart from the surgery-specific and patient-specific risks,
2  Preoperative Evaluation and Investigations for Maxillofacial Surgery 17

Fig. 2.2 LEMON
Physical Signs Less difficult airway More difficult airway
Assessment for difficult
Look externally Normalface and neck Abnormally face shape
No face or neck pathology Sunken cheeks
Buck teeth
Receding mandible
Narrow mouth
Face or neck pathology

Evaluate 3-3-2 rule Mouth opening> 3 fingers Mouth opening < 3 fingers
Hyoid-chin distance > 3 fingers Hyoid-chin distance < 3 fingers
Thyroid cartilage to mouth floor Thyroid cartilage to mouth
distance> 2 fingers floor distance < 2 fingers

Mallampatti scale Class I and II (Can see the soft palate, Class III and IV (Can only see
uvula, fauces, ± facial pillars) the hard palate ± soft palate ±
base of uvula)

Obstruction None Pathology within or

surrounding the upper airway
(e.g., peritonsillar adscess,
epiglottis, retropharyngeal

Neck mobility Can flex and extend the neck Limited range of motion of the
normally neck
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 2.3  Mallampati Classification for assessment for intubation. Class I: Cmplete visualization of the soft palate. No additional difficulty.
Class II: Complete visualizatin of the uvula. No additional difficulty. Class III: Visualization f only the base of the uvula. Moderate difficulty.
Class  IV: Soft palate is not visible at all. Severe difficulty
18 B. Krishnan and S. Parida

Table 2.4  Airway compromising conditions including difficulties in sustaining a patent airway, mask
•  Congenital ventilation, insertion of supraglottic airway devices, and
  − Pierre-Robin syndrome: micrognathia, macroglossia, cleft soft endotracheal intubation.
  − Treacher-Collins syndrome: auricular and ocular defects, malar
and mandibular hypoplasia
  − Goldenhar’s syndrome: auricular and ocular defects, malar and 2.7 Assessment of the Elderly Patient
mandibular hypolasia
  − Down’s syndrome: poorly developed or absent bridge of the Another vulnerable population is the geriatric age group.
nose, macroglossia
  − Kippel-Feil syndrome: congenital fusion of a variable number
This is because older age is associated not only with dwin-
of cervical vertebrae, restriction of neck movement dling functions of almost all organ systems but also an
  − Goiter: compression of trachea, deviation of larynx/trachea increase in the incidence of comorbidities. Further, as life
•  Infections expectancy increases, clinicians are likely to encounter a
  − Supraglottis: laryngeal edema substantial number of elderly people in their practice, and it
  − Croup: laryngeal edema
  − Abscess (intraoral, retropharygeal): distortion of the airway and
is conceivable that a large proportion of these may present
trismus for surgery. It is therefore vital that clinicians dealing with
  − Ludwig’s angina: distortion of the airway and trismus patients of this age group should be able to comprehend the
•  Arthritis alterations in physiology and pathophysiology that occur
  − Rheumatoid arthritis: temporomandibular joint ankylosis, with aging. A diminished cardiopulmonary reserve puts this
cricoarytenoid arthritis, deviation of laynrx, restricted mobility
of cervical spine
patient population under a higher risk of perioperative
  − Ankylosing spondylitis: ankylosis of cervical spine, less adverse events. Incidence of coronary artery disease is also
commonly ankylosis of temporomandibular joints, lack of prevalent in the geriatric population. Further, there is an
mobility of cervical spine increased risk of cognitive dysfunction such as dementia,
•  Benign tumors
delirium, and depression, which may be exacerbated in the
  − Cystic hygroma, lipoma, adenoma, goiter: stenosis or distortion
of the airway, fixation of larynx or adjacent tissues secondary to
acute postoperative phase. Elderly patients have impaired
infiltration or fibrosis from irradiation hepatic and renal metabolism and delayed clearance of drugs
• Malignant tumor, facial injury, cervical spine injury, laryngeal or in the systemic circulation, which can cause increased sensi-
tracheal trauma: edema of the airway, hematoma, unstable tivity to intravenous anesthetics. Also important in relation to
fracture(s) of the maxillae, mandible and cervical vertebrae
the elderly patient are several anatomical alterations, which
• Obesity: short thick neck, redundant tissue in the oropharynx,
sleep apnea can affect management. Predominant among these are
• Acromegaly: macroglossia, prognathism changes in airway anatomy, such as nasopharyngeal fragility,
• Acute burns: edema of airway macroglossia, microstomia, etc. [27]. These can result in dif-
ficulty in mask ventilation and placement of supraglottic air-
way devices and endotracheal tube.
include the clinician-related risks; an acknowledgment that
superior skills are called for in managing this extremely vul-
nerable patient population. Children with chronic medical 2.8 Specialist Consultation and Work-up
problems require appropriate management and prediction of
possible difficulties in management, which the preoperative The initial evaluation of the patient then leads to subsequent
assessment needs to focus on. Especially for infants, enqui- work-up, including obtaining consultations from other spe-
ries about prematurity, developmental milestones, and medi- cialties if deemed necessary, re-evaluating the need for any
cal background check probing for possible congenital additional investigations, taking steps to limit perioperative
diseases of the cardiac and respiratory systems need to be risks as deemed necessary, evolving an anesthetic plan, and
made. Congenital cardiovascular malformations are fre- getting informed consent from the patient. As more and more
quently associated with many facial malformations, which areas of concern may develop, further testing, specialist con-
require a thorough preoperative assessment. Another chal- sultation, and varied approaches to risk management strate-
lenge that pediatric patients present, especially for the anes- gies may become imperative. As this dynamic process of
thesiologist, is the pediatric airway management due to a comprehensive patient assessment evolves, revision of the
difference in the airway anatomy vis-a-vis adults. The rela- anesthetic plan and eliciting additional specific terms of con-
tively larger soft tissues in the oropharynx, a more cephalad sent from the patient may also become inevitable.
and anterior position of the vocal cords and the larynx, and a Specialist consultations are needed when the particular
shorter length of the trachea are among the few differences condition being evaluated does not come under the purview
between an adult and pediatric airway anatomy [26]. These of the training of the anesthesiologist or surgeon. Such con-
unique variations can result in airway management issues, sultations must be specific and try to elicit whether the
2  Preoperative Evaluation and Investigations for Maxillofacial Surgery 19

patient is in the best possible condition with regard to his 2.10 Risk Reduction Strategies
particular comorbidity to undergo the proposed intervention,
or whether the malady for which consultation is being Risk reduction blueprints must be assessed and a risk-benefit
sought, can be further optimized and at what stage of the ratio evaluated in performing any elective oral or maxillofa-
particular ailment the patient is at. When consultations are cial surgical procedure. Alternative procedures and occa-
merely sent without stating specific objectives of such sionally even avoiding any intervention could be considered
request, they might meet with a similarly nonspecific when the overall risks in terms of morbidity and mortality to
response from the consultant that the referral is being sent to, the patient are substantial. Obviously, the most critical step
and hence proving to be of not much help for the clarification in risk reduction would be to get the patient in the best physi-
sought for. Thus, referrals to other disciplines need to be very cal condition to undergo an interventional procedure. To this
specific, as to the expectations that the referring unit has of effect, modifiable risk factors should be addressed (e.g., ane-
the evaluation and the advice that they should receive. The mia, hyperglycemia, hypertension) always ensuring that the
consultant to whom the referral goes now becomes an impor- risk-benefit ratio stays in the patient’s favor. As an example,
tant component of the perioperative team. It is essential that in a smoker who is to undergo an intermediate- or high-risk
this consultant must also appreciate his role in the assess- surgery, the obvious risk reduction strategy would be to quit
ment of the patient, and this would be possible by building smoking [32, 33].
support networks among disciplines. This will also save time This then allows the patient’s body to reap the benefits of
in the perioperative period, since a few investigations that the a simple risk reduction maneuver with the risk now decreas-
consultant being referred to would advise, may be carried out ing to a degree that might cause a favorable impact on the
prior to the referral itself. An example would be getting an morbidity and mortality otherwise expected. Appropriate
ECG and echocardiogram done prior to referring a patient medical management of the comorbidities might be success-
with significant coronary artery disease to the cardiologist. ful in optimizing patients to a state where they can withstand
Thus, the requirement for circulation of information, among the rigors of the surgical procedure. The particular anesthetic
disciplines, is vital and is especially true with regard to com- technique apart, there are at least five other areas that may be
munication between consultants. Often, communicating per- targeted as part of overall risk reduction strategies, namely:
sonally with the consultant to whom the patient is being (a) premedication, (b) antiaspiration prophylaxis, (c) periop-
referred to, can expedite the evaluation to a very great extent. erative beta-blockade, (d) postoperative nausea and vomiting
(PONV) prophylaxis and (e) effective postoperative pain
2.9 The Process of Risk Assessment

Following a thorough evaluation and perusal of the results of 2.10.1 Premedication [4]
the investigations, the patient-specific risks are evident,
while the surgery-specific risks need to be considered upon, An increase in heart rate is the major factor increasing myo-
the summation of both of which contribute to the overall risk cardial oxygen demand in the perioperative period. This
to the patient. Technical factors such as fluid shifts, total makes appropriate anxiolysis and management of postopera-
blood loss, as well as the site of the surgical intervention, are tive pain absolute vital cogs in the overall care of the patient
components of the surgery-specific factors that contribute to undergoing surgery since anxiety and/or pain can set off a
the total risk assessment [28]. Oral and maxillofacial surgery noxious cycle of events starting with tachycardia and hyper-
being classified as head and neck surgery, would normally be tension, which could, in turn, result in perioperative myocar-
considered as an intermediate risk surgery, unless under- dial infarction, the incidence of which is highest in the first
taken as emergency or anticipated to have a risk of excessive 72 h. Benzodiazepines induce anterograde amnesia, anxioly-
blood loss, wherein it would be classified as a high-risk pro- sis with mild sedation. Opiates were previously believed to
cedure. The correlation between expected blood loss and be a vital part of preemptive analgesia, but later they were
specific maxillofacial surgeries has been demonstrated [29]. found to sensitize patients to pain. Clonidine may also be
With improving the safety of anesthesia equipment and med- considered preemptive analgesia, especially when adminis-
ications, the historical dangers of anesthesia administration tered epidurally. However, the entire concept of pre-emptive
are quite low, and patient- and surgery-specific risk factors analgesia, or antinociceptive treatment prior to initiation of
almost completely determine the overall risk to the patient the pain stimulus that prevents the establishment of altered
[30, 31]. processing of afferent input, that amplifies postoperative
Once the overall risk of the patient is known and calcu- pain, is currently mired in controversy. Clonidine has a car-
lated, the next step would be to devise a strategy for risk dioprotective effect and also decreases the minimum alveolar
management. concentration (MAC). Antihistamines may be used for their
20 B. Krishnan and S. Parida

sedative and antiemetic properties. However, the clinician index [BMI] >35), pregnancy, bowel obstruction, previous
needs to know that promethazine, the most commonly pre- upper gastrointestinal surgery, and gastrointestinal disease
scribed antihistaminic, now carries an FDA warning for such as gastric ulcer, scleroderma, etc. will all escalate the
apnea and death in children. Anticholinergics are no longer risk of aspiration and deserve as much attention that a full
used routinely, but rather to produce an antisialagogue effect stomach does [38–40]. Another group of patients who are
when desirable (endoscopic procedures), sedation/amnesia, believed to be at high risk for aspiration comprises those
or to prevent reflex bradycardia. with difficult airways, as these patients will require more
prolonged airway manipulation and thus a greater time to
intubation [41]. The airway remains unprotected and unse-
2.10.2 Fasting Guidelines cured for a longer time and hence these patients may benefit
from prophylaxis against aspiration. The preanesthetic eval-
Patients with a full stomach at the time of induction of anes- uation needs to identify this special category of patients who
thesia are perceived to be at high risk of aspiration of gastric appear to be at higher risk of aspiration, despite adhering
contents into their respiratory tract, and also present diffi- faithfully to standard nil per oral guidelines and premedicate
culty with intubation if gastric contents are regurgitated at them for elective surgery. A prokinetic drug and an alkalin-
the time of airway manipulation. This may lead to acute lung izing agent could reduce the complications from gastric aspi-
injury manifested as pneumonitis, aspiration pneumonia, ration by combating the corrosive acidic nature of gastric
respiratory failure, or acute respiratory distress syndrome juice, even if aspiration does occur [3].
[34]. Following administration of a general anesthetic, The most widely prescribed prokinetic in this regard is the
patients can no longer have the ability to maintain a patent dopamine-antagonist metoclopramide (10  mg orally/IV).
airway, respiration, or protective reflexes like gagging or However, this drug has the potential to cause extrapyramidal
coughing. The driving force for inducing aspiration is the symptoms and should be used cautiously. The other pharma-
barrier pressure, which is the difference between the gastro- cological agent that increases the pH of gastric juice and
esophageal sphincter tone that opposes aspiration and the makes it less acidic is a Histamine 2 (H2) receptor blocker,
hydrostatic pressure within the stomach. In the presence of a viz., ranitidine (150  mg orally; 50  mg IV) or famotidine
negative barrier pressure, the possibility of regurgitation, (20 mg IV). Cimetidine is no longer used due to its ability to
vomiting, and aspiration is increased. One of the ways to induce hepatic enzymes and influence the metabolism of
maintain the barrier pressure positive during the vulnerable several anesthetic agents. Usually, the prokinetic along with
period of anesthesia is to instruct the patient to be “nil per the H2 blocker is administered both on the night before and
oral” prior to surgery, such that the gastric hydrostatic pres- on the morning of the surgery. Administration of two doses
sure is kept low. What constitutes an appropriate period of each of both the medications guarantees adequate plasma
fasting before anesthesia has been the subject of substantial levels required for an effective action. Lastly, the use of par-
research over several years, and current guidelines are based ticulate antacids such as citric acid/sodium citrate (30  ml)
both on the nature of oral intake and the age of the patient typically within 2  h prior to the anticipated induction of
[35, 36, 37] (Table 2.5). These recommendations, however, anesthesia also can neutralize the gastric acid, and reduce the
need to be viewed as guidelines, rather than a set of inviola- incidence of chemical pneumonitis even if the aspiration
ble instructions. The reason why these rules should not be occurs. However, its bitter taste and propensity to induce
looked upon as impregnable is because these were intended emesis necessitates that it be administered a substantial
for normal patients. Individual situations may sometimes period prior to intubation.
prevent these nil-per-oral guidelines from providing fool-
proof safety from aspiration. Conditions that inhibit gastric
emptying, including diabetes, morbid obesity (body mass 2.10.3 Perioperative Beta-Blocker Therapy

Table 2.5  Preoperative fasting recommendations for healthy patients Organ ischemia is a result of an imbalance between the oxy-
undergoing elective surgery gen supply and demand. The heart is especially vulnerable
Minimum fasting since myocardial work and oxygen demand are very tightly
Liquid and food intake period coupled. However, the precise level of myocardial demand at
Clear liquids (Water, tea, black coffee, fruit juice 2 h
which it outstrips the supply is unclear. Hence, a patient who
without pulp, carbonated beverages)
Breast milk 4 h is susceptible to the development of myocardial ischemia
Nonhuman milk, including infant milk formula 6 h needs to be managed perioperatively in a manner that keeps
Light meal (e.g., toast and clear liquids) 6 h the demand lowest, while at the same time maximizing sup-
Regular or heavy meal (may include fried or fatty 8 h ply. Pharmacological manipulation of the myocardial demand
food, meat) is probably effected easier than a significant manipulation of
2  Preoperative Evaluation and Investigations for Maxillofacial Surgery 21

the supply. Physiologically, tachycardia is the most important ate risk factors or a single major risk factor, especially if being
parameter that increases myocardial demand, with increases posted for an intermediate-to-­high-risk surgical procedure
in systemic vascular resistance being the second most impor- [6]. The evaluating physician can be requested to assess the
tant [42–44]. Patients having a significant cardiovascular risk benefits of beta-blockade in the patient scheduled for maxil-
need a cardiologist’s opinion for an e­ valuation of the extent of lofacial surgery. The commonest way of introducing beta-
risk and preoperative optimization [6] (Table 2.6). Obviously, blockade is with the drug metoprolol for a target basal heart
modifiable risk factors and reversible disorders need to be rate of 60–65 beats per minute (bpm), and to sustain the rates
addressed and managed. The ACC recommends perioperative at no more than 85 bpm during the perioperative period. Beta-
beta-blocker therapy for patients with two or more intermedi- blockade should, however, be started well before the surgery
so that ample time is available to adjust the dose to the target
heart rate and address any side effects that may develop. The
Table 2.6  Clinical predictors of increased perioperative cardiovascu- administration of a beta-blocker just prior to an emergency
lar risk surgery is controversial as this has been observed to be asso-
Major clinical predictors (markers of unstable coronary artery ciated with a greater risk of perioperative strokes [45, 46].
disease) More research is needed to clearly identify which patient sub-
• Myocardial infarction <6 weeks: Delay elective surgery, sets might benefit most from the beta-blockade, and in whom
consultation with cardiologist
• Unstable or severe angina (Canadian Cardiovascular Society class the side effects may be substantial.
III or IV)
• Decompensated heart failure
• Significant arrhythmias (e.g., causing hemodynamic instability) 2.10.4 PONV Prophylaxis [47]
• Severe valvular heart disease (e.g., aortic or mitral valve stenosis
with valve area < 1 cm2)
• CABG or PTCA <6 weeks Oral and Maxillofacial surgeries are generally not consid-
Intermediate clinical predictors (markers of stable coronary artery ered as high risk for the incidence of postoperative nausea
disease) and vomiting (PONV) [48]. Risk factors, including female
• Previous Myocardial infarction >6 weeks but <3 months (>
3 months if complicated) based on the history or presence of
gender, previous history of PONV or motion sickness, non-
pathologic Q waves on the Electrocardiogram smoking status, and younger age patients, have been associ-
• Mild angina (Canadian Cardiovascular Society class I to II) ated with an increased incidence and severity of PONV [49].
• Silent ischemia (Holter monitoring) Therefore, the preoperative assessment should be sensitive to
• Compensated heart failure, ejection fraction <0.35
• Post CABG or PTCA >6 weeks and < 3 months, or > 6 years, or
the presence of these indicators and must devise a plan for
on antianginal therapy offering pharmacological prophylaxis to this patient popula-
• Diabetes mellitus tion. The plan for anesthesia devised preoperatively should
• Renal insufficiency also take into consideration that use of volatile anesthetics,
Mild clinical predictors (increased probability of coronary artery
opioids, and nitrous oxide may be associated with higher
•  Familial history of coronary artery disease PONV incidence, and thus influence the choice of anesthetic
• Age > 70 years agents used. The choices for PONV prophylaxis are between
• ECG abnormalities (arrhythmias, LVH, Left bundle branch block) 5HT3 antagonists (ondansetron, granisetron, palonosetron,
•  Low functional capacity
etc.), dexamethasone, subanesthetic doses of propofol, sco-
•  History of stroke
•  Uncontrolled systemic hypertension polamine patches, etc. [50]. Generally, a combination of
• Hypercholesterolemia agents seems to work much better than a single agent.
• Smoking
•  Post infarction (> 3 months, asymptomatic without treatment
• Post CABG or PTCA (> 3 months and < 6 years, and no
symptoms of angina nor on antianginal therapy) 2.10.5 Plan for Postoperative Analgesia [51]
Major clinical predictors: All elective operations should be
postponed and the patients properly investigated and treated. Regional anesthesia techniques, including peripheral nerve
Intermediate clinical predictors: Proof of well-established but blocks, are excellent in terms of providing quality analgesia
controlled coronary artery disease. Further risk stratification and
optimization in consultation with cardiologist. postoperatively, but they do have their own set of risks and
Minor clinical predictors: Increased probability of coronary artery may cause discomfort from the ensuing numbness. Hence, it
disease, but not of an increased perioperative risk. Further risk is important that the patient is taken into confidence about
stratification and optimization in consultation with cardiologist. the risks and benefits of this modality of pain relief, while
Emergency procedures: Proceed for surgery with perioperative
surveillance and postoperative risk stratification and risk factor also offering alternative approaches that could be opted for.
management. Local anesthesia in adequate concentrations and volume is
CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, PTCA Percutaneous essential for a pain-free postoperative period. Contrary to
Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty, LVH Left Ventricular Hypertrophy earlier practices, the mixing of local anesthetic solutions to
22 B. Krishnan and S. Parida

apparently harness the best pharmacological effects of both informed consent is a process of ensuring the patient under-
is an approach, which is currently being discouraged. In fact, stands the risks and benefits of the available surgical and
a successful preoperative nerve block may also be used so as anesthetic options. It is not merely signing a consent form.
to minimize the incidence of tachycardia during the The capacity of a patient refers to the ability to make deci-
­intraoperative noxious stimuli, and then repeated at the cul- sions about their care, and to decide whether to agree to, or
mination of the procedure, so that the effect can extend into refuse, an examination, investigation, or treatment. To have
the postprocedure period. This option can be employed by the capacity, a patient must be able to understand and retain
the maxillofacial surgeon resultant to their expertise in information regarding the treatment, evaluate the risks and
regional nerve blocks of the orofacial region. Opioids have benefits of treatment, reach a decision regarding their course
traditionally been the workhorse for postoperative analgesia. of treatment, and communicate their decision to the clinician
Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia is an attractive [54]. A patient undergoing surgery is understandably appre-
option for the postoperative pain control for the inpatient in hensive, and hence the process of imparting information to
whom the effects of the nerve blocks are expected to wane him while taking consent must be handled professionally, yet
after a few hours. However, there is accumulating evidence with the utmost sensitivity [55]. It is important that the anes-
that a multimodal approach to pain management works best, thesiologist and the surgeon should have thrashed out issues
with the intent of reducing the side effects of opioids and relating to perioperative care and broken common ground on
improving pain scores. Enhanced recovery after surgery all aspects before involving the patient (Table 2.7).
(ERAS) protocols to minimize postsurgery hospital stay are Following discussion and concordance between the sur-
gaining wider acceptance, and an important part of such pro- geon and the anesthesiologist on the course of action, the
tocols is the inclusion of multimodal opioid-sparing pain patient is taken into confidence, informed about the proce-
management protocols [52]. dure, and his/her consent for the same, sought. The informa-
tion provided to the patient includes the nature of the risk
involved, the benefits, and the alternatives to the proposed
2.11 P
 reoperative Decision Making plan. If the proposal or any particular element of it is unac-
and Obtaining Informed Consent: ceptable to the patient, the operating team must be ready for
The Team Concept [53] course correction and should be able to come up with alter-
natives, which would be acceptable to the patient. However,
The preoperative plan blends the patient’s requirements, the if no substitute plan can be offered, and the patient is resolute
competence of the perioperative team, and the infrastructure in not accepting the proposed one, there is no option than to
provided by the hospital to get the particular intervention abort the proposed surgery. Options, such as referrals to
done. This, it is expected, would help achieve the favorable other surgical teams, with different expertise or set-ups that
outcome of the intervention. Quite often, the optimization of may address the patient’s concerns better and satisfy his
all of these conditions may not always be possible. The onus expectations can be considered. Consequently, acquiring
then is upon both the patient and the operating team to take a informed consent is a highly interactive process, with the
decision on what may be the acceptable course of action. patient being the pivot, to whom the risk-benefit ratio is pro-
Whether to pursue the performance of a particular interven- jected taking into consideration his/her wishes and needs.
tion or not is, therefore, also an integral part of the preopera- The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
tive decision-making process. consent forms can serve as a useful template for consent tak-
The final element of a comprehensive preoperative assess- ing in one’s clinical practice [56].
ment is the process of obtaining a valid, written, and informed
consent. Obviously, this process can be initiated, only after a
thorough risk estimation has been made, based on the pre- Table 2.7  Points of concurrence between surgeon and anesthesiolo-
ceding evaluation of the patient, and a tentative anesthetic gist before seeking informed consent from the patient
and surgical plan have been evolved, including strategies for • Diagnosis
management of postoperative pain. For all practical pur- • Nature and purpose of the proposed treatment or procedure
poses, an informed consent necessitates presentation of the • Risks, complications, and consequences of the proposed treatment
final residual risk that the patient has, which cannot be fur- or procedure
• Alternatives to proposed treatment or procedure
ther optimized, and its expected interaction with the pro-
• The consequences if the proposed treatment or procedure is
posed surgical intervention. The main players in the process refused
of obtaining informed are obviously the surgeon, anesthesi- • Benefits and expected results if the proposed treatment or
ologist, and the patient. Typically, any of them has the auton- procedure is accepted
omy to reject or to suggest modifications to the proposed • Conflicts of interest
sequence for the intervention. It is important to note that • Who will be providing the treatment or procedure
2  Preoperative Evaluation and Investigations for Maxillofacial Surgery 23

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Fleischmann K, et al. ACC/AHA 2007 Guidelines on Perioperative
Cardiovascular Evaluation and Care for Noncardiac Surgery: a Report
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to be followed by any surgeon. The preoperative evaluation of Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise
oral and maxillofacial surgery patient comprises a critical part the 2002 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for
Noncardiac Surgery). Circulation. 2007;116:e418–99.
of the perioperative period and hence requires a watchful and 7. Owens WD.  American Society of Anesthesiologist physical clas-
staged outlook to risk identification and management, putting sification system is not a risk classification system. Anesthesiology.
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patient may be suffering from, and be able to juxtapose this Can J Anaesth. 2006;53:236–41.
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forms for anesthesia and surgery are the same or different indication and in subgroups of patients with common comorbidi-
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Management of Medical Comorbidities
in Maxillofacial Surgery 3
Aditya Moorthy and Shreya Krishna

3.1 Introduction from 7.5 to 6.4 per 1000 population [2]. The population con-
tinues to grow, as the birth rate has superseded the death rate.
The management of the medically compromised patient is a This change, while an indicator of improved healthcare
topic that has received a great deal of attention in recent delivery, adds to the health burden of the country, and creates
times. Unfortunately, most of the literature available dis- a different spectrum of diseases—particularly lifestyle
cusses this topic from a western context. While the human diseases.
species and the physiology remains unchanged, challenges There has also been a shift in the societal patterns. We see
in South Asia, especially India, stem from a vastly different an increase in urban nuclear families resulting in unattended
social structure, a massive urban-rural socioeconomic divide, elderly parents whose medical conditions stay undiagnosed
and social variables that have a major impact on the practice and uncontrolled.
of medicine. In addition, a mixture of patient ignorance, poor
training in soft skills of doctors, and an irresponsible fourth
estate has vitiated a hitherto-friendly doctor-patient 3.3 Lifestyle Changes in India
While this chapter is not designed to provide a compre- There has been a sea of change in the lifestyle of today’s
hensive guide to the medical management of a maxillofacial population compared to a couple of decades ago. Sedentary
patient (which deserves a textbook in its own right), it lifestyle, processed food, industrialization, occupational haz-
attempts to provide an insight into the management of medi- ards, etc. have led India to a “dual disease burden” scenario.
cally compromised patients requiring maxillofacial surgery. So, even as the incidence of lifestyle diseases is steadily on
the rise, a vast majority of rural and poor patients still suffer
from infectious and acute diseases.
3.2 Changing Demographics in India As recently as 2016, cardiovascular diseases like Isch­
aemic Heart Disease (IHD) and stroke contributed 28.1%
India encompasses almost a fifth of the world’s population toward mortality in India. This was a 34.3% increase over 16
with a population estimate of about 1.34 billion [1]. The life years, suggesting the impact of lifestyle disease on society.
expectancy at birth in India has improved from 59.7 years in The major contributors for this change are rapidly aging pop-
1990 to 70.3 years in 2016 for females, and from 58.3 years ulation, pollution, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, high
to 66.9 years for males [1]. In short, the average life span of fasting plasma glucose, and an increased BMI (body-mass
an Indian has increased by 11 years in the last decade leading index) [3]. Respiratory diseases like chronic obstructive pul-
to an increase in the geriatric population of the country. The monary disease (COPD) and bronchial asthma—are the sec-
crude death rate has also steadily declined in the last decade ond-largest contributors to the total mortality burden of
India—at 10.9%. Diabetes analysis shows that it contributes
3.1% toward the total mortality burden.
A. Moorthy (*)
Air pollution is a major risk factor for both cardiovascular
Rangadore Memorial Hospital, Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India and respiratory illness and increases the risks for acute respi-
ratory infections and exacerbates asthma [4]. Such unique
S. Krishna
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rangadore Memorial Hospital, challenges raise questions of following treatment protocols
Bangalore, India based on western studies. A preoperative chest X-Ray may

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 25

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_3
26 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna

find an indication in an apparently fit and healthy 2­ 8-year-­old effort in the Indian context. The challenges to the maxillofa-
living in New Delhi (with record levels of pollution) when it cial surgeon are multifold. The first difficulty is encountered
would be considered unnecessary for a similar patient from with the patient who may deny illness (often hypertension or
rural Yorkshire. diabetes) because he/she is adequately treated and all param-
With the rise of urbanization and urban migration, the eters are within normal limits. The next hurdle is when the
problems of air pollution, inadequate sanitation, and an patient decides to withhold information wantonly due to
unhealthy diet are accentuated. Population residing in urban social taboos or plain ignorance of its importance to the
areas in India, according to 1901 census, was 11.4%. This treating doctor. Dentists and maxillofacial surgeons who
count increased to 28.53% by 2001, and the numbers question their patients seated on dental chairs in an outpa-
increased to 34% in 2017 [5]. tient setting often experience the latter. This stems from the
“Cyberchondria” has become a challenge with patients patients’ assumption that the information is inconsequential
tending to diagnose and treat their problems themselves, and to their treatment. The last situation is the uneducated patient
unsurprisingly getting it wrong. India is also among one of the who is truly unaware of his medical condition.
most depressed countries in the world. A World Health With these intricacies, the oral surgeon needs to employ
Organization (WHO) study states that at least 6.5% of the several out-of-the-box techniques to extract the history.
Indian population suffers from some form of serious mental This includes the much-derided leading questions, ques-
disorder. The average suicide rate in India is 10.9 for every tioning relatives, sometimes in private, and playing
hundred thousand people with the majority of victims being Sherlock by asking them to bring in their medication and
less than 44 years of age [6]. Diminished mental health is asso- working backwards. But this effort is still of paramount
ciated with a host of consequences like lack of participation in importance in this technology-driven age and the modern
social activities, odd eating habits, and withdrawal from income oral and maxillofacial surgeon will do well to assimilate all
generation and employment opportunities—all of which can the conventional history-­taking skills and learn a few new
cascade onto other serious illnesses and even death. ones as well.

3.4  he Changing Face of Oral

T 3.5 Cardiovascular System
and Maxillofacial Surgery
3.5.1 Hypertension
As always, training is struggling to keep up with the chang-
ing trends in medicine. Trainees are often unaware of new Hypertension is an extremely common condition and often
protocols and the changed scenario of medical comorbidities undiagnosed. Since it is mostly asymptomatic, the oral sur-
of the population. Surgery has become heavily technology geon has the unique opportunity to be the first healthcare
oriented, sometimes at the cost of clinical expertise. professional to identify the condition. Hence, it is imperative
Furthermore, there is improved awareness among medical that every procedure should begin with recording the
professionals for crossreferral to review dentition, seen patients’ vital signs. The following table offers a guideline
mostly by maxillofacial surgeons rather than general den- for the diagnosis and risk stratification of hypertension
tists. Referrals are required now before radiotherapy, chemo- (Table 3.1).
therapy, cardiac surgery, transplants, etc. The authors stress that aneroid manometers are more
Furthermore, maxillofacial surgery as a specialty has accurate than digital ones. Like any delicate instrument,
blazed a trail hitherto unimagined with successful foray into these too need frequent calibration [8].
head and neck surgery, craniofacial reconstruction, and The long-term effects of hypertension have far-reaching
microvascular surgery. This now has put the onus on the sur- implications on maxillofacial surgery, especially under gen-
geon to educate himself enough to be able to manage a sick eral anesthesia (Fig. 3.1).
patient on the ward to the extent of preventing complications
and making appropriate referrals. Gone are the days when a
Table 3.1  Guidelines for diagnosis of hypertension [7]
physician could be asked to do the job for us and we could
Category Systolic (mmHg) Diastolic (mmHg)
enjoy the comfort of being surgical technicians!
Optimal <120 <80
Normal 120–129 And/or 80–84
High normal 130–139 And/or 85–89
3.4.1 Medical History and India Grade 1 hypertension 140–159 And/or 90–99
Grade 2 hypertension 160–179 And/or 100–109
While veritable treatises about the science and art of history Grade 3 hypertension >180 And/or >110
taking, this part of clinical medicine is a unique investigative Isolated systolic hypertension >140 And <90
3  Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery 27

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 3.1  Long-term effects of hypertension  Minor Oral Surgery coat hypertension) and the effect it can have in an already-­
A thorough history will elicit symptoms of poor blood pres- hypertensive patient. Hence, it is advisable to limit elective
sure control and symptoms of end-organ damage in a known extractions to stage 2 hypertension [10] (SBP < 160 mmHg
hypertensive. and DBP  <  100  mmHg). When minor oral surgery is per-
Conversely, end-organ damage points to poor blood pres- formed within these parameters, excessive bleeding is an
sure control. If such symptoms exist, elective procedures are unlikely complication.
to be deferred until good control is achieved. The absolute
cut off of blood pressure is supposed to be 180/110 mmHg  Major Maxillofacial Surgery
[9]. However, it is the author’s experience that this is too high Major surgery introduces two important variables into
a cut off in the Indian context with social and logistic chal- the  mix. First is the procedure itself with surgical trauma
lenges. This is especially true for an out-of-hospital stand- and the attendant physiologic response (Table 3.2). The sec-
alone dental clinic where the average oral surgeon performs ond is  the requirement of a general anesthetic. While the
his outpatient procedures. This is because there is a lack of ­anesthesiologist takes the final call on the safety of adminis-
clarity on the effect of stress-induced hypertension (white tering general anesthesia, the surgeon is the one who needs
28 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna

to provide the input regarding the intensity of the surgery.  Vasoconstrictors and Hypertension
For example, fixing a fractured zygomatic bone can wait Vasoconstrictors are routinely used in conjunction with a
while operating on a patient with stridor from Ludwig’s local anesthetic to reduce bleeding, increase the duration of
angina cannot. action, and reduce the requirement of the total volume of the
Additionally, perioperative hypotension can also be of anesthetic. The most commonly used vasoconstrictor is
significant concern, both systemically and surgically (micro- adrenaline. Felypressin (Octapressin) is also available as a
vascular flaps need excellent perfusion and hypotension with vasoconstrictor with Prilocaine—but only in a cartridge. The
peripheral vasoconstriction can lead to a flap loss). The sur- concentration of adrenaline as a vasoconstrictor ranges from
geon and the anesthetist need to walk a tightrope, especially 1:80,000 to 1:200,000.
in a hypertensive patient. Physiologic effects of adrenaline in varying concen-
tration [11]:

• 1:80,000 significantly increase in systolic blood pressure

Table 3.2  Causes of hemodynamic changes [7]
(SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate;
• 1:100,000 concentrations can increase SBP and heart
changes Causes
Hypotension Systemic vasodilatation (GA) rate; and
Sympathetic blockade (spinal/epidural • 1:200,000 is limited to an increase in heart rate, but less
anesthesia) significant
Blood loss Pain itself has a significant effect on SBP, DBP on heart
Mechanical ventilation
rate and adrenaline, even in the concentration of 1:200,000
Drugs (angiotensin receptor blockers)
significantly increases the duration and depth of local anes-
Acute coronary events thetic. Adrenalin has a beneficial effect in this concentration
Pulmonary thromboembolism (high-risk surgery without negative cardiovascular implications [11].
for pulmonary thromboembolism and/or patient
predisposing factors)
Hypertension Laryngoscopy and intubation
3.5.2 Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD)
Surgical stimulus
Inadequate plane of anesthesia/analgesia
Hypothermia Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease involving medium-­
Hypervolemia to-­large caliber arteries. It may result in ischemic lesions of
Reversal and recovery the brain, heart or extremities leading to thrombosis, infarc-
Hypoxia (post-op) tion of affected vessels, and end-organ damage.
Inadequate analgesia (post-op) Ischemic heart disease could present as angina or myocar-
Full bladder (post-op)
dial infarction (Figs. 3.2 and 3.3). Both conditions are caused

Fig. 3.2  Types of Angina

Stable/typical/exertional angina

• induced by effort, relieved by rest

Unstable angina/descendo angina

• rapidly worsening angina or angina at rest

post-infarction angina

Prinzmetal's or vasospastic angina or variant angina

• due to coronary artery spasm usually at rest; no provocation

Nocturnal angina

• Angina that occurs during sleep at night due to coronary ostial stenosis due to
syphilitic aortitis or atherosclerosis

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

3  Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery 29

ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME tions), the benefit of the life-saving procedure by far out-
weighs the risk of a further cardiac episode. Such
procedures are ideally done in a center equipped to deal
with any adverse cardiac event. In a country like India,
the onus of keeping the appropriate specialty appraised
of the situation before starting the procedure is on the
operating surgeon.
ST elevation Non-ST elevation

Cardiac Markers Negative Unstable angina

3.5.3 Postintervention Cardiac Patients

Myocardial infarction  Percutaneous Coronary Angioplasty
(PTCA) and Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
STEMI NON-STEMI (CABG) and Valve Replacement Procedures
With access to healthcare improving, it is becoming more
common for the surgeon to encounter patients with IHD
Q WAVE MI NON Q WAVE MI who have had interventions. These range from conven-
tional CABG to Percutaneous angioplasties with stents in
place and minimal access CABGs. In our context, the cli-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India nician needs to know what these are not only to analyze the
impact these procedures have on the maxillofacial proce-
Fig. 3.3  Types of Acute Coronary Syndrome dure but also to tease the information out of the reluctant
by decreased coronary blood flow, increased myocardial
oxygen demand, and form two ends of a spectrum with sev- PTCA/PCA
eral subclassifications. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty has become
Oral surgical procedures cause significant surgical, physi- the intervention of choice for coronary artery disease. This
ological, and psychological stress. It is imperative that the procedure involves the insertion of a stent in the narrowed
patient is assessed thoroughly prior to any intervention. portion of the artery (Fig. 3.4). This stent intimately hugs the
Patients with IHD are susceptible for another cardiac event endothelium of the vessel and is reliably and completely
within 6 months [12]. With changing management strategies endothilized in 6 months to a year. The patient is susceptible
in cardiac patients and medicolegal aspects in mind, it is pru- to stent thrombosis in this period and hence the antiplatelets.
dent to liaise with the cardiologist for all but the most There are many varieties of stents and the design and fea-
straightforward of situations. tures are always in a state of flux. Therefore, any changes to
antiplatelet therapy are to be made in consultation with the  Minor Oral Surgery treating cardiologist [14].
Previous myocardial infarction or unstable angina does not
form a contraindication for dental extractions. However, tim- Types of coronary stents:
ing and planning are of paramount importance. In the quoted
study, about 10% of patients have reported postoperative • Bare metal stents
chest pain [12]. While the sample size of the quoted article is • Drug-eluting stents
small, it underscores the importance of risk-benefit analysis • Bioresorbable scaffold system
before undertaking these procedures. The treatment planning • Drug-eluting balloons
may need further input from a cardiologist.
If such patients are on antiplatelet medication, it is of Following successful revascularization procedures, the
extreme importance to note that single antiplatelet agents do patient is expected to be in a far better hemodynamic state
not constitute a contraindication for most minor oral surgery than before. If the patient remains symptomatic, then he/she
[13]. Refer to the section on antiplatelet and anticoagulant requires to be seen by the cardiothoracic surgery team. The
drugs and surgery. only challenge in these patients is the ­antiplatelet/anticoagu-
lant medication. In the case of patients with prosthetic  Major Surgery ­cardiac valves, it is vital to provide endocarditis prophylaxis
Since most surgery considered in this context is emergent (read following content).
or urgent in nature (trauma, oncosurgery, space infec-
30 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna

Fig. 3.4  Mechanism of


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

3  Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery 31

3.5.4 Conventional Antiplatelets, obviates the need to stop antiplatelet drugs (read following
Anticoagulants, and Novel Oral content). However, in patients on dual antiplatelet therapy,
Anticoagulants (NOAC) the authors suggest caution when operating in critical areas
like the floor of the mouth as hematomas can cause airway  Minor Dentoalveolar Surgery: embarrassment.
Antiplatelets Conventional antiplatelets bind irreversibly to platelets
There are several concerns regarding the risk of excessive and the normal clotting process is restored only with the pro-
bleeding following minor oral surgery in anticoagulated duction of new, unaffected platelets (Fig. 3.5, Table 3.3). It
patients and those on antiplatelet medication. Most of these takes 5–10 days for platelets to be produced in the quantity
are unfounded for dentoalveolar procedures. In most dento- required to produce a clinically normal platelet action. In the
alveolar procedures, we have the advantage of a bony cavity interim, if a procedure causes excessive bleeding, the only
where physical pressure can be effectively applied to obtain reliable way to ensure hemostasis is platelet transfusion.
hemostasis. This can be further augmented with other local However, the newer ones are reversible and can be stopped
hemostatic measures (sutures, surgical R, AbgelR, etc.). This for 24 h prior to the procedure as a “switch on-switch off”

Fig. 3.5  Mechanism of action of commonly used antiplatelet drugs

32 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna

Table 3.3  Commonly used antiplatelet agents and their characteristics [15]
Time to recover
Loading Maintenance platelet function after Platelet Administration
Drug Mechanism of action dose dose Half-life drug withdrawal inhibition route
Aspirin COX-1 inhibition 325 mg 75–325 mg 15–20 min 30% at 48 h Irreversible Oral
daily inhibition
Clopidogrel P2Y12 receptor inhibition 30–600 mg 75 mg daily 7–9 h 40% at 3 days Irreversible Oral
Prasugrel P2Y12 receptor inhibition 60 mg 10 mg daily 7h 2–3 days Irreversible Oral
Ticagrelor P2Y12 and Partly P2Y1 180 mg 90 mg twice a 7–9 h 57% at 24 h Reversible Oral
receptor inhibition day inhibition
Cangrelor Adenosine triphosphate 30 μg/kg 2–4 μg/kg/ 3–6 min Rapid (mins–hours) Reversible i.v
analogue with a high affinity min inhibition
for the P2Y12 receptor
Abciximab Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor 0.25 μg/kg 0.125 μg/kg/ 10–15 min 12 h Reversible i.v
inhibitor min inhibition
Eptifibatide Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor 180 μg/kg 2 μg/kg/min 2.5 h 2–4 h Reversible i.v
inhibitor inhibition
Tirofiban Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor 0.4 μg/kg 0.1 μg/kg/min 2 h 2–4 h Reversible i.v
inhibitor inhibition

drug. But these are very expensive and most of the below-­ Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism.
poverty-­line patients are likely to be on older antiplatelets for Myocardial infarction.
some time to come. Acute Ischemic Stroke  Maxillofacial Surgery The target International Normalized Ratio (INR) range
Patients who need procedures with low risk of bleeding (e.g., for most conditions is between 2.5 and 3.5.
fixation of fracture of the parasymphysis) may continue oral
antiplatelet/anticoagulation therapy. This applies especially  Minor Oral Surgery
to high-risk patients (e.g., mechanical heart valves). However,It is beyond doubt that warfarin/acetrom therapy need not be
when the risk of bleeding is obvious, it outweighs the benefit discontinued and INR need not be normalized prior to dento-
of continuing antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy. In such alveolar surgery. The risk of a thrombotic episode does not
cases, heparin is used as bridge therapy. justify the risk of a minor bleed that can be controlled by
local measures [17]. Simple dentoalveolar surgery (e.g.,  Bridging with Heparin three simple extractions) can be safely performed with an
In cases where the patient is at high risk for a thromboem- INR of 3.5 or less with appropriate local hemostatic mea-
bolic episode, a “bridge”—a balance between surgical bleed sures [18]. However, it is imperative that the patient is closely
and risk of thrombosis may be achieved either with intrave- followed. It is sensible to schedule these procedures in the
nous unfractionated heparin or with subcutaneous low-­ morning.
molecular-­weight heparin [16].  Major Maxillofacial Surgery  Anticoagulants and Oral/Maxillofacial Depending on the indication for anticoagulant therapy and
Surgery the drug used, the decision regarding the control of antico-
While several indications exist for the use of anticoagulants, agulation is made. Ideally the prescribing physician is
the authors have noted that there is significant resistance in involved in decision making (Fig.  3.6) (read following
the medical community to prescribe anticoagulants in these content).
cases and they are often replaced by antiplatelets in India.
This is especially true for the rural patient who may not have
regular access to monitor his anticoagulation status. However, 3.5.5 Infective Endocarditis Prophylaxis
in urban centers, NOAC are in regular use.
Common indications for anticoagulation—prevention of Much has changed over the years with regard to infective
thrombotic events in: endocarditis (IE) and antibiotic prophylaxis. Since the guide-
lines change by the year, the authors strongly recommend
Mechanical Heart Valves. that the surgeon takes recourse to his smartphone to keep
Atrial Fibrillation. abreast of the changing scenery (Tables 3.4 and 3.5).
3  Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery 33

>short term risk for thromboembolism/ bleeding
>bleeding risk during surgery
>risk when agent discontinued



>Stop warfarin 5 days before surgery >Stop dabigatran 1-2 days(SBR) 2-4 >Stop 24hrs(SBR) or 48hrs(HBR) if >Stop 24hrs(SBR) or 48hrs(HBR) if
or procedure(INR 2-3) days(HBR) before if Crcl>50ml/min Crcl>30ml/min Crcl<1.5mg/dl

>Stop warfarin 6 days before >Stop 3-5 days (SBR) >5 (HBR) if > Stop 48 hrs(HBR) if Crcl<30 ml/min > Stop 48 hrs(LBR) or 72hrs(HBR) if
procedure or surgery (INR 3.0-4.5) Crcl<50ml/min Crcl>1.5mg/dl
> Minor surgeries/LBR-restrart 12-
>Check INR within 24hrs of surgery > Minor surgeries/LBR-restrart 12- 24hrs post surgery > Minor surgeries/LBR-restrart 12-24hrs post
(<1.5) 24hrs post surgery Major surgery/HBR-restrart 48-72hrs surgery
Major surgery/HBR-restrart 48-72hrs pot surgery
>restrart warfarin on POD 1 if post surgery Major surgery/HBR-restrart 48-72hrs pot
haemostasis achieved or surgeon surgery
suggests >

*OAC; Oral anticoagulant,POD; Post-operative day, INR; International normalized ratio, LBR; Low
bleeding risk, SBR; Standard bleeding risk, HBR; High bleeding risk, CrCl; Creatinine clearance
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 3.6  Perioperative management of oral anticoagulants [19]

Table 3.4  AHA, ESC, and NICE guidelines for infective endocarditis
3.5.6 I mplantable Cardioverter Defibrillators prophylaxis
(ICD) 2015 ESC 2016 NICE
2007 AHA guidelines guidelines guidelines
Highest risk of adverse Highest risk of IE: Risk of developing
An ICD is a battery-powered device implanted in a patient outcomes: • Previous IE IE:
that generates a small electrical impulse. Indications are • Previous IE • Prosthetic valve/ • Previous IE
patients at risk of sudden cardiac death—ventricular fibrilla- • Prosthetic valve Prosthetic • Valve
tion/ventricular tachycardia, malignant ventricular tachyar- • Unrepaired cyanotic material for valve replacement
congenital heart disease repair • Acquired
rhythmias. ICDs are also used to treat Brugada syndrome (CHD) • Any cyanotic valvular heart
[21]. • 6-month period CHD disease
postprosthetic repair of • 6-month period • Structural  Implications CHD postprosthetic Congenital heart
• Repaired CHD with repair of CHD disease
Bleeding: patients may either be on antiplatelets or antico- residual defects Intermediate • Hypertrophic
agulated. (read earlier content). • Cardiac transplant with risk of IE: cardiomyopathy
Devices: Electrocautery, especially monopolar diathermy, valvulopathy • History of
may interfere with the device and this may have to be turned rheumatic fever
• Any form of
to a “safe mode” by the electrophysiology technician. The native valve
concerned cardiologist should be able to assist with the tech- disease
nical details. • Unrepaired
Infective endocarditis prophylaxis: Risk being low, cur- noncyanotic
rent guidelines DO NOT recommend prophylaxis for these
Antibiotic prophylaxis: Antibiotic Antibiotic
patients. • All dental procedures prophylaxis: prophylaxis:
involving gingival tissue Considered for Not routinely
manipulation or dental procedures recommended
periapical region of teeth involving gingival
3.6 I mpact of Central Nervous System or oral mucosa tissue manipulation
Disorders in Maxillofacial Surgery perforation or periapical region
• Procedures on of teeth or oral
Of the many conditions which affect this system, the effects respiratory tract or mucosa perforation
infected skin/
of epilepsy and stroke are most commonly encountered in
musculoskeletal tissue.
maxillofacial surgical practice.
34 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna

Table 3.5  Revised AHA guidelines for infective endocarditis prophy- is aware of how the seizure starts, if there is any warning or
laxis [20] “aura,” this too must be noted [23].
Dose (30–60 min Several factors are capable of provoking seizures. These
before procedure)
include improper use of medication, lack of sleep, drug
Patient group Antibiotic Adults Children
abuse, drug interactions, hypoglycemia, electrolyte imbal-
Able to take oral Amoxicillin 2g 50 mg/kg
medicine ance among others. Antiepileptic drugs should generally be
Unable to take oral Ampicillin 2 g i.m/i.v 50 mg/kg continued without alteration.
medication i.m/i.v
or  Outpatient maxillofacial considerations
Cefazolin/ 1 g i.m/i.v 50 mg/kg If seizures are predictable, then appointments should be
ceftriaxone i.m/i.v
Allergic to penicillin or Cephalexina,b 2g 50 mg/kg
scheduled accordingly. Frequency of seizures determines the
ampicillin and able to or urgency of treatment. Procedures, unless emergent, should
take oral medication Clindamycin 600 mg 20 mg/kg be postponed if frequency of seizures is high. The clinician
or must reduce anxiety to the patient. Short morning appoint-
Azithromycin/ 500 mg 15 mg/kg ments are ideal. Sudden bright lights, noise, or movements
clarithromycin must be avoided as these may trigger a seizure [23].
Allergic to penicillins Cefazolin/ 1 g i.m/i.v 50 mg/kg
or ampicillin and unable ceftriaxoneb i.m/i.v
to take oral medication or  Major Surgical Considerations
Clindamycin 600 mg 20 mg/kg Trauma is a common consequence of seizures and may
Note: i.m intramuscular; i.v intravenous result in lacerations of the face or oral cavity and fractures
Or other first- or second-generation cephalosporins at equivalent adult of the maxillofacial skeleton. Other injuries include hema-
and pediatric dose tomas, dislocation of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) frac-
Cephalosporins should not be given to a patient with a history of ana-
phylaxis, angioedema, or urticaria with penicillin or ampicillin
ture/loss of teeth. An electroencephalogram (EEG) along
with imaging such as CT/MRI is recommended if there is
no previous seizure history. Open reduction should be pre-
3.6.1 Epilepsy ferred over closed for treatment of facial fractures, as fur-
ther episodes of seizures might lead to aspiration if
A seizure is a result of excessive electrical discharges in a intermaxillary fixation (IMF) is attempted [25].
group of brain cells, whereas epilepsy is described as a ­disease Local anesthetic is considered safe in well-controlled epi-
characterized by recurrent seizures. A single seizure does not leptics, as is sedation. General anesthesia is preferred in
constitute epilepsy, which is defined as having at least two or uncontrolled epileptics, especially if coupled with a mental
more unprovoked seizures. The incidence worldwide is approx- deficit, as a seizure might be triggered due to stress from dif-
imately 0.5–0.9%, affecting over 50 million individuals [22]. ficulties in communication. One drawback of general anes-
Etiology of epilepsy can be divided as primary or idio- thetic is temporary anoxia to the brain, which itself might
pathic, where the cause is unknown and this constitutes the trigger a seizure [26].
vast majority of cases. In secondary or acquired epilepsy, the
cause can be determined and these include metabolic,  Precautions, complications, & management
genetic, structural, and functional abnormalities. As mentioned earlier, appropriate recording of history gives
An increase in the incidence in the elderly can be attributed an insight into planning the procedure, particularly for elec-
to conditions such as stroke, tumors, trauma, and Alzheimer’s tive surgeries. Objects with the potential to cause harm must
disease. Systemic conditions include diabetes, hypertension, be kept away from the vicinity of the patient. Antiepileptics
infections, electrolyte imbalances and dehydration, or lack of such as phenytoin have been known to cause gingival
oxygen. Withdrawal from high-dose, long-­term use of drugs enlargement, which can be managed either by surgery or by
such as cocaine, heroin, barbiturates, amphetamines, and alco- a change in medication. Aspirin, antifungal azoles, metroni-
hol can also precipitate seizures [23]. Seizures generally last dazole can interfere with phenytoin. Propoxyphene and
for a few seconds to minutes. Although many types exist, they erythromycin can interfere with carbemezepine.
are broadly divided into two groups (Fig. 3.7). Contraindicated drugs are chlorpromazine, flumazenil, ket-
Primary generalized seizures—which begin with involve- amine, lignocaine in large doses and quinolones, tramadol,
ment both sides of the cerebral hemispheres. and tricyclic antidepressants [25].
Partial seizures—start in a localized area [25].  Management of an acute episode on the  Basic considerations dental chair
While recording history, the duration, type, frequency of the If possible, all foreign body/material should be removed from
seizure as well as the most recent episode must be recorded the oral cavity. The chair should be reclined to a supine posi-
as well as the type of medication taken, if any. If the patient tion with the patient turned onto their side to minimize the
3  Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery 35

Fig. 3.7  ILAE 2017

classifications of seizure types
basic version [24] Focal onset Generalised onset Unknown onset

Aware/Impaired Motor Motor

awareness tonic-clonic tonic-clonic
other motor other motor
Non-Motor(Absence) Non-Motor
Motor onset
Non motor onset

Focal to bilateral tonic clonic Unclassified

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

risk of aspiration. Passive restraint is used only to prevent outpatient setting. There may be a dependence on others for
them from falling out of the chair. A recurrent seizure or a basic needs. History of past strokes needs to be elicited:
seizure of more than 3 min requires drug administration. The including dates, severity and current neurological deficit.
patient should be monitored to prevent airway obstruction. Treatment is performed in consultation with the neurologist
After the patient recovers, appropriate medical consults and precautions according to the specific characteristics of
should be arranged. Elective treatment should be postponed the stroke.
[23]. However, prolonged seizures, which continue in spite of
medication, may lead to status epilepticus, which may be fatal  Maxillofacial considerations
if untreated. Airway patency and peripheral venous access are Outpatient appointments must be ideally scheduled in the
first line of management. If seizures persist even after admin- morning and must be of short duration. Patients must be
istration of drugs such as lorazepam or diazepam, the patient treated in an upright position as much as possible, as they are
must be shifted to the hospital for further management. more prone to aspiration due to impaired protective reflexes.
Another important consideration is difficulty in oral hygiene
maintenance due to facial weakness and xerostomia, which
3.6.2 Stroke may be observed as a side effect of medications prescribed
[24]. Although procedures must be deferred for as long as
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident) is a serious, occasionally possible, in unavoidable circumstances such as trauma or
fatal neurologic event characterized by the rapid appearance progressing head and neck cancers, general anesthesia is rea-
of a focal deficit of brain function. It is estimated that 85% of sonably safe. Shorter duration surgery, intraoperative moni-
patients presenting with stroke would have sustained a cere- toring and maintaining cerebral perfusion, anticoagulation
bral infarction because of inadequate blood flow to a part of status, and precaution all aid in reducing the incidence of a
the brain, with the remainder suffering from an intracerebral further episode.
hemorrhage. Often, survivors of cerebrovascular accidents Antiplatelets and anticoagulation: Ref previous section.
are left debilitated in motor function and/or speech [27].
A stroke may be a result of hemorrhage or ischemia as  Precautions
given later (Fig. 3.8). Monitoring of Blood pressure pre- and postprocedure is
The initial presentation of stroke includes loss of combi- vital, procedures should be deferred if systolic is
nation of sensory and motor functions with occasional loss >180  mmHg or diastolic is >110  mmHg. Poststroke
of consciousness. The presenting features include hemipare- patients are usually on antiplatelet or anticoagulant medi-
sis or paraparesis, dysphagia, ataxia, aphasia, dysarthria, loss cations; hence, coagulation status must be ascertained
of vision. Early detection is by assessing facial and arm prior to any procedure. Vasoconstrictors are to be used
weakness and any slurring of speech. Mechanism of stroke cautiously as they can increase the risk of adverse out-
may be ischemic, primary intracerebral hemorrhage, and comes like cerebral hemorrhage due to acute hyperten-
subarachnoid hemorrhage. The oral impact of stroke includes sion [29].
facial weakness, dysphagia, and speech impairment [29]. Opiods are best avoided as they may result in severe
hypotension and benzodiazepines may cause respiratory  Basic Considerations depression. The practitioner must be mindful that sudden
At the outset, it is paramount to assess the extent of disability loss of consciousness could result from stroke, and emer-
of the patient—both physical and mental, as this is vital in gency management is the protection of airway and shift to
determining whether performing the procedure is safe in the hospital [24].
36 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna


ischaemic stroke hemorrhagic stroke

TIA Cerebral infarction intra-cerebral

lacunar parenchymatous venticular
rare causes
uncertain causes


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 3.8  Common causes of stroke [28]

3.7 I mpact of Psychiatric Disorders commonly seen and treated by the maxillofacial surgeon. In
in Maxillofacial Surgery the absence of an identifiable organic cause, there must be a
low threshold for considering an underlying emotional
Psychiatric and psychological disorders are of rising concern disturbance.
in modern society, affecting all aspects of a patient’s life, Patients with diagnosed psychiatric conditions and on
including oral health. Poor oral hygiene is usually due to a medication present with obvious oral symptoms. Most com-
combination of lethargy, side effect of medications, and pos- mon among these are dental caries and periodontal disease.
sibly fear of treatment [30]. Common disorders encountered The primary cause of these is due to decreased salivary flow
in practice are related to mood, anxiety, substance depen- or xerostomia, which is a side effect of medications, includ-
dence, eating, or somatoform in nature [31]. ing tricyclic antidepressants, lithium carbonate, phenothi-
Occasionally, oral symptoms may be the initial or single azines, and benzodiazepines. Sialorrhea or excessive
manifestations of the underlying issue. Patients who present salivation is a well-known side effect of clozapine and reduc-
with atypical facial pain with vague symptoms, oral dysesthesia, tion in dose may be of use [32]. Candidiasis is another condi-
abnormal sensation or movement, salivation often with no iden- tion, which may manifest due to xerostomia, especially in
tifiable physical cause could be suffering from undiagnosed denture wearers. Fear of dental treatment is well known.
underlying emotional disturbances. Early detection in such However, recognition of the nature and extent of this fear is
cases benefits both the patient and the practitioner [32, 33]. important to prevent noncompliance. Anxiety disorders and
phobia often stem from two types of experiences, a painful
or traumatic procedure, usually at a young age, or a negative
3.7.1 Maxillofacial Considerations interaction with healthcare professional [32]. A specific
maxillofacial consideration in this respect is suturing of
Pain related to the TMJ and associated structures seems to be facial wounds under local anesthetic, in young children. The
another condition, which fits into the previous category, authors recommend sedation if not a general anesthetic, par-
3  Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery 37

ticularly in extremely young children, where such proce-  The Function of the Liver [36]
dures are required. Detoxification—Removal of ammonia, exogenous
Alcohol, tobacco, and drug abusers are particularly tricky hormones
to treat, be it minor or major maxillofacial surgery. The
amount of local anesthetic required to produce adequate (a) Alcohol metabolism
analgesia tends to be higher in such patients. These groups of (b) Synthesis of essential Serum Proteins (Albumin)
patients are at a higher risk of developing oral cancer. Effects (c) Synthesis—coagulation Factors (V, VII, IX, X), pro-
of withdrawal can be significant and this must be kept in thrombin, fibrinogen.
mind preoperatively, intraoperatively, and postoperatively— (d) Production of Bile and its transporters
especially where procedures of long duration and extended (e) Regulation of nutrients
stay are planned. Use of drugs like chlordiazepoxide might (f) Conjugation of lipophilic compounds
be required to offset delirium tremens, particularly in the
postoperative period. Head and neck cancer particularly Liver dysfunction hence alters all of these functions,
affects the psyche, making a psychologist a very important thereby disrupting the homeostasis in the body, which has to
member of the multidisciplinary team. be taken into consideration when providing dental and max-
Patients suffering from clefts of the orofacial region illofacial therapy.
require multiple surgeries at various stages of their life and Vitamin K levels are significantly lowered in advanced liver
the effects of surgery and rehabilitation can be debilitating disease hampering the production of coagulation factors.
on both the child and the parents. Timing of surgeries is vital This, along with portal hypertension, results in thrombocyto-
as they disrupt the life of the entire family of the child and for penia, thus resulting in excessive bleeding, which is of con-
this parental counselling is extremely important [33]. sideration during dental and maxillofacial management [37].
While management of trauma might be comparatively
straightforward, one must not underestimate the effect on the
psyche in the recovery phase, especially if this is coupled 3.8.2 Classification of Liver Dysfunctions [35]
with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Although these
injuries are among the most common treated, these can lead Acute or Chronic
to depression, drug abuse, antisocial behavior, especially in
those with a post-traumatic residual defect [34]. (a) Infective (Hepatitis) & Noninfective (Substance abuse)
Orthognathic surgery, while primarily carried out for cos- (b) Extent of damage—steatosis (fatty liver), fibrosis, cir-
metic reasons, occasionally may be performed for functional rhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma
reasons, as in obstructive sleep apnea. Counselling prior to
surgery is useful and the entire process can take up to 3 years.  Viral Hepatitis
Serious psychological and psychosocial problems have been Hepatitis A—caused due to Hepatitis A virus, spreads via the
reported [33]. orofecal route. It is endemic in nature and is self-limiting.
While awareness of maxillofacial surgery and its benefits is Hepatitis B—caused by (HBV) that replicates within the
gradually growing in our country, with most centers providing hepatocyte; it is a dangerous form of viral disease with high
information about technical aspects of surgery, the psychologi- risk to healthcare workers. The surface antigen is routinely
cal aspect is often ignored. Communication needs to improve detected in the saliva of infected individuals, and hence
and an assessment of patients’ emotional state before and after transmission through the saliva is of concern to the Oral
surgery could help in improving patient satisfaction [33]. Surgeon [38]. Prevalence of HBV infection is three to five
times more in dentists than the general population. Younger
individuals with chronic HBV infections have a greater prev-
3.8  ental and Maxillofacial Implications
D alence of developing hepatocellular carcinoma.
in Liver Disease Hepatitis C—Caused by a bloodborne virus, it is the most
common cause for chronic hepatitis, which over long term
3.8.1 Introduction could lead to cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma.

At approximate of 1.4  kg, this reddish, rubbery structure  Autoimmune Hepatitis
forms an important organ system. Along with the Gall It is a chronic liver inflammatory disease as a result of IgG
Bladder and Pancreas, the liver works to digest, process, and Hypergammaglobinemia as a result of environmental or viral
absorb food. Liver aids in detoxification in the body and is factors inciting an autoimmune response leading to cirrhosis
the primary organ of drug metabolism. It also helps in the [39].
production and transport of bile [35].
38 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna  Fulminant Hepatitis after the patient is treated. It is vital to maintain adequate
A sudden acute and severe dysfunction of the liver with sterilization and observe strict universal protection when
resulting hepatocellular necrosis and encephalopathy with a treating such patients. Needlestick injury precautions must
very poor prognosis. These patients require liver transplant. be adhered to.
Detailed history taking is important to identify any indi-  Cirrhosis cations of liver disease, including that of hepatitis, jaundice,
It is the irreversible damage to the hepatic architecture due to alcohol intake, recreational drugs, or rank abuse. Abnormal
long-term fibrous scarring. A rise in the production of total bleeding patterns are elicited in history [42]. Past surgical
liver collagen and matrix protein that is troublesome to the history provides a valuable indicator for any doubts regard-
function and form of the liver [40]. ing the adequate functioning of the liver system. Additional
information of identifying the etiology for cirrhosis and any  Hepatocellular Carcinoma continued risk factors like alcohol consumption should be
It is the fifth most common cancer and a life-threatening noted [35]. Review of blood investigations such as serum
malignancy with poor survival rates. HBV and HCV are the bilirubin, albumin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT),
most common causes of it. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), complete blood counts,
and coagulation profile must be performed prior to any surgi-  Alcoholic Liver Disease cal planning [43].
It is the 10th most common cause of death with 3% of fatali- Elective surgery is contraindicated in acute phases of viral
ties in the industrialized world [35]. Alcoholism results in hepatitis and acute liver failure. Patients who present with
varied disruption of the hepatic system ranging from simple hepatitis due to alcohol/drug abuse are poor candidates for
fatty liver to complicated life-threatening cirrhosis. elective surgery due to liver dysfunction and psychological
impact of withdrawal during their hospital stay.
Plasma level of coagulation factors is depressed in liver
3.8.3 Oral Manifestations of Liver Disease disease and can potentially alter the hemostasis. Complete
blood counts, PT, PTT, INR, and liver functions tests are
Foetor hepaticus (Breath of the dead odor of rotten eggs with mandatory in all patients with any signs/symptoms of liver
garlic) is a characteristic late feature of liver dysfunction dysfunctions. The goal of surgical therapy is to minimize
[36]. Evidence of liver diseases has been noted in the oral trauma to the tissues. It is also advisable to involve the hema-
cavity as icteric mucosal alteration with gingival bleeding tologist if required. Any dental or minor oral surgical proce-
and also associated hemorrhagic changes like hematoma, dure must terminate with the use of local hemostatic agents
petechiae [37]. HCV-associated hepatitis is noted as a com- or antifibrinolytic agents to aid in hemostasis. Maxillofacial
mon cause for Sjogren’s syndrome and lichen planus in the surgical work and major invasive oral surgery are ideally per-
oral cavity [41]. Alcoholic hepatitis in association with nutri- formed in the hospital. Fresh Frozen Plasma and Vitamin K
tional deficiencies could cause glossitis along with delayed infusions to optimize the coagulating process might be
healing post surgery [37]. Occasionally, parotid enlargement required to offset intraoperative bleeding.
is also noted. These oral manifestations are associated with Patients with liver disease are more susceptible to infec-
concomitant general symptoms of liver disease such as hepa- tion with a greater risk post invasive dental or maxillofacial
tomegaly, malaise, confusion, fatigue, weight loss, nausea, procedure. Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended.
and altering the well being of the person [37]. Drug metabolism is altered in these patients (Table 3.6).
Unlike serum creatinine, which is an indicator of renal func-
tion, the liver function test is more of an indicator for liver
3.8.4 Implications of Liver Disease damage. Hence, it is difficult to obtain exact dose modifica-
tion formulae when medicating patients with liver disease.
1 . Hepatic metabolism of drugs is Unpredictable Drug usage, dosage, and interactions must be consulted with
2. Defective hemostatic cascade and poor coagulation the specialist prior to their usage.
3. Increased risk of infection The metabolism of these drugs is well tolerated in mild
liver dysfunctions but is impaired in severe dysfunction and
hence requires modifications and contraindications. The beta  Liver Disease and Maxillofacial Surgery lactams mainly utilized in maxillofacial surgery are quite
Risk of viral contagion and crossinfection is one of the impli- safe. NSAIDS are to be used with caution to avoid gastric
cations of viral hepatic disease. Hep C viruses are found to bleedings [35]. Hepatotoxic drugs should be avoided eg.
be stable at room temperatures for approximately 5 days. erythromycin, ketoconazole, halothane, phenytoin etc.
The virus is also detected at different surfaces in the clinic Prilocaine or articaine is preferred over lidocaine. Sedatives,
3  Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery 39

Table 3.6  Drugs metabolized in the liver [37] d­uodenum delay gastric emptying resulting in vomitus.
Local anesthetics Lidocaide, Bupivacaine, Prilocaine, Antiemetics in these patients must be prescribed at the end
Sedatives Barbiturates, Diazepam of the surgery and dexamethasone 1 h prior to the surgery is
Analgesics Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Codiene helpful if not contraindicated. In high-risk patients, anti-
Antibiotics Erythromycin, Clindamycin, Tetracyclin
emetics must be administered prior to anesthesia itself [45].
Antifungal Ketaconozol, Fluconozol
Postoperative ileus could occur due to prolonged opiate use
during anesthesia, decreased potassium levels, trauma or
hypnotics or opiods should be used with caution. A balance due to iliac bone harvesting as a complication or resultant
has to be struck constantly to maintain the anesthesia and severe pain.
concern is of the depressive action of alcohol and central ner-
vous system depressors. Postoperative care in view of alco-
hol withdrawal must be noted. Ensure alcohol-based mouth 3.10 Pregnancy
rinses are avoided.
Pregnancy is often associated with changes in cardiovascu-
lar, endocrine, hematological, respiratory, gastrointestinal,
3.9 Maxillofacial Implications and genitourinary system. These alterations may occasion-
in GI Disorders ally be subtle and can lead to disastrous complications if not
identified [46].
3.9.1 Perioperative Maxillofacial Implications  GERD 3.10.1 Physiologic Changes

Extraesophageal symptoms of GERD must be identified to
prevent any airway issues primarily. Due to delayed gastric There will be increase in the heart rate leading to an increase
emptying, preoperative fasting hours must be prolonged. In in cardiac output. Cardiac output increases mostly in the first
high-risk patients, Proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor trimester and remains fairly unchanged with minimal
antagonists are potent drugs to increase gastric pH and increase in the final trimester.
reduce secretions. Nasogastric suctioning through nasogas- During the second and final trimesters, a decrease in
tric tube aids in protecting the airway from gastric secretions blood pressure and cardiac output may occur while the
during surgery. It is important to manage nausea and vomit- patient is in a supine position. This is caused by the gravid
ing postoperatively effectively. uterus compressing the inferior vena cava leading to a
decreased venous return to the heart leading to hypotension,  Peptic Ulcers bradycardia, and syncope. This phenomenon is called supine
Stress reduction protocol is vital. GI symptoms from hypotension syndrome [47].
NSAIDS are delayed and identified when the ulcers are in an The concentration of all coagulation factors, other than
advanced stage with a greater risk of bleeding. Corticosteroids factors XI and XIII, is increased. As Thrombin-mediated
must be avoided in these patients along with NSAIDS.  GI fibrin generation increases during pregnancy, this combines
bleeding due to ulceration could cause anemia and has to be with an increase in the aforementioned clotting factors and
managed prior to any surgery. Surgery is contraindicated in hematocrit, leading to the hypercoagulable state of preg-
active peptic ulcers. Ranitidine, when used over a long phase nancy. This leads to a higher risk of deep vein thrombosis
for management, could cause thrombocytopenia [44]. (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE).
In the abdomen, the enlarging uterus displaces the stom-  Ulcerative Colitis ach onto the spleen and liver leading to high intragastric
One must rule out anemia in these patients and assess the effect pressure. This and the delayed gastric emptying leads to
of long-term steroid therapy. Antibiotics such as clindamycin, regurgitation and gastric reflux. Hyperventilation that begins
ampicillin, and cephalosporins are implicated in aggravation of in the first trimester might increase throughout pregnancy.
colitis and are hence avoided. If the patient has undergone This has obvious implications on drug dosage, route and tim-
Vitamin K malabsorption, its effects are considered. ing of administration.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting, though not a complica- In the first trimester, glomerular filtration rate increases
tion, is still detrimental in patient management periopera- 30–50%, which results in an increase in clearance of creati-
tively. Volatile inhalation anesthetic agents and opiod nine, uric acid, and urea. This leads to a decrease in levels of
analgesics are emetogenic and need to be used with cau- the same. While prescribing drugs, doses may need to be
tion. Postoperative anxiety, dehydration, and pain could increased to account for this rapid clearance [48].
result in nausea and vomiting. Scarred ulcers in the
40 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna

3.10.2 Treatment Protocol Table 3.7 Commonly used safe and unsafe drugs during
pregnancy [46]  Minor Surgery Drug Safe Unsafe
While minor oral surgery is not a contraindication in the Local Articaine Bupivacaine
anesthetics Lignocaine
pregnant patient, it is advised that the oral surgeon should Prilocaine
consult with the patient’s obstetrician to address specific Analgesics Paracetamol Aspirin
concerns should dental emergencies arise during the first Ibuprofen (first and second Diclofenac
trimester. trimesters) Ibuprofen (third
Unless emergency treatment is required, it is advisable
to defer treatment during the first trimester because of the Antibacterials Amoxicillin Aminoglycosides
potential vulnerability of the fetus. The second trimester Azithromycin Metronidazole
is the safest time to perform the routine dental treatment. Cephalosporins Sulfonamides
No elective treatment is advisable late in the third Erythromycin Tetracyclines
Antifungals Fluconazole Ketoconazole
trimester. Nystatin
Anxiolytics None Alprazolam  Dental Radiology Diazepam
Two important factors to be considered are the dose of radia-
tion to be given and the time of gestation. Animal and human
data clearly support the conclusion that no increase in con- 3.11 Endocrine Disorders
genital anomalies due to exposures totaling less than 0.05–
0.1  Gy during pregnancy. The amount of radiation used in 3.11.1 Diabetes
dental radiographs is well below the threshold dose [47].
With modern features such as high-speed film, filtration, col- Diabetes is an endocrine disease manifesting as hyperglyce-
limation, and use of lead aprons, dental radiography is mia, leading to microvascular and cardiovascular
deemed quite safe. ­complications. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune
pancreatic beta cell destruction leading to inadequate pro-  Major Surgery duction of insulin. In type 2 diabetes mellitus, there is a con-
Elective surgery should be postponed until after delivery. If dition of insulin resistance in addition to defects in insulin
possible, nonurgent surgery should be performed in the sec- secretion by the pancreatic beta cells, and increased endog-
ond trimester when preterm contractions and spontaneous enous glucose production, primarily by the liver [50].
abortion are least likely. Fetal safety requires that potentially The current recommendation for diagnosis of diabetes
dangerous drugs are avoided and adequate uteroplacental stands at >126 mg/dl of fasting plasma glucose levels or a
perfusion is ensured. No anesthetic drugs have been proven 2-h plasma glucose level of 200 mg/dl [51]. The Endocrine
to be clearly hazardous to the human fetus. However, terato- Society guidelines indicate that patients with hyperglycemia
genic effects of nitrous oxide have been demonstrated in ani- and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) of 6.5% or higher can be
mal models following prolonged administration in high identified as having diabetes [52].
concentration [49]. Optimal glycemic control is advised in each patient to
Anxiety in itself leads to decrease in uteroplacental perfu- avoid hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. The surgical patient
sion secondary to increase in circulating catecholamines. with diabetes is at higher risk of perioperative morbidity and
Appropriate timing of surgery and anxiolysis is of paramount mortality and subsequently longer length of hospital stays.
importance. This is mainly due to increased chances of surgical site infec-
tions and systemic infections, other complications like acute
kidney injury, acute coronary syndromes, acute cerebrovascu-
3.10.3 Drug Usage in Pregnancy lar accidents, hospital-acquired diabetic ketoacidosis, etc [53].
The stress of surgery and anesthesia derails the glycemic
Most drugs cross the placental barrier by simple diffusion. control of the patient due to the metabolic response to sur-
Hence, the major concern of drug administration during gery. Nondiabetic patients evoke a catabolic response with a
pregnancy is the potential of teratogenic adverse effects. The release of cortisol, glucagon, catecholamines, etc., promot-
period of maximum risk for teratogenicity is during organo- ing hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis causing
genesis. This occurs from the end of the predifferentiation hyperglycemia. There is a catecholamine-induced inhibition
period until the end of the 10th week after the last menstrual of insulin production as well as insulin resistance. The type
period (Table 3.7). of anesthesia and the length of the procedure are also said to
influence the amount of catabolism [54].
3  Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery 41

The preoperative preparation for a diabetic patient begins • (Dipeptyl Peptidase-4) DPP-4 inhibitors are not contrain-
with a thorough history, including the type and dosing of dicated throughout the perioperative period [54].
medications, any history of cardiac events, or diabetic keto-
acidosis. ECG is mandated as these patients have a higher  Preoperative Glycemic Control in Type 2
occurrence of hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, macro- Diabetics on Insulin
vascular disease, autonomic neuropathy, and hence silent Patients on basal insulin: If they are on twice daily dosing
ischemia. If the ECG does suggest so, further investigation is then morning dose to be reduced to 80% of normal dose;
indicated [55]. whereas if those on single dose then evening dose to be
Renal function tests should include serum urea and creati- reduced to 80% [57].
nine. Hypertension should be ruled out or treated if present. If the morning glucose levels are above 120 mg/dl, Neutral
Diabetic neuropathy should be evaluated as it may cause protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin and premixed formula-
aspiration, silent myocardial ischemia, or even sudden death. tions are reduced by 20% the evening before surgery and by
It may manifest as postural hypotension, heartburn, or rest- 50% the morning of surgery. If not, morning insulin dose is
ing tachycardia [56]. withheld [58].
HbA1c is usually advised in diabetic patients undergoing Naturally, these are guidelines and the diabetologist will
treatment as it reflects mean control over the previous 3 tailor the doses to the individual requirement of the patient.
months. This allows one to estimate the quality of glycemic
control before the consultation and adaptation of treatment  Preoperative Glycemic Control in Type 1
to fixed objectives. It is also important to know the duration Diabetics on Insulin
of the diabetes, dependence on insulin, and whether the gly-
cemic control is achieved by oral hypoglycemics and life-  Minor surgery:
style modification.
• Well-controlled patients should halve their daily dose of  Management of Patients Undergoing insulin the morning of surgery and also eat their normal
Procedures breakfast.
The recommendations for target glycemic control vary. The • Morning appointments are preferred. If preoperative glu-
Endocrine Society and the American Diabetes Association/ cose is between 100 and 200  mg/dl, surgery can be
AACE Practice Guidelines recommend that patients on insu- performed.
lin maintain a target preprandial glucose of less than 140 mg/ • If blood glucose is >200 mg/dl, an intravenous infusion of
dl and a random Blood Glucose (BG) of less than 180 mg/dl 10% dextrose in half-normal saline is initiated. 10-mEq
for patients treated [52]. The Joint British Diabetes Societies potassium chloride should be added to each 500  ml of
guideline, however, recommends that insulin therapy be dextrose/saline infusion.
commenced when random blood glucose levels exceed • Rapid-acting insulin is administered subcutaneously.
180 mg/dl [53]. • Blood glucose should be monitored hourly if the surgery
lasts beyond 1 h [50].  Preoperative Glycemic Control in
patients on Oral Hypoglycemic Agents  Major surgery:
These patients are at risk of developing stress-induced hyper-  Minor surgery glycemia and ketoacidosis and hence need insulin coverage
Patient should adhere to his daily oral diabetic medication during perioperative period. These patients should receive
and follow his usual diet [50]. 80% of basal insulin dose the evening before surgery and on
the morning of surgery in order to prevent hypoglycemia [54].  Major surgery
• Most oral hypoglycemics can be continued till the day  Intraoperative glycemic control:
before surgery. Sulfonylureas and insulin secretagogues The endocrine society recommends an intraoperative BG
should be stopped on the day of surgery to reduce the level within 180 mg/dl [52].
chances of hypoglycemia [52]. Levels above that are treated either with subcutaneous rapid-
• If normal oral intake is expected to resume on the day of acting insulin analogs or with an IV infusion of regular insulin.
surgery, metformin may be given on the day of surgery In patients undergoing short surgeries (under 4-h operative
[53]. time), ambulatory surgeries, expected hemodynamic stability
• Metformin is discontinued if there is either prolonged and those expected to resume oral diet soon can be managed
state of fasting or use of i.v contrast dyes or reduced renal with subcutaneous rapid-acting insulin correction scales [3].
function When it is used, the BG should be checked every 2 h [52].
42 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna

An IV insulin infusion is preferred where there is antici- autoimmune diseases, or drug induced [59]. The diagnosis is
pated hemodynamic disturbance, significant fluid shifts, confirmed by blood tests revealing low T3 and T4 levels and
expected changes in temperature, inotropic support, or high TSH in primary and decreased TSH in secondary hypo-
lengthy operative times (greater than 4 h). In this situation, thyroidism. These patients pose challenges during periopera-
hourly insulin monitoring is needed. tive period due to their effects on various organ systems.  Postoperative glycemic control:  Physiologic Challenges

For noncritical and non-ICU patients, the subcutaneous slid- Cardiac disturbances like increased peripheral vascular
ing scale insulin is used with BG being checked every 2 h. If resistance, decreased cardiac output; Respiratory implica-
BG drops below 70 mg/dl, insulin is stopped and oral dex- tions like increased incidence of pneumonia, impaired respi-
trose or iv dextrose is given. For patients in the ICU, continu- ratory drive, respiratory muscle weakness. Decreased renal
ous iv insulin infusion is given instead of the subcutaneous perfusion, decreased gastric motility, and slower drug metab-
sliding scale for BG  >  180  mg/dl. Oral antidiabetic agents olism need to be considered.
are best avoided in hospitalized patients due to the limited One of the most serious complications of surgery in hypo-
data available on their safety and efficacy. DPP-4 has shown thyroid patients is myxedema coma. It is associated with a
promising results for in-patient hyperglycemia control [54]. mortality rate as high as 80%. It is characterized by altered
mental status, which may manifest as coma or seizure, and
hypothermia, bradycardia, hyponatremia, heart failure, and
3.11.2 Hypo/Hyperthyroidism hypopnea. It is precipitated by surgery, infection, cold expo-
sure, and administration of sedatives [61].
The thyroid gland releases the hormone thyroxine (T4) and
its active form T3. The thyroid hormones are released upon  Management
stimulation by the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) A condition of euthyroidism is usually targeted preopera-
released from the pituitary gland. This is, in turn, stimulated tively and elective surgery is usually postponed. Once TSH
by thyrotropin release hormone (TRH). Secretion of T3 and values normalize, surgery can be performed. Use of seda-
T4 is regulated by the negative feedback loop modulating tives, benzodiazepenes and Opiods should be avoided [59].
release of TSH [59]. For urgent and emergent procedures, surgery may be per-
Thyroid hormones play a critical role in maintaining met- formed in mild-to-moderate hypothyroidism with levothyrox-
abolic homeostasis in the adult. Thyroid-related disorders ine cover preoperatively. Surgery should be postponed in
are due to either overproduction of thyroid hormones (thyro- patients with severe hypothyroidism in case of nonemergent
toxicosis) or hormone deficiency (hypothyroidism). These surgery. In an emergency, thyroid hormone levels should be nor-
situations may arise due to infectious, autoimmune, prolif- malized as rapidly as possible, using IV levothyroxine in a load-
erative, or tumorous pathologies [60]. ing dose of 200–500 μg followed by 50–100 μg IV daily [62].
Most patients with well-compensated thyroid disease do
not need special consideration prior to surgery. Patients with  Hyperthyroidism
a newly diagnosed thyroid disorder around the time of sur- It is commonly due to autoimmune disease (e.g., Graves’ dis-
gery will need to undergo risk assessment and optimization ease), multinodular goiter, or adenoma presenting as thyroid
before surgery. nodule. The diagnosis is confirmed by elevated serum T3 and
Routine thyroid screening is not done for asymptomatic T4. It usually causes exopthalmos, heat intolerance, anxiety,
patients unless there is a reason to suspect thyroid dysfunc- sweating, diarrhea, and weight loss [59]. It has a positive iono-
tion. Thyroid disease present with a myriad of symptoms tropic and chronotropic effect on the heart coupled with
clinically. These include-unexplained weight changes, and decreased vascular resistance [61]. Hence, these patients man-
fine tremor or changes in bowel habits, skin, hair, exophthal- ifest tachycardia, arrhythmias, or cardiac failure frequently.
mos, goiter, abnormal reflexes. Palpitations, tachycardia, or Thyroid storm is a severe manifestation of uncontrolled
bradycardia are common cardiovascular manifestations. In hyperthyroidism and is characterized by tachycardia, confu-
such situations as well as in patients with a known thyroid sion, fever, gastrointestinal complaints, and potentially leading
disorder, a TSH test should be included in the preoperative to cardiovascular collapse. It is precipitated by pain, anxiety,
analysis [61]. trauma, or GA. Hence, elective surgery should always be post-
poned in patients with overt untreated hyperthyroidism.  Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism is usually treated by β-blockers like atenolol
Hypothyroidism may be primary (due to thyroid disease) or or metoprolol as they decrease the sympathetic overactivity.
secondary due to hypothalamo-pituitary disorders. When there is no time to render a patient euthyroid as in emer-
Commonly, it is due to thyroid loss from surgery, irradiation, gency cases, cardiac monitoring and adequate β-blockers with
3  Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery 43

antithyroid medication should be given [61]. While epineph- cortisol. During surgical stress, the rate varies between indi-
rine with lidocaine is not contraindicated, caution should be viduals and also upon the type of surgery. It is usually up to
exercised. Benzodiapines should be avoided. Carbamizole 50 mg/day for minor procedures and up to 75–150 mg/day
causes agranulocytosis and this can manifest as oral ulcers. for more complex procedures, rarely exceeding 200 mg/day.
However, patients on exogenous corticosteroids aren’t able
to secrete adequate amounts of corticosteroids in response to
3.11.3 Adrenal Gland Disorders stress due to HPA axis suppression and a resulting low level
of ACTH and CRH leading to atrophy of the zona fasciculate  Primary Adrenocortical Hypofunction of adrenal cortex [63].This may predispose them to develop
Addison’s disease occurs due to autoantibody-mediated adrenal crisis, with rapidly developing hypotension, hypo-
destruction of the adrenal cortex leading to failed cortisol glycemia, collapse, and even death [59].
and aldosterone secretion. It may also occur due to tubercu- Even though there is no consensus on the exact dosage of
losis, histoplasmosis, sarcoidosis, etc [59]. Due to lack of corticosteroids that leads to hypofunction of the adrenal cor-
adequate corticosteroid production, these patients are prone tex, doses greater than physiologic doses of cortisol lead to
to hypotensive collapse, hypoglycemia, profound weakness, suppression [59]. HPAA suppression does not extend beyond
and dehydration (Adrenal crisis). 1 year after exogenous steroid therapy is stopped [64].
Adrenal crisis is rare in outpatient oral surgery. However, Hence, those at risk are:
patients with Addison’s disease who need surgery should be
covered with supplemental steroids. Drugs like barbiturates, • Patients currently taking >5 mg of systemic prednisolone
azole antifungals, etomidates, phenytoin, and rifampins • Corticosteroids been taken in the past 30 days
should be avoided as they accelerate cortisol metabolism. • Corticosteroids taken for more than a month during the
past 1 year.  Secondary Adrenocortical Insufficiency
Corticosteroids are prescribed as long-term treatment for These patients require steroid cover/supplementation
various ailments such as inflammatory bowel disease, blood when undertaken for surgeries. Most dentoalveolar and
dyscrasias like idiopathic thrombocytopenia, rheumatologic ­maxillofacial surgeries result in stress and hence require ste-
disease, reactive airway disease, and immunosuppression for roid supplements, but most other dental procedures do not
transplant recipients, etc. due to their immunosuppressive, require any additional steroid supplements [59].
anti-inflammatory, metabolic, and hemodynamic properties. Following table shows the normal corticosteroid response
This external source of long-term steroid can lead to second- to the particular level of stress and the appropriate steroid
ary adrenal insufficiency that may manifest in the periopera- cover needed in cases of adrenal suppression (Table 3.9):
tive period [63]. During the procedure, blood pressure and blood sugar
In a healthy individual, corticotrophin-releasing hormone levels should be monitored. NSAIDs should be avoided to
(CRH) has a diurnal pattern of release from the hypothala- avoid increasing risk of peptic ulceration. Prophylactic anti-
mus. This in turn acts on the anterior pituitary to release the biotics should be given in such patients to avoid postopera-
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). ACTH acts on the tive infections.
adrenal cortex to release cortisol (hydrocortisone), corticos-
terone, and mineralocorticoids. Circulating corticosteroids
have a subsequent negative feedback effect on CRH and 3.11.4 Renal Disorders
ACTH release. This constitutes the hypothalamic-pituitary
adrenocortical (HPA) axis [59]. The kidneys are responsible for eliminating metabolic waste;
Normally, an unstressed adrenal gland secretes approxi- fluid and electrolyte homeostasis; and to maintain acid and
mately 8–10 mg of cortisol per day (Table 3.8). Stress, such base balance. The kidneys also affect the cardiovascular and
as illness or surgery, is the stimulus for raised production of hematologic systems.

Table 3.8  Approximate potencies of systemic corticosteroids relative to cortisol [59]

Steroid Glucocorticoid activity Mineralocorticoid activity Equivalent dose (IV/PO)
Cortisol (hydrocortisone) 1 1 20
Cortisone 0.8 0.8 25
Prednisone 4 0.8 5
Prednisolone 4 0.8 5
Methylprednisolone 5 0.5 4
Dexamethasone 30–40 0 0.5–0.75
44 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna

Table 3.9  Normal corticosteroid response to the particular level of stress and the appropriate steroid cover needed in cases of adrenal
suppression [63]
Endogenous cortisol
Surgery type secretion rate Examples Recommended steroid dosing
Superficial 8–10 mg/day (baseline) Dental surgery Usual daily dose
Minor 50 mg/day Multiple extractions LA, Dental implant Usual daily dose
surgery plus
Inguinal hernia repair Hydrocortisone: 50 mg IV before incision
Colonoscopy Hydrocortisone: 25 mg IV every 8 h × 24 h
Uterine curettage Then usual daily dose
Hand surgery
Moderate 75–150 mg/day Minor maxillofacial trauma, Usual daily dose
Orthognathic surgery plus
Lower-extremity revascularization Hydrocortisone: 50 mg IV before incision
Total joint replacement Hydrocortisone: 25 mg IV every 8 h × 24 h
Cholecystectomy Then usual daily dose
Colon resection
Abdominal hysterectomy
Major 75–150 mg/day Total proctocolectomy Usual daily dose
esophagectomy Major cardiac/vascular plus
Hepaticojejunostomy Hydrocortisone: 100 mg IV before incision
Delivery Followed by continuous IV infusion of 200 mg of
Trauma hydrocortisone
more than 24 h
Hydrocortisone: 50 mg IV every 8 h × 24
Taper dose by half per day until usual daily dose
Continuous IV fluids with 5% dextrose and
0.2–0.45% NaCl
(based on degree of hypoglycemia)

The best parameter to assess the function of the kidneys is in perioperative period is the prerenal cause and the ischemic
the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). It is measured by calcu- acute tubular necrosis (renal AKI) due to hypoxic damage to
lating the creatinine clearance based on serum creatinine medullary region secondary to hypovolemia, hypotension,
(SC). The normal value of GFR for an adult male is and dehydration [67]. Prerenal AKI and ischemic ATN are a
130 ml/1.73 m2 and is 120 ml/1.73 m2 for an adult female. part of a spectrum of manifestations of renal hypoperfusion.
Chronic kidney disease occurs when the GFR is reduced by Hypotension or hypovolemia may be due to preoperative
at least 50 ml/min [65]. factors like hemorrhage, diarrhea, fasting, use of diuretics,
Patients with chronic kidney disease who are either on due to intraoperative factors like ongoing blood loss, activa-
dialysis, dialysis naive, or renal transplant recipients or post-­ tion of sympathetic reflexes, and due to postoperative factors
transplant patients require modification of treatment plan like intravascular volume depletion, myocardial infarction,
from a surgical point of view. These patients always have a etc [68]. Hypotension and hypovolemia result in activation
risk of developing acute renal failure in the postoperative of the sympathetic nervous system and the renin–angioten-
period either due to pre-existing renal dysfunction or solely sin–aldosterone axis, which compromises GFR by inducing
due to the effects of surgery. afferent arteriolar renal vasoconstriction. Other common
causes of AKI are the use of NSAIDs, ACE inhibitors, neph-  Acute Renal Failure (ARF) rotoxic drugs like aminoglycosides, radiocontrast materials,
ARF is the rapid loss of renal function over the course of days myoglobin, hemoglobin, and amphotericin B.  Pre-existing
to weeks, resulting in the patient’s inability to clear nitroge- diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and obstructions of the
nous waste, including creatinine and urea, from the body urinary system also lead to perioperative AKI [68].
[66]. The term Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) has replaced acute The strategy around perioperative AKI is ideally prevention.
renal failure in current literature. Perioperative AKI is a lead- Preoperatively potential risk factors such as volume depletion,
ing cause of morbidity and mortality due to increased risk of hypotension, sepsis, nephrotoxin exposure, and pre-existing
sepsis, anemia, coagulopathy, and mechanical ventilation. chronic kidney disease should be identified and elective sur-
There are three types of ARF based on etiology: prerenal, gery should be postponed till optimization is complete. Anemia
renal, and postrenal causes. The most common cause of AKI should be corrected before surgery. The choice of fluid in intra-
3  Management of Medical Comorbidities in Maxillofacial Surgery 45

operative resuscitation is usually a balanced crystalloid solu- responses. Hence, NSAIDs, aminoglycosides, benzodi-
tion like Ringer’s lactate and not a chloride-rich crystalloid. azipines, morphine, and radiocontrast media are avoided.
Hydroxyethyl starch is best avoided. Mean arterial pressure Drugs like propofol, fentanyl, and inhalational anesthetics
should be maintained and hemodynamic stability is of utmost are usually the preferred drugs of choice.
importance. Diuretics should be only given in cases of volume
overload and not for increasing GFR. Norepinephrine is pre-
ferred over dopamine as it maintains renal perfusion pressure, 3.12 P
 atients with Non-head and Neck
but the role is still not very clear [67]. Malignancies  Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) 3.12.1 Introduction

CRF is permanent renal insufficiency that develops over
months or years caused by the structural and intrinsic dam- The most common cancers in India in women are Breast,
age of the glomerulus or tubulointerstitial system. This usu- Oral, Cervical, ovary, and esophagus. Men tend to be afflicted
ally occurs when GFR is reduced by 50 ml/min. If necessary with head and neck cancers, lung, esophagus, stomach, and
treatment is not started, most cases of CRF would lead to colorectal cancer [69]. The cancers that most commonly
End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). ESRD is maintained by metastatize to the jaws and oral soft tissues are breast, lung,
regular dialysis or by transplant, in the absence of which, prostrate, thyroid, kidney, stomach, and colon [70]. Another
death may occur [68]. group of malignancies that receive chemoradiotherapy are
Preoperative assessment: the lymphoproliferative and hematologic malignancies [70].
Chemotherapy is often employed either with an intent of
Detailed history and physical examination; palliation or for cure. It may be administered as adjuvant
Cardiac work up as dictated by clinical symptoms. ECG and therapy or as neoadjuvant therapy. Cytotoxic chemothera-
Echocardiogram peutic agents have hematologic effects (myelosuppression)
Complete blood count as well as nonhematologic effects. The effects of myelosup-
Metabolic panel, serum magnesium, and phosphorus levels pression, i.e., leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia
Coagulation profile. start after 5–7 days with the nadir occurring at 10–14 days. It
is usually followed by bone marrow recovery [71]. Hence,
Coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure are the oral surgical treatment should be planned in a manner
commonly found in patients with ESRD and those on dialysis. that it doesn’t coincide with the nadir of the myelosuppres-
Hence, cardiac workup and monitoring is required in the peri- sion where the neutropenia can be as low as 500.
operative period. Maintaining euvolemia perioperatively in Radiotherapy is a part of treatment for a variety of Head
ESRD patients is mandatory. For patients not undergoing dial- and neck cancers either as primary treatment modality or as
ysis, euvolemia can be achieved with appropriate hydration or adjuvant therapy to the primary tumor or to the associated
diuresis. Dialysis is usually performed a day before surgery to lymphatic structures. Unlike the effects of chemotherapy,
prevent fluid overload and to reduce uremic complications effects of radiotherapy are more long lasting. These include
(bleeding). Postoperative dialysis helps to achieve euvolemia mucositis, xerostomia, trismus, radiation-induced fibrosis,
if large amounts of fluids were given during surgery. Heparin and dysguesia.
is withheld if dialysis is performed on the day of surgery.
Anemia complicates CKD due to the decreased produc-
tion of erythropoietin. Transfusion should be considered in 3.12.2 Treatment Protocol
the perioperative period when hemoglobin levels fall below
8–10 g/dl due to surgical blood loss in patients with ESRD. If  Chemotherapy
anemia has been detected, erythropoietin should be initiated It is best to undertake a dental screening before the start of
several weeks before the elective surgery with iron the chemotherapy so that the hopeless teeth can be extracted,
­supplementation to raise hemoglobin to the desired level. be restored, periodontal therapy, alveoloplasty be performed,
Patients who have ESRD may be susceptible to more intra- and primary closure be done. After extraction, it takes
operative and postoperative bleeding due to platelet dysfunc- approximately 10 days to 6 weeks for healing to be enough
tion caused by uremia. Hence, NSAIDs and dipyridamole for chemotherapy to start [72]. Ill-­fitting and loose dentures
should not be given within 72  h before surgery to patients should be discontinued and replaced ideally with implants
who have ESRD due to their effects on platelet function. especially in patients scheduled to take systemic bisphos-
Hypertension and glycemic control should be tightly moni- phonates or RANK-L therapy as it might lead to osteonecro-
tored in such patients as well. sis of the jaws [73]. Fluoride treatment can also be done.
These patients have inefficient mechanisms of drug clear- However, patients suffering from leukemia, lymphomas
ance that inherently predispose them to adverse drug have a state of myelosuppression even before the start of the
46 A. Moorthy and S. Krishna

Table 3.10  Modification of invasive dental treatment according to factors like granulocyte colony-stimulating factors or
hematologic indices [75]
granulocyte-­macrophage colony-stimulating factors are
Platelet Treatment Neutrophil Treatment effective drugs for prophylaxis and treatment of febrile neu-
count modification count modification
tropenia. Mucositis occurs in almost all patients and causes
>75,000 No modification >1000 No need for
cells/mm3 cell/mm3 antibiotic great difficulty in feeding, hydrating, and causes pain. It is
prophylaxis. preferable to manage it with saline mouth rinses rather than
40,000– Platelet transfusion <1000 Postpone the dental with chlorhexidine mouthwashes. Some chemotherapeutic
75,000 may be considered cell/mm3 treatment. In cases agents are also neurotoxic and cause a deep mandibular pain
cell/mm3 in the preoperative of emergency,
and postoperative discuss antibiotic
as well as altered taste sensation and dysguesia. Most of
(24 h). coverage and these symptoms subside after cessation of treatment [72].
prophylaxis before  Radiotherapy
treatment with the
medical team.
The same prophylactic measures of extraction, restoration,
Hospitalization may alveoloplasty, etc. have to be taken before radiotherapy as for
be required chemotherapy. Additionally, jaw-opening exercises should
<40,000 Postpone the dental be initiated and coronoidectomy should be considered as a
cell/mm3 treatment. In the
part of the ablative procedure [72].
case of dental
emergency, contact
the patient’s
physician before 3.12.3 Prevention and Treatment
dental treatment to
of Osteonecrosis After Chemotherapy
discuss supportive
measures, such as and Radiation
platelet transfusion,
control of bleeding, Osteonecrosis of the jaws occurring in an irradiated bone is
and need for
called osteoradionecrosis (ORN). Those occurring in a patient
Other coagulation on antiresorptive therapy like bisphosphonates or monoclonal
tests may be antibodies to RANK-L is termed Antiresorptive osteonecrosis
necessary in some of jaws (AONJ) [72]. The incidence of ORN in areas of jaws
that have received greater than 60 Gy of radiation is 5–15%.
Incidence of AONJ in patients who have received denosumab
chemotherapy. Only acute situations need to be dealt with. is 1.3% and is 1.8% in patients treated with nitrogen-contain-
Elective treatments can wait till the time the patient is in opti- ing bisphosphonates [77, 78].
mal clinical and hematological parameters, which is usually
until after chemotherapy is over. Hence, extractions of Acknowledgments  Dr Prithvi Bachalli, Consultant Oral and
grossly carious and severely periodontally compromised Maxillofacial Surgeon
Rangadore Memorial Hospital, Bangalore
teeth, ill-fitting denture, etc. should be addressed. For extrac- Dr. Prashanth Bhat, Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
tions to be done, or other invasive dental procedures, Rangadore Memorial Hospital, Bangalore
­hematologic indices should be evaluated and antibiotic pro- Dr Shobha Hegde, Registrar Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
phylaxis should be considered [74] (Table 3.10). Rangadore Memorial Hospital, Bangalore
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Medical Emergencies in Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgical Practice 4
Nallamilli V. S. Sekhar Reddy

4.1 Introduction A: Airway

B: Breathing
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery has evolved over the last few C: Circulation
decades. Although it is now practiced as a full-fledged D: Disability (refers to neurological function)
hospital-­based specialty, a significant amount of work is still E: Exposure
carried out under local anesthesia; predisposing toward a
Medical Emergencies that are life threatening and need
medical emergency precipitated particularly by stress. Oral
immediate remedial measures on an emergency basis are dis-
and Maxillofacial surgeons thus deal with the medical emer-
cussed here:
gencies in an office or hospital setting on a regular basis.
Emergency team response in most countries is prompt. 1. Acute Asthmatic Attack
The published guidelines from these countries reflect this in 2. Adrenal Crisis
the advice for the general practitioner; doing the essential 3. Airway Obstruction
minimum toward the sustenance of life in case of a medical 4. Anaphylaxis
emergency and to prioritize escalation of call for help to the 5. Chest Pain
emergency team. However, in some parts of the world, the 6. Cardiac Arrest
response time of the emergency team is expected to be com- 7. Hypoglycemia
paratively longer, due to various policy issues. The chapter 8. Tonic-Clonic Seizure
considers these special circumstances, to suggest some addi- 9. Syncope.
tional measures toward the management of the emergency,
while waiting for the arrival of the emergency team.
Also, the general advice in the management of a medical 4.2 Acute Asthmatic Attack
emergency during an outpatient procedure in a clinic is
aimed at general practitioners, who may not necessarily be Stress, Anxiety, and Infection can precipitate an asthmatic
exposed to training in clinical skills like the placement of an attack in individuals who are prone. Unfortunately, all three
intravenous cannula. Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons are of them can be part of OMFS practice.
expected to be well versed with this life-saving simple clini-
cal skill and the protocols discussed here take this into
Box 4.1
Note: Asthma that is part of a generalized anaphylactic
The management of emergency should follow the univer-
reaction needs Adrenaline via intramuscular route.
sally accepted ABCDE approach [1], which helps the clini-
cian to follow a systematic approach in an emergency
situation where the most life-threatening condition is
assessed and is given the top priority. Lack of airway kills the Signs and Symptoms:
patient first, then the lack of ability to breathe followed by • Difficulty in breathing
the absence of circulation. ABCDE approach incorporates: • Cough
• Wheezing
N. V. S. Sekhar Reddy (*) • Use of accessory muscles of respiration
Panineeya Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, • Tightness of chest
Hyderabad, Telangana, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 49

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_4
50 N. V. S. Sekhar Reddy

• Rapid breathing and Tachycardia

• Pale and anxious-looking face Box 4.2
Oxygen—Supports Combustion
Keep cylinders away from open flames and heat
• Keep the patient in a sitting position. sources
• Give two puffs of Salbutamol (100 μg/puff) inhaler [2, 3]. Oxygen cylinder should be stored in a well-­
• If no rapid response, give further puffs through a spacer ventilated area
device. Do not oil, grease, or lubricate cylinder controls.
• Consider oxygen supplementation.
• If no improvement, consider urgent transfer to a medical
center. Signs and Symptoms:

• Severe hypotension, which can manifest as weakness,

4.2.1 Life-Threatening Acute Asthma confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of consciousness.
• Nausea, vomiting.
Asthmatic attack can sometimes be severe and may fail to • Seizure may occur following deep faint.
respond to standard bronchodilator therapy. This can be fatal if
no proper treatment is given. When an asthmatic attack failed
to respond to the treatment and getting worse, the patient will • Lay patient flat.
need urgent transfer to appropriate medical center. • Give high flow oxygen.
• Arrange for urgent transfer to a medical center.
Signs and symptoms of severe life-threatening asthma:
• Establish Intravenous access.
• Silent chest, poor respiratory effort, cyanosis • Administer Hydrocortisone sodium succinate by
• SPO2 < 92% IV. Dosage given below [5, 6]:
• Exhaustion –– Children from age 2 to 11 years, 2–4 mg/kg body weight.
• Altered consciousness –– Above 11 years: give adult dose.
• Weak or irregular pulse –– Adult dose: 100 mg by IV.
–– If unable to secure IV access, give the same dose by
IM route.
• Urgent transfer to hospital is needed. • Start IV infusion of 0.9% Normal Saline.
• Oxygen supplementation.
• Salbutamol 100  μg/puff; give four puffs through spacer
device, followed by two puffs every 2 min according to 4.4 Airway Obstruction
response, up to a maximum of ten puffs or if there is nebu-
lizer available, give salbutamol 5 mg [4]. As the mouth is the primary area of our specialty, clinicians
• Hydrocortisone: 100 mg IV, or Prednisolone: 40–50 mg may have to deal with acute airway obstruction. As with
Orally [4]. everything else, prevention is the most important thing.
• For children 5 years and above, use Oral Prednisolone
Signs and Symptoms:
30–40 mg.
• For children less than 5 years, give salbutamol inhalation • Distressed patient.
up to a maximum of ten puffs while awaiting transfer to • Abnormal noises like gurgling, crowing, snoring.
an appropriate medical facility [2]. • Forced inspiratory efforts.
• No sounds at all in complete airway obstruction
• Various degrees of cyanosis leading to loss of
4.3  cute Adrenal Insufficiency/Adrenal
A consciousness.
Crisis/Steroid Crisis/Addisonian Crisis
Treatment [7]:
Sudden and severe hypotension in patients who cannot • Encourage the patient to cough.
mount a normal stress-induced cortisol response. The stress • If an object could be visualized, retrieve it with an appro-
can be physiological or psychological. Adrenal crisis can be priate instrument.
seen in patients who were taking glucocorticoids regularly or • If obstruction is caused by fluids, use high-volume suction.
who have taken glucocorticoids for a considerable period of • Back slaps: up to five back blows between the scapulae
time in the past, patients with Addison’s disease, hypopitu- while the patient is supported leaning forward.
itarism, or in other conditions associated with decreased • Abdominal thrusts: (Heimlich maneuver) up to five
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) production. abdominal thrusts by standing behind the patient.
4  Medical Emergencies in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Practice 51

• If obstruction fails to relieve, continue with five back • Position the patient in supine position unless the patient
blows alternating with abdominal thrusts. prefers to sit up due to breathing difficulties.
• If these measures fail, the patient will lose consciousness. • Make arrangements for emergency transfer to appropriate
Lay the patient down on floor and start with CPR. medical center.
–– Start with chest compressions even if there is pulse, as • While waiting for transfer [10],
chest compressions can help relieving the obstruction. –– Oxygen supplementation at 15 L/min.
• If there is partial obstruction, which could not be relieved –– Keep assessing the airway and provide necessary
by the foregoing means, arrange for emergency transfer to support.
appropriate medical care. –– Chlorpheniramine maleate IM or IV.
–– Patient may need oxygen supplementation. –– Hydrocortisone sodium succinate IM or IV.
• In patients with a completely obstructed airway, where –– Establish Intravenous access.
the obstruction could not be relieved with these measures, –– Ringer’s lactate solution or 0.9% Normal saline to sup-
where there are no facilities or skill to use a laryngoscope, port circulation.
emergency invasive procedures like jet insufflation or cri- –– Reassess the need for further adrenaline.
cothyroidotomy may be needed as life-saving measures. • Start CPR in case of cardiac arrest.
• Jet Insufflation involves placing a wide bore cannula (12–
14 gauge) through cricothyroid membrane and connect
this to a high flow oxygen source.
Box 4.4
• It is advised to read further about Jet insufflation and
Adrenaline is to be administered if there is severe
Cricothyroidotomy as the full detailed description is
respiratory distress or when there are signs of shock.
beyond the scope of this textbook.

Box 4.3
Aspiration of small objects like burs, endodontic
files, and reamers may not cause immediate life- Box 4.5
threatening airway obstruction, but retrieval of these Adrenaline—Life-saving drug for Anaphylaxis
rather small and prickly instruments from lungs is a Repeat after 5 min if not getting better
very difficult task needing bronchoscopy and can Supply: 1 mL ampoule containing 1 mg adrenaline
result in serious lung infections and damage. in 1:1000 concentration
Prevention takes priority. Site: I.M Anterolateral thigh
Adult: 500 μg IM 0.5 mL
Child More than 12 years: 500 μg IM 0.5 mL
4.5 Anaphylaxis Child 6–12 years: 300 μg IM 0.3 mL
Less than 6 years: 150 μg IM 0.15 mL
Sudden onset, severe form of life-threatening allergic reac-
tion, which can be seen following exposure to an allergen.
Remember topical anesthetic gels, chlorhexidine mouth
wash, and even contact with latex gloves can trigger anaphy-
laxis in individuals who are sensitive [8]. Box 4.6
Prompt recognition and immediate response are key to Second-line drugs:
success. Hydrocortisone sodium succinate: 100 mg
Signs and Symptoms: Route: IM or Slow IV
12 years and adults: 200 mg IM/IV
• Face—red and hot. 6–12 years: 100 mg IM/IV
• Generalized skin rash with itching. 6 months to 6 years: 50 mg IM/IV
• Various degrees of breathing difficulties manifested as Chlorpheniramine Maleate
stridor, wheezing, or hoarseness. Supply: Chlorpheniramine Maleate 10  mg/1  mL
• Pulse may initially be rapid but can gradually become Ampoule
weak or impalpable. Route: IM or IV
• Hypotension can progress to cardiac arrest. 12 years and adults: 10 mg IM/IV
Treatment: 6–12 years: 5 mg IM/IV
6 months to 6 years: 2.5 mg IM/IV
• Make sure airway is clear.
• Administer Adrenaline [9].
52 N. V. S. Sekhar Reddy

4.6 Chest Pain should be regular. In a patient with chest pain, having an
irregular pulse, suspect MI.
Experiencing chest pain in an outpatient office can be a fright-
ening experience for both the patient and to the attending clini-
cian. Thorough understanding of the pathophysiology of these 4.6.2 Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
acute cardiac events is very important for the clinician to stay
composed and initiate appropriate measures to prevent mortal- Progressive/Sudden ischemia of the cardiac muscle leads to
ity. Myocardial infarction may not always have the typical fea- necrosis of cardiac muscle. This can cause cardiac arrest.
tures of chest pain and especially diabetic patients may not
Signs and Symptoms:
have pain. Hence, a high index of suspicion is what is required.
Causes of chest pain: • Same as angina but can be more severe in intensity and
lasts long.
• Angina
• Pain in the center of the chest.
• Myocardial Infarction
• Pain radiates to neck, arms, jaw, back, or stomach.
• Hyperventilation
• Pain associated with sweating, vomiting, shortness of
Hyperventilation is associated with anxiety and often a breath, lightheadedness, or dizziness.
young person who is quite frightened of the intended treat- • Chest discomfort associated with a feeling of weakness
ment, the breathing gets very heavy resulting in decreased and unwell.
carbon dioxide levels in the blood. • Chest pain associated with an irregular pulse.
• Chest pain fails to relieve with two doses of Nitroglycerin
sublingual Spray.
4.6.1 Angina • Chest pain getting progressively worse.
• Patient with previous experience of angina, now experi-
Transient decrease of oxygen supply to cardiac muscle pre- encing an unusual type of chest discomfort.
cipitates pain. • Weak pulse.
Precipitating factors: • Falling Blood pressure.
Anxiety, stress, exertion, strong emotions, heavy meal, • Skin—pale and clammy.
and extreme weather conditions.
Signs and Symptoms:
• The moment MI is suspected, arrange for an emergency
If you are looking for typical symptoms of chest pain, you transfer of the patient to an appropriate medical facility.
may miss some cases. List of all possible presentations being: • Let the patient attain the most comfortable position. The
patient may like to sit up to avoid venous congestion on
• Pain, heaviness, or tightness in the chest.
the heart and lungs.
• Pain in the neck, throat, arms, stomach, and back.
• Administer soluble Aspirin, 300 mg [12]. Chew and swal-
• Pain can be associated with light-headedness, nausea,
low for rapid action.
shortness of breath, and sweating.
• By this time, the patient should have received at least two
Management: doses of sublingual Glyceryl trinitrate spray or tablets
[12], this may need a repeating.
• Stop the procedure and reassure the patient.
• While waiting for transfer, the following measures can be
• Clear the mouth from any foreign bodies.
done, but do not delay transfer, early expert care improves
• Let the patient attain a comfortable position (may not like
to lie flat).
–– Establish IV access.
• Administer Glyceryl trinitrate sublingual spray or
–– Give antiemetic Metoclopramide hydrochloride by
Glyceryl trinitrate sublingual tablets [11].
IV [13].
• Oxygen supplementation.
Adult > 60 kg, dose 10 mg
• Check for any irregularities of pulse.
Small-sized Adult <60 kg, dose 5 mg
Simple angina should resolve very quickly with rest alone –– Administer analgesia - Paracetamol by slow IV
or with sublingual glyceryl trinitrate spray or tablets. In sim- (Morphine, diamorphine 7 fentanyl, are not easily
ple angina, the cardiac output is not impaired, and pulse available in India) [13].
4  Medical Emergencies in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Practice 53

Adult >50 kg, dose 1000 mg in 100 mL • Not breathing normally (agonal breathing/gasping) or
Small-sized Adult <50 kg, dose 750 mg in 75 mL absent breathing
When no IV access, alternatively, give Oral –– Some people may have a seizure when cardiac arrest
Paracetamol 650 mg occurs as a result of severe cerebral hypoxia.
• Do not routinely administer oxygen. Supplemental oxy-
gen only when hypoxic.
• Patients where consciousness level deteriorates. Box 4.8
–– Watch for signs of cardiac arrest. Chest pain in a patient with previous history of stable
–– Start CPR, if cardiac arrest occurs. angina: Urgent transfer to appropriate medical facility
is to be done, if the patient feels the pain is unusual or
if the pain doesn’t resolve with rest and Sublingual
Glyceryl Trinitrate.
Box 4.7
Drugs for MI:
Glyceryl Trinitrate Aerosol Spray: 400 μg/metered
dose Box 4.9
Glyceryl Trinitrate: 300-μg tablets Do not waste time, for example, trying to find a vein
Soluble Aspirin: 300-mg tablets while the ambulance is waiting! Antiplatelet medica-
Metoclopromide: 10-mg solution for IV tion (aspirin) within few minutes of suspecting MI and
Paracetamol: 1000-mg/100-mL solution for IV early thrombolysis by the Physicians can significantly
Paracetamol: 500-mg tablets reduce the mortality associated.
Paracetamol 650 mg tablets

• Call for help and ask to bring defibrillator and emergency
4.7 Cardiac Arrest
drug kit.
• Second person can call for ambulance.
Cardiac arrest is a sudden loss of heart function resulting in
• Start CPR [14]
hypoxic damage to body organs. Lack of oxygen to the brain
–– CPR can be executed in the dental chair.
causes loss of consciousness, victim falls to the ground and
• Start with chest compressions.
stops breathing. Cardiac arrest can occur suddenly with or
–– Second person checks airway, gets ready for ventila-
without any symptoms.
tions, preferably using a bag valve mask.
Following cardiac arrest neurons start to die within
• Give 30 chest compressions.
4–6  min without oxygen. Chances of survival can be
• Give two ventilations.
increased by early defibrillation (where indicated) and
• Carry on CPR at 30:2 until expert help or AED arrives.
good-­quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, that’s insti-
• Stop CPR when patient shows signs of life.
tuted quickly and performed with minimal interruptions.
CPR with AED:
Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are increasingly
• Continue with CPR while the pads of AED are being
available and these can analyze the rhythm, whether it’s
shockable or not and can suggest you through the process
• Stop CPR and do not touch victim while the AED starts
of CPR by voice commands. In centers where AEDs are
analyzing the rhythm [15].
not available, CPR is continued until appropriate help
–– Nonshockable rhythm observed by AED—continue
arrives. Often, in busy countries like India, this can take
CPR until signs of life or AED starts analyzing rhythm
quite a considerable amount of time, so hospitals and
again [16].
healthcare establishments should be encouraged to buy
–– Shock advised by AED—Make sure no one touches
the patient directly or indirectly—Deliver the shock.
Recognition of cardiac arrest:
• Continue CPR at 30:2 while the pads remain attached.
• Unconscious • After 2 min, AED will start reanalyzing the rhythm and the
• Unresponsive cycle to be continued until the patient shows signs of life.
54 N. V. S. Sekhar Reddy

Fig. 4.1  Chain of survival

• Once the patient regains consciousness, put the patient in

4.8 Hypoglycemia
recovery position and maintain saturations above 94%,
supplemental oxygen may be needed.
Glucose is essential for the effective functioning of neurons.
• The patient should receive appropriate post-resuscitation
When the glucose levels in blood drop to a very low level, brain
care and keep monitoring as chances of a second cardiac
function will get affected and if the glucose levels are not
arrest is high in the immediate post-resuscitation period.
restored quickly, permanent neurologic damage can occur
To improve overall outcome in cardiac arrest patients, it is within 4–6 min. Hypoglycemia can occur in diabetic patients
necessary to follow these four important aspects of care: taking Insulin, who skipped meal, and is also the leading cause
1. Early recognition and call for help—do not waste time of loss of consciousness in children. Hypoglycemia occurs
trying to ascertain if pulse is there or not. A patient who is when blood glucose level falls below 70 mg/dL.
unresponsive and not breathing should be considered in
Signs and Symptoms:
cardiac arrest unless until proven otherwise.
2. Early CPR—the victim soon after cardiac arrest will have • Anxious, confused, irritable, or aggressive behavior.
some oxygen in the blood and starting with chest com- • Sweating
pressions early will be extremely beneficial to the cells • Nausea and vomiting
starved of oxygen. • Hungry
3. Early Defibrillation: The chances of reversing a shock- • Visual disturbances
able rhythm diminish with the passage of time. • Convulsions
4. Post resuscitation care: All patients who have been suc- • Loss of consciousness.
cessfully reversed from cardiac arrest should be transferred
Management [17]:
to an appropriate center with cardiac care facilities.
Management depends on consciousness level and the
The four points are incorporated into this internationally ability of the patient to take food orally without the risk of
recognized “chain of survival,” which is given here (adapted aspiration.
from the Resuscitation Council UK; website: https://www.
• Conscious patient:
–– 10–20 g of glucose
type=Full&servicetype=Attachment) (Fig. 4.1):
10 g of glucose in two teaspoons of granulated sugar
Two teaspoons of Glucon-D powder contain 15 g of
Box 4.10 Glucose
All healthcare workers should undergo proper training –– Can be repeated in 10–15 min
in CPR. Healthcare organizations throughout the world –– Once the patient’s condition improves, provide a car-
are now insisting on a CPR certificate. Such a training bohydrate snack or meal as appropriate to raise blood
has to be done on a periodic basis so that the skills are glucose level.
retained. The reader is strongly advised to undergo • Unconscious patient:
training periodically and a valid certificate will prevent –– Check if airway is clear—ABCDE approach
you from future litigation if an unfortunate event –– Put patient in recovery position
occurs to one of your patients. –– Oxygen supplementation at 15 L/min
4  Medical Emergencies in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Practice 55

–– Give Glucagon by IM route into the anterolateral thigh • Ascertain hypoglycemia as a possible cause by checking
–– If Glucagon is not available blood glucose level by a finger prick test. This should be
Arrange for emergency transfer of patient done in a patient with no previous history of epilepsy.
Give 100 mL of 10% dextrose by IV route Hypoglycemia is common in children and in diabetic
Severe cases of hypoglycemia need 50 mL of 50% patients [19].
Dextrose • Once the convulsions are stopped:
Higher concentrations of dextrose are thicker solu- –– Provide reassurance and empathy to the patient
tions, need a larger bore cannula. –– Explain what had happened
Once the patient regains consciousness, give oral –– Examine the mouth for any fluids and use suction
glucose and carbohydrate as earlier. –– Examine for any bleeding, lacerations of tongue sec-
ondary to biting
–– Place the patient in a recovery position
Box 4.11 –– Examine for any other injuries
Glucagon either by IM or SC route –– Provide oxygen as required
Dose: Adult—1 mg –– Stay with the patient until the patient is fully
Child under 8 years or less than 25  kg should be recovered
given 500 μg (0.5 mg) –– Do not give anything orally until the patient is fully
Keep patient in lateral position to prevent risk of conscious, to avoid the risk of aspiration
aspiration –– Do not attempt to arouse a patient who is sleeping after
a convulsive episode
• Prolonged Convulsions beyond 5  min or repeated sei-
zure activity without proper recovery constitutes—sta-
4.9 Grand Mal Seizures tus epilepticus [20], which can be fatal and needs to be
managed as:
Enquire with patients about how frequently they get seizures –– Make arrangements for urgent transfer to appropriate
and their compliance with medication. Patients with frequent medical center
seizure history or patients who are irregular with their medi- –– Administer midazolam intravenously [21]
cations are more likely to have a seizure while having dental –– Where IV access is not possible:
procedures. Provide the treatment in a calm, stress-free envi- Rectal route can be used effectively, especially in
ronment, avoid any seizure-triggering factors. children.
Buccal midazolam gel can be instilled into buccal
Signs and Symptoms:
vestibule with the help of a syringe with no needle.
• Seizure activity may have a brief period of aura, where the Midazolam sprays, which can be used via nasal
patient can behave indifferently, spaced out, and detached. route, are slowly being available in India.
• The patient will go rigid, lose consciousness, lose bal- Buccal and nasal routes are increasingly being used
ance, and may cry-tonic (rigidity) phase. and the reader is advised to look up for more up-to-­
• After a few seconds, sudden rhythmic jerking movements date information as suitable formulations are not
of the body lasting for up to 2 min. routinely available in India.
• Mouth goes rigid. Frothy saliva can be noticed.
• Cyanosis around the mouth can be noticed as breathing stops.
• Possible urination. Box 4.12
• Following the seizure, patient can go into varying periods Midazolam Dosage:
of confused state and may fall asleep. I.V route: Above 12 years, 5 mg slowly—patient may
Treatment [18]: need encouragement to breathe after IV midazolam.
I.M route: Adult: 0.2 mg/kg, Not to exceed 10 mg in
• Prevent injury to patient total.
–– Remove all the sharps away Child: 0.1–0.2 mg/kg, not to exceed 10 mg in total
–– Create safe space around a fitting patient Nasal Spray: Child: 0.2  mg/kg body weight (Max:
–– Provide cushions like a pillow or blanket 5 mg/nares)
–– Pay particular attention to head Rectal: Adult and children above 12 years: 10–20 mg,
• Do not restrain can be repeated once after 10–15 min if needed
• Do not attempt to insert any object between teeth Child 2–11 years: 5–10  mg, can be repeated
• Supplemental oxygen at 15 L/min once after 10–15 min
• Have a suction readily available, with a yankauer suction
tube clear oral cavity of any fluids after seizure stops [19].
56 N. V. S. Sekhar Reddy

Signs and Symptoms:

Box 4.13
Remember generalized tonic-clonic seizures can be • Feeling unwell
seen in: • Nausea, Lightheadedness
• Blurred vision
• Epilepsy • Pallor
• Head injury • Sweaty, especially forehead
• Hypoglycemia • Sudden loss of consciousness and collapse
• Hypoxia • Seizure, if the patient is not positioned in a horizontal
• Alcohol withdrawal position quickly.
• Drugs
• Local anesthesia overdose or Intravascular Management [22]:
injection • Clear airway and reassure
• Febrile convulsions • Change position to a flat or legs elevated
• Let fresh air by opening a window or a fan
• Do not let people to crowd around
• Place cold towel on forehead
• Supplemental Oxygen can be given, but usually, if it’s
Box 4.14
simple faint consciousness should recover very quickly.
Midazolam is a benzodiazepine that carries the risk of
• Once recovered, encourage the patient to have a sugary
respiratory depression. Patients need close monitoring
after drug administration and may need respiratory
• Examine for injuries secondary to fall.

4.11 O
 ther Causes of Loss
of Consciousness
Box 4.15
Typical grand mal seizure, in a known epileptic patient, Although syncope is the most common cause of loss of con-
where the seizure has subsided within a couple of min- sciousness, the other causes should also be borne in mind, as
utes, patient can be discharged with the carer, provided some of them can be quite serious, such as:
all the vital signs are with in normal range. Urgent hos- • Postural Hypotension
pital transfer is indicated in all other epileptic • Hyperventilation
seizures. • Epilepsy
• Adrenaline crisis
• Hypoglycemia
• Stroke
4.10 Syncope • Cardiac Arrest
Postural Hypotension:
Energy demands of the brain are met primarily by oxidation
of glucose. A regular and constant supply of glucose and • Loss of consciousness following a sudden change of pos-
oxygen is essential for brain function. Supply of both glu- ture from supine or sitting to standing upright.
cose and oxygen depends on effective perfusion of the brain. • Usually in patients who are taking antihypertensives or
When brain perfusion decreases beyond a critical level, the elderly.
patient loses consciousness and the balance gets affected and • Place them in a supine position and bring them to the
the patient falls. upright position slowly.
4  Medical Emergencies in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Practice 57

Lay flat
Excessive breathing in an anxiety state or excessive crying
resulting in drop of blood CO2 level.
Immediate No Immediate
• Feeling lightheaded, dizzy Recovery Recovery
• Chest discomfort to chest pain
• Muscle spasms, especially in hands and feet
• Tingling or numbness in the arms and in the perioral Check Pulse
• Control the crying/breathing through suggestion
• Use a paper bag to rebreath exhaled air to build up CO2 Absent Palpable

Follow Cardiac arrest Raise serum

protocols GLUCOSE
4.12 Conclusion

Preparedness for emergency is the key and when you are pre- Flowchart 4.1  Management algorithm for a collapsed patient where
pared, emergencies are easier to manage. The maxillofacial the cause of collapse is not known
surgeon should be able to recognize these conditions and ini-
tiate appropriate management before professional emer-
gency help is available. More often, maxillofacial surgeon is References
the lone clinician and is the sole responder in an emergency.
It is prudent for the surgeon to know what to do and what not 1. Thim T, Krarup NHV, et  al. Initial asseement and treatment with
the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE)
to do to get the best out of the worst scenario or situation. approach. Int J Gen Med. 2012;5:117–21.
It is imperative that the maxillofacial surgeons thoroughly 2. Saglani S, Fleming L, Sonnappa S, et al. Advances in the aetiology,
understand the pathophysiology and extend their skills to management, and prevention of acute asthmatic attack in children.
recognize and manage expeditiously and effectively the Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2019;3(5):354–64.
3. Fergeson JE, Patel SS, Lockey RF. Acute asthma, prognosis, and
emergencies that may arise. It is advisable that the contem- treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2017;139(2):438–47.
porary clinicians update their knowledge and skills periodi- 4. Marsh B, Drake MG. Outpatient management of acute exacerbations
cally with proper training courses. of obstructive lung diseases. Med Clin N Am. 2017;101(3):537–51.
Protocols given here are based on the currently avail- 5. Hahner S.  Acute adrenal crisis and mortality in adrenal insuffi-
ciency. Ann Endocrinol. 2018;79(3):164–6.
able evidence, keeping in view of the local healthcare sys- 6. Paur THK, Stikkelbroeck NMMI, et al. Adrenal crisis: still a deadly
tems and access. As protocols are only suggestive, the event in the 21st century. Am J Med. 2016;129(3):339.
clinician is strongly advised to use his or her own discre- 7. Schwartz A. Airway mangement for the oral surgery patient. Oral
tion when dealing with medical emergencies (Table  4.1; Maxillofac Surg Clin N Am. 2018;30(2):207–26.
8. Chapman J, Lalkhen AG.  Anaphylaxis. Anaesth Intensive Care
Flowchart 4.1). Med. 2017;18(1):16–21.
9. Young NH, Nimmo GR.  Anaphylaxis. Medicine.
Table 4.1  Causes of loss of consciousness and its age distribution 10. Moore LE, Kemp AM, Kemp SF.  Recognition, treatment,

Causes of unconsciousness and prevention of Anaphylaxis. Immunol Allergy Clin N Am.
Child Teen-mid 30 Above 40
11. Waller JR, Waller DG. Drugs for systemic hypertension and angina.
Hypoglycemia Syncope Cardiovascular causes Medicine. 2018;46(9):566–72.
Epilepsy Hypoglycemia 12. Dym H, Barzani G, et  al. Emergency drugs for the dental office.
Congenital heart disease Epilepsy Dent Clin N Am. 2016;60(2):287–94.
58 N. V. S. Sekhar Reddy

13. Herman WW, Ferguson HW.  Dental care for patients with heart 18.
Johnson EI.  Seizures & epilepsy. Med Clin N Am.
failure: an update. J Am Dent Assoc. 2010;141(7):845–53. 2019;103(2):309–24.
14. Yates EJ, Schmidbauer S, et al. Out of hospital cardiac arrest termi- 19.
Thijs RD, Surges R, et  al. Epilepsy in adults. Lancet.
nation of resuscitation with ongoing CPR: an observational study. 2019;393(10172):689–701.
Resuscitation. 2018;130:21–7. 20. Paris M, Reddy U. Update on the management of status epilepticus.
15. Fernando SM, Vaillancourt C, et  al. Analysis of bystander CPR Anaesth Intensive Care Med. 2018;19(3):83–6.
quality out of hospital cardiac arrest using data derived from 21. Papavasiliou AS, Kotsalis C, et al. Intravenous midazolam in con-
AED. Resuscitation. 2018;18:138–43. vulsive status epilepticus in children with pharmacoresistant epi-
16. Pollack RA, Brown SP, et  al. Bystander automated external defi- lepsy. Epilepsy Behav. 2009;14(4):661–4.
brillator application in non-shockable out of patient cardiac arrest. 22. Numeroso F, Mossini G, et al. Emergency department management
Resuscitation. 2019;137:168–74. of patients with syncope according to the 2018 ESC guidelines. Int
17. Bansal N, Dhaliwal R, et  al. Management of diabetes in elderly. J Cardiol. 2019;283:119–21.
Med Clin N Am. 2015;99(2):351–77.

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Part III
Anesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Local Anesthesia in Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery 5
Reena Rachel John

5.1 Introduction excitation in the nerve endings or inhibition of the conduc-

tion process in peripheral nerves [2].
Pain, the dreaded symptom, is an unpleasant sensation that
draws the attention of the individual as a whole. Its manage-
ment has greatly evolved in the field of dentistry, starting 5.1.3 Ideal Characteristic of Local Anesthesia
from the leaves of a coca tree to articaine, Comfort Control
Syringe (CCS) system, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
Stimulation (TENS), Computer-Controlled Local Anesthetic An ideal local anesthetic must have the following
Delivery System as well as oral and intravenous sedatives. characteristics:
Apart from all these, local anesthesia (LA) is the favored • It should be nonirritating and nonallergic.
mode of pain control in the profession. The painless surgery • It should not cause structural changes to nerve and
under LA is must; otherwise, endogenous catecholamines have low systemic toxicity.
are released if there is excessive pain during dental treat- • Its onset of action should be short and should be
ment, which can alter the hemodynamic status such as an stable in solution.
increase in blood pressure and heart rate and even dysrhyth- • It should be effective as both injectable and topical
mias [1]. application.
• Its action should be long enough to allow the proce-
dure to be completed.
5.1.1 Historical Background

The first local anesthetic isolated from the leaves of a coca tree
in 1860 by Neiman was cocaine, and it was Karl Koller in 5.2 Classification (Tables 5.1 and 5.2)
1884 who showed the anesthetic effect of Cocaine. In 1905,
Einhorn popularized Procaine as an effective local anesthetic.
It was derived from benzoic acid and diethyl amino ethanol. In Table 5.1  Classification of local anesthetic agents: based on chemical
1948, the anesthetic property of lignocaine was discovered by
Lofgren, and T. Gordh applied it in dental surgery [2]. Chemical structure Example
Esters of benzoic acid Cocaine, Benzocaine, Butacaine,
Piperocaine, Tetracaine
Esters of para amino Procaine, Chloroprocaine, Propoxycaine
5.1.2 Definition benzoic acid
Amides Articaine, Bupivicaine, Lidocaine,
Local anesthesia is defined as a reversible loss of sensation in Dibucaine, Mepivacaine, Prilocaine
the circumscribed area of the body caused by depression of Quinolone derivatives Centbucridine

R. R. John (*)
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Vinayaka Mission’s Sankarachariar Dental College and Hospital,
VMRF DU, Salem, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 61

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_5
62 R. R. John

Table 5.2  Classification of local anesthetic agents: based on duration Table 5.3  Composition of local anaesthetic solution (Lignocaine with
of action Adrenaline)
Duration of action Example Ingredients Functions
Ultra short acting Chloroprocaine, Procaine Lignocaine HCl Anesthetic agent
Pulpal anesthesia: less than 10 min 2% (21.3 mg)
Soft-tissue anesthesia: 30–45 min Adrenaline Vasoconstrictor, decreased absorption of LA in
Short acting Lidocaine, Prilocaine 1:80,000 blood
Pulpal anesthesia: 5–10 min (0.0125 mg)
Soft-tissue anesthesia: 60–120 min Sodium Preservative
Medium acting Mepivacine, Articaine Metabisulfite
Pulpal anesthesia: 45–90 min (0.5 mg)
Soft-tissue anesthesia: 120–240 min Methyl Paraben Preservative to increase shelf life
Long acting Bupivicaine, Etidocaine (1.0 mg)
Pulpal anesthesia: 90–180 min Sodium Chloride Isotonicity of solution to the tissues
Soft-tissue anesthesia: 240–540 min (0.6 mg)
Sodium To maintain and adjust pH
Thymol Fungicidal
5.3 Local Anesthetic Agents Distilled water Dilution
Nitrogen Bubble 1–2 mm in diameter, present to prevent oxygen
The LA agents have been divided into Esters and Amides from being trapped in cartridge and potentially
groups. The commonly used Amides are Lidocaine, destroying vasopressor or vasoconstrictor.
Articaine, and Bupivacain [2].

5.3.2 Bupivacaine
5.3.1 Lidocaine (Lignocaine)
Its chemical name is 1 butyl-2,6piperoloxylidine
Lofgren in 1943 introduced the prototype amide local anes- hydrochloride.
thetic [2], i.e., Lidocaine. It is four times more potent than prilocaine, lidocaine, and
The other similar names are xylocaine, octocaine, den- mepivacaine. It is less toxic than lidocaine and mepivacaine
tocaine. Chemically, it is Diethyl 2, 6 dimethyl acetanilide. and it is metabolized in the liver by amidases and excretion
The maximum recommended dosage for Lignocaine with via kidney 16% unchanged. Its onset of action is similar to
vasoconstrictor is 7  mg/kg not exceeding 500  mg and lidocaine, mepivacaine, and prilocaine. Effective dental con-
without vasoconstrictor is 4.4  mg/kg not exceeding centration is 0.5% and anesthetic half-life is 2.5 h.
300  mg. Its onset of action is 2–3  min and duration of Maximum recommended dose is 1.3 mg/kg body wt to a
action with vasoconstrictor is 45–75  min, without vaso- maximum of 90 mg. Because of its long duration of action, it
constrictor is less than 30  min. Its contraindications is advisable for use in lengthy surgical procedure and the
include Ehlers Danlos s­yndrome and Attention-deficit management of postoperative pain. Hence, the patient’s
hyperactive syndrome. Lignocaine is available in the form requirement for postoperative opioid analgesics is lessened
of jelly, spray, patches, and ointments. The toxicity arises when bupivacaine is used. Bupivacaine is not recommended
from inadvertent intravascular administration or from in young patients as the risk of self-mutilation is increased.
overdose. The duration of soft-tissue anesthesia has been consis-
Recently, Howlader et  al. [3] suggested open reduction tently shown to be longer than with lidocaine [4] and thereby
and internal fixation (ORIF) of isolated subcondylar frac- reducing postoperative pain experience [5].
tures under local anesthesia by using 2% lidocaine with
1:200,000 epinephrine for mandibular nerve block and supe-
rior cervical plexus blocks (SCPB). 5.3.3 Articaine
To anesthetize the cutaneous branches of SCP (lesser
occipital, greater auricular, transverse cervical, and supracla- Its chemical structure is 3-N Propylaminoproprionylamino
vicular nerve), the solution is deposited at the midpoint of 2-Carbomethoxy 4-Methylthiophene hydrochloride.
the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle border, The potency of Articaine is 1.5 times more than ligno-
as well as inferior and superior to that point subcutaneously caine and 1.9 times than procaine. Its onset of action when
creating a field block. used with vasoconstrictor is 1–2  min. Half-life is approxi-
The anesthetic agent selection should be based on three mately 21  min and it is metabolized to pharmacologically
main clinical considerations: anesthetic potency and latency, inactive metabolite called articaine acid glucoronide. Since it
onset, and duration. The composition of the local anesthetic is rapidly biotransformed to its inactive metabolite, it is a
solution is shown in Table 5.3. safe local anesthetic agent. It is excreted via kidney
5  Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 63

Table 5.4  Maximum recommended dose of common Local Anesthetic Table 5.5  Quantity of vasoconstrictor with varying dilutions
Milligrams per Micrograms per Microgram per
Local Anesthetic mg/kg mg/lb MRD (mg) Concentration milliliter (mg/ milliliter (μg/ cartridge (1.8
Articaine (dilution) ml) ml) ml)
With vasoconstrictor 7.0 3.2 500 1:1000 1.0 1000
Bupivacaine 1:2500 0.4 400
With vasoconstrictor 1.3 0.6 90 1:10,000 0.1 100
Lidocaine 1:20,000 0.05 50 90
No vasoconstrictor 4.4 2.0 300 1:30,000 0.033 33.3 73
With vasoconstrictor 6.6 3.0 500 1:50,000 0.02 20 36
1:80,000 0.0125 12.5 27.5
1:100,000 0.01 10 18
1:200,000 0.05 5 9
unchanged (5–10%) and as metabolite (90%). The maximum
recommended dosage for articaine is 0.8 mg/kg body weight.
Contraindications for the use of articaine are Idiopathic The absorption of vasoconstrictors is dose dependent and
or  congenital methemoglobinuria, hemoglobinopathies,
­ may last from minutes to half an hour. The patients with cardio-
hypoxia, and in patients with cardio-respiratory failures. vascular compromise are at increased risk with endogenously
Prolonged paraesthesia has been reported as a complication released epinephrine in response to stress rather than the epi-
following inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) [6]. nephrine, which is injected with the local anesthetic (Table 5.5).
Articaine with epinephrine is the best choice to improve
anesthesia in both inflamed and in uninflamed tissues with
good results, and more effective anesthesia for longer dura- 5.5 Causes of Failure of LA
tion can be achieved [7]. Table 5.4 shows maximum recom-
mended dose of commonly used LA. 1. Anatomic variation
2. Bifid or double nerve supply
3. Secondary supply by a soft-tissue nerve
5.4 Vasoconstrictors 4. Inadequate dose
5. Injection into the blood vessel
Importance of vasoconstrictors in  local anesthetic solution 6. Degradation of vasoconstrictor
include 7. Patient having sepsis
1. To decrease the tissue perfusion and therefore to decrease the
blood flow at the site of drug administration, which further
5.6 LA Toxicity and Antidote for Toxicity
decreases the absorption of local anesthetics into the circula-
tory system. Therefore, the blood levels of the anesthetic
Symptoms, which reflect toxicity from the administration of
agents remain low, thereby decreasing the risk of toxicity [2].
local anesthetic solution, may range from mild cutaneous
2. It also increases the time taken by the local anesthetic to
reactions to severe life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.
be absorbed from the site of administration and therefore
There are a variety of methods and drugs to treat these reac-
increases the duration of action of the local anesthetic.
tions symptomatically. However, the reversal of toxicity,
Most commonly used vasoconstrictors are epinephrine, including damage to vital organs such as the heart and brain, is
norepinephrine, levonordefrin hydrochloride, phenylephrine still less understood. A clinically efficient antidote for a com-
hydrochloride. plete reversal of toxicity is still beyond our grasp currently.

5.4.1 Dilution of Vasoconstrictor 5.6.1 Reversal of Cardiomyotoxicity

The explanation of 1:1000 vasoconstrictor concentration is Intravenous lipid emulsion (IVLE) is being reported as a res-
that 1 g/1000 mg of solute is present in 1000 ml of the solu- cue measure for LA toxicity. This has been studied and
tion, which means 1 mg of solute in 1 ml of solution. In the proven in both animal models and in limited human trials
local anesthetic solution, the concentration of vasoconstric- with successful resuscitation outcomes. The lipid emulsion
tor is less. The concentrations used are 1:80,000 or 1:100,000 acts on the plasma and tissue and extracts the lipophilic anes-
or 1:200,000. The concentration of 1:100,000 of the vaso- thetic molecules, thereby reversing their inhibitory myocar-
constrictor would contain 1000  mg in 100,000  ml of the dial effects. Bolus doses of 1.2–2  ml/kg followed by
solution. Therefore, 1 ml of 1:100,000 concentration would continuous infusion of 0.25–0.5  ml/kg/min are currently
contain 0.01 mg in 1 ml. advocated for adequate efficacy. This drug needs to be used
64 R. R. John

judiciously as optimal dosages have not been established and 5.10 Surface Anesthesia
the risks of overdosage are not clearly understood.
The form of drug used to obtain this includes ointment, gel,
viscous, cream, spray, etc. Topical application of these forms
5.7 Reversal of Soft-Tissue Anesthesia can produce anesthesia on the surface, particularly of the oral
The duration of soft-tissue anesthesia often exceeds that of This is used often, before an actual injection for L.A, at the
pulpal or bony anesthesia. This is an important reason for the site of injection, in order to reduce the pain of the needle prick
occurrence of undesirable events like accidental lip or tongue itself. It can also be used to obtund pain in situations where
biting, difficulties in speaking, eating, or drinking liquids, the oral mucosa is breached, as in an ulcer in the oral mucosa.
etc. Various drugs have been studied to decrease the postop- The gel may also be used to anesthetize the surface mucosa,
erative duration of anesthesia. Of the various drugs tried e.g., nasal, pharyngeal, etc., before a diagnostic endoscopy.
clinically, phentolamine is one drug, which has demonstrated The concentration of a local anesthetic applied topically
appreciable clinical efficacy. is typically greater than the same drug administered by injec-
Phentolamine is a nonselective alpha-adrenergic antago- tion. Drugs that are commonly employed in topical L.A for-
nist that is reversible. Its main action is vasodilatation. It has mulations are Benzocaine and Lidocaine.
been used effectively for controlling hypertensive emergen- EMLA, which is a eutectic mixture of local anesthetic
cies, especially in pheochromocytomas. In dental practice, agents, lignocaine, & prilocaine in the ratio 1:1 by weight,
Phentolamine in the form of phentolamine mesylate injec- has been found to be a very useful topical agent to be applied
tions has been used as a reversal agent against LA by revers- on the skin, before painful procedures like injection, veni-
ing the action of vasoconstrictors in the LA solution and puncture, etc. and is used extensively in children. This par-
expedites the metabolism of the LA molecules. The recom- ticular cream, which is oil-in-water emulsion, may also be
mended dose for phentolamine is the administration of used for surface anesthesia of the oral mucosa for purposes
1.8  ml of the solution containing 0.4  mg of phentolamine listed earlier.
mesylate immediately after treatment.

5.11 M
 ethods of Local Anesthetic
5.8  lain Local Anesthetic (Without
There are major three different types of methods:
It is preferred for patients having comorbidities such as cir-
culatory disorder to avoid complications and adverse sys- –– Local infiltration
temic effects of vasoconstrictors [8]. Lip laceration is one of –– Field block
the common cases, which are attended to by a maxillofacial –– Nerve block
surgeon in the emergency department for suturing. Localized
In local infiltration, deposition of the local anesthetic solu-
blanching caused by the use of local anesthetic with adren-
tion in the area of the surgery to anesthetize small terminal
alin at the lacerated wound causes difficulty in locating the
nerve endings. Field block involves the deposition of anes-
exact demarcation between skin, white roll, and lip.
thetic solution near the large terminal nerve branches to pre-
Therefore, LA without epinephrine is preferred in such cases
vent the passage of impulses from teeth to the central nervous
before suturing [9].
system. In nerve block, local anesthesia is deposited away
from the site of surgery, but close to the main nerve trunk.
Different techniques for mandibular nerve block anesthe-
5.9 Topical Local Anesthetic Agent sia have been published, including the mental/incisive nerve
block [13–15].
The solution used for this purpose is 5% Lignocaine, 10%
Lignocaine, combination of 2.5% lignocaine and 2.5% prilo- 1. The standard (Halsted) technique
caine [10]. They are indicated in patients [11, 12] 2. The standard indirect technique
–– For removal of maxillary and mandibular arch bars 3. Mental nerve (incisive nerve) block
–– Gingival probing –– standard approach for mandibular anteriors and soft
–– Deep Scaling tissue
–– Closure of facial lacerations in younger children –– anterior approach
–– Before LA injections in small patients –– extraoral approach
In suture and staple removal 4. Clarke-Holmes technique (1959)
5  Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 65

5. Vazirani technique (1960) –– Collection of fluid in the oral cavity

6. Akinosi technique (1977) closed-mouth technique –– Injury to tongue
7. Wolfe technique (1992) –– Loss of control of tongue, which can lead to respiratory
8. Sargenti technique (1966) embarrassment
9. Gow-Gates technique (1973) –– Unpleasant effects of bilateral anesthesia [18].
10. Ipsilateral open-mouth technique (2007)
Many authors advocated the use of sodium bicarbonate in
11. Morishita (positive aspiration) technique (2007)
addition to the lignocaine solution to reduce the duration of
12. Extraoral submandibular approach
onset of anesthesia, and it is very effective in reducing pain
13. Lateral extraoral approach
during the injection. Sodium bicarbonate ions also nonspe-
14. Anterior extraoral approach. (1969)
cifically reduce the safety margin for nerve conduction and it
Different maxillary nerve block techniques have been has a direct action on the binding of Local anesthetic to the
described. sodium channel [19–21].
1. Anterior-superior alveolar nerve and infraorbital nerve
–– intraoral approach (bicuspid approach) 5.12 Techniques
–– Bisecting approach (central incisor)
–– extraoral approach 5.12.1 Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block (Also
–– nasal approach (1969) Known as Mandibular Nerve Block)
2. Posterior-superior alveolar nerve block (tuberosity block) [Along with Lingual & Long Buccal
Middle-superior alveolar nerve block (buccal Nerve Blocks]
4. Middle and anterior-superior alveolar nerve block (pala- This is the single most important nerve block, whose tech-
tal approach) nique needs to be mastered. With this, we can anesthetize the
5. Sphenopalatine (incisive) nerve block whole of the mandibular soft and hard tissues, including the
6. Greater palatine nerve and lesser palatine nerves block cheek, and many procedures in this region can be carried out.
7. Maxillary nerve blocks, Secondly unlike in the maxilla, infiltration techniques do not
–– High tuberosity approach provide adequate anesthesia to the hard tissue in the mandible,
–– Greater palatine canal approach particularly the teeth. This is due to the dense cortical bone in
–– nasal approach the mandible, in contrast to the porous maxillary bone, where a
–– lateral extraoral approach paraperiosteal deposition of the solution can allow the solution
–– suprazygomatic extraoral approach extraoral approach to diffuse through the bone to the periapical region easily and
–– anterior-lateral extraoral approach. cause anesthesia of the teeth and their supporting structures.

5.11.1 Percentage of Blood Vessel Penetration 5.12.2 Technique

During IANB
This description is for injection on the right side of the
During IANB, the intravenous injection of local anesthetic is patient and for a right-handed operator. The surgeon is on the
very common. Frangiskos F et al. [16], in their study, found right side of the patient, in front of the patient. The patient is
positive aspiration (the tip of the needle is in the blood ves- asked to open the mouth wide.
sel) 20% times. The positive aspiration was more commonly With the left hand, the operator palpates the posterior buccal
seen in young patient’s age ranging from 9 to 19 years. To sulcus, runs the index finger posteriorly to feel the external
avoid systemic complications while giving local anesthesia, oblique ridge and the anterior border of the coronoid process. As
aspiration is must in each and every case. the finger proceeds upwards, palpate the coronoid process up
and down to determine the deepest point on its anterior border.
This is the coronoid notch. [This is a very important landmark
5.11.2 Controversy in the Use of Bilateral IANB because this determines the vertical height at which the needle
and Lingual Nerve Block [17] should be inserted, the reason being the Mandibular foramen on
the medial aspect of the ramus where we want the needle to
Has bilateral IAN and Lingual nerve block been given? reach is in direct line with the coronoid notch] Fig. 5.1.
Some surgeons recommend, while some do not, but there are Once the coronoid notch is palpated with the pulp of the
no published data available regarding its contraindications. index finger, the finger is rotated such that the nail faces
The common complications associated with its use are medially. At the same time, the finger retracts the soft tissue
66 R. R. John

The syringe is aspirated and 1 ml of the solution is deposited.

This will anesthetize the inferior alveolar nerve as it enters the
mandible. Now, the needle with the syringe is swung on to the
corner of the mouth on the same side, i.e., right, and is slowly
withdrawn after about half the length is inserted and 0.5–0.8 ml
of the solution is deposited here. This will take care of the lingual
nerve, which is anteromedial to the inferior alveolar nerve.
Now the needle is withdrawn completely out of the soft
tissue and is reinserted into the cheek, posterior to the last
molar teeth at the level of the occlusal plane of the mandibu-
lar teeth for a short distance. After aspiration, the remaining
0.5 ml of the solution is deposited. This anesthetizes the long
buccal nerve [for the left-sided block, the surgeon is slightly
behind the patient on the right side with the left hand coming
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India This classical Mandibular Nerve block of inferior alveo-
lar nerve with lingual & long buccal is done together if the
Fig. 5.1  Dry mandible showing the position of needle and the coro- mandibular molars and their adjoining soft tissues need to be
noid notch
anaesthetized. The reason being the pulp and the periodon-
tium of these teeth are supplied by the inferior alveolar nerve.
The lingual gingiva is supplied by the lingual nerve and the
buccal gingiva by the long buccal nerve.

5.12.3 Areas Anesthetized by This Block

1. Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block

(a) All mandibular teeth and the bone surrounding them.
(b) The buccal gingiva in relation to the Mandibular
anterior and premolar teeth.
(c) Lower lip on the same half up to the midline.
2. Lingual Nerve Block
(a) The lingual gingiva of the Mandibular teeth along
with the lingual Mandibular mucosa.
(b) The Anterior 2/3rd of the tongue on the same side.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
3. Long buccal nerve Block
Fig. 5.2  Picture showing needle insertion position from the soft tissue (a) The cheek mucosa.
for IAN block (b) Buccal gingiva and mandibular mucosa in relation to
the molar teeth.
to reveal a depression called the pterygo mandibular depres-
sion, which is medial to the finger between the finger and the
pterygo Mandibular raphe (Fig. 5.2). 5.12.4 Signs and Symptoms of Anesthesia
Now the needle with solution in the syringe is taken in the
right hand and is introduced into the mouth from the oppo- It usually takes about 3–5  min before adequate depth of
site side (i.e., left side) corner of the mouth/premolar area. anesthesia is obtained after any injection. In other words,
The syringe and needle are kept parallel to the Mandibular although symptoms of anesthesia may be felt almost instantly
occlusal plane and are introduced into the pterygo temporal after the injection, for the patient to feel no pain during the
depression at the same height as the nail of the index finger procedure a wait of at least 5 min is needed.
(on the coronoid notch). The needle is advanced slowly in It has been conventional to confirm the anesthesia
the soft tissue till the needle strikes the bone and resistance is obtained with two parameters:
felt. Now the needle is in the pterygo mandibular space
1. Subjective symptoms of anesthesia as experienced by the
bounded laterally by the medial surface of the ramus of the
mandible and it is just above the lingula in the area of the
2. Objective signs elicited by the surgeon.
opening of the mandibular foramen.
5  Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 67

Subjective symptoms may or may not be present with cer-  Failure to Obtain Anesthesia
tain nerve blocks, e.g., nasopalatine block. However with the It is the most common problem and usually due to the wrong
classical inferior alveolar/mental nerve block, a tingling and technique. Repeating the block employing the right tech-
numbness on one half of the lip (same side) will be felt. nique is usually the solution. However, this might be encoun-
There will be an area of sharp demarcation between the tered in two other situations.
numb side of the lip and the normal side at the midline. The
1. Failure to anesthetize the myolohyoid branch, which
tingling or numbness will start instantly to become heavy in
might occasionally innervate the site of the procedure.
about 3–5 min. Similar sensation of numbness will be felt on
2. Also as already mentioned, in an apprehensive patient,
the same side of the tongue particularly the tip as a result of
the symptoms of pressure may be interpreted as pain. In
the lingual nerve block. There may be no symptoms of
this situation, anxiety reduction techniques may be
numbness felt by the patients in the other anaesthetized
needed or alternately some other form of anesthesia, e.g.,
areas, e.g., the gingiva, teeth, or the cheek.
conscious sedation or General Anesthesia may have to be
The objective sign as elicited by the surgeon is more reliable
employed. The subjective symptom of numbness in the
and may be the only means of ascertaining anesthesia in the
lower lip (same side) and tip of the tongue will be the
absence of subjective symptoms. The objective sign of anesthe-
distinguishing feature between a faulty technique and an
sia is lack of pain in the area anesthetized when stimulus is
apprehensive patient. In the former, it will be absent, and
applied with a blunt instrument, e.g., the end of a periosteal
in the latter very much present.
elevator. [It should be noted from the earlier discussion that the
patient might feel the pressure of the instrument and an appre-
hensive patient might occasionally interpret this as pain.]  Hematoma Formation
In checking for anesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve, the This may occur within the pterygo mandibular space as a
blunt instrument must be applied on the buccal gingiva anterior result of bleeding induced by the needle prick. It may be a
to the mental foramen, because the lack of sensation in the pos- rare problem. The patient might have pain, swelling, & dif-
terior buccal soft tissue indicates a successful long buccal nerve ficulty in opening the mouth. The treatment is symptomatic
and not inferior alveolar nerve block. The same blunt instrument and possibly prophylactic antibiotic cover. It will resolve
must be applied in the gingival sulcus on the lingual side of the spontaneously.
tooth to be extracted for lingual nerve anesthesia. The same can
be done to check the buccal nerve anesthesia.  Transient Facial Nerve Palsy
May occasionally occur as a result of a faulty technique
where the needle is inserted farther posteriorly into the sub-
5.12.5 Complications (Table 5.6) stance of the parotid gland (in this situation, the needle would
have failed to encounter bony resistance) and paralyzes the
These were discussed very briefly as local complications of facial nerve.
L.A in the earlier section. Specific complications after an The patient will have typical signs of ipsilateral facial nerve
Inferior Alveolar Nerve block include: palsy/weakness, which includes difficulty in closing the eye,
absence of wrinkles on the forehead, and drooping of the cor-
1. Failure to obtain anesthesia
ner of the mouth ipsilaterally with a possible asymmetry. This
2. Hematoma formation
effect will be transient, till such time the local anesthetic effect
3. Transient facial nerve palsy/weakness
persists (about 1–1½ h) and the patient needs to be reassured.
4. Trismus
5. Breakage of the needle.  Trismus
Is a relatively more common complication and will be seen
Table 5.6  Complications with local anesthetics usually postoperatively. It could be due to a variety of causes,
Local Systemic including:
Needle breakage Syncope
Paresthesia Adverse drug reactions 1. Muscle spasm due to injury
Facial nerve paralysis Overdose drug reactions 2. Infection
Trismus Psychogenic reactions
3. Necrosis of tissue due to contact with contaminants, etc.
Soft-tissue injury
Hematoma Most of the time it resolves spontaneously. But on occa-
Pain on injection
Burning on injection
sion, this will require anti-inflammatory analgesics, muscle
Infection relaxants, and vigorous physiotherapy to overcome the prob-
Edema lem. Wherever an infection is suspected, a suitable antibiotic
Sloughing postanesthetic intraoral lesion cover may also be needed.
68 R. R. John  Accidental Breakage of the Needle Another viable alternative to the VA block is the tech-
Occurring within the tissues of the pterygo mandibular space, nique of Gow-Gates described in 1973. In the Gow-Gates
this is a very rare complication today where we use dispos- technique, anesthesia is administered more proximally, at the
able needles for one use only. But when this happens, a radio- neck of the condyle and relies on extraoral landmark [26].
graphic guided exploration and removal of the broken piece
may be needed. Gerbino G et al. [22] advocated use of brain
LAB vector vision neuronavigation system for the retrieval of 5.13.3 Technique
broken needle. This Intraoperative navigation system is very
helpful in locating the broken needle fragment. A 25-gauge long needle is used. The operator stands in front
of the patient. It is very essential for the patient to extend his
neck & open the mouth as wide as possible. Here the needle is
5.13 V
 azirani–Akinosi (VA) Versus Inferior inserted into the mucosa medial to the mandibular ramus on a
Alveolar Nerve Block line parallel to a line drawn from the intertragic notch to the
corner of the mouth—just distal to the maxillary second molar.
The closed mouth VA technique to anesthetize the IAN, lingual, The needle is inserted from the corner of the mouth on the
and long buccal nerve simultaneously was described in 1977 opposite side. The height of insertion is just at the level of the
[23]. VA is used only secondarily to conventional IAN block. mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary second molar. Slowly
advance the needle till the bone is contacted. (The needle here
is in contact with the neck of the condyle. The position the
5.13.1 Indications for VA [24] patient is asked to assume, i.e., extend neck & open mouth
wide, is to facilitate a more frontal position of the condyle
1. In patients with restricted mouth opening closer to the mandibular nerve trunk). The average depth of
2. In cases of failure of IAN blocks insertion is about 25 mm. Aspirate & inject 2 ml of the solu-
3. Difficult-to-locate landmarks for IAN block tion slowly. Unlike with the classical method, injection is at
one site only in this technique. This anesthetizes the inferior
The percentage of Positive aspiration is much higher with alveolar, lingual, long buccal branches of the mandibular here
IAN block in comparison to VA. This is because of the close with similar effect as the classical block (Fig. 5.3a, b).
proximity of the inferior alveolar artery, which enters the
mandibular foramen just behind the nerve [25]. To avoid fre-
quent aspiration, many surgeons prefer VA technique in nor- 5.14 Mental/Incisive Nerve Block
mal patients also.
These are two very similar blocks except that in a mental
block the solution is deposited around the mental nerve as it
5.13.2 Akinosi–Vazirani Technique (Closed-­ exits the mandible at the mental foramen, whereas for an
Mouth Technique) incisive nerve block, the solution is injected into the mandi-
ble through the mental foramen. This blocks the incisive
A 25-gauge long needle is used. The operator is in front of nerve, which is the continuation of the inferior alveolar nerve
the patient on the right side (right-handed operator) for both anteriorly, up to the midline.
sides on the patient.
With the left index finger or thumb, the coronoid notch is
palpated and the soft tissues on the medial aspect of the 5.14.1 Technique
ramus are pushed laterally. The needle is held parallel to the
maxillary occlusal plane on the same side of the injection This may be carried out with the operator standing in front of
and is inserted adjacent to the maxillary third molar into the the patient (can also be done easily with the operator stand-
soft tissue overlying the medial border of the ramus, just ing behind).
adjacent to the maxillary tuberosity. This is now advanced With the left-hand thumb or index finger, palpate the muco-
posteriorly & slightly laterally. The bevel of the needle is buccal fold on the mandible starting in the molar region mov-
away from the mandibular ramus and in an average-sized ing anteriorly when depression will be felt. This is usually in
adult the needle is inserted about 25 mm into the tissue. At relation to the apex of the premolar teeth where the mental
this point, the tip of the needle will be in the middle of the foramen is present. The needle is now directed vertically to be
pterygo mandibular space close to the branches of the man- inserted into this area with the bevel facing the bone. With the
dibular nerve. After aspiration, the LA solution is injected. mental nerve block, the solution is deposited in the soft tis-
The areas anesthetized, signs and symptoms of anesthesia are sues, whereas for the incisive the needle is inserted into the
similar to the open-mouth technique of mandibular nerve block. foramen for a short distance before injection.
5  Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 69

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 5.3 (a, b) Position of needle from medial and lateral aspect in case of closed-mouth technique

5.14.2 Areas Anesthetized 5.15.1 Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Block

Mental Nerve Block: Buccal mucosa and gingiva in the man-
dible anterior to the premolar area, lower lip mucosa, and The position of the operator is on the front of the patient for
skin on the same side. both sides, on the right side, for a right-handed operator.
Incisive Nerve Block: In addition to the aforementioned Palpate the maxillary mucobuccal fold after asking the patient
structures, mandibular teeth anterior to the mental fora- to open mouth partially and retracting the buccal soft tissue with
men, i.e., incisors, canine, and the premolars (which are the index finger of the left hand. Insert the needle (25/27 gauge—
anterior to the mental foramen). 20-mm length) into the height of the mucobuccal fold opposite
the upper second (second) molar tooth. Advance the needle in
inward, upward, backward direction with the needle at 45° angle
5.14.3 Signs and Symptoms to the maxillary plane for about 10–15 mm. The tip of the needle
will now be close to the entry of the posterior superior alveolar
Subjective: Tingling and numbness in the lower lip on the nerve into the maxilla on its posterior surface. Inject 1–1.5 ml of
same side for both blocks as it is for the inferior alveolar the solution after aspiration (Fig. 5.4).
Objective: Lack of pain on probing with a blunt instrument  Areas Anesthetized
over the buccal gingival/mucosa in the anterior Mandibular
1. Buccal alveolar mucosa and gingiva in relation to the
maxillary molar teeth.
Complications: Hematoma formation: If there is bleeding
2. All the three maxillary molar teeth except the mesiobuc-
submucosally or subcutaneously, pressure application to
cal root of the first molar in some instances. (This may be
stem the flow is all that is needed, with reassurance to the
supplied by the middle superior alveolar nerve occasion-
patient that it will resolve spontaneously in a short period
ally. In this case, to anesthetize the first molar tooth com-
of days.
pletely, a buccal infiltration has to be given in addition to
the posterior superior alveolar nerve block if employed.)
5.15 Nerve Blocks in the Maxilla Hence, this is a nerve block, which may be used if multi-
ple extractions of molar teeth have to be done in the maxilla
As already mentioned, in maxilla buccal & palatal infiltra- or any other procedure in this area.
tion techniques are often followed because they are effective,
particularly if the surgical area is limited, e.g., extraction of  Signs and Symptoms
a single tooth. However nerve blocks are useful at times, par- Subjective: The patient usually will not feel any tingling or
ticularly when anesthesia of a larger area is sought. numbness in this case.
70 R. R. John

Objective: Lack of pain on probing with the blunt instrument Once again, reassurance to the patient is needed. Prophylactic
as with any other local anesthetic injection. antibiotics to prevent secondary infection of the hematoma
Complications: Most common problem is a swiftly develop- may be considered.
ing hematoma particularly if the needle goes too far dis-
tally into the area of the pterygoid venous plexus.
As in earlier instances, pressure needs to be applied in this 5.15.2 Infraorbital Nerve Block [Also Anterior
case, on the face above the area where the swelling is devel- and Middle Superior Nerve Blocks]
oping. The sudden swelling can be alarming but is of little
consequence once the application of pressure stops flows.  Technique
The operator (right handed) is on the right side of the patient
for both sides, i.e., left & right.
With the left index finger, the infraorbital rim on the face
is palpated. A notch is felt on the medial third of this region,
the finger is now slid down to feel for depression below this
notch on the anterior surface of the maxilla. This is the
position of the infraorbital foramen. With the left index fin-
ger over the infraorbital foramen, the cheek is retracted
with the thumb and a 25-gauge needle is inserted intra-
orally into the height of the mucobuccal fold opposite the
first premolar with the bevel of the needle directed toward
the bone and the needle being parallel to the long axis of
the tooth. The needle is advanced until gentle bone contact
is made, and this will be the upper rim of the infraorbital
Aspirate and inject about 1–1.5 ml of the solution. As the
solution is deposited, firm pressure is applied over the infra-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
orbital foramen by the left-hand index finger so as to facili-
Fig. 5.4  Needle insertion position in posterior superior alveolar nerve tate entry of the solution into the infraorbital canal through
block the foramen (Fig. 5.5a, b).

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 5.5 (a, b) Position of needle insertion and target point in dry skull in Infraorbital nerve block
5  Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 71  Areas Anesthetized 5.15.3 Palatal Anesthesia

1. The lower eyelid, lateral side of the nose, and the upper
Injection into the palatal tissues, whether an infiltration or a
lip on the same side (This is due to blockade of the termi-
nerve block, is the most painful. The reason is the palatal
nal branches of the infraorbital nerve after it exits the
mucoperiostem is tightly adherent to the bone and there is no
foramen and will happen irrespective of whether the solu-
easy space for the solution to flow. This also makes the pro-
tion has entered into the foramen)
cess of injection difficult as often there is backflow due to the
2. The buccal gingiva & mucosa, as well as the upper ante-
resistance offered.
rior and premolar teeth on the same side as well as the
Most often, particularly when a single tooth is involved,
mesiobuccal root of the first molar if it is supplied by the
infiltration anesthesia is preferred in the palate. However,
middle superior alveolar nerve. (For this to happen, the
two nerve blocks are often used particularly when a larger
anesthetic solution injected should diffuse into the infra-
area is involved
orbital canal in the floor of the orbit from where the
1. Greater palatine nerve block
branches, anterior, & middle superior alveolar nerve are
2. Nasopalatine or Anterior Palatine Nerve block.
given off.)  Greater Palatine Nerve Block  Signs and Symptoms of Anesthesia Technique: The greater palatine foramen in the adult is usu-
Subjective: Tingling & numbness in the areas supplied by the ally present on the palatal side of the second molar tooth at
terminal branches of the infraorbital nerve, i.e., the lower the junction of the alveolus and the horizontal palatine bone.
eyelid, lateral side of the nose, and the upper lip on the (This may be palpated as a depression in this area but need
same side. (This symptom does not necessarily mean that not be done for the purpose of the nerve block.)
the anterior & middle superior alveolar nerves have been A 25/27-gauge short needle is inserted from the opposite
anesthetized. This can be confirmed only objectively.) side with the operator standing in front (for both sides of the
Objective: Like always, lack of pain on probing with a blunt patient) into the area palatal to the second molar at the junc-
instrument in the area anesthetized. tion of the alveolus & the palatine bone (Fig. 5.6a, b). A little
Complication: Are few. Rarely a hematoma may develop. solution is deposited (0.1–0.2 ml) at the point of entry and

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 5.6 (a, b) Intraoral and in dry skull showing insertion of needle in greater palatine nerve block
72 R. R. John

the needle is advanced into the foramen for a variable dis- This section focuses on a few regional blocks, which can
tance (0.5–0.7 cm) and the rest, about 0.8 ml is deposited. As be added to the armamentarium of today’s maxillofacial
usual, always aspirate before depositing any solution. surgeon.
Areas Anesthetized: The palatal gingiva of the maxillary 1. Maxillary nerve block
teeth till the second premolar on the same side as well as the 2. Mandibular nerve block
palatal mucosa & bone on the same side till the premolar 3. Greater auricular nerve block
region. 4. Glossopharyngeal nerve block &
5. Sphenopalatine ganglion nerve block
Signs and Symptoms of Anesthesia
Subjective: May not always be there. However, numbness in
the posterior hard palate mucosa may be present. 5.16.1 Maxillary Nerve Block
Objective: Confirmation of anesthesia is always by lack of
pain in the area and tested by probing with a blunt There are numerous techniques for achieving total maxillary
instrument. nerve anesthesia for dental and maxillofacial surgical procedures.
These may be divided into intraoral and extraoral methods [27].  Nasopalatine Nerve Block The intraoral techniques include:
Technique: Operator in front with the patient mouth wide
open, a 25/27 gauge needle is inserted into the palate just 1. The “Greater Palatine Canal” Approach where a
lateral to the incisive papilla. A small amount 0.1–0.2 ml of 25-gauge needle is passed and manipulated through the
the solution is injected after aspiration. Now the needle is greater palatine canal to reach the maxillary nerve trunk
advanced further into the incisive foramen for a distance of at the pterygopalatine fissure (PTM fissure) and
about 0.5–0.75 cm and 1 ml of the solution is deposited as 2. The “High Tuberosity” Block Technique where the
always after aspiration. maxillary nerve is anesthetized as it traverses the
Areas Anesthetized: Probably the only nerve block, which pterygomaxillary fissure. The technique involves the
anesthetizes bilaterally symmetrical areas and hence there is insertion of a 1.5-in. 25-gauge needle through the depth
no separate right- & left-sided blocks. The palatal gingiva of of the mucobuccal fold lateral to the maxillary tuberosity
the anterior teeth up to the first premolar on either side as in a fashion similar to the posterior superior alveolar
well as the palatal mucosa and bone in the same anterior nerve block. The depth of penetration is about 30 mm and
region. the target area is the pterygomaxillary (ptm) fissure pos-
terolateral to the maxillary tuberosity.
Signs and Symptoms The extraoral technique [28, 29]:
Subjective: May be variable if present there is numbness of It involves a subzygomatic, technique. The clinical land-
the anterior palate. marks include the area below the zygomatic arch anterior to
Objective: lack of pain in the anesthetized area on blunt the articular eminence. This corresponds to the region above
probing. the midpoint of the sigmoid notch of the mandible. A 25-gauge
The various nerve blocks discussed so far are the com- 90-mm-long spinal needle is preferred for this method; the
monly used techniques. Usually this set of techniques is suf- needle is inserted to a depth of about 45 mm till it contacts the
ficient for all requirements of local anesthesia in the oral lateral side of the lateral pterygoid plate. The needle is then
cavity. There are a number of alternative techniques, intra- withdrawn half-way and then angulated 15° in the forward and
oral and extraoral, which are described in literature and may upward directions, which lead it to the region of the superior
be popular in some parts of the world. However, a couple of aspect of the ptm fissure, which corresponds to the exit of the
them will be discussed here because they may have a specific maxillary nerve from the foramen rotundum across the ptm
indication or may be a popular technique. fissure. After negative aspiration, a volume of 2 ml is injected
into the space, and the needle is withdrawn (Fig. 5.7).

5.16 R
 egional Blocks in Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery 5.16.2 Mandibular Nerve Block
Regional blocks are fast becoming popular in providing not The extraoral technique for the mandibular nerve block is
only local anesthetic support for performing surgical proce- very similar to the maxillary nerve block [30].
dures of the head and neck, but also as a method for periop- Technique—The surface landmarks and point of pene-
erative pain control in the form of pre-emptive anesthetic tration for the block are the same and so is the armamen-
techniques. tarium. The needle after penetrating the skin is advanced to
5  Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 73

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 5.7  Representing pathway of needle in extraoral maxillary nerve Fig. 5.8  Showing position of needle insertion in extraoral mandibular
block nerve block

contact the lateral pterygoid plate as described earlier, fol- intersect the posterior border of the sternomastoid muscle.
lowing which the needle is withdrawn half way and turned This corresponds to the area where the superficial branches
posteriorly by 15° to the same depth of 45 mm. This area of the cervical plexus emerge from under the sternomastoid
corresponds to the region just caudal to the foramen ovale muscle, wrapping around the posterior border. A small sub-
through which the mandibular nerve trunk exits the skull cutaneous injection of local anesthetic solution (around
base. After negative aspiration, a volume of 2.5–3  ml is 2 ml) will anesthetize the greater auricular nerve and its area
injected to anesthetize the mandibular nerve. of distribution (Fig. 5.9).
The extraoral mandibular nerve block with suprazygomatic
access can be safely and efficiently used with this unique
approach for the mandibular nerve block to get relief in pain 5.16.4 Glossopharyngeal Nerve Block
and Trismus. After local infiltration, an 18-gauge insulated and
stimulating cannula is inserted into the retrozygomatic space The utility of the glossopharyngeal block has been studied in
just above the zygomatic arch and directed to the angle of indications such as:
mandible with medial and posterior inclination (Fig. 5.8) [31]. 1. Excessive gag reflex during oral procedures
2. Excellent adjuvant for oropharyngeal anesthesia during
awake endotracheal intubations (blind nasal or
5.16.3 Greater Auricular Nerve Block fibro-optic)
3. Management of pain due to glossopharyngeal neuralgias
This nerve block is performed as an extraoral technique and and atypical facial pain secondary to Eagle’s syndrome
provides good surface anesthesia to the periauricular skin [33–35]. The block can be administered both via an intra-
and skin over the angle of the mandible [32]. oral and an extraoral method. The intraoral technique is a
Technique—The landmarks used for this technique relatively easy and simple technique to administer pro-
include the cricoid cartilage and the posterior border of the ducing good outcomes.
sternocleidomastoid muscle. With the patient supine or Technique—A 25-gauge, 1 inch needle is chosen. The
semisupine, a line is drawn from the cricoid cartilage to landmark for penetration is the base of the anterior tonsillar
74 R. R. John

5.16.5 Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block

Indications for sphenopalatine ganglion block include:

1. Management of cluster headaches and migraine
2. Treatment for atypical facial pain
3. Palliative pain control for patients with maxillary malig-
nancies and
4. Pre-Emptive nerve blockade for perioperative pain control
in surgical procedures of the maxilla and palate [36, 37]
Technique—There are numerous techniques for the
administration of sphenopalatine block, but the most com-
monly followed methods are the greater palatine approach
and the transmucosal approach in the posterior aspect of the
middle meatus. The greater palatine approach is the same as
the maxillary nerve block via the greater palatine canal,
which simultaneously blocks the sphenopalatine ganglion as
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India well. The transmucosal method, which is most commonly
followed, maybe done blind or using endoscopic guidance. A
Fig. 5.9  Showing position of needle for greater auricular nerve block
cotton pledget on a long application stick is dipped in anes-
thetic solution or gel and is advanced transnasally to the pos-
terior aspect of the middle turbinate to reach the end of the
middle meatus. This corresponds to the level of the spheno-
palatine ganglion, which is a very superficial structure. The
local anesthetic gel is then deposited, which produces anes-
thesia through transmucosal perfusion. Another recent tech-
nique involves the submucosal injection of the anesthetic
solution into the posterior aspect of the middle meatus for
achieving the block (Fig. 5.11) [37].

5.17 Recent Advances in Local Anesthesia

Research is ongoing to find newer modalities of pain man-

agement. In order to administer local anesthesia with less
pain and adverse effects, newer technologies have been
developed. Some of them are:

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

5.17.1 Vibrotactile Devices
Fig. 5.10  Target area for glossopharyngeal nerve block
This device is based on the Gate Control theory, which pro-
poses that pain during injection can be decreased by simulta-
pillar lateral to the base of the tongue. The syringe is posi- neous stimulation of nerve fibers by vibration.
tioned with the barrel near the maxillary premolar of the con-
tralateral side with the needle facing the base of the anterior  Vibraject [38]
tonsillar pillar. The tongue is retracted medially to provide An attachment, which is battery operated, is snapped on to
good visualization of the involved site. The needle is then the barrel to deliver strong vibrations, which is felt by the
made to pierce the mucosa and advance by 5 mm. This cor- patient and therefore reducing the perception of pain.
responds to the target site for the glossopharyngeal nerve in
the submucosal space. After judicious aspiration, if found  Dental Vibe [39]
negative, a volume of 3 ml of anesthetic solution (2% ligno- It is a handheld device, which delivers pulsed percussive
caine) is administered to block the nerve trunk (Fig. 5.10). oscillations to the site of injection, thereby closing the pain
5  Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 75

Fig. 5.11  Showing technique

of sphenopalatine ganglion

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

gate. It does not have a cord and it can be recharged. Dental 5.17.2 C-CLAD (Computer-Controlled Local
vibe significantly lowered the self-reported pain during Anesthetic Delivery)
local anesthesia injections compared to a conventional
approach. With this device, there is a controlled delivery of the anes-
thetic and hence reduction of pain during injection. With this  Accupal device, we can slowly administer anesthesia and control the
It is a cordless device, which shuts the pain gate by precon- injection speed [41].
ditioning the site of injection by pressure and vibration. To
energize the dental tissue in and around the site to be punc- Advantages of C-CLAD device
tured by the needle, Accupal incorporates the “Pain Gate Higher success rates for single tooth anesthesia. The absence
theory” [40]. of pain especially in pediatric patient with disruptive behav-
ior. More effective than a traditional syringe.
76 R. R. John

Disadvantage—Difficulty in locating the precise site for Hyposafety Syringe

needle placement. Disposable syringe and needle, which is translucent with a
C-CLAD technology led to the development of an instrument retractable needle into the barrel. Hence, less chance of nee-
for medical and dental injections capable of controlling all dle stick injury. The main disadvantage is that the needle can-
variables of subcutaneous injection event. not be re-exposed to readminister the remaining solution.

REV VAC Safety Syringe

5.17.3 Compu-Flo It is similar to the standard conventional syringe, the differ-
ence being that when the plunger reaches the bottom after all
Allows instantaneous real-time measurement of fluid exit the medicine has been administered, further push on the
pressure at the tip of the needle. This approach to fluid exit plunger will cause breakage of the needle, which retracts
pressure at the tip of the needle is called dynamic pressure-­ into the plunger. It can be used only once.
sensing technology (DPS) technology.

5.17.8 Devices for Intraosseous

5.17.4 STA—single tooth anesthesia Anesthesia [44]

More predictable, reliable, comfortable anesthesia than high-­ Stabident

pressure mechanical syringe. The system incorporates the This device can be used with the armamentarium that is
safety of using dynamic pressure-sensing technology allow- available in the clinic to administer the anesthetic solution.
ing low-pressure administration of local anesthetic drugs. All The main disadvantage is that inaccessible areas cannot be
patients receiving PDL with STA device reported subjective anesthetized with this equipment.
pain responses of minimal or no pain.
It is a single-step method. An initial drill is placed, which allows
5.17.5 Jet Injection entry and withdrawal in one step during administration.

The principle of Jet injection is that the mechanical energy is

used to force a thin column of the local anesthetic solution 5.18 Conclusion
through a small opening into the soft tissue under pressure
without causing tissue damage. There is less or no pain dur- Pain is always a deterrent to seek treatment and hence local
ing this procedure [42]. anesthesia is a boon to all clinicians and patients alike.
Although the medication provides pain relief, its administra-
tion has always instilled fear in one and all. The advances in
5.17.6 MED-JET H III equipment and techniques of local anesthesia administration
have undergone continuous research and development to
Local anesthetic solution in extremely small amount is make it as painless as possible.
administered under pressure through an orifice seven times
smaller than the smallest available.

5.17.7 Safety Dental Syringes [43] 1. Ouchi K, Koga Y, Nakao S, Sugiyama K. Dexmedetomidine dose
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The plunger, which is autoclavable and reusable, has a sterile Maxillofac Surg. 2019;77:1040.e1–9.
disposable protective shield. It does not have to be disas- 4. Burm AG, Van der Meer AD, Van Kleef JW. Pharmacokinetics of
sembled prior to disposal. the enantiomers of bupivacaine following intravenous administra-
tion of the racemate. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1994;38:125.
5. Chapman P. A controlled comparison of the effectiveness of bupi-
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rated contents in the syringe barrel.
5  Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 77

7. Da Silva CB, et al. Anaesthetic efficacy of unilamellar and multi- 26. Gow-Gates GA.  Mandibular conduction anesthesia: a new tech-
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8. Neal JM. Effects of epinephrine in local anesthetics on the central 27. Malamed SF.  Techniques of regional anaesthesia in dentistry.

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flow. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2003;28:124. 28. Stojcev Stajcić L, Gacić B, Popović N, Stajcić Z. Anatomical study of
9. Vempaty S, et al. Is lignocaine with out adrenaline a better choice the pterygopalatine fossa pertinent tothe maxillary nerve block at the
for lip wounds crossing vermillion border? Int J Oral Maxillofac foramen rotundum. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;39(5):493–6.
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10. Haasio J, Jokinen T, Numminen M, Rosenberg PH. Topical anaes- oval foramen: a reappraisal of extraoralmaxillary and mandibular
thesia of gingival mucosa by 5% eutectic mixture of lignocaine and nerve injections. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1997;35:328–33.
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removal of arch bars. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1992;30:153–6. 31. Dziadzko MA, Heritier F.  Suprazygomatic access for continuous
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anesthetic on pain and unpleasantness during scaling of gingival tetraplegic patient. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016;74:1947.e1–5.
pockets. Anesth Prog. 1994;41:35–9. 32. Suresh S, Barcelona SL, Young NM, Heffner CL, Coté CJ.  Does
13. Gow-Gates G, Watson JE.  Gow-Gates mandibular block: applied a pre-emptive block ofthe great auricular nerve improve postop-
anatomy and histology. Anesth Prog. 1989;36:193–5. erativeanalgesia in children undergoing tympanomastoid surgery?
14. Gaum LI, Moon AC.  The ART mandibular block. Can J Dent Anesth Analg. 2004 Feb;98(2):330–3.
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Office-Based Anesthesia in Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery-The American 6
Model and Training

Payal Verma and Deepak G. Krishnan

6.1 Introduction sedation with drugs delivered through an intra-venous (IV),

intra-muscular (IM) or inhalational routes.
Anxiety and pain control has been the center of dental health The American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) recog-
provision from its inception. Dentists continue to practice nizes four stages of anesthesia (Table  6.1) [1]. The most
some form of pain and anxiety control throughout the world. common forms of anesthesia used in an ambulatory office
In the United States (US), Oral and maxillofacial surgery setting are mild-to-moderate sedation as well as deep seda-
(OMS) has maintained a unique privilege where the surgeon tion/general anesthesia with the use of inhalational and intra-
is able to provide both anesthetic and surgical treatment for venous agents. As defined by ASA, moderate sedation/
most of the procedures that are completed in a setting outside analgesia (replacing the term “Conscious Sedation,” which
of the operation theater. The extensive, focused training has been condoned) is a medication-induced depression of
received during OMS residency in the delivery of anesthesia, consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to
as well as continued education in anesthesia is central to this verbal commands, either alone or often accompanied by
privilege. The art and science of alleviating pain and anxiety light tactile stimulation. Other interventions are not required
by providing office-based surgical treatment using various to maintain a patent airway, while spontaneous ventilation is
anesthetic techniques is associated with tremendous respon- adequate, and cardiovascular function is usually maintained.
sibility. Therefore, appropriate training along with local Whereas deep sedation/analgesia is a drug-induced depres-
licensure, credentialing, and continuous education is of para- sion of consciousness during which patients cannot be easily
mount importance. aroused but respond purposefully following repeated or
While the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) painful stimulation. The ability to independently maintain
of the American Dental Association (ADA) stipulates stan- ventilatory function may be impaired and may require assis-
dards in training OMS residents in anesthesia, American tance in maintaining a patent airway. However, it is impor-
Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) tant that the cardiovascular function is maintained.
and state dental societies have developed parameters and Given that the process of sedation is a continuum, the
protocols that are enforced among practicing OMSs, ensur- patient’s response is unpredictable. Hence, practitioners
ing patient safety. should be able to rescue the patients whose level of sedation
For the remainder of this chapter, the term ambulatory becomes deeper than initially intended. An oral and maxil-
anesthesia would refer to the provision of anesthesia outside lofacial surgeon is well trained in airway management and
of a hospital operatory, such as a dental or an OMS office. advanced life support.
Generally, this would entail provision of “open-airway” deep

P. Verma (*)
6.2 Brief History of Anesthesia in OMS
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Cincinnati Medical
Center, OH, Cincinnati, USA Over several decades, Oral and maxillofacial surgeons have
e-mail: vermapl@ucmail.uc.edu been at the forefront of anesthesia and pain control among all
D. G. Krishnan dental specialties and have been providing safe outpatient
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Cincinnati Medical anesthesia.
Center, OH, Cincinnati, USA
Nitrous oxide was produced by Joseph Priestly and was
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and termed as “laughing gas” by Humphrey Davy in eighteenth
Medical Center, OH, Cincinnati, USA

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 79

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_6
80 P. Verma and D. G. Krishnan

Table 6.1  Continuum of depth of sedation: definition of general anesthesia and levels of sedation/analgesia
Minimal Sedation Moderate Sedation/ Analgesia
Anxiolysis (“Conscious Sedation”) Deep Sedation/ Analgesia General Anesthesia
Responsiveness Normal response to Purposeful response to verbal Purposeful response following Unarousable even with
verbal stimulation or tactile stimulation repeated or painful stimulation painful stimulus
Airway Unaffected No intervention required Intervention may be required Intervention often
Spontaneous Unaffected Adequate May be inadequate Frequently inadequate
Cardiovascular Unaffected Usually maintained Usually maintained May be impaired

century [2, 3]. It was first used as an anesthetic agent in den- 6.3 The Anesthesia Team
tal practice by Dr. Horace Wells [4] of Connecticut. He dem-
onstrated the use of nitrous oxide for dental extractions that A majority of the OMSs in the US work in private practice
was aimed at the prevention of pain during surgery. settings where ambulatory anesthesia is the mainstay of
Unfortunately, he was dismissed due to lack of medical practice. This has led to the development of a unique office
background. His friend, William T G Morton [4], later dem- anesthesia model known as the Anesthesia Team model for
onstrated the use of ether vapors as anesthetic for the removal OMS practice [10]. This was originally described as the
of a jaw tumor. Morton was therefore credited for the first operator-anesthetist model. That was a misnomer because in
anesthetic (October 16, 1846; also known as Ether Day). reality the entire team involved in patient care is trained to
This solidified the foundation for the use of anesthetics in monitor and manage the patient under anesthesia in various
dental practice. capacities.
A prominent step forward in the provision of safe ambula- In a typical setting, it is the surgeon who performs the
tory anesthesia was the development and further refinement surgery and administers anesthesia. Apart from the surgeon,
of the intravenous route of administration. It provided a safe two or more other team members are present in the room
route for rapid delivery and titration of medications along (Fig. 6.1). At least one of these team members is required to
with giving the surgeon the ability to provide emergency be BLS (Basic life support) trained. Most commonly, one
medications. The practice of intravenous techniques allowed trained staff member observes the monitors, records drugs
fast onset and recovery. and vitals, and helps with i.v. drug administration, while
Adrian O. Hubbell [5] was critical in popularizing outpa- another member acts as a surgical assistant. Assistant’s job is
tient general anesthesia among OMS.  He completed his to retract, suction, and irrigate during the surgery along with
training at Mayo Clinic and later demonstrated the safety of helping in supporting the airway (Fig. 6.2). Often surgeons
administering barbiturate anesthesia in an outpatient setting. employ a registered nurse with advanced cardiac life support
He also advocated the utility and safety of recovering patients (ACLS) training in their offices as well. The entire team is
on their side or abdomen postoperatively to prevent aspira- well versed with emergency equipment and is well trained to
tion of vomitus. Sylvan Shane [6] later reported on the use of handle an airway emergency by providing positive pressure
intravenous drugs (benzodiazepines) for inducing sedation oxygen.
known as a “balanced” anesthetic. It was rapidly accepted
due to its property of anxiolysis as a sole agent.
Another drug that became popular was methohexital [7] 6.4 AAOMS Office Anesthesia Guidelines
but was quickly overtaken by the introduction of Propofol
[8], which is currently the most favored primary agent. In AAOMS strives to ensure that its members throughout the
1989, Propofol was officially approved for use, and its ben- country are in compliance with strict and mandated guide-
efits related to the faster onset, improved recovery, and inher- lines. It provides these guidelines through often-updated
ent antiemetic activity were soon recognized. Office Anesthesia Evaluation document made available
It became evident soon that to continue the privilege of through the association. These guidelines are created by the
administering outpatient anesthesia, it was important to Committee on Anesthesia (CAN) of the AAOMS. This com-
receive adequate formal general anesthesia training and to mittee uses the latest evidence-based recommendations and
maintain the highest standard of care. Today, Intravenous guidelines to make this document. This document is then
drug anesthesia is the mainstay of providing sedation in the vetted by the ASA to ensure that it gets the highest level of
outpatient setting of oral and maxillofacial surgery and has a scrutiny and approval by that organization. This multilevel
history of safety [9]. peer-review process of the guidelines is important for ensur-
6  Office-Based Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery-The American Model and Training 81

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 6.1  Example of the office anesthesia team. The surgeon provides the Fig. 6.2  A dedicated registered nurse with ACLS training is often in
anesthesia and performs the procedure, one trained staff member sup- charge of monitoring the patient under sedation
ports the airway, and a second staff member is the surgical assistant

ing the safe delivery of anesthesia in the ambulatory OMS their setting (Fig. 6.3). Failure to pass such an evaluation
setting. leads to punitive action and inability to perform anesthe-
Every AAOMS member (close to 10,000 members) sia in the office setting until corrective actions are taken.
goes through a periodic office anesthesia evaluation pro- AAOMS, state dental societies, and third-party insurance
cess by peers to ensure that each office and team is current carriers take this process seriously. Public safety cannot
and well equipped to perform safe anesthetic practice in be compromised.
82 P. Verma and D. G. Krishnan

Fig. 6.3  Sample on site form for periodic office anesthesia evaluation. Available at www.aaoms.org
6  Office-Based Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery-The American Model and Training 83

Fig. 6.3 (continued)
84 P. Verma and D. G. Krishnan

Fig. 6.3 (continued)
6  Office-Based Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery-The American Model and Training 85

6.5 Office Requirements The office anesthesia evaluation is now required every
5–6 years for every AAOMS member.
The facilities where ambulatory anesthesia is provided in AAOMS periodically offers an Office Anesthesia
OMS practices are subject to stringent guidelines [11]. Evaluation Manual [12] with the following intent—“AAOMS
Specific building codes and local fire department regula- Committee on Anesthesia developed the Office Anesthesia
tions have to be followed for installation of remote gases. Evaluation Manual to provide information that could aid oral
Proximity to a larger healthcare facility and access to and maxillofacial surgeons in preparing themselves and their
emergency personnel are of paramount importance. offices for the management of anesthetic complications. It
Recommendations per Centers for Disease Control (CDC) presents scientific and clinical information and can serve as
and prevention on controls for exposure to anesthetic gases a reference for the practitioner.” The most recent evaluation
and other potential chemical hazards, as well as steriliza- manual is available for purchase by the members in 2019.
tion of the instruments and facilities are enforced. Office’s In addition, a separate document called “AAOMS
fire safety and emergency protocols should be known by Parameters of Care” [13, 14] is intended to reflect practice
all staff and easily accessible for reference. Telephone considerations for 11 designated areas of oral and maxillofa-
numbers of the local ambulance service and nearest hospi- cial surgery and is an additional guide for AAOMS members
tal should be clearly displayed and their location known to to establish parameters of care for anesthesia in outpatient
all office staff. facilities. The most recent version of this document was pub-
lished in 2017. The document provides complementary rec-
ommendations for the provision of safe sedation and
6.6 Record Keeping anesthesia in the office. Members are encouraged to review
both documents, which provide essential information on
Medical record keeping is paramount in current OMS prac- contemporary OMS office anesthesia practice and practice
tice. For the purpose of OMS procedures, proper electronic accordingly.
records have to be maintained. This includes preanesthesia
assessment forms, i.e., history and physical evaluation, con-
sent forms, intraoperative anesthesia records, operative notes 6.8 AAOMS National Simulation Program
as well as recovery records (Fig.  6.4). Anesthesia records
typically consist of vital signs (recorded every 5 min), type AAOMS recognizes that the provision of anesthesia at an
and amount of drugs administered with time of administra- OMS office is a team effort. It expects each member of the
tion, start and end times of anesthesia and surgery, surgeon team—from the surgeon to the assistants—to be highly
and other team members’ names, and details of complica- trained and qualified to address every anesthesia-related
tions and management, if any. situation that may occur during a surgical procedure. This
training is initiated in OMS residencies but is continuous
throughout the surgeon’s career, mandated by continuing
6.7  ffice Anesthesia Evaluation Program
O education and team exercised. Similar to professional sports
and Parameters of Care teams, successful oral and maxillofacial surgery teams train
as a unit to ensure they can seamlessly and quickly manage
Every practicing AAOMS member agrees to a uniform peer an unexpected airway emergency. The most recent AAOMS
inspection of their properly equipped office and their tech- offering to help the office anesthesia team partners with
niques and preparation for managing emergencies and com- advanced simulation technology making it possible to train
plications of anesthesia in the treatment of the OMS patient surgeons and staff by simulating a full range of real-life
in their office or outpatient setting. emergency airway situations [15]. This program allows par-
In 1975, the AAOMS established the Office Anesthesia ticipants to practice and master critical techniques for
Evaluation Program. This program was conceived, devel- administering and monitoring office-based anesthesia; a
oped, and implemented by the AAOMS through its compo- standardized approach that ensures that every participant
nent state societies to benefit the public, whom its members experiences the same simulated events. The program allows
serve. This ensures a level of safety to the practice of anes- for evaluation of each participant’s performance and can
thesia in the OMS office, which is often outside a hospital or pinpoint those areas that may benefit from additional train-
other healthcare facility. Since 1990, AAOMS Bylaws ing. The three-module program offers oral and maxillofacial
require official component societies’ constitutions and surgeons and their staff an effective method of assessing
bylaws to include provision for the fulfillment of an onsite their readiness to meet an office anesthesia emergency situ-
office evaluation based on the AAOMS Office Anesthesia ation by practicing these in a low-risk, high-stake simula-
Evaluation Program as a prerequisite for active membership. tion scenario.
86 P. Verma and D. G. Krishnan

Fig. 6.4  Sample sedation and anesthesia record form. Available at www.aaoms.org
6  Office-Based Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery-The American Model and Training 87

6.9  ental Anesthesia Assistant National

D throughout the training program in all aspects of pain and
Certification Examination (DAANCE) anxiety control. The ambulatory oral and maxillofacial
anesthetic experience must include the administration of
The practice of office-based anesthesia depends largely on general anesthesia/deep sedation for oral and maxillofa-
the skillset of the assistants in the office as much as it does on cial surgery procedures to pediatric, adult, and geriatric
the surgeon leading the team. In an effort to elevate the edu- populations, including the demonstration of competency
cation and knowledge base of the other team members, a in airway management. Examples of evidence to demon-
program called the Dental Anesthesia Assistant National strate compliance may include:
Certification Examination (DAANCE) was implemented • Resident’s anesthetic log.
nationwide. This is a continuing education program that • Clinical tracking system.
comprises 36 h of self-education and a computerized exam • Anesthesia records.
to be completed in 6 months. This course is designed primar- • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Benchmarks.
ily for OMS assistants. Upon successful completion of the
final examination, certification is provided. 4-9.1… The cumulative anesthetic experience of each
The course is designed to cover important topics, including graduating resident must include administration of general
general review of basic sciences, patient’s medical history anesthesia/deep sedation for a minimum of 300 cases. This
evaluation, basic knowledge on anesthetic drugs and tech- experience must involve care for 50 patients younger than
niques, role of anesthesia equipment and monitoring, and cov- 13. A minimum of 150 of the 300 cases must be ambula-
ers basic maneuvers to handle office anesthesia emergencies. tory anesthetics for oral and maxillofacial surgery outside
This course is available to allied staff all year round to of the operating room. Intent: The cumulative experience
register and complete. More and more states in the US are includes time on the anesthesia rotation as well as anes-
now mandating courses like DAANCE or others to all team thetics administered while on the oral and maxillofacial
members in an effort to keep the practice of ambulatory surgery service. Locations for ambulatory anesthesia may
anesthesia team model safe and viable in the OMS office. include dental school clinics, hospital clinics, emergency
rooms, and oral and maxillofacial surgery offices.
Examples of evidence to demonstrate compliance may
6.10 A
 nesthesia Training during OMS include:
Residency • Resident’s anesthetic log.
• Clinical tracking system.
OMS trainees in the US have a rigorous curriculum in anesthe- • Anesthesia records.
sia. The Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) of the • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Benchmarks.
American Dental Association (ADA) is the independent body
that accredits all residency training programs. This accredita- 4-9.2 …In addition to general anesthesia/deep sedation,
tion is based on a peer-review process that enforces adherence the residents must obtain extensive training and experi-
to training standards created and vetted by the CODA.  The ence in all sedation techniques.
educational standards for anesthesia read as follows: Examples of evidence to demonstrate compliance may
4-3.1… Anesthesia Service: The assignment must be for a • Detailed curriculum plans
minimum of 5 months, should be consecutive, and one of • Patient charts
these months should be dedicated to pediatric anesthesia. • Simulation experience
The resident must function as an anesthesia resident with
commensurate level of responsibility. 4-9.3 …The clinical program must be supported in part
Intent: The pediatric portion could include Pediatric by a core comprehensive didactic program on general
intensive care unit (PICU), Neonatal intensive care unit anesthesia, deep sedation, and other methods of pain and
(NICU), pediatric anesthesia service, or ambulatory anxiety control. The didactic program must include lec-
pediatric anesthesia. Oral and maxillofacial surgery resi- tures and seminars emphasizing:
dents rotating on the anesthesia service have levels of • Patient evaluation
responsibility identical to those of the anesthesia resi- • Risk assessment
dents, and abide by the anesthesia department’s assign- • Anesthesia and sedation techniques
ments and schedules. Part of this time can be during • Monitoring and
medical school as long as oral and maxillofacial surgery • The diagnosis and management of complications
trainee functions at the anesthesia resident level.
4-9.4 …Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) must be
4-9… The off-service rotation in anesthesia must be sup- obtained in the first year of residency and must be main-
plemented by longitudinal and progressive experience tained throughout residency training and thereafter.
88 P. Verma and D. G. Krishnan

Examples of evidence to demonstrate compliance may Table 6.2  ASA physical status classification system.
include: A normal healthy Healthy, nonsmoking, no or minimal
• ACLS certification records and cards ASA I patient alcohol use
ASA II A patient with Mild diseases only without substantive
mild systemic functional limitations. Examples include
4-9.5… Each resident must be certified in Pediatric disease (but not limited to): Current smoker,
Advanced Life Support (PALS) prior to completion of social alcohol drinker, pregnancy,
training. obesity (30 < BMI < 40), well-
Examples of evidence to demonstrate compliance may controlled DM/HTN, mild lung disease
ASA III A patient with Substantive functional limitations; one
severe systemic or more moderate-to-severe diseases.
• PALS certification records and cards disease Examples include (but not limited to):
Poorly controlled DM or HTN, COPD,
Adherence to these standards is strictly enforced ensuring morbid obesity (BMI ≥40), active
hepatitis, alcohol dependence or abuse,
a standardized education in anesthesia to each OMS resi-
implanted pacemaker, moderate
dent in training in the US. reduction of ejection fraction, ESRD
undergoing regularly scheduled dialysis,
premature infant PCA < 60 weeks,
history (>3 months) of MI, CVA, TIA,
6.11 Preanesthetic Evaluation or CAD/stents.
of the Patient ASA IV A patient with Examples include (but not limited to):
severe systemic Recent (< 3 months) MI, CVA, TIA, or
The OMS planning an office-based anesthetic is trained to do disease that is a CAD/stents, ongoing cardiac ischemia
a thorough preoperative evaluation of the patient to deem constant threat to or severe valve dysfunction, severe
life reduction of ejection fraction, sepsis,
them fit for office anesthesia. Just as an anesthesiologist DIC, ARD or ESRD not undergoing
would evaluate the patient for systemic disease, functional regularly scheduled dialysis
capacity and medications along with a detailed anesthetic ASA V A moribund Examples include (but not limited to):
history and physical examination to classify every patient patient who is not Ruptured abdominal/thoracic aneurysm,
expected to massive trauma, intracranial bleed with
into an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status survive without mass effect, ischemic bowel in the face
(Table 6.2) [16], every OMS would do the same for formulat- the operation of significant cardiac pathology or
ing an anesthetic plan for the patient. multiple organ/system dysfunction
Ideally, ASA I and II patients are best suited for office-­ ASA VI A declared
brain-dead patient
based anesthetics. Careful preanesthetic patient evaluation is
whose organs are
critical in choosing the type and venue for the anesthetic. being removed for
This evaluation has the following essential steps: donor purposes
Developed By: ASA House of Delegates/Executive Committee
• Reviewing and understanding patient’s medical, family,
social, surgical, and anesthetic history through question-
naire and interview. 5. Ability to measure temperature, i.e., very essential in a
• Full physical examination of all systems. setting where Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) triggering
agents are in use.
This detailed preop evaluation gives the OMS the knowl-
edge to classify all according to the ASA classification and Majority of OMS offices now use monitor units (Fig. 6.5)
adequately plan for an appropriate anesthesia technique. that interface directly with an electronic health record. The
entire team is clued into monitoring with a staff member
often dedicated to only monitoring the patient.
6.12 Monitoring All patients receive supplemental oxygen before, during,
and after the procedure. Most facilities have a separate recov-
Provision of anesthesia in the OMS office requires that mon- ery area with the same monitors, although there are several
itoring is done according to the ASA standards and more. offices that recover in the operatory. The goal is the improve-
This includes the following minimal time-stamped moni- ment of efficacious monitoring to establish the safe perfor-
toring and documentation [17]. mance of anesthetic without the need for a separate anesthesia
provider. It is imperative to have a meticulously trained team
1 . Noninvasive monitoring of blood pressure every 5 min to allow for continuous monitoring, thus facilitating immedi-
2. Continuous ECG monitoring ate recognition of changes in patient’s vital signs. A properly
3. Continuous pulse oximetry evaluated and selected patient is unlikely to have a catastro-
4. Continuous end-tidal CO2 monitoring of ventilatory
phe in the OMS anesthetic, but when an untoward event does
effort occur, it is often a respiratory event.
6  Office-Based Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery-The American Model and Training 89

6.12.1 Methods for Monitoring Ventilation both ventilation and oxygenation to allow adequate monitor-
ing of the respiratory system during anesthesia. This can be
Data available from closed claims cases from the OMS achieved by using a pulse oximeter, which is a device that
National Insurance Corporation (OMSNIC) allow us as a measures oxygen saturation and provides an indirect indica-
specialty to audit the near-misses and tragic outcomes from tion of oxygenation. Recently, AAOMS recommended a
our offices. The data suggest a strong correlation between newer ASA standard monitoring of ventilation with continu-
airway-related failure and adverse events in the open-airway ous capnography. Although chest movements are a reliable
anesthetic techniques. The emphasis is on monitoring of method but are least exact, hence the addition of capnogra-
phy. Most OMSs use a pretracheal/precordial stethoscope
(Fig. 6.6) to auscultate while the patient is sedated.
Historically, pulse oximetry has been used for respiratory
monitoring. But due to its limitation in lacking real-time
responsiveness to major respiratory events like airway obstruc-
tion or respiratory depression, there was an imminent need to
incorporate a different parameter to provide a real-­time assess-
ment. Thus was developed capnography [18], which is the
noninvasive measurement of the partial pressure of carbon
dioxide (CO2) from the airway during inspiration and expira-
tion. It can provide real-time sensitivity to early changes in
ventilation and is reliable even in low-perfusion states.
Although, in the nonintubated sedated patient, there is
loss of CO2 through the nose and mouth, and thus requires
modification of the collection cannula, it still provides valu-
able clinical information on patient’s ventilation during
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India sedation.
It cannot be stressed enough how critical it is to manage
Fig. 6.5  Example of monitor commonly used in oral and maxillofacial
intraoperative airway and monitor respiratory status.
surgery anesthetic administration. The single unit clearly displays the
electrocardiogram, noninvasive blood pressure monitor, oxygen satura- Ventilation is monitored by inspection of chest movement by
tion, and end-tidal carbon dioxide the assistants, monitoring of capnography as well as auscul-

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 6.6 (a, b) Pretracheal/precordial stethoscope used by the surgeon to auscultate while the patient is sedated
90 P. Verma and D. G. Krishnan

tation with a precordial stethoscope. The newer Bluetooth bration records, which should be maintained with proper
models of the precordial stethoscope allow wireless speakers documentation stored at a known location. Anesthesia equip-
that allow the entire team to listen to the patient’s respiratory ment, including ventilators, are similarly required to have a
patterns. periodic inspection by biomedical engineers. The OMS
Now with multiple modalities such as a real-time capnog- office is responsible for ensuring this happens and the office
raphy tracing, listening to breath sounds with high fidelity, anesthesia evaluation is a mechanism to keep a check on this.
OMS team has an opportunity to assess and act promptly on
potential airway threats even before the adverse respiratory
event comes to light. With these available modalities, along 6.15 Suction Equipment
with surgeon’s experience and developed senses, anticipa-
tion and prediction of an impending laryngospasm or bron- As trivial as it may seem, the office suction unit (central and
chospasm prompts the team to act preemptively. Even before portable) is an integral part of both the normal and emer-
a drop in oxygen saturation or loss of waveform on capnog- gency functions of that office. A portable suction unit must
raphy becomes apparent, both the depth and rate of breathing be readily accessible in the operatory and recovery area in
as well as the cessation of breathing can be promptly case of unanticipated power failure or central suction pump
recognized. failure. Again, routine maintenance of the suction system
and its documentation is required.

6.13 Airway Armamentarium

6.16 Recovery Room
Despite several preventive modalities available to the OMS
performing anesthesia, emergencies are bound to happen. Most OMS offices have a postoperative recovery unit sepa-
The unit must be prepared to handle airway and other emer- rate from the operatory that allows unobstructed patient
gencies. All the anesthesia providers should be exceptionally observation. The design of this area must allow resuscitation
familiar with emergency airway equipment that must be and management of the patient during an emergency. The
readily accessible in both the operating suites and the recov- recovery area should have a suction system, oxygen delivery
ery area [11]. system, all appropriate monitors and emergency equipment
Emergency airway equipment must include full face as detailed earlier. It is also the responsibility of the recovery
mask, bag-valve-mask device capable of providing positive nurse to document the patient’s recovery from anesthetic to
pressure ventilation, oral and nasopharyngeal airways, deem their fitness to leave the office. A recovery checklist
supraglottic airway devices, endotracheal tubes, and laryn- such as the Modified Aldrete Scale is useful in making this
goscope and cricothyrotomy kit. All these equipment should determination.
be available in both pediatric and adult sizes. The entire staff
should have periodic in-office training to familiarize them-
selves with the equipment and their use. Apart from emer- 6.17 Techniques in Anesthesia
gency airway instruments, all offices are required to have
either a basic monophasic defibrillator or automated external Training in anesthesia exposes the oral and maxillofacial sur-
defibrillator. geon to the different modalities of anesthesia from light to
deep sedation. As described before, levels of anesthesia are a
continuum (Table  6.1). The effects of different drugs and
6.14 O
 xygen and Supplemental Gas techniques may vary between individuals. Patients may
Delivery System achieve deeper or lighter levels of anesthesia than anticipated
based on their unique metabolic responses to the different
In addition to oxygen, most OMS offices utilize other gases anesthetics administration. The OMS team is prepared to
such as nitrous oxide and inhalational anesthetics as well as anticipate these differences in responses and intervene
air. The oxygen delivery system should be able to deliver accordingly.
metered oxygen to the patient under positive pressure. A The techniques utilized to get to different levels of anes-
standard fail-safe mechanism along with scavenging system thesia include inhalational anesthesia, oral anesthetic tech-
should be part of all gas delivery machines installed in the nique, parenteral anesthesia, and local anesthesia. Regardless
office. This prevents delivery of any hypoxic amount of of the technique employed, the goals of each of these tech-
gases. To prevent the accidental administration of an incor- niques are to reduce anxiety, establish cooperation, amnesia
rect gas, the gas outlets used should be pin-indexed. The gas and analgesia, ensuring comfort and hemodynamic stability.
delivery machines also are mandated to have periodic cali- In order to choose the level of anesthesia, one should con-
6  Office-Based Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery-The American Model and Training 91

sider the age of the patient, level of anxiety and ability to 6.17.2 Parenteral Anesthesia: Intravenous
cooperate, detailed medical history, and prior anesthesia Anesthesia and Inhalational Anesthesia
Hubbell [5] was known to promote the use of intravenous
thiopental anesthesia. It was eventually replaced by the
6.17.1 Enteral Anesthesia shorter-acting barbiturate methohexital. This became the pri-
mary agent used for office-based anesthesia for multiple
Oral or nasal route of delivery of drugs is the least threaten- decades. A shortage in supply of methohexital and an
ing route of administration of anesthesia. While some anx- increased use of Propofol [8] in the operating theater setting
iolysis is achieved via this modality, it is rarely used to prompted an adaptation of the use of that drug in the office-­
achieve deeper levels of anesthesia. Often the oral route of based anesthetic technique. The basic technique for deep
sedation is used as a premedication prior to IV access in an sedation and general anesthetic in the nonintubated patient in
uncooperative patient. Various ingestives such as syrups, the OMS office typically employs a cocktail of medications
popsicles, needleless syringes, other creative methods are under strict ASA-mandated guidelines for monitoring with
employed to get the patient to consume the medication. the personnel as described earlier.
Dosing is adjusted in such a way that a higher dose of the These medications include, but are not limited to, the
drug may be administered in a limited volume to prevent the following:
likelihood of aspiration. Despite that, a crying child or a
coughing adult may end up aspirating the medication. The • A benzodiazepine such as Midazolam for anxiolysis,
other disadvantages of this technique include a slow onset amnesia, sedation, and hypnosis
and variable response to the action of the drug as well as an • A potent narcotic analgesic such as Fentanyl or
unpredictable recovery pattern. In an uncooperative patient, Remifentanil
patient compliance will limit oral or nasal administration of • A potent non-narcotic analgesic such as Ketamine
any drug. Additionally, oral dosing is often empiric with • A sedative hypnotic such as Propofol. It also acts as an
almost predictable erratic absorption. Titration of the drug is adjunct antiemetic agent.
difficult via this route. • Adjuvant drugs such as dexamethasone for prevention of
Yet, it remains a convenient mode of administration, postoperative edema and nausea and vomiting.
requiring very little training to deliver, and any adverse reac- • Toradol or i.v. Tylenol for adjunct pain control
tions are slow to the onset and usually less severe and man-
ageable. In the US, a medical provider providing oral Most of these medications are characterized by their abil-
sedation in the office does not have an increase in their mal- ity to have a rapid onset and offset. Medications such as
practice premiums because of this practice. In contrast, prac- Propofol rapidly redistribute and metabolize and are elimi-
titioners of general anesthesia have higher malpractice nated from the system. The combination of these medica-
coverage due to the inherent risks of that practice. tions often results in a cumulative effect of sedation and
An ideal oral medication must be able to provide rapid hypnosis in addition to central analgesia. Discomfort from
absorption, must have a rapid onset, and must have a high the administration of local anesthesia is often obtunded by
therapeutic index allowing rapid and predictable recovery. this level of sedation. Patients maintain their ventilation and
The following are the drugs most commonly used in oral careful monitoring of their vital signs and protection of their
sedation techniques: airway allows for smooth sedation. The surgeon who is per-
forming the procedure is in close proximity to the patient’s
• Benzodiazepines airway understanding its minute undulations and sensing the
• Histamine blockers level of the patient’s sedation and acting preemptively to
• Opioids either prolong or discontinue the sedation. It is an art and
• Scopolamine science that is built on years of training and experience.
• Chloral hydrate The dosing of these medications is based on the patient’s
• Barbiturates ideal body weight. The administration of these medications
• Alpha agonists—Dexmedetomadine, Clonidine is through a continuous intravenous catheter infusion with an
appropriate IV fluid. Typically, a 20- or a 22-gauge catheter
Oral sedation techniques are primarily useful in the OMS is inserted into a peripheral vein in the upper extremity. Most
as a premedication tool. An orally sedated patient is likely to OMSs practice the bolus technique, which introduces incre-
accept a mask or an IV for further induction of anesthesia. mental doses of each medication, titrated to effect. Infusion
Several minor procedures, however, can be performed with pumps are often utilized in longer cases, while shorter cases
oral sedation and good local anesthesia alone. of sedation seldom require infusion.
92 P. Verma and D. G. Krishnan

Using a continuous infusion has the following tangible operating suite and without a separate anesthesia provider. The
advantages: concerted efforts by various interested parties to politically
organize and better protect our intellectual and political inter-
• Minimize fluctuations in drug serum concentration ests in the discipline make this practice a reality in the US.
• Smoother intraoperative course To ensure the commitment to patient safety, the AAOMS
• Enhanced cardiovascular stability and its Board of Trustees have embraced a multipronged
• Enhanced respiratory stability approach:
• Less patient movement
• More rapid recovery • undiluted enforcement of educational standards that requires
• Minimal drug utilization resident rotation on the medical anesthesia service
• a self-imposed mandatory AAOMS Office Anesthesia
Evaluation Program
6.18 Emergency Drugs • a devotion to the anesthesia team approach and develop-
ment of the DAANCE program for the assistants
The ninth edition of the AAOMS Office Anesthesia Evaluation • the development of anesthesia and emergency manage-
Manual [12] provides a detailed list of medications that can be ment simulation programs such as Basic Emergency
used during anesthetic emergency. OMS offices are recom- Airway Management [BEAM] and Office-Based Crisis
mended to have a refrigerator designated for medications Management [OBCM] are some examples of some of this
requiring cold storage. Pharmacy boards of different states commitment.
control the storage and distribution of these drugs.
Listed are suggested drugs used in the event of anesthetic The AAOMS developed an Anesthesia Safety Conference
emergencies: for our own specialty that was held on April 27, 2017, at the
American Society of Anesthesiologists headquarters in
• Intravenous fluids: normal saline, lactated Ringer, etc. Schaumburg, Illinois. Representatives of the ASA as well as
• Cardiovascular medications: Oxygen, Atropine, representatives of the appropriate disciplines of dentistry
Nitroglycerin, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Dobutamine, attended this meeting. In April 2019, a second patient safety
Ephedrine, Phenylephrine, Lidocaine, Propranolol, conference focusing on pediatric sedation was organized at
Procainamide, Verapamil, Amiodarone, Adenosine the AAOMS headquarters in Rosemont, Illinois.
• Antihypertensive medications: Diazoxide, Hydralazine, By staying on the forefront of office-based anesthesia and
Esmolol, Labetalol by enforcing the highest standards of safety in patient care,
• Diuretics: Furosemide (Lasix) OMS as a specialty has become stalwart in this arena.
• Antiemetics: Prochlorperazine, Ondansetron Continued positive momentum with nationwide simulation
• Reversal agents: Naloxone (Narcan), Flumazenil workshops and a mobile application supporting the office
(Romazicon) anesthesia evaluation will enhance our role as leaders in
ambulatory anesthesia in our offices. The rapid response and
emergency system and the healthcare infrastructure in the
Additional Drugs US allows for OMSs in this country to adapt this technique
• Dextrose 50%, Dexamethasone (Decadron), and methodology into their practices almost effortlessly. In
Hydrocortisone sodium succinate or Methyl prednisolone other parts of the world, this may not be a model that is easy
sodium succinate (Solu-Medrol), Glycopyrolate (Robinul), to replicate.
Diazepam (Valium), Midazolam (Versed), Albuterol
inhaler, Succinylcholine (Anectine), Morphine sulfate,
Dantrolene (Dantrium), Lidocaine, Nonenteric-coated Video Links
aspirin, Famotidine (Pepcid), Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

6.19 A
 ctivism and Leadership in  References
Office-­Based Anesthesia
1. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Continuum of depth
of sedation: definition of general anesthesia and levels of sedation/
Dental anesthesia is an ADA-recognized specialty in the US as analgesia. (Approved by the ASA House of Delegates on October
of 2019. Several dental practitioners, including OMSs, prac- 13, 1999 and last amended on October 15, 2014). Available at:
tice anxiolysis and sedation in their offices, outside a hospital https://www.asahq.org/standards-and-guidelines/continuum-of-
6  Office-Based Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery-The American Model and Training 93

depth-of-sedation-definition-of-general-anesthesia-and-levels-of- Guidelines for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AAOMS ParCare)

sedationanalgesia Sixth Edition 2017. Patient assessment. Available at: https://www.
2. Bicentenary of nitrous oxide. Br Med J. 1972 May 13;2(5810):367-­ aaoms.org/images/uploads/pdfs/parcare_assessment.pdf
368. PubMed PMID: 4554156; PubMed Central PMCID: 14. American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

PMC1788276. (AAOMS). Parameters of Care: AAOMS Clinical Practice
3. West JB. Humphry Davy, nitrous oxide, the pneumatic institution, Guidelines for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AAOMS ParCare)
and the royal institution. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2014 Sixth Edition 2017. Anesthesia in outpatient facilities. Available at:
Nov 1;307(9):L661-L667. https://www.joms.org/article/S0278-2391(17)30488-3/pdf
4. Desai MS, Desai SP.  Discovery of modern anesthesia: a coun- 15. Todd DW, Schaefer JJ 3rd. The American Association of Oral and
terfactual narrative about Crawford W. long, Horace Wells, Maxillofacial Surgeons Simulation Program. Oral Maxillofac Surg
Charles T.  Jackson, and William T.  G. Morton. AANA J 2015 Clin North Am 2018 May;30(2):195-206. Review.
Dec;83(6):410-415. PubMed PMID: 26742335. 16. ASA Physical Status Classification System. Developed By:

5. Hubbell AO, Adams CR. Intravenous anesthesia for dental surgery ASA House of Delegates/Executive Committee, Last Amended:
with sodium ethyl (1-Methylbutyl) Thiobarbituric acid. J ADA. October 15, 2014 (original approval: October 15, 2014).
1940;27(8):1186–91. Available at: https://www.asahq.org/standards-and-guidelines/
6. Shane SM. Intravenous amnesia for total dentistry in one sitting. J asa-physical-status-classification-system.
Oral Surg 1966 Jan;24(1):27-32. PubMed PMID: 5214559. 17. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Standards for

7. Lieblich SE. Methohexital versus propofol for outpatient anesthe- basic anesthetic monitoring. Developed By: Committee on
sia. Part I: Methohexital is superior. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1995 Standards and Practice Parameters (CSPP) Last Amended:
Jul;53(7):811-815. Review. PubMed PMID: 7595796. October 28, 2015 (original approval: October 21, 1986).
8. Dembo JB.  Methohexital versus propofol for outpatient anes- Available at: https://www.asahq.org/standards-and-guidelines/
thesia. Part II: Propofol is superior. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1995 standards-for-basic-anesthetic-monitoring.
Jul;53(7):816-820. Review. PubMed PMID: 7595797. 18. Farish SE, Garcia PS. Capnography primer for Oral and maxillo-
9. Lieblich S. Providing anesthesia in the Oral and maxillofacial sur- facial surgery: review and technical considerations. J Anesth Clin
gery office: a look Back, where we are now and a look ahead. J Oral Res 2013 Mar 18;4(3):295. PubMed PMID: 24459603; PubMed
Maxillofac Surg 2018 May;76(5):917-925. Review. Central PMCID: PMC3897173.
10. Drew SJ. Oral and maxillofacial surgery team anesthesia model and
anesthesia assistant training. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am
2018 May;30(2):145-153. Review.
11. Chung WL.  Anesthesia equipment for the oral and maxillofa-
Additional Reading
cial surgery practice. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2013
Aug;25(3):373-383. White Paper by American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
12. American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Surgeons (AAOMS). Office-Based Anesthesia Provided by the Oral
(AAOMS). Office anesthesia evaluation manual. 9th edition. 2018. and Maxillofacial Surgeon. 2016. Available at: https://www.aaoms.
Available at: http://www.aaoms.org. org/docs/govt_affairs/advocacy_white_papers/advocacy_office_
13. American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
(AAOMS). Parameters of Care: AAOMS Clinical Practice

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org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropri-
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Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery
Rebecca Jacob, Subramanyam S. Mahankali,
Renita Maria, Suman Ananathanarayana, Garima Sharma,
and Mary Thomas

7.1 Introduction Previous surgeries, medication history and comorbidities

diagnosed earlier should be noted. Medication history is
Maxillofacial surgery encompasses a wide range of proce- important in all patients, especially elderly patients with car-
dures on the head and neck, combining oral and facial proce- diac, respiratory or renal involvement. It is also important to
dures with the ear, nose and throat (ENT), plastic surgery, ascertain whether the patients have any comorbid ailments
neurosurgery and base of skull specialities. It ranges from like hypertension, diabetes, thyrotoxicosis or myxoedema, a
simple dental extractions to complex reconstructive and free history of epistaxis or bleeding tendency and use of antico-
flap surgery. agulants [2, 3].
Patients of all age groups may present for maxillofacial
surgery. The main issues involve managing a shared airway;
providing good access to head, neck and oral cavity. The 7.2.1 Patients on anticoagulants
management of difficult airways and measures to reduce tis-
sue bleeding and oedema, both intra- and post-operatively Patients on anticoagulants may present for emergency or
pose a unique challenge to the anaesthetist. Good communi- elective surgery. The type of anticoagulant the patient is on
cation between all members of the team is essential [1]. should be noted during pre-operative assessment. Risk of
peri-operative bleeding versus thrombosis on discontinua-
tion of anticoagulants should be stratified and accordingly
7.2 Preoperative Assessment discontinued or bridged with preferably unfractionated hepa-
rin or low-molecular-weight heparin prior to elective sur-
All patients should be assessed preoperatively and an anaes- gery. Usually, three half-lives (T1/2) discontinuation of
thetic plan should be formulated as these patients may have anticoagulants prior to surgery is considered optimal to pre-
a suspected or a known difficult airway or are undergoing vent blood loss (Table 7.1) [3].
complex or prolonged surgery. Patients may give the history In emergency situations, the main goals are discontinua-
of poor oral intake and nutritional state due to pain, dyspha- tion of anticoagulation, delaying semi-urgent procedures as
gia and odynophagia. If dyspnoea is present, it should be appropriate and employment of reversal strategies like plate-
evaluated as to whether it is cardiac or respiratory in origin.
Table 7.1  Recommendations for discontinuation of anticoagulation
prior to elective surgery

Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- Drug Time of discontinuation
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_7) contains supple- Warfarin 5 days
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. Factor Xa inhibitors > 24 h
Rivaroxaban ROCKET AF ≥ 3 days
Apixaban Low bleed risk ≥24 h
R. Jacob (*) · S. S. Mahankali · R. Maria · S. Ananathanarayana · High bleed risk ≥48 h
G. Sharma Low-molecular-weight heparin 12 h
Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Prophylactic 24 h
Yeshwantpur, Bangalore, Karnataka, India Therapeutic dose
M. Thomas American College of Chest Physician 2012 Guidelines published in
Department of Anesthesiology, Regional Cancer Centre, Medical Chest, the RE-LY trial published in Circulation 2014, the ROCKET AF
College Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India trial, and the manufacturer’s recommendations

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 95

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_7
96 R. Jacob et al.

let transfusions, fresh frozen plasma, vitamin K antagonists, abnormalities, look for associated syndromes such as Pierre
and prothrombin complex concentrates. Robin sequence or Treacher Collins syndrome as in addition
The previous anaesthetic charts should be reviewed for to a difficult airway these patients may have involvement of
the techniques used, ease of mask ventilation, best direct other systems, such as cardiac, as a part of the syndrome,
laryngoscopy grade, Endotracheal tube (ETT) size used, and which will require specialist consultation [6].
any difficulties encountered and should be noted. The airway
of previously operated patients may be altered due to previ-
ous surgeries and/or oedema, so this should be taken into 7.2.5 Toxic Airway/Infections
account while reviewing the anaesthetic and follow-up
records of the patient. If nasal intubation is required, one Infection of dental and facial structures commonly leads to
should enquire about nostril patency (history of nasal polyps erythema and swelling of tissues. This can result in obstruc-
or deviated septum). Contraindications to the use of con- tion of airway and difficulty in airway management. Toxic
trolled hypotension, e.g. cerebrovascular, reno-vascular and airways (e.g. Ludwig’s angina, dental cysts and osteomyeli-
moderate-to-severe coronary artery disease should also be tis) with spreading infection often present as acute emergen-
assessed. Specific attention should be given to the needs of cies and may pose an extreme airway maintenance challenge.
each class of patient. Direct laryngoscopy due to trismus, tissue distortion, oedema
or abscess cavity and pus may not be possible and other
means of securing the airway must be considered [4]
7.2.2 Oncology Patients (Fig. 7.1a, b).

Patients with head and neck cancer sometimes constitute the Examination Table 7.2
most challenging patients. Their upper airway may be seri-
ously distorted, and they may have tracheal stenosis or hard-
ening and fixation of the soft tissues due to radiotherapy. 7.3 Airway Assessment
In these patients, documents concerning previous surger-
ies, radiation and chemotherapy should be studied. The dif- A detailed airway assessment based on criteria in the ‘L-E-­
ficult airway may have been encountered, tracheostomy and M-O-N’ method would help to stratify the risk of difficult
residual tracheal stenosis, limited mouth opening, and neck intubation. The ‘LEMON Law’ can be used to quickly
extension may have been recorded [4]. assess for potentially difficult airways [7]. A total score of
Symptoms such as hoarse voice, stridor, and dyspnoea 10 can be given as per the criteria and higher scores are
will indicate whether there is airway compromise due to ste- associated with poor glottic visualization and difficult
nosis, tumour, nerve damage or oedema. Post radiation, the intubation.
patients may have tissue fibrosis with limited mouth opening Please refer the Fig. 2.2 on LEMON in Chap. 2 on pre-­
or neck extension. Make a note of chemotherapy drugs, dura- operative evaluation and investigations.
tion and interval since the last cycle of chemotherapy. In paediatric patients, the Mallampati score does not
accurately predict a poor view of the glottis and there are no
standard values for the thyromental and horizontal length of
7.2.3 Trauma Patients the mandible. Thus, an adaptation is required, and this is
found in the ‘COPUR SCALE’ (Table 7.3) [7, 8].
Trauma patients require a thorough history of the mechanism
of injury, which would indicate intracerebral or spinal injury.
Drug and/or alcohol ingestion is often a contributory factor,
and 15% have other injuries. There is also potential for inju-
ries to other organs and massive blood loss. Cervical spine Once the airway assessment is done, check
injury occurs in 5–10% of patients with blunt trauma to the
head and face. Therefore, the patient should be evaluated • Whether mask ventilation would be possible after
from ‘head to toe’ [5]. induction of General Anaesthesia (GA).
• Anticipated view during direct laryngoscopy.
• Whether it would be possible to use a supraglottic
7.2.4 Paediatric Patients airway as a rescue device.
• Possibility and accessibility of a surgical airway in
Consider age, weight, prematurity, feeding, nutritional status case of a dire emergency.
and position during sleep. In patients with craniofacial
7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 97

Fig. 7.1 (a) Buccal abscess

(b) ludwigs angina a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Table 7.2  Checklist of things for a safe surgery

vous system, should be done and if in any doubt a specialist
Pre-Anaesthesia Checklist should be consulted.
•  Age and weight of the patient
There are various scales used to record a patient’s level of
•  Type of maxillofacial surgery
•  Previous surgeries/ associated complications consciousness. One of the most detailed is the GCS, which is
•  Comorbidities and detailed medication list used worldwide (Table 7.5) [9, 10]. The GCS is a reasonably
•  Known drug allergies complicated system, which, unless you use regularly, can be
•  CVS, RS, abdomen examination difficult to remember and apply correctly.
•  Detailed airway examination
•  Venous access
•  Adequate blood and blood products
7.4.1 Investigations

In addition to routine blood tests like complete blood counts,

7.4 General Physical Examination kidney function tests, blood sugars, coagulation profile,
serology, blood grouping and cross-matching is required for
Look for pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopa- major surgery.
thy and oedema as well as the general nutritional status. Chest X-ray helps in visualising any pathology in the
Follow this up with pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory lungs. It may also reveal tracheal deviation. X-ray soft-tissue
rate, oxygen saturation, signs of dehydration, and responses neck, airway ultrasound, computerized tomography (CT),
denoted as AVPU–Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive. and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans may be help-
AVPU is a simplified version of the Glasgow Coma Scale ful in cancer, infections, abscesses or trauma cases.
(GCS), which is easy to remember and apply to patients For cancer surgery, a nasoendoscopy & indirect laryngos-
(Table 7.4) [9, 10]. It consists of four possible stages. When copy provides valuable information about the upper airway
recording AVPU, it is important to document the time the anatomy.
observation was taken and to track any changes over time as Electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, cardiopul-
this will help monitor the progress of the patient (Table 7.4). monary exercise testing or pulmonary function tests are
Apart from these, specific systemic examination, includ- required if there are symptoms or signs of cardiorespiratory
ing cardiovascular, respiratory, per-abdomen and central ner- disease.
98 R. Jacob et al.

Table 7.3  Description of COPUR scale Table 7.5  Glasgow Coma Scale described in detail
COPUR SCALE Glasgow Coma Scale
C = Chin Normal −1 Behaviour Response Score
Small, moderately hypoplastic - 2 Eye opening (E) Spontaneous 4
Markedly recessive – 3 To speech 3
Extremely hypoplastic – 4 To pressure 2
O – Opening > 40 mm – 1 None 1
Interdental space between 20-40 mm – 2 Verbal response (V) Orientated 5
front teeth 10-20 mm – 3 Confused 4
< 10 mm – 4 Words, but not coherent 3
P – Previous intubation or Previous easy – 1 Sounds, but no words 2
OSA No attempt/no h/o OSA – 2 None 1
OSA, previous difficult Motor response (M) Obeys command 6
intubation – 3 Moves to localised pain 5
Extremely difficult intubation/ Flexion withdrawal to pain 4
tracheostomy/can’t lie down Abnormal flexion (decorticate) 3
supine – 4 Abnormal extension (Decerebrate) 2
U – Uvula Tip of uvula visible – 1 No response 1
Mouth open tongue out Uvula partially visible – 2 Total score Best response 15
Uvula concealed/soft palate Comatose </=6
visible – 3 Totally unresponsive 3
Soft palate not visible – 4
R – Range >120°– 1
Line from eye to orbit, range 60–120° –2
of motion looking up & down 30–60°–3 7.4.2 Counselling and Reassurance
< 30°– 4
Prediction points for ease of intubation
5–7: Easy normal intubation
This is essential in all cases but especially so in patients who
8–10: Laryngeal help may be required may have dramatic cosmetic changes or are undergoing can-
12: More difficult, may be less traumatic cer surgery like hemi-mandibulectomy. The possibility of
14: Difficult intubation, fibre optic or other advanced technique may tracheostomy and loss of voice must also be discussed with
be required
16: Dangerous airway, consider awake intubation/potential
empathy. Video counselling may be resorted to in case of
tracheostomy need.

Table 7.4  AVPU scale described with examples 7.4.3 Informed Consent
Adult Behaviour Behaviour Any patient above the age of 18 years may give consent for
A ALERT Eyes open Child is active and
surgery and anaesthesia. In the case of patients younger than
spontaneously. responds
Appears aware of and appropriately to 18 years, consent must be obtained from a parent or guardian
responsive to the parents and other after full explanation of procedures. The consent must be
environment. external stimuli documented and signed by both the person taking the con-
Follows commands,
sent and the person giving the consent.
eyes track people and
V VOICE Eyes do not open Responds only
spontaneously but open when his or her 7.4.4 Transport to Operation Theatre (OT)
to verbal stimuli. name is called
Able to respond in
some meaningful way Should be with a trained health care worker especially if the
when spoken to patient has been given a sedative premedication. It is advis-
P PAIN Does not respond to Responds only able for a parent or guardian to accompany younger children
questions but moves or when painful to the OT.
cries out in response to stimuli are
painful stimuli such as received such as
pinching the skin or pinching the nail
earlobe bed 7.4.5 Handover Documents
U UNRESPONSIVE Patient does not No response at all
respond to any stimuli
All documents pertaining to the case must be handed over to
the OT personnel and the handover documented.
7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 99

7.5 Intraoperative Considerations • Continue oxygenation with spontaneous respiration and

wake up the patient if intubation is unsuccessful
7.5.1 Before Induction (Figs. 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5,
7.6, 7.7, and 7.8) [6] More patients have died from lack of oxygen than from
lack of an endotracheal tube!
Please see Chap. 42 in this book to read about avoidable
• Discuss the procedure and options with the lead surgeon human errors for a safer patient care. (A case of loss of air-
• Ensure patients vitals are stable way is discussed in Chap. 42).
• Check anaesthetic machine and all equipment, including
the ‘Difficult Airway’ cart and ‘rescue devices’ like
Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) and tracheostomy tubes. 7.5.2 Induction
• If an ‘uncommon’ ETT like a flexometallic or (RAE) Ring-
Adair-Elwyn tube is to be used, ensure that a regular tube Anaesthesia may be induced either intravenously or with an
of the appropriate size and one size smaller are available inhalational agent. The choice of technique depends on:
• Ensure you have adequate help and each one knows what
is expected of him/her • Airway factors: For example, an anticipated ‘difficult air-
• Check intravenous (IV) access and all drugs available in way’ or limited mouth opening
the OT—drawn up and labelled. • Patient factors:
• Check that blood is available if deemed necessary Paediatrics
• If intubation is difficult do not try more than 2–3 times Post radiation
with any one method (you will precipitate oedema and Trauma
make matters worse) • Associated comorbidities: e.g. ischemic heart disease or
• CALL FOR HELP EARLY emphysema.
Nil-per-oral status
• Surgical factors:
Cancer surgery
Vascular malformation

7.5.3 Monitoring

In young patients belonging to ASA (American Society of

Anesthesiologists) Grade I and II, standard monitoring will
suffice. Invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring may be
required if controlled hypotension is planned or if comor-
bidities warrant. Monitoring of temperature is required in
children and those undergoing prolonged surgeries like cor-
rective LeFort osteotomies. Urinary catheterization may be
required during prolonged surgeries.

7.5.4 Airway management: (Flow Chart 1)

The method of securing the airway should be discussed with

the surgeon. This depends on:

• Patient factors, such as age, obesity, pan-facial trauma or

anticipated difficult airway
• Site of operation may require oral or nasal intubation with
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
specially configured tubes.
Fig. 7.2  Anaesthetic apparatus • Anaesthetists’/surgeons’ preferences.
100 R. Jacob et al.

Other useful Airway Equipment

a c

b d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 7.3 (a) Nasal airway, (b) Oral airway, (c) Ventilation mask and (d) Laryngoscope blades

Special Endotracheal Tubes-RAE tubes

Regular Endotracheal Tube

a b

Reinforced Endotracheal Tube

Fig. 7.4  Endotracheal tubes Fig. 7.5  RAE tubes

Simple intraoral operations with no anticipated difficult and 7.5). However, major corrective surgeries will require
airways can be done with standard nasal intubation or oral the oral cavity to be empty and hence warrant nasal intuba-
intubation under general anaesthesia with endotracheal tube tion, submental intubation or a tracheostomy. Anticipated
pushed to the side opposite of surgery. Use of specially pre- non-­obstructed difficult airway as assessed by history and/or
formed tubes like RAE tubes and Reinforced/Armoured tube examination or suspected (cervical) C-spine injury should be
can be used to give good access to the surgical area (Figs. 7.4 managed with awake fibre optic bronchoscopy or blind nasal
7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 101

Airway Rescue Devices

Advanced Airway Equipment

LMA Supreme Tracheostomy Tube Cricothyrotomy set

Fig. 7.6  Airway rescue devices

Fiberoptic Scope
Difficult Airway cart Video Laryngoscope

Fig. 7.8  Advanced airway equipment

Do I anticipate
Difficult Airway

Risk of aspiration
Awake FOBI

No YES Failed

Conventional RSI Failed Tracheostomy

induction of under LA
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India securing of Success
airway Signs of
Fig. 7.7  Difficult airway cart Cricoid
pressure on
Failed obstruction
intubation. The safety of awake intubation relies on the
maintenance of spontaneous breathing, and the ability to Alternative
stop and perform a different technique, such as awake trache- options: options:
Success ILMA / Awake
ostomy, if intubation is unsuccessful. Most anaesthesiolo- ILMA
gists prefer the nasal route for fibre optic intubation, as it is
technically easier. For this, the patency of the nostril should
be assessed preoperatively, and roomier nostril should be Failed
chosen and prepared with vasoconstrictor drops like oxy-
metazoline hydrochloride. Flow Chart 1  Airway management in oro-maxillo-facial surgery
Sedation may enhance the acceptability of awake fibre
optic intubation. Dexmedetomidine infusion [11] serves go’ technique and/airway blocks (glossopharyngeal, supe-
this purpose very well. Airway instrumentation can be rior laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal nerve blocks) [12].
facilitated by local anaesthetic topicalisation of airway An antisialogoguelike glycopyrrolate administered
either by means of lignocaine nebulisation or ‘spray as you 30–45 min prior will reduce the secretions and will facili-
102 R. Jacob et al.

Supraglottic Airways


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 7.9 (a,b,c,d) Supraglottic airways

tate awake fibre optic intubation. Airway blocks may not 7.5.5 Supraglottic Airway Devices
be an option to facilitate awake intubation in cases such as
extensive pan-facial fractures or post-­radiation fibrosis of Several varieties of supraglottic airway devices are available
the neck. Fibre optic intubation may be impractical in case (Fig.  7.9). However, these are not ideal devices for oro-­
of oro-maxillofacial trauma if associated with severe air- maxillofacial surgeries requiring the oral cavity to be empty,
way bleeding that can obscure visibility and other options but can be lifesaving as rescue devices in ‘cannot ventilate,
such as tracheostomy under local anaesthesia (LA) should cannot intubate’ situations to ventilate a patient until the
be considered. definitive airway is secured. However, a flexible reinforced
The traditional ‘blind nasal intubation’ is rarely employed LMA can be used for simple dental extractions and nasal,
these days but may be used if a fibre optic scope is not avail- zygomatic and superficial facial surgery. However, obstruc-
able or not possible (Video 7.1). tion and dislodgement can occur, especially when the man-
A ‘plan B’ should always be present if intubation by one dible is moved.
method is unsuccessful.
During long surgery and if ventilated in the post-operative
period, the Endotracheal (or tracheostomy) cuff pressure 7.6 Special Considerations
should be measured using an aneroid manometer. A pressure
of 20–30 cm of H2O is considered as standard in adults. Paediatrics: [6] Children will not co-operate for awake fibre
In supraglottic obstruction—associated with stridor and optic intubation. Hence, in such cases, the airway can be
respiratory distress, as in case of upper airway trauma, rap- secured after inhalational induction without relaxation after
idly expanding infections like epiglottitis, Ludwig’s angina, establishing IV access. A nasopharyngeal airway may be
etc. awake fibre optic bronchoscopy and intubation may not passed gently into one nostril and connected to a breathing
be the right choice. In such a situation, an awake tracheos- circuit while monitoring the end-tidal carbon dioxide
tomy under local anaesthesia must be considered. (EtCO2) and continuing the anaesthetic and oxygenation via
7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 103

the airway. The other nostril may now be prepared with a Retromolar Intubation
vasoconstrictor and local anaesthetic and used for fibre optic Pre-operatively check the adequacy of the retromolar space. This
intubation (Fig. 7.10). is done to prevent kinking of the endotracheal tube in retromolar
space by insinuating the index finger behind the third molar and
asking the patient to clench his teeth. The patients’ airway is then
7.6.1 Retromolar and Submental Intubation intubated by the conventional method and the ETT is pushed in
the retromolar space and brought out from the angle of the mouth
These techniques were developed as alternatives to tracheos- and connected to the ventilator. The spiral reinforced/armoured
tomy in maxillofacial surgeries requiring intra-operative ETT is preferred as it is kink resistant (Fig. 7.11).
inter-dental fixation for malocclusion correction like com-
minuted fracture of the mid-face or the nose, where nasal Submental Orotracheal Intubation: [13]
intubation is contraindicated. (Fig. 7.12a–f )
(See additional reading material on submental intubation
given at the end of the chapter).
Just like retromolar intubation, it also requires the use of
a spiral reinforced/armoured ETT in order to prevent the
tube from kinking during its usage. Following conventional
orotracheal intubation, a 2-cm incision is made lateral to
the midline between the chin and the angle of the mandible
and an opening is made in the floor of the mouth by the
surgeon, avoiding the submandibular salivary glands. The
machine end of the ETT without the connector is pulled
through the tunnel, using gentle rotational movements.
Following this manoeuvre, the tube is connected to the ven-
tilating machine and sutures are used to fix the tube in posi-
tion. If the procedure of disconnecting the ETT is long and
pulling it out is prolonged, there is a possibility of hypoxia.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
So monitor oximetry closely and use high oxygen concen-
trations immediately before and after the placement of the
Fig. 7.10  Fibre optic intubation in children submental tube (Video 7.2).

Fig. 7.11  Retromolar intubation

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

104 R. Jacob et al.

a b

c d

e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 7.12 (a–f) Various steps in submental intubation

7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 105

Securing ETT in Maxillofacial Surgery

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 7.13  Securing ETT in maxillofacial surgery

Securing the Endotracheal Tube

The ETT may dislodge intra-operatively as the airway is
shared between the surgeon and anaesthetist; hence, special
attention should be paid to securing the ETT. Preformed nasal
RAE tubes, if used, should be supported on the nasal bridge
and forehead with the help of preformed supports or pads and
secured on the forehead with tapes in addition to securing at
the nostril (Fig. 7.13). Submental tubes can be secured with
sutures (Fig.  7.14) South Pole oral RAE tubes are usually
fixed in the middle of the lower jaw with tapes (Fig. 7.15).

7.6.2 Eyes

Preferably taped with transparent dressing or specialized eye

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
pads to capture moisture and prevent drying especially dur-
ing prolonged surgeries (Fig. 7.15). Fig. 7.14  Securing submental tube with sutures
106 R. Jacob et al.

Intra-operative analgesia is preferably provided with

short-acting opioids such as fentanyl. Dexamethasone can be
administered intra-operatively to reduce post-operative
swelling, for its analgesic properties and as a prophylactic
against post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) [14].
Orthognathic surgeries are associated with a high incidence
of PONV; hence, additional antiemetics such as ondansetron
should be administered prior to extubation especially if inter-
dental wires are planned. Hypothermia can be a potential
complication of prolonged orthognathic surgeries. Hence,
temperature should be monitored and warming measures
like intra-operative warm I.V fluids, forced air mattresses
should be used. If there is a fear of airway compromise post-­
extubation, a tracheostomy should be done electively.

7.7.1 Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Cancer patients and patients undergoing long surgery are at
risk of developing thromboembolic complications. One or
Fig. 7.15  Securing oral south pole tubes/protection of the eyes with more of the following methods may be used to reduce its
tapes incidence.
Mechanical—Thromboembolic deterrent/Compression
stockings (TEDS), pneumatic calf compression boots.
7.6.3 Positioning Pharmacological—Low-molecular-weight heparin such
as Clexane could be used in patients at high risk for venous
Reverse Trendelenburg (anti-gravity) position with shoulder thromboembolism (VTE).
roll for adequate surgical exposure is preferred. Further, the
operation table may be turned away from the anaesthetist
and the anaesthesia machine by 90° or 180°. Hence, long 7.7.2 Control of Bleeding
breathing circuits, IV extensions and long cables for moni-
toring will be required. The head and neck region receives rich blood supply from the
branches of the carotid artery, and hence there is a tendency to
bleed profusely during maxillofacial surgeries. Major bleeding
7.6.4 Throat Pack can occur from branches of the maxillary artery or from ptery-
goid venous plexuses, leading to significant blood loss, warrant-
Saline-soaked throat packs will be required to protect the air- ing blood transfusion. Further, some of these procedures
way from blood, debris and saliva. It is advised to fix the tail especially corrective osteotomies are extensive and time con-
end of the throat pack to the oral endotracheal tube whenever suming. Surgical haemostasis is hampered by limited access.
feasible to prevent accidental leaving behind of the throat Risks involved in allogeneic blood transfusion have also been
pack at the end of surgery. Time of insertion and removal of well documented and hence it is important to institute measures
the throat pack should be documented and carefully checked to reduce intra-operative blood loss and blood transfusion.
before extubation. If interdental wiring is planned at the end
of surgery, then prior to doing so all throat packs should be
removed and gauze counts should be confirmed. Methods to control intra-operative blood loss include:
Reverse Trendelenburg (anti-gravity) positioning.
Ensuring adequate venous drainage.
7.7 Maintenance of Anaesthesia Antifibrinolytics, e.g. Tranexamic acid.
Infiltration of the tissues with vasoconstrictors like
Once the airway is secured, anaesthesia can be maintained adrenaline.
with total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) or with volatile Controlled hypotension.
anaesthetics or combination of both as described earlier. Intermittent positive pressure ventilation and main-
Controlled ventilation with an intermediate-acting muscle tenance of mild hypocarbia.
relaxant such as atracurium or vecuronium is used.
7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 107

1&2. Positioning and venous drainage: Reverse Standard anaesthesia with Non-pharmacological mea-
Trendelenburg (anti-gravity) positioning by 30° is recom- sures: This relies on
mended as it decreases bleeding by causing mild postural
hypotension. Neck should be preferably positioned in the • Optimal anti-Trendelenburg positioning to achieve pos-
neutral position or turned slightly towards the surgeon. tural hypotension.
Extreme flexion or rotation of the neck to one side should • Intermittent positive pressure ventilation with mild
be avoided to prevent venous engorgement. A minimum hypocarbia.
of 2-finger breadth space is recommended between chin
and chest if flexion of neck is required. Pharmacological measures: It relies on drugs used to
3. Antifibrinolytics: A number of clinical trials have shown either deepen the plane of anaesthesia and/or produce
that the use of antifibrinolytics like tranexamic acid vasodilatation.
(TXA) reduces the peri-operative blood loss and the need The ideal drug used for controlled hypotension should be
for blood transfusion significantly. In 2011 World Health easy to administer, quick in onset and recovery with predict-
Organization added tranexamic acid (TXA) to its list of able effect, no toxic metabolites and should preserve organ
essential drugs [15]. The European guidelines on man- perfusion [17]. At present, no such drug is available and
agement of major bleeding and coagulopathy following hence a combination of drugs is often used.
trauma suggests a 1A recommendation for the use of Deep anaesthesia can be achieved either with volatile
TXA in the case of traumatic and perioperative bleeding anaesthetics or with intravenous agents.
[16]. Dose reduction is required in renal impairment. Most volatile anaesthetic agents are potent vasodilators.
Also, caution should be exercised while administering to This property can be exploited to reduce blood pressure.
patients with history of seizures. However, when used alone, the minimum alveolar concen-
4. Infiltration of the tissues with lignocaine + adrenaline: tration (MAC) values required to achieve this are high and
Usually the surgeons infiltrate the tissues with ligno- can result in hepatic and renal injury and also delay awaken-
caine, a local anaesthetic (LA), and adrenaline, a vaso- ing. They are therefore used at lower concentrations with
constrictor, prior to incision so as to reduce bleeding. other pharmacological agents. Most commonly used volatile
Before doing so, the maximum allowable dose of local agents include isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane.
anaesthetic and adrenaline must be calculated and not Halothane is preferably avoided due to its arrhythmogenic
exceeded to avoid toxicity and arrhythmias. A dilution of potential with adrenaline.
1:200000 adrenaline is considered safe. If a local anaes-
thetic drug has been used for securing the airway, the Propofol Infusions: This has been extensively used in neuro
dose of LA used must be considered in total calculation. anaesthesia for controlled hypotension as part of total intra-
ECG should always be monitored during and after venous anaesthesia (TIVA). It can be used either as part of
infiltration. TIVA or combined with volatile anaesthetics.
5. Controlled hypotension: is defined as iatrogenic revers-
ible reduction of the patients mean arterial blood pres- Opioids: Opioids decrease the doses of agents required to
sure. Controlled hypotension can be achieved either by produce anaesthesia and hypotension by decreasing pain.
decreasing peripheral vascular resistance and/or cardiac Most commonly used short-acting opioids include fentanyl
output [17]. However, hypotension induced by decreas- and remifentanil.
ing cardiac output may not be ideal as it decreases tis-
sue perfusion. A reduction by 30% from the baseline Hypotensive Drugs: (Appendix II)
mean arterial pressure (MAP) level is generally consid- Hypotension should be carried out only to that level needed
ered to be safe. But it may be unsafe in some patients to reduce bleeding and only for that time of the surgery
such as those with chronic kidney disease, ischemic where it is of benefit in reducing significant blood loss. A
heart disease and carotid artery disease [17]. Therefore, number of drugs have been tried either alone or in combina-
their suitability for controlled hypotension should be tion to reduce blood pressure. While using them, one needs
assessed and recorded during the pre-anaesthetic to be aware of their potential complications and contraindi-
workup. cations. Drugs commonly used are beta-blockers, glyceryl
trinitrate and sodium nitroprusside. Newer drugs like dexme-
Over the years, several protocols have been developed. detomidine along with a propofol/remifentanil combination
The main strategies are are gaining popularity [18, 19].
Invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring is recom-
• Standard anaesthesia with non-pharmacological measures. mended if infusions of hypotensive drugs are used for con-
• Deep anaesthesia with analgesia. trolled hypotension. Intra-op serial monitoring of ABG
• Standard anaesthesia with hypotensive drugs. (arterial blood gases), acid–base balance and lactate levels
108 R. Jacob et al.

Table 7.6  Potential complications in specific maxillofacial procedures

Complications Surgery Pathogenesis Management
Bradycardia [21] Levering of zygomatic Oculocardiac reflex 1. Cessation of stimulus.
fractures. 2. Anticholinergics: Atropine/
Manipulation of glycopyrrolate
Intra-operative bleeding: Maxillary osteotomies. Bleeding from Pterygoid venous 1. Large bore I.V. cannula.
Occurs due to high vascularity of the area not LeFort-I osteotomies plexuses. 2. Intraoperative tranexamic
amenable to cauterization. Sphenopalatine artery acid.
Descending palatine artery 3. Controlled hypotension.
Internal maxillary artery 4. Autologous blood donation.
5. Blood transfusion may be
Tracheal tube damage Lateral nasal Direct damage. 1. Immediate tube change.
osteotomies [20] Bubbling of gas from the nose- 2. Laryngeal packing may be
Le fort surgeries Anaesthesia circuit leak with attempted.
inability to ventilate. 3. Precautions – Careful
4. Unilateral: Intubate via
contralateral nare.
Wiring of tracheal tube to maxilla
Wide haemodynamic swings – Radical neck Carotid sinus stimulation/ stellate 1. Cessation of stimulus
Bradyarrythmias/ asystole dissections ganglion stimulation. 2. Carotid sinus block with LA
3. Stellate ganglion block.
4. Vagolysis.

with hourly urine-output measurement should help to pre- 7.8 Post-Operative

vent organ dysfunction.
Isovolaemic haemodilution was once considered an Emergence and extubation [22] Flow Chart 2—AIDAA (All
adjunct in orthognathic surgeries to induce hypotension to India Difficult Airway Association) Guidelines for the man-
reduce blood transfusion. It has become less common these agement of anticipated difficult extubation and Table 7.7.
days. The technique involves preoperative blood donation (flow chart 2 re-used with permission from IJA and
with IV fluids replacement of circulating volume followed AIDAA)
by autologous whole blood transfusion as needed in the
intra- or post-operative period. • After discussion with the surgeon, the decision of extuba-
Intra-op Analgesia can be achieved with NSAIDs, tion post-surgery should be taken on a case-by-case basis.
Paracetamol, opioids, intraoral LA infiltration and by mandibular • Before completion of the surgery, the induced hypoten-
or maxillary nerve blocks performed intra-op by the surgeon. sion should be ceased and time should be given to the
Intra-operative complications: The anaesthetist must be surgeon to check for haemostasis. To check haemostasis,
aware of and prepared for potential intra-operative complica- few surgeons prefer to increase mean blood pressure by
tions [20, 21] (Table 7.6). 20–30% above pre-op level.
• At the end of the surgery, throat packs should be removed and
clots or debris should be suctioned from the oropharynx.
7.7.3 Elective Tracheostomy • Prior to extubation cuff leak test may be performed to
check for no airway oedema.
Indications for elective tracheostomy are: • A smooth emergence and extubation with less coughing
and bucking is desirable. With the risk of the possibility of
• Airway obstruction above the glottis - consider tracheos- ongoing bleeding in the upper airway it is usual for
tomy under LA. patients to be extubated awake. Confirm that the patient is
• After extubation, Known or anticipated presence of an awake and breathing spontaneously.
obstructed airway. • The Endotracheal tube should be left in situ, until the
• Other general conditions requiring tracheostomy: patient is fully conscious when the jaws are wired
–– Certain head injuries together, or any other airway obstruction is anticipated.
–– Massive chest injuries Two types of maxillomandibular fixation (MMF) are
–– Incidental pre-existing disease available: Rigid MMF with jaw wiring, i.e. patients would
Inadequate postoperative nursing care. be extubated with no ability to open their mouths and
7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 109

Table 7.7  Guidelines for extubation 7.8.1 H

 andover from OT to Recovery
Decision based Individual case Room/ICU
on AIDAA guidelines Flow Chart 2
Cuff leak test
Clinical Criteria for Shifting:
Jaws wired - awake extubation
Jaws not immobilized > Guedel airway/
nasopharyngeal airway • Patient should be awake and moving all 4 limbs
Stop Induced hypotension • Respiration should be regular with adequate depth
Keep ready Difficult airway cart • Stable vital parameters
Appropriate anaesthetic drug drawn up –– SpO2 > 95% on room air
Surgical team for tracheostomy –– Pulse rate optimum for age
Post op ICU bed
–– Respiratory rate < 30/min
Avoid Tight face mask ventilation
–– Normothermic
• No active bleeding from surgical site

MMF with elastics often applied, albeit later (from hours

to 1 or 2 days) into the recovery phase where mouth open- Anaesthesiologist should accompany patient to recovery
ing will not be a problem.
• Guedel’s airway or nasopharyngeal tube should be used • Give handover to responsible personnel
to maintain the airway if jaws are not immobilized. A • Handover should include
nasopharyngeal tube provides an extra dimension of –– Name and age of patient
safety in recovery. –– Surgery done
• Nasal Endotracheal tubes removal should be gentle. To –– Any positive history and examination
avoid passing of fresh tube through the vulnerable nasal –– Type of anaesthesia and drugs (time and dose) given,
mucosa, the ETT can be withdrawn into and left in oro- including analgesics.
pharynx to serve as a nasopharyngeal airway. Submental –– Any intraoperative event
ETT should be removed back from the oral cavity and –– Clear postoperative orders
closure of the submental incision done before the • Complete anaesthesia form and sign and name
extubation. • Nursing in the postoperative period should be in the
• Consider extubation over a tube changer in case of diffi- reverse Trendelenburg position to decrease oedema and
cult intubation or surgery. bleeding.
• Avoid applying tight facemask to protect surgical correc- • In cases of Le Fort II and III fractures, one should be aware
tion after extubation. that the degree of oedema could worsen in the first 48 h.
• For reintubation, airway equipment / difficult airway • For close observation, some patients need to be admitted
chart should be available on standby and in case of failed to a high dependency unit. Patients sent to ICU are those
extubation appropriate anaesthetic drugs drawn up in the who remain intubated or ventilated.
required doses.
• In case of MMF, wire cutters or scissors should be In case of inadequate postoperative care facilities like an
available immediately for release of elastics band ICU, the patient may be required to be sent to another hospi-
fixation. tal (see appendix III and 1V).
• Until successful extubation and stabilization of patient,
the surgical team should remain in the operating
theatre. 7.9  ost-Operative Complications and
• Before transfer to recovery, a short period of observation Management
in the theatre should be followed.
• Handover and transfer to recovery should be done by the • Immediate
anaesthetist. • Airway Problems
• Careful documentation of surgery details, vital signs, sta- • Postoperative bleeding and haematoma
tus at transfer, blood loss and replacement, drugs given, • Delayed
analgesia planned and expected problems should be • Nausea and Vomiting
done. • Post-operative pain
110 R. Jacob et al.

Flow Chart 2  AIDAA Guidelines for the management of anticipated difficult extubation [22]
7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 111

7.9.1 Airway Problems intra-operative use of local anaesthesia. A multi-modal anal-

gesia approach should also be utilized perioperatively by
In the post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU) the close monitor- combining opioids with paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-­
ing of complications should be done, which can lead to air- inflammatory drugs towards the end of the case.
way obstruction such as soft-tissue swelling and formation Patient Control Analgesia (PCA): It allows the patient to
of haematoma. Capnography may provide an earlier warning self-administer intravenous analgesics by means of a com-
of serious problems than pulse oximetry when supplemental puter-controlled pump. It administers the pre-programmed
oxygen is being administered. Even in uncomplicated cases, dose on demand by the individual.
the effects of residual anaesthetic agents on airway physiol-
ogy are more pronounced in patients with MMF who may
experience increased resistance to breathing. 7.10 Case Scenarios

7.9.2 Post-Operative Haematoma Case 1: Problem-Based Learning Tool

Case 2: Multiple choice questions
Haematoma formation in the early postoperative period is
an uncommon but potentially airway-threatening complica-
tion of some maxillofacial operations, notably neck surgery, 7.10.1 Case 1: Cleft Palate
thyroid resections and floor of mouth surgery. The rate at
which airway compromise occurs is variable. Emergency A 10-month-old child presents for surgery with a cleft
decompression of the haematoma may be even done at the palate
bedside. It involves removing the clips/sutures and manu-
ally evacuating the haematoma with a Yankaur sucker. 1. What are the problems special for cleft babies
However, this may not alleviate the airway obstruction ade- –– Regurgitation and repeated aspiration
quately due to oedema that results from venous congestion. –– Repeated respiratory infections
The airway needs to be secured urgently. The method of –– Airway obstruction
securing the airway should take into consideration informa- –– Malnutrition/anaemia
tion from the initial operation, but it is expected to be more –– Associated syndromes
challenging and may require expert airway management.
2. What are the important features to look for during the
pre- anaesthetic/presurgical evaluation?
7.9.3 Nausea and vomiting [23] History–
• Feeding—Type of food, difficulty in swallowing, nasal
Factors that predispose to PONV include the female gender, a regurgitation
history of motion sickness, a low threshold for nausea, preop- • Repeated respiratory infections and/or hospitalization
erative anxiety, obesity and gastric distension. Volatile anaes- • Airway obstruction especially during sleep (snoring or
thetic agents, nitrous oxide, opioid usage and intubation have sleep apnoea)—position adopted when asleep
also been implicated as has prolonged surgery, early oral intake • Previous surgery as for repair of the cleft lip
and certain types of surgery, including maxillofacial surgery. • Episodes of cyanosis or referral to a cardiologist
Vomiting in patients with MMF is dangerous as it may pre- • Birth history with details of ventilator requirements or
dispose to aspiration. If the jaws are wired together, there must neonatal ICU admission,
be wire cutters immediately available, which accompany the • Milestones and immunization
patient from theatre, to the PACU, and also to the ward.
Elastics in MMF can be cut easily with ordinary scissors. Examination
PONV prophylaxis is best given round the clock for the
first 24 h and longer if opioids continue to be used. If treat- • Body weight, signs of malnutrition, dehydration or
ment for PONV is required within 6 h of PONV prophylaxis, anaemia
it should ideally be with a different class of anti-emetic drug • Pulse, BP and Room air saturation, temperature to be
to that used initially (See Appendix I). recorded
• Mouth opening, neck extension
• Respiratory system—signs of respiratory infection
7.9.4 Analgesia [23–25] • Rule out cardiovascular involvement
• Look for associated syndromes the most common of
After orthognathic surgery immediate postoperative pain is which are Pierre Robin Sequence, Treacher Collins syn-
often not severe, and this is contributed to by the generous drome and Down syndrome.
112 R. Jacob et al.

Investigations • Intraoperative monitoring + access to the monitors diffi-

cult—so ensure they are fixed well and working well
• Hb,- nutritional anaemia is common before patient is draped
• Complete blood picture—white blood counts may be ele- • Access to the patient difficult, so make sure that intrave-
vated due to repeated infections nous access is good and fixed well before draping
• Bleeding parameters—to rule out coagulopathies • Analgesics like paracetamol and short-acting opioids like
• Chest x-ray if repeated chest infections or respiratory fentanyl may be used.
signs present on clinical examination • Extubation is often more difficult than intubation. If there is
• Cardiology consult: ECG and ECHO cardiogram if car- any query regarding obstruction to the airway, place a naso-
diac involvement suspected pharyngeal airway and a tongue stitch prior to extubation.

In addition: 5. Could there be any problems post operatively? If so enu-

merate them.
• Meet the parents, allay their anxiety and give full explana- • Bleeding.
tion of procedure. • Airway obstruction.
• Explain fasting guidelines with details of timing of feeds • Laryngospasm or post extubation stridor due to oedema
• Solids and milk feeds 6 h prior to surgery and clear fluids, of the upper airway: Treat with CPAP, humidified oxygen,
especially with glucose/sugar, 2 h prior to surgery aerosolized adrenaline, intravenous dexamethasone and
• Document informed consent form. nebulized steroids.
• Discuss procedure and requirements with primary • Bronchospasm: Bronchodilators, oxygen and adrenaline,
surgeon if severe.
• Aspiration: Suck out the mouth, nurse laterally, start anti-
3. What preparations are necessary on day of surgery? biotics and chest.
Preparation: On day of surgery • Physiotherapy along with nebulized bronchodilators.
• Ensure adequate help • Electrolyte imbalance/hypoglycaemia: Send blood for
• Ensure operating room temperature is not too cold investigations and correct
• Check Equipment and Drugs: Suction, Oxygen, Airway, • Hypothermia/hyperthermia
Pharmacy (the pneumonic SOAP helps) • Seizures/Anticonvulsants: Rule out hyperthermia (tepid
• Check anaesthesia machine sponging and paracetamol) and hyponatraemia (intrave-
• Ensure that the difficult airway cart with rescue devices is nous normal saline).

Monitors: ECG, NIBP, Pulse Oximeter, EtCO2, and air- 7.10.2 Case–2: Polytrauma with Facial Injuries
way pressure (once intubated)
A 27-year-old male presented with the history of polytrauma
4. What are the problems that can present during anaesthesia? following a road traffic accident. He gives a history of brief
• Induction—intravenous or inhalational? period of loss of consciousness following injury. No history of
• Mask ventilation may be difficult especially in cases of seizures, or other comorbidities. On examination, his GCS
facial cleft was 15/15, and he was haemodynamically stable. Airway
• Laryngoscopy. The larynx is anterior, the tongue rela- examination revealed restricted mouth opening of just one fin-
tively large and laryngoscope tends to slip into the cleft ger breadth, a short neck and a lacerated wound on the lower
• Position of the patient in this case the trunk of the baby lip and chin with emphysema on the left side of the face
should be supported on a large pillow with the neck extending into submandibular region. Cardiovascular, respira-
hyperextended and head stabilized within a head ring. tory, abdominal and central nervous system examination was
• Sharing the airway with the surgeon unremarkable. Blood investigations revealed increased CPK.
–– kinking of tube when the gag is placed CT brain and spine showed a 3.5-mm extra-dural haemor-
–– accidental extubation during positioning of the baby or rhage in the right temporal region, right frontal haemorrhagic
removal of the gag contusion, an undisplaced fracture of the body of the man-
–– tube may be pushed endobronchially resulting in one dible in bilateral parasymphyseal region with a displaced
lung ventilation when gag is applied right zygomatic arch, a comminuted, mildly displaced frac-
–– throat pack/other packs may be left behind after sur- ture of right squamous temporal bone and undisplaced frac-
gery causing airway obstruction ture of superior facet of C5 vertebra (Fig. 7.16).
7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 113

4. What is the EXCEPTION to the bedside predictors of

difficult intubation in a case like this?
a. Receding mandible
b. Facial injury
c. Edentulous
d. Cervical collar
Answer: c) Absence of teeth usually causes difficulty in ven-
tilation rather than difficulty in intubation
5. Which of the following is most useful for detection of
Extradural haematoma?
a. CT scan of head
b. MRI scan of head
c. X-Ray Skull
d. Careful clinical examination
Answer: a) A CT scan is more appropriate investigation in an
6. What would be your preferred method for securing the
a. Conventional laryngoscopy with oral endotracheal
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India b. Conventional laryngoscopy with nasal endotracheal
Fig. 7.16  Photograph of a patient with polytrauma & facial injuries
c. Fibre optic bronchoscopy with nasal intubation.
d. Conventional laryngoscopy with manual in line sta-
bilization with nasal endotracheal intubation.
Questions: Answer: b) Conventional laryngoscopy with nasal endotra-
cheal intubation
1. Following things are true about blunt trauma to face 7. What would be your preferred airway device for secur-
EXCEPT ing the airway?
a. Cervical spine injury occurs in up to 10% of cases a. Regular endotracheal tube
b. Drugs and alcohol could be a contributing factor b. Nasal RAE tube
c. Potential for injuries to other organs & massive blood c. Oral RAE tube
loss d. Reinforced cuffed endotracheal tube
d. Injuries in children are less severe than in adults Answer: b) Nasal RAE tube.
Answer: d) Injuries in children are usually more severe than 8. What do you anticipate with respect to airway in this
in adults case?
2. In this patient, following could be cause of restricted a. Difficult mask ventilation
mouth opening EXCEPT: b. Difficult laryngoscopy
a. Fracture Mandible c. Both a) and b)
b. Presence of trismus d. Normal ventilation and laryngoscopy.
c. Cervical collar Answer: c) Both difficult mask ventilation and laryngoscopy.
d. # of superior facet of C5 vertebra 9. The following monitoring would be useful during sur-
Answer: d) Fracture of Cervical vertebra usually does not gery in a case like this EXCEPT:
restrict mouth opening a. Invasive arterial pressure
3. What is the reason for the presence of subcutaneous b. Urine output
emphysema of the face in this patient? c. Central venous pressure monitoring
a. Pneumothorax d. BIS monitoring
b. Tracheal injury Answer: c) Central venous pressure monitoring would not
c. Soft-tissue injury add any additional value in a case like this
d. # involving sinuses 10. Where would you shift this patient after the surgery?
Answer: d) Fractures involving air-filled sinuses around face a. General ward
can cause subcutaneous emphysema b. Special ward
114 R. Jacob et al.

c. ICU Answer: d) PCA fentanyl will be an appropriate choice as

d. HDU patient has multiple injuries and is being monitored in
Answer: d). HDU will be an appropriate place to monitor HDU.
this patient post operatively 12. Which intravenous fluid is appropriate during the sur-
11. What is the most suitable method for pain relief in this gery for this patient?
patient? a. Dextrose-containing solutions
a. NSAIDs b. Balanced salt solutions
b. Nerve blocks c. Hypertonic saline
c. Tramadol d. Colloids
d. PCA Fentanyl Answer: b) Balanced salt solutions

Appendix I: Dosage of common Drugs

Drug Action/group Dosage
Dexmedetomidine,11 α2-adrenergic-­agonists Bolus: 1 mcg/kg over 10 mins followed by continuous infusion of 0.2-
Atropine Anticholinergic 0.5 mg I. V
Glycopyrrolate Anticholinergic Antisialagogue: 3-4 μ/kg I. M 30–60 min prior.
Bradycardia: 0.1 mg I.V repeated every 2 to 3 mins.
Topical Lignocaine Local anaesthetic Maximum safe dose: Adults: 9-10 mg/kg lean body weight.
Paediatrics: 4.5 mg/ kg
Dexamethasone Adrenocortical steroid:
Anti-­inflammatory dose 0.1–0.2 mg/ kg
Antiemetic [14] 4–5 mg I.V
Ondansetron Antiemetic—Serotonin antagonist 0.1–0.2 mg/ kg
Prochlorperazine Antiemetic—Dopamine receptor 0.25 mg/kg
(Stemetil) antagonist
Tranexamic acid [15] Antifibrinolytic 1. Bolus dose: 15 mg/kg can be repeated every 6–8 h (prior to incision) or
2. Continuous infusion during the surgery: 1 g over 10 mins followed by 1
gm over 8 h or 20–25 mg/kg followed by 1–2 mg/kg/h).

Appendix II: Commonly Used Drugs for Controlled Hypotension

Drug Administration and Dose Advantages Disadvantages
Vasodilators: Infusion: Potent venous and arteriolar Reflex tachycardia.
SNP Up to 1.5mcgs/kg/min dilatation. Rebound hypertension.
Cyanide toxicity.
NTG Infusion: - 0.5–2 mcgs/kg/min Venodilator Reflex tachycardia.
Selective: Intermittent boluses: 2–5 mg. Vasodilatation.
∂ -selective:
ß-selective: Intermittent boluses: 0.1 mg/kg. Heart rate control Bronchospasm.
Metoprolol Negatively inotropic
Esmolol Loading: 1 mg/kg over 1 min followed by
Infusion: 0.5–1 mg/kg/h.
Non-selective: Boluses: 0.25 mg/kg followed by infusion: Vasodilatation + heart rate control Bronchospasm
Labetolol 0.5–2 mg/min
α2-adrenergic-agonists: Infusion/boluses: 1mcgs/kg Vasodilatation with heart rate control. Post op sedation.
Clonidine Analgesic properties Rebound hypertension.
Dexmedetomidine Bolus: 1mcgs/ kg over 10 mins followed Vasodilatation with heart rate control. Post op sedation.
by infusion of 0.3–1 mcg/kg/hr. Analgesic properties
Magnesium sulphate Bolus: 20-60 mg/kg Vasodilatation with heart rate control. Prolonged neuromuscular
Analgesic properties block
7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 115

Appendix III: Handover Form Used for Inter Hospital Transfer

Pa t ie nt de t a ils
Name: Age: Sex: M/F MRN No:

Brief clinical history:

Clinical summary written by:

Reason for transfer:

Transfer out hospital: Referring doctor:
Transfer in hospital: Accepting doctor:
Inter -hospital transfer consent taken: Y/N

V it a ls be fore t ra nsfe r:
HR: /min BP: mm Hg RR:
SpO2: % O2: l/min AVPU score:
Airway: Intubated and assisted / Intubated and spontaneous / Not
Patent IV access:
Fluid on flow:
Medications on flow:
Monitors connected: ECG / Pulse oximetry / NIBP / Others

T ra nsfe r de t a ils:
Departure time: Arrival time :

Duration of Transfer:
Accompanied by:
Critical events during transfer:

V it a ls on a rriva l/a dm ission:

HR: /min BP: mm Hg RR:
SpO2: % O2: l/min AVPU score:
Airway: Intubated and assisted / Intubated and spontaneous / Not
Patent IV access:
Fluid on flow:
Medications on flow:
Monitors connected: ECG / Pulse oximetry / NIBP / Others

H a ndove r de t a ils:
Clinical summary: Y / N
Patient records: Y / N
Investigations: Y / N

H a nding Ove r Doc t or T a k ing ove r doc t or:

Name: Name:
Sign: Sign:
Date & time: Date & time:
116 R. Jacob et al.

 ppendix IV: Inter-Hospital Transfer

A adequate battery backup. In case of an intubated
Guidelines patient –DO NOT EXTUBATE just prior to transfer.
• Note and record vital signs just before transfer.
The transfer of the patient to a Centre where intensive care is • During transfer the vitals should be monitored continu-
available may sometimes be required if the facilities at the ously and documented frequently.
current hospital are inadequate. Most of these patients are • Anticipation of problems during transfer and prepared-
critically ill and need the utmost care and planning to ensure ness will help ensure safe transfer.
safety during transfer. It is the responsibility of the referring • Upon reaching the destination hospital, the transferring
team (surgeon as well as anaesthesiologist) to ensure a safe team should ensure that the patient is safely shifted to the
handover to the new treating team of doctors. desired critical care area and the hand-over formalities
The following guidelines may be used to develop local completed.
protocols for inter-hospital transfer.

• The decision to transfer should be done by the treating

team of doctors. References
• Choose the appropriate hospital.
• The patient’s family should be counselled by the treating 1. Allman K, Wilson I.  Oxford handbook of Anaesthesia. 3rd ed.
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2011.
doctor for the reason of transfer. 2. Shaw I, Kumar C, Dodds C, editors. Oxford textbook of Anaesthesia
• Obtain consent from the patient’s family after explaining for Oral and maxillofacial surgery. Oxford, UK: Oxford University
the need as well as the risks involved in transfer. Press; 2010.
• The administrative coordination between the two hospi- 3. Sherwood MW, Douketis JD, Patel MR, Piccini JP, Hellkamp AS,
Lokhnygina Y, et al. Outcomes of temporary interruption of rivar-
tals, e.g. checking the availability of beds, required doc- oxaban compared with warfarin in patients with nonvalvular atrial
tors, equipment, etc. should be performed telephonically. fibrillation: results from the rivaroxaban once daily, oral, direct fac-
The verbal consent to accept the patient by the destination tor Xa inhibition compared with vitamin K antagonism for preven-
hospital authorities should be done and documented. tion of stroke and embolism trial in atrial fibrillation (ROCKET
AF). Circulation. 2014;129(18):1850–9.
• A short summary of the patient’s clinical condition and 4. Popat M.  Difficult airway management. Oxford, UK: Oxford
handover document should be prepared. University Press; 2009.
• The transfer team should be identified. It should comprise 5. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Advanced
at least 2 members who are adequately trained in handling trauma life support for doctors. 6th ed. Chicago: American College
of Surgeons; 1997.
sick patients, e.g. while transferring an intubated patient, 6. Jacob R.  Recognition and management of the difficult paediatric
the team should be trained in managing intubated patients. airway. In: Jacob R, editor. Understanding paediatric anaesthesia.
At least one doctor (preferably an anaesthetist) should 3rd ed. India: Wolters Kluwer (India); 2015. p. 184–94.
accompany/supervise the patient during transfer especially 7. Kheterpal S, Martin L, Shanks AM, Tremper KK. Prediction and
outcomes of impossible mask ventilation: a review of 50,000 anes-
sick patients. thetics. Anesthesiology. 2009;110:891–7.
• The departure checklist should include confirming the 8. Reed MJ, et al. Can an airway assessment score predict difficulty
following: at intubation in the emergency department? Emerg Med J. 2005
• Ambulance services. Feb;22:99–102.
9. Teasdale G, Jennett B.  Assessment of coma and impaired con-
• Sufficient oxygen supply. sciousness. A practical scale. Lancet. 1974;2:81–4.
• Shifting trolley. 10. Mackay CA, Burke DP, Burke JA, Porter KM, Bowden D, Gorman
• Battery backup for equipment. D.  Association between the assessment of conscious level using
• Mode of ventilation (for intubated patients). the AVPU system and the Glasgow coma scale. Pre-Hospital
Immediate Care. 2000;4:17–9.
• Adequate monitoring (ECG, pulse oximetry, blood 11. Chopra P, Dixit MB, Dang A, Gupta V. Dexmedetomidine provides
pressure). optimum conditions during awake fiberoptic intubation in simu-
• Resuscitative medications (prefilled syringes). lated cervical spine injury patients. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol.
• Required paperwork—clinical summary, patient 2016;32:54–8.
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records and investigations. intubation. Indian J Anaesth. 2011;55(5):442–7.
• Knowledge of destination hospital location and con- 13. Pavlakovic L, Lee G.  Anaesthesia for maxillofacial surgery.

tact numbers. Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine. 2014;15(8):379–84.
• Clinical stability of the patient should be confirmed 14. De Oliveira GS Jr, Castro-Alves LJ, Ahmas S, Kendall MA, RJ
MC. Dexamethasone to prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting:
before shifting. an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Anesth
• Patient should be stabilised before transfer. The following Analg. 2013 Jan;116(1):58–74.
should be confirmed just before transfer—a patent IV 15. WHO model list of essential drugs 17th list; March, 2011. http://
line, a patent airway access, a functioning monitor with www.who.int/medicines/publications/essentialmedicines/en/index.
7  Anaesthesia for Maxillo Facial Surgery 117

16. Rossaint R, Bouillon B, Cerny V, Coats TJ, Duranteau J, Fernández-­ Singaravelu R, Das S, Myatra SN. All India difficult airway asso-
Mondéjar E, et  al. The European guideline on management of ciation 2016 guidelines for the management of anticipated diffi-
major bleeding and coagulopathy following trauma: fourth edition. cult extubation. Indian J Anaesth. 2016;60(12):915–21. https://doi.
2016;20(1):100. org/10.4103/0019-5049.195484.
17. Rodrigo C. Induced hypotension during anesthesia with special ref- 23. Patel PK, Morris DE, Gassman A. Complications of orthognathic
erence to orthognathic surgery. Anesth Prog. 1995;42(2):41–58. surgery. J Craniofac Surg. 2007;18(4):975–85.
18. Bajwa S, Kaur J, Kulshrestha A, Haldar R, Sethi R, Singh
24. Beck JI, Johnston KD.  Anaesthesia for cosmetic and functional
A.  Nitroglycerine, esmolol and dexmedetomidine for induced maxillofacial surgery. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia Critical
hypotension during functional endoscopic sinus surgery: A com- Care & Pain. 2014;14(1):38–42.
parative evaluation. 2016;32(2):192–197. 25. Lupori JP, Van Sickels JE, Holmgreen WC.  Outpatient orthog-
19. Sajedi P, Rahimian A, Khalili G. Comparative evaluation between nathic surgery: review of 205 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
two methods of induced hypotension with infusion of Remifentanil 1997;55:558–63.
and labetalol during sinus endoscopy. J Res Pharm Pract.
20. Morosan M, Parbhoo A, Curry N.  Anaesthesia and common oral Additional Reading (Sub Mental Intubation)
maxillo-facial emergencies. Continuing education in anaesthesia.
Critical Care and Pain. 2012;12:5. Hernández AF.  Sub-mental vs. retromolar intubation. Anaesthesia.
21. McDermott PJC.  Reflex bradycardia in facial surgery. J Oral
2006 Nov;61(11):1123–4.
Maxillofac Surg. 1990;48(9):1015–6. Altemir FH, Montero SH, Peña MM.  About submental intubation.
22. Kundra P, Garg R, Patwa A, Ahmed SM, Ramkumar V, Shah A, Anaesthesia. 2003 May;58(5):496–7.
Divatia JV, Shetty SR, Raveendra US, Doctor JR, Pawar DK,

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Part IV
Imaging in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons:
The Essentials 8
Shyamsundar K. Joshi and Annie I. Kochuveettil

Learning Objectives Radiology, helping them understand its applications in the

• To identify the strategies in building an effective working diagnosis of a patient’s clinical condition.
relationship with the imaging department and help plan The scope of practice of a practicing MFS includes both
appropriate imaging investigations. surgical and nonsurgical problems that affect the orofacial
• To understand the principles of various imaging tech- region, and hence they need to be well versed with the imag-
niques; the advantages and disadvantages of these tech- ing concepts of the head and neck region.
niques in varying clinical scenarios.
• To gain awareness about the benefits and risks of using Head and Neck Imaging
ionizing radiation and understand the basic principles of Anatomy of the head and neck is complex and imaging in
radiation protection. this region poses several challenges and an MFS needs to be
• To establish the role of imaging as a treatment guide fol- cognizant of them.
lowing different maxillofacial surgeries.

Modern imaging has the unique advantage of being

8.1 Introduction able to:

Accurate diagnosis is the mainstay of proper surgical man- • Demonstrate intricate and critical anatomical struc-
agement in a maxillofacial surgical patient. Definitive diag- tures packed in small compact space pockets.
nosis may be possible in a few patients based on clinical • Define the anatomy pertinent to the region of clini-
evaluation in the outpatient department or emergency setup. cal interest.
Other cases may require the use of supplementary investiga- • Define the critical relation to vital structures like the
tions, including radiological imaging. brain and cerebral vessels.
Like other medical specialties, the scope of Radiology is • Define the related adjacent critical areas like the air-
vast, playing a significant role in disease management. way, orbital contents, and both intra- and extracra-
Penning a chapter on Radiology for a clinical branch-like nial neurovascular elements.
Maxillofacial surgery is an uphill task. As a clinician, the • Define the underlying pathological process.
maxillofacial surgeon, after having made the diagnosis, has
the desire to visualize and gain in-depth knowledge of the
ongoing disease process within the patient. Radiology plays
an important supporting role in helping the clinician visual- Conventional Radiography is one of the modalities that
ize within the patient’s body. It is hence necessary for clini- have been available from early days, ever since X-rays were
cians to have basic knowledge of the key concepts of discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. However,
it is regarded as a poor choice for anatomical evaluation due
to overlapping of anatomical structures especially in the
head and neck region. Yet it still has a popular role in its own
S. K. Joshi (*) · A. I. Kochuveettil humble way. It is universally available, the least time-­
Department of Radiology, SDM College of Medical Sciences and consuming imaging investigation, and gives a ‘bird’s eye
Hospital, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University, view’ of the region of interest. It provides instant practical
Dharwad, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 121

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_8
122 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

information on the status of the airway and osseous ele- 8.2 Requesting an Imaging Investigation
ments, helps inferring the underlying pathological process
based on the presence of air pockets or bony destruction, and Prior to requesting a radiological investigation, the MFS
at times may even reflect systemic pathology. It guides the needs to have a clear idea about the usefulness of an investi-
clinician as to the further steps to be taken for patient man- gation, its limitations, and whether it will help to improve the
agement or to the need for further imaging. Despite it being patient outcome. A radiological imaging requisition must
the era of advanced technology, conventional radiography specify the choice of investigation and the surgeon’s expec-
should invariably be the first choice among imaging investi- tations from it, so that the information received strengthens
gations. In cases of complex maxillofacial injuries and poly- his approach in treating the patient.
trauma, when the patient’s clinical status demands the next It must provide mandatory demographic and relevant
level of investigation, CT may be performed first, bypassing clinical data, including the patient’s symptoms, which pri-
conventional radiography. marily brought him to the MFS, their duration, clinical signs,
Pioneers in the field of imaging had a yearning to develop and the clinician’s differential diagnosis of the same. In addi-
modalities that could demonstrate finer anatomical details in tion to concentrating on the clinical data, entries made avail-
the region of interest. able through the Hospital Information system (HIS) and the
Radiology Information system (RIS), accurate patient identi-
fication by the MFS is essential prior to referral to the imag-
This, coupled with the technological evolution, has ing department.
paved the way for the development of various radio-
logical imaging technologies that include:
8.3  ole of the Maxillofacial Surgeon
• Ultrasonography (USG) (MFS) Vs. the Radiologist’s
• Color Doppler expectation from the MFS
• Computerized Tomographic (CT) scan
• Dentascan An MFS deals with patients suffering from maxillofacial
• Cone beam CT disease processes, but being a clinician primarily he is
• PET scans expected to have basic knowledge of various systemic clini-
• Radioisotope scanning cal problems as well. Systemic disease may manifest as dis-
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) ease in the maxillofacial region or vice versa. For instance,
• Functional imaging, etc. a cystic lesion in the jaw could be the primary radiographic
finding in a patient suffering from hyperparathyroidism.
Similarly, patients suffering from systemic diseases like
osteopetrosis, fluorosis, fibrous dysplasia, and other marrow
These advances in imaging techniques have enabled the infiltrative disorders could also present with a disease in the
MFS to diagnose with greater confidence and refine their maxillofacial region. Further, detection of congenital anom-
approach to surgical treatment. This has also led to a reduc- alies in the maxillofacial region is an indication for a more
tion in unexpected surprises springing up on the surgical detailed survey to rule out associated anomalies elsewhere.
table. The surgeon should be able to identify radiological images,
Considering that a range of imaging modalities are avail- correlate the same with the report and the patient’s clinical
able, it is imperative that the MFS has basic knowledge about status, and focus on timely decision making and patient man-
their functionality, being familiar with the advantages and agement, thus optimizing the patient’s outcome. However, in a
disadvantages of each so that the appropriate imaging inves- dire emergency when a radiologist’s opinion is not available,
tigation that gives the most optimal information in a given or a delay is expected in obtaining the same, an MFS should
clinical setup can be selected. The rationale behind choosing be able to interpret radiographs that suggest life-threatening
the right investigation is that it should be easily available, conditions like tension pneumothorax, aspiration broncho-
least time consuming, cause least possible discomfort to the pneumonia, foreign body aspiration, or pulmonary edema
patient and be economical. Appropriate use of the concerned among others. Imaging can help the MFS in narrowing down
imaging modality should provide the maximum possible on the clinical diagnosis, in staging and evaluating the progno-
anatomical and functional information. This is possible if a sis of a disease process, or in surgical planning by depicting
genuine effort is made by an MFS to understand the basic the exact extent of a lesion after diagnosis is confirmed.
principles and other related components of specific diagnos- MFS’ need to communicate with their radiology coun-
tic imaging relevant to his field of interest and establish a terparts the expectations they have from imaging of a case
close rapport with the imaging department. so that the radiologist can provide the relevant anatomical
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 123

and functional information from the region of interest. The popularity of X-rays as an imaging modality is due to
Each imaging modality has its own reporting language its optimum penetration power and photochemical and fluores-
and the surgeon needs to be well versed with the language cent properties. Its fluorescent property is useful in converting
used and have a clear concept of principles of image for- invisible images into visible light images, while the photo-
mation, specific to the energy source used in the particular chemical property is responsible for conversion of the visible
investigation. light image into a permanent visible record called radiograph.
Conventional radiography includes plain radiographs of
different body parts like chest, skull, PNS, etc., contrast stud-
8.4  ole of the Department of Imaging
R ies of the gastrointestinal tract like Barium studies, contrast
and the Radiologist studies of the genitourinary tract like Intravenous urography
(IVU), and contrast studies of the vascular system like
The responsibility of the imaging department is conducting Arteriography, Phlebography, etc.
the specified diagnostic imaging investigation, interpretation Fluoroscopy involves a continuous display of real-time
of the tests or procedures by the radiologist and providing the movements of moving structures as radiographic images on
clinician with accurate reports of the performed investigation the monitor, e.g., act of swallowing, movement of the soft
as early as possible. Clinical radiologists function as key palate, movement of the temporomandibular joint, cardiac
members of multidisciplinary teams, being an integral part pulsations, diaphragmatic movements, etc.
of patient care. Computed Tomography includes cross-sectional imaging
with its modifications like 3D, Volume rendering, Multiplanar
reconstruction images, C.T. angiography, etc.
8.5  nergy Forms Used in Diagnostic
E Ultrasound imaging or sonography makes use of high-­
Medical Imaging: Understanding frequency sound waves that are transmitted from the trans-
the Basics ducer into the body. The reflection of these waves off the
body structures forms the basis of ultrasound image forma-
Different types of energies are used in diagnostic imaging. tion. The information necessary for image production is pro-
These energies are imperceptible to the human eye and when vided by the amplitude of the reflected sound signal and the
they are passed to the desired location in the body, they inter- time taken for it to travel through the body. Commonly ultra-
act with the body tissues in different ways. The tissue inter- sound is used in the imaging of the abdomen, fetus, breast,
actions can reveal information about the tissue, but they need eye, heart, vessels, and the musculoskeletal system. In recent
to be interpreted. Access to this information is possible only years, there has been much research into ultrasound of the
if it is converted into a visible form on a display system. In maxillofacial region, and it has been found to have a range of
essence, the requirements for an imaging investigation are; a unique applications, including the evaluation of cervical
reliable and reproducible energy form, a subject (the patient) lymph nodes and the detection of space infections and cystic
into whom the energy can be sent, and a format that can con- and solid lesions of the head and neck. In early cases of
vert the invisible image into a visible display. peripherally located carcinoma of the tongue, ultrasonogra-
X-rays and gamma rays are photon energies and members phy may be an initial mode of imaging for evaluation.
of the electromagnetic spectrum having a wide range of Ultrasound imaging is not associated with the same risks
wavelengths and frequencies. X-rays have very small wave- as ionizing radiation and is considered to be generally safe if
lengths being lesser than 1 Å unit and greater than 0.1 Å units. used appropriately. Ultrasound energy does have the potential
This range of specific frequencies and wavelengths of X-rays to produce biological effects on the body and can cause mini-
give them special properties, gaining popularity in diagnos- mal heating of tissues and in certain cases produce tiny gas
tic imaging. pockets in the tissues and body fluids known as cavitation.
Gamma rays have shorter wavelengths and higher fre- Magnetic resonance imaging makes use of strong mag-
quencies than X rays. They are used in nuclear medicine netic fields and radiofrequency energy to create images. The
both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. signals that produce an MR image originate from the protons
Conventional radiography, including mammography, flu- present in water and fat molecules in the body. Application
oroscopy, computed tomography (CT), is a modality that of a strong magnetic field by the MRI scanner causes the
generates images of the ionizing radiation. It works on the protons within the body to align themselves. Radiofrequency
same basic principle, which essentially involves passing of current is then passed into the patient’s body creating a vary-
an X-ray beam through the body followed by absorption and ing magnetic field that causes the protons to flip their spins.
scattering of a portion of the X-ray energy by the body tis- Turning off the radiofrequency pulse causes the protons to
sues and transmission of the resultant radiographic pattern return to their normal spins, producing radio signals that are
formed by differential tissue absorption to a detector for measured by receivers in the scanner and used to make digi-
recording or further computer processing. tal images of the scanned area of the body.
124 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

Many forms of MRI exist, diffusion and functional MRI then they are said to have low contrast. They appear similar
being the most common. Diffusion MRI helps in diagnosing in color, differing in their shades of gray. When two body
disease processes like stroke that restricts diffusion of water structures of identical density are exactly side by side, the
molecules across body tissues, while functional MRI is used line of demarcation cannot be made out and whole of it
to visualize the functional activity of the brain. MRI does not appears as one structure.
use ionizing radiation but since it uses strong magnets, any Consider a chest radiograph. What do you think is the
form of metal implants like artificial joints and heart valves, whitest component seen on the radiograph? Most commonly
pacemakers, cochlear implants, metal plates, screws, and the answers given are heart, bones, below the diaphragm, and
rods do pose a hazard. so on. Rarely does anyone mention that the “R” marker is the
Thermography makes use of specialized cameras that can whitest. Similarly, if asked which the darkest component is,
detect electromagnetic light energy in infrared wavelengths. the popular answer given is, the lung surrounding the heart,
Medical thermography produces a topographic heat map, very rarely does one mention that the air surrounding the
displayed in the form of various color shades, based on the chest is the darkest. Analyzing as to why the “R” marker is
differential skin temperature at various dermatomes bearing white and the air surrounding is dark, the reasoning is that
resemblance to the visible image of the body. It is not a the chest radiograph is nothing but a representation of the
structural imaging technology providing information on
­ tissues in that region in various gray scales between extreme
structural changes like other modalities and does not provide white and extreme dark, depending upon the variable absorp-
a diagnosis, rather only aids in reaching a diagnosis. It is tion of X-ray photons in their path through the tissues.
completely safe and painless, does not make use of any form The opacity produced on a radiograph by a specific body
of radiation, and is a unique form of imaging in that it can tissue is a representation of the actual penetrative ability of
document pain, thus helping to differentiate malingering X-rays to pass through that tissue and then be incident on the
from an organic cause for the pain. film. Air and fat absorb less radiation, allowing more X-rays
to pass through and be incident on the radiograph making
their images appear black and pale gray, respectively. Bone
8.6 Basic Radiology and metal as is the “R” marker made of lead absorbs more
for the Nonradiologist: What the MFS radiation and so fewer X-rays are incident on the film mak-
should know? ing them appear white.
Continuing with the example of chest radiograph, what
Plain radiographic film interpretation is an essential skill. are branching structures that are seen in the lung fields? Are
The current implementation of electronic health records and they arteries, veins, bronchi, lymphatics, or a combination of
digitization of the health care system has made radiographic all these? The common answer given is bronchovascular.
images available throughout the hospital and an MFS may The correct answer is arteries and their branches, but not the
often have to interpret medical images. So, it is important bronchial tree. The explanation is simple. Air in the bronchi
that they know the basics of medical image interpretation, is surrounded by air in the alveoli and so no contrast exists
and this knowledge may prove to be crucial in an acute clini- between them and they are hence not seen. On the other
cal setting. They should be aware of tissue appearances on hand, blood in the arteries is surrounded by air in the alveoli
radiographs and be capable of making a basic distinction and hence they stand out. Veins do contain blood but are too
between normal and abnormal. less in number and do not significantly contribute to the
Understanding the concept of density and contrast is fun- branching structures. Lymphatics are too small to be detected.
damental to interpreting an X-ray image (radiographic If this basis of X-ray image formation is understood, you
image). Different body tissues, including bone, soft tissues, can easily interpret any radiographic image provided you
fat, and air, all attenuate the X-ray beam differently. have sound knowledge of the relevant anatomy, pathology,
Differential absorption of X-ray photons by the body tissues and pathophysiology.
results in variable energy values of emerging photons pro-
ducing an invisible image, which is converted into visible
form as areas of different gray scales. The contrast on the 8.7 Imaging Investigations
image is the difference between adjacent densities. These
densities range from white to black with varying gray shades 8.7.1 I maging Investigations Using Ionizing
in between them. If the densities of two tissues adjacent to Radiation (Photon Energies)
each other are greatly different (say a white and a black den-
sity tissue), then they are said to have high contrast. If the Electromagnetic radiation has a wide range of wavelengths
densities of two tissues adjacent to each other are similar, ranging from being smaller than angstrom units to as large
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 125

as many miles. Smaller wavelengths have greater energy ated by the body’s internal structures, being partly absorbed
and penetration power and are called photon energy mean- and partly scattered. The remnant of the X-ray energy is
ing packets of energy and not particle energy. The two ener- transmitted to a detector that records the image for later eval-
gies that are of concern in the present context are X-rays uation. The recording of the radiographic pattern may be on
and Gamma rays. Passage of these energies through body film or other electronic devices. The image created is due to
tissues either for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes results weakening of the X-rays by tissues of varying density
in a series of events beginning with an incidence of the encountered along the beam’s travel path. Bone being dense
X-ray photon into tissue followed by sequential changes at tissue, absorbs or attenuates a great deal of the X-rays, while
molecular and atomic levels. The transformation of energy soft tissue being much less dense attenuates or absorbs far
from the photon results in ionization, namely, in the dis- less X-ray energy. These differences in absorption help in
charge of an electron and a free radical. Hence, such ener- creating images that can clearly show normal tissue appear-
gies are called ionizing radiation and the process involves ance as well as different forms of pathology.
breakage of enzyme bonds and formation of new molecules Conventional radiography, fluoroscopy, and CT all work
manifesting in the form of various repairable and irrepara- on the same basic principle differing only in their purpose. In
ble biological effects. radiography, a single image is recorded for later evaluation,
The concept of photon energy and its effect on body tis- in fluoroscopy X-ray images are displayed on a monitor in a
sues can be explained using the following example. Consider continuous flow, thus allowing monitoring of a procedure or
a hot iron ball being passed through a pile of corn (Fig. 8.1). contrast passage in real time and in CT imaging a multitude
The temperature of the ball after exiting the corn pile is of images are recorded as the detector rotates around the
grossly reduced. It is because the ball, during its transit patient’s body followed by reconstruction of the individual
through the pile, shares the energy with the corn in contact images as cross-sectional images of internal organs and
with it. The corn in very close contact to the ball is burnt to tissues.
ashes, the corn a little farther away, is burnt to charcoal, corn
still further away is converted to popcorn, while corn far Computerized Tomography (CT/Spiral CT)
away from the ball remains unaffected. The effect on the Computerized axial tomography is a computer-controlled
corn is directly proportional to the energy transferred from radiological study that produces a reconstructed image of a
the hot iron ball to the corn. The same thing happens when cross-sectional slice of the desired section of the body. Its
photon energy passes through the body tissues with changes features include the absence of superimposition, less scatter
occurring at atomic level. and better tissue differentiation of the anatomical slice, thin-
ner slices producing a better reconstructed image. The major X-Rays drawback of conventional radiography is the overlapping of
X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation. Man-made anatomical structures resulting in difficulty in evaluation of
X-rays are produced when fast-moving electrons undergo desired structures in a particular plane. The imaging method
sudden deceleration on collision and interaction with the tar- ‘Tomography’ was introduced to overcome this drawback
get anode in an X-ray tube. The electrons are emitted by the and involves imaging of anatomical structures at the desired
cathode, on being heated up by the electric current flowing plane with the blurring of overlapping structures. Classical
through it. conventional tomography had its own inherent drawbacks,
Though conventional X-ray imaging has evolved over the which included poor-quality blurred images, high radiation
past 100 years, the basic principle remains the same. On pas- dosage, and use of complicated techniques which led to it
sage of an X-ray beam through the body, the beam is attenu- being replaced by tomography assisted by computer technol-

Fig. 8.1  Illustration of passing a hot iron ball through a pile of corn and its effect on the corn
126 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

ogy called ‘Computer assisted Tomography’ (CAT). With a • A gantry that houses X-ray tubes, detectors, and related
rise in popularity, CAT has been replaced by the word C.T. cables with a central aperture for the patient’s body to
and technological advances have resulted in the development enter for sectional imaging
of better equipment capable of scanning the entire body • A moving table or a couch that facilitates the movement
within a few seconds. This provides fine anatomical details of the body with extreme accuracy at even submillimetric
of submillimetric structures, allows tracing of blood flow in increment
all its phases, and also permits clear depiction of information CT scans have many benefits that far outweigh their risk.
related to moving structures like the heart in real time as well It is quick and easy, widely available, and provides superior
as their external and internal morphology. Two types of CT anatomic and bone details. It has Volume Rendering
have been described based on the shape of the X-ray beam, Technique (VRT), Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP), 3D
the traditional fan beam CT and cone beam CT. and Shaded Surface Display (SSD) capabilities, provides
multiplanar reconstruction images in desired planes, and is
CT Unit Components (Fig. 8.2a, b) the modality of choice for follow-up studies. (Figs. 8.3a, b,
The essential components of a CT unit include: 8.4a, b, 8.5a,b, 8.6a, b, 8.7a, b, 8.8a, b, 8.9a, b, 8.10, 8.11,
• The X-ray tube—a specialized tube of high heat loading and 8.12).
and dissipating capacity with a very small focal spot, as a The possible risks of using CT imaging include exposure
source of X-ray energy to ionizing radiation and the predicament of suffering an
• Detectors that receive and quantify the attenuated X-ray allergic reaction due to use of contrast media. One drawback
photons of CT when compared to MRI is the lesser resolution of soft-­
• A computer of high capacity that evaluates attenuated tissue detail. Other disadvantages are the associated cost and
photon energy from detectors, stores the values, and con- the limitations of its use in the pediatric age group due to the
verts these values to sectional images need of sedation.
• A console that manipulates all data stored in the com-
puter, helping in reconstructing the image at desired CT Limitations
planes with volumetric imaging or multiplanar recon- Motion and beam-hardening artifacts used to be considered
struction, 3D and volume rendering, followed by projec- as major drawbacks, but they have been markedly mini-
tion of the desired structures based on their density mized with advances in technology. A physical limitation is
values, etc. that the patient needs to weigh less than 300 to 400 lbs. For

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.2 (a) CT room shows Gantry, Patient couch, Emergency crash trolley, Central suction, and Oxygen and Pressure Injector. (b) Control room
showing a CT technician working with various controls and the image acquisition system
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 127

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.3 (a) Museum Model of head showing how axial slices are planned. The slice thickness varies from submillimeter to 10 mm, depending
on the ROI (region of interest) and anatomical structure to be seen. (b) Stacked CT slices showing specific anatomy at a specific slice

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.4 (a) CT axial primary slice soft-tissue window at the level of same patient at the level of optic nerve showing anterior, posterior,
optic nerves showing mediolateral and anteroposterior relations and not superior, and inferior relations
supero inferior relations. (b) CT sagittal reconstructed image of the
128 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.5 (a) and (b).CT coronal bone window primary images at different levels of paranasal sinuses

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.6 (a) and (b).CT coronal soft-tissue window primary images at different levels of Paranasal sinuses
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 129

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.7 (a) and (b). CT reconstructed coronal images from thicker slices of paranasal sinuses at different levels. (a) bone window. (b) soft-tissue
window. Note: coarse appearance

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.8 (a) CT direct slice of T.M. joint in its sagittal plane. Bone window. (b) CT reconstructed image from primary axial thick slices of T.M.
joint in its sagittal plane. Note: coarse appearance
130 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.9 (a) CT 3D reconstructed image for surface bony details from thicker slices. Note: coarse appearance. (b) CT 3D reconstructed image
from thin slices. Note: better and smoother image

through the raw data thus available that images are recon-
structed in any desired plane.

Basic principles of CT Orthopantomography (OPG) and
Conventional OPG is a first-level diagnostic exam that
provides a gross panoramic view and just enough informa-
tion about alignment of the teeth and any other related gross
pathology. Unavoidable overlapping of some of the anatomi-
cal structures hinders accurate evaluation. To overcome these
drawbacks, Dentascans and CT OPGs are used. They are
extended applications of CT scan and involve the acquisition
of thin axial submillimeter slices of the region covering the
upper and lower jaws (Fig.  8.13). Reconstructed images
obtained using these raw data image slices form the CT OPG
or Dentascan image (Fig. 8.14a, b).
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Coronal reconstructed images form the C.T.  OPG
(Fig.  8.15a, b, c). It is a second-level imaging technique
Fig. 8.10  CT 3D surface rendering reconstructed image for surface wherein evaluation of the osseous elements of the maxilla
soft-tissue details from thinner slices and mandible is far better in comparison to conventional
OPG. It provides the MFS with a better understanding of the
CT imaging of the head region, axial and direct coronal morphology of the roots and the degree of contiguity between
slices are primarily possible, for the neck region, only axial the roots and the mandibular canal. The information acquired
slices are possible and in the temporomandibular joint is then used in planning and performing minimally invasive
region axial and direct sagittal slices are possible. It is surgical procedures [1].
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 131

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.11 (a) CT Primary axial slice of neck at midlaryngeal level. (b) and (c) Sagittal and coronal reconstructed images from sequential CT
primary axial slices. (d) CT Volume rendering technique (VRT) image of air column in the pharynx, larynx, and tracheal region as minimum den-
sity projection from primary axial slices (a). Note: Better visualization of laryngocele
132 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.13  CT Scanogram for dentascan showing submillimeter axial

slices planning in the region of maxilla and mandible

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.12  CT angiogram: 3D VRT (Volume Rendering Technique) dis-

playing carotid arteries and its branches along with carotid body tumor.
It is a reconstructed image from primary thin axial CT slices

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.14 (a) and (b) .Reformatted panoramic CT images (b) are procured at desired plane of the jaw by curvilinear graphic lines drawn on the
primary axial slice (a) selected
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 133

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.15 (a), (b), and (c). a and b show coronal plain image planning of individual tooth. c shows the coronal reformatted image of tooth

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.16 (a) and (b). Schematic diagram. (a) shows fan beam of X-rays from X-ray tube with curvilinear row of detectors. (b) shows cone beam
of X-rays from X-ray tube with flat detector

Cone Beam CT (CBCT) Working Principle and System Composition of CBCT

Indications for CBCT System
CBCT applications have proved helpful in a multitude of As the name suggests, it is a form of computed tomography
dental disciplines and the MFS needs to be aware of it. Its (CT). The basic process involved in CBCT is the scanning of
indications include periodontal and endodontic assessment, the region of interest using a cone-shaped X-ray beam, mak-
placement and evaluation of implants, evaluation of jaw ing a single rotation around the vertical axis of the patient’s
bones, temporomandibular joints, bony and soft-tissue head. The information obtained, from various angles about
lesions, and alveolar ridge resorption and orthodontic the structures in the region of interest, is in a digitized format
evaluation. relating to shape and density, which is then processed using
134 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

Table 8.1  Comparison between CBCT and Fan Beam CT being taken not to affect the DNA of the surrounding healthy
Fan Beam CT CBCT tissue cells [3].
Conventional CT scanners CBCT makes use of a cone beam,
make use of a fan beam and which radiates from the x-ray source Nuclear Isotope Studies
provide a set of consecutive in a cone shape, encompassing a
slices of image. large volume with a single rotation.
Scintigraphy or radionuclide imaging is a modality that is
Makes use of a lie-down Makes use of a sitting up machine of readily available and relatively inexpensive. One drawback
machine with a large gantry smaller dimensions is that though it can provide specific information, the resolu-
Greater contrast and Ease of operation tion is poor. It is a functional imaging modality and can
resolution assess early physiological changes even before bone mineral
Better differentiation between Commonly used for hard tissues
tissue types (bone, teeth, and Especially dental tissues
changes are evident. Bone scintigraphy is highly sensitive in
soft tissue) detection of skeletal osteoblastic activity and the process
Higher radiation dose Lesser radiation dose involves uptake of the radiopharmaceutical Technetium-99 m
Detector type X-axis only Detector type X- and Y-axes (Tc-99 m), by the mineral component of the bone due to its
Volume acquisition Volume acquisition requirements are affinity for bone. It has proven to be greatly useful in the
requirements are sequential single gantry rotations
multiple gantry rotations
study of malignant lesions and also in the evaluation of
Speed of examination is fast Speed of examination is faster ­vascularized bone grafts used in reconstruction surgeries of
the maxillofacial region [4]. Another use of radionuclide
imaging is in evaluating patients with condylar hyperplasia.
special software and a three-dimensional (3D) image is In these patients, radionuclide imaging of the temporoman-
reconstructed [2]. dibular joint is performed to exclude active condylar growth
CBCT occupies a special place in imaging of the Head and in planning the extent of orthognathic surgery. A pro-
and Neck region. It offers a number of advantages over tradi- gressive condition necessitates the removal of the entire con-
tional CT technology. It has a multitude of uses in the dental dyle and neck while trimming of the enlarged condyle
discipline, including dentoalveolar disease and anomalies, suffices otherwise [5].
jaw tumors, vertical root and dentin fractures, among others.
It has also had a positive impact on teaching students about Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
oral and maxillofacial imaging making them adept at operat- PET also is a functional imaging technique. It is unique in
ing equipment and related instruments, resulting in greater that it produces images reflecting in vivo changes in tissue
accuracy in evaluation and analysis of the pathological char- metabolism, linking the changes to malignancy. Body images
acteristics of the disease process leading to a proper final are produced when radiation is emitted from radioactive
clinical diagnosis. Both the traditional fan beam CT and tracer substances like Carbon-11, Fluorine-18, Oxygen-15,
CBCT are third-generation CT scanners but are different in or Nitrogen-13. When a positron emitted from the radioac-
some ways (Fig. 8.16a, b) (Table 8.1). tive substance collides with an electron in the tissue, gamma
rays are given off at the site, which are detected by a gamma Gamma Rays detector. FDG-PET/CT fusion scans of the head and neck are
Gamma rays are a form of Electromagnetic radiation (EMR). not primarily for infection identification but for categorizing
They are similar to X-rays but can be differentiated by the a clinically questionable lesion as malignant or not.
fact that they originate from the nucleus. Gamma-ray pho- CT scans detect changes in body structure and only con-
tons have the highest energy with their waves having the firms the presence of a mass. PET scan is different from CT
shortest wavelength in the EMR spectrum. The difference in that it can reveal the presence of disease earlier allowing
between the two is that X-rays are produced by accelerating for quicker diagnosis, can detect the extent of disease and
electrons when they strike a target, while gamma rays origi- whether a detected mass is benign or malignant, helps moni-
nate from the nucleus of a radionuclide after radioactive toring treatment and its effectiveness, and can detect abnor-
decay. Gamma rays damage the DNA of cells and it is this malities even before there is any anatomical change. This is
action that is used in the treatment of cancerous tumors, care based on the fact that glucose consumption by malignant
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 135

cells and hence tissue is far higher than that of normal absorption, makes it difficult to study the complex nature of
tissue. radiation biology. The biological process of cell death can
The scan involves intravenous injection of a radiolabeled take days to months, carcinogenesis can take years to occur
compound like 2-deoxy-2-(18F) fluoro-D-glucose (FDG). while generations may pass before a mutational change is
After uptake of the compound, it undergoes further break seen.
down in the cells. Since tumor cells have a high metabolic In reality, the dose of received radiation from man-­made
rate, it is also metabolized by the tumor cells. FDG is metab- X-rays that exist today is minute, in comparison with the
olized to FDG-6-phosphate, but the tumor cells are incapable massive radiation exposure that occurred in the aforemen-
of metabolizing it further and in consequence the FDG-6-­ tioned examples. It is true that in the infant stage following
phosphate accumulates and concentrates within the tumor discovery of X-rays and its use in diagnosis, visible radiation
cells. It is this accumulation that is detected and quantified. hazards did occur, which was due to ignorance in the under-
As compared to normal tissue, the uptake of FDG by malig- standing of its potential hazards and the use of crude equip-
nant tissue is very high, making it a sensitive method to pick ment resulting in high amounts of radiation leak. With
up early malignant tissue [6]. passage of time, we have learnt to put the benefits of X-rays
to full use, concurrently taking proper precautions to protect
ourselves from its hazardous effects. Over the years,
8.8  adiation: Hazard Awareness
R improvements in diagnostic equipment using ionizing radia-
and Principles of Protection tion have led to the production of newer equipment provid-
ing the best possible image quality with minimal radiation
Hazardous Nature of X-Rays exposure and improved devices that are protective against
When an X-ray photon is incident on tissue, it results in a radiation. Yet, the fact remains that the best method to reduce
series of changes at the molecular and atomic level. The trans- the effects of radiation is using it only when it is an utmost
formed photon energy results in the discharge of an electron necessity [7].
and a free radical, or ionization in other words. Ionization
results in the production of a new molecule due to breakage of
enzyme bonds manifesting in the form of different biological 8.9 I maging Investigations Not Involving
effects. These effects may be repairable when there is no Ionizing Radiation
appreciable damage, or irreparable when there is definite
occurrence of damage, the adverse effect being cumulative in 8.9.1 M
 RI (Magnetic Energy Coupled
nature. with Radiofrequency Energy)
Myths and Facts about radiation in the field of
Diagnosis: Many myths exist regarding radiation hazards This imaging modality does not involve the use of ionizing
associated with medical diagnostic imaging. Possible rea- radiation but makes use of magnetic and radiofrequency
sons for this are the available historical data, exaggerated energy to obtain information of the internal organs.
social media reports, results of experimental studies and the Components of an MRI unit include the magnet, the console,
complex nature of radiation biology making it difficult to and the computer.
evaluate its mechanism of action. Historical data relates to
the reports of visible radiation hazards from studies on vic- Image Procurement by MRI
tims of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bomb explosion in 1945 Exploiting the body’s magnetic property forms the basis of
who were followed up for 15-18years. Exaggerated report- imaging using magnetic resonance. The human body is
ing by social media about nuclear reactor accidents like that abundant in atoms with odd number of protons, or in other
at Chernobyl add to the existing myths. The extremely short words ionized particles or charged atoms. A charged particle
time for which radiation interacts with matter (10-5Sec) after spinning around its own axis creates a magnetic field around
136 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

itself behaving like a tiny bar magnet. Hydrogen represents • A double check for any metallic objects on the patient’s
one such atom that is present in water molecules and there- body using a metal detector device is necessary.
fore in all body tissues. • Claustrophobic patients need to be reassured and put at
The random orientation of the hydrogen atoms cancels out ease before the examination begins.
their magnetic fields and so there is no net magnetization at • The procedure needs to be explained in detail prior to the
rest. When these protons are placed in a strong magnetic field, patient entering the MRI magnet room.
a net magnetization is produced that aligns parallel with the
main magnetic field. To influence the human body, the exter- CT & MRI are complementary to each other. As far as the
nal magnetic strength needs to be about 6000 to 80,000 times MFS is concerned, thin-slice CT with reconstruction is
the earth’s magnetic strength. The resultant net magnetization required while evaluating bony lesions, especially in cases of
acts as the source of the MR signal and is used to produce MR trauma. MRI on the other hand is good for evaluation of soft-­
images. Application of a radiofrequency (RF) pulse results in tissue tumors and is contraindicated in penetrating injuries of
absorption of energy from the RF pulse causing the net mag- the eye (Table 8.2).
netization to rotate away from the direction of the main mag-
netic field, the amount of rotation or flip angle depending on
the strength and duration of the RF pulse. The strength and Table 8.2  CT and MRI: A comparison
duration of the RF pulse can be controlled such that the net CT MRI
magnetization can be rotated to any angle [8]. Withdrawal of Multiplanar Only axial slices are Direct multiplanar
the RF pulse results in the liberation of energy, with the emis- Imaging possible. images can be primarily
sion of signals based on the density of protons or hydrogen Images need to be acquired in any desired
reconstructed in plane.
atoms. These signals are captured by the external antennae, multiple planes Excellent sectional
fed into the computer, and processed to produce the image. following acquisition images are possible.
of primary axial
Types of Magnets: Their Advantages and Limitations sections. Direct
sagittal and coronal
• External magnets are of two types, the permanent magnet slices are possible
and the electromagnet. except for TM joint.
• Permanent magnets are cheaper with no significant recur- Soft-tissue Best with MRI than CT
ring cost. However, its limitations include limited strength characterization
Compact bone/ Best analyzed by CT
of less than 0.5 tesla, heavy nature making transportation
calcified lesions than MRI
difficult, production of weak signals, and slower perfor- Bone marrow Assessment best with
mance with limited range resolution. MRI than CT
• Electromagnets work by the passage of high current Radiation Ionizing radiation No ionizing radiation
around ferromagnetic substances creating the required involved involved
Motion artifacts Relatively well Very sensitive to any
magnetic field. They are faster, have better resolution,
managed with CT kind of motion. May
produce better reconstructions, and are lighter than per- require anesthesia.
manent magnets. The drawback is the production of large Noisy breathing too may
amount of heat that needs cooling using Liquid Helium. affect images
Other disadvantages include the high cost of infrastruc- Time required Faster, with whole Takes longer. Minimum
body scan from vertex time required for scan of
ture, high consumption of electricity, and recurring to toe taking any part is 40–60 min
expenses. 8–10 seconds
Contrast media Invariably required Contrast is less
Preparing a Patient for an MRI and so contrast-related frequently used and is
problems are relatively safer.
• Detailed history and clinical examination are mandatory.
• Specific history relating to previous surgery with the use Trauma Best modality
of aneurysmal clips or metallic prosthesis needs to be Ferromagnetic MRI is contraindicated in
ascertained. artifacts patients with pacemakers
• Patient compatibility for the procedure needs to be evalu- or recently placed
implants. MRI
ated in view of the requirement of lying motionless for a compatible supportive
minimum of 30 to 40  min, e.g., Orthopneic patients, gadgets: Pulse Oxymeter,
COAD patients. Anesthesia might be required for agitated anesthesia equipment,
patients and infants. I.V. stands, etc.
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 137

How Does CT/MRI Differ from Conventional

CT and MRI are sectional imaging methods, in which the
whole body or the region of interest is sectioned into serial
slices and further into cubes (Fig. 8.3a, b). Each slice surface
represents the corresponding sectional anatomy with each
slice being made up of small units or cubes with each cube
representing the basic nature of the tissue in the digital form
(Figs. 8.17 and 8.18a, b). Different modalities produce var-
ied imaging appearances of the same structure. For instance,
if a coconut is imaged using different modalities, the fine
structural details of the interior of the tender coconut, and its
contents are better seen on CT and MRI (Fig.  8.19a-c).
Similarly, imaging of a pineapple in axial (Fig. 8.20a-d) and
coronal planes (Fig. 8.21a-c) and using the volume-­rendering
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
technique (Fig. 8.22) reveals varied appearances on CT and
different MRI sequences. Fig. 8.17  Each axial slice is divided into small cubes loaded with digi-
To summarize, in sectional imaging, the region of interest talized values representing corresponding tissue volume called voxel.
or the whole body is divided into slices and cubes with each Its surface represents a fraction of the grayscale image specific for that
region called pixel. Thinner the slice and smaller the pixel, better is the
cube representing the basic tissue of that region with thinner resolution
slices and smaller-sized cubes offering better resolution.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.18 (a) and (b). Figures showing unit wise volumetric digitalized information of anatomical structures for retrieval and displayed as sec-
tional anatomical slices
138 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.19 (a), (b), and (c). Imaging of tender coconut. (a) Conventional plain Radiograph. (b) CT Axial sectional imaging. (c) MRI sectional
imaging. Note: added information with each of these modalities

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.20 (a), (b), (c), and (d). Axial sectional images of pineapple taken at the same level (a) CT. (b, c, d) MRI various sequences. Note: superior
soft-­tissue resolution in MRI, highlighting various components of soft tissue in various sequences
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 139

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.21 (a, b and c). Various sequences of MRI of a pineapple showing multiplanar capability to procure sections in any desired plane without
reconstruction unlike CT

8.9.2 Ultrasound

It seems implausible that sound waves can produce informa-

tive images of internal organs of a human body. Yet it is true
that technology has evolved so much over the years that it is
now possible to obtain information of body structures using
sound waves by making use of the echo and Doppler proper-
ties of sound waves.
Sound waves can be classified, based on their wavelength
and frequency as audible sounds (20 to 2000  cycles/sec),
infrasound (less than 20  cycles/sec), and ultrasound
(>20,000 cycles/sec). Ultrasound in the range of 2 to 20 MHz
is used in medical imaging [8]. The source of these ultrasound
waves is piezoelectric crystals. These crystals have the special
property of generating electrical pulses on being subjected to
pressure. In addition, the passage of electricity through the
crystals causes them to get compressed or deformed.
Essentially, these crystals are unique in that they have the dual
property of converting electrical energy into mechanical
energy and mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Intermittent passage of electrical current through the crystals
makes them alternate between compression and relaxation,
resulting in vibration of the crystal, in ­consequence producing
sound energy of small wavelength in the ultrasound range.
Devices, equipped with piezoelectric crystals, having the
capability to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy
and finally to sound energy as well as having the reverse
capabilities of converting sound energy to electrical energy,
are termed as Transducers.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Sound waves are useful in imaging due to their property of
Fig. 8.22  CT 3D surface rendering image of Pineapple echo/reflection and due to the Doppler effect. Echo property
140 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

refers to the property of sound waves to get reflected at the to 20 MHz) are hence used for imaging superficial structures
interface of two media, the strength of the reflected sound like cheek, the maxillofacial region, neck spaces, breast, thy-
echo depending on the density difference of the media through roid, testis, eye, musculoskeletal system and skin, regions
which they traverse. Reflected sound energy gets converted to where finer analysis of tissue structure is expected. Deeper
mechanical energy and finally to electrical energy on striking structures are evaluated by using transducers with frequency
the crystal, and this electrical energy is represented on a moni- in the range of 2 to 5 MHz.
tor as bright dots of variable gray scales. The relation between frequency, resolution, and depth can
Varying density interfaces throughout body tissues, pro- be understood well, using the hypothetical example of two
duces variable image brightness with gray scales ranging friends—an ant and an elephant (Fig. 8.23a, b). Both of them
between extreme bright dots to black dots, representing differ- are commanded to perform the same tasks, the first being to
ent organ or tissue sections. The Doppler effect of sound refers pick up and bring back a crystal of sugar dropped at a dis-
to the change in the apparent frequency of a wave when the tance of 100 cm from the start line and the second to pick up
observer and the source move toward or away from each other. and bring back a log of wood placed 100 meters from the
Motion causes a change in pitch with a higher frequency being start line. Both of them proceed to perform the first task. The
heard when the sound source approaches the observer, and a ant being small is able to easily identify the sugar crystal and
lower frequency being heard when the sound source moves get it back; however, the elephant keeps moving around
away. This Doppler property is used in evaluating the direction unable to identify the crystal. As to the second task, the ant is
and velocity of flow of blood in vessels. The transducer is con- able to travel only a short distance after which it dies of
sidered as the fixed source of sound and the blood component, exhaustion, unable to reach the log of wood while the ele-
mainly the RBCs act as moving reflecting bodies. At a given phant travels the distance with ease and brings back the log
point in the vessel by calculating the sudden change in the of wood.
frequency of reflected sound, we can calculate the velocity of The ant is comparable to the high-frequency short-­
blood and also the direction of blood flow. This helps in the wavelength sound wave that is able to travel a short distance
evaluation of percentage of stenosis in a vessel. and bring back finer information about superficial tissues. If,
on the other hand, it travels a long distance all its energy is
B Mode absorbed by interaction with tissues. The elephant is compa-
A grayscale sectional image has specific echo texture based rable to the low-frequency sound wave with long wavelength
on tissue content with the display mode being called as the that can travel deeper into the tissues and get information of
‘B’ mode (Brightness mode) or grayscale mode. Higher deep structures, but limited tissue details. In a clinical setup,
sound frequency provides better image resolution with delin- both the ant (high-frequency sound) and the elephant (low-­
eation of finer tissue components, however, at the expense of frequency sound) are essential for evaluation, depending on
depth of penetration. Higher-frequency transducers (7 MHz the clinical situation and region of interest.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.23 (a) and (b). Example of an elephant and an ant demonstrat- ference in the penetration capacity of high- and low-frequency sound
ing their varying capability in picking up large and small objects from waves. (Explained in the text)
varying distances—a pictorial representation for understanding the dif-
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 141

Color Doppler submandibular and sublingual spaces are possible using

The display of flow of blood in a vessel is color coded. The HRUSG, as are also pathologies like pre- and paravertebral
flow toward the probe is depicted as red and flow away from abscesses, cellulitis, Ludwig’s angina, and ranula [9].
the probe is blue. Arterial and venous flow, in a given ana- High-resolution ultrasound is also capable of evaluating
tomical region, is in opposite directions. Red generally rep- the nature of lymph nodes, assessing fluid and solid compo-
resents flow in arteries, while blue represents venous flow. nents and also assessing tissue vitality. Procedures like drain-
Turbulent flow is depicted using a mixture of colors. age of abscesses and biopsies can be conveniently performed
under ultrasound guidance. Being a highly economical imag-
Power Doppler ing modality, it is excellent for follow-up studies, excellent
This display mode of Doppler conveys information about the as a screening method, and at most times proves to be the
overall flow in a given tissue, for instance, assessment of conclusive examination [9].
blood flow in a tumor. It helps to determine whether the
tumor is hyper- or hypovascular. Drawbacks of Ultrasound Examination of the
Maxillofacial Region
Strengths of Ultrasound Drawbacks include difficulty in assessing structures behind
• Ultrasound imaging is inexpensive and is free from the bony elements and structures containing gas. In case of huge
risk of radiation. masses, only partial information may be obtained, while short-
• Excellent soft-tissue resolution is possible and dynamic necked individuals and obese patients are difficult to evaluate.
studies too can be performed under ultrasound guidance. Structures at the base of the skull cannot be evaluated as are
• It is the first line of investigation for hepatic, biliary, and structures medial to ramus. Another limitation is that ultrasound
renal disease and is an excellent modality for cyst cannot provide information about structures behind bone or any
imaging, gas-filled structure. Scanning using a hockey stick probe might
• Gynecological and prostate disorders are imaged using help overcoming this limitation. Scans need to be performed by
endocavitary ultrasound, Doppler studies allow assess- individuals having vast experience and expertise.
ment of blood flow, and real-time ultrasound imaging There needs to be an increase in awareness regarding the
helps in guiding interventional biopsies and drainages. developments in the application of HRUSG in the maxillofa-
cial region and a close interaction between the surgeon and
Weaknesses of Ultrasound the sonologist for creating an atmosphere of better under-
• A long learning curve exists for some areas of expertise standing among them.
and image resolution is dependent on the machine that is
available. Ultrasound does not give information of struc-
ture behind a bone and also gas filled structures. 8.9.3 Thermography

Specific Role of High-Resolution Ultrasonography Medical thermography is used for early preclinical diagnosis
(HRUSG) in the Maxillofacial Region and treatment of homeostatic imbalances. It is noninvasive
HRUSG is a grossly underutilized modality in evaluating and safe since it does not use any radiation. It makes use of
lesions of the maxillofacial region. This is due to the lack of body heat to diagnose a wide range of health conditions. By
awareness of its application. The tissues in the maxillofacial using high-speed computers and thermal imaging cameras,
region are ideal for sonographic evaluation and hence is widely body heat is processed and recorded in the computer as an
applied to help diagnose a number of clinical conditions. It can image map that can be analyzed. The analysis is based on
serve as the best possible initial parallel imaging investigation determining the presence of abnormal hot and cold areas that
for all the superficial soft-tissue structures of head and neck can relate to different conditions.
It is noninvasive and does not involve use of radiation. Applications in the Maxillofacial Region
There are no contraindications to the use of ultrasound, and it A variety of conditions related to blood flow in the head and
can even be performed as a bed side examination. No prior neck vessels can be assessed by thermal imaging. Easy visu-
specific preparation is required except for shaving of the beard, alization of facial blood vessels by thermography is possible
which might hamper the study. The study results are immedi- because of its superficial location. Common venues of ther-
ately available, and it is an excellent modality for evaluating mographic use in the head and neck region include evalua-
various soft-tissue planes of the cheek. Evaluation of various tion of pain related to differentiation of different types of
anatomical spaces such as superficial masticator space, parotid headache, facial nerve injury following a blow to the face or
space, carotid space, superficial neck spaces, visceral space, an accident, and visualization of disorders of the temporo-
floor of the mouth, and all the infrahyoid neck spaces like the mandibular joint.
142 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

8.10 R
 ole of Chest Radiograph
in the Practice of Maxillo Facial

One of the most frequently requested investigations by an

MFS is the Chest radiograph. Hence, interpretation of chest
radiographic findings is of prime importance in determining
the patient’s clinical status.

8.10.1 Chest Radiographic Evaluation

for Optimum Diagnostic Quality

An ideal chest radiograph, in terms of quality, is one that

fulfills the following criteria (Fig. 8.24)
(a) Well-positioned patient without rotation.
–– Purpose—Avoiding problems related to improper
positioning that can obscure certain lung regions like
the hila and mediastinal lines, can prevent clarity of
borders, or can result in distorted position of struc-
tures like the trachea, which can be misinterpreted as
a paratracheal mass.
–– Ideal radiograph—The vertebral spinous processes
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
are equidistant from the medial ends of the clavicle
(b) Proper lateral location of both scapulae on the Fig. 8.24  A Normal Chest Radiograph
–– Purpose—avoids superimposition of scapulae over
the lung fields 8.10.2 Reading a Chest Radiograph:
–– Ideal radiograph—Medial border of the scapulae Interpretation Basics
should be out of the lung field
(c) Inclusion of anatomical structures. The aim of reading a chest radiograph is to scan the whole
–– Purpose—inclusion of entire lung fields from apex image in a methodical way such that no anatomical part
to diaphragmatic domes included in the radiograph is missed. While interpreting the
–– Ideal radiograph—must include the lower neck, radiograph, it is necessary for the interpreter to actually feel the
both shoulders, lateral chest walls, and both dia- structural component of the anatomical part being evaluated.
phragms, including upper abdomen If, for example, a rib is being evaluated it needs to be traced,
(d) Proper identification references consciously keeping in mind, its component parts, the two cor-
–– Purpose—Proper patient and radiographic tical margins seen as white lines representing compact bone
verification. and the less dense central component representing marrow
–– Ideal radiograph—must include the patient name, with fine normal trabeculae. This is in addition to evaluation of
medical record number, date of acquisition, and the its number and shape. This meticulous evaluation will prevent
side marker (the most important of all) missing of rib lesions and interpretation of the lesion is easier
(e) Optimum technical factors. with prior knowledge of possible pathologies that affect ribs.
–– Purpose—Clear visualization of the normal anat- Many ways of methodical scanning have been docu-
omy or presence of any pathology mented in literature. The WHO-recommended method
involves chest radiographic evaluation by beginning at one
–– Ideal radiograph— corner of the film, continuing to horizontally scan till the
• Posterior third of ribs faintly visible through heart other corner, followed by sliding down and again continuing
shadow to scan toward the other edge, continuing till the whole of the
• Intervertebral spaces faintly visible through the radiograph has been scanned. As part of the examination,
heart shadow both sides of the chest must be compared.
• Obtained in deep inspiratory effort as revealed by It can be likened to the painting of a wall by a professional
position of diaphragms painter with a perfect finishing touch. Once the initial pri-
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 143

mary scan is complete, specific areas called the lawyer’s Involvement of the alveolar components of the lung paren-
zone or hidden areas of the lung need to be looked over a chyma by the infection is called parenchymal consolidation
second time. These areas include both the hilar regions, both [10]. It is a disease process in which the air normally present
cardiophrenic regions, both apical and clavicular regions, within the small lung air sacs (alveoli) is replaced by liquids
and finally also through the heart and diaphragms. like pus, blood, or other fluids, or solids like tumor cells.
Radiologically, consolidation appears opaque [11].
Normally, the alveoli are filled with air and so the normal
8.10.3 Requesting a Chest Radiograph: opaque pulmonary vasculature can be visualized against the
Clinical indications dark background of air. However, as discussed earlier, the
replacement of the air spaces by any form of fluid or solid Preoperative evaluation material makes the normally visualized pulmonary vessels
i. Cleft lip and palate/any other congenital maxillofacial inapparent with the air containing bronchi being visualized
anomaly against the opaque background, which is called the air bron-
ii. Infections of the maxillofacial region chogram (Fig. 8.25a–c).
iii. Known malignancy in maxillofacial region The consolidation process involving a single lobe and
iv. Trauma. limited by a fissure is called as lobar pneumonia, while the
involvement of the entire lung is known as whole-lung con- Intra- / Postoperative recovery room solidation. At times, the process is not as uniform and is dis-
i. Sudden choking and breathlessness tributed in the form of patchy opacities with intervening
ii. Sudden cyanosis nonopacified alveoli, an appearance referred to as the air
iii. Sudden cough alveologram, which is seen in Bronchopneumonia.
iv. Chest pain.
v. Fever Pulmonary Edema
vi. Evaluation of chest tubes and catheters (suggested refer- Maxillofacial surgeons are often faced with the problem of
ence for further reading). patients going into a state of sudden breathlessness in the
postoperative recovery room for which the MFS asks for a
portable chest radiograph. One of the most common causes
8.10.4 “The Chest Radiograph. A Mysterious of sudden breathlessness in the postoperative recovery room
Treasure”…the More you Search, is pulmonary edema. The common confusion for which MFS
the More you Find!! postgraduates seek the radiologist’s opinion is whether the
cause of breathlessness is bronchopneumonia or aspiration Consolidation bronchopneumonia.
It is one of the most common terminologies used in In case of acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema caused
Radiology. Clinicians and pathology textbooks, however, either due to left ventricular failure or fluid overload, the
commonly use the term pneumonia. Any infection of the characteristic radiographic abnormality would reveal bilat-
lung parenchyma is broadly referred to as pneumonia. eral symmetrical areas of consolidation predominantly in the

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.25 (a) and (b) Consolidation: Homogeneous opacities with “Air-bronchogram” sign. (c) Schematic diagram showing group of alveoli filled
with fluid replacing normal air
144 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.26 (a) Congestive cardiac failure with cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema. (b) Resolution of pulmonary edema after treatment

perihilar and lower lung zones [10] (Fig.  8.26a, b).

Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema caused by different
pathologies, including fluid overload, acute glomerulone-
phritis and adult respiratory distress syndrome among others,
affects the permeability of the pulmonary capillary mem-
brane (Fig. 8.27). The distribution can vary depending on the
position of the patient. The opacities seen on the portable
radiograph should not be confused with the appearance of
pneumonia (Fig. 8.28).
Rare causes of unilateral pulmonary edema, including
raised intracranial pressure and the administration of fluid
through the central venous catheter inadvertently placed in
the pulmonary artery, need to be kept in mind as well.

Diminished air within the lung associated with reduced lung
volume is termed atelectasis manifesting radiologically as
pulmonary opacity accompanied by volume loss. The causes
are varied, including resorption, relaxation, adhesive and
cicatrization atelectasis. Of these, the form of atelectasis a
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
maxillofacial surgeon commonly deals with is resorption
atelectasis, where there is an obstruction in the communica- Fig. 8.27  Noncardiac pulmonary edema in a patient with renal failure
tion between the alveoli and trachea. The obstruction may be
at any level from the common air way to the segmental bron-
chus; however, common air way obstruction resulting in The maxillofacial surgeon commonly comes across simi-
bilateral atelectasis is a rare occurrence [11]. Radiologically, lar radiographs in the postoperative recovery room. The
the appearance is that of a homogeneous opacity without an commonest cause of this is the inadvertent placement of the
air bronchogram sign, with loss of lung volume and displace- endotracheal tube into one bronchus, causing occlusion of
ment of structures toward the opacity. the other bronchus, and resulting in atelectasis as a
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 145

spontaneous pneumothorax. Radiological findings of pneu-

mothorax include increased peripheral translucency, absence
of lung markings within this area of translucency, and the
identifiable visceral pleural margin of the collapsed lung
(Figs.  8.30 and 8.31). The detection of a pneumothorax
should prompt the search for an underlying cause like a frac-
tured rib or a ruptured bulla or iatrogenic causes like a cen-
tral venous catheter procedure. Associated lesions like
pneumomediastinum and surgical emphysema should also
be looked for.
A maxillofacial surgeon might have to read supine porta-
ble radiographs of patients presenting with clinical signs
suggesting respiratory distress and the presence of pneumo-
thorax might be missed. In such a scenario, the MFS should
look for radiographic evidence of pneumothorax at sites
adjacent to the diaphragmatic silhouettes on either side and
the cardiophrenic and costophrenic angles and he should
also be able to appreciate the appearance of an exceptionally
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India sharp cardiac border [11]. The MFS needs to be aware that
air trapped within the skin folds can mimic pneumothorax
Fig. 8.28  Aspiration Bronchopneumonia (Fig. 8.32).
Identification of an air fluid level would prompt the diag-
c­ onsequence. Early detection and diagnosis with readjust- nosis of a hydropneumothorax. It is difficult to characterize
ment of the endotracheal tube is bound to be life saving, the nature of the fluid as being transudate, exudate, blood, or
helping prevent long-term complications (Fig.  8.29a–c). chylous. An MFS may be unable to diagnose a hydropneu-
Thick mucus plugs are other common occluding elements, mothorax, on an AP supine portable radiograph as the fluid
seen in postoperative recovery rooms resulting in lobar or level will not be identified. Here, the collapsed lung tends to
segmental opacities with loss of volume. Again, early detec- float on the fluid, which is dependent posteriorly giving a
tion and good respiratory physiotherapy are keys to improved veil effect (Fig. 8.33).
lung compliance with a radiograph taken at a later date as
follow-up. Pneumomediastinum
It is the collection of air within the pleural boundaries of the
Relaxation Atelectasis mediastinum and can arise secondary to barotrauma from
Normally negative intrapleural pressure is caused by com- mechanical trauma, intrathoracic, or iatrogenic trauma and
peting thoracic pressures. Lung elasticity and surface tension infection or can occur spontaneously. A radiographic diagno-
of the alveolar fluid create an inward tension, pulling the sis of pneumomediastinum requires depiction of normal ana-
lung inward, which is countered by opposing forces from the tomic structures being outlined by air as they leave the
pleural fluid and thoracic wall, the pleural cavity surface ten- mediastinum. The mediastinal air can cause elevation of the
sion, and the parietal pleural attachment to the thoracic wall thymus, collect anterior or posterior to the pericardium, sur-
causing outward pull of the lungs. The outward pull is round the pulmonary artery or its branches, or can collect
slightly higher than the inward pull with a negative intrapleu- adjacent to the major aortic branches or major bronchi
ral pressure of about -4  mm of Hg. When this intrapleural (Fig. 8.34).
negative pressure is lost as occurs commonly in cases of Most cases of pneumomediastinum described in maxil-
pneumothorax or pleural effusion, the lung has a natural ten- lofacial surgery literature are as a result of dissection of air
dency to recoil, with the loss of lung volume being propor- down the fascial planes of the neck. Chest radiographic
tional to the amount of air or fluid collected in the pleural findings need to be carefully examined to make the diag-
space [11]. nosis of pneumomediastinum, which is crucial to the MFS
in planning appropriate treatment of affected patients. On
Pneumothorax rare occasions, a significant amount of air in the mediasti-
The presence of air in the pleural space is called pneumotho- num can cause vessel or tracheal obstruction and induce
rax, the most common cause of which is trauma either acci- symptoms and signs of tamponade and decreased venous
dental or iatrogenic. In the absence of such causes, it is called return.
146 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.29 (a) Whole lung collapse: Left hemithorax is homogenously the (Lt.) Bronchus. (b) Schematic diagram showing loss of volume of
opaque with loss of volume of left lung with displacement of mediasti- alveoli as seen in collapse with absence of air. (c) Reversion of normal
num to left. Note: Abnormal placement of endotracheal tube blocking left lung aeration after repositioning of endotracheal tube
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 147

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.32  Right-sided pseudopneumothorax due to air trapped in skin

Fig. 8.30  Left-sided pneumothorax

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 8.31  Right-sided tension pneumothorax
Fig. 8.33  Right-sided hemopneumothorax with multiple rib fractures
as seen in supine radiograph
148 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

Surgical Emphysema
Though subcutaneous emphysema or surgical emphysema
actually means gas in the subcutaneous tissues, it also
includes soft-tissue emphysema that dissects into the deeper
soft tissues and musculature along fascial planes. The trans-
lucent air spreads over the chest wall and axilla into the root
of the neck. Fascial planes clearly outline the pectoralis mus-
cle and neurovascular bundles in neck (Fig.  8.35a, b). If
trauma is the cause, the gas by itself may not need treatment,
but its identification is of importance as it may be the only
indication of the presence of other serious injuries requiring
urgent management. Surgical emphysema can uncommonly
occur as a serious complication of oral and maxillofacial sur-
gical procedures. It may also occur following teeth extrac-
tion, endodontic treatment, or procedures like restorative
dentistry, periodontal and temporomandibular joint surgery,
or facial fracture repair.

Pulmonary Nodules
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India For all intents and purposes, a nodule seen in the lung (espe-
cially in the lower zones) should be considered as metastasis
Fig. 8.34  Pneumomediastinum. Air around the pulmonary artery and unless proven otherwise, by a maxillofacial surgeon.

Fig. 8.35 (a) and (b).

Surgical emphysema with a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 149

Pulmonary nodules can be characterized, based on some

signature findings. In the absence of these findings, the nod-
ule remains nonspecific. Common causes of pulmonary nod-
ules are granulomas, bronchogenic cysts, hydatid cysts,
hamartomas, pulmonary hematoma following laceration,
rheumatoid nodules, fungal granulomas, and pulmonary
Tuberculomas usually range in size from 1 to 3  cm in
diameter, have central calcific lesions, and are surrounded by
satellite scarred lesions. They are commonly seen in the
upper zones, but they can occur anywhere in the lung
(Fig. 8.36).
Bronchogenic cysts are well-defined nodules, around 3 to
4  cm in size, usually seen in the parahilar region, and are
sometimes purely in the mediastinum (Fig. 8.37a–e).
Hamartomas are nodules that can occur anywhere in the
lung having well-defined margins with central popcorn-like
calcification (Fig. 8.38a, b).
Hydatid cysts, too, can occur anywhere in the lung. They
have a stenciled outline and vary in size from 1 to 10 cms.
The radiographic air crescentic sign is pathognomonic of a
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
hydatid cyst, appearing like the arc of the moon caused by
the separation of the endocyst from the exocyst. Continued Fig. 8.36  Pulmonary Nodule—Tuberculoma
separation of the endocyst from the exocyst results in an air
fluid level typically called the ‘water lily’ appearance.
Pulmonary hydatid cysts do not calcify. A maxillofacial surgeon should be capable of identifying
Presence of a solitary nodule in the lower lung without all of these causes of sudden onset of breathlessness in a
any characteristic findings makes pulmonary metastasis a postoperative patient in the event of the absence of availabil-
strong possibility, which should be further evaluated with ity of expert radiological opinion and act accordingly. They
imaging and HPR. Multiple nodules of varying sizes in the also need to be aware that patients on ventilators may develop
lower zones are very much suggestive of pulmonary metas- ventilator-dependent complications.
tasis.(Fig. 8.39a, b).
A glance into the future of imaging for Maxillofacial
1. Magnetization Transfer Imaging
Role of Chest Radiograph in Cases This is a modified MRI study that helps in
Developing Sudden Onset of Breathlessness in • Prediction of whether the primary tumor is benign or
Postoperative Period malignant (possible in 80 to 90% cases).
1. Aspiration Bronchopneumonia • Differentiation of reactive versus malignant
2. Pneumothorax adenopathy.
3. Foreign body (Fig. 8.40a–c) This modality is still in the preliminary stage and needs
4. Abnormal placement of Endotracheal Tube further study.
(Fig. 8.41) 2. MRI-guided biopsy procedures need MRI compatible
5. Pleural effusion equipment. The procedures are feasible and are usually
6. Pulmonary edema and pulmonary embolism done in cases that are not amenable to USG guidance.
3. Functional imaging of swallowing.
150 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

a b c

d e

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.37 (a), (b), and (c). Preop chest radiographs of a patient with cleft lip presenting with dyspnea, more with changing position. (d) and (e)
Mediastinal mass—Bronchogenic Cyst confirmed on CT
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 151

Fig. 8.38 (a) Pulmonary

Nodule-Hamartoma. (b) a b
Confirmed on CT

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.39 (a) and (b). Pulmonary metastasis

152 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.40 (a), (b), and (c). Foreign body, a coin in the cervical esophagus

8.11 R
 ole of High Resolution
Ultrasonography (HRUSG)
as a Diagnostic Aid in the Practice
of Maxillofacial Surgery

8.11.1 Preface

Primarily the use of HRUSG in the maxillofacial region is

directed toward investigation of the cheek and the structures
adjacent to it. Despite the layers of the cheek and the adja-
cent structures having a classical sonographic appearance,
literature available on HRUSG of the cheek is limited.
Having proper understanding of the relevant anatomy is criti-
cal in discerning the wide range of diseases affecting this
region. Evaluation of these lesions by ultrasound is possible
only once the normal ultrasound anatomy at various levels is
defined and a comparison of the suspicious lesion with the
normal expected appearance is made. An original attempt
toward this goal was made at our institute with comparison
of normal cadaveric sections at corresponding levels taken
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India by HRUSG.
High-resolution ultrasonography has broad applications
Fig. 8.41  Abnormal placement of endotracheal tube with collapse of
left lobe in the maxillofacial region especially in the cheek, which
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 153

include evaluations of the unilateral or bilateral swollen

cheek painful or pain less, restricted mouth opening, painful
chewing without obvious clinical findings, and varied causes
of facial swelling. Since early detection decisively influences
patient prognosis in case of malignancy, it is one of the prime
concerns in a presenting patient. Further, differentiation of
lesions as being of benign, malignant, infective, or inflam-
matory etiology is important in deciding on a treatment plan.
HRUSG should however be used to complement and not
replace other imaging modalities as it does have its
Compared to other facial components, the cheek is pre-
dominantly composed of adipose tissue and is relatively
small in size. Swelling of the cheek is easily visible and pal-
pable in most patients presenting with cheek masses. Most
lesions have nonspecific characteristics on computed tomog-
raphy (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In con-
trast, HRUSG is ideal for evaluation of cheek lesions,
because of its capability to differentiate between tissues like
skin, fat, muscle, gland, ducts, and vessels especially since
bony and gaseous interfaces are absent. Further, the superfi-
cial location of the cheek makes it easily accessible to ultra-
sound. Vestibule can be evaluated with fruit jelly technique
obliterating the void space.
This short review attempts to aid the MFS in his under-
standing of HRUSG of the maxillofacial region, with special
reference to the cheek.

8.11.2 Gross Cheek Anatomy

In simple terms, the cheek is the fleshy portion of the face, ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
below the eye, extending from the angle of the mouth to the
ear. Anatomically, it pertains to the buccomasseteric region Fig. 8.42  Anatomical layers of the cheek
comprising the buccal space and its contents, masseteric and
buccinator muscles, the buccal fat pad, and Stenson’s duct.
The region is continuous anteriorly with the lips. Its exter- 8.11.3 Floor of Mouth, Anatomy (Relevant
nal anterior demarcation is formed by the nasolabial fold and to HRUSG)
groove extending from the side of the nose to the angle of the
mouth. The mucosa lining the inner aspect of the cheek The part of the oral cavity located underneath the tongue is
adheres to the buccinator muscle, while the gingival mucosa called the floor of the mouth and it can be involved by a
covers the mandibular and maxillary alveolar processes. The myriad of pathological processes. Superficial lesions involv-
gingivobuccal sulcus is the junction formed between the gin- ing the mucosal surface are easily visualized and may not
gival and buccal mucosae. The vestibule is the region of the need imaging. Disease involving the deeper structures of the
mouth between the teeth, lips, and cheek, which is bound floor needs to be evaluated by imaging, and HRUSG is many
superiorly and inferiorly by buccal mucosal reflections onto times the first line of investigation because of its superior
the mandible and maxilla. Posteriorly the vestibule is con- soft-tissue differentiation capability, thus allowing for clear
tinuous with the oral cavity proper (Fig. 8.42) [12, 13]. depiction of contents of the floor [14].
154 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

Inflammatory processes, malignancies, and vascular • Temporalis muscle

abnormalities can affect the floor contents, while certain • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
conditions like ranula and obstruction of the submandibular
gland are specific to this location [14]. Neighboring Structures
• Vestibule
• Gingiva
8.11.4 Defining the HRUSG Anatomy • Buccogingival Sulcus
of Maxillofacial Region (Predominantly • Periodontal tissue, etc.
Cheek) • Tongue, lips
• Floor of mouth, Sublingual space
Normal Ultrasound Cheek • Submandibular space
Various cheek layers have varying sonographic echogenicity • Parotid gland / duct
and echotexture, and hence ultrasound is an invaluable tool • Retromandibular space
in the characterization and localization of cheek lesions. • Interdental space
Depending on tissue density, the sound wave transmission, • Alveolar margin
absorption, or reflection capability of each tissue v­aries. • Mental foramina
Tissues, having high water content like blood, appear black • Infraorbital foramina
and are called anechoic because they conduct sound waves • External nose
well. In contrast, tissues that are poor conductors reflect most • Various other facial planes and spaces
of the sound wave energy back to the transducer appearing • Arteries
bright and are termed hyperechoic, examples of which include
bones, tendons, and fascial planes. Tissues like muscle reflect
less of the sound wave energy and have a hypoechoic appear- 8.11.5 Techniques of HRUSG of Cheek
ance. In the cheek, the mucosal and submucosal layers appear
hyperechoic, the mucosa more so. Muscle tissue appears For ultrasound examination, the cheek is considered to be a
hypoechoic, while fatty tissue appears echogenic (Fig. 8.43). rectangular area bordered as follows (Fig. 8.45).
Compared to other imaging modalities, ultrasound has
proven to be superior as regards identification of small • by an imaginary line beginning at the angle of mandible
lesions, detection of lesion plane, and lesion characterization and extending along its lower border to the level of angle
(Fig. 8.44). of mouth inferiorly,
The cheek layers and neighboring structures that can be • by an imaginary line beginning at the angle of mandible
identified by HRUSG are. and running along the posterior border of the mandibular
ramus to include the temporomandibular joint posteriorly,
Cheek • by an imaginary line along the zygomatic arch superiorly
• Skin and,
• Subcutaneous plane • by an imaginary vertical line at the level of angle of mouth
• Buccal pad of fat that joins the superior and inferior lines anteriorly [15].
• Buccinator muscle Various techniques, including the resting (neutral) and
• Submucosal layer Puffed (Blow out) cheek technique, the tongue touch tech-
• Mucosal layer nique, and fruit jelly technique, were experimented with,
• Masseter muscle and its lateral relations. each having their own advantages and limitations [15].

Fig. 8.43  Normal Cheek/

Buccal layers on ultrasound

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 155

a b c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.44 (a-d) Cheek anatomy—a comparison. Comparative cheek anatomy- (a) cadaveric specimen, (b) CT, (c) MRI, and (d) Ultrasound

Limitation: Occurrence of mirror image artifact.

Less sensitivity in evaluation of lesions of the vesti-
bule (gingivobuccal sulcus).
(b) Tongue Touch Technique (Fig. 8.48a–c).
• Patient is instructed to feel the cheek lesion with the
• Lesion is brought closer to the probe creating a better
acoustic window.
• Lesions of the superficial buccal mucosa and tongue
lesions on its anterior half and corresponding lateral
borders can be evaluated better.
Advantage: Better visualization of lesion details.
Limitation: Inaccessibility to tongue lesions along
the posterior half and corresponding lateral borders.
(c) Fruit Jelly Technique.
(Figs. 8.49a, b, and 8.50a–d)
• Commercially available edible “Fruit jellies” are
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India placed in the upper and lower gingivobuccal sulcus.
• Patients are then instructed to close their mouth and
Fig. 8.45  Area of Cheek ultrasound study ultrasound is performed.
(a) Resting (Neutral) and Puffed (Blow out) Cheek Technique • Useful in elderly and facial nerve palsy patients having
(Figs. 8.46 and 8.47). difficulty holding puffed cheek for prolonged periods.
• Patient is instructed to blow, and ultrasound is per- • Absence of artifacts due to vestibular air.
formed in puffed cheek status. • Enhanced structural delineation and better evaluation
• Images obtained in axial and coronal planes. of vestibular extension of lesion.
Advantage: Improved visibility of cheek layers and Limitation: Inability to evaluate lesions involving far pos-
accurate definition of lesion size. terior aspect of Vestibule.
156 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

Fig. 8.46  Cheek layers by

“Puffed Cheek” Technique.
(1) Mucosa. (2) Submucosa.
(3) Buccinator. (4) Buccal fat.
(5) Subcutaneous tissue. (6)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.47 (a, b) Cheek layers by “Puffed Cheek” Technique. m-mucosa, sm-submucosa, b-buccinator, bf-buccal fat

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.48 (a), (b), and (c). “Tongue Touch” Technique. Anterior tongue, its tip and lateral borders and cheek layers
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 157

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.49 (a) Axial panoramic (b) Coronal Cheek layers by “Fruit Jelly” Technique. (1) Jelly (2) Angle of mouth (3) Alveolar process (4) Masseter
(5) Mandible (6) Parotid (7) Maxilla (8) Mandible (Asterisk)- Upper and lower gingivobuccal sulcus

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.50 (a, b, c, and d).Cheek layers by “Fruit jelly” Technique. Panoramic axial slices. Coronal slices showing superior and inferior vestibules
along with layers of cheek/alveolar surfaces
158 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

8.11.6 Case Presentation • Painful chewing

• Swelling of the face involving the midline or parasagittal
HRUSG Cheek: Scope of Use and Limitations plane, floor of the mouth, TM joint region, submandibular
Scope of practice of HRUSG cheek includes region, nose, lip, gums, etc.
• Tongue lesions (Lateral margin).
• Cases where limitations are posed by the clinical presen-
tation as in case of trismus or lesions that mimic others in Notifiable Lesions
their clinical presentation resulting in diagnostic • Cheek—Growth, hemangioma, lymphangioma, Oral sub-
difficulty mucous fibrosis, abscesses, discharging sinuses, etc.
• Estimation of the extent of a lesion, thus helping in tumor • Masseter—evaluation of contraction, benign hypertrophy,
staging trauma, Space infection, trauma, etc.
• Cases where the use of plain radiography is limited • Masticatory space.
• Inherent drawbacks of imaging modalities like CT and • TMJ—swelling, click.
MRI and their high cost • Lytic lesions of jaws.
• Gum—evaluation. Lip lesions.
Limitations • Midline swellings.
• Structures medial to the mandibular ramus • Tumor staging.
• Difficulty in obtaining information of intact bone • Salivary gland.
• Intra-articular structures of the temporomandibular joint • Space infections.
• Postoperative scar tissue or a large external wound • Tongue.
• Very thick patients, muscles, and nerves of the face • Lymph node evaluation.

Clinical Conditions that Can Be Evaluated 1 . Inflammatory / Infective Pathology

• Swollen cheek: Painful, painless, unilateral, or bilateral. (a) Cheek cellulitis with evolving abscess (Fig.
• Limited mouth opening 8.51a–d).

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.51 (a, b, c, and d).Cheek cellulitis with evolving abscess. Diffuse soft-tissue thickening, edema of deep subcutaneous fat plane, edematous
buccinators and submucosal plane with mild echogenic tracking collection within the fascial planes
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 159

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.52 (a, b and c). Cheek abscess. Focal organized thick echogenic collection in the deep subcutaneous plane with minimal extension into
buccinator muscle (45 year old male, with habit of chewing betel nut)

Fig. 8.53 (a–d) Chronic

osteomyelitis mandible. a b
HRUSG showing hyperechoic
lesion with hypoechoic
halofungal granuloma

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Cheek abscess (Fig. 8.52a–c). (f)
Painless unilateral swollen cheek (Intramasseteric
Chronic osteomyelitis mandible (Fig. 8.53a, b). lipoma) (Fig. 8.60).
Cysticercosis parotid (Fig. 8.54). (g)
Stenson’s Duct calculus (Fig. 8.61a, b).
Polycystic disease of parotid (Fig. 8.62a, b).
2. Benign Pathology.
(a) Oral submucosal fibrosis (OSMF) (Fig. 8.55a–c). 3. Malignant Pathology.
(b) Lesion at opening of Stenson’s Duct (Fig. 8.56a, b). (a) Buccal mucosal malignancy with intact submucosa
(c) Intraoral Mucocele (Fig. 8.57a, b). and buccinator (Fig. 8.63).
(d) Cheek lymphangioma (Fig. 8.58a–d). (b) Buccal mucosal squamous cell carcinoma (Fig. 8.64
(e) Epidermoid cyst of cheek (Fig. 8.59a, b). a-c).
160 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

Buccal mucosal carcinoma with mucosal and submu-
cosal involvement, mandibular destruction and spar-
ing of buccinator (Fig. 8.65).
Buccal mucosal carcinoma comparative evaluation.
(Fig. 8.66a, b).
Superior vestibular malignant mass (Fig. 8.67a–c).
Tongue malignancy-Tongue touch technique (Fig.
8.68a, b).
Buccal malignancy with mandibular infiltration (Fig.

4. Vascular malformations
(a) Arteriovenous malformation cheek (Fig. 8.70a–d).
(b) Cheek hemangioma (Fig. 8.71).

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.54  Cysticercosis parotid

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.55 (a, b and c) Oral submucosal fibrosis. Axial slice showing thickening of the submucosal layer in OSMF in comparison to the normal
thickness of the submucosal layer
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 161

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.56 (a) and (b). Tiny calculus of about 1.2 mm revealed by HRUSG at Stenson’s duct opening. (Pain while chewing food. No swelling)

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.57 (a) and (b). Intraoral Mucocele. Well-defined cystic lesion in the submucosal layer with internal minimal echogenic contents. Possible
diagnosis of mucocele given, later confirmed by HPR. (35 year old female, presenting with right-sided cheek swelling and mild pain)
162 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.58 (a, b, c, and d). Cheek lymphangioma. Fluid-filled cystic confirms hyperintense fluid along left side of cheek extending into
lesion deep to submucosal layer with deep space extension adjacent to infratemporal fossa (25 year old male, presenting with soft, painless
the masseter medial to mandibular ramus MRI coronal T2W imaging swelling of left cheek)

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.59 (a) and (b). Epidermoid cyst of cheek. Well-defined complex cystic lesion in the subcutaneous plane with internal echogenic contents
causing displacement of underlying cheek layers (28 year old male presenting with painless left cheek swelling)
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 163

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.60  Intramasseteric Lipoma. Elongated intramuscular lesion

isoechoic to the subcutaneous fat with internal echogenic strands repre-
senting intramasseteric lipoma. (30 year old female, presenting with
painless swelling of cheek)

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.61 (a) and (b). Stenson’s duct calculus. Hyperechoic calculus in the Stenson’s duct with nondilated duct proximal to the calculus (23 year
old male, with history of intermittent pain on right side of the cheek)

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.62 (a) and (b). Polycystic disease of parotid. (22 year old male Bilateral painless swollen cheek 7–8 yrs duration)
164 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

Fig. 8.63  Buccal mucosal

malignancy with intact
submucosa and buccinator.
Growth predominantly
involving the mucosa, distinct
from submucosa (between
asterisk) buccinator (star)
appears normal. (55 year old
male with irritating
nonhealing ulcer left cheek)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.64 (a, b, and c). Early Carcinoma of the cheek better seen on HRUSG than by CT slice at the same level. Proved by Histopathology (52
year old male with squamous cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa)
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 165

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.65  Buccal mucosal carcinoma

Fig. 8.66 (a) Buccal

mucosal carcinoma (Resting
phase). (b) Buccal mucosal
carcinoma (Fruit jelly
technique). Patient was unable
to perform the puffed cheek
technique. Mass involving the
mucosa, submucosa,
buccinator, and fat

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

166 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

Fig. 8.67 (a, b and c).

Superior vestibular malignant a b c
mass. Coronal sections
revealing predominantly
hypoechoic, superior
vestibular mass with irregular
margins extending into cheek
layers and causing underlying
bony destruction. Comparison
between (a) neutral cheek,
(b) fruit jelly Technique and
(c) CT

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.68 (a) and (b). Tongue malignancy against cheek wall. Irregular lesion along the Right anterolateral margin of the tongue by “Tongue
touch” technique. Few enlarged lymph nodes are also noted with loss of hilar anatomy representing metastatic lymph nodes. (40 year old male,
with complaint of swelling over the tongue)
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 167

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.69 (a, b, c, and d) Buccal malignancy with mandibular infiltra- buccinator muscle. Focal cortical break is also noted in the mandibular
tion. Heterogeneous mass lesion along the buccal mucosa extending bone with intraosseous infiltration. (48 year old male tobacco chewer
into lower buccogingival sulcus with infiltration into submucosa and presenting with right cheek swelling)

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 8.70 (a, b, c, and d) Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) cheek. tance flow suggestive of AVM. (40 year old female presenting with his-
Focal soft-tissue thickening with internal hypoechoic areas. Doppler tory of swelling and intermittent pain)
study shows multiple vascular channels with high velocity, low resis-
168 S. K. Joshi and A. I. Kochuveettil

Fig. 8.71 Cheek
Hemangioma. Mixed echoic
hemangioma with phlebolith.
Absence of flow signals due
to low-velocity flow

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

8.12 Conclusion for the patient. It is for this purpose that the MFS should be
aware of the various imaging modalities as regards their
It is extremely difficult to limit radiology to a chapter and nature, mode of image formation, their usefulness over other
what has been written does not represent the whole of max- modalities, and their drawbacks. Radiation safety and cost
illofacial radiology. Only the relevant aspects and the bare effectiveness of a specific imaging modality also need to be
minimum essentials of radiology for maxillofacial surgeons kept in mind. The imaging method selected should be one
have been covered in this chapter. The entire range of radi- that provides the required information within the shortest
ology for maxillofacial surgeons, dealing with surgical time possible, be the safest option for the patient, and be the
problems pertinent to the maxillofacial region, would most economical, while at the same time providing maxi-
require more expansive and elaborate writing. mum information.
This chapter on radiology provides an outlook to the sur- The MFS can commence with simple basic imaging
geon, who can proceed to applying radiology in his everyday methods like plain radiography or USG and later proceed to
surgical practice. In the event of encountering any lacunae in higher imaging methods in case the basic methods were not
the book, the MFS must refer to the textbooks dedicated to enough to satisfy the surgeon’s needs for patient manage-
maxillofacial radiology. Being a surgeon, the MFS should be ment. A recent costlier imaging method does not necessarily
aware of the use of the chest radiograph and its applications mean it is the best. Many times, it is the simpler basic imag-
in his practice. The role of high-resolution ultrasonography ing methods that provide more crucial findings that help in
has also been emphasized in this chapter. Dental radiology, understanding complex disease processes.
both extra and intraoral, has not been included since all max-
illofacial surgeons have extensive knowledge of the same in Acknowledgments  The authors would like to acknowledge & thank
their surgical practice. Dr Niranjan Kumar, M.Ch FRCS. ; Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Shri
Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University for his valuable construc-
Since it is the MFS who is acquainted with the patient’s tive suggestions and constant support towards this endeavour.
clinical status, he must properly plan the imaging pathway
8  Radiology for Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Essentials 169

References 9. Singh GP, Dogra S, Kumari E.  Ultrasonography: maxillofacial

applications. Annals of Dental Specialty. 2014;2(3):104–7.
10. Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC.  Robbins and Cotran pathologic
1. Fusaro F, Constantinides F, Maglione M, Dalessadri D, Vettori basis of disease. 9th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2015.
E, Lenarda RDI. Comparison of orthopantomography (OPG) and 11. Fraser RS, Muller NL, Colman N, Pare PD. Fraser and Pare's diag-
computed tomography (CT) accuracy in predicting inferior alve- nosis of diseases of the chest. 4th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders;
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[Internet]. 2017 [cited 2019Jun3]. Available from: https://www. 12. Christopoulos A.  Mouth Anatomy [Internet]. Overview, Gross

researchgate.net/publication/319548814_Comparison_of_orthop- Anatomy: Oral Vestibule, Gross Anatomy: Oral Cavity Proper.
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in_predicting_inferior_alveolar_nerve_injury_following_lower_ 13. Surgical fascial spaces [Internet]. online presentation [cited 2019
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2. Abramovitch K, Rice DD. Basic principles of cone beam computed 14. La’Porte SJ, Juttla JK, Lingam RK. Imaging the Floor of the Mouth
tomography. Dent Clin N Am. 2014;58(3):463–84. and the Sublingual Space [Internet]. RadioGraphics. 2011 [cited
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4. Ferreira RI, de Almeida SM, Boscolo FN, Santos AO, Camargo 15. Joshi SK, Kamalapur MG, Joshi AS, Hallikeri K. Ultrasonographic
EE. Bone scintigraphy as an adjunct for the diagnosis of oral dis- evaluation of carcinoma of buccal mucosa: Ultrasound technique
eases. J Dent Educ. 2002;66(12):1381–7. and evaluation of neoplastic conditions. J. Evid. Based Med.
5. Appadurai R, Lingeshwar D, Venugopal S, Christina RD.  Bone Healthc. 2016;3(34):1649–55.
scintigraphy as a diagnostic tool in condylar hyperplasia [Internet].
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6. Griffeth LK. Use of PET/CT scanning in cancer patients: techni-
cal and practical considerations [Internet]. Proceedings (Baylor
Mosier K.  Functional imaging of swallowing. In: Mukherji SK,
University. Medical Center). Baylor Health Care System; 2005
Casterlijins JA, editors. Head and neck imaging. Berlin: Springer;
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2000. p. 79–86.
Yousem DM (2000) Magnetization transfer imaging of the Extracranial
7. Williams N, O’Connell PR, McCaskie AW. Bailey and Love’s short
head and neck. In: Mukherji SK, Casterlijins JA (eds). Modern head
practice of surgery. 27th ed. New York: CRC Press; 2018.
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8. Pooley RA.  AAPM/RSNA Physics Tutorial for Residents
Sanjay N. Jain (2019) a Pictoral essay: radiology lines and tubes in the
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Open Access  This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropri-
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The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in
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Part V
Principles of Maxillofacial Surgery
Operating Room Protocols
and Infection Control 9
Rishi Kumar Bali

9.1 Introduction 9.2 Terminology

A study comprising data from 56 countries in 2004 stated To establish surgical protocols, it is important to understand
that the annual major surgery volume was estimated to be the basic concepts of sterilization, asepsis, and infection con-
187–281 million operations, accounting for approximately trol. In this respect, the following terminologies are very
one operation annually for every 25 human beings alive [1]. commonly used:
In subsequent studies, data were obtained from a total of
194 Member States of the World Health Organization for Antibiotics
the years 2005–2012. According to these studies, 312.9 mil- These agents are a by-product of certain microorganisms,
lion operations took place in 2012, showing an increase which either have the capacity to destroy or inhibit the
from the 2004 estimate of 226.4 million operations. 6.3% growth of other microorganisms at low concentrations.
and 23.1% of operations were carried out in very-low and
low-­expenditure countries representing only 36.8% (2573 Anti-Infective
million people) and 34.2% (2393 million people) of the A substance (or drug) capable of killing microorganisms or
global population of 7001 million people, respectively [2]. inhibiting their growth, in particular, pathogenic microor-
The incidence of postoperative infections reported among ganisms. This is a general term used to encompass those
the developed countries like UK and USA was approxi- drugs that specifically act on certain types of microorgan-
mately 5% and 5–6%, whereas in developing countries like isms, including antibacterial (antibiotics), antifungal, antivi-
India it is much higher, accounting for approximately ral, and antiprotozoal agents.
10–25%. [3, 4].
The main problem encountered in the practice of surgical Antimicrobial Agent
safety is that existing safety practices are not adequate in Any agent synthetically or naturally obtained that can destroy
some countries. Lack of resources is the main reason behind or attenuate the microorganisms.
this, particularly in developing countries. Good infection
prevention and control is essential to ensure the safety of the Antisepsis
patient undergoing any surgical procedure in the operating It is the process in which microbial agents on a living surface
theater. The surgical site infections (SSIs) constitute 20% of are either killed or their growth is arrested.
the total hospital-acquired infections [4]. These infections
cause substantial patient mortality and morbidity and burden Antiseptic
healthcare systems with massive costs. Since these infec- These are the substances applied on the living tissues to
tions are primarily acquired during the operative procedure reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, and putrefaction
when the wound is still open, stringent protocols need to be by inhibiting the activity or growth of the microorganisms.
followed at this point to minimize their onset.
The state of being free from living pathogenic organisms.

R. K. Bali (*) Aseptic

Postgraduate Department of OMFS, DAV Dental college hospital, Free of or using methods to keep free from microorganisms.
Yamunanagar, Haryana, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 173

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_9
174 R. K. Bali

Aseptic Processing Detergent

It is defined as the processing and packaging of a sterile It is a chemical agent with cleansing actions in dilute solu-
product into sterilized containers followed by proper sealing tions, which, on combining with impurities and dirt, make
with a sterilized closure in a manner to control microbiologi- them more soluble.
cal recontamination.
Bactericide Disruption of the normal performance of the vital functions
It is an antimicrobial agent that has the capacity to destroy of a plant or animal by an infection.
both nonpathogenic and pathogenic organisms but may not
destroy bacteria in spore form. Disinfectant
This is an agent, usually a chemical, applied on inanimate
Bacteriostatic objects that destroys microorganism in the vegetative form
It is an antimicrobial agent that inhibits the growth of micro- but not the spores.
organisms but is not capable of killing them.
Chemical disinfectant agents are categorized into low level,
Bioburden intermediate, and high level (depending on the product claims
The occurrence of viable microorganisms on a surface or and regulatory requirements in different parts of the world).
object before the sterilization procedure.
• High-level disinfection (HLD): It is a process in which a
Biologic Indicator (BI) small number of spores or certain bacteria are killed by
A standardized test preparation of bacterial spores used to the use of certain antimicrobial agents at a specific tem-
demonstrate effective sterilizing conditions by providing a perature and appropriate concentration.
defined resistance to a specific sterilization process. • Intermediate-level disinfection (ILD): It is a process in
which vegetative forms of all microorganisms are destroyed
Chemical Indicator but affect the activity of spores of certain bacteria.
These are agents or devices used to monitor or confirm the • Low-level disinfection (LLD): It is a process in which vege-
attainment of one or more of the parameters required for a tative forms of all microorganisms are destroyed having no
satisfactory sterilization process or used in a specific test of activity on spores of bacteria at very low concentrations.
the sterilization equipment.

Chemisterilant Disinfection
It is an agent, chemical in nature with properties that kills all Antimicrobial process to remove, destroy, or deactivate
forms of microbial agents, including spores. microorganisms on surfaces or in liquids. Disinfection is
often considered as a reduction of the numbers and types of
Cleaning viable microorganisms (or “bioburden”) but may not be
It is the process of removing all forms of foreign materials assumed to render the surface or liquid free from viable
(from objects using detergents & water, soaps, and enzymes) microbial contamination (in contrast to sterilization).
by employing the mechanical action of washing or scrubbing
the object. Droplet Nuclei
These are those particles of 1–10 μm that are implicated in
Contamination the spread of airborne infections.
It is the process of entry of microbial agents into tissues or
any aseptic environment. Exogenous Infection
The infecting microorganism comes from an external source.
The spread of infection from one person, object or place to Fomites
another. Any inanimate object that is capable of absorbing or transmit-
ting infectious microorganisms from one person to the other.
The process by which a person or a surface is made free from Fumigation
all the agents that contaminate the surface and lead to the The process of disinfecting or purifying an area or object
spread of infections. [5] with the fumes of certain chemical agents.
9  Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control 175

Germicide Sterilizing Agent

Agents that are designed to kill and destroy pathogenic Physical or chemical agent (or combination of agents) that
organisms on the surface of different things. has sufficient microbicidal activity to achieve sterility under
defined conditions.
It is the process of invasion of the tissues by microorganisms Septic
and their multiplication in the body of the host to produce Contaminated or infected.
Microorganisms or Microbe These are the reproductive forms of some microorganisms
Microscopic organisms, which may exist in its single-celled that can survive harsh environmental factors and have the
form or in a colony of cells. capability of developing into new viable microbes.

Minimum Effective Concentration (MEC) Sterilization

The lowest concentration of a chemical or product, used in a Sterilization is a process that destroys or removes all micro-
specified process that achieves a claimed activity. bial life completely, including spores by means of certain
chemical or physical processes.
Minimum Recommended Concentration (MRC)
The lowest concentration of a chemical or product specified Sterile
by the equipment manufacturer to be used in a process. Free from living microorganisms.

Nosocomial Sterilize
This comes from two Greek words, i.e., “nosus” meaning Total destruction of all living forms.
“disease” and “komeion” meaning “to take care of.” Also
known as “hospital-acquired infections.” These are the infec- Vector
tions originating or taking place in a hospital. It is an organism that does not cause disease itself but which
spreads infection by conveying pathogens from one host to
Operating Room (OR) another.
The operating room or operating theater is a facility within a
hospital where surgical procedures are carried out in an asep- Virulence
tic environment. It is a pathogen’s ability to infect, sustain, or spread infection
in a living a host. Historical background of present day pro-
Pathogen tocols is enumerated in Table 9.1.
A pathogen is a tiny living organism, such as a bacterium
or virus that is capable of producing disease in an
individual. 9.3 Surgical Site Infections

Resistance Approximately 2–5% of all surgical patients tend to acquire

It is the natural ability of the agent to oppose the effects of surgical site infections (SSIs) [4]. In developed & high-­
any harmful agents. income countries (HICs), SSIs are the second most common
cause of healthcare-associated infections [6], whereas in
Soil Low- & Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) or underdevel-
Natural or artificial contamination on a device or surface fol- oped & developing countries these infections are the most
lowing its use or simulated use. common ones. Thus, to reduce the risk of surgical site infec-
tions, a more systematic approach has to be adopted, based
Sterile Barrier System on proper knowledge regarding the status of the patient, type,
Packaging that prevents the ingress of microorganisms fol- & time of the operation, personnel involved and the health
lowing a sterilization process, thereby preserving the sterile care facilities available during a surgical procedure. The
state. main pathogenic source of surgical site infections is
the endogenous flora (usually aerobic gram positive cocci) of
Sterilizer the patient present in the skin, the mucous membranes, or the
Equipment designed to achieve sterilization. hollow viscera. The exogenous sources of infection include
176 R. K. Bali

Table 9.1  Historical background leading to proper sterilization and Table 9.2  WHO: Ten essential objectives for safe surgery
disinfection protocols
  (1) The operating team must ensure that the correct surgical
Year Event procedure is to be carried out on the correct patient.
• First century Varo and Columella postulated that diseases were   (2) The operating personnel should have adequate knowledge
BC. caused by invisible beings, “animals minutia,” regarding the anesthesia, its methods of administration as well
inhaled or ingested as its effects so that minimum pain is experienced by the
• 500 AD Sushruta instructed operating team members to patient.
clean and fumigate the operating theater with   (3) The operating personnel should be well prepared for any
vapors of certain disinfectants prior to all surgical life-threatening conditions like loss of airway or respiratory
procedures function.
• 1493–1541 Paracelsus, called the father of medicine,   (4) The operating team should be prepared for risk of high loss of
reformed pharmacopeia and introduced blood.
compositions of lead, copper, sulfur, iron, and   (5) The operating team should be well versed with the history of
mercury the patient in order to prevent or induce any allergic or adverse
• 1546 Fracastorious proposed a “contagion vivum,” as drug reactions that can cause a significant risk for the patient.
the possible cause of infectious diseases.   (6) Care must be taken to minimize the formation of surgical site
• 1827–1912 Joseph Lister, “father of modern surgery,” infections by using proper measures.
demonstrated that antisepsis could prevent   (7) Proper care must be taken to not leave any instrument or any
infections; also known as “Listerian era” foreign material at the surgical site.
• 1889 William Stewart Halsted introduced rubber gloves   (8) All specimens should be carefully identified and secured for
for his scrub nurse further investigations.
• 1882 Robert Koch introduced the use of mercuric   (9) Proper communication must be present among the operating
bichloride as antiseptic agents and isolated the team personnel for the safe conduct of the surgical procedure.
bacilli of tuberculosis (10) A routine surveillance of the surgical volume, safety protocols,
• 1880s and Sterilization of instruments, hand washing, and capacities, and the outcomes must be carried out by all the
1890s. the wearing of masks, caps, gloves, and gowns hospitals and the health care systems.
was introduced

members of the surgical team, environment of the operating mandatory for all the personnel concerned to have a proper
theater and tools, materials & instruments brought to the understanding of the working of the operation theater abid-
sterile zones during the surgical procedure. Various strate- ing by certain laws, regulations, and professional guidelines.
gies employed to prevent or control the occurrence of surgi- Integrated infection control in the operation theater is the key
cal site infections include reducing the contamination by to decreasing morbidity and mortality among the patients
microorganisms on the sterile surgical instruments as well as undergoing surgery.
the body of the patient, prophylactic preoperative antibiotic Following essentials must be present in an operating
coverage, carrying out the surgical procedure carefully, room:
proper handling of the operating room.
–– Adequate lighting
–– Proper ventilation with 20 (ACH) air changes/hour
9.4 Surgical Safety –– Correct and sufficient instruments needed in the
Surgical safety is of utmost importance in order to prevent –– Proper machines and equipment for monitoring the con-
major and life-threatening complications leading to undue dition of the patients during the surgeries
loss of life and patient morbidity. Thus, a list of ten essential –– Emergency drugs and other items
objectives with a surgical safety checklist have been eluci- –– Separate rooms should be present to carry different
dated by the WHO to be followed by all the personnel pres- procedures
ent in the operating room to reduce the risk of such
complications [7] (Tables 9.2 and 9.3). • Location of the Operating Theater: The location of the
operation theater should be such that adequate natural
light and proper ventilation is present. For this, a two- or
9.5 Environmental Control and Design three-story building away from the general hustle and
bustle of the hospital is preferred.
 perating Room (OR)
O • Operation rooms: The standard recommended size of the
The operating room or operating theater is a facility within a operation theater is 6.5  m  ×  6.5  m  ×  3.5  m and can be
hospital where surgical procedures are carried out in an asep- modified as per requirement
tic environment. Since the operating theater is a highly ster- • Doors and Windows: There should be separate entry and
ile, aseptic, and restricted area in a hospital setting, it is exit doors. The width of the door should be approximately
9  Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control 177

Table 9.3  WHO’s Surgical Safety Checklist

Before induction of anesthesia Before skin incision Before patient leaves operating room
Sign in Time out Sign out
Patient has confirmed Confirm all team members have introduced Nurse verbally confirms with the team
• Identity themselves by name and role • The name of the procedure recorded
• Site • The instrument, sponge, and needle
• Procedure counts are correct (or not applicable)
• Consent • How the specimen is labeled
(including patient name)
• Whether there are any equipment
problems to be addressed
Site marked/not applicable Surgeon, anesthesia professional and nurse
verbally confirm
• Patient
• Site
• Procedure
Anesthesia safety check completed Anticipated critical events Surgeon, anesthesia professional and
• Surgeon reviews: What are the critical or nurse review the key concerns for
unexpected steps, operative duration, recovery and management of this patient
anticipated blood loss
• Anesthesia team reviews: Are there any
patient -specific concerns
• Nursing team reviews: Has sterility
(including indicator results) been confirmed?
Are there equipment issues or any concerns?
Pulse oximeter on patient and functioning Has antibiotic prophylaxis been given in the
last 60 min?
• Yes / not applicable
Is essential imaging displayed
• Yes/not applicable
Does patient have a known allergy
• No/yes
Difficult airway /aspiration risk
• No
• Yes, and equipment /assistance available
Risk of >500 ml blood loss (7 ml/kg in children)
• No
• Yes and adequate intravenous access and fluids

1.2 to 1.5 m. Sliding doors are preferred than ­spring-­loaded presence or absence of microorganisms, and the different pro-
doors in order to minimize the generation of the air cur- cedures to be carried out in each zone (Fig. 9.1).
rents during the opening and closing of the doors.
Windows made from glass are preferred, which are to be 1. Protective zone: It includes
planned on one side only. • Changing room for all the concerned persons
• The surface/flooring: The flooring must be such that it is • Transferring passage for the materials, equipment, and
nonslippery, strong, & with minimum joints to decrease the patient
the accumulation of dust and other tiny particulate matter • Rooms for administrative staff
within it. • Storage & record maintenance
• Walls: Washable light and soothing painted walls should • Pre- and postoperative
be present • Intensive and Coronary Care Units
• Ceiling: Hard, impervious surface, plaster painted ceiling • Storage rooms to keep the sterilized objects
should be present. 2. Clean zone: Links the protective zone to the aseptic zone
• Clean rooms
• Storage room for equipment
Different Zones of Operation Theater Complex • Rooms designed for surveillance, maintenance, and
There are four different zones observed in any operating room firefighting
complex described on the basis of type of cleanliness present, • Exit areas in case of emergencies exists
178 R. K. Bali

Fig. 9.1  Different zones of

operation theater complex

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

3. Aseptic zone: houses the operating rooms –– Proper ventilation should be checked regularly and the
4. Disposal zone: separate exit for disposing contaminated filters should be changed as required.
linen /used materials and instruments –– At the time of maintenance or inspection or observation
of any fault in the working of the operation theater, the
members of The Infection Control team should be
Important Points informed. The theater should be thoroughly examined by
–– The sterilized materials are transported from a sterile area the members of the team and appropriate measures must
to the operation theater on a covered cart, thus preventing be taken to maintain the infection control protocols. The
any accumulation of the dust particles on their surfaces. operation theater must only be functional after being care-
–– Before entering the operation theater, all supplies/materi- fully evaluated and cleared by the infection control team.
als must be removed from their shipping or transported –– Back-up facility for operation theater in all aspects should
containers. be present in any setup to provide any uninterrupted ses-
–– All the blood-coated or soiled instruments/equipment must sions at the time of maintenance or any fault observed.
be transported in a covered wrap or container from the oper-
ating room to the decontamination or reprocessing area.
–– Care must be taken that the soiled instruments/equipment 9.6 Disinfection and Sterilization
must not to be stored with the sterilized goods.
Sterilization is the ultimate procedure in controlling the unde-
sired activities of microorganisms that are outside of the
Maintenance in the Operation Theater human body. Its purpose in the operating field is to prevent
–– The machinery must be surveyed at least every week. the spread of infectious disease, and in surgery, it primarily
9  Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control 179

relates to processing reusable instruments. Surgical instru- is the major step in the removal of any organic matter present
ments are an integral part of surgical field and, being reusable, on the surface of the instruments. Any failure in the removal
have greater chances of spreading the microorganisms if any of the visible soil at the initial stage can create a discrepancy
of the reprocessing steps fails. Steps of reprocessing include in the efficacy of the subsequent disinfection and sterilization
cleaning, repackaging, disinfection or sterilization, and reus- procedures. Sterilization is more effective a process than dis-
ing. Cleaning, being the first step in the cycle of reprocessing, infection. The process of disinfection is carried out with the
use of various chemical agents. Chemical disinfecting agent
necessarily does not kill all microorganisms or spores present
Table 9.4  Spaulding Classification of Medical Devices And Level of
Disinfection on an inanimate object but instead reduces the number of
microorganisms to a level that is not harmful to health.
• Critical: An instrument that has a direct contact with sterile tissues
or vascular system [8]; such items are to be sterilized and made free Depending on their potency against microbes, they are classi-
from all microorganisms. Examples are extraction forceps, scalpel fied as High-, Intermediate-, or Low-level disinfectants.
blades, bone chisels, periodontal scalers, surgical burs, needles The type of the sterilization procedures to be carried out
• Semicritical: An instrument that does not usually penetrate the for an object depends upon the classification of the instru-
sterile tissues but does come in contact with intact mucous
membrane. These items are made free from microorganisms by ments based according to the Spaulding Classification of the
high-level disinfection. Examples include endoscopes, amalgam medical devices, the type of material of which the object is
condensers, air/water syringe, impression trays, dental hand piece, made of, the microorganisms to be present on the object, and
dental mirrors availability of the sterilization methods and equipment
• Noncritical: An instrument that does not touch the patient directly
or come in contact with the intact skin only. These items may be
(Table 9.4).
cleaned or disinfected by low-level disinfection. Examples include
light arm/handles, dental chair, dental X-ray equipment, chair side The Instrument Processing (Decontamination Steps)
computers, chair switches. (Fig. 9.2)

Fig. 9.2 Instrument
processing steps

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

180 R. K. Bali

Various methods of decontamination include. upon the material of which they are made and the use they
• Physical cleaning. Manual cleaning is necessary when:
• Water purification • Cleaning of instruments by mechanical means is not
• Ultrasonic cleaning possible
• Disinfection • Instruments to be cleaned are delicate in nature
• Antisepsis • Objects to be cleaned have a narrow lumen (Fig. 9.3)
• Sterilization 3 . Soaking of instruments prior to cleaning:
There are times when cleaning alone cannot remove the
Processing of the clinical or surgical items is a two step debris present on the surface of the objects as the items
procedure. become highly soiled with foreign materials. For this, it is
A. Cleaning, being the first step, is the most essential one, sometimes necessary to soak instruments/objects prior to
which is succeeded either by Disinfection or cleaning. A container having a deeper base is filled with
Sterlization detergent & water and all the instruments are kept in it for
• Cleaning is the process of removing all the foreign 3–5 min. The solution prepared is agitated by shaking it
particles present on the surface of the object, which is vigorously. The cleaned instruments are now removed
accomplished by means of two main steps, i.e., clean- from the container and placed over a tray for air drying.
ing by friction to remove foreign particles and rinsing
away by fluids to remove the debris so cleaned.
• If the objects to be sterilized, remain soiled with for-
eign materials, the microorganisms will be trapped in
the organic matter and may interfere with the proper
sterilization or disinfection procedure. Therefore,
thorough cleaning should always precede the steril-
ization process.
• Cleaning may be manual or mechanical and is nor-
mally accomplished by the use of water, detergents,
and mechanical agents. Detergent is essential to dis-
solve proteins and oil that can reside on instruments
and equipment after use.
1. Mechanical cleaning
With the advancement in the sterilization equipment,
most units are automated and there is very less handling
of dirty equipment by the concerned staff. The equipment
to be processed is placed in trays and is ready for
• Washing machine: It gives a cold rinse followed by a
hot wash at 71  °C for 2  min. This is followed by a
10-second hot rinse at 80–90 °C and then by dry heat
at 50–75 °C.
• Ultrasonicator: The ultrasonicator is a device, which
is extremely efficient in removing the debris. 0.44 W/
cm3 of power is used to remove the debris by the pro-
cess of sonic waves produced. The solution used most
often to clean is an enzymatic presoak (protease for-
mula that dissolves protein).
2. Manual cleaning
It is an active method that is carried out by thoroughly
brushing the item with the help of a toothbrush under
water to prevent the release of aerosols. The brush should
be thoroughly cleaned after use and should be dried. The ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
cleaned items are then dried and made ready for the
proper sterilization procedure to be carried out depending Fig. 9.3  Manual Cleaning
9  Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control 181

B. Disinfection and Sterlization 1. Steam sterilization (autoclaving):-

• Disinfection can be achieved by either thermal or chemical • This is the most simple and efficient means of ster-
processes. The thermal disinfection procedure is more eas- ilizing instruments. It is also commonly called
ily controlled, more reliable, nontoxic and leaves no resi- steam sterilizing or autoclaving.
due on the surface and is preferred more than chemical • The steam autoclaves best suited for outpatient prac-
disinfection procedures. The main indication of chemical tice are usually made to operate in the following range.
disinfectant use is the heat-­ sensitive objects. Chemical –– Temperature 121 °C (250 °F) at a pressure of 15
High-level disinfection (HLD): pounds per square inch (psi) for 15 min.
(a) Most commonly used for heat-labile instruments/ –– Temperature 134  °C (270  °F) at a pressure of
objects (e.g., endoscopes) where single use is not cost 30 psi for 3 min. This process termed “flash ster-
effective. ilization” has practical use in the operating room
(b) Disinfectants used for this purpose are where fast sterilization of instruments may be
• Glutaraldehyde: 2% for 20 min. necessary.
• Hydrogen peroxide: 6%–7.5% for 20–30 min. • This combination of moisture and heat provides the
• Per acetic acid: 0.2–0.35% for 5 min. bacteria-­destroying power currently most effective
• Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) for 5–12 min. against all forms of microorganisms.
(c) Steps: • Mainly used for items that are wrapped or porous.
• All items to be disinfected are cleaned and dried. • Autoclaves are either classified as horizontal or ver-
• Fresh disinfectant solution should be made each tical (based on design) and gravity displacement or
day in a sterile container. If a previously prepared vacuum type (based on functioning).
solution is to be used, an indicator strip is dipped • Autoclaves can also be classified as Type “N” and
in the solution to check for the effectiveness of the Type “B.”
solution. • Type “N” autoclaves are the ones that do not remove
• Open all hinged instruments and disassemble air from the sterilization chamber with the help of a
whichever possible. vacuum pump. These are used for solid loads.
• Place all items in the solution completely sub- • Type “B” autoclaves remove air from the steriliza-
merged in the container. tion chamber with the help of a vacuum pump.
• The container is covered and the instruments are Wrapped and hollow instruments, which can be
allowed to soak in for 20 min. sterilized and used later, are to be sterilized by this
• Remove the items using dry, high-level disinfected type of autoclave.
pickups. • Importance of bagging the instruments for
• Rinse thoroughly with boiled water. sterilization.
• Air-dry by placing on disinfected tray. –– The main aim of bagging or wrapping the instru-
• Items disinfected are covered in a disinfected con- ments prior to sterilization procedure decreases
tainer and used within a week. the chances of contamination of the items after
Sterilization the sterilization procedure is complete.
Sterilization is a method by which an article, medium, –– Two-layer wrapping of objects should be pre-
or surface is made free from all microbial invasions, ferred and the materials used for this can be cot-
including spores. The main aim of sterilization of instru- ton fabric or muslin, paper, newspaper (Fig. 9.4).
ments is proper delivery of sterilized instruments at the • Monitoring of sterilization.
operating field, thereby maintaining a sterile environ- • Sterilization monitoring is a process by which ade-
ment and reducing the spread of infections from one per- quate sterile environment and the effectiveness of
son to another. Proper handling of the sterilized the procedure is determined by assessing the bio-
instruments is done by appropriate wrapping and storage logical, mechanical, and chemical parameters.
of the instruments, thereby increasing the shelf life of the • The most widely used and accepted parameter of
sterilized instruments. The instruments should be bagged assessing the sterilization procedures is the use of
or wrapped in a muslin cloth or clear pouches or paper biological indicators (BIs) that directly inhibit the
before and after the procedure and the wrapping should growth of highly resistant microorganisms, rather
be sealed with tape. No pin, staple, or any paper clips are than merely testing the physical and chemical con-
to be applied on the wrapping as these may create small ditions necessary for sterilization. Since the spores
openings, which may allow entry of microorganisms, present in a biological indicator are in a much
thereby hampering the process of sterilization. higher number and are highly resistant by nature
Sterilization is accomplished by: compared to the other and common microorgan-
182 R. K. Bali

Fig. 9.4  Diagram depicting

the way the instruments are
wrapped for sterilization

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

isms found on items used for the patient, an inacti- • Assuring the temperature & the cycle time, and
vated biological indicator indicates that the other observing the gauges or display for the pressure on
microorganisms are killed depicting an effective the sterilization equipment for each set of items to
sterilization ­procedure. A control BI, from the same be sterilized come under the mechanical monitoring
lot as the test indicator and not processed through of sterilization.
the sterilizer, should be incubated with the test BI; • Certain chemical agents are used to check the efficacy
the control BI should yield positive results for bac- of the sterilization procedure being carried out by
terial growth. undergoing chemical changes in their properties on
9  Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control 183

being exposed to the sterilizing conditions. These 3. Dry heat:

chemical agents are called the chemical indicators • It may be used for sterilization of instruments with
and these include TST (Time-Steam-Temperature) cutting surfaces.
Strip. This TST strip is to be placed in a big surgical • No corrosion occurs with this method of sterilization.
wire basket and when exposed to a critical time, • Dry heat sterilization, which usually occurs con-
steam, and temperature it undergoes a change in color sists of hot air oven has typical cycles of 1  h at
from yellow to dark blue indicating complete steril- 171 °C or 2 h at 160 °C.
ization procedure. Another strip is to be used when • Air is a poor conductor of heat and requires a long
double-layered packing of instruments in crepe paper time for getting the instruments effectively sterilized.
is done to assess the parameters inside the sterilizer. 4. Chemical sterilization and disinfection:
• Another form of sterilizing monitor is the use of the • This is also a choice for some limited circumstances.
external indicators. These are usually in the form of • Some instruments cannot be subjected to high tem-
Tapes. The main indication of the complete steril- peratures and in a field environment chemical ster-
ization procedure is the change in color of the strips ilization may have to be used.
of the tape from yellow to dark brown or black. • The disinfectant must remain in contact with the
• How to store the sterilized instruments/objects surface for appropriate time.
–– There must be a separate area for storing of the • Disinfectants include Chlorine solutions, 2–3.2%
sterile instruments and single-use (disposable) glutaraldehyde, iodophors, and phenols.
–– The storing of the bagged sterilizer objects can be
depicted either by the date on which they are ster- 9.7 Operating Room Decorum
ilized or the procedure for which it is to be used or
an event causing it to become contaminated. 1. Hand hygiene:
–– All the packed items must be carefully inspected
before using to verify the integrity of the outer cov- Hand hygiene by operation theater persons is the most
ering and the condition of the packing (dry/wet). efficient way to reduce the risk of spread of infections.
–– Once the packing is assessed and if any breach is
seen in the packing, the wrapping should be 2. Surgical hand wash:
replaced and the instruments again sent for the • Surgical hand wash or surgical hand rub should be car-
sterilization procedure. ried out prior to the procedure in order to decrease the
–– All the sterilized instruments must be kept in residing flora of the hand.
covered drawers. • Steps:
• Care must be taken that all instruments should be –– All jewellery from wrists and hands must be
placed away from the place where chances of get- removed.
ting wet are higher. –– The temperature of water is to be adjusted so that it
• Expiry of the sterilized instruments is slightly warm. Hands and forearms are to be
• The expiry of the materials and objects undergoing the washed 5  cm above the level of the elbows to
sterilization procedure depends on the type and time remove any particles of dirt.
of the sterilization process, the efficacy of the process, –– Before performing the first scrub of the day, a nail
and the handling of the sterilized instruments. cleaner is used to clean the fingernails and the nail
• Once all the sterile conditions are met, 4 weeks is beds.
the maximum time for which the items are consid- –– The nails should be cut short and no nail polish
ered sterilized and safe for use. However, the con- should be used.
taminated instruments are preferred processing and –– Antimicrobial agent is to be applied on the hands and
sterilization prior to every procedure. in circular motion; lathering should begin at the finger
2. Ethylene oxide: tips of one hand and between the fingers, continuing
• It is used for sterilization of heat-labile and from the fingertip to 5 cm above the elbow. The same
moisture-­sensitive items, supplies, and equipment. process is to be repeated for other arm and hand.
• The operating cycle ranges from 2–24 h and it is a –– The rubbing should be done for a period of 3–5 min.
relatively expensive process. –– Each arm is to be washed separtely at the level of
• It can be used for glass, paper surfaces, clothing, plas- elbow, starting at the fingertips.
tics and metals, food stuffs, and dental equipment. –– One side of the sterile towel is used to dry the fin-
• It is unsuitable for fumigating rooms because of its gertips up to the elbow of one hand and the other
explosive property. side is used to dry the same on the other hand.
184 R. K. Bali

3. Barrier techniques:
Barrier techniques are useful where the chances of spread
of infection are higher.
(a) Head Cover
Prior or during the procedure, all facial and head hair
should be tied properly and covered by means of head
covers. Ideally head covers should be disposable and
made of soft, nonporous cloth like material. If one has
long hair, the hair should be tied in a bun. In situations
where tying a bun is not possible, use of helmets or
hoods or headgears is of utmost significance.
(b) Masks
–– Tuberculosis is one of the most common infec-
tious diseases that can spread through airborne
–– The main aim of using a mask is the prevention of
transmission of infectious agents from the mem-
ber of the operating team to the patient’s wounds
and also protecting the operating team members
from the splashes and sprays from the patient.
–– The masks, which are disposable in nature, are
always preferred.
–– The mask should be made of synthetic fibers, must ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
be flat with two or three pleats that expand to cover
the area up to chin, and should have filters of poly- Fig. 9.5  Surgical Mask
propylene or polyester (Fig. 9.5).
(c) Scrub suits and cover gowns (e) Gloves
These are the pair of garments to be worn over, or They help to protect the operator from infection by
instead of regular clothing of the persons involved in the bacteria and viruses from patient’s blood. Gloving is
surgical procedures to protect the transmission of any essential to protect both the surgeon and the patient
infectious agent present on the regular clothing from the from blood-borne viruses and to prevent wound from
operating personnel to the patient or any other person- becoming contaminated with the surgeon’s skin flora.
nel. These should have a simple design, should be com- The “open gloving” and “closed gloving” technique
fortable, should be easy to clean and wash, should be of donning the gloves should be employed for wear-
economical, easily replicable if damaged and should ing gloves.
have minimal place for the contaminants to hide. • Steps in wearing gloves by Open Gloving
(d) Surgical gowns Technique
These are a loose pair of clothing to be worn over the –– Handwashing must be performed under aseptic
scrub suits or cover gowns at the time of the surgery conditions.
to protect both the patient and the operating personnel –– Inspect the outer covering for the integrity.
from transfer of microorganisms, blood or body flu- Open the first nonsterile packaging by peeling
ids, and another particulate matter. it completely off the heat seal exposing the
Steps of wearing gown: inner sterile wrapper, but without touching it.
• Dry the hands completely and hold the gown in –– The inner sterile packing is kept on a dry area,
such a manner that it is at the least risk of without touching the outer surface. Open the
contamination. package and fold it toward the bottom so as to
• Slip arms into the sleeves through the armholes, unfold the paper and keep it open.
keeping at the shoulder level and away from the –– By using index finger and thumb of one hand,
body. the folded edge of the glove is grasped.
• Hold arms out and slightly up. –– In a single movement the other hand is slipped
• The circulating person must pull the gown over the into the glove.
shoulders touching only inside of the gown. –– The second glove is picked by using the cuff of
All the belts and loops are to be tied securely the other glove and sliding the fingers of the
(Fig. 9.6). gloved hand into it.
9  Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control 185

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 9.6  Putting on the sterile gown

186 R. K. Bali

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 9.7  Putting on sterile gloves by open gloving technique

–– In a single movement, slip the second glove on the sleeve to the gown cuff. Bottom cuffed and
to the ungloved hand while avoiding any con- rolled edge of the glove is grasped at the bot-
tact/resting of the gloved hand on surfaces tom with the index finger and thumb.
other than the glove to be donned (Fig. 9.7). –– With the opposite hand, the outermost edge of
• Steps of wearing gloves by closed gloving the cuff of the gloves is held taking care that the
technique uncovered fingers are not exposed by it.
–– If the cuffs are not fitting, a tuck is taken in –– Stretch the glove over the hand
each gown. –– By using the opposite hand covered with sleeve,
–– The circulating person should open the outer both the cuffs of the sleeve and the glove are
covering of the glove and should flip them onto seamed and the glove is pulled over the hand.
the sterile field. –– The same procedure is to be followed for the
–– The inner packing containing the gloves is other hand. The fingers are adjusted to properly
opened carefully and the glove is picked up by fit in the glove (Fig. 9.8).
the folded cuff edge with the hand covered by 4. The role of drapes:
the sleeve. Drapes are used during surgical procedure to protect the
–– The glove is placed on the sleeve of the oppo- contacting of the unprepared surfaces/areas and maintain-
site gown, the palm facing downwards, with the ing the sterility of environmental, equipment, and the sur-
fingers of the glove pointing toward the rounding of the patients.
shoulder. The different drapes available are:-
–– The gloves should be placed in such a manner • Towel drapes, which are used for squaring off the oper-
that the rolled cuff edge of the gloves connects ative site, wrapping syringes & small instruments, and
9  Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control 187

a b c

d e f

g h i

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 9.8  Putting on sterile gloves by closed gloving technique

drying of the hands. These must be more resistant to 9.8 Classification of Surgical Wounds
water and must be made of cotton compared to linen.
• Lap sheets are used for covering the patient. They are A widely used classification of surgical wounds is based on
large and long, usually made of lightweight cotton, and an estimate of likelihood of bacterial contamination of the
provide limited protection and coverage to the patients operative site. In 1964 [9], National Academy of Sciences/
or staff or the surface areas. National Research Council defined five general classes of
• Site drapes are made of cotton and have a circular operations:
opening in the center that is placed over the prepared
operative site. These drapes are primarily intended for 1. Refined-Clean: Elective operations not drained and pri-
use with minor surgical procedures (Fig. 9.9). marily closed.
188 R. K. Bali

9.9  isk Factors Affecting the Rate

of Postoperative Wound Infections

“Cut Well, Sew Well, Heal Well” is an axiom favored by sur-

geons but is not always destined to be true. Altemeir and
Culbertson (1965) [11] depicted that the risk of infection

(a) The risk of infections is proportional directly to the dose

of contamination to bacteria.
(b) The microbial virulence is also directly proportional to
the risk of infections.
(c) The patient’s ability to control and inhibit the resistance
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India is proportional inversely. [12]
Fig. 9.9  Different types of drapes
These factors interact in a complex way to fasten the
development of infection. Since the days of Altemeier, clini-
2. Other-Clean: Clean cases other than refined clean. cal and epidemiologic studies have identified the risk factors
3. Clean-Contaminated: Oral cavity, gastrointestinal, or that affect the rate of postoperative surgical site infection.
respiratory tract entered without significant spillage, This can be best explained by the classical epidemiological
entrance of genitourinary tract in presence of infected triangular model, i.e., model of interaction between agent
urine, entrance of biliary tract in presence of infected bile host and environment resulting in disease (Fig. 9.10).
or minor break in technique. The risk of postoperative wound infection also depends
4. Contaminated: Major break in operative techniques (e.g., on the patient factors, pre and intraoperative factors
surgical entrance of unprepared bowel without gross (Table 9.5). Haley et al. (1985), in the Study of the Efficacy
spillage of bowel contents); acute bacterial inflammation of Nosocomial Infection Control “(SENIC),“ [13] identified
without pus; fresh, traumatic wound from a relatively four independent and additive risk factors for postoperative
clean source. wound infection. These factors are operation on the abdo-
5. Dirty: Presence of pus or perforated viscous (prior to men, operation lasting for more than 2 h, contaminated or
operation), old traumatic wound, or traumatic wound dirty wounds (NRC CLASSIFICATION), and the presence
from a dirty source. of more than three discharge diagnoses.

Currently, this classification has been condensed into four groups for
• Hair removal should not be performed on routine basis to
general use, without a subdivision of the clean category and in the
modified form it is categorized into four categories [10] decrease the risk of surgical site infection. Razors should
1. Clean sites (wounds): not be used to remove the hair as they increase the chances
  • Elective (not urgent or emergency).
  • Primary closed.
  • No acute inflammation or transection of tracheobronchial,
biliary, gastrointestinal, oropharyngeal tracts.
  • No technique breaks.
2. Clean-contaminated sites (wounds):
  • Emergency or urgent cases that are otherwise “clean.”
  • Elective procedures.
  • Reoperation via “clean incision” within 7 days.
  • Blunt trauma, intact skin, and negative exploration.
3. Contaminated sites (wounds):
  • Acute nonpurulent inflammation.
  • Major technique break or major spill from hollow organs.
  • Entrance of genitourinary or biliary tracts in presence of
infected urine or bile, respectively.
  • Penetrating trauma less than 4 h old.
  • Chronic open wounds to be grafted or covered.
4. Dirty sites (wounds):
  • Purulence or abscess.
  • Preoperative perforation of tracheobronchial, biliary, ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
gastrointestinal, oropharyngeal tracts.
  • Penetrating trauma more than 4 h old.
Fig. 9.10  Classical Epidemiological triangle
9  Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control 189

Table 9.5  Factors that predispose a patient to infection infection from one person to the other or by the residential
Preoperative flora of the patient or from any contaminated sources or from
Patients factors factors Intraoperative factors sources of the external origin (e.g., airborne diseases).
Age • Longer duration • Contamination at Following are the factors that are the main sources of
• Malnutrition of hospital the time of
• Obese persons admission procedure spread of hospital-based infections:
• Underlying diseases • Improper • Longer duration of
• Hidden infections scrubbing prior the procedure Susceptibility of the Patient
• Immunosuppressive to procedure • Any foreign object Patient factors that lead to the occurrence of infection are
therapy • Removal of hair • Transfusion
• Any recent surgery • Preoperative reactions occurring age, host’s immune response, presence of any disease, and
• Longstanding illness prophylactic at the time of the interventions, which either help in diagnosing or treating any
coverage procedure condition. Patients, either infant or older individuals, are at a
higher risk of acquiring infections. Patients having a com-
promised immune system, undernourished, having some
of infections [14]. Electric clippers with disposable heads underlying chronic disease (AIDS, leukemia, malignant
must be used only for removing hair few hours prior to the tumors, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, etc.), undergoing
surgical procedure. irradiation therapy, all at the highest risk of being infected by
• The treatment protocols and the condition of the patient the hospital-based infections. Certain processes like cathe-
during the hospital stay make them more prone to the terization, biopsy, intubations, etc. make the patient more
spread of infections. vulnerable to these infections.
• Wound dressings: Cover surgical incisions with an appro-
priate interactive dressing at the end of the operation. Resistance of the Bacteria
Resistance of bacteria to antimicrobial agents is seen with
the prolonged or prophylactic use of these agents. The
9.9.1 F
 actors Influencing the Development ­microbial agents present normally in the human flora have
of Nosocomial Infections both sensitive and resistant strains. Some antimicrobial
agents have their action on sensitive strains by suppressing The Microbial Agent their activity, whereas the resistant strains are still active.
Hospital infections occur as a result of a variety of microor- These active resistant strains are the major cause of the
ganisms. The microorganisms causing the disease may be development of resistance against the antimicrobial agents.
divided into the following categories: Examples of resistant microbial agents are Multiresistant
Klebsiella, strains of pneumococci, staphylococci, etc. In
1. Conventional pathogens are the ones that are capable of low-income or middle-income countries, this is the major
causing a disease in normal and healthy person. problem faced due to unavailability and unaffordability of
2. Conditional pathogens are the ones that initiate the onset the better drugs.
of a disease in persons who have decreased immunologi-
cal response to infection or when implanted directly into Month of Operation
sterile area or tissues. The possible explanation for increased infection rates in
3. Opportunistic pathogens are the ones that normally do not summer is the relatively high environmental temperature
harm its host but can cause disease when the host’s resis- leading to humid climate, resulting in excessive sweating. In
tance to the microorganisms is low. addition, excessive sweating results in the displacement of
bacteria lodged in skin appendages to the surface.
During the stay in a hospital, the patient comes in contact
with various kinds of microbial agents (such as viruses, Use of Electric Cautery
fungi, parasites, and bacteria), which are the main cause of The use of electric cautery for cutting and coagulation dur-
the occurrence of infections in a patient. This exposure is not ing surgery causes more inflammation; more necrosis and
the only reason for the development of hospital-acquired abscess than the conventional use of scalpel and thus it
infections. The other possible reasons are the host’s natural increases the susceptibility of tissue for infection. Soballe
defense mechanisms (healthy/compromised/immunosup- et  al [15], in their experimental study, found that electric
pressed), conditions present in a hospital environment, cautery lowers the contamination threshold for infection of
microbiology of the microbial agents (characteristic fea- laparotomies and concluded that electric coagulation cur-
tures), infective material present on the microbial agent, rent should be used only when the need for meticulous
resistance to the antimicrobial agents, and other factors. The hemostasis outweighs the considerably increases risk of
hospital-based infections may be a result of the spread of infection.
190 R. K. Bali

Fig. 9.11  Sources of

hospital-acquired infections

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Duration of Operation –– Direct contacting is the spread of infection directly

There is a direct correlation between the infection rate and from the person infected from the infection to other
time taken for the procedure. This may be the result of the normal who has increased chances of being infected. It
more complicated operations being of longer duration, also occurs among two patients where one acts the
increased wound contamination from airborne bacteria, source of microbial agents and the other becomes the
increased damage to the tissues due to large exposure of the one to receive the infection.
wound, and increased manipulation; moreover, local resis- • Indirect contacting is the spread of infection indirectly
tance of tissue is reduced due to drying. from one person/object to the other. It involves contact of
a susceptible host with a contaminated intermediate Spread of Infection object. Droplets spread results due to generation of drop-
The microbial agents are spread by different ways in a health lets from the source person mainly during coughing,
care setup. The different ways with which the agents can sneezing, and talking, and during the performance of cer-
spread are contacting, droplets, airborne route, via vehicle, tain procedures such as bronchoscopy, which can travel a
and vector-borne (Fig. 9.11). shorter distance via air and get deposited on the body of
Sources of the infectious agents are either external, i.e., the other susceptible person.
from one person to the other, or from the hospital’s environ- • Airborne transmission results from spreading of small
ment; or internal, i.e., within the patient himself. particulate matter (approximately 5 pm or smaller in size)
through the air, which remain suspended in the air for a
• Contacting is the most frequent and important route of longer period of time. These particles are passed from one
spread of infections. It is further of two types, i.e. individual to the other by the process of inhalation of
9  Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control 191

these particles. The main diseases to be spread via the air- • Bronchoscopy
borne route are Tuberculosis, Influenza, Common cold, • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
etc. • Sputum induction
• Vehicle spread is the spread of infectious microbial agents • Surgery on the lungs
to the individuals by means of contaminated items such as • Nebulizer therapy
food, water, medications, devices, and equipment. • Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (BIPAP, CPAP)
Vector-borne transmission occurs when vectors such as • An autopsy on the lungs
mosquitoes, flies, rats, and other vermin transmit
­ • High-speed devices such as those used for surgery,
microorganisms. post-mortem
• Dental procedures

9.10 COVID 19 and Maxillofacial Surgery Aerosols generating procedures (AGP) create widespread
environmental contamination and therefore pose a greater
The occupational risk of acquiring viral diseases has been risk of transmission of infection to healthcare workers. Oral
well known in Maxillofacial Surgery [16]. The WHO and maxillofacial surgeons are particularly vulnerable to this
announced the Corona virus pandemic also known as transmissible disease by way of the droplet or aerosol trans-
COVID-19 as a public health emergency of international mission due to the area of work and the type of instrumenta-
concern on January 30, 2020. tion [18].
Coronaviruses are RNA viruses infecting many species of The incubation period is long and unpredictable ranging
animals including humans, name coronavirus was derived from 0 to 27 days with a mean of 6.4 days. Recent studies have
from corona meaning crown like because of the morphology shown that asymptomatic patients and those within the incu-
observed for these viruses in the electron microscope. This bation period are also potential spreaders of the disease [19].
family of viruses includes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
(MERS-CoV), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-
CoV), and novel Coronavirus (n CoV). 9.10.2 Symptoms
Coronavirus is enveloped having round, spherical, or
sometimes pleomorphic structure, with size ranging from 80 Symptoms may range from mild symptoms to severe respira-
to 120 nm in diameter, containing a positive-strand RNA. The tory distress and some patients may be asymptomatic.
virus is made up of lipid bilayer envelop, membrane protein,
and nucleocapsid, these structures also protect the virus • Common symptoms may include fever, cough, fatigue,
when the virus is outside the host cell. The lipid bilayer shortness of breath, loss of taste, and smell.
forms the viral envelop which anchors the membrane pro- • Less common symptoms may include myalgia, headache
tein, envelop protein, and the spike protein. The spike protein sore throat, and chills.
(S-protein) is responsible for the crown-like structure of the • Rare symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, nasal con-
coronavirus as it forms the protrusions from the surface gestion, diarrhea, palpitation, and chest congestion.
which bind to the host cells.

9.10.3 Radiographic Findings

9.10.1 Mode of Transmission of SARs-CoV 2
• Chest X-ray may show findings that of atypical pneumo-
Human to human transmission is due to respiratory droplet nia showing bilateral consolidations in lateral lower lobes,
transmission and contact transmission. Spread occurs bronchovascular thickening.
through coughing, sneezing, spitting, contacting the body • Chest CT ground-glass opacity and areas of consolida-
fluids of the infected patient. The COVID-19 can remain tion laterally.
infectious on inanimate surfaces from 2 h to 9 days, depend-
ing on the humidity, temperature, surface type, and viral load
[17]. It has become an occupational threat to health care pro- 9.10.4 Testing and Laboratory Findings
viders worldwide.
Some of the known routes of spread of infection to health The real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of respi-
care providers are: ratory secretions from bronchoalveolar lavage, endotracheal
aspirate, and nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swab is the
• Manual ventilation with a bag and mask definitive test.
• Intubation Other laboratory findings include lymphopenia, increased
• Open endotracheal suctioning prothrombin time, and mildly raised CRP and ESR.
192 R. K. Bali

9.10.5 General Preventive Measures and PAPR’s had to be used to prevent transmission from
COVID patients [23].
COVID 19 has shifted the focus on teleconsulting which • Surgical gloves.
includes tele screening, telemedicine, and triage. • Goggles and cover all gowns.
Telemedicine should be practiced whenever possible to • Triple protection gowns and face shield protect the sur-
decrease the footfall. geon from exposure to any kind of infected aerosols, body
Thorough history should be obtained from the patient fluids of the patient. Disposable gowns are made of non-
regarding COVID 19 illness and elective procedures should woven material and protect from liquid penetration.
be postponed and only emergent conditions should be taken Personal protective equipment like basic kit 45  GSM,
up for surgery. medium kit 70 GSM for surgery, and advance kit for ICU
Patient should be called on the basis of appointments, 180 GSM are recommended to be worn [20].
time between two appointments should be sufficient enough
to perform all necessary sanitization measures and ensure
minimal patient to patient overlap. In the waiting area, post- 9.10.7 Specific Precautions to Be Taken During
ers should be displayed to encourage hand hygiene and the Surgery
wearing of masks and the area should be well ventilated. A
minimum of 2 m distance should be maintained between the • Surgery on COVID patient should be performed in a neg-
individuals. ative pressure theater or in airborne infection isolation
Extraoral radiographs should be preferred as an alterna- room [20].
tive to intraoral periapical radiographs. • Focus should be on minimally invasive techniques when-
In the operatory there should be minimum personnel ever possible which could reduce the time of surgery and/
present, Air Conditioners should be avoided, doors and or reduce aerosol generation.
windows are advised to be kept open. The operating room • Local anesthesia with appropriate sedation should be pre-
should be spacious with adjoining two rooms for donning ferred over GA.
and doffing of the PPE’s. No touch sensor-based sanitizer • The surgeon should enter the theater after 20 min follow-
dispenser should be installed at the entry and exit of OR ing intubation with complete PPE to minimize the expo-
[20]. sure to aerosols [23].
All the surfaces of equipment like OR table, motor drills • Scalpels should be preferred over cautery.
etc., should be covered with plastic sheets and sheets to be • Use of high-power drills, oscillating saw, and forceful
changed after every patient. irrigation should be avoided.
OT’s should be equipped with HEPA filter (0.1  micron • Absorbable sutures should be used to avoid unnecessary
efficiency) and high frequency of air changes (ideally 25 per trips of the patient [18].
hour) should be ensured to reduce the viral load [20]. As the COVID-19 situation is a dynamic evolving one
High-volume suctions should be used with one-third of and there is no definitive treatment available proper planning
suction jars prefilled with povidone-iodine solution. and implementation of infection control protocols are key to
The Povidone Iodine solution has been shown to have sig- preventing transmission of the disease in the Maxillofacial
nificant viricidal activity up to 3 h and it has been advised to settings.
coat the oral cavity and nasal passages of both the patient and
the operating team before the surgery [21, 22].
Fogger machines with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite can be 9.11 Control of Nosocomial Infections
used for sterilization of dental chairs, tables, doors, door-
knob, etc. [20]. One-minute contact of the chemical ensures CDC elucidated certain guidelines to check the nosocomial
viral kill. infections in the Study on efficacy of nosocomial infection
control (SENIC). These guidelines have decreased the emer-
gence of hospital-acquired infections by a greater number.
9.10.6 Personal Protective Equipment However, any breach in the infection control procedures can
lead to spread of such infections.
• Masks including three-ply surgical masks, N95, N99 Certain conditions leading to improper infection control
(FFP3), and the Powered air-purifying respirators and spread of such infections are:
(PAPR’s) provide viral filtration in the increasing order. It
is important to mention that N95 masks were not found to 1 . Improper sterilization and disinfection procedures.
be adequate to prevent transmission in Chinese surgeons 2. Presence of contaminants in the food or water
9  Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control 193

3 . Environment of the health care setup. invasion in the operating theater include the atmosphere of
4. Untrained and inadequate personnel the operating theater, the medical and the paramedical staff
5. Insufficient knowledge of Infection control principles and present at the time of the procedure, surgical instruments,
practices among the staff. and the patient at times also. Proper designing of operation
6. Antibiotic abuse both in the community and in the
theater, appropriate microbiological monitoring, proper
hospital. sterilization, and strict adherence to barrier techniques
form the basis to prevent infections in an operating
9.11.1 Prevention from Nosocomial Infections

Following are the steps that can be taken by the staff in a References
hospital setup to prevent the spread of such infections:
1. Weiser TG, Regenbogen SE, Thompson KD, Haynes AB, Lipsitz
SR, Berry WR, Gawande AA. An estimation of the global volume
• Isolation rooms for persons suffering from contagious of surgery: a modelling strategy based on available data. Lancet.
diseases such as COVID 19 and tuberculosis. 2008 Jul 12;372(9633):139–44.
• Hand-scrubbing practices prior to performing any 2. Weiser TG, Haynes AB, Molina G, Lipsitz SR, Esquivel MM,
procedure. Uribe-Leitz T, Fu R, Azad T, Chao TE, Berry WR, Gawande
AA. Size and distribution of the global volume of surgery in 2012.
• Disinfecting all the areas in a health care setup. Bull World Health Organ. 2016 Mar 1;94(3):201.
• Adequate sterilization and disinfection protocols to be 3. Bali R, Sharma P, Nagrath S, Gupta P.  Microbial isolations from
followed everywhere. maxillofacial operation theatre and its correlation to fumigation in a
• The wound dressings should be changed at an appropriate teaching hospital in India. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery.
2014 Jun 1;13(2):128–32.
time with the use of proper agents. 4. de Lissovoy G, Fraeman K, Hutchins V, Murphy D, Song D,
• The antimicrobial agents should be carefully used. Vaughn BB. Surgical site infection: incidence and impact on hos-
Prolonged use should be avoided whenever possible to pital utilization and treatment costs. Am J Infect Control. 2009 Jun
avoid the emergence of the resistance. 1;37(5):387–97.
5. Block SS. Definition of terms. Disinfection, sterilization, and pres-
• Proper management of the biomedical waste. ervation. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2001:19–28.
6. Bratzler DW, Houck PM, Workgroup SI.  Antimicrobial pro-
phylaxis for surgery: an advisory statement from the National
Surgical Infection Prevention Project. Am J Surg. 2005 Apr
9.12 Conclusion 7. Safety WP, World Health Organization. WHO guidelines for safe
surgery: 2009: safe surgery saves lives. Geneva: World Health
Preventing and controlling infections is the key factor in Organization; 2009.
improving care and ensuring safety of both the patient 8. Petersen BT, Chennat J, Cohen J, Cotton PB, Greenwald DA,
Kowalski TE, Krinsky ML, Park WG, Pike IM, Romagnuolo
and the health care worker. Infection control addresses J, Rutala WA.  Multisociety guideline on reprocessing flex-
factors related to the spread of infections within the ible gastrointestinal endoscopes: 2011. Gastrointest Endosc.
operation theater complex (whether patient-to-patient,
­ 2011;73(6):1075–84.
from patients to staff and from staff to patient, or among 9. B’erard F. Postoperative wound infections: the influence of ultra-
violet irradiation of the operating room and of various other factors.
staff), including prevention (via hand hygiene/hand Ann Surg. 1964;160(1):1–92.
washing, cleaning/disinfection/sterilization, vaccination, 10. Knight R, Charbonneau P, Ratzer E, Zeren F, Haun W, Clark

monitoring). J. Prophylactic antibiotics are not indicated in clean general surgery
Integrated infection control in the operation theater has cases. Am J Surg. 2001 Dec 1;182(6):682–6.
11. Altemeier WA, Culbertson WR, Hummel RP.  Surgical consider-
various aspects, ranging from its designing ,environmental ations of endogenous infections—sources, types, and methods of
cleaning , management of biomedical waste and adherence control. Surg Clin N Am. 1968 Feb 1;48(1):227–40.
to theatre attire. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 12. Cheng H, Chen BP, Soleas IM, Ferko NC, Cameron CG, Hinoul
including gloves, gowns, face masks ,respirators and full P. Prolonged operative duration increases risk of surgical site infec-
tions: a systematic review. Surg Infect. 2017 Aug 1;18(6):722–35.
face visors are essential to minimize risks of occupational 13. Haley RW, Culver DH, Morgan WM, White JW, Emori TG, Hooton
infections. Whether in developed or developing country, TM. Identifying patients at high risk of surgical wound infection: a
where resources are limited, thorough knowledge about the simple multivariate index of patient susceptibility and wound con-
principles of infection control and a little ingenuity will suf- tamination. Am J Epidemiol. 1985;121(2):206–15.
14. Edmiston CE, Lee CJ, Krepel CJ, Spencer M, Leaper D, Brown
fice to solve the problem of hospital-acquired infections. KR, Lewis BD, Rossi PJ, Malinowski MJ, Seabrook GR. Evidence
Surgical site infections are a result of microbial invasion for a standardized preadmission showering regimen to achieve
in a sterile atmosphere. The main sources of microbial maximal antiseptic skin surface concentrations of chlorhexi-
194 R. K. Bali

dine gluconate, 4%, in surgical patients. JAMA Surg. 2015 Nov 21. Eggers M, Koburger-Janssen T, Eickmann M, Zorn J. In vitro bac-
1;150(11):1027–33. tericidal and virucidal efficacy of povidone-iodine gargle/mouth-
15. Soballe PW, Nimbkar NV, Hayward I, Nielsen TB, Drucker
wash against respiratory and oral tract pathogens. Infect Dis Ther.
WR. Electric cautery lowers the contamination threshold for infec- 2018;7:249–59.
tion of laparotomies. Am J Surg. 1998 Apr;175(4):263–6. 22. Kirk-Bayley J, Challacombe S, Sunkaraneni V, Combes J. The use
16. Bali R, Sharma P, Garg A.  Incidence and patterns of needlestick of povidone iodine nasal spray and mouthwash during the current
injuries during Intermaxillary fixation. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. COVID-19 pandemic may protect healthcare workers and reduce
2011;49:221–4. cross infection. Br Dent J. 2020;228(12):902.
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Pharmacotherapy in Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery 10
Latha P. Rao

The human fascination—and sometimes infatuation—with 10.2.1  Definition

chemicals that alter biological function is ancient and results
from long experience with, and dependence on, plants. Many
plants produce harmful compounds for defense that animals The term antibiotic was first used by Selman Waksman et al.
have learned to avoid and humans to exploit [1] to describe any substance produced by a microorganism that
is antagonistic to the growth of other microorganisms in high
dilution [3]. This definition excluded substances like gastric
10.1 Introduction juices and hydrogen peroxide that kill bacteria but are not
produced by microorganisms. It also excluded synthetic anti-
With phenomenal increase in the knowledge about mecha- bacterial compounds like the sulfonamides. In current usage,
nism of action of chemical compounds and rapid introduc- however, the term “antibiotic” is applied to any medication
tion of new drugs, pharmacology—the science of drugs—has that kills bacteria or inhibits their growth, regardless of
become increasingly important to all health professionals. whether that medication is produced by a microorganism or
Practice of maxillofacial surgery utilizes drugs either as pri- not.
mary treatment modality or as a facilitator of surgical proce-
dures. A detailed description of the pharmacodynamics &
pharmacokinetics of these drugs is beyond the scope of this 10.2.2  Classification
chapter. The readers are encouraged to refer to the standard
textbooks of pharmacology for the same. The antibiotics have been classified in many ways, based on
their chemical nature, mechanism of action, type of organ-
isms against which primarily active spectrum of activity, etc.
10.2 Antimicrobial Agents (Table 10.1). The antibiotics exert their remarkably specific
action on the microorganisms, sparing the host, due to their
Infections caused by microorganisms have threatened human selectivity for target components, which are either absent or
life since time immemorial. Some of the organisms had the not very important in humans. Among these targets are bac-
potential to spread from one infected person to another at an terial and fungal cell wall synthesizing enzymes, the bacte-
alarming rate causing worldwide pandemics and epidemics. rial ribosome, the enzymes required for nucleotide synthesis
With the discovery of the first antibiotic, “the magic bul- and DNA replication, etc.
let”—Penicillin, patients could effectively be cured of many
life- threatening infections [2].
Antimicrobial agents are of the few classes of drugs that 10.2.3  Oral Microflora
effectively treat the etiology of conditions and not simply
alleviate the symptoms of the diseases. The infectious diseases associated with the oral and maxil-
lofacial region have unique microbiological features because
of the abundance and variety of microorganisms in this
region. The normal flora of the oral cavity consists of up to
1011 bacteria per gram of tissue, with anaerobic bacteria pre-
L. P. Rao (*) dominating [4]. Although the subtypes and proportions of
Department of craniomaxillofacial surgery, Aster Medcity, organisms differ, the general pattern of the indigenous
Kochi, Kerala, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 195

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_10
196 L. P. Rao

Table 10.1  Different classes of antibiotics—based on their chemical structure and mechanism of actions
Bacteriostatic /
Class of antibiotics Common examples Mechanism of action Bactericidal
Beta lactams—most widely used (a) Penicillins Inhibit bacterial cell wall Bactericidal
(b) Cephalosporins synthesis
Sulfonamides—first commercial antibiotics (a) Sulfanilamide Prevent bacterial growth and Bacteriostatic
(b) Sulfadiazine multiplication
(c) Sulfizoxazole
Aminoglycosides (a) Streptomycin Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis Bactericidal
(b) Neomycin
(c) Kanamycin
(d) Paramomycin
Tetracyclines—more chances of resistance (a) Tetracyclines Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis Bacteriostatic
formation (b) Doxycycline
(c) Oxytretracycline
Chloramphenicol—first line of drug only in Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis Bacteriostatic
Macrolides—second most prescribed (a) Erythromycin Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis Bacteriostatic
(b) Clarithromycin
(c) Azithromycin
Glycopeptides—last-resort drugs (a) Vancomycin Inhibit bacterial cell wall Bactericidal
(b) Teicoplanin synthesis
Ansamycins—have antiviral activity also (a) Geldanamycin Inhibit bacterial RNA synthesis Bactericidal
(b) Rifamycin
(c) Naphthomycin
Quinolones—rapid development of (a) Ciprofloxacin Inhibit bacterial cell wall Bactericidal
resistance (b) Levofloxacin synthesis
(c) Trovafloxacin
Streptogramins - two groups of antibiotics (a)  Pristinamycin I A Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis Bactericidal
that act synergistically (b)  Pristinamycin II A
Oxazolidinones—potent last-resort drugs (a) Linezolid Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis Bacteriostatic
(b) Posizolid
(c) Tedizolid
(d) Cycloserine
Leptopeptides—instances of resistance rare (a) Daptomycin Disrupt multiple cell-membrane Bactericidal
(b) Surfactin functions

microflora is similar in healthy individuals. However, sys- 10.2.4  Guidelines to the Therapeutic Use
temic diseases and concurrent use of medications result in of Antibiotics
the presence of unusual organisms as part of the normal
flora and an increase in diseases caused by normal organ- Understanding that infections are ultimately dealt by the
isms that usually are considered to have low pathogenicity. host’s immune systems, and antibiotics play only an adjunc-
Usually, the microorganisms are held in check by the body’s tive role, is critical. Antibiotic therapy should be reserved for
defense mechanisms. When these mechanisms are impaired, those with clearly established infection. Surgical treatment
infection may result from an otherwise minor bacterial of the infection also should be initiated as early as possible.
exposure. Antibiotics help in preventing infections after a contami-
The pathobiology of mixed odontogenic infection is rela- nation has happened or they can abort a developing infec-
tively clear. The early cellulitis is the result of streptococci, tion, if administered early. Antibiotics should not be used as
the moderate-to-severe infection is caused by a combination a substitute for the needed surgical treatment.
of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, and the well- circum- In most clinical situations, it is easy to determine whether
scribed chronic abscess is caused primarily by anaerobic a patient has an infection—local and systemic findings
bacilli alone [5]. A complex mix of strict anaerobes and fac- would point to the diagnosis. Diagnostic difficulty arises
ultative anaerobes account for most of the odontogenic infec- when a patient who has had a maxillofacial procedure per-
tions. Empirical antibiotic choices can be made in this formed, during the second or third day after surgery, devel-
situation where the microbiological pattern is well estab- ops swelling and pain. Similarly, elevated temperature and
lished (Table 10.2). white blood cell count also may be found. Surgical insult and
10  Pharmacotherapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 197

Table 10.2  Efficacy of commonly used antibiotics against head and neck pathogens and dosage
Antibiotics Aerobes Staphylococcus Anaerobes Dose
Penicillin Excellent No action Guarded against prevotella, Penicillin G- 6,00,000 –
porphyromonas, fusobacterium, 1,200,000 u q4h im/iv
bacteroides Penicillin V – 250-­
500 mg q6h orally
Amoxycillin / Excellent Active Guarded against prevotella, 375-625 mg q8h orally
clavulanate porphyromonas, fusobacterium, 1.2 g q8h im/iv
Cefuroxime Excellent with all except guarded Active No action against prevotella, 1.5 g q8h im/iv
action against capnocytophaga and no porphyromonas, fusobacterium,
action against eikenella bacteroides
Erythromycin Good, guarded against Active Guarded action against fusobacterium, 250-500 mg q6h orally
capnocytophaga & eikenella no action against prevotella, 1-4 g /day in divided
porphyromonas, bacteroides doses q6h iv for severe
Clindamycin Excellent Active Active 150–300 mg q8h orally
1200–2400 mg /day in
divided doses q8h for
severe infections
Ciprofloxacin Good Guarded action Guarded action 500 mg q12h orally
400 mg q12h iv
Metronidazole No action No action Active 400 mg q8h orally
500 mg q8h iv

prolonged general anesthesia often result in these symptoms. of cross-reactivity. Patients with a history of anaphylaxis to
Clinical judgment is important in making the diagnosis, and penicillins should not receive first- or second-generation
the clinician should weigh all information available before cephalosporins, while third- and fourth-generation cepha-
making the diagnosis of infection. losporins should be administered with caution, preferably
There are a few basic guidelines to be followed in the in a monitored setting.
administration of antibiotics (Table 10.3).

10.2.7  Patient Monitoring

10.2.5  Consistency in Route of Administration
The patient should be monitored for the response to treat-
In severe infection, parenteral antibiotics are needed to get ment and any deterrent should be identified and rectified. A
adequate blood levels. But with an initial response within second empirical choice should be avoided, if at all possible
couple of days, one is always tempted to switch to oral because the likelihood of success is substantially less. Repeat
administration. When this is done, the infection may recur cultures may also be attempted.
because blood levels achieved with oral dose are suboptimal. In some cases, the patient may respond well to the empiri-
Maintenance of peak blood levels of antibiotic, until eradica- cal antibiotics, but the culture and sensitivity report would
tion of bacteria, is important, which may take 5–6 days. After reveal that the organisms isolated are resistant to the antibiot-
the fifth day of parenteral administration, the blood levels ics being used. The combined surgical and antibiotic treat-
achievable with oral administration are usually sufficient. ment, along with natural host defenses, would have resulted
in resolution of infection. The antibiotic may or may not
have played an important role. The antibiotic that was clini-
10.2.6  Cross-allerginicity between Penicillins cally effective for the patient should be continued despite the
& Cephalosporins contradictory data.

A frequently asked question about penicillin allergic

patients is whether the cephalosporins can be used safely. 10.3 General Considerations
Overall the frequency of crossallergenicity between the two in the Prophylactic Use of Antibiotics
groups of drugs is low (7–18%) [10, 11]. ­Cross-allergenic­ity
appears to be most common among penicillin, aminopeni- The original guidelines for timing and use of antibiotics to
cillins, and early-generation cephalosporins, which share prevent infection postoperatively were established by Burke
similar R-1 side chains; this is thought to increase the risk and Miles et  al.’s experimental observations [12, 13]. They
198 L. P. Rao

Table 10.3  Guidelines for the use of antibiotics Table 10.4  Indications for antibiotic prophylaxis
 1. Empirical therapy 1. Compromised host defenses
 2. Identification of the organisms—obtain culture & sensitivity in (a) Physiological—old age, obesity, malnutrition
   (a)  Compromised host defenses (b) Disturbances in circulation—massive transfusion, recent
   (b) Persistence of infection in spite of appropriate antibiotics & surgery
surgical therapy. (c) Disease related—poorly controlled diabetes, cancer,
  (c) Postoperative infection leukemia, alcoholic cirrhosis, end-stage renal diseases
   (d)  Suspected cases of actinomycosis, osteomyelitis (d) Compromised immunity—multiple myeloma, total body
 3. Use of specific narrow-spectrum antibiotic—to prevent/ irradiation, splenectomy
minimize bacterial resistance [6] & superinfections [7]. (e) Immunosuppressants—cytotoxic drugs, glucocorticoids,
 4. Reserve combination therapy for: azathioprine, cyclosporine
   (a)  Patient with life-threatening sepsis of unknown cause 2. Potential for bacterial contamination of a sterile field
   (b) Increased bactericidal effect against a specific organism is 3. Procedures with high infection rate
required 4. Surgical procedures in which there is a high mortality / morbidity
   (c) Prevention of rapid emergence of resistant bacteria—e.g., rate following infection
tuberculosis 5. When a foreign body is inserted into the tissues
   (d) Empiric treatment for certain odontogenic infections—that
are rapidly progressing posteriorly around the neck space
  5. Use of antibiotics with proven history of success
Table 10.5  Classification of surgical wounds
  6. Use of the least toxic antibiotic
  7. Use of a bactericidal rather than a bacteriostatic drug Incidence of
 8. Proper administration: Dose, time interval, route of infection (values Examples for the types of
administration, & consistency in the route of administration given for general surgical wounds in
  9.  Cost of the antibiotics Type surgical cases) maxillofacial surgery
10.  Patient compliance—decreases with increasing number of pills [8] Clean 1-5% Temporomandibular joint
surgery, facial cosmetic
11.  Patient monitoring—initially a subjective sense of feeling better,
then look for reduction in swelling, pain, & temperature [9]
Clean– 3-11% Orthognathic procedures,
12.  Causes of failure of antibiotic therapy:
contaminated extractions
   (a)  Inadequate surgical intervention –
     (i)  Failure to drain pus, Contaminated 10-17% Maxillary fracture with active
     (ii)  Increasing pressure inside tissue spaces, maxillary sinusitis
     (iii)  Retained nonvital tissue or foreign body. Dirty wound >27% Mandibular fracture through
   (b)  Other sources of infection—IV catheter, Foley’s catheter an infected third molar socket
   (c) Reduced or compromised host defenses—
immunocompromised, malnourished, dehydrated patients
   (d)  Mistakes in antibiotic administration Table 10.6  Need for postoperative antibiotics
     (i)  Improper route of administration,
     (ii) Inadequate dosage, 1 Compromised immunity
     (iii) Patient noncompliance, 2 Inflammation at the surgical site
      (iv)  Incorrect carrying out of physician’s orders. 3 Evidence of wound dehiscence
   (e) Wrong culture report or misinterpretation of the culture 4 Active periodontal disease
report 5 Poor oral hygiene
6 Inadequate surgical skill
7 Prolonged surgery
8 Wound contamination during surgery
noted that antibiotics must be given within 4 h after injection
of bacteria into a surgical site to prevent the aggressive level of
infection that occurs when no antibiotics are administered. 3. The selected antibiotic should be bactericidal against the
Antibiotic prophylaxis entails administering the antibiotic most common microorganisms that cause infection in the
appropriate for the potential microbial contamination before oral cavity. The bactericidal antibiotics rely less on the
the surgical insult, at a high enough dosage to establish an host defense mechanisms providing faster results [18].
appropriate bacteriologic titer [14]. 4. The concentration of antibiotics in the tissue should be suf-
ficient to fight the bacteria that may enter the surgical wound
1. Indications for antibiotic prophylaxis [15, 16] are given at incision or during the course of surgery. To achieve a
in Table 10.4. blood concentration of three-four fold that of minimum
2. Condition & bacterial contamination of the surgical area: inhibitory concentration, the antibiotic is typically given at
Surgical wounds are generally classified into clean, twice the treatment dose 1 h prior to surgery [14, 16].
clean–contaminated, contaminated, and dirty/infected 5. Usually antibiotics can be administered as a single preopera-
[16–18] (Table 10.5). tive dose. In cases where the surgeon feels that postoperative
With judicious use of antibiotics, the infection rates are infection is a high possibility, the drug can be extended post-
known to be lesser [16, 18]. operatively as deemed necessary [19] (Table 10.6).
10  Pharmacotherapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 199

One must be vigilant in identifying cases where antibiot- mandibular third molar has been attributed to the reduced
ics are required for the success of surgery, as antibiotic usage vascularization and the gravity-induced pooling of bacterial-­
and overusage have considerable risks [6, 7, 20, 21]—gastro- rich saliva.
intestinal disturbances, toxicity reactions, antibiotic resis- The prophylactic use of antibiotics in wisdom teeth
tance and superinfections, anaphylaxis, pseudomembraneous removal had been an issue of many debates. There are stud-
colitis, etc. ies for [20, 23] and against [24, 25] the practice of antibiotic
prophylaxis in third molar removal. Considering the poten-
tially contaminating oral environment in which the third
10.3.1  Prophylactic Uses of Antibiotics molar removal is carried out, it is reasonable to favor antibi-
in Maxillofacial Surgery otic prophylaxis. Moreover, since the postoperative infection
and alveolar osteitis, an inflammatory response whose etiol-
Infection, one of the most common postoperative complica- ogy could be traced to bacterial contamination and fibrinoly-
tions, can be prevented by the timely use of appropriate anti- sis of the socket blood clot, cause debilitating pain and severe
biotic. In spite of many studies in literature, a definitive functional impairment, it is only prudent to consider the use
conclusion cannot be made regarding the need for antibiotic of prophylactic antibiotics.
prophylaxis in maxillofacial surgery and, if needed, the dose Studies have shown that preoperative administration of
required. The antibiotic prescription pattern is still hugely antibiotics reduces the postoperative infection when admin-
based on personal preferences and shows wide regional vari- istered 1-2  h prior to the procedure [26, 27]. Amoxicillin/
ation, which many a time is inappropriate. The drugs would amoxicillin—clavulanic acid is the widely used antibiotic in
be initiated either at an incorrect time, or would be continued the prophylaxis for the surgical removal of impacted teeth
beyond the time required, and this has greatly contributed to [28] and when given as a single dose preoperatively is found
the emergence of resistant bacteria [6]. to reduce postoperative infection and alveolar osteitis [21].
Prophylactic use of antibiotics should be evidence based But certain other studies have failed to show a considerable
taking into consideration the effectiveness and the possible difference between amoxicillin, clindamycin, metronida-
adverse outcomes of antibiotic therapy. Moreover, a thor- zole, and placebo in terms of postoperative infection rates
ough knowledge of the likely organisms involved in the [25]. Studies have found topical tetracycline [29], chlorhexi-
infection is needed to prevent the prescription of unsuitable dine irrigation [30],& metronidazole dressings [31]into the
antibiotics. Antibiotics, if needed, should have a spectrum mandibular third molar sockets, effective in reducing the
of activity that involves streptococci, anaerobic Gram- postoperative infection & the incidence of dry socket.
positive cocci, and anaerobic Gram-negative rods, which Review of literature does not give definite indication to use
are considered the most pathogenic for oral infections and of antibiotics as prophylaxis in healthy patients or asymp-
should be bactericidal and the least toxic agents available - tomatic impacted teeth and in case of the removal of maxil-
amoxicillin being the most common choice of the clini- lary wisdom teeth [22].
cians [12, 18]. Studies have advocated the use of antibiotic prophylaxis
The need for antibiotic prophylaxis and the preferable in immunocompromised patients to prevent infection after
drugs for wisdom teeth removal, orthognathic surgery, dental surgical removal of impacted teeth [22].
implants, maxillofacial trauma, and in special circumstances Two recent meta-analyses [28, 32] summarize the antibi-
like patients with diabetes mellitus, patients—pre- and post- otic prophylaxis in wisdom teeth removal (Table 10.7).
organ transplant, rheumatic heart disease—valve replace-
ments, oncological surgery & reconstruction, cleft surgeries,
etc. are mentioned in the following sessions. 10.3.3  Antibiotic Prophylaxis in the Placement
of Dental Implants

10.3.2  Antibiotic Prophylaxis in the Surgical Dental implants play a crucial role in the successful resto-
Removal of Wisdom Teeth ration of missing dentition. The success rate of dental
implants is high, with only 0-10% of reported failure rates
Though one of the most commonly performed minor oral [33]. However, risk of failure is high during the first year
surgical procedures, the reported infection rate with the after implant placement [34]. The implant surfaces can
removal of mandibular third molars is ≤10% [22]. However, become colonized by oral and perioral microorganisms
the rate can be as high as 25% when the patient’s immunity during surgery (perioperative contamination) [35]. This can
is compromised [20]. The infection rate associated with the lead to pain, swelling, bone loss, and eventually failure of
corresponding procedure in maxilla is quite low, <1% [20, implants. The failure of the dental implants is multifactorial
22]. The higher rate of postoperative infection in relation to (Table 10.8).
200 L. P. Rao

Table 10.7  Antibiotic prophylaxis in wisdom teeth removal—Key added benefits of antibiotics against implant failurte [36].
Few other studies have observed similar failure rates for the
1 Factors influencing the rate of postoperative infection [20, 32] implants with a single preoperative dose and routine use of
may need to consider postoperative antibiotics
History of pericoronitis
antibiotic for 7 days [37].
Smoking The currently advocated dose of antibiotic prophylaxis
Old age for implant surgery is 2–3 g of amoxicillin 2 h prior to mul-
Poor oral hygiene tiple implant placement, especially along with bone graft
Duration of surgery
Amount of bone removal
[33]. If the patient is allergic to penicillin group, 600  mg
Presence of foreign bodies—hemostats or devitalized bone clindamycin should be given 1  h before surgery. For sinus
fragments augmentation, 1.2  g of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid starting
Operator skill day before the surgery is the prophylaxis of choice [33].
2 Amoxicillin & Amoxicillin—clavulanic acid equally effective Chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinses have been known to
3 Systemic administration more effective [32]
reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms, by lysing
4 Single preoperative dose: 30–90 min prior to procedure [18, 32] the bacterial cell membranes, and by virtue of its substantiv-
5 Usually double the usual strength is given preoperatively [18, 26] ity, can get retained in the oral soft tissues and get released
6 Antibiotics reduce incidence of alveolar osteitis [21]. slowly for up to 12 h [30, 33]. The key points in the antibiotic
7 Topical tetracycline [29], chlorhexidine [30], & metronidazole prophylaxis for dental implants are given in Table 10.9.
[31] effective in reducing the infection rate
8 Preoperative and extended postoperative doses may be required in
immunocompromised patients [22]
9 No antibiotic prophylaxis required in removal of asymptomatic 10.3.4  Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Orthognathic
mandibular third molars and maxillary third molars in healthy Surgery
individuals [22]
Orthognathic surgical procedures aim to correct the facial
deformities and malocclusion, thereby improving the func-
Table 10.8  Factors affecting the survival of implants [33, 34]
tional disorders of the stomatognathic system. It is an elec-
Local factors  1. Pre-existing infections tive procedure, usually carried out in young healthy adults. It
  2.  Quality & quantity of bone
  3.  Bone grafts—autogenous vs allogenic
is considered as a clean-contaminated procedure with a
 4. Ill-fitting prostheses reported infection rate of 3–11% [18, 39]. But certain studies
  5.  Bad oral hygiene have reported the rate of infection after orthognathic surgery
 6. Irradiated bone to be as high as 6–33.4% [39]. The postoperative infection
Systemic factors  1. Immunocompromised diseases
was found to be related to poor oral hygiene and the habit of
 2. Diabetes
 3. Long-term steroids smoking.
 4. Malnutrition The surgical site infections (SSIs) that develop can be
 5. Elderly patients incisional SSIs and organ and space SSIs [40]. Both types of
 6. Smoking
SSIs can occur after orthognathic surgery and may develop
Surgical factors  1. Incorrect instruments
  2.  Overheating during placement within the first few weeks after surgery. The development of
  3.  Lack of attention to sterility. SSIs increased the total length of hospital stay and expendi-
  4.  Increased duration of the procedure [20] ture. Though the potential for postoperative infections after
  5.  Operator skill [20] orthognathic surgery is known for a very long time, a con-
sensus has not yet been achieved with regard to the drug that
Hence all these local, systemic, surgical, and procedural is useful, the dose, and the duration of administration.
factors contributing to implant failure should be eliminated The specific orthognathic procedure that has been associ-
before considering infection as the reason for failure [33]. ated with higher infection rate was mandibular sagittal split
Because of the morbidity associated with infection of the osteotomy, especially where a transbuccal approach had
implants, antimicrobial therapy is routinely used with the been adopted for fixation [38]. Increased rate of infection
aim of prevention of surgical site infection. Though by defi- associated with mandibular procedures has been attributed to
nition, dental implant placement is a clean-contaminated sur- the diminished vascularity of mandible in comparison with
gery with 3–11% chances of infection, the infection rate can maxilla and pooling of food and saliva along the vestibular
be brought down to about 1% by proper patient selection, incision line in the mandible. Till the incision seals off, oral
attention to surgical details, and by judicious use of antibiot- microflora can freely enter the deeper tissues from the pooled
ics [18]. saliva. Though concomitant extractions, especially of par-
There are studies supporting antibiotic use to reduce tially erupted mandibular third molars had been implicated
implant failures [33, 34] and studies that fail to show any as a risk factor for the development of postoperative infec-
10  Pharmacotherapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 201

Table 10.9  Antibiotic prophylaxis in dental implants—Key points The preoperative single dose of antibiotic increases the
Care to be taken [35]: level of the drug in circulation prior to incision. Whether
Through oral prophylaxis & measures to improve oral hygiene short-term antibiotics (single dose or dose × 24 h) [ 42] or
Stabilize oral focus of infection
Procedure in a well-monitored asceptic environment—
extended-term antibiotics (for more than 24 h) [ 41, 43] is
disinfection, draping, hand scrubbing, sterile gowns & gloves, beneficial in the prevention of postoperative infection after
sterile instruments orthognathic surgery is still a debatable question [19, 38,
Prevent contamination of implants with contact with skin, 41, 44].
infected oral mucosa, & sinus lining
Bactericidal antibiotic with coverage against pathogenic oral
microflora [12, 18, 33]
Preoperative administration of antibiotics—1 h before the 10.3.5  Is Antibiotics Needed when Bone
procedure, twice the therapeutic dose [18, 33]—Amoxicillin 2gm, Plates and Screws Are Being Inserted?
/ clindamycin 600 mg 1 h prior to surgery
Chlorhexidine gluconate rinses—hugely effective in controlling
the immediate local infection [30, 33]. One question that keeps on surfacing is whether prophylactic
1 Only Chlorhexidine 0.12% rinse twice daily in healthy individuals antibiotics are needed in cases where bone plates and screws
[33] are used to hold the bony segments together. Any foreign
(a)  Simple implant, body inserted into the body, be it a medical device or implant,
(b)  Short duration,
(c)  No bone graft, may elicit a foreign body reaction. Moreover, the microor-
(d)  Sterile environment is ensured.. ganisms can colonize on the implant surface in a biofilm,
2 Single preoperative dose + Chlorhexidine 0.12% rinse twice daily while they are being inserted, and as the physical presence of
in healthy individuals [33] the implants may compromise the blood supply to the region,
(a)  Multiple implants with minimal tissue reflection,
(b)  Immediate extraction & implant placement, thereby reducing the delivery of body’s immune cells to the
(c)  Socket bone grafting. region and resulting in infections at the host –implant inter-
3 Single preoperative dose + 3 doses / day X 3 postoperative face by normal flora with low virulence [45, 46]. The oral
days + Chlorhexidine 0.12% rinse twice daily in healthy biofilm and its toxins, adhered to the surface of titanium
individuals [33]
plates and screws used for stabilization of osteotomy seg-
(a)  Multiple implants with extensive tissue reflection,
(b)  Multiple extractions & implant placement, ments, could be a source of local or regional infectious com-
(c)  Bone grafting—allografts, plications [19]. Hence, the use of antibiotic prophylaxis is
(d)  Long duration. justified.
4 Single preoperative dose + 3 doses / day X 5 postoperative Take-home points regarding antibiotic prophylaxis in
days + Chlorhexidine 0.12% rinse twice daily [33]
(a)  In medically compromised patients, orthognathic surgery are mentioned in Table 10.10.
(b)  Extensive tissue reflection,
(c)  Full arch implants,
(d)  Block bone grafting—autografts, 10.3.6  Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Maxillofacial
(e)  Indirect sinus floor lift procedures,
(f)  Active periodontal disease. Trauma
5 Loading dose on the previous day + 3 doses / day X 5
postoperative days + Chlorhexidine 0.12% rinse twice daily [33] In today’s world of fast-moving vehicles and expressways,
In sinus lift procedure hundreds of thousands of people get involved in road traffic
accidents. Head and face are among commonly injured body
parts. Both the soft and hard tissues of the face may be
tion, studies were not able to support or refute this [38, 41] involved in the trauma. Firearms, contact sports, and inter-
Longer surgeries involving multiple/segmental procedures personal violence are other reasons for facial injuries. The
also show a higher rate of infections [12, 18, 38]. management of these injuries should follow protocols and be
Use of various antibiotics has been proposed—penicillin done in a systematic manner. With advances in anesthetic
[42], ampicillin [43], amoxicillin with or without clavula- and surgical techniques and availability of better implant
nate [43], clindamycin [42], or a member of the cephalospo- materials with favorable metallurgy, open reduction and
rin group [19, 41]. Literature fails to report a significant internal fixation (ORIF) has become the norm. The re-­
difference in the infection rate when using a penicillin or establishment of form, function, & cosmesis is of paramount
nonpenicillin group of antibiotics or among the various importance. To arrive at this goal, the probable complica-
types of penicillins [18, 19, 44]. Based on the bacteriologi- tions of ORIF need to be prevented or managed correctly. Of
cal studies, penicillin, amoxicillin, or amoxicillin—clavu- the various complications reported, none has generated more
lanic acid or cephalosporins is commonly recommended in interest and controversy than the occurrence of postoperative
the preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis for orthognathic sur- infection. By adhering to the standard surgical protocols and
gery [19, 38, 41–44]. strict aseptic techniques, the occurrence of postoperative
202 L. P. Rao

Table 10.10  Antibiotic prophylaxis in orthognathic surgery—Key Table 10.11  Antibiotic prophylaxis in maxillofacial trauma—Key
points points
1. Risk factors for SSIs [47, 48] 1. Risk factors for SSIs [22, 32, 51, 56]
(a)  Longer surgery; (a)  Longer surgery;
(b)  Short-term antibiotic prophylaxis; (b)  Older age;
(c)  Extraction of a third molar during surgery; (c) Smoking;
(d)  Greater number of osteotomies performed; (d)  Poor oral hygiene;
(e)  Older age; (e)  Compromised immune system.
(f) Smoking; 2 Mandibular fractures/ fractures of the teeth-bearing area—open /
(g)  Poor oral hygiene; compound fractures.—Antibiotics needed [49, 50, 53, 54].
(h)  Compromised immune system. 3 Need for antibiotics in presence of bone plates & screws [45, 46]
2 Orthognathic surgery - clean–contaminated wound—with the 4 Loading dose of double strength 1 h prior to incision [18, 56].
osteotomized maxilla / mandible exposed to oral / nasal / antral 5 Beta-lactam antibiotics—preferred [56].
cavities [48].—Antibiotics needed
6 Higher infection rate—in fractures involving mandibular
3 Need for antibiotics in presence of bone plates & screws [45, 46]. teeth–bearing areas [49]
4 Loading dose of double strength 1 h prior to incision [18]. 7 Longer duration of antibiotics in immunocompromised patients
5 Confusion between—single loading dose + short-term doses × [49, 52].
24 h vs long-term antibiotics for more than 24 h [19, 44]. 8 Chances of infection more with open reduction than in those
Commonly isolated organisms—aerobic bacteria—streptococci treated with closed reduction with no antibiotic prophylaxis [16,
(43%) & anaerobic bacteroides (50%) [18, 39] 50, 51]. But with single dose of perioperative antibiotics, no
6 Amoxicillin / amoxicillin—clavulanic acid—best suited significant difference between closed & open reduction [51, 54]
[19, 42–44]. 10 Delayed healing and increased infection rate with tobacco
7 Higher infection rate—mandibular osteotomies with transbuccal smoking [51].
approach for fixation [38].
8 Longer procedures & segmental osteotomies—more prone for
infection [38]. Studies have shown that single dose of preoperative anti-
9 Concomitant removal of mandibular third molars does not biotic prophylaxis is sufficient to prevent wound infection
increase the risk for postoperative infection [39], though may
cause issues with fixation. [51, 54]. If the surgery extends beyond the half-life of the
antibiotic, the antibiotic can be redosed [51]. The need for
postoperative antibiotics in the maxillofacial trauma too has
infection can be brought down considerably. But the pres- been extensively studied [16, 49, 53, 55, 56]. These studies
ence of the microorganisms in the oral cavity and facial skin reported no statistically significant difference in the develop-
and possible contamination from environment necessitate ment of SSIs between the patients who had received periop-
the consideration of antibiotics in the maxillofacial trauma erative antibiotics and those who had received extended
management. antibiotics in the postoperative period.
Though prophylactic antibiotics were considered essen- Longer antibiotic usage has been advocated in the immu-
tial in the management of maxillofacial trauma for many nocompromised patients [32, 52, 56]. The habit of tobacco
years [18], the evidence for this preventive intervention was smoking was found to have a deleterious effect on the heal-
weak and confusing. Among facial fractures, mandibular ing of mandibular fractures by inducing hypovascularity and
fractures are most commonly studied, because of the com- prolonged inflammation [54]. The other major factors, which
pound nature of the fractures, except in the ramus—condyle contribute to the occurrence of SSIs, are poor oral hygiene,
unit, where the fractures usually do not communicate with extremes of age and malnutrition [22, 32].
the external environment. Fractures of the mandibular con- Important points mentioning the need for antibiotics in
dyles or Lefort fractures of maxilla are rarely infected when the management of maxillofacial trauma are given in
compared with the fractures involving mandibular angle, Table 10.11.
body, or symphysis [49, 50].
The decision to use antibiotic prophylaxis depends on
whether the fracture is an open or closed type and whether 10.3.7  Diabetes Mellitus & Antibiotic
it is going to be managed with open or closed reduction. Prophylaxis in Maxillofacial Surgery
Open procedures were four times more commonly prone to
postoperative infections according to a few studies [41, 51, Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder resulting in ele-
53, 54], whereas certain other studies reported no differ- vated glucose levels, due to inadequate insulin secretion
ence between the patients treated with closed reduction and (type I) or reduced insulin secretion with an accompanying
maxillomandibular fixation and those who underwent open insulin resistance (type II). Diabetic patients pose a special
reduction and internal fixation [54]. The microbiology of challenge to the surgeon as the balance between the insulin
the infected fractures was mixed and responded to beta- they can secrete and the hyperglycemia induced by surgical
lactam antibiotics well. stress-adaptive hormones catecholamines, cortisol, growth
10  Pharmacotherapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 203

hormone, and glucagon is lost. Patients, who are nondia- Table 10.12  Key points in oral oncology & antibiotic prophylaxis
betic, usually are able to handle this glucose overload effec- Increased risk of SSIs [62]
tively, whereas diabetic patients may have issues resulting in Multiple procedures done at a single operation,
Large wound area,
cardiovascular complications, infection, and reduced rates of
Long procedure,
wound healing. Moreover, the defective polymorphonuclear Tobacco & alcohol abuse
leukocytes function and macro- and microvascular dysfunc- Immunocompromised patients
tion resulting in compromised local circulation increases the Probable pathogens [62] - Escherichia spp. & staphylococcal spp
susceptibility to infections [57]. With the vast microbiologi- Preferred antibiotic [62] - ampicillin & sulbactum
Bartella et al. (2017) [62] - Statistically significant reduction in
cal colonization of the oral cavity, it has always been assumed
infectious complications with postoperative antibiotics
that maxillofacial surgical procedures carry a high risk of
infection and prolonged or delayed wound healing. The
guidelines as to the prophylactic use of antibiotics in diabetic The need for antibiotic prophylaxis is well established in the
patients had been vague as “….are more prone to infection oncologic surgery, but the need for a long postoperative course
necessitating routine antibiotic prophylaxis for all maxillofa- of antibiotics is still debated upon. There are studies, which
cial procedures” [58]. have shown benefits of prolonged antibiotics in preventing
In many of the literature surveys, authors have noted that postoperative infections like pneumonia, urinary tract infec-
well-controlled diabetic patients are at no increased risk of tions, sepsis, and SSIs in patients who had oral squamous cell
postoperative infection than normal healthy patients and carcinoma [64], and there are studies, which have shown no
delayed wound healing is not a pressing concern due to the extra benefits of prolonged postoperative antibiotics [63, 64].
rich vascularity of the region [59, 60]. Antibiotic prophylaxis Escherichia spp. and Staphylococcus spp. are predomi-
is warranted only in conditions where a normal patient also nantly responsible for the infections and in 72% were sensi-
would benefit from it. Poorly controlled diabetic patients tive to ampicillin & sulbactum [62].
would require normalization of their hyperglycemic state A few key points, which would be beneficial in making a
prior to elective procedures. In emergency situations, antibi- decision, are given in Table 10.12.
otic prophylaxis prior to the surgical incision is desirable and
attempts should be made to control the glycemic level during
the peri- and postoperative period [58–60]. 10.3.9  Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cleft

10.3.8  Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Head Orofacial clefting is one of the more common congenital
and Neck Oncology anomalies and cleft lip & palate deformity is the most com-
mon among them. Management of cleft lip & palate defor-
Head and neck oncology patients usually require a major mity involves staged procedures and spans over 12–16 years.
surgical procedure +/− with radiation therapy. The surgical The management aims at correction of the deformity so that
site tends to be large, the surgical time and postoperative function and cosmesis are restored as much as possible and
immobilization period longer. The surgical management the psyche of the individual is minimally scarred.
attempts at removal of the tumor, clearance of the neck Postoperative infections can result in wound breakdown,
nodes, and involves an additional surgical site from where poor speech & esthetics, and nasal regurgitation of food in
flap is harvested for reconstruction—either microvascular cleft lip and palate patients.
flaps or pedicled ones [61]. The large wound area exposed to Various authors had reported on obtaining swabs from
local flora of the oral cavity and the skin is at risk of wound nose and oral cavity to identify the possible pathogens and
contamination and infection. Nosocomial infections are using antibiotics according to the culture reports before cleft
known to run a protracted course and pre-existing general lip and palate repair [65–67]. The pathogenic bacteria iso-
comorbidities further increase the morbidity and, thus, the lated from the swabs were Staphylococcus aureus and beta
hospital expenses associated with these surgeries. hemolytic streptococci [67]. But later studies demonstrated
The reasons for increased infection rate are mainly the that there were not many differences between the group that
number of procedures carried out in the same operation underwent swab acquisition and corresponding antibiotics
(excision, neck dissection, tracheostomy, and distant flap therapy and the group that didn’t receive any antibiotics in
harvest), the pooling of saliva due to difficulty in swallow- terms of postoperative complications [68]. The rate of com-
ing, leading to aspiration, and the inability in obtaining a plications was found to be independent of the potential
watertight closure when the flap is inset in the recipient bed pathogens in the mouth [65].
leading to salivary leak and contamination of neck wounds Factors, which have been implied as contributing factors
with saliva [62, 63]. to wound dehiscence, are given in [66, 67] Table 10.13.
204 L. P. Rao

Table 10.13 Factors contributing to wound dehiscence in cleft Table 10.14  Key points—organ transplant and antibiotic prophylaxis
Pretransplant patients—stress on
Wide clefts   1.  Elimination of potential focus of infection,
Closure under tension   2.  Oral hygiene,
Bilateral clefts   3.  Liver / kidney friendly drugs.
Long duration of surgery Post-transplant patients:
Poor technique—traumatized nasal mucosa Immediate postop:
Independent of potential oral pathogens   1.  Only emergency procedures,
  2.  Aggressive management of infections.
3 months postop—noninvasive elective procedures
6 months postop—invasive elective procedures under antibiotics
In a recent prospective study, Azner et al. (2015) noted a Beta-lactam antibiotics - relatively safer to be used in renal and
statistically significant reduction in the incidence of palatal hepatic transplant patients [72]
fistulas with 5  days of postoperative antibiotics [69]. But No consensus on minimally invasive procedures in patients with
80% of their control group, who had received no postopera- meticulous oral hygiene [71]
tive antibiotics, too healed without any complications. Both
study and control groups had received a single dose of cefu-
roxime 30 mg / kg body weight, before incision. The use of fully epithelialized. Hence, only emergency procedures
one dose of antibiotics before incision has been advocated by should be done. Any acute orofacial infection developing
other authors also and may be more effective in preventing should be managed aggressively, surgical drainage, culture
complications related to wound infection than a prolonged and sensitivity of the organism, and appropriate antibiotics
course of postoperative antibiotics [68]. would be required [70]. After 3 months, elective, noninvasive
procedures can be carried out. Since the patients who have
undergone organ transplantation are immunosuppressed and
10.3.10  Organ Transplant and Antibiotic are at high risk of infection, prophylactic antibiotics need to
Prophylaxis considered for any invasive dental procedures, even after
6 months. Beta-lactam antibiotics are relatively safer to be
The concept of organ donation had always excited mankind. used in renal and hepatic transplant patients [71]. But for
Twentieth century saw developments that made the dream of those with meticulous oral hygiene, there is no consensus
replacing a diseased organ with a healthy one a reality. regarding the need for antibiotic prophylaxis for minimally
Understanding the human immunology and the development invasive procedures [71]. The decision to use antibiotics
of powerful immunosuppressant drugs laid the foundation should be done on a case-to-case basis.
for modern transplant medicine, making transplantation of Important points to be kept in mind while contemplating
kidney, liver, lungs, and heart a successful treatment option. antibiotic prophylaxis in organ transplant patients are given
As the transplant science advanced, so did the numbers and in Table 10.14.
life span of transplant patients and their need for dental/max-
illofacial surgical procedures. As these patients are on immu-
nosuppressants, they are more prone to opportunistic 10.4 Infective Endocarditis
infections and their sequel. Hence, care must be given to
treat or remove the existing/potential sources of infection Bacterial endocarditis, a rare but life-threatening condition,
before the transplant procedures. was initially described by Lewis & Grant in 1923 [72].
In a pretransplant patient, the need for maintaining oral They suggested that bacteria released into the blood stream
hygiene should be stressed upon. The treating physician after a dental procedure colonize on the heart valves or the
should be consulted with regard to the fitness to undergo the endocardium. The bacteremia associated with infections of
planned procedures and the safety of using any drugs if skin and soft tissues, genitourinary tract, and gastrointesti-
required. Drugs, which have a hepatic metabolism or renal nal tract are also known to result in infective endocarditis
clearance, should be used with caution in patients with com- (IE). Bacteria can gain direct access to the bloodstream
promised liver or kidney function. The selection of antibiot- through the indwelling catheters. The American Heart
ics is made after careful evaluation of the existing pathology Association (AHA) came up with the first guidelines to
and the chances of spread of infection with the planned den- reduce the risk of IE following invasive procedures in 1955
tal treatment. [73]. The AHA guidelines have been updated regularly
In the immediate post-transplant period—the first 3 since then and the latest one was released in 2007 [74]. The
months post-surgery, the graft, and the patient are very vul- 2007 guidelines categorized cardiac conditions into having
nerable to any insult—graft anastomoses are susceptible to a low risk, moderate risk, and high risk of developing IE
endarteriris due to bacterial colonization as they are not yet and advocated the use of antibiotic prophylaxis only in
10  Pharmacotherapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 205

Table 10.15  High-risk cardiac conditions, which require antibiotic 10.5 P

 ostoperative Pain Management
prophylaxis [75] in Maxillofacial Surgery
Prosthetic cardiac valves
Congenital heart diseases—unrepaired, with palliative shunts or The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
conduits or repaired with prosthetic material or those repaired, but
with residual defects defines pain [80] as: “an unpleasant sensory and emotional
Previous IE experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage
Cardiac transplants who have developed valvulopathy or described in terms of such damage.”
Pain is the most debilitating postoperative symptom and
its control or elimination is usually the primary goal in post-
high-risk-category patients (Table  10.15) who were to operative management of a patient. Inadequate pain control
undergo dental procedures that involved the manipulation resulting in patient distress is the most common cause of an
of gingival tissues or the periapical region of teeth or inci- increased length of hospital stay. The postoperative pain,
sion of the oral mucosa. inflammatory in character, is a temporary one persisting only
The guidelines prescribed a single dose of antibiotic until healing. But severe, acute, repetitive, postoperative pain
30-60 minutes prior to the procedure—Amoxicillin 2 g PO, increases the risk of the pain becoming chronic and may lead
Cephazolin/Cephtriaxone 1gm IV/IM, or Clindamycin to allodynia and hyperalgesia [81]. Orthognathic surgery
600  mg PO/IM/IV, depending on whether the patient is patients may continue to feel the pain even after 1 year of
unable to take oral preparations or is allergic to penicillin or surgery [82]. Hence, appropriate pain management is critical
not [74]. The reason for the revision of the antibiotic policy to achieving a successful surgical outcome. Prevention of
was predominantly the observation that IE is more likely to pain is more efficient than the treatment of pain. For this, an
result from transient bacteremias caused by routine daily understanding of basic pathophysiology behind pain mecha-
activities, like chewing food, and by regular oral hygiene nism is important.
care. The authors concluded that maintaining optimal oral
hygiene is more important in reducing the risk of IE and the
adverse effects of antibiotics exceeded the benefits of antibi- 10.6 Pathophysiology
otic prophylaxis. The British Society for Antimicrobial of Postoperative Pain
Chemotherapy (BSAC) also recommend antibiotic prophy-
laxis only in those who have a history of healed IE, pros- Pain is initiated by the excitation of nociceptors, receptors
thetic heart valves, and surgically constructed conduits [75]. that respond to noxious - mechanical, thermal, and chemical
The advice to the patient is to concentrate on achieving and stimuli. Sensory nociception is disproportionately greater in
maintaining meticulous oral hygiene as this has been found the head and oral cavity when compared with other parts of
to reduce the risk of IE. Similar observations were made by the body. Often a patient’s overanxiety about undergoing an
the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) elective surgery would result in an increased intensity of the
[76] and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) [77]. perceived pain [83].
There has been a rising concern over the potential for an Surgical insult results in tissue trauma and initiates a
increased incidence of IE and a worse prognosis for the dis- chain of inflammatory events, causing a release of chemical
eased since the guideline changes by the AHA, NICE, ESC, substances responsible for nociceptor excitation. Trauma
BSAC.  Several studies have been carried out to assess the releases tissue phospholipids, which are converted into ara-
impact of these changes on the disease incidence in adults chidonic acid due to the action of phospholipase A2 and the
and pediatric population. Whereas earlier studies showed not consequent conversion of this substance into prostaglandins,
much difference pre- and post-guideline changes in inci- prostacyclins, and leukotrienes due to the action of cycloox-
dence [78], recent studies have noted a definite increase in ygenase (Cox) and lipoxygenase enzymes. These locally
the incidence of IE post-guideline changes [79]. Sakai et al. released chemical mediators sensitize the nociceptors and
in 2017, though noting no change in the incidence and sever- cause vasodilatation, with a consequent increase in cell per-
ity of IE in pediatric patients, pre- and post- guideline meability and edema. Trismus after a maxillofacial surgery
changes, reported an increase in the viridans group strepto- is a sequela to the postoperative edema around the masticator
cocci (VGS)–induced IE in older age group [79]. The data muscles and is aggravated by pain [84]. The physiological
from these studies point to the need for further investigation responses to tissue trauma, pain & edema, can be managed
into the effectiveness of 2007 guidelines, though it has been successfully by inhibiting the pathways that produce the
argued that the increase in IE incidence may be related to the chemical mediators, before the occurrence of surgical trauma
increasing life span of the patients with congenital heart dis- (Fig. 10.1).
eases and prosthetic devices and increase in the number of Similarly, mechanisms, which enhance the endogenous
invasive procedures being performed on them. pain inhibition and anxiolysis and patient education, can
206 L. P. Rao

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 10.1  Pharmacologic interventions in arachidonic acid metabolism

modify cortical processing of pain perception [85]. All these concentration of the drug is reached at the time of surgical
measures collectively lead to an efficient postoperative pain incision. This will prevent the release of the inflammatory
management. mediators, giving immediate analgesic effects. The use of
IV analgesia has an added benefit over oral administration,
as following oral administration analgesics reach maxi-
10.6.1  Pre-Emptive Analgesia mum concentration after 1.5 h, whereas intravenous admin-
istration results in maximum concentration in a short
Postoperative pain has a protective function as it allows for period.
undisturbed healing of the operated tissue by restricting Numerous studies have shown beneficial effects of the
movements. The aim of postoperative pain management is preoperative administration of ibuprofen with paracetamol
to reduce pain significantly, but not to eliminate it com- [89] piroxicam [90], ketorolac [91], meloxicam [92],
pletely [86]. Overall postoperative pain experience could parecoxib [93], and dexamethasone with rofecoxib [94].
be reduced by paying attention to lessening of the pain dur- There had been contradictory reports also in which the
ing the surgical procedure itself. Pre-emptive analgesia is authors fail to find a clear-cut benefit for pre-emptive
defined as an antinociceptive treatment that is started pre- NSAIDS [95, 97]. The authors state that the pre-emptive
operatively and is active during surgery, reducing the phys- intake of analgesics should not be used in all patients as a
iological consequences of nociceptive transmission [87]. general rule. They base their recommendations on the lack of
Since the introduction of the concept of pre-emptive anal- enhanced analgesic effects and on the potential adverse
gesia by Woolf in 1983, many attempts to reduce the pain effects such as increased intraoperative bleeding [95].
by using analgesics and adjunctive measures, such as the Despite the confusion regarding the effectiveness of the
administration of long-­acting local anesthesia, corticoste- pre-emptive analgesia, it has been strongly advised to start
roids, and intraoperative nitrous oxide analgesia, have been systemic analgesics before the local anesthesia effect wears
reported [88]. These should be given before the surgical off and/or give a nerve block with long-acting agent like
incision and should be timed so that the maximum plasma bupivacaine [86].
10  Pharmacotherapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 207

Table 10.16  Predictors of postoperative pain Table 10.17  Opioid analgesics

Patient-related factors Surgical indicators Drug name Dose
Age [98, 99] Major surgeries—long Codeine 15–60 mg orally q4-6h
duration Hydrocodone 5–10 mg orally q3h
Female sex [98] Bony surgery > soft tissue Oxycodone 5–7.5 mg orally q6h
surgery [100] Meperidine 50–150 mg orally q3–4h
Anxiety & apprehension, fear of the Bi-jaw surgery vs single jaw Pentazocine 50 mg orally q3–4h
procedure surgery Tramadol 50-100 mg q4–6h, max 400 mg /day
Pre-existing or chronic pain Mandibular surgery >
maxillary surgery
Preoperative use of opioids / Oncological surgery Table 10.18  Side effects of opioid analgesics
neuropathic analgesics [98]
Respiratory depression
Emergency procedures
Nausea & vomiting
Addictive potential [102]
10.6.2  Postoperative Pain Management Drug overdose death [103]
Pharmacological tolerance ➔ opioid-induced hyperalgesia [102,
Postoperative analgesia has traditionally been achieved by 104]
prescribing analgesics with instructions to take as and when
necessary. Experience with this approach was that many
patients would not take the medication until the onset of sig- 20 different alkaloids [100]—morphine and codeine being
nificant pain. This practice earned the maxillofacial surgery the main ones (Table 10.17).
the reputation of being an extremely painful one. The truth is Opiate alkaloids exert their action by acting on the opioid
that the postoperative pain management can be successfully receptors- μ, κ, δ (mu, kappa, and delta), which otherwise
achieved by carefully planning the delivery of the pain con- provide sites for activation of endogenously released opioid
trol measures at the appropriate time in the peri- and postop- substances  - beta-endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphin
erative periods. compounds, which produce endogenous central analgesia.
Pain perception is a subjective feeling, which is amplified Opiate agonists produce analgesia by inhibiting excitatory
by many factors and identification of the patients who are “at neurotransmission of substance P, acetylcholine, noradrena-
risk” for the development of severe postoperative pain would line, and dopamine.
help in charting out an individualized management plan [97] Unfortunately, opioid use, even when prescribed for short
(Table 10.16). periods, comes with certain risks (Table 10.18).
Identifying predictors of postoperative pain in patients For these reasons, most opioid agents used in outpatient
before surgery, educating patients at the preoperative visit postsurgical pain management are formulated in combina-
regarding the expected pain, and presenting the postopera- tion with non-narcotic analgesics [104]. This formulation
tive pain management plan will prepare patients better and potentiates the analgesic effects of the individual agents
relieve some of their anxiety regarding the procedure. An within the formulation while minimizing the side effects of
increased awareness of the importance of the psychological pure opioid administration [105].
factors will allow more effective pain management. Tramadol
Tramadol, a synthetic substance with both opioid and non-
10.6.3  Pharmacological Management opioid properties, is structurally related to codeine. It
of Postoperative Pain exhibits antidepressant and anxiolytic-like effects, in addi-
tion to analgesic action. It is considered safe for long-term
The postoperative pain management is usually done with use unlike NSAIDs with their potential for impairment of
opioids and nonsteroidal class of anti-inflammatory drugs. renal function and gastrointestinal complications, and with
respect to other opioid medications for its low addiction Opioids rate and favorable safety profile. The most common
Opioids have been in use for moderate-to-severe pain relief adverse effect of tramadol is nausea and vomiting, espe-
for a long period. References to opium poppy can be found cially with oral administration. Tramadol is contraindi-
in Sumerian and Egyptian culture, as back as 300 BC. The cated in patients with poorly controlled epilepsy because
opium poppy, Papaver somniferum, gives rise to more than of its excitatory serotonergic effects. It is available either
208 L. P. Rao

as a single drug or in combination with acetaminophen. Historically, majority of the NSAIDs were nonselective
Submucosal injection of tramadol at the extracted site of COX inhibitors with side effects related to the blockade of
third molars has been proven effective in reducing the cytoprotective prostanoids  - gastric irritation, increased
postoperative pain [106]. It suffers no side effects of sys- bleeding time, and renal impairment. Over the past few
temic administration. years, selective COX2 inhibitors have been developed, which
block the COX-2–mediated prostaglandins while maintain- Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory ing the physiologically beneficial effects of the COX-1 iso-
Drugs (NSAIDs) enzyme [108].
NSAIDs have been in use for the treatment of pain, fever, Overall, NSAIDs are safe drugs to be used in the manage-
and inflammation since late 1800 [107]. The anti-­ ment of acute/postoperative pain. Parenteral use of NSAIDs
inflammatory and analgesic properties of these drugs with- has shown to be more effective in pain control [109]. About
out the side effects and the addictive potential of opioids 60% of the patients would respond to the first NSAID, and
have made this class of drugs the first choice in ambulatory the rest would show benefit with another NSAID. Ibuprofen
dentoalveolar procedures (Table 10.19). is a widely used NSAID, with proven efficacy [110]. About
They are a group of chemically heterogeneous com- 5% people experience “aspirin-sensitive asthma,” probably
pounds with several similar pharmacologic actions like anti-­ due to the inhibition of Cox enzyme. Because of the probable
inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, and antiplatelet actions. mechanism of inducing asthma, it is felt that selective Cox 2
They primarily act at the site of tissue injury by inhibiting the inhibitors may not cause asthmatic attacks [111].
synthesis of prostaglandins within the endoperoxide path-
way (Fig. 10.1). Paracetamol
Paracetamol or acetaminophen is a widely available analge-
Table 10.19  Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs sic with an antipyretic action. It acts by inhibition of the
Drug name Action Analgesic Dose COX-3 isoenzyme, reducing the production of prostanoids
Salicylic acid Analgesic, anti-­ 325-650 mg orally in the central nervous system. This central inhibition explains
derivative—Acetyl inflammatory, q4h / 1000 mg orally the antipyretic action of paracetamol. Paracetamol shows an
salicylic acid antiplatelet, q6h. excellent result in relieving mild-to-moderate pain relief and
fever [112]. When used in combination with other analge-
Nonselective cox
inhibitor sics, it shows superior analgesic power, thereby reducing the
Propionic acid Analgesic, anti-­ 400–600 mg orally dose of opioids required [96].
derivative— inflammatory, q4–6h
Ibuprofen antipyretic—
Nonselective cox
inhibitor 10.6.4  Guidelines to the Use of Analgesics
Propionic acid Analgesic, antipyretic— 550 mg orally
derivative— Nonselective cox initially, then 275 mg Since there is no definitive evidence or clear algorithms,
Naproxen inhibitor orally q6–8h the selection of NSAIDs, to a large extent, depends on
Acetic acid Analgesic, antipyretic— 30 mg IV or 60 mg
clinical experience and side effects. Patient convenience
derivative— Nonselective cox IM q6h / 20 mg
Keterolac inhibitor orally initially, then and cost also play a minor role in the selection of
10 mg orally q4–6h analgesics.
Acetic acid Analgesic, anti-­ 50–75 mg orally/IV Laskarides (2016), in his review on control of dental pain,
derivative— inflammatory— q12h puts forward his observations (Table 10.20) [113].
Diclofenac Nonselective cox
Oxicams— Analgesic, anti-­ 10-20 mg orally q Analgesic Ladder
Piroxicam inflammatory— 12 h WHO initially described the concept of “pain ladder” in their
Nonselective cox guidelines for the use of drugs for the management of cancer
pain [114]. The concept has been now accepted in the man-
N- phenyl— Analgesic, anti-­ 500 mg load, then
anthranilates— inflammatory— 250 mg q6h orally agement of all types of pain [104]. The concept is based on
Mefenamic acid Nonselective cox the use of first line of drugs for the mild-to-moderate pain
inhibitor and then climb the ladder to more potent drugs if pain still
Celecoxib Cox 2 inhibitor 200 mg orally persists. Please see chapter on postoperative care, to view the
q24h / 100 mg orally
analgesic ladder.
10  Pharmacotherapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 209

Table 10.20  Key points in using analgesics Table 10.21  The analgesics and adjuncts that can be used in multi-
modal analgesia [117]
 1 Care to administer correct dose of opioids [100–103]
 2 Opioids + NSAIDs—centrally acting - + peripherally acting Drugs Examples Mechanism of action
analgesia ➔ moderate-to-severe pain relief A. Opioids [102]. Codeine, Inhibits excitatory
 3 Tramadol—opioid & nonopioid properties—safe for long-term Hydrocodone neurotransmission of
use [106]. Tramadol substance P,
 4 Ibuprofen—excellent analgesia, transition drug to wean off form acetylcholine,
opioids [110, 113]. noradrenaline, &
 5 Use NSAIDs with caution—cardiovascular conditions & gastric dopamine.
irritation. B. Local anesthesia Bupivacaine, Blocks the pain
 6 Paracetamol, tramadol, & short-acting opioids—drugs of choice [86, 118] levobupivacaine & transmission
[113]. techniques. ropivacaine—nerve
 7 NSAIDs drug interactions – blocks & infiltration
Sulfonyl urea & other hypoglycemic agents C. Acetaminophen Weak analgesic IV administration
Oral anticoagulants [112]. raises the plasma &
Phenytoin CSF concentration
Sulfonamides rapidly to achieve
 8 Paracetamol + NSAIDs—superior analgesic power [89, 112]. adequate analgesia
 9 Maximum daily dose of paracetamol 4 g decides the dose of D. Nonsteroidal Ibuprofen, Blocks arachidonic
combination therapy [113]. anti-inflammatory Diclofenac, acid metabolism
drugs (NSAIDs) Mefenamic acid,
[108, 110]. nasal spray of
ketorolac Preventive /Protective/Multimodal E. Cyclooxygenase Celecoxib Cox 2 inhibitor
Analgesia (COX)-2-specific
inhibitors [108].
Pain is multifactorial in origin and multiple techniques and
F. Adjuncts.
drugs may be required to achieve control over it. The simul-   1. Steroids [80]. Dexamethasone, Blocks lipoxygenase &
taneous use of different classes of analgesics and techniques hydrocortisone cox pathways
has been called preventive, protective, or multimodal analge-   2. N-methyl-d-­ Ketamine Effects on central
sia [115]. This approach uses a combination of drugs that act aspartate sensitization & neural
(NMDA). modulation
at different sites of action on the nervous system by different
mechanisms to prevent peripheral and central sensitization [97, 115, 117]
of pain. It results in additive analgesia, but with lowered side   3. Alpha − 2 Clonidine, Sedative and analgesia-­
effects than the single agents when used alone. Intraoperative agonists [97, Dexmedetomidine sparing effects via
local anesthesia followed by a range of analgesic drugs have 115, 117]. central actions in the
locus ceruleus and in
been found to be effective in controlling the pain in day cases the dorsal horn of the
and reduces the need for opioid analgesics [116]. spinal cord,
The complex surgeries involving multiple surgical sites as respectively
in head and neck oncological cases and craniofacial surger-   4. Anticonvulsants Gabapentin, Inhibits central
[97, 115, 117]. pregabalin sensitization through
ies would gain hugely from the administration of multimodal presynaptic or
analgesia. Multimodal analgesia can be successfully postsynaptic inhibition
achieved by combining the currently available analgesic of calcium influx,
modalities (Table 10.21). which inhibits the
release of
neurotransmitters Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA)
Patient-controlled analgesics are intravenous agents, deliv-
ered through a microprocessor-controlled infusion pump, in
which a predetermined dose can be delivered by the press of in the pain score and the LOS between the PCA group &
a button, and a lockout time can be set, so that patient cannot non-PCA group of patients after orthognathic surgery [119,
overdose himself [119]. PCA is usually used in patients who 120]. This could be attributed to the fact that the subjects in
are distressed at the thought of postoperative pain. Fentanyl, the PCA group were predominantly bijaw surgery patients
morphine, & combinations are the usually used medications. for whom the surgical time was longer and the surgical pro-
Though PCA was initially thought to reduce the patient pain cedure resulted in more tissue injury. But from patient’s per-
perception, thereby reducing the length of stay (LOS), stud- spective, PCA is the preferred method, as they feel in charge
ies have failed to show any statistically significant difference of their own pain control [121].
210 L. P. Rao

10.7 Corticosteroids in Maxillofacial [128] submucosal [129, 130] and topical [131] routes, has
Surgery been reported.
Studies have evaluated different formulations, dosages,
When tissue damage occurs as a result of injury, body’s natu- and routes and sites of administration of corticosteroids,
ral defense mechanism is inflammation and body tries to heal. without any consensus. (Table 10.22).
But overt inflammation results in pain, edema, and limitation Dexamethasone has a longer duration of action than
of movement, trismus. These symptoms may not be evident methylprednisolone and is considered more potent..
immediately, but peak after the second day, returning to nor- Intralesional/intramasseteric injection of dexamethasone is
mal by seventh postoperative day [122]. Corticosteroids sup- found to be better than the intravenous or parenteral admin-
press the inflammation (Fig.  10.1) by interfering with the istration in controlling postoperative edema & trismus and
capillary dialatation, fluid transduation, fibrin deposition, leu- has an additional benefit of being given through an already-­
kocyte migration, and phagocytosis. Under normal nonstress- anesthetized area [130, 132].
ful conditions, the body produces approximately 15 to 30 mg Almeida et al. (2019) [133] failed to note any benefit of
of hydrocortisone/cortisol per day. During stressful situa- submucosal injection of steroid at the local site. Authors gave
tions, 300  mg of hydrocortisone per day can be produced. the reason for this as the displacement of the medicine from
Generally speaking, to suppress inflammation, the dose of the local site when mucoperiosteal flap is reflected to expose
exogenous corticosteroids must exceed the normal physio- the tooth. Similarly, the merits of intravenous administration
logical amounts of hydrocortisone released [123]. of steroids perioperatively in major surgeries have been ques-
The first reported clinical use of the anti-inflammatory tioned by a group of authors [134]. Kainulainen et al. [134]
properties of corticosteroids was in the treatment of rheuma- reported infectious complications—pneumonia, gastrostomy
toid artritis [124], following which its efficacy was tried in site infections, & surgical site infections in oncological cases.
maxillofacial surgical procedures. The use of steroids and Though the reduction of edema brings about some reduc-
their effectiveness have been extensively studied in the third tion in discomfort, steroids alone do not have a clinically sig-
molar surgeries—the most commonly performed maxillofa- nificant analgesic effect [130, 135] This has been attributed
cial surgical procedure [125]. Markiewicz et  al. noted that to the inability of the steroids to block the production of neu-
postoperative findings of swelling, trismus, and pain were rotransmitters by the injured tissues and central sensitization
significantly lower in the group who received corticoste- to pain. The combination of dexamethasone with tramadol or
roids, than in the control group in the immediate postopera- diclofenac sodium has been proven more effective in con-
tive period (1–3 days) [126]. trolling postoperative pain and trismus, as opposed to corti-
The use of dexamethasone and methyl prednisolone, in costeroids alone [136]. Alexander & Throndson [127]
controlling the postoperative sequel of third molar surgery summarized few salient points with regard to usage of ste-
when these drugs are administered via parenteral [127], oral roids, based on their review (Table 10.23).

Table 10.22  Commonly used steroids with their anti-inflammatory potency& equivalent dose and commonly used doses [1]
Drug Duration of action Anti-inflammatory potency Equivalent dose Dose
Dexamethasone Long acting 25 0.75 mg 0.5–5 mg /day PO, 4–20 mg /day IV
Betamethasone Long acting 25 0.75 mg 0.5–5 mg /day PO, 4–20 mg /day IV
Prednisolone Intermediate acting 4 5 mg 5–60 mg /day PO
10–40 mg / day IM or IV
Methyl prednisolone Intermediate acting 5 4 mg 4–32 mg /day PO
Triamcinolone Intermediate acting 5 4 mg 4–32 mg /day PO
5–40 mg intra-articular
Hydrocortisone Short acting 1 20 mg 100 mg IV/IM bolus
10  Pharmacotherapy in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 211

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Wound Closure and Care in Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery 11
Ravi Veeraraghavan

11.1 Wound Management 11.2.1  Purposes of Wound Closure

Management of soft tissue wounds needs a careful assess- Before going into the intricacies of material selection and
ment of the wound, a good understanding of wound types techniques of wound closure, one needs to be clear about the
and healing as well as adequate knowledge and skill for actual need for artificially closing a wound. The main indica-
wound care. The various steps in wound care include cleans- tion for wound closure is significant exposure of connective
ing and debridement, hemostasis, tetanus immunization and tissue. In general, there are five reasons behind the concept
antibiotic medication and wound closure. of wound closure.
Wound closure can be accomplished in diverse ways, but
suturing remains the mainstay. A wide variety of materials 1. Healing by Primary Intention
are available for wound suturing. One has to choose the right This is the most important purpose of wound closure. The
material and technique depending on the wound type and open wounds, which are likely to heal by secondary inten-
closure needs. Alternate techniques such as staples, tapes tion, are made to heal in a ‘more’ primary manner by the
and adhesives are fast gaining popularity. intervention of wound closure. This hastens the healing
Wounds are treated by process and also reduces scar formation, with resultant
advantages in aesthetic and functional facets.
1 . Cleansing and debridement, 2. Coverage of Deep Tissues
2. Haemostasis, When the epithelium is breached and connective tissue is
3. Tetanus immunisation, bared, it exposes the inner tissues to mechanical and bio-
4. Wound dressings, logical threats. This threat becomes even more serious
5. Wound closure, when deeper structures such as the viscera or bone is
6. Antibiotic medication. exposed.
3. Prevent Contamination
An open wound is under constant attack by the patho-
11.2 Wound Closure genic microorganisms, more so in the oral cavity. Such
relentless contamination is likely to lead to a full-blown
Artificial closure of the wounds is required if significant con- infection and/or delayed healing. Sooner the wound is
nective tissue is exposed. Wound closure leads to faster closed, the lesser the risk of major contamination.
wound healing with reduced complications. Even though 4. Haemostasis
suturing is the mainstay of wound closure, other alternatives This is not one of the primary purposes of wound closure.
are fast gaining popularity. But sutures may help in impeding blood loss by prevent-
ing mechanical disturbance to the clot.
5. Prevention of Dead Space
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap-
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_11) contains supple- If only the superficial cutaneous sutures are placed over a
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. deep wound, a dead space can result beneath the surface.
This condition usually leads to wound breakdown and/or
R. Veeraraghavan (*) wound infection. Dead space is prevented by closing the
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Amrita School of deep tissues in multiple layers.
Dentistry, Ernakulam, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 217

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_11
218 R. Veeraraghavan

11.3 Wound Suturing These scissors should be differentiated from scissors used
for cutting tissue. Many of them have specifically designed
Suturing is the process of wound closure by holding the blades and tips, which are uniquely shaped to lift and grasp
edges of the wound together using a thread. This thread, up the handing tags or the tied suture thread away from the
called a ‘suture’, is used to approximate the wound edges tissue and to cut it safely without injuring the tissues. Short
together and to hold them in position till the tissue healing is and long versions are available. The tip may be straight or
sufficiently advanced to maintain themselves in the corrected curved and may have a sharp slot for the thread to be cut.
anatomic position and alignment to each other. The surgeon Some manufacturers have incorporated a cutting component
uses a ‘suture needle’ to pass the thread through the tissues in the needle holder itself, using which the surgeon can cut
on either side of the wound so as to hold the separated edges the suture tag without switching instruments.
in the proper position.

11.3.2  Suture Needles

11.3.1  Suturing Instruments
The suture needles help to pass the suture threads through
Apart from the suture thread and needle, some instruments tissues. In ancient days, needles were made of natural mate-
are used to perform the suturing process. Commonly used rials such as bones, ivory, horns, wood or thorns. In fact,
instruments include a needle holder, a tissue holding forceps eyed needles from as early as 30,000  AD have been
and a pair of scissors. unearthed. Later, metals such as silver, copper and alumin-
ium bronze were used. The modern needles are diligently Needle Holder shaped and contoured as per use and are smooth and strong
The needle holder (needle driver) is the primary instrument so that they withstand the stresses of suturing and least trau-
used for suturing. Similar to a haemostat, it is used to grasp matic to tissues at the same time.
and manipulate the suture needle to which the thread is The suture needle has three parts: the tip, the body and the
attached. A needle holder has three parts—a pair of beaks, a suture attachment. Made of stainless steel or carbon steel,
joint (‘pivot’) and a pair of handles with rings. Many designs they are thin, smooth and sharp, designed to pass through
are available, examples being Webster, Halsey and Mayo-­ tissues with ease (Fig. 11.1).
Hegar. Most designs have a serrated or cross-hatching pat-
tern of teeth for the beaks. This helps to grip the needle
securely without damaging it. A locking mechanism similar
to haemostats is present to lock the needle grasp.
The classical way to hold the instrument is to engage the
handle-rings with the thumb and the fourth finger. The mid-
dle finger is used for support and the index finger is used to
direct or orient the instrument in the required direction.
Alternatively, while suturing on tough tissues, one may be
‘palmed’, i.e. may be held against the palm with fingers
around. While palming the needle holder, some surgeons still
rest the fourth finger lightly in the handle-ring. Tissue Holding Forceps

The pickup forceps are used to delicately handle and manip-
ulate the wound edge which is being sutured. The fine-­
toothed Adson forceps is the workhorse for most interior and
cutaneous wound closures. The forceps is held in the non-­
dominant hand and is used to grasp, lift and evert the wound
edge so that the surface is made more amenable to a perpen-
dicular needle entry. Fine skin hooks may also be used for
the same purpose. Suture Cutting Scissors

The suture cutting scissors is used to cut the suture thread
tags after the knot is tied. It is also used to cut the thread dur- ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
ing suture removal.
Fig. 11.1  Parts of suture needle
11  Wound Closure and Care in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 219

Fig. 11.2  Needle shapes/


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Needle Shape

The suture needles are usually curved as an arc of a circle.
Straight needles, though available, have very limited practi-
cal applications. The curvature is described as the span of the ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
arc, in terms of ¼, 3/8, ½ and 5/8 of a circle. Most of the regu-
lar suturing in oral and maxillofacial surgery is done with Fig. 11.3  Needle cross section of a conventional cutting needle
half circle needles. A smaller arc such as 3/8 can be used for
suturing flat skin surfaces. Longer arc, i.e. 5/8 circle, needles and the outer convex side flat. This shape enables the needle
are used in narrow tunnelled surgical fields such as in cleft to ‘cut’ through the dense tissues to make the needle passage
palate or inside the nose (Fig. 11.2). easier. But the cutting design presented a new problem. Even
The cross section and the tip of the needles can be widely under minimum tension, the needle behaved like a knife, and
varied. Depending on these aspects, the suture needles can be. the sharp edge often tended to lacerate the tissue resulting in
a ‘cut-through’ of the wound edge. This was solved by the
1. Round bodied, reverse-cutting design, wherein the inner curve is flat and the
2. Conventional cutting (Fig. 11.3) or outer curve is pointed. This helps to retain the cutting nature
3. Reverse cutting. while avoiding the risk of wound edge laceration. In oral and
maxillofacial surgery, the tissues encountered may be kera-
Round bodied needles are generally used to suture viscera tinised (skin, gingiva and palate) or non-keratinised (buccal
and other internal structures such as muscle and fascia. It can mucosa, floor of mouth and lips). Mostly, reverse-cutting
also be effective on non-keratinised mucosa. The tip of the needles are now being used since they are well-suited to pass
round-bodied needle can be blunt or sharp. The blunt tip through all oral tissues without causing inadvertent tears.
needle is specifically used in the inner abdominal wall and in
friable tissues. The sharp tip is used for most other purposes. Needle Size
But even the sharp tip is hard to pass across the skin and The suture needle size generally depends on the size of the
keratinised mucosa. The shape of the ‘cutting’ needle over- suture. In general, smaller the suture size, smaller the needle.
comes this problem. In the cutting needles, the needle cross It is important to recognise the various dimensions of a
section is a triangle, with the inner curve side being pointed needle.
220 R. Veeraraghavan

The ‘needle length’ refers to the end-to-end measurement ded. Non-absorbable sutures, on the other hand, are not
along the curve of the needle. The straight line distance from absorbed, and they should be removed after the initial stabili-
the tip to the other end is called ‘chord length’. The chord sation of the wound edges has occurred. In reality, most or all
length determines the bite-width of the needle in the tissues. natural materials will get absorbed by the body in due course
The bite-depth into the tissue is defined by the ‘chord diam- of time. Thus, for clinical practice, a suture is considered
eter’ which is perpendicular from the chord length to the non-absorbable if it retains its tensile strength in tissues for
centre of the needle body. Needle diameter and needle radius more than 60 days.
are dimensions which refer to the cross-sectional thickness According to the filament type, the sutures may be mono-
and not to the needle curve. filament or multifilament. A monofilament suture is essen-
tially a single strand of fibre. This simple structure enables Eyed vs Swaged Needles these sutures to pass through tissues with least resistance.
The eye of the needle is a small hole at one end for attaching Though this makes it the material of choice in delicate tis-
the suture thread. This necessitates an increase in the needle sues such as the vascular tissues, there are some notable
thickness at the attachment end, increasing the risk of poten- drawbacks. The handling and knot-tying are generally more
tial tissue trauma. The suture is passed through the eye, and taxing, and the knot has less friction to keep its position. In
may then be tucked or tied for better retention. Both tucking addition, the cut edges tend to be stiff leading to probable
and tying further increases the tissue drag and causes addi- irritation of movable and delicate regions like the tongue and
tional trauma. The attached suture now follows the needle buccal mucosa.
through the tissues. The eyed needles are cheaper and can be The multifilament sutures are made of multiple fibre
reused after resterilisation. strands, which are either coated or braided together to make
Modern suture needles do not have an eye. Instead, the one fine thread. The process of braiding bestows a higher ten-
suture thread is sealed inside the needle for a permanent sile strength as well as better pliability and flexibility. This
attachment. This mechanism, called ‘swaging’, reduces the improves the handling characteristics and the ease of knot-
tissue trauma significantly as the needle diameter is not tying. They also better resist the tendency of the knot to untie
increased for thread attachment. Further, only a single thread itself. The cut edges are usually smooth and soft, and are not
strand passes through the tissue at all times. So these needles irritating to oral tissues. The disadvantages of multifilament
are often called ‘atraumatic needles’. The swaged needle with sutures include the higher risk of harbouring pathogens in its
thread is available as a sterile pack, and cannot be reused. structure and the tendency to ‘wick’ the oral fluids into deeper
tissues through the suture track. This, in turn, can lead to
occurrence to unaesthetic suture tracks visible on the skin.
11.4 Suture Thread

Many different types of suture threads are available for use. 11.4.1  Suture Thread Size
Each type has its specific benefits and indications for appli-
cation (Table 11.1). The suture thread is available in different thicknesses. The
A basic classification divides them into ‘natural’ and thickness is usually mentioned as ‘number of zeroes’. This
‘synthetic’. Suture materials sourced from natural sources system follows the U.S. Pharmacopeia, and has gained wide
include catgut, steel and silk. Synthetic plastic materials acceptance. The most commonly used thread size for intra-­
such as nylon, polypropylene and polymers of glycolic acid, oral use is mentioned as 3–0 or 000 size. Sutures are avail-
lactic acid, etc., have become popular in recent decades. able from size 6 to 11–0 (Table 11.2).
Suture materials can also be classified as absorbable and
non-absorbable. Absorbable sutures hold the tissues together
till they have healed sufficiently to withstand normal stress,
Attributes of an Ideal Suture Material
and are then absorbed by the tissues where they are embed-
1 . Sterile or sterilisable,
Table 11.1  Suture material classification
2. Good handling characteristics,
3. Ensure a secure knot,
Basis of
classification Types
4. Adequate tensile strength,
Source Natural, synthetic 5. Retention of strength during the healing phase,
Absorbability Absorbable, non-absorbable 6. Rapid absorption after healing.
Thread size 3, 2, 1, 0, 1–0, 2–0, 7. Stay inert in tissues without causing antigenicity or
3–0………………………11–0 other adverse tissue reaction.
Filament type Monofilament, multifilament (braided)
11  Wound Closure and Care in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 221

Table 11.2  Suture sizes—U.S. Pharmacopeia designation and equivalent metric measurements

USP designation 11–0 10–0 9–0 8–0 7–0 6–0 5–0 4–0 3–0 2–0 0 1 2 3
Diameter (mm) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.5 0.6

It is beyond the purview of this chapter to go into the details coated chromic gut is smoother and thicker and has better
of all the types of suture materials available in the market, handling characteristics.
chemical structure, method of resorption, qualities, indica-
tions, advantages, etc. Details of few suture materials widely
used in oral and maxillofacial surgery are given below. 11.4.3  Natural Non-absorbable Sutures

These are the oldest suture materials known to mankind.

11.4.2  Natural Absorbable Sutures (Absorbed People tended to use any threaded material known to them
by Proteolysis) for holding the wound edges together. Non-absorbable natu-
ral materials include cotton, linen, steel and silk.
The absorbability characteristics of many natural materials
had been recognised for millennia. All absorbable natural Cotton and Linen
suture materials contain predominantly collagen. Over the Cotton and linen sutures primarily contain cellulose polymer.
years, they have progressively fallen out of favour due to the Both the materials get absorbed in due course, but are consid-
risk of antigenicity and adverse tissue reaction [1]. ered non-absorbable because of delayed absorption time.
Cotton is sourced from the hair of the cotton seed while linen Catgut is made from flax. The fibres are twisted to form a suture. It
Catgut has been the most popular material in this group. Its has good tensile strength, but there is moderate tissue reac-
use has been prevalent at least from the time of Galen of tion. Handling is average but knot-holding is good. Linen has
Pergamon (200 AD). This material is made of tissue taken the advantage that it gains tensile strength when wet.
from the submucosal layer of sheep intestine or from the Cotton and linen have largely fallen out of favour because
serosal (adventitial) layer of the cattle small intestine intima. of adverse tissue reactions and the high ‘wicking’ effect
The collagen strands are twisted together and the resultant which causes seepage of fluids into the suture track.
thread is precision-ground to form a monofilament. Catgut
has long been a popular fibre to make string instruments and Silk
tennis racquets. For many centuries, catgut (surgical gut) had Silk has been a well-known textile material from fourth mil-
been the only absorbable suture material available. The lennium BC. It is produced by the silkworm larvae to form
absorption is by proteolytic biodegradation brought about by the cocoon. Natural silk is a protein fibre, the main compo-
proteolytic enzymes. nents being fibroin and sericin. Fibroin forms the basic struc-
Performance-wise, catgut has good flexibility but rela- ture and contributes to the tensile strength. Sericin is a gum
tively poor tensile strength, poor knot stability and high tis- layer which holds the strands together. The silkworm larvae
sue reactivity. Full tensile strength remains only for 7 days. are cultivated and once they start pupating, the cocoons are
dissolved in boiling water to extract the individual fibres Chromic Catgut which are fed into the spinning reel. To make it suitable as a
It has been found that many poor characteristics of catgut can medical product, the sericin protein component is later
be overcome by impregnating the suture material with chro- removed by a degumming process.
mic salts. This modified product, called chromic catgut, has Silk is the most widely used natural non-absorbable suture
higher tensile strength and delayed absorption time. Chromic material. Surgical silk is made from the larvae of the silk-
catgut retains its maximum tensile strength for about worm Bombyx Mori. The silk suture consists of a group of
2 weeks. It also has reduced tissue reaction as compared to strands braided around a core and has a wax or silicon coat-
plain gut. ing. It is usually dyed black in colour for better visibility.
Manufacturers package catgut sutures soaked in the disin- The most impressive property of the silk suture is the ease
fectant isopropyl alcohol solution to retain the flexibility and of handling. It is extremely pliable and smooth and has good
to increase shelf life. This necessitates rinsing of the suture knot-holding capability. But the tensile strength is pretty low.
in sterile saline to remove the irritant alcohol before use. The other drawbacks include high levels of tissue friction,
Some manufacturers use a glycerine coating on chromic cat- capillary action and tissue inflammatory response. The wax
gut to do away with the alcohol in packaging. Glycerine-­ coating helps to counteract all these negative attributes.
222 R. Veeraraghavan

Silk is now not considered an appropriate material for Polyester (Ethibond, Surgidac, Dacron)
cutaneous suturing, except on specific sites such as eyelids Polyester is a general term used for any organic polymer
and lips. It is very often used for ligating blood vessels and which has an ester functional group in the main chain. More
for hitching drains. It is the most popular material used in specifically, the term is used for the material polyethylene
dentistry. Its soft and pliable nature makes it suitable for use terephthalate. It is a type of petroleum-based plastic, made
in oral mucosa which is mobile and wet. by mixing ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. Because of
its durability, cleanability, anti-wrinkle and quick-drying
characteristics, it swiftly made a name in the textile industry
11.4.4  Synthetic Non-absorbable Sutures as a reliable material.
Polyester is a non-absorbable, braided, surgical suture Polyamide/Nylon (Ethilon, Dermalon) with high tensile strength and low tissue reactivity. The
Nylon belongs to the first generation of commercially suc- braided nature adds to enhanced handling, knot-tying and
cessful synthetic thermoplastic polymers, having started pro- retentivity. Thus, it combines the positive features generally
duction in 1927. It is made of repeated units linked by attributed to monofilaments and multifilaments. It is thus the
aliphatic or aromatic amide links (polyamide). It has been a suture of choice in cardiovascular surgery, prosthetic
very versatile material and has been used as fabric, fibres, implants and facelifts.
films, coatings and moulded shapes for wide applications in Polyester braided sutures are usually dyed green in colour.
diverse fields. They may be coated or uncoated. The uncoated variant has a
Nylon surgical sutures were introduced in 1940. rough surface which produces drag in the tissues. The coat-
Monofilament nylon sutures are very popular for cutaneous ing is made of PTFE or polybutylate.
suturing. The main advantages are their high tensile strength,
exceptional elasticity and low tissue reaction. The elasticity Polybutester (Novafil, Vascufil)
helps the material to accommodate tissue swelling and main- Polybutester is a relatively new thermoplastic material with
tain wound edge apposition. The nylon sutures are dyed unique stress-strain properties. It is a copolymer comprised
black in colour. of polybutylene terephthalate and poly teramethylene ether
The biggest shortcoming of this material is its shape glycol, and is coated with polytribolate. The polybutester
memory, which negatively affects its knot-tying and knot-­ monofilament sutures are designed to have high strength,
holding properties. Often, one needs 3–4 knots to hold a elasticity and pliability. The flexibility and lack of memory
stitch in place. Also, the monofilament may be stiff. allow it to be handled with ease resulting in a high knot secu-
Multifilament nylon sutures are available with increased pli- rity. The unique features have made this a popular material
ability and handling features. Addition of fluid (alcohol) in for abdominal wound closure.
the package reduces the shape memory and improves The elasticity of polybutester is phenomenal. It can stretch
pliability. 50% of its length at initial loads. It has a biphasic expansion
curve wherein it expands well in response to initial stress and Polypropylene (Prolene, Surgipro) maintains pressure without cutting the tissue, and at the same
Polypropylene is another thermoplastic polymer used as a time withstanding creep by not undergoing permanent defor-
non-absorbable suture material. It is produced by chain-­ mation even under constant pressure.
growth polymerisation of the monomer propylene. It is pig-
mented blue to enhance visibility, hence the name Polytetrafluroethylene (Gore-Tex,
polypropylene blue. Cytoplast, Coreflon, Teflon)
Similar to nylon, polypropylene has a very high tensile Polytetrafluroethylene (PTFE) is a synthetic material which
strength, excellent elasticity and minimal tissue reaction. It has found extensive application globally. It is a fluoropoly-
can extend up to 30% without breakage, making it highly mer of tetrafluoroethylene (-CF2-CF2-), made by free-radical
suitable for suturing cutaneous wounds. The shape memory polymerisation of monomer units. PTFE is a strong, tough,
is also similar to nylon and can contribute to knot slippage. waxy, non-­ flammable material popular for its non-stick
This feature, though, is advantageous in subcuticular sutur- properties.
ing since it slides out smoothly during suture removal. PTFE suture is considered as the ideal material for oral
The excellent mechanical properties and inert nature surgeries, especially for dental implant surgeries. It is
have made polypropylene the material of choice in stressful inert, non-absorbable and monofilament in nature. The
sites. It is widely used in the management of hernia and strong fluoro-­carbon bond is thought to be the reason for
vaginal prolapse, often in the form of a mesh in addition to its inertness. Unlike other synthetic monofilament sutures,
sutures. PTFE is smooth, supple and soft. The cut ends cause no
11  Wound Closure and Care in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 223

irritation to delicate oral tissues. It has no shape memory. Polyglactin 910 (Vicryl, Polysorb)
It is well tolerated in the oral cavity and has excellent han- Polyglactin 910 is a synthetic heteropolymer consisting of
dling, knot-tying and knot-holding abilities. Thus, it has 90% glycolic acid and 10% lactic acid. Introduced in 1974,
most of the positive attributes of braided sutures, at the this is a multifilamentous, braided suture with a lubricant
same time avoiding the risk of bacterial contamination by coating of polyglactin 370 (30:70 ratio) and calcium stearate.
wicking effect. The final product is usually dyed violet in colour, but an
undyed beige version is also available. Polyglactin 910 is Stainless Steel among the most popular absorbable sutures used for surgical
Surgical stainless steel non-absorbable surgical suture is wound closure today.
composed of 316 L austenitic stainless steel. It can be mono- The main advantages of polyglactin over polyglycolic
filamentous or multifilamentous. The obvious advantages of acid include consistently higher residual tensile strength and
stainless steel sutures are strength and low tissue reaction. Its faster absorption. The absorption happens between 40 and
drawbacks include very poor flexibility that makes it highly 70  days. The coating ensures smooth passage. Since the
demanding in suturing skills. Incorrect technique can cause coating is made of similar material, the risk of flaking is very
an excessive pull or tear on the tissues resulting in necrosis of low. Calcium stearate used in the coating is an absorbable
wound edges. Barbs at the end can cause glove punctures and organic lubricant. The shelf life of polyglactin is as high as
trauma to adjacent tissues. 5 years.
Stainless steel suture is used in sternal closure and in As the material became very popular and widely used,
orthopaedic procedures involving cartilage and tendon manufacturers began to bring out modified products pro-
repair. It is also sparingly used for abdominal wound closure viding specific benefits. One of them is a monofilament ver-
and hernia repair. sion which does not require a coating. Another one is an
‘antibacterial suture’ with embedded triclosan, which is
said to be very effective in preventing surgical site infec-
11.4.5  Synthetic Absorbable Sutures tions. Yet another useful modification is ‘rapidly absorbing
(Absorbed by Hydrolysis) polyglactin’ (Vicryl Rapide/Velosorb Fast). By treating the
coating with γ-radiation, it is made to lose strength by sec-
Till polyglycolic acid sutures were introduced in the 1970s, ond week and is fully absorbed by sixth week. This variant
all absorbable sutures were natural. The synthetic absorbable is widely used in oral surgery, where faster resorption is
sutures are all polymers based on glycolic acid, l-lactic acid, desired.
paradioxanone, trimethylene carbonate and e-caprolactone
[2]. They are sterilised either by ethylene oxide gas or by Polydioxanone (PDS, PDO)
gamma radiation. These polymers have definite advantages Polydioxanone was the first monofilament suture available
over chromic catgut in clinical use. They are much stronger, of large size (larger than 3–0). It is a polyester product and is
evoke minimal tissue reaction, stay longer before absorption synthesised through the ring opening of the monomer para-
and leave no reactive changes after they are resorbed. They dioxanone (1, 4-dioxan 2-one). As a monofilament suture, it
are absorbed typically by hydrolysis reaction which breaks has much less drag through the tissues than polyglactin or
the polymer chains. The hydrolysis end products are CO2, polyglycolic acid. Since it retains its tensile strength over a
H2O and the monomer. long span of time (80% strength at 2 weeks and 60% after
6 weeks), it is considered a better alternative to polyglactin P  olyglycolic Acid (Dexon, PolySyn, for suturing of fascia.
PGA) A modification called PDS II is chemically similar but is
Polyglycolic acid suture, introduced in the early 1970s, was annealed above melting temperature to soften the external
the first absorbable synthetic suture material. It is braided surface, imparting improved flexibility to the final product.
homopolymer of glycolic acid. The uncoated version is beige
in colour while the polycaprolate-coated product may be P oliglecaprone 25 (Monocryl/Biosyn/
undyed or dyed green, violet or bicoloured. When compared Petcryl Mono/Monoglyde)
to catgut, the tensile strength and knot security are excellent. Often seen as the monofilament alternative to polyglactin,
It retains 65% of its tensile strength after 2 weeks, by which poliglecaprone is a segmented block polymer consisting of
time catgut would have lost all its strength. 75% glycolide and 25% ε-caprolactone. It is available as an
The polylycolic acid soon became very popular but fell undyed or a violet dyed version. The key feature that differ-
out of favour later as better products were developed in due entiates poliglecaprone from other monofilament sutures is
course of time. the high level of pliability and handling properties. This is
224 R. Veeraraghavan

achieved through the formation of an interim soft polymer 11.5.1  Two-Handed Tie
chain ‘pre-polymer’ which is high in caprolactone. In the
ensuing stages of manufacturing, more glycolide is added to The two-handed tie is cumbersome and is not routinely used.
supplement hard segments to the pre-polymer. In this way, The suture is tied together by holding one tag in each hand
we get a final product with high tensile strength without and intertwining them.
compromising on the pliability.
The tensile strength of the undyed poliglecaprone suture
degrades to 50% in 1 week and 30% in the second week. The 11.5.2  One-Handed Tie
dyed version retains 70% strength after 1  week. Complete
absorption by hydrolysis happens in about 100 days. The one-handed tie is the most popular hand-tie method. It is
quicker and can be accomplished in a smaller space. One end Polyglyconate (Maxon) of the suture thread tag (‘the long end’) is held with thumb
This copolymer has a molar ratio of 64% glycolic acid and and forefinger of the dominant hand. The other side tag (‘the
36% trimethylene carbonate. It is an uncoated monofilament short end’) is placed a bit distal to the first tag, running in the
which may be undyed or dyed dark green. Polyglyconate has same direction. The middle finger is folded and is used to
good handling properties. But its main advantage is the guide the short end around the long end, and then the two
retention of tensile strength over a long time span. It retains tags are pulled away.
at least 50% of its strength 4 weeks after implantation, mak-
ing this an excellent choice in situations where long-term
retention is needed. The slow absorption makes it relatively 11.5.3  Instrument Tie
unsuitable for subcuticular sutures, since the dyed suture
may be visible under the surface. Instrument tie is the most popular technique for tying a
suture knot. The long end is wrapped around the needle Glycomer 631 (Biosyn) holder. Then the needle holder beaks are opened to grasp the
It is a synthetic absorbable coated monofilament polyester short end, which is then pulled to form a tie. One such tie is
suture. It is a tri-block copolymer and contains glycolide called a ‘throw’.
(60%), trimethylene carbonate (26%) and p-dioxanone
(14%). It may be undyed or dyed violet. It has high flexibil-
ity, low memory and minimal tissue reactivity. 11.6 Suture Knots
It passes through the tissues easily but has poor knot-­
holding capability. Degradation and absorption are similar to The suture thread tags are intertwined to form a knot. The
polyglactin. Full absorption is complete in around 100 days. knot should be firm and tight, and should not lie on the
wound/incision line. It is important that the knot stays tight Polyglytone 6211 (Caprosyn) and maintains strength during the healing phase. Knot slip-
Polyglytone 6211 is the only suture available with four dif- page or breakage before healing can be detrimental to the
ferent monomers in its core structure. It is a polyester copo- wound. In general, knot security is higher for braided and
lymer of glycolide, caprolactone, trimethylene carbonate and uncoated sutures because of higher friction coefficient.
lactide in the ratio 6:2:1:1. It is a monofilament, uncoated, The knots placed for the surgical suturing are of simple
absorbable suture which is undyed or dyed violet. design. Those employed commonly are the square knot, sur-
Polyglytone 6211 is a suture for the short-term approxi- geon’s knot and granny’s knot. These three variants are very
mation of tissues. Because of its quick disintegration, it similar to each other and differ from each other only in minor
offers an inert alternative to catgut that can evoke inflamma- aspects.
tory response. Its strength decreases to 50–60% at 5 days and
to 20–30% at 10 days post-implantation.
11.6.1  Square Knot/Reef Knot

11.5 Knot-Tying A square knot is among the simplest of the knot designs. It
involves a simple intertwining of the two threads. This ‘half-­
The suture knot-tying can be accomplished by using an hitch’ knot (one ‘throw’ around the instrument) need to be
instrument (usually the needle holder) or using hands. Three complemented with an additional similar throw to make it
main techniques are described. secure. Preferably the second hitch should be in the opposite
11  Wound Closure and Care in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 225

direction, i.e. if the first throw is in clockwise direction, the

second one should be in anticlockwise orientation. 8. When one side is deeper and the other more super-
The classical square knot formed by a clockwise and a ficial, the deeper side should be engaged first.
counterclockwise hitch can be further complimented by 9. The depth of needle penetration should be more
more similar hitches in alternatively changing directions. than the distance from wound edge to needle pen-
etration point. This will ensure eversion of wound
11.6.2  Surgeon’s Knot 10. The sutures should ensure proper tissue approxima-
tion of wound edges at the same time avoiding
A surgeon’s knot is a minor modification of the square knot excessive tension on the tissues. Excessive tissue
in which the initial intertwining is doubled. This is accom- tension can lead to blanching, tear and necrosis. In
plished by doubling the first throw, by doing two turns of the case the edges are not approximating passively, the
thread around the instrument. This is followed by a regular flaps may be undermined to achieve better mobili-
second throw in the opposite direction. sation so that a tension-free closure can be achieved.
11. The knot should lie on one side of the wound, and
not over the wound edges.
11.6.3  Granny’s Knot 12. The spacing between the individual sutures

depends on the type of tissue and the size of
In the granny’s knot, two initial throws are placed in the sutures. Generally placed 3–4  mm apart, they
same direction, followed by a third throw in the opposite should be closer together at areas of underlying
direction. muscular activity and when the sutures are smaller
in size.

Principles of Wound Suturing

Regardless of the specific technique, some basic prin-
11.7 S
 pecific Suturing techniques [3]
ciples are to be followed while performing a suturing
(Video 11.1)
procedure. It is to be remembered that these are only
general principles, and can be modified or rejected in
There are quite a large number of techniques available to
specific situations depending on the clinical context.
stitch a wound. Only the commonly used methods are
1. The suture needle is to be held with the needle
holder about ¾th of the distance from the needle
tip. Factors to Be Considered on Specific Material and
2. The selected suture size should be the smallest Technique
possible which will hold the wound edges securely. 1 . Type of tissue,
3. The needle tip should enter the tissue perpendicu- 2. Type of wound,
lar to the tissue surface. 3. Time available,
4. The needle penetrations should be at equal dis- 4. Aesthetic requirements,
tances from the wound edge on both sides of the 5. Functional needs,
wound. The actual distance depends on the suture/ 6. Likely tension on the wounds.
needle size but is generally agreed to be 2–3 mm. 7. Expected time for tissue healing.
5. The passage of the needle through the tissues
should follow the curvature of the needle.
6. When one side of the wound is fixed to the under-
lying tissues, one should first engage the mobile 11.7.1  Simple Interrupted Suture
wound edge.
7. When one side of the wound is thicker than the A simple interrupted suture (‘simple loop’) is the most com-
other, the thinner wound edge should be engaged mon method to suture a wound. This is the simplest design
first. of wound closure. The suture passes once through each side
of the wound in a simple loop and is then tied in a knot
226 R. Veeraraghavan

above the surface. Multiple such ties are made over the techniques, the interrupted method is more time-consuming
length of the wound, resulting in several independent sutures as it requires many more knots need to be tied.
collectively securing the tissue edges together. The same
technique is frequently employed for internal suturing of
tissue layers also [4]. 11.7.2  Simple Buried Suture
The needle penetrates the surface 2–3 mms away from the
wound edge on one side and proceeds into the subcutaneous The buried suture is a modification of the simple interrupted
tissue. The curve of the needle is then used to pass it through suture and is reserved for stitching the inner (deeper) tissue
to the subcutaneous tissue on the opposite side. The needle layers. The only difference is that the knot ends up in the tis-
then exits through the surface. The initial and final tags, now sues deeper to the suture loop, i.e. away from the surface. In
outside of the tissues, are then tied in a knot. The configura- essence, this is a simple interrupted suture in the reverse
tion inside the tissue is thus in the form of a loop. If the orientation.
wound sides are of unequal depth, then the needle should The wound edge is first reflected using fine forceps or
travel deeper in the lower side while staying superficial on hooks. The needle is then inserted into the underside of the
the higher side. This will help to correct the depth disparity dermis on one side. The needle then proceeds along its cur-
and ensure proper surface levelling. vature to exit in the wound edge more superficial to the initial
This technique is easy to learn and employ. This suture bite. The needle then pierces the dermis wound edge (near
provides good tensile strength and carries minimal risk of the surface) on the opposite side, proceeds in a path mirror-
wound oedema or impaired circulation. Several adjust- ing its motion in the first side and comes out at a deeper point
ments to the design are possible with this method depend- which corresponds to the first bite. Though the tie is done
ing on the wound characteristics. Since there is a series of outside, the knot gets buried deep inside the tissues as it is
multiple sutures, even if one suture fails, the others may tightened (Fig. 11.5).
provide sufficient strength to keep the wound edges together This technique is extremely useful in suturing the inner
(Fig. 11.4). tissue layers before the surface closure. As the knot is buried
The major drawback of this method of suturing is the high deep, it does not interfere with the closure of superficial lay-
possibility of ‘rail-road track’ shaped scars caused due to the ers. This aspect is extremely useful while closing cutaneous
ingrowth of epithelium into the suture tracks. There is also a facial wounds.
tendency to cause ‘wound inversion’ (depression of the Two major drawbacks have been observed with this
­surface at the wound site) due to tissue contracture during suture. One is a skin dimpling which typically happens if the
healing. The inversion can be prevented by making the suture suture arc inadvertently involves the epidermis. Another
configuration ‘flask-shaped’ inside the tissues, by making problem is the tendency for wound inversion to occur. Small
the needle travel farther laterally away from the wound modifications such a set-back dermal buried suture or a verti-
within the tissues. When compared to continuous suturing cal mattress buried suture can be employed to overcome this

Fig. 11.4  Simple interrupted

suture technique

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11  Wound Closure and Care in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 227

Fig. 11.5  Buried suture

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Fig. 11.6  Vertical mattress


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

problem. These modifications attempt to pass the bridging another superficial and nearer to the wound edge. Thus, both
suture segments to be deeper, thus resulting in wound tags of the thread are now on one side of the wound. They are
eversion. tied together gently (Fig. 11.6).
The primary advantage of this suture is the resultant
wound eversion. This eversion is expected to compensate for
11.7.3  Vertical Mattress Suture the anticipated contracture occurring along the wound mar-
gin. As the suture is bridging the wound twice, the binding
The vertical mattress suture is in part similar to simple inter- strength is more. Elimination of dead space is another
rupted sutures but includes an additional suture bridge close obvious advantage. The suture thread does not pass the
to the wound edge. Also known as Donati Suture, or ‘far-far, wound edge on the surface, minimising the chance of track
near-near’ suture, this is the most frequently used suturing marks.
technique to obtain wound eversion [5]. This suture design is On the flip side, fine wound edge approximation is almost
very popular in abdominal and limb surgeries. never achieved with this suture. Excessive tightening could
The needle is first penetrated far from the wound edge lead to over-constriction and sometimes exposure of the raw
(about 6 mm), and then proceeds through the deeper tissue to area. This may necessitate placement of additional inter-
the opposite side and emerges out at an equal distance from rupted sutures for better results.
the edge. The needle is then reinserted at a point closer The vertical mattress concept can be used in a buried
(2–3 mm) to the wound edge on the second side itself. It is suture situation also by ensuring that the more superficial
then rotated superficially through the tissues and is exited on suture thread passed back to the first side in a path parallel to
the other side at a corresponding near point. This results in a the first, deeper suture bridge. This will result in a better
double bridging of the wound, one deep in the tissues and wound eversion.
228 R. Veeraraghavan

11.7.4  Simple Continuous Suture the same across all loops, the areas of the wound with greater
tension, usually the central part, may tend to gape.
Simple continuous suture (‘running loop’, ‘standard running
suture’) is a good method for rapid closure of small wounds.
It gives an even distribution of tension all along the wound 11.7.5  Locking Continuous Suture
span. It combines many benefits of the simple interrupted
sutures with the additional advantage of a quicker finish. This is a variation of the simple continuous suture technique
The technique is very simple. The first part follows the used for surface wounds. Each loop of the continuous suture
same process as a simple interrupted suture. The first knot is ‘locked’ on itself before making the next loop. This is the
becomes the anchoring knot for the ensuing running line. most popular continuous suturing technique especially for
The tags are not cut and the longer tag (with the needle) is closing wounds over long spans. As with other superficial
used for making the remaining loops. The needle is inserted continuous sutures, this method is frequently used as a sur-
back into the tissues a few millimetres away from the first face layer after the internal tissue layers have been closed.
piercing. Then the needle (followed by the thread) passes Similar to the simple continuous technique, the first loop
through the tissues in a path parallel to the first loop. Once it is passed and the knot tied. After the second loop has gone
comes out of the second loop, it is not tied. Instead, the loop through the tissues and exited, the suture is not immediately
is tightened and the thread crosses over obliquely across the tightened. The needle and the leading thread it is made to
wound and enters the tissue surface again, a few millimetres pass through the earlier loop. After making this ‘lock’, the
away from the second piercing. This process continues over suture is tightened and is then passed into the tissues for the
and over until one reaches the other end of the wound. As the third loop. The assistant should maintain this tension until
last loop goes through the tissues, the thread is only partially the next loop is passed. This process is repeated for the entire
pulled through, leaving some loose thread on the opposite line of succeeding loops (Fig. 11.8).
side. The suture is then tied to this loose thread for the final The locking helps to align the tissues in a proper anatomic
knot. Thus, the suture material runs across the wound in orientation perpendicular to the wound. There is an added
repetitive loops, and there are only two knots—one at either haemostatic effect due to the tension on tissues. Uniform
end (Fig. 11.7). degree of tension is maintained across all the loops. At the
The obvious advantages of this technique are the quick- same time, the running locks partially detach the tension on
ness of suture placement and the ease of avoiding many the individual loops from one another. Thus, to an extent,
knots. Also, if the tissue wells up in one site, the remaining individual control of tension depending on the site can be
part of the suture can provide some compensatory slack. obtained.
The principal drawback is that the integrity of the entire This technique inherits the main disadvantage of the sim-
suture line is vested in just two knots. Any breakage to the ple continuous sutures of being dependent on only two knots,
suture at any point leads to the entire line getting untied. and the risk of complete loss of suture integrity in case of
Since the loops are in continuous succession, fine-tuning of breakage at any point. The locks, if they are too tight, may
design for each loop is not possible. Also, since the tension is cause vascular compromise of underlying tissues.

Fig. 11.7  Simple continuous


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11  Wound Closure and Care in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 229

Fig. 11.8 Locking
continuous suture

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Fig. 11.9  Subcuticular suture

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11.7.6  Subcuticular Suture pierce the far end apex and to come out in the surface. This
last step is a mirror image of the initial steps. Then each of
This is a mostly buried, continuous, epidermal wound clo- the suture tags on both sides is tied separately on to itself.
sure which is used for surface closure. The suture ends exit a Alternatively, the tags may be secured with adhesive strips,
few mms away from the wound corner. The subcuticular surgical tape or tissue glue (Figs. 11.9 and 11.10).
suture is employed only after the deeper structures and der- The biggest advantage of this technique is the much
mis have been secured well with absorbable sutures. It is decreased risk of scars. The close approximation achieved in
popular as an aesthetic suture for face [6]. the dermis region makes the need for a further surface
The suture may be absorbable or non-absorbable, and is ­suturing unnecessary. The tension is aligned centrally across
usually thin (size 5–0 or 6–0). The needle insertion is at one the wound and is evenly distributed all along the length of
end of the wound, 2–5 mm away from the apex. It is passed the suture. Also, this technique is highly suitable in cases
along the curve into the wound, where it exits in the interior, where the suture material is required to stay in place for a
close to the apex. Then the needle is inserted again into the long period of time.
dermis on any one side of the wound edge walls. Thereafter, On the negative side, the subcuticular suture takes longer
it passes horizontally parallel to the surface, and following time to perform. Leaving a large quantity of foreign material
the needle curve to come out into the wound interior a small in situ can increase the risk of foreign body reaction and
distance away. The same step is then repeated on the other infection. If non-absorbable material is used, there is a minor
side of the wound. This process is repeated till one reaches risk of long and thin suture track following removal. If
the other end of the wound, wherein the needle is made to absorbable material is used, an undyed suture should be cho-
230 R. Veeraraghavan

sen to prevent cutaneous visibility. Incorrect technique can At first, the wound edges of the defect need to be fresh-
leave small segments of exposed raw area, which need to be ened and underlined. The needle and thread is passed along
addressed with additional surface sutures. the edge of the defect in a course running parallel to the
wound edge. Thereafter, it continues in a series of loops run-
ning along the edge of the surface wound along its entire
11.7.7  Purse-String Suture circumference. As the thread completes the full distance and
reaches near the initial needle entry, it is pulled taut, leading
This is essentially a modification of the simple continuous to complete or partial closure of the wound. Then the tags are
suture, and is designed to reduce the size of a two-dimen- tied together.
sional surface defect. It is not a cosmetically superior tech-
nique and is rarely used in the face. The purse-string effect
causes a puckering in the surrounding skin tissue. But this is 11.7.8  Three-Point Suture
an effective method to reduce wound area. It may also be
used to achieve haemostasis. Also known as ‘tip stitch’ or ‘half-buried horizontal mattress
suture’, this technique is used for managing a situation where
three ends of the tissue have to be sutured together. In maxil-
lofacial surgery, this situation is encountered while repairing
V-shaped lacerations and while closing flaps with sharp cor-
ners (such as the triangular flap at the vermilion border for
cleft lip repair)
This suture is placed only after the flaps are brought into
position using buried dermal sutures. The surface suture
thread is used, that is, 6–0 for face and 3–0 for scalp. The
needle is first inserted into one side of the non-flap side of the
wound. It follows the needle curve to exit in the inner aspect
of the wound. The next tissue insertion is into the superficial
dermis of the flap tip. Then the needle passes horizontally
and comes out through the dermis on the other side of the
flap tip. After releasing from the flap tip, it re-enters the der-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India mis of the non-flap side on the other side and comes out
through the skin at a point corresponding to the initial entry.
Fig. 11.10  Subcuticular suture at the subciliary incision site and at the
pre-existing lateral orbital laceration in a case of zygomatic complex
The tags are then knotted together (Figs. 11.11 and 11.12).
fracture fixation

Fig. 11.11 Three-point
suture technique

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Fig. 11.12  A laceration that needs three-point suturing
Fig. 11.14  Drain anchoring suture

11.7.10  Drain Anchoring Suture

Different types of drains are used in surgery, such as corru-

gated rubber drain, the suction drain, intercostal drain, etc.
After the drain has been inserted, it needs to be securely
fixed to the body to prevent displacement.
The most common means to secure drains is the Roman
Garter method, which uses silk sutures. A strong bite is first
taken on the skin near the drain entry site. After making a
knot, the two suture tags go around the drain tube in a series
of windings. A knot may be tied after each 2 or 3 turns around
the tube. The large number of windings around the tube
increases the friction, holding the tube in position without
dislodgement (Fig. 11.14).
Other techniques which have been described include the
use of nylon suture, safety pin, drain clip, adhesives and
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 11.13  Frost suture

11.8 Dentoalveolar Suturing

11.7.9  Frost Suture
The tissues and the surgical environment in the dentoalveolar
The Frost suture is a temporary eyelid suspension suture, region are different from other parts of the body.
used to ensure proper lower eyelid placement during the Consequently, the wound closure requirements also differ.
post-operative period [7]. Wound closure in dentoalveolar surgery involves suturing in
After the closure of the lower eyelid incision, a needle situations such as
bite is taken on the tarsal plate or just inferior to it. Then a
second bite is taken just above the eyebrow, ensuring the 1. Suturing of buccal and/or lingual flaps back to its place
anatomic position and alignment of the lower lid. These tags after dentoalveolar surgery around teeth or implant
are then tied or secured with tapes or tissue glue (Fig. 11.13). accessories.
These sutures may be removed on third post-operative 2. Wound closure after tooth extraction.
day, but need to be kept longer if there has been significant 3. Flap closure in edentulous ridge.
trauma to the tissues.
232 R. Veeraraghavan

In most cases, the needle passage is through keratinised gual flap. As it pierces the lingual flap and emerges through
mucosa with little or no subcutaneous tissue, obviating the the mucosa, the needle is turned back and is taken back via
need for multilayered closure. The presence of teeth or artifi- the interdental region to the buccal side. The two suture tags
cial crown on one side of the flap forces the surgeon to inno- are then tied together. Thus, the knot remains on the buccal
vate on the basic suture design. Another difference is when side and is accessible for removal.
the extraction wound is closed—the wound is usually closed If only one flap (usually buccal) has been raised, the nee-
only at the edges and is largely left open in the middle. Also, dle can still pass through the attached lingual flap and the
the suture site will have to endure itself in a challenging envi- suture design stays the same. In post-extraction wounds also,
ronment with the presence of saliva, food materials and a the procedure is the same, and the tooth socket space is not
very dynamic milieu where tongue movements and mastica- totally closed.
tory forces abound [8].
If marginal gingiva is not involved in the flap (as in a
semilunar flap), the wound closure models are usually not 11.8.2  Interrupted Reversing Suture
different from the general cutaneous designs which were dis-
cussed in the previous section. In this modified interrupted suture, the direction of the nee-
dle is reversed for engaging the lingual papilla. Once it
passes through the buccal papilla and reaches the lingual
11.8.1  Simple Interrupted Suture (Interdental side, the needle orientation is reversed and it is made to enter
Suture) the lingual papilla from outside (lingual side). The needle
exits the flap on the inside, passed across to the buccal side
As in any case of wound closure, the simple interrupted and is then tied. Thus, both the papillae are engaged in an
suture is the mainstay in closing dentoalveolar flaps [9]. In ‘outside-to-inside’ orientation, ending in a figure-of-eight
general, it involves suturing the detached interdental papillae formation in the vertical plane (Fig. 11.15).
together. The needle passes from the buccal aspect of the This technique is especially useful in cases where both
buccal flap, emerges on the inside of the flap and then passes buccal and lingual flaps are raised during surgery, such as in
between the tooth roots to enter the inner aspect of the lin- periodontal surgeries.

a b

c d

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Fig. 11.15  Interrupted reversing interdental suture

11  Wound Closure and Care in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 233

11.8.3  Vertical Mattress Suture 11.8.5  Horizontal Mattress Modification:

Dental Anchor Suture
Vertical mattress technique in dentoalveolar surgery is a
modification of the papilla-attaching simple interrupted In this modification, the suture does not pass through the lin-
­technique. After the initial passage of the needle through the gual soft tissues. After passing through the buccal papilla,
buccal and lingual papillae, the needle is turned back and the suture passes through the interdental region into the lin-
picks a small bite at the tip of the lingual papilla before pass- gual side. Without engaging the lingual papilla, it goes
ing back to the buccal side. Then it again pierces the tip of around the tooth and comes back to the buccal side via the
buccal papilla before knot-tying. interdental space on the other side. Then it engages the buc-
While this technique helps in pressing the papilla into cal papilla before being tied. In this way, it secures the papilla
the interdental space, it is not a popular technique because to the bone using the tooth as its ‘anchor’.
of the difficulty in getting a solid bite at the papilla tip with- This technique can also be used in a reversing fashion,
out ‘cutting through’. Obviously, one needs to use an atrau- where only the papilla on the lingual side is engaged and the
matic needle with a small thread (4–0 or smaller) for this buccal side papillae are not pierced.

11.8.6  Horizontal Mattress Modification:

11.8.4  Horizontal Mattress Suture Mattress Sling Suture

This is a two-dimensional suturing technique where the This technique attempts to combine the benefits of vertical
suture thread is spread in a horizontal fashion in the tissues. mattress suture with those of horizontal mattress suture. The
It is not very popular for general cutaneous suturing but is basic technique goes similar to the horizontal mattress but
especially useful in dentoalveolar surgery. the final tag re-enters the buccal papilla at the tip and tra-
When closing flaps in edentulous areas, the needle first verses a reverse path around the tooth to exit near the initial
passes through both flaps. Then it is reinserted into the flap entry. In this way, it ensures the engagement of both buccal
on the same side, a little distance away from the earlier exit papillae in a vertical mattress fashion.
point. The reinserted needle now passes through both flaps
and emerges out a similar distance away from the initial
entry point. Both the thread tags, now on the same side, are 11.8.7  Horizontal Mattress Modification:
tied together (Fig. 11.16). Figure-of-Eight Suture (Cruciate
In dentulous areas, this technique sutures two adjacent Mattress Suture/Cross Suture)
papillae together, eventually tying four papillae segments
around a tooth in a horizontal square fashion. To close extrac- The figure-of-eight suture is the most popular modification
tion wounds, only the papillae are approximated and the of the horizontal mattress technique. This is used mostly in
tooth socket space is not closed completely. closure of extraction wounds, and never in the presence of
The advantage of this technique is that a single horizontal teeth at the wound site.
mattress suture serves like two separate interrupted sutures, The needle first penetrates the buccal papilla on one side
thus helping to reduce the number of sutures. It compresses and then the lingual papilla. Then the thread crosses across
the wound from four corners and helps in haemostasis. It the edentulous site, and the needle is reversed in orientation
also results in some degree of wound eversion. to pierce the buccal papilla of the other side from outside

Fig. 11.16 Horizontal
mattress suture (extraction

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234 R. Veeraraghavan

Fig. 11.17 Figure-of-eight

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

(buccal side) to pass through the lingual papilla and exit on

lingual side. Then the thread passes across the site to be tied
with the initial tag. The suture thus ends with the appearance
of suture material crossing the wound site in a ‘cross’ shape
(Fig. 11.17).
Many surgeons consider the figure-of-eight suture to be
the most comprehensive way to suture a single tooth extrac-
tion site. This method ensures an even tension on the tis-
sues from four corners, effectively constricting the wound.
There is a positive effect on haemostasis also, due to the
tension on the flap and due to its presence a mechanical
barrier to clot loss.

11.8.8  Simple Continuous Suture

The continuous sutures are almost exclusively used for eden-

tulous situations including post-extraction closure. After ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
making a conventional interrupted suture knot, the longer tag
is not cut and is instead used to make a series of ‘running Fig. 11.18  Continuous locking suture (dentoalveolar)
loops’ approximating the succeeding pair of papillae one
after the other. Gentle tension must be maintained on the untying, cutting through or loosening), the entire suture line
thread to keep the loops tight while the needle passes through gets loosened.
the next tissue. Knots are not tied for each loop but is done
only at the other end of the long wound. Some surgeons pre-
fer to tie a knot after 3 or 4 running loops. In the end, the part 11.8.9  Continuous Locking Suture
of the suture passing through the inner tissues are perpen-
dicular to the wound, and the superficial, exposed parts lie The continuous locking suture is a continuous suture in
across the wound in an oblique fashion. which a ‘lock’ is incorporated by passing the thread under
The continuous sutures save time and effort while closing the previous loop before it is pulled through the tissue. It is
wounds of long span. It also ensures an even distribution of important to keep maintaining the tension on the previous
tension across the wound. The obvious disadvantage is the loops as the needle makes the next pass through the tissue
fact that if one loop or part of the suture is compromised (by (Fig. 11.18).
11  Wound Closure and Care in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 235

This technique ensures a better orientation of the sutures

with respect to the wound. The superficial, exposed parts of
the suture are oriented perpendicular to the wound, leading
to better anatomic wound approximation.

11.9 Suture Removal

Non-absorbable sutures on skin and mucosa should be

removed after the wound surface has achieved initial stabil-
ity. The timing of suture removal is very important. They
should remain in tissue long enough to prevent dehiscence
and scar spread. On the other hand, early removal reduces
tissue reaction and suture marks.
Sutures on facial skin and in oral cavity are usually
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
removed in 5–7 days. The recommended interval is 3–5 days
for eyelids, 7 days for neck and 7–10 days for scalp. Those Fig. 11.19  Stapled scalp incision in a coronal approach
on trunk and limbs should remain in place for 10–14 days.
The suture line is cleansed with antiseptic. The knot is
grasped and is pulled away mildly from the surface and to In maxillofacial surgery, staples are frequently used to
one side of the wound. An uncontaminated segment of the close scalp wounds and neck incisions, following the closure
thread is exposed on the other side by this pull. The thread is of internal layers with conventional sutures. Staples are also
cut at this segment near to the surface. Then the suture is popular in reconstructive surgery to secure skin grafts and to
pulled out, making sure that no contaminated (exposed) part close the flap donor sites. They are not generally used to
is ragged through the tissues. close facial wounds, since there is a tendency to produce
In the case of a continuous suture, every single loop ‘rail-road track’ scars. Skin staples are removed after 7-10
should be cut and pulled out separately. A subcuticular suture days with a specialized staple remover device.
is removed by cutting the knot off at any one end, and then
pulling the suture out gently from the other end. It is impor-
tant to make sure that the suture does not break within the 11.10.2  Tapes
Different types of surgical adhesive tapes are used to effect
wound closure, to reduce tension on sutured wounds and to
11.10 Other Wound Closure Methods reinforce wound site after suture removal.
The indications of this method for wound closure per se
11.10.1  Staples are limited. Tapes can be used to close superficial lacerations
where tissue tension is minimal. They are also employed in
The use of specialised staples for wound closure was pop- the closure of superficial layer after buried dermal sutures
ularized in 1900s by the Hungarian surgeon Hümér Hültl, have been employed for wound edge approximation and ten-
known as the ‘father of surgical stapling’. Compared to sion reduction. A major indication is its use an additional
suturing, surgical stapling is a quicker method to close the reinforcement and protection over sutured wounds. The
skin in large wounds, and the inflammatory response is advantages of using tapes for wound closure are.
relatively less. Staples provide good wound edge eversion
without strangulation of the tissue. It is an excellent (a) They are rapid and easy to perform.
method to employ in cases which require quick wound (b) The tape application is painless (patient anxiety
closure and where aesthesis is not a major concern [10] and discomfort are minimal).
(Fig. 11.19). (c) Residual suture track scars are avoided.
Though titanium staples were initially used, almost all of (d) There is no need for a review visit to remove the
the contemporary hardware is stainless steel. However, tita- tape.
nium retains the advantages of being biocompatible and (e) Tapes, being non-invasive, are less prone to infec-
MRI-compatible. Bioresorbable staples, based on polygly- tion than other methods.
colic acid, are also available. The stapler devise itself may be (f) They are suitable for thin, fragile skin of the
of stainless steel (reusable) or plastic (disposable), into elderly and infants.
which the disposable staple cartridges can be loaded.
236 R. Veeraraghavan

On the other hand, there are significant limitations to the cross mucocutaneous borders are not considered suitable for
use of tapes to close wounds. The most obvious contraindi- a closure using adhesives.
cation is an area under significant tension. Tapes are difficult The procedure for using the tissue adhesives for surface
to apply on to highly convex surfaces, irregular wounds and closure involves thorough cleaning and haemostasis. Though
in areas of tissue laxity. They do not attach well to wet sur- moisture is a prerequisite for adhesion, the presence of
faces (e.g. oral mucosa). They may get detached easily in excessive water or blood at the site is detrimental to a good
hairy areas and those which tend to sweat. result. The surface is dried before applying the adhesive in at
These tapes are typically made of synthetic reinforced least three to four thin layers along the length of the wound’s
material with a hypoallergenic adhesive and are made porous surface. It is advisable to extend it approximately 5–10 mm
to make them ‘breathable’ for skin. Some products are made from each side of the wound. The edges of the wound are
elastic to account for oedema tension while some have incor- held together for at least 1 minute as the adhesive dries.
porated antibiotic to reduce the incidence of surgical site The main advantages of tissue adhesives over other
infection. Modifications of tape-based wound closure include wound closure methods are the rapidity and painless applica-
incorporation of a zip-lock mechanism and a clip attach- tion [13]. In addition, the suture track scars are avoided, lead-
ment, both techniques designed to pull the wound edges ing to a much better cosmetic result. The risk of suture site
together for better approximation. infection is also found to be less. The material sloughs off in
5–10 days, as the skin sheds.
The obvious disadvantage is that it cannot be used in
11.10.3  Adhesives areas of tension. Additionally, there is a minor risk of toxic-
ity and foreign body reactions. If the clinician’s gloved fin-
The use of tissue adhesives is an efficient way to close gers, gauze or plastic instruments contact the tissue adhesive
wounds in select cases. Just like surgical tapes, tissue adhe- during application, these materials may adhere to the
sives can be used to approximate wounds that do not require patient’s skin.
deep-layer closure and do not have significant tension on the
edges [11].
All currently available tissue adhesives are chemically 11.11 Conclusion
cyanoacrylates (esters of cyanoacrylic acid). These com-
pounds were discovered by Ardis in 1949 and were first Wound care primarily involves measures to ensure that the
used in surgery by Coover in 1959. These are chemically wound heals quickly without going through adverse situa-
similar to methacrylates, the only difference being the tions such as infections. Along with mechanical debride-
methyl (CH3) group substituted with cyano/nitrile (CN) ment, antibiotic medication and dressings, the various wound
group. The water present on the skin or mucosal surface closure methods form the foundation of wound care prac-
activates the acryl groups in the resin to rapidly polymer- tices. Depending on the patient needs and the wound types,
ise and form long, strong chains. Three types of tissue one should choose from a wide variety of materials and tech-
adhesives are currently available for clinical use—2-octyl niques to implement effective wound closure.
cyanoacrylate, N-butyl-2-­ cyanoacrylate and isoamyl
2-cyanoacrylate. The adhesion involves two mecha-
nisms—mechanical interlocking into the surface irregu- References
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(frost) suture: experience and applications. Dermatol Surg. 2015 ture review). https://www.rsu.lv/en/scientific-papers/fibrin-sealant-
Mar;41(3):406–10. maxillofacial-surgery-literature-review. 2015.
8. Koshak HH.  Dental suturing materials and techniques. Glob J 12. Kaderi MA, Menaka KB, Metgud RM, Gharat MR, Naik PS,

Otolaryngol. 2017;12(2):1–11. GJO.MS.ID.555833 Ajmani JM, et  al. In-vitro evaluation of antibacterial potential of
9. Griffin TJ, Hur Y, Bu J. Basic suture techniques for oral mucosa. cyanoacrylate tissue for intra-oral wound closure. J Dent Mater
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Sept 2011;77(9):1206–21. study. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2019 Jan;47(1):93–98.

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Postoperative Care of the Maxillofacial
Surgery Patient 12
J. Naveen Kumar and Poornima Ravi

Postoperative care of the patient encompasses the time • Space infections compressing on the airway, e.g. Ludwig’s
from the completion of the surgical procedure to the com- angina.
plete return of the patient to the normal physiological • Severe facial trauma where there is likelihood of blood
state. This is divided into three phases. Phase I is early ooze, edema, or tongue fall back.
recovery and takes place in the postanesthesia care unit • Prolonged surgery, e.g. Free flap reconstructions.
(PACU). Phase II is intermediate recovery, and takes place
in the ward. Phase III is late recovery that occurs after In other cases, the patient may be extubated on the table.
discharge. Awake extubation is usually preferred for head and neck sur-
gery. The patient may be extubated when the following crite-
ria are met [1]:
12.1 A
 ssessment of the Patient After
Surgery • No bleed from surgical site or secretion in the
12.1.1 Assessment of the Patient Immediately • Patient is able to follow verbal commands.
After Surgery • Patient is able to sustain head lift for at least 5 seconds.
• Patient is breathing on his own, with respiratory rate less
Postoperative care of the patient begins immediately after than 24/min, tidal volume greater than 5  ml/kg, and
the surgical procedure has been completed, even before the Spo2 > 90%.
anesthesia is reversed. The first step is clearing the airway of
blood and debris. Maxillomandibular fixation and occlusal Once the extubation is done, an oropharyngeal airway can
splints, if placed earlier need to removed [1]. The next step is be inserted to prevent clenching of teeth and the tongue from
the removal of the throat pack. falling back, which can cause obstruction. Alternatively, a
nasopharyngeal airway can be used in case the surgeon Care of the Airway deems oral cavity unfit for manipulation using the former.
The decision to extubate or not must be made in conjunction This must remain in place until the patient is conscious and
with the anesthetist. Cases in which there is a high risk of obeys commands.
airway edema will require the ET tube to be retained [1]. Some patients, such as those who have undergone exten-
These include: sive face and neck resection, may have required a tracheos-
tomy prior to surgery. The tube must be secured after surgery
by taping the stay sutures to the neck or chest. Tracheostomy
care in the postoperative period is critical; a blocked or dis-
lodged tube can have disastrous consequences [2].
J. N. Kumar (*)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sri Ramachandra Institute of 1 . The tube must be checked at frequent intervals.
Higher Education and Research, Chennai, India 2. The tube stoma must be covered with a humidifying bib,
e-mail: naveenkumarj@sriramachandra.edu.in or a moist gauze.
P. Ravi
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SRM Dental
College, Ramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 239

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_12
240 J. N. Kumar and P. Ravi

3. The tube must be suctioned regularly to prevent clogging proper monitoring. The following parameters must be moni-
due to secretions. The suction catheter must be inserted to tored continuously:
half of its length, which will correspond to the carina
(Patients usually cough when this point is reached). • Oxygen Saturation: Hypoxia can occur in the postopera-
­Suction is then applied while simultaneously withdraw- tive period and the patient must be kept on oxygen for
ing the catheter. 1–2 h (2–6 L/min) to prevent this. Oxygen may be deliv-
4. To break up secretions, small quantities of sterile water ered using a face mask or through nasal prongs.
can be syringed in and suctioned immediately. • Pulse, blood pressure: Increase in these parameters may
indicate pain. Serious complications (Infarction,
Malignant hyperthermia) may produce a drastic change in Need for Ventilation in the PACU these parameters and must be recognized.
In some instances, ventilation may be required even after • ECG waveform: To monitor cardiac status.
anesthetic recovery. Some examples include: • Postanesthesia tremors/shivering: This can occur on the
table during recovery from anesthesia. It can occur if the
1 . Patients who have history of COPD. patient is hypothermic, and is commonly associated with
2. Severe trauma or infection. the use of halogenated anesthetics. Management consists
of rewarming the patient. Tramadol and meperidine may
While monitoring the patient who is on a ventilator, it is be used to stop uncontrollable shivering [4].
important to be aware of the various modes that the ventila-
tor operates on [3]. These have been summarized in The suction apparatus must be kept handy to evacuate blood
Table 12.1. Patients who have been on the ventilator for long ooze or secretions that may hamper the airway. It is advisable to
periods of time need to be weaned off slowly. OMF surgeons avoid Maxillomandibular fixation (MMF) in the immediate
frequently come across such patients in neurosurgical ward postoperative period; if required, this may be done after 24 h.
having concomitant traumatic brain injuries and craniomax- Detailed surgical notes must also be recorded, along with
illofacial fractures. This may be done by setting the ventila- the number and type of implants that were used. Postoperative
tor in CPAP mode (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). instructions must also be documented in detail. A list of
This allows the patient to breathe, with the ventilator taking notes to be completed by the surgeon before leaving the
over if the patient is unable to do so. operation theater complex is summarized in Table 12.2. Monitoring in the PACU Briefing the Patient and Family

Once the patient has been shifted to the recovery room, the Immediately after the surgery, the surgeon must interact with
cardiac monitor and pulse oximeter must be attached for the patient’s immediate caregivers, giving them the details of
the procedure, and any anticipated complications.
Table 12.1  Ventilator modes and settings Discharge from PACU to Ward
mode Type of setting Description/indications This is done when the patient has regained consciousness,
Volume Continuous Patients with respiratory muscle with adequate respiratory function and stable vitals.
control mandatory weakness or LV dysfunction Decisions can be made based on a standard scoring system,
ventilation (CMV) If patient breathes rapidly, may such as the Aldrete scoring system [5]. The scoring system
cause hyperinflation and
Synchronous which was originally proposed in 1970, underwent modifi-
respiratory alkalosis
intermittent cations in 1995 and 1999. The various factors considered
mandatory Patient breathes partially on their
ventilation (SIMV) own; meant for patients who
breathe rapidly on CMV
Mandatory breaths are Table 12.2 Checklist for completion before leaving the theater
synchronized with spontaneous complex
Pressure Pressure controlled Patients with neuromuscular Checklist to complete before leaving the OT
control ventilation (PCV) disease but normal lungs who can Surgical notes
control volume. Details of implants and hardware used
Pressure support Postoperative instructions to be followed by nursing staff
ventilation Used during weaning, patient Postoperative fluid management instructions
determines respiratory volume and Postoperative medication dose and schedule
frequency, but the ventilator Biopsy requisition form
provided continuous positive Requisition form for aspirates/swabs and others
airway pressure (CPAP) Investigation requisition form
12  Postoperative Care of the Maxillofacial Surgery Patient 241

Table 12.3  Subjective assessment of the patient Table 12.4  Objective assessment of patient
Subjective Objective parameters
parameters evaluated Assessment made evaluated Assessment made
Pain (use visual Whether the pain medication is adequate or Vital signs
analog scale- VAS/ whether it needs to be increased or Temperature Is postoperative fever present? If so, it must
faces scale) discontinued (see Sect. Pulse be worked up
Nausea/vomiting If the patient has experienced this, assess the Blood pressure (Sect.
need for antiemetics, and insertion of Respiratory rate Changes in pulse and blood pressure have
nasogastric tube to decompress the stomach. several causes (Sect.
(Sect. If abnormal, evaluate whether the patient has
Mobility The patient must be encouraged to sit up and respiratory distress (Sect.
walk by the first postoperative day. (Section Fluid input/output
IID) Is the input adequate? (Sect. 12.2.1)
Function- e.g. It is important to evaluate branches of the Is urinary output adequate? This helps assess
swallowing, speech, facial nerve and trigeminal nerve that may renal function(Sect.
nerve function have been at risk of damage during surgery Surgical site evaluation
Passing urine/stools/ Inability to pass urine may indicate The wound must be inspected, and assessed
flatulence inadequate fluid therapy, and may lead to for healing. (Sect. 12.3)
acute renal failure. (see Sect.
Inability to pass stools may be a sign of
paralytic ileus; may occur after iliac crest Table 12.5  Postoperative investigations
harvest Investigation Indications
Hemoglobin If there has been extensive blood loss during
surgery, to determine the need for blood
are patient activity, respiration, circulation, consciousness, transfusion.
O2 saturation, pain, surgical site bleeding, and nausea/vom- Serum electrolytes Suspicion of electrolyte imbalances (seizures,
iting. Patients scoring greater than 9 on this scale can be palpitations, muscle cramps)
moved to the ward for the next phase of care. Readers are WBC TC/DC Suspicion of spreading infection
Chest x-ray Suspicion of atelectasis/aspiration pneumonia
advised to refer the article for getting a detailed idea of the OPG/other facial To check the accuracy of reduction and status
scoring table. radiographs of plating.

12.1.2 Comprehensive Assessment 12.2 F

 ormulating a Plan of Care Based
of the Patient in the Ward on Assessment

This is done according to the SOAP format [6]. SOAP is an 12.2.1 Fluid Therapy in the Postoperative
acronym for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. In Period
Subjective evaluation, the patient must be asked if they have
any complaints. Specific complaints are recorded. In The patient is usually ‘nil per mouth’ for a few hours prior to
Objective evaluation, a thorough evaluation of the patient is surgery and after surgery. Apart from this, there is a loss of
done by the physician. This includes evaluation of the vital blood and body fluids in any surgery, which requires replace-
signs, fluid intake and output, as well as an assessment of the ment. It is therefore essential to infuse intravenous fluids
surgical site. Helpful information may be obtained from the during this period [7, 8]. This is done for two purposes.
TPR chart, input/output chart, and nurses’ notes. Based on
the subjective and objective evaluation, the patient’s current Replacement  Any fluid deficit that has occurred must be
status is assessed (Tables 12.3 and 12.4). This is used to for- replaced by infusion. This could have occurred during either
mulate a plan. of the following periods: Postoperative Investigations • Preoperative period: This could be due to

Sometimes investigations may be required in the postopera- –– NPO status.
tive period, either to check the health status of the patient or –– Blood or fluid losses that may have occurred due to
to confirm the diagnosis of certain complications. A list of trauma, burns, etc.
investigations that may be ordered and the indications for the • Intraoperative period: Surgical blood loss of greater than
same are summarized in Table 12.5. 500 ml or 7 ml/kg requires replacement.
242 J. N. Kumar and P. Ravi

Maintenance  This is to maintain the ongoing fluid require- S

 trategy for Estimating Fluid
ments, till the patient resumes oral intake of fluids. Requirement
Maintenance fluids are essential to maintain proper pH and
electrolyte balance and for adequate organ perfusion. 1. The input-output chart must be verified before determin-
ing the fluid requirement. This will help to estimate fluid
excess (positive balance), or deficits (negative balance) Types of Fluids Used and plan requirements.
There are three types of fluids than can be used—crystal- 2. Calculate the Estimated Fluid Requirement (EFR) for
loids, colloids, blood and blood products. The preference of each hour:
one type of fluid over another has several controversies, and This is done using Holliday and Segar’s formula (The
there are no clear-cut guidelines available [9]. A few indica- 4-2-1 rule) [10].
tions for each fluid type are given below. • First 10 kg: 4 cc/kg.
• Next 10 kg: 2 cc/kg.
Crystalloids • Above 20 kg: 1 cc/kg.
Crystalloids are balanced salt solutions with or without the E.g. a 60 kg adult will require (4 × 10) + (2 × 10) + (1 × 
addition of a buffering agent. When infused into the blood- 40) = 40 + 20 + 40 = 100 ml/h.
stream, crystalloids tend to leave the capillaries and enter the 3. Calculate the total Estimated Fluid Deficit: This depends
extravascular fluid compartment. Crystalloid infusion will on the number of hours from the last oral intake to the
increase fluid in the extravascular tissues and does little to next oral intake. For example, if the patient has not had
expand the circulating blood volume. In maxillofacial sur- oral intake for 12 h:
gery, crystalloids are favored as maintenance fluids during EFD = EFR × no. of NPO hours = 100 × 12 = 1200 ml.
the postoperative period. 4. Estimate the surgical blood loss. If crystalloids are used
to replace this blood loss, for a particular volume of
Colloids blood, three times the volume of crystalloids are used for
Colloids are protein-containing solutions. Since these pro- replacement. If colloids are used, the same volume is
teins have a large molecular size, under ordinary circum- sufficient.
stances, these are prevented from crossing the capillary 5. Estimate the amount of fluids that have already been
endothelial cells and going into the extravascular space. infused during anesthesia.
Therefore, they tend to expand vascular volume alone. 6. Total postsurgical fluid requirement:
Colloids are mostly used in the intraoperative period if there EFD+(blood loss × 3)−fluids replaced during surgery.
has been significant blood loss and the plasma volume needs In the above scenario, if 300 ml of blood was lost, and one
to be expanded. It is not common to use colloids in the post- liter of fluid was infused during surgery, then:
operative setting.
Commonly used iv fluids are listed in Table 12.6. Total postsurgical fluid requirement:
1200+ (300 × 3)−1000 = 1200 + 900−1000 = 1100 ml.

Table 12.6  Commonly used postoperative IV fluids

Composition (in Liberal Versus Restrictive Fluid Therapy
IV Fluid meq/l) Indications Risks In recent years, the above method of estimating fluid require-
ments has been criticized, as it tends to overestimate the
Lactated Na −130; Cl Fluid of choice Lactic acidosis if
Ringers −109; K −4; Ca in postoperative liver function is amount of fluids needed by a patient [11]. Excessive fluid
(RL) −3; Lactate −28 maintenance poor infusion may cause fluid shift into the extravascular compart-
Dextrose Na −154; Cl Alternative to Hyperchloremic ment, which in turn can result in overload complications such
Normal −154; Dextrose RL acidosis as renal injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome, etc. On
Saline −50 g
the other hand, liberal fluid infusion can reduce postoperative
Normal Na −154; Cl Alternative to Hyperchloremic complications such as nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.
Saline (NS) −154 DNS in acidosis For major systemic surgeries, the current trend is either to
diabetics follow a ‘restrictive’ approach or a goal-directed therapy.
5% Dextrose 50 g Replacing free Hyperglycemia in Goal-directed therapy measures hemodynamic parameters
Dextrose water deficit diabetics
(D5W) such as stroke volume, and fluids are given accordingly.
Colloids While this has been found useful in major surgeries,
Hetastarch 6% Plasma volume Nephrotoxicity, ­particularly abdominal surgeries, there is no evidence on its
hydroxyethyl expansion coagulopathy effectiveness in postoperative recovery for maxillofacial sur-
starch gery. A liberal approach may be preferred for most kinds of
12  Postoperative Care of the Maxillofacial Surgery Patient 243

Table 12.7  Risks vs. benefits of blood transfusion operative period. Pain control and prophylaxis against infec-
Benefits of blood tion are the most important factors to be kept in mind while
Risks of blood transfusion transfusion prescribing medication.
Transmission of infections that cannot be Better functional
identified by screening (cytomegalovirus, status
Epstein-Barr virus, B-19 parovirus, dengue, Lower morbidity Pain Control
chikungunya, HHV-8, malarial parasite) and mortality (for Pain control is an important goal after every surgical proce-
Transfusion reactions levels below dure as it can not only affect the patients’ attitude, but it can
7.0 mg/dl) also impair oxygenation and thereby delay wound healing.
The pain must be assessed subjectively, by asking the patient
Table 12.8  Indications for postoperative blood transfusion to rate their pain on a standard scale (e.g. Visual Analogue
Postoperative scale or Faces pain scale). If the patient is in pain, pain medi-
hemoglobin Risk factors/compensatory Transfusion cation must be increased or changed.
level mechanisms present requirement Preemptive analgesia is an evolving, controversial tech-
<6 g/dl Required
nique that involves the administration of analgesics prior to
6–8 g/dl No risk factors Not required
Presence of risk factors (coronary Required
the onset of noxious stimuli. This is believed to limit the sen-
artery disease, heart failure, sitization of the nervous system, thereby reducing the need
cerebrovascular disease/limited for postoperative analgesia [15]. One effective preemptive
mechanisms of compensation) technique is the infiltration of a long-acting local anesthetic,
Presence of symptoms indicative of Required such as bupivacaine, into the incision site before closure.
hypoxia (physiological transfusion
triggers: Tachycardia, hypotension, This provides effective pain relief throughout the postopera-
electrocardiographic signs of tive period.
ischemia, lactic acidosis, etc.) In the postoperative period, various classes of analgesics
8–10 g/dl Presence of symptoms indicative of Required may be used [16]. Some of the commonly used analgesics
hypoxia (physiological transfusion
triggers: Tachycardia, hypotension, are summarized in Table 12.9.
electrocardiographic signs of The best method of choosing the appropriate analgesic is
ischemia, lactic acidosis, etc.) using the WHO analgesic ladder (Fig. 12.1). If the pain is not
Absence of above symptoms Not required well controlled, the patient can move to the next step of the
>10 g/dl Not required ladder. Once the pain is controlled, patients must be weaned
by moving down the ladder [17]. This step ladder approach
maxillofacial surgery, which generally fall under low or is just a broad lattice and has its own share of controversies
intermediate risk procedures. Nevertheless, as long as post- and modifications. Readers are encouraged to read appropri-
operative fluids are being administered, the patient must be ate references for getting a broader picture of the analgesic
monitored for signs of overhydration such as peripheral ladder and a detailed discussion is beyond the scope of this
edema, dyspnea, high blood pressure, and a bounding pulse. chapter.
If any of these are present, the current fluid regimen must be
reassessed [12]. Patient-controlled Analgesia  Postoperative patients often
require immediate pain relief at varied intervals. PCA allows T  ransfusion of Blood and Blood the use of iv pumps which, when the patient presses a button,
Products allows a bolus dose of analgesic to be delivered for immedi-
Postoperative blood transfusion is rarely required in routine ate relief [18]. This allows analgesics to be tailored to the
maxillofacial surgery. It has been stated that the risks of patients’ requirements and also records the amount of opioid
blood transfusion outweigh the benefits [13] (See Table 12.7), being administered per day.
and currently a restrictive approach to blood transfusion is
If there has been extensive blood loss during surgery, or Anti-inflammatory Drugs
preexisting anemia, the postoperative hemoglobin must be The role of corticosteroids in postoperative care is controver-
assessed, and the decision to transfuse is based on this level sial. Corticosteroids are potent anti-inflammatory agents and
[14]. This is described in Table 12.8. are often used after surgery. It has been established that cor-
ticosteroids reduce pain and inflammation [19]. There is also
evidence that single doses of steroids can reduce postopera-
12.2.2 Postoperative Medication tive nausea and vomiting, and improve fatigue after surgery.
However, the benefit of extended doses of steroids seems
The maxillofacial surgeon must be aware of the type and controversial and comes with the risk of impaired wound
dosage of medication that is required in the immediate post- healing, infectious complications, and hyperglycemia. It is
244 J. N. Kumar and P. Ravi

Table 12.9  Analgesics commonly used for postoperative pain control Preferred antibiotics for prophylaxis include:
Dosage and Precautions and
Drug Classification frequency adverse effects Amoxicillin-Clavulanate 1.2 mg IV bd.
Diclofenac NSAIDS (aryl 75 mg bd Has been linked to Amoxicillin 500 mg per oral tds (OR) Cefotaxime 1 g IV
acetic acid adults adverse
derivatives) 1.5 mg/kg cardiovascular
bd with Metronidazole 500 mg IV tds.
bd children events—Avoid in Prophylaxis must be started 30–90 min before the surgical
patients with heart procedure. The postoperative regimen has no clear guide-
disease lines, but must continue for at least 24 h after the procedure.
Gastric ulceration
and bleeding may After this, the wound must be monitored for infection, and
worsen therapeutic antibiotics may be instituted only if required. This
Nephrotoxic; avoid section is covered in more detail in Chap. 10, of this book
in patients prone to
kidney disease
Aceclofenac 100 mg bd Less than
adults diclofenac, mild GI M  edication to Prevent Postoperative
Safety not symptoms have Gastritis and Vomiting
established been reported Preoperative and intraoperative fasting, as well as drugs used in
in children
the postoperative period, can induce gastric irritation in the sur-
Ketorolac NSAIDS 20–30 mg GI symptoms,
q6hr hypertension gical patient. To counter this, drugs that reduce the acidity of
0.5 mg/kg reported in few gastric secretions may be used. Ranitidine, a H2 blocker, may
q6hr patients be used in a dose of 50 mg bd. An alternative drug is Pantoprazole,
Acetaminophen NSAIDS 0.5–1 g tds Hepatotoxicity which may be used in a dose of 40 mg once a day.
(paracetamol) (Para-amino adults
phenol 10–15 mg/
Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting is an
derivative) kg children important factor in postoperative care. One of the important
Tramadol Synthetic 50 mg bd or May worsen nausea drugs used for the management of PONV is Ondansetron,
opioid sos and vomiting. Like which is given in a dose of 4 mg [23]. This is usually a rescue
Safety not all opioids,
medication and is not given on a routine basis.
established respiratory
in children. depression is higher.
Morphine Natural opioid 0.2–0.8 mg/ Respiratory Drugs for Thromboprophylaxis
kg bd depression, nausea, Patients undergoing prolonged surgery or hospitalization
vomiting, may be at increased risk of developing thromboembolic
constipation. Not
suitable in events, namely deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embo-
immediate postop lism. Additional risk factors include smoking, pregnancy,
as consciousness oral contraceptives, and malignancy. These patients must be
cannot be evaluated placed on thromboprophylactic drugs. In indicated cases,
TED (thromboembolic deterrent) stockings have to be used
therefore recommended that steroids be used only till the in the postoperative patients. The guidelines are summarized
first postoperative day. Dexamethasone 8  mg is generally in Table 12.11 [24].
used twice a day. For single day dosing, taper is not generally
required. O  ther Drugs That May be Required
Enzymatic anti-inflammatory medication is also used to Based on the Patients’ Medical History
reduce postoperative edema [20]. These include serratiopep- If the patient has other medical comorbidities, medication
tidase (10  mg tds) or trypsin:chymotrypsin (chymoral, that was being taken prior to the procedure may need to be
100,000 IU). However, its efficacy is based mostly on anec- continued or modified. It is best to confer with the patients’
dotal reports and there is hardly any scientific evidence to physician to determine the dosage and kind of drugs needed.
back its use. These have been summarized in Table 12.12. Antibiotic Prophylaxis

The use of antibiotic prophylaxis (for wound infections) 12.2.3 Nutritional Status in the Postoperative
in maxillofacial surgery is a controversial area. Literature Period
evidence is insufficient to ascertain whether prophylaxis
is required or not, and the duration of prophylaxis has no Maxillofacial surgical procedures provide a unique chal-
definite guidelines. Based on recent systematic reviews, lenge to the nutritional status in the postoperative period.
Table 12.10 sums up current recommendations [21, 22]. Pain and edema in the oral region often prevent the patient
12  Postoperative Care of the Maxillofacial Surgery Patient 245

Fig. 12.1  WHO analgesic

• Strong Opioid
ladder STEP 3
• +/- Non-opioid
Severe Pain
• +/- Adjuvant

• Weak Opiod
• +/- Non-opioid
Moderate Pain
• +/- Adjuvant

STEP 1 • Non-opiod
Mild Pain • +/- adjuvant

Non- •Ibuprofen or other NSAIDS, Paracetamol

opioids (acetaminophen), or aspirin

Weak •Codeine, Tramadol or Low dose

opioids Morphine

Strong •Morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone,

opioids hydromorphone

•Antidepressants, anti-convulsant,
Adjuvants antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, ,

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Table 12.10  Recommendations for antibiotic prophylaxis Table 12.11  Thromboprophylaxis guidelines
Recommendation for antibiotic Risk
Type of surgery prophylaxis level Criteria Thromboprophylaxis required
Orthognathic surgery Strongly recommended Low Minor surgery, Early and persistent
Trauma—compound fractures Recommended age < 40 yrs., no mobilization
Resections involving oral and Recommended additional risk factors
cervical region Moderate Minor surgery in age Low molecular weight heparin,
Reconstruction Weak evidence; physician 40–60 yrs., with risk <3400 units per day
judgment factors OR intermittent pneumatic
Cleft surgery Weak evidence; physician Major surgery <40 yrs., compression devices
judgment no risk factors
Minor oral surgery Weak evidence; physician Patients with medical
judgment illnesses or burns, with
one risk factor
Neurosurgical patient
with one risk factor
from taking food comfortably, and there is a tendency to eat High Minor surgery Low molecular weight heparin,
less or not at all. In patients with intermaxillary fixation, >60 years >3400 units per day
Major surgery >40 years OR intermittent pneumatic
there is an inability to open the mouth and chew food. In
with risk factors compression devices
certain kinds of surgery, such as reconstructive flaps involv- Patients with
ing the oral region, the patient is asked to avoid taking food malignancy
by mouth at all to prevent the possibility of infection and flap Patients with medical
illness or burns with
failure in the postoperative period.
two or more risk factors
It is important, however, that the nutritional status is Neurosurgical patient
maintained. Inadequate nutrition has been shown to increase with two or more risk
morbidity and mortality and can delay wound healing. It also factors
Trauma patients with
increases the patient’s susceptibility to infection. In the
one or more risk factors
young, healthy adult patient, nutritional support may not be Highest Patients with multiple Low molecular weight heparin,
required, as the body compensates for decreased intake by risk factors, pelvic and >3400 units per day AND
increased glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, and lower extremity trauma intermittent pneumatic
amino acid oxidation. However, in young children, patients or surgery, head injuries compression devices
246 J. N. Kumar and P. Ravi

Table 12.12  Additional drugs that may be required in the postopera- complications. It reduces secretions in the lungs, accelerates
tive period peristalsis, and improves venous blood flow to the extremi-
Medical ties, thereby preventing thrombophlebitis and deep vein
comorbidity Drugs to be administered
thrombosis [27]. Immobilization increases the risk of com-
Diabetes mellitus Insulin based on insulin sliding scale
plications such as DVT and pressure sores. It can also lead to
Patient with Patient’s regular antihypertensive regimen to be
chronic restarted within 24 h urinary retention.
hypertension For most maxillofacial procedures, the patient may be
Patient on Low molecular weight heparin for 24 h, after allowed to sit up with legs dangling 6 h after surgery. The
anticoagulants which warfarin should be resumed patient may be mobilized within 24 h, and it is recommended
Patient on Hydrocortisone 50 mg three times a day,
long-term steroids (equivalent to dexamethasone 2 mg) in addition
that they ambulate every 4–6 h (during waking hours) till dis-
to patient’s normal dose, for up to 72 h charge. Caution must be employed in patients who have had
grafts or flaps taken from the fibula. While the early mobili-
zation protocol must be followed, protected weight bearing
with preexisting malnutrition, and patients with wasting dis- may be employed.
eases, supplementation may be required for even routine pro- For patients who require prolonged bed rest, the use of
cedures. Patients who do not have adequate oral intake for alternating pressure mattresses or gel mattress overlays must
7–14  days (3–10  days in children) will require support to be considered to prevent pressure sores.
avoid malnutrition [25]. Chest physiotherapy forms an important component of
Nutritional status must be evaluated in the postoperative postoperative care. The in-hospital patient is prone to
patient. This usually calls for consultation by a dietician. For increased lung secretions and infections, which may be
long-term patients, nutritional status can also be measured cleared using chest physiotherapy.
using certain tools. The accepted tool for assessment is the
subjective global assessment scale [26].
In patients on intermaxillary fixation, the classic use of 12.2.5 Management of Complications
the nasogastric tube must be discouraged. Patients may be in the Postoperative Period
educated on taking food through the retromolar region, using
a feeding tube. NG tubes may be reserved for cases in whom Sudden Airway Obstruction
oral feeds are contraindicated to avoid infection. Nutritionally Maxillofacial surgery and surgery to the neck carry a risk of
complete formulas (e.g. Ensure) are available for enteral edema and hematoma developing in the postoperative period
feeds. The patient may be started on 50 ml formula every 4 h, that can compress on the airway. The airway must be moni-
and this may be gradually increased in 50  ml increments tored closely, both in the immediate postoperative period and
until the desired target is achieved. After each feed, the tube during the stay in the ward.
must be flushed with 30 ml water to prevent blockage. If the patient presents with hypoxia and airway obstruction,
In cases of extensive neck surgery, where swallowing may the head tilt-chin lift-jaw thrust maneuver must be employed.
be impaired, percutaneous gastrostomy (PEG) or jejunos- The airway must be checked manually and cleared of obstruc-
tomy tubes may be placed. For these tubes, infusion feeds (at tion such as vomitus or blood. If the airway obstruction is at or
the rate of 20 ml/h, increased in 20 ml increments every 4 h) above the oropharynx, insert an airway (such as Guedel’s) to
may be given. keep the passage patent. If there is a hematoma compressing
Total parenteral nutrition is usually not preferred because the airway, surgical sutures must be removed to allow a release
it has been linked to higher rates of infectious complications of pressure. In extreme cases, emergency airway procedures
as compared to enteral nutrition. Patients who have complete such as cricothyroidotomy may need to be performed.
block of the gastrointestinal system or those who cannot tol-
erate or retain enteral feeds are candidates for TPN. Dextrose Fever in the Postoperative Period
solutions are preferred, with a dose of 10–20 g/kg/day of glu- Fever is defined as a rise in body temperature above 38 °C
cose. This is used in conjunction with amino acid solutions (100.4 °F). Postoperative fever represents a diagnostic chal-
(0.5–3.5 g/kg/day) and lipid emulsions (50 ml/hr) [25]. lenge for most surgeons. Although most cases of fever are
self-limiting, some can be serious and need urgent interven-
tion. The timing of postoperative fever often gives a clue as
12.2.4 Postoperative Mobilization to its diagnosis and management [28, 29].
of the Maxillofacial Surgery Patient
Immediate Fever (During Surgery or Within
After the surgical procedure, early mobilization is recom- the First 24 h).
mended for all patients. Early mobilization is believed to Fever in the immediate postoperative period is most likely to
enhance recovery by reducing the incidence of postoperative be an inflammatory response to surgery. The surgical proce-
12  Postoperative Care of the Maxillofacial Surgery Patient 247

dure causes release of pyrogenic cytokines, which stimulate Atelectasis was once thought to be a cause of fever, but it
the anterior hypothalamus to release prostaglandins, causing is now believed that fever and atelectasis are unrelated,
a rise in body temperature. The extent of fever depends on though they can coexist. Aspiration pneumonia is more
the amount of tissue trauma, but usually resolves in 24  h. likely to be a respiratory cause of fever, but it presents
Laboratory and diagnostic workup is not warranted for this 3–5 days after surgery.
kind of fever.
Occasionally, immediate fever can occur due to more seri- Delayed Postoperative Fever (After 48 h)
ous reasons, and it is important to identify these. Malignant Surgical site wound infections can result in fever 3–5 days
hyperthermia is a rare, life-threatening disorder that can man- after surgery. The surgical site must be examined for pain,
ifest in susceptible individuals when they are exposed to inha- swelling, and pus discharge if fever occurs during this period.
lational anesthetics, or succinylcholine. There is an immediate If an infection is present, it must be managed as detailed in
rise in body temperature during or up to 1 h after surgery. It the following sections.
may be recognized by an immediate rise in ETCO2, tachy- Aspiration pneumonia can occur if the gastric fluid is
pnea, tachycardia, and muscle rigidity. Prompt intervention is aspirated into the lungs, owing to a depressed cough reflex
required to avoid muscle lysis and organ system failure. after surgery. The risk increases in patients on maxilloman-
Treatment involves immediate intravenous Dantrolene dibular fixation.
sodium (2.5 mg/kg), repeated every 5 min till reversal occurs,
or till the maximum dose is reached (10 mg/kg). Fever Beyond Fifth Postoperative Day
If the fever occurs during or immediately after a blood Fever beyond the fifth postoperative day is usually a sign of
transfusion, it is a sign of transfusion reaction. Transfusion systemic infection and needs a diagnostic workup. The most
of incompatible (mismatched) blood can cause a severe common infections that can occur are urinary tract infection
hemolytic reaction, which, in addition to fever, can present and upper respiratory tract infection.
with dyspnea, fever, and myoglobinuria. In such cases, the Indwelling urinary catheters are the main source of UTIs.
transfusion must be discontinued immediately. Sometimes, Women are at greater risk because they have a shorter ure-
febrile reactions can also occur with compatible blood, due thra; however, both genders can develop UTI if the catheter
to reaction of recipient antibodies with antigens in the trans- is in place for more than 72  h. Concomitant signs such as
fused blood. This fever will be accompanied by headache, burning sensation on passing urine may be present. Urine
nausea, and vomiting. Slowing the transfusion may suffice, will appear cloudy. Diagnosis is best confirmed by urine cul-
but it must be stopped if the reactions become severe. ture; empirical antibiotics may be started in the meantime.
Adverse drug reactions can rarely cause fever. This is usu- Respiratory tract infections can range from sinusitis to hos-
ally a diagnosis of exclusion, and if suspected, all drugs must pital-acquired pneumonia. In Hospital Acquired Pneumonia
be discontinued one at a time to identify the offender. If (HAP), chest auscultation may reveal crackles or rales, and
replacement is necessary, a chemically unrelated drug must diagnosis is made by chest x-rays. Treatment is by empirical
be used. antibiotics.
A rare infection that can occur beyond the fifth day is nec-
Early Postoperative Fever (24–48 h After Surgery) rotizing soft tissue infection. Although this is more common
A serious cause of postoperative fever in this time period is after colorectal surgery, cervical necrotizing infection has
deep vein thromboembolism. This must be suspected if the been reported after maxillofacial surgery as well [30].
patient has known risk factors, such as a history of smoking, Diagnosis may be made by detecting subcutaneous ‘gas’ on
malignant disease, prolonged surgery, advanced age, or pro- x-rays or CT imaging. Treatment involves the use of broad
longed immobility after surgery. Diagnosis is made by ultra- spectrum antibiotics and fluid resuscitation.
sound or impedence plethysmography. If present, prompt With all systemic infections, blood culture must be done
systemic anticoagulation must be started to avoid fatal pul- to rule out sepsis. It is also important to monitor the patient’s
monary embolism. The use of Homan’s sign (Pain in the calf vitals closely to ensure that the patient does not go into septic
on forced dorsiflexion of the foot) is no longer recommended shock.
because of the risk of dislodging the thrombus into circula-
tion. A suspected PE may be confirmed with a ventilation-
perfusion (V/Q) scan of the lungs. It may be of interest to know that in the literature there
Thrombophlebitis can also cause a rise in body tempera- is a mnemonic of 6 W’s, with regard to causes of post-
ture. Any iv line in place for more than 24 h can cause phle- operative fever. The W’s being Waves (ECG changes,
bitis. This presents with pain, erythema, and edema at the MI), Wind (atelectasis, pneumonia), Water (UTI),
affected site. The iv line must be removed and replaced, and Wound (surgical site infection), Walking (Venous
anti-inflammatory drugs may be given. A topical ointment thromboembolism), Wonder drugs(drug-related fever).
containing heparin and benzyl nicotinate (thrombophob)
may be applied locally. The workup for postoperative fever is shown in Fig. 12.2.
248 J. N. Kumar and P. Ravi

Fig. 12.2  Postoperative fever

workup CAUSES OF








©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Changes in Pulse and Blood Pressure increasing fluid input and supplemented by high-flow oxy-
Any gross deviation from the normal vital signs must be gen to improve the perfusion.
looked into. Changes in pulse (tachycardia or bradycardia) Raised blood pressure usually occurs in patients who
are usually associated with changes in the other vital signs as have had preexisting hypertension. If the patient has a his-
well, and these must therefore be evaluated first. tory of ischemic heart disease or cerebrovascular disease, it
Hypotension in the postoperative period can occur due to must be managed with appropriate medication, to reduce the
several causes [6] (Fig.  12.3). Hypotension is usually the risk of developing myocardial infarction or stroke postopera-
result of reduced plasma volume; this may be due to inade- tively. Sometimes, hypertension may occur in healthy adults
quate fluid resuscitation, or ongoing blood loss. Excessive with no history. In these cases, it could reflect pain and anxi-
usage of opioid analgesics may also cause a fall in blood ety, or distension of the bowel and/or bladder. Excessive
pressure. A myocardial infarction and blood sepsis may also fluid resuscitation may also result in hypertension [6].
present with hypotension. Hypotension with tachycardia can
be a sign of developing shock; which must be treated imme- Changes in Respiration
diately with a fluid challenge (rapid bolus of fluid). Increase in respiratory rate (tachypnea) is usually a sign of
Regardless of the cause, hypotension must be managed by respiratory distress, and may be accompanied by decreased
12  Postoperative Care of the Maxillofacial Surgery Patient 249






©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 12.3  Postoperative hypotension workup

oxygen saturation, and use of accessory muscles of respira- Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
tion [6]. Sudden acute shortness of breath may be a sign of This is a common complication that occurs due to activation of
pulmonary embolism. Gradual onset that occurs within the nucleus tractus solitarius and vomiting center by inhala-
2–5  days of surgery is commonly due to atelectasis. tional anesthetics. Patients who undergo maxillofacial surgery,
Atelectasis is the collapse of a small segment of the lung and particularly orthognathic surgical procedures, are at increased
commonly occurs after general anesthesia. Atelectasis after risk of developing postoperative nausea and vomiting, due to
maxillofacial surgery may be obstructive in nature, occurring accumulation of blood in the throat. It can affect 20–80% of all
secondary to epistaxis or mucus secretion. Another reason patients, the risk being higher in young patients, females in the
for the slow onset of respiratory distress is Acute Respiratory first 8 days of their menstrual cycle, and obese patients [23].
Distress Syndrome (ARDS), which can occur secondary to This complication is best managed symptomatically using
hypovolemia, sepsis, or trauma. Respiratory infection and antiemetics such as ondansetron and metoclopramide.
cardiac causes such as myocardial infarction or cardiac fail-
ure can also alter respiratory rate. The various causes are Oliguria and Acute Renal Failure
illustrated in Fig. 12.4. The normal urine output is 1 ml/kg/h in infants, 0.5 ml/kg/h
If a person experiences shortness of breath, high-flow in children, and at least 400 ml/day in adults. Any drop below
oxygen must be started, and a chest x-ray and EKG must be this level is referred to as oliguria and this must be addressed
taken. Laboratory tests including cardiac enzymes and arte- to prevent acute kidney injury (AKI). AKI is diagnosed as
rial blood gases must be performed to ascertain the cause. If oliguria, along with serum creatinine levels 1.5 times above
sputum is present, it must be sent for culture and gram baseline [6]. The various causes of postoperative oliguria
staining. and management are outlined in Table 12.13.
250 J. N. Kumar and P. Ravi





©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 12.4  Postoperative respiratory distress workup

Table 12.13  Types of postoperative oliguria and management The various kinds of drains are summarized in Table 12.14.
Type of Drains may be classified as:
AKI Cause Management • Active drains: These work under negative pressure and
Prerenal Hypovolemia Fluid challenge of 250 ml
actively remove fluids and air from the surgical site.
iv fluid over 1 h
Hypotension Address the cause of • Passive drains: They drain fluids passively, and are
hypotension dependent on gravity. Passive drains may be open or
Renal Nephrotoxic drugs: Discontinue the offending closed.
NSAIDS, drug
aminoglycosides, steroids Aggressive treatment with
Sepsis broad spectrum antibiotics Technique of inserting a surgical drain:
and fluid resuscitation
Post-renal Blocked Foley’s catheter Relieve obstruction • The drain must be inserted before the last layer of sutures
Blocked ureter is placed.
• The drain tube has a needle at one end and perforations at
the other end.
12.3 Care of the Surgical Wound Site • The needle is inserted from the deeper edge of the surgi-
cal wound, and pulled out through the skin surface, about
12.3.1 Immediate Care in the Operating Room 2 cm away from the wound margin. The end with the per-
forations must remain within the surgical site.
Care of the surgical wound site begins even before closure of • The exit of the needle must be in a dependent area, lower
the wound has been completed. It may be necessary to place than the incision line.
drains or catheters within the wound. • The needle is cut off from the tube and discarded safely.
• The drain tube is secured with sutures to the skin
Surgical Drains surface.
A drain is a device that is intended to evacuate fluids and air • The bulb or container is deflated completely, to ensure
from the surgical wound site. By evacuating accumulated negative pressure, and is then attached to the exit end of
pus, blood, and serous fluid, they help prevent infection of the tube.
the surgical site. By evacuating air, they help eliminate dead • Dressing with betadine gauze is done around and over the
spaces, which results in faster wound healing. drain tube.
12  Postoperative Care of the Maxillofacial Surgery Patient 251

Table 12.14  Types of drains

Type of drain Example Indications for use Image
Active Jackson-Pratt drain Inserted into the surgical site to drain Stopper
blood and serous fluid; to eliminate
dead spaces


Flexible tubing

Drainage end

Hemovac Evacuator Connector




Passive Open Corrugated rubber To drain pus from infected abscesses

drain and anatomical spaces

Penrose drain

Closed Nasogastric tube, To drain body secretions (gastric

Foley’s catheter fluid, urine)
252 J. N. Kumar and P. Ravi

Surgical Site Catheters Surgical site catheters must be removed by the third postop-
Catheters may be inserted directly into the surgical site beneath erative day.
the skin sutures. These may serve the following purposes:

• Analgesia: An intravenous cannula inserted into the surgi- 12.3.3 Surgical Site Complications
cal site may be used for delivering local analgesia. Long-­
acting anesthetics, such as ropivacaine and bupivacaine, Postoperative Bleeding, Hematoma, and Seroma
are delivered through this into the surgical site. This is Bleeding after surgery is classified as primary (occurs during
especially useful in the iliac crest after harvest of autoge- or immediately after the surgical procedure), reactionary
nous bone. (occurs after few hours, possibly due to slipped ligatures),
• Local antibiotic therapy: Infected spaces or osteomyelitic and secondary (occurs after few days, commonly due to
bone may benefit from local antibiotics that are delivered infection). Active, ongoing bleeding is referred to as
via catheters. hemorrhage.
• Marsupialization: Decompression of a cystic lesion may Hematoma refers to a clotted collection of blood below
be followed by catheter insertion into the cystic cavity. the tissues, which occurs due to damage to vessel walls.
This allows continued drainage of fluid from the cyst. Most hematomas are self-limiting. Larger hematomas can be
treated with ice packs or compression dressings. Analgesics
Wound Dressing may be given if the swelling is painful. Hematomas in the
Once complete suturing of the wound has been completed, submandibular and neck region, or other regions which can
appropriate dressing of the wound site must be carried out. potentially compress the airway, must be drained surgically.
Various types of dressing material are available [31]. These Seromas are collections of serous fluid that generally
are detailed in the Chap. 11 on soft tissue injuries and develop 5–7 days after surgery. They are more common in
management. extensive surgeries, particularly in neck dissection, where
lymph nodes have been removed. Small seromas resolve
over time. If the seroma is large and painful, the fluid may be
12.3.2 General Guidelines for Postoperative aspirated and a pressure dressing can be applied.
Wound Care [32]
Infected Wound
• Aim to leave the wound undisturbed for at least 48 h after As maxillofacial procedures are clean-contaminated surger-
surgery. ies, they carry a higher risk of developing infection as com-
• Premature removal of the wound dressing may, however, pared to clean surgeries. Signs and symptoms of an infected
be required in certain situations. These include: wound include:
• Excess exudate or blood soaking through the dressing.
• Suspicion that the wound site is infected (e.g. Postoperative • Unexplained fever 3–5 days after surgery.
fever with no other attributable cause). • Localized pain at the wound site.
• The dressing is no longer serving its purpose (e.g. Falling • Erythema around the wound.
off). • Wound dehiscence, with pus discharge from the wound.
• If the wound dressing is being changed, check if there is
excess exudate or devitalized tissue that may delay wound If the wound appears infected, a few sutures must be
healing. If these are present, the wound must be cleansed. removed and pus must be drained out. A swab must be sent
This is done by gentle irrigation of saline (for the first for culture and sensitivity testing, and the patient must be
48 h) or clean tap water (after 48 h) using a syringe. The started on empirical antibiotics. The patient must be moni-
wound must never be swabbed with gauze, as this can tored closely for signs of systemic infection. The infected
delay healing. wound can be treated by local debridement and antibiotic
Postoperative Care of Drains and Catheters
Wound Dehiscence
• The drain must be monitored every 4  h and more fre- This generally occurs as a result of one of the above compli-
quently if the discharge from the wound is excessive. cations, most commonly subacute infection. Sometimes,
• The drain container must be evacuated at least once every however, it may simply be the result of excessive wound ten-
day. sion due to inadequate tissue undermining. If the wound is
• Once the drain fluid collection goes below 25–50 ml/day, uninfected less than 24 h postoperatively, re-suturing may be
the drain may be removed. attempted. Otherwise, the wound is best left to heal by sec-
12  Postoperative Care of the Maxillofacial Surgery Patient 253

ondary intention. Resistant wound dehiscence may lead to • Most of these patients will be unable to feed properly till
orocutaneous communications and may become difficult to wound healing is complete. Ryle’s tube or PEG insertion
handle. The decision to either allow these to granulate or sur- must be done on the day of surgery or the first postopera-
gically provide a cover depends on individual scenarios. tive day.
• Patients must be on DVT prophylaxis. The malignancy,
prolonged surgery, and in-hospital stay increase the risk
12.4 P
 ostoperative Care for Specific Types of the patient developing DVT.
of Surgeries

While the general rules apply to all kinds of surgeries, there Flap Monitoring
may be extra measures which are required in each specific
surgery type. These are outlined below [2]. • Reconstructed flaps must be monitored for vitality. If
the blood supply to the flap is lost due to thrombi, it
Postoperative Care for the Trauma Patient may be salvageable within the first 48 h. Periodic mon-
• In the immediate postoperative period, the airway must be itoring ensures prompt surgical intervention if the need
monitored. This may get compromised due to bleeding or arises.
edema. • Flaps may be monitored using a handheld Doppler.
• For fractures of the zygoma and orbit, monitoring for ret- Capillary refill may be assessed for flaps which are not
robulbar hemorrhage is important. This can be diagnosed buried. The needle prick test is simple, but must be done
by the three Ps—pain (in the orbit), proptosis, and pupil- only to confirm congestion or loss of vitality.
lary defects [33]. The postoperative care team is generally • Flaps must be monitored hourly for the first 24 h, and 4
required to check papillary reflexes on an hourly basis for hourly for the next 48 h.
the first 6 h which can be relaxed to once in 2 h for the
next 6  h. Any impending sign of diminishing vision or
pupillary inactivity is brought to the notice of the consul-
tant and steps initiated accordingly. 12.5 P
 ostoperative Complications Specific
• Assess and document paresthesia along any nerves to each Type of Surgery
involved in the fractured segment. This includes the infe-
rior alveolar nerve for mandibular fractures and infraor- Table 12.15 lists the complications that may be encountered
bital nerve for zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures. with each specific surgery.
• The accuracy of reduced fractures must be checked on the
first postoperative day using radiographs. For fractures
involving the dentoalveolar segments, occlusion may be 12.6 Criteria for Discharging the Patient
used as a guide.
Prolonged hospital stay increases the patient’s risk of devel-
Postoperative Care for Orthognathic Surgery Patients oping nosocomial infections. Therefore, the patients must be
• As with trauma patients, airway compromise due to discharged as soon as feasible. Criteria for discharge are as
bleeding and edema must be monitored. follows:
• Considerable facial swelling is common. Ice packs and
systemic steroids can help reduce swelling. • Patient is hemodynamically stable, and all vitals are
• Occlusion must be checked on the first postoperative day, stable.
and elastics must be placed if required. Class II elastics • Patient can take nutrition independently or with the aid of
are placed from the upper anterior teeth to lower posterior a caregiver.
teeth. Class III elastics are placed from lower anteriors to • Wounds are healing well with no signs of infection.
upper posterior teeth.
Discharge summary: This is a record given to the patient,
Postoperative Care for Oncology and Reconstruction detailing the diagnosis, procedure performed, and any
Patients implants that were used. Instructions and medications to be
• These patients usually undergo extensive surgery that taken must also be noted.
lasts for hours, and will therefore need intensive monitor- Follow-up appointments must be made for review. In case
ing in the postoperative period. Tracheostomy care may facial and neck incisions were placed, an appointment for
be required (See Sect. 12.1.1). suture removal must be given.
254 J. N. Kumar and P. Ravi

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mobilization times of patients after surgery. Asian Pac J Health Sci.

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Part VI
Dentoalveolar and Oral Surgery
Principles and Techniques of Exodontia
Anuj Jain

13.1 Introduction 13.3 History

Exodontia is the removal of tooth from its socket in the The thought of how extractions were performed in eleventh
alveolar bone with the help of anesthesia. It is a challeng- century is disturbing. The operator used to hold the patient’s
ing procedure in itself as the dental surgeon has to work in head between his knees, the soft tissue was cut with a sharp
an oral cavity, access to which is restricted by patient’s lips scalpel, and the tooth was pulled out in single direction.
and cheeks. Also, the movement of the tongue and the jaw Often the wound was cauterized with a red hot iron and a
makes the procedure troublesome. Another factor which repellent mouthwash was prescribed [2].
complicates the procedure is saliva. The oral cavity commu- Historically, dental extractions were carried out as a pro-
nicates with the pharynx which further communicates into phylactic as well as therapeutic treatment for a variety of ill-
larynx and esophagus, due to which there is always a poten- nesses. Before the discovery of antibiotics, exodontia was a
tial risk of aspiration or deglutition of the extracted tooth. preferred treatment. Dentistry was not a separate profession
Hence, it is of paramount importance that the exodontia must at that time and mainly the barbers were extracting the tooth
be performed judiciously and be based on sound surgical popularly known as ‘barber surgeons’. They used to hang
principles. rows of rotten teeth outside their shops to advertise their ser-
Apart from the competence and practical skills of the vices as tooth pullers [3].
dental surgeon, patient’s cooperation also holds the key to Various kinds of instruments were used in different geo-
an uneventful extraction of a tooth. Patient’s cooperation is graphical areas of the globe and can be grouped as forceps,
dependent on various factors like misinformation, myths, pelicans, keys, screws, and elevators. The modern-day for-
anxiety, pain phobia, patient’s previous exodontia experi- ceps have been evolved over time and are highlighted in
ences, and trust over the operator. A dental surgeon must have Table 13.1.
a calm, patient, and reassuring approach towards the patient Regarding Indian history, Sushruta is to be credited for
to gain his/her confidence. This empathetic nature of the doc- his description of surgical instruments. He highlighted two
tor must be superadded with good principles of patient man- types of instruments viz. ‘Yantra or blunt’ and ‘Shastra or
agement and pharmacokinetics. This combination helps in sharp’. And among the category yantra, ‘dantasanka’ – a spe-
controlling patient’s anxiety and fear toward the procedure. cial forceps for extraction of teeth is described [6]. Vagbhata,
around 650 AD, described forceps for extraction of tooth [7].

13.2 Definition
13.4 Applied Surgical Anatomy
Exodontia or tooth extraction is defined as the painless
removal of a whole tooth or tooth root, with minimal trauma Knowledge of Anatomy is the foundation for an uneventful
to the investing tissues, so that the bone heals uneventfully surgery.
and no postoperative prosthetic problem is created [1]. The jaw bones namely maxilla and mandible harbor the
teeth in their respective alveolar process within the shape-­
A. Jain (*) appropriate sockets designed by nature. Sharpey’s fibers of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Department of Trauma and periodontal ligament attach the teeth to their alveolar sockets
Emergency Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, with the joint called gomphosis.
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 259

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_13
260 A. Jain

Table 13.1  Evolution of dental forceps

1 Seventeenth It can be assumed that extractions were carried out considering the prominent carvings of forceps on the walls of
Century BC Egyptian caves in the work of Edwin Smith Papyrus [4].
2 Fifth century BC Hippocrates referred that the dental forceps have been discovered in Greece. These forceps were made up of Iron
and called ‘Odontagra’ [4].
3 Fourteenth century Guy de Chauliac invented pelicans for dental extraction. They were named after the bird from their resemblance to
the shape of the beak. The early drawing of the pelican showed a straight shaft, a wheel-shaped bolster, and a single
claw attached to the shaft by a rivet [2].
4 Sixteenth century Pierre Fauchard, ‘father of modern dentistry’, modified the pelican with proper dimensions and advised regarding
patient and operator position. His pelican was double hooked and held the tooth firmly, following which ‘shaking’ of
tooth was done to achieve extraction [5].
5 Eighteenth century Dental key (also known as clef de Garengeot, fothergill key), an instrument modeled after a door was popular. It was
first inserted horizontally into the mouth, then its claw would be tightened over the tooth to be extracted. Once
secured, rotation movements were carried out to loosen the tooth. It was continuously modified for better results;
however, its use was often associated with complications [2].
6 By the end of the The introduction of modern-day forceps was made popular notably by sir John tomes making the dental key
nineteenth century obsolete [2].

13.4.1  Maxilla (Fig. 13.1)

It is a paired bone forming the midface of a person, bearing

upper teeth separating the oral cavity from the nasal cavity
and maxillary sinuses. Compared to the mandible, it is com-
posed of spongier bone with thinner cortical plates. Palatal
processes extend from both the maxillary bone and meet in
the midline to form the roof of the oral cavity. The branches
of Maxillary Nerve innervate the maxillary teeth and their
periodontium (Table 13.2).
Exodontia becomes easier in maxilla due to following

1. The maxilla is characterized by thin cortical plates with

spongier bone due to which the alveolar sockets expand eas-
ily on the application of pressure, facilitating extraction. ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

2. Due to thin cortical plates, mere para periosteal infiltra-

Fig. 13.1  Alveolar process of maxilla
tions of local anesthetic solutions produce adequate anes-
thesia to perform a dental extraction. However, in cases
where adequate anesthesia is not achieved, a nerve block (c) Displacement of the root into maxillary sinus if inju-
is desirable. dicious retrieval is attempted in the event of a root
3. Maxilla has better vascularity as compared to mandible fracture.
due to which the healing is faster with minimum 3. The maxillary third molar is present in the maxillary
complications. tuberosity as it is the last tooth to erupt. There are high
chances of maxillary tuberosity fracture in patients with
Following factors complicate exodontia of maxillary teeth: unfavorable and bizarre root patterns especially in the
elderly as the tuberosity is made up of spongy bone.
1. Use of heavy elevators is associated with the risk of fracture
of the alveolar bone. Hence, their use must be judicious.
2. The root apices of maxillary molars are in close proxim- 13.4.2  Mandible (Fig. 13.2)
ity to the floor of maxillary sinus with a thin bone separat-
ing them. Due to which there are chances of. It is horseshoe shaped, mobile and the heaviest bone of
(a) Oroantral communication during the extraction of the craniofacial skeleton. Compared to maxilla, it has less
maxillary molars. spongy bone as well as vascularity and has thick cortices.
(b) Spread of periapical infection into the sinus leading The branches of Mandibular Nerve innervate the mandibular
to odontogenic maxillary sinusitis. teeth and their periodontium (Table 13.3).
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 261

Table 13.2  Nerve supply of maxillary teeth with periodontal tissue

Teeth Nerve supply Nerve blocks
Central incisor ASAN: Tooth and its buccal soft tissue Infraorbital nerve block
Anastomosis with opposite side Local infiltration on buccal aspect
NPN: Palatal soft tissue Nasopalatine nerve block
Lateral incisor and canine ASAN: Tooth and its buccal soft tissue Infraorbital nerve block
NPN: Palatal soft tissue Nasopalatine nerve block
Premolars MSAN: Tooth and its buccal soft tissue Infraorbital nerve block
GPN: Palatal soft tissue Greater palatine nerve block
First molar MSAN: Mesiobuccal root Local infiltration on buccal aspect
PSAN: Tooth and its buccal soft tissue Posterior superior alveolar nerve block
GPN: Palatal soft tissue Greater palatine nerve block
Second and third molar PSAN: Tooth and its buccal soft tissue Posterior superior alveolar nerve block
GPN: Palatal soft tissue Greater palatine nerve block
Abbreviations: ASAN Anterior Superior Alveolar Nerve, NPN Nasopalatine Nerve, MSAN Middle Superior Alveolar Nerve, GPN Greater Palatine
Nerve, PSAN Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve

Following factors complicate exodontia of mandibular


1. Presence of thick cortical plates makes it a requirement to

apply more pressure for luxation and extraction of teeth
as the sockets do not expand readily.
2. Due to less vascularity, healing is slower as compared to
3. Mandible is depressed when the mouth is open. Hence,
there are high chances of temporomandibular joint
injury or dislocations if the mandible is unsupported
with the application of forces in a long-standing

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

13.4.3  Teeth
Fig. 13.2  Alveolar process of mandible
Apart from the bone, the anatomy of teeth also plays a piv-
otal role in an uneventful extraction. The shape of crown and
roots must be assessed carefully, preoperatively. A narrow
Table 13.3  Nerve supply of mandibular teeth with periodontal tissue tapering crown requires the use of a lighter beaked forceps
Teeth Nerve supply Nerve blocks whereas a bulbous crown needs to be extracted using heavy
Incisors and Inferior alveolar nerve: Inferior alveolar beaked forceps. If the tooth is multirooted, it offers more
canine Teeth nerve block resistance than a single-rooted tooth and cannot be extracted
Mental nerve: Buccal soft Mental nerve block
tissue Lingual nerve block using a rotational force, as such a motion will lead to root
Lingual nerve: Lingual fracture. In cases where the roots are divergent, the applica-
soft tissue tion of heavy forces will lead to root fracture. Dilacerated
Premolars and Inferior alveolar nerve: Inferior alveolar roots are also prone to fracture on the application of injudi-
molars Teeth nerve block
Long Buccal nerve: Long Buccal nerve
cious forces. Also, a more careful approach is required while
Buccal soft tissue block extracting non-vital and endodontically treated teeth, as they
Lingual nerve: Lingual Lingual nerve block fracture readily due to their fragile and brittle nature second-
soft tissue ary carious undermining and loss of pulpal tissue.
262 A. Jain

13.5 Indications for Exodontia (b) Creation of Space: To gain space to align malposed
teeth. In such cases, premolars are commonly
Extraction of the teeth can be either prophylactic or therapeutic. extracted.
Following are the indications for exodontia (Box 13.1). (c) Serial Extractions: During the mixed dentition
stage, a few deciduous teeth are extracted in a
1. Dental Caries: Extensively damaged teeth due to caries sequential manner to avoid malocclusion in perma-
which cannot be preserved/restored by any conservative nent dentition as the child grows.
or endodontic procedure. (Fig. 13.3a). 6. Preprosthetic Extractions: Total extraction for the fabri-
2. Pulp Pathology: Pulpal necrosis or any pulpal pathology cation of a complete denture or extraction of a few unde-
which cannot be treated by endodontic therapy sirable teeth to provide better design and stability to a
(Fig. 13.3b). removable partial denture.
3. Severe Periodontal Disease: Periodontally compromised 7. Fractured Teeth: The teeth which are fractured and can-
teeth with mobility and irreparable loss of periodontal not be conserved (Fig. 13.3e).
tissue (Fig. 13.3c). 8. Root Fragments: Root fragments which may cause vari-
4. Periapical Pathology: To prevent the spread of infection, ous problems like recurrent ulcerations under a denture,
in cases where all the reparative measures for periapical initiation of bony pathologies, and numbness if in close
pathology have failed (Fig. 13.3d). proximity to nerve. However, considerably small asymp-
5. Orthodontic Reasons: There are a few conditions when a tomatic root fragments may be left alone but the patient
tooth is indicated for extraction during the course of needs to be kept under regular follow-up (Fig. 13.3f).
orthodontic treatment. 9. Supernumerary Teeth: These teeth may be malposed or
(a) Malposed teeth: The teeth which are misaligned and impacted. They predispose to malocclusion, pain, peri-
cannot be reoriented within the proper arch form odontal disturbance, pathologies, or sometimes esthet-
with orthodontic treatment. ics. If there is no advantage in retaining a supernumerary
tooth, it must be subjected to extraction (Fig. 13.3g).
10. Retained Decidous Teeth: Deciduous teeth which are
retained beyond the age of exfoliation.
11. Impacted Teeth: Teeth impacted in the jaw and creating
Indications of Exodontia discomfort to the patient or identified incidentally and
found to be initiating some pathological changes within
1. Dental Caries the bone (Fig. 13.3h).
2. Pulp Pathology 12. Tooth in fracture line (Fig.  13.3i): The extraction of
3. Severe Periodontal Disease tooth in fracture line has always been controversial. In
4. Periapical Pathology earlier times, all the teeth in fracture line were extracted
5. Orthodontic Reasons but in recent times a more conservative approach is
6. Preprosthetic Extractions advocated. The teeth in fracture line are indicated for
7. Fractured Teeth extraction if the tooth is a source of infection at the site
8. Root Fragments of the fracture, the tooth itself is fractured, or the reten-
9. Supernumerary Teeth tion of the tooth in fracture line may interfere with the
10. Retained Decidous Teeth fracture reduction or healing.
11. Impacted Teeth
13. Teeth associated with pathologies (Fig.  13.3j): Teeth
12. Tooth in Fracture Line
involved in cyst formation and associated with other
pathologies like tumors, osteomyelitis, or neoplasms.
13. Teeth associated with pathologies
14. Teeth in firing line of radiations: In the past, prophylac-
14. Teeth in firing line of radiations
tic extractions were carried out before the patient was
subjected to radiation therapy. This practice was done as
the effects of radiation, such as loss of vascularity of
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India bone and radiation caries of the tooth, leading to a risk of
osteoradionecrosis. However, with betterment in tech-
Box 13.1  Indications of exodontia
nology, it is not commonly practiced anymore.
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 263

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 13.3 (a) Intraoral periapical radiograph showing grossly carious sors. (f) Clinical Photograph showing root pieces. (g) Clinical
second molar indicated for extraction. (b) Clinical Photograph showing Photograph showing supernumerary teeth. (h) OPG showing impacted
pulpal pathology. (c) Clinical Photograph showing generalized peri- mandibular canine. (i) OPG showing left mandibular third molar in
odontitis. (d) Radiograph showing developing root caries following fracture line. (j) OPG showing cyst associated with impacted maxillary
endodontic treatment. (e) Radiograph showing fractured central inci- canine
264 A. Jain

g h

i j

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.3 (continued)

13.6 Contraindications for Exodontia 6. Metabolic disorders like diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxico-

sis, Addison’s disease, myxedema, and long-term steroid
A tooth may be indicated for extraction, but the presence of therapy.
certain factors makes it contraindicated for extraction at that 7. Hematologic disorders like severe anemia, leukopenia,
particular time. Any medical disorder in an uncontrolled, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, leukemia, agranulocy-
severe, or acute state may become a relative contraindication tosis, patients on anticoagulant drugs, and bleeding and
for extraction. However, once the underlying medical condi- clotting disorders.
tion is controlled, the patient may be fit to undergo extrac- 8. Immunocompromised patients.
tion. These relative contraindications may be classified as
systemic or local contraindications.
13.6.2  Local Contraindications

13.6.1  Systemic Contraindications 1. Tooth in a malignant growth: Cases where a tooth is asso-
ciated with a malignant tumor is generally mobile due to
Any uncontrolled systemic disease becomes a relative the destruction of periodontal tissues because of the
contraindication. underlying disease process and patients often insist for
extraction. Extraction of such tooth must be considered as
1. Neurological disorders like stroke and epilepsy. a relative contraindication because extraction may cause
2. Pulmonary disorders like bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, seeding of malignant cells into the capillaries subse-
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pulmonary quently leading to distant metastasis of the tumor [6].
effusion. 2. Tooth associated with vascular lesions: There is a high
3. Cardiovascular disorders like hypertension, cardiomy- risk of catastrophic bleeding while extracting the tooth
opathy, valvular disorders, ischemic heart disease, and associated with vascular lesions like hemangiomas, aneu-
chronic cardiac failure. rysms, arteriovenous malformations, etc. Hence, such
4. Hepatic disorders like acute liver infections and liver extractions should be carried out while treating the
cirrhosis. pathology in a controlled environment.
5. Renal disorders like glomerulonephritis, uremia, and 3. Tooth in close proximity to vital structures: The extraction
chronic renal failure. should be avoided to prevent injury to vital structures.
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 265

However, if it is unavoidable, may be performed, but corresponding to the longer arm of the lever, providing max-
meticulously. imum mechanical advantage.
4. Tooth in an irradiated jaw: An irradiated jaw is highly • The Hinge: It the area where the beaks and handle unite
avascular; carrying out the extraction of a tooth in such with each other and this part corresponds to the fulcrum
condition is associated with a high risk of osteoradione- of the lever.
crosis. However, such a tooth can be extracted after a con- • The beaks: Beaks are shorter as compared to the handle
siderable period of time following radiation therapy [8]. and correspond to the short arm of the lever, providing
5. Tooth with an acute infection: If a tooth associated with acute maximum mechanical advantage. The beaks of maxillary
infective pathology is extracted, there is a risk of extension of forceps are parallel to the handle, whereas the beaks of
infection into deeper tissue planes due to loss of natural bar- mandibular forceps are at a right angle. This helps in the
riers during surgery. Also, there are chances of ingress of application of beaks parallel to the long axis of the tooth.
microorganisms into blood stream resulting in bacteremia. The beaks are curved and designed specifically for differ-
This may cause pyrexia and bacterial endocarditis in suscep- ent teeth for proper two-point contact. The outer surface
tible patients. Hence, in such a situation, the tooth must be of beaks are smooth and tapering, facilitating wedging
extracted under proper antibiotic coverage. Apart from anti- between the tooth and alveolar process. However, the
biotics, local measures for the drainage or decompression of inner surface of beaks are serrated to provide a firm grip
the infective pathology should be carried out if possible. This over the tooth.
relieves the pain and discomfort of the patient [9].
The forceps are of two types:

13.7 Armamentarium for Exodontia [10, 11] 1. English Pattern: These forceps have a hinge that is
directed vertically to the handles of the forceps.
13.7.1  Forceps 2. American Pattern: These forceps have a hinge that is directed
in a horizontal direction with the handles of the forceps.
Forceps are the basic instruments used to perform exodontia.
They are based on principles of simple machines. Forceps Tables 13.4 and 13.5 describe various maxillary and man-
are designed to provide adequate access to the targeted tooth dibular forceps with their salient features, respectively.
without injuring the neighboring tissues. Forceps basically Maxillary forceps must be held in a ‘palm up’ position
have three components: (Fig. 13.4). (Fig. 13.7a) and mandibular forceps must be held in a ‘palm
down’ position (Fig.  13.7b). These forceps majorly apply
• The handle: Handle is the area of forceps from where the five different motions: (Fig. 13.8).
operator holds the instrument in a palm grip. It has serrations
to facilitate firm grip. It is longer as compared to the beaks, 1. Apical pressure: With the force in this direction, the
tooth movement is minimal in apical direction; however,
the socket expands due to insertion of beaks in the peri-
odontal ligament space. Also, the center of rotation of
BEAKS tooth displaces apically, resulting in less amount of force
at the apical portion of root preventing it from getting
fractured. (Fig. 13.9).
HINGES 2. Buccal/Labial pressure: This results in expansion of buccal
cortical plate, specifically at the crest of the ridge. However,
at the same time, it results in lingual apical pressure.
HANDLES However, excessive pressure must be avoided to prevent
fracture of buccal bone and the apical portion of the root.
3. Palatal/Lingual pressure: Similar to the buccal/labial
pressure, but in opposite direction aiming in the expan-
sion of lingual cortical plate.
4. Rotational pressure: Here the tooth is rotated resulting in
internal socket expansion and tearing of periodontal liga-
ments. This force must only be applied to the teeth with
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
single and conical roots. Teeth with multiple or dilacerated
roots are prone to fracture on the application of this force.
Fig. 13.4  Components of forceps
266 A. Jain

Table 13.4  Maxillary forceps with their salient features

Sr. No. Forceps Description Use
1 Maxillary anterior forceps Beaks are approximated with each other and handle is straight Extraction of maxillary incisors and
(Fig. 13.5a) canines.
2 Maxillary premolar forceps Beaks do not approximate. Handle has concavity on one side Extraction of maxillary premolars.
(Fig. 13.5b) to provide better grip and access.
3 Maxillary molar forceps These are paired forceps having asymmetrical and broader Extraction of maxillary molars.
(Fig. 13.5c) beaks. Beak is pointed on one side which engages the buccal
bifurcation of roots and blunt on the other side engaging
palatal root. Handle is similar to that of premolar forceps.
4 Maxillary cow horn forceps These are also paired forceps having beaks that resemble the Extraction of maxillary molars with
(Fig. 13.5d) horns of the cow, pointed on one side engaging buccal extensive loss of coronal structure.
bifurcation and notched on the other engaging palatal root.
5 Maxillary third molar forceps Beaks are curved and angulated to engage the crown of third Extraction of maxillary third molars
(Fig. 13.5e) molars. Handle is long for accessing the posterior region.
6 Maxillary bayonet forceps Beaks of the forceps are narrow, symmetrical, and Extraction of maxillary roots.
(Fig. 13.5f) approximating. Handle is angulated to provide access to
posterior areas as well.

Fig. 13.5 (a) Maxillary anterior forceps, (b) Maxillary premolar forceps, (c) Maxillary molar forceps, (d) Maxillary cow horn forceps, (e)
Maxillary third molar forceps, (f) Maxillary bayonet forceps
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 267

c d

Fig. 13.5 (continued)
268 A. Jain

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.5 (continued)
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 269

Table 13.5  Mandibular forceps with their salient features

Sr. No. Forceps Description Use
1 Mandibular anterior forceps Beaks are perpendicular to handle, approximating each other, Extraction of mandibular incisors and
(Fig. 13.6a) and handle is straight with no curvature canines
2 Mandibular premolar forceps Beaks do not approximate. Handle is similar to the anterior Extraction of mandibular premolars
(Fig. 13.6b) forceps
3 Mandibular molar forceps Beaks are broader with triangular projections to engage the Extraction of mandibular molars
(Fig. 13.6c) buccal and lingual furcations
4 Mandibular cow horn forceps Beaks are pointed and conical resembling the horns of cow. Extraction of mandibular molars with
(Fig. 13.6d) Beaks engage the furcations extensive loss of coronal structure
5 Mandibular third molars These are paired forceps having an angulated beak to reach up Extraction of mandibular third molars
(Fig. 13.6e) to the mandibular third molars. Both beaks have triangular
projections to engage the buccal and lingual furcation
6 American pattern mandibular Beaks are similar to that of mandibular molar forceps except Extraction of mandibular molars
molar forceps (Fig. 13.6f) that they are facing forward toward each other at right angles

Fig. 13.6 (a) Mandibular anterior forceps, (b) Mandibular premolar forceps, (c) Mandibular molar forceps, (d) Mandibular cow horn forceps, (e)
Mandibular third molar forceps, (f) Mandibular molar forceps (American pattern)
270 A. Jain

e a

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.7 (a) Correct way of holding maxillary forceps, (b) Correct

way of holding mandibular forceps
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.6 (continued)
13.7.2  Elevators

5. Tractional forces: This delivers the tooth out of the socket. Elevators are the instruments used for luxating (loosening)
This force should be gentle and the tooth should not be the teeth before application of forceps making extraction
pulled out of the socket. However, if excessive force is easier, subsequently avoiding complications like fracture
required, other maneuvers must be carried out to improve of crowns, roots, and bone. They are also used to remove
luxation. fractured or surgically sectioned roots. Elevators are single-­
bladed instruments designed for specific purposes deliver-
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 271



Apical Buccal/Labial Palatal/Lingual Rotational Tractional

Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Forces
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.8  Sequential motions performed using forceps

Fig. 13.9  Center of rotation of

tooth gets displaced apically
when the forceps is inserted
beyond cementoenamel junction

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

ing maximum mechanical advantage with minimum efforts. • Blade: It is the working end of the instrument and trans-
Elevators have three components (Fig. 13.10): mits the force to the tooth, bone, or both to achieve the
• Handle: It is of generous size for proper grip and deliv- desired action.
ering adequate but controlled force. Handle can be a
continuation of the shank or at a right angle to the shank. Table 13.6 highlights various types of elevators used for
• Shank: It connects the handle with the working end or exodontia and Fig. 13.12 shows the proper way to hold an
blade of the elevator. It is strong enough to transmit the elevator.
force from the handle to the blade.
272 A. Jain

Table 13.6  Elevators with their salient features

No Elevator Description Use
1 Straight elevator The blade, shank, and Luxation of
(Fig. 13.11a) handle are in one line. maxillary and
Blade is pointed with mandibular teeth
BLADE one surface serrated and
other convex.
2 Coupland The blade, shank, and Acts as a wedge to
elevator handle are in one line. create purchase.
(Fig. 13.11b) Blade is sharp and Splitting of tooth
SHANK straight cut having one
surface concave and
other convex.
3 Apexo elevator These are paired Extraction of root
(Fig. 13.11c) elevators with blade at pieces
an angulation of 45° to
shank. This facilitates
its reach up to roots’
apical region.
4 Cross Bar These are paired Extraction of
elevator elevators with blade at a mandibular roots
(Fig. 13.11d) right angle to shank and
HANDLE shank at a right angle to
handle. The blade is
triangular with slight
curve and pointed tip.
5 Cryer elevator There are paired Extraction of roots
(Fig. 13.11e) elevators similar to Elevation of upper
cross bar elevator. The third molars
only difference is that
the handle is parallel to
the shank.
6 Warwick James The blade is short with a Extraction of
elevator rounded end and the retained roots,
(Fig. 13.11f) handle is flattened. deciduous teeth,
There are three maxillary third
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India elevators, two angled molars, and teeth
(mesial and distal) and with less resistance
Fig. 13.10  Components of elevator one straight.
7 Root tip elevator It can be a single or Removal of apical
or root fragment double ended instrument root tips/fragments
ejector similar to Apexo of roots
(Fig. 13.11g) elevators. The only
Elevators works on principles of difference is that they
are smaller with more
pointed blades
1. Wedge
2. Lever
3. Wheel and Axle
4. Combination of the above
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 273

Fig. 13.11 (a) Straight elevator, (b) Coupland elevator, (c) Apexo elevator, (d) Cross bar elevator, (e) Cryer elevator, (f) Warwick James elevator,
(g) Root tip elevator
274 A. Jain

Fig. 13.11 (continued)
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 275

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.11 (continued)
276 A. Jain

a 13.8 S
 equential Procedure of Exodontia
[6, 10]

The procedure of exodontia is a blend of surgical principles

and elementary physics mechanics. When this combination
is applied efficiently, a tooth can be removed with no great
difficulty and finesse without requiring a large amount of
force. For an uneventful extraction to be carried out, a proper
sequential procedure must be followed.

13.8.1  Presurgical Assessment

• Presurgical Medical Risk Assessment:

b The approach of a dental surgeon must not be localized
to a diseased tooth. It should always be kept in mind that
we are not treating a tooth but we are treating an indi-
vidual with a diseased tooth. It is critical that the sur-
geon must examine the patients’ medical status. Patients
may suffer from a variety of medical ailments requiring
modification in treatment planning. Medical manage-
ment must be carried out first for safe extraction proce-
dure for the patient.
• Emotional Condition of the patient:
Due to various myths like weakening of eyesight and
impact on mental health following extraction as well
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India as severe intolerable pain during the procedure, the
patients are generally apprehensive to undergo extrac-
Fig. 13.12 (a, b) Correct way of holding an elevator tion. Such patients are liable to go into syncope or
aggravation of their medical condition. A proper coun-
seling is required in such cases before proceeding for
1. Wedge Principle: Introduction of the blade of an elevator exodontia. However, in extremely anxious patients,
between the bone and tooth parallel to the long axis of the where counseling is not enough, premedication like
tooth is wedging. A wedge is basically a movable inclined Diazepam/Alprazolam (Anxiolytics) for reduction of
plane which overcomes a larger resistance at right angle anxiety may be considered.
to the applied effort. The resistance has its effect on the • Extraoral Examination:
slant side when the effort is applied at the base of the The patient must be examined for the presence of any
plane (Fig. 13.13a and b). extraoral swelling, cellulitis, abscess, or lymphadenopa-
2. Lever Principle: The elevator is the lever of first class. To thy. Presence of any swelling is suggestive of extension
gain mechanical advantage in first-class lever, the effort of infection into surrounding soft tissue space which may
arm must be longer (3/4th of the total length) than the require another surgical procedure. Presence of trismus
resistance arm divided by the fulcrum which lies on the must also be examined as it affects the access to the tooth
bone (Fig. 13.14a and b). to be extracted.
3. Wheel and Axle Principle: In this principle, the effort is • Intraoral Examination:
applied to the circumference of a wheel, which turns the It includes an examination of the size of the tongue, bulky
axle generating the force to raise a weight (Fig. 13.15). buccal fat pad, and hyperactive gag reflex as these fac-
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 277

Fig. 13.13 (a) Wedge principle a b

where a wedge is used to expand,
split, and displace portions of the
substance that receives it, (b) The
blade of the elevator is used as a
wedge to displace the tooth root
out of the socket

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.14 (a) The small force and large movement transformed to small movement and large force by the first-class lever, (b) The tooth is ele-
vated out of the socket where the bone acts as a fulcrum
278 A. Jain

Fig. 13.15  The elevator

acting on the principle of
Wheel and Axle aids in
retrieval of root from the

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

tors may hamper the access to the surgical site. Acute radiograph provides accurate and sufficient details of the
signs of infection like inflammation, edema, and pus tooth, its root/s, and the surrounding tissue.
discharge must also be assessed and the procedure must Examination of the following factors must be done:
be ­performed under local antiseptic care and antibiotic –– Configuration of roots
coverage. –– Size of roots
• Examination of the tooth in question. –– Shape of roots
This step includes a thorough examination of –– Number of roots
–– Crown size –– Root form
–– Form –– Presence of dilacerations
–– Shape –– Resorption
–– Presence of caries –– Hypercementosis
–– Mobility A proper radiograph also gives an idea regarding the
–– Previous endodontic therapy proximity of the root to the vital structures such as infe-
–– Tooth Angulation rior alveolar neurovascular bundle and maxillary sinus.
–– Malposition Moreover, the condition of surrounding bone can also be
These factors play a significant role in the extraction identified for the presence of sclerotic bone or periapical
procedure. The status of the adjacent tooth should also be pathologies like cyst, abscess, or granuloma.
examined as in its absence the interdental bone cannot be
used as a fulcrum. Moreover, if it is carious, there are
chances of fracture of the adjacent tooth while application 13.8.2  Treatment Planning
of elevator in the interdental space.
• Radiographic Examination. As the proverb says ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’, it
It is advisable to take a proper radiograph for any tooth is of paramount importance to device a proper treatment
which is to be extracted. Generally, an intraoral periapical plan before carrying out an extraction procedure. The degree
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 279

of difficulty must be anticipated during the pre-extraction Table 13.7  Chair and patient positions for extraction
period. On assessment, if it is believed that the degree of Maxillary extraction Mandibular extraction
extraction is high or the initial attempts of extraction confirm Operator •  Chair tipped backward •  Upright position
it, a deliberate surgical approach must be planned. A large standing • Maxillary Occlusal plane • Mandibular occlusal
at 45° to the floor plane parallel to floor
amount of force during simple exodontia must be avoided as • Patient’s mouth should • Patient’s mouth should
it may injure local soft tissue and damage surrounding bone be at the level between be at the level slightly
and teeth. There are also chances of crown fracture which the operator’s shoulder below the operator’s
makes the procedure more difficult. Also, the application of and elbow elbow
Operator • Supine position (10° to • Supine position (20°–30°
excessive force aggravates the intraoperative and postopera- sitting ground) to ground)
tive discomfort of the patient. • Patient’s mouth should • Patient’s mouth should be
be at the level of at the level slightly above
operator’s elbow the operator’s elbow
13.8.3  Administration of Local Anesthesia

Extraction of the tooth can be effectively carried out under Table 13.8  Operator’s standing position for extraction
local anesthesia. Hence, administration of local anesthesia Position for right Position for left
must be carried out with proper technique and appropriate Teeth handed operator handed operator
agent. For different teeth, different nerve blocks are to be given All maxillary teeth and 7 O′ clock – 8 O′ 4 O′ clock – 5 O′
(Tables 13.2 and 13.3). Once the local anesthesia, nerve block mandibular anterior teeth clock clock
and/or local infiltration is administered, surgeon must wait for Mandibular left posterior 7 O′ clock – 8 O′ 1 O′ clock
teeth clock
it to act and confirm the same by subjective and objective tests.
Mandibular right posterior 11 O′ clock 4 O′ clock – 5 O′
teeth clock

13.8.4  Surgeon and Patient Preparation

The principle of universal precaution states that all the • Chair and Patient’s Position (Table 13.7).
patients must be viewed as having blood-borne diseases that • Operator’s Position (Table 13.8) (Figs. 13.16 and 13.17).
can be transmitted to the surgical team and other patients.
Hence, to avoid transmission of diseases, a surgeon and the
assistant must wear surgical gloves, surgical mask, eye-wear 13.8.6  Exodontia Procedure
with shields, surgical cap, and a long-sleeved surgical gown.
Before the patient is subjected to the extraction procedure, a Choosing the correct technique and following fundamental
sterile drape should be put over the patient’s chest to decrease principles, leading to an atraumatic extraction. The three
the risk of contamination. It is advisable to reduce the bac- fundamental requirements for a good extraction are:
terial contamination in the patient’s mouth by making him/
her rinse the mouth vigorously using an antiseptic rinse like (a) Adequate access and visualization of the surgical field.
chlorhexidine prior to the procedure. Some surgeons prefer (b) An unimpeded pathway for the removal of the tooth, and
to keep a partially unfolded 4 × 4 inches’ gauze loosely into (c) Use of controlled force to luxate and remove the tooth.
the back of the mouth to prevent the tooth or its fragment
from potential aspiration or swallowing. However, it should Dental extractions are based on three mechanical proper-
not be kept posterior enough to trigger gag reflex. ties, which are as follows:

1. Expansion of alveolar socket: The tooth itself is used as a

13.8.5  P
 osition of Operator, Patient, dilating instrument to expand the alveolar socket in order
and Chair to permit the removal of its harbored tooth. This is per-
formed mainly in ‘intra-alveolar exodontia’ by holding
The positions of the operator, the patient, and the chair are the tooth firmly with a forceps and carrying out lateral
very important for comfortable and successful extraction. movements in buccal and lingual directions (Fig. 13.18).
The best position is one that is comfortable for both the This expansion depends on the elasticity of the bone
patient and surgeon and which allows the surgeon to have which is maximal in young bone and decreases with age.
maximum control during the procedure. Dilatation of socket results in microfractures in the bony
280 A. Jain

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.16  Operator’s position for maxillary teeth extraction, (a) Right posterior, (b) Anterior, and (c) Left posterior

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.17  Operator’s position for mandibular teeth extraction, (a) Right posterior, (b) Anterior, and (c) Left posterior

wall and interradicular septa. The bony fragments retain The two methods of exodontia are as follows:
the periosteal attachment in almost all the cases and hence
must be digitally compressed unless an implant placement 1. Intra-alveolar Exodontia: This method of extraction is also
is planned. referred to as closed method or routine exodontia, usually
2. Use of Lever and Fulcrum: This principle is used to lux- practiced for extraction of erupted and intact tooth with
ate the tooth or root and force it out of the socket along enough structure to grasp with a forceps and pull the tooth
the path of least resistance. This principle is the basic fac- out of alveolar socket. Instruments used are forceps or ele-
tor which governs the use of elevators to extract tooth or vators or both. This technique is the most frequently used
tooth root (Fig. 13.14b). technique for almost every extraction. However, if the
3. Insertion of a wedge of wedges: Insertion of wedge operator believes that the extraction will require an exces-
between the tooth/root and bony socket wall leads to the sive force or if a substantial amount of crown is missing or
rise of tooth in the socket (Fig. 13.19). Lesser the elastic- covered by tissue, an open technique may be opted.
ity of bone, more are the effects of wedging. This is the 5 sequential steps are to be followed for exodontia by
reason that sometimes on application of blades of for- closed technique (Fig. 13.20). Other than these 5 steps,
ceps, the conical rooted mandibular premolars shoot out the opposite hand also plays a vital role during the proce-
of the sockets. dure which is highlighted in Table 13.9.
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 281

Fig. 13.18 (a) Exodontia by a b c

expansion of bony socket is
similar to the removal of a post
embedded in the ground, (b) The
post is moved laterally in a to and
fro motion, (c) This results in
displacement of soil surrounding
the post and permitting the post
to be removed out

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

2. Transalveolar Exodontia: This method includes removal

of alveolar bone to access and extract the tooth. It is gen-
erally practiced for extraction of impacted teeth, root
pieces, or teeth with unfavorable root form. It is often
termed as surgical extraction or complicated exodontia.
Indications for open technique are enlisted in Box 13.2.
For an open technique exodontia, 5 steps are to be fol-
lowed: (Fig. 13.23) (Clinical Case, Fig. 13.24a–f).

13.9 V
 arious Mucoperiosteal Flap Designs
for Transalveolar Extraction

Transalveolar exodontia necessitates incision making and

subsequent mucoperiosteal flap reflection for adequate expo-
sure of the underlying alveolar bone. The flap must be an
adequate sized full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap with a
broader base which is made on intact bone, avoiding injury
to the local vital structures. The various types of flaps used in
transalveolar exodontia are:

1. Envelope Flap: When a crevicular incision without any

releasing incision is given, it produces an envelope flap.
Usually, this flap provides adequate access to perform the
surgery (Fig. 13.25a).
2. Triangular Flap: When a crevicular incision has one verti-
cal releasing incision, it produces a triangular flap. It is also
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India known as a two-sided or three-cornered flap. The three cor-
ners are posterior end of the crevicular incision, inferior
Fig. 13.19  Insertion of wedge-shaped forceps blades resulting in rise
of the tooth in the socket
282 A. Jain

• Soft tissue attachment is loosened from the cervical portion of tooth

• Can be effectively done using scalpel blade, moon’s probe or sharp end of No. 9 Molt’s
STEP 1 Periosteal elevator
• This step helps in
a. Ensuring if anesthesia has been achieved
Gingival Retraction b. Gaining patient’s confidence that only pressure will be felt
c. More apical positioning of blades of forceps and elevators

• Straight elevator is inserted perpendicular into the interdental space

STEP 2 • It is then rotated slowly and forcefully so that the inferior portion of blade rests on the bone and
its superior porion pushes the tooth
Luxation of tooth • This expands alveolar sockets and tears periodontal ligaments
using Elevators • In some cases, opposite movement results in complete removal of tooth

• Tooth is grasped apical to cervical line with appropriate forceps

STEP 3 • Lingual beak is applied first followed by buccal beak
• Application of beaks must be parallel to the long axis of the tooth
• This results in effective dilation and expansion of the alveolar bone on application of apical
Application of
Forceps to the tooth forces.
• Forceps must be grasped at ends to maximize the control and mechanical advantage

• As described earlier, various motions are carried out to luxate the tooth
• Once the tooth is luxated, apical force is applied again to shift the centre of rotation further
STEP 4 apically.
• This is again followed by buccal and lingual movements of tooth.
Luxation of tooth • The forces applied in buccal and lingual direction must be slow deliberate pressures with no
using Forceps jerky movements
• Once the force is applied, one must wait so that the bone expands

STEP 5 • A slight traction force directed slightly buccally is applied over the tooth.
• The tooth comes out of the socket once the socket is completely expanded and periodontal
ligaments are severed.
Removal of tooth • Once the tooth is out, the tooth and socket both must be examined for any fractured root tips.
from the Socket

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.20  Steps for Intra-alveolar exodontia

Table 13.9  Role of opposite hand during exodontia trapezoidal flap. It is also known as a three-sided or four-­
Functions of opposite hand Grasp of opposite hand cornered flap. Two corners are at the superior aspect of
• Reflection of soft tissues • Pinch grasp: While extracting the releasing incisions and the other two corners are at the
of the cheeks, lips, and maxillary teeth, the operator grasps ends of the crevicular incision. The vertical releasing
tongue the alveolar bone around the tooth
incisions are not vertically placed but are directed
• Protection of other teeth to be extracted by a pinch grasp
from the forceps (Fig. 13.21) obliquely to allow a broader base (Fig. 13.25c).
• Stabilization of patient’s • Sling grasp: While extracting
head (along with opposite mandibular teeth, the operator Transalveolar or complicated exodontia can be further
arm) grasps the alveolar bone around the
described in two types.
• Supporting the jaw during tooth to be extracted by a sling
mandibular extraction grasp (Fig. 13.22)
• Supporting the alveolar 1. Complicated Exodontia of Single rooted tooth.
process providing tactile It starts by incision making and reflecting a sufficiently
information regarding
large flap to provide adequate visualization and access.
Mostly an envelope flap is preferred which is extended at
aspect of vertical releasing incision, and the superior aspect least two teeth anterior and one tooth posterior to the tooth
of the vertical releasing incision. When a greater exposure that has to be extracted. If required, a releasing incision can
is required, this flap is preferred (Fig. 13.25b). be placed. Once the flap is reflected adequately and the
3. Trapezoidal Flap: When a crevicular incision has two surgical site is exposed sufficiently, extraction of the tooth/
vertical releasing incisions on either sides, it produces a root must be performed by using one of the various options.
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 283

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.21  Pinch grasp for maxillary teeth (a) Right posterior, (b) Left posterior

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.22  Sling grasp for mandibular teeth (a) Right posterior, (b) Anterior
284 A. Jain

(a) First option is to reseat the extraction forceps under (c) Third option is to push the tooth out of the socket by
direct visualization achieving a better mechanical inserting a straight elevator into the periodontal liga-
advantage and removing the tooth without removing ment space of the tooth. A small to and fro movement
any bone. should be used to insert the straight elevator as a
(b) Second option is to grasp a bit of buccal bone along wedge by expanding the periodontal ligament space
with the root in order to obtain a better mechanical to displace the root in an occlusal direction
advantage. In this case, a small amount of buccal (Fig. 13.26b).
bone is pinched off and removed along with the tooth (d) Fourth option is to remove the bone covering the buc-
(Fig. 13.26a). cal aspect of root with the help of a bur along with
ample irrigation. The width of the bone to be
removed must be essentially equal to the mesiodis-
Indications of Trans alveolar exodontia
tal width of the root. Also, the amount of bone to be
removed in the vertical dimension should be
• Teeth with Severely undermined crown
• Fractured teeth approximately one half or two thirds the length of
• Endodontically treated teeth
• Root pieces the root (Fig. 13.26c). Removal of this much amount
• Teeth with unfavourable root form like bulbous or dilacerated roots of bone minimizes the force necessary for the dis-
• Multiple divergent roots
• Ankylosed teeth placement of the root, making the procedure easier.
• Hypercementosis
• Presence of dense bone The extraction can be carried out using forceps or
• Malposed tooth
• Impacted tooth elevator.
• Tooth in proximity to vital structures (e) In some cases, removal of the root is still difficult
• Long standing tooth with grossly carious crown
even after the removal of bone. In such cases, a pur-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India chase point can be made in the most apical position
of the exposed root with the help of a round bur. This
Box 13.2  Indications of transalveolar exodontia purchase point must be 3 mm in diameter and deep

Incision and Flap Reflection

1 • Based on basic principles of flap designing, an incision is placed and a full thickness mucoperiosteal flap is
• Adequate buccal cortical bone is exposed to access the tooth/root.

Removal of Bone
• The bone is removed from buccal aspect using chisel or burs.
2 • When an intact tooth is present, root is exposed below the cementoenamel junction.
• In case of root piece, enough root structure is exposed to create purchase point.

3 • When an intact tooth is present, the crown can be sectioned and removed first.
• This is mainly done when the path of removal of crown and roots are different.
• Once the crown is removed, the roots are addressed.

Removal of Tooth
• A hole is drilled in the tooth to engage the tip of the elevator. This hole is called ‘Purchase Point’
• It must be deep enough to engage the elevator tip and must be drilled in healthy root to avoid fragmentation.
• In case of multiple roots, they can be sectioned and removed separately.

5 • After the tooth is removed completely, wound debridement, curettage of granulation tissue, removal of loose and
sharp bony fragments, rounding off socket margins, gentle irrigation with normal saline and finally closure using
suture is done.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.23  Steps for transalveolar exodontia

13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 285

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.24  Transalveolar extraction of impacted tooth: (a) IOPA showing impacted tooth, (b) Incision and flap reflection (Triangular flap),
(c) Bone removal, (d) Extraction socket (e) Closure, (f) Extracted tooth

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.25 (a) Envelope flap, (b) Triangular flap, (c) Trapezoidal flap
286 A. Jain

enough to engage the tip of an instrument to be used causes less morbidity than the closed technique as
for elevation of the tooth. the extraction of maxillary molar requires exces-
Once the tooth is delivered, the sharp bony edges must sive force during forceps’ extraction. Once the
be smoothened using a bone file and the whole surgical flap is raised, a small amount of crestal bone is
site must be thoroughly irrigated using copious amount of removed to expose the trifurcation. With the help
sterile saline. The flap must be repositioned and sutured of a straight bur, the mesiobuccal and distobuccal
into place. roots are sectioned horizontally at the level of tri-
2. Complicated exodontia of multirooted teeth. furcation. This separates the two buccal roots con-
If a treatment plan of complicated exodontia is verting the molar into single-rooted tooth
devised for a multirooted tooth, it is extracted with the (Fig. 13.27d). The molar with palatal root is then
same technique as of single-rooted tooth. The only dif- extracted using the maxillary molar forceps with
ference is that the tooth is divided using a bur to convert gentle but firm bucco-occlusal forces. The two
into two or three single-rooted fragments (odontectomy). buccal roots are then mobilized with the help of a
Following incision and flap reflection, once the tooth is straight elevator. These roots are then delivered
converted into multiple single-rooted fragments, the out with the help of a straight or Cryer elevator.
extraction procedure is carried out in a similar way as of The operator must take precaution to maintain
single-rooted tooth. Also, the immediate postoperative controlled force in an apical direction during
procedures like smoothening of bony fragments, irriga- removal of these roots using the straight elevator
tion, and closure also remains the same. The following as maxillary sinus might be in a close proximity to
text describes different techniques of splitting a multi- these roots. Uncontrolled and excessive force may
rooted tooth in different scenarios. result in an oroantral communication or displace-
(a) Mandibular molar with intact crown: First step ment of the root into the sinus.
involves the exposure of bifurcation by removing a (d) Maxillary molar with lost crown: A small amount of
small amount of crestal bone. The tooth is usually buccal bone is removed to expose the roots and is
sectioned buccolingually to split the tooth into divided into two buccal and palatal roots
mesial and distal halves (Fig. 13.27a). These halves (Fig. 13.27e). The roots are mobilized with the help
are then mobilized using a straight elevator and are of a straight elevator and are extracted with the help
treated as two single-rooted teeth. These teeth are of bayonet forceps or Cryer elevators. Generally,
then extracted with the help of mandibular premo- buccal roots are approached first followed by palatal
lar forceps. root.
Alternatively, mesial root is sectioned using a bur
to convert the molar into single-rooted tooth During exodontia, once completed either by closed tech-
(Fig.  13.27b). The tooth along with distal root is nique or by open technique, a few important things must be
removed with the help of forceps followed by the kept in mind which are listed in Box 13.3 and the patient
removal of mesial root. This mesial root is extracted should be instructed properly as listed in Box 13.4. During
with the help of a Cryer elevator. exodontia, either closed or open, an assistant may be really
(b) Mandibular molar with lost crown: The roots are helpful and plays an important role during the procedure
separated in a buccolingual direction with the help of (Box 13.5).
a bur in two separate mesial and distal roots
(Fig. 13.27c). A small straight elevator is inserted in
between the roots and rotated to mobilize the roots 13.10 Multiple Extractions
and elevate the mesial root. With the help of the Cryer
elevator, the mesial root is delivered out of the socket If multiple adjacent teeth are indicated for extraction, a few
by engaging the tip into the created purchase point key points are to be taken into consideration.
and rotating in a wheel-and-axle manner. The distal
root is then extracted by inserting the opposite mem- 1. Soft tissue must be reflected to expose the crestal bone
ber of the Cryer instrument into the empty socket and around all the teeth in the quadrant.
rotating again in a wheel-and-axle manner through 2. If removal of any tooth requires excessive force, a small
the interradicular bone. amount of buccal bone should be removed to prevent
(c) Maxillary molar with an intact crown: The roots of fracture and excessive bone loss.
maxillary molar are three in number and are diver- 3. All the teeth must be luxated well enough before
gent. Sometimes, an open technique of extraction extraction.
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 287

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.26 (a) A small portion of buccal bone is grasped along with used to luxate the broken root, (c) Bone is removed from the buccal
the root in cases when the root is fractured at the level of alveolar bone aspect of the root using a bur
(Alveolar Purchase Technique), (b) A small straight elevator is being
288 A. Jain

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.27 (a) Sectioning of tooth into mesial and distal halves, (b) Separation of mesial root from the tooth, (c) Separation of roots of mandibular
molar, (d) Buccal roots are sectioned from the tooth, (e) Separation of roots of maxillary molar
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 289

Box 13.3 Immediate
post-extraction care
Immediate Post -extraction Care

• Inspect the tooth and root to ensure complete removal

• V isualize the socket by thoroughly drying the socket and the adjacent field
• Inspect the socket for excessive bleeding which could be due to injured vessel
(forceful bleeding) or friable granulation tissue (steadily flowing blood) and curette
the socket
• Inspect for foreign bodies like fragments of tooth, calculus tags, granulation tissue,
sharp bony fragments and remove using a mosquito artery if present
• Palpate the edges of socket to rule out any sharp bony margins. If present smoothen
them using a file
• Compress the expanded socket with digital pressure (simple alveoloplasty). Not
recommended if implant is planned
• Application of pressure pack to arrest bleeding using a moistened sterile gauze
rolled over cotton wool
• Loose approximating sutures are placed following extraction to stop bleeding and
prevent food impaction if required.
• Analgesics can be prescribed to the patients

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Box 13.4 Postoperative
instructions Post-operative Instructions

• Maintenance of pressure pack for 30 – 60 minutes (Initial clot is soft and friable. Clot
retraction takes 30-45 minutes)
• Swallow the saliva and not to spit or rinse till 24 hours post extraction
• Soft and cold diet for 24 hours so as not to disturb the clot and for vasoconstriction
• Warm saline rinses after 24 hours to enhance healing of socket
• Avoid smoking as it may dislodge the clot and lead to bleeding
• No hot fomentation, only cold compressions in the immediate post-operative phase

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

4. Maxillary teeth are extracted first because. Role of Assistant during Exodontia

(a) Infiltration anesthesia has a more rapid onset in • Helping surgeon to visualize or gain access to the surgical
maxilla leading to early start of the procedure. site
• Suction away blood, saliva and irrigating solutions
(b) Profound anesthesia is lost early in maxilla.
• Helps in protecting the teeth of opposite side
(c) If mandibular teeth are extracted first, debris such as • Stabilize the head of the patient
fractured crowns, bone chips, and portions of restor- • Support the jaw of the patient
• Psychological and Emotional support for the patient
ative material may fall in the empty mandibular
sockets during extraction of maxillary teeth. ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
5. Hemostasis must be achieved with maxillary sockets
before the extraction of mandibular teeth as the hemor- Box 13.5  Role of assistant
rhage may interfere with mandibular surgery.
6. Extraction should be started with the most posterior
teeth as it allows the effective use of dental elevators to 9. If maxillary and mandibular teeth of one side are to be
luxate and mobilize the teeth. extracted in one sitting, the sequence of extraction rec-
7. While extracting multiple mandibular anterior teeth, an ommended is: Maxillary Posterior Teeth  – Maxillary
elevator is inserted between the two adjacent teeth and is Anterior Teeth  – Maxillary Canine  – Mandibular
rotated. This movement luxates both the teeth Posterior Teeth  – Mandibular Anterior Teeth  –
­simultaneously aiding in the extraction of both the teeth. Mandibular Canine.
This technique is known as Stobies technique. 10. Post-extraction, the buccal and lingual plates are reposi-
8. Canine is the most difficult tooth to extract, hence it tioned to the original position using digital pressure
should be extracted last. unless implants are planned.
290 A. Jain

11. If removable partial or complete dentures are planned, hole and the root fragment is guided out of the socket
the undercuts and bony spicules must be identified and (Fig. 13.28c and d).
primary alveoloplasty must be carried out.
12. Soft tissue must be inspected for excessive granulation However, if the risk during retrieval of root fragment
tissue; if present, it should be removed as it may prolong is comparatively more than the benefit of its removal, it is
postoperative hemorrhage. advisable to leave the root in situ. If the surgeon decides to
13. Papillae should be sutured in position. Primary closure retain the root, it should be documented and informed to the
must not be performed at the cost of vestibular depth, patient. The criteria for retaining the root are highlighted in
because if the vestibular depth decreases, it may inter- Box 13.6. The policy of dealing with fractured apical root
fere with denture construction. tips of maxillary molars and the management of root tips dis-
placed into the antrum is elaborated in Chap. 24 of this book.

13.11 E
 xtraction of Root Fragments
and Tips 13.12 Extraction During Menstruation

Ideally, when the apical one-third of the root (3–4  mm) is If permissible, extractions should be avoided during men-
fractured, it should be removed as it may act as a septic focus struation because during this period there is a high level of
or may result in the formation of cyst or other pathologies. estrogen circulating in the blood streams which results in
To extract these root tips, the two most important require- increased tissue bleeding. Menstrual cycle could be a deter-
ments are excellent light and excellent suction with a tip of minant risk factor for alveolar osteitis. Also, both exodontia
small diameter. and menstruation are stressful conditions, it is better not to
Once the fracture of root tip has been diagnosed, the subject the patient to increased stresses [12].
operator must reposition the patient to achieve proper visu-
alization and suction. Initially, closed technique must be
attempted; if unsuccessful, then the open technique must be 13.13 Extraction During Pregnancy
carried out for retrieval of root tip.
Pregnancy: Second trimester is considered to be relatively
• Initial attempt of root tip removal must be made by vigor- safer for carrying out minor oral surgeries. However, in
ous irrigation of the socket using normal saline. Following other trimesters, if the potential risk of retaining the tooth
irrigation and suction, the socket must be inspected prop- outweighs the complications of performing the surgery, one
erly to check if the root has been removed or not. must plan to carry out extraction with the utmost care and
• If unsuccessful, the root tip may be teased out of the avoiding use of drugs and radiographs as much as possible.
socket with the help of a root tip elevator (Fig. 13.28a). Caution should be exercised to evaluate teratogenic potential
The blade of the elevator is inserted in the periodontal of drugs when prescriptions are warranted.
ligament space and the root is teased out of the socket During first trimester, the fetus is at risk of developmental
gently. Root tip elevator is a delicate instrument; hence defects if the extraction is carried out as it undergoes organo-
excessive force must be avoided as it may result in genesis. The best course of action is to prevent the patient
­bending or fracture of the blade. For larger fragments, a from all kinds of infection. During the third trimester, there
small straight elevator may also be used. are chances of premature labor or even an abortion. However,
• If the closed technique is unsuccessful, the operator if an exodontia is planned, the patient must be kept in a left
must shift to an open technique. A full-thickness muco- lateral position. If the patient is maintained in a supine posi-
periosteal flap is elevated and reflected to expose the tion, there are chances of obstruction of venous return result-
buccal bone. The buccal bone is removed using a bur to ing in supine hypotension syndrome [13, 14].
expose the root fragment. The root is then delivered buc-
cally with the help of an elevator (Fig.  13.28b). The
socket is irrigated, flap is repositioned, and closure is 13.14 Healing of Extraction Socket [15]
• If the buccal bone has to be preserved, a modification of Along with understanding the general principles of exodon-
open technique can be performed. This technique is tia, it is pivotal for a dental surgeon to thoroughly know the
known as open window technique. In this technique, once phenomenon of healing of extraction wounds. An extraction
the flap is reflected, the apical area of the root fragment is socket heals in a similar fashion as any other wound in the
identified and a hole is drilled with the help of a bur. This body except for minor variations which occur due to the ana-
exposes the root tip. An elevator is inserted through this tomic structures in and around the socket.
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 291

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 13.28 (a) The root tip elevator is inserted into the periodontal ligament space to elevate the root tip, (b) Open technique for removal of frac-
tured root fragment, (c) Open Window technique for removal of fractured root fragment, (d) Clinical picture of open window technique

Box 13.6  Criteria for

retaining root piece Criteria for leaving root piece in situ

• If it is small (<2 – 3mm in length)

• If it is deep seated
• If it requires excessive bone removal
• If it is not infected
• If there is no presence of periapical infection
• If it is in close proximity to vital structures which may be injured during retrieval
• If during exploration there are chances of its displacement to adjacent anatomical

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

292 A. Jain

Blood present in the socket immediately after extraction • Tying or coagulation of visible blood vessel.
of tooth coagulates and red blood cells become entrapped in
the fibrin meshwork. This initial time period postextraction is Displacement of tooth in Antrum: Operator must be care-
critical because if the clot dislodges, healing becomes delayed ful while extracting maxillary molars to avoid displacement
and painful. Alterations in the vascular bed such as vasodila- of tooth/root into maxillary antrum. Excessive and uncon-
tation along with engorgement of blood vessels of periodon- trolled force in the apical direction may lead to displacement
tal ligament and transport of leukocytes around the clot occur of tooth/root in the maxillary sinus. If displaced, it can be
during first 24–48 hours. A thick layer of fibrin covers the clot retrieved by carrying out sinus exploration [16].
which shows signs of contractions. This clot forms a scaffold Displacement into adjacent spaces: Tooth/root might
over which cells associated with healing grow. get displaced into adjacent anatomic spaces. If it happens,
In the first week following extraction, fibroblasts from retrieval must be attempted. However, delayed retrieval can
remnants of PDL begin to grow in the periphery of clot and also be done as foreign body reaction aids in localization of
a thick layer of leucocytes gather over the clot. Osteoclastic the tooth/root [17].
activity starts in the crest of alveolar ridge. Blood clot under- Loss of tooth in pharynx: During exodontia, if the tooth is
goes organization by fibroblast and endothelial cell prolif- lost in pharynx, one must get a chest radiograph done to rule
eration, signaling the growth of small capillaries in the PDL out aspiration. If the tooth is aspirated, bronchoscopy has to
area. be done for retrieval of tooth [18].
Epithelial proliferation over the surface of the clot Injury to Temporomandibular Joint: It is mainly due to
increases during the second week of healing leading to a the application of excessive forces while extracting mandib-
more organized blood clot with new capillaries in the cen- ular teeth and failure to support mandible. It can be avoided
ter. Remnants of PDL undergoing degeneration are no lon- by using mouth gags and supporting mandible properly.
ger visible. Margins of alveolar socket appear frayed due to Unsupported mandible may lead to dislocation of temporo-
osteoclastic activity. Surfaces of small wounds epithelize mandibular joint. If occurred, it must be reduced immedi-
completely by this time. ately by mechanical reduction.
By the third week, fibrin meshwork of the original clot
is replaced by mature granulation tissue. Young trabeculae
formed by osteoblasts derived from pluripotent cells of PDL
form around the periphery of wound. Crest of alveolar bone Table 13.10  Complications of exodontia
appears rounded due to resorption. All kinds of wound epi- Complications
thelize by this stage of healing. 1. General complications
Wound enters the final stage of healing in the fourth (a) Postoperative pain
week. There is deposition and resorption of bone of alveo- (b) Hemorrhage
2. Problems with tooth being extracted
lar socket which continues for several weeks. Newly formed (a) Root fracture
bone is poorly calcified; therefore, the bone after extraction (b) Root displacement in adjacent spaces or antrum
becomes radiographically evident only after 6–8  weeks. (c) Loss of tooth in pharynx
Loss of crestal and buccal bone during transalveolar extrac- 3. Injury to adjacent teeth
tions leads to smaller alveolar ridges post healing. (a) Fracture or dislodgement of adjacent tooth restoration
(b) Luxation of adjacent tooth
(c) Extraction of wrong tooth
4. Injury to soft tissue
13.15 Complications of Exodontia [10] (a) Abrasion
(b) Puncture wound
(c) Tear of mucosal flap
Surgical procedures are associated with complications and
5. Injury to osseous structure
exodontia is no different. Various complications related to (a) Fracture of alveolar process (Fig. 13.29)
exodontia are highlighted in Table 13.10. (b) Fracture of maxillary tuberosity (Fig. 13.30)
Modalities to manage hemorrhage are as follows: 6. Injury to adjacent structures
• Pressure packing. (a) Injury to regional nerves
(b) Injury to regional vessels
• Injecting local anesthetic solution containing (c) Injury to Temporomandibular joint
vasoconstrictor. 7. Oroantral communication and fistula
• Curettage of granulation tissue. 8. Fracture of mandible
• Suturing. 9. Delayed healing and infection
• Use of resorbable oxidized cellulose (Surgicel) or gelatin (a) Infection
(b) Wound dehiscence
foam (Gelfoam). (c) Dry socket (Fig. 13.31)
• Mechanical obstruction using bone wax. (d) Osteomyelitis
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 293

Hemorrhage: It is classified as

1. Primary hemorrhage: bleeding at the time of surgery.

2. Reactionary hemorrhage: it is seen a few hours
after surgery due to cessation of vasoconstriction of
damaged blood vessels.
3. Secondary hemorrhage: evident up to 14 days post-
operatively due to infection.

Mechanical reduction is done by an operator standing in

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
front of the patient and holding the mandible with both hands.
Fig. 13.29  Fractured alveolar process The thumbs should be placed over the external oblique ridge/
molars and the fingers holding the lower border of mandible.
Once held firmly, mandible should be moved in inferior, pos-
terior, and superior directions in a sequential manner [6].
Oroantral Communication and Fistula: Oroantral com-
munication (OAC) is a pathologic communication between
oral cavity and maxillary antrum; however, once epithelized,
it is termed as oroantral fistula (OAF). OAC must be closed
immediately if it is larger than 5 mm. In cases of OAF, fistu-
lectomy followed by closure is the treatment of choice [19].
Refer the Chap. 24 on oroantral communication and fis-
tula for further reading.
Dry Socket: Dry socket or alveolar osteitis denotes delayed
healing with moderate to severe pain. Birn’s, hypothesis is
the most accepted explanation of dry socket. It states that
trauma and inflammation cause release of stable tissue acti-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India vator from adjacent bony socket and soft tissue. Tissue acti-
vator converts plasminogen to plasmin which causes lysis
Fig. 13.30  Fractured maxillary tuberosity
of blood clot and pain. Management of dry socket involves
relief of pain and ameliorating healing. A loose dressing
composed of zinc oxide and oil of cloves on cotton wool
is tucked into socket. Analgesic tablets and warm saline
rinses are prescribed and patient is kept on regular follow-up
[20, 21].
Osteomyelitis: It is ‘an infection of the bone and the bone
marrow which can be caused by an infection in the body
spreading in the blood stream from point of origin to the
bone’. Appropriate antibiotics for an extended period of time
is the line of treatment. In chronic cases, surgical debride-
ment becomes mandatory [22, 23].

13.16 T
 echnological Advances in Exodontia
Techniques [24]

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Evolution never stops, this can be prominently justified by
the fact that a variety of new techniques and instruments
Fig. 13.31  Dry socket have been introduced to revolutionize the field of oral and
294 A. Jain

maxillofacial surgery. Some of the technological advance-

ments for dental extraction are highlighted here.

13.16.1  Powered Periotome

It is an electric unit which contains a controller box with

adjustable power settings and a periotome mounted on a
handpiece that is activated by a foot control. Use of standard
periotome is cumbersome as the force delivered is uncon-
trolled; however, this powered periotome is characterized ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
by complete control over the force delivery and the depth to
which it travels into the periodontal ligament space. Fig. 13.32  Physics forceps
This device functions by wedging and severing mecha-
nisms. The thin metal blade of periotome is wedged into 13.16.4  Use of LASER
the periodontal ligament space in a circumferential manner
severing the Sharpey’s fibers. Once most of the Sharpey’s Laser offers a noncontact and low vibration bone cutting
fibers are severed, tooth can be extracted with minimal lat- without any visible, negative, and thermal side effects.
eral movement. Hence, it allows flapless removal of tooth Er:YAG laser can be used for surgical extractions to ablate
maintaining the periosteal blood supply with reduced risk the covering bone layer by layer exposing the portion of the
of fracture of buccal or lingual cortical plate and decreased root. Once the tooth/root is uncovered, they can be conven-
postoperative pain and discomfort. tionally removed [28]. However, laser osteotomies are time
consuming and require constant suctioning to achieve a dry
field for effective cutting.
13.16.2  Physics Forceps (Fig. 13.32)

Golden–Misch [25, 26] based on Class I lever mechanics 13.16.5  Piezo Surgery
designed the Physics Forceps to perform exodontia atrau-
matically. These forceps have a bumper which acts as a ful- Piezo surgery is very effective in bone cutting as it works
crum, is placed at the mucogingival junction on the facial selectively without injuring any soft tissue structure. Hence,
aspect applying steady, unrelenting pressure. Other than the it is very advantageous over the conventional burs which
bumper, there is a lingual beak, which is positioned on lin- have potential to cause injury to soft tissue. Also, a clearer
gual or palatal root, making a single point contact with the field is obtained while using piezo surgery. However, the
tooth. time required while using piezo surgery is more [29].
Due to the pressure applied by the bumper, periodontal
ligament is traumatized resulting in the release of hyaluroni-
dase. Once the enough chemical breakdown of periodon- 13.17 CASE Scenario
tal ligament is achieved by the hyaluronidase, the tooth is
released from its attachment to the alveolus aiding in easy CASE 1 [18, 30]
removal. Physics forceps releases more hyaluronidase than
conventional forceps in a shorter period of time, resulting in Patient is subjected to an extraction of a tooth and during the
more efficient extraction of tooth with minimal trauma to the procedure, the extracted tooth is lost leaving an empty alveo-
alveolar bone. lar socket. The tooth is nowhere to be seen in the oral cavity
neither it could be found in the surrounding area.
13.16.3  U
 se of Implant Drills for Extraction
Prior to Implant Placement 1. Aspiration of the tooth.
2. Ingestion of the tooth.
Yalcin and colleagues [27] suggested a novel and minimally
invasive technique to perform exodontia with minimal risk Clinical Features:
of damaging the thin buccal bone. The implant’s drills were
inserted into the root canals making the roots walls thin lead- • Aspiration.
ing to extraction with application of much less force. Signs and symptom of aspiration depends on the site
where the tooth is present. A laryngotracheal obstruction
13  Principles and Techniques of Exodontia 295

presents with dyspnea, cough, and stridor. It also results in –– Radiographic examination reveals the absence of
difficulty in breathing with or without cyanosis. Chocking is object in GIT, it should be assumed that the object has
also characterized by the sign of hands clutched to the throat, passed out. The patient must be reassured, however,
depending on whether the chocking is partial or complete. must be kept on follow-up.
However, tooth in bronchus is associated with cough, dimin- –– If the radiographic examination reveals the presence of
ished airway entry, dyspnea, and wheezing. Sometimes, the object in GIT, the patient must be referred to a gastroen-
patient may remain asymptomatic for several months if the terologist for removal either by surgery or by endoscopy.
aspirated tooth is very small. However, long-term retention –– During the whole process, the patient must be reas-
may result in late complications including postobstructive sured time and again.
pneumonia, atelectasis, bronchiectasis, pneumothorax, hem-
orrhage, lung abscess, vocal cord paralysis, and death.
• Ingestion. CASE 2 [31]
Generally, the passage of ingested tooth through the
gastrointestinal tract is uneventful. In cases of obstruc- A 33 year-old male reported with a chief complaint of a firm,
tion, the most frequently noticed symptoms are dysphagia diffuse swelling of size approximately 2 × 1 cm in left man-
and odynophagia. Esophageal obstruction presents with dibular body region with occasional pus discharge from the
gagging, coughing, chest pain, drooling of saliva, nausea, extraoral skin fistula (Fig.  13.33a). He also complained of
hematemesis, regurgitation, muscular incoordination, and associated intermittent pain and fever.
incessant twitching. Abdominal pain is one of the symp-
toms other than fever, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal History
distensions in cases of abdominal impactions. On further questioning, he revealed that he had visited a
private clinic 6  months back for the complaint of dental
Management: caries. Following clinical and radiographic examination,
–– Patient must be kept in a Reverse Trendelenburg the dentist had planned to extract the tooth. To the patient’s
position. knowledge, the extraction was done uneventfully, but one
–– If the patient has visible Airway Obstruction, he must root was lost during the procedure. Patient was prescribed
be asked to cough and Heimlich maneuver must be with antibiotics and analgesics for a period of 5 days. The
attempted to relieve obstruction. patient became apprehensive and uneasy in the following
–– If the object is dislodged, it should be identified and days. The fear of further complications kept him from visit-
confirmed. If not, then cricothyroidectomy must be ing the dentist again and the condition went on worsening.
done to secure airway. If not possible in the clinic, then Finally, after 6 months, he reported to an oral and maxil-
the patient must be rushed to the emergency unit for lofacial surgeon.
securing airway.
–– In cases with no airway obstruction, the entire oral Investigations
cavity must be examined. If the object is found, it An orthopantomogram was taken which revealed a displaced
should be identified and confirmed. root fragment in left first molar region. (Fig. 13.33b).
–– If the object is not found in the oral cavity, the patient
must be subjected to Chest radiography and Diagnosis
Ultrasonography Abdomen. Displacement of Mandibular molar root in buccal space.
–– For radiolucent objects, bronchoscopy and Computed
Tomography of Chest and Abdomen are preferred. Management
–– If the object is in respiratory tract, bronchoscopy must After obtaining patient’s consent, under antibiotic coverage
be planned for retrieval. and local anesthesia, surgical exploration was done through
–– If the object is in Esophagus, Endoscopic removal the existing skin fistula extraorally. With the digital pressure,
must be done. the root piece was delivered out (Fig.  13.33c). Curettage
–– If the object is in Gastrointestinal tract (GIT), beyond and debridement was done carefully and patient was kept
esophagus, patient must be monitored for 2 weeks with on ­follow-­up. Closure was not performed. Antibiotics, anal-
serial radiographs. Stool examination must be done till gesic, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were pre-
the object is expelled. scribed postoperatively. Patient recovered without further
–– If the object is retrieved, identify and confirm. incident. In the late period of follow-up, no complication
–– If the object is not retrieved, radiographic examination was observed except extraoral scarring.
must be repeated.
296 A. Jain

a c

Fig. 13.33 (a) Patient with extraoral swelling and skin fistula. (b) Orthopantomogram showing displacement of left first mandibular molar root
into adjacent space. (c) Retrieval of root from buccal space

removal of mandibular third molar: a single-blind randomized clin-

References ical trial. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013 Sep;71(9):1484–9.
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Management of Impacted Third Molars
George Varghese

14.1 Introduction Andreasen et al. [3] defined impaction as a cessation of

the eruption of a tooth caused by a clinically or radiographi-
Even as the scope of practicing oral and maxillofacial sur- cally detectable physical impediment in the eruption path or
gery grows and continues to evolve, the mainstay of practice by an ectopic position of the tooth.
remains dentoalveolar surgery. In this area, the surgical
removal of impacted teeth is one of the commonest proce- • An unerupted tooth is the one lying within the jaws,
dures that is performed. Among the teeth that are commonly entirely covered by soft tissue, and partially or completely
impacted, the mandibular molars rank first, followed by the covered by bone. This tooth is undergoing the eruption
maxillary third molars and the maxillary canines. Less com- process and will probably erupt into occlusion based on
monly, impaction of other teeth such as the mandibular clinical and radiographic findings.
canines, maxillary and mandibular premolars, and the sec- • A partially erupted tooth is one that has failed to erupt
ond molars are also seen. fully into a normal position. The term implies that the
tooth is partly visible or in communication with the oral
14.1.1 Terminology • An impacted tooth is a tooth which is prevented from
completely erupting into a normal functional position.
The term impaction comes from the term “impactus,” which The reason may be due to lack of space, obstruction by
is of Latin origin. Its general usage refers to the failure of an another tooth, or an abnormal eruption path.
organ or structure in achieving its normal position because of
an abnormal mechanical condition.
Archer [1] defined impacted tooth as a tooth that is par- 14.1.2 Incidence of Impaction
tially or completely unerupted and is positioned against
another tooth or bone or soft tissue so that its further eruption
is unlikely. Archer observed that the following types of teeth, in
Lytle [2] proposed a definition that is intimately related to order of frequency, are most likely to be impacted:
that of Archer. An impacted tooth is a tooth that has failed to maxillary third molars,
erupt into its normal functional position beyond the time mandibular third molars,
usually expected for such appearance. Eruption may have maxillary cuspids,
been prevented by adjacent hard or soft tissue including mandibular bicuspids,
tooth, bone, or dense soft tissue. mandibular cuspids,
maxillary bicuspids,
maxillary central incisors,
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap-
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_14) contains supple- maxillary lateral incisors.
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.

G. Varghese (*)
Principal, Professor and Head, Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences,
Tiruvalla, Kerala, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 299

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_14
300 G. Varghese

14.2 Management Techniques into the world to become “wise,” the name “wisdom teeth”
for the Impacted Tooth was used.
A number of theories have been put forth to explain the
Although the standard management strategy is usually con- phenomenon of impaction. The following are the most com-
sidered to be surgical removal of the impacted tooth, the fol- monly accepted ones:-
lowing methods listed below also should be considered 1. Discrepancy between the tooth size and the arch length.
depending upon the case: 2. Differential growth pattern of the mesial and distal roots.
1. Conservative method—Leaving the tooth alone with reg- 3. Delayed maturation of the third molar—dental develop-
ular follow-up clinically and radiographically. For ment of the tooth lags behind the skeletal growth and
instance, a deeply asymptomatic third molar may be left maturation.
as such especially in an older age group patient. 4. Incidence of extraction of permanent molars is decreased
2. Operculectomy—This procedure can be considered in a in the mixed dentition period, providing less room for
mandibular third molar that has partially erupted, and has suf- eruption of third molars. This is very pertinent in the pres-
ficient space to come into occlusion, but is prevented from ent day due to better awareness of the population and
doing so by thick overlying mucoperiosteum. If the tooth still dental treatments are started early in childhood.
fails to erupt fully, it has to be considered for removal. 5. Inadequate development of jawbones due to consumption
3. Autogenous transplantation—Occasionally, the third of more refined food which causes reduced functional
molars can be considered for autogenous transplantation, stimulation for the growth of jaw bone.
usually to a first molar socket site. Because of the low 6. Evolution theory.
success rate with such procedures, it is not widely used Berger [7] listed the following local causes for impaction
except in special circumstances. of teeth:
4. Orthodontically guided eruption—This is usually suited
to impacted maxillary and mandibular canine teeth. 1. Irregularity in the position and pressure of an adjacent
Orthodontic guidance enables the tooth to reach a func- tooth.
tional position within the arch. This technique can also be 2. The increased density of the overlying or surrounding bone.
applied to impacted premolars and, in some instances, 3. Continued chronic inflammation with subsequent
even impacted mandibular molars. increase in density of the overlying mucous membrane.
5. Procedures that activate eruption—When indicated, these 4. Lack of space due to underdeveloped jaws.
are usually applied to developing teeth. 5. Prolonged retention of the primary tooth.
6. Early loss of primary tooth.
7. Acquired diseases such as necrosis due to infection or
14.2.1 Controversies on Prophylactic Removal abscess.
of Third Molars
Impaction may also be found with no local predisposing
The benefits of prophylactic surgical removal of impacted conditions cited above.
third molars that are disease-free is quite controversial [4–6]. According to Berger, the following are the systemic
There are opinions that retaining the teeth may be more cost- causes of impaction:
effective than prophylactic removal, at least in the short to (a) Prenatal causes—Hereditary and miscegenation.
medium term. Nevertheless, there may still be clinical situa- (b) Postnatal causes—Rickets, anemia, congenital syphilis,
tions that demand prophylactic surgery. Each clinical sce- tuberculosis, endocrine dysfunction, and malnutrition.
nario needs an individualized evaluation and the consequences (c) Rare conditions—Cleidocranial dysostosis, oxycephaly,
of all management techniques must be discussed with the progeria, achondroplasia, and cleft palate.
patient. Thomas Dodson in [4] brought out a classification
based upon the presence/absence of symptoms and the pres-
ence/absence of disease. He proposed to use this method to 14.4 Indications for Removal
decide on the removal vs retention of third molars.
Despite the fact not all unerupted/impacted teeth cause prob-
lems, all have that potential. Based on extensive clinical
14.3 Etiology of Impaction studies, indications for removal have been identified.
1. Pericoronitis and Pericoronal abscess (Fig.  14.1a, b,
Generally, the third molars or the wisdom teeth are the last c)—This is the most common cause for extraction of
teeth to erupt and they erupt between 18 and 25 years of age. mandibular third molars (25–30%). Pericoronitis is fre-
Since they erupt at about the time when the youth goes off quently found to be associated with distoangular and
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 301

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.1 (a, b, c) Impacted right mandibular third molar with pericoronitis causing extraoral abscess (a) Extraoral abscess (Yellow arrow), (b)
Impacted 48 with pericoronitis (yellow arrow), (c) OPG showing impacted 48 (Yellow circle)

vertical impaction. If treated inadequately, the infection

may extent posteriorly resulting in submasseteric
2. Dental Caries—Incidence of caries of the second
molar or third molar is about 15%. The reason for this
high incidence is attributed to difficulty to perform
oral hygiene measures in the third molar area
(Fig. 14.2).
3. Periodontal diseases—Repeated food impaction and
collection of food debris between the impacted third
molar and the erupted second molar can lead to peri-
odontal disease and subsequent bone loss. This weakens
the bone support for the second molar and can cause
pulpo-­ periodontal disease in the second molar
(Fig. 14.3). ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
4. Orthodontic reasons
(a) Crowding of incisors: Third molars has the potential Fig. 14.2  IOPA X-ray of Horizontally impacted tooth 38 with dental
to generate force in an anterior direction, which in caries
turn can cause mandibular incisor crowding. Hence,
removal of third molars has been recommended dur-
ing or after orthodontic treatment. The hypothesis
that the mesial pressure from the third molars is
transferred through the contact points resulting in
the narrow contacts of the lower incisors is slipping.
Contemporary studies have questioned this hypoth-
esis. However, it is still believed by certain clini-
cians, and third molars may be removed for these
(b) To facilitate orthodontic treatment—Since the
recent trends in orthodontics prefer non-extraction
modalities of treatment, distalization of molars has
become ever more popular, particularly with regard
to Class II malocclusions. In such cases, in order to
expedite the distal movement of maxillary molars,
the impacted or erupted maxillary third molar tooth ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
may be extracted.
Fig. 14.3  Horizontal impaction of 48 causing bone loss (yellow arrow)
distal to 47
302 G. Varghese

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.5  OPG showing impacted left mandibular third molar in

inverted position associated with supernumerary (red circle) with frac-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ture of left angle mandible (yellow arrow). Note multiple impacted
supernumeraries (yellow circles) and fracture of right condyle (red
Fig. 14.4  OPG showing impacted 38 associated with dentigerous cyst arrow)
of mandible involving the left ramus, angle, and body

5. To facilitate orthognathic surgery—Removal of third 12. To remove a potential infection source (e.g. prior to
molars should be considered in the presurgical prepara- administration of radiotherapy)—Teeth which are at risk
tion for orthognathic surgery. Making bone cuts in of infection like partially erupted third molar tooth may
Bilateral sagittal split osteotomies (BSSO) is easier after lead to local complications like osteoradionecrosis or
third molars are removed. To ensure that adequate bone systemic complications like endocarditis. Removal must
exists in this region, these must be extracted at least one be considered for these cases as well as other procedures
year before the planned osteotomy. such as chemotherapy, organ transplantation, or inser-
6. Odontogenic cysts and tumors—Cysts and tumors may tion of alloplastic implants.
develop from the retained follicle around the impacted 13. Removal for autogenous transplantation—Even though
tooth (Fig. 14.4). To prevent this, extraction of asymp- this was a very popular procedure in the past, it fell into
tomatic third molars is recommended. disrepute due to unpredictable results. However, it is
7. Unexplained pain—Sometimes, unexplained pain may worth considering when indicated for first molar
be alleviated simply by removing impacted teeth, replacements.
although the mechanism is still unclear. However, the
pros and cons must be discussed with the patient.
8. Resorption of the adjacent tooth root—Pressure from 14.4.1 Relative Contraindications for Removal
the impacted tooth can cause the root of the second of Impacted Tooth
molar to resorb. When this is identified, the third molar
must be removed as early as possible to avoid further 1. Compromised systemic status—It may not be advisable
damage. to undertake surgical removal of impacted third molars in
9. For placement of dental prosthesis—The removal of patients with uncontrolled or poorly controlled systemic
impacted teeth under dental prosthesis must be assessed disease, as they can develop complications during or after
carefully, with the evaluation of risk versus benefits. the procedure. Hence, a proper history, physical examina-
Removal may be done for teeth that are superficial. tion, and, if needed, appropriate laboratory investigations
However, sometimes the impacted tooth may lie deep must be performed.
within the mandible and in such cases, the tooth is better 2. Advanced age—Bone sclerosis increases with advancing
off left in situ. age. This leads to poor healing, a larger defect size, and
10. Prevention of jaw fracture—For those engaged in increased difficulty of the procedure. Risk of mandibular
contact games, it may be better to prophylactically fracture is also high in these cases.
remove the impacted third molars, as this area may 3. Damage to any adjacent structures—If the inferior alveo-
be prone to fracture due to lowered bone resistance lar canal is in close contact with the impacted tooth, inad-
(Fig. 14.5). vertent damage can result in paresthesia.
11. Infection of deep fascial spaces—When pericoronitis is 4. Questionable status of the second molar—If the sec-
associated with impacted tooth, infection can track into ond molar is badly decayed and unrestorable, remov-
deep fascial spaces. ing it may allow the third molar to come into a
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 303

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.7  Radiograph showing the proximity of impacted third molar

roots to the mandibular canal

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

14.5.1 Neurovascular Bundle

Fig. 14.6  Coronal section of mandible in the region of the third molar
showing a thick buccal alveolar bone and a thin lingual plate
The mandibular canal lies beside or below the third molar
roots. Usually, the canal lies slightly buccal and apical to the
third molar roots, but this varies frequently (Fig. 14.7). The
functional position. The third molar may also serve as canal contains the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle
a bridge abutment. Such cases require multidisci- including the artery, vein, and nerve within a sheath of fascia.
plinary evaluation with the prosthodontist and The third molar roots may sometimes be indented by the
endodontist. canal, but actual penetration is rare. In these cases, attempt-
5. Deeply impacted third molars which do not appear to be ing to elevate fractured root tips may result in the displace-
associated with local or systemic pathology must not be ment of the tips into the mandibular canal. If the canal vessels
removed. get injured by instruments or forceful intrusion of the tooth
roots, profuse hemorrhage may result.

14.5 Surgical Anatomy

14.5.2 Retromolar Triangle
The mandible comprises of a body which is horseshoe
shaped and has the ramus on either side, which are flat and This is a depressed roughened area behind the third molar
broad rami. Each ramus has two processes at the superior bounded by the buccal and lingual alveolar ridge crests. The
end—the coronoid process, which is more anterior, and retromolar fossa is a shallow depression that occurs just lat-
condylar process, which is continuous with the posterior eral to the retromolar triangle. Mandibular vessel branches
border. may emerge at the fossa or triangle and can be injured during
The mandibular third molar tooth is usually present at surgical exposure of the third molar region if the incision is
the distal end of the mandibular body, which adjoins a thin not taken laterally. This can result in brisk hemorrhage
ramus. The body-ramus junction is a weak area that can (Fig. 14.8).
fracture if excessive force is employed during the eleva-
tion of the third molar. The tooth lies between the buccal
cortical plate, which is thick, and the thin lingual cortical 14.5.3 Facial Artery and Vein
plate (Fig.  14.6). In most instances, the thickness of the
lingual plate may be less than 1  mm, and the tooth may The facial artery and anterior facial vein are related to the
get displaced into the lingual pouch if untoward force is mandibular body, anterior to the masseter muscle, where
applied. they cross the inferior border of the mandible. They lie below
304 G. Varghese

the second and third molar teeth and may be injured when a 14.5.4 Lingual Nerve
buccal incision is placed at an inferior level. To avoid this, it
is best to start the incision at the sulcus depth and move The lingual nerve often runs below and behind the third molar,
upward toward the tooth. and contacts the periosteum over the lingual cortex at a sublin-
gual level. Cardinal anatomic studies have shown the close rela-
tion of the lingual nerve to the lower third molar region [8, 9].

The lingual nerve usually lies 2.3 mm below the lin-

gual alveolar crest, and 0.6 mm medial to the mandi-
ble, when viewed from a frontal plane.

Since the lingual nerve is close to the third molar, it is at

risk of damage during surgical removal of the tooth. This
may lead to anesthesia of the tongue in its anterior two-­
thirds, and also loss of taste sensation in this area.
The surgeon should also be aware of the course and direc-
tion of the mylohyoid and long buccal nerve to prevent inad-
vertent injuries to these nerves (Fig. 14.9).

14.5.5 Bone Trajectories of Mandible

The bone trajectories of the mandible, referred to as grains,

course in a longitudinal direction. Even though the technique
of chisel and mallet has almost become obsolete, it is impor-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
tant to know the bone trajectories. On the buccal side, a hori-
Fig. 14.8  Schematic diagram showing the retromolar vessel emerging zontal chisel cut that is oriented parallel to the superior
through retromolar foramen border may cause extensive splitting till the first molar region
due to the grain direction. To prevent this, the operator must
make a “vertical stop cut” (Fig. 14.10), with the bevel ori-

Fig. 14.9  Schematic diagram

showing coronal section
through the third molar region
and the relationship of
important anatomical

Impacted third molar

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 305

14.6 C
 lassification of Impacted Mandibular
Third Molar

To assess surgical difficulty, several classifications have been

proposed, which can help formulate a treatment plan that is
efficient and has minimum morbidity. Either the periapical
radiograph or the Orthopantomogram is used to analyze the
impacted tooth for its classification.
The most commonly used are:-
1. Angulation [10] of the impacted tooth (Fig.  14.12)
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India (George Winter classification).
Fig. 14.10  Bone trajectories of the mandible
2. Relationship between the impacted tooth and the anterior
ramal border [11]—This assesses the amount of space
present between the anterior border of the ramus and the
distal wall of the second molar. This indicates the effec-
tive space available for the tooth to erupt (Fig. 14.13).
Class I—There is enough mesiodistal space between the
anterior border of ramus and second molar to accommo-
date the third molar.
Class II—Space between anterior border of the ramus
and second molar is less than the mesiodistal width of the
crown of the third molar.
Class III—No mesiodistal space available and the third
molar is almost completely within the ramus.
Class III impactions present greater difficulty in removal.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 3. Depth of the impacted tooth and tissue type that overlies
the tooth (Pell and Gregory Classification based on occlu-
Fig. 14.11  Whole tooth displaced into lingual pouch beneath the sal level of the tooth)—i.e. soft tissue, partial bony, or
mylohyoid muscle
complete bony impaction (Fig. 14.14).
Position A—The highest point of the tooth is at the same
ented posteriorly, just distal to the second molar. The chisel level of the occlusal plane or above it.
must be angulated correctly at all times to avoid fracture of Position B—The highest point of the tooth is above the
mandible distal to the third molar. cervical line of the second molar but below the occlusal
Position C—The highest point of the tooth is well below
14.5.6 Lingual Plate the cervical line of the second molar (Figs.  14.15 and
Since the lingual pate is very thin, it may be perforated by the 4. Type of tissue that lies over the tooth—i.e. soft tissue, par-
apices of lower third molar roots. If the roots are fractured, tial bony, or complete bony impaction.
attempting to elevate may cause them to be displaced into the 5. Level of Eruption
“lingual pouch,” from where it will be difficult to retrieve. (a) Erupted.
The entire tooth also may rarely be pushed into the lingual (b) Partially erupted.
pouch (Fig. 14.11). (c) Unerupted.
306 G. Varghese

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.12  Classification based on angulation of tooth (Winter’s classification)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.13  Pell and Gregory Classification based on relationship to the anterior border of ramus
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 307

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.14  Pell and Gregory Classification based on relationship to the occlusal plane of the impacted tooth to that of the second molar

a b
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.15  Examples of impaction showing combination of angulation A depth—an impacted tooth easy for removal. (b) Distoangular impac-
of tooth, relationship to anterior border of ramus and depth of impac- tion in Class III ramus relation and Position B depth—an impacted
tion. (a) Mesioangular impaction in Class I ramus relation and Position tooth difficult for removal
308 G. Varghese

2. Extraoral examination
The clinician must examine the face and neck for redness
and swelling related to infection. The lower lip is tested for
anesthesia or paresthesia. The regional lymph nodes must be
assessed by palpation for any tenderness or enlargement.
3. Intraoral examination—The following points are noted:
(a) Mouth opening—The ability of the patient to open
the mouth is analyzed, and any trismus, fibrosis, or
hypermobility of the joint is noted. The size of the
mouth (microsomia/macrosomia) is also checked.
Third molar access may be restricted if the mandible
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India is retrognathic, while a prognathic mandible offers
good access.
Fig. 14.16  OPG showing impacted mandibular third molar displaying
only crown of the tooth with no roots visible (yellow arrow) with close
(b) General examination of oral cavity- oral mucosa,
proximity to inferior alveolar canal in a 52-year-old male. Surgical teeth, and oral hygiene.
removal of 38 was attempted without taking CT or CBCT. During sur- (c) Examination of the third molar area for signs of peri-
gery, there was accidental fracture of left angle for which internal fixa- coronitis and state of eruption of the tooth.
tion has to be done. Note impacted 18 and 28
(d) Condition of the impacted tooth- presence of caries,
dental fillings, and internal resorption (which may
resemble caries). The angle of the tooth and locking
14.7 Preoperative Planning beneath second molar must be noted and confirmed
with appropriate radiographs.
Presence of an impacted third molar must be diagnosed sys- (e) Condition of first and second molars—presence of
tematically using the patient’s chief complaint and history, caries, fillings, or crowns; root canal treatment may
clinical examination, and appropriate investigations. put the second molar at risk of fracture and the patient
The impacted third molar must be evaluated both clini- must be warned of this. Distal periodontal pocketing,
cally and radiographically prior to surgery for successful and root resorption, and absence of the second molar
speedy removal. Ideally, a periapical radiograph must be must also be noted.
taken and an OPG must be added if the intraoral radiograph (f) Space present between the second molar distal sur-
does not provide enough information about the tooth or adja- face and the ascending ramus: A small distance
cent structures. makes access difficult, and a large distance makes the
Manuel et al. has [12] developed a simple format for eval- tooth more accessible. For maxillary teeth, the dis-
uation of third molar impactions. tance between the second molar and tuberosity must
This comprehensive format is ideal for residents in oral be considered. Access can also be decreased by distal
surgery during their learning years. Using this format, third tilting of second molar.
molar impactions may be analyzed, and difficulty level may (g) Adjacent bone may develop infection, which can
be assessed and anticipated. Residents can judge problems spread along the mesial surface of the tooth and affect
that they may encounter during the procedure and can evalu- the second molar, which would then require extrac-
ate the patient better postoperatively. tion. Infection/osteomyelitis can spread to the ramus
in the case of distoangular impacted third molars,
through recurrent submasseteric abscesses in this
14.7.1 Clinical Examination region.
(h) Systemic skeletal diseases may cause pathological
This includes taking the patient’s history, clinical examina- complications which should be noted. For instance,
tion extraorally and intraorally. conditions such as osteogenesis imperfecta and
osteosclerosis may cause fractures during the proce-
1. History taking
dure. In acromegaly, the mandibular bone is massive
Complaints of the patient—Impacted teeth are usually
which makes the procedure difficult because the
asymptomatic and patients are aware of their existence
mandible consists of massive bone. In Paget’s disease
only when told by the dental practitioner. Symptoms, if
also tooth removal is difficult as the bone is affected
any, are usually due to acute or chronic pericoronitis, or
by resorption and repair.
due to acute pulpitis secondary to dental caries.
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 309

(i) Presence of cysts and tumors—The impacted tooth Interpretation of Periapical X-ray
may be associated with eruption cysts or large odon-
togenic cysts can occur in relation to impacted tooth. The following points must be noted in the periapical
By and large, they cause displacement of the tooth. radiograph:-
Benign and malignant tumors such as ameloblastoma (a) Access.
may also be found involving the tooth. Odontomes (b) Depth and position of the tooth.
may also be present in relation to the third molar. (c) Root pattern of impacted tooth.
(d) Shape of crown.
(e) Texture of investing bone.
14.7.2 Radiography of Impacted Mandibular (f) Relation to inferior alveolar canal.
Third Molar (g) Root pattern and position of second molar.

Any factor that increases the difficulty of third molar removal

can be analyzed from the preoperative radiograph.
The following radiographs may be used for analysis: (a) Access—By observing the inclination of the radio-­
opaque line that is formed by the external oblique ridge,
1. Intraoral periapical radiograph. the ease of access can be ascertained. A vertical line
2. Occlusal X-ray of mandible. implies poor access and a horizontal line, good access.
3. Lateral oblique view of mandible. (b) Position and depth of impacted tooth—These can be
4. Panoramic radiograph (Orthopantomogram). evaluated using Winter’s technique of WAR lines
(described by George Winter). WAR refers to three
An essential criterion for a good film is that the buccal imaginary lines drawn on the radiograph, namely, the
and lingual cusps of the second molar must be super- “white,” “amber,” and “red” lines (Fig. 14.17a, b).
imposed on each other in the same vertical and hori- The first line or “white” line extends across the
zontal plane. This appearance of the second molar is occlusal cusp tips of the erupted mandibular molars and
referred to as ‘enamel cap’. is drawn distally over the third molar region. This line
indicates the axial inclination of the impacted tooth. For
example, the white line is parallel to the occlusal surface
of the third molar if the tooth is vertically impacted,
1. Periapical radiograph: The radiograph should include whereas, the “white” line converges with the occlusal
the entire third molar tooth along with the investing bone. surface in front of the tooth in distoangular impactions.
It should also show the anterior border of ramus, the sec- The “white” line also indicates the depth of the tooth
ond molar, and the inferior alveolar canal. as compared to the erupted second molar.
2. Lateral oblique view of the mandible: This radiograph is The second “amber” line extends from the bone sur-
inevitably distorted because the opposite side of the man- face distal to the third molar and is drawn to the interden-
dible is rotated away from the beam during film exposure. tal septum crest between the first and second molar. When
Therefore, it is inferior to the periapical X-ray, but it has drawing this line, it must be clearly differentiated from the
its use in certain clinical situations: external oblique ridge shadow, which can lie above and in
• When periapical X-ray cannot be taken due to trismus front of the posterior end of the “amber” line. The poste-
or retching. rior end is the shadow cast by the bone in the retromolar
• To provide supplementary information like height of fossa and not the external oblique ridge. The “amber” line
mandible in the region of the third molar, or bone shows the margin of the alveolar bone enclosing the tooth.
height beneath a deeply buried tooth. The latter is use- Hence, when soft tissues are reflected, the portion of the
ful to assess the risk of pathological fracture in thin visible tooth will be the part that was lying above and in
mandible, or in cases of cysts or tumors. front of the “amber” line in the radiograph. The rest of the
Since the introduction of OPG, the use of lateral oblique tooth will be covered by bone.
view is limited and is only considered when an OPG is The third line or “red” line assesses how deep the
unavailable. impacted tooth is within the mandible. This is drawn by
3. Orthopantomogram (OPG): This provides the same dropping a perpendicular from the “amber” line to the
information as the lateral oblique view, with less distor- point at which the elevator will be applied to elevate the
tion. The OPG is now used routinely to precisely the tooth (an imaginary point). This point usually lies on
locate impacted teeth. the mesial surface of the impacted tooth, at the cemen-
310 G. Varghese

a White line
Red line Amber line White line

Amber line

Red line

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.17 (a) White, amber, and red lines (Winter’s WAR lines) tions, the perpendicular “red” line should be dropped to the
marked in the periapical X-ray. (b) WAR lines drawn on a distoangu- cementoenamel junction on the distal side of the impacted tooth and not
larly impacted mandibular third molar. Note that in distoangular impac- on the mesial side as in other angulations

toenamel junction, except in the case of distoangular

impactions. The longer the red line, the more deep the
tooth is impacted, and the surgical procedure will be
more difficult.
(c) Root pattern of impacted tooth—The number, shape,
and curvature of roots are noted. Hypercementosis is
noted if present. If the root apex takes a sharp bend
toward the X-ray beam, it may appear blunt and short on
the image. This finding should therefore be investigated
in more detail.
The type of root morphology dictates the difficulty of
the surgical procedure. If root development is limited, it
can result in a “rolling” tooth, which is challenging to
(d) Shape of crown—If the tooth has prominent cusps, or
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
large, square crowns, the difficulty increases as com-
pared to small crowns and flat cusps. The size and shape Fig. 14.18  “Locking of the crown” of impacted third molar by the
of the crown of third molar is particularly important with second molar. Note that the cusp of third molar is superimposed upon
regard to the “line of withdrawal.” Sometimes, the path the distal surface of second molar
of crown removal can be obstructed by the second molar
crown (Fig. 14.18). On the contrary, sclerotic bone has small spaces and
In these cases, the cusp of the third molar appears to be dense bone structure. Dense bone does not expand easily
superimposed on the distal surface of the second molar during luxation and more bone removal may be required.
in the radiograph. If elevation is attempted by applying (f) Inferior alveolar canal—Although radiographs often
force on the mesial surface of the impacted tooth, the show the canal crossing the third molar roots, this is usu-
second molar may get displaced from the socket, and ally due to superimposition. Sometimes, however, this
there is a risk of mandible fracture. The risk is especially may indicate grooving or perforation of the root.. The
high for second molars with conical roots. In such cases, classical papers by Howe and Poynton [13] and Rood
sectioning the third molar is advisable. and Shehab [14] have given predictable signs to assess
(e) Texture of the investing bone—As age advances, the the relationship between the nerve and the third molar
bone undergoes sclerosis and becomes less elastic. The roots.
bone texture can be analyzed by visualizing the size of 1. If there is a band of reduced radio-opacity that crosses
the cancellous spaces and the bone density. Bone that the roots, and this band coincides with the outline of
has large spaces and fine structure is generally elastic. the inferior alveolar canal, this is a sign that the tooth
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 311

root may be grooved by the canal. This sign reflects advance regarding the likelihood of impairment of labial
the lesser amount of tooth structure lying between sensation following the surgical removal of the tooth. This
the X-ray source and the film. should be recorded in the case record and in the consent
2. The roof and floor of the canals are formed of com- form. In such cases, authors have recommended coronec-
pact bone, which is indicated by continuous, parallel tomy (partial tooth removal, intentional root retention, par-
radio-opaque lines. If the lines lose continuity, it is an tial odontectomy) as an option. However, this technique
indication that the root is grooved by the inferior cannot be considered foolproof and long-term studies are
alveolar canal. These grooves usually form on the required to know the success of coronectomies [15, 16]
lingual side of the roots. (g) Position, root pattern, and nature of crown of second
3. In cases where the radiolucent band crosses the apex molar.
of the root and if only the upper white line is broken, The space between the distal surface of the second molar
a notching of the root is present. and the mesial surface of the impacted third molar has an
4. Characteristic narrowing of the radiolucent band effect on the ease of removal of the third molar. The closer
with loss of white lines is suggestive of perforation of the third molar is to the second molar, the more challeng-
the root by the inferior alveolar canal. ing the surgery becomes. If the long axis of the second
The following signs have been demonstrated to be molar is tilted distally, it is more difficult to remove.
associated with a significantly increased risk of nerve Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) (Fig. 14.20a,
injury during third molar surgery: (Fig. 14.19a, b, c) b, c) CBCT is now available for dental use and offers
• Diversion of the inferior alveolar canal (IAC). low dose imaging in multiple planes.
• Darkening of the root where crossed by the canal. Using this modality, accurate three-dimensional imag-
• Interruption of the white lines of the canal. ing can be done to determine the relationship between
the roots of the third molar and the inferior alveolar
In the presence of any of the above findings, great care nerve (IAN). The recent recommendation is that when
should be taken in surgical exploration and the decision the OPG suggests a close relationship between the roots
to treat is carefully reviewed. If on the initial panoramic of the lower third molar and IAN, cone beam CT scan-
radiograph there is an evidence of a close relationship ning should be advised [17–19]. The effective dose from
between the roots of the lower third molar and the IAC, CBCT is comparatively less than the conventional CT
a second radiograph should be taken using different pro- scan and also at a lower expense.
jection geometry.
If the third molar is found to be in close relationship with
the inferior alveolar canal, the patient should be informed in

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.19 (a–c) Radiographic relationship of third molar root to infe- There is loss of cortical outline as well as narrowing and deviation of
rior alveolar nerve (a) Cortical outline of the canal is intact. This prob- the nerve canal, denoting an intimate relationship of the nerve with the
ably represents superimposition only. (b) There is loss of cortical tooth and possibly perforation of the tooth roots by the nerve
outline of the nerve canal. The nerve may be grooving the tooth. (c)
312 G. Varghese

b c d

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Fig. 14.20 (a) CBCT Panoramic view showing the relationship of 38 (yellow arrow) at coronal level (b), at cervical level (c), and at apical
and 48 to the inferior alveolar canal (IAC) [red line]. The changing one third level (d)
relationship of the IAC to 48 can be noted in (b–d). Relationship of IAC

value. Pederson [25] recommended a scale to evaluate the

14.7.3 Lingual Nerve Protection and Injury difficulty index.
Although the Pederson scale can be used for predicting
Locating the lingual nerve clinically and by imaging is more operative difficulty, it is not extensively used [26] because it
challenging. Lingual nerve injury although less common than does not take various other relevant factors into account, such
inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injury is often more unbearable to as bone density, flexibility of the cheek, and mouth opening.
the patient. Patients find it difficult to tolerate lingual nerve
damage, including loss of taste and sensation of tongue, as
compared to IAN damage. Unlike the IAN, the lingual nerve is Surgical removal impacted third molar becomes dif-
not usually imaged prior to third molar surgery. In cases where ficult with the following factors:-
distal, distolingual, and lingual bone is to be removed, tech- 1. Unfavorable root morphology- Excessive curvature,
nique of raising the lingual flap and protecting the lingual nerve divergent roots, hypercementosis, proximity to canal
by a broad smooth lingual flap retractor in a subperiosteal plane 2. Third molar crown is locked beneath the second
has been advocated by certain authors and this technique is fol- molar.
lowed in certain parts of the world. Again, there are conflicting 3. Condition of the impacted tooth (Carious or with
reports where the lingual flap retraction itself has caused an filling).
increase incidence of lingual nerve paresthesia [8, 20–22]. 4. Condition of second molar- carious or with filling/
crown or any resorption.
The incidence of IAN involvement 1–7 days after sur- 5. Sclerosis of adjacent bone.
gery is around 1–5% and the incidence of lingual nerve 6. Mouth opening—If the patient has a small com-
involvement one day after surgery (excluding the use of missure, or trismus, access becomes limited.
lingual flap elevation) varies from 0.4 to 1.5% [23, 24]. 7. Large follicular sac around the crown—makes

procedure easier.
8. Width of the periodontal membrane—In patients past
14.7.4 Preoperative Evaluation of Difficulty middle age, the space containing it is much smaller
of Removal than in young patients. This makes removal difficult.
9. Existing fracture of the jaw.
Various techniques have been suggested for the preoperative 10. Local or systemic pathologic conditions.
evaluation of difficulty, but these have often been of limited 11. Age of the patient.
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 313

Surgical removal of impacted teeth may be easier in 14.8.1 Incision and Designing the Flap
younger patients because of incompletely formed roots,
large follicular space, incompletely formed roots separated Envelope flap, which is commonly used, extends from the
from inferior alveolar canal, and greater elasticity of bone. In posterior margin of the impacted tooth, and runs forward till
young patients, the bone texture is usually soft and resilient, the level of the first molar. The posterior end of the incision
but in older adults, the bone becomes progressively more is directed buccally along the external oblique ridge
dense, hard, and brittle. Therefore, the extraction of a par- (Fig. 14.21a, b).
tially erupted/impacted tooth in an elderly adult with scle- If greater access is required, the envelope flap will not be
rotic bone may cause great difficulty. While a tooth with adequate. In such cases, a release incision is given on the
adverse root morphology in soft, resilient bone of a young anterior-most point of the incision, which creates a triangular
adult can be elevated expeditiously. flap (Fig. 14.22a, b). This incision must begin at a point that
lies approximately 6  mm below the gingival margin in the
buccal sulcus and then extend upward in an oblique fashion
To summarize, the difficulty of the surgical procedure
to the gingival margin. The incision ends on the margin at a
is dictated by 3 major factors:- (1) Depth of impaction
point between posterior and middle thirds of the second
(2) Type of overlying tissues, and (3) Age of the patient.
The envelope incision has been associated with fewer
As a general rule, the more difficult and time-consuming complications, and healing occurs faster as compared to the
the surgical procedure is, the more difficult and protracted is triangular flap. A small artery, the buccal artery, may some-
the postoperative recovery period. times be encountered while placing the releasing incision,
and mild bleeding can result if this is injured. If more expo-
sure is needed, the vertical release incision can be brought
14.8 Operative Procedure forward, and placed between the second and first molar as
shown in the Fig. 14.23a, b.
The incision is then continued along the cervical line
Any standard operative plan consists of the following of the second molar and reaches the middle of its poste-
stages:- rior border. The incision continues in a posterior and lat-
1. Placement of an incision to access the region of the eral direction, along the anterior border of the ramus,
impacted tooth. depending on the exposure required. It is essential that
2. Removal of enough bone to allow for delivery. this arm of the incision is oriented laterally, and not in a
3. Sectioning the tooth and delivering it from the straight line, because the mandible diverges laterally. If
socket. the incision is extended straight, the knife may cause lin-
4. Debridement of the surgical site. gual nerve damage. The lateral extension will also pre-
5. Wound closure. serve small vessels that emerge from retromolar fossa
(Fig. 14.24).

a b
Envelope flap

Lingual nerve

Envelope flap
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.21 (a, b) Envelope flap design

314 G. Varghese

a b

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Fig. 14.22 (a, b) Standard triangular flap with a release incision in the anterior aspect

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.23 (a, b) Where more exposure is needed, the vertical release of the triangular flap is placed between the second and first molar

a b

Ward’s incision Modified Ward’s incision

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.24 (a) Classical Terrence Ward’s incision, (b) Modified ward’s incision
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 315

The mucoperiosteal flap is then reflected laterally with a

periosteal elevator. An Austin’s retractor (third molar retrac-
tor) is used to hold the flap in position. The “Minnesota
retractor” may also be used to hold the flap. This retractor
must be placed just lateral to the external oblique ridge.
Stability is achieved by resting against the lateral surface of
the mandible. While holding the retractor, fingers must rest
at its distal end so that the retractor can be moved laterally
without blocking the vision of the operator.
The literature shows various flap designs with modifica-
tions for lower third molar impactions with each claiming its Lingual

own merits [27, 28]. However, for the majority of the cases,
the conventional flap designs will serve the purpose.

14.8.2 Bone Removal

After flap reflection, the next step is bone removal from

around the impacted tooth. The amount of bone to be
removed will depend on the depth of impaction. This can be
done either by use of bur/rotary instruments or by chisel and
mallet or ultrasonic devices/peizo surgery [29, 30] or laser ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

devices [31]. The method used may depend on individual

Fig. 14.25  “Guttering method”- A deep vertical gutter using bur is
preference. Sufficient amount of bone must be removed, made alongside the buccal aspect and if required on the distal aspect of
both to free the tooth from obstruction and to provide a point the tooth
of application for the elevator.
The buccal cortex plays an important role in maintaining
the strength of the mandible. Hence, the removal of buccal care is taken while removing bone on the distolingual
bone should be minimized, in order to prevent weakening aspect, and proper retraction must be used to prevent lin-
and fracture of the mandible. The bone buccal to and distal to gual nerve damage from the bur. Due to the likelihood of
the impacted tooth must be removed until the cervical line of damage to the lingual nerve, bone must not be removed on
the tooth. Beyond this, bone removal must be done the lingual aspect. The commonly used burs for bone
­judiciously, in such a way that the strength of mandible is not removal are the #8 round bur and a #703 fissure bur,
affected, but, at the same time, the efficiency of surgery is although a wide variety may be used based on individual
maintained. To achieve this, a deep vertical gutter is drilled preference.
on the buccal side, and, if required on the distal side of the After the tooth is exposed, a point of application is
tooth. This “guttering method” maintains the buccal plate created for the elevator. This allows the tooth to be dis-
height, does not weaken the mandible, and at the same time, placed using only moderate force. If the tooth is resistant,
creates adequate space around the tooth to permit its free further bone removal or tooth sectioning must be
movement (Fig. 14.25). considered.
The “Postage stamp” method of bone removal used in
transalveolar extractions can also be used to remove the
buccal bone, but this method may be more time-consum- 14.8.3 Elevation of Tooth from the Socket
ing. The surgical removal of an impacted tooth is basically
a transalveolar extraction and all the basic principles, right Once bone removal is complete, tooth elevation can be
from the mucoperiosteal flap design to bone removal and attempted. Undue force should not be used for this purpose.
closure has to be followed religiously to achieve good Applying inappropriate amount of force, especially without
healing. sufficient bone removal, can cause the tooth to fracture, or
Bone can also be removed from the mesial aspect of the can even cause fracture of the mandible. Because of the
impacted tooth using this method. In this region, bone above risk, the use of instruments with high mechanical effi-
removal must be extremely conservative to avoid damage ciency is contraindicated for third molar removal. These
to the distal aspect of the adjacent second molar. Extreme instruments include dental extraction forceps and cross bar
316 G. Varghese

elevators. Once the obstructing bone has been removed,

only a small amount of force alone is needed to deliver the
tooth. Elevators such as the Warwick James elevator (both
straight and curved types) and Coupland elevator, which
have lower mechanical efficiency, may be used for this

14.8.4 Sectioning and Tooth Delivery

If the tooth has been sufficiently exposed but is still resistant

to moderate force, tooth sectioning must be considered. The
tooth is sectioned into appropriate pieces for easy delivery
from the socket. Sectioning of the tooth not only avoids addi-
tional bone removal, but it also reduces operating time. Tooth
sectioning can be carried out using a bur, which is preferred, ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
or a chisel. In the standard technique, sectioning is carried
out using the bur at the neck of the tooth, which facilitates Fig. 14.26  Possible damage to inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle
if the bur is carried to the full width of the tooth inferiorly. Hence, bur
crown removal first, followed by the roots in a single piece.
is used to cut only three-fourth width of the tooth and the rest of the
Alternatively, the tooth may be divided horizontally also. tooth is separated using a suitable instrument
Nevertheless, in cases of divergent roots, or where the path
of withdrawal is complex, the roots may have to be divided
(a) Using a bur, distal bone may be removed and the tooth
and removed separately.
may be dislodged distally. Then the tooth is removed.
The manner of sectioning of crown and root must be
(b) The distal half of the crown may be sectioned by slic-
decided individually for each case and the standard tech-
ing from the buccal groove to a point just below the
nique need not be followed exactly (Fig. 14.26).
cervical line on the distal side of the tooth. This slice
is removed, and then the remainder of the tooth is
delivered using a straight elevator placed on the mesial
14.8.5 Modifications of standard technique aspect.
(c) The point of application of the elevator is changed
Although the principles of third molar removal remain fun-
from mesial to the buccal side and a firm upward force
damentally the same, the angulation of the tooth may dic-
is exerted. A purchase point can be created with a bur
tate certain modifications. Angulation dictates the site of
and the toot can be delivered using a Cryer’s elevator.
application of the elevator, as the path of withdrawal of the
third molar should be along the line of least resistance. Sometimes, the mesioangular tooth may be entrapped
Therefore, the angulation, in terms of mesioangular, hori- beneath the distal convexity of the crown of the second
zontal, vertical, and distoangular impactions must be molar. In such cases, the tooth may be divided at the cervical
considered. region to separate the crown, which is then removed by
The mesioangular impaction (Fig.  14.27a, b, c) (Video applying force beneath its inferior surface. The roots may
14.1) is generally considered to be the least difficult to then be delivered by engaging at the bifurcation.
remove. After elevating the mucoperiosteal flap and expo- If the tooth roots are in close contact with the mandibular
sure of the crown, the buccal guttering is carried out till the canal, applying levering force can force the root apex down-
mesial surface of impacted tooth, to a point below the cemen- ward which may damage the neurovascular bundle. Crown
toenamel junction. This allows the tip of the elevator to be sectioning must be preferred in such cases, which will allow
introduced to engage beneath the cervical cementum on the the roots to be delivered upward away from the canal. This
mesial side of the tooth. When the elevator is rotated, the would prevent damage to the canal.
interdental bone is used as the fulcrum and the tooth rotates The horizontally impacted (Fig.  14.28a, b, c, d) (Video
distally. Thus the tooth, which had an initial mesial angula- 14.2) tooth may need more bone to be removed as compared
tion, now occupies a vertical position. When more force is to mesioangular impaction. A deeply impacted tooth tends to
applied using the elevator, the tooth is delivered. In some engage either the crown or root of the second molar. This
instances, although the tooth becomes vertical, further move- makes its removal difficult. Adequate bone is removed superi-
ment is prevented by the distal bone. This obstruction may be orly to expose the entire crown width, as well as the upper
relieved by one of the following methods: third of the root. The point of application of elevator is pro-
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 317

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.27 (a, b, c) (see text for details) Steps in the surgical removal of mesioangular impaction. (a) Bone removed up to cemento enamel junc-
tion using bur, (b) Sectioning of tooth, (c) Tooth delivery using elevator

cured below the mesiobuccal aspect of the impacted crown. buccal groove into separate mesial and distal roots (tech-
The tooth is then sectioned at the cervical region and the crown nique shown in Fig. 14.29). The distal root with the attached
is removed from the socket. The root is then brought forward crown part is elevated out first followed by the deeply lying
into the vacant space previously occupied by the crown and it mesial root and part of the crown. If there is difficulty in
is then removed either in a single piece or after sectioning. elevating the deeply placed mesial root segment, it can be
In cases where the impacted tooth is not locked beneath again sectioned into two at the cervical region and the crown
the distal convexity of the crown of the second molar and and the root parts may be removed separately.
when an adequate amount of distal bone has been removed, The vertical impaction (Fig.  14.29a, b, c) is one of the
it is possible to turn the tooth into a vertical position by more difficult ones to remove, especially if it is impacted
application of force in the mesial aspect. This is similar to very deeply. The procedure for bone removal and the sec-
the procedure already described for the removal of mesioan- tioning is similar to that of a mesioangular impaction. Here
gular impactions. Use of further force with the elevator will also the bone is removed first from the occlusal, buccal, and
expel the tooth out of the socket or force can be applied on distal aspect. The distal half of the crown is then sectioned
the buccal side to remove the tooth. and removed, and the tooth is elevated by applying a small
Another method of removing horizontal impactions is to straight elevator at the mesial aspect of the cervical line.
split the tooth horizontally into two by sectioning via the Alternatively, similar to mesioangular impactions, a pur-
318 G. Varghese

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.28 (a, b, c, d) Steps in the surgical removal of a horizontally root sectioned at the furcation is brought forward into the space occu-
impacted mandibular third molar. (a) Bone removal to expose the width pied by the crown, (d) Removal of the mesial root. (the technique
of the crown and the upper third of the root, (b) Crown may be sec- shown in Fig. 14.29 can also be used for horizontal imapctions where
tioned into two as shown in the figure and elevated separately. Another the tooth is sectioned via the bifurcation and distal crown and root is
technique is to divide the tooth at cemento enamel junction and elevate elevated out first, followed by the mesial crown and root)
the crown as a single piece, (c) After removal of the crown, the distal

chase point can be made on the buccal side of the tooth, and that “Tooth belongs to the surgeon and Bone belongs to the
a Cryer’s elevator may be used to deliver the tooth. patient”. This will ensure preservation of the structural integrity
The distoangular impaction (Fig. 14.30a, b, c) is considered of the mandible. The roots are then delivered together or sec-
to be the most difficult tooth to remove. The goal of the tech- tioned and delivered independently with a Cryer’s elevator.
nique for removal of these teeth is to create an adequate buccal In cases where tooth sectioning is required, the distal root
and distal trough (guttering) around the crown of the tooth to a should be elevated first followed by the mesial root.
depth below the cervical line. This will permit to make a point
of application of elevator on the buccal aspect of the tooth.
Then, using the buccal cortical plate as the fulcrum, force is 14.8.6 Debridement
applied to elevate the tooth out of the socket upward and dis-
tally. If some movement is obtained, the distal portion of the After tooth delivery, all bone debris and tissue must be
crown or the complete crown can be sectioned in a horizontal removed from the socket. This is best accomplished by irri-
fashion from the roots and removed. It is p­ referable in this case gation with saline and mechanically debriding the socket
to section the tooth segments further as needed rather than to and the area under the flap with a cruet. A bone file or a large
remove more bone. It would be wise to remember the adage bur is used to smooth any rough and sharp edges of the
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 319

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.29 (a, b, c) Steps in the surgical removal of a vertically and it is removed along with the root, (c) Mesial half of the tooth is
impacted mandibular third molar. (a) Bone removal to expose the width elevated by mesial application of force at the cervical line
of the crown, (b) Distal half of the crown sectioned up to the furcation

bone. Any remaining dental follicle must be removed using replaced to its original position and the initial suture placed
a mosquito hemostat, to prevent cyst formation. An artery just distal to the second molar. This suture reduces the pos-
forceps may be used to remove fractured interdental septum sibility of the development of periodontal pocket distal to the
or large pieces of bone. The socket and the wound margins second molar. The needle is passed from the buccal to the
(including under surface of mucoperiosteum) is irrigated lingual side. Additional sutures are then placed as necessary.
with saline or sterile water to remove bone and tooth debris. The sutures should be just tight enough to hold the flap. Over
tightening should be avoided. The vertical component of the
incision is left unsutured since it will act as a wound toilet.
14.8.7 Wound Closure Following the procedure, oral and written postoperative
instructions given to patient and bystander ensure better
Before attempting closure, bleeding from the socket is com- patient compliance.
pletely arrested. Further bleeding from the socket can be The influence of lower third molar impactions on the peri-
controlled using bone wax, Surgicel, or Gelfoam. If there is odontal health of the adjacent second molar and the influence
bleeding from the socket underneath a tight suture, blood of third molar removal on the periodontal attachment of the
will accumulate in surrounding tissue spaces leading to buc- second molar is a very contentious topic and multiple studies
cal or lingual hematoma or ecchymosis. The flap is then have been done in this regard [32].
320 G. Varghese

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.30 (a, b, c) Steps in the surgical removal of a distoangularly geons prefer to remove only the distal portion of the crown of third
impacted mandibular third molar. (a) Bone removed to expose the full molar, so that a point of elevation is available distal to the second molar
crown of the tooth to a depth below the cervical line, (b) Crown sec- tooth), (c) Roots are then delivered together or sectioned and delivered
tioned in a horizontal fashion from the roots and removed (some sur- independently with a Cryer’s elevator

14.8.8 Other Methods for Removal/Partial

Removal of Impacted Lower Third Some of the other methods seen in the literature are
1. Removal via sagittal split osteotomy [33].
In addition to the standard surgical technique described 2. Buccal corticotomy technique [34].
above, there may be occasions where other methods of surgi- 3. Lingual split bone technique [35, 36].
cal removal also have to be considered. This is because no 4. Lateral trephination technique [37, 38].
technique is suited to every case and it will be ideal to learn 5. Partial odontectomy/Coronectomy [15, 16, 39].
the different methods and choose the suitable one depending 6. Removal of the tooth after orthodontic extrusion
upon the case. Readers are advised to refer the concerned [40, 41].
publications to get more details.
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 321

14.9 I mpacted Maxillary Third Molar 2. Angulation of the tooth (Fig. 14.31).

(Video 14.3) (a) Vertical.
(b) Mesioangular.
Surgical management of upper third molars in general is less (c) Distoangular.
complicated compared to lower third molars. They cause less (d) Laterally displaced with the crown facing the cheek,
discomfort, are more likely to erupt and are simpler to remove horizontal, inverted, and transverse positions.
unless unerupted and encased in bone. Removal of upper (e) Aberrant position sometimes associated with patho-
third molars results in far less postoperative morbidity. logical condition such as cyst.
The commonest type of impaction in maxillary third 3. Pell and Gregory classification—This is based on the rela-
molar is vertical [42]. tive depth of the impacted maxillary third molar, (Fig. 14.32).
Classification of impacted maxillary third molars—The Position A—Occlusal surface of the third molar is at the
system of classification of impacted upper wisdom tooth is same level as that of the second molar.
basically the same as that for mandibular third molar. Position B—Occlusal surface of the third molar is located
However, there are some additional parameters to be con- between the occlusal plane and cervical line of the second
sidered which will aid in preoperative assessment of the molar.
case and guide in planning the surgery for a successful Position C—Occlusal surface of the third molar is at or
outcome. above the cervical line of the second molar.
4. Relationship of impacted maxillary third molar to the
1. State of eruption. maxillary sinus.
(a) Fully erupted. (a) Sinus approximation (SA)—No bone or a thin parti-
(b) Partially erupted. tion of bone between the impacted maxillary third
(c) Unerupted: molar and maxillary sinus.
–– within the bone (b) No sinus approximation (NSA)—2 mm or more bone
–– immediately beneath the soft tissues between the impacted maxillary third molar and
maxillary sinus.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.31  Classification of impacted maxillary third molar based on angulation

322 G. Varghese

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.32  Pell and Gregory classification based on relative depth of impacted maxillary third molar

5. Nature of roots. 14.9.2 Indications for the Removal

(a) Fused (conical). of Maxillary Third Molar
(b) Multiple—Favorable/Unfavorable.
1. Unrestorable dental caries.
2. Recurrent pericoronitis.
14.9.1 Radiographic Examination
3. A tooth that has erupted in a buccoverted or distal direc-
tion, which cause cheek bite, or abnormal bite patterns.
The following are the useful radiographs:
4. Tooth involved in pathological process such as cyst.
1. Periapical X-ray.
5. Overerupted and nonfunctional upper third molar.
2. Orthopantomogram (OPG).
6. Interference with the placement of prosthesis.
3. Occlusal X-ray.
4. True lateral view—occasionally helpful.
5. Paranasal sinus view: useful to view pathologies associ-
14.9.3 Adjacent Anatomical Factors to be
ated with the tooth.
Considered: (Fig. 14.33a–d)
6. CT scan—more useful for suspected pathologies in rela-
tion to the impacted tooth.
• Proximity to maxillary sinus (Fig. 14.34).
• Proximity to maxillary tuberosity.
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 323

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.33 (a–d) Impacted third molars in a 75-year-old male. (a) and 28 to maxillary sinus, (c) Sagittal view showing sinus approxima-
OPG showing impacted 28, 38, and 48 with multiple root stumps and tion of roots of 27 and 28, (d) Sagittal view showing close relationship
dental caries for 18. (b) Axial CBCT showing close relationship of 18 of 18 to sinus floor

• Buccal pad of fat. The mucoperiosteum is then reflected using a Howarth’s

• Pterygopalatine fossa. periosteal elevator, which may also be used to retract the
• Infratemporal fossa. flap.  Removal of Overlying Bone

14.9.4 Surgical Removal of Impacted Maxillary Bone removal is generally limited to the occlusal and the
Third Molar (Figs. 14.35a–d and 14.36a, b) buccal aspect of the tooth down to the cervical line to expose
the entire crown (Figs.  14.35b and 14.36a). This is done
The main difficulty here is that the coronoid process may using bur. To create space for the elevator to be inserted,
block access to this region, which may be overcome by limit- more bone may be removed from the mesial part of the tooth,
ing the amount of mouth opening. at a point above the maximum bulge of the crown.
The procedure for maxillary third molar surgical removal Unlike mandibular third molars, maxillary third molars
is almost the same as that of the mandibular third molar. rarely need sectioning, as maxillary bone expands easily,
being thin and elastic. Instances where the bone is thicker,  Incision sclerotic and less elastic as in old patients, tooth removal is
It starts from the mesial aspect of the first molar and extends enabled by bone removal rather than tooth sectioning. Chisel
distally beyond the distobuccal aspect of the second molar is contraindicated to section the tooth due to the danger of
and is then continued into the tuberosity. In case of a deeply displacement of the tooth into the maxillary antrum.
impacted tooth if greater access is required, a triangular flap Maxillary third molar teeth must not be sectioned unless
may be raised by placing a release incision mesial to the sec- absolutely necessary, as displacement of small fragments
ond molar. into the sinus or infratemporal fossa may occur.
324 G. Varghese

Buccinator Maxillary sinus Delivery of the Tooth

muscle This is achieved using small straight elevators or angled ele-
vators with force exerted in the distobuccal direction. If
angled elevators are used, access may be easier. Angled ele-
vators which can be used for this purpose are the Warwick
James, Cryer, Pott’s, and the Apex elevator. During surgical
removal, placement of Laster retractor will help in better
access and vision and may also prevent accidental displace-
ment of the maxillary third molar into tissue space beyond
the tuberosity.
During tooth elevation, one must remember the following
1. Due to the proximity of the maxillary sinus and the infra-
temporal fossa, pressure should not be exerted in the
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India superior direction during bone removal and delivery of
Fig. 14.34  Schematic diagram showing the relationship of impacted
the tooth.
maxillary third molar to the floor of the maxillary sinus

a b


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.35 (a–d) Steps in the surgical removal of a mesioangularly occlusal and buccal aspect up to the cervical line and elevation of tooth,
impacted maxillary third molar. (a) Incision to raise a triangular flap, (d) Suturing completed
(b) Mucoperiosteal flap reflected, (c) Overlying bone removed from
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 325

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 14.36 (a) Bone removal achieved on the occlusal and the buccal aspect of tooth down to the cervical line to expose the entire crown, in a
disto angular maxillary third molar impaction (b) Delivery of the tooth using an elevator

2. Sufficient space is created between the height of contour attempts and place the patient on antibiotics and nasal
of the crown (i.e. above the maximum bulge of the tooth) decongestants. The tooth may be retrieved later
and surrounding bone so that the tip of the elevator can be through Caldwell-Luc approach, and the oro-antral
placed above the height of contour of the tooth. Then fistula may then be closed. The tooth may also be
pressure is exerted in a distobuccal direction. removed using endoscopic sinus surgery [43, 44].
3. Moderate pressure is then exerted distally, buccally and Detailed sequential approach of dealing with root/
occlusally (i.e. downward and outward) with the fore tooth displaced into the sinus is mentioned in the
­finger placed posterior to maxillary tuberosity to detect Chap. 24 on Oro antral communication and fistula in
tuberosity fracture if it occurs. this text book.
4. In case an accidental opening into the sinus is suspected, 2. Dislodgement into soft tissues—The upper third molar
every effort should be made to ensure proper closure and can be inadvertently displaced into the buccal soft tissues
the patient is instructed appropriately to prevent the [45] or into the infratemporal fossa [46]. Usually, this
development of an oro-antral fistula. happens: (a) when the flap raised buccally is not adequate
for access, (b) there is insufficient visibility during the
procedure, (c) improper extraction technique, (d) disto-
14.9.5 Complications That Occur During lingual angulation of tooth, and (e) the crown of the third
Surgical Removal of Impacted Maxillary molar is at a level above the root apices of the adjacent
Third Molar molar tooth.
Dimitrakopoulos et  al. [46] have discussed the various
1. Tooth displacement into maxillary sinus—This usually methods to remove a maxillary third molar that has been
occurs in cases of partially erupted maxillary third molars, displaced into the infratemporal fossa.
which have conical roots and are located close to the floor 3. Damage to adjacent second molar.
of the sinus. The risk increases if the root apex is in con- 4. Fracture of maxillary tuberosity.
tact with the floor of the sinus, and the initial position of 5. Oro-antral communication/fistula.
the tooth is high.
If this complication occurs, the tooth may have to
be removed from the sinus in order to avoid infection. 14.10 Complications of Impaction Surgery
Initially, a suction tip may be placed at the sinus open-
ing to retrieve the tooth. Alternately, saline irrigation Complications of removal of impacted tooth can happen
into the sinus may be followed by applying the suction during the procedure and late after the procedure. Mild
tip. If these methods do not work, it is best to stop post operative pain, swelling and trismus can be expected
326 G. Varghese

inmost case and these three can be considered as a sequel

ae of surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth:- B. Postsurgical Sequelae and Complications
(a) The actual surgical procedure. 1. Pain
(b) Late after surgery. 2. Edema
3. Trismus
4. Haemorrhage
5. Infection
A. Complications that can occur during the Surgical 6. Alveolar osteitis (Dry socket)
Procedure: 7. Nerve Injury:
These can happen at various steps in the procedure, (a) Lingual nerve injury
including: (b) Inferior alveolar nerve injury
1. Placement of incision. 8. Surgical Emphysema
2. Removal of bone. 9. Hematoma
3. Sectioning of the tooth. 10. Pain during swallowing
4. Tooth elevation and delivery. 11. Pyrexia
1. Complications during incision: 12. Osteomyelitis
(a) Bleeding from retromolar vessels. 13. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) complications
(b) Bleeding from facial vessels. 14. Fracture of instruments
(c) Damage to lingual nerve. 15. Periodontal pocket formation distal to second

2. Complications during bone removal: molar
(a) Use of bur. 16. Aspiration/Swallowing of tooth
• Accidental burns.
• Laceration of soft tissues.
• Injury to inferior alveolar neurovascular
The management of impacted third molars involves
several considerations, and several controversies also
• Injury to adjacent tooth.
exist in this area. Some of these are as follows:
• Injury to lingual nerve.
• Whether to remove Asymptomatic/Disease-free
• Necrosis of bone.
tooth [4–6].
• Emphysema.
• Age of removal [47].
(b) Use of chisel
• Flap designs [20–22].
• Splintering of bone.
• Technique of removal: bur/laser [31]/peizo surgery
• Fracture of mandible.
[29, 30].
• Displacement of tooth into lingual pouch.
• Primary closure of socket/secondary closure of
• Injury to lingual nerve.
socket [48].
• Injury to the soft tissues or second molar.
• Drains in socket/No drains in socket [49].
3. Complications during sectioning of tooth.
• Whether to graft the Socket with PRP [50]/PRF
During bur usage
• Sectioning along an incorrect line.
• Reconstruction of distal periodontal defect of the
• Injury to mandibular canal.
second molar [54].
• Breakage of bur.
4. Complications during elevation of tooth:
• Fracture of impacted tooth/root.
• Injury to second molar. At present, the various evidence-based guidelines
• Fracture of mandible. available should help the clinician in taking informed
• Displacement of the entire tooth or crown alone decisions regarding third molar impactions [55–57].
into the lingual pouch or lateral pharyngeal Efforts have been made to reach a consensus in various
space. areas, which itself shows conflicting propositions, and
only time will prove the best methods which can be used
in the management of third molar impactions.
14  Management of Impacted Third Molars 327

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Management of Impacted Canines
George Varghese

Impacted canines are one of the common problems encoun- the development of complications. An ideal management
tered by the oral surgeon. Patients may present at different protocol for impacted permanent maxillary canines should
ages and many cases will be incidental findings. Close inter- involve an interdisciplinary approach linking the specialties
action with the paedodontist and orthodontist is required to of oral and maxillofacial surgery, periodontology and
get an optimal out come. Surgical removal may not be the orthodontics.
best treatment in all the cases and particular treatement plan
will have to be tailored for the needs of the patient. Localising
the impacted canine seems not a challenge any more with the 15.2 Aetiology of Canine Impaction
advent of CBCT, in indicated cases. This chapter elaborates
on canine impaction, keeping in mind the basic principles Although the exact cause of impacted maxillary canines
mentioned in the chapter on third molar impactions. remains unknown, multiple factors may play a role. Primary
Premolars, incisors and other teeth may be impacted but causes that have been linked to impacted maxillary canines
most of the surgical principles and approaches mentioned for include the rate at which roots resorb in the deciduous teeth,
canine can be applied to them as well. any trauma to the deciduous tooth bud, disruption of the nor-
mal eruption sequence, lack of space, rotation of tooth buds,
premature root closure and canine eruption into a cleft.
15.1 Introduction Secondary reasons include febrile diseases, endocrine
­disturbances and Vitamin D deficiency. Impacted canine can
Maxillary canine is the second most commonly impacted be concomitant with other conditions.
tooth, after the mandibular third molar. The permanent max- Except the third molars, maxillary canines are among the
illary canine may be considered as impacted when the erup- last teeth to erupt. They usually develop high in the maxilla
tion of the tooth lags behind as compared to the eruption and need to travel a considerable distance before they erupt.
sequences of other teeth in the dentition. Diagnosis of maxil-
lary canine impaction may be made by clinical examination
and by radiography. Local factors may also play a role in canine impaction,
The normal path through which maxillary canines erupt and these include:
may be altered due to changes in the eruption sequence in the
maxilla, and also by space limitations due to crowding. It is 1. A longer eruption path that the tooth has to traverse
essential to diagnose and treat this condition early, to prevent from its point of development to normal occlusion
2. Thick palatal bone and mucoperiosteum, which can
obstruct eruption of palatally oriented canines.
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this ­chapter 3. More developed root at the time of eruption, which
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_15) contains supplemen-
tary material, which is available to authorized users. may minimize the eruptive force.
4. Disorder of the primary canine can affect the posi-
tion of the permanent one. This is because the
G. Varghese (*)
crown of the developing permanent canine lies just
Principal, Professor and Head, Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences, palatal to the apex of the primary canine root.
Tiruvalla, Kerala, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 329

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_15
330 G. Varghese

Mandibular Canines
5. Canines are more susceptible to environmental 1. Labial
influences as they are among the last teeth to erupt • Vertical
(except the third molars). • Oblique
6. Limited space for eruption as the canines erupt • Horizontal
between teeth which are already in occlusion. The 2. Aberrant
second molar may further reduce the space. • At inferior border.
7. The permanent canine has a greater mesiodistal • On the opposite side.
width than the primary canine. • Mental protuberance.

15.3 C
 lassification of Impacted Maxillary Complications that Can Occur Due to Canine Impaction
Canines 1. Adjacent teeth may undergo internal or external
15.3.1 The Following Classification Suggested
2. Change in alignment or proclination of lateral inci-
by Archer (1975) [2] is Very Practical
sor (Fig. 15.1).
3. Odontogenic Cyst formation.
Class I: Impacted canines in the palate.
4. Development of Odontogenic Tumour.
1. Horizontal
2. Vertical
3. Semivertical
• Class II: Impacted canines located on the labial surface.
The clinical signs that indicate an impacted maxillary
1. Horizontal
canine include:
2. Vertical
3. Semivertical 1. Prolonged retention of the primary canine [4] and
• Class III: Impacted canine located labially and pala- or delayed eruption of the permanent canine.
tally—crown on one side and the root on the other side. 2. Lack of a bulge on the labial side of the alveolus in
• Class IV: Impacted canine located within the alveolar the canine region.
process—usually vertically between the incisor and first 3. Delayed eruption of the lateral incisor, or an incisor
premolar. that is tipped distally or migrated.
• Class V: Impacted canine in edentulous maxilla— 4. Loss of vitality or increased mobility of the perma-
Impacted canine can be in unusual positions like inverted nent incisors.

15.3.2 Field and Ackerman (1935) 15.4 Radiographic Localization

Classification [3] of Impacted Canine

 axillary Canines
M The position of the impacted canine may be determined by
1. Labial position visual inspection, palpating intraorally or by radiography.
• Crown in intimate relation with incisors. Radiographic examinations may include periapical X-ray
• Crown well above apices of incisors. with cone shift technique, occlusal radiography, anteroposterior
2. Palatal position and lateral radiographic views of maxilla, OPG, CBCT, CT scan.
• Crown near surface.
• Crown deeply embedded in close relation to apices of
incisors. 15.4.1 Radiographic Features to Consider
3. Intermediate position
• Crown between lateral incisor and first premolar roots. • Labiopalatal position of the canine relative to the erupted
• Crown above these teeth with crown labially placed teeth—either labial, palatal or directly above the teeth.
and root palatally placed or vice versa. • Orientation of the long axis of the canine in relation to the
4. Unusual position adjacent teeth.
• In nasal or antral wall. • Size and shape of the canine, and its root pattern.
• In infraorbital region. • Status and health of the adjacent teeth.
15  Management of Impacted Canines 331

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 15.1  Bilaterally impacted maxillary canine causing proclination and spacing of incisors. (a) Frontal view, (b) Occlusal view, (c) OPG
­showing impacted canines (yellow circle)

• Location and orientation of the crown and root in relation This technique can also be performed with differing vertical
to the adjacent teeth, in three dimensions (vertical, mesio- angulations (vertical parallax). There are different combina-
distal and labiopalatal). tions of parallax techniques:
• Presence of associated cyst, odontomas or supernumerary
1. Clark technique: Two intra-oral periapical radiographs
are taken using different horizontal angulations [5].
• Curvature of the root of impacted tooth.
2. Southall and Gravely technique: One maxillary anterior
occlusal radiograph and one maxillary lateral occlusal
Going into the fine details of localization of canine is
radiograph are taken [6].
beyond the purview of this chapter. It is an area which has
3. Rayne technique: This involves differing vertical angula-
been extensively studied with regard to the various imaging
tions, with one periapical and one maxillary anterior
modalities and their advantages.
occlusal radiograph being taken [7].
Various radiographic methods are considered routinely by
4. Keur technique: This is also a vertical parallax method, in
practitioners for localization. A few of them are mentioned
which one panoramic and one maxillary anterior occlusal
radiograph are taken [8]. Parallax
This was first introduced by Clark [5], and involves two OPG
radiographs taken at two different horizontal angles, but 1. Magnification
using the same vertical angulation. Owing to parallax error, The magnification technique depends on a principle
the object that is further away appears to travel in the same known as ‘image size distortion’. According to this, for a
direction as the direction in which the tube was shifted. The given ‘focal spot’—film distance, objects that are far
object nearer to the tube appears to move in the opposite away from the film will appear more magnified than those
direction [Same Lingual Opposite Buccal (SLOB) rule]. that are closer to the film. This has been applied using
332 G. Varghese

OPGs for the impacted canine. (Wolf and Matilla [9]; Fox
et al. [10]). In the OPG, if a canine looks bigger as com- Reason for Surgical Removal of Impacted Canines
pared to the adjacent teeth in the arch or the contralateral • Associated cyst/tumour with the impacted tooth.
canine, it is probably located closer to the tube (palatal). • Development of caries.
If it is relatively small, it is located further away from the • For prosthetic replacement.
tube (labial). This method can be applied effectively only • For orthodontic reasons.
when the canine is not rotated, does not touch the incisor • Resorption of roots in adjacent tooth.
root and the incisor is not tipped [11]. • Malalignment of adjacent teeth.
Kuftinec [12, 13] asserts that if the canine’s cusp is • Pain referred to other regions.
mesially at the root of the lateral incisor, the impaction
is probably palatal but if the cuspid is found overlap-
ping the distal half, a labial impaction is more
2. Chaushu et al. [14] stated that a single panoramic radio- Treatment Options for Impacted Canines
graph could be used to assess the mesiodistal dimensions 1. Observation.
of the canine and the ipsilateral central incisors. The 2. Surgical exposure.
canine would be palatally placed if the ratio of the sizes 3. Surgical exposure and orthodontic traction.
between the canine and the central incisors is 1.15 or 4. Surgical removal.
3. Katsnelson [15] et al. suggested a technique that used
a horizontal line that extended from the mesiobuccal
cusp tip of the right and left maxillary first molars, 15.5 Modalities of Management
along the long axis of the impacted canines. The degree of Impacted Canine
of inclination of the canine as compared to the midline
is recorded. If the inclination is greater than 65°, the The impacted maxillary canine may be managed by several
canine is 26.6 times more likely to be buccally placed different techniques. The chosen method would depend on the
than palatal. degree of impaction, age of the patient, stage of root forma-
tion, presence of any associated pathology, dental condition of Computed Tomography the adjacent teeth, position of the tooth, patient’s willingness
Computed Tomography readily provides excellent tissue to undergo orthodontic treatment, available facilities for spe-
contrast and eliminates blurring and overlapping of adjacent cialized treatment and patient’s general physical condition.
teeth [16]. However, since CT exposes the patient to a high
dose of radiation, the unfavourable relationship between cost 1. Extraction of primary canine.
and benefit to the patient determines its use only in particular This method is as an interceptive form of management.
cases, such as in the presence of craniofacial deformities. CT Extraction of the deciduous tooth may be considered when
makes it possible to easily identify the position of impacted the maxillary permanent canine is not palpable in its nor-
teeth and evaluate precisely the location of nearby anatomi- mal position and the radiographic examination confirms
cal structures and identify any root resorption in the adjacent the presence of an impacted canine. However, this treat-
teeth. ment will not necessarily correct the problem. Surgical
intervention may be required if the permanent canine fails Cone Beam CT to erupt within one year of the deciduous extraction.
Conventional CT imaging is associated with high radiation 2. No treatment—Leave the tooth in situ.
dose and high cost. Cone Beam Computed Tomography In some asymptomatic cases, no treatment may be required
(CBCT) have been used instead for localization of the apart from regular clinical and radiographic follow-­ up.
impacted canine. As CBCT uses cone-shaped radiation, the There is a small risk of follicular cystic degeneration,
radiation dose is significantly reduced, and a high spatial although the incidence of this is unknown. Rarely, odonto-
resolution is achieved [17, 18]. genic tumours may develop in relation to the impacted tooth.
15  Management of Impacted Canines 333

3. Surgical exposure of the tooth. Procedure

This technique may be used in cases where there is 1. Palatally positioned canine
enough space for the canine to erupt, and where the root The location of the crown of the impacted canine may be
formation is incomplete. Surgically exposing the crown determined by radiographs. The possible position of the
of the canine may allow it to come into position by nor- crown is determined, and a cruciform incision made over
mal eruptive forces. this. Along the incision arms, flaps are elevated on four sides
4. Surgical exposure and orthodontically assisted eruption. so that the crown is uncovered. The flaps may be excised. If
This is the most appropriate approach for an impacted there is haemorrhage, it can usually be controlled by pressure
canine. For attempting this technique, the case must fulfil application. If there is any bone overlying the crown, it is
the following criteria: removed and sharp edges are smoothened so that the crown
(a) The impacted canine must be favourably positioned. lies in a saucer-shaped bony cavity. To prevent soft tissue
(b) The patient must be compliant with both surgery and regrowth over the exposed crown, a pack (such as a perio
long term orthodontics. pack or roller gauze impregnated with iodoform or antibiot-
(c) The patient must not have associated medical ics) may be inserted or sutured in place. Another alternative
problems. technique is to use a crevicular incision, expose palatally and
5. Surgical removal of the impacted tooth. place orthodontic brackets as shown in Fig. 15.2.
This technique is preferred for teeth that are in an unfa- 2. Labially positioned canines
vourable position, and which are likely to cause problems Any one of the following techniques may be employed
in the future. It may also be considered when a patient is depending on the depth and position of the impacted tooth:
not willing for orthodontic treatment or cannot afford it, (a) Creating a surgical window/Gingivectomy: This is
even if the impacted tooth is in a favourable position. done if the tooth lies just underneath the gingiva. The
6. Surgical repositioning/Autotransplantation. overlying soft tissue is simply excised to expose the
Impacted canines that are malpositioned, but have a crown.
favourable root pattern (without hooks or sharp curves) If the impacted canine is close to the alveolar crest,
may be considered for autotransplantation into the dental or if a broad band of keratinized tissue covers the
arch. This may be done by utilizing the socket of decidu- tooth, a surgical window may be created. Gingivectomy
ous canine or first premolar, depending on the amount of may be done when it is possible to uncover at least one
space needed and available.

15.5.1 Surgical Exposure of Impacted Canines

Surgical Exposure Techniques

• Gingivectomy and exposure of crown/ surgical

• Closed eruption method (Repositioned flap) [19, 20].
• Apically repositioned flap technique (window flap)
[19, 20].
• Tunnel Technique [21].

Various studies have compared the effects of the different

exposure techniques in the periodontium; however, a consen-
sus is yet to be reached [22–24].
Chapokas et al. in 2012 have brought out a useful classifi- ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
cation of maxillary canine impactions based on which the
exposure technique may be decided [25]. Fig. 15.2  Exposure of a palatally impacted canine
334 G. Varghese

half to 2/3 of the crown, leaving at least 3 mm of gin- applied as needed for the tooth to erupt. Drawback of
gival collar. Usually in these cases, the tip of the this technique is that the tooth cannot be inspected
impacted tooth lies near the cemento-enamel junction directly once the flap has been sutured (Fig. 15.4).
of the adjacent tooth (Fig. 15.3). (c)
Apically positioned flap: In cases where the cervical
Closed eruption technique: If the impacted canine portion of the crown does not lie within the attached
lies in the middle of the alveolus, near the nasal spine, gingiva, removal of the soft tissue may cause the
or high in the buccal vestibule or the palate, this tech- attached gingiva to be lost. Later on, this can lead to
nique may be indicated (Vermette et al., 1995) [19]. periodontal problems. In such a case, it may be better
A flap is first elevated over the area of the impacted to use an apically repositioned flap.
tooth. If necessary, the crown is then exposed after The flap is designed in such a way that vertical
removal of the overlying bone. An orthodontic incisions are placed on the soft tissue at the distal
bracket may be bonded to the crown and to the side of the lateral incisor and at the mesial side of the
bracket, a traction wire is affixed. The flap is then first premolar. Then a horizontal incision is made that
sutured, with the traction wire left exposed to the oral links the two vertical incisions. Subsequently, after
cavity. Sufficient time is given for the flap to undergo locating the crown of the impacted tooth, the flap
initial healing. Later on, the traction wire may be may be sutured back into at the apical end, while the
connected to an archwire and optimal force may be crown is exposed to the oral cavity (Fig. 15.5a, b).

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 15.4  Closed eruption technique for labially impacted canine

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 15.3  Exposure of labially impacted canine by surgical window


a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 15.5 (a, b) Schematic diagram of apically positioned flap for exposure of a labially positioned crown. (a) Incision, (b) Suturing
15  Management of Impacted Canines 335

15.5.2 Surgical Removal of Palatally Impacted Procedure (Fig. 15.7a–d) (Fig. 15.8a, b)

Maxillary Canines The incision is initiated in the gingival margin on the palatal
side from the ipsilateral first premolar and, depending on the
If the impacted maxillary canine is in an unfavourable posi- position of the impacted tooth, is extended up to the contra-
tion, and cannot be brought into normal occlusion, it should lateral lateral incisor or premolar.
be removed earlier rather than later. This is because increas- In cases of unilateral impaction, instead of extending the
ing age increases the difficulty of the procedure, and by incision to the contralateral side, a vertical incision may be
removing early, damage to the adjacent structures may be given in the mid palatal region. In situations where there is
minimized. bilateral canine impaction and both teeth are close to the
midline, the incision should always extend between the first Surgical Anatomy or second premolars of both sides (Fig. 15.8). Elevation of a
The impacted canine is separated by a thin layer of the bone single palatal flap not only avoids sloughing but also pro-
from the maxillary sinus and nasal cavity (Fig.  15.6). vides adequate visualization. This method may pose a risk of
Infrequently, this bone may be absent. In these cases, the risk haemorrhage from the nasopalatine vessels which can, how-
of tooth or root displacement into the maxillary sinus is high. ever, be controlled by pressure pack or by electrocautery.
It is also not uncommon to have the likelihood of creating a The mucoperiosteal flap is then reflected to reveal the
communication between the oral cavity and antrum, which palatal bone and the tooth. Division of the nasopalatine ves-
may lead to post-operative nasal bleeding. sels and nerve may be done for further exposure.

Fig. 15.6  Surgical anatomy

of maxillary canine area. Note Nasal cavity
the close relationship of the
root of the impacted canine to
the floor of the maxillary
sinus and nose
Maxillary sinus

Palatine nerves & vessels

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

336 G. Varghese

Fig. 15.7 (a–d) Schematic

diagram showing steps in the a b
surgical removal of palatally
positioned impacted maxillary
canine (a) Reflection of the flap,
(b) Removal of bone to expose
the crown, (c) Sectioning of the
crown, (d) Removal of the root

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 15.8 (a, b) Palatal flap a b

elevation for exposure of
bilaterally impacted palatally
positioned canine. (a) Flap
outlined from the second
premolar on one side to the
second premolar of the opposite
side, (b) Following reflection of
the mucoperiosteal flap, multiple
drill holes are placed in the bone
overlying the crown. These drill
holes are then connected together
to remove the bone thereby
exposing the crown

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

15  Management of Impacted Canines 337

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 15.9 (a, b) Incisions for removal of labially placed canine. (a) Semilunar incision, (b) Trapezoidal (3 sided) incision

The crown of the tooth may be visible occasionally, or 15.5.3 Surgical Removal of Labially Positioned
a bulge may be felt. Bone around the area is removed with Impacted Maxillary Canine (Fig. 15.9a, b)
bur, taking care to protect the roots of the adjacent teeth (Video 15.1)
from damage. Once adequate bone is removed, a groove is
prepared on the mesial side and an elevator may be Incision
inserted into it. An attempt is made to luxate the tooth. A semilunar incision (Fig. 15.9a) is usually used, and it pro-
Once the crown is moved out, it may be grasped using an vides good exposure. The lower part of the incision must lie
upper anterior or premolar forceps. Dislodgement of the at least 0.5 cm away from the gingival margin.
root apex may require a certain amount of torsion, as this For cases that are deeply impacted, triangular flaps (­ 2 sided)
is often curved. or trapezoidal flaps (3 sided) may be used, with incisions
If the tooth is resistant to elevation, more bone removal along the gingival margin and relieving incisions. (Fig. 15.9b).
is done to enlarge the opening. Tooth sectioning (odontot-
omy) may be carried out using a straight fissure bur if there O  perative Procedure (Fig. 15.10a–f )
is any obstruction to movement (Fig. 15.7c, d). The crown (Fig. 15.11a–i)
portion is removed first. A portion of the root may then be The mucoperiosteal flap is elevated and the bone with the tooth
visualized. If not, bone is removed to expose the root. A bulge is exposed. Using a bur, a window is created over the crown
hole is created in the root and an elevator is used to engage prominence. The window is enlarged so that the entire crown is
this and remove the root. exposed, taking care not to cause damage to the adjacent tooth
Meticulous debridement and curettage is done to roots. The tooth is then luxated using an elevator.
remove the tooth follicle. Saline irrigation is used to clear If there is any resistance during elevation, the tooth must
out bone debris. The flap is replaced and sutured into be sectioned, so that the fragments can be removed easily. If
position. It is held in close contact with the palatal bone three fragments are created, the middle one may be removed
by pressing a gauze pack with the dorsum of the tongue, first, and the remaining two fragments may be elevate using
for an hour or two. Healing follows without any the resultant space (Fig. 15.10a–f).
complications. The area is carefully debrided and checked for a residual
To decrease chances of hematoma formation, a prefabri- follicle, which must be removed. The mucoperiosteal flap is
cated clear acrylic plate may be used to cover the palate repositioned and sutured (Fig. 15.11a–i) shows the localisa-
post-­operatively. tion and surgical removal of a labially positioned impacted
maxillary canine.
338 G. Varghese

Fig. 15.10 (a–f): Schematic diagram

a b
showing surgical removal of labially
impacted maxillary canine. (a) Impacted
maxillary canine. Note the relationship of
the cuspid to the roots of the adjacent teeth,
nasal cavity and maxillary sinus. (b)
trapezoidal mucoperiosteal flap reflected.
(c) Drill holes placed in the cortical plate
overlying the crown so as to expose the
crown, after the full exposure of the crown,
elevator is applied beneath the crown to
mobilize the tooth, (d) If the tooth is
resistant to elevation, the crown is sectioned
using bur and it is removed, (e) Cavity
created following removal of crown, (f) The
root is moved into the space created by the
removal of the crown and it is then removed

c d

e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

15  Management of Impacted Canines 339

15.5.4 Removal of Maxillary removing an impacted canine that has its root oriented labi-
Canine in an Intermediate ally and crown palatally.
Position (Fig. 15.12a–h)

The impacted maxillary canine may be located in an inter-

mediate position, with the root oriented labially and the Complications of removal of maxillary canines:
crown palatally, or vice versa. Removing a maxillary canine • Perforation through the nasal or antral mucosa.
in the intermediate position may be challenging and may • Tooth or root displacement into the maxillary sinus
take more time as it may require a labial and palatal • Haemorrhage
approach. The risk of damaging adjacent teeth is also • Adjacent tooth root damage
higher with teeth in an intermediate position. CBCT or CT • Fracture of apical third of the root of the impacted
scan is very useful to locate the exact position of such a tooth.
tooth. Figure  15.12a–h illustrates the steps involved in

a b

Fig. 15.11 (a–l) show the clinical and radiographic images of the steps structures such as maxillary antrum, nasal floor and nearby teeth. (c)
in removing a labially impacted canine by odontectomy. Bilaterally Sagittal view, (d) Coronal view, (e) Axial view, (f) 3-D view. Steps in
impacted maxillary canines (a) Intra-oral right lateral view, (b) OPG the surgical removal of impacted 13. (g) Incision marked, (h)
showing 13 in inverted position (yellow circle) with close proximity to Mucoperiosteal flap reflected, (i) Tooth division done, (j) Tooth
maxillary sinus and impacted 23 (in red circle). CT of the same patient removed and debridement (k) Suturing completed, (l) Specimen
showing the relationship of the inverted 13 (yellow circle) to adjacent
340 G. Varghese

e f

g h i

j k l
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 15.11 (continued)

15.5.5 Management of Impacted Mandibular these teeth retain their original innervation, which is
Canines important to consider while administering local
Impacted mandibular canines are not as frequent as maxil- The diagnosis of an impacted mandibular canine is simi-
lary canines, and are usually found in a labial position. lar to that of the impacted maxillary canine, and it presents
However, they may occasionally migrate to the mental with similar features. These include retained primary teeth,
protuberance or even the lower border of mandible, where proclination/displacement of adjacent incisors or clinical
they can lie in a transverse position. They can also drift to features associated with cyst formation. Impacted canines
the opposite side of the mandible, referred to as transposi- may not be associated with any symptoms, and may be acci-
tion/transmigration of the canine. It must be noted that dentally discovered during the routine radiographic exami-
15  Management of Impacted Canines 341

Fig. 15.12 (a–h) Schematic a b

diagram showing the steps in the
surgical removal of impacted
maxillary canine with root on the
labial side and crown on the
palatal side. (a) Outline of the
impacted canine and its relation
to the roots of the adjacent tooth.
Note the semilunar incision
marked, (b) Outline of the crown
of the impacted canine on the
palatal aspect, (c)
Mucoperiosteum reflected on the
buccal side overlying the bone to
be removed and the root of the
impacted tooth sectioned. An
elevator is being used to dislodge
the root, (d) Empty socket after c d
removal of the root. (e) Palatal
flap is outlined and reflected.
Bone covering the crown of the
impacted tooth is removed using
bur. (f) Using a blunt instrument
placed in the socket of the tooth
on the buccal side, pressure is
exerted on the cut end of the
crown (see black arrow) to push
the crown palatally, (g) Empty
socket on the palatal side after
removal of the crown, (h) Flap is
replaced back and suturing

e f

g h

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

342 G. Varghese

nation, or during the investigation of other dental conditions.

Sometimes, however, these teeth can cause recurrent pain Tongue

and infection.
Dalessandri et  al. in 2017 opined that the most common Submandibular duct
treatment strategies for the treatment of mandibular canine
impactions are surgical extraction and orthodontic traction.
Surgical extraction and radiographic monitoring were sug-
gested for transmigrant mandibular canines: The authors pro- Sublingual gland

posed a decision tree in order to guide practitioners through

the treatment plan of impacted mandibular canines [26].
Mylohyoid muscle Treatment Options

The impacted mandibular canine may be treated using one of
the following strategies:
Mentalis muscle
Observation ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Exposure and orthodontic repositioning Fig. 15.13  Surgical anatomy of mandibular canine area
Surgical repositioning
Surgical removal of the tooth—The impacted mandibular
canine may be removed if one of the following conditions Complications of Surgical Removal
is present:
These Include the Following
(a) Pathology such as follicular cyst or tumour in rela-
tion to the impacted tooth.
1. Injury/mobility of the adjacent tooth—This can occur
(b) Orthodontic reasons, such as the need to move an
during bone removal, if the supporting bone of the lateral
adjacent tooth into the area of impaction.
incisor is removed accidentally. This is managed by
splinting the lateral incisor to the adjacent tooth. Surgical Anatomy (Fig. 15.13) 2. Mental nerve injury—If the distal vertical incision is
The bone in the mandibular canine region consists of a thick extended too far backwards and inferiorly, the mental
lingual cortex and a thin buccal cortex. The impacted tooth nerve may accidentally be severed.
usually lies mesial or distal to the actual canine region. A
buccal flap must ideally be used for surgical access, as a lin-
gual flap may not provide adequate access, and is associated 15.6 Summary
with increased post-operative morbidity. While raising the
buccal flap, the mentalis muscle insertion (at the mental The management of impacted canine teeth requires skilful
fossa) and incisive muscle insertion (at the height of the handling and careful observation on the part of an oral and
canine alveolus) are divided. maxillofacial surgeon. If any tooth is absent in the dental
arch after the normal time of eruption has lapsed, the surgeon R  emoval of Mandibular Canine must investigate. The management of an impacted tooth is
(Figs. 15.14 and 15.15) simple if the basic principles of surgery are followed appro-
For tooth exposure, a trapezoidal (3 sided) flap is used. priately for all the teeth. The case must be evaluated care-
Alternately, a horizontal incision may be made below the fully for proper diagnosis and treatment planning. Treatment
attached gingiva. If the tooth lies close to the lower bor- planning requires a multidisciplinary approach, and the gen-
der of the mandible, an additional incision may be needed eral dental surgeon must consult with the oral and maxillofa-
extra-­orally for proper exposure. As in the case of maxil- cial surgeon, orthodontist and paedodontist for achieving
lary canine in the labial position, bone removal is done optimal results.
with bur. The tooth may be elevated in toto, or may
require sectioning if resistance is met (Figs.  15.14a–h
and 15.15).
15  Management of Impacted Canines 343

a b

c d

Fig. 15.14 (a-h) Schematic diagram showing steps in the surgical elevation unsuccessful tooth division is performed using bur, (f) Crown
removal of impacted mandibular canine. (a) Incision to raise a trapezoi- removed and more of the root exposed to create a purchase point on the
dal flap, (b) Mucoperiosteal flap reflected and the bone overlying the root using bur, (g) Root removed using an elevator applied at the pur-
crown removed using bur and chisel, (c) Crown of impacted canine chase point, (h) Closure of the incision
exposed, (d) Elevator is applied in an attempt to luxate the tooth. (e) if
344 G. Varghese

e f

g h

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 15.14 (continued)
15  Management of Impacted Canines 345

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 15.15 (a–m) Shows the clinical and radiographic images of the Overlying odontome exposed, (h) Odontome removed and crown of 33
steps in removing a labially impacted canine by odontectomy. Impacted exposed. (i) Sectioning of crown of 33, (j) Removal of crown and root
left mandibular canine (yellow circle) with an associated odontome (a) of 33 followed by debridement, (k) Suturing completed (l) Specimen of
OPG showing impacted 33, (b) CT Axial view, (c) Coronal view, (d) 33 with follicle and odontome, (m) Pressure dressing applied to reduce
Sagittal view. (e) Intra-oral view, (f) Mucoperiosteal flap reflected, (g) oedema
346 G. Varghese

g h

i j

k l

Fig. 15.15 (continued)
15  Management of Impacted Canines 347

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Endodontic Surgery
Deepti Simon

16.1 Definition advances in techniques and materials have resulted in a para-

digm shift toward a more judicious strategy for treating peri-
Endodontic surgery is a dental procedure to treat apical peri- apical pathologies. The new benchmark for success is tissue
odontitis in cases that did not heal after nonsurgical retreat- regeneration. Nonsurgical retreatment for endodontic fail-
ment or, in certain instances, primary root canal therapy [1]. ures and surgical endodontics has been radically revolution-
It is the branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and ized by the introduction of the “microscope”.
treatment of lesions of endodontic origin, which cannot be A periapical lesion is defined as any radiolucent image
treated by or do not respond to conventional root canal exceeding 1  mm in the periapical vicinity of the tooth.
therapy. Lesions with a mean diameter > 5 mm are classified as large
lesions, and those less than or equal to 5 mm are classified as
small lesions [5]. In lesions greater than 10 mm, tooth extrac-
16.2 Historical Frame of Reference tion may or may not be done after considering factors like
tooth mobility, pain, and the periodontal condition [6]. A
Guerini documented the first endodontic surgery as incision periapical lesion may be noticed clinically or radiographi-
and drainage of an acute endodontic abscess, approximately cally at a dimension of 5 mm [7].
1500  years ago [2]. Infected root sections were removed,
and the healthy tooth portion was retained in attempting to
cure infected teeth for about 200  years. Histological bone 16.3 Indications for Endodontic Surgery [8]
regeneration was demonstrated in treated cases of infected
periapical lesions in 1930 [3]. For a long time, pulpless teeth 1. Failures of nonsurgical treatment (treatment should have
were implicated in a plethora of systemic disorders like been done at least twice)
nephritis and arthritis by the exponents of the focal theory of 2. Failure of nonsurgical treatment and retreatment is not
infection [4]. feasible or impractical due to calcified canals, silver point
The terms apicoectomy, periapical surgery, periapical filling, apical perforation, severely curved roots, and the
endodontics, root end surgery, apical microsurgery, and sur- presence of post and core or if the tooth is fractured at its
gical endodontics have been used in the literature. apical one third
Apicoectomy, which means cutting the root apex, limits the 3. To obtain a biopsy from the periapical region
understanding of the procedure, which includes removal of 4. To retrieve broken instruments
the irritants in the root canal system and the periapical
pathology as well. Today, endodontic surgery is one of the
most puissant branches of dentistry and falls in the twilight 16.3.1 Updated Indications (The European
zone among surgery, dentistry, and endodontics. Recent Society of Endodontology) (2006) [9]

1. Radiological findings of apical periodontitis and/or symp-

D. Simon (*) toms associated with an obstructed canal (the obstruction
Department of OMFS, Government Dental College, proved not to be removable, displacement of the obstruc-
Trivandrum, Kerala, India tion did not seem to be feasible, or the risk of damage was
Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala, India too great)

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 349

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_16
350 D. Simon

2. Extruded material with clinical or radiological findings of 16.5 Preoperative Assessment

apical periodontitis and/or symptoms continuing over a and Planning
prolonged period
3. Persisting or emerging disease following root canal treat- 16.5.1 Anatomical Reflections
ment when root canal retreatment is inappropriate
4. Perforation of the root or the floor of the pulp chamber The nasal floor, maxillary sinus, inferior alveolar, and mental
and when it is impossible to treat from within the pulp and greater palatine neurovascular bundles offer potential
cavity road blocks to the surgeon.

16.4 Relative Contraindications 16.5.2 Important Considerations

in the Maxilla and Maxillary Sinus
1 . Compromised medical status of the patient
2. Anatomical considerations If the roots of the maxillary anteriors are very long and the
3. Surgeon’s skill and clinical expertise lesion extends superiorly, proximity to the nasal floor should
4. Vertically fractured tooth be borne in mind. Eberhardt et al. have commented that the
5. Unrestorable tooth mesiobuccal root apex of the maxillary second molar is clos-
6. Tooth with compromised periodontal support est to the sinus floor and the buccal root apex of the maxillary
7. Nonfunctional tooth first premolar is the farthest [10]. The greater palatine neuro-
8. Tooth with short roots vascular bundle presents a risk while working on the palatal
roots of maxillary molars. If the vessel is severed, pressure
must be applied by packs or bone wax and the eventuality of
external carotid artery ligation should not be precluded.
Principles of Endodontic Surgery Vertical releasing incisions on the palate are to be eschewed,
1 . Preoperative assessment and planning and if these are unavoidable, it is prudent to place the same
2. Achieving adequate anesthesia and hemostasis between the maxillary canine and first premolar, where the
3. Appropriate surgical access through overlying soft artery has a narrow caliber. Palatal roots can be accessed
and hard tissues buccally or across the sinus or palatally (direct approach).
4. Periapical curettage and root end preparation The contour and depth of the palatal vault greatly determine
5. Would closure and care the surgeon’s accoutrement; greater the depth, greater the
6. Postoperative management of the local surgical site comfort.
Inadvertent loss of root tips into the maxillary sinus
should be avoided and retrieved endoscopically if such a
situation arises. Sinus communications, if they occur sel-
Classification of Endodontic Surgery [8] dom, pose an impediment to healing neither are they impli-
1. Fistulative Surgery cated in sinustis [11]. The sinus membrane usually
(a) Incision and drainage regenerates, and a thin bone forms at the apex [12]. Shallow
(b) Cortical trephination vestibule, palatally or lingually inclined roots, compounds
(c) Decompression procedures the surgeon’s difficulties.
2. Periapical Surgery
(a) Curettage
(b) Root end resection 16.5.3 Important Considerations
(c) Root end preparation in the Mandible
(d) Root end filling
3. Corrective Surgery In the mandible, the facial artery, mental nerve, and inferior
(a) Perforation repair alveolar neurovascular bundle should be reckoned with. The
(i) Mechanical (iatrogenic) facial artery can be safeguarded if incisions placed in the
(ii) Resorptive vicinity of the mandibular first molar are not extended
(b) Periodontal management beyond the vestibular depth. The route taken by the inferior
(i) Root resection alveolar neurovascular bundle is of particular significance. It
(ii) Tooth resection winds buccal (second molar) to lingual (first molar) and then
(iii) Intentional replantation again buccal (the second premolar) before it exits the mental
foramen [12]. In the vertical dimension, the mandibular sec-
16  Endodontic Surgery 351

Table 16.1  Anthropometric measurements of significance in end- and other drugs should be undertaken in liaison with the
odontic surgery [10, 12] attending physician.
Distance A well-informed patient is the best patient. The impor-
Sl. No Landmarks in mm
tance of informed consent cannot be overdrawn, and the
1. Apex of mesiobuccal root of the maxillary 0.83
second molar and sinus
patient is entitled to know about the prognosis, benefits, and
2. Apex of buccal root of the maxillary first 7.05 surgical complications, anticipate damage to vital structures,
premolar and sinus and follow up. Communication regarding the above details is
3. Apex of the maxillary second premolar and sinus 2.8 mandatory, and the patient should be made aware of alternate
4. Apex of mesiobuccal and distobuccal root of the 2.8 treatment modalities like extraction followed by implant
maxillary first molar and sinus
5. Apex of the mandibular second molar and 3.7
mandibular canal
6. Apex of mesial root of the mandibular first molar 6.9
and mandibular canal
7. Apex of the mandibular second premolar and 4.7 16.7 Anesthesia and Hemostasis
mandibular canal
8. Buccal cortical plate and distal root of the 8.5
mandibular second molar 16.7.1 Premedication
9. Apex of maxillary canine and buccal cortical 1.64
plate Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in con-
flation with a long-acting local anesthetic can scale down
postoperative pain. Ainsworth surmised that routine use
of prophylactic antibiotics in periapical surgery is unwar-
ond molar is closest to the canal as when compared to the ranted [12]. A presurgical mouth rinse with chlorhexidine
mandibular first molar or second premolar. For all practical gluconate (0.12%) will reduce the salivary bacteria sig-
purposes, the mandibular second molar is not conducive to nificantly, especially their growth on sutures and wound
endodontic surgery and should be attempted bearing in mind margins, but may obtrude with fibroblast reattachment to
these encumbrances. The mandibular anteriors offer a par- the root [12].
ticular challenge while performing perpendicular root resec- Most patients tolerate the surgical procedure under local
tion [12]. anesthesia but for the apprehensive, conscious oral sedation
Excessive salivation, shallow vestibule, thick alveolus, with benzodiazepines or nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation
and small rima oris are other determinants. A comprehensive should be opted for. Diazepam 10 mg can be started on the
assessment of all these variables is mandatory prior to night before the surgery, and another dose can be adminis-
embarking upon endodontic surgery (Table 16.1). tered 1 hour before the procedure [13].

16.6 Investigations 16.7.2 Local Anesthesia and Sedation

Until recently, periapical radiographs were the workhorse of The merits and demerits of various local anesthetics have
endodontic surgery. Their obvious shortcomings were due to been elaborated in detail elsewhere in this book. Conventional
compression of three-dimensional structures into a two-­ nerve blocks are augmented by local infiltration. Of equal
dimensional image and geometric distortion of anatomy. In momentousness is the preference for the vasoconstrictor.
the year 2000, Cone Beam Computer Tomography (CBCT) Adrenaline in concentrations ranging from 1:50,000, 1:
was introduced to dentistry. The limited CBCT offers higher 100,000, and 1:200,000 have performed commendably.
resolution, and images are displayed in three planes: axial,
coronal, and sagittal. Simultaneously, radiation dose is com-
parable to panoramic x-rays, and superimposition of neigh- 16.8 Surgical Access
boring structures is obviated [12]. The relationship between
the teeth apices and anatomic structures, variations in root 16.8.1 Armamentarium
morphology, additional canals, and external root resorption
are just a few of the diagnostic conundrums that can be Incisions can be placed with no.11, no. 12, no 15, or no. 15-C
assessed via CBCT. blades (Fig. 16.1). Sharp, blunt dissection and elevation of
Surgical workup also includes complete blood count, rou- the mucoperiosteal flap are accomplished by a Molts’ or
tine urine examination, viral markers, and a thorough medi- Howarths’ periosteal elevator (Fig. 16.2). Endodontic tissue
cal history. Appropriate regulation of insulin, anticoagulants, retractors like Austin, Seldon, or Minnesota should be judi-
352 D. Simon

ciously selected in order to minimize trauma to the muco-

periosteal flap and neurovascular bundles (Fig.  16.3).
Overlying bone is cut with No.4/6/8 round burs or 701/702
fissure burs (Fig. 16.4). These can be used to resect the root
apex as well. Surgical handpiece with 45 ° angle head and
rear air exhaust is advocated. Sharp surgical curettes like
Lucas curette, angled periodontal curettes, and spoon exca-
vators help to remove the inflamed soft tissue from the bony
cavity (Fig. 16.5).
Root end resections can be done either with conventional
burs or lasers (Er-YAG or Ho-YAG lasers) [14, 15].

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 16.3  Austin retractor and Minnesota retractor

The advantages of lasers include greater patient comfort,

decreased vibrations, lesser surgical site contamination, and
minimal trauma to the juxtaposed tissues.
Ultrasonic microsurgical tips are invaluable for root end
preparation. Earlier, hand files and rotary burs were used. Teflon
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India sleeves, pluggers, and Messing gun-type syringes can be used to
place various root-end filling materials like MTA (Fig. 16.6).
Fig. 16.1  No. 15 and No. 15 C Blades
Review of literature validates the superiority of microsurgical
techniques over conventional surgery (97% to 59%) [1]. The
dental operating microscope, ultrasonic tips, and diamond
coated micromirrors (Fig. 16.7) have found their niche in the
surgeon’s armamentarium. Micromirrors (Fig.  16.8) can be
used to inspect the buccal and lingual walls of the retrocavity.
Microsurgical scalpels are useful for incising the intrasulcular
areas and dissection of the interproximal papillae.

16.8.2 Surgical Management

The aims of periapical surgery are to visualize and debride

the affected area and provide hermetic seal at the root end
that aids in periodontal regeneration (Figs. 16.9, 16.10 and
16.11). Gutmann and Harrison [4] have categorized flaps as
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
1 . Full mucoperiosteal flaps
Fig. 16.2  Molt’s Periosteal Elevator and Howarth’s Elevator 2. Limited mucoperiosteal flaps
16  Endodontic Surgery 353

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 16.6  Pluggers and Messing gun syringe
Fig. 16.4  No.701 bur and No.4 bur

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 16.7  Microsurgical root end surgery

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 16.5  Lucas curette, Spoon excavator, and Periodontal curette

The main difference is that marginal interdental tis- and large a cumbersome affair. If the clinical situation
sues are included in the full flaps, whereas the latter con- demands a palatal approach, the envelope and triangular
serves them. Researchers opine that limited flaps prevent flaps can be considered. Contrary to popular teaching,
loss of papilla height, but careful adaptation of the vertical incisions can be placed on the palate, rather than
reflected soft tissues rarely causes changes in gingival stretching and renting a flap, which may impede healing.
attachment level. It is vital to preserve the root attached This approach is best reserved for palatal roots for poste-
tissues. In the absence of periodontal pathology, ana- riors. Anterior palatal cysts can be accessed labially or
tomic and functional status quo can be maintained via palatally, according to the surgeon’s discretion. To aid in
full mucoperiosteal flaps. Elevating palatal flaps is by surgical access, it is prudent to pass a long suture through
354 D. Simon

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 16.8  Diamond-coated mirror

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 16.11  Submarginal incision

16.8.3 Basic Principles of Flap Design

1. Straight or parallel incisions are preferred over severely

angled ones, in order to preserve the supraperiosteal blood
supply of the attached gingiva and submucosa. Fewer ves-
sels and collagen fibers are transected with parallel inci-
sions, resulting in less hemorrhage and flap shrinkage
2. Root eminences of canines and maxillary premolars are
covered by thin bone with a poor blood supply and should
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
be spared. Incisions should be placed between adjacent
teeth on interdental bone
Fig. 16.9  Trapezoidal flap 3. Flaps should lie on solid healthy bone. At least 5 mm of
bone should be present between the defect and incision
4. Do not incise frena and muscle attachments as it compro-
mises the healing
5. Do not incise through the dental papilla
6. The entire mucoperiosteum should be included in the
flap; this is imperative for uneventful healing
7. Retractors should rest on solid bone
8. The horizontal incision should extend at least one tooth
beyond the pathologic area of interest

The position of the tooth in the arch, the dimensions of the

periapical pathology, gingival recession, and the presence of
artificial crowns also determine the choice of the incision
that is placed.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

16.8.4 Flap Elevation
Fig. 16.10  Clinical image of a trapezoidal flap for periapical lesion in
lower anterior region
The horizontal element of a full mucoperiosteal flap com-
mences in the gingival sulcus and severs the gingival attach-
the palatal flap and have the assistant retract the tissue. ment fibers to the crestal bone. The interdental papilla should
Table  16.2 details the advantages and disadvantages of be incised at the midcol level. While incising a limited flap,
various types of flaps that can be used for endodontic the horizontal component must conform to the contour of the
surgery. marginal gingiva and should be 2 mm apical to the depth of
16  Endodontic Surgery 355

Table 16.2  Various flap designs used in endodontic surgery [4, 12]
Name and description Recommended Advantages Disadvantages
Triangular flap (full)horizontal, intrasulcular incision, Maxillary incisors and Rapid wound healing Limited access
one vertical releasing incision posteriors due to good vascular
Facilitates in bone
graft placement
Rectangular flap (full) horizontal, intrasulcular Mandibular anteriors and Extensive surgical Difficult wound closure and
incision, two vertical releasing incisions Maxillary canines access more sutures
Facilitates in bone
graft placement
Trapezoidal flap (full) horizontal, intrasulcular Not recommended Base is wider than Damage to supraperiosteal
incisions, two divergent angled, vertical incisions apex vessels and hence more
bleeding and flap shrinkage
Horizontal /envelope flap (full). No vertical releasing Limited use Rapid healing Limited access
incision Only in repair of cervical
defects, hemisections, and
root amputations
Papilla based flap (full) Esthetically important Conserves the papilla Technically challenging
Shallow first incision at the base of the papilla regions
second incision directed to crestal bone
Submarginal curved/semilunar flap (limited). Curved Not recommended – Limited access and poor healing
incision in alveolar mucosa and attached gingiva unaesthetic scarring
Exact location of the root
should be known
Submarginal scalloped rectangular /Luebke-­ Maxillary teeth where No exposure of Unaesthetic scarring. More
Ochsenbein (limited). Scalloped horizontal incision esthetics of crown margins crestal bone bleeding and flap shrinkage
follows the shape of the marginal gingiva on the are important Prevents papillary Depth of gingival sulcus should
attached gingival recession and clefting be measured
At least 2 mm of attached gingiva is retained
Also called freeform rectilinear

the gingival sulcus. The vertical incision should begin in the retractor of a correct size should be selected and placed on
alveolar mucosa and proceed toward the crown till it abuts cortical bone in such a way that the tissue is prevented from
the horizontal incision. To achieve the above objectives engaging with rotary instruments.
fresh, sharp blades should be opted for. The periosteal surface of the flap should be irrigated with
Hemostasis and healing are enhanced if the entire muco- sterile, cool, and physiologic saline to keep it hydrated. The
periosteal flap is elevated as a single unit, due to adherence superficial surface is more resistant to dehydration due to the
of the flap with its microvasculature. The broad end of the stratified squamous epithelium [16, 17].
elevator can be maneuvered beneath the vertical incision, a
few millimeters from the junction of the horizontal and verti-
cal incision in the attached gingiva. This preserves the 16.8.6 Hard Tissue Management
­supracrestal root-attached fibers. This is followed by coronal
dissection, and forces are directed toward the periosteum and Once the flap is raised, the surgeon encounters either intact
bone. This technique is termed undermining elevation and cortical bone over the lesion or the lesion sans cortical
should be continued throughout the length of the horizontal bone. In the former scenario, it is imperative to localize the
incision and apically to the alveolar mucosa [4]. An approxi- lesion and remove bone in the adjacent periapical area.
mate distance of 1 cm from the apex should be exposed for Well-angled radiographs can aid in this aspect. Sounding
adequate access. The bleeding tags seen on the bone contain the bone with the sharp end of the periosteal elevator can
periosteum that aids in healing and reattachment of the flap. also be useful, as there is a change in resonance when one
approaches the diseased area. It is also prudent to identify
the root by ­calculating twice the crown length and then
16.8.5 Flap Retraction shave the thin bone at the apex. If digital technology is
used, the distance from the alveolar crest to the root apex
The soft tissues must be gently retracted to preclude the pos- can be measured using the ruler function [3]. The root is
sibility of inadvertent crushing. This may lead to flap smooth, hard, and yellow in color, surrounded by a peri-
hypoxia, swelling, ecchymosis, and/or delayed healing. The odontal ligament, and does not bleed on probing. Methylene
356 D. Simon

blue dye staining can aid in  locating the periodontal 16.8.7 Root end Preparation
Bone is vulnerable to thermal damage at any temperature Root end Resection (Fig. 16.12)
above the normal body temperature. This is the crucial aspect Regeneration of alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and
of periapical surgery and influences the choice of burs, cool- cementum in the periapical area can be encouraged by remov-
ants, and handpieces. Bone when subject to temperatures ing the diseased root end tissues and placing a root end seal to
between 40 °C and 50 ° C undergoes a spectrum of irrevers- stop the recontamination of the periapical region. Resection
ible changes. These include reduction in microcirculation, of apical 3 mm of the root apex will eliminate 78% of apical
tissue necrosis, fatty cell infiltration, and decrease in alkaline ramifications and 93% of lateral canals, which could contain
phosphatase. material that would contribute to the periradicular disease
While selecting bone cutting burs, sharp ones with wide [12]. The isthmus area should be included in the resection in
spaces between the flutes are preferred. Round burs meeting roots with multiple canals. Anatomical obstructions, broken
these criteria promote excellent healing. Chilled saline effec- instruments, and perforations can be removed, orthograde
tively reduces the heat produced and flushes out the debris, sealing can be assessed, and trapped lingual tissue can be
thus enhancing efficiency. Excess pressure applied to the curetted out. In the case of apical fenestration, the apex can be
bone is detrimental to the tissues and handpiece. Gentle reduced below the surrounding cortex to enable bone forma-
shaving or brushing motion must be used in short, multiple tion over the apex. The resection should enable the surgeon to
phases. prepare a root end cavity and place a restoration within.
Hirsch et al. have used a piezoelectric device to create a A smooth, flat resected surface is considered ideal. This
bony aperture while performing apicoectomies in maxillary should be assessed for cracks, anatomical variations, and
anteriors. The buccal bone was removed, preserved in Hank’s orthograde obturating material by means of an operating
Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), and later replaced in the microscope at high power magnification and methylene blue
bony crypt after the procedure, thus acting as an autologous staining [2]. The resection is made in order to surround the
bone graft. This is feasible in cases where there is minimal filling by normal dentin. Conventionally, a 30–45° bevel was
bone loss or in the presence of intact bone over the lesion placed, but the advent of the microscope has enabled a resec-
[18]. tion perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth. This substan-
The bony aperture should be wide enough to permit tially decreases the number of exposed dentinal tubules. Cohen
visual and surgical access into the lesion, enabling the opines that this aids in root end cavity preparation beyond the
insertion of bone curettes and excavators. In traditional
root surgery, the size of the aperture is approximately
8–10 mm and 3-4 mm in microsurgery. The rate of heal-
ing is faster when the size of osteotomy is smaller.
Granulomas and granulation tissues exhibit a propensity
to bleed profusely, hindering the surgery. To circumvent
this, local anesthetic with a vasoconstrictor can be
injected within. Using a curette of appropriate dimen-
sion, the surgeon works from the periphery toward the
center. The instrument is inserted between the tissue and
the lateral edge of the cavity with its concave face toward
the bone. This is continued all around the circumference
of the cavity and slowly progresses toward the depth of
the crypt in a scraping manner. After freeing all the tis-
sue, it is gently grasped with a pair of tissue forceps and
immersed in 10% buffered formalin solution. The speci-
men should not be left to dry. Lin et al. opine that com-
plete curettage is not mandatory, if the irritant is
eliminated [19]. Though a majority of periapical lesions
have been diagnosed histopathologically as granulomas
or cysts, there have been documented reports of perfectly
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
innocuous looking periapical lesions diagnosed as odon-
togenic keratocysts, central giant cell granulomas, or
squamous cell carcinoma [20, 21]. Fig. 16.12  2 to 3 mm root tip resection
16  Endodontic Surgery 357

coronal extent of the root surface and apical stresses are well Root end Filling (Fig. 16.13)
distributed, thus reducing apical fractures [11]. Amalgam used to be the quintessential retrograde filling mate-
After the perpendicular root resection, the root must be rial as it is cheap, easy to use, and radio opaque. However, it
conditioned to remove the smear layer produced. This may stain the tissues and is sensitive to moisture [3]. Research
exposes the collagen matrix of dentin and promotes growth. has yielded a plethora of retrofilling materials, which has
5% aqueous citric acid has been used for this purpose. EDTA enhanced the outcome of endodontic surgery (Table 16.3).
and tetracycline have also been studied, but have not found
clinical popularity. Table 16.3  Synopsis of root-end filling materials [4, 12]
Sl. Root end Cavity Preparation No Material Composition Characteristics
A 3 mm-deep Class I cavity is prepared along the long axis 1. Zinc oxide Zinc oxide powder Affected by
eugenol eugenol liquid powder-liquid ratio.
of the tooth, in order to place the filling material [22].
Eugenol can inhibit
Ultrasonic tips have been specifically designed for this pur- prostaglandins and
pose. The tips produce less smear layer, need less beveling, cause fibroblast
and can be inserted through a smaller aperture. However, the toxicity; final
compound has high
ultrasonic vibrations can predispose to root fractures. This
can be minimized when it is used at the lowest setting and 2. Intermediate Zinc oxide, polymethyl Not affected by
with water coolant. Ultrasonic tips coated with stainless restorative methacrylate powder, powder liquid ratio.
steel, diamond, or zirconium nitride are superior to uncoated material eugenol, and acetic No evidence of
tips. If the tips have a curvature of 70° or more, they are prone (IRM) acid—Liquid cementogenesis
3. Super EBA Zinc oxide, aluminum No evidence of
to fracture [23]. The root end filling is placed into the pre- (epoxy oxide, natural resins-­ cementogenesis
pared cavity. When bonded materials like Retroplast are benzoic acid) powder, eugenol, and
used, no root end preparation is needed; the filling is placed o-methoxybenzoic
like a dome onto the resected root. This is termed bonded cap acid-liquid
4. Glass Calcium alumino Moisture sensitive.
ionomer silicate—powder and Risk of detachment
It is imperative to have a dry bloodless field prior to place- polyacrylic acid liquid from teeth
ment of the root end filling regardless of the setting proper- 5. Retroplast Paste A- Bis-GMA/ Dentin bonding
ties of individual filling materials. To achieve this, TEGDMA 1:1, benzoyl composite resin.
adrenaline-saturated pellets, bone wax, Gelfoam, surgical, peroxide N,N-di-(2-­ Hard tissue
hydroxyethyl)-p-toluidine, formation seen,
calcium sulfate, thrombin, collagen, or ferric sulfate may be and butylated probably cementum.
used. Electrocautery may also be used, but this may delay hydroxytoluene; Paste-B Evidence of PDL
bone healing. ytterbium fluoride aerosil regeneration seen.
ferric oxide Biocompatible.
Adequate setting
time and
Strict control of
hemorrhage is
6. Mineral Calcium silicate, calcium Evidence of
trioxide carbonate, bismuth cementogenesis
aggregate sulfate, calcium sulfate, seen. Long setting
(MTA) and calcium aluminate time ≈ 3 h,
unaffected by blood
and moisture.
Gray MTA can
cause tooth
Least amount of
Less marginal gap
Better adaptation
7. Bioceramics Calcium silicate, Newer material.
monobasic calcium Biocompatible.
phosphate, and zirconium Antimicrobial
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India oxide activity present.
Needs more clinical
Fig. 16.13  Root end filling evaluation.
358 D. Simon

After placing the root end filling, a radiograph must be sic and intrinsic pathways are activated. This results in a ran-
obtained to assess its quality. If the radiograph reveals an domly arranged thick fibrin clot. Within 6  hours of clot
incomplete root resection or an inadequate retrofill, the sur- formation, polymorphonuclear leukocytes enter the wound
geon must rectify the above-said deficiencies. These are the and decontaminate the area by phagocytosis of bacteria. Their
most common surgical pitfalls that contribute to endodontic activity tapers off by 96 hours; monocytes and macrophages
surgical failures. continue the phagocytic activity. A reduction in macrophages
The surgical site is gently cleaned and irrigated with ster- hampers the next phase of wound healing, especially in the
ile saline to remove debris of hemostatic agents and filling older population where there is a step down of estrogen regu-
materials. Bone grafts or guided regeneration barriers can be lation of macrophages. The proliferative phase is dominated
placed into the crypt if indicated, but sterile technique should by fibroplasia and angiogenesis. The granulomatous nature of
be adhered to, at all times to obviate infection. Calcium the wound transforms into granulation tissue by the activity
phosphate bioceramics, bioactive glass composite, and bio- of cytokines like platelet derived growth factor (PDGF),
active self-setting cements have been evaluated in  vitro as fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and insulin-like growth factor
well as in  vivo [24, 25]. The flap is repositioned and deli- (IGF-1). By the third day, fibroblasts lay down Type III col-
cately compressed with a moist gauze to vent out the excess lagen, which matures to Type I. Myofibroblasts orient them-
blood, and tissue fluids 4–0 Silk or 6–0 monofilament suture selves parallel to the wound surface and contract, thus
materials are used. Tissue adhesives like cyanoacrylate and drawing the wound edges together. Concurrently, capillary
fibrin may be used as alternatives in the future. Suturing networks form within the wound stimulated by proangiogenic
commences at the corners, approximately 2–3 mm from the factors like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), FGF,
wound margins. Interrupted sutures and sling sutures work transforming growth factor α, β (TGF-α, β), and interleukin-­1
well for closure of full mucoperiosteal flaps. Continuous (IL-1). An epithelial seal is formed on the surface of the fibrin
locked suturing can also be done in marginal flaps as it clot by the first day. In the next 5–7 days, the wound matures
reduces the time taken for suturing. by the formation of larger collagen bundles.
Following wound closure, moist gauze is placed on the In the osseous crypt, there is a hematoma and proliferation
flap for 5  min to stabilize clot formation and hemostasis. of granulation tissue, callus formation, and woven bone deposi-
Compressing the flap with sterile ice packs in the immediate tion, which is converted to lamellar bone. These events are
postoperative period minimizes the thickness of the fibrin clot regulated by TGF-β, PDGF, FGF, IGF, and bone morphogenic
and enhances wound healing. Intermittent cold compresses protein (BMP). At the root end, cementum forms over the
for 20  min on the day of surgery aids in patient comfort. resected surface. Cells responsible for cementogenesis are
Analgesics are prescribed, and verbal and written instructions believed to originate from the ectomesenchymal cells in the
are given to the patient and primary care provider. The wound tooth germ. By 28 days, the root end is covered by cementum.
must be cleaned gently with cotton. Chlorhexidine mouth-
wash is beneficial and can be continued till sutures are
removed, i.e., on the fifth day postoperatively. Sutures can be 16.10 Postoperative Complications
removed after 3 days in microsurgical procedures.
1. Flap necrosis and breakdown, due to poor design and
careless handling
16.9 Biology of Wound Healing [12] 2. Transient paresthesia of mental and inferior alveolar nerves
3. Exposure of the maxillary sinus, which heals in a major-
The dynamics of healing in endodontic surgery involve vari- ity of cases
ous mechanisms germane to the nature of the individual tis- 4. Perforation or Fracture of tooth roots
sues. The soft tissue incision heals by primary intention, 5. Gingival recession and Scar tissue formation
whereas the bone defect and resected root surface heal via sec- 6. Staining of gingival tissues due to retrofilling materials
ondary intention. The endpoint of surgery should be regenera- like amalgam
tion, rather than repair where the normal tissue architecture
and function are restored instead of a fibrous scar tissue.
The soft tissue healing progresses through three phases,
i.e., inflammatory, proliferative, and maturation. The inflam- 16.11 Outcome of Endodontic Surgery
matory phase begins with clot formation. The local microvas-
culature contracts, the platelets release serotonin, and a Clinical and radiographic assessments are made to determine
protein-rich exudate enters the wound site. Intravascular the outcome of periapical surgery. The Periapical Index
aggregation of platelets forms a platelet plug, and the extrin- (PAI) has been used for radiographic assessment in both sur-
16  Endodontic Surgery 359

gical and nonsurgical series [26]. Ingle opines that the terms treatment outcomes. Deeper root end cavities can be pre-
‘healed’, ‘healing’, ‘disease,’ and ‘asymptomatic’ can be pared, which follow the contour of the root, hence minimiz-
used to describe the outcome. ing lateral perforation [28]. The high cost of the equipment
and need for specialized training deter many from adopting
1. Healed cases show complete clinical and radiographic this tool on a routine basis, but the high success rates should
normalcy with no signs and symptoms or residual be sufficient encouragement for clinicians and patients to
radiolucency adopt this new tool.
2. Healing cases show a decrease in the size of the radiolu-
cency and clinical normally within 4 years of surgery
3. Diseased cases show radiolucency, new, increased,
16.13 Future Perspectives
unchanged, or decreased after 4  years, regardless of
radiographic appearance The role of mesenchymal stem cells in regeneration of periapi-
4. Asymptomatically functional teeth show clinical nor-
cal tissues has been explored with great enthusiasm. Dental
malcy with or without persistent radiolucency, decreased pulp stem cells (DPSCs) and those from exfoliated deciduous
or unchanged teeth are multipotent in capacity and can be used along with
scaffolds and signaling molecules [29]. These entities, when
combined in the ideal proportion, aim to recreate the embry-
onic milieu, hence augmenting the biological concepts of
16.12 Aids to Endodontic Surgery wound healing. The future may usher in radical changes in our
approach to endodontic surgery in terms of materials and tech-
Loupes, endoscopes, and the operating microscope have niques with respect to regenerative medicine.
enhanced visualization of the operating field and thereby the
quality of surgery. Acknowledgments  Dr. Khaleel Ahamed Thaha, Assistant Professor,
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Government
Dental College, Kozhikode, Kerala.

16.12.1  Endoscopes

It has a rod lens system, camera head, and control unit with a References
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Preprosthetic Surgery
Bobby John

The human mandible has no one design for life. Rather it adapts and remodels through the seven stages of
life, from the slim arbiter of things to come in the infant, through a powerful dentate machine and even
weapon in the full flesh of maturity, to the pencil-thin, porcelain like problem that we struggle to repair in the
adversity of old age.

17.1 History 17.2 Pattern of Resorption

The management of discontented denture patients by the act Immediately after extraction, the socket will suffer a reduc-
of preprosthetic surgical procedures to enhance the denture- tion in the dimensions both in buccolingual and apicocoronal
bearing areas of the intraoral cavity is a daunting task, which aspects. This catabolic process can be counteracted by the
has been performed by the oral and maxillofacial surgeon placement of implants. The resorption of the walls occurs in
from time immemorial. Preprosthetic surgery encompasses a two phases, which are overlapping in nature. The first phase
distinguished and evolving category of soft and hard tissue is characterised by the resorption of bundle bone and replace-
procedures. ment with woven bone. The second phase involves the outer
Pre-prosthetic surgery has emerged from being virtually surfaces. The exact aetiology for this bone loss is unknown.
unknown, passed through a period of opposition and into a Roux [3] opined the loss of alveolar bone occurring after
state of venerability, and has ultimately made a powerful tooth loss in the old age is an illustration of disuse atrophy.
impact on oral surgery and prosthetic dentistry alike. According to studies by Wolff [4], the mass and structure of
A meticulously nurtured and evolved repertoire of inge- the bone can get adapted to the mechanical demands. The
nious salvage procedures is now alarmingly threatened by a resorption is a multifactorial, biomechanical process that
populist ‘implants-first’ belief that usurps, rather than results from a combination of anatomic, metabolic, and
expands, the traditional prosthodontic treatment spectrum. mechanical determinants. Since all of these factors vary from
Willard [1] is honoured to be the first American dentist to one patient to the next, these different cofactors may com-
call attention to proper preparation of the mouth for full den- bine in infinite variety of ways, thus explaining the variations
tures. Beers [2] in 1876 advocated excision of the alveolus in resorption between patients. So ridge resorption is a
after extraction of teeth, especially if the alveolar process is chronic, progressive, irreversible, and cumulative phenome-
unusually exhibiting protuberance. Surgery has always been non resulting from physiologic, environmental and patho-
an integral part of the preparation of alveolar ridges for den- logic components.
tures. The last few decades have witnessed an escalating
interest in preprosthetic surgery, which has harboured the
development of many new techniques.
Mercier [5] illustrated the general resorptive changes
that take place in an edentulous ridge. He summarised
the stages as follows:

1. The ridge is wide enough at its crest to accommo-

Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- date the recently extracted teeth.
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_17) contains supple- 2. The ridge becomes thin and pointed.
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. 3. The pointed ridge flattens to the level of the basal
B. John (*) 4. The flattened ridge becomes concave as the basal
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental bone resorbs.
College, Kottayam, Kerala, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 361

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_17
362 B. John

Based on these stages, he grouped the residual ridges as movements. Knife edged ones are a constant source of sore-
ness under the stress.
Group 1—minor ridge remodelling. A more scientific categorisation is made by Cawood and
Group 2—sharp atrophic residual ridge. Howell [6].
Group 3—basal bone ridge.
Group 4—basal bone resorption.
Cawood and Howell [6] classification of edentulous
The pattern of resorption in maxilla differs from that of
the mandible. Also, the pattern varies with the site in maxilla
and mandible. The extensive study by Cawood and Howell
• Class I—dentate.
[6] depicts the following conclusions.
• Class II—Immediately post-extraction.
Basal bone does not change shape significantly. But if
• Class III—well-rounded ridge form, with adequate
subjected to harmful local effects, it undergoes change.
height and width of the alveolar process.
Alveolar bone exhibits significant changes in shape in
• Class IV—knife-edge form with adequate height
both horizontal and vertical axes.
but inadequate width of the alveolar process.
In anterior mandible, the bone loss is vertical and hori-
• Class V—flat-ridge form with inadequate height
zontal, but in posterior mandible, the bone loss is mainly
and width.
• Class VI—depressed ridge form with evident basal
In anterior maxilla, the bone loss is both vertical and hori-
bone loss.
zontal. The same pattern is exhibited in the posterior maxilla.
To summarise, the stage of bone loss varies anteriorly and
posteriorly and between the jaws.

Box 17.1 Effects of Edentulism

17.3 Treatment Planning

• Typical overclosed appearance. The preliminary step is the assessment of the patient, which
• Neurosensory disturbances. commences from the history taking to the physical examina-
• Encroachment of muscle tissues leading to tion. The role of radiograph is relevant especially the pan-
instability. oramic view to reveal the deep-seated disorders. Storer [7]
• Prolonged effects of edentulism culminates in path- found 32% of edentulous patients had an asymptomatic
ological fracture. pathologic condition, which warrants the need for radio-
graphic examination. Crandell and Trueblood [8] also
advised radiographic examination to rule out the presence of
pathologies, root remnants, and even impacted tooth.
Box 17.2 Goals of Preprosthetic Surgery Radiographic assessment is one of the parameters in detect-
ing bone quality.
• Rehabilitation of tissues.
• Relieving of interferences.
• Repositioning of attachments.
• Restoration of alveolar ridge dimensions. Lekholm and Zarb [9] categorise bone quality as
• Re-establishing maxillomandibular relationships in follows
all spatial dimensions.
• Satisfying aesthetics and function. Type 1: bone in which almost the entirety is composed
of homogeneous compact bone.
Type 2: bone in which a thick layer of compact bone
surrounds a core of dense trabecular bone.
17.2.1  Types of Ridges Type 3: bone in which a thin layer of cortical bone sur-
rounds a core of dense trabecular bone.
Ridges can be classified by their shape. There are V–shaped, Type 4: bone characterised as a thin layer of cortical
U–shaped and knife edged types. The U shaped is the ideal bone surrounding a core of low-density trabecular
while the V shaped, though successfully distribute the stress bone of poor strength.
but may be unable to retain the peripheral seal during the jaw
17  Preprosthetic Surgery 363

smooth the edges, but large irregularities may be rectified by

Box 17.3 Preprosthetic Surgical Procedures can be rotary instruments. Ensure saline irrigation to keep the tem-
Classified perature below 47 degrees to prevent necrosis. Once the hard
tissue is removed, the excess soft tissue is trimmed to prevent
Ridge correction procedures
the instability of the prosthesis. Closure with absorbable
Hard-tissue correction
Alveoloplasty sutures in running or lock stitch fashion is achieved.
• Reduction of,
   Genial tubercles 17.4.2  Intercortical Alveoloplasty
   Mylohyoid ridge,
   Maxillary tuberosity.
• Correction of tori, exostoses. In situations where the alveolar process is prominent but
Soft-tissue correction regular, the need for alveoloplasty by the removal of inter-
• Frenectomy septal bone and collapsing the buccal or labial cortical plates
to meet the palatal or lingual plates is warranted. This method
   Excision of hypertrophic tissues was propagated by Dean and Mackay [10]. This is an ideal
procedure in case of immediate denture placement and usu-
Ridge extension procedures ally carried out in the anterior region (Fig. 17.1a and b). This
Vestibuloplasty is done by the placement of vertical bone cuts in the canine
Ridge augmentation procedures region through subperiosteal tunnels. Apply the digital pres-
Superior border
Inferior border
sure to infracture the bone. If unsuccessful, the labial plate
Interpositional grafting can be fractured with an osteotome inserted through a hori-
Visor osteotomy zontal subperiosteal tunnel made through the vertical lateral
Combined with orthognathic surgery incision. The bone distal to the canine is rounded off to main-
tain the contour. Mucosa is sutured appropriately to retain
the new position of the cortices and if needed an acrylic
splint may be used to stabilise it.
17.4 Ridge Correction Procedures

17.4.1  Alveoloplasty 17.4.3  Genial Tubercle Reduction

The term refers to the restructuring or resurfacing of the Genioglossus muscle is one which is adhered to the lingual
alveolar process bone to provide a functional skeletal rela- aspect of the anterior mandible and when the resorption con-
tionship. Simple plasty insists on the reshaping of the alveo- tinues, the genial tubercle becomes more prominent and
lar bone during the extraction procedure. The sharp edges of along with the attached muscles creating a displacement of
the alveolus will impede the healing process with symptoms prosthesis. In this case, the pronounced tubercle may be
of pain and discomfort. The shape of the ridges with suffi- trimmed and released. This procedure may be done alone or
cient width and height should be able to distribute the forces in combination with procedures suggestive of lowering the
properly. floor of the mouth.
Preservation of alveolar bone is of utmost importance in
the extraction procedure. Simple alveolar contouring  Procedure
includes compression and infracture of the socket, but over- A crestal incision from the midline to the midbody of man-
compression and reduction should be avoided. If extractions dible is made to get adequate access, followed by dissection
are carried out before the prosthesis fabrication, attempts are in subperiosteal fashion, thus exposing the tubercle and the
made to preserve the alveolus. In multiple extractions, attached muscle. Muscle may be excised from the bony
postextraction irregularity exists, which warrants the need attachment by using a monoplanar electrocautery with care
for extended alveoloplasty. Here, mucoperiosteal flap may to be taken to achieve haemostasis or else chance of airway
be raised by a crestal incision to get adequate access for the embarrassment by the occurrence of expanding hematoma.
bone reshaping. Extreme care has to be taken during flap The exposed genial tubercle is trimmed by round or fissure
elevation since the soft tissues are tightly adhered to the bony bur. Further smoothening is made by bone file. The flap is
irregularities. The use of bone rongeur or file is needed to returned to the original position and closed by nonresorbable
364 B. John

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.1 (a) Incision for intercortical alveoloplasty (b) closure of wound

sutures. Anderson [11] proposed reattaching the genioglosus intermaxillary distance should be at least 1  cm when
and geniohyoid muscles at a lower level. Here, he advocated patients are placed into the correct or planned vertical
using a sagittal incision in the midline in the periosteum and dimension of occlusion. The excessiveness of the tuberos-
exposing the genial shelf. The tubercle is reduced and the ity and the need for its reduction can be assessed by some
incision is closed with absorbable sutures. clinical manoeuvres. An instrument like a dental mirror can
be used to assess the vertical clearance by passing it
between the tuberosity and retomolar tissues. The mirror
17.4.4  Mylohyoid Ridge Reduction may be positioned in the lateral aspect and the patient is
instructed to open and close mouth so as to determine the
In cases of extensive resorption, the ridge becomes promi- need for reduction of tuberosity in the horizontal plane. The
nent and creates hurdle for the smooth placement of denture; pneumatisation status should be ascertained before the
hence, the need for ridge reduction occurs. The denture reduction procedure is undertaken since the maxillary sinus
flanges impinge on the sharp mylohyoid ridge and patient may descend into the tuberosity. So a radiographic exami-
experiences pain and discomfort. The advent of implants nation is essential prior to surgical management. An ellipti-
may obviate the need for such a surgical procedure, yet in cal incision is made followed by subperiosteal dissection.
many cases where implant placement is not feasible, the den- The engorged tuberosity is trimmed to the desired level and
tures become a necessity and the mylohyoid ridge reduction excessive tissue is removed from both buccal and palatal
needs to be accomplished. side. The amount of bone removal can be dictated by a sur-
gical guide that was created from study models. Rotary  Procedure instrumentation, rongeur and a bone file may be used to
The procedure can be carried out under local anaesthesia or remove the bone. The flaps are trimmed to leave the excess
sedation. After successful nerve block, the incision is carried redundant tissue and sutured in place (Fig.  17.3a–f).
out along the crest of the ridge in the posterior mandible area Guernsey [12] proposed a different technique for the reduc-
followed by subperiosteal dissection and exposure of the tion of the tuberosity. He advised placing a horizontal inci-
mylohyoid ridge and the attached muscle (Fig. 17.2a and b). sion superiorly in the vestibule from the premolar area to
The muscle is detached and relieved. The residual ridge is the posterior aspect of the tuberosity and a mucoperiosteal
smoothed with file, flap returned, and closed with sutures flap is released inferiorly to get access to the tuberosity
(Fig. 17.2c). Care is ensured to obtain haemostasis. region. Any excessive soft tissue of fibrous nature is
removed from within the flap and excessive bone is also
removed by using suitable instruments. To correct the
17.5 Maxillary Tuberosity Reduction redundancy of tissues, soft tissue may be removed from the
superior aspect of the incision and flap is sutured back to
Maxillary tuberosity may be enlarged in size and it engorges the periosteum and a stent is placed. This method claims to
the intermaxillary space and interferes with denture place- increase the vestibular depth to some extent (Fig. 17.4a–d).
ment. The reduction of the tuberosity may be needed to cre- Antral communication should be checked and if present
ate space for the placement of dentures. Generally, the managed accordingly.
17  Preprosthetic Surgery 365

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.2 (a) Incision along the crest of the ridge (b) flap raised and bone trimmed (c) sutured the incision

placement as bilateral single, bilateral multiple, unilateral

17.6 Torus Removal single, and unilateral multiple [18].

Tori, meaning ‘to stand out’ or ‘lump in Latin, refer to innocu-

ous bony outgrowths. The aetiology of the occurrence is Haugen [19] formulated the categorisation of torus
unclear. Early description of the occurrence of tori is found in based on the size. It is illustrated as.
the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine by Rickman
Godlee [13], which was followed by the reports from various Type A—small tori into less than 2 mm in their largest
authors and later beautifully summarised by Garcia Garcia diameter.
[14]. In dentate individuals, the removal of torus may not be Type B—medium—2–4 mm in their largest diameter.
needed unless it impedes with functions or it generates dis- Type C—large- and more than 4  mm in their largest
comfort. But in edentulous, the presence of tori precludes the diameter.
smooth placement of denture, so the removal becomes manda-
tory. Other indications include mucosal surface getting trau-
matised with frequent episodes of ulceration, presenting with Reichart [20] in his modification of Haugen’s classifi-
deep undercuts and multiple nodules and psychological issues. cation suggested few changes:
Literature also suggests tori as donor sources of autogenous
bone for intraoral grafting procedures. Morraes et al. [15] and Grade I—Tori up to 3 mm in their largest dimension,
Hassan et  al. [16] describe the versatility of the grafts from Grade II—Tori up to 6 mm in their largest dimension
torus for reconstructive methods. and.
Classification of tori was initially proposed by Kolas [17], Grade III—Tori above 6 mm belong to this group.
who classified them according to number of nodes and their
366 B. John

a b

c d

e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.3 (a) Bulbous tuberosity, (b) incision placed and flap raised (c and d) reduction, (e and f) sutured incision
17  Preprosthetic Surgery 367

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.4  Clinical photograph showing (a) bulbous tuberosity (b) incision (c) flap reflection (d) sutured wound

17.6.1  Palatal Tori Removal prepared. Palatal tori may be of different shapes, like lobu-
lated or nodular. The morphology of the torus dictates the
As in any surgical procedures, here also the general systemic incisions required to expose it. Surgical access is accom-
condition of the patient may be ascertained and the patient plished by various types of incisions, “C-” or “U-” shaped
should be warned of the potential complications like the per- incision, palatal incision or double “Y” incision also known
forations leading to oronasal communication and wound as open-door technique. Most commonly used is double Y
dehiscence. To overcome this problem, preoperatively an incision (Fig. 17.5a–f). After successful anaesthesia, a mid-
impression may be made and cast is fabricated and splint is line incision in anteroposterior direction is made from a few
368 B. John

a b

c d

e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.5 (a) Incision, (b) flap raised, (c) multiple grooves made, (d) final trimming by acrylic trimmer, (e) excess soft tissue trimmed, (f)

mm ahead of the anterior margin of the torus and continued violating the soft palate, posterior releasing incisions may be
posteriorly to the most posterior visible point of the torus. placed to extend obliquely in a lateral and posterior direc-
Oblique-releasing incisions may be placed at the anterior tion. Thus, a fair access is obtained. The subperiosteal flap is
end of the midline incision and may be extended laterally raised. The small torus can be easily removed by round. But
and anteriorly to end lateral to the lateral margins of the in case of large ones, grooves are created and separated into
torus. From the posterior end of the midline incision without discrete segments with bur and then by osteotome (Fig. 17.6).
17  Preprosthetic Surgery 369

and smoothed with an osteotome or a bur. The smooth place-

ment of the prosthesis is achieved by the facilitation of the
errorless foundation, constituted by both hard and soft tis-
sues. In many cases, the hard-tissue framework may be nor-
mal, but the soft-tissue impediments affect the stability of the
prosthesis. So, the correction of the interferences by the
abnormal soft tissues is needed.
Apart from hard tissues, sometimes soft-tissue interfer-
ences inhibit the smooth placement of the prosthesis. The
unfavourable soft-tissue framework affects the stability of
the prosthesis and needs correction by various procedures.

17.8 E
 xcision of Reactive Inflammatory
Papillary Hyperplasia
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.6  Clinical photograph showing palatal tori and surgical expo- This is commonly associated with prolonged wearing of an
sure, double Y-incision used ill-fitting denture. The condition is recognised as reddened,
nodular, or papillary excrescences arising from the palatal
mucosa. It can be seen in areas where the denture flanges
Copious irrigation is done to clear the debris and flap reposi- rest. Removal is accomplished by local anaesthesia or seda-
tioned in primary fashion. The fabricated stent may be placed tion (Fig. 17.7).
to avoid the haematoma and the dead space formation.

17.9 Frenectomy
17.6.2  Lingual Torus
Active and strong frenal attachments interfere with the place-
The lingual tori are found in the lingual aspect of the alveolar ment of dentures and the relief of attachments are needed.
ridge in the canine and premolar regions. They vary in size Various incisions like v-y, z plasty, and diamond-shaped
and shape; some are pedicled, while others are broad based. incisions are used in frenectomy procedures.
An intrasulcular incision without releasing is made from the
lingual midline to a point beyond the posterior limit of the
tori. In edentulous case, the incision may be placed in the 17.9.1  Labial Frenectomy (Video 17.1)
crest of the alveolar ridge. A full-thickness flap is raised to
expose the tori and if needed local anaesthetic may be In the edentulous state, the abnormal frenal attachment gets
injected in the area to balloon the tissues for easy elevation of irritated by the denture flanges leading to instability. The
the flap. The vertical-releasing incision should be avoided to denture area can be relieved but it may be unaesthetic, so
prevent the vascularity compromise. the need for frenectomy arises. Z plasty is used to eliminate
The lingual torus may be removed by bur or osteotome. the abnormal attachment. Another method is the V- Y pro-
Smaller ones can be easily removed by bur, but the larger cedure but has a disadvantage of creating excessive bulk of
require cleavage plane created by bur and later completed by tissue at the depth of vestibule. The operative procedure is
osteotomes. After the removal of the tori, it is essential to as follows (Fig.  17.8a, b and c). It is carried under local
check the surface and clear of the irregularities by the use of anaesthesia, but the tissue should not be overdistended. The
rongeur and bone files. The flap repositioned and sutured. lip is extended and everted to tense the frenum. The
V-shaped piece of tissue is held by tissue forceps or Allis
clamp, and an incision is made down to the periosteum on
17.7 Exostosis either side of the frenum. Resorbable sutures are preferred
since the removal is difficult in this area. The first suture
It is a benign osseous hypertrophic formation with more pre- should be placed at the depth of the vestibule and should
dilections to the maxilla. A mucoperiosteal flap is elevated engage the periosteum to prevent the loss of the vestibular
after adequate infiltration of the mucosa. The bone is resected depth (Fig. 17.9a–e).
370 B. John

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.7  Clinical photographs showing (a) lingual papillary hyperplasia (b) suturing after excision

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.8  Clinical photographs showing (a) abnormal attachment of frenum (b) tissue held with mosquito forceps (c) suturing
17  Preprosthetic Surgery 371

a b


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.9 (a) low attached frenum, (b) frenal tissue grasped by forceps, (c and d) diamond-shaped tissue removal, (e) closure

17.9.2  Lingual Frenectomy (Video 17.2) under local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia (Fig. 17.10a–
d). When local anaesthesia is used, bilateral lingual nerve
If the frenal attachment is near the crest of the lingual aspect, block and infiltration are used. The tongue is grasped with
it will displace the denture. So the need for relief of the high traction sutures or forceps and the attachment of frenum to
attached frenum is needed. This procedure can be done the ridge is cut and the wound is closed with sutures. In
372 B. John

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.10 (a) High attached lingual frenum, (b) excision of frenum, (c and d) closure

some, a more extensive procedure is needed. Here, a trans- flanges, thus contributing to stability and retention (Tables
verse incision is made between ventral aspect of tongue and 17.1 and 17.2).
caruncle of submandibular duct. Sectioning of some fibres
of the genioglosus muscle may yield greater degree of free-
dom. Diamond-shaped defect is closed with interrupted 17.10.1  V
 estibuloplasty [Sulcoplasty, Sulcus
sutures. Postoperative pain is managed by analgesics and Extension] (Box 17.4)
oedema controlled by steroids. There may be some ecchy-
mosis in the floor of the mouth. The reduction or obliteration of the sulcus is caused by [1]
resorption of the alveolar process, [2] abnormally high mus-
cle attachment in mandible or low on the maxilla, [3] scar
17.10 Ridge Extension Procedure tissue resulting from trauma or infection from the contiguous
soft tissue.
They are defined as the procedures surgically designed to Vestibuloplasties are carried out in mandible and maxilla.
uncover the existing basal bone of the jaw by repositioning In mandible, both labial and lingual vestibuloplasties are per-
the overlying mucosa and muscle attachments to an infe- formed. Stability of a denture can be improved by deepening
rior position in mandible or to a superior position in max- the mandibularsulcus, generating more attached tissues over
illa. This will enable to accommodate the larger denture the functional ridge, and permanently maintaining the
17  Preprosthetic Surgery 373

Table 17.1  Mandibular ridge extension procedures

• Submucosal Dissection, Periosteum

Intact • Full Thickness Mucoperiosteum
• Secondary epithelisation vestibuloplasty
• Incision in lip mucosa – Kazanjian21 • Incision in lip mucosa –Godwin27
• Incision in crest of ridge – Clark22 • Incision on crest of ridge with mental nerve
• Ride skin grafting vestibulopasty– lowering and lingual frenectomy with
Mcinthosh and Obwegesser.23 genioglosus transplant – Cooley 28
• Incision in lip mucosa and incision of
• Mucosa grafting vestibuloplasty–
periosteum over crest of ridge – Edlan29
Proper24, Nabers25, Hall and O’Steen26
Buccal Buccal • Ridge skin grafting and incision on crest of
approach approach ridge with genial tubercle removal and
repositioning of genioglosus and
geniohyoid muscle – Anderson11.

• Submucosal Dissection,
Periosteum Intact
• Lingual sulcus extension with resection
of mylohyoid muscle and with or
without lingual skin graft – Trauner30 Lingual Labiolingual
• Floor of mouth lowering – Trauner30,
approach approach
• Sublingual ridge extension with freer
mucosal graft – Lewis32
• Full Thickness Mucoperiosteum
• Anterior buccal and sublingual sulcus extension with
fenestration procedure – Baurmash35
• Lingual sulcus extension with resection • Ridge skin grafting vestibuloplasty combined with
of mylohyoid ridge, muscle and lingual total lowering of floor of mouth – Obwegeser31.
flap cover of bone – Obwegeser31
• Lingual ride extension – Caldwell33
• Lingual sulcus extension with free skin
graft – Ashley34

Table 17.2 Maxillary ridge

extension procedures

improved vestibular depth. Mandibular vestibuloplasty is 17.10.2  Transpositional Flap Vestibuloplasty

carried out to predictably increase and maintain the func- [Lip-Switch Procedure]
tional alveolar ridge.
Preoperative preparation of the vestibuloplasty patients The credit of this procedure goes to Kazanjian [21], later
includes history, clinical examination, and suitable radio- modified by many in the literature. Kethley and Gamble [45]
graphs. Radiographs, especially orthopantomograph, help to modification finds more acceptance in the literature. The
evaluate the ridge height. The commonly performed ones are selection criteria for this procedure are the minimum bone
discussed in this section. height of 15 mm between the mental foramen areas.
374 B. John

Box 17.4 Other Historically Relevant Vestibuloplasty

Kazanjian’s [21] Clark’s [23]

Flap is raised supraperiosteally The facial surface of the
from the lower lip. ridge is chosen to raise
Mobilised to the new vestibule the flap
and positioned The dissection in
Stabilised by stent or dentures supraperiosteal fashion is
The raw area in the lower lip is done.
allowed to heal by secondary The raw area is in the
epithelisation ridge surface
Godwin [27] modification Obwegessor [31]
A similar technique, except modification
subperiosteal stripping, was The use of skin grafts b
performed over the denuded surface
to facilitate healing.
Kethley and Gamble [45] Tortoerlli [46]
modification of Kazanjian—the modification
lip switch technique Fenestrations are made in
A labial mucosal flap is raised the periosteum along the
and extended to the crest of the base of the newly created
ridge from the lip incision placed vestibule in a horizontal
initially fashion.  Procedure
The technique involves the administration of local anaesthe- ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

sia followed by mucosal incision. The mucosal flap is ele-

vated and pedicled near the crest of the ridge (Fig.  17.11a Fig. 17.11  Lip switch vestibuloplasty (a) Labial mucosa pedicled near
the crest of the ridge (b) pedicled flap sutured to the depth of the
and b). An incision is placed near the superior portion of the
periosteum. A supraperiosteal dissection is carried in the
inferior direction, thereby removing the attachments of the
muscular and connective tissues to the indicated vestibular the ptosis of the submental tissues referred as ‘witch chin’.
depth. The labial periosteal margin is sutured to the incised The margin of the incision is now sutured to the periosteum
lip mucosa. This is followed by the suturing of the pedicled in the depths of the vestibule. The harvested graft is now
flap to the periosteum at the depth of the vestibule. placed over the recipient bed after ensuring adequate haemo-
stasis. The graft is contoured to the correct shape, fenes-
trated, placed, and fixed on the periosteum with the help of
17.10.3  Mandibular Vestibuloplasty stent or by sutures.
with Grafting The grafts may be harvested from cutaneous or mucosal areas
or allogenic in nature. The best sites for skin graft harvesting
Indicated in cases where the lip switch procedure is not pos- are medial thigh or caudal to the iliac crest, where fewer
sible due to the inadequate tissue availability. The options adnexal structures are present in the skin. Areas where smaller
permissible in such cases were either secondary epithelisa- grafts are needed, mucosal grafts may be considered, which
tion or covering the denuded areas with grafts. The former may be taken from the palate or buccal mucosa. Cultured skin
became less popular because of wound contraction leading grafts are also becoming popular but lack the mechanical and
to the loss of vestibular depth. Here, the desired alveolar functional elements of the autogenous grafts. The narration of
height between the mental foramina is not less than 10 mm techniques of grafting is beyond the scope of this chapter.
in contrast to the minimum of 15 mm in lip switch.  Procedure 17.10.4  Lingual Vestibuloplasty:

An incision is placed at the mucogingival junction and a Anterior Region
supraperiosteal dissection carried out to the desired vestibu-
lar depth. During the dissection, care is taken not to dissect The severe atrophy of the mandible in the anterior region
more than half of the mentalis muscle to avoid the chance of makes the genial tubercles prominent and affects the stability
17  Preprosthetic Surgery 375

of the denture by the attached muscles. The exposure of the position. The new position is secured by a stent or a modi-
tubercles and the detachment of the genial muscles are fied denture. Instead a polyethylene tubing can be also
accomplished by the procedure of lingual vestibuloplasty. used to maintain the position.
Initially proposed by Kazanjian [21] and later modified by Edlan [29]—here, a combination of the lip switch vestibulo-
Lewis [32], the disadvantage of this procedure may be the plasty and lowering the floor of mouth is accomplished.
loss of tongue function and difficulty in swallowing, which is Incision is made in the buccal sulcus instead of the crest
encountered if more than half of the muscle is removed. of alveolar ridge. Plastic tubes are used to maintain the
depth of the sulcus.  Procedure Hopkin [48]—mentioned as Hopkin’s operation in the litera-
Incision is made in the anterior aspect of the crest of the alve- ture, it uses the combined modalities like labial vestibulo-
olar ridge and subperiosteal flap is elevated. Dissection con- plasty, submucous sulcoplasty to remove the buccinator
tinued till the prominent genial tubercle with the attached insertion and bilateral mylohyoid ridge reduction.
muscle is encountered. The genial muscles are separated
from the ridge and the tubercle is trimmed with bur and
smoothed with bone file. The flap along with the muscle is 17.11 Ridge Augmentation Procedures
lowered to the desired depth and it is maintained in the new
position by stent and extraoral sutures. The exposed area is In atrophic maxilla, the alveolus may be accentuated by dif-
allowed for secondary re-epithelisation. ferent options; earlier, vestibuloplasty was the choice of pro-
cedure. But the results achieved were not long lasting  Lingual Vestibuloplasty: because of the continued resorptive process. So, the advent
Posterior Region of augmentation came into action. In severe resorbed and
If the amount of the resorption is severe that it results in the atrophic ridges of Cawood and Howell [6] classes IV—VI,
displacement of the denture by the action of mylohyoid, then augmentation became mandatory. Unfortunately, this area of
lowering of the mylohyoid muscle should be considered. preprosthetic surgery has gained little attention, possibly
This can be done alone or in combination with labial vestibu- there seemed to be no effective operation for ridge augmen-
loplasty. The amount of the available depth can be assessed tation using an extraoral method; moreover, the penetration
by a clinical manoeuvre, by placing a gloved finger along the into the oral cavity during the procedure was deemed tanta-
lingual side of the mandible and asking the patient to touch mounting to failure, as the surgeons are reluctant to perform
the palate with the tip of the tongue. If this action displaces the elective augmentation of mandible (Table 17.3).
the finger, lowering the floor of mouth should be Classification of alveolar ridge deficiency by Kent et al.
considered. [49] acts as a yardstick to identify the ridge nature and the
grafting options.
Trauner’s Technique [30]
Incision is made from the retromolar area to the premolar
area of the lingual aspect of the alveolar crest. Mucoperiosteal
flap is raised and exposes the mylohyoid and the overlying
periosteum. Dissection in the supraperiosteal plane is Class 1—alveolar ridge is adequate in height but inad-
­preferred to avoid the chance of the damage of the lingual equate in width, usually with lateral deficiencies or
nerve. The muscle with the flap is lowered to the desired undercut areas. Patient receives hydroxyapatite
depth. Sutures are passed through the mylohyoid and mucosa alone.
and secured to the skin extraorally. The exposed area is Class 2—alveolar ridge is deficient in both height and
allowed for secondary re-epithelisation (Fig. 17.12a–f). width and presents a knife-edge appearance. Patient
receives hydroxyapatite alone.  Other Variations Include (Box 17.5) Class 3—alveolar ridge has been resorbed to the level
of the basilar bone producing a concave form in the
Brown [47]—incision similar to Trauner’s but a full-­thickness posterior areas of mandible and a sharp bony ridge
mucoperiosteal flap is reflected to reveal the mylohyoid form with bulbous mobile soft tissues in the max-
ridge. Here, the muscle is detached and the ridge is illa. Patient receives hydroxyapatite with or without
smoothed. The difference here is the sulcus is not deep- autogenous cancellous bone.
ened, but the problem with the ridge prominence is solved. Class 4—there is resorption of the basilar bone pro-
Caldwell [33]—here a crestal incision is employed and a ducing pencil-thin flat mandible or maxilla. Patient
supraperiosteal approach to access the mylohyoid ridge receives both hydroxyapatite with autogenous bone.
and the attached muscle. The flap is sutured to the original
376 B. John

Fig. 17.12 Lingual
vestibuloplasty methods (a)
Normal, (b) Trauner, (c)
Brown, (d) Caldwell, (e)
Hopkins, (f) Edlan




©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

17  Preprosthetic Surgery 377

Box 17.5 Lingual Vestibuloplasty Techniques

Trauner [30] Brown [47] Caldwell [33] Edlan [29]

Carried over the posterior areas from Full thickness mucoperiosteal Carried over both posterior Combination of lip switch
retromolar pad to the premolar region with flap reflected and anterior areas vestibuloplasty with floor
supraperiosteal dissection of mouth procedure
Mylohyoid muscle lowering is performed Ridge is smoothened after the Detachment of mylohyoid
mylohyoid muscle is released and genioglosus muscle is
Not used alone but is done
combined with other

Table 17.3  Ridge augmentation procedures

Inferior border augmentation

Inferior border
Superior border augmentation
Maxillary Mandibular Interpositional augmentation
Sinus lift and grafting Augmentation Augmentation Visor ostetomy and modifications

associated with

Autogenous bone grafting remains the ideal option to rec- interim denture and making the secondary vestibuloplasty
tify the deficiency but accompanied by disadvantages like easier. But the procedure carries the burden of an extraoral
the need for hospitalisation and general anaesthesia, donor scar and the chance of altering the facial appearance. Access
site morbidity, extensive surgical procedure, professional to the lower border is gained by different ways by different
expertise and patient compliance. authors. Some literature supports the use of incision used in
the neck dissection, viz. a supraclavicular incision. It extends
from the anterior border of sternocleidomastoid to the oppo-
17.11.1  Inferior Border Augmentation site counterpart. According to Sanders [50], a continuous
submandibular incision from angle to angle is sufficient.
The resorption of the mandible has been so extensive that it Ridley and Mason [52] proposed the use of three small sub-
results in the severely atrophic condition and liable for a mandibular incisions connected by subperiosteal tunnels.
pathological fracture. In such a case, augmentation has to be The latter is opposed by Sanders [50] for the high chance of
achieved in the inferior border. The procedure was originally resorption by the pressure on the graft. Dissection is carried
proposed by Marx and Sanders [50] and later modified by out to expose the inferior border of mandible. Two ribs of 15
Quinn [51]. The procedure carries the advantages of non-­ to 20  cm long are harvested and bent to adapt the shape.
obliteration of the sulcus, allowing the placement of the Three or four transosseous holes are drilled in the lower bor-
378 B. John

der of mandible and wires are passed through these holes. are fixed by three interosseous wires, one placed through
One rib is placed against the lingual aspect and the other each mylohyoid shelf and the other in the anterior region in
abutted against the buccal aspect. The space between the ribs the midline. Flaps returned to cover the graft.
is packed with available cortical chips. Ribs are secured in
place by interosseous wires in circumferential pattern.
Closure is achieved in layers and pressure dressing is applied. 17.11.3  Interpositional Grafting
The narration of the technique of graft harvesting is beyond
the limit of this chapter. Concept of placing bone grafts between the osteotomised
segments of the mandible was initially proposed by Barros
saint and Pasteur [56] and later experimentally proved by
17.11.2  Superior Border Augmentation Danielson and Nemarich [57]. The horizontal osteotomy is
achieved by an incision made inferior to the crest of the
The superior border enhancement is needed [53] in cases ridge. The length of the incision is determined by the area to
where the resorption is so severe that the height of the man- be augmented. Incision is designed from the retromolar area
dible is insufficient to accommodate the prosthesis or in to the other. A buccolabial mucoperiosteal flap is raised and
cases where the patient suffers from pain during mastication, the flap is greatly undermined to get adequate coverage of
secondary to the pressure on the mental neurovascular bun- the graft. Issues are left untouched to ensure the patency of
dle (Fig. 17.13a and b). the vascular supply. The horizontal osteotomy is made by
Recipient site is prepared and the mucosa is infiltrated with burs and osteotomes, and precise osteotomy is obtained by
local anaesthetic solution containing epinephrine to achieve use of saws. The cut may be placed either above or below the
haemostasis. Crestal incision from the retromolar area to the canal, depending on the proximity to the inferior border.
opposite retromolar area is made and mucoperiosteal flap is Transosseous holes are drilled in the lower and upper seg-
raised. Care to be taken to avoid the mental nerve if it is near ments. The harvested graft is interposed between the osteot-
the superior border. Depending on the position, it may be omised segments and stabilised by the wires. The flap is
lowered or freed. The existing superior border is exposed and returned and approximated with sutures (Fig.  17.13c and
prepared to receive the graft. The lingual flap is reflected to Table 17.4).
the level of the mylohyoid muscle. Davis and colleagues [54]
described the technique of ridge augmentation, which uses
two rib grafts of 15 cm. The ribs may be adjacent or alter- 17.11.4  T
 he Visor Osteotomy and
nate. One rib may be contoured by vertical scoring on the Modified Visor
inner surface or by bending. Leake [55] recommends split-
ting the rib longitudinally and then bending it with forceps. The procedures of vestibuloplasty and floor of the mouth
The second rib is cut into pieces and packed against the solid lowering may not be always successful to provide a stable
rib. Before the placement of the rib, the superior aspect of the and adequate basis for the prosthesis. The situation of the
mandible is already prepared and suited to receive it. The reduced vertical height needs to get addressed. Harle [58]
posterior aspect of the rib should be in contact with mylohy- published a report of an original and promising method to
oid shelf, slightly on the lingual aspect of the ramus. The ribs augment the alveolar ridge by means of a pedicled bone

a b c
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 17.13 (a and b) Superior border augmentation, (c) Interpositional grafting

17  Preprosthetic Surgery 379

Table 17.4  Mandibular ridge augmentation procedures

Superior border Interpositional grafting Visor osteotomy


Bone graft between the osteotomized

Mandible in frontal region osteotomised
Two rib grafts of 15cm- Davis54 segments of the mandible- Barrors Saint and
and lingual fragment slided upwards- Harle58
Combination of osteotomy and
Splitting rib longitudinally and then bending
vestibuloplasty along with lowering of FOM-
with forceps- Leake55

graft. This procedure possesses less danger of infection and Millipore filter. The filter prevents the connective tissue ele-
rejection of the transplant and of resorption by remodelling ments accessing the defect and thereby enhances the osseous
processes. The muscles and periosteum in the labial side are regeneration. The concern regarding the graft material is the
reflected and the mandible in the frontal region is osteot- resorption shrinkage in the future. Many attempts are done
omised and split in the length. The mobile lingual fragment by surgeons to minimise the resorption shrinkage of the
is slid upwards, together with the adherent soft tissue, and grafted bone. Danielson and Nemarich [57] advocated the
fixed to the basal part of the mandible by intraosseous and subcortical insertion of bone graft. Farell [62] and associates
perimandibular wiring. Bosker [59] improved this method by went ahead with interpositional bone graft with simultane-
combining the osteotomy and the vestibuloplasty and lower- ous vestibuloplasty. Sanders and Cox [50] proposed the use
ing of the floor of the mouth in a one-stage procedure. of inferior border rib grafting for augmentation. Notched rib
The advantage of this modified technique of Bosker [59] can be contoured to the arc of the mandible, but 50% loss by
is it needs only single operation and hospitalisation of the shrinkage is a great disadvantage with rib. The literature sug-
patient, the prosthesis can be made in 4–6 weeks sooner, and gests the use of pure cancellous iliac graft, iliac cortical—
the operative procedure is simpler. cancellous sectional grafts with appropriate immobilisation
Sladen and peterson [60] describe the body sagittal oste- showing excellent healing even in the event of occasional
otomy and raising the lingual cortical portion of the mandi- incision dehiscence.
ble without detaching the lingual soft tissues for the intact
vascular pattern. The raised lingual ridge is positioned in the
new place, while the buccal counterpart is augmented with 17.11.6  A
 ugmentation with Synthetic Graft
cancellous marrow. This procedure is now referred to as Materials
visor osteotomy in the literature.
The incision and the mode of raising the mucoperiosteal A myriad of materials is used for the augmentation of the
flap is essentially the same as that used in the horizontal oste- atrophied ridge. It consists of resorbable and nonresorb-
otomy as described earlier. Sagittal cut is made between the able materials. The former finds its application in peri-
buccal and lingual cortical plates from the third molar to the odontal pockets, while the latter is extensively used in the
opposite third molar area. Precise cutting is achieved by the management of alveolar atrophy. Hydroxyapatite, a cal-
use of oscillating and reciprocating saws. The lingual seg- cium phosphate material with physical and chemical attri-
ment, which is pedicled to the mylohyoid, digastrics and butes, is nearly similar to dental enamel and cortical bone
genial musculature and the soft tissues, is elevated vertically has been successfully using for decades. Studies by Kent
and fixed in the preplanned position with wires through the et al. [49] and Drobeck et al. [63] illustrate the usage. Kent
transosseous holes. The lateral aspect of the elevated seg- et al. [49] used hydroxyapatite in combination with corti-
ment may be filled with the cancellous bone to compensate cocancellous autogenous bone for augmentation. This
the height deficiency created by the vertical repositioning. combination provides additional strength to the mandible
The flap is returned and wound is closed by sutures. as advised by Jarcho et  al. [64]. Though block forms are
used by Frame and Brady [65], the granular forms also get
used in the augmentation process as guided by Kent et al.
17.11.5  Graft Materials [51]. When anterior mandible needs augmentation, a single
midline vertical incision is used, while for the complete
Iliac bone crest and rib have traditionally been applied to augmentation of mandible, bilateral vertical incisions
augment the jaws. Boyne [61] suggested a bone regeneration anterior to mental foramen are used. A subperiosteal tun-
method, which employs a vitalium mesh tray containing hae- nel is formed, which can be assessed by a dental mirror
matopoietic bone marrow encased in a nylon-reinforced and the syringe loaded with graft material is inserted
380 B. John

through the tunnel and delivered in place. After the tunnel 9. Lekholm U, Zarb GA, Albrektsson T. Patient selection and prepa-
is filled with graft material, the incision is closed with ration in Per-Ingvar Branemark et al Tissue-Integrated Prostheses.
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In maxilla, a single vertical incision in midline may be suf- 1936;23:2124.
ficient, but in many cases bilateral incisions in the canine 11. Anderson JO. Intra oral skin grafts-an aid to alveolar ridge exten-
sion. J Oral Surg. 1969;27:427.
regions may accommodate more amount of graft material. It 12. Guernsey L. Preprosthetic surgery. In: Kruger GO, editor. Oral and
is similar to the procedure in mandible except for the palatal maxillofacial surgery. 6th ed. St. Louis: C V Mosby.
dissection, where the ridge width is needed. Denture can be 13. Godlee RJ. The torus palatinus. Proc R Soc Med. 1909;2:175.
placed at about 1 month in cases where augmentation is car- 14. García García AS, Martínez González JM, GómezFont R. Current
status of the torus palatines and torus mandibularis. Med Oral Patol
ried out by hydroxyapatite alone or 6–8 weeks in which both Oral Cir Bucal. 2010;15:e353.
hydroxyapatite and bone are used together. If vestibuloplasty 15. Moraes Junior EF, Damante CA, Araujo SR.  Torus palatinus: a
is planned, Kent [49] advocated a waiting period of 8 weeks graft option for alveolar ridge reconstruction. Int J Periodontics
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Part VII
Dental Implantology
Basics of Dental Implantology
for the Oral Surgeon 18
Supriya Ebenezer, Vinay V. Kumar, and Andreas Thor

18.1 H
 istory and Evolution of Dental surface, and the American Core vent implants made of tita-
Implants nium aluminum vanadium alloy [1]. However, based on the
research from Albrektsson, commercially pure titanium
Modern implant dentistry started more than 50  years ago became the material of choice. One-piece implants slowly
when Dr. P.I. Brånemark, a Professor from the University of evolved to two-piece implants to provide prosthetic
Gothenburg (Sweden), discovered in rabbit studies that tita- flexibility.
nium chambers placed in the fibula became firmly anchored Over the next 15  years, implantology shifted from the
in bone and could not be removed. Later, this direct bone-to-­ treatment of fully edentulous patients to the treatment of par-
implant contact was termed osseointegration [1]. He demon- tially edentulous patients as well. Prosthetic components for
strated that titanium was structurally integrated into living the rehabilitation of different edentulous situations emerged,
bone with a high degree of predictability and without long-­ and different surgical techniques and regenerative materials
term soft-tissue inflammation or fixture rejection. He intro- were developed to improve the hard and soft tissues around
duced a two-stage threaded root form pure titanium implant implants. Concepts of implant placement, loading, occlu-
that was placed in patients in 1965. Therefore, Prof. sion, and maintenance evolved. Progress was made in
P.I. Brånemark is recognized as the most important pioneer implant surface technology, which permitted the use of
in modern implant dentistry. shorter and narrower implants and reduced loading time [2].
The second pioneer is Prof. Andre Schroeder from the Over the last decade, development has included strategies to
University of Bern (Switzerland) experimented with proto- provide long-term stability with optimum functional,
type dental implants in the early 1970s and could demon- esthetic, and phonetic results along with reduced complica-
strate first osseointegration in nondecalcified histologic tions. Advanced diagnostic aids, such as cone beam com-
sections [1]. Both pioneers with their teams, independent of puted tomography (CBCT), enabled proper assessment of
each other, performed several preclinical and clinical studies the surgical site and surgical planning to provide better out-
to establish the current scientific basis for dental implantol- comes. Devices to examine implant stability objectively,
ogy. This was the start to successful osseointegration in using resonance frequency analysis, improved the quality of
dentistry. treatment provided. Digital technology is increasingly being
Between the 1970s and the 1980s, companies presented incorporated to improve accuracy, minimize invasiveness,
different implant designs such as the Tübingen implants and fulfill esthetic demands. On the material front, ceramic
made of aluminum oxide, the IMZ titanium plasma-sprayed implants and implants using alloys of increased strength
have been introduced [2]. The field of implantology is a fast-­
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- evolving one where the clinician has to be constantly updated
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_18) contains supple- to keep pace.
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.

S. Ebenezer (*) 18.2 The Concept of Osseointegration

Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, University of Bern,
Bern, Switzerland Titanium implants could become permanently incorporated
V. V. Kumar · A. Thor within bone, such that the two could not be separated without
Department of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, Uppsala fracture [3]. Osseointegration was the term given to this con-
University Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 385

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_18
386 S. Ebenezer et al.

tact and refers to a direct bone to metal interface without

interposition of soft tissue seen at the optical microscope
level. Osseointegration is defined as “a direct structural and
functional connection between ordered living bone and the
surface of a load-carrying implant.” [4]

18.2.1 The Biological Process

of Osseointegration

The cellular response after implantation depends on implant

surface characteristics, the stability, and heating injuries of
the host bone. Bone healing around implants involves a cas-
cade of cellular and extracellular biological events (similar
to fracture healing) until the entire implant surface is embed- ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
ded in bone.
Fig. 18.1  Histology of osseointegration. Osseointegration is defined
The first biological component to contact the implant sur- as the direct apposition of bone onto the titanium implant surface as
face is blood and blood cells from the surrounding vascula- seen in this histology section
ture. These blood cells are activated and release cytokines
and other growth and differentiation factors on and around
the implant. Platelets undergo biochemical and morphologi- implant surface that has attracted osteogenic cells slowly
cal changes due to contact with the implant surface and has calcified afibrillar tissue forming into it. Blood vessels
undergo adhesion, spreading, and aggregation. They induce and mesenchymal cells fill up the spaces in between.
phosphotyrosine, increase intracellular calcium, and cause Cement lines of poorly mineralized osteoid separate the
hydrolysis of phospholipids to form a fibrin matrix that regu- areas of resorption and initiation. Woven and trabecular
lates cell adhesion and binding of minerals. This matrix is a bone fill the initial gap and provide biological fixation to
calcified afibrillar layer consisting of osteoid and lamina the implant at about 10–14  days postsurgery. However,
limitans (organic layer) that is rich in calcium, phosphorus, the random orientation of the collagen fibers gives it
osteopontin, and bone sialoprotein [5]. This matrix acts as a reduced mechanical properties as compared to lamellar
scaffold for osteogenic cells to migrate and differentiate to bone. This biological fixation differs from primary stabil-
form osteoid and trabecular bone (osteoconduction), which ity obtained at implant placement and is commonly seen
will ultimately remodel to form lamellar bone around the with rough implant surfaces. Woven bone is slowly
implant surface. The ability of the implant surface to retain remodeled in response to stress and mechanical loading
fibrin attachment during the initial phase is critical in deter- and replaced by lamellar bone until it reaches a high
mining if the migrating cells reach the fibrin clot. Roughened degree of mineralization. At approximately 3  months
surfaces promote osteoconduction. The chemistry of the postimplant placement, the bone is a mixture of both
implant surface also influences osteoconduction, and for woven and lamellar matrix [6].
example, hydrophilic implant surfaces have increased osteo- (Figure 18.1: histology showing adequate
conduction as compared to hydrophobic surfaces. osseointegration)
Peri-implant osteogenesis occurs in two ways with the
native bone as described by Osborn and Newesley in 1980.
18.2.2 Assessment of Osseointegration
1. Distance osteogenesis is a phenomenon that occurs from
the native bone toward the implant surface. The existing An implant is considered to be osseointegrated when an
bone surface provides a population of osteogenic cells, implant is in direct contact with the bone, and there is no
which lay down matrix, slowly encroach on the fibrin-­ relative movement between the implant and the bone. In
meshwork-­covered implant surface, and connect to this other words, osseointegration is expressed clinically as long-­
network as osteogenesis progresses. Osteoclasts, derived term state of stability of the implant in the vital bone.
from mononuclear cells from the surrounding marrow According to Albrektsson (1985), a loaded implant is consid-
spaces, remodel the old bony surface before new bone is ered osseointegrated if the average surface contact with bone
laid down [5]. is a minimum of 50% [7]. Initially, the strength of the inter-
2. Contact osteogenesis occurs from the surface of the
face (initial stability) between bone and implant is high due
implant toward the healing bone. The fibrin-covered to mechanical stability; however, it decreases over the next
18  Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon 387

few weeks due to bone remodeling and then increases again layer protects against corrosion and also helps in calcium
due to new bone formation (secondary stability). The s­ tability and phosphate ion exchange at the surface. Surfaces were
also depends on biophysical stimulation and the healing modified to increase microroughness and hence the sur-
time. To clinically evaluate osseointegration mobility tests, face area for osseointegration. The additive processes are
standardized radiographs and Resonance Frequency Analysis Ti plasma spraying, hydroxyapatite coating, discrete crys-
(RFA) are used [6]. talline deposition (DCD), and electrochemical anodiza-
tion (to increase the TiO2 layer). These processes increased
the surface area for bone contact with the implant surface,
18.2.3 Factors that Determine which increases the osseointegration. Subtractive pro-
Osseointegration cesses to increase microroughness were also utilized in
several implants to increase the microroughness, which
There are many factors that influence the formation and also contributed to better osseointegration. Sandblasting,
maintenance of bone at the implant surface [3, 6]. acid etching, and laser modification are some of the sub-
tractive processes. Sandblasting produces a macrotexture,
1. Biocompatibility of the implant material - Commercially which is converted to a microtexture by acid etching. This
pure titanium (CpTi) is widely used as an implant mate- surface promotes greater osseous contact at earlier time
rial as it is highly biocompatible, it has good resistance to points compared to plasma-­ sprayed coated implants.
corrosion and no toxicity on macrophages or fibroblasts Titanium surfaces were treated with fluoride, and this
and lacks inflammatory response in peri-implant tissues, roughened the surface and demonstrated better bone
and it is composed of an oxide layer and has the ability to anchorage, as compared to unmodified titanium surfaces
repair itself by re-oxidation when damaged. Alloys of [10]. Research is currently oriented toward making biomi-
titanium such as Ti-6Al-4  V (Aluminum 6% and metic implant surfaces that shorten healing times and pro-
Vanadium 4%) and other Aluminum and Vanadium-free vide better bone to implant contact [11].
alloys of Titanium have been popularly used. Currently, a 4. Systemic factors – Irradiation of the region, osteoporosis,
Ti-Zr alloy (Titanium 83–87% and Zirconium 13–17%) smoking, and diabetes although not absolute contraindi-
has been introduced, which has mechanical properties cations for implant placement can interfere with the nor-
superior to those of CpTi and Ti-6Al-4 V [8]. mal healing process and osseointegration. Heavy smoking
2. Implant geometry  - The shape of the implant determines results in significantly lower success rates with oral
the surface area available for stress transfer and the initial implants [12]. The local site anatomy such as the amount
stability of the implant. Implants were previously available of residual ridge for successful implant placement can
as cylinders, but currently, most implants come in screw-­ also affect the outcome [13].
shaped (threaded) designs. Threaded implants with a circu- 5. Surgical technique  – The extent of tissue manipulation,
lar cross section provide easy surgical placement and thermal irritation by use of rotary instruments, and proto-
provide a greater functional surface area. These implants cols for a surgical procedure can affect the outcome of
provide initial rigid fixation and limit micromovement dur- osseointegration [14].
ing wound healing. The shape of the thread alters the force 6. Occlusal load  – During the initial healing phase, the
transmitted to the bone; it can be square, V, or reverse but- absence of micromotion is critical for implant osseointe-
tress shaped. The thread depth increases the surface area of gration. Based on the primary stability achieved, different
the implant. Length of the implant contributes to the over- protocols for loading are selected. The amount of force and
all surface area. Increasing the length within limits timing of loading are critical for osseointegration [15].
increases the bone to implant contact for an implant, which
is essential for osseointegration. Shorter implants are rec-
ommended today only with strict selection criteria and
preferably work well only when splinted with other 18.3 Comparison Between Implant
implants. Considering the width of an implant, although a and Tooth Surface [16]
wider implant increases the surface area for osseointegra-
tion, width depends on factors related to the surgical site. Figure 18.2a, b, and c show the differences between implants
Overall, the shorter and smaller diameter implants have and tooth.
lower survival rates than their longer or wider counterparts. Implant prosthetics provide highly esthetic results that
Longer implants have been suggested to provide greater mimic the natural tooth; however, certain critical differences
stability under lateral loading conditions [9]. in the structure of the peri-implant tissues and periodontal
3. Surface characteristics –With exposure to air, Ti and its structures exist. The lack of a periodontal ligament is the
alloys form an oxide layer on the surface (TiO2). The oxide most striking difference; this absence means that the connec-
388 S. Ebenezer et al.

Custom made crown Natural tooth crown

Gingival tissue
Gingival tissue

(Dentinal tubules)


Periodontal ligament
Bone (connective tissue)
(direct attachment)

b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 18.2 (a, b, and c) show diagrammatic representation of the biological differences between an implant and a tooth in longitudinal section
18  Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon 389

tion between the implant and the surrounding bone is not as the most widely used and documented form of
resilient as that around the tooth. Implants, unlike teeth, do implants.
not intrude or migrate to compensate for premature contacts, (ii) Cylindrical and tapered implants:
and hence, the repercussions of occlusal disharmony can be Based on the shape of the implant body, implants
detrimental. Implants lack proprioception and reflex func- are considered cylindrical (with parallel walls) or
tion due to the absence of the periodontal ligament. This is tapered. When the endosseous part of a cylindrical
critical when implant-supported prosthesis opposes each implant narrows in diameter toward the apex, an
other. Implants do not supraerupt with time and hence lead to implant is considered tapered. The taper can be in
occlusal disharmonies when used as replacements for young the cervical, middle, or apical parts only or continu-
and growing individuals. Hence, any form of overload on an ously taper from the cervical to the apex. Tapered
implant causes fracture in the prosthesis, the implant struc- implants were introduced to improve initial stabil-
ture, or bone loss surrounding the implant. ity in less dense bone.
(iii) Platform switch implants:
When a smaller-diameter abutment is used on a
18.4 Types of implants larger-diameter implant collar, the implant-­
abutment junction shifts inward toward the central
axis of the implant. This is considered to be a major
(a) Based on the type of material: factor in limiting crestal bone resorption especially
(i) Pure titanium and titanium alloys: in esthetic sites.
Commercially pure titanium(CpTi) was the (iv) Bone-level and tissue-level implants:
material of choice due to its high biocompatibility Tissue-level implants have a butt joint transition
and resistance to corrosion. CpTi is available in from the smooth collar to the rough portion, and
Grades I to IV; however, to improve the mechanical this transition zone is placed almost level with the
properties, alloys of titanium such as Ti-6Al-4  V bony crest. This design is generally used for non-
have been used. Several alloys with Ti, such as submerged healing; here, the implant-abutment
Ti-Au, Ti-In, Ti-Sn, Ti-Pb, Ti-Cu, and Ti-Nb, have microgap is away from the bony tissues. Bone-level
been tested. A Ti-Zr alloy (Titanium 83–87% and implants have minimal/no smooth collar and are
Zirconium 13–17%) is presently very popular as it completely microrough, and they are inserted
has mechanical properties superior to those of the almost level with the bone. This is meant for sub-
previously used alloys as well as high corrosion merged healing, and here, the implant-abutment
resistance. microgap is adjacent to the bone crest. In these
(ii) Zirconia implants: implants, platform switch is used to limit crestal
These implants are made from the oxide form of bone resorption.
Zirconia (ZnO2) and are “ceramic” implants that (c) Based on implant surface.
have high biocompatibility and ability to osseointe- (i) Machined (Brånemark surface):
grate. In addition to the high mechanical properties, These are the minimally rough implant surfaces
they were introduced especially for esthetic areas made of turned CpTi, which were not further
and in patients who maybe potentially allergic to treated. These were used earlier and are also well
titanium. The drawback of these implants is that documented. However, with a need to increase the
most of the designs are one piece and only a few surface area for bone attachment especially in less
systems have two-piece implants. The idea of zirco- dense bone and to reduce time for osseointegration,
nia implants seems to be potential; however, no these surfaces were modified. Smooth surfaces had
long-term evidence for its success exists at this time. an advantage of reduced attachment of plaque
(b) Based on the shape: biofilms.
(i) Screw-type implants: (ii) Textured/rough surfaces:
Threads in screw-type implants increase the sur- The smooth surfaces of the implants were
face area for osseointegration. Threads help in sta- altered to a textured surface to increase the surface
bilization by improving bone to implant contact area for osseointegration. They were classified as
and in stress distribution. There are several differ- macro-, micro-, and nano-sized topologies based
ences in thread shape, thickness, pitch, thread-face on the scale of roughness [17, 18].
angle, etc. based on the manufacturers. These are Macrotopographic profiles of dental implants had
390 S. Ebenezer et al.

a surface roughness in the range of millimeters to

microns. This roughness was directly related to Box 18.1 Types of Implants
geometry of the implant, threaded screw, and mac- Implants can be classified as follows:
roporous surface treatment. Microrough topogra-
phies were in the range of 1 and 10 μm. A profile (a) Implant Material
roughness average of 1–2 μm is optimal for osseo- (i) Titanium and titanium alloys
integration [19]. The surfaces were altered by dif- (ii) Zirconia
ferent processes. Additive processes resulted in (b) Shape:
these popular types—sintered porous surfaces, (i) Screw type implants
titanium plasma sprayed, and hydroxyapatite (ii) Cylindrical, apically tapered, and fully
plasma sprayed. Subtractive processes also cre- tapered
ated a rough texture, and they were sandblasting, (iii) Platform-switch implants
acid etching, and laser alteration. Rough surfaces (iv) Bone level vs. tissue level implants
were demonstrated to have better bone to implant (c) Implant surface
contact, which resulted in better osseointegration (i) Machined (Brånemark surface)
[20, 21]. Over the years, nanotopographies have (ii) Textured/rough surfaces
been explored. Compaction of nanoparticles (such (iii) Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic surfaces
as titanium dioxide), molecular self-assembly (d) Implant length
method, and acid/alkali treatments or peroxidation (e) Implant diameter
for nanoparticle deposition have been advocated
to increase nanoroughness.
(iii) Hydrophobic and hydrophilic implant surfaces [22]:
Initially, modification of implant surfaces con- eters as compared to previous trends. Extra-narrow
centrated on surface topography, and hence, the sur- and narrow-diameter implants are used in deficient
faces were hydrophobic. It was observed that porous sites to minimize invasiveness and morbidity.
devices should have a hydrophilic surface to induce
the adsorption of bodily fluids into small pores and
cavities of the structure. The surface chemistry of 18.5 Preoperative Examination
implants was altered to allow for hydrophilicity, and of Potential Implant Patients
these surfaces have enhanced bone apposition dur-
ing the initial phases of healing [23]. 18.5.1 Clinical Examination
(d) Based on length (Al-Johany 2017) [24].
(i) Extra-short: 6 mm in length or less. Before implant treatment, a careful analysis should be con-
(ii) Short: From more than 6 mm to less than 10 mm. ducted. This includes patient’s current health status and med-
(iii) Standard: From 10 mm to less than 13 mm. ications and details of past medical history and medical
(iv) Long: More than 13 mm. treatments.
Although traditionally, the concept was to get Patients should be questioned about parafunctional hab-
implants “as long as possible” for good osseointe- its, oral hygiene, and personal habits such as tobacco, alco-
gration, the current trend with improved surfaces is hol, and drugs. The compliance, motivation, attitude,
“as long as needed”. The introduction of shorter understanding, and expectations of the patient are important
implants is to reduce the invasiveness and reduce for optimal treatment outcome.
morbidity. Clinical examination should include extra-oral examina-
(e) Based on diameter (Al-Johany 2017) [24]. tion, i.e., lip line, lip competence, and temporomandibular
(i) Extra narrow: Less than 3.0 mm. joint. Intraoral assessment should include assessment of the
(ii) Narrow: From 3.0 mm to less than 3.75 mm. edentulous space, occlusion, status of adjacent and opposing
(iii) Standard: From 3.75 mm to less than 5 mm. teeth, overall periodontal status, presence of other implants
(iv) Wide: 5.0 mm or more. and restorations, shape of the teeth, gingival biotype, and any
Earlier, implants with diameters as wide as the other local factor that may impact the success of the
tooth being replaced were used. Changing concepts treatment.
of jumping gap, preserving the buccal cortical plate, Diagnostic study models and intraoral clinical photo-
and optimal 3-­dimensional position coupled with graphs are essential for documentation as well as for the fur-
improved surfaces encouraged slightly narrow diam- ther assessment of spatial and occlusal relationships.
18  Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon 391

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 18.3 (a and b) show examples of two-dimensional and 3-dimensional examination of an implant placed with sinus floor elevation

18.5.2 Radiographic Examination gual, and apicocoronal dimensions. A graduated periodontal

probe can be used for clinical measurements; however, this
Figure 18.3a and b show examples of two-dimensional and information is best recorded from imaging techniques such
3-dimensional examination of the maxillary sinus. as CBCT. While evaluating the available space, factors such
Radiographic examination should be done in the evalua- as proximity to adjacent anatomical structures such as maxil-
tion phase to determine the status and anatomy of the lary sinus, mandibular nerve, nasal floor, adjacent tooth
underlying bone, if implant placement is possible and if any roots, etc. should be considered.
other surgical procedures are required before implant place- The minimal space required for an implant depends on
ment. A 2-dimensional radiograph of the area is desired; the size of the implant to be used (in terms of length and
however, this is insufficient to provide a detailed 3-dimen- diameter), whether the implant is placed adjacent to two nat-
sional assessment of the site. Hence, the radiograph of choice ural teeth or adjacent to an implant and the apicocoronal dis-
is the Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT) as it tance in the bone.
provides a detailed three-dimensional analysis of the edentu-
lous area along with the neighboring anatomical structures. 1. Implant adjacent to a natural tooth: Buser et al. (2004)
With the software for CBCT, it is possible to measure accu- suggested a concept for correct 3-dimensional implant
rately the dimension of the site and distances from critical placement [25]. They designated zones called as com-
structures and accurately plan which implant dimension fort zones (which is the ideal position for an implant)
would be appropriate. CBCT imaging also gives us informa- and danger zones (in which implants should not be
tion on which sites require augmentation and if so the loca- placed). This was defined in three directions mesiodis-
tion and extent required. tally, coronoapically, and orofacially. (Figure 18.4 a, b,
and c show diagrammatic representation of the correct
positioning of implants in a 3-dimensional manner). The
18.5.3 Correct 3-Dimensional Position ideal mesiodistal distance between a natural tooth and
for an Implant the shoulder of an implant is 1.5 mm [25]. The zone up
to 1–1.5 mm from the adjacent teeth on either side was
For the site of implant placement, the available space should the danger zone. Between the danger zone was the com-
be evaluated in three dimensions, i.e., mesiodistal, buccolin- fort zone that is safe for implant placement [25]. For
392 S. Ebenezer et al.

example, if an implant of 4.1 mm in diameter is placed If placed too close to the adjacent teeth, it causes bone
between two natural teeth, the minimum mesiodistal loss. In the orofacial dimension, the implant shoulder is
distance available should be 7  mm (to allow 1.5  mm positioned palatal to the incisal edge of the future resto-
between the implant and the natural teeth on either side). ration (or 1 mm palatal to the point of emergence of the

a b

Fig. 18.4 (a, b, and c) diagrammatic representation of ideal placement of a single implant in green shadow and unideal positions that could lead
to complications (in red shadow). (a) ideal coronoapical position, (b) ideal mesiodistal position, and (c) ideal orofacial position
18  Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon 393

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 18.4 (continued)

adjacent teeth). The oral aspect has a danger zone as sentation of the distance between interdental contact
well, indicating that an implant should not be placed too point and the crest of bone, for adequate papilla
far orally to prevent the use of a ridge lap restoration. preservation).
Too far facially will result in increased mucosal reces- 2. Implants adjacent to each other: The mesiodistal distance
sion. In the apicocoronal direction, the apex of the between the implants should be at least 3  mm [25, 26].
implant should be at least 1-2 mm away from any ana- This is critical to allow adequate interimplant bone and
tomical structure such as nerve, sinus, or tooth roots. hence the formation of a soft tissue papilla overlying the
Also, in the shoulder of the future implant should be at bone. The other requisites for mesiodistal, orofacial, and
least 1 mm apical to the cementoenamel junction of the apicocoronal dimensions, as previously mentioned, apply
adjacent teeth to allow for a proper emergence profile in addition. (Figure 18.5b shows diagrammatic represen-
[25]. Placing an implant too deep will result in too tation of the distance between interdental contact point
much countersinking, difficult handling, and facial and the crest of bone, for adequate papilla preservation).
mucosal recession. Placing an implant too superficially When the space for an implant of a particular diameter
will cause the metal margin to be visible and improper is less than ideal, a decision should be made either to aug-
emergence profile. In addition to this, the ideal facial ment the site with bone or to choose an implant of smaller
bone thickness should be 2  mm [26] and the lingual diameter. However, this decision requires clinical exper-
bone thickness should be 1.5 mm. Hence, for a 4.1 mm tise as augmentation procedures are technique sensitive
implant, minimum orofacial distance should be approx- and using smaller diameter implants depends on evalua-
imately 7.5  mm. Also, to prevent the appearance of tion of the occlusal forces in the area. The interocclusal
black triangles, the apicocoronal distance from the distance also needs to be evaluated prior to implant place-
interdental contact point to the crest of bone should not ment as it determines the choice of prosthetic rehabilita-
exceed 5 mm. (Figure 18.5a shows diagrammatic repre- tion of the implant. If the interocclusal distance is reduced,
394 S. Ebenezer et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 18.5 (a and b) diagrammatic representation of the critical dimen- interdental papillary morphology. (b) The interimplant distance (D)
sions in implant placement in relation to interdental papilla. (a) The should be at least 3  mm for obtaining adequate interdental papillary
height (H) of the interdental contact from the crest of the interdental morphology
alveolar bone should not be more than 5  mm for obtaining adequate

the choice would be to use a screw-retained prosthesis This provides the clinician an assessment of the site for
over a cement-retained one. Screw-retained prosthesis, implant placement before the surgery is planned and is based
however, is the more preferred technique due to ease in on the level of expertise of the clinician who can either treat
retrievability and cleansability. or refer to a specialist.
The amount of keratinized tissue in the site should also The determinants of the classification are.
be evaluated before surgery as this determines the loca-
tion of the incision. Ideally, a band of at least 2 mm (mini- 1. Esthetic or nonesthetic site: Any case in the esthetic zone
mum 1  mm) keratinized tissue should surround the or has an esthetic risk should be considered as advanced
implant, and this is critical to the long-term success of the or complex.
implant. If this is not achievable, procedures to augment 2. Complexity of the process: The level of complexity can
the keratinized mucosa should be planned. Keratinized be assessed by considering the number of steps and the
mucosa is necessary as it provides a physical barrier to number of areas in which an acceptable outcome has to be
oral plaque and to the forces of mastication as compared achieved.
to nonkeratinized mucosa [27]. 3. Risk of complications: The SAC Classification can be
used to identify and quantify risks for complications. This
allows pretreatment planning to control and minimize
18.6 SAC Classification risks.

The International Team for Implantology (ITI) proposed a The general modifying factors are.
classification of sites for implant placement based on the
analysis of several factors [28]. 1. Clinical competence and expertise: The SAC Classification
Based on these factors, sites for implant surgery could be for a case type is independent of the clinician’s skill and
classified as straightforward (S), advanced (A), and complex (C). competence. A Straightforward case is an uncomplicated
18  Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon 395

procedure, and a Complex case is the one that is difficult The above-mentioned modifiers have to be considered
to manage. for every implant case during the assessment and planning
2. Compromised patient’s health: Patients with risk factors phase of treatment. Risks can be identified prior to treat-
such as smoking, diabetes, irradiated bone, history of ment, thus minimizing complications. To classify as
periodontal disease, poor oral hygiene, and bruxism need Straightforward, Advanced, or Complex for a specific case,
to be monitored as they have a higher risk for the specific features of the case can be matched with the
complications. descriptions in the tables. The level that best matches the
3. Growth considerations: Implants placed in the jaws of factors of the individual case will provide the SAC
growing individuals are modifying factors as they present Classification for that case.
esthetic and functional issues. The final treatment plan including additional surgical pro-
4. Iatrogenic factors: Suboptimal planning and treatment cedures (if required) should be formulated after accurate
outcomes increase the difficulty in the implant treatment diagnosis and consideration of the patient’s systemic and
phase. For example, incorrect three-dimensional implant local factors, bearing in mind the requirements of the patient.
placement will complicate the restorative process.
Table 18.2  Surgical modifying factors
Tables 18.1, 18.2, and 18.3 show the esthetic, surgical,
Site factors Risk or degree of difficulty
and restorative modifying factors to be considered during
Low Moderate High
implant treatment planning and execution. Anatomic risk
Proximity to Minimal risk Moderate risk of High risk of
vital anatomic of involvement involvement
structures involvement
Table 18.1  The esthetic modifying factors are determined by the Bone volume
Esthetic Risk Assessment (ERA) Horizontal Adequate Deficient, but Deficient,
allowing requiring prior
Esthetic factors Level of risk simultaneous augmentation
Low Medium High augmentation
Medical status Healthy and – Reduced Vertical Adequate Small deficiency Deficient,
co-operative patient immune crestally, requiring requiring prior
with an intact system slightly deeper augmentation
immune system. coronoapical
Patients’ Low Medium High implant position.
esthetic Small deficiency
expectation apically due to
Smoking habit Nonsmoker Light smoker Heavy proximity to
(<10 cigs/day) smoker (>10 anatomical
cigs/day) structures, requiring
Lip line Low Medium High shorter than
Shape of tooth Rectangular Triangular standard implant
crowns lengths.
Gingival Low scalloped and Medium High Esthetic risk
biotype thick scalloped and scalloped Esthetic zone No Yes
medium thick and thin Biotype Thick Thin
Bone anatomy Alveolar crest Horizontal Vertical bone Thickness of Sufficient Insufficient
of alveolar crest without bone bone deficiency facial bone ≥1 mm <1 mm
deficiency deficiency wall
Bone level at ≤5 mm to contact 5.5 to 6.5 mm ≥7 mm to Complexity
adjacent teeth point to contact contact point Number of Implant Implant placement Implant
point prior or placement with simultaneous placement
Soft tissue Intact soft tissue Soft tissue simultaneous without procedures with staged
anatomy defects procedures adjunctive procedures
Width of 1 tooth (≥7 mm) 1 tooth 2 teeth or procedures
edentulous span (≤7 mm) more Complications
Restorative Virgin Restored Risk of Minimal Moderate High
status of surgical
neighboring complications
teeth Consequences No adverse Suboptimal Severely
Infection at None Chronic Acute of effect outcome compromised
implant site complications outcome
Adapted with permission from Dawson A, Chen S, Buser D, Cordaro L, Adapted with permission from Dawson A, Chen S, Buser D, Cordaro L,
Martin W, Belser U.  The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry. Martin W, Belser U.  The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry.
Editors: Dawson A, Chen S. Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd. 2009 Editors: Dawson A, Chen S. Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd. 2009
396 S. Ebenezer et al.

Table 18.3  Restorative modifiers: These are the restorative factors that influence the SAC classification
Degree of difficulty
Issue Notes Low Moderate High
Oral environment
General oral health No active disease Active disease
Condition of adjacent Restored teeth Virgin teeth
Reason for tooth loss Caries/trauma Periodontal disease or
occlusal parafunction
Occlusal scheme Anterior guidance No guidance
Involvement in The degree to which the implant Minimal involvement Implant restoration is
occlusion prosthesis is involved in the patient’s involved in guidance
occlusal scheme
Occlusal parafunction Risk of complication to the restoration, Absent
but not to implant survival
Restorative volume
Interarch distance Refers to the distance from the proposed Adequate for planned Restricted space, but Adjunctive therapy will be
implant restorative margin to the restoration can be managed necessary to gain sufficient
opposing occlusion space for the planned
Mesiodistal space The arch length available to fit tooth Sufficient to fit Some reduction in Adjunctive therapy will be
replacements replacements for size or number of needed to achieve a
missing teeth teeth will be satisfactory result
Span of restoration Missing tooth Extended edentulous Full arch
Volume and Refers to whether there is sufficient tissue No prosthetic Prosthetic replacement of
characteristics of the volume to support the final restoration, or soft-tissue soft tissue will be needed
edentulous saddle some prosthetic replacement of soft replacement will be for esthetics or phonetics
tissues will be necessary necessary
Provisional Present
During implant Not required Fixed
Implant supported Provisional restorations will be needed to Not required Restorative margin Restorative margin >3 mm
provisionals needed develop esthetics and soft tissue transition <3 mm apical to apical to mucosal crest
zones mucosal crest
Materials/ Materials and techniques used in the Resin-based materials Porcelain fused to
manufacture manufacture of definitive prostheses ± metal reinforcement metal
Loading protocols To date, immediate restoration and Conventional or early Immediate loading
loading procedures are lacking scientific loading
Maintenance needs Anticipated maintenance needs based on Low Moderate High
patient presentation and the planned
Adapted with permission from Dawson A, Chen S, Buser D, Cordaro L, Martin W, Belser U. The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry. Editors:
Dawson A, Chen S. Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd. 2009

18.7 I mplant Solutions for Different and if the opposing dentition is implant-supported or not and
Edentulous Situations depending on the occlusal load. As few as possible but as
many as needed should be the key when placing implants.
Implants can be used as replacement options for all kinds of The selection of the size of the implant (length and width)
edentulous situations varying from single tooth gaps to com- and the number of implants especially in areas of poor bone
pletely edentulous jaws (Figure  18.6 shows an example quality is important for providing the correct solution.
where an implant has been used for the restoration of single For large edentulous spans, it is preferable to use as many
tooth, and 7b shows an example where implants have been implants as required, to support the occlusal forces in that
used for the replacement of the edentulous upper and lower area. Cantilever prosthesis on implants has to be used with
jaws). The treatment plan varies in complexity as the number discretion and is limited to areas of low occlusal demand. It
of teeth replacements increases, if it is an esthetic site or not is not preferable to splint implant with natural teeth as
18  Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon 397

a and several designs of implants indicated for specific types

of sites; however, the details of these are beyond the scope of
this chapter.

18.8 T
 iming of Implant Placement

18.8.1 Hard and Soft Tissue Alterations


Studies in beagle dog revealed that postextraction, the bun-

dle bone resorbs as the blood supply to this bone is compro-
mised due to tooth extraction [29, 30]. This results in vertical
bone loss in both facial and lingual walls of the socket, but it
is more pronounced on the facial aspect as most often it is
thinner in width than the lingual wall [30]. In human studies,
ridge width reduction of up to 50% occurred during the first
year after tooth loss in premolar and molar sites, and two-­
thirds of the total change took place within the first 3 months
following extraction [31]. Dimensional alterations occurred
in both height and width, with approximately 2.6–4.5 mm in
width and 0.4–3.9  mm in height being lost in the healed
sockets [32]. Histologically, the density of vascular struc-
tures and macrophages reduced from 2 to 4 weeks, the osteo-
clastic activity slowly decreased over a 4-week period, and
osteoblasts peaked at 6–8  weeks remaining almost stable
thereafter [33]. Thin facial walls seem to be prone for resorp-
tion, and sites with facial bone wall thickness of 1 mm or less
had vertical bone loss of 7.5 mm (62%) of the original bone
height after an 8  week healing period. Patients with thick
wall phenotype, having facial bone wall thickness of more
than 1 mm, had only about 1.1 mm (9%) vertical bone loss
[34]. Also, for single extraction sites, the dimensional altera-
tion occurred mainly in the central mid-facial area of the
socket wall, while the proximal areas that had viable peri-
odontal ligament of the adjacent teeth remained nearly
unchanged after flapless tooth extraction at 8 weeks of heal-
ing [35]. With this pattern of resorption, a thin wall pheno-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India type will develop a two-wall defect, while a thick-wall
Fig. 18.6 (a) shows an example where an implant has been used for
phenotype will result in a three-wall defect after initial
the restoration of single tooth, and (b) shows an example where remodeling [34]. Thus, the evaluation of facial wall thick-
implants have been used for the replacement of the edentulous upper ness is critical to predict the future of bone loss prior to
and lower jaws extraction [13]. With the above findings related to the pattern
of bone remodeling and the timing of the cellular activity, in
implants cannot intrude with force like natural teeth. Long-­ thin bone wall phenotypes, it is recommended to allow the
span bridges on implants are not advisable in soft bone, e.g., initial postextraction remodeling to take place before initiat-
in the completely edentulous maxilla, a fixed prosthesis can ing regenerative procedures. An early implant placement
be given on six implants, while in the mandible, the same can would be recommended for thin bone phenotypes. Immediate
be achieved with only four implants. For removable prosthe- implant placement would be recommended only for thick
sis, in an edentulous maxilla, four to six are sufficient, while wall phenotypes and thick gingival biotypes where minimal
in the edentulous mandible, the similar prosthetic solution remodeling would be expected.
can be achieved with two to four implants. There are several The soft tissue thickness in maxillary anterior teeth is thin
concepts of implant replacement for long edentulous spans in most patients, ranging from 0.5 mm to 1 mm. This soft tis-
398 S. Ebenezer et al.

sue thickness has not shown significant correlation to the The choice of timing of implant placement depends on
underlying facial bone wall thickness [36]. For single extrac- several factors. The four options are available to the clini-
tion sites, 50% of the soft tissue change occurs within the first cian, who can select the option based on the following crite-
2 weeks postextraction. The increase in soft tissue thickness ria, provided that they have the required clinical expertise.
significantly depends on the underlying bone dimensions. In
thick wall phenotypes, the soft tissue dimensions do not sig- • Immediate implant placement (type I) is recommended to
nificantly change. In these defects, the alveolus acts as a self- be performed only by experienced clinicians in sites that
contained bony defect and favors the growth of bone-­forming have ideal anatomic conditions, such as:
cells from the adjacent socket walls. In thin wall phenotypes, (i) a completely intact, thick wall phenotype (i.e.,
the facial bone wall resorbs rapidly and the highly prolifera- >1mm) facial bone wall at the extraction site
tive soft tissue occupies its position. There is a sevenfold (ii) thick gingival biotype,
increase in soft tissue occupying the crestal area of the socket (iii) absence of acute infection at the extraction site, and
defect, and this is termed as spontaneous soft tissue thickening (iv) adequate volume of bone apical and palatal of the
[13]. The tissue formed is highly vascularized granulation tis- extraction site to allow sufficient primary stability of
sue with fibroblasts migrating into it, some of which differen- the implant while placing it in the correct
tiate into myofibroblasts that are involved in the thickening 3-­dimensional position.
phenomenon. At 8 weeks, there is a peak in endothelial cell • Type 2 placement is recommended when the above ideal
density, BMP-7, and osteocalcin expression, indicating that conditions are not met.
the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate new bone (i) In situations where there is inadequate keratinized
formation also influence the soft tissue thickening. The clini- tissue, this technique allows an additional 3-5 mm of
cal implications of this soft tissue thickening are that, after an tissue as the tissues heal spontaneously.
8 week healing period, the soft tissues are sufficiently thick- (ii) In sites where there is a thin facial bone, the bundle
ened and provide increased keratinized tissue in the site that bone spontaneously resorbs and a spontaneous soft
allows for primary closure favoring bone regeneration. With tissue thickening takes place to fill the extraction
this thickened soft tissue, there is no requirement for addi- socket.
tional soft tissue grafts. However, this soft tissue thickening (iii) Acute and chronic infections resolve leaving the

can mask the underlying bone defect, often misleading the cli- future implant site free of infections.
nician while selecting the appropriate treatment protocol [37]. (iv) Bone forms in the apical portion of the socket, thus
allowing primary stability from the apical bone dur-
ing implant placement. At the stage of implant place-
18.8.2 Concept of Timing for Implant ment, a guided bone regeneration procedure with
Placement bone graft and membrane is most often required.
• Type 3 implant placement is recommended in cases where
Implant placement can be classified based on the timing of either primary stability cannot be achieved even after
implant placement. According to the ITI Consensus 4–8 weeks of healing postextraction or where the proper
Conferences in 2003 and 2008, it is classified as Type 1, 3-dimensional position for implant placement cannot be
Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4 implant placement [38]. achieved. The healing time in these cases is extended to
12–16 weeks to allow partial bone healing. This is gener-
ally ideal for multirooted teeth such as mandibular molars.
Box 18.2 Concept of Timing for Implant Placement In this case also, guided bone regeneration with bone
graft and membrane is often required.
Type 1: When placed immediately after tooth extrac- • Type 4 implant placement is often not a preferred treat-
tion, it is called immediate implant placement. ment by the patient. However, the indications for this type
Type 2: When placed 4–8 weeks after tooth extraction, of implant placement are determined by certain patient-­
it is an early implant placement with only soft tissue related factors or site-specific factors. Patient related fac-
healing tors include.
Type 3: When placed 12–16 weeks after tooth extrac- (i) patients with systemic conditions that require treat-
tion, it is an early implant healing with partial bone ment to be deferred, e.g., pregnant patients,
healing (ii) adolescent patients who are too young to receive
Type 4: When placed after 6 months after tooth extrac- implants and require the treatment to be deferred,
tion, there is complete bone healing, and this is and
called delayed implant placement. (iii) patients who are unable to make an early appoint-
ment due to personal reasons.
18  Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon 399

Site-related factors include. and no microgap between the implant and the abutment. In
(a)  Large Apical Lesions the two-piece nonsubmerged implants, there is no need for a
(b) Impacted or ankylosed teeth that cause a lot of second surgical procedure to expose the implant for prosthet-
bone removal in the apical aspect of the site. In ics; however, the potential of the microgap between the two
all these cases, it is recommended that socket components exists. This technique is generally preferred for
grafting with a low substitution filler is used to standard implant placement procedures where there is no
reduce ridge alterations and ridge atrophy. The need to augment the site.
crestal bone resorption is inevitable; however, In the submerged/two-stage approach, the healing cap/
the use of socket grafting minimizes the need for cover screw is completely covered with the soft tissue flap
ridge augmentation at a later date. after implant placement surgery. The implants are allowed to
osseointegrate in a closed environment without loading or
any form of micromovement, for a period of time. The sub-
18.8.3 Healing Modality: Concept merged protocol is used for implant placement with simulta-
of Submerged and NonSubmerged neous bone augmentation. Following this healing period, the
Healing implant is surgically exposed to place the abutment. Both
these techniques are well accepted and can be selected based
When an implant is placed, the operator can choose to either on the treatment plan.
submerge the implant (completely enclose it within the heal-
ing tissues) or keep it nonsubmerged (implant is visible
through the healing soft tissue). (Figure 18.7 shows diagram- 18.9 S
 urgical Procedure for Conventional
matic representation of submerged and nonsubmerged Implant Placement
In the nonsubmerged/one-stage approach, the healing As mentioned before, the most important step before implant
cap/abutment of the implant emerges through the mucosal surgery is the analysis of the general patient factors and then
tissues at the time of flap closure after implant placement. the local edentulous site factors. Depending on whether it is
Nonsubmerged implants can be one-piece or two-piece an implant replacement for a single tooth, multiple teeth, or
implants. In one-piece implants, there is no micromovement a completely edentulous ridge, the planning differs. The

Fig. 18.7 Diagrammatic
representation of submerged
and nonsubmerged healing

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

400 S. Ebenezer et al.

treatment protocol also differs depending on whether it is an should be maintained. The drills should be repeatedly
esthetic site or not. Single tooth replacements in a nones- pumped in and out of the osteotomy to expose the bone
thetic site are simpler as compared to multiple teeth replace- debris to the water coolants for clearing. If multiple
ments in an esthetic site. implants are to be placed, a guide pin is used in the first
For standard implant placement: osteotomy to align the second implant before com-
mencing the second osteotomy preparation.
1. Local anesthesia: the area of surgery including at least (c) Subsequent drills are used in the same way as the
two teeth mesial and distal should be well-anesthetized. pilot drill to enlarge the osteotomy to the desired
2. Incision: a scalpel blade no 15 is used to make a horizon- depth.
tal paracrestal incision. This bisects the existing zone of (d) Profile drills or countersink drills are used between
keratinized mucosa with at least 2  mm on the buccal the sequential drills to widen the crestal part of the
aspect of the future implant. The incision extends to one osteotomy to allow the next drill into the osteotomy.
tooth mesially and distally with a papilla sparing incision. The countersink drill also flares the preparation to
If required, a vertical release incision can be given on the allow the placement of the cover screw over the
distal aspect to create a triangular flap. implant without any bony interference.
3. Flap elevation: A full thickness mucoperiosteal flap is (e) Bone tapping is an optional step that is required only
elevated on the buccal and on the lingual aspect. A retrac- in very dense bone. This is done at very slow speeds
tion suture can be placed in the buccal and lingual flaps if (20–40 rpm) without water irrigation.
required. The crestal bone should be exposed sufficiently 6. Implant placement: implants are placed with a handpiece
so as to get visible access to the implant site as well to at slow speeds (18–25  rpm) or by hand using a torque
check the palatal and buccal curvature of the ridge. wrench. Implant insertion should follow the same path of
4. Flattening of the ridge: A large round rose bur is used to insertion as that of the osteotomy. For multiple implants,
flatten the ridge, thus removing any bony slopes in the guide pins serve as a direction indicator to obtain parallel-
crestal area. This also allows removal of the narrower por- ism. Care is taken to insert the implant such that the
tions from the crest of the ridge; however, extensive microrough surface of the implant is 1–1.5  mm sub-
removal in short ridges should be done judiciously. crestal. This prevents exposure of the rough surface of the
5. Drilling of the osteotomy: all drilling should be done implant to the environment during the eventual crestal
along with copious amounts of cold saline irrigation with bone remodeling. The implant should also be placed such
the speed as specified by the manufacture for each par- that the shoulder of the implant should be at least 3–4 mm
ticular bur/drill (generally in the range of 800–1500 rpm). apical to the cementoenamel junction of the adjacent
It is important to keep an eye for the correct positioning teeth. It is also important that primary stability is achieved
and the neighboring anatomic structures during each at placement and the average insertion torque should be
stage of drilling. 35 Ncm2; however, ISQ values are a more accurate record-
(a) Initially, a small diamond bur is used to mark the site. ing as they can be measured from time to time and a com-
The mark created corresponds to the center of the parison can be obtained unlike insertion torque, which is
osteotomy and should be in the correct mesiodistal only a one-time measurement. Once the desired position
and buccolingual position. This bur is used to make a and stability are achieved, the cover screw (for submerged
hole of 1–2  mm deep to create a start point for the healing)/healing abutment (nonsubmerged healing)
pilot drill. should be fitted over.
(b) The pilot drill is the first twist drill used to create the 7. Flap closure and suturing: the flap should be approxi-
osteotomy up to the desired length. Ideally, the length mated so as to provide tension-free closure. If required, a
of the osteotomy should be slightly more than the periosteal release incision can be done. If a submerged
implant so that the implant can be placed slightly sub- healing is planned, the flap should be completely closed
crestal (to compensate for future crestal bone resorp- over the implant by primary closure. If a nonsubmerged
tion). Also, the shoulder of the future implant should healing is intended, then the flap is closed around the
be 1 mm apical to the cementoenamel junction of the healing abutment. Although any technique of suturing is
adjacent teeth in esthetic areas to allow for a proper acceptable, it is preferable that for long horizontal spaces,
emergence profile. While drilling, the correct axis horizontal mattress sutures along with interrupted sutures
18  Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon 401

are placed in 4–0 or 5–0 nonresorbable sutures. Suturing

of vertical incisions and papillae is generally done with Box 18.3 Concepts of Implant Loading
5–0 or 6–0 nonresorbable sutures.
8. Postoperative care: Simple implant surgery in a healthy (a) Immediate loading: Loading of dental implants
patient does not require antibiotic coverage; however, earlier than 1 week after implant placement. This
if the patient has any systemic complications or at risk can be done with either a provisional prosthesis or
of infection, it is advisable to put the patient on postop- a final prosthesis. The provisional prosthesis is
erative antibiotic coverage. Analgesics are recom- used to reshape the peri-implant soft tissues for
mended for the first few days after surgery. Patient is better esthetic outcomes, modify the occlusion, or
given routine postsurgical instructions such as use of evaluate a planned implant prosthesis. A final
ice packs for the first 24 h, soft diet, no vigorous rins- prosthesis can be directly given in cases with low
ing, no brushing on the surgical site, no tobacco smok- esthetic risk and in areas of stable occlusion. This
ing, and no vigorous exercise. Provisional replacements protocol significantly reduces the treatment time,
should not transmit direct forces to the underlying and both soft tissue and bony healing occurs under
implant and should be ­adequately relieved from the functional loading.
surgical site, particularly in the early healing period (b) Early loading: Loading of dental implants between
(4–8 weeks). Patient is recalled on the second postsur- 1 week and 2 months after implant placement. In
gical day and after that 1 week postoperatively to check this treatment approach, functional forces are
for healing. exerted on the implants during the later stages of
9. Prosthetic phase: depending on the choice of timing to bone healing. Soft tissues are still healing, and by
load the implant, the reopening phase can be planned. For two months, they are almost completely healed.
nonsubmerged implants, often, no second surgery is Here also, the time between placement and load-
required as the healing abutment is exposed. For sub- ing is reduced.
merged implants, the healing cap/abutment can be (c) Conventional loading: Loading of dental implants
exposed by a small surgical procedure and a taller healing more than 2 months after implant placement [40,
abutment can be inserted so as to allow the mucosal tissue 41]. This allows for a complete healing of bone
to heal around and create an emergence profile. and peri-implant soft tissue and requires a longer
treatment time between implant placement and
(Figure 18.8 shows an example of the surgical phase of loading. This protocol is selected in cases when
single implant placement) there are medical or risk factors, low implant sta-
bility at surgery, and extensive augmentation in the
implant site and with short or narrow diameter
18.10 Concepts of Implant Loading implants.

An implant loading protocol is the time period between

implant placement and the attachment of the prosthesis. The Patient-related factors such as medical and systemic risk fac-
loading protocols have changed over the years, and the ITI tors, surgical site factors (augmented site), and implant stability
Consensus Conferences in 2003, 2008, and 2013 had slight as assessed by insertion torque (20–50 Ncm2) and resonance
variations in defining them. The current definition as per the frequency analysis (>55 ISQ) are determinants for selecting the
ITI Consensus Conference 2018 is as follows [39]: loading protocol. Implant design and characteristics also affect
the loading protocol, surface modification of implants has added
• immediate loading, to faster healing rates of bone around implants, and hence, the
• early loading, healing period before loading has reduced [23]. Hence, selec-
• and conventional loading. tion of a correct loading protocol is case specific.
402 S. Ebenezer et al.

a b

Fig. 18.8  These series of figures show steps in implant placement with able emergence profile. (cc) Checking for the depth of implant osteot-
restoration of a single tooth edentulous space. (aa) Preoperative facial omy using a depth gauge. (da) Subsequent drilling to accommodate the
view of edentulous space. (ab) Preoperative occlusal view of edentu- chosen dimension of the implant. (db) Subsequent drilling to accom-
lous space. (ac) Preoperative master cast with surgical splint. (b) modate the chosen dimension of the implant. (e) Implant insertion. (f)
Incision and reflection of mucoperiosteal flap. (ca) Initial drilling. (cb) Placement of healing abutment for transmucosal/ non submerged heal-
Checking for ideal placement of initial drill with surgical guide, which ing. (g) Suturing and wound closure
would lead to prosthodontically driven implant placement and a favor-
18  Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon 403

a b

a b

Fig. 18.8 (continued)
404 S. Ebenezer et al.

e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 18.8 (continued)

18.11 Suggested Reading 7. Albrektsson T, Albrektsson B. Osseointegration of bone implants.

A review of an alternative mode of fixation. Acta Orthop Scand.
ITI Treatment guides 1–10. 8. Osman RB, Swain MV. A critical review of dental implant materi-
als with an emphasis on titanium versus Zirconia. Materials (1996–
1944). 2015;8(3):932–58.
9. Vootla NR, Reddy KV.  Osseointegration- key factors affecting
References its success-an overview. IOSR J Dent Med Sci (IOSR-JDMS).
2017;16(4):62–8. e-issn: 2279-0853, p-issn: 2279-0861
1. Abraham CM.  A brief historical perspective of dental implants, 10. Ellingsen JE, Johansson CB, Wennerberg A, Holmen A. Improved
their surface coatings and treatment. Open Dent J. 2014;8(Suppl retention and bone-to-implant contact with fluoride-modified tita-
1-M2):50–5. nium implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2004;19:659–66.
2. Buser D, Sennerby L, De Bruyn H. Modern implant dentistry based 11. Novaes AB Jr, de Souza SL, de Barros RR, Pereira KK, Iezzi G,
on osseointegration: 50 years of progress, current trends and open Piattelli A. Influence of implant surfaces on osseointegration. Braz
questions. Periodontol 2000. 2017;73(1):7–21. Dent J. 2010;21(6):471–81.
3. Mavrogenis AF, Dimitriou R, Parvizi J, Babis GC.  Biology of
12. Moraschini V, E dS P B.  Success of dental implants in smokers
implant osseointegration. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact.
and non-smokers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral
Maxillofac Surg. 2016;45(2):205–15.
4. BrånEmark PI.  Introduction to osseointegration. In: BråNemark
13. Chappuis V, Araujo MG, Buser D.  Clinical relevance of dimen-
PI, Zarb G, Albrektsson T, editors. Tissue integrated prosthe-
sional bone and soft tissue alterations post-extraction in esthetic
ses. Osseointegration in clinical dentistry. Chicago and Tokyo:
sites. Periodontology 2000. 2017;73:73–83.
Quintessence; 1985. p. 350.
5. Stanford CM, Keller JC. The concept of osseointegration and bone 14. Eriksson AR, Albrektsson T. Temperature threshold levels for heat-­
matrix expression. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med. 1991;2(1):83–101. induced bone tissue injury: a vital-microscopic study in the rabbit.
6. Reddy VK. Osseointegration. Int Dent Med J Adv Res. 2015;1:1–7. J Prosthet Dent. 1983 Jul;50(1):101–7.
18  Basics of Dental Implantology for the Oral Surgeon 405

15. Parithimarkalaignan S, Padmanabhan TV.  Osseointegration: An

30. Araujo MG, Lindhe J. Dimensional ridge alterations following tooth
update. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2013;13(1):2–6. extraction: an experimental study in the dog. J Clin Periodontol.
16. Fiorellini J, Wada K, Stathopoulou P, Klokkevold PR. Chapter 71: 2005;32:212–8.
periimplant anatomy, biology, and function in carranza’s clinical 31. Schropp L, Wenzel A, Kostopoulos L, Karring T.  Bone healing
periodontology. 12th ed. Amsterdam: Saunders, Elsevier Inc; 2015. and soft tissue contour changes following single-tooth extrac-
17. Stanford CM. Surface modifications of dental implants. Aus Dent J. tion: a clinical and radiographic 12-month prospective study. Int J
2008;53(1 Suppl):s26–33. Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2003;23:313–23.
18. Le Guehennec L, Soueidan A, Layrolle P, Amouriq Y. Surface treat- 32. Ten Heggeler JM, Slot DE, Van der Weijden GA. Effect of socket
ments of titanium dental implants for rapid osseointegration. Dent preservation therapies following tooth extraction in non-molar
Mater. 2007;23:844–54. regions in humans: a systematic review. Clin Oral Implants Res.
19. Albrektsson T, Wennerberg A. Oral implant surfaces: part 1--review 2011;22:779–88.
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faces and in  vivo responses to them. Int J Prosthodont. 2004 J.  Modeling and remodeling of human extraction sockets. J Clin
Sep–Oct;17(5):536–43. Periodontol. 2008 Jul;35(7):630–9.
20. Buser D, Schenk RK, Steinemann S, Fiorellini JP, Fox CH, Stich 34. Chappuis V, Engel O, Reyes M, Shahim K, Nolte LP, Buser

H. Influence of surface characteris- tics on bone integration of tita- D. Ridge alterations post-extraction in the esthetic zone: a 3D anal-
nium implants. A histo- morphometric study in miniature. J Biomed ysis with CBCT. J Dent Res. 2013;92:195S–201S.
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23. Buser D, Broggini N, Wieland M, Schenk RK, Denzer AJ, Cochran 37. Morton D, Chen ST, Martin WC, Levine RA, Buser D. Consensus
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Bone Augmentation Procedures
in Implantology 19
Vinay V. Kumar, Supriya Ebenezer, and Andreas Thor

19.1 Introduction It is obvious that a thorough medical history should be

obtained before implant treatment and prior to augmentation
Dental implants have been used successfully to rehabilitate procedures. Patients should be evaluated regarding their gen-
patients with edentulousness. For implant dentistry to be suc- eral health status, medical history, history of any medication,
cessful, the implants have to be placed in an appropriate three- allergies, the use of tobacco and compliance to oral hygiene
dimensional manner that supports the prosthesis adequately. methods. Patients with conditions that affect bone healing
This means that implants have to be placed in a prosthodonti- would be poor candidates for augmentation procedures.
cally driven predetermined position. This requirement often Patients with a history of head and neck radiotherapy, uncon-
results in a clinical situation where there is a lack of bone vol- trolled diabetes, transplant patients undergoing prolonged
ume to completely embed the implant in an ideal position. immunotherapy, patients undergoing bisphosphonate ther-
Implants that do not have an adequate amount of bone cov- apy or medications that could induce osteonecrosis of the
ering them in all aspects (at least 1.5 mm bone buccal and lin- jaws, heavy smokers and patients with neuropsychiatric dis-
gual to the implant shoulder or about 2 mm in aesthetic zones) orders are high-risk patients to undergo augmentation.
are at high risk for crestal bone loss with concomitant inflam- It is also obvious that prior to undertaking augmentation
mation and infection of the surrounding soft tissues due to procedures, adequate radiographic assessment of the region
exposure and colonisation of the implant surfaces by bacterial should be performed. In most situations, Cone Beam
biofilms [1]. This in turn results in soft-tissue recession, which Computed Tomography (CBCT) is the imaging of choice.
leads to further loss of bone and eventually failure of the The use of tilted or angulated implants, narrow implants,
implant. Hence, bone augmentation is often necessary to zygomatic implants, short implants or the use of non-­
ensure adequate bony housing around implants [2]. implant-­supported prosthesis can avoid the need for augmen-
The most commonly used bone-augmentation surgical pro- tations, and this should be discussed with the patient prior to
cedures are guided bone regeneration (GBR), block bone graft- undertaking augmentation surgery [3, 4].
ing and maxillary sinus floor elevation (SFE). When deciding
to augment, there are multiple sources of bone-­augmentation
materials ranging from autogenous, allogenic, xenogenic and 19.2 T
 he Alveolar Bone-Resorption Pattern
synthetic materials. A knowledge of these materials is essential and the Need for Augmentation
prior to undertaking augmentation procedures. Knowledge of
bone biology and bone physiology is also important. The alveolar bone is functionally and macroscopically
unique. It is that functional area of the maxilla and mandible
that is responsible for the anchorage of teeth. Both the man-
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- dible and the maxilla are irregular bones and are of mesen-
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_19) contains supple-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
chymal origin. The maxilla consists for the most part of
cancellous bone with a thin cortex layer, whereas the man-
V. V. Kumar (*) · A. Thor dible has more cortical bone and is denser. As the alveolar
Department of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, process of the maxilla and mandible are basically functional
Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden components to support the teeth, after tooth loss, the alveolar
S. Ebenezer bone starts to resorb. However, the pattern of bone resorption
Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, University of Bern, in the two bones is different. The maxillary alveolar bone
Bern, Switzerland

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 407

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_19
408 V. V. Kumar et al.

resorbs from the labial plate inwards and the mandibular compact bone). Cortical bone is the dense outer aspect of
alveolar bone from the lingual plate outwards. Therefore, in bone that is responsible for the mechanical strength. The
the cases of long-standing edentulousness, this resorption inner cancellous part of the bone that predominantly consists
pattern results in a narrower maxilla and mandible. The bone of bone marrow and provides nutrition to the bone [7].
height is also reduced in a vertical direction in areas of tooth Microscopically cortical bone consists of concentric cir-
loss, leading to a reduced alveolar bone height in the maxil- cles of osteons (also known as Haversian systems) (Fig. 19.2).
lary posterior area (beneath the sinuses) and a reduced dis- Each osteon consists of a central canal of nerves and blood
tance from the crest to the mandibular canal in the posterior vessels that is surrounded by layers of compact bone.
mandible. The sagittal relation is also affected due to jaw Microscopically, cancellous bone architecture consists of
atrophy, leading to an often retrognathic maxilla in relation bone organised into a three-dimensional lattice framework
to the wider mandible. In short, both the width of the bone called trabeculae. The trabecular spaces are filled with blood
(also called the volume of bone) and the quality of bone vessels and marrow. Bone marrow is a specialised connec-
(described by Lekholm & Zarb and Cawood & Howell), [5, tive tissue that produces erythrocytes, leucocytes, platelets
6] must be taken into consideration before implant place- and osteoblasts. Depending on age and location, bone mar-
ment. Additionally, due to ridge resorption, the vertical and row additionally contains fat cells and other connective tis-
sagittal bone relations between the upper and lower jaw- sue elements [8].
bones and the toothless space must be taken into consider- Under higher magnification, bone can be further desig-
ation before implant placement and bone augmentation, nated as woven or lamellar bone. Woven bone is immature
when treatment is planned from a prosthodontic point of bone that forms following injury to mature bone (such as
view. Figure 19.1 shows the changes in edentulous jaws and fractures or tooth extraction) or during the foetal growth
the classification of bone quality and bone quantity as period. After an injury to mature bone that causes a break in
described by Lekholm and Zarb, 1985. its continuity such as tooth extraction, a haematoma results
Also, in patients with tooth loss secondary to other rea- and following this woven bone is formed rapidly to fill the
sons of bone loss such as trauma, pathologies, etc.; bone defect in the bone. This bone is mechanically weak and its
should be replaced to reconstruct the lost tissue as well as to collagen fibrils have a random orientation. Woven bone is
support placement of implants in the best prosthetically then replaced by mature and mechanically strong lamellar
driven position. bone that has collagen fibrils arranged parallelly and regu-
larly into distinct layers.
Bones of the human body are in a constant state of
19.3 Bone Biology renewal, the process known as bone remodelling. Bone
remodelling is essential to regulate mineral balance in the
Depending on the macroscopic form and mechanical func- bone and circulatory system, as well as to maintain bone
tion, bone can be designated as cancellous bone (also called strength. Regular day stress and strain causes microdamage
spongiosa or trabecular bone) and cortical bone (also called in bone, which is repaired and replaced by new bone by the

Fig. 19.1  Classification of Upper Jaws

bone for implant placement
by Lekholm and Zarb, 1985.
Adapted from Lekholm and
Zarb, 1985 [6]

Shape A B C D E

Lower Jaws

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

19  Bone Augmentation Procedures in Implantology 409

Fig. 19.2  Cross-section of Concentric

bone showing a cortical bone lamellae
and spongy/cancellous bone.
Please note the osteon Osteon
containing a central canal
with blood vessels and nerves
surrounded by concentric
lamellae with osteocytes and Spongy bone


Central canal



Blood Lacuna
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

process of bone remodelling. Therefore, the process of bone tion. Under normal healthy conditions in adults, bone resorp-
remodelling helps the bone to adapt to changing mechanical tion and apposition during remodelling are balanced in time,
and biologic needs during the lifetime of the individual. For space and amount so that the bone mass of the body remains
the ease of description, bone remodelling can be divided as more or less constant.
consisting of four continuous stages:

bone resorption, 19.3.1 Composition of Bone

reversal phase,
mineralisation phase Bone is a connective tissue that consists of bone cells (approx-
and resting phase (Fig. 19.3). imately 10%) in a connective tissue matrix (approximately
90%). Cells of the bone are the osteoblasts, the osteocytes and
During the resorption phase, specialised cells called osteoclasts. The osteoblasts are large uninucleate cells that
osteoblasts are activated, which eat away old bone. In the form bone. They work in groups and predominantly lay down
reversal phase, bone-forming cells known as osteoblasts the collagen matrix known as osteoid. Osteoblasts also pro-
begin to appear on the surface of the resorbed bone. In the duce proteins such as bone ­morphogenetic proteins that stimu-
bone-formation phase, the osteoblasts lay down osteoid, late bone healing and mineralisation. About 10% of the
which is the unmineralised organic portion of bone and bone osteoblasts become entrapped inside the calcified bone matrix
mineralisation occurs when calcium hydroxyapatite and and are known as Osteocytes. Osteocytes reside in small bone
other minerals are incorporated into the organic unminer- cavities known as lacunae and are interconnected with each
alised osteoid, thereby providing mechanical strength. Bone other and with osteoblasts and lining cells on the bone surface.
remodelling occurs all throughout life and consists of a Osteoclasts, on the other hand, are multinucleated cells that
closely coupled phenomenon of bone apposition and resorp- line the surface of the bone where resorption takes place.
410 V. V. Kumar et al.

Fig. 19.3  describes the four Osteoclasts Bone-remodelling unit

phases of bone remodelling


Osteoclast apoptosis

Collagen formation
Osteoblasts & mineralization



©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

These cells release powerful degrading enzymatic proteins 10% consists of various non-collagenous proteins. The bone
that are responsible for the removal of bone minerals. matrix also contains growth factors such as the bone mor-
The extracellular bone matrix consists of about 35% phogenetic proteins important for bone healing. The inor-
organic and 65% inorganic materials. About 90% of the ganic phase of the bone matrix consists of low-crystallinity
organic phase is collagen type I fibres, while the remaining carbonated hydroxyapatite [9].
19  Bone Augmentation Procedures in Implantology 411

19.4 Bone Grafts and Bone Substitutes incision to harvest bone in intra-oral sites, these can be
obtained in the same surgical area. When even larger amounts
Currently, there are a wide variety of biomaterials that can be of bone are needed, harvesting from extra-oral sites is
used for bony augmentation [10]. needed. The most commonly used donor sites are the iliac
Table 19.1 describes the classification of bone grafts [11] bone, the calvarium and the tibia. In most of these cases with
(Adapted from Katsuyama H., Jensen S.S. Treatment Options the need of an extraoral donor-site harvest, the surgical time
for Sinus Floor Elevation). as well as hospital stay is often prolonged. A more detailed
Most commonly, bone grafts and bone substitutes are explanation of different donor sites is provided in the section
classified according to their source of origin in relation to the on onlay bone grafting. In the case of very large bony recon-
intended recipient. Autogenous or autologous bone grafts are structions where the defect size is more than 6 centimetres,
obtained from the same individual. Allogeneic bone grafts or vascularised bone containing free flaps are used, such as the
allografts are obtained from a genetically distinct individual free fibula flap [12, 13]. These procedures are commonly car-
of the same species. In contrast, xenogeneic bone grafts or ried out for benign and malignant tumours, and are not
xenografts are obtained from a different species than the described in this chapter, but described in detail in the rele-
intended recipient. Alloplastic bone substitutes are syntheti- vant chapter of this textbook.
cally produced materials. Allogeneic bone graft or allograft refers to bone originating
Autogenous bone graft or autograft refers to bone origi- from another human, either a living donor or following the
nating from the same patient, and it can be harvested from death of an organ donor. Usually, the allogeneic bone is har-
intra-oral or extra-oral sites. It is preferred to harvest the vested from the iliac bone or tibia and can be fresh-­frozen,
bone as close to the surgical defect as possible in order to freeze-dried or processed as demineralised freeze-dried bone.
avoid donor-site morbidities. However, of course this deci- Xenogeneic bone substitute or xenograft is bone-­substitute
sion is dependent on the amount of bone required. For material originating from another species. These could be
smaller augmentations and guided bone regeneration, bone sea algae, corals, equine (originating from horses), porcine
is commonly harvested from the bone tissue neighbouring (originating from pigs) or most commonly, bovine (originat-
the defect site. In this case, donor-site access can be gained ing from cows).
from the same incision that is used to access the recipient Bone-substitute materials can also be manufactured
site. In cases where slightly larger amounts are needed, bone purely by synthetic means, produced in the laboratory. These
can be harvested from the anterior mandibular ramus or the are called alloplastic graft materials examples of these are
mandibular symphysis. These are the most common intra-­ hydroxyapatite, beta-tricalcium phosphate, calcium silico-
oral bone donor sites. Although one may need an additional phosphate, bioglasses, polymers, titanium particles or a com-
bination of these.

Table 19.1  Classification of bone-grafting materials

Autogenous Box 19.1
bone Origin: Allogenic bone Xenogenic Alloplastic Block bone grafts/Particulate bone grafts: Depending
the same Origin: another bone Origin: bone Origin: upon the shape and constitution of the bone graft, they
person human another species synthetic
Block graft Fresh frozen bone Bone from Calcium
can be described as block bone grafts or particulate
another animal phosphates bone grafts or a combination of these. Bone blocks are
such as bovine, large pieces of autogenous bone. Autogenous bone that
porcine has been harvested by bone scrapers and chisels is in
Particulate Freeze-dried bone Materials from Glass
the form of small chips and is referred to as a particu-
bone allograft corals ceramics
Demineralised Materials Polymers late graft. Particulate grafts can also be made from
freeze-dried bone derived from block grafts by using special milling machines to break
allograft calcifying algae down the block (Fig. 19.4a, b).
Deproteinised Metals
bone allograft
Adapted from Katsuyama H and Jensen S.S: 2011 [11]
412 V. V. Kumar et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 19.4 (a) an example of block bone graft (b) an example of a particulate bone graft

19.4.1 Classification of Bone Grafts Based In spite of the large number of products available in the
on the Mechanism of Action market, the gold standard in bone augmentation is autoge-
nous bone. Depending on the indication for grafting and the
Bone grafts can also be described and classified based on the amount of graft needed, autogenous bone can be used in a
mechanism of action and biological activity into osteogenic, particulate form that is used either stand alone, or mixed with
osteoinductive and osteoconductive. a bone-substitute material, used encased in titanium meshes
or membranes, as a block graft, or as combination of any of
these. Vascularised autogenous bone grafts such as the free
Box 19.2 fibula flap, the iliac crest and scapula free flap can be used
not only as bone flaps but also as composite tissue to recon-
Osteogenic grafts provide a source of new bone forma- struct complete jaws.
tion by the osteoblasts that are present in the graft mate- Bone augmentation and healing of the graft occurs in the
rial. At present, this can only be seen in the cases of following stages [14]: The surgical intervention gives rise to
autogenous bone grafts, where the donor bone is from a haematoma and an acute inflammatory reaction, which is
the same subject and the transplantation procedure has similar to the most cases of tissue trauma. This inflammatory
preserved the viability and vitality of osteoblasts in reaction invokes a migration of inflammatory cells into the
them. Developments using stem cell harvesting may region, along with osteoblasts and osteoblast precursor cells.
enable development of osteogenic bone grafts without In a day’s time, proliferation of blood vessels and the begin-
the use of the subject’s own bone tissue. ning of granulation tissue formation occur. This phase is fol-
Osteoinduction is defined as the mechanism lowed by the resorption of the graft by osteoclast precursor
whereby a bone-substitute material induces bone for- cells, and in the case of autogenous bone, this releases bone
mation by stimulating undifferentiated mesenchymal morphogenetic proteins from the bone matrix, marking the
cells to turn into osteoblasts, which in turn produce start of the osteoinductive activity. At the same time, osteo-
new bone. Many proteins such as bone morphogenetic blasts from the host bone start to migrate into the grafted
proteins are being investigated for their osteoinductive region and begin to produce new bone, marking the phenom-
properties. enon of osteoconduction. The graft is over time incorporated
Osteoconduction is the mechanism whereby bone into the regional host bone by undergoing varying degrees of
formation is enhanced by providing a scaffold for resorption and remodelling.
osteogenic cells that are present in the local environ- Although the procedure is largely similar regardless of the
ment of the host. Osteoconductive materials form a origin of the bone graft, the properties of osteoinduction and
passive support for cells to migrate and colonise the osteoconduction as well as biocompatibility can vary
scaffold and then produce new bone. depending upon the particular bone-substitute material in
19  Bone Augmentation Procedures in Implantology 413

use. Most bone-substitute materials are osteoconductive and bination of these) [16]. These collagen membranes are
vary in the resorption and bone turn-over rates. As a result, derived from porcine or bovine sources [17]. Collagen mem-
certain materials are shown to completely resorb within a branes resorb as a result of enzymatic action of macrophages
period of a few months, whereas certain bone-substitute and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Some manufacturers
materials are present after many years. cross-link collagen membranes with glutaraldehyde to
Autogenous bone is the only type of graft that contributes reduce the rate of membrane resorption, thereby prolonging
to bone regeneration via all three mechanisms. A limited the barrier function. However, crosslinking with glutaralde-
number of osteoblasts survive the procedure of grafting and hyde can result in cytotoxic residues in the membrane fol-
these cells contribute towards osteogenesis; the graft itself lowing its manufacture. Resorbable membranes have a less
provides a scaffold for osteoblasts from the host site to likelihood to cause early membrane exposure, and that addi-
migrate into, facilitating osteoconduction; finally, the growth tionally due to the property of being resorbable, they do not
factors included within the graft matrix and released during need to be removed at a second surgical procedure.
graft resorption facilitate osteoinduction. Autogenous bone Clinically, the main advantage of resorbable membranes
also has a high rate of resorption. is their decreased susceptibility to infective complication. If
Allogeneic bone grafts are classified as mineralised and premature membrane exposure occurs, secondary soft tissue
demineralised. Mineralised allografts—such as fresh frozen healing takes place within 4 weeks, and the bone-­regenerative
bone allograft and freeze-dried bone allograft—contribute to outcome remains favourable. Collagen membranes are also
bone regeneration primarily through osteoconduction, but easier to handle clinically and adapt well to the surgical site
they may also possess some potential for osteoinduction. On once they are wet with blood or saline. Significantly, the
the other hand, demineralised freeze-dried bone allograft is membranes do not need to be removed via a second surgical
said to contribute to bone regeneration primarily through procedure because they biodegrade. The main disadvantage
osteoinduction, and only secondarily by osteoconduction. is that non-cross-linked collagen membranes collapse easily
However, it should be noted that variations in the processing because they do not have space-maintaining properties.
of allogenic bone grafts from different tissue banks using dif- When a membrane with insufficient stiffness and rigidity
ferent methodologies result in a large variation in the compo- is used in larger defects, there is a high likelihood of mem-
sition as well as osteoconductive potential of demineralised brane collapse. Collapse of the membrane would lead to a
freeze-dried bone. situation where there would be no space for guided bone
The choice of a commercially available bone-substitute regeneration. Hence, clinically this problem is solved by
material is most commonly based on the preference of the using a bone graft or a bone-substitute material that fills the
recipient patient (some patients would not like bone substi- bone defect and provides support to the membrane. Other
tutes from an animal source or a cadaveric source), the avail- methods to support the barrier membranes include the incor-
able product information and documentation of clinical poration of bendable titanium frameworks into PTFE mate-
success, product availability, the ease of use and the prefer- rial, tenting screws to support the membrane and titanium
ence of the clinician. mesh that can be shaped and adapted to the site. However,
these procedures would require an additional surgical proce-
dure to remove the hardware [18].
19.5 Barrier Membranes

Barrier membranes are an important component for the suc- 19.5.1 Success Parameters of Autogenous
cess of the GBR procedure. Ideally, the barrier membranes Bone Graft Healing
must be non-toxic, biocompatible, cell occlusive with a cer-
tain degree of permeability for diffusion of nutrients, permit The success of bone augmentation is dependent on the abil-
bonding and ingrowth of connective tissue during healing, ity of the augmented bone to support an implant fixture at the
should be of sufficient rigidity to maintain the space created desired position. However, in biological terms the extent of
and not collapse into the defect, it should be easy to handle graft incorporation, turnover, replacement, the volume sta-
clinically and should be able to be trimmed to tailor the bility and the time taken for healing are dependent on many
material as per the size of the defect [15]. factors such as surgical factors, patient-related factors and
Although traditionally many materials such as PTFE had material-related factors. It has been shown in multiple sys-
been developed as membranes, currently most membranes tematic reviews and innumerable clinical studies that there is
being used are made up of collagen (type I, type III or a com- no one single superior bone-substitute material [14]. Bone
414 V. V. Kumar et al.

augmentation, although having well-documented success GBR (guided bone regeneration)

rates, depends upon surgical as well as patient-related fac- Onlay bone grafting
tors. Amongst the surgeon-related factors are the training of Sinus floor elevation
the surgeon, their surgical expertise, the adherence to proto- These procedures are described in detail below.
col and treatment of the graft material as well as the recipient
site, adequate fixation of the graft to prevent movement
between the graft and recipient bone and so on. 19.7 Guided Bone Regeneration
Patient-related factors that contribute to healing include
underlying systemic diseases such as immunodeficiency, Guided bone regeneration is a bone-augmentation technique
diabetes; local factors and habits such as oral hygiene and that uses the principle of space maintenance within a bony
oral health, smoking and use of tobacco and defect-related defect with the use of a barrier membrane. The barrier mem-
factors such as the size of the defect and the morphology of brane excludes rapidly proliferating epithelial cells and con-
the defect. It should be noted that smaller augmentations in a nective tissue fibroblasts, thus allowing the ingrowth of
three-walled defect are more successful than large only verti- slower-growing bone cells and blood vessels into the blood
cal bone augmentation. clot within the defect.
Regarding the influence of the grafted material used, it The concept of guided bone regeneration was introduced
has been shown that particulated autogenous bone has the and developed first by Nyman and colleagues; Dahlin and
advantage of relatively fast incorporation in comparison with colleagues in the early 1980s [20, 21]. Multiple animal stud-
autogenous bone blocks [19]. However, particulate bone ies showed that bone defects protected by a barrier mem-
lacks structural stability and is prone to undergo unpredict- brane, which did not permit ingress of cells, had increased
able and extensive resorption. In contrast, autogenous bone bone fill as compared to defects that were not protected by a
blocks provide structural stability leading to better dimen- barrier membrane. Although the technique was first described
sional stability. However, block grafting requires a longer for periodontal defects around natural teeth, later studies
healing period of at least 6 months with about 50% (half the showed that GBR was also predictable in forming bone
initial augmented volume) resorption at the end of the heal- around implant defects.
ing period. Clinically, GBR is performed by raising a mucoperiosteal
Regarding the influence of bone-substitute materials, flap and exposing the bony defect. This defect is filled with a
there exists a large variation in the physicochemical charac- bone substitute and then covered with a barrier membrane.
teristics of the various bone substitutes available in the mar- The bone defect with the bone substitute is filled with blood,
ket, including their composition, particle size and form and which later clots and forms a haematoma. Over a period of
surface properties. These differences can result in varying time, the haematoma is ingressed by blood vessels and osteo-
outcomes following augmentation. progenitor cells from the surrounding environment, which
Differences in the amount of new bone formation can be over a period of time forms bone tissue by resorbing the
due to true differences in the osteoconductive potential of the existing substitute and replacing it or growing into the substi-
biomaterial, but may also partly be explained by differences tute that acts as a scaffold. The barrier membrane prevents
in resorption capacity amongst the various bone substitutes, the ingress of fast proliferating fibroblasts and epithelial cells
which in turn determine the space available for new bone tis- into the bone defect, thereby creating a space for bone to
sue formation within the defect site. For example, beta-­ form and mature.
tricalcium phosphate is replaced rather quickly, while However, GBR does not produce similar successful out-
sintered bovine bone is resistant to resorption and will be comes in all morphology of defects [22]. The more the bone
present in the augmented site for decades. walls the defect contains, the better the bone fill following
GBR.  Bone walls provide an exposed surface of bone-­
recruiting cells. With more bone walls, an increased number
19.6 C
 ommonly Carried Out Augmentation of osteogenic cells are able to migrate along newly prolifer-
Procedures ating blood vessels into the haematoma in the defect. When
two or three walls are present, the blood clot is less likely to
Currently implantology has developed rapidly. Newer tech- be moved and better protected during the healing phase.
niques and materials are constantly being introduced. The Guided bone regeneration can be applied for the correc-
choice of procedure depends mainly upon the surgeon. Based tion of minor requirements of bone augmentation. They are
upon the amount of bone augmentation required, the com- documented to be successful in the following clinical
monly carried out procedures are: situations:
19  Bone Augmentation Procedures in Implantology 415

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 19.5 (a, b) Shows a clinical case of GBR for a 2 walled defect

1. Used to augment 2- or 3-walled crestal bone defects when part of the implant threads being exposed. In these situations,
implants are placed into extraction sites. the fenestration defects can be covered by using particulate
2. Used for augmenting bone when there is an apical fenes- bone/substitute material, covered with a membrane, as per
tration following implant placement. the principles of GBR.
3. GBR can be used for ridge preservation.
4. GBR can be performed as a combination to other larger
augmentation procedures. 19.7.3 GBR for Ridge Preservation
5. GBR can be used for contour augmentation to increase
the thickness of the facial bone for aesthetic reasons. During preoperative assessment and after extraction of a
hopeless tooth that is planned to be restored with an implant,
it is essential to inspect the shape of the resulting socket. In
19.7.1 Augmentation of 2 and 3 Walled many situations, either due to trauma or chronic infection,
Defects the facial bone wall is missing. In these cases, it is important
to augment the ridge/preserve the ridge at the time of tooth
Guided bone regeneration can be successfully used in cases extraction. GBR can be well employed for this procedure
with crestal bone defects that are seen while placement of known as ridge preservation/alveolar ridge preservation. In
implants into extraction sites. If an implant can be placed cases of acute infection in the sockets, ridge preservation can
with sufficient primary stability and results in a 2 or 3 walled be carried out at a later stage after the infection has
defect, or if the defect is well contained in the bony envelope, subsided.
GBR can be successfully performed at the time of implant
placement. If these factors are not present, the augmentation
must be performed prior to implant placement as a staged 19.7.4 GBR in Combination with Other Larger
approach. In these cases, depending on the size and morphol- Augmentation Procedures
ogy of the defect, augmentation can be performed either by
GBR, or by other augmentation methods described later in In the cases of localised prolonged ridge atrophy, GBR can
the chapter. be combined with other methods of augmentation such as
Figure 19.5a, b shows a case of GBR augmentation of 2 with block grafts or ridge split techniques. In the cases of
walled defect. prolonged ridge atrophy affecting a complete segment of the
jaws, the bone defects would often contain a single wall or
two walls with a requirement for larger volumes of grafting.
19.7.2 For Augmenting Apical Fenestrations GBR alone will not provide a sufficient amount of bone aug-
mentation. In these situations, it is advisable to augment
Often when implants are placed in the correct prosthetic using block grafting, and in addition use particulate bone
position, with the correct angulation in order to provide graft around the blocks and protect the augmented particu-
screw retained restorations, the ideal angulation of place- late material with a membrane. Implant placement can then
ment would result in an apical fenestration, with the apical be carried out after a period of around 6 months.
416 V. V. Kumar et al.

19.7.5 GBR for Contour Augmentation 19.8.1 Harvesting Bone from the Donor Site

One successful method of placing implants is following Mandibular Ramus as the Donor Site
4–8 weeks of healing. In this situation, in contrast to imme- The outer cortical plate of the ascending ramus of the man-
diate implant placement, soft tissue healing would have dible is a popular choice for the harvest of intra-oral bone.
taken place, thereby permitting the clinician with better qual- This is probably because many oral and maxillofacial sur-
ity of soft tissues while placing implants. However, in this geons are well accustomed to the approach to the ramus dur-
scenario, especially in the aesthetic zone, the resorption of ing routine mandibular third molar surgeries or routine
the facial bone would produce crater-like bone defects. GBR orthognathic surgeries. (Fig.  19.6a, b, c shows harvest of
can be done in these situations, to over correct the lost facial bone from the mandibular ramus).
bone as well as provide bulk to the region of implant place- The incision starts with a crevicular incision around the
ment. This procedure is also called ‘contour augmentation’ last standing molar teeth and continues along the ridge curv-
[23]. By doing this procedure, the buccal bone wall is inten- ing buccally upwards along the external oblique ridge. After
tionally overbulked so as to provide long-term stable aes- elevation of the mucoperiosteal flap, and gaining adequate
thetic results as shown by multiple studies [24]. access to the anterior and lateral border of the ascending
ramus of the mandible and the angle region, bone harvesting
can begin. Usually, a block graft of approximately
19.8 Onlay Bone Grafting 30  mm  ×  15  mm can be harvested. The block thickness
depends on the thickness of the lateral cortical bone plate of
Onlay bone grafting is a predictable procedure carried out the ascending ramus and can vary from about 3 to 4 mm. The
for the correction of cases with severe ridge resorption, outline of the graft is usually made with two parallel anterior
either horizontally or vertically [25]. Autogenous bone and posterior osteotomy cuts of about 3 mm in depth, on the
grafts are the most documented and commonly used donor lateral surface of the ramus of the mandible till the cortical
bone, although recently other allogenic and xenogenic bone is penetrated completely. Round bur points can also be
materials are being clinically investigated. For augmenta- made outlining the bone graft prior to making parallel cuts.
tion of severe ridge defects (less than 2 walls and require Use of piezosurgery is advantageous in the cases of bone
more than 3 mm of augmentation), augmentation utilising grafting. The two horizontal osteotomies are then joined by
autogenous bone blocks results in increased success rates as the sagittal bone cut superiorly. This cut corresponds to the
compared to guided bone regeneration alone. However, irre- thickness of the cortical bone. Once the sagittal bone cut is
spective of the augmentation technique, vertical-ridge aug- complete, the bone graft can be gently fractured and mobil-
mentation is less predictable as compared to horizontal-ridge ised by the introduction of an osteotome or a periosteal ele-
augmentation [26]. vator. Some surgeons prefer to make a cortical cut at the
Donor sites for autogenous onlay bone augmentation may inferior end of the bone block prior to introducing the perios-
be intra-oral or extra-oral. Most common intra-oral donor teal elevator to prevent unfavourable fractures of the block
sites are the mandibular symphysis and the ramus of the graft. After bone harvest, the surgical area is irrigated well
mandible. Most common extra-oral donor sites for harvest- and a haemostatic agent is applied if necessary and the
ing non-vascularised bone grafts are the iliac crest, the cal- wound is closed in layers. Some surgeons prefer to insert a
varium and the tibial bone. Most common vascularised bone glove drain that will be removed after 3 days.
containing free flap donor sites are the free fibula flap, the
DCIA-free flap and scapula-free flap. C  hin (Anterior Mandible) as the
Once the bone graft is harvested, they should be trimmed Donor Site
and shaped to fit into the recipient site defect, stabilisation The chin is also a popular donor site, predominantly because
with osteosynthesis screws followed by adequate soft tissue of the ease of access to the donor site. However, block grafts
mobilisation and tension-free primary closure of the grafted from the chin have shown an increased risk towards compli-
site. It is advisable to over-augment the defect in order to cations, especially neurosensory and vascularity distur-
compensate for the eventual resorption. A mixture of particu- bances to the mandibular incisors. Bone grafts of 50 mm in
late bone, slow-resorbing xenografts either alone or in com- length and about 8 mm of width can be harvested. The corti-
bination is used to fill up the area between a corticocancellous cal portion of the anterior mandible is thicker (around
block and the recipient site. The augmented material may be 3–11 mm) and hence the chin would provide a thicker area of
protected with a barrier membrane prior to being enveloped bone and would be a choice for thick bone grafts. It is also
by the soft-tissue closure. popular to harvest bone grafts from the chin using trephine
19  Bone Augmentation Procedures in Implantology 417

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 19.6  Shows harvest of bone from the mandibular ramus. (Picture access to ascending ramus. (b) Outline of the osteotomy. (c) Graft fixed
courtesy PD Dr.med.dent. Simone Janner, Department of Oral Surgery at recipient site. (d) Coverage with membrane following additional par-
and Stomatology, University of Bern, Switzerland). (a) Incision for ticulate augmentation. (e) Closure
418 V. V. Kumar et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 19.7 (a, b) Shows harvest of bone from mandibular symphysis. (Picture courtesy PD Dr.med.dent. Simone Janner, Department of Oral
Surgery and Stomatology, University of Bern, Switzerland). (a) Harvest of bone from symphysis. (b) Graft secured at recipient site

burs of varying diameters (7–12 mm), and using upto 4 tre- sensory disturbances, gait problems and untoward ilium
phine harvests. (Fig. 19.7a and b shows harvest of bone from fracture. Posterior crest grafts are associated with lesser
mandibular symphysis). complications but increased post-operative pain.
The access to the chin is by a standard vestibular incision Additionally, posterior crest grafts require the patient to
from one canine to another with approximately 15 mm away be repositioned and hence many surgeons prefer the ante-
from the mucogingival margin. Once the mucosa is incised, rior iliac crest. (Fig. 19.8a, b, c shows a case of harvest of
the underlying mentalis muscle is seen, which is incised bone from iliac crest).
obliquely to reach the symphysis of the mandible. Full thick- The harvest of bone from the anterior iliac crest is gen-
ness flap is elevated and the donor site inspected. For har- erally performed with the patient under general anaesthe-
vesting larger grafts, it is advisable to expose both the mental sia. The patient is positioned supine and the side of the
foraminae. Once the donor site is exposed as per the require- pelvis to be operated on is raised by placing surgical tow-
ment, the boundaries of bone harvesting are carefully noted. els or sandbag towels underneath the hip. The skin over
An intact area of 5 mm must be preserved inferior to the root the crest is made taut by placing a fist above the iliac crest
ends of the anterior teeth and 5 mm above the lower border and only pushing the abdominal wall medially. The skin
of the mandible. Bone graft can be outlined within these bor- incision is made generally about 2  cm larger than the
ders, either using piezo surgical device or round burs or fis- intended length of the bone harvest, running parallel to
sure burs or most popularly, trephine burs. After the outline the iliac crest, so that after relaxation of the taut skin, it
of the bone graft is made, osteotomy of the cortical portion is lies lateral to the iliac crest thereby avoiding mechanical
done and connected. An osteotome or a periosteal elevator is irritation of the scar. After skin is incised, blunt dissection
then gently introduced to tease out the graft. of the subcutaneous tissue is made until the periosteum of
After harvesting of the bone graft, haemostasis is achieved the iliac crest is seen. Bleeding should be controlled dur-
and the wound closed in layers. It is important to close the ing dissection. The periosteum of the iliac crest is incised
periosteal layer and approximate the mentalis muscle prior and the periosteal layer with the attached muscle is ele-
to mucosal closure. A compressive chin dressing is provided vated and reflected medially. The iliac fossa is dissected
to apply pressure to the donor-site region. to the desired depth. Care should be taken to avoid injury
to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. Bone can be har- Iliac Crest as the Donor Site vested using an oscillating saw or a piezosurgical device
Iliac bone provides a large quantity of bone and is the as per the preference of the surgeon by splitting the outer
preferred donor site for large bone augmentation as it is cortex of the iliac crest and transverse bone cuts. The two
an excellent source for cortical and cancellous as well as transverse cuts are then joined by a cortical osteotomy at
corticocancellous bone. Both the anterior and posterior the inner table paralleling the crestal cut. An osteotome is
iliac crest can be used as a donor site. Anterior iliac crest used to gently fracture the bone graft. This results in a
grafts are associated with higher complication rates of cortico cancellous bone graft. Additional cancellous bone
19  Bone Augmentation Procedures in Implantology 419

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 19.8 (a, b, c ) Shows a case of harvest of bone from iliac crest used to augment anterior maxilla. (a) Shows the exposure of the anterior iliac
crest for bone harvesting. (b) Shows the osteotomy of iliac crest for harvest of bone. (c) Shows the harvested bone fixed at recipient site

can be taken with a large curette if needed. The wound is is broadened to permit placement of a chisel that would frac-
meticulously closed in layers and a pressure dressing is ture the outer cortical plate at the diploic space. Haemostasis
applied. is achieved and the wound is closed. Calvarium as a Donor Site

Calvarium is a good source of cortical bone graft due to its 19.8.2 Recipient Site Preparation
high density and is opined by some surgeons as being the and Completion of the Procedure
most resistant to resorption [27]. The location of the donor
site is at the parietal bone lateral to the sagittal suture. The The preparation of the recipient site is done by a crestal inci-
bone has distinct outer and inner table at this region sepa- sion with adequate releasing incisions as required. The sur-
rated by a diploic layer. A typical situation where calvarial face of the bone is cleared of soft tissue and the cortical bone
bone grafts are harvested is in the cases of residual deformi- plate of the recipient site is perforated with a small round bur
ties following trauma, where a bicoronal flap and exposure to produce bleeding and gain access to the cancellous part of
of the parietal bone are already planned. (Fig.  19.9a, b, c the recipient bone. The harvested bone is then placed onto
shows a case of calvarial bone harvest used for bone aug- the recipient site and fixed with osteosynthesis screws. Some
mentation of the anterior mandible). surgeons prefer to use lag screws for additional compression.
The harvest is performed under general anaesthesia and The spaces between the block graft and recipient bone can be
the parietal bone exposed as part of the bicoronal flap. The filled with particulate bone, especially at the borders. A
outline of the bone graft is first made with round burs and resorbable membrane may be used to cover the a­ ugmentation.
then joined with straight fissure burs. The outline of the graft Adequate soft tissue release must be performed prior to
420 V. V. Kumar et al.

a b

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 19.9 (a, b, c) shows a case of calvarial bone harvest used for bone cancellous side of the harvested bone. (bb) Shows the cortical side of
augmentation of the anterior mandible. (a) Shows the exposure of the the harvested bone. (c) Shows the harvested bone further shaped and
donor site with the outline of bone to be harvested. (ba) Shows the fixed at the recipient site

closure, so as to provide a tension-free watertight closure. to provide an adequate quantity of bone that would permit
Onlay grafts are usually left to heal for at least 6  months, dental rehabilitation with implants.
after which implant placement can be carried out as another Maxillary sinus floor elevation can be performed by either
surgical procedure. as a transcrestal technique (also known as indirect sinus floor
Another variation of onlay bone grafting is to use the cor- elevation) or a lateral window technique (also known as
tical shell technique, where a thin cortical shell of bone is direct sinus floor elevation).
harvested and cancellous bone marrow placed in between the Irrespective of the individual techniques, the principle is
cortical shell and the recipient bone wall. to elevate the Schneiderian membrane and to create space for
Other methods of bone augmentation include ridge bone to fill up between the elevated Schneiderian membrane
split for lateral augmentation, alveolar distraction osteo- and residual maxillary bone. Although most clinician com-
genesis for vertical augmentation, interpositional bone monly use bone grafts to fill the space between the mem-
grafting and free flap reconstruction of extremely resorbed brane and the floor, it has also been shown that bone fill
ridges [28, 29]. These procedures will not be described in occurs irrespective of using a bone substitute or leaving the
detail as they are not the most commonly carried out elevated area to be occupied by a blood clot that eventually
procedures. forms bone [30–32]. (Fig.  19.10a, b, c, d shows a clinical
case of sinus floor elevation with blood clot and no addi-
tional biomaterial).
19.9 Sinus Floor Elevation The maxillary sinus is a pyramidal-shaped cavity in the
posterior region of each of the maxillary bones. The base of
Sinus floor elevation, also known as sinus augmentation or this pyramid is the lateral nasal wall and the tip of the pyra-
sinus lift is a bone-augmentation procedure to gain an mid is within the zygomatic buttress. The infraorbital floor,
increased bone volume to support in the maxillary sinus fol- the posterior maxillary wall and the alveolar process form
lowing sinus pneumatisation. The bone augmentation is done the walls of the pyramid. The maxillary sinus communicates
19  Bone Augmentation Procedures in Implantology 421

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 19.10 (a, b, c, d, e) shows a clinical case of sinus floor elevation between the implant and membrane that will eventually fill with blood
with blood clot and no additional biomaterial. (a) Preparation of lateral clot). (d) Closure of the lateral window. (e) Long-term follow-up radio-
window and elevation of the sinus membrane. (b) Implant osteotomy graph showing successful implant placement and restoration
taking care to protect the membrane. (c) Implant placed (note the space
422 V. V. Kumar et al.

to the lateral nasal wall through the semilunar hiatus at the Group 1: where there is an insufficient sub-antral bone height
posterosuperior aspect below the medial nasal concha. At to place implants, however with an adequate width of the
birth, the maxillary sinus is very small and underdeveloped. alveolar ridge with acceptable vertical and horizontal
As the permanent teeth begin to erupt, the maxillary sinus interarch relations. These cases can be treated with a sinus
increases in size and continues to grow along with age. The floor elevation procedure alone.
sinus floor (the alveolar bone) is concave in shape with the Group 2: where there is an insufficient subantral bone height,
lowest dip corresponding to the maxillary molar region. and an inadequate width of the alveolar ridge with accept-
However, after the loss of maxillary posterior teeth, the sinus able vertical interarch relation. In these cases, sinus floor
usually dips into this region. Over a period of time due to the elevation should be performed along with horizontal-­
increasing pneumatisation of the sinus, the sinus may sur- bone augmentation.
round the roots of the maxillary posterior teeth. In the case of Group 3: where there exists an insufficient subantral bone
the loss of maxillary posterior teeth, the maxillary sinus height, and an adequate width of alveolar ridge with
expands thinning the floor of the alveolar process that may acceptable horizontal interarch relations but with unfa-
result in a thin shell of bone. In many situations, this expan- vourable vertical interarch relationship. In these cases,
sion of the maxillary sinus leaves an inadequate amount of sinus floor augmentation should be performed along with
bone to support successful implant placement. In these situ- vertical-ridge augmentation.
ations, maxillary sinus floor elevation is the procedure of Group 4: There exists insufficient subantral bone height,
choice to augment bone. However, it is also important to bear and unfavourable interarch relations in addition to
in mind that alveolar bone resorption may give rise to verti- advanced horizontal and vertical crestal resorption.
cal and horizontal deficiencies in the posterior maxillary These cases must be treated with sinus floor
sinus. In prolonged cases, this might give rise to a situation elevation along with horizontal and vertical-ridge
where along with sinus floor elevation, it would also be nec- augmentation.
essary to augment bone both horizontally and vertically by
onlay bone augmentation. Misch 1987 [33] classified the edentulous posterior max-
The morphology of the maxillary sinus floor can vary. illa based on the amount of subantral bone available into:
Maxillary sinus floors are often irregular corresponding to
the elevations and depressions of the teeth roots. The floor of SA1: more than 12 mm of the subantral bone height.
the sinus also may be divided by septae. Some maxillary SA2: 0–2 mm less than the ideal bone height (10–12 mm).
floors are broad and flat whereas others may be irregular and SA3: 5–10 mm of the subantral bone height.
narrow. The lateral wall of the maxillary sinus can also vary SA4: less than 5 mm subantral bone height.
in thickness, from being paper thin to being about 3 mm in
thickness. The thicker the lateral wall, the more difficult
would be the lateral sinus floor-augmentation procedure.
The blood supply of the maxillary sinus arises from the 19.9.2 Decision-Making: Lateral Versus
branches of the maxillary artery namely: the posterosuperior Transcrestal Technique
alveolar artery and the greater palatine artery as well as the
infraorbital artery. Care must be taken to look out for the Transcrestal technique avoids the use of a large surgical
posterosuperior alveolar artery that may be encountered flap and an osteotomy for a lateral window and hence is
while preparation of the lateral sinus floor augmentation, much reduced in invasiveness and decreased post-opera-
although it is unlikely to cause excessive bleeding. tive morbidity to the patient. However, the transcrestal
As required for all surgical procedures, a thorough preop- technique can predictively increase bone height to about
erative assessment must be carried out prior to sinus floor 4–5 mm and, therefore, cannot be used for severely atro-
elevation. Acute sinusitis, oro-antral communications, phic cases. Additionally, in situations where the sinus
chronic periodontitis and poor oral hygiene pose a high risk floor is not uniform (or at oblique angles), there is an
for sinus floor elevation. Moderate risk factors include smok- increased tendency to perforate the sinus mucosa. In such
ing, chronic sinusitis and extremely poor bone density, cases, it is preferable to perform lateral sinus floor eleva-
amongst others. tion. It must be remembered that the transcrestal tech-
nique is in essence a blind procedure and it is not possible
to inspect the sinus mucosa for perforations or patholo-
19.9.1 Classification and Treatment Options gies using this technique, hence in the cases of intra-oper-
for the Posterior Edentulous Maxilla ative perforation, a lateral sinus floor elevation procedure
must be performed. Hence, it is wise to always obtain a
According to the International Team for Implantology, the consent for the lateral technique prior to undertaking the
edentulous posterior maxilla can be classified into 4 types [11]: transcrestal procedure.
19  Bone Augmentation Procedures in Implantology 423

19.9.3 Decision-Making: Simultaneous Versus 19.9.4 Transcrestal Surgical Technique

Staged Approach
After local anaesthesia, a crestal incision is made and
The prerequisite of simultaneous implant placement is the the implant osteotomy is performed according to the
possibility to obtain sufficient primary implant stability instructions of the respective implant manufacturer. The
[33, 34]. In cases where primary implant stability cannot osteotomy is made 2 mm short of the sinus floor. A peri-
be obtained, implants should be placed at a second surgi- apical radiograph can be taken to confirm this. After the
cal procedure 2–6 months following sinus floor elevation. depth has been defined, remainder of the implant prepa-
Decreased residual bone volume and poor bone density ration is done as per the respective manufacturers proto-
are factors that predispose towards poor primary implant col. Following preparation of the implant bed of
stability. Traditionally, less than 5 mm was considered as appropriate dimension (it is recommended to use an
the minimum amount of sub-antral bone height required implant of at least 4.0 mm diameter till further evidence
for simultaneous implant placement. This has. However. suggests otherwise), an osteotome is introduced into the
been challenged and many recent studies have shown suf- implant bed and with the help of a mallet, gentle tapping
ficient primary stability in cases with lesser sub-antral is performed till the sinus floor is fractured. Care should
bone height. Implant stability has been achieved in these be taken that the osteotome does not perforate the sinus
cases by using a tapered implant design, implants with mucosa and enter the sinus cavity. Once the sinus floor
engaging threads, by using the underdimensional drilling has been fractured, a part of the membrane can be visu-
protocol and by using bone-condensing drills. alised to be intact. A careful Valsalva procedure can also
Conventionally, it is understood that while undertaking a be performed to test the patency of the sinus floor. An
transcrestal procedure, implants would be placed appropriate graft material is introduced through the
simultaneously. implant preparation onto the sinus mucosa. Incremental
Armamentarium for sinus floor elevation consists in introduction of the graft material is done, which will
addition to the regular minor surgical kit and the implant push the sinus membrane upwards creating a space
kit, hand and rotary instruments that are specifically between the sub-antral bone and the sinus mucosa. After
designed for sinus floor elevation. Many companies have introducing the appropriate amount of graft material, an
introduced kits specifically for this procedure. Some sur- implant is inserted to the desired three-dimensional posi-
geons prefer the use of piezosurgery for access to the lat- tion. Following implant installation, the crestal incision
eral window. Additionally, implant companies have also is closed with either a transmucosal or submerged heal-
introduced specific burs and elevation kits that reportedly ing protocol. Implant loading is done as per the instruc-
make sinus floor elevation easier to perform. It is ulti- tions of the manufacturer, generally within 3  month
mately the preference of the surgeon in choosing the time. (Fig. 19.11a, b, c, d shows a digrammatic represen-
armamentarium. tation of transcrestal sinus floor elevation).

a b c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 19.11 (a, b, c, d) shows a diagrammatic representation of tran- otomy to fracture the sinus floor. (c) Biomaterial introduced to elevate
screstal sinus floor elevation. (a) Implant osteotomy made 2 mm short the sinus membrane. (d) Implant placement completed
of the sinus floor. (b) Osteotome introduced through the implant oste-
424 V. V. Kumar et al.

A periapical radiograph must be taken at the end of the medially and anteriorly in the areas where augmentation is
procedure to confirm no breach of the sinus floor. A well-­ planned.
circumscribed dome-shaped elevation around the apex of (Fig. 19.12a, b, c, d shows diagrammatic representation of
the implant confirms no breach of the sinus membrane. In the procedure for sinus floor elevation using a lateral
contrast, if the bone graft is seen around the sinus floor window).
and poorly localised, it denotes a perforation of the sinus If simultaneous implant placement is planned, implant
floor membrane and in this case, a lateral window osteotomies should be carried out with the elevated mucosa
approach should be immediately done to clean the sinus well protected with an instrument in such a way that the
cavity. implant drills do not come in contact with the sinus mucosa.
Bone graft material is now introduced into the space created
by elevation of the membrane. After adequate filling of the
19.9.5 Lateral Window Technique space with augmentation material, implants can be placed if
planned. The lateral window bone wall (if preserved) can be
The lateral window technique can be done alongside lateral replaced, or the window can be covered with a barrier mem-
and vertical augmentation of the ridge, and with or without brane. The mucoperiosteal flap is then closed and tension-­
simultaneous implant placement. After adequate local anaes- free suturing should be placed.
thesia, a crestal incision is made with releasing incisions Although, bone graft materials and membranes are com-
well away from the planned window. A mucoperiosteal flap monly used it is not mandatory for the success of sinus floor
is elevated and the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus is elevation. Some suggest, elevation of the sinus mucosa and
exposed. A bony window is made according to the local bone placement of the implant that tents the membrane up, the
anatomy. If vertical septae are present, two bony windows blood clot that is formed into the space eventually forms
are made on either side of the bony septae. The bony window bone to surround the implant.
should be large enough to introduce the graft materials, as
well as big enough to permit exploration of the floor, the
anteroposterior aspect of the floor to the medial aspect of the 19.9.6 Complications Following Sinus Floor
maxillary sinus. When the lateral window is made, care Elevation
should be taken to avoid perforation of the sinus membrane.
The lateral window can either be removed from the underly- Sinus perforation is the most common complication follow-
ing sinus mucosa or be attached to the to it and pushed ing sinus floor elevation. Other complications include (but
inwards. The sinus floor is then slowly teased and reflected not limited to) poor primary implant stability, implant migra-
away from the floor of the maxillary sinus and elevated using tion into the sinus, graft migration into the sinus and intra-­
special instruments that resemble a curette to create space for operative and post-operative bleeding, wound dehiscence
the graft material. It is important to elevate the membrane and infection.

a b c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 19.12 (a, b, c, d shows diagrammatic representation of the proce- wall bony window made and in-fractured. (c) Implant osteotomy done.
dure for sinus floor elevation using a lateral window). (a) Mucoperiosteal (d) Placement of biomaterial and implant
flap elevated to access the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus. (b) Lateral
19  Bone Augmentation Procedures in Implantology 425

Alternatives to sinus floor elevation: The use of short bilitation – implant and peri-implant related outcomes of a random-
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Odontogenic Infections
Odontogenic Infections:
General Principles 20
Anand Shukla and Divya Mehrotra

20.1 Introduction 20.2 Host Defense Mechanisms

Relationships like symbiosis, commensalism, ectoparasit- As a generalization, host defense mechanisms may be stud-
ism, and endoparasitism exist between various species in the ied as
biological world. An infection is a classic example of either
ectoparasitism or endoparasitism. All infections occurring in 1. Local.
the human body are usually of microbial origin and odonto- 2. Systemic
genic infections are no exception.
This relationship is based on discordance in the delicate
balance between the host defense mechanism and pathoge- • Local Mechanisms:
nicity or the virulence of the infecting microbes depending 1. Oral Mucosa:
upon their potentially harmful biomolecules viz. exotoxin, The oral mucosa forms the first line of defense
endotoxin, enzymes, and others that disrupt the host defense. against the pathogens with an epithelialization rate of
Essentially, the environment also seems to play an important 4–5 days wherein the entire oral mucous membrane is
role in the overall pathogenic behavior of the microorganism. replaced by newer more equipped cells take its place.
This interrelationship can be expressed by a simple triangle. The cells that are infected or otherwise worn out are
replaced. As both the skin and oral mucosa are keratin-
ized structures, water and along with it the microbes
Pathogen (Virulence)
cannot naturally percolate into the deeper tissues. The
oral mucosa is water resistant and relatively dry and
does not form a congenial niche for microbial adher-
ence and growth.
2. Natural spillways:
Human dentition has evolved to chew the food we
eat. The surface anatomy of the occlusal surfaces is
Host (Immunity) Environment (pH/Nutrition/O2Tension)
such that with a fibrous diet, the food automatically
spills off the occlusal table into the labio-lingual vesti-
bule. The interdental contacts are also evolved and
In short, when a low host resistance, pathogen-friendly provide natural spillways for masticated food.
environment, and a pathogen of high virulence are seen in 3. Dental Histology:
states of physical being, we refer to as Infections The microscopic structures of our dentition reveal
the hardest substance of the human body (the dental
enamel) to cap its relatively softer structures (dentin
and pulp). Thus, even if microbes are able to hold onto
the enamel layer, the sheer density and mineralization
A. Shukla ∙ D. Mehrotra (*) of this layer are sufficient enough to handle most of the
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, King George’s microbial attacks.
Medical University, Lucknow, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 429

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_20
430 A. Shukla and D. Mehrotra

4. Saliva: Both these immune systems may be either innate (natural) or

By virtue of evolution, the human race has been acquired (adaptive). Majority of pathogens are dealt with by
privileged with 3 pairs of major salivary glands and the innate component of the host systemic immunity.
numerous minor salivary glands. Their secretions, on However, when the innate response is overwhelmed, the
the one hand, keep the oral environment moist to avoid adaptive or active immunity comes into play.
inadvertent trauma and, on the other hand, help trans-
form the chewed food into a bolus to be swallowed.
Salivary secretion continues throughout the awake Components of Innate Immunity:
state, so even if one is not eating, the salivary secre-
tions flush out the food debris deposited on the hard • Physical barriers/skin/mucosa.
and soft surfaces of the mouth, in conjunction with the • Neutrophils.
movements of the muscular elements of oral region • Macrophages.
such as lips, cheek, tongue, etc. Other physiological • Dendritic cells.
properties of the human saliva such as pH (6.5–8.5) • Natural killer cells.
and the presence of immunoglobulins (IgG and IgA) • Lymphoid cells.
makes saliva a biological bacteriostatic fluid. • Complement system.
5. Oral sub mucosal immune system (OSMIS):
A large number of immunocompetent cells, such as
the mononuclear leukocytes, T cells, and B cells, are
present between the oral mucous membrane and are
responsible for the production of antibodies as well as Components of Acquired Immunity:
offering a direct cellular immune response to the host
and oral environment. The cell concentrations of IgG, • B-lymphocytes.
IgA, and IgM may remarkably reach 85, 72, and 75%, • Dendritic cells.
respectively, with respect to plasma concentration, in • T-lymphocytes.
the gingival sulcular fluid. However, generally only –– Helper.
IgA levels are high in the oral mucosa, while the con- –– Cytotoxic.
centrations of IgG may rise dramatically during infec- –– Regulatory.
tious states. Also, the true ponderance of mast cells in
the submucosal layer and the presence of IgE explain
the immediate hypersensitivity (type I) reaction. The
role of these immunoglobulins is to neutralize the Innate immunity is basically a receptor-pattern recogni-
microbial toxins and maintain hemostasis in the oral tion mechanism, where about 100 intracellular and extracel-
environment. lular receptors (e.g., toll-like receptors, NOD-like receptors,
6. Dentinal reparative mechanisms: KIG like receptors, etc.) recognize over 1000 different cell
If the bacterial attack breaks the enamel barrier, the injury-related patterns generated from bacterial, viral, or
toxins reach the dentinal tubules and through them irri- fungal inflictions [1]. These receptors generate a response
tate the pulp. This may or may not be symptomatic but mediated by cytokines and antiviral interferon and stimulate
pulpal reaction is evident with the formation of repara- the most proactive immune response.
tive dentin to seal off the breach as part of the defense Acquired immunity is of two types, viz. humoral immunity,
mechanism. When this occurs, we know it as arrested mediated by soluble proteins known as antibodies (produced
caries and the dentin so formed is the affected dentin. by B lymphocytes) and cell-mediated immunity effected by T
If due measures are not taken at this stage, an advanced lymphocytes (T cells). While antibodies provide protection
carious lesion may result. against extracellular pathogens in blood, mucosa, and tissues,
7 . Waldayer’s Ring: T lymphocytes work to defend against intracellular microbes
The OSMIS, lingual tonsil, palatine tonsil, all other to kill ingested microbes by production of soluble proteins
lymphoid structures in the naso-oropharyngeal region mediators, the cytokines (produced by helper T cells).
together make a ring-like primary defense mechanism
against microbes in the oro-digestive tract and are con-
stitutionally known as the Waldayer’s ring. 20.3 The Infectious Microbes
• Systemic Mechanisms: Broadly speaking, the systemic
host immunity may be classified as. The concept of an infectious agent was established by Robert
1. Cellular. Koch. Koch’s postulates became the standard for defining
2. Humoral. infectious agents, but they do not apply to uncultivable
20  Odontogenic Infections: General Principles 431

organisms (e.g. M. leprae) or members of normal humoral 20.4 Pathways of Odontogenic Infection
flora (e.g. E. coli).
Odontogenic infections have two major origins (Fig. 20.1).

(a) Periodontal- due to bacterial inoculations into underly-

Koch’s postulates: ing tissues via deep periodontal pockets and
1. The same organism must be present in every case of (b) Periapical-, more common, and occur subsequent to

that disease but not in any healthy individual. pulpal necrosis, reaching the periapical structures
2. The organism must be isolated from the diseased (Fig. 20.2).
individual and cultured.
3. The isolate must cause the disease, when inoculated Once the periodontal or periapical tissues get inoculated
in a healthy individual. with bacteria, the infection may spread equally in all direc-
4. The organisms must be re-isolated from inoculated tions but mostly follows the path of least resistance. It travels
diseased individual. through the cancellous bone to reach the cortical plate. If the
cortical plate is thin, infection easily perforates it to enter the
surrounding soft tissue. Periapical enzymes that help the
bacteria in doing so include collagenase, hyaluronidase, and
Odontogenic infections arise within or around the dentition, streptokinase, which dissolve through the organic matrix of
initiating from simple dental caries, periodontal diseases, and the bone, while the acids produced by the bacteria eliminate
pulpitis, and may spread way beyond their loco-regional origin, the mineral content.
invading deeper structures of the face, oral cavity, head and At this stage, if an intervention such as an endodontic or
neck, and even mediastinum or the vertebral column. periodontal procedure or dental extraction is done, the fur-
These infections are principally bacterial in nature ther spread may be arrested or even abolished with judicious
Tables 20.1 and 20.2. These bacteria are a part of normal antibiotics. Antimicrobials alone may not cure the condition
oral flora found in the dental plaque, mucosal surfaces, as the focus of infection from necrotic pulp or periapical tis-
and the gingival sulcus. These primarily are aerobic gram sues still remains and may cause recurrence of the infection,
positive cocci, anaerobic gram positive cocci, and gram if the therapy is stopped [5].
negative rods [3]. When left untreated, the infection continues to spread
depending principally on the thickness of bone and the
type of muscle attachment. For example, if maxillary
Table 20.1  Types of bacteria in periapical abscess [4] anterior tooth gets involved in the periapical region and
the inclination of the root is such that the apex is closer to
Types of bacterial infections Percentage
Anaerobic only 50%
the labial cortical plate, the soft tissue reaction would
Mixed anaerobsic and aerobic 44% present as swelling on the labial side (Fig. 20.3a) and if
Anaerobic only 6% the apex is closer to the palatal cortical plate, swelling
would be palatal. (Fig. 20.3b). Similarly, in case of cari-
ous involvement of maxillary first molar: if the apices of
the buccal roots lie above the attachment of the buccina-
Table 20.2  Common bacterial species in periapical abscess tor, swelling is likely to occur facially (Fig. 20.4a) and if
Endodontic Periodontal [2] apices are below, a vestibular swelling is more likely to
  1. Anaerobic gram negative (a) Aggregatibacter occur (Figs. 20.4b and 20.5).
bacteria actinomycetemcomitans Apart from these factors, the angulation of root apex is
  (a) Treponema (b) Treponema denticola
  (b) Dialister (c) Campylobacter rectus
also important. For example, in periapical abscess with
  (c) Porphyromonas (d) Prevotella intermedia respect to maxillary lateral incisor, swelling is likely to occur
  2. Facultative gram negative (e) Tannerella forsythia on the hard palate rather than labial vestibule as its root apex
bacteria (f) Porphyromonas gingivalis is slightly palato-distally curved. (Fig. 20.6).
  (a) Neisseria
Muscle attachment is another influencing factor.
  (b) Capnocytophaga
  (c) Haemophilus Supposing a mandibular second molar gets apically infected
  3. Anaerobic gram positive and the apices lie above the external oblique ridge, infection
bacteria following the path of least resistance and assisted with grav-
  (a) Actinomycetes ity, may manifest as swelling in a more anterior region of the
  (b) Peptostreptococcus
jaw, buccally than the relative position of the first mandibular
  4. Facultative gram positive
  (a) Enterococcus molar. Similarly, in the mandibular posterior region, the lin-
  (b) Streptococcus gual cortex is closer to the root apices and relatively thinner
432 A. Shukla and D. Mehrotra

Fig. 20.1  Natural progression of PULPITIS

odontogenic infection
Acute Chronic


Acute Chronic




Acute Chronic

Focal Diffuse



©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

20  Odontogenic Infections: General Principles 433

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 20.2 (a, b) shows a lower left second molar with a periapical radiolucency. On extraction, the periapical granuloma can be seen attached to
the root. If this tooth was not extracted, the infection would have progressed in any of the pathways as shown in Fig. 20.1

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 20.3 (a, b) Infection following the path of least resistance in case of maxillary incisors based on angulation of root
434 A. Shukla and D. Mehrotra

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 20.4 (a, b) Effect of buccinator muscle attachment on the site of buccal space, as the root apex is situated above the attachment of the
appearance of swelling in case of maxillary molars. In (a) the infection buccinator muscle
has localised to the vestibule while in (b) the infection has spread to the

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 20.5  Shows the clinical picture of a vestibular abscess arising ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
from an infected upper right first molar
Fig. 20.6  Palatal abscess arising from upper incisors

as compared to the buccal cortical plate. If this gets perfo-

rated above the mylohyoid line, a sublingual swelling occurs 20.5 P
 athways of Spread of Periapical
and if below it, a submandibular swelling occurs. Infections
The commonest manifestation of odontogenic infections
is either a palatal or a vestibular abscess. When untreated, it An odontogenic infection follows the path of least resistance.
may lead to an intraoral or extraoral drainage, in due course A periapical infection may perforate the nearest or the weak-
establishing a sinus tract. The treatment involves removing est cortex and travel along the soft tissue, initially as celluli-
the cause (endodontically or via exodontia) and manage- tis and eventually resulting in abscess formation. This
ment of the sinus tract. In certain cases, the sinus tract abscess may drain spontaneously, extraorally or intraorally
resolves by itself, following the treatment of the offending and may involve one or more anatomically potential spaces.
cause (Fig. 20.7). When this happens, it is known as a space infection.
20  Odontogenic Infections: General Principles 435

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 20.7 (a, b) Shows the periapical lesion in lower left first molar in a 14-year-old patient causing extraoral sinus at the left lower border man-
dible region

Following are frequently affected anatomic spaces, Danger (Alar space).

(Fig. 20.8): Prevertebral.
Various spaces involved in an infection differ in their rela-
1. With any tooth. tive severity depending upon the proximity of the vital ana-
Subcutaneous. tomic structures in their vicinity. This may be seen as
Vestibular. follows.
2. With any offending maxillary tooth.
Buccal. 20.6 V
 arious Space Infections and Their
Maxillary along with other para nasal sinuses. Relative Severity
Infratemporal. MILD—Vital structures and airway may be mildly
Temporal. threatened
3. With any offending mandibular tooth.
Medullary space of mandibular body. • Subperiosteal.
Submandibular. • Infraorbital.
Sublingual. • Buccal.
Submental. • Vestibular.
Masticator. • Osteomyelitis of the mandible.
Pterygomandibular. MODERATE—Airway may be compromised
Superficial temporal.
Deep temporal. • Pterygomandibular.
4. Deep fascial spaces. • Superficial temporal.
Lateral pharyngeal. • Submandibular.
Retropharyngeal. • Sublingual.
Pretracheal. • Submental.
436 A. Shukla and D. Mehrotra

• Mediastinal.
• Prevertebral.

4 20.7 Basic Therapeutic Principles

1 . Delineation of cause and severity.

2. Assessment of host’s immune response.
2 3. Role of specialist.
4. Surgical intervention.
5. Pharmacotherapeutics.
6. Follow-ups.

1. Delineation of cause and severity: As a standard protocol,

a proper history should be recorded in chronological
order stating the patients’ chief complaints in his/her own
Once the chief complaint is noted, history of present
illness is determined with an estimation of how long back
the patient was absolutely symptom free. Usually, infec-
tions have a short history of onset as compared to tumors
in their acute state [6].
Next thing to be noted is any change in the patients’
4 state of physical well-being since the symptoms first
5 appeared, i.e. if they have been the same, improved, or
worsened with time. Since the response to an infection is
essentially an inflammatory one, classic sign of inflam-
mation are always looked for (tumor, rubor, dolor, color,
and loss of function). Principal presenting feature is pain,
so the nature of pain, site, and diurnal variation should be
noted. A sharp, piercing, and lancinating type of pain is
generated by Aδ nerve fibers that usually awake the
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
patient at night (in accordance with the hydrodynamic
theory of pulpal pain by Brannstrom [7]); however, a dull,
Fig. 20.8  Pathways of spread of periapical infection. (1) Vestibular aching, and gnawing kind of pain arises due to stimula-
space. (2) Palatal abscess. (3) Maxillary sinus/odontogenic sinusitis. (4) tion of slowly firing “c” type nerve fibers.
Buccal space. (5) Submandibular space. (6) Sublingual space
Swelling, redness, and rise of temperature should be
inquired for and inspected even during history taking if
• Submasseteric. these are apparent. Loss of function may manifest in the
• Infratemporal. form of dyspnea, dysphagia, difficulty in chewing, or tris-
• Deep temporal. mus [8]. A feeling of general malaise usually indicates a
• Masticator. physical or physiological response against moderate to
severe infection [9].
HIGH—Vital structures or airway under direct threat At this point, an enquiry into any previous treatments
by another dentist, specialist, and/or self-treatment should
• Lateral pharyngeal. be made and recorded. After carefully listening to the
• Retropharyngeal. chief complaints and history of present illness, a compre-
• Danger space (Alar space). hensive medical history should be recorded. The most
• Pretracheal. efficient means of doing so is either by personal struc-
• Cavernous sinus thrombosis. tured interview or by means of a questionnaire along with
• Intracranial infections (brain abscess). a discussion with the patient for any positive findings.
20  Odontogenic Infections: General Principles 437

History taking is followed by a physical examination (a) Diabetes Mellitus (type I and II): When uncontrolled,
that begins with the recording of patients’ vitals as tem- it results in an overall decrease in the immunity
perature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. owing to decreased phagocytosis, chemotaxis, and
Patients with infections usually have elevated body tem- generalized decrease in leukocyte function.
perature, and increased pulse and respiratory rates [10]. If However, in patients with moderate to severe infec-
the pain is significant, patient’s blood pressure may be ele- tion, an increased random blood sugar cannot be a
vated. However, hypotension is seen in septicemic states. diagnostic criteria for underlying diabetes. Since
Since odontogenic infections are inflammatory states, a these are high-stress states, the body gluconeogenic
partial or complete upper airway compromise may occur mechanisms are upregulated to meet the increased
owing to an extension of the current infection to the deep BMR.  So, a more comprehensive analysis like
facial spaces of the neck [11]. The patients may present HBA1C is performed to know the long-term glyce-
with fatigue, fever, and malaise or so-called toxic appear- mic status.
ance (Table 20.3) [12]. (b) Leukocytic upsurge is expected in infection. The

Palpation of swellings should be done to know the ten- baseline leukocyte/neutrophil count serves as a
derness and consistency of the swelling. Consistency of a marker to track the response of the patient to medical
swelling may vary from normal, firm, fleshy (dough like) and surgical intervention in a case of severe odonto-
to indurated (consistency of a taught muscle/wooden like/ genic infection.
brawny hard), or fluctuant (feel of a fluid-filled balloon). (c) Immuno-deficient states: HIV infection principally
Fluctuation almost always indicates presence of pus in affects the T lymphocytes, meaning that the humoral
the center. immune system is still intact. Odontogenic infections
Intraoral examination gives a fair amount of idea as to are generally bacterial and usually well defended by
the cause of the infection, i.e. the offending tooth. A care- the patients’ immune system, but in immunocompro-
ful look may reveal a grossly carious tooth/teeth, peri- mised states, the basic host defense mechanism no
odontal diseases, and/or a fractured tooth. longer functions. When the disease advances to
Investigative phase begins with a radiograph; intraoral involve even the B-cells, then, even simple infections
periapical (IOPA) or orthopantomogram (OPG) depend- may become serious life-threatening issues in such
ing on the symptomatology and clinical examination. CT patients. It is hence important to know that such
scan may be required in severe cases to assess the path- immunocompromised HIV-positive individuals need
way of the spread of infection [13]. more intensive therapy than a normally infected
If any surgical intervention is required, a routine blood individual.
assessment is always helpful in deciding the type of pro- (d) Another example of systemic immuno-deficient

cedure to be followed. states may be prolonged corticosteroid therapy. Here
A decision has to be made as to the stage of the infec- the inflammatory cascade itself gets modulated, and
tion, i.e. inoculation, cellulitis, or abscess stage. Usual affects the immune system as a whole, resulting in
attributes are as follows. decreased production of the cell adhesive molecules,
2 . Assessment of Immune response: General medical history deficient leukocyte chemotaxis, and decreased cyto-
is the guide to detect any interfering systemic conditions kines production (IL-1, TN α, IL-6, etc.). No apop-
that may compromise the host defense mechanism and totic activity results in generalized lymphocytopenia
may worsen patient’s condition rapidly. Conditions of along with IL-2 mediated cyto-proliferative
compromised host defense mechanism are as under: responses. When used long enough or in high doses,
delayed-type hypersensitivity (type IV) response is
inhibited along with decreased antibody formation.
Table 20.3  Stages of infection Such patients soon develop oral thrush and other
Stage of infection Clinical features superimposed bacterial or viral infections of the oral
Inoculation Edema/Inflammation cavity, worsening of an existing odontogenic infec-
Cellulitis Acute pain tion being no exception.
Firm to borderline swelling/induration
(e) End Stage Renal Diseases (ESRD): End stage renal
Diffuse borders
diseases affect almost all aspects of the innate and
All cardinal features of inflammation
Abscess Localized pain (acute abscess) acquired immunity, and many such patients will be
Fever (more often than not) on maintenance hemodialysis. ESRD patients having
Fluctuant swelling odontogenic infections also may have to be managed
438 A. Shukla and D. Mehrotra

comprehensively where adequate support from the 4. Surgical Intervention: Surgical drainage and removal of
allied speciality is available. the course of infection is the mainstay of surgical man-
(f) Drug-induced immuno-incompetence: While blood agement of odontogenic infection [14]. This may be as
counts less than 1000 cells/ml are typically seen in simple as endodontic therapy to wide incision in the
patients on anti-cancer chemotherapy, patients who ­submandibular/neck region that may require mediastinal
undergo organ transplants have to be on immune-­ exploration. The removal of the cause is the primary goal
suppressive therapy (IST). Drugs like corticosteroids and drainage of the accumulated pus and necrotic debris
and cyclosporins have decreased B and T lymphocyte is the secondary goal.
function and consequently deficient immunoglobulin Incision and drainage principally includes insertion of a
production. As such, patients are likely to have exag- drain in the abscess cavity to prevent premature closure of
gerated manifestation for even mild odontogenic the mucosal/skin incision. Purpose of this procedure is to
infections. achieve adequate drainage, if it is not possible by end-
(g) Alcoholism and/or Hepatic insufficiency: Alcoholics odontic means (especially in mandibular teeth) (refer
are usually malnourished and have pending hepatic Chap. 21 for details on incision and drainage).
damage that leads to poor qualitative and quantitative Pus culture and Sensitivity Tests: This must be done before
immunoglobulin supply. the incision and drainage procedure if possible. The site is
Above discussion reinforces that while assessing a prepared with antiseptics and a thick needle is used to
patient, a through medical history as well as a history aspirate pus, may be in multiple directions, under nega-
of habits provides vital clues for the action to be tive pressure of syringe, and taking due care to prevent
adopted for his/her management. relevant anatomic structures. In case of complex space
3 . Role of Specialist: Role for patient care should shift from infections involving the digastric/carotid triangle, ultra-
a general dentist to a maxillofacial surgeon. Antibiotics sound-guided aspiration must be done. This culture when
should be started if indicated as in Table 20.4. When the obtained from sites of cellulitis (Ludwig’s Angina) usu-
situation demands, either a hospital admission or immedi- ally contains serosanguinous fluid but harbors sufficient
ate surgical care under regional or general anesthesia is bacteria for culture. This aspirate is inoculated into both
required. The following criteria may be adopted for mak- anaerobic and aerobic cultures (sterile tubes having sterile
ing this vital discussion in patient’s interest: swabs and bacterial transport medium) with viable shelf
(a) Failed earlier management. life [15].
(b) Medically compromised patients.
(c) Toxic appearance patients.
(d) Febrile patient: temperature greater than 101 °F. 20.8 Antimicrobial Therapy
(e) Signs of dehydration.
(f) Dyspnea. Once the culture and sensitivity reports are available, spe-
(g) Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). cific antimicrobial therapy may be installed but meanwhile
(h) Moderate to severe trismus (with mouth-opening
empirical antibiotics should be started immediately [16]. The
between 10 and 20 mm). choice of antibiotic should be carefully thought off to pre-
(i) Need for general anesthesia. vent unnecessary disturbance of the essential microflora of
(j) Airway compromise. the gut and development of cross resistance (Also refer
(k) Signs of ascending or descending facial infections Chap. 10 of this book).
(cavernous sinus thrombosis/deep neck infections/ Cases of moderate to severe infection generally need
mediastinitis). postoperative antibiotics, where the host defense cannot be
solely relied upon to fight the residual infection. Since the
Table 20.4  Indications for antimicrobial therapy antibiotic sensitivity of usual causative organisms of odonto-
1. Trismus (mouth opening between 10 and 20 mm). genic infections is fairly well known and consistent, an
2. Cellulitis (infection may not have drained completely). empirical therapy may include clindamycin, metronidazole,
3. Lymphadenopathy (lymph nodes may harbor residual and penicillin. Metronidazole being narrow spectrum covers
infection). only obligate anaerobic population and the rest may be cov-
4. Temperature > 101 °F (bacteremia).
5. Osteomyelitis. ered by other drugs dealing with facultative microbes.
6. Severe soft tissue involvement (e.g. necrotizing fasciitis). Odontogenic infections are complex entities, both, on the
7. Swelling extends beyond alveolar anatomy. basis of the plethora of flora associated and mechanism of
8. Systemically compromised patient. their spread to the adjacent as well as distant anatomic
20  Odontogenic Infections: General Principles 439

Following principles should be additionally borne in
mind before prescribing antibiotics [17]: 1. Chinen J, William T.  Secondary immunodeficiencies. Am Acad
Allerg Asth Immunodef. 2010;125(2 Suppl 2):S195–203.
1. Use of narrowest possible spectrum- prevents bac- 2. Socransky SS, Haffajee AD.  Periodontal microbial ecology.
terial resistance. Periodontol 2000. 2005;38:135–87.
2. Use of antimicrobial with least toxicity and side 3. Newman M, Takei H, Klokkevold P, Carranza F. Carranza’ clinical
effects- prevents vital organ damage. periodontology. 12th ed. Saunders: Elsevier; 2014.
4. Brook I, Frazier EH, Gher ME. Aerobic and anaerobic microbiology
3. Use of bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic drug- of periapical abscess. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 1991;6(2):123–25.
prevents residual infection. 5. Chandra S.  Grossmann’s endodontic practice. 13th ed. South
4. Weigh cost to benefit ratio- prevents over
Holland: Wolters Kluwer; 2014.
expenditure. 6. Walker B, Colledge NR, Ralston S, Penman I.  Davidson’s medi-
cine. 22nd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 2014.
5. Use only in prescribed dose and duration- restricts 7. Brännström M.  The hydrodynamic theory of dentinal pain:
side effects and maintains efficacy. Sensation in preparations, caries, and the dentinal crack syndrome.
6. Use the appropriate route of administration- restricts J Endod. 1986;12(10):453–7.
side effects and maintains efficacy. 8. Mathew GC, Ranganathan LR, Gandhi S, Jacob ME, Singh I,
Solanki M, et al. Odontogenic maxillofacial space infections at a
tertiary care center in North India: a five-year retrospective study.
Int J Inf Dis. 2012;16:e296–302.
9. Hupp JR, Ellis E III, Tucker MR.  Contemporary oral and maxil-
sites. Fortunately, culture and sensitivity behaviors of the lofacial surgery. 6th ed. St Louis Mosby: Elsevier; 2014.
causative microbes are fairly consistent and well under- 10. Al-Malik M, Al-Sarheed M.  Pattern of management of oro-­

stood. As such timely management should alleviate most of facial infection in children: a retrospective. Saudi J Biol Sc.
the dangerous outcomes but still these infections remain 2017;24:1375–9.
11. Kuo J, Lin Y, Lin YT. Odontogenic cellulitis in children requiring
one of the leading cause of maxillofacial morbidity and at hospitalization. J Dent Sc. 2013;8:129–32.
times mortality. 12. Alotaibi N, Cloutier L, Khaldoun E, Bois E, Chirat M, Salvan
D. Criteria for admission of odontogenic infections at high risk of
deep neck space infection. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck
Dis. 2015;132:261–4.
20.9 Conclusion 13. Yonetsu K, Izumi M, Nakamura T. Deep facial infections of odon-
togenic origin: CT assessment of pathways of space involvement.
Am J Neuroradiol. 1998;19:123–8.
Odontogenic infection can be severe enough and become life 14. Sánchez R, Mirada E, Arias J, Paño JR, Burgueño M. Severe odon-
threatening, hence should be dealt with very carefully. Proper togenic infections: epidemiological, microbiological and therapeu-
evaluation of the signs and symptoms guide the clinician to tic factors. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16(5):e670–6.
15. Kumar V, Abbas A, Aster J. Robin’s pathological basis of disease.
make the diagnosis. Radiographic assessment may suggest 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2017.
the involvement of one or more teeth. Surgical intervention 16. Kuriyama T, Karasawa T, Nakagawa K, Nakamura S, Yamamoto
includes drainage of abscess, and pus be sent for culture and E, et  al. Antibiotic susceptibility of major pathogens of orofacial
sensitivity to help choose the right antibiotic regime. odontogenic infections to 11 β lactam antibiotics. Oral Microbiol
Immunol. 2002;17:285–9.
17. Topazian RG, Goldberg MH, Hupp JR.  Oral and maxillofacial
infections. 4th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company; 2002.

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Fascial Space Infections
Rajasekhar Gaddipati

21.1 Introduction 21.3 Spread of Infection

There is considerable amount of change in the behavior of The spread of the infections could be either through tissues,
infections for the past one decade. The severity of infection blood, or lymphatics leading to fatal consequences like Airway
is far greater than before which may be due to increased co- obstruction, Meningitis, and Septicemia; however, various fac-
morbid conditions, demanding swift action and aggressive tors influence the spread of infection.
Fascial spaces do not exist in a normal healthy individual.
These are latent spaces created by distention of tissues sec- They are as follows:
ondary to infection from the dental pulp, periodontal tissues • Virulence of the organism.
and bone, where the infection perforates the cortical plate • Pathogenicity of the organisms.
and discharge into the surrounding spaces. • Immune status of the patient.
The infections range from simple superficial periapical • Malnutrition.
abscess to deep infections in the neck region; some resolving • Thickness of bone adjacent to the offending tooth.
with little consequences and some lead to life-­threatening • Position of muscle attachment in relation to root tip.
Shapiro states that “The fascial planes are potential areas
between layers of fascia. These areas are normally filled with
loose connective tissue, which readily breakdown when In the Oral and Maxillofacial region, fascial spaces are
invaded by infection”. The infection started in any area is almost always of relevance due to the spread of odontogenic
automatically limited by tough fascial layers. If the infection infections. As such, the spaces can be classified according to
becomes massive, it breaks through a nearby fascial barrier their relation to the upper and lower teeth, and whether infec-
into the next fascial space [1]. tion may directly spread into the space called primary space,
or must spread via a primary space to the secondary space [3].

21.2 Definition of Fascial Space

21.4 Classification of Spaces
The fascial spaces in the Head and Neck are the potential
spaces between the various fascia normally filled with loose 21.4.1 Primary Spaces and Secondary Spaces
connective tissue and bounded by the anatomical barriers
usually of bone, muscle, or fascial layers [2]. Failure to adequately treat a primary space infection or a
Facial planes offer anatomic highways for infection to compromised host results in secondary space involvement
spread superficially to deep planes. Antibiotic availability in (Table 21.1).
fascial spaces is limited due to poor vascularity. Cervical Spaces
Since hyoid bone is the most important anatomic structure in
the neck that limits the spread of infection, the spaces can be
R. Gaddipati (*) classified according to their relation to the hyoid bone:
Mamata Dental College, Khammam, Telangana, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 441

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_21
442 R. Gaddipati

Table 21.1  Classification of spaces in odontogenic infections based Table 21.3  Characteristic features of cellulitis and abscess
on mode of involvement Clinical feature Cellulitis Abscess
Mode of Involvement Duration Acute Chronic
Primary spaces (Direct) Pain Severe and generalized Localized
Primary maxillary spaces Size Large Small
• Canine space Localization Diffuse borders Well defined
• Buccal space Palpation Doughy to indurated Fluctuant
• Infratemporal space Pus formation No Yes
Primary mandibular space Seriousness Greater Lesser
• Buccal space Bacteria Aerobic Anaerobic
• Sub-mental space
• Sub-mandibular space mandibular third molars spread to Submasseteric space,
• Sub-lingual space
Pterygomandibular space and Lateral Pharyngeal space.
Secondary spaces (Indirect)
• Masseteric space However, it is not a “rule of thumb” for the involvement
• Pterygomandibular space of a particular space with a specific tooth infection.
• Temporal (Superficial & Deep) spaces
• Temporal (Superficial & Deep) spaces
• Para-pharyngeal (Lateral & Retro) spaces 21.5 G
 eneral Priciples of Management
• Pre-vertebral space of Infection

Table 21.2  Severity score for spaces [4] 1. Remove the cause.
Severity 2. Establish drainage.
score Risk Spaces involved 3. Institute antibiotic therapy.
1 Low risk Subperiosteal space 4. Supportive care, including proper rest and
Vestibular space
Buccal and nutrition.
Infraorbital space
2 Moderate Submandibular space
risk Submental space Pyogenic infections are primarily managed by surgical
Sublingual space intervention comprising decompression or drainage. It is bet-
Pterygomandibular space
ter to proceed with decompression at the earliest, without
Submasseteric space and
Temporal spaces waiting for the localization of the infection (abcess forma-
3 High risk Lateral pharyngeal space tion), thereby preventing the spread of infection in tissue
Retropharyngeal space and pretracheal space planes and mounting of pressure under the skin (Table 21.3).
4 Extreme Danger space
severe Mediastinum
Intracranial infection
Early decompression has the following benefits:

• Suprahyoid (above the hyoid). 1. Prevents the spread of infection.

• Infrahyoid (below the hyoid). 2. Prevents ischemic necrosis of the tissues.
• Fascial spaces traversing the length of the neck. 3. Prevents pressure in the tissues.
4. To get rid of toxic purulent discharge. Severity Score Anatomic Space [4] 5. Improves the drainage, by opening the lymphatic
The severity score for a given patient is the sum of the sever- and venous channels, which were blocked by the
ity scores for all of the spaces involved by cellulitis or abscess, edema and congestion.
based on clinical and radiological examination (Table 21.2). 6. To allow better perfusion of blood thereby improv-
The fascial spaces are divided into: ing the delivery of antibiotics and defensive ele-
ments to the required site.
• Spaces around the Maxilla. 7. Prevents further complications.
• Spaces around the Mandible.

The infections arising from the maxillary anterior teeth

spread to Canine space, while the infection from molars 21.6 H
 ilton’s Method of Abscess Drainage
spread to Buccal space, Infratemporal space, or cause palatal (Figs. 21.1a and 21.1b)
abscess. Likewise, the infection from the mandibular anterior
teeth spread to Submental space or cause gingival abscess. This is a method of abscess drainage which ensures that no
Infection from mandibular molars spread to the Sublingual blood vessel or nerve in the vicinity of the incision is
space or the Submandibular space. While the infection from damaged.
21  Fascial Space Infections 443

1. Topical anesthesia is achieved by ethyl chloride 5. Pus collected and sent for culture and sensitivity
spray. test.
2. Stab incision with the help of 11 number blade is 6. Abscess cavity is irrigated with antiseptic
made at the most dependent area along the skin solution.
crease. 7. Corrugated rubber drain is inserted deep into the
3. Sinus forceps is inserted through the incision and abscess cavity and secured to the edge of the inci-
all the locules in the abscess are explored. sion and the drain is removed once there are no
4. Purulent discharge, toxic material, gases, and active exudates.
necrotic tissue drained through the incision. 8. Dressing placed over the incision.

Fig. 21.1a  Hilton’s method a

of transoral incision and
drainage. (a) Abscess
associated with tooth. (b) Stab a b
incision given with blade. (c)
sinus forceps is entered into
the cavity and opened. (d)
Drain entered into the cavity.
(e) Drain secured with suture

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

444 R. Gaddipati

Fig. 21.1b  Hilton’s method b

of incision and drainage
(extra oral site). (a) Incision a b c d
given at the dependent site of
the abscess. (b) Sinus forceps
entered into the abscess
cavity. (c) Sinus forceps
opened in the cavity and
removed. (d) Drain entered
into the cavity and secured
with suture

Removal of the source of the infection is mandatory apart Table 21.4  Choice of empirical antibiotics (also refer Chap. 10)
from drainage. Severity/Penicillin allergy Antibiotics of choice
In patient Ampicillin/Sulbactam
21.7 Medical Management Penicillin + metronidazole
Penicillin allergy Clindamycin
Supportive management is mandatory in the form of antibi- Moxifloxacin
otics, anti-inflammatory, and electrolytes. The reader is also Vancomycin + metronidazole
advised to refer the chapter on general principles of manage- Out patient Amoxicillin
ment of facial infections (Chap. 20). Clindamycin
Penicillin allergy Clindamycin
21.7.1 Antibiotic Therapy Metronidazole
Antibiotics are advised depending upon the patient’s sys-
temic condition; initially, after pus collection, empirical anti-
biotic is given; later, after the culture and sensitivity is therapy should be adequate. The primary importance should
performed, -specific antibiotics are advised. be given to the surgical treatment consisting of incision and
Route of administration depends upon the general condi- drainage, extraction, or endodontic therapy of the involved
tion and severity of the infection. Para-enteral route is pre- tooth. According to their review, the choice of empiric antibi-
ferred when the infection is acute and severe or when the otics for odontogenic infections is listed in Table 21.4.
patient is nutritionally or medically compromised. Martins JR et  al. [6] suggests that after incision and
With evidence of slough, gas, crepitus, and foul smell, drainage/removal of the cause is mandatory. Antibiotics
anaerobic infection may be suspected and appropriate antibi- should be administered for the shortest duration possible
otics have to be given. duration and should act as an adjuvant for the primary sur-
gical treatment in countering any regional or systemic
Principles of choosing appropriate antibiotic
• Causative organism,
• Sensitivity, 21.8 Fluid and Electrolytes
• Specific, narrow-spectrum antibiotic,
• Least toxic antibiotic, Apart from antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs,
• Drug history (success, allergic, and toxic). administration of fluids and electrolytes is mandatory, as
there is a loss of fluids due to infection and fever. In non-
ambulatory patients, intravenous fluids are administered
Flynn TR [5] in their systemic review concluded that anti- depending on their systemic status.
biotics should be chosen which are safe and cost effective, Daily calorie requirement also increases by up to 13% for
because no one antibiotic is clearly superior to all others. In each degree rise in temperature, which needs to be addressed
otherwise healthy patient, a 3–4-day regimen of antibiotic for a speedy recovery.
21  Fascial Space Infections 445

having intra-oral and pharyngeal infections (sub-lingual, lat-

Supportive therapy. eral/retropharyngeal spaces) where the chances of aspiration
It involves those modalities which aid the patient’s is high in the event of oro/naso-tracheal intubations.
own body defenses. It consists of the following:

1. Administration of antibiotics. 21.10 Spaces Around the Maxilla

2. Hydration of patient through IV route, maintain
adequate nutritional status-high protein intake. 21.10.1 Canine Space/Infraorbital Space
3. Analgesic.
4. Bed rest. The canine space, synonymous with Infraorbital space, is
5. Application of heat in the form of moist pack, situated in the anterior surface of the maxilla at the infraor-
advice mouth rinses. bital region above canine fossa.
6. Dental management by extraction or root-canal
treatment for drainage. Source of Infection
–– From upper canine and bicuspids.
–– Skin infections of upper lip [7].

21.9 Selection of Anesthesia Boundaries (Fig. 21.2)

• Anterior—Elevator muscles of upper lip (Orbicularis
A simple and superficial abscess can be drained comfortably oris).
under local anesthesia, while deep-seated, multi-loculated • Posterior—Anterior surface of Maxilla.
abcesses may not be amenable for treatment under local • Medial—Levator Labii Alaeque nasi.
anesthesia and may be managed under procedural sedation • Lateral—Zygomaticus major.
provided the patient has adequate mouth-opening and patent
airway. Contents
Fiber-optic intubation or tracheostomy may be considered • Angular artery and vein.
in; patients with limited mouth opening (trismus) or in patients • Infraorbital nerve.

Fig. 21.2  Shows boundaries Lev lab sup ala. nasi

of canine (infraorbital) space

Lev lab superioris

Zygomaticus minor

Zygomaticus major

Orbicularis oris


Levator anguli oris

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

446 R. Gaddipati Clinical Features 3. Obliteration of buccal vestibule.

1. Pain and tenderness. 4. Swelling of upper/lower lip (Fig. 21.3).
2. Swelling in the anterior cheek region.
3. Obliteration of Nasolabial folds. Management
4. Edema of lower eyelid and upper lip. Drainage of the space infection either intraorally or percuta-
5. Obliteration of labial vestibule. neously is done; intraoral incision and drainage are preferred
as these may not produce a facial scar. Drainage is made by Management making an in-depth incision of the maxillary vestibule near
Drainage of the space infection either intraorally or per- the involved tooth. Sinus forceps is inserted superiorly, later-
cutaneously is done; intraoral incision and drainage are ally, and medially for complete breakage of locules and
preferred as these will not produce a facial scar. Drainage drainage. Care is taken while using sinus forceps, so as to not
is made by making an in-depth incision of the maxillary to damage duct and artery (Fig. 21.4a, b, c).
vestibule near canine fossa. Sinus forceps is inserted For mandibular buccal space infection, intraoral drainage
superiorly, laterally, and medially for complete breakage may not achieve the desired result, hence extraoral drainage
of locules and drainage. Care is taken while using sinus at the lower border of mandible is made taking care of the
forceps, so as to not damage the infraorbital nerve and facial artery and marginal mandibular nerve.
its branches. The involved tooth is either removed or subjected to root
Aggressive antibiotic therapy is mandatory to prevent the canal treatment as required. Literature advocates early
spread as it lies in the danger area of the face and also to extraction of the involved tooth/teeth. According to
prevent Cavernous sinus thrombosis from septic thrombi Igoumenakis D et  al. [9], extraction of the involved tooth
entering into angular vein. shortens the hospital stay and provides faster recovery on a
The involved tooth is either removed or subjected to root biological level.
canal treatment with multiple dressings. Patient is advised
good hydration and rest.
21.10.3 Temporal Pouches

21.10.2 Buccal Space Infections in this region are relatively rare to occur when
involved swelling occurs at the temporal region above zygo-
The buccal space occupies the portion of the subcutaneous matic arch and behind the lateral orbital rim [10]. They are
space present between the fascial skin, buccinator muscle, two in number—Superficial temporal space and Deep tem-
and masseter muscle [8]. poral space (Fig. 21.5).
Source of infection—From maxillary premolar and molar
teeth root apices above buccinator attachment. Superficial Temporal Space
From mandibular premolar and molar teeth root apices This space lies between the temporal fascia and temporalis
below the buccinator attachment. muscle.
Source of infection—From upper third molars and infec- Boundaries tion from other spaces.
• Medial: Buccinator muscle, buccopharyngeal fascia, and
• Lateral: Skin of cheek and subcutaneous tissue.
• Anterior: Posterior border of zygomaticus major above
and depressor anguli oris below.
• Posterior: Edge of masseter muscle.
• Superior: Zygomatic arch.
• Inferior: Lower border of mandible. Contents
• Buccal pad of fat.
• Stenson’s duct.
• Facial artery. Clinical Features ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

1. Pain and tenderness.
2. Diffuse swelling on the side of the cheek. Fig. 21.3  Clinical picture showing the buccal space infection
21  Fascial Space Infections 447

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 21.4 (a, b, c) Clinical pictures showing the procedure of incision and drainage for buccal space infection (also see Fig. 21.1B)

Fig. 21.5  Shows the

superficial and deep temporal Temporalis muscle
Temporal fascia

Superficial temporal space

Deep temporal space

Sphenoid bone

Infratemporal space

Zygomatic arch

Lateral pterygoid muscle

Hamular process

Masseteric space

Medial pterygoid muscle

Pterygomandibular space

Masseter muscle

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
448 R. Gaddipati

• Medial—Medial pterygoid plate and lower part of infra-

temporal fossa.
• Lateral—Medial surface of the temporalis muscle. Contents
Branches of Internal maxillary artery.
Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve. Clinical Features

1. Pain.
2. Swelling at the infratemporal region and lateral aspect of
the eye.
3. Obliteration of buccal sulcus at tuberosity area.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 4. Trismus due to proximity of masticatory muscles.
5. Infection may extend to the infratemporal and pterygo-
Fig. 21.6  Clinical image of the classical dumb bell swelling (blue mandibular region.
arrows). The isthmus of the swelling at the zygomatic arch is shown by
the green arrow Management
If the trismus is not severe, intraoral incision is given in the Boundaries buccal sulcus at the second and third molar region. With the
• Superior—superior temporal lines. sinus forceps, the space is entered medial to coronoid pro-
• Inferior—zygomatic arch. cess superiorly and the pus is drained. Corrugated rubber
• Lateral—superficial temporal fascia. tube is placed and secured with a suture.
• Medial—temporalis muscle. In case of severe trismus, extraoral incision is made above
• Anterior—posterior surface of lateral orbital rim. the zygomatic arch at the junction of frontal and temporal
• Posterior—fusion of temporal fascia with pericranium. process of zygoma, sinus forceps is inserted and directed
inferiorly and medially to enter the space and drain the pus. Contents The disadvantage of this approach is that it cannot produce
• Temporal fat pad. dependent drainage.
• Temporal branch of Facial nerve. Clinical Features

1. Pain and tenderness at the temporal region. 21.11 Spaces Around the Mandible
2. Swelling is present above and below zygomatic arch,
leading to classical “Dumb bell” shaped appearance 21.11.1 Submental Space
(Fig. 21.6).
3. Trismus may be present. The infection from any of the six anterior teeth in the man-
dible may perforate the labial bone inferior to the mentalis Management muscle attachment and the pus may present at the anterior
Surgical drainage is carried out through an incision made and lower border of the mandible and below the mylohyoid
above the zygomatic arch; sinus forceps is inserted through muscle lingually [11].
the skin incision and passed through the superficial fascia
and the temporal fascia. Source of Infection
• Infection from lower anterior teeth.
• Infected symphyseal or parasymphyseal fractures.
21.10.4 Deep Temporal Space • Suppuration of submental lymphnodes.

This space lies between the temporalis muscle and the skull. Boundaries (Fig. 21.7)
Slightly below the level of zygomatic arch; both the superfi- • Lateral: Skin, superficial fascia, platysma, superficial
cial and deep temporal spaces communicate with each other. layer of deep cervical fascia.
Source of Infection—Upper third molar and spread from • Medial: Mylohyoid, hyoglossus, and styloglossus.
other spaces. • Inferior: Anterior and posterior belly of digastric
muscles. Boundaries • Posterior: Hyoid bone.
• Superior—Attachment of temporal fascia to the cranium. • Superior: Medial aspect of mandible and the attachment
• Inferior—Lateral pterygoid muscle. of mylohyoid muscle.
21  Fascial Space Infections 449

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 21.7  Clinical picture showing spread of infection to the submen-
tal space and buccal space Fig. 21.8  Shows the spread of infection to the sublingual space (grey
shaded area) Contents • Posterior: The body of hyoid bone.

• Submental nodes. • Superior: Mucosa of oral cavity.
• Anterior jugular vein. • Inferior: Mylohyoid muscle.
• Medial: Geniohyoid, genioglossus, and styloglossus Clinical Features muscle.
1. Pain and tenderness in the chin region.
2. Firm swelling at the chin. Contents
3. Difficulty in swallowing. • Lingual nerve and Hypoglossal nerve.
4. Tenderness of lower anterior teeth. • Deep part submandibular gland and duct. Management Clinical Features

Transcutaneous approach in the chin region is the most effec- 1. Pain and discomfort during deglutition.
tive drainage; incision is made below the symphysis menti to 2. Due to edema, there is elevation and protrusion of the
produce dependent drainage. Sinus forceps is inserted tongue.
upward and backward to break the locules and the pus is 3. In case of laryngeal edema, there may be breathlessness.
drained. A corrugated rubber drain is inserted and secured 4. Speech may be affected.
with a suture. Intraoral approach is cumbersome as we need 5. Enlarged and tender submandibular nodes.
to pierce mentalis muscle to reach the submental space and
also drainage against gravity is not possible. Management
• An intraoral incision is made close to lingual cortical
plate, near premolar region taking care of lingual nerve
21.11.2 Sublingual Space and the Wharton’s duct. Sinus forceps or a thin mosquito
forceps is inserted and the pus is drained.
The space is V-shaped lying lateral to the muscles of the • If an extraoral approach is planned, then incision is placed
tongue and in the lingual aspect of the body of the mandible. at the submandibular region, taking care of the facial artery
Anteriorly communicates with submental space and posteri- and marginal mandibular nerve; a sinus forceps is inserted
orly communicates with the submandibular space at the edge piercing the mylohyoid muscle to drain the pus and a cor-
of the mylohyoid muscle [12]. rugated rubber drain is inserted and secured with a suture,
as this approach provides gravity-dependent drainage. Source of Infection
• Periapical infection from mandibular teeth is situated
above mylohyoid muscle. 21.11.3 Submandibular Space
• Infection from sublingual gland.
• The submandibular space is present at the inferior border Boundaries (Fig. 21.8) of the mandible between the anterior and posterior bellies
• Anterior: Lingual aspect of mandible. of digastric muscles [13].
450 R. Gaddipati

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 21.10  Clinical pictures showing drain inserted for submandibular

space infection Management
It is managed through an extraoral approach; incision is
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
placed at the submandibular region in the most dependent
Fig. 21.9  Clinical picture showing the submandibular space infection area to facilitate gravitational drainage, taking care of the
facial artery and marginal mandibular nerve; a sinus for-
ceps is inserted superiorly, medially, and laterally piercing Source of Infection through the superficial fascia. A drain is inserted and
• Infection from the periapical region of molar teeth below secured with a suture to facilitate dependent drainage
mylohyoid muscle. (Fig. 21.10).
• Septic fractures of the mandible body region.
• Infections from submandibular salivary gland.
• Infections from submental and sublingual. 21.12 Masticator Space
• Infection from other space.
Masticator space is formed by splitting of the investing fas- Boundaries cia into superficial and deep layers. The superficial layer lies
• Laterally: Skin, superficial fascia, platysma, and superfi- along the lateral surface of the masseter and lower half of the
cial layer of deep cervical fascia. temporalis. Deep layer passes along the medial surface of the
• Medially: Mylohyoid, hyoglossus, and styloglossus. pterygoid muscles before attaching to the base of the skull
• Inferiorly: Anterior and posterior belly of digastric superiorly.
• Posteriorly: Hyoid bone.
• Superiorly: Medial aspect of mandible and the attachment
of mylohyoid muscle. The masticator spaces comprise the following four
spaces: Contents
• Submandibular salivary gland. • Submasseteric space.
• Submandibular nodes. • Pterygomandibular space.
• Facial artery and vein. • Temporal space.
• Infratemporal space. Clinical Features (Fig. 21.9)
1. Pain and tenderness.
2. Swelling is situated at the submandibular region, inferior
to the lower of the mandible. 21.12.1 Submasseteric Space
3. Swelling is firm to soft in consistency.
4. Submandibular nodes are palpable and tender. Masseter consists of three layers which are firmly attached
5. Intraoral—the involved teeth are sensitive. anteriorly and loose posteriorly. The space is present lateral
6. Mild trismus may be noticed. to ascending ramus of the mandible.
21  Fascial Space Infections 451 Source of Infection tube is placed and secured with a suture. Precautions are
• Infection from buccally placed lower third molar. taken not to damage the marginal mandibular nerve
• Septic foci from infected angle fracture. (Figs. 21.11 and 21.12).
• Infection from other space. Boundaries 21.12.2 Pterygomandibular Space

• Anterior: Facial extension of parotidomasseteric fascia.
• Posterior: Parotid fascia and deep portion of parotid gland. One of the most frequently encountered space in dental
• Superiorly: Level of zygomatic arch. office is pterygomandibular space [14].
• Lateral: Medial surface of the Masseter muscle.
• Medial: Lateral surface of the ramus. Source of Infection
• From lower third molar. Clinical Features • Contaminated needle used during inferior alveolar nerve
1. Pain and tenderness at angle mandible. block.
2. Moderate size swelling at the angle region.
3. Firm consistency swelling.
4. Severe trismus. Management
The drainage of the infection is done through two approaches.
In intraoral approach, incision is placed at the retromolar
area along the anterior border of the ramus of mandible. The
sinus forceps is inserted through the incision laterally between
the mandibular ramus and the masseter muscle to explore the
Submasseteric space. The disadvantage of intraoral technique
is that incision and drainage is not gravity dependent.
In extraoral approach, the incision is placed on the skin at
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
the angle and inferior border of the mandible; sinus forceps
is inserted directing superiorly piercing the subcutaneous tis- Fig. 21.12  Clinical picture showing submasseteric space infection left
sue and masseter muscle. Abscess drained corrugated rubber side, pus was drained extraorally

Fig. 21.11 Schematic
representation of approaches
to the masticator spaces
Medial Lateral

Medial pterygoid Masseter muscle


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

452 R. Gaddipati

• Septic fractures of the mandibular angle. Intraoral Approach

• Infection from other spaces (Superficial temporal). A vertical incision of 1.5  cm is made at the anterior and
medial aspect of the mandible, sinus forceps is inserted into Boundaries the abscess cavity, and pus is evacuated. Corrugated rubber
• Lateral: Medial surface of mandible. drain is inserted and sutured to the margins of the incision to
• Medial: Lateral aspect of medial pterygoid muscle. prevent dislodgement.
• Anterior: Pterygomandibular raphe.
• Posterior: Deep part of parotid gland. Extraoral Approach
• Superior: Lateral pterygoid muscle and infratemporal sur- In case of severe trismus, this approach is advised, an inci-
face of greater wing of sphenoid bone. sion of 1.5 cm is made on the skin, toward the inner aspect of
the angle region. Sinus forceps is inserted toward the medial Contents aspect of the mandible directing superiorly close to the bone.
• Inferior Alveolar Nerve and artery. Pus is evacuated and rubber drain is inserted and sutured to
• Lingual Nerve. the margins of the incision.
• Long Buccal Nerve. Figure 21.14 shows various approaches which can be
• Nerve to Mylohyoid. used for fascial space infections and Fig. 21.15 shows sub-
mandibular approach to the medial and lateral masticator Clinical Features (Fig. 21.13) spaces.
1. Pain at the retromolar region.
2. Dysphagia.
3. Trismus.
4. No obvious swelling extraorally.
5. Swelling near anterior tonsillar pillar.
6. Deviation of Uvula. Management
Generally, incision and drainage are done through intraoral
approach; however, in case of severe trismus, extraoral
approach may be indicated. Drainage is done either under
general anesthesia or by giving mandibular nerve block.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 21.13  Clinical picture of left pterygomandibular space infection Fig. 21.14  Shows the extraoral incisions for the space infections, (a)
forming a decayed impacted lower left third molar. Note the limited temporal space, (b) submental space, (c) submandibular space, (d) lat-
mouth opening eral pharyngeal space, (e) retropharyngeal space
21  Fascial Space Infections 453 Contents
• Lymph nodes.
• Ascending Pharyngeal artery and Facial artery.
• Carotid sheath.
• Glossopharyngeal nerve, Spinal Accessory nerve,
Hypoglossal nerve. Clinical Features

1. No or minimal external swelling on the lateral aspect of
the neck.
2. Moderate limitation of mouth opening.
3. Rotation of neck to contralateral side is painful.
4. Dysphagia.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 5. Uvula is pushed to opposite side.
6. Pharyngeal bulging is seen (Swelling over pillars of fau-
Fig. 21.15  Diagrammatic representation of the approach to the ptery- ces and superior constrictor).
goid space (medial) or massetric space (lateral) via submandibular
incision Management
A combination of intra-oral and extra-oral approaches are
advised for the managment of infections of the lateral pha-
ryngeal space. They are preferably done under general anes-
21.13 Spaces of Neck thesia with care taken to secure the airway.
Intraoral approach—A 1.5  cm incision is made on the
21.13.1 Parapharyngeal Spaces Pterygomandibular raphe, sinus forceps is passed through
the raphe on the medial surface of the mandible, medial
The spaces around the pharynx form a ‘Ring’ and a pathway aspect of the medial pterygoid muscle, and lateral aspect of
for spread of infections from the orofacial region to the neck the superior constrictor muscle.
and mediastinum. The Parapharyngeal space includes Lateral Extraoral approach—An incision of 2.5  cm is made in
Pharyngeal space and Retropharyngeal space. the submandibular region, blunt dissection is then carried
through the fascia just anterior to the sternocleidomastoid
muscle, and digital palpation can enter and dissect the lateral
21.13.2 Lateral Pharnygeal Space pharyngeal space bluntly (Fig. 21.16). The landmarks to be
palpated are the angle of the mandible anterolaterally, the
It is a potential space lying lateral to the pharynx, extending carotid sheath posterolaterally, the transverse processes of
from base of the skull to the hyoid bone. The space is conical the cervical vertebrae posteromedially, and the endotracheal
in shape, base being toward the base of the skull and apex tube, if present, anteromedially. Caution must be taken not to
toward the hyoid bone. perforate the posterior oropharyngeal wall by aggressive fin-
ger dissection toward the oropharynx [15]. Source of Infection Combined approach—Intraoral incision is made on the
• From other spaces which includes. mucosa at the medial aspect of the ramus of the mandible,
• Pterygomandibular space. curved hemostasis is inserted lateral to superior constrictor
• Submandibular space. muscle and medial to medial pterygoid muscle and the blunt
• From Tonsils. dissection is carried out posterio-inferiorly below the angle
• From the lower third molar region. of the mandible. The tip of the instrument is palpated at the
anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle extra- Boundaries orally and cutaneous incision is made over the tip. A drain is
• Superior: Base of the skull. inserted and sutured to the wound margin to allow drainage.
• Inferior: Hyoid bone. Maintaining the endo-tracheal tube or tracheostomy may
• Anterior: Pterygomandibular raphe, Superior and middle be considered depending on the severity of infection and the
pharyngeal constrictor. success of drainage.
• Posterior: Carotid sheath, Stylohyoid, Styloglossus, and
• Medial: Superior constrictor of Pharynx and 21.13.3 Retropharyngeal Space
Retropharyngeal space.
• Lateral: Medial pterygoid muscle, Deep lobe of the It is also called as prevertebral space, which is a potential
parotid gland. space present in the midline between the pharyngobasilar
454 R. Gaddipati

Fig. 21.16  Shows the

Visceral fascia
approach for the
retropharyngeal space
Alar fascia

Retropharyngeal space

Carotid sheath

Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Prevertebral fascia

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

fascia and prevertebral fascia. This space is continuous 6. Dyspnea.

with retropharyngeal space into the posterior 7. Mediastinitis is the most feared complication of this
mediastinum. space. Source of Infection Management

• From Lateral pharyngeal space. Most important is to secure airway, may be an elective tra-
• From the lymph nodes that drain into Waldeyer’s ring. cheostomy or fiber optic intubation is considered for airway
• Rarely from upper respiratory infections. maintenance.
Intraoral approach is generally done for the suprahyoid part Boundaries of the retropharyngeal infection, procedure is similar to the
• Superior—Base of the skull. one done for lateral pharyngeal space infection. Intraoral inci-
• Inferior—Fusion of alar and Prevertebral fascia. sion is made on the mucosa at the medial aspect of the ramus
• Anterior—Superior and Medial constrictors. of the mandible, curved hemostat is inserted lateral to superior
• Posterior—Alar fascia. constrictor muscle and medial to medial pterygoid muscle,
• Lateral—Carotid sheath and Lateral pharyngeal space. and the blunt dissection is carried out further inferiorly.
Extraoral approach is better for the infection at the infra- Contents of the Space hyoid region, incision is made transcutaneously anterior to
• Lymph nodes. the sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level of the angle of
the mandible to the level of the hyoid bone. Both sternoclei- Clinical Features domastoid muscle and Carotid sheath are identified, and
1. Stiff neck. retracted. Blunt dissection is carried out into lateral and ret-
2. Sore throat. ropharyngeal spaces, later being verified by the palpation of
3. Dysphagia. anterior process of the cervical spine posteriorly and the
4. Lateral neck swelling and occasional erythema. endotracheal tube anteriorly [16]. Drain is placed and secured
5. Fever. to the edges of the cutaneous incision.
21  Fascial Space Infections 455 Management
Intraoral approach, superficial incision made at the most
prominent area of the swelling near anterior pillar and the
soft palate, sinus forceps is inserted deep into the tissues to
break all the locules and drain the pus [17].

21.14 S
 equelae of Space Infections,
if Ignored

Possible life-threatening complications may be developed if

the space infections of the jaws are not addressed adequately;
for ease of understanding, the complications are classified as
follows (Table 21.5).

Specific warning signs in space infections include:

• Dyspnea (difficulty breathing).
• Dysphagia (difficulty/pain with swallowing).
• Severe trismus.
• Rapidly progressive swelling.
• Edema of eyelids and abnormal eye signs.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
• Impaired vision or eye movement or both.
Fig. 21.17  Shows the boundaries of peritonsillar abscess • Change in voice quality.
• Lethargy.
• Agitation, restlessness due to hypoxia.
21.13.4 Peritonsillar Abscess: (Quincy) • Evidence of meningeal irritation-severe headache,
stiff neck, vomiting.
It is a localized infection near the tonsils, usually occurring • Decreased level of consciousness.
as a secondary infection from the local sites. Source of Infection 21.14.1 Ludwig’s Angina

• From tonsillitis.
• Rarely from Pericoronitis. It was first described by Wilhelm Friedreich Von Ludwig in
• From Lateral pharyngeal space. 1836, and the term Ludwig’s Angina was coined by Camerer
in 1937. The word Angina is derived from Latin language Boundaries meaning suffocation or choking.
• Anterior—Anterior pillar of fauces. Ludwig’s Angina is defined as an acute, firm, non-­
• Posterior—Posterior pillar of fauces. suppurating, necrotizing cellulitis involving bilateral
• Medially—Tonsil. Submandibular, Sublingual, and Submental spaces. The con-
• Laterally—Superior constrictor muscle (Fig. 21.17). dition has been described by medical practitioners, by three
unique features, starting with the alphabet ‘F’—Feared, Clinical Features Fluctuant rarely, Fatal often.
1. Pain in the throat radiating to ear. Many terminologies were used for this condition like
2. Fever. Marbus Strangularis, Angina Maligna, and Garotillo.
3. Dehydration.
4. Dysphagia.
5. Swelling visible at anterior pillar of tonsillar fauces.
6. Redness and edema may be extended to soft palate. Table 21.5  Sequelae of space infections if ignored
7. Drooling of saliva. Complications from spaces around Comlications from spaces
8. Change of voice and speech difficulty in case of bilateral mandible around maxilla
involvement. Ludwig’s angina Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Necrotizing fasciitis Meningitis
9. Mouth opening difficulty may not be present.
456 R. Gaddipati Source the sub-lingual space to the laryngeal inlet. This may pro-
Predominantly (90%) odontogenic in origin, from the lower duce acute respiratory obstruction and death [18].
Infection from 2nd and 3rd molar teeth may be Acute den- Management
toalveolar abscess, Periodontal Abscess. It should be treated as life-threatening situation and inter-
vened aggressively
–– Pericoronal Abscess. Infected cyst at the body and the The treatment of Ludwig’s Angina is primarily surgical.
angle of the mandible. The first priority in the management is always the life-saving
–– Traumatic injuries especially to the mandible, either measure. If the patient shows any signs of dyspnea,
ignored or not managed well leading to sepsis. Tracheostomy should be performed promptly
–– Salivary gland infections.
–– Iatrogenic reasons.
Treatment protocol is as follows:
–– Hematogenous infections.
• Early diagnosis. Predisposing Factors • Maintenance of airway.
• Immunosuppression. • Intravenous broad spectrum antibiotics and fluids.
• Uncontrolled Diabetes. • Necessary investigations.
• Steroid therapy. • Removal of the cause and surgical drainage and
• Debilitating conditions. decompression of fascial spaces. Clinical Features (Table 21.6)

The infection of the sublingual space rapidly spreads along Endotracheal intubation is nearly impossible due to tris-
to its base which is present at the hyoid bone. A characteris- mus, tongue elevation, and laryngeal edema. A skilled anes-
tic feature is edema of the epiglottis and the vocal cords, due thetist with fiber optic laryngoscope may try Nasoendotracheal
to the spread of infection in a postero-inferior direction from intubation, while the patient is conscious and awake, while
the tracheostomy kit is kept on standby, in case of emergency
(please refer Chap. 7 to read about anesthesia procedures in
Table 21.6  Clinical features of Ludwig’s angina patients with space infections).
General/Systemic Regional/Local Once the airway is secure, the next step is surgical decom-
Patient appears toxic Firm to hard swelling pression of spaces and tissue planes; this is achieved by giving
Fever Tense, nonfluctuant, non-pitting, and wood multiple cutaneous incisions in the submandibular and sub-
like/brawny mental regions. Decompression of sublingual space is very
Dehydrated Tender important, which is achieved by piercing the mylohyoid mus-
Anorexia Trismus
cle. This can also be achieved by placing an incision in the floor
Malaise Mouth open appearance
of the mouth, parallel to the lingual vestibule. There may not be
Difficulty in Fetid odor
swallowing much pus to drain as the condition is usually non-­supperative
Hoarseness of voice Raised floor of the mouth (Fig. 21.18a, b, c). Corrugated rubber drain may be left in situ
Shallow breathing to keep the incisions patient and to drain the exudates [19]

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 21.18 (a, b, c) Clinical pictures showing the drainage of Ludwig’s angina

21  Fascial Space Infections 457

Purpose of decompression is threefold:

1. Reduces tension within the tissue planes and pre-

vents further spread of infection.
2. As the pressure in the tissue drops, circulation
improves and facilitates the reduction of the edema.
3. Drains septic material and prevents bacteremia.

After decompression, simultaneous removal of the cause

is important, as this is the source of the condition.
Intravenous fluids are administered to maintain proper ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
fluid and electrolyte balance and to fulfill the nutritional
requirement of the patient. Definitive antibiotics are given Fig. 21.19  Clinical picture showing the necrotizing fasciitis
intravenously based on the culture and sensitivity reports.
Other symptomatic medicines like anti-inflammatory and
Table 21.7  Clinical features of necrotizing fasciitis
analgesics may be prescribed. Local wound care is taken
Systemic Local
care of by irrigation and dressings. Drains to be changed
High fever Involved area is swollen and erythematous
every 48 hrs and maintained until the condition resolves. Weakness Change of overlying skin color to dusky with
purple mottling
Dehydration Visible slough on the surface with underlying
21.14.2 Necrotizing Fasciitis necrotic fascia
Toxic Paraesthesia of the affected area
Necrotizing fasciitis is an uncommon soft tissue infection, Tachycardia Foul smell
occurs due to polymicrobes and spreads rapidly in the subcu- Sepsis
taneous tissue and above superficial fascia, and as the disease Hemolysis
progresses, muscle and skin involve giving rise to myonecro-
sis. The other name for this condition is Hospital Gangrene
given by Brooks in 1966 and Hemolytic streptococcal gan- Clinical Features (Table 21.7)
grene. Necrotizing fasciitis may affect any part of the body;
however, it most commonly affects the extremities, abdomi- Investigations
nal wall, and the perineum following trauma or surgery. –– Complete blood picture (Leukocytosis, Band cells, and
The condition shows no clear boundaries or palpable lim- Toxic granules in Leukocytes).
its, mainly occurs with immunocompromised patients and –– Ultrasonography of the neck—Shows the collection in the
those suffering from systemic illnesses (Fig. 21.19). superficial planes.
–– CT Scans are useful in detecting the deep-seated collec- Source tions and the necrosis.
The causative organisms in this condition are multiple like
Aerobic Group A—hemolytic Streptococcus and Management
Staphylococcus and later identified microbes are Bacteroids, Early recognition and aggressive surgical intervention is
Proteus, coliforms, and peptostreptococcus. In most cases, mandatory; taking the medical parameters into consideration
the pathogens gain entry through disruption of the skin and airway maintenance, general anesthesia is preferred in
caused by trauma or surgery. Continuous bacterial over- most cases.
growth and synergy cause a decrease in oxygen tension and Initially, intravenous broad spectrum antibiotics are
develop local ischemia and proliferation of anaerobic bacte- administered to control the spread of the infection; these
ria. The fulminating nature of the necrotic process is the antibiotics may be changed once the culture report is
result of the symbiotic relationship between the bacteria. obtained.
458 R. Gaddipati

Surgical treatment is obligatory with incision and drain- • Increased intracranial pressure due to venous congestion
age, in addition to vigorous debridement of the necrotic and cerebral edema.
fascia, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and skin. Excision of • Altered level of consciousness.
tissue to the point of fresh bleeding is advised. Multiple and • Pyogenic meningitis leading to brain abscess.
regular change of dressings are needed till the condition is • Erosion of the internal carotid artery leading to fatal intra-
resolved. cranial hemorrhage.
Some centers may follow Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for
this condition. Eagleton Criteria
Diagnostic criteria were suggested by Eagleton, prior to
modern investigative methods.
21.14.3 Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
1. Known site of infection or septicaemia.
Cavernous sinuses are the venous sinuses situated on either 2. Evidence of blood stream infection.
side of the sella tursica. The cavernous sinus on either side 3. Early signs of venous obstruction in the retina, conjunc-
communicates freely with each other by anterior and poste- tiva, or eyelid.
rior intracavernous sinuses they also communicate with sag- 4. Paresis of the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerve.
ittal sinus, transverse, sinus and sigmoid sinus. The cavernous 5. Abscess formation in the neighboring soft tissue.
sinus communicates extra cranially with veins of the head 6. Evidence of meningeal irritation.
and neck. Management
1. The ophthalmic vein and angular veins into the anterior The patient should be given broad spectrum intra venous
facial vein. antibiotics preferably those which cross the blood brain bar-
2. Through emissary veins from the pterygoid plexus of rier. Aminoglycosides and Clindamycin are started in high
veins. therapeutic doses. IV Mannitol is given to decrease the intra
cranial pressure. Anticoagulant Heparin 20,000 units in
External route—Infection from face and lips carried by 1500 ml of 5% Dextrose is advised to reduce thrombosis.
facial and angular veins and nasofrontal veins to the superior Neurosurgical intervention is mandatory.
ophthalmic vein passes through the superior orbital fissure
and enters the cavernous sinus.
Internal route—Infection from the posterior maxillary 21.14.4 Meningitis
region to the pterygoid plexus to the inferior ophthalmic vein
through the inferior orbital fissure and then through the supe- It is one of the neurological complications resulting from the
rior orbital fissure to the cavernous sinus. infection of oro-facial region. It may develop from meta-
static spread or may be due to nearby thrombophlebitis. Source
The area of the face between the inner canthus of the eyes Clinical Features
and the corners of the mouth is called `Danger Triangle` of 1. High fever with chills
the face and any kind of severe sepsis in this area can spread 2. Irritability and mental confusion
in a retrograde manner and can extend to the cavernous sinus 3. Head ache
through the angular vein and ophthalmic vein. 4. Vomiting
Causative agents identified are Streptococcus, 5. Stiff neck—Brudzinski’s sign
Staphylococcus, and Gram negative microbes. 6. Positive Kernig’s sign
7. Convulsions Clinical Features
• High fever. Diagnosis
• Sweating. Diagnosis is based on cerebrospinal fluid analysis. In CSF
• Swelling (cellulitis) of the face. polymorpho-nuclear leukocytes, elevated protein levels and
• Edema, congestion, and tenderness of the eyelids. decreased glucose levels are noticed.
• Ptosis.
• Exopthalmus. Treatment
• Diplopia due to involvement of 3rd, 4th, and 6th cranial –– Initially with Chloramphenicol 4  g/day-IV associated
nerves. with Penicillin G 24 million units per day IV
21  Fascial Space Infections 459

–– Mandatory neurosurgical consultation. 4. Mirochnik R, Araidy S, Yaffe V. Imad Abu El-Naaj severity score
as a prognostic factor for Management of Infections of odontogenic
–– For raised intracranial pressure IV Manniotol is given. origin, a study of 100 cases. Open J Stomatol. 2017;7:25–34.
Maintenance of hydro-electrolyte balance is recom- 5. Flynn TR.  What are the antibiotics of choice for odontogenic
mended. Change of antibiotics if required after culture and infections, and how long should the treatment course last? Oral
sensitivity report. Maxillofac Surg Clin N Am. 2011;23:519–36.
6. Martins JR, et al. The use of antibiotics in odontogenic infections:
what is the best choice? A systematic review. J Oral Maxillofac
Surg. 2017;75:2606.e1–2606.e11.
21.15 Conclusion 7. Grodinsky M, Holyoke E. The fascial and fascial spaces of the head
and neck and adjacent regions. Am J Anat. 1938;63:367–407.
8. Ansari MK, et  al. Management of Odontogenic Buccal Space
Odontogenic infections are typically polymicrobial. The Infection in patient with severe hemophilia A-case report. Int Arch
pathogenesis of odontogenic infections depend on a syner- Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008;2:1–4.
gistic relationship between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. 9. Igoumenakis D, et al. Effect of causative tooth extraction on clini-
The last decade showed a notable change in the behavior cal and biological parameters of odontogenic infection: a prospec-
tive clinical trial. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015;73:1254–8.
of odontogenic infections. The severity of these infections is 10. Fiscaletti D, Sorli A. A-temporal physical space and introduction to
far greater than in the past, demanding swift recognition of the theory of everything. Sci Inq. 2007;8:65–80.
the disease followed by prompt and more aggressive treat- 11. Carter LM, Layton S. Cervicofacial infection of dental origin pre-
ment. Failing to identify and treat these infections promptly senting to maxillofacial surgery units in the United Kingdom: a
national audit. Br Dent J. 2009;206:73–8.
may result in disastrous outcomes. 12. Kao S, Jo C, Oral and Maxillofacial Infections. Clinical review of
Definitive treatment includes airway management, ade- oral and maxillofacial surgery. Mosby. 2014:95–118.
quate resuscitation and optimization of pre-existing medical 13. Rizzo PB, Da Mosto MC. Submandibular space infection: a poten-
conditions prior to removal of the source of infection, and tially lethal infection. Int J Infect Dis. 2009;13:327–33.
14. Khoury JN, Mihailidis S. Applied anatomy of the pterygomandibu-
drainage of pus. lar space: improving the success of inferior alveolar nerve blocks.
Oral and high-dose intravenous antibiotics should be Aust Dent J. 2011;56:112–21.
administered as required depending on the severity of 15. Qureshi FG, Newman KD. Pediatric surgery. 7th ed; 2012. p. 737–
infection and based on the decision whether the patient is 43. Lymph Node Disorders
16. Albert T, Balderston R, Northrup B.  Surgical approaches to the
treated on an outpatient or inpatient basis, with the initial spine. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1997.
choice of antibiotics modified in the light of subsequent 17. Scott GM, Fung K, Roth KE.  Novel high-fidelity peritonsillar

bacteriological reports. The treatment of all odontogenic abscess simulator. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016;154:634–7.
infections must include removal of the focus of infection 18. Farr J, Stanhope ED. Ludwigs angina. Br Med J. 1945;3:295–6.
19. Ramadhan A, et al. One incision approach to multiple facial spaces:
and drainage of pus. technical note incision approach to multiple facial space. Int J Oral
Care Res. 2017;5:9–14.

1. Shapiro DS, Schwartz DR.  Exposure of laboratory workers to Additional Suggested Reading
Francisella tularensis despite a bioterrorism procedure. J Clin
Microbiol. 2002;40(6):2278–81.
Flynn TR. Oral and maxillofacial infections: 15 unanswered questions.
2. Standring S, editor. Gray’s anatomy: the anatomical basis of clini-
Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2011 Nov;23(4):ix–x.
cal practice. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2005.
3. Guidera AK, Dawes PJD, Fong A, Stringer MD.  Head and neck
fascia and compartments: no space for spaces. Head Neck.

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org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropri-
ate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made.
The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in
a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the chapter's Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statu-
tory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.
Osteomyelitis, Osteoradionecrosis, and
Medication-Related Osteonecrosis 22
of Jaws

Christian Walter and Christoph Renné

22.1 Introduction 22.1.1 Osteoblasts

Bones belong to the connective tissue. Their main function is Osteoblasts derive from a multipotential stem cell that
the internal support and source of inorganic ions. Bones have differentiates via an osteoprogenitor cell into osteoblasts.
an organic matrix that is secondarily calcified with calcium Osteoblasts form new bone by the production of the inor-
salts, mainly hydroxyapatite. The organic matrix consists of ganic matrix that mineralizes eventually. After a cycle of
a huge extent of type I collagen. Only 5% are other proteo- bone resorption and consecutive bone formation, most
glycans and non-collagenous proteins [1]. osteoblasts become lining cells covering the surface of the
There are two major bone parts: The outer compact and bone [1].
the interior cancellous part. In the compact bone, the colla-
gen fibrils form concentric lamellae around a central canal
that is called the Haversian canal. These canals harbor ves- 22.1.2 Osteocyte
sels which are interconnected by further vessels lying in the
Volkmann’s canals. The fibrils in neighboring lamellae have During the course of bone formation, approximately 10% of
a perpendicular orientation resulting in higher stability of the the osteoblasts build themselves into the bony structure and
bone. In between the calcified lamellae are therefore concen- become osteocytes [2]. It is assumed that the number of
tric orientated osteocytes. Their main function seems to be osteocytes is 10 times higher than the number of osteoblasts
the mineralization of the bone [1]. The compact bone is in the adult human body. The osteocytes are stellate cells that
responsible for approximately 80% of the entire bone weight have lots of slim processes that are connected to surrounding
[2]. The main function of the compact bone is mechanical cells. Osteocytes with their three-dimensional network seem
stability whereas the cancellous bone mainly has a metabolic to play the key role in bone remodeling [1].
function [1]. The cancellous bone consists of small lamellae
and has a surface 10 times bigger than the compact bone [2].
On the outside of the compact bone is the periosteum, on the 22.1.3 Osteoclast
inside the endosteum.
There are three kinds of bone cells: The osteoblasts, the From all bone cells osteoclasts represent the smallest frac-
osteocytes, and the osteoclasts. tion. Osteoclasts are multinucleated giant cells that resorb
bone. They derive from the monocyte macrophage line.
Their only function is to resorb mineralized tissue as it is
necessary for bone growth, remodeling, and tooth eruption.
Most bone diseases are associated with an increased function
of the osteoclasts. Therefore, osteoclasts are often the phar-
maceutical target in the therapy of bone diseases such as
C. Walter (*) malignancies or metabolic diseases as osteoporosis.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Plastic Surgery, Mediplus Clinic Osteoclasts are regulated by the RANK RANKL OPG sys-
Mainz, Mainz, Germany tem [1, 3].
e-mail: walter@mainz-mkg.de
C. Renné
Group Practice for Pathology Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 461

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_22
462 C. Walter and C. Renné

22.1.4 RANK RANKL OPG Table 22.1  The table describes the Zürich classification of osteomy-
elitis on the left-hand side. In the right column are the different kinds of
osteomyelitis that are included in the respective group of the Zürich
The receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) classification [4]
is an osteoclast differentiating factor mainly expressed by Zürich classification [4] Different types of osteomyelitis
osteoblasts. Secretion of RANKL leads to the differentiation Acute osteomyelitis Neonatal osteomyelitis
of osteoclasts out of precursor cells, and the activation of Secondary chronic Trauma-associated osteomyelitis
osteoclasts to resorb bone by binding on RANK that is osteomyelitis Odontogenic osteomyelitis
expressed on both the precursor cells and the mature osteo- Foreign body-induced osteomyelitis
clasts. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is the osteoclastogenesis Osteomyelitis based on a bone disease
inhibitor factor and functions as a decoy receptor for RANKL Osteomyelitis based on a systemic
so that the osteoclasts cannot be activated. The RANK   • Diabetes
RANKL OPG system seems to be the most important part in   •  Autoimmune diseases/
the communication between the bone cells. immunosuppression
This system is not exclusively organizing the communica-   • AIDS
  • Agranulocytosis
tion between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. This system has   • Anemia
been proven to be responsible for the formation of the mam-   • Leukemia
mary gland and lymph nodes. RANK and RANKL are also   • Syphilis
expressed in the kidney, spleen, thymus, and brain, where it   • Malnutrition
  • Cancer/chemotherapy
might influence the thermoregulation [3].   • Alcohol/tobacco/drugs
  •  Herpes zoster/Cytomegaly
Primary chronic Juvenile chronic osteomyelitis
22.2 Osteomyelitis osteomyelitis Adult onset osteomyelitis
Syndrome associated
The clinical picture of the different kinds of osteomyelitis is   • CRMO
very inhomogeneous so that there are many definitions and
classifications. In textbooks, the osteoradionecrosis and
medication-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws are often the same disease at a different time stage. Once the osteo-
subentities of the osteomyelitis. In this book, these entities myelitis persists for more than 4  weeks, it is defined as
are described in their own subheadings (Sects. 22.3 and 22.4 chronic [4].
of the chapter).

22.2.3 Epidemiology
22.2.1 Definition
Due to the different classifications and terms used for the
The actual term “osteomyelitis” refers to an inflammation entire group of osteomyelitis, it is hard to give general data
(“itis”) of the bone marrow (“osteomyel”) only but means an regarding its epidemiology. Approximately 17% of all osteo-
inflammation of the entire bone including the periosteum, myelitis cases belong to the group of the acute osteomyelitis,
the cortical, and cancellous bone as well as the bone 70% to the secondary chronic osteomyelitis, and 10% to the
marrow. primary chronic osteomyelitis [4]. The average age at the
time of diagnosis is a little bit over 40 years for the acute and
the secondary chronic osteomyelitis [4]. Because of the
22.2.2 Classification inhomogeneity of the secondary chronic osteomyelitis, a
general age group cannot be given.
There are many different classifications that are either based
on the etiology, pathogenesis, pathologic or anatomic differ-
ences, the clinical course of the disease, or radiologic pat- 22.2.4 Etiology
terns. This makes a comparison between different studies
very complicated or impossible. In the etiology of the acute osteomyelitis and the secondary
The Zürich classification [4] differs between three differ- chronic osteomyelitis, usually an odontogenic infection can
ent kinds of osteomyelitis: The acute osteomyelitis, the sec- be identified such as a dead tooth, a periodontal disease, or
ondary chronic osteomyelitis, and the primary chronic conditions after dentoalveolar surgery. A hematogenic spread
osteomyelitis (Table 22.1). The secondary chronic osteomy- from a different primary location into the region of the jaws
elitis results from the acute osteomyelitis and therefore is is extremely rare [4].
22  Osteomyelitis, Osteoradionecrosis, and Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws 463

The etiology of the primary chronic osteomyelitis is an be found [4, 5]. The most common bacteria being detected is
infection of unknown origin [4]. Staphylococcus aureus (85%) [4]. Due to the blood flow dis-
turbances (see pathogenesis), parts of the bone die so that
empty osteocytic lacunae can be observed. Sequestrae may
22.2.5 Pathogenesis be present. New bone formation under the periosteum is not
The acute osteomyelitis and secondary chronic osteomyelitis In cases of secondary chronic osteomyelitis, sequestrum
are caused by a local infection due to bacteria from the oral formation is more common than in the acute osteomyelitis.
cavity. The likelihood of the development of the infection The more chronic the course is, the more likely is the devel-
depends on the virulence and number of bacteria and the opment of bone marrow fibrosis and sclerosis of the bone.
quality of the local immune response and the blood flow [4]. Bacteria might be present. Actinomyces drusen are
Therefore, general diseases affecting the immune system typical.
are risk factors in the development of osteomyelitis, e.g., dia- In the primary chronic osteomyelitis, plasma cells are
betes, autoimmune diseases, or anemia. predominant in the inflammatory infiltrate. The proportion
A typical course of the acute and secondary chronic of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages is rather
osteomyelitis is the contamination of the bone with bacteria. small. The bone marrow is altered due to fibrosis. New
The bacteria proliferate and colonize the bone marrow and bone formation is a common sign. Osteoclastic activity
reach via the Haversian and Volkmann canals the perios- leads to repeated bone remodeling without a distinct histo-
teum. The edema under and in the periosteum disturbs the logical bone formation pattern. Microabscesses might be
blood flow resulting in ischemic bone parts and potentially observed [4].
sequestrum building.

22.2.7 Symptoms
22.2.6 Histology
In cases of acute osteomyelitis, patients present with high
The acute osteomyelitis and the secondary chronic osteomy- fever and are listless. Local swelling can be observed with
elitis are characterized by an inflammatory exudate, primary pain on palpation. The affected area is reddish, a trismus
in the medullary spaces with fibrin, leucocytes, and macro- might be present, and quite often the teeth have higher mobil-
phages that replace the fatty tissue and hematopoietic mar- ity with pus coming out of the periodontium. If the inferior
row (Fig. 22.1). In addition, necrotic debris and bacteria can alveolar nerve is affected, patients report paresthesia of the
lips (Vincent symptom [4]). There are cases in which the
symptoms are not very distinctive.
Symptoms of the secondary chronic osteomyelitis are the
painful swellings that are usually not as prominent as in the
acute osteomyelitis. A common finding is a periosteal reac-
tion causing a solid swelling. Further symptoms are seques-
ter formation and fistulas.
The primary chronic osteomyelitis is characterized by a
nonsuppurative inflammation and sometimes only barely
noticeable symptoms. In active periods, the patients notice
pain, swelling, and mouth-opening limitations. Due to the
bone formation, permanent swelling will develop eventually

22.2.8 Complications
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
A typical complication of the acute osteomyelitis is a shift
Fig. 22.1  In this case of acute osteomyelitis, the medullary hemato- into the chronic osteomyelitis that is very hard to treat
poietic cells and the fatty tissue are completely replaced by cell debris, sufficiently.
fibrin, and an inflammatory infiltrate mainly composed of neutrophil
granulocytes (black arrow). Besides the vital bone with filled lacunes of
Further complications are the development of the Vincent
osteocytes (yellow arrow), necrotic bone can be seen with loss of osteo- syndrome, fistula, abscess and sequester formation, and
cytes (blue arrow) potentially fractures [4].
464 C. Walter and C. Renné

22.2.9 Diagnosis improvement of the local blood flow. This is achieved via
antibiotics and removing of the infected parts of the bone. A
The diagnosis is based on the clinical course. This is com- decortication supports this and helps to get well-vascularized
pleted by radiology: panoramic radiograph, cone beam CT, tissue onto the bone.
CT, or MRI. Changes in the bone can only be seen after a 30 Acute osteomyelitis is immediately treated with
to 40% reduction of the mineralized part of the bone. ­antibiotics. If an antibiogram suggests different antibiotics,
Therefore, the changes in the acute osteomyelitis are mar- an ­adaptation should be performed after the initial anti-­
ginal at the beginning. In complex cases of osteomyelitis, a microbiological therapy. Mouth rinses, hygiene, and cold
bone scintigraphy might be used to detect further active spots application can be applied. In general, the highly mobile
in the skeleton, e.g., in the diagnosis of chronic recurrent teeth should not be extracted since they will gain stability
multifocal osteomyelitis or the SAPHO syndrome (SAPHO: again after the acute stadium of the osteomyelitis is over.
Synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis) [6]. The therapy of the secondary chronic osteomyelitis aims
Radiological signs of acute osteomyelitis are: Bone at sufficient pain management, limitation of the spread of the
resorption with increased radiolucency, loss of spongious affected areas, fracture prevention, and the prevention of the
structure of the bone, potentially sequester formation. onset of further active periods. Secondary diseases such as
Radiological signs of the secondary chronic osteomyelitis diabetes need to be treated as well.
are: Bone resorption with increased radiolucency, sequester The therapy of the primary chronic osteomyelitis consists
formation, periosteal reaction, and pathological fractures. of a surgical intervention to remove the necrotic bone parts
Radiological signs of the primary chronic osteomyelitis and a potential disfigurement can be corrected. But recur-
are: Increased radiopacity with loss of trabecular bone, bone rences of the symptoms are very common. Therefore, other
resorption, and periosteal reaction (Fig. 22.2) [4]. treatment options should be used as well including antibiot-
ics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), ste-
roids, and bisphosphonates (mainly pamidronate).
22.2.10 Differential Diagnoses

In the differential diagnosis, one should rule out malignan- 22.2.12 Prognosis
cies in unclear cases so that biopsies should be performed.
The therapeutic success is higher in patients with acute and
secondary chronic osteomyelitis than in patients with pri-
22.2.11 Therapy mary chronic osteomyelitis. Approximately 75% of the acute
and secondary chronic osteomyelitis are symptom-free after
The therapy of the acute and secondary chronic osteomyeli- intervention whereas only about 25% are symptom-free of
tis mainly consists of the therapy of the infection and of the the patients with primary chronic osteomyelitis [4].

Fig. 22.2 Panoramic
radiograph of a patient with
primary chronic osteomyelitis
after several surgeries have
been performed. Several
infusions of pamidronate
prevented the occurrence of
further active periods. In the
left mandible, typical
sclerosis can be seen with a
prominent nerve canal

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

22  Osteomyelitis, Osteoradionecrosis, and Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws 465

22.3 Osteoradionecrosis are male gender, insufficient oral hygiene, pressure denture
sores, a tumor localized in the tongue, alveolar process of
The osteoradionecrosis is a side effect in the therapy of the mandible, the floor of the mouth, and retromolar as well
malignant diseases to the head and neck area with ionizing as persisting alcohol and nicotine consumption. Next to
radiation. these, there are therapy-linked risk factors, namely a tumor
resection including resection of the bone and dentoalveolar
surgery performed in timely proximity to the radiation ther-
22.3.1 Definition apy [10].

Osteoradionecrosis describes the exposed necrotic bone due

to radiation. The infected osteoradionecrosis describes the 22.3.5 Classification
additional infection of the necrotic bone [7].
It is mainly differed between the aseptic osteoradionecrosis
and the infected osteoradionecrosis. Another very common
22.3.2 Epidemiology staging system uses the potential benefit of a rather contro-
versially discussed therapy option the hyperbaric oxygen
The prevalence of osteoradionecrosis ranges from 0 to 23% treatment and therefore won’t be discussed in further detail.
of the patients with head and neck radiation [8]. Usually,
older patients are affected (60 years ±10 years) since the pri-
mary disease causing the head and neck radiation are dis- 22.3.6 Histology
eases in patients with advanced age [9]. Men are affected
more than twice as often [9]. The lacunae of the osteocytes in osteoradionecrotic bone are
empty (Fig.  22.3). There is a lack of osteoblastic rimming
and the Haversian and Volkmann canals do not harbor any
22.3.3 Etiology blood vessels. The marrow of the bone shows acellular col-
lagen. The periosteum is acellular and avascular [5].
The etiology of the osteoradionecrosis is radiation therapy to
the head and neck area. Usually, another trigger is required
in the development of the osteoradionecrosis (see

22.3.4 Pathogenesis

Due to the radiation therapy, the vessels of the bone change

and become hyalinized. It results in a lack of nutrition and
hypoxia with the subsequent death of osteocytes [7]. This
seems to be more likely in radiation doses above 40–50 Gy
[10]. The radiation has additional side effects to all tissues
being in the radiation field including the skin, the muscles,
and the salivary glands. Due to the resulting xerostomia radi-
ation, caries develops so that an osteoradionecrosis might
develop. ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
The osteonecrosis occurs more often in the mandible
Fig. 22.3  The examination of the osteoradionecrosis under the micro-
most probably to the greater extent of cortical bone and the scope shows avital bone with irregular fissured borders. The lacunae of
more critical vascularization of the mandible. And the man- the osteocytes are empty without osteocyte cell nuclei (black arrows)
dible most probably is more often in the radiation field due to and also the blood vessels in the Haversian canals have undergone
the location of the primary tumor [10]. necrosis, so that only empty spaces are the visible remnants (yellow
arrow). The necrotic bone is missing the osteoblastic rimming (green
There are several risk factors that are associated with a arrow). The bone marrow is replaced by a collagen fiber-rich scar like
more frequent occurrence of the osteoradionecrosis. Those connective tissue (red arrow)
466 C. Walter and C. Renné

22.3.7 Symptoms 22.3.12 Prognosis

Symptoms are the exposed necrotic bone that can be visible The risk for a recurrence of an osteoradionecrosis is high.
or palpable with a probe. Further symptoms are pain, swell- Pressure denture sores, wound healing deficiencies, and
ing, the development of granulation tissue, foetor ex ore, oral mucositis are risk factors for a recurrence.
and extraoral fistulas, potentially increased mobility of the
adjacent teeth, altered sensibility, and occlusion [10].
22.3.13 Prevention

22.3.8 Complications A 3D-planning of radiation therapy might help to reduce the

radiation doses in the bone. In addition, a splint inserted in
Main complications are extended infections of the site, the the patient’s mouth during the radiation might help to reduce
development of fistulas, and pathological fractures. This the burst of the local mucosal membranes due to secondary
might result in resections of the altered bone including the radiation that might occur due to metallic dental restorations.
loss of the continuity of the bone or the opening of the nasal An additional splint to provide fluorides to strengthen the
cavity or sinus. This results in a reduced masticatory func- teeth might help prevent the development of radiation
tion. Due to the fibrosis of the soft tissues, trismus might caries.
occur. All these factors lead to a reduced quality of life [10]. It is feasible to reduce the existence of risk factors that
might later on trigger the development of an osteoradione-
crosis. Therefore, an initial dental checkup and therapy
22.3.9 Diagnosis preceding the radiation therapy should be performed
including the extraction of all non-restorable teeth. The
The diagnosis is a clinical one. There needs to be a manda- patient should be motivated for exceptional good oral
tory head and neck radiation and the exposed necrotic bone. hygiene [10].
Typical radiologic findings are bone destruction, altered
bone density, the occurrence of sequestra, and pathological
fractures. 22.4 Medication-Associated Osteonecrosis
of the Jaws

22.3.10 Differential Diagnoses There are several pharmaceutical agents that cause osteone-
crosis of the jaws. In the following, the main focus will be on
Differential diagnoses are osteomyelitis and the medication-­ the bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis.
associated osteonecrosis of the jaws as well as the existence
of malignancy so that a histological sample should be
assessed. 22.4.1 Bisphosphonate-Associated
Osteonecrosis of the Jaws

22.3.11 Therapy Bisphosphonates

Bisphosphonates are used in patients with an increased
As already mentioned, the evidence of the use of hyperbaric osteoclastic activity due to malignancy such as solid tumors
oxygen treatment is rather low and is not recommended [11, with osseous metastases or the multiple myeloma or due to
12]. Smaller necrotic areas can be treated conservatively metabolic bone diseases such as osteoporosis. The main tar-
using antiseptic mouth rinses, antibiotics, and pain killers. In get of bisphosphonates that can be administered orally of IV
some cases, a wait and see strategy is reasonable. Sometimes is the osteoclasts.
circumscribed debridement might be performed. Extended Bisphosphonates are classified into nitrogen- and non-­
necrotic areas should be surgically removed [13]. The aim is nitrogen-­containing bisphosphonates. The non-nitrogen-­
to preserve damage to the alveolar nerve and to avoid a con- containing bisphosphonates are built into ATP and can no
tinuity defect of the mandible. The operation should be as longer be used as a source of energy in the cells. The
atraumatic as possible. The periosteum should not be nitrogen-­containing bisphosphonates inhibit the farnesyl
removed if possible. The necrotic areas should be removed, pyrophosphate synthase in the mevalonate pathway leading
sharp edges need to be smoothened, and the bone should be to decreased osteoclastic function [14]. In 2003, the
covered with soft tissue. The surgery should be performed bisphosphonate-­ associated osteonecrosis was first men-
with perioperative antimicrobial therapy. tioned in a scientific paper [15].
22  Osteomyelitis, Osteoradionecrosis, and Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws 467 Definition further compromising medications. Incidences for patients

The bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis is defined as the with malignant diseases range from 1 to 20% [18–20]. The
occurrence of the necrotic bone of the jaws that has been per- prevalence of secondary osteoporosis is about 1% and for
sistent for at least 8 weeks with a current or previous history of primary osteoporosis 0.1% [21]. There is only a small differ-
bisphosphonate use (Fig.  22.4). Furthermore, it is demanded ence between the genders. Women are affected a little bit
that the patient had had no former head and neck radiation [16]. more often than men. Most probably due to the osteoporosis
The last demand seems arbitrary since the coexistence of and breast cancer cases vs. the prostate cancer cases that
a further risk factor simply increases the risk of osteonecro- exclusively occur in men. The average age is approximately
sis development so that there is a special risk constellation. 60 years ±10 years (standard deviation) [9].
There is evidence that it is even possible to histologically
distinguish an osteonecrosis derived from bisphosphonates Etiology
compared to osteoradionecrosis [17]. The main factor is the use of nitrogen-containing bisphos-
phonates. Administered bisphosphonates will be incorpo- Epidemiology rated in the bone. It is unclear if and how long these
The prevalence and incidence of the bisphosphonate-­ bisphosphonates are active. The development of
associated osteonecrosis of the jaws depend on the primary bisphosphonate-­associated osteonecrosis can be triggered by
disease, comedication, and the existence of local trigger fac- oral factors—this is usually a wound in the oral cavity: peri-
tors. The highest risk is present in oncologic patients with odontal disease, surgical procedures, etc. [9, 22]. Pathogenesis
The main target of the bisphosphonates is the osteoclast,
thereby inducing reduced bone remodeling. Due to the unspe-
cific interaction with cells, not only the osteoclasts are affected,
but also, in lower concentrations, osteoblasts are stimulated
[23]. The effect is an increase in total bone. Other affected cell
lines are blood vessel cells, fibroblasts, and keratinocytes. The
antiangiogenic function of bisphosphonates [24, 25] leads to
decreased vascular exploitation [26]. This results in fewer
potentially less potent vessels that have to support more bone.
In addition, the soft tissues covering the bone are affected by
the bisphosphonates so that potential wounds are less prone to
heal [24]. In older articles, it is often described that tooth
extractions are responsible for the development of the bisphos-
phonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws. This theory
might not be right. It is more likely that these teeth have been
extracted too late since they were extracted out of an already-
existing, altered, infected, or necrotic bone [27]. Classification
The bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws is
classified into several different stages. At-risk patients are all
those receiving bisphosphonates.

Stage 0 patients are patients that do have some symp-

toms without any visible uncovered bone.
Stage I, the necrotic bone becomes visible. Patients in
this stage usually do not have any symptoms.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Stage II, an additive infection is existent.
Stage III, further complications occur such as necrotic
Fig. 22.4  Huge bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the left areas involving the base of the mandible or the sinus or
maxilla in a patient with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and a zoledronate
treatment for 2.5  years before a pressure denture sore triggered the
pathologic fractures are existent [16].
468 C. Walter and C. Renné Histology parts with empty osteocytic lacunae next to viable osteocytes
Usually, there is a mucosal damage above the necrosis, per- so that there are necrotic areas of the bone that harbor parts
haps some granulation tissue (Fig. 22.5). The necrotic bone of the viable bone. Inflammatory infiltrates are seen in nearly
is often avascular and covered in bacteria, especially all cases consisting of granulocytes and lymphocytes. The
Actinomyces (Fig.  22.6) [28]. The osteonecrotic bone has obliteration of mainly the segmental arteries is not existent in
every case [28]. The periosteum is usually viable [5]. Symptoms
The classical symptoms are the visible necrotic bone and
pain in case of an additional infection of the bone so that the
symptoms are very unspecific. Complications
The typical complications are the progress of the initial small
necrosis so that big parts of the bone might be affected by the
osteonecrosis. Since the bone is no longer covered with soft
tissue, an additive infection can cause typical symptoms and
leads to a shift to a different stage of the osteonecrosis. Major
complications are the loss of the integrity of the bone and
extraoral fistulas or abscesses.
The quality of life might essentially get affected in patients
with medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws [29].
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 22.5  In this case, the bone necrosis is induced by bisphospho- Diagnosis
nates. Besides necrotic bone showing empty osteocyte lacunes (yellow The diagnosis is primarily a clinical one if all criteria are
arrow), inflammatory cellular infiltrate can be seen in the medullary fulfilled (see definition). Unfortunately, there is no sensitive
cavity (black arrows). It is mainly composed of lymphocytes, neutro-
phil granulocytes, and also plasma cells. Here, signs of the bone remod-
radiological tool that shows neither the exact location of the
eling are also visible. The dark line within the bone, the border of the osteonecrosis nor the extent of the necrosis [30]. Once there
periosteum before necrosis (red arrow) separates necrotic bone in the is a destruction of the bone due to the infection, changes can
center from the new-built bone with a lining of active osteoblasts (blue be seen in the radiologic pictures. But these changes are not
arrow) on the outside
specific for the changes (Figs. 22.7 and 22.8a, b). There is
evidence that the potential osteonecrosis can be detected at a
very early stage via scintigraphs [31]. Differential Diagnosis

Regarding the clinical picture, osteomyelitis and osteoradio-
necrosis are the other typical potential diagnoses. In addi-
tion, malignant diseases should be ruled out, especially the
ones why the bisphosphonates were given in the first place,
e.g., breast cancer or prostate cancer. Therapy
The osteonecroses should be treated since the lack of treat-
ment usually ends in the progression with more extended
areas of necrotic bone and a potential switch in the stage of
the osteonecrosis.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
There are several approaches in the therapy of the
bisphosphonate-­ associated osteonecrosis of the jaws.
Fig. 22.6  Actinomyces species (green arrow) frequently can be found Smaller osteonecroses can be treated conservatively or with
next to necrotic bone (yellow arrow) in the jaws. Dense clouds of bac- a moderate surgical intervention. Perioperative antibiotic
teria affecting the bone leading to deep excavations of the necrotic
bone. An inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophil granulocytes and macro-
treatment should be initiated. After the debridement or resec-
phages in fibrin-rich exudate fills the bone marrow (black arrows) as a tion of the necrotic bone, a plastic coverage of the bone
border which limits bacterial growth should be performed.
22  Osteomyelitis, Osteoradionecrosis, and Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws 469

Fig. 22.7  This is the same

patient as seen in picture 4.
There are nearly no changes
visible that indicate the
existence of osteonecrosis. A
very typical change that can
be seen is the thickened and
sclerotic lamina dura in the
mandible and the honeycomb
pattern of the bone due to the
sclerotic trabeculae of the

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 22.8  Two slices from a cone beam CT from a patient with a teal reaction is visible. (b) Coronal slice with a periapical translucency
malignant primary disease and bisphosphonate intake. (a) Axial slice of the molar on the right-hand side as a potential trigger of the osteone-
from a patient with osteonecrosis of the left and the right mandible. On crosis that reached the level of the alveolar nerve canal. On the vestibu-
the right-hand side, a thickening of the cortical bone can be observed lar side of the left mandible the periosteal reaction can be seen
and sclerosis of the cancellous bone. On the left-hand side, the perios-

Extended or multiple osteonecrotic areas should be resected. and the highest for purely conservative treatments. In the lat-
This might include an inpatient setting with the postoperative ter case, complete closure of the mucosal membrane cannot
use of a nasogastric tube and antibiotic iv treatment [32]. always be achieved [32]. Prognosis Prevention

The recurrence rate of the osteonecrosis depends on the It should be differed between preventive measures before
mode of therapy and is the lowest for surgical interventions initiating a bisphosphonate therapy and measures during or
470 C. Walter and C. Renné

after the course of bisphosphonate therapy. Since the Ziv-aflibercept

bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws is usu- Ziv-aflibercept is a recombinant vascular endothelial growth
ally triggered by an oral wound, potential dental foci should factor- (VEGF-) receptor. Several cases of the development
be eliminated before the start of bisphosphonate therapy of osteonecroses of the jaws have been described in patients
[32]. that did not receive any of the other typical medications
If surgery needs to be performed in patients with bisphos- causing osteonecrosis [38]. In the pathogenesis, the antian-
phonate therapy, anti-microbiological prophylaxis should be giogenic factor might be the reason for the development of
performed [32]. the osteonecrosis. Everolimus
22.4.2 Osteonecrosis of the Jaws Due to Other Everolimus is a mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR)
Medications but Bisphosphonates inhibitor. It is used in several oncologic diseases and was
associated with the development of osteonecroses in the jaws
There are other medications that can cause osteonecrosis of [39].
the jaws. The definition is the same compared to the osteone-
crosis due to bisphosphonates. Corticosteroids
There is evidence that the use of corticosteroids increases the Denosumab risk of osteonecrosis development of the jaws [40]. The fem-
The most frequent osteonecroses can be observed in patients oral head osteonecrosis has been described in patients with
with denosumab that is administered in the same patients long-term corticosteroid use [41].
that receive bisphosphonates. The definition, etiology, clas- It should be stated that the use of several of these agents
sification, symptoms, complications, diagnoses, differential in combination might further increase the risk of osteonecro-
diagnoses, therapy, prognosis, and prevention are the same sis development.
or similar to the ones of the bisphosphonate-associated
osteonecrosis of the jaws. Crystal Meth
The pathogenesis might be different since denosumab Next to therapeutically used agents, some drugs are respon-
only affects the RANK/RANKL/OPG mechanism that is sible for the development of osteonecroses. Crystal Meth is
predominant in the communication between osteoblasts and the crystalline form of methamphetamine hydrochloride. It
osteoclasts. Therefore, an impact on the soft tissues includ- functions as a sympathomimetic and has a very high poten-
ing the vessels seems unlikely so that the likewise reduced tial for abuse and dependency. One side effect is the meth
bone remodeling seems to be the major component in the mouth with serious tooth and damage to the oral cavity
development of the denosumab-associated osteonecrosis of including the development of osteonecroses [42]. The exact
the jaws. mechanism of osteonecrosis development is unclear.
Methamphetamine causes the release of noradrenaline which Sunitinib increases the blood pressure by the increase of the peripheral
Sunitinib is an inhibitor of a tyrosine kinase and therefore blood vessel resistance.
has a less specific mode of action. It is given in patients with
gastrointestinal cancers, renal cell carcinoma, and pancreatic
neuroendocrine tumors [33]. A side effect in the use of suni- References
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Part IX
Maxillary Sinus and the Oral Surgeon
Maxillary Sinusitis
Kandasamy Ganesan and Neelam Rathod

23.1 Introduction nance. A possible evolutionary function may also be as a ‘crum-

ple zone’ during trauma, thus protecting the brain (Fig. 23.1).
Sinusitis, also known as rhinosinusitis with the association In an adult, the maxillary sinus takes the form of a quad-
of rhinitis, is a common presentation within the primary care rangle pyramidal shape, with the base adjacent to the nasal cav-
setting, due to the effect it can have on individuals’ quality of ity and the peak extending towards the zygomatic process, and
life. It is defined as the inflammation of the mucosal lining in a volume in the region of 15  cm3. The roof of the sinus is
at least one of the paranasal sinuses with an acute presenta- formed of the orbital floor in the centre of which runs the infra-
tion lasting for less than 12 weeks and chronic extending to orbital neurovascular bundle. The anterior wall of the maxillary
durations greater than this. The maxillary sinus is the largest sinus is the weakest of the walls, with the thinnest section supe-
of four paranasal sinuses and, with its close relationship to rior to the canine resulting in the canine fossa. It is also perfo-
the underlying dentition, it is often susceptible to inflamma- rated by the infraorbital nerve that supplies the maxillary sinus,
tory processes. This chapter explores the anatomy, physiol- along with the greater palatine nerve. The posterior wall of the
ogy of the maxillary sinus, the aetiology, assessment and sinus lies in front of and shelters the internal maxillary artery,
management of maxillary sinusitis. sphenopalatine artery, Vidian canal and the greater palatine
nerve. The inferior wall is the most varying in shape, with
invaginations corresponding to the alveolar bone of the max-
23.2 Anatomy of Maxillary Sinus illa; the anatomical root structures of maxillary molars and the
hard palate. The bone separating the dental roots can be varying
The maxillary sinus is the largest of the paranasal sinuses and
develops during day 65–75  of gestation, with a volume of
approximately 1 cm3 at birth. Up untill an average age of 12,
pneumatisation of the maxillary sinus continues as the space
occupied by tooth germs is freed through their eruption [1]. In
the latter stages of development, it pneumatises inferiorly,
guided by the eruption pathway of the permanent dentition.
The main function of the maxillary sinus is involved in the
humidification and warming of inspired air as well as preven-
tion of microorganism ingress through mucociliary action. In
addition to this, the paranasal sinus contributes to voice reso-

K. Ganesan (*)
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Southend
University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southend-on-Sea, UK
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
e-mail: mailme@kandyganesan.com ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
N. Rathod
Department of OMFS, Southend University Hospital NHS Trust, Fig. 23.1  Schematic diagram of the maxillary sinus with representa-
Southend-on-Sea, UK tion of the geometric shape of the cavity
e-mail: n.rathod@nhs.net

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 475

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_23
476 K. Ganesan and N. Rathod

in its quantity; from complete absence to thicknesses of up to communicating with the nasal cavity through a semilunar hia-
12 mm [2]. This close proximity is a contributing factor towards tus in the middle meatus. This is an area of common drainage
the likelihood of dental iatrogenic and inflammatory pathology from the maxillary, anterior ethmoidal and frontal sinuses.
presenting in the maxillary sinus. The medial wall that is paral- Some individuals may exhibit anterior/posterior fontanelles;
lel to the nasal cavity communicates with it through the natural bony dehiscences inferior to this, covered with mucosa. These
sinus ostium at the postero-­ superior aspect of sinus. This can act as accessory ostia, points of drainage when the main
ostium opens in to a triangular space of approximately 15 mm2 osteomeatal complex is blocked or there is a change in sinus
diameter formed by the uncinate process medially, the lamina pressure. An osteomeatal complex (OMC) is an important
papyracea laterally and the ethmoidal bulla posteriorly before functional unit and is also a key area for the pathogenesis of
chronic ­rhinosinusitis. It consists of multiple bony structures,
air spaces and ostia. The bony structures include the middle
turbinate, uncinate process of the ethmoid and bulla of the eth-
Middle Turbinate moid. Air spaces are formed by the frontal recess, infundibu-
lum of the ethmoid and the middle meatus. Ostia consists of
Bulla Ethmoid anterior ethmoid, maxillary and frontal sinuses. The classic
OMC as mentioned above has been described as the anterior
Osteomeatal osteomeatal unit. The sphenoethmoidal recess and the superior
Complex meatus are referred to as the posterior meatal unit (Fig. 23.2).
Maxillry sinus septa, present in approximately 28.4% of
Process cases [3], are thin projections of cortical bone that divide the
sinus into more than one compartment either in the transverse,
Nasal Septum Maxillary Sinus sagittal or horizontal plane, usually in the region of the first or
second molar.
Smaller air-filled compartments in the periphery of the max-
Inferior Turbinate illary sinus can include Haler cells and Concha bullosa. Haller
cells are air cavities encompassed in the ethmoidal capsule and
are located below the inferomedial aspect of the orbital floor,
and lateral to the ethmoidal cells. These can be present in a
range of sizes as well as unilaterally or bilaterally. Concha bul-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
losa is another variant air-filled cavity pneumatised in to the
Fig. 23.2  Schematic diagram showing a coronal cross section of the middle turbinate. These particular anatomical (Fig. 23.3) varia-
maxillary sinus and the osteomeatal complex

Fig. 23.3  Schematic diagram Cribriform plate Superior meatus with opening
with a sagittal cross section of Probe through of ethmoid of posterior ethmoidal cells
the nasal cavity and the fronto nasal duct
respective openings in to it
Probe through opening
of sphenoidal sinus
Middle turbinate
cut surface

Ethmoidal bulla

Eustachian tube

Cut surface of
inferior turbinate

Opening of Opening of middle

nasolacrimal duct ethmoidal cells
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
23  Maxillary Sinusitis 477

Fig. 23.4  Schematic diagram

of the secretary and clearance
Direction of Mucociliary Clearance
of the mucous via the
mucociliary cells
Trapped Direct Bacterial
Mucuos Pathogens Killing

Mucin Secretion

Cilliated Anti-Microbial Nitric Oxide

Ion / Fluid
Epithelial Peptide Production
cells Secretion
Goblet Cell

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

tions have the potential to ­influence the dimensions of the osteo- ogy or transiently is poorly understood. Host specific and
meatal complex, increasing the likelihood of sinus disease [4] . non-specific defence against these bacterial species is also
part of normal physiology with the sinus mucosa producing
secretion including antimicrobial peptides, proteins, neutro-
23.3 Maxillary Sinus Physiology phils, macrophages coupled with the mucociliary transport
towards the ostium (Fig. 23.4).
At a histological level, the maxillary sinus consists of cili-
ated columnar cells, basal cells and goblet cells and thus
forming respiratory epithelium architecture. Unlike the rest 23.4 Sinusitis Pathophysiology
of the respiratory pathway, the sinuses have fewer ciliated
and goblet cells; friable epithelium and fewer seromucous Due to the narrow size of the ostium opening, occlusion and
cells, making them prone to microorganism ingress and related pathology of the maxillary sinus space are very likely
related pathology. possibilities. Obstruction of the sinus ostium can either be
The clearance of secretions from the sinuses is through primary to the sinusitis process or secondary inflammation
a combination of ciliary and mucous action. The mucous originating from elsewhere in the sinus.
secreted by the goblet cells consists of 96% water, with With obstruction of the natural ostium, there is reduced
the rest consisting of glycoproteins, immunoglobulins, oxygenation and gas exchange within the maxillary sinus,
histamines, lactoferrin, prostaglandins and lysozymes [5]. alongside reduced mucociliary action and mucous stasis. In
It functions to trap foreign body and defend against bacte- the most common acute form of sinusitis, viral upper respira-
rial ingress. This is combined with the ciliary action that tory tract infections result in significant nasal congestion that
promotes a spiral action of movement of the mucous results in maxillary sinus blockage and stasis. Anatomical
through active transport from the base of the sinus towards differences such as large middle turbinates, deviated nasal
the natural ostium in the supero-posterior aspect of the septums or concha bullosa can increase the likelihood of
medial sinus wall and thus working against the forces of ostium ­ occlusion. Polyps, in particular those originating
gravity. from the ethmoid, may also obstruct the maxillary sinus
Normal flora within the maxillary sinus is usually a com- opening (Table 23.1).
bination of sterile aerobic and anaerobic organisms includ- Any form of obstruction and subsequent stasis in the max-
ing bacteria organised in a complex biofilm within the sinus illary sinus produce a favourable environment for the flour-
mucus layer. These usually include mainly aerobic ishing of an anaerobic environment, encouraging the
B-hemolytic streptococci, staphylococci and haemophilus formation of purulent secretions. In addition to this, changes
spp. The anaerobic organisms, that are fewer in quantity, in the sinus pressure, coupled with local mucosal inflamma-
include peptostreptococcus, fusobacterium sp and bacteroi- tion, contribute to the symptoms of pain and pressure in the
des. Whether these organisms are present in normal physiol- region [6]. The initial lower sinus pressure is caused by the
478 K. Ganesan and N. Rathod

Table 23.1  Membrane swelling

leading to sinus infection Nasal and sinus membrane

Blocked airflow in and out of

Lower oxygen in the sinus tissue

Opening up of the Poor cilia Mucous gland

blood vessels function stimulation

Movement of the fluid Stagnant

mucus Increased
out of the blood vessels
production of
causing congestion (soft
thickened mucosa
tissue swelling)

Retained thick secretion with in

the sinus cavity


consumption of the finite oxygen within the blocked and filaments and inflammatory cell infiltrate with high numbers
confined maxillary sinus cavity. This is followed by a tran- of oesinophils [8]. The pathogenesis in the formation of pol-
sient increase in pressure where there is a greater production yps and its contribution towards chronic rhinosinusitis is
of carbon dioxide and sinus secretion. poorly understood. One in vivo study involving rabbits with
Chronic rhinosinusitis has features of long-term inflamma- stimulated maxillary sinusitis observed the formation of
tion, rather than primary infection, of the nasal passages and inflammatory-type polyps in subjects with purulent infection
paranasal sinuses with an unknown underlying cause. It is and granulation based polyps in both purulent and non-­
likely to be part of a cycle involving inflammation, infection purulent infections. In both infective processes, epithelial
and subsequent obstruction of the ostium [7]. Without the pres- damage to the mucosal lining appeared to be a significant
ence of polyps, chronic sinusitis may be multi-factorial in factor in the initiation of polyp formation [9]. Other evidence
nature, with one or several predisposing factors as outlined shows that high levels of interleukin 5, 13 and histamines in
below. the polypoid tissue may also have a contributing role [10].
Nasal polyps are oedematous masses of the mucosal The general consensus of studies shows a high level of
membrane found in the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses. inflammatory mediators in the initiation and presence of
Histologically, they show squamous epithelial proliferation, nasal polyps, suggesting chronic inflammation to be a key
a thickened basement membrane, absence of neurosensory factor.
23  Maxillary Sinusitis 479

23.4.1 Microorganisms of Sinusitis ease process. The association between asthma and sinusitis
is further indicated with studies showing individuals report-
The polymicrobial nature of maxillary sinusitis has been ing improvement in their asthma symptoms subsequent to
well documented. The initial aerobic bacterial infective medical and/or surgical treatment of their sinusitis [16].
organisms often include Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis in acute
sinusitis [11]. Chronic sinusitis has found to harbour the 23.5.4 Aspirin
aforementioned organisms in addition to Prevotella species,
Fusobacterium species and anaerobic streptococci [12]. Aspirin/NSAID hypersensitivity has been found to have an
More recent studies have cultured Staphylococcus aureus, in association with a persistent form of chronic sinusitis, usu-
particular methicillin resistant-type from sinus mucosal sam- ally with the presence of nasal polyps. Along with severe
ples [13]. asthma, this disease process has been named the ‘Aspirin-­
triad’. The mechanism of pathogenicity is thought to be
linked to cyclooxygenase inhibition and inhibition of arach-
23.5 Predisposing Factors noid acid metabolism rather than an underlying immunologi-
cal process. The presence of hyperplastic sinus mucosa
23.5.1 Anatomical Variation contributes to a high level of recurrence in nasal polyps sub-
sequent to sinus surgery for removal [14].
Any variation deemed to alter the volume or the size of the
maxillary ostium may contribute to an increase risk of sinus-
itis. This includes [14]: 23.5.5 Environmental

• Haller cells. Several environmental factors have been associated with an

• Concha bullosa. increased incidence of sinusitis with changes in air quality
• Reduced infundibular width. acting as suggestive stimulants. Greater prevalence has been
• Septal deviation. identified in patients exposed to chemical air pollutants
• Choanal atresia. including pharmaceutical products, photocopying ink by-­
• Nasal polyps. products, smoke and dampness [14, 17].
• Hypoplasia of the sinus.
• Maxillary dentition roots in the sinus.
23.5.6 Ciliary Impairment

23.5.2 Atopy (Allergy) This may be present in the form of reduced cilia or ciliary
cells, causing impairment of mucociliary flow and thus cre-
The distinct relationship between the allergy and inflamma- ating environments favourable for bacterial or viral
tion remains unclear. Current hypothesis predicts that with sinusitis.
the ventilation passage in continuum with the nasal mucosa,
inflammation along the rest of the airway can affect the nasal
passages, thus causing narrowing of the ostium. This is sup- 23.5.7 Smoking
ported by the high incidence of chronic rhinosinusitis with
allergies driven by IgE mediators. Smoking is likely to diminish the presence of normal
microbiological flora in the nasal and paranasal spaces,
allowing for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and
23.5.3 Asthma thus eliciting a hypersensitivity reaction in the sinonasal
mucosa [14].
The association between chronic sinusitis, mainly with nasal
polyps, and asthma has been well documented. Several stud-
ies have shown radiographic sinus mucosal abnormalities in 23.5.8 Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux
individuals with asthma, in particular with those suffering
from severe steroid-dependent asthma [15]. Similar studies It has been suggested that inflammation may be elicited
show a trend in the severity of sinusitis correlating to the when the oro- and nasopharynx comes in contact with gastric
severity of asthma experienced, supporting the theory of acids during reflux and subsequently contributing to sinusitis
inflammation of a unified mucosal airway concept of the dis- [18].
480 K. Ganesan and N. Rathod

23.5.9 Odontogenic Maxillary Sinusitis 23.6 Classification of Sinusitis

As part of the examination process, this should be evaluated Sinusitis is defined as an inflammation of the paranasal
at the early stages and could prevent prolonged periods of sinus mucosal lining; however, it rarely presents in isola-
investigations and symptomatic management (Fig.  23.5). tion and is usually coupled with the inflammation of the
Approximately 15–24% of unilateral maxillary sinusitis cases nasal mucosa, thus being termed as rhinosinusitis. The car-
are believed to be of odontogenic origin [19], with some stud- dinal features, of which two are required for a suggestive
ies indicating this figure to be as high as 40% [20]. In a meta- diagnosis of a rhinosinusitis, are outlined in the 2012
analysis of 15 observational review studies consisting 770 European position paper by the International Rhinology
cases, the first molars were found to be the most common Society (Table  23.2). The condition is broadly classified
tooth to be causative for odontogenic sinusitis (22.51%), fol- based upon the chronicity of the condition as well as
lowed by third molars (17.21%), second molars (3.97%), pre- whether there is presence of polyps.
molars (5.96%) and lastly canines (0.66%). The etiological
contribution to the sinusitis was found most commonly to be
from iatrogenic factors (55.97%), periodontal disease 23.6.1 Acute Rhinosinusitis
(40.38%) and odontogenic cysts (6.66%) [21]. Figure  23.6
outlines the distribution of the iatrogenic processes leading to Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) is defined as persistent sinusitis
sinusitis [21]. that resolves within a 12-week period. It is a common pre-
The disruption in maxillary sinus floor, from whichever sentation within the populations globally, with prevalence
odontogenic source, causes localised inflammation that rates between 6 and 15% [14].
remains persistent in that area or spreads along the sinomuco-
sal surface with subsequent obstruction of the sinus ostium.
Bacterial colonisation have been shown to consist of both 23.6.2 Chronic Rhinosinusitis
aerobic and anaerobic species in 75% of cases, with the other
25% predominantly anaerobic in nature. Staphylococcus Chronic rhinosinusitis is defined by the persistence of sinus-
aureus and streptococcus pneumonia were the predominant itis symptoms for greater than 12 weeks, with no resolution
aerobic bacteria isolated. When looking at the anaerobic bac- after initial sinusitis treatment. It is further subdivided into
teria distribution, Peptococcus and Prevotella species domi- whether there is a clinical and radiographic presentation of
nated and haemophilus and Moraxella species were absent in nasal polyps.
cases of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis [20].

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 23.5 (a) A coronal section of a CT of maxillary sinus showing to enter the sinus and causing the sinusitis. (b) A sagittal section same
extensive left-sided maxillary sinusitis. A periapical radiolucency on image showing the extent of the sinusitis. A periapical radiolucency is
the upper left first molar with a breach in the cystic area to allow the pus noticeable in relation to mesiobuccal root of upper left first molar
23  Maxillary Sinusitis 481

Fig. 23.6  A pie chart Iatrogrenic processes contributing

illustrating a distribution of to Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis
the iatrogenic processes
contributing to odontogenic Apicectomy
Preimplant Poorly
sinusitis [21] sinus lift position/migrat
4% ed implant

material Oral antral
extrusion communication
22% and retained

Foreing body

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Table 23.2  Features of rhinosinusitis [14] 23.6.3 Fungal Rhinosinusitis

Symptoms Endoscopic signs of CT changes
• Nasal • Nasal polyps, • Mucosal change This subtype of chronic rhinosinusitis involves the inflam-
obstruction/ • Mucosal oedema/ in the sinus mation of the maxillary sinusitis that is attributed to a fungal
blockage obstruction of the Mucosal change pathogen and can be classified into acute fungal rhinosinus-
• Nasal middle meatus, in the osteomeatal
congestion • Mucopurulent complex itis, fungus balls or fulminant invasive fungal rhinosinusitis.
• Anterior/ discharge mainly from Acute fungal rhinosinusitis (AFRS), as described by Bent
posterior the middle meatus and Kuhn, is characterised by five properties [22]:
• Anosmia/
1. Nasal polyps.
Hyposmia 2. Type I hypersensitivity to fungi (skin test or serum IgE
• Facial pain/ testing).
pressure 3. Sample positive for fungal staining.
482 K. Ganesan and N. Rathod

4. Eosinophilic mucin that does not invade into sinus

at the initial stages of the viral infection that become yellow,
tissue. green or grey in nature at the latter aspect of the biphasic
5. Characteristic CT radiopaque sinus findings. disease process. Unilateral disease process provides greater
indication towards sinusitis. Palpation over the infraorbital
The predicted pathogenesis of AFRS is believed to be an sinus region would elicit tenderness due to the pressure
allergic, immediate hypersensitivity reaction to an inhaled build-up from stasis and inflammation of the sinus cavity.
fungal organism resulting in a chronic inflammatory response Patients with suspected chronic rhinosinusitis may pres-
in a predisposed individual, usually with asthma. The most ent with symptoms of acute rhinosinusitis but to a milder
common isolated fungal species include Bipolaris, degree, with the absence of a predisposing upper respiratory
Curvularia, Aspergillus, and Drechslera species. tract infection including fever. The presenting complaint
Fungal balls are non-invasive, dense collections of fungal may often be of the lack of effectiveness in acute medical
debris within the maxillary sinus. Found in mostly immuno- management techniques [24]. Regardless of whether the
compromised and elderly individuals, they are formed com- causative factor in the chronicity of their sinusitis is from the
monly of aspergillus, in response to prolonged exposure to presence of nasal polyps or not, patients will often present
the fungi through inhalation of airborne spores or oral antral with facial pain or pressure, anterior or posterior nasal dis-
communication. charge and slight fatigue. Those that suffer from chronic
Acute invasive fungal sinusitis is a rapidly infiltrating sinusitis without the presence of polyps may also experience
growth of the fungi with a high risk of morbidity and mortal- anosmia or hyposmia. Thus, the ambiguity in presentation
ity. Immunocompromised individuals that are predisposed to makes the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis with clinical history
this include those with: and examination alone challenging, but nonetheless provide
a vital role in their diagnosis and long-term management.
• Diabetes, Endonasal examination in the form of anterior rhinoscopy
• Leukaemia, may also be performed with headlighting and a speculum;
• Hard and soft tissue malignancy with neutropenia, alternatively with the large speculum of an otoscope. It can
• Steroid therapy, play a supportive role in visualising inflamed nasal mucosa,
• Severely impaired cell-mediated immunity (congenital or presence and quality of nasal discharge and the turbinates
acquired). with an indication of nasal polyps or anatomical variation
that may not have been suspected previously.
Initial clinical presentation involves an acute onset of Nasal endoscopy provides an enhanced technique for
facial/head pain, fever, epistaxis and, in severe cases, of bony direct visualisation of the nasal passage. Abnormalities in the
erosion with extrasinus infiltration and possible mental sta- nasal passage can be seen including the middle, superior tur-
tus change. Urgent surgical management and post-operative binates and the osteomeatal mucociliary drainage passage.
antifungal therapy is required. Where acute rhinosinusitis is diagnosed mainly through clin-
ical history and simple examination, this method is more rel-
evant for incidences of chronic rhinosinusitis. Nasal
23.7 Clinical Diagnosis endoscopy can be used at 3, 6, 9 and 12 monthly intervals in
chronic disease process to assess the degree of inflammation,
Diagnosis of sinusitis is primarily through clinical history discharge and size of nasal polyps.
and examination with the possible adjuncts of imaging stud- Intraoral assessment should include assessment of both
ies and/or laboratory testing. The signs and symptoms of soft and hard tissues. The dentition requires close evaluation
sinusitis can be categorised in to major and minor. Major to rule out primary aetiology which can account for 5–10%
features include infraorbital and maxillary facial pain, pres- of acute rhinosinusitis cases [25]. Detailed assessment for
sure sensation, congestion/obstruction sensation, purulent extensive dental caries, periapical and/or periodontal infec-
rhinorrhoea, hyposmia and fever [23]. Minor features are tions for teeth distal to the canine is required. Where multiple
present in some of the individuals with suspected sinusitis teeth are unilaterally tender to percussion with a lack of cor-
and include headache, fatigue, dental pain, halitosis, cough relation to dental pathology clinically or radiographically,
and ear pain/fullness. sinusitis not of dental cause is a probable diagnosis. This
The acute form of rhinosinusitis is indicated usually when sensation may also be elicited with facial or head move-
a patient has recently suffered with the symptoms of an upper ments. This is due to the close neural relationship between
respiratory tract infection that is viral in nature. After an ini- the maxillary sinus and upper molars. Pain or pressure sensa-
tial 7–10 day phase of viral infection with gradual recovery, tion is also elicited from palpation in the most superior aspect
patients give history of worsening symptoms. Evaluation of of the maxillary buccal sulcus. In some cases, posterior dis-
nasal discharges show secretions that were once clear at the charge in to the nasopharynx that is either characteristically
23  Maxillary Sinusitis 483

Table 23.3  Differential diagnosis for maxillary sinusitis, NICE guide- of artefact from overlying structures however limits the use-
lines 2018 [26] fulness of this imaging modality. Where dental disease is a
•  Upper respiratory tract infection. suspected contributing factor, dental periapical radiographs
•  Allergic rhinitis. can be considered for a targeted and enhanced dental evalua-
•  Adenoiditis or tonsillitis.
•  Sinonasal tumour. tion. Consequently, a dental cause for sinusitis can be chal-
•  Turbinate hypertrophy. lenging to diagnose, in particular in cases of chronic
•  Migraine. sinusitis.
•  Giant cell arteritis. The occipitomental view, also known as the ‘Water’s
•  Temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
•  Neuropathic or atypical facial pain. view, can additionally offer visualisation of the entire sinus
as well as other paranasal sinuses, with fluid collection and
mucosal thickening evident at varying angles. Care must be
clear or coloured in nature can be visualised during intraoral taken to differentiate between a benign mucosal cyst and a
assessment. fluid level. A diagram showing the difference in the appear-
Recurring episodes of acute rhinosinusitis (more than ances between the two is shown in Fig. 23.7.
three episodes a year) requires wider consideration of the Despite the efficiency with which these images can be
primary causative factor. Peters et al. has attributed recurrent taken, one should consider whether the overall information
acute rhinosinusitis to various reasons such as immunodefi- gained for sinusitis diagnosis justifies the exposure to radia-
ciency, cystic fibrosis, ciliary dysfunction and anatomic tion. Plain imaging does not offer a comprehensive view of
abnormalities [16] (Table 23.3). the maxillary sinus ostium, the occlusion of which will often
Severe episodes of acute rhinosinusitis originating from be the causation of subsequent sinusitis. Apart from sugges-
the maxillary sinuses are a rare presentation. Complications tion in the presence or absence of disease process, it does not
can arise with the involvement of the ethmoidal and frontal offer information on the severity of the condition. With sig-
sinuses that are in close proximity to vital structures includ- nificant overlap, diagnosis of sinus masses can also be
ing the anterior cranial cavity and the orbits with associated difficult.
venous drainage systems [27]. Computer tomography (CT) (Fig.  23.8) offers the three-­
As per Ah- See et al. [28], certain features of sinusitis that dimensional visualisation of the sinuses and can be confirma-
require urgent intervention are: tory in the presence or absence of sinus disease. These should
be considered only where a patient’s symptoms are vague or
• Bleeding. first-line medical management has thus far failed to offer sig-
• Proptosis/diplopia. nificant relief of symptoms. Contrast medium is not required
• Maxillary paresthesia. as they do not offer additional value towards diagnosis or man-
• Intraorbital/intracranial complications. agement. It should also be noted that where CT scans of
• Osteomyelitis. sinuses are taken, maxillary teeth should also be included to
• Immunocompromised patients. assess for their involvement in the disease process.
With appropriate manipulation of imaging sections, the
location and severity of sinus disease can be gauged. Mucosal
23.8 Clinical Imaging thickening is distinctly evident on CT scans, being more pro-
nounced in cases of sinusitis with polyps. Further diagnostic
Clinical imaging is a useful adjunct to the diagnosis of sinus- information is available on the sinus content including air–
itis. It can provide confirmatory and characteristic informa- fluid levels. The patency of the sinus discharge tract can be
tion to guide management of the condition. assessed with detailed view of the osteomeatal complex on
Plain radiography is an accessible and cost-effective coronal sections thus allowing for surgical planning. The
means of visualising the maxillary sinus. An orthopantomo- presence or absence of nasal masses can be confirmed in CT
gram (OPG), though focusing on the dentition, maxilla and cases but can be used to differentiate between sinus polyps,
mandible, also includes a significant proportion of the maxil- cysts or tumours. Generalised thickening or sclerosis of the
lary sinuses and provides an opportunity to identify the pres- maxillary sinus walls may be indicative of chronic sinusitis
ence of pathological features. Indication of sinusitis would whereby early infective processes cause demineralisation of
be from the presence of unilateral or bilateral generalised the sinus wall and prolonged reactive host responses that
diffuse radiopacity within the maxillary sinus. Causative dis- result in sclerotic bone deposition. Where sclerosis is more
ease process can also be visualised including the proximity localised in the maxillary sinus wall, there may be indication
of periapical pathology from the maxillary dentition, peri- towards enquiry of previous sinus surgery.
odontal disease, cystic lesions of dental origin, foreign body Cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) can provide
presence, sinonasal mucocele or polyps. The significant level enhanced information on the pathological processes contrib-
484 K. Ganesan and N. Rathod

Fig. 23.7  Diagram showing

the difference between the
fluid level and the mucosal
cyst/polyp Orbit

Maxillary Sinus

Fluid Level with Nose Polyp with

Concavity Upward Convexity Upward

Differentiating sinus fluid and polyp on water’s radiographic view

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 23.8  A coronal view of a CT scan showing thickened mucosal lining Fig. 23.9 CBCT of the sinuses showing upper second molar with a
of the both maxillary sinus with a fluid level on the left maxillary sinus breach in the periodontal ligament space and periapical area opening into
the maxillary sinus causing sinusitis—a classic odontogenic sinusitis

uting towards sinusitis, with slices as fine as 0.4 mm as well

as offering a lower radiation dose exposure, in the region of 23.9 Treatment
10%, in comparison to a fine slice CT scan (Fig. 23.9).
This is more relevant for cases of maxillary sinusitis of 23.9.1 Conservative Management
dental origin in which pathological processes can be tracked
from the tooth to the sinus structure. In acute sinusitis cases, with a primary virus and secondary
MRI scans offer an imaging modality that allows some bacterial infection, the aim of treatment focuses around
enhanced interpretation in the appearance of the soft tissue relieving of symptoms including pain, nasal congestion and
within the sinus. This is not relevant in the majority of discharge during the 2–3  week period that it will take to
uncomplicated maxillary sinusitis presentations. The use of resolve. Antibiotics in the early stages are not recommended.
MRI is limited to cases where there is opacification of the Advice can be offered in the management of systemic virus
maxillary sinus with no obvious obstruction, osseous abnor- infection including physical rest, adequate analgesia and
mality or odontogenic pathology. It allows the differentiation increased fluid intake.
between mucosal inflammation, complete fluid collection or The pain sensation from the maxillary sinus region is
a tumour within the maxillary sinus as well as its origin. attributed to pressure changes caused by occlusion of the
23  Maxillary Sinusitis 485

ostia and thus, treatment to promote unblocking will inher- significant risk factor. Common formulations utilised include
ently contribute towards pain reduction. During this process, budesonide, ciclesonide, fluticasone furoate, fluticasone pro-
analgesia in the form of paracetamol and ibuprofen can be pionate, mometasone furoate and triamcinolone acetonide.
utilised for management of pain. These have been deemed an effective means of clearing nasal
Nasal saline and decongestants have been shown in some and sinus air passages in several studies when used in a ret-
literature to be an effective means of opening the ostia and roclined, head tilt action to encourage exposure towards the
ecouraging ventilation. middle meatus.
Nasal saline mists and irrigations can offer a breakdown of
nasal blockages, dilution of irritants and allergens, reduction Systemic Glucocorticosteroids
of postnasal drainage and overall more effective mucociliary The use of systemic glucocorticosteroids has been reserved
clearance [29]. Lavage/irrigation of the nasal passage can be for refractory cases of chronic rhinosinusitis, in particular
performed using small quantities of salt or bicarbonate dis- those with allergy [2], as well as initial treatment for patients
solved in warm water. These can be administered by inhaling with suspected allergic fungal rhinosinusitis. It can provide
small volumes of the self-made formulation in cupped hands symptomatic relief through improving ventilation through
through each nostril until nasal ventilation feels clearer. the sinuses, reducing the size of polyps and thus restoring
Alternative over-the-counter devices such as squeeze-bottles some sense of smell. Current British guidelines suggest
and syringes can be used. Humidified air and steam inhalation prednisolone 0.5 mgk/kg for 5–10 days as well as the adjunct
can also be utilised as a means of nasal secretory blockage therapy with betamethasone nasal drops [33], taking relevant
breakdown. These irrigative techniques can offer supportive consideration of those already on steroids for other
relief to other symptomatic management methods but are not conditions.
deemed effective as monotherapy [30].
Where there is indication of chronic sinusitis, potential Antimicrobial Therapy
risk factors should be identified and addressed, including There is limited evidence to support the use of antibiotics in
avoidance of triggers that may exacerbate allergies and asth- the short term for acute rhinosinusitis. A Cochrane review of
matic flare-ups. Where applicable, patients should be encour- 10 trials based in the primary care environment found that
aged to stop smoking or being exposed to passive smoke. irrespective of treatment modality with or without antibiot-
ics, 71% of patients’ symptoms of uncomplicated acute
sinusitis had resolved by the 2-week mark [34]. Where
23.9.2 Medical Management symptoms of sinusitis arise, the microbes of dominance usu-
ally include aerobic streptococcus pneumonia, haemophilus
Where acute sinusitis symptoms last for longer than 10 days, influenza and Moraxella catarrhalis. Antibiotic therapy
medical treatment modalities can be offered. should be reserved for cases of acute exacerbations of rhino-
sinusitis where symptoms haven’t resolved after 7–10 days Nasal Decongestants or for severe cases involving signs of systemic spread includ-
Topical nasal decongestants can be offered as a means of ing fever and severe unilateral facial pain. Though the evi-
improving sinonasal ventilation through reducing mucosal dence is limited, some literature supports the use of
secretion, nasal congestion and thus improved patency of the amoxicillin for 7–14 days. This is mostly effective; however,
osteomeatal complex. Topical formulations can include approximately 20–30% of haemophilus influenza strains
phenylephrine (0.25%), oxymetazoline (0.5%) and xylo- have been found to be resistant to amoxicillin due to the pro-
metazoline [31]. These should be limited to use twice a day duction of lactamase [35]. During persistent periods of acute
for up to 3  days. These formulations have a sympathomi- sinusitis or during exacerbations of chronic s­ inusitis, there is
metic effect causing vasoconstriction with subsequent a shift towards a mixture of anaerobic and aerobic pathogen-
reduced fluid secretion and mucosal inflammation. Long-­ esis. The Infectious Diseases Society of America recom-
term use of these agents can produce a rebound effect with mends amoxicillin clavulanate as the first choice of antibiotic
the absence of sustained vasoconstriction. for 5–7 days [36], with clindamycin, doxycycline, levofloxa-
cin or moxifloxacin for those with an allergy to penicillin. Topical Nasal Glucocorticosteroids This can be used in combination with topical glucocortico-
Topical intranasal glucocorticosteroids may be considered in steroids to attain more efficient symptom relief [32]. In cases
the management of prolonged acute rhinosinusitis or chronic of chronic sinusitis, use of low-dose macrolides has shown
rhinosinusitis as an adjunctive or monotherapy prior to the some effectiveness [14]. In all cases, where viable, the choice
consideration of antibiotic prescription [32]. These can be of antibiotic should be guided by microbiological culture
utilised for up to 3 months in adult patients depending on the growth, attained from discharges from the middle meatus or
formulation used and especially where allergy is deemed a surgically guided sample collection.
486 K. Ganesan and N. Rathod

23.9.3 Surgery

Surgical intervention is routinely carried out by Ear, Nose

and Throat speciality and is usually indicated in the failed
medical management of chronic sinusitis or as the first treat-
ment for acute fungal rhinosinusitis. The aim of surgery is to
attain normal function through restoration of ventilation and
allowing physiological mucociliary drainage of the sinuses.
This can be through opening and widening of the osteome-
atal complex, removing foreign body and polypoid tissue,
clearing the sinus of infected mucin, removal of chronically
inflamed mucosal and bony tissue whilst throughout preserv-
ing as much of the virgin, healthy mucous membrane in the
sinus as possible.
Extra-oral or intra-oral approaches can be taken. The
classically used internal access is the Caldwell-Luc
approach. George W Caldwell first published this technique
in the New York Medical Journal in 1893, where he utilised ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
the canine fossa approach to gain access to the sinus and
Fig. 23.10  A diagram showing the intraoral approach for the Caldwell-­
perform intranasal drainage, significantly improving surgi- Luc technique
cal outcomes. Henry Luc, a french surgeon, further adapted
this method in 1897 for surgical treatment of chronic sinus- cially when treating chronic, persistant sinusitis. The lining
itis where performed antrstomy in the middle meatus whilst can be removed with a microdebrider, Freer’s elevator and
Caldwell had performed an inferior meatal antrostomy. curettes. Care must be taken not to remove tissue from the
roof of the sinus due to the fact infraorbital nerve can be S  urgical Method: Caldwell-Luc seen through the canal resorbed by maxillary sinusitis.
Approach Any soft tissue curetted from the sinus can be sent for
Advanced imaging like CT or CBCT should be used for the histopathological examination. A 30 or 45 degree endo-
procedure. Particular awareness is required for the presences scope is used to visualise the floor of the sinus which is not
of any septae that may interfere with the Caldwell-Luc feasible with a standard 0 degree FESS.  To complete the
access in to the sinus. In addition, assessment is required of procedure, an intranasal antrostomy can be done to improve
the availability of a window on the anterior wall of maxillary the drainage of the sinus. This procedure can be done by
sinus, with short maxillary sinus height creating challenges passing a curved haemostat through the nasal aperture to
in this approach. penetrate the lateral nasal wall, 1-1.5cm posterior to the
This procedure can be done either under a general or a anterior attachment of the inferior nasal turbinate. Care
local anaesthetic with sedation support; though complete should be taken to avoid injuring the opening of nasolacri-
painrelief and anaesthesia with the latter option is difficult mal duct. The projection of the haemostat can be visualised
to achieve (Fig.  23.10). Once adequate anaesthesia has with an endoscope in the sinus simultaneously. Forceps are
been achieved, the upper lip is retracted an incision is made used to remove the fragments of bone created from the
2–3 mm above the mucogingival junction, parallel to the enlargement of the ostium and thus complete the intranasal
occlusal surface of the teeth. A full-thickness mucoperios- antrostomy. The intra-oral Caldwell-Luc access is used to
teal flap can be raised with a molt”s periosteal elevator to provide a final saline-wash within the sinus, prior to achiev-
reveal the underlying bone. Often, bulbosities caused by ing haemostasis and would closure, often with resorbable
the root projections of the upper canines and premolars are sutures.
noticeable and they can be used as anatomical landmarks to
avoid damaging the roots of the teeth. The periosteum can Complications with Caldwell-Luc
be raised elevated all the way to infraorbital foramen and approach
care must be taken not to stretch the infraorbital nerve. Complications associated with this surgical technique
Then a bony window can be made with a Rosehead bur include infraorbital nerve parasthesia that is often transient
2–3 mm above the root apices of the teeth. On entry in to and may last up to 6 months. Similarly there may be numbess
the sinus, a microbiology swabbing of the sinus content is of the attached gingivae and associated teeth or even possible
done for culture and sensitivity. Once the swab has been devitalisation. If the lacrimal apparatus has been encoun-
taken, this is followed by stripping of the sinus lining, espe- tered, there may also be the risk of dacryocystitis.
23  Maxillary Sinusitis 487

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 23.11 (a and b) Naso endoscopic pictures showing as the scope enters the left nostril. Nasal septum (NS) on the left and Inferior turbinate
(IT) on the right and the uncinate process (UP). Further up showing maxillary sinus ostium (SO) and Uncinate process (UP) Surgical Method: Functional should be visualised including posterior nasal choana and
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery the inferior turbinates.
With technology continually advancing, many prospective Systematic intranasal survey with the scope is also carried
studies report functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) out as a part of the surgical planning to identify any nasal sep-
(Fig.  23.11) to be a safe and effective means of managing tal spur, septal deviations and turbinate hypertrophy to improve
chronic sinusitis. For the FESS approach to be an effective the access and to prevent any complications. Additionally, any
surgical method in the management of chronic sinusitis, polyps can be removed to improve the access. An angled probe
appropriate patient and surgical instrumentation related fac- is used to reflect the uncinate process to visualise hiatus semi-
tors require consideration. Standard preparation for FESS lunaris and infundibulum. Back fracturing the uncinate pro-
involves an oral endotracheal tube which can be positioned cess finally allows visualisation of the maxillary sinus ostium
based on surgeon’s convenience to improve the access. Prior and medial wall of the orbit. A 4 mm trimmer can be used to
to donning surgical scrubs, the neuro-patties soaked in a remove uncinate and part of the middle turbinate to gain access
vasoconstrictor solution may be placed along the floor and to maxillary sinus ostium. The superior border of the sinus
middle portion of the nasal cavity such that it is effective at ostium is an important anatomical landmark as it is the junc-
the start of the operation. In addition, all Encoscopic acumen tion of the medial wall of the orbit and the lamina papyracea.
should be ready for the beginning of the procedure. At this point of dissection, a decision can be taken to do a
Endoscopic instrumentation includes a 0, 30, and 70 degree minimal or extensive dissection process, and this depends on
angle scope, a powered debrider with a 4 mm straight and a the extent of the disease process. Mostly, a minimal dissection
60 degree cannula, 4 mm long curved suction, various types (expansion of the ostium) is all that is necessary.
of punch forceps, curettes and a monopolar suction cautery.
Before the start of the procedure, neuro-patties are Complications with the FESS Approach
removed and 1% lidocaine and 1:100000 adrenaline injected FESS is an essentially safe procedure in the hands of a
into the septum, middle turbinate and uncinate process for trained and experienced surgeon; however there are a wide
the maxillary sinus-related issues. To survey the width and range of risks associated with this procedure due to the prox-
depth of the nasal cavity and also to establish the boundaries imity of anatomical structures such as the orbits and their
to avoid any complications, a systematic examination of the content, major arterial and venous structures and the base of
nasal cavity carried out with a 30 degree scope attached to an the skull. Severe complications can include orbital content
endoscopic tower/viewing screen. All the nasal structures penetration that may lead to fat herniation, enopthalmous
488 K. Ganesan and N. Rathod

and damage to extraocular muscles; penetration in to the 9. Norlander T, Fukami M, Westrin KM, Stierna P, Carlsöö B.
skull base can result in cerebrospinal fluid leakage and Formation of mucosal polyps in the nasal and maxillary sinus
cavities by infection. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1993
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perforation, mild bleeding, nasal obstruction, anosmia, mini- Immunol. 1982;69:268–71.
11. Gwaltney JM Jr, Scheld WM, Sande MA, Sydnor A. The microbial
mal fat herniation from orbital wall perforation and crusting etiology and antimicrobial therapy of adults with acute community-­
of the nasal mucosa are examples of what are believed to be acquired sinusitis: a fifteen-year experience at the University
minor complications. of Virginia and review of other selected studies. J Allergy Clin
Sinus surgery should be supported with medical manage- Immunol. 1992;90:457–61. Discussion 62
12. Finegold SM, Flynn MJ, Rose FV, et  al. Bacteriologic findings
ment post-operatively to prevent further inflammation devel- associated with chronic bacterial maxillary sinusitis in adults. Clin
oping, particularly in the case of polyp removals that may Infect Dis. 2002;35:428–33.
re-establish without maintenance therapy. 13. Brook I, Foote PA, Hausfeld JN. Increase in the frequency of recov-
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chronic maxillary sinusitis. J Med Microbiol. 2008;57:1015–7.
14. Fokkens WJ, Lund VJ, Mullol J, et al. European position paper on
23.10 Conclusion rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps 2012. Rhinol Suppl. 2012;(23):3 p
preceding table of contents, 1–298.
15. Serrano E, Neukirch F, Pribil C, Jankowski R, Klossek JM, Chanal
Sinusitis can be a debilitating condition for patients whether I, et al. Nasal polyposis in France: impact on sleep and quality of
acute or chronic. With close proximity to the dentition, life. J Laryngol Otol. 2005;119(7):543–9.
symptoms of dental pain can result in presentation to the 16. Peters AT, Spector S, Hsu J, Hamilos DL, Baroody FM, Chandra
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tory and examination is vital in attaining an accurate diagno- tice parameter update. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2014 Oct
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tionship between moisture or mould observations in houses and the
state of health of their occupants. Eur Respir J: Official Journal of
Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge Mr. Martyn
the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology. 1999
Barnes and SurgTec for the endoscopic pictures attached to this chapter.
More endoscopic images and videos can be accessed from www.surg-
18. Report of the rhinosinusitis task force committee meeting

tech.net website.
Alexandria, Virginia, August 17, 1996. Otolaryngol Head Neck
Surg. 1997;117(3 Pt 2):S1–68.
19. Vestin Fredriksson M, Öhman A, Flygare L, Tano K. When maxil-
lary sinusitis does not heal: findings on CBCT scans of the sinuses
References with a particular focus on the occurrence of odontogenic causes
of maxillary sinusitis. Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol. 2017
1. Lawson W, Patel ZM, Lin FY.  The development and pathologic Dec;2(6):442–6.
processes that influence maxillary sinus pneumatization. Anat 20. Patel NA, Ferguson BJ. Odontogenic sinusitis: an ancient but under-­
Rec: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology: appreciated cause of maxillary sinusitis. Curr Opin Otolaryngol
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2. Ugincius P, Kubilius R, Gervickas A, Vaitkus S. Chronic odonto- Rodríguez N, Martínez-González JM. Meta-analysis of the etiology
genic maxillary sinusitis. Stomatologija. 2006;8:44–8. of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal.
3. Pommer B, Ulm C, Lorenzoni M, Palmer R, Watzek G, Zechner 2010 Jan 1;15(1):e70–3.
W. Prevalence, location and morphology of maxillary sinus septa: 22. Bent JP III, Kuhn FA. Allergic fungal sinusitis/polyposis. Allergy
systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Periodontol. 2012 Asthma Proc. 1996;17:259–68.
Aug;39(8):769–73. 23. Rosenfeld RM, Andes D, Bhattacharyya N, et  al. Clinical prac-
4. Stallman JS, Lobo JN, Som PM. The incidence of concha bullosa tice guideline: adult sinusitis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.
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5. Benninger MS. Rhinitis, sinusitis and their relationship to allergy. morbid diagnoses of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. J Allergy
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6. Aust R, Stierna P, Drettner B. Basic experimental studies of ostial 25. Williams JW, Simel DL.  Does this patient have sinusitis?

patency and local metabolic environment of the maxillary sinus. Diagnosing acute sinusitis by history and physical examination.
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28. Ah-See KW, Evans AS. Sinusitis and its management. BMJ: Brit 33. Scadding GK, Durham SR, Mirakian R, Jones NS, Drake-Lee AB,
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OroAntral Communications
and OroAntral Fistula 24
Suvy Manuel

Routine exodontia is a common procedure performed by the close approximation with the roots of the maxillary posterior
general dental practitioner and the oral surgeon alike. Most of teeth, especially the molars [1].
the maxillary premolar/molar extractions heal uneventfully Eberhardt, in 1992, did a CT study to evaluate the dis-
but some may cause inadvertent opening into the maxillary tance between maxillary sinus floor and the apices of the
sinus, manifesting as immediate oro antral communications maxillary pre-molar/molar teeth. The buccal first premolar
(OAC) or delayed oro antral fistulae. The common reasons showed the largest value of 6.18  mm (SD 1.60  mm). It is
being difficulty encountered in the extractions intra opera- quite disturbing to know that the mesiobuccal root of maxil-
tively due to myriad reasons or the OAC may be due to a pre lary second molar is only 0.83 mm (SD 0.49 mm) away from
existing pathology in the peri apical region or within the sinus the maxillary sinus floor, as per this study results. Readers
lining. Whatever the reason be , its paramount that the sur- are advised to refer the table in reference [1] to have a better
geon identifies the problem and approach it in a sequential picture of this relevant CT study.
manner to avoid long term consequences and to attain a per- This intimate relation with the root of maxillary molars
fect closure. The timing of the closure is crucial which is causes many a time inadvertent communication between the
dependent upon the sinus health and the socket condition. sinus and oral cavity causing acute OroAntral communica-
This may be complicated by a missing root tip which is lying tion (OAC). If the OAC is unrecognized or not dealt with
in the sinus. This chapter aims to walk the reader through primarily, either it may undergo spontaneous healing if the
these events in a logical fashion, so that they can take appro- circumstances are favourable or it may progress into a full-­
priate decisions and use the correct surgical technique which fledged OroAntral fistula (OAF), which will need secondary
will ensure a successful closure of the defect. intervention for closure.
This section of the book deals with OAC and OAF caused
during exodontia and minor dentoalveolar surgical proce-
24.1 Introduction dures, cyst enucleation and small-sized tumour excision.
Communications caused due to excision of moderate to
Maxillary sinus is an anatomical area, which is intimately large pathologies, post-oncosurgery defects, major maxillo-
associated with the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. facial trauma, gunshot/missile injuries, osteoradionecrosis
Many of the procedures done violate the integrity of the and developmental and congenital deformities usually may
maxillary sinus, as in orthognathic surgeries, or when the require locoregional/free flap transfers and/or prosthetic
sinus is involved per se as part of midface trauma or in odon- rehabilitations. Such communications are dealt with else-
togenic pathologies that infringe upon the sinus. where in this book.
The relevance of the sinus in day-to-day minor dentoal- This section is limited to closure of OAF caused after
veolar surgical procedures is that the sinus floor is in very exodontia; however, many surgical techniques used for OAF
closure do overlap with surgical closure techniques of orona-
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- sal and palatal fistulas. Those techniques are dealt with in
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_24) contains supple-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
relevant sections of the book.
This chapter also deals with managing and retrieving
S. Manuel (*) root/root tips, which are inadvertently displaced into the
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ananthapuri sinus (Root in sinus).
Hospitals and Research Institute, Trivandrum, Kerala, India Most of the surgical procedures aimed at correction of
Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Trivandrum, Kerala, India OAC/OAF are doomed to fail if the underlying sinus is not
© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 491
K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_24
492 S. Manuel

healthy before the anticipated closure. The “Antral regime

procedures” are aimed at ensuring a disease-free sinus before
anticipated elective closure of a post-extraction OAF.  When
patients are referred to oral surgeons for treatment of OAF,
depending upon the duration of complaint, the sinus may be in
various stages of the disease. It is difficult to ascertain whether
the sinus was diseased primarily at the time of exodontia,
accentuating the chance of an OAF formation or whether the
sinus had been secondarily infected following the formation of
OAF due to direct communication with the oral cavity. Another
possibility is that the sinus lining would have been secondarily
involved by a periapical pathology and removal of the involved
tooth was conducive to the formation of the OAC.
The role of an otorhinolaryngologist cannot be under-
stated, and at times, the closure has to be attempted after con-
sulting with them regarding the sinus health. Their presence
may be required during the closure for allied p­ rocedures in
the sinus like FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery).

24.2 Aetiology of OAC

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
The common causes for OAC during dentoalveolar proce-
Fig. 24.1  Improper use of dental elevators causing pushing of root tip
dures are
into maxillary sinus

1. Aberrant anatomy causing the sinus floor to dip down

between the roots of premolars and molars/decreased
thickness of sinus floor.
2. Unusually long roots, which lie in close proximity to the
sinus floor/Schneiderian membrane.
3. Dense alveolar bone causing difficult extractions.
4. Removal of root canal-treated maxillary molars is usu-
ally difficult due to the brittle nature of the tooth.
Attempted removal of brittle root tip fractures in such
teeth shows an increased chance of getting OAC.
5. Improper use of dental elevators when attempting to
remove root tip can cause undue vertical forces, which-
may push the roots into the sinus (Fig. 24.1).
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
6. Progressive pneumatization of the sinus as age advances,
especially around lone standing molars (Fig. 24.2). Fig. 24.2  Sinus dipping down in a long-standing edentulous area of
7. Progressive pneumatization is also a cause for OAC dur- upper left first molar (IOPA)
ing removal of maxillary third molars especially when
associated with tuberosity fractures. 10. Lack of adherence to basic principles of dentoalveolar
8. Teeth, which have periapical pathologies, cause bone surgery or overzealous/aggressive attempts to remove or
loss/erosion at the sinus floor and are at a higher chance of retrieve fractured root tips of maxillary posterior teeth
causing OAC after extractions. It is imperative that such may cause OAC.  It is the judgement of the concerned
cases are identified pre-operatively, adequate radiographic clinician whether to attempt removal of a fractured root
examinations are done, the patients are pre-­warned and tip; if the clinician can remove the root tip via the socket
necessary measures are to be taken to close the OAC, if through closed intra-alveolar technique well and good,
they occur during the procedure (Fig. 24.3a, b and c). if not the clinician should be able to remove the tip via
9. Occasionally, odontogenic infections/abscess may transalveolar technique based on sound dentoalveolar
spread to the sinus, which may manifest “Fluid levels” surgical principles and should be able to close the OAC
in the sinus on paranasal sinus X-rays. Extraction of if it occurs. If the clinician feels that he is not able to
such teeth involves a greater chance of having OAC. perform the above-mentioned procedure, it may be wise
24  OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula 493

Fig. 24.3 (a) IOPA of a

molar showing periapical
a b
lesion, (b) Extracted molar
with the lesion attached to the
root tip, (c) Diagrammatic
representation of periapical
lesion close to sinus floor

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

not to vigorously attempt to remove the root tip. Either it is an evident OAC, confirmatory tests are not done in
he should get expert help or it would be judicious to order to prevent enlarging the OAC. Literature also says
leave the root tip behind and attempt removal later if that sinusitis will ensue if the OAC is not closed within
required when expert help is available (Fig. 24.4). 24–48 h.
11. Teeth, which have aberrant root anatomies, dilacera-
tions, hypercementosis and ankylosis, are all at risk of 1. Bubbling of mucous or blood may be seen at the socket
developing OAC. opening when the patient exerts pressure via a closed nos-
tril (Valsalva manoeuvre).
2. Patient may feel oronasal regurgitation or leaking of oral
24.3 Clinical Features of OAC fluids via nose if they hold water in mouth.
3. There may be unilateral epistaxis on the affected side.
The basic rule to be followed when we suspect an OAC is 4. Close examination of the socket apex under direct light
never to enlarge or aggravate the existing communication. vision may show the sinus lining or opening into the
Most of the time OAC goes unrecognized, and it may heal sinus.
spontaneously if it is less than 3–5 mm in diameter [2]. If 5. There may be changes in the resonance of the voice.
a bigger OAC is not recognized and adequate measures 6. An OAC should be suspected if a piece of antral floor is
are not taken for closure, it may progress to OAF. Unless attached to the root end after extraction (Fig. 24.5).
494 S. Manuel

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.5  Note the sinus floor attached to the roots of an upper third
molar after extraction, with associated tuberosity fracture. It is a defi-
nite case of OAC, which warrants primary closure if conditions are

Patient has to be aware of the condition as post-­

operative compliance form of the patient is of paramount
importance in order to prevent any dehiscence or clot
break down at the OAC closure site. (See antral regime
2. Openings less than 3–5 mm in size may be left without
any intervention hoping for spontaneous healing, or a
primary closure may be attempted depending upon
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
individual case scenarios. If left for spontaneous heal-
Fig. 24.4  Diagram showing the importance of slow, careful and fine ing, patients are specifically instructed to avoid any
movements to remove root tips with straight probes, fine mosquito for- manoeuvres, which may increase the intra-sinus
ceps or apical fragment ejectors pressure.

24.3.1 Radiological Features of OAC A routine suturing across the socket in maxillary premo-
lar/molar extraction sites may not suffice in suspected cases
There may not be radiological evidence of a small OAC on a of OAC, as the buccal and palatal gingivae may not approxi-
routine IOPA, unless there is sizeable loss of antral floor or mate primarily and healing may be secondary in nature.
breach in antral floor, which will manifest as a direct com- Suturing in such cases just plays a role in supporting the clot.
munication between the sinus and socket. It is not advisable If aiming at primary closure to treat OAC, the buccal and
to insert a probe or radiopaque marker into the socket and palatal gingivae may be approximated by the following addi-
take an x-ray as it may enlarge the OAC. tional measures:

(a) Reduce the height of the buccal/palatal alveolar bone in

24.3.2 Management of OAC order for the sutures to approximate.
(b) As it is the palatal mucoperiosteum that is more adher-
The OAC may be managed in the following step wise approach: ent, a semilunar relaxing incision may be placed about
5 mm away from the palatal gingival edge and the flap is
1. If you suspect an OAC, it is prudent to inform the patient advanced buccally to meet the buccal gingivae
about the anticipated treatment plan and the sequel. (Fig. 24.6).
24  OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula 495

Clinical Scenario 1

A simple clinical scenario is given here as food for

thought for the young readers (Fig. 24.7).
I believe that there may be different opinions, with
few possible ones being

1. Extract the tooth and allow the lesion to regress/

observe periodically.
2. Extract the tooth and curette/attempt enucleation
via socket.
3. Extract the tooth via transalveolar technique and
enucleate the lesion.
4. Further investigations/imaging before attempting

5. Assess the sinus condition before performing any
6. Be aware of the possibility of an OAC after extrac-
tion and be prepared for the possible technique of

This case was included just to show how perplexing

a routine clinical situation could be and to stress on the
importance of a solid pre-operative plan before
attempting such cases.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 24.4 OroAntral Fistula

Fig. 24.6  Depicts releasing incision in the palate, to advance the flap Intrusion into the maxillary sinus and establishment of direct
in order to achieve primary closure of the socket
communication with the oral cavity are referred to as an oro-
antral fistula (Fig. 24.8a and b). An oroantral fistula is a path-
ological condition in which the oral and antral cavities have
a permanent communication by means of a fibrous connec-
Beyond these two steps, any attempt at closing the OAC tive tissue fistula coated by epithelium. Once an unrecog-
would mean that the surgeon is using techniques that are nized OAC does not heal or there is failure of attempted
common with established techniques of closing an OAF. If closure, the condition progresses to an OAF, which means
primary closure is not obtained by (a) or (b), the next logical that the epithelization of the communicating tract has
step would be to raise a buccal full thickness three-sided occurred. Usually, such cases get referred to the oral surgeon
(trapezoidal/rectangular/4 cornered) flap and advancing it to from the general dental practice within 2–3  weeks of the
the palatal side. At this stage, if adequate relaxation is not occurrence, when patient notices oronasal regurgitation.
present for the flap, the mucoperiosteum may have to be
scored and the details of this are given in OAF surgical clo-
sure section of this chapter. 24.4.1 Aetiology of OAF
If the sinus is healthy, the best chance of closing an OAC
is at the time of occurrence and the surgeon may use any of The causes for OAF are similar to those of OAC mentioned
the techniques in his armamentarium, and these decisions are earlier. Apart from this, if the sinus has pre-existing sinus-
taken on a case-by-case basis. itis/antral pathology/fungal infections/fungal balls, the
496 S. Manuel

Fig. 24.7  This is the OPG of

a 25-year-old man who
reported for routine extraction
of root stump of upper left
first molar tooth. OPG shows
an incidental finding of a
periapical lesion (which is
probably a periapical cyst that
appears to be very close to the
sinus floor or probably
pushing the sinus lining up).
How would you manage this

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.8 (a) Note the OAF on upper left first molar extraction site. The socket edges are well-healed, epithelized and rounded off. (b) OPG of
the above case showing a defect in the alveolar ridge in the 26 socket region and direct communication of the sinus with the oral cavity

chance of healing of OAC is decreased and may progress 4 . In long-standing untreated cases, there will be clinical
to OAF. and radiological features of chronic sinusitis. The antral
Among patients who do not follow the post-extraction lining will undergo thickening/hyperplasia, and eventu-
instructions or where the clot is deficient/gets dislodged, ally, sinus gets obliterated or there may be evidence of
chances of OAF are increased in susceptible cases. Failed sinus polyps.
sinus lift procedures, ailing and failing implants and peri-­ I have seen a case where the patient was referred with
implantitis are all potential causes for causing OAF. a protruding sinus polyp through the socket of an untreated
OAF in a maxillary molar site (Fig. 24.9a and b). In this
particular case, a root was displaced into the sinus as well.
24.4.2 Clinical Features It was not sure whether this polyp ensued secondary to
OAF or whether pre-existing sinus polyp leads tothe
1. Primary complaints in established OAF cases are mainly OAF.
oronasal regurgitation and burning sensation in sinus on We should also be aware that antral malignancies
having food. may protrude through the unhealed socket of maxillary
2. Patients may visit the ENT surgeon with complaints of molars. Most of the times, the surgeon being ignorant
acute sinusitis, secondary to infection of sinus via unrec- of the disease would have extracted the tooth due to
ognized OAF. mobility caused by the erosion due to the malignant
3. In certain cases, there may localized pain, tenderness, lesion, and a few weeks after, the patient may present,
foul smell, unpleasant tasting discharge, persistent nasal with the lesion protruding through the socket
discharge and post-nasal drip. (Fig. 24.10).
24  OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula 497

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.9 (a) Clinical picture showing an antral polyp protruding through the sinus. Some clinicians may consider this to be a Post-extraction
granuloma possibly of a reactive nature due to the root in the sinus. (b) Occlusal X-ray view showing root in the sinus

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.11  IOPA x-ray showing metal probe entering the sinus via a
minute unhealed OAF defect

6. In certain cases, the ridge will clinically look well-healed;

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India however on careful probing, an unhealed tract will be
seen, leading to the sinus (Fig. 24.11).
Fig. 24.10  A case of extraction of upper right second molar due to
mobility by dental surgeon, who was unaware of the cause of mobility
being antral malignancy. Couple of weeks after extraction, the lesion
was seen protruding through the socket 24.4.3 Confirmatory Tests of OAF

1. Holding water in the mouth and exerting pressure with

5. The mucosal edges of the socket will be rounded off, and mouth closed may elicit oronasal regurgitation.
an evident opening may be seen via the socket into the 2. Hold a piece of cotton wisp with tweezers at the OAF
sinus. opening site, and request the patient to blow through the
498 S. Manuel

nose with the nostril closed. The wisp will vibrate under 3 . Palatal pedicled flap (Ashley’s rotational flap).
the flow of air via the OAF (cotton wisp test/butterfly test). 4. Tongue flaps: anterior and posterior based.
3. The patient may find it difficult to hold pressure within
the sinus, and a whistling sound may be appreciated by The multitude of techniques and variations has made the
the examiner during the Valsalva manoeuvre. literature on OAF closure a trifle confusing. It is interesting
4. Holding a mouth mirror near the opening of OAF will to know that even third molar auto transplantation has been
cause fogging of the mirror. found to be successful in closure of immediate OAC
5. Place the nozzle of the suction at the opening of the fistu- (Kitagawa 2003) [6].
lae. A sound similar to blowing through the mouth of an In this chapter, we will only be discussing the time tested
empty bottle may be heard. and commonly performed buccal/palatal flaps with a reason-
able amount of success rate. The tongue flaps are a second
option, but the difficulty is caused to the patient in the post-­
24.4.4 Treatment Modalities for OAF operative period until the pedicle is divided and the need for
patient compliance, difficulties in feeding, mastication;
Techniques for OAF closure have evolved over a long period speech and maintenance of oral hygiene should be taken into
of time and have a robust history. Many techniques have consideration before performing them.
been time tested and well-established, form the mainstay of As there are multitude of variations and modifications in
OAF closure and will be discussed in this section. Literature OAF closure techniques, the author feels that it is wise to pres-
is replete with various technical modifications; it is not pos- ent all the relevant modifications in a sequential order (Box
sible to discuss all these in detail and will be beyond the 24.1). If the reader refers to the historical evolution of tech-
purview of this chapter. The reader is advised to look into the niques given in the box format, it is evident that different flap
references if a thorough review of techniques is required [3, designs have been advised ranging from advancement, sliding,
4]. Figure 24.1, in reference [4] (Visscher et al. JOMS 2010), pedicled, rotation, bridge, hinged, transverse buccal, double
gives an excellent overview of the various treatment modali- flaps, island flaps, bipedicled flaps, submucosal connective tis-
ties for oroantral communications Awang et al. [5] back in sue flap, osteoperiosteal flaps, buccinator myomucosal flaps,
1988 have published an excellent review of techniques, etc. Each technique has been presented with its own indica-
which were established at that time. tions and advantages. The reader is advised to read individual
Since a plethora of techniques are available, the surgeon publications to get details of these techniques if required.
has the freedom to choose the technique, which works well Irrespective of the technique used, the success of the clo-
in his hands based on the training received and surgical com- sure warrants that the basic sound principles of mucoperios-
petence. One cardinal rule, which may be followed in OAF teal flap design are used. The flap should have adequate
closure, is to start with the simplest technique available and blood supply, should be handled gently, and should lie in the
reserve the complex technique in case the first attempt fails. advanced position without tension.
A sequential option may be followed, the patient is to be
warned that there are chances of failure and a secondary or
tertiary surgery with more complex techniques may be 24.4.5 Assessment of OAF
required at times.
At this stage, it is worth remembering a quote which I The following factors should be assessed while planning the
have come across somewhere: “Re-operation after past fail- technique of closure in an OAF.
ures at the hands of other surgeons should be approached Size of the communication (Bone defect is always bigger
with due humility”. than the visualized soft tissue defect)
The options for treatment can be broadly categorized
under the following headings: • Location of defect.
• Health of the sinus/presence of infection.
• Local flaps. • Time of diagnosis of fistula.
• Regional flaps. • Condition of tissue available.
• Combined with autografts. • Amount of tissue available.
• Combined with allografts.
• Prosthetic options.
24.4.6 Objectives in Treatment of OAF
The most widely used local flaps can be classified as
When treating an OAF, the surgeon should have the follow-
1. Buccal advancement mucoperiosteal flap (Moczair
ing objectives in mind [7]. (This can be called the 4 E’s).
flap / Rehrmann flap / Berger flap).
2. Buccal advancement flap with buccal fat pad grafting 1 . Elimination of the antral pathology.
(Two-layer closure). 2. Elimination of the epithelial lining of the fistulous tract.
24  OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula 499

3 . Establishment of stable closure of fistula.

4. Establishment of satisfactory drainage. • Lee JJ 2002. Repair of OAC in the third molar
region by random palatal flap [40].
• Haas 2003: Monocortical bone grafts [41].
Box 24.1 Historical Evolution of OAF Closure Techniques • Kitagawa 2003: third molar transplantation [6].
• Ogunsalu 2005: GTR membrane [42].
• Martin S 2008: metal plates and aluminium foils [43].
• Welty CF 1920: buccal mucoperiosteal flap [8]. • Visscher 2010: biodegradable polyurethane foam [44].
• Moczair 1930: buccal sliding trapezoidal flap [9]. • Sandhya 2016: Resorbable GTR Membrane and
• von Rehrman 1936: vestibular buccal mucoperios- FDMB Sandwich Technique [45].
teal flap [10]. • Ram H 2016: used auricular cartilage [46].
• Berger 1939: Buccal advancement flap [11].
• Ashley 1939: palatal rotation flap [12].
• Kruger GO 1984: V-shaped excision of lesser cur-
vature of palatal rotation flap [13]. 24.5 The Buccal Advancement Flaps
• Kazangian 1949: bridge flap [14].
• Mc Clung 1951: tantalum foil [15]. The names of Moczair, Berger and von Rehrman have been
• Schuchardt 1953: transverse buccal flap [16]. used interchangeably when speaking of buccal flaps in the
• Guerrero- santos 1966: Tongue flaps for OAF [17]. literature. The buccal flap designed by Moczair [9] was a
• Rintala 1971: palatal hinged flap (inversion/reverse sliding trapezoidal flap, while the ones designed by Berger
palatal flap) [18]. [11] and Von Rehrman [10] were buccal straight advance-
• Zeimba 1972: double flaps (reverse palatal & buc- ment mucoperiosteal flaps.
cal [19]). Von Wowern (1982) [47] in a study of 90 patients com-
• Meyerhoff 1973: gold foil [20]. pared Moczair with Rehrman flaps and advocated the former
• Henderson 1974: palatal island flap [21]. for treating OAF in edentulous patients. Killey and Kay (1967)
• Choukas 1974: Palatal rotational advancement flap [48] proved the efficacy of buccal flap in a large series of 250
[22]. cases. The buccal flap technique can be satisfactorily employed
• Gullane P 1975: modified palatal island flap, in the treatment of small and medium-sized communications
relieved vessel at greater palatine foramen [23]. where there is clear sinus lavage through OAF, and proper
• Cockerham 1976: Bone grafting [24]. antral regime has been maintained 4–5  days prior to the
• Egeydi 1976: bucket handle flap (bipedicled buccal surgery.
flap) [25]. The technique of raising a buccal flap is given along
• Egeydi 1977: Buccal fat pad and split thickness with the 2 layer BFP closure technical note box (Box 24.2)
graft [26]. and is essentially the same. A few words are needed to
• Sachs 1979: posteriorly based lateral tongue flap [27]. elaborate on the buccal flap and periosteal scoring. The
• Ito & Hara 1980: submucosal connective tissue buccal flap raised is a full thickness trapezoidal (rectangu-
pedicle palatal flap [28]. lar/4 sided) mucoperiosteal flap. There are 2 releasing
• Quale 1981: double flap [29]. incisions, one anterior and one posterior. The incisions are
• Brusati 1982: osteoperiosteal flap + vestibule muco- put in such a way that the flap looks tongue/funnel-shaped
periosteal flap [30]. and is feasible for advancement palatally without tension.
• Al sibahi 1982: used soft polymethacrylate [31]. Great care is given to raise it gently without causing any
• Mitchell 1983: used collagen [32]. ‘button holing’/fenestrations in the flap. The base should
• Carstens MH 1991: anteriorly based buccinator be broad enough to have good random blood supply, and
myomucosal island flap [33]. flap margins should be incised sharply in order to avoid
• Zide 1992: Hydroxyapatite block closure [34]. ragged edges. It is the periosteum that gives tension and
• Shaker 1995: used Zenoderm [35]. may prevent advancement palatally. In order for the flap to
• Hanazawa 1995: pedicled fat pad graft [36]. lie passively, the periosteum alone is scored gently with a
• Hori M 1995: Deans extended interseptal alveolot- number 12 or 15 blade, horizontally at the level of the base
omy technique [37]. of the buccal flap. This will release the tension and help in
• Paul salins 1996: anteriorly based palatal flap [38]. advancement. The scoring is a fine procedure, and the sur-
• Pandolfi 2000: Three layer closure of oroantral geon should be aware that, if the scoring goes deep beyond
cutaneous defect—palatal flap + buccal fat pad + the level of periosteum, the mucosa may be incised which
skin flap [39]. may even jeopardize the viability of the flap by affecting
the blood supply emanating from the base (Fig. 24.12).
500 S. Manuel

One disadvantage of all buccal advancement procedures

Box 24.2 Technical Notes of a 2 Layer BFP Closure is the decrease in the vestibular depth, which may be prob-
lematic for prosthetic rehabilitation.
• Anaesthesia.
• Fistula tract excision with No 11 BP blade.
• Curette the granulation tissue. 24.5.1 Step-by-Step Technique of Doing
• Buccal and palatal margin freshened with No 15 Buccal Advancement Flap + Buccal Fat
blade. Pad Grafting (BFP)
• Palatal margin made into a semilunar shape to
accept the buccal flap. The step-by-step procedure for 2 layer closure technique is
• Flap to rest on sound bone on the palatal side. given in the box format (Box 24.2). The steps of performing
• Extended trapezoidal flap placed on the buccal side. a 2 layer closure are similar to the buccal advancement alone,
• Posterior vertical release of flap slightly curved except that the BFP is raised, advanced and sutured primarily
towards vestibule to facilitate advancement to the palatal edge.
anteriorly. The use of the buccal fat pad (BFP) as a grafting source in the
• Reduction of alveolar bone height if required. closure of intra-oral defects has gained popularity in the last
• Periosteal scoring of buccal flap. quarter of the twentieth century. Its use as a pedicle graft for oral
• Posterior periosteum teased open to identify the reconstruction was first reported by Egyedi in 1977 [26]. Studies
BFP. have proved through a series of cases that the use of buccal pad
• BFP mobilized gently with non-toothed forceps fat in the closure of oroantral communications has significantly
(blunt dissection, avoid tension). reduced the failure rate of the treatment. The closure of OAF
• BFP sutured to palatal margin with 3 ‘O’ non-cut- with single-layered buccal mucoperiosteal advancement flaps
ting vicryl rapide. (Berger/Reherman) has been well documented in the literature.
• Buccal flap advanced palatally to cover the BFP. Without much change in the surgical steps, adding a second
• Buccal flap sutured to palatal margin with horizon- layer of BFP will enhance the success rate of closure.
tal mattress vicryl sutures. The buccal fat pad (BFP) as an anatomic element was first
• Anterior vertical release sutured. mentioned by Heister in 1732 and was described by Bichat in
• Posterior vertical release usually needs no 1802 [49]. The BFP (Bichat ball) is an anatomically rounded
suturing. and biconvex structure that is of great importance in the facial
contour. It is an adipose tissue surrounded by a thin capsule

Maxillary Sinus


Temporal Extension

Palatal Soft Tissue

Flap Elevated
Site of Periosteal Scoring
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Buccal Extension
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 24.12  Diagrammatic representation of raising a buccal trapezoi-
dal flap and periosteal scoring Fig. 24.13  Anatomical representation of the buccal fat pad
24  OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula 501

and located inside both masticatory spaces in the oro-maxil- 24.6 Palatal Rotational Flap (Ashley’s Flap)
lofacial region (Fig. 24.13). The BFP has a central body with
four extensions: pterygopalatine, temporal, pterygoid and Among palatal flaps, there are 2 main types: The palatal
buccal. The central body and buccal extension account for straight advancement flap (Fig. 24.15) and the palatal rota-
approximately 50% of the BFP and are the most clinically tional flap (Fig. 24.16).
significant portions. The BFP has a 10 mL volume, a thick- However, the palatal rotational flap proposed by Ashley in
ness of 6 mm and an approximate weight of 9.3 g. The BFP is 1939 [12] has stood the test of time. It is a pedicled flap,
surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule. Blood supply is pro- posteriorly based on the greater palatine vessel. A tongue-­
vided by the vestibular and deep branches of the maxillary shaped full thickness mucoperiosteal flap is raised on the
artery, the transverse facial branches of the superficial tempo- side of the OAF. The OAF site is freshened, and the fistula is
ral artery and branches of the facial artery. The rich blood excised as a preparation to receiving the flap. The flap is
supply may explain the high success rate. It also may be one rotated and sutured on to the OAF site. In order to avoid
reason for the quick epithelialization of the fat. The buccal fat kinking at the site of rotation near the palatal margin of the
pad is a mass of specialized fatty tissue called as syssarcosis, socket, a V-shaped area may be excised (Kruger’s [13] modi-
a fat that enhances muscular motion. It is distinct from the fication). The raw site is packed with dressing to allow sec-
subcutaneous fat and shows marked similarity to the orbital ondary healing. This is a thick, bulky and vascular flap,
fat. It can easily cover small to medium sized defects of about which is quite reliable and serves often as a second line of
4 cm in diameter. When properly dissected and mobilized, the defence when the buccal advancement flap fails. Different
BFP provides 7 × 4 × 3 cm of a pedicled graft. (Box 24.3). authors have given various names for this flap-like rotational,
advancement and transposition.
Other types of palatal flaps mentioned or published in the
24.5.2 Clinical Pictures Demonstrating 2 Layer literature are the palatal island flaps (Henderson 1974 [21]),
Closure Technique with BFP (Fig. 24.14a, palatal hinged/inverted/reverse flap (Rintala 1971 [18]) and
b, c, d and e) [50] sub-mucous connective tissue flap (Ito & Hara 1980 [28]).
Palatal flaps are also used as part of double flap techniques as
Figure 24.14a, b, c, d and e: Reprinted with permission from proposed by Zeimba in 1972 [19] and Quayle in 1981 [29].
springer nature customer service centre GmbH: springer
publisher: Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery: The ver-
satility in the use of Buccal Fat Pad in the closure of oro-­ 24.7 Importance of Timing of Closure
antral fistulas. Suvy Manuel et  al. [COPYRIGHT of OAF
4524640093264] (2015).
The health and status of the socket edges and margins play
an important role in deciding the success of the closure, irre-
Box 24.3 Advantages of Buccal Fat Pad spective of the surgical technique used. An OAF, which is
well-rounded margins and does not show any evidence of
oedema/inflammation, is a good recipient area for the clo-
• Easy access. sure. Oral surgeons may often get referred cases with history
• Relatively easy to perform. of difficult extraction of maxillary molars/attempted removal
• Minimum dissection. of fractures root tips/cases with established OAC and/or with
• Great versatility. missing root tips. Often, the socket may show evidence of
• Good mobility. traumatic extraction with ragged margins, tissue loss, irregu-
• Reliable blood supply. lar bony edges, congestion, tenderness and oedema. Such
• Low rate of complication. sites are not favoured for an OAC/OAF closure, and surgeons
• No donor site morbidity. should not be tempted to attempt a closure. The chances of
• Low risk of infection. failure of the closure are high due to unhealthy mucosal con-
• Shortened surgical time. dition and its prudent to wait for a couple of weeks for good
• No scar. healing of the wound edges and then consider closure. It may
• Fast cover by epithelium. be argued that the sinus health may deteriorate during this
• High success rate. waiting period, and all these are decisions to be taken by the
surgeon on their individual merit (Fig. 24.17a and b).
502 S. Manuel

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

24  OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula 503

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.15  Diagrammatic representation of a palatal straight advance-

ment flap
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.16  Diagrammatic representation of a palatal rotational flap

24.7.1 Role of Health of Sinus and chance of success. In untreated cases of OAF, patients may
Antral Regime have acute episodes of sinusitis or progress into a chronic
stage manifesting thickened antral lining and fluid/exudates/
Depending upon the duration of OAF, the sinus may be in pus collection in sinus or antral polyps. In cases of acute
various stages of disease. In acute OAC, unless there is pre-­ nature, the sinusitis has to be under control before closure
existing disease, the closure may be attempted with a fair (Fig. 24.18).

Fig. 24.14 (a) Oroantral fistula seen at the maxillary right first molar margin. (d) The buccal mucoperiosteal flap sutured to the palatal mar-
extraction site (b) Buccal fat pad being teased out from the buccal ves- gin and covering the buccal fat pad. (e) Excellent healing of the closure
tibule. (c) The buccal fat pad being advanced and sutured to the palatal site (2 month post-operative view) [50]
504 S. Manuel

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.17 (a) Clinical picture of a referred case in a 30-year-old male, sutured wound edges/tissue loss and slough in the palatal tissue. He is
who had a traumatic extraction of upper right first molar 1 week back. not a candidate for closure immediately. It is preferable to wait until
One complete root has been pushed into the sinus (see OPG, complete healing and schedule the procedure electively. (b) OPG of the
Fig. 24.17b). Note the traumatized, congested, oedematous and ragged above case showing the root in the sinus cavity

4. Nasal decongestant drops to increase the drainage of the

sinus and open up closed ostium.
5. Antihistamines to decongest the sinus and also to avoid
sneezing, which may increase the sinus pressure and have
a deterrent effect on the success of the closure.

The antral regime may be continued for a few days

(3–7 days) after the closure as well to ensure a trouble-free
healing. After closure, the patient is advised to have certain
restrictions in the initial healing phase, in order to avoid
break down of the closure, i.e.

1. Avoid vigorous sneezing/coughing/blowing through the

2. If coughing cannot be avoided, do cough with mouth open.
3. Avoid smoking to avoid negative pressure in the oral
4. Avoid using straws to drink fluids.
5. Avoid vigorous gargling or swishing in the oral cavity.
6. Do not disturb the surgical site with tongue movements.
7. It would be preferable to review the patient at least
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India once in 2–3  days during the initial healing period to
assess the healing status. The clinician may irrigate the
Fig. 24.18  A coronal CT scan, showing periapical widening/lesion in
a maxillary left molar, which is close to the sinus floor and reactive surgical site with saline removing the collected debris/
sinus lining thickening in that region. Possible OAC resulting from this slough if any.
extraction may have a decreased chance of success after immediate 8. Some author’s advice to keep a pre-fabricated custom-­
made acrylic splint at the site of closure as a support.
However, there are thoughts that the splint may irritate or
24.7.2 The Antral Regime traumatize the sutured edges on the alveolar ridge and be a
deterrent for the healing.
Antral regime is usually helpful, which is usually started
about 5–7 days before the anticipated closure. It includes.
24.7.3 Antral Lavage
1 . Antibiotics to control sinusitis.
2. Anti-inflammatory agents if required. At times, the antral lavage is done daily or on alternate days
3. Steam inhalation at prescribed intervals. along with the antral regime to clear the exudate from the
24  OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula 505

Box 24.4 Technical Note: Caldwell Luc Procedure in Oral

Surgery Context

• Upper lip retracted.

• Horizontal U-shaped incision in the vestibule-few
Sinus mm above gingival attachment or
• Mucoperiosteal flap-raised upward to the point of
emergence of the infra-orbital nerve.
• Do not damage infraorbital nerve
• Chisel or dental bur is used to create a window on
anterior wall of sinus above root of teeth of that area.
• Opening enlarged using Rongeur’s forceps until it
is of the size of an index finger.
• Sinus exposure gained and required procedure
Existing • Soft tissue placed and sutured over bone with
OAF resorbable sutures.
• Good closure is important as the dehiscence itself-
will cause an OAF.


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.19  Diagrammatic representation of antral lavage via the exist-

ing OAF

sinus. The presence of exudate/pus can be seen as a ‘fluid

level’ in a paranasal sinus X-ray, or there may be generalized
opacification of the involved sinus in the X-ray. The closure
is attempted, only when the surgeon feels that the antral
washouts are clear, and the sinus is reasonably healthy to
receive the closure.
ENT books describe different methods of antral lavage,
either via a Caldwell Luc opening or via the nasal meatus
depending upon the case. However, from an oral surgical
perspective for most cases, antral lavage may be done via the
existing OAF (Fig.  24.19). 10–20  ml of saline is flushed ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
through the OAF via a syringe, and patient is seated at a for-
Fig. 24.20  Clinical picture showing a Caldwell Luc procedure via
ward position with head bent down. The washout will flow
extended crevicular flap for removal of a root in sinus. Note the defect
out through the nasal cavity or via the OAF, and the washout made in the anterior maxilla wall
is collected in a tray positioned before the patient. In the ini-
tial days of lavage, the washout will have a cloudy/opaque
appearance, and after few days, we should expect the wash- It involves making an opening in the anterior wall of sinus
out to be clear. in the canine fossa region, to get good access to the sinus.
The procedure is done either via a sublabial incision or by
extended crevicular incisons (Fig. 24.20). In the context of
24.8 Caldwell Luc Procedure OAF, this approach has relevance when combined along with
the closure of OAF.  The approach may be used to retrieve
This procedure was developed independently by two root tip or to surgically treat chronic sinusitis as in polyps. In
­surgeons, George Caldwell in New York (1893) and Henry combined cases, the extended crevicular flap with adequate
Luc in Paris (1897) (Box 24.4). releasing incisions may be used to remove root tip and may
506 S. Manuel

be used as a buccal advancement flap with or without buccal

fat pad graft for the closure of OAF.
The indications for Caldwell Luc procedure are given

1. Recovery of entrapped foreign body from the sinus cavity

proper, displaced tooth or root.
2. Excision of sinus polyps, tumours and cysts.
3. Treatment of blowout orbital fracture.
4. Management of haematomas of antrum.
5. Chronic maxillary sinusitis.
6. Neoplasm of maxillary sinus.
7. Removal of impacted canines.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.21  Coronal slice CT scan, showing hyperplasia of sinus lin-

ing, especially on the right side, where the OAF can be Appreciated
24.9 OAF with Chronic Sinusitis

Such cases are more difficult to manage and will need a com-
bined oral surgery/ENT approach. There may be severe
antral lining hyperplasia and lack of natural drainage by
blockage of the ostium or antral polyps. The line of manage-
ment has to be decided on an individual basis. Occasionally,
the sinus problem may have to be addressed before attempt-
ing a closure, which may require two surgeries. Sometimes,
the oral surgeon may be in for a surprise during OAF clo-
sures to see fungal balls in the sinus. The reasons for c/c
sinusitis should be evaluated and addressed accordingly.
The second option is to attempt closure along with the
treatment of chronic sinusitis. In such cases, a formal
Caldwell Luc opening may be made to remove the unhealthy
lining. If that is the case, the buccal flaps are modified as per
requirement to get a tension-free closure at the OAF site. In
situations where FESS is used, oral surgeon can visualize the
sinus and see the OAF from the nasal/antral side. The use of
FESS gives a two pronged approach, i.e. the unhealthy lining
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
from the antral side of the OAF can be removed and closure
performed. This means that in OAF with c/c sinusitis, a gen- Fig. 24.22  Coronal CT scan of a 50-year-old male, who had normal
eral anaesthesia will be necessary, unlike uncomplicated extraction of upper left second molar, which was followed by break
OAF cases where most of the established techniques may be down of clot and resulted in OAF. He later developed infection with pus
discharge from socket. CT scan shows the fully opacified left sinus.
done under local anaesthesia if required. Under GA (joint case with ENT surgeon), a 2 layer BFP closure was
Adams (2015) [51] has reported on the success of using done, accompanied by FESS and Caldwell Luc approach via extended
combined FESS and BFP closure. The sequence followed by mucoperiosteal flap. Intraoperatively, the sinus was filled with fungal
Adams included pre-operative computed tomography, antibi- balls, which could have been the cause for the formation of OAF
otic therapy, exploration and removal of sinus pathologic tis-
sues, rotation of a pedicled fat pad graft into the oral opening, Figures 24.21, 24.22 and 24.23 show coronal CT slices of
repair and closure of oral mucosa, exploration of involved different case scenarios where OAF was accompanied by
sinuses with excision of sinus and nasal tissues necessary for chronic sinusitis.
establishment of osteomeatal drainage and follow-up. In Video 24.1, the video contributing Surgeon has man-
Cases of fulminant pansinusitis have been encountered aged an OAF associated with chronic sinusitis, by a combi-
arising from long-standing untreated OAF. This involves the nation of Caldwell-Luc procedure, Nasal antrostomy, and
contralateral side, and such cases need a comprehensive joint layered closure by buccal advancement flap. Layered closure
approach with the allied specialities, before embarking upon has been achieved by suturing of sub mucosa and mucosa of
closing the OAF. the advanced buccal flap.
24  OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula 507


Middle Turbinate



Inferior Turbinate
Site of Antrostomy

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 24.23  Coronal CT view showing pan sinusitis in 58-year-old
Fig. 24.24  Diagrammatic coronal section of sinus demonstrating the
male, who developed an OAF in the anterolateral wall of maxilla from
sinus drainage
a previous failed surgery, probably for a cyst enucleation in the maxilla
(previous records not available)

(a) Should I locate the root tip and where should I look for it.
24.10 Nasal Antrostomy (b) If located, should I attempt to retrieve it or decide to
leave it.
The ostium of maxillary sinus opens into middle meatus, (c) Will the root retrieval necessitate GA and if so when to
which is at a higher level than the sinus floor (Fig. 24.24). In schedule the procedure.
normal healthy sinus, this is not a problem as the normal cili- (d) Should the root tip left behind be removed later at an
ated respiratory epithelium will help in the drainage. Briefly elective date or not removed and remove only if any
saying, nasal antrostomy is a procedure where an opening is symptoms occur.
made in the inferior meatus, either from the nasal or sinus (e) If the root has gone into the sinus, an OAC would have
side to facilitate drainage of sinus in a dependent manner. been formed. Should I remove the root tip and close the
Nasal antrostomy is an adjuvant procedure, which can be OAC, or should I leave the root tip and close the OAC or
done along with cyst enucleations of the sinus or in selected plan for a combined removal of root and OAC/OAF clo-
cases of OAF closure. The need for nasal antrostomy has sure later on an elective date.
decreased now with changing philosophies, the advent of
FESS and the importance given to the osteomeatal complex. While attempting removal of a root tip, if it suddenly disap-
Recent studies (Huang YC [52] 2012) have also proved the pears, make sure that the tip is not there in the following places.
decreased need for inferior meatal antrostomy following
sinus surgeries. (a) Lying freely elsewhere in the oral cavity/vestibules/lin-
For elaborate details of Caldwell Luc and nasal antros- gual sulcus.
tomy procedures, readers are advised to refer the concerned (b) Tip is not attached with cotton/gauze pieces.
speciality books. (c) Tip has not stuck to suction drains or bottles.
(d) Tip has not been accidentally swallowed or aspirated.

24.11 Root in Sinus If the root tip is assumed to be pushed upwards into the
sinus cavity, the tip may lodge in the following areas:
In situations where a fragment of a root or a full root or roots
is missing during extraction of maxillary premolars or (a) A fenestration would have happened in the apical labial/
molars, the surgeon will have to take certain decisions and palatal alveolar bone, and the tip would be lodged between
some questions should flash through his or her mind. the labial/palatal alveolar bone and the mucoperiosteum.
508 S. Manuel

(b) Rarely, the tip would have perforated the buccal muco-
periosteum and get lodged near the buccinator muscle.
(c) Tip would be lying between the sinus lining and the
sinus floor. In strict sense, it may be assumed that an
OAC is not formed as the integrity of the membrane is
not lost.
(d) Tip may have pierced through the sinus membrane
and entered the sinus cavity (theoretically causing an

X-rays in two different planes (IOPA/OPG/Occlusal) will

be helpful to give an idea about the root tip position espe-
cially when it is inside the sinus. When the root tip is retain-
ing its lamina dura on an IOPA x-ray, it may be assumed that
it is still lying within the bone and not have entered the sinus ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
cavity. Paranasal sinus view will confirm that the root is in
the sinus and CBCT also may be helpful in localization. Fig. 24.25  In this case, the surgeon is attempting to remove the root in
In situation (a), Transalveolar approach will help in sinus, which has been dislodged superiorly during the extraction, by
enlarging the socket and an extended mucoperiosteal flap has been
removing the root tip. raised. The sinus can be visualized via the socket. This technique is usu-
In situations (c) and (d), the following methods are sug- ally not recommended as the resulting OAC will be of considerable
gested in the literature and the resulting OAC is closed pri- size; however, in this case, the OAC was closed by a 2 layer BFP
marily or at a later stage depending upon the surgeons’ choice. technique

1. If the root tip is visible through the socket, it is gently feels that removing a fractured root tip of an upper premo-
removed with the help of probes/tweezers/mosquito lar/molar is beyond his or her level of competence or there
forceps. is a possibility of causing OAC, which he or she cannot
2. If not visible, the sinus is flushed with saline and it is deal primarily, the root tip may be left behind in the fol-
hoped that the root tip will float in the sinus. A metal suc- lowing situations;
tion tip is placed at the socket apex, and the clinician may
expect the root tip to be lodged at the end of the suction 1 . The root tip is less than 2–3 mm in length.
tube. 2. It is not associated with any periapical pathology.
3. A gauze piece may be inserted into the sinus via the 3. It may not interfere with any future prosthetic

socket and pulled out in a jerky fashion hoping that the- rehabilitation.
root tip will get entangled in the gauze piece. 4. Aged/patients with considerable medical co-morbidities.
4. The tip may be removed through the socket, by enlarging 5. Attempts at removal of the tip may cause more damage
the communication. This may require removal of the and surgical procedures when compared to the benefits of
inter-radicular bone and visualizing the sinus to get better removal.
approach, vision and access. This technique is usually
successful, but the flip side is that the chance of failure of The patient should be well-informed about this situation
closure is increased as the surgeon is dealingwith a com- and should be informed that the tip may be removed later if
munication of considerable size (Fig. 24.25). they wish so. Adequate documentation in the form of x-rays
5. Another option would be to remove the root via the
and clinical notes is mandatory, in order to follow up the case
Caldwell Luc approach or FESS. This is usually done on and to avoid any future medico-legal issues.
an elective basis.
 linical Scenario 2
An interesting clinical Scenario for the benefit of young
24.11.1 Policy of Leaving Root Tip In Situ clinicians.
A 40-year-old female had routine extraction of root
It is important to say a few words on this topic at this stumps of upper left first molar. A pre-operative IOPA was
juncture, even though there may be difference of opinion not taken. After extraction, to the surprise of the dental sur-
and contentions on the points given below. These can be geon, there was pus discharge through the socket (See
applied to all root tips being left behind. If the clinician Fig. 24.26a and b)
24  OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula 509

The probabilities are that either there was a pre-exist-  linical Scenario 3 (Fig. 24.27a, b, c and d)
ing sinusitis, which was unrecognized, or the root stumps Another interesting clinical scenario, which I came across in
caused the odontogenic infection to spread into the a maxillofacial trauma case recently, is given as follows:
sinus. A 36-year-old male sustained RTA and facial fractures as
seen in Fig. 24.27a and b. Tooth numbers 15 and 16 (upper
 ow will you Manage this Case?
H right first pre-molar and molar) were avulsed with commi-
There may be different opinions, but the following sequence nution of labial cortical plate and the alveolar process creat-
may be followed in this particular case, which is given as ing an oroantral communication (Fig.  24.27c). You can
clinical pearl section below. appreciate the bubbling of mucus at the OAC site. CT
showed bilateral haemosinus, fracture maxilla and mandi-
ble, The right posterior alveolar segment containing 17,18
(upper right second molar and third molar) was mobile and
Clinical Pearls (Management of Case in Fig. 24.26a and b) extruded due to a posterior right parasagittal fracture of the
• Temporary closure of socket and no flap maxilla.
advancement. It was a challenging case to plan and execute.
• Anti-biotics. The upper sub-labial incision, given for the maxillary
• Discuss with patient. fracture exposure, was curved down distal to 14 (upper right
• Record in case file. first pre-molar) and continued as a full thickness crevicular
• ENT consultation to assess the sinus health. mucoperiosteal flap. The distal release was not given, for
• Required radiographs and CT scans. fear of jeopardizing the vascularity of the posterior alveolar
• Fix elective date for OAC closure. segment. The BFP was mobilized in the conventional way
• Routine work up/lab investigations. (Fig. 24.27d), and a good two-layered primary closure was
• Decide on type of closure technique/anaesthesia. attained after reduction and fixation of the fractures. The
• Decide whether there is need for Caldwell luc/ posterior alveolar segment had to be fixed to the main seg-
FESS/nasal antrostomy after sinus evaluation. ment via transosseous wiring. This segment was extruded,
• Start antral regime. and to achieve healing and occlusion, post-operative IMF
• Start antral lavage until clear washout is achieved. was given. This particular patient was on Ryles Tube feeding
• Execute the surgery. for few days, mainly due to other injuries and tracheostomy,
• Follow up to assess the status of closure. which would have helped in the good healing of the OAC

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.26 (a) Surprise finding of pus from socket after extraction of upper left first molar root stumps, (b) PNS view taken after extraction shows
fluid level in the sinus, probably due to pre-existing sinusitis
510 S. Manuel

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 24.27 (a, b, c and d) OAC following maxillofacial trauma (see the text for details)

24.12 Conclusion bone matrix are also being used recently [55] However, only
time will prove the obduracy of these path breaking
The clinician should be cautious of not deliberately causing methods.
an OAC while performing exodontia and dentoalveolar pro- Visscher [56] in a retrospective study of 308 oroantral
cedures in maxillary posterior region. An OAC should be closures found that about 10% needed re-operation, and
ruled out in suspected cases, and if it occurred, necessary patients with maxillary sinusitis had 15 times higher risk of
steps should be taken to ensure a closure primarily if possi- developing a recurrence.
ble. Even as this chapter is going to the publishers, clini- Dealing with OAF cases is interesting in the sense that
cians are exploring the possibilities of new techniques, of it involves assessing the health of sinus and choosing and
which the flapless closure techniques of acute OAC seem to performing the most suitable surgical technique, most of
be quite promising. Closing OAC with PRF membrane/col- which are fine surgeries. It is indeed rewarding to see a
lagen composite [53, 54] offers easier, less traumatic meth- symptom-­ free patient with a well-healed OAF closure
ods to close OAC, which may even obviate the need for site.
special surgical expertise. Materials like acellular dermal/
24  OroAntral Communications and OroAntral Fistula 511

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Part X
Nerve Injuries and Neuralgias of Oral
and Maxillofacial Region
Trigeminal Nerve Injuries
Tara Renton

There are infinite opportunities in dentistry to damage the (endo and implant)-induced nerve injuries require interven-
trigeminal nerve. Nerve damage from surgery can cause tion ideally immediately, within 30  h or within 3  months,
chronic post-surgical pain; however, this is limited in den- dependent upon the mechanism of injury, to optimize resolu-
tistry as a result of Local anaesthetic (LA) infiltration injec- tion from injury and prevent the permanent central and
tions but more commonly associated with injuries to the peripheral changes within the nervous system [6, 7].
nerve trunks of division two and three caused by implants, Paraesthesia is often inappropriately used in the dental
endodontics and third molar surgery (or other high-risk literature to mean neuropathy. However, paraesthesia is only
extractions). Fortunately, painful post-traumatic trigeminal a descriptive term, meaning altered sensation and not a diag-
neuropathy (PPTTN) is rare in dentistry compared to other nosis. When sensory nerves are injured, a neuropathy (mal-
common general surgical procedures where 20–45% of function) may arise, and this may be painful or non-painful.
patients experience persistent pain after surgical limb ampu- The trigeminal nerve has the largest representation in the
tation, thoracotomy and breast surgery. This chapter high- sensory cortex, reflecting the disproportionate sensory input
lights the prevention (using risk assessment, optimal surgical from the orofacial region. It protects vital structures that
techniques, early post-surgical follow-up protocols and other underpin our very survival, providing sensory supply to the
strategies) and optimal management of trigeminal nerve eyes, airway, brain, mouth and ears. It is no ‘wonder’ that
injuries. when the threat or actual pain arises in the trigeminal nerve
Trigeminal nerve injury (TNI) associated with chronic area that the patient is neurophysiologically wired to ‘run for
pain is the most problematic consequence of dental surgical the hills’ from the dental chair. Latrogenic (caused by sur-
procedures with major medico-legal implications [1]. The gery or medicine) trigeminal nerve injuries (TNIs) result in
incidence of lingual nerve injury has remained static in the 70% pain in patients seen seeking treatment on our clinic [7].
UK over the last 30 years, but is increasing in the US, as is The ongoing or evoked pain results in interference with eat-
the incidence of inferior alveolar nerve injury in the UK, ing, speaking, sleeping, applying makeup, shaving, kissing,
with the latter being due to implant surgery and endodontic tooth brushing and drinking; just about every social interac-
therapy [2]. Third molar surgery-related inferior alveolar tion, we take for granted. As a result, these injuries have a
nerve (IAN) neuropathy or inferior alveolar block injections significant negative effect on the patient’s self-image, quality
are usually temporary but can persist and become permanent of life and psychology [7].
(by definition at 3 months). There are rare reports of resolu- With the increasing age of the patient, the time elapsed
tion of implant and other cause-related IAN neuropathies at since the injury and the proximity of the injury to the cell
over 4  years, [3] but these are not similar reports of other body (the more proximal lesions have a worse prognosis)
peripheral sensory nerve injuries [4–7]. In dentistry, fre- will dictate the persistence of any peripheral sensory nerve
quently, a treat delay is 3–6 months [5], which is inappropri- injury.
ate when compared to other peripheral sensory nerve injuries There are many non-surgical causes for trigeminal neurop-
where immediate repair and exploration are recommended. athy, and these must be borne in mind if the patient presents
We now understand that known or suspected, restorative with an unclear onset of motor or sensory neuropathy [8].
Sensory nerve injuries caused by implant and endodontic
treatments are mainly permanent. Only LA nerve injuries
T. Renton (*) have a 75% likelihood of recovery and lingual access third
Oral Surgery, Kings College London, London, UK molar surgery and have 90% potential for recovery [9].
e-mail: Tara.renton@kcl.ac.uk

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 515

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_25
516 T. Renton

Referral of patients with these nerve injuries before 4 months a mixture of pain, numbness and altered sensation). This
[2] is too late for optimal resolution or management as infe- is an important diagnostic feature for sensory nerve
rior alveolar nerve injuries often require an immediate neuropathy.
implant or endo-treated tooth removal within 24–30  h. We • Pain discomfort, altered sensation and numbness (anaes-
now understand that after 3 months, permanent central and thesia). Neuropathic pain is commonly present with allo-
peripheral changes occur within the nervous system subse- dynia (pain on non-noxious stimuli), hyperalgesia
quent to injury, which are unlikely to respond to surgical (increased pain to noxious stimuli) and hyperpathia (con-
intervention [10]. tinuous altered sensation or pain after stimulation ceases).
Nerve damage is likely to result from a combination of In 50–70% of patient reports, a combination of numbness,
poor risk assessment, poor technique, lack of recognition altered sensation and pain is experienced, the pain may be
and the acute management of intra-operative and post-­ spontaneous ongoing pain, which often had a burning
operative signs of neuropathy. Risk assessment involves the character, spontaneous shooting or electric shock-like
patient selection, pre-operative planning, both clinical and sensations (neuralgia) [7]. Evoked pain due to touch or
radiographic, appropriate selection of implant site and type cold often leads patients to have difficulties with daily
(width and length) and suitable treatment protocol and function, such as eating, socializing, kissing, speech and
follow-up. drinking. As a consequence, patients are often anxious
It is important that the clinician is familiar with the nerve and tearful and had psychological repercussions of sur-
injury risk factors, specific for each of the types of invasive gery. These symptoms were often compounded by the
procedures. For example, in the case of protrusion through lack of informed consent, which was given by only 30%
the IDC and resultant direct IAN mechanical injury by of patients, most of whom were not specifically warned
implant drill, a “sudden give” or an “electric shock” type about potential nerve injury [7].
feeling, even with local anaesthesia working, is reported by • Daily function problems (drinking, kissing, eating, sleep-
most of the patients seen in our clinic with post-traumatic ing, speaking, tooth brushing and avoidance) [12],
neuropathy. This should result in the clinician stopping sur- • Psychological (anxiety, stress, post-traumatic stress disor-
gery, not reaching for another LA block injection and reas- der and anger) [12].
sessing their surgical position with regard to the injured
nerve. The following sections address the prevention and man-
The problem with implant-related nerve injuries is that agement of trigeminal nerve injuries related to
they are entirely avoidable as this is elective surgery, thus
negligent, and likely to be permanent and painful for the • Local anaesthesia.
patient [11]. In addition, persistent nerve injuries cannot be • Implants.
resolved. Surgical intervention for hypoaesthetic nerve inju- • Third molar and other high-risk extractions.
ries does not return the patient to normality [10], and surgery
for patients with pain and hyperaesthesia is not appropriate
as the pain is not abated and patients are faced with long-­
term anti-epileptics or anti-depressants for chronic pain [11]. 25.1 L
 ocal Anaesthetic-related Nerve
When assessing patients with surgically induced nerve Injuries
injuries, we recommend a more holistic approach in assess-
ing patients with nerve injury [8]. The definition ICHD 3 Local block injection-related nerve injury is an acknowl-
(International Craniofacial pain and Headache Disorders) of edged complication in relation to surgery [13]. Dentistry is
painful post-traumatic trigeminal neuropathy (PPTTN) the only speciality that still trains clinicians to aim for nerves
includes development of neuropathy within 3  months of rather than avoiding neural contact (often using ultrasound),
injury with sensory neuropathy and pain. The author believes which likely explains the continued prevalence of LA-related
that the neuropathy develops immediately after trauma, nerve injuries in dentistry. All other block injections are
unless related to endodontic procedure where there may be a undertaken using ultrasound in order to avoid nerve injury.
2–3 days delay in neuropathy development. Features of iat- One report highlights that the prevalence of IDB-related
rogenic trigeminal nerve injury worthy of assessment include nerve injuries in UK General dental practise is 1:14,000
blocks, or 1:56 K IDB patients experience permanent lingual
• Focal sensory neuropathy (mostly present). There is or inferior alveolar nerve injury of which this 25% of nerve
almost always an area of abnormal sensation (neuropathy injuries are permanent [9]. It is estimated that every practis-
with the exception in Trigeminal neuralgia which is NOT ing dentist will experience causing 4–6 temporary nerve
post-traumatic), and the maximum reported pain is asso- injuries and one permanent nerve injury related to IDBs dur-
ciated with the area of sensory deficit (i.e. suffering from ing their working life based upon current practice.
25  Trigeminal Nerve Injuries 517

Nerve injury may be due to many causes including physi- time exposure to LA [22]. Articaine is provided in 4% con-
cal (needle, compression due to epineural or perineural centration and Lidocaine in 2% solution in most countries. A
haemorrhage), ischaemic or chemical (haemorrhage or LA recent prospective randomized study reports that there is no
contents). The site of the injury may also vary and combine benefit or using 4% Articaine IDBs compared to 2%
peri-, epi- and intra-neural trauma causing subsequent haem- Lidocaine [23], which is substantiated by other evidence
orrhage, inflammation and scarring, resulting in demyelin- [24–27]. Thus, logically why would anyone use a higher
ation (loss of nerve lining) [14]. Only 1.3–8.6% of patients concentration agent for an IDB when there is no increased
get an ‘electric shock’ type sensation on application of an efficacy and higher risk of nerve injury? [28]
IAN block and 57% of patients suffer from prolonged neu- Intra-operatively, all clinicians should document unusual
ropathy having not experienced the discomfort on injection, patient pain reactions occurring during injections or surgery
and thus, this is not a specific sign [15]. Routine practice in (such as sharp pain or an electrical shock-like sensation), as
Germany includes warning patients of potential nerve injury neuralgia during injections is associated with increased per-
in relation to dental block injections. Risk factors for persis- sistence of nerve injury [15]. Thus, it is important that the
tent local anaesthesia nerve injuries are summarized in clinician uses an appropriate LA method to prevent proxim-
Table 25.1. ity of the injection/surgical instruments to the IDC, for
The lingual nerve (LN) is at increased risk of permanent example, infiltration anaesthesia for implant surgery.
injury compared to the IAN during local anaesthesia, possi-
bly related to the reduced number of fascicles in the LN com-
pared to the IAN [16]. 25.1.1 Avoiding Block Anaesthesia by Using
Higher concentration agents are more neurotoxic and, Infiltration Dentistry
therefore, more likely to cause persistent inferior dental
block (IDB)-induced nerve injury [17–22]. Irrefutably, Daublander et  al. reported that in a 2014 [23] survey of
Schwann cell death is related to increased concentration and German dental LA practise, 74% were using infiltration den-
tistry routinely and rarely giving IDBs (personal communi-
Table 25.1  Risk factors for persistent neuropathy related to IDBs cation). Improved patient comfort is reported by patients
In order to minimize complications related to dental LA, you need to with preference for having full lingual sensation and shorter
consider modifying the following risks: duration LA anaesthesia after dental treatment.
  • Block anaesthesia: nerve block injections should be undertaken There is further evidence to support the notion of infiltra-
without intent on direct ‘hit’ of the nerve. 60% of patients who tion dentistry can be successful in many aspects of dentistry
experience the ‘funny bone’ neuralgia due to the IDB needle
being placed too close to the lingual or inferior alveolar nerves
experience persistent neuropathy • Maxillary infiltration anaesthesia
  • Lingual nerve > IAN: is this technique related or anatomically Studies report that 4% Articaine to be more effective than
related (less fascicles in LN lower capacity for recovery). 2% lidocaine for lateral incisors but not molars [25], dif-
Perhaps, the direct IDB approach may place the lingual nerve at fering from other reports [23, 25]. A recent randomized
increased risk compared to the indirect technique
  • Concentration of LA: any increased concentration of any agent
controlled trial reported a statistically significant differ-
leads to increased neural neurotoxicity ence advocating the use of 4% Articaine in place of 2%
  • Volume of LA: there is no evidence to support this suggestion, lidocaine for buccal infiltration in patients experiencing
but all chemicals are neurotoxic, and depending upon the irreversible pulpitis in maxillary posterior teeth [24, 26].
proximity, LA concentration and neural damage, additional
This has been superceded by a metanalysis that reports
volume would add to potential neurotoxicity
  • Multiple injections: second or subsequent injections that there is no advantage in using 4% Articaine for maxillary
impede directly on or in neural tissue may not be associated with infiltration anaesthesia and that 2% Lidocaine is suffice
the usual ‘funny bone’ neuralgic pain. Thus, the patient does not for dental interventions.
self-protect as effectively possibly rendering the nerves more at • Pulpal anaesthesia in the anterior mandible compared to
risk of direct damage
  • Severe pain on injection: 60% increased occurrence of
inferior dental block (IDBs) [25].
persistent neuropathy after IDBs Meechan provides evidence supporting the significantly
 • Type of LA: agent bupivacaine most neurotoxic of all LA agents increased rates of pulpal anaesthesia using infiltration
  • Type of vasoconstrictor? The role of vasoconstrictor in nerve anaesthesia when compared to IDB anaesthesia particu-
damage is unknown larly for premolar and incisor teeth (Fig. 25.1).
  • Sedated or anaesthetized patients? There is no evidence to
• Pulpitic mandibular molars in adults [23, 25, 29, 30].
support unresponsive patients, who are less likely to protect
themselves when neuralgia (funny bone reaction) occurs as the A recent systematic review reports that Articaine is 3.4
IDB needle encroaches too close to the nerve times more effective for pulpitic mandibular molars when
  • Lack of LA aspiration? There is no evidence to support that compared to lidocaine, but there is no difference between
aspiration during IDB results in lower persistent neuropathies, Articaine and Lidocaine maxillary infiltrations or IDBs
but a pragmatic view may infer less chemical injected intra-
neurally will cause less chemical nerve injury [31].
518 T. Renton

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 25.1  Summary of infiltration methods to minimize nerve injury

• for exodontia in adults and children [32]. 25.2 Management of LA Nerve Injuries
Paedodontic extractions do not require IDBs as the bone
is very porous and susceptible to absorption of infiltrative Evidence base remains limited for managing dental
anaesthesia. LA-related nerve injuries; we only know that 25% are
• is ideal for implant surgery, permanent and that there is no ‘magic bullet’ to fix them.
Several reports of supra-periosteal infiltration anaesthesia A sit and wait approach has to be adopted with reassur-
not only are sufficient for posterior mandible implant sur- ance of the patient and therapeutic management of their
gery but also may be protective of the IAN [33]. symptoms
• is suitable for periodontal surgery.
The standard care for periodontal and implant surgery is • HOMECHECK—If you cause pain during an IDB
infiltration LA [34]. injection in your patient, do follow them up the next
day and check they are OK.  If the patient reports
Intra-ligamental anaesthesia for extractions and avoiding numbness, altered sensation and/or pain, reassure
IDBs is also gaining population [34]. them.
Key Facts for Prevention of local anaesthetic nerve injuries. • Continue to support, reassure your patient and advise
them to visit to confirm the presence of neuropathy. If the
neuropathy affects most of the dermatome ± associated
Thus, prevention of LA nerve injuries is possible with severe neuropathic pain, nerve injury must be sus-
and some simple steps may minimize LA-related nerve pected. Reassure your patient that 75% of these injuries
injuries: resolve.
• Avoid high concentration LA (Articaine 4%) for • Say SORRY as this is NOT an admission of guilt.
block injections and for ID blocks (use 2% • Initiate medical management (recommended for other
Lidocaine as standard) as the efficacy is equal. peripheral sensory nerve injuries).
• Avoid multiple blocks where possible. –– High-dose oral NSAIDs (400–800  mgs Ibuprofen
• Avoid nerve contact during block injections. PO QDS) for 2 days only. Bandolier Oxford league
• Avoid block anaesthesia by using Infiltration den- table summarizes the optimal analgesia for post-
tistry and, thus, prevent LA-related nerve injury, operative pain, and combined Ibuprofen and
for which there is no cure. paracetamol have the smallest number needed to
25  Trigeminal Nerve Injuries 519

–– GMP prescription for Prednisolone 5  day step down Table 25.2  Risk factors for implant-related nerve injury
does 50-40-30-20-10  mg PO (not for patients with A. Inadequate preoperative assessment and planning due to
contraindications for steroids or NSAIDs).  • Surgeon lack of knowledge/inexperience/training
–– Vitamin B complex (Riboflavin 400 mg once daily for  • Inadequate informed consent-all options provided and related
risk benefit for each option of treatment. Implants are elective
maximum of 3 months plus other Vit B complex). treatment. Sublingual haematoma that can require the need for
• Arrange a review of the patient. All advice is summarized tracheostomy post-implant treatment and rare events of death
on the Trigeminalnerve.org.uk website.  • Lack of identification of existing pre-surgical neuropathy
• Long-term management of patients with non-resolving (especially important in edentulous patients)
LA nerve injuries. The reality for these patients is that if  • Poor planning in risk assessment and positioning the implant. A
sectional DPT is recommended as a minimum for mandibular
they have persistent neuropathic pain and have to be implant planning. If there is limited bone depth, a CBCT may be
treated as such with psychological and medical manage- used to quantify and qualify bone density and volume.
ment. Topical local anaesthetic (Lidocaine 5%) patches The clinician must be able to read and analyse the CBCT,
may assist the patient in sleeping and playing sports in depending upon technicians, software or radiologist specialist
(who are not present with you intra-operatively)
cold weather [35]. Psychological interventions play a sig-    – Bone assessment quality and quantity
nificant role in managing these patients, and recommen-    – Know where the nerve is. Nerve localization, risk factors
dations for treatment of trigeminal neuropathic pain are when assessing IAN position (mental loop, characteristics of
also well described by Renton & Zakzrewska [36]. IAN position in various sites of mandible) and
Parasymphyseal zone that is of high risk.
   – The accuracy of estimating the position of the IDC based on
plain films or CT scans is highlighted in the radiographic
assessment section
25.3 Implant-related Nerve Injuries    – Safety zone- the recommendation is 2 mm (by ITI and ADI),
which may be insufficient considering that most-implant drills
are 1.5 mm longer than implants. This increases the risk
Implant-related IANI’s incidence varies from 0–40% [37]. perforation of a canal surrounding IDC or even direct
Two recent studies highlight persistent neuropathic pain due perforation and damage to the nerve
to implant IANIs [38, 39]. Prevention of nerve implant IANIs  • Selection of implants 10 mm + (short implants <8 mm to
can be attributed to the avoidance of direct damage to the simplify procedure and minimize morbidity)
Inferior dental canal (IDC) during preparation [40]. A good B. Surgical procedure should include the execution of
 • Local Anaesthesia (use infiltration LA techniques to allow
clinical and radiographic pre-assessment protocol is required patients to notify the surgeon or intraoperative neuralgia; if pain
to mitigate damage due to proximity of implant bed prepara- is reported, intra-operatively stop surgery and reassess
tion to the inferior dental canal (IDC) and are recommended preparation depth and width)
[41, 42]. The risk factors for implant nerve injury are sum-  • Flap design
marized in Table 25.2 [41, 42, 45–52].  • Use surgical guides to minimize morbidity
 • Surgical stents [43]
A limited window is available to maximize inferior alve-
 • Using intra-operative radiographs, ITI recommends stopping
olar nerve injury resolution in relation to dental implants, drilling after 60% of planned depth and reassess with bed marker
endodontics and mandibular wisdom teeth. A report illus- and Long cone PeriApical radiograph
trated that early removal of implants (within 30  h) may  • Drill stops [44]
maximize neuropathy resolution; however, the evidence C. Post-operative care should attend to
remains weak [37]. Prevention of implant-related nerve  • Early post-operative recognition of neuropathy
injuries includes;  • Prompt management of neuropathy (removal of implant if
indicated) [44]
• Pre-operatively   – Acute phase
–– undertake a good risk assessment,    – Late phase
–– ability to read and use CBCT to plan a sufficient safety  • Early or late post-operative infection
zone (know difference between drill length and implant
–– extra diligence in planning implants in the parasym- –– intra-operative reassessment of implant bed depth
physeal region near the mental nerve (loop and incisal using marker and LCPA films at 60% of planned depth,
branches), –– Record any events that may indicate operative nerve
–– Screen out neuropathic pain pre-implant. injury,
• Operatively: –– extreme pain during LA IDB, or during implant bed
–– make sure the implant bed preparation is above the preparation
safety zone, –– Suddenly give and/or profuse haemorrhage arising
–– stop drilling if patient reports intraoperative pain and from the implant bed (possible breech of IDC).
reassess depth, –– In such situations, stop surgery, do not reach for more
–– use drill guides and stops, LA and reassess your surgical position,
520 T. Renton

• Post-operatively. 25.4 M
 andibular Third Molar Extraction-­
• take appropriate post-operative periapical radiographs related Nerve Injuries
(CBCTs not indicated) to confirm proximity and/or
breech of the inferior dental canal or around the mental The nerves at risk of damage in mandibular third molar
foramen before patient discharge. extraction are the terminal nerves of the third branch of the
• If nerve injury is suspected or identified, the patient trigeminal nerve [53, 54], i.e. the inferior dental nerve (IDN)
should be informed, Immediate removal of the implant and lingual nerve (LN). The reported risk of neurosensory
should be arranged and appropriate medical management deficit ranges from 0.26 to 8.4% for IDN [55] and from 0.1
should be instituted with arranged review with the treat- to 22% for LN [ 7]. Patients with IDN injury suffer from
ing clinician and specialist if required. paresthesia, anaesthesia or dysesthesia in the lip, chin or gin-
• HOMECHECK -Contact must be made by the clinician giva on the affected side, while patients with LN injury have
and the patient between 6 and 24 h after surgery to con- a sensitivity deficit at the homolateral half of the tongue,
firm that the patient is experiencing any persistent neu- with or without taste alteration [ 7]. Transient and permanent
ropathy. This builds on the relationship of the clinician lesions should be differentiated; permanent lesions often
with the patient, which will be premised upon good con- remain after 6–12 months, and spontaneous recovery cannot
sent process. be expected in these cases [ 56].
–– Continue to support and reassure your patient and advise Damage to the LN or IDN during third molar extraction is
them to visit return to your clinic. If the neuropathy among the most frequent causes of litigation in dentistry
affects most of the dermatome ± associated with severe [57]. Highly varying results have been published by numer-
neuropathic pain, nerve injury must be suspected. ous studies on risk factors related to neurosensory deficit in
–– Say SORRY this is NOT an admission of guilt. When lower third molar surgery. The objective of a recent literature
neuropathy is confirmed, check who you must notify review was to identify and analyse studies on factors related
as in many countries, IANIs are reportable events. It is to IDN and/or LN injury in lower third molar extraction,
essential to be honest with your patient. allowing clinicians to take appropriate measures to minimize
–– Additional scanning or radiography may not be essen- this risk [58]. Several radiological risk factors have been
tial. Post-traumatic neuropathy is a clinical diagnosis. identified that increases the risk of nerve injury during
You will already be aware of the proximity of the removal by ten-fold (from 0.2 to 2% permanent injury and
implant bed to the IDC, and whether there was likely 2–20% temporary nerve injury) [59, 60].
breach into the IAN canal.
–– If nerve injury is suspected, the implant must be
removed within 24–36 hours of placement in order to
maximize recovery from nerve injury [37]. Key Facts
–– Arrange a review of the patient to confirm neuropathy. Factors that may be implicated in nerve injury after lower
–– Initiate medical management (recommended for other third molar surgery were classified into four groups:
peripheral sensory nerve injuries).
High-dose oral NSAIDs (400–800 mgs Ibuprofen PO • Risk assessment—diagnostic radiographic tech-
QDS) for maximum 2 days. niques.
GMP (General Medical Practitioner) prescription for • IDN injury risk factors.
Prednisolone 5  day step down does 50-40-30-20- • LN injury risk factors.
10 mg PO (not for patients with contraindications • Alternative surgical approaches.
for steroids or NSAIDs).
Vitamin B complex (Riboflavin 400 mg once daily for
a maximum of 3  months plus other Vit B
complex). 25.4.1 Risk Assessment
• Arrange a further review of your patient.
• Long-term management of patients with non-resolving A recent review included three cohort studies and various
nerve injuries. The reality for these patients is that if they randomized clinical trials (RCTs) on the influence of diag-
have persistent neuropathic pain and have to be treated as nostic radiographic techniques. They generally reached simi-
such with psychological and medical management. lar conclusions, finding that the non-utilization of CBCT was
Psychological interventions play a significant role in not an additional risk factor for nerve injury in patients
managing these patients, and recommendations for treat- examined by conventional panoramic radiography [61–63].
ment of trigeminal neuropathic pain are also well Korkmaz et al. [64] and Lee et al. [65] reported a lower
described by Renton & Zakzrewska [36]. frequency of transient but not permanent IDN damage when
25  Trigeminal Nerve Injuries 521

CBCT was also used. This may be because in cases where changes in root direction, dental canal narrowing, dental
the relationship between third molar and the IDN is doubtful, canal diversion and interruption of the white line of the den-
there is likely to be no direct contact and the injury would tal canal. Only four of these signs were reported to be signifi-
result from pressure due to haemorrhage or haematoma so cant indicators of IDN risk in the reviewed articles:
that the association would be less detectable on panoramic interruption of the radiopaque band of the canal [62, 66, 69,
radiology. In contrast, cases of direct contact are readily 73–76], canal diversion [59, 74, 76], root darkening [59, 62,
observed using both radiographic techniques. 74, 76] and mandibular canal narrowing. [70, 74, 76] In con-
trast, a retrospective study by Pippi et  al. [72] found that
none of these signs were significantly associated with nerve
25.4.2 Patient Factors injury, even when two or more were observed. CBCT radio-
logical signs have also been associated with IDN damage.
Various authors reported a significantly lower frequency of Detection of contact between lower third molar and man-
nerve injury with younger age. [66–70] Thus, no cases of dibular canal has been found to potentially influence the
nerve injury were observed among patients under 23 years of resulting nerve damage, [62, 68, 69, 72, 77] which is associ-
age in the cohort study of 1050 patients by Zhang et al. [ 71], ated by Kim et al. [70] with a 21-fold higher risk of paraes-
while Kjolle et  al. [66] confirmed a significant association thesia. Various studies [67, 69, 73, 78, 79] have associated
with age (p = 0.007), finding a higher frequency of permanent nerve injury with the lingual position of the mandibular canal
injury in patients over 30 years of age. These findings may be with respect to the third molar root, attributed to the more
attributable to an increased difficulty of the surgery at older likely interruption of the mandibular canal cortex due to the
ages due to a greater likelihood of hypercementosis, lower direction of extraction manoeuvres. The RCT reported by
bone elasticity and, above all, completed root formation, in Ghaeminia et al. [ 62] found the risk of nerve injury to be
addition to lesser vascularization, reducing the regenerative 16-fold higher when the localization was lingual versus buc-
capacity of the nerve. Nevertheless, other researchers found no cal. In addition, some authors have described a higher risk of
significant relationship with age [72] although the sample IDN injury for dumbbell-shaped versus round-, oval- or
sizes were smaller than that in the aforementioned studies. All drop-shaped canals [72, 73, 76, 77].
reviewed articles observed a higher frequency of nerve inju-
ries in females [62] although this difference was only statisti-
cally significant (p = 0.005) in the multiple logistic regression
analysis of 320 cases conducted by Selvi et al. [68] Gender Key Facts
differences have been attributed to the generally smaller man- There are seven radiological signs identifiable by pan-
dible of females, implying a smaller gap between third molar oramic radiography, which indicate a close relation-
root and IDN. ship between lower third molar and IDN: root
narrowing, root darkening, apex darkening and bifid
images, changes in root direction, dental canal narrow-
25.4.3 Anatomical ing, dental canal diversion and interruption of the
white line of the dental canal.
The mandibular canal is evidently more susceptible to nerve
injury with greater depth and, therefore, closer proximity of
the impacted third molar, reducing the surgical accessibility
and visibility. A statistically significant association was 25.4.5 Surgical
demonstrated by all three articles that studied this risk factor
[62]. A higher risk of IDN injury was associated with mesio- Two studies related the type of anaesthesia to IDN injury.
angular impactions and with horizontal impactions [62], but Nyugen et al. [67] found a significantly higher (p = 0.007)
these associations were not found to be statistically frequency of permanent damage in lower third molar surgery
significant. under general versus local anaesthesia, and Costantinides
et  al. [80] reported a 2–16-fold greater risk of IDN injury
under the former. One explanation is that the absence of
25.4.4 Radiological Factors patient feedback with general anaesthesia means that sur-
geons are less aware of the force applied. Hasegawa et  al.
In 1990, Rood and Shehab [59] proposed seven radiological [69] observed a significantly higher (p  <  0.05) IDN injury
signs identifiable by panoramic radiography, which indicate rate in patients with versus without nerve exposure during
a close relationship between lower third molar and IDN: root the surgery. However, Pippi et al. [72] reported nerve injuries
narrowing, root darkening, apex darkening and bifid images, in only 6.5% of cases in which the nerve was exposed versus
522 T. Renton

9.3% of cases in which it was not, suggesting that IDN expo- retraction before third molar extraction than in those
sure may simply reflect the close proximity of tooth and who had not.
nerve and cannot per se be considered an indicator of poten-
tial nerve damage. Three studies associated haemorrhage This injury was found to be transient in the RCT by Shad
during third molar extraction with IDN injury [62, 75, 81], et al. [86], who suggested that permanent injury can be pro-
without elucidating whether the bleeding resulted from man- duced when the lingual flap is not separated from the bone.
dibular canal fracture or a haematoma or other causes of Three studies [62, 85, 87] observed a significant association
nerve compression. between higher LN injury risk and the requirement for odon-
With respect to the experience of the clinician, Nguyen tosection in third molar surgery.
et al. [67] found a significantly higher frequency of perma-
nent IDN injury (p = 0.026) amongst inexperienced dentists
in comparison to oral specialists or maxillofacial surgeons, 25.6 R
 ole of Alternative Surgical
possibly related to inappropriate force and less instrumental Techniques
control in the hands of those with less experience. The same
study also explored the effect of surgery duration, finding a Various authors have proposed alternative surgical tech-
higher nerve injury rate when this was more than 20  min niques to avoid nerve damage in lower third molar extrac-
(from incision to completed tooth extraction), mainly tion, but their findings should be considered with caution
because a longer surgical time implies a more challenging due to major study limitations (e.g. no control group and
extraction. With regard to the surgical approach, Jain et al. small sample size), and there has been little research on this
[73] reported a significantly (p = 0.04) higher nerve injury issue. In a study of 53 patients, Bataineh et al. [88] reported
rate in patients who underwent odontosection versus those a modified flap that appeared to reduce LN lesions caused
who did not. This may be explained by the less extensive by flap retraction, considering all known anatomical varia-
ostectomy often associated with this procedure although tions of LN. Ge et al. [89] observed lower nerve injury rates
odontosection can be a direct risk factor for IDN injury in the when type III lower third molars in lingual position were
extraction of horizontal third molars [82]. extracted by piezosurgery in a lingual split approach in
comparison to published rates reported using the conven-
tional lingual split technique. The persistence in defending
25.5 LN Injury Risk Factors lingual access third molar surgery is inappropriate, in that it
significantly increases the risk of temporary lingual nerve
Demographics  A prospective study by Charan Babu et  al. injury and 10–12% of these injuries will be permanent [90].
[83] reported that older age was a significant risk factor for A recent literature review recommends avoidance of lin-
LN injury (p < 0.05), but Kjoelle et al. [66] found no differ- gual flaps in third molar surgery to minimize lingual nerve
ences in permanent nerve damage amongst age groups. No injury [91].
significant gender differences in LN injury rate were found A recent surgical technique to mitigate the risk of high risk
in any study. third molars in close proximity to the IDC is a coronectomy.
Coronectomy, in which the dental crown is removed and the
Anatomical  Charan Babu et al. [ 83] observed a significantly root is retained in the jaw, has been recommended to reduce
(p < 0.01) higher risk of LN injury with greater impaction IDN injury risk in cases of close proximity between nerve and
depth, attributed to the more difficult extraction and, there- third molar, and the majority of the reviewed studies described
fore, more extensive osteotomy. A higher LN injury rate was any IDN injury with the utilization of this approach [60].
observed for distoangular impactions [67, 83] generally due Nevertheless, this technique is not free of controversy, even
to the more difficult extraction and for horizontal extractions when clearly indicated, given the possibility of infectious
[83], possibly because of the larger amount of bone removed. complications around the root or its migration [92–95].
However, these associations were not statistically Extraction by orthodontic traction may also be useful when
significant. there is a high risk of nerve injury, and Wang et al. [96] found
no cases of nerve injury in patients undergoing this procedure
Surgical   Charan Babu et  al. [ 83], Osunde et  al. [84] although account should be taken of study design limitations
and Yadav et al. [85] reported a significantly higher LN and the small sample size. There is a strong evidence base to
injury rate (p < 0.01, p < 0.001 and p < 0.001, respec- support the prevention of IDN nerve injuries using the coro-
tively) in patients who had undergone lingual flap nectomy technique [43, 44, 53, 54, 97].
25  Trigeminal Nerve Injuries 523

Table 25.3  Risk factors for third molar surgery-related nerve injury Table 25.4  Resolution rates of inferior alveolar nerve injury (IANI)
Lingual nerve injury Procedure Recovery rate
Increased patient age Third molar surgery [7] IANI – 67%; LNI – 72% Buccal
Increased duration surgery access TMS
Lingual access surgery LIN – Lingual access TMS 88%
Inexperience of surgeon Mandibular fractures [7] IANI – 91%
Distoangulation of third molar Orthognathic surgery IANI – 87%
Depth of impaction Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy
Inferior alveolar nerve injury (BSSO) IANI (patients 80–92%)
Proximity of tooth root to inferior dental canal Local anaesthesia inferior dental 75%
Increased patient age block (mainly Lidocaine) [14]
Increased duration surgery Implant-related IANI [87] Complete recovery – 50%
Partial recovery – 44%
Inexperience of surgeon
No change – 6%
Distoangulation of third molar
Depth of impaction A review of common operations such as groin hernia repair, breast and
thoracic surgery, leg amputation and coronary artery bypass surgery
found an incidence of chronic post-surgical pain in 10–50% of patients
Summary prevention of third molar surgery-related nerve
injury (Table 25.3) [98, 99].
Table 25.5  Timing for intervention of Trigeminal nerve injury

• Nerve injury risk does not appear to be influenced by the Event Recovery
Endodontic <24–36 h Remove tooth and
diagnostic imaging technique used (CBCT or panoramic
remove over fill or over
radiograph) although the utilization of CBCT may possi- instrumentation
bly reduce the risk of transient injuries. Studies with Implant <24–36 h Remove implant
larger sample sizes are needed to clarify this issue. Wisdom teeth- inferior <2 weeks Consider earlier
• Older age, female sex, mesioangular position, impaction alveolar nerve injury intervention
depth, utilization of general versus local anaesthesia, Radiographic evidence Access via extraction
haemorrhage, inexperience of the clinician and certain of retained tooth socket and remove
fragments or IDC retained roots ± repair
signs on panoramic radiography and CBCT appear to be damage nerve
associated with a higher risk of IDN injury. Wisdom teeth -lingual >3–6 months Consider earlier
• Lingual flap retraction, older age, horizontal and distoan- nerve injury intervention
gular positions, impaction depth and odontosection may If CBCT confirmation Consider earlier Access via extraction
be possible risk factors for LN injury. of breech, lingual plate intervention socket and remove
• Coronectomy is evidence based to prevent IDN injuries in retained roots ± repair
selected cases, High-risk third molar, healthy and coop- Local anaesthetic nerve Therapeutic management
erative patients and vital tooth. injuries (LN or IAN) only
• Definitive conclusions are limited by the variability in Orthognathic nerve Therapeutic management
study design (with the inclusion of some retrospective injuries only
studies), reduced sample sizes and differences in the Mandibular fracture Therapeutic management
nerve injuries only
experience of clinicians, amongst other factors. However,
A known or suspected sectioned/damaged nerve should undergo imme-
buccal approach technique (when undertaken properly) diate exploration repair
will minimize lingual nerve injury.
related permanency of trigeminal nerve injuries are summa-
rized in Table 25.4.
25.7 Prognosis of Nerve Injuries Summary of type and timing of management (Table 25.5
(Table 25.4) [43] and Fig.  25.2) Management of third molar-related nerve
injuries will depend upon the presentation of the patient
It is not possible to classify the degree or outcome of a sen- (pain, functional and psychological implications) duration
sory nerve injury based on patients’ presentation early post-­ and cause of the nerve injury [56, 98]. Figure 25.2 summa-
injury. Just as with phantom limb pain patients, who may rizes the management and timing of intervention for trigemi-
express non-existence or existence of a ‘normal feeling’ limb nal nerve injuries based upon the current evidence base [56,
(after amputation, the most catastrophic nerve injury) with or 98]. It is recognized that neuropathic pain does not respond
without pain, numbness or altered sensation, these symp- to surgical intervention, and thus, prevention and early man-
toms do not reflect the degree of injury or prognosis. Thus, in agement are paramount in preventing chronic life-long pain
order to assess the end results of nerve injury, the patient after routine surgery in these patients. Advice is summarized
must be reassessed and/or treated if indicated. The type and on the Trigeminalnerve.org.uk website.
524 T. Renton


Timeline During surgery Post surgery 2-6 weeks 12 weeks > 12 weeks

Psychological intervention
Medical intervention

High risk nerve injury/ or patient Reported neuropathy immediate post-surgery If required: Psychological support (for PTSD and sleep disorders)
high risk of developing neuropathic and Therapeutic management of neuropathic pain (NICE
• NSAIDs Ibuprofen 6—mg TDS 5 days (MH
pain consider pre-emptive Guidance Ne Pain in adults)
Amitriptyline or Pregabalin
• step down Prednisolone 50-10mg over 5 days • Step 1 Amitriptyline or Nortriptyline
(exclude known risk of DU and or PU) • Adjunctive topical agents (Lidocaine, Capsaicin)
• Vitamin B complex (long term during recovery) • Step II Gabapentin or Pregabalin
• Review
Surgical intervention

Known or Post Local Post Implant or endodontic Post M3M surgery Patient presents with Patient presents with
suspected anaesthesia or surgery persistent non- persistent non-resolving
Patient presents with nerve injury
nerve Inferior orthognathic resolving LINGUAL Inferior alveolar nerve
Patient presents with nerve early postoperatively
alveolar or surgery or nerve injury after injury OR LINGUAL nerve
lingual injury trauma injury early postoperatively
Confirm extensive dermatome lingual access(lingual injury after M3M surgery
Confirm extensive affected, anaesthesia, +/- retraction +/- lingual
Duty of Duty of Confirm extensive
dermatome affected, paraesthesia, +/- neuropathic pain split) surgery
candour candour dermatome affected,
inform patient inform patient anaesthesia, +/- Confirm extensive
Inferior alveolar nerve DPT confirms anaesthesia, +/-
immediately immediately paraesthesia, +/- dermatome affected,
retained roots or bony defect of IDC paraesthesia, +/-
neuropathic pain anaesthesia, +/- neuropathic pain
Repair nerve Surgery not Lingual nerve (buccal approach) DPT
Within 30 hours paraesthesia, +/-
immediately indicated confirms retained roots CBCT Consider medical and
neuropathic pain
Or refer for Remove implant or confirms lingual plate defect due to psychological therapeutic
Medical and
immediate endodontically treated M3M surgery Consider exploration measures.
repair to a tooth and reassess patient Consider early exploration (IAN via @ 12 weeks +/- nerve
therapies N.B Surgical repair DOES
specialist combined with medical M3M socket) +/- nerve repair repair dependent upon
NOT IMPROVE neuropathic
centre intervention above dependent upon surgical findings surgical findings
• New developments
• MRI micro neurography may assist in confirmation of damage to IAN and LN (currently available in US under development London) .
• Larger IAN defects can be optimally repaired using Axogen cadaveric nerve graft (currently NICE approved for hand surgery in UK)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 25.2  suggested management of nerve injuries related to mandibular third molar surgery

The patient with the nerve injury must be treated, NOT ever, this is rarely applied to dental nerve injuries with the
the nerve injury in isolation. The neuropathy, pain, numbness misconception that we should sit and wait for resolution
or pareasthesia, with associated functional and psychologi- (only for 3 months for lingual nerve injuries related to lin-
cal impact, will be the driving force behind the patient seek- gual access third molar surgery), resulting in long delays
ing treatment [98]. These factors must be assessed, and the before surgical intervention [109–111].
potential outcomes, good or bad, should be discussed and Some recent studies have highlighted immediate repair
agreed with the patient [99]. with cadaveric-treated human nerve graft successful in man-
Patients sustaining LA, orthognathic, oncology and aging various sized defects in planned resection of nerves
trauma-related nerve injuries will mainly be managed thera- related to benign tumour resection or trauma [112, 113].
peutically [101–104]. Recent reports have also concluded that, similar to other
Overall, there is poor evidence to support late surgical surgical sites, neuropathic pain does not resolve with sur-
intervention for Trigeminal nerve injuries [6, 105]. Most gery, with this being the main driver for surgical repair [114,
studies report on repair procedures undertaken too late, and 115].
early repair is imperative to minimize central irreversible Many reports have recommended the use of conduits
changes and possibly chronic pain. Generally, surgical repair (venous, prosthetic), sural nerve grafts and other techniques
of the trigeminal nerves never returns the patient to peropera- without sufficient evidence and many with poor outcomes
tive neural function; in addition, there is a risk of making a including neuropathy and pain from the donor sites! The
numb patient into one with chronic post-surgical pain [100, future may prove that nerve growth factors, other
106]. As with other post-trauma sensory neuropathies, it is growth-­
­ promoting chemical and anti-neuropathic pain
recognized that immediate repair is optimal; [107, 108] how- agents and specialized conduits may play a role in improving
25  Trigeminal Nerve Injuries 525

repair of trigeminal nerve injuries, and the overall conclusion main issues regarding nerve repair is the early identifi-
from reviews in this area is that we have a lot of evidence cation of the neuroma related to the patients ‘symp-
base to harness [105, 106, 116]. The singular consensus is toms and the connectivity of the nerve itself, i.e. is the
that prevention of these nerve injuries is possible and nerve actually functioning. Recent developments with
optimal. Magnetic Resonance Neurography (MRN) have
The timing of intervention and mechanism of injury are availed the surgeon to identify the nerve lesion and
paramount in decision making in the treatment of trigeminal neural functionality to facilitate appropriate and earlier
nerve injuries (summarized in Table 25.5). nerve repair intervention [117, 118].

1. Counselling is the most useful effective tool for managing

patients with problematic permanent sensory nerve
injuries. 25.8 Conclusions
2. Medical intervention is indicated for patients with pain or
discomfort or with anxiety and/or depression in relation Unfortunately, none of these interventions ‘fix’ the patient,
to chronic pain. However, due to the multiple noxious but the aim is to manage their symptoms as best as possible,
side effects of chronic pain medication, less than 18% of improve function and allow them time to accommodate to
patients remain adherent with medication. these unfortunate events, which is often not very
• acute (medical), satisfactory.
• late (chronic pain management with psychological This chapter was intended to acknowledge and share
interventions). some key issues around iatrogenic trigeminal nerve injuries
3. Surgical intervention is indicated for: and to provide some key take home messages including:
• Immediate surgical repair for suspected or known
nerve injury or intended surgical defect after removal • Neuropathic pain as well as altered sensation and numb-
of benign tumour or recent trauma [98]. ness is what most patients experience with iatrogenic sen-
–– Removal of implant. sory nerve injury. This has a significant and unpleasant
–– or overfill or RCT-treated tooth with 36 h if related to effect on the patient (improve your consent!)
the development of neuropathy [99]. • The majority of iatrogenic nerve injuries are avoidable.
• Within 2–4 week, exploration if clinical presentation • Inferior alveolar nerve injuries in relation to implant and
of persistent neuropathy is paramount and radio- endodontic dentistry are permanent and ‘unfixable’ unless
graphic follow-up is not necessary; however, if there is treated quickly within 30 h.
CBCT evidence of breech of lingual plate or IDC, con- • Owing to the significant problems following nerve injury,
sider immediate action-nerve exploration ± repair; pre-operative strategies for minimizing this risk of nerve
–– Lingual nerve neuropathy patients with CBCT evi- damage need to be considered carefully. Peri-operative
dence of damage to lingual plate adjacent to third planning, operative execution and post-operative care
molar surgical site. need improving to minimize and hopefully abolish these
–– Inferior alveolar nerve with retained roots or evidence injuries.
of bone inclusions or compression of IDC. • Several strategies are presented to assist in preventing
• Within 3 months of injury; nerve injuries.
–– Non-resolving lingual or inferior dental nerve injuries: • There is a need for a consensus and standardization of risk
Exploratory surgery for lingual or inferior alveolar assessment and management, a holistic approach in man-
nerve injuries within 3  months post-injury. Surgical aging the pain, related effect on functionality and psycho-
intervention is not effective for neuropathic pain, and logical implications caused to the patients affected by
if this is the driving force behind seeking surgery, it iatrogenic nerve injury.
should be reconsidered.
–– There are reported exciting results of allografting lin-
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prepared human-treated cadaveric allograft, the IDN References
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Trigeminal Neuralgia
Kandasamy Ganesan and Asha Thomson

26.1 Introduction initiated by multiple sclerosis or a space-­occupying lesion

affecting the trigeminal nerve, whereas the leading cause of
Neuralgia can be defined as paroxysmal, intense intermittent CTN is known to be compression of the trigeminal nerve in
pain that is usually confined to specific nerve branches of the the region of the dorsal root entry zone by a blood vessel.
head and neck. The trigeminal nerve is responsible for sen- Investigation of the cause of the neuralgia present and
sory innervation of the scalp, face and mouth, and damage or treatment planning of these symptoms can pose a challenge
disease to this nerve may result in sensory loss and/or pain. for any clinician and the importance of detailed assessment
Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN), also referred to as ‘Tic and history taking of orofacial pain should be highlighted.
Douloureux,’ is sought to be the most intense and well- Extreme care must be taken to identify the underlying cause
known neuralgias, which displays classical features of of the symptoms experienced by the patient, who may often
intense sharp, stabbing sensations with or without burning present in distress, as suffering from head and neck neuralgia
pain throughout the face. It is considered as one of the most can severely affect a patient’s quality of life.
chronic painful conditions known within the body. The pain, There is no guaranteed cure for the condition of trigemi-
which is often initiated by just a light touch to an area of nal neuralgia, but there are several treatment options that
skin, can occur at any time without warning and depending may give symptomatic relief. In this chapter, we will review
on the severity of the condition, the frequency of the attacks the common neuralgias occurring within the oral and maxil-
can vary. lofacial region with specific emphasis on trigeminal neural-
This severe medical condition affects one or more gia. We will discuss the historical evolution of treatment
branches of the fifth cranial nerve known as the trigeminal including the medical and surgical modalities with the use of
nerve, which is the largest cranial nerve and has both sensory current literature and newer developments. This highlights
and motor functions. >85% of cases of trigeminal neuralgia the need for further studies and investigation into the phe-
are of the classic type known as classical trigeminal neural- nomenon of neuralgia to improve patient management and
gia (CTN), while the remaining cases can be separated to treatment outcomes.
secondary trigeminal neuralgia (STN). STN is thought to be This chapter will also cover surgical interventions such
as, peripheral neurectomies, which can be done by an Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgeon.

Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap-

ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_26) contains supple- 26.2 Anatomy of the Trigeminal Nerve
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
This is the largest cranial nerve with both sensory and motor
K. Ganesan (*) components. It provides sensory nerve supply to the face,
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Southend the scalp, the nasal cavity and the oral cavity including the
University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southend-on-Sea, UK teeth. It carries proprioception from the periodontal liga-
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK ments of the teeth and masticatory muscles. The trigeminal
e-mail: mailme@kandyganesan.com nerve provides motor supply to the muscles of mastication,
A. Thomson (*) tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, mylohyoid and anterior
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals, Norfolk, UK belly of digastric. Its name is derived from its three main
e-mail: ashathomson1@nhs.net

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 531

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_26
532 K. Ganesan and A. Thomson

Fig. 26.1  Schematic diagram Occulomotor Carotid artery Carotid artery Pituitary gland
showing the Meckel’s cave
within the dura layer lateral to
cavernous sinus Trochlear

Recess between
Meningeal layers

Abducent nerve

Cavernous sinus

Gasserian ganglion

Meckel’s cave

Foramen ovale

Mandibular branch

Maxillary V2 branch trigeminal Sphenoidal sinus

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

branches ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular. This nerve

can be divided into various anatomical segments by its
course from the brain stem, cisternal, Meckel’s cave, gangli-
onic and finally to peripheral divisions (Ophthalmic, maxil-
lary and mandibular). For trigeminal neuralgia,
understanding of the anatomy of cisternal and Meckel’s
cave segments is important.
The trigeminal ganglion is located in the Meckel’s
cave, which is a recess between the two layers of the dura
in the posteromedial portion of the middle cranial fossa.
Any disease process in and around the Meckel’s cave can
develop the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia. The anat-
omy of the Meckel’s cave is detailed through the use of V2
Fig. 26.1.
Arachnoid membrane from the posterior cranial fossa
extends into the Meckel’s cave and continues along the
rootlets of the trigeminal nerve to as far as the trigeminal
ganglion [1].

26.2.1 Peripheral Distribution of Trigeminal ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Nerve (Fig. 26.2 and Table 26.1)
Fig. 26.2  Diagram showing peripheral distribution of trigeminal nerve
26  Trigeminal Neuralgia 533

Table 26.1  Branches of the 3 divisions of the trigeminal nerve 26.3.2 Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Nerve Branches
V1—Opthalmic In 1950, the first finding of a connection with multiple scle-
1. Frontal nerve a. Supraorbital nerve rosis is reported [4]. A comprehensive review of pain in MS
b. Supratrochlear nerve patients identified the prevalence to be TN to be 3.8%,
2. Lacrimal nerve
which is lower than headaches (43%) and neuropathic
3. Nasociliary nerve a. Long Ciliary nerve
b. Anterior and Posterior extremity pain (26%) [5].
Ethmoidal nerves From this review, TN was the first symptom of MS in
c. Infratrochlear nerve 9–14% of patients and the mean age of onset ranged from
V2—Maxillary 33 to 51, highlighting younger patients than patients with
1. Meningeal Branches TN alone. In addition to this, TN due to MS is often associ-
2. Ganglionic Branches a. Greater Palatine nerve
ated with numbness and paraesthesia [6]. Neuralgic pain,
b. Lesser Palatine nerve
c. Nasopalatine nerve over a period of time, evolves with atypical features and
d. Nasal Branches involves an increase in the number of divisions of trigemi-
3. Posterior Superioer Alveolar nal distribution. Additionally, 6% became bilateral and lit-
nerve erature shows MS precedes TN, however several studies
4. Infraorbital nerve a. Anterior Superior Alveolar showed TN as a first symptom before any other MS symp-
tom [7, 8].
b. Middle Superior Alveolar
nerve Electrophysiologic testing of MS-related TN patients
5. Zygomatic nerve a. Zygomaticofacial nerve showed up to 89% abnormal trigeminal reflexes such as the
b. Zygomaticotemporal nerve blink reflex compared to 3% in idiopathic TN patients. In
V3—Mandibular MS, plaques result in neural damage causing TN but not as a
1. Nervous Spinosus result of neurovascular compression however, both can play
2. Motor Branches
a role in the aetiology of TN [9].
3. Anterior Division a. Nerve to Lateral Pterygoid
b. Masseteric nerve
In MS, ephaptic nerve conduction is effected due to an
c. Deep Temporal nerve increase in inflammatory activity in the plaques with a high
d. Buccal nerve T-cell activity [10].
4. Posterior Division a. Auriculotemporal nerve
b. Lingual nerve
c. Inferior Alveolar nerve 26.3.3 Tumour and Cyst
 i. Nerve to Mylohyoid
 ii. Mental nerve
Tumours alone are shown to be aetiology in TN from 0.8 to
11.6%, but this increased to 5.7 to 13.4% when aneurysms,
angiomas or vascular malformations are present. Tumours
26.3 Aetiology of Trigeminal Neuralgia may cause TN by compression, wrapping around the nerve
root, neurovascular compression and/or neoplastic factor-­
26.3.1 Neurovascular Compression related chemical irritation [6].

Myelin sheath surrounds the cranial nerves formed by oligo-

dendrocytes in the central nervous system and Schwann cells 26.3.4 Diabetes Mellitus
in the peripheral nervous system. The main function of the
myelin sheath is to provide mechanical insulation and meta- The involvement of diabetic neuropathy is more common
bolic support for the axons. This myelin sheath at the transi- in the 3rd, 4th and 6th cranial nerves than in the trigemi-
tion zone (TZ), between the central and peripheral nervous nal nerve. Diabetic patients tend to have more of a neuro-
systems is a vulnerable area in the context of neurovascular pathic pain than n­ euralgic pain, which may present as hot,
compressions. The TZ is more relevant and not always burning, electric with a pins and needles sensation, espe-
located in the same position as root entry zone (REZ) [2]. cially in the peripheral areas such as the hands and legs.
Neurovascular compression at the REZ is found to be a Often, this tends to be bilateral, and may present worse at
reason for 80% of the TN but not a consistent finding in all night [11].
the TN patients. This neurovascular contact at the REZ is Hyperglycaemia is known to cause aggravated nerve
also found in non-TN patients. A superior cerebellar artery damage, and this also applies for the increased risk of devel-
alone or in association with another vessel is found in 88% as oping TN however, more studies need to be done in order to
a source for vascular compression. Other vessels such as validate the underlying pathophysiology between the asso-
anterior cerebellar artery, the basilar artery and vertebral ciation of diabetes and TN [12].
artery are also found to be in contact with RTZ [3].
534 K. Ganesan and A. Thomson

26.3.5 Herpes Simplex term results show that decompression provides prolonged
pain relief compared to destructive peripheral procedures
Post-herpetic TN after herpes zoster-shingles has been docu- [20]. In addition, destructive procedures may cause some
mented [13] and can present as a burning persistent severe degree of sensory loss along with the same duration of pain
pain for the patients. The reactivation of the latent herpes relief [22].
zoster virus from the dorsal root ganglion results in TN
affecting the ophthalmic branch in over 80% of cases. When
antivirals are administered within 72 h from the onset of the 26.5 Historical Perspective
rash, they are known to reduce the duration of the rash, pain
and also the incidence of post-herpetic neuralgia [14–17]. Historically, reviews dating back to 2 AD demonstrates the
existence of TN or a similar condition described by Aretaeus
of Cappadocia, a contemporary of Galen. The same author is
26.4 Pathophysiology of TN known for the description of migraine, and in the 11th century
[23], an Arab physician Jujani describes a unilateral facial
The exact aetiopathogenesis of TN remains unclear. The most pain causing spasms and anxiety. He explains that the cause
common hypothesis is the “ignition theory,” which is a result of the pain is ‘proximity of the artery to the nerve’ [24].
of abnormalities in the afferent neurones of the trigeminal Wells Cathedral, an Anglican cathedral in Wells, Somerset,
root or ganglion. Injury to the axons can make them hyperex- England, dedicated to St Andrew the Apostle, contains the
citable and also cause central sensitisation, leading to TN tomb of Bishop Button, who died in 1274. He was canon-
[18]. ized, and many pilgrims and toothache sufferers left offer-
Demyelination at the trigeminal REZ where central and ings at the tomb, in commemoration of which the capitals of
peripheral myelin meets results in generation of ectopic the pillars bear carvings of people depicted with facial neu-
impulses. This in turn can cause cross-talk between touch ralgia. One is famed as the toothache figure and because of
and pain sensations which is thought to decrease the central the surprising rarity of dental caries at that time (confirmed
pain gating mechanisms. Which, can conversely result in tri- when the sarcophagus was opened in 1848), Wilfred Harris
geminal nerve remyelination. This may explain the sponta- pointed out the probable relevance to trigeminal neuralgia
neous remission in some patients; however, the same cannot [25].
be applied for rapid electrophysiologic recovery and pain A first Royal account in relation to TN is by John Locke,
relief after microvascular decompression treatment [6]. the famous philosopher and physician who wrote a series of
The affected (demyelinated) nerves can spontaneously letters to Dr John Mapletoft in 1677 [26] describing TN suf-
discharge electric impulses. Touch sensation carrying A-β fered by Countess of Northumberland, wife of Ambassador
fibres aligned near the pain carrying (nociceptive pathway) to France.
A-δ and C fibres in the REZ, leading to ephaptic cross-talk Nicolas Andre invented the term tic douloureux in 1756 in
between the two pathways. This may explain how trivial a book, Observations pratiques sur les maladies de l’urethre
touch sensation triggers pain in TN [18]. et surplusiers faits convulsifs [27].
The trigeminal ganglion itself can show pathological John Fothergill publishes the first account of TN to the
changes such as hypermyelination [19, 20]. Demyelination Medical Society in London in 1773 and described TN as a
is common in many patients with TN and is caused by a com- ‘paroxysmal unilateral facial pain, evoked by eating, speak-
pression by vascular structures, MS, tumours and vascular ing or touching, starting and ending abruptly, and associated
malformations. the condition with anxiety [23].
Compression on the REZ should cause a continuous pain, Between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Pujol,
but TN patients suffer paroxysmal attacks, which are most Chapman and Tiffany completed the clinical picture and dif-
likely to be caused by spontaneous discharges where the ferentiated TN from other facial pain conditions. Later,
threshold for the repetitive firing has been altered. It is also Oppenheim highlighted the association between TN and MS
notable in TN that such firing occurs not only spontaneously [28].
but also by trivial tactile stimuli. This type of firing behav- Treatment of TN including microvascular decompres-
iour is also observed within in dorsal root ganglions [20]. sion has been available since 1925 [29]; however, it took
Rappaport and Devor [21] explained that the development another 50  years to become an accepted neurosurgical
of atypical features of the TN may be due to central sensiti- intervention. During 1950 to 60, Gardner and Miklos [30]
zation following a prolonged barrage of nerve impulses and promoted neurovascular decompression theory and con-
also from progressive damage to trigeminal afferents, which tinued to modify the technique, but a major shift in this
become the source of continuous ectopic discharges [20]. practice happened after a large clinical series published
Interestingly, literature shows that different treatments of by Jannetta [31]. Throughout the last century, ablative
TN yield similar results in pain control however, the long- neurosurgical procedures continued to evolve to balance
26  Trigeminal Neuralgia 535

the best possible outcome between pain control and Initiating Factors
adverse effects. The latest in this process is radiosurgery. The pain felt can be precipitated by trigger areas or factors of
And even although surgical practice was continuing to light touch on specific areas of the face, and patients often
evolve, medical therapy had little success in the same avoid these actions, which they may feel causes the attacks.
period. In 1942, Bergouignan’s discovery of phenytoin
was the first medical intervention in effective control of
pain paroxysms [32]. In 1953, Walter Schindler discov- These activities may include:
ered Carbamazepine and marketing was started in 1962.
Although it was originally used for epilepsy, trials showed
Applying make-up or face cream
their effectiveness in TN pain control.
Brushing the teeth
26.6 Clinical Presentation
Face washing
Within the maxillofacial region, neuralgias can present in
different severities and can affect patients from any race,
gender and age. Certain conditions may be distinctive to cer-
Exposure to cold such as cold wind, breeze on the face
tain groups of people, but there is no current classification
or air conditioning
followed for the diagnosis and management of neuralgic
Eating, chewing or biting into something
pain; however, groups do exist in order to distinguish the cat-
Touching or washing certain areas of the face
egories that they may be separated into.
These pain episodes experienced may last from seconds
up to several minutes and can be described by the patient as
an ‘electric shock’ feeling. This sensation may occur fre- 26.6.2 Prevalence
quently per day (up to hundreds of times) over weeks and
months and then suddenly stop with pain-free periods in A systematic review highlighted that the range of TN preva-
between. It may also present infrequently with periods of lence was 0.03–0.3%, mostly women were affected, and the
remission, which may possibly last for years [13]. The pain affected age range was 37–67 years old. The affliction was
often occurs unilaterally, does not usually cross the midline marked by unilateral symptoms, most commonly in the max-
of the face and is often unbearable for the patient. It has been illary and mandibular branches [39].
shown that only 3% of cases are known to be bilateral in NICE guideline data and studies [13] indicate that a sur-
nature [13]. vey carried out within general practice in the United
Kingdom, which highlighted that the annual incidence of tri-
geminal neuralgia was 8 per 10,000.
26.6.1 Risk Factors The true prevalence of this condition remains unclear as
there is little data to support the evidence of how common
Sex this condition is [13]. It is evident that even with studies car-
It has been highlighted that TN affects females more than ried out, further research is required to validate the preva-
males [13]. lence of trigeminal neuralgia due to the complexity of the
condition including diagnosis difficulties and heterogeneity
Age of the disease characteristics [39].
In patients over 80  years old, males tend to have a higher
incidence (45/100,000) [13, 33–36].
It can be prominent within all age ranges, but most 26.6.3 Clinical Diagnosis
frequently, TN affects individuals over the age of 50.
Approximately 70% of the patients develop TN after they reach Pain History
60  years of age and it is known that the incidence of TN Accurate diagnosis relies greatly on a detailed history of
increases with age, and has been emphasised that this condition symptoms from the patient, with pattern and nature of the
is rare to affect people younger than 40 years old [36, 37]. This pain highlighting the condition as there is no definitive diag-
is therefore highly important in suggesting that multiple sclero- nostic test yet available. SOCRATES is a useful assessment
sis may be present in younger patients who suffer from TN tool (Table  26.2), which is often used to help clinicians in
[38]. achieving an accurate pain history.
536 K. Ganesan and A. Thomson

Table 26.2  SOCRATES assessment tool Other Causes

Site/localization Can the pain be localized to a specific area? Trigeminal neuralgia can occur as a result of several causes
Onset Sudden or gradual? when—day/night/ such as trauma, tumours, infectious or demyelinating dis-
spontaneous? eases, connective tissue diseases and can also be idiopathic
Characteristic of pain Sharp, stabbing and dull ache
in nature. This poses a challenge to the clinician when trying
Radiation Does the pain radiate elsewhere?
Associated signs and Any associated signs or symptoms? to investigate the cause of the pain. The importance of the
symptoms causative factors may highlight the possibility that trigemi-
Timing/duration Seconds/minutes/hours? (constant, nal neuralgia can present as the first manifestation of an
paroxysmal-recurrent and slowly/rapidly underlying systemic disease. This emphasises that careful
and in-depth investigations with detailed history taking are
Exacerbating or Does anything make it better/worse?
relieving factors required in order to appropriately treat this life-­affecting
Severity How intense is the pain? Scale 1–10 condition. A referral to a specialist in pain management or
neurologist should be considered in severe cases [13, 38].
As trigeminal neuralgia is uspected when a patient has
Trigeminal neuralgia may be misdiagnosed for dental severe and intense pain in the orofacial region, other reasons
pathology, and so it is important that unnecessary dental may need to be explored for patients who have physical signs
treatment is not carried out without full investigation of the of motor or sensory problems. Neoplasms, infective condi-
source of the pain. When patients suffer from the condition, tions such as HIV, multiple sclerosis and even cerebrovascu-
it often becomes apparent that their quality of life decreases lar disease may cause neuralgic pain, and so it is important to
as they may be unable to carry out their normal daily activi- be aware of the differential diagnosis that could be derived
ties and suffer from weight loss due to problems in eating, from neuralgia within the head and neck.
and as a result the condition may lead to depression and/or TN is restricted to one or more branches of the trigeminal
isolation. nerve distribution with an exception of TN in MS patients,
On clinical examination, trigeminal reflex testing may be where one side of the face may be affected. It is sudden in
used to test all three divisions of the nerve and may reveal onset and typically lasts for a few seconds to a maximum of
loss of sensitivity in the cutaneous region, which may be 2 min. Pain can be spontaneous but can also be triggered by
related to the affected nerve. This may present as partial innocuous mechanical stimuli or facial movements. In
numbness (hypoesthesia) or complete numbness (anaesthe- between the episodes, patients can remain pain-free and very
sia) and occasionally may present as hyperaesthesia causing rarely, patients suffer continuous pain in TN.
considerable discomfort.

26.6.4 Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia (GPN) is a rare uncommon

The classical symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia are as
painful neuralgic condition involving pharyngeal/orofacial
region including the ear, base of the tongue, tonsillar fossa
and submandibular region. It has similar etiopathogenesis to
• Severe shooting or stabbing pain, which may feel TN with neurovascular compression and demyelination of
like an ‘electric shock’ on a focussed part or wider the 9th or the 10th cranial nerves. The prevalence rate is 0.2–
area of the face. 0.7 per 100,000 and accounts for 0.2–1.3% of the orofacial
• Pain usually only affects one side of the face at one neuralgias [40].
time. Clinical history taking is important to differentiate differ-
• Bouts of pain may last from a few seconds to sev- ent types of neuralgias. GPN clinically presents as a unilat-
eral minutes. eral, severe and paroxysmal pain involving the ear, base of
• Spontaneous attacks of pain may occur with or the tongue, tonsillar fossa and submandibular region. Painful
without triggers. symptoms are described very similar to TN symptoms such
• As time progresses, the painful attacks may increase as, sharp, stabbing or electric shock like pain. Similar to TN,
in frequency and intensity. GPN is triggered by innocuous stimuli/function like swal-
lowing, chewing, talking, coughing and yawning.
26  Trigeminal Neuralgia 537

ogy. Cranial computed tomography scan (CT) may also be

According to the criteria put forward by the used in order to identify any changes of the maxillary sinus.
International Classification of headache disorders Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important inves-
(ICHD) [41]: tigation to investigate and to differentiate between patients
suffering from trigeminal neuralgia due to tumours and MS
• TN pain should be unilateral with at least three [18]. It may demonstrate the close and potentially causative
attacks relationship between the trigeminal root and adjacent blood
• Occurring in one or more divisions of the trigemi- vessel and can be of specific value to exclude posterior cranial
nal nerve, with no radiation beyond the trigeminal fossa lesions [38]. TN caused by MS should be ruled out,
distribution. specifically in the younger patient, and this may be aided by
• Pain should have at least three of the following MRI.  Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS). NICE [13]
characteristics guidelines recommend MRI assessment specifically for
–– recurring in paroxysmal attacks lasting from a younger people, patients presenting atypical symptoms, non-­
fraction of a second to 2 min responders to initial therapy or anyone for whom neurosur-
–– severe intensity gery is being considered. Even though MRI is commonly
–– electric shock-like, shooting, stabbing or sharp in used, from previous studies carried out, the suggestion of its
quality sensitivity and specificity seems to be variable [43–50]. As a
–– precipitated by innocuous stimuli to the affected result, emphasis is placed on the challenge in identifying the
side of the face cause of trigeminal neuralgia as a relationship between the
• There should be no clinically evident neurological clinical symptoms and radiological findings as this may not
deficit be clear.
In idiopathic forms of trigeminal neuralgia, it is typical
for no cause to be detected with the patient having both nor-
mal neurological and MRI examinations, which can cause
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) current difficulty with treatment planning. MRI finding of an aber-
rant loop of a blood vessel at RTZ is the most common cause,
Classical Caused by vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve
TN root, resulting in morphological changes of the root and this is reported in about 60–90% of the cases described
Secondary Caused by major neurological disease, e.g. a tumour of in neurosurgical/neuroradiological series [51–54].
TN the cerebellopontine angle (TN attributed to space- Meaney et al. have designed a set of specific parameters
occupying lesions) or MS to visualise the blood vessels using thin slices to create the
Idiopathic No apparent cause
reconstruction of nerve and vessel in any orientation. This is
called magnetic resonance tomographic angiography
The readers may access the detailed classification at the fol- (MRTA) [55]. This reconstruction between the vessels and
lowing open access publication [42]. https://doi.org/10.1007/ the nerves allowed us to identify the neurovascular compres-
s40265-018-0964-9. sion. In comparison to MRTA, MR angiography only pro-
vides image of the blood vessels. Meaney et al. then validated
their findings by comparing the MRTA findings with surgical
26.7 Investigations findings. In a series of 52 consecutive cases, MRTA findings
were comparable to surgical finding in 50 out of 52 cases. In
A thorough pain history and a clinical examination including four cases, MRTA misclassified veins as arteries; otherwise,
cranial nerve examinations are important for the diagnosis of MRTA is a sensitive and specific method in demonstrating
TN due to the fact that MS and tumours may be found in this neurovascular compression [44].
cohort. Any deficiency in the cranial nerve examination,
especially a sensory loss, should prompt further imaging.
In order to rule out possible diseases, specific tests may be 26.8 Management
carried out in adjunct by radiographic examinations such as
plain radiographs including intra-oral (periapicals) and 26.8.1 Medical Management
orthopantograms. These may be carried out in the first
instance to rule out dental pathology, and orthopantograms It has been highlighted that first line of treatment for trigemi-
may also be able to detect temporomandibular joint pathol- nal neuralgia is still pharmacological treatment. The desired
538 K. Ganesan and A. Thomson

outcome of these patients is to treat the pain experienced, Carbamazepine and Oxcarbazepine
manage the symptoms and with time preferably, eradicate Based on existing evidence, carbamazepine also known with
these symptoms in order to improve the patient’s quality of the trade name ‘Tegretol’ is an anti-convulsant drug used pri-
life. Where appropriate, referral to a specialist pain service marily in the treatment of epilepsy [61] and remains the drug
and/or neurologist may be necessary with clear information of choice for standard first-line treatment of trigeminal neu-
and given to the patient. ralgia in patients over 18 years of age [13, 57, 58]. It is con-
There are several drugs that have been delivered systemi- sidered to be of diagnostic help if complete resolution or
cally or topically in the use of treating trigeminal neuralgia, reduction of symptoms occurs after its use [38]; however,
which include: carbamazepine must be used prophylactically and continu-
ously for long periods, with tiered dosages prescribed to suit
individual patients in regard to their response. Carbamazepine
Baclofen should be used with caution, and as it not an analgesic, it is
Dextromethorphan not appropriate to use this medication during a pain episode
Lamotrigine for relief as it will not have an analgesic effect on symptoms.
Gabapentin Patients can often misinterpret what the purpose of the medi-
Pregabalin cation is, and so this in turn highlights the importance of
Sumatriptan patient communication. The mechanism of the medication,
Levetiracetam the instructions in terms of dosage titration, timing of effects
Eslicarbazepine and the possible adverse side effects associated with its use
Pimozide should be highlighted. From current guidelines such as—
Proparacaine NICE [13], it has been advised that if no sinister or red flag
Tizanidine symptoms are evident and carbamazepine is not contraindi-
Tocainide cated for the patient, then, the following dosage guideline
Topiramate can be offered:

• 100 mg up to twice daily, titrated in increments of 100–

200 mg every 2 weeks until pain has been relieved
The most common therapy of choice is Carbamazepine • 200 mg three of four times daily (600–800 mg daily) is
for pain control [56] and after carrying out a systematic seen in the majority of people to be the dosage of choice
review of the literature, The American Academy of sufficient to manage pain
Neurology and the European Federation of Neurological • 1600 mg maximum dose daily
Societies support Carbamazepine (200–1200 mg/day) [57] • Once pain is in remission, the dosage should be gradually
as the first-line treatment to be offered due to strong evi- reduced to the lowest possible maintenance level or even
dence supporting this pharmacological treatment. In addi- discontinued until a further episode occurs.
tion to this, another drug of preferred choice is Oxcarbazepine
(600–1800 mg/day) [57], which is known to have better tol- Frequent side effects have been reported with the use of
erability and is also supported by existing guidelines [13, carbamazepine drug therapy with specific emphasis on
58]. elderly patients [61–63]. When patients are treated with car-
All the above drugs have been evaluated using RCTs, bamazepine, it is strongly advised that a full blood count and
whereas other drugs such as capsaicin cream, phenytoin, liver function tests are carried out prior to starting treatment
clonazepam, gabapentin, oxcarbazepine, mexiletine and tra- and then reviewed periodically in order to monitor the pos-
madol have been assessed from case reports and case series. sible effects of the drug. Hyponatraemia, which refers to low
Studies involving many of these drugs regarding the full ben- sodium levels, is thought to occur in 20% of patients, and
efit and effect on the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia are NICE guidelines [13] suggests that carbamazepine in con-
limited, and so further evaluation is required [59, 60]. The current use with sertraline can also increase this risk. Serum
response to the drugs mentioned is unique to each patient, levels of the drug are not routinely monitored unless carbam-
and it is evident that the doses also vary between patients in azepine toxicity is suspected but within the \ British National
order to achieve a beneficial effect to counteract the symp- Formulary (BNF), all information is available in regard to
toms experienced. It has been highlighted that it may be drug interactions, adverse effects and contraindications and
helpful for the patient to keep a pain diary in order to record cautions. Within primary care settings, this is the standard
episodes and help the patient and clinician identify possible first choice of treatment if the physician is confident with the
trigger factors and timing of the pain. This may aid treatment diagnosis; otherwise, it is advised to refer the patient to a
planning and may give patients back a sense of control, secondary care specialist for further investigations and
which has been lost due to their condition. treatment.
26  Trigeminal Neuralgia 539

In several studies, the effectiveness of carbamazepine was Trigeminal Neuralgia. It was highlighted that there is possi-
demonstrated with specific outcomes found in the reduction ble increasing evidence for BTX-A injections as a treatment
of both intensity and frequency of the painful paroxysms [36, option, specifically prior to considering surgical options or
57, 64–68]. In addition to this, the pharmacological drug of for patients who do not want surgery. In relation to this, it is
choice was found to be equally effective on the reduction of emphasised that further evidence is needed with regard to
both trigger touch and spontaneous attacks [59, 66]. Due to this treatment option with more investigation and well-
the possible side effects from carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine designed studies to take place.
may often be used as initial treatment due to the decreased Finally, it has been highlighted that local anaesthesia
potential drug interactions and possible greater tolerability injected into the specific trigger area, 8% lidocaine spray and
acceptance [57, 63, 68]. the use of intravenous infusion of fosphenytoin may be an
option to provide temporary relief for patients suffering from Gabapentin severe pain [18].
It is known for its effective role in the management of neuro-
pathic pain especially post-herpetic neuralgia, but there is a
lack of evidence on its role in the management of TN. There 26.8.2 Surgical Management
is one randomized-controlled trial showing improvement in
pain control with fewer side effects. This study compared the A successful surgical intervention of TN is determined by
use of combination of both gabapentin and ropivacaine elimination of pain. Currently available surgical options are
injected to trigger points and gabapentin alone [18]. Baclofen
Baclofen is used to control the symptoms in MS, and there- 1. Invasive technique:
fore, it is generally accepted to use in TN patients with MS (a) Open:
[59]. It may well control the symptoms without adding car- (i) Microvascular decompression
bamazepine. Its side effects including sedation and loss of (b) Percutaneous:
muscle tone and abrupt discontinuation may cause seizures (i) Radiofrequency rhizotomy
and hallucinations. (ii) Retrogasserian glycerol rhizotomy
(iii) Balloon compression of trigeminal nerve Lamotrigine (iv) Stereotactic radiosurgery—Gamma knife
Lamotrigine is used when Carbamazepine is not tolerated 2. Non-invasive technique:
well, or it is used in addition to carbamazepine when it is not (i) Peripheral neurectomy
effective on its own. There is not enough evidence to support (ii) Alcohol injections
the use of lamotrigine from studies carried out with relation (iii) Cryotherapy
to patients with TN [18]. (iv) Selective radiofrequency thermocoagulation Evolving Medical Therapy

Due to the known difficulty in treating trigeminal neuralgia,
new therapeutic modalities are being investigated and have Microvascular Decompression (MVD)
been tried [57]. It has been evident from recent reviews [18] The original theory was outlined by Dandy in 1925, and vas-
that the combination of the pharmacological drug gabapentin cular decompression of the trigeminal nerve was first
with the addition of regular ropivacaine injections into spe- described by Gardner and Miklos in 1959 [70] and was fur-
cific sites, which may be ‘trigger sites,’ has had a positive ther refined by Jannetta et  al. in 1967 [71]. Advances in
outcome on pain control with an improvement in quality of anaesthesiology, use of operating microscopes and evolving
life. surgical techniques allowed the MVD as a safer and effective
Botulinum Toxin A (BTX-A) has also been suggested as procedure. MVD further evolved in the next 50  years to
an effective treatment of trigeminal neuralgia from a system- become accepted as one of the best surgical options.
atic review [69] carried out on patients suffering from this Surgical target is the trigeminal nerve-pons junction. To
condition. No major adverse events were reported, and it was reach this target, the posterior cranial fossa needs to be
concluded that with an approximate 60–80% reduction in accessed via suboccipital craniotomy. On entering via crani-
mean pain intensity and frequency, this medical treatment otomy site, cerebrospinal fluid will be aspirated. Further
may be a future recommendation. Cruccu and Truini [42] advancing is done towards the nerve by gently retracting part
were in agreement with these findings who have also of the cerebellum (Fig. 26.3). It is common to find a segment
reviewed the literature on possible medical treatments for of superior cerebellar artery compressing on the REZ. Less
540 K. Ganesan and A. Thomson

Trigeminal nerve



©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 26.4  Craniotomy access showing a retracted and a cerebellar
Access artery resting on the nerve. A piece of Teflon to be placed between the
vessel and the nerve

Back of neck
75–80% in a 1–2  year review [76–82]. This proportion of
patients with pain relief further reduced to 58–64% this is
External occipital also associated with 4–12% of recurrence.
Several studies showed that the outcome of MVD is bet-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
ter with an arterial compression compared to venous [77,
Fig. 26.3  Diagram showing suboccipital access 79, 83]. Lee et al. showed a recurrence rate of 31% when
there is TN due to venous compression and mostly recurred
within the first 12 months [83]. Literature shows that there
commonly, a variation with an anterior inferior cerebellar are poor outcomes on patients who have had previous neu-
artery or the superior petrosal vein can be found as a cause of rosablative surgery, but this is not substantiated by other
the neurovascular compression [72]. Once the vessel is freed studies [76, 84, 85]. Review of literature in the manage-
of the REZ, a piece of Teflon is placed to keep the nerve and ment of recurrence following MVD in TN did not provide a
the vessel apart (Fig. 26.4). general consensus but suggested re-exploration and neu-
Utmost care should be taken to avoid any post-operative roablative procedures [86–88]. A good quality imaging sys-
hearing loss. This is usually done by monitoring the brain- tem may enable the surgeon to pinpoint the reason for the
stem evoked potential as hearing loss is due to the pressure recurrence and choose an appropriate remedial surgical
on the eight cranial nerve due to retraction. A timely release intervention.
of retraction improves this and literature recommends the In terms of the outcomes, complication rates seem to be
removal of a section of the root when there is no vascular minimal with an experienced neurosurgical team with inno-
compression or there may be difficulties in mobilizing the vations. Although a rate of 0.2–1% mortality is shown in the
artery. Deliberate Bruising of the nerve in addition to decom- earlier literature, two large studies with a patient population
pression is also recommended [73]. of 444 [79] and 1995 [52] showed 0% mortality. A recent
Literature shows that MVD can be done in any age retrospective study listed other complications such as cere-
group. Both Resnick et al. and Roski et al. concluded that bellar injury (0.45%) 8th cranial nerve injury (0.8%) and
MVD can be done with good outcomes in the paediatric CSF leak (1.85%) [52].
population [74, 75]. It is also unique that in the paediatric Although this study showed low complication rates, other
population, venous compression is more common than centres reported higher complication rates [80, 81]. This
arterial. wide range in the outcomes is likely due to the experience of
The long-term outcome of MVD for TN suggests 87–98% the surgical team and their advanced perioperative monitor-
have immediate pain relief but this is reduced slightly to ing systems.
26  Trigeminal Neuralgia 541

Despite the increasing popularity of MVD, its advantage P  ercutaneous Balloon Compression
over the neuroablative procedures continues to be debated at (PBC)
various levels [22, 89]. In the absence of well-structured PBC was described by Mullen in 1980 [93]. It relieves TN
clinical studies, varying interventions will be preferred based pain by injuring the large myelinated fibres involved in the
on the individual centre experience. sensory trigger. It is especially useful in managing TN with
first division involvement as it selectively spares small Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKRS) myelinated fibres, which mediate the corneal/blink reflex. It
In the 1950s, the term and the concept of radiosurgery and gained its role in management of TN due to its low cost and
Gamma Knife were introduced by Lars Leksell. GKRS is used simplicity.
to treat various benign and malignant brain tumours and also The procedure is performed under a short general
various non-neoplastic conditions such as vascular malforma- anaesthetic, with a fluoroscopic control. A 14-gauge can-
tions without an open intracranial surgical access. For the next nula is inserted into foramen ovale but does not pass
few decades, GKRS is evolved with technology as the preci- beyond. A negative cerebrospinal fluid confirms it further.
sion targeting has improved [90]. The ‘Gamma Knife’ tech- A catheter advanced through the needle, and balloon
nique was based on the fact that radiation may block the inflated slowly up to a pressure of 1.3–1.6  atm. Balloon
conduction of excessive sensory information responsible for can also be inflated with 0.5–1.0 ml of contrast dye until
triggering the pain episodes [91]. This would affect the radio- it occupies Meckel’s cave, and radiographic confirmation
surgery targets with no significant change outside the target of its position is achieved. Up to 6  min of duration of
nerve, with the myelin sheath being primarily affected by compression is achieved. Typically, patients awaken with
radiosurgery [92]. It is indicated in typical or atypical TN, with a mild subjective sensory loss with immediate pain relief
or without vascular compression, failed MVD, TN patients in up to 80–90% [94, 95]. This subjective numbness resolves
MS and patients with significant medical comorbidities. in few weeks.
This procedure [90–92] is done under local anaesthetic PBC is most helpful when pain involves multiple divi-
with or without sedation. Once the patient is supine under the sions including the first division, patients with MS, signifi-
collimator head, local anaesthetic is used to secure the ste- cant comorbidities and failed MVD.
reotactic frame to the patient’s head. MRI is then performed
to locate the trigeminal nerve. Gamma knife is made up of Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation
201 intercepting beams of gamma radiation with a dose of (RFTC)
70–100  Gy, and it is targeted at REZ of trigeminal nerve. Failures and complications in failing to control the spread of
Radiosurgery can be done with or without frame-based alcohol in ganglionolysis led to thermocoagulation of the
method, with MRI or computerized tomography (CT) plan- Gasserian ganglion. This procedure thermocoagulates the
ning when there is contraindication to MRI. ganglion at temperatures above 65  °C, which selectively
GKRS can also be given using one or two isocenters/tar- ablates the Aδ and C pain fibres [96, 97].
get areas and targeting radiosurgery posteriorly at dorsal The procedure is carried out under a short-intermittent
REZ or anteriorly in retrogasserian zone. Lower dosages to general anaesthesia either under fluoroscopic control or
the root can be associated with fewer side effects, whereas radiologically guided. Patients are awake for the part of the
higher dosages provide better pain control with less risk of procedure to ensure correct positioning of the needle. The
recurrence but more side effects such as facial numbness. radiofrequency needle with a stylet is introduced through the
The benefits and risks of a higher dose must be carefully foramen ovale into Meckel’s cave using bony landmarks.
discussed with patients since bothersome facial numbness Transient bradycardia may occur at this juncture. Once the
may be an acceptable option for patients with severe pain. needle position at the trigeminal rootlet is confirmed by fluo-
Two studies showed that approximately it takes a month roscopy and radiographs, the stylet can be removed to intro-
for pain relief [91]. One of them is a multicentre study of 50 duce the electrocoagulation needle. The patient is awakened,
patients with a median follow-up of 18  months, which and the stimulation of the nerve root can be tested. A map-
showed the results of 58% pain free and 36% had significant ping of the paraesthesia is carried out to the trigger zones of
pain relief with a 6% failure rate. the neuralgia. Then, the patient is anaesthetized again for
However, when recurrence is evident after GKRS, repeat thermocoagulation, which is achieved with 0.2–1 V.  The
GKRS provides a similar rate of pain relief as the first proce- same procedure is repeated for 45–90s cycles at tempera-
dure. The best responses are observed when there is good tures of 60–90 °C. After each episode of thermocoagulation,
pain control after first procedure, with new sensory dysfunc- the patient is awakened and the sensory mapping is repeated
tion and in single division nerve distribution typical TN. again [19].
542 K. Ganesan and A. Thomson Glycerol Rhizotomy Oturi et al. published their 7 years follow-up series com-
This procedure was a chance finding by Håkansson and paring alcohol block, neurectomy and thermocoagulation.
colleagues whilst working on stereotactic gamma radiation They have found that up to 78% had recurrence with the neu-
for TN. They used glycerol mixed with tantalum dust as a rectomy cohort, and sadly, one of half of it recurred within a
radio-­opaque marker to visualize the trigeminal cistern and month. They reported the complications rate under 10%
discovered that it also abolished pain. They published the (dysesthesia and eye problems) on thermocoagulation and
first series of 75 patients with a mean follow-up of alcohol ganglionolysis patients [102].
18 months [98].
This procedure is done under local anaesthesia with seda-
tion. Similar to other percutaneous in the treatment of TN, the 26.9.2 Inferior Alveolar Nerve or Mental
aim is to safely place the needle at the gasserian ganglion Nerve Neurectomy
[99]. The advantage of being done awake allows the patient to
sit up, and a small dose of sterile glycerol is injected in small Ali FM et al. [103] suggest peripheral neurectomy in a rural
increments. Up to a total of 0.1–0.4 ml can be used based on set-up where there is a lack of highly trained and equipped
the number of divisions involved. Patients remain seated for neurosurgical facilities. It is an effective option for elderly
up to 2 h to allow glycerol to reach the intended root. patients and who are reluctant for opting for neurosurgical
This method is well tolerated with negligible mortality. intervention.
Commonly reported complications are meningitis, cranial
nerve palsies, local haematomas, reactivation of herpes labi- I nferior Alveolar Neurectomy via
alis and permanent masseter weakness [100]. Ginwala’s Access [103] (Video 26.1)
This procedure is done under local anaesthesia, with access
gained to the medial aspect of the ramus using an inverted
26.9 Peripheral Nerve Procedures Y-shaped incision. Once the incision is made, the mucoperi-
osteal flap is raised along the anterior aspect of the ramus.
26.9.1 Infraorbital Neurectomy The tendon of the temporalis and the medial pterygoid mus-
cle is raised off the bone for access to the lingula and once the
Peripheral neurectomies are a safe and cost-effective option inferior alveolar nerve is dissected free off the surrounding
for patients with medical co-morbidities, elderly and for tissues, the neurovascular bundle is clamped and cut below
population where there is lack of highly skilled neurosurgi- the clamp by electrocoagulation to achieve haemostasis.
cal centres. Pain relief can be lasting from 15 to 24 months. Following this, a separate buccal sulcus incision is made to
Loss of sensation and recurrences are associated with periph- identify the mental foramen and the end of inferior vascular
eral neurectomy. These are carried out by oral and maxillofa- bundle is identified and dissected off the surrounding tissues.
cial surgeons, and it is under reported to evaluate its benefits The bundle is then clamped and sectioned to avulse the neu-
over central neurosurgical interventions. rovascular bundle from the canal.
Access to infraorbital nerve is gained through a maxillary Based on the available literature, there is a role for periph-
vestibular approach. The infraorbital foramen is identified as eral neurectomy in selective cases where other treatments
it is exiting foramen and the nerve is released from the fora- have failed, and in patients with comorbidities and where
men by raising the periosteum around it. Care should be there is reluctancy of either clinician or the patient to opt for
taken as to ensure that there is no ‘pull’ to trunk of the nerve neurosurgical procedures. However, it is difficult to conclude
from the infraorbital canal. Reeling of the nerve is also a its role as a primary interventional procedure.
common practice, but sectioning of the nerve is done to elim-
inate the touch sensation, and there is no need to remove the
infraorbital canal portion of the nerve. 26.9.3 Cryotherapy
The nerve is then sectioned using diathermy to have a
bloodless field and nerve branches on the soft tissue side may Peripheral procedures in the management of TN result in
be closed over by releasing the surrounding periosteum to permanent sensory loss with the aim of achieving pain free
avoid regeneration. Similarly, infraorbital canal can be obtu- results, and therefore, alternative forms were sought.
rated with bone wax or chips of the bone carved around the Cryofreezing is performed on the surgically exposed nerve
canal. endings with temperatures of −50 to −70 °C [104]. Literature
Khanna and Galinde [101] published their successful shows that this procedure is well tolerated by the patients;
experience of 118 patients with 75% pain relief at a 1–5 year however, the results are sub-optimal. In a study published in
follow-up. 1988, 145 patients underwent 348 sessions of which 56%
26  Trigeminal Neuralgia 543

had more than one session. The pain-free effect lasted less ture fails to support their true efficacy and long-term
than 6 months in one half of patients, and at 12 months, only benefits.
27% were pain-­free [105]. It is also important to note that
61% of the patients remained on their previous medications.
The treatment it is well tolerated by the patients and were 26.10 Conclusion
willing to undergo repeated cryofreezing and the distinct
advantage is that the nerve damage is reversible. It is likely TN is the most severe type of pain humans ever face for an
that adjacent nerve branch reconnecting is the reason for the innocuous touch without any force, and it is debilitating to an
recurrence of the pain. Although the sensation is preserved extent that it was described historically as “suicide disease”
and nerve injury is reversible, its outcomes fall short of other until the development of the medications and various surgi-
peripheral procedures. It is reported that 4% of the patients cal procedures in the 1950s.
developed post-operative infections warranting antibiotic As an OMF surgeon, obtaining a good clinical history is
therapy and about 40% had suffered, some from pain ranging to rule out other potential pathologys including dental
from burning sensation, pins and needles to symptoms such focus. Patients may be initially present to a primary care
as a dull ache [105]. dentist or a physician with facial pain, and they should be
In summary, despite patient outcomes with this procedure aware of the medical management and the secondary care
and preserved sensation, there is little evidence to support team (oral medicine specialists, OMFS and neurologists)
this procedure in the role of management of TN where other involved to deliver the appropriate course of action. Usually,
surgical procedures are available. only those who are refractory to the drug therapy or unac-
ceptable drug-related side effects will be escalated further
to tertiary care for the consideration of complex central sur-
26.9.4 Alcohol Block gical procedure.
Peripheral surgical procedures are suitable for those who
Percutaneous ganglionic ganglionic blocks and peripheral are unable or unwilling to undergo complex and expensive
blocks have been used since the 1930s. Direct deposition of neurosurgical procedures. Peripheral procedures are safe
alcohol into the affected nerve peripheral branch causes with minimal morbidity and almost no mortality; however,
chemical ablation of the nerve. Essentially, alcohol causes there is a lack of evidence to show the recurrence rate and
destruction of nerve fibres. It can seep into the adjacent tis- associated long-term complications.
sues and cause necrosis, resulting in pain and local oedema. The management of TN patients should be carried out in
With a high-risk recurrence of pain and with a moderate risk a multidisciplinary setting to allow the patients to choose the
of developing dysesthesia, its use is restricted only in the best-suited option for them. It is also important to set up self-­
elderly or patients with comorbidities or those who are reluc- help groups to enable them to share knowledge and informa-
tant to undergo extensive neurosurgical procedures. tion for themselves and their family members for the best
An injection of 0.5–1.0 ml of absolute alcohol is injected possible outcomes.
directly into the affected nerve bundle under local anaesthe-
sia and injections have to be placed accurately to avoid dis-
sipation, which may result in  local damage. Utmost care References
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Part XI
Benign Pathologies of the Oral
and Maxillofacial Region
Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region”
Neelima Malik

Learning Targets 27.2 Definition

1. Definition and classification of the Cysts of the Oro-­ A cyst is explicitly defined as “A pathological (uni- or multi-
maxillofacial region. locular) sac that may or may not be lined by an epithelium
2. Etiopathogenesis, general features, and management of and filled with a fluid, semifluid, or gaseous contents and not
cysts in general created by the accumulation of pus” [1, 2].
3. Pathogenesis, clinical features, radiological picture, his-
topathology, and surgical management of common cystic
lesions. 27.3 G
 eneral Histopathological Common
Components of a Cyst

27.1 Introduction Cysts can be found in the facial bones as well as in the soft
tissues of the orofacial region.
A cyst is essentially an enclosed sac formed by the cluster of Cysts lined by an epithelium are more common in both
cells, which group together. The unique characteristic of a jawbones than any other regions of the body because of great
cyst is that the cells that form the outer covering of the sac many epithelial cell rests present in close proximity to the
are abnormal from the surrounding normal cells of that spe- developing jaw bones, and they are called True Cysts, e.g.,
cific region. There are various categories of cysts, which can radicular cyst, dentigerous cysts, etc.
occur almost anywhere within the human body’s hard and Pseudocysts do not have an epithelial lining, e.g., solitary
soft tissues, and their occurrences are very common. They bone cysts, Cysts of maxillary antrum, etc. [1] (Fig. 27.1).
vary in size from tiny microscopic to huge macroscopic vari- A cyst is a tissue-space occupying lesion/sac with a cavity
eties, and the large cysts can displace the adjoining normal in the center known as a Lumen. There is an outer fibrous
anatomical structures. connective tissue wall that separates the cyst from surround-
Once formed, sometimes, a cyst may resolve on its own, ing normal tissues. On the inner aspect of this wall, there is a
but in most cases, it keeps growing and needs surgical inter- cystic lining of epithelium, mostly made up of stratified
vention depending on its type and location. Cysts are usually squamous epithelium (Fig. 27.2). In some cases, there can be
nonaggressive, but certain groups of cysts show aggressive lining other than squamous epithelium.
behavior. The cysts of the oral and maxillofacial region are
the commonest pathological entities. Historically, mummi-
fied specimens in Egypt (400 BC to 2800 BC) showed the 27.4 Etiopathogenesis
presence of cysts [1].
The etiopathogenesis of orofacial cysts basically originates
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- from the remnants of the complex processes of embryonic
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_27) contains supple- tissue responsible for jaw and dental development. Such a
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
conversion does not occur in any other part of the body.
N. Malik (*) All True Cysts have their genesis from the epithelial rem-
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Krishna Institute of nants along with strong proliferative impetus and capability
Medical Sciences “Deemed to be University”, Karad, Maharashtra, for bone remodeling. Odontogenic cysts are derived from

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 549

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_27
550 N. Malik

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.1  Histological picture of a true (a) and pseudocyst (b)

Various Histopathological Components of A Cyst Table 27.1  Classification of cysts based on the embryological deriva-
tion sources (modified from Regezi et al. [3])
Origin of cell
Type Source rest Cyst variety
Odontogenic Cell rests of Epithelial Periapical
Cystic Cavity/Lumen rests malassez hertwig’s root (radicular) cyst
1 Reduced Enamel organ Dentigerous cyst
Rests of Epithelial Glandular
Epithelial Lining dental lamina connection odontogenic cyst,
2 (rest of between Lateral
Serres) mucosa and periodontal cyst,
enamel organ Odontogenic
keratocyst, and
3 Gingival cyst of
Connective Tissue Fibrous Wall-Capsule
newborn & adult
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Nonodontogenic Remnants of Paired Nasopalatine
Rests nasopalatine nasopalatine canal cyst and
Fig. 27.2  General broad histopathological characteristic components duct duct-vestigial Fissural cysts
of a Cyst; Epithelial lining-various types of epithelium can line a cyst
Remnants of Cysts of the
maxillary maxillary sinus
remnants of odontogenic epithelium of stomodeum, and sinus
inflammatory cysts are derived from infective process epithelium
(Table 27.1).
tors like decreased oxygen tension along with increased
CO2 tension.
Pathogenesis of a cyst is mainly divided into three The residual epithelial cells (Table  27.1) are impli-
stages: cated to initiate the process of cyst formation. Initiation is
(1) Cyst Initiation, (2) Cyst Formation, and (3) Cyst followed by the rapid growth of the epithelial cells and
enlargement or expansion the development of a cystic lesion.
2 . Cyst Formation—Nutritional deficiency theory
After initiation, proliferating epithelial cells form a mass
1. Cyst Initiation—unknown stimulus promotes the rapid inside the sac and the innermost central cells become
increase of epithelial rest cells via cytokine synthesis. The deprived of nutrients/blood supply, as they are far from
factors, which are suggested to be responsible for cyst ini- the source of nutrients. The innermost cells do not get
tiation phase, are mainly genetics, loss of immunological adequate blood supply, and so there is an ischemic
surveillance, inflammatory mediators, or some local fac- ­liquefactive necrosis in the center, leading to a cavity for-
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 551

mation, which is surrounded by growing epithelial cells. Hydrostatic Enlargement

Enhancement in intercellular edema and acid phospha-
tase activity leads to the formation of microcysts, which Biomechanical Theory
slowly start to form a larger cyst [4]. Intraluminal concentration and pressure differences between
3 . Cyst enlargement or expansion the cystic cavity and the peripheral growth surroundings
Once formed, the cyst continues to enlarge slowly, over influence fluid movement into the cyst, bringing about an
the months. increase in size.
The process is similar for all epithelial lined cysts with Cyst starts expanding and growing in size, with the
some variations. Many debatable hypotheses have been increase in intracystic pressure due to the intake of fluids
put forward regarding the definitive mechanism of cyst inside the cyst from the surrounding area. (The center of the
enlargement. cyst has higher concentration of sodium than the surrounding
serum, and so it tends to absorb water.)
27.4.1 Theories of Cyst Enlargement/ This increase in cyst size process is different from the
Expansion true autonomous growth, which is found in tumor cells
[5, 6]. M  ural Growth & Peripheral Cell Secondary proliferation of epithelial cells is, thus, a result
Division of increased volume pressure within the cystic cavity, as a
(a) Epithelial proliferation-peripheral cell division, (b) result of osmosis. An osmotic concentration gradient is cre-
Accumulation of the contents within the lumen. ated as a result of degradation and metabolic by-products,
Due to Proliferation or rapid increase in the number of which are taken up inside the cyst.
cells and by the active division of peripheral lining epithelial Due to the rapid increase in the osmotic gradient, the fluid
cells, surface area of cystic sac increases and the ­enlargement from the surrounding region diffuses in the cystic cavity,
of a cyst at the circumference is noted along with the accu- increasing internal hydrostatic pressure and thereby resulting
mulation of cellular contents [4, 5]. in the expansion of the cyst (Fig. 27.3).

Fig. 27.3  The phase of enlarge- Hypertonic contents / High osmotic gradient
ment of a cyst

Cystic lumen Movement of water

{Increase in hydrostatic
pressure / Increase in
Inflamatory exudate,
cell breakdown products}

Cyst wall expansion

Cyst wall -semipermiable membrane

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
552 N. Malik Bone Resorbing Factor caused by Prostaglandin-induced osteoclastic activity.

In intraosseous cysts, resorption of the surrounding bone Bone resorption is mediated as a result of production of
also increases the size of bony cavity. PGE-2 and PGE-3 by dental cysts. Prostaglandin-2 and
other by-products are part of arachidonic acid metabo-
Biochemical and Cellular Aspects of the Cyst lism [8].
Newer research points to the role of molecular biology in cyst The production of prostaglandin-2 can be triggered by
proliferation, over older theories of bone loss resulting from Interleukin-1. Meghji et  al. [9] summarized that odontogenic
osmotic gradient. The cystic capsule produces bone resorbing cysts produce interleukin-1, which in turn triggers the produc-
factors like prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and osteoclasts. tion of Prostaglandin-2, resulting in osteoclastic bone resorption
and cyst enlargement. Most dental cysts demonstrate a common
(A) Bone degeneration in the jaw bone is brought by
growth mechanism though radicular and developmental cysts
Collagenase (breakdown of collagen), providing room may be initiated by different factors (Flow Chart 27.1).
for cysts to develop. Body’s immune mechanism
releases cytokines and growth factors due to the connec-
tive tissue breakdown, which contributes to the mobili- 27.5 H
 istorical Evolution of the WHO
zation and proliferation of epithelial cells in the area. Classification Systems
Evidence-based studies showed that collagenase
activities in cystic capsule result in bone degeneration Many researchers including WHO have tried to put forward
by destruction of the collagen [6, 7]. a uniform, globally accepted nomenclatures and classifica-

(B) Prostaglandin theory—Bone resorption caused by tions for the cysts of orofacial region. But still there is a con-
metabolism of acidic matter produced in the cysts lends tinuous debate going on, and therefore, various classifications
to the cystic growth. These are the substances produced are cited in the literature. WHO in 1992 [2] had classified
by the cyst itself, which include Prostaglandin-2 and cysts into two main categories as odontogenic and nonodon-
Interleukin-­1. Along with the epithelial cell division, the togenic, with further subsets as developmental and inflam-
cyst enlarges within the jaw bone due to bone resorption matory (Flow Charts 27.2 and 27.3).

Flow Chart 27.1 Potential

mechanism of bone resorption in Potential Mechanism
a radicular cyst of bone resorption
in Radicular cyst

Bacterial antigens & other irritants

Collagenase, Prostaglandins, Osteoclast Stimulation
lead to necrotic pulp

Inflammation of cystic capsule

Chronic inflammatory cell Bone
Activation of fibroblasts

Flow Chart 27.2  Basic classifi- Cysts of The Jaws

cation of cysts of jaws

Pseudocysts True cysts-Epithelial lined cysts

(Non epithelial lined cyts)

Odontogenic Non Odontogenic

Fissural Cysts

Developmental Inflammatory
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 553

Flow Chart 27.3 Classification

of pseudocysts Classification of Pseudocysts

Traumatic Developmental

Aneurysmal Hemorrhagic bone Static / Stafne’s bone Osteoporotic bone
cyst cyst marrow defect

Other non epithelial pseudocysts

ii.Cysts associated
with maxillary antrum
iii.Cysts of soft tissues
of mouth, face & neck
in.Cysts of salivary

Table 27.2  According to Shear [1], cysts of orofacial region are cate- The cysts of the jaws are divided into those that are:
gorized under three major groups:
I. Cysts of the jaws I. Cysts of the jaws
II. Cysts associated with the maxillary antrum A. Epithelial-lined cysts
III. Cysts of the soft tissues of the mouth, face, and neck. 1. Developmental origin
(a) Odontogenic Developmental cysts
(i) Odontogenic keratocyst
This simple classification did not include Calcifying (ii) Dentigerous cyst
odontogenic cyst (COC), cysts involving maxillary sinus (iii) Developmental lateral periodontal cyst
and nonodontogenic soft tissue cysts. WHO in 2005 [10] (iv) Gingival cyst of infants
reclassified the cysts into epithelial and nonepithelial (v) Eruption cyst
varieties, which were further divided into odontogenic (vi) Gingival cyst of adults
and nonodontogenic types. At this time, COC—calcify- (vii) Glandular odontogenic cyst
ing odontogenic cyst—and Odontogenic Keratocysts (viii) Calcifying odontogenic cyst
(OKCs) were not considered as cystic entities, but they (ix) Botryoid odontogenic cyst
were listed as keratocystic odontogenic tumors— (b) Nonodontogenic Developmental cysts
KCOT—and calcifying cystic odontogenic tumors— (i) Midpalatalraphé cyst of infants
CCOT—respectively. The justification for this new OKC (ii) Nasolabial cyst
designation was the high recurrence rate and aggressive (iii) Nasopalatine duct cyst
behavior along with association with mutations in PTCH 2. Odontogenic Inflammatory origin
gene. This reclassification led to a lot of confusion, and it (i) Radicular cyst, apical, and lateral
was not accepted by many. But in 2017, the peer group of (ii) Paradental cyst and juvenile paradental cyst
WHO did not think that there was sufficient affirmation (iii) Residual cyst
for classifying both OKC and COC as neoplasms. (iv) Inflammatory collateral cyst
Therefore, in 2017 again, both these lesions were put B. Nonepithelial-lined pseudocysts
back in the cyst category [11]. (i) Solitary bone cyst
Among so many classifications, Shear (2007) has sug- (ii) Aneurysmal bone cyst
gested a comprehensive classification of cysts with good II. Cysts associated with the maxillary antrum
understanding of cystic lesions of mouth, face, and neck (i) Retention cyst
region [1] (Table 27.2). (ii) Mucocele
554 N. Malik

III. Cysts of the soft tissues of the mouth, face, and neck
(i) Dermoid and epidermoid cysts Box 27.2 Diagnosis of the Cystic Lesion Can Be Arrived
(ii) Thyroglossal duct cyst by the Following Steps
(iii) Lymphoepithelial (branchial) cyst
(iv) Anterior median lingual cyst (intralingual cyst of A. History
foregut origin) B. Clinical Examination (signs and symptoms, site,
(v) Nasopharyngeal cyst inspection, palpation, percussion, teeth vitality
(vi) Oral cysts with gastric or intestinal epithelium check, and aspiration of the cystic content)
(oral alimentary tract cyst) C. Radiographic examination
(vii) Cystic hygroma D. Biopsy (to ascertain histopathological features

(viii) Thymic cyst leading to final diagnosis)

27.6 Prevalence of Cysts

Box 27.3 History
Quite a large number of studies are conducted on jaw cysts,
but detailed information on demographic profiles in different History: Duration of the complaints/progress is also
populations is limited and most have focused on odontogenic important. History of pain, loose teeth, occlusion
cysts [12, 13] (Box 27.1 and Fig. 27.4). change, intraoral/extraoral swelling/discharge, or sinus
track, missing teeth, and delayed eruption of teeth
should be noted.
Box 27.1 Prevalence of Dento-orofacial Cysts

27.7 G
 eneral Key Attributes Regarding an
• The jaw cysts are more common than cysts of other Oro-maxillo-­Facial Cyst-Signs &
bones in the body [12]. Symptoms (Boxes 27.2 and 27.3)
• Prevalence of odontogenic cysts is higher (90%)
than nonodontogenic cysts in the jaws [12, 13] Signs and symptoms of a cyst depend on its size and site.
• The commonest varieties are periapical cyst (65%), Small cysts are detected as an incidental finding during rou-
dentigerous cyst (24%), and OKC (5–8%) [12, 13] tine radiographic examination. Large cyst after enlargement
• Inflammatory cysts account for 36%, whereas can be noticed first by the patient himself, or there can be
developmental cysts represent 27% of all cysts. 4% facial disfigurement noticed by others. Generally, cysts are
cysts are either unclassifiable or nonepithelial symptoms free, unless they get infected secondarily.
(Lucas and WHO classification) [12, 13] If the cyst has not enlarged beyond its normal anatomical
boundaries of the jaw bone, then its lump cannot be palpated
Age: Range from the 1st to 9th decades. Peak inci- intraorally or extraorally. The majority of cysts expand very
dence is seen between 21 and 30 years of age. slowly, and the surrounding bone gets time to form fresh
Sex: More prevalent in males, with a male to female subperiosteal new bony layer around the lesion, which iso-
ratio of 1.4:1 [12, 13] lates the lesion.
Site: Review of literature suggests mandibular pre-
ponderance and may imply a higher tendency for acti- On Palpation
vation of cell rests to cystic degeneration in the
mandible. 1. During early stage, smooth, bony hard, and painless

prominence can be felt.
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 555

Fig. 27.4  Typical locations of

odontogenic and nonodontogenic
cysts Mucous retention Incisive canal
cyst cyst
Radicular cyst

Static bone Dentigerous cyst

cavity Residual cyst
bone cyst

Eruption cyst Nasolabial cyst

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

2. Later on “eggshell crackling” can be felt at the thinned Examination of the sinus track and discharge from sinus
out less mineralised cortex. track should be checked for cholesterol crystals or pus. Salty,
3. When the cyst grows in volume, the outer cortex is thinned sweet, or unpleasant taste of the discharge is noted.
out, due to the loss of bone mineral content and may show At this stage, patient may complain of pain. Loosening of
“Ping Pong/Table Tennis Ball” springy consistency, or adjacent teeth or displacement of the teeth out of their nor-
4. Fluctuation can be felt in its center, where the cyst has mal arch alignment can happen. Very rarely, depending on
eroded the bone and the cystic sac fuses with oral mucosa. the variety of cyst, as it enlarges to an enormous size, it may
Cysts, which show buccal cortical expansion, are still resorb adjoining teeth/roots, as well as bone, and may end
mostly covered with a thin layer of the new bone. Cysts up in pathological fracture of the jaw bone. As most cysts
are typically slow growing and tissue space occupying enlarge at a slow pace, and even in the large lesions, the
lesions and have the capacity to displace or replace nor- inferior alveolar canal usually gets displaced and there will
mal tissues. They form compressible, fluctuant swelling, be no altered sensation (anesthesia or paraesthesia).
if encroached into the soft tissues, and if they are very Paraesthesia and/or anesthesia of the lower lip can exist in
close to the mucosal surface, then bluish tinge is seen. A aggressive or acutely infected cysts. Percussion of involved
majority of cysts show buccal cortical expansion as the teeth will produce a dull or hollow sound. Usually, high-
cyst grows in size, but in some aggressive cases, lingual pitched sound is obtained on the uninvolved teeth.
or both buccal and lingual expansion can be seen, which Edentulous patient will complain of ill-fitting denture due to
produces facial disfigurement. the bulge. Periapical cysts are always seen in relation to one
or more nonvital teeth. A large maxillary anterior region
A cyst may become secondarily infected, and pus dis- cyst may cause distortion of nostril shape and show nasal
charge may be seen into the oral cavity via a sinus tract. congestion. Diagnosis can vary as per the site of the lesion,
556 N. Malik

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.5  Clinical examination: extraoral inspection; (a) extraoral tion showing obvious bulge in right buccal vestibule. (Courtesy Dr,
swelling on the right cheek area, (b) head position for inspection of Kumar Nilesh, SDS, Karad)
swelling and comparison with normal side, and (c) intraoral examina-

age of the patient, clinical, radiological, and histopathologi- size of a lesion. Dental panoramic or maxillofacial Cone
cal examination (Fig. 27.5). Beam CT provides good imaging for most of these cystic
lesions. They help to define site, size, extent, and marginal
outline of the lesion.
27.7.1 V
 itality Test of the Involved Teeth Intraoral film: For smaller lesions, minimum of two films
in the Lesion are taken at right angles to one another. Periapical and occlu-
sal views may be taken.
In cysts other than radicular cysts or inflammatory peri- Extraoral film-used for larger lesions. Panoramic/
odontal cyst, there is no compromise in blood supply of Orthopantograms, Lateral oblique views, and Water’s view
the teeth, and so teeth vitality is preserved. Vital teeth are may be taken.
associated with odontogenic keratocyst, solitary bone cyst, Patient may be referred for CT scan or MRI in cases of
lateral periodontal cyst, etc. In inflammatory cysts, the extensive aggressive lesion or recurrent lesions to know the
vitality of all involved and adjoining teeth should be exact expanse, proximity to the important vital structures/
checked. adjacent anatomical structures, perforations, and multilobu-
lated/multicystic character. If there is suspicious extraosse-
ous lesion with soft tissue extension or malignancy, then it is
27.7.2 Radiographic Examination also indicated. Postoperative imaging helps to assess the rate
of regression and bone regeneration.
Radiographic picture of a cyst is not always pathognomonic.
It will depend not only on cyst category, but also the variants General Radiographic Picture
related to its duration, location, and degree of expansion and 1. Radiographically, intrabony cysts, small or large, form
the presence or absence of infection. When the patient is sharply defined unilocular or multilocular radiolucency
referred for X-rays, the type of film used will depend on the with or without cortication.
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 557

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.6  Different radiological picture of the cystic lesions as per the (ascending ramus cyst away from teeth), and (d) collateral type (adja-
types: (a) replacement type (cyst in place of third molar), (b) envelop- cent to the roots of the teeth)
mental type (cyst enveloping lower third molar), (c) extraneous type

2 . The presence of septae can be seen. 27.7.3 Aspiration

3. The shape of a cyst will vary, depending on the type;
round or oval in radicular or dentigerous cysts, scalloped The orofacial cyst contains fluid in its cystic cavity, which
margins in odontogenic keratocyst, traumatic bone cyst, varies in consistency, color, and protein content, and helps in
pear-shaped, heart-shaped in nasopalatine or incisive differentiating and arriving at a provisional diagnosis based
canal cyst. on these observations. These findings should be remembered
4. Cortical expansion, perforations, or pathological frac-
to be able to diagnose any cyst, which may be encountered in
tures may be seen. the clinical practice. An aspiration biopsy of a cyst is the
5. Displacement or compression may be noticed on the norm for initial diagnosis of all cysts.
adjacent dentition, maxillary sinus, or neurovascular
bundle. • Aspiration with syringe is always positive for most of the
odontogenic cysts. Aspiration can be carried out after the R adiological Classification of Jaw Cysts clinical examination is over or at the time of planned inci-
(Shear) [1] sional biopsy. Aspiration and excision biopsy can be done
• Replacement type: cyst that forms in place of normal in the same sitting for small lesions.
tooth • Aspiration of Intralesional fluid is done using a wide bore
• Envelopmental type: cyst that embraces an adjacent needle of 18 gauge and 5 ml syringe under local anesthe-
unerupted tooth sia. It is a very valuable provisional diagnostic aid with
• Extraneous type: cyst that occurs in ascending ramus simple procedure with least discomfort. Inability to retract
away from the teeth the plunger may be due to a solid mass. Introduce a needle
• Collateral type: cyst that occurs near the roots of the teeth occlusally, as this area is usually thinner than buccal or
(Fig. 27.6) lingual side (Fig. 27.7).
558 N. Malik

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.7  Aspirated cystic fluid; (a) aspiration from infected radicular cyst, (b) aspiration from infected keratocyst

27.7.4 Cystic Fluids Table 27.3  Various cystic lesions and their aspirates
Types of cysts Aspirate color Aspirates’ other findings
Cystic contents are different ranging from clear yellow Dentigerous Cyst Absolutely Shimmering Cholesterol
fluid to a creamy or cheese like semisolid liquid. The con- Inflammatory Clear and faint crystals.
tent can be examined for its color, consistency and for the Cyst straw/golden Resembles serum.
color liquid Aggregate Total protein
existence shimmering cholesterol clefts or crystals >4 gm/100 ml.
(microscopic examination of cholesterol crystal shows an Odontogenic Dirty, creamy Floating of desquamated
envelope with cut-corner appearance). Electron micro- Keratocyst white, and keratin flakes, Less than
scopic examination reveals the presence of various pro- viscoid/thick 4 gm/100 ml of Aggregate
suspension Total protein. The
tein fractions like alpha and beta globulin , a­ lbumin, flecks
predominant presence of
of keratin, as well as total protein content along with inor- Albumin is seen, which is less
ganic phosphates [14] (Table 27.3). soluble.
Periodontal Cyst Absolutely Cholesterol clefts/crystals. B  iochemical Analysis of the Cystic Clear and faint Aggregate Total protein
straw/golden 5–11 gm per 100 ml.
Fluid color liquid
Toller has opined that by an active cellular transport mecha- Infected radicular Presence of Pus Polymorphonuclear
nism, the proteins are drawn into the cystic fluid by immuno- Cyst or brown color leukocytes and cholesterol
globulin (Ig) producing cells. Estimation of IgA, IgG, and IgM fluid crystals
levels in cystic fluid can be done quantitatively [15]. Smith Mucocele and Sticky, viscous, Secreted by salivary glands
Ranula and thick
et al. [16] concluded in their study that the most of the cystic Mucus
fluids show the presence of proteins with higher molecular Gingival Cysts Clear fluid
weight. This is due to the fact that the semipermeable intraepi- Solitary Bone Serous type of Necrotic material in blood clot
thelial channels facilitate the passage of lactoferrin into the Cyst fluid;
cystic lumen.
blood is
The cystic fluid, which is collected via aspiration biopsy, aspirated, or
can be biochemically analyzed for their protein content esti- empty cavity is
mation by Cellulose acetate membrane (CAM) electrophore- found
sis. First, the cystic fluid is transferred to the centrifuge Stafne’s Bone On aspiration
Cyst air is drawn—
machine for the removal cell debris and deposits at 2000 rev/ Idiopathic bone Empty cavity
min for 5 min. cavity
Since electrophoresis studies the movement of charged Dermoid Cyst Sebaceous thick
particles through an electrolyte, which is subjected to an material
Fissural Cysts Mucoid liquid
electric field, and it separates different proteins as per
Unicystic chocolate brown
their physical properties, the fluid free of debris is then ameloblastoma fluid
studied qualitatively and quantitatively. The protein mix- Hemangioma-­ Syringe full of
ture is applied to the end of the CAM strip. Scanning of intramedullary fresh venous
these impregnated CAM strips can be carried out using a cavernous blood
densitometer for the quantitative estimation of protein A-V malformation Bright red
Arterial or blood, pulsatile,
fractions. arteriovenous pushes plunger
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 559

27.7.5 Biopsy
Box 27.6 Goals of Surgery
Incisional (for large lesions) or excisional (for small lesions)
biopsy and histopathological examination of the specimen is • Complete elimination of the pathology, minimiz-
the gold standard to arrive at final diagnosis. ing the recurrence rate & morbidity for the
patient, and improving the quality of life
27.8 V
 arious Surgical Treatment Modalities • Minimum trauma to the adjacent important struc-
for Cystic Lesion tures like dentition and nerves
• Restore/Preserve/Maintain function & esthetics
With all the investigation results in hand, the surgeon will
have a clear idea of the type, the location, extent, and behav-
ior of the lesion. A final diagnosis is then obtained, and a
suitable surgical line of treatment is decided upon (Boxes Box 27.7 Factors for the Choice of Optimum Surgical
27.4, 27.5, 27.6, 27.7, 27.8, 27.9, and 27.10). Strategy/Treatment
Patient factors & lesion characteristics
Box 27.4 Clinical Tips
• Patient’s age & general health and coexistence of
Incisional Biopsy: For large lesions, a “representative”
NBCCS-Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome/
section of the lesion is incised with the help of a scal-
any other syndrome
pel along with the normal tissue and sent for histopath-
• Patient’s reliability to follow up
ological evaluation. An elliptical, wedge-shaped tissue
• Size of the lesion & whether solitary/multiple
is obtained with the “V” of the wedge converging into
• Uni/multilocular
the deeper tissues. The depth of the biopsy should be
• Location of the lesion-surgical access
enough to obtain a representative area of the lesion.
• Cortical perforation/Soft tissue/adjacent structure
Excisional Biopsy: It is a combination of diagnostic
and curative procedure and is suitably smaller for
• Presence or absence of infection
lesions <1  cm. In these cases, the entire lesion is
• History of recurrence/previous surgery
excised in toto at the same sitting and sent for histo-
• Histological variant
pathological examination.

Box 27.5 Reasons for the Definitive Treatment Box 27.8 Conservative Surgical Treatment

• Cysts continue to grow and show a tendency to • Decompression alone-placement of a drainage

increase slowly in size tube-palliative (decrease in lesion size)
• They can get secondarily infected • Decompression followed by Enucleation along
• Cyst can make the jaw bone weak, leading to patho- with adjuvant therapy (two-staged procedure)
logical fracture • Marsupialization Alone (creating a pouch)
• Few cysts can undergo transformation to aggressive • Marsupialization followed by Enucleation
pathological lesions like ameloblastoma or squa- (Waldron’s method) [17] (two-staged procedure)
mous cell carcinoma • Enucleation Alone with packing, with primary clo-
• Cysts prevent eruption of teeth (as in the case of a sure, or with primary closure with bone grafting/
dentigerous cyst) reconstruction
• Cysts can involve neighbouring structures like • Enucleation along with excision of overlying oral
teeth, maxillary sinus, nasal cavity, inferior alveolar mucosa (Stoelinga protocol [18])
nerve, etc. • Enucleation followed by various Adjuvant
560 N. Malik

Decompression can be achieved under L.A. by creating a

Box 27.9 Enucleation with Adjunctive Modalities to small opening in the cystic wall and keeping it patent with a
Eliminate the Microscopic Pathologies surgical drain. Acrylic tubes, Luer syringes, polyethylene
tubes, nasopharyngeal airways, or nasal cannula or intrave-
• Peripheral ostectomy (Mechanical/physical meth- nous tubes have been used by fixing them with sutures or
ods, Hand instruments like curettes, & use of rotary wires to keep the opening in the cyst patent, through which
bur for removal of perimeter of investing bone) the cystic lumen is flushed twice/thrice everyday with saline/
• Chemical cauterization treatment with Carnoy solu- antiseptic wash.
tion (1.5 mm depth of bone penetration/5 min) Cysts of the lower jaw are normally evacuated through
• Electrocauterization is used for buccal and lingual opening into the oral cavity, and maxillary cysts can be
perforation area. drained either into the oral cavity, the maxillary sinus or
• Cryotherapy (use of liquid nitrogen after nasal cavity [17] (Fig. 27.8).
• Multidisciplinary Sequential treatment (MST) Marsupialization
Approach (decompression, enucleation, peripheral It is a surgical procedure, whereby a cystic sac is modified or
ostectomy, and cauterizing bone cavity by carbolic deroofed to convert it into a pouch. This results in a self-­
acid) (Sun et al. [19]) sustaining stoma/opening or outlet, which in turn reduces
intracystic hydrostatic pressure. It is basically a surgical
externalization of the cystic cavity by creating an opening in
the superficial aspect of the cyst. The resected portion is sent
Box 27.10 Aggressive Surgical Treatment for histopatholgical study. The remainder borders of the cys-
tic wall are then sutured to the surrounding edges of the oral
• Resection without causing a continuity defect-­ mucosa, thus converting an enclosed sac, into an open pouch,
peripheral ostectomy exposing the cystic lining or epithelium to the oral environ-
• Resection with a continuity defect–segmental ment. This procedure decreases the volume and size of the
resection lesion and promotes the speedy healing and new bone forma-
• Resection along with disarticulation of condyle tion. This option is more precise compared to the decompres-
sion method. Marsupialization may be used as a solo
treatment regime for a cyst or as a prior step to final second
stage enucleation [17].
27.8.1 Conventional Surgical Options
Surgical Procedure  In Marsupialization, after locally anesthe-
The objective of the choosing any particular surgical method tizing the buccal/labial area, an oval/elliptical incision is taken
is to minimize patient morbidity and reduce the recurrence to make a surgical window spanning 1 cm into a cyst; the win-
rate. Surgical procedures for treating cystic lesions are often dow cover consisting of oral mucosa, thinned out bony cortex
put into two categories; conservative or aggressive (Boxes and cystic lining, is removed, and the boundaries of the cystic
27.8, 27.9, and 27.10). lining around the surgical opening are sutured to the surround-
Decompression and marsupialisation (cystotomy): ing oral mucosa. In the case of a thick bony cover over a cyst, an
Partsch I operation of the cysts is presumably the earliest treat- inverted U-shaped incision is planned with a wider base in the
ment. Enucleation or cystectomy with primary closure is also buccal sulcus, mucoperiosteal flap is reflected, and bony win-
known as Partsch II procedure (Partsch 1892, 1910) [17]. dow is removed cautiously with burs or rongeurs. The excised
Decompression, marsupialisation: both methods achieve tissue of the window created must be subjected to histopatho-
evacuation of the cystic contents by creating a surgical open- logical study. The contents of the cyst are sucked out, and the
ing in the cystic wall. These procedures preserve the continu- residual lining of the cyst is inspected. The remainder cystic
ity of the cystic lesion with the oral/nasal cavity or maxillary cavity is irrigated thoroughly to lavage any residual debris. The
sinus. residual cystic cavity is inspected carefully for any abnormal
findings like ulcerative lesions or possible dysplastic/neoplastic Decompression areas.The cystic cavity is then packed with ribbon gauze strip
Decompression of a cyst is achieved by a minor surgical pro- soaked with tincture of benzoin or iodoform/white head’s var-
cedure, which decreases the intracystic hydrostatic pressure, nish or paraffin, or an antibiotic ointment, or bismuth iodine
which is responsible for cyst expansion. Subsequently, paraffin paste-BIPP, with its end protruding through the
decompression allows for the bone remodeling and bone fill. opening.
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 561

a Decompression through the oral cavity

Decompression tube

Cyst lining

Decompression through the

oral cavity

c d

Cyst lining Cyst lining

Decompression into
Decompression through
the nasal cavity
maxillary sinus

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.8  Decompression of a cystic lesion by creating a small opening and keeping it patent by inserting a drain. (a, b) Decompression through
oral cavity, (c) maxillary sinus, (d) nasal cavity
562 N. Malik

This packed gauze strip is left in situ for 2 weeks, until the Table 27.4  Indications, advantages & disadvantages of decompres-
line of junction between the cystic lining and oral mucosa is sion & marsupialization
healed. After it is removed from the cystic cavity, the patient Indications Advantages Disadvantages
needs to irrigate/gargle with antiseptic mouthwash frequently •  Very large cyst •  Very simple •  Leaves pathological
in proximity to procedures, not tissue behind
in a day to prevent food accumulation. The flushing has to be much skill •  It takes longer healing
vital structures
continued for many following months, until the bone fill and •  When apices of needed, and done time
complete healing is noticed. many adjacent under L.A. •  Needs patient
Later on, acrylic plate or plug/obturator can be prepared teeth are •  Prevents commitments to
involved in iatrogenic injury maintain hygiene with
to protect the healing cavity and used until it gets obliterated to vital structures repeated irrigations
large cyst
over a period of time, but as the healing progresses, the plug •  Guided •  Avoids and for long follow-up
needs periodic adjustments (Table 27.4). Assistance for pathological •  Second surgical
eruption of fracture intervention may be
developing •  Gradually needed.
teeth- young decreases the •  Not recommended for
27.8.2 Modification of Marsupialization-­ children with cystic cavity, mentally challenged
Waldron’s Method—Two-Staged developing preserving patients with multiple
Procedure [17] teeth buds or adjacent oral cystic lesions.
unerupted teeth tissues •  Inability to examine
•  Possibility of •  Maintains the the whole cystic lining
Usually, once the cystic lesion regresses in size after initial creating a pulp vitality, histopathologically is
marsupialization procedure, enucleation is carried out as a pathological avoiding dental also a matter of
second stage surgery. fracture of a jaw extractions concern sometimes
bone •  There is a change and may miss out
The larger or inaccessible cyst is initially marsupialized, •  Difficult in the nature of mural pathologic
and bony healing in progress is observed. As the cystic cavity Surgical access the fragile cystic changes
decreases to a relatively small size, then complete surgical for large lining, which
removal is possible by enucleation. The proper time for sec- multilocular becomes thick or
cyst converts to
ondary enucleation is when bone covers adjoining vital struc- •  Medically normal mucosa,
tures. This protective shield of new bone prevents their injury compromised or and thereby,
during secondary enucleation, also provides adequate strength debilitated secondary
to the basal jaw bone, and prevents pathological fracture. patients enucleation
•  To detect any becomes easy.
In a cyst associated with developing tooth bud, as soon as occult •  Reduce the
the tooth erupts into the dental arch alignment, there may not Pathology by intracystic
be any residual cystic lining left to enucleate. Decompression visual pressure and
and/or marsupialization with less morbidity and preservation inspection induce endosteal
bone formation
of adjoining vital structures has a good rate of success over
many other aggressive treatments (Figs. 27.9 and 27.10).
thelial lining of a cyst and cystic cavity bony wall. This layer
acts as a cleavage point for separating the cystic lining from
27.8.3 Enucleation or Cystectomy or Partsch II the jaw bone and makes surgical procedure of enucleation
(Videos 27.1 and 27.2) easy, as we carry out stripping of periosteal layer from the
jaw bone. The surgical cavity gets filled with the blood clot
Enucleation or Cystectomy or Partsch II with and without and eventually gets organized into bone formation.
adjunct procedures has been validated as the most appropri-
ate surgical modality for almost all cysts of the orofacial
region, with various adjunct procedures as deemed fit for Surgical Procedure
individual case. The small cysts can be treated with local anesthesia, but
To enucleate is “complete removal or excision in toto larger cysts need to be treated under general anesthesia.
from its envelope without rupture.” With this, no bone, other As per the size and site of the lesion, the mucoperiosteal
than required for surgically accessing the lesion, is removed. flap is designed, following the right surgical principles. If
It is the most versatile treatment modality, and many the bone over the lesion is thinned out, access can be
researchers have said that the surgical enucleation of a cyst in gained by removal of the cortical bone by rongeurs. But if
one piece has been known to reduce the rate of recurrence. the bony cortex overlying the access area is hard and
An enucleation procedure is possible because of the pres- thick, then the osseous window is created by using rotary
ence of a fibrous connective tissue layer in between the epi- burs.
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 563

a b c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.9  Diagrammatic representation of Marsupialization proce- cystic cavity open into oral cavity, and (d) diagrammatic representation
dure; (a) creation of opening on the buccal side of a cyst, (b) suturing of Marsupialization procedure
remaining cystic lining to oral mucosa, (c) final suturing to keep the

After complete enucleation procedure is over, the entire change of this packing is advocated after irrigating the cav-
cavity is inspected for proximity of the adjoining vital struc- ity, until new granulation tissue has filled up the cavity and
tures and for the remnants of the pathological tissues.. In complete epithelisation of the wound has taken place
large extensive cysts, usually the neurovascular bundle is (Fig. 27.11).
pushed to one side by the slowly growing lesion, and in these
cases, atraumatic enucleation should be carried out. Irrigation E nucleation Along with the Adjunct
and cleaning of the entire bony cavity with saline will assist Procedures
in visualising/inspecting it. The roughened bony edges of the Enucleation with different adjuncts has been carried out
cavity are then smoothened with a file or rotary bur before since many years.
final suturing.
Cysts that include tooth roots or certain areas of the jaws, A. Enucleation with Peripheral Ostectomy
which are surgically inaccessible, require thorough curet- It is basically used as an additional adjunctive step for
tage, in order to remove fragile cystic lining fragments. If peripheral bone trimming for avoiding resection, as
devitalization of the teeth is brought about during enucle- almost all hypotheses for recurrence point out toward the
ation, then the affected teeth should be treated with root possibility of leaving residual pathological fragments
canal fillings. behind, especially, in the large cyst with scalloped bor-
ders or cysts with difficult access. Here, a greater risk of
incomplete excision may exist. Adjunct procedure of
Clinical Tips: If the patient is young and the lesion is peripheral ostectomy may be carried out in cases of cysts,
involving multiple anterior teeth, the teeth can be which have high recurrence rate, e.g., Odontogenic
retained after root canal treatment and apicectomy, Keratocyst. A peripheral ostectomy with rotary bur with
provided thorough inter-radicular curettage by using sterile irrigation helps to remove all the microscopic
small periodontal instruments. residual pathological tissue. The procedure is followed to
If the teeth show a great degree of mobility and in remove the lesion in one piece along with an enveloping
the case of recurrent lesion, they should be extracted. border of bone, and hence, the possibility of iatrogenic
rupture of the cystic capsule or leaving its fragments
behind is greatly reduced. A minimum 2–5  mm bony
margin inclusion for peripheral ostectomy is supposed to
Enucleation of a cyst is followed by watertight suturing be adequate. In the case of thin inferior border of man-
over the sound bone. To achieve this, sometimes, mobiliza- dible, reinforcement with reconstruction plate is advo-
tion of the soft tissue flaps with advancement is required. If cated. This can also be accomplished by means of
complete surgical suturing is not possible, then the defect mechanical hand instruments like a sharp curette. The
should be packed with stripped ribbon gauze soaked with an recurrence of the cyst can be prevented by this
antibiotic ointment or BIPP/White head’s varnish. Frequent procedure.
564 N. Malik

b c

d e

Fig. 27.10  (CLINICAL CASE SCENARIO): (a) OPG showing the the cystic content, (d) healing of the wound after marsupialisation, (e)
large radiolucent lesion extending in the mandibular body with impacted acrylic plate was constructed to cover the wound, (f) 6 months follow-
canine at the inferior border, (b) CT scan of the same patient showing ­up, lesion reducing in size, and (g) OPG after six months showing the
multilocular radiolucent lesion with embedded canine, (c) a large open- reduction in size of the cyst. The patient is advised to undergo second
ing was created in the anterior body mandible region, and roof of the stage surgery for enucleation and extraction of impacted canine.
cyst along with oral mucosa was removed along with the evacuation of Courtesy-Prof.Vidya Rattan, PGI, Chandigarh
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 565

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.10 (continued)

B. Enucleation and application of Carnoy solution to the The protocol of carrying out enucleation followed by
bony defect the application of Carnoy’s solution in the treatment of
Many a times, due to the thin, friable wall and the pres- locally aggressive cysts, like OKCs, lowers the recurrence
ence of many small satellite cysts, there is a difficulty of rate and morbidity. During the application of Carnoy’s
enucleating it in one piece. Hence, the surgical treatment solution, the neurovascular bundle can be protected by
is focused on eliminating all residual epithelial frag- using bone wax cover or wooden spatula or paraffin gauze.
ments. In order to achieve this, a mild, judiciously pene- Dashow et  al. studied and compared the use of
trating, and cauterizing agent like Carnoy’s solution is Carnoy’s solution versus modified carnoy’s solution in
utilized. It has a mean bone penetration depth of 1.54 mm, cases of OKCs and stated that the recurrence is almost
with an application time of 5 minutes. (Carnoy’s solu- eliminated, and the results are comparable to those of the
tion’s composition is 3 ml of chloroform, 6 ml of abso- resection without carrying out the morbid surgery [22].
lute ethanol, 1 ml of glacial acetic acid, and 1 g of ferric C. Enucleation followed by liquid nitrogen cryotherapy
chloride) [18, 20–22]. This is adequate to bring about The aggressive cysts are best treated by enucleation fol-
chemical cauterization of the residual pathologic frag- lowed by cryotherapy, using liquid nitrogen. This therapy
ments. Literature shows the use of modified Carnoy’s is commonly used for the treatment of many locally
solution without chloroform, as it is currently listed as a aggressive jaw lesions, such as ameloblastoma, OKC, or
carcinogenic agent. ossifying fibroma [23]. Cryotherapy destroys the residual
566 N. Malik

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.11  (CLINICAL CASE SCENARIO) (a) OPG showing the pres- buccal cortex, and (d) enucleation of the lesion in toto. Courtesy Dr,
ence of a dentigerous cyst in a 7 years old child, (b) clinical intraoral Kumar Nilesh, SDS, Karad
picture of the same, (c) reflected flap to expose the underlying expanded

epithelial lining cells or satellite cysts and leaves behind electrolyte disturbances [23]. The routine first step in sur-
the inorganic bony matrix intact, which is helpful for gery of the lesion is enucleation of a cyst, followed by
osteoconduction. Liquid nitrogen causes bone devitaliza- cryotherapy. The adjoining tissues are then shielded by
tion due to direct effect/damage from ice crystal forma- sterile wooden spatula and gauze strip, and the residual
tion, which takes place in the cellular and extracellular cavity is treated with liquid nitrogen spray—two swipes
compartments and due to the subsequent osmotic and for 1  min each, with a 5  min thaw break between two
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 567

spray freezes. After cryotherapy, it is possible to place the E

 nucleation Followed by Bone
bone graft in the cystic cavity to strengthen the jaw bone. Grafting
Finally, the wound is sutured in a watertight manner [23]
(Box 27.11 and Table 27.5).
1 . To avoid pathological fracture,
2. To avoid long-term esthetics and functional problems in
Box 27.11 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Liquid
larger cystic cavity, more than 4 cm.
Nitrogen Cryotherapy After Enucleation
Autogenous bone grafts possess characteristic osteo-
1. The matrix shell of basal bone is left behind, which conductive and osteoinductive qualities due to the pres-
acts as a scaffold and induces new bone formation. ence of abundant osteoprogenitor cells. The use of
2. In order to accelerate the bony healing and strength- Autogenous cancellous bone grafts for large defects to
ening the jaw bone, immediate bone grafting can be obliterate the cavity and stimulate osteogenesis is the
done. This avoids pathological fracture. gold standard, but the issue of donor site morbidity is
3. It decreases bleeding and scarring. always there. The dead space elimination after enucle-
ation of a large defect is recommended by packing the
Disadvantages: defect with autogenous bone graft or its synthetic substi-
tute. Calcium phosphates, α- and β-tricalcium phosphate
1. Unpredictable results are usually due to utilization (TCP), bioactive glasses, calcium sulfate, glass ionomers,
of uncontrolled spray of liquid nitrogen to the area. hydroxyapatite (HA), etc. are some of the synthetic graft
This may lead to bone necrosis and postoperative materials available in the market, which can be used
swelling. instead of autogenous bone grafts, for filling up the defect
2. If liquid nitrogen comes into contact with unpro- after enucleation. The blood clot in the cystic cavity is
tected inferior alveolar nerve, there will be altered stabilized by these synthetic grafts, thereby minimizing
sensation/paraesthesia or total anaesthesia. In most the postoperative infection. These synthetic grafts are
of the cases,partial or total recovery of sensation is also osteoconductive in nature and promote new bone
expected within 3 months [23]. formation by facilitating the migration of osteoprogeni-
tor cells [24, 25].

Table 27.5  Indications, advantages, & disadvantages of enucleation along with adjunct procedures
Indications Advantages Disadvantages
1. For smaller and accessible lesions. 1. Better alternative than radical treatment. 1. After primary closure, it is not possible
2. Medically fit patients with larger lesions. 2. Cyst-oriented treatment to observe the healing cavity.
3. If it is possible to enucleate without 3. Entire pathological tissue is removed, which is 2. In younger patients, erupting teeth
jeopardizing the vitality & integrity of teeth & available for histopathological examination. have to be extracted.
adjacent vital structures. 4. Chances of recurrence are reduced with 3. Large cyst enucleation may end up in
4. Enucleation as a second stage procedure after adjunct procedures. (Elimination of satellite cysts fracture or perforation/damage to
decompression or marsupialization. & epithelial remnants) adjoining soft tissues.
5. Enucleation along with adjunct procedures. 5. Healing period is reduced. 4. Possibility of damaging adjacent vital
6. Maintainance of oral hygiene is easy. structures.
7. Enucleation with water tight suturing 5. May lead to pulpal necrosis/
eliminates the need for long postoperative devitalization of adjacent teeth.
treatment. 6. Enucleation with fragmentation in
8. Good patient compliance. inaccessible areas may end up in
9. Comfortable for patient. recurrence.
568 N. Malik

27.8.4 Block Resection, With or Without Dental lamina Enamel organ

Preservation of the Continuity
of the Jaw

Resection of a jaw bone can be done either as (1) marginal

resection procedure or (2) segmental resection procedure. In
marginal resection procedure, the lesion is smaller, which is
excised in toto, and hence, it is possible to maintain the continu-
ity of the jaw bone by preserving the portion of the uninvolved
bone. In segmental resection procedure, since the lesion is
extensive, the complete segment/portion of maxilla or mandible
is sacrificed, and hence, continuity of the jaw bone is lost after
this radical treatment. Since this procedure ends up in consider-
able morbidity, there is always a need for rehabilitating the
patient functionally and esthetically by various reconstructive
measures [26]. Many researchers felt that there is no need for
aggressive therapy in the case of cystic lesions, as their manage-
ment can be done by using relatively noninvasive means [26].
Blanas et  al. [21] carried out a systematic review and
found that following resection, there was 0% recurrence rate,
but it is always associated with the high morbidity rate. Their
Cyst Bone
study suggested that enucleation followed by the use of
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Carnoy’s solution gives similar low recurrence rates, as
resection, without unwarranted radical surgery. Complete Fig. 27.12  Formation of a dentigerous cyst
resection of the mandibular/maxillary bone is considered as
morbid overtreatment for large locally aggressive cysts. The migrated high up in the ascending ramus and similarly, maxil-
only main disadvantage of a conservative treatment is pro- lary canine or third molar may be seen at the orbital floor or
longed therapeutic time [27]. high in maxillary sinus. The lateral type will be because of
In this chapter, we will be discussing only briefly expansion of cyst only on one particular side of the crown, and
Dentigerous and Keratocyst varieties prototypes. it will be seen in cases of partially erupted mandibular third
molars. In circumferential type, the radiograph will show a
radiolucency enveloping the entire tooth (Fig. 27.13).
27.9 Dentigerous Cysts or Follicular Cysts

Dentigerous Cysts or Follicular Cysts, The term dentigerous

is a Latin word, literally means “tooth bearing/producing”. 27.9.1 Differential Diagnosis
Paget in 1853 first coined the term “Dentigerous cyst”, in
this entity, there is an enclosure of the crown of a tooth, Hyperplastic follicle-Normal follicular space size is 2–3 mm;
which is unerupted, and cyst is attached to the CE junction if it exceeds 5  mm, then dentigerous cyst should be
and is formed by the enlargement of its follicle [1]. There is suspected.
always an association of this cyst with the crown of fully or Differential diagnosis of unicystic ameloblastoma, an
partially impacted or submerged tooth (Fig. 27.12). odontogenic keratocyst, Calcified odontogenic cyst,
Depending on the location and extent of the cystic degen- Ameloblastic fibroma, Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, or
eration in relation to the crown of an unerupted tooth, the cyst radicular cyst must be considered in such cases comparable
can have central, lateral, or circumferential variety [28]. In cen- to the radiographic details, but the incidence of all the above
tral type, initially, the crown may be enclosed by a cyst sym- lesions is rare in the first decade of life. Since radiographs
metrically, but as it expands, crown of the mandibular third alone cannot differentiate the above-mentioned lesions, a
molar may be shifted to the inferior border of the mandible or histopathological examination should be performed.
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 569

a b LateralType

Central Type

Circumferential Type

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.13  Types of dentigerous cysts and their radiological picture of central, lateral, and circumferential type (a–c)
570 N. Malik

27.10 Odontogenic Keratocyst

OKC has got its name because it exhibited keratinization of

cystic lining. Its lumen contains a cheesy material resem-
bling keratin debris and clear fluid. It is a Dilemmatic,
Distinctive, Odontogenic Developmental, and Intraosseous
cyst of epithelial origin of Oral & maxillofacial region, with
specific characteristics, such as rapid Infiltrative growth,
aggressive nature, high recurrence rate and defined histo-
pathological features [26, 27]. Since 1956, for the last six
decades, many researchers started focusing on this entity.
Journey of this changing nomenclature is pretty interesting
(Box 27.12).

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.14  Arrow pointing to a thin lining in dentigerous cyst resem- Box 27.12 History of OKC
bling reduced enamel epithelium histologically
1774 Dental cyst (John Hunter)
1876 Dermoid cyst (Mikulicz) identified & described as a
part of familial jaw condition
27.9.2 Histology 1926 Cholesteatoma (Hauer)
1945 Primordial cyst as per origin
Thin layer of nonkeratinizing stratified squamous epithelium 1956 Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC) (Philipsen first coined
lining the lumen is seen, and no rete ridges are seen. the word)
1963 Aggressive growth/high tendency for recurrence rate
Connective tissue wall shows bundles of collagen fibers;
(described by Pindborg & Hansen)
sometimes, many odontogenic epithelial islands are seen. 1967 Regarded OKC as a benign tumor (Toller)
The cystic lumen contains thin, watery, and yellowish fluid 1992 OKC as preferred term for keratinized cysts (WHO)
(Fig. 27.14). 2004 Keratinizing Cystic Odontogenic Tumor( KCOT)
(Reichart & Philipsen)
2005 Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor (KOT) (WHO
working group)
27.9.3 Potential Complications of Dentigerous 2017 Odontogenic Keratocyst (WHO)

1. As it is known that dentigerous cysts have potential for

neoplastic proliferation in the form of cystic or mural In 2004, Reichart and Philipsen suggested a new classifi-
ameloblastoma, in these cases, there is a nodular thick- cation for the odontogenic tumors, redesignated OKC as
ening at some places in the cystic wall, which cannot be Keratinizing cystic Odontogenic Tumor (KCOT), and put it
discerned clinically, but is a tumor manifestation itself, under the subcategory of “benign neoplasm of odontogenic
and therefore, histopathologist is requested to carry out epithelium with mature, fibrous stroma ”due to its propensity
thorough gross and microscopic examination of the for local destruction, aggressive biological behavior,
whole specimen for nodular thickening, etc. in the cystic and  high recurrence rate and mitotic figures seen in the
wall. ­suprabasal layers [29]. Shear had re-emphasized that OKC
2. Epidermoid carcinoma—cyst lining, which shows long-­ shows increased proliferative activity & high recurrence ten-
standing keratin metaplasia, should be considered as a dency and stressed on association of OKC with the Gorlin-
marker for the initiation of carcinomatous changes. Goltz syndrome/Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma syndrome
3. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma—dentigerous cyst may
(NBCCS). Some of these OKCs had association with the
contain cells with the potential of mucus secreting abil- PTCH 1 gene mutation and increased immunohistochemical
ity, which may transform into mucoepidermoid carci- expression of proliferation markers Ki 67 and presence of
noma [28]. PCNA (Proliferating cell nuclear antigen marker of cell rep-
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 571

lication) and p53 in KCOT. All this evidence led to change in

nomenclature by WHO in 2005 [10]. Box 27.15 Number of Cysts in OKC
This shift in tumor category suggested change in manage-
ment protocol for OKC, which created a lot of skepticism, • Usually solitary/sporadic/nonsyndromic lesions
and the concept was not widely accepted, with the reason • Syndromic: Multiple OKCs are often one of the
being not all OKCs possess identifiable PTCH mutation. manifestations of genetically inherited Nevoid
There were no clear-cut suggestions such as neoplastic title Basal cell Carcinoma Syndrome (NBCCS), Gorlin-­
was to be applied to all OKC or to just a small subset. All Goltz syndrome, etc. [In syndromic cases, multiple
relevant sequencing data on the odontogenic keratocysts has cysts can be seen in one patient at a time or during
not yet been presented and still under research. lifetime occurrence, many cysts can happen at dif-
Researchers have suggested that marsupialization can ferent times [34].
revert the fragile cystic lining epithelium to normal oral • Nonsyndromic multiple cysts [34]
mucosa or from parakeratin to orthokeratin type [30, 31].
Extensive debate (for 12 years) over putative neoplastic
nature of the lesion took place. So, in 2017, a WHO expert
Box 27.16 Syndromic Associations of OKC
panel declared that there is no strong affirmation to rational-
ize to label OKC as a neoplasm, and therefore, Odontogenic
• Basal cell nevus syndrome, Nevoid Basal cell
Keratocyst-OKC should be put back in cyst category and the
Carcinoma Syndrome (NBCCS), or Gorlin-Goltz
term keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) was elimi-
nated from the new classification (Boxes 27.13, 27.14, 27.15,
• Marfan syndrome
27.16, 27.17 and 27.18).
• Noonan syndrome
• Orofacial Digital Syndrome
• Simpson–Golabi-Behmel syndrome

Box 27.13 Epidemiology of OKC

Incidence: Second most prevalent cysts of odontogenic
origin (10–12% of all odontogenic cysts) [32].
Box 27.17 Latest Histopathological Groups of OKC
Age: Wide age range. Range of occurrence between
As per the occurrence of satellite/daughter cysts &
the 1st and 9th decades of life. Bimodal age distribu-
squamous islands found in the cystic wall (Kahraman
tion (first peak at 20–30 & second at 50–60 years of
et al. [35]) (Fig. 27.17)
age) and Predominantly in younger patients in syn-
dromic cases.
Group I: Unicystic, without any satellites (63%)
Sex: Male predilection (1.6:1 ratio), More Female
Group II: With few satellite/microcysts & squa-
predilection in syndromic cases.
mous islands in the cystic lining less than
Race: predominantly in white population.
Group III: Abundant presence of satellite/daughter
cysts and squamous islands (6–10%)

Box 27.14 Site Predilection of OKC

Central intraosseous Lesion—Thrice more prevalent
in mandible. Seen more at various sites in following 27.10.1 Etiology and Pathogenesis
order-angle-ascending ramus, maxillary third molar
region (may involve sinus, nasal floor premaxilla, pres- Various origins—Two sources are implicated.
ence of impacted third molar seen, and occasionally
floor of orbit involvement), mandibular, premolar area, 1 . Remnants of dental lamina and
and maxillary canine. 2. It can originate from downgrowth or implantation follow-
Peripheral OKC in buccal gingiva (female predom- ing trauma of the offshoots of epithelial basal layer of the
inance 2.2:1 ratio [33]) oral gingiva and mucosa [27]. Islands of Epithelium and/
or daughter cysts are seen in 50% of the cases, in overly-
572 N. Malik

Finger-like projections are seen in marrow spaces, and

Box 27.18 Reasons for Recurrence of OKC (13–62%; enlargement goes on relentlessly along the path of least
Nakamura et al. [36]) resistance. When it reaches a considerable size, it expands
buccolingually also (Figs. 27.15 and 27.16).
1. Thin walls and fragile epithelial lining
2. Epithelial lining is weakly attached to capsule
3. Extension of the cyst into cancellous bone 27.10.3 Radiographic Differential Diagnosis
4. Dental lamina remnants in bone/overlying mucosa
5. In the case of perforation of the cortex, cyst lining OKC is a great mimic; many times, the radiographic picture is
adheres to adjoining bone or buccal or lingual nonpathognomonic. Radiographically, the following differen-
mucosa (especially, lingual perforation is difficult tial diagnosis for Odontogenic Keratocyst has been suggested:
to access during enucleation) Dentigerous cyst, residual cyst, radicular cyst, lateral
6. In dentate area (residual remnants in intraradicular periodontal cyst, Nasopalatine cyst, Unicystic/multicystic
areas) ameloblastoma, A-V malformation, fibro-osseous lesion at
7. Scalloped margins in multilocular variety initial stages, Benign intraosseous neoplasms, traumatic
8. Desire to preserve adjacent vital structures cyst. Patients with multiple jaw cysts should always be eval-
9. Location with difficult access uated for basal cell nevus syndrome.
10. Extensive lesion involving coronoid/ascending

ramus (difficult access)
27.10.4 Aspiration
ing mucosa. (In the past designated as basal cell hamar- • Cheesy, straw color, caseous, dirty milky white semifluid,
tias). Genetic factors are also always key players, and viscoid content-Keratin-varying consistencies reflect
especially PTCH gene aberration. various densities of keratinous debris.
• Protein content less than 3.5/4 g per 100 ml by electro-
phoresis, mostly albumin is present.
27.10.2 U
 nique Growth Pattern—Peculiar • Protein-53 is positive in NBCC Syndrome, indicating
Behavior—Pattern of Bone active proliferation of cells.
Involvement in OKC • Exfoliative cytology/smear is stained & examined for
keratin cells, and Estimation of Keratocyst Antigen
Unlike other cysts, lesion grows by extension in medullary (KCA) and Lactoferrin levels is helpful.
space in anteroposterior direction, compared to osmotic • Immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin is also a useful
expansion. diagnostic tool

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.15  OPG showing how lesion grows in medullary space (in anteroposterior direction), multiloculated radiolucency in left angle, and
ascending ramus with impacted teeth diagnosed as OKC
27  Cysts of the “Oro-Maxillofacial Region” 573

27.10.5 Surgical Treatment Resection

Incidence of these lesions is seen more in younger age group • It should be used as a last alternative method
and the supportive evidence of success of conservative treat- • Resection of the jaw bone results in morbidity and requires
ment options like marsupialisation for large expanding extensive reconstruction/rehabilitation, which is unwar-
OKCs or two-staged surgical procedures, plus the fact of ranted in the treatment of benign lesions, and hence, most
alteration of the remaining epithelium, i.e., return to more of the times, more conservative approaches are sought.
normal oral epithelium after decompression/marsupialisa-
tion has prompted many to opt for these procedures. The Absolute indications
lesions, which are easily accessible, can be enucleated by
adjunctive methods. • Multiple recurrences

Fig. 27.16  Multiple cysts in the

same individual, involving both
maxilla and mandible

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India


• Thin, collapsed and folded, corrugated lining

• Zone of uniform parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium

5–8 cell layers with no rete pegs

• Picket fence / tombstone appearance of hyperchromatic palisaded

basal cells with reversed polarity

• Weak epithelial connective tissue interface

• Presence of daughter satellite cyst

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 27.17  Typical histopathological picture of OKC showing all the features
574 N. Malik

• Extensive soft tissue invasion and multiple large treatment modalities have been used in the past to treat oro-
perforations facial cysts with variable results, depending on the type of
• Resection is used only in aggressive extensive cases or cyst. Correct final diagnosis, thorough planning, meticulous
under extraordinary situations surgery with stringent protocols, and watchful long-term
• Condylar involvement or lesions that have undergone postoperative follow-up will ensure high success rate.
ameloblastomatous/malignant transformation

Follow-up References
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2. Kramer IRH, Pidborg JJ, Shear M. Histological typing of odonto-
patient cooperates genic tumors. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1992.
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Benign Odontogenic Tumours
Anjan Kumar Shah

28.1 Introduction Mesenchymal origin. The metastasising (malignant) amelo-

blastoma is included in epithelial origin tumour in 2017
The region of Head and Neck has a wide range of pathologi- WHO classification and desmoplastic ameloblastoma was
cal disorders due to the complex nature of the tissues in this excluded from the classification of benign odontogenic
region. The tooth-forming tissues can give rise to a wide tumour. In 1992 classification, adenomatoid odontogenic
array of tumours, both benign and malignant. They vary in tumour (AOT) was considered under mixed origin but in
size from tiny swelling to a large variety, causing cortical 2005 and 2017 classification, it is included in the epithelial
bone perforation with the displacement of the adjoining nor- origin tumour [2].
mal anatomic structures. Odontogenic tumours are slow The dentinogenic ghost cell tumour (DGCT) comes under
growing and generally non-aggressive, with aggressive the spectrum of ghost cell lesions. Gorlin et al. in 1962 first
behaviour shown by certain tumours. described calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC) as the earliest
It is important for the clinician to have a thorough knowl- ghost cell lesions. In 2005 WHO classification, COC is
edge of the pathology, clinical as well as radiological presen- renamed as calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour (CCOT).
tation in order to manage these conditions. Fejerskov and Krogh used the term calcifying ghost cell
odontogenic tumour for DGCT in 1972. Dentigerous ghost
According to W.H.O [1] cell tumour term was given by Praetorious et  al. in 1981,
‘Odontogenic tumours and tumour-like lesions constitute a which is still retained in 2005 and 2017 WHO classifica-
group of heterogeneous diseases that range from hamarto- tion. In between, Shear in 1983 used the term dentinoamelo-
matous or non-neoplastic tissue proliferations to benign neo- blastoma, whereas Ellis and Shmookler proposed epithelial
plasms and finally malignant tumours with metastatic odontogenic ghost cell tumour. Hong et al. in 1991 suggests
potential. They are derived from epithelial, ectomesenchy- the term epithelial odontogenic ghost cell tumour [3, 4].
mal and/or ­ mesenchymal elements of the tooth-forming
apparatus. Odontogenic tumours are rare, some being
extremely rare, but can pose a significant diagnostic and 28.2 WHO (2017) Classification
therapeutic challenge.’ of Odontogenic Tumours [5]
The WHO first classified benign odontogenic tumours in
1971 followed by in 1992, 2005 and the recent classification 28.2.1 Benign Odontogenic Tumours
was in 2017. The origin-based sub-classification was first
defined in 1992, which is still in use, i.e. the tumours are sub-­ Epithelial Origin
classified into Epithelial origin, Mixed origin and
• Ameloblastoma, conventional
Ameloblastoma, unicystic type
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap-
Ameloblastoma, extraosseous/peripheral type
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_28) contains supple-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. Metastasising (Malignant) ameloblastoma
• Squamous odontogenic tumour
A. K. Shah (*) • Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour
Department of OMFS, Rajarajeswari Dental College, • Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour
Bangalore, India
Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Bangalore, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 577

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_28
578 A. K. Shah Mixed (Epithelial-Mesenchymal) Origin the infiltrating margin, requires wide excision with a mar-
gin of 0.5–1 cm of normal bone, or one anatomical layer if
• Ameloblastic Fibroma grown out of the confines of the bone. That is if bony cortex
• Primordial odontogenic tumour invaded, then take muscle or subcutaneous tissue to main-
• Odontoma, complex type tain periosteum as anatomical barrier.
• Odontoma compound type
• Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour
28.3.2 Definition Mesenchymal Origin
‘It is a true neoplasm of enamel organ-type tissue, which
does not undergo differentiation to the point of enamel for-
• Odontogenic Fibroma
mation” proposed by WHO.  Robinson [7] defined it as a
• Odontogenic myxoma/myxofibroma
“Non-functional, unicentric, intermittent in growth, anatom-
• Cementoblastoma
ically benign and clinically persistent type of tumour’

28.2.2 Malignant Odontogenic Tumours 28.3.3 Incidence

• Ameloblastic carcinoma It represents 19.3–41.5 % of all odontogenic tumours [8, 9].

• Primary intra-osseous carcinoma, NOS Posterior Mandible is the commonest site of occurrence in
• Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma almost 80% of ameloblastomas [10]. It occurs over a broad
• Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma range; cases ranging from adults older than 90 to the children
• Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma younger than 10 years. Most frequently, they occur in the sec-
• Odontogenic carcinosarcoma ond and fourth decade of life. Some authors found no gender
• Odontogenic sarcomas predilection [11] while many studies showed female predilec-
tion [12] between the first and the third decade of life [13].

28.3 Ameloblastoma
28.3.4 Clinical Features
28.3.1 Introduction

It is the most common odontogenic tumour arising from 1 . Swelling of maxilla or mandible
odontogenic epithelium. 2. Facial disfigurement
3. Tooth displacement and mobility
4. Paraesthesia
Ameloblastoma originates from sources, which include 5. Ulceration or Nasal obstruction

• Epithelial cell rests of Malessez, which are the 28.3.5 Radiological Features
residual epithelium of the tooth-forming apparatus.
• Epithelium of the enamel origin and of odontogenic • Ameloblastomas commonly originate within the bone,
cysts thus often they are detected on routine dental x-rays or on
• Surface epithelium of the basal cells orthopantomogram (OPG).
• Heterotopic epithelium from the extra-oral sites • Root resorption of the involved teeth
such as pituitary gland • The solid/multilocular-type ameloblastomas, which is most
common, classically shows “soap bubble appearance” [14]
• Computed tomography (CT) is very helpful in surgical
Edited 2017 WHO classification of odontogenic tumours planning by giving exact cortical destruction and soft
has simplified the classification of Ameloblastomas. It has ­tissue extension, it typically demonstrates well-defined
removed the various pathologically descriptive classifica- radiolucent uni/multilocular lesions [15]
tion terminologies such as follicular, plexiform, basaloid, • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is very helpful in
granular or desmoplastic as these terminologies do not have maxillary lesions for defining the extension of ameloblas-
any relevance to clinical behaviour. Conventional-type tomas into paranasal sinuses, orbit and skull base [16]
Ameloblastomas are characterised by multilocular, expand- • PET–CT generally indicated in patients with metastatic
ing behaviour. The histological margin is characterised by ameloblastomas.
28  Benign Odontogenic Tumours 579

28.4 Solid/Multicystic Ameloblastoma The treatment of the conventional/multicystic variant is

classified into radical and conservative. The conservative
In 2005 WHO classification, the Ameloblastoma, solid/­ methods include
multicystic type, was mentioned, which is replaced by
Ameloblastoma alone in 2017 classification again. • Curettage
Historically, the Ameloblastoma is classified into Unicystic • Enucleation
and Multilocular or Solid. • Peripheral ostectomy with surgical excision
The solid/multicystic or intra-osseous ameloblastoma is • Surgical excision with other adjuvant therapy such
locally invasive, slow-growing and odontogenic tumour of as cryotherapy or use of carnoy’s solution
epithelial origin with a high rate of recurrence if not removed • Liquid nitrogen therapy [19]
or treated properly. It has no tendency to metastasise. It • Marsupialisation
invades the bone marrow spaces.
It has no gender predilection and occurs equally in both sexes.
Most commonly diagnosed between 30 and 60 years of age. The
posterior mandible region affected in more than eighty percent of Radical treatment includes resection of bone. At least
the tumour cases. It may present as variably sized swelling of 1 cm of the surrounding healthy tissues should be removed
jaws. Pain and paraesthesia are rare. It usually appears multilocu- along with the tumour in cases of cortical bone perforation
lar (soap bubble appearance) in radiographs. because if tumour cells are left behind, they may give rise to
It occasionally is associated with an impacted tooth and locoregional recurrence even several years after resection
causes expansion of the bony cortex, with the possibility of [20]. There is a 1.26-fold increase in the chance of the recur-
resorption of roots of the involved teeth [17, 18]. The most rence rate with the increase in the size of every 10 mm of
common histological patterns found are plexiform and fol- tumour [21].
licular types. The others are desmoplastic, acanthomatous, In mandible, resection can be carried out on the basis of
granular and basal [2]. To confirm the diagnosis, the combi- the extension of the lesion in the form of alveolectomy,
nation of imaging (plain as well as computed tomography) marginal mandibulectomy, segmental resection, hemiman-
and biopsy can be performed. dibulectomy or hemimandibulectomy with disarticulation
The tumour infiltrates through the medullary spaces and depending on the extension of the tumour. Based on the
might erode the cortical bone. After resorbing the cortical extension of tumour, maxillectomy (partial, total or subto-
bone, it may extend into the adjacent tissues. The maxillary tal) has been performed in radical treatment of maxillary
tumours of the posterior region tend to obliterate the maxil- lesions [22].
lary sinus and may extend to infiltrate the skull base. Enucleation and curettage are inadequate because the
tumour invades the adjoining cancellous bone. However,
some conditions in which it is carried out are given below:
28.4.1 The Treatment Goals Indications of Enucleation and Curettage

1. In medically compromised patient or conditions in which

• Complete removal of tumour patient is unfit for general anaesthesia.
• Aesthetic reconstruction with minimal 2. Very young or old patient who is not willing for segmen-
disfigurement tal resection.
• Good prognosis
• Long-term follow-up If enucleation and curettage has to be done, it is prefera-
ble to be carried out in association with chemical cauterisa-
tion with the help of modified carnoy’ solution and peripheral
The treatment depends on the best judgement of the sur- ostectomy.
geons and individual status of the patient. The surgical plan- The surgical treatment of solid/multicystic variant is con-
ning should be based on the lesions present in the mandible troversial. A high rate of recurrence is reported if it is not
or maxilla. The maxilla has got higher percentage of cancel- adequately excised or resected. According to some authors,
lous bone, which facilitates the spread of tumour in compari- the initial treatment should be conservative as the tumour has
son to the mandible having thick and dense cortical plates, low metastatic potential and the radical treatment should be
which limit the spread of neoplasm. done in cases of recurrence. While others believe that when-
580 A. K. Shah

ever possible complete removal of the tumour with preserva- lesion is more than 1 cm, CT scan is to be done. If findings
tion of lower border of the mandible will be the treatment of are positive, then segmental resection with involved soft tis-
choice [23]. sue is carried out with suitable reconstruction and patient is
Conservative treatment has a recurrence rate ranging from to be kept on long-term clinical and radiological follow-up.
33 to 90%, as compared to the rate of recurrence by radical Sammartino et al. advocated the following treatment plan
treatment, i.e. 7–25% in the literature. However, the patients in Mandibular tumour management [24]. In the cases of
experience serious functional and aesthetic impairments small lesions, box resection has to be done and the patient
with radical treatment [24, 25]. Hasegawa et  al. [26] also has to keep for long-term follow-up to 10 years. For large
reported the recurrence rate of 43.5% following conservative lesions if cortical perforation is there on CT examination.
management. Then segmental or marginal resection has been carried out
Enucleation alone showed the highest rate of recurrence along with excision of overlying soft tissues, if cortical per-
amongst all the modalities of conservative management [27]. foration is absent then curettage is the choice of treatment
According to Esquillo ME [28], small multicystic and solid with 0.5–1 cm of clinically uninvolved surrounding bone. In
lesions can be treated by marsupialisation with good results. both cases, 10-year followup of patients is mandatory. If no
This will maintain good facial aesthetics of the patient, less- recurrence occurs, orthopantomogram has to be done in
ening the treatment cost but patients have to keep on long-­ every 2–3 years on the other hand if recurrence occurs, then
term follow-up. the first or second small recurrence can be treated with mar-
About 40% of intra-osseous Ameloblastomas did not ginal resection while for the third recurrence, the segmental
recur after conservative management, which led to the con- resection is the choice of treatment.
clusion that the small intra-osseous ameloblastomas can be
treated with conservative management initially, leading to
fewer post-operative complications and if the lesion recurs, 28.4.2 Surgical Management
the radical treatment can be carried out in the second-stage of Ameloblastoma According
surgery aggressively [29]. to the Anatomic Locations
Almeida AC et al. [30] in the systematic review and meta-­
analysis concluded that the bone resection should be the M  andibular Anterior Region (Canine
treatment of choice for primary multicystic ameloblastoma, to Canine)
also the chances of recurrence were 3.15 fold more when the According to Gardner, anterior mandible should be
conservative treatment was performed in comparison to radi- approached conservatively because no important major
cal treatment. Hendra FN et al. also suggest that the rate of anatomic structures are present in the anterior mandible.
recurrence was less when radical treatment was opted for the However, if curettage is used as a choice of treatment,
treatment of intra-osseous ameloblastoma in their systematic recurrence is anticipated and it is preferred in smaller
review and meta-analysis [31]. lesions. Always an attempt should be made to preserve the
Antonoglou GN and Sandor GK [32] in the systematic inferior border of mandibular in the anterior region
review and meta-analysis concluded that no strong recom- because the tumour infiltration is less, due to the thick
mendations have been made regarding the treatment options cortical bone of the symphyseal region. In large lesions
regarding the intra-osseous ameloblastoma. However, radi- with cortical perforation, marginal mandibulectomy will
cal treatment in the form of resection is the treatment of be the choice of treatment followed by long-term follow-
choice for solid/multicystic ameloblastoma. up (Fig. 28.1). After marginal mandibulectomy, the lower
Pogrel MA and Montes DM [33] concluded that border of mandible is reinforced with a reconstruction
Enucleation alone should not be the choice of treatment for plate, to avoid pathological fracture in future (Videos 28.1
multicystic or solid lesions. In the case of maxilla, partial and 28.2).
maxillectomy and in mandibular lesions, segmental resec-
tion with 1 cm margin will be preferred to avoid recurrence. P  osterior Mandible (Bicuspid
Sampson DE and Pogrel MA [34] suggested the manage- to Condyle)
ment algorithm for management of mandibular ameloblas- Marginal mandibulectomy should be the choice of surgical
toma, which is, in the case of mandibular ameloblastoma, if treatment for the posterior mandible and body region while
lesion is less than 1 cm, in plain radiograph, then curettage maintaining the inferior and posterior border whenever pos-
and cryotherapy is the treatment of choice and patient is to be sible for solid/multilocular variant. Maxillomandibular fixa-
kept on long-term clinical and radiological follow-up. If the tion might be required after marginal resection without
28  Benign Odontogenic Tumours 581

region because tumours are not well confined by the thin

maxillary cortical bone and easily spread beyond the max-
illary bone boundaries. Early detection is also very diffi-
cult. Posterior maxillary tumours are rarely treated by
conservative management. Extra-oral or intra-oral resec-
tion of the tumour is carried out, sometimes Le fort I down
fracture is required to access the tumours of maxillary sinus
or the tumour invades the posterolateral wall of the maxil-
lary sinus.
Weber Fergusson incision and mandibulotomy can be
used for accessing the tumors of maxilla, pterygoid and
infra temporal fossa. When reconstruction of the defect
after maxillectomy has been planned by temporalis mus-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
cle, Rai A et al. [39] advocated use of Borle’s extension
Fig. 28.1  Orthopantomogram representing marginal mandibulectomy, weber fergusson incision.
lower border protected with reconstruction plate

Various surgical options in management of maxilla/

continuity defects to avoid the chances of pathological frac-
mandible tumours.
ture. A reconstruction plate may be contoured before resec-
tion, in order to maintain the normal anatomic relationship Benign Mandible Tumours
between proximal and distal segments by marking the points
of screw fixation on the normal bone. In recent years, man- Type or surgery depends on number of factors
dibular reconstruction using intra-oral microvascular anasto- 1. Type of pathology—Benign/Benign aggressive
mosis following segmental resection in cases of 2. Extent of involvement—e.g. Sufficient lower bor-
ameloblastomas has been carried out with great success. der of mandible present or not
Most commonly, free fibular graft has been used for the 3.
Site of tumour—Anterior mandible/Posterior
same, followed by dental rehabilitation with the help of den- mandible
tal implants [35, 36].
Based on this options starting from the most conser-
vative to most radical are: Anterior Maxilla (Canine to Canine)
1. Marsupialisation
Goodcell JF reported 2% ameloblastomas in anterior maxilla
2. Enucleation or curettage
[37]. However, Sehdev MK et al. show 9% of ameloblasto-
3. Peripheral ostectomy or En bloc resection
mas occurs in the canine and incisor region [38]. Less-­
4. Segmental resection
aggressive treatment has been advocated in anterior maxilla
when compared to posterior, because a sufficient distance Access incisions:
from the vital structures allows being less radical. Radical 1 . Intraoral transmucosal access
treatment in the form of partial or total maxillectomy may 2. Combined Intraoral and extraoral submandibular
result in significant deformity. access
3. Combined Intraoral and Visor incision P  osterior Maxilla (Bicuspid
to Pterygoid Plates) Repair:
Ameloblastoma occurs 47% in the molar region, 15% in the 1 . Primary mucosal closure
maxillary antrum and floor of the nose, while 9% in the pre- 2. Packing cavity and healing by secondary intention
molar region. 3. Reconstruction plate with primary mucosal closure
Lack of cortical bone in maxilla makes it much more 4. Reconstruction plate with free bone graft
dangerous than mandibular ameloblastomas. The definitive 5. Vascularised Bone free flap
treatment becomes difficult in the posterior maxillary
582 A. K. Shah

28.5.1 Timing of Reconstruction

Benign Maxillary Tumours
Type or surgery depends on number of factors Immediate reconstruction is usually performed with the help
1. Type of pathology—Benign/Benign aggressive of microvascular-free flaps, harvested from fibula, scapula,
2. Extent of involvement—e.g. Involvement of sinus/ iliac crest and ribs. For the reconstruction of the mandible,
pterygoids/infratemporal fossa free fibula flap is the treatment of choice. It is superior to
Site of tumour—Anterior maxilla/Posterior iliac crest graft. Scapula flap for maxillary reconstruction
maxilla may be a good alternative because of its long pedicle and
good bone quality. For soft tissue reconstruction, the radial
Based on this the following excision options are forearm-free flap is the choice of treatment. Most of the sur-
possible: geons still prefer to use Titanium reconstruction plate for
1. Marsupialization into Oral cavity/Maxillary Sinus reconstruction when free flaps are not possible as an immedi-
2. Enucleation/Curretage ate reconstruction modality. Delayed reconstruction (second
Enbloc resection—Low level/High level stage) can be performed for reconstruction with the help of a
maxillectomy titanium reconstruction plate. The immediate reconstruction
significantly improves the patients’ health-related quality of
Access incisions: life, many patients prefer immediate reconstruction [40].
1. Transoral accesss Lawson et al. [41] reported 90% success rate with delayed
2. Weber Ferguson incision—Good for anterior
reconstruction in comparison to immediate, which is 46%
tumours using non-vascularised bone grafts.
3. Mandibulotomy access approach—This provides
Autogenous bone graft selection (Vascularised free flaps vs
excellent access for posterior tumours especially non-vascularised bone graft) depends on following factors
when access to the pterygoids/intratemporal region
is required 1 . Experience of the surgeon
2. Contour and size of the defect
Repair: 3. Size and quality of the soft tissue available
1. Primary closure
2. Packing cavity to allow healing by secondary inten- The HCL classification [42, 43] is used as an aid in clas-
tion with a Healing plate sifying mandibular defects. The defect from canine to canine,
3. Obturator i.e. the central defect is designated as ‘C’. The lateral seg-
4. Local flap—e.g. Temporalis ment defect excluding condyle designated as ‘L’ and when
5. Free flap reconstruction condyle is included in resection with lateral mandible the
defect is designated ‘H’ (Fig. 28.2). The importance of this
classification indicates that reconstruction of lateral defect
can be done by straight bone segment while defect located
28.5 R
 econstructive Modalities After centrally required osteotomies.
Surgical Resection of 
Ameloblastoma Case Scenario 1 (Fig. 28.3a–g)
A 38 year old male patient reported to our outpatient depart-
ment with the chief complaint of painless swelling of lower
jaw since last 6 months (Fig. 28.3a). History of present illness
represents swelling initially was of lemon size and increasing
Need for Reconstruction: gradually to reach the present size, extending from right side
of the body region of the mandible to the ramus region of the
1. For restoration of movements and equilibrium of opposite side. On intra-oral examination, a diffuse swelling
mandible was present from one side of the molar region extending to the
2. For maintenance of normal occlusal plane, floor of other side of the molar region of the mandible (Fig. 28.3b).
the mouth and tongue’s anatomical position The orthopantomogram (Fig.  28.3c) and the CT scan
3. For restoration of near normal feeding (Fig. 28.3d) showing the multilocular lesion extending from
4. For acceptable aesthetics and function. the right side of the first molar to the ramus region of the
5. For more favorable social acceptance contralateral side. The incisional biopsy of the lesion con-
6. To establish the arch form, width and alveolar height. firmed the diagnosis of solid/multicystic ameloblastoma.
7. To establish the bone continuity and maintain facial Under general anaesthesia, the resection of the lesion was
contours done, the complete resection of lesion was confirmed in the
specimen radiography (Fig. 28.3e). The reconstruction of the
28  Benign Odontogenic Tumours 583

In 1988, Ackermann GL et al. [48] reclassified UA with

prognostic and therapeutic implications into three types
Type 1: Unilocular cystic lesions lined by epithelium exhib-
iting features of ameloblastoma.
Type 2: Epithelial nodules arising from cystic lining and pro-
jecting into the cyst lumen.
Type 3: The presence of invasive islands of ameloblastoma-
tous epithelium in the connective tissue wall of the cyst
and these islands may or may not be connected to the cyst
L H lining.

28.6.1 Clinical and Radiographic Features

Most of the UA clinically and radiographically resemble deni-

gerous cysts in behaviour. Embedded teeth are associated with
some UA and hence resembles residual or primordial cysts.
UA most commonly occurs in the second and third decade
of life and have predilection to mandible [48]. UA many
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
times are associated with mandibular third molars. There
Fig. 28.2  The HCL Classification will ­be  well-corticated unilocular and often pericoronal
defect was done with the help of microvascular free fibula In some cases, root resorption can occur.
flap and with the titanium reconstruction plate (Fig. 28.3f),
post-operative OPG representing reconstruction (Fig. 28.3g). Case Scenario 2 (Fig. 28.4a, b)
A 14 year old female reported with swelling on the left side
of the ramus region for the past 3 weeks. OPG (Fig. 28.4a)
28.5.2 Bone Graft Substitutes and PA view (Fig. 28.4b) showed a large unilocular radiolu-
cent lesion involving the whole of the ramus of the left man-
The calcium phosphate cement (Hydro set) is the commonly dible. Tooth bud of lower left third molar was absent. The
used material, which converts in situ to hydroxyapatite, serving lesion seemed to arise from the impacted tooth bud of lower
as an effective osteoontegrative and osteoconductive material left second molar and the lesion was also involving the roots
[44]. The other implantable material options include high-den- of lower left first molar. Under the provisional diagnosis of a
sity porous polyethylene implants [45]. Using rapid prototype dentigerous cyst, the lesion was enucleated under anaesthe-
models, the custom-made implants are commonly used for the sia and primary closure was done and the impacted tooth bud
reconstruction of maxillofacial defects with good results [46]. was removed in this case. The histopathology report was that
The titanium mesh tray filled with autologous cancellous of an unicystic ameloblastoma with mural changes. The
bone blocks fixed with the residual segment of bone and also child was on follow-up with no evidence of recurrence.
titanium mesh cage filled with fresh bone marrow, recombi-
nant human bone morphogenic protein (BMP) and xeno-
genic bone mineral are used for reconstruction of mandibular
defect. The BMP is the key activator of bone induction [42]. On histological examination, various situations may be
Recent advances in mandibular reconstruction include found such as shown in Fig. 28.5
transport disc distraction osteogenesis, modular endopros-
thesis and tissue engineering. Dental implants are commonly 1. The ameloblastomatous epithelial lining
used in autogenous bone grafts for the rehabilitation of mas- 2. An ameloblastoma nodule projects into the lumen
ticatory functions [42]. (Luminal Ameloblastoma)
3a. Ameloblastoma islands present in the connective
tissue wall of an apparently non-neoplastic cyst.
28.6 Unicystic-Type Ameloblastoma 3b. Proliferation of ameloblastoma into the connective
tissue wall from cystic lining. (One of the Mural
Robinson and Martinez [47] first described Unicystic variant)
Ameloblastoma (UA) in 1977.
584 A. K. Shah

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 28.3 (a) Pre-operative extra-oral view. (b) Pre-operative intra-oral view. (c) Pre-operative OPG. (d) Pre-operative CT Scan of the patient. (e)
Specimen Radiography. (f) Clinical picture showing reconstruction with the reconstruction plate. (g) Post-operative OPG
28  Benign Odontogenic Tumours 585

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 28.3 (continued) 3b
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 28.5  Various situations of Unicystic Ameloblastoma found on

Histological examination. 1. The ameloblastomatous epithelial lining.
2. An ameloblastoma nodule projects into the lumen (Luminal
Ameloblastoma). 3a. Ameloblastoma islands present in the connective
tissue wall of an apparently non-neoplastic cyst. 3b. Proliferation of
ameloblastoma into the connective tissue wall from cystic lining. (One
of the Mural variant)

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 28.4 (a, b) OPG and PA view showing Unicystic Ameloblastoma

Conservative management has been advocated by cakarer

28.6.2 Management et al. in their study on large benign aggressive lesions of the
jaws, where they performed decompression followed by
curettage if required [49].
UA treatment is controversial and can be grouped into Zheng et  al. in 2019 published a long-term follow-up
study on 116 cases of UA and have concluded that marsupi-
• Enucleation alisation as an effective treatment option for UA. They found
• Marsupialisation or decompression the recurrence rate more for the mural sub-types and the pre-
• Radical resection dictors for outcomes were resorption of the root, perforation
of the cortical bone and histopathological sub-types [50].
586 A. K. Shah

Usually, initial treatment for UA is enucleation because that. The nerve and vessels should be avoided by contact
they appear clinically as cysts, and the histopathology of the carnoy’s solution as much as possible. The method
type is known only in the excision biopsy report as mural and duration of application of carnoy also is contentious
changes can be picked by the pathologist only when the where different regimes have been proposed by various
full specimen is available. For histologic type showing authors.
luminal changes, the treatment of choice is Enucleation,
but has to be followed up for 5–10 years. In types where
the ameloblastoma infiltrates the adjacent cancellous 28.7.1 Case Scenario 3 (Fig. 28.6a–i)
bone, marginal resection is the treatment of choice after
initial Enucleation and curettage [51]. This means that Case scenario 3 is provided to show that conservative man-
patient has to undergo two surgeries based on the histo- agement with adjunctive procedures will give reasonably
pathological examination. good results thereby avoiding major resective and recon-
There is some controversy on its management, with structive surgeries. A 21-year male reported with gradually
some authors advocating aggressive management, espe- growing swelling right side body mandible (Fig.  28.6a).
cially for the mural variant, while others advocating con- OPG (Fig. 28.6b) showed an unilocular expansile lesion in
servative management such as curettage, peripheral right side body mandible with resoprtion of the associated
ostectomy and various adjuvant materials such as Carnoy’s roots. There was intra-oral vestibular swelling and it was
solution and Liquid Nitrogen [33, 52, 53]. If adequate fol- fluctuant on palpation due to thinning of the labial cortex. CT
low-up is possible, the UA of posterior mandible can be views (Fig.  28.6c–e) show the lesion to be unilocular,
treated conservatively with curettage or peripheral expansile with loss of both labial and lingual cortices. An
ostectomy. incisional biopsy was performed, which gave the report as
According to LAU and Samman [54], 30.5% Unicystic ameloblastoma. This could be considered as an
recurrence rate reported with enucleation alone. aggressive form as there was root resorption. Considering
Application of carnoy’s solution along with Enucleation the age of the patient, a less-radical approach was taken,
decrease the recurrence rate to 16% and the least percent- which involved excision of the lesion by raising an intra-oral
age of recurrence was seen with resection of tumour, i.e. crevicular mucoperiosteal flap (Fig. 28.6f), extraction of all
only 3.6% the involved teeth (Fig. 28.6i), performing a peripheral ostec-
tomy and applying carnoy’s solution (Fig.  28.6g) and also
excising the overlying mucosa, which was in direct contact
28.7 U
 se of Carnoy’s Solution with the lesion. The excised cystic lesion was quite thick
in Ameloblastomas walled and an in toto enucleation was possible (Fig. 28.6h).
A reasonable thickness of the lower border of mandible was
left behind and as the alveolar part of labial and lingual cor-
• Stoelinga and Bronkhorst [55] in 1987 suggested the use tices was removed, excess tissue was available for achieving
of carnoy’s solution for UA as a chemical cauterisation. a tension-free primary closure. The postoperative OPG at
The carnoy’s solution consists of chloroform 3 ml, abso- one and half years (Fig. 28.6j) shows no evidence of recur-
lute Alcohol 6  ml, 1  ml glacial acetic acid, sclerosing rence and prosthetic rehabilitation performed. The patient is
agent ferric chloride 1 gm for the management of fistulae recurrence free for past 7 years.
and cysts as a fixative.
• The modified carnoy’s solution avoids the use of chloro-
form due to concerns about its carcinogenicity [56]. 28.7.2 Case Scenario 4 (Fig. 28.7a–f )
However, the recurrence rate is lower with application of
conventional carnoy’s solution after enucleation and curet- This case scenario is given to show that at times complex
tage in comparison to modified carnoy’s solution [57]. resection and reconstructive procedures may be avoided in
• The use of carnoy’s solution reduces the risk of recur- amelobalstomas considering, the patients age and general
rence by fixing the residual tumour tissues after enucle- health and other social background. In such cases where a
ation of UA with mural invasion, but conventional conservative approach is used, the adjunct measures of
multicystic ameloblastoma and some UA are unlikely to peripheral ostectomy and carnoys solution will serve as
be effective by carnoy’s solution. The recurrence experi- adjunct methods to give an overall good prognosis (readers
enced more in patients treated with Enucleation alone are also advised to refer chapter 27 on odontogenic cysts
without the application of carnoy’s solution. for use of these adjunct measures in odontogenic
• The solution is applied for 5 min with the help of cotton keratocyst).
applicator or gauze soaked in carnoy’s solution in the A 67 year old male patient presented with loosening of
bony cavity. Irrigation with normal saline is done after teeth and swelling of gums in the anterior mandible
28  Benign Odontogenic Tumours 587

a b

c d

e f

g h

i j

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 28.6 (a) Clinical image showing swelling right body mandible. lesion exposed by crevicular flap. (g) Intra-oral view of the surgical bed
(b) opg showing the radiolucent lesion right body mandible with root after extraction of teeth, excision of lesion and peripheral ostectomy.
resorption. (c) Axial CT image showing the expansile lesion with thin- (h) Image of the excised cystic lining, with thick walls. (i) Images of the
ning of the labial cortex. (d) Coronal CT image showing the expansile extracted teeth showing the root resorption, (j) post operative radio-
nature of the lesion. (e) 3D CT showing the erosion of both labial and graph after prosthetic rehabilitation
lingual cortical walls. (f) Intra-oral intra-operative view showing the
588 A. K. Shah

a b

d e

Fig. 28.7 (a) loosening of teeth and expansion of the gums in the anterior lower mandible. (b) A OPG and CBCT showing multilocular radiolu-
cency in the anterior mandible. (c) Lesion exposed (d) lesion excised and peripheral ostectomy done (e) carnoys solution applied to surgical bed
(f) sixteen month post operative OPG

(Fig 28.7a). A CBCT scan (Fig 28.7b) confirmed the pres- removed. A Large round bur was then used to remove 3mm
ence of a multilocular radiolucency in between right lat- of bony walls around the locules left by the lesion (Fig 28.7d).
eral incisor and left first premolar region. An incisional The lesion was treated with modified carnoy’s solution for 3
biopsy confirmed a diagnosis of a plexiform minutes (Fig 28.7e) followed by irrigation with normal saline
ameloblastoma. and primary closure achieved.
Considering the patient’s age and general health, it was Excision pathology confirmed the diagnosis of a Plexiform
decided to follow a conservative line of treatment to avoid ameloblastoma. The healing was uneventful. A 16 month
the need for complex reconstruction. post operative radiograph showed good bony healing
The lesion was exposed under general anesthesia (Fig 28.7f) without any recurrence and the patient is on long
(Fig  28.7c) and the involved teeth and tumour lining was term follow-up.
28  Benign Odontogenic Tumours 589

28.8 Extraosseous/Peripheral c­ ervical lymph nodes and spine (15% each) [63]. Small
Ameloblastoma (PA) bowel, liver, skull, brain and kidneys were the other
­locations, which show metastases but with lower inci-
The tumour was first described by Kuru [58] 1911. The PA is dence [64].
defined as the tumour having intra-osseous ameloblastoma MA is very rare with an occurrence rate of 2% of all
characteristics histologically but occurs in the soft tissues benign ameloblastomas [65]. The age ranges from 5 years
overlying the tooth-bearing areas of mandible and maxilla. to 74 with 34.4 years mean age. 1:1.2 is the male to
In comparison to the intra-osseous solid/multicystic amelo- female ratio. The majority cases were localised in the
blastoma, it is the extraosseous counterpart [59]. mandible. The survival time ranges from 3 months to 5
PA representing only 1–5% of all ameloblastomas consid- years after the appearance of metastases. Most MA are
ering it as a very rare odontogenic tumour. It is also called histologically plexifom type but not significantly differ-
ameloblastoma of soft tissue, mucosal origin ameloblastoma ent from the metastatic type in their histologic and cyto-
and gingival ameloblastoma. It arises from the remnants of logic features [66].
the odontogenic epithelium with in the lamina propria gingi- The initial tumours were treated with Enucleation and
val or from the gingival epithelium of the basal cell layer. curettage while advanced with resection (block or segmen-
It is painless, firm and exophytic growth with a smooth, tal). Open thoracotomy is indicated in discrete and isolated
granular and warty surface. Most commonly located in the lung metastases and wedge resection. Occasionally, chemo-
oral mucosa or the gingiva. It occurs in wide age range groups, therapy gives successful results. Inoperable metastatic
i.e. from 1 to 92 years with more than 64% of cases occurring deposits can be treated with radiation therapy but having an
in the fifth to seventh decade of life. In edentulous areas, it unpredictable response [67, 68].
affects the alveolar mucosa. The ratio of 2.4:1 is noted in man-
dible: maxilla. Intra-osseous ameloblastoma rarely extends to
the gingival tissues and merge with gingival epithelium creat- 28.10 Squamous Odontogenic Tumours
ing PA of the exophytic type [60]. Histopathologically same
histomorphic cell types of odontogenic epithelium seen in 28.10.1 Introduction
solid/multicystic variant as consist in PA.
Squamous odontogenic tumour (SOT) was first described by
Pullon et al. [69] as a rare benign odontogenic tumour in 1975.
28.8.1 Differential Diagnosis It affects all the age group and equally occurs in both the jaws.
SOT histologically characterised by squamous epithelial
islands, which are surrounded by mature connective tissue
1. Peripheral odontogenic fibroma stroma. The SOT is occasionally misdiagnosed as squamous
2. Peripheral variant squamous odontogenic tumour cell carcinoma, keratocanthoma, ameloblastoma and verrucous
carcinoma. It is hamartomatous epithelial proliferation, arising
It does not show invasive behaviour and the treatment of probably from cell rests of Malessez [70]. The differential
choice will be conservative excision with adequate disease-­ diagnosis of SOT may be acanthomatous and desmoplastic
free margins. The recurrence is low, but patients are to be ameloblastoma variants, squamous cell carcinoma (well
kept on long-term follow-up. differentiated).

28.9 Metastasising (Malignant) 28.10.2 Definition

“SOT is a locally infiltrative, benign neoplasm consisting of
‘Malignant Ameloblastoma (MA)’ term was proposed by islands of well-differentiated squamous epithelium in a
Slootweg and Muller [61] in 1984. According to them, it is fibrous stroma. The epithelial islands shows foci of central
well-differentiated ameloblastoma that metastasises but cystic degeneration occasionally” (WHO).
which maintains the characteristic cytologic features of orig-
inal tumour [62]. The ameloblastic tumour that undergoes
malignant cytologic transformation; the term ‘Ameloblastic 28.10.3 Clinical Features [71]
carcinoma’ is used.
Metastasis is the only factor that distinguishes ameloblas- 1 . Swelling, which is painless
toma from MA. Its clinical behaviour is helpful in diagnos- 2. Mildly painful gingival swelling
ing the tumour. 3. Loosening of involved teeth
Lung shows maximum 75% metastatic deposits, 15% 4. Occurs in the mean age of 38 years with age ranges from
each by spine and cervical lymph nodes followed by 8 to 74 years.
590 A. K. Shah

5. Multiple SOT, which involves several quadrant of mouth allied lesions’, and recognised it as a distinct entity [76]. It
in few patients have been reported, a family of 3 siblings may be extra-osseous or intra-osseous.
having multiple lesions has been reported.
6. Absence of periodontal ligament between the lesion &
the root of the tooth, suggesting that lesion arises from 28.11.1 Definition
Malassez rests cell in the periodontal ligament or closely
adjacent mucous membrane. CEOT is a epithelial odontogenic neoplasm, which is locally
7. Equally affects maxilla and mandible, but most ­commonly invasive and is characterised by the presence of amyloid
involves incisor-cuspid area in maxilla and bicuspid- material that may become calcified (WHO)
molar area in mandible

28.11.2 Epidemiology
28.10.4 Radiographic Features [72]
It accounts for less than 1% of all odontogenic tumours,
1. Unilocular radiolucency of the triangular or semicircular hence considered uncommon. It commonly occurs between
type located in alveolar bone along the roots’ lateral the age of 8 and 92 years with the mean age of 36.9 years.
surface. The intra-osseous variant occurs in the third, fourth and
2. In some cases, vertical bone loss appears fifth decade of life in 64% of patients [77]. CEOT has no
3. The radiolucent area may show ill-defined or well-defined gender predilection, and occurs equally in both the sexes.
margins Premolar and molar regions are the commonest site of occur-
4. Sometimes, tumour appears as an intra-bony pocket
rence, although can occur at any site. Anterior gingiva is most
between the teeth commonly affected by the peripheral lesions. Maximum
5. Peripheral lesions may cause saucerisation of underlying cases reported are of intra-osseous lesions, only 6% arise in
bone, which is likely because of the pressure phenome- extra-osseous locations. Mandible is affected by intra-­osseous
non rather than infiltration of the tumour. lesions more frequently than maxilla, with a ratio of 2:1.
6. Few extensive lesions show multilocular radiolucency,
pushing the maxillary sinus and involving the mandibular
body region. 28.11.3 Clinical Features

CEOT is slowly growing, painless, expansile and hard bony

28.10.5 Treatment and Prognosis swelling, which can cause thinning of the cortical bone and
infiltration of soft tissue subsequently. It can cause rotation,
Conservative treatment in the form of local excision, enucle- tipping, migration or mobility of tooth secondary to resorp-
ation and curettage may be done for the successful manage- tion of roots. In the anterior region, there is also a distinctly
ment of SOT.  Recurrent and clinically aggressive lesions uncommon peripheral variant of CEOT, limited to soft tissue
have been treated with en bloc excision. Extraction of the only, presenting as a nodular mass on the gingiva.
associated teeth along with the conservative treatment is
mandatory. It has a very low recurrence rate [73].
Cortical bone erosion of maxilla and mandible 28.11.4 Radiographic Features
exhibits aggressive biological behaviour. Aggressive treat-
ment should be followed for the lesions, which show early The larger or the mature tumour will be mixed radiolucent—
recurrence [74]. radiopaque, although the early tumour may be completely
radiolucent. CEOT is often associated with unerupted teeth. It
may be unilocular and cystic in appearance. It can demonstrate
28.11 C
 alcifying Epithelial Odontogenic a mixture of large and small multilocular spaces described as
Tumour ‘soap bubble’ and ‘honey comb’ in appearance. The radio-
graphic borders in almost all cases between surrounding tissues
Pindborg in 1955 first introduced the calcifying epithelial and tumour appear to be circumscribed and well defined [78].
odontogenic tumour (CEOT) in the scientific literature [75]. CEOT on CT examination demonstrating thinning and
It is well known as ‘Pindborg Tumor’ since then. CEOT is expansion of lingual and buccal cortical plates with well-­
slow growing, benign and occasional locally invasive odon- defined mass containing scattered radiopaque areas of
togenic neoplasm, which is epithelial in its origin. ­different size and signal intensity in mandible. Pindborg
WHO accepted and adopted the term calcifying epithelial tumour on MRI reveals predominantly a hypointense lesion
odontogenic tumour (CEOT) in its first edition of on T1-weighted images and mixed hyperintense lesion on
‘Histological typing odontogenic tumours, jaw cysts and T2-weighted images [79].
28  Benign Odontogenic Tumours 591

28.11.5 Treatment 28.12.2 Clinical Features

Surgical management is the treatment of choice for • AOT commonly occurs in the anterior region of jaws, par-
CEOT. Conservative treatment in the form of Enucleation or ticularly the maxilla.
curettage followed by judicious removal of the thin layer of • It occurs commonly in young patients, two-thirds of the
bone adjacent to the tumour is the choice of treatment in cases occurring between 10 and 19 years of age. However,
small, intra-bony lesions with well-defined borders. However, the age ranges from 3 to 82 years [87].
the tumours treated with curettage and enucleation show a • Females are affected more than males with a ratio of 5.6:1.
recurrence rate ranging from 15 to 30% after 2–4 years with • Size of AOT ranges from 2 to 7 cm with more than 60%
the overall recurrence rate of 14% [77]. involving the entire quadrant [88].
According to Melrose RJ [80], even the small CEOTs are • The most common tooth associated with AOT is impacted
infiltrating in nature. A margin of about 1 cm normal bone canine followed by premolars and lateral incisors [89].
should be removed along with the tumour excision. Peripheral
tumours are treated with smaller margins 0.5  cm because Radiographically, the most common appearance will be a
they are less aggressive. Few recurrences have been reported well-demarcated unilocular radiolucency associated with
with the tumours treated with jaw resection. However, the unerupted tooth. Sometimes, intra-bony cases show scat-
patient should be kept for follow-up upto 5–10 years. tered radiopacities within the radiolucency. Intra-oral peri-
The recurrent lesions and the tumours, which are diagnosed apical radiographs found to be better than OPG are best
late in their clinical course, which over an extended time suited for showing discrete calcified deposits [90].
becomes larger and extensive (more than 4 cm in size) may not The AOT is usually well-encapsulated tumour so the
respond well to conservative management-like surgical exci- treatment of choice will be Enucleation and Curettage. The
sion only. Segmental resection such as partial or hemiman- recurrence is extremely rare [91].
dibulectomy or hemimaxillectomy will be the treatment of
choice. However, it may leave a significant bony discontinuity
requiring grafting or extensive soft tissue reconstruction. 28.13 Mixed (Epithelial-Mesenchymal)
The incidence of malignant transformation is very low; Origin
however, Veness et  al. [81] reported a case of metastatic
spread and malignant transformation with CEOT. 28.13.1 Ameoblastic Fibroma

Ameloblastic Fibroma (AF) was first reported by Kruse in 1891

28.12 Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumour [92]. AF consists of odontogenic ecto-mesenchyme resembling
the dental papilla, epithelial strands and nests resembling dental
Stafne in 1948, first described the adenomatoid odontogenic lamina and enamel organ. Dental hard tissues are absent in it.
tumour (AOT) as an odontogenic neoplasm [82]. It was The lesion is referred to as ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma if there
referred as ameloblastic adenomatoid tumour or adenoamelo- is dentin formation. It is a rare odontogenic mixed tumour in
blastoma initially, because it was considered as a variant of which ectomesenchymal and epithelial elements are neoplastic.
ameloblastoma [83]. The term AOT, which is generally It accounts only 2% of all odontogenic tumours [93].
accepted today suggested by Philipsen and Birn [84]. Clinical Features
AF occurs in young adults and children with an age range
28.12.1 Definition [85] from 1.5 to 42 years, with the average age ranging from 14.5
to 15.5 years [94]. It was occasionally reported in middle-­
A neoplasm of locally invasive nature was characterised by aged individuals. There is no gender predilection. More than
ameloblastoma-like islands of epithelial cells in a mature 50% of patients present with a sign of swelling. Failure of
connective tissue stroma. Aberrant keratinisation may be tooth eruption, pain, tenderness and discharge are the other
found in the form of ghost cells in association with varying common findings [95]. Posterior mandible is the common-
amounts of dysplastic dentin (WHO). est site of occurrence and first permanent molar and second
Three variants of AOT are recognised, i.e. Follicular, primary molar areas were involved in more than 70% of
Extra follicular and peripheral. cases.
The peripheral type arises from the gingival tissues and
is very rare. The follicular type is commonly associated Radiographic Features
with impacted tooth and found in 75% of cases; on the Multilocular radiolucency with sclerotic margins is the most
other hand, the extrafollicular type is located between the common radiographic appearance. Unilocular radilolucency
roots of adjacent teeth and is not related to an unerupted is the feature of small tumours, while large tumours extend
teeth [86]. through the bony cortices. The size typically ranges from 1
592 A. K. Shah

to 8  cm [96]. Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma is the differential

diagnosis of AF.
Enucleation and curettage of the adjacent bone along with
the extraction of affected teeth is the treatment of choice for
AF.  They occur rarely but required a long-term followup. In
order to preserve the teeth involved in the tumour, the chances
of recurrence increase after conservative management [97, 98].
The ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is composed of connec-
tive tissue characteristic of an ameloblastic fibroma and cal-
cified tissue identifying the tumour as a complex odontoma.
The ameloblastic fibro-odontoma diagnosis is based on the
histologic evidence of ameloblastic fibroma with active
odontogenic epithelium embedded in an embryonal connec-
tive tissue. The differential diagnosis of ameloblastic fibroma
and ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is based on the absence
(ameloblastic fibroma) and presence (ameloblastic fibro-­ ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

odontoma) of enamel and dentin. A tumour is called amelo-

Fig. 28.8  OPG showing complex odontome in mandible right molar
blastic fibro-dentinoma when exclusive dentin formation is region
observed. A tumour is called an ameloblastic fibro-­odontoma
in the presence of both enamel and dentin. In ameloblastic They are small, painless and hard mass. Permanent
fibroma, no dental hard tissues are present [99]. AFO is simi- impacted or retained deciduous teeth are present as a com-
lar to AF described by the WHO, and [they also show induc- mon symptom. The second most common complaint is
tive changes that lead to both enamel and dentin formations]. swelling. Complex odontoma may become large and pro-
Moreover, AFO and AF are defined as hamartomatous duce asymmetry with bone expansion [108, 109].
lesions and they are believed to be stages of formation of On radiological examination, the lesion consists of
odontoma. That means the above-mentioned lesions should densely opaque masses of varying size, usually associ-
not be considered as distinct entities [100]. ated with unerupted or impacted teeth. The radiolucent
line surrounds the opaque masses. The collections of
tooth-like structures of different shapes and sizes are the
28.13.2 O
 dontoma (Compound, Complex features of compound odontomes, the teeth are of dimin-
Types) utive sizes. The complex-type odontomes appear as calci-
fied masses that have consistency the same as the tooth
In 1866, Broca coined the term ‘Odontome’ [101]. The term structure.
‘Odontoma’ was given by Thoma and Goldman, to include The treatment of choice for odontomes is surgical exci-
tumours that were composed of well-differentiated tooth sion and recurrence is very rare.
structure [102]. Odontoma defined as a tumour that differen-
tiated and developed enough to produce dentin, enamel and
cementum in varying proportions [103].
Compound odontoma is defined by the WHO as a malfor-
28.14 Mesenchymal Origin Tumours
mation in which all the dental tissues represented in a more
28.14.1 Odontogenic Myxoma
orderly pattern than complex odontoma, so that lesions con-
sist of many tooth-like structures.
Myxoma is very uncommon. It accounts for 0.5 to 20% of all
Complex odontoma is a type of malformation in which all
odontogenic tumours and has a incidence of 0.07/million
dental tissues are represented and individual tissues are well
[110]. It arises from mesenchymal stroma and is a benign,
formed, but occur in a disorderly pattern [104].
locally aggressive tumour. Bone, soft tissues and most fre-
Compound-type odontomas are more common than com-
quently the myocardium are favourite sites for myxomas.
plex odontomas [105]. According to Regezi, the compound
Jaws myxomas are both odontogenic and osseous in the ori-
odontomas are 37% and complex odontomas were 30% of
gin . Myxoma according to WHO is defined as a locally inva-
all the reported odontogenic tumours [106]. Odontomas
sive neoplasm, consisting of angular and rounded cells that
occur equally in both sexes. They are rarely associated with
lie in an abundant mucoid stroma [111].
deciduous teeth but more frequently associated with perma-
nent teeth. Anterior maxilla is the most common site for the
occurrence of compound-type odontome while posterior Clinical Features
mandible (Fig. 28.8) is affected more commonly in complex The myxomas have a predilection for molar and premolar
odontomes followed by anterior maxilla [107]. regions of mandible and maxilla, however they can occur
28  Benign Odontogenic Tumours 593

anywhere in the jaws. One third of myxomas located in the mass fused with roots of the teeth , surrounded and lim-
maxilla while two third in mandible. In maxillary myxomas, ited peripherally by a radiolucent halo.
the cortical expansion and perforation of bone are common Complete excision of cementoblastoma is the gold stan-
and often extend into the sinus [112]. dard treatment with extraction of the involved teeth [119]. It
It is reported to have a slight female predilection must be removed early, otherwise it may continue to grow.
(1.5:1) while other authors reported equal gender predi- Maxillary lesions at times can involve the entire maxillary
lection between females and males. Odontogenic myxo- sinus making the prognosis poor. Recurrence is very rare,
mas most commonly occur in the second and third however incomplete removal may result in recurrence.
decade of life with the average age ranging from 25 to 30 The tooth associated with cementoblastoma may be pre-
years [113]. served under the following conditions [120]
The periapical radiographs and OPGs are the first indica-
tors of myxomas of jaws. Odontogenic myxomas radio- 1 . In slow-growing tumour
graphically present as unilocular lesions to large multilocular 2. In asymptomatic patients, with no pain
neoplasms, which often cause displacement of teeth but 3. Perforation of cortical plates is absent
resorb the roots less frequently. The unilocular lesions are 4. Patient refusal for teeth extraction
small in size on the other hand multilocular myxomas are
greater than 4  cm in size. 5% Myxomas have association
with unerupted tooth [114]. 28.15 Recent Advances Treatment and Prognosis Genetic marking has helped identify gene mutations, which
Surgical excision is the treatment of choice of odontogenic may in the future help with histological and clinical manage-
myxomas. The rate of recurrence is quite high, i.e. nearly ment of these lesions. The most promising of these is the
25% during first two years after removal. Atleast 1  cm of BRAF V600E mutation that is present in 90% of ameloblas-
medullary bone should be resected along with tumour and tomas and in the unicystic mural variant, suggesting predis-
always try to involve one tumour-free anatomic barrier at its position to infiltrative behaviour. In the future, gene therapy
periphery [78]. Subramaniam S [115] used endoscopes in the may be possible using this gene marker [121].
resection of pterygoid plates for the complete treatment of The sonic hedgehog (SHH) and PI3K/Akt/Mtor signaling
odontogenic myxoma. Use of endoscopes eliminates the use pathways may soon provide non-surgical options for treat-
of extra-oral incisions. ment of ameloblastoma. The tumours that depend on active
SHH signalling for growth/survival and maintenance may be
susceptible targets for combined chemotherapy with SHH-­
28.14.2 Cementoblastoma specific inhibitors together with PI3K, Akt or mTOR block-
ing agents [122]. Jhamb T and Kramer JM advise to check
Dewy in 1927 first described Benign cementoblastoma molecular markers and accordingly decide the treatment
[116]. It is a rare tumour of mesenchymal origin. Cementum-­ plan [123]. Effiom OA et  al. reported that explanation of
like tissue formation around the roots of the teeth is its molecular factors that arrange pathogenesis and recurrence
important characteristic. of ameloblastoma will lead to new targeted drug therapies
Cementoblastoma has predilection of mandible with and diagnostic markers for ameloblastoma [124].
79.5% and most commonly in the premolar and molar region.
They rarely occur in maxilla.
The roots of vital erupted permanent tooth are affected by 28.16 Case Scenario 5 (Fig. 28.9a–j)
the cementoblastoma. The most common tooth involved is
the mandibular first molar. It has slight male predilection and A 25 year old male patient presented with an expanding
occurs most commonly in the second and third decade of lesion around the left upper posterior teeth (Fig. 28.9a).
life. Cementoblastoma can cause teeth displacement, expan- Radiographs suggested a cystic lesion and a CT scan con-
sion of bone and maxillary sinus invasiveness, and aggres- firmed bony destruction by a multilocular lesion extending
sive tumours usually present with the symptoms of swelling from the first molar to the tuberosity (Fig. 29.8b). An inci-
and pain [117]. sional biopsy of the lesion confirmed a diagnosis of follicular
The diagnosis of cementoblastoma is very challenging ameloblastoma.
as hypercementosis is also associated with roots of the The patient had excision of the lesion with a posterior par-
teeth, that is the reason why hypercementosis is always tial maxillectomy, with a mandibular split [125] for access
included in the differential diagnosis. Cementoblastoma (Fig. 28.9c, d). The defect was reconstructed with a tempora-
is slow growing, but can cause perforation and expansion lis muscle flap (Fig. 28.9e, f, g). The mandibulotomy site was
of the cortices. The most common symptom is pain [118]. fixed with titanium plates (Fig. 28.9h).
Radiographically the lesion will appear as a radiopaque
594 A. K. Shah

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 28.9 (a) expanding lesion around the left upper posterior teeth. harvested (f) temporalis flap being advanced to the partial maxillec-
(b) CT scan confirmed bony destruction by a multilocular lesion tomy defect (g) Introperative view after suturing of the temporalis flap
extending from the first molar to the tuberosity. (c) Incision marked for to cover the defect. (h) Fixation done at the mandible split region (i)
partial maxillectomy via mandibular split access (d) left posterior par- post-operative intra oral view showing good healing (j) extra oral view
tial maxillectomy being performed (e) temporalis muscle flap being showing good cosmetic and functional result
28  Benign Odontogenic Tumours 595

g h

i j

Fig. 28.9 (continued)

The healing was uneventful. Pathology reports confirmed 28.17 Conclusion

the diagnosis of Follicular Ameloblastoma with clear exci-
sion margins. He had an excellent intra oral and cosmetic Posterior mandible and cuspid areas of maxilla are the most
(extra oral) post-operative result (Fig. 28.9i, j). common sites for the odontogenic tumours to occur.
Maxillectomy through mandibulotomy approach has However, they can occur anywhere in the tooth-forming
been followed by author in a series of cases [125]. apparatus. The detailed history, thorough radiological and
The readers are advised to refer chapter 85 of this book clinical evaluation is important in making the probable diag-
for detailed reading on access surgeries and osteotomies for nosis. Conservative and aggressive surgical management
the maxillofacial region. has been used according to the size and extent of the tumour.
596 A. K. Shah

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97. Leider AS, Nelson JF, Trodahl JN. Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma of involving multiple maxillary teeth: report of a case with a review
the jaws. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1972;33:559. of the literature. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol
98. Dallera P, Bertoni F, Marchetti C, et  al. Ameloblastic fibroma: Endod. 2004;97:53.
a follow-up of six cases. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1996;25: 119. Iannaci G, Luise R, Iezzi G, et al. Multiple cementoblastoma: a
199. rare case report. Case Rep Dent. 2013;2013:828373.
99. Friedrich RE.  Recurrent ameloblastic fibro-odontoma in a 120. Borges DC. Conservative treatment of a periapical cementoblas-
10-year-old boy. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2001;59:1362–6. toma: a case report. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019;77:272.e1–7.
100. Surej Kumar LK, Manuel S, Khalam SA, Venugopal K, Sivakumar 121. Brown NA. Rolland D, McHughJb, Weigelin HC, Zhao l, limMs,
TT, Issac J.  Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma. Int J Surg Case Rep. Elenitoba-Johnson ks, Betz Bl. Activating FGFr2-ras-braF muta-
2014;5(12):1142–4. tions in ameloblastoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2014;20:5517–26.
101. Broca P.  TraiteV des tumeurs, vol. 1. France: P.  Asselin; 1866. 122. Sauk JJ, Nikitakis NG, Scheper MA. Are we on the brink of non-
p. 350. surgical treatment for ameloblastoma? Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
102. Thoma KH, Goldman HM. A classification based on observations Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2010;110(1):68–78.
of the epithelial, mesenchymal, and mixed varieties. Am J Pathol. 123. Jhamb T, Kramer JM. Molecular concepts in the pathogenesis of
1946;12:433–71. ameloblastoma: implications for therapeutics. Exp Mol Pathol.
103. Gorlin RJ, Goldman HM. Thoma’s oral pathology, vol. 1. 6th ed. 2014;97(3):345–53.
St, Louis: The C. V. Mosby; 1970. p. 481–507. 124. Effiom OA, Ogundana OM, Akinshipo AO, Akintoye
104. Kramer IRH, Pindborg JJ, Shear M. The WHO histological typing SO. Ameloblastoma: current etiopathological concepts and man-
of odontogenic tumours. Cancer. 1992;70:2988–94. agement. Oral Dis. 2018;24(3):307–16.
105. Miki Y, Oda Y, Iwaya N, Hirota M, Yamada N, Aisaki K, et  al. 125. Nair S et al . Maxillectomy through mandibulotomy–a retrospec-
Clinicopathological studies of odontoma in 47 patients. J Oral Sci. tive clinical review. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011;69(7):2040–7.
106. Regezi JA, Kerr DA, Courtney RM. Odontogenic tumors: analy-
ses of 706 cases. J Oral Surg. 1978;36:771–8. Additional Reading
107. Philipsen HP, Reichart RP, Pratorius F. Mixed odontogenic tumors
and odontomas: considerations on interrelationship. Review of the Haq J, Siddiqui S, McGurk M.  Argument for the conservative man-
literature and presentation of 134 new cases of odontomas. Oral agement of mandibular ameloblastomas. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
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108. Shafer WG, Hine MK, Levy BM. Cysts and tumors of odontogenic Soluk-Tekkeşin M, Wright JM.  The World Health organization clas-
origin. In: A textbook of oral pathology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: WB sification of odontogenic lesions: a summary of the changes of the
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109. Blinder D, Peleg M, Taicher S. Surgical considerations in cases of Troiano G, et  al. Conservative vs radical approach for the treatment
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110. Gomes CC, Diniz MG, Duarte AP, et  al. Molecular review of
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Reactive Lesions of Oro-Maxillofacial
Region 29
Raja Sekhar Gali

29.1 Introduction Peripheral reactive lesions:

The tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region are con- Eversole classified the common peripheral hyperplas-
stantly exposed to a plethora of inflammatory stimuli that tic lesions of gingiva and other oral mucosal sites into
can be of bacterial, physical, chemical or immunologic in the following categories [2, 3].
­the  origin. Chronic/long-standing, low-grade inflammatory 1. Pyogenic Granuloma
stimuli can induce a heightened/escalated reparative response 2. Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
in the oral tissues resulting in the occurrence of non-­ 3. Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma
neoplastic, hyperplastic lesions that are collectively referred 4. Peripheral fibroma (Focal Fibrous hyperplasia/
to as reactive lesions [1]. Fibrous Epulis) [2].
Though the occurrence of exophytic reactive proliferation
in the oral cavity is relatively common, certain malignant Central reactive lesions:
(metastatic/primary) and benign tumours, vascular lesions
can closely mimic these lesions leading the clinician to mis- The intra-osseous reactive lesions include the follow-
diagnosis and sub-optimal treatment. A thorough under- ing categories [4, 5].
standing of the clinical presentation, differential diagnosis 1. Central giant cell Granuloma
and the required diagnostic workup is the key to appropriate 2. Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
treatment. 3. Brown’s Tumour of hyperparathyroidism
4. Chronic Sclerosing Osteomyelitis and Garre’s
osteomyelitis/Proliferative Periosteitis [4, 5].
Additional features of the chapter:
• Pearls, Perils & Pitfalls
• Case Scenarios
• Recent Advances 29.3 Pyogenic Granuloma

29.3.1 Clinical Features

and Aetiopathogenesis
29.2 Classification
Pyogenic Granuloma presents as a painless pedunculated or
These lesions can be peripheral/extra-osseous (Soft tissues- sessile, soft fleshy mass that bleeds easily with a normal or
Gingiva, oral mucosa etc.) or Central (intra-osseous) in occasionally ulcerated overlying surface (Fig. 29.1). Gingiva
occurrence. is the most common intra-oral site, although it can affect lips,
mucosa and tongue [3].
It is a localised proliferative mass occurring as a result
of an exuberant reparative response to various stimuli such
R. S. Gali (*) as chronic local irritation (calculus, overhanging restora-
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Narayana Dental
tion, a sharp margin of crown etc.), trauma, hormonal
College and Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
changes (Pregnancy), bone marrow transplants and reac-
Medicover Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 599

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_29
600 R. S. Gali

ally cup-like resorption of underlying alveolar bone can be

seen in a peri-apical view or an orthopantomogram. Ruling
out the presence of large osteolytic lesions is required to
exclude malignant lesions.

Histopathological Features  Histologically pyogenic granu-

lomas are classified into two distinct sub-types- the non-­
lobular capillary haemangioma type (non-LCH type) and
Lobular capillary haemangioma (LCH) type [6]. The non-­
LCH type comprises of highly vascular proliferation that is
similar to granulation tissue with foci of fibrous tissue
whereas the LCH type shows proliferation of blood vessels
that are aggregated in a lobular fashion without any signs of
inflammation and or reparative response.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

29.3.4 Recent Concepts
Fig. 29.1  Exophytic gingival growth associated with chronic gingivi-
tis with heavy bands of calculus. The lesion easily bleeds on palpation
and can occasionally cause displacement of teeth
Epivatianos A et  al. had demonstrated that these two sub-­
types have a different origin, clinical behaviour and immu-
nohistochemical properties [7]. Their study had shown that
tion to grafts. Pulp polyp or hyperplastic pulpitis is also a non-LCH pyogenic granuloma presented clinically as a
type of pyogenic granuloma arising in response to low- pedunculated mass and was mostly associated with identifi-
grade chronic infection [1]. The term pyogenic granuloma able aetiologic factors and showed a histological picture of a
is a misnomer as it does not contain pus and it is not a true reparative response. However, LCH pyogenic granuloma
granuloma [1, 3]. presented as a non-ulcerated sessile mass without any identi-
It can occur across all the age groups and both genders, fiable aetiology and histological evidence of lobulated vessel
but with a distinct predominance in females in the 2nd decade pattern and the absence of inflammatory reaction. This has
of life due to the increased levels of circulating hormones led to the concept that LCH pyogenic granuloma represents
like oestrogen and progesterone [6]. Equal incidence has a benign tumour of the vascular origin that develops due to
been reported in both the jaws with a slight predilection to unknown factors just like other benign tumours.
anterior maxilla [1].

29.3.5 Treatment
29.3.2 Differential Diagnosis
Surgical excision of the lesion followed by removal of local
Other peripheral reactive lesions that resemble pyogenic irritants such as calculus, foreign body etc. is the standard
granuloma are peripheral giant cell granuloma and periph- treatment. Excision up to the periosteum is required in gingi-
eral ossifying fibroma [3]. Peripheral ossifying fibroma has val lesions followed by either primary closure by mobilisa-
a firm consistency and a lesser tendency to bleed. Specific tion of adjacent mucoperiosteum, or surgical defect is left to
proliferative malignant lesions can closely mimic pyogenic heal by secondary intention by the placement of Coe pack.
granuloma misguiding the clinician leading to sub-optimal Brisk bleeding is often encountered during excision that
treatment. These can be primary or metastatic squamous would require electrocoagulation. Other treatment options
cell carcinomas, fibrosarcoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, oral met- include electrocautery, cryosurgery, sclerotherapy and laser-
astatic deposits from distant primary foci like thyroid, lung assisted excision.
kidneys etc [1].

29.3.6 Prognosis
29.3.3 Diagnostic Workup
Complete excision of the lesion till the periosteum and
Radiological Features  Appreciable radiological changes removal of local aetiological factors will eliminate the
are generally not seen in pyogenic granuloma, but occasion- chances of recurrence.
29  Reactive Lesions of Oro-Maxillofacial Region 601

29.4 Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma

Peripheral giant cell granuloma is the most commonly

encountered giant cell containing lesion of the oral cavity
that closely resembles pyogenic granuloma.

29.4.1 Clinical Features

and Aetiopathogenesis

It is thought to originate mainly from the connective tis-

sue of the gingiva or the periosteum of the alveolar ridge.
It has been reported in all age groups but with a peak inci-
dence in the 3rd and 4th decades of life with a female
predominance [8]. The lesion presents as a soft prolifera-
tive mass occurring at gingiva or even at edentulous alve-
olar ridge. It has a tendency to bleed and may or may not
be pedunculated [9].
The term ‘reparative’ was dropped from its nomenclature
as the reparative nature could not be demonstrated histopath-
ologically. The aetiology of this lesion remains unclear, but
irritating local factors such as poor restorations, prostheses
calculus etc. are thought to contribute to its origin (Fig. 29.2).

29.4.2 Differential Diagnosis ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Clinically pyogenic granuloma and peripheral giant cell Fig. 29.2  Peripheral giant cell granuloma, presenting as an exophytic
gingival growth firm to hard in consistency causing displacement of
granuloma are indistinguishable. Erosion of cortical bone is
adjacent teeth
more commonly seen with peripheral giant cell granuloma
than with pyogenic granuloma.
Histopathologically, the lesion is very similar to central 29.4.5 Treatment
giant cell granuloma, its intra-osseous counterpart [9].
Complete surgical excision including the periosteum or peri-
odontal ligament as applicable followed by the removal of
29.4.3 Radiologic Features local factors is the optimum treatment for peripheral giant
cell granuloma. Recurrences are rare, but have been reported
Since the lesion is peripheral in the origin and location, and are believed to be due to non-inclusion of periosteum or
radiologic changes are rarely seen. Longstanding, larger periodontal ligament during excision.
lesions can exhibit superficial cortical erosion and may also
show widening of adjacent periodontal ligament space.
29.4.6 Prognosis and Complications

29.4.4 Histopathological Features Recurrence of PGCG is infrequent, ranges as little as 5–11%

have been reported. Extensive clearing of the base of the
Hyperplasia of fibroblasts with abundant multi-nucleated lesion, eradication of the source of irritation prevents recur-
giant cells, with scattered areas of chronic inflammatory rence [9].
cells and neutrophils are seen [9]. Controversy exists
about the origin of the giant cells; some believe that they
are of the osteoclast origin while others state that they are 29.4.7 Recent Advances
formed by the fusion of mono-nuclear cells. Irrespective
of their origin, they are non-functional in these lesions as Increasing incidence of peripheral giant cell granulomas
they are not involved either in phagocytosis or bone occurring in association with dental implants has been
resorption [9]. reported [10, 11]. Local irritant factors, inflammation of
602 R. S. Gali

peri-implant tissues are the causative factors. Clinically,

these proliferations are similar to the classic peripheral
giant cell granulomas and usually develop within months
to years following placement of dental implants. If early
detection and complete surgical excision are not per-
formed, such lesions can lead to peri-implantitis, ulti-
mately leading to failure of the implant necessitating its

29.5 Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma

The peripheral ossifying fibroma is a reactive gingival

proliferation presenting as nodular mass firm in consis-
tency with or without ulceration. It contains fibroblastic
cellular tissue with varying amounts of mineralised con-
tent that can be either bone, cementum or dystrophic
The term ‘peripheral ossifying fibroma’ literally means a
benign tumour of fibrous connective tissue origin. However,
this lesion is a non-neoplastic reactive proliferative lesion, so
this term is a misnomer for this pathology [12].
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 29.3  Exophytic sessile mass over gingiva at anterior maxilla asso-
29.5.1 Clinical Features and ciated with heavy bands of calculus and is seen to be causing displace-
Aetiopathogenesis ment of teeth

The lesion presents as a slow-growing solitary gingival

growth commonly seen during the second decade of life, 29.5.4 Histopathologic Features (Fig. 29.4c)
predominantly in women in the anterior region of either of
the jaws. The lesion is believed to originate from peri- The peripheral ossifying fibroma consists of rich fibro-cellu-
odontal ligament in response to local irritation or inflam- lar tissue with focal areas of mineralised deposits containing
mation, commonly seen at the inter-dental region as a bone, cementum or dystrophic calcification. A chronic
pedunculated or sessile mass (Fig. 29.3). The exact patho- inflammatory cell infiltrate is observed at the periphery of
genesis of peripheral ossifying fibroma is controversial. the lesion.
Some authors believe that it initially develops as a pyo-
genic granuloma that subsequently undergoes fibrous
maturation and calcification. It is thought that these two 29.5.5 Treatment
lesions represent progressive stages of the same reactive
pathology [13]. Complete surgical excision of the lesion with circumferential
margins of 3mm of healthy gingival tissue and deep margins
down to the bone, including the adjacent periosteum and
29.5.2 Differential Diagnosis periodontal ligament has to be performed to reduce the
chances of recurrence [1]. Extraction of the involved teeth is
Histopathology is the only method by which one can distin- to be considered in the cases of recurrent or multi-focal
guish a peripheral ossifying fibroma from a pyogenic granu- lesions of peripheral ossifying fibromas.
loma or peripheral giant cell granuloma [14].

29.5.6 Prognosis and Complications

29.5.3 Radiologic Features
The reported reccurrence rate for peripheral ossifying
Radiographs may occasionally demonstrate specks of calci- fibroma is surprisingly high for a reactive proliferation. The
fications in these lesions (Fig. 29.4a–c). recurrence rate has varied from 4 to 75% [15, 16].
29  Reactive Lesions of Oro-Maxillofacial Region 603

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 29.4 (a) Large peripheral ossifying fibroma of 6 × 7 cm in size, in magnification 400×). (Adapted from A rare massive exophytic gingival
a 64-year-old female, 5  years duration presenting as firm mass. (b) growth: Suvy Manuel et al.; Clinics and Practice. 2012 Mar 30; 2(2):
Radio-opacities on the radiograph observed in the excised lesion. (c) e38. Open Access DOI https://doi.org/10.4081/cp.2012.e38 , copy right
Histopathological view showing the woven bone (H&E stain, original S. Manuel et al, CC BY-NC 3.0, Licensee PAGEPress Italy)
604 R. S. Gali

The aggressive clinical behaviour of specific lesions dem-

Pearls, Perils and Pitfalls: Peripheral Reactive onstrated by osteolysis, cortical expansion, perforation and
Lesions: extension into soft tissue has led to the view that it is a benign
1. The most common proliferative masses of Gingiva tumour similar to the giant cell tumour of long bones [18].
are a Triad of reactive lesions—The 3 P’s— The exact relationship between these two pathologies
Pyogenic Granuloma, Peripheral giant Cell granu- remains to be understood. The concept that these lesions rep-
loma & Peripheral Ossifying fibroma. resent two points in the spectrum of a single-disease process
2. Pyogenic granulomas and peripheral giant cell has been putforth [19, 20]. Considering the variability in
granulomas are more vascular, which is reflected by clinical presentation, individual authors have classified it as
their tendency to bleed and their red or reddish-blue a rapidly growing & destructive—aggressive form and a
colour. slow-growing, incidentally picked up lesion—the non-­
3. Unlike pyogenic granuloma, peripheral giant cell aggressive form [19, 20].
granuloma can occur on edentulous alveolar ridges Since the true neoplastic nature is yet to be established
arising from the periosteum and the histologic features do not represent a true granulo-
4. POF is firm to hard in consistency due to the miner- matous lesion, the term central giant cell ‘lesion’ had been
alised content like cementum/bone/dystrophic proposed by Whitaker & Waldron [20].
5. Complete Surgical excision of these lesions with
circumferential margins of 3 mm of healthy gingi- 29.6.2 Clinical Features and
val tissue and deep margins down to the bone, Aetiopathogenesis
including the adjacent periosteum & periodontal
ligament has to be performed to reduce the chances The lesion can occur in any age group but, children and
of recurrence. This should be followed by removal young adults are more commonly affected and with a female
of putative local factors like calculus, plaque faulty predominance [19]. The anterior mandibular region is the
restoration/prosthesis etc. most frequent site of occurrence almost twice as compared to
6. Extraction of the involved but firm teeth should be the maxilla. The most common presentation is that of an
considered in the cases of recurrent/multi focal asymptomatic, slow-­ growing, bony hard and expansile
lesions. swelling of the involved jaw [19, 20]. This can be accompa-
nied by progressive displacement/loosening of teeth, pares-
thesia, nasal obstruction and secondary infection leading to
pain (Fig. 29.5a, b).

29.6 C
 entral Giant Cell Granuloma 29.6.3 Differential Diagnosis
(Figs. 29.5 and 29.6)
Histopathologically, central giant cell granulomas and brown
Synonyms  Central giant cell Lesion, Central reparative giant tumour of hyperparathyroidism are indistinguishable from
cell granuloma and Giant cell tumour of jaw bones. each other, and this can be very misguiding to the clinician
and the pathologist. Hence, biochemical tests like serum cal-
cium, phosphate and parathormone levels are to be evaluated
29.6.1 Introduction to rule out brown’s tumour. In all cases of multi-focal and or
recurrent central giant cell granulomas of jaws, the possibil-
The central giant cell granuloma is one of the few maxillofa- ity of primary or secondary hyperparathyroidism is to be
cial pathologies that have generated a significant amount of ruled out, so that unnecessary surgical procedures and their
discussion and controversy. The true biological nature of the added morbidity can be avoided.
lesion remains to be understood and the debate about label-
ling it as a tumour still exists [12].
Initially, it was described as Giant cell ‘reparative’ granu- 29.6.4 Radiological Features
loma by Jaffe in 1953 [17] suggesting that it was a reactive
response to intra-bony haemorrhage and inflammation. The central giant cell granuloma presents as multi-locular
Later, the term ‘reparative’ was dropped, as prior traumatic/ radiolucency with scalloped margins that are usually non-
inflammatory episodes could not be elicited in most cases corticated [19]. The cortical expansion, thinning followed by
and clinical progression of disease was inconsistent with the perforation, root resorption and displacement of adjacent
repair process of bone. teeth can be seen in aggressive variants [20] (Fig. 29.5c, d).
29  Reactive Lesions of Oro-Maxillofacial Region 605

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 29.5 (a, b) Central Giant cell granuloma presenting as hard bony lesion with sclerotic border and thinning of lower border. (d) Occlusal
mass over the left body of the mandible with bi-cortical expansion. (c) radiograph demonstrating bi-cortical expansile lytic lesion with incom-
Central Giant cell granuloma presenting as a unilocular osteolytic plete septae

29.6.5 Histopathologic Features curettage. Recurrence rates ranging from 20 to 50% have
been reported following curettage [21]. Adjuvant treat-
The lesion consists of a proliferation of spindle-shaped fibro- ments to curettage-like peripheral ostectomy or marginal
blasts in fibrous and fibromyxoid/vascular stroma [20]. resection have been advocated to reduce the chances of
Clusters of multi-nucleated giant cells are scattered through- recurrence [22]. Aggressive surgical treatment options
out connective tissue stroma especially around vascular such as en bloc resection/segmental mandibulectomy/
channels. These cells are believed to originate from osteo- maxillectomy are presently reserved for locally advanced
clasts or by the fusion of mono-nuclear cells [9]. Focal lesions & recurrent lesions [22, 23]. Significant vascular-
deposits of metaplastic bone are seen. The histological pic- ity and intra-operative bleeding are frequently associated
ture is precisely identical to brown’s tumour of hyperpara- with these lesions. Aggressive surgical resection with
thyroidism [1]. 0.5  cm margins of healthy tissue is advocated to reduce
the chances of recurrence [24]. However, the morbidity
associated with surgical resection such as functional, cos-
29.6.6 Treatment metic impairment, loss of teeth, teeth buds and neurosen-
sory disturbances questions the need for such aggressive
The most commonly practised and favoured treatment for treatments in a benign reactive lesion-like central giant
central giant cell granuloma has been aggressive surgical cell granuloma [24].
606 R. S. Gali

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 29.6 (a) Swelling right side face. (b) Intra oral view of lesion right posterior maxilla. (c) CT axial cut showing changes in posterior right
maxilla. (d) Intra operative view

Medical Methods of Treatment  Based on the premise that and 10  mg/ml triamcinolone acetonide. Two ml of this
osteoclastic activity steers the progression of the disease pro- solution has to be used for every 1cc of the lesion visible
cess, medical treatments aimed at antagonising the activity on orthopantomogram [29, 30].
and proliferation of osteoclasts have been used with varying
rates of success [25–27]. Systemic Calcitonin Therapy  Based on the observations
that calcitonin receptors were found in the multi-nucleated
Intra-lesional Steroids   Steroids have demonstrated the giant cells of central giant cell granuloma and the role of
ability to inhibit bone resorption and induce apoptosis of calcitonin in inhibiting osteoclast function, systemic
osteoclasts. Weekly intra-lesional injections of triam- administration of calcitonin has been practised to treat
cinolone acetonide for six weeks have shown highly central giant cell granuloma [31]. Calcitonin is adminis-
variable results from partial shrinkage, in complete tered through a sub-­cutaneous or intra-nasal route. Sub-
remission, to complete resolution leading to hypercalci- cutaneous administration involves 100 units per day for a
fication of the area [28, 29]. The protocol described period of 18–21 months during which sequential radio-
involves the use of a 50% mixture of local anaesthetic graphs are obtained to monitor the remission of the lesion.
29  Reactive Lesions of Oro-Maxillofacial Region 607

Unlike sub-cutaneous administration, the intra-nasal route expansile, osteolytic lesion often characterised by balloon-
has better patient compliance but unpredictable absorption ing distension of the cortex, that consists of blood-filled cav-
rates [31]. ernous spaces showing occasional osteoid material and
multi-nucleated giant cells [37].
Results with calcitonin therapy have been highly variable.
In some instances, they have been used to shrink the lesions
first, later to be followed by curettage. 29.7.1 Clinical Features

Interferon Therapy  Owing to the prominent vascular com- The aneurysmal bone cyst generally occurs in patients
ponent in central giant cell granuloma, the anti-angiogenic less than 30 years of age with a reported higher incidence
properties of interferon alpha have been used as adjuvant during the second decade of life with almost equal gender
therapy following enucleation/curettage of the lesion. predilection. Aneurysmal bone cysts of the jaws are rela-
Isolated interferon therapy without prior surgical procedure tively rare comprising of only 1–3% of all aneurysmal
led to partial resolution of lesions and is of limited value. bone cysts occurring in the skeleton. The posterior region
Kaban et al. had proposed a protocol that involved treatment of the mandible is the preferred site compared to maxilla
of aggressive central giant cell granulomas of the mandible (6:1).
by a staged treatment of conservative surgical enucleation Most of these lesions present as expansile swellings
(sparing the inferior alveolar nerve and teeth). This is fol- with or without perforation of the involved jaw bone,
lowed by administration of interferon Alpha 2 or beta causing facial asymmetry or displacement of adjacent
(3,000,000 units/m2) 48–72 h after surgery, given once daily teeth and malocclusion. Pain, paresthesia and rapid pro-
by a sub-cutaneous route for a period of 6 months or till a gression of swelling can be seen occasionally. Dark
period when CT scan showed complete regeneration of bony venous blood is generally obtained on aspiration
defect [32]. Their study was based on the hypothesis that (Fig. 29.7a–c).
these lesions are vascular proliferations, thus explaining the Pulsatile nature, thrill and bruit are generally not seen
high success rate in response to anti-angiogenic therapy in in these lesions despite the prominent vascular component
their experience [32]. associated with aneurysmal bone cysts. The presence of
these signs in an expansile, osteolytic jaw lesion would
Bisphosphonates  Bisphosphonates that have an antagonis- rather indicate a high flow vascular malformation. The cli-
ing effect on the osteoclastic activity. Owing to the virtue of nician should recognise this and not mistake it for an
this property, bisphosphonates have been used in conjunc- aneurysmal bone cyst, because doing an aspiration or
tion with intra-lesional steroids in central giant cell granu- incisional biopsy of such high flow vascular malforma-
loma with promising results [33]. tions can lead to disastrous bleeding and potentially fatal
Denosumab  Denosumab is a human monoclonal antibody
that binds to the RANK ligand located on the surface of
osteoclasts and deactivates them. The stromal cells of giant 29.7.2 Aetiopathogenesis
cell tumour have been shown to secrete RANKL and
upregulate osteoclast activity and development. Recent The exact mechanism regarding the origin of aneurysmal
Phase-II clinical trials on the use of denosumab in giant bone cysts remains controversial. The reported hypotheses
cell tumours of long bones showed that it reduces the need include post-traumatic, reactive malformation, genetic pre-
for morbid surgeries [34, 35]. A single report on the use of disposition causing chromosomal translocation and minor
denosumab in central giant cell granulomas of jaws in two vascular injury in a pre-existing bone lesion leading to pool-
patients was recently published and had claimed very ing of blood in the stromal spaces creating bone destruction
promising results involving complete remission of jaw [38].
lesions. However, studies involving a larger sample with This lesion can occur de novo as a primary aneurysmal
longer follow-up periods are awaited to know the exact bone cyst or as a secondary phenomenon arising in pre-­
risk-benefit status of this novel treatment option [36]. existing lesions like central giant cell granuloma, ossifying
fibroma, fibrous dysplasia, osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma and
other lesions [38]. It has been postulated that injury to the
29.7 Aneurysmal Bone Cyst (Fig. 29.7a–f ) capillary network in these lesions leads to extravasation of
blood. The associated capillary blood pressure readily
The aneurysmal bone cyst is a controversial lesion believed destroys unsupported stroma resulting in a blow out reaction
to be a non-neoplastic and exaggerated reactive response of thereby producing the expansile and destructive aneurysmal
vascular tissues of bone. It is a pseudocyst that presents as bone cyst.
608 R. S. Gali

a b

c d

e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 29.7 (a) Swelling left side body mandible. (b) Intra oral view of scan showing the expansile lesion. (f) 3D CT showing the destruction of
swelling left lower posterior buccal cortex. (c) Aspirate showing blood bone
tinged fluid. (d) OPG showing lesion left body mandible. (e) Axial CT
29  Reactive Lesions of Oro-Maxillofacial Region 609

29.7.3 Radiologic Features ondary aneurysmal bone cysts occurring in ossifying

fibromas, giant cell granulomas and osteoblastomas [40].
Owing to its osteolytic nature, aneurysmal bone cyst pres-
ents as unilocular or multi-locular radiolucency often associ-
ated with cortical thinning and perforation with resorption of 29.7.6 Prognosis and Complications
roots seen occasionally. A classic sign commonly seen is the
‘ballooning’ distension of the thinned out cortex occurring as Aneurysmal bone cysts have relatively higher recurrence
a result of a thin outline of reactive sub-periosteal bone for- rates compared to central giant cell granuloma [38]. This has
mation. CT and MRI scans of such lesions often demonstrate been attributed to incomplete removal of the lesion during
blood and free fluid in these cavities (Fig. 29.7d, e, f). curettage/marginal mandibulectomy. The multi-locular
These typical features can sometimes be masked in those nature of the lesion can sometimes limit the access leading to
aneurysmal bone cysts occurring as secondary phenomena in residual pathological tissue that causes increased intra-­
pre-existing bone lesions. Such aneurysmal bone cysts pres- operative bleeding and also gives rise to recurrences usually
ent as mixed radiolucent-radiopaque lesions. in the first year following surgery.

29.7.4 Histopathological Features 29.8 Brown Tumour

of Hyperparathyroidism (Fig. 29.8)
Histopathologically, it consists of variable amounts of
fibrous connective tissue stroma with blood-filled sinusoi- Brown tumour is a misnomer as it is not a true neoplasm, but
dal spaces, multi-nucleated giant cells and reactive woven a localised area of osteolytic defect caused by increased
bone/osteoid. Correlating the histopathological and clinical osteoclastic activity and demineralisation of bone that is
features, three variants of aneurysmal bone cysts were pro- induced by excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone. It is
posed namely, the solid type, vascular type and mixed type considered to be an intra-osseous reactive lesion [4].
[39]. The solid type is associated with a dense stroma, few
sinusoidal spaces and blood vessels that correlates with the
absence of cortical perforation clinically and minimal 29.8.1 Etiopathogenesis
bleeding observed intra-­operatively. The vascular variant
falls into the other end of the spectrum that shows loose Hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone can occur due to
fibrous tissue stroma with large blood-filled cavernous Primary (benign/malignant adenoma of parathyroid gland),
spaces causing extensive osteolysis and cortical perforation secondary (pre-existing kidney disease leads to compensa-
that is frequently associated with brisk intra-operative tory overactivity of parathyroid) or tertiary causes (parathy-
bleed. The mixed variant shows characteristics of both roid tumours arising due to prolonged hyperactivity induced
these sub-types. by secondary causes). Irrespective of the origin, the resultant
effect is hypercalcaemia (caused by mobilisation of calcium
from bone to bloodstream) and altered phosphate levels that
29.7.5 Treatment give rise to the entire spectrum of signs and symptoms of this
disease. These include disturbances in ion metabolism,
Complete Surgical curettage of the lesion is the most com- demineralisation of bone, kidney stones, gastrointestinal dis-
monly followed treatment modality. Adjuvant therapies like orders and muscle weakness. Hence, hyperparathyroidism is
cryosurgery and electrocauterisation have been used to also referred to as the ‘disease of bones, stones, abdominal
reduce the chances of recurrence. Due to its vascular nature, groans and psychic moans’ [41].
brisk bleeding is often encountered during surgery that gen-
erally ceases after complete removal of the lesion. Pre-
operative embolisation had been advocated in extensive, 29.8.2 Clinical Features
vascular variants of aneurysmal bone cysts to reduce intra-­
operative blood loss. Brown tumour is a localised, lytic bone defect character-
Resection is generally reserved for aggressive aneurysmal ised by a mass of reactive fibrous tissue that presents as
bone cysts that have extensively resorbed the lower border of swelling with cortical expansion, perforation occasionally
the mandible or have caused a pathological fracture and associated with pain and pathological fracture. The lesion
lesions that have recurred following conservative therapy. occurs in adults above 50 years of age and has a female to
The decision to perform segmental resection is also influ- the male pre-dilection of 5:2 and can occur in any bone but
enced by the nature and extent of primary jaw pathology in more common sites are long bones, pelvis, ribs, maxilla
which the aneurysmal bone cyst has arisen. Segmental resec- and mandible [42]. Co-existing multiple synchronous
tion has been recommended as the treatment option for sec- lesions in the jaws and at other skeletal sites can also occur
610 R. S. Gali

Fig. 29.8 (a) Lesion right

posterior maxilla. (b) Lesion a b
anterior mandible. (c) OPG
showing the changes (red

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

[43] (Fig.  29.8a–c). Bone manifestations usually occur in 29.8.4 Differential Diagnosis
the late stages of hyperparathyroidism, and brown tumours
are picked up during the diagnostic work-up for the same. • Giant cell granuloma
Rarely, brown tumour of the jaw may be the first manifesta- • Giant cell tumour
tion of primary hyper parathyroidism [44, 45]. They can • Aneurysmal bone cyst
cause significant bone destruction leading to facial asym-
metry, displacement of teeth, malocclusion pathological
fracture etc. 29.8.5 Radiographic Features

It shows a well-defined mono-­locular or multi-locular well-

29.8.3 Diagnostic Workup demarcated lesion that is purely lytic. There are significant
root resorption and loss of lamina dura.
Since it is not possible to histopathologically distinguish
brown tumour from central giant cell granuloma, biochemi-
cal tests are mandatory to confirm its diagnosis. Elevated 29.8.6 Histopathology
serum calcium (>10.4  mg/dl), decreased serum phosphate
level, elevated parathormone levels, ultrasonography to iden- Brown tumour very closely resembles central giant cell gran-
tify parathyroid adenomas (primary hyperparathyroidism), uloma, and these two lesions are indistinguishable on histo-
and renal function tests to rule out renal disease (secondary pathology. Features such as the proliferation of
hyperparathyroidism) constitute the sequence of diagnostic multi-nucleated giant cells, osteoclasts present in a rich
work up to diagnose hyperparathyroidism [45]. fibro-cellular and vascular connective tissue stroma with
29  Reactive Lesions of Oro-Maxillofacial Region 611

scattered areas of haemorrhagic foci and haemosiderin pig- 29.9 C

 hronic Sclerosing Osteomyelitis
mentation are seen. The presence of haemosiderin renders and Garre’s Osteomyelitis
this lesion its characteristic brown/brownish yellow colour
and hence the name brown tumour. Chronic sclerosing type of osteomyelitis occurs as a result of
low-grade and long-standing infection of the marrow spaces
that is characterised by areas of reactive bone sclerosis
29.8.7 Treatment extending over a larger area (diffuse sclerosing) or localised
to one or two teeth (focal sclerosing) [4].
Spontaneous resolution/remission of brown tumour gener- Garre’s osteomyelitis also known as proliferative perios-
ally occurs after treatment of the underlying cause of titis is a sub-type of osteomyelitis that occurs in children. It
hyperparathyroidism. Primary hyperparathyroidism is is characterised by reactive sub-periosteal bone formation
treated by excision of parathyroid adenoma/gland. in response to chronic low-grade infection. Predominantly
Treatment of renal disease, vitamin D deficiency is done in occurring in the posterior region of the mandible, it is best
the cases of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Refractory seen on an occlusal radiograph or an axial section CT scan
lesions that fail to resolve or incomplete remissions after as onion skin-layered appearance of the expanded bony
treatment of underlying cause would require surgical curet- cortex.
tage [44, 45]. Rarely, malignancies like osteosarcoma (juxtacortical and
parosteal), chondrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma and others can
closely mimic Garre’s osteomyelitis leading to a diagnostic
29.8.8 Prognosis dilemma and sub-optimal treatment.
These lesions are discussed in detail in other chapters of
Brown tumours are generally slow-growing lesions that can the book.
be locally destructive. Invasion into surrounding structures
may cause a variety of symptoms. Small lesions usually
resolve spontaneously once the underlying condition (hyper- 29.10 Conclusion
parathyroidism) is treated whereas large lesions take about
6–12 months to subside. A variety of reactive soft tissue and bony pathologies occur
in the oro-facial region that arises in response to chronic low-­
grade inflammation, trauma, metabolic and hormonal influ-
ences. These lesions very closely mimic benign and
malignant neoplasms in their clinical, radiological and histo-
Pearls, perils and pitfalls:
logical presentations. Knowledge about their etiopathogene-
1. Central Giant cell granuloma (CGCG) and brown sis, clinical behaviour patterns is of paramount importance
tumour are indistinguishable histologically. An for providing appropriate treatment.
incisional biopsy report of CGCG should prompt
the clinician to ask for biochemical investigations
to rule out the brown tumour, that is characterised Case Scenario 1 (Fig. 29.5)
by increased serum levels of calcium, phosphate,
alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone. A 53-year-old male patient reported with a chief complaint
2. It is crucial to diagnose brown tumours that are of bony hard swelling over the left side lower jaw of 8 month
invariably reported as CGCG on incisional biopsy duration.
because treatment of hyperparathyroidism will
generally lead to spontaneous resolution of brown Clinical Examination
jaw tumours, thereby avoiding unnecessary surgi- Bony hard swelling over the left body of the mandible was
cal procedures of jaw lesions. noted with the expansion of buccal and lingual cortical plates
3. Aneurysmal bone cysts have varied clinical, radio- (Fig. 29.5a, b).
logical and histological presentations.
4. Secondary aneurysmal bone cysts that arise in pre- Pre-operative Diagnostic Work-up
existing pathologies have a higher tendency to recur Imaging: Orthopantomogram revealed unilocular radiolu-
if treated by conservative surgical methods like cency with a sclerotic border and x-ray occlusal view showed
curettage. a bicortical expansile, osteolytic lesion at the left body of
mandible, with areas of osteosclerosis (Fig. 29.5c, d).
612 R. S. Gali

Incisional Biopsy: Incisional biopsy done under local closure of the resultant defect with oroantral communication
anaesthesia proved it to be central giant cell granuloma. by mobilisation of the buccal fat pad and adjacent Bucco-­
Biochemical tests for assessment of serum parathormone, palatal mucoperiosteum. Following excision of the lesion,
calcium, phosphate levels were performed, and the possibil- since maxillary sinus was breached, the resultant defect was
ity of brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism was ruled out. packed with ribbon gauzed soaked in whitehead’s varnish,
Diagnosis: Central Giant cell granuloma of mandibular body. and a trans nasal inferior meatal antrostomy was done,
Surgical Plan: Considering bi cortical perforation and through which the tip of the pack was brought outside and
thinning of lower border caused by the lesion, segmental knotted for removal on the 12th day. A two-layered water-
mandibulectomy through submandibular approach  +  man- tight closure of the wound was achieved.
dibular reconstruction plate fixation was performed. Post-operative Period: The wound healed uneventfully.
Postoperative Period: Post-operative period was unevent- The patient was last seen 4 years post-operatively and was
ful. The patient was last seen three years after surgery and free of disease.
was found to be recurrence-free.

Case Scenario 3 (Fig. 29.7)

Case Scenario 2 (Fig. 29.6a–d)
A 38-year-old female with a complaint of swelling at the left
A 60-Year-old male with a complaint of an asymptomatic side lower jaw of 1-year duration.
slow-growing swelling in the upper jaw of 10 months
duration. Clinical Examination
Figure 29.7a A single firm to hard swelling was located over
Clinical Examination the left body of mandible, non-tender with normal overlying
A single firm to hard swelling measuring approximately skin & mucosa. On palpation, buccal and lingual cortical
4 × 3 cm located over the right maxillary posterior alveolus plate expansion (Fig.  29.7b) with eggshell crackling sign-­
causing buccolingual expansion, vestibular obliteration was positive suggestive of expanded and thinned out cortical
found. It was extending from the mesial aspect of right max- plates causing microfractures on digital pressure.
illary 1st molar to the maxillary tuberosity area. The swelling
was non-tender, firm to hard in consistency, with normal Pre-operative Diagnostic Work-up
overlying mucosa. There was associated odontogenic focus Imaging: Orthopantomogram revealed a radiolucent lesion
of sepsis, but there was grade-II mobility of right maxillary in the left body of the mandible with focal radio-opacities
1st molar. located in the anterior aspect of the lesion. The lesion was
causing root resorption, thinning of mandibular lower border
Pre-operative Diagnostic Work-up and was extending from lower left 2nd molar to lower left
Imaging: A pre-operative CT scan revealed a unilocular lateral incisor (Fig. 29.7d).
radiolucency with scattered areas of radio-opacity located at CT scan confirmed the presence of an expansile, lytic
right maxillary posterior alveolus that was causing buccal lesion with a characteristic ‘ballooning distension of the buc-
cortical expansion, thinning and even perforation with cal and lingual cortical plates’. It also showed scattered areas
denuding of the roots of the 1st molar. Superiorly the lesion of radio-opacities & multilocularity in the anterior region of
was found to be extending till the body of the zygoma and the lesion and bi-cortical perforation along its posterior
just abutting the floor of the maxillary sinus. aspect.
Histopathological and Biochemical Evaluation: An inci- ‘Ballooning distension’ of the cortex with scattered areas
sional biopsy of the lesion was performed under local anaes- of radio-opacities within a radiolucency was suggestive of
thesia, that was reported as a central giant cell granuloma of secondary aneurysmal bone cyst arising in a pre-existing
the maxilla. A thorough biochemical evaluation was done to lesion (Fig. 29.7e).
rule out brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism as both the Reconstructed CT scan showing bi-cortical perforation
lesions are indistinguishable histopathologically. Serum cal- and lower border thinning at the mandibular body (Fig. 29.7f).
cium, parathormone, and phosphate were within the normal Aspiration: Figure  29.7c Dark venous blood of about
limits. 8–10 ml could readily be aspirated from the lesion.
Diagnosis: Central Giant cell granuloma—Right maxil- Incisional Biopsy: Correlating the bloody venous aspi-
lary posterior alveolus. rate, clinical & radiological findings, a clinical diagnosis of
Surgical Plan: Extended alveolectomy of the right poste- the aneurysmal bone cyst was made. However, owing to the
rior maxillary alveolus  +  nasal antrostomy  +  two-layered change in radiodensity in the anterior aspect of the lesion (as
29  Reactive Lesions of Oro-Maxillofacial Region 613

evident on CT scan), an incisional biopsy was performed to maxilla were diagnosed as Synchronous brown tumours of
rule out the presence of a hybrid lesion or co-existing maxilla and mandible.
pathology. Surgical Plan: The patient was advised parathyroidec-
Diagnosis: A histopathological diagnosis of secondary tomy for primary hyperparathyroidism followed by the wait
aneurysmal bone cyst arising in ossifying fibroma of the and watch policy for synchronous brown jaw tumours to
mandible has been made. undergo self-resolution. But spontaneous resolution the jaw
Surgical Plan: Considering the hybrid nature of the lesions was very slow following eight months after parathy-
lesion, bi-cortical perforation, thinning of lower border, the roidectomy and the patient wanted surgical removal of the
proposed surgical plan was segmental mandibulectomy and brown jaw tumours. They were treated by marginal mandib-
reconstruction. ulectomy and alveolectomy of posterior maxilla.

Case Scenario 4 (Fig. 29.8) References

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Fibro-osseous Lesions
in the Maxillofacial Region 30
Taranjit Kaur

Fibro-ossoeus lesions have posed a diagnostic dilemma since 1936, which was called leontiasis ossea, the term first
the beginning, when first case was reported in late 19th cen- described by Virchow in 1862, for bony lesions involving
tury. Since then various lesions are included in this group, upper facial bones resulting in lion-like faces. Clinicians and
yet the understanding of the lesions remains obscure for the pathologists have gone through a drastic change in their
clinican/surgeon. The main reason for this, is their histologi- understanding of these lesions since then yet pathogenesis
cal resemblance with one another, where they all show vary- and progression still needs further investigation [2].
ing degrees of healthy bone replaced by fibrous tissue and One thing that is common in all these lesions is that nor-
some amount of bone/cementum like tissue intermingled in mal bone is replaced by connective tissue and fibroblasts;
between. This chapter is written with the aim of simplifying occasional foci of mineralisation is seen, with varying
these group of bony lesions for its readers and highlighting degrees of bone- or cementum-like tissue. The biological
the key idea of interdisciplinary approach in the management behaviour of these lesions ranges from benign and indolent
of these lesions where the oral pathologist along with radi- to aggressive, inflammatory and neoplastic [1].
ologist and clinician play a pivotal role in differentially diag- The diagnosis is difficult to obtain on the basis of histopa-
nosing these lesions, for the maxillofacial surgeon to chose thology alone, clinical history and radiographic details have an
and perform her/his duty of managing them, rightfully, for important role to play in the decision-making of the manage-
their patients. The spectrum of these lesions have seen sev- ment. Most often than not, pathologists may not be able to
eral changes during the course of history yet there is still comment more than just benign fibro-osseous lesion in the
ample scope for ambiguity in identification and classification absence of additional clinical and radiographic information [1].
of the lesions, hence the authors have chosen few most com- Though considered as one of the most confusing and
monly encountered lesions in Indian subcontinent, for the challenging pathological processes, it was the meticulous
description and discussion. hard work of Charles A Waldron, an American Oral
Pathologist, who was first to describe these lesions in a sys-
tematic way and propose the classification, in the year 1985,
30.1 Introduction which was later revised by himself in the year 1993 [3, 4].
With the evolution of technology and a better clinical
Fibro-osseous lesions (FOLs) are miscellaneous and chal- understanding of the lesions as well as the availability of
lenging group of intra-osseous lesions posing a diagnostic ample literature, various other classifications have emerged
dilemma for the clinician as well as the pathologist and this from time to time [5, 6].
makes them interesting to treat and manage for the surgeon
[1]. It was Boyko who first reported a case of craniofacial
fibrous dysplasia, diagnosed at that time as osteofibroma, in 30.2 Classifications

Fibro-osseous lesions have undergone a turbulent phase with

Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- regard to its classification and categorisation and in this chap-
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_30) contains supple-
ter, it may not be possible to include all the available classifi-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
cations, but the major ones have been referred to. The major
T. Kaur (*) changes in classifications are seen in the publications by
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental Waldron [5], Waldron [6], Slootweg [7], WHO [8], Speight
College and Hospital, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 615

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_30
616 T. Kaur

and Carlos [9] and Eversole et al. [1]. As all the changes in 2. Osseous Dysplasia
classifications have not been included in the chapter, readers (a) Periapical Osseous Dysplasia
are encouraged to refer the concerned publications. Some of (b) Focal Osseous Dysplasia
the commonly used classifications are as follows. (c) Florid Osseous Dysplasia
(d) Familial Gigantiform Cementoma
3. Ossifying Fibroma
30.2.1 Waldron’s Classification, 1985 [5, 10] (a) Conventional Ossifying Fibroma
(b) Juvenile Trabecular-Ossifying Fibroma
1. Fibrous dysplasia (FD) (c) Juvenile Psammomatoid-Ossifying Fibroma
(a) Monostotic
(b) Polyostotic
2. Fibro-osseous (cemental) lesions’ plausible origin in the 30.2.4 Eversole Classification, 2008 [1]
periodontal ligament
(a) Periapical cemental dysplasia In 2008, Eversole et  al. gave a comprehensive classifica-
(b) Localised fibro-osseous-cemental lesions (presum-
tion by including developmental lesions, neoplastic lesions
ably reactive in nature) and inflammatory/reactive processes. This classification
(c) Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia (gigantiform emphasised that final diagnosis can be attained by the cor-
cementoma) relation of microscopy, imaging and clinical features
(d) Ossifying and cementifying fibroma together and not on the basis of histopathological features
3. Fibro-osseous neoplasms of uncertain or detectable rela- alone.
tionship to those arising in the periodontal ligament
(a) Cementoblastoma, osteoblastoma and osteoid 1. Bone dysplasias
osteoma. (a) Fibrous dysplasia
(b) Juvenile active-ossifying fibroma and other so called (i) Monostotic
aggressive-ossifying/cementifying fibromas. (ii) Polyostotic
(iii) Polyostotic with endocrinopathy (McCune-Albright)
(iv) Osteofibrous dysplasia
30.2.2 WHO Classification of FOLs, 2005 [8] (b) Osteitis deformans or Pagets disease
(c) Pagetoid heritable bone dysplasias of childhood
At the core of these classifications is the spectrum of clinico- (d) Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia
pathological entities in which the diagnosis can only be made 2. Cemento-osseous dysplasias
by the correlation of clinical, radiological and histological (a) Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia
features. (b) Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia
3. Inflammatory/reactive processes
1 . Ossifying fibroma (OF) (a) Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis
2. Fibrous dysplasia (b) Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis
3. Osseous dysplasia (c) Proliferative periostitis
(a) Periapical osseous dysplasia 4. Metabolic disease
(b) Focal osseous dysplasia (a) Hyperparathyroidism
(c) Florid osseous dysplasia 5. Neoplastic lesions (ossifying fibromas)
(d) Familial gigantiform cementoma (a) Ossifying fibroma
4. Central giant cell granuloma (b) Hyperparathyroidism jaw lesion syndrome
5. Cherubism (c) Juvenile-ossifying fibroma
6. Aneurysmal bone cyst (i) Trabecular type
7. Solitary bone cyst (ii) Psammomatoid type
(d) Gigantiform cementomas

30.2.3 Speight and Carlos Classification Based on the above-mentioned classification systems,

(2006) [9] author have selected few most commonly occurring BFOLs
(Benign fibro-osseous lesions), which will allow a better
1. Fibrous Dysplasia understanding of these lesions, from a maxillofacial sur-
(a) Monostotic FD geon’s point of view.
(b) Polyostotic FD It is apparent from this wide spectrum of FOL that a diag-
(c) Craniofacial FD nosis cannot be made from pathology reports alone and it has
30  Fibro-osseous Lesions in the Maxillofacial Region 617

to be correlated with the clinical and radiological findings Clinically, painless expansion of the affected area with
[11]. BFOL form a wide spectrum of diseases, which occur facial asymmetry is the common presentation of FD. Rarely
intra-osseously and is characterised by similar microscopic does a lesion expand the bone to cause structural weakening.
pictures with hypercellular fibroblastic stroma and varying Thickening of the skull bones and obliteration of the foram-
amounts of bone, cementum and other calcified structures. El ina of the base of the skull occasionally can present variously
Mofty stated that reactive, dysplastic, developmental and as headache, proptosis, visual loss, anosmia and hearing
neoplastic processes are included under the broad umbrella of loss.
BFOLs and the treatment given varies from case to case [12].

30.3.2 Radiographic Features

30.3 Fibrous Dysplasia (FD)
Radiographic features vary depending on the stage at which
Fibrous Dysplasia is a benign dysplastic disease with a well-­ the lesion is diagnosed. Early onset lesions appear radiolu-
approved genetic cause in GNAS 1 (Guanine nucleotide-­ cent and later as they age, the classical ‘ground glass appear-
binding protein alpha-stimulating activity polypeptide 1) ance’ (Fig. 30.1) is the identifying feature.
gene. The clinical severity of the disease depends on the The lesion is ill defined and is radiologically impercep-
stage of foetal life (prenatal/postnatal) at which gene muta- tible from the adjoining normal bone. Ground glass
tion occurs. So far, the identification of GNAS1 mutations are appearance is due to radiodensity caused by abundance of
the most useful molecular tool to differentiate fibrous dys- woven bone, which also leads to fuzziness of the boundar-
plasia from other fibro-osseous lesions [13]. ies, and strict delineation of lesion from the normal bone
is difficult on the radiograph. Poorly defined borders are
the diagnostic clue for FD and also differentiate it from
30.3.1 Clinical Features Ossifying fibroma, which has well-defined appearance on
the radiograph. Publications have stressed on the impor-
There are four main clinical subtypes of FD depending on tance of CT and CBCT as investigative modalities of
the time of mutation in GNAS 1 FOLs [14].
The clinical case scenarios 1 and 2 are provided for the
(a) Monostotic FD, which affects single bone: Post-natal readers to appreciate the difference in the CT images between
life mutation. early and long-standing lesions
(b) Polyostotic FD affecting multiple bones at the same
time: Mutation in the late embryonic stages of life. Clinical case scenario 1 (Fig. 30.2a–e)
(c) McCune—Albright syndrome in which multiple bony A 17-year-old male with noted swelling in the upper right
lesions are seen along with skin pigmentations and endo- maxilla posterior vestibule region and he was aware of the
crinopathies presenting itself as precocious puberty and swelling for about 1 month.
hyperthyroidism: Due to mutation in early embryonic
stages of life.
(d) Craniofacial FD confined to bones of craniofacial


Craniofacial variant will be discussed in detail, as it is the

most common FD encountered in the maxillofacial region.
FD is the disease of growing bones and the majority of
lesions are diagnosed in first two decades of life, without any
predilection for gender or race. Though mandibular lesions
are purely monostotic, but the lesions involving maxilla,
which invariably involve zygoma, sphenoid and other adjoin-
ing bones of the craniofacial skeleton, are not truly mono-
stotic and hence may be suitably referred to as Craniofacial
FD. Since multiple adjoining bones are involved of the same
anatomic region, term polyostotic is avoided. Craniofacial
FD appears in few commonly seen patterns, ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 30.1  Occlusal image showing ground glass appearance in a

One, involving maxilla-zygoma-sphenoid-frontal-nasal bones. 36-year-old female, who had aymptomatic bilateral body region man-
Another, involving frontal-temporal-sphenoid-zygoma bones dible swelling
618 T. Kaur

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 30.2 (a) Clinical picture of FD right upper posterior buccal sul- lost in IOPA. (c) Axial view CT. (d) Coronal view CT. (e) Sagittal view
cus. (b) Occlusal view showing ground glass appearance, no root reso- CT
prtion, no root displacement, hazy margins, lamina dura appeared to be
30  Fibro-osseous Lesions in the Maxillofacial Region 619

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 30.3 (a) Clinical image. (b) Coronal CT showing more dense/opaque appearance of the lesion. (c) Axial image

Clinically, the lesion was Ovoid, well defined, non-tender 30.3.3 Histological Features
and firm with no palatal expansion, involving the buccal suc-
lus of tooth 13–16 (Fig. 30.2a). Histologically, FD shows irregularly shaped trabeculae of
Occlusal X-ray showed ground glass appearance immature woven bone dispersed in cellular fibroblastic
(Fig.  30.2b), There was no root resorption, no root tilting, stroma. The bone trabeculae evolve directly from stroma and
margins were hazy and lamina dura lost. assume delicate curvilinear patterns, which appear like
CT scan shows well-defined lesion (Fig. 30.3c–e—axial, ‘Chinese letters’ [15]. The osteoid is generally not rimmed
coronal and sagittal views, respectively). with osteoblasts and develops into lamellar bone as the lesion
The Calcium and Phosphorous values were normal. matures. Such may not be the case with extra gnathic lesions.
A bone incision biopsy was done and the final diagnosis
was that FD. It was decided to observe the lesion till growth
is completed; however, the patient was lost for follow up 30.3.4 Treatment and Prognosis

Clinical case scenario 2 (Fig. 30.3a–c) In a large majority of cases, lesions show the tendency of
This patient in his late thirties was aware of the swelling slow growth and eventually stabilise with the cessation of the
on the right posterior upper jaw for past 5-6 years. After an growth phase. Indications for surgical treatment include
initial biopsy proved it to be FD, the lesion was excised com- functional deficits or significant cosmetic deformity. The aim
pletely under GA. of treatment is to restore function and cosmetic symmetry.
620 T. Kaur

The involvement of the bone may range from minimal to lus. The clinical, radiological and surgical findings were sug-
functional and/or esthetic deformity being present. Based on gestive of a COF; however, the pathology report was that of
patient’s age, the presence/absence of cosmetic and func- FD.  This case is shown to highlight the varied pathology
tional deficits and the growth rate, the treatment is currently reports, which can be expected in dealing with lesions under
designed in the following way [16] (Video 30.1). the BFOL spectrum (Fig. 30.4a–d).

1. Observation Clinical case scenario 4 (Fig.  30.5a–c) is given to show

2. Conservative approach in the form of surgical lesion, which had initial differential diagnosis of FD, but
recontouring and reshaping. pathology report showed it to be sclerosing osteomyelitis
3. Radical surgical approach involving resection and In 2008, eversole classification inflammatory reactive
reconstruction. process containing focal sclerosing osteomyeliotis/diffuse
sclerosing osteomyelitis (DSOM) and proliferative periosti-
In the case of minimal involvement, no surgical interven- tis were categorised under BFOL.
tion may be needed but when involvement is more signifi- Figure 30.6 is an OPG of a 11-year-old child who pre-
cant, surface shaving of excess bone, for cosmetic reasons sented with recurrent pain and swelling left side body man-
may be done. Radical surgical approach is preferred in the dible. OPG shows a diffuse ground glass appearance, with
case of significant functional and aesthetic deficit. changes in the trabecular pattern on the whole of the left
A treatment scheme offered by Chen in 1990 [17] is ramus and body mandible. A provisional diagnosis of DSOM
helpful in determining the approach depending on the can be made. Unfortunately, the patient didn’t report for fur-
extent of conditions. The lesions are defined as per the ther investigations. OPG is included to demonstrate the alter-
regions, in Zone 1, i.e. frontomaxillofacial are, it is advised ation of the trabecular pattern.
that they are completely excised and reconstructed hence-
forth. In Zone 2, i.e. hair-bearing cranium, observation and
conservative or radical approach as and when needed. 30.4 Ossifying Fibroma/Cementifying
Whereas in Zone 3, which is central cranial base, more Fibroma/Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma
conservative or observational approach is required due to (COF) and Juvenile (Aggressive)-
the difficult location of neurovascular bundle, lastly Zone Ossifying Fibroma
4 lesions involving dentate maxilla and mandible are
advised conservative treatment in the form of surgical 30.4.1 Clinical Features
recontouring and shaping. Optic canal decompression was
advised on patients with orbital dysplasia and decreasing These were traditionally a group of Fibro-osseous lesions
visual acuity. with neoplastic tendencies. COF has had its own share of
Riclade in 2001 in his review article stated that in cranio- controversies, being included previously under BFOLs. The
facial dysplasia, early treatment is advised in progressive recent update in 2018; however, accepts COF as odontogenic
sensory disturbances, in order to reduce the problems caused in origin and had been placed under mesenchymal odonto-
by decompression at a later stage [18]. genic tumours [19]. Another entity with a similar clinical
Non-surgical treatment has a limited role, radiotherapy is picture is central odontogenic fibroma, which is also under
contraindicated. Steroids show some effectiveness in reduc- benign mesenchymal tumours. Lesion that produces cemen-
ing bone pain and temporary relief from symptoms due to tum including COF and cementoblastoma, thus, currently
nerve compression. Calcitonin and pamidronate have shown has found a new place.
some promise in recent studies but the results of long term In 2017, the consensus group felt that the term cemento-­
trials are awaited [16]. ossifying fibroma is suitably descriptive and indicates that
Monostotic lesions of the craniofacial complex need to be these lesions are specific to the tooth-bearing areas of the
differentiated from other FOLs like cemento-ossifying jaws and can be distinguished from the two juvenile variants
fibroma (COF) and diffuse-sclerosing osteomyelitis of the of ossifying fibroma. This clearly distinguishes it from ossi-
mandible [15] while COF most commonly appears in young fying fibromas that are non-odontogenic and are classified
adults in tooth bearing areas of mandible and maxilla, it is under benign fibro- and chondro-osseous lesions. The three
well defined and can be separated or scooped out from the variants are, therefore, defined as cemento-ossifying fibroma,
adjoining healthy bone easily. juvenile trabecular-ossifying fibroma and juvenile
psammomatoid-­ossifying fibroma [20–22].
Clinical case scenario 3 is a 14-year-old boy who reported COF progressive painless buccal and lingual plate expan-
with a recurrent lesion on upper left buccal posterior alveo- sion. COF affects dentate segment of mandible and maxilla.
30  Fibro-osseous Lesions in the Maxillofacial Region 621

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 30.4 (a) Clinical image of swelling left upper buccal alveolus in a easily shelled out with relative ease, in this case. (d) Intra-operative
14-year-old boy. (b) Axial CT image showing flecks of radiopacities. image where the lesion was shaved out from the alveolar bone via a
(c) Shows the lesion exposed, note the gritty nature, which could be mucoperiosteal flap approach

They are slow growing in nature in adults, but show aggres- 30.4.2 Radiological Features
siveness in the younger age group. The teeth are generally
displaced. Ossifying Fibromas demonstrate a well delineated It is a well-demarcated radiolucent lesion, in the initial
or encapsulated cellular fibrous connective tissue with vary- stages, separated from the surrounding healthy bone. Usually,
ing amounts of osseous products like bone and cementum a solitary lesion and is unilocular. The well-demarcated
(spherical calcification). radiolucent/radiopaque appearance is the main differentiat-
Lesions are more commonly seen in mandible (77%) ing consideration with Fibrous Dysplasia. Appearance is
especially the molar region and are found exclusively in dependent on the maturity of the lesion, i.e. purely radiolu-
jaws. The peak age is 3rd and 4th decades of life and very cent (initial stages); mixed with radiopaque foci or radi-
strong female pre-dilection (almost 5:1). The juvenile variant opaque. The radiographic presentation of bowing of mandible
(Juvenile-Ossifying Fibroma), which is also more aggres- with thinning and weakening of the lower border, particu-
sive, is seen in the younger age group [23]. larly in large expansive lesions, is seen. Resorption or diver-
gence of roots may result due to continued growth.
622 T. Kaur

b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 30.5 (a, b) OPG ant coronal CT cuts show evident changes in the was of FD, but the bone biopsy (c) report was suggestive of sclerosing
right ramus of a 10-year-old girl, who presented with progressing facial osteomyelitis
asymmetry on the right side ramus region. The provisional diagnosis

30.4.3 Histologic Features 30.4.4 Treatment and Prognosis

Ossifying fibromas of craniofacial skeleton are divided into COF is a slowly growing benign neoplasm commonly seen
two categories depending on the cell of origin. in the 3rd to 4th decades of life, if left untreated can enlarge
to a significant size. Since it is radiographically as well as
(A) Cemento-ossifying Fibroma (COF): OF with odonto- microscopically well circumscribed and shells out from the
genic origin. surrounding bone with little effort, it is curettage or enucle-

(B) Juvenile (aggressive)-Ossifying Fibroma [9, 24–26]: ation a preferred initial treatment option. An important fea-
subcategorised as (Table 30.1) (Fig 30.7) ture is, it is well defined and can be easily shelled out from
1. Juvenile trabecular-Ossifying Fibroma (JTOF) the adjoining normal bone, grossly the lesion can be sepa-
2. Juvenile Psammomatoid-ossifying fibroma (JPOF) rated out in one piece or a few large chunks. The recurrence
rate is variable and unpredictable. Surgical curettage is an
30  Fibro-osseous Lesions in the Maxillofacial Region 623

Fig. 30.6  OPG in a

11-year-old child showing the
diffuse change in the
trabecular pattern at the left
body/ramus region of

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Table 30.1  Comparing the main features of JTOF and JPOF (adapted a
from Speight and Carlos [9])
Age ( mean) 2–30 years (10) 3 months–72 years (20)
Female: male 1.2:1 1.3:1
site Maxilla 50% Sino-nasal 62%
Mandible 44% Maxilla 20%
Sino-nasal 6% Mandible ramus 10%
Cranium 8%
Radiology Well circumscribed Well circumscribed,
Speckled calcifications aggressive, expands and
occupies the paranasal
Histopathology Densely cellular, Densely cellular,
immature bone and spherical cementum-like
osteoid in a trabecular psammomatoid
pattern, osteoblast calcifications
rimming seen
Clinical Progressive and rapid Affects predominantly
features expansion of lesion, extragnathic bones of
pain may not be craniofacial skeleton,
present, in maxilla can particularly the paranasal,
produce nasal orbital, frontal and b
obstruction and ethmoid bones.
epistaxis Orbital extension of
sino-nasal tumors may
present as proptosis,
visual complaints nasal
stuffiness etc

acceptable trteatment [27]. Lesions exhibiting more aggres-

sive behaviour and recurrence may need to undergo resec-
tion. The anatomical location and age of the patient and
aggressiveness of the lesion have a role in deciding the treat-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
ment modality of the lesion.
Fig. 30.7 (a, b) Coronal and panoramic CT views in a 26-year-old
Clinical case scenario 5 (a case of COF affecting the right man with long-standing swelling of the left side maxilla and cheek
side body of the mandible) (Fig. 30.8a–e). bone—the case of JOF—lesion fills the left hand side of the nose and
paranasal sinuses
624 T. Kaur

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 30.8 (a) Swelling rt body mandible in 29-year-old female, clinical picture. (b) Panoramic image of the CT scan. (c) Axial CT image showing
the bone destruction. (d) Surgical bed after excision of the lesion. (e) Cut section of the fibrous lesion
30  Fibro-osseous Lesions in the Maxillofacial Region 625

30.5 C
 emento-Osseous Dysplasia (Osseous Radiographically, maturation of the lesion can be appreci-
Dysplasia) ated, when examined at various stages.
Initially, they appear as periapical radiolucencies,
Osseous dysplasia is a non-neoplastic, commonest, least which can be easily mistaken for a periapical cyst or a
understood fibro-osseous lesion occurring in tooth-bearing granuloma.
areas of the jaws. The cause of misunderstanding lies at the Over a period of time, the mixed radiolucent radiopaque
similarities shared at the clinical and histological levels with picture may emerge and as the lesion matures further, even-
other fibro-osseous lesions like fibrous dysplasia and ossify- tually show dense periapical calcifications at the end stage,
ing fibroma and even few neoplasias [28]. which is surrounded by a narrow radiolucent rim. The lesions
Since these lesions lie in close association with the peri- seldom reach beyond 1–1.5 cm diameter and growth is self-­
odontal ligaments of the tooth-bearing segment of the jaws, limiting. The lesions remain separated from the periodontal
and histopathologically as well, they bear close similarity ligament of the tooth throughout their growth phase.
with PDL, the strong suspicion of the origin in PDL cannot The histological features are coincidental with radio-
be ruled out. graphic findings and categorised as three stages.

Two main types are recognised, based on the clinical

and radiological features. Stage 1: Osteolytic stage/Radiolucent phase
1. Localised and Which shows ample fibrous connective tissue, highly
2. Generalised. cellular and with numerous small vessels.
Stage 2: Cementoblastic stage/radiolucent radiopaque
Localised variety includes phase
(a) Periapical cemento osseous dysplasia (PCOD) Various trabecular-woven bone and cementum-like tis-
(b) Focal cemento osseous dysplasia (FCOD) sues seen.
Stage 3: Mature stage/radiopaque phase
Generalised variety includes Consolidation of bone- or cementum-like tissue.
Florid cemento osseous dysplasia

Ideally, these lesions can be identified clinically and radio-

graphically without the need for the biopsy, as the presen- 30.7 Focal Cemento Osseous Dysplasia
tation is pathognomonic
For several years, pathologists were aware of the lesions
Su et al. in 1997 have published a series of 316 cases to occurring in the mandibular posterior region, often occurring
distinguish the clinical, radiological and pathological fea- in the tooth-bearing areas and in relation with recently
tures of the cement osseous dyplasias [29, 30]. extracted teeth sockets. Waldron recognised them to be,
localised fibro-osseous cemental lesions, supposedly reac-
tive in nature. The present understanding of these lesions is
30.6 Periapical Cemento-Osseous hard work of Summerlin and Tomich, besides naming them
Dysplasia as Focal cemento osseous dysplasia, they clinically defined
them for a better understanding and differentiation from
30.6.1 Clinical, Radiological and Histological other lesions especially Ossifying Fibroma [31].

The clinical and radiographic presentation of PCOD is 30.7.1 Clinical, Radiological

well established. There is a marked predilection for and Histopathological Features
females (14:1) and Afro-Caribbean women [2], and com-
monly seen in and around the third decade of life, rarely Focal osseous dysplasia is more commonly seen in Afro-­
before the age of 20. Caribbean females. Male to female preponderance is 1:8.
Predominantly involves periapical region of anterior man- Mainly occurs in the 4th to 5th decades of life with 38 years
dible, frequently involving more than one tooth at a time being an average age of occurrence.
though solitary lesions may be occasionally seen. The lesion appears as painless, non-expansile, localised
These are non-expansile asymptomatic lesions and teeth condition especially in posterior mandible, both tooth-­
in association are invariably vital and are discovered acci- bearing areas as well as edentulous mandible where tooth
dently when radiographs are taken for other purposes. was extracted in the recent past. A clinical, radiographic and
626 T. Kaur

histopathological differential diagnosis of Focal osseous

dysplasia is Ossifying fibroma. Since both are more common 30.8 Florid Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia
in posterior mandible and may appear as radiolucent, mixed
or radiopaque, well-circumscribed lesions, the clinical and When the lesions, similar in microscopic and radiographic
radiological differentiation can be confusing provided one appearance to Focal cemento osseous dysplasia, are found in
notices the centrifugal growth pattern of and focal osseous more than one location in a mandible or in both the quadrants
dysplasias barely grow beyond 1.5  cm. Radiographically, simultaneously, they are identified as Florid cement osseous
focal osseous dysplasias tend to be well defined with slightly dysplasia. Radiographs displayed a spectrum of sclerotic and
irregular borders. ground-glass opacities limited to alveolar processes but not
On histological examination, one finds connective tis- to root apices [32]. Chronic osteomyelitis may infrequently
sue stroma comprising of loose collagen fibers, inter- complicate the disease. These cases appear to represent the
spersed with irregular shaped cementoid calcifications. most exuberant manifestation of reactive fibro-osseous jaw
Free haemorrhage is noticed throughout, intermixed with disease. Many times, these diseases are an incidental finding
collagen background. and patient may be asymptomatic (Figs. 30.9 and 30.10)

Fig. 30.9  OPG of a

73-year-old Asian female,
who had x-ray taken for
removal of lower right third
molar. X-ray shows diffuse
florid COD-like lesions

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 30.10  OPG of a

55-year-old Asian female who
reported for dental extractions
due to pain. Xray reveals
florid COD-like lesions in
both jaws

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

30  Fibro-osseous Lesions in the Maxillofacial Region 627

30.8.1 Clinical, Radiological and Histological Surgical intervention in terms of the debulking proce-
Features dures is only recommended where there is obvious facial
deformity resulting in reduced quality of life [33].
Florid cemento osseous dysplasia shows predilection for
Afro-Caribbean women in the fourth to fifth decades of life,
with a mean age of 42 years. The lesion has a propensity for 30.9 Conclusion
bilateral symmetrical involvement of mandible. Occasional
maxillary involvement is not rare. FOLs form a diverse wide spectrum of lesions, which are
The patients are usually edentulous and lesions are usu- still evolving; in their classifications. Maxillofacial surgeons
ally non-expansible, if cortical expansion is present then it is usually come across intra-oral lesions at various stages and
limited in nature. many of them can be managed easily by routine surgical
The diagnosis of Florid OD is mainly clinical and radio- modalities. Certain lesions show aggressive nature and
graphic, Melrose [32] suggests the involvement of two jaw involve mid-face and sino-nasal areas. Such cases will need
quadrant is imperative for the diagnosis of Florid a multi-disciplinary approach for optimal treatment out-
COD.  Radiographically, the lesion undergoes stages of comes. Close interaction with the pathologist and adequate
maturation as seen in the other types of OD, initially, the radiological investigations are needed to ascertain the diag-
lesions are mainly radiolucent and with time progressively nosis in many cases. The lack of clarity in classification and
become first mixed radiolucent radiopaque and then in the similar radiological and histological picture of various
later stages turn into radiopaque sclerotic masses. Simple lesions add to the difficulty in reaching a diagnosis.
bone cyst that appears as sharply defined radiolucent areas
may be intermixed with the lesional tissue, is a frequent Acknowledgments  Suvy Manuel for Figures 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 30.4,
finding in Florid OD.  The most commonest radiographic 30.5, 30.6, and 30.9
Oommen A Jacob-Figures 30.7, 30.8
presentation is of multiple sclerotic lobular opacities Sooraj S- Figure 30.10
mixed ill defined with radiopaque radiolucent masses
involving the alveolar process of mandible and maxilla
sparing the lower border of the mandible and vertical rami.
Histologically, the lesion has similar features like other References
two forms of OD. The lesion specimen consists of cellular
mesenchymal connective tissue, with numerous spindle-­ 1. Eversole R, Su L, ElMofty S. Benign fibro-osseous lesions of the
craniofacial complex a review. Head Neck Pathol. 2008;2:177–202.
shaped fibroblasts and blood vessels. Multiple haemorrhagic 2. Brannon RB, Fowler CB. Benign fibro-osseous lesions: a review of
sites are a common finding in the connective tissue back- current concepts. Adv Anat Pathol. 2001;8:126–43.
ground along with lamellar-, woven- and cementum-like par- 3. Waldron CA. Fibro osseous lesions of the jaws. J Oral Maxillofac
ticles. Depending on the extent of maturation of the lesion, Surg. 1985;43:249–62.
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they become more sclerotic and the ratio of fibrous connec- Surg. 1993;51:828–35.
tive tissue to mineralised material decreases. 5. Rajpal K, Agarwal R, Chhabra R, Bhattacharya M. Updated clas-
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6. Srichinthu KK, Yoithapprabhunath TR, Chitturi RT, Yamunadevi A,
30.8.2 Treatment/Management Potsangbam AD, Singh DN. Fibro osseous lesions—classifications,
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local causes of infection-like periapical pathosis, periodontal 7. Slootweg PJ. Maxillofacial fibro-osseous lesions: classification and
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disease, ill-fitting dentures can lead to osteomyelitis of the 8. Barnes L, Eveson JW, Reichart P, Sidransky D.  World Health
underlying altered bone and fistula and sequestra formation. It Organization classification of tumours. Pathology and genetics—
is recommended to avoid any surgical intervention for diag- head and neck tumours. Lyon: IARC; 2005. p. 319–23.
nostic purposes, as the diagnosis is generally made on clinical 9. Speight P, Carlos R.  Maxillofacial fibro-osseous lesions. Curr
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and radiographic presentation. As for the treatment of symp- 10. Waldron CA, Giansanti JS.  Benign fibro-osseous lesions of the
tomatic lesions like the presence of underlying osteomyelitis, jaws: a clinical-radiologic-histologic review of sixty-five cases.
conservative care in the form of removal of sequestra and pro- II.  Benign fibro-osseous lesions of periodontal ligament origin.
longed antibiotic therapy is recommended. Extractions are not Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1973;35(3):340–50.
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recommended for the same reason, as the socket heals by Histopathol. 2012;18(4):149–58.
replacement with cementum-like tissue, which is mainly 12. El-Mofty SK. Fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial skeleton: an
avascular. update. Head Neck Pathol. 2014;8:432–44.
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13. Pereira TDSF, Gomes CC, Brennan PA, Fonseca FP, Gomez
24. El-Mofty S.  Psammomatoid and trabecular juvenile ossifying

RS.  Fibrous dysplasia of the jaws: integrating molecular fibroma of thecraniofacial skeleton: two distinct clinicopatho-
­pathogenesis with clinical, radiological, and histopathological fea- logic entities. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.
tures. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48:3–9. 2002;93(3):296–304.
14. MacDonald DS.  Maxillofacial fibro-osseous lesions. Clin Radiol. 25. Slootweg PJ, Panders AK, Koopmans R, Nikkels PG.  Juvenile
2015;70(1):25–36. ossifying fibroma. An analysis of 33 cases with emphasis on histo-
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copathologic studyof sixty-four cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
Pathol. 1985;60(5):505–11.

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Vascular Anomalies of the
Oro-Maxillofacial Region 31
Sanjiv Nair and Sunil S. Shroff

31.1 Introduction anomalies and this was first recognised by James Wardrop in
1818 [2]. In spite of Dr. Wardrop’s work, subjective words
Vascular anomalies are lesions arising from the arterial and/ like ‘strawberry hemangioma’ and ‘salmon patch’ were used
or venous and/or lymphatic circulation. These have a wide for a long time. These terms only reflected the appearance
array of histological and clinical features and constitute one and did not correlate clinically or histologically [2].
of the commonest congenital anomalies in infants and chil- Anomalies presenting in different age groups with vary-
dren [1]. ing clinical behaviours needing different treatments were
In the context of iatrogenic creation of arteriovenous fis- often given the same or overlapping names by clinicians.
tulas by phlebotomists, William Hunter in the mid-eighteenth Commonly used terms are: haemangioma, arterial malfor-
century first described vascular anomalies. Haemangiomas mation, venous malformation, capillary malformation and
and vascular malformations are different entities of vascular lymphatic malformation.

Haemangioma (Figs. 31.1 and 31.20): Is a benign tumour of blood vessels comprising arterioles with endothelial cells,
which are proliferative and hyperplastic in nature.

a b c
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.1  Non-involuting congenital Haemangioma (NICH) of left cheek ((a) initial therapy with propanolol 10 days post-birth, (b) 6
months following propanolol therapy, (c) excision of lesion at 2 years age)

S. Nair (*) · S. S. Shroff (*)

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bhagwan Mahaveer
Jain Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 629

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_31
630 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

This terminology has been used by many as a common often resolve with time. It is necessary for one to be able
term for any vascular anomaly especially in childhood. to differentiate between haemangioma and other vascular
These develop within the initial few weeks of life but anomalies.

Arterial malformation (Fig. 31.2): These are dilated, overlapping and tortuous arteries having a coil-like appearance
and/or a collection of arterial loops without any venous component. They are also described as ‘high flow lesions’.


c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.2  Arterial malformation ((a, b) tongue high flow lesion, (c) DSA, (d) embolisation)
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 631

Venous malformation (Fig. 31.3): These are commonest type of vascular malformations caused by ectatic venous chan-
nels, also called ‘low flow lesions’.

a b c
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.3  Left cheek venous malformation ((a) pre-operative Left cheek VM, (b) axial and (c) coronal STIR sequence MRI)

Capillary malformations (Fig. 31.4): These are commonly known as, ‘port wine stain’. It is a flat, well-defined vascular
stain of skin seen early in development when vessels of skin form abnormally which can increase in size and give a
nodular appearance as a late presentation.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.4  Capillary malformation of lower lip, chin and right cheek
632 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

Lymphatic malformation (Fig. 31.5a, b): These are lesions containing fluid-filled spaces or channels, thought to be
caused by abnormal development of the lymphatic system.

a (i) a (ii)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.5 (a) Micro-cystic lymphatic malformation of tongue ((i) coronal T2 weighted MRI image, (ii) pre-operative clinical). (b) Axial
post-­contrast image of macro-cystic lymphatic malformation of left Parotid. Copyright: Authors own publication from IJOMS 2018
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 633

The above lesions in different combinations make up for ‘arte- cause activation of precursor cells, leading to migration,
riovenous’ (Fig. 31.6) and ‘lymphovenous’ malformations. proliferation and differentiation of the primary capillary
plexus [5].
VEGFs, angiopoietins, and their endothelial tyrosine
31.2 Pathogenesis kinase receptors are known to be the central regulators of
vasculogenesis, angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis [4].
Histologically, vascular anomalies are seen as a localised Haemangiomas have currently 2 dominant theories [6],
increase in vasculature with abnormal tortuosity and enlarge- although unclear. These are:
ment. This is known to be caused by defects in the formation
1. Endothelial cells are formed from deranged placental tis-
of these vessels during vasculogenesis [3].
sue present in foetal soft tissues during gestation.
2. Stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells which give
rise to haemangiomas, are found in circulation of patients
‘Vasculogenesis’ is defined as growth of vessels from with haemangiomas.
precursor cells like, haemangioblasts that further give Abnormal levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP9)
rise to angioblasts and haemocytoblasts. and proangiogenic factors (VEGF, b-FGF and TGF-beta 1)
are involved in the pathogenesis of haemangioma. Genetic
errors involving growth factor receptors are also known to
Fusion takes place in islands of vasculature leading to the influence the development of these lesions [6].
formation of primary capillary plexus, which then extends and There are 3 stages in the life cycle of haemangiomas [7],
matures during angiogenesis. This involves the proliferation of each characterised by biological markers and processes.
endothelial cells and the recruitment of mural cells to form fully These stages are clinically seen and distinguished micro-
developed and functional lymphatic and vascular trees [4]. scopically and immunohistochemically [8] as,
Angiogenesis is regulated by factors like VEGFs (vascu- 1. Proliferative phase—0–1 year of age
lar endothelial growth factors), FGFs (fibroblast growth 2. Involuting phase—1–5 years of age
factors), PDGF-beta (platelet derived growth factor beta) 3. Involuted phase—more than 5 years of age
and ANGPT-1 and ANGPT-2 (angiopoietins). These factors

a b

Fig. 31.6  Arteriovenous malformation of pinna of right ear ((a, b) previous Popescu suturing as reported, (c) coronal CT angiography image, (d)
contrast MR angiography image). Copyright: Authors own publication from IJOMS 2018
634 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.6 (continued)

Venous malformations (VMs) are known to be autosomally The pathogenesis of arterio-venous malformations
dominant showing high penetrance. Abnormal venous connec- (AVMs) is also not clearly understood. A defect in vascular
tions cause venous congestion, thrombosis and slow expansion stabilisation is known to potentially cause AVMs. Intra-­
of these lesions. VMs commonly have a sporadic occurrence, but cranial AVM is seen most commonly, followed by AVMs
research has suspected a genetic locus to be involved in their involving extracranial head and neck, extremities, trunk and
development [6]. Chromosome 9p has been localised to cause viscera. These are seen at birth and are frequently misdiag-
inherited forms of VMs. The loss of functional mutation on the nosed as a CM or haemangioma. These lesions have been
angioprotein-receptor gene TIE2/TEK and upregulation of many seen following trauma in adults. Defects in signalling of
factors like tissue growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and basic fibro- TGF-Beta and genetic two-hit hypothesis are the existing
blast growth factor (beta-­FGF) is seen [6]. Progesterone recep- theories [11, 12].
tors are also found in VMs, which explains their propensity to
enlarge rapidly during hormonal changes.
The pathogenesis of capillary malformations (CMs) is 31.3 Classifications
not clearly understood. These can be seen anywhere on the
body, localised to a dermatome or extensive in nature. A Mulliken and Glowacki [13] in 1982 introduced a biological
familial pattern has been identified with a locus on chromo- classification, which classified vascular lesions into two dis-
some 5q in a genome-wide linkage analysis [9]. tinct entities: haemangiomas and vascular malformations.
Lymphatic malformations (LMs) show a focal pattern Haemangiomas demonstrate endothelial hyperplasia
of occurrence. The aetiology is not clearly understood. unlike vascular malformations, which show progressive dila-
Although most cases are congenital, there is no evidence of tation of abnormal vessels lined by flat endothelium on a thin
associated familial pattern. There have been cases of LMs basal lamina. A more practical classification amalgamating
following trauma or infection. Receptors like VEGFR3 and their biological behaviour and flow dynamics was later intro-
Prox-1, likely play a role in their development [10]. duced [14] (Table 31.1).
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 635

Table 31.1  Modified Mulliken and Glowacki classification [14] Table 31.3  Anatomical classification of Vascular malformations [1]
A. Haemangioma (IJOMS 2011: 40)
 Superficial (Capillary haemangioma) Type-I Mucosal/cutaneous
 Deep (Cavernous haemangioma) Type-II Sub-mucosal/sub-cutaneous
 Compound (capillary cavernous haemangioma) Type-III Glandular
B. Vascular Malformations Type-IV Intra-osseous
  Simple lesions Type-V Deep visceral
  Low-flow lesions
  Capillary malformations (capillary haemangioma, port-wine
stain) Type-I lesions (Fig.  31.7) are superficial involving the
   Venous malformation (cavernous haemangioma) epidermis and dermis. These can be excised in toto and
   Lymphatic malformation (lymphangioma, cystic hygroma) reconstructed with local flaps where necessary. Lasers have
  High-flow lesions some use in such surface lesions.
   Arterial malformation
Type-II lesions (Fig.  31.8) involve sub-cutaneous tissue
  Combined lesions
   Arteriovenous malformations
and facial planes. These can be widespread sometimes and
  Lymphovenous malformations approached by meticulously raising a superficial skin flap.
  Other combinations The lesion is either debulked, excised or corseted as neces-
sary (discussed in surgical management).
Type-III lesions (Fig. 31.9) are deeper involving salivary
Table 31.2  International Society for the study of Vascular Anomalies
classification system (ISSVA) [15] glands, usually parotid and sub-mandibular, demand-raising
Vascular tumors
flaps in sub-cutaneous and sub-dermal planes. The lesion is
Benign either debulked, excised or corseted as necessary (discussed
Locally aggressive or borderline in surgical management).
Malignant Type-IV lesions (Fig. 31.10) involve bone and are either
Vascular malformations curetted or excised followed by reconstruction. These are
Slow-flow usually high-flow lesions and require ECA control or endo-
 Capillary malformations
vascular embolisation to achieve adequate haemostasis
 Lymphatic malformations
 Venous malformations
(intra-operative dye administration in Fig.  31.10 demon-
 Arteriovenous malformations strates the efficacy of intra-operative ECA control in treating
 Arteriovenous fistula such high-flow vascular lesions).
Combined (2 or more VMs in one lesion) Type-V lesions (Fig.  31.11) involve deeper visceral
 CVM, CLM, LVM, CLVM, CAVM, CLAVM, others spaces like parapharyngeal, retropharyngeal, glottis and
(C-capillary, V-venous, L-lymphatic, AV-arteriovenous) laryngeal. These can be rarely excised intoto and require
Anomalies of major named vessels
access osteotomies of maxilla, mandible or zygoma (see
Vascular malformations associated with other anomalies
Chap. 85 on access osteotomies).

This system was later revised and adopted by the ISSVA

[15] (International Society for the study of Vascular anoma- 31.4 Clinical Findings (Table 31.4)
lies). This is currently the most widely accepted and divides
vascular anomalies into: vascular tumors and vascular malfor- A comprehensive and holistic understanding of the true
mations (Table 31.2). The online version of the classification, is nature of lesion is important to adequately manage these
available on the ISSVA website (www.issva.org), contains patients. The different types will be discussed according to
hypertext links that facilitate the navigation in the classification the ISSVA classification for simplicity here, while the surgi-
and its appendices. These vascular neoplasms show an cal management will be discussed according to the anatomi-
increased turnover of endothelial cells, which undergo division cal classification, as it was found to be more helpful than
by mitosis, unlike vascular malformations. Vascular malforma- other available classifications.
tions can be capillary, venous, lymphatic and arterial, which Superficial haemangiomas (Fig.  31.20) can appear as
progress in proportion to the child. raspberry-coloured birthmarks or reddish discolouration of
We proposed a practical classification of vascular lesions the skin. The bright red strawberry-like classic appearance
based on anatomy and depth of location in the head and neck may not be seen in deeper lesions involving sub-cutaneous
region [1] (Table 31.3), which helped not only in understand- tissues. These deep lesions are wrongly diagnosed as vascu-
ing the extent of lesion but also in determining the surgical lar malformation, with normal appearing overlying skin.
approach and reconstruction necessary. This classification is Superficial lesions were previously called ‘capillary heman-
found to be most useful for the surgical management of these giomas’, and deeper lesions ‘cavernous hemangiomas’.
complex lesions. These terms do not reflect the clinical nature or influence the
636 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.7  Type-I vascular lesion ((a) pre-operative tongue VM, (b) debulking, (c) closure and (d) post-operative). Copyright: Authors own publi-
cations from IJOMS 2011
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 637

a d

b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.8  Type-II vascular lesion ((a) pre-operative Left cheek VM, (b) incision, (c) exposure and excision and (d) Post-operative)
638 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

a b c

d e f
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.9  Type-III vascular lesion ((a) pre-operative Left parotid AVM, (b) incision, (c) exposure, (d) facial nerve dissection, (e) excision speci-
men and (f) post-operative). Copyright: Authors own publications from IJOMS 2011

treatment and should be reserved only for histological weeks after birth. 80% of these cutaneous lesions are single and
description. Compound lesions involving superficial and 20% are multiple. They grow rapidly and then enter an inactive
deeper tissues are also seen. The clinical appearance may phase at about 6 months of age. They then begin to shrink and
vary depending on the depth of tumour. Growing haemangi- involute after 1 year of age and sometimes leave behind a resid-
omas can show organ involvement and cause ulcerations, ual lesion. These residual lesions take longer to resolve.
bleeding, hearing problems, vision changes, difficulty in RICHs (Fig.  31.20) are present at birth and involute by
mastication, dysphagia and dyspnea. 6–14 months of age. Occasionally, they cause haematologi-
Congenital haemangiomas are further divided into infan- cal irregularities like the Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon
tile haemangiomas (IHs), rapidly involuting congenital hae- (KMP).
mangiomas (RICHs), non-involuting congenital NICHs (Fig. 31.1) are present at birth and get larger with
haemangiomas (NICHs) and partially involuting congenital age. It is best to wait until 1 year of age to differentiate
haemangiomas (PICHs) [15, 16]. between RICH and NICH by looking at the involution pat-
IHs are commonly seen in infants and occur in 5–10% of tern. PICHs initially present as RICH but fail to involute
children [17]. They appear anywhere between a few days to 3 completely and remain as NICH.
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 639

a b c

d e

f g

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.10  Type-IV vascular lesion ((a) pre-operative AVM right man- injection before occluding of ECA, (e) intra-operative C-arm picture
dible, (b) axial post-contrast CT image, (c) ECA control and injection following dye injection and occlusion of ECA, (f) lesion exposure and
of radiopaque dye, (d) intra-operative C-arm picture following dye (g) currettage of lesion)
640 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

a b

c d

Fig. 31.11  Type-V vascular lesion ((a) pre-operative VM left parotid, (f) lesion complete currettage, (g) mandibulotomy closure and (h) post-
(b) parapharyngeal extension, (c) coronal T1 weighted MRI image, (d) operative). © Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
exposure, (e) lesion exposure with mandibulotomy and ECA control,
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 641

e f

g h

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.11 (continued)
642 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

Table 31.4  Clinical findings of Vascular anomalies of Head and Neck

Haemangioma VM’s CM’s LM’s AVM’s KHE’s
Age Birth, few days to Birth Birth Birth, later in life Later in life Neonate
3 weeks after birth
Appearance Reddish discolouration Bluish Red or purple patch Diffuse swelling Pink to bluish –
of skin
Depth Skin, subcutaneous Superficial, deep Cutaneous only Deep tissues Superficial, deep –
Types IH, RICH, NICH – Medial, lateral Macrocystic, – –
Behaviour Slow growing, Slow growing, Painless, can involve Expansile, Pulsatory, thrill Large, more
involute in 12–14 low flow, local deeper structures infiltrative than 5 cm in
months blood stasis size
Functional Ulceration, vision/ Painful Cosmetic Airway problems, Coagulopathy LIC/ Thrombocyte
problems hearing/swallowing/ thrombophlebitis, disfigurement, involve pain, dysphagia, DIC, throbbing penia,
airway issues phlebolith other areas like in difficulty in pain, ulceration Kasabach-
formation Sturge Weber mastication Merritt
syndrome, Klippel phenomenon
Trenaunay syndrome

Venous malformations (VMs) (Fig. 31.3) are most com- be part of a syndrome, commonly the Sturge-Weber syn-
monly seen vascular malformations, which are slow-­ drome, which is characterised by CM involving the ophthal-
growing, low-flow lesions present at birth and demonstrate a mic branch of trigeminal nerve, leptomeningeal angiomatosis
network of serpiginous inter-woven veins. These can grow and choroid angioma. CMs may also be seen in the Klippel-­
extensively, become palpable, discoloured or bluish in colour Trenaunay syndrome with multiple vascular (lymphatic,
with local blood stasis, which sometimes lead to painful venous and capillary) abnormalities.
thrombophlebitis. VMs can increase in size, in proportion to Lymphatic malformations (LMs) (Fig. 31.5) are usually
the increase in pressure within vessels caused by valsalva congenital and not always detected until later in life. LMs are
manoeuvre, dependency, exercise or agitation. VMs are usu- slow-flow lesions and can be macro-cystic (>2  cm)
ally compressible on palpation. They can demonstrate ‘phe- (Fig.  31.5b), micro-cystic (<2  cm) (Fig.  31.5a) or mixed,
boliths’, which are nothing but small calcifications formed depending on the size of predominant cysts within them.
due to, prolonged intra-vascular coagulation (Fig. 31.12). Macro-cystic LMs can show expansion and compression of
Phleboliths are the commonest cause of pain in VMs. adjacent anatomical structures in the head and neck causing
There is progressive lamellar fibrosis following intra-­ dysphagia, dyspnea and masticatory problems. Micro-cystic
vascular thrombus formation. Calcium phosphate and car- LMs were previously called lymphangiomas and demon-
bonate are deposited in the core of the thrombus with strate an infiltrative nature. LMs with local haemorrhage and
peripheral mineralisation [18], which slowly increases in infection can cause significant pain. LMs of the head and
size. They are clinically palpable intra-orally, bi-manually in neck are further described by the de Serres classification
the cheek and over bony prominences. These are present as scheme [19], which classifies disease severity based on the
multiple oval or round laminated bodies (Fig.  31.12) with location and prognosis.
radiolucent or radiopaque corners, radiologically. Phleboliths Fast-flow arterio-venous malformations (AVMs)
can be areas of resistance to injecting sclerosants and should (Fig.  31.6), usually present with a pulsatile local swelling.
be excised separately. These AVMs along with some slow-flow lesions are at an
Capillary malformations (CMs) (Fig. 31.4), can be seen increased risk of haematological complications like coagu-
in the neonatal period and should not be mistaken with infan- lopathies due to disturbances in haemostasis and thrombosis.
tile haemangiomas (IHs). They occur in around 0.3% of chil- Blood pools in abnormal slow-flow vessels, resulting in acti-
dren presenting with vascular anomalies. CMs usually vation of the coagulation system, resulting in a process
present congenitally as a flat, red or purple cutaneous patch known as ‘localized intravascular coagulopathy’ (LIC),
with asymmetric borders. They are painless and do not bleed which shows low fibrinogen, elevated D-dimer levels and
spontaneously. They are categorised as ‘medial’ or ‘lateral’ mild thrombocytopaenia. This can further cause, ‘dissemi-
lesions, based on their location in head and neck. Lateral nated intravascular coagulopathy’ (DIC) and consumption of
lesions involve areas of face along the distribution of trigem- various coagulation factors.
inal nerve. They present as portwine stains, usually increase AVMs are known to behave aggressively in later life,
in size to involve deeper sub-cutaneous tissues causing the which can be stimulated by pubertal changes, pregnancy or
lesions to become darker, more raised and nodular. CMs may trauma. They may present with throbbing pain, ulceration
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 643

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Fig. 31.12  Left cheek and lower lip VM ((a) clinical picture, (b, c) post-contrast axial and sagittal CT images showing multiple phleboliths)
644 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

and bleeding. Significant bleeding can sometimes be a cause US (Fig. 31.14) is the least invasive modality of imaging
of cardiac failure, in affected individuals. available for assessment of vascular anomalies. It is used as
A useful clinical staging system was introduced by a baseline investigation for superficial head and neck vascu-
Schobinger [20] in 1990. This system is widely used for lar lesions. In addition to the above, the US has a high sensi-
describing the clinical presentation and evolution of AVMs: tivity in diagnosing these lesions. The disadvantages of the
Stage I (quiescence): pink-bluish stain, warmth and arterio- US are its limitation in detecting deeper soft tissue and bony
venous shunting by way of Doppler examination lesions.
Stage II (expansion): same as stage I, plus enlargement, pul- Doppler ultrasound (Fig. 31.15) is used to demonstrate
sations, thrill, bruit and tense/tortuous veins high-flow lesions. Flow towards the ultrasound transducer is
Stage III: the same as stage II, plus dystrophic skin changes, seen in red and away from the transducer seen in blue. The
ulceration, (destruction) tissue necrosis, bleeding or per- arterial feeder is usually identified by increased colour flow,
sistent pain high doppler shift and low resistance.
Stage IV: the same as stage III, plus cardiac failure CT (Fig. 31.16) is used to diagnose bony lesions, provide
(decompensation) cross-sectional details and detect the presence of calcifica-
Undiagnosed AVMs of bone are occasionally the cause of tions like phleboliths in venous malformations and haeman-
increased bleeding during/after extraction of teeth in a dental giomas. Most scans can be done in less than a minute with
office, which can lead to life-threatening airway and haema- quick acquisition time. Reduced imaging time and low cost
tological problems if not treated immediately (Fig.  31.13). compared to MRI make contrast CT widely used for diag-
These warrant urgent transfer to a hospital and embolisation nosing soft tissue vascular lesions. Surveillance imaging
or ECA control. with CT is not recommended due to increased exposure to
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is autoso- ionising radiation.
mally dominant and presents with the formation of expand- MRI (Fig.  31.17) is the most preferred and accepted
ing arterio-venous fistulas. These patients usually present imaging for diagnosing and monitoring soft-tissue vascular
with superficial (skin, mucosal) or deep (visceral) telangiec- lesions of head and neck. Its superior contrast resolution, in-­
tatic lesions. They may sometimes present with aneurysms depth soft-tissue assessment and non-exposure to ionising
causing epistaxis or intra-cranial haemorrhage. radiation, makes it the investigation of choice for these
Kaposiform haemangioendotheliomas (KHEs) are large lesions. Haemangiomas and VMs show intense enhancement
lesions (greater than 5 cm), which are present in the neonatal with MRI. AVMs and LMs show minimal enhancement.
period. They are extremely rare and have a low incidence of Fat-suppressed T2-weighted imaging is used to discrimi-
occurrence. Hence, there are no clear guidelines on their nate these lesions among each other. Intense T2-weighted
management. These are aggressive vascular tumours, which signal is seen with VM’s and macro-cystic LM’s due to cys-
can be complex in their management due to thrombocyto- tic spaces within them and pooling of slow-flowing blood or
paenia secondary to platelet trapping. This phenomenon is lymph. Moderate signal intensity is seen with haemangiomas
known as KMP (Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon). 70% of and vascular neoplasms due to their cellular composition.
patients with KHEs demonstrate this phenomenon [21]. Mild T2-weighted signal is seen with AVM’s reflecting tis-
sue oedema.
Long acquisition time (at least 30 min) and increased cost
31.5 Radiological Assessment of imaging limit its use [22]. Use of sedation or anaesthesia
is required for infants, children and uncooperative adults.
Clinical and radiological assessment go hand in hand to Angiography (Fig. 31.18) is usually reserved for thera-
accurately diagnose and manage these diverse groups of peutic endovascular interventions. Angiography includes
head and neck vascular anomalies. Selection of the imaging arteriography, venography and injection of direct intra-­
should be tailored according to the indication, advantages, lesional contrast agent. This provides good resolution (spa-
disadvantages and availability of resources. Good knowl- tial and temporal) of the vascularity and also permits
edge of all the available radiological modalities is essential catheter-induced percutaneous therapy. Arteriography is
to treat these lesions. used for the evaluation of high-flow vascular lesions. Its use
is limited due to the invasive nature and use of ionising
Commonly used imaging modalities are radiation.
Ultrasound (US)
DSA (Fig. 31.19) should be reserved for patients under-
Coloured Doppler ultrasound
going endovascular treatment. DSA is used for diagnosis of
Computed tomography (CT) with contrast
Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) AVM’s where the feeding artery, draining vein, nidus con-
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) necting artery and vein can be clearly imaged [23] and simul-
MRI angiogram taneous embolisation can be performed, by an interventional
Multi-planar dynamic contrast enhanced MRI radiologist.
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 645

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c d

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Fig. 31.13  Bleeding following dental extraction—Extracorporeal cur- poreal currettage and excision of diseased bone and (e) fixation of man-
rettage of high-flow bony vascular lesion and fixation of mandible ((a) dible as the free graft)
pre-operative, (b) intra-oral, (c) ligation of main feeder, (d) extra-cor-
646 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.14  Ultrasound image-Venous malformation of submandibular

region showing multiple cystic spaces
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.16  CT with contrast, Right mandible Type-IV lesion

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.15  Coloured Doppler Ultrasound image of AVM of neck

showing multiple cystic spaces filled with colour (flow towards the
transducer seen in ‘red’ and away in ‘blue’, lighter shades of colour
depict higher velocity)

Multi-planar dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI is pre-

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
ferred for extensive vascular malformations of the head and
neck, especially in lesions involving aerodigestive tract, neu- Fig. 31.17  T2-weighted MRI, left parapharyngeal venous
ral and vascular structures. malformation
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 647

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Fig. 31.18  AVM of right mandible ((a) Contrast MR angiography image, (b) T2-weighted MRI image). Copyright: Authors own publications
from IJOMS 2011

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.19  AVM left cheek ((a) clinical image, (b) DSA image during embolization)
648 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

31.6 Medical and Interventional with systemic and sclerotherapy. Residual and large lesions
Management are usually treated with surgery. AVM’s and high-flow mal-
formations have been mostly treated using embolisation with
Correct diagnosis is important for selecting the appropriate or without surgical excision/debulking successfully.
therapy for vascular anomalies. The author’s wide experience in the surgical management
of most low- and high-flow lesions has provided acceptable
and predictable results.
The aim of managing complex vascular lesions should In haemangiomas, a ‘wait and observe’ strategy is pre-
be to relieve acute symptoms like pain, swallowing and ferred. Involution is seen in more than 85% of patients. If a
airway problems, prevent and treat thromboembolic malignant lesion is suspected, a biopsy with a request for
events and correct the cosmetic impairment caused by GLUT-1 immunostaining is required to confirm its true
them. nature [24]. Active intervention is considered if the lesion is
• Large in size causing obvious facial asymmetry
• Multiple with systemic changes like high-output cardiac
The type of vascular anomaly and its flow characteris- failure.
tics, determine the mode of management. • Adjoining or involving important structures like airway,
eye and ear causing—vision, hearing, airway or swallow-
ing problems.
• Recurrent and persisting ulcerations
These mostly fall into:
Propranolol (Fig. 31.20) is the first line of treatment and
• Medical line of management, is best to involve a paediatrician to monitor the dosage and
• Interventional therapy and systemic complications associated with it. Propranolol
• Surgical management. causes vasoconstriction and possibly reduced expression of
pro-angiogenic factors of the haemangioma growth phase,
leading to apoptosis of capillary endothelial cells.
Congenital haemangiomas, low flow venous malforma- Treatment during the proliferating phase is given to prevent
tions and lymphangiomas can be considered for treatment impending functional or aesthetic complications especially

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Fig. 31.20  Rapidly involuting congenital Haemangioma (RICH) of right face treated with propanolol therapy ((a) pre-treatment, (b)
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 649

near vital areas like eyes and ear. In the absence of contra-indi- Haemangioma
cations to propranolol like sensitivity to beta-­blockers, bron-
chospasm, hypotension or bradycardia and after having a Infantile RICH NICH
routine haematological and biochemical assessment by the
paediatrician, a dose of 1 mg/kg/day in three divided doses may
Propanolol +/- Steroid therapy
be initiated and titrated up to 2 mg/kg/day. This is given for 12
months or longer according to the response. Meticulous dose
adaptation is important to prevent adverse effects. These could Complete Incomplete or
be bradycardia, increased airway resistance, bronchial obstruc- response no response
within 12
tion and hypotension.Long-term effects of propranolol are still months
not known and other drugs like timolol have been tried for Surgical debulking/
superficial and peri-ocular lesions. Invasive therapies are excision after 2
No further years of age
almost never required to treat these lesions. treatment
Although propranolol has replaced the use of systemic
steroids as the first line therapy for haemangiomas, intra-­ Sclerotherapy Further surgery

lesional therapy for localised lesions with, Triamcinolone Residual

may be used with a dose of 2 mg/kg every 4–6 weeks depend-
ing on the response. It is known that one-third of patients do
not respond to treatment with steroids. Systemic steroids are Pulsed dye laser

sometimes given in conjunction with propranolol after con- Algorithm 31.1  Management of Haemangioma
sulting with the paediatrician.
Rebound growth being a problem with systemic therapy
using propranolol and/or steroids, the dose is always pre- benzyl- penicillin. It causes, induction of various cytokines.
ferred to be tapered-off before discontinuing following reso- The inflammatory response caused by this remains localised
lution of the lesion. and causes endothelial damage. The complications include
Embolisation is considered in patients with high-output local swelling and transient facial nerve palsy.
cardiac failure and large-aggressive lesions causing prob- Ethanolamine oleate [25] is an emulsion of fatty acids,
lems with haemostasis. which induces thrombosis and damages the endothelium.
Surgery is considered between 2 and 4 years of age after Complications like ulceration and necrosis of skin are known
having attempted medical treatment to minimise deformity but infrequently observed.
involving eyes, nose and lips and other areas of face. Bleomycin [25] was first used in the treatment of cystic
Pulsed dye laser was used in past for coagulating the sur- hygromas (now lymphatic malformation). It is now used
face of ulcerated lesions. This is now used for the treatment widely for management of lymphatic and venous malforma-
of surface residual telangiectasia, usually after 10 years of tions. It inhibits DNA synthesis and has a non-specific
age (Algorithm 31.1). inflammatory reaction on the endothelial cells. Adverse
Minimally invasive percutaneous sclerotherapy is used effects of bleomycin are minimal and transient, mostly being
widely for the treatment of venous malformations. A wide range localised pain and swelling. Skin infections in the area of
of agents are known to be used in the literature. There is no injection are seen less commonly. Some people report with
consensus on choice of sclerosant to be used. Commonly used occasionally severe nausea.
sclerosants [25] are pingyangmycin (PYM), absolute ethanol, Polidocanol [25] is a non-ionic detergent, causes absorp-
OK-432 (picibanil), ethanolamine oleate, bleomycin, polidoca- tion at the cell membrane and leads to lysis of endothelial
nol, doxycycline and STS (Sodium tetradecyl sulphate). lining. Superficial necrosis of skin or mucosa is a known
PYM [25], also known as Bleomycin A5, is the most complication with Polidocanol.
commonly used single-drug therapy for the treatment of cer- Doxycycline [25] belongs to the tetracycline group of
vicofacial malformations. Transient fever and swelling are antibiotics. Its mode of action is not yet clear, but its effects
commonly seen side effects. Skin ulceration and sub-­ are known to be due to inhibition of matrix metalloprotein-
cutaneous tissue atrophy are scarcely seen complications. ases and cell proliferation. It also causes suppression of vas-
Absolute ethanol [25] causes alteration in cellular pro- cular endothelial growth factor during angiogenesis and
teins and hence damages the endothelium of the vascular lymphangiogenesis. This further leads to dense adhesions
wall leading to obliteration of its lumen. Common complica- and fibrosis due to collagen and fibrin deposition. Macro-­
tions include, nerve injury, necrosis and ulceration of skin. cystic LM’s show a better response to treatment with
OK-432 [25] is a lyophilised preparation of low-virulence doxycycline in comparison to micro-cystic LM’s.
bacteria, group A Streptococcus pyogenes, incubated with Haemorrhage, cellulitis, pain and transient oedema are com-
650 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

monly seen complications. Scarring, skin excoriation and symptomatically. Micro-cystic LMs may require systemic
horner syndrome are seen less commonly. These adverse therapy with Sirolimus or surgery as they do not always
effects are self-limiting and likely to be related to the scleros- respond to Picibanil. Sirolimus is a natural macrolide
ing effect rather than a side effect of the medication itself. secluded from Streptomyces genus (Streptomyces hygro-
STS [25], also known as sotradecol, causes denaturation scopicus). It causes a decrease in the vascular endothelial
of proteins like clotting factors due to disruption of the nor- growth factor (VEGF) and is a key regulator in lymphan-
mal architecture of the lipid bilayer in cell membranes of giogenesis and angiogenesis.
endothelial cells. This causes fibrosis and occlusion of ves- Bleomycin is used widely for the treatment of VMs and
sels. It is not known to have any major complications so far. microcystic LMs. The mechanism of action on micro-cystic
Lymphatic malformations are treated depending on the disease is not completely understood and may involve derange-
type and location in head and neck. As mentioned previ- ment of tight junctions between endothelial cells or induction
ously, these lesions can cause pressure on the airway, of endothelial mesenchymal transition. The overall response is
aerodigestive tract and enlarge due to repeated infection or favourable but complete response is seen in only about 20–57%
haemorrhage into the lesion. In the majority of patients [25]. The author follows a protocol of intralesional injection of
with macro-cystic LMs, sclerotherapy with Picibanil (OK- 15 IU Bleomycin in 5 ml of fresh normal saline, administered
432) has shown good results. Patients may develop inflam- every 15 days. Most patients show a response in 3–4 sittings
mation at the site of injection and fever, which is managed (Fig. 31.21). Lymphatic malformations are known to cause sec-

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©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.21  Venous malformation-Left cheek ((a) before sclerotherapy, (b) after sclerotherapy, (c) pre-treatment T2-weighted MRI image)
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 651

ondary skeletal deformities, which are addressed due to func- during procedures involving high-flow lesions. This is partly
tional or cosmetic reasons as necessary. because of collateral blood supply from the opposite side.
AVMs are the most challenging type of vascular malfor- For simplicity, the author’s own anatomical classification
mations to manage due to their aggressive nature. They tend is followed as it makes the understanding of the surgical
to cause progressive facial deformity and pose a significant approaches and the rationale behind them more lucid and
systemic risk. They are high-flow lesions that typically dem- comprehensible. Also, the concept of ‘Corset suturing’ will
onstrate a nidus with arterial feeders, arteriovenous connec- be explained, which has been proved to be an asset in man-
tions and enlarged veins. Schobinger’s class III and IV agement of large low-flow vascular anomalies.
demand aggressive management with combined embolisa-
tion, surgical excision and reconstructing the residual defect.
Trans-arterial and trans-venous catheter angiography are 31.7.1 Surgical Anatomy
commonly used for assessment, examination of the nidus
and location of arterio-venous shunting. A few lesions can be An understanding of the different layers and planes of dis-
controlled with frequent embolisation. The nidus must be section in the head and neck is important to approach and
treated to get control over the lesion. Catheter embolisation treat these vascular anomalies. The commonest areas
causes obliteration of the nidus in order to prevent a further involved in the head and neck are cheek, lower and upper
increase in size and haemorrhagic complications. This can lips, eyelids, pre-auricular, mandible, submandibular,
be either endovascular (Fig. 31.22) as used for large AVM’s ­submental, upper neck, posterior and lateral oropharynx.
with aberrant feeders or percutaneous (Fig. 31.23) used for The glottis, sub-glottis and lower neck are less commonly
more superficial lesions. The feeders are sequentially involved. Lymphovascular malformations are seen occupy-
embolised from distant to proximal feeders. Embolisation ing scalp and orbit commonly.
can be used for pre-surgical occlusion of feeder vessel on the Layers of face from superficial to deep are—skin, subcu-
same day of planned surgery to minimise intra-operative taneous tissue, SMAS layer, parotid fascia (pre-auricular)/
blood loss. deep cervical fascia (sub-mandibular), salivary gland (parotid
and sub-mandibular regions), muscle, periosteum and bone.
The scalp has a loose areolar plane and all other tissues
Commonly used embolic agents are:
attached. The neck has vital structures like the carotid artery,
Ethanol, jugular vein, spinal accessory nerve, cervical plexus and
Cyanoacrylate (glue), other muscles superficial and deep to them.
Coils, polyvinyl particles,
Onyx—a liquid ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer.
31.7.2 Case Selection
Kaposiform Haemangioendotheliomas (KHEs) are
According to the author’s classification, vascular malforma-
treated with hematological agents such as vincristine, ste-
tions were categorised into five types based on their anatomy
roids or sirolimus. These systemic medications help in the
and depth of location in the head and neck. This is a good
resolution of KHE and associated KMP (Kasabach Merritt
guide for selecting the type of surgical management and
phenomenon). Surgical management of these lesions is usu-
ally not required but small lesions can be removed in toto
with early intervention. • In type-I, superficial lesions require excision of skin or
mucosa. Local or regional flaps have been used in recon-
struction of the residual defect.
31.7 Surgical Management • Type-II, sub-mucosal lesions require complete excision
after elevation of skin flaps.
Unlike in the past, most low- and high-flow vascular anoma- • Type-III, lymphovenous malformations or venous mal-
lies are amenable to surgical management by either excision formations involve salivary glands and are excised along
or debulking. Smaller-sized lesions are almost always excised with the affected gland.
completely. In contrast, larger-sized lesions are mostly deb- • Type-IV, intra-osseous lesions require excision with
ulked and need multiple procedures. External carotid artery removal of involved bone and reconstruction of the resid-
(ECA) control is used to have reasonable control before and ual defect as necessary.
652 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

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Fig. 31.22  Sequential endovascular embolisation of left cheek AVM ((a–d) progressing blockage of blood supply to AVM, (e) 3D reconstructed
view of the vascular network)
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 653

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c d

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Fig. 31.23  AVM of left supra-orbit ((a) pre-operative, (b) CT with contrast, (c) percutaneous embolisation, (d) Surgical excision via haemicoro-
nal approach, (e) post-operative)
654 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

• Type-V lesions involve deep visceral spaces, such as the 31.7.4 Corset-Suturing Technique (Fig. 31.25)
parapharyngeal or infra-temporal fossa and usually
require mandibular access osteotomy for complete expo- Corset suturing [26] is a proven technique in management of
sure and complete removal of the lesion. large low-flow venous malformations of head and neck, espe-
The above procedures can demand either endovascular cially in lesions where complete excision is not practically
embolisation, intra-lesional embolisation or ECA control possible and also those in close proximity to important struc-
prior to attempting excision or debulking of these lesions. tures like airway, facial nerve, spinal accessory nerve, internal
jugular vein and in medically compromised individuals.
‘Corset’, is a garment worn to hold and train the torsoin to
31.7.3 Technique of External Carotid Artery a desired shape for aesthetic or orthopaedic purposes. The
(ECA) Control (Fig. 31.24) procedure employed is raising a flap in the sub-SMAS or
sub-cutaneous plane depending upon the type of lesion fol-
The ECA of the involved side is exposed through a cervical lowed by placement of a bioresorbable suture (polydiaxa-
incision, which often forms, part of the access for removal of none) that runs in a continuous vertical looping fashion from
the malformation. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is sub-cutaneous to deep layer and from one end to another,
retracted posteriorly at the level of the greater cornu of the incorporating the lesion within the suture. The suturing is
hyoid bone, exposing the carotid sheath. The external carotid advanced at regular and equidistant intervals to involve the
distal to the carotid bifurcation is identified. The vessel is bulk of lesion resulting in compression of the vascular spaces
snared with a vascular sling passed through a rubber catheter. and causing obstruction of the afferent and efferent vessels.
Gentle strangulation of the vessel can be accomplished by This reduces the risk of bleeding, swelling and size of lesion.
advancing the catheter. This additional compression of the The blood supply gets interrupted due to obstruction of affer-
vessel serves to reduce blood flow to the lesion. In demand- ent vessels. In large lesions, this suturing should be done par-
ing situations, the ECA can be ligated. Many times due to allel to each other covering the whole lesion from superior to
risk of collateral blood supply to these lesions, ECA control inferior and medial to lateral, which would occlude the
is an adjunct to achieving haemostasis along with aggressive regional vascular channels, interrupting and obstructing the
local control. blood circulation in the tumour. These sutures must be tight-
ened cautiously, slowly and progressively to achieve gradual
and complete strangulation of vascular channels until com-
plete closure of their lumen is assured. This procedure
decompresses the lesion completely and reduces the risk of
post-operative haemorrhage. The excess skin flap is excised,
drains are secured followed by primary closure. The final
scar is fairly acceptable, as all incisions are originally placed
within the skin tension lines.

31.7.5 Approaches and Excision/Debulking

Superficial Type-I (Fig. 31.7) lesions mostly derive from the

reticular dermis and is treated with direct excision and clo-
sure or local-flap reconstruction. Care is taken to place
­incisions along the skin tension lines of the face and neck to
avoid unaesthetic results. It is challenging to select these
lines in young individuals and every attempt is made to lay
these incisions on prominent skin creases like nasolabial,
mentolabial, pre-auricular and lower skin crease of neck.
Type-II (Fig. 31.8) lesions are approached by raising skin
flaps using the following incisions, commonly—pre-­
auricular with either neck skin crease extension or temporal
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India extension, neck crease incision alone, nasolabial skin crease
incision, mid-face Weber-­ fergusson incision and coronal
Fig. 31.24  ECA control. Copyright: Authors own publications from
IJOMS 2011 approach. Every attempt is made to maintain a sub-SMAS
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 655

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 31.25  Venous malformation right face, lower lip ((a) pre-operative, (b) post-operative, (c) lesion exposure and (d) corset suturing of lesion).
(Fig. 31.25 a,b,d - copyright authors own publication IJOMS 2018)

plane but vascular anomalies being composite in nature can Type-III (Fig. 31.9) lesions are approached the same way
demand modifications. There is always a risk of thinning the as Type-II.  Being deeper in nature, the gland is sacrificed
skin flap excessively and care should be taken to avoid but- with some risk of permanent facial nerve damage. Use of
ton-holing and avoiding avascular necrosis. The lesion is ‘corseting’ in these cases has shown good results with com-
excised completely or debulked depending on the size. plete recovery of facial nerve weakness over a period of 1
Corseting is used for large low-flow malformations as year.
described above. Type-IV (Fig.  31.10) lesions like other types are rarely
Tongue lesions are mostly excised in toto or debulked in a seen on their own and are usually in combination with Type
V shaped fashion to achieve primary closure. I, II or V. These lesions are treated with curettage or segmen-
656 S. Nair and S. S. Shroff

Algorithm 31.2  Vascular malformations

Management of Vascular

US/Doppler US/ MRI/MR Angiography

CT with contrast/MRI

Small Large DSA +/- Embolisation or

Embolisation followed by surgical
excision/debulking under ECA control
Sclerotherapy Complete excision +/- Reconstruction with local/pedicled/free flaps


tal resection of bone followed by reconstruction (Fig. 31.13). The two common complications of LMs are bleeding
There are reports of extra-corporeal curettage of segmentally within the lesion and infection. Bleeding can be seen sponta-
resected lesions and re-fixation to maintain bone continuity. neously or as a result of trauma. This further causes immedi-
Type-V (Fig. 31.11) lesions commonly require access to ate and painful enlargement of the lesion with associated
osteotomies like mandibulotomy, segmental or complete ecchymosis. Analgesia and observation usually suffice for
Lefort-I, rhinotomy or zygomatic swing osteotomies to gain symptomatic management. Prophylactic antibiotics can be
adequate access. The lesions are uncapsulated and rarely given in the case of profuse bleeding. Long-term intra-­
excised completely but improve the quality of life and reduce venous broad spectrum antibiotics may be necessary cover-
risk of mortality due to airway obstruction and haemorrhage. ing pathogens of head and neck, especially in high-risk
In the authors’ experience, use of corseting has proven to be patients. Haemorrhage and infection can sometimes trans-
beneficial in these cases. form a macro-cystic lesion into a micro-cystic type with
Excess skin flap is always excised to give a near normal associated scarring. LMs are known to increase in size in the
appearance. Use of an adequate number of drains and metic- presence of a viral or bacterial infection. This is usually self-­
ulous haemostatic closure is imperative to achieve accept- limiting and thought to be due to changes in the lymphatic
able and aesthetic results. flow. Bacterial superinfections can be fatal causing ascend-
Most large lesions require further excision and debulking ing cellulitis and septicaemia. Any infection in cervicofacial
procedures as the age advances until growth is achieved. LMs can cause obstruction of the upper airway and oesopha-
Large low-flow lesions have potential to be excised com- gus causing dyspnea and dysphagia.
pletely secondarily, following prior corset suturing. Incompletely treated AVMs tend to recur and continue to
Algorithm 31.2 summarises the management of vascular grow. They should not be underestimated.

31.9 Recent Advances

31.8 Complications
Micro-cystic lymphatic malformations have always been chal-
Vascular lesions can have complications ranging from none lenging cases to be treat, especially involving extra- and intra-
(like in haemangiomas) to bleeding, ulcerations and infec- cranial areas of head and neck. Currently available treatments
tion. Superficial lesions and ulcerations benefit with the use have limited effectiveness and high risk of complications.
of pulsed-dye laser. Bleeding can usually be managed with Techniques using lymphography and idiocyanine green have
compression dressings. been used to locate the exact location of afferent and efferent
Large venous and lymphatic malformations can cause lymphatic flow and performing a lymphatic-­venous anasto-
local swelling, pressure effects on trachea and oesophagus, mosis has been described in treating these lesions [27].
pain and infection, demanding immediate treatment like Vascular-disrupting agents (VDA’s) [28] are a group of
embolisation or surgical debulking along with control of air- ‘vascular targeting’ agents that show selective activity
way and infection. against tumour vascular networks, causing severe obstruc-
31  Vascular Anomalies of the Oro-Maxillofacial Region 657

tion in their blood flow and subsequent necrosis. These 7. Marler JJ, John B. Mulliken current management of hemangiomas
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Part XII
Aesthetic Procedures in Oral
and Maxillofacial Region
Non-surgical Modalities of Facial
Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 32
Arun Kumar Panda and Aarti Chowdhary

32.1 Introduction to Ageing Face bital area, perioral area, neck, etc., so as to achieve a more
youthful appearance.
32.1.1 Facial Changes Due to Ageing Time and technology has evolved. For many years the
standard had been chemical peels as the non-invasive proce-
The Face is a mirror of what we are from inside. It is like an dure to facelift as the invasive modality for face rejuvenation.
opera that reveals a person’s inner self, nature, personality Today, we have a vast range of procedures and technologies
and health. The signs and symptoms of age, illness, defi- to counter ageing phenomenon and provide a rejuvenated
ciencies and personality traits show on our faces. A lot can appearance. We shall discuss the various non-surgical
be postulated by just observing the different facial expres- modalities in this section which physicians are adopting to
sions of a person. A minuscule defect on the face engraves treat patients with a wide range of Facial Aesthetic
an exaggerated long-lasting impression on a person’s mind concerns.
and soul. The ageing of human face is a highly complex, irrevers-
Ageing is a process which cannot be defied. With the pas- ible and progressive biologic phenomenon that occurs with
sage of time, every individual goes through a phenomenon of the ticking of time. The main factors leading to facial ageing
complex transformations which takes away the youthfulness. include gravity, bone remodelling, subcutaneous fat redistri-
The various signs of ageing seen on the face include reces- bution and loss, hormonal imbalance, chronic sunlight, pol-
sion of hairline, wrinkles on the forehead, drooping of the lution and smoking. Other environmental factors that
upper eyelid, hollowness in the under-eye area, deepening of allegedly affect facial appearance include mental stress,
nasolabial fold, folds on the face, sagginess of skin at the nutritional deficiencies, work habits, drug abuse and disease.
border of mandible, etc. (Fig. 32.1). Today, with the chang- This dynamic process is a synergistic effect of various fac-
ing cultures and requirements in the profession, every indi- tors and actually takes place at 4 distinct levels (the 4 S lev-
vidual wants to look better than what he or she is. els): Skin, Subcutaneous tissue, SMAS and facial Skeleton.
As the saying goes “Beauty has no age”, more and more
elderly people also want to have their face rejuvenated. So,
today we have a range of patients of vast age variations who 32.1.2 Ageing of Skin
want to have a more rejuvenated look. The various modali-
ties for rejuvenating the ageing face require fine skill and The epidermis contains keratinocytes and dead corneocytes.
artwork combined with scientific knowledge and under- The basal cells at the stratum basal divide to form keratino-
standing of the whole face including scalp, forehead, perior- cytes, produce keratins and drift upwards as they mature. By
the time keratinocytes reach the most superficial layer, they
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- lose their nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles and are known
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_32) contains supple- as corneocytes. In a total period of 40–50 days, the keratino-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
cytes come to the surface and corneocytes exfoliate. This
A. K. Panda (*) time taken for the process of keratinisation, that is matura-
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, tion of keratinocytes along with shedding of corneocytes, is
SD Dental College and Hospital, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India known as the turnover time.
A. Chowdhary The natural process of desquamation sheds off the dry,
Department of Periodontology, SD Dental College and Hospital, old, hardened skin cells and gives way to the new cells to
Parbhani, Maharashtra, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 661

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_32
662 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

Fig. 32.1  Various signs of an

ageing face include but not
limited to forehead wrinkles, Receding hairline Forehead wrinkles
droopy eyelids, under-eye
hollowness, deep nasolabial
folds, jowl formation, loose
neck skin and thin lips
Frown lines
Excessive eyelid skin

Under eye
Stooping nasal tip hollowness

Facial wrinkles Nasolabial folds

Jowls Loose skin

of neck

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

come to the surface. This process also eliminates damaged parched, thin and transparent skin and depleted elastic nature
and contaminated cells that carry pollutants and microorgan- of the skin.
isms from the environment. Extrinsic ageing is because of the aggregated damage
The specialised fibroblasts in the dermal layer produce caused by environmental factors such as sun’s UV radiation,
two key proteins-collagen and elastin. Collagen constitutes gravity, sleeping posture, pollution, smoking, exposure to
80% of the dermis and provides strength and firmness to the chemicals, etc. These exogenous factors along with the
skin. While elastin, as the name implies, provides elasticity innate factors cause premature ageing of our facial skin. The
to the skin and enables the skin to bounce back to its original face, which is most commonly exposed part of the human
shape after it is stretched, thus preventing wrinkles. body to the UV radiations of the sun, undergoes ageing pre-
Skin ageing is a dynamic mechanism that transpires due maturely than any other part. Photoageing with recurrent sun
to two basic factors: exposure causes the skin to lose its capability to renovate and
thereby accumulating damage. Recurrent and continual UV
• Intrinsic or Innate factors are insidious deteriorating ele- exposure disintegrates collagen and impedes the synthesis of
ments that are influenced by internal metabolic processes, new collagen. Alongside, there is a breakdown of elastin.
genetic programming, cellular metabolism and hormones; This causes the facial skin to become slack, wrinkled and
• Extrinsic or Exogenous factors include Ultraviolet rays in leathery much earlier than a sun-protected skin.
the sunlight, cigarette smoking, environmental pollution, Gravity constantly works on different parts of our facial
etc. skin. As the skin elasticity reduces with age, the effects
become evident. It precipitates jowls, nasolabial fold, droop-
Intrinsic ageing is an inevitable natural ageing process ing of eyelids, elongation of ears, etc. (Fig. 32.2).
which commences as early as mid-20s. It consists of internal Sleep lines are wrinkles that are etched on the facial skin
physiological factors that cause inherent degenerative pro- of the people who sleep with the face pressed on the cushion
cess in the body. Dead corneocytes do not desquamate as or sleep on the sides.
swiftly as expected and the turnover of new epidermal cells Cigarette smoking over a period of time causes many bio-
decreases somewhat. In the dermis, the production of colla- chemical alterations in our body. It has deleterious effects on
gen and elastin slows down. The cumulative effect which is skin and expedites the ageing process. The nicotine causes
seen in case of the inherent ageing includes fine wrinkling, vasoconstriction thereby impairing the supply of oxygen and
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 663

istic soft tissue changes that are distinguished during the

mid-­face ageing. The gravitational theory advocates that
Forehead skin wrinkles
with the attenuation of the osteocutaneous ligaments, there
is vertical descent of facial soft tissue which contributes to
the deep creases of the ageing face [3]. The diminished
Drooping eyelid skin
strength of the ligaments is because the age-related elastosis
and also because of the repeated animation of the muscles of
facial expression.
Facial skin wrinkles
Donofrio explained the volumetric theory in 2000. He
suggested that it’s the corresponding volume loss or gain in
the adjoining areas of the face is what creates the deep
Elongated earlobe
creases of age [4]. This theory was later in 2007 reinforced
by Lambros who stated that the ageing process was due to
the relative deflation of certain fat pads, especially the deep
fat pads [5].

32.1.4 Ageing of SMAS

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.2  Influence of ageing on skin. Facial wrinkling, jowls and The superficial musculoaponeurotic system is a multidimen-
droopy eyelids clearly demonstrate the ageing process sional scaffold of organised fibrous tissue that connects the
facial muscles with the dermis [6]. This fibromuscular layer
also segregates the superficial and deep facial fat pads.
important nutrients, such as vitamin A to the skin. Many of Anatomically, the SMAS lies in the midface, inferior to the
the over 7000 chemicals released from the burning cigarettes zygomatic arch and superior to the muscular belly of the pla-
cause increased production of matrix metalloproteinases tysma. It blends with the superficial temporal fascia and
(MMP) that causes degradation of collagen and causes frontalis muscle superiorly, and with the platysma muscle
abnormal creation of elastosis materials. These cause prema- inferiorly. Since it connects the facial muscles to the dermis,
ture facial skin wrinkling. its purpose is to transmit, distribute and amplify the activity
of all facial muscles [7].
As we age, and with the continuous use of the muscles of
32.1.3 Ageing of Subcutaneous Tissue facial expression, the SMAS weakens and the strength
diminishes. So, the ability to hold up the muscles, fat and the
The subcutaneous fat gives the volume and shape to the face. skin gets impaired. Combined with the effect of gravitational
As explained by Rohrich and Pessa [1], the subcutaneous fat forces, the weakening causes the structures of the face to
is distributed throughout the face in a multidimensional fash- slump. The youthful appearance of the face changes as jowls
ion and is highly compartmentalised. A youthful face is char- are formed, the nasolabial fold deepens and the mandibular
acterised by a smooth transition between these subcutaneous line angle becomes ill defined.
compartments. The superficial musculoaponeurotic system
(SMAS) divides this fat into superficial and deep layers. As
explained anatomically by Rohrich and Pessa [1], the exter- 32.1.5 Ageing of Facial Skeleton
nal recess is in between the skin and SMAS while the inter-
nal recess lies under the SMAS and is adherent to the The bony skeleton serves as a framework for the soft tissues
periosteum. The superficial and deep fat recesses are as of the face including the skin, muscles and subcutaneous fat.
explained in Fig. 32.3. The facial skeleton keeps changing anatomically throughout
Furnas in 1989 first described the osteocutaneous liga- life with only degenerative and catabolic changes occurring
ments within the cheek that anchor the dermis to the under- after adolescence.
lying fibro-osseous structures [2]. He outlined the zygomatic With ageing, the facial skeleton keeps resorbing in a very
ligaments (McGregor’s patch), the mandibular ligament, the predictable manner and that contributes to the appearance of
platysma auricular ligament and the anterior platysma-­ an aged face. Areas with strong tendency to resorb include
cutaneous ligament that anchor the dermis and also support the periorbital area, the midface, the perinasal area and the
the midface soft tissue. Two theories explain the character- mandible (Fig. 32.4).
664 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

a b




Superficial fat pads Deep fat pads

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.3  (a, b) (A) Infraorbital fat, (B) Medial cheek fat, (C) Nasolabial fat, (D) Medial cheek fat, (E) Lateral cheek fat, (F) Superior jowl fat,
(G) Inferior jowl fat, (H) Medial sub-orbicularis fat, (I) Lateral sub-orbicularis fat, (J) Deep medial cheek fat, (K) Buccal fat

The midface skeleton is formed by the maxilla medially

and the zygoma laterally. With age, the maxilla recedes and
the maxillary angle decreases by about 10° between the age
of 30 and 60 years [9]. The piriform aperture enlarges with
age, as the edges of the nasal bones recede [10]. The anterior
nasal spine also retreats which reduces the skeletal support
and thereby contributing to retraction of the columella, with
a downward rotation of nasal tip and apparent lengthening of
the nose [11]. In regards to the mandible, it is well estab-
lished that the mandibular angle increases, the ramus height
and mandibular body height and length decreases with age
[12]. The above-mentioned skeletal resorption patterns con-
tribute significantly to the appearance of an ageing face.
In the recent years, the demand for facial rejuvenation has
increased exponentially. Individuals from every socioeco-
nomic strata and from all age groups today desire a younger
and rejuvenated look. Evolution of numerous surgical and
non-surgical procedures has led to an increase in patient
demands and expectations. Every aesthetic physician should
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India understand the facial anatomy and the facial ageing process
well so as to perform the procedures that would best suit the
Fig. 32.4  Various areas of facial skeleton as marked are predominantly
destined to resorb contributing to the appearance of aged face
requirement of the individual to deliver the best of the results.
The various non-surgical modalities of facial rejuvenation
include the use of Botulinum toxin, dermal fillers, thread
The orbital aperture enlarges with age in all dimensions. lifts, platelet concentrates and radiofrequency waves.
The superomedial and inferolateral aspects tend to recede Botulinum toxin and fillers are elaborated in the subsequent
more which imparts the stigmata of periorbital ageing such as chapter. The following is a detailed description of the role of
increased prominence of the medial fat pad, elevation of the thread lifts, platelet concentrates and radiofrequency waves
medial brow and lengthening of the lid cheek junction [8]. in achieving facial rejuvenation.
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 665

32.2 Non-surgical Facelift with Threads Cog threads Mono threads

Age-related changes on the face include remodelling in the

facial skeleton and reorganisation of musculature, connec-
tive tissues, fat and skin. The dynamic process of ageing is
unstoppable and it induces an ever-progressing slackness in
the soft tissues that leads to a ptotic brow, jowl formation,
ill-defined mandibular margin and deep nasolabial folds.
Gravity is an important factor that causes drooping of
the upper, mid- and lower-facial soft tissue, which adds to
the effect of an aged appearance. The hollowness of the
midfacial and infra-orbital area is because of the down-
ward shift of the malar fat pad. To manage this ptotic situ-
ation, surgical facelift procedures have been the most
effective treatment as they not only excise the redundant
tissues but also haul the soft tissue in the opposite vector
of ageing process. The other non-invasive procedures can-
not be as effective as the facelift procedure. But because
of the significant downtime, cost and risks involved, face-
lift is not accepted by patients very readily. To have a way
in between the surgical and non-invasive modalities,
thread lift has become a popular procedure to manage
drooping tissue of the face because of ageing.

32.2.1 Introduction to Thread Lift ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Thread lifting modality is a minimally invasive cosmetic Fig. 32.5  Various types of polydioxanone threads are mono threads for
procedure that utilises a biocompatible implant placed into facial rejuvenation and cogs threads for redefining facial contours
the deeper layers of face to predictably shift and realign tis-
sues in a predetermined direction or vector. When compared
to a surgical facelift procedure, this elevates the drooping tis- (B) Depending on pattern of resorption of implant
sues with least amount of risks and complications, immedi- material:
ate results and rapid recovery. • Permanent/Non-resorbable threads—Polypropylene
Historically, Ruff in Durham, North Carolina, in 1992 and threads like Aptos threads, Silhouette lift threads,
Sulamanidze et  al. in Moscow, Russia, in 1996 indepen- etc.
dently developed barbed sutures for correcting facial ptosis. • Resorbable threads—Polydioxanone threads like
FDA in 2004 approved Ruff’s clear, barbed, unidirectional, Alfa aqualift, and Poly-L Lactic acid threads like sil-
polypropylene sutures for treating ptotic skin of face and houette soft threads, etc.
neck [13]. (C) Depending on mode of Fixation:
• Anchored: Wherein the thread is anchored to a proxi-
mal fixed place like the deep temporal facia or mas-
32.2.2 Classification toid facia.
• Free floating: They are not fixed and cause the pull
because of the thread design.
(A) Depending on the modality of their action (Fig. 32.5): (D) Depending on the surface texture of the thread:
• Redefinition of the facial contours—Barbed threads • Barbed
• Induction of collagen production—Mono PDO • Non-barbed
666 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

The Barbed threads are of 3 types: compaction and stiffening of the collagen fibres also deter-
mine the functional damage [16].
• Unidirectional barbed threads—these are anchored on to
a fixed point like the deep temporal facia, e.g. Contour
thread 32.2.4 Indications
• Bidirectional barbed threads—these are placed in the
treatment area by a canula and stretch the skin because of There are 2 major indications for the threads treatment:
the design, e.g. Aptos threads.
• Cogged threads—these can be unidirectional, bidirec- • Skin rejuvenation
tional or multidirectional and they lift the skin towards the • Elevating the sagging skin
point of entry once tissues get entangled with the cogs.
Skin rejuvenation can be done with the use of plain
The Non-barbed threads can be: polydioxanone threads. It also increases the volume in cer-
tain areas where there is minimal volume loss.
• Plain The barbed threads are indicated in areas where there is
• Spiral or spring ptosis of the tissues. The barbs work as cogs and by engaging
the tissues along its path, it mechanically pulls the tissues
upwards thereby reducing the ptosis.
The plain polydioxanone threads can be used for facial
32.2.3 Mechanism of Action rejuvenation and are mostly utilised for the following indica-
tions (Fig. 32.6):
From a clinical point of view, the barbed sutures simply work
by grasping and mechanically pulling the ptotic skin. These • Fine lines and wrinkles in any part of the face like the
barbs get entangled in the subcutaneous tissues and as the periorbital area, malar areas, perioral areas, chin, etc.
thread is pulled backwards, the tissues get squeezed along • Skin tightening—Under the neck, cheek lifting, lines
the barbs and stay there as the thread outside is cut off. around and under the mouth.
From a histologic aspect, a basic mechanism of mechani- • Crepey skin
cal transduction happens when the polydioxanone threads • Acne scar filling
are placed in the tissues. A torrent of intracellular signals in • Outlining of Lips to create a fuller look naturally (Fig. 32.7)
the surrounding cells through which the polydioxanone
threads pass is triggered by the mechanical stresses insti- The barbed threads can be used to lift the ptotic skin and
gated by the threads thus influencing the metabolic responses hence be utilised in the following areas (Fig. 32.8):
and encouraging cellular growth and survival and modulat-
ing tissue morphology and architecture [14]. • Nasolabial folds
There are 2 major types of collagen proteins that are • Eyebrow lift
found in our skin. The type 1 collagen or the fibrous collagen • Upper and lower cheeks
makes up about 70% of the total collagen while the type 2 • Neck & Jawline
collagen or the reticular collagen makes up to about 5–20%. • Marionette lines
Both of them provide structural support to the skin. Today,
most of the aesthetic procedures are aimed at a phenomenon
of biostimulation. The main intention is to improve on the 32.2.5 Treatment Protocol [4]
plasticity, resilience, flexibility, firmness and turgor of the
skin tissues that are normally lost with ageing due to the loss Choosing the ideal procedure for rejuvenation depends on
of proteins like collagen and elastin. This is achieved by pen- the grade of skin ageing.
etrating the dermis with substances that would encourage the
production of these proteins [15]. The biostimulation caused (A) Mild skin ageing
with PDO threads is due to neocollagenesis, i.e. the produc- • Rejuvenation—Apply Plain or screwed PDO threads
tion of type 1 collagen which is essentially fibrotic in nature. (Fig. 32.9)
The PDOs resorb in 6 months and till that time it keeps • Lifting
inducing collagen. The fibrotic collagen exhibits a retracted –– for a “natural look” lifting—apply PDO cogs
effect improving the skin appearance. Concurrently, the along with plain PDO threads.
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 667

Fig. 32.6  Various indications

of mono polydioxanone
threads for facial rejuvenation


Crows feet

Undereye wrinkles




©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.7  (a, b, c) Mono polydioxanone threads can be used to create the lip borders and also to create a fuller looking lip

–– for heavy lifting—apply anchored sutures or long 32.2.6 Procedure

suture technique.
(B) Moderate to severe skin ageing The Polydioxanone thread used in facial rejuvenation are
• Rejuvenation—Apply short PDO cogs along with basically of 2 types: Mono PDO thread and Cogs PDO thread
plain PDO threads (Fig. 32.10).
• Lifting—Not recommended. (A) The Mono PDO thread—These are 5-0 or 6-0 suture
materials which are essentially monofilament and
668 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

Fig. 32.8  Various indications

of barbed PDO threads for
redefining facial contours and
lift the ptotic tissues

Eyebrow lift


Jawline contour


Neck tightening

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 32.10  Cogs thread for lifting nasolabial folds. Note the lifted up
Fig. 32.9  Mono PDO threads for facial rejuvenation right nasolabial fold only as the thread has been applied only on that
side. Left side is still untreated
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 669

n­ on-­barbed. It can also be braided to a spring to provide Post-operatively, ice packs are applied to minimise edema
more tensile strength [17]. The thin suture material and bruising. Oral antibiotics are prescribed for 5 days after
forms a V-shape when inserted to a needle of 26–30 g, the procedure.
with one half of the thread inside the calibre of the nee- Anti-inflammatory tablets should be avoided as the more the
dle and the other half on the outside. Once the needle inflammation at the site, the better would be the results. Patients
with the suture material is inserted into the dermal layer, generally do not require anti-inflammatory drugs post-surgery.
the thread gets buried into the tissues and at the removal Within the first 3  weeks after the procedure, the patients are
of the needle, the thread stays back intact. advised against any strenuous movements of the muscles of
These types of threads are placed in the dermal layer midface such as yawning, wide smiling and laughing.
where they cause collagen formation.
EMLA cream must be applied 45 min prior to the
procedure. The full face was cleansed with povidone 32.2.7 Complications and Management
iodine solution. Once ready, the mono PDO threads
are placed in the dermal layer making up meshes in The various complications that could occur with the PDO
the areas of indication. One must keep observing for barbed threads include:
any threads that stay outside the skin. It must be
removed immediately by grasping it with a needle 1. Bruising—Bruising is quite common while placing the
holder so that it doesn’t cause any infection or PDO threads. Post-procedure application of ice prevents
granuloma. further bruise.
(B) The Cogs PDO thread—Cog PDO thread has small 2. Pain and Swelling—Thread lift surgery causes very
barbs or spikes all along its length, which get engaged to mild to moderate post-operative pain and swelling.
the tissues when inserted and lifts it once pulled back. Patients are generally asked to apply ice externally to
Depending on the direction of the spikes, cog PDO thread is reduce inflammation and pain. If a patient complains of
classified as unidirectional, bidirectional or severe pain, anti-inflammatory may be advised. In case
multidirectional. of serious swelling, the patient must be evaluated for
The cog thread is actually 3-0 suture which has barbs and hematoma and infections.
this thread is mounted on an 18 g canula or needle. The 3. Infection—Proper aseptic protocol needs to be followed
canula is considered safer as it does not damage the blood to prevent any type of skin infection. However, it is bet-
vessels and nerves. ter to prescribe oral antibiotics for 5 days for the thread
The barbed threads must be placed in the subcutaneous layer lift surgery.
so as to prevent any palpability of the implant material. 4. Palpability of the thread—If the threads are placed too
Local anaesthesia should be given with 2% lidocaine with superficial, they become palpable from outside the skin.
epinephrine. The full face is cleansed with povidone The barbs or cogs should always be placed in the subcu-
iodine solution. The path of insertion of the canula is taneous layer.
marked on the skin with a sterile marking pen. The vec- 5. Hematoma—Since the placement of threads is a blind
tors are checked by manually stretching the skin upwards. procedure, the chances of damage to a blood vessel is
Point of insertion is marked on a line 1.5 cm in the preau- always there. The patient should always be informed
ricular area. A small opening is made with an 18 g needle prior to the procedure regarding hematoma. Pressure
for the insertion of the canula. The barbed thread mounted application and cold compressions should be immedi-
on the canula is then passed along the vector in the sub- ately given. After a period of time, the skin over the
cutaneous plane all the way till the nasolabial fold or the hematoma may turn bluish then brown and yellow as the
marionette line. Once in place, the end part of the thread blood is dissolved and absorbed. It may take 1–4 weeks
gets hooked in the subcutaneous plane, and the canula is for the hematoma to subside.
pulled back and taken off the skin. The thread stays 6. Nerve damage (Fig. 32.12)—There is always a chance
entangled in the subcutaneous plane. Once all threads are of trauma to the branches of facial nerve since the place-
positioned in the skin, the distal part of the suture is held ment of the threads is in close vicinity to the nerve, espe-
in one hand and the skin is pushed in the opposite direc- cially the marginal mandibular and frontal branches.
tion to fully engage the threads and lift the tissues. The Thus, the muscles of facial expression can be impaired.
end part of the suture is then cut very close to the skin Fortunately, the nerve damage resolves soon and motor
with help of sharp scissors so that the ends go into the functions are restored.
tissues to prevent any future granuloma formation 7. Asymmetry: Pre-existing asymmetries on the face
(Figs. 32.11a–d). should be explained to the patient prior to treatment. It’s
670 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

always a good practice to let the patient seat vertically 10. Granuloma: Higher incidences of granuloma formation
straight while inserting the barb threads and making the are essentially seen if the threads placed in a more super-
patient participate while retracting the tissues by visual- ficial plane and they are not cut very close to the skin.
ising with a mirror to avoid any potential problems of 11. Thread loss: With mono PDO thread, if there is a pro-
asymmetry later on. truding thread, the end should not be cut as with barbs
8. Dimpling: This normally would happen if the depth of and cogs, but grasped firmly and removed. It’s safer to
the advancing thread is too superficial. A depression remove a monofilament thread than leaving it there, thus
or an irregular contour would occur at a portion where risking the formation of granuloma. Barbed and cogged
the barb is located close to the skin. Most cases nor- threads are very difficult to retrieve and hence excessive
mally resolve spontaneously. But remarkable dimples care should be taken to place them in the right plane.
need to be managed by manual reduction at that time 12. Thread breakage: This can happen during the tightening
itself. of the barbs and cogs just before cutting at the skin level.
9. Rippling and puckering: The skin would ripple over the Hence, careful manipulation should be done to avoid
thread and cause visible folding if tightened too much breakage during insertion and tightening.
while retracting the tissues. This typically resolves itself 13. Thread exposure: Repeated inflammation and migration of
in a few days if the thread has been placed in the correct the thread to superficial layers can cause thread exposure. It
tissue plane. can be prevented by placing the threads in proper plane.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.11 (a, b) Placement of cannula with cogs threads along the vectors for nasolabial folds and after removal of cannula the cogs threads in
place. (c, d) Pulling the cogs threads to lift the ptotic nasolabial fold tissues and final twisting and snipping the threads just below the skin level
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 671

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.11 (continued)

32.2.8 Conclusion 32.3 B

 iostimulatory Lift with Platelet-Rich
The PDO thread lift is a non-invasive procedure that actually
gives a “lifted effect” of the ptotic skin. It has been widely Today, Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been incorporated in
accepted as a standard procedure for patients who do not many medical specialities including orthopaedics, general
want to opt for a more aggressive surgical facelift. Patient surgery, plastic surgery, dental surgery and dermatology
selection is of prime importance. Only patients with mild to because of its healing capabilities. Its usage in aesthetics and
slightly moderate levels of ptosis should be selected for trichology has touched newer horizons as we have come to
polydioxanone cogs thread lift. The patient should be given a know about the healing cytokines present in the platelets
realistic expectation of the lift of no more than 1 cm. Patients which can be used for antiageing therapies and therapies for
who are too chubby or who are too skinny should not be regenerative aesthetics.
considered for thread lift. Overall, every aesthetic practitio-
ner should have knowledge of thread lift as it is a simple and
versatile anti-ageing procedure.
672 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.12 (a, b) Damage to frontal branch of the facial nerve during placement of cogs threads

32.3.1 Platelets and Platelet Concentrates motility, adhesion and apoptosis as well as causes wound
healing and angiogenesis.
Platelets, also called thrombocytes, are enucleated fragments 3. VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)—Chemotactic
of cytoplasm that are derived from the megakaryocytes of the and mitogenic for endothelial cells, mediates
bone marrow, which are released into the circulation. They angiogenesis.
have a fundamental role in haemostasis and wound healing. 4. EGF (epidermal growth factor)—Mediates angiogenesis,
The platelets contain various secretory granules, namely causes proliferation of fibroblasts, endothelial cells and
the alpha granules, dense granules and lysosomes. The keratinocytes.
alpha granules are the most abundant ones and contain the 5. HGF (hepatocyte growth factor)—Mediates regeneration.
coagulation factors, growth factors, also called cytokines, 6. FGF (fibroblast growth factor)—Mediates tissue organ-
adhesion molecules, and a variety of other angiogenic fac- isation and regeneration.
tors which efficiently encourage the proliferation and acti- 7. FGF-9—Aids generation of new follicles.
vation of cells required for wound healing including
fibroblasts, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and facilitates These growth factors or the “cytokines” are proteins,
angiogenesis [18]. each of about 25,000 Daltons molecular weight. In response
The growth factors along with their function are listed to the thrombocyte aggregation, as occurs in injury or sur-
below [19]: gery, the cell membrane activates the alpha granules which
in turn unleash these growth factors via active extrusion
1. PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor)—PDGF plays a through the cell membrane. The active secretion begins
role in embryonic development, cell proliferation, cell within 10 min during which 70% of stored growth factors
migration and angiogenesis. are released and more than 95% of the presynthesised
2. TGF-β1 & β2 (transforming growth factor)—TGF is growth factors are secreted within 1 hour. Platelets then syn-
involved in regulating and mediating processes at the cel- thesise additional amount of growth factors for about 8 days
lular level, including cell proliferation, differentiation, till they die [20].
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 673

Platelet concentrate means plentiful amounts of platelets kines have been theorised to encourage tissue repair and
that are concentrated into a small volume of plasma. There regeneration by neocollagenesis, neoangiogenesis and much
are various types of platelet concentrates which can be for- more. It has been embraced as a frontline treatment modality
mulated, all differing in the way they are made [21]. A gen- for the management of facial ageing, androgenetic alopecia,
eral classification takes 2 key parameters into consideration: acne scarring, etc.
the presence of a cell content (mostly leukocytes) and the
fibrin architecture.
There are 4 major families:
32.3.3 Indications of PRP Therapy in
1. P-PRP Aesthetic Medicine
Pure Platelet-rich plasma is a preparation without
Leukocytes. It has low-density fibrin network after activa- 1. Facial rejuvenation.
tion. It is used as liquid solutions or an activated gel form 2. Skin tightening and Antiageing therapy
and can be injected. P-PRP is commonly used in sports 3. Acne scar management
medicine & aesthetic medicine. 4. Alopecia
2. L-PRP 5. Skin lightening
Leukocyte and PRP is a preparation with leukocytes in 6. Improvement of skin quality in under eye area.
it. Even this has low-density fibrin network after activa-
tion. It is used as liquid solutions or an activated gel form
and can be injected. L-PRP is used in aesthetic medicine, 32.3.4 Preparation of PRP
sports medicine, orthopaedics, trichology, etc.
3. P-PRF PRP is derived from autologous blood by using a centrifuge
Pure Platelet-rich fibrin is a preparation without leuko- and can be performed under local anaesthesia under aseptic
cytes. It has a high-density fibrin network and exists as a conditions. An anticoagulant, like citrate dextrose solution
strongly activated gel form. It cannot be injected, but can formula A (ACD-A) or sodium citrate 3.8%, is used to inhibit
be handled like a real solid material. It has been very com- platelet aggregation.
monly used in dentistry & maxillofacial surgery today.
4. L-PRF Manual Double Spin Method (Figs. 32.13, 32.14, 32.15,
Leukocyte and PRF is a preparation with leukocytes. It has a and 32.16)
high density of fibrin network and exists as a strongly Whole blood is collected by venipuncture from antecubital
activated gel form. It cannot be injected and can be han- vein in 15 ml polystyrene tubes under sterile conditions con-
dled as a real solid material. It is today used in implant taining 3.8% sodium citrate as an anticoagulant. In each
dentistry, periodontal surgeries, oral surgeries, treatment tube, 1 ml of sodium citrate is mixed with 12 ml of whole
of skin wound ulcers, etc. blood. Eight such tubes are taken to make up a volume of
104 ml. The tubes are slowly turned upside down twice to
homogeneously mix the whole blood with the anticoagulant.
32.3.2 Mechanism of Action of PRP All the 8 tubes are placed in the centrifuge (Remi 8c) and are
centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 10 min. This is called the ‘soft
PRP can be described as a biologic product derived from spin’ which separates the whole blood into 3 layers. The
autologous blood with the plasma fraction containing plate- erythrocytes settle at the bottom of the tube because of the
lets at a concentration of more than 3–5 times above highest specific gravity or density of about 1.090. Just above
baseline. the erythrocytes, a hazy layer is seen which contains the leu-
The scientific evidence suggests that wound healing cocytes with a specific gravity of 1.060 and platelets with a
enhancement is seen using concentrates of 1,000,000 plate- specific gravity around 1.040. At the top, we find the clear
lets/μl. Any concentration lower than this cannot be depended plasma with the lowest concentration of platelets with a spe-
on to enhance wound healing, and concentrations far more cific gravity of around 1.020.
than this has not been scientifically proved to help and The buffy coat is separated along with some amount of
enhance healing [22]. plasma and placed in a separate tube. At this time, if the buffy
So, PRP by virtue of its increased concentration of plate- coat is separated along with the slightest superficial erythro-
lets and thereby an inflated amount of growth factors or cyto- cyte layer, it is referred to as L-PRP (leukocyte-PRP) and if it
674 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

a b c

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Fig. 32.13 (a, b, c) Primary separation of erythrocytes during the preparation of platelet-rich plasma using plain tubes containing sodium citrate

is taken above the layer of erythrocytes, it is referred to as In general, a PRP tube typically contains sodium citrate as
P-PRP (pure-PRP) depending on the kind of PRP preparation, an anticoagulant along with a separating gel. This gel has a
i.e. with or without leukocytes. About 10 ml of these are taken density of about 1.070, which is in between the erythrocytes
in 2 tubes and placed in the centrifuge for a second spin called and platelets.
the ‘hard spin’ at 2500 rpm for 15 min. At the end of the spin, 20  ml of Whole blood is collected by venipuncture and
a platelet plug is found at the bottom of the tube. The top 3 added into two of these PRP tubes. The blood is homogeneously
quarter of the platelet poor plasma was discarded and the low- mixed with the anticoagulant by gently turning the tube upside
est quarter with the platelet plug was mixed and used as the down twice. The tubes are then placed in the centrifuge and
PRP. This gives us a viable platelet count of 5 times the base- spun at 3700 rpm for 9 min. The erythrocytes because of the
line. This was activated by mixing with calcium gluconate at a higher density than the separating gel settle down below the gel,
ratio of 9:1 in an insulin syringe and injected immediately. while the plasma along with leucocytes and platelets segregate
above the gel. The superficial platelet poor plasma is discarded
Automated Devices (Fig. 32.17) leaving behind 2–3 ml of plasma above the gel. The tubes can be
Numerous commercial devices of varying standards are now turned upside down to mix the platelets as they get entangled in
available for the preparation of PRP. Although time saving, the gel. This would give a uniform concentration of platelets
these adapted kits can be quite expensive as compared to the throughout. It is now mixed with calcium gluconate as an acti-
manual process. vator and injected immediately.
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 675

Fig. 32.14  Difference in

preparation of L-PRP and

(Plug + PPP) (Red plug + PPP)


Step 2. Hard spin BC

spin P-PRP

Step 2. Hard spin

RBC spin L-PRP

Step 1. Soft spin

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

32.3.5 PRP Injections for Facial Rejuvenation, be given prior to the session. The facial skin should be
Biostimulatory Lift and Acne Scar cleansed with povidone iodine solution. Multiple intrader-
mal injections of PRP after activating it are given all over the
Studies have shown that PRP by inducing neocollagenesis face including the infraorbital area. Three sessions each at a
through activation of fibroblasts and by removing photodam- gap of 1 month of PRP therapy along with micro-needling
aged extracellular matrix (ECM) components amplifies der- (collagen induction therapy) with derma pen with a needle
mal elasticity via following molecular mechanisms [23, 24]: depth of 0.7–1 mm has been shown to give very good results
for rejuvenating the aged skin and acne scars. Histologically,
• Encouraging proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts to the treated skin showed improved length of dermo-epidermal
induce new collagen. junction, increased quantity of collagen and fibroblasts.
• Increased expression of MMP-1 (matrix metalloprotein- Post-operatively, patients are advised to apply ice on the
ase-­1) and MMP-3, resulting in the removal of photodam- face. Sun exposure should be avoided. Patient should be
aged ECM. advised not to take anti-inflammatory tablets as the more the
• Enhanced creation of procollagen type I peptide and inflammation, the better the results are going to be. Most of
expression of collagen type I, alpha-I, resulting in the syn- the times, patients experience very mild post-operative
thesis of fresh collagen. discomfort.
• Increases expression of G1 cell cycle regulators resulting PRP therapy can also be combined with CO2 fractional
in accelerated wound healing. resurfacing to achieve excellent results in treating acne scars.
PRP has also shown excellent results in infraorbital reju-
PRP can be injected using an insulin syringe that has 31 g venation where the skin is very thin and shows initial signs
needle. Local anaesthetic in the form of nerve blocks should of ageing [25].
676 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

a b c

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Fig. 32.15 (a, b, c) Platelet plug formed after the second spin during the preparation of L-PRP

32.3.6 Contraindications to PRP Therapy [26] 32.3.7 Conclusion

Absolute contraindications: The use of cytokines derived from platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
is an effective modality to promote tissue regeneration and
• Platelet dysfunctions. hence can be used in regenerative medicine including facial
• Thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts). aesthetics and trichology.
• Hypofibrinogenemia. PRP therapy is an inexpensive procedure as it does not
• Local sepsis. require complex and voluminous equipment or extensive
• Hemodynamic instability. training for its execution. Furthermore, since the product is
• Septicaemia. primarily autologous in origin, the patient’s apprehension
• Patient unwilling to accept risks. regarding the immunogenic reactions or disease transmis-
• Patients on long-term anticoagulant therapy (warfarin or sion is abolished. Over three decades of its application to
heparin). various fields and the multitude of studies with enormous
positive results, PRP therapy today has become a gold stan-
Relative contraindications: dard for facial rejuvenation and hair loss therapy. The release
of bioactive cytokines that help in neocollagenesis which
• Consistent use of NSAIDs and corticosteroids within 15 takes care of the ageing process of wrinkle formation has
days made it a versatile tool for many anti-ageing therapies on the
• Recent episode of infections, fever or illness. face.
• Cancer—especially hematopoietic or of bone.
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 677

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.16 (a, b, c) Platelet-rich plasma needs to be activated for release of cytokines from the alpha granules

32.4 F
 ace Tightening with HIFU (High Non-surgical treatment modalities like microdermabra-
Intensity Focussed Ultrasound) sion, chemical peels, fractional lasers, etc. have been advo-
cated in the past. In recent times, newer modalities like the
Facial wrinkles, reduced elasticity of the facial skin and sag- HIFU and RF have come into limelight due to their non-­
ging parts of the face are the most common concerns today an invasiveness and low or no downtime for the treatment of
aesthetic surgeon encounters from the patients. In the present sagging skin.
social scenario, facial skin laxity is considered highly dis-
graceful and has a great impact on a person’s psychology and
quality of life [27]. The natural process of ageing which is 32.4.1 Introduction to HIFU
inevitable and the other external factors like sun’s UV radia-
tions, stress and worry, smoking, unhealthy diet, etc. are the Ultrasound was introduced for its diagnostic ability. The
major factors which cause the wrinkles and sagginess. We are capability of the focussed ultrasound energy to cause tissue
aware that the loss of the important proteins viz collagen and regression and ablation has been well utilised today as a non-­
elastin, which gives the strength, resilience and elasticity to invasive modality to treat solid tumours and also being used
the skin is the reason behind the loose skin and wrinkles. to treat both primary and metastatic tumours as these can
Various treatment modalities have been utilised to man- precisely locate the mass for ablation [28].
age these concerns of the face. Surgical excision of the More recently this intense focussed ultrasound has also
redundant skin via facelift surgery definitely gives the best been utilised in many painful conditions including neuro-
results. But with the increasing concerns over the complica- pathic pain and musculoskeletal degeneration [29].
tions and the downtime, the focus of therapeutic modalities
is shifting towards non-surgical aspects.
678 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

a b c

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Fig. 32.17 (a, b, c) Preparation of Platelet-rich plasma with the help of PRP tubes containing anticoagulants and the separating gel

HIFU or high intensity focussed ultrasound was intro- the desired depth and at the focal spot, there is a swift rise in
duced into the field of facial aesthetics very recently to man- temperature to 60–80°C within a very short period (typically
age the facial wrinkles and periorbital rejuvenation. 1–20 s). This causes an immediate contraction of native col-
FDA in 2009 approved the use of HIFU in brow lifting as lagen which is subsequently followed by cell injury and tis-
the first dermatologic and aesthetic indication following the sue shattering due to both coagulation necrosis and protein
report by White et  al. [30] in 2008. It was later in 2014 denaturation. These events occur at the deeper focussed
cleared as an indication to improve lines and wrinkles of the zones, while the superficial tissues are left safe and unaf-
upper chest and neckline (décolletage). Currently, its use for fected [31] (Fig. 32.18).
facial rejuvenation, skin lifting and tightening and body con- The focussed ultrasound energy is absorbed by the tis-
touring is considered ‘off-label’. sues and this causes the molecules to vibrate rapidly. The
friction due to molecular oscillations results in heat gen-
eration and a rapid rise of temperature at the focal zone.
32.4.2 Mechanism of Action This thermomechanical process causes tissue injury at the
site of focus. Supplemental to this, the ultrasound waves
High intensity focussed ultrasound or HIFU embodies a that propagate through the tissues cause continuous com-
piezoelectric transducer which produces focussed ultrasound pressions and rarefactions that result in powerful shear
beams. This transducer releases ultrasound waves over a forces. This microscopic but mighty shearing motion
length of around 2.5  cm which are focussed at 1.5, 3 or results in frictional heating [32]. Once tissue destruction
4.5 mm depth. The 1.5 mm focusses the superficial or papil- is done, the inflammatory phase (in first 48  h) sets in
lary dermis, while the 3 mm focusses the deep or reticular wherein the damaged cells are removed and the WBCs,
dermis and the 4.5  mm focusses the SMAS layer. Like a growth factors and enzymes create swelling, heat, pain
magnifying glass, the transducer focusses the ultrasound to and redness.
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 679

Fig. 32.18  Mechanism of

high-intensity focussed
ultrasound. Thermal
coagulation zones are created
due to the extreme heat
produced by the ultrasound
focussed to a particular depth Ultrasound gel



Focused ultrasound

Subcutaneous fat

Thermal injury zone



©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

In the next proliferative phase (up to 6  weeks), there is

tissue contracture due to the myofibroblasts which are built.
New tissues made up of collagen and extracellular matrix are
The last maturation phase (from 3 weeks to 6 months)
shows collagen is remodelling from type III to type I. The
collagen which was laid down during the proliferative
phase is now aligned along the tension lines and also there
is cross-­linking of the collagen. A histological evaluation
post HIFU treatment exhibited significantly regenerated
and proliferated quantity of dermal collagen and elastic
fibres [33]. This causes skin tightening over a period of
time. The results keep improving and the best final results
are seen by 6 months.

32.4.3 Armamentarium

The HIFU machine basically consists of 2 parts: the body

and the transducer (Fig. 32.19).
The screen in the body keeps monitoring the number of
shots, depth of shots, length of release of ultrasound waves
and the energy of the ultrasound in real time. The transducer ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
releases the focussed ultrasound waves. The following are
Fig. 32.19  High-intensity focussed ultrasound device
the 3 transducers usually used on the face:
680 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

1. DS-4.5 4—Focussed ultrasound of 4  MHz frequency is 32.4.5 Procedure for Face Tightening

transmitted to a depth of 4.5  mm to the SMAS layer,
forming “thermal coagulation” spots. It is normally tar- Facial Rejuvenation - HIFU (Video 32.1)
geted to thicker skin, such as cheeks, etc. and is the most The sequence for HIFU application includes the following:
important aspect of midface tightening.
2. DS-3.0 8—High-frequency ultrasound of 8  MHz is
1. Patient consent and explanation of the procedure, adverse
focussed to the deep dermis layer at 3.0 mm depth and is effects and alternatives.
responsible for activating the skin’s collagen. It effec- 2. Removal of all makeup from face.
tively reduces the appearance of wrinkles and also ame- 3. Cleansing the full face and neck area.
liorates large pores. 4. Application of local anaesthetics ointment like EMLA,
3. DS-1.5 10—Here, 10 MHz frequency ultrasound energy Toplap, etc., and occluding it with plastic sheet for 45 min.
is focussed to the superficial dermis. It is used in thinner 5. Markings of the skin for treatment.
tissue in the periorbital area. 6. Application of ultrasound gel on the skin and face and
application of transducer tip at an angle perpendicular to
the skin.
32.4.4 Indications and Contraindications 7. Start with 4.5 mm transducer, followed by 3 mm and then
in Facial Aesthetics 1.5 mm with a number of shots and area as mentioned in
the figures.
The numerous indications of HIFU are given below. 8. Removal of ultrasound gel and explaining post-operative
instructions before discharging the patient.
1. Brow lifting 9. Follow up on the next day to assess any complications
2. Facial rejuvenation. and at 3 and 6 months to assess the results.
3. Fine and deep wrinkles of face.
4. Infraorbital area laxity.
5. Crow’s feet. 32.4.6 Adverse Effects
6. Nasolabial folds (Fig. 32.20).
7. Mentolabial grooves. Severe adverse effects of HIFU are very rare and hence con-
8. Jowls. sidered a very safe procedure to perform on an outpatient
9. Submental skin. basis. The adverse effects that have been described may be:
10. Double chin.
• Pain—Transient discomfort may be experiences during
The contraindications are the following; the procedure which resolves within 2  h to 2 days.
Tenderness is also possible and typically resolves in max-
1 . Open facial wounds or lesions in treatment region. imum 2 weeks.
2. Pustular acne in the treatment region. • Erythema—May exhibit immediately after the treatment
3. Active implants (e.g. pacemakers or defibrillators) in
which resolves in few hours (Fig. 32.21).
treatment region (no contraindications to Dental • Edema—Skin may exhibit slight edema following treat-
Implants). ment which settles in 3–72 h after treatment.
4. Perform fillers and threads treatment after the HIFU
• Motor Nerve paresis—Symptoms of motor nerve paresis
session. can be seen in the first 12 h of the treatment. It normally hap-
5. Pregnant or breast-feeding woman. pens with the marginal mandibular and temporal branches of
6. Directly over mechanical and permanent dermal
facial nerve which are pretty superficial. The HIFU could
implants. cause inflammation of these nerves and this may lead to dis-
7. Existing keloids in the treatment area. ruption of motor function. The frontalis muscle and the mus-
8. Patients with active systemic and skin diseases like her- cles of perioral area are affected. The symptoms usually
pes, etc. resolve in 2–6 weeks. Anti-­inflammatory medications can be
9. Unrealistic expectations of treatment. prescribed if symptoms of nerve paresis arise.
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 681

a b

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Fig. 32.20  (a, b) Lifting of nasolabial fold with HIFU

• Skin burns: This happens when inadequate ultrasound gel

is not applied between the transducer and the skin. There
is thus inadequate acoustic coupling and defocussing of
the beam due to air entrapment and deposition of energy
at the skin surface leading to skin burn (Fig. 32.21).
• Scarring: Rarely happens if correct treatment protocol
and technique is not followed.

32.4.7 Conclusion

HIFU can be considered as a very effective, non-invasive and

safe procedure for tightening the facial skin. The advantages
over a surgical facelift are hard to deny. There are no inci-
sions, no scarring and no downtime. Of course, it is much
less expensive than a surgical facelift. If patients are chosen ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
carefully, like patients with mild to moderate skin laxity,
Fig. 32.21  Complication during HIFU—erythema and skin burn
facial wrinkles, lower eyelid laxity, etc., HIFU can be an
excellent option for facial skin tightening.
682 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

Untreated skin RF energy Collagen remodeling

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.22  Mechanism of action of non-ablative radiofrequency. Collagen remodelling takes place because of the heat generated due to the tissue
resistance to radiofrequency energy

32.5 Skin Tightening with Radiofrequency mines the amount of rise in temperature and the depth of
heating. High tissue resistance as demonstrated by subcuta-
Non-ablative radiofrequency or RF is another non-surgical neous fat generate more heat [35]. The thermal damage thus
and non-invasive modality of skin tightening. The selective caused stimulates the alterations in collagen configuration
and controlled rise in tissue temperature is because of a high-­ and produces neocollagenesis in deep layers of skin and sub-
frequency alternating current (0.3–10 MHz). The amount of cutaneous tissue (Fig. 32.22).
energy applied and the tissue resistance determine the Significant results can be observed 2 months post-­
amount of temperature and the depth of heating [34]. application of radiofrequency energy. Histological pictures
Since electrical current produces the RF energy, the tissue after each session demonstrated expansion of the papillary
damage like a laser is minimised and neither is the epidermal dermis due to oedema and vascular congestion, followed by
melanin compromised to cause hyperpigmentation. accumulation of intercellular substance. Post 2 months
RF therapy was first FDA approved as a non-invasive treatment histological pictures showed escalated amount of
treatment modality in periorbital rhytids in 2002. collagen, elastic fibres and mucopolysaccharides [36].
Subsequently in 2004 it was cleared for full face. Since then,
it has become a very popular non-invasive treatment modal-
ity for the facial skin tightening. 32.5.2 Armamentarium

There are 2 major components of the RF machine: the RF

32.5.1 Principle of Action generator and the handheld tips (Fig. 32.23). The membrane
electrode functions by dispersing energy uniformly across the
High frequency (0.3–10 MHz) alternating current is utilised skin surface by a mechanism termed as capacitive coupling
in a RF therapy. Intrinsic tissue resistance (impedance) to the that creates a zone of raised temperature at depths of 3–6 mm
passage of electrons converts the electric current to thermal [37]. The energy transmitted to the skin is by utilising the
energy causing heat generation. Ohm’s Law relationships capacitive method (bipolar, tripolar or multipolar electrode).
state that: Montesi et al. (2007) described the main difference between
Power ( P ) = I 2 ´ R and Energy ( E ) = P ´ T the inductive and the capacitive method. It depends on the
configuration of the electrodes that are applied to the skin that
Hence, Energy (E) = I2 × R × T (where I = current, R = tis- influences the energy transmission in the tissues.
sue impedance and T  =  time of application). The level of The inductive method (monopolar electrode) uses an
energy of the alternating current and tissue resistance deter- active and a passive electrode, in which the passive electrode
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 683

acts as a grounding electrode. The active electrode transmits ferent poles at any given point of time. The energy is con-
power to the tissue via a single point of contact. This enhances centrated at the site of treatment and the achieved depth is
the penetration of the generated current. half of the distance between the two electrodes [38].
In the capacitive method (bipolar, tripolar or multipolar Parameters utilised by the device includes frequency rang-
electrode), energy alternates between 2 electrodes situated ing from 1 to 6  MHz and the power ranging from 40 to
at a short distance from one another. In the tripolar and 240 W. All the parameters can be modified during the treat-
multipolar devices, bipolar energy switches between dif- ment. Throughout the procedure, the temperature of epider-
mis is maintained at 40 °C, whereas that of dermis rises to
about 50–75  °C.  This heating up of the dermis causes new
collagen and elastin production.

32.5.3 Indications

The various indications of RF include the following:

1 . Complete facial rejuvenation.

2. Wrinkles around eye
3. Fine lines on forehead.
4. Jowls
5. Nasolabial folds (Fig. 32.24)
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
6. Perioral fine lines
Fig. 32.23  Non-ablative radiofrequency device 7. Undefined jaw line

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.24 (a, b) Nonablative radiofrequency for tightening nasolabial folds

684 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

32.5.4 Advantages 32.6 Conclusion

The biggest advantage of RF is unlike lasers, the energy does Non-ablative radiofrequency is an effective and non-invasive
not disturb the epidermal melanocytes and thus can be used modality for tightening and rejuvenating wrinkled, photo-
for all skin types, i.e. type 1–6. The procedure can be per- aged facial skin and contour facial skin laxity. It works on the
formed frequently as per requirement without any adverse principle of stimulation repair process by producing new col-
effect and different depths of tissue can be treated, allowing lagen and elastin and by reversing the clinical and the histo-
for ultimate collagen contraction and production of new pathological signs of ageing. The procedure has an added
collagen. advantage of being relatively risk-free with little or no
Disclosure Authors have no financial conflicts to
32.5.5 Procedure of RF for Face disclose.

Application of RF is done systematically and the various

steps involved are mentioned below. 32.7 Case Scenarios

1. Patient consent for the treatment is mandatory after a 32.7.1 Patient 1 (Fig. 32.25a–d)
detailed explanation of the procedure, side effects, bene-
fits and alternatives. A 48-year female approached us with complaints of sag-
2. Removal of all make-up from face. ging skin. She wasn’t happy with her deepening nasolabial
3. Cleansing of the full face and neck area. folds, loose skin in her neck and the fine wrinkling on her
4. Application of prilocaine and lignocaine skin anaesthetic face.
cream like toplap, prilido, etc. Treatment options included surgical facelift, thread lift
5. Ultrasound gel is applied generously to the facial skin to therapy and non-invasive therapies like HIFU and RF. The
establish uniform thermal and electrical contact between patient consented to undergo non-invasive treatment which
the treatment tip and the skin and to enhance proper included a session of High intensity focussed ultrasound
energy conduction. (HIFU).
6. For each session, a total of 5–8 passes per treatment After cleansing the face, proper markings were made. The
region can be given. treatment was performed with sequential transducers of 4.5,
7. Removal of ultrasound gel and explaining post-operative 3 and 1.5  mm with number of shot as recommended, area
instructions before discharging the patient. Post-operative wise. The patient was evaluated post-operatively and
instruction includes prevention of sun exposure by using patient’s satisfaction was recorded. Post-operative instruc-
sunscreen to promote healing. tions were given before discharging. Patient was recalled for
8. Follow up on the next day to assess any complications revaluation after 1 month.
and at 1, 3, 5 weeks to repeat the procedure and at 3 and 6
months to assess the results. The possible side effects of
RF application are found in Box 32.1. 32.7.2 Patient 2 (Fig. 32.26a–g)

A 52-year male approached us with complaints of loose skin

on the face. His main concern was the deepening nasolabial
Box 32.1 Side Effects of RF Treatment
folds and the fine wrinkling on the face. The treatment
options included surgical facelift and thread lift therapy. The
1. Burns patient consented to get a thread lift procedure done. It was
2. Permanent scarring decided to use 3 COG threads along with 20 mono PDO
3. Skin pigmentations threads on either side.
4. Deeper skin fat loss. After cleansing the face with povidone iodine, vectors
5. Mild swelling of the treated skin. were marked to lift the nasolabial folds. Lignocaine with
6. Redness. adrenalin was used as local anaesthetic agent. The thread lift
7. Sinking of the treated area. procedure with COGS thread was performed with placement
8. Skin sensitivity. of the COGS in the subcutaneous layer for the proper lift and
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 685

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.25 (a–b) Case Scenario 1. (a) Pre-op photograph. (b, c) Marking on face and neck, right side. (d) Post-op photograph
686 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

a b

c d

Fig. 32.26  Case Scenario 2. (a) Pre-op photograph. (b) Marking of vectors. (c) 3 cogs in place at subcutaneous layer. (d) The traction on threads
lifts the nasolabials. (e) Placement of mono PDOS. (f, g) Post-op photograph (also see Fig. 32.10)
32  Non-surgical Modalities of Facial Rejuvenation and Aesthetics 687

f g

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 32.26 (continued)
688 A. K. Panda and A. Chowdhary

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Botulinum Toxin and Fillers for
Maxillofacial Esthetics 33
Sainath Matsa

33.1 Introduction skin thickness remains constant till the fifth decade, after
which it tends to decrease [2].
33.1.1 Facial Aesthetics Gender plays an important role in facial wrinkling. In
men, the incidence of forehead wrinkles is higher than in
The field of cosmetology has steadily progressed over the women. However, the incidence of upper eyelid wrinkles
past decade, and cosmetic procedures are moving towards a does not appear to be influenced by gender. Wrinkles in other
new era [1]. People are becoming more aware of the way parts of the face are found to be greater in men than in
they look, especially the face and are turning to medical and women, except above 65 years of age, when the incidence
dental professionals to improve their appearance. Attractive appears to equalise [3]. One study evaluated the skin mor-
facial aesthetics at any age has social and psychological ben- phology, elasticity and areas of sagging using photographs
efits. Facial skin constitutes a major part in contributing to and a cutometer. The authors found that these were similar in
facial aesthetics. The skin is a reflection of several body both genders in the cheek region, but in the lower eyelids,
characteristics, of which gender is a prominent one [1]. Age, sagging was more severe in males after middle age [4, 5].
genetic, hormonal and exogenous factors can affect both skin
structure and function and are responsible for differences
between different men and women. This chapter gives the 33.1.3 Facial Muscles and Their Actions
basics and advances in the field of facial cosmetic and func- (Fig. 33.1)
tional correction using Neurotoxins (Botulinum toxin) and
Dermal Fillers. A good understanding of the action of the various facial mus-
cles is important for precise application of botulinum toxin.
The muscles and their actions are tabulated (Table 33.1).
33.1.2 Facial Skin Physiology, Muscular
Anatomy and Mechanical Properties
33.2 Botulinum Toxin
In humans, skin including the epidermis and dermis is 1.428
times thicker in men than in women across 5–90 years of age 33.2.1 Botulinum Toxin-Type A
[1]. However, women tend to have thicker subcutaneous fat.
It has been found that, in men, it gradually becomes thinner Botulinum Toxin type A was first used on the face by
with advancing age (12–93 years), whereas in women, the Carruthers and Carruthers in the late 1980s [6]. Following
studies in the 1990s about its cosmetic use, botulinum toxin
was approved by the USA Food and Drug Administration
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- (FDA). This led to a revolution in treating ageing skin in
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_33) contains supple-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
recent years [1].

S. Matsa (*)
Praseedha Clinic for Maxillofacial Cosmetic Surgery,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 691

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_33
692 S. Matsa

Fig. 33.1  Muscles of facial Frontalis Depressor supercilii


Corugator supercilii

Orbicularis oculi Levator labi

superioris alaeque
Levator labi

Zygomaticus Masseter


Orbicularis oris
Depressor labii

Depressor anguli oris



©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Table 33.1  Facial Muscles and Their Actions

has eight types of strains which are labelled alphabetically:
Frontalis—Raising the eyebrows; transverse wrinkling of the
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H [7].
Corrugator—Vertical/oblique wrinkling of the forehead; draws the Two types of strains, A and B, are available currently.
eyebrows together These result from the modification of the protein structure
Procerus—Pulls the glabellar skin in an inferior direction and causes that has been used for a variety of medical and cosmetic pur-
transverse wrinkles pose. Botulinum Neurotoxin causes denervation of the motor
Depressor Supercilii—Pulls the eyebrow downwards on the medial neuron temporarily, in the treated muscle and selectively
canthal region
Orbicularis Oculi—Controls the sphincter of the eye
inactivates the nerve terminals by blocking the release of
Risorius—Lateral movement of the corner of the mouth acetylcholine and the target protein SNAP25, [8] leading to
Orbicularis Oris—Opening and closing of the mouth (sphincter a temporary and reversible blockade of cholinergic transmis-
action) sion. In the neuromuscular junction, the blockade of the
Levator Labii Superioris—Pulls the upper lip superiorly release of acetylcholine promotes muscle relaxation to mus-
Depressor Anguli Oris—Draws the corner of the mouth inferiorly
cular palsy [9] (Fig. 33.3a, b, c).
Depressor Labii Inferioris—Pulls the lower lip downwards
Modiolus—It’s a union of muscles, situated lateral to the external
commissure of the mouth, allowing symmetrical perioral expression. Reconstitution, Dilution and Dose:
Botulinum Toxin Type-A is available as lyophilised pow-
der that must be stored frozen −4 °C or lower. Reconstitution
33.2.2 Pharmacology and Mechanism of the powder may be done using 0.9% Normal Saline
of Action solution, which is isotonic. Once reconstituted, the solu-
tion must be used within 4–8 h, after which the potency of
Clostridium botulinum produces an exotoxin. It is an anaero- the drug may be lost, and contamination of the vials may
bic gram positive bacillus (Fig. 33.2) which forms spores. It occur.
33  Botulinum Toxin and Fillers for Maxillofacial Esthetics 693

150 kD neurotoxin Contraindications [10]

The use of Botulinum toxin injections is contraindicated in
COOH NH2 the following clinical situations:

448 459 • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

s-s • Individuals with an infection in the proposed area of the
Light injection.
chain Heavy • Neuromuscular transmission disorders (myasthenia gravis).
• Individuals under medications that may influence neuro-
2 muscular transmission. These include Calcium channel
NH1 blockers, Penicillamine, Quinine, Aminoglycosides,
s Pancuronium, Tubocurarine and Succinylcholine.
• Individuals under medications that interfere with coagu-
1296 lation like Acetylsalicylic Acid, Anticoagulants and
HA & NTNH surround
the neurotoxin
Vitamin E.
900kD BoNT/A complex contains: Patient Selection:
- 150 kD neurotoxin
- Hemagglutanins (HA) In the present era, patients have increased awareness and
- Nontoxic, non-HA proteins (NTNH) knowledge about their health and skin conditions. They may
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India be very ambitious and optimistic about the procedure and are
likely to expect a high level of satisfaction with their personal
Fig. 33.2  Chemical structure
appearance after the treatment. The goal of treatment is to
achieve a better looking and natural appearance. The patients’
• Botulinum toxin A is marketed in two vials—50 and 100 U. psychological aspects and expectations should be understood
• In mice, the Median Lethal Dose is 1  U.  The MLD in and evaluated prior to the start of any cosmetic treatment.
humans is estimated at 3000 U.
• For reconstituting 100 U, 2.5 ml of 0.9% Normal Saline
may be used, which gives a concentration of 40 U/ml. 33.2.4 Injection Techniques (Video 33.1)
Many commercial brands are available for Botulinum
Neurotoxin–A, like Siax®, Botox®, Xeomin® and Dysport® The following techniques are used for injecting botulinum
and every brand has variation in its dilution. toxin into various areas of the face.

(a) Glabellar lines injection technique (Fig.  33.4a, b):

33.2.3 Indications Visualise an imaginary “X” formed by two lines that join
the inner brows with the contralateral inner canthus [11].
Botulinum toxin injections may be used in the clinical sce- The injection must be given at the midpoint of the ‘X’.
narios highlighted in Box 33.1. Conventionally, the Corrugator Supercilii muscle is
visualised by observing the medial part of the eyebrow
when the patient frowns. Botulinum Toxin is then slowly
Box 33.1 Indications of Botulinum Toxin injected into the belly [11] of the muscle on either side.
• Wrinkling of the face The needle must be maintained at 0.5 cm from the upper
• Facial rejuvenation of ageing face orbital rim, and lie internal to the mid-pupillary line. The
• Gingival smile total dose for glabellar line ranges from 10 to 15 U and
• Masseteric hypertrophy can be increased to a maximum of 40  U based on the
• Facial asymmetry severity of the wrinkles.
• Platysmal wrinkling and bands (b) Forehead lines Injection technique (Fig. 33.5): The fron-
• Hyperhidrotic conditions (excessive sweating) talis muscle is superficial and may be easily identified by
• Blepharospasm asking the patient to raise and lower the brow. The extent
• Spasmodic torticollis of muscle movement is then assessed. Injections must be
• Dystonia done in the superficial subcutaneous tissue, over the
–– cranial, lower facial, cervical, oromandibular. entire forehead from medial to lateral. The typical dose
ranges from 2 to 3 U in each point of small dots repre-
sented on the upper and lower aspects of the forehead or
694 S. Matsa

b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 33.3 (a–c) Action at the neuromuscular junction

5 U per point of the middle aspect of the muscle, repre- ysis. This is because the frontalis is responsible for facial
sented in a big dots as given below in the figure. Frontal expressiveness, and total paralysis would cause brow
injections and glabellar injections must preferably be ptosis [14, 15]. It is also important to preserve at least
done together, to avoid increased compensatory use of some frontal is muscle movement, responsible for facial
glabellar muscle, which are mainly depressors [12, 13]. expression and lift of the eyelids and brows.
The dose of the injections must be kept small enough to (c) Crow feet wrinkles Injection technique (Fig.  33.6a, b):
just weaken the muscle instead of producing total paral- Three to four injections of Botulinum toxin-A may be
33  Botulinum Toxin and Fillers for Maxillofacial Esthetics 695

Fig. 33.4 (a, b) Glabellar

lines injection technique a

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

administered lateral to the eye, in the ‘crow’s feet’ region

Optional injection sites that radiates out from the lateral canthi. Around 8–20 U
may be administered on each side [16]. The injection
must be placed 1 cm lateral to the orbital rim and must
be above the canthal angle, to avoid upper lateral lag. To
Hairline Frontalis
achieve this, one can place a guiding finger of the other
hand at the lateral orbital rim. Owing to the superficial
location of the muscle, the needle need not be advanced
Supraorbital rim
deep into the subcutaneous tissue. Botulinum Toxin has
1 cm
a wide zone of effect, and therefore a superficial dermal
injection will minimise bruising, but will still give good
clinical results [16].
(d) Elevating Oral commissures and Smile line Injection
technique (Fig. 33.7): Depressor anguli oris is the mus-
cle to be elevated for improving the smile lines. It is indi-
Do not inject within 1 cm of the supraorbital rim cated in patients with inverted smile line (reverse smile
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India line), which is caused by pulling the corner of the mouth
inferiorly. To identify the depressor anguli oris muscle,
Fig. 33.5  Forehead lines injection technique
the patient must frown and the muscle must be simulta-
neously palpated 1  cm lateral and inferior to the oral
696 S. Matsa

Orbicularis oculi Lateral orbital rim Do not inject < 1cm from the lateral orbital rim
a b


Superficial veins Orbicularis oculi Lateral orbital rim

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 33.6 (a, b) Crow feet wrinkles injection technique

1 cm
commissure. Inject approximately 2–5 U deeply into the
muscle on either side [16].
(e) Gummy smile or Gingival show correction Injection
technique (Fig.  33.8): In some patients, while smiling,
their upper lip is pulled up, which reveals some amount
of gingival tissue. If this is >1 cm, it is referred to as a
1 cm
“Gummy smile or Gingival Show”. The levator labii
superioris alaeque nasi elevates the upper lip during
smile. These muscles have their origin on the frontal
Depressor anguli
process of the maxilla, and insert into the skin of the oris
lateral aspect of the nose and upper lip. If only one mus-
cle contracts, it results in a ‘snarl’, and this muscle has Alternative technique: Inject inferiorly on mandibular ramus

been referred to as the “Elvis” muscle [16]. Normally, ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
1–2 U of the Botulinum neurotoxin is injected on each
Fig. 33.7  Smile line correction
side in the muscle. Care should be taken because this
injection can produce elongation of the upper lip. Levator labi superioris alaeque nasi
(f) Platysmal wrinkles Injection technique (Fig. 33.9): The
platysma forms horizontal lines or wrinkles. Into every
horizontal crease, an intradermal injection of 1–2 U may
be injected for every 1.0–1.5 cm [16]. There may be sev-
eral creases, but each treatment session must not use
more than 15–20 U. In these areas, careful injections are
absolutely essential, as these muscles are cholinergic,
and deep injections may affect swallowing. If the injec-
tions are placed at deeper levels, or high volumes are
used, a weak or diminished swallow may result.
(g) Masseteric Hypertrophy Injection technique (Fig. 33.10):
The masseter can give masculine characteristics, such as
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
square jawlines and wide mandibular borders. This is
enhanced when the muscle hypertrophies, and may not Fig. 33.8  Gummy smile correction
be attractive in women. Bruxism and clenching of teeth
can lead to hypertrophy of the masseter muscle, which in placed along the lower border of the mandible, one fin-
turn increases the horizontal width of the mandible [16]. ger along the posterior border and one at mandibular
While injecting into the masseter, one finger may be angle. This may be done with the patient clenching, as
33  Botulinum Toxin and Fillers for Maxillofacial Esthetics 697

Intradermal injection
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 33.9  Platysmal banding

this marks the perimeter of the muscle. While injecting

bone should be felt by the needle and withdrawn slightly Masseter
just above the bone and deposit 4–5 U along the marked ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
lines. Depending on the volume of hypertrophy, around
20 U may be injected [16]. Over-injection at the masse- Fig. 33.10  Masseteric hypertrophy
ter region may result in problems with bite or chewing.
(h) Frey’s Syndrome or Gustatory sweating Injection
Technique (Fig. 33.11): This is a condition in which mild
to profuse sweating occurs in the cheek or malar area
while eating. A diagnostic test called “starch-iodine test”
[16] can be performed prior to injection of Botulinum
toxin. Povidone iodine is applied over the cheek and corn
starch is sprinkled. The patient is advised to eat, to stimu-
late the salivary gland and left to dry for a few minutes.
The corn starch turns black in the area of sweating [16],
and a grid is drawn along this area. Once the test is con-
firmed, usually 30–50  U is injected along the grid as
shown. The botulinum toxin blocks acetylcholine, which
is the neurotransmitter that stimulates sweating.

33.2.5 Complications and Recommendations

While Using Botulinum Toxin

• Apply pressure at the site before and after treatment. Cold

packs may also be used.
• The use of small syringes and fine-gauge (30 g) needles
can reduce pain and bruising at the injected site.
• Using topical anaesthesia (EMLA—Eutectic Mixture of ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Local Anaesthesia) reduces pain while injecting.
Fig. 33.11  Frey’s Syndrome
698 S. Matsa

• Injections should be symmetrical regarding doses, mus- Studies have shown that hyaluronic acid requires less injec-
cles and areas. This is important for the natural balance of tion volume as compared to bovine collagen for optimal cos-
the facial structures and to avoid asymmetries. metic results, and HA is also found to be more effective at
• Since the results are expected for 4–6 months, treatments are maintaining the cosmetic correction [20, 21].
usually repeated twice a year, for maintenance of the results. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now
• There are isolated few reports of systemic adverse effects approved various types of Hyaluronic acids, bio-stimulatory
after injections with the use of doses larger than those products like calcium hydroxyapatite and poly-l lactic acid,
usually recommended for cosmetic purposes [17]. as well as polymethylmethacrylate as a substitute for fillers.
• The most common injection-related side effects are pain, Fillers are categorised as permanent, semi-permanent and
transient edema at the injected site, erythema, haemato- temporary. The majority of injectable fillers are temporary,
mas and ecchymosis [13, 17]. lasting from several weeks to several months, although some
• Common technique-dependent complications include reportedly last 9–12 months. Many of these processes require
eyelid ptosis, asymmetries and excessive brow elevation. ongoing treatment to maintain the desired appearance [22].
• In the lower face, complications are related to high doses
can cause undesirable paralysis of the musculature, result-
ing in asymmetric smiling and complications due to the 33.3.2 Classification of Fillers
incompetence of the sphincter function of the mouth.
• In the neck, complications can be dysphagia and diffi- Based on their duration of action, fillers may be classified as
culty in the movements. follows:

Temporary (3–12 Months)  These are mainly used to replace

33.3 Dermal Fillers collagen in the skin, which weakens with age and loses its
elasticity. Collagen has three main sources—bovine, porcine
33.3.1 Role of Fillers in Facial Aesthetics and human. Bovine collagen is very similar to the human
molecule and is widely used. It only has specific differences
Throughout the past decades, there have been major changes in the end peptides (telopeptides), which are removed in pro-
and advancements in the injectable preparations used for soft cessing, leaving a core protein similar to that of a humans
tissue augmentation. Introduced by Dr. Arnold Klein [1] in [23]. Hyaluronic acid is the most commonly used Filler
the 1980s, for lip augmentation, collagen has progressed to material of this category.
the broader concept of volumising the face and to correct the
subcutaneous atrophy due to ageing and fat loss. Semi-Permanent (1–5 Years)  Calcium hydroxyapatite is one
Following extensive clinical trials in the late 1970s, the of the commonest semi-permanent fillers. It creates a stable
FDA first approved the use of bovine collagen in 1981, which scaffold for soft tissues to grow. Calcium hydroxylapatite may
greatly advanced the field of soft-tissue augmentation. Over be injected into the deep dermis, where the microspheres are
the past 10 years, several types of facial fillers have been held in place until they are resorbed and collagen deposition
approved in the United States and Europe, and there is a con- occurs. This results in formation of non-scar-­tissue type of col-
stantly evolving and expanding assortment of the dermal lagen, which provides volume in the area under treatment [24].
filler materials and devices for soft tissue augmentation [18].
Hyaluronic Acid (HA), which was introduced as a facial Permanent (>5 Years)  These are mostly synthetic implants,
filler in 2003, brought about a much needed change from the which are made of Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) micro-
allergies being reported due to bovine collagen [18]. spheres. PMMA microspheres may be mixed with denatured
Hyaluronic Acid is a member of the glycosaminoglycan bovine collagen and lidocaine, and suspended in a phosphate-­
family and a natural component of human connective tissue. buffered saline solution. Since PMMA is inert, it is well toler-
The HA molecule is identical across all species and lacks a ated by the body and does not induce allergic reactions [25, 26].
protein component, thus it has little to no potential for immu-
nologic reaction in humans. It is composed of repeating Preparation of the Patient before Injection of Fillers:
disaccharide units, stabilised with cross-linked hydroxyl The patient’s face is washed gently to dry and disinfect the
groups that bind water to create volume. This gives a plumped skin. This is done using propanol solution. Since the dermal
appearance to the skin. HA in the skin decreases with age fillers are very painful while injecting, application of the
and sun exposure, reducing the skin’s water-binding capacity topical anaesthesia around the area of injection using EMLA
and turgor, ultimately leading to skin wrinkling and sagging (Eutectic Mixture of Local Anaesthesia) for 30–45 min prior
[19]. HA can absorb up to 1000 times its molecular weight of or particular branch of Maxillary division or Mandibular
water, and Hyaluronic Acid fillers volumise the face by division of the trigeminal nerve is anaesthetised using 2%
replacing body Hyaluronic Acid and restoring hydration [5]. Lignocaine as a local anaesthetic injection.
33  Botulinum Toxin and Fillers for Maxillofacial Esthetics 699

Fig. 33.12  Various patterns Anterograde

in Injection technique

Serial Puncture




Ferning (retrograde)
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Linear Threading:  In this technique, fillers are injected

33.3.3 Dermal Filler Injection Methods (Fig. 33.12) in a needle and thread fashion. The needle is inserted and
withdrawn repeatedly along a straight line. It has two
Hyaluronic acid is available in syringes in a sterile packed types.
container. These have 26–30 gauge needle, with a length of
1–1½ inches.
These are injected at the subdermal planes in various 1. Anterograde Injection: The filler is injected while the
fashion which are mentioned in Box 33.2. needle is being advanced, and the filler is therefore easily
The following is a description of various techniques. tracked in the front of the needle.
700 S. Matsa

a Supratrochlear artery and nerve

Box 33.2 Dermal Filler Injection Methods
• Linear threading,
• Depot injection,
• Fanning method,
• Serial puncture,
• Cross hatching,
• Grid and Ferning

2. Retrograde Injection: The filler is not injected simultane-

ously during needle advancement. Once the needle is
slowly withdrawn, the filler is injected. Supraorbital artery and nerve
Depot:  In this technique, a small amount of the filler is
deposited in the correct plane.

Serial Puncture:  In a single wrinkle or fold, multiple

closely spaced depot injections are placed.

Fanning:  It is done through one point of entry and the nee-

dle is rotated like a fan in multiple directions, and the fillers
are deposited in a retrograde way. It is important to stop
injecting as the needle comes close to the insertion site in
order to avoid build-up of fillers at the point of entry.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Cross Hatching:  Injecting as multiple linear thread depos-
ited in an X-shaped fashion. Fig. 33.13 (a, b) Glabellar & forehead wrinkles

Grid:  It is injected as linear threads intersecting perpen- rub or massaging to be done to distribute the filler uni-
dicular to each other point of entry. formly. In the case of bruising, icepacks can be used.
Injecting into a vessel must be avoided as this can lead to
Ferning: [16]  This is similar to retrograde injection. The the formation of emboli.
needle is inserted on either side of the central tract, and the (b) Nasolabial Fold (Fig. 33.14a,b): The nasolabial fold is
fillers are deposited in a branch-like fashion almost like the defined as the groove from corner of the alar base to the
branches of a fern. margin lateral to the angle of the mouth. The nasolabial
groove must never be eliminated completely as this can
result in an unaesthetic appearance. Injection may be
33.3.4 Injection Techniques done using serial puncture, linear threading, cross-hatch-
ing, or fanning. Only the medial part of the fold must be
(a) Glabellar and Forehead region (Fig.  33.13a,b): The augmented, with injections perpendicular to this. This is
Glabellar region is the most prominent site for wrinkling best done by imagining a tall, thin, triangular deficit in
and very well shown even in a mild expression. There front of the fold that needs to be filled. To prevent bruis-
are vertical lines of wrinkling, which result from con- ing, ice and pressure may be applied. Initially, hyal-
traction of the corrugator supercilii muscles, and hori- uronic acid swells and may appear as a firm mass on
zontal lines which occur due to contraction of the palpation but gradually blends in after the first week.
procerus muscle. Before injecting, the patient should (c) Lip Augmentation (Fig. 33.15): This is one of the most
frown the brow and the needle is inserted at the subder- common cosmetic procedures done using Hyaluronic
mal plane and injected in a linear fashion and it is also acid filler for augmenting or everting the lips. The areas
deposited deep and parallel to the wrinkle. Small depots to be augmented are the outline of the lip, body of the lip
or serial puncture fashion of fillers are injected along the or both. There is a potential space in the body of the ver-
line of the wrinkles throughout its entire length. Gentle milion, which, if correctly entered, will allow the filler to
33  Botulinum Toxin and Fillers for Maxillofacial Esthetics 701

a be verified prior to injection. The filler is injected slowly

and deeply into this area. Massaging may be done at the
injected area to avoid irregularities. If the HA is depos-
ited too deep, a “Tyndall effect” [16] may be observed.
Hyaluronic Acid can occasionally increase fluid retention
around the periocular area, and lead to infraorbital swell-
ing, edema or discolouration in the medial portion of the
orbicularis muscle. If this occurs, subcutaneous hyal-
uronidase injections may lyse the Hyaluronic Acid and
reduce the swelling.
(e) Injection technique to increase the cheek volume
(Fig. 33.17): In some patients, fat loss or volume deficit
b can cause cheek ­hollowing. The loss of buccal pad of fat
causes wrinkled cheeks, exaggeration of nasolabial folds
and jowling of the skin at the lower border of the mandible.
The submalar region (below the zygomatic arch) and buc-
cal region (lateral to the nasolabial fold) are areas that need
attention. The injection technique should be administered
in a grid or fanning pattern. The injections must be admin-
istered at the dermal–subcutaneous plane. Massaging after
injection can help smoothen irregularities.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 33.3.5 Contraindication [22]

Fig. 33.14 (a, b) Nasolabial fold injection technique
Some of the most common conditions to be avoided for
­fillers include:
move within it along the entire lip margin. Dermal fillers
injected in the body of the lips can augment, rejuvenate • Scarring and collagen/connective tissue disorders
and improve the symmetry of the lips. Philtral columns • Diabetes
can get flattened with age. These can be accentuated by • Infections—e.g.: Viral Herpes
injecting along the border of the vermilion and philtral • Coagulation problems
region to give a more prominent philtrum and cupids • Pregnant or Lactating women
bow with eversion of the lip. The philtrum may be • Psychological conditions
pinched after injection to accentuate the ridges. Injections
are generally placed superficially in to the subcutaneous
plane. Massaging or a gentle rub after injection helps to 33.4 Conclusion
distribute the filler evenly. Injection may be performed in
an anterograde fashion, from lateral to medial, and the Botulinum Toxin Type A and Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers
filler can be tracked along the vermillion. are very safe and effective under a trained physician or sur-
(d) Tear Trough Deformity (Fig. 33.16): Tear Trough is usu- geon for therapeutic and cosmetic use. Wrinkles especially
ally referred to as the crease at the medial segment of the those which are located in the face and some asymmetries,
inferior orbital region. As ageing occurs, the infraorbital mainly caused or worsened by the repeated contraction of
rim becomes more skeletonised and depressed. To cor- facial muscles and ageing process can be effectively treated
rect this sunken appearance, HA may be injected into the by these methods.
semicircular depression under the eyes. Normally a Proper knowledge of the anatomy of facial muscles and
30-gauge needle, 2.5 cm long, is used to inject in the der- proper techniques are important to achieve predictable results
mal layer of the lower eyelid to avoid bruising, as this and avoid complications. Informed consent for the procedure
area is highly vascularised. The needle is then inserted must be obtained from the patient after explaining the risks and
upwards at an angle, till it reaches the top of the orbital the outcome, before commencing the treatment. Though
rim. The finger of the opposite hand may be used to direct Botulinum toxin and dermal Fillers give temporary results, they
the needle by positioning it at this point. The tip of the are safe and very effective in achieving aesthetic outcome.
needle must touch the bone and its precise location must Disclosure  Author has no financial conflicts to disclose.
702 S. Matsa

a b

c d

e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 33.15  Injection technique for philtrum, lip line and the body of the lip. (a) anterograde filling (b) retrograde filling (c) both anterograde and
retrograde filling (d) antero retrograde with fanning if necessary (e) depot and serial puncture filling (f) anterograde retrograde serial and depot

Pre periosteal filler along orbital rim Submalar buccal hollow Angular artery

Tear trough deformity

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 33.16  Tear trough deformity

Nasolabial fold
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 33.17  Injection technique for hollowing cheeks

33  Botulinum Toxin and Fillers for Maxillofacial Esthetics 703

Case Scenarios normal size of the tooth. Treatment Plan (Fig. 33.18b1, b2,
b3 and b4): locating the levator labii superioris muscle and
Case 1 (Fig. 33.18a,b,c) injecting Botulinum toxin Type A with a dose of 5 U on both
the sides. The injection point is located at the junction
A 43-year-old female complaining of excessive tooth and between lip and the ala of the nose. Post-operative findings
gingival exposure on smiling. Clinical features (Fig. 33.18a): (Fig. 33.18c): no gingival show on smiling.
excessive gingival show on smiling normal lip length and

a c

b1 b2

b3 b4

Fig. 33.18 (a) Clinical features with excessive Gingival show. (b1, b2, b3, b4) Intraoperative. (c) Postoperative, absence of Gingival show
704 S. Matsa

a c

b1 b2

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 33.19 (a) Clinical feature with forehead wrinkling. (b1, b2) Intraoperative. (c) Post-operative, absence of Wrinkling

2. Shuster S, Black MM, McVitie E.  The influence of age and sex
Case 2 (Fig. 33.19a,b,c) on skin thickness, skin collagen and density. Br J Dermatol.
A 47-year-old male, complaining of excessive wrinkling in 3. Tsukahara K, Hotta M, Osanai O, et  al. Gender-dependent
the forehead on looking upwards and frowning with ageing differences in degree of facial wrinkles. Skin Res Technol.
appearance. Clinical features (Fig.  33.19a): wrinkling and 4. Ezure T, Yagi E, Kunizawa N, et al. Comparison of sagging at the
folds found on the forehead on upward starring and frowning. cheek and lower eyelid between male and female faces. Skin Res
Treatment Plan (Fig. 33.19b1, b2): locating the frontalis mus- Technol. 2011;17(4):510–5.
cle and injecting Botulinum toxin Type A with a dose of 5 U 5. Gerhardt LC, Strassle V, Lenz A, et  al. Influence of epidermal
hydration on the friction of human skin against textiles. J R Soc
on both the sides at 3 different points marked and above 1 cm Interface. 2008;5:1317–28.
from the supraorbital margin. The injection point is located 6. Carruthers JDA, Carruthers JA.  Treatment of glabellar frown
midway between supraorbital margin and frontal hairline. lines with C botulinum-A exotoxin. J Dermatol Surg Oncol.
Post-operative findings (Fig. 33.19c): absence of wrinkling. 1992;18:17–21.
7. Dover N, Barash JR, Hill KK, Xie G, Arnon SS. Molecular char-
acterization of a novel botulinum neurotoxin type H gene. J Infect
Dis. 2014;209:192–202.
8. Lebeda FJ, Hack DC, Gentry MK.  Theoretical analyses of the
References functional regions of the heavy chain of botulinum neurotoxin.
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1. Baran R, Maibach HI. DorisHexel Textbook of cosmetic dermatol- New York: Marcel Dekker; 1994. p. 51–61.
ogy. 5th edn; Chap 1,50,51—Skin size and Parameters, Botulinum 9. Hexsel D, Hexsel CL, Bohn J. Long, mid, and short term effects
Toxin, Soft tissue Augmentation Chap; Pg – 3,459,473. of botulinum toxin on the musculature. In: Hexsel D, Almeida AT,
33  Botulinum Toxin and Fillers for Maxillofacial Esthetics 705

editors. Cosmetic use of botulinum toxin. Porto Alegre: AGE; 2002. 18. Narins RS, et al. A randomized double-blind multicenter compari-
p. 99–103. son of the efficacy and tolerability of Restylane versus Zyplast
10. Wollina U, Konrad H. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2005;6(3):141–50. for the correction of nasolabial folds. Dermatol Surg. 2003;29(6):
11. Ascher B, Talarico S, Cassuto D, Escobar S, Hexsel D, Jaén P, et al. 588–95.
International consensus recommendations on the aesthetic usage 19. Donofrio L. Fat distribution: a morphologic study of the aging face.
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13. Hexsel D, Mazzuco R, Zechmeister M, Hexsel CL. Complications 22. Burgers CM. Cosmetic dermatology, 2005; Chapter 6—Soft tissue
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Hair Transplantation
Sreedhar Reddy Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

34.1 Introduction weak hairline, desire to lower the hairline or fix missing
facial hair on the moustache, beard, eyebrow or eyelashes.
In the past few decades, maxillofacial surgeons have played As the field of hair transplantation continues to evolve at
a pivotal role in enhancing the aesthetic value of the face a breakneck speed with specialists from multiple specialities
through many surgical and non-surgical procedures, with performing this scientific artistry, it’s all the more pertinent
hair transplantation being one of the popular choices which that we as maxillofacial surgeons are abreast of the current
has seen an exponential demand in the last decade. Though principles and practice of this hair restorative surgery.
hair restoration procedures were being performed for many
decades ever since Dr. Norman Orentreich in 1959 published
them in the annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 34.2 Surgical Anatomy
there has been many advances to the originally described
punch grafting which has become obsolete and has been An understanding of the surgical anatomy of the scalp is nec-
replaced by the so-called micrografts via the two basic tech- essary to avoid complications and to optimise your perfor-
niques of follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular mance for hair transplantation.
unit extraction (FUE). The success of the above techniques is Scalp consists of five distinct layers with the most super-
in part attributed to the theory of donor dominance which ficial layer being the skin which comprises of epidermal and
postulates that the hair taken from the donor area of the pos- dermal layers. These layers contain hair follicles, sebaceous
terior scalp will continue to grow without getting hit by fac- and sweat glands with rich vascular supply. The second layer
tors which were responsible for the thinning out of hair in the of scalp is made up of connective tissue, which is well vascu-
frontal areas [1]. larised and heavily innervated by sensory nerves. The deep-
Apart from hair transplant being a promising procedure est portion of the hair follicle, bulb and papilla, may extend
for male pattern and female pattern alopecia, it has been through the skin into this layer (Fig.  34.1a). Thus, when
applied to other causes of hair loss too; traumatic and burn obtaining donor grafts, effort should be made to incorporate
scars on hair bearing areas, alopecia following surgical pro- the upper part of dermal layer to obtain the entire hair folli-
cedures (i.e. Craniotomy, rhytidectomy procedures), redo cle. The third layer also called galea aponeurotica is a tendi-
hair transplantation, congenital reasons like cleft lip sce- nous tissue connecting the two bellies of the occipitalis and
nario. Currently the scope for hair transplantation is expand- frontal muscles. Loose areolar connective tissue is the next
ing with the demand from patients who want to strengthen a layer which contains numerous potential spaces, capable of
great distension thus allowing for exceptional mobility of
scalp. Unfortunately, these spaces are also capable of poten-
tial space for haematoma collection and spread of infections.
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap-
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_34) contains supple- The deepest layer of the scalp defines the pericranium, which
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. is analogous to periosteum throughout the body.

S. R. Pothula (*)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Pioneer Advanced Hair Transplant
Centre, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
B. S. Jayanth (*)
ABMSS, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 707

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_34
708 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.1 (a) Hair follicle extending into dermis; note the layers of the scalp. (b) Arteriovenous supply of the scalp with sensory innervation. (c)
Zones of the scalp

34.2.1 Blood Supply and Sensory Innervation are branches of the internal carotid artery. The veins of the
scalp follow the same basic network of the arteries and drain
The arterial supply to the scalp arrives from branches of both into the jugular veins (Fig. 34.1b). All of these vessels freely
external and internal carotid arteries. Branches of the exter- anastomose in the connective tissue layer of the scalp.
nal carotid artery in order from posterior to the anterior Awareness and approximate location of the main branches
include the occipital, posterior auricular and superficial tem- are very important during the hair transplant surgery not only
poral arteries. The supratrochlear and supraorbital arteries to avoid haemorrhage or haematoma but also to prevent isch-
34  Hair Transplantation 709

emia to the follicles. Occipital artery which enters the scalp 34.2.3 Microanatomy of Hair
immediately above the external occipital protuberance at the
superior nuchal line can easily be injured if depth control is Hair consists of a living part under the skin extending into
not maintained. If arterial haemorrhage is encountered, elec- the dermis known as follicle and a non-living keratinised part
tro cautery and suture ligation are adequate to secure homeo- above the skin, the so-called hair shaft (Fig. 34.2). The shaft
stasis. Damage to vessels could likely lead to the formation has three further layers namely the outer protective cuticle,
of donor area scar. inner cortex and in certain cases the medulla forms the core,
Sensory innervation of the scalp arises from all three and they mainly help in protection and anchorage of the hair.
branches of trigeminal nerve antero-laterally with the fore- The growing structure of the hair is the follicle with the
head getting its supply from the supraorbital and supratroch- upper part being constant and consists of the top infundibu-
lear branches of the ophthalmic division, while the anterior lum at the opening of sebaceous gland and isthmus in the
temporal scalp is supplied by the maxillary division and the middle where the piloerector muscle comes to insert. The
mandibular division goes onto supply the temporoparietal lower part of the follicle known as the bulb is very vital as it’s
zone of the scalp through its auriculotemporal nerve. The the one involved with regeneration and most of the stem cells
spinal cutaneous nerves of the cervical plexus (c2 and c3) are located here. Hence, while implanting holding, the graft
come to supply the area posterior to the auricle via the greater above or beside the bulb is vital to ensure sustenance of
and lesser occipital nerves. These nerves are found in the regenerative potential.
connective tissue just superior to the galea.

34.2.2 Zones of the Scalp

Typically, the areas of male pattern hair loss are horseshoe

shaped and are divided into three zones [2] (Fig. 34.1c)
1. Frontal—extends from the hairline to the mid-scalp and
is curvilinear. Has a frontal hairline zone anteriorly with
the line being irregular like coastline of the sea with
mounds and recessions. The follicles in this zone is
mainly single hair follicle for the first two to three rows
generally blending into multiple follicular units posteri-
orly giving rise to the density effect known as shingling.
The frontal core zone is a small area in the central aspect
of the frontal region which is circular to oval and is very
important in framing the face receiving the highest den-
sity of grafted hairs.
2. The mid-scalp—is at the top of the head. This horizontal
area is bordered on both the sides by the temporal parietal
fringes and is sandwiched between the frontal zone ante-
riorly and the vertex posteriorly.
3. Vertex or crown—the most posterior area being rounded
and characterised by whorl arrangement of hair is the
toughest area to transplant.
The temporal fringe is the lateral hair zone present on the
sides of the scalp anterior to the tragus of the ear and poste-
rior to this is the parietal fringe.
The frontotemporal apex is the area usually devoid of hair
at the junction of the lateral frontal hairline and temporal
fringe. This coincides with the deepest point of the recession ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
on the forehead and is aligned with the lateral canthus of the
eye. Fig. 34.2  Microanatomy of the hair
710 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

34.3 Terminology evenly but grows in phases and in cycles which are reproduc-
ible. Anagen is the growing phase of hair that accounts for
The unique language of hair transplant surgeons consist of a 85% of the hair growth, during which hair grows at 0.5 inch
few common words to communicate within the speciality [3] per month for up to 10 cm per year with adequate blood sup-
(Box 34.1). ply providing nutrients and minerals to the hair. This phase
lasts for anywhere between 3 and 6 years. As long as this
phase persists, the hair stays on the scalp and is genetically
determined. Anagen is followed by catagen and the later
Box 34.1 Hair Transplant Surgery: Terminology phase onset signals the end of active hair growth. During this
Follicular unit graft (FU): The natural Bundle of hair transitional phase which lasts for 1–2 weeks, the production
strands consisting of one, two or three hairs woven of hair stop and hair follicle start to shrink in size and nearly
within a single unit and held by connective tissue ele- 2–3% of the hairs are in this phase. Telogen is the final phase
ments as the follicle. The graft containing two or three of the hair cycle where the aged hair fall out and new ones
follicular units becomes a multi follicular unit graft. push themselves out of the skin. This final phase lasts for
Micrograft: The follicular unit which has single hair nearly 3 months with around hundred hairs being shed per
graft within it is referred to as a micrograft, and the day and nearly 10–15% of the hairs are in this phase at any
same is preferred for frontal hairline implantation. point in time (Fig. 34.3).
Minigraft: The follicular unit which has more than a People often confuse with hair fall to hair loss. Hair fall is
single hair graft and houses four to six hair grafts prior common in every individual. Around 10–20% of total hair
to cutting with microscopes are minigrafts. will be under shedding process. That hair will grow back in
Follicular unit density: It’s the number of follicular 3 months. On average 80–60 hair strands fall is considered as
units per cm2. normal.
Hair density: It’s the number of hairs per cm2. Male pattern hair loss or androgenetic alopecia as the
FUT: The grafts are obtained from the harvested word suggests is a result of both androgens and genetic fac-
strip through slivering and dissection of individual fol- tors which work together causing the clinical effect of bald-
licles under magnification. ness [4]. Though there are many reasons for hair loss,
FUE: The grafts are obtained individually in the androgenetic alopecia is the most common reason and
donor area one at a time utilising a punch and handheld accounts for 95%. Fortunately, it can be treated with hair
extractor. transplant surgery. The diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia is
Stick and place implantation: Refers to implanta- supported by a family history of hair loss, although a positive
tion made immediately as the recipient site slit is made history is not always identified. There is a slightly greater
with a needle or blade. incidence of having a positive history on the mother’s side
Pre slit implantation: Refers to implantation made but the inheritance of male pattern hair loss can come from
after all the recipient site slits are made with a blade or either side of the family.
needle. In androgenetic alopecia, there is change of hair from ter-
Coronal slits: Refers to slits oriented along coronal minal hair to vellus hair. There happens to be a gradual evo-
from side to side. lution of this pattern, with each subsequent cycle of the new
Sagittal slits: Refers to slits oriented along sagittal hair being fine and thin leading eventually to various grades
plane from front to back. of alopecia. It initially starts with the frontal hairline reces-
sion and regression, followed by loss of more temporal hair
and simultaneous thinning of the vertex hair. Norwood clas-
sified approximately 7 different types of male pattern hair
34.4 Growth Cycle and Hair Loss loss. Identification of these types is key to an understanding
of proper planning of hair transplant surgery.
Hair is cylindrical, outgrowths on the skin made up of kera- Testosterone gets converted to dihydrotestosterone (dht)
tinous filaments. The normal human scalp contains between both systemically and in the process of intrafollicular con-
100,000 and 140,000 follicles with hair being arranged in version under the influence of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase
follicular units, small groups of 1–4 hairs each. There are leading to its binding with androgen receptors of the follicu-
approximately 50,000–60,000 follicular units on the human lar cells in genetically predisposed men leading to inhibition
scalp. of protein synthesis by shortening the anagen phase, thereby
Testosterone is the main regulator of hair growth with the producing finer hairs with shaft becoming thinner; this
androgens binding to receptors in the dermal papilla influ- stunted hair follicle growth leads to miniaturisation of folli-
encing the growth. Human hair does not grow constantly and cles till they become extinct establishing balding [5].
34  Hair Transplantation 711

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Fig. 34.3  Hair growth cycle

34.5 Classification
Box 34.2 Basic Requirements for Hair Regrowth
1. Regulating dihydrotestosterone levels in the blood The most popular classification of the male pattern hair loss
2. By ensuring normal supply of balanced nutrients to is the Norwood classification system (1975) which is a
the hair roots refined version of the original Hamilton system (1941) [6].
3. Proper blood circulation to carry the nutrients to the
roots in the scalp
4. Maintaining good health through general well- 34.5.1 Norwood Classification (Fig. 34.4)
being of the individual

Type 1 presents the normal hairline with minimal

recession of the frontotemporal area.
Clinical studies have given us an understanding that hair
Type 2 patients present a symmetrical and mild reces-
can be grown back if the following four things are ensured
sion of the frontotemporal area along with thinning
(Box 34.2):
of the hair.
Hair loss is not a disease but a condition where anagen or
Type 3 patients define balding with minimal or no in
the growth phase reduces and the telogen or fall phase is
the frontal areas and a deep recession.
extended. This forms the basis of hair loss in alopecia condi-
Type 4 patients present with significant recession and
tions other than androgenetic alopecia. The factors leading to
loss of both frontal and vertex hair with a bridge of
hair loss could stem from internal/external factors.
her between the two still retained.
Type 5 category patients present a progression of the
Internal Factors  There are many factors which internally
type four category with only thin and narrow bridge
lead to deficient states harming the hair growth. A few of
of hair between the frontotemporal and the vertex
them which are relevant today are iron deficiency, calcium
deficiency, zinc deficiency, general debility, anaemia, hypo-
Type 6 represents the loss of hair that separates the
thyroidism, deficiency of the fat soluble vitamins, thyroid
frontal and the posterior vertex areas with further
problems, insulin resistance, metabolic disorders like gout
progression in lateral and posterior zones.
and PCOD, prolonged illness, emotional turmoil following
Type 7 represents the most severe form of balding with
surgery and individuals with seborrheic scalp.
only a band of hair remaining in the low occipital
and temporal areas with extensive miniaturisation
of the hair.
External Factors  The lifestyle and environmental factors do
influence the hair health and growth cycle. The common
causes are smoking including passive smoking, stress, alco-
hol intake, lack of sleep, crash dieting, fad diets, high-protein Basically, in the above classification, the two areas of hair
diet, exposure to extremes of heat or cold, less intake of flu- loss—a bitemporal recession and thinning crown gradu-
ids, poor scalp hygiene, dust, pollution, fumes and exposure ally enlarge and coalesce until the entire front, top and
to endocrine disrupting chemicals. crown of the scalp are bald.
712 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

To regain the crowning glory, medical treatment gives

good results up to type 3 patients while hair transplantation
is the only choice for patients between types 4 and 6.
Routinely, clinicians come across variations of the clas-
sification which fall outside the Norwood classification, they
are as follows: Differential use pattern alopecia, diffuse and
patent alopecia.

34.5.2 Classification of Hair Loss in Women

The Ludwig classification (1977) uses three stages to

describe female pattern genetic hair loss (Fig. 34.5).
Type I (mild), type II (moderate) and type III (exten-
sive). In all three Ludwig stages, there is hair loss on the
front and top of the scalp with relative preservation of the
frontal hairline. The back and sides may or may not be
In Ludwig type I, there is early thinning that can be easily
camouflaged with proper grooming. Type I patients have too
little hair loss to consider surgical hair restoration.
Women with type II hair loss have significant widening of
the midline part and noticeably decreased volume. Hair
transplantation may be indicated if the donor area in the back
and sides of the scalp is stable.
In Ludwig type III, there is a thin, see-through look to the
top of the scalp. This is often associated with generalised
thinning over the entire scalp. Often patients that have pro-
gressed to this stage have too little donor hair to make surgi-
cal hair restoration worthwhile.
All women experiencing hair loss should have an accurate
diagnosis made, preferably by an experienced dermatologist.
This is particularly important since the diffuse hair loss that
women typically develop, can occasionally be caused by a
number of treatable medical conditions. Regardless of the
extent or cause of hair loss, only women with stable hair on
the back and sides of the scalp are candidates for hair
Other infrequent alopecias observed among the patients
visiting hair clinics are as follows:
Alopecia areta: it’s an autoimmune disorder which starts
with small round and punched out areas with no hair.
Lesion has very smooth skin and not even a single hair is
present in the lesion.
Alopecia totalis: there is total loss of scalp hair.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Alopecia universalis: there is total hair loss in the body
including the eyebrows.
Fig. 34.4  Norwood classification of male pattern alopecia
34  Hair Transplantation 713

Fig. 34.5 Ludwig
classification for hair loss in

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Turban alopecia: caused due to tight turban usage. It affects 34.6.2 Finasteride
frontal and parietal areas mainly and is seen among
Sikhs. Finasteride is a drug which is used only in men for reversal
Trichotillomania: a psychiatric disorder where the individu- of miniaturised hair follicles. This drug is a competitive
als deliberately pull their hair every day leading to hair inhibitor of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase which blocks the
loss in those areas. conversion of male hormone testosterone to dihydrotestos-
terone, and thereby works on the pathogenesis of androge-
netic alopecia. It is to be taken orally once a day daily at
34.6 Medications for Hair Loss 1 mg. Finasteride can cause loss of libido and oligospermia
in few individuals. However, this side effect is reversible
Only 2 drugs have been approved by FDA and have proven once the drug is discontinued.
their efficacy in the management of hair loss with good Other medicines like Dutasteride though being a potent
success. inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase is not that popular in the mar-
ket as it has got adverse effects. Few natural products like
saw palmatto can be used in young individuals who refuse to
34.6.1 Minoxidil take finasteride.

This is a direct hypertrichotic drug, which was initially

approved as an antihypertensive agent and was found to 34.6.3 Cyclical Therapy
have side effect of hypertrichosis. Today, it is available as
an over the counter drug with 2% formulation for women It entails giving vitamins with calcium supplements on a
and 5–10% formulation for men as topical solution and single day, followed by iron and mineral combination prod-
gel. It improves hair count, weight and growth of hair. Post uct on one other day of the week and finally amino acid
transplantation too it has been found to decrease the shed- blend; the three regiments are also advocated that their intake
ding of hair and enhanced the time to onset for hair growth. be on alternative days as different nutrients and the daily
According to few studies, minoxidil acts as a vasodilator dosing is avoided. The basis of this therapy is that hair
by opening up the potassium channels and thereby requires nutritional support during their anagen growth phase
enhances the vascularity of the hair bulb which in turn pro- and also for its maintenance; without nutrients, hair cannot
motes hair growth. However, the exact mechanism is get support and the stimulated hair growth to demonstrate
unknown. This topical product needs to be applied to the disappointing outcomes. This therapy is the result of pio-
scalp and not the hair and patients need to be informed neering work on the role of nutritional supplements in hair
about the initial increased shedding of weak hair in the growth.
first 4–8 weeks. Further, the patients need to be counselled Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an autologous biological
to apply the product twice a day to maximise the efficacy modifier which has many concentrated growth factors in it
and to wait for a timeframe of at least 4–5 months prior to and has demonstrated good results in reducing hair loss and
seeing the results. has shown to enhance hair counts. It is prepared in a three-­
714 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

step process where blood is drawn, processed and injected ing the evolution of techniques, macro and micrografts being
into the scalp. It is injected into the scalp once every fort- 5–6 mm in size were introduced which were harvested with
night for 4–6 sittings and this can be combined with the stan- biopsy punches and the resulting grafts were implanted.
dard therapy. These plug like grafts being unnatural in appearance gave a
classical doll’s hair appearance after growth and got phased
out with further refinement of hair transplant procedures.
34.7 Clinical Consultation By around 1963, follicular unit transplantation or strip
technique was introduced which became a workhorse of hair
It is important to begin the consultation by knowing the gen- transplantation until recently and is still considered to be the
eral health of the patient with a focus on endocrinal condi- gold standard method for hair restoration. In the year 2002,
tions affecting hair namely the thyroid disease, any Rossman and Bernstein refined the punch method of harvest-
uncontrolled diabetes, polycystic ovarian disease in the case ing the follicles and named it follicular unit extraction which
of females and also enquiring specifically about family his- has seen an exponential growth in the recent years and is
tory of hair loss, past medical management, understanding today the most popular technique of hair transplantation.
personal hair care regimen and any past hair transplants The principle behind hair transplantation is quite simple.
done. The hair that grows on the back and sides of the scalp tends
The next focus of the clinician during consultations to be permanent in most of the individuals. These occipital
should be on the expectations and motivation levels of the and parietal hairs are resistant to androgenic alopecia and are
patient trying to drive home the message that it’s a progres- used to implant into the frontal or vertex area which will con-
sive condition especially in younger patients who are tinue to grow as long as occipital hair grow, but in few indi-
demanding and want a low hairline. It’s important to have a viduals with advanced grades even these donor hairs can be
family member during consultation and ensure that they miniaturised and lost. That’s the reason as to why anticipat-
understand that any future hair loss is understood and you are ing the future hair loss is most important factor while plan-
only trying to frame the face. The pattern of the hair loss also ning hair transplant procedure.
needs to be well documented. Hair transplant as a procedure is successful only when
The donor site assessment will verify the presence of any hair loss is stabilised, as it will not stop further hair loss. We
white hair, check the elasticity of the scalp, the density of the as surgeons can only relocate and transfer few strong folli-
hair follicles per square centimetre, note the calibre of the cles from donor area to recipient area without increasing any
hair (thick vs. thin), presence of curly or straight hair, rule new follicle per se. Many young patients who are frustrated
out any existing scars and skin pathology including dandruff by taking medicines over a period of time will seek hair
and infections. transplant procedure as a remedy, which is an absolutely
The assessment of the recipient site will focus on the wrong decision for the clinicians to encourage. It is impera-
quality and quantity of remaining hair, ascertaining the grade tive on the part of the clinician to stabilise any ongoing hair
of balding and the pattern of hair loss, previous results of hair loss before embarking on the hair transplantation, with indi-
transplantation, the skin to hair contrast, direction of the viduals below the age of 25 years being denied the scope of
existing hair and existing skin condition. Based on the priori- the procedure.
ties of the case and having assessed the areas requiring hair Hair transplant surgery demands good planning, great
transplantation, the number of follicular units required per surgical skill and good aesthetic sense on the part of the cli-
square centimetre (around 30/cm2) is calculated to arrive at nician, as hairs grow in specific direction and angulations for
the number of follicular units to harvest. the given area of the scalp, and grafts should be placed in a
way which should look natural and cover the scalp gaps thus
achieving good density.
34.8 Concept of Hair Transplantation Most of the patients would like to know if the results are
permanent with guaranteed results. Here, it’s the astute clini-
Hair transplantation as performed today is basically micro- cian who should make all efforts to ensure that patient under-
follicular unit transplantation and few clinicians call it as stands the concept of the hair transplant and the future
hair restoration as there are many methods to achieve the consequences too, rather than simply promising the results.
results. The basic concept in hair transplant surgery is one of
In the early days, hair transplant concept started with flap camouflaging technique which makes them look better rather
rotation techniques requiring procedures to be performed than taking them back to their crowning glory days of their
under general anaesthesia. These invasive techniques did not past during their younger days.
gain popularity as the results were not satisfying and the pro- Patient should understand that he may still loose hair fur-
cedures left disfigurement in few individuals. Later on dur- ther and get worse with his genetic predilection to go bald
34  Hair Transplantation 715

and it’s a progressive process. Hair transplant will only help the patient as per the indication of the case. At times we have
him to maintain hairs which are aesthetically acceptable for to limit strip width to 1  cm if the skin laxity is limited.
his age and few individuals may require future sessions too. Usually a strip of 30 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width will
give around 2000–3000 grafts depending on the hair density
Preparation Prior to Hair Transplantation of the individual.
Routine blood test consisting of Complete blood count, gly-
caemic levels, prothrombin time and serology are done for
every case. In patients with any underlying medical condi- Box 34.3 FUT
tions, further investigations as deemed necessary for the case
are done and a medical fitness is obtained from the • Linear scar in donor area.
physician. • Healing time is more in donor area.
All patients are advised to stop topical minoxidil at least a • Little post-op discomfort in donor area.
week prior to transplant to avoid bleeding hampering the • Difficult in tight scalp, with risk of scarring.
progress of the case. • Can’t use in non-scalp hair like beard or body hair.
Photographs and consent for the procedure are obtained • Quality of graft is good
as a part of standard operating procedure for hair • Less time
transplantation. • No need for shaving entire donor area.
Consenting for the procedure should focus on detailed • We can harvest up to 4000 follicular units in a sin-
information of the procedure with clarity given on the results gle session.
that can be obtained explaining the pros and cons of the proce- • Less expensive
dure, their complications and outcomes. Alternative sugges- • Follicles Transection rate is very less.
tions should also be given including no surgery, use of
camouflage techniques and patients being on only medicines.
Adequate time should be given to discuss and understand the
proposed procedures. Finally, the proposed treatment plan with Assessment of the Donor Hair
the fees proposed should be mentioned in the consent along Hair transplant outcomes will greatly depend on the donor
with written preoperative and post-operative instructions. hair quality and quantity [8]. The important factors that the
The treatment plan formulated needs to account for the clinician has to bear in mind are as follows:
quantum of hair to be transplanted, the hairline design, the
areas of high priority on the scalp, patient commitment and 1. The number of grafts that are present per square
compliance. centimetre
Few individuals have thick density being good or best
donors (Fig. 34.6a) while a few have sparse density being
34.9 Techniques and Description poor donors (Fig. 34.6b) with the number of grafts per sq
cm varying between 25 and 65 grafts on an average in
34.9.1 Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) healthy Indian adults. It further varies from person to per-
(Box 34.3) (Video 34.1) son and sometimes from area to area in the same indi-
vidual. Usually, occipital area has thick density whereas
FUT is also called strip method or stitch method. It’s a gold parietal area has less density. Good observation of the
standard method in hair transplant procedures till date though grafts in the donor area is most important for the surgeon
it’s an old method [7]. The modern-day FUT is mainly har- to achieve good results.
vesting a single strip, though earlier few doctors practised 2. Number of follicles present per graft
with multiple blades to obtain multiple strips which are This is highly variable with 2, 3 or 4 follicles being pres-
obsolete now. ent in Indian adults whereas a few have only one or two
Strip method includes taking or harvesting a strip of the follicles per graft. The presence of reducing follicles per
skin layer from the donor area usually from the occipital area graft is a sign of the progressive nature of the blading
of the head below the occipital protuberance and above the process.
nape of the neck in the so-called safe zone for harvesting. 3. Donor skin area
Strip measurements are variable with 30  cm being the Few individuals have large donor area as their scalp size
maximum length and 1–2 cm width depending on skin laxity is larger while a few individuals have donor bearing area
of the patient. However, the length and width are variable which is smaller (Fig. 34.7a, b). This entity will decide
according to planning arrived at during the consultation with the number of grafts that is available for harvesting.
716 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.6 (a) Good/best donor area based on hair follicular density. (b) Poor donor area based on hair follicular density. (c) Donor area skin laxity
testing to ascertain the strip width planned for FUT

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.7 (a) Large head with more surface area at donor zone. (b) Small head with lesser surface area at donor zone
34  Hair Transplantation 717

4. Shaft diameter individual. The local anaesthetic solution used is typically as

Individuals with thick shaft diameter will have better den- follows:
sity and the outcome of the results is enhanced. Lidocaine 2% 30 ml + bupivacaine 0.5% 4 ml + ns 60 ml.
5. Skin laxity (Fig. 34.6c) The above combination gives 64 ml of local anaesthesia,
In individuals with better skin laxity, we can harvest more which is of lidocaine 1%.
grafts by FUT method by going for wider strips in a sin- Tumescence is widely used in hair transplant surgery to raise
gle session, whereas the same skin laxity may not have neurovascular bundles away from the hair follicles which
any significance with the FUE method. will reduce the trauma to nerves and vessels during the
Patients who present with straight hair end up optically procedure. Another important role for the use of tumes-
having less density because light can pass through hair cence is in reducing the bleeding during the procedure
strands and skin becomes visible especially if the hair is since scalp bleeds more.
black and is contrasting against a fair skin background. Tumescence solution consists of 500  ml ns  +  1 ampule of
Whereas presence of curly and course hair in an individ- 1:1000 epinephrine and this is injected into the strip area
ual with dark complexion can give the illusion of thick following the local anaesthesia at least 15 min before the
density. strip harvesting. D  onor Site Preparation and Instruments for the Strip Procedure
Anaesthesia Variscore blade (Fig.  34.8) is useful to have control on the
Trimming is essential in the donor site to harvest the strip dimensions of the strip and it gives the option to adjust the
and the team member in charge of the preparation can ensure strip width by adding or reducing the metal spacer plates. Each
trimming the hair to 3 mm all over the scalp. Few surgeons metal spacer plate comes with thickness of 2 mm and 1 mm
prefer the procedure without trimming so as to reduce the and, for example, if we need a strip with width of 1.3 cm, then
downtime for the patient’s social acceptability. But trimming we need to add 6 plates of 2 mm and 1 plate of 1 mm. The
will ensure better visibility and accessibility to the surgeon variscore blade has added advantage of depth control while
while performing the suturing with attention to detail to making incision and can accommodate two surgical blades.
ensure minimal scarring along the strip harvest. Following Usually, for scalp, we can use number 15 surgical blades.
the trimming, the next step is to wash the scalp with betadine Prior to the incision marking, the strip dimensions are
solution. The clinician should ensure that preoperative pho- done. Most of the surgeons make straight incision, which
tos, consent for the procedure, recording of baseline vitals of may lead to scar. It’s always better to follow Langer lines of
the patient and his weight is recorded prior to the preparation the skin which ensures less scars with the strip incision look-
of the donor site. ing like a crescent shape with the end tapering off. Strips
The harvesting of the strip is done with the patient in which are as long as 30  cm (Fig. 34.9) in length run from
prone posture following the standards of care with an iv above one ear to the other ear. It’s always recommended to
line, monitoring of the vitals with a 3 parameter monitor,
and following a dose of prophylactic antibiotic under
aseptic conditions. Next, the donor area strip length and
width to be harvested are marked out based on the skin
laxity tests and depending on the individual’s follicular
density per square cm.
Once the marking is done, local anaesthesia is adminis-
tered to the donor area, usually preferring field block in that
area. Injecting the local anaesthetic in the lower border of the
strip would provide sufficient anaesthesia to the field above. Preparation of Local Anaesthesia

Hair transplant procedure is time taking and lasts around
6–8  h. Lidocaine usually is a very safe anaesthetic with a
duration of action lasting between 90 and 120 min and there-
fore we need to add a long-acting drug-like bupivacaine for
hair transplant procedure. Combination of the above would ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
work better for 8–10  h and the overall dosage should not
exceed the maximum permissible as per the weight of the Fig. 34.8  Variscore blade -popular blade handle for FUT
718 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.9  Strip harvested prior to slivering Fig. 34.10  Wound margins prepared for trichophytic closure

place the incision at or just below the external occiput area as mal saline and a double layer closure is performed with
the follicles here are considered permanent. It is indeed not vicryl 2.0 (TS 2404, 3/8 circle, cutting edge) for the
good to go too low below the external occiput as we may end inside and a prolene 3.0 (nw800, 3/8 circle cutting edge)
up in big blood vessels. After the initial indentation of the for the outer skin (Fig. 34.11a, b). The strip that is har-
incision is done with variscore blade, it is later followed up vested is preserved in cold saline on a petri dish
by the use of BP blade number 15 and the incisions are made at 4 °C.
very carefully to reach up to 3  mm beneath the follicular
depth with some amount of subcuticular fat around it, while
we ensure that we do not cut the galea. While making the Trichophytic Closure
incisions, care is taken to prevent slicing of the follicles at Trichophytic closure (Fig.  34.10) involves trimming of
the skin margins and the flap is raised from one end to the the upper and lower edges of the skin which facilitates the
other using gentle yet deft strokes with the blade. hair to emerge through the scar ensuring that we will give
Good illumination and haemostasis can help to raise strip aesthetically acceptable scar to the patient (Fig.  34.12b)
with minimal damage to both the follicles and vessels in the Wound closure done without the above clinical manoeu-
vicinity. Damage to the vessels is most common if proper vre leads to poor scar (Fig.  34.12a), which is quite
tumescence is not attained and can lead to bigger scar and obvious.
shock loss of hair in the donor area. Any adventure into the Post-operative care of the wound is important. Antiseptic
galeal layer can lead to haematoma and chances of spreading creams are optional if the donor site wound is washed with
infections through emissary veins. clean water or ns on a daily basis. In our experience, suture
Haemostasis is achieved prior to closure by using removal is recommended on 11th post-operative day to avoid
bipolar diathermy; the scalp wound is irrigated with nor- wound gaping or wound dehiscence.
34  Hair Transplantation 719

Fig. 34.11 (a, b) Wound

closure in layers after a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

b c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.12 (a) Poor scar resulting from normal wound closure (b–d) post operative scar following trichophytic closure
720 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

Variable Strip Technique

This will help us to get maximum grafts with less tension along the scar leading to a better scar. Most of the individuals
have thick density in the occipital area and lesser density in the parietal area and any misjudgement will lead to poor
wide scar in the parietal areas. Here, by using variable dimensions of the strip technique (Fig. 34.13), we can target for
more grafts with least possible scar. In this technique, the strip width is more in the occipital area than compared to the
parietal area as illustrated in the image below.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.13  Variable dimensions of the strip marked out for harvesting Slivering
Slivering is a process where the strip is sliced into small bits of
tissues with rows of hair follicles in them, through meticulous
deft handwork akin to the baker slicing the bread loaf into thin
slices. It is the first step of the separation of grafts from the
strip while avoiding any transection of the graft. Higher mag-
nifications should be used to perform this important step for
which a few clinics are using stereoscopic microscopes while
the others manage with normal 10× magnification. It should
be done simultaneously while the surgeon performs the wound
suturing to save the crucial graft holding time of around 6 h.
At the end of this step, we get slivers which are ready for
the separation process (Fig. 34.14). The separation process is
separating individual grafts from the sliver. For the separa-
tion process, we need more trained technicians as it is cum-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
bersome exercise and needs great attention to detail to avoid
any form of trauma to the graft being obtained with an obvi- Fig. 34.14  Slivering and separation of grafts from the strip in FUT
ous fight against time.
For the separation process, we need to use 3× magnifica- ing but getting rid of the excess fat around the grafts and
tion which can be done on a sterilised wooden spatula or an making the grafts slender in a pear shape or tear drop shape.
acrylic illuminated sheet. Care is to be taken to ensure that we do not denude the roots
Wooden spatula would give us good resistance to cut the and little fat is left behind for survival of the graft through
grafts whereas acrylic sheets will be slippery. Advantage of plasma imbibition. All skin has to be trimmed and removed
the acrylic sheet is we can illuminate from below, which is from the graft and finally these prepared grafts are preserved
easy for separating the grafts. The separation process is noth- in cold normal saline around 4–8 °C temperature.
34  Hair Transplantation 721

While separating the grafts, we would get single, double, compared to the FUT. FUE gained popularity in recent years
triple follicular unit grafts, and care is exercised to maintain because of its ease of doing and being less invasive with
the follicular unit (Figs. 34.15 and 34.17a), as it is natural to minimal downtime for the patient. Initially, FUE was intro-
ensure better survival. These are segregated further in different duced with manual punches which was more tedious and
bowls and are used up for implanting starting with single units time consuming limiting the number of grafts that could be
for the frontal hairline and progressing onto ­multiple follicular done in a session [9]. Current advances with motorised
units as we go posteriorly in a progressive manner. punch have improved the pace and its effectiveness in har-
vesting more grafts. Though many different motors and
punches are available in the market, normal dental micromo-
34.9.2 Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) tor with straight hand piece would suffice to perform FUE
(Box 34.4) (Video 34.2) (Fig. 34.16a, b).
Punches are made up of either titanium or stainless steel
In this technique, we extract the individual follicles one graft with the diameter of the punch ranging from 0.6 to 1 mm,
at a time with the help of small punches. Also known as no with 0.9 mm being suitable for Indian scalp. The advent of
stitch and no cut method, it’s minimally invasive procedure FUE has expended the scope of harvesting follicles from
other sites of the body wherein 0.6 or 0.7 mm punches are
useful for beard site and 0.8 or 0.9 mm punches have been
suitable for chest hair harvesting, respectively.

Box 34.4 FUE

• No linear scar, small round dots in donor area.

• Decreased healing time in donor area.
• No post-op discomfort in donor area.
• Useful for those with risk of donor scarring. Like
young pt, very muscular, very tight scalp.
• Useful in Body hair transplant
• Graft quality is not as good as FUT.
• Procedure is time consuming.
• Large sessions required to shave the entire donor
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India • More expensive.
• Follicles transection rate is more
Fig. 34.15  Separated follicular units

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.16 (a, b) FUE instruments: micromotor, straight handpiece and punches

722 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.17 (a) Follicular units and their natural arrangements. (b) Comparison – FUE grafts on the left which are lean and slender versus FUT
grafts on to the right which are bulkier

Punches are available as dull, sharp, serrated and oscillat- Limitations of Follicular Unit Extraction
ing type. Normal dull or sharp punched would be sufficient FUE has an important role to play in hair transplant because
to perform FUE.  On an average one punch can be used to it can reach the areas where strip cannot reach to harvest
harvest around 1000–1500 grafts. grafts. When we plan second session, FUT may not be pos-
This latest motorised technology has made surgeons’ job sible in unyielding skin types. In poor candidates where
easy and in experienced hands we can harvest around 800– donor areas of the scalp have poor hair quality, FUE can be
1000 grafts in 1 h, provided patient’s skin is favourable. used to target beard and body hairs. FUE like any other
Being a blind procedure, this is technique sensitive and is procedure is associated with a few disadvantages like com-
associated with a steep learning curve requiring more con- paratively more GTR (graft transection rate), especially in
centration. It is performed under 3× magnification control- curly hair types and in these few cases graft yield is abys-
ling the punching around the hair graft while maintaining mally low wherein the surgeon will have to convert the case
depth and angulation which is very vital to harvesting the to strip technique. Follicular splay is another situation
grafts. The punch should get down to epidermis and dermis where hair roots are placed apart which causes difficult
junction not going beyond 4  mm from the skin. Surgeon extraction. In case of scattered grafts too, the punch may
should always analyse the angle of exit of the hair and be tend to damage more grafts while harvesting and would not
parallel it prior to the punching. Acute angles of the grafts be an ideal situation to continue harvesting with high graft
would lead to difficulty in punching and lead to not only big- transection.
ger punch holes but higher transaction rates. Most of the
Indian skin is favourable for FUE procedure because of Hairline (Fig. 34.18a, b)
thicker skin types. The follicles obtained by FUE are com- The hairline design and location are the most critical factors
paratively slender and devoid of extra adventitious tissue in in the success of hair transplantation, for which one should
comparison to the FUT follicles (Fig. 34.17b). understand the concept of facial thirds. Till the age of third
decade of life, the anterior hairline at the midline is located Blades at a distance equal to the middle third height of the face from
They can vary in size and shape from being thin sharp blade to the glabella, adding additional 1 cm in length to it with each
having a pointed chisel as in the case of sp90 which is one of the passing decade of life to take the hairline upwards and back-
popular blades for pre slit technique. Today, the surgeons have a wards to give a matured look to face considering the
choice of customising the blade with ­commercially available ­progressive nature of hair loss. The frontotemporal apex is
tools and can use a square or tapered blade as per their choice. the deepest point of the anterior hairline laterally as it merges
with the temporal hairline and is located along the lateral Needles canthus of the eye [10].
Standard 19 gauge hypodermic needle is preferred for mak- It is to be borne in mind that the hairline anteriorly is not
ing the graft recipient sites while the same can be achieved a straight line but an irregular one having peaks and troughs
with solid core needles eliminating epidermal implantation. making it look like a coastline with the front two rows made
34  Hair Transplantation 723

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.18 (a, b) Hairline design and natural looks

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.19  Recipient site slits Fig. 34.20  sp 90 blade used for recipient site preparation

up of single follicular units and gradually it progresses to prior to implantation for all the grafts (pre-slit method) or
double and triple follicular units to give the density. The cen- individually for each graft while simultaneously implanting
tral core or frontal tuft area gets the maximum density of it (stick and place method).
hairs implanted to enhance the strength and aesthetic value Slits made with blades tend to give more natural looks
of the hairline thus created. when compared to needle implantation (Table 34.1). As a
prerequisite to facilitate implantation, the site needs to be T he Recipient Sites Preparation and trimmed short while the remaining hairs guide us in the
Implantation direction and angulation of the implantation. Proper
Recipient sites are prepared (Fig. 34.19) to receive the grafts tumescence will allow us to expand scalp so that we can
by making slits in the skin with either 19 gauge hypodermic place more grafts in the given area while also reducing
needles or sp 90 blades (Fig.  34.20) or other microblades any damage to the neurovascular bundle and enhances
which are of 1–1.1  mm in width. This step could be done visibility.
724 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

The slits are performed in the area with proper direction with pre slits or without pre slits made in the scalp. However,
(converging forwards), depth (follicular length for the given implanters tend to create a circular slit which may lead to
patient) and angulation (15° in the front −45° as we approach pitting kind of scars at the base of the graft after growth.
the crown part of the scalp). They need extra hands for the procedure and come at an extra
Once the slits are done, implantation is done by using cost too.
jeweller’s forceps (Fig.  34.21), which are pressure graded.
This is also called 2 forceps technique as one forcep is used
to locate the slit while the other one is used to implant the 34.9.3 Combi Technique (Fig. 34.23)
graft into the slit. The grafts are to be held above the bulb or
beside it where the dermal fat is held. This is a combination of FUT and FUE in a single session.
Implantation of 3000 grafts by forceps would need around Combi technique is recommended when we need more
3–3.5 h approximately (Fig. 34.22a). grafts as in anything over and above 3500 follicles in a
single session. In this technique, the strip is first harvested Implanters
Few surgeons use implanters (Fig. 34.22b) which can hold
the graft in it and all you have to do is to eject them into the
site at the desired direction and angulation. Technicians will
preload the graft into the implanter. Implanter can be used

Table 34.1  Advantages and disadvantages of blade versus needle for

slit creation
Blades Needle
Distribution Uniform Variable
Bleeding More Less
Direction and angulation Better Possible in few trained
control hands
Time taken Less More
Aesthetic appearance More likely Less likely ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Healing Without Leaves pitting/embossed
marks scars Fig. 34.21  Jeweller’s forceps used for implantation

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.22 (a) Immediate view of a case post implantation. (b) Implanters used for implantation
34  Hair Transplantation 725

and then the FUE is performed above and below the strips 34.10 Post-operative Care
in the same sitting before implanting. Advantages of this
procedure are that the surgeon can reduce the strip length Immediately after the procedure, the heaviness, numbness or
and still can obtain more grafts thereby reducing the strip tightness may be there for a few hours. There is also some
length and the resulting scar. However, it requires an swelling on the forehead and temple area due to the tumes-
experienced surgeon and well-trained team to execute the cence and surgical insult and the resulting swelling is normal.
procedure. Patients are allowed to sleep on the back or on the sides but are
not allowed to sleep on their tummy as otherwise the swelling
tends to gravitate onto face and eyes. Patients should be asked
to massage the forehead from the middle to the sides for 5 min
every hour for first few days. Rarely some patients may feel
momentary dizziness especially while standing up from the
lying down position on the procedure table.
There is some oozing of blood-stained fluid from grafted
site as well as in donor area (both in case of strip or FUE).
Bending forward of the neck can stretch the stitches and can
initiate some more oozing from the stitches therefore keep-
ing the chin up is recommended.
Patients are restricted to perform any contact sports/gym-
ming for a period of 12 days and should avoid swimming for up
to 3 weeks. They should also not get to field work under the sun
for first 3 weeks. Patients who ride a bike are allowed to wear a
helmet after a period of 4  weeks. Topical minoxidil can be
restarted in the transplanted site after a waiting period of about
15 days post-operatively. Patients are also forbidden from riding
a bike or driving in an open vehicle for up to 2 weeks.
After the procedure, antibiotics and analgesics are pro-
vided for 5 days. The donor and recipient sites may or may
not be bandaged. If bandaging is preferred, a non-adhering
betadine pad is placed over the operative sites with several
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India layers of flattened gauze sponges over them to hold the beta-
dine pad in place as the scalp is wrapped with clean bandage
Fig. 34.23  Combi technique post-operative view using to two to three 4-inch gauze rolls. Crepe bandage can

a b c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.24 (a–d) Outcome following hair transplantation

726 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

be used over it. The dressing is removed the following morn- would not make much difference would count as poor
ing, and the scalp and each graft are clean meticulously by patient selection by the clinician. In case of ongoing hair
gently dabbing with a cotton swab with normal saline. loss, the clinicians should not be tempted to promise full
Patients are advised to sprinkle or spray normal saline over coverage or high density influenced by the advent of cur-
the grafts every 3–4 h for 8–10 days. Suture removal is per- rent medicines as the patients may change their minds and
formed on 11th day and is not applicable for FUE. Initially stop the intake of medicines over a long period of time,
for 10 days the grafted area should be washed without rub- eventually resulting in inappropriate placement pattern and
bing the grafts. Whereas after the above period, grafted area lack of donor site for harvesting. Clinicians should not be
can be washed and patients can rub the grafts. Most of the further influenced by the patients’ demand for low unaes-
grafts will be shed by 12–20 days which is a common phe- thetic hairline, or be drawn into performing mega sessions
nomenon, one need not to worry about it falling off. arising out of patients’ demand and be careful in choosing
the donor material in the middle of the back and sides of the
Regrowth and Results (Fig. 34.24a–d) permanent fringe avoiding any slanted scars or scars visible
Summary of events following a hair transplant. in scanty donor hair bearing areas.
Immediate after a hair transplant, there will be mild blood
excretion and oozing.
1st day scabs (nothing but dried blood) will form and con- 34.11.2 Complications in Surgical Phase
tinue forming for the next few days.
After 4 to 10 days you will notice itching. This is normal, 1. Pain:
but do not scratch or pick on the transplanted areas. Patients who are counselled appropriately and are pro-
After 10 days your scalp will be cleared of all scabs. vided with a relaxing ambience generally experience
After 11–20 days your new implanted hair will shed. Now minimal discomfort. In-depth local anaesthesia achieved
your new follicles are in its dormant (sleeping) stage. It’s through precise nerve blocks and ring blocks adminis-
time to watch and wait. tered with a long-acting drug-like sensorcaine and taking
Pt must be aware that a lag phage exists before hair growth help of vibrating devices while injecting the solution
is initiated. After approximately 4 months, the telogen phase slowly will go a long way in enhancing the comfort lev-
to the implanted grafts ends and anagen begins. Complete els. Anxiolytics should be prescribed by the clinicians to
growth can be seen only after 8 months and hair continue to patients who are apprehensive about the procedure.
grow until 12–14 months. 2. Bleeding and popping:
Optimising the health of the patient prior to the surgery
results in blood pressures being within normal limits.
34.11 Complications Adequate tumescence consisting of saline and epineph-
rine has to be injected below the dermis to allow the sur-
Able professionals should manage any adverse outcomes by gical field to be lifted away from the bleed vessels and
minimising the damage and help achieve the desired out- then the clinician has started the procedure after 15 min
comes with low morbidity. Fortunately, today the follicular will have minimal bleeding. Too much of tumescent in
unit hair transplantation is a safe procedure with low rates of the recipient site can be a cause of popping, though clini-
complication when performed with care [11]. cian cannot eliminate popping as pre slit technique can
minimise the issue.
3. Bad hair direction:
34.11.1 Complications in Preoperative Phase Clinicians should plan appropriately to maintain the direc-
tion and exit angle of the hair that mimics the natural growth.
Overexpectations of the patients are the major cause of Keeping the grafts with a few millimetres of hair will allow
complications and arise due to hasty or incomplete consul- the clinician to ascertain the angle during implantation.
tation and is better addressed with more than one consulta- 4. Hiccups:
tion to assimilate the requisite information with the help of Due to the irritation of the aberrant branch of the vagus
informative brochures, websites and discussions with the nerve, patients can have hiccups through the procedure.
clinician to arrive at realistic outcomes especially in the 5. Poor graft quality:
younger patients who happen to be unclear and lack matu- A good team leader will constantly supervise to ensure
rity for comprehending the results; in such cases, it’s better proper handling of the follicles, which will minimise
to keep them on medical line of treatment till they become trauma to the follicle resulting from transaction, manipu-
practical in accepting the results. Any individual with body lation, desiccation, oxygen starvation and crushing of the
dysmorphic disorder and Norwood vii patients where you graft [12].
34  Hair Transplantation 727

34.11.3 Post Surgical Complications

1. Donor site effluvium:

Hair in the growth phase can fall rapidly post transplan-
tation due to temporary lack of oxygen during surgery
resulting in loss of hair variably along to suture line
when significant blood vessels are cut. Any such hair
loss will be noticeable around the third week post-­
operatively and leads to embarrassment to the surgeon.
If the donor area can be raised above the blood vessels
with good volume of tumescence, the above complica-
tion is rarely encountered.
2. Infection:
This is a very rare complication seen today given the
standard asepsis precautions followed and is rarely
encountered where the patients are not given adequate
post-operative instructions especially in cases of tight
donor area closure and in patients with compromised
3. Dehiscence:
A poor surgical technique associated with bad suturing,
harvesting wide strips, performing tight closures or
resulting infections and necrosis can lead to dehiscence.
4. Dysesthesias:
Today it’s no longer a complication thanks to adequate
use of tumescence which will lift the hair follicles above
the neurovascular bundles. ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
5. Scars:
Fig. 34.25  Folliculitis post hair transplantation
This unavoidable outcome can be prevented by follow-
ing the basic principles of surgery with accurate approx-
7. Surgical effluvium:
imation, closure without tension, by using double
This is similar to the donor site effluvium which
layered closure, trichophytic technique and avoiding
results in the anagen hairs going into telogen phase
resolvable suture for closing the skin. Donor scars also
and falling out around the second or third post-opera-
occur due to improper donor assessment prior to the sur-
tive week and regrowing with the grafts. Preoperative
gery. Skin laxity test will help us to evaluate the skin
use of minoxidil solution tried 1 month prior to the
laxity so that we can limit the strip width. At times we
procedure is recommended to prevent the above
may need to consider variable width dimension to reduce
the tension in the wound, usually where occipital area
8. Cysts, pustules, pimples and folliculitis: (Fig. 34.25)
skin laxity is more and parietal area skin laxity is less. So
The above sequelae following hair transplantation can
we can consider more width at occipital area and less
be avoided by preventing deep implantation of grafts,
width at parietal area. If skin has less laxity, we can con-
transacting hair during site creation and piggybacking of
sider FUE.
one follicle up on another. Most of them do settle down
Any hypertrophic scar can be managed with steroid or
with time; however, acne like therapy can be offered to
injection and later implanting hairs with FUE.
resolve the lesions faster.
6. Forehead swelling and ecchymosis:
9. Pitting and tenting:
Based on the laxity of the skin in the frontal area and the
It’s very important to avoid the above complication in the
trauma induced by the slit making process, swelling
frontal hairline which could otherwise be unacceptable
occurring at 3–4 days post hair transplantation can be
and are easily preventable by avoiding deep placement of
mitigated by including some steroids in the la solution,
the grafts as in the case of pitting and too superficial
applying pressure bandage and some digital massage
placement of the grafts as in the case of tenting.
across the forehead.
728 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

10. Poor growth: Automation of the FUE process with the use of robotics
This can be attributed to poor handling of the grafts has shown to reduce the follicular transaction rates and
resulting in physical and biological trauma to the grafts improve the harvest speed, resolving the issue of skills pos-
associated with dehydration of the follicle, crushing of sessed by practitioners. Artas and neo-graft are devices
the follicle during implantation, thermal insult and pro- which have glamorised the field by involving robotic tech-
longed holding time outside the body. nology, but the running expenses and need to create sites and
manually implant follicles need to be solved in the coming
The incidence of complications may be reduced by avoid- days.
ing mistakes by the team in general (Box 34.5) and those If hair can be cultured from the scalp biopsy, then the
related to the technique, specifically graft survival (Box 34.6). patient would not need to donate hair by going through a
painful procedure, by cloning hair we can create unlimited
supply of follicles and avoid ration of hair. Current state-of-­
Box 34.5 Frequently Made Mistakes Made by Team the-art research promises that the technology would get
• Too much cross talk between team members annoy- transferred from bench side to the bedside in a few years
ing the patient. from now.
• Members do not address patient by name.
• Grafts prepared either too chubby or skinny.
• Too many single grafts prepared. 34.13 Role of a Maxillofacial Surgeon
• Photography not taken properly.
• Consent not taken properly. A maxillofacial surgeon makes a good hair transplant sur-
• Grafts allowed to dry. geon as they are well trained in surgical anatomy of the head
• Not interested in routine work. and neck with a detailed knowledge of flap design and
through in-depth working knowledge of the local anaesthesia
management. They have a great aesthetic sense with artistic
hands and are well versed with cephalometric analysis which
comes handy in judging facial proportions and hairline
Box 34.6 Factors Affecting Graft Survival placements, further most of them are very well adapted to
• Proper donor tumescence handling the rotary handpiece from their formative training.
• Temperature of holding solution Maxillofacial surgeons are well trained exclusively in head
• Dehydration of follicle and neck surgery for 3 years and are competent at managing
• Crush injury of follicle wounds and infections, thus justifying their qualifications to
• Transection of follicle perform hair transplantation alongside plastic surgeons and
• Adequate dermis and fat around follicle dermatologists.
• Smoking
• Biological modifiers
34.14 Conclusion

Surgeons who deal with aesthetic surgeries on the face need

34.12 Current Advances to have a good range of skills to deal with all aspects of
beauty which are defined by the individual elements. The
Futuristic developments in the field of hair transplant need to most important of them all being framing of the face like a
focus on the current lacunae in the procedure and revolves photo frame with hair transplantation which will allow us to
around the availability of limited donor supply and the dura- focus our vision on the finer elements of the facial beauty be
tion of the procedure. it the nose, lips, eyes, teeth, jawline or a good smile. If sur-
Low-level laser light therapy has been approved by FDA geons follow the principles of hair transplantation surgery,
as a device to stimulate the hair growth in the 650–800 nm they will create patients with high degree of satisfaction
spectrum. Home-use scalp brush or helmets with laser tech- using the micrografts of FUE or FUT procedure. This sophis-
nology are available which use the pain-free technology to ticated form of art will bring a sense of gratification to oral
stimulate epidermal stem cells in the hair follicle to move the and maxillofacial surgeons by embracing it as a tool along
follicles into anagen phase. with all other tools at his disposal.
34  Hair Transplantation 729

34.15 Case Scenarios Case Scenario 2 (Fig. 34.27)

Case Scenario 1 (Fig. 34.26) Figure 34.27: male pattern baldness class 5.

Treatment: 4000 follicular units transplantation done
Figure 34.26: male pattern baldness—Norwood classifica- through Combi technique involving both FUT and FUE in
tion 4. the same session.
Treatment: FUT method with 2850 plus microfollicular
grafts transplanted.

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 34.26 (a–f) Case scenario 1

730 S. R. Pothula and B. S. Jayanth

Fig. 34.27 (a–d) Case

scenario 2 a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

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Ear Reconstruction
Paritkumar Ladani

35.1 Introduction gestation. Microtia may be associated with other birth

defects. The exact cause behind the abnormal embryologic
The human ear is a vital and distinctive feature of the face, development remains unknown. However, certain terato-
and therefore, its deformity confers a significant impact on gens like isotretinoin and thalidomide have also been impli-
self-esteem and mental development in affected patients. cated in this [3].
Microtia is the commonest congenital ear malformation. The Microtia may occur in association with other malforma-
management of ear malformations can be challenging, tions, including facial nerve weakness, cardiac defects, uro-
because of its complex 3D structure. To achieve proper genital defects, hemifacial macrosomia, and spine defects. It
reconstructive results, it is first essential to understand the has also been associated with syndromes like Goldenhar syn-
basic anatomy and architecture of the ear [1]. Materials used drome and Treacher-Collins syndrome [4].
for reconstruction of the ear include autogenous cartilage,
alloplasts like silicone, Medpor, and osseointegrated materi-
als. Surgical reconstruction of the ear with autogenous grafts 35.3 Surgical Anatomy
is a unique marriage of science and art [2]. Good results
depend not only on surgical skill but also on conforming to It is crucial to understand the external auricular anatomy and
the basics of plastic surgical principles and tissue transfer. architecture before proceeding with reconstruction
The gold standard for external ear reconstruction even today (Fig. 35.1a). The ear has certain definite structural elements.
is the use of autogenous cartilage frameworks. The overall outline of the ear is oval shaped and is slightly
flattened posteroinferiorly. A distinct line can be made out
that defines the helical rim, arising from its root and ending
35.2 Incidence and Etiology at the crus helicis. Another line forms the concha, which con-
sists of the tragus and antitragus. The fossa triangularis is the
The incidence of microtia is around 1 in 10,000 live births. final defining structure that defines the ear (Fig.  35.1b). A
It appears to be more frequent at higher altitudes, especially complete understanding of these structures allows the micro-
above 2000 m, due to the low oxygen levels. The condition tia surgeon to use these basic components to reconstruct the
is 2.5 times more common in boys than in girls and more complex three-dimensional structure.
commonly affects the right ear. Unilateral cases are four When viewed in the horizontal plane, the ear is divided
times as common as bilateral ones. Aural atresia is found into three parts. The superior portion starts at the top of the
with microtia in 75% of cases. Microtia usually occurs if helical rim and ends at the helical root at the superior border
there in an abnormality in the embryologic development of of the concha cymba. The midportion starts at the upper bor-
the six auricular hillocks. These develop at 4–12 weeks of der of the concha cymba and ends at the upper aspect of the
antitragus. The lowest portion extends from the tip of the lob-
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- ule to the superior border of the antitragus. The length of the
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_35) contains supple- ear is defined as the distance between the highest point (supra-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
aurale) and the lowest point (subaurale). This may vary
P. Ladani (*) between patients in accordance with the differences in the
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Swiss Cleft and Craniofacial shape of the patient’s face and their lobule characteristics. For
Centre, BSES MG Hospital, instance, the ear lengths vary from 55 mm to 65 mm, with a
Mumbai, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 731

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_35
732 P. Ladani

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 35.1  Normal external auricular anatomy and architecture

horizontal position. This is around 24° with the face, but is

32° in relation to the nasal dorsum (Fig. 35.2).

35.4 Classification

There are four grades of microtia, depending on the severity.

These are as follows:

Grade 1: The ear has anatomically normal characteristics,

but may be slightly smaller than normal. An external
auditory canal is usually present, but may demonstrate
Grade 2: The size of the ear is than in grade 1, and it may be
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
less developed. Although a part of the helix may be
Fig. 35.2  Relation of ear to nose and facial plane formed, the triangular fossa, scaphae, and antihelix are
under-developed. Atresia of the external auditory canal
may or may not be an associated feature.
mean of 62.4 mm in males and a mean of 58.4 mm in females. Grade 3 or classic: This is the commonest grade seen and
The width is approximately 55% of the ear length and is usually consists of a vertical remnant of skin. There is a
around 35.5 mm in males and 33.4 mm in females. The pro- superior component that contains the malformed carti-
trusion of the ear, also called the auriculocephalic angle, lage, and an inferior component that forms the displaced
ranges from 15° to 20°. This is the angle between the mastoid earlobe. This grade is almost always associated with
skin and the posterior surface of the auricle. Again, this may atresia.
show variation between patients. However, this angle should Grade 4 or anotia: The outer ear structure is completely
remain the same in both the normal and the reconstructed ears absent, and atresia is always present.
[3]. The angle between the vertical axis of the face and the
longitudinal axis of the ear is referred to as the ear inclination. There is another simplified classification, in which micro-
It must be measured with the patient oriented to the Frankfort tia is divided into the lobular type (ear remnant and lobule
35  Ear Reconstruction 733

Fig. 35.3 (a) Lobule-type

and (b) conchal-type microtia a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

are present) or conchal type (presence of concha, external and social effects of the missing ear on the child. Studies
canal, and tragus with lobule) (Fig. 35.3). show that psychological effects usually manifest only around
the age of 7–10. However, by age 6, most children are aware
of the problem and want to get it corrected [3]. The timing
35.5 Evaluation and Management can also depend on the method of reconstruction chosen. The
Brent method, which requires less cartilage, may be per-
The management of a child with microtia should ideally be formed as early as 6–7 years of age. On the other hand, the
discussed with parents shortly after birth, to reduce parenteral Nagata method can be done only after 10 years of age, when
stress and offer them reassurance. The audiologic testing the chest measures at least 60 cm at the xiphisternum. This is
should be performed before discharge. In cases of unilateral because it needs larger amounts of cartilage [1].
microtia, treatment is not urgent because the other side will
have normal hearing. Treatment can be thoughtfully planned
after consulting with relevant specialists. However, in bilat- 35.7 History
eral cases, brainstem auditory-evoked response testing must
be performed as soon as possible so that the child can be fitted Tanzer et al. first established the technique for total auricular
with a bone-conduction headband. The microtia surgeon can reconstruction. The technique was modified by Brent, who
discuss about all the possible option with the family, includ- utilized more defined surgical techniques such as fabrication
ing observation, autologous costal cartilage, alloplasts, and of the framework and reconstruction of the tragus using com-
prosthetics. Each method of management has a different tim- posite chondrocutaneous grafts. These techniques were three
ing, and therefore, all optins must be discussed at an early stages and four stages, respectively. Nagata and Park out-
stage. In addition, the microtia surgeon must also coordinate lined techniques that involved just one or two stages for ear
ear reconstruction with auditory management, so that the tim- reconstruction [5]. Allolastic implants were tried since the
ing of the hearing correction may be optimized [4]. 1960s. Initially, silicone implants were used, but these were
associated with complications such as implant failure fol-
lowing minor trauma or abrasions. In 1993, Wellisz reintro-
35.6 Timing duced the prefabricated alloplastic implant for microtia
reconstruction. This was constructed from PHDPE [6].
Timing of repair is governed by both physical growth and
psychological consideration. The ears reach much of their
mature size by age 7. Generally, by the age of 6, cartilage is 35.8 Principle and Planning (Video 35.1)
sufficiently developed to provide an optimal primary frame-
work. However, the older the child, the more cartilage is The Microtia surgeon should begin with proper planning and
available for reconstruction. On the other hand, waiting for achievable goals for successful auricular reconstruction. It is
cartilage growth must be weighed against the psychological important to discuss the details of surgical procedure and
734 P. Ladani

limitation of surgical repair with the family during preopera- tion to full-blown hemifacial macrosomia and can lead to
tive consultation. The surgeon must prepare the family for inaccuracies in measurement [3].
multiple stages, long preoperative and postoperative care, The final outcome also depends on the skin quality
and complications. The reconstructed ear will possess some around the ear area. If the skin is scarred, natural expansion
deficits as compared to the normal ear and will be less flexi- cannot take place, and the final ear may have a poor defini-
ble and elastic. The reconstructed ear can also be prone to tion. In such cases, supplemental tissue in the form of flaps
complications, including hematoma, poor healing, infection, (e.g., temporoparietal fascia flap) may be considered to aug-
or skin breakdown. These complications can compromise ment the supple skin envelope. In general, skin elasticity
the definition and contour of the reconstructed ear [3]. varies for each individual, and this can influence the final
If the patient has coexisting anomalies, such as clefts, definition of the ear [8]. In cases of tight skin, a lower-pro-
early surgery must be done first to correct these. For file 3D framework (1 mm) may be created, to avoid strain on
instance, in cases of Treacher Collins syndrome and other the skin.
first and second branchial arch defects (craniofacial micro-
somia, Goldenhar’s syndrome, etc.), the bone reconstruc-
tion must be achieved first, with scars peripheral to the 35.9 Simulation Training
proposed ear [7].
The precise positioning and dimensions of the recon- The surgeon must obtain enough training in plastic and
structed framework will define the end result of the surgery. reconstructive surgery, including skills such as gentle flap
The reconstruction must be symmetrical to the contralateral dissection, delicate wound closures, and skin grafting, to
ear in the unilateral case. In bilateral cases, the parent’s ear is achieve optimal outcomes. In addition, surgeons must be
used as a reference. Visual examination may not be reliable, familiar with precise carving that is required for forming the
and it is essential to make exact measurements, after prop- 3D framework for the ear. Potato, carrot, or pumpkin can be
erly positioning the patient. For an ideal position, the supe- used to learn and perfect the art of sculpting a framework
rior extent of the ear must be placed parallel to the Frankfort’s [8]. Silicone dental impression material provides a conve-
horizontal plane, at the level of the lateral brow (Fig. 35.4). nient replica of costal cartilage, as it has the same consis-
The root of the helix may be positioned at the level of the tency and texture. An exact replica of the rib cartilage and a
subnasale, approximately one ear-length behind the lateral precise template of the ear will allow the simulation to
brow. Measurements must be taken carefully, particularly mimic the clinical situation. Creating the framework can be
from the lower one-third of the face, in cases of facial asym- done using wood carving instruments. These techniques aid
metry (seen in about 88% of patients with microtia). The the novice surgeon in improving their results during the
asymmetries can range from mild differences in gonial posi- actual surgery [9].

Fig. 35.4  Future position

and size of ear a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

35  Ear Reconstruction 735

35.10 Template the rim of the helix can be added. The templates must be
chemically sterilized prior to intraoperative use. A third tem-
Preoperative photographs should be obtained, and measure- plate, made along with the first, has markings at the lateral
ments of the normal ear must be obtained when the patient is canthus of the eye and commissure of the mouth. This allows
awake. The surgical template is prepared from radiograph ideal framework positioning and orientation. The distances
film using normal ear as a guide. In the beginning, an outline marked on the template must be verified by measuring
of the helical rim, lobule, antitragus, tragus, and conchal the distance between the lateral canthus and the root of the
bowl is created from the opposing ear as the first template helix [3].
[3]. This template needs to be reversed to plan the ipsilateral
ear. Another mirror image template is created based on the
first one, which is smaller in dimension. This would allow 35.11 A
 uricular Reconstruction Using
for the extra thickness following insertion of cartilage under Autologous Rib Cartilage
the skin (Fig. 35.5). The inferior pole on the framework is
created much smaller in size, to accommodate the transposi- 35.11.1 Harvesting Rib Cartilage
tion of the earlobe. If the patient does not have usable earlobe
tissue, this can be carved into the lower end of the frame- For harvesting the rib cartilage, an incision, 4–5 cm long, is
work. A second template is created, this time minus the heli- placed obliquely on the ipsilateral side, at the level of the
cal rim. This template is used as a guide for creating the base synchondrosis of the sixth and seventh ribs [10]. The inci-
of the framework from the sixth and seventh ribs, after which sion is carried down through the muscle, to expose the costal
cartilages. It is safer to harvest the cartilage without peri-
chondrium because leaving the perichondrium behind offers
one more layer of protection to pleura. The perichondrium
also allows for the regeneration of the cartilage/bone matrix.
Removing perichondrium can not only offer less protection
but also lead to significant depressive chest deformities [8].
After harvesting is complete, intercostal nerve blocks may be
administered. Closure of the muscle and deep fascial layers
is done, and a large piece of cartilage may be banked in a
subcutaneous pocket for the second stage [10]. Smaller car-
tilage pieces may be diced and placed inside the sutured peri-
chondrial pocket, where it can aid in cartilage regeneration
(Fig. 35.6).

35.11.2 Framework

The supporting framework is a living sculpture that serves

as the foundation for the repair. Rather than carving the
framework to exactly mimic auricular cartilage, the sur-
geon must make allowances for the abnormal skin coverage
that is present. These limitations include skin-volume
shortage and greater skin thickness, both of which produce
excess skin tension. To prevent the flattening of the ear’s
rim that this tension might cause, one must carve a some-
what thicker and more substantial helix. This exaggeration
of the cartilaginous framework will compensate for the
thickness of the overlying skin. The 3D framework must be
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India at least 9.5–10.0  mm high in the case of primary recon-
struction and further augmented by 1.0–2.0 mm for second-
Fig. 35.5  Final surgical template of ear made from x-ray film ary reconstruction [8].
736 P. Ladani

a b c

d e

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 35.6 (a) 3D CT scan of Rib cage. (b) Incision for cartilage harvest. (c) Exposure of rib cartilage. (d) Template used to harvest cartilage. (e)
Harvested cartilage

The cartilaginous framework is constructed from the syn- Stainless steel suture. The thickest parts of the remaining
chondrosis of the sixth and seventh ribs (Fig.  35.7b, c, d). segments of cartilage are used to create the rest of the auricle,
Cartilage wedges from these ribs are used to create the heli- namely, the antihelix and antitragus-tragus complex, which
cal sulcus and the triangular fossa. The helix itself is formed surround the conchal bowl (Fig. 35.7f). The highest point of
from the eighth rib because it is longer. If additional length is the antihelix is the middle, and this slowly tapers down to the
required, the ninth rib can also be harvested (Fig. 35.7e) [10]. helix. The superior and inferior crura are created, at the slope
While carving the helix, it must be ensured that superior por- toward the lowest portion of the base frame. Enough space
tion is higher than the inferior portion. The part of the helix must be secured between the upper helix and superior and
that will be continuous with the lobule must be trimmed at inferior crura, in order to accommodate the skin envelope.
the lower end, until it is long enough to receive the lobule Otherwise, an effect of continuity between 2 crura and helix
attachment. The constructed helix is then affixed to the basal is created, which is undesirable [8]. The components of the
cartilage. On doing this, an outward inclination of 10–15° is framework are then assembled and secured together using
maintained, at the middle one-third of the ear. The entire 5-0 stainless steel wires. To achieve a snug fit, a small inci-
length of the lower part of the basal cartilage, at the outer sion is placed in the cartilage and the wire is pulled gently
end, is trimmed [5]. The floating rib cartilage that is used to toward the incision without burying it [10]. The position of
create the helix must be thinned on its outer convex surface. the antihelix within the antitragus must be high, and trim-
This causes the cartilage to warp in a favorable direction and ming must be done at a lower level toward the superior and
creates an acute angle that resembles the helix. This cartilage the inferior crura. In order to augment the antihelix, cartilage
is then fastened to the body of the framework with 5-0 may be added in a vertical manner near the conchal area.
35  Ear Reconstruction 737

a b c d

e f g

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 35.7 (a) Armamentarium for carving, (b–d) preparation of base of the cartilaginous framework from the synchondrosis of the sixth and
seventh ribs, (e) helix prepared from eighth rib cartilage, (f) antihelix and tragus, and (g) Final framework

This gives an effect of deepening of the concha. The antihe- skin flaps over the framework with minimal tension. Any
lix is also trimmed in the region of the scaphoid fossa, so that cartilage, if present in the vestigial remnant, is removed.
it develops a slight inclination that resembles the natural con- Meticulous hemostasis must be achieved [5]. An incision is
volution. Finally, the surfaces of the entire framework must placed at the posteroinferior border of the vestigial remnant,
be tapered smoothly tapered, and block-like corners must be and the cartilaginous framework is placed in the subcutane-
removed, to ensure that the covering skin fits on smoothly ous pocket. The tail end of the framework is inserted into the
(Fig. 35.7g). Throughout the process, isotonic saline solution lobule first, followed by suturing of the outer incision. In
is used to irrigate the cartilaginous framework. This helps order to let the skin adhere to the framework, two polyethyl-
preserve chondrocytes. The use of rotary and power tools ene drains with multiple perforators must be inserted beneath
must be avoided to prevent chondrocyte damage [7]. the framework. These are secured to the skin using 5/0 nylon
sutures. A syringe (50-cc) may be connected to the drain.
After final suturing of the subcutaneous pocket, the skin flap
35.11.3 Skin Pocket is approximated, and the piston of the syringe may be fixed
in activated position using two wooden tongue depressors
A pocket must be created within the skin in a meticulous (Fig. 35.8) [5]. If skin blanching is noticed at this stage, the
fashion. This will provide proper vascular covering to receive pocket must either be enlarged or the framework must be
the framework. As per the level of the lobular remnant, the inserted at a lower position. The use of pressure dressings
level of the incision line for rotating the lobule may be deter- must be avoided as these can compromise the vascular sup-
mined. A small part of the lobular remnant is transposed pos- ply. The entire reconstructed ear must be layered in petrola-
teriorly and separated from the microtic remnant. Then, the tum gauze, which must be placed loosely and left in place for
lobule is dissected and rotated to create a pocket that will 3 days [3]. The syringe with the activated piston may be
accommodate the caudal end of the cartilage framework. changed frequently in the postoperative perio, ensuring that
This causes the lobule to be brought down and results in a proper tension is maintained. The drains may be removed on
smooth interface between the lobule and the framework. the fourth or fifth postoperative, provided that the volume of
Creation of the skin pocket preserves the subdermal vascular fluid drained is less than 1-cc. Petrolatum gauze may be left
plexus. The amount of dissection (at least 2 cm beyond the in place until suture removal, on the sixth postoperative day
outline) must be wide enough to allow proper draping of the [5].
738 P. Ladani

Fig. 35.8 (a) Before

activation of suction and (b) a b
after activation of suction

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

35.11.4 Second Stage mothorax can be easily treated and may not require chest
tube placement. Positive pressure ventilation is used after
The second stage of surgery involves elevating the auricle irrigating the wound to see if there is any leak. If there is no
from the head, which creates the auriculocephalic angle. leak, the wound is closed in layers. If a leak is seen, it indi-
This procedure should ideally be performed 6–9 months fol- cates the presence of pneumothorax. In this case, a red rub-
lowing the first stage. In the conventional method, the inci- ber catheter is inserted into the pleural opening to which a
sion lies several millimeters away from the margin, and syringe is attached to this to evacuate residual air. Following
reconstructed ear is gently lifted from the base. Care must be this, the chest may be closed and an intraoperative chest
taken to preserve connective tissue on the undersurface of radiograph is asked for to rule out residual pneumothorax. If
the ear, as well as on the bony floor. The posterior part of the this is absent, the wound may be closed, the catheter may be
auricle and the skin defect overlying the mastoid are grafted removed and follow-up may be done with serial films [3].
with skin. Since the ear lacks skeletal support, it contacts the Atelectasis is best prevented by frank preoperative prepara-
mastoid skin and is not elevated. This creates a narrow space, tion of the patient and vigorous postoperative respiratory
which may be difficult for the patient to clean [8]. therapy.
In the Nagata technique, the second stage is more com-
plex than the conventional one. This involves the following • Skin Flap Necrosis
steps: (1) separation of the auricle from the mastoid, (2) The
banked subcutaneous rib cartilage or an alloplast is used to The first 10 postoperative days are critical to check for
create a wedge-shaped block, which is placed underneath the any skin flap necrosis. It is essential to achieve a balance
auricle, (3) A temporoparietal fascia (TPF) flap is then har- between the thickness of the skin flap and the size of the
vested to cover the posterior part of the auricle, and (4) A pocket with the contouring of the cartilage framework. To
split skin graft harvested from the scalp to cover the fascial prevent skin necrosis, it is advisable to minimize or com-
flap. Scalp skin is preferred as it has better color match as pletely avoid the use of epinephrine in the flap. The status of
compared to groin skin (Figs. 35.9 and 35.10) [8]. vascular supply can be tested by placing the framework in
the pocket, activating the suction drain, and observing any
for blanching along the rim of the helix. If blanching is pres-
35.11.5 Complications ent (indicating vascular compromise), the size of the pocket
may be enlarged until blanching disappears. If needed, the
• During the harvest of Rib Cartilage skin supply may be increased by placing a tissue expander 2
months prior to insertion of the framework and skin adhesion
The two commonest complications at this stage are pneu- [1]. If skin necrosis is observed, it must be attended to imme-
mothorax and atelectasis. If detected intraoperatively, pneu- diately, as it can cause infection of the underlying cartilage
35  Ear Reconstruction 739

Fig. 35.9  Ear reconstruction

in hemifacial microsomia a b
associated with microtia. (a)
Preop and (b) Postop

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 35.10 Ear
reconstruction after traumatic a b
amputation of upper half of
ear. (a) Preop and (a) Post op

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

and framework resorption. The damage can be minimized by This can also occur if the skin envelope is too tight, especially
covering with a local skin flap or fascial flap (Fig. 35.11). at the hairline border. To avoid this, dissection of the skin
pocket around the hairline must be done carefully. Any tight
• Infection fibrous band that exists along the hairline must be released.

This is uncommon in the autologous reconstruction. If it • Wire Extrusion

occurs, along with appropriate systemic antibiotics, vigorous
irrigation of the surgical site must be done. If any wires extrude from the framework, they can easily
be removed at the outpatient facility. It is necessary that the
• Cartilage Resorption wire must be removed as soon as extrusion is noticed, and
the patient/family must be educated accordingly. Otherwise,
If there is either ischemia or infection, there are chances there are chances that the exposed wires can cause resorption
that the cartilaginous framework can get resorbed or deformed. of cartilage around the wire.
740 P. Ladani

a b c

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Fig. 35.11 (a) Necrosis of skin at near suture line, (b) debridement and marking for local flap, and (c) flap in situ

35.12 A
 uricular Reconstruction Using nylon, wire mesh, and silicone. Silicone was thought to show
Alloplast good results since it could mimic the flexibility and form of
the native ear cartilage. However, it had a high rejection rate,
The material used for creating framework has been a subject especially when placed under thin skin flaps. pHDPE (Fig.
of debate and research. Autologous costal cartilage is still the 35.12) is a modestly flexible, robust enough to withstand
most preferred material in microtia repair. However, some microtrauma, and easily shapable and allows soft tissue
surgeons consider using alloplasts because of the following ingrowth. This permits it to be protected against extrusion
advantages. and infection. It also allows targeted drug delivery to the
implant [11].

1 . Donor site morbidity is avoided, 35.12.1 Technique

2. Reconstruction can be done at a younger age,
3. Reduction in the number of interventions, It is crucial to assess the age of patient, dimension of contra-
4. More predictable outcome, lateral ear in the case of unilateral microtia, and the dimen-
5. The structural limitations associated with the use of sions of their gender-matched parent’s ear preoperatively for
autologous rib may be avoided achieving equal dimensions between the normal ear and the
6. The ability to tailor reconstruction to individual reconstructed pHDPE ear. The ear created must be adult
patient needs (such as low hairline and bilateral sized as the alloplast does not increase in size.
­malformations) [11]. The vascular Doppler is used for marking superficial tem-
poral artery. The incision is given in the postauricular area
few millimeters behind the new helical rim of the microtic
ear to approach TPF flap. Incision is extended in a curvilin-
The ideal alloplast for auricular reconstruction should ear fashion over the TPF flap to improve the exposure and
have the following features: cost-effectiveness, ability to be also helps to harvest the distal flap of recommended length.
implanted safely, ability to resist infection, and capability to Other approaches may be used, including an Y incision
undergo customization to resemble the contralateral normal (Fig.  35.13a), which extends superiorly from the mastoid
ear. To date, more than 40 different materials have been used area, and the Z incision, (Fig.  35.13b) which exposes the
for creating the auricular framework. These include ivory, TPF. These approaches also allow better access to the fascia.
35  Ear Reconstruction 741

drains are inserted through the skin of the mastoid. One

drain lies deep to the pHDPE, while the second lies in the
posterior part of the donor site on the scalp. The implant is
placed over the mastoid area and covered with the TPF flap
after checking its anatomic orientation, projection, and
axis. The flap is made to wrap tightly around the implant by
the negative pressure generated by the first drain. The sec-
ond drain functions to remove any serous exudate from the
donor site. The skin flap, which is based anteriorly, is
draped over the TPF. It may also be removed and used as a
free skin graft. Sometimes, the skin at the ipsilateral mas-
toid may not be sufficient to cover the surface of the recon-
structed ear entirely. In such cases, a full-thickness skin
graft may be harvested from the opposing side postauricu-
lar region. A graft taken from this region would provide the
best color and texture match. To cover the back of the ear, a
larger skin graft may be required, which can be harvested
from the inguinal region. After activating the drains, the ear
may be coated with a layer of antibiotic cream and the con-
cave regions may be dressed with gauze. The entire ear is
then covered in a customized cast made of silicone. This
cast prevents seroma, hematoma, or shearing trauma, which
may compromise the viability of the skin graft. This cast
should not be under pressure. A pressure dressing to pre-
vent seromas can be applied over the donor site. All suction
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
drains may be removed following extubation [11].
Fig. 35.12  Porous high-density polyethylene (PHDPE) framework for
auricular reconstruction
35.12.2 Complications

However, they increase the risk of alopecia at the incision The complications of this procedure may be minor, such as a
lines and at the apex of a triangular flap. simple wound infection, or major, such as total flap necrosis
An anteriorly based skin flap of minimum thickness is with exposure of the Medpor framework beneath. In case the
elevated meticulously, and microtic cartilage is excised. implant is exposed or infected, removal may rarely be
Usually, the inferior portion of the flap is attached initially required. Late complications include traumatic excoriations
to the lobular remnant. If this is malpositioned, this skin to the re-constructed ear, which should be managed with
flap may be removed and used as a free graft to improve good wound toileting or with local skin flaps if required.
skin coverage. A TPF flap, based inferiorly, of approxi-
mately 10.5 by 13.0 cm is raised off the deep temporal fas-
cia and periosteum beneath, superior to the level of the 35.13 Prosthetic Ear
temporal line. The base of the flap is made wide (around
6 cm) to include additional vascular supply (branches of the Certain traumatic, congenital, or surgical defects may benefit
occipital artery, postauricular artery, and the mastoid emis- from auricular prostheses. The choice between surgical and
sary vein), and the base of the flap is made wide, around prosthetic reconstruction is controversial, particularly for
6  cm. The flap must be made as robust as possible, and patients. The ideal age for prosthetic treatment is the same as
loose areolar tissue on the deep surface of the TPF must be the age for surgical reconstruction, namely, between 6 and 9
included in it. This tissue, which lies deep to the skin graft, years. The child must be capable of caring for the prosthesis.
allows the skin to slide over the underlying tissue. This In cases of unsuccessful surgical outcome, the prosthetic ear
resists surface trauma and implant exposure. The pHDPE is one of the options. Prosthetic ear is a suitable option for
framework is then sculpted, fused, and matched to contra- the ear defects caused by trauma and disease in adult
lateral ear. Prior to implant placement, two flat suction populations.
742 P. Ladani

Fig. 35.13  Approach for

temporoparietal flap. (a) Y a b
shape Incision. (b) Large Z

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

35.13.1 Retention of the Prosthesis 35.14 Future

Tissue adhesives are used conventionally for ear prosthesis Regardless of the method used, ear reconstruction cannot
retention because of their low cost and quick results. Tissue provide an appearance that equals auricular prostheses.
adhesive is an old method and causes skin reaction. It is dif- Future techniques must focus on emerging tissue engi-
ficult to wear and take off adhesive while bathing and swim- neering technologies that can create bone, cartilage, skin,
ming. Osseointegrated implant is superior option for and blood vessels. This can provide a novel direction for
retention, and because of nature sense of prosthesis, ease of the treatment of patients with microtia. The creation of a
use, long lifetime and retention during daily activities, it is natural ear using cultured chondrocytes on a prefabricated
accepted by patients. An implant-retained prosthesis is pre- cartilaginous framework is an area of active research, but
ferred when there is hair on the surface of the defect or when still holds some challenge [1]. Creating functional and
the patient has excessively oily and perspiring skin. The durable tissue through tissue engineering can remove the
prosthesis may be attached to the implant screws using preci- need for donor sites and revolutionize reconstructive
sion attachments or magnets. Osseointegrated implants are surgery.
contraindicated during radiation therapy, as the bone is
demineralized and prone to hard tissue vasculitis, fibrosis,
persistent infections, reduced tissue perfusion, and oxygen- 35.15 Conclusion
ation. Osseointegration in such patients is difficult, but may
be attained with hyperbaric oxygen treatment [12]. The human ear is a unique structure that is difficult to repli-
cate owing to its complex cartilaginous structure and thin
overlying skin. The ultimate goal of total ear reconstruction
35.13.2 Prosthetic Technique should be creation of an auricle that closely matches the nor-
mal ear in appearance. Several surgical techniques are avail-
Impressions are made of both the defect and contralateral able for ear reconstruction. Since microtia is a rare condition,
normal ear. Usually, rubber silicone material is used and plas- cases are limited, but at the same time, only a high case vol-
ter models are prepared. The plaster models of contralateral ume can improve success rates. The learning curve is long
side are used as a reference to sculpt the framework. This is and might be at the expense of the patient. Although this
done using wax or clay. Next, a negative mold is obtained learning curve is unavoidable, it is imperative to curtail its
when the wax is removed, leaving behind a void. Medical- steepness. Prior to embarking on ear reconstruction, sur-
grade silicone usually of clear shade is mixed with pigments geons must be familiar with the principles and techniques
to create the skin colors of the individual patient. This sili- involved. It is important to remember that repetition helps us
cone is packed into the void and cured. After removal from master the technique.
the mold, the texture and the color of the skin can be repro-
duced to match the contralateral side and adjacent skin [12]. Disclosure  Authors have no financial conflicts to disclose.
35  Ear Reconstruction 743

35.16 Case Scenarios floating rib were harvested from the seventh, eighth, and
ninth rib. Framework was prepared as shown in photo (b).
Tragal component is added in framework. Skin pocket was
Case 1 (Fig. 35.14a–g) prepared, and lobule was transposed posteriorly. Framework
was inserted in pocket, and suction was applied for close
24 year-old male with Unilateral Left side Grade 3 or Lobule adaptation of skin to framework. Stage II surgery was done
type microtia. On audiometry testing, hearing was normal after 1 year. Ear was elevated, and cartilage graft was placed
with conductive hearing on left side. External auditory for support. Graft was covered with temporoparietal fascia
meatus is absent. He was planned for auricular reconstruc- flap and skin grafting done. 6 months postop shows symmet-
tion using autologous costal cartilage. Costal cartilage was ric projection of both ears.
harvested from ipsilateral side. Synchondrotic junction and

a b c d

e f g

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 35.14 (a) Preop, (b) Framework, (c) Postop, (d) 3 months postop, (e) and (f) Comparison between normal and reconstructed ear after
elevation of ear, and (g) Projection of reconstructed ear
744 P. Ladani

Case 2 (Fig. 35.15a–f) rib. Simple Framework was prepared as shown in photo (b).
Skin pocket was prepared using Z-plasty incision. Framework
21 year-old male with Unilateral Left side Grade 4 or Anotia. was inserted in pocket, and suction was applied for close
On audiometry testing, hearing was normal with conductive adaptation of skin to framework. Stage II surgery was done
hearing on left side. He was planned for auricular reconstruc- after 1 year. Ear was elevated, and cartilage graft was placed
tion using autologous costal cartilage. Costal cartilage was for support. Graft was covered with temporoparietal fascia
harvested from ipsilateral side. Synchondrotic junction and flap and skin grafting done. 8 months postop shows symmet-
floating rib were harvested from seventh, eighth, and ninth ric projection of both ears.

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 35.15 (a) Preop, (b) Framework, (c) Postop, (d) 3 months postop, (e) and (f) Comparison between normal and reconstructed ear after eleva-
tion of ear
35  Ear Reconstruction 745

References Additional Reading

1. Tollefson TT.  Advances in treatment of microtia. Curr Opin Tanzer RC. Microtia- a long term follow up of 44 reconstructed auri-
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006;14:412–22. cles. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1978;61:161–6.
2. Brent B. Microtia repair with rib cartilage grafts. Clin Plast Surg. Brent B. The correction of microtia with autologous cartilage graft: I.
2002. The classic deformity. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1980;66:1–12.
3. Quatela V, Thompson S, Goldman T.  Microtia reconstruction. Brent B. Technical advances in ear reconstruction with autogenous rib
Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2006. cartilage graft: personal experience with 1200 cases. Plast Reconstr
4. Bonilla A.  Pediatric microtia reconstruction with autologous rib. Surg. 1999;104:319–34.
Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2018. Nagata S. A new method of total reconstruction of the auricle in micro-
5. Cho BC, Kim JY, Byun JS. Two-stage reconstruction of the auricle tia. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1993;92:187–201.
in congenital microtia using autogenous costal cartilage. J Plast Nagata S. Secondary reconstruction for unfavourable microtia results
Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2007;60:998–1006. utilizing temproparietal and innominate fascia flaps. Plast Reconstr
6. Wellisz T. Clinical experience with the Medpor porous polyethyl- Surg. 1994;94:254–65.
ene implant. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 1993;17(4):339–44. Nagata S. Modification of the stages in total reconstruction of the auricle:
7. Kobus K, Szczyt M, Latkowski I, Wojcicki P. Reconstruction of the part I. Grafting the three-dimensional costal cartilage framework
auricle. Br J Plast Surg. 2002;55:645–51. for lobule-type microtia. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1994;93:221–30.
8. Yamada A. Autologous rib microtia construction. Facial Plast Surg Nagata S. Modification of the stages in total reconstruction of the auricle:
Clin North Am. 2018. part II. Grafting the three-dimensional costal cartilage framework
9. Thadani S, Ladani P. A new method for training of ear framework for concha-type microtia. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1994;93:231–42.
creation by silicon dental impression material. Indian J Plast Surg. Nagata S. Modification of the stages in total reconstruction of the
2012;45(1):134–7. auricle: part III. Grafting the three-dimensional costal cartilage
10. Ladani P, Valand R, Sailer HF. Ear reconstruction using autologous framework for small concha-type microtia. Plast Reconstr Surg.
costal cartilage: a steep learning curve. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 1994;93:243–53.
2018. Nagata S. Modification of the stages in total reconstruction of the auri-
11. Stephan S, Reinisch J.  Auricular reconstruction using porous
cle: part IV. Ear elevation for the constructed auricle. Plast Reconstr
polyethylene implant technique. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. Surg. 1994;93:254–66.
2018. Firmin F. La reconstruction auriculaire en cas de microtie. Principes,
12. Tanner PB, Mobley SR. External auricular and facial pros-
methods et classification. Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2001;46:447–66.
thetics: A collaborative effort of the reconstructive surgeon Firmin F. Ear reconstruction in cases of typical microtia. Personal
and anaplastologist. Facial plastic surgery clinics of North experience based on 352 microtic ear corrections. Scand J Plast
America.2006;14(2):137–45. Reconstr Surg Hand Surg. 1998;32:35–47.

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Management of Facial Scars
Velupillai Ilankovan and Anna Sayan

36.1 Introduction
Box 36.1 Characteristics of less than ideal scars
When the body sustains injury, the process of wound healing
• wide
will commence. Scar formation is a part of wound healing.
• raised
These are described as primary, secondary and tertiary inten-
• depressed
tion processes [1]. In primary, there is close approximation
• pigmented
of the wound edges, and in the secondary, the edges could
• hypo-pigmented
not be approximated. The wound is left open, and the defect
• and erythematous
is slowly filled with connective tissue. In the tertiary, how-
• may transect natural creases, folds and junctions
ever, there is infection or contamination and there is a delay
until the offending items are removed. This is followed by
primary intention healing.
An ideal scar is a thin line or lines in parallel to the relaxed imperfect scars. The most important factor is also the surgi-
skin tension lines (RSTLs) described by Borges [2]. This cal competence of the operator.
should have a natural contour, colour and no distortion of the
surrounding structures.
The scar particularly the facial is not aesthetically pleas- 36.2 Pathophysiology
ing and can cause psychological distress to patients, result-
ing in poor body image, reduced self-esteem, generally loss The pathophysiology of wound healing and scar formation is
of confidence and at times certain social stigma. very complicated [3].
Prevention of an unsightly scar is primarily important The wound healing is characterised by four separate but
requirement to any Surgeons but particularly important to overlapping phases (Box 36.2).
Facial Plastics and Aesthetic Surgeons. Haemostasis and inflammation occur during the first
The origin of the word scar comes from Greek termed 4–6 days. During the first few minutes after surgery, there are
“iskharo” and in French “eschori” and interestingly was first vascular contraction and formation of fibrin clot. The ruptured
used in the English language in the fourteenth century. cell membranes result in the release of inflammatory factors in
The primary aim in the management of scar is to produce order to cause vasoconstriction, which will last for 5–10 min,
an invisible line. and then the vessel dilatation starts. This process can take up
Less than ideal scars demonstrate features that are high- to 20 min. The vessel dilatation is caused by histamine, which,
lighted in Box 36.1. in turns, allows inflammatory cells to arrive at the wound site.
Multiple causes can play a role in unsightly scar forma- The platelets also adhere to the site of injury. Subsequently,
tion. Non-clear wound edges cannot give an aesthetically the coagulation cascade will be activated. The structure of the
pleasing outcome. Nutritional status, co-morbidities such as clot will be a fibrin protein network filled with platelets and its
diabetes, previously radiotherapy field and habits such as contents. The main inflammatory mediators released by the
smoking have a detrimental effect in wound healing and thus platelets are the prostaglandins, leukotrienes, interleukins,
growth factors and cytokines. During the inflammatory phase,
V. Ilankovan (*) · A. Sayan there is also the arrival of neutrophils, macrophages and lym-
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation phocytes. The main function of the neutrophils is the removal
Trust, Poole, UK

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 747

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_36
748 V. Ilankovan and A. Sayan

Box 36.2 Phases of wound healing Box 36.3 Hypertrophic scar vs Keloid
Hypertrophic scar Keloid
• haemostasis
do not grow beyond the grow horizontally and
• inflammation boundaries of the original outgrowing wound
• proliferation wound boundaries
• remodelling occur when there are skin can arise from small injuries
wounds of any aetiology such as piercing of ears
Not genetic genetic
Not related to any race More in dark skinned
of the invading materials such as the microbes and products Equal sex predilection More in females
from the cell death. The macrophages are, however, responsi-
ble for inducing and clearing dying cells, which will result in
improvement of inflammation. The apoptotic cells are cleaned
by the macrophages, and the reparative stage begins. During
this stage, there is migration of the epithelial cells usually after 36.3 Scar Management
48  hours and this process continues until the tenth day.
Fibroblasts promote collagen synthesis. The epidermis is 36.3.1 General Principles
thickened in layers, and the collagen fibres promote dermal
strength. The collagen deposition takes 2–3 weeks, and at this Scar management includes prevention, pre-injury treatments
time, the remodelling phase begins. The collagen fibres will during the healing period and definitive treatment once the
become rearranged during this period, and the cross-linked scar is established.
will be aligned along the tension lines. Largely, the maturation It is essential to take accurate history about any previous
phase can take up to a year or longer depending on the type scar formation. If it is known, extra precautions should be
and site of wound. Therefore, the inflammatory process plays taken, patients should be alerted and incisions along the sus-
a major role in scar formation with the resultant fibroblast pro- ceptible sites should be omitted.
liferation migration and differentiation. For example, when doing blepharoplasty with a history of
The formal scar can be made better by using scar and scar previous hypertrophic scar, we should avoid a subciliary
reducing agents such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory incision and the treatment should be carried out via a trans-
drugs (NSAIDs), minocycline and gene therapy. The main conjunctival approach. Avoidance of treatment should be
recognised scar reducing agents are transforming growth practised, for example, a patient who had keloid on previous
factor (TGF), TGF beta 3, COX-2 inhibitors and angiotensin ear-piercing episodes.
receptor blockers [4]. The TGF beta modulating agents are Limiting skin stretching during wound healing, facilitat-
still undergoing phase 2 trials in order to find out ideal scar ing appropriate wound resting and preventive exercises in
modulating topical or intralesional agents. certain sites such as chest and suprapubic areas are
Microfat grafting [5] is a technique with great potential in observed. Atkinson et al. [7] reported a randomised control
scar management where fat can be used intralesionally using a trial of the effect of tape fixation and the prevention of
small 0.7 mm diameter cannula. It has been shown to be even hypertrophic scars post-caesarean section with significant
more effective in placing fat in deep dermal layer of the skin scar reduction.
using a 23-gauge needle in a treatment called sharp needle
intradermal fat (SNIF) grafting. However, the work carried out
by Tonnard et al. [6] in emulsifying the fat filtered until a liq- Therefore, scar reduction therapies are classified into:
uid suspension was obtained, called Nanofat, which is injected
using a 27-gauge needle, which conveys excellent outcome. • topical,
The ideal scar is an invisible line. There was increased • intralesional,
interest in the recent past on intrauterine surgery to improve • radiation and
craniofacial clefts with some success and large failures. The • scar revision with Z plasty, local flaps and skin grafts.
extrauterine scars can present as stretched to depressed,
hypertrophic or at times keloid. The stretched and depressed
scars are as a result of inadequate primary intention manage-
ment. The differences between a hypertrophic scar and The latest progress in scar management includes treat-
keloid scar are highlighted in Box 36.3. ment with lasers to reduce angiogenesis, subcision and intra-
36  Management of Facial Scars 749

dermal fillers. The emulsified fat (NanoFat) with stromal • Bleomycin

vascular fraction (SVF) and plasma rich protein (PRP) usage
is the current trend in the non-surgical outcome of scar It is an antibiotic and has been used intralesionally in vas-
management. cular malformation with good outcome [11].
The mode of action is in reduction of collagen synthesis
and increased destruction of collagen by inhibiting Lysyl
Oxidase such as TGF-B1 [12]. Much work is needed in its
Box 36.4 Non-surgical remedies definitive usage.
• Steroid
• 5FU • Lasers
• Belonycin
• Lasers Lasers target three chromophores such as water, melanin
• Dermabrasion and haemoglobin. Laser-induced tissue hypoxia results in
• Subcision the breakdown of disulphide bonds of the collagen fibrils.
• Fillers Pulse Dye Laser (PDL), KTP laser and Nd YAG lasers have
• Silicone gel sheets affinity to haemoglobin, leading to collagen necrosis, and
• Pressure therapy results in reduction of proliferation of fibroblast and depo-
• Cryotherapy sition of collagen type 3. Ablative lasers remove the scar
• Radiation layer by layer with minimal thermal injury [13].
• Emulsified fat for scar rejuvenation
• Dermabrasion

This technique is still used in treating irregular scars such

36.3.2 Non-surgical Remedies as ice pick scars of acne. The aim is to abrade up to the retic-
ular dermis, allowing epithelialisation to take place. This
The non-surgical modalities of scar management are high- treatment causes erythema for a long time, and the symmet-
lighted in Box 36.4, and the description of each is as rical outcome is not guaranteed.
follows: Microdermabrasion is an advancement where there is
high-speed pressurised aspiration-compression system. The
• Steroid benefit is that it minimises deep thermal injury [14].
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Erbium laser resurfacing
Triamcinolone is the mostly used steroid for scars. The supersedes microdermabrasion with minimal thermal dam-
mode of action when used as an intralesional therapy is in age. Laser resurfacing acts in a different way compared to
inhibition of the inflammatory mediators, inhibition of fibro- the vascular lasers. The vascular laser action is as a non-­
blast proliferation, collagen synthesis and inhibition of ablative principle, whereas CO2 and Erbium cause ablation.
TGF—BETA 1 and BETA 2—and enhancement of collagen Vascular lasers decrease the prominence by destroying
degradation and collagenase action in keratinocytes [8]. the blood vessels and stimulating collagen remodelling, thus
The published reports, however, give varying outcomes softening the scar, whereas the ablative lasers such as CO2
with dose-dependent side effects such as hypopigmentation, and Erbium ablate or vaporise the excessive tissues. CO2 can
telangiectasia and dermal atrophy [9]. There is an encourag- induce more collagen remodellation and promote wound
ing outcome, however, in combination therapy when the dos- contraction [15].
age is reduced. The vascular lasers are used in hypertrophic and keloid
scars. CO2 and Erbium are useful in stretched, asymmetric
• 5FU and irregular scars. There is a restriction as it is not effective
in all skin types as resurfacing can result in excessive pig-
The suggested mode of action is an inhibition of fibro- mentation in dark, Asian and African skins.
blast proliferation and TGF-BETA 1-induced collagen syn-
thesis [10]. Anecdotal results are positive; however, trials • Subcision
lack adequate controls. Nonetheless, the effect is encourag-
ing in combination therapy with steroid and pulse dye lasers. It is a technique where depressed scars are elevated, and
Much work is required in controlled studies. the controlled trauma can aid in formation of new connective
750 V. Ilankovan and A. Sayan

tissue. This is carried out by custom-made subcision knives cludes weak evidence in preventing hypertrophic scars in
or 20 gauge needles. It can be combined with autologous fat susceptible patients [17].
injection to the subcised areas filling in the space and simul- The mechanism of action is in producing hydration to the
taneous laser resurfacing [16]. scars by occlusion.

• Fillers • Pressure therapy

Synthetic Hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite and It is a perceived therapy that there is positive evidence in
bovine collagen are used in aesthetic surgery for voluminisa- the literature. The largest randomised trial showed no signifi-
tion. They can be used in treating depressed scars. However, cant difference in scar reduction with pressure therapy when
these agents cannot be used in a larger quantity as they will compared to the controlled group [18].
cause subcutaneous nodules and inflammation, and in bovine
collagen, there is 3% incidence of allergic history. There is • Cryotherapy
also a need for repeat injection. Autologous fat has taken
over as a material of choice for filling in scar management. A large uncontrolled study of 135 patients with 166
keloids demonstrated 79.5% response rate with 80% reduc-
• Silicone gel sheets tion in scar volume. However, the results are not reproduc-
ible. This treatment causes atrophic, depressed scars with
These sheets are used prophylactically in known patients residual hypopigmentation [19].
for bad scars as well as therapeutically. However, the out- Therefore, the usage of cryotherapy particularly on the
come for hypertrophic scars is still questionable and face should be discouraged as a modality.
It appears that controlled studies have shown significant • Radiation
beneficial outcome in scar volume when the silicone sheets
are used or not used in mirror image wounds. A Cochrane It is an effective adjuvant to surgical excision particularly
review of 13 trials involving 559 patients, however, con- to keloid. The effect is caused by inhibition of proliferation

Fig. 36.1 (a) Keloid Scar

right ear lobule. (b) Post-­ a b
operative photograph
following scar excision and
one dose of radiotherapy

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

36  Management of Facial Scars 751

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 36.2 (a) Keloid Scar post-auricular region. (b) Post-operative photograph following scar excision and one dose of radiotherapy

of fibroblasts and neo-vascular blood formation, resulting in different cells of cell lineage and the anti-apoptotic, anti-
decreased collagen production [20]. inflammatory, pro-angiogenic immunomodulators and anti-
The highest cure rate is described in a single dose within scarring properties.
24 hours after surgical excision; however, further studies are Nanofat has shown to improve the aesthetics of hypertro-
needed to evaluate the dosage and to obtain optimum results phic and keloid scars by improving the texture of the scars in
(Figs. 36.1 and 36.2). addition to improving the symptoms of pain and itching [22].
Fat is used in voluminisation initially as foundation micro-
• Emulsified fat for scar rejuvenation graft just above the periosteum. The second layer is subder-
mal graft followed by subcision and lastly Nanofat injection
The fat tissue is accepted not only as a simple layer of using SNIF technique with 23-gauge needle followed by
insulation and as a storage for energy but also as a complex superficial needle injection using 27-gauge needle. This pro-
endocrine organ, which is intrinsically involved in metabo- cess is to treat depressed scars. Intralesional Nanofat injection
lism and immunomodulatory activities and can provide improves hypertrophic and keloid scars. This can be com-
multi-source resources for stem cells and other undifferenti- bined with other modalities such as laser resurfacing.
ated cell population, which is essential for regeneration.
In addition to the adipocytes in the fat tissue, there are
other cell groups that are functionally very important such as 36.4 Surgical Scar Management
stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and cell-assisted lipotransfer
(CAL). The SVF of adipose tissue is a rich source of epithe- 36.4.1 Basic Principles
lial progenitor cells, T cells, B cells and adipose tissue mac-
rophages [21]. Separation of SVF is a time-consuming and As described above, an ideal scar should be an imperceptible
expensive process requiring collagenase treatment and cen- line parallel to RSTL. The only exception is scar along the
trifugation. The recent clinical results obtained with Nanofat lower lid due to the possibility of ectropion, if incisions are
grafting where the cells are emulsified show greater value made in parallel to RSTL.
than the components of SVF used separately. The aim of scar revision is to re-orientate the scar to fol-
In Nanografting, a 23 gauge needle is used as a sharp low the RSTLs and correction of adjacent structure
needle for subdermal fat injection technique (SNIF) fol- distortion.
lowed by a 27 gauge needle to superficial layers. In order to Patient understanding, nutrition, expectation and the psy-
do this, the fat should be emulsified and takes the name, thus, chological stability are paramount factors to implement pre-­
Nanofat [6]. operatively prior to any scar revision exercises particularly in
This now emerges to the forefront in regenerative burn scars. The timing of the revision is also important as the
­medicine due to its ability to differentiate into a variety of remodelling may take up to 12 months.
752 V. Ilankovan and A. Sayan

Nutritional status and the medical history are important should be achieved using a bipolar diathermy again minimis-
pre-operative considerations. It has been described with cer- ing thermal injury to the surrounding areas.
tain evidence that the use of vitamins A, C and E and zinc Suturing is done in layers. In areas where supportive ten-
have beneficial effects and, at the same time, some herbal sion is required, resorbable round body needle sutures are
supplements such as arnica, garlic, ginseng and saw palmetto useful. Depending on the site and the extent of the scar,
can impair wound healing [22]. Systemic conditions such as short- or long-term resorbable sutures could be selected.
diabetes and immunosuppression can adversely affect wound With deep suturing as much as possible, the knot should be
healing. Smoking has proven to cause perilous effect on buried with skin approximation to achieve ‘eversion’.
healing and wound repair. Simple-interrupted sutures are preferable in a majority of
Vitamin E refers to a group of ten lipid soluble com- areas; however, subcutaneous running sutures could be used
pounds that include both Tocotrienols and Tocopherols as a where only gentle approximation is needed.
fat soluble antioxidant; it stops the production of reactive
oxygen species formed when fat undergoes oxidation [23]. It 1. Z plasty (Fig. 36.3)
has been identified that alpha-tocopherol, the most biologi-
cally active form of vitamin E, has anti-inflammatory effects This is a common technique used in scar revision to either
by decreasing plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and change the direction of the scar or lengthen the scar.
release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The CRP, a down- Contracted scars can be corrected by plating multiple simul-
stream marker of inflammation in addition to being a risk taneous Z plasties.
marker for cardiovascular disease, could contribute to ath- The Z plasty is created by using the original scar as a
erosclerosis. Alpha-Tocopherol has been shown to decrease central portion, and triangular flaps are raised. Multiple vari-
CRP level in patients and has a positive effect in scar reduc- ations are in Z plasty. In the classical Z plasty, all the limbs
tion. Topical vitamin E application has been practised in are of equal length and the angle between the flaps is 60°.
managing scar 10 days post-suture removal. Anecdotally, in The scar will lengthen by 75%. A 30° angle will lengthen by
the last 25 years, good scar outcome has been observed. 25%, and 45° will lengthen by 50%. Multiple Z plasties are
useful in long scars, which can be divided into separate seg-
ments, and the angles are contoured or modified depending
36.4.2 Surgical Technique on the sites.

In most circumstances, incisions should be made parallel to 2. W plasty (Fig. 36.4)

the skin surface. A number 11 or 15 blade is ideal. Tissue
handling must be atraumatic. The skin flaps should be held This technique is used to irregularise scars so that dimen-
with non-toothed forceps, and the tooth forceps should only sions of the scar are not perceived by the naked eye. A series
be used to handle tissues subdermally. Undermining and of consecutive triangles are made. It is mirror image on the
constant hydration of edges are essential. In stretched scars, opposite side. The arm length should be around 5 mm, and
preservation of the dermis by de-epithelialisation will pro- the angle in-between the flap should be maximum 90°. One
vide extra support in correcting the depression. Haemostasis side of the triangle should be in parallel to our RSTL. The

Fig. 36.3  Z plasty (a) scar

revision. (b) triangular flaps a b c
raised. (c) interposition of
triangular flaps

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

36  Management of Facial Scars 753

triangle are excised, undermined and closed with interdigita-

a b
tion. This technique is very useful in correcting unsightly
hairline scars such as revision of face lift.

3. Geometric broken line closure (GBLC)

This is another technique to minimise the perception of a

long scar. Here, random geometric designs are planned with
corresponding mirror images. The length of the limbs should
be 3–6 mm and at the angle near to 90°, and a W plasty could
be done at the end of the design.

4. V-Y and Y-V advancement

V-Y scar correction (Fig. 36.5a–c) is utilised when there

is an indication on scar lengthening in contracted scars with
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ‘trap door deformity’. In contrast, Y-V technique is utilised
where the scar is shortened, removing the ‘Y ‘extension
Fig. 36.4  W plasty— (a) scar revision. (b) post-operative
(Fig. 36.6a–c).

Fig. 36.5  V-Y scar

lengthening correction. (a) V
incision. (b) Triangular flaps
a b
raised. (c) Y closure

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

754 V. Ilankovan and A. Sayan

Fig. 36.6  Y-V scar

shortening correction. (a) Y a b
incision. (b) Triangular flaps
raised. (c) V closure

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Flaps can be used to revise large scars. “Doggy ear” and toma formation. If not, haematoma on its own will spoil the
“trap door deformities”could be improved by excising the good work of scar revision.
excess. For passive scar settlement, selective bulking and
simultaneous multiple ‘Z’ and ‘W’ plasties are useful
adjuncts. 36.5 Future

Clinical tip Extrauterine scarless surgery is not possible. Therefore, care-

When repairing wounds in patients who are prone to develop ful patient factor and scar characteristics should be studied to
hypertrophic scars, deep sutures should be placed using prevent unsightly scar formation and to correct perceptible
round bodied needles. The suture removal is delayed by an scars.
extra 3–4 days. Applying steri strips after removal of the General health and optimising comorbidities are impor-
sutures adds extra support, and this should be incorporated to tant requirements to achieve good scars. Both non-surgical
achieve the best result. and surgical options should be available in the armamentar-
Prophylactic intralesional steroids in patients prone to ium to the Surgeon.
hypertrophic scars should be considered. Obliteration of the Nanofat has very positive potential in scar management.
dead space by appropriate sutures or pressure dressings with The research on gene therapy using adenovirus as a mediator
or without drains should be considered to prevent haema- to deliver dermal fibroblast is encouraging [24].
36  Management of Facial Scars 755







No further Without scar With scar

treatment Non- Non-sugical Surgical
Non- Surgical Combination contraction contraction
sugical Surgical
Non-surgical modality
• Corticosteroids
Ablative • Laser ablation & non-ablation Non-ablative
Subcision Intra-lesional
laser Vascular • Silicone gel laser with
& fillers • Corticosteroid
laser • Pressure therapy (compression Nono fat
Excision of • Bleomycin
garments) Excision and
scar, dermal • Nono fat
Subcision • Intradermal bleomycin repair
Elliptical fat +/- local Subdermal steroid
excision & micro • Intralesional Nono-fat
Erbium CO2 flap
repair droplet fat Repeat after 2-3
Surgical excision & repair, months
Intradermal Nano intralesion steroid and
Scar revision fat bleomycin
Repeat treatment • De-epithelisation
6 weeks interval • Subdermal
suture No Recurrence Recurrence
undermining Effective Recurrence
• Layered suturing

Maintain non-surgical • Surgery and adjuvant Conservative • Nono fat

• Topical Vit E radio therapy therapies • Nono ablative laser
• Topical Bio oil • Multimodality • Compression • Non-surgical
• Compression therapy therapy • Silicone gel external modalities

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 36.7  Algorithm for scar management

Although inflammatory response is traditionally believed is always influenced by vascularisation, thickness and pig-
to be a key event for wound healing in adult skin, studies of mentation. The patient opinion, on the other hand, is influ-
foetal wound healing suggest that a high level of inflamma- enced by action of itching sensation and thickness of the
tion might prevent good scar formation rather than enhanc- scar. Out of the available assessment scales, the patient and
ing the wound healing process. Therefore, further studies are observer scar management described by Draaigers L et al. is
needed to confirm if really inflammation is necessary for an informative tool in documentation of the progress in the
wound healing in adult skin. However, at present, we need to management of scar, which should be addressed [25].
follow the inflammatory process and available evidence of In summary, a surgeon should have an algorithm to follow
therapeutic modulators of scar formation. on how to manage scars in normal patients as well as patients
Furthermore, it is paramount to consider that there are who are prone for hypertrophic and keloid scars (Fig. 36.7).
clinical, histological, biochemical and molecular differences
between hypertrophic and keloid scars. There is marked dif-
ference in the proliferative and apoptotic cell deaths between 36.6 Conclusion
the scars, resulting in variable response of different treat-
ments. This should be taken into account in treatment plan- Scar formation is a part of wound healing process. Facial
ning process. scars can be aesthetically detrimental and affect social
It is also essential to avoid excessive movements that can stigma. As facial surgeons, we need to achieve ideal scars
stretch the wound and for avoidance of the scar to direct with natural contour, colour and limited distortion. It is para-
mechanical forces such as friction and scratching and par- mount to remember that scar management includes preven-
ticularly earlobe wounds, to minimise the contact with pil- tion, treatments during the healing period and definitive
lows and wound hygiene. management once the scar has been established. We have, in
Not least the patient’s involvement plays a vital role in the this chapter, included all the different available treatments
management of scars. Variable scales in the literature exist separating them into non-surgical remedies and surgical
for reliable and reproducible scar management, for both the techniques. The algorithm, in this chapter, allows a very easy
observer, i.e. surgeon, and the patient. The observer opinion review process for surgeons who manage stretched,
756 V. Ilankovan and A. Sayan

Fig. 36.8 (a) Pre-operative.

(b) Post-“microfat grafting” a b
and laser resurfacing

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

depressed, hypertrophic and keloid scars.DisclosureAuthors Case Scenario 2 (Fig. 36.8)

have no financial conflicts to disclose.
A 48-year-old Caucasian patient who had a considerable
amount of sun exposure presented with an unhappy peri-oral
36.7 Case Scenarios aesthetics (Fig. 36.8a).
Her medical history was unremarkable, and she was not
Case Scenario 1 (Fig. 36.1) on any medication.
In one examination, she had loss of volume along the
A 27-year-old female patient of Asian ethnicity had an extra peri-oral site mainly along the upper lip. The vermillion bor-
ear piercing to the right earlobe. Within 4 months, she started der had lost its definition. She had multiple small vertical
to develop a very painful hard lump at the pierced site. Within subdermal lines, which were crossing the vermillion border.
the following 6 weeks, it developed into an irregular mass She also had epidermal thinning.
involving the whole of the earlobe. A diagnosis of aging of the peri-oral area, particularly
Her medical history was unremarkable, and she was not upper lip, was made. She, in fact, had epidermal thinning,
on any medication. subdermal scaring and loss of inter- and intramuscular fat.
On examination (Fig. 36.1a), there was an unsightly thick She underwent “microfat” grafting to restore the volume,
lumpy scar along the right earlobe. A diagnosis of keloid was subdermal “emulsified fat” to restore the subdermal structure
made. and an “erbium laser resurfacing” (fluence 500  mJ, mode:
Under a local anaesthetic, the keloid scar was excised and SP, spot 3 mm, frequency 20 Hz).
the earlobe was reconstructed. The next post-operative day The post-operative appearance 4 months later (Fig. 36.8b)
she underwent single dose of radiotherapy (10  Gy) as an showed excellent volume restoration, much improvement in
outpatient. the subdermal scaring, better vermillion definition and a new
On review, 6 months post-treatment (Fig. 36.1b), she had regenerative skin.
no recurrence and on palpation, the skin was soft and This combination technique is very useful in burn scar
non-tender. management.
36  Management of Facial Scars 757

References 532  nm Frequency Doubled Nd: YAG laser in the Q-Switched

and variable pulse modes: a comparative study. Dermatol Surg.
1. Beldon P.  Basic science of wound healing. Sci Direct. 16. Orientreich DS, Orientreich N.  Subcutaneous incisionless (subci-
2010;28:409–12. sion)surgery for the correction of depressed scars and wrinkles.
2. Borges AF.  Relaxed skin tension lines. Dermatol Clin. Dermatol Surg. 1995;21:543–9.
1989;7:169–77. 17. Neissen FB, Spauwen PH, Robinson PH, Fedler V, Kon M.  The
3. Broughton G, Janis JE, Attinger CE. The basic science of wound use of silicone occlusive sheeting (Sil-K) and silicone occlusive gel
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6. Tonnard P, Verpaele A, Peeters G, Hamdi M, Cornelissen M, 19. Rusciani L, Paradisi A, Alfano C, et al. Cryotherapy in the treat-
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Surgical Facelift
Velupillai Ilankovan and Tian Ee Seah

37.1 Introduction those times, he did not report his surgery immediately but
only recounted retrospectively that the iatrogenic wounds
An ancient Chinese proverb “岁月不饶人” observed that when approximated resulted in some tightening in 1912 [2].
“no one is spared from the ravages of ageing”. A combina- The initial reports of rhytidectomy were dominated by a slew
tion of age, gravity, physiologic contraction of facial muscles of American surgeons such as Cantrell (1902), Miller (1907)
and solar (sun) and chemical (smoking) insults results in and German surgeons, Lexer (1906) and Joseph (1912) [3].
intrinsic and extrinsic changes to the skeleton, muscles and The French surgeon Passot wrote an important paper “La
skin [1]. Preservation of one’s youthful looks has been a goal chirugie esthétique des rides du visage” in 1919 where he
of humans regardless of cultures and ethnicities. The search illustrated strategically placed forehead, malar, cheek and
for this elixir of youth was found unexpectedly in the hands submental elliptical incisions to tighten the face for aesthetic
of cosmetic surgeons. Even with the recent advent of skin purposes, thus heralding the concept of short scar rhytidec-
peels, botulinum toxin injections, lasers and injectable filler tomy (Fig. 37.1).
injections, the century-old facelift still possesses the most
dramatic improvement to the moderate to severe ageing
lower face when done well.
Facelift or rhytidectomy as its name suggests is a proce-
dure to partially eliminate folds, creases and wrinkles
(rhytids) caused by gravity and degeneration. In effect, the
creation of two large cervicofacial flaps, which, after suspen-
sion and trimming, produces an overall tightening of the skin
and the fascial envelope of the face and neck, results in
restored anatomical structure. Facelift can help to negate
some of these gravitational problems and produce some
intrinsic improvement.

37.2 Historical Perspective

Historically, rhytidectomy was limited to skin elliptical exci-

sions and tightening. The German surgeon, Eugen Höllander,
first described being persuaded by his patient to remove
excessive skin in the temporal, preauricular and postauricu-
lar regions in 1901. With cosmetic surgery frowned upon in

V. Ilankovan (*) ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation
Trust, Poole, UK Fig. 37.1  Illustration showing Passot’s principles on facelift through
T. E. Seah elliptical excisions
TES Clinic for Face and Jaw, Singapore, Singapore

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 759

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_37
760 V. Ilankovan and T. E. Seah

However, with limited undermining, wounds were closed

under tension, resulting in unsightly scarring. To circumvent
this problem, skin flap only procedures during which only
the skin was raised, undermined for a short distance and
tightened were introduced (Bames 1927) [4].
The results of skin flap only facelift were short term with
limited correction of the ageing face, forcing surgeons to
search for better alternatives. In 1974, Tord Skoog, a Swedish
surgeon, revolutionized facelift concepts by describing the
dissection, elevation and tightening of the superficial fascia of
the face in addition to removing excess skin. He expounded
the importance of retro-positioning the “buccal fascia” and the
platysma for better results. The importance of this technique
was later cemented when the superficial fascia of the face was
clarified as the “superficial muscular aponeurotic system”
(SMAS) by Mitz and Peyronie in a landmark paper in 1976
[5]. Manipulation of the SMAS layer in a superior or supero-
lateral vector became an important part of modern facelift.
Soon, a flurry of papers on the modifications to facelift proce- ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

dures concentrated on the management of the SMAS. Fig. 37.3  SMASectomy. 1–2 cm of the SMAS is excised superficial to
Treatment of the SMAS layer could be broadly catego- the anterior border of the parotid
rized into three methods. They were plication, elevation,
imbrication and SMASectomy [6]. The most conservative of
these methods was plication of the SMAS layer, as it did not SMASectomy was later described [9]. This required exci-
actually involve dissecting the SMAS layer but instead used sion of approximately 1–2 cm strip of the SMAS, superficial
sutures to fold the SMAS and achieve a tightening effect [7]. to the underlying parotid fascia, and then tightening were
More aggressive management of the SMAS included imbri- carried out by suturing the opposing two cut SMAS margins
cation, which involved the elevation and repositioning of the [6] (Fig. 37.3).
SMAS in a superior or superolateral vector [8]. In standard It soon became obvious to the surgeons that skin excision
SMAS elevation, the SMAS was dissected, lifted off the and SMAS manipulation were only effective in treating the
parotid fascia and secured to the underlying zygomatic soft lower face but not as effective in treating midface ageing. In
tissues or the deep temporal fascia (Fig. 37.2). particular, the nasolabial fold proved to be a stubborn adver-
sary. The spotlight turned towards the high density, retaining
ligaments such as the zygomatic retaining ligaments, which
prevent effective rejuvenation of the midface using the afore-
mentioned procedures.
Temporal branch of facial nerve
The deep plane facelift was described by Hamra to
include the malar fat pad [10]. In this, the dissection and
elevation of the SMAS layer were carried out further to
Elevated SMAS release the zygomatic retaining ligaments so that more trac-
tion could be obtained from the midface. The orbicularis
oculi and later septal reset were included to improve mid-
Parotid fascia face aesthetics, and the term composite facelift was coined
by Hamra [11].
As the facelift landscape progressed, efforts turned almost
full circle towards smaller incisions. Comparisons of differ-
ent published facelifts were unable to reveal an optimal tech-
nique [12] although complications were significant higher in
extensive SMAS procedures.
Parotid gland Attention turned towards having minimal excision, lim-
ited dissection and SMASectomy with imbrication, and in
2001, Saylon and later Fulton et al. described the S-lift [13].
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
In this technique, the preauricular skin was excised in a pre-
Fig. 37.2  SMAS imbrication determined S-shape followed by purse-string plication of the
37  Surgical Facelift 761

mobile SMAS using a U-shaped purse string suture and an 37.3 Anatomy of Ageing Face
O-shaped purse string suture. Both sutures were anchored
into the periosteum of the zygoma. Some of the gravitational changes include lateral brow pto-
Tonard et al. later introduced the minimal access cranial sis, tear trough, malar palpebral groove, SOOF descent,
suspension (MACS) as a modification to the S-lift [14] malar fat descent, deepening of the nasolabial groove, buccal
(Fig. 37.4). fat pad herniation, marionette lines, jowls, loss of neck defi-
In this procedure, he described suspending the sagging nition, submental fat and excess skin [1].
SMAS tissues with cranially directed purse string sutures via With ageing, a combination of gravitational forces, laxity
limited incisions that extend from the sideburn to the inferior of the skin due to loss of elasticity, decreased dermal thick-
helical attachment. Four main differences lie between the ness and loss of dermal appendages results in ptotic, hanging
“S” lift and the ‘MACS’ lift. First, the S-Lift pre-empted the skin.
amount of excess skin and excised it via an S-shaped inci- The mid cheek’s fat is divided into three compartments
sion. The MAC lift redraped the excessive skin and removed [15] (Fig. 37.5). It is thinnest at the lid-cheek segment and
it according to the margin. The second difference lies is thickest in the nasolabial region. The malar fat is also
between point of anchorage as the ‘S-lift’ anchored to the moderately thick although not as thick as the nasolabial
periosteum of the zygoma, while the ‘MACS lift’ anchors to region.
the superficial layer of the deep temporal fascia. Third, dur- Accumulation of fat in the cervical region results in loss
ing the S-lift, SMASectomy and imbrication were carried of neck definition and submental fat.
out, while during the MACS lift, only plication was per- Superficial fat and deep fat are separated by SMAS
formed. Fourth, besides the two O and U-shaped sutures, the layer. The superficial fat is separated into five compart-
MACS lift utilizes a third vertical suspension suture that sus- ments, namely, the nasolabial, medial cheek, middle cheek,
pended the malar fat pad, thus reducing the depth of the
nasolabial fold. This area is accessed by extending the tem-
poral hairline incision, and Tonard and Verpaele called this
the extended MACS lift.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.5  Cheek fat is divided into three compartments. They are lid-­
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India cheek segment (Orange), Malar segment (red) and nasolabial region
(yellow). (Figure adapted and redrawn from Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Fig. 37.4  MACS Lift 2009, Chapter 6 by Mendelson BC)
762 V. Ilankovan and T. E. Seah

lateral temporoparietal and inferior orbital fat. Deep fat is

divided into the deep medial fat and suborbicularis oculi fat
(SOOF) [16].
The superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) is a
fibrous sheath, which was described in a classical paper by
Mitz and Peyronie [5] in 1976, and starts from the galea
superiorly. Superolaterally, it is continuous with the superfi-
cial temporal fascia also known as the temporoparietal fas-
cia. In the central upper face, deep into the superficial fat, the
SMAS layer is invested by the muscles of facial expression,
derived from the embryonic second branchial arch: frontalis,
orbicularis oculi, corrugator supercilii, depressor supercilii
and the procerus. In the middle third, the SMAS is invested
by the nasalis muscles, zygomaticus major, minor, levator
labii superioris alaeque nasi and levator labii superioris.
Laterally, the SMAS is superficial to the parotid fascia and
extends inferiorly to include the platysma muscles.
Inferomedial, the SMAS is invested by the orbicularis oris,
risorius, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris and
mentalis and is continuous with the platysma.
With the exception of the levator anguli oris and mentalis,
the facial nerve travels deep into the SMAS layer and inner-
vates the muscles of facial expression, making dissection
above the SMAS during facelift safe [16].
An analogy of the retaining ligaments is that they are
rooted in a tree into the periosteum and deep fascial thicken-
ing, and as it approaches the SMAS, it divides into numerous
branches and inserts into the dermis called retinacular cutis
[15] (Fig. 37.6). Fig. 37.6  Retaining ligaments (RLs) insert into the subcutaneous layer
Stuzin [17] and Furnas et al. [18] described the retaining as retinacular cutis. It is likened to a tree by Mendelson BC [15]. (Figure
adapted and redrawn from Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2009, Chapter 6 by
ligaments [17]. The partitioning of separate fascial spaces Mendelson BC)
and compartments is caused by these retaining ligaments,
which are classified into osteocutaneous and fasciocutaneous
retaining ligaments.
Osteocutaneous retaining ligaments originate from the
periosteum and include the zygomatic and mandibular cuta-
neous ligaments. Stout zygomatic retaining ligaments origi-
nate from the inferior border of the zygomatic arch towards
the junction between the arch and the body and insert into the
dermis of the skin as fibrous septa. It is posterior to the zygo-
maticus major muscle, approximately 3  mm in width,
0.5 mm in thickness and 4.5 cm anterior to the tragus [18].
Loss of support results in malar fat descent.
The mandibular ligament originates from the periosteum
10 mm above the mandibular border, extends along the ante-
rior one third of the mandibular body and inserts into the
dermis [19] (Fig. 37.7). It coincides with the anterior margin
of the jowl.
Fasciocutaneous retaining ligaments include the masse-
teric and parotid cutaneous ligaments also known as the pla-
tysma auricular ligament and coalesce between the superficial
and deep fascia of the face [1]. ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Masseteric ligaments originate from the parotidomasse-
teric cutaneous ligaments, and. loss of support results in Fig. 37.7  Osteocutaneous ligaments comprising the zygomatic retain-
ing ligaments (ZRLs) and the mandibular retaining ligaments (MRLs)
37  Surgical Facelift 763

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.9  Greater auricular nerve block

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 37.4.1 Incision

Fig. 37.8  Fasciocutaneous retaining ligaments comprising the masse-
The incision lines are divided into four sections: temporal,
teric retaining ligaments (MasRLs) and the parotid cutaneous ligaments
also known as platysma auricular retaining ligaments (PARLs) preauricular, postauricular and scalp extension. The tempo-
ral component is either into the hairline or just at the hairline/
sideburn border. The latter has the advantage of not moving
facial jowling. Parotid cutaneous ligaments are formed by the sideburn position; however, it would give a telltale sign
the posterior border of the platysma, which had receded into of a visible scar. In the former approach, the sideburn area
fascial condensation. It is fused with the parotid fascia, is may get lifted into the temporal area and the scar will be hid-
attached to the overlying skin and provides firm anchorage den. This position should be made in conjunction with dis-
between the platysma and the dermis in the inferior auricular cussion with the patient, and suitability of the incision should
region (Fig. 37.8). be selected.
The preauricular marking could be a pre-tragal, intra-­
tragal or post-tragal. The latter can distort the tragal projec-
37.4 Standard Facelift tion, and the pre-tragal will give a visible scar. We prefer an
intra-tragal approach and obtain the tragal projection by
Surgery can be carried out either under general anaesthesia placing a subcutaneous anchor suture before the final closure
or under local anaesthetic with or without sedation. in order to maintain the natural concavity and simultane-
Local anaesthesia comprising Lidocaine 2% with adrena- ously achieve an invisible scar (Figs. 37.10 and 37.11).
line 1:80,000 is infiltrated in the zygomaticofacial region, The postauricular incision should be a few millimetres
infraorbital, mental, greater auricular (Fig.  37.9) and the into the postauricular area from the sulcus so that post-­
lesser occipital nerves. operatively the scar will settle down comfortably into the
Tumescent solution reconstituted with 1  L of saline, sulcus. The scalp extension is carried out by multiple W or Z
50 mL of 1% lidocaine, 1 mL of adrenaline 1:1000 and 6 mL plasty type incisions in a trichophytic fashion to minimize
of 8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate is then injected subcutaneously hair loss and to have an invisible scar (Fig. 37.12).
after stab incisions are placed in the temporal, preauricular, A 2.5 cm curvilinear incision parallel to the mandibular
postauricular and submental regions. Approximately 300 mL contour is the submental incision to the neck lift section in
of tumescent solution in all is injected. order to expose the anterior border of the platysma and the
In both approaches, infiltration of Tumescent solution in a platysmal dissection.
subcutaneous plane is essential to carry out atraumatic dis-
section. In our practice, 95% of standard facelift are carried
out with simultaneous neck lift, as we feel it would be impos- 37.4.2 Dissection
sible to mobilize the attenuated soft tissue to achieve sym-
metry and an unoperated look of the midface without The submental flap dissection is carried out at first to expose
bringing attention to the neck aesthetics. the platysma muscle as much as possible (Fig. 37.13).
764 V. Ilankovan and T. E. Seah

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.10  Temporal to preauricular incision (red). Occipital or scalp Fig. 37.12  Illustration showing the postauricular and occipital or scalp
extension (broken line) extension

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Fig. 37.13  Dissection is in the supraplatysma plane

Fig. 37.11  Hairline to tragal incision (red). Occipital or scalp exten-

sion (broken line)
fascia is exposed, which we use as an anchor point to the
SMAS suturing (Fig. 37.15). The preauricular dissection will
Next, the scalp and postauricular dissection is carried out. expose the zygomatic ligaments, lateral end of the orbicu-
The anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and laris oculi and the anterior border of the parotid–masseteric
posterior border of the platysma are exposed, and a cavity of fascia with careful attention towards the buccal branch of the
the neck is connected anteriorly and posteriorly (Fig. 37.14). facial nerve (Fig. 37.16).
The next step is to focus on the temporal and preauricular The preauricular, neck and postauricular dissection should
dissection. In the temporal, the deep part of deep temporal now be in one cavity.
37  Surgical Facelift 765

37.4.3 SMAS and Platysmal Elevation

and Plication

SMAS elevation and management are carried out in various

forms. We elevate the SMAS in an inverted L fashion
(Fig. 37.17) starting at the preauricular plane, and the supe-
rior limit is at the lateral end of the zygomatic arch. The ante-
rior dissection passes to the parotid-masseteric fascia
(Fig. 37.18). The inferior dissection is to join the subplatys-

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.14  The postauricular flap is then connected to the cervical flap
and the submental region made previously

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.17  An inverted L shape incision (blue lines) is made on the

SMAS stopping short of the parotid fascia. The shorter limb is just below
the zygomatic arch, while the longer limb is in the preauricular region

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.15  Deep layer of the deep temporal fascia exposed

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.16  After the deep temporal fascia is exposed, dissection is car- Fig. 37.18  Cut SMAS peeled anteriorly to show underlying parotid.
ried out in a different plane subcutaneously to raise a skin flap Facial nerve exits the parotid deep into the SMAS. Deep into these are
the masseter muscles followed by the buccinator muscles with horizon-
tal muscle striations
766 V. Ilankovan and T. E. Seah

mal plane at the angle of the jaw with consideration to avoid

damage to the two or three cervical branches. In our practice,
the elevated SMAS is anchored in a superior direction to the
deep part of the deep temporal fascia (Fig. 37.19).
Our platysma dissection and plication are in four steps.
The anterior border of the platysma is sutured in the midline
[20] (Fig. 37.20). In some patients with short neck, the pla-
tysmal suturing needs to be hitched to the body of the hyloid
bone. In some patients, a release of the inferior border of the
platysma muscle at this area could also be considered. Then,

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.21  A submental incision is made (white outline). Corset

sutures are done twice, and the suture is plicated to the mastoid fascia
on both sides

the lateral border of the platysma muscle is sutured to the

anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The third
step is in platysmal plication is placing a cinch suture, which
is placed joining the two anterior borders of the muscles in
the midline and, after catching the platysma muscle in two or
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India three areas, hitched the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the
final anchor into the mastoid periosteum (Fig.  37.21).
Fig. 37.19  The cut SMAS is then advanced superiorly and sutured to Depending on the neck anatomy, we sometimes place a sec-
the deep temporal fascia with 3/0 Polygluconate (Maxon, Tyco Health ond cinch suture about 5–6 mm below the first to avoid bulg-
UK Ltd., Gosport PO130AS, UK) (blue line)
ing of the submandibular gland.

37.4.4 Closure

Meticulous haemostasis is done with bipolar electrocautery

throughout the procedure. The cervicofacial flaps are draped
over the margins in a superolateral vector with much empha-
sis on the superior than the lateral direction (Fig.  37.22).
Final anchoring is done with two key sutures that are placed
along the helical attachment and the superior aspect of the
postauricular incision. Cuts are made on the excess skin, per-
pendicular to the flap margin, stopping just short of it
(Fig. 37.23). This allows the margins to be visualized when
trimming the excess skin. If a tragal incision was made, the
skin can be thinned and trimmed to mimic tragal shape and
skin during closure at the tragus. Dog ears are preferably
removed at the apex rather than in the ear lobe region. The
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
ear lobe is then replaced 15° posterior to the vertical position
Fig. 37.20  The medial edges of the platysma are sutured to each other to reduce the telltale signs of facelift procedures. Layered
at the midline in a corset manner repaired is then carried out in the final closure.
37  Surgical Facelift 767

The medications are taken on a prescribed fashion.

The patient is placed on antibiotics and painkillers for a
week. Sleeping is done with the head elevated by 2–3 pil-
lows. The patient is seen on the day after the surgery to
ensure that there is no haematoma. If drains are placed, they
are removed during this time.
Facial bandages are placed between 2 and 5 days. Sutures
are removed 7–10 days later. The wounds are kept moist with
antibiotic ointment such as Tetracycline 3% or Mupirocin
ointment 2% (Figs. 37.24a, b and 37.25a, b).

37.6 Complications and Management

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Post-operative complications of facelifts include post-­
Fig. 37.22  Excess skin is draped in a superolateral vector over the operative haematoma, skin necrosis, sensory and motor dis-
margins and excised turbances, obvious scarring, seroma, alopecia, auricular
deformity and dyspigmentation [21]. Detailed informed
consent should be obtained from patients prior to the

37.6.1 Haematoma

A thorough medical history is needed prior to surgery.

Antiplatelet medications such as Aspirin, Clopidogrel,
Dipyridamole and powerful anticoagulation drugs such
as warfarin will have to be stopped after consultation
with the patient’s prescribing physicians. Patients on
herbal or traditional Chinese medications such as ginkgo
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India biloba and Cordyceps will also need to be stopped before
Fig. 37.23  Cuts are made perpendicular to the flap margin stopping Haematoma formation is by far the most common com-
short of the margins and then excised accordingly plication with some papers reporting up to 15% [21].
Expanding haematoma usually happens in the first 24
37.4.5 Support Dressings hours and must be evacuated. Smaller haematoma can be
aspirated, and pressure bandage is placed for pressure
There are different ways of providing this final exercise. We haemostasis. Meticulous haemostasis with bipolar dia-
apply antibiotic topical ointment followed by non-sticky thermy is mandatory for facelift procedures. The flap and
dressing to the pre- and postauricular area and an adjustable the underlying bed should be scrutinized for bleeding
Velcro band. In the literature, however, various pressure spots with a good head light or fibre optic light attached to
dressings are applied. a retractor. Brisk bleeding from larger vessels should be
ligated. Adjunctive measures including fibrin glue [22,
23] and platelet gel and facelift bandages have been
37.5 Post-operative Management explored.
Large haematoma are a cause for concern and need to be
Velcro bands are removed on a daily fashion. Wounds are evacuated. They can cause problems in healing including
cleaned followed by topical ointment and reapplication of skin ischaemia.
the Velcro band.
768 V. Ilankovan and T. E. Seah

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.24 (a) Pre-operative profile view showing excess loose skin, resected, jowls had been corrected and there was improved cervicomen-
jowling, submental fat and deep nasolabial fold. (b) Post-operative pro- tal definition
file view after facelift and platysma plication. Excessive skin had been

37.6.2 Skin Ischaemia and Necrosis bed during which perfusion is only by the vessels supplying
the flap. This causes the areas furthest away from the perfus-
Ischaemic changes and flap necrosis can occur due to circu- ing vessels to be at risk of ischaemia.
latory disturbances. This can happen when the flap is too thin Necrosis of the skin is more common in the postauricular
or had underwent extensive undermining and exuberant cau- than the preauricular region.
tery, closed under excessive tension or compromised by Application of nitroglycerin paste may help to encourage
excessively tight bandage compression. The incidence ranges vasodilation when done in the early stages [25]. Conservative
between 1.1 and 3% [24]. Venous congestion or arterial treatment to allow healing via secondary intention followed
obstruction can result in skin ischaemia and necrosis. Large by laser, excision of the scar with repair via rotation flaps can
unevacuated haematoma separates the flap off the underlying be carried out at a later stage.
37  Surgical Facelift 769

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.25  (a) Pre-operative profile view showing excess skin, slight jowling, submental fat and severe loss of neck definition. (b) Post-operative
profile view after facelift and platysma plication

37.6.3 Obvious Scarring dure, but this usually occurs temporarily and resolves in 1
Scarring can occur when the wounds are closed under exces- The most common sensory disturbance occurs to the great
sive tension or if the incisions are placed at an inappropriate auricular nerve. The greater auricular nerve crosses the ster-
position due to poor design. Skin slough and necrosis of the nocleidomastoid muscle at approximately 6.5 cm inferior to
flap can lead to severe scarring. Patients who are more prone the external auditory meatus and travels superiorly to supply
to hypertrophic scarring or keloids should be warned. Wound the postauricular region.
tension can develop and cause scarring if there is excessive Injury to this nerve can be temporary or permanent due to
removal of skin or if undermining of the flap is inadequate. dissection over the postauricular, mastoid region and to a
Treatment of scarring includes conservative treatment lesser extent in the cervical region. This results in numbness
with antibiotic ointment such as Tetracycline cream 3% or of the ear lobe and postauricular area.
Bactroban cream. This is followed by steroid injections such Other forms of numbness can be found in preauricular region.
as triamcinolone acetate, application of silicone sheet or gel
dressing. As the scar improves and stabilizes, it can be
lasered, excised and revised. 37.6.5 Motor Nerve Disturbances

Keeping away from the planes that the facial nerve travels in
37.6.4 Sensory Disturbances is the safest method to avoid motor nerve problems. The
facial nerve branches course through the parotid gland and
Sensory disturbances occur invariably due to the dissection exits the parotid gland to travel deep to the SMAS layer
and separation of the facial planes during the facelift proce- before innervating the muscles of facial expression. Care
770 V. Ilankovan and T. E. Seah

should be taken when dissecting beyond the parotid or when 37.8 Case Scenarios
dissecting deep into the SMAS layer.
Facial nerve injury ranges from 0.4 to 2.6% [21]. The Case Scenario 1 (Fig. 37.26)
most common motor nerve damage is the marginal man-
dibular nerve followed by the temporal nerve and then the A 67-year-old Caucasian lady presented with unhappy
buccal branch. Neuropraxia from exuberant retraction, cau- aesthetics of her face. She had had a considerable amount
tery heat and compression can result in temporary or per- of sun exposure over the years. Her medical history was
manent loss of the motor function. The marginal mandibular unremarkable.
branch courses in the superficial layer of the deep cervical Clinical features:
fascia, deep into the platysmal layer, and may be damaged On examination she had multiple minor and major
when dissecting in this region. The temporal branch of the wrinkles on her face. On examination of the mid face, she
facial nerve courses just deep to the superficial temporal showed descending SOOF and malar fat pads. She had
fascia and travels 0.5  cm anterior to the tragus and then prominent folding of the nasolabial fold and loss of man-
obliquely to 1.5  cm above the lateral edge of the dibular border definition. Her neck was a good shape for her
eyebrows. age (Fig. 37.26a, b).
She underwent a standard facelift without a neck lift and
37.6.6 Ear Lobe Irregularities simultaneous autologous fat augmentation malar, chin and
perioral areas.
“Pixie or elf-like” ear is a stigma of facelift. The ear lobe Post-operative findings:
should be repositioned in a tensionless fashion, and the ear The post-operative profile shows aesthetically pleasing
lobe should be placed 15° posterior to the vertical axis of the contour with an unoperated look (Fig. 37.26c, d). A majority
pinna [6]. Over resection of the flap at the base of the auricle of ageing changes have been removed. She ideally should
as well as failure to place subcutaneous stay sutures on the undergo perioral laser resurfacing to improve the skin
facial flap at the ear base can result in the ear being pulled quality.
Pixie ears can be revised by releasing the base of the auri-
cle and creating a new ear lobe. Case Scenario 2 (Fig. 37.27)

A 73-old lady presented with ageing changes and was

37.7 Conclusion unhappy with the mid and lower face. She was concerned
about the aesthetics of her neck (Fig. 37.27a, b).
The facelift remains the single most powerful method in facial She is an insulin-dependent diabetic and takes medication
rejuvenation for the moderate to advanced ageing face. It has for hypertension.
developed from small elliptical incisions and closure to full Clinical features:
facelift with simultaneous neck lift. A variety of techniques On examination, the mid face showed malar fat descent
have been described contributing to its evolution including with prominent nasolabial fold. She had marked marionette
SMAS layer management, standard facelifts, composite face- lines, pre-jowl sulcus and prominent jowls. Examination of
lifts, platysmal plication and smaller flaps such as the MACS the lower face showed platysmal bands and loss of mandibu-
lift and S-lifts. The standard face and simultaneous neck lift lar neck definition with submental fat projection.
can treat most of the problems of the mid and lower face as Treatment:
well as the neck. An intimate understanding of the anatomy of She underwent a standard face and neck lift with platys-
the face, appropriate choice of the facelift design and meticu- mal and SMAS plication.
lous execution are paramount in giving the patient an ideal Post-operative findings:
outcome while avoiding the possible complications. Three month post-operative photograph shows correction
for the ageing changes and a pleasing facial and neck profile
Disclosure Authors have no financial conflicts to disclose. (Fig. 37.27c, d).
37  Surgical Facelift 771

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.26  Standard face and neck lift with platysmal and SMAS plication. (a, b) Pre-operative appearance demonstrating wrinkles in frontal and
profile view. (c, d) Post-operative appearance demonstrating wrinkles in frontal and profile view
772 V. Ilankovan and T. E. Seah

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 37.27  Standard face and neck lift with platysmal and SMAS plication. (a, b) Pre-operative appearance demonstrating wrinkles in frontal and
profile view. (c, d) Post-operative appearance demonstrating wrinkles in frontal and profile view
37  Surgical Facelift 773

References 13. Fulton JE, et  al. The S-Lift facelift featuring the U-Suture and
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14. Tonnard P, et al. Minimal access cranial suspension lift: a modified
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2. Hollander E.  Die kosmetische chirurgie. In: Joseph M, editor.
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3. Mangat DS, Frankel JK. The history of rhytidectomy. Facial Plast
16. Warren RJ, et al. Face lift. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;128:747e–64e.
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17. Stuzin JM, Baker TJ, Gordon HL, Baker TM. Extended SMAS dis-
4. Tonnard PL, Verpaele AM. The MACS-lift short-scar rhytidectomy.
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5. Mitz V, Peyronie M.  The superficial musculoaponeurotic sys-
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6. Ilankovan V. Recent advances in face lift to achieve facial balance.
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20. Sebasan T, Ilankovan V.  Plication of the platysma. Br J Oral

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Maxillofac Surg. 2006;44(4):325.
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22. Griffin JE, Jo C.  Complications after superficial plane cervico-
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23. Zoumalan R, Rizk SS. Hematoma rates I drainless deep-plane face-­
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25. Niamtu J. Cosmetic facial surgery: Elsevier Mosby; 2011. p. 354.
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Nasir A. Nasser

38.1 Introduction nal nose and internal nose. The important landmarks
(Figs. 38.1A, B and 38.2) related to nasal anatomy are high-
The nose occupies the centre of the face and receives enor- lighted in Box 38.1.
mous attention as a key aesthetic element. It is also an impor-
tant organ contributing to vital functions of breathing and
olfaction. A nose with ideal proportions creates a harmoni- 38.2.1 External Nose
ous balance of aesthetic and psychological wellness. Whilst
a rhinoplasty can significantly improve the quality of life of A. Skin and underlying tissues: The features of nasal skin
patients, there may be associated complications and undesir- including color, consistency and thickness can vary
able outcomes. It is imperative that the surgeon desiring to between patients and are important determinants of out-
practise the art and science of rhinoplasty should be familiar come of rhinoplasty. Skin thickness varies in different
with the essential basics before embarking on this journey. parts of the nose and at different stages of life. The aver-
The aim of this chapter is to provide a clinical overview of age skin thickness is the greatest at the radix (measuring
the spectrum of rhinoplasty in an easily comprehensible 1.25 mm) and the least at the Rhinion (0.6 mm) [2]. The
manner. The primary section is focussed on the key elements supratip area has abundant sebaceous glands especially
of anatomy, diagnosis and documentation prior to any surgi- in adolescent males. Skin thickness is reduced in the col-
cal procedure on the nose. Basic operative techniques includ- umella and mid-alar area and increased in the alar base
ing approaches, septoplasty, osteotomies and grafts are area. Both the thickness of the skin and the presence of
described in the next section. The management of most com- sebaceous glands in the caudal half of the nose make it
mon nasal deformities is covered in the last section. difficult to achieve an ideal result in a predictable
Beneath the skin and above the underlying osseocarti-
38.2 Surgical Anatomy of the Nose laginous framework are the layers of the superficial mus-
culoaponeurotic system (SMAS), fibromuscular layer,
The nose is a complex anatomic unit composed of skin, sub- deep fatty layer, and periosteum/perichondrium [3]. The
cutaneous tissue and fibro-fatty tissue draped over a complex SMAS of the nose is the continuation of the sheath that
osteocartilaginous framework [1]. Understanding its overall extends across the entire upper half of the face with adi-
morphology along with other characteristics helps in accu- pose tissues, vertical fibres and septi, extending to the
rate diagnosis and management of various deformities. skin. Under the SMAS is a layer of thin fibrofatty tissue
Based on the framework, the nose can be divided into exter- that divides the superficial and deep muscles of the nose
[4]. The deep fatty layer separates the fibromuscular
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- layer from the underlying nasal framework. Major blood
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_38) contains supple- vessels, lymphatics and nerves run within it. Deep to this
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. layer is the periosteum of the nasal bones and the peri-
chondrium of the cartilaginous frame. The avascular
N. A. Nasser (*) plane of dissection is in the supra perichondrial plane just
Barts & London NHS Trust, Whipps Cross University Hospital,
London, UK
below the fibrofatty SMAS layer.

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 775

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_38
776 N. A. Nasser

Fig. 38.1  Nasal anatomy

landmarks—frontal view. (A) A Radix
Clinical picture, (B) Line
diagram: (a) Radix, (b)
Dorsum, (c) Tip lobule, (d) Dorsum
Alar lobule, (e) Tip, (f) Alar
base, (g) Columella, (h) Side wall

Tip lobule

Alar Lobule

Soft triangle


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

B. External Vault The angle between the caudal border of the upper lateral
The nose is divided topographically into thirds as shown cartilage and the septum is usually 10–15° and consti-
in Figs. 38.3 and 38.4. tutes the internal nasal valve (Fig. 38.5a, b).
Upper third: The nasal bones constitute the upper one Lower Third: The lower third or lobule of the nose is
third. This part of the nose is pyramidal in shape, the nar- further subdivided into the tip, supra tip and infra tip
rowest portion being at the intercanthal line. Nasal bones regions. These specific areas of the lobule are formed by
vary in length and become thinner as they extend cau- variations in the shape, size, and angles of the lower lat-
dally toward the Rhinion. The nasal bones are attached to eral cartilages (LLCs). The form of the lobule is defined
the frontal bone above at the radix which forms the fron- by the tip or apex of the nose. The area defining the over-
tonasal angle. They articulate with the ascending process lap of the LLC and the caudal aspect of the ULC is called
of the maxilla. Caudally, the nasal bones overlap the the “scroll” area and has a fibrous attachment. The size of
upper lateral cartilages [Keystone area] [5]. the scroll area along with the slope of the lateral crus con-
Middle third: This contains the paired upper lateral tributes to the bulbosity of the lobule.
cartilages (ULCs) and is referred to as the cartilaginous The lower lateral cartilages have four essential com-
vault. The ULCs are fixed above to the under-surface of ponents: the medial crus, intermediate crus, dome and the
the nasal bones and fused with the septum, and they sepa- lateral crus (Fig.  38.6a, b, c): The cephalic edge of the
rate from the septum as they extend inferiorly. An impor- domal segment of the intermediate crus is responsible for
tant surface landmark in this region is the external lateral the aesthetic point known as the pronasale. The supra tip
triangle; bounded above by the upper lateral cartilages, is immediately cephalic to the pronasale. The infra tip is
laterally by the frontal process of the maxilla, and cau- located between the pronasale and the apex of the nos-
dally the cephalic border of the lower lateral cartilage. trils. The infra tip region should have a gentle curve that
38 Rhinoplasty 777

Radix Landmark Definition

14. Supra-alar Groove immediately cephalad to the alar
crease crease
Dorsum 15. Sub-nasale Junction of columella with the lip

Side wall

Tip lobule Upper 3rd

Alar Lobule
Middle 3rd

Lower 3rd
Soft triangle

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.2  Nasal anatomy landmarks—lateral view

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.3  External vault—lateral view

Box 38.1 Rhinoplasty landmarks
slightly projects inferiorly to the alar margins. The
Landmark Definition
medial-lateral crura complex forms a tripod that is an
1. Nasion Depression at the junction of the nose
with the forehead
essential concept to understand for correction of tip
Deepest point at the root of the nose deformities. The lateral crura form the two cephalic lat-
2. Radix Area centred around the nasion. eral legs while the medial along with the intermediate
3. Nasal Part of the nasal frame made up of the crus form the caudal leg of the tripod (Fig. 38.7a, b, c).
pyramid bilateral nasal bone and frontal process of Medial crus: The medial crus has two distinct seg-
the maxilla
4. Keystone area Junction of the perpendicular plate of the
ments: the footplate and the columella. The footplate var-
ethmoid with the septal cartilage at the ies in size and in the degree of lateral angulation, which
dorsum of the nose governs the width of the columellar base.
5. Rhinion The point located at the Intermediate crus: It extends between the medial crus
osseocartilaginous junction over the
and the lateral crus. The length and width of the intermedi-
dorsum of the nose
6. Nasal tip Caudal part of the nose bounded ate crus control the configuration of the infra-tip lobule.
lobule posteriorly by the anterior nostril edge, Dome: The domal segment is the narrowest and
superiorly by the supra tip area and thinnest portion of the lower lateral cartilage, yet is the
laterally by the alar grooves most important in relation to the tip shape. In an ideal
7. Nasal tip The most anterior point of the lobule
nose, the cephalic edges of the paradomal segments are
8. Anatomic Most anterior projected portion of the
dome lower lateral cartilages between the in close approximation and the caudal portions are
medial and lateral crus divergent. Whenever the cephalic margins diverge, they
9. Tip defining Summit of the domes. Most projecting result in widening of the nasal tip. A wide domal angle
points (TDP) area on each side of the tip that produces with increased interdomal width results in a boxy tip.
external light reflection
Lateral Crus: It constitutes the larger component of
10. Supratip area Area just cephalad to the nasal tip at the
caudal portion of the nasal dorsum the nasal lobule. It is narrow anteriorly, widens in the
11. Infratip Portion of the tip between the tip defining mid-portion and narrows again laterally. The anterior
lobule points and apex of nostrils portion of this cartilage can curve with different angula-
12. Tip projection Distance from the most projected portion tions and controls the convexity of the ala. The lateral
of the tip to the most posterior point of
the nasal–cheek junction
crus also provides support to the anterior half of the alar
13. Alar groove Oblique skin depression between the tip rim. This cartilage is usually oriented at a 45° angle to the
and the ala vertical facial plane. Narrowing of the angle between the
dorsum and the long axis of the lower lateral cartilage
778 N. A. Nasser

Fig. 38.4  External vault—lateral view. Line diagram

showing the three divisions

Upper 3rd


Middle 3rd



Lower 3rd

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a1 a2 b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.5  Nasal valve; (a1, a2) line diagram, (b) clinical photograph

may cause dysmorphology of the tip called cephalic mal- pressors, and dilators. The procerus, levator labii superioris
position or ‘parenthesis deformity’. alaeque nasi, elevates and shortens the nose. These muscles are
Several fibrous attachments exist joining the cartilages important because they assist in opening the nasal valves. The
to each other, namely, lower lateral cartilages to the upper depressor muscles consist of the nasalis and depressor septi.
lateral cartilage, from one lateral crus to the opposite in On contraction, this group of muscles adversely affect the tip
the supratip area (the Pitanguy ligament), dense fibrous rotation by displacing it inferiorly and elevating the lip superi-
bands between the caudal septum & the medial crura and orly [5]. The transverse nasalis muscle forms the compressor,
between the medial crura themselves [6]. while the dilator naris has the opposite function.
Blood Supply and innervation: Both external and
Muscles (Fig. 38.8): The muscles of the nose are divided by internal carotid arteries contribute to the vasculature of the
their functions into four categories; elevators, depressors, com- external nose (Fig. 38.9). The major blood supply is from
38 Rhinoplasty 779

a1 a2

Angle of rotation
middle crus Angle of divergence

Intermediate crus

b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.6  Lower lateral cartilage (a1, a2) Diagrammatic representation and (b, c) clinical pictures

three vessels: the dorsal nasal artery—a terminal branch of 38.2.2 Internal Anatomy
the ophthalmic artery, the angular and superior labial arter-
ies from the facial artery. The lateral nasal artery (branch of The internal nose is divided by the “midline” nasal septum.
the angular artery) forms a plexus with the dorsal nasal Anteriorly, the septum forms the medial boundary of the
artery, branches of infra-trochlear artery, and the external nasal vestibule whose lateral wall is formed by the lower lat-
branches of the anterior ethmoidal artery. A small contribu- eral cartilages and their attachment to the pyriform rim.
tion is also received from the lateral branches of the infra- The deeper part of the nasal cavity is bounded laterally by
orbital artery. the medial wall of the antrum, medially by the osseocarti-
Sensory innervation to the nose is provided by the maxil- laginous septum, superiorly by the ethmoid and the sphenoid
lary and ophthalmic branches of the fifth cranial nerve [7]. bones and inferiorly by the palatal process of the maxilla and
780 N. A. Nasser

b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.7  Nasal tripod; (a) clinical photograph, (b) line diagram showing medial crus (yellow), intermediate crus (red) and lateral crus (grey) (c)
line diagram showing basal view

the palatine bones. There are thin, curved, bony prominences The cartilaginous septum is formed by the quadrangu-
in the lateral wall called the inferior, middle, and superior lar cartilage that extends from Rhinion to the supratip area
concha. The cephalic portion of the lateral nasal wall is and supports the dorsum and the tip complex. Inferiorly,
bound with the ethmoid cells, interposed between the lateral the ­cartilagenous septum is attached firmly to the anterior
wall of the nasal cavity and the medial wall of the orbit. nasal spine and the maxillary crest. The junction between
the dorsal and caudal portion of the cartilaginous sep-
tum is called the “anterior septal angle”. There is tenu-
38.2.3 Nasal Septum ous attachment of the perichondrium and periosteum at
the junction of the bony and cartilaginous septum. The
The septum is partly cartilaginous and partly bony. The eth- membranous septum lies above the cephalic margins of
moid perpendicular plate forms the upper bony septum and the paired medial crura. It encases fibrous bands between
is continuous with the frontal bone and the cribriform plate. two layers of soft tissue covering and the depressor septi
The lower bony septum is composed of the vomer and nasal muscle.
crest of the maxilla (Fig. 38.10a, b).
38 Rhinoplasty 781

Fig. 38.8  Muscles of the

Orbicularis oculi

Medial canthal tendon Procerus

Anomalous nasi

Dilator naris
Levator labii superioris
alaeque nasi (elevator)
narium minor

Transverse nasalis
(a compressor)

Alar nasalis Depressor

(a depressor) septi nasi
Orbicularis oris

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.9  Vascularity of the

Supraorbital a.

Supratrochlear a.

Dorsal nasal a.

External nasal branch of

anterior ethmoidal a.

Infraorbital a.

Lateral nasal a.

Columellar branch

Septal branch

Angular a.

Superior labial a.

Facial a.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

782 N. A. Nasser

Cartilagenous septum
a b

Key area preservation Dorsal (leading) edge anterior

Supports septum

Anterior septal angle

Caudal edge

Maintains tip support Posterior septal angle

ANS (Anterior Nasal Spine)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.10 (a) Anatomy of nasal septum, (b) line diagram with landmarks

Box 38.2 Clinical examination for Rhinoplasty

General/Systemic Facial Nose
Airway/breathing Intercanthal distance Skin quality
Mouth breathing
Bleeding disorders Inter-eyebrow distance Nasal bone—width, length and symmetry
Hypertension Frontal-bossing/glabellar projection ULC (Upper Lateral Cartilage)—width and symmetry
Diabetes/ Upper lip position LLC (Lower Lateral Cartilage)
immunosuppression • Cephalic malposition
• Interdomal distance
• Asymmetry of light reflecting points
• Lobule position
• Nostril-columellar relation
Psychological Chin position Alar base
assessment • Vertical and horizontal position (in repose and smile)
• Inter alar distance (should be 2 mm wider than intercanthal distance)
• Insertion of the alar base

38.2.4 Lateral Nasal Wall 38.3 Clinical Examination

The lateral aspect of the nasal cavity is composed of three Clinical examination should be comprehensive and include
anatomic structures: the inferior, middle, and superior turbi- the assessment of systemic diseases (Box 38.2) [9].
nates. The inferior turbinate forms a boundary of the internal General examination would include ruling out any syn-
nasal valve, where its specially adapted erectile tissues regu- dromic deformities [9]. Obtaining correct history of systemic
late the air flow and facilitate heat and moisture exchange. disease and bleeding disorders are of paramount importance.
Branches of the anterior ethmoidal artery accompany the The extensive vascular network in the nose, in the presence
external nasal branch of the anterior ethmoid nerve, passing of a coagulation disorder, may predispose the patient to
between the nasal bone and upper lateral cartilages, and supply severe haemorrhage in the intra- or post-operative period.
the soft tissues of the dorsum and tip of the nose. The posterior Existing breathing difficulty or any allergy-related symp-
ethmoidal branches supply the smaller area above the superior toms such as rhinorrhea, sneezing, watery eyes, itching and
concha on the lateral wall and a corresponding area high on the loss of sense of smell and taste are observed. Majority of
septum [8]. The posterior part of the internal nose is supplied successful rhinoplasties are reductive in nature; an unde-
by branches of the sphenopalatine ganglion of the second divi- tected or uncorrected underlying airway compromise may
sion of the trigeminal nerve (the long sphenopalatine, the naso- cause further deterioration and convert an aesthetic concern
palatine and part of the greater palatine nerves). to a functional predicament. If the presence of any sinus
38 Rhinoplasty 783

infections and headaches is not recorded preoperatively, the and interpupillary distance is important in assessing the nasal
patient may attribute these conditions to rhinoplasty [10]. bones, dorsum and radix. For a proper facial balance, the
malar bone, maxilla, mandible and the nasal bones should be
in an optimum spatial relationship. The length of the upper
38.3.1 Examination of the Face lip, its position during rest and smile, upper incisor show and
its proportion in relation to the rest of the face are also
The face in the frontal view is divided into thirds and fifths for assessed. The nose and chin may have a paradoxical relation-
assessment of proportion and harmony of various structures ship whereby a patient may have an overprojected nose and at
(Fig. 38.11a, b, c). In the upper third, the intercanthal distance the same time an underprojected chin and vice versa.

a1 a2

b1 b2 b3 b4
c1 c2

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.11 (a)–(c) Examination of face and nose; frontal, lateral, basal. (b1) Ni - Ideal nasion, Ti Ideal tip. (b2) STB - Supra Tip Break, CLA -
Columella Labial Angle. (b3) Nasal Length is measured from nasal radix to nasal tip (A–B), Nasal projection (C–B) is length from Naso-labial
junction to nasal tip. The ratio between AB and CB (Goode’s Ratio) should be ideally 0.55 to 0.60
784 N. A. Nasser

38.3.2 Examination of the Nose are standardised in relation to the Frankfurt horizontal plane.
All four views are evaluated for the assessment of the facial
Visual analysis of the nose along with careful palpation horizontal thirds and vertical fifths. The quality of skin
allows the surgeon to assess the morphology and thickness of (thickness and Fitzpatrick type) and facial symmetry are also
the skin and soft tissue envelope. studied using all the views. The basic focus lies in the study
Frontal, profile and basal views should be used to of the loco-­regional anatomy and the inter-relationships of
assess the various components of the nose discussed the structures. The pictures are evaluated to assess any dis-
above, individually. crepancies in size, deviations or dorsal hump that may be
immediately evident and recordable.

38.3.3 Photographic Assessment • Frontal view

The length, width and the tip characteristics are well
Patient’s photographs are an important component of preop- observed on the frontal views. The width is individually
erative analysis and planning of the procedure. In addition, assessed in the upper, middle and lower thirds of the nose.
pre- and post-operative photographs are crucial for outcome Frontal views also show a straight or a crooked nose. The
monitoring and are indispensable from a medicolegal point presence of a dorsal hump or a saddle deformity is noted as
of view [11]. With the advent of 3D imaging, image fusion these may provide an illusion of the nose being narrow or
and photogrammetry, preoperative and postoperative fea- wide, respectively. The presence of a truly wide nose may
tures can be compared in all dimensions [12]. also demonstrate features of pseudo/true hypertelorism.
There are four important photographic views that are used The dorsal aesthetic lines should be studied in detail.
for analysis of the nose, namely, frontal, basal, lateral (at rest They follow the eyebrows across the radix and along the
and smiling) and oblique views (Fig.  38.12). Photographs dorsum to end at the tip defining points on either side.

Frontal 1/4 Oblique



• Straightness
• Bony-cartilagenous
• Width
•Tip bulbosity
• Tip definition
• Alar columellar relation

Profile-rest Profile-smiling Basal



• Radix
• Dorsal height
• Tip projection
• Tip rotation
• Alar columellar relation
• Nasolabial angle
• Caudal septum
• Chin projection

Courtsey E.M. Tardy

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.12  Photographic analysis

38 Rhinoplasty 785

The lines should be almost parallel with a smooth diver- The columella is also assessed for over- and undervisi-
gence at the brow but without any visible or perceptible bility with the evaluation of a columellar double break
breaks. that is formed by the junction of the medial and interme-
The nasal tip is assessed for symmetry and definition. diate crus.
The tip is also assessed for features of boxy appearance,
bulbosity or bifidity. The alar base, ala and columella are • Oblique view assesses the volume of the tip lobule and
also evaluated. The formation of a gentle “gull in flight” Brow tip aesthetic line.
form should be appreciated for the relationship of the ala Assessment of the oblique view may not provide objec-
and the infratip lobule. An exaggerated curve may be tive details. However, the nose is most viewed at this
indicative of a retracted ala or a plunging lobule. The angle thus making it an important view to assess the aes-
position and insertion of both ala and their symmetry and thetic balance of the face and nose. Important features
direction are also noted. that need to be assessed in this view include soft tissue
facets, lateral aspect of the nasal bones, nasal length, dor-
• Basal view sal contour and tip projection.
Assessment should include the study of lobule, columella,
ala and the alar base. Emphasis should be placed on the
evaluation of the triangular shape of the nasal base, sym- 38.3.4 Investigations
metry and the ratios, namely, the columella/lobule ratio
and the lobule to ala ratios. The nasal base should present • Inspection with speculum will demonstrate any septal
as an isosceles triangle with a rounded apex. The alar side- curvatures, angulations or spurs.
walls should demonstrate a gentle flare. Poor triangular • Computed tomography is helpful if sinus pathology is
form or a trapezoidal form is indicative of a broad dome. suspected.
Nostril symmetry and the angulations are studied next. • Endoscopy of the middle meatus should be done to rule
The nostrils are angulated at 30–45° to the midline and are out clinical evidence of sinus disease.
pear shaped. The caudal septum is assessed for straight- • Tests for functions of internal nasal and external nasal
ness and its position in relation to the maxillary crest and valves should be done. Careful observation of the nasal
anterior nasal spine. The alar base width, flare and inser- valves while the patient is asked to inspire will provide a
tions are also assessed in this view. significant amount of information. A speculum or Q tip
facilitates proper examination. Cottle’s Maneuver helps
• Profile view in localizing obstruction due to nasal valve dysfunction.
Key points that need to be evaluated from the lateral view • Acoustic rhinometry is a recently developed objective
include (1) a dorsal profile that may demonstrate a saddle/ technique for assessment of geometry of the nasal cavity.
hump and the supratip break, (2) evaluation of the chin The technique is based on the analysis of sound waves
and mentolabial sulcus, (3) projection and rotation of the reflected from the nasal cavities. It measures cross-­
nasal tip, (4) nasal length, (5) assessment of the radix and sectional areas and nasal volume.
(6) columellar show with double break. • Rhinomanometry has also been widely accepted and
The ratio of nasal projection is evaluated by the method used as an objective method to assess nasal patency.
of Goode. The ideal ratio between the line joining the tip However, these tools may not necessarily show clinical
defining point and alar-facial groove tangent, to the line correlation [13].
dropped from the nasion to the alar facial groove should
be between 0.55 and 0.60. Rotation of the nasal tip is
approximately considered 90o in Caucasian males and
between 90 and 95° in Caucasian females. 38.4 General Operative Techniques
The length of the nose is relative to the person’s facial
profile and general stature. It may be categorized as the 38.4.1 Surgical Approaches for Rhinoplasty
central nose length from the nasion to the nasal tip and
lateral length from the nasion to the alar rims. A short or Rhinoplastic approaches: (1) open approach or the open
long lateral length may reflect as retracted or hooded ala, structure rhinoplasty approach and (2) closed or the endona-
respectively. The nose may also show a relative increase sal approach.
or decrease in length depending on the depth of the radix. Open approach involves an external cutaneous incision
A deep radix may make the nose look short while a shal- while the closed approach involves intranasal incisions only
low radix makes the nose appear long. (Fig. 38.13a, b).
786 N. A. Nasser

Fig. 38.13  Open (a) Vs

Closed (b) approach
a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Choice of incision is based on the clinical problem to be –– Goodman modification mid columellar ‘V’ facing
corrected and the exposure required. The ideal incision must upwards 1952
enable adequate and easy access to the nasal architecture –– Johnson & Toriumi inverted ‘V’ midcolumellar incision
without compromising the nasal structures. The differences –– Stair-step mid columellar incision (Bahman Guyuron)
between the different types of incisions are highlighted in
Table 38.1. The indications for the open structure approach are high-
lighted in Box 38.3.
A. Open structure rhinoplasty
B. The endonasal approach (Fig. 38.14a)
The open structure approach is employed when exten-
sive reconstruction is required. There is more emphasis on Nondelivery/Partial delivery and delivery approaches
the preservation and realignment of structures of the lower (Fig. 38.16a, b).
third of the nose and also achieving balance of the nasal
“tripod”. 1. Nondelivery approaches are employed when minimal
The open approach involves the use of a marginal and reduction of the lateral crus or mild cephalic rotation of
mid-columellar incision (Fig. 38.14b) the tip complex is indicated.
The technique in turn may involve either the cartilage
• Marginal incision splitting approach or the retrograde eversion approach.
• The incision is placed along the caudal margins of the
LLC, starting at the caudal margin of the medial crus, run- • The cartilage splitting method involves a trans-­
ning along the entire dome and extended laterally along cartilaginous incision through the most cephalic portion
the caudal margin of the lateral crus. of the lower lateral cartilage that needs to be resected.
• Columellar incision However, extreme care is taken to preserve at least 8 mm
• This is a transverse mid-columellar incision extending of sound LLC to prevent structural compromise.
across to connect the marginal incisions on either side. • The retrograde eversion method is difficult for beginners
Numerous modifications of the columellar incision have and hence not favoured in current practise, and most sur-
evolved over a long period (Fig. 38.15a, b, c). geons today prefer to use the delivery method.
–– Rethi transcolumellar incision 1931 (across the apex
of the nostril aperture) 2. The technique for the delivery method encompasses two
–– Sercer “nasal decortication” approach—1957 incisions: the first inter-cartilaginous incision and the
–– Bardach columellar base incision extending into prola- subsequent marginal incision to mark the chondrocutane-
bium (reserved for cleft rhinoplasty) ous unit of the LLC. The nonvestibular side of the LLC is
38 Rhinoplasty 787

Table 38.1  Differences between the different types of incisions

Cartilage splitting
Open/external Retrograde eversion Delivery
Incision • Marginal • Transcartilaginous (Cartilage splitting) • Marginal
• External (columellar) or • Intercartilaginous
• Intercartilaginous
(Retrograde eversion)
Exposure Extensive More of LLC exposure Increased dome and interdomal
Less of tip exposure visibility
Indications Marked asymmetry Minimal tip correction Allows more delicate tip work
Secondary rhinoplasty Access to dorsum and middle vault than the nondelivery approach
Need for structural grafting Volume reduction of LLC septal surgery
Post traumatic nasal deformity Septal surgery
Nasal valve correction Bony and cartilaginous hump removal
Advantages • Excellent visual control of entire nasal Less invasive
framework Less disruption of support mechanisms of nasal tip
• Enhanced surgical access May be used for septal cartilage harvesting
• Accurate structural grafting under direct
• Ideal for demonstration and teaching
• Predictable results
Limitations • External (transcolumellar) scar Steep learning curve
• Destabilization of tip support No binocular vision
• Protracted edema Essential ENT experience
• Risk of columellar necrosis (poor operative Limits assistant’s view of exposure
technique) Difficult to perform complex nasal tip surgery
• Sensory disturbances at the tip area Spreader-grafts are difficult/impossible

Fig. 38.14  Incisions for

rhinoplasty: (a) closed and (b) a b
open approach (MC- mid Marginal
columellar, M- Marginal)


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

then dissected off the overlying SSTE permitting the • Infracartilaginous (alar marginal) incision
delivery of the LLC chondrocutaneous unit as a bipedi- • Septal transfixion incision
cled flap. Improperly positioned intercartilaginous inci- –– Hemi-transfixion
sion may predispose to scarring at the valve area. –– Bilateral transfixion—partial/full
• Pyriform rim incisions for access to the lateral nasal
Incisions for the endonasal approach wall
• Lateral nasal vestibular incisions for access to the parana-
• Intercartilaginous (limen-vestibular) incision sal premaxillary area
• Intracartilaginous (trans-cartilaginous/cartilage splitting) • Endonasal transmucosal medial osteotomy facilitated
incision high up in the nasal vault.
788 N. A. Nasser

a b c

Courtesy Rollin Daniel

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.15 (a–c) Modifications of columellar incision

procedures helps to prevent such a secondary deformity

Box 38.3 Indications for open Rhinoplasty
[14–17]. An open technique is preferred as it offers better
• Secondary/revision rhinoplasty
visualization for placement of grafts. The grafts used in rhi-
• Post-traumatic nasal deformity
noplasty can be summarised as follows (Fig.  38.17a, b)
• Cleft nasal deformity
(Tables 38.2 and 38.3):
• Need for structural grafting
• Septal reconstruction
• Nasal valve surgery
38.4.3 Septoplasty
• Dermoid cyst excision Deformities of Nasal Septum
Deformities of the nasal septum may either be congenital or
Indications for the endonasal approach acquired. They are classified as shown in Box 38.4.
Septal deformities depend on alterations in the growth
• Symmetrical anatomy and direction of growth of the septal cartilage.
• Good size nostrils
• Principal deformity at the nasal vault
• Ability to insert cartilage grafts Deformities of the nasal septum may present clinically
(Fig. 38.18a, b).
The endonasal approach is, however, unsuited for the
novice surgeon and does depend on the surgeon’s experience 1. Dorsal excess may present as a tension nose
and prior training in Rhinoplasty for optimal outcomes. 2. Dorsal deficiency causes concave or Saddle nose
3. Caudal excess causes increased columellar show
4. Caudal deficiency leads to columellar retraction
5. Lateral angulation of the septum is seen as a bent nose
38.4.2 Grafting in Rhinoplasty 6. Both lateral & AP curvatures give a twisted nose/
crooked nose
Reduction rhinoplasty can weaken the underlying nasal tip 7. Septal perforations and collapse may lead to a vari-
framework with subsequent buckling and late structural ety of deformities
deformity. Cartilage grafting during primary and revision
38 Rhinoplasty 789

Fig. 38.16 (a, b) Full delivery technique Cephalic trim of lateral cross

Nondelivery vs. delivery
method a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a1 a2 a3


a4 a5

b1 b2 b3 b4 b5

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.17  Sources of cartilage graft; (a) septal cartilage graft (a1) anatomy of septum (a2) marking for cartilage harvest preserving L shaped
dorsal strut (a3) incision for cartilage harvest (a4) harvested cartilage (a5) carving of harvested cartilage and (b) Harvest of auricular cartilage;
(b)- marking on the ear (b2)- incision (b3)- reflection of sub perichondrial flap to expose cartilage (b4) cartilage harvest (b5) closure of donor
790 N. A. Nasser

Table 38.2  Autologous graft materials

Autogenous grafts—Donor site morbidity, increased operating time, predictable long-term results, minimal risk for extrusion and infection
Nasal septal cartilage Considered to the best grafting material as it is easy to harvest and contour
Intrinsic anatomy of septal cartilage [firmness, resiliency, flatness] provides optimal aesthetic results
Sufficient rigidity to provide structural support
No donor site morbidity with excellent long-term results
Insufficient when large volumes are needed/previous septal surgery
Auricular/conchal cartilage Easy to harvest but difficult to contour due to its brittle nature
Low strength and hence provides poor structural support
Low donor site morbidity and with good long-term results
Intrinsic anatomy [curved shape with elastic memory] of auricular cartilage makes it difficult to provide
optimal aesthetic results
Used if nasal septal cartilage is not adequate e.g. extensive revision cases and simultaneous multiple grafting
Useful when elasticity is needed e.g. lateral crus reconstruction
Insufficient when large volumes are needed
Costochondral grafts Abundant supply
Sufficient rigidity to provide structural support
Can be reharvested
Temporalis fascia Used for cartilage-fascia grafts in primary and revision rhinoplasty. For smoothening contour defects and
irregularities on the nasal dorsum.
Easy to harvest
Adequate size available
Shows minimal resorption and is stable in followup
Perichondrium over rib Used for repair of septal perforations and for smoothening irregularities over the dorsum
Easily available and harvested contiguous with rib cartilage which is a commonly used graft in rhinoplasty

Table 38.3  Alloplastic graft materials

Alloplastic grafts—No donor site morbidity, reduced operating time, unpredictable long-term results and increased risk of extrusion and
Silicone Pliable, elastic solid that causes little tissue reaction
Easy to handle, comes in prefabricated shapes—most commonly used alloplastic graft material
Increased risk of displacement/extrusion as its nonporous nature prevents surrounding tissue in-growth,
instead, leading to the formation of a fibrous capsule
Easy to remove even after a long time as a fibrous capsule will form around the implant, without ingrowth
in to the graft
Asymmetric contracture of the capsule around the implant can deform the implant over time
Low strength and hence provides poor structural support
Preferred in Asians with thicker dorsal nasal skin
Medpor [high density Easy to carve and bend due to thermoplastic property
polyethylene] Poor aesthetic results and comfort due to its stiffness
Sufficient rigidity to provide structural support
Minimal risk for displacement due to its porous nature with subsequent ingrowth of surrounding
fibrovascular tissue
Difficult to remove in the long term as there will be extensive tissue ingrowth
Tends to shed particles, when implanted in stress-bearing and mobile areas may cause a chronic
inflammatory response
Gore-tex [expanded poly-tetra- Porous implant composed of carbon and fluorine molecules with pores
fluoro-ethylene (PTFE)] Second most widely used alloplastic implant, after silicone
Better comfort and aesthetics due to its softness
Minimal risk for displacement due to its porous nature with subsequent ingrowth of surrounding fibro-­
vascular tissue
Poor long-term aesthetics as it decreases in volume over time
Difficult to remove in long term owing to extensive tissue ingrowth
Low strength and hence provides poor structural support
Injectable filler materials—No donor site morbidity; reduced operating time; unpredictable long-term results and increased risk of extrusion,
infection and embolization
Bovine collagen, human-­derived Mainly used for minor augmentations
collagen, hydroxyapatite Necessary to overaugment by 20–30% to compensate for long-term absorption
microspheres, hyaluronic acid Provides poor structural support
High complication rate including persistent redness, contour irregularity, swelling and necrosis of
surrounding dermis or soft tissue, hypersensitivity reactions, extrusion
Patients may object on religious grounds
38 Rhinoplasty 791

1. Endonasal caudal vestibular access via a right or a left

Box 38.4 Classification of septal deformites hemi-transfixion incision or
Congenital: 2. Bilateral septal transfixion incision [19, 20].
• Syndromic
–– Cleft lip and palate Surgical Technique (Fig. 38.19a, b, c)
• Congenital syphilis The local anaesthetic solution is infiltrated with adrenaline
for optimal haemostasis. This not only provides a clear field
Acquired: for surgery but also aids in developing planes by the process
• Developmental: midline dermoid cyst, short nose/ of hydrodissection. An incision is made at the caudal margin
long nose of the septal cartilage, which may be unilateral or bilateral.
• Post traumatic: bent nose/crooked nose Cautious, careful, unhurried dissection in the correct ana-
• Iatrogenic tomical plane is done, using sharp precise instrumentation
–– Incorrect or aggressive rhino/septal surgery. (Cottle/Masing, Freer or Joseph’s elevator). It is imperative
Lefort I maxillary impaction with inadequate trim- to identify and stay in a bloodless sub-mucoperichondrial
ming of septum plane. The light blue colour of the septal cartilage ensures
• Cocaine misuse: destruction of cartilage and bony the correct plane of dissection. An anterior tunnel is first
septum made, followed by an inferior tunnel to expose the entire sep-
tum. The plane is then expanded and separated further with a
Killian forceps. This offers bilateral exposure of the dis-
sected tunnel and the septum. Sharp curvatures, angles and Sequencing for Treatment fracture lines are negotiated carefully also bearing in mind
that the transition zone between the mucoperichondrium and
the mucoperiosteum is an area vulnerable to tears. Tears over
The sequence to be followed for planning a proper sep- the mucoperichondrium require careful repair with vicryl
toplasty includes sutures on a round body needle. However, tears in the infe-
rior tunnel overlying bone need not be sutured and may act
1. Establishing an accurate diagnosis. Apply Mladini as drains. The flap elevation is extended posterior to chon-
classification for septal deformities (See additional drovomerine and chondroethmoid junctions for complete
Reading) exposure of the bony septum.
2. A thorough external and internal examination of the Bony spurs or angulations and bends are identified, which
nose may contribute to airway block. The osteocartilaginous junc-
3. Internal examination should include (1) anterior tion is then separated to free the septum in the posterior aspect.
rhinoscopy and (2) nasendoscopy Takayashu forceps are used to nibble away any bony/cartilage
4. Imaging of the nose, septum and the paranasal spurs. This may also be performed using thin chisels and
sinuses is mandatory. This should include CT osteotomes. Buckling of the septum may be corrected by
scans with both soft tissue and bony windows resection of overhanging cartilage in the caudal aspect.
[18]. Adequate relief thus allows the passive return of the septum to
5. It is preferable to perform the surgery “in conjunc- midline. Measures such as scoring, suturing or the use of PDS
tion with ENT colleagues” sheets/cartilage grafts may be required to correct and straighten
6. Gross iatrogenic nasal deformities need careful residual curvatures. Harvest of septal cartilage may be per-
evaluation of previous surgical records before treat- formed at this juncture and should be done posterior to the key
ment planning area (imaginary vertical line joining the tip of the nasal bone
7. Informed consents to be obtained for the harvest and the anterior nasal spine). Stabilisation to the midline is
and use of grafts (Septum, Concha or Rib achieved by the use of a PDS suture anchoring the dissected
cartilage) septum to the anterior nasal spine. The flaps are reapposed
8. Care should be exercised to preserve the integrity of with one or two transfixion sutures to prevent septal haema-
the turbinates and the internal nasal valve. toma. Nasal packing is outdated and has been replaced by
silastic sheets and intra-operative control with Merocel packs.
Advantages of the endonasal approach include Surgical Approaches
Septoplasty may be performed in conjunction with a formal 1 . Minimal trauma to local tissues
rhinoplasty using an open or closed approach. 2. Reduced post-surgical oedema and
Closed approaches for septoplasty include; 3. A-faster-recovery-to-normalcy
792 N. A. Nasser

Fig. 38.18  Deformities of

nasal septum; (a) tension nose a1 a2
and (b) saddle nose

Tension nose

b1 b2

Saddle nose

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Disadvantages of the endonasal approach are 7. Increased risk for secondary deformities like saddling

1 . Steep learning curve

38.4.4 Nasal Osteotomies
2. Limited exposure & visualisation (headlight required)
3. Limited visualisation for the assistant
Nasal osteotomies are often required during correction of
4. Difficult to place spreader grafts
deformities of the nose as well as an adjunct to procedures
5. Contour irregularities at the dorsal edge
which involve correction of the osseocartilaginous vault.
6. Septal malposition/perforation
38 Rhinoplasty 793

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.19  Septoplasty intra-operative steps. (a) the part of the septum anterior to the line dropped from the tip of nasal bone (NB) to the anterior
nasal spine (ANS) has tobe preserved. (b) Dysjunction of the cartilaginous septum from the bony septum. (c) Septal repositioning with sutures to
the midline crest of the maxilla Indications for Nasal Osteotomies Surgical Technique

The different techniques for performing nasal osteotomies are
1 . Close an open roof after dorsal hump removal (1) endonasal, (2) percutaneous, (3) endoral and (4)
2. Correction of a deviated bony nasal vault (crooked nose/ nasofrontal
bent nose)
3. Correction of concave or convex nasal bones Percutaneous technique (Fig. 38.21a, b, c)
4. Reduce or narrow bony base width The percutaneous technique involves the completion of a lat-
5. Mobilise malunited fractured nasal bones prior to
eral osteotomy and a transverse root(superior) osteotomy.
reduction The local anaesthetic solution is infiltrated with adrenaline
10–15 min earlier for good haemostasis.
Different types of nasal osteotomies (Fig. 38.20a, b) are The sites of the lateral and superior osteotomies are
utilised for a variety of clinical indications [21, 22]. They are marked on the skin. The cephalic end of the cross-over of
enumerated in Box 38.5. these two osteotomies should be kept no higher than the level
of the intercanthal line. Armamentarium for Nasal A small 2–3 mm stab incision is made on the skin at the
Osteotomies middle of the lateral osteotomy marking. The incision is
deepened down and to bone. The osteotome is swept along
• Chisels/Osteotomes the entire length of the marking to provide good release of
–– Straight osteotomes—2 mm microosteotome the skin and subcutaneous tissue and keep the angular artery
–– Curved osteotomes away from the line of osteotomy. The osteotome is then
–– Guarded osteotomes—Nievert, Silver positioned supraperiosteally at 2  mm intervals and struck
–– Angled blade osteotomes—Murray-Parkes with a mallet to produce an interrupted line of punch holes.
–– Notched osteotomes—Walter The osteotomies are started at the pyriform rim and contin-
• Power instruments ued superiorly to the nasofrontal junction. The same tech-
–– Oscillating/reciprocating saws nique is followed for the transverse root(superior) osteotomy.
–– Piezo saw The contra-lateral nasal wall is osteotomised in a similar
794 N. A. Nasser

a1 b1


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.20  Types of osteotomies. (a) Endonasal and (b) Percutaneous

fashion. Once this is completed, the nasal bones are held

Box 38.5 Osteotomies types with firm/controlled pressure between the thumb and the
• Lateral osteotomy fore-fingers of both hands over a gauze square and then frac-
–– Low to high tured along the already osteotomised punch holes. Moderate
–– Low to low pressure over the wound helps with haemostasis and preven-
• Medial osteotomy tion of ecchymosis. No sutures are required and the skin is
–– Fading paramedian dressed with a Steri-Strip.
–– True median Complications include comminution, unpredictable frac-
• Superior osteotomy ture line, loss of lateral wall support, avulsion/displacement
–– Transverse root of upper laterals, step deformity, residual deformity and fail-
• Intermediate osteotomy ure to in fracture/mobilise nasal bones.
–– Vertical
–– Horizontal
• Fragmentation/comminution (largely outdated)
38 Rhinoplasty 795

Fig. 38.21  Steps in nasal

osteotomy. (a) Start of the a
lateral osteotomy. (b)
Osteotomy marking on skull.
(c) Movement of the
osteotome for lateral

b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

38.5 S
 urgical Management of Basic Nasal junction with other nasal deformities. The pseudohump may
Deformities produce a relative appearance of a dorsal hump, while in
reality, the appearance may be due to a high anterior septal
38.5.1 Dorsal Hump Deformity angle, supratip prominence or tip ptosis (Box 38.6).

The dorsal hump is the most common problem for which C  linical Assessment of a Dorsal Hump
a patient may seek rhinoplasty. Based on the anatomical (Fig. 38.22a–d)
units involved, three main types of dorsal hump may be • Palpation of nasal bones, normal, long or short
identified [23, 24]; • Ascertain area of hump requiring reduction
• Dorsal line—imaginary line from the radix extended
1. Osseous/bony hump that exclusively involves the bony along the nasal dorsum
vault, • Assess if tip projection is adequate; reduced or increased,
2. cartilaginous hump that involves the cartilaginous middle prior to hump reduction
vault with septal and upper lateral cartilages and • Assess if tip support is adequate; weak or strong, prior to
3. the osseocartilagenous hump that is a combination of the hump reduction
two. A rmamentarium for Dorsal Hump Types of Dorsal Humps Reduction
Dorsal humps can also be categorised as true and pseudo- The armamentarium required for dorsal hump reduction are
humps. True humps may occur isolated or may occur in con- shown in Box 38.7.
796 N. A. Nasser

Box 38.6. True vs. Pseudo humps Box 38.7. Bony vs. Cartilaginous hump, (Armamentarium)

True dorsal hump Pseudo hump Bony hump Cartilagenous hump

Hump associated with the • High anterior septal angle Manual nasal saw. • Scalpel (11 bard Parker)
following clinical situations • Supra-tip prominence • Joseph saw • Fomon scissors (angled on
• high dorsum • Loss of tip projection • Bull saw (guarded tip) flat)
• low dorsum Osteotomes. • Turbinate scissors (angled on
• short nasal bones • Rubin (dorsal fin) side)
• wide bony base • Cinnelli (guarded edges) • Kaplan scissors (double
• narrow bony base • Aiach (wire guide) action)
• deviated nasal bones • McIndoe grooved chisel (not • Cautious, conservative
• cleft nose deformity recommended) reduction at osteocartilaginous
• under-projected nasal tip Bone cutters/nibblers junction only
• over-projected nasal tip • Sulsenti • Preserve leading edges of
• short nose • Heanley ULC to create spreader flaps
• long nose Rasps (prevent middle vault
• Graded two way tungsten narrowing)
carbide rasps (Rees)
• Pull rasp/push rasp (Daniel)
• Diamond rasps D  orsal Hump Reduction (Profile Power saw
Lowering) • Rhinobur (Toriumi)
• Piezoelectric saw
The procedure for dorsal hump reduction (profile lowering)
is facilitated by two important steps, namely, (1) bony hump
removal and (2) cartilaginous hump removal.

Bony hump removal (Fig. 38.23A–K) –– Loss of key area support to septum
En-bloc bony or cartilaginous hump removal requires expe- • Inadequate hump reduction
rience as there is a high risk of excessive reduction when the –– Residual hump
surgeon may be inexperienced. The procedure begins with –– Failure to follow dorsal line: superior bony spur
infiltration of lidocaine 2% with 1 in 100,000 adrenaline.
After exposure of the osteocartilaginous vault is completed, Preservation Technique of Hump
the osteotome is engaged at the caudal edge of the nasal hump Removal (Regnault & Daniel)
(osteocartilaginous junction) and the bone is removed using an This technique advocates aggressive removal of the large hump
osteotome and mallet (18 oz Heath mallet) with firm blows to with osteotome. The under-surface of the hump is then reduced
follow a careful alignment. It is better to always under-reduce, extracorporeally with a bur. The reduced hump is replaced in
rather than over-reduce as it may cause severely compromised the dorsal defect. This obviates the need for nasal osteotomy
results. The dorsal edges can then be rasped down to the and provides optimal results of a corrected dorsum.
desired extent. Care is taken not to rasp the cartilage as it may
produce irregularities, tears or avulsions.
When separation of a large hump is desired, placement of 38.5.2 Saddle Nose Deformity
a superior stop-cut as described by Tardy allows precise and
clear separation at the desired level. Diamond rasps are used A saddle nose deformity is defined as a wide and flat nose
to smooth irregularities at the dorsal edge of the nasal bones. with a concavity on the nasal dorsum.
Removal of an osteocartilagenous hump results in an open Classical clinical presenting features of this deformity are
roof deformity of the nasal dorsum, which needs to be closed
with an osteotomy [23]. • Loss of height of the nasal dorsum (appearance of a short-
ened nose) Complications • Increased width of the nasal dorsum (wide nose)
• Unpredictable hump reduction • Underprojected tip due to inadequate septal support to the
• Avulsion of upper lateral cartilages tip complex
• Fenestration of the skin envelope
• Residual irregularities
• Excessive overzealous hump reduction Classification
–– Bony saddle Saddle nose deformity can be classified based on the under-
–– Loss of support to ULC lying structural problem into
38 Rhinoplasty 797

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.22  Dorsal hump - clinical presentation. (a) Profile and (b) frontal pictures of patient 1. (c) Profile and (d) frontal pictures of patient 2

1. Bony saddle The causes responsible for saddle nose deformity are
2. Cartilaginous saddle many, namely, septal hematoma following trauma, iatro-
3. Combination of bony and cartilaginous elements genic—inappropriate surgery to the septum, bony vault &
798 N. A. Nasser

a b c

d e

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.23  Hump reduction technique: Armamentarium (A, B & C). Surgical technique (D, E & F) Removal of the dorsal hump with the osteo-
tome, (G–K) Preparation of the “open roof” deformity for closure
38 Rhinoplasty 799

g h i

j k

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.23 (Continued)

middle vault and substance abuse (cocaine), diseases like The skin and soft tissue envelope may show a “concer-
congenital syphilis/leprosy and racial predisposition— tina” effect due to loss of structural support.
African, Afro-American, and Asian. Surgical Management (Fig. 38.25a, b) Clinical Features Surgery for the correction of saddle nose deformity may be
The salient features (Fig. 38.24) demonstrable on a patient planned in a staged manner with the first stage involving the
with saddle nose deformity are enumerated in Box 38.8. correction of the foundation of the nose and the second stage
The septum may exhibit deformity with twisting/defi- involving the aesthetic makeover [25, 26]. The aim of the pro-
ciency or at times may be totally absent. cedure is to re-establish the tension between the nasal tip
800 N. A. Nasser

Box 38.8 Features of saddle nose deformity

• Wide nasal dorsum
• Loss of dorsal lines
• Epicanthal folds due to the lateral movement of dor-
sal skin
• Loss of tip definition
• Increased tip width
• Presence of a flat alar-columellar line
• Loss of dorsal height
• Marked concavity of the nasal dorsum
• Loss of tip support and projection
• Tip rotation may be increased or decreased
• Retraction of the columella
• Relative increase of the upper lip length (columellar
skin migrates downward)
• Wide alar base
• Shortened and deformed columella
• Loss of nostril orientation ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
• Ballooning of the internal nasal valve
Fig. 38.24  Saddle nose clinical photo

complex and the dorsum, which has been lost due to the con- 38.5.3 Correction of the Deviated Nose
certina effect.
Surgical correction involves three essential steps that are Deviated noses can be of two types
independent of each other.
1. “Bent” nose where the nasal bones and the upper lateral
• Establish the height and length of the septum to restore cartilages point to the same side, and
structural support to the entire nose. This involves the use 2. “Crooked” nose where the nasal bones and the upper lat-
of a robust septal extension graft, fashioned from har- erals face in opposite directions
vested rib cartilage (preferably the eighth rib).
• Correction of the dorsal deficiency using a dorsal strut
graft that extends from nasion to under the domes. Aetiology
• Provision of support for the tip complex. This is achieved The most common causes of a deviated nose
with the use of a columellar strut graft to restore tip
projection. 1 . Developmental—unilateral cleft nasal deformity
2. Post trauma to the face and nose—following road traffic
This procedure involves the use of strong and robust car- accidents, sports injuries or interpersonal violence
tilage grafts. The eighth rib provides an adequate amount of 3. Iatrogenic—as a result of earlier surgical procedures;

cartilage which is ideal for this situation. Ear cartilage lacks Maxillary impaction by a LeFort 1 osteotomy without
rigidity, while banked cartilage tends to undergo addressing the septum or septoplasty with excessive scor-
resorption. ing, resection and weakening
38 Rhinoplasty 801

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.25  Saddle nose-intra op. (a) intra-operative pictures demonstrating use of rib cartilage for dorsal nasal reconstruction. (b) Landmarks for
rib harvest Clinical Features (c) Basal

Clinical features of a deviated, bent or crooked nose include • Deviation of the nasal tip or middle vault
both functional and aesthetic issues • Angulation or shortening of columella
• Displacement of the caudal septum from the max-
1 . Blockage of the nasal airway, unilateral or bilateral illary crest into the nasal vestibule
2. Visible deformities affecting the upper, middle and lower • Nasal valve obstructions
thirds of the nose (d) Varied presentations of septal deformities (Mladini
(a) Frontal classification)
• Deformity of the nasal pyramid
• Twisting or angulation of the nose Treatment (Fig. 38.26a–g)
• Constriction or bulge at the middle vault Septorhinoplasty is required to correct the deformity. Some
• Bending of the nose showing midline prefer single-stage correction, while others may choose
discrepancy staged procedures (first stage septoplasty followed by a sec-
• Unequal height of the nasal bones ond stage external deformity correction). However, a single-­
• Tip deformity secondary to the loss of septal sup- stage correction is preferred. This is usually performed using
port/angulation an open structure approach with exposure and separation of
(b) Profile the septum from the upper lateral cartilages. Straightening of
• Patient may present with a dorsal hump or a saddle the septal cartilage is performed by excision and/or partial
deformity division of the cartilage and may be followed by scoring or
• Loss of tip projection sutures as indicated. Some surgeons prefer the use of a PDS
• Nasal tip ptosis sheet to splint the corrected septum. However, costal carti-
• Retraction of the columella lage may be harvested for reinforcement of the straightening
802 N. A. Nasser

a c1 c2

d e


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.26  Techniques of reduction of crooked nose deformity with twisting/angulation of septum, (a) differential reduction of hump prior to
ostetotomy, (b) septal repositioning, (c) digital reduction/manipulation after osteotomy, (d) line diagram of “low-to-low” osteotomy, (e) intra-
operative picture with osteotome positioning (low-to-low), (f) line diagram of “nasal bone osteotomy”, (g) intra-operative picture with osteotome
positioning (nasal bone osteotomy)
38 Rhinoplasty 803

and to provide a spreader effect to correct the nasal valve 38.5.4 Tip Plasty
simultaneously. Osteotomy of the nasal bones is often
required to correct the angular deformity of the bony vault. A The nasal tip is the centre of focus for both nasal anatomy
tip plasty may be necessary in most cases to correct the nasal and aesthetics. It is a very important anatomical subunit and
tip tripod deformity secondary to nasal deviation. can be most challenging to refine surgically.
It is to be borne in mind that the results for the correction Nasal tip deformities may show varied morphology and
of deviated noses are not always satisfactory. There is a pos- diverse clinical presentations (Fig.  38.27a–f). They may
sibility of residual deformity, recurrent deformity, loss of tip occur in isolation or concomitant with deformities of the dor-
support and saddling. sum or septum.

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.27  Types of tip deformity. (a) Wide bulbous tip, (b) ball-ended amorphous tip, (c) plunging infra-tip lobule, (d) amorphous bulbous tip
with deviation and constriction of right lower middle vault, (e) over-projection of nasal tip owing to prominent ANS & overtly long lower lateral
cartilage with normal naso-labial angle, and (f) nasal tip over-projection with upward over-rotation
804 N. A. Nasser

Tip deformities can be enumerated as follows as in Box Surgical management

38.9. Surgery for the nasal tip can be performed either through a
closed or open structure rhinoplasty approach. This may Wide Nasal Tip depend on the clinical indications involved as well as the
A tip is considered abnormally wide when the width of the skill and experience of the operating surgeon. Steps for cor-
tip is greater than the width of the dorsum. Normally, the tip rection of a wide nasal tip include reduction of the inter-
width is equal to the width of the dorsum. domal width by placing a permanent interdomal suture
This can be further subclassified as mild, moderate or with 5-0 prolene or 5-0 PDS (semipermanent). This is fol-
severe. lowed by the creation of a new domal angle (transdomal
A wide nasal tip may be caused due to three morphologi- suture followed by the interdomal suture). One should also
cal alterations: consider surgical removal/excision of a segment of the
intermediate crus for better tip definition (Fig. 38.28a, b).
1 . increased interdomal width (wide interdomal angle)
2. increased intradomal width, where the domal angle is Bulbous/Boxy Tip (Fig. 38.29)
wide, and Bulbous tips have problems associated with thick SSTE
3. increase in both intradomal width and interdomal
(skin & soft tissue envelope), excessive subcutaneous fat,
width strong convex and bulky lateral crura and a concertina effect
of a shortened nose in general.

Surgical management
This involves careful degloving of the SSTE leaving the subcu-
Box 38.9  Types of tip deformities taneous fibrofatty tissue on the lateral crura. Careful defatten-
ing and thinning of the subcutaneous plane should be
• Wide performed. A modest cephalic trim is performed to correct the
• Bulbous large and bulky lateral crura. As this is a more general defor-
• Over projected mity involving not only the tip but also the associated SSTE, a
• Under projected careful distribution of volume to produce balance may be
• Over-rotated (piggy nose/toffee nose) required. This helps camouflage the deformity to a great extent
• Under-rotated (ptotic tip) while improving outcomes.
• Asymmetric Excessive or injudicious defattening of the nasal tip
may cause ischemia/necrosis of the skin of the nasal tip,

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.28 (a, b) Wide nasal tip clinical

38 Rhinoplasty 805

blanching of the tip skin with exposure to cold, contour of the anterior nasal spine, excess caudal septal height or
irregularities of the underlying cartilage to become visible overtly long alar cartilages.
and may also lead to the skin pores communicating to the
underlying tissues. Surgical management
Surgery for the overprojected nose should be performed Overprojected Nasal Tip (Fig. 38.30a–c) through a full bilateral septal transfixion incision with the
Nasal projection is defined as the distance along a perpen- aim of deprojecting the nose by 4–5 mm. The anterior nasal
dicular line from the vertical facial plane to the anterior most spine is reduced judiciously followed by the resuspension of
point on the nasal tip. The nose when not in normal facial the upper lip to the ANS. The anterior septal angle is low-
balance can either be overprojected or underprojected. ered to achieve further deprojection. Deformities of the alar
The key to correction of the overprojected nasal tip is to cartilage may be varied and may require division and over-
establish the cause. This may be due to the increased length lap of the medial crura, division or resection of the medial
footplates. A lateral crural overlap with resection of a seg-
ment is performed 1 cm from the dome. Domal resections
are to be avoided as they may produce secondary deformi-
ties: irregularities, angulation, and bossa formation. They
may produce a sharp angulation with a pointed tip (pinched
nose), which may require a shield graft for tip camouflage.
Care should be taken to avoid/prevent loss of tip support
during these manoeuvres. Underprojected Tip (Fig. 38.31a, b)

It is important to establish the cause for underprojection
prior to treatment. Causes of underprojection may include

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

• Short medial crura (short columella)
Fig. 38.29  Bulbous tip clinical • Underdeveloped lower lateral cartilages e.g. binders
• Deficient height of caudal septum

Fig. 38.30  Overprojected nasal tip

(a) profile of patient 1, (b) profile a b c
of paitent 2 at repose and (c) profile
of patient 2, smiling

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

806 N. A. Nasser

• Deficient or absent anterior nasal spine/premaxilla Over-rotation of the nose may arise due to various
• Bilateral cleft lip nose causes: post-traumatic (caudocephalic impact to the nose)
or an inherently short nose. Over-rotation may also be a
complication of prior rhinoplastic procedures due to over-
Surgical management zealous caudal septal reduction, excessive cephalic trim of
Surgery for the underprojected nose should follow the the lateral crura or injudicious lowering of the anterior sep-
sequence provided below: the columella is strengthened with tal angle.
a strut graft, a transdomal suture is placed to project the dome.
A shield, cap or an umbrella graft may be used to increase tip Surgical management
projection. A caudal septal extension graft is added to Surgery for the correction of over-rotation of the nasal tip
strengthen the septal support and increase projection. Finally, should include techniques for de-rotation of the nose like
a transcolumellar suture is performed through the medial placement of a caudal septal extension graft and/or extension
foot-plates. In patients with the deficiency of the premaxilla of the dorsal graft beyond the domes. These procedures require
or the total bony maxilla (cleft maxillary hypoplasia) where extensive cartilage grafting to lengthen the shortened nose.
loss of bone support contributes to the loss of nasal projec-
tion, advancement of the maxilla or Onlay grafting of the pre- U  nder-Rotated Tip (Ptotic Nasal Tip)
maxillary segment may offer the correct solutions. (Fig. 38.32a)
Under-rotation denotes cephalocaudal rotation of the nasal O  ver-Rotated Tip (Piggy Nose) tip, which makes the tip point downward. This needs to be
(Fig. 38.32b) differentiated from an underprojected tip. However, occa-
Tip rotation denotes the angle formed by the columella to the sionally both problems may co-exist. It is also important to
upper lip. The point of reference here is the nasolabial angle. identify the presence of pseudo-ptosis in which the tip is nor-
Deformities of the nasal tip related to the rotation can be mal but a more prominent anterior septal angle makes the tip
either over-rotation or under-rotation (ptotic nose). appear ptotic.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.31  Underprojected tip. (a) Clinical picture and (b) diagrammatic representation
38 Rhinoplasty 807

Ptotic tips need to be examined both at rest and dynami- surgical procedure. The structures contributing will enable
cally. The dynamic inferior movement of the nasal tip may us to plan and perform the correct procedure.
occur due to the downward pull of a strong depressor septi
muscle. Care should also be taken to look for any other asso- • An elongated septum producing the ptosis is corrected by
ciated deformities. a wedge excision of the excessive septum and the overly-
Causes for an under-rotated or ptotic tip may be heredi- ing mucosa (Fred technique).
tary as in the noses of people from the Mediterranean coun- • Elongated lower lateral cartilages can be managed by two
tries, developmental due to heavy SSTE and weak cartilages methods depending on the tip projection; in underprojected
or the presence of excessive skin in the membranous colu- tips, a columellar strut is provided for enhancing support
mella. Patients with bilateral cleft lip deformities are predis- and augmented with the tip rotation suture, while in the case
posed to have underprojected and under-rotated noses due to of an overprojected tip, transection of the LLC is performed
columellar deficiency. with overlapping and suturing. The tip rotation suture may
Iatrogenic causes for tip ptosis include: poorly planned be optional depending on the clinical indication.
and executed septorhinoplasty with loss of septal support, • In the case of a shortened medial crura, a columellar strut
inadequate maintenance of tip support or reattachment of the or a medial crural anchor suture is placed with the tip
tip support structures. It may also be a complication follow- rotation suture again being optional.
ing (1) prolonged intubation with the nasotracheal tube not
anchored well and (2) tumour ablations with inadequate
reconstruction. 38.5.5 Managing the Wide Ala

Surgical management The normal width of the ala falls within or just beyond an
Correction of the ptotic tip should be based on the anatomy imaginary vertical line dropped from the medial canthus to
involved. It is best to follow an algorithm for planning the the upper lip. The ala may be either narrow or wide. A wide

Fig. 38.32  Nasal tip

a1 a2 a3
rotations clinical. (a1, a2, a3)
Under-rotation of tip and (b1,
b2) Over-rotation of tip


b1 b2

over-rotation (PIGGY NOSE)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

808 N. A. Nasser

ala compromises facial aesthetics and is often a complaint width may also show an increase. The premaxillary base
for which the patient seeks help. that supports the alar complex may be normal, deficient or
asymmetric. Causes of Variations in Alar Base Width
A wide alar base may be a characteristic of racial variations, Evaluation
for example, African and Asian races exhibit increased width The nose should be evaluated for the cause of alar widening.
of the alar base. It may also be wide in patients with congeni- This is the basis on which the treatment may be planned.
tal anomalies like cleft lip and palate. Wide alar base may When there is a doubt regarding the width of the ala, it may be
also be due to iatrogenic causes like wise to abandon the idea during a primary rhinoplasty and per-
form the alar correction as an isolated secondary procedure.
1. after a Le Fort 1 maxillary advancement or impaction
surgery, Surgical Treatment (Fig. 38.33a, b)
2. injudicious rhinoplasty with loss of tip projection due to Surgery for the wide ala needs to be sequenced after assess-
loss of septal support ment of the cause; this may be a wide ala demonstrating Clinical Features 1. significant flaring,

Patients with a wide alar base exhibit a nose that looks flat 2. flaring with increased sill width,
and broad; the alar columellar line may be straight and they 3. rarely isolated increase of sill width and
may have an associated wide nasal tip. In the basal view, 4. presence of a lateral insertion of ala on the face.
the nose presents with reduced tip projection and short or
distorted columella. The alar side walls show increased • The treatment of choice for the flaring ala is wedge exci-
bulk and increased flare, and the alar insertion into the sion (Weir) (Fig. 38.34), which helps to preserve the natu-
nasolabial area may be horizontal or oblique. The alar sill ral contour of the ala as well as provide a good camouflage

Fig. 38.33  Wide ala surgery techniques. (a)

Traditional Weir excision (leaves a notch a1 a2
deformity) and (b) modified excision
incorporating a lateral advancement which
prevents notch deformity and restores
continuity of alar rim

b1 b2

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

38 Rhinoplasty 809

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.34  Wedge technique for alar base reduction

of the scar. A medial flap excision technique as described

by Sheen may also be a good alternative to this. The deci-
sion regarding medial repositioning of the alar base
should be in accordance with Sheen, who recommends it
only in cases of extreme lateral divergence.
• When flaring is associated with a wide sill then a wedge
with a sill excision may be preferred to correct the defor-
mity. In rare instances an isolated sill excision may be
indicated for a problem of increased sill width alone. ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
• When the nose demonstrates a lateral insertion of the alar
Fig. 38.35  Septal perforation; (a) clinical presentation, (b) intra-oper-
base on to the face, then a “V to Y” plasty is performed as ative picture
described by Bernstein, which helps relocate the alar base
medially. Clinical Features
The occurrence of septal perforations also leads to a variety
38.5.6 Septal Perforations of sequelae that produce secondary deformities of not only
the nose but also significantly affect the face and the oral
Septal perforations are pathological defects in the nasal sep- structures. The nose may show a saddle deformity, columel-
tum which form communications between the right and the lar retraction and narrowing of the nasal valve. Furthermore,
left sides of the nasal cavity. These may present as anterior, the loss of nasal cartilage and bony framework may lead to a
mid-septal or posterior perforations (Fig. 38.35a, b). concertina deformity of the skin envelope. Perforations may
The most common aetiological factors producing septal expand in an inferior direction with associated necrosis of
perforations are the vomer and maxillary crest, thus causing a palatal fistula.
Other symptoms include nasal airway block, nasal discharge,
1. Cocaine misuse crusting, epistaxis, midfacial pain, and a characteristic whis-
2. Trauma to the face and nose—e.g. NOE fractures tling noise.
3. Iatrogenic—injudicious septal surgery or poor techniques
during septorhinoplasty Investigations
4. Self induced—obsessional nasal toileting or habitual
Investigations for perforations of the nasal septum include a
nose picking thorough clinical evaluation of the nasal cavity, oral cavity and
5. Granulomatous diseases the face for accurate diagnosis. The patient is also subjected to
6. Malignancy a rhinoscopy and a nasendoscopy for assessment of the intra-
810 N. A. Nasser

nasal deformity. This is followed by a biopsy from the margins the highest resistance to airflow, and any deformities of this
of the perforation. A swab may also be performed for culture region may compromise the air-flow dynamics.
and sensitivity when there are signs of acute infection of the
region. Anatomy of the Nasal Valves Treatment The components of internal and external valves are projected
Treatment is initiated in a conservative form with counselling, in Box 38.10.
wound care and topical medication. This involves abstinence
from cocaine use with rehabilitation under supervised care.
The aetiology of nasal valve problems are enumerated in
Regular inspection of the nasal cavity and nasal toileting with
Table 38.4.
seawater douches. Topical administration of Naseptin cream
alternating every 2 weeks with Bactroban (Mupirocin) oint-
ment is mandatory prior to surgical intervention.
Surgical management (Fig. 38.36a, b, c) for septal perfo- Box 38.10. Components of nasal valves
rations is extremely challenging and often give disappointing
results. Any treatment is bound to be compromised due to Components of the external Components of the internal
resurgence of the cocaine addiction and poor vascular status nasal valve nasal valve
• Alar rim and alar side wall • Caudal septum
of the involved anatomy resulting in a high incidence of
• Columella • Caudal margin of the upper
residual defects after surgery. • Caudal septal margin lateral cartilage
There are also risks of total failure of procedures with sec- • Nasal sill • Floor of the nose
ondary donor site deformities, adding to the post-surgical • Head of the inferior
morbidity in these patients.

38.5.7 Nasal Valve Problems Table 38.4  Etiology of nasal valve problems
External nasal valve Internal nasal valve
To understand the problems associated with the nasal valve, • Inherently weak alar sidewall • Caudal septal deviation
it is important to see the distinction between the “nasal valve (collapsing on inspiration) • Mid-septal bulge impinging on
area” or the internal nasal valve, the “nasal valve” and the • Caudal septal deflection the upper lateral cartilage
external nasal valve: The nasal valve area is the empty trian- • Deviated footplate of the medial • Inferior turbinate hypertrophy
crus • Iatrogenic causes
gular space that is bounded medially by the nasal septum, • Narrow/scarred nasal sill – Misplaced intercartilagenous
laterally and superiorly by the caudal margin of the upper • Wide columellar base incisions
lateral cartilage and its attachment to the pyriform rim and • Iatrogenic causes (knock-knee – Medialisation of the inferior
inferiorly by the bony nasal floor. The nasal valve specifi- deformity of the alar sidewall turbinate due to an injudicious
due to excessive cephalic trim) lateral osteotomy
cally denotes the slit that is seen between the caudal end of • Medialisation of lateral crus – Narrowing of the middle vault
the upper lateral cartilage and the nasal septum. following domal suture due to closing of an open roof
Physiologically, the internal nasal valve is the area offering deformity

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 38.36 (a–c) Septal perforation surgical technique

38 Rhinoplasty 811 C  linical Examination of Nasal Valve Most sequelae are self-limiting and may not require any
Problems active intervention. However, it is imperative to follow cer-
It is extremely important to identify the exact location of the tain steps to minimise or avoid complications as discussed
nasal obstruction to obtain the best surgical outcomes. This below.
can be accomplished using The key to minimising or preventing unfavourable out-
comes depends on proper case selection after a thorough
1 . Clinical testing using “Cottle’s sign” evaluation of the patient both physically and psychologically
2. Endonasal examination and rhinoscopy (perceived complaint vs objective deformity). A good clini-
3. Dynamic photographs or video recordings of the “exter- cal examination should follow with optimal documentation
nal valve flutter” (clinical analysis and photographs). The subsequent consul-
4. Air-flow studies using CT scans and computer simulation tation should include obtaining informed consent from the
models patients after discussion of the indications and anticipated
complications associated with the surgical procedure. It is
important to understand our limitations and accept them Surgical Management while not refraining from seeking professional help/support
Sequencing of treatment for the management of nasal valve when needed.
problems should include certain empirical steps. The first Complications in rhinoplasty may depend on the area of
step is to perform an optimal septoplasty to relocate the sep- surgery and the procedure performed as indicated below:
tum to the midline. This is followed by straightening and
strengthening of the alar sidewall using alar batten grafts and 1. Complications associated with the nasal dorsum include
rim grafts. Narrowing of the columellar base may be per- loss of dorsal height, concavity or saddle deformity (due
formed in cases of true columellar widening. Collapse of the to over-resection), residual hump, supratip prominence or
nasal valve can be corrected by the use of spreader grafts that a true “polly-beak” deformity due to under-resection.
help in widening. In certain cases, there may be webbing or There may be bony or cartilaginous irregularities (inade-
scarring along the nasal valve area. This may need a “Z” quate removal). An open roof deformity may present if
plasty for release and correction. Finally, judicious removal the nasal bones are not infractured after hump reduction.
of the inferior turbinate may be contemplated in indicated An incomplete lateral osteotomy may result in a lateral
patients after due consultation with the ENT surgeon. wall step deformity, while medialisation of the upper lat-
eral cartilages may result in an inverted “v” deformity.
Another complication is the appearance of a visible dor-
38.6 Complications Following Rhinoplasty sal septal edge.
2. Complication of tip deformities may present as a “pinched
A sequela may be defined as a natural consequence follow- tip” or a “knock-knee” alar deformity (over-resection of
ing a disease process or a surgical procedure while a compli- the lateral crus). It may also show tip changes like “button-­
cation implies undesirable sequelae or process following tip” deformity, tip/domal asymmetry, supra-alar concav-
surgery. ity or alar retraction. Loss of tip support produces ptosis
This section with dwell on the common sequelae and of the tip, loss of tip projection may produce infratip slip
complications that may occur following rhinoplasty and will below the anterior septal angle and excess resection of the
help providing tips for reducing or preventing caudal septum may lead to over-rotation of the tip
complications. complex.
Common sequelae following rhinoplasty may be tabu- 3. Alar base reduction complications may include narrow-
lated as early and late in Box 38.11. ing of the nostril circumference, which may contribute to
increased nasal airway pressure. The surgery by itself
may cause a web scar at the alar-facial junction. It may
Box 38.11. Complications of Rhinoplasty also result in distortion and secondary deformity of the
nose, cheek and lips.
Early sequelae Late sequelae 4. Complications following septal surgery include failure to
Swelling Infra-orbital discoloration straighten, midline deviation, tip deviation secondary to
Bruising Loss of tip-lobule
Paraesthesia definition
caudal septal displacement and septal collapse leading to
Swelling of the tip and supratip Lateral shortening a saddle nose deformity. The columella may develop
area False “polly-beak” retraction or scarring and rarely necrosis.
deformity The skin and soft tissue envelope may also show scar-
ring, ischemia/discolouration and at times telangiectasia.
812 N. A. Nasser

Management of complications may be necessary when 8. Hollingshead WH, editor. Anatomy for surgeons, vol. 1. 3rd ed.
Philadelphia, PA: Harper and Row; 1982.
the deformity is visible to both the surgeon and the patient. 9. Khan HA. Rhinoplasty: initial consultation and examination. Oral
This necessitates revision or secondary surgery which may Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2012;24(1):11–24. Review.
be indicated in about 5–8% of the patients. Even when 10. Patient assessment for Rhinoplasty. In: Guyuron B, editor.

indicated, it is better to wait for a year prior to attempting Rhinoplasty. Edinburgh: Elsevier/Saunders; 2012.
11. Guyuron B. Precision rhinoplasty. Part I: The role of life-size pho-
revisions or secondary interventions. This is to facilitate a tographs and soft tissue cephalometric analysis. Plast Reconstr
careful assessment of long-term changes following the pro- Surg. 1988;81(4):489–99.
cedure and the final outcome prior to intervention. 12. Moscatiello F, Herrero J, González Ballester MÁ, Carreño

Hernández E, Piombino P, Califano L.  Preoperative digital
three-dimensional planning for rhinoplasty. Aesthet Plast Surg.
38.7 Conclusion 13. Andre RF, Vuyk HD, Ahmed A, Graamans K, Nolst Trenite

GJ. Correlation between subjective and objective evaluation of the
Rhinoplasty in most realms is considered as the epitome of nasal airway. A systematic review of the highest level of evidence.
Clini Otolaryngol. 2009;34(6):518–25.
aesthetic surgical skill. This burdens the surgeon with the 14. Sajjadian A, Naghshineh N, Rubinstein R. Current status of grafts
responsibility of performing the surgery with accurate and implants in rhinoplasty: Part II. Homologous grafts and allo-
planning and prediction of outcomes. It is also important genic implants. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;125(3):99e–109e.
for both the young surgeon and the patient to understand 15. Sajjadian A, Rubinstein R, Naghshineh N.  Current status of

grafts and implants in rhinoplasty: Part I. Autologous grafts. Plast
that the final outcome of the surgery is not in the immediate Reconstr Surg. 2010;125(2):40–9.
future but is a culmination of all the surgical manoeuvres 16. Koehler J, McLain L.  Grafting in cosmetic rhinoplasty. Oral

and their response over a period of time. This is the same Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2012;24(1):59–66.
fact that makes rhinoplasty among the most difficult to 17. Jang YJ, Moon BJ.  State of the art in augmentation rhinoplasty:
implant or graft? Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.
master. Rhinoplasty has transgressed from the early proce- 2012;20(4):280–6.
dures of sole nasal ­reduction to encompassing not only the 18. Wotman M, Kacker A.  What are the indications for the use

aesthetics of the nasal complex but also improvement of the of computed tomography before septoplasty? Laryngoscope.
function and establishing a balance for today’s patient. This 2016;126(6):1268–70.
19. Shah J, Roxbury CR, Sindwani R. Techniques in septoplasty: tradi-
chapter is aimed to provide the reader with the basics of tional versus endoscopic approaches. Otolaryngol Clin North Am.
surgical techniques. Perhaps, this is one surgical skill where 2018;51(5):909–17.
the surgeon still holds all the cards while the others are los- 20. Most SP, Rudy SF.  Septoplasty: basic and advanced techniques.
ing the battle to technology. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2017;25(2):161–9.
21. VanKoevering KK, Rosko AJ, Moyer JS. Osteotomies demystified.
Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2017;25(2):201–10.
22. Wayne I. Osteotomies in rhinoplasty surgery. Curr Opin Otolaryngol
References Head Neck Surg. 2013;21(4):379–83.
23. Bohluli B, Moharamnejad N, Bayat M. Dorsal hump surgery and
1. Oneal RM, Beil RJ. Surgical anatomy of the nose. Clin Plast Surg. lateral osteotomy. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2012
2010;37(2):191–211. Feb;24(1):75–86.
2. Lessard ML, Daniel RK.  Surgical anatomy of septorhinoplasty. 24. Barrett DM, Casanueva F, Wang T.  Understanding approaches to
Arch Otolaryngol. 1985;111(1):25–9. the dorsal hump. Facial Plast Surg. 2017;33(2):125–32.
3. Gonzalez-Ulloa M, Castillo A, Stevens E, et al. Preliminary study 25. Suh MK.  Dorsal augmentation using autogenous tissues. Facial
of the total restoration of the facial skin. Plast Reconstr Surg (1946). Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2018;26(3):295–310.
1954;13(3):151–61. 26. Kim CH, Park SC.  Homologous tissue for dorsal augmentation.
4. Letourneau A, Daniel RK. Superficial musculoaponeurotic system Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2018;26(3):311–21.
of the nose. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1988;82(1):48–57.
5. Wright WK.  Surgery of the bony and cartilaginous dorsum.
Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 1975;8(3):575–98. Additional Reading
6. Pitanguy I. Surgical importance of a dermocartilaginous ligament
in bulbous noses. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1965;36:247–53.
Mladina R. The role of maxillar morphology in the development of
7. Guyuron B. Soft tissue functional anatomy of the nose. Aesthetic
pathological septal deformities. Rhinology. 1987;25(3):199–205.
Surg J. 2006;26(6):733–5.
38 Rhinoplasty 813

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Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Shravan Renapurkar and Robert A. Strauss

39.1 Introduction tissue, which creates the predictable photothermal outcome

of coagulation and then vaporization of tissues [4].
The first successful demonstration of laser was performed by The basic component of a laser unit includes a “laser cav-
Maiman in 1960 who also predicted one of its uses to be in ity” where the laser beam is produced via the phenomenon of
medical science [1, 2]. Decades after the first medical use in stimulated emission as postulated by Albert Einstein. The
the oral cavity and face, lasers are not just an adjunctive tool laser cavity is composed of an active medium, an excitation
today but are an integral part of an Oral and Maxillofacial source acting as a pumping mechanism, and an optical reso-
Surgeon’s (OMS) armamentarium. Although CO2 laser has nator (Fig.  39.1). The active medium is the chemical (gas/
been the traditional workhorse for an OMS, advancement in liquid/solid) that the type of laser is named after and is the
the capabilities of CO2 lasers, as well as the development of material that undergoes stimulated emission. The photons of
other types of lasers, has helped grow their utility. Increasing energy produced are collimated and amplified to produce the
use of lasers in turn has created greater evidence of its effi- laser beam, which is then delivered to the target tissues via
cacy and safety record. Use of lasers has not only added an appropriate delivery mechanism, either a flexible fiberop-
advantages to conventional OMS procedures, as opposed to tic system, semiflexible hollow waveguides, or articulated
a scalpel, it has also given rise to newer procedures, which mirrored arms (Fig. 39.2a–c). Lenses focus the active laser
were not possible with conventional tissue-cutting tools. beam to create a “focal point,” the point at which the energy
is condensed to the smallest area to create the maximum
effect. Some fiberoptic laser systems utilize a quartz or sap-
39.2 Laser Physics phire crystal at the tip of the fiber to enable the beam to be
absorbed by this crystal and allow contact with tissues at the
Modern lasers are simple to use but a lack of knowledge on tip of the fiber, while others are used in a noncontact mode.
the physics of lasers, inadequate training and caution in han- A laser beam is an electromagnetic beam of radiation, which
dling lasers, can give rise to potential adverse outcomes and can fall anywhere in the spectrum of visible or invisible light.
unwanted complications. The term “laser” stands for light Nd:YAG, CO2, and erbium lasers fall into the infrared invis-
amplification by stimulated emission of radiation and was ible spectrum; hence, they are often accompanied by a visi-
first used by Gordon Gould in 1957 [3]. The laser, as opposed ble aiming beam, which helps the surgeon to know the point
to a regular light source, is composed of monochromatic, in the tissues where laser beam hits the target tissues. Aiming
coherent and collimated beams, which, when they strike a beams can be another low power laser or a regular light
suitable target, create photoacoustic, photochemical, pho- source [4] (Fig. 39.3).
toablative, and photothermal effects. Laser light energy can The factors related to the use of lasers that are under con-
undergo absorption, reflection, transmission, and scattering trol of the surgeon include the spot size, power, and time on
based on the optical properties of the target tissue or matter. target. The spot size of the laser is the width of the laser beam
For surgeons, the most desirable action is absorption into the on target. At the focal point, the maximum energy is focused
to produce the smallest spot size or the thinnest possible inci-
sion but to the greatest depth. When the tip of the laser deliv-
S. Renapurkar (*) · R. A. Strauss ery system is moved away from the tissues, the laser beam
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Virginia diverges causing a bigger spot size and the energy is then
Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, VA, USA distributed over a larger area and the related depth is
e-mail: srenapurkar@vcu.edu; rastrauss@vcu.edu

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 817

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_39
818 S. Renapurkar and R. A. Strauss

Fig. 39.1  Components of PUMPUNG MECHANISM

laser tube

CO2 Medium


2-Way 1-Way
Mirror Mirror

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a b

Fig. 39.2 (a) Fiberoptic laser. (b) Hollow waveguide laser. (c) Articulated arm laser
39  Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 819

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 39.2 (continued) Fig. 39.3  Low-level laser-aiming beam

decreased [5]. Laser emission modes and the surgeon’s hand target are regulated by the surgeon, lasers provide better con-
speed can affect the temperature rise and effect in the tissues. trol of desired tissue changes, which enhances the precision of
Lasers can be emitted in “continuous-wave” mode or in a surgery. Increased precision of the depth of tissue damage
“pulsed mode.” Lasers used in pulsed mode allow time for along with fewer myofibroblasts in laser wounds compared to
tissues to cool before the next pulse of laser radiation is scalpel wounds, allow for improved tissue healing and
started while continuous wave mode of laser must be stopped decreased scarring. The mentioned advantages are presumed
manually to allow the tissues to cool. The time between to decrease postoperative pain with the use of lasers, although
pulses can help avoid thermal effects on surrounding tissues the pathophysiology for this effect is not well understood.
or excessive thermal effect on target tissues. The lasers with
pulsed mode of emission can be of two types, “gated pulsed”
or “true pulsed.” True-pulsed lasers are pulsed by a mecha- 39.2.2 Disadvantages of Laser
nism within the laser cavity, while the gated-pulsed lasers
have a shutter-like mechanism outside the laser cavity [4]. Despite several advantages of lasers in surgery, the provider
should make sure the benefits outweigh the risks and disad-
vantages. Hard-tissue lasers such as Er:YAG and
39.2.1 Advantages of Laser Er:CR:YSGG do not match the speed of bone or tooth cut-
ting as do conventional tools such as burs or saws. Soft-tissue
Lasers have obvious advantages, which make them superior to healing after laser-assisted incision or excision is slower
conventional cutting tools. An ability to provide better hemo- (although with decreased scarring) than tissue healing using
stasis is a great advantage for surgeons to maintain visibility scalpels. The associated learning curve and costs of the laser
and reduce blood loss. Since spot size, power, and time on equipment add to the drawbacks of using lasers.
820 S. Renapurkar and R. A. Strauss

39.3 Selection of Lasers

The type of laser to be used is based on the laser’s physical

characteristics, interaction with the target tissues, and the
goals of the procedure. For example, CO2 laser’s excellent
affinity for water, which is the main component of soft tis-
sues, makes it the most widely used laser for soft-tissue sur-
gical applications. The most commonly used CO2 laser is the
10,600-nm wavelength, although 9600-nm and other wave-
length variants of this laser exist. The CO2 laser is currently
the most ideal laser used for most intraoral and extraoral
soft-tissue procedures. The absorbed energy causes vapor-
ization of the intracellular fluid causing tissue vaporization,
while lateral heat conduction causes contraction of collagen
and closure of blood vessels of approximately 500 μ or less
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
in diameter. High-power CO2 lasers are generally delivered
via articulating arms, but new hollow waveguide systems Fig. 39.4  Diode laser
suitable for office use provide increased accessibility intra-
orally along with their ease of use [6, 7].
Other lasers include the Nd:YAG (a crystal of Ytrrium, ulation combined with its ability to be used in presence of
Aluminum, and Garnet doped with the rare earth element saline/lactated Ringer’s solution makes it the preferred laser
Neodymium) laser, which functions in the near-infrared for operative TMJ arthroscopy [18].
electromagnetic spectrum at 1064  nm, and has minimal Diode lasers at wavelengths between 805 and 980 nm have
water and superficial tissue absorption leading to deeper tis- been reported to be compact, inexpensive, and easy to use in
sue penetration. Hence, the Nd:YAG can be used for coagu- OMS procedures (Fig. 39.4). These can be used in continuous
lation of deeper and larger (2–3 mm) diameter vessels. These or pulse modes with contact or noncontact handpieces.
qualities of Nd:YAG have led to its use in treating However, it should be understood that these wavelengths are
­angiomatous or vascular tissue lesions, although this same not well absorbed by soft tissues (although pigmented tissue
lack of water absorption limits its utility for the will absorb it the most), the use of this laser wavelength
OMS.  Depending on the desired effect, the Nd:YAG laser would lead to very limited effects on surface tissue and very
can be used both in contact and noncontact modes [8–10]. deep, poorly controlled, and undesirable tissue penetration.
The Er:YAG laser works at a 2940-nm wavelength and is This is bypassed by using a material on the tip of the fiber that
even more highly absorbed in water than the CO2 laser lead- absorbs these wavelengths (either pigmented material such as
ing to rapid absorption by the superficial layers of tissue and ink paper or a suitable crystal material) and creates a red hot
minimal penetration. This can be an advantage in some cases thermal tip, which is then used in surgery. In reality, the laser
but also means that this laser is less effective on tissue than wavelength produced is not actually used for surgery; it is
the CO2 laser. As an example, when used for cosmetic skin only absorbed by the fiber tip to essentially produce a thermal
resurfacing it shows much more superficial effects, which cautery. Although diodes are cheap and easy to use due to
heal quite quickly, but also shows much less of a result than their fiberoptic contact tip, this thermal cautery effect rather
CO2 laser does. For this reason, it has fallen somewhat out of than the use of the actual laser beam is very inefficient for
favor for this purpose [11–15]. Owing to limitation of its surgery and severely limits its use by the OMS [19].
thermal effects mostly in superficial layers of soft and hard
tissue, Er:YAG laser has become popular in implant den-
tistry. It can be used on both soft and hard tissues and finds 39.4 A
 pplications of Lasers in Oral
its application in bone preparation, second-stage surgery, and Maxillofacial Surgery
treatment of peri-implantitis. Being reflected off the surface,
it has minimal or no apparent adverse effects on dental
implants [16].
The Holmium:YAG laser is generated at a 2100-nm wave- Three basic categories of application of lasers in OMS
length, which enables it to be delivered in contact mode via can be classified as follows:
fiberoptic cable also demonstrates very little water absorp-
tion but is well absorbed by other tissue components [17]. 1. Incisional/excisional procedures
This allows it to be transmitted through water-rich environ- 2. Vaporization (tissue ablation)-based procedures
ments while having similar tissue effects as the CO2. Minimal 3. Surgical hemostasis
lateral thermal damage, precise depth of cut, and good coag-
39  Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 821



Foused Defoused
Beam Beam
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 39.5  Focused vs. defocused beam

Incisional procedures require a precise thin cut with careful

control of the depth of the cut. The thickness or thinness of
the cut with a laser is controlled by the spot size (usually
0.1–0.4  mm). The laser beam’s focal length is usually
between 1 mm and 1 cm, depending on the delivery system,
and is where the smallest spot size can be achieved with
maximum power density. This is called “focused mode”
(Fig. 39.5). The laser can be controlled by a foot pedal, but it
is often useful to limit time on tissue to speeds faster than a c
foot control allows. Hence, a “gated/pulsed mode” can be
used to generate 2–20 pulses per second to create or mark a
dotted outline with lesser depth and allow careful delineation
of the margins of the excision. This is then followed by a
continuous mode (using the foot pedal) to “connect the dots”
and complete the excision. The settings to obtain a desired
depth of cut vary from one tissue to another due their differ-
ent water content and absorption coupled with the surgeon-­
controlled factors as mentioned earlier. It is not possible to
have standard laser parameters for all types of tissues or
lesions. The smallest spot size possible with 4–10 W power
can be a good initial setting. The initial cut then gives the
surgeon ability to observe the clinical effect and depth of
incision, which then can be used to lead to adjustments of the ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
power and time on target to achieve the desired changes.
Fig. 39.6 (a) Lesion of tongue. (b) Tongue after laser excision with no
Common soft-tissue lesions that can be incised or excised
closure. (c) Excellent healing
using lasers include fibromas, mucoceles, epulis fissuratum,
mucosal or gingival lesions, papillomas, etc. Wound closure
after a laser-assisted incisional biopsy or excisional proce- Ablative or vaporization procedures are done when the
dure is often unnecessary due to the limited scarring and surgeon wants to remove only a superficial layer of the tis-
excellent hemostasis and is up to the surgeon’s discretion, as sue. Lasers, cryotherapy, chemical peeling, and scalpel can
healing is excellent regardless of closure. Closure does not be used for this purpose, but the precision of cut and control
usually effect hemostasis or pain relief (Fig. 39.6a–c) [5]. of the depth of tissue changes along with excellent hemo-
822 S. Renapurkar and R. A. Strauss

stasis make lasers the preferred tool for vaporization proce-

dures. Lasers, when used for vaporization procedures, are
used defocused so as to decrease the power density (the
energy per unit area) and limit the depth of effect while
increasing the area of the tissue ablation. The spot size used
for vaporization ranges from 1.5 to 3 mm and allows large
surface areas to be removed very superficially (literally cell
layers at a time if desired). This is ideal for large but flat
and superficial lesions such as hyperkeratosis, dysplasia,
lichen planus, etc. The laser is again used in gated mode to
carefully and precisely outline the margins. This is fol-
lowed by passing the laser in overlapping “U”-shaped pat-
terns to cover the entire area. The parameters can be
adjusted by the surgeon, just as in incision cases, after the
first pass is done at 4–10 W power. As implied by vaporiza-
tion, there is no tissue available for biopsy in these cases. b
Hence, a definitive diagnosis should be established prior to
performing ablative or vaporization procedures on mucosal
lesions (Fig. 39.7a–c).
Due to the ability of CO2 lasers to constrict blood ves-
sels rather than coagulate blood, it can be an excellent tool
to obtain hemostasis in most surgical wounds where the
vessels are smaller than the thermal effect of the laser in
tissue (about 500 μ). The lateral thermal effect of the laser
beam should be equal to or greater than the diameter of the
bleeding vessels. If the vessel is of larger diameter, conven-
tional hemostatic techniques should be used. For small
superficial vascular lesions, the CO2 laser can be used to
excise the lesion (since the feeding vessels are usually
smaller than 500 μ), while deeper or larger vascular lesions
are best treated using lasers that are specifically absorbed c
by hemoglobin, leading to true coagulation of the lesion
itself [6].

39.5 S
 pecific Examples of Application
of Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial

1. Cosmetic facial surgery:

The use of lasers in cosmetic surgery has changed
these procedures significantly over the years. The advan-
tages of lasers as previously described, including the
capability of lasers to only affect the superficial layers of ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
skin with precise depth control, turned out to be its criti-
Fig. 39.7 (a) Hyperkeratosis of lateral tongue. (b) Laser ablation of
cal advantage. Lasers in cosmetic facial surgery can be
tongue. (c) Healing after laser ablation
used both for incisional or ablation procedures based on
indication [20].
Lasers used for laser skin resurfacing (removal of papillary dermis are removed while leaving behind the
superficial skin wrinkles from the face) are an example of reticular layer of the dermis with its adnexal structures.
ablation or vaporization procedure. In skin resurfacing This layer, if intact, provides epithelial cells that are
procedures, the superficial layers of the epidermis and required for rapid re-epithelialization of skin in a uniform
39  Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 823

In skin resurfacing, as opposed to ablation of intraoral

mucosal pathology, the passes of laser should not be over-
lapping to avoid excessive tissue ablation (Fig.  39.8).
Computer pattern generator handpieces (CPG) can be
used, which automatically create a uniform pattern of
coverage on the skin (Fig. 39.9a, b) [22].
Skin resurfacing principles are also used in scar revi-
sion procedures. The prominence or visibility of a scar is
mainly affected by the surface depression or elevation.
The CO2 and Er:YAG lasers can be used to reduce the
elevation of the scar tissue or decrease the elevation of the
surrounding skin to make a depressed scar tissue blend
well with it (Fig. 39.10a–c). Healing scars can also have
hypervascularity as evidence by prolonged erythema.
This can be managed by decreasing the vascularity within
the scar by use of vascular-specific lasers such as 532-nm
KTP:YAG or Pulsed Dye Lasers (PDL) lasers [23].
In blepharoplasty, the CO2 laser can be used to make a
transconjunctival incision on the lower eyelid as well as the
skin incision for the upper eyelid blepharoplasty. The use of
laser to then excise muscle or fat with excellent hemostasis
provides great visualization and tissue control (Fig. 39.11).
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India In endoscopic brow lift techniques, lasers are passed
through either flexible fiberoptic cables or through small
Fig. 39.8  Laser cosmetic skin resurfacing of face
diameter hollow waveguide extensions in order to be used
for incisions made within the optic cavity. The advantage
manner. As opposed to chemical peels or dermabrasion, of using lasers in endoscopic procedures is to provide pre-
lasers offer more precise depth control, which is crucial in cise incisions with excellent hemostasis, which aids in
uniform healing and improved outcomes. CO2 and the better visualization. Laser is used to incise the periosteum
Er:YAG are the commonly used lasers for skin resurfac- and/or muscle attachments. CO2 laser is a commonly used
ing, although recent improvements in the way CO2 is used laser for this purpose.
to improve results with lessened postoperative healing 2 . Intraoral mucosal surgery:
time, have severely diminished the use of the Lasers have been extensively used in intraoral mucosal
Er:YAG. Although the CO2 laser is most commonly used surgeries. Common applications include incisional/exci-
and is more effective, it can be associated with long-term sional biopsy of intraoral soft-tissue lesions (Fig. 39.12a–
erythema and greater risk of scarring if exposure is done c), frenectomy (Fig.  39.13a, b), ablation of premalignant
too deeply. Since CO2 is a continuous-wave beam, which lesions, preprosthetic procedures such as vestibuloplasty
means that even at a short “pulse” the laser would be on and excision of epulis fissuratum (Fig. 39.14a–d). As men-
tissue too long and lead to scarring, it must be electroni- tioned previously in this chapter, advantages of lasers stand
cally “pseudopulsed” at high powers to obtain the short superior compared to traditional scalpels in terms of wound
times needed to reduce risk from lateral thermal damage healing, tissue handling, and hemostasis, which ultimately
to the unintended underlying dermis (roughly less than help improve patient experience when used for intraoral
1000 μs). On the contrary, the Er:YAG laser has less pen- procedures as well. Vaporization or ablation of tissues
etration in skin owing to its higher affinity to water in intraorally is usually performed on premalignant lesions,
tissue. It is also a true pulsed laser and hence it allows commonly for white lesions such as hyperkeratosis or mild
higher power with shorter pulse duration. Although this is epithelial dysplasia. More severe dysplasias are best
an advantage of Er:YAG laser, which helps reduce risk of excised with the laser to allow for margin control. Definitive
excessive ablation and scarring, as mentioned before, it diagnosis with the help of a biopsy is a precursor for man-
also decreases the effectiveness and results of the Er:YAG agement of premalignant lesions with laser vaporization
laser and most surgeons have abandoned its use in favor since there will be no specimen to biopsy [24].
of newer CO2 lasers that create very deep but thin vertical Although diode, ND:YAG, Er:YAG and CO2 lasers
columns in the skin, allowing for tissue contraction with can be used for intraoral mucosal surgeries CO2 lasers
quick healing and less chance of scarring [21]. stand out as the workhorse and most studied laser over the
824 S. Renapurkar and R. A. Strauss

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 39.9 (a) Computerized pattern generator (CPG) for laser skin resurfacing. (b) Optional patterns for CPG

past four decades. When using lasers intraorally on on hard tissues, has been used in uncovering a thin layer
intended soft tissues, care must be exercised to protect of bone in second-stage implant uncovering and initiating
adjacent hard/soft tissue from inadvertent damage or the implant osteotomy, but there is need for further data
devitalization due to pulpal damage. This is done with on the use of Er:YAG for complete preparation of implant
either a moist gauze, a mouth guard, a wet tongue blade, osteotomy. 9300-nm CO2 laser has been used for hard-­
or nonreflective plastic instrumentation [25]. The use of tissue applications, but more data on its safety and effi-
lasers as compared to scalpel is presumed to also provide cacy are needed. Advantages of using lasers in implant
a decreased chance for lymphatic and hematogenous surgery include the precision, atraumatic tissue handling,
seeding as an added advantage in the management of pre- bloodless field of view, and decreased bacterial contami-
malignant or malignant lesions. Principles and technique nation. Lasers have been used for several indications in
of incision and ablation have been detailed elsewhere in implant surgery, including implant site preparation proce-
the chapter. dures such as the release of frenal attachment, excision of
3 . Implant surgery: redundant tissue, and incision placement prior to bony
Lasers are also useful in the management of peri- osteotomy. Placement of incisions with lasers as opposed
implant soft tissues. 10,600-nm wavelength CO2 laser and to scalpel creates less inflammation, swelling, and post-
980-nm diode are the commonly used soft-tissue lasers in operative discomfort to the patient as well as added prop-
implant surgery. ND:YAG laser, due to its inherent high erty of tissue sterilization from antibacterial effect. They
depth of penetration and risk for damage to adjacent tis- can also be used for second-stage surgery, including
sue and implant surface, is considered unsafe for use on removal of soft tissue and, in the case of Erbium lasers
implants. Er:YAG laser, which has been approved for use and 9300 nm CO2 lasers, bone covering the implant [26].
39  Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 825

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 39.11  Laser blepharoplasty

c tis is deemed stable without severe bone loss and/or

mobility, then treatment is attempted to salvage. Treatment
of choice includes debridement of the granulation tissue
accompanied by the administration of antibiotics around
the implant for the eradication of as much bacteria as pos-
sible followed by bone graft of any defect created.
Traditional tools include plastic instruments, citric acid,
chlorhexidine, and topical Tetracycline. A laser-assisted
algorithm for management of peri-implantitis includes
obtaining access to the implant in question via a laser
incision and reflection of flap leading to exposure of
implant and surrounding bone. Then, the pathologic tis-
sue is vaporized by laser energy and the implant surface
and bony defect are decontaminated by the laser, which is
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India accomplished by ablating the surface at low energies to
kill off any bacteria on the surface as well as any attached
Fig. 39.10 (a) Depressed scar of face. (b) Blending of scar using CO2
soft tissue. Bone grafting, if necessary, can then be per-
laser. (c) Results of laser scar revision
formed. Data have shown significantly better outcomes in
cases of peri-­ implantitis as compared to conventional
Treatment of mucositis and peri-implantitis around tools. As in other laser-assisted surgeries, healing is
implants is a challenging problem in implant surgery with enhanced because of reduced inflammation and decreased
limited efficacy when managed via conventional treat- postoperative pain as opposed to conventional tools [26]
ment protocols. If an implant with signs of peri-implanti- (Fig. 39.15a, b).
826 S. Renapurkar and R. A. Strauss

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 39.12 (a) Outlining a small tongue cancer for laser excision. (b) Excision of lesion with CO2 laser. (c) Lesion excised and allowed to heal
with no closure
39  Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 827

a b

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Fig. 39.13 (a) Laser frenectomy with CO2 laser. (b) After laser frenectomy

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 39.14 (a) Epulis fissuratum of maxilla. (b) Excision of epulis with CO2 laser. (c, d) Supraperiosteal dissection allowed to secondary heal
828 S. Renapurkar and R. A. Strauss

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 39.15 (a, b) Implant uncovering with CO2 laser

cannot be used for this purpose. Ho:YAG is the com-

monly used laser for the purpose of TMJ arthroscopy.
With low water absorption, it is less affected by the pres-
ence of the synovial and lavage fluids, while low pene-
tration (~0.5  mm) decreases the risk of damage to
adjacent tissues. Other TMJ procedures such as disk
repositioning and removal have been described with the
use of arthroscopic techniques and laser assistance with
significant success (Fig. 39.16) [17, 18].

39.6 Safety Concerns with Use of Lasers

Efficient and safe use of lasers starts with operator’s famil-

iarity with details of the laser system in use. All laser systems
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India come with a user’s manual, which lists all required technical
details as well as recommended indications for use of that
Fig. 39.16  TMJ arthoscopy with Holmium YAG laser
laser system. Common safety issues with lasers happen with
accidental exposure of surrounding tissues.
4. Temporomandibular joint surgery (TMJ):
Arthroscopic TMJ surgeries have been proven to be 1. Personnel protection:
efficacious, minimally invasive, and efficient procedures Patients, providers, and the assistants are all at risk of
to treat and manage several aspects of temporomandibu- inadvertent irradiation with lasers. Any reflective surface
lar joint disorders. Arthroscopic surgery utilizes various in the area of laser target can divert the beam away from
modified cutting instruments, which are passed through the intended area and potentially cause harm. Use of spe-
a narrow trocar to be able to release the disc attach- cial protective glasses (that are matched to the specific
ments, remove redundant inflamed tissues, and/or per- wavelength of the laser) can help avoid injury to eyes of
form synovial biopsies. These conventional cutting tools patients or personnel in the operatory. Everyone in the
are difficult to maneuver, increase the risk of bleeding, operatory should be familiar with the basic functioning of
which creates a poor visual field and a higher risk of the laser equipment and nonreflective tools should be
complications. Use of lasers administered via narrow- used and reflective surfaces intraorally such as crowns be
diameter fiberoptic cables adds advantages in maneu- protected with a wet sponge or nonreflective retractors.
verability, which makes it easier to sweep through the Posting a “danger” sign for use of laser on the door of the
small-sized TMJ and make precise incisions and abla- operatory in order to avoid unprotected personnel from
tion with better hemostasis in a noncontact mode. Due entering the room, while laser is in use could avoid acci-
to their high water absorption, CO2 and Er:YAG lasers dental injuries as well (Fig. 39.17a, b) [6].
39  Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 829

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 39.17 (a) Wavelength-specific eyewear for protection of operator, patient, and assistants. (b) “Danger” sign outside the operatory along with
closure of any see-through glass panels on the door

2. Fire hazard: 39.7 Conclusion

Lasers in an oxygen-rich environmental such as the
oral cavity of a patient being provided supplemental oxy- Lasers have changed the OMS practice significantly to a
gen, or inside an endotracheal tube, can pose a significant point that it is today an essential surgical tool in many ways.
fire risk. To avoid fire, supplemental O2 concentration Development of lasers in future may overcome current dis-
should be kept to a minimum required level or use of advantages and increase utility and safety. Use of lasers in
room air is recommended. For endotracheal tubes, com- hard tissue is still somewhat limited in comparison to soft-­
pressed air can be substituted for oxygen to keep the tissue applications. Further research and development could
inspired concentrations of oxygen to below 30% [6]. help improve this aspect of laser.DisclosureAuthors have no
3. Laser plume: financial conflicts to disclose.
When a laser is used for incision or vaporization pro-
cedures, the tissue that is being handled will create a
“plume,” which consists of potentially hazardous particu- References
late debris, which is considered infectious. There are
studies, which showed the presence of viral DNA in the 1. Hecht J. Beam the race to make the laser. Oxford: Oxford University
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cance or transmission proven. Nevertheless, for protec- Laser Focus. 1965;1:2–4.
tion of the provider/staff, high flow suction made of a 3. Sulewski JG. Einstein’s “Splendid Light”: origins and dental appli-
nonreflective material such as plastic should be used to cations. In: Convissar R, editor. Principles and practice of laser den-
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remove the plume. Wearing masks and other personal 4. Coluzzi DJ, Convissar RA, Roshkind DM. Laser fundamentals. In:
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5. Strauss RA, Fallon SD. Lasers in contemporary oral and maxillofa- 18.

Koslin M.  Laser applications in temporomandibular joint
cial surgery. Dent Clin N Am. 2004;48(4):861–88. arthroscopic surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin N Am.
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7. Barak S, Kaplan I, Rosenblum I. The use of the CO2 laser in oral applications. J Clin Laser Med Surg. 1999;17:193–7.
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Piezosurgery in Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery 40
Shravan Renapurkar and Sowjanya Nagamalla

40.1 Introduction used ceramic chips in Piezoelectric surgery units are Barium
Titanate or an equivalent material. The amount of deforma-
The term “piezo” has been derived from the word “Piezien,” tion in the crystals within the handpiece and resultant vibra-
which implies pressure in the Greek language. Piezoelectric tions in the insert depend on the power applied [6].
effect was first described by Jacques and Pierre Curie in The working tips of a piezoelectric system used for surgi-
1880 and involves the appearance of an electric charge across cal purposes are interchangeable inserts, which can be of dif-
certain crystals when they are under mechanical pressure. ferent shapes, sizes, and cutting edges based on the intended
Inversely, when an electric current is applied across them, clinical applications. These inserts can be made of different
they deform. This phenomenon of deformation when under materials and be coated with titanium or a diamond layer to
alternating current creates microvibrations or oscillations of improve the cutting efficiency. To create a cutting effect
ultrasonic frequency [1]. Although ultrasonic microvibration rather than a debriding effect, the vibrations of the insert
technology was experimentally used earlier, it was in 1988 enter into a resonance with the ceramic chips, which increases
that Italian oral surgeon Tomaso Vercellotti developed the the energy output. This, combined with the form of the insert,
first commercially available Mectron® piezoelectric bone acts like a micrometric oscillating saw. The main energy unit
surgery unit to cut bone tissue while minimizing the limita- has an interactive touchpad, which allows the operator to
tions of conventional tools [2, 3]. The first use of piezoelec- control the frequency of vibrations, power of the unit, and
tric surgery was for osteotomies by oral and maxillofacial the amount of irrigating or coolant fluid. The pressure applied
surgeons and later on used for neurosurgical and orthopedic on the insert can also be manually controlled by the operator
procedures. This revolutionary tool not only lowers the and can affect the frequency delivered to the target tissue,
chance of damage to adjacent vital soft-tissue structures such which in turn affects the cutting efficiency. When higher
as nerves and vessels during osteotomies, but also preserves pressure is applied at the tip, it impedes the cutting efficiency
osteocytes, which in turn complements bone healing [4, 5]. of the insert and releases the energy as heat, which is detri-
mental to the bone as well as adjacent soft tissue [6, 7].
The Piezoelectric unit also allows for election of modes of
40.2 Equipment and Principles of Use operation, which are preset power modes with varying fre-
quencies to match the clinical application. The frequency is
Piezoelectric surgery devices are generally small portable usually set between 25 and 29 kHz, which can create micro-­
units comprising a handpiece with a working tip and a foot oscillations of 60–210  μm amplitude, providing the hand-
control switch, which are connected to the main power-­ piece with power exceeding 5 W. The vibrations produced in
generating unit. The main power unit also features holders the “Low mode” result from average ultrasonic powers,
for the handpiece and irrigating/cooling fluid (Fig. 40.1a–c). without frequency overmodulation, and allow the operator to
The handpiece is the critical part of this device, containing perform endodontic procedures. On the contrary side, the
within it the ceramic chips where the microvibrations are “high mode” and the “boosted mode” are characterized by
created and later transmitted to the working tip. Commonly vibrations with higher ultrasonic power and frequency over-
modulation, which allows cutting of mineralized tissue. The
S. Renapurkar (*) · S. Nagamalla “boosted mode” has frequency overmodulation with an
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Virginia increased rate that is most efficient for osteotomy and osteo-
Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, VA, USA plasties in surgical procedures, while the “high mode” is less
e-mail: srenapurkar@vcu.edu; nagamallas@vcu.edu

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 831

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_40
832 S. Renapurkar and S. Nagamalla

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 40.1 (a) The Piezosurgery® unit from Mectron® is made of a power supply unit, a handpiece, its holder, an irrigant solution holder, foot
control switch. (b, c) Inserts or working tips of a piezosurgery unit. (b) shows working tips for Sinus lift and (c) shows osteotomy tips

efficient but more helpful in periodontal procedures and ery of the irrigating solution to avoid overheating the tissue
bone smoothening [6–8]. and decrease the chance of damage to soft tissues. Although
The device includes an irrigating system for cooling that the device has a safe frequency range along with the cooling
creates an adjustable jet of coolant solution through a peri- irrigation liquid, there is a possibility of damage to soft tis-
staltic pump at rates between 0 and 60  ml/min and helps sues due to high pressure and overheating [10].
remove debris from the cut surface and helps maintain hemo-
stasis because of its cavitation effect. This enhances visibil-
ity, particularly in difficult-to-reach anatomical zones, by 40.3 Advantages
scattering coolant liquid as an aerosol. The irrigation liquid
should be refrigerated at 4 °C for effectual cooling [6, 8, 9]. Used in many therapeutic surgical procedures, piezosurgery
For optimal use and maximum efficiency, the operator has several advantages when compared to traditional meth-
could select the proper power based on the surgical tissue, ods of surgical instrumentation used for osteotomies or
apply light pressure with the tip, and adjust the rate of deliv- osteoplasty. These are as follows:
40  Piezosurgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 833

• Decreased risk of damage to adjacent soft tissues: This is efficiency of a piezosurgery device has been reported to
the major advantage with use of a piezoelectric surgical be 3–4 times less than that of conventional osteotomes for
unit. When used as recommended, at the appropriate fre- some procedures [12, 13]. For example, in a randomized
quency, the micrometric oscillating motion decreases the prospective crossover clinical study done by Stefano
chance of damage or cutting of adjacent soft tissue while Sivolella, piezoelectric osteotomy of a lower third molar
cutting through hard tissues. For example, it allows took 9.4 min longer than rotary tools to complete [14].
improved Schneiderian membrane preservation during • Expense: The cost of equipment is sometimes an addi-
osteotomy of the maxillary lateral wall during a sinus lift tional burden to the provider. Each individual cutting tip
and preservation of the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) dur- in a piezosurgery equipment setup is generally more
ing mandibular osteotomy. expensive than traditional cutting tools such as burs, chis-
• Improved visibility: With use of piezosurgery, better visi- els, or saw blades. These tips can also potentially break or
bility is secondary to the decreased amount of bleeding fracture when improperly used, which can again increase
and the phenomenon of cavitation. Cavitation refers to the the need for more equipment.
phenomenon of “microboiling” occurring in liquids in a • Learning curve: Use of piezo requires a short learning
solid-liquid interface at intermediate frequencies of vibra- curve to attain maximum efficacy, which could be frustrat-
tion secondary to the creation of imploding bubbles when ing to the operator. The digital pressure applied by the sur-
the irrigating solution contacts the insert. Improved visi- geon while using conventional tools such as saws and
bility helps the operator to place the osteotomy in the pre- drills is quite different from piezoelectric surgery as it
ferred location with increased accuracy [6]. mandates less pressure and failing to calculate the pressure
• Increased patient comfort: Due to the micrometric nature according to the speed of the insert prevents microvibra-
of the vibrations and decreased noise, use of a piezosur- tions of the insert. When the microvibrations are prevented
gery device improves patient comfort and decreases anxi- due to excessive pressure on the working tip, energy not
ety during procedures done under local anesthesia. When used for cutting will be transformed into heat, which, if it
used for bone harvesting, it also reduces the need for use continues for long time, would damage the tissue.
of chisels, which can help improve the patient experience • Pacemakers and defibrillators: Piezosurgery is relatively
and reduce stress. contraindicated for use in patients with pacemakers,
• Improved survival of osteocytes: Bone harvested with var- although there is no evidence of electromagnetic interac-
ious techniques, including rotary instruments, chisels, ron- tions produced by piezoelectric devices according to one
geurs, and a piezosurgery device, was studied with in vitro study [15].
histomorphometry evaluation by Berengo et al. The piezo-
surgery device was shown to be one of the best methods of
harvesting bone along with gouge chisels, back action 40.5 Applications for Piezosurgery
chisels, and rongeurs in terms of the viability of the har-
vested bone and number of osteocytes. Bone harvested 40.5.1 Dentoalveolar Procedures
with rotary instruments, including burs and safe scrapers,
was noted to be completely nonvital with an absence of Piezosurgery can be applied toward multiple dentoalveolar pro-
osteocytes. In another histomorphological study done with cedures where there is a requirement for meticulous bone prepa-
the placement of porous titanium implants in minipig tib- ration, atraumatic tooth extraction/exposure, and when the
ias, neo-osteogenesis was noted to be consistently more location of the surgical site is in proximity to vital anatomical
active in bony samples from implant sites that were pre- structures. Example of applications in dentoalveolar surgery
pared using piezoelectric surgery, and there was an earlier include ankylotic tooth root extraction, impacted third molar
increase in BMP-4 and TGF-2 proteins and fewer proin- extraction, surgical exposure of impacted teeth, and extractions
flammatory cytokines in bone around the implants [5, 11]. in patients with a thin periodontal biotype. In all of these indica-
tions, piezosurgery has the potential to limit bone loss and maxi-
mize maintenance of alveolar bone integrity, especially when
40.4 Disadvantages/Limitations the alveolar bone is thin and the procedure requires a high
degree of precision. A split-mouth design, randomized, clinical
Although piezosurgery has numerous advantages as listed trial conducted by Mantovani et al. studied differences in post-
here, it is associated with some drawbacks as follows: operative pain, orofacial swelling and duration of the procedure
when using a rotary bur for third molar ostectomy versus a
• Low efficiency/increased operating time: One of the major piezosurgery device. They found that, although the duration of
drawbacks with ultrasonic/piezo surgery osteotomes is the procedure was longer, the postoperative pain and swelling
the increased time required for the procedure. The cutting were less in the piezosurgery group [16].
834 S. Renapurkar and S. Nagamalla

40.5.2 Dental Implant Surgery t­ raditional instruments. The chance of membrane perforation
with conventional techniques is reported to be 14–56%, Sinus Floor Elevation while studies on the use of piezosurgery devices report it to
Perforation of the Schneiderian membrane during lateral be 5–7% [8, 17, 18].
wall osteotomy, and/or while raising the maxillary sinus
floor manually, is a common complication, which can affect • Thinning buccal wall: With traditional instruments, it is
the bone grafting procedure. Use of piezosurgery in sinus lift difficult to thin the buccal wall with good control.
procedures not only minimizes the chance of perforation Piezoelectric device makes precise osteoplasty easy and
during osteotomy but also eases the separation of the mem- the bone fragments produced during osteoplasty can be
brane as well (Fig. 40.2a–c). In the commonly used lateral used as grafting material.
approach technique for sinus lift, piezoelectric devices have • Bony window/osteotomy: Piezosurgery makes the frame
a superior action in each technique or step compared to of the bony window optimal with respect to the sinus

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 40.2 (a) Piezosurgery insert used to perform outline of the lateral otomy completed, membrane separation initiated a third insert shaped
wall osteotomy to thin the wall. (b) Blunt piezosurgery insert used to as an elevator used to continue the separation of the membrane to create
infracture the window wall and initiate the separation of the schneide- required space for the bone graft for augmentation
rian membrane from the sinus wall. (c) After the lateral sinus wall oste-
40  Piezosurgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 835

anatomy with decreased chance of membrane of piezosurgery, one can decrease the chance of the damage
perforation. to adjacent structures during the osteotomy as well as reduce
• Sinus membrane separation: Most commercially avail- the risk of bone thermonecrosis, while simultaneously pro-
able piezosurgery devices have special inserts that make viding better control of propagation of the ridge split osteot-
the separation around the perimeter of bony window eas- omy. Although ridge splitting was traditionally used in the
ier and decrease chance of tear or perforation during the maxillary arch, piezoelectric bone surgery allows ridge
manual lifting process. expansion even in highly mineralized tissues like the man-
dible with ease [21, 22]. Blus et  al. conducted a study on
ridge splitting for more than 200 implants placed in 57 Implant Site Preparation patients and reported 96.5% success rate with a 36-month
Implant site healing and ultimate osseointegration of follow up [23].
implants is negatively influenced by the high temperatures
created during site preparation. Results of an in vitro study L  ateralization of the Inferior Alveolar
done by Heinemann et al. in 2012 on porcine jaws compar- Nerve
ing piezosurgery, Sonicflex®, and rotary instruments showed In order to place implants in atrophic edentulous mandibles,
the highest temperature rise with use of piezosurgery, IAN lateralization can be used as an alternative to bone aug-
although the trabecular bone and osteocytes were still intact mentation procedures (Fig.  40.4a–c). Bovi, in 2005, first
[19]. On the contrary, a recent randomized, controlled clini- reported a technique for IAN mobilization with simultane-
cal trial by Da Silva Neto et al. in 2014 compared implant ous implant placement utilizing a piezoelectric device. He
stability at various times postoperatively in osteotomies per- reported that IAN mobilization with a piezoelectric device
formed by conventional rotary instruments versus piezosur- minimizes the risk of irreversible damage to the IAN and
gery devices, and found implant stability to be higher with enables the surgeon to make a smaller bony window, which,
Piezosurgery [20]. The use of piezoelectric devices facili- in turn, decreases overstretching of the mental nerve [24]. In
tates the use of selective enlargement of only one socket wall an in vitro study, Metzger compared transposition of the IAN
and Vercellotti called this: “differential ultrasonic socket with use of a piezoelectric device versus conventional burs.
preparation.” [4]. His study also supported the lower rate of nerve injury from
use of piezosurgery [25]. Alveolar Ridge Splitting
Ridge-splitting techniques for alveolar augmentation is indi-
cated when there is adequate height of bone for implant 40.5.3 Bone Graft Harvesting
placement but inadequate ridge thickness. The conventional
ridge-splitting procedure uses chisels, rotary instruments, or For bone augmentation, bone grafts in the form of chips or
saws, all of which have a high risk for damage to soft tissue, blocks can be used. Bone chips are primarily indicated in
undesired propagation of the osteotomy and bone fracture, as guided bone regeneration where the stabilization of the graft
well as prolonging treatment time due to the need for second-­ is not an issue, such as multiwalled defects. On the other
stage surgery to place the implants. (Fig. 40.3a, b) With use hand, when the bony defect is large or stabilization is diffi-

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 40.3 (a, b) Ridge split technique with piezo surgery. Bony oste- M., & Mehta, G. (2016). Staged Ridge Split Procedure in the
otomies performed with piezoelectric device then ridge expanded to Management of Horizontal Ridge Deficiency Utilizing Piezosurgery.
desired dimensions. From: Tarun Kumar, A., Triveni, B., Priyadharshini, Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 15(4), 542–546 (Springer)
836 S. Renapurkar and S. Nagamalla

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 40.4 (a–c) Inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) lateralization for placement of implant

cult, block grafts must be utilized to augment vertical or blood loss compared to conventional surgery but no significant
horizontal dimension. Piezosurgery is used for harvesting all difference in surgical times. Lefort I osteotomy only required
types of bone grafts, including autologous free block grafts, the use of chisels in about 33% of cases [5, 27, 28]. In the same
microvascular free flaps, and bone chips. study, among patients who underwent bilateral sagittal split
For example, piezosurgery is commonly used to harvest osteotomy (BSSO), inferior alveolar nerve sensitivity at
mandibular ramus block grafts. This requires use of two 3-month follow up was retained in 98% of the cases, com-
types of piezosurgery inserts. One is the standard saw-shaped pared with 84% after conventional BSSO (Fig. 40.5). When
right angle insert, which is used in an area, which can be performing surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion
viewed directly to make the depth cut and vertical cuts, while (SARME), the advantage of using piezoelectric surgery is that
a second, dual-angled, insert is used specifically to make the it minimizes potential damage to the descending palatine
inferior horizontal bone cut. In bone graft harvesting, piezo- artery while separating the pterygomaxillary junction, the
surgery allows better visibility, precise cuts, and good adap- nasopalatine artery while making the midline maxillary cut,
tation of the grafts along with better survival of bone cells. In and it lowers indirect thermal damage to the bony surfaces and
a study by Happe in 2007 on 40 patients, bone grafts har- adjacent structures, including teeth [29].
vested from the mandibular ramus by piezosurgery resulted
in 93% uneventfully healed donor sites and 96% unevent-
fully healed graft sites [26]. There was also minimal resorp- 40.5.5 Aesthetic Facial Surgery
tion of the graft. Shaping of block grafts can be better
controlled with piezosurgery, although this can take longer Conventionally, chisels are used for osteotomy of the lateral
than rotary instruments. In microvascular free bone flaps har- nasal bone during rhinoplasty, which transmit significant
vested with piezosurgery, the surgeon can decrease the force to the surrounding soft tissues in a blind manner, and
chance of injury to the vascular bundle along the surface of increases the risk for bleeding from injury to the adjacent
bone. With the use of piezoelectric surgery, the clinician can vasculature. A study done by Robiony et al. assessed use of
cautiously osteotomize the fibula or other bone without any chisels versus piezosurgery and found a decreased risk of
periosteal/pedicle dissection. In addition, the piezoelectric injury to adjacent soft tissues with use of piezosurgery. Use
method also allows shaping and handling the pedicle while it of chisels also may create inaccuracy due to blind use and the
is still attached to the donor site. unguarded nature of the instrument. On the other hand, use
of piezo will not incur this issue and gives the operator more
control and accuracy [30].
40.5.4 Orthognathic Surgery

Piezoelectric devices are increasingly being used in orthogna- 40.5.6 Distraction Osteogenesis
thic surgery due to its precise cutting and lower risk of damage
to adjacent teeth and nerves. Landes et al. performed a large Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is indicated when there is a
study on 90 patients in whom orthognathic surgery was per- need for significant amounts of bone augmentation or length-
formed with piezosurgery. This study demonstrated decreased ening, or when the soft tissues that cover the bone will not
40  Piezosurgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 837

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 40.5 (a, b) Orthognathic surgery using Piezo. Figure shows steps in a BSSO. Variations in the blade design can be used based on desired

allow for osseous augmentation. The use of piezosurgery per- bleeding along with minimal postoperative complications
mits the initial osteotomy to be made delicately and accurately while treating TMJ ankylosis with piezosurgery [33].
while minimizing injury to the soft-tissue flap and surround-
ing hard tissue, allowing maintenance of the vascularity
needed for successful new bone formation [31]. Distraction 40.5.8 Inferior Alveolar Nerve Preservation
Osteogenesis (DO) can be used for distraction of either the
alveolar bone or the basal jawbone. DO with a piezoelectric The IAN is at risk whenever there is the need to extract
device ensures the preservation of original bone structures, impacted mandibular molars, enucleate large cysts, or
specifically the cancellous bone, which favors the healing pro- remove benign mandibular tumors. In 2009, Dr. Kagan
cess due to its high healing potential. In a recent article, DO Degerliyurt presented an article describing a procedure
with microdistractors using a piezoelectric device has shown called the “bone lid technique,” which is performed by using
favorable results in patients with Pierre Robin Sequence [32]. a piezosurgery device when there is a definitive risk of dam-
age to IAN [34, 35].

40.5.7 Temporomandibular Joint Surgeries

40.5.9 Trauma
Osteotomies and osteoplasty in the temporomandibular joint
(TMJ) region involves risk to the facial nerve as well as Piezoelectric devices can be used for reconstruction in mul-
major vessels such as the internal maxillary artery and the tiple trauma cases, such as comminuted frontal bar fractures,
masseteric artery. Due to anatomical complexity, the use of to cut and shape the inner table of a calvarial bone graft, to
conventional bone-cutting tools such as burs and saws may osteotomize a healing fracture while reducing the chance of
put these vital structures at risk of injury or permanent dam- adjacent tissue injury. Using piezosurgery in post-traumatic
age. Given the advantages of piezosurgery as discussed pre- cases can help preserve bone, protect adjacent soft tissues,
viously in the chapter, its use in this specialized surgery is decrease blood loss, improve visibility, and ensure a better
reasonable and advisable. In 2014, Anson Jose observed less overall outcome [36].
838 S. Renapurkar and S. Nagamalla

40.6 Conclusion 15. Gómez J, Sánchez R, Ferrer R, Duran-Sindreu F. Safety concerns

of piezoelectric units in implantable cardioverter defibrillator. J
Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017;76(2):273–7.
Piezosurgery is a promising surgical tool for safe and effec- 16. Mantovani A, Schierano F, Gallesio M, Russo S, Carossa S.  A
tive use in various surgeries. For an oral and maxillofacial split-mouth randomized clinical trial to evaluate the performance of
surgeon, piezosurgery allows safer and effective osteotomy piezosurgery compared with traditional technique in lower wisdom
tooth removal. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014;72(10):1890–7.
or osteoplasty compared to conventional rotating instru- 17. Pavlíková G, Foltán R, Horká M, Hanzelka T, Borunská H,

ments such as burs and saw blades, even in complex ana- Šedý J. Piezosurgery in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Int J Oral
tomical areas. Over the past decade, it has not only been Maxillofac Surg. 2011;40(5):451–7.
increasingly used in OMFS but has been adapted for use in 18. Wallace SS, Mazor Z, Froum SJ, Cho SC, Tarnow DP. Schneiderian
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neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, and otorhinolaryngology. gery: clinical results of 100 consecutive cases. Int J Periodontics
In addition to the surgical advantages, it helps the patient by Rest Dent. 2007;27:413–9.
reducing procedural stress, postoperative swelling, pain and 19. Heinemann F, Hasan I, Kunert-Keil C, Götz W, Gedrange T,

overall improves the surgical experience. The major draw- Spassov A, Schweppe J, Gredes T. Experimental and histological
investigations of the bone using two different oscillating osteotomy
back of piezosurgery is the lack of efficiency or cutting techniques compared with conventional rotary osteotomy. Ann
speed, which can be balanced by improved clinical out- Anat. 2012;194(2):165–70.
comes. Future generations of ultrasonic devices may bring 20. Da Silva Neto UT, Joly JC, Gehrke SA.  Clinical analysis of the
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ventional drilling or piezosurgery. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
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Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery
in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 41
Shintaro Sukegawa and Takahiro Kanno

41.1 Introduction
Stereolithographic 3D models are useful for maxillo-
The anatomy of the oral and facial region is complex, having mandibular reconstruction indicators such as
many vital organs and structures, including an intricate net-
work of blood vessels and nerves as well as the brain, eyes, 1 . A guide for plate adaptation.
nose, and vital teeth. Plain radiography can be used for 2. Planning bony osteotomies.
screening because of its simplicity, but it cannot characterize 3. Planning for graft or flap placements.
detailed anatomical relationships. Currently, imaging diag- 4. Surgeries involving jaw repositioning.
nosis must be performed with computed tomography (CT) 5. Construction of patient-specific custom implants

and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before surgery to (PSI).
characterize the surgical area and surrounding anatomical
structures. Recent developments in imaging technology have
allowed for rapid processing and visualization of significant
amounts of data yielded from a variety of digital imaging Not only are they useful in visualizing and planning, but also
modalities. Prerequisites have been established for three-­ for providing haptic support to the surgeon for perceived excel-
dimensional (3D) visualization as well as programs for the lent tactile feedback during virtual surgery. They also prove to
computer-assisted 3D planning of surgical procedures, and be very useful in creating a more predictable workflow for the
these image sources are now available to assist the surgeon in intended surgical intervention. Unfortunately, there is no single
the operating room [1]. prediction method where the surgical plan as performed on the
Today, surgeons can use computer-aided design and model can be directly transferred to the patient.
computer-­aided modeling (CAD/CAM) software to assist
with the planning and implementation of complex maxillofa-
cial surgical procedures [2]. CAD/CAM software allows the Computer-assisted surgery (CAS) uses data from
clinician to import two-dimensional (2D) CT data in DICOM image processing, and can be divided into two major
format (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) categories:
to a computer workstation and create accurate 3D represen-
tations of the facial skeleton and related soft tissues. The data 1 . Computer-assisted presurgical planning.
can then be used either to print a stereolithographic (STL) 2. Intraoperative navigation.
model or for virtual manipulation of the generated 3D model
by segmentation, reflection (mirroring), insertion, or
­repositioning of 3D objects for treatment planning [3].
Computer-assisted presurgical planning involves preop-
erative surgical simulation using physical or virtual 3D
S. Sukegawa
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kagawa Prefectural images or models, and helps the surgeon to appreciate the
Central Hospital, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan underlying skeletal anatomy in a more precise manner. The
T. Kanno (*) application of preoperative surgical simulations is being
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shimane University used in the field of dental implantology for determining the
Faculty of Medicine, Izumo, Shimane, Japan appropriate positions and sizes of implants as well as evalu-
e-mail: tkanno@med.shimane-u.ac.jp

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 841

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_41
842 S. Sukegawa and T. Kanno

ating and planning for bone augmentation when needed,

and in the field orthognathic surgery for assessing the This is most usefully represented by three questions:
amount and direction of movement of the jaws. “Where is the anatomical target in our patient?”, “How
The process of intraoperative navigation was developed to can we reach our target safely for our patient?”, and
improve the sequence of “diagnosis-surgical planning-­ “What is our current anatomical location?”.
surgery,” allowing surgeons to accurately visualize the posi-
tions of surgical instruments and guides in real time on a
display of patient CT and/or MRI data. Intraoperative navi- Besides these questions, navigation-assisted surgery may
gation systems integrate diagnostic imaging with the actual also be used as an “information center” to provide surgeons
surgical field, allowing simultaneous visualization of the sur- with accurate and efficiently retrievable information.
gical site and the analogous image counterpart with the help Navigation systems used for surgery are very similar to a
of a sensor that enables more precise access and manipula- global positioning system (GPS), as is commonly found in
tion for areas with sensitive anatomy. These navigation sys- automobiles.
tems have now evolved greatly to minimize invasiveness
while improving accuracy. The development of intraopera-
tive navigation surgery has enabled improvement in execu- It comprises three principal components: (1) a local-
tion and predictability for greater precision during izer, which is analogous to a satellite; (2) a “hand-held”
oral-maxillofacial surgery. probe, which corresponds to the track waves emitted by
This section presents an overview of currently available the GPS unit; and (3) the CT scan data of the patient,
navigation systems and their applications, focusing on clini- which is analogous to a road map.
cal utility and solutions they offer for problems and chal-
lenges in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Intraoperative navigation systems were initially

41.2 Medical Navigation Technology d­eveloped for use in neurosurgery, but they are now
commonly used in surgery of the craniomaxillofacial
“Navigation-assisted surgery” is a broad term and can be region due to their high accuracy and reliability [1, 4]
interpreted in various ways. (Fig. 41.1).

Fig. 41.1  Components of a

surgical navigation system. A
surgical navigation system is
comparable to a global
positioning system (GPS) as
is commonly used in
automobiles, and is composed
of three primary components:
a localizer, which is
analogous to a satellite in
space; an instrument or
surgical probe, which
represents the track waves
emitted by the GPS unit in the
vehicle; and a CT scan data
set, which is analogous to a
road map
Patient images

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

41  Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 843

41.2.1 Differences Between Optical 41.2.2 Registration Techniques

and Electromagnetic Tracking Systems
Registration is the task of obtaining the mutual transfor-
Two main technologies are currently available for intraoper- mation matrix by calculating the relationship between the
ative navigation, including optical and electromagnetic coordinates of the actual patient space and the coordinates
(Fig. 41.2), and they share the same function. However, they of the medical image. In other words, this procedure
use very different technologies to relay position information involves the alignment of the patient and the image, and it
to the surgeon. Two major components of the optical naviga- is the most important process when performing surgical
tion system are measured using an infrared camera. These navigation.
include the position of the reference frame, which is the opti-
cal point of reference for navigation and is also called the
patient tracker, and a surgical probe with light reflectors. Registration techniques are categorized into two
This enables the position of the surgical probe to be dis- major types: (1) marker-based [7] and (2) marker-
played on the CT or MRI image in real time. Care should be free [8] (Fig. 41.3).
taken to ensure that both the tracker and the probe are
detected by the infrared camera of the navigation system to
track the instrument position within the surgical field [5]. By
In the marker-based technique, registration requires iden-
contrast, the electromagnetic system utilizes electromagnetic
tifiable markers to be placed within preoperative images that
fields and reference points on a patient borne device, along
can be easily detected on the patient during the surgery.
with a wired instrument for the surgeon to manipulate within
These markers include dental splints [9], skin adhesive refer-
the surgical field. The system functions by creating a mag-
ence markers, and bone-implanted screws [10]. In contrast,
netic field of known intensity and then using microsensors in
the marker-free technique is based on the patient’s regional
key instruments to allow the system to determine where the
anatomy. This can be performed by registering easily identi-
instrument is located relative to the patient’s anatomy [6]. In
fiable soft tissue or bony structures on the patient’s preopera-
contrast to an optical system, an electromagnetic system
tive scans. Another technique for marker-free registration is
does not require a clear line of vision between the IR camera
laser surface scanning, which is used to match random points
and the sensors, allowing equipment and objects to be placed
on the surface of facial skin to corresponding points on CT or
between the sensors and the IR camera. However, the accu-
MRI images. More recently, hybrid registration combining
racy of this system is compromised when using ferromag-
methods have been used that combine point registration and
netic instruments.
surface registration [11].

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.2  There are two main types of navigation systems currently available: (a) optical and (b) electromagnetic systems
844 S. Sukegawa and T. Kanno

a b c

Marker-based registration Marker-free registration

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.3  Registration techniques for navigation preparation can be craniomaxillofacial anatomy. Laser surface scanning is applied in a dis-
categorized into two main groups: marker-based and marker-free. tinct marker-free registration technique, where random points on the
Marker-based registration requires markers that are apparent on preop- facial skin surface are matched to corresponding points on the soft tis-
erative images and that are easily detectable on the patient during the sues in preoperative computed tomography/magnetic resonance imag-
procedure, such as (a) skin adhesive reference markers or (b) a refer- ing (CT/MRI) images
encing dental splint (c) Marker-free registration relies on the patient’s

41.2.3 Application to Oral-Maxillofacial movement of the mandible. The second option is to maintain
Surgery an immobile intercuspation position, such as using a maxilla-
mandibular fixation to maintain intraoperative synchroniza- Application to the Maxilla and Midface tion [14]. Unfortunately, this is impossible to achieve in most
The use of navigation systems significantly improves the intraoral procedures. Therefore, a third strategy has been
degree of intraoperative precision and accuracy that can be developed in which the mandible is placed in a reproducible
predictably transferred from the planning stages to the actual position against the maxilla using an occlusal splint. This
surgery. However, navigational accuracy is limited by the method appears to produce no additional error.
type of system used, the method of procuring imaging data,
and the intraoperative synchronization of the imaging data
with the patient’s actual position. The systems currently in 41.3 C
 linical Significance in Oral
use for maxillary and midface surgery are relatively reliable, and Maxillofacial Surgery
as most have been modified from their neurosurgical coun-
terparts [12]. Because the maxilla and midface are immov- There are numerous clinical applications for CAS and intra-
able, unlike the mandible, the position of the skull relative to operative navigation in oral and maxillofacial surgery. This
the reference is stable, and the registration procedure directly is reiterated by literature support available over the last
reflects this. Therefore, navigation-assisted surgery is the decade supporting its use.
best option at the maxilla and midface. Application to the Mandible 41.3.1 Application for Oral-Maxillofacial

The use of navigation systems is not currently approved for Trauma
mandibular surgery. This is due to the nature of the mandible
to move on its joint (Fig. 41.4), resulting in the registration Computer-based surgery is a rapidly emerging approach
not being reflected accurately in the navigation of the man- used in some surgical disciplines, and can be used both as a
dible. However, it may be possible if the position of the man- research tool and to improve healthcare. Computer-based
dible is held identical to its intraoperative position during surgery, in combination with the use of a navigation system,
image acquisition. has been shown to reduce overall operation time in complex
At present, solutions exist for the application of navigation anatomic areas, such as maxillofacial trauma surgery (e.g.,
systems to mandibular surgery. One such option is the use of orbital trauma reconstruction surgery), making surgery more
a dynamic reference frame mounted to the mandible that reliable. Using 3D models based on CAS is suitable for pre-
enables the continuous tracking of mandibular movement operative preparation of reconstruction material for bone
during surgery [13]. This method utilizes a sensor frame and defects caused by trauma. On the other hand, navigation sur-
mandible/teeth supported markers for the direct tracking of gery is most suitable for intraoperative anatomical evaluation
the mandible during surgery. This permits free intraoperative [15]. By combining these techniques, safer and minimally
41  Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 845

CT image data with mouth opened CT image data with mouth closed

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.4  The positional relationship between the reference and the sition and the surgical procedure, then all structures within the image
target becomes unstable due to the free mobility of the mandible. If the could be fixed in an identical position, thereby ensuring the accuracy of
mandible were maintained in an identical position during image acqui- the navigation surgery

invasive surgery is possible. Maxillofacial trauma may be an to be demanding even for the most experienced of surgeons.
important indicator suggesting the use of navigation systems Literature indicates that intraoperative navigation is a very
(Figs.  41.5, 41.6, 41.7 and 41.8). Unilateral midfacial and useful tool in post-traumatic orbital reconstruction. Another
orbital trauma surgery may also be indicators, and are nor- rising trend is the use of patient-specific implants (PSIs). A
mally treated with open reduction and fixation with naviga- recently published literature also discusses the use of PSIs
tion assistance. with navigation guidance [17]. A control group was treated
The largest sample sizes for navigation surgery were with navigation using prebent titanium mesh. Several signifi-
found in the field of craniomaxillofacial trauma, offering sig- cant factors were reported favoring the study group. PSIs are
nificant positive results for orbital fracture treatment through poised to make a significant change in the management of
navigation-assisted surgery. Midfacial trauma, and particu- orbital trauma.
larly unilateral midfacial trauma, was most common exam- Innovations such as intraoperative navigation and
ple of maxillofacial trauma available in the literature. Some computer-­assisted surgical planning have been shown to
of these reports described the treatment of patients with improve the efficacy, accuracy, and predictability of surgi-
delayed zygomatic fractures requiring osteotomies to reposi- cal procedures. The 3D reconstruction abilities of soft-
tion the abnormally healed bones. This results in added com- ware could be used to virtually display the patient’s
plexity for the surgeon due to the lack of known anatomical anatomy throughout the case, allowing for stereotactic
landmarks. He et al. presented a protocol for the creation of navigation. During the surgery, the intraoperative naviga-
artificial landmarks on the surface of the zygoma [16]. The tion system helps surgeons to control the positions of
technique involved the registration being performed with rig- implants or of repositioned bone, and assists in verifying
idly fixed, light-reflecting spheres placed on the patient’s the final location. A navigation system enhances the sur-
skull. Subsequent soft tissue surface scanning was performed geon’s ability to measure the extent of resection and to
using a laser pointer to complete the process. confirm the orientation of bone grafts used for reconstruc-
Another challenging facet of oral and maxillofacial sur- tion. Using this approach, it is possible to minimize the
gery is the management of orbital fractures. This can prove human error factor by increasing the adherence to a pre-
846 S. Sukegawa and T. Kanno


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.5  A 17-year-old male undergoing a large orbital floor to medial tive/bioresorbable materials, the SuperFIXORB-MX®
orbital fracture reconstruction. Surgeons first created a three-­ (OsteotransMS®) system; TEIJIN Medical Technologies Co., Ltd,
dimensional model that was mirrored by CAS, and determined the Osaka, Japan, according to the shape of the orbits to be reconstructed
angle and form of reconstruction material using third-generation bioac-

a c d

b e f

g h

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.6 (a–h) A 17-year-old male undergoing a large orbital floor to CAS was positioned at the reconstruction site. We then confirmed the
medial orbital fracture reconstruction. Navigation will determine the exact position of the reconstruction material and reconstructed the
exact intraoperative anatomical form. Reconstruction material before orbital shape using the navigation system
41  Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 847

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.7 (a) The bioresorbable mesh plate was positioned to support of the position of the surgeon’s navigation probe in relation to the
the orbital globe. (b) The reconstructed site was confirmed to match the orbital floor defect region at the time of localization. (d) Shows the
mirror image using a tip pointer with a navigation system. (c) reconstruction plan image, created using the mirroring technique
Intraoperative navigation system screenshot showing a multiplane view

a d e

b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.8 (a, b) A 33-year-old male undergoing a nasoorbitoethmoidal intraoperative 3D anatomical form. (c) The fractured deep medial
(NOE) and maxillary fractures open treatment, including a large orbital orbital wall was precisely reduced under an endoscopic-assisted
floor to medial orbital walls fractures reconstruction. We, maxillofacial navigation-­guided surgery by otorhinolaryngology-head and neck sur-
surgeons, first created a three-dimensional (3D) precise preorbit to geons. (d, e) We then reconstructed the large orbital floor and confirmed
orbital groove model that was mirrored by computer-assisted simula- the exact position of the autogenous calvarial bone for accurate recon-
tion, and determined the anatomical form of reconstruction for autoge- struction of the orbit using the navigation system, followed by fixation
nous bone harvested from calvaria using Piezosurgery® according to using titanium screws. (f) The use of intraoperative CT in the hybrid
the 3D shape of the orbits to be reconstructed (produced by Yasojima operation room can provide rapid CT data during surgery for the final
Proceed Co., Ltd. Osaka, Japan). Navigation will determine the exact 3D confirmation of complex orbital reconstruction cases
848 S. Sukegawa and T. Kanno

operative plan. Furthermore, this also helps in reducing 41.3.2 Application for Oral-Maxillofacial
the incidence of postoperative complications due to Tumor/Cancer
improperly positioned or oriented bone grafts, plates, or
fixation screws. Virtual surgical planning (VSP) combined Computer-assisted navigational surgery is a proven method
with 3D printing technology has improved surgical effi- for reducing operating time and increasing reliability in com-
ciency and precision through the generation of 3D surgi- plex surgical procedures of the infratemporal fossa and the
cal models, implants, and guides [18]. This increases the periorbital region [19] (Fig.  41.9). Navigation-assisted sur-
number of indicators suggesting the use of VSP by the gery was introduced in the field of oral, head, and neck tumors
surgeon, as it offers additional tools in preoperative plan- more than 20 years ago. The use of navigation in the manage-
ning and intraoperative decision making. Both VSP and ment of benign and malignant lesions is discussed later.
3D models may be used to plan the optimal reconstruction Malignant lesions of the head and neck have a high rate of
material in terms of the volume, shape, and dimensions recurrence (25–48%). Tumor control essentially depends on
required. They can also be used to produce templates for the extent of the tumor, its location, and the margins of resec-
resective surgery to accurately demarcate the boundaries tion, with the latter being a very important prognostic factor
for resection and/or to plan more efficient and accurate in cancer surgery. Feichtinger et al. [20] used navigation sys-
reconstructive strategies. A further advantage of using 3D tems to evaluate the resection margins in the treatment of six
models is a reduction in total operative time and the elimi- patients with carcinomas in the nasal cavity, maxillary sinus,
nation of potential complications from prolonged and oral cavity. In four patients, further resection had to be
surgery. performed after an assessment with a navigation system

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.9 A 79-year-old male with recurrent ameloblastoma of may dislocate important structures. A navigation technique has been
maxilla-­infratemporal fossa. Because of the complexity of the local introduced to resect infratemporal fossa tumors and was successfully
anatomy, tumors in the infratemporal fossa present a challenge to oral applied for the resection of recurrent malignant tumors. The visible
and maxillofacial surgeons. Recurrent malignant tumors in this area are navigation during surgery could increase the accuracy and safety of the
particularly difficult to resect because scars from previous operations operations and enhance surgeon confidence
41  Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 849

using positron emission tomography (PET)-CT scans proved tumors is limited due to the possibility of changes in the spa-
the initial resection to be unsatisfactory. This demonstrates tial orientation of the lower jaw, as described earlier.
that navigation surgery based on PET-CT image fusion is an
excellent tool for improving the local control of advanced
head and neck cancer. 41.3.3 Application for Orthognathic Surgery
Navigation-assisted surgery has also been successfully
used in the management of benign tumors of the maxillofa- The primary determinants of success in orthognathic surgery
cial region [21]. This was performed with features such as include an accurate diagnosis, meticulous treatment ­planning,
mirroring and side-to-side comparisons, and was applied and the ability to transfer the plan precisely to the patient
with successful results. Use of customized hydroxy-apatite intraoperatively. In earlier years, this was performed by a
prosthesis with pre-embedded titanium implants was used process of model surgery in a laboratory using articulators
for reconstruction. Optimal positioning is secured using nav- on plaster casts, which were then transferred to the patient
igation. Some interesting techniques for reconstruction are using acrylic splints during the surgical procedure
discussed now. (Figs.  41.10 and 41.11). The procedure was error prone at
It is important to remember that navigation is an excellent multiple levels within the sequence. Literature reports an
tool when it comes to its use in the skull base [22], the mid- error of up to 5 mm using this type of treatment sequence.
face [23], and the neck [24]. However, its use in mandibular With the advent and routine usage of CAD/CAM technology

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.10  Optimal treatment planning and preparation using 3D tion surgery in a patient with severe maxillary hypoplasia deformity
models. CAS for cleft lip and palate-related severe maxillary hypopla- was used to determine the optimal treatment plan, such as the distrac-
sia deformity patients using maxillary distraction osteogenesis. (a–c) A tion direction and degree of advancement. (e, f) A 3D printed skeletal
17 year old male undergoing maxillary distraction for cleft-related mid- model was used to prepare for a maxillary semi-custom-made distractor
facial retrusion. (d) Detailed computer simulation for maxillary distrac- setting with fabrication
850 S. Sukegawa and T. Kanno

a b c d

e f g h

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.11 A 17-year-old male undergoing maxillary distraction for operatively at the set position was performed. The surgeon then confirmed
cleft-related midfacial retrusion. (a–d) Accurate transfer of the treatment the same distraction direction that was preoperatively planned by the
plan to the patient in the operating room was acheived. Using the naviga- intraoperative navigation. (e–g) Shows the radiographs during and post
tion system, precise placement of the maxillary distraction planned pre- treatment. (h) Shows the final post surgical result of the patient

and virtual surgical planning, the workflow of treatment the technique after surface matching the virtually planned
planning in orthognathic surgery has undergone a paradigm model and the postoperative CT scan. The accuracy was
shift. The conventional workflow of model surgery and splint reported for the entire facial skeleton, rather than for each
fabrications is slowly paving the way for VSP and custom component individually (maxilla, mandible, chin), with a
printed 3D splints and guides. mean match error for each patient ranging from 0.28 to
Although the degree of inaccuracies associated with treat- 1.99  mm. Repeatability (<2  mm) in the face area ranged
ment planning is reduced using this approach, certain draw- from 77.5% to 96.2% between patients, with a mean repro-
backs such as autorotation of the mandible and lack of ducibility of 86.5%.
control on the vertical position of the maxilla are still Zinser et al. published a clinical controlled trial study in
prevalent. 2013 that compared the navigation technique with conven-
tional technique, using 3D surgical guides and intermaxil-
lary splints [26]. The highest accuracy for transfer of the
There are three methods by which CAS is used in the maxillary plan to the patient was observed when a 3D sur-
practice of orthognathic surgery: (1) using real-time gical guide was used, and no significant linear differences
intraoperative guidance with surgical navigation for between the planned virtual model and the postoperative
the repositioning of the maxilla and mandible; (2) use results were present in any direction. The navigation tech-
of 3D printed cutting guides for precise osteotomy and nique only showed a significant mean linear difference in
repositioning, with or without customized 3D printed the vertical dimension, and differences in angulation were
osteosynthesis plates; and (3) the use of wafer-less sur- not significant in either group. In contrast, significant linear
gical planning where the printed implant doubles as differences were shown for the classic intermaxillary
both a cutting guide for the osteotomy and as the fixa- splints between the planning results and the actual results
tion devices. Many clinical studies have evaluated the in the sagittal and vertical dimensions. Differences in plane
efficacy of these methods with promising results. angulations when using an interocclusal splint were also
significant. The usefulness of navigation-assisted surgery
for orthognathic surgery was supported based on previous
Mazzoni et al. were the first to report the use of intraop- Published literature demonstrates that all studies have met
erative navigation in orthognathic surgery, in 2010 [25]. the 2-mm success criterion, which refers to a maximum dif-
They calculated the overlap error to assess the accuracy of ference of 2 mm between the virtual planning performed and
41  Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 851

the actual surgical outcome. Zinser et al. reported the only 41.3.4 Application for Preimplant Bone
prospective controlled clinical trial comparing CAD-CAM Augmentation/Dental Implants
splints, navigation surgery, and intermaxillary splints for the
transfer of maxillary planning [26]. The CAD-CAM splints, Loss of teeth and supporting structures is a common occur-
patented by the authors, were used for maintaining the man- rence in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery for patients
dibular condyles (TMJ) in their centric relation. Mandibular who have suffered extensive alveolar bone defects caused by
positioning still poses a challenge during orthognathic sur- cysts, tumors, facial trauma, or severe periodontal disease
gery, with none of the solutions having attained “gold-­ [30]. Comprehensive reconstruction methods, including
standard” status. rehabilitation with multiple dental implants, are commonly
An important clinical limitation for the use of navigation required to restore function in these patients.
is the increase in operating time [27]. Though there is ample Issues like atrophic jaws, where dental implants cannot be
support for increased accuracy levels with the use of naviga- placed due to the loss of bone corpus, are managed by regen-
tion, the prolonged operating time still remains a deterrent erative procedures. Although bone augmentation at the man-
for the routine use of intraoperative navigation in orthogna- dibular posterior area is important for occlusion reconstruction
thic surgery. A recent study indicates that dynamic naviga- using dental implants, it is difficult due to anatomical limita-
tion systems have an entry error of approximately 0.4  mm tions arising from the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) and the
[28] and an angular deviation error of approximately 4° [29]. mandibular bone. However, bone augmentation at the man-
Further technological developments can be expected in the dibular posterior area can be performed safely and reliably
field of orthognathic surgery, and an appropriate update for using CAS with 3D modeling and navigation systems
surgeons is required. (Figs. 41.12 and 41.13).

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.12 (a–d) Computer simulation based on preoperative CT data important inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) were confirmed using computer
will determine the bone augmentation method for implantation. In this simulation. Based on this information, we will determine a safe bone
case, we chose bone augmentation using the sandwich technique. The cutting line. Surgeons then created a surgical guide using a 3D model
necessary bone augmentation volume and position of the anatomically based on simulation
852 S. Sukegawa and T. Kanno

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.13 (a–d) This is a continuation of Fig. 41.12. While confirm- bone taken from the donor and increased the alveolar bone vertically.
ing the position of the IAN in real time based on intraoperative naviga- The most important goal in this surgery is to acquire alveolar bone
tion, the surgeon cut the alveolar bone with reference to the surgical height as planned before surgery. (f) The bone height can be confirmed
guide created before surgery. (e) The surgeon then inserted autologous in real time based on intraoperative navigation

Traditionally, implants have been placed freehand or with Dynamic navigation methods have similar advantages,
the use of laboratory-fabricated guidance stents. The use of including high accuracy, time- and cost-effectiveness, mini-
CT-guided 3D printed stents with coordinated drill sequenc- mally invasive techniques, and flexibility in changing the
ing has minimized errors to a level of less than 2  mm for implant size, system, and location during the surgical proce-
crestal and apical deviations, and to less than 5° in angula- dure [33]. An additional advantage is comfort provided the
tions. Dynamic navigation systems use a time-effective surgeon in the form of posture, facilitating reduced bending
method to accurately place implants with equivalent implant of the neck and back. For example, dynamic navigation
placement error. Currently the Image-Guided Implantology allows implant placement for patients with a limited mouth
system (Navident; HERMANS Corp., Tokyo, Japan) is the opening, or requiring an implant at a second molar site with
only dynamic image navigation system (DINS) available for reduced access, by relying on a navigation screen to guide
in-office dental procedures in Japan. Its counterpart in the the drill sequence without direct visualization of the patient’s
United States is the passive optical dynamic navigation in mouth.
implantology (X-Nav Technologies, Inc., Lansdale, PA,
41.3.5 Clinical Applications for the Removal
of Foreign Bodies
Navigation in dental implantology can add the follow-
ing advantages: (1) precise depth control and reduced Retrieval of foreign bodies in the craniomaxillofacial region
risk of IAN damage [31]; (2) help in planning for flap- is often extremely dangerous due to the proximity to various
less surgery or limited flap elevation surgery with vital structures within a limited anatomical space [34]. This
reduced postoperative morbidity [32]; and (3) accurate may be made more complex by the presence of deep foreign
spacing and implant angulation compared to using a bodies secondary to severe trauma such as gunshot wounds
freehand approach. or blast injuries, which significantly alter the anatomy.
Precise location of the foreign body is the first step in the
retrieval process, and this may be accomplished with preop-
erative scans and 3D image rendering. The intraoperative
The use of virtual implant planning and intraoperative step is next, and is more challenging, as the exact location of
navigation allows for prosthodontic and surgical coordina- the foreign body within the surgical field must be ascer-
tion due to its planning accuracy and implementation in tained. Traditional methods utilize a stereotactic “double
actual surgical scenarios. needle” method with venipuncture needles for triangulation
41  Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 853

a b c

d e

f g

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.14 (a–g) A 65-year-old female with a foreign body due to den- minimally invasive approach with a surgical navigation system and an
tal instrument breakage in the mandible, occurring during an endodon- interocclusal splint for stable, identically repeatable positioning of the
tic treatment for a restorative dental procedure. (a, b) Fracture of root mandible. (d, e) Based on the 3D position of the navigation probe, a
canal instruments, with a fractured piece protruding beyond the apex, is location that best approximated and the most anterior extent of the frag-
a troublesome incident during endodontic treatment. Locating and ment was selected. (f) A minimal vestibular incision was made at this
retrieving these objects represents a challenge for maxillofacial sur- location, a subperiosteal reflection was performed, and the foreign body
geons because they are difficult to access due to the proximity between location was confirmed using the navigation system. (g) The instrument
the foreign body and vital structures. Using the navigation system for was carefully visualized and extruded from the apical to the tooth
mandible treatment is difficult as the mobile nature of the mandible crown side and was then removed using mosquito forceps through the
complicates its synchronization with the preoperative imaging data dur- medullary cavity of the crown side of the tooth
ing surgery. (c) The broken dental instrument was removed using a

of the foreign body using plain radiographs [35]. This objects in a 3D space. The use of intraoperative ultrasound
involved the two reference needles being sequentially placed imaging has also been proposed to localize foreign bodies.
until both met the foreign body on radiographs. Through However, the precision involved in positioning may be ques-
blunt dissection, one of the needles is made to contact the tionable, and its use in the oral cavity may also be limited by
foreign body and locate it. It is important to understand that the size of the instrument.
it may be difficult to distinguish small changes in position on Intraoperative navigation systems could allow a foreign
plain radiographs. The use of C-arm digital fluoroscopy was body to be accurately located in 3D space; these systems are
a significant advancement for this method, providing rapid very effective for removing a foreign body during facial sur-
radiography [36]. However, as with plain films, fluoroscopic gery [37] (Figs. 41.14 and 41.15). One limitation of naviga-
images are 2D, which imposes limitations when locating tion is the incapability of the system to account for
854 S. Sukegawa and T. Kanno

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.15  A 78-year-old female with a small foreign body in the max- dure using a minimally invasive surgical strategy. In this case, registra-
illa. Accurate determination of the position of the foreign body in the tion could be reliably performed before surgery using an optical
maxillofacial region can be challenging. This may be due to a small-­ navigation system that facilitates the process, utilizing splints with
sized foreign body or a limited inflammatory response. Navigation sys- embedded reference points. This method can decrease the operation
tems are helpful in identifying the location of the foreign body, time
determining the optimal approach, and performing the surgical proce-

intraoperative soft-tissue changes. The use of navigation implants, helping the surgeon prevent inadvertent dam-
techniques superficial tissues or to minimize soft-tissue age to key structures like the IAN, roots of adjacent teeth,
manipulation may help us overcome this to an extent. or the lingual plate of the mandible [38]. Common indi-
cations for the use of navigation in dentoalveolar surgery
include third molar extractions and the location and
41.3.6 Application for Dentoalveolar Surgery extraction of supernumerary [39] or malposed teeth
(Fig.  41.16), as well as teeth, which get iatrogenically
Dynamic computer-based image navigation technology is displaced into the sinus, the sublingual pouch, or even the
a good method for increasing accuracy while minimizing infra temporal fossa.
the invasiveness of surgery. It has the additional advan- The use of CAS in oral and maxillofacial surgery has
tage of real-time access to intraoperative radiographs, been enhanced with the increasing availability of
which enable us to perform complex dentoalveolar pro- CBCT.  This in turn has promoted the use of Dynamic
cedures with relative ease. Currently, the Image-Guided Image Navigation. As described earlier, the use of DINS
Implantology system (Navident; HERMANS Corp.) is during surgical extraction improves visualization of the
the only dynamic image navigation system (DINS) avail- regional anatomy, preventing or minimizing complications
able for in-office dental procedures in Japan. This is an secondary to dentoalveolar surgery. In addition, improved
ultraviolet-based optical system, which was approved by instrument control allows for reduced bone removal, mini-
the US Food and Drug Administration for the placement mization of the surgical access size, and an overall reduc-
of dental implants. However, its use for other dentoalveo- tion in the morbidity of the procedure. As discussed earlier,
lar procedures is not approved. Its advantages in the field this technology also allows for improvement of the ergo-
of dental implantology have already been discussed ear- nomics involved during the surgery. Lastly, dynamic guid-
lier. The use of dynamic navigation when applied to com- ance can serve as an effective teaching tool for young
plex dentoalveolar procedures, such as the surgical surgeons by displaying the surgery and the locations of
removal of third molars, is similar to its use for dental vital structures on screen.
41  Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 855

a b c

d e

f g h i

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.16 (a–i) A 24-year-old female with an impacted maxillary confirm the state of the impacted tooth and surrounding tissue from above
canine tooth. Bone lid surgery involves cutting a window into the cortical the covered bone. We were also able to establish a safe and reliable bone
bone and removing a portion thereof; this portion is subsequently returned cutting line. In addition, the removed cortical bone was returned to the
to its original position at the end of surgery. Bone lid surgery is a mini- same (i.e., presurgical) position. Navigation-assisted bone lid surgery for
mally invasive technique designed to avoid secondary large bone defects the removal of impacted teeth increases surgical accuracy, minimizes
during osteotomies. However, because jaw bone lesions are completely invasion, and allows the bone to be returned to its original position
covered with cortical bone, it can be difficult to accurately determine the (a, b)-pre operative OPG and CT (c–e)-shows intra operative navigation.
position of the lesion from the outside. As a potential solution, we used (f) outline of canine marked (g, h) impacted canine being removed (i) the
navigation-assisted bone lid surgery. Using navigation, surgeons could bone lid placed back in position

41.3.7 Application for Temporomandibular

Wang reported the following advantages of surgical Joint and Skull Base Surgery
navigation in complicated extractions: (1) localiza-
tion of teeth for accurate access planning and mini- The TMJ and surrounding anatomy, including the skull base,
mal bone removal; (2) differentiation of impacted are extremely complex and require a cautious approach dur-
teeth from erupting tooth germs; (3) ensured transfer ing surgery. Intraoperative navigation can play an important
of the preoperative plan to the surgical procedure; role for surgeries such as the removal of an ankylotic bony
and (4) the marking of safety margins while preserv- mass, tumor resection, and gap arthroplasty [41]. Successful
ing adjacent structures, to avoid complications [40]. treatment outcomes have been reported by studies for the use
856 S. Sukegawa and T. Kanno

of navigation assistance in unilateral surgery for the the affected side, reflex otalgia, head and neck pain, and hyper-
TMJ. Other publications report that navigation is helpful and salivation. Surgical treatment was indicated for patients with no
increases safety in TMJ surgery. A recent publication used symptomatic improvement following conservative treatment.
navigation to compare prospectively treated groups of The surgery may be performed by two different
patients with recurrent malignant tumors of the infratempo- approaches: (1) transcervical and (2) transoral. The cervical
ral fossa. Although the results are not independently signifi- approach provides better surgical exposure of the area, but
cant, they yielded a benefit to the navigation cohort. The has the major disadvantage of an external incision. The tran-
authors concluded that surgeon confidence and safety during soral approach is cosmetically favorable, and is more
the operations improved, but the navigation system alone did ­commonly used. However, this approach offers very limited
not determine patient outcomes. access. This may affect the management of intraoperative
Management of tumors at the skull base or of end-stage complications, including hemorrhage or difficulty in identi-
degenerative TMJ disorders requires thorough knowledge of fying the styloid process. Several methods have been advo-
the regional anatomy and precise 3D planning of the resec- cated recently to overcome these problems. One report
tion margins with attention of vital structures in the immedi- suggests an endoscopically assisted transoral approach for
ate vicinity (Fig. 41.17). The location, invasion, and extent of achieving better exposure and visibility of the field. Another
the tumor are key determinants in deciding the surgical method proposes a combination of piezoelectric surgery and
approach. In the past, malignant tumors that had infiltrated surgical navigation for a transcervical approach to remove
into the infratemporal fossa or the middle of the skull base the styloid. This technique offers a safe and effective method
were considered inoperable due to the compromised access for the treatment of Eagle’s syndrome (Fig. 41.18).
and inability to achieve predictable tumor control or
The use of surgical navigation for skull base surgery 41.4 Recent Advances
offers the following advantages: (1) ensuring safer and
quicker skull base access through a dynamic display of the 41.4.1 Navigation Using Intraoperatively
precise operating site and the extent of bone drilling, thereby Updated Images
significantly reducing intraoperative risk; (2) mapping the
anatomical structures and important landmarks such as the The accuracy of surgical navigation in recent years has
foramen ovale and rotundum; and (3) the incorporation of been augmented by the induction of intraoperative imaging
allied imaging modalities, such as 3D CT angiography and modalities like the intraoperative CBCT, C-arm, and O-arm
MRI, into the intraoperative navigation planning, increasing systems [43]. These offer intraoperative multiplanar recon-
our understanding of the skull base anatomy and the internal struction capabilities, which enable the improvement of
carotid artery region. surgical outcomes in demanding surgeries such as surgery
As surgery of the skull base is not affected by the shifting of the orbital walls. Furthermore, the popularization of
brain, use of navigation in this field is more precise than in hybrid operating rooms (Fig.  41.19) equipped with both
other neurosurgical procedures. The use of a navigation sys- intraoperative imaging and navigation systems has revolu-
tem for the resection of tumors of the skull base or of TMJ tionized surgery of the maxillofacial region. It is now pos-
lesions increases surgical predictability while reducing the sible to continuously update intraoperative images to
surgical duration. determine the best sequence to follow during surgeries
(Fig. 41.20). The effectiveness of a navigation system using
intraoperative CT images has been already demonstrated in
41.3.8 Other Applications orthopedic surgery and maxillofacial operations, which
involve bone movement, such as trauma surgery and
Another application of intraoperative navigation is in surgery orthognathic surgery. Intraoperative CT images have
for the management of Eagle’s syndrome, which may be due to allowed for rapid intraoperative evaluations, which when
the elongation of the styloid process of calcification of the sty- coupled with surgical navigation, may allow for performing
lomandibular ligament [42]. This condition involves a group of more complicated maxillofacial surgery with increased
symptoms, including throat pain and foreign body sensation on accuracy.
41  Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 857

a b c

d e f

g h i

j k l

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.17  A 70-year-old female with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) templates were constructed using rapid prototyping techniques from the
ankylosis. Ankylosis surgery is used for gap arthroplasty and mobiliza- virtual plan and applied at the time of surgery to facilitate the bony cuts.
tion of the joints. (a–c) However, removal of the bony ankylosis and (g, h) Using the intraoperative navigation system, the surgeon can see
creation of a gap between the ramus of the mandible and the base of the the medial aspect of the mandible on the navigation station CT and
skull can be difficult because of the size of the ankylosis and the anat- protect important structures on the medial side. (i–l) This visualization
omy on the inner aspect of the mandible. Virtual planning is useful in prevents significant bleeding from the vessels on the medial side of the
conjunction with surgical navigation to remove the ankylosis. (d) First, mandible and prevents penetration into the middle cranial fossa during
a computer simulation based on preoperative CT data was performed release of the ankylosis. The temporalis flap was used for prevention of
for the virtual surgery. (e, f) Once the virtual surgery was completed, reankylosis
858 S. Sukegawa and T. Kanno

a b c

d e f

g h

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.18 (a, b) A 45-year-old male with elongated styloid process while enabling surgical access, was used. (d) The patient was taken to
syndrome (Eagle’s syndrome). A minimally invasive approach with an the operating room, where the custom interocclusal splint was rein-
intraoperative navigation system was used. (c) Preoperative preparation serted. (e) To perform patient-to-CT and MRI data registration, the
involved a custom interocclusal splint to produce the mouth opening instrumentation navigation probe was used to trace the reference array
conditions required during surgery. In this case, since the transoral and soft tissue landmarks of the face. (f) Using the 3D position of the
approach was employed, it was important to reproduce the same mouth-­ navigation probe, the location of the elongated styloid process was
opening conditions when obtaining the preoperative images required identified. (g, h) After confirmation of the resection location via the
during surgery, because the position of the styloid process and the blood transoral approach, the styloid process was dissected using piezoelec-
vessels may change depending on the position of the mandible during tric surgery. Follow-up examination showed an uneventful recovery
the mouth opening. Since it is difficult to implement the locational find- with no associated complications. (The resection of the styloid process
ings from the preoperative imaging data while performing surgery using an intraoperative navigation system and a custom interocclusal
owing to the mobile nature of the mandible, a custom interocclusal splint during a transoral approach, together with a piezoelectric cutting
splint for repeated maximum opening in the same mandibular position, device, is safe and effective for the treatment of Eagle’s syndrome)

with a monitor. Generally, the direction of the monitor

41.4.2 Wearable Mount Display from the surgeon and operator is different from that the
for Navigation-Assisted Surgery surgical field. Therefore, to see the navigation image, the
surgeon and the operator must look up, which is stressful
Although intraoperative navigation yields helpful infor- for the operator. It is important to minimize muscle ten-
mation on anatomical features, it is used in conjunction sion and allow the surgeon to perform the operation in a
41  Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 859

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.19  A hybrid operating room is a surgical theater equipped with CT is installed in the hybrid operating room. Furthermore, recent
advanced medical imaging devices, such as fixed C-arm and angio- advances in technology have made it possible to edit and use images
graphic systems. Intraoperative CT imaging is convenient because the simultaneously with intraoperative CT imaging

relaxed position. Moving the head to look at the monitor minimally invasive surgery. Navigation-assisted surgery
can result in considerable misalignment of the eye-hand- with a head-­ mounted display is a revolutionary tech-
target axis during task execution, significantly affecting nique. In the future, head-mounted displays will be wear-
postural comfort and interventional safety. In recent able devices that promote the use of navigation
years, head-mounted display monitors have been devel- (Fig. 41.21).
oped to address this problem. Such wearable displays can
provide high-quality images [44]. Using a head-­mounted
display monitor, surgeons can finish the surgery without 41.5 Conclusions and Perspectives
moving their head to check the navigation image. The
head-mounted device also allows both the surgeon and CAS and navigation offers significant improvements in
the assistant to view both the navigation image and the patient orientation and safety in every facet of maxillofa-
surgical field without interrupting the flow of surgery. cial surgery. Ranging from precisely planned orthognathic
This contributes to rapid surgical operation, resulting in procedures to the removal of foreign bodies requiring
860 S. Sukegawa and T. Kanno

a b

c d
Update CT data taken
intraoperatively (c)

Import into the navigation system (d)

e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.20 (a) A 19-year-old male with a complex facial fracture and CT data cannot be employed. (c) Using CT data obtained after facial
orbital fracture. Navigation surgery is difficult to apply for treating a fracture reduction, (d) it is possible to use a navigation system reflect-
complex facial fracture with orbital fracture. (b) Since reconstruction of ing the updated patient condition. The use of CT in the hybrid room can
the buttress of the facial bone is performed prior to the treatment of the provide rapid CT data during surgery. (e) The orbital floor defect has
orbital fracture, preoperative CT data and the actual state of the facial been repaired. (f) Post operative CT showing the accurate reduction of
bone are different. Therefore, a navigation system using preoperative fractures

extremely flexible surgical options, and from minimally time, accompanied by a considerable decrease in patient
invasive dental implantology procedures to radical tumor stress.
resections of the skull base, they have made their mark Navigation systems are effective for delicate and accurate
improving procedure safety, predictability, and accuracy oral and maxillofacial surgery and neurosurgery, as well as
of surgery while also improving options for intraoperative for otolaryngology and orthopedic surgery. In the future, we
adaptations. In the future, the application of CAS is expect to develop more convenient and reliable navigation
expected to further reduce operative risks and surgery systems using new technologies and devices.
41  Computer-Assisted Navigation Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 861

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 41.21 The head-mounted display can provide high-quality only the surgery but also intraoperative systemic management.
images with wearable technology. The head-mounted display unit was Multimodality patient information is important in such cases.
composed of a head-mount image processor unit (HMM-3000MT; Multimodality medical information fusion and processing have been
Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) and a head-mounted display monitor. developed in recent years. This head-mounted display system allows
Although the navigation system provides helpful information, it is used the integration of preoperative radiological findings with monitoring of
in conjunction with a monitor. Generally, the direction of the monitor navigation images and patient vital signs. Using the head-mounted dis-
differs from the surgical field. Therefore, to see the navigation image, play system, the surgeon can see multiple images in one view using a
the surgeon and the operator have to look up, which is stressful for the split screen, regardless of the head position. This technology facilitates
operator. Using a head-mounted display monitor, we could finish sur- safe surgical management with the navigation system
gery without moving the head position. The surgeon must perform not

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Part XIV
Practice Management in Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery
Human Factors Recognition to Enhance
Team Working and Safer Patient Care 42
Peter A. Brennan and Rachel S. Oeppen

42.1 Introduction 42.2 The Scale of the Problem

Human error and organisational mistakes are a significant Over 70% of plane crashes are due to a human mistake rather
cause of morbidity for patients. It is important to recognise than a failure of the aircraft itself. Issues with communica-
and address human factors (HF) in the context of our own tion can occur in up to 80% of air disasters. Recognition of
performance optimisation, enhancing team working to factors leading to human error, including tiredness, stress,
improve patient safety, and better working lives for clinicians and repetitive tasks, and an acceptance that a certain degree
across surgery and medicine. of failure is almost inevitable, has improved air safety. These
Medical errors are usually multi-factorial rather than the factors are being increasingly recognised by healthcare pro-
direct fault of any one individual. Organisational issues, fessionals [1]. The American Institute of Medicine report
poor team working and other HF are often at the root of entitled “To Err Is Human” published in 1999 and subse-
many incidents and errors. The Surgical Checklist pro- quent work has found death from preventable medical errors,
duced by the World Health Organization (WHO), and avia- with those in surgery second only to medication errors as the
tion-styled communication training initiatives have been most common reasons for death from medical error [2].
advocated to optimise surgical performance by reducing Recent estimates place avoidable patient deaths in USA hos-
human fallibility and misinterpretation between team mem- pitals at over 400,000 per year, with preventable harm in the
bers. Brief and debriefing processes and other performance top three causes of death [3].
improvement practices have been positively rated when While the authors were not able to source any statistics
incorporated into healthcare. Ergonomics and other factors for the Indian sub-continent, death in UK hospitals from
such as stress and fatigue, emotional status, hunger, dehy- medical error is estimated to be about 4000 per year, with a
dration and situational awareness can all lead to human disproportionate amount of harm caused by errors in surgery.
error, but these are often under-appreciated and in some To put this into context, this would be the equivalent of more
cases even disregarded. than one A320 fatal airbus (Fig.  42.1) crashes occurring
The aims of this chapter are to raise colleague awareness twice a month. Incidentally, the A320 is the aircraft involved
of both individual human factors and those relevant to organ- in the widespread media coverage after an emergency land-
isations and to highlight relatively simple methods to actively ing on the River Hudson in January 2009 by Captain ‘Sully’
reduce error in healthcare. Sullenerger, subsequently dramatized in the well-known
movie, Sully. Despite the WHO checklist, which is widely
used throughout the modern world, the number of ‘never
events’—those that should never happen, including wrong
site surgery and retained instruments or swabs—is increas-
ing [4]. Although doctor-induced mistakes are quite rare, a
near miss occurs far more commonly in the hospital environ-
P. A. Brennan (*)
Maxillofacial Unit, Queen Alexandria Hospital, Portsmouth, UK ment. An investigation and detailed cause analysis following
e-mail: peter.brennan@porthosp.nhs.uk any incident can help organisations learn, prevent and reduce
R. S. Oeppen the chance of such errors occurring again in the future.
Consultant Radiologist, University Hospital Southampton,
Southampton, UK
e-mail: Rachel.oeppen@uhs.nhs.uk

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 865

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_42
866 P. A. Brennan and R. S. Oeppen

ve e n t fa al
t i La t tion
/ ac niza s
a t ent res g a
failu ns Or ance
afe n lu
n d itio s Uns rvisio inf
res c o a c t u p e
failu ts Pre safe s
c t ive a c to u
A safe

n t
d or a s
e e
Fail efenc
R d
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Fig. 42.2  Schematic representation of the Swiss cheese model of
human error. Each of the cheese slices acts as a barrier to an error occur-
Fig. 42.1  The flight deck of an Airbus A320 being configured for ring with the final chance for stopping the error being the elimination of
departure the unsafe act itself. Error has its origin in organisation influences (latent
failure) and those caused by individuals and teams (active failures)

42.3 How Do Human Errors Arise? Table 42.1  Avoiding human error traps
• Read out WHO Checklist with active participation of all team
members. Engage with it as if your own life or limb depended on
Recognition and understanding of those relevant HF involved getting it right
in potential error is vital for improving patient safety. These • Ensure staff communicate well with each other
factors include fatigue and tiredness, stress, communication • Use briefing/debriefing to improve team working
style, effective team working, and good leadership. The well-­ • Limit avoidable distractions and any interruptions during essential
parts of an operation (same as sterile cockpit in aviation).
known ‘Swiss cheese model’ of error (Reason [5]) is illus- • Promote use of positive two-way communication.
trated in Fig.  42.2. Organisational failures contributing to • Ensure 6–8 h of sleep, regular physical activity and adequate
medical error could include pressures on individuals to meet nutrition and hydration before starting surgery.
hospital targets, having too many patients on an operating • Look out for each other as part of the team.
• Ensure you take regular breaks and eat and drink often during the
list than is deemed safe, too many patients in an outpatient day.
clinic, working very long hours without taking a break or • Recognise when something doesn’t seem right in yourself.
being expected to operate the following day after having • Do not assume physically uncomfortable postures unless absolutely
being disturbed overnight with on-call emergencies. necessary. Adjust equipment, table for the comfort of you and your

42.3.1 Senior Management Support Is Table 42.2  Take special care—recognise situations in which error/
harm is more likely
Essential in Helping to Reduce Medical
Error • Site- and side-specific procedures
• Staffing limitations high turnover rates
• Changes in physical environment
Senior management commitment is essential in ensuring • Changes in staff/scheduling
safety across any organisation. An open culture has to be key • Staffing limitations
in any hospital agenda and strategy. Poor leadership together • High staff turnover
• Significant changes in life situation of team members—divorce,
with a ‘blame culture’ led to more than 35 deaths in the death in family
Bristol paediatric cardiac surgery service. As a result, a large • Special patient factors, e.g. Jehovah witness unable to accept
number of changes were implemented to limit future pre- transfusion, obesity
ventable surgical incidents. Pilots, aircraft ground engineers
and other aviation safety staff are encouraged to actively
question any safety issues related to their aeroplane, and to report and action possible error. The surgical team has to
their employer must investigate concerns, even if this means endorse the use of evidence-based best practices, including
stopping a flight from taking off. In healthcare, we should be use of the WHO Surgical Checklist, avoiding human error
following this safety model with higher hospital manage- traps (Table 42.1) and early identification of those situations
ment and surgical team leaders creating a safe environment in which harm or error is more likely to occur (Table 42.2).
42  Human Factors Recognition to Enhance Team Working and Safer Patient Care 867

While a surgeon’s life or limb is not at stake during an dehydration are known to impair cognitive function and per-
operation (unlike an air disaster when a mistake made by an formance [8]. Meals that contain protein, carbohydrates and
airline pilot might result in the death of all those on board, fats such as those derived from olive oil, fish and avocado as
including the crew), the psychological effects of a major sur- well as certain nuts are considered to be best for optimal
gical incident or error can be devastating to both individuals nutrition. Simple sugars (such as chocolate bars) and pro-
and teams [6]. cessed food do not readily support long-term concentration
and the endurance that is needed in the operating theatre [8].
The authors recommend taking a short break of 10–15 min
42.3.2 Human Factors That We Should every 2–3 h when at work, especially if performing complex
Be Thinking About tasks or surgery. Of course, the procedure can continue if
there is suitable expertise within the team, but each team
There are many personal human factors that can cause error, member should plan to take a regular break, which can be
including tiredness and fatigue, nutritional status, anger and staggered. Even a short time spent away from operating can
stress, multitasking and loss of our own situational aware- help provide a fresh outlook, improve morale, and enable a
ness. However, all too often as individuals we sometimes toilet and food/water break. Recovery is aided through regu-
imagine that these factors do not apply to us, and therefore lar sleep, which is positively linked to healthy eating and
we might choose to ignore them (such as missing lunch, drinking. Certain nutritional supplements may also support
working for many hours without taking a break) significantly performance [9].
raising the risk of patient harm and potentially damaging our
own health and well-being. S  tress and Emotions While We Are
Working Fatigue and Tiredness Emotional and psychological issues can affect performance.
These are known in aviation and other high-risk organisa- While these emotions can often be hidden, a trigger or so-­
tions (HROs) as significant factors that can cause human called sentinel event that results in upset or even anger can
error. As a result, strict guidelines have been put in place in occur, during times of high mental workload or in those
these HRO, with for example flight crews only being work- stressful situations that we all will be familiar with. Many of
ing a defined number of hours in any given month. Many us will have witnessed others (or ourselves) having an emo-
airlines have a policy in place to make sure that one pilot is tional outburst, including shouting at other team members.
as refreshed as possible for the most dangerous aspects of During these events, error is much more likely to occur. In
flying such as the landing. Intense concentration can only be these situations, visible anger usually results from additional
maintained for about 20–30 min. For example, one pilot will hidden factors that others do not see in the so-called anger
take over the actual landing when the other has done the first-­ triangle (Fig. 42.3).
stage descent. The effect of these personal factors in surgical A simple thing to remember, HALT (Table 42.3), reminds
performance is less understood than in aviation though tired- us of sometimes overlooked personal issues and to ensure we
ness will affect decision making, as well as doing complex stop to take a break. The importance of a short rest cannot be
tasks. Situational awareness will also be affected even if sur- emphasised enough if it is safe, especially when these HALT
geons behave as if they are immune and operate for many
hours without taking a break. The ability for sleep depriva-
tion to degrade performance is dramatically under-estimated
by healthcare providers [7].
visible outside anger
With reference to the Swiss cheese analogy, tiredness,
emotional factors and stressful surgery can all align together
under the
to raise the risk of serious error. Table 42.2 shows some of surface
these high-risk situations. Good communication and team
other emotions
working and the ability to question decisions with a phrase
such as ‘can I check that I’ve got this correct’ can be useful.
Other phrases like ‘I am not happy’ and ‘I am going to take
over’ can also be used in situations where an error might values and beliefs

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Nutritional Status and Hydration Fig. 42.3  Anger triangle: many emotions may be hidden from others
These factors significantly affect HF and our performance in until a sentinel event causes an outburst of anger. During this time, error
a demanding operating room setting. Even modest levels of is much more likely
868 P. A. Brennan and R. S. Oeppen

Table 42.3  Try to stop or inform a member of the team when experi- Ancillary staff were well aware of the patient’s prolonged
encing or witnessing these HALT factors
hypoxic state but felt reluctant to assert themselves or state
H Hungry the need for alternative intervention. No individual took a
A Angry or anxious leadership decision role and the team did not have designated
L Lonely or late
roles during a difficult airway situation. As a result, the
T Tired
patient died when she could so easily have been saved. Lack
of leadership, poor communication, inability to challenge
issues becomes apparent, and may prevent something seri- hierarchy, and many other HF failings were to blame for this
ous from occurring. tragedy.
Management strategies such as increasing our own emo- Effective team working is also valuable in promoting a
tional awareness and learning how to deal with personal sense of shared responsibility for patient safety. Team perfor-
stress may also be useful. mance is often improved when front line staff actively moni-
Effective communication with the rest of the team and tor important performance criteria such as blood loss, regular
questioning decisions where there might be some doubt by swab counts, and needle and instrument checks.
saying something like ‘can I check that I have got this right?’ The WHO checklist and other team tools have helped
is paramount. Other words such as ‘I’m not happy’ and ‘I’m with theatre safety; however, never events still continue to
going to take over’ can also be used in situations where occur [4]. Much more is needed around safer team interac-
potential errors are deemed more likely. tions. The team brief, coupled to a debriefing after the day’s
operating, can enhance patient care, team working and feel-
ing valued by all.
42.4 W
 hat About WHO and Other Airline pilots discuss the ‘what if?’ scenario in pre-flight
Checklists and Team Working briefings and know who will be doing what if something
Dynamics on Surgical Performance? doesn’t go well (Fig. 42.4). Some clinicians even go as far as
to ask team members ‘how could we kill this patient today?’
The WHO Surgical checklist has resulted in significant Table  42.4 summarises items that could be included in a
decreases to post-operative mortality and morbidity on a good briefing and debriefing. The nominated team leader can
worldwide scale, yet errors persist and recur. While check- summarise what has been discussed and repeat back as nec-
lists, including WHO’s, cannot address all aspects of med- essary to confirm to everyone that there is shared understand-
ical and surgical practice, good team working with ing. We also suggest monitoring each other for signs of loss
effective briefing can help to optimise team performance. of situation awareness as well as looking for features of
There are many situations in surgery and other medical tiredness and fatigue.
specialities when mental or physical workloads increase An open culture and respect by all team members are cru-
suddenly or dramatically (for example, during complex cial for better team working and enhancing patient safety.
microvascular reconstruction) and these can have an Even the most inexperienced pilot will question decisions of
adverse effect on performance. In such cases, team dynam- senior Captains without fear. While a hierarchal gradient
ics and an understanding of each individual’s role within between trainees and their boss is needed, this should be suf-
the wider team are crucial. Airlines enforce a ‘sterile cock- ficiently flat to allow and encourage them to speak up when
pit’ policy in which noise is kept to only essential conver- something does not seem right. At all times, this needs to be
sation below 10,000 ft (during high-risk procedures such done in an environment where there is no fear of retribution
as landing and take-off) and only essential conversation for speaking up about something that may appear trivial.
relating solely to procedure is permitted. The sterile flight This concept is important in the team brief so that stu-
deck concept is being advocated for reducing error in dents, trainees, and nurses all feel valued. We need to be aim-
anaesthesia and surgery [10]. This should be discussed ing for a ‘smooth and enjoyable flight’ in our workplaces,
with all team members at the pre-­operative briefing so that even if the view isn’t as exciting as from the flight deck.
all know the need to stop non-­essential communications at
certain times. Poor team working has had tragic conse-
quences on many occasions. In one well-known UK case 42.5 Situational Awareness
(Elaine Bromiley), the airway was lost following induction
of anaesthesia for a routine ENT procedure. The anaesthe- An important HF principle is recognising and understanding
tists made repeated attempts to secure an airway, and had how we relate and behave and how changes over time.
‘tunnel vision’ about this rather than seeking assistance Surgeons can sometimes develop tunnel vision during long
from surgeons or others for an emergency needle procedures. This can be confounded by indicators that they
cricothyroidotomy. recognise confirm their behaviour, and thus may need to rely
42  Human Factors Recognition to Enhance Team Working and Safer Patient Care 869

ing surgical skill and where possible stopping what we are

doing when things do not seem quite right. A well-briefed
team will be able to recognise at a much earlier stage when
something is not quite right [11].
A simple diagram showing the three key components of
What has situational awareness is shown in Fig. 42.4.

42.6 HF Training When Not

in the Operating Theatre
SA Technology developments have led surgeons to perform
increasing minimally invasive procedures. Physicians also
do more invasive procedures such as interventional radiol-
What What
is might
ogy (IR), percutaneous coronary techniques and gastrointes-
happening? happen? tinal endoscopic surgery. The lessons learnt from surgery
and team briefs, WHO checklists and other HF training ini-
tiatives should be applied to other parts of the hospital.
Medicine is a challenging activity and patients are far
more complex than aircraft. Greater control is needed wher-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ever possible to minimise the risk of harm to others as a
result of human error. HF training can readily be taught
Fig. 42.4  The three key elements that comprise situational awareness across medical practice leading to widespread improvements
in safety. It is clear that any HF training includes important
safety concepts, including better communication in teams, a
Table 42.4  Things to consider at a team brief culture of open reporting without blame, regular safety brief-
A well-prepared team knows their role, looks out for each other and ings and leadership skills. Aviation-based ‘Crew Resource
helps all to feel valued.
Management CRM’ training has improved reduction in
wrong site surgery. Hospitals need to recognise that they can
Introductions, transparent culture, ‘anyone can speak if concerned’
Team working and leadership influence attitudes, culture and values towards patient safety.
Identify major parts of surgery and who is going to do what HF training is simple, cost-effective and deliverable way of
Ask ‘What am I going to do if something goes wrong?’ getting all staff members involved.
Situation awareness—how can I intervene when something doesn’t
seem quite right
Decision-making skills
42.7 Conclusion
• What went well today?
• One thing I (we) could do more of? HF and better team working, as well as commitment towards
• One thing I (we) could do less of? continual performance improvement, are increasingly recog-
• What will I (we) do differently next time? nised as essential aspects of patient safety. Despite this, seri-
• Saying ‘Thank you’ to everyone
ous medical errors have not been abolished. Many errors can
be prevented by recognising and using simple measures in
on other team members to identify a problem. Losing track our clinical practice. An appreciation of those factors that
of time is one factor, which can lead to catastrophic conse- affect each of us as being potential contributors to error is a
quences as highlighted by the Elaine Bromiley incident men- great step towards improving safety for our patients.
tioned earlier. An otherwise competent team lost their We believe and advocate that HF training is essential for
situational awareness as critical minutes passed by during medical staff as it is for airline employees. Since the intro-
failed intubation attempts. Her husband Martin (airline pilot) duction of compulsory HF training in the early 1990s, there
knew about the same tunnel vision from a fatal plane crash, has not been a single death on a UK-based airline due to
where a prolonged attempt to troubleshoot a landing light human error in more than 3 billion passenger journeys. An
warning and a crew member’s failure to assertively commu- individual would have to fly every day for 38,000 years
nicate led to the plane running out of fuel. before experiencing a human error–related aviation catastro-
A lack of situation awareness causes many diving acci- phe. Surely we owe it to our patients to do everything we can
dents. Recognising it for ourselves is important for develop- to improve their safety too?
870 P. A. Brennan and R. S. Oeppen

References 8. Parry D, Oeppen RS, Gass H, Brennan PA. Impact of hydration and

nutrition on personal performance in the clinical workplace. Br J
Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017;55:995–8.
1. O’Connor T, Papanikolaou V, Keogh I. Safe surgery, the human fac-
9. Parry DA, Oeppen RS, Amin M, Brennan PA.  Can dietary sup-
tors approach. Surgeon. 2010;8:93–5.
plements improve a clinician’s well-being and health? Br J Oral
2. Leape LL, Berwick DM. Five years after To Err Is Human: what
Maxillofac Surg. 2018;56:85–9.
have we learned? JAMA. 2005;293:2384–9.
10. Wadhera RK, Parker SH, Burkhart HM, et al. Is the “sterile cock-
3. Makary MA, Daniel M.  Medical error-the third leading cause of
pit” concept applicable to cardiovascular surgery critical intervals
death in the US. BMJ. 2016;353:i2139.
or critical events? The impact of protocol-driven communica-
4. Reid JH.  Surgical never events should never happen. J Perioper
tion during cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
Pract. 2011;21:373–8.
5. Reason J. A system approach to organizational error. Ergonomics.
11. Mishra A, Catchpole K, Dale T, McCulloch P.  The influence of
non-technical performance on technical outcome in laparoscopic
6. Abd Elwahab S, Doherty E.  What about doctors? The impact of
cholecystectomy. Surg Endosc. 2008;22:68–73.
medical errors. Surgeon. 2014;12:297–300.
7. Parry DA, Oeppen RS, Amin MSA, Brennan PA. Sleep: its impor-
tance and the effects of deprivation on surgeons and other health-
care professionals. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018;56:663–6.

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De Novo Practice of Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery 43
Srinivas Gosla Reddy and Avni Pandey Acharya

43.1 Introduction and strong academic knowledge cannot be traded for the
financial gains obtained by prematurely starting one’s surgi-
The exhilarating and exciting emotion of starting your own cal practice. Thus, it is always advisable to pursue additional
practice can also be a daunting experience to a freshly passed training in the form of a fellowship, residency or diploma in
out maxillofacial surgeon. Student loans taken during the one’s area of interests [2, 3]. This trend will help the surgeon
course of one’s studies also play a significant role in deter- establish a niche practice where they specialize in a particu-
mining one’s ability to take on any additional financial lar domain of oral and maxillofacial surgery, which eventu-
burden. ally leads to improved surgical results and credibility for our
As oral and Maxillofacial surgery is a bridge between profession. This kind of surgical practice will also help to
medicine and dentistry, there is a continual national debate create an edge over the plastic surgeon and the otolaryngolo-
regarding the need to pursue a dual degree. The option to gist and establish a distinguishable specialty offering an
pursue a condensed medical degree as part of the current syl- unequivocal service to patients. Despite the prevailing cir-
labus is still not available in India. Thus, new residents cumstances governing one’s decision to enter practice imme-
should always strive to do additional training [residency, fel- diately or continue training, everyone will eventually
lowship and diplomas] in their fields of interest to expand contribute to the OMFS field with their skills and
their expertise prior to starting their own set-ups [1]. It is a knowledge.
well-known fact that it is easier to gain knowledge and skills Laskin [4] made an organized attempt to tackle this prob-
during the starting of one’s career rather than later in life. lem by dividing the scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery
The goal is to aim high by keeping one’s feet grounded in the into three categories: areas of expertise, competence, and
soil of academics. familiarity. To be addressed as an oral and maxillofacial sur-
The fire of determination and passion should always be geon, one needs to include the areas of expertise and compe-
kept alive in order to truly succeed and excel in our field. The tence in their work profile.
truly successful surgeon is the one who has thrived against
all the odds and taken advantage of every opportunity that • Areas of expertise include oral pathology/oral medicine,
has come his or her way. This chapter aims to guide the dentoalveolar surgery, implantology, pre-prosthetic sur-
freshly passed out maxillofacial surgeon regarding further gery, and maxillofacial traumatology.
avenues of learning and about the establishment and expan- • Areas of competence involve orthognathic surgery, tem-
sion of one’s surgical practice. poromandibular joint surgery, and local reconstructive
• Areas of familiarity are cleft lip and palate surgery,
43.2 Professional Skill and Learning regional reconstructive surgery, oncologic surgery, cra-
niofacial surgery, and cosmetic surgery.
For the freshly passed out maxillofacial surgeon, the option
of acquiring financial stability always appears alluring. The first step in learning a skill is to know how a skill is
However, it is a well-known fact that enhanced surgical skills learned. Educationists have constructed many models
attempting to outline the learning process. The most widely
S. G. Reddy (*) · A. P. Acharya accepted was first documented by Noel Bunch and was sub-
GSR Institute of Cranio-maxillofacial & Facial Plastic Surgery, sequently re-worked by Abraham Maslow (Figs.  43.1 and
Hyderabad, Telangana, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 871

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_43
872 S. G. Reddy and A. P. Acharya

43.2). In the beginning, a student is in the ‘unconsciously begin to correct them. With practice and appropriate teach-
incompetent’ phase. An undergraduate dental student in their ing, they move to the third level of being ‘consciously com-
third year would have no idea about administering local petent’. Here, the trainee can perform every step of local
anaesthesia. After working on the skill for some time, they anaesthesia along with variations of different techniques.
move on to the ‘consciously incompetent’ phase. Here, they However, the steps require focus and assiduousness. Now,
have attempted different ways of anaesthetizing teeth and are he or she would be considered as a competent surgeon who
now keenly aware of the various ways to give local anaesthe- can practice independently although lacking in instinctive-
sia along with their shortcomings in certain regional nerve ness. As learning advances, with years of handwork and
blocks. practice, they will reach to the concluding stage, ‘uncon-
Most of our trainees will arrive somewhere between sciously competent’. Now the local anaesthesia can be
these two steps of knowing what they can and cannot per- given while listening to music or talking to patients or col-
form. Educators must help them overcome their limitations. leagues [5].
Once they are aware of their shortcomings, they can actively The obstacle to a meticulous ‘ability preparation’ is that
most of our instructors perform numerous components at
Super specialisation Craniofacial and oncology an unknown and advanced skilled dimension, while the stu-
dents are frequently unmindful of numerous components of
Core specialisation Advanced Maxillofacial Surgery what they have to learn. The individuals who have over-
looked the subtleties of an expertise are entrusted with
Basic specialisation Maxillofacial Surgery showing people who don’t know about what abilities they
are unequipped for performing. The initial step for an ace
instructor is to perceive that the educator and understudy
Basic skills Oral Surgery live at inverse finishes of the authority. Perception, readi-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ness, practice and tolerance are the key components of
learning in any skill [6].
Fig. 43.1  Gradation of maxillofacial surgery and importance of super

Such a great amount of training with an expertise that it has moved

toward becoming "second nature" and can be performed effectively.
The expertise can be performed while executing another
Unconscious May be able to teach it to others
Right Intuition
Comprehends or realizes how to accomplish something.
Showing the expertise or information requires fixation.
Conscious May be separated into steps, and there is overwhelming
Competence conscious involvement in executing the new skill
Right Analysis

Does not comprehend or realize how to accomplish

Conscious something
Incompetence Does not perceive the shortfall or value of the ability.
Wrong Analysis Perceive their own ineptitude and estimation of the new

Incompetence Does not comprehend or realize how to accomplish
Wrong Intuition something,
Hierarchy of Competence
Recognizes the shortage, just as the estimation of another
Hierarchy of Competence ability intending to the shortfall.
Creation of slip-ups can be basic to the learning procedure
at this stage
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 43.2  Competence hierarchy

43  De Novo Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 873

43.2.1 Kolb’s Learning Cycle [7] The Assimilating learning inclination is for a compact,
sensible methodology. These individuals require clear clari-
David Kolb is renowned in educational circles for his fication as opposed to pragmatic chance. They exceed expec-
Learning Style Inventory. In Kolb’s speculation, the drive for tations at seeing wide-going data and sorting out it in a
the headway of new thoughts is given by new experiences. reasonable coherent configuration.
“Learning is the technique whereby data is made through the This learning style is essential for viability in data and
difference in comprehension” [7]. Kolb’s experiential learn- science vocations. In formal learning circumstances, indi-
ing style theory is conventionally addressed by a four-stage viduals with this style incline toward readings, addresses,
learning cycle in which the understudy contacts all of the investigating diagnostic models, and need room to thor-
bases (Fig.  43.3). Along these lines, everyone responds to oughly consider things.
and needs the improvement of a wide scope of learning
styles. • Converging (doing and thinking—AC/AE)
Here are brief depictions of the four Kolb learning styles:
Individuals with this combining learning style can tackle
• Diverging (feeling and watching—CE/RO) issues and will utilize their figuring out ability to discover
answers for reasonable issues. They lean toward specialized
These individuals can take a gander at things from alter- assignments and are less worried about individuals and rela-
nate points of view. They are touchy. They want to observe as tional angles.
opposed to doing, tending to accumulate data and use cre- Individuals with a combining learning style are more
ative ability to tackle issues. They are best at reviewing solid pulled into specialized errands and issues than social or rela-
circumstances from unique perspectives. tional issues. A meeting learning style empowers expert and
Kolb called this style ‘separating’ in light of the fact that innovation capacities. Individuals with a meeting style like
these individuals perform better in circumstances that require to try different things with new thoughts, to recreate, and to
thoughts, for instance, conceptualizing. Individuals with a work with handy applications.
wandering learning style have wide social premiums and like
to assemble data. • Accommodating (doing and feeling—CE/AE)
They are keen individuals, will in general be inventive
and enthusiastic, and will be solid in expressions of the The Accommodating learning style is ‘hands-on’ and
human experience. Individuals with the veering style like to depends on instinct as opposed to rationale. These individu-
work in gatherings, to tune in with a receptive outlook and to als utilize other individuals’ examination and want to take a
get individual criticism. viable, experiential methodology. They are pulled in to new
difficulties and encounters. They usually follow up on ‘gut’
• Assimilating (watching and thinking—AC/RO) nature as opposed to sensible examination.
Individuals with an obliging learning style will in general
depend on others for data than complete their own examina-
tion. This learning style is common inside the all-inclusive
Experience community. To become familiar with specific, careful abili-
(doing / having ties, an understudy needs to go intensively through every one
experience) of the styles of learning. First, we have to observe, think and
feel pursued by experimentation on models to learn the apti-
tude to do medical procedure on humans.
Active Reflective
Experimentation Observation
(planning / trying out (reviewing / reflecting
what you have learned) on the experience) 43.2.2 Transformative Learning Way

Transformative learning is the procedure by which we digest

and decipher data based on our own encounters to date, to
Abstract deal with ace Surgical aptitudes. This can be seen in a case of
Conceptualisation a boss helping a careful student with his or her first case. One
(concluding / learning
from the experience)
of the key issues is for the chief to be accessible if for no
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India other explanation other than to counsel, whenever required,
and guarantee that things go easily. Grown-up students need
Fig. 43.3  Kolb’s Experiential learning cycle to realize that they have the director’s certainty and support
874 S. G. Reddy and A. P. Acharya

and that they will be permitted to extend their range of abili- progressed nicely, yet on the off chance that they don’t
ties to attempt to take care of any issues they may experi- convey, the student may feel that some perspective was
ence, before the chief strides in. not progressed admirably. Strong correspondence is criti-
The following enquiries of destinations and points can cal [8].
give understanding into the learner’s self-appraisal capacity
or trainee’s self-assessment:
43.3 Career Goals
• Pre-employable appraisal or Pre-operative assessment
• Discourse of case, history, examination and examinations Oral and maxillofacial surgery gives a wide range of alterna-
to date. tives from a conventional private minor oral surgery practice
• Discourse of the means of the activity and who will to specialist maxillofacial surgery in trauma, temporoman-
attempt which part—the director ought not to set sud- dibular surgeries, orthognathic surgeries, implantology,
denly exclusive requirements, just what is sensible to oncology, aesthetic surgery and cleft and craniofacial sur-
accomplish for the dimension of the student. gery [9]. The following are the alternatives, which can be
• Conceivable complexities and their goals taken by a newly passed oral and maxillofacial surgeon:
• Armamentarium.
• Consent • Associateship—The possibility of associateship with an
• Break process officially settled practice is by all accounts extremely
appealing. By joining a specialist set-up, one stays away
from the numerous costs and unpleasant circumstances
43.2.3 Intra-operative Educating involved in setting up one’s own practice. However, one
should make sure to join the right specialist practice.
• The student endeavours to pursue the pre-operative plan There is a lot of contrast between a specialist that genu-
and, if there is a deviation, guarantees to take assent from inely needs a partner and a specialist that may need a part-
the supervisor. ner for increasingly narrow-minded reasons. The practice
• The supervisor controls through the central specialized may not have enough volume to support two specialists
advances and focuses on technical steps and gives asser- and the senior associate may. In this situation, the new
tion for leading following the next stage, simply after specialist may be in charge of creating the new referrals.
fruitful fulfilment of past advances. This can be a troublesome circumstance. In addition, one
• The teacher gives prompt input on what is being pro- may anticipate that as the new associate one should take
gressed admirably and what should be possible in an an excessive measure of call, see all patients with insur-
unexpected way. ance formalities and not take an interest in the ‘great
• The chief considers enabling the student to accomplish cases’. Additionally, the desires of the senior associate
more on the off chance that they are advancing admirably might be farfetched and a lot of additional fault may be
and exhorts them in like manner. put on the new junior associate. Before getting engaged
with any of the associateship, the term and conditions
The teacher must attempt to ‘dominate’, if important to ought to be clear in the pre-legally binding stage [10].
help the patient yet this positively doesn’t imply that boss • Scholastics and Research—Teaching is one of the alter-
should hinder in each progression and make the student natives for a specialist who has the enthusiasm to educate
uncertain. the new batch of upcoming surgeons. It is one of the best
ways to remain connected with your field. There are many
Post-operative questioning institutes looking for youthful surgeons with a keen inter-
This can begin to happen as the student is concluding the est in academics, research and administrations [11].
case; however, a few learners may discover this diverting, • Organization—Being a manager includes leading, man-
which may hamper their execution. aging, overseeing and supporting health care departments
The chief should plan to question in a peaceful domain. or associations to accomplish their pre-set goals. With the
opening of a several corporate hospitals, administrators
• Ask the student how they think they went, invigorate with a medical background are most desirable for such
reflection and show general tenets; help them survey their roles. The size, intricacy and mission of various health-
execution; investigate ways they can set a few objectives care organizations (hospital systems, academic medical
to help address insufficiencies centres, practice groups, insurance companies) require
• Provide explicit instances of how the student could have assistance from experienced specialists with fluctuating
performed better. An administrator may figure the learner roles [12].
43  De Novo Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 875

• De novo Practice—Opening one’s own OMFS office • Marketing strategy: Health care associations actualize busi-
from the ground up is an extremely tough task that is not ness techniques through projects and administrations, and
for the weak hearted. It has been rightly said the war field achievement relies upon program structure and execution.
ought not be entered without a weapon and thus one need Beginning a business adventure without an arrangement is
to be confident in their surgical skills and also have a out and out welcoming a fiasco and human services is no
basic understanding of the administration involved with exemption for this standard. Since we are specialist co-ops,
running one’s own practice [10]. we ought to dependably remember that this field is certifi-
ably not a “high pay” creating field except if we are manag-
ing corporate divisions. That is the reason why practical
43.4 De Novo Practice objectives ought to be set to keep ourselves as well as other
people away from the rat race of cash. This positively doesn’t
43.4.1 Requirements imply that you ought not dream about a sensible way of life.

• Surgical Skills: Never accept surgery as an easygoing

endeavour and always keep the patient’s prosperity over 43.4.2 Types of Practice
any of your own advantages. It is important to develop
surgical skills early on in one’s career as it is these skills There are four different ways by which medical practices can
that will carry you forward throughout life. However, one be organized:
should also make an effort to get the right opportunity
• Site or place of your practice: Selection of the place (a) Sole Proprietor—This is for the specialist who already
where you will set up your centre is the first and most has a foundation of maxillofacial surgical or other medi-
basic decision that one comes across. Choosing a location cal service organizations running in the family. The
that has a geographic advantage [as in easily accessible choice appears to be practical for the surgeon who has
via adequate public and private transport] and has an ade- full control of his financial assets and is as of now expe-
quate population to support your practice is essential. rienced in the field [15].
Demand and supply also needs be considered when (b) Organization or associateship—If you have fellow med-
choosing your location. Too many competing specialists icos who are of the same or diverse fields and are pre-
in the vicinity will definitely make attracting patients dif- pared to create a combined practice with you, then it is
ficult. However, it must be said that the eventual fate of a the most reasonable choice. Always scrutinize your col-
practice depends on the surgical skills and services offered leagues before entering into such arrangements. The
by the surgeon in charge. Lastly, the spot ought to be close success of this arrangement relies upon mutual trust for
to the living arrangement of the surgeon in case of a medi- each other. It is also necessary to discuss all the terms
cal emergency [13]. and conditions [expenses and division of profits] before
• Accounts or Finances: It is prudent to begin a project of entering such an arrangement.
such magnitude with your financial capacity in mind.
Very few specialists manage to acquire stipends during Additionally, you can work under the umbrella of some
their residency programs and hence are not well settled specialist and eventually move toward becoming a
acquainted with handling funds. One should avoid large partner in the not-so-distant future [15].
and unnecessary expenses in the beginning. However, this
does not mean that one should skip on the basic require- (c) Corporate segment. Joining corporate hospitals or chains
ments for starting a well-equipped practice. Expansion, is also an alternative. The hustles of marketing, equipment,
modernizing and incorporation of advanced technology and location can be obliterated. However, corporate hospi-
into the practice must be kept as a long-term step wise tals today are keen on hiring well-settled specialists as
plan. The computations of property expenses [rent/lease/ patients are hesitant being treated by novice surgeons [15].
loan], staff salaries, equipment costs, sterilization and (d) Trust or NGOs—These organizations are created to help
biomedical waste management ought to be dependably unaffording individuals for treatment. One cannot expect
considered in evaluating the finances [14]. great monetary benefits from a trust or NGO. However,
• Framework: The rooms required in an OMFS workspace there is a feeling of fulfilment of helping other people.
are as follows: reception room, business zone, financial There are a few associations in and outside India, which
zone, exams rooms, operatories, x-ray zones, research raise funds for such organizations. A point worth noting
centre space, staff lounge, specialist’s private office, rest- is that there are numerous specialists who are working
rooms, medicinal gas space, mechanical space, steriliza- free of charge under such associations while simultane-
tion space, recovery space and storage space [10]. ously obtaining their standard pay elsewhere [15].
876 S. G. Reddy and A. P. Acharya

43.4.3 Qualities Needed • Second Stage: Analysing the Internal Environment

• This investigation generates data on everything pertinent Strategic Planning that has/can and is happening inside the set-up. This
Due to the contingent nature of the decision of essential investigation centres around three distinct angles:
structure be it sole owner or in affiliation, Strategic arranging –– Resources: It incorporates individuals, monetary
is required. It is a definite methodical report demonstrating spending plans, consumable and non-consumable sup-
the manner in which it intends to advance from its present plies and their level of obsolescence.
circumstance to the ideal future situation [16]. –– Licensure—Legal parts of drug store, radiations, and
The SP procedure is isolated into progressive stages. The different licenses with respect to specific region ought
writing gives diverse names to unmistakable stages yet we to be taken already relying upon the standards of the
are adopting established strategy, distinguishing five values region.
simultaneously. The Mission, Vision and Values ought to be –– Analysis of clinical and research work, action and
institutionalized amid the underlying stages. spending plan ought to dependably be kept aside [16].
• Third Stage: The SWOT matrix
• Mission • When the outside and inside examinations have been fin-
• This mission characterizes the general motivation behind ished and coordinated, the vital arrangement directing
the association, the objective customers, the administra- gathering will have an abundance of thoughts regarding
tions offered, its distinctive highlights, the geological ter- conceivable vital activities that could be tended to in the
ritory in which the centre works, and occasionally the arrangement. Then, the issues distinguished in the exami-
manner in which it works (quality, morals, productivity, nation are characterized into four classifications to com-
and so forth.). prehend what to do and in what request. This is the SWOT
• Vision investigation, an abbreviation framed from qualities (S),
• The vision displays the future picture. The substance of shortcomings (W), openings (O) and dangers (T), which
the vision ought to uncover what the human services asso- orders the consequences of the examination.
ciation explicitly tries to be later on. • Every one of the outcomes, notwithstanding grouping
• Qualities them with SWOT criteria, can be weighted as far as sig-
• Qualities are the arrangement of standards, rules and nificance or relative power (high, medium, and low; +, ++
social viewpoints administering the Hospital Organization or +++, and so on.). It permits the arranging group to
(HO) and deciding their institutional conduct. They com- build up a positioning, with the most vital components
prise the association’s moral code that gives it its ‘spirit’ positioned in the principal position, situated to key priori-
and ‘character’. These qualities foresee a particular reac- ties [17, 18].
tion by the HO when a circumstance emerges that must be
quickly settled.
TOWS Matrix Analysis
The TOWS Matrix is aimed at developing strategic options Technique Formulation from an external-internal analysis. TOWS idea is firmly
The accompanying five phases ought to be considered identified with SWOT investigation. Whereas SWOT
Analysis starts with an internal analysis, the TOWS Matrix
• First Stage: Analysing the External Environment starts the other way around, with an external environment
• This examination generates data on those difficult to analysis; the threats and opportunities are examined first. As
change external variables that can affect the association. indicated by H. Weihrich (1982) [19], Dangers, Opportunities,
This involves patients and contenders. Weaknesses, Strengths (of the association) ought to be exam-
• Patients: The place that you will eventually set up should ined in a specific order, as a critical thinking succession dur-
have a geographic advantage with the right patient demo- ing the time spent on the procedure plan. To streamline, let’s
graphic. All too often, a specialist will begin their facility use TOWS examination in beginning an oral and maxillofa-
in a distant, underdeveloped and immature zone due to cial medical procedure set-up:
the dread of rivalry. It is a well-known fact that a special- Inner Strengths: The accompanying could be qualities of
ist practice survives on referrals and not only on walk-in the endeavour:
• Contenders: Good work and identity are significant in • Proficient abilities of the head picked up by changed asso-
keeping an edge over your rivals. Endeavour to build up ciations, confirmations and courses
your individual character, as far as work and morals are • Focal Location of the set-up
concerned, should be made. • Access to demonstrated plan of action
43  De Novo Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 877

• Relationship with other dental and restorative fields to • ST circumstance—maxi-little system. The wellspring of
give all administrations under one rooftop troubles in development and improvement are ominous
• The individual variables of the specialist like family foun- outer conditions (predominance of dangers) like a lot of
dation, past experience, unique intrigue, administrative swarming of good oral specialists in the zone, or patients
and specialized abilities, self-assurance, inventiveness, paying limit is low, and so on. The procedure should uti-
creativity and eagerness to go for broke lize vast interior qualities in endeavour to defeat dangers
from environment. The technique of reaching and catch-
Inward Weaknesses ing patient ought to be connected through free camps,
minimal effort medications contrasted with encompass-
• less familiarity with the field of Oral and maxillofacial ing zones and catching exchange out specialists. On the
medical procedure off chance that the ability of the prime specialist is awe-
• Constrained patient base if there should arise an occur- some, settle on troublesome cases left by different spe-
rence of elite oral and maxillofacial practice cialists with the dread of disappointment. In addition
• Understanding paying limit more up-to-date methods and medical procedures ought
• Issue of staff wear out to be aced by the specialist in such cases.

Individual shortcomings (inside negative factors or chal- W-O—How can partnerships with other centres help the
lenge) like deficient abilities, terrible work propensities or organization to improve itself and put more effort into patient
attributes like poor relational abilities, poor systems admin- acquisition? By presenting itself as an accredited apprentice-
istration, ineffectual authority characteristics, absence of ship provider, the organization will put itself on the market
specialized mastery, absence of IT information, absence of again and its shows that adapt to changing times and wants to
comprehension of statistical surveying, absence of promot- offer different kinds of treatments.
ing skill and so on because of which wrong choices are gen-
erally taken. • This circumstance has more vulnerabilities—shortcom-
The following stage is the planning of TOWS ‘Matrix of ings, yet its condition gives more open doors like less
key’ choices, which empowers determination of supportable, number of oral specialists in the town and so forth. The
open door, simpler, and quantifiable results. ‘Inward’ are the procedure ought to incorporate the utilization of these
shortcomings and qualities and ‘outer’ are the dangers and chances while decreasing or amending shortcomings
shortcomings. Four quadrants with various vital circum- inside. Executing the arrangement step by step is required
stances are created as pursued: in such cases. The emphasis ought to be on improving the
S-O—How can the organization employ the expertise of patient experience by great work by prime specialist, less
its own professionals to respond to the needs of centres? By staff and nearly not all that extravagant set-up amid
partnering up, the organization can convince the institutions ­introductory stage. Along these lines, cost cutting should
that there is enough capacity, knowledge and experience to be possible successfully without settling on the treatment
train young people to independent professionals at all levels plan. As the patient information and OPD increments, fur-
of surgery. ther advances can be taken for extension.

• SO circumstance—maxi-maxi system. This circumstance W-T—How can the organization better position itself in
compares to the maxi-maxi methodology whereby it is the market and thus reduce the threat posed by competitors?
conceivable to have solid extension and broadened By presenting itself as an accredited apprenticeship provider,
advancement. In such cases, if the cost is utilized as to the organization can claim that they are a serious competitor
prepare individuals and keep them on minimal effort at and can possibly offer healthcare services by apprentices at
first to give complete consideration by the prime special- reduced rates, with the work still being done by the prime
ist will prompt bringing down of beginning costs. Along specialists.
these lines, more income is produced amid starting days
just to have the capacity to rise as market pioneer. • WT circumstance—smaller than usual little methodol-
ogy. This circumstance is without any advancement
S-T—How can the organization use its skilled staff to openings. It works in antagonistic situations, and its
compete with cheaper workers employed by competitors? A potential for change is little. It doesn’t have huge quali-
smart approach for the organization would be to communi- ties, which could withstand dangers. Scaled-down
cate to the outside world that their staff has accredited diplo- smaller-than-­expected technique comes down to a nega-
mas and that it’s important for health care centres to comply tive rendition of the shut down or in idealistic circum-
with legal requirements and safety standards. stance—to take a stab at survival keeping in mind the
878 S. G. Reddy and A. P. Acharya

desire of restoration. Advertising is the key in such cases • Each Objective must have the financing and different
alongside advancement of uncommon careful just as assets (staff time, gear and so forth.) important to accom-
relational abilities of the prime specialist. Additionally, plish the goals.
creating specialty brands are of significance as the abili-
ties are not present with basic maxillofacial specialists. When all the OOs are detailed, the execution has to be
These brands include clefts, oral oncology, all out TMJ incorporated with that of the others inside a course of events
substitution and so on [17]. of activities that incorporates every one of them and gives an
outline of the connections, timing and succession of errands,
• Fourth Stage: Strategic Alternatives just as the joined endeavours that the HO needs to perform at
• Equipped with this arrangement of recommendations, the each stage.
vital arrangement controlling gathering starts a proce-
dure, which orders them into characterized territories of Assessment of Results
activity. These zones of activity are additionally at the Auspicious evaluation of results ought to be done, which is
same time distinguished and named relying upon the kind dependent on development of number of patients, nature of
of recommendations they contain [16]. administrations, nature of medical procedure, income age
• Fifth Stage: Strategic Areas and Objectives and work fulfilment. This should be possible by figuring the
• Now, it is prudent to adjust the procedure definition cre- development charge. Arbitrary overviews on the web or dis-
ated, to check whether in reality a methodology exists by content ought to be finished with the assistance of patients
asking the accompanying inquiries: to keep up the pace of association and know the dimension
–– Does the plan give a key suggestion that will lead the of fulfilment of the patient with the health care providers,
setup to a truly remarkable position thinking about the i.e. the head and the staffs. Likewise, number of patient
challenge? waiting ought to dependably increase steadily for a feasible
–– Does it offer an incentive in an alternate manner? growth [16].
–– Are the key decisions that have been made substantial
in the long haul? M
 arketing Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery [20]
On the off chance that there are negative answers, the
detailing ought to be looked into to check whether, rather • It is a must that both the specialist and the staff also show
than shaping a key arrangement, an arrangement has been consideration for the patient’s needs and have a humble
made with a progressively restricted scope [16]. attitude. This will go a great length in gaining the good
will of the patient and word-of-mouth referrals. Operational Planning • Utilizing online marketing tools through advertisement
The point of operational arranging is to make the arrange- and social networking are slowly becoming a must for
ment totally explicit, viable and unmistakable. The Operation every new practice.
destinations unite the accompanying attributes: • Showcasing your work in study clubs, get-togethers and
association conferences will also make fellow medicos
• They must have a fixed length, in every case under 1 year. aware about your abilities.
Middle-of-the road objectives can be built up to be com- • You can publish in the neighbourhood newsletters through
pleted in various stages after some time. knowledgeable articles with respect to your field.
• They ought to be evaluated. To follow their level of con- • Conducting free camps for check-ups with the neighbour-
summation, pointers that measure this are oftentimes hood non-profit associations can also help showcase your
required. aptitudes.
• They ought to challenge and keep the association in a
condition of alarm so as to accomplish them. Staff Hiring
• As a capability to the previous, the Operational goals The staff should be skilled in their work and maintain a hum-
ought to be feasible. ble and empathetic attitude. Always hire and maintain the
• Each objective must have an assigned individual in con- correct staff
trol, who truly has the ability to change the execution of
the unit or subunit. • Make clear what is expected of them through a detailed
• Each Objective must have a cost doled out to its usage, manual
with the end goal that the all-out expense of all the goals • Train them to be focused in their specific roles and reward
is equivalent to the absolute expense of the key them for their endeavours
43  De Novo Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 879

• Hold meetings at frequent intervals to address problems information can be as important as the duty to protect
and figure out solutions patient confidentiality’ [23].
• Always be an instructor and a student [21]
• Know when to fire an employee Reformulating the Strategy
If at any point of time you come to realize that your practice Communication is unable to achieve patient needs or financial goals, it is time
Communication or Correspondence is most imperative for to reconsider your strategy [16].
achieving the great name as an expert. Thinking from the
patients’ point of view and attempting to clarify in straight- P  rofessional and Financial Growth
forward however non-phobic words about the method will in Career
help in building up the trust of patient for the specialist. Nothing is permanent in life and in one’s career. You can run
This will likewise spare the legitimate ramifications if there your profession for a particular timeframe to be trailed by
should be an occurrence of adversity, which can emerge by slow decrease in the training with age. Wellbeing and pros-
not disclosing the intricacies appropriately to the patients. perity play a vital depiction to build the life span of the train-
The way toward relieving a patient requires an all-­ ing (Fig. 43.4a). Till 45 years, there is a tendency to achieve
encompassing methodology, which includes contempla- followed by continuous decrease in the field. The thought is
tions post treating a malady. It warrants a few aptitudes in a to augment the achievement with slow decrease. A specialist
specialist along with the specialized ability. Studies have can viably work till the age 55–60, which can be expanded
showed great correspondence ability in a specialist till 65–70 with great wellbeing and consistent learning. It is
improves patient’s consistence and general fulfilment. the duty of old specialists to offer approach to novel special-
There are fundamental standards of rehearsing great corre- ists for the improvement of field. Supportable model can be
spondence. Persistent tuning in, compassion, and focusing made to prepare novice specialists followed by naming them
on the para verbal and non-­verbal parts of the correspon- as partners.
dence are the essential steps that are often disregarded.
Appropriate data about the nature, course and forecast of Time Management (Fig. 43.4b)
the infection are essential. Additionally, patients and order- Time is the most essential commodity that we have in our
lies ought to be clarified about the need and yield of costly lives. Digitalization of many facets of hospital management
examinations and dangers/benefits engaged with obtrusive has helped save time. This time can be re-invested in various
strategies. One ought to be mindful while overseeing trou- other aspects of your clinical practice like discussion regard-
blesome experiences and breaking awful news. Formal ing treatment planning and discussion of various cases.
preparation of the specialists in improving relational abili- Make sure you plan your day daily and weekly so that you
ties is vital and has demonstrated to improve outcomes. are aware of the time that you have and be able to invest it
Furthermore, it is additionally helpful in overseeing diffi- wisely [24].
cult clinical experiences. This way d­ iminishes the disap-
pointment of both the specialist and the patient or chaperon Management of Finances (Fig. 43.4c)
in circumstances of enthusiastic upheavals. It has also One must learn how to handle finances appropriately;
appeared to diminish work pressure and increase work ful- unnecessary and exorbitant spending at the earlier stages is
fillment [22]. not a wise idea and can lead to a sudden financial crisis,
which can even lead to the premature end of one’s career. Record Keeping As mentioned before, expansion and modernization of the
Record keeping is vital to a successful practice especially practice should follow a well-thought-out long-term incre-
in view of the legal implications that come along with a mental approach. Similarly, it is wise to slowly create an
failure to maintain the same. One should maintain both a alternate source of income to help tide over any financial
hard copy and a virtual copy of their records as backups crises that one may face throughout the course of their
are most essential. Informed consent forms should clearly career [25].
record possible complications in a language understood
by the patient. Photographic records at the preop, intraop,
and postop phases need to be maintained and become 43.5 Conclusion
especially important when a patient has unrealistic expec-
tations. It is also important to maintain well-documented Oral and maxillofacial surgery is gaining popularity as a
out-patient records and operative notes. Never forget the field and general awareness is increasing in India. It is the
seventh principle of the Caldicott report, an NHS report responsibility of new surgeons to contribute their best to
on patient information, which says ‘the duty to share the field in order to get the maximum out of their careers
880 S. G. Reddy and A. P. Acharya

a and life. As is said ‘Do good and it will come back in unex-
pected ways to you’. Never lose your principles and ethics
350 350 350
in this competitive world as it will only tarnish your reputa-
Professional Skills
Success Rate and

300 300
tion. Everyone has a specific purpose in this world. The aim
200 200 is to find that purpose and work upon it with the help of the
skills and knowledge you have gathered. These were my
100 100 rules for success that I stumbled up on while achieving my
50 50 goals. The newer generation is getting smarter and sharper
and will surely contribute to a new set of rules and redefine
0-25 30-35 40-45 50-55 60-65 70-75 success.
Age of Surgeon ‘Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them, well,
b I have others’—Groucho Marx
Disclosure Authors have no financial conflicts to
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Fig. 43.4 (a) Professional life cycle of oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
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Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial
Surgery 44
George Paul and Manjunath Rai

44.1 Introduction Medico-legal reports must be filed when one treats a case
that could potentially become a legal issue. Maxillofacial
In the modern world, human activity is governed by a set of surgeons may be called upon to testify as expert witnesses in
rules and regulations collectively referred to as law. All pro- legal cases such as assault and road traffic accidents. They
fessions must follow legal requirements and this is especially should therefore be aware of procedures required to docu-
important while practising health care, including maxillofa- ment evidence in these cases.
cial surgery. Doctors must be aware of their duties, rights and Finally, all medical professionals are vulnerable to mal-
scope of practice within the framework of the laws governing practice suits. The surgeon must be aware of what actions
their respective countries or states. This is especially impor- could put them at risks for facing such suits and what proce-
tant for maxillofacial surgeons, who straddle the line between dure must be followed if one ever faces a malpractice
medicine and dentistry. This chapter aims to outline the vari- litigation.
ous legal issues that pertain to the maxillofacial surgeon. The
laws referenced are mostly India centric, but the general prin-
ciples are not very different from international laws. 44.3 S
 cope of Practice of Maxillofacial
Surgery as per the Indian Law

44.2 W
 hat Are the Legal Issues That Must 44.3.1 Historical Perspective
Concern the Maxillofacial Surgeon?
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery has a unique place in the
Since the role of a maxillofacial surgeon acts as a link health care systems around the world. It is a stand-alone spe-
between the medical and dental professions, the scope of ciality in modern medicine that has its provenance in den-
practice has always been controversial. Maxillofacial sur- tistry. However, when one realizes that modern medical
geons have moved from beyond the oral cavity to the head systems are barely more than a century old, it is not long ago
and neck region, and even to distant body parts for proce- that the treatments of dental and oral diseases were a part of
dures such as flap harvesting. All maxillofacial surgeons an integral system that encompassed holistic health care.
must be aware of what procedures they are allowed to prac- Dentistry as a separate autonomous specialty is an accident
tice under the law and what they must avoid. and an aberration in the history of modern medicine. In fact,
During any procedure, legal documentation is of utmost the first dentists were medical doctors or surgeons like Pierre
importance. These include informed consent and filing Fauchard in France who had a special interest in treating den-
medico-­legal reports. Informed consent is a legal necessity to tal and oral conditions [1] and John Hunter [2] in England.
prove that a patient is willing to undergo a procedure. In the late nineteenth and early part of the twentieth cen-
turies, dental schools and curriculums were established as
courses separate from medical courses and the bifurcation
G. Paul (*) became an established practice in different countries in
Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala, India
almost all continents [3, 4].
Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India It is through this prism that we need to view the speciality
M. Rai of OMFS and its future as a complex and distinct part of
Department of OMFS, A. J. Institute of Dental Sciences, health care. In fact, training to become a maxillofacial
Mangalore, Karnataka, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 883

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_44
884 G. Paul and M. Rai

s­ urgeon through the route of dental surgery is unique when 44.3.2 Current Legal Privileges
compared to other distinct regional specialties, which emerge
as a post-medical qualification, e.g. ophthalmology, otolar- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a recognized department
yngology, or gastroenterology. in most multi-specialty hospitals and they are given privi-
Realizing the need for adequate training in surgery, sub- leges such as admissions and autonomous departments
stantial additions were made to the dental and oral and max- within the surgical or dental services.
illofacial surgery curricula by including several basic medical The Dentist Act has defined Oral and Maxillofacial
sciences and clinical medical subjects in the undergraduate Surgery as a surgical branch of dentistry dealing with dis-
and post-graduate level, to help meet the medical training eases affecting the mouth, jaws, and face. The updated cur-
requirements of a surgeon. riculum of OMFS is a focused training in surgical
The impetus for the evolution of OMFS was provided by management of diseases, injuries and deformities of the face
the two World Wars of the twentieth century and other armed and gnathic system. Training includes interdisciplinary rota-
conflicts, where dental and oral surgeons were found to be tion with allied surgical specialities and standard compe-
invaluable in the treatment of facial bone fractures. Thus, tence in dealing with complex surgical situations in the
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery was born as a speciality of mouth, jaws and face.
dentistry and went on to encompass a wide range of surgical In an increasingly competitive surgical arena, different
work, including pathologies of the mouth and jaws, TMJ sur- surgical specialities compete for ownership of procedures
geries, surgical corrections of dento-facial deformities and based on their diverse backgrounds. It is therefore expected
cosmetic surgery of the face. that OMFS, as an emerging surgical specialty, is sometimes
In many countries, including those in Europe, this resulted in conflict with other specialities.
in the concept of dual degrees (medical as well as dental The legal competence to perform procedures is dictated
degrees) to better address surgery in a complicated region of by the qualification and training received as part of the cur-
the body where one needed a clear understanding of surgical riculum set up by the respective statutory bodies through due
principles as well as sound dental concepts. Duality is often process of law.
mistaken for an additional medical degree. In fact, duality The legal remit and privileges of OMFS in India are based
includes the need for a dental degree for those with a medical on the training received as part of the curriculum of the mas-
background. In countries like USA, India and several Asian ter’s degree in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery as outlined by
countries, oral and maxillofacial surgery continues to be a sur- the Dental Council of India in its regulation issued from time
gical speciality of dentistry, although some surgeons chose to to time. The current syllabus, curriculum and training equip
do medicine as additional qualification to further their interests the specialist to deal with a wide range of surgical proce-
and knowledge [5]. Similarly, dentistry was offered as an addi- dures in the face, jaws, oral cavity and teeth. This includes
tional degree for those with medical qualifications only. comprehensive management of defects or deformities of
Dentistry was however an essential pre-­qualification to become dento-facial region caused by congenital anomalies, injuries
a maxillofacial surgeon. It must be remembered that 90% of the or surgical ablation. However increased competence, like in
world population is still serviced by OMFS with a single dental any other surgical speciality, is achieved through experience
qualification re-enforced by rigorous surgical training as part of and continuous training in the form of fellowships and struc-
their post-graduate curriculum. This includes the USA, Canada, tured courses.
Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, China, Russia, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery falls into a grey area,
Central Asia, South Asia, Middle East Asia, South West Asia, overlapped by several other surgical specialities. However,
Japan, and Far East Asia [6–12]. Starting in the 1970s, several competence is defined by the scope offered by legally
countries also offered integrated 6–7 year residencies leading approved training within the framework set out by the statu-
to OMFS that provide an additional Medical or Dental degree tory bodies in the respective countries. In India, OMFS is an
depending on their original background. advanced surgical specialty of dentistry and its remit is regu-
The curriculum for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in lated by the Dental Council of India.
India and several other countries has been suitably modified
for patient safety and competence. In India, the speciality of
OMFS is regulated by the Dentist Act of 1948 as more than 44.4 L
 egal Requirements to Be Followed
90% of OMFS are dental-qualified surgical specialists [13]. When Dealing With a Patient
OMFS has been included as a recognized speciality with dis-
tinct privileges in the medical health care system and has 44.4.1 Informed Consent
been included in significant legislations at the national and
state levels, including the Clinical Establishment Act of Consent to medical treatment as an ethical and moral prin-
2012. ciple is probably as old as medical science. It is ­inconceivable
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 885

that a medical practitioner at any point in history would have Canterbury Vs Spence Case (1972) [16]. Thereafter, not
treated or operated on a patient without his or her permis- obtaining informed consent became legal violation,
sion. However, consent to treat as a legally binding entity is equivalent to assault or “battery”.
of recent origin. Today, it is validated by multiple principles • With the advent of new technology and emergence of new
drawn from social and behavioural sciences, moral philoso- diseases like HIV, Informed Consent documents are con-
phy, human rights, ethics and laws of a particular country. stantly being upgraded to include new medical procedures.
One of the main guiding principles of Informed consent • Informed Consent Document (ICD) in research was
involves the rights of patients to make clear assertions of largely evolved due to the World War II atrocities in Nazi
what can or cannot be done to their bodies based on unbiased Concentration camps. ICDs in research have been formu-
and full disclosure of the benefits and risks that will ensue lated and reviewed by the Nuremburg conference and the
from treatment. While most diagnostic treatment procedures Helsinki declaration. They are closely monitored for con-
are today performed only with a clear informed consent, tent by organizations such as the WHO, FDA, and the
there are some which attract particular attention in the matter ICMR in India.
of informed consent, e.g., HIV testing and high-dose radia-
tion in vulnerable patients. Types of Informed Consent [17]
Informed consent may be of two types: D  efinition and Principles of Informed
Consent 1. Implied and
Farlex’s free online dictionary [14] has a simple definition of 2. Oral or written Consent
Informed Consent. It is “Consent by a patient to a surgical or • Implied Consent: It is given by the behaviour of the
medical procedure or participation in a clinical study after patient, such as entering the clinic and opening the
achieving an understanding of the relevant medical facts and mouth to be examined, etc.
the risks involved.” A more descriptive definition is some- • Oral Consent: It is acceptable for inconsequential pro-
times employed to capture the nuances of informed consent. cedures such as examination, taking of impressions, or
It may thus be defined as “Consent given by a patient after even routine low-exposure X Rays, etc.
understanding his/her condition, procedure, risks and alter- • Written Consent: While oral consent is an acceptable
natives based on unbiased information by the medical pro- consent, it can often be challenged and the consent
fessional in a language and manner which is unambiguous, cannot often be proved or validated. It is therefore
lucid.” more binding to give a written informed consent. H  istory and Theory of Informed I nformed Consent in Oral

Consent [15] and Maxillofacial Surgery
The key historical signposts in the evolution of the Informed Informed Consent for orthognathic surgery is particularly
Consent as a valid legal document can be traced to cases important because of the nature of the procedure. It is an
from the US judicial system, though the basic principles find elective procedure and the patient often seeks treatment
their roots in English Common law. for enhancement of aesthetics and function. The expecta-
tions are high and therefore the scope for disillusionment
• While consent has been a well-known moral requirement as well.
before treatment, it gained legal sanctity only in 1914 with Orthognathic surgery is a highly skilled procedure in a
the case of Schloendorf Vs Society of New York Hospitals. complex anatomical area. Treatment often involves multiple
It set the tone for a legally acceptable premise of self-deter- specialists, including orthodontists, anaesthetists, general
mination [15]. Justice Benjamin Cardoza summarized the dentists, and other surgical specialists like neurosurgeons,
basic philosophy in his judgment thus “Every human being otolaryngologists, or plastic surgeons. In addition to results
of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what falling below expectations, which are largely subjective,
shall be done with his own body and a surgeon who per- patients may also have morbidity in the form of neurological
forms an operation without his patients consent commits an deficit, infections, occlusal discrepancy, TMJ problems, and
assault for which he is liable.” in rare situations excessive exsanguinations and even death.
• However, it was with a series of case in the 1960s and Maxillofacial Surgery is a unique speciality of dentistry
1970s that self-determination came to be legally binding and medicine and involves complex procedures and out-
as a legal principle and more importantly the importance comes. Some of the procedures are cosmetic whereas others
of full divulgence by the doctor based on which a consent are ablative. Being a surgical procedure involving the mouth,
can be made became a dictum. Important cases include jaws and face, there are several issues of deformity and
the Salgo Vs Le Land Stanford Jr Case (1972) and the disability.
886 G. Paul and M. Rai

The informed consent should include the following ­(Box 44.1): Recent concerns have suggested that informed consent
should also cover diagnostic tests. It is a common practice in
some countries, including India, to do a routine HIV testing.
Box 44.1. Components of Informed consent for surgery
These can be undertaken only with an informed consent,
1. the purpose of the proposed procedure;
including pretesting counselling. Many countries also insist
2. a summary of the surgical approach;
on informed consent for multiple high-dose radiation, espe-
3. expected benefits and limitations;
cially with the use of CT scan.
4. a description of postoperative recovery; possible
**A standard Informed Consent form is attached and can
complications and known side effects, including
be used as a template. Any change depending on local condi-
those that are rare.
tions can be added (addendum).
5. risks associated with the procedure and/or medica-
tions should include alternatives, including the
option of no treatment or surgery at all. I nformed Consent and Negligence
in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Informed consent regulations today are largely governed
Irrespective of whether the surgery is a minor dento-­alveolar by the principles of medical negligence rather than the
extraction or major reconstructive procedure, it may be cau- tort of battery as in the early days. Any injury, even
tious to take an informed Consent, which includes chance of expected, may be considered a negligent act if there is no
injury or consequences that have disutility for the patient. informed consent, e.g., paresthesia following Impactions
While operating as a team there are decisions that can be taken or BSSO. The situation can be defended if the patient was
jointly by the other members in the treatment process, e.g., informed and consent obtained. The civil liability for the
Neurosurgeons or orthodontists. For instance, in orthognathic same will be similar to the liability for medical
surgery, the Informed Consent Document may have several negligence.
distinct parts. Gasparini G, Boniello R et al. suggest a three- Similarly, Informed consent does not absolve the sur-
part informed consent to include pre-op orthodontics, orthog- geon from liability for negligence, if it is proved that it
nathic surgery and post-op orthodontic treatment [17]. could have been avoided if the surgeon had exercised rea-
The informed Consent document may need to include the sonable care.
following principles and the surgeon and his team can make In short, liability for negligence can be mitigated by an
appropriate changes to accommodate them. These have informed consent, but informed consent cannot totally
been enunciated by Lord Scarman in the case of Sidaway v absolve a surgeon for an obvious negligent act.
Board of Governors of Bethlehem Royal Hospital [18].
Defence for non-information
1. The individual should be of adult years (18 years in India) Sometimes, the surgeon may encounter a non-reported or
and sound mind and should have the legal mental capac- rarely reported complication despite reasonable care. In
ity to choose what happens to his body. these situations, they can take defence in the principle of
2. It should offer a choice that entails an opportunity to eval- “Act of God!!” These are complications or sequels that may
uate knowledgeably the options available and the risks not have been anticipated by a reasonable surgeon.
attendant on each (including no surgery option)
3. The doctor should therefore disclose all material risks. Exceptions for the use of Informed consent
The material risks are determined by the “prudent patient • Life-threatening situations, e.g., Carotid Ligation,
test,” which determines what a “reasonable” patient in a Tracheostomy, etc.
position of a plaintiff (complainant) would attach signifi- • Incapacity of patient by virtue of age or mental status (It
cance to, in coming to a decision on the treatment given. is taken from the guardian/parent).

In addition to this, in the Indian context: I nformed Consent for Clinical Trials
4. All informed consent must be in a language understood and New Techniques
by the patient (vernacular languages like Tamil, Informed consent has to be obtained if the patient undergoing
Malayalam, Bhojpuri, Kannada, etc.) the surgery is the subject of a new device, implant, or tech-
5. In case of illiterates, the informed consent must be read to nique which is not a standard one. In India, devices are not
them in the presence of an independent witness who must covered by the DCGI (Drug Controller General of India). New
sign on the space provided. techniques on an experimental basis, particularly in teaching
6. In children below 18, a parent or guardian can sign on institutions, must be communicated to the patient and should
behalf of the child. be cleared by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 887

Independent Ethics Committee (IEC). The ICD requirements state if the injury is grievous or not. He may also elaborate on
for research are clearly enunciated in India by the ICMR. the actual disability that the defect might cause.
In conclusion, Informed Consent Documentation is an Examples of grievous injuries are:
important and critical part of all treatment plans and often
includes invasive or potentially harmful investigations. A proper 1. Fractures and loss of teeth.
informed consent that is realistic and involves full disclosure, if 2. Fractures of jaw.
the patient is exposed to a chance of injury for which he has no 3. Extensive soft-tissue injuries and scarring
utility, is a necessary part of all treatment protocols. Informed 4. Neurosensory or motor disturbances
consent documents respect the right of patients to take a deci- 5. Restricted function, e.g. limited mouth opening
sion on how their body is treated based on all available informa-
tion. It is a moral, ethical and legal obligation to obtain a consent Duties of Witness
based on credible information. It also provides a safety net for Failure to appear in court without valid reasons after warrant
the surgeon when unexpected adverse complications occur. has been issued can invite contempt of court.
Exaggeration or false statements given under oath are not
only unethical, but can invite punishment under sec.181,
44.4.2 Dentist/Maxillofacial Surgeons sec.193.
as Expert Witnesses

Dentists and maxillofacial Surgeons are often called upon to give 44.5 M
 edical Negligence in Maxillofacial
evidence in case of civil or criminal cases. When surgeons are Surgery
called upon to give evidence as part of forensic evidence, they
need to have a grasp of the subject. Forensic medicine and odon- 44.5.1 What Is Negligence?
tology have been used in many sensational cases in India, the
Rajiv Gandhi assassination being one of the better-known ones. Negligence is usually a civil wrong or tort. It is the single
Surgeons are often called upon in other more common most important issue in medical law pertaining to litigation
situations as well. for damages.
By definition, negligent torts (civil wrongs) are not delib-
1. Evaluation of disability after dental or maxillofacial erate but rather a failure to act as a reasonable person should
injuries. in the conduct of duties to someone whom he or she owes a
2. For opinions regarding the procedures adopted by other duty to.
doctors/dentists in cases of alleged negligence. The liability for negligence can however also be criminal
or statutory.
Expert witnesses are issued summons as discussed earlier
in the chapter. The surgeon is obliged to present himself before Negligence as Tort (Civil liability)
the court at the appointed time. He may be questioned by the It has several formal definitions, but a convenient one by
lawyers of the prosecution, defence or the insurance company, Alderson explains it rather lucidly as “the omission to do
as to the nature of injury and the quantum of disability. The something which a reasonable man, guided upon those con-
surgeon is to clearly state his/her opinion without ambiguity siderations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human
and should remain non-committal about subjects that they are affairs, would do, or doing something which a prudent and
not sure about. If the surgeon has issued a wound certificate, reasonable man would not do.”
the copy of the same will be given to him for reference at the For an act to be considered negligent, the following
time of testifying. The witness is to merely state the facts. aspects must be present, in regard to a surgeon (Box 44.2).
They are not expected to involve themselves with the law on
the subject, e.g., Loss of teeth, fracture of jaw, etc. They may
answer truthfully to any other question pertaining to the same. Box 44.2. Features of a Negligent act
Today, there are only a few quantified disability criteria 1. That the surgeon owed a certain standard of care.
for dental and maxillofacial impairment in India. They 2. That the doctor/surgeon did not maintain that
include “The Manual for Permanent Disability” brought out standard.
by the CGHS, WHO, and AIIMS in 1981. A compendium of 3. That there was an injury resulting from the lack of
suggested dental and maxillofacial deformities/disabilities care.
has been suggested by Paul G and Thomas S in the published 4. There should be a proximate or causal relationship
book Medical Law for the Dental Surgeon [19]. It has been between the negligent act and the resultant injury.
extensively used in courts of law. If unsure, the surgeon may
888 G. Paul and M. Rai

Exceptions to negligence fessionals will be acceptable as a valid procedure and will

Normally, carelessness is neither culpable nor a ground for legal not be considered as negligence. This is ascertained by the
liability, as there is no wrongful intention. However, in medical application of Bolam’s law [20], which recognizes reason-
negligence, the outcomes have serious implications on the patient able difference of opinion based on credible evidence or
in particular and the public in general. The consequences of neg- experience among peer professional groups.
ligence by a surgeon who owes a duty of care are enormous and The Bolitho test uses a different legal parameter and has
the law has imposed a duty of carefulness on the doctor or health undermined the usual dependence on the Bolam test. The
worker in the interest of safe practices. However, there are sev- Bolitho test goes beyond dependence on just two opinions
eral situations, which do not conform to the strict definition of and looks at credible scientific evidence as more important
negligence. In India, several judicial orders have placed many than mere difference of opinions.
actions by doctors outside the ambit of negligence. In this context, it is important to discuss the semantics of
A review of Consumer cases (Under the Consumer customary and acceptable.
Protection Act) shows that some of the situations mentioned A professional cannot adopt a procedure merely
here do not come under medical negligence. because it is customary. Customary standards have been
looked at critically because it does not provide incentive
• Not providing an ambulance, due to non-availability of to adopt better practices. Because a particular procedure
the service does not constitute a negligent act. has been done for many years does not make it an accept-
• Any adverse outcome for a procedure done in good faith, able practice. An acceptable practice, on the other hand, is
in an emergency, beyond the call of duty, is not consid- not only time tested but also scientifically sound. An
ered a negligent act. It is also called the Good Samaritan acceptable practice is usually the product of evidence-
Act in some countries. based science as opposed to customary practice, which is
• Mere patient dissatisfaction with progress of treatment or either anecdotal or proven to be inadequate or irrelevant
desired relief cannot be construed as negligence. by scientific scrutiny.
• Non-availability of beds in an ICU is not negligence. An often-quoted legal principle is that “The skill, dili-
• Giving precedence of one patient over the other based on gence, knowledge, means and methods are not those that are
clinical risks or emergencies is not negligence. ordinarily or generally or customarily exercised or employed,
• A fee, being perceived as exorbitant by the patient, is not but those that are reasonably exercised or applied, negligence
negligence. cannot be excused on the ground that others practice the
• Non-availability of a doctor outside his or her working same kind of negligence.”
hours may not constitute negligence. It may therefore be said that a “health worker is under a
duty to use that degree of skill which is expected of a reason-
able competent practitioner in the same class to which he
44.5.2 Duty of Care belongs, acting in the same or similar circumstances.” The
Supreme Court has defined this duty in the case of Indian
Minimum standard of care Medical Association Vs V.P. Shanta [21] as “In general a pro-
The degree of carelessness for a particular profession fessional man owes to his client a duty in tort (civil wrong)
depends on the risk that it poses to the person who is exposed as well as in contract to exercise reasonable care in giving
to it. advice or performing services.”
Professional standard of care is therefore that standard of Importantly, the court held that this standard should be
care or skill that is laid down by a body of professionals on outlined by the medical profession and it is not the duty of
behalf of the medical profession and which a surgeon or phy- the “lay courts” to decide on what constitutes “standard”
sician is expected to bring to his duty. care. Negligence, in these situations, may be dependent on
If skill and knowledge fall below this established stan- the locality, availability of facilities, specialization of the
dard, it will be considered to be negligent. A body of profes- doctor, proximity to specialists and advanced technology.
sionals can establish this standard by publication in books, However, it is important to remember the dictum “no man is
reports of scientific studies, or by protocols established by bound in law to be a good surgeon, but all men are bound not
them, e.g., text books, journals and protocols created by pro- to act as a surgeon until he is good and capable as such.”
fessional associations. Today, evidence-based science is the The foregoing dictum indicates that a physician or sur-
hallmark of best practices and is defined by the quality of geon should not venture to do a procedure unless he is trained
evidence established through Randomized Clinical Trials and competent in performing it. Merely admitting that he
(RCT) and meta-analysis of peer-reviewed publications. had inadequate experience is no legal remedy. In other
When there is a difference of opinion on technical mat- words, it is not legally wrong to be ignorant, but it is legally
ters, an alternate method recognized by another body of pro- wrong to act in ignorance.
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 889

44.5.3 The Test of Negligence 44.5.4 Contributory Negligence

The Bolam Test In some situations, negligence arises fully or in part due to
This is a classical test widely used in the United Kingdom. the patients or the complainant’s fault. As the patient, wholly
The Bolam test is an acceptable test used by the National or partly, contributes to the negligent act, it is called con-
Health Service of the U.K. when a situation of negligence tributory negligence.
presents itself as observed in the landmark case of Bolam The standard to be adopted to assess contributory negli-
Vs Friern Hospital managing committee. (1957) 2 AIIER gence is somewhat similar to the standard adopted for the
118. doctor. It may be said that ‘contributory negligence is when
The Bolam test establishes that standard procedures be a competent adult (patient) may be negligent by contribution
the basis of treatment. Importantly, it provides for alternate when his conduct falls short of the degree of care that society
management protocols. If there is more than one school of expects a reasonable person to do or not to do for his own
thought, both alternates will be acceptable as a standard. safety’. This would obviously preclude children and men-
tally incapacitated adult.
Bolitho Test Examples
In a minority judgment comments in Bolitho, it was
emphasized that the word “responsible” in the traditional 1. When a patient refuses to take a prescribed medication
formulation of the Bolam test meant that responsible resulting in postoperative infection.
practice is that which withstands the scrutiny of “logical 2. A patient who removes inter-maxillary wiring on his own
analysis” from a judicial perspective. Today, courts are resulting in non-union.
increasingly scrutinizing risk analysis from a patient view
point, which undermines the traditional view point of only
the care giver. 44.5.5 Remedy for Negligence Under
the Indian Legal Systems
Negligence—Carelessness vs. Recklessness
While both words have almost the same meaning, there is a Negligence can be
small difference. A careless person may not think of the
eventuality while being careless. On the other hand, the reck- 1. Tortious (Civil wrong)
less person is fully cognizant of the injury that his act may 2. Contractual (Breach of contract)
cause, but still takes the risk of possible injury. The former is 3. Criminal
passive, whereas the latter is an active act. Both acts are how- 4. Vicarious (Liability passed on to hospital or employer)
ever are not intentional and is therefore often used to describe Negligence can be remedied depending on what legal pro-
negligence. vision the complainant wishes to seek remedy.

Standards of Care in Hospitals The punishment under the law of Tort (Tortious liability) is
Legal standards applicable to hospitals are somewhat similar unliquidated damages, i.e. whatever damages the judge wishes
to those required of doctors or other health workers. to award depending on injury, circumstances and other consid-
The hospitals are bound to maintain standards in two erations like age, earning potential, profession, etc.
ways. If an implied agreement was made between doctor and
patient, then the remedy would be as specified in the con-
1. The facilities of a hospital should be that of a reasonable tract. The judge may order a specific performance to do or
hospital engaging in similar type of health care. not do something he has agreed to. However, guarantees for
2. The Hospitals should maintain standards laid down by treatment are against ethical guidelines for treatment and it is
statutory provisions (if available). In India, there are now not applicable in medical law.
basic standards for all medical establishments, which are If the complainant seeks punitive action against the doc-
defined by a legislated statute called the Clinical tor, he may file a criminal case under the relevant statutes.
Establishment Act. It provides for the basic requirements The Indian Penal Code for example, has provisions to punish
of different categories of hospitals and the role of person- doctors for death or disability. The remedy under criminal
nel in providing standard care. law is always in the form of a punishment (Penal). It may
involve imprisonment or fine or both. Rarely, the court can
In addition, the hospitals may be answerable for the neg- order compensation or specific performance as well. Criminal
ligence of their doctors, nurses and other health workers law sees negligence as a crime against the state and not just
through what is called vicarious liability. against the plaintiff.
890 G. Paul and M. Rai

Doctors may also be liable under professional statutory of action and the pecuniary jurisdiction (amount claimed
laws governing the practice of the profession. In India, stat- as damages).
utory bodies such as the Medical Council of India or the
Dental Council of India can prescribe punitive action in Criminal Liability
accordance with laid down laws. The laws can be initiated This liability normally lies with an identifiable individual or
only against persons registered under the particular statu- groups of individuals. However, recent trends indicate that
tory body. The Medical Council of India, for instance, can- Hospitals also may be held vicariously liable just as in civil
not take action against a dental-qualified maxillofacial liabilities.
surgeon. Criminal liability is penal and involves punishment in the
In some instances, a doctor may not have to answer for his form of imprisonment or fine or both. Criminal negligence is
negligence directly. The hospital or establishment employing considered to be a crime against society and not just the
him may have to answer to the allegation to negligence. This aggrieved party and is in violation of penal codes of coun-
is called vicarious liability and is usually relevant to salaried tries. In India, it is a violation of various sections of the
employees who work for a contract of services and not a con- Indian Penal Code 1868 (amended several times).
tract for services. The important offences inviting criminal liability with
However, in practice, for the sake of regularity, it may be regard to negligence are:
said that all permanently or part-time employed doctors are
only vicariously liable. However, if the patient is admitted by 1. Sec 304 A (IPC)—negligent homicide. A rash or negli-
a doctor in his personal capacity, then the doctor will be per- gent act resulting in Death, e.g. death on the dental chair
sonally liable. or hospital or operating room.
2. Sec 336 (IPC) An act endangering the life of a person
Contractual nature of liability (even if there is no injury), e.g. conscious sedation with-
In a doctor patient relationship, an implied contract is estab- out essential monitors or oxygen, even if no harm is
lished when a doctor accepts a patient for treatment. A breach caused.
of any aspect of this implied contract may amount to negli- 3. Sec (337) (IPC) A rash or negligent act causing a simple
gence when the doctor is under duty to injury, e.g. mild reversible thermal burns caused by bone-­
sectioning equipment.
1. Treat with care 4. Sec (338) (IPC) A rash or negligent act resulting in griev-
2. Continue to treat and not terminate until patient is cured ous injury, e.g. fracture of jaw during extraction due to
or the patient discontinues treatment. excessive or improper force or avascular necrosis follow-
ing osteotomy.
This may be considered the contractual nature of medical
liability. However, Medical ethics does not provide for a While these are the common sections under which a doc-
written contract, which can be violated as in the case of a tor may be liable, other sections also apply. Any offence
commercial transaction. So any liability based on breach of against the human body (Sec 299 to Sec 377) or offences
an implied contract will essentially lie within the realm of against property (Sec 378–462) can be used against doctors,
tortious liability. e.g. abetting suicide, causing miscarriage sec 312–316 (sub-
Written contracts with promise to cure, failing which a ject to exemption from the Medical Termination of preg-
refund is assured is against the ethics of medical or dental nancy Act 1971), etc.
practice. It is this author’s view that such contracts can be Sections 78, 80, 81, 87, 88 are directly or indirectly rele-
technically void, considering the ethical and legal issues vant to the medical practitioner. Some can be used in defence
involved. of the doctor accused of negligence. Section 88 for instance
Tortious Liability is usually dealt with in Civil Courts. is an act done in good faith not intended to cause death. It is
In India, medical negligence comes within the ambit of a good defence in emergency care. Sections 86 and 87 IPC
the Consumer Protection Laws established to provide are in respect to harm or death caused by an act not intended
speedy relief to plaintiffs seeking redressals for goods and to cause harm or death and is done with consent in the best
services that fall short of standards. The Consumer interest of patients. Section 499 deals with defamation. It can
Protection Act defines medical care as contract for ser- be used by doctors to counter malicious charges by patients
vices, which makes doctors and hospitals liable under the intending to spoil the good name of the doctor by frivolous
Consumer Protection Act of 1986. The Consumer Courts or vexatious charges. It can also be used by patients as a
are quasi-judicial legal redressal forums established for criminal violation of confidentiality statutes. For example,
speedy justice. They are tiered under the District, State revealing HIV status when the patient is not likely to be a
and National Forums depending on the place of the cause public health hazard.
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 891

It is important to understand some terms in connection disability, as a part of treatment. Criminal liability and arrest
with criminal liability (Box 44.3). can only be made on the basis of a credible Medical Board
opinion duly constituted or recognized by the Government.

Box 44.3. Terms related to criminal liability Statutory Liability

• Cognizable Offence: A police officer can arrest A doctor or nursing home is liable if there is any infringe-
without a judicial warrant based on his ment of Statutes (rules). They then become accountable to a
investigation. statutory body. The liability depends on the kind of infringe-
• Non-Cognizable: An arrest can only be made by a ment and the provisions in the statute to deal with it. There
judicial warrant. are many statutes dealing with practice of Doctors and
• Bailable: the arresting officer can provide bail. Bail Dentists, as well as Hospitals. Recently, the newly legislated
is a matter of right and has to be given unless the Clinical Establishment Act provides guidelines for the whole
officer apprehends that the accused may abscond or of India.
tamper with evidence. Doctors and dentists may also be liable to other statutory
• Non-Bailable: Bail can be secured only from a laws such as The Pollution Control Board and the Drugs and
magistrate. Heinous and violent crimes fall in this Cosmetics Act, etc.
category, e.g., if there is a significant risk that the
offender may commit further crimes, abscond or
tamper with evidence. 44.5.6 Legal Procedure and Evidentiary
• Compoundable: A crime in which a compromise Requirements
between the suspected offender and the victim or
his attendant can be worked out it is said to be (With special reference to medical/dental Negligence)
compoundable Legal Procedure (Procedural Law) Relevant to Medical/
• Non-Compoundable: If the crime is against society Dental Negligence.
and is of a serious nature, no compromise can be It is important for the doctor/dentist to know the legal pro-
made between the accused and the victim. These cedure involved in medical negligence. The legal procedure
cases are said to be non-compoundable. is slightly different for civil negligence, criminal negligence,
• Sec 304 A is cognizable, bailable and non-com- and negligence under the Consumer Protection Act.
poundable. It can be punished with imprisonment of To understand legal procedures, one must be familiar with
either description for a term of 2 years or fine or both. some of the procedural laws. They are,
• Sec 337 and 338 are cognizable, bailable and com-
poundable. Sec 337 may attract an imprisonment up 1. Civil Procedure Code.
to 3 months and a fine up to Rs 250/ or both. Sec 2. Criminal Procedure Code
338 can involve imprisonment up to 2 years and a 3. The Indian Evidence Act
fine up to Rs 1000/ or both. 4. The Limitation Act
5. The Court fees Act
6. Procedure under CPA.
It is important for the surgeon to be aware of these liabili-
ties. It is also important for him to understand his rights. For The Evidence Act
example, bail is a matter of right in the foregoing situations It is a very important procedural law. There are three con-
and it is to be given by the police officer attempting to arrest cepts in Evidentiary Law.
a medical professional. Bail is granted on the surety given by
the doctor or a colleague. A doctor can give surety on his 1. Facts
own reputation. The burden of providing reasons for refusing 2. Facts in Issue
bail rests on the police officer and he will have to give con- 3. Relevant Facts.
vincing reasons for not granting bail.
The facts are the material evidence.
Representations to amend Criminal procedures for The “facts in issue” are those that have to be explicitly
arresting Doctors proved. The facts in issue are proved by bringing into evidence
Doctors cannot be arrested arbitrarily. the relevant facts. Sections 6–55 deal with these relevant facts.
In a landmark case referred to as the Jacob Mathew Case There are also other rules in Evidence Law.
(2002), the Supreme Court of India has prevented arbitrary
arrest and detention of doctors even in case of death or serious • Who needs to bring in Evidence?
892 G. Paul and M. Rai

The person who has to legally bring in evidence to prove delay was unavoidable. However, in criminal cases, the Act
or disprove a fact is said to have the ‘burden of proof’”. does not provide a period of limitation. Criminal proceed-
When one has the burden of proof he has: ings can be instituted at any time after the offence has been
committed. However, as per the guidelines given in Section
1. The burden of establishing a case 468 of CrPC, the limitation periods run thus:
2. The burden of introducing evidence.
(a) 6 months for offences punishable with fine only.
The general rule (with some exception) is that the onus of (b) 1 year for offences punishable with imprisonment up to
proving any particular fact lies with the party who alleges it 1 year.
and not with the party who denies it. In other words, the onus (c) 3 years for offences punishable with imprisonment up to
of proof lies with the complainant and not with the 3 years (not less than 1 year).
Negligence can be proved by If the limitation period ends on a day when the court is
closed, then the next working day is included as the limita-
1. Direct Evidence tion period. It may therefore be said that a suit should be filed
2. Circumstantial Evidence as soon as the cause of action occurs.
3. Res ipsa loquitor (The matter speaks for itself)
• Another aspect of evidentiary law is standard of proof. Court Fees Act (Varies from State to State)
Any party who wishes to approach a court with litigation has
The standard of proof in civil cases can be based on prob- to pay a court fees with some exceptions like the Consumer
ability and circumstantial evidence. However in a criminal Court. Each state may have a different court fee structure. In
case, the standard of proof is more stringent and should be a suit for money, the fee is usually computed based on the
beyond reasonable doubt as sanction in criminal law is more amount claimed by the plaintiff. Court fees are paid in the
severe and penal in nature. form of Stamps, which may be adhesive or impressed or both.

• The limitation act (1963)

44.6 Conclusion
It is the statute dealing with the time limit for various
suits, appeals, bail application and other legal actions. This chapter is unique as most textbooks do not address
issues pertaining to law and ethics in practice.
• Cause of Action: The maxillofacial surgeon is often confronted with ques-
tions on their remit and scope of work as it overlaps with
This refers to the incident, which has necessitated a legal several other specialties and is constantly in conflict with
process. Limitation period begins as soon as the cause of issues of qualification and areas of competence. The sections
action takes place. The period of time varies according to the on these issues will throw light on their practice privileges in
suit and it is given in the schedule of limitations. addition to dealing with litigation for medical negligence,
which has become all pervasive.
Appeals/Application for leave of appeals
For appeals, the day of judgment marks the beginning of Disclosure  Authors have no financial conflicts to disclose.
limitation period after giving time for obtaining the copy of
decree (Judgment Order). This will not include ‘writs’ as the
limitation Act does not apply to them. Annexures
If a suit or appeal is made after the statutory limitation
period, the court may reject the petition on grounds of being  .1 AOMSI—Informed Consent Forms for All
barred by limitation. The court may however accept a peti- Procedures https://www.aomsi.com/
tion even if it is barred by limitation, if it is satisfied that the WebPages/downloads.aspx
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 893

1. Health questionnaire
894 G. Paul and M. Rai
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 895
896 G. Paul and M. Rai
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 897
898 G. Paul and M. Rai
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 899

2. Medication questionnaire
900 G. Paul and M. Rai
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 901
902 G. Paul and M. Rai

3. Consent for Minor oral surgery

44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 903
904 G. Paul and M. Rai

4. Consent for Implant

44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 905
906 G. Paul and M. Rai
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 907

5. Consent for Orthognathic surgery

908 G. Paul and M. Rai
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 909
910 G. Paul and M. Rai
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 911

6. Consent for TMJ

Mark the symptoms

912 G. Paul and M. Rai
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 913
914 G. Paul and M. Rai
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 915

7. Consent for Trauma

916 G. Paul and M. Rai
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 917
918 G. Paul and M. Rai

8. Requisites for translation of “informed consent” to vernacular languages

44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 919
920 G. Paul and M. Rai

9. Informed refusal of treatment

44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 921
922 G. Paul and M. Rai

A.2 Quantification of Disability ment through a series of questions that reveal the perma-
nency of the deficit. The Govt. of India notification (1986)
 .2.1 Quantification of Dento-facial Disability/
A covers visual disabilities, locomotor disabilities and hearing
Deformity: A Proposal [19] and speech disabilities. It recommends that Kessler’s for-
Form and function are the quintessence of human life. mula can be taken as a general guideline.
Disability and deformity are interruptions to this harmony. Significantly the only other Indian guideline for
Disability/deformity may be congenital or acquired. Maxillofacial region comes through a Government of
Governments have a social responsibility to mitigate such Tamilnadu notification (1974) where complete facial disfig-
afflictions by creating an environment for re integrating them urement is dealt with. It simply awards a 50% for total facial
into normal social life. Most welfare states provide benefits for disfigurement. No break up figures is given for type or sever-
persons with disability. ity of disfigurement.
Disability can also be caused by accidents, interpersonal The American Association of Oral and maxillofacial
violence and iatrogenic causes. These situations have legal Surgeons and American Medical Association have given
overtones and often require compensation in some form. guidelines for assessment of maxillofacial injuries and dis-
Benefits and compensation can only be calculated if the dis- abilities. They however need modification to suit our popula-
ability is quantified. Orthopedic disabilities in Civil and tion and needs.
Military life have been calibrated and quantified. Similarly The authors have depended on two major sources while
other disabilities involving loco motor, neurological, visual making this evaluation.
and hearing deficit have also been quantified. Unfortunately
the maxillofacial region has not been adequately addressed 1. Objective Evaluation of Impairment and Ability in
in any of these quantification charts. Locomotor Handicapped by Sabapathyvinayagam
Quantification of the maxillofacial region is unique on Ramar. An excellent reference book on Physical Medicine
account of the fact that there are two criteria to be evaluated— and Rehabilitation.
Disability and Deformity. While disability is more readily cal- 2. Guidelines to the Evaluation of Impairment of The Oral
culated, deformity is highly subjective and therefore any award and Maxillofacial Region—issued by the American
for the latter is bound to be arbitrary. However it is not possible Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Region.
to ignore the importance of deformity to the face, and an attempt
is made to establish a broad parameter in which it can be The authors have modified the guidelines of the above
assessed. sources to arrive at the recommendations.
The general aim of the exercise was to evolve quantifica-
Review of Quantification Criteria tion criteria for disabilities and deformities of the
Quantification of orthopedic disability is well established Maxillofacial region taking into account the special features
and has been in use for social benefits, rehabilitation, assis- of the problems encountered in India. It also endeavours to
tance and percentage reservations in labour market ­placement simplify the percentages awarded by eliminating complex
of disabled people. It has also been in use for legal and insur- variables. The evaluation adopts a position of awarding a
ance compensations due to accidents, interpersonal violence 100% to the face to be divided between deformity (50%)
and occupational diseases. The Phulhems profile by the and disability (50%). It does not try to evaluate facial
Canadian Army was established as early as 1943. The impairment as a part of the total body as it would signifi-
McBrides criteria was the established reference in India till cantly reduce the quantum of impairment and thus
1980. It did cover some aspects of the maxillofacial region defeat the purpose of this exercise. Consider a situation
and was generally accepted for dental injuries and dental where 100% has to be divided between cardiovascular, ali-
loss. The McBrides criteria (1955) was replaced in India by mentary, central nervous and locomotor systems in addition
the “Manual for Doctors to Evaluate Permanent Physical to sexual dysfunction, liver dysfunction, renal, endocrine and
Impairment” (1981). Unfortunately the impairment and dis- metabolic dysfunctions. Further distribution amongst visual,
ability of the face is covered rather incomprehensively and hearing, etc. will certainly minimize any help of giving value
inadequately, relegating the whole area of the face to one half to the face.
of a chapter, with hardly 30 points being allocated to the The evaluation has also eliminated the need to go into
face. Not one maxillofacial surgeon sat on the expert com- variables like age, sex and occupation, which will modify the
mittee of 45 advisors. In the realm of physical rehabilitation award percentages. These will rest within the realm of the
and orthopedics, numerous references are available. Kessler government agencies, judiciary or insurance agents.
(1970) covered various aspects of upper and lower extremity The criteria formulated shall simply make a statement of
disabilities. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons disability/deformity based on standards established within
Manual (1966) discusses the concept of permanent impair- the purview of the 100% for the face—equally divided
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 923

amongst the various structures and functions. The total of B. Loss of Bone (Disability/Deformity)
these shall remain within hundred utilizing the formula
B ( 100 – A ) Significant loss of bone causing
A+ Deformity/Disability : 10–25%
100 Small bony fragment : 5%
where, A = higher value and
B = lower value. C. Mal-united Facial Bones: (Depending on extent of
Based on Govt. of India Gazette Part I section 1 No. 4-2/83— Malunited facial bones 10–20%
HW III Ministry of Welfare, 1986.8 –– Occlusion to be combined whenever affected.
• Impairment: is defined as any loss (or) abnormality of This is an incomplete quantification and will have to be
psychological, physiological (or) anatomical structure assessed by the surgeon on the basis of the degree of disabil-
(or) function. ity/deformity caused by the malunion.
• Disability: WHO defines disability in the context of
health experience as any restriction or lack (resulting D. Orbital Deformity (excluding visual field assessment)
from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in
the manner (or) within the range considered normal for a Subjective evaluation based on:
human being. Bony orbit : 5–10%
• Deformity: facial disfigurement involving soft and hard Soft tissue e.g.) etropian, scar etc : 5–10%
tissues arising from multiple genetic factors, environment Composite deformities including
influences, acquired defects, neoplastic processes and Telecanthus etc : 15–25%
Areas of Deformity Evaluation—Soft Tissue
Recommended Quantification for the Dento-facial Region A. Soft Tissue—Non-reversible
Areas of Deformity Evaluation—Hard Tissues: Single linear scar : 5%
Multiple or deforming scars
A. Loss of Teeth: Including Keloids : 10–30%
Anteriors Deformity/Disability Significant loss of soft tissue
All anteriors (upper and lower) : 25% E.g. Loss of nose, ear, lips etc : 20–50%
Between 8 and 11 : 20% B. Facial Sensory Impairment (Ramar)
Between 4 and 7 : 15% Face has 34% sensory innervations of whole body.
Between 2 and 3 : 10% Ophthalmic : 8%
One tooth : 05% Maxillary : 8%
Mandibular : 8%
Though these are disabilities and deformities that can be Tongue : 10%
replaced, it deserves the above percentile as the strength and C. Impairment Rate for Mouth Opening (Ramar)
function of false teeth are not considered equal to natural Impairment rate for interincisor distance of 4 cm : 0%
teeth. Orthopedic deformities are evaluated even if prosthe- Impairment rate for interincisor distance of 3 cm : 10%
sis is given. Impairment rate for interincisor distance of 2 cm : 20%
Posteriors Disability Impairment rate for interincisor distance of 1 cm : 30%
–– Excluding third molars and including premolars. Impairment rate for interincisor distance of 0 cm : 50%
D. Motor Disability (RAMAR)
All posteriors (16) : 25% Jaw muscles (masticatory) : 5% right side, 5% left
Between 10 and 14 : 20% side
Between 6 and 9 : 15% Tongue muscles : 15% either side.
Between 2 and 5 : 10% E. Facial Nerve Impairment
Occlusal discrepancy : 10–20% Single branch : 05%
One tooth : 05% Five branches : 25%
Zygomaticotemporal : 10%
Loss of teeth due to progressive dental pathology (e.g.
Periodontitis, caries) are not considered. The dental sur- Bilateral problems are not addressed.
geon will have to make an assessment based on the condition
of remaining teeth or preexisting records. F. Disfigurement criteria (AAOMS and AMA guidelines
1997 and 2002)
924 G. Paul and M. Rai

• Class 1—(0–5%) Disorder of cutaneous structure e.g. vis- problems, which are not necessarily regional. Cancer in par-
ible scars ticular may have numerous associated problems ranging
• Class 2—(5–10%) Loss of supporting structure with or from donor site morbidity to psychological impact affecting
without cutaneous disorder e.g. Depressed cheek and quality of life and mental depression.
nose. Dental injuries and their resultant disability/deformity are
• Class 3—(10–15%) Absence of normal anatomical area closely linked to aesthetics and mastication. For the purpose
of face. E.g. Loss of eye or part of nose. Visual or hearing of awarding percentiles, the anterior teeth were considered
loss will have to be separately evaluated. for aesthetics and the posterior teeth for masticatory func-
• Class 4—(15–35%) Impairment of whole person. Facial tion. The awards are arbitrary and based on the relative dys-
disfigurement is so severe that it precludes social function caused by the absence of teeth in the masticatory
acceptance. apparatus. The American Association of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery (AAOMS) guidelines award percent-
This criteria appears logical and it significantly simplifies ages for the complete masticatory apparatus. It awards 24%
an otherwise complex quantification of facial disfigurement. for a person who is restricted to liquid diet (40–60% if tube
However we would encourage its use with the other men- feeding is necessary) and 5–19% if person is restricted to
tioned parameters. The multiple percentages can be resolved semisolids (includes those with ability to wear dentures). We
with the Kessler’s formula. have taken the liberty of awarding points for individual teeth.
In multiple disabilities and deformities or when there is a However if the whole masticatory apparatus is to be evalu-
combination of the two the Kessler’s Formula ated, one may separately evaluate absence of teeth, occlusal
B (100 - A ) disharmony, TMJ movement (craniomandibular articula-
A+ can be used, where A= the higher and B= tion), muscle power etc and arrive at a figure by using the
lower value B (100 - A )
Kessler’s formula of A + .
Another formula has also been used by Ramar as per the 100
B ( 90 - A ) This appears as a reasonable formula, which accounts for
Government of India notification: A + again A individual disabilities within the framework of the mastica-
being the higher value and B being the lower value. tory apparatus.
The formula can be used in a few mock situations. Further the AAOMS guidelines classifies the percen-
tiles into two categories (1) Percentage of normal. (2)
1. X has an injury resulting in the fracture of the mandible Percentage impairment of whole person. The dichotomy
and loss of four incisors. He also develops a pareisis of does not seem reasonable and is likely to cause further
the marginal mandibular nerve following surgery. His confusion. Finer details such as lateral excursion etc
total percentile may be calculated thus: A = 15% and B = which, have been dealt with in the AAOMS guidelines
5%. have been ignored.
5 (100 - 15 ) Similarly the concept of deformity and disfigurement has
15 + = 19.25 , whereas the sum of both would
100 been dealt with differently in the AAOMS and the AMA
have been 20%. guidelines. The matter of disfigurement is complicated by
2. Y has an injury resulting in the fracture of both condyles issues such as personality crisis and the impact of social
causing subsequent total bony ankylosis. He also has a acceptance. As suggested earlier this criteria can be incorpo-
large scar with keloid on his right cheek. His percentage rated into Kessler’s formula, thus resolving the issue of mul-
is calculated thus: tiple disabilities and deformities.
20 (100 - 50 ) Finally the question of who can give a disability certifi-
50 + = 60 whereas the sum of two injuries
100 cate. The Indian sources are silent in the matter of maxillofa-
would have been 70. Please note that the value adjusts
cial injuries. However the law in many American states
itself as the percentiles go up.
clearly provides for the role of a Board qualified Oral
Surgeon or maxillofacial Surgeon to issue disability certifi-
cation for the maxillofacial region.
Quantifying all kinds of disabilities/deformities is an enor-
Contrary to general perception, it is not necessary that
mous task. This paper attempts to deal with only those dis-
these criteria need to be made by statutory bodies. General
abilities resulting from accidents. Congenital disabilities/
usage can give legal legitimacy. It would of course be in the
deformities such as those found in cleft—craniofacial
best interest of the Surgeon, patient and the public if these
­anomalies will require a more extensive analysis. Similarly
suggestions can be scrutinized, amended and enlarged to
disabilities and deformities caused by aggressive tumours
accommodate a larger spectrum of disabilities and
and cancers of the head and neck comprise a wide range of
44  Medicolegal Issues in Maxillofacial Surgery 925

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Research and Publishing in Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery 45
George Dimitroulis

45.1 Introduction Essentially, the greatest discoveries in Surgery are those

that force us to rethink our beliefs about human disorders
We have all been too quick to make up our minds and too and our role in managing it. Research builds our core knowl-
slow to change them. In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, our edge, and the most useful knowledge is one that changes the
opinions are slaves to our prior experience. Ignorant confi- behaviour and practice of Surgeons. The simple idea of
dence is what defined early Surgery as there was a distinct washing your hands before handling patients met with
lack of interest in proving and promoting what was effective. immense resistance from the established medical community
The “God complex” among early Surgeons meant that what in the nineteenth century until the scientific evidence sup-
they thought was true did not need scientific evidence. It is porting microbial infection became too overwhelming to
only in more recent times that Surgical practice has embraced ignore. Knowledge increases your ability to predict the out-
evidence to guard against rumour, bias, misconceptions and comes, and the knowledge of bacterial infections was one of
misunderstandings. Indeed, just in the last few decades we the greatest breakthroughs in modern medicine that signifi-
have witnessed the gradual evolution of Surgery from cantly reduced the mortality and morbidity of even the sim-
eminence-­based practice, the idea that senior experienced plest of surgical procedures. Research has been pivotal to the
Surgeons held all the knowledge, to evidence-based practice, success of surgery over the last two centuries and will con-
where fair tests are employed to compare one treatment tinue to be an integral part of all future progress, especially
against the other in order to find what works best. History in the rapidly expanding field of Oral and Maxillofacial
has taught us that clinical research leads to reforms in the Surgery.
practice of Surgery while basic research leads to revolutions Progress doesn’t occur in a vacuum; it almost always
in Medicine. builds on existing ideas with a series of incremental improve-
Like in most other scientific disciplines, Surgical research ments. That is why most research is used to develop further
is used to confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, knowledge on a topic by reaffirming the results, theories and
solve existing problems and ultimately develop new ideas of problems of past work in the field. Occasionally, when trying
practical value. If you can understand more, you can make to solve an existing problem, research may lead to the dis-
better decisions rather than blind guesses which is the hall- covery of new problems, ideas and theories which makes the
mark of successful clinical practice. Judgements, predictions science of Surgery a dynamic process of knowledge acquisi-
and plans are based on the latest available information and tion that has no endpoint.
should be constantly updated in the light of new information
derived from good research. The late British Economist John
Maynard Keynes once said “when the facts change, I change 45.2 The Science of Research
my mind”. So too, a good Surgeon must be open to new ideas
and techniques which are essential to the progress and evolu- The word Science comes from the Latin “scienta” which
tion of each surgical specialty, as change is only possible means knowledge or skill. Science is about new ideas and
when key opinion leaders lead the charge. testing these in the most transparent way. What launched the
Scientific revolution was the realization that we do not have
the answers to their most important questions. To find the
G. Dimitroulis (*)
Maxillofacial Unit, St. Vincent’s Hospital – University of answers, experiments are what people devised when they
Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia weren’t sure of the truth. Ignorance is the starting point of all

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 927

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_45
928 G. Dimitroulis

science, and curiosity about the world around us is what Table 45.1  The scientific research method
drives science. The more that is unknown, the greater the a.  Identifying problem through observation
opportunity to discover, and that is how research has become b.  Review the literature—look for gaps in knowledge
c.  Specify aims/purpose of research
an essential tool of discovery.
d.  Determine specific question or hypothesis
The word Research is derived from an old French term e.  Define the variables being measured
referring to seeking or searching. Research is all about the f.  Choose method of data collection—avoid bias
ability to test, reproduce, quantify and falsify an idea before g.  Data analysis—choose your statistical method
h  Data interpretation—keep an open mind
it can be fully accepted as scientific fact. In research we learn
i.  Test/revision of hypothesis
more from the unexpected results than from those we antici- j.  Conclusion/recommendations for surgical practice
pate. Understanding the research process helps generate new k.  Reporting/communicating/publishing findings
research questions. The trick is to ensure the right methods
are used to answer the right questions. For example, when
we are seeking verification, we must ask ourselves “Did I 45.3 T
 he Scientific Research Method
build the system right?”, while if we want to validate some- (Table 45.1)
thing, we then ask “Did I build the right system?”.
Scientific research is a systematic way of explaining Scientific research follows a structured process. Successful
things by collecting evidence which make practical applica- research is only possible when asking the right questions,
tions possible. The goal of research is not only to yield new engaging in the right observations, running the right experi-
knowledge but also to make us better understand existing ments and networking with the right people to elicit ideas
issues or topics. There are three main forms of Research; and feedback. The core principle of science and research are
Exploratory research helps to identify a problem, while precision and transparency—being clear about your methods
Constructive research proposes solutions to the problem. The and honest with your results. Transparency is what gives sci-
third is Empirical research which tests the feasibility of the ence credibility. World-changing ideas and technology were
solution using either qualitative or quantitative methods. built from a protracted process of trial and error. Experiments
Qualitative research collects data in the form of words, are designed to show what does work and what doesn’t. It is
images and video which is largely confined to the social sci- by testing that we gain access to the feedback that drives
ences but may also have applications in Surgical techniques. progress. Formal research has a well-established pathway
The difference between quantitative (numbers) and qualita- that follows the basic steps set out below.
tive (descriptions) research is well summarized by the
famous scientist, Albert Einstein, who once said that “Not
everything that matters can be measured, and not everything 45.3.1 Observation
that can be measured matters”. The world cannot be under-
stood without numbers, and equally, it cannot be understood Many people simply watch the world around them (on auto-
with numbers alone. pilot). Few people observe. An astute observer will see the
In Surgery, quantitative research is most often used to problem only when they’re not vested in the way things have
establish the existence of causal relationships between vari- been. Their ability to imagine how things should be is what
ables by collecting and analysing numerical data. By relying drives change and progress. The hardest part of solving a
on random sampling, the quantitative research method allows problem is seeing it, and many surgeons blindly follow pro-
for experimental, correlational and descriptive (i.e. survey) cedures that do more harm than good for the patient because
results that are easy to summarize, compare and generalize they have failed to question the surgical technique they have
using statistics to determine the relationship between vari- been taught. In surgery, very few surgeons have ever asked
ables. For example, if the research question is about best the pivotal question—“Is there a better way?” Curiosity and
mandibular reconstruction following tumour resection, the an open mind is what drives progress, and unfortunately,
patients may be randomly assigned to different groups, each most surgeons have achieved their chosen profession by not
representing a different mode of reconstruction. If this is not rocking the boat and adhering to conventional practices.
feasible, the researcher may collect data related to the Many of the things we accept as objective truths are them-
patient’s demographics and situational characteristics to sta- selves assumptions based on uncertainty, even in the world of
tistically control for their influence on the degree of morbid- Surgery. No surgical concept or technique has an absolute and
ity following their particular mandibular reconstruction. permanent value. Time, experience and better experimental
Often the intent of the surgical research is to generalize from tools give rise to new ideas that supplant the old ideas. In
the study participants to a larger population which will other words, all existing surgical ideas and techniques are
require the researcher to employ probability sampling to sooner or later supplanted by new ideas and ­techniques which
select the study participants. means surgery is a never ending marvel of evolution.
45  Research and Publishing in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 929

Before embarking on any kind of research, the first step is 45.3.4 Hypothesis
to look for any idea or technique that has not been adequately
explained or supported by evidence. When looking to a topic Science grows with every new piece of evidence with the
or issue as a potential subject for research, the hierarchy of hypothesis as the compass that directs the inquiries. Scientific
deliberation begins with (1) “Where is the evidence?”, (2) theories have to make testable predictions that can be vali-
“How sound is the evidence?” and (3) “Has the evidence dated in experiments. Science is not just about confirmation;
been properly interpreted?”. Once you have selected the it is also about falsification. If a theory cannot be tested, then
appropriate subject or topic you would like to explore, the it’s logically impossible to ever falsify it. Karl Popper said
next step is to find out what the literature has to say and look “if it is not falsifiable, it’s not scientific”. If a theory cannot
for gaps in the existing knowledge. be tested with experiments, then it falls in the realm of reli-
gion or philosophy or pure speculation. Questions that gen-
erate the greatest emotional response are a great indicator of
45.3.2 Literature Review challenging the way things are.
The gap in the literature creates a research question which
All the world’s information is now at our fingertips, and to is otherwise referred to as the Hypothesis. The Hypothesis is
access scientific publications is a matter of a few keystrokes. a prediction which is set out as a statement that defines the
Search engines like Google Scholar and PubMed have relationship between two or more variables. In research, it is
opened up a whole new digital world of scientific literature the hypothesis that is being tested as to whether it is true or
that even the largest University libraries could never hope to false. If the hypothesis turns out to be consistent with the
subscribe to. Access to the world’s scientific literature has observations, then it is said to be supported rather than
never been simpler than it is today, and subscriptions to proven as it is still subject to further scrutiny. But if it is
University libraries also allow students digital access to a rejected, then support is claimed for an alternative hypothe-
wide range of local and international journals. sis. The Null hypothesis is when there is no relationship
Once the research topic has been selected, a thorough between the variables being investigated.
review of the literature is required to establish what is already
known. It is best to begin with the most recent peer-reviewed
articles on the topic which will often summarize the existing 45.3.5 Define the Variables
body of knowledge. Meta-analysis papers, especially those
that follow the PRISMA guidelines, are becoming more In the hypothesis statement, there will be two or more vari-
common, and these papers can form the foundation of your ables that will be the focus of the study. The study is designed
research topic. Good journal papers will commonly highlight to establish the relationship between the variables. However,
the gaps in our knowledge, the weakness in the current evi- before commencing the study, the variables must be clearly
dence available, and what further research is required that defined so that there is no doubt as to what each variable
will conveniently point you in the right direction. represents. Without clear definitions of the variables, studies
cannot be repeated and hence impossible to validate.

45.3.3 Purpose of Research

45.3.6 Data Collection
Once you have gathered all the pertinent information from the
literature review, the next step is to crystalize in your own mind What isn’t measured can’t be managed. Without data, we
why you are embarking on this research. The flaws or holes in cannot make informed decisions. We gather data to collect
previous research are identified so that the gaps in the literature information that becomes knowledge which is finally dis-
will provide justification for the new research being proposed. played as wisdom. Data has to be collected, processed and
Look for clues in the literature where there may be a deficiency analysed for it to become information which can be used to
in the evidence surrounding published statements, particularly make better decisions. Ultimately, the answer is only as good
those that make generalizations that are not adequately backed as the quality of the data fed into it.
by evidence. Indeed, many Cochrane reviews have consistently Apart from field studies such as surveys and clinical
concluded that the vast majority of clinical papers fail to pro- audits, OMF Surgeons also conduct experiments that involve
vide the level of evidence required to make any firm conclu- laboratory controlled conditions, often by recruiting the
sions. The aim or purpose of the research is pivotal to the whole resources of other medical specialities such as pathology,
project as it dictates the methodology required to adequately microbiology, radiology, biochemistry, pharmacology and
address the aims. It is also the main driver in funding applica- haematology. Data collection is easiest when data points can
tions and recruiting study participants. be quantified or represented with numerical figures. Even
930 G. Dimitroulis

descriptive surveys can be quantified provided the responses sider before embarking on any study. Statistics is a complex
can be listed on a sliding scale ranging from good to bad, affair and beyond the scope of this chapter, so the services of
high to low or positive to negative. A typical example is the an expert statistician may well be useful when it comes to
visual analogue scale used by OMF Surgery researchers to crunching the data.
quantify pain scales, chewing ability and quality of life out-
comes before and after jaw surgery.
In Medicine, randomized trials where the patients and 45.3.8 Data Interpretation
experimenters are blinded are least vulnerable to bias than
observational studies, which are most prone to bias. Information is interpreted by different people in different
Unfortunately, randomized trials are more expensive than ways. People can look at the same set of facts and dis-
observational studies and require a lot more manpower and agree. Data can be manipulated to support any argument.
resources to properly execute. In surgery, we most com- You don’t always need a ton of data to find important
monly rely on observational studies as the best evidence we insights. What you need is the right data. Numbers can be
have to go on for two reasons. Firstly, control groups with seductive. We can grow fixated with them, and in doing
which to compare treatment outcomes, unlike a placebo so, we can lose sight of more important considerations.
sugar drug, are rare as it is ethically impossible to undertake When looking at data, it is not the raw crunching power
sham operations. And secondly, it is practically impossible to you have that matters most, but what you do with it that is
blind surgeons and patients when it comes to evaluating sur- most important. Behind every statistic there is a certain
gical procedures. Evidence in the field of Oral and set of assumptions and prejudices. Minds crave certainty,
Maxillofacial Surgery therefore relies largely on observa- and when they don’t find it, they impose it so we must
tional studies derived from surveys and clinical audits of keep an open mind when the data does not yield the results
case series. we expected to see.

45.3.7 Data Analysis 45.3.9 Test or Revision of Hypothesis

Data science is about understanding the world by spotting Your judgement call about how the results support your
patterns and predicting how one variable will affect hypothesis is essential to your conclusions. If the data does
another. While our instincts may give us a reasonable sense not support your hypothesis, then it is essential to state an
of how the world works, we need data to sharpen the pic- alternate hypothesis that fits with what has been observed.
ture as we can be easily blinded by our own experiences The scientific method is tailor-made for cherry picking
and prejudices. because of its hypotheses and caveats and refusal to embrace
Data shows us there is more to OMF Surgery than we certainty. Even in Science, certainty still relies on the
think we see. Good data science can often demonstrate coun- assumptions, interpretations and theories of researchers
terintuitive results—what you least expected to see. Selection based on what they see. Nothing is definite, for doubt is an
biases are distortions of the results introduced either by the essential operating principle of science. This means that
data collecting tools or by the method of data accumulation. doubt still has a place in all scientific proofs, so that all evi-
Statistics is a valuable tool that helps determine whether dence is provisional and not final. In other words, what you
the results you have found are likely to be due to a chance have ascertained in your research is not definite proof but
rather than a true finding. Make sure the data is collected on rather tacit support for an idea.
an Excel spreadsheet, and work out what level of confidence
you will accept as statistically significant which, in clinical
research, is often the 95% confidence level (i.e. P value 45.3.10 Conclusions and Recommendations
<0.05). In statistics, the smaller the sample, the lower the
likelihood that it would mirror the broader population. Large The conclusion is a summary of the entire experiment or
samples yield more precise results, while small samples are study that simply states the outcomes observed which must
more susceptible to extreme results. As sample sizes get be clear, concise and to the point. Any ambiguity should be
larger, the statistical calculations from that sample get more highlighted and recommendations made as to how future
precise. Small differences (1%) between two populations studies should be conducted to minimize the uncertainty. It
being measured require bigger sample numbers than large may simply be a numbers game where more patients are
differences (25%) for the true value to emerge. This is called required, or additional groups such as control patients which
the power calculation which is an important measure to con- may provide a clearer outcome. For example, the effective-
45  Research and Publishing in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 931

ness of Botox in Myofascial Pain (TMD) can never be prop- understand. The goal is to push the envelope, not to tear the
erly evaluated if there are no control groups (i.e. that have envelope. Radical ideas are best presented in a way that is
normal saline injected) with which to compare. less shocking and more appealing to mainstream surgical
The conclusion is the most sought after piece of informa- practice by planting the seeds of a simple idea before reveal-
tion that others will first look at when reviewing your ing the larger idea. If you want your ideas to be accepted by
research. Although it sounds rather obvious, the conclusion(s) your peers, make your ideas more appealing by connecting it
must be supported by the data; otherwise, the research makes with other ideas that are already understood by your col-
no sense. The onus is on the researcher to make sure the con- leagues. Other constraints related to research involve ethics,
clusions also fulfil the goals and aims of the study. funding and bias which are discussed below.
Recommendations based on the conclusions are essential in
providing a practical guide to surgical practice. Research is
what drives clinical advances in Surgery, and the change in 45.4.1 Ethics
behaviour of Surgeons can only be achieved with evidence.
There has been a push in recent years by institutions and
clinical journals to have all animal and human research activ-
45.3.11 Reporting/Communicating/ ities sanctioned by appropriate ethics review boards or pan-
Publishing Findings els attached to hospitals or Universities. Without ethics
approval or clearance, it may be impossible to conduct even
Research is useless if it is not shared with the outside world. the simplest of clinical studies, including basic surveys.
All humanity is now connected by digital technology which Some Journals now request a copy of the ethics clearance
has rendered distance, time and costs irrelevant to the distri- letter before the paper can even be put out to review.
bution and exchange of ideas. The digital world has made Unlike pharmaceutical research, the level of evidence in
recording, storage and dissemination of information, research clinical surgery is hampered by the fact that control subjects
and ideas virtually free with costless reproduction and are often missing because you cannot ethically perform sham
instantaneous global distribution. Reporting and publishing operations in humans. Therefore, when designing surgical
research findings is described in detail in Sect. 5. experiments, consider whether animal, laboratory or cadaver
studies may be useful instead. Otherwise, you are limited to
clinical audits which provide useful information which may
45.4 Constraints in Surgical Research not be scientifically valid. For example, a hospital which
boasts 100% survival of its patients achieves this by turning
Cultures that fail to encourage questioning also fail to come away the sickest patients. Or a hospital which has the worst
up with new ideas. Great institutions should teach us how to outcomes may well be a tertiary referral centre that only
ask hard questions and where to look for answers. Knowing treats the most complex of cases that other hospitals turn
all the answers does not distinguish someone’s intelligence— away. So, while clinical audits provide a snapshot of the
rather, the ability to ask the right questions and linking the Hospital Unit’s activities, it tells us very little else as far as
unconnected is the mark of a true genius. Generally, it is con- science, progress and innovation is concerned.
sidered a weakness and a sign of vulnerability for clinicians We must be suspicious of therapeutic claims that have not
to appear unsure. Confidence in medicine is valued over been properly tested. Equally, we must be even more suspi-
uncertainty, but science is all about uncertainty which drives cious of research results that cannot be replicated. Many
progress. If we knew it all, there would not be a need for people are driven by a deep human desire for recognition and
research. affirmation of work well done. Sometimes it is possible to
Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. build an academic career by sounding clever, rather than
New ideas are what drive behavioural change and innova- being clever. Most academics chase large numbers of trivial
tion. A new behaviour needs social approval before others publications instead of investing their energies in new fron-
are likely to pick up the habit as their own. Only the curious, tiers. In other words, why search for something new when
who are open to learning, have a much greater chance of you can collect rents on everything that has already been
creating a truly novel solution. Unfortunately, originality is done. Sadly, there are small numbers of academics and
not always embraced by the surgical profession who are gen- researchers who have built their careers on falsification and
erally conservative by nature. plagiarism. The desire for recognition and the need for pro-
It is much easier for Surgeons to accept familiar ideas motion when combined with the pressure to publish can tip
than totally original ones because if the ideas are too origi- some academics, clinicians and scientists towards fraudulent
nal, then it may be too hard for the Surgeon to accept or activities where data is made up and text is plagiarized in
932 G. Dimitroulis

order to churn out the maximum number of “scientific” 45.4.4 Cognitive Dissonance
papers. In science and surgery, reputation takes many years
of hard dedication to build up and an instant to destroy when Cognitive dissonance is another impediment to scientific
you’re suspected of scientific fraud. progress that affects many people. It is simply a feeling of
discomfort that people experience when presented with infor-
mation that is inconsistent with their beliefs. When we are
45.4.2 Funding confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held
beliefs, we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we
Scientists have an innate desire to innovate, share, collaborate are to alter our beliefs. In most cases, instead of acknowledg-
and be recognized for it regardless of the financial incentives. ing an error in judgement, people tend to reformulate their
Hence, good research requires funding from external sources. views in a way that justifies their old opinions. We simply
Unfortunately, the spirit of open scientific enquiry can some- invent new reasons, new justifications, or new explanations or
times be hijacked by the combination of self-­interest and ignore it altogether. Some people go to absurd lengths to jus-
money, especially when industry offer to bankroll the study. tify their beliefs or judgement even when confronted with
Industry rely on profitable enterprises which grow share- clear contrary evidence. The more committed we are to a cer-
holder value. Scientific support behind a product is perhaps tain opinion, the less likely we are to relinquish it, even when
the ultimate value-adding marketing tool, so industry are confronted with massive or overwhelming contradictory evi-
always looking out for research that shows positive outcomes dence. As an example, the introduction of microvascular
related to their products. Furthermore, industry never leave venous couplers in microsurgery was developed by those who
anything to chance so they want control of scientific research could see the obvious benefits of speed and patency of the
through financial rewards to various research institutions. By anastomosis, and yet was resisted by those who felt the skill
directly funding research, industry have control over what is of micro-suturing tiny veins would be lost, regardless of the
published (i.e. the positive results) and what stays buried in a benefits of reduced thrombosis and improved flap survival.
locked cupboard (i.e. the negative results).
Therefore, the most respectable research is that which is
funded by government or not-for-profit organizations such as 45.5 Publishing
Medical Societies and disease interest groups like the Heart
Foundation or the Cancer Council and so on. Funding from Research cannot thrive without publishing. All research proj-
non-industry groups are much more competitive as there is ects are conceived with publication as the end game. The
always a limited amount of money available for research so excessively competitive field of research creates a tendency
applications must be of high quality. Furthermore, the non-­ to rush to conclusions and publish results that have not been
industry funding bodies give free reign to the scientists on properly validated. Valid conclusions can only be drawn
how the data is used and published. Industry funding, on the from reproducible data sets because results that initially look
other hand, have simpler applications but more control of the promising aren’t always repeatable. It is little wonder that
data which remains their property. Most importantly, indus- remarkably few published breakthroughs have ever led to
try insist on the final veto on whether or not the results are any useful treatments.
published. There are numerous media that researchers can use to
propagate their experimental findings which are discussed
45.4.3 Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is one of the shortcomings of science 45.5.1 Electronic Media

because the human mind is bad at seeing things it did not
expect to see and a bit too eager to see what it expected to Digital technology has not only transformed but has revolu-
see. It is basically seeing what you want to see and ignoring tionized the way we live. The merger of the personal com-
everything else. In essence, confirmation bias is when you puter and the Internet allowed networking to blossom on a
filter reality through biases by eagerly accepting evidence massive scale, and so surgeons and scientist are not wholly
that confirms what you believe and ignoring evidence that reliant on print media to propagate their ideas. Websites like
refutes or challenges what you believe. Once we adopt a par- ResearchGate encourage scientists and clinicians to upload
ticular hypothesis or interpretation, we find it difficult to see their research, both published and unpublished, onto a digital
things any other way. People will accept any explanation as platform for all to see and to foster collaboration between
long as it fits with their own understanding of the facts. research groups across the world.
45  Research and Publishing in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 933

Digital media platforms like YouTube are fast becoming a 45.5.4 Peer-Reviewed Journals
quick, easy and virtually cost-free way of publishing your
novel ideas and surgical techniques on the Internet for all to There are over 1 million academic papers published every
see. More and more Surgeons are bypassing the heavily for- year in over 24,000 academic journals where gaps in our
tified realm of print media for the highly accessible digital knowledge are discussed and new experiments are conducted
media which not only offers a global audience but also facili- that might resolve these gaps. Unfortunately, published sci-
tates immediate upload of content with virtually no delay. entific papers tend to be biased towards reporting positive
The disadvantage is of course the lack of scrutiny which sug- results. Negative results do not make headlines so they are
gests the content has not been vetted by experts. Hence, the rarely published. Publication in a journal is not a mark of
scientific value of the video post is virtually zero. While you truth but merely that the research has passed a certain stan-
may have a wide audience, it may not necessarily be the peo- dard that warrants entering the formal literature and further
ple you want to impress. discussion.
Scientific journals sell scholarship back to the same uni-
versities whose scientists had produced, written, peer
45.5.2 Magazines reviewed and edited largely for free. Hence the cost of pro-
ducing scientific journals is kept as low as possible in order
Glossy magazines that specifically target general medical/ to facilitate as wide a distribution as possible. Unlike maga-
dental practitioners are supported by lots of industry zines, peer-reviewed journals with few exceptions keep
advertising which is interspersed with clinical articles that industry advertising to a minimum as they are supposed to be
have not been peer-reviewed, but rather submitted on the impartial to avoid conflict of interest when reporting studies
invitation of the magazine editor. The articles, which that may conflict with the interests of a big advertiser.
often have more clinical pictures than text, are written by Peer-reviewed journals are the platform we use to
clinicians and academics as a general interest piece that announce new discoveries, to comment on or criticize the
provides the reader with an update of what is current clin- discovery of others and to synthesize and seek to build con-
ical practice that is aimed at the non-specialist practicing sensus about what is known. In Oral and Maxillofacial
clinician. Authors are generally paid for their contribu- Surgery, case reports and technical notes account for about
tions. These articles are of little value to the specialist one-third of journal publications, while less than one in ten
trainee or clinician wanting to find out more about their are randomized control (Level 2 evidence) or non-­randomized
own specialty. control (Level 3 evidence) studies (Table 45.2). Because of
the difficulty in performing high-level randomized control
trials in surgery, Surgeons are more accepting of lower-level
45.5.3 Textbooks evidence which is based on observation. Indeed, it is unlikely
to extract any high-level evidence research from surgical
Textbooks contain information that is current practice and departments who rely on surgical trainees for their research
accepted by the profession. Unfortunately, by the time a output.
textbook is commissioned, written, published and finally
released, the information is often about 2 years out of date.
Therefore, the strength of textbooks is in the basic princi- Table 45.2  Levels of evidence (Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based
ple of surgical practice, and the weakness lies in the dis-
tinct lack of new information. Digital technology is Level 1: Randomized control trials (RCT)
High-quality, properly powered and conducted studies with reduced
gradually changing the need for printed textbooks as stu- bias when double blinded and multicentred
dents are gravitating to knowledge that is presented in dis- Level 2: Cohort clinical studies
crete digital packages with hyperlinks that cross-reference Prospective, comparative clinical study without randomization
important concepts similar to “Wikipedia”. While univer- Level 3: Case-controlled studies
sity and hospital libraries still purchase textbooks for stu- Retrospective clinical study
dent consumption, today’s students are finding the expense Level 4: Case series studies
Cross-sectional study (clinical audit) with or without intervention
of textbooks prohibitive and so seek other means of access-
Level 5: Case-based reasoning
ing surgical information and knowledge through the Includes case reports, expert opinions and bench research
Internet, which is often up to date as long as they know
Note: The strength of systematic reviews and meta-analysis depends on
what to look for and are able to critically evaluate the cred- the evidence levels of the papers being reviewed. If all the papers are
ibility of the information source. Level 3 evidence, the systematic review will also be Level 3 evidence
934 G. Dimitroulis

Table 45.3  Factors to consider in the design of a clinical study Table 45.6  Guidelines for formatting papers for publication
1. Where is the study being conducted? (field, hospital, clinic, 1. Randomized control studies: www.consort-statement.org
laboratory, etc.) 2. Observational studies: www.strobe-statement.org
2. Are there ethical issues? (animal or human studies) 3. Systematic reviews: www.prisma-statement.org
3. Define your study groups or variables being investigated 4. Case series: www.processguideline.com
4. Selection criteria (inclusion/exclusion) 5. Case reports: www.scareguideline.com
5. Are there matched controls?
6. Describe the surgical or technical details
7. Method of data collection (randomized or blinded)
The final paragraph in the discussion is a summary of the
8. Method of data handling (statistical method)
research results with mention of any practical clinical appli-
cations that may arise from the study.
Table 45.4  Criteria for a good surgical manuscript Authors must keep in mind that originality and a clear
1. Short, succinct title message are essential in getting their papers published in the
2. Original ideas with practical or pragmatic applications highly competitive world of scientific journal publishing
3. Clear purpose/aim(s)
4. Good grammar—clear and concise wording/short sentences (Table 45.4). The high impact factor journals generally attract
5. Methods described in adequate detail to allow independent articles with high evidence levels so it is imperative to select
verification a journal that caters to the subject and evidence levels of your
6. Results set out in clearly labelled tables, graphs, figures, photos, particular study to avoid rejection and delays in publication of
7. Focused discussion with balanced literature that both support and your paper. Original contributions that add new information
refute results to the existing body of knowledge are more likely to be con-
8. The most recent references that adequately support discussion sidered for publication. However, wild or fanciful ideas are
9. Conclusion supported by the results of the study unlikely to garner support from journal editors who are look-
ing for papers that lend respectability to their journal.
Table 45.5  Anatomy of a poor surgical manuscript Unlike works of fiction, good scientific communication is
  1. Long, convoluted and ambiguous title based on clear and concise wording with short titles and
  2. Wild, unusual, unethical or dangerous ideas of little practical tightly controlled sentences that describe complex ideas in
value the simplest language possible. Poor grammar, emotive lan-
  3. No clear aims or purpose stated
  4. Plagiarism and duplication (study previously published guage and long-winded descriptive wording must be avoided
elsewhere under different title) so that the ideas being conveyed are not buried in a convo-
  5. Poor grammar—incorrect wording/long convoluted sentences/ luted tangle of discourse (Table 45.5). When evaluating the
emotive language importance and relevance of published articles, surgeons and
  6. Methods inadequately or poorly described that cannot be
repeated scientists look for the facts, not fancy prose.
  7. No data, tables, figures, graphs, photos or diagrams provided To improve the acceptability of your paper for publication
  8. Convoluted discussion without clear direction and biased to in a peer-reviewed journal, there are general guidelines avail-
supportive literature able online that help you set out your paper in a format that
  9. Old or antiquated references
10. Conclusion not supported by the results of the study is recognized and accepted throughout the world (Table 45.6).
By following the guidelines, you improve the chances of
your paper being accepted for publication. For instance, if
All journals subscribe to the IMRD layout which means you want to submit an observational case cohort study, then
all submissions must have an Introduction, Methods, Results the “STROBE” statement will guide you in how to properly
and Discussion sections. The introduction builds the case for format your paper. If it is a case report then it is worth check-
why you pursued the line of research and the final sentence is ing out the “SCARE” guidelines. Alternatively, if you want
always the statement of the aim(s) of your study. The Methods to undertake a systematic review of a topic, the “PRISMA”
section describes how the study was performed in terms of statement is essential.
setting (e.g. Hospital or Laboratory), subjects (i.e. animals or
humans), recruitment (e.g. inclusion/exclusion criteria), data
collection (e.g. Surveys, measurements), variables being 45.6 Conclusion
compared (experimental vs. control) and data analysis (statis-
tics used) (Table 45.3). The Results section simply states the In Surgery there is no greater accomplishment than being the
summary of the outcomes as depicted in the tables and graphs, first to successfully implement a successful treatment that
while the Discussion critically analyses and compares the changes the history of medicine. However, the person with
results in light of what has already been previously published the first idea is usually not the one recognized by history.
on the topic. The discussion must include references that both Credit often goes to the person who convinces the world, not
agree and disagree with your findings so that a balanced argu- to the one with the original idea, because the credibility of all
ment can be presented which will add weight to the study. new ideas requires convincing evidence. If you make a claim
45  Research and Publishing in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 935

about something, you provide the evidence, or at least a ref- Further Reading
erence to the evidence that backs your claim. Research is the
essential tool that builds the evidence which provides a better Dimitroulis G. EDITORIAL – Getting published in peer-reviewed jour-
nals. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011;40:1342–5.
understanding of how and why things worked or failed. Dimitroulis G.  EDITORIAL  – Research  – why bother? Int J Oral
Good surgical practice must be based on evidence. Maxillofac Surg. 2011;40:1346.
Surgical innovation is a constant work in progress because Hardicre J. An overview of research ethics and learning from the past.
any new ideas or techniques are quickly supplanted by an Br J Nurs. 2014;23:483–6.
Knottnerus JA, Tugwell P.  EDITORIAL  – Evidence-based medicine:
even better ideas and techniques. Gaps in the literature are achievements and prospects. J Clin Epidemiol. 2017;84:1–2.
what fuel research, and the journey of discovery is paved Lau SL, Samman N. Levels of evidence and journal impact factor in Oral
with potholes that need to be filled. To paraphrase the great & Maxillofacial Surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007;36:1–5.
scientist Sir Isaac Newton, if you want to see further than Mohan M, Shetty D, Shetty T, Pandyak K. Rising from plagiarising. J
Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2015;14:538–40.
anyone else has seen before, you need to stand on the shoul- Sollaci LB, Pereira MG.  The introduction, methods, results, discus-
ders of giants. Your voyage of discovery begins once you sion (IMRAD) structure: a fifty year survey. J Med Libr Assoc.
have secured your footing on the shoulders of the surgeons 2004;92:364–7.
and scientists who have gone before you, so you can see the Szklo M.  Impact factor: good reasons for concern. Epidemiology.
path they have built for you to follow.

Open Access  This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropri-
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Part XV
Salivary Gland Pathologies
Salivary Gland Pathologies
Nisheet Anant Agni

46.1 Introduction prevent pressure necrosis of the parenchyma. Due to weak-

ness in the capsule covering the deep surface of the gland,
The salivary glands secrete saliva which has lubricating, parotid abscess may spread into the lateral pharyngeal space,
immunologic, digestive, and cleansing functions. They are if not drained promptly [1]. Benign tumors grow slowly and
affected by systemic and local inflammatory conditions, hence take a longer time to manifest as external bulges.
obstructive pathologies, as well as neoplasms. Most of the Parotid gland has a superficial lobe (80%) and a deep lobe
tumors are parenchymal in origin, whereas few could be (20%) connected by an isthmus with the facial nerve passing
interstitial. Majority of tumors affecting major glands are between the two lobes.
benign, but those affecting minor salivary glands are more The facial nerve is related to the parotid gland in a number
often than not, malignant. The disorders that involve these of ways [2].
glands can either be acute or chronic inflammatory lesions,
congenital abnormalities, systemic disorders, or benign and 1. (a) Superficial and deep lobes are united above, so that the
malignant tumors. However the most, common disorders gland is essentially folded over the nerve.
affecting salivary glands are tumors and infections. (b) An isthmus uniting the two lobes.
(c) Combination of (a) and (b)
2. The gland and nerve can also lie intertwined within super-
46.2 Surgical Anatomy ficial and deep lobes; relation will vary according to plane
of section.
46.2.1 Parotid Gland
The intratemporal and intraparotid facial nerve has varied
The gland lies in the retromandibular fossa bound medially pattern of branching which is of immense surgical impor-
by the styloid process and superiorly by external acoustic tance and might show bifurcation and trifurcation of the main
meatus and mastoid process, and it touches the medial ptery- trunk within the mastoid segment (Fig. 46.2). This intratem-
goid muscle and mandibular ramus (Fig. 46.1). A part of the poral division of the facial nerve is associated with congenital
gland may also cover the TMJ in front of the ear but never abnormalities of the pinna or inner ear (Table 46.1).
extends beyond the zygomatic arch. The parotid capsule is a Parotid duct or the Stensen’s duct crosses the masseter
dense, adherent fibrous condensation of deep cervical fascia about a finger breadth below the zygomatic arch. It then
which is tough and unyielding. Hence parotid space infec- takes a sharp turn medially at the anterior border of the mas-
tions show minimal swelling but are severely painful. seter further traversing through the buccal fat pad and buc-
Incision and drainage is needed early on, without a frank cinator muscle. It then runs obliquely between the buccinator
fluctuant abscess to relieve the pressure within the capsule to and oral mucosa to open on the parotid papilla, opposite the
second maxillary molar. The obliquity of the duct in between
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- the buccinator and mucosa acts like a valve to prevent infla-
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_46) contains supple- tion of the duct while blowing air. The duct lies between the
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. upper and lower buccal branches of the facial nerve. Its cali-
N. A. Agni (*)
ber is about 3 mm, but at the point where it penetrates the
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SMBT Institute of buccinator muscle, an isthmus narrows down the duct to
Dental Sciences and Research, Nashik, India 1.2 mm, and at the orifice (ostium), it is 0.5 mm.

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 939

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_46
940 N. A. Agni

Fig. 46.1  Transverse section

of parotid gland

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Structures traversing the parotid gland from lateral to 2. A short segment of the facial nerve lies in between the
medial (superficial to deep) include the facial nerve, retro- stylomastoid foramen and parotid gland and is an ideal
mandibular vein, and external carotid artery. Few parotid location to identify it. It can be located in the tympano-
lymph nodes are also present within the gland. mastoid sulcus which is formed by the edge of the bony
Parasympathetic secretomotor fibers from the inferior external meatus and anterior face of the mastoid process.
salivary nucleus of the ninth cranial nerve supply the gland. The nerve emerges from the stylomastoid foramen some
Nerve fibers pass to the otic ganglion via the tympanic 3–4 mm deep to the outer edge of the bony external canal.
branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve and the lesser petrosal The tympanomastoid sulcus is filled with fibrofatty lob-
nerve. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers reach the ules that mimic the facial nerve trunk which may lie as
parotid gland via the auriculotemporal nerve, which lies in deep as 1 cm to this landmark.
contact with the deep surface of the gland. Postganglionic 3. The anterior superior aspect of the posterior belly of the
sympathetic fibers reach the gland as a plexus of nerves digastric muscle is inserted just behind the stylomastoid
around the external carotid artery [4]. foramen. The posterior belly of the digastric muscle lies
just inferior to the nerve and is the most reliable landmark Identification of the Facial Nerve [5, 6] to identify the nerve (Fig. 46.4).
The facial nerve identification can be done either proximally 4. The styloid process is a confirmatory landmark. The

or distally. Proximally the main trunk of the nerve is identi- facial nerve lies lateral to the styloid process near the sty-
fied before it enters the gland. Distally it is identified as loid base. The posterior auricular artery bleeds frequently
branches after the nerve leaves the gland (Table 46.2). while looking for the facial nerve since it lies below and
There are four facial nerve pointers at the stylomastoid just lateral to the nerve, and hence it cannot be relied upon
foramen. However more techniques have been added later on for identification of the nerve.
by various authors. They are as follows: 5. Borle’s triangle has been recently introduced to locate
the facial nerve trunk. Lines are drawn from the tip of
1. The cartilaginous pointer of Conley (1978) is created at the mastoid process, running along the superior border
its anterior inferior border and is the least reliable one. of the posterior belly of digastric muscle and posterior
The backward pull on the cartilage causes the meatus to border of the ramus of the mandible. These two lines
assume the shape of a horn, the curved extremity of which intersect with each other anteriorly, forming the apex of
allegedly points to the position of the facial nerve. The the triangle (angle a). The base of the triangle is marked
nerve is located medial and inferior to the pointer by drawing the third line starting from the tip of the
(Fig. 46.3). mastoid process (angle b), running anteriorly till it joins
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 941

Fig. 46.2 (a)–(i) Katz-­ a b c

Catalano classification based
on operative findings

d e f

g h i

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Table 46.1  Katz-Catalano classification Table 46.2  Facial nerve identification

Type 1 25% Branches are separate Anterograde approach—Direct identification of main trunk at
Type 2 14% Buccal branch fuses with zygomatic branch 1 stylomastoid foramen
Type 3 44% Major communicating, buccal, and other branches 2 Retrograde approach—Early identification of mandibular branch
Type 4 14% Complex branching between all branches over posterior facial vein or other branches along the parotid duct
Type 5 3% More than one major trunk 3 Supravital staining of parotid—gland is stained blue, tumor is
Katz and Catalano [3], 1987 unstained, and facial nerve is gleaming white
942 N. A. Agni

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.3  Showing relation of cartilaginous pointer and facial nerve

main trunk

Fig. 46.5  Borle’s triangle. Line 1: Started from mastoid process tip
and running along the superior border of posterior belly of the digas-
tric muscle. Line 2: At the posterior border of ramus of the mandible.
Line 3: Starts from the tip of the mastoid process running anteriorly till
it joins the second line. Angle a: Lines 1 and 2 intersect with each other
forming the apex of triangle. Angle b: Is the base of the triangle. Angle
c: Is the angle where third line meets second line

When identification of facial nerve trunk is difficult using

the above said pointers due to distorted anatomy due to the
tumor, a retrograde approach can be used by identifying a
peripheral branch of the nerve and tracing it proximally. The
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India easiest branch to locate is the marginal mandibular nerve.
Baker et al. have reported that the marginal mandibular nerve
Fig. 46.4  Showing relation of the posterior belly of the digastric mus-
cle and main trunk of the facial nerve (muscle pointed by mosquito
is located 1–2 cm below the inferior border of the mandible.
forceps) The marginal mandibular branch can be used to trace the
facial nerve in a retrograde direction by identifying it at the
point of emergence of the retromandibular vein and then car-
the second drawn line along the posterior border of the rying out a proximal dissection. By working backward along
ramus (angle c). The facial nerve trunk is often found the nerve, the two divisions, the other branches, and the main
within this triangle just above the angle b formed by the trunk can be found [8].
first and the third line if gentle and blunt dissection is Figure 46.6 represents the average distance of facial nerve
carried out at this point. The mean distance of nerve pointers from the surrounding landmarks (Table 46.3).
trunk from the angle b is 12.18 ± 2 mm within a range of Intraoperative facial nerve monitoring using electromyo-
9–15  mm [7] [Fig. 46.5—https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. graphic techniques can also be used for identification of the
gov/pmc/articles/PMC6126203/. doi: https://doi. main branch or the peripheral branches in centripetal or retro-
org/10.1016/j.jobcr.2018.08.004. (open access)]. grade approach. In pediatric population the facial nerve trunk
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 943

Fig. 46.6  Distance from

facial nerve pointers

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Table 46.3  Distance of the facial nerve pointers from the surrounding during surgical removal, the mylohyoid has to be retracted
landmarks [10]
anteriorly to expose the deep lobe and the Wharton’s duct.
Sr. Distance in Mean in The capsule is loosely attached to the gland substance, and
no. Pointer mm mm
hence the gland can be shelled out easily.
1 Tragal pointer 24.3–49.2 34
2 Posterior belly of the digastric 9.7–24.3 14.6 Since the submandibular group of lymph nodes are in
muscle contact with the gland or embedded in it, it is essential to
3 External auditory canal 7.3–21.9 13.4 clear the nodes along with the gland during a neck
4 Tympanomastoid suture 4.9–18.6 10.0 dissection.
5 Styloid process 4.3–18.6 9.7 The facial artery loops around the submandibular
6 Transverse process of axis 9.7–36.8 16.9
gland. The facial artery is visualized by retracting the pos-
7 Angle of the mandible 25.3–48.69 38.1
terior belly of the digastric muscle inferiorly. Hence, dur-
ing excision of the submandibular gland, the facial artery
exits the stylomastoid foramen and is found approximately and vein were customarily ligated. However, during neck
1 cm anterior to mastoid process and 1.5 cm posterior to the dissection, the current standard is to try and save it so that
ramus of the mandible. The parotid does not extend posterior it can be used for anastomosis during a free flap
to the ramus of the mandible in the newborn infant and conse- reconstruction.
quently covers only the lower distal branches of the nerve [9]. The facial artery is ligated away from the external carotid
artery, so that in case the vessel retracts into the tissue, it can Facial Nerve Monitoring be located and religated and bleeding can be controlled. In
There are two types of facial nerve monitoring: case the ligature slips and the facial artery retracts, the poste-
rior belly of the digastric muscle is divided for easy location
• Electromyography of the bleeding vessel.
• Pressure or strain gauge sensor The lingual nerve passes below the duct and forms a loop
around its outer aspect before inserting into the tongue
Facial nerve monitoring is performed with a nerve stimu- mucosa. It is at risk when the deep part of the gland is being
lator which can either be monopolar or bipolar. The monopo- mobilized. The submandibular duct or Warton’s duct is lon-
lar stimulator is more useful for identifying the nerve, while ger and has a tortous, uphill course. Thus the secretions have
the bipolar is more useful if the nerve course is evident. to be emptied against gravity, and there are increased chances
However, a bipolar stimulator is more precise. of retention. Also, the mineral content of the secretion is
high, especially calcium content which along with increased
retention of secretions results into higher incidence of calcu-
46.2.2 Submandibular Glands lus formation and inflammatory pathologies in the subman-
dibular gland and duct.
It is a U-shaped gland with a smaller deep lobe and larger Figure 46.7a, b shows the relations of the submandibular
superficial lobe enveloping the mylohyoid muscle. Hence gland.
944 N. A. Agni

Fig. 46.7 (a, b) Relations of a

submandibular gland

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

46.2.3 Sublingual Glands level than the gland. Hence, they easily get damaged, and
any trauma or infection of the ducts leads to salivary reten-
They are located beneath the mucosa of the floor of the tion and formation of a mucous retention cyst which is called
mouth and appear as an elevation in the floor of the mouth. “ranula” due to its bluish color resembling the belly of a
The excretory ducts of the sublingual glands are very super- frog. The international statistical classification of diseases
ficially located and open in the floor of mouth at a superior and related health problems shown in Table 46.4.
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 945

Table 46.4 International statistical classification of diseases and

related health problems
K 11 Diseases of salivary glands
K 11.0 Atrophy of the salivary gland
K 11.1 Hypertrophy of the salivary gland
K 11.2 Sialadenitis
Excludes epidemic parotitis and uveoparotid fever
K 11.3 Abscess of the salivary gland
K 11.4 Fistula of the salivary gland
Excludes congenital fistula of the salivary gland
K 11.5 Sialolithiasis
Calculus/stone of salivary gland or duct
K 11.6 Mucocele
Mucous extravasation cyst/retention cyst
K 11.7 Disturbances of salivary secretion
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Xerostomia Fig. 46.8  Clinical photo showing submandibular gland enlargement,
right side
Excludes dry mouth NOS
K 11.8 Other diseases of the salivary glands
Benign lymphoepithelial lesion of the salivary gland
Mikulicz’ disease
Necrotizing sialometaplasia
Stenosis/strictures of salivary ducts
Excludes Sicca syndrome (Sjögren’s syndrome)
K 11.9 Diseases of the salivary glands unspecified
Sialoadenopathy NOS
10th Revision (Version for 2003) [11]

46.3 Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids

A thorough history followed by meticulous examination

holds the key to proper diagnosis of salivary gland patholo-
gies. Salivary gland neoplasms are usually slow growing
and non-tender. A slow-growing swelling of the salivary
gland is suggestive of a neoplasm, whereas a sudden, pain-
ful swelling is suggestive of an infective pathology although
it can sometimes indicate a malignant tumor with second-
ary infection. Nerve weakness and skin infiltration are ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
always associated with malignant tumors which have
already infiltrated the nerve or skin although the vice versa Fig. 46.9  Bimanual palpation
is not always true.
Major salivary glands are palpated, and secretions milked Various diagnostic aids for investigating salivary gland
out to check flow, quantity, and quality of secretion. A turbid diseases are as follows:
salivary discharge may indicate an infection, whereas
reduced salivary flow could indicate either less secretion or 1. Diagnostic imaging
obstruction to flow. Function of facial nerve should be (a) Routine radiographs: It is useful only for diagnosing
checked and documented during parotid examination. On sialoliths and parenchymal calcifications. Radiopaque
inspection submandibular gland swelling can be easily iden- salivary calculi in the gland or duct can be picked up
tified and compared with the contralateral side; however the on plain films such as occlusal X-ray for submandib-
submandibular glands are bimanually palpated (Figs.  46.8 ular gland and duct and a posteroanterior (PA) skull
and 46.9). with blown-out cheeks for parotid calculi.
946 N. A. Agni

(b) Ultrasonography: Ultrasonography (USG) is a nonin- Procedure: The duct orifice is enlarged using a
vasive modality that utilizes non-ionizing radiation, lacrimal probe and cannulated with a 22 gauge can-
gives good soft tissue discrimination, has excellent nula after infiltrating local anesthetic (Fig. 46.11a, b).
sensitivity for mass lesions, and can be repeated as The selected dye is injected into the ductal system
frequently as required. Normal gland is relatively using a Luer lock syringe with gentle continuous
homogenously hyperechoic than adjacent muscle, pressure with simultaneous massage of the gland.
and so is cyst and tumor from parenchyma [12, 13]. It Once the patient feels some discomfort, dye injection
helps to distinguish a cystic lesion from a solid mass is stopped. X-rays are taken during the filling phase
in space-­occupying lesion (Fig.  46.10). USG with and emptying phase as well.
color Doppler is useful to rule out vascular lesions The X-rays show different patterns:
and also aids in assessing vascularity of lesions. (i) The normal parotid gland shows “tree in winter”
(c) Sialography: It assesses obstructive pathology by or “leafless tree” pattern, and submandibular
instillation of radiopaque contrast medium to locate gland shows “bush in winter” appearance. This
obstruction in the ductal system. The technique is is because the normal acini do not allow dye to
more or less obsolete now with the advent of MRI enter and it is seen only in the ducts and ductules
imaging. It is a technique which involves injection of (Fig. 46.12—normal sialography: leafless tree).
a radiopaque dye into the ductal system of the major (ii) In chronic inflammation the dye enters the duct-
salivary glands and taking plain X-rays to see the pat- ules, and the empty acini give a “blossom tree”
tern of the dye into the ductal systems. Most com- or “leafy tree” appearance.
monly the contrast dyes used are iodine based. They (iii) Sjögren’s syndrome and Mikulicz’ disease show
can either be lyophilic (oil based) or aqueous (water a “snow storm” or “branchless fruit-laden”
based or water soluble). Lyophilic (oil-based) con- appearance.
trast dyes include Lipiodol (iodized poppy seed oil) (iv) Stricture in a duct is seen as a filling defect,
and Pantopaque (organic iodine compound). Aqueous whereas multiple strictures show a sausage
contrast dyes include iothalamate (Conray) and string appearance.
metrizoate (Triosil). Aqueous-based dyes are most (v) “Cannon ball” appearance is seen in intraglan-
commonly preferred. Sialography is indicated to dular tumors, whereas extraglandular tumors
diagnose obstructive pathologies and duct anomalies, show a “ball in hand” appearance.
degenerative changes in the gland, chronic inflamma- (vi) Duct perforation and sialocele show dye spillage
tory conditions, and intra- and extraglandular tumors. in the soft tissues.
It is contraindicated in acute infections of the gland (d) Radionucleotide scanning: It is used to distinguish
and in case of allergies to the dye. between obstructive and nonobstructive sialadenitis.
It involves both dynamic and static scanning.
Radionuclide scanning is useful when a sialogram is
contraindicated to distinguish between acute obstruc-
tive and nonobstructive sialadenitis [14].
(e) CT scan: It is used to evaluate masses in parotid
glands and surrounding structures as it gives excel-
lent soft tissue details (Fig.  46.13) especially when
used with a contrast dye. Bony changes in the course
of facial nerve like erosions, sclerotic margins, and
widening of stylomastoid foramen or fallopian canal
suggest involvement of nerve. Plain computed
tomography (CT) scans have a major role to play for
diagnosis of obstructive pathologies like a calculus.
(f) MRI scan: It allows assessment of salivary masses
and early diagnosis of perineural spread due to
excellent soft tissue contrast. In the case of neo-
plasms, it helps in demonstrating involvement of
the facial nerve (Fig. 46.14).
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
(g) Arteriography: It assesses the vascularity and source
of vascular supply of the tumors.
Fig. 46.10  USG of submandibular gland
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 947

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.11 (a, b) Sialography technique

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Fig. 46.13  CT scan showing parotid tumor

Fig. 46.12  Normal parotid gland in sialography

2. Histopathology: The gold standard of diagnosis for

neoplasms will always be histopathology (HPE).
(h) Positron emission tomography (PET): Uptake of
However, as the major salivary glands are deeper struc-
radiotracer fluorodeoxyglucose used with PET scans tures, an FNAC (fine-needle aspiration cytology) is
by salivary glands makes this diagnostic technique considered as a standard of care for diagnosis to avoid
useful for salivary gland tumors. Although this is an tumor seeding, which might follow an open biopsy. An
expensive technique, measurement of metabolic open biopsy can be considered for minor salivary gland
activity makes it more reliable than CT and MRI tumors or malignant tumors affecting major salivary
scans. It can be used to diagnose recurrences, tumor glands with skin infiltration, needing skin excision to
hypoxia, and proliferation rates [15]. achieve surgical clearance. HPE for salivary gland
948 N. A. Agni

Table 46.5  Important terminologies in relation to salivary gland

Sialadenitis: Sialadenitis is inflammation of the gland parenchyma.
It could either be suppurative (with pus) or nonsuppurative (without
pus). It can also be classified as acute, subacute, or chronic.
Sialodochitis: This refers to inflammation of the salivary gland duct.
It may be associated with duct strictures and/or sialoliths.
Sialectasis: This refers to cystic dilatation of the ducts due to either a
sialolith or ductal strictures. It is most commonly seen in parotid
gland infections. It can occur due to any condition causing chronic
inflammation of the gland.
Sialorrhea: This refers to excessive secretion of saliva or drooling of
saliva. It is most commonly seen in patients with cerebral palsy and
neuro-degenerative disorders.
Sialosis: It is defined as an asymptomatic, non-neoplastic, non-­
inflammatory parenchymal salivary gland disease which manifests as
persistent painless bilateral salivary gland swelling, most commonly
involving the parotid gland [16].
Sialodochoplasty: It is repair of the salivary gland duct usually by
translocating the ductal opening.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.14  MRI showing parotid tumor, right side

pathologies is very challenging, and hence diagnosing

lesions on FNAC is more difficult. It is important to dis-
tinguish benign and malignant pathologies on FNAC
even if the exact malignant variant is missed, because
except adenoid cystic carcinoma which has perineurial
spread, the surgery doesn’t change for any other malig-
nant tumor variant.

(a) Fine-needle aspiration cytopathology (FNAC): It

shows high diagnostic accuracy both for benign and
malignant tumors. Complete histological features
and status of invasion can’t be revealed by this
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
(b) Incisional biopsy: It is not a reliable technique as
there is high possibility of seeding of tumor cells as Fig. 46.15  Parotitis left side
well as fungation through skin.

3. Frozen sections: These help in diagnosing the nature of The common etiologic factors for parotitis are reduced
tumor, but accurate histopathologic features can’t be salivary flow due to severe dehydration, in patients with
diagnosed. debilitating diseases, old age, post-operative patients,
post radiotherapy for head and neck cancers, poor oral
hygiene leading to recurrent infection, mechanical
obstruction to flow, compromised host resistance due to
46.4 Non-neoplastic Diseases (Table 46.5) systemic illnesses like Diabetes Mellitus, renal failure,
HIV, post transplant immunosuppresants. The drugs
46.4.1 Acute Bacterial Sialadenitis which induce systemic dehydration such as antihyperten-
sives, diuretics, tricyclic antidepressants , phenothiazines,
Parotitis (Fig. 46.15) occurs secondary to decreased salivary barbiturates, anticholinergics and betablockers also lead
secretions, and various reasons are attributed. to reduced salivary flow rate [17].
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 949

Routine blood count to rule out impending sepsis in addi-

tion to a plain radiograph or USG to rule out a sialolith in the
duct is indicated. Sialography is contraindicated in cases of
acute infections and also sialoliths. Aspiration might not
yield frank pus. Management
Treatment is managing underlying cause and adequate
hydration and systemic antibiotics. If swelling doesn’t sub-
side with medical management in 2 days or shows an increas-
ing trend, an incision and drainage is indicated. The cellulitic
phase may not yield any frank pus, but toxic fluid is drained
and it releases the pressure over the gland and prevents pres-
sure necrosis of the gland parenchyma. Parotid space abscess
has the tendency to spread into the pharyngeal spaces and
cause respiratory distress and descending mediastinitis or
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India burst into the auditory canal or TMJ and cause septic arthritis
of the TMJ.
Fig. 46.16  Submandibular sialadenitis left side

It may be retrograde contamination of salivary ducts and 46.4.2 Chronic Bacterial Sialadenitis [18]
parenchymal tissues by oral microflora providing a bacterial
source of infection. Stasis of salivary flow through the ducts It is a recurrent sialadenitis with episodic relapsing swellings
and parenchyma may also promote acute suppurative infec- of the salivary glands, most commonly seen in the parotid
tion. There is a higher risk of sialolith in the submandibular gland. Salivary retention and stasis are the main predisposing
duct causing secondary suppurative sialadenitis (Fig. 46.16 factor. It might be preceded by an acute sialadenitis. Strictures
showing submandibular sialadenitis). may also form in the ducts leading to salivary stasis and
eventually chronic sialadenitis. Generalized constitutional Clinical Features symptoms may be low grade, and salivary gland milking
may yield scanty saliva. MRI is more specific than CT scan.
• Sudden onset of pain and swelling, exacerbates with food
sighting or smelling Management
• Generalized malaise, fever, body ache, and sometimes Management consists of short-term corticosteroids to elimi-
signs of dehydration. nate glandular inflammation followed by use of sialogogues
• Diffuse inflammatory swelling, induration, erythema, to increase salivation and flush the debris. Sialoendoscopy
edema, and extreme tenderness over the affected gland. can play a role in increasing the salivary flow.
• Tense, glossy, and erythematous skin. The sialoendoscope is advanced slowly into the duct
• Raised ear lobule is pathognomonic sign of parotid with continuous saline irrigation to help visualize the sys-
swelling. tem and also dilating the strictures with help of the sialob-
• The duct orifices are inflamed, and milking of gland may alloon. This is followed up by placing a stent into the duct
exhibit lesser salivation or purulence. for 4 weeks.
• Systemic sepsis occurs more commonly in parotid sialad- Superficial parotidectomy with facial nerve preservation
enitis as compared to submandibular sialadenitis. can also be considered in case of chronic pain, provided
• Parotid swellings are not fluctuant due to fixity of overly- imaging studies determine the involvement of superficial
ing investing parotideomasseteric fascia and are extremely lobe.
painful due to the mounting pressure as the fascia is Chronic recurrent parotitis if left untreated may lead to
nonyielding. This mounting pressure leads to ischemic benign lymphoepithelial lesion which can progress to lym-
necrosis of the gland, and the abscess may spontaneously phoproliferative disorders like non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,
burst in the external auditory canal. carcinoma, or pseudolymphoma.
950 N. A. Agni

46.4.3 Obstructive Disorders (Video 46.1) creating a stone. Unknown metabolic phenomenon increases
salivary bicarbonate content altering the calcium phosphate
Sialolithiasis or salivary calculi are most commonly seen in the solubility and leading to precipitation of calcium and phos-
submandibular gland and duct (Fig. 46.17a, b). Symptomatic phate ions [20]. Wharton’s duct is longer than the Stenson’s
calculi are much lesser in occurrence. Only those cases with duct, and the submandibular gland is situated at a lower level
superadded infection and inflammation of the gland and duct than the opening of the duct. Hence the duct has to follow an
result into pain. uphill, tortuous course and drain against gravity. So stagna-
tion of secretions is more common than parotid gland. Etiology In the submandibular gland, the calculus results in sialad-
Salivary stasis is a major etiologic factor for formation of enitis, whereas in the parotid gland, sialadenitis causes cal-
sialolith. The right-angle bend of the Stenson’s duct where it culus formation. In the parotid gland, stones are most
pierces the buccinator and the 90° bend of the Wharton’s commonly located at the hilum or parenchyma, whereas sub-
duct at the border of the mylohyoid is the common location mandibular sialoliths develop in the duct [21]. Sometimes
for sialoliths. They can also result from chronic sialadenitis. typically the sialolith is expelled out of the gland through the
Systemic abnormalities of calcium metabolism are not asso- duct and is seen at the duct orifice.
ciated with any increased risk of salivary stone formations.
Gout is the only systemic illness known to predispose to sali- Diagnosis and Management
vary stone formation [19]. Sialography can be used for diagnosis of sialoliths but is con-
Salivary stasis changes the mucoid element of saliva to a traindicated if the calculus is already diagnosed on plain
gel framework for deposition of salts and organic substances radiographs. Smaller stones can be expelled out through the

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.17 (a, b) Left—Submandibular duct calculus (a). Right—Calculus after surgical removal (b). (c) Submandibular gland specimen show-
ing calculus at the gene
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 951

duct opening using local massage, sialogogues, and adequate flushed out of the duct with spontaneous salivation or use of
hydration. Larger stones are managed surgically according sialogogue [24]. The primary requirement for salivary stone
to its location in the duct and gland. lithotripsy is a functional gland which produces saliva which
If the stone is palpable in the oral course of the duct, the will clear the fragmented stone. A “gum test” which involves
duct is dilated with a lacrimal probe and cut open to retrieve chewing of a sour gum can be done to test the functionality
the stone. The duct margins are sutured to the adjacent of the salivary gland. If the salivary secretions are normal, a
mucosa to avoid stricture formation. A stay suture can be visible swelling in the region of the gland will be noticed. If
placed around the duct proximal to the stone to avoid acci- the test is negative, the patient cannot be taken up for
dental pushing of the stone into deeper inaccessible part of lithotripsy.
the duct. In submandibular stones which are at the genu of
the duct or deeper into the gland, a sialadenectomy is needed
(Fig. 46.17c). 46.5 Viral Infections of Salivary Glands
If the sialolith is posterior in the duct, a suture is placed
behind the stone to prevent slippage of stone into the duct. 46.5.1 Mumps
The incision is placed over the duct to extract the stone, and
the duct is left without suturing (Fig. 46.18a, b). Mumps is an acute nonsuppurative viral parotitis caused by
Sialodochoplasty is a procedure wherein the incised duct paramyxovirus also known as epidemic parotitis. The term
margins are sutured with adjacent mucosa leading to a trans- “mumps” is derived from the Danish word “Mompen” which
location of duct orifice [22, 23]. means mumbling (like an old man) and describes the diffi-
In the case of parotid sialoliths, only those in the duct culty with speech because of inflammation and trismus [17].
distal to the masseter muscle can be accessed transorally and
removed. All deeper stones warrant a parotidectomy. Pathogenesis
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and use of sialoen- It is an endemic disease and spreads by airborne droplet dis-
doscopy are newer modalities to manage sialoliths. semination. It has an incubation of 2–3 weeks followed by
Lithotripsy reduces calculi to small fragments that are then 3–5-day viremia. The virus localizes to the salivary glands,

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.18 (a, b) Technique of sialolith removal from submandibular duct

952 N. A. Agni

germinal tissues, and CNS [25]. The infection has a strong 10% of cases, and asymptomatic meningeal inflammation is
predilection for the parotid gland. It is highly contagious and more common. Five percent patients are affected by acute
occurs in children below 15 years of age with peak incidence pancreatitis, wherein serum lipase levels are also increased.
being in the 4- to 6-year-old group of children [26]. Adults Sensorineural hearing loss complicates 0.05–4% of patients
are rarely infected due to the immunity because of childhood and may be permanent and profound [26]. Tinnitus, aural
exposure or due to the MMR vaccine [17]. fullness, and vertigo are associated symptoms, but they
resolve over a period of few weeks. Additional complica- Clinical Features tions include myocarditis, polyarthritis, hemolytic anemia,
Prodromal symptoms include headache, myalgias, arthral- plasmacytosis, lymphocytic leukemoid reactions, and throm-
gias, anorexia, and malaise prior to development of parotitis. bocytopenia [12]. These conditions are self-limiting or
It starts with an earache, pain around the gland, trismus, and resolve with or without steroid therapy.
dysphagia. Pain is exacerbated by salivary stimulation dur-
ing meals. The parotid papilla may be inflamed and puffy.
Palpation of the gland reveals a swelling of the gland which 46.5.2 HIV Parotitis
may be tense, rubbery, and firm with non-pitting-type edema.
The overlying skin is tensed and shiny without erythema or HIV-associated salivary gland disease is the term used to
increased local temperature. Swelling lasts for 1–5 days and describe the diffuse enlargement of the salivary glands that
can displace the pinna. Seventy-five percent cases result in affects HIV patients throughout all stages of the disease. In
bilateral involvement of parotid gland. However, it begins as fact, HIV-SGD may be the first presenting sign of HIV. Like
a unilateral swelling and involves the contralateral gland most of the salivary diseases, the parotid gland is the most
after a period of 1–5 days [25]. frequently affected. Clinically, HIV-infected individuals
Diagnosis is primarily clinical, but a blood count shows show reduced salivary flow rates. Parotid gland enlargement
leukocytopenia with relative lymphocytosis. Serum amylase is reported to occur in 1–10% of the HIV-infected popula-
levels are also raised. It peaks during the first week and starts tion. It is usually secondary to development of benign lym-
declining in the second or third week and comes back to nor- phoepithelial cysts within the parotid gland [25].
mal later [25].
“S” or soluble antibodies directed against the nucleopro- Management
tein core of the virus appear within the first week of infection Antiretroviral therapy with zidovudine, maintenance of oral
and peak within 2 weeks and disappear within 8–9 months. hygiene, and use of sialogogues form the mainstay of
“V” or viral antibodies directed against the outer surface management.
hemagglutinin appear several weeks after the “S” antibodies
and persist at low levels for approximately 5 years following
exposure. A fourfold rise in antibody titer is diagnostic of 46.6 Noninfectious Inflammatory Diseases
active infection. Mumps skin test is not useful in the diagno-
sis of acute infection because dermal hypersensitivity does Mikulicz’ disease and Sjögren’s syndrome are closely related
not develop until 3 or 4 weeks following viral exposure. to each other and are autoimmune in origin, wherein the sali-
vary tissue itself becomes antigenic [27]. Treatment
The disease is self-limiting, and treatment is primarily sup-
portive such as rest, adequate hydration, antipyretics, and 46.6.1 Mikulicz’ Disease
anti-inflammatory medicines.
Live attenuated Jerry Lynn vaccine is given combined Clinical Features [28]
with measles and rubella as MMR vaccine after 12 months of Middle-aged females are affected commonly. It behaves
age. Immunized population is less likely to get the disease like an inflammatory as well as a neoplastic disease.
but may be infected with a nonparamyxovirus. Presenting symptoms may be diffuse, poorly outlined, uni-
lateral or bilateral enlargement of the parotid or subman- Complications dibular glands with an occasional increase or decrease in
Orchitis and oophoritis can occur as systemic manifestations size of the swelling. There is mild local discomfort, occa-
and rarely lead to complete sterility. Mastitis has been asso- sional pain, and xerostomia. Fever, upper respiratory tract
ciated with decreased lactation. Aseptic meningitis occurs in infection, tooth extraction, or some other local inflamma-
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 953

tory disorder may precede the disease. Sometimes the lac- include renal disease, Raynaud’s disease, inflammatory vas-
rimal glands may be enlarged. FNAC can help diagnose the cular disease, peripheral sensory or sensorimotor polyneu-
condition. ropathy or mononeuritis multiplex, skin dryness, vasculitis,
and frequent allergic reactions. Labial salivary gland biopsy Management is used as a means of assessment of salivary pathology in
Mild cases once diagnosed do not warrant any treatment. In Sjögren’s syndrome.
some cases, the swelling might regress spontaneously.
Persistent cases can be managed by sialadenectomy [28]. Management
Xerostomia and keratoconjunctivitis sicca are managed by
use of 0.5% methylcellulose artificial saliva and tears.
46.6.2 Sjögren’s Syndrome Preventive dental care and fluoride application and mainte-
nance of general hygiene are necessary. Eye patching and
Sjögren’s syndrome or Sicca syndrome is a chronic autoim- boric acid ointment can be used for corneal ulcers.
mune disorder of the exocrine glands involving multiple Pilocarpine hydrochloride can be used as a secretagouge
extraglandular sites and can even evolve into a lymphoid for management of xeropthalmia and xerostomia. Systemic
malignancy. Sjögren’s syndrome shows a triad of symp- corticosteroids can be used for systemic complications
toms—keratoconjunctivitis sicca, xerostomia, and a sys- such as vasculitis, glomerulonephritis, and interstitial lung
temic disease, usually but not always rheumatoid arthritis. disease.
Primary Sjögren’s syndrome also known as Sicca complex
presents with only dry eyes and dry mouth. Secondary
Sjögren’s syndrome has in addition to the above features sys- 46.6.3 Mucoceles (Video 46.2)
temic manifestations such as systemic lupus erythematosus,
polyarteritis nodosa, polymyositis or scleroderma, and rheu- Mucous retention cyst arises from ductal obstruction in a
matoid arthritis [28]. minor or accessory salivary gland due to traumatic severance
Arthritis is the most frequent first complaint, followed by of the duct due to biting of the lips, cheeks, and tongue or
ocular complaints and then xerostomia which leads to diffi- due to injury due to lip pinching during extraction. Majority
culty in chewing and swallowing, sore mouth, recurrent den- of cases are an extravasation type of cysts which result from
tal caries, and fungal infections in the oral cavity. The tongue collection of salivary secretions in the soft tissues due to
appears bald with loss of filiform papillae and fissuring of traumatic injury to the gland or duct. Lower lip was affected
tongue. The saliva is usually cloudy due to pus and abnor- in 44–79% of cases. It occurs in any age with no gender pre-
mally viscous due to gel-like consistency. Parotid gland dilection [31].
enlargement is seen in 25–66% cases of primary Sjögren’s
syndrome but is uncommon in secondary cases. Xeropthalmia Clinical Features
leads to chronic irritation and destruction of the corneal and Superficial lesions appear like a circumscribed, raised ves-
bulbar conjunctival epithelium, referred to as kerato-­ icle with a bluish translucent hue due to the thin overlying
conjunctivitis sicca. The patient complains of redness, itchi- mucosa. However, deeper lesions being covered by normal
ness, or burning sensation in the eye, rope-like secretions, mucosa have a normal color and texture. Mucoceles may
dryness, and a foreign body sensation in the eye and may not get traumatized and rupture spontaneously and may recur
be able to tolerate smoke, air draft, or light [27]. later.
Schirmer’s test is used to confirm lacrimal secretions.
Patients complain of easy fatigue, general malaise, low-­ Management
grade fever, myalgias, and arthralgias. Respiratory tract Surgical excision of the mucocele along with a few normal minor
symptoms range from dry cough due to xerotrachea to dys- salivary glands is the procedure of choice. Care should be taken
pnea due to interstitial disease or even airway obstruction. to avoid creation of any other partially transected minor salivary
High-resolution CT scan shows bronchial and peribronchial glands which might give rise to the recurrent mucocele.
thickening, whereas transbronchial biopsies show bronchio- Mucocele can be excised by giving an elliptical incision
lar lymphoid infiltrates and follicular bronchiolitis [29]. around the lesion and closure (Fig. 46.19a–d), [32] or as the
Sensorineural hearing loss is associated with Sjögren’s syn- case requires, an incision may be given over the mucocele;
drome in 21–46% of cases [30]. Dysphagia results from dry- lesion can be excised carefully without rupture and closure
ing of the pharynx and esophagus. Other complications attained (Fig. 46.19e–h).
954 N. A. Agni

Huang I et al. [33] recommended use of carbon dioxide Management

laser vaporization to treat the lower lip mucocele with good Excision of the ranula and entire sublingual gland through a
results and less complications. transoral approach is management of choice taking care to
avoid damage to the lingual nerve. The incision is made
through the mucosa in the lingual fold from the second molar
46.6.4 Ranula to canine tooth. Blunt dissection is done up to the mylohyoid
muscle. The gland is dissected free from the surrounding soft
Ranula is a mucocele arising from the sublingual salivary tissues and the Wharton’s duct. The gland can be retracted
gland in the floor of the mouth (Fig. 46.20). It presents as using holding sutures, and blunt dissection is carried out till
a large blue, tense vesicle in the floor of the mouth. The the lingual nerve is identified as it crosses the Wharton’s
appearance is of that of a frog’s belly, hence the term duct. The gland is delivered once it is dissected free from the
ranula (frog belongs to genus Rana). It is firm on palpa- entire surrounding soft tissues taking care to prevent damag-
tion. The cyst is usually present above the mylohyoid ing the submandibular duct and lingual nerve [34].
curtain, but when it presents in the upper part of the neck, Marsupialization can be used as an alternative modality
it is called as a “plunging ranula.” Plunging ranulas wherein the ranula is deroofed and the mucosa sutured to the
may grow to a sufficient size so as to compromise respi- cystic lining followed by open packing of the cyst and
ration and swallowing and may also extend into medias- sequentially reducing the size of the pack till it heals
tinum [32]. completely.

a b

c d

Fig. 46.19 (a)–(d) Figure showing surgical removal of mucocele by elliptical incision. (e)–(h) Figure showing excising mucocele by incision
directly over the lesion
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 955

e f

g h

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.19 (continued)

Higher recurrence rate (61–85%) has been reported with tions, viruses, hormones, lifestyle, or occupation and like
simple marsupialization and ranula excision. To lower the factors can’t be denied.
rate of recurrence, total sublingual excision is the treatment
of choice [35]. • Radiation: Evidence exists regarding susceptibility of
Kono et al. [36] recommended an injection of sclerosing lymphoid component rather than parenchymal compo-
agent, OK-432 (Picibanil), as a safe and effective method of nent of gland to low radiation and UV ray damage
treating intraoral ranulas. The number of injections used was (140 rad) [37–39].
1–4 (mean 1.70) in their study. • Viruses: It is believed that genetic component, environ-
ment, and immunity of host play a key role in malignant
transformation of salivary gland tumors. Viruses like
46.7 Salivary Gland Tumors human papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovi-
rus, and polyomavirus have been speculated to be respon-
46.7.1 Etiology sible for occurrence of salivary gland tumors.
• Hormones: Endogenous hormones play an important role
Although no specific etiology has been attributed to occur- in carcinogenesis of these tumors. Patients of breast can-
rence of salivary gland tumors, its association with radia- cer are more prone to salivary gland neoplasms.
956 N. A. Agni

by large resemble each other clinically. Hence, histopatho-

logic examination is pivotal to establish a correct

46.7.3 TNM Staging of Salivary Gland Tumors

According to American Joint
Commission on Cancer (AJCC) 2002 [42]

Tumor (T): T with a letter/number describes the location or

size of the tumor
TX: Indicates the primary tumor cannot be evaluated.
T0 (T plus zero): No evidence of a tumor was found.
T1: Describes a small, noninvasive (has not spread) tumor
that is 2 centimeters (cm) at its greatest dimension.
T2: Describes a larger, noninvasive tumor between 2 cm and
4 cm.
T3: Describes a tumor that is larger than 4 cm but not larger
than 6 cm and has spread beyond the salivary glands but
does not affect the seventh nerve, the facial nerve that
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
controls expression, such as smiles or frowns.
Fig. 46.20  Ranula in the floor of the mouth T4a: The tumor has invaded the skin, jawbone, ear canal,
and/or facial nerve.
T4b: The tumor has invaded the skull base and/or the nearby
• Lifestyle: Tumors like Warthin’s tumor or epidermoid bones and/or encases the arteries.
carcinoma have been associated with cigarette smok-
ing. Salivary gland enlargements are observed in nutri-
tional deficiencies, but there are no reports of Nodes (N): N is for lymph nodes. Lymph nodes of the head
malignancies [40]. and neck region are regional lymph nodes, and those
• Occupation: Those who engage in occupations which away from this region are distant nodes.
involve manufacturing and use of rubber products, asbes- NX: The regional lymph nodes cannot be evaluated.
tos mining, and plumbing are at increased risk of develop- N0: There is no evidence of cancer in the regional nodes.
ing salivary gland tumors [37]. N1: Cancer has spread to a single node on the same side as
the primary tumor, and the cancer found in the node is
3 cm or smaller.
46.7.2 Incidence N2: Describes any of these conditions:
• N2a: The cancer has spread to a single lymph node on
Salivary gland tumors occur rarely both among Indian pop- the same side as the primary tumor and is larger than
ulation and around the world. Incidence of benign and 3 cm but smaller than 6 cm.
malignant salivary gland tumors in major portion of the • N2b: The cancer has spread to more than one lymph
world ranges from 1 to 2 cases per 100,000 people per year node on the same side as the primary tumor, and none
[41]. There is no specific predilection of occurrence of measures larger than 6 cm.
these tumors in any particular gender, although Warthin’s • N2c: The cancer has spread to more than one lymph
tumor is more common in males and acinic cell tumor in node on either side of the body, and none measures
females. Site wise incidence varies for both benign and larger than 6 cm.
malignant tumors. Seventy-five to eighty percent of benign N3: The cancer found in the lymph nodes is larger than
tumors occur in the parotid glands, 5–10% in submandibu- 6 cm.
lar glands, and only 1–2% in sublingual glands. Malignant
tumors are more common in sublingual glands (80%) and
least in parotid glands (17–20%). Benign tumors affect a Metastasis (M): Describes the cancer that spreads to differ-
mean age group of 40 years, and malignant tumors affect an ent body parts.
age group of 55 years. Both benign and malignant tumors MX: Indicates distant metastasis cannot be evaluated.
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 957

M0: Indicates the cancer has not spread to other parts of the Table 46.6  Revised classification of salivary gland tumors (2017) [45]
body. Malignant Tumors Benign Tumors
M1: Describes cancer that has spread to other parts of the Mucoepidermoid carcinoma Pleomorphic adenoma
body. Adenoid cystic carcinoma Myoepithelioma
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma Basal Cell Adenoma
Epithelial-myoepithelial Warthin’s tumor
46.7.4 Classification of Salivary Gland Tumors Clear cell carcinoma Oncocytoma
Basal cell adenocarcinoma Lymphadenoma
Salivary gland tumors were first classified by WHO in 1972. Sebaceous adenocarcinoma Cystadenoma
It was later modified in 1991 wherein the term “tumor” was Intraductal carcinoma Sialadenoma papilliferum
replaced by “carcinoma” to denote acinic cell carcinoma and Cystadenocarcinoma Ductal papillomas
Adenocarcinoma, NOS Sebaceous adenoma
mucoepidermoid carcinoma [43]. It was further revised in
Myoepithelial carcinoma Canalicular adenoma and other
1997, and a greater number of entities of adenomas (myoepi- ductal adenomas
thelial adenoma, basal cell adenoma, canalicular adenoma) Carcinoma ex pleomorphic Other Epithelial Lesions
and carcinomas (acinic cell carcinoma, mucoepidermoid adenoma
carcinoma, polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma, sali- Carcinosarcoma Sclerosing polycystic adenosis
vary duct carcinoma, myoepithelial carcinoma) were rede- Poorly differentiated carcinoma Nodular oncocytic hyperplasia
1) Neuroendocrine and Lymphoepithelial lesions
fined with emphasis on the prognosis and therapy [44]. A non-neuroendocrine Intercalated duct hyperplasia
revised classification was put forth by WHO in 2005 also. 2)  Undifferentiated carcinoma Soft Tissue Lesions
The latest classification of WHO which was given in 2017 3) Large cell neuroendocrine Hemangioma
consisted of the following changes: carcinoma
4) Small cell neuroendocrine
• Secretory carcinoma, borderline tumor—sialoblastoma— Lymphoepithelial carcinoma Lipoma/sialolipoma
and sclerosing polycystic adenosis were added as new Squamous cell carcinoma Nodular fasciitis
entities under malignant tumors. Oncocytic carcinoma Hematolymphoid Tumor
• Simplification of terminologies of polymorphous adeno- Borderline Tumors Extranodal marginal zone
lymphoma of MALT
carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, and intraductal carci-
noma was done.
• Rare entities like adenocarcinoma, NOS, canalicular ade-
noma, and poorly differentiated carcinoma were They are encapsulated and do not show fixity to the deeper
regrouped (Table 46.6). tissues or the overlying skin in major salivary gland tumors,
which can be confirmed on an MRI (Fig. 46.21b), but in the case
of the minor salivary glands of the palate, it may appear to be
46.7.5 Pleomorphic Adenoma fixed to the underlying palatal bone but does not invade or erode
the bone. Pain is uncommon but 50% patients experience a pres-
“Pleomorphic adenoma” suggested by Willis closely resem- sure sensation. Accumulation of mucus can occur so that elastic
bles the unusual histologic pattern of the lesion [28]. The swellings or frankly fluctuant cysts may form in the tumors.
tumor derives its name from the Greek words Pleos = many In the case of the submandibular gland, palpation of the
and morphus = form because of the heterogeneous nature of mass both extraorally and bimanually helps in localizing it
its histologic appearance [46]. and differentiating it from a lymph node, but FNAC is always
needed to differentiate it from sialadenitis. Clinical Features
Most frequently found in the superficial lobe of the parotid Histopathology [48]
gland, it presents as a firm, slow-growing asymptomatic On light microscopy morphologically complex and diverse
mass which is smooth, rounded, lobular, and mobile with a cellular elements are seen. Both epithelial and myoepithelial
rubbery consistency causing ear lobule to be raised elements are present. Based on cellular types, Foote and Frazel
(Fig. 46.21a). If the tumor involves both the superficial and [49] have classified pleomorphic adenomas as follows:
deep lobes of parotid, it is classically referred to as dumbbell
tumor. Incidence of the tumor except those found in the phar- • Principally myxoid (36%)
ynx is more in females than males, and they are often seen in • Equally myxoid and cellular (30%)
the fourth and fifth decade. A bilateral tumor occurrence rate • Predominantly cellular (22%)
is estimated at 1 in 40,000 [47]. • Extremely cellular (12%)
958 N. A. Agni

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.21 (a) Parotid tumor showing elevation of ear lobule (pathognomonic sign). (b) MRI axial view showing the tumor Management 46.7.6 Monomorphic Adenoma

Surgical excision is the treatment of choice. Historically,
enucleation was practiced which resulted in inadequate sur- The WHO classification subdivides the monomorphic ade-
gery and recurrences [50]. Superficial parotidectomy is the nomas into three groups [45]:
most widely accepted technique in the treatment of pleomor-
phic adenomas in the superficial lobe of the parotid gland, • Adenolymphoma (Warthin’s tumor)
and total gland excision with facial nerve preservation is car- • Oxyphilic adenoma (oncocytoma)
ried out. Tumors of the submandibular gland are usually con- • Others
tained within the gland, and their resection is usually confined
to the gland and surrounding fat or lymph nodes until the A number of other classifications of monomorphic adeno-
neoplasm is a malignant and invasive tumor. As with the mas have been put forth, but there is no unanimity. Two main
parotid gland, most neoplasms are asymptomatic. Small pal- histologic patterns have evolved:
atal pleomorphic adenomas usually cause pressure resorp-
tion of the palate but do not invade the bone. A disk of palatal • Basal cell adenoma
mucosa is outlined well clear of the visible swelling because • Canalicular adenoma
the tumor is flattened owing to the toughness of the palatal
tissues. The tumor along with the periosteum of the palate is
excised in continuity with each other. In case the pleomor- 46.7.7 Warthin’s Tumor
phic adenoma invades the palate or proliferates into the floor
of the maxillary sinus, a partial maxillectomy or total maxil- Warthin’s tumor, also known as papillary cystadenoma lym-
lectomy depending on the extension of the tumor has to be phomatosum and adenolymphoma, is the second most com-
performed. mon benign tumor of the salivary glands, around 5% of
Although pleomorphic adenoma is a benign tumor, it may neoplasms [51].
cause problems in clinical management due to its tendency It was first described by Hildebrand in 1895 as a form of
to recur and risk of malignant transformation. congenital cyst of the neck. It is known as Warthin’s tumor in
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 959

recognition of the pathologist who first described it in the 46.7.8 Oncocytoma

USA in 1929. He described two cases and also coined the
term papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum [52]. An oncocytoma is a tumor characterized by large epithelial
cells, i.e., oncocytes that contain a brightly eosinophilic, gran- Clinical Features ular cytoplasm. The oncocyte is derived from the Greek word
The majority of the tumors arise in the parotid gland, “onkousthai” meaning swollen or enlarged and was described
more often bilaterally, in the elderly and occurs in the fifth in 1897 by Schaffer who observed this tumor in ductal and
and sixth decades of life. A predilection for male sex is acinar elements of salivary glands in the tongue, pharynx, and
seen, more in Caucasians. Both tumors do not occur esophagus. Jaffe was the first to introduce the term oncocy-
simultaneously but are metachronous in their manifesta- toma [53]. However, he had termed Warthin’s tumor as onco-
tion. A concept of multicentric and multifocal disease has cytoma. The other terminologies used to describe this tumor
been put forth to explain this. It is a solitary, nodular, are oxyphilic adenoma and acidophilic adenoma.
slowly enlarging swelling, most commonly located in the
inferior pole of the parotid next to the angle of the man- Clinical Features
dible. It varies from moderately firm to fluctuant on palpa- There is no race predilection for occurrence of this tumor.
tion and is asymptomatic. It is not as discrete as the mixed Oncocytoma is predominantly a tumor of the major salivary
tumor. Very few patients present with complain of pain, glands, parotid being the most common. Bilateral occurrence
pressure, or rapid increase in the tumor size. Scintigraphy is also known. Among minor salivary glands, which are
may be helpful due to its increased uptake of technetium- rarely affected, palatal mucosa followed by buccal mucosa
99m pertechnetate. It appears as a smooth-margined, and tongue is affected.
radiopositive “hot” nodule in contrast to the mixed tumors, The oncocytoma is a small benign lesion which generally
nonfunctioning malignant tumors, and metastatic tumors does not attain a great size. It most frequently presents as an
which appear as a “cold” nodule in scintigraphy. Positive indolent, single, often multi-lobulated, firm, solid, and mobile
scintigraphy with 123I is indicative of Warthin’s tumor but mass in the superficial lobe of the parotid gland. It can also be
may also signify presence of ectopic thyroid or metastatic located in the deep lobe of the parotid gland and may be insin-
thyroid tumor. uated between the branches of the facial nerve. However, it
does not cause any symptoms of pain or p­ aresthesia unless the Management branches of the facial nerve are compromised. Tumor size var-
Surgical removal is the established treatment for Warthin’s ies with the duration of the lesion but generally does not
tumor. As the tumor is superficial in the parotid gland, it is increase beyond 4.0 cm. Intraoral tumors do not exhibit any
easily removed with minimal loss of glandular function and special characteristic diagnostic features. However, their over-
with preservation of the facial nerve. lying mucosa may become ulcerated due to trauma [53].
Treatment philosophies given are: Management
• Tumor enucleation with resection of minimal amount of Partial parotidectomy with facial nerve preservation when-
surrounding normal tissue ever possible is the treatment of choice. It ensures complete
• Superficial parotidectomy, which is more aggressive than removal of the tumor and reduces the rate of recurrence.
enucleation Curettage or simple enucleation of the tumor is to be avoided
• Local excision of parotid gland to avoid recurrence. Complete sialadenectomy is the treat-
ment of choice in cases of submandibular gland oncocyto-
Local excision of the tumor is preferred to enucleation of mas. In the case of minor gland tumors, local excision of the
the tumor because lymph nodes at the posteroinferior part of tumor with a margin of normal tumor-free tissue is carried
the gland cannot be cleared by enucleation. Preoperative out. Radiation therapy after surgery has been tried but it has
diagnosis of Warthin’s tumor must be confirmed by coordi- shown to be ineffective.
nating the clinical findings with imaging and fine-needle
aspiration biopsy reports before local excision is carried out.
If there is associated chronic obstructive parotitis, superficial 46.7.9 Basal Cell Adenoma
parotidectomy is essential. Similarly, if the tumor is located
in front of the ear, a superficial parotidectomy is the treat- It was first reported as a separate entity by Kleinsasser and
ment of choice. Klein in 1967 [28].
960 N. A. Agni Clinical Features to syringocystadenoma papilleferum of skin adnexal origin

Basal cell adenomas occur between the third and ninth [55].
decade, but the peak incidence is in the sixth decade with a
slight male predilection of 5:1 [28]. They are clinically indis- Clinical Features
tinguishable from mixed tumors and occur in the superficial Sialadenoma papilleferum presents as a subcentimetric,
portion of the parotid gland. They are slow-growing, painless, asymptomatic, exophytic, papillary surface lesion which can
round or ovoid, well-circumscribed, and freely mobile masses be confused with squamous papilloma. The most common
with a smooth-surfaced capsule and a soft to moderately firm site of occurrence is the minor salivary glands at the junction
consistency. They may be mistaken for a hyperplastic lymph of soft and hard palate with the tumor located on one side of
node because of their encapsulation, size, and color. the midline. This tumor occurs at an average age of 56 years,
Clinically basal cell carcinoma of skin, ameloblastoma, cases being reported from 2 years to 87 years. Male predilec-
pleomorphic adenoma, and adenoid cystic carcinoma can be tion is seen in the ratio of 1.5 to 1. However, there is no racial
considered in the differential diagnosis. predominance [55].
On the basis of histopathologic appearance, they may be Clinically it resembles a squamous papilloma, and a dif-
divided into four subtypes: ferential diagnosis of verrucous carcinoma or a warty dys-
keratoma needs to be considered.
• Solid
• Trabecular Management
• Tubular Being small, these tumors are easily excised usually with a
• Membranous clinical diagnosis of a squamous papilloma. However, recur-
rence is rare. Management
Surgical excision with a sufficient clear margin of normal 46.7.12  Inverted Ductal Papilloma
tissue is the treatment of choice.
Inverted ductal papilloma is a rare tumor and was first
described by White et  al. in 1982 when they reported four
46.7.10  Canalicular Adenoma cases [56]. Clinical Features Clinical Features [56]

It is seen between the fourth and ninth decade, highest inci- It occurs as a firm, asymptomatic, discrete nodule of
dence being in the seventh decade with a female/male ratio 1–1.5 cm beneath the normal mucosa which in some cases
of 1.7 to 1.0 and a higher incidence in Caucasians. It is seen may be contiguous with a small surface pore. The mean age
more commonly in the minor salivary glands of the lip and of occurrence is 50 years without any sex predilection. The
cheek and rarely affects the major salivary gland [54]. sites usually involved are the lower lip and buccal vestibular
It presents as a non-ulcerated, painless, mobile nodule mucosa in descending order with occasional cases reported
that exhibits slow growth unless it is traumatized, wherein in the upper lip, floor of mouth, and soft palate.
there is presence of ulceration. Clinical appearance is similar
to that of a mucocele [54]. The overlying mucosa may be Treatment and Prognosis
normal colored or bluish. It is treated by simple surgical excision as it is not known to
In the case of upper lip lesion, a sialolith, mucocele, recur.
mucous retention cyst, and pleomorphic adenoma can be
considered in the differential diagnosis.
46.7.13  Intraductal Papilloma Management
Surgical excision, enucleation, or limited extracapsular exci- It is a rare tumor. These tumors present as asymptomatic,
sions have been used as treatment modalities in these tumors submucosal swellings that vary in size from less than 1 to
with success. 1.5  cm in the minor salivary glands. The ages of patients
range from 29 to 77 years, with a mean age of 54 years. Men
and women are equally affected.
46.7.11  Sialadenoma Papilleferum Treatment and Prognosis
First described by Abrams and Finck in 1969, it was termed Excision is curative, and these tumors are not known to recur.
sialadenoma papilleferum because of its histologic similarity In case the tumors are small, all types of papillomas of the
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 961

minor salivary glands, including intraductal, inverted, and adequate therapy [59]. High-grade and advanced stage
sialadenoma papilliferum, can be excised in the dental office tumors must be treated aggressively at any site. The over-
or the clinic under local anesthesia [55]. all recurrence rate of mucoepidermoid carcinomas is
approximately 25%. Better survival is seen among younger
patients and among females. Tumors in the submandibular
46.7.14  Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma gland and in the base of the tongue generally have a poorer
outlook than those at other major and minor salivary gland
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common malignant sites. Also invasion into bone signifies a poorer prognosis.
salivary gland neoplasm. They are classified as grade I (low Survival is closely related to the clinical stage and the his-
grade) which are well differentiated, grade II (intermediate tologic grade.
grade) which are moderately differentiated, and grade III
(high grade) which are poorly differentiated tumors.
46.7.15  Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Clinical Features
Mucoepidermoid carcinomas occur more commonly in the Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a highly aggressive,
minor salivary glands with a female predilection [57]. It destructive, and clinically unpredictable tumor of the head
occurs as a painless, circumscribed, mobile solitary enlarge- and neck region [60]. The other terms used for ACC used
ment of the body or tail of the parotid or the submandibular in the past are cylindroma and adenomyoepithelioma.
region with over a year duration generally. Pain, facial paral- Foote and Frazell [49] proposed the currently accepted
ysis, and fixation to the overlying skin are usually suggestive term adenoid cystic carcinoma in their classic paper in
of high-grade lesions [57]. Minor salivary gland lesions pres- 1953 and in their fascicle on major salivary gland tumors
ent as a bluish or red-purple, fluctuant, smooth-surfaced in 1954.
mass that is often clinically mistaken for a mucocele or hem-
angioma [57]. Large lesions at the base of the tongue or in Clinical Features
the oropharynx may cause dysphagia. Aggressive tumors Adenoid cystic carcinoma occurs in adults between 50
show ulceration. Numbness of the teeth may occur when the and 70 years of age with equal prevalence in males and
bone is involved. Histopathologically, mucoepidermoid car- females [61]. The most frequent locations of this tumor
cinomas are graded as low-grade, intermediate-grade, and are the parotid, submandibular, and palatal salivary glands
high-grade carcinomas. They are generally partially encap- [62]. They are only rarely observed in the sublingual
sulated and don’t show adequate circumscription. gland [61].
Clinically adenoid cystic carcinoma manifests in the Management major and intraoral accessory salivary glands as a slow-­
Complete, adequate, and radical surgical excision is the growing swelling or mass. Pain and fixation to skin as
treatment of choice for all grades of mucoepidermoid well as surrounding deeper structures generally occur
carcinomas [58]. In the case of stage I and stage II muco- during the course of tumor growth. An ominous feature
epidermoid carcinomas of the parotid gland, conservative of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the parotid gland is paral-
excision with preservation of the facial nerve, if possible, ysis of the facial nerve. Radiographic examination is
is recommended. The affected submandibular gland valuable in assessing the extent of osseous destruction.
should be removed entirely. Radical neck dissection is Symptoms may have been present for months or years
performed in patients with clinical evidence of cervical and are generally of longer duration than those associated
node metastasis and is considered in any patient with a with squamous carcinoma, which is the most frequent
T3 lesion. In the case of facial nerve involvement, total malignancy of this location. Adenoid cystic carcinomas
parotidectomy with facial nerve sacrifice up to histologi- of the maxillary antrum, nasal cavity, and ear canal pro-
cally tumor-negative nerve trunk is done. The 5-year dis- duce symptoms of pain, obstruction, and deafness,
ease-free rate in patients receiving this aggressive respectively.
treatment was about 60% [58]. Histopathologically, ACC are classified into cribriform
Treatment of minor salivary gland mucoepidermoid pattern, tubular pattern, and solid pattern. A major micro-
carcinomas entails a wide surgical excision with the bone scopic feature in most adenoid cystic carcinomas is the pro-
if involved, to achieve a negative margin, and the wound is pensity for the tumor to involve peripheral nerves, reported
left to heal secondarily [59]. For small low-grade tumors to occur in 20–80% of the patients. Although perineural inva-
in the absence of bone involvement, wide excision down to sion is characteristic of adenoid cystic carcinoma, it is not
periosteum with 1 or 2  cm tumor-free lateral margins is unique to the tumor.
962 N. A. Agni M  anagement of Adenoid Cystic cinoma that constitutes less than 1% of salivary gland
Carcinoma neoplasms.
Complete excision like all other tumors is the treatment of
choice. Elective regional lymph node dissection is not Clinical Features
indicated, because distant metastasis is more common It occurs more commonly in females around 60–70 years of
than cervical (regional) node involvement. According to age. Parotid gland is the most frequently affected [65].
Maciejewski et  al., radical surgical excision with histo- Patients present with an asymptomatic or painful salivary
logically proven negative margins with postoperative gland swelling with a history of steady increase in size over
radiotherapy for all cases should be the treatment of an extended period of time and may also present with facial
choice. Lymph node dissection is recommended only in paralysis [66]. In patients with maxillary involvement, nasal
cases of histologically proven positive lymph nodes [60]. obstruction and facial deformity may be the presenting
A frozen section diagnosis to achieve tumor-free safe complaints. Differential diagnosis includes pleomorphic
margins is necessary to specifically look for safe perineu- adenoma, acinic cell adenocarcinoma, adenoid cystic carci-
ral margins because ACC is known to spread quickly noma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, sebaceous carcinoma,
along the nerve. and oncocytoma.
The slow biologic growth of adenoid cystic carcinoma
along with a late metastasis of the disease results in relatively Management
favorable 5-year survival rates. Factors that indicate a poor Surgery is considered the primary mode of treatment. Total
prognosis include failure to achieve clear margins at first sur- parotidectomy with facial nerve preservation is advocated
gery, a solid pattern histologically, recurrent disease, and dis- for tumors in the parotid gland unless the nerve is involved
tant metastasis [63]. by the tumor. Recurrences and distant metastasis are a known
In a study by Witten et  al., local recurrences have been complication.
seen in almost 32% of the cases [63]. The risk of distant
metastasis is also high, approximately 40%, and can occur in
less than 8 years after treatment. 46.7.18  Carcinosarcoma

Carcinosarcoma, also known as true malignant mixed tumor,

46.7.16  Clear Cell Carcinoma shows malignant cells in both the stromal and epithelial
components [67]. When these tumors metastasize, both com-
Clear cell neoplasms of salivary glands have been classified ponents metastasize together.
as both adenomas and carcinomas [64]. Clinical Features Clinical Features Carcinosarcomas are rare tumors with an average incidence
It occurs predominantly in the palatal minor salivary glands of 0.4% in major salivary glands and 1% in minor salivary
followed by parotid and submandibular glands without any glands. It occurs between 25 and 85 years of age (average
sexual or racial predilection. It occurs between the ages of 58.5 years) with the frequency of occurrence being more in
18 and 86 years, mean 56 years. Clinical manifestation is of parotid than submandibular gland and then minor glands in
a swelling similar to other tumors. It may be confused with palate and tongue [67].
mucoepidermoid and acinic cell carcinoma as well as meta- It presents as an enlarging mass with a rapid increase in
static renal cell carcinoma. A positive reaction to mucicar- size and may be associated with pain and facial nerve paraly-
mine would preclude the possibility of renal cell sis. Rarely, patients present with metastases or experience
carcinoma. difficulty in swallowing or breathing. A patient with a central
nervous system metastasis has been reported to present with Management headaches [67].
Due to their infiltrative growth and the incidence of recur-
rence and regional lymph node metastases, it is appropriate Management
to consider them low-grade adenocarcinomas. Hence surgi- The data available is insufficient to recommend one type of
cal treatment is the mainstay of management. therapy as definitive. However radical surgical excision,
together with radiation therapy and lymph node dissection
for palpable disease, seems to be the most prudent form of
46.7.17  Epithelial-Myoepithelial Carcinoma therapy. Radiotherapy as the only means of therapy has not
proved effective. Tumor metastasis is most frequent to the
The epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of intercalated duct lungs followed by hilar and cervical lymph nodes. Distant
origin is a rare biphasic type of low-grade salivary gland car- metastasis is also rarely found [67].
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 963

46.7.19  Undifferentiated Carcinomas Management

Surgical management is the mainstay of treatment.
This group includes three distinct entities: Parotidectomy with or without facial nerve preservation
depending on the case is needed for parotid tumors.
1. Lymphoepithelial carcinomas (malignant lymphoepithe- Submandibular sialadenectomy is needed for submandibular
lial lesion): It is more prevalent in females and occurs gland tumors. A neck dissection is done in clinically positive
between fourth and fifth decade of life. The parotid gland necks at the slightest suspicion. Locoregional failure is the
is most commonly involved followed by submandibular most significant problem, and hence a composite resection in
gland. Painful indurated mass and occasional facial paral- larger submandibular malignancies might be needed.
ysis are the presenting symptoms. It might be preceded by Postoperative radiotherapy when combined with surgery
benign lymphoepithelial lesion for many years. It is man- may improve the locoregional control [68].
aged by wide surgical excision with or without neck dis-
section and may be supplemented with radiotherapy.
2. Undifferentiated large cell carcinomas: It occurs predom- 46.8 S
 urgical Management of Parotid
inantly in older population with a male predilection. It Tumors (Video 46.3)
most commonly affects the parotid followed by subman-
dibular and minor salivary glands. Histologically it shows
predominantly poorly differentiated large cell compo- The following procedures are performed:
nents. It carries a poor prognosis and has a higher risk of
locoregional as well as distant metastasis and recurrences. • Local excision of the parotid gland
The worst prognostic factor is the size of the lesion. Less • Superficial parotidectomy
than 4 cm, mean survival time was 46 months, and more • Functional superficial parotidectomy
than 4 cm it was reduced to 7.7 months [51]. • Complete parotidectomy with facial nerve
3. Undifferentiated small cell carcinomas: It rarely affects the preservation
salivary glands and is primarily a pulmonary tumor. When • Radical parotidectomy with or without neck
it occurs, it shows a male preponderance and occurs dissection
between fifth and seventh decade, in the parotid mainly fol- • Parotidomandibulectomy
lowed by submandibular gland. It presents as a rapidly • Temporoparotidectomy
growing mass which may or may not be painful.
Management is primarily wide surgical excision with neck
dissection for clinically positive neck node involvement.
Chemoradiotherapy may be used as an adjunctive modality 46.8.1 Skin Incisions for Parotidectomy [69]
for treatment. It tends to metastasize via the hematogenous
route, and hence a distant metastasis needs to be ruled out. The ideal incision should combine good exposure with the
best ultimate cosmetic result. This part of the procedure is
common to all the resection procedures unless skin is being
46.7.20  Squamous Cell Carcinoma excised because it is involved by the tumor.
Gutierrez (1903)—The incision had a temporal extension,
The diagnosis of primary squamous cell carcinoma is limited a preauricular component, and a limb extending onto the
to the major glands because distinction between possible neck in one of the skin creases (Fig. 46.22). The chief draw-
minor salivary gland primary tumors and those originating back of this incisions was esthetics in case of development of
from mucosal surface epithelium is generally not possible. a keloid.
Redon and Vaillant and Laudenbach—The incision line is Clinical Features similar to that proposed by Adson (Fig. 46.23).
It occurs between 7 and 95 years of age, the mean age being Adson and Ott have described a “Y”-shaped incision with
60.5 years with a male predilection of 2:1. Parotid gland is the a preauricular part, a postauricular part, and a cervical inci-
most commonly involved followed by submandibular and sub- sion line that splits off from the site of union of the first two
lingual glands [68]. It presents as an asymptomatic mass with branches (Fig.  46.24). The advantage of this incision is
occasional pain and facial nerve palsy. This tumor often replaces improved esthetics because it lacks a temporal incision line,
the entire gland with fixation to underlying structures and skin. but the drawback is that it impairs dissection. Also, one sec-
Ductal squamous metaplasia, high-grade mucoepider- tion of the incision is located in the carotid region.
moid carcinoma, and lymphoepithelial carcinoma should be Samengo (1961)—The incision has a preauricular, a post-
considered in the differential diagnosis of squamous cell car- auricular, and a neck extension in the incision line
cinoma of the salivary gland. (Fig. 46.25).
964 N. A. Agni

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.22  Gutierrez incision Fig. 46.23  Redon and Valliant and Laudenbach incision

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.24  Adson and Ott incision Fig. 46.25  Samengo incision

Appiani (1967)—The incision within the lower portion Ferreria JL et  al. [69] modified Appiani’s incision by
of the scalp is hidden by the hair instead of the vertical inci- extending the temporal incision line but not beyond the hair-
sion line. The benefit of this incision is better esthetics. line. It provides a better access to the anterior portion of the
However, the temporal extension of this incision is short, parotid gland without compromising esthetics. Also, the
and this impairs access to the anterior portion of the gland angles are rounded off where the incision line changes direc-
(Fig. 46.26). tion reducing dehiscence and salivary fistula formation.
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 965

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.26  Appiani’s incision Fig. 46.27  Modified Blair incision in pediatric patient

Farrior et  al. recommended a single curved incision

1.5–2.0  cm below the mandible and extending over the
mastoid region 1.5 cm behind the postauricular crease in
children. The preauricular crease used in adults is avoided
because of the superficial location of the facial nerve and
possibility of facial nerve damage during flap elevation
[68] (Fig. 46.27).
The Blair incision is an S-shaped incision that starts from
the preauricular region and extends in the neck. The major
disadvantage of the Blair incision is a visible scar in the neck
that may cause facial or cervical disfigurement causing
patients dissatisfaction [70].
The standard incision is a modified Blair incision
(Fig. 46.28) wherein the skin incision is placed in a preau-
ricular crease and doesn’t extend beyond the level of the root
of the helix. It extends inferiorly around the ear lobule over
the mastoid tip. It gently curves down along the sternocleido-
mastoid muscle and then slightly forward in a natural crease
in the upper neck [71].
A facelift incision can be used to avoid the hollowing ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
after parotidectomy, and the defect can be filled with SMAS
advancement flap (Bananno and Casson [72], 1992). Fig. 46.28  Modified Blair incision in adults
However, the SMAS-lifting technique is not a routine proce-
dure for many surgeons [73]. important landmark in the identification of facial nerve main
Rai A et al. [74] advocated use of posterior belly of the trunk. The harvesting and dissection of PBDMF becomes
diagastric muscle flap (PBDMF) for reconstruction of the easier as it lies in the surgical site, and no extra incision is
surgical defect after superficial parotidectomy. PBDM inserts required to harvest it. It can be used in thin and young
very close to stylomastoid foramen, and it is considered as an patients with good esthetic results.
966 N. A. Agni

46.8.2 Identification of the Facial Nerve

This has been previously described in the section on applied

anatomy of the parotid gland.

46.8.3 Surgical Management

The selection of type of procedure for surgical management

of parotid tumors depends on the site, size and clinicohisto-
pathologic features. The various procedures are described
briefly as under: Local Excision of Parotid Gland

This technique is used for management of a small tumor in
the tail of the parotid gland less than 3.5 cm. Due to small
tumor size, most of the functional gland along with the duct
can be preserved. Parotidectomy with Preservation ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

of the Facial Nerve [75]
After marking the incision, infiltration is usually done with Fig. 46.29  Flap raised in the sub platysmal plane exposing the super-
Saline Plus 1  in 200,000 parts adrenaline instead of ligno- ficial surface of tumor
caine with adrenaline to avoid blocking the facial nerve
fibers. In case lignocaine is used, care should be taken to
avoid deep injections. Care should be taken to avoid extend-
ing the incision too far posterior beneath the ear lobe to avoid
persistent edema [75].
The incision in the neck crease is deepened to raise a flap
in the subplatysmal plane (Fig. 46.29). The greater auricular
nerve is identified and preserved. It branches over the surface
of the gland where two or more branches should be followed
and then divided.
Once the deep fascia has been identified, rest of the wound
is deepened to this level and skin reflected forward from it.
At the zygomatic bone, some subcutaneous fat should be left
on the fascia to avoid damaging the branches of facial nerve
which lie more superficially as they emerge from the upper
part of the parotid. The main trunk of the nerve is found by
first separating the lower pole of the gland from the anterior
border of the sternomastoid and then from the mastoid pro-
cess and the cartilaginous part of the external auditory
meatus (Fig. 46.30). The wound is deepened anterior to the
margin of the sternomastoid, and the lower pole is dissected
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
free as far forward as the external jugular, uncovering the
posterior belly of the digastric muscle. The vein should not Fig. 46.30  Representing facial nerve main trunk
be divided and tied at this stage because this will increase the
venous engorgement of the parotid and the ooze from its
divided tissues. the pointed, lower extremity of the tragal cartilage (pointer)
Neither should the lower pole be raised further forward will be uncovered. Where possible, the edge of the fascia
because the branches of the facial nerve often pass superfi- should be raised and the underlying tissue separated by blunt
cial to the vein and emerge from the gland anterior to it. The dissection until the nerve is seen as white cords some 2–3 mm
parotid is retracted forward as the dissection proceeds and thick.
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 967

The stylomastoid branch of the posterior auricular artery F  unctional Superficial Parotidectomy
passes superficial to the nerve to enter the stylomastoid fora- [76]
men. Damage to this vessel should be avoided as bleeding This is superficial parotidectomy where gland function is
may hamper vision, and also it supplies a nutrient branch to preserved by preservation of the Stenson’s duct. If the duct is
the nerve. The curved mosquito forceps are used for dissec- superficial to the buccal branch, its preservation is contrain-
tion by opening the blades a little at a time to stretch the tis- dicated as it will obstruct the surgical procedure. After rais-
sues and raise it, so as to lift the gland substance off the ing the skin flap and exposing the parotid gland, the duct is
surface of the nerve, and then expose it by cutting through identified passing on the masseter muscle. Stenson’s duct is
the gland with scissors. At all times when a cut is made, the located; dissection and ligation of the duct are avoided unless
adjacent nerve must be seen clearly. it is located superficial to the buccal branches of the facial
Almost immediately the nerve trunk starts to travel later- nerve. Rest of the procedure is similar to superficial
ally within the parotid, and just below the neck of the con- parotidectomy.
dyle, it splits into an upper temporofacial and a lower
cervicofacial division. Follow the lower division first, and Advantages
trace the cervical or the marginal mandibular branch anteri-
orly to a point in front of the parotid to mobilize the lower • It is a simpler surgery than conservative superficial
pole completely. Then by progressing upward, branch by parotidectomy.
branch further mobilization can be achieved (Fig.  46.31). • It preserves partial function of the parotid gland.
Some tissue should always be left on the tumor to ensure • It avoids the influence of subsequent gland atrophy on
complete removal. facial contour.
In general, the nerves pass superficial to the retromandibular It decreases postoperative complications.
vein, but some may pass deep to it. Careful mobilization of
both nerve and vein with division and ligation of the latter is Partial Superficial Parotidectomy
necessary. Tiny vessels should be sealed with bipolar dia- This is similar to local excision of parotid gland. Maximum
thermy avoiding damage to adjacent nerves. healthy tissue is left behind without compromising on the
clearance. The advantage of this procedure over superficial
parotidectomy is relatively low incidence of Frey’s syn-
drome. The reported incidence of this complication is 4.8%
[77]. In addition, better gland function is preserved due to
more parenchyma that is left back [78]. Intraoral Deep Lobe Tumor Excision [79]

It is a transoral approach used in removal of few benign
tumors of the deep lobe, which are easily visible displacing
the superior portion of the tonsil and soft palate medially. An
incision is made with cautery or knife over the most promi-
nent aspect of the swelling in the tonsil and palate area,
extending above and below the apparent location of the
tumor. The constrictor muscle is identified, and dissection is
continued through thinned constrictor muscle by dividing it
above and below the tumor. Pressure on the neck often assists
in removal of the tumor. Fascial connections from the tumor
into the adjacent bed are removed with blunt dissection, and
the tumor is delivered into the mouth. Any vascular connec-
tions to the tumor should be cauterized, and meticulous
hemostasis should be achieved. The superior and inferior
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
portions of the wound are closed with interrupted sutures.
The middle portion of the wound is left open to heal
Fig. 46.31  Parotidectomy with preservation of the facial nerve secondarily.
968 N. A. Agni

Complications pinna and overlying skin of the parotid where these struc-
tures are involved. The deficiency may be made good with a
• Tumor rupture deltopectoral or other suitable flap.
• Incomplete removal
• Uncontrolled hemorrhage
46.8.4  Parotidectomy in Continuity T  otal Parotidectomy with or Without with Neck Dissection
Facial Nerve Preservation
It is usually indicated in tumors affecting the deep lobe. A In the case of lymph node metastasis as stated in surgical
neoplasm of the deep part of the parotid enters the soft palate pathology, neck dissection can be done in continuity with
through the interval between the styloid process and the back parotidectomy by increasing the neck skin crease incision
of the mandible and is often of dumbbell shape with the isth- and clearing the lymphatic structures.
mus lying in this gap. After raising a skin flap, the facial
nerve is identified and dissected out leaving a layer of glan-
dular tissue on it. An access osteotomy either in the form of 46.8.5  Complications of Parotid Surgery
vertical subsigmoid or mandibular body distal to the mental
foramen is used to open up the interval between the mandible • Facial paresis or paralysis often results from poor tech-
and the styloid process through which the tumor has passed. nique and failure to preserve small nerve branches.
The stylohyoid muscle may be divided close to the styloid • Bleeding and hematoma formation, which can signifi-
process and turned forward. The external carotid artery will cantly compromise the airway.
be encountered emerging above the muscles and should be • Rarely, persistent salivary leakage or sialocele formation
divided. The origin of the facial artery should be identified to occurs.
check the identity of the vessel. • Frey’s syndrome.
As the parotid gland and the tumor are freed, it may be raised up • Skin flap necrosis.
between the two nerve bundles or below both bundles. Next
entry is made intraorally over the tumor, and under direct vision
tissues are divided to deliver the mass. Care is taken to avoid
damaging the internal jugular vein and internal carotid artery 46.9 Surgical Management
which lie deep to styloid process. Following removal of the of Submandibular and Sublingual
mass, the wound is irrigated, and the oral tissues closed with Gland Tumors
care using resorbable suture. The drapes are replaced over the
mouth, gloves changed, and the mandibular fragments fixed Small tumors confined to the gland are treated by sialadenec-
together and the wound closed in the normal way. tomy, and tumors spreading beyond the confines of the gland
are treated with a wider en bloc excision, which may include P  arotidectomy Using SMAS Plane resection of the floor of mouth and mandible depending on
for Dissection [73] extent of tumor. The neurotropic tumors might involve the
The advantages of this flap are that exposure of the gland is lingual, hypoglossal, mylohyoid, and marginal mandibular
sufficient and the dissection is easy to perform. There is no nerve leading to a perineurial spread which can be confirmed
donor-site morbidity, minimum additional operating time, on frozen section. Thickening and nodularity of the nerves
and no extra cost. It seems to decrease the incidence of Frey’s may indicate perineural involvement [81].
syndrome. The speed of the recovery of the facial nerve has
been highlighted in the literature. It is more satisfactory from
the patient’s point of view. 46.9.1 Incision Parotidomandibulectomy For submandibular sialadenectomy, a skin crease incision

and Temporoparotidectomy [80] below 3 cm from the lower border of mandible is taken to
Parotidomandibulectomy is indicated where there is invasion avoid damaging the marginal mandibular nerve which loops
of the mandible by a malignant neoplasm. below the lower border of the mandible (Fig. 46.32).
In temporoparatidectomy, small-scale resection of the exter- For simple excision of the sublingual gland, an incision is
nal auditory canal may be included with the excision of the made in the floor of the mouth lateral to the submandibular
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 969

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.33 Submandibular gland exposure with subplatysmal

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 46.32  Submandibular incision

duct taking care to limit it up to premolar region, as at the

molar region, there is a chance to damage the lingual nerve.
When sublingual gland excision is necessary for a tumor, it
should be removed with a wide margin including a rim resec-
tion of the mandible.

46.9.2 Extracapsular Excision

of the Submandibular Salivary Gland [82]

After making an incision in the neck crease, skin flap is

raised in the subplatysmal plane (Fig. 46.33). The capsule of
the gland should be left intact when the sialadenectomy is
being done for a tumor, which might compromise the ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
­marginal mandibular nerve. The facial artery and nerve are
identified as close to the gland as possible. After transection, Fig. 46.34  Facial artery preservation in submandibular
they are elevated superiorly to identify and reflect the mar- sialadenectomy
ginal mandibular nerve. Nowadays the facial artery is spared
during surgery to allow free flap anastomosis during onco- of fascia has to be cut with scissors to allow the gland in its
surgeries (Fig. 46.34). The investing fascia is then divided at fascial envelope to be drawn down without grasping the
the lower border of mandible, and the gland is delivered out gland with instruments. Where necessary the upper pole may
from between the anterior and posterior bellies of the digas- be mobilized via the mouth. An assistant can then depress the
tric muscle. Anteriorly the gland is separated from the mylo- gland toward the submandibular wound to enable the opera-
hyoid muscle, and lingual nerve, hypoglossal nerve, and tion to be concluded.
Wharton’s duct are identified. The lingual nerve shares the The duct and the branch of the lingual nerve supplying the
same facial sheath as the gland at the upper pole. This attach- submandibular gland are ligated and transected. The duct is
ment of the lingual nerve to the gland represents its parasym- divided close behind the papilla. During excision for inflam-
pathetic supply. The Wharton’s duct is inferior to lingual matory disease, the nerve is always separated from the gland
nerve and is often surrounded by sublingual glands. As fascia with knife or scissors. However, if the nerve appears to be
and gland are mobilized upward from the surface of the hyo- involved in a tumor, it is sectioned in front of and behind the
glossus, the hypoglossal nerve is identified more inferiorly. It gland and the cut ends sutured. The wound is closed in layers
is accompanied by ranine vein. Posteriorly the angular tract with drainage in the usual way.
970 N. A. Agni

46.10 M
 anagement of Minor Salivary Gland 46.10.2 E
 xcision of Palatal Mucoepidermoid
Tumors Carcinoma [83]

Surgical resection of minor salivary gland tumors depends Low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinomas may be treated by
on the site of origin and extent of disease. This may range the excision of a full-thickness disk of palate, including pala-
from a wide local excision of localized low-grade tumors to tal and alveolar bone. Nasal and oral mucous membranes are
more radical excision, including marginal or segmental man- sutured together around the defect in the soft palate. Primary
dibulectomy and/or partial or total resection of the hard or reconstruction is avoided and an obturator is used instead
soft palate, partial or total maxillectomy, infratemporal fossa (Fig. 46.35a, b).
dissection, and/or anterior craniofacial resection for larger
and/or high-grade tumors. The V2 and V3 divisions of the
trigeminal nerve are at potential risk for perineural spread of 46.10.3 E
 xcision of Palatal Adenoid Cystic
minor salivary gland malignancy and may facilitate an early Carcinoma [83]
skull base metastasis. Resection of the cranial base may be
required in some cases to eradicate the tumor and obtain Spread along the perineurial tissues makes an inadequate surgi-
negative surgical margins [81]. cal margin very likely after surgical management of ACC. A
combination of surgery and radiotherapy is best. Surgical exci-
sion should be generous. Hemimaxillectomy including the
46.10.1 E
 xcision of Palatal Pleomorphic orbital floor is a minimum, unless there is very good evidence
Adenomas [83] that less will be sufficient. Where the soft palate and pterygoid
region are involved, extended maxillectomy approach is essen-
Small pleomorphic adenomas on the palate can cause tial to ensure adequate excision under direct vision.
pressure resorption of the bone but do not cause true bony
invasion. They are managed by local excision along with
the periosteum. In the case of involvement of greater pala- 46.10.4 E
 xcision of Neoplasms of the Cheek
tine foramen area, the lesion is freed until it can be drawn and Lips
down, and the vessels clamped and cauterized under direct
vision. If not, the vessel retracts into the canal and causes A primary excision with a margin of normal adjacent tissue
irritating bleeding. The wound is left to granulate can be used, but if there is any doubt, it can be preceded by
secondarily. a biopsy. Re-operation following incomplete extirpation

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 46.35 (a) CT scan showing mucoepidermoid carcinoma of palate (red arrow). (b) Surgical excision of tumor using standard Weber-Ferguson
46  Salivary Gland Pathologies 971

could mean the unnecessary sacrifice of tissue to ensure an pinna including earlobe as well as adjacent preauricular and
adequate margin on the second occasion. Clinically aggres- postauricular skin.
sive neoplasms must be biopsied, since adequate treatment
may involve radiotherapy and full-thickness excision and
repair. 46.11 Recent Advances [84]
More aggressive tumors affecting the palatal salivary
glands are managed by partial maxillectomy or total maxil- Robotic sialadenectomy of the submandibular gland has
lectomy or extended maxillectomy based on the extent of been done via a modified face lift approach. Virgilio et  al.
disease. performed robotic sialadenectomy of the submandibular
gland in five patients (two patients each with sialolithiasis
and pleomorphic adenoma and one patient of ranula) with
46.10.5 Complications success. They used three robotic arms, two operative arms,
and a facedown 30° endoscopic arm. The operative left arm
• A hematoma may develop in the dead space after gland is equipped with Maryland forceps and right arm with har-
excision. It can be avoided by meticulous hemostasis and monic scalpel.
placement of suction drain to clear out any collection. In
case a hematoma develops, it can be aspirated or sucked
under aseptic precautions. However, it may not be com- 46.12 Conclusion
pletely effective. The patient can be just put on good anti-
biotic coverage, and it will resolve without getting Salivary gland pathologies may be neoplastic, non-­neoplastic,
infected. inflammatory, or non-inflammatory. Early surgical interven-
• Trismus occurs due to masseter muscle spasm or inflam- tion after a good clinical, radiological, and histopathological
mation in the TMJ.  It generally resolves spontaneously diagnosis is need of an hour to minimize the postoperative
and hence should be just managed symptomatically. complications. Early diagnosis and management with recent
• Salivary fistula occurs uncommonly due to discontinuity advanced technologies is the key factor in achieving excel-
between the residual salivary gland parenchyma and the lent prognosis of the disease.
salivary duct. In majority of cases, the problem is self-­
limiting. Management includes repeated aspiration, pres- Acknowledgment Author wishes to thank Dr. Anshul Rai for
sure dressings, wound care, an antisialogogue medication Figs. 46.3, 46.4, 46.9, 46.13, 46.17a, b, and 46.20.
Author wishes to thank Dr. Kedar Saraf, Professor, Dept. of OMDR,
(glycopyrrolate), and patience. SMBT Institute of Dental Sciences, Sangamner, Maharashtra, for
• Facial nerve dysfunction results from traction injury to Figs. 46.11a, b, and 46.12.
the facial nerve (neuropraxia) during dissection in parotid
surgery. Complete recovery within a few months can be
expected if nerve integrity has been maintained. In case
the nerve is transected, it should be followed by immedi- References
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Obstructive Salivary Gland Disease
and Sialendoscopy 47
Prithvi S. Bachalli and Aditya Moorthy

Some conditions, such as Sjögren’s syndrome and juve-

47.1 Introduction nile recurrent parotitis, tend to have an overlapping compo-
nent and thus are difficult to segregate.
Salivary gland diseases have been described in the literature
for centuries. From the time of Hippocrates to the descriptions
of parotid tumours in the sixteenth century and the anatomical Ductal obstructions can be commonly attributed to-
descriptions of the ductal systems of the major salivary glands
in the seventeenth century, we have assimilated knowledge of • Sialoliths,
anatomy and pathology of these glands [1]. • Strictures within the duct or at the punctum,
The conventional approach to infections of the salivary • Presence of mucous plugs, and
glands is medical management, occasional expression of the • Retrograde bacterial infection.
stone through the papilla, marsupialisation of the duct fol-
lowing removal of sialolith. Failing all, removal of the
involved gland [2].
Minimally invasive surgery especially those in which The majority of obstructive salivary gland disease can be
endoscopes are utilized has gradually become popular over attributed to the presence of stones or sialoliths. Almost
the last three decades. As a whole, the trend in surgery is to 60–70% of reported obstructive salivary disease comprises
improve function and hasten recovery. To achieve these ends, of sialolithiasis [4], which occurs in about 1.2% of the popu-
a combination of technology and smaller incisions has been lation. Amongst the major salivary glands, the submandibu-
crucial. Hence there is an increasing interest to manage sali- lar is most affected (87%) , then the parotid (10%), and the
vary gland diseases endoscopically [3]. sublingual (3%) to a much lesser extent [5].
Sialendoscopy is the endoscopic management of obstruc- Although sialolithiasis has been reported as the most
tive salivary ductal disease and has rapidly become the pro- common cause of salivary ductal obstructions, strictures,
cedure of choice for such conditions. mucous plugs and the rare foreign body can cause significant
obstruction to ductal flow.

47.2 Obstructive Salivary Diseases

47.3 Sialendoscopy
Salivary gland diseases can broadly be classified into ductal
and parenchymal disorders. Sialendoscopy is a minimally invasive technique which
makes use of miniature endoscopes to diagnose and treat
salivary gland pathologies, including sialolithiasis, sialade-
nitis and strictures.
Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this chap-
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_47) contains supple- It is fast becoming the investigating procedure of choice
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. for such conditions. Sialendoscopy has grown as a
­subspeciality in the last three decades, since the first attempts
to retrieve salivary stones endoscopically were carried out. It
P. S. Bachalli (*) · A. Moorthy
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rangadore is slowly gaining popularity and awareness in the last decade
Memorial Hospital, Apollo Hospitals, and a half.
Bangalore, Karnataka, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 975

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_47
976 P. S. Bachalli and A. Moorthy

47.4 Evolution of Sialendoscopy structure. In such an inflamed state, the risk of creating a false
passage or perforating the duct is significantly higher [4].
It took a few centuries, after the discovery of the ductal sys- Management in such situations is conservative, mainly
tems, for the first endoscopy to be reported. In 1990, with the use of appropriate antibiotics and analgesics, incision
Konigsberger et  al. reported the first successful salivary and drainage of a collection, and removal of cause, such as a
endoscopy using a 0.8-mm flexible endoscope. Katz removed sialolith, if easily visible or accessible, to allow acute symp-
a stone with a flexible scope using blind passage of a basket toms to settle before a formal sialendoscopy is carried out.
in 1991, and for over a decade, both Nahlieli et  al. and Trismus is a relative contraindication to performing sialen-
Marchal described various types of sialendoscopy instru- doscopy, as naturally, reduction in mouth opening makes it
ments and approaches [3]. both difficult to introduce and manoeuvre the scopes.
The last decade and a half has witnessed significant devel-
opment of minimally invasive techniques for diagnosing and
treating salivary ductal obstructions. Like with other surgical 47.6 Investigations
fields, this has led to a paradigm shift from open procedures
to minimally invasive and endoscopic techniques with the A simple ultrasound in the hands of an experienced sonolo-
emphasis on gland preservation and restoration of function. gist usually provides adequate information prior to sialen-
The miniaturization of endoscopes and advancing technol- doscopy. It is a non-invasive, economical investigation which
ogy have made exploration and visualization of salivary duc- can determine the presence and size of sialoliths, strictures,
tal system possible using sialendoscopes [4]. dilatation or fibrosis of the duct. Alternatively a CT scan can
be considered to achieve the same result.
MR sialograms are particularly useful in identifying stric-
47.5 Indications and Contraindications tures or areas of stenosis. However, like conventional sialogra-
phy the papilla needs to be dilated and cannulated to inject the
As mentioned previously, sialolithiasis is the most common dye. In the hands of an inexperienced operator, damage to
obstructive condition affecting the salivary duct and there- papilla might make performing sialendoscopy impossible.
fore is where sialendoscopic/sialendoscopy-assisted retrieval
of sialoliths is most indicated.
Ductal strictures which may be secondary to calculi or those 47.7 Armamentarium
at the papilla opening can be very effectively treated by serial
dilatation with sialendoscopes of increasing diameter [4]. The sialendoscope can be divided very simply into two sys-
Juvenile recurrent parotitis (JRP) is an inflammatory con- tems: the Marchal All-in-one (Fig.  47.1) and the Modular
dition affecting the parotid gland and is the second most system (Fig. 47.2).
common condition in children after mumps [6, 7]. The con- As the name suggests, the all-in-one has an irrigation
dition affects the paediatric population primarily especially port, a working channel through which various instruments
the ages between 3 and 6 years and occasionally persists in can be introduced, and fibre optics in the same unit. This
adolescence [8]. As the cause is unknown, management has scope serves as both diagnostic and as an interventional tool.
generally been conservative. Anatomical aberrations, such as The modular sialoendoscope consists only of a telescope,
kinks in the duct, dehydration and possible ascending bacte- attached fibre-optic cable and an eyepiece. Interchangeable
rial infection, have been hypothesised as causes. sheaths of various diameters are available which fit onto the
Dilatation and lavage as a consequence of performing basic telescope [6]. This scope with the appropriate sheaths
sialendoscopy has provided relief from symptoms and reduc- can be used for both diagnostic and interventional purposes.
tion in the frequency of attacks, even though the mechanism The sheaths used in the modular system make it rigid and
is not fully understood. This condition has a tendency of unfortunately also bulky; thus significant dilatation of the
spontaneous cessation at puberty. papilla is required to introduce the scope [6].
Although in Sjogren’s syndrome, where the parenchyma Unlike other endoscopes, sialendoscopes come with only
of the parotid gland is primarily affected, there is also an a zero-degree viewing angle. The all-in-one is semirigid,
associated ductal pathology, namely, strictures. Here too with a 5–15-degree angulation at the tip to facilitate manoeu-
dilatation via sialendoscopy can provide symptomatic vrability especially while exploring branches of the duct.
relief. Diagnostic scopes come with only an irrigation port,
Acute inflammation of salivary glands and ducts is a con- whereas a working channel is also provided in therapeutic
traindication to performing sialendoscopy. The duct is essen- scopes to introduce instruments such as wire baskets and
tially a condensation of surrounding epithelium and not a rigid graspers for entrapping stones, balloons for stricture dilation
47  Obstructive Salivary Gland Disease and Sialendoscopy 977

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Fig. 47.3  Armamentarium. (1) Conic dilators, (2) Lacrimal probes, (3)
Sialendoscopes, (4) Guide wire, (5) Sheaths for Modular sialendo-
Fig. 47.1  Marchal All-in-one sialendoscope scope, (6) hollow dilators, (7) vascular forceps, (8) papillotomy

47.8 Anaesthesia and Technique

Anaesthetic of choice depends on the clinical and radiologically

findings and the anticipated difficulty of the procedure. Local
anaesthetic, with or without sedation, is usually adequate for a
diagnostic procedure. In cases where sialolith retrieval is
planned, either endoscopically or with a combined approach,
general anaesthetic is usually preferable. Antisecretory agents
like atropine and glycopyrrolate are avoided [6].

47.8.1 Positioning
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Patient is placed supine with head fixed on a head rest and
Fig. 47.2  Modular sialendoscope with sheaths
turned towards the surgeon. Shoulder extension is prefera-
ble. The monitor is placed opposite the surgeon. The assis-
tant is next to the surgeon [6].
and a holmium laser fibre or a micro drill to fragment sialo-
liths [6].
Diameter of available scopes range from 0.9 to 1.6 mm, 47.8.2 Identification, Cannulation
the smallest purely diagnostic and others having various and Dilatation of Punctum
sizes of the working channel to allow certain instruments
only. This is a disadvantage of the all-in-one system in that The Wharton’s duct punctum is comparatively more difficult
the entire scope has to be changed if a larger instrument is to locate given the position is quite variable. There may even
required, whereas in the modular only the sheath can be be a ‘hood’ of tissue obscuring the opening. In such situa-
changed [6]. tions, local anaesthetic can be infiltrated around the area
Preliminary instruments, those that are used to dilate which stiffens the opening, thereby aiding in  location.
the papilla to facilitate the introduction of the scope, are Occasionally an incision might need to be placed on the floor
also available. These include two types of dilators, papil- of the mouth accompanied by minimal dissection to locate
lotomy scissors, guide wires and hollow dilators [6] the duct. The Stensen’s duct opening is far easier to identify.
(Fig. 47.3). It is located on the buccal mucosa opposite upper second
molar. Once the punctum is identified, the opening is serially
dilated with conical dilator and probes of various sizes [6].
978 P. S. Bachalli and A. Moorthy

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 47.4  Normal duct with vascular markings
Fig. 47.5 Sialolith
47.8.3 Sialendoscopic Evaluation

Once the punctum is adequately dilated, the appropriate

sialendoscope is introduced into the duct. The duct is
normally a collapsed structure, and irrigation fluid is
required to keep the lumen open to visualise the duct and
to advance the scope (Fig.  47.4). Normal saline is the
preferred choice of irrigant solution and is diluted with
local anaesthetic if the patient is awake for the
The irrigant also serves an additional purpose as this also
performs lavage of the duct, thereby washing out debris and
mucous plugs which might be accumulated [6].
The endoscope is slowly and gently passed from the
punctum till branches are identified and explored if pos-
sible. This point of division of the duct is known as the
hilum and is considered the end point of sialendoscopy.
Alternatively, the presence of pathology such as a sialolith
or stricture may prevent complete exploration of the duct
(Figs. 47.5 and 47.6). It is important to note that once the ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
pathology has been treated, the entire duct must be
explored so as to ensure there are no further causes of Fig. 47.6 Stricture
obstruction, including the withdrawal of the scope under
vision [6]. 47.9 D
 iagnostic vs. Interventional
As the scope is guided through the primary and secondary Sialendoscopy
ducts, the colour and texture of the mucosa are noted which
are an indicator of the presence of inflammation. In relation Indications for a diagnostic procedure include clinical symp-
to sialoliths, the size, shape and position need to be assessed toms, yet an unremarkable ultrasound and stricture at the
as these will determine the method of retrieval [6]. papilla opening, to assess size and position of sialoliths.
Between the submandibular and the parotid duct, the Diagnostic sialendoscopy is a low morbidity, minimally
Stensen’s duct is comparatively more difficult to navigate invasive technique, which becomes the investigational pro-
due to the presence of the masseteric bend. cedure of choice for salivary duct pathologies in all age
47  Obstructive Salivary Gland Disease and Sialendoscopy 979

groups. Sialendoscopy has the advantage of offering a real-­ entrapped and retrieved by use of a wire basket or dragged to
time ductal view. Diagnostic endoscopy is occasionally ther- the punctual opening where a small incision is placed to
apeutic, in minor obstructions caused by mucous plugs facilitate removal.
which can be relieved by lavage. Larger stones require a combined approach, whereby the
Interventional sialendoscopy makes use of a wide array of position of the sialolith is identified and marked endoscopi-
armamentarium including wire baskets (Fig. 47.7), balloon cally and retrieved with an open surgical approach. The open
catheters and holmium laser to assist in sialolith retrieval approaches for submandibular sialoliths may be as small as a
(Fig. 47.8). papillotomy or an extensive dissection of the floor of the
Sialoliths with sizes ranging between 3 and 4  mm are mouth. The lingual nerve and iatrogenic ranula formation are
amenable for endoscopic retrieval. Here they may be important considerations when operating in this region.
Large parotid stones require a SMAS flap, for the identifica-
tion and protection of facial nerve branches and the duct, as
well as reconstruction post-retrieval. Sialocele formation is
an important consideration.
Hollow bougies of increasing diameter can threaded over
a guide wire to widen strictures at the papillae. Balloons are
another means of treating ductal strictures and once intro-
duced through the working channel of the sialendoscope are
inflated to dilate narrowed areas of the duct wall.
Stents are placed to maintain the patency of the duct and
also to allow an incised duct to heal over with the aim of
preventing stenosis. These stents are generally kept in place
for up to 3 weeks. The authors have devised a salivary stent
(Moorthy-Bachalli stent), made of polyurethane. These
stents are available in sizes ranging from 3.5 French (diam-
eter, 1 Fr = 0.3 mm) to 8 French and lengths from 5 to 7 cm
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
with markings every centimetre. The stents also have a flange
Fig. 47.7  Sialolith entrapped within wire basket with prefabricated suture holes to facilitate suturing to the
surrounding mucosa. An Ethilon 4-0 suture is preferred by
the authors.

47.10 Complications

Like any other surgical procedure, open or endoscopic,

sialendoscopy has its fair share of complications
(Table 47.1).

Table 47.1  Complications of sialendoscopy

Complications Management
Inability to locate Abort procedure/open approach to
papilla submandibular/parotid duct
False passage If possible to locate duct-proceed, and abort
procedure otherwise
Duct perforation If possible to navigate beyond-proceed
In case of floor of mouth or cheek oedema,
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India then abort
Duct avulsion Gland excision
Fig. 47.8  Laser lithotripsy
980 P. S. Bachalli and A. Moorthy

47.11 Summary 2. Al-Abri R, Marchal F. New era of endoscopic approach for sialoli-
thiasis: sialendoscopy. SQU Med J. 2010;10(3):382–7. Epub 14th
Nov 10.
When compared to other medical specialities, particularly 3. Erkul E, Gillespie MB.  Sialendoscopy for non-stone disorders.
otorhinolaryngologists, maxillofacial surgery is still in a Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol. 2016;1:140–5.
primitive stage as far as the use of endovision is concerned. 4. Singh PP, Gupta N, Goyal A, Tomar S.  Interventional sialendos-
copy for parotid ductal calculi: our preliminary experience. Indian J
Hopefully an interest in areas like endoscopic management Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012;64(3):252–6.
of salivary gland and temporomandibular joint diseases will 5. Kopeć T, Szyfte W, Wierzbicka M. Sialoendoscopy and combined
narrow this gap. approach for the management of salivary gland stones. Eur Arch
Sialendoscopy is still in its infancy, in many parts of the Otorhinolaryngol. 2013;270:219–23.
6. Singh PP, Gupta V.  Sialendoscopy: introduction, indications and
world. Despite the challenges, growing awareness and the technique. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014;66(1):74–8.
added attraction of minimally invasive surgery is steadily 7. Harold D.  Baurmash: chronic recurrent parotitis: a closer look at
making it a popular choice for managing salivary ductal its origin, diagnosis, and management. J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
disease. 2004;62:1010–8.
8. Canzi P, Occhini A, Pagella F, Marchal F, Benazzo M. Sialendoscopy
in juvenile recurrent parotitis: a review of the literature. Acta
Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2013;33:367–73.
1. Marchal F.  Sialendoscopy: the endoscopic approach to salivary
gland ductal pathologies. Endo Press: Tuttlingen; 2012. pp 8.

Open Access  This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropri-
ate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made.
The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in
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Part XVI
Maxillofacial Traumatology
Primary Assessment and Care
in Maxillofacial Trauma 48
Saurabh Saigal and Manal M. Khan

48.1 Introduction [1, 2] 48.2 Triage [4]

Maxillofacial injuries are common in polytrauma patients, and Sorting of patients based on their need for treatment and the
spectrum can be minor to life-threatening injuries. Primary available resources to provide the treatment is triage. This
assessment and management can be very important. They can sorting may be carried out by the paramedic team at the acci-
involve facial soft tissues, facial bones, or both. Maxillofacial dent scene or receiving hospital who decides what level of
injuries can be due to various causes including road traffic care is required. It may be based on which patients need
accidents, assaults, and fall from height, industrial injuries, immediate, lifesaving interventions, which can wait and
animal bites, sports injuries, burns, and war injuries. Life- which are, in fact, beyond saving. Depending on the urgency
threatening maxillofacial injuries can complicate the initial of treatment required, maxillofacial injuries can be broadly
management of a trauma patient due to presence of concomi- placed into one of four groups (Table 48.1).
tant injuries to airway, head, or cervical spine. Appropriate triage and prompt evaluation, using the Advanced
The mechanism for this injury is exemplified by an Trauma Life Support (ATLS) system, benefit patients [5].
unbelted automobile passenger who is thrown into the wind-
shield and dashboard. Trauma to midface can produce frac-
tures and dislocations that compromise the nasopharynx and Box 48.1 Step-by-Step Management of a Trauma Patient
oropharynx. Facial fractures can be associated with hemor- in Emergency Unit
rhage, increased secretion, and dislodged teeth. Fractures of Patient arrival at hospital
mandible, especially bilateral body fractures, can cause loss
of normal airway and structural support. Airway obstruction
can result if the patient is in supine position.
The term “golden hour” has to be kept in mind while han- Primary Survey (ABCDE) and Resuscitation
dling the trauma patient which indicates that the injured
patient has 1 h (60 min) from the time of injury to receive Pulse oximetry, ECG, BP,
definitive care. After that there will be significant increase in
the morbidity and mortality of the patient. “Chances of sur- Blood results, CXR, Pelvic X-ray

vival of the critically injured patient will largerly determine

Reassessment of ABCDE
after the first hour” [3].

Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap-

ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_48) contains supple-
Secondary Survey (Head to Toe Exam)
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.

S. Saigal (*)
Department of Anaesthesiology, AIIMS Bhopal,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India Definitive Care
e-mail: saurabh.criticalcare@aiimsbhopal.edu.in
M. M. Khan
Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery, AIIMS Bhopal,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 983

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_48
984 S. Saigal and M. M. Khan

Table 48.1  Triage color coding 48.3.1 Airway with Cervical Spine Control
Group Color coding Description
Group 1 Red Intervention required within few minutes. Airway assessment is first and foremost priority of primary
Immediate lifesaving management needed survey. Patients with maxillofacial and head injuries are at
(airway compromise, severe uncontrolled
blood loss) high risk of compromised airway.
Group 2 Yellow Intervention required within few hours.
Patient stable but urgent management
needed (cranial fractures with open dura,
contaminated wounds, and open fractures)
Group 3 Green Intervention required within few days. Causes of upper airway obstruction
Can wait a day or two (clean laceration
and some fractures) 1 . Foreign body aspiration
Group 4 Black Intervention required within few weeks. 2. Tongue fall position
Can wait for more days (most fractures)
Tracheal, laryngeal, facial, and mandibular
4. Regurgitation of stomach contents
48.2.1 Glasgow Coma Scale (Please Refer
Table 7.5 in Chap. 7 of this book) Maxillofacial injuries can cause airway obstruction
because of:
There are three variables used with the scale:
–– Bilateral anterior mandible fracture allows the
Best motor response (level of central nervous system function) tongue to fall posteriorly
Best verbal response (ability of CNS to integrate information) –– Downward and backward displacement of maxilla
Eye opening (brainstem activity) into nasopharynx, after midface fracture
–– Blood clots and secretions
–– Foreign bodies in the form of avulsed teeth or
48.3 Primary Survey and Resuscitation [6] dentures

The primary survey is a rapid, reproducible physical exami-

nation to evaluate every trauma patient and is designed to The chin lift or jaw-thrust maneuver is recommended
diagnose and treat immediately life-threatening conditions to achieve patency of airway. The patient’s head and
first. All patients are evaluated for physiologic or anatomic neck should not be hyperextended, hyperflexed, or
derangements that could lead to early mortality and morbid- rotated to establish and maintain the airway. There may
ity. Treatment of problems identified during the primary sur- be associated cervical spine injury; all the cases are
vey begins without delay, before the survey is completed. treated as they are having cervical spine injury unless
diagnosed otherwise. Hence, cervical spine stabilization
should be done.
The sequence of primary survey is ABCDE:

1. Airway with cervical spine control

2. Breathing with ventilation 48.3.2 Airway and Ventilatory Problems
3. Circulation and hemorrhagic control in Maxillofacial Trauma (Please Refer
4. Disability management (neurological) Chap. 7 of this book)
5. Exposure with environment control
Early preventable deaths from airway problem after maxil-
lofacial trauma often result from:
Patient monitoring (pulse oximetry, electrocardiogram
• Failure to identify the need for an airway intervention
(ECG), blood pressure (BP), blood results, chest and pelvic
• Inability to establish an airway
radiographs) should run in parallel with the primary survey.
• Lack of backup or alternative airway plan in the setting of
Team approach is crucial for primary survey.
failed intubation attempts
48  Primary Assessment and Care in Maxillofacial Trauma 985

• Failure to recognize an incorrectly placed airway High-flow oxygen is required both before and immedi-
• Displacement of a previously established airway ately after airway management measures are instituted. A
• Failure to identify the need for ventilation rigid suction device is essential and should be readily avail-
• Aspiration of gastric contents during dealing with airway able. Nasal route for endotracheal route should not be chosen
in patients with facial injury and midface injury. Patients
who are wearing helmet and require airway management
48.3.3 Airway and Ventilation Are the First need their head and neck held in a neutral position. For this
Priorities two-person procedure, one person provides manual inline
stabilization from below, while the second person expands
Airway compromise may be sudden and complete, insidious the helmet laterally and removes it from above. Then inline
and partial, and/or progressive and recurrent. The early sign stabilization is re-established from above. And patient’s head
of airway or ventilator compromise is tachypnea or inability and neck are secured during airway management. Removal
to speak words or sentences. “Talking patient” provides reas- of the helmet using a cast cutter while stabilizing the head
surance for that period of time that the airway is patent and and neck can minimize cervical spine (C spine) motion in
not compromised. Failure to respond or an inappropriate patients with known C spine injury [9].
response suggests an altered level of consciousness, airway Tracheostomy - Video 48.1.
and ventilator compromise, or both. Patient with the altered
level of consciousness is at particular risk for airway com-
 ox 48.2 Need for Airway Protection
promise and aspiration, so he requires definite airway.
1. Severe maxillofacial fractures
2. Risk for obstruction
• Neck hematoma
48.3.4 Objective Signs of Airway Obstruction
• Laryngeal or trachea
• Stridor
1. Observe the patient for agitation and obtundation, suggest
3. Risk for aspiration
hypercarbia, and cyanosis indicates hypoxemia due to
(i) Bleeding
inadequate oxygenation which can be identified by
(ii) Vomiting
inspection of nail beds and circum-oral skin. However,
4. Unconscious
cyanosis is a late finding of hypoxia. Pulse oximetry is
used early in the airway assessment, to detect inadequate
oxygenation prior to development of cyanosis. Look for
retractions and use of accessory muscles of ventilation
that, when present, provide additional evidence of airway  ox 48.3 Need for Ventilation or Oxygenation
compromise. 1. Inadequate respiratory efforts
2. Listen for abnormal, noisy sound breathing which is usu- • Tachypnea
ally snoring, gurgling, and crowing sound (stridor) and • Hypoxia
can be associated with partial obstruction of the pharynx • Hypercapnia
or larynx. Hoarseness (dysphonia) implies functional, • Cyanosis
laryngeal obstruction. 2.
Massive blood loss and need for volume
3. Feel for location of trachea, and quickly determine
whether it is in the midline position. 3. Severe closed injury with need for brief hyperventi-
4. Evaluate patient behavior. Abusive and belligerent patient lation if acute neurologic deterioration occurs
may in fact have hypoxia and should not be presumed to 4. Apnea
be intoxicated (suggestive of hypoxia, then only presume • Neuromuscular paralysis
intoxication). • Unconscious

48.3.5 Airway Management [7, 8]

48.3.6 Breathing with Ventilation
To assess airway patency and adequate ventilation quickly and
accurately, pulse oximetry and end-tidal CO2 measurement are Next, the patient’s breathing, ventilation, and oxygenation
essential. There are some measures to improve the oxygen- should be assessed, and any life-threatening derangements
ation including airway maintenance techniques, definitive air- must be treated. Physical examination, pulse oximetry, and
way measures, or surgical airways. Because abovementioned continuous end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring should be
measures include some movement of the neck, it is important used. For proper ventilation the lungs, chest wall, and dia-
to maintain cervical spine protection in all patients of trauma. phragm must all function adequately.
986 S. Saigal and M. M. Khan

The most common interventions performed during the injury. Beware of rapid respiratory rate—tachypnea can
primary survey to support breathing are supplemental oxy- indicate respiratory distress.
gen delivery, assisted or mechanical ventilation, and tube 3. Use a pulse oximeter: This device provides information
thoracotomy or chest tube insertion. regarding patient’s oxygen saturation and peripheral

48.3.7 Ventilation
48.3.9 Circulation and Hemorrhage Control
Sometimes it will happen that airway of the patient will
be patent but ventilation will be inadequate, so look for Circulation must be assessed to determine the presence or
the objective signs of inadequate ventilation. Ventilation absence of shock after addressing the highest priorities in the
may be compromised by airway obstruction, altered primary survey (airway and breathing). Shock is defined as
ventilatory mechanics, and central nervous system
­ inadequate organ perfusion and tissue oxygenation. In the
depression. trauma patient, shock is assumed to be hypovolemic/hemor-
rhagic, and resuscitation begins as soon as vascular access
can be obtained. The possibility of neurogenic shock (e.g.,
Following are the conditions where the ventilation spinal cord injury) or cardiogenic shock (e.g., pericardial
may be compromised: tamponade) should also be considered. The focus of this seg-
ment of the primary survey should be assessing for the pres-
1. Direct trauma to the chest, like rib fractures, lead- ence of shock, determining the cause (usually blood loss),
ing to severe pain during breathing and leads to and beginning resuscitation.
shallow breathing and hypoxemia. Signs of poor perfusion include a weak pulse, cool or
2. Elderly patients and other individual with pulmo- clammy extremities, dry mucous membranes, pale skin,
nary dysfunction are at significant risk for ventila- and confusion. A normal mental status examination con-
tor failure. firms the presence of acceptable cerebral perfusion. The
3. Intracranial injury can cause abnormal breathing goal of resuscitation is to maintain tissue perfusion and
patterns and compromised adequacy of ventilation. homeostasis.
4. Cervical spinal cord injury can result in diaphrag-
matic breathing and interfere with the ability to
meet increased oxygen demands. 48.3.10 Bleeding
5. Complete cervical cord transection, which spares
the phrenic and results in abdominal breathing External or internal bleeding source should be identified.
paralysis of the intercostal muscles, and assisted External hemorrhage is identified and controlled during the
ventilation may be required. primary survey. Rapid external blood loss is managed:

–– By direct manual pressure on the wound

–– Tourniquets which are effective in massive exsanguina-
48.3.8 Objective Signs of Inadequate tions from an extremity
Internal hemorrhage areas are chest, abdomen, retroperi-
toneum, pelvis, and long bones. Chest X-ray, pelvic X-ray, or
1. Symmetrical rise and fall of the chest and adequate chest focused assessment sonography in trauma (FAST) can be
wall excursion indicate the adequate ventilation, but done to identify the source of bleeding.
asymmetrical rise and fall suggests splitting of rib cage or
flail chest. Labored breathing may indicate an imminent
threat to the patient’s ventilation. 48.3.11 Disability Management
2. Listen for movement of air on both sides of the chest.
Decreased or absent sounds over one or both hemithora- The primary focus is on rapidly determining a patient’s
ces should alert examiner to the presence of thoracic mental status and neurologic function via physical exami-
48  Primary Assessment and Care in Maxillofacial Trauma 987

nation. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a rapid and 48.3.14 Electrocardiographic (ECG)
reliable way to quantify a patient’s level of consciousness Monitoring
(Table 7.5). The GCS score allows for quick communica-
tion among clinicians about a patient’s current mental sta- ECG monitoring of trauma patient is important.
tus and can be important for decision-­ making. The
neurologic assessment also includes an examination of
Box 48.4
the cranial nerves, pupils, and sensory and motor
Injury indication ECG changes
function. Blunt cardiac injury Dysrhythmias including unexplained
tachycardia, atrial fibrillation,
premature ventricular contractions,
48.3.12 Exposure with Environment Control and ST segment changes
Cardiac tamponade Pulseless electrical activity (PEA)
Tension pneumothorax
Exposure and environment are the final components of the Profound hypovolemia
primary survey. While lowering priority, they are still vital to
the successful management of the trauma patient. The
patients should be completely exposed so that injuries can be
fully assessed. Decontamination may also be needed, 48.3.15 Fluid Resuscitation
depending on the nature of the trauma. Protection from
hypothermia and continuous temperature monitoring are Warm resuscitation fluids should be given. IV fluid therapy
essential. with crystalloids should be initiated. A bolus of 1–2 L of an
isotonic solution may be required to achieve an appropriate
response in adult patient.
48.3.13 Monitoring of Adequacy
of Oxygenation
48.3.16 Urinary and Gastric Catheters
Oxygenated inspired air is best provided via tight-fitting
oxygen reservoir face mask with a flow rate of at least 11 L/ Urine output monitoring is important to manage the fluid
min. Other methods (e.g., nasal catheter and non-breather therapy. Urine output reflects renal perfusion, and it is
mask) can improve the inspired oxygen concentration. accomplished by insertion of indwelling bladder catheter.
Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive method of continuously Contraindications to the placement of Foley catheter and
measuring the oxygen saturation (O2 sat) of arterial blood. urethral injury should be suspected in the presence of:
It does not measure the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2),
and depending upon the position of oxy-hemoglobin dis- 1 . Blood at the urethral meatus
sociation curve, the PaO2 can vary widely. However a mea- 2. Hemorrhage into the scrotum
sured saturation of 95% or greater by pulse oximetry 3. High-riding prostate
strongly suggests adequate peripheral artery oxygenation
(PaO2 > 70 mmHg). A gastric tube is indicated to:
Pulse oximetry requires intact peripheral perfusion and
can’t distinguish oxy-hemoglobin from carboxy-hemo- 1 . Reduce stomach distension
globin or methemoglobin, which limits its usefulness in 2. Decrease risk of aspiration
patients with severe vasoconstriction and those with car- 3. Assess for upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage from trauma
bon monoxide poisoning. Profound anemia (Hb > 5 g/dL)
and hypothermia (<30 °C) decrease the reliability of the
technique. However, in most patient pulse oximetry is 48.4 Secondary Survey [10–12]
useful as the continuous monitoring of oxygen saturation
provides an immediate assessment of therapeutic Once the primary survey is completed, secondary survey is
intervention. started. If additional personnel is available, then part of
secondary survey can be conducted along with primary sur-
988 S. Saigal and M. M. Khan

vey; however, it should be made sure that it does not inter- 48.4.4 Head
fere with primary survey, as primary survey is the first
priority. Secondary survey starts with examination of head which
Secondary survey is a complete head to toe examina- involves identification of injuries. The complete scalp
tion of the trauma patient which includes complete his- should be examined for lacerations, contusions, and evi-
tory taking and physical examination. During secondary dence of fractures. Other than these injuries, visual acuity,
survey, a complete neurologic examination is conducted. pupillary size, hemorrhage of conjunctiva and/or fundi,
Patient’s GCS score is identified, radiographs are and ocular entrapment must be examined. These aspects
obtained, and laboratory studies are conducted as must be re-­evaluated once the periocular edema subsides.
indicated. Visual acuity examination must be done by asking the
patient to read printed material such as handheld Snellen
chart. To exclude ocular entrapment, ocular movement must
48.4.1 History Taking be checked.

A complete medical assessment includes history taking Classification of Brain Injury
and understanding the mechanism of the injury. Often,
patient is not in a condition to provide this history. In
Box 48.5
such cases, it should be obtained from the family mem-
Severity GCS score
bers. The history taking involves identification of vari- Minor 13–15
ous allergies, present medications, past history of any Moderate 9–12
illness, pregnancy, last meal taken, and the event of Severe 3–8
trauma. The mechanism of injury must be understood
whether it’s inflicted by a penetrating or blunt trauma or
if the injury is thermal injury or due to hazardous
environment. Intracranial lesions may be classified as diffuse or focal.
The focal lesions include epidural hematomas, subdural
hematomas, contusions, and intracerebral hematomas.
48.4.2 Physical Examination Signs of skull base fracture:

During physical examination in secondary survey, a sequence 1 . Hematoma or ecchymosis over the mastoid (Battle’s sign)
has to be followed, which is examination of head, maxillofa- 2. CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea
cial structures, cervical spine and neck, chest, abdomen, 3. Hemotympanum
perineum/rectum/vagina, musculoskeletal system, and neu- 4. Subscleral hemorrhage
rologic system.
Computed tomography (CT) scan of the head should be
carried out to accurately assess the neurologic injuries and
48.4.3 Four-Person Logroll detect mass lesions. CT scan helps in diagnosing:

To examine the patient’s back and remove the spine board, at –– Intracranial hemorrhage
least four persons are required for logrolling: –– Contusion
–– Skull fractures
(a) Person one stands at the patient’s head to control the –– Foreign bodies
head and C spine and two persons along the patient’s –– Brain shift
sides to control the body and extremities. –– Hydrocephalus
(b) Three persons maintain the alignment of spine, as the
patient is rolled. In a comatose patient, motor responses may be elicited by
(c) Fourth person examines the back and removes the board. pinching the trapezius muscle or with nail bed or supraor-
(d) Once the board is removed, patient is returned into the bital pressure. Testing for doll’s eye movements (oculoce-
supine position while maintaining the alignment of phalic) the caloric test with ice water (oculovestibular) and
spine. testing of corneal responses are deferred to a neurosurgeon.
48  Primary Assessment and Care in Maxillofacial Trauma 989

48.4.5 Maxillofacial Structures 48.4.7 Chest

Maxillofacial examination includes examination of soft tis- Chest examination includes inspection, palpation, percus-
sue, palpation of all the bony structures, checking of occlu- sion, and auscultation. Inspection of anterior and posterior
sion, and intraoral examination. Trauma to the maxillofacial chest can identify conditions like open pneumothorax and
region not associated with airway obstruction should be large flail segments. Contusions and hematoma over chest
treated once the patient is stabilized after the management of suggest occult injury. Palpation of entire rib cage, clavicle,
life-threatening injuries. and sternum helps in diagnosing fractures. Significant injury
may present with pain, dyspnea, and hypoxia.
Auscultation of high anterior chest helps in diagnosis of
48.4.6 Cervical Spine and Neck pneumothorax, whereas posterior base auscultation reveals
hemothorax. Cardiac tamponade can be identified by the
Patients with maxillofacial trauma must be presumed to have presence of distant heart sounds and decreased pulse pres-
an unstable cervical spine injury unless it is proven other- sure. Presence of distended neck veins suggests cardiac tam-
wise. The absence of any neurologic deficit does not exclude ponade and tension pneumothorax. A chest radiograph may
the presence of any C spine injury. A complete cervical spine confirm the presence of hemothorax or simple
radiographs and CT scan should be done to evaluate C spine pneumothorax.
injury. The patient wearing any kind of helmet must be
removed with extreme care. Classification of Chest Trauma
Immediate life-threatening chest injuries are to be identified
and treated during primary survey.
C spine injuries can result from one or a combination
of the following mechanism of injury:
These six life-threatening chest injuries include:
–– Flexion 1. Open pneumothorax
–– Axial loading 2. Tension pneumothorax
–– Extension 3. Open pneumothorax
–– Rotation 4. Flail chest and pulmonary contusion
–– Lateral bending 5. Massive hemothorax
–– Distraction 6. Cardiac tamponade

A complete examination of neck includes inspection, pal-

pation, and auscultation. Inspection should be done to note Managing Chest Trauma [15]
The basic principles of management remain the same with
any blunt injury over the neck. Carotid arteries should be
the universal sequence of airway, breathing, and circulation
palpated and auscultated for bruits. Penetrating injuries of
to be treated in that sequence.
neck are potentially fatal. If the wound is deep, they should
not be explored in emergency department [13].
A cervical collar can be applied to the patients suspecting Airway
It is necessary to recognize and address major injuries affect-
the cervical spinal injury. Its role is to immobilize the C
ing the airway during the primary survey. Airway patency
spine. Cervical collars are divided into two groups: soft and
and air exchange should be assessed by listening for air
rigid collars. Soft collars are generally used for whiplash
movement at the patient’s nose, mouth, and lung fields;
injury; some surgeons prefer rigid collars. Rigid collars pro-
inspecting the oropharynx for foreign body obstruction; and
vide excellent immobilization in transverse and sagittal
observing for intercostal and supraclavicular muscle retrac-
planes compared with soft collars. However patient’s com-
tions. Laryngeal injury can accompany major thoracic
fort is to be taken into consideration in selecting the collars.
trauma. Although the clinical presentation is occasionally
The Philadelphia collar is available in two pieces having
delayed, acute airway obstruction from laryngeal trauma is a
front and back pieces; it is held together by Velcro straps to
life-threatening injury. Injury to the upper chest can create a
support the neck [14].
990 S. Saigal and M. M. Khan

palpable defect in the region of the sternoclavicular joint,

with posterior dislocation of the clavicular head, which
causes upper airway obstruction. Identification of this injury
is made by listening for upper airway obstruction (stridor) or
a marked change in the expected voice quality, if the patient
is able to talk. Management consists of a closed reduction of
the injury, which can be performed by extending the shoul-
ders or grasping the clavicle with a pointed instrument, such
as a towel clamp, and manually reducing the fracture. Once
reduced, this injury is usually stable if the patient remains in
the supine position. Breathing
The patient’s chest and neck should be completely exposed to
allow for assessment of breathing and the neck veins. This
may require temporarily releasing the front of the cervical col-
lar following blunt trauma. In this case, cervical spine immo-
bilization should always be actively maintained by holding the
patient’s head while the collar is loose. Respiratory movement ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
and quality of respirations are assessed by observing, palpat-
ing, and listening. Important, yet often subtle, signs of chest Fig. 48.1  Tension pneumothorax
injury or hypoxia include an increased respiratory rate and
change in the breathing pattern, which is often manifested by guided attempt at subclavian or internal jugular venous cath-
progressively shallower respirations. Cyanosis is a late sign of eter insertion. Occasionally, traumatic defects in the chest
hypoxia in trauma patients. However, the absence of cyanosis wall also can cause a tension pneumothorax if incorrectly
does not necessarily indicate adequate tissue oxygenation or covered with occlusive dressings or if the defect itself
an adequate airway. The major thoracic injuries that affect ­constitutes a flap-valve mechanism. Tension pneumothorax
breathing and that must be recognized and addressed during rarely occurs from markedly displaced thoracic spine frac-
the primary survey include tension pneumothorax, open pneu- tures. Tension pneumothorax is a clinical diagnosis reflect-
mothorax (sucking chest wound), flail chest and pulmonary ing air under pressure in the affected pleural space. Treatment
contusion, and massive hemothorax. should not be delayed to wait for radiologic confirmation.
Important: After intubation, one of the common reasons
for loss of breath sounds in the left thorax is a right mainstem
intubation. During the reassessment, be sure to check the posi- Tension pneumothorax is characterized by some or all
tion of the endotracheal tube before assuming that the change of the following signs and symptoms:
in physical examination is due to a pneumothorax or
hemothorax. Chest pain
Air hunger Tension Pneumothorax Respiratory distress
A tension pneumothorax develops when a “one-way valve” Tachycardia
air leak occurs from the lung or through the chest wall. Air is Hypotension
forced into the pleural space without any means of escape, Tracheal deviation away from the side of injury
eventually completely collapsing the affected lung. The Unilateral absence of breath sounds
mediastinum is displaced to the opposite side, decreasing Elevated hemithorax without respiratory movement
venous return and compressing the opposite lung. Shock Neck vein distention
results from the marked decrease in venous return causing a Cyanosis (late manifestation)
reduction in cardiac output and is often classified as obstruc-
tive shock (Fig. 48.1). The most common cause of tension
pneumothorax is mechanical ventilation with positive-­
pressure ventilation in patients with visceral pleural injury. Because of the similarity in their signs, tension pneumo-
However, a tension pneumothorax can complicate a simple thorax can be confused initially with cardiac tamponade.
pneumothorax following penetrating or blunt chest trauma in Differentiation is made by a hyper-resonant note on percus-
which a parenchymal lung injury fails to seal or after a mis- sion, deviated trachea, and absent breath sounds over the
48  Primary Assessment and Care in Maxillofacial Trauma 991

affected hemithorax, which are signs of tension pneumotho- Flail Chest and Pulmonary Contusion
rax. Tension pneumothorax requires immediate A flail chest occurs when a segment of the chest wall does not
­decompression and may be managed initially by rapidly have bony continuity with the rest of the thoracic cage. This
inserting a large-caliber needle into the second intercostal condition usually results from trauma associated with multiple
space in the midclavicular line of the affected hemithorax. rib fractures, that is, two or more adjacent ribs fractured in two
However, due to variable thickness of the chest wall, kinking or more places (Fig. 48.2). The presence of a flail chest seg-
of the catheter, and other technical or anatomic complica- ment results in disruption of normal chest wall movement.
tions, this maneuver may not be successful [16]. Although chest wall instability can lead to paradoxical motion
When successful, this maneuver converts the injury to a of the chest wall during inspiration and expiration, this defect
simple pneumothorax; however, the possibility of subsequent alone does not cause hypoxia. The major difficulty in flail
pneumothorax as a result of the needle stick now exists, so chest stems from the injury to the underlying lung (pulmonary
repeated reassessment of the patient is necessary. Chest wall contusion). If the injury to the underlying lung is significant,
thickness influences the likelihood of success with needle serious hypoxia can result. Restricted chest wall movement
decompression. Recent evidence suggests that a 5 cm needle associated with pain and underlying lung injury is major
will reach the pleural space >50% of the time, whereas an causes of hypoxia. Flail chest may not be apparent initially if
8 cm needle will reach the pleural space >90% of the time. a patient’s chest wall has been splinted, in which case he or she
Even with a needle of the appropriate size, the maneuver will will move air poorly and movement of the thorax will be
not always be successful. Definitive treatment requires the asymmetrical and uncoordinated. Palpation of abnormal respi-
insertion of a chest tube into the fifth intercostal space (usually ratory motion and crepitation of rib or cartilage fractures can
at the nipple level), just anterior to the midaxillary line. aid the diagnosis. A satisfactory chest X-ray may suggest mul-
In a tension pneumothorax, air from a ruptured lung tiple rib fractures but may not show costochondral separation.
enters the pleural cavity without a means of escape. As air Initial treatment of flail chest includes adequate ventilation,
pressure builds up, the affected lung is compressed, and all administration of humidified oxygen, and fluid resuscitation.
of the mediastinal tissues are displaced to the opposite side In the absence of systemic hypotension, the administration of
of the chest. crystalloid intravenous solutions should be carefully con-
trolled to prevent volume overload, which can further compro- Open Pneumothorax (Sucking Chest mise the patient’s respiratory status.
Wound) The definitive treatment is to ensure adequate oxygen-
Large defects of the chest wall that remain open can result in ation, administer fluids judiciously, and provide analgesia to
an open pneumothorax, which is also known as a sucking improve ventilation. The latter can be achieved with intrave-
chest wound. Equilibration between intrathoracic pressure nous narcotics or local anesthetic administration, which
and atmospheric pressure is immediate. Air tends to follow
the path of least resistance; as such, if the opening in the
chest wall is approximately two-thirds of the diameter of the
trachea or greater, air passes preferentially through the chest
wall defect with each respiratory effort. Effective ventilation
is thereby impaired, leading to hypoxia and hypercarbia.
Initial management of an open pneumothorax is accom-
plished by promptly closing the defect with a sterile occlu-
sive dressing. The dressing should be large enough to overlap
the wound’s edges and then taped securely on three sides in
order to provide a flutter-type valve effect. As the patient
breathes in, the dressing occludes the wound, preventing air
from entering. During exhalation, the open end of the dress-
ing allows air to escape from the pleural space. A chest tube
remote from the wound should be placed as soon as possible.
Securely taping all edges of the dressing can cause air to
accumulate in the thoracic cavity, resulting in a tension pneu-
mothorax unless a chest tube is in place. Any occlusive
dressing (e.g., plastic wrap or petrolatum gauze) may be
used as a temporary measure so that rapid assessment can ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
continue. Subsequent definitive surgical closure of the defect
is frequently required [17]. Fig. 48.2  Flail chest with pulmonary contusion
992 S. Saigal and M. M. Khan

avoids the potential respiratory depression common with Large-caliber intravenous lines and a rapid crystalloid infu-
systemic narcotics. The options for administration of local sion are begun, and type-specific blood is administered as soon
anesthetics include intermittent intercostal nerve block(s) as possible. Blood from the chest tube should be collected in a
and intrapleural, extrapleural, or epidural anesthesia. When device suitable for autotransfusion. A single chest tube (36 or
used properly, local anesthetic agents can provide excellent 40 French) is inserted, usually at the nipple level, just anterior
analgesia and prevent the need for intubation. However, pre- to the midaxillary line, and rapid restoration of volume contin-
vention of hypoxia is of paramount importance for trauma ues as decompression of the chest cavity is completed. When
patients, and a short period of intubation and ventilation may massive hemothorax is suspected, prepare for autotransfusion.
be necessary until diagnosis of the entire injury pattern is If 1500 mL of fluid is immediately evacuated, early thoracot-
complete. A careful assessment of the respiratory rate, arte- omy is almost always required. Patients who have an initial
rial oxygen tension, and work of breathing will indicate output of less than 1500 mL of fluid, but continue to bleed, may
appropriate timing for intubation and ventilation [18]. also require thoracotomy. This decision is not based solely on
the rate of continuing blood loss (200 mL/h for 2–4 h) but also Massive Hemothorax on the patient’s physiologic status. The persistent need for
Massive hemothorax results from the rapid accumulation of blood transfusions is an indication for thoracotomy. During
more than 1500  mL of blood or one-third or more of the patient resuscitation, the ­volume of blood initially drained from
patient’s blood volume in the chest cavity (Fig.  48.3). It is the chest tube and the rate of continuing blood loss must be
most commonly caused by a penetrating wound that disrupts factored into the amount of intravenous fluid required for
the systemic or hilar vessels. However, massive hemothorax replacement. The color of the blood (indicating an arterial or
can also result from blunt trauma. In patients with massive venous source) is a poor indicator of the necessity for thora-
hemothorax, the neck veins may be flat as a result of severe cotomy. Penetrating anterior chest wounds medial to the nipple
hypovolemia, or they may be distended if there is an associ- line and posterior wounds medial to the scapula should alert the
ated tension pneumothorax. Rarely will the mechanical effects practitioner to the possible need for thoracotomy because of
of massive intrathoracic blood shift the mediastinum enough potential damage to the great vessels, hilar structures, and the
to cause distended neck veins. A massive hemothorax is sug- heart, with the associated potential for cardiac tamponade.
gested when shock is associated with the absence of breath Thoracotomy is not indicated unless a surgeon, qualified by
sounds or dullness to percussion on one side of the chest. This training and experience, is present.
blood loss is complicated by hypoxia. Massive hemothorax is
initially managed by the simultaneous restoration of blood Cardiac Tamponade
volume and decompression of the chest cavity. Cardiac tamponade (Fig. 48.4) most commonly results from
penetrating injuries. However, blunt injury also can cause the
pericardium to fill with blood from the heart, great vessels, or
pericardial vessel. The human pericardial sac is a fixed fibrous
structure; a relatively small amount of blood can restrict car-
diac activity and interfere with cardiac filling. Cardiac tam-
ponade may develop slowly, allowing for a less urgent
evaluation, or may occur rapidly, requiring rapid diagnosis and
treatment. The diagnosis of cardiac tamponade can be difficult
in the setting of a busy trauma or emergency room. Cardiac
tamponade is indicated by the presence of the classic diagnos-
tic Beck’s triad: venous pressure elevation (distended neck
veins), decline in arterial blood pressure, and muffled heart
sounds. However, muffled heart tones are difficult to assess in
the noisy examination area, and distended neck veins may be
absent due to hypovolemia. Additionally, tension pneumotho-
rax, particularly on the left side, can mimic cardiac tampon-
ade. Kussmaul’s sign (a rise in venous pressure with inspiration
when breathing spontaneously) is a true paradoxical venous
pressure abnormality associated with tamponade. Pulseless
electrical activity (PEA) is suggestive of cardiac tamponade
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
but can have other causes, as listed above [19]. Insertion of a
central venous line with measurement of central venous pres-
Fig. 48.3 Hemothorax sure (CVP) may aid diagnosis, but CVP can be elevated for a
48  Primary Assessment and Care in Maxillofacial Trauma 993

tive care is always necessary. Pericardiotomy via thoracotomy

is indicated only when a qualified surgeon is available.

48.4.8 Abdomen [20]

Abdominal injuries must be identified and managed aggres-

sively. It is not as important to arrive at a specific diagnosis
as it is to recognize the injury which requires a surgical inter-
vention. It is important to closely observe and re-evaluate the
abdomen to identify the blunt injury. The safest management
of penetrating wounds is a laparotomy.

Abdominal Trauma
Blunt trauma Penetrating trauma [21]
Direct blow, e.g., Stab wounds commonly involve liver
crushing injury to (40%), small bowel (30%), diaphragm
abdominal viscera and (20%), and colon (15%)
Shearing injuries, e.g., Gunshot wounds commonly involve
laceration of the liver small bowel (50%), colon (40%), liver
and spleen (30%), and abdominal vascular structures
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 48.4  Cardiac tamponade The diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) was used to diag-
nose blunt and occasionally penetrating abdominal trauma,
but its use was decreased with the advancement of CT and
USG. Focused assessment sonography in trauma (FAST) is
variety of reasons. Additional diagnostic methods include very helpful to detect the presence of hemoperitoneum.
echocardiogram, focused assessment sonography in trauma
(FAST), or pericardial window. In hemodynamically abnor-
mal patients with blunt or penetrating trauma and suspected Focused Assessment Sonography
cardiac tamponade, an examination of the pericardial sac for in Trauma (FAST) [22]
the presence of fluid should be obtained as part of a focused The ultrasound machine and water-based gel are necessary
ultrasound examination performed by a properly trained pro- to perform FAST.
vider in the emergency department (ED). FAST is a rapid and Fast includes the following views:
accurate method of imaging the heart and pericardium. It is
90–95% accurate for the presence of pericardial fluid for the 1. Pericardial view: fluid within the heart should be black.
experienced operator. Concomitant hemothorax may account 2. Right upper quadrant view (RUQ): diaphragm-liver
for both false-positive and false-negative ultrasound exams. interface and Morison’s pouch.
Prompt diagnosis and evacuation of pericardial blood are indi- 3. Left upper quadrant view (LUQ): diaphragm-spleen
cated for patients who do not respond to the usual measures of interface and spleen-kidney interface
resuscitation for hemorrhagic shock and in whom cardiac tam- 4. Suprapubic view: to see bladder
ponade is suspected. The diagnosis can usually be made with
the FAST exam. If a qualified surgeon is present, surgery
should be performed to relieve the tamponade. This is best 48.4.9 Perineum/Rectum/Vagina
performed in the operating room if the patient’s condition
allows. If surgical intervention is not possible, pericardiocen- Contusions, hematomas, lacerations, and urethral bleedings
tesis can be diagnostic as well as therapeutic, but it is not a should be examined in the perineal area. The presence of blood
definitive treatment for cardiac tamponade. However all at urethral meatus suggests urethral injury. Inspect the scrotum
patients with acute tamponade and a positive pericardiocente- and perineum for ecchymosis or hematoma, also suggestive of
sis will require surgery to examine the heart and repair the injury to the urethra. In patients with perineal hematoma or
injury. Pericardiocentesis may not be diagnostic or therapeutic high-riding prostate, Foley catheters should be avoided.
when the blood in the pericardial sac has clotted. Preparation Rectal examination can be done to evaluate the presence
to transfer such a patient to an appropriate facility for defini- of blood within the bowel lumen. In patients with the risk of
994 S. Saigal and M. M. Khan

vaginal injury, vaginal examination should be carried out. attributes of difficult airway. Also, the expertise in techniques
Pelvic compressions should be carried out to identify any for managing the difficult airway, familiarity with devices, and
pelvic fractures. Pelvic fractures can be suspected by the recognition of failed airway are necessary. A multidisciplinary
presence of ecchymosis over iliac wings, pubis, scrotum, or approach involving anesthesiologist, maxillofacial surgeon, and
labia. The pelvic fracture can be divided into closed, open a trauma expert must be a practice for better outcome (please
book, and vertical shear fracture. Hemorrhage control and refer Chap. 7 for further reading).
fluid resuscitation will be in the initial management of major
pelvic disruption associated with hemorrhage. Pelvic binder
or sheet can apply sufficient stability for the unstable pelvis References
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Management of Soft Tissue Injuries
in the Maxillofacial Region 49
Abhay Datarkar and Shikha Tayal

49.1 Introduction primarily closed as soon as they are seen and as long as
active infection is not present.
Soft tissue injuries are one of the most commonly encoun- To achieve this, the surgeon needs to understand the
tered injuries in head and neck region and present especially etiopathogenesis, surgical anatomy, biomechanics of
in the emergency department or surgical casualty. They can tissue wound, biology of wound healing, and the art of
be isolated soft tissue injuries, or injuries having concomi- soft tissue repair.
tant skeletal trauma. The frequent facial soft tissue injuries
include simple lacerations, abrasions, contusions, bites,
avulsions, and burns. These injuries are complicated by pres- 49.2 Etiology
ence of vital anatomical structures like vessels, ducts, nerves,
and muscles. Presence of foreign debris and hematoma fur- The most common etiology of facial soft tissue injuries var-
ther complicates the soft tissue injuries. The face is a region ies according to the age, sex, and geographical distribution of
of high esthetics and functional importance. Hence, there are the population. Facial soft tissue trauma tends to occur in
many factors that help to manage such injuries. certain areas of the head depending on the causative mecha-
Factors that guide facial soft tissue injury management are: nism. It typically includes the T-shaped area that includes
forehead, nose, lips, and chin, followed by the occiput and
(i) Recognition of nature of the injury—Helps in logical anterior temporal areas.
treatment planning that ultimately results in better
esthetic and functional outcomes. (a) Falls are by far the most common cause, accounting for
(ii) Extent of injury—Many facial soft tissue injuries that 48–51% of the injuries [1, 2]. This etiology has a trimodal
are relatively minor are treated in emergency depart- distribution. The first peak is 2–3 years, when toddlers
ment by the oral and maxillofacial surgeons. These begin to walk and fall into objects. There is smaller peak
wounds are managed by thorough cleaning, irrigation, during the second and third decades and then a steady rise
debridement, primary suturing, and cleaning whenever after age of 50 years. Alcohol consumption is a major fac-
needed. More complex wounds require special inter- tor for soft tissue injuries due to fall between 30 and 50
vention by taking the patient into operation theatre and years. Medical comorbidities such as epilepsy are also the
reconstructing using various grafts and flaps. causative factor for falls in old age group.
(iii) Timing of the injury—Any type of injury, by default, (b) Non-fall impacts. Approximately 16% of facial soft tissue
should be attended at the earliest to maximize the prog- trauma is the result of a non-fall impact with structural ele-
nosis. The bottom line of many past and present litera- ment such a door, wall, or window frame. Other collisions
ture is that the wounds of face and scalp should be with furnishings such as tables also counted. These types of
injuries peak in children younger than 5 years. The common
areas include the forehead, nose, and anterior temples.
Disclosure: Authors have no financial conflicts to disclose. (c) Assaults account for 16–32% of facial soft tissue inju-
ries [1]. The assaults are most commonly caused by fists,
A. Datarkar (*) · S. Tayal kicks, and blunt instruments. The injuries due to assault
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental occurs more frequently among young men on left side of
College and Hospital, Medical College Premises, Nagpur, face. Alcohol consumption is a factor in two-thirds of
Maharashtra, India these patients.
© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 997
K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_49
998 A. Datarkar and S. Tayal

(d) Road traffic accidents cause 6–13% of facial trauma [2] 1. Abrasions
where soft tissue injuries may occur alone or in combination 2. Contusions
with other fractures. The peak incidence is seen in young 3. Lacerations
men at 15–24 years of age [3]. Impact from steering wheel, • When injury is caused due to sharp force:
dashboard, and windshields results in most lacerations. 1. Incised wounds
(e) Sporting injuries account for about 8% of facial soft 2. Chop wounds
tissue trauma [1], commonly occurring in young men. 3. Stab/punctured wounds
The forehead, nose, and teeth are the most likely areas to (II) Thermal injuries:
be injured. Concomitant facial fractures like nasal frac- • Due to excessive cold: e.g., frostbite
tures, avulsive teeth injuries, and mandibular fractures • Due to moist heat: e.g. burns and scald wounds
are also common among these group of patients. (III) Chemical injuries: Due to corrosive acids and
(f) Others include occupational injuries, bites from alkalis
humans or animals, and other miscellaneous causes. (IV) Miscellaneous: Electricity, lightning, etc.
Occupational injuries [3] account for 5% of facial trauma (V) Explosions: Blast injuries
and are primarily seen in young men. The risk of dog
bites is higher for children aged 5–9 years and decreases (B) Legal classification
with age. The frequency of facial injuries is highest in 1. Simple—soft tissue injuries without much tissue
children younger than 4 years, in whom nearly 65% of loss and can be managed conservatively. Heals rap-
dog bite injuries involve the face. In adults, it is about idly without any permanent deformity.
9%. Most dog bite injuries are from dogs known to per- 2. Grievous injuries—described under Section 320
son or occur near home. These injuries typically involve of Indian Penal Code as any injuries that endanger
the cheek, lips, forehead, and nose. life and cause severe disfigurement or deformities
like permanent hearing loss, vision loss, and
severe head injuries. Tooth fracture or tooth loss
49.3 Classification of Soft Tissue Injuries following a blow in an interpersonal violence is
also considered a grievous injury and penalized by
Soft tissue injuries can be classified into multiple categories: the court of law. These injuries heal slowly and
(A) Based on mechanism of injuries 3. Dangerous—the grievous injuries that endanger life
(I) Mechanical or physical injuries: immediately after impact (Box 49.1).
• When injury is caused due to blunt force:

Box 49.1 Classification of Soft Tissue Injuries


I. Mechanical/Physical Injuries a. Simple injuries
b. Grievous injuries
A. Due to Blunt Trauma
a. Abrasion c. Dangerous injuries
b. Contusion
c. Laceration
d. Injuries associated with fractures and dislocation

B. Due to Sharp force

a. Incised wounds
c. Stab/ Punctured wounds − Penetration wound a. Suicide
- Perforating wound b. Homicide
c. Human/Animal Bite injuries
II. Thermal Injuries d. Road traffic accidents
A. Due to Cold e. Fabricated
a. Frost bite f. Self Inflicted
b. Trench foot g. Defensive
c. Immersion Foot h. Ante/Post Mortem injuries

B. Due to Heat
a. Burns
b. Scalds

III. Chemical Injuries

a. Corrosive acids
b. Corrosive alkalis

IV. Miscellaneous Injuries

a. Electrical Injuries
b. Lightening trauma
c. X-radiation injuries
d. Radioactive injuries

V. Explosions and Blast injuries

49  Management of Soft Tissue Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region 999

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 49.1 (a) Showing open wound where fractured left clavicle is visible from the wound surface. (b) Open wound of maxillofacial region where
underlying mandible is visible

(C) Based on the communication of the injury with the The nerve injuries are further classified into neuro-
external environment praxia, axonotmesis, and neurotmesis (Seddon’s
Closed wound: Only the underlying tissue and/or classification of nerve injuries [5]). Sunderland [6]
structures are damaged without breaking the skin. further revised this classification of nerve injuries
Examples of closed wounds include hematomas, based on the histologic degree of nerve damage.
contusions, and crush injuries. These types of There should be careful evaluation of sensory and
wounds are not contaminated and, hence, heal on motor components of the nerves in the involved
their own without any sequelae. region for proper treatment. The most commonly
Open wounds: There is a break in the skin, which encountered nerve injuries in maxillofacial region
exposes the underlying structures to the external are the facial nerve and trigeminal nerve.
environment. Open wounds include simple and com- Injuries to arteries and veins—The face is a
plex lacerations, avulsions, punctures, abrasions, highly vascular region where even a small injury
accidental tattooing, and retained foreign body with leads to significant bleeding. Any wound in maxil-
a tendency to heal with scarring. These injuries lofacial region should be attended in emergency
require extensive exploration and debridement setting at the earliest due to chances of injury to the
followed by a course of antibiotic regimen for
­ extensive vascular network which necessitates
uneventful healing (Fig. 49.1). hemostasis.
Injuries to parotid duct—Seen in cases of deep
(D) According to the facial subunit(s) involved. The lacerations on cheek at the region of parotid duct.
major esthetic subunits on the face are the scalp, fore- If undiagnosed and untreated, this injury can lead
head, nose, periorbital region, cheek, perioral region, to cumbersome sequelae of parotid fistula. Parotid
auricle, and neck [4]. duct injury is suspected if the laceration involves
These major facial esthetic subunits are further divided an imaginary line joining the tragus of the ear to
into smaller subunits by location. The individual sub- the upper lip. In such cases, exploration is per-
units must be reconstructed individually one by one in formed to evaluate the injury, and suturing should
order to attain good esthetics (Fig. 49.2). be done using a stent to establish patency of the
(E) Based on additional injuries to the related
structures (F) Rank and Wakefield classification [7] of wounds
(a) Injuries to nerve—The nerve injuries are most (a) Tidy wounds—The wounds that are inflicted by
commonly encountered in cases of open wounds. sharp instruments like surgical blades and contain
1000 A. Datarkar and S. Tayal

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 49.2  Various facial esthetic subunits (Also see Fig. 86.3 in this book)

no devitalized tissue are called tidy. These wounds location. For example, surgical wounds in the respi-
are closed primarily. Examples are surgical inci- ratory tract like oropharynx and gastrointestinal tract
sions, cuts from glass, and knife wounds. may be at a high risk of becoming infected.
Untidy wounds—Untidy wounds result from
(b) Class III: Contaminated wound. A surgical wound
crushing, tearing, avulsion, vascular injury, or burns in which an outside object has come into contact
and contain devitalized tissue. Such wounds must with the skin and has a high risk of infection. For
be managed by wound excision. The devitalized tis- example, a gunshot wound may contaminate the skin
sue is excised, and the untidy wound is converted around where the surgical repair occurs.
into the tidy wound before proper closure is Class IV: Dirty-contaminated or infected wounds.
achieved. The chances of infection are high if inad- The wounds that have been exposed to fecal material
equately managed. and have a high bacterial load.
This wound classification guides in choosing appropriate
(G) CDC classification of surgical wounds treatment as well as helps in predicting post-repair form and
A surgical wound is a wound created by incisions and function.
placement of drains during surgeries.
Surgical wounds can be classified into four different
categories depending on the bacterial load, the risk of 49.3.1 Common Soft Tissue Injuries
infection, and where the wound is located on the body.
Class I: Clean wounds. They show no signs of The common clinical presentation of soft tissue injuries
infection or inflammation. They often involve the included abrasions, contusions, and lacerations.
eye, skin, or vascular system. It is often due to non-­
penetrating (blunt) trauma. 1. Abrasions—(also known as gravel rash) (Fig. 49.3)—It
Class II: Clean-contaminated wounds. Although is destruction of the superficial layer of skin only. It is
the wound may not show signs of infection, it is at an caused by frictional forces that are light enough to erode
increased risk of becoming infected because of its only the superficial layer of epidermis. It can be scratches
49  Management of Soft Tissue Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region 1001

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 49.4  Showing contusion wound over right cheek and periorbital
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
ecchymosis of the right eye. The color changes can be appreciated
Fig. 49.3  Showing multiple abrasions over face involving the supraor-
bital region, nose, upper lip, and chin

or linear type of abrasion, graze or sliding abrasion, pres-

sure abrasions, and impact abrasions.
The healing of abrasions takes place from the periphery
of the wound towards the center by new growth of epithe-
lial cells. The wound is bright red in color for the first
12–24 h due to extravasation of blood which dries up to
form a red scab. After 2–3 days, a reddish-brown scab is
formed. After 4–7 days, epithelium grows and covers the
defect under the scab, which gives it a dark brown to ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
brownish-black appearance. After 7 days, the scab dries
Fig. 49.5  Showing bilateral periorbital ecchymosis (raccoon eyes)
and ultimately falls off, leaving depigmented bright pink-
ish area underneath, which attains its normal pigmenta-
tion gradually over a period. bluish-black to brown color due to deposition of hemo-
2. Contusions (bruising) (Figs.  49.4 and 49.5)—This is siderin from the extravasated RBCs, by the 4th day. In
effusion of blood into the tissues, due to the rupture of 5–6 days, the wound appears greenish due to disintegra-
small blood vessels at the site of impact. There is no tion of hemoglobin to hemosiderin. Between 7 and 12
destruction of the superficial layer of skin. The subtypes days, the wound appears yellow due to the presence of
are (a) intradermal, (b) subcutaneous, and (c) deep. bilirubin which is the final disintegrated product from
A bruise heals by disintegration of extravasated blood. hemoglobin. The wound appears normal by 2 weeks. The
The red cells in the wound are hemolyzed, and the hemo- various factors affecting the color of contusion include
globin molecule is broken down into hemosiderin, hema- the depth of the bleeding, amount of extravasated blood,
toidin, and bilirubin by the action of enzymes. and overlying skin color.
This type of injury demonstrates a change in the color of 3. Lacerations—It is the tear or split of skin, mucous mem-
the wound according to the time lapsed after injury: red at brane, muscle, or internal organs produced by the appli-
the time of injury, blue within few hours to 3 days, and cation of blunt force to a broad surface area, which
1002 A. Datarkar and S. Tayal

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 49.8  Showing incised wound extending from dorsum of the nose
till pre-auricular region; caused by knife in a case of assault
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 49.6  Showing split lacerated wound over the nose, columella,
lower lip, and chin object, such as knife, sword, chisel, scissors, nail, needle,
spear, arrow, screw driver, etc. into the depths of the body.
This type of wound is deeper than its length and width.
These can be of the following types:
(a) Penetrating wounds—When an object pierces the
skin and enters a cavity of body or a viscus creating
a localized path of entry leaving it an open wound
(Fig.  49.9). In head and neck region, this type of
injuries should be assessed for upper airway and
bleeding as direct trauma to vital structures occurs
along with facial bone fractures. Careful explora-
tion of the wounds should be performed, and any
impacted debris should be removed before
(b) Perforating wounds or through-and-through
puncture wounds—Produced when the object enters
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India the body at one surface and exits at another surface
without causing much tissue loss. The wound of
Fig. 49.7  Cut laceration having sharp clean cut edges entry is larger with inverted edges, and the wound of
exit is smaller with everted edges. They are consid-
crushed or stretched tissues beyond the limits of their ered to be sterile wounds (Fig. 49.10).
elasticity. They can be split lacerations (Fig. 49.6), stretch 7. Crush injury—A crush injury typically occurs when the
lacerations, shearing lacerations, and cut lacerations body part is crushed between two heavy blunt objects.
(Fig. 49.7). Most severe trauma cases will have this type of injury.
4. Incised wounds—The wound is longer than it is deep. It Crush injuries have ragged edges, varying amounts of
is caused by the pressure and friction of any sharp object devitalized tissue, and, sometimes, tissue loss.
against the soft tissues (Fig. 49.8). 8. Avulsion injuries—These involve significant tissue loss.
5. Chop wounds (slash wounds)—They are deep bigger Avulsion can be considered a very severe form of abra-
wounds with gaping caused by a blow with the sharp-­ sion, wherein all layers of skin are torn off and the under-
cutting edge of a heavy weapon, like an axe or chopper. lying structures are grossly exposed. The term avulsion
6. Stab or punctured wounds—Produced when the force can also mean complete loss of a small body part such as
is delivered along the long axis of a narrow or pointed eyelid, fingertip, part of ear, etc.
49  Management of Soft Tissue Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region 1003

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 49.9  Showing penetrating wound. (a) Only the entry site is seen over the right temporal region. (b) The object remains dislodged within the
body cavities

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 49.10  Showing gunshot wound injuries. (a) Picture showing entry wound over pre-auricular region. (b) Showing exit wound over right
infraorbital region on opposite side
1004 A. Datarkar and S. Tayal

9. Burn injuries—Burns are injuries to tissues caused by Palpation helps to identify the presence of underlying
heat, friction, electricity, radiation, or chemicals. Most bony injuries. Palpation can be done through the open wound
burns are from hot objects (including fluids) and fire. itself.
Burns cause severe skin damage where the cells die.
Burns are highly painful injuries which require specific
treatment as distinct from other injuries depending on the 49.6 Management of Soft Tissue Injuries
degree of burn.
The clinical presentation of burns depends largely on the The principles of management of soft tissue injuries include
depth of injury. Superficial burns (first degree) are con- the control of bleeding, copious irrigation of the wound,
fined to the epidermis. They are characterized by severe debridement of devitalized tissue, and removal of foreign
pain, dryness, and redness of skin. Superficial partial-­ bodies before closure.
thickness (second degree) burns extend into the papillary
dermis. The skin is moist and red and blanches with pres- (a) Control of bleeding—Blood loss is minimized by
sure. Blisters are common in this type of injury. Deep applying local pressure using hands and pressure dress-
partial-thickness burns extend into the reticular dermis. ings. The wound should be examined thoroughly with
The skin is dry and appears yellow or white with minimal suction, irrigation, and meticulous dissection to identify
blistering. Full-thickness burns extending to the entire the offending vessel, if any. If local pressure fails to
depth of dermis are classified as 3rd degree. These are achieve hemostasis, local hemostatic agents can be used.
very severe injuries. The skin is stiff, leathery, and brown, Local anesthesia with adrenaline helps in control of pain
but pain is not a common feature. Fourth-degree burns as well as bleeding through its vasoconstrictive action. If
involve charring of skin and affect the deeper structures generalized oozing is still present which is hampering
like fat and muscle. The skin is dry, black, and painless. the ability of a surgeon to close the wound, systemic
measures like injectable vitamin K, tranexamic acid, or
ethamsylate can be given, provided the blood investiga-
49.4 Initial Evaluation and Assessment tions (INR, BT, CT) are within normal limits.
(b) Copious irrigation serves to dilute and wash out the
All trauma patients should be assessed and managed initially contamination present in a wound. All grossly contami-
according to the principles of Advanced Trauma Life nated wounds should be copiously irrigated with sterile
Support. Soft tissue injuries of the head and neck region can saline. The fluids may be warmed to 37 °C to promote
be accompanied by significant swelling and bleeding leading cellular activity. The cleanser should be nontoxic and
to airway compromise. The patient also should be assessed have a neutral pH.  Alkaline soaps are best avoided.
for associated ophthalmologic, intracranial, and cervical Antiseptics are generally not recommended for cleans-
spine injuries. ing. They are applied on the wound after wound cleans-
ing. The most commonly used antiseptic is
Povidone-iodine 10% solution. An alternative solution
49.5 History and Examination for this purpose is Cetrimide 15% in combination with
chlorhexidine gluconate 1.5%.
Once the patient has been evaluated for life-threatening inju- (c) Broad-spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis is warranted
ries and stabilized as necessary, a thorough and focused his- in grossly contaminated wounds and bite wounds and in
tory and physical examination of the head and neck should immunocompromised patients.
be performed. History includes timing and mechanism of (d) Tetanus vaccination [8]—Prevention of the local
injury. wound infection especially in crushed injuries, contami-
Early treatment of soft tissue injuries is associated with nated wounds, and bite wounds is a main concern.
optimal esthetic outcomes. Determining the mechanism of Tetanus prophylaxis in wound management is required
injury may help the surgeon in managing the wounds with as per the accepted international protocols.
special consideration. For example, crush injuries may result (e) Wound excision (also known as wound debridement
in a larger area of compromised tissue than appreciated on or toileting of the wound)—Serial debridement of con-
initial examination. Tissue that appears healthy initially may taminated and untidy wounds done to remove all the
subsequently necrose and may require serial debridement. necrotic tissues like devitalized muscles, tendons, and
The site(s), depth, and nature of all wounds should be fascia and comminuted bony fragments that have lost the
noted. Presence of nonviable tissue, gross contamination, soft tissue cover of periosteum and are hanging within
and any foreign body like dirt and debris are important to the wound, in order to aid in uneventful and optimum
discern. healing. The blunt contused margins of skin are also
49  Management of Soft Tissue Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region 1005

excised using sharp scissors, and the wound margins are

freshened up. The toilet of any wound should be done in
a systematic layer-wise manner from superficial to deep
(Fig. 49.11).
(f) Closure—Ideally, facial soft tissue injuries should be
closed as early as possible. Primary closure of a wound
should be completed within 8 h of injury when possible
[9]. Early intervention and closure decreases the risk of
infection as well as optimizes the functional and cos-
metic result. Basic principles of suturing should be met,
which include precise approximation and eversion of the
skin edges, avoidance of excessive tension, and layer-­
wise closure to prevent dead space and fluid
If gaping of the lacerated margins or tissue loss is pres-
ent that cannot be closed primarily, the tissue can be
managed by regular dressing and allowed to heal sec-
ondarily. Revision surgeries to improve esthetics and
function are performed after minimum of 9 months.
(g) Reconstruction [10]—Done in cases of extensive
degloving injuries. There are several options for soft tis-
sue reconstruction using flaps. Starting from local,
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
regional, distant flaps and free microvascular flaps,
Fig. 49.11  Showing wound excision and serial debridement of an depending on the type, location, and extent of the injury
extensive untidy wound gradually healing secondarily (Box 49.2).

Box 49.2 Reconstructive Options for the Head and Neck Region


Based on CIRCULATION According to SOURCE OF HARVEST Based on the MODE OF TRANSFER of flap According to THE THICKNESS of the flap

a. Axial – flap with one a. Local – area adjacent to the a. Rotational – a semicircular type of a. Full thickness flap – offers better
blood vessel. Further wound flap pivoting onto the defect. esthetics
classified as b. Regional – Same region e.g. – b. Transpositional – flap that moves
fasciocutaneous, head and neck laterally around the adjacent defect. a. Partial thickness flap
musculocutaneous, c. Distant – Region away from the c. Advancement – Flap moved forward
venous and direct. E.g. – wound into the wound defect. E.g.. –VY flap
Radial forearm flap, d. Free Flaps – Flaps having their d. Interpolational – the flap moved
nasolabial flap, submental own blood supply, connected to laterally into the defect but not Based on COMPOSITION of the flap
flap etc. the defect using microvascular adjacent. Undermined to reach the
technique. area.
a. Dermal
a. Random – multiple b. Muscle
random tributes of c. Fascia
small vessels. d. Tendon
e. Bone
f. Various combinations

49.7 Wound Dressings changed in order to keep the wound free from bacterial
load. Antibacterial ointments must be applied over the
Wound dressings are sterile pads used to cover the wounds. wound to keep it lubricated and free from bacteria. The
Lister [11] introduced antiseptic dressings by soaking dressings are selected on the basis of two concepts: occlu-
gauze in carbolic acid. The dressings should be clean and sion and absorption. The reasons for placing a wound
provide a warm and moist environment for the successful dressing are enumerated in Box 49.3.
wound healing. The dressings should be frequently
1006 A. Datarkar and S. Tayal

the wound surface, which is conducive for fibroblast prolif-

Box 49.3 Purposes of Dressings eration and formation of granulation tissue.
Purposes of applying dressings over wounds However, wounds that produce significant amounts of
exudate or have high bacterial counts require a dressing
(i) Protection the wound from elements of nature that is absorptive and prevents maceration of the surround-
(ii) Prevention of bacterial contamination ing skin. These dressings also need to reduce the bacterial
(iii) Application of compression where required load while absorbing the exudate produced. Placement of a
(iv) Absorption of exudate pure occlusive dressing without bactericidal properties
(v) Facilitation of hemostasis would allow bacterial overgrowth and worsen the
(vi) Prevention of further inadvertent trauma to wound infection.
site The various types of dressings [13] can be enumerated as
In selected cases, the dressing is modified to achieve in Table 49.1.
additional purposes such as
(vii) Relief of pain
(viii) Application of topical antibiotic 49.8 Other Therapies
(ix) Removal of slough and foreign bodies from the
wound 1. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy—uses oxygen as a drug
and the hyperbaric chamber as a delivery system to
increase PO2 at the target area. It involves inhalation of
100% oxygen at 1.9–2.5 atm, for sessions of 90–120 min
Studies [12] have demonstrated that the rate of epithelializa- each. Treatments are given once daily, five to six times
tion under a moist occlusive dressing is twice that of a wound per week and should be given as an adjunct to surgical or
that is left uncovered and allowed to dry. An occlusive dress- medical therapies. Clinical evidence of wound improve-
ing provides a mildly acidic pH and low oxygen tension on ment should be noted after 15–20 treatments.

Table 49.1  Types of wound dressing materials

Kind of
dressing Examples Properties Indications
Protective Gauze Inexpensive, readily available As secondary dressing over another
Highly permeable and nonocclusive material
Dry dressing—can stick to the wound if used
Polymeric films (Opsite, Transparent, waterproof dressing Surgical incisions
Tegaderm) Semi-permeable, thin, highly elastic
Absorbent Hydrogels Mostly contain water Wounds with mild exudates
Provide a moist and cool environment Not for heavily exudating or infected
Hydrocolloids Composed of methylcellulose, pectin, and Light to heavily exuding wounds such
gelatin as burns
Absorb fluids and convert them into a gel that Must not be used on infected wounds
covers the wound
Provides pain relief as the gel covers nerve
Bioactive Antimicrobial dressings Soft, paraffin dressing impregnated with Flat, shallow wounds such as skin graft
chlorhexidine (Bactigras) or framycetin donor sites, superficial burns, and
(Sufratulle) abrasions
Actively prevent bacterial contamination
Require a secondary dressing over it Skin graft harvest sites in burn care
Scarlet Red, a relatively nonocclusive dressing
that is impregnated with
Xeroform—hydrophobic dressing containing
3% bismuth tribromophenate in a petrolatum
base, which helps mask wound odors and has
antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus
aureus and Escherichia coli
Collagen dressings Activate matrix metalloproteinases and promote Chronic non-healing wounds
new collagen formation Burn wounds
49  Management of Soft Tissue Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region 1007

Mechanism of action—HBO therapy can increase tissue 49.9 Necrotizing Fasciitis

PO2 ten times higher than usual. The higher PaO2 is suf-
ficient to supply the tissue with all its metabolic require- It is a rapidly spreading necrotizing soft tissue infection, also
ments even in the absence of hemoglobin. This elevated known as flesh-eating disease. It is one of the most challeng-
level lasts for 2–4 h after termination of HBO therapy and ing infections faced by the maxillofacial surgeons due to its
induces synthesis of endothelial cell NO synthase as well diagnosis and management. The most common bacteria
as angiogenesis. Oxygen stimulates angiogenesis, responsible for the fascial necrosis are hemolytic
enhances fibroblast and leukocyte function, and Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.
­normalizes cutaneous microvascular reflexes, thus aiding It is foul-smelling with loss of skin and superficial subcu-
in healing of chronic, complicated, non-healing wounds. taneous tissue, having patchy blackish necrosis and frank
2. Negative pressure-assisted wound therapy—Argenta pus along with the raw surface of the wound, margins of
[14] and associates originally described the use of nega- which are pale and spreading in nature. If it involves the skin
tive pressure to assist in wound closure in 1997. By of scrotum, it is known as Fournier’s gangrene.
applying subatmospheric pressure to wounds, they dem- The prompt diagnosis and aggressive treatment is the key
onstrated removal of chronic edema, an increase in local to manage this complicated condition. Removal of the
blood flow, and stimulation of granulation tissue. This offending factors like carious tooth and infected foreign
technique may be used on acute, subacute, and chronic material is the prime step followed by aggressive debride-
wounds. The wound is filled with a foam substance. A ment and desloughing involving the normal tissue margins
drainage tube is inserted into, or laid on, the foam, and the under the antibiotic coverage and adequate anesthesia. Once
part is then covered with impermeable film. Suction is the wound is free of the active infection, showing healing
applied at around 125  mmHg between changes of margins with no evidence of pus, it is reconstructed with the
dressing. skin grafts (Fig. 49.12).

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 49.12  Depicting a case of necrotizing fasciitis of the right side of the neck due to infection from right mandibular third molar. The patient
was promptly and aggressively managed by sequential debridement followed by anterolateral thigh skin graft
1008 A. Datarkar and S. Tayal

Table 49.2  Phases of wound healing

Phases of wound healing Time period Mechanism of healing
Inflammatory phase Immediate till 5th day • Immediate vascular response
• Cellular infiltration—Polymorphonuclear leukocytes initially, followed by
monocytes within 24 h, which become dominant by the 5th day and actively
engaged in phagocytosis
• Formation of new blood vessels at the edges of wound (neovascularization)
• Synthesis of granulation tissue
Proliferative phase Established by 5th day • Cellular proliferation—Macrophages are preponderant
• With time, the number of fibroblasts increases that are active in synthesis of
extracellular collagen and proteoglycans (collagen synthesis)
• The fibroblasts in the wound are closely followed by the endothelial buds of
capillaries. The wound is filled with vascular granulation tissue containing new
capillaries, fibroblasts, macrophages, and mast cells
• An intrinsic increase in the mechanical strength of the wound at the end of this
Maturation phase • Extensive remodeling as a result of a decrease in the numbers of fibroblasts
and macrophages concurrent with a decrease in vascularity
• Increase in wound strength
• Formation of scar tissue

49.10 Principles of Soft Tissue Healing Table 49.3  Factors that negatively influence wound healing
Local factors Systemic factors
The three phases of repair in soft tissue wounds are overlap- Presence of foreign bodies Smoking
ping and include Venous insufficiency Comorbidities like diabetes
Ischemia/ hypoxia to Systemic condition—malnutrition,
tissues chronic illness, deficiency of vitamins
• The inflammatory phase Radiation Prolonged drug use—corticosteroids,
• The proliferative phase Salivary contamination cytotoxic chemotherapy
• The maturation phase (Table 49.2) Scarring
Any alteration in the local environment of the wounds or
the systemic status of the patients can influence the normal 3. Secondary intention—healing is by natural biologic
process of wound healing. processes without surgical intervention, and it usually
occurs in large wounds associated with soft tissue loss or
avulsion. It involves epithelialization and collagen depo-
49.11 Types of Wound Healing sition for wound healing. Contraction is the most impor-
tant phenomenon in the spontaneous closure of large
The various types of wound healing include: open wounds.

1. Primary intention
2. Delayed primary closure
3. Secondary intention 49.12 Complications in Wound Healing
1. Primary intention—occurs when full-thickness wound
Complications in the normal process of wound healing may
edges are approximated shortly after the primary wound
occur due to presence of various local and systemic factors
has been created. This type of closure is generally avoided
which exert a negative impact (Table 49.3).
in grossly contaminated wounds, in wounds that cannot
One of the frequently observed complications is “abnor-
be completely debrided, and in wounds where further tis-
mal wound healing” which presents in different forms such
sue loss is anticipated as in blast injuries.
as keloids and hypertrophic scars. These are proliferative
2. Delayed primary closure—Primary closure is delayed to
scars characterized by excessive net collagen deposition.
allow host inflammatory and immune responses to control
Keloids and hypertrophic scars (Fig. 49.13) differ histologi-
contamination. It is typically completed 3–4 days after the
cally from normal scars. The clinical appearance of the two
initial injury but depends on the particular characteristics
types of scar is described in Table 49.4.
of the wound. Serial debridements may be performed until
Keloids and hypertrophic scars contain collagen bun-
the full extent of tissue devitalization is determined.
dles aligned in the same plane as the epidermis. Tension
49  Management of Soft Tissue Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region 1009

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 49.13  Showing. (a) keloid type of scar and (b) hypertrophic scar healing

Table 49.4  Difference between keloids and hypertrophic scar

Keloids Hypertrophic scar
Contain disorganized type I and type III collagen bundles Primarily contain well-organized type III collagen fibers
The collagen bundles are thicker and form a nodelike structure in Contain islands of aggregates of fibroblasts, small vessels, and collagen
the deep layer of skin fibers throughout the dermis
Cannot be prevented and are often refractory to medical and Often preventable
surgical intervention
Occur above the clavicles, on the trunk, on the upper extremities, Prolonged inflammation and insufficient resurfacing (e.g., burn wounds)
and on the face promote hypertrophic scarring
Grow beyond the borders of the original wounds and rarely regress Raised scars within the confines of the original wound and frequently
with time regress spontaneously
Appear to be genetically predisposed Represent a reversible hyperproliferative scar phenotype that regresses
when the original stimulus (skin tension, stimulatory growth factors) are
First-line treatments include pressure therapy and intralesional Pressure and silicone therapy combined with selective localized
corticosteroid injections. corticosteroid injections in resistant areas.
Intralesional 5-fluorouracil, bleomycin, and verapamil used Bleomycin, 5-fluorouracil, and verapamil can be used as adjuncts to
according to the established treatment protocols. corticosteroid therapy.
Refractory cases after 12 months of therapy should be considered Laser therapy to reduce scar thickness, resurface scar texture, and treat
for surgical excision in combination with adjuvant therapy. residual redness, telangiectasias, or hyperpigmentation.
Excision alone results in a high recurrence rate of 50–100% and Early surgery is indicated if the scar causes functional impairment. Scar
enlargement of the keloid. contracture release procedures in the neck and axilla are best performed
Immediate postoperative electron beam irradiation or brachytherapy with flaps to improve functional and cosmetic outcomes.
with iridium-192 reduces recurrence rates. Widespread large hypertrophic scars may require serial excision or tissue

over the edges of the wound signals the formation of acti- 49.12.1 P
 revention of Hypertrophic or Keloid
vated fibroblasts resulting in excessive collagen Scars
Scars perpendicular to the underlying muscle fibers The four strategies that reduce adverse scarring immediately
tend to be flatter and narrower, with less collagen forma- after wound closure are:
tion than when they are parallel to the underlying muscle
fibers. As muscle fibers contract, the wound edges • Layer-wise closure as to avoid gaping within the layers of
become reapproximated when they are perpendicular to the wound
the underlying muscle and tend to gape if placed parallel • Closure without tension
to it, leading to greater wound tension and scar • Hydration of the wound with clean dressing
formation. • Use of pressure garments
1010 A. Datarkar and S. Tayal

Postsurgical taping of the wound for 3 months can (c)

Bilayer substitutes—Integra, developed in 1981, was
reduce scarring. Moisturizing lotions and moisture-reten- the first acellular bilayer and has been used success-
tive dressings (silicone sheets and gels) can reduce the fully to treat burns and chronic wound patients.
thickness, discomfort, and itching and improve the appear-
ance of the scar.
49.14 Conclusion

49.13 R
 ecent Advances in Soft Tissue Proper assessment and classification of soft tissue injuries is
Management the primary step in management. Early intervention and clo-
sure of soft tissue injuries is associated with optimal func-
1. Use of growth factors—intimate role in the regulation tional and esthetic outcomes as well as decreases the risk of
of all phases of wound healing, i.e., chemotaxis, prolif- complications. The basic principles of management of soft
eration, matrix synthesis, inflammation, and angiogen- tissue injuries include the control of bleeding, copious irriga-
esis. The enhancement of soft tissue wound healing can tion of the wound, debridement of devitalized tissue, and
be done by various methods. Topical application of removal of foreign bodies before closure. Administration of
growth factors in a vehicle or by direct seeding of cells antibiotics and tetanus prophylaxis play a vital role in man-
topically on the wound can enhance healing. Placement agement of contaminated wounds. Wound dressings are
of growth factors or cells can also be done with a fibrin mandatory to protect wounds postoperatively and facilitate
sealant or glue. Use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) by ideal healing. Soft tissue injuries resulting in loss of tissue
degranulation of platelets with the secretion of its con- must be reconstructed using flaps which may be local,
tents of growth factors into the surrounding fibrin matrix regional, distant, or free microvascular flaps, depending on
or, more recently, use of tissue-engineered equivalents the type, location, and extent of the injury. Innovative options
of skin or mucosa can provide a scaffold that enhances such as growth factors, stem cell therapy, and bioengineered
healing. skin substitutes may be considered.
2. Gene and stem cell therapy—in which the gene
encoding for the therapeutic growth factor or protein is
directly transfected into host cells. This is a promising 49.15 Case Scenarios
approach for the treatment of acute and chronic
wounds. Case Scenario 1
3. Tissue engineering—In 1987, the National Science
Foundation bioengineering panel defined tissue engineer- A 23-year-old male patient met with a road traffic accident
ing as “the application of the principles and methods of and suffered from a perforating injury over the nose, extend-
engineering and the life sciences toward the development ing to right infra-orbital region. After initial resuscitating of
of biologic substitutes to restore, maintain, or improve the patient and ruling out the head injury component, the
function.” patient was taken up for the management of soft tissue and
They include—Bioengineered Skin substitutes vis [15] hard tissue injuries under general anesthesia. Through the
existing lacerated wound, open reduction and internal fixa-
Epidermal substitutes—These are autografts taken tion was done within 48 h of the trauma. Simultaneously, the
from split-thickness skin grafting or from cell line soft tissue closure was performed layer-wise. Closure of the
bioreactor expansion and grown in laboratory until muscle layer was performed followed by the subcutaneous
enough tissue is produced to be transferred to the tissue and finally the skin (Fig. 49.14a–e).
wound later.
Dermal substitutes—When the wound is deep and
the dermis is destroyed, epidermal substitutes are not Case Scenario 2
enough to ensure wound healing. The dermis is
replaced by the one manufactured in the laboratory A case scenario of a 67-year-old male patient who reported
from the patient-specific cells. This dermis is essen- to the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He was
tial to maintain mechanical resistance and occlude a victim of ballistic injury while he was working in a market-
the surface of the wound. place. The penetrating pathway of the bullet could be traced
49  Management of Soft Tissue Injuries in the Maxillofacial Region 1011

a b

c d e

Fig. 49.14  Case scenario 1(a–e): Soft tissue management of a road traffic accident victim

having an entry site over left cheek. An extensive and careful ing of the bullet into the neck and proximity of vital struc-
exploration was performed in the OT under general anesthe- tures, one should always think of an extensive approach. The
sia after the sections of 3D CT face were obtained neck dissection was carried out in this case to remove the
(Fig.  49.15a–g). The comminuted fracture of the mandible bullet from the bifurcation of common carotid artery in as
was reconstructed using reconstruction plate. The bullet was atraumatic manner as possible. Bidigital palpation is a cru-
found to be lodged in the carotid triangle just above the cial step to locate the foreign body in this region. One inter-
bifurcation of the common carotid artery. esting fact about such injuries is that though they are
Soft tissue management in such type of ballistic injuries extensive with crushed and comminuted fractures and they
becomes very critical. Since the bullet is a foreign material, are sterile due to the heat generated by the velocity of the
it has to be removed from the soft tissues. The approach bullet along its path. Such injuries are less prone to
could either be through the entry wound but due to deep seat- infection.
1012 A. Datarkar and S. Tayal

a b c

d e f g

Fig. 49.15  (a–g) Case Scenario 2: Soft tissue management in a ballistic injury

Proper surgical toilet with wound irrigation followed by 8. Stefanopoulos PK, Tarantzopoulou AD. Facial bite wounds: man-
agement update. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005;34(5):464–72.
careful debridement remains the mainstay of treatment of all 9. Janis JE.  Essentials of plastic surgery. 2nd edn. Boca Raton, FL:
types of soft tissue injuries. Quality Medical; 2014. p. 316–21, 382–5, 390, 480.
10. Frodel JL, Holt GR, Larrabee WF Jr, et al. Facial plastic and recon-
structive surgery. In: Papel ID, editor. 4th edn. New York: Thieme;
2016. p. 754–65.
References 11. Pitt D, Aubin JM. Joseph Lister: father of modern surgery. Can J
Surg. 2012;55(5):E8.
1. Hussain K, Wijetunge DB, Grubnic S, et al. A comprehensive anal- 12. Morin RJ, Tomaselli NL. Interactive dressings and topical agents.
ysis of craniofacial trauma. J Trauma. 1994;36:34. Clin Plast Surg. 2007;34(4):643–58.
2. Key SJ, Thomas DW, Shepherd JP. The management of soft tissue 13. Lionelli GT, Lawrence WT.  Wound dressings. Surg Clin.

facial wounds. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1995;33(2):76–85. 2003;83(3):617–38.
3. Karlson TA. The incidence of hospital-treated facial injuries from 14. Argenta LC, Morykwas MJ.  Vacuum-assisted closure: a new

vehicles. J Trauma. 1982;22:303. method for wound control and treatment: clinical experience. Ann
4. Fattahi TT. An overview of facial aesthetic units. J Oral Maxillofac Plast Surg. 1997;38:563–77.
Surg. 2003;61(10):1207–11. 15. Greaves NS, Iqbal SA, Baguneid M, Bayat A. The role of skin sub-
5. Seddon HJ, Medawar PB, Smith H. Rate of regeneration of periph- stitutes in the management of chronic cutaneous wounds. Wound
eral nerves in man. J Physiol. 1943;102:191–215. Repair Regen. 2013;21(2):194–210.
6. Sunderland S. A classification of peripheral nerve injuries produc-
ing loss of function. Brain. 1951;74:491–516.
7. Rank BK, Wakefield AR. Surgery of repair as applied to hand inju-
ries. London: Livingstone; 1960.

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Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring
Techniques 50
Omkar Anand Shetye

50.1 Definition 50.4 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

Dentoalveolar fracture is defined as a fracture in the bone The foundation of diagnosis and management of traumatic
surrounding the teeth without any extension to the basal dental injuries solely lies on the pillars of a detailed patient
bones of the maxilla or mandible [1, 2]. history and a clinical examination. When, Where, and How
forms the “Trauma Triad” of history taking in traumatic den-
tal injuries [4].
50.2 Incidence
When—Time interval between injury and treatment may
Dentoalveolar injuries commonly occur in the age group of significantly affect the prognosis for cases of pulp expo-
8–12 years. They generally involve teeth, soft tissues, and/or sure, displacement, and avulsion type of injuries.
associated bone. Traumatic dental injuries account for a total Where—The place of injury. The chances of the injury get-
of 92% of maxillofacial injuries of which 92% involves only ting infected on a playground compared to an injury that
the soft tissues and 8% involve the maxillofacial bones [2]. has occurred at home in relatively cleaner surroundings.
The place of injury has medico-legal repercussions if the
assault or accident has occurred at the place of work.
50.3 Introduction Depending on the cleanliness of the wound, the clinician
can also consider protection against tetanus.
Trauma is the foremost etiological factor that leads to a loss How—This may give an indication of concomitant injuries
of significant number of teeth annually. The recent advance- like soft tissue injuries secondary to the trauma [5].
ments in the field of preventive dentistry as well as the devel-
opment of myriad evidence-based techniques to restore the History of immediate local measures employed to reduce
lost form and function of teeth have made it possible for the the severity of injury helps in eliciting information regarding
dental surgeon to successfully facilitate the improvement in the original condition of the injured area [6].
the quality of life of trauma-afflicted patients. Time elapsed History of any systemic disorders that may interfere with
post-trauma plays a major factor in determining the outcome treatment or post-operative healing including a history of
of the intervention. Apart from reestablishing the premorbid tetanus vaccination has to be obtained before starting the
position of the traumatized tooth in its socket, the goal of the treatment [7].
treatment is directed toward achieving the pre-traumatic “Outside-in” examination (examining the facial structure
occlusion and intra-arch contour [3]. in three concentric rings paying more attention to the inner-
most ring) helps in achieving the desired management proto-
col. Level of consciousness should be assessed prior to the
clinical examination [6].
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- The potential for aspiration, airway compromise, and
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_50) contains supple-
neurosensory deficit warrants the need for a thorough evalu-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
ation of all maxillofacial injuries before managing dental
O. A. Shetye (*) injuries [3].
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Goa Dental College
and Hospital, Bambolim, Goa, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 1013

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_50
1014 O. A. Shetye

In a patient with missing tooth fragment or prosthesis,

a chest radiograph and abdominal radiograph may be
helpful in  locating the missing structures and their
management. Owing to its anatomic position, the right
bronchus is often the site of foreign body dislodgement
[3, 6].

50.5 Clinical Examination

Clinical examination of the patient has to be divided into the

following subsets [8]:

–– Extra-oral soft tissue

–– Intra-oral soft tissue ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
–– Jaws and alveolar bone
Fig. 50.1  Mandibular anterior lingually displaced dentoalveolar frac-
–– Teeth (displacement and mobility) ture with degloving vestibular wound and ragged lip lacerations
–– Percussion and pulp testing [3]

50.5.1  Extra-oral

Asymmetry of the face following trauma could be due to

injury to the facial skeleton or swelling. Areas of ecchymosis
and hematoma may indicate fracture of the underlying osse-
ous structure. Laceration, contusion, and abrasion of the
overlying skin are common with dentoalveolar injuries
(Figs. 50.1, 50.2, and 50.3). Mild antiseptic soap should be
used to clean the extra-oral abrasions or a saline wash can be
used while being careful to not inoculate injury site further
with debris or foreign body [4, 8].

50.5.2  Intra-oral

Buccal mucosa lacerations should raise suspicion for a

Stensen’s duct injury. The lips, floor of the mouth, and tongue
are areas which are at a risk of being penetrated or sites for
secondary injuries [3].

50.5.3  Jaws and Alveolar Bone ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Bimanual palpation of the maxillary and mandibular dentition Fig. 50.2  Maxillary anterior palatally displaced and extruded dentoal-
veolar fracture with associated upper lip injury. Note incisal fractures of
and evaluation of occlusion should reveal areas of discrepancy the upper lateral incisors (see also Fig. 50.8)
or mobility. The direction of dislocation of the apex of primary
tooth should be diagnosed since these teeth are in close
approximation to the succedaneous teeth. Palpating from the mouth is suggestive of underlying mandibular fractures. Step
vestibular approach makes this diagnosis easier. Sublingual deformity, crepitation, malocclusion, and gingival lacerations
ecchymosis/hematoma (Coleman’s sign) at the floor of the raise suspicion for possible bone defects [7, 9].
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1015

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.4  Coronal CT image showing left maxillary high dentoalveo-

lar fracture
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.3  Maxillary anterior teeth complete avulsion with associated coronal-labial aspect of the pulp which is scattered by pulp
upper lip injury blood cells that in turn produce a Doppler frequency shift.
The fraction of light scattered back is detected and processed
to elicit a signal. The basic theory is that the pulp revascular-
50.5.4  Percussion and Pulp Testing ization process can be monitored. Studies have shown that in
cases in which electrometric tests were negative and LDF
Percussion test is performed with the end of the handle of an displayed vascular perfusion, the LDF accuracy of pulp
examination mirror. Pain to percussion of a tooth is indica- vitality reached 100% [3].
tive of damage to the periodontal ligament. Dullness to per- All the teeth should be tested for abnormal mobility both
cussion in one or several adjacent teeth can be indicative of horizontally and vertically. It should be remembered that pri-
partially luxated teeth or en bloc fracture of tooth or alveolar mary teeth undergoing physiologic root resorption and there-
bone. The percussion test should be started on a non-injured fore always exhibit a certain degree of mobility. The typical
tooth to ensure a reliable response through visual analogue sign of an alveolar fracture is the movement of adjacent teeth
scale [6, 8]. when the mobility of a single tooth is tested [6].
To evaluate the tooth injury thoroughly, pulp vitality is a
must. A positive response indicates that the pulp is alive,
whereas a negative response indicates that the pulp is dead. 50.6 Radiographic Examination
Following injury, the tooth may be in a state of shock and
may give a false response. Hence pulp testing should also be Radiographic techniques are available to evaluate dentoal-
performed during the subsequent visits to acknowledge the veolar trauma.
change in response [5]. Radiographic examination is essential to determine dam-
Electric vitality testing depends on a number of factors age to underlying structures and should include intraoral peri-
including the stage of eruption of tooth, the presence of a apical (IOPA), occlusal, panoramic radiographs (OPG), and
restoration or decay, and the ability to isolate the tooth and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging [3, 4].
keep the area clear of blood and saliva [8]. If conventional CT imaging is done as part of the trauma
Laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) is a relatively new pulp series, fine axial and coronal cuts will also show the dentoal-
testing apparatus. It employs a laser beam directed at the veolar injuries (Fig. 50.4)
1016 O. A. Shetye

IOPA radiograph provides vital information about root

fracture and dislocation of teeth. At times it is difficult to Box 50.2: Etiology of Adult Dentoalveolar Injuries
adequately evaluate a fracture on an IOPA radiograph, due to Adult patients
variations in tube-tooth-film geometry. Post-treatment radio- • Motor vehicular accidents
graphs can confirm the proper repositioning of avulsed or • Interpersonal violence
luxated tooth into alveolar bone. • Sports injuries(contact injuries)
Occlusal radiographs provide a larger field of view, and a • Falls
steep occlusal exposure is of special value in the diagnosis of • Work-related trauma
root fracture and lateral luxations with displacement of
crown [8].
OPG is a useful screening tool and can demonstrate frac-
tures of the mandible and maxilla as well as fractures of
alveolar ridges and teeth.
Radiographic evaluation of foreign bodies within soft tis- Box 50.3: Classification of Alveolar Bone Fracture:
sues of the lips and cheeks is done by taking radiographs with Traumatic alveolar bone [9]
the film placed labial to the alveolus. A reduced radiographic Type I: Areas surrounding a single tooth
exposure time (approximately 1/3rd of the normal) is used. Type II: Entire dentoalveolar segment dislocation
CBCT scanning is extremely useful in diagnosis of maxil-
lofacial, alveolar bone, and teeth fractures with the advantage of
high-resolution three-dimensional images with low radiation.
The etiology of pediatric and adult dentoalveolar injuries
were shown in Box 50.1 and Box 50.2 respectively. Box 50.3
Box 50.4 Alveolar fracture can be classified by their
and Box 50.4 represents the classification of alveolar bone
specific location and movement of displacement [10]
fracture and classification of alveolar bone fracture based on
Class I: Edentulous segment fracture
location and displacement respectively.
Class II: Little or any displacement of fractured dentu-
lous segment
Class III: Moderate to severe displacement of fractured
Box 50.1: Etiology of Pediatric Dentoalveolar Injuries dentulous segment
Pediatric patients [9] Class IV: Multiple fracture lines with combination of
• Bicycle injuries fracture of the dentulous segment
• Falls
• Sports injuries
• Car crashes
• Child abuse
• Iatrogenic injuries(dental extractions, endoscopy,
oral intubation)
• Industrial accidents
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1017

Box 50.5: Classification of Dental Injuries and Surrounding Structure

Classification based on level of involvement [11]
1. Fracture involving enamel
2. Fracture involving enamel and dentin
3. Fracture involving enamel, dentin and pulp
4. Fracture involving enamel, dentin, cementum
5. Crown/ root fracture
6. Luxation of tooth
7. Intrusion and extrusion (Fig. 50.5a,b) (Box 50.6)
8. Avulsion (Fig. 50.5c) (Boxes 50.7 and 50.8)

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.5 (a–c) Clinical images showing tooth (a) intrusion, (b) extrusion, and (c) avulsion
1018 O. A. Shetye

Box 50.6: Management of Intruded Tooth (Fig. 50.6) Box 50.7: Principle of Avulsion
Diangelis et al. [12, 13]
• Primary should not be replanted
• Permanent teeth should be replanted as soon as pos-
sible and stabilized for 7–10 days up to 2 weeks
[14, 15].

Box 50.8: Primary Management of Avulsion by the

What the patient can do:

• To hold the tooth by its crown and not to touch the

root surface.
• To rinse the tooth immediately with saliva, tap
water or saline solution and reimplant the tooth.
• If the patient cannot replace the tooth, it should be
held in the buccal vestibule (only if patient is fully
• Gentle irrigation with saline or gauze soaked with
saline may be employed to remove blood clots or
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India foreign objects from the surface of the root.
Fig. 50.6  IOPA showing an intruded upper right canine
What the patient should not do:
Permanent Teeth
1. In closed apex • No effort should be made to mechanically cleanse
–– Intrusion <3 mm—allow eruption the root of the tooth because this would damage the
Intrusion between 3 and 7  mm—surgical or remaining periodontal ligament.
orthodontic repositioning
–– Intrusion >7 m m
(a) Surgical extrusion with flexible splint for
4–8 weeks
(b) RCT using Ca (OH)2 medicament 2–3 Transportation media for avulsed teeth include
weeks after surgical extrusion
2. In open apex 1. Viaspan: a specialized tissue storage media used when
(a) Wait till the tooth erupts for 3 months transporting liver for transplantation.
(b) Place an orthodontic extruding appliance 2. Hanks balanced salt solution: both hanks solution and
viaspan are physiologic with compatible pH and osmo-
Primary Teeth lality. The relative availability and cost-effective hanks
Treatment is debatable solution makes it medium of choice in storage of avulsed
Immediate extraction of the involved tooth teeth.
More conservative approach Commercial products are designed especially for storing
avulsed teeth. It has shelf life of 2 years without refrigeration
(Box 50.9).

50.6.1  Storage and Transportation Media 3. Milk: is a readily available medium. It is the medium of
choice in the absence of hanks balanced salt solution or
If the tooth cannot be reimplanted within 5 min, it should be viaspan. Milk will only prevent further cellular demise
stored in a medium that will maintain its vitality and peri- and is used specifically when the teeth has been outside
odontal ligament fibers [14–16]. the oral cavity for less than 20 min.
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1019

Box 50.9: HBSS Contents Box 50.10: Reagent for Root Surface Therapy
Contents of Hanks balanced salt solution [19] Agents used for root surface treatment to prevent
• Sodium chloride resorption
• Glucose • Citric acid
• Potassium chloride • Doxycycline
• Sodium bicarbonate • Tetracycline
• Sodium phosphate • Fluorides
• Calcium chloride • Enamel matrix derivative (emdogain)
• Magnesium chloride • Diphosphonates
• Magnesium sulfate

4. Saliva: is an excellent transport medium and is as effec- After normal reattachment, survival is prolonged. Avulsed
tive as saline. It does not matter if the tooth is stored in teeth which remain out of the mouth for more than 2–3  h
another person’s saliva. generally resorb rapidly and should not be reimplanted
5. Tap water: has been commonly recommended storage indiscriminately.
solution but due its hypotonicity, it leads to rapid cell The outcome of replantation depends on the stage of root
lysis and increased inflammation on replantation. development and extra-oral time. If the avulsed tooth has a
6. Contact lens solution: a compilation of information from closed apex and extra-oral time is less than 60  min (early
a study Blomlof et al. [17] indicates that Hanks buffered replantation), the reimplanted tooth will have the best prog-
saline, isotonic saline, and pasteurized bovine milk may nosis. The ideal time to begin root canal treatment is within
be the most favorable known storage media. If none of 10–14 days post-replantation and before splint removal.
these are available, human saliva or contact lens solution There is a statistically significant association between
is acceptable short-term substitute storage liquid. extirpation within 14 days and an increased likelihood of
7. Culture mediums like minimum essential eagles medium successful periodontal healing and prevention of external
and Dulbecco’s storage media [18] have been used as inflammatory root resorption.
they contain amino acids, vitamins, and bicarbonates It is generally agreed that Ca (OH)2 has a beneficial effect
that help to maintain the vitality of cells. in the outcome because of its antibacterial properties, ability
8. Propolis: a beehive product which has an excellent anti-­ to dissolve necrotic tissue, and its ability to prevent or con-
inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect has been used as a trol inflammatory resorption. The anti-inflammatory and
storage medium. antibacterial action may decrease root resorption by directly
9. Green Tea: its polyphenol derivative have antioxidative, inhibiting resorptive cells (Box 50.10).
anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, anti-inflammatory,
antimicrobial, and antiviral effect.
10. Patients own serum have shown to maintain the vitality 50.7.1  Delayed Replantation (more than
of periodontal ligament cells up to 1 h. 60 min)
Morus rubra (red mulberry), egg white, coconut water,
rehydrating solution like Gatorade and ricetral, lens Delayed replantation of avulsed tooth with closed apex has
solution, probiotic solutions, saliva officinalis, honey a poor long-term prognosis. The periodontal ligament gets
milk, and ascorbic acid have been used as a transporta- necrotic and healing is delayed. The goal of delayed replan-
tion medium for avulsed tooth. tation is to promote alveolar bone growth so as to encapsu-
late the reimplanted tooth. The eventual outcome is
50.7 Treatment at the Clinic In children below age of 15 years, if ankylosis occurs and
when the infra position of the tooth crown is more than
Traumatically avulsed teeth when out of the mouth for a 1 mm, decoronation is recommended to preserve the contour
short period should be reimplanted as soon as possible. of the alveolar bone.
1020 O. A. Shetye

Root canal treatment (RCT) can be carried out on a tooth odontal ligament gets necrotic and is not expected to heal.
prior to reimplantation or it can be carried out within 14 days Osseous replacement, resorption, or ankylosis will occur.
of reimplantation. The tooth is immersed in 2% sodium fluo- Therefore some authors have concluded that such teeth
ride solution for a minimum of 5 min up to 20 min. should not be reimplanted.
Avulsed teeth having open apices and extra-oral time less The recent guidelines recommend replantation to main-
than 60  min are also reimplanted and stabilized for 7–10 tain alveolar ridge contour as ankylosed roots get trans-
days and up to 2 weeks. The goal of reimplanting developing formed to bone during the remodeling process. RCT can be
(immature) teeth in children is to allow for possible revascu- performed on the tooth prior to replantation through an open
larization of the tooth pulp. apex (Fig. 50.7a–c).
If there is evidence of the pulpal infection or inflamma-
tory response, the pulp should be removed and Ca (OH)2
placed immediately, aiming to stimulate apexification and 50.7.2  Stabilization
halt the inflammatory process.
It is believed that delayed replantation of avulsed teeth Stabilization of an avulsed tooth can be achieved using a
with open apices have a poor long-term prognosis. The peri- variety of materials like wires, arch bar wired to the teeth,

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.7 (a–c) Shows a case of avulsed upper right central incisor in and the tooth reimplanted and stabilized with wire and composite splint
a 24-year-old man, which presented after few hours of avulsion. The (a, IOPA showing avulsed incisor; b, IOPA with tooth reimplanted; c,
tooth was transported in milk by the relatives. A RCT was carried out shows the clinical image after splinting)
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1021

orthodontic band and brackets attached by acid etch tech- 50.7.4  Complications
nique, combined with orthodontic band and acrylic appli-
ance, or periodontal pack.
They are generally maintained for 7–10 days after replan- 1. Pulp necrosis
tation to allow gingival reattachment. 2. Pulp chamber or root canal obliteration
Studies by Andreason [20] (1985) have shown that pro- 3. Internal resorption
longed splinting may be inadvisable because it enhances 4. External resorption—three types:
ankylosis. (a) Surface replacement
The socket should be left undisturbed before replantation. (b) Replacement resorption (ankylosis)
If the alveolar bone has collapsed, a blunt instrument should (c) Soft tissue replacement [23]
be inserted carefully into the socket in an attempt to reposi-
tion the wall. It should be lightly aspirated if a blood clot is
present. 50.8 Alveolar Process Fracture
In general, stabilization for reimplanted teeth is required
for 7–14 days. The periodontal ligament fibers should have
healed sufficiently after the first week to remove the splint. Fracture of the alveolar process usually involves the
However, the patient should be advised not to bite directly on teeth.
the reimplanted tooth for 3–4 weeks after injury.

50.7.3  Technique
Place the segment into position (closed reduction)  Wire Acid Etch Composite Splint (Fig. 50.8)
A wire of moderate stiffness (round 0.030 in. stainless steel)
is adapted to the facial surface at least one or more stable
teeth on either side of the reimplanted teeth.
The physiologic movement imparted to the reimplanted
tooth during function is increased when fewer teeth are Open reduction/ raise the flap if reduction not possible
included in stabilization of the avulsed tooth. (Fig. 50.9 a, b)
The facial surface of the avulsed and adjacent teeth is acid
etched, and wire is cemented to them with composite.
The wire is generally curved along the middle third of the
labial surface of the teeth. 90° terminal bends toward the gin-
giva are made at the labiodistal angles of the most posterior
teeth to be splinted in order to avoid sharp edges and stabil-
ity. The terminal ends should be about 2 mm long to reduce
the possibility of lateral displacement of the wire [21, 22].

Splinting periods for traumatic dental injuries [6]

Traumatic dental injuries Splinting period

Subluxation 2 weeks
Extrusive luxation 2 weeks
Avulsion 2 weeks
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Lateral luxation 4 weeks
Intrusion(if surgically repositioned) 4–8 weeks
Fig. 50.8  Shows the case in Fig.  50.2, which has undergone closed
Root fracture(middle third) 4 weeks
reduction and fixation by arch bar. Full intrusion and reduction was not
Root fracture(cervical third) 4 months achieved. The occlusal discrepancy was planned to be corrected later by
RCT and necessary prosthetic work
1022 O. A. Shetye

a 50.9.1  Treatment Options

1 . Arch bars (Fig. 50.8)

2. Loop wiring
3. Orthodontic bands
4. Acrylic/metallic splints
5. Acid etch composite

Model surgery on the plaster models is performed to rec-

reate the normal anatomic relationship of the fractured seg-
ment and allow fabrication of accurate splint [9].

50.9.2  Specific Treatment Options

Class I fractures that involve a non-displaced, edentulous

alveolar segment often do not require treatment other than a
soft diet and observation. If there is concern about the stabil-
ity of the fracture during the healing process, stabilization
may be used.
Class II fractures that involve a displaced dentulous seg-
ment and need reduction may require a great deal of force to
realign the fractured segment. Posterior fragments are always
displaced to the lingual area. Large forceps may be helpful to
apply a force suitable to reduce the bony fragment. Reduced
fragments are held in place by MMF or splints.
Class III fractures of a moderately or severely displaced
dentulous segment may be too difficult to reduce adequately.
There may be scant room into which the irregular, displaced
segment needs to be replaced. It may be necessary to burr or
rasp down the displaced segment or the opening in the
remaining bone to successfully reduce the fracture. This is
usually accomplished by use of a power drill with a suitable
size bur or a fine rhinoplasty rasp. The amount of tissue that
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
is removed should be limited so that the sufficient bone to
Fig. 50.9 (a, b) Shows a case of high alveolar process fracture seg-
bone contact remains for bony union as the fracture heals.
ment in the maxillary right side with associated split between central Maintenance of class III fractures in a reduced fashion may
incisors. Under GA, the extruded displaced alveolar segment was repo- be accomplished with arch bars, MMF, and/or variety of
sitioned after placement of split arch bars and bridle wiring between the splints.
central incisors. The segment was fixed with mini plate and screws,
taking care not to injure the tooth roots. Due to root anatomy, only a
Class IV fractures that extend into one or more non alveo-
single plate was fixed after reduction. Post-operative IMF was given for lar fracture lines are usually less challenging than class III
2 weeks, for additional stability and to help the healing process fractures because (1) the bone segments are larger, (2) the
treatment of the associated fractures gives excellent expo-
sure, and (3) usually no barrier exists to reduction. Plates,
50.9 Management of Dentoalveolar screws, arch bars, MMF, and/or variety of splints may be
Fracture used [7].

The goals of treatment should be:

50.9.3  Wiring Techniques
(a) Anatomic reduction
(b) Re establishment of premorbid occlusion In MMF, wires are passed interdentally between teeth in both
(c) Early return of function the jaws followed by tightening of these wires together in a
(d) Preservation of premorbid arch form and facial contour cross arch fashion which serves to stabilize the fracture
[24] segments.
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1023

Over the period of last century, MMF techniques have

evolved dramatically, and more recently, many more eas-
ier and effective methods have been introduced like MMF
screws, eyelet wiring, and Erich arch bars to name a few.
Although it is a quick and efficient way of securing MMF,
yet, this technique is criticized for extended periods the
patient needs to be closed mouth, difficulty in maintaining
oral hygiene, lack or deficient nutritional support via oral
route and inability to use this treatment modality in medi-
cally compromised patients like epileptics or in immedi-
ate post-­ operative period due to increased risk of
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

50.9.4  Armamentarium and Principles Fig. 50.10  Armamentarium for wiring

(Fig. 50.10)

A soft stainless steel wire of 0.35–0.5 mm diameter is uti- tageous for the fractures of the anterior mandible), decrease
lized and pre-stretched to 10% of its original length to pre- pain, and reducing damage to the neurovascular bundle
vent loosening of wire once tightened. Overstretching from immobilizing the fractured fragments, thereby pre-
beyond this point should be avoided as this will make the venting gross movements and also decreasing muscle
wire brittle and susceptible to breakage. cramping.

50.9.5  Principles Following administration of local anesthesia , a 24–26 gauge
wire is passed around the neck of the teeth adjacent to the
fracture site on either side (Fig.  50.11a). With both ends
Basic principles to be followed are [25]: being secured in the wire holder (Fig. 50.11b), the fractured
1. Continuous tension on the wire while twisting and segments are manually reduced anatomically, and the wire is
tightening. tightened in a clockwise fashion till further reduction is
2. Force should be apically directed while tightening. achieved (Fig. 50.11c), and the fracture is stabilized
3. Utilizing a clock wise direction for all tightening/
twisting.  Gilmer’s Direct Interdental Wiring
4. Only half a turn to be given at a time at the end. [26, 27]
5. Once the tail is cut, it is turned and placed into the This technique represents an easy and fastest method of
inter-proximal embrasures. immobilization.
6. Once all the wires are in place, move the finger
around the arch bar/wire to check for any sharp Technique
edge/margin/ wire ending. A 15 cm pre-stretched wire is passed through the interdental
embrasure of the tooth on one side from buccal to lingual.
This wire will pass around the tooth and emerge out buc-
cally through the interdental embrasure from the other side.
Both ends are held together and twisted to achieve a 3 cm
50.9.6  Technique tail (Fig.  50.12a–c). Multiple teeth (at least 5–6) in either
jaw are utilized. Following manual fracture reduction and  Bridle Wire [26, 27] placement of teeth with premorbid occlusion, the tails from
First advocated by Hippocrates, bridle wire remains one of opposite arch are twisted together in a cross arch or zigzag
the oldest yet a conventional method of treating mandibular fashion to achieve immobilization (Fig.  50.12d). The cut
fractures. This technique represents a temporary way of sta- ends of the tail are secured into the interdental spaces. Once
bilizing the fractured segments, preventing them from flay- all the wires/tails are twisted, complete immobilization is
ing apart. achieved.
Advantages include stabilization of the two fractured The only drawback of this technique is that, in cases of
segments preventing further damage to the adjacent soft tis- broken /loose wire, all the cross arch wires will have to be
sues, maintenance of the airway patency (especially advan- removed and redone post placement of twisted wire.
1024 O. A. Shetye

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.11  Shows sequential steps bridel wiring. (a) Passing of the wire through the tooth embrasure. (b) Formation of the wire loop assuming
the fracture line is between the two premolars. (c) Twisting of both the ends to stabilize the fracture
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1025

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.12 (a–d) Shows technique of direct Gilmer wiring. Formation of the loop around the tooth in the lower and upper arch followed by twist-
ing both the wires together in order to achieve MMF
1026 O. A. Shetye  Interdental Eyelet Wiring (Ivy Loop (Fig.  50.15c), and both the ends of the wire are pulled
Method) [26, 27] (Video 50.1) together and tightened (Fig. 50.15d).
Yet another easy and quick method of securing MMF was
advocated and popularized by Dr. Robert H.Ivy, Philadelphia,  Continuous or Multiple Loop Wiring
USA. [26, 27]
It was first described by Col. Stout in 1943. It represents an
Technique easy and simple technique which requires minimal instru-
A pre-stretched 26 gauge/0.35 mm diameter wire was made mentation. This technique utilizes multiple loops on the buc-
into an Ivy loop utilizing the middle segment of the wire by cal surface of the tooth which can be used for both MMF
twisting it around a metallic rod of 3 mm diameter. 3–4 turns using wire as well as elastic traction for the purpose of frac-
are given to achieve adequate stability to the loop. Both the ture reduction. One major advantage of this technique is the
ends of the wire are then cut in an oblique fashion use of differential traction force that can be achieved and
(Fig. 50.13a). applied for fracture reduction before securing it with wires
Both the ends are passed through the interdental space to for MMF.
emerge lingually/palatally so that the loop lies buccally
(Fig. 50.13b). Following this, one end of the wire is passed Technique
from distal interdental space of the same tooth to emerge buc- A 30 cm-long pre-stretched wire is placed on the buccal side
cally. This same wire is passed through the loop and secured of the teeth with the anterior end placed as anteriorly as pos-
to the other end of the wire which is passed mesially from the sible while the posterior end extending up to the last tooth to
lingual/palatal side to the buccal side of the adjacent tooth be used. The wire is passed through the interdental space of
side (Fig. 50.13c,d) . Both the ends are tightened (Fig. 50.13e), the posterior most teeth and emerged through its mesial side.
and the tail end cut short and secured into the dental space The wire is then passed over the buccal wire and passed back
mesially to prevent damage to the adjacent soft tissues. into the same interdental space. A 3 mm diameter rod can be
Stability of the MMF is based on the adequate number of used parallel to the buccal wire for adequate loop diameter as
Ivy loops placed in both the arches and secured. well as uniformity of the loop (Fig. 50.16a). Once the wire is
In the maxillary arch, loops can be placed between two passed back through the same interdental space, it then
molars, two premolars, or between lateral incisor and canine emerges out from the mesial interdental space of adjacent
or two central incisors. In the mandibular arch, loops are best tooth (Fig. 50.16b). This continues till the anterior most teeth
placed between two molars, two premolars, or between lat- where both the ends of the wire are twisted together, cut, and
eral incisor and canine. placed into the interdental space (Fig. 50.16c,d). Each loop is
then twisted, and loops are made of uniform diameter. In cases
Modifications of securing MMF, the loops are turned toward the occlusal
surfaces of the teeth, but in cases of elastic traction, they are
1. In 1975, Hallam modified the Ivy loop by addition of turned in the opposite direction toward the gingiva [27].
another loop proximal to the first for the purpose of liga-
ture/tie wire (Fig. 50.14) Modification
Although an interesting modification yet the disadvan- This technique needs modification when some teeth are
tage observed was that due to increase in length and in missing. Herein, once the loop at the mesial end of the tooth
patients with short vertical dimension, both the proximal adjacent to the missing tooth is formed, both of the free ends
loops would meet one another making the placement of of the wires are held together and twisted till the distal end of
MMF extremely difficult. the next tooth. Once the desired length is achieved, the loop
2. Clove hitch is again formed at the distal end, and the looping continues
This technique helps in placement of an Ivy loop in cases till the anterior most teeth.
of missing teeth or a single isolated tooth. It is the easiest
way to secure MMF where placement of an arch bar or  Risdon’s Wiring [26, 27]
any other technique of securing MMF is difficult due to
lack of supporting teeth. Indications
It is an alternative to an arch bar for a fractured mandible that
Technique of Clove Hitch needs fixation.
The one end of the wire that has an Ivy loop forms a loop
around the lone-standing tooth (Fig. 50.15a) . Continue the Technique
wire around the tooth forming another loop for the second A 25  cm-long wire is passed through the posterior most
time (Fig. 50.15b) . The end of the wire is under the first loop tooth in the quadrant to emerge bucally, followed by twist-
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1027

a c

Fig. 50.13  Shows steps in Ivy loop technique. (a) Photograph of an molar to emerge buccally. (d) Distal end is passed through the loop on
Ivy loop. (b) Both the ends are held together an passed through the the buccal side to emerge mesially. (e) Both the ends of the wire are
tooth embrasure of the premolar and molar. (c) One end passed is held together and twisted
passed through the mesial of premolar and other through the distal of
1028 O. A. Shetye

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.13 (continued)

ing the wire up to its full length till the midline (Fig. 50.17a).
Another wire is passed from the opposite quadrant of the
same arch and twisted in a similar manner. Both the ends of
this twisted wire are tightened at the midline after reducing
the fracture segments (Fig.  50.17b,c). Once anatomic
reduction is achieved, additional wires are used to stabilize
this long wires by passing around the embrasures of the
teeth and looping around the wire segment (Fig.  50.17d)
[26, 27].  Obwegeser Wiring [26, 27]

This technique utilizes a 30 cm-long wire that is bent into
a continuous “W” arcade form as depicted in Fig. 50.18a.
The elevated portion of the arcade acts to form the loop,
whereas the depressed portion adapts to the contour of
the teeth palatally or lingually. The distal end of the wire
arcade is kept long enough so that it will follow the buc-
cal contour of the arch, when it is passed through the
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
interdental space of the most posterior tooth from lin-
Fig. 50.14  Shows a modification of Ivy loop gual/palatal to buccal side. The elevated ends of the
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1029

a b

Fig. 50.15  Showing clove hitch technique. (a–c) Single loop is passed around the lone-standing tooth followed by second loop under the first one,
pulling both the ends together. (d) Showing clove hitch wiring technique

arcade have a ligature wire attached to it (Fig.  50.18b), wire are held together and twisted (Fig.  50.18f). The
which only suffices the arcade to be pulled through to the loops can be used for both elastic traction and wires for
interdental space to emerge buccally (Fig. 50.18c,d). The securing MMF.
long wire is then passed through this loop (Fig. 50.18e), The disadvantage of this technique is that it is very cum-
and a modified hemostat is used to twist this wire to form bersome and adequate expertise is needed to carry out this
uniform loops. At the mesial end, both the ends of the technique.
1030 O. A. Shetye

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.16 (a, b) Showing continuous or multiple loop wiring tech- cally and looping around the rod. (c, d) Continuous loops till the mid-
nique, a rod is held parallel to the buccal surface of the teeth, and the line are made followed by pulling the buccal rod out to achieve loops
wire is passed through the distal most tooth embrasure to emerge buc-
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1031

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.17 (a, b) Showing steps in fabrication of Risdon wiring. Distal most tooth is used to loop the wire and twist it. (17c) Showing twisted wire in
the midline. (d, e) Showing wires passed through teeth embrasure to loop around the main wire. (f) Alternate method of securing the long wire
1032 O. A. Shetye

a b

e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.18 (a, b) Showing fabricated W arcade used in Obwegeser technique. (c) Showing ligature wire pulled from the palatal/lingual side to
buccal side. (d–f) Showing wire from the distal most end passing though the loops to be twisted at the most medial end of the arcade
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1033  Arch Bar [26, 27] (Video 50.2) Disadvantages

Commercially available arch bars are usually customized or
prefabricated. In most clinical scenarios, prefabricated arch • One of the major drawbacks is the lack of vertical stop in
bars like Erich’s, Jelenko, Winter’s, or Schuchardt’s suffice the anterior region when an arch bar is used. In the poste-
the need for placement. rior region, the opposing teeth act as a vertical stop for
occluding teeth which isn’t the case with anterior region
Indications as the anterior upper teeth may slide over the lower when
elastics are stretched between the maxillary and mandibu-
1. Partially edentulous patients where placement of eyelets lar teeth resulting in extrusion of anterior teeth. This prob-
is not an option due to insufficient number of teeth. lem can be circumvented, by drilling a hole using a bur in
2. The teeth present are far apart making MMF impossible. the gingival area apical to the mucogingival junction
3. For alignment of avulsed teeth/displaced dentoalveolar through the buccal and lingual cortices.
fracture into proper arch form.
4. Reduction and immobilization of dentoalveolar compo- An additional 24 gauze wire is passed from the buccal
nent/ fracture. side of this hole to emerge lingually. The lingual end of the
5. As a part of integrated treatment for suspension for treat- wire is then passed through the interdental space of the tooth
ment of maxillofacial fractures. to emerge buccally. Both the ends of the wire are then twisted
to prevent extrusion.
Technique In the anterior maxilla, anterior nasal spine can be used
Ideal placement is as close to the interdental spaces, which for additional suspension of the arch bar to prevent down-
are then secured with 26 gauge wire. This close placement ward pull exerted by the elastics.
helps to reduce the arch bar to tooth contact and allows for
better adaptability of the arch bar to the arch contour, thereby • Increased operating time.
reducing loosening of arch bar. • High probability of penetrating injuries to the operator.
In most cases, arch bars are placed from distal of first • Compromised oral hygiene and periodontal tissue
molar, in one quadrant to the other, maintaining a minimum damage.
of two teeth on either side of the fracture line in a dentate • Post-treatment removal is a traumatic experience.
The wire is passed from one interdental space and moved Complications
around the tooth to emerge buccally from the other side Post reduction of the dentoalveolar fracture, the incisal
(Fig.  50.19a). Placement of arch bar by securing it with edges of the fractured teeth bearing segment will remain
wire begins (Fig.  50.19b) usually at the midline and pro- above the normal occlusal plane. This discrepancy can be
ceeds posteriorly or from one end (molar) to another corrected by application of apical pressure to this segment
(Fig. 50.19c,d) in order to avoid excess in the center and to through MMF, circummandibular wiring, suspension from
achieve uniformity throughout the length of the arch bar. ANS, lateral piriform, buttress, or using the eye of the max-
The wires are usually twisted in between the cleats and illomandibular fixation screw.
placed into the interdental space to avoid damage to sur-
rounding soft tissues.
The cleats of the arch bar always face gingivally. MMF is 50.10 M
 axillomandibular Fixation (MMF)
usually secured using 24 gauze wires in box pattern. Screws [28] (Video 50.3)
Figure 50.19e is showing a model with upper and lower
arch bar placement secured with wires, while Fig. 50.19f is 50.10.1  Introduction
showing a clinical photograph of arch bar placement.
A self-drilling or tapping maxillomandibular fixation screws
Advantages by Arthur et  al. [29] in 1989 reduced the intra and post-­
operative problem associated with the arch bars.
• Easier to manipulate and maintain the intra-arch form.
• Acts as a tension band, resisting forces acting at the alve-
olar level of the fractured component. 50.10.2  First Generation
• Multiple vectors can be provided by using elastics and
VW cross bracing in reducing the fracture displacement Screws were modified monocortical self-tapping screws that
to achieve premorbid occlusion. were kept at 4–5 mm above the mucosa for subsequent wire
1034 O. A. Shetye

a b

Fig. 50.19 (a–d) Showing technique of arch bar placement. The wire is is passed below the arch bar to secure it by twisting. (e) Showing a model
passed through the embrasure or emerge buccally. The wire on the mesial with upper and lower arch bar placement secured with wires. (f) repre-
side of the tooth is passed above the arch bar, where as the distal end wire senting a clinical photograph of arch bar placement
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1035

e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.19 (continued)

splinting. Surgical preparation of the site needed prior to advisable to use multiple screws on either side to achieve
insertion. They were usually wider in diameter with grooves/ vectors in different directions.

50.10.4  Advantages
50.10.3  Second Generation
1. Cost-effective
Screws were self-drilling or self-tapping screws which were 2. Easy placement
spool shaped. The central part of the screw head is perforated 3. Lesser operating time
with one of two channels perpendicular to its axis aiding in 4. Less incidences of penetrating injuries
the passage of ligature wires. The top of the screw heads is 5. Lesser appliances inside the oral cavity
smoothly finished at the contact zone with overlying mucosa. 6. Minimum damage to periodontium
Clinician should consider fracture location, dentition, sur- 7. Easy maintenance of oral hygiene
gical exposure, and the quantity of bone for placement of
these IMF screws.
Ideal radiographic images obtained are orthopantomo- 50.10.5  Disadvantages
gram and CT axial scan to analyze and plan placement of
these screws. 1 . Iatrogenic damage to tooth roots
Sites include anterior vestibule and anterolateral (canine 2. Root fracture
and premolar regions) as they provide sufficient bone depth, 3. Ingested hardware
clearance from adjacent tooth, and easy accessibility. Screws 4. Screw loosening resulting in malocclusion [30]
should be placed above the root apices as subapical place- 5. Pulpal necrosis
ment leads to mucosal overgrowth (Fig. 50.20a–d). 6. Root resorption
Ideally one screw should be placed on either side of the 7. Tooth loss
fracture line. However, in severely displaced cases, it is 8. Soft tissue growth over the screw head [31]
1036 O. A. Shetye

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 50.20 (a–d) Showing clinical steps in placement of MMF screw. each quadrant. The wire is passed through the eye of the opposing arch
Technique for placement of MMF screws. Marking is done between the and secured to achieve intermaxillary fixation
root apices followed by drilling and placement of MMF screw, one in

50.11 Conclusion References

Dentoalveolar fracture mostly involves teeth, soft 1. Nyardady Z, Orsi E, Nagy K, Olasz L, Nyarady J.  Transgingival
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surgeon can restore the lost form and function of teeth to Kruger textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 6th edn. Jaypee;
facilitate the improvement in quality of life in trauma- 1968. p. 357–63.
3. Leathers RD, Gowans RE. Management of alveolar and dental frac-
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Vol 1, 3rd edn. New York: McGraw Hill; 2004. p. 383–405.
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and 50.9 to Suvy Manuel. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 2nd edn. Elsevier
p. 557–86.
50  Dentoalveolar Injuries and Wiring Techniques 1037

5. Sivakumar, Muthu MS. Traumatic injuries of teeth and supporting 19. William Cornell R. Management of the avulsed tooth. In: Clinical
structures. In Pediatric dentistry principles and practice. 2nd edn. transplantation in dental specialities. 2nd edn. St Louis, MO: C V
Elsevier. p. 305–26. Mosby; 1980. p. 89–106.
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ries. In: Essentials of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 1st edn. Wiley human teeth. Assessment by mobility testing and radiography. Acta
Blackwell; 2014. p. 257–87. Odontol Scand 1975;35:325–35.
7. Taub PJ, Patel PK, Buchman SR, Cohen MN. Ferraro’s fundamen- 21. Abu Samra FM.  Dentoalveolar injuries classification—manage-
tals of maxillofacial surgery. 2nd edn. Springer; 2015. p. 169–73. ment—biological consequences. J Dent Health Oral Disord Ther.
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11. Pagadala S, Tadikonda DC. An overview of classification of dental 24. McDonald RE, Avery DR, Dean JA, Jones JE.  Management of
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patient: a 3 year follow up. J Clin Exp Dent. 2014;6(4):e425–9. Operative oral and maxillofacial surgery. 2nd edn. Medical; 2010.
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2012;28:2–12. Churchill Livington; 1995. p. 234–66.
14. Shulman LE.  Transplantation and replantation of teeth. In: Oral 27. Marunick MT.  Closed reduction and Immobilization of condy-
and maxillofacial surgery. Vol. 2. St Louis, MO: C V Mosby; 1985. lar fractures with intermaxillary fixation alternative techniques
p. 118–42. of Ivy Loops and Molar wafers. In: Atlas of craniofacial trauma.
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odontal ligament fibroblast differentiation. Dent Traumatol. lofacial injuries. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009;47: 325–26.

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Principles of Internal Fixation
in Maxillofacial Surgery 51
Abhilasha Yadav

51.1 Introduction 51.2 History

Road traffic accidents (RTA) are one of the primary etiolo-

gies of craniomaxillofacial fractures. Open reduction and 1. Plating of fractures can be traced back to 1895 when a
internal fixation (ORIF) is the most important treatment metal plate was first introduced by Lane for internal
modality to restore the compromised form and function. fixation. It was abandoned due to its drawback of corro-
Adequate reduction and fixation with miniplate osteosynthe- sion [1].
sis is the essential component of management. 2. Subsequently Lambotte in 1909 and Sheman in 1912
introduced plates for fixation, but due to insufficient
strength, their designs were abandoned [1].
51.1.1 Association of Osteosynthesis 3. Eggers in 1948 developed a plate which was structurally
(AO Principles) weak resulting in instability of fixation [1].
4. In maxillofacial surgery, the interest in rigid fixation

began with the treatment of fractures of edentulous man-
dible, as the fractures located in edentulous mandibular
The following are guidelines for internal fixation based segments were easier to manage.
on the four basic principles formulated by AO in 1958. 5. Keys to fast and economic bone healing are optimal

reduction of fracture ends and maximum stabilization of
(A) Anatomic reduction: Fracture reduction and fix- fracture area. Simplest way to achieve these goals is to
ation to restore normal anatomy apply the principles of axial compression of fracture ends.
(B) Stable fixation: Fracture fixation with relative or This principle was first advocated by Belgian Surgeon
absolute stability, as required by the patients Davis in 1994 and later adopted by ASIF (association for
injury and type of fracture the study of internal fixation).
(C) Preservation of blood supply: By gentle reduc- According to him, there was a need for compression
tion and careful handling along with preservation between the fragments of fractures. He used a plate called
of vascularity of soft tissues and the bone coaptens to achieve this goal, which increased stability and
(D) Early and active mobilization: Rehabilitation of suppressed interfragmentary motion. The mode of healing
the injured part and the patient as a whole with initiated by this is called soudure autogene (autogenous
early and safe mobilization welding) now known as primary bone healing.
6. In 1967, mandibular compression screw (MCS) was used
in oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) in edentulous
fractured mandible while performing first compression
osteosynthesis. Self-tightening/automatic MCS plate was
developed by Luhr in 1968. Later, dynamic plates were
A. Yadav (*)
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Awadh Dental advocated for surgery of long bones with subsequent
College & Hospital, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India application in mandibular fractures.

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 1039

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_51
1040 A. Yadav

Table 51.1 History of development of fracture management calcify as the periosteal and endosteal circulation develops.
The conversion of chondrocytes to osteocytes occur and the
1881 Glimer On either sides of the fracture, two heavy entire callus is converted to immature woven bone.
1886 Hansmann Retrievable bone plates
1945 Christiansen In mandibular fracture-tantalum plates Stage III: Hard Callus Formation
1956 Bagby First compression plate After 3–4 weeks of fracture, the hard callus begins to form
1960 Luhr and Improved mandibular compression plates and osseous union of the fractured cortical bone starts.
1969 AO/ASIF Dynamic compression plates (DCP) Stage IV: Remodeling
1970s Brons and Lag screws
The trabeculae orient themselves in the direction of func-
1973 Schmoker and (EDCP) eccentric dynamic compression tional pressures after bone formation.
Spiessel plates
1973 Michelete Miniplates
1975 Champy Monocortical screws principal for fixation 51.3.2 Primary Bone Healing (Contact and Gap
1977 Luhr Compression plates for the first time in Healing)
management of fracture mandible
1977 Spiessel For mandible fracture advocated AO/ASIF
principle Healing without callus formation is called as primary bone
1989 Bos Resorbable plates and screws healing. When there is direct apposition of cortical bone sur-
1994 Dynamic compression plate with locking faces, contact healing occurs. Osteoclasts widen the
compression plate Haversian canals on either side of the fracture and move
2011 Development of locking compression toward each other. The cortical bridging occurs in 8 weeks
plate with combination holes
and is usually completed in 16 weeks. In gap healing also
primary bone healing occurs; gap as wide as 100 μm can be
filled with mature lamellar bone (Fig 51.2).
51.2.1 Evolution of Fixation Methods

History of development of fracture management modalities 51.4 Biomechanics of Facial Skeleton [5]
[2–4] (Table 51.1)
51.4.1 Mandible Fractures

51.3 Concept of Bone Healing The mandible is a class III lever with:

51.3.1 Secondary Bone Healing (Fig. 51.1) –– Condyle as fulcrum.

–– Bite load as a resistance force. Stage I: Inflammation Induction –– Masticatory muscles as applied force.
Immediately after fracture, hematoma formation occurs;
hematoma plays a vital role in the angiogenesis of the heal- Simple beam mechanics described the traditional bio-
ing fracture. Subsequently, inflammatory cells, stem cells, mechanical properties of mandible, which represents com-
and fibroblasts initiate inflammatory response and enhance pression at inferior border and tensile forces on the superior
angiogenesis. Cytokines which helps in bone repair are border with an applied anterior load (Fig. 51.3). The “neu-
released in this phase and hematoma is removed. Within 3 tral axis” is the line of zero stress where the tensile forces
days, thin layer of fibrous tissue covers the periosteal surface become compressive, and it is approximately at the level
of fractured bone. The cortical bone adjacent to fracture site of the inferior alveolar canal. Compression and tension
becomes necrotic which later gets remolded by multinucle- will be produced in symphysis region due to torsional
ated osteoclast. forces.
The muscles inserting on the mandible and forces exerted S  tage II: Fibrocartilaginous (Soft) by these muscles during function, determine the tension and
Callus Formation compression zone in cases of fracture mandible.
Dense fibrous tissue, cartilage, and fibrocartilage formation The direction of the muscular forces acting on the man-
occurs due to organization of subperiosteal hematoma; soft dible by temporalis, lateral pterygoid, pterygomasseteric
callus is composed of internal (endosteum of marrow cavity sling, and suprahyoid musculature is shown by arrows in
and lining of Haversian canal) and external components Fig. 51.4. For successful treatment of facial fractures in the
(periosteum and organizing hematoma) and continued pro- form of rigid fixation, the understanding of biomechanics of
liferation of osteoblasts; fibrocartilaginous tissue begin to facial injury is very important.
51  Principles of Internal Fixation in Maxillofacial Surgery 1041

Fig. 51.1  Fracture healing

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

1042 A. Yadav

Table 51.2  The four articulations of zygoma with their functions in

management of fracture
Frontozygomatic suture Received greatest tensile forces and is
the important site for fixation
Infraorbital rim Thin bone, least important site for
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India Zygomaticomaxillary Best site for fixation to counter the force
buttress of masseter muscle
Fig. 51.2  Contact and gap healing (arrow denotes contact healing) Zygomaticotemporal Least important site for plating

51.5 Functions of Plates

51.5.1 Compression

Compressing together the main fragments of a single plane

fracture can result in absolute stability, i.e., the complete
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India abolition of interfragmentary movement. Interfragmentary
compression in single plane, as in diaphyseal fractures, can
Fig. 51.3  Tensile and compressive force mechanism
be achieved by exploiting the eccentric loading capabilities
of the dynamic compression family of plates.
The screw is inserted in a neutral mode, and plate was
fixed to the right-hand fragment. In an eccentric (load) mode,
a screw is then inserted into the left-hand fragment. As the
load screw is fully inserted, it engages and slides down the
sloping surface of the plate hole, and the screw and bone
move toward the fracture, compressing it.
If the plate that exerts axial compression is exactly
contoured to the anatomically reduced fracture surface,
there will be some gapping of the opposite cortex when
the plate is tensioned by tightening the load screw. This is
due to the compression being maximal immediately
beneath the plate and not evenly distributed over the
whole area of the fracture plane. The solution to this prob-
lem is to “overbend” the plate so that its center stands off
1–2 mm from the anatomically reduced fracture surface.
Slight gaping of the cortex will occur directly underneath
the plate when the neutral side plate is applied to the bone.
The tightening of load screw causes tension in the plate
and compresses the fracture evenly across the full diame-
ter of the bone.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 51.4  Direction of muscular forces

51.5.2 Neutralization

51.4.2 Midface Fractures A primary lag screw fixation, exerting interfragmentary

compression, can be vulnerable to disruption by physiologi-
Midface generally does not show muscle forces acting on cal bending and/or rotational forces. Such a primary fixation
them except for zygomatic bone, on which masseter exerts is usually protected by the use of a plate, spanning from one
the primary force which can create notable bony displace- main fragment to the other—this “neutralizes” the disruptive
ment causing inferior and medial displacement especially in forces. All such forces are then transmitted via the plate and
the presence of temporalis fascia disruption (Table 51.2). bypass the primary lag screw fixation.
51  Principles of Internal Fixation in Maxillofacial Surgery 1043

51.5.3 Tension Band Healing: In the rigid internal fixation, no callus formation
is formed during bone healing. The fracture bones heal by a
If a body with a fracture is loaded at each end, over a bending process of Haversian remodeling. This primary or direct
point (fulcrum), tension (distraction) forces are generated, bone union requires immaculate immobilization between
maximal on the side opposite the fulcrum, and angulation osseous fragments, i.e., minimum gap between the rigid fixa-
occurs. However, if an inelastic band, such as a plate, is tion. Examples of rigid fixation for fracture mandible are
anchored to the tension side of the body, same load will gen- shown in Fig. 51.5a,b.
erate compression across the fracture interface. This is
known as the tension band principle.
51.6.3 Nonrigid Internal Fixation

51.6 F
 ixation Methods and Devices [6] It is a kind of fixation that is not strong enough to prevent
(Table 51.3) interfragmentary motion completely. Thus interfragmentary
motion is the differentiating factor between rigid and non-
Commonly used devices used for fixation are wires, staples, rigid fixation. Any mobility between fragments stabilized
pins, and screws [6]. through internal fixation on active usage of skeletal structure
signifies nonrigid fixation.

51.6.1 Material

Most commonly used materials are titanium (Ti-6Al-4V)

and stainless steel (316L). Stainless steel has been used
because of its greater biocompatibility and corrosion resis-
tance. Since 1980 titanium was used in maxillofacial

51.6.2 Rigid Fixation

The internal fixation is defined as the placement of wires,

plates, screws, rods, pins, and other hardware to stabilize the
fracture fragments. Rigid Internal Fixation (RIF)

RIF is defined as “bone fixation of any form in which biome-
chanical forces are either countered or used to stabilize the b
fragments of fracture and permits loading of bone to permit
active action” [7]. Examples of RIF

Examples of RIF are the use of bone plates and screws, two
lag screws, and use of reconstruction plate with three screws
on each side of the fracture fragment. Use of long compres-
sion plate is also included in the rigid internal fixation

Table 51.3  Fixation methods and devices

Fixation methods
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Wires Staples Pin Screws
Pneumatically driven Kirschner Cancellous
Fig. 51.5 (a, b) Techniques of rigid fixation for mandibular fracture.
staples wires screw
(a) Fixation with single miniplate and tension band; (b) fixation with
Prebent staple legs Cortical screw two miniplates
1044 A. Yadav

Transosseous wiring across a fractured mandible is a 51.7 Classification of Plating System [8]
good example of nonrigid fixation. The wire is unable to
neutralize torsion/or shear forces and requires other fixa- (A) Luhr vitallium maxillofacial systems
tion methods like MMF (maxillomandibular fixation). (I) Mandibular compression screw system
Healing: The bone healing that occurs under the condi- (II) Mini system
tion of mild mobility between fragments is called as second- (III) Micro system
ary bone healing. There is deposition of periosteal callus in (IV) Mandibular reconstruction system
such circumstances, followed by resorption of fragment (B) Champy’s system
peripheries and tissue differentiation through various stages (C) AO/ASIF maxillofacial implant system
from fibrous to osseous healing. (I) DCP, EDCP
(II) Reconstruction plates
(D) The Würzburg titanium system for rigid fixation
51.6.4 Semirigid Fixation

Semirigid fixation is based on load-sharing osteosynthesis. 51.7.1 Locking Plate-Screw Systems

Semirigid fixations include the use of:
In the late 1950s, AO group put forth the tenets which are
–– Lag screw followed in traditional plates and screws. This included
–– Miniplates and microplate exposure of fracture with anatomic reduction and internal
–– Locking plates fixation of fracture fragments with the desired result of ana-
–– Resorbable plates tomic bone union [9]. The stability of these plates is achieved
–– Three-dimensional plates by locking the plates by the screws.
Conventional screw – bone plates system requires plate
to adapt precisely. In the absence of this contact, the tighten-
51.6.5 Load-Bearing Versus Load-Sharing ing of screw will draw the segments of the bone toward the
Fixation (Table 51.4) plate which results in change of the occlusion and bony
On the other hand, the locking plate-screw system does
Table 51.4  Load-bearing versus load-sharing fixation not require the intimate contact of plate to the underlying
bone in all the areas. The screw tightening locks the plate and
Load-sharing fixation Load-bearing fixation
Definition/ Internal fixation of Fixation that is capable of
thus stabilizes the bone segments without compressing the
explanation inadequate stability towithstand the entire load bone to the plate. Alteration in reduction is impossible after
withstand the applied during the screw insertion.
functional loads acrossfunctional activities to the According to Herford and Ellis [10], the locking plate
the fracture mandible
and screw system are simple to use. Like compression
Indication 1. Simple linear 1. Mandibular comminuted
fractures fractures plate it does not require plate to be compressed to the
2. Mandibular 2. Loss of segment of bone.
fractures mandible due to injury Klotch et al. [11] also concluded that the locking plates
3. Fracture with very less require less time due to less bending and faster application
boney interface because of
atrophy with good results.
Material used Stainless steel, Stainless steel, titanium
titanium 2.3 mm, 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm
2.0 mm miniplating diameters, mandibular
systems reconstruction bone plate
Locking plate and screw come in two designs, i.e.:
Complications Due to inadequate Failure by either screw
bone stock adjacent to loosening or plate fracture
comminuted fractures, –– Threaded locking plate and screw (Conventional)
load-sharing plates –– Tapered locking screw and plate (New generation)
should be avoided
51  Principles of Internal Fixation in Maxillofacial Surgery 1045

The threaded locking plate - screw system features cor-

responding machined threads incorporated in both the screw
and plate. Whereas, the tapered locking screw - plate system
has a screw head which is tapered in shape with machined
threads, with the plate either having no machined threads or
a single machined thread incorporated into its design. This
facilitates a more flexible locking mechanism which allows
for screw angulation of upto 10 degrees, in comparison to the
threaded locking system which needs absolute perpendicular
screw placement [12].

51.7.2 Reconstruction Plates

The rigid plates with 2.7 mm bicortical screws were intro-

duced by AO/ASIF in 1972 [13]. ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
The main advantage attributed to the non-locking recon-
Fig. 51.6  Angle reconstruction plate
struction plate, is its “load bearing” principle. Scolozzi and
Richter [14], used the 2.4 mm AO Titanium plates for the
management of mandible fractures, with good outcomes and
very less complications.
They are available in different shapes for specific areas
like angle reconstruction plate (Fig.  51.6), condylar recon-
struction plate (Fig. 51.7), and straight reconstruction plate
with different lengths.


1 . Large defect of mandible after massive trauma

2. After mandible resection due to tumors or

3. Commonly used in comminuted fractures of man- ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
dible, sometimes in combination with miniplates
Fig. 51.7  Condylar reconstruction plate
4. To support the bone grafts in mandibular

51.7.3 Lag Screw Fixation

The advantages of rigid fixation with grafting include In oral and maxillofacial surgery, Brons and Boeriing intro-
immediate jaw function and excellent stabilization of graft. duced lag screw fixation for the first time in 1970. According
The main disadvantage at the graft site is disuse osteoporosis to them two lag screws prevent rotational movements of the
or “stress shielding.” This phenomenon occurs when rigid fracture fragments in oblique mandibular fractures [16].
plates absorb the mandibles functional stress. To protect the
long bones from stress, the plate’s modulus of elasticity will The Principle of Lag Screw
have to exceed in comparison with the bone to which it is The lag screw principle is used whenever two wide contact
attached. Osteoporosis and reduction in bone strength are the surfaces of the bone should be pressed together (for man-
result of protection from stress or shielding in long bones [15]. dibular oblique sagittal fractures or onlay graft fixation).
1046 A. Yadav

51.7.4 Comparison of Lag Screw Fixation

Methods with Different Methods
of Fixations [17–19]

1. Single lag screw with arch bar, without MMF is sufficient

enough in the treatment of anterior mandible indirectly
reducing the cost and requiring less hardware and time of
healing [17].
2. Lag screw fixation and plating showed excellent outcome
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India in anterior mandible fracture; lag screws technique is dif-
ficult but associated with less postoperative complica-
Fig. 51.8  Orthopantomogram showing fixation with lag screws tions [18].
3. In mandibular angle fracture, the lag screw demonstrates
Through the outer cortex or onlay graft, the drilling of the smaller inter-fragmentary gap in comparison with mini-
hole was carried out of the identical diameter to that of screw plate fixation [19].
so that the screw slips through the outer cortex. The lag screw 4. Lag screw osteosynthesis is more advantageous for ramus
drill, which is of the same diameter as the screw, will simul- height restoration in comparison with miniplates and
taneously create a conical countersink to provide an optimal Kirschner wires, in patients with condylar process frac-
fitting of the screw head. The inner cortex is then perforated tures [20].
with the normal surgical drill, and the screw is inserted. It
grips the inner cortex and, when tightened, exerts great force
to pull the outer segment into close contact with the inner 51.7.5 Champy’s System [21]
one. This principle can be used in oblique sagittal mandibu-
lar fractures, with the placement of at least three screws, or in Different treatment principles using monocortical miniplates
combination with the plate, lagging only one or two of the without axial compression for treatment of mandibular and
total minimum number of screws (Fig. 51.8). midface fractures were introduced, namely, by Michelet
et al. in the late 1960s, which they published in 1973. A  bsolute Rigid Fixation Provided by Michelet’s work has been elaborated by Champy et al. for
Lag Screw the management of mandibular angle fracture by the use of
Lag screw should be selected in patients having sufficient intraoral monocortical miniplates. The ideal line of osteo-
bone available for placement of two screws; dissolution of synthesis has been followed by Champy for plates fixation
the bone around the screws results in cases of micromotion. (Fig. 51.9).
The lag screw should be placed in the direction perpendicu- It is based on the principle of neutralizing unfavorable
lar to the line of fracture to avoid displacement or overriding traction strains while at the same time allowing transmission
during tightening of the screws. of favorable compression forces. The biomechanical validity
of Michelet principles was confirmed in a series of multidis-
ciplinary experiments performed in Strasbourg, France,
between 1971 and 1974 [21].
Advantages of lag screws over bone plates:
Lag screws require less hardware hence 1 . Smaller incision required
cost-effective. 2. Less soft tissue dissection
2. Absolute rigid fixation. 3. Less palpable
3. Quick and easy to use. 4. Decrease stress shielding effect
4. Accurate reduction. 5. Less chance of dental injury because of monocortical
Disadvantages 6. Less chances of infection
As the lag screw fixation relies on compression of
bone fragments and if intervening bone is unstable due With this type of fixation, there is adequate stability to
to comminution or missing, there will be segment allow direct bony union and is called as functionally stable
overriding or fracture gap shortening, resulting in fixation. There are many fixation techniques used in oral and
malocclusion. maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) which are not rigid fixation
truly but classified as functionally stable fixation.
51  Principles of Internal Fixation in Maxillofacial Surgery 1047

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 51.10  Champy’s miniplate

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 51.9  Champy’s ideal line of osteosynthesis Materials
Plates and screws are made up of pure titanium. The mini-
plates are 2 cm long, 0.9 mm thick, and 6 mm wide. They
had an elastic limit of flexibility between 70 and 80 per
square millimeter, and their rupture point lies between 95
and 110 decanewton (daN) per square millimeter
(Fig. 51.10). Miniplates (Fig. 51.11)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
–– The miniplates vary in length from 2 to 9 cm with a thick-
ness of 0.9 mm. They come in different lengths such as 2 Fig. 51.11  OPG showing fixation with the help of miniplates after
Leefort I and bilateral sagittal split osteotomy
holes with gap , 3 holes, 4 holes, 6 holes, and 8 holes to 16
holes with gap or continuous plates.
–– The four-hole and six-hole plates are available with inter- –– The screw thread is 10/10, so that one turn of the screw
mediate spacing. corresponds to 1 mm penetration into the bone.
–– A wide variety of pre-shaped plates like L, X, Y, T, and K, –– 2.8 mm is the screw head diameter, and it is designed such
delta shaped, and 3D- and H-shaped plates are also that it allows insertion at 30-degree angle with respect to
­available. 2.1 mm is the minimum diameter of the hole in the plate surface.
the plate and has a bevel of 30°. The drill has the same diameter as the core of the
screws—1.6  mm. This ensures firm anchorage of the self-­
tapping screws. Screw Biomechanical Properties of Screw
–– All screws are cortical and self-tapping and have cruci- (Fig. 51.12) [22]
form head. –– The external or the outer diameter ranges from 0.8 to
–– Available in lengths of 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 mm. 2.0 mm. Core diameter of the screw is its internal diame-
–– 2 mm is the diameter of the screw with 1.6 core diameter ter. The surgical bone screws act by clamping the bone
of thread. plate and bone together.
1048 A. Yadav Monocortical vs. Bicortical Screws

The monocortical screws are generally used for fixation of
mandibular fractures and after sagittal split osteotomy.
Chug H-IJ et  al. [ 26] also concluded that monocortical
screws provide stable fixation. Also chances of damage to
the vital structure like inferior alveolar and lingual nerve
are less with monocortical screws. Bicortical screws are
usually used at the lower border of the mandible for

51.7.6  Microplates

The microplate fixation concept was introduced by Luhr in

1988. They are composed of cobalt, vitallium alloy, and
molybdenum in the percentage of 68%, 27%, and 5 %,
respectively. It has got excellent physical strength and corro-
sion resistance.
The thickness of plate is 0.5 mm, and the diameter of the
screws is 0.8 mm. In all the three dimensions, they can be
contoured and maintained an excellent degree of rigidity for
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India osseous segment stabilization. They are used in:

Fig. 51.12  Biomechanical properties of screw 1. Nasoethmoidal fractures

2. Fractures of infraorbital area
3. Fracture of frontal sinus wall
4. Reconstruction of the skull
–– The pitch of the screw is calculated parallel to the screw 5. Infant craniofacial surgery
axis from a point on one thread to corresponding point on
the adjacent thread. Micromesh
–– The difference between core and external diameter is the Inspite of its reduced thickness (0.3  mm), micromesh is
thread depth. remarkably strong. It is available in sizes of 40 by 60 and 60
–– The distance between screw runout and screw head is the by 100  mm. Template made of a soft, malleable tin alloy
length of the unthreaded shank. comes in various sizes. The template is cut to the shape and
–– The distance between screw runout and plate is the length size required in the individual case, and then it is contoured
of the unthreaded shank with plate. to the bone surface. The actual titanium micromesh is then
cut out with a wire cutter and contoured on the instrument
table reduplicating the individual shape of the template. Self-Tapping and Drilling Screws
[23, 24, 25]
Self-tapping screw: The screw which is inserted into a pre- 51.7.7 AO/ASIF System [27]
drilled hole without tapping a screw head is the self-tapping
screw. The association of osteosynthesis/association for the study
Self-drilling screw has a drilled-shaped point to cut and of internal fixation (AO/ASIF) were founded by a group of
does not require predrilling. Self-drilling screws have several 15 Swiss surgeons in 1958. The group was led by Maurice
advantages over the self-tapping such as it does not require E. Muller; AO/ASIF investigators have documented the bio-
drilling the hole and prevents thermal damage leading to logic basis for the concepts on which rigid fixation tech-
infection, screw loosening, osteomyelitis, and nonunion. It niques are based.
also prevents damage to tooth roots and nerves by the use of Spiessl applied AO/ASIF concepts of long bone healing
drills and also avoids the complications associated with drill and modified AO/ASIF instrumentations for use in mandible
bit fracture. in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
51  Principles of Internal Fixation in Maxillofacial Surgery 1049

Compression can be achieved through static or dynamic Principles of DCP—The sloping shoulder of the DCP
means. The two devices that produce static compression are hole has the form of part of an angled cylinder. If a screw is
the self-compression plate and lag screw. inserted eccentrically, so that its head on final tightening
slides down the sloping profile of the hole, the screw/bone
1. The self-compression plate designed by Perren for the unit will be shifted toward the fracture, and the fracture plane
ASIF has been called the dynamic compression plate will thereby be compressed. Such a screw is often referred to
(DCP). It generates interfragmentary compression by as a load screw.
spherical guiding principle. The DCP principle causes the
movement of screw in both vertical and horizontal direc- Eccentric Dynamic Compression Plate
tion which compresses the fracture segments. (EDCP) [27]
2. Lag screw principle—when the screw is tightened, it
It produces a compressive force via arrangement of eccentric
compresses the surface when the screw glides through the and centric (axial) plate holes. EDCP are 8  mm wide and
cortex of one fragment and engages the cortex of the come in four-hole (36 mm long) and six-hole (42 mm long)
opposite fragment. lengths. The stainless steel plates are 2 mm thick, and the tita-
nium plate is 2.2 mm thick. At the fractures alveolar side, the
The EDCP (eccentric dynamic compression plate) has compression has been provided by the 75° angulation. It is
outer hole which is oblique causing compression on alveolar important to place the sloped edge of the angled hole at the
side and longitudinal inner holes creating basal side inter- mandibular lower border (if the plate is placed upside down,
fragmental compression. EDCPs eccentric action eliminates it will tend to distract bone edges at the alveolar border). First
the need for tension band. This plate has most utility for central screws are inserted in EDCPs (longitudinal hole
simple fracture of the posterior region where there are no eccentrically away from the fracture) than at the lower bor-
teeth available for splinting. der; screws are placed in the 75-degree oblique holes eccen-
The reconstruction plate is a load-bearing plate and trically and in the last rest of the screws inserted in a neutral
absorbs the entire functional load. They are designed for use position. When the plates and tension band splint cannot be
without the tension band. It is large and reinforced version of used, in those situations EDCP plates are used. The reduction
basal stabilization plate. They can be adapted to local bony forceps with pressure splinting are useful initially to reduce
contours and are malleable. Depending on the placement of and compress the fragments when applying the EDCP plate.
drill hole, it has two-way DC holes that enable compression
to be applied in either longitudinal direction.
51.7.8 Bioresorbable Fixation Systems Plates
(I) Linear system (compression plates) Use of titanium plates and screws is time-tested for their use
(a) DCP plates in management of craniofacial fractures. However, it has
(b) EDCP plates many drawbacks including infection, hardware palpation
(II) Universal systems (reconstruction plates) and visibility, hypersensitivity to temperature changes, and
stress shielding effect. They also interfere with radiographic Dynamic Compression Plate (DCP) examination. Sometimes, metal ions leach out into soft tis-
These are designed to withstand tensile loading force in the sues. In view of these complications, bioresorbable implants
mandible. In mandibular angle, body, and symphysis were developed hoping to reduce hardware-associated com-
regions, they can be used comfortably. It can be applied plications as well as the necessity for hardware removal.
intraorally or through an extraoral incision. It is used with The use of bioresorbable fixation devices must be limited
a tension band. The dynamic compression plate was devel- as their mechanical strength is inferior as compared to the
oped in 1969. titanium hardware. They can be effectively used in low load-­
The DCP has a self-compressing hole design. The holes bearing areas of maxillofacial skeleton like maxilla, zygoma,
are oblong, and the portion of each hole distant from the and upper regions of face. The bioresorbable system may not
fracture has a sloping form or “shoulder.” be strong enough to provide adequate stability in mandible
Experimental work showed that the flat undersurface of fractures which are comminuted, as it is a load-bearing bone.
the DCP interfered with the vascular supply of the underly- It can be used in simple mandibular fractures.
ing cortex onto which it was compressed by the screws. The Bioresorbable fixation systems stabilize fracture seg-
concept of “footprint” is the area of undersurface of the plate ments long enough for fracture healing and union to occur
in contact with the underlying bone cortex. then dissolve, thereby reducing complications frequently
1050 A. Yadav

encountered with metallic hardware such as palpability, vis- 51.8.2 Virtual Surgical Planning, Computer-­
ibility, cold sensitivity, and need for removal. Most com- Assisted Design, and 3D Modelling
monly polylactic acid (PLA) is used in bioresorbable plates.
The management of the facial fracture is very challenging
Complications [28] due to its unique three-dimensional contours and nonlinear-
1. For allowing the polymer chains to bend without break- ity of facial skeleton. The recent development in the software
ing, a heat source is required. Also, the working time is technology and 3D modeling has revolutionized the treat-
limited to 8–10 s. ment. They can be used as an adjunct to the standard preop-
2. Screw insertion requires pretapping the screw. erative preparation.
3. Increased operative time. To reduce the operating time in the operation theater, the
4. More expensive. 3D models can serve as a template on which pre contouring
5. PLA decreases stress shielding compared to LD-DC
of the fixation plates can be done. Custom-designed titanium
plates. implants can be made with the help of 3D printers to get the
accurate fit. They can be preferred over the conventional
implants and reduce the surgical time. The model design and
51.8 Recent Developments virtual surgical planning help in constructing the guides
which can be used perioperatively, can design the optimal
To reduce the stress shielding, reduction in modulus is the approach preoperatively, and can compare the actual out-
answer to correct the disadvantages of internal fixation. To come to the virtual design. To reconstruct the multitude of
improve the healing of the fracture under the plates, the only craniomaxillofacial defects of mandible, zygoma, midface,
solution is to allow micromotion through the fracture site; and orbit, these technologies are very helpful. 3D modeling
the design should be made in such a way that it resists tor- and computer-assisted surgical planning have been very
sional, bending, and shear movements. helpful in managing the complications associated with these

51.8.1 Three-Dimensional (3D) Plates

(Fig. 51.13) 51.8.3 Intraoperative Imaging [29]

The two miniplates are connected by interconnecting cross- Intraoperative imaging is very important in assessing the
bars which are used as 3D plates. Technically, they are not reduction and fixation of all maxillofacial fractures, and
three-dimensional structures, but their closed quadrilateral according to its feedback, the surgeons can immediately
shape provides stability in all three dimensions. make corrections of any error that occur during reduction
and fixation, which indirectly reduces the complications and
avoids potential resurgeries. Computed tomography (CT) is
commonly used for the same purpose.

51.9 Conclusion

For the treatment of maxillofacial fractures, many fixation

methods have been used with great success. To reestablish
the pre-injury esthetics, the normal masticatory function and
the proper occlusion in cases of such fractures are the main
objectives of the treatment. Maxillomandibular fixation can
be done for the conservative management of such fractures
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
which can be carried out with the help of arch bars, wiring,
Fig. 51.13 Orthopantomogram showing fixation with three-­ and cap splints and in edentulous patients by gunning splints.
dimensional plate The open reduction and internal fixation can be carried out
51  Principles of Internal Fixation in Maxillofacial Surgery 1051

with the help of miniplates, microplates, 3D plates, and 13. Spiessl B. Rigid internal fixation of fractures of lower jaw. Reconstr
Surg Traumatol. 1972;13:124–40.
reconstruction plates. Different plating systems and wiring 14. Scolozzi P, Richter M. Treatment of severe mandibular fractures using
techniques make the management of these maxillofacial AO reconstruction plates. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2003;61:458–61.
fractures predictable with high success rate. 15. Waris P. Torsional strength of cortical and cancellous bone grafts
after rigid plate fixation. Acta Orthop Scand. 1981;52:249.
16. Bansal P, Kumar S, Mishra V, Jaiswal Y, Das G. Evaluation of tita-
Acknowledgment  Author wishes to thank Dr. Anshul Rai for provid-
nium lag screw osteosynthesis in the management of mandibular
ing Figs. 51.6, 51.7, 51.11, and 51.13.
fractures. World J Dent. 2017;8(4):315–20.
17. Emam HA, Stevens MR. Can an arch bar replace a second lag screw
in management of anterior mandibular fractures? J Oral Maxillofac
Surg. 2012;70(2):378–83.
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Fractures of the Mandible
Anshul Rai

52.1 Definition Box 52.1: General Effect of Mandible Fracture on Social

Life [1]
A fracture is defined as “A breach in the continuity of bone.”
1 . Absence from work.
2. Hospital and ICU stay results in separation from
52.2 Introduction family members and friends.
3. Financial loss.
The mandible which is the only mobile bone of the maxillo- 4. Difficulty in feeding.
facial region forms the lower third of the face. Owing to the 5. Weight loss (average 5% of total body weight).
prominence of the symphysis of the mandible, it is most vul- 6. Increased mental stress.
nerable site to be traumatized during the road traffic acci- 7. Delayed recovery in medically compromised and
dents and, at the same time, most tempting site to be hit mentally challenged patients.
during the assault. Thus, the fractures of the mandible are
one of the most common in maxillofacial area. It also affects
the social life of the patients (Box 52.1).
The word “mandible” derives from the Latin word man- 52.3 Surgical Anatomy
dere “to chew” and -bula (instrument) which literally trans-
lates to mandibulaie “instrument used for chewing.” The mandible is a horseshoe-shaped only mobile bone of the
The bone is formed in the fetus from a fusion of the left facial skeleton. It is the strongest bone with thick cortices.
and right mandibular prominences and the point where these Symphysis is the most prominent part of mandible, and the
sides join, the mandibular symphysis. Like other symphysis condyles articulate with glenoid fossa of temporal bone. The
in the body, this is a midline articulation where the bones are inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle passes through the
joined by fibrocartilage, but this articulation fuses together in bone, and in the case of fracture, it may get traumatized and
early childhood. can lead to hematoma and neurological deficit.

52.3.1 Angle of the Mandible

By definition, there are three types of angle as described


1. Clinical angle: It is the junction between the alveolar

Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap-
bone and ramus at the origin of internal oblique ridge.
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_52) contains supple-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. 2. Surgical angle: It is the junction between body of the
mandible and ramus at the origin of the external oblique
A. Rai (*) ridge.
Department of Dentistry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 3. Anatomical angle or (gonion): It is the junction where
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India the lower border meets the posterior border of ramus.
e-mail: anshul.dentalsurgery@aiimsbhopal.edu.in

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 1053

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_52
1054 A. Rai

Anatomically, mandibular angle is a weaker structure Table 52.1  General classification of fracture of bone
compared to other anatomic subsites. Simple This type of fracture is not exposed to the external
fracture environment as the overlying soft tissue cover is intact
• The ramus of the mandible is thin as compared to the Compound In such type of fractures, the fracture line is exposed
fracture to the external environment. All dentate fractures are
body. Whenever a thick portion of the bone unites compound fracture as they communicate with the
with the thin portion, it constitutes a line of oral cavity
weakness. Comminuted Comminuted fractures have multiple fracture lines
• Further the third molars are located in the angle region, fracture and more than two bony fragments
Simple It is a comminuted fracture not exposed to the
and when they are impacted, they occupy lot of space in
comminuted external environment
the bone and undermine it. fracture
• In the case of mesio-angular impaction, the impacted Compound This type of fracture is a comminuted one which is
third molar tooth acts as a wedge and predisposes the comminuted exposed to the external environment
fracture of angle of mandible, if the direction of force is fracture
Complicated This fracture involves vital structures like adjacent
perpendicular to it. fracture nerves, vessels, or joint, directly or indirectly
• The bone grains which are oriented vertically in the Impacted The fractured fragments inter-digitate to an extent
ramus change their course at the angle of mandible as fracture that there is no appreciable clinical movement. Such
they enter the body of mandible. This abrupt change in a fracture is unusual in the mandible and is
commonly seen in the maxilla
the course of the bone grains also makes the bone weak.
Greenstick It is an incomplete fracture presenting as cortical
All these factors make the mandible vulnerable for frac- fracture bending rather than breaking. It is commonly seen in
ture at this site. children as their bones are more elastic in nature.
This elasticity allows the bone to bend. This type of
fracture is commonly seen in long bones and
mandibular condyle of children
52.3.2 Canine Region of the Mandible Pathological This fracture occurs readily with minimal trauma or
fracture sometimes even during normal physiological
In the canine area, also the mandible is weaker as the canine function as the bone is significantly weak due to
has the longest and the strongest root, and it occupies lot of existing undermining pathology
space in the bone and undermines and weakens it. Thus, the
mandible has a tendency to fracture at this site.
52.4.1 Classification of Mandibular Fracture
According to Site (Fig. 52.1)
52.3.3 Symphysis and Parasymphysis
of Mandible Figure 52.1 highlights the mandibular fracture according to
site of fracture with its incidence [2].
• The symphyseal area is most prominent and most vulner-
able to trauma. There is a compression of the outer cortex
and expansion of the inner cortex, and the fracture will 52.4.2 Classification of Mandibular Fracture
result when the forces are beyond the limits of the capac- According to the Impact
ity of the bone to withstand them.
• There is a pair of genial tubercles on the lingual cortical According to the impact on bone, fracture can be classified
plate in the midline, situated supero-inferiorly, which give as direct fracture and indirect fracture.
origin to the genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles, During an impact, the force on the cortex results in com-
respectively. Whenever there is a bilateral fracture at the pression, and the other cortex undergoes tension. If the force
parasymphysis area, the tongue tends to lose its anchor- of the impact is more than the compressive and tensile
age on the bone, and the patient loses control and the strength of the bone, the bone fractures.
tongue tends to fall back. It is especially true for the In a similar fashion, when there is an impact, the point of
unconscious patient, where the tongue fall blocks the air- application of force gets compressed, and the resultant vec-
way, and it could be fatal if not prevented. tor travels along the bone and applies tensor force on the
point intersected by this vector. The fracture at the site of
impact is called direct fracture, and the fracture at the site
52.4 Classification of intersection with the vector is indirect fracture.
For instance, the force applied to the symphysis menti
The general classification of fractures of bone is described in results in a direct fracture at the symphysis. The vector travels
Table 52.1. to the condylar necks bilaterally and induce indirect f­ ractures
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1055

Region of the
a Region of the b
Condylar process
Coronoid process

Region of the 36%
Alveolar process Region of
the Ramus

Region of 3%
the angle
Region of 21%
the body 14%

Region of the
(less than 1%)
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.1 (a, b) Highlights the mandibular fracture according to site of fracture with its incidence

52.4.3 Combination of Fracture

The most common mandible fracture seen in the developed

countries is angle fracture combined with contralateral body
or symphysis of the mandible [3]. Table 52.2 and Figs. 52.2,
52.3, and 52.4 highlight various combinations of direct and
indirect fractures in the mandible.

52.4.4 Classification of Mandibular Fracture

According to Displacement

The fracture fragments are liable to displacement according

to unfavorable muscle pull leading to difficulty in the man-
agement of these displaced fractures. Table 52.3 highlights
various muscles attached to the mandible with their actions.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
According to the displacement of fracture fragments due
Fig. 52.2 3D CT showing parasymphysis and bilateral condyle to muscle pull, the fracture can be classified as:
fracture When viewed from superior aspect:

Table 52.2  Combination of mandibular fractures 1. Vertically favorable: When the fracture line is passing
Direct fracture Indirect fracture
from buccal cortical plate to the lingual cortical plate with
Symphysis fracture Bilateral subcondylar fracture the buccal end lying mesially and the lingual end of the
Parasymphysis fracture Contralateral subcondylar fracture line lying distally. In such situation the distal fragment
Body fracture Contralateral angle fracture will be drawn closer to the proximal fragment due to the
pull of the medial pterygoid muscle, and the fracture seg-
of subcondylar areas bilaterally, as the condylar necks are ments will come closer rather than getting separated in
weak. This is called a “tripod fracture” (as the fracture is at 3 buccolingual plane, and thus the fracture is called as verti-
points) or “parade ground fracture” or “guardsman’s fracture.” cally favorable (Fig. 52.5a).
The later terms are used because these fractures are commonly 2. Vertically unfavorable: In this case, the fracture line passes
seen among soldiers who stand upright on the parade ground buccolingually with the buccal end lying mesially. The dis-
for a long time. When they faint, they fall on their chin result- tal fragment in this case will be easily viewed from superior
ing in symphysis and bilateral condylar neck fractures. border. The distal fragment in this case will easily get drifted
1056 A. Rai

Table 52.3  Muscle attachments over the mandible with their actions
Muscle Action Attachment
Masseter-medial Elevators of the Ramus of the
pterygoid mandible mandible
Temporalis Elevators of the Coronoid process of
mandible mandible
Lateral pterygoid Depressors of the Ptreygoid fovea
mandible, lateral
Suprahyoid muscles Depressors of the Body and the genial
(digastricus, geniohyoid, mandible tubercles

52.5 Clinical Features

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India The clinical features of the fractures are described in
Fig. 52.3  Showing right parasymphysis and left condyle fracture
Table 52.4 (Figs. 52.7, 52.8, 52.9, 52.10, 52.11, 52.12, 52.13,
and 52.14).

52.6 Clinical Examination

52.6.1 Bimanual Palpation

The abnormal mobility at the fracture site can be elicited

by the bimanual palpation. The mandible is grasped on
either side of the suspected fracture line in such a way that
the index finger is on the occlusal surface of the teeth and
the thumbs are on the inferior border. The proximal and
distal segments are moved in supero-inferior and antero-
posterior direction, to elicit abnormal mobility (Fig. 52.15).
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.4  Showing right body and left angle fracture

52.6.2 Compression Test

lingually due to the pull of the medial pterygoid muscle; When there is a hairline, undisplaced fracture of the mandi-
thus there will be separation of the fragments in the bucco- ble especially at the symphysis or angle or in the subcondy-
lingual plane due to the unfavorable muscle pull, and the lar areas and it is not conspicuous clinically and radiologically,
fracture is said to be vertically unfavorable (Fig. 52.5b). a compression of the mandible at the symphysis area and
both the sides over the body, using both the palms by the
When viewed from buccal aspect: operator, elicits tenderness which may suggest the fracture
(Fig. 52.16a, b).
1. Horizontally favorable: The fracture line runs supero-­
inferiorly with its superior end lying posteriorly than its
inferior end. In this situation, the muscle pulls from the 52.7 Radiographic Examination
temporalis, masseter muscle will pull the distal segment
superiorly, and the suprahyoid muscles will put the proxi- As a rule, in orthopedics, the X-ray must be taken in two
mal segment inferiorly, thus drawing both the segments planes perpendicular to each other, i.e., in the anteroposterior
closer to each other. This type of fracture is called as hori- and mediolateral. The most common radiographs to detect
zontally favorable fracture (Fig. 52.6a). fracture of the mandible are:
2. Horizontally unfavorable: The fracture line runs supero-­
inferiorly with its superior end lying anteriorly and the 1 . Orthopantomogram (OPG) (Fig. 52.17)
inferior end lying posteriorly; thus, the muscle pull 2. Posterio-anterior view of the mandible (PA mandible)
becomes unfavorable and drifts the proximal and distal (Fig. 52.18)
fracture segments apart. This is described as a horizon- 3. Lateral oblique view is taken for body, angle, ramus, and
tally unfavorable fracture (Fig. 52.6b). subcondylar fractures.
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1057

a b
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.5 (a) Vertically favorable. (b) Vertically unfavorable

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.6 (a) Horizontally favorable. (b) Horizontally unfavorable

4 . Computed tomography (CT) scan (Fig. 52.19) –– Radiographs should not be advised unnecessary, and they
5. Digital visual tomography (DVT) (Fig. 52.20) should always be performed after clinical examination
6. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) (Fig. 52.21) and after making provisional clinical diagnosis.
–– Surgeons should not depend on the radiologist’s report for
–– CT, DVT, and CBCT are the most commonly performed their diagnosis; radiographs should help in confirming the
radiographs for the accurate diagnosis of mandibular clinical diagnosis and for the medicolegal record-keeping
fracture. purpose as much as possible.
1058 A. Rai

Table 52.4  Clinical feature of mandibular fracture

General symptoms Signs on inspection Signs on palpation
Pain Presence of hematoma Crepitus over fracture site
(Fig. 52.9)
Swelling (Fig. 52.7) Facial asymmetry Abnormal mobility across fracture site
Difficulty in opening Presence of abrasion, contusion, or laceration Fracture/mobility/extrusion/intrusion/
mouth (Fig. 52.10) avulsion of teeth
(Fig. 52.8)
Tenderness over fracture Discoloration of the skin/echymosis Tenderness over fracture site
site (Fig. 52.11)
Inability to chew Trismus due to protective myo-spasm Intersegmental mobility on bimanual
Inability to swallow Limited excursive movements of mandible Positive compression test
Bleeding from the ear/ Visible step deformity in cases with displacement of fractured
mouth segments (Fig. 52.12)
Malocclusion (Fig. 52.13)
Sublingual hematoma
(Fig. 52.14) Coleman’s sign
Tongue fall back in bilateral anterior mandible fracture

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 52.7  Swelling in angle region after fracture
Fig. 52.8  Difficulty in mouth opening due to displacement and devia-
tion of fracture
52.7.1 Are Postoperative Radiographs
Necessary? –– Mandibular fracture treated with closed reduction
–– In medicolegal cases to prevent judicial complications [5]
The answer is no. The reasons behind this is: –– Patients who enrolled in the research activities

1. More than 100–250 deaths occur worldwide from cancer Bergh van den et al. [6] also suggested that postoperative
due to unnecessary radiation from diagnostic radiology as radiography is not necessary. The advantages of avoiding
suggested by Royal College of Radiologists [4] postoperative radiographs are:
2. If somehow retreatment is required for the patient, it gen-
erally depends most commonly on the clinical findings 1 . Exposure reduction of patients to ionizing radiation
rather than radiographic 2. Reduced cost
3. More efficient discharge
However, the postoperative radiographs are required in
few cases of:
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1059

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 52.11  Discoloration of skin
Fig. 52.9  Hematoma in the angle region

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 52.12  Visible step deformity in cases with displacement of frac-
Fig. 52.10  Presence of abrasion, contusion, or laceration tured segments
1060 A. Rai

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.15  Bimanual palpation

Fig. 52.13 Malocclusion

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.14  Sublingual hematoma (Coleman’s sign)

52  Fractures of the Mandible 1061

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.16 (a, b) Vertical and horizontal compression test

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.17 OPG demonstrating parasymphysis and contralateral

­condylar fracture

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.18  PA view mandible showing left mandibular angle fracture

1062 A. Rai

Box 52.2: The Immobilization of Fracture Fragments

Helps in

1 Reduction of pain
2 Reduction in bleeding from fracture site
3 Prevention of further injury by fracture edges
4 Reduction in mobility of segments
5 Fracture reduction and fixation during definitive


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.21  Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) demonstrating

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
displaced right para median fracture mandible
Fig. 52.19  Computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrating displaced
left para median fracture
52.8 E
 mergency Management (refer Chap.
48 of this book)

Once the basic Airway, breathing, circulation (ABC) in the

emergency management has been secured, the suturing of the
extra-/intraoral wounds and initial stabilization and immobili-
zation of the fracture fragments are important. Box 52.2 shows
advantages of immobilization of fracture fragments.
Initial stabilization and immobilization is done by:

1. Bridle wiring (refer Chap. 50 of this book)

It is a type of temporary stabilization and reduction
of the fracture fragments of the dentate segment with
the help of 24- or 26-gauge wires under local
The wire should be wrapped around two healthy
teeth adjacent to the fracture line; if the tooth adjacent
to the fracture are mobile, the wire should be wrapped
around the second tooth adjacent to the fracture
(Fig. 52.22a, b).
2. Supportive bandage
These bandages are commonly used to temporarily
stabilize the fracture of the lower jaw. Small crepe ban-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
dages can be used for mandible fracture.
Fig. 52.20  Digital visual tomography (DVT) demonstrating commi- (a) Barrel bandage (Fig. 52.23)
nuted right body fracture (b) Four-tailed bandage (Fig. 52.24)
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1063

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.22 (a, b) Temporary stabilization of a grossly displaced bilateral body fracture by bridle wiring

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.23  Barrel bandage Fig. 52.24  Four-tailed bandage

1064 A. Rai

52.9 G
 oals of Treatment of Mandibular
Fracture (Table 52.5)

52.10 Treatment Options for Different Sites

52.10.1 Closed Reduction (Table 52.6)

52.10.2 Clinical Tip

Wiring techniques required use of multiple wires. These wires

cause inadvertent finger puncture to the operator’s fingers and
increases the risk of spread of blood-borne diseases like HIV
and hepatitis. To avoid such complication, Rai [7] recom- ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
mended the use of dynaplast adhesive tape over all fingertips
before wearing sterile gloves while doing Maxillomandibular Fig. 52.25  Finger protection before wiring
Fixation (MMF) (Fig. 52.25).

2 . Exposure of the fracture site (Fig. 52.27).

52.10.3 Open Reduction (Table 52.7) 3. Curettage to remove the granulation tissues and irrigation
with normal saline.
4. Reduction of the fracture (with the help of bone-holding
forceps) (Fig. 52.28a–c). Chin retractor is also helpful in
52.10.4 S
 teps in Open Reduction Internal reduction of fracture fragments (Fig. 52.29a, b).
Fixation (ORIF) of Mandible Fracture 5. Immobilization with MMF.
6. Fixation with plates and screws.
1. Incision (extra-/intraoral) (Fig. 52.26a, b). 7. Closure of the incised site.
8. Pressure bandage over the surgical site to avoid postop-
Table 52.5  Treatment goals for mandibular fracture erative hematoma formation in required cases (Fig. 52.30).
1. Anatomical restitution
2. Immobilization According to Dimitroulis [8] MMF is unnecessary in
3. Prevention of postoperative complications undisplaced angle fracture if there is a skilled assistant pres-
4. Rehabilitation of Functions ent to assist and help manually reduce the fracture fragments
for plating. Author also believes that many undisplaced, sin-
Table 52.6  Advantages and disadvantages of closed reduction gle fracture of mandible can be fixed without MMF when
Advantages Disadvantages two skilled surgeons operate the case.
1. Day-care procedure, not 1. Restriction of mouth opening for
require hospitalization minimum of 4 weeks
2. Cost-effective and safe 2. Patients can take only liquid diet 52.10.5 Symphysis and Parasymphysis
3. Avoid damage to the vital 3. Difficult to maintain oral hygiene
structures 4. Challenging in partially edentulous
Fracture (Video 52.1)
5. Weight loss Various internal fixation techniques were mentioned in the
6. Partial trismus for few weeks literature for both symphysis and parasymphysis fractures
7. Contraindicated in asthmatic, in
parkinsonism, mentally challenged
[9]. They are enumerated in Table 52.8.
patients Note: Readers has to refer Chap. 51 on plating systems to
know the principles of osteosynthesis, tension banding, zone
Table 52.7  Advantages and disadvantages of open reduction of compression/tension, etc.
Advantages Disadvantages Fixation with two miniplates is widely used for the fixa-
1. Early return to function 1. Requires hospitalization tion of symphysis and parasymphysis fractures (Fig. 52.31).
2. Exact anatomic reduction 2. Risk of general anesthesia Some authors preferred use of two lag screws (Fig. 52.32a, b)
under direct visualization 3. Extra oral scarring for the fixation of symphysis fractures, but their uses are less
3. No need of MMF in most of 4. Risk of injuries to the vital
the cases structures in comparison to two miniplates because they are ­technique
4. Less chances of postoperative 5. Expensive to patients when sensitive. Three-dimensional plates require less manipulation
complications compared to closed reduction and adaptation which indirectly reduce the operating time
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1065

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.26 (a, b) Extraoral sub mandibular incision and intraoral vestibular incision

3. One miniplate above and another below the mental

nerve used for fixation of parasymphysis fracture
(Fig. 52.35).

52.10.7 Mandibular Angle

The prevalence of angle fractures ranges from 16.5 to 37 %

in the literature. Presence of third molar (3M) increases
the chance of angle fracture by 3.27 times, and class II-B
positions of 3M are the most favorable for angle fracture,
while class I-A act as protective factors [10]. I mpact of Presence or Absence

of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India (IM3M) on Angle and Condylar
Fig. 52.27  Exposure of the fracture site (left paramedian mandible
via vestibular incision) –– Presence of IM3M generates a weak area in the mandibu-
lar angle and predisposes the angle region to fracture after
(Fig. 52.33), but use of it is questionable when fracture frag- injury; on the other hand, IM3M can decrease the occur-
ments are multiple even in isolated symphysis fractures. rence of condylar fracture which is supposed to be the
Usually, an intraoral approach is preferred for manage- weakest area of mandible [11].
ment of symphysis and parasymphysis fractures. However, if –– Angle fracture is seen most commonly in patients hav-
an existing laceration or scar is present, it should be utilized ing superficially impacted (vs deeply impacted ) third
for exposure of fractured segments and subsequent manage- molars (M3s) [12]. The reason behind this is that the
ment (Fig. 52.34). mandibular strength is derived from maintenance of cor-
tical and not the medullary bone integrity; this cortical
integrity of the external ridge is disrupted by the pres-
52.10.6 Parasymphysis Fracture ence of superficial impacted M3s which produce the
point of weakness in the mandible and make it more
1 . Mental nerve: The anatomic challenge in ORIF. prone to fractures [13].
2. Plating should be done after the blunt dissection and
retraction of the neurovascular bundle.
1066 A. Rai

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.28 (a–c) Reduction of the fracture (with the help of bone holding forceps)

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.29 (a, b) Use of chin retractor in reduction of fracture fragments Open vs. Closed Reduction and it sometimes has prominent extraoral scarring in patients
Closed reduction is advisable for patients who are medically treated with extraoral approach [14] .
unfit for surgery (due to any reasons) or those who did not Sugar [15] concluded that the combined use of transbuc-
give consent for open reduction internal fixation (ORIF). cal and intraoral approach is safe and effective than the intra-
oral approach alone for ORIF. Author too prefers the same Approaches for ORIF approach.

1. Intraoral (Fig. 52.36) Advantages of Transbuccal

2. Extraoral (Fig. 52.26a) Approach [16]
3. Transbuccal (Fig. 52.37)
1 . Less operative time
Intraoral incision is advocated for ORIF with single mini- 2. Minimal scar formation
plate, but higher infection rate of 13% was reported in com- 3. At the time of plating, direct visualization of the occlusion
parison with 2% when extraoral incision was used for plating. 4. Low risk of injury to facial nerve
Marginal mandibular nerve showed weakness in 8% of cases,
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1067

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.31  Fixation bilateral paramedian fracture mandible with 2

miniplates each on either side
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.30  Application of pressure bandage

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.32 (a, b) Fixation left para median fracture mandible with lag screws

Position of Trocar Placement [17] (Fig. 52.37) Table 52.8 Various fixation techniques for anterior mandibular
Gulses et al. described a safe zone to place the trocar in the
1. Reconstruction bone plates
form of a triangle created by drawing three lines on the
2. Single strong nonreconstruction bone plate
face. 3. Double miniplates
4. Two lag screws
Line 1: At the lower border of mandible (mandibular line) 5. Three-dimensional (3D) plate
Line 2: Gonial-canthal line which ran from the gonion to the 6. Segmental arch bar with single large and stronger bone plate
outer canthus of the eye
Line 3: Trago-basal line which ran from tragus to the groove Through a small stab incision, a blunt dissection is per-
over the body of the mandible at infero-anterior angle of formed with dissecting scissors till the mandibular perios-
the masseter (at the point of entry of the facial artery over teum is torn and the trocar is placed through the dissected
the body of the mandible) channel.
1068 A. Rai

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.33  Fixation of anterior mandible with three-dimensional plate Fig. 52.35  One miniplate above and another below the mental nerve
used for fixation of parasymphysis fracture

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.34 (a–c) Existing laceration has been used as access for fixation of the anterior mandible fracture

Various techniques are mentioned in the literature for

internal fixation of angle fracture (Box 52.3) [18]: Box 52.3: Fixation Techniques for Angle Fracture Single vs. Two Plates vs. 3D Plates 1 . Wire osteosynthesis (obsolete)
Al Moraissi [19] in a meta-analysis showed that the inci- 2. Single miniplate on the superior border (Fig. 52.38)
dence of wound infection, dehiscence, hardware failure, 3. Single plate on inferior border
and overall complications were less in patients treated with 4. Two plates, one at superior and another on inferior
one miniplate on external oblique ridge in comparison to border (Fig. 52.39a, b)
two. 5. Lag screws
Ellis III [20] also advocated use of single miniplate on 6. Three-dimensional plates (Fig. 52.40)
superior border because:
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1069

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.36  Intraoral incision for exposure

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.38 Fixation of mandibular angle fracture using single

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 52.37  Transbuccal approach used for fixation of angle fractures

–– If infection occurs, retrieval of single miniplate can be

–– High rate of sequestrectomy, infection, and subsequent done under local anesthesia in a clinic, but two plates
second surgery was more in two-plate technique. commonly required general anesthesia which indirectly
–– Fixation with two plates took more time, i.e., average increases the cost and prolonged the hospital stay.
37 min in comparison to an average of 23.5 min in single
miniplate fixation from incision to suturing. Rai et al. [21] also conclude better results with two-plate
–– Second plate fixation at inferior border is more difficult fixation. Second miniplate is supposed to increase stability
and requires more experience. and protects the fracture site against torsion and bending.
1070 A. Rai

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.39  Fixation of mandibular angle fracture using two miniplates. (a) Clinical picture, (b) orthopantamogram

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.40  Fixation of mandibular angle fracture using 3D plate. (a) Clinical picture, (b) orthopantamogram

Theoretically second plate establishes a second line of and it offers better bending stability and more resistant to out
osteosynthesis. of plane movement or torque.
Levy et al. [22]advocated two-plate fixation superior for Ellis III and Ghali [25] used lag screws for treating man-
ORIF of angle fracture. According to them two miniplates dibular angle fractures but reported very high incidence of post-
provide better stabilization and have reported lowest compli- operative infection and bone exposure. Also the fixation of angle
cation rate in comparison to any other plating technique. with lag screws is technique sensitive and requires expertise.
Wusiman et al. [23] demonstrate that three-dimensional Kang and Zide used seven-hole angle plate when
(3D) miniplates provide better fixation than standard mini- Champy technique is ineffective and more rigid or semirigid
plates. It also provides simultaneous stabilization of tension fixation is required [26]. According to them seven-hole angle
and compression zones with lower incidence of postopera- plate is fixed through transfacial trocar and stabilized intra-
tive complications and good results. According to Zix et al. orally. On the other hand, Champy plate required bending,
[24] 1-mm-thick 3D plate is as stable as 2 mm miniplates, lacks rigidity, difficulty in screw hole drilling, inaccurate
centric placement of screws.
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1071 E  xtraction vs. Retention of IM3M extraoral soft tissue injury/scar or having severely commi-
in Angle Fracture nuted fracture fragments.
The use of postoperative MMF and extraction versus reten-
tion of teeth in the line of fracture did not influence any of the
outcomes [27]. Increase rate of infection by extraction of a 52.10.9 Ramus Fracture
tooth was found in the study by Ellis and Walker in 1994
[28]. However, in another study published in 2002, Ellis [29] Mandibular ramus (MR) fracture occurs rarely and ranked
reported an increased incidence of infection if teeth were left third least common fracture after alveolar and coronoid
in the line of fracture. Author advocates extraction of 3Ms at fracture [30]. MR fractures are very rare in isolation. It can
the time of ORIF for better results. be horizontal or vertical. Its incidence ranges from 0.9 to
5.5% [31]. Isolated ramus fracture can be managed by
closed reduction, but ORIF is the treatment of choice when
52.10.8 Body Fracture it is associated with other maxillofacial fractures. To cor-
rect the facial height when midface is also fractured, the
A single four hole with gap miniplate (Fig. 52.41) below the vertical rami become the only determinant, and re-estab-
root apex and the inferior alveolar canal is sufficient for fixa- lishment of these buttresses is very important before repo-
tion of body fracture of mandible through the intraoral sitioning the crushed midfacial bones [32] (Fig. 52.42a–c).
approach most of the times, except when a patient is having M  anagement of Triangular Fragments
(TF) at the Lower Border
Heslop et al. [33] advocated repositioning of TF if they are
attached to the muscle or periosteum and remove them if
they are very small or detached from the periosteum.
According to Blinder et al. [34] to prevent infection and
preserve vascularization, TF should be unexposed and unre-
duced. TF should be sandwiched between the two fracture
lines by rigid fixation without exposure, and preserving vas-
cularization may be the treatment of choice
TF of bone at the angle region were more often shown to
get infected in comparison to body, symphysis, or parasym-
physis because thick, better vascularized, and more cancel-
lous bone presents in these areas as compared to angle
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India region. It’s better to remove small fragments in the angle
region to avoid postoperative discomfort.
Fig. 52.41  Fixation of body fracture with single miniplate

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.42  Management of mandibular ramus fracture. (a) DVT show- ramus and midface fractures (blue arrows point to lower border plates
ing mandibular ramus fracture, (b) fixation using two miniplates, (c) and green arrows point to upper border plates)
postoperative orthopantamogram showing fixation of mandibular
1072 A. Rai

52.10.10 Coronoid Fracture 52.10.11 Bilateral Fracture of Mandible

It generally occurs in combination with other fracture of the Over half of the mandibular fractures are bilateral; in the
mandible (Fig. 52.43a), and with zygomatic complex fracture case of angle fracture, most of the times, it occurs in
(commonly with arch) (Fig. 52.43b), rarely does it occur in combination of contralateral mandibular body and sym-
isolation. It can be treated by extraoral or intraoral approaches. physis [40]. ORIF is the treatment of choice most of the
Later, having low incidence of facial nerve injury and no times.
facial scar. Coronoid fracture ranges from 0.6 to 4.7% of all Clinical Tip: An MMF screw can be effectively used for
facial fractures and 1–2.9% of all mandibular fractures [35]. reduction of a bilateral mandibular fracture by placing the
It manifests as [36, 37]: screw in the symphysis region. A wire is passed through the
screw, and the fracture segment can be manipulated for
• Swelling below the zygomatic arch reduction (Fig. 52.44).
• Ecchymosis in the retromolar trigone area
• Restricted mouth opening, malocclusion, and facial col-
lapse when occurs in association with other facial fractures Indications for Conservative or Open

Table 52.9  Indications of closed and open reduction for coronoid
Reduction of Coronoid Fractures fractures
(Table 52.9) Conservative ORIF
Conservative management in the form of soft diet and mouth Minimal displacement Significant fracture displacement and
opening exercises to avoid bony adhesions to the surround- Limited mouth opening
ing structures [38]. If patients are treated with MMF and Associated with zygoma, zygomatic arch,
­trismus occurs, it can be managed by removal of the coro- mandibular ramus
noid process [39]. Patients who are bad candidates for MMF

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.43  Coronoid fracture (a) associated with condylar fracture, (b) associated with zygomatic arch
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1073

52.10.12 Comminuted Mandible Fractures To fix small fragments, multiple options are mentioned in
the literature like miniplate, microplate, screws, steel wires,
Comminution is defined as presence of multiple fracture and absorbable sutures. A fragment larger than 1 cm should
lines in many small pieces within the same area of mandibu- be conserved, reduced, and fixed [42].
lar angle, body, ramus, and symphysis [41]. This type of Ellis et  al. [43] advocated that more complications are
fracture rarely occurs in the condyle region. In a comminuted associated with multiple fragment fractures in comparison to
fracture, bone is “crushed, broken, splintered” into number fractures having few segments. Therefore, comminuted frac-
of pieces, creating multiple small fragments (at least two free tures need load-bearing fixation.
segments of bone) (Fig. 52.45a, b). The bone fragments will not provide buttressing to help
stabilize the fracture; therefore surgeons operating commi-
nuted mandibular fractures having two or more free bone
fragments and/or requiring bone fragment removal should
opt for reconstruction plates. Miniplates can be used when
comminuted mandibular fractures have only one free bone
fragment. Combination of reconstruction and miniplates can
be used when multiple small fragments are there in commi-
nuted mandible fracture (Fig. 52.46). Implants used for fixa-
tion of comminuted fractures are mentioned in Box 52.4.
Use of reconstruction plates required expertise and it is
time-consuming. Sometimes contour is also not favorable

Box 52.4: Implants Used for Fixation of Comminuted


1. Multiple miniplates
2. Reconstruction plates
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 3. Combination of mini- and reconstruction plates
4. Titanium Mesh
Fig. 52.44  Use of MMF screw in reduction of bilateral parasymphysis

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.45 (a, b) Comminuted fractures

1074 A. Rai

52.11 I nferior Alveolar Nerve (IAN) Injury

in Mandible Fracture

According to the literature, the incidence of IAN injury was


1 . 5.4–81.4% before treatment

2. 0.4–91.3% after intervention
3. 0–46.6% after 1 year

The neurosensory testing was done both before and

after the treatment of mandibular fracture in which nerve
injury is suspected. Two-point discrimination and pinprick
testing can be used to assess the level of IAN injury.
Preoperative knowledge of the patient’s IAN position
(based on CT/CBCT) is very important in decision-making
regarding fixation position of the fracture fragments with
miniplates. Plating should be done above or below the
course of IAN. ORIF in the area of IAN takes longer dura-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
tion to normalization of sensation, and it ranges from 1
Fig. 52.46  Combination of reconstruction and miniplates in manage- week to 12 months. Postoperative CT/CBCT is mandatory
ment of comminuted fractures if operating surgeon suspected the impingement of screw
on the IAN or no relief of sensation after 6 weeks of ORIF
for further management. Surgeons should not hesitate to
redo the surgery in cases of IAN injury by miniplates and

52.12 Geriatric Mandibular Fracture

With old age, the incidence rate of maxillofacial fracture

increases, with mandibular fracture appearing with a greater
frequency. As the age advances, the weakening of the man-
dible occurs due to:

–– Loss of teeth
–– Reduced vascularity or decreased blood flow in elderly
–– Loss of bone mass

The most common mechanisms of injury in geriatric

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
patients are [46]:
Fig. 52.47  Postoperative elastics for correction of minor occlusal dis-
crepancies (Inter maxillary elastics- IME) 1. Fall
2. Assaults
3. Motor vehicle accidents
which can create slight malocclusion but can be managed by
postoperative elastics and selective occlusal adjustments Fractures of the edentulous mandible pose unique chal-
(Fig. 52.47). lenges. Old age itself is a risk factor for poor outcomes fol-
Dia et  al. [44] used titanium mesh for the treatment of lowing trauma. There are associated comorbidities like
comminuted mandible fracture with successful results. hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dementia, or stroke which
According to them mesh required little soft tissue exposure, limit the functional capacity of the patient to bear the stress
had low infection rate, and provides favorable mandibular of surgery and postoperative recovery. Also, the atrophic
morphology. mandible has compromised blood supply with little osteo-
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1075

genic potential resulting in delayed bone healing. Bilateral Controversy again exists in the use of bone grafts in eden-
mandibular fracture (bucket handle fracture) occurs most tulous mandible. Are bone grafts necessary? Answer is not
commonly in elderly (Fig. 52.48). always. Reconstruction plates (load-bearing plates) can be
used for comminuted fractures and with large defects. Bone
morphogenic proteins and tricalcium phosphate can be used
52.12.1 Management as alternative to autogenous grafts in patients whom multiple
comorbidities may influence local or systemic outcomes [48].
Controversy exists in the treatment of edentulous mandibular Few authors advocated extramucosal intraoral plating for
fracture. One school of thought advocated closed reduction, the ORIF of the edentulous mandibular fracture. It preserves
and another school is in favor of open reduction and internal the blood supply to the mucosa and bone, at the same time
fixation. According to Bradley [47] the major blood supply provides adequate stability [49, 50].
to the mandible is “sub periosteal Plexus,” and reflection of The techniques of edentulous atrophic mandible fracture
periosteum in ORIF may seriously impair vascular supply to management are:
the bone resulting in non-union.
1. Closed reduction (CR)
This technique is opted when the patient’s systemic
condition does not allow for an open surgery. CR can be
accomplished if the mandibular height is at least 30 mm.
It is difficult to achieve CR if the mandibular height is
<10  mm. CR can be accomplished using a preexisting
denture. If there is no denture, gunning splint can be pre-
pared. The denture/splint is used for immobilization and
fixed to the mandible with circum-mandibular wiring
(Fig. 52.49a, b).
Advantages: Periosteal supply to the bone is
Disadvantages: Chances of infection and pulmonary
2. Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
This involves use of plates and screws for fixation of
Fig. 52.48  Bilateral mandibular fracture (bucket handle fracture) in fractures. Options for ORIF include use of miniplates or
edentulous patients larger reconstruction plates. Miniplates are small and

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.49 (a) Securing gunning splint by circum-mandibular wiring, (b) MMF with gunning splint in situ
1076 A. Rai

hence require smaller incision. Screws of miniplates are

also small which can easily involve thin fragments. Pediatric mandibular fractures are treated in the fol-
However, in cases of larger fractures, a load-bearing lowing ways:
reconstruction plate is preferred.
Advantages: Adequate fixation with no/minimum MMF 1. Undisplaced fractures: Managed conservatively

Disadvantages: Delayed healing with periosteal blood sup- with close observation, soft diet, analgesics, and
ply loss activity prevention
2. Fractures with minor malocclusions: A short period
of MMF with the help of bondable buttons and
52.13 Pediatric Mandibular Fractures wires for 7–14 days
3. Malocclusion with displacement of segments:

Among all the maxillofacial fractures, the incidence of pedi- Closed reduction using cap splint secured to man-
atric facial fracture is 1–15%. After nasal bone fracture, the dible by circum-­mandibular wiring (Fig. 52.50a–c)
second most common fractures in children are mandibular 4. Malocclusion with severe displacement requiring
fracture with an incidence of 5–50% [51]. In mandible, the three-­
dimensional stabilizations: open reduction
condyle is the commonest site of fracture in pediatric patients and internal fixation
followed by symphysis and parasymphysis. The most com-
mon mechanisms of injury in children are [52]:
However the absence of teeth due to exfoliation and poor
1 . Fall from height retention of wires on the deciduous teeth crowns makes the
2. Bicycle falls ligature wire and traditional use of arch bars difficult or
3. Automobile and sports accidents sometimes impossible [54]. In such cases splinting with
4. Violence acrylic splint retained with circum-mandibular wires remains
a viable option in treatment of pediatric mandibular
In children, the developing tooth buds of canine approxi- fractures.
mate the lower border of mandible. This creates a stress point Cap splints are secured to mandible by circum-­mandibular
making the mandible susceptible to fracture in this location. wiring. Kelsey Fry bone awl is used for this purpose. A wide-­
Once the canine erupts, this weak point is reinforced with the bore needle can also be used for the same (Fig. 52.51a, b).
bone and is not weaker than any other regions of the mandi- Intravenous cannula stillete (IVCS) is also mentioned in the
ble. This is the reason probably why parasymphysis fracture literature for performing circum-mandibular wiring. The
is more common in children than adolescents. 16-gauge IVCS was used instead of conventional awl [55].
With increasing age, the skull-to-face ratio decreases. The However, management of pediatric mandibular fracture
larger cranium shields the smaller middle and lower thirds of with ORIF is controversial as the fixation of plates may ham-
the face from injuries. This prevents mandibular fracture in per the growth and development of jaw. Titanium miniplates
small children; however, with increasing age the mandible have been successfully used for ORIF, but the implants are to
becomes more prominent resulting in more injuries to this be removed within 3- to 12-month period [56].
region. Yerit et  al. [57] proposed use of biodegradable plates for
ORIF.  These plates should be mechanically strong and must
undergo resorption within a predictable time frame.
52.13.1 Management

The advantages of biodegradable plates (polyglycolic

The management of pediatric mandibular fractures is and poly-­L-­lactic acid plating system) in comparison
different in comparison to adults due to [53]: to titanium plates are [58]:

1 . Relatively small size of maxillofacial bones 1. Does not require second operation for removal,

2. Presence of tooth germs indirectly becoming cost-effective and requiring
3. Soft bone with good elasticity less hospital visit.
4. Instability of deciduous or mixed dentition 2. Does not cause growth disturbances.
5. Rapid repair process 3. Monocortical plates and screws do not cause dam-
6. Difficulties in cooperation and acceptance age to the tooth buds.
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1077

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.50 (a) Pediatric mandibular fracture, (b) cap splint secured using circum-mandibular wiring, (c) postoperative orthopantamogram

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.51 (a, b) Securing cap splint by circum-mandibular wiring using wide-bore needle

52.14 U
 se of Bone Grafts in Mandible
Fracture Treatment Bone grafts are indicated in some cases of:

Anterior iliac crest (cancellous or cortico-cancellous) and 1 . Severely comminuted fractures

fibula (free microvascular reconstruction) are the most com- 2. Gunshot wounds
monly used sites from where the bone grafts are used for 3. In non-union
mandibular reconstruction. All the cases required bone graft- 4. Atrophic mandibular fractures
ing in cases of mandibular fracture treated with ORIF should
be kept in MMF of 4 weeks postoperatively.
1078 A. Rai

Rachmiel et al. [59] advocated two-stage reconstruction of • Predisposing factors:

mandibular bone defect after trauma by bone grafting fol- 1. Preoperative oral sepsis
lowed by alveolar distraction osteogenesis (ADO). This 2. Tooth in the line of fracture
modality helps in correction of intermaxillary vertical rela- 3. Improper reduction and fixation (Fig. 52.53)
tionship and provides sufficient amount of bone for the 4. Alcoholic or metabolic disturbances
placement of dental implants and prosthesis. 5. Prolonged time before treatment
6. Poor patient compliance
• Malunion
52.15 Postoperative Care –– It indicates that a fracture has healed but in less than
an optimal position.
–– It may result when bone is shorter than normal,
• Pressure dressing over the site to avoid postoperative rotated or twisted in a bad position, or bent.
hematoma in required cases. –– It may cause pain, joint degeneration, posttraumatic
• Elastic traction for correction of minor discrepancies in arthritis, or catching episodes resulting from
occlusion (Fig. 52.47). instability.
• Soft and liquid diet. • Non-union
• Maintenance of oral hygiene by oral rinses. –– It is a type of uncommon complication of
• Recall visit for review. mandibular fracture, with reported incidence of
• Follow-up appointments and if results are not satisfactory 2.8–3.9% [60].
frequent follow-up required. –– It is failure of fracture hematoma to become trans-
• If patient is not satisfied, plan for retreatment. formed into an osteogenic matrix so that it is con-
verted into non-osteogenic fibrous tissue.
–– Non-union identified by mobility in all planes after
52.16 Complications of Mandible Fracture interval of minimum 10 weeks.
–– Histologically there is absence of identifiable osteo-
genic tissue.
Immediate –– Radiographically no evidence of progressive
• Pain decrease in radiolucency at the fracture site and
• Swelling rounding off of the bones’ end in the later stages.
It can be treated by ORIF by rigid fixation
Delayed ­(load-bearing reconstruction plate and sometimes
• Infection: Found to be the most common complica- in combination with bone graft) (Fig.
tion (Fig. 52.52) 52.54a, b).

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 52.53  Postoperative infection due to improper reduction and
Fig. 52.52  Postoperative infection fixation
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1079

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.54 (a) Non-union due to closed reduction, (b) management of fracture non-union by load-bearing reconstruction plate

Table 52.10  Management of mandibular non-union

If the
defect is
<1 cm Defect size: 1–6 cm Defect > 6 cm
Rigid If adequate soft If adequate soft Reconstruction
internal tissue present tissue absent with vascularized
fixation Reconstruction Reconstruction bone flap in single
in single with bone graft with bone graft at stage
stage in single stage a later stage
with vascularized
Bone flap in
single stage

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.56  Facial asymmetry

• Mandibular growth disturbances

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
• Disruption of permanent teeth
Fig. 52.55  Showing malocclusion • TMJ dysfunction

52.16.1 Management of Mandibular 52.17 Recent Advances

Non-union Depending upon the Size
of the Defect (Table 52.10) [61] Kokosis et al. [62] advocated use of virtual surgical plan-
ning (VSP) with subsequent computer-aided design and
• Malocclusion (Fig. 52.55) manufacturing in management of acute mandibular trauma
• Facial asymmetry (Fig. 52.56) patients.
1080 A. Rai

52.18 Case Scenarios

The advantages of the use of custom titanium plate in
mandibular trauma are:
Case Scenario 1
1 . Avoid need for in situ bending. A male patient reported with a gunshot injury over right side
2. Serving as a guide and confirming accurate
of face. Patient’s Glassgow coma scale (GCS) was 15/15
reduction. with stable vital signs, but the patient has difficulty in breath-
3. Customized titanium plates are much stronger than ing. On maxillofacial examination, a gunshot wound was
conventional plates. present over right side of face at the right mandibular angle
4. Less palpable. region. Deviation of mandible was present on right side with
cross bite on right side and open bite on left side. Tenderness
was present over right mandibular angle region. On palpa-
Computer-assisted surgery (CAS) including computer-­aided tion, intersegmental mobility was present over right angle
design and manufacturing, surgical navigation techniques, region.
and rapid prototyping (RP) has been used with lot of success Provisional diagnosis: Right mandibular angle fracture
in mandibular reconstruction (refer Chap. 41 of this book). following gunshot
CAS helps in [63]: Investigation: Apart from blood investigation, a CT scan
was performed, and a final diagnosis of comminuted right
1. Preoperative planning mandibular ramus and angle fracture with bullet in situ was
2. Preparation of stereolithographic (STL) models or accu- made (Fig. 52.57a).
rate implantation material Management: Patient was subjected to emergency sur-
3. Implementation of complex design through intraoperative gery under general anesthesia with a treatment plan of bullet
navigation retrieval, debridement, and open reduction and internal fixa-
tion of fracture. After the anesthesia was induced, patient
preparation was done; the fracture site was exposed through
Some Important Facts from Review of Literature an extraoral approach. Thorough debridement was done, and
Regarding Mandible Fracture [64, 65] bullet was retrieved in multiple pieces (Fig.  52.57b). The
bone segments which were detached were removed, and the
1. Injuries caused by assaults were more prone to
fracture segments were fixed using a reconstruction plate fol-
develop postoperative infection, nerve damage, and lowing achieving occlusion (Fig. 52.57c). The use of bone
malocclusion. graft was eliminated considering the risk of postoperative
2. 11.8-fold more likely to have poor radiographic infection due to scattering of bullet particles. Moreover, the
outcome in patients with comminuted fracture. fracture site was a nondentate site; hence bone grafting was
3. Dehiscence, nerve injury, and malocclusion occur not mandatorily indicated for postoperative dental rehabilita-
more commonly in surgeries taking longer duration. tion. Figure 52.57d shows postoperative OPG and fixation of
4. Patients with three or more fractures were 13.8-fold fracture with reconstruction plate (refer Chap. 59 on Gun
more likely to develop postoperative trismus in shot injuries).
comparison to single fracture.
5. Chances of complications are more in patients who Case Scenario 2
took discharge against medical advice. A female patient reported with the chief complaint of diffi-
6. Treatment of isolated mandible fracture can be
culty in chewing following operation to treat mandibular frac-
safely delayed to allow for more improved resource ture. Patient gave a history of fall from height following
distribution and prioritization of more time-depen- which she was operated for ORIF elsewhere. The general
dent interventions. condition of patient was good. On maxillofacial examination,
mandible was deviated on right side with cross bite on right
52  Fractures of the Mandible 1081

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.57  Case Scenario 1 (a) DVT showing comminuted right man- struction plate; (d) postoperative OPG showing fixation of fracture with
dibular angle and ramus fracture with bullet in situ; (b) retrieved bullet; reconstruction plate
(c) bullet retrieval, debridement, and fixation of fracture with recon-

side and open bite with lingualized occlusion on left side done, and fracture site was exposed through extraoral incision
(Fig. 52.58a). Patient provided us with a pretreatment OPG for all the fractures. Existing implants were removed which
which revealed right subcondylar with left side mandibular resulted in removal of few small bone fragments. The frac-
comminuted body and angle fracture (Fig. 52.58b). We sub- tured and carious teeth were extracted and reduction was done
jected the patient to another OPG which revealed improper by MMF. Occlusion was achieved (Fig. 52.58d), and fixation
fixation of left mandibular body fracture and no fixation of was performed using two miniplates at subcondylar site and
left angle and right subcondylar fracture (Fig. 52.58c). load-bearing reconstruction plate at the body-angle unit. A
Diagnosis: Malunited left mandibular body, left angle postoperative OPG was done (Fig. 52.58e). Patient was dis-
fracture, and right subcondylar fracture charged in stable condition. After 6 months, dental rehabilita-
Management: Patient was subjected to general anesthesia. tion was performed for missing teeth by delivering dental
Once the anesthesia was induced, patient preparation was bridge (Fig. 52.58f).
1082 A. Rai

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 52.58  Case scenario 2 (a) Deranged occlusion when patient fracture at other centre, (d) intraoperative occlusion achieved, (e) post-
reported to us, (b) pretreatment OPG, (c) improper fixation of left man- operative OPG, (f) postoperative accurate occlusion
dibular body fracture and no fixation of left angle and right subcondylar

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Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle
Vikas Dhupar

53.1 Introduction
Box 53.1. TMJ—Unique Characteristics
Maxillofacial surgeons commonly come across a high inci- • It is a ginglymoarthrodial joint, having both a hinge
dence of condylar fractures in their practice. A French sur- and a gliding action
geon [1] in the eighteenth century described a high propensity • It has an end point closure
for a narrow portion in the subcondylar region to fracture, • It has a fibrocartilage disc
which is a common occurrence even today. In spite of a com-
mon occurrence, the management has been controversial as
there is no established consensus in the treatment of condylar
fractures. Traditionally closed reduction has been the treat- 53.2.1 Condyle
ment of choice for condylar fractures and have been treated
by various forms of intermaxillary fixation. With the The condyle is one of the two processes of the mandible
improvement in radiographic imaging and biomaterials used present on the superior portion of the ramus. The condylar
in the fixation, surgical management has gradually found head is ovoid in shape measuring approximately 15–20 mm
acceptance as it restores early function. mediolaterally and 8–10 mm anteroposteriorly in dimension
[2]. The mandibular condyle articulates with the glenoid
fossa present in the squamous portion of the temporal bone
53.2 Surgical Anatomy to form the temporomandibular joint (Fig. 53.1). Squamous
portion of the temporal bone is as thin as 2 mm as a result;
The mandibular condyle forms a part of the temporoman- the condylar processes maybe driven into the middle cranial
dibular joint which is unique (Box 53.1), and it is made of fossa following trauma.
the following structures:

• Condyle of the mandible 53.2.2 Articular Disc

• Squamous portion of the temporal bone
• Articular disc (contained within the TMJ) The squamous portion of the temporal bone and the condyle
• Ligaments is separated by a dense fibrous connective tissue called the
articular disc. The disc is firmly anchored to the condyle by
the medial and lateral collateral ligaments, and it merges
with the capsule in the periphery. The joint space is divided
into superior and inferior compartments by the disc.

Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap- 53.2.3 Capsule and Ligaments
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_53) contains supple-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
The capsule surrounds the TMJ and is reinforced by the
V. Dhupar (*) medial and lateral ligaments which connect the mandible to
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, the temporal bone. The synovial membrane lines the capsule.
Goa Dental College & Hospital, Bambolim, Goa, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 1085

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_53
1086 V. Dhupar

It may be noted that the condyle receives blood supply

from three sources

1 . Medullary bone supplied by inferior alveolar artery

2. Overlying periosteum of the condyle
3. Attachment of lateral pterygoid muscle

This may explain the reason for the fractured condyle to

remains viable even after stripping of the periosteum during the
surgical procedure as the lateral pterygoid muscle remains
attached to the fractured fragment [4]. The venous drainage
starts in the retrodiscal plexus which drains into the superficial
temporal and maxillary veins that join to form the retroman-
dibular vein, which in turn drains into the external jugular vein.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.1  Bony structures of TMJ 53.2.6 Innervation

It is imperative to understand the innervation of the joint so

This membrane produces synovial fluid which aids in the as to minimize the complications following fracture of the
lubrication and nourishment of the joint. The lateral ligament mandible and its management. Both the sensory and motor
also known as temporomandibular ligament has a horizontal innervation is encountered while approaching the joint. The
and an oblique component which stabilizes the joint. The sensory nerves are auriculotemporal, masseteric, and poste-
strength of the lateral ligament may be partly responsible for rior deep temporal. Auriculotemporal nerve crosses the con-
the fracture at the neck of condyle just below the insertion of dyle medial to it and lies in contact with the condylar neck
the ligament [3]. The medial and lateral discal ligaments and capsule [5]. It is encountered in the preauricular incision
which are present inside the capsule are also called collateral and may result in postoperative complications.
ligaments. These ligaments connect the disc to the poles of
the condyle. In addition to these ligaments, there are two
non-capsular ligaments, namely, sphenomandibular and sty- 53.2.7 Facial Nerve
lomandibular which may have a limited function.
It is the key nerve that transverses the face, and it is liable for
the motor function of the muscles of facial expression. This
53.2.4 Muscles of Mastication nerve transverses the temporoparietal fascia and finally
divides into five terminal branches in the parotid gland
There are four muscles of mastication, namely, the medial (Fig. 53.2). Hence all the extraoral approaches for the condy-
and lateral pterygoid, masseter, and the temporalis. Lateral lar fractures are designed keeping the facial nerve in mind.
pterygoid is attached to the pterygoid fovea at the condylar Al-Kayat and Bramley [6] found the nerve was at an average
neck and is responsible for the displacement of the condylar distance of 20 mm with a range of 8–35 mm from the ante-
fractures. Change in the direction of resultant forces post rior margin of the auditory canal. This is the reason the pre-
fracture will alter the function of the mandible during vari- auricular incision is given in the skin crease near the tragus
ous excursion movements. or placed endurally. The neck of the condyle can be exposed
via the transparotid approach. In this approach the condyle is
reached through the space between the temporozygomatic
53.2.5 Vascularisation and buccocervical trunks of the nerve. This results in a direct
and safe approach to the neck of the condyle. The marginal
The arterial blood supply to the TMJ is derived from the two mandibular nerve is encountered in the submandibular or
terminal branches of the external carotid artery, namely: periangular approach. This branch may further subdivide
into two or more branches [7]. As a rule, the submandibular
• Superficial temporal artery incision is given 2 cm below the lower border of the mandi-
• Maxillary artery ble to prevent paresis of the lower lip.
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1087

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 53.2 Terminal branches of facial nerve with Al Kayat and
Bramely’s [6] measurements for trunk of facial nerve. (A) .8–3.5 cm,
Fig. 53.3  Function of mandible as class III lever
(B) 2.4–3.5 cm, (C) 1.3 cm

53.3 Biomechanics of Condylar Fracture condyle on the opposite side. Fracture is usually at the
base of the condyle.
U-shaped mandible supports the condyles on either side. 3. Combination of the above two is seen in a road traffic
There are two major movements while opening the mouth, accident and may result in more severe injuries.
rotational, and translational which occur in the inferior and
superior compartments, respectively. Mandibular function is An external force applied generally gets distributed over
characterised as a class III lever with the joint being the ful- the entire mandible. However these forces result in the frac-
crum [8]. The musculature applies the force between the ture of the subcondylar region which is weak and are subject
joint and the masticatory load (Fig. 53.3). to tensile stresses. A counter-coup injury is often noted in the
condylar region. This prevents displacement of the condyles
into the middle cranial fossa especially in bilateral fractures
53.3.1 Mechanism of Injury resulting from injuries over the chin.

Trauma causing condylar fracture was explained by Lindahl

[9]. It is important to understand the pattern as it gives the 53.3.2 Effect of Condylar Fracture
type of injury sustained (Fig. 53.4).
The signs and symptoms seen following trauma are due to
1. Kinetic energy derived from the momentum created by the functional loss resulting from the disruption of the local
the subject falling on a static object. This is an axial force anatomy. Following trauma a protective mechanism is trig-
which is transmitted to the condyle from the lower border gered. It is generally expected that due to premature contact
of the mandible. Fracture can occur at the site of injury on the fractured side, excessive forces would be generated
and at the condyles at a higher level. Occluding teeth can- during loading of the non-fractured site on mastication.
not reduce the force. May also result in fracture of teeth. However, it is noted there is a shift of mean force vector
2. Kinetic energy derived from the momentum created by a towards the non-fractured site which results in protecting the
moving object against a static subject. Generally noted in fractured site during biting [10]. This results in neuromuscu-
assaults or sport injuries. More or less horizontal forces lar adaptation. An increase in the muscle activity on the non-­
will result in a fracture both at the site of impact and at the fractured side and a decrease of active force on the opposite
1088 V. Dhupar

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.4  Mechanism of fracture of condyle

side results in this process. Hence most of the masticatory there is a decreased masseter activity on the fractured site
forces are directed towards the non-fractured site and result- transferring load to a non-fractured site. This results in neu-
ing in less neuromuscular adaptation on the fractured site. romuscular adaptation which may also be a protective phe-
Refer to the article by Ellis et  al. [8] for a comprehensive nomenon [8]. In case of an open reduction, there is
understanding of the biological considerations of fractures of minimum amount of neuromuscular adaptation. Usually a
mandibular condyle. closed reduction results in an articulation which is inferior
and anterior to the articular eminence which may limit the
transitional movement. This can be avoided by open reduc-
53.3.3 Adaptation to Fracture tion and fixation. Minimum complications have been
reported in the studies evaluating closed reduction in treat-
Following condylar fracture of the mandible, patients adapt ment of condylar fractures as pain and mouth opening were
to the injury by compensation mechanism which is divided the only criteria which were evaluated. A statistically sig-
as follows: nificant reduction in the incidence of malocclusion and lat-
eral deviation on opening, along with an improved
• Skeletal protrusive and laterotrusive movements, were noted in
• Neuromuscular patients treated with surgical therapy vis-á-vis closed ther-
• Dental apy in a recent meta-analysis report [10]. Compared to
closed reduction where skeletal and neuromuscular adapta-
Intervention by the surgeons either by open or closed reduc- tion is seen, in open reduction only neuromuscular adaption
tion minimizes the dental compensation. It is noted that will take place following treatment.
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1089

53.4 C
 lassification of Condylar Process MacLennan [12] was the first to differentiate between
Fractures simple bending, displacement, and dislocation fractures of
the condylar process.
Condylar fractures can be described as a fracture line above
the mandibular foramen that runs from the posterior border of Class I: no deviation (bending)
the ramus to sigmoid notch or the condylar head (Fig. 53.5). Class II: deviation (bending) at the fracture level
Literature mentions numerous classifications of condylar frac- Class III: displacement (condylar head remains within
tures. Most classifications described the fracture based on the fossa)
anatomical site, displacement, and fracture level, inclined Class IV: dislocation (condylar head outside of fossa)
towards close reduction. With the advancement of imaging
modalities and better understanding of open reduction proce- Spiessl and Schroll [13]. A classification well accepted
dures, classifications which are relevant are discussed. in the European literature, which differentiated between
Various terms describing the condylar fractures have fractures of the base and neck of the condyle, it also noted
appeared in the English literature (Fig. 53.6): the range of angulation with deviation, displacement, or dis-
location (Fig. 53.7).
• No displacement—Fracture maintains anatomic position
• Deviation—Fragments are in primary contact • Type I: condylar neck fracture with no associated devia-
• Displacement—There is no contact of the fracture tion/displacement
fragments • Type II: low condylar neck fracture with deviation/
• Dislocation—Extra articulation of the joints displacement
• Type III: high condylar neck fracture with deviation/
In 1927 Wassumund [11] differentiated between the displacement
head and neck fractures of the condyle. Early classification –– IIIa: ventral
only described anatomical position but had no relevance in –– IIIb: medial
treatment as it did not document the angulation of displace- –– IIIc: lateral
ment or dislocation. Condylar fractures were classified as: –– IIId: dorsal
• Type IV: low condylar neck fracture with dislocation
• Base fracture • Type V: high condylar neck fracture with dislocation
• Neck fracture • Type VI: intracapsular fracture of the condylar head
• Head fracture (diacapitular)
There are numerous modifications of Spiessl and
Scholl classifications and were given over a period of time
as a result subtypes has evolved especially in type V and
VI fractures. Modifications included Rasse [14], Neff
et  al. [15], Hlawitschka and Eckelt [16], and Loukota
et al. [17].

• Type A: There is a continuous bony contact within the

glenoid fossa, with a component of the remaining condy-
lar head and the fracture supported with no loss of ramal
height (Fig. 53.8a).
• Type B: Loss of support within the articulating fossa and
with the loss of mandibular ramal height (Fig. 53.8b).
• Type C: The highest portion of the fracture is below the
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
level of the lateral ligament, as a result there in a loss of
Fig. 53.5  Area of condylar fracture ramal height (Fig. 53.8c).
1090 V. Dhupar

a b c

No Displacement Displacement


d e

Dislocation (Deviation)
Dislocation (Displacement)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.6 (a) No displacement. (b) Deviation. (c) Displacement. (d) Dislocation (deviation). (e) Dislocation (displacement)
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1091

Fig. 53.7  Types I–VI: Spiessl and Schroll classification

1092 V. Dhupar

Fig. 53.7 (continued)
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1093

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.7 (continued)

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.8  Modified classification Type A, B, C

1094 V. Dhupar

Lindahl [9] gave the most comprehensive classification.

Although descriptive, it is a complicated classification [9].

1. Fracture level
(a) Condylar head
(b) Condylar neck
(c) Subcondylar/condylar base
2. Deviation and displacement
(a) Bending/deviation with medial overlapping
Bending/deviation with lateral overlapping
(c) Bending/displacement without overlapping
(d) Nondisplaced fracture without deviation
3. Relation between condylar head and fossa
(a) No dislocation
(b) Slight dislocation
(c) Moderate dislocation
(d) Severe and/or complete dislocation
4. Condylar head fracture
(a) Horizontal
(b) Vertical ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
(c) Compression fracture
Fig. 53.9  Classification of diacapitular fractures (Type M not shown in
Lindahl’s Definition

• Subcondylar fracture: The fracture line starts at the sig-

moid notch and extends to the posterior border of the Loukota et al. [19] proposed a system of classification for
mandible. condylar processes fractures of the mandible. This classifica-
• Condylar neck fracture: It is located at the condylar tion was adopted by SOR group which is based on a line A
process which is below the level of the condylar head. drawn perpendicular from the lowest portion of the sigmoid
• Condylar head fracture: The majority of the fracture notch to the posterior border of the mandible. This helps in
components or the whole fracture is contained within the identifying the anatomy of the mandibular ramus even in
TMJ capsule. cases following severe trauma. A clarification is also given
on the condylar head fracture, and it clearly defined the term
A most common classification of diacapitular fractures minimal displacement.
was given by He et al. [18]. The types of fractures that can be
recognized are (Fig. 53.9): Diacapitular fracture: Starting in the articular surface the
fracture line may extend outside the TMJ capsule
• Type A—Lateral third portion of the condylar head has (Fig. 53.10a).
the fracture line, and there is reduction of the ramus Condylar neck: Major portion of the fracture line which
height. starts above the line A remains above it (Fig. 53.10b).
• Type B—Central third portion of the condylar head has Condylar base: Major portion of the fracture line remains
the fracture line, and there is no reduction of the ramus below the line A, and it extends behind the mandibular
height. foramen (Fig. 53.10c).
• Type C—Medial third portion of the condylar head has Minimal displacement: Less than 100 displacement or
the fracture line, and there is no reduction of the ramus 2 mm overlap of the bone edges or both.
• Type M—It is a fracture which is comminuted with mul- AO Foundation in 2010 expanded on Ellis [20] classifi-
tiple fragments, usually more than three, of the condylar cation with the determination of “high-neck” and “low-neck”
head. fractures in the online AO Surgery Reference, which pro-
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1095

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.10 (a) Dicapitular fracture. (b) Condylar neck. (c) Condylar base

vided a great detail to the location of “high and low” frac-

tures as explained by Loukota:

• Line 1 runs parallels the posterior border of the mandible

line .
• Line 2 as called the sigmoid notch line runs perpendicular
to line 1 at the deepest portion the sigmoid notch.
• Line 3 is perpendicular to the first line and is below the
lateral pole of condylar head.
• A line is also drawn half way between the line 2 and line
3 which differentiates between high- and low-neck frac-
tures (Fig. 53.11). ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Neff et  al. [21] published the Comprehensive AOCMF Fig. 53.11  AO foundation classification
Classification System: Condylar Process Fractures. It is a
system that highlights fracture location, identification, dis- classification which accurately locates the fracture with ref-
placement, comminution, and dislocation. Location of the erence to treatment which is a simple classification to
condylar fracture is clearly identified: follow.
The aim of classifying the condylar fractures of the
• Condylar head: the condylar head reference line runs per- mandible is to locate the type and nature of the fracture
pendicular to the posterior ramus below the lateral pole of which in turn will give a clear understanding of the nature
the condylar head. of injury. This in turn will help the surgeon make a deci-
• Condylar neck: the sigmoid notch line running through sion on the modality of treatment which may be open or
the deepest point of the sigmoid notch perpendicular to closed.
the ramus line extending superiorly to the condylar head.
• Base of the condylar process: the sigmoid notch line run-
ning through the deepest point of the sigmoid notch per- 53.5 Incidence and Pattern
pendicular to the ramus line extending inferiorly.
In the facial skeletal, one of the most common bones to frac-
In the early days classification systems for the condylar ture is the mandible. Analysis of the fracture of different ana-
fractures were entirely focused in locating the fracture. This tomical sites of the mandible revealed that there was a
was followed by systems which added the relation of the 10–40% incidence of condylar fractures [22–24]. Ellis et al.
condyle with the adjacent structure. Loukota [19] gave a [25] published a study that showed condyle fractures repre-
1096 V. Dhupar

sented 29.3% of all mandibular fractures. Zachariades et al. 53.6.1 Condylar Fractures: Unilateral
[26] stated that 72% of the condylar fractures were associ-
ated with other mandibular fractures. Isolated condylar frac- • Premature occlusion on the ipsilateral side (Fig. 53.12a).
tures were rare, and occurrence of malocclusion was more • Open bite due to the loss of vertical height on the contra-
dependent on the site of fracture. Incidence of fractures of lateral side.
condylar base were 57%, neck 31%, and head 12% as • Affected side deviates on opening and is common because
reported by Maclennan [27]. Incidence of condylar head was of the interruption of the action of the lateral pterygoid
the least with the majority fractures at the condylar base. muscle.
Frequency of unilateral fractures is higher than the bilateral • Limited laterotrusive movements away from the fractured
fractures. side but may be maintained towards the fracture.
The highest incidence of mandibular fractures in males was
20–30 years and females 30–40 years [25] with the male-to-
female ratio 3:1 [26]. Condylar fracture can result from direct 53.6.2 Condylar Fractures: Bilateral
or indirect trauma. The degree, direction, magnitude, and
point of application of force determine the severity of dis- • Bilateral loss of vertical height results in anterior open
placement [27]. Personal violence [28] followed by fall [29– bite with posterior gagging (Fig. 53.12b).
31] is the most common aetiology of condylar fractures. • Restricted mouth opening
• May be associated with other fractures

53.6 Clinical Features

53.6.3 Radiographic Assessment
The patient may show mild to severe signs and symptoms
following a condylar fracture. These are entirely dependent Condylar fractures can be evaluated by a number of conven-
on the amount of displacement of the fractured fragments. tional views. A set of two radiographs are usually taken per-
Condylar fractures infrequently occurred in isolation and are pendicular to each other for optimum evaluation. However
generally associated with fractures of other sites of the facial the assessment has become more descriptive with availabil-
bones. Surgeons may overlook subtle clinical features. ity of specialized radiographs. Various views which can be
taken to evaluate the condylar fracture are as follows
Signs and symptoms: (Fig. 53.13):
• Pain and swelling over the preauricular region
• Ecchymosis over the mastoid region • Towne’s view
• CSF otorrhea • AP mandible coronal position
• Hollowness over the condylar region • Panorex
• Restricted incisal opening • CT scan
• Locked mandible • MRI

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.12  Occlusion post condylar fracture. (a) Unilateral condylar fracture of the left. (b) Bilateral condylar fracture
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1097

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.13  A case of unilateral fracture of the right side of condyle with a left body of mandible. (a) OPG. (b) PA mandible. (c) Coronal view. (d)
Axial view. (e) 3D view of the CT scan
1098 V. Dhupar

However it may be noted that with conventional radiogra-

phy, very limited information is available. CT scans in the Box 53.4. American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
three plains, namely, coronal, axial, and sagittal, with volu- Surgeons [34]
metric studies can reveal the true picture of the fracture both • Evidence of fracture—clinical
for the terms of evaluation and treatment planning. MRI are • Evidence of fracture—radiographic
essential to evaluate the disc injuries specially in dislocation • Malocclusion associated with fractures
and intracapsular condylar fractures; however MRI are not • Mandibular dysfunction
taken as a routine practise • Abnormal maxillo-mandibular relationship
• Foreign body invasion
• Lacerations and/or haemorrhage in external audi-
53.7 Management tory canal
• Cases having hemotympanum, CSF otorrhea, effu-
Historically there has been no clear agreement among the sion, or hemartorisis
surgeons on the line of management of the fractures of the
condyle. The goals of treatment which were enumerated by
Walker [32] (Box 53.2) are well accepted.
Literature has indicated that closed reduction has been the
treatment of choice. This may be due to the complexities
involved with open reduction. Surgical approach is techni-
Box 53.2. Treatment Goals [32] cally demanding and associated with complications in inex-
• No pain and minimum interincisal distance of perienced hands. As a result, some centres have exclusively
40 mm on opening the mouth. treated condylar fractures by closed reduction. However as
• On excursions movements are good. opposed to closed reduction, a few centres follow a protocol
• Restore pre-injury occlusion. for management where open reduction is treatment of choice.
• Good stable temporomandibular joints. Patients managed by surgical treatment have a superior out-
• Good symmetry of face and jaw. come in term of post-treatment malocclusion, protrusion,
• Good facial and jaw symmetry laterotrusion, and lateral deviation during mouth opening.
However, there was a higher infection rate as compared to
non-surgical treatment. However, there is no statistical dif-
ference in post-treatment pain and maximum mouth opening
in the two modalities of management [10]. Management can
Box 53.3. Indications for Open Reduction be divided as non-operative and operative (Box 53.6).
Zide and Kent’s [33]

Absolute 53.7.1 Non-operative

• Condyle displaced into middle cranial fossa
• Not possible to obtain adequate occlusion by closed Some patients can be managed by observations provided
reduction they have a minimal nondisplaced fracture, dentate with a
• Lateral capsular displacement of condyle stable occlusion and having minimum pain. An important
• Presence of foreign body factor is that the patient must be complaint. At the onset of
the treatment, patient must be explained about the possibility
Relative of additional treatment in the form of closed reduction which
• Bilateral condylar fracture in an edentulous patient may be required.
without splint Protocol followed is as follows:
• Comminuted midface fracture, prognathic or ret-
rognathic jaws having associated bilateral condylar 1. Diet: There is no restriction on the diet; generally a patient
fractures would be restricted to a soft diet in order to avoid pain.
• Generalized periodontal conditions 2. Rehabilitation: Patient is instructed to perform exercises
• Jaws—totally or partially edentulous of the jaw such that all the excursion movements are car-
• Unilateral condylar fractures with lack of base ried out. Goals of rehabilitation are mentioned in the (Box
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1099

Box 53.5. Indication for Open and Closed Reduction Box 53.7. Factors Taken into Consideration for
Fonseca [35] adapted from references [36–43] Treatment
• Location of the fracture
Absolute • Amount of vertical reduction in height of the ramus
• Condyle displaced into middle cranial fossa • Degree of angulation
• Presence of foreign body • Relation of condylar head to the glenoid fossa
• Extracapsular displacement of condyle laterally • Fragmentation pattern (simple versus complex)
• Malocclusion not amenable to closed reduction • Association with other mandibular injuries
(e.g., functional reduction of ramus height) • Dental occlusion/status of dentition
• Association with other facial bone injuries
Strong evidence for open reduction • Association with systemic injuries
• Bilaterally fractured condyles • Association with the condition of the patient
• Condyle displacement grossly >45° (severely (comorbidity factors)
displaced) • Foreign body in temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
• Anatomic reduction of ramus height ≥ 2 mm
• Condylar fractures with an unstable base (associ-
ated midface fractures)
• Unstable occlusion generally seen in periodontal Box 53.8. Closed Reduction
disease, less than three teeth per quadrant
• Condylar fractures for which adequate physiother- Advantages
apy is impossible –– Relatively safe procedure
–– No injuries to vital structures
Mixed evidence for open reduction –– Hospitalization may not be required
• Moderate condylar displacement, 10–45°
When to treat with closed reduction –– Long period of intermaxillary fixation
• Nondisplaced or incomplete fractures –– Growth disturbances can occur in children
• Isolated intracapsular fractures –– Success depends on patients cooperation
• Condylar fractures in children (except for absolute –– Long-term follow
indications) –– Contraindicated in medically compromised
• Reproducible occlusion without dropback or with –– Challenge in partially or totally edentulous patients
dropback that returns to midline on release of pos-
terior force
• Medical illness or injury that inhibits ability to 3. Follow-up: Recall visit is scheduled after 1 week. At this
receive extended general anaesthesia visit progress is recorded. Next visit is scheduled after 2
weeks if the patient is compliant. In case the progress is
not satisfactory frequent follow-up would be required or a
change in treatment plan.
Box 53.6. Management of Condylar Fractures

53.7.2 Closed Reduction
• Observation, physiotherapy, etc.
Closed reduction is a misnomer. It is never possible to achieve
anatomic reduction as seen in management of other fractures.
• Closed procedures:
Closed reduction relies on the functional adaptation where a
• MMF (arch bars or screws—elastic or wire)
stable occlusion is achieved. Advantage of this technique is that
• Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)
it is minimally invasive and may not require hospitalization. It is
–– Approach is determined by:
entirely possible to carry out the procedure under local anaes-
(i) Surgeon preference
thesia. However adaptation is never complete in adults as
(ii) Fracture location
opposed to children. It may be possible to treat all types of con-
(iii) Type of fixation
dylar process fractures by this technique, but the surgeon must
1100 V. Dhupar

exercise his judgement based on the case and patient require-

ments. Closed reduction may involve the following: Box 53.9. Open Reduction and Fixation

1. Maxillomandibular fixation (MMF): Some surgeons pre- Advantages

fer period of MMF which may range over 2–6 weeks. –– Anatomic reduction of fractures
MMF can be obtained by using arch bars, Ivy loops, IMF –– Short or no intermaxillary fixation
screws or any other method a surgeon is comfortable; –– Early function
however method used will depend on the use of elastics or
wires, and MMF may entirely be based on the level of Disadvantage
fracture. The reader is advised to refer Chap. 50 of this –– Complications such as scar and injuries to neuro-
book for details on various wiring and IMF techniques vascular structures
The lower the fracture, the longer the period of immobili- –– Infections
zation. In children immobilization may range from 7 to –– Hospitalization required
10 days as there are high chances of developing ankylo- –– High cost of treatment
sis. This is followed by functional treatment. –– Steep learning curve for surgeon
2. Functional treatment: At times only, functional treat-
ment may be followed. This treatment relies on guiding
elastics and active movements. Elastics are given to
achieve repeatable occlusion. Initially heavy elastics are Submandibular/Periangular
placed and then slowly shifted to light elastics. During (Fig. 53.15a, b) (Video 53.1)
the meals elastics are removed. After an initial period of This is an approach most maxillofacial surgeons are
2–4 weeks, elastics are placed only during the night. familiar with in their practise popularly known as Risdon
Minimum elastics must be used as the aim is to permit approach. It exposes the base along with the neck of the
maximum mobility of the jaw. Functional treatment can condyle. Incision can either be parallel to the lower border
be supported by myofunctional orthodontic treatment or placed in a skin crease for maximum cosmetic results.
employing activator therapy. Myofunctional therapy For the condylar, fracture’s incision is extended backward
should be started as soon as the mouth opening enables and upward to give a maximum exposure hence also
taking dental impressions. referred to as periangular incision. The marginal mandib-
ular nerve is protected by marking the incision 2–3  cm
below the lower border of the mandible. Incision trans-
53.7.3 Open Reduction and Fixation verses through the skin, subcutaneous fat, and platysma.
A superior platysmal dissection will expose the marginal
This modality is technically challenging due to the complex- mandibular nerve; however this may not be necessary.
ities in terms of anatomy, approach, and fixation. It has been After dissection of the platysma, superficial layer of deep
observed that by achieving anatomical reduction irrespective cervical fascia is transected; this may expose the facial
of the type of fixation used, it will result in restoring back the artery and vein. These may be required to be ligated and
skeletal architecture. This in turn would require only neuro- reflected superiorly. This will protect the marginal
muscular adaptation for full recovery of the patient. ­mandibular nerve. Then pterygomasseteric sling is divided
According to the reports, this may be the reason for open and periosteum reflected to expose the lower border of the
management to be superior to the closed [36]. mandible. This gives an adequate exposure for
Surgical approaches to the condylar fracture are entirely osteosynthesis.
dependent on the following factors (Fig. 53.14): A modification of the submandibular/periangular
approach known as the high submandibular approach or
1 . Location of the injury the high cervical transmassetric anteroparotid approach
2. Type of osteosynthesis provides good aesthetics and reduces the chances of dam-
age to the facial nerve [44]. A curved incision measuring
Incisions used to approach the fractures are divided as three to five cm in length is placed about 1 cm from the
angle of mandible [45]. This is followed by layered dis-
1. Intraoral section. An avascular pouch is created superiorly, and the
2. Retromandibular pterygomasseteric sling is identified. Stripping the mas-
3. Submandibular/ periangular seter muscles of its attachments will lead to the exposure
4. Preauricular/ retroauricular of the fracture [46] (Video 53.2).
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1101

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Fig. 53.14  Various incisions possible for condylar fractures based on location

a b

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Fig. 53.15 (a) Incision for submandibular/periangular approach. (b) Area exposed marked green in the mandible
1102 V. Dhupar Retromandibular (Fig. 53.16a, b) The wound is closed in layers to avoid dead space. Also, the
(Video 53.3) parotid fascia should be sutured tightly to prevent sialocele
Entire posterior border can be exposed via the retromandibu- or parotid fistula. Drains can also be placed.
lar approach [47]; hence this approach is useful in treating
fracture of the condylar neck and the base. The anatomic Preauricular Approach (Fig. 53.17a, b)
structures encountered in this approach are the main trunk of (Video 53.4)
the facial nerve and retromandibular vein. It has two main This incision is most commonly used by the surgeons in
variations transparotid and retroparotid. In both the variation the TM joint surgeries. Diacapitular fractures are
marking of the incision is 5–10 mm below the lobule of the approached via this approach [48]. Branches of facial
ear, parallel to the posterior border usually 3–4 cm long. nerve are involved in this approach along with the super-
ficial temporal artery and vein. Incision is placed along
Transparotid Approach the crease of the skin following the tragus and helix of the
In this approach incision is extends from the skin to the sub- ear which can be extended in the temple region. This
cutaneous tissue, and it is undermined to reach the parotid extension on the temple minimizes traction and prevents
capsule which is divided horizontally between the path of the weakness of facial nerve. Incision is carried from the skin
buccal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve. Dissection to the subcutaneous tissue till the white glistening tempo-
is carried out parallel to the direction of the facial nerve ral fascia is reached. Root of the zygoma is palpated, and
branches, and it is not important to locate the branches. an oblique incision is given parallel to the frontal branch
Pterygomasseteric sling is sectioned, and periosteal flap ele- of facial nerve. Superficial temporal fascia is incised, and
vated to expose the posterior border of the mandible. a periosteal elevator is inserted below the fascia to strip
the periosteum of the zygomatic arch. This will expose the
Retroparotid Approach capsule of the temporomandibular joint. Capsule is incised
In this approach parotid gland is lifted rather than transected in an open method to expose the head of the condyle. The
to approach the posterior border of the mandible. Incision in neck is exposed by doing a subperiosteal dissection.
this approach is placed more posterior as compared to transp- Closure is done in layers first being the capsule followed
arotid approach as a result exposure is also restricted. After by temporalis fascia, subcutaneous tissue, and the skin.
the parotid fascia is identified, dissection is carried out The main disadvantage of this approach is an unaesthetic
behind the gland. The gland is lifted to expose the posterior scar. This can be overcome by placing the incision endur-
border; from here the dissection carried out is the same as the ally. The scar hides behind the tragus, but it can cause
transparotid approach. perichondritis.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.16 (a) Incision for retromandibular approach. (b) Area exposed marked in mandible (dark green, retro parotid exposure; light green,
transparotid exposure)
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1103

a b

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Fig. 53.17 (a) Preauricular approach incision. (b) Area exposed marked in the mandible Retroauricular Approach of the posterior mandible is restored. This can be achieved as
This is an approach which will provide best cosmetic results. follows (Fig. 53.18a–d):
However major disadvantage is that it can result in stenosis of
the external auditory canal. Also, the closure takes a longer 1. Manual digital traction: Thumb is placed on the lower
time. Incision runs parallel to postauricular flexure approxi- teeth and fingers support the lower border. Mandible is
mately 3 mm behind it. Skin followed by postauricular mus- pulled in inferior and anterior direction.
cles and fascia overlying mastoid are incised. External auditory 2. Bite block: A bite block is placed on the same side of the
canal is identified and completely transected at bony cartilagi- condylar fracture in the molar region. This will result in
nous junction. Temporalis fascia is identified, and from here inferior distraction of the mandible with rotation.
dissection followed is similar to preauricular approach to 3. Transosseous wire: A transosseous wire can be passed
expose the condylar head. Closure is done in layers with a along the posteroinferior border of the mandible. A trac-
special attention given to the external auditory canal. tion is applied on this wire in an inferior and anterior

53.7.4 Reduction Once the fracture is reduced with the help of a clamp in
the lowermost hole of the plate, pressure is applied to keep
After the adequate exposure of the fractured fragments the fractured end in place. Figure  53.19a–d shows the
reduction is achieved under direct vision. If the distal frag- reduction and fixation of a medially displaced condyle
ment is placed laterally, reduction tends to be easy. However, fracture.
in most of the cases, the fragments tend to be displaced In a case where two plates are planned for fixation, the
medially resulting from the pull of lateral pterygoid muscle. smaller plate along the anterior border of the condyle is fixed
A medially displaced fragment must be lateralized before an first with a screw. Once the anterior plate is fixed on the dis-
attempt is made to reduce the fracture. For easy manipula- tal segment, similar steps are followed as mentioned earlier
tion, a plate with a single screw is fixed on the distal frag- for single plate for reduction and fixation.
ment. This will help in easy lateralization of the distal Sequencing the case of multiple fractures is as follows:
fragment and prevent the fragment from slipping back as the
lower end of the plate acts as a rest on the proximal segment. 1. Fractures with contralateral condylar fractures—Fractures
Before an attempt is made to reduce the fracture, manual in the tooth bearing anterior segment are fixed before the
traction is applied to the mandible so that the vertical height condyle is fixed.
1104 V. Dhupar

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.18 (a) Manual digital reduction. (b) Traction using bite block. (c) Transosseous wiring. (d) Towel clip

2. Bilateral condylar fracture with anterior mandible—In 53.7.5 Fixation Techniques (Fig. 53.20a–d),
these cases there can be flaying of the mandible resulting (Case 1: Fig. 53.21a–b),
in increase of transverse dimension of mandible. Anterior (Case 2: Fig. 53.22),
fractures are reduced and fixed taking into consideration (Case 3: Fig. 53.23a–e),
into the lingual reduction. Anterior fractures are fixed (Case 4: Fig 53.24a–d)
before the posterior.
3. Panfacial trauma—Principal remains the same, mandi- The most significant advances that have taken place in the
ble is fixed as mentioned above before the midface frac- management of fracture of condylar process include the
tures are reduced and fixed. This may change depending osteosynthesis material and the technique. Fixation with tita-
on the sequence followed for fixation of panfacial nium plates and screws has given optimal results when ade-
fractures quate bone, proper site selection with proper techniques
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1105

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.19 (a) Medially displaced condylar fracture. (b) Fracture lateralized. (c) Distal segment secured with a plate. (d) Fracture reduced

followed [49]. At the time of surgery fixation, technique is makes the plates bulky as a result it may be at times dif-
selected based on the following parameters: ficult to fix them especially when there is limited bone
available. Irrespective of the type of plate used, there
1. Fracture morphology should be at least two screws on either side of fracture.
2. Amount of bone available Fixation of condylar head is a challenge because of the lim-
3. Surgeon preference ited space available and the fractures are intracapsular. In addi-
tion, there could be multiple small fragments and associated
Fixation can be in the form of one plate, two plates, injury to the disc and the capsule which may be required to be
hybrid plates, lag screws, or restorable plates. Studies repaired. Several osteosynthesis techniques are available for
have shown that use of two plates is superior to one plate fixation like the mini plates, stainless steel wire, standard lag
[40, 50]. Two plates must be used for lower level frac- screws, resorbable screws, resorbable pins, and cannulated lag
tures to overcome tension and stress in the neck region screws (Fig.  53.25). Reduction and fixation of the condylar
by placing plates along the anterior and posterior border head is technically challenging as the small fragments can eas-
in a triangular fashion (Fig.  53.20a–d). In cases where ily necrose if stripping of the muscle is done. Use of two lag
there is limited bone, available fixation can be done with screws would be idle as it will prevent the reduced fragments
heavier single plate. Single plate is fixed along the long from displacement during function, but times it may not be
axis of the condyle. There are many types of hybrid possible to fix two screws due to limited space Table 53.1 [51].
plates available. These are designed to incorporate the Intraoral endosocpic approach for treatment of condylar
principle of two plates in a single plate. However, this fractures is given in detail in Chap. 54 of this book.
1106 V. Dhupar

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.20 (a) Single plate. (b) Two plates. (c) Lambda plate. (d) Delta plate
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1107

a b

Case 1: Fig. 53.21 (a) OPG view showing left condyle fracture (b) Post operative OPG showing single plate fixed via retromandibular transpar-
otid approach

a b

Case 2: Fig. 53.22 (a) Intra operative view showing two plates fixed for condyle fracture via retromandibular transparotid approach. (b) Post
operative radiograph of showing fixation with two plates
1108 V. Dhupar

a b c

d e

Case 3: Fig. 53.23 (a) PA view showing right condyle fracture. (b) Intraoperative view via retromandibular transparotid approach shows the
displaced condyle. (c) Reduction and fixation done with Lambda plate. (d, e) Post operative PA view and OPG showing the fixed Lambda plates

53.8 Condylar Fractures in Children

Box 53.10. Functional Exercise: Rehabilitation
Targets [52]
The most common fracture seen in the maxillofacial
1 . Maximal mouth opening > 40 mm
region in children is fracture of the condylar process [53].
2. Lateral excursive movement > 10 mm
Condyle is unique in children as there is a very thin corti-
3. Protrusive movement > 10 mm
cal bone surrounding a highly vascular cancellous bone.
4. Full range of movements which are pain free
This can result in a comminuted type of fracture also
5. Close supervision by the surgeon
called mushrooming. Condylar fractures can result in
definitive deformities, both in terms of function as well as
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1109

a b

c d

Case 4: Fig. 53.24 (a, b) Pre operative PA view and OPG showing fracture left condyle. (c, d) Post operative PA view and OPG showing the fixed
Delta plate via Periangular approach

a facial asymmetry in cases of inappropriate treatment. of minimum mouth opening, lateral excursion movement
Intracapsular fractures can result in retardation of growth with stable occlusion. However, a long-term follow-up
[54, 55] or in excessive growth on the fractured site [56]. showed 50–53% of patients had complaints even though
Remodelling of the condyle is inversely proportional to minor in nature irrespective of the type of treatment car-
age [9, 25, 26]. Children have a better adaptation than the ried out [57]. Early mobilization is recommended in chil-
adults. Adaption in children is skeletal, neuromuscular, as dren below 15 years. Patients are encouraged to be on soft
well as function. In adults only functional adaptation is diet to avoid pain. In cases where an open bite is present,
seen. For this reason, literature has supported conserva- guiding elastics will help in restoring the occlusion. There
tive management of fracture of the condylar process. It is is no concrete evidence of prolonged period of maxillo-
paramount to rehabilitate the patient with the restoration mandibular fixation.
1110 V. Dhupar

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 53.25  Fixation of the condylar head fracture with lag screw
Case 5: Fig. 53.26  Shows improperly reduced fracture condyle which
has been fixed in a dislocated position of the condyle-arrow points
towards the plate fixed in wrong position
Table 53.1  Comparison of different fixation methods used for frac-
tures of the mandibular condyle
Type of plate
used for 53.9 C
 omplications of Condylar Fractures
fixation Advantage Disadvantage (Case 5: Fig. 53.26) (Case 6: Fig. 53.27a–c)
Single plate • Easy to adapt and fix as • Does not neutralize
placed along the long axis the forces acting on
of the condyle. the fracture ends. 1. Malocclusion—Quite common with closed reduction if
• Relatively heavier improperly treated. Also seen in patients with prolonged
plate needed. hospitalization [58].
Two plates • Neutralizes the tension • May be difficult to 2. Mandibular hypomobility—Prolonged immobilization
and stress along the fix two plates in a
fracture. narrow neck of the and delayed physiotherapy, more common in children
• Easy to triangulate. condyle. [59].
• Aids in reduction of 3. Ankylosis—seen more commonly in children due to
fracture. meniscal disruption and lack of physiotherapy. This
• Suitable with multiple
fractured fragments. may be seen in comminuted fractures or disruption of
Lambda • Single plate neutralizes • Wider exposure is articular disc.
plate the tension and stress as needed. 4. Asymmetry—In children due to growth disturbances
two lower limb follow the • Junction of two may result in facial asymmetry, occlusal cants, and
anterior and posterior lower and upper limb
border of the condyle. area of weakness
reduced ramal height [60]. In adults asymmetry is due
• Suitable in narrow neck of prone for fracture. to deviation on opening of the mouth.
the condyle. • Difficult to adapt as 5. Dysfunctional degeneration—All injured joints can turn
the stock plates may arthritic. Factors affecting these are age, long period of
not be suited for all
types of fractures.
immobilization, capsular, or meniscal injury [61].
Delta plate • Single 3D plate • Wider exposure is 6. Condylar resorption—Occurs if the condyle becomes
neutralizes the tension needed. devoid of blood supply, but it is extremely rare.
and stress as two vertical • Difficult to adapt. 7. Hardware failure—Such as fracture of plates can occur.
struts follow the anterior • At times upper 8. Infection—Postoperative infection.
and posterior border of horizontal strut may
the condyle. be wider than the 9. Chronic pain seen in closed reduction.
• Plates don’t have an area bone available. 10. Neurosensory disturbances—Seen following trauma or
of weakness. inappropriate surgical incisions.
53  Fracture of the Mandibular Condyle 1111

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Case 6: Fig. 53.27 (a) Chronic infection left side condyle region following reduction and fixation, (b) CT scan showed osteomyelitis like changes
at left condyle (c) the fractured infected plate removed
1112 V. Dhupar

To conclude it can be safely stated that management of con-

Box 53.11. Recent Advances [49] dylar fractures should be patient centric not entirely based on
• Improvements in imaging (CT scan/MRI) have absolute indications mentioned by various authors. Generally,
resulted in better visualization of fracture site and in children and dentulous adult patients, closed reduction is the
understanding of soft tissue injuries along with the choice of treatment, whereas open reduction and fixation would
fracture. be the choice of treatment for the patients with multiple frac-
• Surgical approaches better understood, and their tures of mandible, panfacial trauma, partially or totally edentu-
application is based on the site of condylar lous jaws, and underlying medical conditions preventing
fracture. maxillomandibular fixation. Finally, function should be consid-
• Importance of anatomic reduction which leads to ered as an important parameter while formulating a treatment
early full range of function. plan along with the resources available and skill of the
• Improvement in open or assisted internal fixation surgeon.
• Ability to approach and manage intracapsular
fractures. References
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condyles: Frequently an unsuspected cause of growth disturbances. Maxillofac Surg. 2003;61:1333–9.
Am J Orthod. 1980;78:1–24.

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org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropri-
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tory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.
Intraoral Endoscopic Approach
for Treatment of Condylar Fractures 54
of the Mandible

Frank Wilde

54.1 Introduction significant complications were noted in the intraoperative or

postoperative period.
The literature is replete with techniques regarding the open TMJ function was good in 90% of the patients, 43% were
reduction and fixation of the condylar fractures of the man- free of symptoms, and 47% had minor dysfunction. The
dible. The extraoral approach is preferred by the majority of authors came to the result that proper reduction of the bone
surgeons in comparison to the intraoral approach. fragments is most important for therapeutic success [11].
Nevertheless, open reduction and internal fixation by an Schön et  al. [8] compared in a study an intraoral
extraoral approach has the evident risk to cause transient or endoscopy-­assisted approach with an extraoral approach for
even permanent facial nerve injury [1–4], leads inevitably to the treatment of condylar fractures. A reduced risk of facial
a facial scar [1, 5], and can course salivary fistulas, sialoceles nerve damage and no visible scars were the major conclusion
[1, 6], Frey syndrome, or disturbance of the great auricular of the study, and they also opined that intraoral endoscopic
nerve [1]. In contrast, an intraoral approach is minimizing approach is a reliable technique for treating condylar frac-
these abovementioned risks and facial scars can be avoided tures [8]. Veras et al. [12] were looking in their study on 25
in general [7, 8]. patients with condylar fractures which were treated surgi-
Silverman in 1925 was the first person to mention about cally by an intraoral approach. The mean mouth opening
the intraoral approach to condylar fractures [9]. However, at postoperatively was 4.8 cm. Patients postoperatively did not
that time, the surgeons were facing several difficulties treat- have clicking of the joint, facial nerve weakness, or pain of
ing those fractures due to a lack of adequate instruments. the muscles or the joint. They opined that intraoral reduction
Fritzemeier and Bechthold developed the 90-degree angular allowed the anatomic ramus height to be restored and that the
screwdriver, and it served as a milestone in the intraoral man- functional results were acceptable [12].
agement of condylar neck fractures. In their study, there Other authors like Jensen et al. [13] or Schneider et al.
were 32 fractures of which 2 cases showed early failures. [14] were not so enthusiastic about the outcome of surgical-­
Other cases during follow-up showed minor deviation from treated condylar fractures employing an intraoral approach
axis, but there were no evident problems in the temporoman- [13, 14]. Jensen et  al. in 2006 stressed on the fact that
dibular joint function [10]. intraoral approach for the condylar fractures is very tech-
Based thereupon, several authors were reporting about the nically demanding and there is a chance of getting postop-
use of an intraoral approach treating condylar fractures sur- erative complications [13]. Schneider et al. [14] compared
gically. Forty-eight cases of displaced and shortened man- in a retrospective study 21 fractures which were treated
dibular condyle fractures were treated by an intraoral with an intraoral approach with 24 fractures which were
approach and studied by Mokros and Erle in 1996. In 2/3 of reduced by an extraoral perimandibular approach. In their
the treated fractures, the reduction was successful, and no study, the cases treated by intraoral approach showed sub-
optimal radiologic findings, and the patients’ subjective
feelings pointed to less favorable clinical results. They put
F. Wilde (*)
forward the suggestion that fractures which do not require
Department of Oral and Plastic Maxillofacial Surgery,
Armed Forces Hospital, Ulm, Germany extensive manipulation and fractures which can be reduced
exactly under a limited view only should be approached
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
University Hospital, Ulm, Germany intraorally. For all other fractures, they recommend extra-
e-mail: frank.wilde@uni-ulm.de oral approaches [14].

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 1115

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_54
1116 F. Wilde

54.2 Surgical Technique However, they will lead to tilting of the screwdriver during
the activation of the device, which results in an inadequate
From the authors’ experience, fractures of the condylar base transfer of the force and a frequent loosening of the screws
and the low and medial part of the condylar process can be from the bit.
addressed typically by the following described technique. Besides the 90° angled screwdriver and drill, extra-long
Treating high condylar neck fractures is demanding and instruments in the form of raspatories and reposition hooks
requires experience in using such an approach. Fractures of have to be recommended insistently (Fig. 54.2). They sim-
the condylar head or the transition zone between the neck plify the manipulation and reduction of the fractured condyle
and head cannot be reached with this approach, and extraoral with a good direct view into the operation site. Using stan-
incisions are still required when this kind of fractures is get- dard configurated instruments results in less vision due to
ting treated surgically. obstructing the view by the operator’s hands.
For the below-described technique, a team of three sur- An appropriate light-intensive headlight is necessary for
geons (one leading surgeon and two assistant surgeons) are proper illumination of the operation site (Fig. 54.3).
highly recommended. A 4 mm caliber 30° angled endoscope has to be recom-
mended as well. In combination with a special retractor in
which the endoscope can be inserted, a good visualization,
54.2.1 Special Surgical Instruments especially of the posterior border of the ramus, can be
and Devices achieved (Fig. 54.4).
In addition, a special retractor with a fiber-optic light
To facilitate open reduction and internal fixation of condylar guide which can be positioned buccally to the posterior bor-
fractures via an intraoral approach with predictable results, der of the ramus enables good illumination of the surgical
special equipment is mandatory. site (Fig.  54.5). Nevertheless, having an appropriate head-
The most important instruments are a 90° angled screw- light, this instrument seems to be dispensable.
driver and drill (Fig. 54.1a). The screwdriver should have It can be further useful to fix the patient during surgery in
necessarily a sliding screw-holder which facilitates to hold a Mayfield head clamp as it is commonly used by the neuro-
the screw and plate together (Fig. 54.1b), because position- surgeons. This allows traction with the retractors without any
ing a plate with one hand and fixing the screw with the movement of the head.
other hand is not appropriate and will lead to unsuccessful Besides the described instruments, there are several spe-
procedures. Self-retaining screwdriver-bits or even self- cial instruments and devices available on the market to
tapping screws should be avoided as well. The authors rec- facilitate open reduction and internal fixation using an
ommend a straight 90° angled screwdriver with the intraoral approach. However, from the authors’ experience,
aforementioned sliding screw-holder and centric-posi- the aforementioned instruments and devices are the most
tioned screwdriver-bits. Screwdrivers with eccentric-posi- helpful in treating condylar fractures by an intraoral
tioned screwdriver-bits show a lower height indeed. approach.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.1 (a) 90° angled screwdriver and drill. (b) Sliding screw-holder which facilitates to hold the screw and plate together (Medartis, Basel,
54  Intraoral Endoscopic Approach for Treatment of Condylar Fractures of the Mandible 1117

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.2  Extra-long instruments in the form of raspatories and reposi-

tion hooks (Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.4 (a) 4 mm caliber 30° angled endoscope (asterisk) and retrac-
tor in which the endoscope can be inserted (hash symbol). (b) Retractor
with inserted endoscope (Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany)
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.3  LED headlight (KLS Martin, Tuttlingen, Germany)

54.2.2 Surgical Access

By extending the standard vestibular incision in a superior

direction along the ascending ramus, the ramus and the con-
dyle region can be exposed intraorally (Fig.  54.6). The
approach is following Obwegeser’s principles of avoiding
visible scars by extending his approach to the mandibular
ramus for sagittal split osteotomy. During the incision of the
oral mucosa, the anatomical course of the buccal nerve has to
be taken into account. The dissection of the mucoperiosteal
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
flap starts from the mandibular corpus in the region of the
first molar to mandibular angle and far up to the condyle Fig. 54.5 Retractor with a fiber-optic light guide (Karl Storz,
until the facture line can be explored. To get an appropriate Tuttlingen, Germany)
1118 F. Wilde

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.7  After temporary osteotomy and re-fixation of the coronoid

process to get better access for repositioning of medial displaced

mandibular angle to twist a wire around, which is diverted

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
out of the skin in the mandibular angle region by a stab inci-
Fig. 54.6  Intraoral approach to the condyle region by extending the sion. However, this leads to a small extraoral scar.
standard vestibular incision in a superior direction up the ascending For this maneuver, a full relaxation of the patient by the
ramus anesthesiologist is recommended. Due to the very low risk
for facial nerve damage employing this approach, this can be
visualization of the condylar neck region, the mucosa includ- done without increasing this risk.
ing the fibers of the temporal muscle had to striped from the For medial displaced condyles in high condylar neck frac-
coronoid process up to or even higher than the mandibular tures, it is sometimes helpful to perform a temporary osteot-
notch. During dissecting the posterior border of the mandib- omy of the coronoid process to get better access for
ular ramus, the retromandibular vein has to be taken under repositioning. A later re-fixation of the osteomized coronoid
consideration. Coagulation in this region has to be done care- process by a miniplate is in theory not needed but recom-
fully, due to the anatomical proximity to the facial nerve mended by the authors (Fig. 54.7).
which is running laterally in the parotid gland. This is the Once the dislocated fragment is identified, it has to be
region where the facial nerve may be damaged during the repositioned anatomically. MMF cannot be recommended in
procedure. In addition to coagulation, vigorous traction can all cases. In some cases, it can be helpful to get a stable
damage the facial nerve in this location as well. reduction during osteosynthesis; however, in most cases,
MMF is not very helpful. This decision has to be made indi-
vidually case by case.
54.2.3 Surgical Procedure In most cases, the reposition of the proximal fragment is
not stable from the beginning (Fig.  54.8). Therefore, the
After dissection to get sufficient access to the condylar neck authors recommend to drill the first screw hole in the condyle
region, the displaced condyle has to be identified. The best fragment close to the fracture line in the region of the sig-
instrument for this is the extra-long raspatorium depicted in moid notch. A four- or five-hole 1.0 mm up to 1.2-mm-thick
Fig.  54.2. During this procedure, the ramus has to be dis- miniplate is fixed in this hole with a 5- to 6-mm-long screw
tracted. This can be performed by pulling the mandible cau- with a diameter of 2.0 mm. The screw should not be tight-
dally by hand. Another option is to fix one mini-screw in the ened completely. Then the reduction of condyle fragment
54  Intraoral Endoscopic Approach for Treatment of Condylar Fractures of the Mandible 1119

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.8  Endoscopic view after repositioning of a condylar neck Fig. 54.10  Endoscopic view after fixation of a five-hole miniplate at
fracture posterior border with two screws adjacent to the fracture line

Once this is facilitated, often a small gap and flaring can be

identified at the posterior border of the condylar neck. To
close this gap, a second four- to five-hole miniplate has to
be fixed at the posterior border of the condylar neck. Here
also the hole has to be drilled in the condyle fragment close
to the fracture line. First, the plate has to be fixed in this
hole and should be aligned along the posterior border of the
condylar neck respectively the ramus. Again, the screw
should not be tightened completely at this stage. After exact
anatomical reposition of the condyle, the next screw is now
drilled for compression osteosynthesis in the ramus part of
the ramus close the fracture line and immediately fixed
with the fourth screw (Fig. 54.10). The third screw is then
tightened completely to stabilize the fracture. After attain-
ing control of the anatomical correct reposition with the
endoscope or in low condylar neck fractures even with a
simple dental mirror, the other screw holes in both plates
are drilled and fixed, starting with the plate at the posterior
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India border and ending with plate close to the sigmoid notch.
Figure 54.11 shows the final endoscopic view with the two
Fig. 54.9  Endoscopic view after fixation of a four-hole miniplate close plates fixed. Figure 54.12 is illustrating the recommended
to the sigmoid notch with two screws adjacent to the fracture line sequencing of plate and screw positioning to facilitate open
reduction and internal fixation via an intraoral approach
can be achieved by pulling on the miniplate with one of the using two miniplates.
extra-long reposition hooks. By visual control of the reposi- In addition, the authors recommend intraoperative imag-
tioned fragment, the miniplate should now be fixed in the ing with a 3D C-arm device at the end of the procedure when
ramus part of the fracture close to the sigmoid notch by available (Fig. 54.13). This allows the intraoperative radio-
eccentric drilling of the screw hole for fracture line compres- logic control and documentation of the reduced fracture and
sion during screw insertion. After fixing the second screw, of the position of the plates in a multiplanar view and enables
the first screw has to be tightened completely (Fig.  54.9). an immediate intraoperative correction when the result of the
1120 F. Wilde

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.11  Endoscopic view after complete fixation of a condylar

neck fracture with two miniplates. One four-hole plate in the region of
the sigmoid notch and a second five-hole miniplate at posterior border

procedure is not satisfactory. This reduces the risk for revi-

sion surgeries considerably [15, 16]. ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
When the result is satisfactory, the intraoral mucosa has to
be closed in the standard way like every intraoral incision. Fig. 54.12  Recommended sequencing of plate and screw positioning
to facilitate open reduction and internal fixation via an intraoral
Even when the fracture is reduced and stabilized with suc- approach using two miniplates
cess, the authors still recommend a light MMF with elastics
strained over two or four MMF screws or arch bars for
approximately 1 week for slight immobilization and guid- are not necessary and should never be used for the screw
ance into the proper occlusion. In case of a postoperative holes which are adjacent to the facture line. These holes
insufficient occlusion, a prolonged functional treatment as in should be drilled eccentric to achieve compression at the
nonsurgical treated condylar fractures with elastics or an facture line. In modern osteosynthesis systems, locking and
orthodontic device like an activator or bionator has to be non-locking screws can be used with the same plates. Using
recommended. such a system, it may be advantageous to use locking
screws for the fracture-distant screw holes. Nevertheless, as
mentioned before, locking screws are not needed in this
54.2.4 Osteosynthesis Material technique.
Besides standard miniplates, there is the option for the use
As mentioned before, the author is recommending the usage of so-called 3D plates or special designed condylar neck
of two miniplates. The plate at the posterior border is respon- plates (Fig. 54.15). However, from the authors’ experience,
sible for the stability primarily, whereas the plate in the plating with two miniplates enables the aforementioned suc-
region of the sigmoid notch prevents flaring of the distal cessive repositioning and fixation of the facture most easily
fragment during function additionally. and leads to sufficient stability.
For osteosynthesis, 1.0-mm up to 1.2-mm-thick mini- There are new developments of anatomically preformed
plates can be recommended (Fig.  54.14). It can be favor- 3D condylar neck plates with integrated reposition wings for
able to use 1.2-mm-thick miniplates at the posterior border the posterior border and the sigmoid notch (Fig.  54.16).
due to stability reasons. The screws should be usually Whether these kinds of plates are beneficial or not has to be
5–6 mm long with a diameter of 2.0 mm. Locking screws investigated in the future.
54  Intraoral Endoscopic Approach for Treatment of Condylar Fractures of the Mandible 1121

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.13  Intraoperative imaging with a 3D C-arm device (Ziehm, Erlangen, Germany) at the end of the procedure and multiplanar view of the
surgical result

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.14  1.0-mm and 1.2-mm-thick standard miniplates Fig. 54.15  3D miniplate (asterisk) and special condylar neck plate
(DePuySynthes, Zuchwil, Switzerland) (hash symbol) (DePuySynthes, Zuchwil, Switzerland)
1122 F. Wilde

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.16 (a) Anatomically preformed 3D condylar neck plates with neck fracture. (c) Condylar neck fracture after repositioning and fixa-
integrated reposition wings for the posterior border and the sigmoid tion employing an intraoral approach
notch (KLS Martin, Tuttlingen, Germany). (b) Displaced right condylar

54.3 Complications Table 54.1  Advantages and disadvantages of an intraoral approach for
the treatment of condylar fractures

There is no much difference in complications by treating Advantages

• No visible scars
condylar factures via an intraoral approach in comparison to
• Very low risk for facial nerve damaging
all other treatment options. Postoperative infection is the • Very low risk for salivary fistulas, sialoceles or Frey syndrome
most common complication followed by malocclusion. • No risk for disturbance of the great auricular nerve
Dysfunctional degeneration of the injured joint can lead to Disadvantages
joint clicking, pain, reduced mouth opening, and mandibular • Need for special equipment
deviation during opening and closing. Even severe arthritis • Technically demanding
or condylar resorption can occur up to the total destruction or • Not suitable for condylar head fractures
loss of the joint. Hardware failure in form of plate fractures
or loosening of screws can be seen occasionally as well. avoidance of extraoral scars. A disadvantage is the need for
In addition to the avoidance of any visible extraoral scar, special equipment to facilitate this technically demanding
the biggest advantage in comparison to all extraoral procedure with regular success (Table 54.1).
approaches for surgical treatment of condylar fractures is the
very low complication rate concerning facial nerve injuries,
salivary fistulas, sialoceles, Frey syndrome, or disturbance of
the great auricular nerve. 54.5 Case Scenario

History: A 24-year-old female with history of a bicycle

54.4 Conclusion accident.
Clinical features: Malocclusion with lateral open bite left.
The described intraoral approach for the treatment of condy- Limited and painful mouth opening. Mobile mandible
lar fractures is favorable for fractures of the condylar base paramedian region left. Chin hematoma.
and the condylar process. The biggest benefit and advantage Diagnosis: Medial displaced condylar process fracture right
in comparison to all extraoral approaches is the very low and slightly displaced paramedian fracture left
complication rate concerning facial nerve injuries and the (Fig. 54.17a–b).
54  Intraoral Endoscopic Approach for Treatment of Condylar Fractures of the Mandible 1123

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 54.17 (a) 3D reconstruction of the preoperative CT scan showing fracture right. (c) Postoperative panoramic X-ray showing well-suffi-
the medial displaced condylar process fracture right and slightly dis- cient reduced and with miniplates stabilized fractures paramedian left
placed paramedian fracture left. (b) Coronal view of the preoperative and at the condylar process right
CT scan showing the medial out of the fossa displaced condylar process

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Maxillary Fractures 55
Oommen Aju Jacob and Akhilesh Prathap

Table 55.1  Milestones of maxillary fractures

55.1 Introduction Date Author Key finding
1822 Charles Fredrick First treatise on maxillary fractures
Complex midface trauma has challenged the diagnostic and Reiche
operative skills of surgeons through the decades. Robert 1823 Carl van Graefe Use of a head frame to treat a maxillary
Marciani in his fifty year review article dated 1993, vividly fracture
described the challenges faced by early surgeons regarding 1901 René Le Fort Paper on midfacial fracture patterns
1943 Crawford Used a Halo frame which was secured
the clinical and radiological diagnosis of mid face fractures directly to the skull using pins
and the compromised surgical results that may ensue [1].

55.1.1 History (Table 55.1)

ations of what Hippocrates had described. In the nineteenth
In an area so anatomically complicated as the midface, the century, Charles Fredrick Reiche provided the first detailed
lines of fracture produced in the middle third are classified treatise on maxillary fractures [3]. It was also in the same
based upon the experimental studies of René Le Fort in 1901 century that Garretson and Blair advocated mandibular-­
[2]. The earliest known writings of maxillofacial fractures maxillary fixation with the aid of splints to primarily treat
were recorded in the Edwin Smith papyrus in 1650 maxillary fractures.
BC.  Hippocrates who is often portrayed as the “Father of In 1901, a French surgeon René Le Fort published his
Medicine” described a myriad of facial injuries around 400 classic paper on midfacial fracture patterns. He inflicted
BC and his insight provided the basis for bandages and sin- blunt facial trauma on cadavers, then subsequently removed
gle jaw interdental wiring as methods of fixation and stabili- the soft tissue and examined fracture patterns of the facial
zation of facial fractures. Over the subsequent centuries, skeleton. This study has ever since been the basis for the
there appeared many techniques which in essence were vari- description of maxillary fractures.

O. A. Jacob (*)
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Ananthapuri Hospitals and Research Institute,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
A. Prathap
Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 1125

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_55
1126 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

55.1.2 Surgical Anatomy/Osteology

The middle third of the facial skeleton is made up of the following bones (Fig. 55.1)

1. Two maxillae
2. Two zygomatic bones
3. Two zygomatic processes of the temporal bones
4. Two palatine bones
5. Two nasal bones
6. Two lacrimal bones
7. The vomer
8. The ethmoid and its attached conchae
9. Two inferior conchae
10. The pterygoid plates of the sphenoid

Fig. 55.1  Bones of

the midface

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

The middle third of the face is made up of a number of The relative fragility of the midface skeleton makes it act as
bones which rarely fractures in isolation. The complex a cushion for trauma directed towards the cranium from an
nature of the midface is such that it will withstand the anterior or anterolateral direction. The facial skeleton can be
forces of mastication from below and provide protection in designated by this famous figure, where the skull is similar to a
certain areas for vital structures. The middle third of the helmet, the midface is similar to a matchbox (crumble zone)
facial skeleton consists of a series of bone struts (but- and the mandible is similar to a hockey stick (Fig. 55.3). The
tresses) passing upwards from the upper teeth to the bones most common causes of facial fractures in the adult population
of the skull [4] (Fig. 55.2). are assaults and motor vehicle accidents [5].
55  Maxillary Fractures 1127

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.2  Vertical and horizontal buttresses of the facial skeleton (Also refer Fig. 60.9 and Table 60.2)

55.1.3 Applied Anatomy of the Midfacial rims form the lateral pillars, and the most caudal pillars are
Bones the pterygoid plates.

The midface is composed of the nasal, zygoma, maxilla, eth-  Maxilla
moid and its conchae, palatine, inferior concha and vomer The maxilla consists of a central body and four processes,
which are collectively referred to as the middle third of the namely, the frontal, zygomatic, alveolar and palatine pro-
facial skeleton. The facial bones in isolation are compara- cess. The body is hollowed out and contains the maxillary
tively fragile but gain strength and support as they articulate sinus. It is pyramidal shaped with the base being the medial
with each other. It is this strength that has often been surface facing the nasal cavity and the apex being elongated
described as the facial buttresses which Manson alluded to into the zygomatic process. It has an orbital or superior sur-
when describing the vertical and horizontal struts that sup- face which forms the floor and rim of the orbit, a malar or
port the facial skeleton [6]. The horizontal pillars are formed anterolateral surface which forms part of the cheek and a
by the frontal bar (composed of the supraorbital rims and posterolateral or infratemporal surface which contributes to
nasal process of the frontal bone), the zygomatic arch, the the infratemporal fossa. The base is rimmed inferiorly by the
infraorbital rims and the nasal bridge and finally the alveolar alveolar process. The alveolar process houses the dental arch
process of the maxilla. The vertical pillars are the medial pil- with the sockets varying in size according to the teeth. The
lar formed by the piriform rims which continues superiorly palatine process is a horizontal process from the body to the
as the frontal process of the maxilla. The zygomatic but- alveolar process and medially articulates with the palatine
tresses which continue superiorly with the lateral orbital process of the opposite maxilla, while posteriorly it articu-
1128 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

Fig. 55.3  Helmet, matchbox

and hockey stick to illustrate
relative bone strength (the
matchbox is the crumble zone)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

lates with the horizontal plate of the palatine bone. The zygo- Le Fort classification is still widely followed due to its sim-
matic process is an extension of the anterolateral surface of plicity and the levels of anatomic differentiation it offers.
the body which contributes to the zygomaticomaxillary Other authors have attempted classifications based on the
suture. The frontal process projects upwards to articulate anatomical sites and based on the involvement of the occlu-
with the maxillary process of the frontal bone as well as the sion. Marciani modified the basic Le Fort classification by
nasal bone anteriorly and the lacrimal bone posteriorly. adding frontal bone and zygomatic fractures.  Vascular Supply and Innervation  Le Fort I

The blood supply to the maxilla and the palatine bones is
through the periosteum, the incisive artery and the greater Low Level Fracture/Guerin Fracture
and lesser palatine arteries. The internal maxillary artery lies The fracture line extends backwards from the lateral margin of the
posterior to the maxillae and the palatine bones and anterior anterior nasal aperture below the zygomatic buttress to cross the
to the pterygoid plates of sphenoid. lower third of the pterygoid laminae. The fracture also passes
The maxillary nerve enters the caudal maxilla ventral to along the lateral wall of the nose and the lower third of the septum
the orbit via the maxillary foramen and runs through the to join the lateral fracture behind the tuberosity (Fig. 55.4a–c).
maxilla in the infraorbital canal giving off branches to supply
the maxillary cheek and teeth. The nerve then exits the max-  Le Fort II
illa at the infraorbital foramen.
Pyramidal or Sub-zygomatic Fracture
This fracture runs from the thin middle area of the nasal
55.2 Classification bones down either side, crossing the frontal processes of
maxillae into the medial wall of each orbit; the fracture line
55.2.1 René Le Fort1901 [2] crosses the lacrimal bone behind the lacrimal sac before
turning forwards to cross the infraorbital margins slightly
Maxillary fractures were classified by René Le Fort based on medial to or through the infraorbital foramen. The fracture
his experiments on cadavers with low velocity unidirectional now extends downwards and backwards across the lateral
frontal trauma. Although the present-day maxillary fractures wall of the antrum below the zygomaticomaxillary suture
are caused due to high velocity multi directional trauma, the and divides the pterygoid laminae about half way up.
55  Maxillary Fractures 1129

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.4 (a, b) Le Fort I fracture lines. (c) CT of Le Fort I fracture

Separation of the block from the base of the skull is com- the fracture line extends in two directions: backwards across
pleted via the nasal septum and may involve the floor of the the pterygomaxillary fissure to fracture the roots of the ptery-
anterior cranial fossa (Fig. 55.5a–d). goid laminae and laterally across the lateral wall of the orbit
separating the zygomatic bone from the frontal bone. In this  Le Fort III way the entire middle third of the facial skeleton gets sepa-
rated from the cranial base (Fig. 55.6a–c).
Transverse or Supra-zygomatic Fracture
The fracture runs from near the frontonasal suture trans-
versely backwards and parallel with the base of the skull and Le Fort classification does not take into consi­deration:
involves the full depth of the ethmoid bone including the • Dentoalveolar fractures
cribriform plate. Within the orbit the fracture passes below • Palatal fractures
the optic foramen into the posterior limit of the inferior • Bone loss
orbital fissure. From the base of the inferior orbital fissure,
1130 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.5 (a, b) Le Fort II fracture lines. (c) CT of Le Fort II fracture showing the midface segment impacted (red arrows). (d) Clinical image of
case in c, showing the impacted area right side Le Fort II (yellow arrow)
55  Maxillary Fractures 1131

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.6 (a, b) Le Fort III fracture. (c) CT of Le Fort III fracture (the fracture lines shown with red arrows)
1132 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

55.2.2 Killey’s Classification (1965) [2] Addenda

(Table 55.2) (i) These fractures may occur unilaterally or be associated
independently with a fracture of the zygomatic
Table 55.2  Killey’s classification
(ii) There may be a midline separation of the maxillae and/
1. Dentoalveolar fractures or extension of the fracture pattern into the frontal or
2. Zygomatic complex fractures
temporal bones.
3. Nasal complex fractures
4. Le Fort I
5. Le Fort II
6. Le Fort III 55.2.4 Marciani (1993: Modification of Le Fort
7. Extended Le Fort fractures Fractures) [1]

55.2.3 Rowe and Williams’s Classification Fractures involving the cranial base and other midface frac-
(1985) [2] (Table 55.3) ture configurations, including severely comminuted seg-
ments of the facial skeleton, were not classifiable by the

I.Lateral nasal
Fractures of the nasal
bones and/or nasal
septum (A)
II.Anterior nasal

Fractures of frontal
process of maxilla (B)
Central region

Fractures of type A and type B

which extend into ethmoid
bone (naso ethmoid) (C)

Fractures NOT
involving Fractures of type A, B, C which
the occlusion extend into the frontal bone.
(fronto orbito
nasal dislocation)

Fractures involving the zygomatic

Lateral region bone, arch and maxilla (zygomatic
Classification based complex) excluding the
on the fracture and dentoalveolar component
change in occlusion

Dento alveolar

Le Fort I

Sub zygomatic
Fractures involving the
Le Fort II

Supra zygomatic Le Fort III

Table 55.3  Rowe and Williams’s classification

55  Maxillary Fractures 1133

traditional Le Fort scheme. Hence Marciani proposed a more Table 55.4  Marciani’s modification of Le Fort fracture classification
precise system of describing fracture patterns to define the Marciani Le Fort Ia—Low maxillary fracture/
fracture configuration, establish an accurate diagnosis and to (1993-modification I—Low multiple segments
of Le Fort maxillary
determine potential surgical approaches (Table 55.4).
fractures) fracture
Le Fort IIa—Pyramidal and nasal
II—Pyramidal fracture
55.2.5 Palatal Fractures Classification: fractures IIb—Pyramidal and NOE
Hendrickson’s Classification (1998) [7] fracture
Le Fort III— III a—craniofacial dysjunction
(Figs. 55.7, 55.8, and 55.9; Table 55.5)
Craniofacial and nasal fracture
dysjunction III b—craniofacial dysjunction
and NOE
Lefort IV—Le IV a—supraorbital rim fracture
Fort II or III IV b—anterior cranial fossa
and cranial and supraorbital rim fracture
base fracture IV c—anterior cranial fossa
and orbital wall fracture

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.7  Hendrickson’s classification of palatal fractures. (a) Type Ia, (b) Type Ib, (c) Type II, (d) Type III ,(e) Type IV, (f) Type V, (g) Type VI
1134 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.8 (a) CT of Hendrickson’s type C fracture. (b) Clinical image of case of a, showing the midline diastema

may occur if the fracture is displaced or impacted. Dorsal

and caudal pull of the medial pterygoid muscles can con-
tribute to the posterior displacement of the maxilla and the
resultant anterior open bite (Fig. 55.10a, b). Bilateral epi-
staxis is rare although emphysema may occur if the patient
blows his nose. Ecchymosis in the upper buccal sulcus is a
frequent finding. Percussion of the maxillary teeth pro-
duces a dull cracked cup sound. In case of inferiorly dis-
placed Le Fort I fractures, the patient may have to keep the
mouth open to accommodate the increased vertical dimen-
sion. Due to the extreme downward displacement of the
maxilla, the nasal base is lost, leading to stretching of the
soft tissues of that area, which makes it possible to see
directly into the nares.
The posteriorly impacted Le Fort I fracture may result in
an anterior open bite and in these cases the maxilla may be
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
immobile. Usually the impacted maxilla can be mobilized by
Fig. 55.9  CT of midline palatal fracture with splayed segments, note grasping the maxillary teeth and applying a firm anterior
the posterior displaced fragment, temporary bridle wire has been placed pull. A grate may be felt due to the movement between the
between upper central incisors fractured segments. In posteriorly impacted fractures, there
may be damage to the cusps of maxillary teeth usually in the
premolar region, caused by the upward impact of the man-
55.3 Clinical Features (Box 55.1) dibular teeth at the time of the trauma. The complete Le Fort
I fracture may be associated with a split along the median
55.3.1 Le Fort I Fractures palatal suture. Sometimes more than one fracture line may
be present in the palate, so that either one or both fragments
Gross facial swelling or facial disfigurement is generally may be mobile (Fig. 55.11a–c).
not a feature of Le Fort I fractures, but oedema around the
upper lip may occur. Soft tissue injury along the upper lip
along with tearing of gingivae may occur due to the caus- 55.3.2 Le Fort II Fractures
ative impact. There can be mobility of the upper dento-
alveolus when digital pressure is applied. Mobility of the Marked facial disfigurement resulting from circumorbital
maxilla at the Le Fort I level must be differentiated from ecchymosis and gross oedema can be a feature of Le Fort
extended maxillary dentoalveolar fracture. Malocclusion II fractures. Frequently the patient will not be able to open
55  Maxillary Fractures 1135

Type Ia: anterior alveolus, contains only

incisor teeth and associated

Type I: Alveolar fracture

Type Ib: posterolateral; contains

premolars molars and associated
Type II: Sagittal fracture, a split of the alveolus
palatal midline; typically occurs in
second or third decade because of a
lack of ossification of the midline
palatal suture.

Type III: parasagittal fracture; most

common fracture pattern in adults,
pattern differs from type Ia by inclusion
of maxillary canine.

Hendricksons classification

Type IV: para alveolar fracture, occurs

palatal to the maxillary alveolus and

Type V: complex comminuted

fracture, multiple fractured

Type VI: transverse fracture, rare,

involves a division in the coronal

Table 55.5  Hendrickson’s classification: of Palate fractures

Box 55.1 Clinical features of Le Fort fractures

Clinical features Le Fort I Le Fort II Le Fort III

Intraoral • Floating maxilla • Deranged occlusion • Deranged occlusion
• Impacted or telescopic fracture • Posterior gagging of occlusion • Posterior gagging of occlusion
• Anterior open bite • Possible airway obstruction • Possible airway obstruction
• Deranged occlusion
• Guerin’s sign
• Palatal fracture in some cases
Extraoral • Mild swelling and oedema of midface • Moon face appearance • Separation at FZ suture
and upper lip • Peri-orbital oedema • CSF rhinorrhea
• Epistaxis in some cases • Circumorbital ecchymosis • Hooding of eyes
• Increased visibility of anterior nares • Subconjunctival haemorrhage • Anti-­mongoloid slant
• Infraorbital step deformity • Dish face deformity
•Altered sensation of cheek
• CSF rhinorrhea
• Diplopia
1136 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.10 (a, b) A posteriorly telescoped Le Fort I fracture maxilla clinically manifesting as anterior open bite

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.11  CT images (a, b) showing a right zygomatic complex fracture associated with a Hendrickson’s type B fracture where the right poste-
rior alveolar and palatal segment was displaced palatally and extruded, causing the occlusal discrepancy (crossbite) as seen in c
55  Maxillary Fractures 1137

his eyelids to allow an ocular examination. Subconjunctival mosis with circumorbital oedema may close the eyes com-
haemorrhage may be present, the posterior limit of which pletely. As in Le Fort II, the posterior limit of the
cannot be identified. Bilateral peri-orbital oedema and cir- subconjunctival haemorrhage cannot be seen. The lengthen-
cumorbital ecchymosis (described as circumorbital as it ing of the face occurs due to the loss of bony fixation to the
follows the shape of the orbicularis oculi muscle) are base of the skull. The flattening of the face from the dis-
described as racoon eyes or panda facies. There can be rupted zygomatic bones is usually masked by the gross
severe oedema of the face which is sometimes described oedema. The fracture passes above the Whitnall’s tubercle
as moon facies. Enophthalmos in case of orbital floor and so the support by Lockwoods, suspensory ligament is
fractures may go undetected due to oedema. Considerable lost. This results in hooding of upper eyelid which becomes
lengthening of face with posterior gagging of teeth can obvious when the oedema subsides. Gagging of occlusion
also occur. Bilateral epistaxis is common, and CSF leak and shift of the maxillary midline may occur. Gross posterior
may be present. The loss of maxillary prominence may displacement of the maxilla can result in the soft palate
result in a dish face appearance. If the fracture line passes touching the posterior part of the tongue causing airway and
through the infraorbital canal there can be associated par- speech impairment. As with other maxillary fractures, per-
esthesia in the infraorbital nerve region. While clinically cussion of teeth might produce a cracked cup sound. .
mobilizing the maxilla in a Le Fort II fracture, transmitted The clinical differentiation between Le Fort II and Le Fort
mobility may be felt at the infraorbital rim and the fronto- III fractures can be assessed by palpating for step deformity
nasal suture. Figure  55.12 shows a CT image where Le in the infraorbital rim in the former.
Fort II and III lines are seen

55.3.4 Unusual Fracture Patterns

55.3.3 Le Fort III Fractures (Also see Fig. 49.5)
The Le Fort fractures may manifest without the classic frac-
This fracture is clinically similar to the Le Fort II fracture but ture patterns as described above. An unilateral fracture at Le
can demonstrate a more serious condition. Bilateral ecchy- Fort I level may occur (identified through imaging) which
warrants no intervention unless accompanied by a palatal
fracture causing occlusal derangement and/or mobility. Such
a unilateral fracture pattern can cause unilateral gagging
causing open bite on the contralateral side
The clinician must be aware of the two types of Le Fort I
fractures, the mobile and impacted variants; lack of mobility
should not be presumed as absence of fracture.

55.4 Radiographic Examination

It is difficult to diagnose fractures of the middle third of the

face with plain films and CT scans have now largely replaced
The commonly used radiographs for identifying maxil-
lary fractures are occipitomental view (OMV) 10° and 30°
and paranasal sinus view 37° (PNS -Waters view).
While assessing maxillary fractures with these radio-
graphs, Mcgregor-Campbell and Trapnell’s lines and Dolan’s
lines (elephant of Rogers) may be kept in mind [8].
McGregor-Campbell’s lines:
These lines were described by McGregor and Campbell
for ease of searching on an occipitomental view 10-degree
frontal projection.
1. First line across the zygomaticofrontal, the superior mar-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India gin of the orbit and the frontal sinus
2. Second line across the zygomatic arch, zygomatic body,
Fig. 55.12  CT image showing Le Fort I and II fractures. Note that inferior orbital margin and nasal bone
maxilla is rotated to the right side with canting on the left side.
1138 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.14  Dolan’s lines (also see Fig. 56.22)
Fig. 55.13  McGregor-Campbell and Trapnell’s lines

3. Third line across the condyles, coronoid process and the • Zygomatic line (line 2) traces the superior margin of the
maxillary sinus / Zygomatic buttress region zygomatic arch and body extending along the frontal pro-

4. Fourth line across the mandibular ramus, occlusal cess of the zygoma to the zygomaticofrontal suture.
plane • Maxillary line (line 3) traces the inferior margin of the
5. Fifth line (Trapnell’s line, added later) across the inferior zygomatic arch, body, and buttress and the lateral wall of
border of the mandible from angle to angle (Fig. 55.13) the maxillary sinus.
The four S’s described by Delbalso, Hall and
Elephant of Rogers [8]
Margarone [8]
In PNS view, the following four features are to be veri- Lee Rogers pointed out that the second and third lines of
fied/compared with the unaffected side Dolan give the outline of the head of an elephant.

1. Symmetry
2. Sharpness
3. Sinus 55.4.1 CT Scans
4. Soft tissues
CT scans are now the gold standard for a definitive diagnosis in
Dolan’s Lines [8] (Fig. 55.14)
fractures of the maxilla. A CT scan in all three planes (axial,
Dolan’s lines are the collective name given to three lines sagittal and coronal) along with a 3D reconstruction will aid the
described by Dolan and Jacoby that aid in evaluating for max- surgeon in accurate assessment of fracture patterns and also will
illofacial fractures on an occipitomental skull radiograph. aid in preoperative planning. The surgeon must never rely on the
They are usually used as an adjunct to McGregor-­Campbell 3D CT alone but should correlate the images with those obtained
lines. in axial sagittal and coronal planes, as there could be
reconstruction-­related errors which appear as fracture lines or
• Orbital line (line 1) traces the inner margins of the bone defects. CT scan-based fracture patterns may be classified
lateral, inferior and medial orbital walls and the nasal as low, middle or high energy, defined solely by the pattern of
arch. segmentation and displacement in the CT scan [9].
55  Maxillary Fractures 1139

55.5 Treatment of Maxillary fractures rare occasions, lateral en bloc displacement of the maxilla is
seen, and this requires transverse reduction to achieve the
The primary aim of treatment of maxillary fractures is to re-­ correct dental occlusion. A depressed zygomatic fracture
establish the dental occlusion and masticatory efficiency. can physically prevent reduction of the maxilla. Hence the
The contribution of the maxilla to the projection and contour fractured zygomatic bone should be reduced prior to manip-
of the midface has also to be considered in the management ulating the maxilla.
of maxillary fractures and requires a clear understanding of The most useful instruments for reduction of the maxilla
the facial buttress system, subunit anatomy and inter-­ are the Rowe’s disimpaction forceps. Even in cases where
relationships of the various bones [10]. This aesthetic aspect the fractured maxilla appears to be minimally displaced, it is
is often compromised by associated injuries of the zygomatic prudent to mobilize the bone with the disimpaction forceps
complex, nose and orbits. so as to overcome any bony interferences and thus freeing
the maxilla completely. When using this paired forceps, care
should be taken to avoid injury to the anterior teeth and also
The basic principles of the treatment of maxillary frac-
to the palatal mucosa. Mobile, extruded and proclined ante-
tures are:
rior teeth are at particular risk, and an assistant should closely
1. Direct exposure and manual reduction of the fractures observe the anterior teeth, while the surgeon is manipulating
2. Reconstitution of the bony buttresses of the mid- the fractured maxilla. It would also be advisable to obtain
face so as to prevent elongation of the face and/or informed consent regarding mobility or loss of these teeth.
antero-posterior collapse of the maxilla Trauma to the nasal floor is inevitable when mobilizing the
3. Re-enforcement of the paranasal and zygomatic maxilla using the reducing forceps, and some nasal bleeding
buttresses with mini-plates is usually observed, but this rarely requires a nasal pack.
4. Replacement of missing/grossly comminuted bone
at the buttresses with autogenous bone grafts [5]
Adequate reduction of the fractured maxilla is con-
firmed by:
1. Good dental occlusion
Factors that influence improved treatment outcome in
2. Alignment of the paranasal, zygomatic and fronto-­
maxillary fractures are:
zygomatic bony buttresses
1. Early definitive treatment 3. Adequate reduction of all the observable fracture
2. Anatomic and functional repair of naso-orbito-eth- lines
moidal injuries
3. Wide exposure of fracture segments
4. Anatomic repositioning and stable fixation of frac- Problems arise when the patient has few or no teeth and
ture segments in all planes of space [11] when there is gross comminution of maxilla. In these situa-
tions the surgeon has to make do with whatever landmarks
are available, and in such cases compromised functional and
cosmetic results are not uncommon.
55.5.1 General Considerations in Treatment of Direct manipulation at the fracture lines is sometimes
Maxillary Fractures required especially when the fractured maxilla is telescoped
into the superior normal bone. Care must be taken to prevent
additional fractures at the bony margins during direct manipu-
Proper reduction of maxillary fractures is the key to achiev- lation as this would make fixation more demanding. Using tie
ing good dental occlusion and needs proper clinical exami- wires at the zygomatic buttresses, around the second maxillary
nation of the fracture pattern after all the accessible fracture premolars/first molars bilaterally and through anterior nasal
sites are exposed. A repeat study of the CT scans (axial, spine is often useful to physically disimpact and pull the max-
coronal and 3D) and correlation with the exposed maxilla illa forwards and upwards thus ensuring good reduction.
will aid the surgeon in planning adequate reduction and When the maxilla is fractured in multiple levels (e.g. Le
rigid fixation. It should be kept in mind that the fractured Fort I and III levels), reduction using the disimpaction for-
maxilla is usually displaced backwards and downwards and ceps alone may not be adequate. The dental occlusion can be
hence the reduction should in the forward and upward direc- achieved, but the midface projection may be compromised.
tion. To obtain reproducibly good results, even with the Here also a combination of reduction with disimpaction for-
most extensive facial dislocations, the surgeon should ceps, direct manipulation at the fracture site and the use of
restore the facial architecture at the Le Fort I Level [12]. In the above mentioned tie wires is often indicated.
1140 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

Once adequate reduction of the fractured maxilla is when there is presence of severe infection at the site of sur-
obtained, it is mandatory that rigid maxillomandibular fixa- gery (Fig. 55.15).
tion (MMF) is applied. In almost all cases, well-adapted max-
illary and mandibular arch bars are required as this ensures
multiple points for the MMF. Failure to obtain rigid MMF or 55.5.3 Rigid Internal Fixation
manually maintaining the dental occlusion during fixation
can result in post-operative occlusal discrepancies. If surgical Although many wiring techniques were practised in the past,
reduction and fixation of the maxilla has to be delayed, elastic rigid internal fixation with titanium bone plates and screws
traction will be helpful in obtaining a functional occlusion. of sufficient rigidity is now the standard of care. For internal
The use of MMF screws definitely saves operating time but fixation of the maxilla, titanium bone plates and screws of
can be problematic if elastic traction is required later. sufficient rigidity are used. For providing rigidity, screws
If the mandibular condylar fracture exists, this should be with an outer diameter of 1.5 mm is commonly used.
reduced and fixed prior to the MMF. Failure to do so may
result in an open bite due to loss of posterior mandibular
height. 55.5.4 Approaches to the Maxilla

When treating a very high Le Fort I fracture and in Le Fort II

55.5.2 Suspension Wiring and III fractures, it may be necessary to use one or more of
the following incisions, which are described in chapter 56
Internal wire suspension involves sandwiching the fractured and 57 of this book:
portion of the maxilla between the mandible and the superior
part of the facial skeleton/skull that is not fractured. The use 1. Skin incisions for exposure of the infraorbital rim.
of internal suspension wires is more or less obsolete unless Extension of this incision medially ensures access to the
there is severe comminution which precludes rigid internal lateral nasal area, while a lateral extension would give
fixation. Suspension wiring may also be the surgeon’s choice access to the upper portion of the zygomatic body.
2. Upper eyelid or lateral eyebrow incision (blepharoplasty)
to expose the fronto-zygomatic suture.
3. An existing laceration with or without conservative exten-
sion for increased surgical access.  Maxillary Vestibular Approach

The maxilla can be approached through a variety of inci-
sions, the most common being the maxillary vestibular
approach. In addition to providing access to the lower part
of the entire midfacial skeleton, this approach results in a
hidden intraoral scar. This approach may result in disrup-
tion of the attachments of the facial muscles of the nasola-
bial region; hence careful repositioning during closure is
recommended to avoid unaesthetic changes to the face. The
muscles of importance are the nasalis group, the levator
labii superioris alaeque nasi, the levator labii superioris, the
levator anguli oris and the orbicularis oris. The vestibular
incision and subsequent dissection causes stripping of ori-
gin/insertion of most muscles originating in the maxilla.
These muscles tend to get reattached in a shortened manner
due to the action of the zygomaticus muscle. Deepening of
the alar groove and splaying of the alar bases, nostrils and
nasal tip may occur following lateral displacement of the
nasal modiolus. Soft tissue fullness loss in the naso-alveo-
lar region may result in thinning and retraction of upper lip,
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
reduced vermillion exposure and a obtuse nasolabial angle.
Fig. 55.15  Various types of suspension wiring employed for midface Detachment of the levators of the upper lip may cause down
fractures turning of the corner of the mouth (Fig. 55.16).
55  Maxillary Fractures 1141

• Sharp elevation of the superior flap will ensure a

subperiosteal plane of dissection, but this may not
always be possible due to adherent tissue at the
fracture sites and the presence of bony fragments in
comminuted fractures. As far as possible, sizable
fragments of loose bone with soft tissue attach-
ments should be retained to avoid large gaps at the
fracture site which might delay healing. Even com-
pletely denuded bone can be replaced as free autog-
enous grafts and fixed in place with tissue glue or
fine stainless steel wires.
• As the superior dissection proceeds, care should be
taken to identify and protect the infraorbital nerve
which may be involved in the fracture. It is also pru-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
dent to palpate the infraorbital margin to ensure that
Fig. 55.16  Maxillary vestibular incision with adequate gingival cuff. inadvertent entry into the orbit is avoided especially
Yellow arrows denoted the Le Fort I fracture lines when comminution of the infraorbital rim and floor
is present.
• Once the flap has been adequately raised, long
Langenbeck retractors placed superiorly and cheek
Clinical Tips for approaching the Le Fort fracture via retractors at the corners of the mouth will ensure good
maxillary vestibular incision surgical exposure and adequate lighting and thus aid in
reduction and fixation of the fracture (Fig. 55.17).
• The use of liquid paraffin will minimize trauma to • A variation which can be done is giving two sepa-
the lips and corners of the mouth especially in rate vestibular incisions bilaterally without incising
patients with a small oral aperture. the midline frenal attachment. This variation will
• It is important to place a high vestibular incision to not disturb the mid line lip anatomy in cases where
ensure a wide gingival cuff of tissue which will aid exposure of the anterior nasal spine region is not
in closure of the incision. required.
• “Counter” elevation of the gingival cuff would aid in
closure and also expose the root prominences, and
this would be helpful during adaptation of the mini-
plates and the subsequent screw fixation.
• It is also recommended that the opening of the
Stenson’s duct be identified so that injury to this
structure is avoided when the buccal sulcus is
stretched while making the incision.
• Some surgeons mark the midline to ensure proper
reapproximation of the tissues during closure. This
is important in cases where one is forced to use an
oral endotracheal tube exiting from one corner of the
mouth which may distort the oral tissues.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
• Extension of the posterior end of the incision
beyond the first molars may cause buccal fat hernia- Fig. 55.17  A clinical situation where the separate vestibular
tion into the surgical site. This is of minimal con- maxillary incisions were given to approach anterior maxilla, due
cern but can be annoying to the surgeon during to deep through and through lip laceration upper lip extending
plate fixation. down to the frenum region
1142 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

Early intervention (7–10 days) with open reduction

and fixation is the treatment of choice for maxillary Le In essence the decision to graft will depend on:
Fort I fractures. Restoration of normal facial contour and 1. The extend of the bony gap
occlusion is considered as optimal outcome of treatment. 2. The quality of the bone available for plate fixation
Bone reconstruction should be completed as early as pos- 3. The rigidity of the fixation
sible to minimize shrinkage, stiffness and scarring of soft 4. Use of post-operative MMF
tissues [12]. 5. Loss of a large part of the anterior wall of the max-
In complex panfacial fracture management, many illary sinus (Fig. 55.18) (causing the overlying soft
authors have stressed the importance of managing the tissue to fall into the sinus causing a contour defect)
Le-Fort fracture while reconstituting the facial architec-
ture [13, 14].
gap of more than 5 mm at the buttresses requires a graft, rigid
plate fixation followed by MMF is often enough to ensure
55.5.5 Fixation of Le Fort I # bony healing.
Primary bone grafting can be done using iliac bone
Adequate fixation of the fractured bone depends on two fac- (Fig.  55.26), split calvarium or split ribs. The calvarium is
tors, namely, the rigidity of the plate and the friction between the preferred source because of the following reasons:
the bone fragments (buttressing of the bony segments).
When a gap exists between the bone ends, the latter factor is 1. Large amount of graft available
missing. In these cases, non/fibrous union can result if the 2. Proximity to the operative field
masticatory forces are greater than the rigidity of the plate. 3. Minimal donor site morbidity
As a general principle, the paranasal and zygomatic but-
tresses must be rigidly fixed. The plates should be well The disadvantage is that these grafts are brittle and cannot
adapted especially where the bone stock is poor. At least two be contoured. The bone graft has to be mortised to fit the
screws must be present on either side of the fracture and defect and must be fixed rigidly to the plate or lag screwed.
more the number of screws, better the, load sharing, between
the plate and the subjacent bone. Opposed to this is when
there is no bone buttressing and the plate has to be ‘load
bearing’. Also a minimum of two threads of the screw
should engage the cortical bone. This may be a problem in
thin areas as the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus and the
alveolus where roots are present. In the edentulous maxilla,
the bone quality is often compromised, and the lower end of
the plate may need to be placed on the alveolus. This may
necessitate removal of the plate prior to prosthodontic
Obtaining rigid fixation becomes difficult when the but-
tresses are comminuted. If only one buttress is amenable for
plating the reduction at this fracture interface along with
reconstitution of the occlusion must be used as the template
for repositioning the maxilla. When all the buttresses are
comminuted, the surgeon has to “eye ball” the maxilla into
the reduced position. In these situations, a long-span plate
extending from the body of the zygomatic bone to the rela-
tively thick bone in the area of the anterior nasal spine with
or without a bone graft is often the only option available to
maintain the vertical position of the floating maxilla. It has
been stated that the lip-tooth relationship is helpful in decid- ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
ing the position of the reduced maxilla, but in practice this is
of limited use. Fig. 55.18  A clinical situation where the defect in the anterior wall
Loss of bone at the buttresses may require the use of pri- maxilla due to comminution of the wall was partly covered by fixing the
free segment (red arrow). The long-span plate from the buttress to the
mary bone grafts [10]. Though it has been suggested that a anterior maxilla region can also be seen
55  Maxillary Fractures 1143

Incisions for open reduction can be placed from first wide exposure of the fracture sites. Rowe’s disimpaction for-
molar to first molar regions through a vestibular approach for ceps and/or Hayton-Williams forceps can be used for mobi-
lizing and reducing the fracture into position. The impacted
type of Le Fort I fracture manipulation has to be done by
grasping the maxilla with two pairs of Rowe’s disimpaction
forceps. Osteotomizing the maxilla should be considered if
there is significant interval between the time of trauma and
surgery. Whenever possible a passive reduction of the max-
illa with condyles firmly seated in their correct position
should be ensured to avoid post-operative anterior open bite
(Figs. 55.19, 55.20, and 55.21).

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.19  The surgeon stands behind the patient and applies the dis-
impaction force, while the head is stabilized by the assistant surgeon

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.21  Use of Hayton-Williams forceps

Use of Rowe’s Rowe’s disimpaction forceps are available as

disimpaction paired (right and left) instruments
forceps Each instrument has two blades, one for
engaging the palate (to be padded before use to
avoid injury to the palatal mucosa) and one to be
inserted through the nostril
The instrument has an outward bend at the
handle which aids in the use of two forceps
After engaging the forceps, the maxilla has to be
moved in all planes to ensure adequate
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 55.20  Use of Rowe’s disimpaction forceps

1144 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

Use of Hayton-­ The Hayton-Williams forceps is used to hold

Williams forceps the fractured maxilla together
The instrument is inserted after vestibular
incision and is engaged at the pterygoid region
This is the instrument of choice especially in
cases with palatal bone fracture

After reduction the maxilla should be placed into maxillo-

mandibular fixation. The fixation of the fracture sites (four-
point fixation) is done at the vertical pillars of nasomaxillary
and zygomaticomaxillary (lateral piriform rim and zygo-
matic buttress regions) for which the preferred plates and
screws used are 1.5-mm thickness with 6-mm long screws.
In the zygomatic buttress regions, 2.0-mm profile plates also
can be used. The mini-plates are fixed as close as possible to
the lateral pyriform rim as the bone is thickest there. Usually
stabilization of the fracture is achievable even if any three of ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

the four buttresses are fixed. Apparently, gross communition Fig. 55.22  The zygomatic buttress and paranasal buttress fixed in a
at one of the buttress regions will not cause a significant risk classical Le Fort I fracture maxilla
of inadequate stabilization. The associated anterior wall of
the maxillary sinuses is generally not fixed due to the relative
thin nature of bone in this region. The larger free bone frag-
ments can be repositioned and immobilized using wires or be
used for reconstruction of orbital floor defects. The circum-
vestibular incision is closed with running resorbable sutures
after ensuring that the midline of upper lip coincides with the
facial midline (Fig. 55.22).
Maxillomandibular fixation of up to 6 weeks also can be
considered as alternative for treatment though the results
may be less satisfactory with added morbidity to the recover-
ing patient. The readers are advised to refer chapter 50 to
read about closed reduction / wiring and intermaxillary fixa- ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
tion techniques.
Fig. 55.23  Le Fort II fracture lines at the infraorbital rim area may
have to be accessed directly, if required, especially with associated
zygomatic/orbit fractures. In this case the lateral orbital rim reconstruc-
55.5.6 Fixation of Le Fort II Fractures
tion is done via combined access from left sub ciliary incision and left
supra tarsal incision
The pyramidal fracture has the apex of the fracture located at
the nasofrontal suture region or at the midnasal bone level. for fixation unless simultaneous exploration and reconstruc-
The Le Fort II fractures are ideally fixed at the frontonasal tion of orbital floors are also planned.
suture region, bilateral infraorbital rims and also both zygo- In Le Fort II fractures that are complicated by an associ-
maticomaxillary buttresses. However in majority of the clini- ated palatal fracture, surgical splints may be helpful in
cal situations fixation at the infra orbital rims and the obtaining adequate reduction. Placement of maxilla man-
zygomatic buttress regions gives reasonably good results. dibular fixation will ensure accurate alignment of midface
Most Nasal bone fractures associated with Le Fort II fractures structures (Fig. 55.23).
can be adequately managed by closed reduction techniques.
This may require the anaesthetist to change nasal intubation
to oral intubation. A submental intubation may also be con- 55.5.7 Fixation of Le Fort III Fractures
sidered at the beginning of the procedure. If the nasofrontal
segment is unstable, fixation of the area can be done through These are complex fractures which rarely occur in isolation
various approaches (existing laceration, Gull wing approach, and results in a dysjunction of the facial skeleton from the
etc.). A maxillary vestibular incision can frequently provide base of the cranium. The ideal repair time should be within
access to infraorbital fracture alignment and fixation in some 10–14 days following the injury but may get delayed due to
cases. The lower eyelid approaches are not always mandatory neurosurgical issues and other comorbidities.
55  Maxillary Fractures 1145

Incision design for Le Fort III fractures should facilitate

adequate access for reduction as well as fixation of the naso-
frontal, frontozygomatc and in some cases the zygomatic
arches. Using existing lacerations for access avoids need of a
coronal incision, as this allows for complete visualization,
reduction and fixation of the frontal area and zygomatic
arches. A lateral brow or upper blepharoplasty (supra-tarsal
fold) incision may be used to approach the lateral orbital
rims. Also in such cases, a thicker plate (2.0) placement at
the lateral orbital rim may be beneficial. A coronal approach
may have to be considered if bilateral fronto-zygomatic and
nasofrontal fracture fixation is planned.
The occlusion is a reliable indicator of adequate reduction
in cases where direct visualization of the fractured segment
is not possible.
In Le Fort III fractures associated with other fractures
(open facial/condyle fractures), various surgical sequences
can be followed, which is discussed in chapter 60 on
Panfacial fractures.
Rarely, Le Fort fractures may present without mobility, ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
but show occlusal disturbances like crossbite, open bite or Fig. 55.24  Infraorbital plate exposure
loss of intercuspation. These can be managed by using trac-
tion elastics but at times warrant mobilization and subse-
quent rigid fixation [15].

55.6 C
 omplications of Le Fort Fractures
(Table 55.6)
• Bleeding

• Enopthalmous
• Infection Maxillry
Le Fort I

• Altered vision hypoperfusion

• Non-union • Wound
• CSF leak
Le Fort II

• Mal-union dehiscence
(rhinorrhea and
• malocclusion Necrotic teeth /or otorrhea)
• CSF leak
Le Fort III

• Epiphora (due • Palatal fistula

to obstruction (rhinorrhea and
• Nasal Septal /or otorrhea)
of nasolacrimal deviation
duct) • Facial Nerve
• Infra orbital
• Scarring paralysis
• Sinusitis • Trigemminal
nerve injury
• Exposed
hardware (Fig. 55.24)
• Foreign body

Table 55.6  Complications of Le Fort fractures

1146 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

55.7 Palatal Fractures

Unlike many other areas of the midface, the palatal bone is

relatively thick, and hence palatal fractures are not common. A
palatal split makes reduction and fixation of maxillary frac-
tures more difficult mainly due to the transverse instability
which can cause medial collapse or outward splaying of the
maxilla. The use of the Hayton-Williams forceps along with
the disimpaction forceps will control outward splaying of the
maxilla but at the risk of medially displacement of the dentate
segment of the maxilla. Moreover, the use of all the three for-
ceps effectively requires some amount of surgical expertise.
Moss et al. [16] have proposed a classification for palatal
fractures. There is no consensus regarding the management
of palatal fractures, but various options have been

1. Transpalatal wires in the first molar region. ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
2. Direct exposure of the fracture through an existing
palatal laceration or an incision and rigid plate Fig. 55.25  Oronasal fistula in a patient who had sustained palate
fixation. fracture
3. External fixation by fixing a screw on either side of
the fracture and immobilization with a wire con- Palatal fractures of the sagittal or parasagittal variety can
necting the screws. Alternatively a palatal splint be stabilized by placing a mini-plate across the fracture line
can be fabricated after sectioning a plaster model of on the labial side. Occasionally the prominence of the ante-
the palate. rior nasal spine has to be reduced to facilitate mini-plate
4. Plating the labial fracture line. placement.
5. Plating the nasal floor. The transpalatal reduction should be supplemented by fixa-
tion at the zygomaticomaxillary and nasomaxillary buttresses
and the use of an arch bar [20].
Transpalatal wires are simple to apply and do not have the Palatal fractures accompanied by soft tissue lacerations
problems of soft tissue dehiscence and infection seen in the often cause a serious challenge to the surgeon regarding its
more invasive methods [17]. However, the reduction of the management. The healing of the palatal soft tissue laceration
palatal fracture cannot be ensured, and the wires can be cum- is dependent on the exact reduction of the palatal vault and
bersome to the patient as it affects speech and swallowing. If stabilization. Overzealous attempts at closure of the lacera-
the palatal wires are passed through an infant feeding tube or tion without accurate reduction may compromise wound
a small gauge urinary catheter, injury to the dorsum of the healing. A tension-free closure of the palatal mucosa is
tongue can be minimized. It is also noticed that palatal wires imperative for wound healing. In some cases, the ensuing
tend to become slack after a few days, and then their value in oronasal communication will have to addressed secondarily
reduction and fixation of the fracture is questionable. (Fig. 55.25).
Moreover, these wires are not an option in the edentulous
Direct exposure and plate fixation are surgically demand- 55.7.1 Surgical Splints
ing, but the fracture can be reduced and fixed under direct
vision. Ceinfuegos et al. have described the technique of fix- Concomitant fractures of the palate present additional chal-
ing the plate over the palatal mucosa, but this plate would lenges to the treatment of Le Fort fractures. They complicate
have to be removed at a later date [18]. An alternative would the re-establishment of proper width and height of the max-
be to use a resorbable plate and screws. illa. Depending on the fracture type, patient comorbidities
Ma et al. has documented the use of self-drilling screws and associated injuries, either closed reduction and wiring or
on either side of the palatal fracture with wires to fix the rigid fixation may have to be performed. Dental impressions
fracture [19]. can be obtained and occlusion assessed prior to surgery.
55  Maxillary Fractures 1147

Fabrication of an acrylic splint may help in re-­establishing or bleeding, ligation of this artery may be necessary. Due to
the transverse width of the palate. anastomoses from other branches of the internal and external
In cases of gross comminution with partial dentition, pal- carotid circulation, vascular insufficiency of the maxilla is
atal splints are helpful. Splints are fabricated on casts on unlikely even after ligature of maxillary artery. In certain
which model surgery has been performed. They are designed conditions of intractable bleeding not amenable to control by
such that they cover the occlusal surfaces and heights of con- normal packing methods, embolization methods have been
tour, and care should be taken as to not disturb the soft tis- used effectively.
sues. Holes placed in the occlusal surfaces in the splint aid in
separately ligating it to the arch bar [21]. In case of edentu-
lous patients, Gunning splints are usually used. 55.9 Recent Advances

The use of pre-surgical stereolithographic models helps in

55.8 Special Considerations plate contouring and precise positioning of fractured seg-
ments. Facilitation of the intraoperative three-dimensional
55.8.1 Maxillary Fractures in Geriatric Patients bone positioning is possible due to development of sophisti-
cated computed tomography, computer graphics hardware
Advanced age and compromised medical fitness may and image processing software capable of reproducing ana-
increase the morbidity associated with surgical management tomic templates. Automated preoperative “mirroring” of the
of maxillary fractures. Loss of teeth leading to reduced alve- contralateral uninjured orbito-zygomaticomaxillary complex
olar bone, reduced vascularity of maxilla and greater pneu- to the affected side can result in improved results. The use of
matisation of the maxillary sinuses, should be taken into intraoperative surgical navigation systems along with mobile
consideration before attempting an open reduction and inter- cone beam CT improves intraoperative quality control.
nal fixation. Modification of existing dentures or Gunning Endoscopic midface fracture management facilitates smaller
splints are viable options in this population. incisions, reduced recovery time and minimal post-operative
complications. These developments are discussed in the
Chap. 41.
55.8.2 Maxillary Fractures in Children

The long-term effects of maxillary fractures on skeletal 55.10 Conclusion

growth are inconclusive at present. Mobile-displaced max-
illary fractures in paediatric patients warrant open reduc- Maxillary fractures can sometimes occur with significant
tion and fixation. Removal of hardware in growing patients cosmetic and functional implications. Accurate diagnosis
may be considered to overcome complications of plate and early surgical intervention is essential for successful
translocation (shifting of the position of metal plate due to management of these fractures. The surgeon should keep in
appositional bone growth), extrusion and possible growth mind that the surgical management of maxillary fractures
restriction. Resorbable plating systems may offer a solution primarily aims at restoration of the vertical and horizontal
to overcome such complications. support buttresses.

55.8.3 Haemorrhage Control in Maxillary 55.11 C

 ase Scenario - A case of maxillary
Fractures Lefort I fracture where bone grafting
was done (Fig. 55.26a–g)
Branches of the internal maxillary artery provide much of
the vascular supply to the midface. In patients with epistaxis
1148 O. A. Jacob and A. Prathap

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 55.26  Case scenario (fracture maxilla fixation done with grafting region. To attain primary healing and to avoid malunion, iliac crest bone
in the anterior maxillary sinus wall). (a) 43-year-old man sustained grafts were procured and split into separate pieces. (e) (Right side max-
bone deep laceration on face causing Le Fort I like fracture pattern. In illa) the green arrows point to the graft segments. Initially the graft seg-
the emergency department, oral intubation was required due to heavy ment was fixed with wire (blue arrow) and was attached to the titanium
bleeding. Nasal packs were placed, and the wound was primarily tacked plate with screws (the plate was spanned from the zygomatic body to
as adjunct measures. (b) MIP view of CT scan showing the maxillary the displaced main fracture segment). (f) Similar technique done on left
segment displaced downwards will loss of anterior maxillary wall side. (g) Immediate post-operative view after closure of the laceration.
height. (c) Intraoperative view showing the severely displaced maxil- Patient had arch bars fixed and underwent a period of intermaxillary
lary segment. Access for the fixation was via the existing laceration. A fixation to help in primary union. Post-­operative review showed good
maxillary vestibular incision was not placed. (d) The paranasal buttress stability for maxilla and the occlusion was maintained
was maintained, but loss of bone structure seen at the anterior wall sinus
55  Maxillary Fractures 1149

patterns, and treatment with rigid internal fixation. Plast Reconstr

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13. Kelly KJ, Manson PN, Vander Kolk CA, Markowitz BL, Dunham
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Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary
Complex 56
Elavenil Panneerselvam, Poornima Ravi, and B. Sasikala

56.1 Introduction 56.2 Surgical Anatomy

The zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) refers to the skel- The term zygoma denotes a “yoke or bar,” in Greek. Quite aptly,
etal unit [1] formed by the zygomatic bone and maxilla the zygoma extends as a prominent, sturdy bar across the face,
(Fig.  56.1). These two bones are referred to as a complex, contributing to its transverse width and anteroposterior projec-
because of the structural and functional relationship between tion. The clinical significance of this bony complex is attributed
them; they articulate with each other over a wider area, and to its role in defining facial esthetics and globe function.
any traumatic impact on one bone generally influences the
other. This duo complex also constitutes a major part of the
orbit, spanning the infra-orbital rim, lateral wall, and floor. 56.2.1  Articulations
Hence the ZMC is also termed orbitozygomaticomaxillary
complex [2]. Because of its multiple articulations, various The zygoma articulates with four bones [5]; superiorly fron-
names are commonly used to describe ZMC fractures such tal, medially maxilla, laterally temporal bone, and posteri-
as “tripod, tetrapod, or pentapod” [3, 4] fractures. orly sphenoid, through five processes [4] (Fig. 56.1), namely,
Fractures of the ZMC commonly result in severe cosmetic the zygomaticotemporal (ZT), zygomaticomaxillary (ZM),
and functional deficits because of the prominent anatomical infra-orbital (IOR), fronto-zygomatic (FZ), and sphenozygo-
position of the zygoma and its proximity to adjacent vital matic (SZ) or zygomaticosphenoid (ZS). These processes are
structures such as the globe. Precise reduction and fixation of clinically significant in establishing the three-dimensional
these fractures is challenging due to their complex anatomic structural integrity of the upper lateral face.
form, multiple articulations, and deformation in multiple Fractures of the ZMC have been traditionally called the
planes. The scope of this chapter encompasses the biody- “tripod or trimalar fractures” because it involved separation
namics of ZMC fractures, clinical implications, and guide- at the three processes of the zygoma—the FZ, IOR, and the
lines for successful management. ZM processes (Fig. 56.2a). The terminology was later modi-
fied to “quadripod or quadramalar fracture” to include sepa-
ration at the fourth point of articulation, the ZT process
(Fig.  56.2b). However, the importance of SZ articulation
Disclosure: Authors have no financial conflicts to disclose. along the lateral wall of the orbit has been recognized lately,
and, hence, ZMC fracture is currently called a pentapod frac-
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this chap-
ter (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_56) contains supple- ture (Fig. 56.2c), to emphasize the necessity of restoring the
mentary material, which is available to authorized users. five articulations during fracture management.

E. Panneerselvam (*)
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 56.2.2  Relations
SRM Dental College, Ramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Orbit and Oculoplasty, Aravind Eye Hospital, • Zygoma and orbit: ZMC forms the lateral and inferior
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India part of the orbit, protecting as well as supporting the globe
P. Ravi · B. Sasikala and associated soft tissues. The Whitnall’s tubercle pres-
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SRM Dental ent on the zygoma (inferior to the FZ suture) provides
College, Ramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 1151

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_56
1152 E. Panneerselvam et al.

attachment to the suspensory ligament of Lockwood that related to the zygoma and may be affected in fractures of
maintains the horizontal axis of the globe [6] (Fig. 56.3a). the ZMC or its surgical manipulation.
A fracture line located above the Whitnall’s tubercle leads • Zygoma and mandible: The zygoma and zygomatic arch
to inferior displacement of zygoma as well as the lateral are anatomically close to the coronoid process of the
attachment of Lockwood ligament resulting in anti-­ mandible. Therefore, a fractured zygoma or arch, when
mongoloid slant to the eye (Fig. 56.3b). Thus ZMC frac- retro/medially positioned, may impede mandibular move-
tures greatly influence the structure and function of the ments [7]. A displaced and untreated fracture of zygoma/
orbit. Further, the contents of the orbit including the arch which is in close proximity to the coronoid process
globe, extraocular muscles, and orbital fat are intimately can result in extra-articular ankylosis [8].
• Zygoma and maxillary sinus: Fractures of the ZMC
(except the isolated zygomatic arch fractures) involve the
maxillary sinus and show features of hemosinus [4] or
sinusitis [3].

56.2.3  Muscle and Fascia Attachments

The muscles attached to ZMC are the zygomaticus major, zygo-

maticus minor, orbicularis oculi, and masseter [9]. Masseter is
attached to the zygomatic arch on the lateral and inferior aspect
as well as the zygomatic tuberosity (Fig. 56.4a). The downward
displacing forces of the masseter have been considered by many
as the principal cause of post-reduction instability [10].
The temporal fascia attached to the arch superiorly plays
a major role in resisting the downward displacement of frac-
tured ZMC or arch due to the inferior pull of the masseter
(Fig. 56.4b) [1].

56.2.4  Zygomatic Arch

The arch is the key parameter for re-establishing the sagittal

projection as well as transverse width of the face [11]. An
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
arch which is bent outward or inward gets shortened [4].
Fig. 56.1  ZMC skeletal unit. Articulations of zygoma with facial skel- This leads to retrodisplacement of zygoma resulting in
eton and articulating processes altered facial width (Fig. 56.5b). It is important to remember

a b c
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.2  Types of ZMC fractures. (a) Tripod fracture. (b) Tetrapod fracture. (c) Pentapod fracture
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1153

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.4  Displacing forces acting on the zygoma and arch. (a)
Masseter exerting downward force. (b) Temporalis with a superior

ION canal giving off the superior dental plexus of nerves

before exiting through the ION foramen onto the face. Here
b it innervates the lower eyelid, lateral aspect of the nose, and
upper lip of the ipsilateral side. The zygomatic nerve which
enters the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure divides
into two branches, the zygomatico-facial and zygomatico-
temporal which emerge onto the face through their respec-
tive foramina. The zygomaticofacial nerve innervates the
skin over the malar area, while the zygomaticotemporal
nerve supplies the skin over the anterior temporal region.
These nerves may be injured due to trauma or during surgery.
The severity of paresthesia which arises is generally propor-
tional to the degree of displacement of a fractured zygoma
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India [13]. The other nerves whose function may be affected in
ZMC fractures are the optic nerve [14] and facial nerve [15].
Fig. 56.3  Relation of suspensory ligament to zygoma. (a) Displacement Blood vessels of importance related to the ZMC are infra-
of suspensory ligament of Lockwood leading to anti-mongoloid slant.
(b) Clinical appearance of anti-mongoloid slant
orbital artery and vein [16] (Fig.  56.6b) which accompany
the infra-orbital nerve. Uncontrolled forces delivered during
elevation of zygoma may injure these vessels resulting in
that in spite of being referred to as an arch, it does not have severe intra-op bleeding.
an exaggerated curvature. Therefore, overzealous contouring
during reduction of zygomatic arch fractures can result in
compromised esthetics. The arch is encased by a thick peri- 56.3 Classification
osteal and fascial envelope which counteracts the displacing
forces of the masseter [1]. However, when the periosteal
envelope is damaged due to high-velocity injuries, the frac- 56.3.1  Classification of ZMC Fractures
ture segments show more displacement.
Numerous classifications have been proposed for ZMC frac-
tures; this chapter would discuss the most practical ones which
56.2.5  Nerves and Blood Vessels help in understanding the biodynamics of fracture as well as
facilitate quick decision-making regarding the treatment.
The nerves in close proximity to the ZMC are (1) infra-­
orbital nerve and (2) zygomatic nerve [12] (Fig. 56.6a). The • The classification proposed by Rowe and Williams [1]
infra-orbital nerve runs along the ION groove and enters the (Fig. 56.7) is based on the axis of rotation of ZMC and the
1154 E. Panneerselvam et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.5  Change in facial dimension in zygomatic arch fractures. (a) Inward bowing of arch. (b) Outward bowing of arch

stability after reduction. Following trauma, the zygoma ture, and types A2 and A3 are separation at the FZ suture
may undergo rotation along two axes: vertical axis and IOR, respectively. Type B is a complete monofrag-
­extending through the FZ suture and first molar and hori- ment type with separation at all five sites of articulation
zontal axis running across the infra-orbital foramen and and type C which is multifragmented.
zygomatic arch. According to this classification, fractures
were considered as stable after elevation when they dem- A special and rare variant of zygoma injuries includes avul-
onstrated (1) arch only fracture with medial displacement sion of zygoma [18] (Fig. 56.11). These injuries result from tan-
and (2) rotation around vertical axis (medially/laterally), gentially directed forces with high velocity or greater energy.
while fractures were categorized as unstable after reduc- The fractured zygomatic fragment characteristically becomes a
tion when the following features were observed: (1) arch non-vascularized-free graft whose management is complex.
only fracture with inferior displacement (Fig.  56.8), (2)
ZMC fracture rotated around horizontal axis (Fig. 56.7),
(3) dislocated en bloc (inferiorly/laterally/medially) 56.3.2  Classification of Arch Fractures
(Fig. 56.9a), and (4) comminuted (Fig. 56.9b).
This classification provides clinical guidance regard- The fractures involving the zygomatic arch constitute a sepa-
ing the stability of fracture after reduction and the neces- rate entity.
sity for fixation. The various patterns of zygomatic arch fractures have
• ZMC fractures have also been classified on the basis of been described by Ozyazgan et al. [19] (Fig. 56.12) based
“severity of traumatic impact” [4] into low-, medium-, on the number of fracture lines and displacement of fracture
and high-energy patterns, as demonstrated on CT; low-­ fragments:
energy type is associated with non-displaced/minimally
displaced “en bloc” fractures, medium-energy type is dis- • Type 1 constitutes the isolated zygomatic arch fractures
placed fractures with or without fragmentation, and high-­ which are subdivided into (1) dual fracture (type I A) and
energy type is associated with fractures with massive (2) more than two fractures (type I B). This is further clas-
displacement, comminution, or fragmentation. sified into V-shaped (type I B-V) and displaced fracture
• Zing et al.’s [17] classification (Fig. 56.10a−e) is a simple (type I B-D).
but practically useful method based on the anatomic site • Combined zygomatic arch fractures are referred to as type
involved; type A1 refers to isolated zygomatic arch frac- II, which can present as two variants: single (type II A)
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1155

class III a combined fracture of the malar bone and the

zygomatic arch.

56.4 Clinical Assessment

The clinical assessment of ZMC fractures is performed by a

thorough examination of the face and the eye. As the zygoma
forms an integral part of the orbit (floor and lateral wall), any
trauma to the ZMC may have profound impact on the integ-
rity of the globe and vision [2, 22]. This mandates a primary
ophthalmic examination prior to facial examination.

b 56.4.1  Examination of the Eye

The globe is meticulously assessed for its form, position, and

function. This is performed by a comprehensive examination
protocol called “8-point eye exam” [23] provided by the
American Academy of Ophthalmology (refer to Chap. 57).

56.4.2  Examination of the Face

The facial examination should focus on assessment of (1)

facial symmetry and morphology and (2) functions such as
mouth opening, vision, sensory perception, and occlusion.
The clinical characteristics of ZMC fractures [1, 4, 5]
may be divided based on their cosmetic and functional impli-
cations (Box 56.1) .

Box 56.1: Clinical Features of ZMC Fractures

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Cosmetic deficits Functional deficits
Fig. 56.6  a, b Neurovascular structures related to ZMC fractures. OA,
• Facial asymmetry due to • Vision
ophthalmic artery; nb, nasal branch; zmb, zygomatico-malar branch;
 – Periorbital edema  – Diplopia
vb, vestibular branch
 – Hematoma  – Loss of vision (partial/
 – Emphysema total)
• Facial asymmetry due to • Restricted mouth opening
and plural fracture (type II B). Plural fractures are termed malpositioned zygoma • Malocclusion
type II B-R when they are approximated or reduced and  – Depression of malar • Neurological deficit
prominence  – Paresthesia
type II B-D, when displaced.  – Transverse facial widening    (i) Infra-orbital nerve
 – Changes in AP projection    (ii) Zygomaticofacial
Yamamoto et  al. classification [20] (Fig.  56.13) dif-  – Orbital dystopia nerve
ferentiates fractures based on displacement: type I, no dis- • Discoloration    (iii) Zygomaticotemporal
 – Subconjunctival nerve
placement; type II, displacement with bone contact at all hemorrhage  – Paresis/palsy
fracture lines; type III, displacement without bone contact  – Periorbital ecchymosis    (i) Facial nerve
at one fracture line; type IV, displacement without bone • Altered morphology/position • Epistaxis/nasal congestion
contact at two fracture lines; and type V, comminution or of eye • Compartment syndromes
 – Anti-mongoloid slant  – SOF syndrome
displacement without bone contact at three or more frac-  – Increased scleral show  – Orbital apex syndrome
ture lines. Honig Merten et al. [21] (H-M classification)  – Hypoglobus/hyperglobus
(Fig. 56.14) classified zygomatic arch fractures based on  – Enophthalmos/
CT findings as class I which indicated isolated tripod frac- exophthalmos
ture, class II as an isolated stick fracture of the arch, and
1156 E. Panneerselvam et al.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.7  Axes of rotation of ZMC fractures

A description of clinical features with their associated fractures does not have a posterior limit in contrast to
pathophysiology is provided below. SCH due to globe injuries [24]. It is important to note that
SCH without a posterior limit is also seen in skull base
• Periorbital edema and ecchymosis: The edema and fractures [25].Chemosis and hyphema are also seen in
ecchymosis in ZMC fractures are more dramatic due to some cases.
the loose connective tissue in the periorbital region. • Epistaxis: Occasional epistaxis may be observed due to
Ecchymosis is commonly seen in the circumorbital region escape of pooled blood from the maxillary sinus follow-
and maxillary buccal sulcus (Fig. 56.15). ing ZMC fracture. This is typically ipsilateral. Resultant
• Subconjunctival hemorrhage (SCH): Subconjunctival nasal congestion is a common clinical finding.
hemorrhage or hyposphagma (Fig. 56.15) often occurs in • Loss of facial prominence: Displacement of zygoma due
ZMC fractures due to collection of the blood into the sub- to trauma leads to the characteristic flattening of malar
conjunctival space, secondary to hemorrhage from the prominence (Fig. 56.16). This is well observed in bird’s
surrounding periosteum. Characteristically, SCH in ZMC eye and worm’s view. Examination by palpation is done
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1157

from behind the patient to detect malar depression. The commonly observed variations in globe position
­However, the flattening cannot be appreciated in the pres- are exophthalmos in posteriorly/medially displaced
ence of moderate or severe edema. zygoma (Fig.  56.18a−c) and enophthalmos in laterally
• Eye signs: The eye signs are a very striking feature of and inferiorly displaced zygoma (Fig. 56.19). En/exoph-
zygomatic injury especially when rotated and inferiorly thalmos resulting from ZMC fractures must be differenti-
displaced. Inferior displacement of zygoma results in ated from enophthalmos arising from blow-out fractures
hypoglobus and an anti-mongoloid slant to the eye involving the orbital floor. The clinical implications of the
(Fig.  56.3b). Inferior or posterior displacement of the above are explained under “preoperative planning.” Also,
infra-orbital rim also causes lowering of the lower eyelid it is important to remember that the traditional assessment
leading to increased scleral show (Fig. 56.17). of en/exophthalmos by Hertel’s exophthalmometer does
not reflect the true position of the globe in displaced ZMC
fractures because it uses the orbital rim as a point of refer-
ence. Naugle’s which utilizes supraorbital rim as a refer-
ence is ideal in such cases [26]. However CT evaluation is
the most preferred modality [27] (refer Chap. 57 on
orbital fractures).
• Tenderness and step deformity: When edema is severe and
inspectory findings are not conclusive, palpation gives
more details. Tenderness on digital palpation, step defor-
mity at the fronto-zygomatic, zygomatic buttress, and
IOR are good indicators of fracture.
• Air emphysema: Palpation also helps to elicit air emphy-
sema in the form of subcutaneous crackling. This occurs
when there is a fracture through a sinus wall which allows
air escape into the facial soft tissues. It usually disappears
spontaneously, in 2–4 days [28]. However, this can be a
potential cause of infection [29].
• Reduced mouth opening: Restriction in mouth opening
can arise because of two reasons [30]: (1) mechanical
obstruction to movement of the mandible by a retrodis-
placed zygoma or a fractured zygomatic arch (Fig. 56.20a,
b) and (2) a fractured arch impinging on the temporalis
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
muscle causing reflex spasm/trismus. Likewise, injury to
Fig. 56.8  Inferior displacement of zygomatic arch the masseter also can lead to trismus.

a b
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.9  En bloc and comminuted ZMC fractures. (a) En bloc displacement of the right ZMC. (b) Comminuted ZMC of left side
1158 E. Panneerselvam et al.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.10  Zing’s classification of ZMC fractures. (a) arch only (Type A1), (b) separation at fronto-zygomatic suture (Type A2), (c) separation at
infra-orbital rim (Type A3), (d) complete mono-fragment (Type B) and (e) multi-fragment (Type C)

for altered occlusion is the flexing of the ipsilateral

­maxillary alveolus leading to premature molar contact
[31]. Paresthesia involving the zygomaticofacial and
zygomaticotemporal nerves may be present. In rare occur-
rences, injury to the facial nerve leading to paresis has
been observed in severely displaced or high-velocity inju-
ries of the zygoma [15].
• Altered/loss of vision: Binocular diplopia is a common
finding. The diplopia that develops following trauma
can be the result of soft tissue (muscle or periorbital)
entrapment, neuromuscular injury, intra-orbital or intra-
muscular hematoma/edema, or a change in orbital
shape, with displacement of the globe [32]. A forced
duction test (FDT) (Fig.  56.21) would confirm any
physical impediment to ocular motility [4]. Diplopia
due to edema/hematoma resolves in a few days, while
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
that due to muscle entrapment does not, necessitating
Fig. 56.11  Avulsion of zygoma surgical correction.
Another rare but serious sequel to ZMC fractures is
traumatic optic neuropathy which may present as total or
• Paresthesia: Infra-orbital nerve being closely related to partial loss of vision [33].
the zygoma gets compressed or pulled in displaced or
comminuted ZMC fractures leading to paresthesia along
the lower eyelid, upper lip, and lateral aspect of the nose. 56.5 Imaging for ZMC Fractures
Occasionally, a patient may also have altered sensation
involving the maxillary teeth leading to a perception of Radiological assessment is essential for accurate diagnosis
altered dental occlusion [5]. The other theory put forward and assessment of severity of the fracture.
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1159

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.12  Ozyazgan et al. classification of zygomatic arch fractures

• Plain radiographs [31]: Conventional radiographs con- [35] are useful in identification of fractures on the Water’s
tinue to remain the mainstay of imaging at some centers. view (Box 56.2).
Conventional radiographs may also be useful in the post-
operative phase, to assess fracture reduction. However Box 56.2 (Fig. 56.22): Radiographic Appearance in
conventional radiographs are limited by superimposition ZMC Fracture
of structures.
The commonly used views include the waters view • Disruption of the Dolan’s lines
(37° occipitomental) (Fig.  56.22) which provides good Orbital line
visualization of the fractured zygoma and helps in com- Zygomatic line
paring with the contralateral side. Tracing the McGrigor-­ Maxillary line
Campbell lines [34] (refer Chap. 55) or the Dolan’s lines • Loss of elephant trunk appearance
1160 E. Panneerselvam et al.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.13  Yamamoto et al. classification of zygomatic arch fractures

56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1161

Class I Class II Class III

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.14  Hönig Merten (HM) et al. classification of zygomatic arch fractures

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.15 Periorbital edema, ecchymosis, and subconjunctival Fig. 56.16  Loss of facial prominence in right malar region
1162 E. Panneerselvam et al.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.17  Increased scleral show on right side

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.19  Enophthalmos. (a) Frontal view showing enophthalmos on

left side. (b) Basal view of the same patient showing enophthalmos on
left side. (c) Axial CT section demonstrating enophthalmos of the left

• Computed tomograms: CT remains the gold standard

[31]. It enables a three-dimensional assessment of the
fracture along with demonstration of soft tissue entrap-
ment between the fracture fragments. Identification of
sphenozygomatic diastasis is best appreciated on CT
scans. They also aid in volumetric analysis of the orbital
cavity and deficits of the orbital floor. The features dem-
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India onstrated in different CT sections are highlighted
(Fig.  56.24a−d). Figure  56.25 demonstrates CT scan
Fig. 56.18  Exophthalmos. (a) Frontal view demonstrating exophthal-
image with volume rendering, which is useful in assess-
mos and hyperglobus on right side. (b) Basal view of the same patient
showing exophthalmos on right side. (c) Axial CT section demonstrat- ing the spatial orientation of fractured ZMC.
ing exophthalmos of the right eye • USG is a useful tool for diagnosis of ZMC fractures with
high degree of sensitivity for fractures of the arch and
infra-orbital rim with the significant advantage of “zero”
• The submentovertex/jug handle view [31] (Fig.  56.23) radiation exposure [36].
offers the best representation of fractures of the arch. Loss
of elephant trunk appearance which is indicative of arch The role of intra-operative imaging is discussed in the
fracture is well appreciated in this view. later segments of the chapter.
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1163

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.20 Restricted mouth opening in ZMC fractures. (a) noid. Process, blue arrow demonstrating normal space. (b) Fractured
Retrodisplaced zygoma impinging on the coronoid. Yellow arrow dem- arch impinging on the coronoid (Here, blue arrow demonstrates reduced
onstrating restriction of space between the body of zygoma and coro- space)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.21  Forced duction test

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.22  Waters view with Dolan’s lines. (A) Orbital line, (B)
Zygomatic line and (C) Maxillary line. The yellow arrows indicate frac-
ture separations noted on the right ZMC
1164 E. Panneerselvam et al.

56.6.2  Timing of Intervention [39]

ZMC fractures are not emergencies, and treatment can be

delayed, if necessary.

• When the decision is “no immediate intervention,” sur-

gery may be postponed for up to 2 weeks, following
which a reassessment may be made.
• When the indications are questionable, for example, pres-
ence of severe edema or fractures with minimal displace-
ment, it is advisable to wait for the edema to subside so
that the deformity may be assessed better.
• When the indications are definite, immediate intervention
provides better outcomes due to minimal soft tissue scar-
ring and easier reduction of fractures.

56.6.3  Surgical Objectives

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.23  Submentovertex view demonstrating fractured arch on left Management of ZMC fractures is aimed at achieving the sur-
side gical objectives highlighted in Box 56.3 [37].

56.6 Principles of Management Box 56.3: Surgical Objectives in ZMC Fracture

• Restoration of facial esthetics
56.6.1  Indications and Contraindications • Restoration of premorbid ocular function
for Intervention [5, 37] • Correction or prevention of enophthalmos/
Surgical outcome of ZMC fractures is greatly influenced by • Restoration of premorbid antral function
two important factors: (1) choosing the right indications for • Restoration of mandibular range of motion
intervention and (2) ideal time for surgery. Not all fractures Mouth opening of 40 mm, excursion – 4–6 mm
of the ZMC require surgical intervention. The decision to
intervene should be based on signs and symptoms and pres-
ence of functional impairment (Fig. 56.26).

1. It is not necessary to intervene surgically if the fracture is 56.6.4  Need for Prophylactic Antibiotics
incomplete, undisplaced, or minimally displaced with no
compromise in esthetics or function. But such patients ZMC fractures may be categorized into three classes based on
must be advised to follow soft, non-chewy diet for 2–6 their propensity to develop postsurgical infection: clean frac-
weeks and monitored to identify displacement [38]. tures (isolated arch fractures), clean-contaminated (ZMC frac-
2. Indications for surgery include (1) presence of cosmetic tures compound into the antrum), and dirty (fracture which is
defects in the form of facial deformity, loss of lower eyelid open to exterior). While type three fractures require regular
support, or ocular dystopia; (2) functional deficits such as antibiotic prophylaxis, types 1 and 2 show minimal rates of
limitation of mouth opening, sensory nerve deficit, and infection and may either need “no” antibiotic ­prophylaxis [40]
impaired ocular movements; and (3) ZMC fracture associ- or a modified single-day postsurgical regimen [41].
ated with OCR reflex in children (please refer to Chap. 57).
3. Postponement of surgical intervention is considered when
the general neurologic status of the patient is questionable. 56.7 Preoperative Planning [42]
4. Surgical intervention is relatively contraindicated when
the involved side has the only seeing eye. In a patient ZMC fractures show high propensity for over or under reduc-
willing for surgery, “potential loss of vision” has to be tions due to lack of objective intra-operative measures to
included in the informed consent. assess reduction. This may be overcome with accurate pre-
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1165

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.24  CT scan of patient with left ZMC fracture. (a) Axial view medial displacement of the body of zygoma. (d) Sagittal section dem-
demonstrating overriding of fracture fragments at SZ suture. (b) Axial onstrating posterior displacement of IOR and large blow-out fracture of
section demonstrating fracture at the IOR and buckling of arch. (c) orbital floor
Coronal section showing separation at the FZ and ZM sutures with

operative planning which helps in realizing surgical objec- 56.7.1  CT Evaluation
tives in a predictable manner.
Preoperative planning includes three vital steps: Proper CT evaluation is absolutely essential for choosing
the ideal treatment; CT plays a very important role in dif-
(i) CT evaluation ferentiating en/exophthalmos due to ZMC fractures from
(ii) Model surgery those due to orbital fractures. This helps in arriving at a
(iii) Soft tissue analysis decision regarding internal orbit reconstruction (Box 56.4).
1166 E. Panneerselvam et al.

Box 56.4: Relative vs. Absolute En/Exophthalmos

Enophthalmos in
Enophthalmos ZMC +orbit
in ZMC fracture
Relative Absolute
Etiology Change in globe Change in globe
position due to position due to
displaced zygoma fracture of orbital
Surgical Restoration of orbital Restoration of
management rims by reduction and orbital rims by ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
fixation of ZMC reduction of ZMC
fracture alone fracture as well as Fig. 56.26  Indications and contraindications for intervention
reconstruction of
orbital floor
The repositioned fragments are stabilized temporar-
ily with wax. The fixation devices (miniplates) are
then pre-contoured over the model. Such pre-­
contoured implants are used to guide intra-operative
fracture reduction as well as fixation. Figure 56.28a−d
demonstrates the sequence described.
2. STL model after mirroring: CT scan is used to
generate a virtual model wherein the normal side is
mirrored onto the fractured side. The virtual model is
used to print a physical model which demonstrates
the skull which is bilaterally symmetrical, mimick-
ing ideal reduction status. Similar to the earlier
method, implants for fixation are pre-contoured over
this model to help achieve optimal results intra-oper-
atively. Figure 56.29a−d demonstrates a similar clin-
ical scenario.
(B) Planning Using Virtual Models
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India This method utilizes the complete spectrum of computer-­
assisted surgical planning. A CT scan is obtained to create
Fig. 56.25  CT with 3D volume rendering demonstrating medially a virtual model on which the entire surgical sequence of
rotated right ZMC fracture
reduction is performed and on which the stents for intra-
operative guidance are designed. Intra-operative stents are
56.7.2  Model Surgery printed from these virtual designs. There is no physical
“handheld” model here (Refer Chap. 41).
The process begins with obtaining CT scans of the patient • In the case of a unilateral ZMC fracture, the normal
with minimum slice thickness of 0.6 mm. This is followed by side is mirrored to the fractured side to obtain bilat-
two different sequences of workflow (Fig. 56.27) which are eral symmetry. CAS technology is then utilized to
described below. design “guidance stents” on the mirrored side. These
stents can be utilized intra-operatively to (1) verify
(A) Planning Using Physical Models ideal reduction position in primary trauma or (2)
The first step involves generation of a physical stereo- design the osteotomy and repositioning, in second-
lithographic model (STL) from the CT scan of the ary corrections. Another important advancement in
patient. There are two methods by which this can be recent years is the design and printing of
done. ­“patient-­specific implants” (PSI) using virtual plan-
1. STL model with the actual deformity: This model ning. These customized fixation devices double up
presents the post-traumatic deformity, as observed as guidance stents also (Refer Fig. 57.54).
clinically. A routine model surgery is then per- • In bilateral ZMC fractures [43], mirroring is not an
formed, by which the displaced fragments are cut option, and the ideal sequencing for such cases is
and repositioned to obtain optimal anatomical form. discussed in Sect. 56.14, of this chapter.
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1167

Fig. 56.27  Flow chart for

preoperative planning in ZMC

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Fig. 56.28  Model surgery for pre-contouring of implants. (a) CT image demonstrating fractured ZMC of right side. (b) STL model demonstrating
deformity. (c) Repositioning of fracture fragments to anatomical position. (d) Pre-contouring of implants

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.29  Use of mirrored models for pre-contouring of implants. (a) 3D CT image of fracture. (b) Mirroring of zygoma of normal side to frac-
tured side. (d) Generation of mirrored STL model and pre-contouring of implants

56.7.3  Soft Tissue Analysis Fracture reduction may be done either by direct or indi-
rect method, and the approaches may be extraoral or intra-
Li et al. [44] have described a technique for 3D simulation oral [1].
and prediction of soft tissue—outcome analysis in ZMC
fractures. This process enables prediction of postoperative
soft tissue changes in patients with ZMC fractures who are 56.8.1  Direct vs. Indirect Method
indicated for primary/secondary surgical interventions. The
planning involves utilization of CT data and 3D stereopho- The indirect method is a blind technique where fracture is
tography for the analysis. The technique may also be utilized reduced without exposure of the fracture site (e.g., Gillies
for evaluation of postsurgical results. reduction), while direct method involves reduction of the
fracture under direct visualization (e.g., coronal approach to
reduce arch fracture). The differences between the two meth-
56.8 Reduction of ZMC Fractures ods are shown in Fig.  56.30. However, indirect method is
more commonly practiced. Open method is resorted to when
Reduction of zygoma is unique in two aspects: the ZMC fracture is (1) severely displaced, (2) complex or
comminuted, (3) when stable reduction is doubtful, and (4)
1. Unlike the other facial bones, “reduction alone” may be there is a need for internal orbit reconstruction. However, no
the sole treatment in many cases of ZMC fractures. “single technique” is superior, and sometimes, a combina-
2. The surgical approach for reduction may be different tion of techniques is more effective.
from that for fixation.
1168 E. Panneerselvam et al.

56.8.2  Extraoral Techniques as well as the zygoma. The technique is based on the ana-
tomical basis that the plane between the temporalis fascia
The extraoral reduction techniques may be either percutane- and the temporalis muscle offers direct access to the
ous, temporal, or endoscopic [1, 45]. zygomatic arch and zygoma. The only contraindication to
this approach is the presence of concomitant temporal
• Temporal approach [46], commonly called the Gillie’s bone fracture. The incision is placed at a level 2 cm above
(Figs. 56.31a−f and 56.32a), is the most popular method the helix of the ear, paralleling the anterior branch of the
of ZMC reduction. This approach is favored because the superficial temporal artery, well within the hairline
incision is placed within the hairline which does not leave (Fig. 56.33). Dissection is carried down through the skin,
a visible scar. It also offers a very predictable force during subcutaneous tissue, and galea aponeurotica (temporopa-
reduction and may be used for reduction of both the arch rietal fascia—TPF) to reach the temporalis fascia.


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.30 (A) Indirect vs (B) direct reduction

56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1169

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Fig. 56.31  Gillies temporal approach. (a) Marking of incision parallel temporal fascia exposing temporalis muscle. (e) Developing plane of
to frontal branch of superficial temporal artery. (b) Placement of inci- elevation with periosteal elevator. (f) Placement of Rowe’s zygomatic
sion. (c) Exposure of deep temporal fascia. (d) Incision through deep elevator for elevation

An incision is made through the temporalis fascia to collapsed arch form. Care is taken not to lever the elevator
reveal the underlying temporalis muscle. A Howarth’s against the skull (Video 56.1).
elevator is inserted between the temporalis fascia and the
muscle, to create a plane for the zygomatic elevator. Two
Clinical Tip
types of zygomatic elevators, namely, the Bristow’s and
1. It is good practice to keep a roll of gauze under the
Rowe’s (Fig. 56.34a), are commonly used; the Bristow’ s
zygomatic elevator to prevent injury to the temporal
has a single flat and elongated working tip attached to a
handle and is used like a spatula for elevation, while the
2. Instead of extensive shaving of the temporal hair
Rowe’s elevator has an additional arm attached to the
for a Gille’s approach, a small patch (1cm by 3cm)
working tip which serves two purposes: (1) to provide the
of shaving/close trimming of hair can be done for
necessary countertraction during elevation so that it
better cosmesis.
relieves the fulcrum off the temporal bone and (2) to eval-
uate the approximate depth of insertion of the working tip
when inserted into the tissue. The zygomatic elevator is • Percutaneous methods make use of a minimal facial skin
positioned in the plane created, directed inferiorly to incision, usually right over the zygoma or the lateral brow
reach the deeper surface of the zygoma and carefully (Dingman’s method) through which instruments may be
­elevated, while an ironing motion is used to smoothen the inserted to manipulate and elevate the displaced zygoma.
1170 E. Panneerselvam et al.

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Fig. 56.32  Different approaches for reduction of fractured ZMC. (a) Gillie’s. (b) Poswillo. (c) Dingman. (d) Balasubramaniam. (e) Quinn

–– Poswillo’s approach. This involves a stab incision beneath it to lift the arch or the body of the zygoma in
made at the point of intersection of two imaginary an upward, forward, and outward fashion. The original
lines—a horizontal from the base of the nose and a description by Dingman utilized trans-osseous wiring
vertical from lateral canthus (Fig. 56.35a, b). The inci- for stabilization of the front-zygomatic suture.
sion is oriented along the skin crease, just enough for a However current methods incorporate the use of mini-
Poswillo hook [47] to be engaged underneath the body plate osteosynthesis through this approach.
of the zygoma (Fig. 56.32b and Fig. 56.34b). And the
impacted zygoma is pulled upward or outward. Skin
incision is closed with a single suture. Reduction
through a zygoma approach may also be performed by 56.8.3  Intraoral Techniques
using a Carroll-Girard screw [48]/universal bone
reduction screw (Fig. 56.34c). The greatest advantage of intraoral techniques is “no skin
–– Dingman’s lateral brow approach [49] (1964) incision.” Commonly followed methods are:
(Fig. 56.32c)
This technique is performed through a standard lat- • Balasubramaniam’s/Keen’s approach (upper buccal sul-
eral brow approach where the fracture is visualized by cus approach) [50] (Fig. 56.32d)
a direct approach to the bone after incising through the This approach uses a vestibular incision behind the
skin, subcutaneous tissue, and periosteum. An elevator zygomatic buttress. A Howarth’s periosteal elevator is
is then passed laterally and posterior to the orbital rim inserted in a supraperiosteal plane to engage the infratem-
into the temporal fossa. The temporal aponeurosis poral ­surface of the zygoma. Reduction is achieved with
(attachment of the deep temporal fascia to the lateral an upward, forward, and outwardly directed force. When
orbital rim) is incised, and the elevator is passed greater force is needed to elevate as in impacted zygomas
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1171

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.34  Instruments for reduction. (a) Rowe’s . (b) Poswillo hook.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India (c) Universal bone reduction screw

Fig. 56.33  Gillie’s correct plane for elevation. It is important to under-

stand that the deep temporal fascia divides into two, to enclose the
zygomatic arch and the fat above, approximately 2 cm above the arch.
56.8.5  Intra-operative Assessment
An incision placed too low may mislead the young surgeon into the fat of Reduction
plane (b, lateral to the arch) rather than the subfascial plane (a, medial
to the arch) (Also refer Fig. 85.1a) The intra-operative assessment of reduction is a critical step
in zygoma management, especially in closed reduction. The
or delayed presentation, a Bristow’s/Rowe’s zygomatic methods commonly used are (1) clinical assessment, (2)
elevator (Fig. 56.36) or the arm of an upper anterior for- imaging, and (3) use of prefabricated guides/stents.
ceps may be used. The technique offers more mechanical
advantage than the extraoral method; less force is needed 1. Clinical assessment is usually done by eyeballing, com-
to elevate, because the force is directed entirely at the cen- paring with the normal side or palpation of the rims for
ter of the zygomatic body, which is considered more steps. However, the adequacy of reduction may be diffi-
effective. cult to assess intra-operatively because of edema as well
• Quinn’s procedure (lateral coronoid approach) [51] as patient position. Audible click during manipulation is
(Fig. 56.32e) employs an incision over the anterior border also indicative of reduction [58]. Surgical exposure of
of the ramus. An elevator is inserted in a supraperiosteal multiple suture sites is the other method to confirm reduc-
plane, lateral to the coronoid process and paralleling the tion [59] but is less favored because of surgical morbidity.
temporalis tendon to reach the medial surface of the zygo- However, exposure at all sites of articulation is not
matic arch. Elevation of the arch may be done in an iron- required; two sites are considered perfect indicators of
ing fashion. accurate reduction [5] (Box 56.5).
2. Intra-operative imaging [58] such as C-arm [60]
Both the abovementioned intraoral techniques are supra- (Fig. 56.37a, b), CT [59], O arm [61], or endoscopes [45]
periosteal methods. are valuable guides in confirming reduction of ZMC frac-
tures. However, use of intra-op imaging other than
­endoscopes mandates use of lead aprons by operating
56.8.4  Reduction of Zygomatic Arch room personnel to prevent radiation exposure.
3. Prefabricated guides/ stents [62] are valid tools which
Elevation of the depressed arch is usually performed in an ensure accuracy of reduction, intra-operatively.
indirect manner, using the Gillie’s technique. However
numerous techniques have been advocated in literature.
These include the “roller-coaster” lateral brow technique Box 56.5: Indicators of Accurate Reduction of ZMC #
[52] and methods using percutaneous towel clip [53], trac- Reduction along the vertical axis—SZ suture
tion suture [54], Foley’s catheter [55], K wire [56], and Reduction along the horizontal axis—ZM suture
Dingman elevator [57] to restitute the arch anatomy.
1172 E. Panneerselvam et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.35  Percutaneous reduction with Poswillo’s technique. (a) Marking on skin. (b) Percutaneous insertion of bone hook

56.8.6  Precautions During and After


Manipulation of zygoma during reduction has been known

to cause certain complications such as bleeding from
infra-­orbital vessels [16]. Use of controlled force during
indirect reduction greatly reduces such complications. It
is prudent to watch out for stimulation of Oculocardiac
reflex (OCR) [63] as described later in the text. OCR may
also be prevented by administering regional blocks before
elevation [64].
Once the reduction is completed and found satisfactory,
the fracture fragments need to be maintained in the reduced
state. A Zimmer splint [65] (preformed aluminum splint with
foam on the undersurface) may be adapted to the reduced
arch and secured with sutures. It is maintained in situ for 2–3
Finally, it is mandatory to do a force duction test (FDT)
after elevation of zygoma [5] (Box 56.6).

Box 56.6: FDT Is Mandatory After Reduction of ZMC

Fractures (Fig. 56.21)

During reduction of ZMC fractures, as the fractured

bones get realigned to normal anatomical position,
entrapment of surrounding soft tissue or muscles may
occur between the fragments
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
This may lead to port-surgical diplopia, necessitat-
Fig. 56.36  Balasubramaniam’s technique ing a surgical revisit.
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1173

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Fig. 56.37  Intra-operative assessment of reduction using C-arm. (a) Intra-operative positioning of C-arm. (b) Image demonstrating zygomatic
arch after reduction

56.9 F
 ixation and Stabilization of Box 56.7: Ideal Sequence of Fixation
ZMC Fractures
1. Vertical buttress—to restore facial height
56.9.1  Need for Fixation 2. Zygomatic arch—to restore anteroposterior
Fixation needs of ZMC fractures depend on the post-­
reduction stability. Classification of fracture patterns by
Rowe and Williams [1] provides guidance on assessment 56.9.2  Fixation Principles
of fracture stability after reduction. Any fracture classified
as stable after reduction does not require fixation, while The current dictum is “any zygoma which when fractured
those considered unstable, mandate fixation. However, a and displaced must be fixed” [37]. The objectives are to
practical method would be to apply moderate digital pres- achieve a 3D reconstruction (transverse width, vertical
sure on the malar eminence after reduction. Displacement height, and anteroposterior projection) and establish the but-
secondary to this maneuver, requires fixation [59]. The tresses. Attention needs to be given to the order of restoration
algorithm proposed by Rodrigo and Belini et al. is also a [66, 67]. The results of various biomechanical experiments
practical guide to manage ZMC fractures which are not indicate that the vertical buttress needs to be fixed first, to
associated with orbital component [3]. For ZMC fractures restore the facial height. Then, the anteroposterior projection
with orbital involvement, Ellis and Perez advocate guide- may be achieved by restoring the arch (Box 56.7).
lines for orbital reconstruction based on CT evaluation.
Most of the studies indicate increase of fixation points
from 1 to 2, 3, and 4 points based on the status of intra- 56.9.3  Surgical Access to Fixation
operative stability after reduction. Involvement of orbit
leading to changes in intra-orbital volume requires orbital Surgical approaches for ZMC fixation are chosen based on
reconstruction [59]. the fracture pattern and fixation needs. A single or multiple
1174 E. Panneerselvam et al.

incision may be used for the surgical exposure of ZMC frac-

tures [30, 68, 69]. Box 56.8: Approaches to ZMC Fractures

Intraoral vestibular incision ZM, IOR

Lower eyelid cutaneous incisions IOR, orbital floor
The incisions may be broadly classified as: (Subtarsal, subciliary, infraorbital)
Transconjunctival SZ, FZ, IOR, floor
• Cutaneous (upper eyelid, lateral brow, subciliary, Lateral brow FZ, SZ
subtarsal, infra-orbital, preauricular, and coronal Upper eyelid SZ, FZ
incisions) Coronal SZ, FZ, arch
Preauricular Arch
• Conjunctival (transconjunctival with canthotomy/
• Mucosal (intraoral vestibular)  Supraorbital/Lateral Brow Incision
(Fig. 56.38)
The list of incisions and the exposure achieved (green The lateral brow incision is otherwise called as “in the brow”
shaded areas on Fig. 56.38) by each are highlighted in Box incision and offers a fast and direct access to the fronto-­
56.8 (Fig. 56.38) zygomatic suture and lateral part of the supraorbital rim. The
The following is a description of the various incisions extensions for the incision must be well within the eyebrow
used to access the fixation points in ZMC fractures. It is which provides an ideal camouflage (Fig. 56.41a). However,
important to take adequate measures for globe protection this incision may not be ideal in people who are cosmetically
while placing any periorbital incisions [70]. The commonly inclined to maintain a higher eyebrow. Absence of any
followed methods include either a temporary tarsorrhaphy important neurovascular structures in this area makes this
(Fig. 56.39) or a corneal shield (Fig. 56.40). The tarsorrha- incision easy to perform, even by beginners.
phy also offers the additional advantage of being used as a After infiltration of LA solution containing vasoconstric-
retraction suture during surgery. tor, a 2  cm long incision is placed along the curve of the

Fig. 56.38  Incisions to

access ZMC fractures

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©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 56.40  Corneal shield
Fig. 56.39 Tarsorrhaphy
crow’s feet wrinkle which is restricted to the skin only, is
utilized to provide a much wider access [70] (Fig. 56.41b).
This extension must remain 6 mm superior to the lateral can-
thus. Inferior limit of the incision along the lateral orbital rim
should not cross the RSTL (resting skin tension lines) to
avoid unaesthetic scars.
Closure is performed in layers with approximation of the
periosteum and subcutaneous tissues (Video 56.2).  Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Incision

(Fig. 56.38)
The upper lid blepharoplasty incision is otherwise called as
the supratarsal fold or upper eyelid crease incision. It offers
the most esthetically favorable approach to the fronto-­
zygomatic suture region. The incision is made along the eye-
lid crease, 10  mm above the free margin of the eyelid
(Fig. 56.41c). As the incision extends laterally, it should be at
least 6 mm above the lateral canthus. When eyelid anatomy
is distorted with edema or hematoma, the contralateral lid
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India crease measurements are used to mark the incision.
The incision is placed through the skin and muscle and is
Fig. 56.41  Periorbital incisions for FZ suture. (a) Lateral brow inci-
raised as a skin-muscle flap for good viability of the overly-
sion. (b) Lateral brow extension (shown in dotted lines). (c) Upper lid
blepharoplasty ing skin. The plane of dissection is below the orbicularis
oculi in a superior and lateral fashion to reach the periosteum
superolateral part of the orbital rim. Care is taken to incline (Fig. 56.43a, b). The periosteum is sharply incised to expose
the blade parallel to the hair so that the shafts are not tran- the bone underneath. Further dissection along the bony mar-
sected. Failure to do so may cause linear alopecia along the gins is strictly subperiosteal; any violation of the periosteum
incision line, which may be unaesthetic. Incision is carried may cause herniation of the lacrimal gland which is present
through the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and the orbicularis in the superolateral concavity of the orbit. Closure of the
oculi muscle. The flap is undermined in the supraperiosteal incision is done in layers, starting with periosteum, followed
plane to permit ease of retraction. A periosteal incision is by the orbicularis oculi, and the skin.
then placed above the fronto-zygomatic suture for reduction An important advantage of the upper lid blepharoplasty
and fixation (Fig. 56.42a, b). incision is the extensive access it offers to the entire supero-
When additional exposure is needed on the medial aspect, lateral aspect of the orbit. It also permits good visualization
the incision is extended up to the supraorbital nerve. For and access to the spheno-zygomatic suture which is the most
additional inferior extension, a gradual 90° turn into the important indicator of reduction of ZMC fractures.
1176 E. Panneerselvam et al.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.42  Lateral brow incision—intra-operative. (a) Marking. (b) Exposure

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.43  Upper lid blepharoplasty intra-operative. (a) Marking. (b) Exposure demonstrating ORIF
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1177  Subciliary Incision [71, 72] (Figs. 56.38,

56.44a and 56.45a, b)
The subciliary incision is a commonly used transcutaneous
approach which offers good exposure of the infra-orbital rim
along with the entire orbital floor. This may be a very useful
approach in the management of ZMC fractures which involve
the orbital floor also.
The skin incision is placed along the entire length of the
lower eyelid, 2 mm below the level of the eye lashes to con-
ceal the future scar.
The incision must not be extended more than 2 cm lateral
to the lateral canthal ligament. This prevents any inadvertent
damage to the temporal branch of the facial nerve which is
present about 3 cm lateral to the lateral canthal ligament.
Once the skin is incised, the dissection may proceed in
three different ways [30, 70] (Fig. 56.45b) (Box 56.9):

(i) “Skin-alone” flap technique where the plane of dissec- ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
tion is along the subcutaneous plane between the skin of
Fig. 56.44  Lower eyelid incisions. (a) Subciliary. (b) Extended sub-
ciliary showing area of exposure shaded. (c) Subtarsal incision. (d)
Infra orbital
Box 56.9: Comparison of Variants of Subciliary Incisions

Skin- the eyelid and the orbicularis oculi. On reaching the

muscle Stepped
Skin flap flap skin-muscle flap
facial surface of the infra-orbital rim, the orbicularis
Skin incision 2 mm below 2 mm 2 mm below the muscle along with the periosteum is incised to reach the
the cilia below the cilia rim. The periosteal incision is generally placed at least
cilia 3–4  mm below the level of the infra-orbital rim
Muscle Just below Same level 2–3 mm below (Fig. 56.45a and 56.45b1).
incision the infra- as skin the skin incision
orbital rim incision
(ii) “Skin-muscle” technique: the incision is carried down
Periosteum Just below Just below Just below the from the skin into the pre-tarsal fibers of the orbicularis
incision the infra- the infra-orbital rim oculi, and the flap is dissected along the plane deep to
orbital rim infra- the muscle but superficial to the tarsal plate. The dis-
orbital rim
section is then carried out superficial to the orbital sep-
Plane of Between skin Between • Stepped
dissection and orbicularis • Between skin tum till the rim is reached. Exposure of the rim is
orbicularis muscle and orbicularis performed after sharp dissection of the periosteum just
muscle and muscle in below the level of the rim (Fig. 56.45b2).
septum pre-tarsal (iii) “Step” approach is performed in two different levels
• Between and is considered the best approach as it prevents most
orbicularis of the complications which are associated with the two
muscle and former approaches. The incision is first placed through
septum— the skin, and the plane of dissection is carried in the
inferior to the
tarsal region subcutaneous plane, maintaining the pre-tarsal fibers
Preservation Preserved Incised Preserved of the orbicularis oculi. As the lower end of the tarsal
of pre- tarsal plate is reached, the orbicularis oculi muscle is divided,
fibers of and the plane is changed to include the muscle along
with the skin as a “skin-muscle” flap (Fig. 56.45b3).
Complications Skin Septal Lesser incidence The development of a skin-alone flap at the marginal
buttonholing, perforation of complications level and a “skin-muscle” flap at the subtarsal level cre-
discoloration Ectropion ates a step in the plane of dissection. The dissection then
proceeds caudally toward the infra-orbital rim in a sub-
Scleral muscular plane superficial to the orbital septum. On
show reaching the rim, the periosteum is incised sharply about
3–4 mm below the level of the rim on the facial aspect.
1178 E. Panneerselvam et al.

b1 b2 b3

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Fig. 56.45  Lower eyelid incisions—sagittal view. (a) Subciliary, sub tarsal and infra-orbital (b) Variants of sub-ciliary incision

The incision of the periosteum at this level not only helps  Extended Lateral Exposure with
preserve the attachment of the orbital septum along the the Subciliary Approach Fig. 56.46 [70]
rim margin but also lies above the level of the infra-orbital After placing a standard subciliary incision, supraperiosteal
foramen which is seen about 7–8 mm below the level of dissection is performed along the lateral orbital rim in the
the rim. Dissection of the periosteum can be performed cephalic direction till the FZ suture or a few millimeters
along the entire length of the infra-­orbital rim, anterior beyond (Figs. 56.44b and 56.46). This releases the skin flap
maxilla, and the zygoma to provide excellent exposure. and makes it amenable to easy retraction to reach the FZ
region. The periosteum is then divided in the center of the
lateral orbital rim along its length. In most cases the lateral
Advantages of the stepped approach include (1) mini- canthal ligament may be stripped in a subperiosteal fashion
mal chances of buttonholing or darkening of the skin to facilitate comfortable access to the FZ suture. This
due to vascular compromise (2) lesser incidence of approach may be used to avoid an additional incision for
ectropion and entropion (3) reduced scarring at the exposure of the FZ suture.
eyelid margins due to preservation of the pre-tarsal
orbicularis oculi fibers.  Subtarsal Approach [73] (Figs. 56.38,
56.44c and 56.47)
Subtarsal or mid-lid incision was also described by Converse.
The differences between the three variants of subciliary The incision is marked 5–7 mm below the inferior lid margin
incision are highlighted in Box 56.9 (Figs. 56.45b). corresponding to the lower border of the tarsal plate, along
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1179

the subtarsal crease (Fig. 56.47). The lateral extension of the

incision may be extended up to 2 cm beyond the lateral can-
thal ligament similar to the subciliary incision, along one of
the resting skin tension lines. The incision is made through
the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The pre-septal fibers of the
orbicularis oculi are also divided at the same level, and the
plane of dissection is maintained superficial to the orbital sep-
tum. The dissection is carried out caudally to reach the infra-
orbital rim, and the periosteum is divided below the level of
the rim on the anterior surface of the maxilla and zygoma.
The subtarsal approach is favored more than the subcili-
ary [73] due to its easier technique and lesser incidence of
complications (Box 56.10).

Box 56.10: Subtarsal vs. Subciliary Incision

Subtarsal Subciliary
Ease of technique Easy Technically demanding
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India due to
• Stepped dissection and
Fig. 56.46  Subciliary with lateral extension demonstrating exposure closure
of the FZ suture after ORIF • Interference of lashes in
the surgical field
Time taken for the Quick Takes almost twice the
approach amount of time
Incidence of scleral 2.7–7.7% 17–42%
show or ectropion
Cutaneous scar More Less visible

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.48  Figure demonstrates use of frost suture for ZMC fracture
approached by transconjunctival and upper lid blepharoplasty incision.
Technique for frost suture. A 4-0/5-0 nonabsorbable suture on a 3/8th
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India circle needle is passed to engage the inferior tarsal plate, at the middle
of the lower eyelid margin. The suture is taken either through the gray
Fig. 56.47  Subtarsal marking intra-operative line or through the pre-tarsal skin to include the skin, orbicularis, and
the tarsus. Appropriate tension is applied in superior direction by the
anchoring the suture ends, to the supraorbital skin, 5  mm above the
eyebrow using adhesive tapes
1180 E. Panneerselvam et al.

An important consideration following lower eyelid most direct approach to the infra-orbital rim and orbital floor,
approaches is the application of the “frost suture” [74] (tem- it is seldom preferred in contemporary surgery due to the
porary lower eyelid suspension suture) (Fig. 56.48), to pre- unsightly postoperative scar and prolonged edema of the
vent postoperative ectropion. Frost suture also permits lower lid region due to disruption of lymphatic drainage.
visualization of the globe in the postoperative phase, when
required (Refer Fig 11.13).  Transconjunctival Incision [78, 79]
Nevertheless, lower rim incisions are often associated (Figs. 56.38 and 56.49)
with postoperative ectropion and scleral show. While scleral Transconjunctival incision has gained popularity because it
show/lid traction refers to abnormal exposure of sclera completely negates the unesthetic scarring associated with
(1 mm or more) with contact between bulbar conjunctiva and skin incisions. This incision offers good access to the infra-­
the lid, ectropion refers to eyelid eversion with no contact orbital rim and SZ regions with either a pre-septal or retro-
between bulbar conjunctiva and lid [75]. Ectropion requires septal approach. Refer to the Chap. 57 for a detailed
correction for cosmetic reasons as well as functional prob- description of the approach. The modified transconjunctival
lems arising from keratinization of exposed conjunctiva. incision with a cutaneous Y extension when combined with
Treatment varies from conservative modalities to surgical lateral canthotomy offers excellent exposure to the IOR, SZ,
procedures [76, 77] (Box 56.11). as well as the FZ region [80–82]. The complications of trans-
conjunctival incisions include entropion [82], in-curling of
lashes (trichiasis) [83], or growth of the eyelashes in two lay-
Box 56.11: Measures to Correct Ectropion and Scleral Show
ers (distichiasis) [84]. Malposed lateral canthus has also
• Conservative measures been observed following improper repositioning of the lat-
Corneal protection measures; artificial tears, oint- eral canthus after canthotomy [82].
ment, temporary tarsorrhaphy
• Surgical procedures  Vestibular [85] Incision (Figs. 56.50 and
Release of cicatrization, sutures, skin/mucosal 55.16)
grafts, cartilage grafts, rotation flaps The vestibular incision is the most frequently used approach
to access the ZM buttress. The popularity is due to its appli-
cation for reduction of ZMC fracture as well as fixation at the
ZM buttress. Refer to the Chap. 55 for description of the  Infra-orbital Incision (Figs. 56.38 technique. The author of this chapter (EP) uses the vestibular
and 56.44d) approach to also fix the zygomatic arch fractures which over-
This is performed as an incision which simultaneously ride at the zygomaticotemporal suture, with transbuccal
divides the skin, orbicularis muscle, and periosteum, along instrumentation (transoral arch fixation technique) (Refer to
infra-orbital rim. Though the infra-orbital incision offers the recent trends section 56.16).

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 56.50  Vestibular incision demonstrating fracture at ZM buttress
Fig. 56.49  Transconjunctival intra-operative
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1181  Preauricular [86] (Figs. 56.38, 56.51,  Coronal Incision [88] (Figs. 56.38,
53.17a, b and 65.6) (Refer Video on pre 56.52a, b and 85.1)
auricular approach in Chap. 53) Tessier introduced the use of coronal incision to access the
Preauricular incision is useful for open reduction and fixa- superior and lateral orbits bilaterally along with naso-orbito-­
tion of arch fractures. After the routine skin incision, adopt- ethmoid complex in congenital facial reconstruction. The
ing the deep subfascial approach provides better protection approach can be extended with a preauricular incision to
to the facial nerve as compared to the other commonly used include the exposure of the zygomatic body and the arches
approaches, namely, the subfascial and suprafascial proce- bilaterally. This incision also facilitates the temporal
dures [87]. Figure 56.51 demonstrates the use of preauricular approach to the SZ suture [82]. Disadvantages of the
incision with deep subfascial dissection to expose a mal- approach include the extensive length of incision, dissection,
united zygomatic arch fracture. temporal hollowing, scar alopecia, risk of injury to the supra-
orbital nerve, and temporal branch of the facial nerve.

56.9.4  Fixation Methods

Fixation methods for ZMC fractures have evolved through

the ages.

Three basic fixation methods are available for ZMC

fractures [1] (Table 56.1):,

1. Temporary support
2. Indirect fixation and
3. Direct fixation

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India The trend has gradually shifted from nonrigid fixation
Fig. 56.51  Preauricular approach demonstrating exposure of mal-
methods such as trans-osseous wiring, external pin fixation,
united zygomatic arch fracture and K wires to functionally rigid fixation methods including

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.52  Coronal approach, intra-operative. (a) Exposure of arch demonstrating fractured zygomatic arch and FZ region (yellow arrows). (b)
Arch after reduction and fixation at ZT and FZ region
1182 E. Panneerselvam et al.

Table 56.1  Fixation methods for ZMC fractures minuted. But it is an inaccurate technique with high
Temporary relapse potential and increased possibility of infection.
support Indirect fixation Direct fixation Antral packing may be done either with a roller gauze
Access to Fracture is not Fracture is not Fracture is pack or balloon. The technique followed for both is simi-
fracture visualized visualized visualized by
surgical exposure lar. The anterolateral wall of the maxilla is exposed by a
Fixation Provide Indirectly fixed Directly fixed Caldwell-Luc incision in the vestibule through which the
technique support to using anchorage fracture is inspected and manipulated to achieve reduc-
reduced from a distant site tion of the fragments. A trans-nasal antrostomy port is
created in the inferior meatus. (refer Sect. 24.10, Fig.
Modalities • Antral pack • Trans-osseous • Trans-osseous
• Antral pins (K wire, wiring 24.24)
balloon Steinmann pins) • Miniplates and –– The medicated ribbon gauze pack is introduced into
• Silicone • External screws the antrum through trans-nasal antrostomy, and one
wedge fixatorsCranio-­ • Microcompressive
end of the gauze is packed tight in the antrum under
• Percutaneous zygomaticFronto-­ screws
wire with zygomatic direct visualization through the vestibular incision.
splint (arch) The oral layer is closed, once the desired level of pack-
Advantages Less surgical Less hardware • Functionally ing is achieved. The other end which is free is pulled
morbidity Less invasive stable/semi rigid/ out through the nostril and taped to the cheek. This is
rigid (lag screw)
• Anatomic later used to retrieve the pack once the healing phase is
reduction possible complete.
Limitations • Nonrigid • Poor patient • Wiring is nonrigid –– The inflatable balloon is positioned within the sinus
• Not precise compliance • Surgical cavity in a similar manner and verified through the
• Chances of• Non-precise morbidity
• Chances of pin
vestibular approach. The balloon is then inflated
• Poor patient track infection with about 20cc of saline till adequate support is
compliance• Requires second obtained for the reduced fragments. The vestibular
intervention for approach is then closed meticulously without dam-
aging the balloon. The balloon is left in situ for the
Indications When the • Comminuted For most fractures,
surgery must fractures unless fracture to heal. Removal is accomplished by deflat-
be delayed • Inability to contraindicated ing the balloon and pulling it out through the antros-
(eg. visualise fracture tomy port.
compromised site (Please add • Kirchner or K wires and Steinmann pins [1, 90]
systemic bullets for both
status) these points) (Fig.  56.53a–c) are still popular in some units as they
serve as tools of reduction as well as fixation. But these
techniques are associated with cutaneous scars and poor
miniplates and compressive screws. However, some of the patience compliance due to the transcutaneous presence
nonrigid fixation modalities are still applicable in certain of pins. The noteworthy advantages of external pin fixa-
clinical situations. A brief description of all fixation methods tion are the reduced cost and the possibility of adjusting
is provided below along with their indications and the fixation in the immediate postoperative period.
limitations. • K wires and Steinmann pins constitute an indirect method
of fixation whereby the fractured zygomatic bone is fixed
• Trans-osseous wiring using stainless steel wires is rarely in a secure fashion to another stable point in the craniofa-
used in current practice due to its nonrigid mode of fixa- cial skeleton. Such indirect anchorage may be obtained by
tion that compromises post-reduction stability. However, using pins (1) to secure the fractured fragment to other
it still remains a useful technique for fracture reduction by stable bones or (2) to provide anchorage for connectors of
traction, especially at the FZ and IOR.  The advantages an external fixator. The different techniques of indirect
include minimal periosteal stripping and lesser hardware fixation that have been advocated for management of
as compared to use of miniplates and screws. ZMC fractures include (Fig. 56.54):
• Antral packing [89] with gauze or balloon/Foley’s cath- (A) Trans-zygomatic—by this technique, the zygoma is
eter is used in special scenarios where the ZMC is com- first reduced through an intraoral approach to
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1183

Fig. 56.53 Armamentarium
for indirect fixation. (a) K a c
wire. (b) Steinmann pin. (c)
Manual K-wire driver

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

enable adequate visualization of the entry of K attached to pins for anchorage. This may include
wire/pin thorough the vestibular incision. The the techniques described below.
reduced ZMC is then stabilized by transfixing it to (D) Fronto-zygomatic fixation: This technique involves
the contralateral zygoma using a K wire. The K the use of a Steinmann pin for anchorage onto the
wire is passed from the body of the reduced zygoma reduced ZMC fragment. The pin is then anchored to
in a trans-facial fashion to engage the stable cortex another pin which is fixed on the stable orbital pro-
of the contralateral zygoma by the use of a K-wire cess of the frontal bone by the use of an external
driver. fixator device.
(B) Naso-zygomatic—this method involves the use of a (E) Cranio-zygomatic fixation: This method is per-
K wire to stabilize the reduced ZMC to the frontal formed in the same fashion as the fronto-­zygomatic
process of the maxilla on the contralateral side. The method, except that the stable component for
wire is driven from the frontal process of the max- anchorage is from a halo frame that is cranially
illa in a forward and downward direction to engage anchored, rather than a single pin on the frontal
the antral surface of the zygomatic body. This must bone.
be done with care to prevent any inadvertent dam- • Lag screws [91] have been found to be an effective alter-
age to the nasolacrimal duct which lies adjacent to native at the FZ region because of the additional stability
the path of pin. offered by interfragmentary compression. But this tech-
(C) Zygomatico-palatal—this procedure involves fixa- nique requires adequate bone stock for fixation.
tion of the reduced ZMC to the palatal surface of • Micro screws [92]: Micro screws are 2 mm screws which
the contralateral maxilla, by passing a K wire are used to fix sagittal zygomatic fractures by using the
through the reduced ZMC in a downward and lag screw technique. These screws also reduce hardware
oblique direction. (Fig. 56.55a–c).
Indirect fixation may also be performed by the • Miniplates [3, 4]: The principal method of fixation is
use of external fixators or a halo frame that can be miniplate osteosynthesis. Miniplates are chosen based on
1184 E. Panneerselvam et al.

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.54  Techniques for indirect fixation

56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1185

rigidity requirements, anatomical site involved, presence Comparative studies have shown that one-point
of bone deficits, and biological considerations pertaining fixation at the ZM buttress has been found to more
to protection of adjacent vital structures. advantageous due to many reasons: (1) absence of
Shape of plates: The plates are chosen according to the external scarring; (2) ease of surgical access; (3) unlike
contour of the bone that needs to be fixed; L plate for the the FZ region, adequate soft tissue cover is present;
ZM suture and a curved plate for the IOR. and there are no issues of plate palpability; (4) easier to
Presence of bone loss: Comminuted fractures or bone remove the plate, when needed; and most importantly
loss may result in sagging of overlying soft tissues, espe- (5) ZM buttress is a better indicator of zygoma align-
cially in the ZM buttress region. This may be negated by ment than the FZ region due to the wider area of articu-
using a broad mesh that bridges defects. lation. However, FZ may be used in fractures with
Biological considerations: Care must be taken to pro- comminuted ZM buttress.
tect the roots, infra-orbital nerve and eye during fixation. –– Two-point fixation indicates fixation at ZM and FZ/
In regions where the skin is thin, low-profile plates are IOR [93, 94].
preferred, 2 mm system for the ZM buttresses and 1.5 mm –– Three-point fixation/tripoding includes fixation at the
at the FZ, IOR, arch, and SZ suture [72]. FZ, IOR, and the ZM. A recent meta-analysis indicates
Stability requirements: For ideal stability, screws of that three-point fixation is the most effective in ensur-
6 mm length with a minimum of two screws on either side ing absolute clinical stability against displacing forces
of fracture are essential. The only exception being the SZ after reduction [94].
suture where one screw on either side of the fracture line –– Four-point fixation/tetrapoding [95] involves fixation
is adequate. at the FZ, IOR, arch, and the ZM. This may be indi-
• Fixation points: The number of fixation points is directly cated in panfacial fractures requiring fixation of the
proportional to the requirements of stability. Five differ- arch to restore the anteroposterior projection of the
ent possibilities exist (Fig. 56.56a−f): face (case scenarios 1 and 2).
–– One-point fixation [92] refers to fixation at either the –– Five-point fixation/pentapoding [4] is used to manage
FZ or ZM suture. This has been found to be adequate severely comminuted or dislocated ZMC fractures
in resisting post-reduction in-stability in simple tripod wherein the SZ suture is also fixed, in addition to the
fractures while reducing hardware and surgical other four sites of fixation. The SZ fixation may be per-
exposure. formed either through a temporal or an intra-orbital

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.55  Fixation of zygomatic arch fracture with microcompressive screws a, b, and c. (a) Preoperative CT showing diastasis at the zygomatic
root. (b) Intra-operative picture showing arch fixation with screw. (c) Postoperative CT showing adequate fracture reduction and screw fixation
1186 E. Panneerselvam et al.

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.56  Types of fixation using miniplates. (a) One-point fixation at FZ suture; (b) one-point fixation at ZM buttress; (c) two-point fixation;
(d) three-point fixation; (e) four-point fixation; and (f) five-point fixation (the 5th articulation (SPZ) of the right is unseen and hence is depicted on
the contralateral side for better understanding)

–– ZMC fractures requiring orbital reconstruction [59]: the need for second surgery to remove plates. Limitations
irrespective of the type of fixation, when ZMC fracture associated with bio-resorbable plates are its technique
is associated with orbit, the orbital rims are fixed first. sensitivity and increased operating time.
This is important because it is safer and easier to gauge
the depth of orbital dissection from the restored infra-­
orbital rim and also to facilitate floor reconstruction 56.9.5  Fixation of Zygomatic Arch
[66] (case scenario 2). Also, the size of the orbital
defect is better assessed when the rims are aligned. The ORIF of arch fracture is indicated when the fragments
• Bio-resorbable plates [96, 97] are unstable after closed reduction and in cases where re-­
Though titanium miniplates are more commonly used establishment of sagittal projection of face is needed.
to fix ZMC fractures, substantial clinical success has been Fixation may be performed by one of the three methods,
obtained with use of bio-resorbable plates. They offer based on the fracture pattern (Fig. 56.57a, b, c): (1) a mini-
comparable post-reduction stability along with the added plate for an arch demonstrating a single fracture line
advantages of preventing thermal sensitivity and avoiding (Fig. 56.52b), (2) a spanning adaptation plate (Fig. 56.62b)
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1187

when the arch is multi-fragmented [98], and (3) a micro

screw for an outfractured root or sagittal fracture of the arch The various changes that may be a sequel to wide sub-
[99] (Fig. 56.55). Kim et al. proposed plating on the superior periosteal dissection of the midface include (1) cheek
surface of the upper border as an alternate line of arch fixa- ptosis, (2) descent of the lower eyelid skin and infra-
tion which negated the drawbacks associated with the con- orbital hollowness, (3) loss of malar prominence due
ventional fixation [100] (Fig. 56.57). to inferior displacement of the malar fat pad, and (4)
exaggeration of the nasolabial fold [101].

56.10 Soft Tissue Resuspension [101, 102]

Over the years many authors have documented these
Accurate reduction and fixation of ZMC fractures frequently undesirable changes and proposed soft tissue resuspension
necessitates the use of multiple incisions on the midface methods to minimize them. This can be achieved by various
which deglove the entire periosteum-muscle-fat complex of methods (Fig. 56.58a): (1) re-approximating the incised peri-
the midface and zygoma. Failure to re-approximate the dis- osteum using absorbable sutures, (2) by suspending the peri-
sected tissues may lead to undesirable changes in the soft osteum using heavy absorbable or nonabsorbable sutures to
tissue projection and form. a drill hole placed in a superiorly positioned bony landmark

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.57  Different fixation options for zygomatic arch fractures. (a) Adaptation plate. (b) Miniplate. (c) Compressive screw
1188 E. Panneerselvam et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.58  Soft tissue resuspension. (a) Graphical representation. (b) Resuspension of temporal soft tissues to deep temporal fascia (blue arrow)

such as the orbital rim [103], (3) resuspension of lateral • Post-op sinus regimen [105]: A sinus regimen including
facial and temporal soft tissues to the deep temporal fascia in prophylactic antibiotics for sinus coverage and deconges-
the temporal region [104] (Fig. 56.58b), and (4) prophylactic tants is advocated by some authors.
endoscopic midface lift [101]. • Periodic assessment of vision [66]: Periodic ophthalmic
examination for the first 2 postoperative weeks is manda-
tory, in an awake patient. In an unconscious patient, it is
56.11 Postoperative Care achieved by swinging flashlight test or VEP (visual
evoked potential).
Following reduction of ZMC fractures, with or without • Anti-edema measures: Head end elevation must be main-
fixation, the following measures are taken to maintain post- tained to prevent facial edema.
surgical stability and prevent soft tissue complications • Anti-emphysema measures, such as avoiding nose blow-
(Box 56.12): ing [106].
• Protection of eye with ophthalmic ointments.
• Physiotherapy to prevent postoperative trismus:
Box 56.12: Postsurgical Care Postoperative trismus is a common phenomenon follow-
ing ORIF of ZMC fractures due to hematoma, reflex mus-
• Soft diet cle spasms, and fibrosis. Measures such as physiotherapy,
• Protection of surgical site and eye forced mouth opening using gag [107], and kinesiologic
• Frost suture tapes [108] may be used to improve mouth opening.
• Post-op sinus regimen • Eye movement exercises are encouraged to facilitate
• Periodic assessment of vision resolution of edema and expedite restitution of move-
• Anti-edema measures ments [66].
• Anti-emphysema measures
• Physiotherapy (eye and mouth opening)
56.12 Pediatric Considerations

• Soft diet: Patients managed with conservative methods 56.12.1  Nonsurgical vs. Surgical
are advised soft diet for a period of 2 weeks. Intervention [109]
• Protection of surgical site: The reduced zygoma or the
arch must be protected with a tape labelled “do not touch” The incidence of ZMC fractures is high in pediatric popu-
to provide cognitive input to the patient and people around. lation due to its prominence [109]. In children, most
• Frost suture: This temporary suspension suture is main- authors favor a “nonsurgical” management or “reduction
tained for 3–5 days in any patient undergoing an inferior without fixation” of ZMC fractures due to concerns regard-
eyelid approach for the prevention of ectropion. ing “surgery/implant-induced” growth disturbances of
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1189

facial skeleton and injury to teeth. However, literature sup- 56.12.3  Osteosynthesis Methods
ports ORIF of zygoma fractures which are grossly dis-
placed or unstable after reduction. This is very important Fixation techniques prior to year 2000 advocated titanium
in pediatric population to (1) correct the facial asymmetry miniplates for pediatric midface. However they must be
which may cause psychological impact, (2) restitute nor- removed after 2 months to prevent any growth disturbances,
mal mouth opening to permit mastication, and (3) restitute plate migration, or burying of plate due to bone apposition.
globe position and function to enable normal vision and Microplates and self-drilling screws are also reported to give
prevent development of phthisical eye or hypoplasia of adequate stability and fixation in this age group without
zygoma, in the future. compromising vital structures [110]. Alternatively, bio-­
resorbable plates may be used which became popular after
year 2004 to negate the need for re-surgery for plate removal
56.12.2  Approaches and Fixation Principles [113]. Figure  56.59a−f shows a case of displaced zygoma
fracture in a 5-year-old boy managed by ORIF.  The plates
The preferred approaches include vestibular and lateral brow were removed after 2 months.
with minimal soft tissue dissection. Literature suggests one-­
point fixation at FZ region as adequate for pediatric ZMC
fractures because of the short lever arm forces between the 56.13 Malunited ZMC Fractures [114]
FZ and IOR [110]. But current studies have demonstrated
that two-point fixations provide adequate stability and are Malunion of the zygoma may be a sequel to two clinical sce-
associated with the least complication rates when compared narios, (1) a neglected ZMC fracture which was never treated
with one and three-point fixations. Similarly, fixation at the and (2) an improperly treated fracture. The protocol for the
zygomaticomaxillary buttress had the least complications management of the malunited zygoma is based on the type of
when compared against the fronto-zygomatic and infra-­ deformity which may be either cosmetic or functional. The
orbital fixations [111]. In contrast, Defazio et  al. proposed protocol followed by the author is demonstrated in Fig. 56.60.
that plating at the FZ and IOR may be done conveniently in Deformities producing aesthetic concerns may again be
children below 6 years without any risk of damage to tooth subdivided into those demonstrating facial asymmetry or
buds [112]. those showing altered globe positions.

a b c d

e f g h

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.59  ZMC fracture management in a pediatric patient. (a) suture and lateral displacement of the body of zygoma. (e) Postoperative
Frontal view of patient with left-sided ZMC fracture. (b) Basal view frontal view. (f) Postoperative basal view demonstrating restoration of
demonstrating loss of facial projection and enophthalmos of left side. facial projection and enophthalmos correction. (g) Postoperative 3D
(c) Preoperative 3D CT image demonstrating en bloc displacement of CT. (h) Post-operative coronal section
ZMC. (d) Preoperative coronal section demonstrating separation at FZ
1190 E. Panneerselvam et al.

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.60  Management of malunited ZMC fracture—algorithm

• The patients with asymmetries involving only the malar or infra-orbital foramen is not an uncommon finding. The
infra-orbital regions with no functional deficits can be first line of management in these patients is to perform a
treated with onlay grafts which may either be autogenous nerve release by an ostectomy around the infra-orbital
in nature (rib, iliac crest, calvarium) or alloplastic (Medpore, foramen or by repositioning of the ZMC when it is com-
PEEK (polyether ether ketone), etc.) (Fig. 56.61). pressing the nerve.
• Patients demonstrating gross facial asymmetry along with • Diplopia: The major cause for diplopia in ZMC fractures
orbital dystopia and/or anti-mongoloid slant of the palpe- may either be gross displacement of the ZMC or mechan-
bral fissure may not be amenable to treatment with onlay ical restriction due to entrapment of orbital soft tissues
augmentations. In such cases, a conventional osteotomy (muscle, orbital septum, or fat) with resultant fibrosis or
(re-fracture) and repositioning of the zygomatic complex adhesions. Correction in these instances is achieved only
is advocated (case scenario 2). by an osteotomy along with release of the entrapped tis-
• When either of the deformities are associated with large sues. These patients may also require orbital floor recon-
floor defects, they require concomitant orbital floor structions if they present with floor defects that are large
reconstructions. (>2  cm2 in area). Non-resolving diplopia may be sub-
jected to management with prism glasses and/or strabis-
Functional deficits secondary to malunited ZMC frac- mus surgery.
tures essentially fall into three categories; Restricted mouth
opening, parasthesia and diplopia.
56.14 Bilateral ZMC Fractures
• Restricted mouth opening due to retropositioned zygoma/
arch which either (1) forms a mechanical obstacle to man- Bilateral fractures of the ZMC are a rare occurrence and
dibular translation or (2) fuses to the coronoid process of present more difficulty in achieving adequate reduction. In
the mandible (extra-articular ankylosis) (Fig. 56.62a, b). contrast to unilateral fractures where the normal side is used
The choice of treatment in these patients is dictated by the as a guide to achieve symmetry on the fractured side, bilat-
presence or absence of fusion (bony/fibrous); ZMC oste- eral ZMC fractures are complex in management. Two options
otomy, and repositioning alone are indicated in the exist: (1) reducing the less displaced or comminuted side
absence of fusion, while presence of fusion mandates first and using it as a reference for the more displaced side
additional coronoidectomy [8, 115]. [116]. This may however result in compromised results, if
• Paresthesia over the infra-orbital nerve (ION) distribu- three- or four-point fixation is not achieved, and (2) meticu-
tion: The entrapment of the ION or constriction of the lous preoperative planning [43] by virtual surgical procedure
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1191

to achieve the ideal facial width and projection. This involves 56.15 Complications of ZMC Fractures [3–5]
a sequence of segmenting and virtually repositioning the
fracture fragments to the “best possible fit” position. Once The incidence of postoperative complications increases with
this is completed, the stents for intra-operative guidance can certain risk factors such as severe displacement, presence of
be generated. sinus infection, and compound/comminuted ZMC fractures
The various complications specific to surgeries of the
ZMC may be categorized as intra-operative, immediate post-
operative, and delayed postoperative complications.

• Intra-operative complications: Commonly encountered

intra-operative complications are bradycardia and bleeding.
Bradycardia due to oculocardiac/trigemino-cardiac
reflex occurs typically during elevation of the ZMC [117].
Manipulation of zygoma stimulates the trigeminal nerve
which subsequently stimulates the vagus nerve, due to the
neuronal interconnections between them. Vagal stimula-
tion is cardioinhibitory and hence results in bradycardia
of varying degrees. This complication can be prevented
by identifying risk factors and administering prophylactic
vagolytic agents or minimizing nerve stimulation by
administering regional blocks. However, management of
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
bradycardia after its onset involves temporary cessation
of manipulation and or medical management with atro-
Fig. 56.61  Use of Medpore onlay for malunited fracture pine or epinephrine [64].

a b
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.62  Coronoidectomy for malunited ZMC fracture. (a) Pre-operative scan showing malunion of the right ZMC with fusion of the body of
zygoma and coronoid process, and (b) post-operative scan demonstrating reduction and fixation of the right zmc with ipsilateral
1192 E. Panneerselvam et al.

Brisk intra-op bleeding can occur due to the sudden rup- lofacial surgery” for additional information. The margin
ture of vessels (mainly infra-orbital artery) during of error with use of intra-operative navigation is less than
reduction. 1.2 mm with accurate restoration of facial symmetry. A
• Immediate postoperative complications: In the immedi- case of deformity secondary to ZMC fracture treated
ate postoperative phase, the adverse effects range from using intra-operative navigation is illustrated in
maxillary sinusitis, meteorosensitivity [3] (discomfort Fig. 56.63.
arising due to change in weather conditions) to infra- 4. Intra-operative imaging: Intra-operative imaging greatly
orbital nerve paresthesia, diplopia, blindness, and SOF improves the accuracy of intra-operative fracture reduc-
syndrome. The incidence of postoperative infra-orbital tion. The various imaging modalities that are available
nerve paresthesia is higher with ZMC fractures which include ultrasound, conventional C-arm (videofluoros-
demonstrate more rotation, displacement, and comminu- copy), and intra-operative CT.  The quality of imaging
tion [118]. Interestingly, recovery from post-trauma ION with videofluoroscopy is not accurate in reflecting the
paresthesia shows better prognosis with reduction and complex anatomy of the cranio-facial skeleton. This
fixation due to de-compression on the nerve. Blindness makes intra-operative CT a more accurate and reliable
following surgery may arise either due to direct injury to tool. However, the associated radiation doses may be a
optic nerve by impingement of fracture fragments or hem- concern. This has been surmounted with the advent of the
orrhage into the optic sheath/retro-bulbar hemorrhage intra-operative CBCT devices [125]. This device has the
(Refer Fig. 56.16) producing nerve compression [119]. significant advantages of portability, ease of use, increased
• Delayed post-op complications commonly witnessed accuracy, and reduced radiation exposure.
include enophthalmos and hypophthalmos due to inade- 5. Transbuccal Arch Fixation: A technique involving intra
quate reduction or inadequate fixation. Oroantral fistula oral reduction of zygomatic arch and its fixation by trans-
[120], TMJ dysfunction [121], and ankylosis of zygoma buccal instrumentation has been described by
to coronoid process, referred to as Jacob’s disease [1, Panneerselvam et al for fractures of the zygomatic arch
122], are also recorded in literature. which are displaced at the zygomatico temporal articula-
tion. This technique minimises the potential morbidity
associated with the coronal approach which is commonly
56.16 Recent Trends used for ORIF of zygomatic arch [126].

Fractures of the ZMC are notorious for their sub-optimal

outcomes due to over or under reductions. This may be
attributed to difficulty in simultaneous visualization of its 56.17 Conclusion
multiple articulations without increasing surgical morbidity
due to additional exposures. The ZMC fracture is one of the most complex fractures to
Technological advancements in the recent years have reduce and fix, because of its propensity to undergo displace-
added ease as well as predictability to the reduction and fixa- ments in all three planes of orientation, along its five articu-
tion of these fractures while minimizing surgical morbidity. lations. Accurate reduction is challenging due to the difficulty
The most popular methods in contemporary surgical man- in intra-operative assessment of reduction, inability to pre-
agement are discussed below. dict the rotation of the zygoma during reduction, and com-
plexity involved in concomitant orbital fractures.
1. Intra-operative reduction and fixation templates [123]
This has been discussed earlier under the section for The surgical objectives must include (1) choice of inci-
preoperative planning. sions which provide maximal exposure with minimal
2. Computer-assisted patient-specific implants (PSI) [42]: morbidity, (2) increase in number of fixation points
Another method for improving intra-operative accuracy with increase in severity of fracture displacement, (3)
is the use of virtual surgery to plan for reduction of the achieving three-­dimensional stability of ZMC com-
fracture and design patient-specific implants (PSI). These plex and minimizing post-­ reduction complications,
PSI designs are then printed using a 3D printer which can and (4) resuspension of overlying soft tissues to pre-
double up as intra-operative reduction guides also. Refer vent sagging.
to section 57.13.2 in Chap. 57 for additional information
3. Intra-operative navigation [124]: Intra-operative naviga- Preoperative planning and intra-operative imaging play a
tion is an excellent method for obtaining intra-operative great role in improving accuracy of fracture reduction while
guidance for precise reduction. Refer to Chap. 41. minimizing surgical exposure and post-reduction
“Computer-assisted navigation surgery in oral and maxil- complications.
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1193

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.63  Intra-operative navigation for ZMC fracture. Multiplanar sections demonstrating superimposition of patient CT (white) and surgical.
Plan (pink) with use of intra-operative navigation to verify position during surgery (blue pointer)

Acknowledgment  The authors would like to acknowledge the efforts

of the postgraduate trainees Dr. Vijitha and Dr. Logitha Sri towards the
Surgical plan: Reduction of ZMC fracture with four-­
illustrations. point fixation
Surgical procedure:

• The exposure of fracture sites was done by:

56.18 Case Scenarios 1. Trans-conjunctival incision with extended lateral
 ase Scenario 1: Fracture of right ZMC
C 2. Intraoral buccal sulcus approach
(Fig. 56.64) • Reduction of ZMC fracture and arch fracture by
Balasubramaniam’s approach
 atient: 21-Year-Old Male, with History of RTA
P • Four-point fixation of fracture was performed at FZ, IOR,
Preoperative CT (Fig. 56.64a, c) showing right-sided frac- ZM, and SZ (Fig. 56.64f) regions with miniplates
ture of the ZMC and arch with undisplaced frontal bone.
The sections demonstrate: Postoperative CT (Fig. 56.64b, d, e):
CT demonstrating optimal reduction of fractured ZMC
• Medial displacement with reduction of the transverse and arch. The successful surgical outcome may be appreci-
dimension of the face ated by the approximation and fixation at the SZ suture,
• Diastasis at the FZ and ZM sutures which is the most reliable indicator of accurate ZMC
• Overriding of fragments at the IOR and SZ suture reduction.
• Medial displacement of the right zygomatic arch
1194 E. Panneerselvam et al.

a c e

b d f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.64  Case scenario 1. (a) Preoperative 3D CT-frontal view dem- fracture. (d) Postoperative 3D CT-basal view demonstrating arch reduc-
onstrating fractures. (b) Postoperative 3D CT-frontal view demonstrat- tion. (e) Postoperative 3D CT demonstrating fixation at SZ suture. (f)
ing fixation. (c) Preoperative 3D CT-basal view demonstrating arch Intra-­operative fixation at SZ suture

 ase Scenario 2: Fracture of left ZMC and

C Surgical procedure:
orbital floor (Fig. 56.65 a–h)
• Virtual surgical planning to generate a mirrored STL
 atient: 27-Year-Old Male with History of RTA
P model for pre-contouring of implants (Fig. 56.65c, d)
and delayed presentation after 2 months • Surgical exposure of the fracture through a transconjunc-
Preoperative CT findings (Fig. 56.65a, b): tival (infra-orbital rim and floor), upper lid blepharoplasty
(FZ and SZ sutures), vestibular for the ZM buttress, and
• En bloc fracture of the left ZMC with diastasis at the preauricular approaches for the zygomatic arch.
left infra-orbital rim, zygomatic arch, and FZ and SZ • Mobilization of the malunited ZMC after osteotomy and
sutures. ORIF with pre-contoured implants
• The fracture shows posterior, inferior, and lateral dis- • Fixation of the fracture performed at the FZ, infra-orbital
placement and comminution at the infra-orbital rim, rim, and the zygomatic arch regions
zygomaticomaxillary buttress, and the arch. • Orbital exploration and reconstruction with pre-contoured
• The CT also demonstrates a concomitant left orbital floor left-sided anatomical titanium orbital implant
fracture with resultant enophthalmos and hypo-ophthal-
mos (Fig. 56.65g). Postoperative features (Fig. 56.65e, f and h):
The postoperative CT demonstrates optimal reduction
Surgical plan: ZMC osteotomy, repositioning, and inter- and fixation of the left ZMC with reconstruction of the left
nal fixation orbital floor defect with titanium implant.
56  Fractures of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 1195

a b

c d

e f

g h

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 56.65  Case scenario 2. (a) Preoperative 3D CT-frontal view dem- view demonstrating fixation. (f) Postoperative 3D CT-basal view dem-
onstrating fractures. (b) Preoperative 3D CT-basal view. (c) STL model onstrating fixation. (g) Preoperative CT-sagittal view demonstrating
surgery with pre-contoured plate. (d) STL model demonstrating mirror- floor fracture. (h) Postoperative CT-sagittal view demonstrating recon-
ing of normal side and plate adaptation. (e) Postoperative 3D CT-frontal struction of floor with orbital mesh
1196 E. Panneerselvam et al.

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Orbital Fractures
Ananthanarayanan Parameswaran,
Madhulaxmi Marimuthu, Shreya Panwar,
and Beat Hammer

57.1 Introduction gical outcome. This chapter aims to answer the questions of
the When, Why, and How of managing orbital trauma.
Orbital fractures are unique among cranio-maxillofacial
(CMF) fractures. They have functional, cosmetic, and psy-
chological implications. Most importantly they are among 57.2 Surgical Anatomy of the Orbit
the few true emergencies in the realm of CMF trauma.
Management of orbital fractures poses a challenge to every The orbits are bilateral bony cavities which house the globes.
surgeon because of its complex anatomy, relationship to vital Each orbit is made up of seven bones: the maxilla, frontal
structures such as the globe and the brain, and its direct influ- bone, zygomatic, sphenoid, ethmoid, lacrimal, and the pala-
ence on the most precious of senses, Vision. tine bones (Fig. 57.1). The orbital cavity is a pyramidal struc-
The orbit is a small bony cone filled with numerous vital ture with a quadrilateral base anteriorly, forming the orbital
and delicate structures, which require absolute precaution aperture, and the apex posteriorly which ends at the optic
while handling and immense precision in its reconstruction. foramen. The apex is superomedially placed, while the base
The principles of managing orbital trauma differ signifi- is directed anterior and lateral. The orbit encases two fis-
cantly from rest of the CMF fractures, which mandate a thor- sures: (1) the inferior orbital fissure also called the sphenozy-
ough understanding of its morphology and biodynamics. gomatic fissure and (2) the superior orbital fissure otherwise
Choosing the appropriate indication for intervention and called as the inter-sphenoidal fissure (Fig. 57.2). The major
management protocol is critical in achieving the desired sur- structures within the orbit are provided in Box 57.1.

Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this

­chapter  (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_57) contains
­supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

A. Parameswaran (*)
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Meenakshiammal
Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, India
Department of Orbit, Oculoplasty, Reconstructive and Aesthetic
Surgery, Shankara Nethralaya, Chennai, India
Department of Orbit and Oculoplasty, Aravind Eye Hospitals,
Chennai, India
M. Marimuthu
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental
College and Hospital, Chennai, India
S. Panwar
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Meenakshiammal
Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, India
B. Hammer
CFC Hirslanden Kopf Zentrum, Aarau, Switzerland
e-mail: Beat.Hammer@hirslanden.ch

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 1201

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_57
1202 A. Parameswaran et al.

Fig. 57.1  Bones forming the


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.2  Structures passing

through the superior and
inferior orbital fissures

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

57  Orbital Fractures 1203

Box 57.1 The Major Structures that Occupy the Orbit

• Eye/globe
• Orbital fat
• Extraocular muscles
• Ciliary parasympathetic ganglion
• Nasolacrimal apparatus
• Optic nerve
• Oculomotor
• Trochlear
• Abducent nerves
• V1 and V2 of trigeminal nerve
• Ophthalmic vessels ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.3  Diagrammatic representation of the various measurements

of the orbit and the globe
The orbits have an average height of 35 mm and a medio-
lateral width of 40 mm [1–3]. The intra-orbital volume of an
adult is approximately 30 cc, while the volume of the globe The roof is separated from the lateral orbital wall by the
is 7 cc [4]. Generally, the orbital and globe volumes are bilat- superior orbital fissure which serves as a passage of entry for
erally symmetrical at any stage of growth. The medial walls the cranial nerves III, IV, V1, and VI into the orbit. The other
are parallel to each other and around 45–50 mm in length, structure coursing through the fissure is the ophthalmic vein.
while the lateral walls are around 90° to each other and On the anterior aspect of the roof, at the junction between the
40–45 mm long (Fig. 57.3). medial 1/3rd and the lateral 2/3rd of the supraorbital rim is
The orbital skeleton may essentially be divided into walls the supraorbital foramen which transmits the supraorbital
and rims. These include the orbital roof, floor, and medial neurovascular bundle [1–3, 5].
and lateral walls. The rims include the inferior, superior, The medial wall (Fig. 57.4c) is quadrangular in shape and
medial, and lateral orbital rims. A brief description of the is constituted by the ethmoid bone in the center. The antero-­
structure of the orbital cavity is provided below. superior aspect is formed by the frontal bone, while the antero-
inferior part is formed by the lacrimal bone. The sphenoid
bone forms the posterior part of the medial wall. The infra-
57.2.1 Orbital Walls orbital rim continues along the anterior aspect of the medial
wall forming the anterior lacrimal crest which is a part of the
The roof (Fig. 57.4a) is formed by a concave broad plate of the frontal process of the maxilla, while the superomedial aspect
frontal bone which delineates the orbital contents from the cra- of the supraorbital rim continues inferiorly as the posterior lac-
nial cavity. The posterior portion of the roof has a small contribu- rimal crest which is formed by the lacrimal bone. Between
tion from the lesser wing of the sphenoid. The anterolateral these crests lie the fossa which houses the lacrimal sac. This is
portion has a shallow depression called the lacrimal fossa, while of importance during access planning for surgery of the medial
5  mm behind the medial aspect of the supraorbital rim is the wall and the anteromedial aspect of the infra-orbital rim.
trochlear fossa which has the cartilaginous pulley of the superior The anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramen are located
oblique muscle. The roof is triangular in shape and ends in optic along the fronto-ethmoidal suture which signifies the height
foramen, which is the entry of the optic nerve into the orbit. of the cribriform plate. The anterior ethmoidal foramen
In older patients there may be spots of resorption in the which transmits the anterior ethmoidal artery and nerve lies
orbital roof which may cause the dura to adhere to the peri- approximately 22–25  mm behind the medial orbital rim
orbita of the roof. The junction of the medial wall and the while the posterior ethmoidal foramen which transmits the
roof has a suture line which lies in close proximity to the posterior ethmoidal artery and the spheno-ethmoidal nerve is
cribriform of the ethmoid and is prone for fragmentation. present about 12 mm posterior [6]. The optic foramen is in
This may be a major concern for CSF leak into the orbits or continuation of the medial wall and is approximately placed
the nose or at times both. 45–50 mm behind the medial rim. The safe distances the sur-
1204 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.4 (a) Roof, (b) lateral wall, and (c) medial wall of the orbit

geon needs to remember are 24  mm for the anterior eth- The lateral wall (Fig.  57.4b) is the thickest wall and is
moidal artery, with an additional 12  mm for the posterior made primarily by the orbital surface of the zygomatic bone
ethmoidal vessel and a further 6 mm as the limit to stay away and the greater wing of the sphenoid. A small bony projec-
from the optic foramen making it 24-12-6, an easy formula tion seen on the lateral wall is the Whitnall’s tubercle which
to remember. One important structure which may be involved lies 11  mm below the fronto-zygomatic suture and 4  mm
in medial wall trauma is the medial rectus muscle which can behind the rim (Fig. 57.7).
get entrapped causing ocular motility disturbances.
57  Orbital Fractures 1205

This tubercle forms the attachment of the 4L’s: a

1. The suspensory ligament of Lockwood

2. The lateral horn of the levator aponeurosis
3. The ligaments of the lateral rectus muscle
4. The lateral palpebral ligament

A small groove may be seen at the anterior end of the

inferior orbital fissure which transmits the zygomatico-facial
and zygomatico-temporal vessels. These course through the
zygoma and exit through independent foramina to supply the
face and the temporal regions.
The floor (Fig. 57.5a, b) follows a gentle slope from its
medial to lateral side. The highest point lies in the postero-
medial aspect of the floor forming a bulge called the
“Hammer’s key area” [7] (Fig. 57.5a), which influences the
position of the globe in the anteroposterior axis. In the sagit-
tal view, the floor follows a “lazy S” shape with the anterior
part concave and the posterior convex. The reconstruction of
this convexity is important to maintain the anterior position
of the globe (Fig. 57.5b). The floor is separated from the lat-
eral wall by the inferior orbital fissure. The fissure communi-
cates with the pterygopalatine fossa extra-orbitally. The
maxillary division of the V nerve and its branches, the infra- b
orbital artery, and branches of the sphenopalatine ganglion
are transmitted through the posteromedial aspect of the fis-
sure, while the inferior ophthalmic veins pass through the
lateral aspect to communicate with the pterygoid plexus. The
floor is formed by the zygomatic bone and the maxilla with a
small contribution from the orbital process of the palatine
bone in the posteromedial aspect. A rough area at the antero-
medial angle of the floor behind the infra orbital rim forms
the attachment of the inferior oblique muscle. The infra-
orbital groove originates from the inferior orbital fissure and
transmits the infra-­orbital neurovascular bundle.

Orbital Rims: ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

The rims are superior, inferior, medial, and lateral. Three
major bones—the maxilla, zygomatic bone, and frontal Fig. 57.5  The orbital floor in (a) frontal view demonstrating the (A)
bone—make up the rims of the orbit. The width of the rims orbital process of palatine bone and (B) “Hammer’s key area.” (b)
Sagittal view of the floor with the “lazy S” form
is greater than its height making it into a rectangular form.
The presence of the maxillary sinus and the insertion of the
inferior oblique muscle make the infra-orbital rim more The muscles of the lid are:
prone for fracture and comminution. 1. The orbicularis oculi which has a palpebral portion (upper
and lower eyelids), the intervening orbital septum, and
the inner layer connecting the tarsus
57.2.2 Muscles of the Orbit (Fig. 57.6a)
2. The levator palpebrae superioris which is the elevator of
the upper eyelid
Muscles in relation to the orbit can be divided into
The levator palpebrae superioris along with the four recti,
• the muscles associated with the lids and the two obliques form the seven extraocular muscles
• and the muscles associated with the globe. of the human eye.
1206 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.6  Diagram of right eye demonstrating (a) the extraocular mus- Rectus, SO - Superior Oblique, IO - Inferior Oblique, CL(MR) - Check
cles and (b) the movements they cause. (c) The fascial sheath. (SR - Ligament of Medial Rectus, CL(LR) - Check Ligament of Lateral
Superior Rectus, IR - Inferior Rectus, MR - Medial Rectus, LR - Lateral Rectus, SL - Suspensory Ligament

The origin of the superior rectus is from the common ten- elevation of the cornea and helps in moving the eye laterally
dinous ring superolateral to the optic canal, and its insertion with lateral rotation (extorsion).
is into the upper part of the sclera. Its function is to produce
elevation of the eye and to move the cornea upward and
medially helping in adduction and medial rotation. 57.2.3 Movements of the Eye and Their
The origin of the medial rectus is from the medial aspect Innervation
of the tendinous ring and inserts into the medial surface of
the sclera. The medial rectus helps in moving the eye medi-
ally (adduction), and bilateral action of the medial rectus Box 57.2 The Movements of the Eye
helps in medial convergence of both the corneas. A suspen-
• Elevation
sory attachment to the lacrimal crest is also seen on the
• Depression
medial orbital wall where it blends with the medial canthus
• Adduction
and the check ligament (Fig. 57.6c) [2, 3, 6, 8]. The origin
• Abduction
of the lateral rectus is from the lateral part of the common
• Intorsion
tendinous ring, and it inserts into the lateral surface of the
• Extorsion (Fig. 57.6b)
sclera. Its primary function is to move the eye laterally
(abduction).The inferior rectus arises from the common ten-
dinous ring, below the optic canal, and inserts into sclera
below the cornea. It is responsible for depression and lateral The different movements of the eye are enumerated in Box
rotation of the eye. 57.2. These are facilitated by the extraocular muscles
The inferior rectus followed by the medial rectus are the most described above and are contained by the check ligaments.
common muscles to be entrapped secondary to orbital trauma The inferior oblique and inferior rectus muscles which
and may need to be explored and released surgically as indicated. course the floor of the orbit serve as the inferior check liga-
Delayed release of the recti may cause significant necrosis and ments. The fascia of the levator palpebrae superioris, which
fibrosis of the muscles hampering return to normal function. is anchored to the Whitnall’s tubercle laterally and the troch-
The superior oblique arises superomedial to the optic lea medially, acts as the superior check ligament [8].
canal. It has a pulley action at the trochlea on the anterome- The contraction of the orbicularis oculi innervated by the
dial aspect of the orbital roof and inserts into the sclera facial nerve dictates the closure of the upper eyelid. The move-
behind the equator of the globe. The contraction of the mus- ments of the globe within the orbit are however dictated by the
cle produces depression of the cornea and movement of the synchronous movements of the extraocular muscles of the orbit.
eye laterally with medial rotation (intorsion). The oculomotor nerve innervates all the extraocular muscles
The inferior oblique muscle arises from the orbital sur- other than the lateral rectus which is supplied by the abducent
face of the maxilla lateral to the nasolacrimal groove and nerve and the superior oblique supplied by the trochlear nerve.
inserts into the lateral part of the sclera behind the equator Reflex closure of the eyelids occurs via the sympathetic pathways
between the inferior and lateral recti muscle. It produces traveling to the smooth muscles of the upper and lower eyelids.
57  Orbital Fractures 1207

Orbital septum
(Partially removed)
Whitnal’s ligament
Orbital lobe of lacrimal gland Levator palpebrae (superioris muscle)

Palpebral lobe of lacrimal gland Levator aponeurosis

Upper tarsal plate

Whitnal’s tubercle Medial canthal tendon

Superior cura

Lateral canthal tendon

Inferior cura

Lower tarsal plate

Recess of eisler

Capsulopalpebral fascia

Orbital septum (partially removed)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.7  The tarsal apparatus and the orbital septum

2. The palpebral conjunctiva otherwise known as tarsal con-

57.2.4 Orbital Septum and Tarsal Plates junctiva which covers the inner aspect of the eyelids
(Fig. 57.7)

The supporting framework for the eyelid is formed by a 57.2.6 Fascial Sheath of the Eyeball (Fig. 57.6c)
dense fibrous tissue called the orbital septum which con-
denses at the lids as the tarsal plates. The orbital septum The fascial sheath of the eyeball is called the Tenon’s cap-
which separates the orbital and lid contents attaches to the sule [8]. It extends from the optic foramen to the sclerocor-
bone and becomes the periorbita inside the orbit and perios- neal junction enveloping the eyeball on the inferior aspect.
teum outside the orbit. The septum of the lower eyelid It attaches to the sclera on the anterior and posterior sur-
attaches to the orbital rims, while the septum of the upper faces of the eyeball and becomes continuous with the fas-
eyelid is attached intra-orbitally behind the equator of the cia of the muscles posteriorly and around the inferior
globe. The tarsal plates add rigidity to the lids and also serve oblique muscle. The fascial sheath of all muscles blend
attachments of multiple muscles and membranes [1, 3]. together and form a continuous fascial band called the sus-
pensory ligament of the eye that provides support for the
eyeball [8, 9].

57.2.5 Conjunctiva
57.2.7 Orbital Fat
The conjunctiva is the transparent mucous membrane that
covers the front surface of the globe and the inner surface of The orbital fat is present both intra- and extra-conally. They
the eyelids. cushion the globe and muscles of the orbit. The extra-conal
This has two segments: fat determines and influences the position of the globe. This
1. The bulbar conjunctiva that covers the anterior part of the may be altered either due to herniation or atrophy secondary
sclera (the “white” of the eye) to fractures of the orbit resulting in enophthalmos.
1208 A. Parameswaran et al.

57.3 Classification System (a) Type I: Orbito-zygomatic fractures—These involve the

fractures of the walls of the orbit along with the zygo-
Manson [10] and colleagues classified the fractures based on matic complex.
the energy of impact, the degree, and extent of comminution (b) Type II: Internal orbital fractures—These involve iso-
and displacement observed on CT: lated fractures of any of the walls, roof, and floor.
(a) Trap door fractures—low-velocity injuries (c) Type III: Naso-orbito-ethmoid-type fractures—These

(b) Medial blowout fractures—intermediate-velocity involve fractures of the naso-orbito-ethmoid complex
injuries which involve the orbit.
(c) Lateral blowout fractures—high-velocity fractures (d) Type IV: Complex fractures of the face—This type
involve fractures of the orbit with concomitant fractures
Converse and Smith [11] termed them “pure” or
of the face other than the ones mentioned above [7].
“impure” based on the involvement of orbital rims
(Fig. 57.8):
(a) Pure (blow-in or blowout fractures)—fracture of the 57.4 Blowout and Blow-In Fractures
internal walls with intact rims

(b) Impure (complex with involvement of one or more Smith and Converse in 1960 recognized the phenomenon of
rims)—associated fractures of the rims blowout fractures (Fig. 57.10a). These fractures may involve
Hammer [7] described four classes of orbital fractures entrapment or herniation of periorbital tissues resulting in
based on their occurrence with other fractures of the face restricted eye movements and/or enophthalmos due to
(Fig. 57.9): reduction in the volume of intra-orbital contents [3, 11].

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.8  CT scans showing Pure (a and c) and impure (b and d) blowout fractures of the orbit
57  Orbital Fractures 1209

“Blow-in” type of orbital fractures was described by (Fig. 57.10b). Such types of fractures are usually accompa-
Dingman and Natvig [3, 12] in 1964 wherein the intra-orbital nied with proptosis on the affected side [13].
space is reduced by an internally displaced bony fragment

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.9  CT scan images showing types of orbital fractures: (a) orbito-zygomatic, (b) internal orbital, (c) naso-orbito-ethmoid type, and (d) orbit
with complex facial fractures

Fig. 57.10  CT scans

a b
demonstrating a blowout of
the medial orbital wall and
floor (a) and a blow-in
fracture of the orbital roof (b)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

1210 A. Parameswaran et al.

57.5 Biomechanics of Injury was propounded to transmit force along the walls result-
ing in fracture of the thinner walls. There are two more
One of the first mechanisms of orbital wall fractures was widely accepted mechanisms of orbital wall fractures,
suggested by Pfeiffer [14] in 1943, called globe-to-wall namely, the:
theory or hydraulic theory (Fig.  57.11a), wherein poste- (i) Retropulsion theory (Fig. 57.11b)
rior displacement of the globe after sustaining a direct hit (ii) Buckling mechanism [15] (Fig. 57.11c)

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.11  Diagrammatic representation of (a) hydraulic theory, (b) retropulsion theory, and (c) buckling mechanism
57  Orbital Fractures 1211

First proposed by King [16] in 1944, retropulsion theory light perception. If visual acuity is extremely poor and
suggests that sudden increase in intra-orbital pressure caused recording of a chart test fails, the patient is subjected to a
by direct hit from a large object creates stresses along the finger counting test or at times even assessed for primary
orbital walls resulting in fractures at the areas of least thick- light perception alone.
ness. The buckling theory or transmission theory explains 2. Pupillary examination: Pupillary examination is done to
the injury through a ripple effect created in the floor. The note the
ripple thus created causes compression in an anteroposterior (a) size,
direction and resultant fracture at the posteromedial part of (b) shape,
the orbital floor commonly [17, 18]. (c) symmetry,
(d) and direct/indirect reflex to light.
Glaucoma, previous history of surgery, and/or injury to
57.6 Initial Assessment ocular system may also account for anisocoria or irregu-
lar pupils. Peaked or irregular pupils may also be indica-
After initial stabilization of the patient, a thorough facial tive of perforation of the globe. The swinging flashlight
examination is performed in a way similar to any facial frac- test is performed for relative afferent pupillary defect
ture. Special consideration is given to a detailed ophthalmic (RAPD) (Fig. 57.12b).
evaluation followed by eliciting signs and symptoms signifi- 3. Extraocular motility and alignment: The patient is first
cant for periorbital trauma which are discussed below. The screened for all the six cardinal gazes (Fig. 57.12c). First
frontal area and supraorbital rim are examined first, with a checked binocularly for versions of both sides and then
logical progression downward, including the lateral and checked monocular for ductions. A thorough heterotropia
infra-orbital rims, although extensive edema in this area may check is also performed. Diplopia and restrictions in
obscure any steps making the palpatory examination difficult gazes are noted. Clinically, a forced duction test under
[3, 7, 19–22]. topical anesthesia is done to elicit mechanical impedi-
ment to movement of the globe. This may also be per-
formed under general anesthesia intraoperatively
57.6.1 Ophthalmologic Examination (Figs. 56.21, 57.13). A Hess chart examination is a part of
the orthoptic assessment protocol for evaluation of ocular
The American Association of Ophthalmology [23] advocates motility.
an 8-point ophthalmological examination which includes the 4. Intraocular pressure: Tonometry should be performed to
following (Box 57.3): evaluate intraocular pressure either in a clinic setting
1. Visual acuity: Visual acuity test for each eye is recorded using a Goldmann applanation method or outside using
using a Snellen chart (Fig. 57.12a) and includes ability to a mobile/portable device. This examination is skipped if
read letters, count fingers, perceive hand movements, and there is a suspicion of ruptured globe. The normal IOC

a b Afferent defect
c Inferior Superior
1 20/200 Normal Reaction
Left Eyes Oblique Rectus
Both Eyes

Left Eye
2 20/100
3 20/70 Rectus
4 20/50
5 20/40 Lateral
6 20/20 Rectus

7 20/25
8 20/20
9 Inferior
10 Rectus
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.12  Picture showing (a) the Snellen chart, (b) swinging flash light test, and (c) the six cardinal signs of gazes
1212 A. Parameswaran et al.

6. External examination/periorbital screening: A thorough

clinical evaluation is performed to note down all clinical
features detailed below. Orbital trauma is generally
­associated with possible adnexal injuries which also need
to be assessed for intervention and management.
7. Slit-lamp examination: A formal slit lamp test is per-
formed if it may be allowed. This provides information
about the lids, lashes, lacrimal system, conjunctiva,
sclera, anterior chamber, iris, the lens, and the anterior
8. Fundoscopic examination: A fundoscopic examination is
performed to assess the retina, optic nerve head, and the
vessels. This is done by the use of an ophthalmoscope. It
also provides information about presence of intraocular
hemorrhages and foreign bodies.
9. Globe position: An important feature in examination of
orbital trauma from a cranio-maxillofacial perspective
includes the examination of globe positions. This is per-
b formed both clinically and by using an exophthalmome-
ter. The Hertel’s exophthalmometer is used in common
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India settings for the evaluation of proptosis or enophthalmos.
In case of injuries involving the lateral face, like a frac-
Fig. 57.13  Demonstration of the method of performing intraoperative ture of the ZMC, the Naugle’s exophthalmometer is used.
forced duction test (a) by grasping the limbus (sclero-corneal junction)
and (b) by grasping the inferior rectus muslce

Box 57.3 “8-Point” Ophthalmic Examination Advocated

by the American Association of Ophthalmology [23]
is a range between 10 and 21  mmHg with the mean
being around 15 mmHg. Low IOP may be suggestive of 1. Visual acuity and visual fields
a ruptured globe or detached retina, while increased IOP 2. Pupillary examination
3. Extraocular motility and alignment
may indicate hyphema, glaucoma, or an orbital com-
4. Intraocular pressure
partment syndrome like “retrobulbar hemorrhage.” A 5. External examination/periorbital screening
pressure of more than 30 mmHg is an ophthalmological 6. Slit-lamp examination
emergency. 7. Fundoscopic examination
5. Visual fields: Visual fields for each eye are checked by 8. Globe position
asking the patient to determine movements at the periph-
ery of the examiner’s own visual field, while at a distance
of about 2 ft from each other. Loss of field may be sug-
gestive of compressive or ischemic injuries to the optic 57.6.2 Clinical Features
nerve with or without damage to the visual pathway.
Goldmann visual field test can also be employed to objec- A good evaluation of the skeletal and soft tissue components of
tively chart binocular visual field loss wherein patient is the orbit as well its associated adnexa (eyelids, lacrimal appara-
asked to look at a center of the chart and is required to tus, etc.) is mandated. The common clinical features that are
track a point source of light. presented with in orbital trauma are provided in Box 57.4.
57  Orbital Fractures 1213

Box 57.4 Common Clinical Features in Orbital Trauma Are Enumerated Below

• Periorbital edema (Fig. 57.14a)

• Periorbital ecchymosis and subconjunctival hemorrhage (Fig. 57.14b)
• Contusions and hematomas
• Subcutaneous emphysema with crepitus
• Lacerations involving the eyelids (Fig. 57.14c)
• Injuries to the canthal apparatus (medial and lateral)
• Neurological deficits of the infra-orbital and facial nerves

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.14  Clinical pictures demonstrating (a) edema of the left periorbital region, (b) left-sided periorbital ecchymosis and subconjunctival
hemorrhage, and (c) soft tissue injury of the left eyelid and supraorbital region

Clinical signs and symptoms that are more exclusive to space. This causes increased intra-orbital pressure resulting
orbital trauma are discussed further in more detail. in compression or stretching of the optic nerve and reduced
perfusion to the eye. Orbital trauma especially blunt injury Enophthalmos/Hypophthalmos may be associated with retrobulbar hemorrhage which war-
(Fig. 57.15a, b) rants immediate attention. However this may also occur as a
Any change in the orbital volume directly impacts the posi- complication following surgery to the orbit or pathologies
tion of the globe and its anteroposterior projection and like an aneurysm. Acute post-septal hemorrhage limited
supero-inferior position [24]. Clinically enophthalmos can be anteriorly by the orbital septum and posteriorly by bone may
detected by an exaggerated suprapalpebral fold and reduced cause permanent loss of vision by creating a compartment
projection on viewing from an inferior view or worm’s view. syndrome [27]. It presents as reduced ocular motility, ele-
Hertel’s or Naugle’s exophthalmometer can also be used to vated intraocular pressure, proptosis, and diminishing vision.
quantify and measure the discrepancy. Other causes of enoph- In unconscious patients, pupillary assessment, increased
thalmos implicated are traumatic atrophy of intra-orbital fat, pressure, and presence of relative afferent pupillary defect or
infections causing cicatricial contraction of retrobulbar tis- RAPD are usually diagnostic.
sues, and dislocation of trochlear attachment of superior
oblique muscle due to trauma [25, 26]. Hypophthalmos is Lacrimal System Injuries
noted as a change in the horizontal pupillary levels. Due to its close topographical location to the orbital com-
plex, nasolacrimal system especially the duct may be Retrobulbar Hemorrhage (Fig. 57.16) involved in traumatic injuries to the orbit. Injury to the
Retrobulbar hemorrhage is a vision threatening emergency canaliculi or the nasolacrimal ducts in naso-orbito-eth-
which occurs due to accumulation of blood in the retrobulbar moidal injuries may present as epiphora [28]. Patency of
1214 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.15  Clinical photograph of a patient with both (a) hypophthalmos and (b) enophthalmos of the right globe

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.16 (a) Axial, (b) coronal, and (c) sagittal section CT scan images demonstrating left-sided retrobulbar hemorrhage

the naso-­lacrimal duct and sac can be verified by the Jones S  uperior Orbital Fissure Syndrome
tests 1 and 2 or by a simple lacrimal probing test with inser- (Box 57.5)
tion of a Crawford silicone intubation tubes though the Post-traumatic superior orbital fissure syndrome may be
canaliculi and visualization of the same at the distal end of attributed to pressure exerted on the contents of the superior
the disruption. ROPLAS test or regurgitation on pressure orbital fissure due to hemorrhage or impingement by frac-
over lacrimal sac may be performed clinically to elicit post- tured fragments.
traumatic blockage of the nasolacrimal duct (Fig. 57.17c).
Confirmation however is obtained with a CT dacryocysto- Superior orbital fissure syndrome was first described
gram or CT-DCG (Fig.  57.17a, b). Reconstruction of the by Hirschfield in 1858 [31, 32] and symptoms include:
lacrimal drainage system is achieved by simple intubations (i) Ophthalmoplegia due to involvement of III,
or a formal dacryocystorhinostomy as indicated by the clin- IV, and VI cranial nerves.
ical scenario. (ii) Paresthesia over the forehead due to involvement
frontal nerve of first division of trigeminal nerve.
(iii) Ptosis due to impeded action of levator palpe- O  culocardiac Reflex (Trigeminocardiac
brae superioris and Muller’s muscle.
(iv) Pupillary dilatation due to paresis of circular
First described by Dagnini and Aschner in 1908, oculocar-
sphincter muscle and unrestricted action of
diac reflex is bradycardia on manual compression of the
dilator pupillae.
eyes. The most common traumatic etiology is the incarcera-
(v) Impairment of direct pupillary reflex due to
tion of inferior rectus muscle in trap-door fractures of the
blocked ipsilateral efferent arc, whereas con-
orbital floor [29, 30]. Other causes that may present with
sensual reflex is preserved due to intact ipsilat-
oculocardiac reflex are retrobulbar hemorrhage, white-eyed
eral efferent and contralateral efferent arcs.
blowout fractures and orbital surgery.
57  Orbital Fractures 1215

Fig. 57.17 (a) Sagittal

section CT DCG
a b
demonstrating patent NLD
with draining dye and (b)
blocked NLD with no
drainage of the dye. (c)
Clinical photograph of patient
with left-sided NOE fracture
demonstrating regurgitation
of contents due to blocked left
naso-lacrimal duct ROPLAS

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

a b
g h

e f

c d

g h
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.18  Clinical pictures and CT scans of patient with orbital apex ing ORIF, (e) pre-operative axial CT demonstrating total compression
syndrome. (a) Clinical picture demonstrating left-sided orbito-zygo- of the left optic canal (yellow arrow), (f) pre-operative coronal CT dem-
matic trauma with clinically evident ptosis, (b) 3D CT demonstrating onstrating compression of the left superior orbital fissure (yellow
comminuted zygomatico-orbital fracture with medial displacement of arrow), (g) post-operative CT showing decompressed left optic canal
the greater wing of sphenoid, (c) clinical picture of patient 2 weeks (yellow arrow) and (h) post-operative coronal CT showing decompresi-
post-­surgery with resolution of ptosis, (d) post-operative 3D CT show- son of the left superior orbital fissure (yellow arrow)

(vi)  Impaired accommodation is because of Management may be conservative or exploratory surgery

impaired parasympathetic pathway to the of the orbit including surgical decompression [33].
ciliary ganglion.
(vii) Loss of corneal reflex due to lack of trans- O  rbital Apex Syndrome (Fig. 57.18)
mission via the nasociliary branch of oph- (Box 57.5)
thalmic nerve. In severe orbital trauma, optic nerve may also be implicated
(viii) Proptosis either due to presence of hemor- due its close proximity to the superior orbital fissure [31,
rhage or paresis and laxity of extraocular mus- 34]. The term orbital apex syndrome was first coined by
cles which normally aid in globe retraction. Kjaer in 1945 [35], and the symptoms include all features
1216 A. Parameswaran et al.

Fig. 57.19 (a, b) Axial CT b

scan of patient with direct
traumatic optic neuropathy
demonstrating a skull base
fracture and bony spicule at
the entry of the optic nerve
into the canal

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

of superior orbital fissure syndrome along with partial or

loss of vision. Box 57.5 Comparison of Clinical Features of Traumatic
Optic Neuropathy, Superior Orbital Fissure, and Orbital T  raumatic Optic Neuropathy (TON) Apex Syndromes
(Box 57.5) Traumatic optic Superior orbital fissure Orbital apex
TON may be defined as an acute injury to the optic nerve with neuropathy (TON) syndrome syndrome
impairment of visual function. It may occur as a result of: Unilateral or Ophthalmoplegia with All features
(i) Direct trauma to the optic nerve (Fig. 57.19) (physical bilateral involvement of cranial of superior
nerves III, IV, & VI orbital fissure
damage or nerve sheath compression due to compart-
ment syndromes) Relative afferent Forehead paresthesia Partial or total
(ii) An indirect insult due to diffuse axonal damage second- pupillary defect loss of vison
ary to conduction of forces from blunt head trauma (RAPD) except in
The occurrence may be unilateral or bilateral. symmetrical
bilateral cases
Variable loss of Ptosis
Clinical features of TON include: visual acuity (from
normal to no vision)
( i) Afferent pupillary defect Impaired color Dilated pupil
(ii) Diminished visual acuity vision
(iii) Diminished color perception Variable visual field Impaired direct but
defects preserved consensual
(iv) Varying reduction in visual fields
pupillary reflex.
Management of TON is handled under the section of accommodation
orbital emergencies. Loss of corneal reflex

57.6.3 Investigations

Conventional radiographs have a minimal role in the diag- dard” in orbital trauma. The scans are usually ordered in
nosis and planning of orbital fractures. CT scans fine cuts of 0.5 mm and taken in all the three planes. The
(Fig. 57.20a–c) have long been considered the “gold stan- coronal and the sagittal scans are important in the diagnosis
57  Orbital Fractures 1217

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.20  CT scans showing (a) axial section with fracture of the medial wall of the right orbit, (b) coronal section showing fractures of the
medial wall and floor, and (c) sagittal section showing fracture of the floor with fibrosis of the inferior rectus to the posterior ledge (yellow arrow)

Fig. 57.21  MRI (a) coronal

and (b) sagittal sections,
a b
demonstrating entrapment of
the medial rectus (yellow
arrows) and medial
displacement of the optic
nerve (left orbit)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

of fractures of the floor and the roof, while the axial scans 57.7 Approaches to the Orbit
provide better information regarding the fractures of the
medial and lateral walls. Axial sections are also important
to study the optic canal integrity. Box 57.6 Surgical Approaches to the Orbit
Indications for an MRI (Fig. 57.21a, b) scan are limited to
determining soft tissue injuries and entrapment of muscles • Transcutaneous-medial and lateral
and to assessing damage to the optic nerve. It is also used to • Trans-caruncular
identify intra-orbital herniation of brain in the case of blow- • Transconjunctival
­in fractures.
1218 A. Parameswaran et al.

57.7.1 Transcutaneous Approaches Lynch

This incision described by Lynch [36] in 1921 is a
1. Lynch semilunar-­shaped incision (Fig.  57.22a) placed between
2. Extended glabellar approach the nasal dorsum and the medial canthal ligament that pro-
(a). Lateral transcutaneous approaches vides direct access to the canthal apparatus and the medial
(i) Lateral brow incision orbital rim and wall. The major drawbacks of this particu-
(ii) The upper lid blepharoplasty and the sub lar incision are chances of developing a web and hence an
brow approaches unsightly scar. There may also be risk of damage to the
(b). Lower eyelid approaches (Also refer Figs. 56.44, medial canthal tendon and the lacrimal apparatus that is
56.45) present infero-laterally. Recent modifications of the Lynch
(i) Sub-ciliary incision have accommodated options to reduce the scar-
(ii) Sub-tarsal ring by the use of “Z” plasties (Fig. 57.22b, c) and other
(iii) Infra-orbital (Video 57.1) esthetic incision designs.

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.22  Diagrammatic representation of the (a) classical Lynch incision and (b, c) modification with “Z” plasty

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.23  Diagram and intraoperative picture showing extended glabellar approach to the medial orbit
57  Orbital Fractures 1219 E  xtended Glabellar Approach 57.7.2 Trans-caruncular Approach

(Fig. 57.23)
The extended glabellar incision or a horizontal “Y” approach The trans-caruncular route provides excellent exposure to the
involves a small Y-shaped incision with the fork extending medial orbit without causing any esthetic concern. The car-
over the upper and lower lid crease with the long arm across uncle is a papular structure seen medial to the plica semiluna-
the nasal dorsum over the glabellar region. This approach ris which is a fold of conjunctiva in medial canthal region. An
provides excellent access to the medial canthal tendon appa- avascular plane is located deep to the caruncle between the
ratus and also provides enough room for medial orbital wall medial orbital septum and the Horner’s muscle which on dis-
exploration cephalad to the tendon. section exposes the medial wall of the orbit (Fig. 57.24a) [37].

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.24 (a) Diagram and (b) intraoperative pictures showing marking for trans-caruncular approach to the medial orbit and (c) exposure of the
medial orbital wall. (Courtesy: Dept of Orbit & Oculoplasty, Shankara Nethralaya, Chennai)
1220 A. Parameswaran et al.

After placing retraction sutures on upper and lower eye- A historical perspective of the description of the transcon-
lids, gentle medial traction is applied over the skin of the junctival approach and its evolution into the most favored
nasal dorsum, and incision is placed lateral to the caruncle, approach for access to the floor and medial wall of the orbit
while avoiding injury to the lacrimal puncta or canaliculi along with the infra-orbital rim is provided in Box 57.7.
(Fig. 57.24b). The length of the incision is between 1.5 and
2.5 cm. Dissection through the fibers of the Muller’s muscle
exposes the medial wall just posterior to the posterior lacri- Box 57.7 Evolution and Modifications of the
mal crest (Fig. 57.24c). For additional exposure of associated Transconjunctival Approach
orbital floor fractures, a C-shaped approach can be used
Author Year Description
including a transconjunctival incision with or without lateral Bourget J 1924 Conjunctival approach for
canthotomy and inferior cantholysis in conjunction with the blepharoplasty
trans-caruncular approach. Tenzel & 1971 Post-septal approach
As the lateral transcutaneous and lower lid approaches Miller
also find use in the management of fractures of the zygo- Tessier P 1973 Pre-septal approach
McCord & 1979 “Swinging eyelid” with lateral
matic complex fractures, they are discussed in detail in chap- Moses canthotomy
ter on zygomatic complex fractures. Garcia GH 1998 Trans-caruncular approach

57.7.3 Transconjunctival Approach (Fig. 57.25)

Pre-septal Approach (Fig. 57.26)
The infra-orbital rim and orbital floor defects can be accessed The incision is marked 2–3 mm posterior to the tarsal plate
through a transconjunctival incision (Video 57.2). along the mediolateral length of the lower palpebral conjunc-
Its advantages include: tiva. Dissection is performed along the subconjunctival plane
(i) Excellent cosmesis and is carried down toward the inferior orbital rim. This
(ii) Minimal incidence of ectropion maintains the plane anterior to the orbital septum. Retraction
(iii) Extensive access up to 270° including the floor and sutures may be placed on the vestibular portion of the con-
medial and lateral walls, with the modifications to the junctival flap with traction in superior direction, to provide
conventional approach additional protection to the globe. On reaching the facial sur-
face of the infra-orbital rim, the periosteum is incised about

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.25 (a) Diagram showing trans-conjunctival approach and its modifications - A. Transconjunctival, B. Trans-caruncular & C. Lateral
canthotomy. (b) Intra-operative picture of trans-conjunctival with the lateral canthotomy modification. The picture also shows an upper lid blepha-
roplasty incision used to access the fronto-zygomatic suture
57  Orbital Fractures 1221

2 mm inferior to the rim. This is followed by subperiosteal Retroseptal Approach (Fig. 57.26)
dissection and exploration of the orbital floor by retracting In the retroseptal type, the conjunctival incision is made near
the globe and orbital contents superiorly. Approximately the fornix spanning mediolaterally just short of the caruncle.
2–3 mm distance must be maintained from the lower end of Dissection is posterior to the orbital septum providing a fast
the tarsal plates while making the initial conjunctival inci- and direct access to the floor when compared to the pre-­
sion failing which there is vertical shortening of the lower septal type [38]. However, orbital fat is encountered before
eyelid and entropion post-operatively. approaching the orbital floor, which may prove bothersome
for dissection and manipulation. The periorbita is incised
immediately posterior to the rim after superior retraction of
the fat and globe with a malleable retractor. This is followed
by subperiosteal dissection and exploration of the floor
defect. Excessive manipulation of the orbital fat during
orbital reconstruction increases the risk of enophthalmos due
to fat disintegration [39, 40]. Placement of the incision too
low into the fornix may damage the inferior oblique muscle
and retractors of the lower eyelid, compromising esthetics
post-operatively due to lower lid entropion.

57.7.4 Trans-antral Endoscopic-Assisted

Approach (Fig. 57.27a, b)

The trans-antral approach was attempted by Converse and

Smith [41] as early as the 1960s. Entry to the antrum is
gained through a transoral Caldwell Luc procedure and a 0°
or 30° endoscope may be used to visualize the orbital floor.

57.7.5 Coronal Approach

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

The coronal approach offers the most extensive exposure of
the entire upper and middle third of the face including the
Fig. 57.26  Diagrammatic representation of the pre-septal and retro- orbit. A detailed description of the same is provided in Chap.
septal modifications of the transconjunctival approach 85 on access osteotomies.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.27 (a, b) Diagram of the trans-antral endoscopy assisted approach to the orbital floor
1222 A. Parameswaran et al.

57.8 A
 Clinical Sequence for Treatment favored because the orbital rims provide the most accurate
Planning and Management of Orbital guidance for restoration of the internal orbital architecture.

A clear understanding of the various patterns of orbital frac-

tures and their clinical implications is absolutely necessary Box 57.8 The Surgical Objectives for Type I Fractures
to design and formulate a plan for their reconstruction. The • Restoration of transverse dimension of the face,
basic management guidelines for the common variations in malar prominence, and the arch anatomy
orbital fractures are detailed below (see Hammer [7] classifi- • Restoration of rim architecture
cation, Fig. 57.9). • Correction of orbital dystopia
• Correction of the axis of the palpebral fissure and
• Reconstruction of the internal orbit
57.8.1 Type I (Orbito-Zygomatic)

Concomitant fractures of the zygomatic complex and the

orbit mandate ORIF of the zygomatic complex first, fol- Figures 57.28a−d and 57.29a−d demonstrate a type I frac-
lowed by internal orbital reconstruction. This sequence is ture managed using the above principles.

Fig. 57.28  3D CT scans of a b

patient with orbito-zygomatic
fracture. (a and b) Pre-­
operative frontal and basal
views demonstrating the
fracture, (c and d) post-­
operative frontal and basal
views demonstrating fixation
of fractures

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

57  Orbital Fractures 1223

Fig. 57.29  Axial and sagittal

a b
scans of the patient in Fig
57.28, with orbito-zygomatic
fracture. (a and b) Sections
demonstrating fracture of the
left zygomatic complex with a
large defect of the orbital
floor. (c and d) Post-operative
sections revealing optimal
reduction of the fracture and
floor reconstruction with
anatomical orbital floor

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

57.8.2 Type II (Internal Orbital) Fractures of the Orbital Roof

Isolated fractures of the orbital roof are extremely rare. They
Management of type II orbital fractures, which are essen- usually occur as a part of fronto-basilar fractures, fractures of
tially the internal fractures (both blow-in and blowout) of the the frontal sinus, or may occur concomitant with fractures of the
orbit including (1) the roof, (2) the floor, and (3) the medial supraorbital rim. Orbital roof fractures are present in approxi-
and (4) lateral walls are detailed below. mately 5% of all orbital and cranial fractures, while incidence of
isolated orbital roof fractures may be as low as 0.7% of all
orbital and cranial fractures. The most common etiological fac-
Box 57.9 The Management of All Internal Orbital tors include motor vehicle accidents, assaults, or falls.
Fractures Can Be Handled Essentially by Answering the Orbital roof fractures may be associated with more severe
Following Basic Questions (Clinical Tip) neurological symptoms including dural tears, CSF leak, ten-
sion pneumocephalus, diffuse cerebral edema, and contu-
(i) Is there a need for intervention?
sions of the frontal lobe [42]. It is imperative for a neurological
(ii) When is the best time to intervene?
and ophthalmological consult prior to management.
(iii) Is there a need for reconstruction?
In general, orbital roof fractures may be categorized into
(iv) What to use for reconstruction?
four types (Fig. 57.30).
1224 A. Parameswaran et al.

Fig. 57.30  CT scan images

a b
showing types of roof
fractures (a) blow-in fracture,
(b) blowout fracture, (c)
fracture of the supraorbital
rim, and (d) fronto-basilar

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

• I—Blow-in fractures of the orbital roof where there is and may often be associated with severe neurological
caudal displacement of the orbital roof with or without implications.
herniation of the brain. These may be undisplaced or dis- Less than 10% of orbital roof fractures may need any
placed fractures. Comminuted fractures may leave frag- form of surgical intervention [42]. Most are amenable to
ments within the orbital cavity and may produce functional conservative management with observation and follow-up of
deficits with ophthalmic signs including restriction of neurological and ophthalmic status.
extraocular muscle movement, diplopia, ptosis, and even
blindness. These are generally caused due to increase in The need for management of fractures of the orbital
the intra-cranial pressure secondary to injuries. roof may depend on:
• II—Blowout fractures of the orbital roof where there is (i) The presence of CSF leak which may need to be
cephalad displacement of the orbital roof into the cranial addressed
cavity due to increased intra-orbital pressure pushing the (ii) The necessity to retrieve displaced intra cranial
roof above. These injuries may be associated with neuro- fragments
logical symptoms. (iii) Ophthalmic signs with compromise on vision
• III—Fractures involving the supraorbital rim. These may (iv) Large displacement of fragments which may
be seen as impure fractures of the orbital roof with an act as mechanical impediments or signifi-
associated fracture of either a blow-in or a blowout nature. cantly alter intra-­
orbital volume producing
• IV—Fractures involving the frontal sinus and the fronto-­ enophthalmos or exophthalmos.
basilar complex. These fractures are more severe in nature
57  Orbital Fractures 1225

Interventions may be indicated immediately or late pri- placement in the case of fractures involving the
mary depending on the indications mentioned above. ­zygomatico-­orbital complex and is restored to its normal
Reconstruction of the roof of the orbit is not a proce- anatomy when the reduction of the zygomatic complex is
dure routinely indicated. However in cases where there achieved [44]. However this wall gets comminuted in high-
is an absolute necessity for reconstruction like preven- velocity injuries [45] necessitating reconstruction in the pri-
tion of brain herniation or restoration of intra orbital mary intervention.
volume which has been significantly altered, the choice The anatomy of the lateral wall plays an important role in
may vary between the use of titanium meshes the internal orbital volume as demonstrated by development
(Fig. 57.31) or porous polyethylene implants fixed with of enophthalmos in unrestored lateral wall fractures [46].
micro-screws to split calvarial grafts. Restoration of the architecture or augmentation of the same
Figure 57.32a−f demonstrates the management of a mal- ensures correction of enophthalmos.
united fronto-basilar fracture along with a blow-in fracture
of the orbital roof compressing the eyeball producing restric-
Reconstruction of the lateral orbital walls is usually
tion of movement.
accomplished with the use of:
(i) Alloplasts including titanium meshes, porous Fractures of the Lateral Orbital Wall
polyethylene sheets, and custom-made poly-
Lateral orbital walls are the strongest of all the orbital walls
ether ether ketone (PEEK ) implants
[43]. The lateral wall generally shows diastasis and dis-
(ii) Bone grafts which may be harvested from either
the calvarium or ilium

Figure 57.33a, b demonstrates the management of frac-

ture of the lateral walls of the orbit in a patient with concomi-
tant fracture of the zygomatic complex. Medial Wall Fractures

The medial wall and the floor are the thinnest walls of the
orbit and have the propensity to fracture the most [47, 48].
Though the incidence of concomitant fractures of the medial
wall with that of the orbital floor have been reported over a
wide range of 5–71%, its occurrence in isolation is very rare.
Most fractures of the medial wall are incidental findings
when CT scans are obtained to study other cranial, facial, or
orbital fractures.
The most common type of clinical presentation would
either involve a combination of the medial wall and floor
(36%) or medial wall, floor, and zygomatic complex (28%)
Fractures of the medial wall were managed conserva-
tively in the past, but current literature proposes clear indica-
tions [49–51] for the exploration and reconstruction of the
medial wall fractures and defects, which include:
1. Restriction of ocular motility
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2. Diplopia
3. Clinically significant enophthalmos
Fig. 57.31  Reconstruction of complex defect of the frontal bone,
orbital roof, and supraorbital rim with a titanium mesh
1226 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.32  CT images of patient with malunited fractures of the orbital images showing recontouring of the supraorbital rim and roof using
roof. (a–c) Pre-operative images demonstrating malunited fracture of ultrasonic aspirator system, with resultant expansion of the intra-orbital
the frontal bone and orbital roof of the left side with decrease in intra-­ volume
orbital volume and compression on the globe. (d–f) Post-operative

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.33  CT scan images of lateral orbital wall with concomitant image showing reduction of the lateral wall and re-establishment of the
fracture of the zygomatic complex. (a) Pre-operative image showing sphenozygomatic suture continuity
fracture and displacement of the lateral wall and (b) post-operative
57  Orbital Fractures 1227

Box 57.10 A Clinically Useful Classification of Medial Wall Fractures Has Been Described by Nolasco et al. [47] in 1995
Based on CT Scan Findings
They describe four patterns of presentations (Fig. 57.34)
• Type I: Isolated medial wall fractures
• Type II: Fracture involving the medial wall and the orbital floor
• Type III: Fractures involving the medial wall, floor, and the zygomatic complex
• Type IV: Medial wall plus complex fractures of the face (maxillary, NOE, etc.)

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.34  CT scans showing types of medial wall fractures. (a) Isolated medial wall fracture; (b) fracture of medial wall with
floor; (c) fracture involving medial wall, floor and zygomatic complex; and (d) concomitant fractures of the medial wall, floor, and
midface at LeFort 3 level
1228 A. Parameswaran et al.

Contrary to earlier belief the loss of medial wall integrity Orbital Floor Fractures
also significantly contributes to development of enophthal- The fractures involving the orbital floor are the most com-
mos [49]—with any defect involving an area of more than mon fractures of the internal orbit either in isolation or con-
1.9 cm2 or volume expansion of excess of 0.9 ml [50, 51] pro- comitant with other facial fractures. A comprehensive
ducing clinically significant enophthalmos (2 mm or more). classification of floor fractures with clinical guidelines for
Approaches to the medial wall have already been management is described by Jaquiery [54] et al. which lays
described in detail earlier. The most favored being the trans-­ emphasis on the morphology of the defect and the role of the
caruncular/retro-caruncular approaches which give excellent infero-medial strut of the inferior orbital fissure.
exposure and access to the medial wall for both exploration
and reconstruction [37, 52].
Options for reconstruction include a multitude of materi- The internal orbit is divided into three zones which
als which may be autogenous or alloplastic as shown in helps in evaluating the difficulty of approach and
Table 57.1. Bioactive resorbable sheets are also found to pro- exposure:
duce good outcomes [53]. (i) Anterior third
Figure 57.35a, b demonstrates reconstruction of a medial (ii) Middle third
wall fracture with a Titanium mesh. (iii) Dorsal third

Table 57.1  Commonly used biomaterials for orbital reconstructions

Permeability for
Stability / Biological inflammatory Donor site Radio-­
Material fixation (S/F) Contouring behavior exudate morbidity opacity Availability
Titanium S+++ ++ ++ (allows tissue + + + +
F++ in-growth)
Bone graft S++ - +++ - - + +/−
Porous polyethylene S+/− + ++ (allows tissue − + - +
F+/− (when in-growth)
Composite porous S++ + ++ (allows tissue − + + +
polyethylene/Ti F++ in-growth)
Resorbable (PLLA) S+/− + + (inflammatory (non-perforated) + − +
F+/− response)
Pre-formed S+++ +++ (minimal ++ (allows tissue + + − +
anatomical implant F++ contouring needed) in-growth)

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.35  CT images of patient with medial wall fracture. (a) Fracture of the medial orbital wall of the left orbit showing displaced medial rectus.
(b) Post-operative image demonstrating medial orbital reconstruction with titanium mesh
57  Orbital Fractures 1229

Table 57.2  The classification of orbital wall defects (Jaquiery et  al. The fractures themselves are then classified into four
modified by Dubois et al.) [53–55] categories of defects (Table 57.2; Fig. 57.36a−d).
Category Complexity of
of fracture reconstruction Defect description Clinical finding
I Low Isolated defect of
floor or medial Which Fractures of the Orbital Floor Need
wall, 10–20 mm2 Intervention?
within zone 1 or 2 Indications and contraindications for floor exploration and
II Moderate Defect of floor and/ Bony infero-medial repair are well defined.
or medial wall strut of the inferior
>20 mm2 within orbital fissure
zone 1 and 2 present Absolute Indications
III High Defect of floor and/ Infero-medial strut 1. Acute injury to the orbit showing evidence of immediate
or medial wall of inferior orbital clinical enophthalmos and/or hypophthalmos [55]
>20 mm2 within fissure absent
zone 1 and 2
(Fig.  57.15), necessitating a primary surgical interven-
IV High Defect of the entire Infero-medial strut tion. Post-surgical outcome may get compromised with
orbital floor with of inferior orbital delay due to progressive atrophy of intra-orbital fat.
medial wall fissure absent. The 2. Severe restriction of ocular motility with CT or MRI evi-
involving zone 3 posterior ledge of
denced muscle entrapment or incarceration of periorbital
the floor also may
be absent soft tissue.

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.36  Diagrammatic representation of the different types of defects of the orbital floor which indicate the grades of difficulty to reconstruct.
(a) Type I, (b) Type II, (c) Type III and (d) Type IV
1230 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.37  CT scan images of a young boy with history of orbital inferior rectus muscle. (Courtesy: Dept of Orbit & Oculoplasty,
trauma. (a) Sagittal and (b) coronal sections demonstrating a “springing Shankara Nethralaya, Chennai)
trapdoor” fracture of the orbital floor on the left side with entrapped

b c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.38  Clinical photographs of a boy with “White eye blowout” abnormalities. (Courtesy: Dept of Orbit & Oculoplasty, Shankara
fracture, showing restriction of ocular motility in the left eye in the Nethralaya, Chennai)
superior (a) and inferior (e) gazes. The other gazes (b, c and d) show no
57  Orbital Fractures 1231

3. “White eye blowout” fracture in a child or young adult displacement of the globe by 1 mm. Enophthalmos of 2 mm
with severe restriction of ocular motility (Figs. 57.37a, b or more may be clinically perceivable and warrant surgical
and 57.38) and vagal symptoms. intervention [58, 59]. An important aspect of orbital recon-
struction lies in the fact that it is the only fracture in CMF
Relative Indications region where the onus is not in recreating the anatomical
1. Defects of the orbital floor often larger than 50% of the form but rather in the restitution of the intra-orbital volume.
orbital floor area or greater than 20 × 20 mm of defect Care should be taken to reconstruct the posteromedial aspect
size especially in the zone between the floor and the of the orbit (Hammer’s key area) to achieve anterior projec-
medial wall (Fig. 57.39a). tion of the globe. It is imperative to understand that recon-
2. Diplopia which is non-resolving and persistent for more struction of the floor posterior to the equator of the globe
than 2 weeks due to entrapment or fibrosis of orbital soft influences anterior projection of the globe, while reconstruc-
tissue (Fig. 57.39b) [56, 57]. tion of the equatorial region of the floor influences only the
supero-inferior position of the globe (Fig. 57.41).
Relative Contraindications Figure 57.42a−d shows a case of delayed correction of
1. Associated ophthalmic injuries like retinal tears, enophthalmos in a patient with an orbital floor fracture.
hyphema, displacement of lens, ruptured globe, avulsion
injuries of the globe, etc. Hypophthalmos
2. Loss of vision in one eye with the only seeing eye involved This is otherwise called hypoglobus and signifies the down-
in a fracture ward displacement of the globe due to the interruption in the
Figure 57.40a−f demonstrates the delayed management anatomical integrity of the orbital floor. The clinical presence
of a patient with an isolated fracture of the floor and medial of hypoglobus needs to be differentiated from orbital dysto-
walls. The CT scan shows fibrosis and adhesion of the infe- pia which essentially means that the entire bony orbit with its
rior rectus muscle to the residual posterior ledge producing contents is displaced caudally, unlike hypophthalmos, where
diplopia and restriction in superior gaze. only the globe is displaced caudally.
However decision-making for surgical intervention based
Surgery for Special Indications in Orbital Floor on both enophthalmos and hypophthalmos is challenging as
Fractures they may or may not present immediately following trauma.
Enophthalmos (Refer to clinical scenario 1. Figs. 57.57, 57.58 and 57.59).
Enophthalmos is the displacement of the eyeball in a pos-
terior direction and is attributed to increase in the intra-­
orbital volume. Numerous studies have shown that there is a Diplopia
correlation between increase in intra-orbital volume and the Clinically demonstrable double vision is termed diplopia.
presenting enophthalmos. It is proved that an increase in Generally post-traumatic diplopia due to edema and hemor-
intra-orbital volume by 0.5–1  cc would produce posterior rhage is self-limiting and shows spontaneous resolution.

Fig. 57.39 (a) Sagittal

section CT demonstrating a b
large defect of the orbital
floor. (b) Sagittal section CT
demonstrating fibrosis and
adhesion of the inferior rectus
(yellow arrow) to the
posterior ledge of the orbital

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

1232 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.40  CT scan images of patient with internal orbital fracture. (a–c) 3D, coronal, and sagittal images demonstrating isolated fracture of the
left orbital floor and medial wall. (d–f) post-operative images demonstrating reconstruction of the defect with anatomical orbital implant

Diplopia can manifest in two forms:

(i) Monocular (diplopia present when seeing through one
eye with the other eye closed) which is of more concern
where the pathology is generally due to an ophthalmic
problem (corneal, retinal, etc.) or neurological where the
problem may be due to the optic nerve or the optic disk
being injured.
(ii) Binocular diplopia (diplopia present only when seeing
with both eyes, while absent on seeing with one eye)
with CT proven muscle entrapment is seen as an indica-
tion for immediate intervention. However, it may also be
attributed to other reasons including (a) intra-orbital
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India edema or hemorrhage, physical bony spicules or frag-
ments acting as impediments following trauma, (b)
Fig. 57.41  Graphical representation of the equator of the globe (E)
entrapment of the periorbita, and in rare cases (c) large
and the associated equatorial (A) and post-equatorial (B) zones of the
floor changes in intra-orbital volume including massive
57  Orbital Fractures 1233

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.42  Clinical photographs of patient with enophthalmos. (a and b) Pre-operative pictures demonstrating significant enophthalmos of the
left globe. (c and d) Post-operative pictures demonstrating good surgical outcome

h­ erniations or atrophy of periorbital fat, which do not

mandate immediate intervention. Refer to clinical sce-
nario 2.

When Is the Right Time to Intervene?

The timing for intervention for fractures of the orbital floor
can be divided into three categories—immediate, early, and
late. The indication for all three categories are well discussed
in literature [57] and are listed in Fig. 57.43.
Indications for immediate repair are of an urgent nature
and may require priority as surgical emergencies, generally
less than 6 h following trauma.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
What to Use for Reconstruction of the Orbital Defect?
A plethora of material both autogenous and alloplastic
have been used and documented. A table is provided with Fig. 57.43 Chart showing timing for intervention for orbital
the list of the most commonly used materials and their
relative merits (Table 57.1). However, contemporary liter-
ature favors the use of stock titanium meshes and custom Guidelines for Deep Orbital Dissection
patient specific implants which provide optimal correc- The dissection of the deep orbit is always a challenge for the
tions (Fig. 57.44a, b). surgeon due to the high concentration of vital structures
1234 A. Parameswaran et al.

within a limited space [60]. A few anatomical landmarks that the medial strut of the inferior orbital fissure is an impor-
have been suggested for guidance while dissecting in the tant entity to identify and utilize for reconstruction of the
deep orbit include: internal orbit.
(a) Infra-orbital nerve: the course of the infra-orbital nerve (c) The greater wing of the sphenoid: this is a thick and
within the orbit is a very important landmark in floor strong bony structure which forms the majority of the
dissection. The point of its entry from the pterygopala- lateral orbit and bridges the inferior and superior orbital
tine fossa at the genu/bend where inferior orbital fissure fissures. Its robust nature makes it less prone for com-
takes a turn and ascends laterally to continue as the minution and hence forms a predictable landmark to find
­superior orbital fissure signifies the safe limit for the even in severe trauma.
posterior extent of floor dissection. Even in the case of (d) Orbital process of the palatine bone: the Orbital process
badly comminuted fractures or delayed corrections, the of the palatine bone forms the highest point of the poste-
nerve may be identifiable and provides a reliable clue to rior-medial bulge of the orbital floor. This is an integral
the end of the pre confluence area. part of the posterior orbit that needs to be reconstructed
(b) Inferior orbital fissure: the inferior orbital fissure forms to get adequate positioning of the globe in the anteropos-
a pathway for an extended exposure of the lateral orbit terior and vertical directions.
as the contents of the fissure can be safely divided using (e) Orbital confluence: the orbital confluence (Fig. 57.45a,
bipolar cautery dissection. This facilitates easy naviga- b) is formed by the convergence of two bony shelves
tion into the deep orbit behind the fissure and trace the forming the genu of the internal orbital fissures. This
greater wing of sphenoid. It may be of clinical relevance signifies the safe limits of the dissection of the orbital
to note that the structures of the lateral orbit are much floor. The confluence is formed by the perpendicular
stronger and less prone to comminution when compared plate of the palatine bone on the medial aspect and the
to the medial orbital structures. This makes the lateral bony inferior margin of the greater wing of the sphenoid
approach to the deep orbit more predictable. Furthermore, laterally.

a b

Fig. 57.44  Photographs of (a) StrykerR preformed anatomical orbital floor implant and (b) titanium “patient-specific implant” (PSI)
57  Orbital Fractures 1235

(f) Safe distances within the orbit: an important formula to (g) Globe protection: protection of the globe is of vital
remember safe distances within the orbit is 24-12-6, importance in orbital surgery. Adequate care should also
where 24 is the distance in mm of the anterior ethmoidal be exercised for the protection of other vital structures
foramen from the medial orbital rim; an additional like nerves and vessels also. Use of protection devices
12 mm deeper (36 mm) would indicate the posterior eth- like specific retractors (Fig.  57.46a, b, c) and corneal
moidal foramen followed by another 6 mm deep for the shields is mandatory.
optic nerve (42 mm) [6].

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.45 (a) Demonstration of landmarks on dry skull. (A) (b) Intraoperative photograph demonstrating the structures of the deep
Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone. (B) Medial lip of the greater orbit in a patient undergoing secondary surgery for floor reconstruction
wing of the sphenoid. (C) Orbital confluence and (O) Optic foramen. with implant replacement

a c

Fig. 57.46  Photographs showing globe protection devices. (a) StrykerR globe retractor, (b) SynthesR globe retractor and (c) SynthesR retractor in
anatomical position demonstrating the use of calibration to aid intraoperatively
1236 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.47  CT scans images demonstrating optimal de-herniation of orbital contents and restoration of intra-orbital volume. (a–c) Pre-operative,
(d–f) post-operative

De-herniation of the Orbital Contents and Locating 57.8.3 Type III (Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid Type)

the Posterior Ledge (Refer Chap. 58)

Two important aspects of floor reconstruction are: The NOE-type fractures are the most challenging of all the
(i) De-herniation of the orbital (Fig. 57.47a−f) con- orbital fractures to manage in terms of achieving predictable
tents to restore the internal orbital volume results. The management of the NOE complex reconstitutes
(ii) Locating the posterior ledge (Fig. 57.48a−d) for the facial form of the central midface: a key element in facial
optimal implant positioning esthetics. This type is also prone to have concomitant inju-
ries to the lacrimal system which should be identified and
However, locating the posterior ledge in large defects and treated.
secondary corrections may be a significant challenge. Figure 57.49a−f demonstrates the CT images of a patient
Absence of posterior ledge in severe orbital trauma is an with a residual deformity following pan-facial trauma with
indication for cantilevered implants which are secured to the a right-sided type I NOE and neglected orbital floor
infra-orbital rim alone. fractures.
57  Orbital Fractures 1237

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.48 (a and b) Pre-operative coronal and sagittal section CT images demonstrating the location of the posterior ledge of the floor defect. (c
and d) Post-operative images showing the placement of the anatomical orbital floor implant in the appropriate position to bridge the defect
1238 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.49  CT scan images of patient with type I NOE fracture, plus operative images demonstrating ORIF of the right NOE fracture, redo
orbito-zygomatic complex on the right side. (a–c) 3D, coronal and sag- of the orbito-zygomatic complex and floor reconstruction with anatom-
ittal images demonstrating the fractures and the floor defect. (d–f) Post-­ ical orbital implant

Figures 57.50a−d and 57.51a−d demonstrate a patient

Box 57.11 The Key Elements for Managing Type III with residual facial deformity following RTA.  Patient had
Fractures sub-­optimally treated pan-facial and orbital fractures and a
malunited mandible fracture. He was operated for a revision
• Management of the medial canthal tendon (MCT)
surgery addressing his midface and dental occlusion.
as indicated: this can be performed according to the
description of Markowitz et al. [61] with the focus
being the attachment or avulsion of the medial can-
57.9 Management of Orbital Emergencies
thal tendon (MCT) to the fracture fragment
• Management of the soft tissue drape after reposition
(a) Retrobulbar hemorrhage: investigations with a CT scan
of the MCT
or an MRI as the clinical situation mandates help us with
• Restoration of the nasal dorsum projection, which
a diagnosis of retrobulbar hemorrhage. 20% mannitol
is of paramount importance
2 g/kg body weight or 500 mg acetazolamide is admin-
• Evaluation of injuries to the lacrimal system: cana-
istered to reduce the intraocular pressure in conjunction
liculi, sac and the nasolacrimal duct (NLD), and its
with 100 mg hydrocortisone for management of edema.
Hourly examinations of pupils, visual acuity, and IOP
are of great significance as stable ophthalmic status with
diminishing signs of vision can be managed medically.
Deterioration of vision or changes in visual fields may
57.8.4 Type IV (Complex Fractures of the Face be considered an emergency [62]. Inferior cantholysis is
with Orbital Fractures) the most commonly employed procedure for decom-
pression of the retrobulbar space [63–65].
This type includes all the combinations of the fractures of the (b) Traumatic optic neuropathy: the management of trau-
face which do not fall into the types described above. matic optic neuropathy includes observation, use of ste-
Sequencing of fractures (refer Chap. 60) such as these includ- roids, and surgical decompression [66]. However, the
ing pan-facial fractures requires a thorough understanding of use of corticosteroids in acute brain trauma is now
the principles to obtain optimal outcomes. It is to be borne that debatable, and the general consensus is non-use of ste-
sequencing and fixation of all facial fractures need to be com- roids in patients having concomitant brain trauma [67].
pleted prior to the reconstruction of the internal orbit. Many clinicians now restrict the use of steroids (bolus
57  Orbital Fractures 1239

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.50  3D CT images of patient with neglected pan facial injury images demonstrating ORIF of the right orbito-zygomatic complex and
and associated orbital fracture. (a and b) Images demonstrating frontal a Lefort I osteotomy with restoration of skeletal form, midface projec-
and lateral views showing malunited pan-facial fracture with facial tion, and restoration of functional occlusion
deformity and significant dental malocclusion. (c and d) Post-operative

dose of 30 mg/Kg body weight of methyl prednisolone (a) Ratio of cranium to facial fractures in children
followed by 3 mg/Kg/h for 24 h) within the first 8 h of The face to cranium ratio of an infant is 1:8, while that
injury, in cases of severe primary vision loss or progres- of a child who is between 4 and 6 is about 1:4. This
sive vision loss. clearly establishes the fact that the cranium in an infant
(c) Compartment syndromes: this includes both superior or a child is much larger than the face and is more
orbital fissure and orbital apex syndromes. The current exposed to potential trauma. The incidence of orbital
protocols indicate early surgical decompression where roof fractures is much more common in children who
indicated. The role of steroids is debatable as indicated are younger than 5 years, while beyond the age of 7, the
above. floor fracture is more commonly seen.
(b) Pediatric orbital roof fractures
Roof fractures in children occur in the growing age [68]
57.10 Pediatric Considerations and cause an entity called the “growing skull fracture,”
(Figs. 57.52a–d and 57.53a, b) where the fracture fragments continue to separate due to
growth, causing “leptomeningeal” herniation which
Pediatric consideration in orbital trauma necessitates the dis- involves herniation of the meninges and part of the f­ rontal
cussion of four important aspects which clearly delineate the lobe into the orbital cavity. Management of these need to
management principles from adults. be planned in conjunction with neurosurgical support.
1240 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.51  Coronal and axial CT images of the patient in Fig 57.50. (a and b) Images demonstrating comminuted fractures of the midface and
orbit. (c and d) Post-operative images showing optimal restoration of form of the face and orbit

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.52  Clinical photographs of a 6-year-old child with left sided orbital trauma (a and c) frontal and basal views demonstrating immediate-­
onset enophthalmos and hypophthalmos. (b and d) post-operative photographs showing optimal post-surgical outcome. (Courtesy: Dept of Orbit
& Oculoplasty, Shankara Nethralaya, Chennai)
57  Orbital Fractures 1241

Fig. 57.53  CT scan images

(a) 3D image demonstrating a
fracture involving the left
infra-orbital rim and orbital
floor in a 6 year-old child, (b)
sagittal sections of both orbits
showing left sided floor
fracture. (Courtesy: Dept of
Orbit & Oculoplasty,
Shankara Nethralaya,

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

(c) White eye blowout that is already set in and the distortion of bony landmarks
The presence of floor fractures with restriction in superior within the orbit. This may necessitate more extensive dissec-
gaze, with or without oculo-vagal responses and devoid of tion and mobilization of the orbital contents and yet yield
any physical signs of hemorrhage or ecchymosis in the sub-optimal outcomes.
eye or periorbital region [69–71]. This is a feature which
may be seen in children and young adults as a result of a
“self-reducing trapdoor” fracture which entraps the infe-
rior rectus. The white eye blowout is considered a surgical 57.12 Complications
emergency and necessitates immediate intervention.
(d) Role of resorbable implants Complications associated with management of orbital frac-
The cranium and upper face exhibit rapid growth in the tures may be categorized into immediate and delayed
early years. The orbit completes almost 80% of its complications.
growth within the first 2 years of life and another 10%
within the next 2–3 years. Choice of implants in the
growing orbit is to be taken into consideration by the
surgeon who has to plan for the residual growth of the Box 57.12 Indications for Secondary Deformity
orbit and possible chances of migration of implants. Correction of the Internal Orbit Generally Are

(a) Restricted ocular movement, which may be either

due to muscle entrapments or adhesions of intra
57.11 S
 econdary Correction of Orbital orbital and/or periorbita
Deformities (b) Diplopia due to physical impediments like bony
interferences and/or soft tissue adhesion/
Secondary corrections of the internal orbit demand great entrapment
degrees of skill and are technically demanding even for the (c) Enophthalmos and/or hypophthalmos
trained surgeon due to the nature of fibrosis and contracture
1242 A. Parameswaran et al.

57.12.1 Immediate Complications 57.13 R

 ecent Advances in Management
of Orbital Fractures
The most common immediate complications that are
secondary to orbital surgery include: Orbital reconstruction still remains one of the most challeng-
ing and enigmatic areas in the management of cranio-facial
• edema, trauma and most certainly attracts the latest in terms of tech-
• infection, nology and developments to refine and improve outcomes.
• would dehiscence, Significant advances in the field of orbital reconstruction
• aberrant implant position, include:
• extrusion of implants.
1. Computer-assisted surgery
2. Intraoperative imaging and navigation (refer Chap. 41)
Hemorrhage may be an infrequent complication which
3. Patient-specific implants for reconstruction
may happen during the surgery or in the immediate post-­
operative period.
Complications associated with specific ophthalmic impli- 57.13.1 N
 avigation and CAS for Orbital
cations like injuries to the cornea, extraocular muscles, lacri- Fractures and Reconstruction
mal apparatus, or the optic nerve also may occur.
Blindness is a rare but grievous complication which has to Computer-assisted surgery allows virtual pre-operative
be borne in mind. planning of the desired reconstruction using pre-operative
The last group includes neurosensory disturbances like par- CT scans (Fig. 57.54a−d) [74]. This virtual plan gives real-
esthesia or dysesthesia associated with the infra-orbital nerve time guidance during surgery. Navigation helps visualize
and carrying grades of facial nerve palsy or weakness [72, 73]. the actual surgical outcome during surgery in relation to
the pre-­operative plan (Fig.  57.55). With this technique,
sub-optimal reduction of fractures and positioning of
57.12.2 Delayed Complications implants can be identified and corrected during surgery,
thereby reducing the need for secondary procedures
Delayed complication may present in the form of: [75–77].
• Persistent enophthalmos/hypophthalmos
• Persistent or worsened diplopia with altered vision
• Restricted ocular movement due to fibrosis and
57.13.2 Patient-Specific Implants
(Fig. 57.56a–c)
Other adverse outcomes include:
• Entropion
Custom implants for the reconstruction of complex defects
• Ectropion
and deformities have become vogue now. They offer the
• Hypertrophic scars/keloids
advantages of accurate planning and infallible positioning
• Change in the axis of the palpebral fissure
intraoperatively which enormously improve post-surgical
57  Orbital Fractures 1243

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.54  Photographs depicting stages in computer-assisted surgery the deformity; and (d) creation of patient specific implant design for the
for orbito-facial reconstruction. (a) Generation of virtual 3D model; (b) fronto-zygomatic region and importing the virtual model of the ana-
segmentation and mirroring of normal side; (c) superimposition of the tomical orbital implant for floor reconstruction
mirrored object on the affected side, enabling a better understanding of
1244 A. Parameswaran et al.

outcomes. The defect can be mapped digitally and a con-

struct can be made after virtual surgical planning to aid in Box 57.13 Principles to Be Followed During Surgery for
intraoperative guidance. The implants may also function as Orbital Floor Reconstruction
guidance stents and double up as fixation devices too. (i) Complete exposure of the fracture and defect
(ii) Meticulous de-herniation of the orbital soft tis-
sues with restitution of intra-orbital volume
57.14 Conclusion (iii) Identification of the posterior ledge in floor

defects which is the posterior limit for
To conclude, all patients with orbital trauma need to be subjected reconstruction
to ophthalmological examinations both pre- and post-­surgery. (iv) Restoration of the posteromedial bulge of the
Globe protection, gentle retraction of tissues, and intraoperative orbit (Hammer’s key area) [7]
testing for vision are mandatory during orbital surgery. (v) Choice for the reconstruction material should be
based on the complexity of the defect (Dubois
et al.) [55]

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.55  Screenshot images of a left-sided orbital floor with an anatomical orbital floor implant that is virtually planned and executed with the
help of intraoperative navigation

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.56  PSI designed for reconstruction of a large floor and medial wall defect in the right orbit. (a) Frontal view of PSI on an STL model of
the patient, (b) superior view, and (c) intraoperative photograph showing placement of the PSI “in situ”
57  Orbital Fractures 1245

57.15 Case Scenarios

Case 1
Patient with a history of facial trauma 8 months back presented with complaints of change in the position of his eye-
balls. He had a history of surgical intervention for management of his pan-facial fractures immediately following the
trauma. No intervention was performed for the orbital fractures primarily. Subsequent clinical evaluation performed 8
months later revealed enophthamos, hypophtalmos and restriction in superior gaze in the right eye. CT scans revealed
a large orbital floor defect on the right side with fibrosis and adhesion of the inferior rectus to the posterior ledge of the
floor defect. The patient was subjected to secondary surgery for correction of the above mentioned complaints. An
orbital exploration was performed on the right side to release the inferior rectus, the infra-­orbtial rim was augmented
with a ramal graft and the floor defect was reconstructed with a “Stryker” anatomical orbital implant. Post-surgical
evaluation revealed optimal corrections of the enophthalmos, hypophthalmos and good repositioning of the inferior
rectus muscle (Figs. 57.57a−d, 57.58a, b and 57.59a−f).

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.57 (a and b) Pre-operative clinical photographs of patient demonstrating right sided enophthalmos and hypophthalmos. (c and d)
Post-­operative clinical photographs showing optimal surgical outcomes
1246 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.58  3D CT reconstructions of patient in Fig 57.57 demonstrat- the right orbital floor defect with an anatomical orbital implant after
ing (a) right-sided malunited zygomatic complex fracture with orbital augmentation of the infra-orbital rim with a mandibular ramus bone
floor defect and (b) post-surgical scan image showing reconstruction of graft

a b c

d e f

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.59 (a–c) Pre-operative axial, coronal, and sagittal scans of patient in Fig 57.57 with large defect of the right orbital floor. (d–f) Post-
operative sections demonstrating the correction of the floor defect with an anatomical orbital implant
57  Orbital Fractures 1247

Case 2
A 12 year old girl presented to the surgical OPD with history of blunt injury to the left eye. On examination she had no
external signs of injury but revealed restriction in superior gaze in the left eye. CT scan revealed a springing trapdoor
fracture of the left orbital floor with entrapment of the inferior rectus muscle. A diplopia charting was performed which
revealed moderate to severe restriction of the left eye in the superior gaze. The patient was taken up for immediate
surgery for orbital exploration and release of the entrapped muscle with/without floor reconstruction. The exploration
was successful and the patient required no reconstruction of the floor. Post operatively the patient demonstrated com-
plete resolution of the symptoms with the full range of ocular movements restored. (Figs. 57.60, 57.61, 57.62a, b)
(Courtesy: Dept of Orbit & Oculoplasty, Shankara Nethralaya, Chennai)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.60  Pre-operative photograph demonstrating the nine gazes of a young girl with a “White eye blowout” fracture of the left orbital
floor with entrapment of the inferior rectus. (Courtesy: Dept of Orbit & Oculoplasty, Shankara Nethralaya, Chennai)

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.61  Post-operative photograph demonstrating resolution of symptoms after 3 weeks of surgery (Courtesy: Dept of Orbit & Oculoplasty,
Shankara Nethralaya, Chennai)
1248 A. Parameswaran et al.

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 57.62  Photograph of documentation of diplopia by charting with two colors (green for left and red for right eyes). The left and right sides
are marked in the orientation that the patient sees an object in front of him/her. (a) Pre-operative and (b) post-operative (Courtesy: Dept of Orbit
& Oculoplasty, Shankara Nethralaya, Chennai)

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Additional Reading
assisted surgery in secondary orbital reconstruction. J Cranio-­
Maxillofac Surg. 2006;34(5):299–305. Bater MC, Ramchandani PL, Brennan PA. Post-traumatic eye observa-
76. Wilde F, Lorenz K, Ebner AK, Krauss O, Mascha F, Schramm tions. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005;43(5):410–6.
A.  Intraoperative imaging with a 3D C-arm system after

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Frontal and Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid
Complex Fractures 58
Kannan Balaraman

58.1 Introduction

Naso-orbito-ethmoid (NOE) region is a confluence of criti-

cal structures of the face including the nose, orbit and skull
base. Hence injuries to the region have a major impact on the
function of these regions as well as aesthetics. A deformity
of the NOE region tends to catch the eye much more than a
deformity elsewhere in the face and hence affecting the indi-
vidual. The injuries to this area are about 5% of maxillofacial
injuries in adults and about 15% in children [1, 2] and mostly
occur as a result of road traffic accidents (RTA) [1] espe-
cially in the Indian subcontinent. This is especially so due to
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
two-wheeler injuries. Considering the proximity of the
region to the brain and globe, these injuries may need multi- Fig. 58.1  MCL anchoring eyelids (O-occular, P-palpebral)
disciplinary evaluation before embarking on a definitive
treatment plan.
Apart from the bony parts, the medial canthal ligament
(MCL) is an important soft tissue of the complex (Fig. 58.1).
58.2 Applied Surgical Anatomy The ligament not only anchors the upper and lower eyelids to
the nasal complex but also encompasses the lacrimal sac at
The NOE complex is a part of the medial vertical buttress its anterior, posterior and superior aspect [3]. Certain authors
system of the face abutting the cranium. It is made of the have found that the posterior limb is not always present or
nasal bones, the ethmoid bones encompassing the sinuses clearly defined in certain instances [4]. The ligament being
which also form the medial wall of the orbit articulating attached to the edges of the lacrimal fossa in the lacrimal
above with the frontal bone at the anterior skull base. This bone in these areas helps in emptying of the lacrimal sac dur-
ethmoid labyrinth which separates both the orbits acts like a ing blinking thus effecting drainage of the lacrimal sac.
shock absorber during trauma thus minimizing force dissipa- Hence injuries to the region affecting the attachment of the
tion into critical structures like the orbital and cranial cavi- medial canthal ligament can impact the medial eyelid attach-
ties. Extensive injury or comminution can result in associated ment and/or draining off tears from lacrimal sac. The skin
anterior cranial base fractures causing cerebrospinal fluid and soft tissues drape over the complex like a cloth over a
(CSF) leak as well. The frontal process of maxilla and the framework, and when the region crumples following an
lacrimal bone also is an integral part of the complex owing to injury, the soft tissue envelope collapses as well causing dis-
their proximity and involvement in the fracture pattern tinct deformity which if not treated well can result in persis-
occurring in the region. tent deformity of the region. The collapsed soft tissue heals/
scars over the deformed bony complex and secondary cor-
rection at a later date do not help achieve the pre-injury sta-
K. Balaraman (*) tus. Hence optimal primary realignment and repair offer the
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ganga Medical best chance of achieving optimal results [5].
Centre and Hospitals, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 1251

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_58
1252 K. Balaraman

58.3 Historical Perspective

and Classification [6] Box 58.1 Markowitz and Manson Classification

Type I Simple fracture with canthal ligament

attachment intact
The treatment of NOE complex injuries has evolved from the Type II Comminuted fracture with intact canthal
previous century. Though nasal bone fractures have been rec- attachment in the large fragment (positioning
ognized for a long time, the fracture of ethmoids was high- this fragment helps in securing the canthus in the
right place)
lighted by Dawson and Fordyce in 1953. Converse and Smith
Type Gross comminution with the canthal attachment
in 1963 identified the involvement of medial orbital wall and III in a small fragment or detached canthus both
termed it as naso-orbital. Stranc was the first to in modern necessitating canthopexy
English literature to adopt the terminology naso-ethmoid.
Epker recognized the present-day terminology of naso-­
orbito-­ethmoid in 1973, whilst Gruss in 1985 preferred the
term naso-ethmoid-orbital [6].
58.3.2  Paediatric NOE Fractures (Fig. 58.2)
Classification: Burstein et al.’s [9]
58.3.1  Classification (Box 58.2)

Rowe and Williams [7] in their classic text highlighted the

complexity of the area and stressed the need for primary Box 58.2 Paediatric NOE Fracture Classification
management. Their classification was quite simple, Paediatric NOE fractures classification types are:
depending on side involved and association with other
fractures. • Burstein type I fracture—localized to the upper
NOE complex and frontal bone, medial to superior
• Unilateral or bilateral orbital foramen
• Isolated or associated with other facial fractures • Burstein type II fracture—involves half of the supe-
rior orbital wall, although it does not involve the
Markowitz and Manson (1991) [8] identified the impor- NOE
tance of canthal ligament, and their classification reflected • Burstein type III fracture—is bilateral and involves
the need for getting the position of the canthal ligament the superior orbital walls, upper NOE and bilateral
either by manipulating the fragment or anchoring the can- frontal bones
thus directly. Their classification was as follows (Box 58.1):

a b c

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 58.2  Paediatric NOE fractures classification

58  Frontal and Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid Complex Fractures 1253

Markowitz classification of adult NOE fractures does not From the point of view of the examining clinician,
take into account the differences in paediatric population Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocols take pre-
such as: cedence however gross the presenting scenario is (Refer
Chap. 48 of this book). Once primary survey is completed
• Midface-skull proportions and the patient cleared for secondary survey, definitive clini-
• Frontal sinus pneumatization cal examination starts. It is also imperative to rule out under-
lying injuries to the head/brain, ophthalmologic or associated
structures prior to comprehensive maxillofacial assessment.
58.4 A
 etiology, Clinical Features The main indicators suggesting an underlying NOE frac-
and Diagnosis tures include:

The most common aetiology of the fracture of NOE complex • Depressed nasal bridge (with or without upturned nasal
is trauma be it road accidents in unprotected individuals, tip) is a result of the loss of bony morphology (Fig. 58.3a,
assaults or fall from height [10]. b). When the medial canthal ligament attachment is lost,
Initial presentation can be disconcerting for the individual the manifestations include loss of contour of palpebral fis-
and bystanders due to profuse nasal bleeding and gross sure with rounded medial canthal region. The almond
oedema around the midfacial skeleton. The signs and symp- shape of the palpebral fissure is lost and becomes larger,
toms are given in Box 58.3 (symptoms) and Box 58.4 (signs). and Bowstring test becomes positive (Fig. 58.4).
• Traumatic telecanthus is a direct indicator of the MCL
disruption or widening of the fragments. When there is an
Box 58.3 Symptoms of NOE Fracture intercanthal distance of 35 mm or more, then it may be an
indication of the fragment with MCL being displaced.
Periorbital swelling Direct physical examination is useful in identifying the
Pain and discomfort
collapsed complex.
Nasal blockade
 – Widening of NOE area
Measurement of Intercanthal Distance (ICD):

Normal values are 32–33 mm for females and 33–34 mm for

males. The rule of thirds can be applied whilst evaluating
NOE fractures. Normally ICD equals the palpebral fissure
Box 58.4 Signs of NOE Fracture width. However, in NOE fractures, increased ICD is found,
called telecanthus (Fig. 58.5).
Nasal deformity with crepitus Telecanthus deformity is characteristic; the lateral dis-
Epistaxis—blood or mixed with CSF placement of MCT leads to rounding of the medial palpebral
Depressed nasal bridge fissure, widening of the NOE region and transverse shorten-
Upturned nasal tip
ing of the palpebral aperture.
Rounded medial canthus
Altered palpebral fissure shape
Blockage of nasolacrimal duct • Care should be taken to rule out CSF leak and also dam-
   – Accentuation of the nasojugal skin fold age to the nasolacrimal duct. However the latter is diffi-
   – Formation of obtuse angle at the base of columela with cult to assess primarily in some of the cases and may
tension on upper lip
become apparent much later. Clear discharge from the
   – Lip separation caused due to ruptured tip of nose
Telecanthus nose or watery bloody discharge should arouse a high
   (a) lose of almond shape of palpebral fissure index of suspicion necessitating further biochemical
   (b) Transverse shortening of the palpebral aperture investigations to differentiate CSF from nasal discharge.
   (c) Eyelids become lax Glucose content is more in CSF, but assessment of Tau
   (d) Epicanthal fold become more prominent
   (e) Flattening of the bottom of naso-orbital valley protein (beta 2 Transferrin) is the confirmatory diagnos-
   (f) Obliteration of the caruncle tic factor. Thorough neurologic and ophthalmologic
   (g) Diminished tension of canthal ligament assessment is also essential. In the acute setting, clinical
examination is challenging due to the discomfort and
1254 K. Balaraman

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 58.4  Bowstring test for assessment of MCL attachment patency

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 58.5  Traumatic telecanthus

ing the extent and nature of displacement of NOE com-

plex injuries.
• High-resolution CT scan images in all planes (axial, cor-
onal (Fig. 58.6a–d)) help to identify and assess the frac-
ture pattern accurately. Thin sections (0.6 mm) not only
help in better evaluation but also facilitate surgical plan-
ning or fabrication of models if required. The CT scans
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
will be mandatory anyway to assess the head injury sta-
tus in such cases, and these images can be a part of the
Fig. 58.3 (a, b) Depressed, widened nasal complex with upturned tip head injury screening imaging. Communicating with the
of the nose radiology department of the importance of such images
will ensure that the required sections being done at the
always may be inadequate [11, 12], and hence radiologi- same instance of head injury assessment scans thus
cal investigations are mandatory. The diagnosis and avoiding repeat scans. The axial sections show if there is
understanding of the fractures has evolved over the last disruption of the nasal complex or there is splaying of the
century with the advent of CT imaging. CT scan imaging ethmoid complex. The coronal sections depicts the dis-
in all planes is the norm in these fractures and helps in placement in the mediolateral aspect (thus the status of
ruling injuries to the adjacent structures as well as assess- the fragment with the MCL), whilst the sagittal sections
58  Frontal and Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid Complex Fractures 1255

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 58.6 (a–d) Axial and coronal CT scan images of NOE fracture

depict the displacement in the anteroposterior (AP) Such images are good to plan the surgical management,
aspect (depression). discuss with the assistants the treatment goals and also
• 3D reconstructed images show the gross morphologic sta- explain to the patient the nature of the injury and pro-
tus and are as accurate as the thinness of the sections. posed treatment plan as part of informed consent.
1256 K. Balaraman

Test to Assess Integrity of MCT Conventionally the nasal complex was treated with closed
reduction till Adam et  al. [6] reported on the importance of
NOE fracture is positive if mobility of the medial canthal nasal wiring. The importance of involving the medial canthal
tendon is appreciated. region in the treatment plan was initiated by Converse and
It is revealed by a Bowstring or a bimanual test. Smith in 1963 [6]. They emphasized the importance of manip-
ulating the segment with the MCL, forward positioning the
• Bowstring Test: fragment and trans nasal wiring over a perforated plate.
When the eyelid is pulled laterally, a lack of resistance or The case for open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)
detection of movement of the underlying bone at the ten- was highlighted by Dingman and Natvig [13]. They reported
don area is indicative of a fracture. superior results have been achieved in the more serious inju-
• Bimanual Test: ries (with minimum of effort and with the greatest degree of
An instrument is placed in the nose and pushed laterally. comfort to the patient) by open reduction with direct fixation.
Instability and crepitation felt at the tendon area suggests The need and feasibility of identifying MCL and anchoring it
NOE fracture. across to the other side was described by Mustarde in 1964
[14]. The need for primarily bone grafting when there is severe
comminution of the nasal dorsum rendering primary reduction
58.5 Management incomplete and also help achieve single-stage reconstruction
was highlighted by Cruse [15] and Gruss [16].
The initial presentation of such patients occasionally may be Reduction of the nasal complex may be done with
dramatic due to profuse epistaxis which may exacerbate in Walsham’s forceps to realign the deviated/displaced com-
someone lying down. Keeping patients sitting up with packs plex. The collapsed complex may be out-fractured, and com-
in the anterior nostril might help reduce the bleed. Persistent plex opened out may need to be in-fractured. The depressed
profuse bleed may necessitate intubation to secure the air- complex may be elevated into position by the septal forceps
way and packs in both anterior and posterior nasal passages (Ash’s). However in displaced or comminuted scenarios,
to help prevent aspiration. closed reduction isn’t optimal. Hence trans nasal wiring may
The patient once stabilized, and fit to undergo surgery be needed to keep the splayed segments well reduced and
will need a discussion with the anaesthesiologist about minimize telecanthus. In the absence of gross comminution,
options of intubation. Fractures not involving occlusion can closed reduction and trans nasal wiring has been proved
be managed by oral intubation, whilst if involving occlusion quite useful and adequate to achieve optimal results as advo-
then options like submental intubation or even tracheostomy cated by some authors especially in patients with associated
of the patient requires prolonged ventilation or due to have maxillary fractures [17].
further surgical procedures (as in poly trauma patients).
The presence of CSF leak might pose a tricky problem.
Instances of CSF leak are higher whenever there is 58.5.1  Surgical Access for NOE
pneumocephalus. Hence in such instances, an approach
combined with neurosurgical team may be mandatory, whilst 1 . Existing laceration (Fig. 58.7)
involvement of an ophthalmologist is mandatory when there 2. Glabella approach—a horizontal skin incision over the
is involvement of lacrimal drainage system or lid adnexa. glabella region (Fig. 58.8)
The treatment goals of NOE are shown in Box 58.5. 3. Bicoronal approach (Fig. 58.9)
4. Butterfly incision (combination of Gullwing and open sky
incision) (Fig. 58.10)
5. Vertical incision (Fig. 58.11)
6. H-shaped incision (Fig. 58.12)
Box 58.5 Treatment Goals of NOE Fracture

Treatment goals Ed Ellis et al. [11] reported on having a sequential plan to

Restoring the nasal projection proceed with the surgical sequence. They emphasized on
Restoring nasal dorsal height with adequate nasofrontal angle adequate exposure for identification of the bone fragment
Re-establishing the MCL attachment with the MCL tendon, realigning the medial rim and cantho-
Restoring the latency of nasolacrimal duct pexy if required. The nasal dorsum reconstruction is planned
at the end.
58  Frontal and Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid Complex Fractures 1257

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 58.8  Glabella approach

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 58.7  Existing laceration used as an approach

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 58.10  Butterfly incision (combination of Gullwing and open sky


Steps in Management
• Step1: Good exposure
• Step 2: Identify the medial canthal tendon/tendon-­
bearing bone
• Step 3: Reduce and reconstruct medial orbital rim
• Step 4: Reconstruction of medial orbital wall
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India • Step 5: Trans nasal canthopexy
• Step 6: Reduce septal fracture/displacement
Fig. 58.9  Bicoronal approach • Step 7: Nasal dorsum reconstruction/augmentation
with bone graft
According to them pre-treatment photographs are very • Step 8: Soft tissue readaptation (nasal splint, trans
important in getting good results, and deformity should be nasal bolsters, silicone sheeting)
overtreated than undertreated because secondary deformity
which occurs is difficult to treat.
tioning and hence may need trans nasal wiring as well to
Trans nasal wiring: help with MCL positioning [6, 13]. Using a K wire driver
or an awl will help pass a trans nasal wire across the nasal
Closed reduction in established fractures with telecanthus complex and help narrow the area by bringing the sides
rarely helps achieve adequate reduction and MCL reposi- together. To help achieve adequate narrowing and restore
1258 K. Balaraman

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig 58.11  Vertical incision Fig. 58.12  H shaped incision

the canthal distance, the entry area on the affected site 58.5.2  Trans Nasal Canthopexy
should be just superior and posterior to the posterior lacri-
mal crest to which the posterior limb of the ligament is The objectives of trans nasal canthopexy are:
attached. The wire entry point anterior to the area can result
• To medialize the central fragment
in widening of the telecanthus as the posterior aspect flares
• To position the tendon posterior and superior to posterior
lacrimal crest that would give an ideal vector.
As long as a large fragment with MCL attachment is iden-
tifiable, open reduction and fixation of the fragment can help
The commonly used methods are the trans nasal wiring
in achieving our objectives. Using very low profile titanium
(Fig. 58.14) or using a canthal barb. The identified ligament
plates (1.1–1.3  mm depending on the system used) helps
edges are either anchored with a suture (size 2–0 prolene) or
achieve adequate fixation. Rigid fixation needs exposure of a
a wire (26 gauge) and guided to the opposite side. The entry
stable area to help achieve the same and may necessitate
point is posterior and superior to lacrimal crest to ensure
exposing the glabella or frontal bone superior to it for ade-
adequate positioning. One way to help achieve this is to
quate results. Realignment of the fragments and fixation will
adapt a plate in medial aspect extending from lateral nose
help in achieving better results in cases of fracture having
onto the medial wall extending just beyond the lacrimal crest
multiple fragments and reconstruction with bone graft wher-
(Fig. 58.15).
ever required (Fig. 58.13 a, b).
The wire or suture anchoring the MCL is passed through
MCL disruption or a tiny bony fragment with MCL might
a hole of the plate just beyond the lacrimal crest brought to
necessitate a canthopexy.
58  Frontal and Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid Complex Fractures 1259

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Fig. 58.14  Canthopexy with SS wire (note the wire shown as dotted

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Fig. 58.13 (a) Alignment and fixation of stable fragments. (b) Bone
grafting of the dorsum of nose Fig. 58.15  Use of plate to guide MCL reattachment (note the MCL
fixed to plate with a wire, the red lines denote the fractured bones)
the opposite side and secured around a screw in the fore-
head adjacent to the midline or a plate to prevent the wire Post-operative aesthetic assessments of outcomes done
cutting through the bone. Special barbed wires have been for the management options comparing the canthal position
advocated by certain authors to engage the MCL and anchor and nasofrontal angle measurements have indicated that
it to help with medial canthopexy with small incisions bone grafting may result in obtunded nasofrontal angle as
around the medial canthus. These help especially when compared to ORIF.  Closed reduction of the complex has
there is medial canthal disruption without bony disruption resulted in under projection of the nasal bridge region [20].
[18, 19].
Figure 58.16 shows a clinical case where the MCL has be
anchored to the holes of the plate on either sides (arrows) 58.5.3  Soft Tissue Readaptation
with SS wires.
Paediatric injuries of the naso-maxillary complex are gen- A post-operative nasal bolster splint is very important after
erally under treated, but they need similar management pro- ORIF or NOE fractures. It plays the following functions:
tocols like that of an adult to achieve optimal results [20].
The use of resorbable implants will be of prudence in the • It reduces post-operative swelling due to oedema and
paediatric patients [3]. haematoma.
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©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 58.17  Ideal intercanthal distance

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 58.16  shows a clinical case where the MCL has been anchored to
the holes of the plate (blue arrow) on either sides with SS wires (yellow

Redrapes soft tissues to underlying skeletal framework

and prevents pseudo telecanthus (increase in intercanthal
distance, in spite of accurate reduction and fixation of facture
fragments. This occurs due to non-adaptation of soft tissues
to the underlying NOE complex, with resultant fibrosis of
tissues). Bolster splints may cause skin necrosis if used inap-
propriately. After reduction and fixation of NOE, nasal pack-
ing has been done with ribbon gauge soaked in paraffin/
flavine emulsion or bismuth iodoform paraffin paste (BIPP).
Over packing should be avoided. Sometimes it obstructs the ©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
airway and a potential source of infection and required
removal after 72 h postsurgery. Fig. 58.18  Ideal nasal projection (1:1)

should be checked post-operatively to assess the surgical

58.5.4  Post-operative Evaluation [20] results (Figs. 58.17, 58.18, and 58.19).

It includes evaluation of:

58.6 Complications
• Nasofrontal angle
• Nasal prominence and Inadequate assessment and treatment planning may result in
• Intercanthal width incomplete management of the NOE complex resulting in
secondary deformity which can aesthetically inadequate.
The average distance between the medial canthus should Deformities of the NOE are quite easily noticeable compared
be approximately 1/3rd (33%) of the distance between lateral to those in other regions, and hence appropriate management
canthus. The distance from the lateral canthus of the eye to helps achieve good results. The aesthetic issues like persis-
cornea and cornea to nasofrontal junction will be compared, tent telecanthus or depressed nasal bridge are difficult to cor-
and they should be in 1:1 relationship. The ideal naso-orbital rect secondarily with suboptimal results. Hence the first time
angle is approximately 115–130°. All the three parameters is the best time to address the central nasal component [21,
58  Frontal and Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid Complex Fractures 1261

58.7.2  Applied Anatomy of Frontal Sinus

Frontal sinuses are two asymmetric sinuses separated by a

thin bony septal plate. The average dimensions of frontal
sinus are as follows [28]:

• Height: 32 mm
• Width: 26 mm
• Depth: 17 mm
• Surface Area: 720 mm2

The frontal sinus is an air-filled cavity lined by pseu-

dostratified ciliated columnar epithelium encased in
bone. It becomes visible radiographically at the age of 6
years. The posterior table is thinner than the anterior
table. The posterior table separates the sinus from dura of
frontal lobe. Anterior table is covered by a soft tissue
layer of frontalis muscle, orbicularis oculi muscle, supra-
orbital and supratrochlear nerves, vessels and skin.
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
Posteriorly, the floor of the frontal sinus consists of
Fig. 58.19  Ideal frontonasal angle orbital plate of frontal bone. Anteriorly, the floor of the
sinus overlies the anterior ethmoidal sinus and nasal cav-
ity. The frontonasal drainage area of the sinus originates
22]. Apart from aesthetic complications, functional issues from the posteromedial part of sinus floor. The frontal
like epiphora due to nasolacrimal duct injury or obstruction sinus drains through the frontonasal ducts into the middle
may manifest which may need stenting [23] or dacryocysto- meatus of the nasal cavity or directly through the ostia
rhinostomy (creating a osteum in the lateral nasal wall adja- into the nasal cavity.
cent to the lacrimal sac along with stenting) to establish
patency. Involvement of the medial wall may result in diplo-
pia [24] which if not addressed adequately may persist. 58.7.3  Functions of Frontal Sinus
Another important issue overlooked is anosmia, but if it
should occur, recovery is unpredictable, and prior discussion Following are the various functions of the frontal sinus:
with patients is better. In cases with concomitant brain inju-
ries or CSF leak, risk of associated sequelae is present, and a 1 . Production and storage of mucus
multidisciplinary approach helps. Though improperly placed 2. Resonator for voice
trans nasal wires may occlude/impede the lacrimal drainage 3. Humidification and warming of inhaled air
apparatus, it remains a popular modality to help treat these 4. Accessory area of olfaction
fractures [25, 26]. 5. Conservation of heat from the nasal fossae
6. Definition of facial contours
7. “Surge Tank” to dampen the pressure differential that
58.7 Frontal Sinus Fracture develops during inspiration

58.7.1  Introduction The diagnosis of the frontal sinus fracture based on the
proper history and physical examination of the patient which
Fractures of the frontal sinus are frequently associated with includes inspection and palpation of the affected area.
orbital, NOE, nasal and anterior cranial fossa injury. Frontal The detailed history includes the following points:
sinus is most frequently damaged as a result of high velocity
motor vehicle accidents. 70% of frontal sinus fractures were 1 . Information about events
due to automobile accidents and 20% due to assaults. 2. Visual difficulties
Proximity of sinus to the brain makes untreated disease in 3. Numbness
this area potentially fatal. Inappropriate treatment of frontal 4. Pain
sinus fracture can lead to mucocele formation, recurrent 5. Rhinorrhea
sinusitis, osteomyelitis of frontal bone, brain abscess or 6. Sense of smell
thrombosis of cavernous sinus, encephalitis, etc. [27]. 7. Previous history of nasal or sinus disease surgery
1262 K. Balaraman

58.7.4  Clinical Features [29] 2. Coronal view: It reveals frontal sinus floor and orbital
roof fractures.
1 . Forehead laceration (58%) 3. Sagittal view: It assesses frontonasal duct.
2. Forehead pain (82%) 4. Submentovertex view and lateral view: It visualizes ante-
3. Swelling rior and posterior tables.
4. Frontal bone depression (25%)
5. Periorbital ecchymosis
6. CSF rhinorrhea (1/3rd patients) 58.7.6  Classifications

Frontal sinus fractures are usually classified based on:

58.7.5  Radiographic Features
• Location
For an accurate diagnosis of frontal sinus fracture, a CT scan • Extent of injury
(Fig. 58.20a, b) in different views must be examined [30]. • Involvement of frontonasal duct
• Current injury to the dura
1. Axial view: It reveals location, severity and degree of
comminution of anterior and posterior table fractures.
58.7.7  Stanley’s Classification of Frontal Sinus
a Fracture [31]

• Type I: Anterior Table Fracture

–– Isolated to anterior table
–– Accompanied by supraorbital rim fracture
–– Accompanied by naso-ethmoid complex fracture
• Type II: Anterior and Posterior Table Fractures
–– It is a linear fracture either on transverse direction or in
vertical direction
• Type III: Comminuted Fractures
–– Isolated to both tables
–– Accompanied by naso-ethmoid complex fracture

58.7.8  Gonty Et al. Classification of Frontal

Sinus Fracture [32]

• Type I: Anterior Table Fracture

–– Isolated to anterior table
–– Accompanied by supraorbital rim fracture
–– Accompanied by naso-ethmoid complex fracture
• Type II: Anterior and Posterior Table Fractures
–– A linear fracture either on transverse direction or in
vertical direction
–– Comminuted fracture either isolated to both tables or
accompanied by naso-ethmoid complex fracture
• Type III: Posterior Table Fracture
• Type IV: Through and Through Frontal Sinus Fracture

58.7.9  Management (Box 58.6) [33]

Surgical Access:
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
1 . Through existing laceration
Fig. 58.20 (a, b) 3D CT and axial CT image with frontal sinus 2. Butterfly incision (Fig. 58.10)
fracture 3. Gullwing or eyeglass incision (Fig. 58.21)
58  Frontal and Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid Complex Fractures 1263

Box 58.6 Guiding Principles for Frontal Sinus

• To separate nasal cavity from sinus
• To eliminate dead space
• To separate the frontonasal duct from frontal sinus
by obstructing the duct
• To eliminate a functional sinus, sinus mucosa is
removed, and sinus is obliterated

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

4. Bicoronal approach (Fig. 58.9): Khan et al. in 2018 [34]
suggests sterile surgical glove tourniquet intraoperatively Fig. 58.21  Gullwing or eyeglass incision
to get the haemorrhage control and blood less surgical
field in elevation of bicoronal flap for the surgical man-
agement of frontal sinus fracture. ments, they advocated use of custom made latex glove bal-
loon to be inserted into the frontal sinus then expanded and
maintained for 3 weeks. It avoid use of coronal incision is the
58.7.10  Indications of Surgery in Frontal Sinus advantage of endoscopic reduction. It should be avoided in
Fractures [35] severe comminuted fractures, displaced posterior table frac-
ture with evidence of dura tear, associated orbital roof blow
1. To avoid immediate complications such as CSF leak, in fracture and extensive skull bone fractures.
2. To avoid long-term complications such as frontal sinus-
itis, meningitis and brain abscess formation 58.7.12  Treatment of Posterior Table Fracture
3. To provide aesthetic contour to the forehead [41]
4. To provide exposure for anatomic reduction of NOE

fractures Patients with displaced and comminuted posterior wall com-
bined with or without anterior wall require the support of a
neurosurgeon because of dural and intracranial lesions. To
58.7.11  Management of Anterior Table get the good exposure, bifrontal craniotomy is indicated to
Fracture [36–38] eliminate the posterior wall.
To widen the neurosurgical access to the anterior floor of
Decision-Making: the cranium, the supraorbital bandeau will be temporarily
removed. The sinus mucosa carefully removed with bur, and
• Simple greenstick or undisplaced fracture does not require sinus is cranialized, and then repair of the dura will be car-
surgical intervention. ried out. Calvarial bone graft used to obliterate the nasofron-
• In depressed anterior wall fracture, frontal sinus explored, tal duct and bone powder can be used to cover the remaining
careful irrigation carried out, fragments reduced and sta- dead space. Anterior table can be stabilized with bone plates
bilize by internal fixation. In posterior wall fracture with- and screws. Bone defect will be treated with calvarial bone
out CSF leak or pneumoencephalus, reconstruction of graft or titanium mesh. With patent duct and no concurrent
only anterior wall is done. dural tears or brain injury exist, any amount of posterior
table displacement is inconsequential and managed by
Other than surgical intervention, antibiotics, sinus decon- observation.
gestants and analgesics are prescribed to keep the frontona-
sal duct patent and to prevent infection.
Rai et al. [39] suggested bone mapping/sketching in man- 58.7.13  Methods of Treatment of Damaged
agement of anterior table frontal sinus fracture with great Frontonasal Duct [42]
success. To get good post-operative contour, each fracture
fragment is to be placed at the original position after debride- The damage to the nasofrontal duct and frontal sinus obstruc-
ment of the sinus. For the same purpose, numbers have to be tion increases the risk of mucocele formation and inflamma-
given to the fracture fragments on a plane paper (sterile glove tory complications post-operatively. Obliteration of the duct
covering paper) or green sheet (Fig. 58.22a–c). is indicated in such situation. The muscle, temporalis fascia,
Yoo MH et al. suggested endoscopic trans nasal reduction bone chips, etc. are the materials used commonly to obstruct
of anterior table fracture [40]. To support the reduced frag- the duct.
1264 K. Balaraman

a Box 58.7 Complications of Frontal Sinus Fractures [46]

Immediate complications Late complications

1. Wound infection 1. Mucocele
2. CSF leak 2. Mucopyocele
3. Paresthesia of supraorbital nerve 3. Late frontal sinusitis
4. Frontal sinusitis 4. Brain abscess
5. Meningitis 5. Osteomyelitis of
6. Neurological injuries secondary frontal bone
to penetrating trauma or
displacement of frontal bone into
neurocranium Material Used for Sinus Obliteration

1. Hydroxyapatite
2. Glass wool
3. Bone
4. Cartilage
b 5. Muscle
6. Absorbable gelatin sponge
7. Temporalis fascia
8. Oxidized segmented cellulose
9. Acrylic or methyl methacrylate
10. Fat (commonly used)

58.7.14  Cranialization [44, 45]

It is another technique to minimize the dead space in sinus. It

involves removing posterior table thus permitting brain to
expand into frontal sinus resulting in confluence between
sinus cavity and anterior cranial fossa. It is done in cases
with CSF leak and neurological injury due to displaced pos-
c terior table fracture. To isolate the splanchnocranium from
the frontal sinus, a pericranial flap is used.

58.7.15  Key Points

• Actual or suspected fractures involving the frontonasal

duct are an indication to remove the outer table, so the
duct can be inspected.
• If outer table is comminuted and a bony segment over
1.5  cm in missing, a bone graft should be harvested to
restore the outer table contour.
• The most common treatment for outer table fracture with
injury to duct without inner table fracture is obliteration
©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
of frontal sinus to seal the frontonasal duct to prevent
nasal infection.
Fig. 58.22 (a–c) Bone mapping/sketching in management of anterior • Adipose tissue from abdomen is used to fill the dead
table frontal sinus fracture space of frontal sinus because of its resistance to infec-
58  Frontal and Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid Complex Fractures 1265

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Gunshot Injuries of the Maxillofacial
Region 59
Lt Col Rohit Sharma and Maj Anson Jose

59.1 Introduction transfer, diagnostic computed tomography (CT) scan, and

deeper understanding about zone of injury in such cases [3].
Gunshot injuries to the maxillofacial region in particular
present a challenging situation for the facial reconstructive
surgeon. These injuries are relatively rare and hence the true Presently the management of gunshot injuries com-
incidence is unknown [1]. Feature common to most maxil- prises the following steps:
lofacial gunshot injuries is extensive tissue destruction. The 1. Conservative debridement followed by fracture sta-
degree of tissue loss, depth of the injury, associated necrosis, bilization and primary closure
and concomitant central nervous system (CNS) injuries may 2. Early reconstruction of missing hard and soft
not be apparent at initial presentation [2]. Comprehensive tissues
management of such wounds is often challenging because of 3. Antibiotics and prevention of infection
its heterogeneous nature, composite 3D tissue destruction, 4. Postoperative physiotherapy and psychiatric
and complex structural and functional anatomy of the face. assistance
In contrast to blunt facial trauma, the literature on the 5. Residual deformity correction and oral rehabilita-
management of ballistic facial injury is relatively scarce [1]. tion [3–6]
The management strategies for patients with facial gunshot
wounds are almost as diverse as the case presentation itself.
While there has been a gradual shift from conservative
delayed operative repair to an early aggressive one-stage This review describes the current management strategies,
management approach, the controversies surrounding the damage control surgery, and basic protocols employed in the
timing and extent of intervention have not yet ceased to exist. management of high-velocity ballistic injuries to the face.
Such an ongoing debate is largely due to the fact that the
majority of treatment outcomes of gunshot facial injuries
continue to be unsatisfactory regardless of treatment meth- 59.2 Pathologic Anatomy
odology adopted. On the other hand, new principles have and Classification
evolved including the early definitive repair of hard tissues
with precise anatomic rigid fixation using bone grafts and Traditionally gunshot injuries have been classified as pene-
definitive soft tissue management with local or vascular flaps trating, perforated, or avulsive [7]. As the gamut of injuries
allowing for early rehabilitation of patients to their pre-­ continues to evolve, the severity and magnitude of facial bal-
traumatic appearance. This paradigm shift away from listic wounds demand an expanded classification and can be
delayed to a more immediate definitive reconstruction has appropriately classified based on the wounding effects and
been predominantly due to the widespread use of free tissue terminal location of projectile as:

Lt Col R. Sharma (*) • Penetrating

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, • Perforating
11 Corps Dental Unit, Jalandhar Cantt, India • Avulsive
Maj A. Jose • Blast
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, ADC R&R, • “Chop off” injuries
New Delhi, India

© The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2021 1267

K. Bonanthaya et al. (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_59
1268 Lt Col R. Sharma and Maj A. Jose

Penetrating injuries are caused when a low-velocity pro-

jectile pierces the tissues without making an exit wound
(Fig. 59.1).
On the other hand, perforating injuries are distinguished
by the presence of a definite exit wound in addition to the
entry wound (Figs. 59.2 and 59.3). The exit wounds are often
larger with ragged or stellate margins. Avulsive injuries are
basically penetrating injuries, characterized by an acute loss
and destruction of tissue as a consequence of the passage of
the projectile within and out of the body (Fig. 59.4). Blast

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 59.3  Avulsive injury of midface caused by a short-range high-­

velocity impact. The hallmark of high-velocity injuries are comminuted
fractures of the facial skeleton with avulsion of soft tissues

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 59.1  Penetrating injury with bullet lodged inside the neck

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 59.2  Perforating injury caused by 7.62  ×  39  mm AK-47 rifle.

Fig. 59.4  “Chop off” injury with complete avulsion of the mandible
Note the effects of high-energy bullet impact and explosive effects of
and associated soft tissue caused by velocity projectile from a military
cavitation on soft tissues resulting in stellate wound margins at the exit
assault rifle
59  Gunshot Injuries of the Maxillofacial Region 1269

injuries are the result of direct or indirect exposure to an kinetic energy transferred by the bullet, time taken for the
explosion caused by military weapons or explosive devises energy transfer, and area over which the energy is trans-
(Fig. 59.5). “Chop off” injuries represent wounds with exten- ferred. Hence, the type and variant of injury have significant
sive hard and soft tissue loss as a consequence of high-­ implications in management.
velocity close-range gunshots [8]. In all these varieties of Apart from this conventional nomenclature, various other
injuries, the tissue damage is directly proportional to the classifications have been used for categorizing penetrating

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 59.5 (a, b, c) Blast injury caused by propagation of shock waves from the projectile. Soft tissue injury is minimal in such cases with severe
comminution of the underlying skeleton
1270 Lt Col R. Sharma and Maj A. Jose

facial injuries; however, its application in clinical scenario is dominantly due to a compromised airway [10]. Airway com-
debatable. Similarly, many authors have developed an algo- promise is a serious consequence of all gunshot injuries to
rithm for the workup of ballistic wound based on the location the face, and it can be due to a direct or an indirect injury to
of entry wound. Despite having limited application, no sig- the airway. Injury to tissues and resultant edema in the vicin-
nificant correlation has been found between site of entrance ity of the air passages invariably handicaps the airway indi-
wound and therapeutic outcome of gunshot wounds [9]. rectly. Additionally, loss of muscle attachments and fractures
of the anterior mandible significantly debilitates the airways.
Manual repositioning of the fractured segments of mandible
A pragmatic approach to the management of such inju- and base of tongue are the fundamental measures to be exe-
ries involves: cuted to prevent posterior airway collapse. While nasopha-
1. Establishing an airway ryngeal and oropharyngeal airways afford interim relief,
2. Control of hemorrhage endotracheal intubation is the established approach in emer-
3. Damage control surgery and identifying concomi- gency condition. This however presents a challenge on
tant injuries account of the edema, bleeding, and avulsed soft tissues that
4. Early definitive repair of hard and soft tissues may possibly block the airway [13].
5. Aesthetic refinements and rehabilitation In the author’s experience, a vast majority of maxillofa-
cial gunshot wounds require surgical tracheostomy. The
probability of concomitant intracranial injuries with low
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is also high in such patients
59.3 I nitial Evaluation, Triage, and Damage [14]. Since most patients in this category require prolonged
Control Surgery intubation and most gunshot wounds to the face require
multi-phased surgical approach, the authors view surgical
Initial management of gunshot wounds is based on the tracheostomy as having distinct advantage over other meth-
advanced trauma and life support protocols (also refer Chap. ods. Management of hemorrhage and its allied complica-
48 of this book). Gibbons and Breeze [10] have elaborated tions are well known in maxillofacial injuries as emphasized
the modified military protocols pertaining specifically to by previous writers on war surgery, yet it needs a descrip-
combat-related ballistic facial injuries. These include emer- tive analysis owing to the fatality it can cause. Hemorrhage
gency management procedures that followed the CABC is an inevitable consequence of all gunshot injuries to the
(catastrophic hemorrhage, airway, breathing, circulation) face. Management of bleeding is an important aspect of
protocol proposed by Hodgetts et al. [11] which focused the damage control surgery, and adequate hemodynamic resus-
need to control catastrophic bleeding as a priority over air- citation is essential for the early physiological recovery of
way complications in a polytrauma patient. In a parallel the victim [15].
manner, initial evaluation and damage control maxillofacial Bleeding from high-energy ballistic injuries is practi-
surgery should commence within the golden hour for effec- cally impossible to control by external pressure tamponade
tive patient management. Damage control surgery may be due to the presence of bony structures and the inherently
perceived as an immediate assessment of life-threatening vulnerable condition of fragile anatomic structures like the
injuries and addressing them promptly by means of early eyes, brain, and airway seen in such injuries. In open injury
life-saving resuscitation and surgeries [12]. It is not regarded scenario, hemorrhage can be easily managed by meticu-
as a separate entity; it is seen as an essential, initial compo- lous examination to recognize all the bleeding vessels fol-
nent in the management of any severely injured patient. In lowed by their ligation. Closed injuries necessitate balloon
order to clear confusion clouding this highly debated area, a tamponade with Foley catheter (Fig. 59.5) to control bleed-
proposed set of damage control procedures that can be ing. If bleeding is not controlled by the usual techniques,
applied to ballistic maxillofacial injuries involving the max- external carotid ligation or selective embolization method
illofacial region is given (Table 59.1). is used, which is by far the most predictable method to
Fortunately, the mortality rate directly attributable to control bleeding from external carotid artery and its tribu-
maxillofacial firearms injuries is as low as 2–3% and pre- taries [13, 16].
59  Gunshot Injuries of the Maxillofacial Region 1271

Table 59.1  Algorithm in the treatment of Gun Shot Wounds (GSW)

• Prosthetic rehab
• Speech &
Pre. Hosp Hosp. Phase Rehabilitation language
• Physiotherapy
• Psychiatric help

Airway Haemorrhage Damage control Definitive management

• Head tilt • Dressings Soft tissue
• Chin lift • Pressure • Serial debridement
• Jaw thrust • Direct 1˚ closure
• Pharyngeal
airway Bony injury

Soft tissue defect

Airway Bleeding Soft tissue defect Hard tissue
• Tracheostomy • Local flaps
• Ligation of • Debridement • Immobilisation
vessels • Local tissue
• 1˚ closure • IMF
• Balloon • External
• Prevention of • prosthesis
tamponade fixation
dead sapce
• Manual reduction
of fracture
Hard tissue loss
• Stay suture
• Bridging with
reconstruction plate
• Non vascularised graft
• Vascularised graft
• Distraction osteogenesis

Hard & soft tissue loss

• Composite tissue
• Composite tissue

59.4 Diagnostic Imaging from the damage characteristics of the wound, another
­crucial factor which needs to be assessed during radiological
Once airway is secured and bleeding is controlled, attention examination is the status of C-spine.
should be directed toward radiological assessment of the Any injury of such magnitude enough to fracture the
injury. Depending on the severity of injury a plain X-ray, CT facial skeleton can invariably cause an occult C-spine injury.
scan and CT angiography can be requested [15]. The extent The incidence of C-spine injuries varies from 8 to 11% in all
of injury, degree of hard tissue fragmentation, location of maxillofacial traumas [17]. Hence, potential cervical spine
metallic splinters, damage to C-spine, and any occult brain injury should be always considered unless proven otherwise
injuries can be easily delineated with the help of a CT scan. clinically or radiologically. It is pertinent to immobilize the
Similarly, involvement of great vessels, any concealed bleed- cervical spine to prevent further damage especially in uncon-
ing, and flow dynamics of vessels suitable for microvascular scious patient (Fig. 59.6). However, substantial evidence is
reconstruction can be studied using CT angiogram. Apart still lacking about the safety and efficacy of cervical collars
1272 Lt Col R. Sharma and Maj A. Jose

a b


©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 59.6 (a–e) Low-velocity close-range handgun injury—3D CT iv cannula and wire. Three years post-surgery—adequate restoration of
showing comminution of maxilla and NOE complex. The case was width and projection of midface
treated by ORIF mandible, maxilla, frontal bone, and cathopexy using
59  Gunshot Injuries of the Maxillofacial Region 1273

used in such injuries. Moreover, placement of rigid collars The management commences with meticulous debride-
interferes during airway management, central line place- ment of wounds to the point of active surgical bleeding. This
ment, and definitive repair of facial injuries [13]. strategy is particularly important in case of crushed and con-
taminated wounds wherein the active surgical bleeding
encourages the formation of a healthy granulation tissue
59.5 D
 efinitive Management of Facial [18]. Furthermore, it also improves adequate microcircula-
Gunshot Wounds tion at wound margins, thereby promoting rapid healing and
tissue resistance to infection. A serial debridement with judi-
The prime goal in the management of facial gunshot wounds cious excision of the necrotic and non-contractile muscle tis-
is to rehabilitate the patient to pre-injury function and aes- sues is done to achieve a wound with non-contaminated
thetics. However, it is not always easy to get a flawless post- healthy margins [22].
operative outcome with one particular treatment modality or After generous tissue excision, debridement should be
a particular surgical technique. Hence, the treatment should assisted with soft scrubbing brushes and copious irrigation.
be timed and tailored depending upon the type and severity Removal of deeply embedded splinters or metallic foreign bod-
of the injury, amount of tissue loss, general health status of ies is controversial regarding any particular clinical benefits it
the patient, surgeon’s expertise, and availability of resources. offers [10]. The wound debridement should be prompt, and any
Before initiating any treatment procedures, a thorough delay (6–12 h) further complicates the wound management by
assessment of the wound by a multidisciplinary team is progressive tissue necrosis. The development of progressive
imperative as gunshot injury cases are seldom comparable. A necrosis is a salient feature of gunshot wounds, and contrary to
comprehensive evaluation and discussion by a diverse panel the popular belief, the tissue necrosis is not directly related to
gives the surgeon valuable perspectives which in turn has a energy transfer but rather to the depth of tissues destroyed by the
positive impact on the final outcome. movement of the projectile. Animal studies have shown that
beyond that critical time period, identification of necrotic mar-
gins will be difficult and hence it complicates the debridement
59.6 Debridement and surgical control of the wound [23].
There are two main areas of conflicts pertaining to
Modern high-velocity firearms transfer heavy cavitation debridement in gunshot wounds. Many authors recommend
energy inside tissues causing physiological and morphologi- immediate careful conservative soft tissue excision followed
cal alterations resulting in hemorrhage, thrombosis, and by secondary debridement of all tissues with questionable
necrosis [18]. The tissue response toward the high-velocity viability at a later stage [24, 25]. These researchers are of the
projectile varies with the type of tissues and elastic deforma- view that it is practically impossible to distinguish between
tion it can sustain. The dermis is viscoelastic, and injuries vital and non-vital tissues at initial intervention. On the con-
will result in abrasion, traumatic tattooing, and contusion trary, a few other professionals believe in single-stage radical
particularly in close-range shots. Muscle tissues can with- debridement on initial intervention [26].
stand elastic deformation up to four times the size of the pro- Experimental evidences have shown that the extent of tis-
jectile, but at a cellular level, it may undergo significant sue necrosis after gunshot injury is 2 mm and 8 mm from the
necrosis, devitalization, and denaturation rendering the wound margins in skin and muscle tissues, respectively. In
microenvironment favorable for bacterial multiplication bony skeleton, it may extend up to 5 mm from the fracture
[19]. The injuries to neurovascular bundles behave similar to line [27]. Thus, there is no convincing evidence to preserve
muscles, thereby causing tearing, shearing, and rupture of fragmented bone of 1 cm or less during debridement even if
blood vessels. At microscopic level, all the three layers of it is attached to soft tissues. Similarly, a serial debridement
blood vessels get affected resulting in the formation of of such wound is often required to deal with the evolving
thrombus, inflammation, and persistent spasm [20]. Cortical pattern of tissue necrosis over a period of 24–36  h. This
bone on the other hand is crystalline in consistency; there- allows for early identification of the demarcation zone
fore, penetrating injury causes fragmentation of bone with between vital and non-vital tissues before reconstructive pro-
formation of multiple secondary projectiles. Conventional cedures are planned. The consensus of radical wound
management of firearm injuries involves initial wound debridement at initial intervention aims to remove foreign
debridement, wound toilet, adequate soft tissue closure, and bodies, necrotic tissues, and microbial contamination as
administration of antibiotics followed by delayed repair of early as possible. It also minimizes inflammation, prevents
deformities [4]. However, with the advent of vascular flaps infections, and helps in achieving favorable wound healing.
and new reconstruction methods, there has been a colossal Any late wound management in our opinion eventually
shift in the management of such injuries to a more definitive increases the chances of infection, operating time, toxemia,
early single-stage repair [21]. and subsequent surgical intervention.
1274 Lt Col R. Sharma and Maj A. Jose

Concomitant injuries to salivary gland ducts and facial 59.8 Soft Tissue Reconstruction
nerve are often encountered during initial debridement. The
ducts and facial nerve are usually tagged with Prolene sutures Gunshot wounds result in composite 3D defects with involve-
for future repair. Most of the ductal injuries can be managed ment of the skin, musculature, facial skeleton, and mucosa.
by cannulation and primary repair or by rerouting it into oral The various reconstruction methods for wounds of these
cavity. Non-salvageable glands should be removed without natures are prosthetic obturation, non-vascularized grafts with
hesitation to prevent sialocele, salivary fistula, and compli- local tissue advancement, loco-regional flaps, and free flaps
cated wound healing. Damage to facial nerve is mainly by for large composite defects (Also refer Chaps. 86 and 88 of
thermal, avulsion, and stretch injury caused by the cavita- this book). Before initiating the reconstructive procedure, it
tion. Preferably the nerve should be repaired within 72 h for should be kept in mind that the management of such wounds
predictable results. Lacerated nerve is repaired primarily by is often complicated by the ambiguity in prognosis caused by
coaptation or using nerve grafts harvested from greater tissue loss, progressive necrosis, and infection. Therefore most
auricular nerve. The nerve damage caused by cavitation may critical facet while handling avulsive wounds lays in achieving
extend as far as 1.8 cm from the bullet track, and that should and maintaining a favorable intraoral wound closure to mini-
be considered during nerve grafting procedure [19]. Any mize the chances of wound infection and wound dehiscence
facial nerve injury anterior to a line connecting mental fora- due to oral contamination [32]. It is always crucial to close the
men and lateral canthus is generally not repaired as sponta- wound primarily because of the high propensity toward scar-
neous recovery is very likely in such cases. ing and functional debility of wounds that heal secondarily.
Most gunshot wounds can be closed primarily, and delayed
wound closure in maxillofacial region is rarely necessary.
59.7 Infection and Role of Antibiotics However, two exceptions to this are (1) wounds which are not
possible to debride completely at initial operation and (2)
Ballistic facial injuries are often compound and contami- wounds with questionable vitality of tissues.
nated with high propensity for infection (class IV wounds). Sequencing of primary reconstruction of oro-facial
Contrary to the popular belief, all ballistic injuries are inher- region should follow an inside-out principle [33]. The inju-
ently contaminated, and the infection is primarily by the ries of the oropharynx are first addressed by repairing the
inoculation of microorganisms carried by the bullet and sec- musculature and mucosa. This is followed by repair of oral
ondarily as a result of wound contamination in transit or in mucosa, floor of the mouth, and the tongue. The recon-
hospital environment. The actual incidence of infection rates struction of lips, cheeks, and other extra-oral tissues is per-
remains elusive and ranges from 7 to 100% of all military formed later after oral cavity has been reconstructed.
facial injuries [28]. However, a general consensus is lacking Nonetheless if an acceptable intraoral closure is difficult to
in the timing, choice, and duration of antimicrobial therapy achieve, a maxillomandibular fixation is done, and it is pru-
in combat injuries. Nonetheless the usage of broad-spectrum dent to leave the wound to heal secondarily. While select-
antibiotics for 10–14 days which provides cover against ing a reconstructive option, it is important to consider a
staphylococci, Clostridium perfringens, and Acinetobacter treatment plan which reduces the treatment time, patient
baumannii is commonly used [14, 29]. The critical level of morbidity, number of surgical intervention, and hospital
bacteria required for initiating an infection reaches peak at stay [34]. The best possible function and aesthetics are
6 h of injury (105 bacteria/gm. of tissue), and studies have achieved when debridement and reconstruction of hard and
shown that early administration of antibiotics is paramount soft tissues are done at an early stage and the residual soft
and any delay of greater than 6 h renders the treatment inef- tissue deformities are addressed at a later stage with revi-
fective [30]. The accepted guidelines for combat-related sion surgeries and local flaps [2]. Extra-­oral wounds that
injuries recommend administration of short-course, broad-­ cannot be closed primarily due to excessive tissue loss are
spectrum antibiotics preferably within 3 h of injury [31]. The best managed by employing local, regional pedicled flaps
use of antibiotics is an adjunct to scrupulous debridement for and microvascular flaps.
the prevention of infection and should always be considered Use of local flaps and regional flaps at the initial operation
in the initial management of ballistic injuries. appears to be most favorable as far as aesthetics and function
59  Gunshot Injuries of the Maxillofacial Region 1275

are concerned (Fig. 59.6a). Motamedi [2] advised early use mosed 3 days after injury than those repaired immediately
of local flaps in patients with gunshot wounds of the face. He after the injury [20]. If it is so, a composite free tissue trans-
reviewed 30 GSW patients and reported excellent cosmetic fer as a part of immediate reconstruction in avulsive ballistic
and functional outcomes. However, the disadvantages of injuries should be delayed till 3–4 days. This time period
local flaps are that composite defects cannot be addressed helps in adequate assessment of the extent of devitalized tis-
and its availability, limited bulk, and pedicle length. Local sues, formulating a treatment plan based on available
tissue rearrangements and local flaps with nonvascular grafts resources and optimizing the results by executing the treat-
like iliac crest, rib, or cranium can be used for small defects. ment before the onset of soft tissue fibrosis and when the
But large 3D defects and poorly vascularized surrounding blood vessels are devoid of spasm.
tissues caused by cavitation often preclude the use of bone Despite several arguments favoring immediate recon-
grafts with local tissue rearrangements unlike in tumor struction for excellent aesthetic outcomes, it is to be noted
reconstruction. that scar contracture is inevitable irrespective of the timing
Major avulsive and chop off injuries demand vascularized of treatment and reconstruction method adopted, although
bone grafts with skin paddle for their reconstruction. the frequency is more with delayed treatment [36]. Therefore,
Composite free tissue transfer is predictable, provides ade- a review to determine the need for secondary corrective pro-
quate bulk of well-vascularized tissue to fill the dead space, cedures should be conducted in consultation with the inter-
rehabilitates the buttresses, and reinstates the soft tissue disciplinary team. Scar contracture is usually managed later
envelope in a limited period of time [15]. The variables by revision surgeries after the maturation of scar. The total
affecting the selection of flap depend on the type and amount number of revision surgeries required for a free flap is less as
of tissue loss, location, length of pedicle, donor site injury, compared to local or regional flaps. The outcomes of revi-
and, certainly, surgeon’s preference. The most commonly sion surgery depend on the type of flap used, complexity of
used flaps for facial reconstruction are anterolateral thigh the defect, and location of the defect with nasal, orbits, and
flap, radial forearm, and fibula with skin paddle [5]. It is lips requiring the highest number of aesthetic refinements
obligatory to reconstruct both bone and soft tissues in com- [5]. Similarly other expected soft tissue complications like
posite defects, and without osseous support, soft tissue-only trismus, microsomia, and other functional disabilities can be
reconstruction tends to droop over time. After primary heal- addressed by fat grafting, coronoidectomy, commissuro-
ing, the flap is contoured, subsequently unaesthetic skin plasty, and Botox injections [37]. Very often the reconstruc-
paddle is excised, and local tissue can be re-advanced for tive surgeries of aesthetically prominent regions of the face
better aesthetic outcomes. Similarly, if adequate vascular- like nose and orbits are always suboptimal, and in such cases,
ized tissue is not used for reconstruction, complications like prosthetic rehabilitation can be considered even though not
scar contracture, bone graft resorption, fistula formation, and physiological and patient compliance is less.
ultimately collapse of facial envelope will result.
It is clear that reconstruction of avulsive facial defects
with free flap should be addressed as early as possible to 59.9 F
 racture Stabilization and Hard Tissue
prevent soft tissue contracture. Nonetheless, how much grace Reconstruction
period is required before initiating a free flap reconstruction
for optimizing the reconstructive outcomes is still not clear. Facial fractures resulting from gunshot wound are managed
High-energy cavitation in soft tissue may temporarily dam- by The methodology
applying principlesfor treatment
governing varies
other andfacial
routine ranges
age the local vasculature and hemodynamics at a distance from:
tures based on AO-ASIF principles.
from the margin of permanent wound. While planning a 1. Debridement only
treatment based on microvascular reconstruction, it is imper- 2. Debridement and closed reduction with or without
ative to have a conception of the zone of injury in its actual fixation
extent. Animal studies have shown that it is safe to place an 3. Debridement, open reduction, and plate
anastomosis 3  cm away from the margin of wound track osteosynthesis
[35]. Furthermore, experimental evidences have shown supe-
rior results in integrity and patency of facial vessels anasto-
1276 Lt Col R. Sharma and Maj A. Jose

In patients without continuity defect, infection and mini- contamination by oro-nasal flora. Motammedi [2] reported
mal comminution open reduction and internal fixation that it is almost impossible to achieve occlusion without
(ORIF) is simultaneously done along with debridement at arch bars and MMF in majority of gunshot fractures.
the initial stage. Presently ORIF along with arch bars continue to be the
Once initial stabilization is ensured, fixation is generally mainstay in the management such patients. With the advent
accomplished by miniplates or reconstruction plates. of new techniques of reconstruction supplemented by inno-
However, wounds with limited soft issue coverage require a vative plates and screws, vascular grafts and antibiotics
different strategy as the granulation tissues may fail to cover have heralded a paradigm shift in the treatment philosophy.
thickness of plate resulting in subsequent plate exposure. Current principles clearly favor early definitive reconstruc-
Thus, if adequate soft tissue cover cannot be achieved, tion of hard tissues with ORIF using rigid fixation supple-
debridement, external pins, and maxillomandibular fixation mented by MMF and bone grafts whenever required
(MMF) are the method of choice [33]. Until the introduction (Fig. 59.8).
of surgical screws and plates, closed treatment was the
­preferred mode of treatment. The treatment ideology was
directed to treat the whole wound as a “bag of bones” using 59.10 Timing of Definitive Reconstruction
external fixation or MMF in order to avoid periosteal strip-
ping and devitalization of small fragments of bone. Although An area of ongoing debate and controversy in the manage-
this therapeutic concept is advocated by several authors, who ment of gunshot wounds of the face is regarding the timing
have reported significantly lesser rates of infection with this of definitive reconstruction [6, 39]. Although previous teach-
technique when compared with ORIF and plates, the value ings and practices were in favor of delayed reconstruction,
approach continues to be underestimated [38]. the more recent studies demonstrate predictable functional
The advantages of external fixation are manifold. It helps and aesthetic outcomes with immediate definitive recon-
to prevent bone devascularization, allows for bone regenera- struction [40–42]. Scientific studies suggest carrying out
tion, and also provides adequate support to the comminuted definitive reconstruction within a time frame of 48 h would
fracture fragments. Additionally, it also enhances the osteo- yield the best possible outcome [2].
genic potential of the injury site by helping in spontaneous Advocates of delayed reconstruction believe that the
bone regeneration. This phenomenon is more commonly delay in treatment reduces the probability of infection,
seen in young patients due to hypoxia and acidosis-induced necrosis, and postoperative wound complications exponen-
activation of local bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs). The tially. Additionally delay in treatment reduces the chances of
high-velocity trauma causes extensive damage to adjacent mortality and morbidity due to infection and progressive tis-
muscles and periosteum. This damage along with the effects sue necrosis [43, 44]. Any increase in postoperative tempera-
of local inflammation, hypoxia, and increased carbon diox- ture, raised leukocyte counts, and other local signs of
ide concentration activates BMPs resulting in spontaneous infection may invariably cause a failure in flap due to risk of
bone formation. The concept and knowledge regarding facial venous thrombosis. It has also been suggested that the
buttress and its implication in trauma management have decreased inflammation and edema aid surgeons to have a
added a new dimension in the functional and aesthetic recon- better assessment of the extent of injury, thereby helping in
struction of the face. As a result, internal fixation using lock- precise and desired treatment planning which in turn could
ing plates has greatly replaced external fixators over a period lead to a better outcome. Therefore in their opinion, it is pru-
of time. It is currently the most widely used technique in dent to wait before applying any principles of primary recon-
management of GSWs with bone loss and is used if the frac- struction until a healthy tissue bed is achieved. On the other
ture fragments are large enough to accept screws. hand, the disadvantages of delayed treatment are increased
Additionally, bone defects if any should be grafted with treatment time, prolonged hospital stay, increased cost of
harvested iliac crest, ribs, or cranium depending upon the treatment, and patient distress caused by psychosocial impact
size of the defect (Fig. 59.7). However, the infection rates of disfigurement associated with gunshot injury (Tables 59.2
associated with internal fixation are comparatively higher and 59.3).
as quoted by many authors. The increased rates of infection Advocates of early primary treatment claim superior
associated with ORIF are due to loosening of hardware and functional and aesthetic outcomes, early restoration of facial
subsequent micromotion at the fracture site and possibly by form, and limited hospital stay with early return to normal
59  Gunshot Injuries of the Maxillofacial Region 1277

a b

c d

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 59.7 (a–d) High-velocity close-range assault rifle injury with reconstruction. External fixator for stabilizing fibula in place. Follow-up
comminution of mandible and soft tissue loss. Managed initially by after complete treatment
non-vascularized graft and later by free fibula osteocutaneous flap

function [4, 14, 45]. These benefits are predominantly due to any significant difference in infection rates between the two
the elimination of soft tissue contracture by proper anatomic groups. However, the delayed group showed an apparent
coverage of soft tissue at an early stage [21]. Vasconez et al. increase in the incidence of scar contracture with significant
[42] compared the infection rates of gunshot wounds that functional and aesthetic complications. Similarly, several
have been managed by early and late reconstruction in a other studies have also reported excellent clinical outcomes
series of 33 cases. In their observation, they could not found when immediate reconstruction is carried out [46].
1278 Lt Col R. Sharma and Maj A. Jose

a b

©Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Fig. 59.8 (a–d) High-velocity assault rifle injury to the face with loss of hemimaxilla and mandible along with partial loss of upper lip was done.
Reconstruction of the upper lip by hair-bearing submental island flap. Mandible reconstruction is performed by vascularized fibula

Definitive management of most maxillofacial injuries is surgical intervention. However, as soon the patient is deemed
not a surgical emergency, and treatment is often delayed in to be medically stable, operative intervention targeted toward
polytrauma patients. A standard consensus for delaying managing the facial injuries should be initiated. It is impera-
treatment and adopting a staged approach in such cases is tive to address the bony and soft tissue injuries soon after the
due to the inability of a critically injured patient to undergo resolution of edema and before the initiation of fibrosis of
59  Gunshot Injuries of the Maxillofacial Region 1279

Table 59.2  Advantages and disadvantages of immediate

reconstruction The general physical status of the patient, timing of
Advantages of immediate Disadvantages of immediate surgery, extent of composite tissue damage, good sur-
reconstruction reconstruction gical techniques, use of appropriate hardwares, antibi-
Less scar contracture, The margins of devitalized tissues and
otics, and proper rehabilitation are the factors which
better postoperative its extent cannot be appreciated during
function and aesthetics early repair determine the final outcome and aesthetic result in a
Early return to function Correction of subtle deformities is penetrating facial injury.
and less hospital stay difficult and such minor correction
always requires second intervention
Less psychological impact Surgeon’s expertise and availability of
on patient because of early resources tial intervention if the general condition of the patient and
recovery expertise of surgeon permit and the benefits of such an
Proper anatomical Tissue edema immediately following approach are manifold.
coverage of defect so the injury will hamper the judgment of
chances of infection are surgeon resulting in suboptimal
less outcome
59.11 Recent Advances

Table 59.3  Advantages and disadvantages of delayed reconstruction Several recent advances have significantly improved the
Advantages of delayed Disadvantages of delayed morbidity and survival rates in complex maxillofacial gun-
reconstruction reconstruction shot injuries. More importantly they serve as a support sys-
Correction of defects after the Severe scar contracture, less
resolution of edema will give a postoperative functional and
tem to the surgeons, enabling them to appreciate and attend
clear picture of the defect size aesthetic outcome to the finer aspects of complex composite injuries. This in
Correction of minor deformities Number of hospital stay is turn paves the way to achieve far more superior reconstruc-
is possible which may have increased with more psychological tive outcomes. Contemporary techniques employ virtual sur-
been missed during immediate burden to the family and patient

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