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Name:-Rahul Vora: Enroll No: - 92000103089

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Department of Computer Engineering

Department of Information Technology

Name :- Rahul Vora

Enroll No :- 92000103089

Experiment No: 1 Pre Lab Exercise

Q-1 For the given information signal and train of pulse (of amplitude 1V). Draw sampled signal.
Hint: Use Multiplication principle of two signal.


Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology

Q-3 What is Nyquist Criterion?

the Nyquist stability criterion is a criterion relating to the stability of control systems. It is widely
used in electronics and control systems engineering and in other fields. Although Nyquist's
condition is one of the most common stability tests, it is applicable only to linear systems invariant
with time. This test was invented by Swedish-American electrical engineer Harry Nyquist in 1932
at the Bell Telephone Laboratory.

Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology
Identify relation between fs and fm for all three frequency spectrum.
(<,=, >) Comment effect of selection of fs in each case.


(b) fs = 2fm.

(c) fs<2fm

Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology

Experiment 1: To perform sampling of a continuous signal and verify

Nyquist criteria for reconstruction of signal.
Apparatus: Scientech ST2101 trainer kit, DSO/CRO, connecting Probes, CRO Probes.

The signals we use in the real world, such as our voice, are called "analog" signals. To
process these signals for digital communication, we need to convert analog signals to "digital"
form. While an analog signal is continuous in both time and amplitude, a digital signal is
discrete in both time and amplitude. To convert continuous time signal to discrete time signal,
a process is used called as sampling. The value of the signal is measured at certain intervals in
time. Each measurement is referred to as a sample. Consider an analogue signal x(t) that can be
viewed as a continuous function of time, as shown in figure1. We can represent this signal as a
discrete time signal by using values of x(t) at intervals of nTs to form x(nTs) as shown in figure
1. We are "grabbing" points from the function x(t) at regular intervals of time, Ts, called the
sampling period.

Figure 1. Basic Sampling Process

Figure 2 depicts the sampling of a signal at regular interval (period) t=nTs where n is an
integer. The sampling signal is a regular sequence of narrow pulses δ (t) of amplitude 1.Figure
3 shows the sampled output of narrow pulses δ (t) at regular interval of time.

Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology

Figure 2. Sampling of signal at sampling interval (period) Ts

The time distance Ts is called sampling interval or sampling period, fs=1/Ts is called as
sampling frequency (Hz or samples/sec), also called sampling rate.

Figure 3. Sampled Output of narrow pulses δ (t)

Trainer Kit:

Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology

Arrange all the equipment mentioned in the apparatus list.
Step-1 Basic Sampling and Reconstruction
1. Give 1 kHz analog input signal from t.p. 12 to the sampling circuit block at t.p. 34.
2. Choose the internal/external sampling frequency selector using control switch at t.p. 33
(In case of external sampling pulse input, give input signal on t.p. 31)
3. Observe the sampled output at sample amplifier t.p. 37 and ground by connecting CRO
4. Observe the sample and hold output at sample & hold amplifier t.p. 39 and ground by
connecting CRO probes.
5. Connect Sample signal to the second order filter block for observing reconstruction of
signal to the second order filter block at t.p. 40.

Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology

6. Observe the output of reconstructed signal at output of filter block at t.p. 42

7. Repeat the steps 4-5 using fourth order filter block and observe the effect of order of the
filtering on reconstructed signal for various sampling rates at t.p. 46 by connecting CRO
Step-2 Sampling Rate Variation
8. Repeat the step-1 procedures 1-7 with different sampling rates like 20kHz, 40kHz, 80kHz,
160Khz and 320 kHz and by varying it using sampling frequency selector switch A36.
9. Observe the effect of various sampling rates on sampled signal and reconstructed signal
(both using second and fourth order filter).
Step-3 Duty Cycle Variation
10. Repeat the step-1 procedures 1-7 with different duty cycles of sampling signal by varying
selector switch A40 in duty cycle control circuit block.
11. Observe the effect of various duty cycle variation on sampled signal and reconstructed
signal (both using second and fourth order filter).
Waveforms: (paste your waveforms screenshot here)

Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology

Multisim Simulation Circuit:

Connect the circuit as per the shown in figure above.
Step-1 Basic Sampling & Reconstruction
1. Set the signal source frequency 1KHz and sampler frequency 100KHz (Time period =
2. Set the pulse width of sampler 1 micro second.
3. Observe the sampled output of multiplier on CRO screen.
4. Now observe the reconstructed output of low pass filter at pin no. 6.


Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology

1. Now set the signal source frequency equal to last two digit of your enrollment number
(i.e. Enrollment No. 150570111020 then set frequency = 20Hz)
2. Consider the sampler frequency 10 times of your signal frequency (i.e. 20 Hz * 10 =
200 Hz). So set the time period of sampler = 1/f. (i.e. T = 0.005 Sec)
3. Set the Pulse width 1/10th of your time period (i.e. Width = 0.0005sec)
4. Observe the sampled output at multiplier.
5. Adjust the opamp filter frequency as per your signal frequency by changing the values of R

and C. (use formula f )

2 RC Conclusion:

Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology

Experiment No :1 Post Lab Exercise

Q-1. Mark True/False for the given statement. Write corrected statement if you found
(a) The basic purpose of sampling is to discretize the analog signal. True

(b) A band limited low pass signal is sampled at Nyquist rate with fs = 5000sps. The
signal is band limited to 2000Hz. True

(c) The basic Principal used to reconstruct the signal x(t) from x[n] is interpolation

Q-2. For a case study of sampling of audio song which consist several instruments along
with vocal frequency. Highest effective frequency component of instruments are
listed below. Consider composite signal is band limited signal.

Flute : 16 KHz Tabla : 800 Hz Vocal : 3.2 KHz

Congo : 600 Hz Guitar : 15 KHz
Considering above description match the following
1. Highest Frequency (B) A. 31.25 μs
2. Aliasing(C) B. 16 KHz
3. Low Pass Signal(D) C. Band Limited Signal
4. Nyquist Frequency(E) D.= 25 KHz
5. Nyquist Interval(A) E. 32 KHz

Q-3. Name the type of filtered used for reconstruction of signal. From your
observation, comment on reconstructed signal through various orders of
the filters.

1)Ideal Reconstruction

Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology
Q-4. Determine Nyquist rate for the following signals.
(a) y(t) = 6 sin(200t)
Ws=2*200=400 rad/s.

(b) x(t) = 12 cos2(120πt)


Q-4. Determine the minimum Sampling frequency to be used to avoid sampling.

X(t) = 2.5 (2sin(100πt)*cos(400πt))
= 2.5(sin(500πt) – sin (300πt)) Wm
= 500π rad/s Ws= 1000π rad/s
Freq s= 500 H

Q-5. To explore interpolation three cases are given with sample instances. Just
mark sample point right side and join them with scale. Comment on
result for 1 sample per cycle, 2 sample per cycle and 3 sample per 2 cycle.

Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Information Technology

Select the learing outcomes during your observation/performance of this experiment.

1. I have learn the role of Nyquist criteria into the reconstruction of sampled
2. I have calculated the requried bandwidth of digital output of continous
3. I have observed that 4th order Lowpass filter perform better than 2nd order
Lowpass filter interms of cross talk.
4. I have observed the effect of duty cycle of sampling signal on sampled and
reconstructed signals.

Data Communication & Networking (01IT0301)

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