Autotronik UCAD
Autotronik UCAD
Autotronik UCAD
The CAD software accepts any ASCII file that has following information:
Location (Reference Designator)
Part Type
Package (optional)
X and Y center coordinates
Layer (optional)
Remark (optional)
This information can be in one or in two separate files. If you have two file one file should have the
Location (Reference Designator), X and Y and Rotation and the Layer top or bottom (for two sided
The second file should be the BOM with the Part Type, Package (optional) and the Locations for each
part type.
Open the CAD program and open your CAD file in the section of the screen. If your CAD file has all
the information in one file you do not have to open a BOM file. In this example we also open a BOM file.
Remark: when program the same CAD file, only need to select the same set up file on “select set up file”
The Setup Wizard opens and on the first screen you can select in which line the actual data starts. In our
example it starts in line 2. You can also select the end line . The default is set to EoF (end of file) which
detects the first empty line automatically. If you want to select your line by the line number you can
uncheck the EoF box and type in the line number manually.
You also select the delimiter here that is used in your file. You can select multiple delimiters if necessary.
In our example it is “Tab”.
Some special file, user can input the character by manual, for example
Enable the “or” and input the character by manual, e.g. *deli* (Attention to case-sensitive)
In this screen with the drop down menu you select which units your CAD file uses (mills, mm, inch…).
You can also define your scale manually in case your units are neither of the drop down menu.
In our example our units are mm.
Length Unit: can select mm, 1/100mm, inch, mil, or Define by yourself
If you have a top and a bottom layer you will choose which character in you CAD file indicates the
different layers.
The program will display an outline of the board with the components on it.
In this screen we select the start line and delimiters of the BOM file like we did with our CAD file.
In our example or first line with data is again 2 so we set the “Stat Line” to 2 and our delimiter is Tab.
Notice that our BOM file lists the locations (reference designators) in different ways. In one line it assigns
a range of locations to a part name and in other lines it assigns the locations individually separated by
The conversion software will automatically detect those and process the required action automatically.
In this screen you have three different Tabs on the left side of the screen.
With the CAD tab you can verify that all the locations were assigned a component. Locations that were
not assigned with any part type will have “UNKNOWN’ in the “Component” column.
In our example only our fiducial marks have no part type assigned.
In the parameter tab you can adjust the settings for the conversion of your BOM file. The default settings
are applicable for most BOM files.
You can change the reference location separators in case they are different in your BOM file.
This is the last screen of the setup. Here you can save all the settings and use these settings on your
next conversion if your CAD and BOM file structure is the same.
Type a name into the “Save setup file” box and click the Save icon next to it.
Another window will pop up to confirm the name. Click “OK” to confirm.
Press the “Complete” button to go back to the main screen of the CAD conversion software.
After completing the setup you will do the actual conversion of the file.
You CAD file is still loaded. If the setup was already done before, you need to load you CAD file in the
main screen and if applicable the BOM file (see the before description).
Click on to start.
You can click on the “diagonal” button to let the program find two points that are furthest apart.
In our example we have dedicated reference points that we chose with the drop down menu. Since they
are dedicated references we do not put a check mark besides “Import to Place data”. If you use
component locations as your references you have to put a check mark there.
Description ----- input the PCB Description
PCB Size ----- input the PCB width and length
1st A = distance of PCB to the 1st reference point that on PCB right corner
1st B = distance of PCB to the 1st reference point that on PCB right corner
Reference Type
All Board Offset Pts ----- Use all Board Offset Pts
Reference Use
Ref:Pt1 the 1st reference point, can be selected from pull down button
Board data
Board Matrix ----- setup the number of PCB in X & Y direction.
In this screen you can choose placements that do not need to be downloaded by pressing on the “Check
Box” button. Then you can remove the check mark in the “Input” column which will switch the “Yes” to a
“No” and the program will not add this line to the output file.
You can also replace component names, packages or location references.
For example you can type in the current component name and then the name you want to replace it with.
Then you press “Replace All” and the program will find all the matching names and replace it with the
new one.
With the “Find” button you can find a Location, a Component or Package.
In this screen you can match ID’s that you already programmed in the pick & place software or match
packages from the component library to the package name in you CAD file.
If the Component name and the Package name of your CAD file matches the component and package
name in the pick & place software, the program will automatically fill in these fields.
If they are not matchine you can press the “Search lib” button which will give you the list of all packages
in the library and the components in your CAD file.
In the “Feed” column you have to select the feeder type with the drop down menu for the different
Standard tools
Click to lock all of “input” column for “YES” or set “NO” by manual.
Click to find
By pressing the “Import P&P” you can load the existing file and if the component and package matches
the one of your CAD file it will automatically assign the feeder where the part is plugged in at the
Select the component at right side, and then select the library at left side, click the library will auto
fill in.
In Allas Tables is for Mix the component and library, when enable this, will be
enable also
Click to enter
select the mix library and component, then all component will
select the library automatic.
In this screen you can select the feeder locations. You can do this manually if you already loaded all the
feeders into the machine or you can have the machine automatically assign the feeder locations by
pressing the “optimize” button.
You can also look at a virtual image of the feeder layout or the PCB layout.
Click to optimize
Precedence Use I.D pick --- Precedence Use I.D that set in feeder before
Click to find
Click to lock all of input column for “YES” or set “NO” by manual
Refer to the above whole matrix PCB, it’s a 20 X 2 matrix board (equal to one 4 X 1 small board then X5
rows X 2 columns PCB). In P & P software, user should setup a single small PCB data first then save
the data to become to dbf(P & P) file.
User can locate the target dbf(P & P) file under C:\WW683VXX\DATA1. If user need to export the dbf file
to become the txt file for UCAD purpose / run on other type’s machine. User can select “Export TEXT
file” from the P & P software.
User can save the current P & P file to TEXT file by select “Yes” button or select “No” button to cancel.
After select the “Yes’ Button, the file will be saved in the default file path C:\WW683VXX\CAD or user can
select the other file path to save the file.
Board expansion:
1. Access the file path C:\WW683VXX, select UCAD.exe then the program will startup
2. Select “Load CAD” button for load the txt file or select “Import button to load the dbf file.
From step 3 to step 9 is the txt file setup for UCAD software. No need to
perform if user load the dbf file. For dbf file, go to step 10.
AUTOTRONIK Fully Automatic Pick & Place Machine
3. The following is the example for load the txt file. Select the target file then select the
“Open” button.
4. After select the “Open” button, the following screen will be displayed. User can
confirmthe file is correct under this platform. After confirm the file is correct, select the
“Set up” button to perform the setup (for txt file only).
5. Setup the start line and the delimiter. For the start line, normally it will setup the
reference point line. After setup, select the “Next” button to continue.
The following is the example for the data type setup. Select “Next” button to continue
after setup.
7. Setup the length unit, top layer and bottom layer if needed. Normally use the default
setting should be enough. Select the “Next” button after setup.
8. The system will show all the setup data for user’s reference. If no problem was found.
Select “Next” button to continue.
9. The UCAD software will alert user the setup is completed. Select “Complete” button to
complete the setup.
10. Select the “Conversion” button to start the board expansion conversion for the txt file or
the bdf file.
11. Check the PCB Data, reference type, reference Use, etc to confirm the data is correct.
As refer the above example, our txt / dbf data is setup for a single small PCB board only.
So,at this moment the board pitch for X & Y and the board matrix for X & Y is follow the
single small PCB board data only.
12. Select the “Multi-board expansion” button to expand the board data.
13. As refer to our example. Currently the board data is already expanded from a single
small PCB board data to a 4 X 1 matrix board data. In this platform, user can expand
the board data from 4 X 1 matrix board data to 4 X 1 small board then X5 rows X 2
columns matrix PCB’s data(equal to 20 X 2 matrix board). As refer to the above
example, In the “Expansion X =” field, input “5” then in the “Expansion Y=” field, input
“2”. After input the data, the system will calculate the “After expansion X & Y” data to 20
X 2.
Remember to setup the Expansion Pitch Value of the X & Y. On step 11, the board
pitch data of the 4 X 1 board for X & Y is 20 & around 60. Normally user should setup
the pitch board data in this platform is 80(20 X 5) & 60. As it’s got the board pitch
between every 4 X 1 small board, so we need to setup more than the actual value.
User can measure and input the actual value of the board pitch between every 4 X 1
small board or put the estimate board pitch value in this platform. Normally the value
should be around 5 more than the actual pitch board value.
14. After setup, select the “OK” button to continue. The system will display the board layout
information. Select the “OK” button to continue if no problem was found.
15. User can observe the board data is already change to the target matrix board data 20 X
2 and the board image is displayed for user’s reference. Select the “Next” button to
16. Check the “Placement” data, select the “Next” button if no problem was found.
17. Check the “Component” data, select the “Next” button if no problem was found.
18. Check the “Pick – Feeder Position” data, select the “Next” button if no problem was
19. Save the TXT or DBF file by select the “Save” button. The default save file path is
C:WW683VXX\DATA 1. User can select “Other” to change the save drive disk, but the
file path name cannot modify.
20. Load the dbf file in P & P software to continue the operation or put the TXT file to other
platform for user usage.