Communication Breakdown
Communication Breakdown
Communication Breakdown
The Characters
Now let’s examine the characters in the story. For your own Fate game you don’t
need to use these exact characters. Look at existing player characters and supporting
characters, and see who might fill the same roles in relation to the Situation Aspects.
Who might the relevant Character Aspects, or something similar, be appended to?
John is a character we don’t know much about, other than what he tells us. He’s
potentially an unreliable narrator. We can’t verify whether what he believes is actually
true. He certainly believes it, and whether we believe him or not gives us two separate
story paths, as described above in the Situation Aspects.
Boosts are another set of elements that don’t always make themselves explicit
within a story. It often takes some probing and a little bit of imagination to discover
something that could potentially provide a Boost in a Fate game.
The translation device gives you the ability to speak and understand languages.
The details of this can be worked out for your own game. Is it an automatic thing, a
fact established in the setting so you can ignore any sort of language barrier? Does it
give a bonus to a skill? Is it Stunt? Does it cover unknown languages, all known
languages, or just one language that it’s been programmed to deal with?