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Direction: Describe Your Inner Self Based On The Following Perspectives. Make Sure You

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Direction: Describe Your Inner Self based on the following perspectives.

Make sure you

indicate your experience. (200 words per Perspective)

Philosophical Perspective Sociological Perspective

My inner self could be My inner self could be My inner self could be

described as what Plato’s described as Erving described to idea of
philosophy of the self and Goffman’s sociological Cultural Identity. Since my
that the self is being an perspective of the self, the mother is an Ibanag, I
immortal soul. Since for Constructing Situations and adopted their culture that
Plato, there are three Drama. Wherein, according somehow make me into
elements of the soul: Reason,
to him there is a Front Stage what I am now. My mother
Physical Appetite, and Spirit or
Passion. For me the part of and Back Stage behavior, makes sure that some of
wherein I could describe my and through this sociological the culture of Ibanag is
inner self into is that the perspective I describe my being teach to use her
Reason, since I have been raised inner self into it. There is a children. One of the
as the eldest among the siblings, reason why I describe my cultures of them is being
I developed my ability to think inner self that has front and really conservative and till
critically and make wise
back behavior, since I grew now I carry it. Since I am
decisions since I know that I
will need when the problem up not being close or not now in college, in my age I
arises. Also, I am the king of opening up to my parents. am prone to making
person that when problem arise, From then, I get into habit decisions that could lead to
I always calm myself so that I that I make sure that the being liberated. When I
could think carefully and I behavior I show to them is introduce someone to my
would not make any harsh and just a happy, positive, and parents, since they know
hasty decisions that may affect strong personality just to how much I care and take
not only myself but other people
around me. I once experienced impress them that I am seriously their beliefs of
that I need to make decision for independent and they do not being conservative, they
my siblings and for my mother need to worry about me and gave me their trust but
as the eldest among the siblings I will be the good daughter they still guide me so that I
and in that decision, my family that they want me to. would not make hasty
is at risk. So that time I really However, when I am alone, I decisions so that I will now
need to think critically and am free to feel anything that affect myself and my
somehow it developed my inner
self in Reason part. So now, in
I want to feel, that I am free future. Well, this belief that
every part that I need to make of achieving my parent’s part of my mother’s culture
important or any small expectations on what I is the belief that I will make
decisions, I just need to should do and what I should sure to share in the future.
remember how I handled the become. Since I am a This belief makes my inner
past problems I passed through. sensitive person, I tend to self to feel safe from
get disappointed in myself if ruining my future especially
I don’t reach the expectation my future’s plan. I could
of me from the special describe my inner self as a
people around me. So, when rich in mental health, since
I am alone, I am free to be having a good character
myself, to feel free from and strong personality that
others. takes good care of the
herself that makes her to
handle her mental health

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