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Numerical Control and Industrial Robotics: Review Questions

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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 3/e (published by Wiley) © MPGroover 2007


Review Questions
39.1 Identify and briefly describe the three basic components of a numerical control system.
Answer. The three basic components are: (1) part program, (2) machine control unit, and (3)
processing equipment. The part program is the detailed set of commands to be followed by the
processing equipment. The machine control unit in modern NC technology is a microcomputer that
stores the program and executes it by converting each command into actions by the processing
equipment, one command at a time. The processing equipment accomplishes the sequence of
processing steps to transform the starting workpart into a completed part.
39.2 What is the difference between point-to-point and continuous path in a motion control system?
Answer. In point-to-point, the motion is from one location in space to the next with no regard for
the path taken between starting and final locations. In continuous path, the trajectory of the
movement is controlled.
39.3 What is the difference between absolute positioning and incremental positioning?
Answer. In absolute positioning, the locations are defined relative to the origin of the axis system.
In incremental positioning, each succeeding location is defined relative to the previous location.
39.4 What is the difference between an open loop positioning system and a closed loop positioning
Answer. In a closed loop system, measurements of the output (position) are fed back to verify that
it corresponds to the desired input value. In an open loop system, there is no feedback of the output
39.5 Under what circumstances is a closed loop positioning system preferable to an open loop system?
Answer. When there is a significant reaction force resisting the motion of the positioning system, a
closed loop system is preferred.
39.6 Explain the operation of an optical encoder.
Answer. An optical encoder is a sensor for measuring angular position and rotational velocity. It
consists of a light source, a photodetector, and a disk containing a series of slots through which the
light source can shine to energize the photodetector. The disk is connected, either directly or
through a gear train, to a rotating shaft whose angular position and velocity are to be measured. As
the shaft rotates, the slots cause the light source to be seen by the photocell as a series of flashes,
which are converted into an equivalent series of electrical pulses. By counting the pulses and
computing the frequency of the pulse train, angular position and rotational speed can be determined.
39.7 Why should the electromechanical system rather than the controller storage register be the limiting
factor in control resolution?
Answer. Because the control resolution in the controller storage register can be increased simply by
increasing the number of bits used to define the axis location.
39.8 What is manual data input in NC part programming?

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Answer. Manual data input refers to a method of programming in which the machine tool operator
accomplishes the programming of the NC machine using a menu-driven procedure. Programming
is simplified to minimize the amount of training required by the operator.
39.9 Identify some of the non-machine tool applications of numerical control.
Answer. The applications include (1) arc welding and resistance welding, (2) electronic component
insertion, (3) electrical wire wrap machines, (4) drafting, (5) tape laying for fiber reinforced
polymer composites, and (6) coordinate measuring machines.
39.10 What are some of the benefits usually cited for NC compared to using manual alternative methods?
Answer. Advantages of NC include (1) reduced non-productive time, (2) lower manufacturing lead
times, (3) simpler fixtures, (4) greater flexibility, (5) improved accuracy, and (6) reduced human
39.11 What is an industrial robot?
Answer. An industrial robot is a programmable machine possessing certain anthropomorphic
features. The most common feature is a manipulator (arm) that can be programmed to perform
industrial tasks.
39.12 How is an industrial robot similar to numerical control?
Answer. They are both positioning systems that can be programmed and reprogrammed.
39.13 What is an end effector?
Answer. An end effector is the special tooling that is attached to the robot's wrist to perform a
particular application. A gripper is one form of end effector.
39.14 In robot programming, what is the difference between powered leadthrough and manual
Answer. In powered leadthrough, a teach pendant that controls the drive motors of the individual
joints is used to move the manipulator into the desired joint positions, which are then recorded into
memory. In manual leadthrough, the manipulator is physically moved through the desired sequence
of positions, which are recorded into memory for later execution.
Multiple Choice Quiz
There is a total of 13 correct answers in the following multiple-choice questions (some questions have
multiple answers that are correct). To attain a perfect score on the quiz, all correct answers must be given.
Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Each omitted answer or wrong answer reduces the score by 1 point,
and each additional answer beyond the correct number of answers reduces the score by 1 point. Percentage
score on the quiz is based on the total number of correct answers.
39.1 The standard coordinate system for numerical control machine tools is based on which one of the
following: (a) Cartesian coordinates, (b) cylindrical coordinates, or (c) polar coordinates?
Answer. (a).
39.2 Identify which of the following applications are point-to-point and not continuous path operations
(three correct answers): (a) arc welding, (b) drilling, (c) hole punching in sheet metal, (d) milling,
(e) spot welding, and (f) turning?
Answer. (b), (c), and (e).
39.3 The ability of a positioning system to return to a previously defined location is measured by which
one of the following terms: (a) accuracy, (b) control resolution, or (c) repeatability?
Answer. (c).
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39.4 The APT command GORGT is which of the following (two best answers): (a) continuous path
command, (b) geometry statement involving a volume of revolution about a central axis, (c) name
of the monster in a 1960s Japanese science fiction movie, (d) point-to-point command, or (e) tool
path command in which the tool must go right in the next move?
Answer. (a) and (e).
39.5 The arm-and-body of a robot manipulator generally performs which one of the following functions
in an application: (a) holding the end effector, (b) orientation within the work volume, or (c)
positioning within the work volume?
Answer. (c).
39.6 A SCARA robot is normally associated with which one of the following applications: (a) arc
welding, (b) assembly, (c) inspection, (d) machine loading and unloading, or (e) resistance welding?
Answer. (b).
39.7 In robotics, spray-painting applications are classified as which one of the following: (a) continuous
path operation or (b) point-to-point operation?
Answer. (a).
39.8 Which of the following are characteristics of work situations that tend to promote the substitution of
a robot in place of a human worker (three best answers): (a) frequent job changeovers, (b)
hazardous work environment, (c) repetitive work cycle, (d) multiple work shifts, and (e) task
requires mobility?
Answer. (b), (c), and (d).
Open Loop Positioning Systems
39.1 A leadscrew with a 7.5 mm pitch drives a worktable in a NC positioning system. The leadscrew is
powered by a stepping motor which has 250 step angles. The worktable is programmed to move a
distance of 120 mm from its present position at a travel speed of 300 mm/min. Determine (a) how
many pulses are required to move the table the specified distance, and (b) what is the required
motor speed and pulse rate to achieve the desired table speed?
Solution: (a) α = 360/ns = 360/250 = 1.44°
np = 360x/pα = 360(120)/(7.5 x 1.44) = 4000 pulses
(b) N = vt/p = (300 mm/min)/(7.5 mm/rev) = 40 rev/min
fp = vtns/60p = 300(250)/(60 x 7.5) = 166.67 Hz
39.2 Referring to the previous problem, the mechanical inaccuracies in the open loop positioning system
can be described by a normal distribution whose standard deviation = 0.005 mm. The range of the
worktable axis is 500 mm, and there are 12 bits in the binary register used by the digital controller
to store the programmed position. For the positioning system, determine (a) control resolution, (b)
accuracy, and (c) repeatability. (d) What is the minimum number of bits that the binary register
should have so that the mechanical drive system becomes the limiting component on control
Solution: (a) CR1 = p/ns = 7.5 mm/250 = 0.03 mm.
CR2 = L/2B = 500/212 – 1 = 500/4095 = 0.122 mm.
CR = Max{CR1, CR2} = Max{0.03, 0.122} = 0.122 mm.
(b) Accuracy = 0.5 CR + 3σ = 0.5(0.122) + 3(0.005) = 0.076 mm.

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(c) Repeatability = ± 3σ = ± 3(0.005) = ± 0.015 mm.

(d) In order for the mechanical errors to be the limiting factor in control resolution in this problem,
set CR1 = CR2.
Thus, 0.03 = 500/(2B –1)
2B – 1 = 500/0.03 = 16,667
2B = = 16,668
B ln 2 = ln 16,668
0.69315 B = 9.7212
B = 14.025 Use B = 15 bits
39.3 A stepping motor has 200 step angles. Its output shaft is directly coupled to leadscrew with pitch =
0.250 in. A worktable is driven by the leadscrew. The table must move a distance of 5.00 in from its
present position at a travel speed of 20.0 in/min. Determine (a) how many pulses are required to
move the table the specified distance, and (b) what is the required motor speed and pulse rate to
achieve the desired table speed?
Solution: (a) α = 360/ns = 360/200 = 1.8°
np = 360x/pα = 360(5.0)/(0.25 x 1.8) = 4000 pulses
(b) N = vt/p = (20 in/min)/(0.25 in/rev) = 80 rev/min
fp = vtns/60p = 20(200)/(60 x 0.25) = 266.67 Hz
39.4 A stepping motor with 240 step angles is coupled to a leadscrew through a gear reduction of 5:1 (5
rotations of the motor for each rotation of the leadscrew). The leadscrew has 6 threads/in. The
worktable driven by the leadscrew must move a distance = 10.00 in at a feed rate of 30.0 in/min.
Determine (a) number of pulses required to move the table, and (b) the required motor speed and
pulse rate to achieve the desired table speed.
Solution: (a) α = 360/ns = 360/240 = 1.5°
np = 360 rg x/pα = 360(5)(10)/(0.1667 x 1.5) = 72,000 pulses
(b) N = rg fr/p = 5(30 in/min)/(0.1667 in/rev) = 900 rev/min
fp = rgfrns/60p = 5(30)(240)/(60 x 0.1667) = 3600 Hz
39.5 The drive unit for a positioning table is driven by a leadscrew directly coupled to the output shaft of
a stepping motor. The pitch of the leadscrew = 0.18 in. The table must have a linear speed = 35
in/min, and a positioning accuracy = 0.001 in. Mechanical errors in the motor, leadscrew, and table
connection are characterized by a normal distribution with standard deviation = 0.0002 in.
Determine (a) the minimum number of step angles in the stepping motor to achieve the accuracy,
(b) the associated step angle, and (c) the frequency of the pulse train required to drive the table at
the desired speed.
Solution: (a) Accuracy = 0.5 CR + 3 σ
0.001 = 0.5 CR + 3(0.0002) = 0.5 CR + 0.0006
0.001 - 0.0006 = 0.0004 = 0.5 CR
CR = 0.0008 in
Assume CR = CR1
CR1 = 0.0008 = p/ns = 0.18/ns
ns = 0.18/0.0008 = 225 step angles
(b) α = 360/225 = 1.6°
(c) fp = vt ns/60p = 35(225)/(60 x 0.18) = 729.167 Hz
39.6 The positioning table for a component insertion machine uses a stepping motor and leadscrew
mechanism. The design specifications require a table speed of 40 in/min and an accuracy = 0.0008

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in. The pitch of the leadscrew = 0.2 in, and the gear ratio = 2:1 (2 turns of the motor for each turn of
the leadscrew). The mechanical errors in the motor, gear box, leadscrew, and table connection are
characterized by a normal distribution with standard deviation = 0.0001 in. Determine (a) the
minimum number of step angles in the stepping motor, and (b) the frequency of the pulse train
required to drive the table at the desired maximum speed.
Solution: (a) Accuracy = 0.5 CR + 3σ
0.0008 = 0.5 CR + 3(0.0001) = 0.5 CR + 0.0003
0.0008 - 0.0003 = 0.0005 = 0.5 CR
CR = 0.001 in
Assume CR = CR1
CR1 = 0.001 = p/(rgns) = 0.2/2ns
ns = 0.2/(2 x 0.001) = 100 step angles
(b) fp = rgvtns/60p = 2(40)(100)/(60 x 0.2) = 667.67 Hz
39.7 The drive unit of a positioning table for a component insertion machine is based on a stepping
motor and leadscrew mechanism. The specifications are for the table speed to be 25 mm/s over a
600 mm range and for the accuracy to be 0.025 mm. The pitch of the leadscrew = 4.5 mm, and the
gear ratio = 5:1 (5 turns of the motor for each turn of the leadscrew). The mechanical errors in the
motor, gear box, leadscrew, and table connection are characterized by a normal distribution with
standard deviation = 0.005 mm. Determine (a) the minimum number of step angles in the stepping
motor, and (b) the frequency of the pulse train required to drive the table at the desired maximum
Solution: (a) Accuracy = 0.5 CR + 3σ
0.025 = 0.5 CR + 3(0.005) = 0.5 CR + 0.015
0.025 - 0.015 = 0.010 = 0.5 CR
CR = 0.02 mm.
Assume CR = CR1
CR1 = p/(rgns)
ns = 4.5/(5 x 0.02) = 45 step angles
(b) fp = rgvtns/60p = 5(25)(45)/4.5 = 1250 Hz
39.8 The two axes of an x-y positioning table are each driven by a stepping motor connected to a
leadscrew with a 10:1 gear reduction. The number of step angles on each stepping motor is 20. Each
leadscrew has a pitch = 5.0 mm and provides an axis range = 300.0 mm. There are 16 bits in each
binary register used by the controller to store position data for the two axes. (a) What is the control
resolution of each axis? (b) What are the required the rotational speeds and corresponding pulse
train frequencies of each stepping motor in order to drive the table at 600 mm/min in a straight line
from point (25,25) to point (100,150)? Ignore acceleration.
Solution: (a) CR1 = p/rgns = 5.0/(10 x 20) = 0.025 mm
CR2 = L/(2B – 1)= 300/(216 – 1) = 300/65,535 = 0.00458 mm
CR = Max{0.025, 0.00458} = 0.025 mm
(b) vt = 600 mm/min from (25, 25) to (100, 150)
Δx = 100 - 25 = 75 mm, Δy = 150 - 25 = 125 mm
Angle A = tan-1(125/75) = 59°
vtx = 600 cos 59 = 308.7 mm/min
Nx = rgvtx/p = 10(308.7)/5.0 = 617.4 rev/min
fpx = Nxns/60 = 617.4(20)/60 = 205.8 Hz
vty = 600 sin 59 = 514.5 mm/min
Ny = rgvty/p = 10(514.5)/5.0 = 1029 rev/min

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fpx = Nyns/60 = 1029(20)/60 = 343.0 Hz

Closed Loop Positioning Systems
39.9 A NC machine tool table is powered by a servomotor, leadscrew, and optical encoder. The
leadscrew has a pitch = 5.0 mm and is connected to the motor shaft with a gear ratio of 16:1 (16
turns of the motor for each turn of the leadscrew). The optical encoder is connected directly to the
leadscrew and generates 200 pulses/rev of the leadscrew. The table must move a distance = 100 mm
at a feed rate = 500 mm/min. Determine (a) the pulse count received by the control system to verify
that the table has moved exactly 100 mm; and (b) the pulse rate and (c) motor speed that correspond
to the feed rate of 500 mm/min.
Solution: (a) x = pnp/ns ; rearranging, np = xns/p = 100(200)/5 = 4000 pulses.
(b) fp = frns/60p = 500(200)/60(5) = 333.3 Hz
(c) N = rgfr/p = 16 x 500/5 = 1600 rev/min
39.10 Same as the previous problem, except that the optical encoder is directly coupled to the motor shaft
rather than to the leadscrew.
Solution: (a) x = pnp/rgns ; rearranging, np = rgxns/p = 16(100)(200)/5 = 64,000 pulses.
(b) fp = rgfrns/60p = 16(500)(200)/60(5) = 5333.3 Hz
(c) N = rgfr/p = 16 x 500/5 = 1600 rev/min
39.11 The worktable of a numerical control machine tool is driven by a closed loop positioning system
which consists of a servomotor, leadscrew, and optical encoder. The leadscrew has 6 threads/in and
is coupled directly to the motor shaft (gear ratio = 1:1). The optical encoder generates 225 pulses
per motor revolution. The table has been programmed to move a distance of 7.5 in at a feed rate =
20.0 in/min. (a) How many pulses are received by the control system to verify that the table has
moved the programmed distance? What are (b) the pulse rate and (c) motor speed that correspond to
the specified feed rate?
Solution: (a) x = pnp/ns ;Rearranging, np = xns/p = 7.5(225)/0.1667 = 10,125 pulses.
(b) fp = frns/60p = 20(225)/60(0.1667) = 450 Hz
(c) N = fr/p = 20/0.1667 = 120 rev/min
39.12 A leadscrew coupled directly to a dc servomotor is used to drive one of the table axes of an NC
milling machine. The leadscrew has 5 threads/in. The optical encoder attached to the leadscrew
emits 100 pulses/rev of the leadscrew. The motor rotates at a maximum speed of 800 rev/min.
Determine (a) The control resolution of the system, expressed in linear travel distance of the table
axis; (b) the frequency of the pulse train emitted by the optical encoder when the servomotor
operates at maximum speed; and (c) the travel speed of the table at the maximum rpm of the motor.
Solution: (a) CR = p/ns = 0.2/100 = 0.002 in
(b) fp = Nns/60 = 800(100)/60 = 1333.3 Hz
(c) vt = Np = 800(0.2) = 160 in/min
39.13 Solve the previous problem only the servomotor is connected to the leadscrew through a gear box
whose reduction ratio = 12:1 (12 revolutions of the motor for each revolution of the leadscrew).
Solution: (a) CR = p/ns = 0.2/100 = 0.002 in
(b) fp = Nns/60 = 800(100)/60 = 1333.3 Hz
(c) vt = Np/rg = 800(0.2)/12 = 13.33 in/min

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39.14 A leadscrew connected to a dc servomotor is the drive system for a positioning table. The leadscrew
pitch = 4 mm. The optical encoder attached to the leadscrew emits 250 pulses/rev of the leadscrew.
The motor operates at a speed = 15 rev/s. Determine (a) The control resolution of the system,
expressed in linear travel distance of the table axis; (b) the frequency of the pulse train emitted by
the optical encoder when the servomotor operates at 14 rev/s; and (c) the travel speed of the table at
the operating speed of the motor.
Solution: (a) CR = p/ns = 4/250 = 0.016 mm.
(b) fp = Nns = 14(250) = 3500 Hz
(c) vt = Np = 14(4) = 56 mm/s
39.15 A milling operation is performed on a NC machining center. Total travel distance = 300 mm in a
direction parallel to one of the axes of the worktable. Cutting speed = 1.25 m/s and chip load = 0.05
mm. The end milling cutter has four teeth and its diameter = 20.0 mm. The axis uses a dc
servomotor whose output shaft is coupled to a leadscrew with pitch = 6.0 mm. The feedback
sensing device is an optical encoder which emits 250 pulses per revolution. Determine (a) feed rate
and time to complete the cut, and (b) rotational speed of the motor and the pulse rate of the encoder
at the feed rate indicated.
Solution: (a) N = (1.25 x 103 mm/s)/(20π mm/rev) = 19.89 rev/s.
fr = N f nt = 19.89(0.05)(4) = 3.978 mm/s.
Tm = 300/3.978 = 75.4 s = 1.26 min
(b) N = fr/p = (3.978 mm/s)/(6 mm/rev) = 0.663 rev/s.
fp = ns N = 250(0.663) = 165.75 Hz
39.16 An end milling operation is carried out along a straight line path which is 325 mm in length. The cut
is in a direction parallel to the x-axis on a NC machining center. Cutting speed = 30 m/min and chip
load = 0.06 mm. The end milling cutter has two teeth and its diameter = 16.0 mm. The x-axis uses a
dc servomotor connected directly to a leadscrew whose pitch = 6.0 mm. The feedback sensing
device is an optical encoder which emits 400 pulses per revolution. Determine (a) feed rate and time
to complete the cut, and (b) rotational speed of the motor and the pulse rate of the encoder at the
feed rate indicated.
Solution: (a) N = (30 x 103 mm/min)/(16π mm/rev) = 596.8 rev/min
fr = N f nt = 596.8(0.06)(2) = 71.62 mm/min
Tm = 325/71.62 = 4.54 min
(b) N = fr/p = (71.62 mm/min)/(6.0 mm/rev) = 11.94 rev/min
fp = Nns/60 = 400(11.94)/60 = 79.58 Hz
38.17 A DC servomotor is used to drive the x-axis of an NC milling machine table. The motor is coupled
directly to the table leadscrew (1 turn of the motor = 1 turn of the leadscrew), and the leadscrew has
4 threads/in. An optical encoder is used to provide the feedback measurement. It is connected to the
leadscrew using a 1:5 gear ratio (1 turn of the leadscrew converts to 5 turns of the encoder disk). The
optical encoder emits 125 pulses per revolution. To execute a certain programmed instruction, the
table must be moved from point (3.5, 1.5) to point (1.0, 7.2) in a straight-line trajectory at a feed rate
of 7.5 in/min. For the x-axis, determine (a) the electromechanical control resolution of the system,
(b) the rotational speed of the motor, and (c) the frequency of the pulse train emitted by the optical
encoder when the desired feed rate is achieved.
Solution: (a) CR = p/rgns = 0.250/(5 x 125) = 0.0004 in
(b) Move from (3.5, 1.5) to (1.0, 7.2) at fr = 7.5 in/min
Δx = 1.0 - 3.5 = -2.5 in, Δy = 7.2 - 1.5 = 5.7 in

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Angle A = tan-1(5.7/-2.5) = 113.7°

frx = 7.5 cos 113.7 = 7.5(-0.4017) = -3.012 in/min
N = frx/p = (-3.012/(.25) = 12.05 rev/min
(c) fp = rgnsN/60 = 5(12.05)(125)/60 = 125.52 Hz
Industrial Robotics
39.18 The largest axis of a Cartesian coordinate robot has a total range of 750 mm. It is driven by pulley
system capable of a mechanical accuracy = 0.25 mm and repeatability = ±0.15 mm. Determine the
minimum number of bits required in the binary register for the axis in the robot's control memory.
Solution: Repeatability = ± 3σ = 0.15 mm
σ = 0.15/3 = 0.05 mm
Accuracy = 0.25 mm = 0.5 CR + 3σ = 0.5 CR + 0.15
0.5 CR = 0.25 - 0.15 = 0.10
CR = 0.20
CR = CR2 = L/(2B – 1)= 750/(2B – 1)
750/(2B – 1)= 0.20
2B – 1 = 750/0.20 = 3750
2B = 3751
B ln 2 = ln 3751
0.69315 B = 8.22978 B = 11.87 → 12 bits
39.19 A stepper motor serves as the drive unit for the linear joint of an industrial robot. The joint must
have an accuracy of 0.25 mm. The motor is attached to a leadscrew through a 2:1 gear reduction (2
turns of the motor for 1 turn of the leadscrew). The pitch of the leadscrew is 5.0 mm. The
mechanical errors in the system (due to backlash of the leadscrew and the gear reducer) can be
represented by a normal distribution with standard deviation = ±0.05 mm. Specify the number of
step angles that the motor must have in order to meet the accuracy requirement.
Solution: Repeatability = ± 3σ = ± 3(0.05) = ± 0.15 mm
Accuracy = 0.25 mm = 0.5 CR + 3σ = 0.5 CR + 0.15
0.5 CR = 0.25 - 0.15 = 0.10
CR = 0.20 mm
Assume CR = CR1 = p/rgns
ns = p/(rg CR) = 5.0/(2 x 0.20) = 12.5 → ns = 13 step angles
39.20 The designer of a polar configuration robot is considering a portion of the manipulator consisting of
a rotational joint connected to its output link. The output link is 25 in long and the rotational joint
has a range of 75°. The accuracy of the joint-link combination, expressed as a linear measure at the
end of the link which results from rotating the joint, is specified as 0.030 in. The mechanical
inaccuracies of the joint result in a repeatability error = ±0.030° of rotation. It is assumed that the
link is perfectly rigid, so there are no additional errors due to deflection. (a) Show that the specified
accuracy can be achieved, given the repeatability error. (b) Determine the minimum number of bits
required in the binary register of the robot's control memory to achieve the specified accuracy.
Solution: (a) Repeatability = ± 3σ = ± 0.030°.
0.030° = 2π(0.030)/360 = 0.0005236 rad.
End-of-link movement = L A where A = angle of movement in radians
L A = 25(0.0005236) = 0.0131 in
Accuracy = 0.5 CR + 3σ = 0.5 CR + 0.0131
Specified accuracy = 0.030
0.030 = 0.5 CR + 0.0131
0.5 CR = 0.030 - 0.0131 = 0.0169
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CR = 0.0169/0.5 = 0.0338 in
Since CR is positive, the specified accuracy should be possible to achieve.
(b) Given CR = 0.0338 from part (a), total range = 75°
Converting this to an arc distance, range = (2π(75)/360) x 25 = 32.725 in
CR = L/(2B – 1) = 0.0338
32.725/(2B – 1) = 0.0338
2B – 1 = 32.725/0.0338 = 968.2
2B = 969.2
B ln 2 = ln 969.2
0.6931 B = 6.876 B = 9.92 → 10 bits

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