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Artha-Journal of Social Sciences

2017, Vol. 16, No. 1, 39-52

ISSN 0975-329X|https://doi: 10.12724/ajss.40.4

Understanding Academic Stress among


K Jayasankara Reddy,* Karishma Menon*†, and AnjanaThattil*‡


Any individual who progresses through life goes through

various changes and transitions where „stress‟ becomes
invariably part of the journey. Adolescents are
particularly vulnerable to the concept of academic stress
as the transitions occur at an individual and social level.
It, therefore, becomes imperative to understand the
sources and impact of academic stress to derive adequate
and efficient intervention strategies. This review aims to
understand academic stress at a bio psychosocial level
highlighting the impact and sources of academic stress.
For the literature review, articles were collected from
online databases such as EBSCO, ProQuest, Springer,
PubMed, Jstor and Google Scholar. The literature search
was done using keywords academic stress, academic
anxiety, coping, physiological reactions of stress,
academic performance, stress and mental health.The
prevalence rate of stress varied from 15%-45% in studies
conducted after 2000. The review examines stress and its
physiological impact, cognitive and social influences,
sources of stress detailing Indian findings.
Keywords: Academic stress, Academic anxiety, Adolescents,
Stressors, Sources of stress

* Christ University, Bengaluru, India; jayasankara.reddy@christuniversity.in

† karishma.menon@christuniversity.in
‡ ann.anjana18@gmail.com

Artha-Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 1 ISSN 0975-329X

The concept of stress has been under the scrutiny of researchers

from the 1950s and continues to remain so by stimulating interest
in different disciplines including, but not limited to health
psychology, organizational psychology, biological psychology and
relatively newer disciplines such as psychoneuro immunology. In
order to delve into the concept of academic stress, it becomes
imperative first to understand how stress is defined as a construct
and its consequences on an individual.
Studies identify stress as characteristics of a situation (for example,
job interviews are seen as stressful situations), while others throw
light on how it should be viewed as a response to a situation; a
subjective experience associated with different feelings such as
worry and tension (Putwain, 2007). Stress is now seen as a „lifestyle
crisis‟ (Masih & Gulrez, 2006) and affects any and every individual
regardless of the stage of life they are in (Banerjee & Chatterjee,
The pioneering works of Selye (1956) recognised stress as a
response to threatful situations in the environment. He explains
that certain levels of stress are inevitable in our lives and cannot be
escaped. Further work by Holmes & Rahe (1967) classified it as
events that were external, which required the individual to use
adequate adjustment and coping resources. Additionally, the
concept evolved into a dynamic process of assigning meaning
based on a person‟s transactions with the environment (Lazarus,
1991; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). Moreover, “stress is a peculiar
problem in that no one can consistently predict the amount or kind
of stress that can turn an otherwise normal, positive human
situation into one involving an unpredictable, irrational response”
(Neil, 1994).
When individuals are unable to deal with excessive demands in the
environment and lack the resources to cope with the same, it
becomes highly improbable to ensure that they will lead a
successful and satisfying life (Roberson, 1985).These demands or
causes are known as stressors.
It becomes equally essential to ascertain that the concepts of stress
and anxiety have been used interchangeably in the literature.
Anxiety is often described as a reaction to a stressor. In most cases,

Jayasankara Reddy et al. Academic Stress among Adolescents

it helps the individual cope with the situation and uses the
resources. Excessive anxiety that becomes overwhelming and
interferes with the day-to-day functioning becomes cumbersome to
the individual and his/her immediate environment (Malhotra &
Sabharwal, 2013). Roberson (1985) explains anxiety as how an
individual relates to, understands and interprets stress. Academic
stress is a different concept from examination stress or anxiety as
stress in the latter is limited to the stressor-examinations. It is seen
as an “outcome or effect of a particular stimulus.”(Putwain, 2007).

Population of concern- Adolescents

Stress affects every person regardless of age, gender, social and
educational background, class, etc. Overcoming stress
predominantly depends on the coping resources available to the
individual at the given point of time. Apart from the availability of
resources, the individual‟s characteristics such as maturity play a
vital role in determining the effects of stress.
The adolescent life stage becomes a crucial period that makes them
highly vulnerable to the various stressors in the environment. It is a
universally recognized life stage where there is a transition from
childhood to adulthood. It is a vital stage of growth and
development and the body goes through various physical and
biological changes. Key life events, behavioural and physical
manifestations, and social attributions are hallmarks during this
period (Brown, Larson & Saraswathi, 2002; Dasen, 2000; Fuchs,
1976; Rindfuss, 1991; Schlegel & Barry, 1991).
The transition is not limited to just the bodily changes and social
role, but even at the institutional setting, the transition from high
school to higher secondary and even graduate studies require a lot
of adjustment and change. Multiple related and inter-related
stressors make this process of transition highly stressful for the
Adolescents who were undergoing high stress were found to be
indulging in various maladaptive and risky behaviours such as
increased consumption of alcohol and drugs, unprotected sexual
activities, physical inactivity, poor eating and sleeping patterns
(American College Health Association, 2009; Bennet and Holloway,
2014; King, Vidourek & Singh, 2014). Incidences of depression were

Artha-Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 1 ISSN 0975-329X

also found among stressful adolescents as it is linked with

aninability to concentrate, fear of failure, negative evaluation of
future, etc. (Busari, 2012).

A systematic search was conducted using the keywords „academic
stress‟, academic anxiety‟, „stress in adolescents‟ and „sources of
stress‟. The empirical studies chosen were from the last two
decades, and theoretical concepts have been explained by detailing
the findings obtained prior to the last two decades. The articles
were obtained from online databases such as Springer, Jstor,
PubMed, EBSCO, ProQuest and Google Scholar. Studies conducted
in India were also selected. In this review, the need to understand
academic stress has been highlighted by bringing into focus the
biological and psychosocial aspects of stress. The review also
considers the sources of academic stress found in the adolescent
age group. The management of stress has only been briefly
discussed. Strategies and intervention for academic stress does not
come under the scope of this review.


Academic Stress
Academic stress has been identified as a detrimental issue across
various countries, cultures and ethnic groups (Wong, Wong &
Scott, 2006). Academic stress can be explained by understanding
the interaction between environmental stressors, the student‟s
appraisal of academic related stressors and responses to the same
(Lee & Larson, 2006). Stress often reaches the peak when there is a
lack of resources to cope with the academic demands leading to
physiological and psychological manifestations of it (Lou & Chi,
2000). This increase in stress has given rise to various mental health
concerns where students report increased anxiety, depression and
even suicidal ideations. Kadapatti & Vijayalaxmi (2012) report
academic stress as a “career stopper”.
While certain levels of academic stress are known to push students
towards performing well; commonly known as eustress, if it is not
managed well and exceeds the optimum level, it can have dire

Jayasankara Reddy et al. Academic Stress among Adolescents

consequences for the student as well as the institution (Lee et al.,

2000; Stevenson & Harper, 2006). It has, therefore, become a salient
topic and cause for concern in academic circles (Nandamuri & Ch,
Correlational studies conducted on academic performance and
academic stress show a clear negative correlation between the
variables. Reduced working memory functioning and decreased
concentration are also factors leading to poor academic
performance (Chan et al., 1999).
Students in East Asian countries were found to exhibit various
mental health problems termed as „high school senior symptoms
(Lee & Larson, 2000). The individual potential or personality of the
student is rarely taken into consideration and he/she is only
deemed worthy if their academic performance is on the higher
spectrum. Vocational and individual qualities often took a backseat
when describing a student and in fact, worth was determinedby
their academic grades.
The National Crime Records Bureau (2014) registered that 1.8% of
students committed suicide due to failing in examinations. There
was an 80% rise in suicide rates due to academic stress in a city in
India during a one-year time frame as published by the Bureau
(2014). Studies in India also implicate the negative consequences of
academic stress as indicated in the research done by Rangaswamy
(1982), Verma, Sharma & Larson (2002), and Deb, Strodl & Sun
(2015). Students with high-stress levels in academia were seen to
exhibit signs of depression, anxiety, phobia, school refusals,
increased irritability, complaints and reduced interest in
The relationship between high academic stress and suicidal
ideations were also observed among students (Arun & Chavan,
2009; Wilbum & Smith, 2005). Many students who reported high
academic stress levels were referred from academic settings to
psychiatric units as there were cases of depression, phobia, anxiety
and other behavioural problems (Chan et al., 1999; Rangaswamy,
1982; Verma et al., 2002; Deb et al., 2015).

Artha-Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 1 ISSN 0975-329X

Biological and Cognitive manifestations of Academic Stress

Stressful situations have the same physiological reaction on the
body regardless of the trigger. For example, academic stress, test
anxiety, work stress, marital stress, etc. would elicit similar
physiological responses from the body. Any stressful stimulus has
a physical or physiological manifestation. It is observed when the
bodily homeostasis is disturbed alerting various systems in the
body function to restore the balance. These stimuli can be internal
or external and threaten the normal functioning of the individual.
The homeostasis is maintained primarily by two biological systems
namely, the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system,
and the brain-pituitary adrenocortical axis (Bourne & Yaroush,
2003). The adrenaline hormone, released by the adreno-medullary
system, which is part of the sympathetic division, is responsible for
preparing the individual for the “fight” and “flight” reaction
(Cannon, 1932). While inhibiting certain functions, our system
ensures that there is enough blood flow to the skeletal muscles,
sharpening of the senses, increased body defences and energy
metabolism.Caccioppo (1994) noted physiological changes in the
body in heart rate(HR), respiratory rate, blood pressure(BP), and
inhibitions in sexual and digestive activities during stressful
situations. Various peripheral responses that are associated with
stressors are also activated via the sympathetic system through the
release of noradrenaline.
The brain-pituitary adrenocortical axis regulates the release of
glucocorticoid hormones. Cortisol and norepinephrine are the two
most noting hormones that have been found when there are
increased stress levels (Akil, Campeau, Cullinan, Lechan, Toni,
Watson, & Moore, 1999). Several neuro-humoral responses have
also been linked with stress. Literature shows that stress increases
the release of growth hormone and prolactin and inhibits the
release of thyroid and sex steroid hormones. These changes in
hormone levels have found to be the result of increased cortisol
levels in the body (Nemeroff, 1992).
Stress has adverse consequences on the immune system as well.
McEwen (2000) found that acute stress stimulates certain aspects of
immune system functioning whereas chronic stress suppressed

Jayasankara Reddy et al. Academic Stress among Adolescents

immune system parameters. Exposure to acute stress for longer

durations led to the immune system getting activated even in the
absence of any infectious agent or trigger (Deak, T., Meriwether, J.
L., Fleshner, M., Spencer, R. L., Abouhamze, A., Moldawer, L. L. &
Maier, S. F, 1997). Overworked or poor immune functioning makes
one prone to illness further affecting performance.
Various cognitive processes are subsequently affected due to high
concentrations of different hormones in the system invariably
leading to problems in every sphere of an individual‟s life.
Impairments in cognitive functions such as attention and memory
have a negative impact on performance (Lee & Larson, 2000).
Increased cortisol levels are known to affect memory. Evaluation of
performance is found to be one of the factors leading to increased
stress which has further implications for the functioning of
working memory (Lupien, Gillin & Hauge, 1999; Elzinga & Roelofs,
2005). Continuous HPA activation, which leads to increased levels
of cortisol also, influences memory consolidation (Abercrombie,
Kalin, Thurow, Rosenkranz & Davidson, 2003; Erickson, Drevets,
Schulkin, 2003).
Chajut & Algom (2003) found that increased stress leads to
decrease in attention, which adds burden to the cognitive system.
As attention requires filtering out irrelevant information to the task,
under increased stress, the individual has decreased abilities to do
so resulting in more errors in performance and increased
distractibility (Skosnik, Chatterton, Swisher & Park, 2000).
Sustaining attention at school or college requires concentration.
When there is a considerable level of stress, the pressure to
perform, especially in tasks that are evaluated increases, resulting
in decreased concentration levels (Chan, Hung, Pin & Ithnin, 1999).
The discussed findings indicate that increased stress levels have
lasting effects on physiological and cognitive functions in the body.
Impairment in any of the systems led to reduced performance and
decreased overall well being of the individual.

Artha-Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 1 ISSN 0975-329X

Sources of Academic Stress

The atmosphere in an academic setting is completely different from
a non-academic and hence, the various stressors that trigger the
students would be different. Differences would be seen in the
causes, sources and even consequences of such stressors (Chang &
Lu, 2007). Academic stress causes distress not only to the student
but also to the institution in terms of its optimum functioning and
even to the environmental agents around the student.
Factors like frequent examinations, excessive assignments, poor
time management skills, poor social relationships and peer
competition were seen to be principal reasons for academic stress
in students (Cheng, Leong, & Geist, 1993; Fairbrother & Warn,
2003). These are factors that are not limited to the West, but studies
in India have also identified these sources as primarily responsible
for high-stress levels (Sreeramareddy, Shankar, Binu,
Mukopadhyay, Ray & Menezes, 2007).
Excessive demands and expectations placed on the student by the
family members, institution and the individual himself/herself also
add on to the challenge. Ang & Huan (2006) found increased
expectations as the key factor responsible for stress. Self-imposed
and individual specific problems (Goodman, 1993) also burden the
student implicating issues such as reduced social intimacy and
interaction (Rao, Moudud & Subbakrishna, 2000), and poor
relationships (Fairbrother & Warn, 2003).
The educational system and the institutions also play enabling roles
regarding inducing stress in the students. Overcrowded lecture
halls, semester system grading, inadequate resources and facilities
(Awino & Agolla, 2008), vastness of syllabus (Agrawal & Chahar,
2007; Sreeramareddy et al., 2007), long hours and expectations of
rote learning (Deb et al., 2015) contributed significantly in adding
pressure for the students. These inter-related stressors affected the
students‟ performance significantly (Patterson & Kline, 2008).
When students are constantly reinforced the fear of failure by both
the parents and the institutional setting, it results in decreased self-
esteem and confidence among them. The pressure to perform and
exceed at all stages of life, in turn, leads to decreased interest in
studies (Chan et al., 1999). This pressure is so profound that failing

Jayasankara Reddy et al. Academic Stress among Adolescents

to perform is found to be associated with a five-fold increase in

suicidal attempts by students (Richardson, Bergen, Martin, Roeger
& Allisons, 2005).
Several factors were consistently found responsible for increased
stress levels among students. These included problems in
managing finances, difficulty balancing personal and academic life,
hindrances in social interaction, changes in living atmosphere, etc.
(Byron, Brun, & Ivers, 2008; Chernomas & Shapiro, 2013; Goff,
2011; Jimenez, Navia-Osorio, & Diaz, 2010; Lee & Graham, 2001;
Moscaritolo, 2009; Pryjmachuk & Richards, 2007; Sheu, Lin, &
Hwang, 2002).
The incidence of stress is not a stream specific situation. It is
observed and reported across all streams of education be it
management, medicine, humanities, etc. Behere, Yadav & Behere
(2011) found highstress levels in medical and engineering students
highlighting the need for clinical attention and interventions.
Similar results were found in students in medical education as well
(Shapiro, Shapiro & Schwartz, 2000). The atmosphere of
competition across the various fields poses a significant threat to
the well-being of the society. Thus, identifying the sources of stress
across every life stage will help professionals and academicians
utilise students‟ potential by not adding pressure and frustration
while doing the same.


When the student is under constant stress, the body reaches a stage
where the physiological changes that occur become irreversible.
There is a shift to a predominant sympathetic state of arousal. As
the para-sympathetic system withdraws, it results in deterioration
of the physiological responses needed to deal with the external
stressors (Porges, 1995; McEwen, 2000). If the balance is not
restored, it may lead to increased mental health concerns in
students and severe psychiatric disorders.
Only by understanding the stressors and its impact can efficient
management strategies be developed. Management of the
condition thus becomes fundamental at every level namely,
personal, social and institutional. Techniques like biofeedback,

Artha-Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 1 ISSN 0975-329X

yoga, life-skills training, mindfulness meditation, psychotherapy

have been found to be effective in reducing stress among students.
Understanding the source from the different spheres will enable
professionals in the field to tailor-make intervention for students
combining the most effective strategies. Improving the holistic well
being of the student would eventually be productive not only the
individual but, for the overall productivity of the institutions as


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