Alpha Basic
Alpha Basic
Alpha Basic
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57 AlphaBASIC
0,&526<67(06 User’s Manual
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
5,*+7 )520 7+( 67$57
DSS-10073-00, Rev. A05
© 1998 Alpha Microsystems
00 May 1986
01 May 1986
02 December 1988
03 September 1996
04 June 1998
05 April 1999
The information contained in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or use of this information is assumed by Alpha
This document may contain references to products covered under U.S. Patent Number 4,530,048.
The following are registered trademarks of Alpha Microsystems, Santa Ana, CA 92799:
All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
2722 S. Fairview St.
P.O. Box 25059
Santa Ana, CA 92799
Table of Contents
CALL 10-1
CHAIN 10-1
DATA 10-2
DIM 10-2
ELSE 10-3
END 10-3
GOTO 10-7
INPUT 10-9
LET 10-13
NEXT 10-13
ON - GOSUB (CALL) 10-14
ON - GOTO 10-14
PRINT 10-15
RESUME 10-19
RETURN 10-19
SCALE 10-19
STEP 10-20
STOP 10-20
STRSIZ 10-20
THEN 10-21
TO 10-21
USING 10-21
XCALL 10-21
Log10(X) 11-3
Rnd(X) 11-3
Sgn(X) 11-3
Sqr(X) 11-4
Val(A$) 11-4
Err(X) 11-4
Asc(X) 11-5
Chr(X) 11-5
Instr(X,A$,B$) 11-5
Lcs(A$) 11-6
Left(A$,X) 11-6
Len(A$) 11-6
Mid(A$,X,Y) 11-7
Right(A$,X) 11-7
Space(X) 11-7
Str(X) 11-8
Ucs(A$) 11-8
PRINT 16-16
READ 16-16
READL 16-17
UNLOKR 16-17
WRITE 16-18
WRITEL 16-18
However, we have tried to make this manual easy to use and understand. In general, the text of this
manual is written with the assumption that the reader is inexperienced with BASIC.
A glossary is provided near the back of this manual. It defines terms that are used in
AlphaBASIC, and other terms relating to this manual and to the Alpha Micro system.
If you are an experienced BASIC programmer, you may want to glance through chapters 2 through 20 to
familiarize yourself with the syntax and features of AlphaBASIC. As you program you will probably
find the AlphaBASIC Quick Reference Card to be helpful to remind you of commands and syntax.
If you are new to or relatively inexperienced with the BASIC language, you should read chapter 1 before
beginning to use AlphaBASIC. You may also want to read a tutorial on BASIC, and/or a tutorial about
programming concepts.
The acronym BASIC stands for:
• Beginners'
• All-purpose
• Symbolic
• Instruction
• Code
BASIC is a higher-level programming language that was created to be a versatile tool for learning
computer programming, and also to provide a relatively simple language for a wide variety of
Over the years since its inception, BASIC has been added to and modified as new concepts of
programming have emerged. Some implementations of BASIC are more extensive than others; the use
of these extended versions allows the programmer a wider range of applications, greater ease in
programming, and greater efficiency and speed. Now most programming on small, interactive systems is
done in BASIC. One of the reasons for this is that BASIC is so much like the English language.
Interactive mode operates much like a traditional interactive interpreter; that is, you create, alter and test
your program while it is in your memory partition. This mode is convenient for the creation and
debugging of new programs. It also makes it easy to quickly test a program by altering lines or data
within the program.
Using disk files, the compiler, and a run-time package is more useful for programs to be put into
production use, or for testing programs which are too large to fit in memory in the interactive mode.
To use AlphaBASIC in this way, create the program file using the AlphaVUE, or AlphaEXD text editor,
then compile the program at monitor level (using the COMPIL program) and store the compiled object
code on the disk. Finally, use the run-time package (the RUN program) to execute the program.
One of the advantages of using AlphaBASIC in this way is that AlphaVUE makes it easy to write and
edit your program. See Chapter 5 for more information about creating and editing programs with
When running the compiled program, only the object code and the run-time execution package are in
memory. This conserves memory on the computer.
The compiler and the run-time package are both written as re-entrant programs. This means that in a
timesharing environment, any or all users who are running or debugging programs may share one copy of
the compiler and the run-time package. The way to do this is to load COMPIL.LIT (the compiler
program) and RUN.LIT (the run-time package) into system memory. See the System Operator's Guide to
the system initialization command file for information on loading files into system memory.
Once created by the compiler, an object program (also known as a compiled program) is also re-entrant
and sharable, and may be placed in system memory or in the BASIC program account (DSK0:[2,2]) so it
may be shared by all the users on the system.
The MAP statement is similar to the data formatting capabilities of the COBOL language, and is useful
in business applications where the grouping of related information is important.
Variable names are not limited to the single character and single digit format of many BASICs, but may
be any number of alphanumeric characters in length, as long as the first character is alphabetic. This is
another feature which makes AlphaBASIC well suited for business applications.
Since the source code is compiled and need not be in memory when the program is eventually run, the
length of the variable name is not a significant concern. Label names may also be used to identify points
in the program for GOTO and GOSUB branches. Label names are alphanumeric and help to clarify the
program structure. Some examples of label names are:
With these three programs, then, you can use the AlphaBASIC system in two different ways–either as an
interactive system (interactive mode) or as a disk-file/compiler system.
Your choice of how you will use AlphaBASIC depends on several factors:
• The amount of memory you have in your user partition
• What stage of development your program is in
• The physical form of your program
• The size of your program
• Your personal preference
Chapters 3 and 4 tell you more about the interactive mode, and Chapter 5 explains how to use
AlphaVUE, the compiler, and the RUN program.
PRINT "Hello!"
INPUT "Type in a number that you would like squared: ",NUMBER
PRINT "The square of ";NUMBER;" is: ";ANSWER
Notice that the AlphaBASIC statements in the above program are English words (PRINT, INPUT, END)
which resemble their function. Likewise, Alpha BASIC allows you to define meaningful variable names
in English(NUMBER and ANSWER). You’ll learn more about the above statements later in the manual.
This manual conforms to other Alpha Micro publications in its use of a standard set of graphics
conventions. We hope these graphics simplify our examples and make them easier for you to understand.
{} Optional elements of a command line. When these braces appear in a sample
command line, it means that the part of the command line that they enclose
may be left out of the command line if you don't want or need it
Type This type face indicates examples of program code. It also shows examples
of characters the computer sends and displays on your terminal screen, such
as prompts and messages.
Type This bold type face is used in examples to show what you type at your
keyboard. For example: LOG DSK0:[1,2]
RETURN This symbol marks the place where you press the RETURN key on your
keyboard. For example:
tells you: “After the monitor prompt, type ‘LOGOFF’ and press the RETURN
This symbol says “Don’t forget!” and signals information to remember.
FOR I = 1 TO 10
PRINT "This is a loop."
A DATA statement cannot contain other statements on the same line, and no other statements may follow
a comment (designated by REM or !). Direct statements in interactive mode may also be multiple
statement lines.
COMPIL allows the use of continuation lines within the source program. That is, statements may be
continued on the next line by using the ampersand (&) symbol as the last character on the line. For
Notice that the example above, though appearing on two lines in your source file, is treated as one
statement by AlphaBASIC. Therefore, you must not precede a line that is being continued from the line
before by a label or line number.
By using indentation, continuation lines, and eliminating line numbers (discussed in the next section)
your source program will look more structured than those written in conventional BASIC Here is an
example of a "structured" program:
The maximum size of any AlphaBASIC statement, including blanks, tabs, ampersands, and carriage
return/line feeds is, 500 characters.
Program line numbers may range from 1 to 65533. Programs used in interactive mode MUST contain
line numbers. Programs that will be compiled at AMOS level do not need to have line numbers. You
may use line numbers only for certain lines in a compiled program if you like–not all lines have to have
If you have a line number on the line at which an error occurs, AlphaBASIC will be able to tell
you where the error occurred by displaying that line number. Without line numbers, it cannot
report where the error occurred.
You may want to use line numbers in special places within your program when you are debugging the
program, so that you can easily locate errors. A disadvantage to line numbers is that they occupy space
in memory, making your program larger.
Note that any statement that follows a REM keyword on a line will NOT be executed by AlphaBASIC.
When the program is compiled, everything following the REM statement on the line is ignored.
The comment symbol ! is an abbreviation of the REM statement, and is used the same way. For
Like the REM statement, anything following the ! symbol on the line is ignored. You may "comment
out" a section of a program that contains comments. For example:
AlphaBASIC allows the use of labels to identify locations in a program. A label is composed of one or
more alphanumeric characters which are not separated by a space or other delimiter. The first character
must be an alphabetic character. Since apostrophes are not recognized as delimiters, they may be used
within labels in place of spaces for clarity.. For example:
A label must be the first item on a line and must be terminated by a colon (:).
Remember that you may not place a space between the label and its colon. This will cause
AlphaBASIC to think that you have entered a multi-statement line rather than a label.
A label may be followed by a program statement on the same line, or it may be the only item on the line.
The use of labels is similar to the use of line numbers with GOTO and GOSUB statements, except that
labels make the program easier to document. Here is a program that uses labels:
INPUT "Enter two numbers to get the sum: ",A,B
PRINT A; "+"; B; "=" A + B
PRINT "The sum is zero"
PRINT : PRINT "The sum is not zero"
In interactive mode, memory is allocated dynamically as you edit your program, and also during its
compilation and execution. Checks are made to tell you if you have run out of memory. If you do, you
get an error message.
If you run out of memory while COMPIL is compiling a disk program, you will see an error message and
the compilation will stop, returning you to the monitor.
This allows labels and variables to begin with reserved words. In other words, the variable name:
FOR A = 1 TO 10
These two commands switch back and forth between the normal EXPAND mode and the NOEXPAND
For example:
FOR I = 1 TO 10 : PRINT A$ : NEXT I
The default mode is EXPAND mode. Note that the object code which is generated as a result of a
compilation is not affected in size, execution speed or anything else by the mode in which it is compiled.
NOEXPAND is usually used only when running programs written on other systems.
AlphaBASIC supports lower case letters (a-z) and upper case letters (A-Z) in both the input source
program and in the run-time execution of programs. The line editor built into the interactive system
accepts and stores source input text in lower case or upper case characters. Lower case letters, when used
within variable names and labels, are unique and separate from the corresponding upper case letters.
In other words, the variable "a" is separate from the variable "A" and the variable "Tom" is separate from
the variables "TOM" and "tom". Lower case letters may be used as the first character of a variable name
or program label just as upper case letters may be.
Reserved words are treated somewhat differently from the above system. AlphaBASIC temporarily
translates all lower case letters to upper case when it interprets a line, and then checks for reserved word
matches. If a word is not a reserved word, the translation is not retained and the lower case letters are
used for variable name matches.
The entire string processing system supports lower case characters. That is, lower case letters used
within string literals (alphanumeric characters inside quotes) are retained and printed as lower case.
Lower case letters which are entered into string variables by means of the INPUT statement are also
retained as lower case letters.
Note that all lower case characters are considered greater than any upper case character due to their
position in the ASCII collating sequence. To assist in processing and comparing data, a couple of
translation functions are included in AlphaBASIC.
The UCS(A$) function returns a string identical to the argument string A$ with all characters translated
to upper case. The inverse function LCS(A$) returns a string with all characters translated to lower case.
By "your account" we mean the account you are currently logged into. If you specify a device,
AlphaBASIC does not search in memory but proceeds directly to that device, using steps 3 and 4.
++INCLUDE must be the first command on a line (do not put a line number before it), and the filespec
can be any valid file specification that optionally includes a device name and/or account. The default
extension is .BSI (BASIC Include file). If you do not specify a device and/or account the search pattern
is the same as that for .RUN modules (see above). As COMPIL accesses each file defined in a
++INCLUDE command, you see:
Multiple ++INCLUDE commands in the same file are allowed, but a file that is copied in may not itself
contain ++INCLUDE commands.
If you load a file containing ++INCLUDE commands into interactive mode, AlphaBASIC will give you
an error message (because that line cannot have a line number) and then ignore the ++INCLUDE
Interactive mode is like being "inside" BASIC, and gives you a number of advantages, such as:
• Helping you learn how to use the BASIC programming statements, as BASIC checks each line
you enter.
• Easily changing lines or variables between program runs. This makes it easy to test various parts
of your program or variable ranges and values.
• Running your program one line at a time. This is called the "single-step" feature.
• Setting "breakpoints"–places inside your program where the run will pause. These pauses,
combined with the "single-step" feature, can help you locate errors in your programs.
To use interactive mode, first make sure that you are at monitor level (where you see the AMOS prompt
symbol). If you do not see a prompt, press CTRL /C. That is, hold down the CONTROL key (sometimes
labeled CTRL) and press the C key. If the prompt still does not appear, see your System Operator.
When you see the prompt, type the word BASIC and press RETURN :
READY is the AlphaBASIC prompt symbol. You are now in interactive mode.
To leave interactive mode and return to AMOS, type BYE after the READY prompt, and press RETURN :
If you do not erase the program in memory, AlphaBASIC will merge the new program into whatever is
in memory. If any line numbers from the new program duplicate line numbers of an old program in
memory, the new lines will replace the old.
To create a program in interactive mode, first make sure that you have nothing in memory (see NEW
above), and then begin entering program lines. Each line must begin with a line number. You do not
have to enter the lines in numerical order–BASIC will put them in order for you. For example, you
might type in:
If you make a mistake when you enter a line, you will see:
?Syntax Error
This means that BASIC did not understand your input. Re-type the correct line:
40 A = A * A RETURN
To edit a program line, you must retype the entire line as we did above. If you want to delete a line, enter
the line number and press RETURN :
The command above saves the source program NEWPRG.BAS as a disk file in the account you are
logged into (.BAS is the default extension).
All program names must be made up of one to six alphanumeric characters. All file extensions
must be made up of one to three alphanumeric characters.
Programs are saved as sequential ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) files.
Since this is a standard format, you can use the AlphaVUE text editor to edit your file later.
If you want to SAVE the program to another account, or with a different extension, you can specify a full
file specification. For example:
You can save the compiled version (we talk about compiling programs and .RUN files later) of that
program by specifying the .RUN extension:
If you have not previously compiled the source program, or if you have changed the program since the
last time you compiled it, BASIC automatically compiles it for you when you save a .RUN file to ensure
that you are saving the most current version.
If you try to save a file when there is no source program in memory, AlphaBASIC reports:
If a previous version of the program (one with the same name) already exists on the disk in the account
you are writing the file to, that program is first deleted before the new program is saved. AlphaBASIC
does not automatically create a backup file.
The resulting object program (.RUN file) is re-entrant (that is, it can be used over and over again), and
may be loaded into system memory so that everyone on your system can use the program (even at the
same time).
In the interests of security, AlphaBASIC will not let you save a program in an account that is not within
the same project as the account you are logged into. For example, if you are logged into DSK2:[100,2]
and you try to save a program in DSK2:[340,1], you see:
Since AlphaBASIC cannot convert an object file back to a source program file, you should save
the .BAS version of your program.
10 INPUT "Enter a number: ", NUM
40 INPUT "Enter a second number: ", NUM2
If the program is longer than will fit on your screen, use the SCROLL key (or CTRL /S and CTRL /R) to
stop and resume the display, or use CTRL /C to interrupt the listing.
If you only want to see part of your listing, you can ask for a section by adding the beginning and ending
line numbers to the LIST command. For example:
40 INPUT "Enter a second number: ", NUM2
Each statement that you enter is checked when you press RETURN . If the statement is correct, nothing
happens. If there is an error in the statement, you receive an error message.
When you run a program (explained below) AlphaBASIC will automatically compile the program if it is
not currently compiled. You can also use the COMPILE command to compile the program. To do so,
type COMPILE and press RETURN . For example:
Compile time was 0.003 seconds, elapsed time was 0 seconds
In interactive mode, you may compile only the program currently in memory.
The resulting object program (.RUN file) is re-usable (that is, it can be used over and over again), and re-
entrant (that is, it may be loaded into system memory so that everyone on your system can use the
program–even at the same time).
Once the program is compiled, the object code resides in memory along with the source program.
Compiling a program sets all variables to zero and deletes all variables that may have been left over
because of direct statements (direct statements are discussed below).
?No source program in text buffer
Compiler Option
You may specify the /O compiler option to the interactive compiler. For example:
The /O option tells COMPILE to remove the line numbers from the compiled object code. It does NOT
change your source program, or the operation of your compiler object code. Even though line numbers
are removed, the /O switch still detects and reports duplicate line number errors.
Removing line number references from your object program will make your compiled program smaller
and improve execution time. However, if an error occurs while executing the program, the resulting error
message will not show the number of the line where the error occurred.
RUN resets all of the variables to zero and all string variables to a NULL value (the string contains no
characters) before running the program. If you wish to stop the program during the run, press CTRL /C.
If the program has been changed since the last time it was compiled, BASIC automatically recompiles it
for you before executing the program. Therefore, if you need to compile the source program and then run
it, you may simply use the RUN command. For example:
You cannot run any program other than the one currently in memory while in interactive mode.
To exit from interactive mode, type BYE after the READY prompt and press RETURN :
Program statements that do not begin with a line number are considered direct statements, and
AlphaBASIC executes them immediately. For example:
The first direct statement (A=5) stores 5 as the value of the variable A in memory. The second
(PRINT A+4) adds 4 to the value of A and, since this is a direct statement, it prints out the answer (9).
Each direct statement is compiled and executed when it is entered. You can define variables and change
variable values using direct statements.
Certain statements are meaningless as direct statements; therefore they are not allowed (for example,
RESUME, GOSUB, etc.). If you enter a statement that is not allowed, you will see:
AlphaBASIC allows multi-statement lines as direct statements. Multi-statement lines are lines which
contain more than one statement; the statements are separated by colons. As you enter direct statements,
AlphaBASIC checks them to see that they are in proper form. If they are not, you will see:
?Syntax error
BREAK 20,-120 Sets a breakpoint at line 20, clears the one at line 120
When you set a breakpoint with the BREAK command, you are asking BASIC to stop just before the line
you specified. When the program is run, it will proceed until it hits the breakpoint. Then you will see:
Break at line x
At this point you can enter interactive mode commands, proceed line by line using the single-step feature
(see below), or enter direct statements. The advantage of entering direct statements is that you can find
out what values the variables have, or even change those values. For example:
Break at line 40
At this point, the value of the variable A is 5 before line 40 is executed. If your program is not giving
you the answer you expect, you can use breakpoints at key points in your program to determine where the
calculations are going wrong.
You can also change the value of a variable. Say that in the example above you wanted the value of A to
be 4. By entering "A = 4" as a direct statement, you can change the value for the duration of the program
There is no limit to the number of breakpoints that may be set in one program. The program will not run
any slower with breakpoints in it than normally.
You may continue to run the rest of the program from the breakpoint by typing CONT (for continue) and
pressing RETURN :
Break at line 40
( The program continues )
Compiling a program clears all the breakpoints. Breakpoints are also cleared if you exit from BASIC.
If you want to see the breakpoints set, type BREAK and press RETURN .
No breakpoints set 30
You may start the program over again by using the RUN command; again it will break at the first
breakpoint set.
The program continues by next executing the first line numbered higher than line 700. CONT also
continues a program which you have partially executed using the single-step feature (see below).
You may restart a program from the beginning following a CTRL /C by using the RUN command or
single-step (linefeed) command.
You can also delete a group of line numbers by specifying a beginning and ending number. For example,
to delete all lines between (and including) 40 and 150:
Although you usually separate the two line numbers with a comma, you can also use a dash, space,
or other non-numeric character.
10 FOR I = 1 TO 10
10 FOR I = 1 TO 10
This program file could have been created using AlphaVUE, or might have been saved from a previous
interactive mode session.
If you do not supply a file extension, AlphaBASIC uses the default extension of .BAS. BASIC will also
assume the account and device you are logged into.
If BASIC can't find the file you want to load, it displays an error message:
The LOAD command does not clear the text buffer before it loads the requested file, and therefore may
be used to concatenate or merge several programs or subroutines together to be saved as a single
The separate routines must not duplicate line numbers in the routines they are to be merged with or the
new line numbers will overlay the old ones, just as if the file had been typed in from your terminal.
If you want to load in a complete program, you should always use the NEW command prior to any
LOAD command to make sure that memory is clear. If you don't, you may mix the contents of a
program in memory with the program you are loading.
When you press LINE FEED , the next line of the program is displayed on the terminal, and then executed.
Here is an example:
10 PRINT "This is a demonstration of Single-step."
30 FOR I = 1 to 3
40 PRINT : INPUT "Enter a number: ",NUM
Compile time was 0.008 seconds, elapsed time was 1 seconds
10 PRINT "This is a demonstration of Single-step."
This is a demonstration of single-step.
30 FOR I = 1 to 3
40 PRINT : INPUT "Enter a number: ",NUM
Enter a number: 4 RETURN
40 PRINT : INPUT "Enter a number: ",NUM
Enter a number: 21 RETURN
40 PRINT : INPUT "Enter a number: ",NUM
Enter a number: 154.5 RETURN
Note that line 40 is a multi-statement line. When single-stepping, all statements on a line are executed at
the same time.
At each point after a line has been executed, you can use direct statements to look at or change variable
values (as we did with the PRINT VALUE and VALUE = 192 direct statements in the example above)
before you continue the run of the program (by using the CONT command or another LINE FEED ).
Note that any change in the source program causes AlphaBASIC to recompile the program. The next
single-step command will then execute the first line of the program. When we changed the variable
VALUE to 192, we did not change any of the program lines–therefore, BASIC did not recompile the
program. Only a variable was changed.
The single-step feature can be used at the beginning of the program, after program STOP statements,
breakpoint interrupts, and other functions that suspend program execution.
After partially single-stepping through a program, you may execute the remainder of it normally by using
the CONT command. Also, you may start over at the beginning and execute it normally by using the
RUN command. If you try to single-step past the end of the program, you see:
***End of Program***
and the next LINE FEED executes the first program statement again.
If you single-step a statement that asks for input from the terminal, enter the input and press RETURN (as
we did in the example above).Then you may proceed to the next statement by pressing LINE FEED again.
Although interactive mode offers some good features, the true power of AlphaBASIC lies in using a
combination of AlphaVUE, COMPIL, and RUN to create, compile, and run your programs.
There are two ways to create a source program: using interactive mode to type in the program, save the
program on disk, and then exit BASIC; or using AlphaVUE.
The easiest way to create a program that is going to be compiled with COMPIL is to use AlphaVUE to
create the source file (which usually has a .BAS extension).
AlphaVUE is a screen-oriented text editor that allows you to see your program on the terminal screen as
you type it in. You can move the cursor around on the screen and change or delete text at the current
cursor position. It also has some unique features designed especially to aid programmers in writing
programs. See the AlphaVUE User's Manual, if you are not familiar with AlphaVUE.
The form your program takes may differ somewhat depending on whether you use AlphaVUE or the
interactive mode to create your program. If you create and save your source program in interactive mode,
that program must contain line numbers (otherwise, AlphaBASIC would interpret each statement as a
direct statement when you tried to type the program in).
The monitor level compiler (COMPIL) does not require that a program contain line numbers. That
means that if you create your program using AlphaVUE, you do not need to include line numbers in that
program. In addition, you may indent your program lines in any fashion you desire.
By omitting line numbers and using labels, and by using indentation judiciously, you can give your
source program a much more structured look than is usually possible with BASIC programs. A "label" is
a special name defined by you that identifies a location within a program.
Although COMPIL does not require your program to have line numbers, it does check for
duplicate line numbers within your file. Even when the /O switch is in effect, the compiler will
report duplicate line number errors. It does NOT, however, check for lines that are out of numeric
order. See below for information on the /O option.
The compiler also allows the use of statements that start on one line and continue on to another line.
These are called continuation lines. An ampersand (&) is the symbol used to indicate a continuation line.
For example:
As you may have noticed, the above example is only one AlphaBASIC statement, even though it is
written on four lines.
However, you may not want to use continuation lines if you want to work on your program in interactive
mode. Interactive BASIC puts continuation lines back together to form one line.
An AlphaBASIC statement cannot be longer than 500 characters, even if continuation symbols are
Below is a small example of a valid program that uses continuation lines, indentation, and labels, and has
no line numbers:
INPUT LINE "Enter your name: ",NAME$
IF LEN(NAME$) = 0 &
INPUT "Would you like to try another? ", QUERY$
IF LCS(QUERY$[1;1]) = "y" &
ELSE PRINT : PRINT "All done."
Compiling an AlphaBASIC program is done by using the COMPIL program. Compiling a program
translates your BASIC source program into a language that the RUN program can execute. To compile a
program, make sure that you are at AMOS command level, then enter COMPIL and the name of your
AlphaBASIC program, plus any options you wish. For example:
The default extension that COMPIL uses is .BAS. That is, if you do not add an extension to the
filename, COMPIL will look for a file with that name and a .BAS extension.
You then see a number of statistics on your terminal as COMPIL compiles your program. A typical
display might look something like this:
COMPIL will tell you if any errors exist within your source program when it processes your file. The
"Excess available memory" message gives you an idea of how much memory your program used in
compiling, and how close you were to running out of memory.
The COMPIL.LIT and RUN.LIT programs may be loaded into your user memory partition to make the
compiling and/or running process faster. See the LOAD command reference sheet in the System
Commands Reference Manual that applies to your system.
The COMPIL program uses memory in your user memory partition to process your program. If there is
not enough memory in your partition for COMPIL to complete its task, you will see:
and COMPIL will return your terminal to monitor command level. If this occurs, you may want to
remove files that were loaded into your partition (see the DEL command reference sheet in the System
Commands Reference Manual, DSS-10004-00). If there are no programs loaded into memory, or
deleting files does not help, see your System Operator about increasing the size of your memory
When COMPIL has finished processing your file, it returns you to monitor level and, if there are no
syntax errors, writes the object program to the disk as a file bearing the name of your source program and
a .RUN extension (in this case, PAYROL.RUN). If you do have errors displayed, no .RUN file will be
The resulting object program (.RUN file) is re-entrant, and may be loaded into system memory for use by
multiple users.
When you have a .RUN file, you can execute it at any time with the RUN program (see below).
Compiler Options
The compiler has a number of optional "switches" that let you control how the compilation works.
To choose an option, include the slash symbol "/" at the end of the file specification that you supply to
COMPIL, followed by the appropriate letter. If you want to add more than one switch, just add another
"/" and letter. Each letter must be preceded by a slash. For example:
/O Tells the compiler to take out any line number references in your compiled object code file.
COMPIL will, however, still report duplicate line number errors. The /O option makes your
object code file smaller and makes the program run faster, but any error messages do not include
the number of the line at which the error occurred.
/T Primarily for debugging purposes. It tells the compiler to display each line of your source
program as it scans that line. If a problem occurs during compilation, you can use the /T option
to determine the line in which the problem occurs. You can also use /T to gauge the speed with
which certain statements compile.
/N Cancels the COMPIL statistical display. You will see appropriate error messages, but none of
the COMPIL statistics.
/A Increases the size of the area in memory used to calculate program addresses. Normally, the
compiler uses 16 bits to calculate addresses–/A increases this to 24 bits. This increases the size
of your program, but allows you to transfer control (when you use statements like GOTO,
GOSUB, RESUME, etc.) across a span greater than 64K.
/M Causes an error message to be displayed any time COMPIL encounters an unmapped variable.
This option aids programmers who wish to verify that all variables have been mapped. See
Chapter 15 for information on mapping variables.
To run a program enter RUN and the name of the .RUN program you want to execute, and press RETURN .
For example:
You may supply a full file specification, including device name and account number. The monitor looks
for the run-time package, RUN.LIT, in memory; if it is not found in system or user memory, it loads
RUN into memory from the SYS: account on the disk.
RUN prepares an area in memory for your program to use, then searches for your program in memory. If
it is not there, RUN loads the specified .RUN file from the disk account you specified, or from the
current account if you didn’t include an account number. Then RUN executes your program. Upon
completion, or if you use Control-C to interrupt the program, RUN returns you to monitor level.
Do not use the monitor command RUN on files with .BAS extensions. If you try to run a .RUN
file that was produced on an AMOS AM-100/T system, or any non-.RUN file, you will get the
error message:
An AlphaBASIC variable name may contain any number of alphanumeric characters, and is not limited
to a single letter or to a letter and a digit, as in many BASIC languages. The first character of the name
must be alphabetic (from a to z or A to Z), and the variable name may begin with a reserved word (unless
NOEXPAND mode is set—see Chapter 2). For a list of AlphaBASIC reserved words, see Appendix B.
You may also use apostrophes in variable names to improve clarity. You may use both upper and lower
case characters in your variable names. You may not use spaces within variable names.
Note that although AlphaBASIC folds reserved words to upper case, it does not translate variable names.
For instance, the variable name:
See Chapter 2 for a discussion of how AlphaBASIC handles upper and lower case characters.
AlphaBASIC considers normal (unmapped) variables as floating point variables unless their names have
a dollar sign at the end—in which case they are considered string variables.
Variables defined by a MAP statement (called mapped variables) are defined by an explicit type code and
therefore do not follow the standard convention of using a dollar sign for string variables.
Mapped variables are a special form of AlphaBASIC variable that allow you to organize and use data
more efficiently. For information on mapped variables, see Chapter 15.
The integer variable was added for compatibility reasons. However, AlphaBASIC does not
perform integer arithmetic. Following a variable name with a % symbol is equivalent to using
the integer function on that variable. For example, COUNTER% has the same value as
Subscripting of array variables follows the standard conventions of other BASICs by enclosing the
subscripts within parentheses.
A A$
NEW'ARRAY(3,3) Inventory'control'counter
A numeric variable is one that contains numbers. The numbers in a numeric variable can be used in
mathematical calculations.
The normal mode of processing numeric variables (as opposed to string variables) is in 11-digit accuracy,
which might be termed "single-and-one-half" precision compared to normally accepted standards.
Integer and binary variables are also considered numeric variables, but AlphaBASIC always converts
them to floating point format before any mathematical operations are done.
Numeric variables can be entered in scientific format, but will be converted to normal format unless they
are larger than the number of significant digits.
The significance of the variables (how many digits will be stored and printed) is something you can
control with the SIGNIFICANCE statement — from 1 to 11 digits. Normally, numbers will be rounded
down to a default of 6 digits (from the 11 digits that result from any calculations). See Chapter 10 for
more information on SIGNIFICANCE.
Numeric variables have an approximate range from 2.9 * 10^-39 to 1.7 * 10^38.
A string is any ASCII character or group of ASCII characters. String variables can contain letters,
numbers, typographical symbols, and special characters. A string variable is identified by a $ after the
variable name. A string literal is identified by being enclosed in quotation marks. In this example:
the NAME$ to the left of the equal sign is a string variable, and the "Mortimer T. Smith" to the right of
the equal sign is a string literal. A string variable cannot contain quotation marks.
AlphaBASIC supports string variables in both single and array form. The memory that is allocated for
each string variable is the number of bytes representing the maximum size that the string is allowed to
expand to. Each string is variable in size within this maximum limit and a null byte is stored at the end
of each string to indicate its current actual size if the string is shorter than the maximum.
At the start of each compilation, the default size to be used for strings is 10 characters. By using the
STRSIZ statement within the program, you can alter the string size value for all the following new string
String variables may be assigned values by enclosing string literals in quotes, or by taking on the value of
another string variable. For example:
FirstName$ = "Theodred"
FirstName$ = Name'that'was'input$
You may join string variables together into one variable using a plus sign between two strings. For
String functions such as LEFT$, RIGHT$, MID$, etc. can be used to work with and change portions of
strings or substrings. In addition, a powerful substring modifying system may be used to operate on
portions of strings within expressions. Chapter 8 explains this unique option of AlphaBASIC.
Unformatted, mapped variables are also considered string variables when they are used in expressions or
printed. See Chapter 15 for information on mapped, unformatted variables.
An unformatted variable may contain non-string data. If this is the case, then using the PRINT
statement to display either that variable or an expression containing it will result in a very odd
display, since the data is not in a printable form.
You can use both numeric and string variables in arrays. An array is a powerful way of storing and
manipulating variable data. An array consists of a set of ordered variables, all under one variable name.
Each array variable consists of a standard variable name:
plus a subscript:
The subscript tells you which variable within the array is being worked on. For instance, when you say:
NUMBER(3) = 5
AlphaBASIC assigns the value of 5 to the 3rd element in array NUMBER. The subscript number can
also be a variable, allowing you a lot of flexibility in handling arrays. Here is a small program that fills
an array with values:
For COUNT = 1 to 10
Using the loop control variable COUNT (we'll explain For-Next loops later on) as the subscript variable
allows us to fill the array with values. The first time through the loop, COUNT has the value of 1, so
NUMBER(COUNT) = 1. The second time, COUNT = 2, so NUMBER(COUNT) = 4 [2 times 2]. And
so on.
When you use an array variable, a certain amount of memory space is allocated for that variable and its
subscripts. The default value is 10; that is, you can have up to 10 subscripts. If you want to have more
than 10, or you don't need that many, you can change the size by using a DIM (dimension) statement.
For example, to set the array NUMBER to hold 20 values, place this statement in the program BEFORE
you use the array variable:
You can set each array variable to whatever size you need. It is a good idea to set up the array without
much "overhead.” Dimensioning an array for more subscripts than you need can use up valuable
memory space. Once an array has been dimensioned by a DIM statement, it may not be redimensioned
by a subsequent DIM statement in the same program.
You can also make multi-dimension arrays. For instance, a double-subscripted array would be referred to
like this:
Arrays may be any number of levels deep but practicality dictates some reasonable limit of 20 or so. The
amount of memory that you have will dictate how much data you can store in an array.
At no time may the number of subscripts vary in any of the references to an array. For example, you
cannot define an array as:
READ A$(1,2,5)
The number of subscripts in each element reference must also match the number of subscripts in the
corresponding DIM statement which defined the array size. See Chapter 10 for more information on the
DIM statement.
An expression can contain variables, constant values, operator symbols, functions, or any combination of
the above. When we are talking about expressions, we mean a section of AlphaBASIC code that is
treated as a unit within an AlphaBASIC statement. For example, in the statement:
A mathematical expression is any expression that contains numbers and mathematical operators. For
Parentheses can be used to tell AlphaBASIC which operation to perform first. If no parentheses are
included, AlphaBASIC follows its rules of operator precedence (explained below) to determine which
part of the expression will be performed first.
AlphaBASIC automatically evaluates expressions for you. For example, consider the statement:
First, AlphaBASIC computes the division operations. It determines that 100/2 equals 50, and that 30/54
equals .5556. Then it multiplies 32 by 50 to get1600. Next it adds 25 and .5556 to get 25.5556. Finally,
AlphaBASIC applies the MAX operator to the parts of the expression (i.e., 1600 MAX 25.5556), and
returns the greater or maximum value of the two sub-expressions, 1600.
The logical operators, AND, OR, XOR, EQV and NOT, are used in IF-THEN statements to evaluate and
compare expressions. The AND statement compares two expressions. If both expressions are TRUE, the
IF condition is also TRUE. If either or both statements are FALSE, the IF condition is FALSE. For
INPUT "Enter a number between 0 and 100: ", NUMBER
ELSE PRINT "Number incorrect!" &
If either of the expressions ( NUMBER > 0 or NUMBER < 100 ) are FALSE, the program above will go
back and ask the question again. We can demonstrate OR with a similar section of code:
INPUT "Enter a number between 0 and 100: ", NUMBER
THEN PRINT "Number incorrect!" : GOTO QUESTION
With OR, the IF statement is TRUE if any one of the expressions is TRUE.
With XOR, which stands for Exclusive-OR, the IF statement is TRUE only if one of the expressions is
TRUE. If more than one is TRUE, or all are FALSE, the IF statement is FALSE.
EQV, which stand for equivalence, causes the IF statement to be TRUE if both expressions evaluate to
the same condition (TRUE or FALSE).
NOT negates the value of an expression. For example, the following statements are equivalent:
The precedence of operators determines the sequence in which mathematical operations are performed
when evaluating an expression that does not have overriding parentheses to dictate hierarchies. We
showed you an example of it above in "Mathematical Expressions.” Here are the rules of precedence that
AlphaBASIC uses:
1. exponentiation
2. unary plus and minus
3. multiplication and division
4. addition and subtraction
5. relational operations (comparisons)
6. logical NOT
7. logical AND, OR, XOR, EQV, MIN, MAX
The USING operator allows you to format numeric or string data using a format string. For
information on USING, see Chapter 13.
Expressions may contain any mixture of variable types and constants in any arrangement. AlphaBASIC
performs automatic string and numeric conversions as necessary to ensure that the result is in the proper
format. For example, if two strings are multiplied together they are first automatically converted to
numeric format before the multiplication takes place. If the result is then to become a string, it is
reconverted back to string format before the assignment is performed. In other words, the statement
A$ = B$ * "345"
is perfectly legal and will work correctly, as long as B$ contains a number (and no alphabetic characters).
This is a powerful feature which can save programming effort when used correctly.
There is a seemingly ambiguous situation which arises from this mode independence. The plus symbol
(+) is used both as an addition operator for numeric operations and as a concatenation operator for string
operations. The value of 34 + 5 is equal to 39 but the value of "34" + "5" is equal to the string "345".
The operation of the plus symbol is unambiguous, but may take a little thought to figure out in a given
situation. A few examples might help:
If the first operand is numeric and the second is string, we convert the second to numeric form and
perform addition:
34 + "5" = 39
If the first operand is string and the second operand is numeric, we convert the second to string and
perform concatenation:
"34" + 5 = "345"
The above two examples apply only when the compiler is not "expecting" a particular type of
variable or term. This generally occurs only in a PRINT expression such as PRINT "34" + 5. At
other times, the compiler expects a specific type of variable; the conversion of the first variable is
then performed prior to inspecting the operator (plus sign). What the plus sign will do will then
depend upon that first variable—if the variable is a numeric one, the plus sign will perform
addition; if string, it will concatenate. In the following example:
NUM = 5 * "34" + 4
The multiplication operator (*) forces us to expect a numeric term to follow. The "34" string is therefore
immediately converted to numeric 34 and multiplied by the 5. The plus sign then performs numeric
addition instead of concatenation. The result is in numeric format and is converted to string format if its
destination is a string.
The following are a few examples as they would be seen if you were to use them in an actual program:
39 39 39 39
345 345 345 345
You can see that conversion is affected by the type of variable being used.
You might like to try a few examples of your own on your system to see what the results are. Any
potentially ambiguous expression may always be forced to one type or the other by use of the STR(X)
and VAL(A$) functions (see Chapter 11).
For more examples of mode independence, see the sample programs in Chapter 8.
A substring is a portion of an existing string, and may be as small as a single character or as large as the
entire string. AlphaBASIC supports a unique method of manipulating substrings using substring
Substring modifiers allow the substring to be defined in terms of character positions within the string,
relative to either the left or right end of the string.
The length of the substring is defined either in terms of its beginning and ending positions or in terms of
its beginning position and its length. You will define a substring by using the string variable (for
example, A$) followed by the substring modifier. The substring modifier is two numeric arguments
enclosed within square brackets (for example, A$[1,3]).
[ beginning-position , ending-position ]
[ beginning-position ; substring-length ]
The first format defines the substring in terms of its beginning and ending positions within the string and
uses a comma to separate the two arguments. The second format defines the substring in terms of its
beginning position within the string and its length, using a semicolon to separate the arguments.
The beginning and ending positions are defined as character positions within the string relative to either
the left or right end. A positive value represents the character position relative to the left end of the
string, with character position 1 representing the first (leftmost) position.
A negative value represents the character position relative to the right end of the string, with character
position -1 representing the last (rightmost) position. For example, assume a string has the letters
ABCDEF in it. The positions are defined in terms of positions 1 through 6 (left-relative) or positions -1
through -6 (right-relative).
Allowing negative values for right-relative positions provides the ability to pick out digits within a
numeric string without having to calculate the total size of the string first and then working from the left.
The substring-length argument used by the second format may also take on negative values for a more
flexible format. Normally the length is a positive value which represents the number of characters
counting the beginning position and counting to the right. A negative length causes the index to move to
the left and returns a substring whose last character is the one marked by the beginning-position
For example, A$[3,-2] tells AlphaBASIC to return the substring that begins at character position 3 (from
the left) and ends with character position 2 (from the right); that is, to return all characters between C
and E, inclusive.
A$[3;-2], however, tells AlphaBASIC to return the substring that begins with character position 3 (from
the left) and extends 2 character positions toward the left; that is, to return all characters starting with C
and working backward two positions to B, inclusive.
Any position values or length values which would cause the substring to overflow out of either end of the
main string are truncated at the string end. For example:
The main string to which the substring modifier is applied is actually any expression and does not need to
be a defined single string variable. For example:
The mode independence feature allows substring modifiers to be applied to numeric expressions. See
Chapter 7 for information on mode independence. A string is returned, but if the destination is a numeric
variable, another conversion is made on the substring to return a numeric value.
Be sure you understand the concept of mode independence before you begin to use substring modifiers or
you may get answers you don't expect. For example, the second and third lines in the small program
below return different answers, even though the subscripting is performed exactly the same in both cases.
This is because the mode independence feature examines the data type of the destination variable before
allowing any operations to be performed.
When it scans the second line, AlphaBASIC knows that a string result is expected (because STRING$ is
a string variable), and so reads the "+" symbol as a string concatenation operator. In the third line,
BASIC knows that a numeric result is expected (because NUMERIC is a numeric variable), and so reads
the "+" symbol as an addition operator.
You may apply substring modifiers to subscripted variables or expressions containing subscripted
variables. Be careful not to confuse substring modifiers with subscripted variables. For example:
Substring modifiers return a string value. These may be used as part of string expressions. For example:
You may apply substring modifiers to the left side of an assignment in order to alter a substring within a
string variable. Only that portion of the string defined by the substring modifier is changed. The other
characters in the string are not altered. If A$ contains "ABCDEF", then A$[2,4]="QRS" causes A$ to
contain the string "AQRSEF”. This procedure may not be applied to numeric variables (for example,
A[3;2] = "23" is not valid).
Note that if you do not use MAP statements (explained in Chapter 15) to define your data, your variables
may only take on floating point numeric values or string values.
If you use MAP statements, however, you have a great deal more versatility in the format of your data,
and can define binary and unformatted data as well. MAP statements also give you a way to define
powerful hierarchical data structures that allow sophisticated data manipulation. Chapter 15 also
discusses how AlphaBASIC assigns memory locations to data.
The reason for this is that floating point numbers occupy six bytes of storage. Of the 48 bits in use for
each 6-byte variable, the high order bit is the sign of the mantissa.
The next 8 bits represent the signed exponent in excess-128 notation, giving a range of approximately
2.9*10^-39 through 1.7*10^38. The remaining 39 bits contain the mantissa, which is normalized with an
implied high-order bit of one. This gives an effective 40-bit mantissa which results in an accuracy of 11
significant digits.
The string format is used for the storage of alphanumeric text data. String variables require one byte of
storage for each character and may be fixed in position in memory using the memory mapping system. If
a string is shorter than the maximum length defined for that string, a null byte is stored following the last
character to terminate the string.
When AlphaBASIC compares a string of spaces and a null (empty) string, it sees them as equal.
This is by design and demonstrates how AlphaBASIC compares strings. If two strings are of equal
length, AlphaBASIC compares the strings on a character-to-character basis.
If they are of different lengths, AlphaBASIC pads the shorter of the two with spaces until the
strings are of equal length, and the comparison proceeds. For example, the string "PAST DUE" is
equal to the string "PAST DUE ".
As you can see, using this algorithm causes a null string to be treated as a string of spaces during
comparison. The proper way to check for a null string is to use the LEN function, rather than to see if it
is equal to "". If LEN(string-variable) returns a zero, the string is null (empty).
Binary variables are specified by using MAP statements, and are similar to integer variables in other
implementations of BASIC. A binary variable may be from 1 to 5 bytes in length and may be signed
when all 5 bytes are specified.
When less than 5 bytes are specified in a MAP statement as the length, the binary value may be loaded as
a negative number, but it is always returned as a positive number of full magnitude.
The upper bit (preloaded as the sign) takes on its specific value in the equivalent positive binary variable.
For instance, a 1-byte binary may be loaded with positive numbers from 0 through 255 (decimal), or
negative numbers from -1 through -128, but the negative numbers are returned as the positive values of
255 through 128 respectively. Only 5-byte binary variables return the original sign and value when
loaded with a negative number.
Binary variables may be used in expressions but they are slower than floating point variables because
they are always converted first to floating point format before any mathematical operations are performed
on them.
Binary variables are useful in integer and logical (Boolean) operations or for storing values in small
amounts of memory (floating point numbers always take 6 bytes of memory regardless of their values).
All logical operations performed within expressions (AND, OR, XOR, NOT etc.) cause the values to be
converted first to signed 5-byte binary format before the logical operation is performed. The value -1
represents a 40-bit mask of all ones. Any relational comparison between two expressions or variables
returns -1 if true, or 0 if false.
Integer variables and constants are specified by appending a percent sign (%) to the variable name, which
is the standard convention in use by other BASICs. AlphaBASIC generates floating point variables and
performs automatic integer truncation for all integer variables specified in this manner.
Integer constants are generated as their equivalent floating point values and are included only for
compatibility with existing program structures. Since integer variables are effectively floating point
variables with an additional INT(X) conversion performed, they are actually slower than regular floating
point variables.
This is the opposite of most other BASICs, which usually store integer variables as 2-byte signed values
and perform special integer arithmetic on them. True integer variables may be defined by using the MAP
statement and the "B" binary type code. See "Type Code" in Chapter 15 for information.
Unformatted data must be specified using a MAP statement. An unformatted numeric variable defines a
fixed size area of storage used to contain absolute unformatted data. This data can be of any of the above
Unformatted data is normally used in the mapping system to define contiguous storage which is
subdivided into multiple variables of different types. No conversion ever takes place when moving data
to and from this format. Unformatted variables are treated as string variables when used in expressions.
This chapter lists most of the program statements and gives some examples for clarity. The program
statements not discussed in this chapter are the statements dealing with file input/output and ISAM files.
See Chapters 16 and 20, respectively, for those statements. See also the AlphaBASIC Quick Reference
Card for the formats of all AlphaBASIC statements and commands.
See GOSUB, below.
The format is:
CHAIN filespec
Where the filespec is a quoted string literal or a string variable. The filespec may take the forms:
{Devn:}AlphaBASIC .RUN-file-name{[p,pn]}
The CHAIN statement causes control to be passed to the specified AlphaBASIC program, command file,
or monitor command program. The program name may be a full file specification, including device and
account specifications. Certain AMOS commands and DO files can have various arguments specified
with them—the way you would enter the command at AMOS level is the way you enter it after the
CHAIN statement.
The CHAIN statement causes the current program to be cleared from memory. The specified file is then
located and executed from the beginning.
A chained AlphaBASIC program must be a fully compiled program with the extension .RUN in order to
be referenced by the CHAIN command. It may be in user memory (having previously been loaded with
the monitor LOAD command) or it may be in system memory (the System Operator may place a file in
system memory by modifying the system initialization command file).
If it is not already in memory, it is loaded from the specified disk account into user memory and then
executed. If it cannot be located, you are returned to monitor level with the error message:
There is no provision to start the chained file at any point other than the beginning. You may pass
common variables between chained AlphaBASIC programs either by writing them out to a file and then
having the chained program read them back in, or by using the COMMON assembly language
subroutine. For information on COMMON, see the AlphaBASIC XCALL Subroutine User's Manual that
applies to your system.
See READ, RESTORE, and DATA below.
The format is:
DIM variable1(expr1...,exprN){,variableN(expr1...,exprN)}
The dimension statement defines an array which is allocated dynamically at execution time. Once
allocated, an array cannot be redimensioned during the execution of the program. DIM statements are
not used with mapped variable arrays.
There is no set limit to the number of subscripts that may be used to define the individual levels within
the array—the size of your program and the amount of memory you have will determine how many
levels you can have. In most cases, you will be able to define many more levels than you actually would
The statement DIM A(20) defines an array with 20 elements, referenced as A(1) through A(20). Multiple
arrays may be dimensioned by a single DIM statement by separating them with commas. For example:
DIM A(20),B(15),C(10)
Subscripts are evaluated at execution time and not at compile time, thereby allowing variables as well as
numeric constants to be used as subscripts. The statement DIM A(B,C) allocates an array whose size
depends on the actual values of B and C at the time the DIM statement is executed.
If a reference to an array is made during program execution without a previous DIM statement to define
the array, AlphaBASIC assigns a default array size of 10 elements for each subscript level.
String arrays may be allocated, such as DIM A$(5). The size of the array depends on the current string
size in effect as specified by the last STRSIZ command (or the default of 10), since each element in the
array must be this number of bytes, or less.
For instance, if the current STRSIZ is 10, the statement DIM A$(5) would allocate 5 elements * 10 bytes
per element, or 50 bytes of memory for the array. Below are some examples of valid DIM statements:
See IF, THEN, ELSE below.
The format is:
This statement causes the program to terminate execution. The END statement does not terminate
compilation of the program nor is it required at the end of the program. If other program statements
follow the end of the program (e.g., subroutines), terminating the program with END prevents your
program from incorrectly entering those statements and executing them.
The FOR and NEXT statements initialize and control program loops. A loop is a structure in which the
same statement or statements can be performed a specific number of times. Whether or not a loop is
executed depends upon the value of a special "control-variable.” The control-variable used may even be
subscripted. The control-variable MUST be a floating point variable.
The delimiters (expr) may be any valid expression. FOR initializes the control-variable to the first
NEXT increments or decrements the value of the control-variable each subsequent loop. The control-
variable name may be omitted in the NEXT statement, in which case the control-variable of the previous
FOR statement is the one that is incremented. The control-variable is incremented or decremented in
units indicated by the STEP statement (if STEP is used).
If no STEP modifier is used, the step value is assumed to be a positive 1. Unlike some other BASICs, an
AlphaBASIC FOR-NEXT loop will always be performed at least once, even if you specify:
FOR I = 0 TO 0
FOR and NEXT statements are illegal as direct statements except when they are incorporated into the
same multi-statement line. For example, this line is valid:
Here are some samples of the different forms FOR-NEXT loops may take:
FOR I = 10 TO 1 STEP -1
Loops within loops are legal and are called "nested" loops. Loops may be nested to many levels. Each
time the outermost loop is incremented (or decremented) once, the loop nested within it is executed from
beginning to end. During the execution of the second loop, the third loop (if any) is fully executed each
time the second variable is incremented, and so on, for each nested loop in the series. For example:
FOR I = 1 TO 5
FOR J = 1 TO 5
MATRIX(I,J) = I - J ! Nested loops
It is not good programming practice to branch out of a loop before its completion (for example, by using
a GOTO statement). A cleaner way of exiting a loop is simply to set the control-variable to the terminal
value specified in the FOR statement. For example:
FOR I = 1 TO 10
INPUT "Enter number of pennies: ",PENNIES
! Don't leave the loop:
PRINT "You have ";PENNIES/100;" dollars."
! If # < 0, print message, set I to 10
PRINT "You can't have negative pennies!"
I = 10 ! Set I to loop maximum value
NEXT I ! If I = 10, we're all done.
Calls a subroutine which starts at the line number or label referenced by the GOSUB or CALL
statements. The subroutine returns to the statement immediately after the GOSUB or CALL when the
RETURN statement is encountered. Executing a RETURN statement without first executing a GOSUB
statement results in an error message.
Both GOSUB and RETURN are illegal as direct statements. Note that the CALL statement is merely
another way of specifying GOSUB for those programmers used to this syntax from other versions of
BASIC or other programming languages.
It is often the case that you want to perform the same operation at various points within your program. A
subroutine is a set of program statements that you may execute more than once simply by including a call
for that subroutine within your program at the point where you would like to execute the routine. For
Note that we included an END statement to separate the main program from our subroutine; otherwise,
AlphaBASIC executes the VALIDATE subroutine again after printing out the end message, and we
would get a "RETURN without GOSUB" error message.
Also note that the use of GOSUBs helps to modularize your programs, and thus makes them easier to
design and maintain. Even before you completely "flesh out" your programs, you can insert dummy
routines that will later contain complete code. For example:
PRINT "This section will initialize files."
PRINT "This section will display the main menu and"
PRINT "ask user for selections."
PRINT "This section will perform day-end processing."
PRINT "This section will close files and clean up final PRINT
PRINT " Outermost subroutine"
PRINT " Return from Nextmost"
PRINT " Nextmost subroutine"
PRINT " Return from Innermost"
PRINT " Innermost subroutine"
Main Program:
Outermost subroutine
Nextmost subroutine
Innermost subroutine
Return from Innermost
Return from Nextmost
Return from Outermost
It is good programming form to exit a subroutine by using the RETURN statement for that
subroutine rather than using a GOTO statement.
The format is:
The GOTO statement transfers execution of the program to a new program line. This program line must
be identified either by a line number or a label somewhere in the program. You may use GOTOs to
transfer control to a program line that is either before or after the program line containing the GOTO
statement itself. For example:
PRINT : INPUT "Enter debit amount: ",DEBIT
PRINT "Your debit was :";DEBIT
PRINT "Your current balance is :";BALANCE
You can see that there is an endless loop in which control is eternally transferred between GOTO
CALCULATE'BALANCE and CALCULATE'BALANCE . The program above will continue to run until
you use CTRL /C.
If you use GOTOs on a multi-statement line, remember to place it last on the line; any statements after
the GOTO will never get executed. For example:
IF expression {THEN}{statement}{label/line#}
{ELSE{ statement }{ label/line#}}
The IF statement evaluates the expression, and conditionally performs the specified operations in
response to that evaluation.
A multi-statement line may take the place of a single statement in an IF-THEN statement.
For example:
The conditional processing features in AlphaBASIC give a wide variety of formats. Some of the format
combinations that are acceptable are:
Notice from the examples above that you may sometimes omit the GOTO keyword when transferring
control to another program location. You may NOT omit the GOTO keyword when:
1. You are referring to a label; or:
2. When you are in an ELSE clause.
You may often omit the THEN keyword also. You cannot omit the THEN if you are transferring control
to another area (a line number or label) and you do not have a GOTO statement. In other words, a
transfer of control must have either a THEN or a GOTO statement.
The above formats may be nested to any depth and, rather than go into detail, we suggest that you
experiment with them to determine the actual restrictions that exist. Some examples:
Note that the expression evaluated by the IF statement usually contains relative operators (e.g., IF A = B;
IF A > 0; etc.). However, it may be any legal expression. For example:
A = 0: B = 1
IF B THEN PRINT "B is not zero."
IF (B AND A) PRINT "nonzero numbers" &
ELSE PRINT "at least one zero number."
The format is:
INPUT {"prompt-string",}var1{,var2...,varN}
Allows data to be entered from your terminal and loaded into specific variables at run-time. The INPUT
statement contains one or more variables separated by commas. If you omit the optional prompt string,
AlphaBASIC displays a question mark on the terminal display to signal a request for data entry. For
If you provide the prompt string, AlphaBASIC displays it instead of a question mark to prompt the user
of your program for data. If you wish to have no prompt at all, use a null prompt string, as in: INPUT
"",A$,B$. Your prompt string must be in the form of a string literal; that is, it must be enclosed with
quotation marks. For example:
You may specify both numeric and string variables in an INPUT statement. A numeric variable should
be in floating point format. String variables should be in ASCII format. Some examples of valid INPUT
statements are:
INPUT "Enter account #, name, and age: ",ACCOUNT,NAME$,AGE
INPUT "Enter a positive number:",NUMBER
If you specify multiple variables in the INPUT statement, you are expected to enter multiple items of
data. If the data being entered is numeric, you may separate data items with either commas or spaces. If
the data being entered is a string, you must separate data items with commas.
If you mix floating point and string input, you must use commas to separate the data being input. For
example, if A, B, and C are numeric variables and D$ and E$ are string variables, consider the following
legal examples:
? 1,2,3 RETURN
? 1 2 3 RETURN
? 1,2,DAY,3 RETURN
For information on the statement to use if you want to enter strings that contain commas, quotes,
and other special characters, see "INPUT LINE" below.
When you use INPUT, remember the default size of unmapped string variables is ten bytes; if you want
to use strings larger than that, use the STRSIZ statement to reset the default string size or use a MAP
statement for the string variable, specifying the size you need. See below for information on STRSIZ.
If a user of your program does not enter as many items of data as are expected by the variables in the
INPUT statement, AlphaBASIC displays a double question mark to ask for more. For example:
? 1,2 RETURN
The direct statement above asks for three items of numeric data. Because we only entered two values,
AlphaBASIC responded with a "??" symbol to ask for the third value.
Be careful to correctly enter the type of data the variables in the INPUT statement expect. If you enter a
string for a numeric variable, AlphaBASIC sets that variable to zero. For example:
If you enter a numeric value for a string variable, AlphaBASIC accepts it a string. Therefore, your
programs should make sure the correct data has been entered.
If a value has not been assigned to a variable, AlphaBASIC assumes the variable contains a zero (if a
numeric variable) or a null (if a string variable). If you press RETURN or use CTRL /C in response to an
INPUT statement request for data, AlphaBASIC leaves the variable being input set to a zero or null (if a
value has not yet been assigned) or to the value previously assigned to the variable. For example:
If you press RETURN or use CTRL /C in response to a data request, and the INPUT statement contains
several variables, AlphaBASIC skips over any variables remaining in the INPUT statement, leaving their
values unchanged. An example might help to clarify:
INPUT "Enter day, month, year: ",DAY,MONTH,YEAR
PRINT "Day:";DAY,"Month:";MONTH,"Year:";YEAR
Day: 21 Month: 4 Year: 0
You may also use the INPUT statement to read data from sequential files. For more information on this
use of the statement, see Chapter 16.
INPUT skips over nulls in data, and just waits for the next character. This is important to know if
you plan to input from devices.
The format is:
Although you may specify a numeric variable, the real purpose of INPUT LINE is to allow you to enter
string data from your terminal that includes commas, quotation marks, blanks, and other special
You will usually want to use INPUT (see the section above) for inputting numeric data or multiple items
of string data.
INPUT LINE loads into the specified string variable an entire line of data, up to but not including the
first LINE FEED character it encounters. It will remove a Carriage Return character if one immediately
precedes the LINE FEED character, but not if it is embedded in the line. Therefore, do not specify more
than one string variable in an INPUT LINE statement.
AlphaBASIC never prints a question mark prompt for INPUT LINE as it does for INPUT, but you may
include your own prompt string, which AlphaBASIC will display as a request for data. Such a prompt
string must be a string literal enclosed in quotation marks.
Unlike INPUT, if you press RETURN in response to a data request, INPUT LINE sets the variable to zero
(if numeric variable) or null (if string variable). Remember, in a like case, INPUT leaves the value of the
variable unchanged.
When you use INPUT LINE, remember the default size of unmapped string variables is ten characters; if
you want to use strings larger than that, use the STRSIZ statement to reset the default string size or use a
MAP statement for the string variable, specifying the size you need. See below for information on
You may also use the INPUT LINE statement to read data from a sequential file. For more information
on using INPUT LINE and files, see Chapter 16.
The format is:
Assigns a value to a specific variable during execution of the program. You do not have to specify the
LET keyword in an assignment statement. Some examples:
LET A5 = 12.4
LET SUM(4,5) = A1 + SQR(B1)
A5 = 12.4
SUM(4,5) = A1 + SQR(B1)
See FOR, TO, NEXT, STEP, above.
In the first two cases, if an error occurs, the program goes to the specified area. In the third case, the
program ends and the appropriate system error message prints out.
After your error recovery procedure has been done, you use the RESUME statement to continue the
program execution:
The ON GOSUB statement allows multi-path branching to one of several subroutines within the program
based on the result of evaluating an expression. The formats are:
The expression can be any valid expression which is evaluated and truncated to a positive integer result.
The result of the expression evaluation is then tested. The subroutine at label/line#1 is executed if the
result is 1, the subroutine at label/line#2 is executed if it is 2, etc. If the result is zero, negative or greater
than N, the program goes on to the next statement.
As with the GOSUB statement, the verb CALL may be used in place of the verb GOSUB, giving an ON
CALL statement. Here is an animation program using ON-GOSUB:
I = 3 * RND(0) + 1 ! Random number 1 to 3
ON I GOSUB UP,DOWN,STRAIGHT ! Go to 1 of 3 subroutines
PRINT /"; TAB(-1,3);
RETURN ! Draw symbol, up 1 row
PRINT TAB(-1,4);"\"; ! Down 1 row, draw
PRINT "__"; ! Draw symbol
The format is:
The ON GOTO statement allows multi-path GOTO branching to one of several points within the
program based on the result of evaluating an expression.
The expression can be any valid expression which is evaluated and truncated to a positive integer result.
The result is then tested to branch to label/line#1 if 1, label/line#2 if 2, label/line#3 if 3, etc. If the result
is zero, negative or greater than N, the program falls through to the next statement. The following is a
portion of a menu-selection program:
The format is:
PRINT expression-list
? expression-list
The PRINT statement tells AlphaBASIC to evaluate and display on your terminal the expressions that
you specify. For example:
AlphaBASIC prints a carriage return/linefeed after the expression list, unless the expression list ends in a
comma or semicolon. Remember that an expression may consist of a string or numeric variable, numeric
constant, string literal, function with arguments, operator symbols, or a combination of these elements.
For example, the following is one string expression:
AlphaBASIC displays numeric data with a trailing blank. It also prints one leading blank if the number
is positive. It does not print a leading blank if the number is negative. AlphaBASIC displays string data
with no leading or trailing blanks.
You may place more than one expression after the PRINT keyword if you separate them with commas or
semicolons. If you separate the expressions by semicolons, AlphaBASIC does not print extra spaces
when it prints the evaluations of those expressions. For example:
? 12 + 12;-32;8/2
24 -32 4
There are no blanks between the numbers above except for the normal leading and trailing blanks
displayed with numeric data.
If you separate the expressions by commas, AlphaBASIC prints the data in "print zones.” AlphaBASIC
divides the area in which data is to be displayed into five zones of 14 spaces each. If an expression in a
PRINT statement is followed by a comma, AlphaBASIC prints that expression in the next available print
zone. For example, the AlphaBASIC statements:
PRINT 34,1024,-32,-100.2,20
PRINT "AA","BB","C","DDD","A","B","C"
When you look at the display above, remember that AlphaBASIC prints numeric data with a leading and
trailing blank if the number is positive, but just a trailing blank if the number is negative.
Note that the strings in the second line were displayed on two different lines—when AlphaBASIC still
has an expression to print after it has printed something in the fifth zone, it starts over again with the first
zone on the next line.
If you end the PRINT statement expression list with a semicolon or comma, AlphaBASIC does not
output a carriage return/linefeed when it finishes displaying that expression list. This will make the
output resulting from the next PRINT or INPUT statement appear on the current display line.
The next output will appear in the next print zone if the current PRINT statement ends with a comma;
or, the next output will appear immediately following the last character of the current PRINT statement if
the PRINT statement ends with a semicolon.
A$ = "HERE" : A = 7
You may also use the PRINT statement for writing data to sequential files; see Chapter 16.
The formats are:
PRINT USING is supported for formatting output and is described extensively in Chapter 13.
The PROGRAM statement allows you to specify a revision level for your program. The format is:
PROGRAM Name,a.b{c}{(d)}
The group of characters following the PROGRAM keyword are evaluated when the program is compiled,
and therefore must be literal characters or numbers and not variables. AlphaBASIC checks each of the
fields to determine if the proper range of number or letter is specified. There must be a least one space
after the PROGRAM keyword. If part of your revision specification is incorrect, you will get an error.
Here is an example of a full PROGRAM statement:
PROGRAM Test3,1.0b(103)
If your AlphaBASIC program contains a PROGRAM statement, the compiled version of that program
(the .RUN file) contains the version information you specified.
If the original program file from which the .RUN file was generated did not contain a PROGRAM
statement, DIR displays the version number as 0.0.
The format is:
Resets the random number generator seed to begin a new random number sequence starting with the next
RND(X) function call. See Chapter 11 for information on the random number generator.
READ variable1{,variable2,...variableN}
DATA data1{,data2,...dataN}
These calls allow data to be an integral part of the source program with a method for getting this data into
specific variables in an orderly fashion.
DATA statements are followed by one or more literal values (that is, not variables) separated by commas.
String literals need not be enclosed in quotes unless the literal data contains a comma.
Do not place comments on a DATA statement line—the comment will be interpreted as data! All
data statements are placed into a dedicated area in memory no matter where they appear in the
source program.
READ statements are followed by one or more variables separated by commas. Each time a READ
statement is executed, the next item of data is retrieved from the DATA statement pool and loaded into
the variable named in the READ statement.
If there is no more data left in the data pool, the program can only continue to read data if a RESTORE
statement is executed, which reinitializes the reading of the data pool from the beginning again.
Otherwise, an error message:
results, and the program is aborted. Here are some forms that READ and DATA may take:
DATA 1,2,3,4,5
DATA 2.3,0.555,ONE STRING,"4,4"
READ C(2,3),B$(4)
INPUT LINE "How much did you pay for your car?$",WORTH
? "Based on national averages, your car will depreciate: " : ?
FOR I = 1 TO 5
? "After the "; : READ YEAR$ : ? YEAR$;" year, ";
? "your car will be worth about"; : READ PERCENT
? WORTH USING "$$#####,.##" : ?
DATA first,.77,second,.78,third,.79,fourth,.81,fifth,.84
INPUT LINE "Would you like to see another schedule? ",L$
See READ, RESTORE and DATA, above.
See ON ERROR and RESUME, above.
See GOSUB, above.
The format is:
SCALE value
The scaling factor represents the number of decimal places that the 11-digit window is effectively shifted
to the right in any floating point number. SCALE is discussed in detail in Chapter 14.
The format is:
The significance statement allows you to dynamically change the default value of the numeric
significance of the program for unformatted printing.
The significance value can be any value from 1 through 11 and represents the maximum number of digits
to be printed in unformatted numbers. Rounding off to the specific number of digits is not performed
until just before the printing of the result.
The statement SIGNIFICANCE 8, for instance, sets the number of printable digits to 8. The value is
interpreted at run-time and therefore may be any valid numeric expression, including variables. The
current significance is ignored when PRINT USING is in effect.
Note that the SIGNIFICANCE statement only affects the final printed result of all numeric calculations.
The calculations themselves and the storage of intermediate results are always performed in full 11-digit
precision to reduce the number of errors.
The significance default is 6 digits. This is equivalent to standard single-precision formats used in most
of the popular versions of BASIC. The significance is not reset by the RUN command and therefore may
be set in interactive mode in a direct statement just prior to the actual running of a test program. Of
course, any SIGNIFICANCE statements encountered during the execution of the program reset the value.
See FOR, TO, NEXT and STEP, above.
The format is:
Causes the program to suspend execution. If you are in interactive mode, you will see the message:
You may then continue to the next statement in sequence by executing a CONT command or a single-
step command.
If you are running the program at AMOS command level, STOP displays:
Press the RETURN key to continue the program or use Control-C to stop the run.
The format is:
STRSIZ value
The STRSIZ statement sets the default value for all unmapped string variables which are encountered for
the first time when the program is compiled.
The default value of all strings in the absence of a STRSIZ statement is 10 characters. The statement:
for example, causes all newly allocated strings which follow to have a maximum size of 25 characters,
instead of 10. This includes the allocation of string arrays. The size value is evaluated at compilation
time and so must be a single positive integer. The maximum size you can allocate depends on the
amount of memory on your system, and on how many variables you use.
See IF, THEN, ELSE, above.
See FOR, TO, NEXT and STEP, above.
See PRINT USING, above.
The format is:
XCALL routine{,argument1{,argument2,...argumentN}}
Executes an external assembly language subroutine. Assembly language subroutines are discussed in
detail in Chapter 19.
For information on the assembly language subroutines available for use with AlphaBASIC programs, see
the AlphaBASIC XCALL Subroutine User's Manual that applies to your system.
Numeric and trigonometric functions return numeric values. Control functions indicate the status of file
input and output operations and system operations. String functions operate on numeric values or strings
of one or more characters in length, and return string values.
Functions are different from program statements. Functions return a value that must be either
assigned to a variable, or passed as an argument to a statement, such as the PRINT statement. For
Number = 25
Result = Root * (SQR(Number) + 24) (Result = 4 + 5 + 24 = 33)
SQR(16) (Produces a syntax error because the function is not assigned to a variable)
Numeric functions accept a string or numeric argument and return a numeric value. Note that the mode
independence feature of the expression processor performs automatic conversions if a numeric argument
is used where a string argument is expected, and vice versa.
Returns the absolute value of the argument X. For example:
PRINT ABS(-32.4)
Returns the ASCII decimal value of the first character of argument A. The argument may be either a
string literal or string variable. For example:
A$ = "v"
B$ = 2
C$ = "2"
65 114
50 50
Returns the constant e (2.7182818285) raised to the power X. e is the base of the system of natural
Returns the factorial of X. For example:
Returns the integer part of X (fractional part truncated). For example:
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the argument X. For example:
Print Int(23.4) RETURN
where 23 is the largest integer less than or equal to the real number 23.4.
The INT( ) function differs from FIX( ) when dealing with negative numbers only. For example:
Print Int(-23.4) RETURN Print Fix(-23.4) RETURN
-24 -23
Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of the argument X.
Returns the decimal (base 10) logarithm of the argument X
Returns a random number between 0 and 1. The number returned is based on a previous value known as
the "seed.” The argument X controls the number to be returned. If X is negative, it is used as the seed to
start a new sequence of numbers. If X is zero or positive, the next number in the sequence is returned,
depending on the current value of the seed (this is the normal mode). The RANDOMIZE statement may
be used to create a seed which is truly random and not based on a fixed beginning value set by the
If you want to generate a random number greater than or equal to number A and less than number
B, you can use the expression:
(B - A) * RND(0) + A
The INT function can be used when generating random integer numbers to give you an integer number.
For example, to generate a random integer greater than or equal to 5 and less than 31, use the expression:
INT(26 * RND(0) + 5) ! B - A = 26
Tells you the sign of the number X. If X is a negative number, SGN(X) will generate a -1. If X is 0,
SGN(X) will be 0. If X is a positive number, SGN(X) will be 1.
Returns the square root of the argument X. For example:
Returns the numeric value of the string variable or string literal A$ converted to floating point under
normal BASIC format rules. For example, VAL("123") returns 123.
The following trigonometric functions are implemented in full 11-digit accuracy:
SIN(X) Sine of X
COS(X) Cosine of X
TAN(X) Tangent of X
ATN(X) Arctangent of X
ASN(X) Arcsine of X
ACS(X) Arccosine of X
DATN(X,Y) Double arctangent of X,Y
Control functions indicate the status of file input and output operations, and provide information on
system operations.
Returns a status code which refers to program status during error trapping. For a complete list of these
codes, and examples of using ERR(X), see Chapter 18. If X is 0, ERR returns the specific code of the
error detected; if X is 1, ERR returns the number of the last program line encountered before the error
occurred. If X is 2, ERR returns the file number of the last file accessed.
The following string functions accept numeric or string arguments, and return strings. Note that the
mode independence feature of the expression processor performs automatic conversions if a numeric
argument is used where a string argument is expected, and vice versa.
Returns the ASCII decimal value of the first character in a string. For example:
since 90 is the ASCII value (in base 10) of upper case Z. You may also use string literals:
Returns a single character having the ASCII decimal value of X. Only one character is generated for
each CHR function call. For example:
Performs a search for the substring B$ within the string A$, beginning at the Xth character position. It
returns a value of zero if B$ is not in A$ at or after the Xth position, or the character position if B$ is
found within A$. Character position is measured from the start of the string, with the first character
position represented as one. Some direct statements will illustrate:
In the second example, the specified string "LARK" is not found in the string "ARK", which is the
substring starting at the 8th position, therefore, a zero is returned.
Returns a string which is similar to the argument string (A$), but with all characters translated to lower
case. If:
a is for alpha
Useful for checking input when the case is not certain. For example:
Returns the leftmost X characters of a string expression. For example:
A$ = "Now is the time" RETURN
Note that the printed string includes the trailing blank after "is".
Returns the number of characters in a string expression. For example:
A$ = "Wherefore art thou, Romeo?"
Returns the substring composed of the characters of the string expression A$ starting at the Xth character
and extending for Y characters. A null string is returned if X is greater than the length of A$. For
A$ = "The quick brown fox jumped over the sleeping dog"
PRINT MID(A$,17,15)
Returns the rightmost X characters of the string expression A$. For example:
Remember that you can use numeric arguments for many string functions.
Returns a string of X number of blank spaces. X must be a positive number. The statement:
where the 10 spaces between the first and second strings are the result of the SPACE(10) function.
SPACE is especially handy for padding strings to a fixed length. For example:
IF LEN(NAME$) < 25 &
Returns a string which is the character representation of the numeric expression X. No leading space is
returned for positive numbers. For example:
A$ = STR(45)
A$ = "1" + A$
Returns a string which is similar to the argument string (A$), except that all characters are translated to
upper case. For example:
A$ = "M is for Micro"
This is useful for checking input when the case is not certain. For example:
System functions use a format similar to that used by standard functions, with the reserved word
representing the desired function followed by optional arguments enclosed within parentheses.
The major difference is that the reserved word of a system function may appear on the left side of an
assignment statement. When a system function is used on the left side of the equal sign in a statement, it
outputs the result of that function to a specified place.
System functions used within expressions on the right side of an assignment statement perform an input
or read operation and deliver back a result to be used in the expression evaluation.
The BYTE function deals with 8 bits of data in the range of 0 to 255, and the WORD function deals with
data on an even address boundary (which means that the "X" you specify will be rounded up to the next
even number). Any unused bits are ignored, with no error message.
These commands are not protected; it is possible to cause severe damage to the operating system
in memory if you use the commands improperly.
The DATE system function returns the two-word system date. You cannot set the DATE function. The
format is:
You can use the external subroutine (XCALL) ODTIM to convert this number into a date and/or time
display formatted any way you like. See the AlphaBASIC XCALL Subroutine User's Manual that applies
to your system for more information. The following statements:
The IO system function allows the input/output ports to be selectively read from or written to. In both
cases only one byte is considered, and an output expression greater than 511 merely ignores the unused
bits. The range of ports available is 0 to 511.
If (X) is 0-255, the function accesses the external I/O ports (the addresses are FFFF00-FFFFFF).
If (X) is 256-511, it accesses the internal (on-board) I/O ports (addresses FFFE00-FFFEFF.)
Returns a positive integer value which specifies the decimal number of bytes currently in use for various
memory areas used by the compiler system.
The most common use of MEM(X) is to return the number of free bytes left in the user memory partition.
The MEM(0) call duplicates the action performed by the FRE(X) function in some other versions of
Other values of X return memory allocations which pertain to various areas in use by the compiler, and
may or may not be of use to you. The byte counts returned for the various values of X are:
The TIME system function requires no argument and is used to retrieve the time of day as stored in the
system monitor communications area. The time is stored as a two-word integer representing the number
of seconds since midnight. You cannot set the system time from within AlphaBASIC.
You can use the external subroutine (XCALL) ODTIM to convert this number into a date and/or time
display formatted any way you like. See the AlphaBASIC XCALL Subroutine User's Manual that applies
to your system for more information. See DATE above for an example.
AlphaBASIC provides several important features that help you to format data. This chapter discusses:
• How to employ the USING modifier to format data
• The formatting characters you can use
• How to use the expanded tab functions that control the output of data on the terminal screen
By "formatting" data, we mean the process of adjusting the appearance of data so that it fits the pattern of
a specific format string. It might help to think of the format string as a template or pattern with which
you are going to control the format of your data. The USING modifier allows you to apply the format
string to your data. Using format strings and USING, you can do such things as:
• Line columns of numbers up by their decimal points
• Insert dollar signs and commas into numeric data to represent dollar amounts
• Line up numeric and string data within specified fields
• Generate and print leading zeros for numeric data
• Print asterisks instead of leading spaces
• Print numeric data in exponential form
The sections below talk about the special formatting characters within the format string that allow you to
perform such adjustments. The statements in which you use the USING modifier take these forms:
For example, if you want to format the number 2345.678 with the format string "$$####.##", you could
You may use the first and second formats only for numeric data; you may use the third format for
string and numeric data. Also, remember that USING has the lowest precedence of all operators.
Therefore, all other operations in expressions surrounding the USING operator are performed
before formatting is done. For example:
PRINT 23 + 4 USING "###" + ".#" RETURN
The format string may be a string expression (for example, MID$(A$,4,5), a string constant (for example,
"###.##"), or a string variable (for example, MASK$).
If you use the third PRINT USING variant above, you may supply a list of expressions to be formatted,
separating the expressions with commas as with the regular PRINT statement (for example: PRINT
USING "#####.##",A,B,C,D,E). If you supply more expressions than the format string is meant to
handle, AlphaBASIC re-uses the format string until each of the elements in the expression list has been
formatted. If you supply fewer expressions than the format string is meant to handle, AlphaBASIC
ignores the unused portion of the format string.
You may also send formatted data to a file by specifying a file-channel number after the PRINT
keyword. For example:
The statement above tells AlphaBASIC to format the numeric variable C into a field of four digits, with
no fractional part. If the format string causes AlphaBASIC to remove the fractional part of a number,
AlphaBASIC rounds the number to the next integer, rather than truncating it. For example:
If the numeric field is too small to contain the specified number (for example, if we had specified the
number 650456.56 with the format string "####"), AlphaBASIC prints the number in standard BASIC
format preceded by a % symbol, indicating overflow. For example:
If the numeric field is larger than the specified number, AlphaBASIC right justifies the number in the
field, inserting leading blanks into the digit positions not needed. For example:
As you can see, the computer prints out four blanks before the number 23. Note that other formatting
characters discussed below (for instance, the $$ and ** symbols) also define digit positions as well as
perform special formatting functions.
You cannot format string data with a numeric field format string. If you try to do so, AlphaBASIC
just prints the format string, indicating that it was unable to format the data. For example:
Although the usual practice is to enclose blanks in the string field (for example, "\ \"), AlphaBASIC
permits the use of any characters. Since these characters are never printed, but simply define the size of
the field by which a string is to be formatted, non-blank characters serve only as a comment.
However, when using several string fields within a single format string, it can be useful to visually
separate them from the spaces between the fields by using non-blanks within the backslashes. For
String fields allow you to define the placement and size of string data. For example:
If the string to be formatted is larger than the string field, AlphaBASIC truncates the extra characters. If
the string to be formatted is smaller than the string field, AlphaBASIC adds trailing blanks to the string
to make it the same size as the field, and thus left justifies it in the field.
You may combine string fields and numeric fields within a single format string. For example:
MAP1MASK,S,42,"\-10char-\ ####.## \---15 char---\"
C$ = "(in millions)"
PRINT USING MASK,"YEAR 1979",234.556,C$, &
"YEAR 1980",5678.456,C$
Remember that the default string size is 10 characters, so you will want to explicitly define any
strings over 10 characters by using MAP statements, or include a STRSIZ statement in your
program to adjust the default string size.
MASK$ = "The temperature is: ###!=##!"
PRINT USING MASK$,50,"F",10,"C",68,"F",20,"C", &
If no string is available to be substituted for the ! symbol, AlphaBASIC simply prints the ! symbol
instead. For example, if we took our sample program above and removed the first "F" from the PRINT
USING expression list, the first line of our display would look like this:
If the number specified contains more digits to the right of the decimal point than the format string,
AlphaBASIC rounds the number so that it contains the right number of digits in the fractional part.
If the format string contains more digits to the right of the decimal point than the specified number,
AlphaBASIC fills in the unused digit positions with zeros (as in the case of the number 200, above).
If the format string specifies any digits in front of the decimal point, AlphaBASIC prints at least one digit
in front of the decimal point for each number, even if that digit is a zero.
Notice the difference between using the double dollar sign to produce a floating dollar sign, and simply
using the single non-formatting character "$" in the format string:
Because you will use $$ to format data that represents money amounts, you may want to use the floating
comma symbol in combination with $$. See the section below for information on this formatting
Remember that you can include non-formatting characters in a format string. In the case above, a single
dollar sign is not a formatting character, and so AlphaBASIC simply prints it as part of the formatted
data. As another example:
In the example above, the "%" symbol is not a special formatting character. Another example:
You will probably use asterisk-fill formatting when printing dollar amounts; remember that you
may include a double-dollar sign symbol in the format string. For example:
Credit: $35.67
Debit: $57.89-
Credit: $10.89
Debit: $356.33-
The statement above formats the number in B using the format string in C$, and leaves a string result in
This format of the USING modifier is only for formatting numeric data. Also note that even
though we are formatting numeric data, the result is always a string.
This type of format allows you to create headings and image lines that you use more than once, and to
inspect and manipulate formatted data before printing it.
You may not use the USING modifier recursively. That is, you may not use a format string that is itself
the result of a USING modifier. For example, if you have specified:
C$ = B USING "###.##"
When using the PRINT USING format, remember that PRINT USING differs from the regular
PRINT statement in that the use of semicolons to separate the elements of the print list has no
effect on the spacing of those formatted elements.
The TAB function is only used in a PRINT statement. It operates in the traditional manner when
supplied with only a single numeric argument such as TAB(X). In this case the function causes the
cursor to be positioned on the "X + 1" column on the current line. For instance, TAB(5) would cause 5
spaces to be printed, and the following characters would begin in column six.
When supplied with two arguments such as TAB(R,C), however, the TAB function performs special
CRT operations.
If the value of R is positive, the R,C arguments are treated as row and column coordinates for positioning
the cursor on the terminal screen. The specified characters are then printed beginning in that position.
As in other functions, the R and C arguments may be expressions. Terminals are assumed to begin with
row 1 (top of screen) and column 1 (left end of each row).
You may be able (depending on the capabilities of your terminal) to do such things as display in reverse
video, draw lines on the screen, display special characters, etc. See Appendix D for the standard decimal
codes in use for the terminal drivers supplied by Alpha Micro.
AlphaBASIC uses a floating point format which gives an accuracy of 11 significant digits. Unfortunately,
this accuracy is absolute only when dealing with numbers that are total integers (with no numbers to the
right of the decimal point). This is because of the conversions that are required from ASCII decimal
input to the floating point format used to perform arithmetic.
For most business people, the range of numbers that are usually important are those numbers in "money"
format—with two digits to the right of the decimal and up to nine digits to the left of the decimal point.
When the fractional part of the number is converted between decimal and floating point formats, a small
but significant error is sometimes introduced which may show up when you want to see accurate dollars-
and-cents values.
As an example of the kinds of inaccuracies that can occur, take a look at the following statements:
PRINT 26.4 - INT(26.4)
This is NOT an error in AlphaBASIC, but simply represents the side effects of converting a decimal
fraction to floating point representation and back again. Some decimal fractions cannot be exactly
expressed as a floating point fraction in a finite number of digits, and so a round-off error occurs.
The error was only visible because our program set the number of significant digits to 11 (the usual
number of significant digits is six). Such errors can accumulate and present themselves when you do a
large number of multiplications and divisions using decimal fractions.
AlphaBASIC incorporates a scaling feature which helps to alleviate this problem by storing all floating
point numbers with a scale offset. This offset tells AlphaBASIC where the 11 absolute accuracy digits
are located in relation to the decimal point. AlphaBASIC does this by multiplying every input number
by the scaling factor and then dividing it out again before printing. This is a simplified explanation, and
many other checks and conversions are done internally to scaled numbers. If you are interested in more
detail on scaling numbers, see the section at the end of this chapter.
The scaling factor "n" must be a decimal digit in the range of -30 to +30. It may not be a variable, since
scaling is done at compile time for constant values as well as at run-time for input and output
Negative scaling moves the 11-digit window to the left. A negative scaling factor takes care of those
cases where your numbers are too large, rather than too small.
A few words of caution are in order here. Once AlphaBASIC detects the SCALE statement during
compilation, AlphaBASIC scales all constant values that follow by the scaling factor so that they are
stored properly. In addition, a run-time command is generated in the executable program which causes
the actual scaling to be performed on INPUT and PRINT values when the program is running.
If two or more different SCALE statements are executed in the same program, some very strange
results may come out unless you are totally familiar with what is happening with compile-time
and run-time conversions.
PRINT 26.4 - INT(26.4)
now it prints:
If you are using a positive scaling factor to adjust real numbers, note that using SCALE does nothing to
prevent inaccuracies if the scale factor you use is not large enough to cause AlphaBASIC to handle your
data as integers.
For example, if you want to handle numbers that have three digits to the right of the decimal point, a
scaling factor of 2 will leave one digit to the right of the decimal point, and scaling error can still occur.
So, if you will be using numbers with a fractional part of two digits, use a scaling factor of 2; if the
fractional part will be three digits, use a scaling factor of 3; and so on.
Floating point numbers that are stored in files by the sequential output PRINT statement are
unscaled and output in ASCII with no problems. Floating point numbers that are written to
random access files by using the WRITE statement are not unscaled first; any program that reads
this file as input must either be operating in the same scaling mode in which the data was written,
or else must apply the scale factor explicitly to all values from the file. Binary and string values,
of course, are never modified, regardless of the scaling factor currently in use.
The scaling factor represents the number of decimal places that the 11-digit "window" is effectively
shifted to the right in any floating point number. For example, the most common application is in a
business environment where the scaling factor of 2 would be used to give absolute 11 place accuracy to
numbers which extend 2 places to the right of the decimal point.
This means that the value of 50.12 is multiplied by the scaling factor of 2 digits (100) and stored as the
floating point value of 5012. Since this value is an integer, it has absolute accuracy. Just before printing,
AlphaBASIC divides this number by the scaling factor to reduce it to its intended value of 50.12.
Other conversions have been included into the system to take care of all the little subtle effects of storing
scaled numbers. For example, when converting scaled numbers to integer or floating point format,
AlphaBASIC must unscale the number first before converting it.
When AlphaBASIC multiplies two scaled numbers together, the result is a number which must be
unscaled once, while division of two scaled numbers creates exactly the opposite problem. Dealing with
scaled numbers for exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions creates even more exotic
problems—but AlphaBASIC handles them all for you.
Why should you use mapped variables? Well, mapped variables offer the following advantages:
• They can save memory.
• They make variables easier to refer to.
• They can make it easier to access data in random data files.
• They can improve the logic and readability of your program. If all variables are mapped at the
start of the program, it is easy to see what variables are used and how they are related. Defining
all variables used is good programming practice.
• They allow you to define binary variables (which can save memory when using flags).
Let us take a look at an example to show you how mapped variables can help you. Say that you want to
write a program that keeps a record for each of your employees. You want to know the employee's name,
social security number, employee number, and rate of pay. In most cases where you are dealing with the
variable that contains the employee's name, you will also want to work with one or more of the other
variables too.
Using regular AlphaBASIC variables, you might have EMPL'NAME$, SOC'SEC'NUM$, EMPL'NUM,
and PAY'RATE$. If you wanted to read one employee's records in from a file, you would need a
statement like this:
If you use variable mapping, however, you could set up the variables so that they all "connect" to a
variable (let's call it EMPLOYEE'INFO). Here is a visual representation of this idea:
Now, when you refer to the variable EMPLOYEE'INFO (for instance, if you say READ
EMPLOYEE'INFO), you also get the other four variables (the total information about the employee
would be brought in from the data file).
You may have noticed that none of the variable names in the above diagram have a $ after them, which is
AlphaBASIC's usual way of denoting string variables. This is because you specify what type of variable
it is when you map a variable. AlphaBASIC knows that EMPL'NAME is a string, and knows what
maximum size it can be because you also specify that in setting up the variable.
You can also form a variable "structure" like the one above using different types of variables. In the
above example, EMPL'NAME would be a string variable, but EMPL'NUM might be a numeric variable.
The variables can also be different sizes. You can refer to a single element of the group or to the group
as a whole.
where n gives the level of the MAP statement. The rest of the elements after the variable name are
optional, depending on the kind of variable you are defining. For example, if you are defining an array
variable, you will include the optional "Dim" (short for "Dimensions") in the MAP statement. We'll
discuss each of these optional elements in detail in the following sections.
If you "skip" an element in the MAP statement (for example, you want to specify the "value" but not the
"size"), you must keep the comma that shows where the missing "size" would be. For example:
The MAP statement above defines the variable NEW'VARIABLE, assigns it the data type F (for floating
point), does NOT specify a size (which becomes, by default, 6), and assigns it the initial value of 23.
Without the extra comma, BASIC would think that you were trying to assign a size of 23 bytes to
NEW'VARIABLE—an illegal operation for a floating point variable.
MAP Level
The number that follows the MAP statement (MAPn) represents the level of the mapped variable. It
must be within the range of MAP1 through MAP16. MAP statements are hierarchical in nature. For
example, a variable mapped with a MAP1 statement may consist of several sub-variables mapped by
using MAP2 statements. Each of those variables may in turn consist of several variables mapped by
using MAP3 statements. And so on, down to MAP16.
MAP16 represents the lowest-level (or innermost) variable; MAP1 represents the highest level variable.
You do not need to map levels in strict numeric sequence—for example, a MAP5 statement may follow a
MAP3 statement without an intervening MAP4 statement.
You may refer to variables at any level of the hierarchy. An example may help to clarify this idea:
The diagram above shows three levels of variables that have been mapped with MAP1, MAP2, and
MAP3 statements. You may refer to the level 1 variable PATIENT'INFO as a whole, or may refer to one
of the variables on levels 2 and 3 that represent sub-groups of the variable PATIENT'INFO, such as
When referring to any unformatted variable in the group, you automatically get the information in any of
the variables below that variable in the hierarchy.
For example, when you refer to NAME you get the information in the variables LAST and FIRST. As
BASIC allocates the variables NAME and ADDRESS, it automatically includes them (and their sub-
variables) within the variable PATIENT'INFO.
The MAP statements for the variable group above might be:
MAP2 NAME ! Patient's name
MAP2 ADDRESS ! Patient address
MAP2 INSURANCE,B,1 ! Flag if patient has insurance
Notice that the variables PATIENT'INFO, NAME, and ADDRESS are unformatted variables (since
nothing is specified after them, they default to unformatted type). An unformatted variable is like a
storage area for all the variables that are mapped below it (in the case of NAME, the variables LAST and
FIRST). This allows these "groups" of information to be moved as a unit, simply by using the
unformatted variable name. For example:
If the variable name is followed by a set of subscripts within parentheses, the variable is assigned as an
array with the dimensions specified by the subscripts, just as if a DIM statement had been used. For
example, the statement:
assigns a single floating point variable called "NUMBER," but the statement:
MAP1 NUMBER(5,10),F,6
assigns a floating point array with 50 elements in it (5 x 10), just as if the statement
DIM NUMBER(5,10) had been executed.
Since these mapped arrays are assigned memory at compile time and not at run-time, the subscripts
must be decimal numbers instead of variables.
Type Code
The type code is a single character code which specifies the type of variable to be mapped:
Unformatted Data
Unformatted variables are used to "group" together any variables that are mapped below them. It might
help to think of an unformatted variable as the "file folder" that holds all the information that is stored in
the variables below it. You usually define an unformatted variable so that you can refer to a group of
other variables as one unit.
The contents of unformatted data variables should only be moved to other unformatted data variables.
String Data
If the string contained within a string variable is less than the allocated size of that variable, it is
terminated by a null character. If you move a string into a shorter variable, any characters that do not fit
into the new variable are truncated.
Floating point numbers default to 6 bytes long. At this time, 6 bytes is the only size allowed for floating
point numbers. If you specify a length, you must specify 6.
Binary Data
Binary variables may range in size from 1 to 5 bytes, giving from 8 to 39 bits of binary unsigned numeric
data or 40 bits of binary signed data. This is handy for the storage of small integer data in a single byte,
such as flags, or for the storage of memory references as word values with a range of up to 65535 in two
bytes. All numbers are stored as two’s-complement values.
Since AlphaBASIC converts all binary variables to floating point format before performing any
arithmetic calculations, binary arithmetic is actually slower than normal floating point arithmetic. It is
used mainly for compacting data into files and arrays where the floating point size of six bytes is
When conversions from floating point to binary are done, any data that does not fit within the defined
size of the target variable is merely lost with no error message given. As a programmer, it is your
responsibility to make range checks before moving a floating point number to a binary variable area. The
best way to understand this is to play with a few examples in interactive mode.
Binary numeric variables are not allowed in some instances. You cannot use a binary variable as the
control variable in a FOR-NEXT loops may not use a binary variable as the control variable, although
you may use them in the expressions designating the initial and terminating values of the control
variable, as well as in the STEP expression.
The size parameter in the MAP statement is optional but, if it is used, it must be a decimal number
specifying the number of bytes to be used in the variable. If it is omitted, it defaults to 0 for unformatted
and string types, 6 for floating point types, and 2 for binary types. The size parameter of floating point
variables MUST be 6.
An initial value may be given to any mapped variable (except an array variable) by including any valid
expression in the value parameter. This value may be a numeric constant, a string constant or a complete
expression including variables.
Remember, however, that the expression is resolved when the MAP statement is executed at run-time,
and the current value of any variable within the value expression is the one used to calculate the
assignment result. MAP statements may be executed more than once if you desire to reload the initial
If you omit the size parameter (such as for floating point variables), but you use the value
parameter, there must be an extra comma to indicate the missing size parameter:
MAP1 PI,F,6,3.14159265359
The first example preloads the value 3.14159265359 into the floating point variable called PI. The
second example preloads the letters CHRISTMAS into the string variable called HOLIDAY.
In some instances, it may be desirable to redefine records or array areas of different formats so that they
occupy the same memory area. For instance, a file may contain several different record formats with the
first byte of the record containing a type code for that specific record format.
The origin parameter allows you to redefine the record area in the different formats to be expected.
When the record is read into the area, the type code in the first byte can be used to execute the proper
routine for the record type.
Each different routine can access the record in a different format by the different variable names in that
format. All record formats actually occupy the same area in memory. This feature is much like the
REDEFINES verb in the COBOL language data division. Using the origin parameter can save large
amounts of memory.
For instance, suppose you have three very large variables of 256 bytes each that define logical records,
and that you never use these variables at the same time. By defining the variables so that they occupy the
same area of memory, your program only uses 256 bytes for the variables instead of 768 bytes.
Normally, a MAP statement causes allocation of memory to begin at the point where the last variable
with the same level number left off. The origin parameter allows this to be modified so that allocation
begins back at the base of some previously defined variable, and therefore overlays the same memory
area. If the new variable is smaller than the previous one (or the exact same size), it is totally contained
within the previous one.
If it is larger than the previous one, it spills over into newly allocated memory or possibly into another
variable area of the same level depending on whether there were more variables following it.
The origin parameter must be the last parameter on the line. It takes this form: an @ symbol followed by
the name of the previously mapped variable whose area you wish to overlay. This variable must be on
the same level as the variable you are presently allocating. If size and value parameters are not included
in this statement, you may omit them with no dummy commas. For example:
The MAP statements above allocate the variable CUSTOMER'ID which takes up a total of 20 bytes.
Then it allocates the variable PRODUCT'INVENTORY (also taking up 20 bytes), and specifies, by using
the @CUSTOMER'ID origin parameter, that PRODUCT'INVENTORY will occupy the same space in
memory as CUSTOMER'ID.
The following statements define three areas which all occupy the same 48-byte memory area, but which
may be referred to in three different ways:
Statements 100 and 110 define an array with 8 floating point elements: a total of 48 bytes in memory.
Statements 200-230 define an area with three string variables in it, for a total of 42 bytes. Normally, this
area would follow the 48-byte ARRAY area in memory, but the origin parameter in statement 200 causes
it to overlay the first 42 bytes of the ARRAY area instead.
Statements 300-330 define another array area of a different format with 6 elements, each element being
composed of one 2-byte binary variable (CODE) and one floating point variable (RESULT). The origin
parameter in statement 300 also causes this area to overlay the ARRAY area exactly.
The above scheme allows variables to be referred to in a different format than when they were
entered into memory. If you load the 8 elements INDEX(1) through INDEX(8) with floating
point values, and then refer to the variable STREET as a string, you get the first four floating
point variables, INDEX(1) through INDEX(4), which look very strange in string format!
MAP statements are not designed to be practical in the interactive mode, however, and are best used by
putting them into a program file and compiling the program.
MAP statements should come at the beginning of the program, and must come before any references to
the variables being mapped. If you refer to a variable before it is mapped (such as A = 5.8), the variable
is set up in the standard way. When the MAP statement is reached, it then returns an error, since the
variable is already defined.
Remember that the COMPIL program offers a /M switch that reports unmapped variables in your
program—useful if you want all your variables to be mapped.
Let us take a mapped variable group:
With this group, we can do a number of things. We could print the whole group to the terminal screen:
And we could sort the information in useful ways by sorting the CITY, STATE, or ZIP'CODE variables.
Another use of MAP statements is to set up arrays. The following two statements produce identical
MAP1 ARRAY(10),F,6
Both statements produce arrays containing ten floating point variables, referred to as ARRAY(1) through
ARRAY(10). The first statement, however, defines its placement in memory in relation to other mapped
MAP2 ARRAY(20),F,6
Produce one array with twenty variables in it. The variables are still referred to as WIDTH(1) through
WIDTH(10) and HEIGHT(1) through HEIGHT(10), but their placement in memory is quite different.
The WIDTH variables are interlaced with the HEIGHT variables, giving WIDTH(1), HEIGHT(1),
WIDTH(2), HEIGHT(2)... WIDTH(10), HEIGHT(10).
There are also ten unformatted variables AREA(1) through AREA(10), which each contain the respective
pairs of WIDTH-HEIGHT variables in tandem. Referencing one of these AREA variables references an
unformatted item composed of the WIDTH-HEIGHT pair of the same subscript.
Therefore, it is best to use random files when your program uses mapped variables that are grouped.
Let us take a look at an example that defines a logical record. Our program probably uses a file that
contains a large number of logical records in this format, each record containing information about a
single check.
In effect, MAP statements give us a way to form a template in memory into which we can read
information from the random file and transfer information from the program to the file. This allows us to
quickly and efficiently read in an entire group of information whose elements may be of different types
and sizes, and to access information in that group flexibly and simply. For example:
! Define a file that contains an account balance:
Once these MAP statements have been executed, we can access the group of variables as a whole by
specifying CHECK'INFO, or we can access specific sub-fields in the record (for example,
BANK'ACCOUNT or CHECKING). For example, once the program has filled the variables with the
specific data for a record, we can write it to the file by saying:
Another section of the program might want to read in a record of data. By using a simple statement:
We can bring in all the information related to that check. This is much easier than using 11 statements to
read in the 11 variables contained in CHECK'INFO!
During compilation, AlphaBASIC allocates memory storage for all defined variables in an area that is
contiguous and predictable. The compiled program references all variables through an indexing scheme.
Each variable in the working storage area has a representative item in the index area which contains all
the information needed to define and locate that variable. The working storage area therefore contains
only the pure variables themselves without any associated or intervening descriptive information. The
index area is a separate entity, physically located before the working storage area in memory.
AlphaBASIC normally allocates variable storage as it encounters each variable during compilation.
Since this scheme is not easily followed by human beings, a different method must be derived which can
override normal allocation processes if you wish to have the variables allocated in a predetermined
manner. Also, the disk I/O system requires that variables used be in a specific relationship to each other
when used in some of the more sophisticated programs.
The MAP statement has been included in AlphaBASIC for the purpose of allocating variables in a
specific manner. MAP statements are non-executable at run-time, but merely direct the compiler in the
definition and allocation of the referenced variables.
Each MAP statement contains a unique variable name to which the statement applies. When the
compiler encounters this statement, it allocates the next contiguous space in working storage as required
and assigns it to that variable. All variables not defined in a MAP statement are then automatically
assigned storage in sequence, for total compatibility with existing standards.
To eliminate potential allocation problems, AlphaBASIC forces all MAP1 level variables to begin on an
even memory address. This ensures that certain binary and floating point variables will begin on word
boundaries for assembly language subroutine processing. The instruction set performs most efficiently
when word data is aligned on word boundaries.
In interactive mode, if an error occurs in the syntax of the statement, the variable will already have been
added to the tree in memory. This is the reason MAP statements are not useful in interactive mode
(except for learning and debugging).
The system searches for the requested variable and prints out all parameters about the variable for you on
the terminal. This may actually be two definitions, since the variable "A" may actually be two different
variables; one would be a single floating point number and the other would be a subscripted array.
If you enter a reserved word (such as @PRINT) the system tells you that the name is a reserved word.
The general format of the definition line returned by the system is:
For actual examples of the definition line, see the Examples section below. Memory-type means the
method of memory allocation used when defining the variable. The memory-type may be MAPn (where
n is a number from 1 to 16), FIXED or DYNAMIC variables. FIXED variables are not defined by a
MAP statement and are allocated automatically when the compiler finds references to them in the
program. This is the normal method used to allocate variables.
DYNAMIC variable arrays are allocated by a DIM statement or by a default reference to a subscripted
If the array is dynamic and has not been allocated yet, the subscript values are replaced by the letter "X"
to indicate that they are not known at this point. Remember that any variable defined in a MAP
statement which is in a lower level relative to another variable inherits all subscripts from that higher
level variable.
The size of the variables are given in decimal bytes. In the case of arrays, the size represents the size of
each single element within the array.
The location of the variable is a little tricky to explain, since it is actually an offset to the base of a
storage area that is set aside for the allocation of user variables.
As each new variable or array is allocated, it is assigned a location which is relative to the base of this
storage area. The location information given here is an example to help you understand the relative
placement of the variables in the mapping system, and does not represent the actual memory locations
which they occupy.
There are two distinct areas in use for variables, and thus the offsets of the variables are to one of these
two areas. All FIXED and MAP1 through MAP16 variables are allocated in the fixed storage area, while
all DYNAMIC arrays are allocated in the dynamic array storage area.
As dynamic arrays are dimensioned, their positions may shift relative to one another and relative to the
dynamic storage area base. Variables in the fixed storage area never change position relative to each
other or to the storage area base.
Array location information that is given is only pertinent to the base of the array itself, which is the
location of the first element within the array. The actual range of locations used by the array may or may
not be contiguous in memory depending on whether overlapped dimensioning techniques are being used
in the MAP statements. Simple (non-array) variables are defined as a location range which tells exactly
where the entire variable lies within the storage area.
Keep in mind that this "@" command is to assist you in following the allocation of variables, particularly
in more complex mapping schemes. A few minutes at the terminal with direct MAP statements followed
by "@" commands will help you see how the mapping scheme works.
Given the sample MAP statements below:
Here are the results of using the @ command in interactive mode to determine the locations of several of
the variables above:
MAP1 Unformatted, size 279, located at 0-278
MAP2 Unformatted Array (12), size 18, base located at 63
MAP3 String, size 10, located at 45-54
MAP3 Binary, size 3, located at 57-59
MAP3 Floating point Array (12), size 6, base located at 69
We can also use the @ command to locate unmapped variables. For example:
Dynamic Floating point Array (2,3), size 6, base located at 103
Fixed Floating point, size 6, located at 72-77
Dynamic Floating point Array (2,3), size 6, base located at 103
Note that we allocated two different variables: a fixed floating point variable, A, and a dynamic floating
point array variable, A(2,3).
AlphaBASIC supports two kinds of data files—sequential access and random access disk files. You may
write data either in ASCII characters, or in packed binary formats.
Files that AlphaBASIC programs create are compatible with all other system programs, and
AlphaBASIC files may be interchanged with files from other languages. That is, AlphaBASIC data files
can be read and manipulated by programs written in other languages. Conversely, files created by other
languages and system utilities may be read and manipulated by programs written in AlphaBASIC.
Note the sample program at the end of the chapter—it demonstrates the use of random files. In it, you
can see how to define a logical record; compute the logical record blocking factor; allocate, open and
close a random file; search for a file; and write and read data to and from a file.
Since the I/O processes differ somewhat depending on whether you want to use sequential or random
data files, we discuss sequential and random files generally before getting into the specific commands
you can use to work with these files.
All references to a file are made by specifying a file channel number, which may be any integer value
from 0 to 65535. You might think of the file channel number as a pipeline between your AlphaBASIC
program and the data file, through which data can be transferred.
For example, when you first create a file, you will assign it a file channel number (say, #1). Then,
whenever you refer to that file, you use that number to tell AlphaBASIC which file you are talking about
(say, READ #1). This allows you to have many files ready for use at the same time.
Once you close a file, the file channel is no longer associated with it, and you may open another file on
that file channel. You may never have two files open at the same time that have the same file channel
number. The file channel always follows the verb (such as OPEN) in any file input/output statement, and
may be any numeric expression which is preceded by a pound sign (#). For example:
OPEN #file'channel'num,"PAYROL.DAT",INPUT
File channel #0 is defined as your terminal. You can use this in sequential file statements to write to
your terminal at run-time if you wish. Random files cannot use file channel zero.
There is no absolute limit to the number of files that may be open at any given time in a program, but
since each file requires a certain amount of memory, there is a practical limit to this number based on
how much memory is available in your user memory partition.
The following table shows the AlphaBASIC program statements that you use to input and output data to
and from files:
Random Files Sequential files
Sequential disk files are the easiest to understand and to implement in AlphaBASIC. AlphaBASIC
writes data to a sequential file in ASCII format, and stores numeric data as ASCII string values, if
possible. A sequential data file usually has the extension .DAT, and AlphaBASIC uses .DAT as the
default extension.
The typical sequential data files are normal ASCII files in all respects, and you may edit them by using
AlphaVUE, the printer spooler, or any of the other system utilities. To open a sequential file, use the
OPEN statement (see below), specifying INPUT, OUTPUT or APPEND mode.
Use the PRINT statement (followed by a non-zero file channel number) to write data to sequential files.
The PRINT statement automatically appends a carriage return/linefeed to your data in the same manner
that it does when sending data to a terminal display. PRINT also converts floating point and binary data
to printable ASCII form.
Use the INPUT or INPUT LINE statements (followed by a non-zero file channel number) to read data
from a sequential file. See the examples below.
The following sections contain step by step instructions for using sequential files in the various modes
(the commands used are discussed in detail later in this chapter):
2. Use the OPEN statement to open the file for output. If your computer uses the LOKSER system,
your file is open for exclusive use of the file when you open it for output. See the section on
LOKSER below for more information.
3. Use PRINT statements (specifying the file channel number associated with the file by the OPEN
statement) to write data to the file.
4. When finished, use the CLOSE statement to close the file.
1. You will use a file for input only if that file already exists and contains data. You may wish to
use a LOOKUP statement to make sure the file exists before trying to open it.
2. Use the OPEN statement to open the file for INPUT. If your computer uses the LOKSER
system, your file will be OPEN for shared use of the file.
3. Use INPUT LINE or INPUT statements to read data from the file (specifying the file channel
number associated with the file by the OPEN statement).
4. Check the EOF function after each input to make sure you haven't read beyond the end of the
5. When finished, use the CLOSE statement to close the file.
1. Use the LOOKUP command to see if the file exists. If it does not, check your file
specification.You will use a file in append mode only if that file already exists.
2. Use the OPEN statement to open the file for append. If you use LOKSER, your file will be open
for exclusive use of the file.
3. Use the PRINT statement (specifying the file channel number associated with the file by the
OPEN statement) to write data to the end of the file.
4. When finished, use the CLOSE statement to close the file.
Random access, or direct access, files are more complex than sequential files, but offer a much more
flexible method for storing and retrieving data in different formats. Random files are written in
"unformatted" or packed data mode. Random file disk blocks are contiguously allocated on the disk.
The major advantages of random files over sequential files are the speed and flexibility with which you
may access data in a random file.
You may only open a sequential file for input OR output, but you may open a random file for input and
output simultaneously. Accessing data in a sequential file requires that you step through the file record
by record.
In the case of a random file, however, you may access any record without referring to any other record in
that file. In addition, random files can contain data in any format supported by AlphaBASIC (unlike
sequential files, which may only contain ASCII data). Random files also have a default extension of
Logical Records
All program accesses to random files are made by using the "logical record" approach. A logical record
is defined as a fixed number of bytes whose format is explicitly under control of the program performing
the access. Physical blocks on the disk are each 512 bytes long, and each random file must be pre-
allocated as some given number of these 512-byte blocks.
Logical records may be any length from 1 byte to 512 bytes (logical records can never overlap physical
disk blocks). AlphaBASIC automatically computes the number of logical records that fit into one disk
block, and performs the blocking and unblocking functions for you.
For example, if your logical record size is defined as 100 bytes, then each block on the disk contains 5
logical records with the last 12 bytes of each block being unused.
The most efficient use of random files comes when the logical record size is a number that divides
evenly into 512 (256, 128, 64, etc.).
For instance, assume the logical record size is 100 and you need a maximum of 252 logical records in the
file. Each disk block is 512 bytes, and therefore contains 5 logical records. This number, 5, is called the
"blocking factor," because it is the number of records that will fit into each block of disk space. You
need 252 logical records, so dividing 252 by 5 gives 50 full disk blocks plus 2 logical records remaining.
Since the file must be allocated in whole disk blocks, you need 51 blocks, which gives you a maximum
of 255 logical records. These logical records are referred to in your program as records 0 through 254,
since the first record of any random file is record 0, unless you have used FILEBASE. See "FILEBASE"
When figuring out how many blocks you need to have, use this formula:
And round the result (BLOCKS) up to the next integer value. RECORDS’NEEDED is the number of
records your program will need to handle, and RECORD'SIZE is the size (in bytes) of each individual
When your record size does not divide evenly into 512 bytes, it is a good idea to consider
expanding it so that it does. This is for two reasons:
1. This leaves you room for future expansion of the data in the record.
2. You will be using the same number of physical disk blocks whether or not you expand
the record size, so you do not save anything by not doing so.
When you are opening a random file, you must specify the logical record size in the OPEN statement
(also specifying RANDOM or RANDOM'FORCED mode); it is possible to get things fouled up if you
do not have the record size correct. No logical record size is maintained within the file structure itself.
This fact does make it nice in one respect—a file which is accessed by many programs can have its
record size expanded without recompiling all the accessing programs. Here is how it works:
Assume (as an example) that you have a file which is considered the parameter descriptor file for all
other files in the entire system. This file gives the record size as 100 bytes for the vendor name and
address file.
All programs which refer to the vendor file first read this parameter file to get the size of the vendor file
logical record. The programs then set the size into a variable and use this variable in the OPEN statement
for the record size.
Each READ, READL, WRITE or WRITEL statement then manipulates the 100 bytes of data by reading
or writing to or from variables whose size totals 100 bytes. Let’s say you now want to expand the file
record size to 120 bytes and that most of the programs do not have to make use of the extra 20 bytes until
some time in the future.
You write a program which copies the 100-byte record file into a new 120-byte record file. Then you
update the main parameter file to indicate that the new record size for the vendor file is 120 bytes instead
of 100.
Each program now opens the file using the new 120-byte record size (since it is read in from the
parameter file at run-time), but only READs or WRITEs the first 100 bytes of each record due to the
variables used by the READ, READL, WRITE and WRITEL calls.
1. Use the LOOKUP command to see if the file already exists. If it does, skip down to step #3.
2. If the file doesn't exist, you must create it. First, decide what size the logical records will be (in
decimal bytes). Then compute the blocking factor as discussed above. Use the ALLOCATE
command to create the file with the number of disk blocks needed.
3. Use the OPEN statement to open the file for RANDOM processing. Specify the size of the
logical records in the file, and the record-number variable that will hold the number of the logical
record you are currently accessing.
If you are using the LOKSER system (explained below), your file will be OPEN for exclusive
access. You may wish to use WAIT'FILE, in case the file is in use when you try to open it.
4. Use READ and WRITE statements (specifying the file channel number associated with the file
by the OPEN statement) to read and write data in the file. Remember to change the record-
number variable to the correct record number before performing each read or write operation so
that you access the logical record you want. Make sure that the record-number variable contains
a valid record number before performing the file I/O.
5. When you are finished reading and writing the file, use the CLOSE statement to close the file.
1. When a random file is open in this mode, a READ operation forces a disk access, even if the
requested block is already in memory. Likewise, if a WRITE is performed, the block is reread,
modified and forced out to disk, even if the buffer is not yet full. This mode makes it possible
for users to share random files.
If you are using the LOKSER system (explained below), RANDOM'FORCED causes the file to
be OPENed for shared access. You may want to specify WAIT'FILE and/or WAIT'RECORD
also, in case the file or record is in use when you try to access it.
2. If you want to only read the contents of a record, use the READ statement.
3. If you want to read in and then update, use the READL statement. Then use either a WRITE
statement to write the record back to the file, or use an UNLOKR statement to unlock the record
4. If you want to write to a new or blank record, use the WRITEL statement.
5. Close the file.
A special type of random file, opened in INDEXED and INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE modes. See Chapter
20 for information.
See the LOKSER User's Manual that applies to your system for an in-depth discussion of file and record
Installation of the LOKSER system is optional—if you have the LOKSER system installed, there will be
a few extra commands and additions to commands that you will need to know in order to use files. All
of these new commands are explained in this section. The following table shows how the file is OPENed
for each type of access:
INPUT Shared
Sequential OUTPUT Exclusive
APPEND Exclusive
RANDOM Exclusive
You can specify WAIT'FILE when you open sequential files. This causes your program to wait if the file
you want to access is being used when you try to open it. If you do not use this wait clause, if you try to
access a file and the resource you need is already locked, LOKSER will prevent you from accessing it
and return an error code.
What happens then depends on your program—if your program has error trapping enabled, the actions
specified by your error handling routine will be performed; if your program does not have error trapping
enabled, your program will be interrupted and you will be returned to monitor command level. For
information on using error trapping to deal with the usual system errors see Chapter 18.
If you specify WAIT'FILE, LOKSER will not report an error if the program tries to access a file that is
already locked, but will instead put the job using the program to sleep until the file is available.
When a file is opened for shared access, the LOKSER system will make certain that any records you are
working with are locked before they are changed. LOKSER will recognize if you are trying to WRITE to
an unlocked record, and halt your program, displaying a "Record not locked" error message—unless you
handle the error with an error trapping routine.
When locking specific records, LOKSER must lock an entire physical block on the disk. This may
mean that it will lock more than one record, depending on how your logical records are defined,
since multiple records may appear in one physical block.
You can also use ISAM (Indexed) files in the same manner. If you specify INDEXED when you open
the file, AlphaBASIC will open it for shared use. Or, you can specify INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE when
you open the file, which opens the file for your exclusive use. See Chapter 20 for information on ISAM
The WAIT'FILE option applies to random files, also. Random files opened in RANDOM'FORCED and
INDEXED modes have another option called WAIT'RECORD, which works just like WAIT'FILE,
except that it applies to records inside the file.
AlphaBASIC automatically closes all open files when the program exits or when a CHAIN statement is
executed, if the files have not already been explicitly closed by use of a CLOSE statement.
If your program should be terminated abnormally (for example, by something like a system crash
or power failure), and a file was not closed with a CLOSE statement, AlphaBASIC may not have
updated the last record. However, the file will be unlocked if it was locked.
All file statements are valid as direct statements, but AlphaBASIC closes any open files before it
executes another RUN command. This prevents statements in an executing program from reading or
writing to files which were opened by a direct statement. Each open file requires about 580 bytes of free
memory for buffers and control blocks.
The following sections in this chapter show you the general format of each of the file statements and give
detailed examples of their uses.
The ALLOCATE statement prepares a blank random file on the disk, which you may then open for
random processing. An attempt to allocate a file which already exists results in an error message. A
random file need only be allocated once and may then be opened for random read/write operations as
many times as desired. The statement format is:
ALLOCATE filespec,number-of-blocks
As in the OPEN statement, the filespec is any string expression which evaluates to a legal file
description. The number-of-blocks is a floating point expression which represents the number of
physical 512-byte disk blocks to be allocated to the file. For example:
Random files can also be created at command level using the command CREATE (see the CREATE
reference sheet in the System Commands Reference Manual that applies to your system).
The CLOSE statement ends the transfer of data to or from a file. Once a file has been closed, no further
references are allowed to that file until another OPEN statement for that file is executed. Any files that
are still open when the program exits are closed automatically. Closing a file that is locked by the
LOKSER system unlocks that file. The format of the CLOSE statement is:
CLOSE #file-channel
where #file-channel specifies the file channel number associated with the file you want to close. For
example, if you have previously opened a file called VENDOR.DAT:
The EOF function returns a value giving the status of a sequential file whose file channel number is X.
The file is assumed to be open for INPUT. The values returned by the EOF function are:
-1 if the file is not open or the file channel number X is zero. A file channel number of zero
indicates the terminal is being used as the file.
0 if the file is not yet at end-of-file
1 if the file has reached the end-of-file condition
Due to the method used by the operating system for processing files, the end-of-file status is not achieved
until after an INPUT statement has been executed.
Any INPUT statements which reach end-of-file return numeric zero or null string values forever more.
This means the normal sequence for processing sequential input files would be to INPUT the data into
the variables and then test the EOF(X) status before actually using the data in those variables, since if an
end-of-file has been reached that data will be no good.
End-of-file should only be tested for sequential input files. Files open for output or for random
processing always return a zero value.
During normal operation, AlphaBASIC refers to the first record in a random file as record number zero
(i.e., you set the record number variable to zero to access the first record in the file). In some
applications you may want AlphaBASIC to refer to this first record by some number other than zero: for
instance, to allow you to use zero to flag some special condition, such as a deleted record. The
FILEBASE command allows you to set the number used to refer to the first record. For example:
tells AlphaBASIC that the first record in the file is record number one, not record number zero. You may
use any integer argument with FILEBASE.
Note that FILEBASE does not associate its value with a file, but only takes effect when you execute the
program it is in. If one program uses a FILEBASE command when referring to a file, all other programs
which refer to that file should also use a FILEBASE command with the same value to be able to access
the same record with the same record number.
Once a sequential file has been opened for input, you may use a special form of the standard
AlphaBASIC INPUT statement to read data from the file. The INPUT statement uses a file channel
number corresponding to the file channel assigned in the OPEN statement.
The variables in the list may be either numeric or string variables, but should follow the format of the
data in the file being read. You can INPUT numeric data into string variables, but an attempt to INPUT a
string variable into a numeric variable will set that variable to 0. The general format is:
INPUT #file-channel,var1{,var2,...varN}
During the reading of the input data into the variable list, all leading spaces are bypassed unless they are
enclosed within quotes, just as in the normal form of the INPUT statement.
Also, all carriage returns and linefeeds are bypassed, allowing the file created by the PRINT statements to
contain formatted line data if desired. Commas, spaces and end-of-line characters all terminate numeric
data and then are bypassed.
As with the non-file version of the INPUT statement described in Chapter 10, the data being input must
be in the proper format. In the file version of the INPUT statement, that means you must properly
separate the data when you first write it out to the file using the PRINT statement. Here are the rules to
follow when writing data to a file:
1. Separate all floating point data with spaces or commas.
2. Separate all string data with commas.
3. If you have both floating point and string data in the same statement, separate them with
Keep in mind the characteristics of the PRINT statement when writing data to a file, so that you do not
conflict with the rules above. See Chapter 10 for details on PRINT.
Using PRINT to send data to a file formats that data in exactly the same way that it would if you were to
use PRINT to send data to the terminal screen. Remember that PRINT does not separate the data with
commas for you. For example, the following statement:
If you try to use INPUT to read that data in the file into three different string variables, the first variable
will contain:
and the other two string variables will contain null data. In the first case above, we are assuming that no
STRSIZ command was set, so the first string variable only picked up the first ten characters of the string.
If STRSIZ was set to, say, 40, you would see the second display.
To read the data above as three separate pieces of string data, you must remember to separate the data by
explicitly placing commas into the file. For example:
will improperly format the data in the file because the unquoted commas above will cause PRINT to
separate the data with spaces as well as commas:
Using semi-colons instead of the unquoted commas will solve this problem. For example:
After a sequential file has been opened for input, the data can be read from the file by a special form of
the INPUT LINE statement which uses a file channel number corresponding to the file channel assigned
in the OPEN statement.
The variables in the list may be either numeric or string variables, but should follow the format of the
data in the file being read. String variables will accept numeric data, but if you try to read string data
into a numeric variable, the numeric variable will equal 0.
The INPUT LINE statement operation is identical to that of the INPUT statement with the exception that
input into a string variable accepts the entire line up to but not including the carriage return and linefeed
that ends the line. This allows commas, quotes, blanks and other special characters to be input. Also,
INPUT LINE accepts blank lines as input.
You will usually use INPUT LINE specifying one string variable to read in one line of the file at a time.
The KILL statement erases one file from the disk. It does not need a file channel number and no OPEN
or CLOSE need be performed to KILL a file. The format for the KILL statement is:
KILL filespec
For example:
As in the OPEN statement, the filespec is any string expression which evaluates to a legal file
description. KILL assumes an extension of .DAT. If you try to erase a file that does not exist, you see
the error message:
You may not erase a file that exists in an account outside of the project you are logged into. For
example, if you are logged into account [110,2] and the program you are running tries to kill a file in
account [200,1], you see:
?Protection violation
If you have LOKSER on your system, and you try to delete a protected file, you will get an error
The LOOKUP statement looks for a file on the disk and returns a value which tells you if the file was
found and, if so, how many disk blocks it contains. The format for the statement is:
As in the OPEN statement, the filespec is any string expression which evaluates to a legal file description
(the default extension is .DAT). The file specification can be up to 48 characters in length. The result-
variable is any legal floating point variable which receives the result of the search. The LOOKUP result-
variable may return:
0 File was not found
Positive #n File was found; it is a sequential file, and contains n disk blocks.
Negative #n File was found; it is a random file, and contains n disk blocks.
0.5 File was found and contains zero blocks.
Remember that the number returned by LOOKUP is the number of physical disk blocks used by the file.
You must multiply this number of 512-byte blocks by the file's blocking factor to find out how many
logical records the file contains. For example, after you execute:
the variable BLOCKS contains the number of disk blocks in the file PAYROL.DAT, or a 0 if the file
does not exist. For example, say that BLOCKS = 40, and the blocking factor for the file is 4.Multiplying
40 by 4 gives you 160 logical records.
You must open a file before you can transfer data to or from it. The OPEN statement assigns a unique
file channel number to a file and also specifies the name that is either to be given to an output file, or to
be used in locating an input file. The format is:
OPEN #file-channel,filespec,mode{,record-size}
Record-size An expression which dynamically specifies at run-time the logical record size
for read/write operations on the file. Not for Sequential files.
Record#-variable A non-subscripted numeric variable which must contain the record number of
the desired random access for READ or WRITE statements when they are
executed. It must be a floating point variable—not a literal number. Not
used in sequential files.
WAIT'FILE Optional clause that causes your program to wait until the specified file is
available for use. Used only with LOKSER.
WAIT'RECORD Optional clause that causes your program to wait until the specified record is
available for use. Used only with LOKSER.
If your program tries to read or write to a file which has not been opened, you will see:
and the program will be aborted. If your program tries to read or write to a file which is locked, your
program will end and a message will be printed that informs you that the file is in use. Of course, if you
use an error trapping routine, you can prevent your program from being aborted.
The filespec string may be as brief as the name of the file, in which case it is assumed to have an
extension of .DAT and to reside in the disk account you are logged into. Or it may be a complete file
specification, if you desire, giving the explicit location of the file, which may be in another account or
even on another disk drive. Some examples are:
OPEN #1 + X,MID$(A$,2,3),OUTPUT
The OPEN statement references the file by its actual ASCII filespec in the standard operating system
format. Most of the other file commands refer to the file channel number which is assigned in the OPEN
OPEN Modes
INPUT Opens an existing sequential file for input operations. For LOKSER,
access is shared.
APPEND Opens an existing sequential file so that you can add data to the end
of the file. LOKSER access is exclusive.
INDEXED Opens an ISAM data file and primary index file. LOKSER access is
INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE Opens an ISAM data file and primary index file. LOKSER access is
Once you have opened a sequential file for output, you will use a special form of the PRINT statement
using the file channel assigned in the OPEN statement to write data to it.
All the techniques available to you when you use the normal form of the PRINT statement (which
outputs to the terminal) are also available for sending data to a file, including PRINT USING for
formatted data.
PRINT writes data to the file in the same format as it would appear if you used PRINT to send the data to
a terminal display (i.e., if you left off the file channel number). Here is the format for PRINT, and some
PRINT #1 A; B; C
PRINT #Q1 USING "###.##", A1(10);
PRINT #file'number "WRITE TO","PRINT ZONES",
See INPUT, above, for the required format for data when reading data from a file. For more information
on PRINT, see Chapter 10.
The READ statement reads a selected logical record from an open random file. The logical record which
is transferred by the system I/O is the one whose record number is currently in the record-number
variable mentioned in the OPEN statement. The format of the READ statement is:
READ #file-channel,var1{,var2...,varN}
Then PART'NUMBER will be filled with the data in the 5th record of the file STOCK.DAT.
The variables in the READ statement may be any format, but they obviously should match that of the
designated record format. The data is read into the variables as unformatted bytes, without regard to
variable type. Of course, if it is transferred into the wrong type of variable, you will get garbage and/or
errors when you use that variable. The data is transferred into each variable until the variable has been
completely filled. Then the next variable in the list is filled, and so on.
If the record is longer than the variable list specifies, all excess data in the record will not be transferred.
If you try to transfer more data than is in the logical record size, you will get an error message.
The most efficient use of random files comes when the variable or variables used are mapped by a MAP
statement to the exact picture of the record format in use. See Chapter 15 for information on MAP
Also see the sample program at the end of this chapter for a demonstration of creating and reading a
random file.
READL is a form of the READ statement that can be used in RANDOM'FORCED, INDEXED, or
INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE modes. It locks the record that you are reading for your exclusive use. If you
do not have LOKSER installed on your system, or if you are in RANDOM mode, READL works the
same as READ (that is, it does not lock the record).The format is:
READL #file-channel,var1{,var2...,varN}
Once you have locked the record with READL, you use WRITE to rewrite the record to the file. WRITE
will automatically unlock the record once it is finished. If you use READL without later using WRITE,
you must use the UNLOKR statement to unlock the record.
If your system uses LOKSER, UNLOKR allows you to unlock a record that was locked with a READL
statement. The format is:
UNLOKR #file-channel
If you do not use a WRITE statement to unlock records after their use, you must use the UNLOKR
statement, so that other users can access those records.
The WRITE statement is used to write a selected logical record to an open random file. The logical
record which is transferred is the one whose record number is currently in the record-number variable
mentioned in the OPEN statement.
If your system is using LOKSER, WRITE unlocks the record automatically if you are sharing the file
(RANDOM'FORCED or INDEXED modes). The format of the WRITE statement is:
WRITE #file-channel,expression-list
Then the data in PART'NUMBER will be written as the 5th record of the file STOCK.DAT.
The variables in the list may be in any format, but they obviously should match that of the designated
record format. The data is written into the logical record from the user variables as unformatted bytes,
without regard to variable type. The data is transferred from each variable until the variable has been
completely emptied. Then the next variable in the list is used, and so on.
If the record is longer than the variable list specifies, all excess data in the record will not be modified. If
you try to transfer more data than is in the logical record size, you will get an error message.
The most efficient use of random files comes when the variable or variables used are mapped by a MAP
statement to the exact picture of the record format in use.
WRITEL is a special form of the WRITE statement used with the LOKSER system that allows you to
write a new record if you are in RANDOM'FORCED, INDEXED or INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE modes.
Normally, you would use a combination of READL and WRITE to modify a record in the file, but if it is
a new record, you cannot READL it because it does not yet exist.
Thus, to write to the record, you want to lock it for exclusive use for protection. If you do not have
LOKSER installed on your system, or if you are in RANDOM mode, WRITEL functions exactly like
WRITE. The format is:
WRITEL #file-channel,expression-list
The program below gives a simple demonstration of data manipulation. Notice that you could easily
write modules that would expand its functions to include deleting customer records, changing data in
existing customer records, adding more customer records to a partially filled file, and so on.
Some of the file handling commands demonstrated by the program are: LOOKUP, ALLOCATE, OPEN,
CLOSE, READ, and WRITE. Notice that we also use the extended TAB functions to clear the screen
and position the cursor, and use the MAP statement to define all logical records and variables used in the
MAP2 TOTAL'RECS,F ! Total number of records
MAP2 IN'USE,F ! Number of records in use
MAP2 FILLER,S,116 ! Filler bytes needed to
! pad record to 128 bytes
!Use LOOKUP to see if the file already exists. If it does, go to the routine
!that will read information from the file; otherwise, create the file.
!First, ask the user for the total number of records we can write to the
!file. Then, see how many bytes this requires (128 * TOTAL'RECS). We can fit
!exactly 4 records per disk block (512 = 4 * 128). If we can't fit an even
!number of records per block, we will allocate one extra block. When we know
!how many disk blocks to allocate, we can ALLOCATE and OPEN the file.
PRINT TAB(-1,0); ! Clear screen PRINT
TAB(10,1); ! Position cursor
INPUT "Enter the total number of file records: ",TOTAL'RECS
REC'NUM = 0 : IN'USE = 0
REC'NUM = 1 ! Ready to write to next record
! Clear screen and position cursor:
! Open the file for input. Get the control record to see how many records are
! in use. Ask if user wants to read from the file. If not, exit. Check
! to see if the existing file is empty. If so, exit. Tell the user what
! customers we have information about. Ask which customer the user wants
! information about. Check to be sure customer number is valid.
! Display the desired information. If the user presses the return key, stop.
INPUT "Do you want to read the file (Y or N)? ",QUERY
! Clear screen and position cursor:
PRINT TAB(-1,0); "Reading the file..."; TAB(10,1)
IF (IN'USE = 0) THEN &
PRINT "The file is empty" : GOTO READ'EXIT
! Show the user what customers we have info on:
? "Here is a list of the customers for whom we have information:"
! Make sure we're not trying to add data to a full file:
THEN PRINT "The file is full..." : GOTO EXIT
NAME = "" ! Clear NAME
! Start entering data. Pad it to proper length with spaces:
PRINT "Customer number”; IN’USE + 1": " : PRINT
INPUT "Customer name: ", NAME
INPUT "Street address: ", STREET
INPUT "City: ", CITY
INPUT "State: ", STATE
INPUT "Car model: ", MODEL
INPUT "Car year: ", YEAR
INPUT "Car insurance? (Y or N): ", QUERY
ID'NUM = REC'NUM ! Customer number = record #
! Write whole record; increment records-in-use counter and add 1 to
! REC'NUM so we are ready to write to the next record:
PRINT "The Customer ID Number is: "; ID’NUM
The file named in the statement may be another AlphaBASIC program (compiled only), or it may be a
system command or command file. This allows your program to execute a command file and invoke
system commands as well as execute other AlphaBASIC programs.
If you do not specify a device and account, AlphaBASIC follows the search pattern outlined in Chapter 2
when looking for .RUN files. If you do specify a device and account, AlphaBASIC looks in the specified
All variables in the new program are first cleared to zero prior to the run. Also, all variables in the
current program are set to zero (or null, if strings). Some examples of legal CHAIN statements are:
Due to the fact that programs are compiled and not interpreted, there is no way to execute a program at
any entry point other than its physical beginning. There is also no internal method for passing
parameters between programs, but you can accomplish this function for yourself by using the
AlphaBASIC assembly language subroutine COMMON to store data in a common memory area.
COMMON allows you to store information either in system memory (where programs run by all users on
the system can access the information) or in your memory partition (where only programs run by you can
access the information). For details on using COMMON, see the AlphaBASIC XCALL Subroutine User's
Manual that is appropriate for your system.
In addition to sharing information, you can use the common area to pass parameters to the chained
program. For example, the current program can use the COMMON to pass a parameter to the new
program. The new program uses the parameter in an ON-GOTO statement to begin execution at a
location based on the value passed in the parameter.
Another way to make sure that chained programs can share information is the use of disk files. The
current AlphaBASIC program can open a data file, write the variables it wants to share into that file, and
then close the file. When the new file is chained in, it can open the file and read the necessary
The monitor then interprets this dummy command file as a direct command and executes it. Note that
the dummy command file created by the run-time package is merely the one line name specified in the
CHAIN statement. It is not the command file itself, which is the target function desired. You can also
include parameters for that program or command file. Some valid examples are:
CHAIN "LOG.LIT[1,4] DSK9:[200,3]
Note that if the device and account are not specified, the action taken is the same as if you had entered
the command directly from your keyboard. That is, if you omit device and account specifications, the
monitor command processor searches for command files or programs in the following order:
1. System memory
2. User memory
3. The account and device you are logged into.
To load a file into your user memory partition, use the monitor level LOAD command. To
load the file into system memory (where it may be accessed by all users on the system), the
System Operator must add the appropriate SYSTEM command line to the system initialization
command file.
Note also that when you chain to a monitor command, after the command has finished executing, it
returns you to monitor level, rather than to your program. This means that if you wish to automatically
return to some AlphaBASIC program, you have to execute a command file whose final command is a
RUN command which specifies that original AlphaBASIC program.
If an error occurs any time after this, AlphaBASIC transfers control to the line number or label you
specified. Here is what such a statement looks like:
The error routine must then take appropriate action based on the type of error.
The second form of the statement turns off error trapping by giving a line number of zero or leaving the
line number off completely:
After executing a statement like the ones above, error trapping is off, and errors will be handled in the
normal way. It is recommended that all error trapping routines execute the ON ERROR GOTO 0
statement for all errors which have no special recovery processing.
If an error occurs within the error trapping routine itself, that error is processed and the error
The ERR(X) function returns the following data based on conditions at the time of the error:
ERR(0) The number of the error that was detected
ERR(1) The number of the last line encountered prior to the error
ERR(2) The number of the last file accessed (only relevant for file errors)
Using any or all of these functions will give you the information you need to decide what your error
recovery routine is going to do.
The RESUME statement takes on two forms similar to the forms of the ON ERROR GOTO statement.
The first form specifies a line number (or label) within the program where the execution is to be resumed:
The second form specifies a line number of zero, or no line number at all, and causes the execution to be
resumed at the statement which caused the error to occur:
Both forms cause the error condition to be cleared and turns on error trapping again.
You should never use the GOTO statement to exit from an error trapping routine. Use RESUME.
This is because RESUME clears the area of memory used by the error routine. GOTO does not,
which could cause memory errors.
When you use Control-C during the run of an AlphaBASIC program, the program stops at the next
statement. What happens next depends on whether error trapping is on or off.
If error trapping is off, the program stops and the appropriate message is printed on the terminal.
If error trapping is on, the error trapping routine is entered with the code in ERR(0) being set to 1. You
can then decide what your program is going to do when a Control-C is encountered. If you simply let the
program RESUME, you have effectively turned off Control-C interrupting (which may not be a good
idea—if your program gets into an endless loop you couldn't stop the run, except by resetting your
This Control-C trapping feature allows you to prevent users of your program from exiting the program
during a critical time, such as during a file update. The Control-C is detected immediately.
During an error recovery routine, no Control-C use is allowed, so that the program cannot be stopped
during this important phase.
the user enters a zero as the second number? Normally, BASIC would halt the run at that point and print
a Divide by zero error message.
By using an ON ERROR GOTO statement and an error recovery routine, the program can handle the
error itself:
! If error is not "divide by zero" exit the program:
IF (ERR(0) <> 10) THEN &
PRINT "System Error Detected. Exiting..." : END
PRINT "Division by zero does not work!"
INPUT "Please re-enter the second number: ",B
RESUME ! Go back to the line where the
! problem occurred.
A divided by B equals: 5
Note that a successful error trapping routine must either resolve the error or exit the program.
For example, if the program above had merely printed an error message and then RESUMEd back to the
line where the error occurred, the "divide by zero" error would still exist, AlphaBASIC would again
transfer control to the error trapping routine, and we would be in an eternal loop.
Instead, the program resolves the error by having the user change the value of the second variable, then
resuming program execution.
Directly afterward, we turn off our routine and return to the regular AlphaBASIC error trapping by using
the ON ERROR GOTO 0 statement. This way, we catch any errors (besides Control-C) that might occur
in the rest of the program.
MAP1 ANSWER,S,16," "
So long... .
Assembly language programs are generally much smaller and faster than equivalent BASIC programs—
when speed and size are important factors, you may want to code parts of your program into assembly
language. Yet another reason for using assembly language programs is simply that some tasks are too
awkward (or even impossible) to do from within a higher level language.
Assembly language programs are uniquely suitable for applications that require that you work more
closely with the hardware or operating system than is convenient or possible in BASIC.
Although you may want to write your own assembly language subroutines (see Appendix E for further
information if so), note that we do provide a set of existing assembly language subroutines in the
AlphaBASIC Library Account, DSK0:[7,6]. For information on these subroutines, see the AlphaBASIC
XCALL Subroutine User's Manual appropriate to your system.
In addition, a set of business-oriented assembly language subroutines is available from your dealer.
To call an assembly language subroutine from an AlphaBASIC program, use the XCALL statement. The
syntax for this statement is:
XCALL routine{argument1{,argument2,...argumentN}}
The routine to be called is an assembly language program which has been assembled using the machine
language assembler.
When the XCALL statement is executed by the AlphaBASIC run-time system, the named subroutine is
located in memory and then called.
If an AlphaBASIC program fetches a subroutine from the disk, AlphaBASIC loads the subroutine into
memory only for the duration of its execution. Once the subroutine has completed its execution, it is
removed from memory.
Therefore, if a subroutine is to be called a large number of times, it is wise to load it into memory (using
the monitor LOAD command) to avoid the overhead of fetching the subroutine from disk.
Subroutines loaded into memory by use of the monitor LOAD command remain in memory until
you reset the system or until you use the monitor command DEL to delete them.
The ISAM program is a tool for organizing and retrieving data. The name stands for:
Even though the word "sequential" is part of the ISAM name, ISAM files are RANDOM files. It
is the access method which is sequential, not the file.
AlphaBASIC has the ability to process indexed sequential files by linking to the ISAM assembly
language package (which must reside either in system memory or in individual user memory). ISAM
supports multiple index files by using some elementary ISAM statements that allow the direct control of
index file and data file items.
AMOS/L versions 1 .1 and later support the LOKSER file locking system. Although use of the
LOKSER system is optional, we strongly recommend that you use the new AlphaBASIC
command statements designed for the LOKSER system—even if you do not use LOKSER. Use of
these will help to clarify your code, and will enhance compatibility with other systems and future
Alpha Micro software.
It is important when reading the following sections that you be familiar with opening and using random
data files. If you are not, refer first to Chapter 16. It is also a good idea to be familiar with error
trapping, explained in Chapter 18, because error trapping is a necessity for ISAM programs.
This chapter also assumes that you are familiar with the Alpha Micro ISAM system, which is fully
explained in the ISAM System User's Guide for your system. This chapter is intended as a quick
reference guide to the ISAM commands used within AlphaBASIC.
Both the INDEXED and INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE modes of ISAM require that the ISAM program
be able to write to the disk containing the index files - even if you do not plan to do anything more
than read from the disk. Therefore, make sure that the disk containing the index files is not write-
All indexed sequential files must be created by the ISMBLD program prior to access by any
AlphaBASIC program. There is no method for the creation of a new indexed file within the
AlphaBASIC language since this would require a prohibitive amount of seldom used code.
You may, however, create indexed files by using the feature that allows an AlphaBASIC program to
create and then execute a command file. This command file could set up parameters and then call the
ISMBLD program to perform the actual creation of the files.
For compatibility with existing structures, the data file must have an extension of .IDA and all index files
must have an extension of .IDX. There must be at least one index file which is called the primary index
There may also be additional index files called secondary index files which also link to the primary data
file. The primary index file must always be opened in any program in order to gain access to the data
This is true even if you only intend to access the data file through one of the secondary index files in the
current program. For information on file structures and operating the ISMBLD program, refer to the
ISAM System User's Guide that is appropriate for your system.
Relative keys are probably already familiar to you since they are the same type of key used to access
normal random files. The relative key is the record-number variable you specified when you opened the
file. It contains the number of the logical record to be accessed. When used with an indexed file, a
relative key is used only to access a specific record in a data file.
Symbolic keys are used only with indexed files. Symbolic keys are ASCII strings of variable lengths and
are used to access the index file (primary or secondary). They are specified in the ISAM statements when
accessing the index file, and are used to retrieve the relative key of the associated data record in the data
The concept of symbolic versus relative keys and their different uses is an important one, and misuse of
them can cause the ISAM system to malfunction in a number of ways.
Symbolic keys are used with the ISAM statement; relative keys are used with the OPEN statement so that
READ, READL, WRITE and WRITEL statements can be successfully performed. In most instances,
you will not be working with the relative key—it will be merely a device automatically set up and
referenced by the above calls.
ISAM #file-channel,code,symbolic-key
All ISAM statements follow the above format, using a different numeric value in "code" to indicate the
specific function to be performed by the ISAM package. All ISAM statements directly translate into a
specific type of call to the assembly language ISAM program.
A symbolic key must always be specified, even for those functions which do not require the use of one
(this simplifies syntax checking and execution coding). You may use a dummy string variable if you
desire. The following codes are used by the ISAM statement:
1 Finds a record in the data file by symbolic key (i.e., returns the relative record number in
the variable specified by the OPEN statement that opens the data file/primary index file).
2 Finds the next data record (by the order in which the symbolic keys appears in the index
file). Returns the relative record number in the variable specified by the OPEN
3 Adds a symbolic key to an index file.
4 Deletes a symbolic key from an index file.
5 Locates the next free data record in the data file (returning the relative record number in
the variable specified in the OPEN statement).
6 Deletes a record from a data file, and returns that record to the free list.
7 Performs code 2 (explained above) and returns the symbolic key.
An error results if an ISAM statement is executed with the value of "code" not equal to one of the above
numbers. The "code" may be any legal numeric expression which is resolved at run-time.
OPEN #file-channel,filespec,mode,record-size,
filespec Any string expression that evaluates to a legal Alpha Micro file specification
(optionally including account and device specifications). Specifies the data
file/primary index file or the secondary index file. (The primary index file
always has the same name as the data file, but has the .IDX extension; the
data file has the .IDA extension.)
INDEXED Specifies indexed sequential mode. If you use LOKSER, the file is opened
for shared use.
INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE Specifies indexed exclusive mode. (See below for more information). Opens
the file for exclusive access, even if LOKSER is not installed on the system.
record-size Expression that specifies the logical record size for the data file.
relative-record-number Floating point variable that contains the record number of the logical record
you want to access.
{,WAIT'FILE} If you have LOKSER installed on your system, you may specify
WAIT’FILE. This causes your program to wait if the file you want to OPEN
is in use.
{,WAIT'RECORD} If you have LOKSER installed on your system, you may specify
WAIT’RECORD. This causes your program to wait if the record you want to
access is in use.
The filespec must refer to the name given to the index file when the file was created using ISMBLD. If
this is a call to open a secondary index file, you must have previously opened the corresponding primary
index file on another file number so that the data file may be accessed.
As an example, assume that an indexed file structure consists of the primary index and data files named
MASTER.IDX and MASTER.IDA respectively. The structure also has secondary index files named
ADRESS.IDX and PAYROL.IDX which access the MASTER.IDA file in different sequences. If you
desire to process the file structure by using the sequence used by the ADRESS.IDX index file, the
following two statements are required:
The first statement opens both the data file and the primary index file. Remember that there are now
three files opened:
1. The data file, MASTER.IDA
2. The primary index file, MASTER.IDX
3. The secondary index file, ADRESS.IDX.
When you are processing using secondary indexes, the LOKSER system has no way of knowing
which primary index record is involved. You must use the LOCK statement to lock the proper
primary index file to prevent record locking problems. See the LOKSER User's Manual
appropriate to your system for more information.
Notice that the record size expression (RECSIZ) and the relative record number (RELKEY) are identical
in both statements. This is important since they both refer to the same data file (MASTER.IDA).
ISAM statements may then be made referring to either index file (#1 or #2) but all READ and WRITE
statements must be made to the data file (#1) which is associated with the primary index file. In other
words, READ, READL, WRITE and WRITEL statements must not be made to file #2.
Because of their interconnected file structure, ISAM files are especially vulnerable to simultaneous
update problems. The whole structure of your files could be destroyed if you do not use a file locking
system. If you do not have LOKSER on your system, you will have to use the FLOCK and XLOCK
Make sure you use the READL, WRITEL, and/or LOCK statements where appropriate to insure file
security. For information on the file-locking system, LOKSER, and the FLOCK and XLOCK programs,
see the LOKSER User's Manual appropriate to your system.
These READ and WRITE statements follow the same format used when accessing a normal random
access data file in AlphaBASIC. The relative key associated with the primary file (as specified in the
OPEN statement) must contain a valid relative key for the operation or an error results.
As mentioned before, the READ and WRITE statements must only be made using the primary index file-
channel number. For example:
WRITEL locks the current record until it finishes outputting the record, when it unlocks it.
If you are in INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE mode (or in either mode if LOKSER is not installed), READL and
WRITEL work exactly like READ and WRITE. However, even if your system does not use LOKSER,
we strongly recommend that you use READL and WRITEL, since this will promote program
standardization and will make it simple for you to transfer your programs to a LOKSER system at a later
LOCK #File-channel
If you locate a record using the primary index file, LOKSER automatically locks the primary index file
for you. However, if you locate a record using the secondary index file, you must use the LOCK
statement to explicitly lock the primary index file, whether or not the WAIT'FILE clause appears in your
OPEN statement—LOKSER will wait until the primary index file is free if it is already locked. The
UNLOKR #File-channel
unlocks the primary index file and any record currently locked by using a READL statement.
It makes no difference in which order you close the ISAM files—however, remember that you
cannot access a secondary index file if you have already closed the primary index.
When your program is the only program that needs to access an ISAM indexed file, you can specify
INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE as the mode in which you open the file. It locks the entire file whether or not
LOKSER is installed on your system. For example:
If LOKSER is installed on your system, ISAM still requires that you use READL and WRITEL
statements where appropriate, even though you have exclusive use of the file. This is to ensure
program standardization and proper coding technique.
The statement above opens the data file PAYROL.IDA and the primary index file PAYROL.IDX in
exclusive mode. The main advantage of INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE mode is a large increase in the speed
with which your programs can access the indexed file. It also prevents other users from accessing your
indexed file until you close the file. Otherwise, it works in the same way as in INDEXED mode.
In INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE mode, ISAM knows that no other program is going to access the indexed file
while your program is working with it. Therefore, ISAM can take full advantage of prior knowledge
about the file for every access and can speed up your access time considerably.
When your program opens an indexed file in INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE mode, ISAM will not allow other
user to access the specified indexed file; if they try to do so, they see a "file in use" message.
This means that you only have to worry about file-locking at the moment in which you are opening the
indexed file. If your program tries to open a file that is being used, you will get the "file in use" message,
unless you specified WAIT'FILE in your OPEN statement, in which case, your program will wait until
the file becomes available.
The advantage of an indexed file opened in INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE mode is that NO other user
can access the file while you are using it. If you need to have several programs access the file, use
the INDEXED mode (Of course, if you use INDEXED mode, you will have to perform file locking
to prevent simultaneous update problems).
One feature of the INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE mode is that it temporarily renames the .IDX file to an .IDY
extension to prevent ISAM from letting other programs access the file. If something should go wrong
(such as a system crash), ISAM may not be able to rename the file to its original .IDX extension, and you
will have to do so yourself.
For more information on INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE mode, see the ISAM System User's Guide that is
appropriate for your system.
Any ISAM operation can result in some kind of error. If the error is a system error (for example, the disk
is not mounted), AlphaBASIC interrupts your program and aborts to the monitor (or, if error trapping is
enabled, AlphaBASIC transfers control to your error handling routine).
To check for hard system errors, use the ERR(X) function. Remember that ERR(0) returns the code of
the hard error, and ERR(1) returns the number of the program line at which the error occurred.
Special ISAM errors can also occur as a result of an ISAM operation. These errors do not generate an
error message or result in an error trap. It is therefore very important that your program check for these
errors after every ISAM statement; otherwise, you have no way of knowing whether or not the ISAM
function was performed successfully.
To do so, use the ERF(X) function, where X is the file channel number used by the preceding ISAM
statement. The ERF(X) function operates in much the same way as the EOF(X) function.
If ERF(X) returns a zero, the preceding ISAM statement was successful. If ERF(X) returns a nonzero
value, then an error was detected. If an error occurred, your program should correct the problem before
going on to access the file. The nonzero value returned tells you which error occurred:
The last message (39) occurs if LOKSER is installed on your system and you do not perform the ISAM
file access procedures in the order discussed in the ISAM System User's Guide that is appropriate for your
Always check after performing an ISAM function to see if an error occurred. If you do detect an
error, your program must fix it before continuing.
Your program is using a PRINT USING statement, and it could not process the data given to it.
Check the syntax of the line against the rules for PRINT USING in Chapter 12.
?Bitmap kaput
Your program attempted a file operation (OPEN, ALLOCATE, etc.) on a device with a bad
Break at line n
The program reached the breakpoint that was set at line n.
Can't continue
You have attempted to continue a program which is not stopped at a breakpoint, or which has
reached a point where it can go no further (for example, it has reached an END statement).
DELETE what?
You have specified a DELETE command without specifying what line(s) are to be deleted.
?Device error
An error has occurred on the referenced device. Check the documentation for that device to
determine how to correct the error before rerunning the AlphaBASIC program.
?Device full
The specified device has run out of room during a WRITE, CLOSE, or ALLOCATE operation.
Remember that an ALLOCATE requires contiguous disk space, so that this error may occur
when there are still a number of non-contiguous blocks available.
?Device in use
The specified device is currently assigned to another user. You will have to wait until that user is
finished before rerunning your program.
?Divide by zero
Your program attempted to perform a division by zero. Check the values that went into the
equation. You may want to install a check for zero values, or use an error trapping routine to
catch zero divisions.
?Duplicate label
Your program has defined the same label name more than once. Search the .BAS file for the
duplicate labels, and change one of them to a unique name.
?File in use
The file your program wants to access is already locked by another user. This only occurs if
LOKSER is in use. You may want to use the WAIT'FILE option with the file access statement.
?Illegal expression
The specified expression is not valid. Check your syntax and spelling.
?Illegal subscript
The subscript expression is not valid. Subscripts must be positive, whole numbers.
?Invalid filename
The specified filename was not a legal filename. Make sure that the filename contained six or
less characters, and has a valid extension.
?Operator interrupt
This message appears when you use Control-C to interrupt a program run.
?Out of data
Your program tried to READ data after the data in all of the DATA statements had been used.
You have to add more data to your DATA statements, execute a RESTORE statement, or
examine your program to determine why it is doing too many READ operations (if the amount of
your data is correct).
?Out of memory
BASIC is telling you that it has run out of memory in which to execute your program. See your
System Operator about allocating more memory to your job, and/or see Appendix C about
making your program more memory efficient.
Program name:
You tried to SAVE or LOAD a program without providing a filename. Enter the filename at this
?Protection violation
Your program tried to write into another account where you do not have write privileges. Write
to a different account, or talk to your System Operator about getting access to the account you
?Record in use
The random file record your program wants to access is already locked by another user. Only for
LOKSER systems. You may want to specify WAIT'RECORD in your file access statement.
?Redimensioned array
You tried to redimension an array. An array can only be dimensioned once in any one BASIC
program. Remove any extra DIM statements for that array.
?Stack overflow
BASIC's internal stack has overflowed. This may be caused by nesting GOSUBs too deep, or
branching out of FOR-NEXT loops. Check your code.
?Syntax error
The syntax of the specified line is invalid. Check your spelling.
?System error
This is used as a catch-all error message indicating that BASIC cannot identify the exact problem
during the execution of the specified line. For example, if BASIC encounters a "Buffer not
INITed" error message, it displays " System error," because it doesn't know how to handle this
condition. Determine which line of your code is causing the problem, and correct it.
?Unmapped variable
You COMPILed a program using the unmapped variable. MAP the variable, or do not use the
/M option.
?Unsupported function
Your program attempted to use a function that is not supported by AlphaBASIC. Refer to this
manual for the functions AlphaBASIC supports.
?Write protected
Your program tried to write to a write-protected device. Before running the program again, see
that the device's write-protection is off.
DIM Stock$(10,10)
As having two subscripts, and then used the variable like this:
using three subscripts, you will see this error. Examine your program, checking your DIM and
MAP statements and the use of the variable they define.
AlphaBASIC uses memory to store the variables that you use within your program. It also uses memory
space for calculations. Here are some hints for reducing your program's use of memory:
• When you allocate arrays and/or strings, give them only as much memory they need, and no
more. Allocating an array to 50 when you only need 10 subscripts wastes a lot of memory.
• Use MAP statements if you have a large number of strings that vary in size. By doing this, you
can allocate each string individually, rather than setting STRSIZ to the size of the longest
variable and wasting space for all the shorter variables. MAP statements generally help reduce
memory use.
• Use as few variables as possible. Using one "scratch" variable that can be reset as needed instead
of a number of individual variables can help.
• Do not rewrite sections of code that are used more than once. If you have ten lines of code that
get used in more than one place, make those lines a subroutine. The more lines in the program,
the more memory used.
• Where possible, MAP variables into the same storage area using the origin parameter (see
Chapter 15).
• If you are using line numbers, do not assign a line number to lines containing MAP statements or
lines that have only comments on them.
These questions are becoming increasingly important in the computer world. A few minutes spent
making your source file clear and easy to read may save many hours of work for someone at a later time,
and will help to minimize errors. It is also easier for you, because the program will be easier to debug,
and easier to modify later.
You should practice writing your programs in good program form, so that your programs are always easy
to understand and follow. It may take a few extra minutes when writing, but it will save much more time
over the lifetime of the program!
Let us look at a couple of examples. Which of the following program lists is easier to read?
Here are some tips, things the second program used that the first did not:
• If possible, do not use line numbers. They make your program harder to read and update. If you
want to insert lines, you may have to renumber the rest of the program. Without line numbers,
you can also indent the program lines more clearly to show levels and structures.
• Use descriptive variable names (ANSWER instead of D, for example) and labels. This makes
the program much more comprehensible to another reader.
• Do what you can to make the program easy on the user. The second program used the UCS
function on QUERY$ before comparing it to "Y". In the first program, if the user answers the
question with a lower case y, the program will end! Good programs will not allow a user to enter
incorrect responses.
• Use spaces to make lines easier to read. In most cases, BASIC ignores blank spaces, so you can
use them to make text more readable. For example:
instead of:
13 D=A+B+C/3
• Use MAP statements so that all variables are defined at the front of the program. This is
especially useful in large programs.
The programs above were too simple to show the use of some ideas. We have tried to use examples
throughout this book that are written in structured, clear code, both to make our examples easier to
read and to encourage good program style. Here are a few more things you may want to keep in
• Whenever possible, group code into sections by using subroutines (using GOSUB and
RETURN). Your program then becomes a series of sub-programs that each accomplish a task.
Organizing your program in this manner also makes it easier to design and write your program.
• Do not use more variables than you need. The fewer variable names you have, the easier it is to
keep track of them.
All TCRT codes are reserved for future expansion by Alpha Micro. If you have a specific need for
a new TCRT function, contact the Technical Assistance Center at Alpha Micro to reserve a TCRT
code number. By using this reservation process, problems of conflicting and incompatible TCRT
functions are avoided.
Calls marked with an asterisk (*) are either obsolete calls, or calls that are for special purposes. We
recommend that they not be used, as they may change in the future.
28 Cursor on
29 Cursor off
30 Start Underscore
31 End Underscore
32 Start Reverse Video
33 End Reverse Video
34 Start Reverse Blink
35 End Reverse Blink
36 Turn Off Screen Display
37 Turn On Screen Display
38 Top Left Corner
39 Top Right Corner
40 Bottom Left Corner
41 Bottom Right Corner
42 Top Intersect
43 Right Intersect
44 Left Intersect
45 Bottom Intersect
46 Horizontal Line
47 Vertical Line
48 Intersection
49 Solid Block
50 Slant Block
51 Cross-Hatch Block
52 Double Line Horizontal
53 Double Line Vertical
54 Send Message to Function Key Line
55 Send Message to Shifted Function Key Line
56 Set Normal Display Format
57 Set Horizontal Split (Follow with Row Code)
58 Set Vertical Split (39 Character Columns)
59 Set Vertical Split (40 Character Columns)
60 Set Vertical Split Column to Next Character
61 Activate Split Segment 0
62 Activate Split Segment 1
63 Send Message to Host Message Field
64 Up-Arrow
65 Down-Arrow
66 Raised Dot
67 End of Line Marker
68 Horizontal Tab Symbol
69 Paragraph
70 Dagger
71 Section
72 Cent Sign
73 One-Quarter
74 One-Half
75 Degree
76 Trademark
77 Copyright
78 Registered
79 Print screen
80 Set to wide (132 column) mode
81 Set to normal (80 column) mode
82 Enter transparent print mode
83 Exit transparent print mode
84 Begin writing to alternate page
85 End writing to alternate page
86 Toggle page
87 Copy to alternate page
88 Insert column
89 Delete column
90 Block fill with attribute
91 Block fill with character
92 Draw a box
93 Scroll box up one line
94 Scroll box down one line
95 Select jump scroll
96 Select fast smooth scroll
97 Select medium-fast smooth scroll
98 Select medium-slow smooth scroll
99 Select slow smooth scroll
100 Start underscored, blinking field
101 End underscored, blinking field
102 Start underscored, reverse field
103 End underscored, reverse field
104 Start underscored, reverse, blinking field
105 End underscored, reverse, blinking field
106 Start underscored text without space
107 End underscored text without space
108 Start reverse text without space
109 End reverse text without space
110 Start reverse blinking text without space
111 End reverse blinking text without space
112 Start underscored blinking text without space
113 End underscored blinking text without space
114 Start underscored reverse text without space
115 End underscored reverse text without space
116 Start underscored reverse blinking text without space
117 End underscored reverse blinking text without space
118 Start blink without space
119 End blink without space
120 Set cursor to blinking block
121 Set cursor to steady block
122 Set cursor to blinking underline
The actual routines that perform the screen controls are in the specific terminal drivers and not in
AlphaBASIC itself. Not all terminal drivers have all of the functions above simply because not all
terminals are able to perform all of these functions.
You write assembly language subroutines in the same manner that you write assembly language
programs. The resulting .LIT program file must then be renamed to give it the extension .SBR,
indicating that it is a subroutine.
When an XCALL statement is executed by AlphaBASIC, the named subroutine is located in memory and
then executed.
AlphaBASIC first saves all registers, then sets certain parameters into those registers for use by the
external subroutine. The addresses of the arguments are calculated and entered into an argument list in
memory along with their sizes and type codes. The base address of this list is then passed to the user
routine in register A3.
The following registers are set up by the run-time system to be used as required by the external
subroutine. They may be modified, if desired, since they have been saved before the subroutine was
A0 Indexes the user impure variable area. A0 is used throughout the run-time system to
reference all user variables. Details on the format of this area are not available at this
time. A0 may be used as a work register.
A3 Points to the base of the argument list. A3 may be used to scan the argument list for
retrieval of the argument parameters.
A4 Points to the base of the free memory area that may be used by the external subroutine as
work space. This is actually the address of the first word following the argument list in
memory, and, if desired, may be used to store a terminator word to stop the scanning of
the argument list.
A5 This is the arithmetic stack index used by the run-time system. The stack is built at the
top of the user partition and grows downward as items are added to it. When the
external subroutine is called, A5 points to the current stack base. Since the arithmetic
stack may contain valid data, the external subroutine must not use the word indexed by
A5 or any words above it.
The variables themselves are not actually passed to the subroutine, but rather their absolute locations in
memory are. In this way, the subroutine may inspect them and modify them directly in their respective
locations. This does not apply to expressions which are built on the stack as described previously.
A3 points to the first word of the argument list, which is a binary count of how many arguments were
contained in the XCALL statement. Following this count word comes one 5-word descriptor block for
each argument specified. If there are no arguments in the XCALL statement, the argument list consists
only of the single count word containing the value of zero.
Entry 1 One word containing a variable type code. Bits 0-2 contain the type code for the specific
Value Bits Set Type
0 None unformatted
2 1 only string
4 2 only floating point
6 1 and 2 binary
Bit 3 is reserved for internal use.
Bit 4 is set if the variable is an array.
Bits 5 through 15 are currently unassigned.
Entry 2 One longword containing an absolute address of a variable in a user impure area. This
address is the first byte of the variable no matter what its type or size might be.
Note that the above descriptions also apply to the expression arguments, except that the results are
located above the address specified by A5 instead of below it.
The argument list is built in free memory directly above the currently allocated user impure area. A4
points to the word immediately following the last word in the argument list. You may scan the argument
list and determine its end either by decrementing the count word at the base of the list or by scanning
until the scan index reaches the address in A4.
For further information, see the Monitor Calls Manual appropriate to your system.
The word at @A4 may be used as the first word, but the word at @A5 is the base of the arithmetic
stack and must not be destroyed. The last word of actually free memory is at -2(A5).
The run-time system has its own internal memory management system and does not conform to the
operating system memory management method.
Therefore, the external subroutine must not use the GETMEM monitor calls to generate a block of work
space in memory. Also, if any file calls are to be done they must be done with internal buffers, since the
INIT call sets up a buffer by using the GETMEM monitor call.
For further information, see the Monitor Calls Manual appropriate for your system.
All AlphaBASIC subroutines must contain a program header at the start of the subroutine. Program
headers are defined by using the PHDR macro, discussed in the Monitor Calls Manual appropriate for
your system.
The program:
PRINT TAB(10);"Enter positive numbers, any base from 2 to 16"
PRINT TAB(10);"(Enter a zero for the FROM BASE? question to end"
PRINT TAB(10);"the program.)"
The process of setting aside an amount of memory for a specific purpose.
A structure of data such that each piece of data (each variable) follows each other piece in a
logical, accessible order. The data is ordered sequentially, i.e. one, two, three.
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
Data that is in the form of a series of 0's and 1's. This is how data is represented at the core level
of the computer.
An operation that results in a TRUE or FALSE condition. Thus, a Boolean operator would
compare two expressions and return a value of TRUE or FALSE depending on how they
Moving from an AlphaBASIC program to another AlphaBASIC program or to a command file.
The process of changing a BASIC source file into an executable RUN file. Because BASIC is a
high-level language, it must be converted into a lower level language by the compiler before it
can execute.
The process of changing one type of data into another. For example, if you have a string
expression, "45," you can convert it to a numeric value by using the VAL function.
A situation where two programs are each trying to access a file that is locked by the other.
Neither program can proceed, and the "deadlock" cannot be broken, except by a manual reset of
the system.
The process of removing the errors, or "bugs," from a program. Most programs, when first
written, do not work quite the way they are supposed to, and so a period of debugging is needed
to fix the problems.
An alphanumeric character that marks a division between two pieces of data. For example, in the
date display 12/04/86, the slash “/” is a delimiter. A dash “-” is also a common delimiter.
An area of memory on a hard disk that contains a program, text, or data file. Unless such a file is
erased, it resides permanently on the disk.
A device specification. This abbreviation represents a logical unit of a physical device. Such a
specification usually refers to a disk, but it can represent any valid system device (such as a
magnetic tape drive or a printer for which a special driver program is required). For example:
A response by your terminal to what you press on the keyboard. If you press a key (say the "a"),
and you see a response on your terminal screen (an "a" appears), then your terminal is in ECHO
mode (the normal way for it to be). Sometimes—for instance—when you are entering a
password—the terminal echoing can be turned off, so that what you type goes to the computer,
but is not displayed on the screen.
If a number has more digits than BASIC usually displays, the number is then displayed as an
exponent, which is a number expressed as a factor of ten. For example, 5,000,000 would be
expressed as 5E10^6. The E indicates the number is an exponent, and the 10^6 indicates how
many zeroes must follow the 5.
A portion of BASIC syntax that can contain variables, constant values, operator symbols,
functions, or combinations of these things. Expressions are not complete BASIC statements, but
make up parts of BASIC statements. For example:
X = SIN(SQR(Number))
Everything to the right of the equal sign is an expression, and the expression combines with the
X= to form a BASIC statement.
A process by which a file that is being used by one program is "locked", so that any other
program that tries to access that file will be told that the file is in use. This prevents problems
that can occur if two programs were to work on the same file at the same time.
A file specification. Such a specification identifies a file. It usually has these elements:
Where filename.extension is the name of the file and its identifying extension (i.e.,
PAYROL.TXT), and [p,pn] is the account number (see above).
A "real" number. That is, a number that may contain a decimal part. For example, 4.175.
Called "floating point" because the number of digits both right and left of the decimal point may
vary, so the decimal point has no fixed position.
The process of increasing the value of a variable by a constant amount. For example, the
Increments the variable NUMBER by one.
An ISAM file (see ISAM, below).
Any data coming into the program or computer. Input may come from the user at the keyboard,
from a data file, or from some other external device.
A "whole" number. That is, a number that does not have a decimal part. For example, 3.
Mode of BASIC operating in which the computer and the person writing or running a program
interact. The computer responds directly to every input by the operator.
Indexed Sequential Access Method. An advanced type of random file that handles sophisticated
data structures.
A name that marks a place in a program, so that other lines in the program can transfer control to
the spot. For example, if you had a subroutine that added up three numbers, you might label it
ADD'THREE'NUMS:. The label may not contain spaces, and must have a colon ":" after it
(though you do not use the colon when referring to the label).
In AlphaBASIC use, a group of subroutines and/or programs in a special account. These
subroutines/programs can be called or incorporated into your AlphaBASIC programs.
The process of displaying the contents of a BASIC program, so that you can see the lines of code
that make up the program.
An actual value, rather than a variable. For example, in the statement:
A$ = "This is a literal string."
the quoted material to the right of the equal sign is a literal string, whereas A$ is a string
BASIC words that perform tests of logic on expressions. Often used in IF-THEN statements, so
that the program can do different things depending on how the "logic test" turns out. For
example, the statement:
Performs two tests on the variable NUMBER, to see if it is less than 1 or greater than 100. The
OR is the logical operator, and instructs BASIC to GOTO ILLEGAL'NUMBER if either of the
two tests are true.
A repetition of the same section of code. For example:
FOR I = 1 TO 10
The above lines cause the PRINT I statement to be executed 10 straight times, and each time, the
variable I is incremented by 1.
A variable defined at the start of the program by a MAP statement. Mapped variables can be
grouped into data structures.
The process of preparing a disk device for use.
A variable expression that has no value. For a number, the value would be zero (0). For a string
variable, it would be empty quotation marks ("").
Any data that comes out from an AlphaBASIC program. Output is displayed on the terminal or
on paper, or is placed in a data file.
What comes first. In BASIC, certain expressions could be evaluated in more than one way, so a
hierarchy of precedence is built into BASIC to determine which operations are done first. For
NUMBER = 1 + 4 * 6
will make NUMBER equal to 25, because multiplication has more precedence than addition (4 *
6 will be done before 1 is added). If addition was higher in precedence, then NUMBER would
equal 30 (1 + 4 would be done, then * 6).
A "waiting list". For example, when printing files, a queue is used so that the files sent to the
printer do not print all at the same time, but rather in an orderly way—first come, first served.
A method of storing data where the data is placed at random in memory, and pointers keep track
of where the data record is. This type of data storage makes data retrieval faster.
A piece of data. For instance, if you think of a data file as a bookcase, each "record" would be
like a book—a separate unit of data contained within the file.
The process of transferring a file from user memory (which is temporary) to a disk (which is
A way of storing variables by multiplying them by an offset so that they have no decimal
fractions. This is done so that mathematical operations are more accurate. Useful if you use
large or long numbers which may be subject to "round off" errors.
A method of file storage in which each item of data follows the previous item of data in order.
Sequential data files are slower for data retrieval than random files, but they can be edited using
How many digits will be used to represent a number. Normally, numbers are given in 6 digit
significance, but can be set from 1 to 11 by the SIGNIFICANCE statement.
A file containing the original text or code. In AlphaBASIC, the source file is the file containing
the AlphaBASIC code (the file usually has a .BAS extension).
A method of sending a file to a printer queue, so that it can await printing.
An ASCII character or a group of ASCII characters. ASCII characters include letters, numbers,
punctuation marks, and special symbols (see Appendix C for a complete list).
A string that is enclosed in quotation marks to indicate that the string is as it appears (as opposed
to being a variable). For example:
A section of program code that operates as a unit and does a task. The main program "calls" the
subroutine, and, when it has done its work, it returns control back to the next line of the main
The numbers that represent the elements of an array.
A part of a string. A substring is produced by use of substring modifiers or some of the string
functions. For example, if you had a string, and you only wanted to print the first five characters
rather than the whole string, you could say:
the first five characters printed are a substring of INPUT'STRING$.
An option that can be added to a command.
An area of memory that is available to all of the users of the computer. Any file that is loaded
into this memory area (by use of the SYSTEM command within the system initialization file) can
be used by any person or program. The advantage of using system memory is that, if a file is
used regularly by many users, each user does not have to load a copy of that file into his or her
own user memory. This saves both time and memory space.
UNARY (Plus/Minus)
An operative that changes the value of a number or variable to positive or negative. For
example, if NUM = -2, then +NUM will change the value of NUM to 2. And if you add a minus
sign to a positive number, it will change the value to a negative number.
An area of memory that is available to one user.
A name that represents a number or character string that can change during the run of the
A symbol that can represent a range of other characters. You might want to think of it as a joker
in a deck of cards. For example, if you wanted to erase three files: FILE01.DAT, FILE02.DAT,
and FILE03.DAT, you could type all this:
where the asterisk "*" represents all combinations of characters (in this case, all filenames). Of
course, you would not use the second command if you had other .DAT files that you wanted to
An AlphaBASIC command that runs a subroutine that is external (outside) to the current BASIC
program. The subroutines that XCALL can call are useful programs many people use, and
thereby save you the time and trouble of writing such a subroutine yourself.
A01 May, 1986 Added new error codes, and added the index.
I/O ports · 12-1, 12-2
File input/output statements · 16-2 Increasing execution speed · C-1
File locking · 16-7 INDEXED mode · 16-15, 20-2, 20-3
File specifications · 5-4, 2 Indexed sequential files · 20-1
File statements INDEXED'EXCLUSIVE mode · 16-15, 20-2, 20-3
ALLOCATE · 16-9 INIT monitor call · E-3
CLOSE · 16-10 INPUT · 2-5, 16-2, 16-10
FILEBASE · 16-10 INPUT mode · 16-15
INPUT · 16-11 INT(X) · 9-3
INPUT LINE · 16-12 Integer constants · 9-3
KILL · 16-13 Integer truncation · 9-3
LOOKUP · 16-13 Integer variables · 6-2, 9-3
PRINT · 16-16 Interactive BASIC · 1-2, 1-4, 10-1
READ · 16-16 Interrupting programs · 4-3, 5-5
Sample program · 16-19 ISAM
UNLOKR · 16-17 Closing files · 20-6
WRITE · 16-18 ERF(X) · 20-7
File-channel numbers · 16-2, 16-10 Error codes · 20-7
Floating point instructions · 6-2 Error trapping · 20-7
Floating point numbers · 9-1 File locking · 20-5