Vladimer and Estragon
Vladimer and Estragon
Vladimer and Estragon
Vladimir and Estragon are the main protagonists of the play, Waiting for
Godot. In hearing the play read, even the most experienced theater
person will often confuse one of the characters for the other. Therefore,
the similarities are as important as the differences between them.
Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for Godot: some indication that life is
meaningful or an escape. Both are tramps dressed in costumes which
could be interchanged - big boots which don't necessarily fit, big bowler
hats, baggy and ill-fitting suits. Their costumes recall the type found in
burlesque or vaudeville houses. The opening scene with Estragon
struggling with his boots and Vladimir doffing and donning his hat to
inspect it for lice could be a part of a burlesque routine. Such comic
episodes continue until the characters — and the audiences — are
bored with it.