Tyasa Putri R - Tugas Akl 1 TM 4
Tyasa Putri R - Tugas Akl 1 TM 4
Tyasa Putri R - Tugas Akl 1 TM 4
Purchase price 80% interest acquired 10.000.000 controlling non control
80% 20%
Liam Theo
AB Debit AB Statement
Income Statement
Sales $67.000Consolid
$30.500 $97.500
Income from Theo AB 1.200 ated - 1.200 0
Cost of sales -42.000 -25.000 -67.000
Expenses -21.900 -4.000 -25.900
Non-controlling interest share 300 -300
Controlling share of net income $4.300 $1.500 $4.300
Retained Earnings
Retained earnings—Pam $720 $720
Retained earnings —Sun $136 b 136
Controlling share of NI 267.2✓ 96✓ 267.2
Dividends 200* 64* a 48
f 16* 200*
Retained earnings
December 31 $787.2 $168 $787.2
Balance Sheet
Cash $ 212 $ 60 $ 272
Accounts receivable 344 80 424
Dividends receivable
from Sun 24 e 24
Inventories 380 40 420
Note receivable from Pam 20 d 20
Land 260 120 380
Buildings—net 680 320 1,000
Equipment —net 520 200 720
Investment in Sun 727.2 a 7.2
b 720
Patents b 224 c 22.4 201.6
$3,147.2 $840 $3,417.6
Supporting Calculations
Retained Earnings
Retained earnings— Pop $ 720
Retained earnings— Son $136
Controlling share of NI 284 96
Dividends 200* 64*
Balance Sheet
Cash $ 236 $ 60
Accounts receivable 320 80
Dividends receivable
from Son 24
Inventories 380 40
Note receivable from Pop 20
Land 260 120
Buildings— net 680 320
Equipment— net 520 200
Investment in Son 744
$3,164 $840
lOMoARc PSD|4996518
Cost = $720,000
Implied FV = $960,000 (720,000/75%)
BV of Son = $736,000 (600,000+168,000+64,000-96,000)
Goodwill = $224,000 (960,000-736,000)
Step 1.
Db. Income from Son $72
Cr. Dividends $48
Investment in Son $24
Step 2.
Db. Capital Stock – Son $600
Retained Earnings – Son $136
Goodwill $224
Cr. Investment in Son $720
Noncontrolling interest $240
Step 3.
Step 4.
Net income – Son = $96
(+) Amt. Excess = 0
Adj Net Income = $96
Pop = 75% x $136 = $72
Son = 25% x $136 = $24
Step 5.
Db. N/P to Son $24
Cr. N/R from Son $24