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Appendix A Sample Tribal Resolution

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Appendix A

Sample Tribal Resolution

Resolution #_______________ Tribe

A resolution authorizing the establishment of a Tribal Coordinating Committee and to Develop and
Implement a Tribal Action Plan for a Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment Program for
Alcoholism and Other Substance Abuse.

WHEREAS, the Business Committee of the Tribe met in a special meeting

held the th day of , 20 , there being a quorum present, and

WHEREAS, the Business Committee is authorized by the Constitution and Laws of then
Tribe to act on behalf of the Tribe, and

WHEREAS, the Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Act of 1986, as amended by the
Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010, proclaims alcoholism, addiction, and alcohol
and substance abuse are among the most severe public health and safety problems
facing American Indian and Alaska Native individuals, families, and communities,
resulting in devastating social, economic, physical, mental and spiritual
consequences, and

WHEREAS, the Indian Health Service and Bureau of Indian Affairs officials publicly
acknowledge that alcohol and substance abuse among Indians is the most serious
health and social problem facing Indian people, and

WHEREAS, Congress declared that the Federal government has a historical relationship and
unique legal and moral responsibilities which include the treaty, statutory, and
historical obligation to assist Indian Tribes to meet the health and social needs of
their members, and

WHEREAS, Congress declared that Indian Tribes have the primary responsibility for protecting
and ensuring the well-being of their members and are providing resources to assist
Indian Tribes in meeting that responsibility, and

WHEREAS, the Tribe finds that alcoholism and other substance abuse affects
the physical, mental, social spiritual, and economic wellbeing of Tribal members
and other Indians living within the Tribal jurisdiction, and

WHEREAS, the Tribe elects to join the Federal government to combat the
damaging effects of alcoholism and other substance abuse, and to recognize the
intent of the Memorandum of Agreement, and

WHEREAS, the Tribe authorizes the establishment of a Tribal Coordinating

Committee which shall, at a minimum, have as members a Tribal representative

who shall serve as Chairman and the Bureau of Indian Affairs Agency and Bureau
of Indian Education Superintendants, where appropriate, and the Indian Health
Service Chief Executive Officer, or their representative, the Office of Justice
Programs, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,

WHEREAS, the Tribal Coordinating Committee is provided full Business Committee support
with the authority to develop and implement a Tribal Action Plan; have the
responsibility for on-going review and evaluation of, and making recommendations
to the Tribe relating to the Tribal Action Plan; have the responsibility for scheduling
Federal, Tribal, or other personnel for training in the prevention and treatment of
alcohol and substance abuse among Indians; to identify and address problems that
arise concerning service coordination; and incorporate minimum standards for this
program and services which it encompasses, and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Tribal Action Plan shall be to coordinate a comprehensive
prevention and treatment program for alcoholism and other substance abuse and
will include not only existing resources, but will identify the additional resources
necessary to combat these problems, and

WHEREAS, the Indian Health Service and the Bureau of Indian Affairs have identified major
areas of common interest in health promotion and disease prevention as youth
alcohol and drug abuse, nutrition, curricula development for health promotion and
disease prevention, training for community health representatives, health aides,
Tribal judges, law enforcement personnel, education and social service personnel,
youth suicide, child abuse and neglect, teen pregnancy, fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder, the Tribe charges the Tribal Coordinating Committee to
prioritize services to Indian youth in the development of the Tribal Action Plan.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Tribe has prioritized alcoholism and substance

abuse prevention and treatment as a primary issue to deal with, and has directed that a
comprehensive program in compliance with the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, P.L. 99-570, be
developed to address the needs of Tribal members and other Indians living within the
Tribal jurisdiction.

WE, , Principal Chief and ,

Secretary/Treasurer of the Tribe do hereby certify that Resolution
# is true and exact as approved by the Business Committee in a special called
meeting held Reservation, in the city of , in the state of on
the day of , 20 , by a vote of yes and no.

, Principal Chief , Secretary/Treasurer

Tribe Tribe


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