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Loans Receivable: Valix, C. T. Et Al. Intermediate Accounting Volume 1. (2019) - Manila: GIC Enterprises & Co. Inc

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Valix, C. T. et al. Intermediate Accounting Volume 1. (2019). Manila: GIC

Enterprises & Co.; Inc.
Loans Receivable

 A financial Asset arising from a loan granted by a bank

or other financial institution to a borrower or client.
 The term of the loan may be short-term but in most
cases the repayment periods cover several years.
Initial Measurement of Loans
Fair Value
+ Transaction Costs directly attributable to acquisition including Direct
Origination Costs

= Loans Receivable = Transaction Price = Amount of Loan Granted

Origination Costs
Direct Origination Costs Indirect Origination Costs
Included in the initial measurement of Treated as Outright Expense
the Loan Receivable
Subsequent Measurement of Loans
Receivable (PFRS 9, par. 4.1.2)
 If the business model in managing financial asset is to
collect contractual cash flows on specified dates and
the contractual cash flows are solely payments of
principal and interest, the financial asset shall be
measured at amortized cost.
 Accordingly, loans receivable is measured at
AMORTIZED COST using the effective interest method.
Amortized Cost
Amount at which L/R is measured initially
― Principal payment
± Cumulative amortization of any difference between the initial
carrying amount and the principal maturity amount
― Reduction for impairment or uncollectibility
= Amortized cost

Initial Amount < Principal Amount Initial Amount > Principal Amount
+ Amortization of the difference ― Amortization of the difference
between initial carrying amount and between initial carrying amount and
principal amount principal amount
Origination Fees

 Lending activities usually precede the actual

disbursements of funds and generally include efforts to
identify and attract potential borrowers and to originate
a loan.
 The fees charged by the bank against the borrower for
the creation of the loan are known as “origination fees”.
Origination Fees

 Include compensation for the following activities:

a)Evaluating the borrower’s financial condition
b)Evaluating guarantees, collateral and other security
c) Negotiating the terms of the loan
d)Preparing and processing the documents related to the
e) Closing and approving the loan transaction
Accounting for Origination Fees
Scenario Accounting Treatment
Received from borrower Recognized as unearned interest
income and amortized over the term
of the loan
Not chargeable against the borrower Known as “direct origination cost”
which are deferred and also
amortized over the term of loan

Unearned Origination Fees Received
― Direct Origination Fees
Offsetting: Origination Fees & Direct
Origination Costs
Scenario Accounting Treatment for Effect of
the Difference which will Amortization on
be amortized Interest Income
Origination Fees Received Unearned Interest Increase
Direct Origination Costs Income

Origination Fees Received Direct Origination Cost Decrease

Direct Origination Costs

Again, origination fees received and the direct origination

costs are included in the measurement of the Loans
Journal Entries
To record the loan
Loans Receivable (@ Principal Amount) xxx
Cash xxx

To record origination fees received

Cash xxx
Unearned Interest Income xxx

To record direct origination costs incurred

Unearned Interest Income xxx
Cash xxx
Amortization Table: Unearned Interest
Income (Example given: page 172)
Date Interest Interest Amortization Carrying
Received Income Amount
Jan 01 2019 4,768,200
Dec 31 2019 600,000 667,548 67,458 4,835,748

Principal Initial
x Nominal Rate Measurement
x Effective rate Int. Received
- Int. Income Previous CA Bal
- Amortization
Journal Entries
To record receipt of interest income
Cash xxx
Interest Income xxx

To record amortization of unearned interest income

Unearned Interest Income xxx
Cash xxx

To record full collection of loan

Cash xxx
Loans Receivable (@ Principal Amount) xxx
SFP Presentation

Loans Receivable xxx

Unearned Interest Income (xxx)
Carrying Amount (which is actually the
amortized cost) xxx
Impairment of Loan
(PFRS 9, par. 5.5.1& par. 5.5.3)

 An entity shall recognize a loss allowance for expected

credit losses on financial asset measured at amortized
 An entity shall measure the loss allowance for a financial
instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected
credit losses if the credit risk on that financial instrument
has increased significantly since initial recognition.
 Credit Losses = PV of all Cash Shortfalls
 Expected Credit Losses are an estimated of credit losses
over the life of the financial instrument
Measurement of Impairment

Items to consider Description

✓ Probability-weighted Estimate should reflect the
outcome possibility that a credit loss
occurs and the possibility that no
credit loss occurs
✓ Time value of money Expected credit losses should be
✓ Reasonable and Available without undue cost or
supportable effort
Measurement of Impairment

 PFRS 9 does not prescribe particular method of

measuring expected credit losses.
 An entity may use various sources of data both internal
or entity-specific and external in measuring expected
credit losses.
Carrying Amount of L/R xxx
― PV of estimated future cash flows discounted at
the original effective rate xxx
= Impairment Loss xxx

 The carrying amount of the loan receivable shall be

reduced either directly or through the use of an
allowance account.
Journal Entries
To record Impairment Loss
Loan Impairment Loss xxx
Interest Receivable (credited directly because xxx
collection is unlikely)
Allowance for Loan Impairment

To record cash collection

Cash xxx
Loans Receivable xxx

To record interest income using effective interest method

Allowance for Loan Impairment xxx
Interest Income xxx
Three-stage impairment Loss

Covers debt instruments that Covers debt instruments that Covers debt instruments that
have not declined significantly have declined significantly in have objective evidence of
in credit quality since initial credit quality since initial impairment at reporting date.
recognition or have low credit recognition but do not have
risk. objective evidence of
A 12-month expected credit A life-time expected credit loss A life-time expected credit loss
loss is recognized. is recognized. is recognized.
There is a rebuttable
presumption that there is a Interest income is computed
significant increase in credit based on *net carrying amount
risk if the contractual payments
are more than 30 days past *Net carrying amount = gross
due carrying amount or face
Interest income is computed based on the gross carrying amount – allowance for credit
amount or face value. loss
12-month VS lifetime expected credit
12-month expected credit Lifetime expected credit loss
The portion of the life time The expected credit loss that
expected credit loss from results from all default events
default events that are over the expected life of the
possible within 12 months instrument.
after the reporting period. Shall always be recognized
for trade receivables
through aging, percentage
of A/R and percentage of
End of Chapter

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