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Call of Cthulhu - Pokéthulhu

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Blo+tDr) •

Arl"lHage •

• Mus(cratoJ)ic

Un iy'nH'V

• Cetephain

Mercj~en • 'fiU

CarC'oS'a Bav

Krina •

.Illustrated -by John Kovalic

4tiai~ionar Material by by Bhilip- Reed

Edited by Russell GQdwjh.aT!d Philip Reed

QKetn.UJ u_ concept 12y Russell ~od.Win and.Phjlip Reed

- .;:--

so, 'lou \oJ"'\.$\'

10 F\~D our NIolJr ROLE.PU.YttlC, 1

A~'(\N& Gt\ME \5. ONE YJ\\ElE fU.~S 1).'4 l'Mt't IN "

F\c'1 lOtJf\l f\t>'JE"m9.E.

...TO 1\0\£ sutm.E 1~""tWE~

Of tJU ... Nc...E.D

fDUTHQU\o 1':1 A ROL\i?tJ\'i\N6 ~ME L \ \(.Et..t.t( oT\l.'E l); I "1 ITS J.l.Et.~l. \T ~lt.\S M.L "lou WEED TO ~U~ Youjt OWIrJ I\D~.

... BIlT M0\1L'( \T W~ Btct>.us, 6t.KR. GI.NS T~ \o\Ot £\f Q\\c.'-S Cll~lt-JiP U? W( ~,,\\.. 0'\J~v..\..b~ "-IEiE


T"£ 'JEW( fS.~ P.o\EVLA'(IN& Gltl\iS Toot:= f'1AC.E It..) t)UM6EaM SEn'\N&S .Yt.'ittL "( 1\o\~ Wtt.~ DUb TO 'mE &~\: \~M \t-ll'E\t9l1' IN 1l'E

'RE 'P1t'E'SS I\J E SETTIN6S Of QU"$\E\)V$EM.l

~l»N.. scaEr(

GAME MASTER: After a long day's journey, your party arrives in front of the entrance to the Tomb of Hot Elf Chicks Chained Up by the Evil Overlord. What do you do?

PLAYER ONE: We continue down the road.


PLAYER. TWO; Hey! Who ordered mushrooms on the stupid pizza?

PUYER ONE: We continue down the road.

GAME MASTER: But you see a dungeon entrance!

PLAnK THREE: Sony I'm late, gu_ys ...

GAME MASTER: Did r mention the DUNGEON ENTRANCE? Hello?

PLAYER ONE: So what's down the road?

GAME MASTER: NOTHING! Because there's a dungeon entrance RIGHT 1N FRONT OF YOUI

PLAYER THREE: Aw, MAN, you guys started without mel J can't believe you guys started without me!

PLAYER ONE: Oh, shut up! We're about to explore this road ...

(!) EWiR'l <Y "~""t.'"

(j) STI\Itt or BE~ru1..COMt'1a~~-o£-"UlE-

Nll OO'bEOW 61'\ Sl'Nf ~ CREt.Tlto.)b.

PLAYER TWO: I1l check for traps on the road ...

GAME MASTER: *splut* *splut* *splutter*


PLAYER ONE: Does the road have a name?

GAME MASTER: ~gasp"·choke" ... my ... heart ...

IN Ro\..El'U'(U~(, J ~ou

CAN BE ANmlN.<; 'iou c.~~ \MP6lNf.: Nata K~1<:J\n'S. WtSE PttI£.CJ.TS l M'e:,UT'I' '31M~S'uP CAvtlt.\\J'So,

,.-......(d.~ 919- ft,'tlr. s.

\lOV.lt- .. 801l.bEYS




by S. John Ross

Pokethulhu is a fantasy ailve:q- ! (,'Owner" for snort) - takes the part ef the ture game based on.the popular car- :- characters and creatures (especially the toqn show of the-same name (as seen: ; creatures) the other players will meet along

on fhe Lovecraft Network}. Ever the way and acts as a guide as the story

w@nder what happens when develops. Everybody else plays a Cultist

Jigglypotyp goes bead to 'pod with and taunts the Owner!

Dagol1g.'? Want to solve the mystery

;of. why ell e EiW"' named Librarian THE W 0 R l D Ltnrui work in eyery CUlt Library -

and why they ~w;ys lOIDK the same? ~ 0 F P 0 K E T H U L H U

1l._'QW goes 'tomjting- - to the pi pi ng ~ _ _ _ . .

sth Bllnd Idiot Monsten": It's an, endless summer vacation in the ~ -[antLo:f'the dead. The E,o"ketbulhll C"thul-

'V"-t.lLJ=.l,LJL'-t,-,,_tothe adventures f hu"-fO! sf1ort~ - adorable eldritch rnon-

Randy :Can-er; Sonia- Titu~ 'and. r~ -stti-fe~ the. iGY depths .of space-

friend, from Randy'S' first"; . ({1I:1 wild nn the. swamps, the

Badgi to the thre.aC~f _ . !ore~~, and .e.yen the cob,:"ebs_~and

'_"'n".,_T.--"",_in Pokitnlllltu:·· -Tlze- _ sag.gU1g~ambJ:e-l roofs 01 the':,fish-:

- in~ViUa,g~ that-you .eIDIhomtl._ .

- '~1Jg!1 -poketb-ulhn lilt~_ to

-cle.vour Hnm__an S0111s

- is-aying'b6ne-marr~w __

for des, el:t) and frignten1he pants o_ftgr.Q_wo.upsthat tray near. GmwnllQS don't ~t"_ poket1fulbll, "but "kids <La! . Only the young can capture. -and _ 'tame the. wild" monster

12_hese kids z, the Culti sts (and their cote littJe Bundles of Evil) - al'(llie beroes of our _game. !fiis is the. world - Poketh1llhu!

Your- Cultist ~ just Randy Carter 011 TV - is a kid- who's mad~ "his own copy of the - POkelioinicOl1. That" s :toe, ,:Jlagie -book iof elder lore that _ can be used (in conjunctieri with a _ Shining Dode-~al!.e(;lroA) . to sto~ -

thulhu, ~d acts as a handy .refer-"

ence -gu-iUe -to the ··mQl'~ t~_ 4..00 . • .

KnoWnspeG-jc~of_tbfilptl!· _-- - - ~"-

- Yow:' Cultist i s represented on.a ~tllti-st' ~

Cardlike The one 'for, Randy on _pa_ge]t. -:.




What's Good & ~ blinking or being afraid. As your Cultist

Bad, Scorewise? - "'- ? grows older. he'll .get a little less sane,

A score of 5.is an average, cenr- _ : retreating into the comfortable illUlsian:s of .petent Cultist, like mos; of the thulhu l- a~ulthood (and he'll be easier to scare)! traiaersRandy encounters in his trav-~- Most characters have Sanity 1 after High el ,A score of ro epresents al:rri~st : School- grownups are such 'fraidy cats! ~p_erhumanmasterJ'! With a score of ~ Talking Trash; Used anytime you '5 YQU haye about a 2-in-3 chance of : need to speak cleverly or convincingly. succeeding in, a "somewhat tricky" ~ ~his ~s how yo-u- determine who attacks ~t of ability (see-below). first ill a Pokethulhu Matchl It's also

In this ebapter_, we'll learn what ~- used to get cute girls (or boys!) to go on ea 1'1 ~f the IX Abilities mean, and ~ dares with you, and to talk your way out how to see jf ..)lout Cultist succeeds : of trouble.

in difficult ta~s ii\ the story. ~ r ---- ............ ---------

Grade -Levek Thi§ is yow-: Name: Rt-IMyC4rtzr Age: II

~lIm=d.tme!: &cilleatioJ):1t"s--h;0W, wi:u ~ Home Village: SIlver rev Cove

_~~"'-_ jPU read,_ do math, .and get your :- A t f

oomewo.dc done. Yuck' BUt it' still:- spec :sr_tltlW!tJt/s

~ -.:._ ..

t1~D' useful! If you. rreed to know j - Abilities

Ir_==-~'_"-=--' qLowingplant yo(l'yefOllnd1nthe. i __ Grade Level: s: Phys Ed: Lf

weeds =or read a ~w ineantatioIl..:y9u've - ~ unearthed the Owner will ask for.-B Gmde..:- Pokethulhu Lore: fr Sanity: s-

Leyel-Test-- -:- Shoplifting: 2- (talking Trash: fJ

2hy "Edt This JS how c_ag_ile. "'stF()n~ ; -~. """- .... _~~ __ ~ ....... ...J

anti fit-you_areR'andy js a JiLl1e ikinny; :.:TI • - ~ _ - -; _0'- '"--

he's-Jus helow averagl}J~ ~ou use this to: estirtg YUU-r .A:liJIitie.~ - pass Te-sts- i~:volving running, c1imllmg, :_ _ - ¥'oUJ cu~lis! ~an_.do eas~_ stuff.aUtQma~

wimmmg raciI].g bicycle, ana mote. -: malfx· ..fJiO:_1'lded the _D_wner Cloesn'tsay When you--areilljuten,-yourPhys Ed SCQre t ctheT'W~e, ~ou can 'clinib a -tree wi~ 'Jow-drops temporarily.lfit ever-dro.ps to zero ~ ?Ianel~~s. P1ck:-?ltt whi~ Dodeeahedren you've-fainted, and may be eaten by wild : IS stollng.~Q_llf JlgglypoIYPJ_oreaka_bottle,-thulbu 01' ill-mannered friends. -_ : or e..at a big-bambUJ·ger witl!o.uf telling-the

PoketfinlbuLore: This i a vital abili- f dice-to seeifyol1 succ~ed_Youneed-to roll

ty _ your kriowleHge of. -puKethuJbu and _ f mGe-;-'!fmugh,. in situations that are: -- --

how to trait! them! Randy i's (Im~go· -a: 1-. - -- . - -=.

whiz-kid at this. Will you be. 11 good ~,. f .. Some~hat TrickY. (3. D.ice): C1inJeing-

Randy? _: - .an ordinary tree,~pU:lJiqg H ndden -stop

Shoplifti.ntr- This i~~ how sneary ;YQ~ : - wben ~our.b!cycle-is4J.~;graye1, eatm'g

are, how quiet you can be al1d~.kow uor,d- ·an entire plz:a. --

you are at" stealihg _ an- iin ort~nt;_~lIi! • ChaUe~g 1~ Di~' Iumpi:1J& a

Randy is notoriously bad' a lhi •. and- creek (in YQU[ bike,eonvinci-ng_ a:

Sonia always makes fun of him"fm- it~ grownup l<JpV€ yQU manel'.~ de.coding -

Sanity: This is your CUltisr~bility tfJ. an ancient ~nscri_ptj'9n: -

stare down Shub-Rhydon himsclf'witneut .. Really Hard (1 Die}: Climbing up a-

heer su~ace: steaJing an ancient

Dedecahedron: from ""a- public museum platform- wjthout tripping- the alarm, . ideorllying- ,pokifhtiIliU\iy it's lime - . trail, or spom~c:a1011e.


You keep track of individual pokethulhu ; and assign each a number of on a Pokethulhu Card like the ones on ~ (from 1 to 3). The total number of pages 10 & 11. ~. di~e available to a !ypical tra1Hect To create a Pokethulhu (a job for the : thulhu may not exceed 9 (mo(e Owner), simply pick two Aspects, another : dice means a mor~ potent attac~.;1-

. -.

Aspect as a Weakness (this can be the same :. Give each attack a descriptive;

as ori"e of the thulhu's regular Aspects 0 and .! name and an aspect (which must

fill in the blanks as follows; -~. b~ one of the thulhu's Aspect ).

Power, Speed arid Hit Points: Each ~ . "Wild' pokethulhu follow th~

score can be from J to 12. They must, ; same rules, but they tend to have:' total no more than 20.· -: only 6 dice:in total attacks, frequentAttacks: Give the pokethulhu an ; ly clustered: toward Frighten, There attack in each of the four categories, : are dangerous exceptions. though!

. -

Training okethulhu.


Aspects are more than just physical (or energy-manifested) literal concepts. They're spiritual resonances. It's something to do with geometry; nobody's really figured it out yet! These are the eight Aspects known to Pokethulhu science (and examples of popular thulhu that have these Aspects):


.. .. Decomposing: For dead/undead

.. thulhu, or thulhn that just smell that

• way. Whip-Poor- Will is a Decom-


· · ·

Name: Plk.trl"i1vlhv Speed: ~

Aspects: wlfJws, Lvm~~ Weakness: Sttdry


Injure:: 3 -I)u (Blo:s-r-qt/i:- S/rst; /..z;wJ~

Dodge: .3 JJu t.F/4(.w1 $t:.qWlfa-IIfJ, FvltJws)

Trap: I ,,{}~ (Mvqb/~ POSI!, wlfJws)

. Frighten: Z ,,{}c,e (MDrqb/t!!

cJ,ee.9Y4Ist!! POSt!!, FvJt,Jws)

· · ~ .

- . ·

· ·

"___~~~ ~_.J •

., The attacker-ch"Qes!!S a out of those t()lled to be his ~~, .... ;=-, .die, It's $ucceslSjul if it's equal to

"lower than both "the Cultist's Pokethnlhu Lore skill and the thul-

- hu s Power (for 1i1jure and attacks) or Speed (for Trap and Dodge). The "best" dice are those which roll high but still succeed (see the Results ection, page 12).

E·T U L .

If there are no successful dice, the i. Frighten: If the value of the result die attack fails and the {Urn passes to the. ~ - exceeds the victim's current Hit Points, the .other player, Wh0 becomes the new- : victim is terrified and faints, ending the

attacker (and so on). If the result die 1$ _ i - battle immediately. Dodge won't help! successful, apply the results of thJ -:: _Trap: The target thulhu cannot attack '3.ttack before tbe~.passes, including: -: ~n_ lts next turn. It must try to beai ,the =defenses (if applicable). l re~ult die (exceed it) with a ,3d test ~ga11lst

. -:_ either Power at Speed (whichever IS bet-

'"Weaknesses~ If_ the pokeihulhu, ; ter) , If this is successful, the thulhu is free being- attacked. bas a we~ess to The : but it takes up its entire turn, and the thulA.l1ect of the attack being u~ed. the -~ hn who napped him immediately goes attacker gets t-o roll one extra die when : again, If the thnlhu fails to break free, it

making]:he attack.!_- : remains - trapped, and will have to

• try again-on its next turn. A trapped

thulhu cannot make any attacks, including Dodges, which makes them e.~ prey! Also, a trapped- thulhu -wh.icn is "double trapped" by a second

- ciucce sfuf attack, is immobilized and

·t immediately loses the fight. .

• . Dodge: .This "attack" .is normally used - Fto Dhdo dajnage. :frolll .a Rtecedtn:g Injure

1'/.'~1~:~attaclt. A ;ucc~ssful Dodge. reduGcis. d am",OV~ $ taJren rrr, the I¥€WIQ_U~ tnrrr qy. an

- . - - - -r- - .arrToUht -equal t6 'the_ vatlle;. of me- -result

~esu.J.ts of . - _ __; -~_-ffthere:aie anY-PQiii!s :Ieft1JVeE7L after

S'Uc.pe.s~lAff-(lck$ _ _ - ~ -,1 untiQfng--ihe_&im.~ge- the."Do~Uing1bulJiu _

_ nJure:11le argetthUItUtlO1le:-antfTber ~ _ may -bnmediatdy rn~ai~ _~_ Itfju;re. _ of HIE--Pe:ints eqo:al'tb tlfe 1~ru~~f.the result :" Frl~hlen;- 'Or "Irap att_ac~ lreating::;tlJe v~lut7 die, $0, if d2e die: reads >IS ;~lli~ tatg!t rhulhu :-. of Jh.e "l eftQver' - IlQintS. as- its Power Rr:ttl loses-5lii £-oi(Jts,itllris L'e~uces tbetarget'~~ ~ Sgeea Tor1llat turn,~mpl~' A~tesu1t die:

Hi! Points to~et-o,- that-go"kiethulbll1flJJst-: ~{J~thaLremQv~s_3' -p0101;g of .p-amage Dodge ca.his next tum.If, after..dodgi£!g, the ~ leav.es'_the-tliuJnu W:ttlha Power antI Slieeo. thulhu still lias less than !-Hit Point, he has ~ 0.£ 4 for' tha-tfurn, J,"eglU"cUess of its. normal

fainted and loses the match. :_ RaJi!{ei~~ ·Speed score]. '. .

- - -:":. ,"s;-...entrtely legal for-a pokNffu}hu ttl J-E>o~e_even if it W~9~·t_injUf.ed·by jt:s r--epponent's last MO,_ThiS ts'called.a Sp:eea

: A4;ta(.·k. The same ruleScRppJ); bULsittce.the . _"!" = entire - ~esu:l t die 'will- automatically -be t "l~ftoyer" points- moo .truie~j]Q_ damage _ : to undoj, the I@sull-tlie. determines the_ ~ 'thulhu's Power and--Speed_ 'cores fm: that

.. tum, Thi is a'risky, nuu-eIDenmes.- effec-, tive, way for a fast but Wea.kpok6thuIbu to have a powerful (J.tta~kl :


Pokethulhu can only sa y their names, or part of their names, Their alien language is very subtle and tonal. Or maybe they're just stupid,


People Comb-at

Sometimes, people fight people and people fight pokethulhu (wild thnlhu like attacking humans and eating their souls and bone marrow, remember). In one-on-

: one fights, the rules are the same as- for .__

thulhu fights, except: :-

, -,

.. Tlle pokethulhu always goes first -il: : there is one. For two humans, deter- --:_-

mine initiative normally. - :


.. Humans have only two attack choie- = es: Injure (2 dice) and Dodge- (2 - ; dice). Their attacks have the Aspect : shown on the human 8 Cultist Card, ~

t Episode Fout: -~ibrarian ~_

Episode Three: Dr. Harold E ~tlmli is missing!

Wes.termore, Reanimatori --'_- --t - Oh no! Librarian Lumli that

j)~~ Westermore is considered nothing ~_~u{e librarian of the local Cult more than a legend inthe cartoon show._a r Library, has gone missing. The Victor Von Frankenstein myth of the ;- Cultists discover this horrible news pokethulhu world who supposedly takes; :- early one morning when they hit thee dead thulhu and sews their severed limbs :' Library to search for information on and organs together into monstro ities ~ an: elusive- -wild pokethulhu they're best left to nightmares, In episode #217_ ~ trying to_ capture.





The characters should alert the f Further Episodes

authorities (Constable Carly will be.: - "The Owner can choo-se to either conespecially interested in the missing ; tinue the campaign (by having the Cultists librarian) and then offer to join in t pursue the Doctor. trying to capture him the search for her (Librarian LU1111i-- -: er. rescue their faithful thulhu befo'!;€: he is the only one.who can help tfi¢-m_ .~ _ ~ experiment on th~m) or start {new Jearn about Bulba-Zhar). Question- ; one with completely new characters and ing.rhe locals quickly points them-irr=c thulhu. Continuing the campaign is the the direction of-the librarian, wb~ ~ best choice, as it creates continuityand

w-as- last seen being. carried off by a allows the players to increase their inter-

gfunt wild thulhu toward the swamp est in the game-

at the edge of fown. The characters Will our heroes encounter Dr.

will have to tr,ackthe beast to its lair . Westermore again? When will the Mi-GQ~ and then _ d~~at-"t in battle before _:- Go attack next? How many: different th~y ;can rescue Iter. Once freed of ~ .pekethulhu are actually out there in the ~_aptiv ity she is. ~01'e than willing to : wi Ids 'of the world? - Why do all of the 'is .her-saviours ami poin s- them. ~. -n:>t¥t-able- Carlys around __ the world have

tb€l'!-direGuon of H£ttb4-Zha,.; : nor only the-same- name out also the same

--=- - _ f llppearahc~ and knowledge?"

L""U""'""" Fi've: BaJba-Zhar _ In future episodes - the Cultists anti

- Dr. W€5terID~:re'S Bulfja:-:Zhar~s ~ O""wner will-no -d_eqbL answer these- ques-,

___ -~Z-'H y_ lQGat~d "by - the .:eh1!rac_ters - f - titinS anti.many more. ~ . -.

~~ .. th~y act upon- t_h~ 1nf6rtnatlan ~i\red - E ;;. - _ _ :-

to the by Librarian Ll,1mlf if- they Ji4il- :- - - -

rescuing her In ePi~de- -fOl!l" tl:je1~ll -t _

have tQ~d other clues to 1iatlthem -to the --undead thuUl.iJJ .

Iair). _

Uponenterijr~dJe lair, 0 0- Dr. Westetmore~ ,appears

and sta£t.s -tallntt,p:g the Cultists; chaninging them-' to a pokethulhu fight,winner take &ill. "1 choose you, Bulba-Zfiar." We.sf-

ermore scream 'a-s the

scariest pokethulhu the - cultists have ever seen burs ts forth from 11 i s shining dodecahedron!

If they de-feat Bulba- _

Zhar, Westermore onc€~a:g-,lin .ew-~fp~, shouting "You'll rue IDe aay::l' ~ the _

doctor wins, he:laullts the cultis--- ne~' I £t.k: la.:-

last time and then rushes i to' Ui ..:.bIaok "OV"~_

night with his undead creation. -aM the :

Cultists thulhu.

The Cultists are- completing a journey : from Lake Gall to Nameless Harbor .• There's only one obstacle left - the-road : through the heights of Cold Mountain, which looms ahead of them, a gray ~ Wlien the Cul_lj"sts" .atep on

wedge of rock blotting out half the sky,- :- bridge to cross it Ci -' the only ·way covered in beautifuJ green fir trees and -==~ 'aeross the mistfgprze} Gemini s~ SUG! .-9app~d. They passover babblirig -! _P!y shakes her head-and goes "mm, brooks and past gibbering grownups; the =_F ¢'~'to indicate that she isn't going to. latter dive into the former at the sight of : -Iet them cross without a fight. She. genuine Pokethulhu Cultist passing their _~ raises a Shilling Dodecahedron, and way. The Cultists are-used to adults b~.ing:::· a gleam of light runs across it She, leery of them, but people on the Plate all _ E smiles. Behind her', the Culti ts

seem especially skittish tight now. :- . notice that a lot of storm cloud

._gathering over Cold Mountain.


- Name:

Aspect: w'"!Jws

Abilities Grade Level: s:

Pokethulhu Lore: 7 Sanity: s:

Shoplifting: s:

Talking Trash: Lf

Scene One:

None Shall Pass



skies overhead. Flashes orlig1!triin~ followed alrnest immediately hy ~raclq of thunder. 'These-are many villagers. vistble!_ ~but none of them are in the village aI1~ad. :They're all gathered in a crowd on the out- f skirts. A fewopportunistic types have set -: up stalls selling drinks arid snacks. '"

The Cultists can speak to any of the . : villagers that they wish to. Most are sim- .. ply scared - scared of Joey Curwen, and scared (to a much lesser degree) of the


Speed: Hit Points:

Aspects: ~FtJSIns, NOIt-Etle/Ik411 Weakness: LvwVl1t!St:..t!Ir"t'


Injure: 2. ,,~ CtJrres17IfQ/ BtlrrOJJIfJ, NCl+EtldJ,{~If)

Dodge: 3 p{ju (g~/y FQIII/15 -t1J Be r/;Qe, NOIf-Etle/Mt!J1I1)

Trap: 3 If/J~ (Po« -t» N~~! N~Etl4M_~If) Frighten: I If/Je ~c.k.st--Btlrst; ~f'IJSIIfJ)

Name: JCt!y 6/nvt!!Jt Aspect: NOIt-£tl4J~

Abilities __ !_ '

~-------~~~ .

@rade Level: ~) Phys Ed: 4 :

Pokethulhu Lore: /0 Sanity: :3 :

Shoplifting: 4 Talking Trash: s: r- ~

Age: /0

T H - L U

These Tan Jenkins are the mutat- : Luminescent thulhu will survive, unconed creation of Joey's special·~ ~SCiOllS) and everybody else is singed a bit Dodecahedron. The normal "U nex - : and knocked several feet away from the pected Rotting Things, Decem- : center of the- blast. When the Cultists

- - ~ -

posing" Trap attack that wild : come to their senses. the rain is harder,

Jenkins use is replaced by the "Door ~ more lightning is striking nearby:," and to Nowhere, Non-Etrclfdean," create : Joey is gone - as are th onlooking eo by the Jenkin whirling in a-circle ~ crowds. Everybody has scattered, seeking scraping a wound in the fabric of : shelter, and the Cultists should, too,

realiry. - ~ because it' starting to_ hail!

Any Thulhu (or p.eople!) defeated ;

bythisTrap _power Will simply VaTI- : Scene Three: Schemes in 19b. and .Joey will refuse to release h F· h H

them. Jig won't le.t on thal-he isn't .. t e de _ _- ouse

sure lfu.w-to re:roase- them, .. He' Il i The hailstones start small, but they don't Imp]:y be- a br:al_abour-it and use it.as - ~ s~Y that way. If ,~e Cultists don' t seek

call excu e-to hragandmake threats. : cov:~ and ~st,. they 11 soon be battered sy

_ . - : fallfng, chunks of.ice or fried by lightning!

If any of .fii.s own .Thulhu are ~ -Th~' qultisrs see several houses nearby; if defeated, Ioey- will Qe- a, poor sp rt : the playets 'seem extra-cll_oosy!. give thema about it, aruf (wlfuJing Iou_ ly) &UnJ- : _ oQoioe_ of fQur colors. (a, brownhouse; a irron more .[en ltiifs. to attack: - He 'J1 ; greenJ~olise, a red ho~se, and, a will fe

. keep gOing unti ile s C~Rl1~- ar :_-- - -

least one of the Culiists' thullni with the .._ Doar to-Nowbere. - antLtben e'Il ~ruiek {

- .

- .

. -

5 L+
"'S /_

:3 2

, -






The Fitch House


~c&ever one tney

choose, however, will be the house of Ledora Fitch, the Famous Wiwh . _ . who also happens to be Joey Curwen's aunt, who also happens to be in Nameless Harbor running errands! In the Fitch house the Cultists will learn about what's going on.

~. The Cultists first find shelter

on the creaky old porch (the area numbered with a 1 on the map provided). Lots of hail can still reacfi- them there," though, and the door to the house (clearly abandoned) stands-open. Let them explore the 'house in any way they choose.

_ 2. Drafty Old Corridor: The

racks aren't very

menacing but the stuffed Lllidorino bead might be. It's mounted on the

· · ..

Ingredients (adder's wort; blindworm's sting, etc) with.the title "Don't forget these ill Nameless Harbor." At the bottom, there's further note-tosell: "Remember to leave frozen din-

· .

seEtineJ a!op tft;;'rniC:l;oWav~ (inside that, a tbawe_d)ofli efiop :djnner !S slowly going ba~_l'here' Jr .!lble an~- cbaifS for eating • en, . ¥OJ{ r:1iD _ 'gil@. ~ S, wHat ''s::~cinted on the ~

t",1-1- .1- th - ~ 4.

_r:1ollCG-!:_O ~ ._ -. -'- - ~_ - •

~eC""wes '!_:iU- ;Is _ cO\l~red·liy; ~try-._ :-_:shel ves, One_sfieli,'_'is..Aepanltefrom~~Qth=- r ers (imfueili~-eiy. noticeable jf~'anr~~-= ~ looks closely kit's a swjveling <;lOOT iea ing - .!o to the stairs. J1 won' r open until the seord"'--~ m.~hantsfuln jhe"living. reonris activate -. _-~

Name:: f411 J6Ik/1f Speed: to

Aspects: PeaJWJrosiltJ, NOit-£rldMe411

Weakness: I..vwVJ.Jt!S~


Injure: 2- JJu (/1ft'"~1141 Bvrr()l.u/l1J, NOJt.£rl4Ut!IIl1) Dodge: 3 J)u (9mr/Y F-q///11J -t» Be /here, Nt»t-ErldMetllf) Trap: 3 JJu (t/l1Ofru..rd T?ptftlrJ 11II11JS, ~fosllfJ)

Frighten: I JJe (~-Bt/rst;


Power: s:

Hit Points: s:

7. Something New: Outside, the storm rages worse than ever. n here, things are suddenly much worse. As the cultists enter this room, they're immediately attacked by a pair of Tan Jenkins, bursting from burrow-holes in the plaster walls!

'1\eat them as W~d Thulhu :with sup.eli':: ··i~ OI attributes. Note that they have the tradJ-- ,;_.tiona! Trap attack of the Jenkins not the :

- ' ~

souped-up Door to Nowhere. They'llligJIt i-

to the bitter end; each will open Willi a- ~ Dodge (speed attack). . :

This is Ledora's bedchamber and magical - ~ laboratory. There are plenty of fascinating ~


- ~~

K T H Ul U

It might occur to the C~.lltists to tum ;_ glass. the Cultists can see why: Joey is the page. That would make them : using a crowd of Jenkins to absorb all the smarter than Joey, Who never both- ~ hail that's falling on him - using the Door ered, If it doesn't occur to them hint ~ to Nowhere power as ... an umbrella! He (or have a sudden draft do it for tbem): ~! ~trolls through the street-s of the village as . ~ if -nothing were wrong, sneering at' any-thing that moves. As the pocket dimension ! fills~ with hail. the storm grows ever more : dea-dly. Lightning destroys a house across . the street to punctuate the concept.

~ It's finale time, and the Cultists must

save the day. The-y can accomplish a satisfying conclusion in a, variety of ways, but it -a1J boils. down to two vital tasks:

_.~ They must get the Green

_ Dodecahedron from Joey. They can - do - this- oy defeating - him in battle. ~ tflckiug him, or convincing him that - be'5 eJtdan~rj:ng himself along with

- eyegriod)' else.

.. Tne.Y->lrIus:_t perform !be'Ritual ofYug ~. ~_-=- cq--empty-tle poeket-dhnens,iI::m ~d .

~~ _ gef'tlle Storm -Dem~n§.:to b~Ck qff~

... = ,~


The $tQfID it df gets-deadlier and and




To celebrate the release of the :

original Squishy Brain edition of ~ PoJiithulhu, we -held a thnlhu ~ DesIgn contest yja the internet- Tb:e .: eutpouring of ridiculous evil was

.enough to bring tears to the eyes. and- everybody got into the spirit of -things, adapting creatures from their fuVOf* episodes of a show nobody's • ever seen! Or :possibly! a show that : 'Jrobo(f,y' . ever seen and lived. We :' dare not speculate. ,_ :-


Name: U/MorlflO Power: fr

Speed: 4 Hit Points: tr

Aspects: SyVq~s, NfJIt-£vdMeQI1 Weakness: WWb1(!!Sc.eJrt'


.Injure: z ,(Ja; ('6t1r11fJ NqYJlfeless Orl-llu, S,Vqh1Ot/s)

Dodge: z "U t~ Mlt'JS lJff't!f"1y lIJt/'k.e. t/itJ.se t>.f q Bqt; ~Vqh1f)r/s)

Trap: z "u (cJ,rDllO-s,qtfq/ pqrq~x, NfJI1--£tlt:.!Metllf) Frighten: .3 ,(ju (Bqle.fvl, 5//ffd

Eye tfH-erly UI1II/r;.e J},qtof- q SJt4k.e, s,_vqWtf)t/s)

!,(JkemltnlCOII ;,£xcerpt: The ·myst-eJ;iOl,I& _ .U1 ido~o seem to Be- extril:.temparaJ - ·pse\~do~draconian fletl1~ll-bemg!Y -- :fi(!t, on any close examination. they di play fealirr~s utterlY LJnJik~ rttat,oi any ordi- ~ - nary ex trA-teIDporalps.eudQ-ruaGonc 'an_~tIle -being. They. hilia:bit 5mh. =. the clark futUre- and. the dim mists of -rhe past; their unfatbOJpatlle Intelli-

_ . genees (utterly !lhoke any ·either,unfathomable intelligences) conspire to -

: . ]J.t:iRrlOWD ends, - -

- - Ranay --Carter ran .intrrthe Lllidorino wheu'T.eam Bbiou -aftemp~ to Ulle- [hem _to in- all- oprud~o.mantic'!itUa1 to teritporat~ ily transform all of tlu:q;!okethulhu. in(Q_ -

serpentine. monatrosities (as -seen, in ' Episode #94': In·'Vte- Future Ev..ezyone Will Be SqCl'aJ1IJJflE lioJ""Fijfeen Minutes). -

Fortunately, nftlt:!;_ Pruthulhubroke free

from the uriken Cfty of gyrating stone tbat :~r';";"''''''''''-:----------'''

Ftaghn bad hired bini t<t jpsr in time to : SECOND RUNNER·U~

help Randy foil.the evil plan! ~ BY DAVID JAMES JORDAN

LUi4oJ'-ino are -~ger.ou$ and difficult to t Name: o/TlJvrq'!os Power: II

Sll1lTI1?dIl, and nobody b:as ever _managed _:- Speed: I Hit Points~ tr

to capture one, Team Bbion used a Corol1i-! Aspects: t>~rosllfJl Ashy nation of ulrratenestrial sorce-ry- and a? Weakness: SiJtJtlh1tJf/S

chocolate rnilkshake to invoke them, and~ - "L

even then. it seemed -that the eerie entiti-es- :- Attacks

(utterly unlike -inY oilier eerie entities) t Injure:.3 t!Jee (Sovl sJ,roJ.t!J1fJ

were rnore than.willing to be conjured. . 8/4St; Pet:.bWlfosll1J)

.Maybe the justreally liked the milkshake. Dodge: I Jiu (Sdlftlllqtfl1!5 /11.'''

WflQJm'ows'? ,-- "v


Trap: I Jiu (lJMI-rle:ss S/rlfr, AShy)

Frighten: .3 iJu (8e! a, of Reek.llfJ PU4y, PeMhIJftJSllfJ)

- -

-eolfiii;!!1fi:leoll_ Excgrpt.~-_Sy·'Thiitad;me-:-

~ ktTIe -p-l'tl{aI fQrm:) -are:: p~aceful ana _

_:- g_lliet- poketnuHm in thein1..3-tural ha01.~. tat •. being eitOm: a :cpldand watery c . : ern or -a well _If shopping, . all: ~ latter lair pas. s es m~-:thfugs

: typically assoGtate{f" witb:.2these f ghostly -eel~ but they (pl- quite : to put UlJ- with III b~zzing of fluo -

~ . Gent lighting lfJbere. -are a -vaa"ety ef -: fine coffees availabte~ ~ ally gui;te

_ } harmless, as was -seen early in gpisode:.

Pokenomicon Excerpt: DIek Maki is : #317:Fire, Death (J}!iL.Sectfooo, when the proper name for the dreaded Ichor : Randy Carter and his Pikathu1h_~ Roll. A plate of Drek Maki appeared at the ~ stopped to read a map by the baunfing sushi bar in Episode #71: Miso Horny, but ; _ gf!;.en ~low .that emanated frorn the these pokethulhus were not mentioned by ~ ~ol1ow eye sockets, of one of 1he e;;'

name until they helped to clobber the :- spectral behemoths, drawn: by curiosiKim chigo two episodes later. Drek M-akl : ty to his sparkJ.y pelf buckle. T-eam are r-aW fighters, relying.less on skill than ~ Eihon "however, was quick to dlcover on their natural strength. Many frustrated ': jhat the spacetime distorting abilities trainers have ~een forced to give up ana ~_ ?f_so~e ~o~-E~cilidean "?lULbu are ask for kelp WIth these thulhns. Although- ~ mcn~dibly Irntatmg to a Sy Thurados, easily roused. Drek Maki are just as easi- : 'leading to the unscheduled demolition ly pacified with green tea and a lice of : of.much of downtown Hemlock City

pickled ginger. ~ by two of the creatures driven into a forieus

- - : :rage by their trained y'T'T .



Name: t>rdt;. Mq'" Power: e

Speed: 7 Hit Points: s:

Aspects: Ashy, Stfdy Weakness: W'!5Or1S


Injure: .3 Jiu tjeJft4des f/fJt' lJJr:.e 'iJ4Stlbi, Ashy) Dodge: I r:IJ~ (t>~IIV~1 Sffdy) Trap: z .()~. (S1tdr,f RJt:.e, S-tldy)

Frighten: .3 J1u (Pf~qtf()11

~hldt Is £v~rytN'!51 AShy)




---------- 1 -----------

Copyright © 2DDljohn Kovalie, Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. Cut on solid lines. fold on dashed lines Tape at baS€ and (optionally) Jnsert penny for stability.

Cultist Card Cultist Card
Name: Age: Name: Age:
Home Village: Home Village:
Aspect: Aspect:
Grade Level: Grade Level:
Phys Ed: Phys Ed:
Pokethulhu Lore: Pokethulhu Lore:
Sanity: Sanity:
S ho plif ting: Shoplifting:
Talking Trash: Talking Trash:
NarES: NarE9 -------------_.------------------------ ----~------------------------------~-~-

Pokethulhu Card Pokethulhu Card

Name: Power: Name: Power:
Speed: Hit Points: Speed: Hit Points:
Aspects: Aspects:
Weakness: Weakness: ATTACKS ATTACKS
Injure: Injure:
Dodge: Dodge:
Trap: Trap:
Frighten: Frighten:
NarES: NarES: Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.

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