for photosynthesis
Pros of Transpiration
photosynthesis process of
has cooling effect due to
producing food mainly occurs in
usage of plant’s heat energy
the leaves of most angiosperms
in converting liquid water to
water vapor, transpiration pull transpiration → plants lose a
is responsible for the large volume of water through
continuous ascent of water the leaves in the form of vapor
and nutrients from the roots
to the shoots floral induction → plant leaves
synthesize and translocate
Cons of Transpiration florigen (a flower-inducing
hormone) to the buds
becomes a disadvantage if
transpiration loss exceeds the food storage → serve as food
rate of water absorption storage organ of the plant, food
through the roots is exported to the stem before
leaf fall and utilized in shoot
midrib → also known as the costa or the lateral veins → vascular tissues within
central vein, narrow, thickened structure a leaf located on both sides of the
running down the center of the blade; the midrib
main vein of a leaf
stipule →small paired leaf-like
petiole → the leaf stalk connecting the
structures at the base of the petiole,
protect the young leaf and may be
blade to the node of the stem
modified into spines or tendrils
apex → refers to the highest point or margin → the boundary area extending
vertex of a leaf along the edge of the leaf, helpful in plant
palmately compound
how would you tell if
the leaf is compound? ▹ three or more leaflets
attached near the top of the
if there is a bud in the petiole
angle formed by the petiole
and stem, then the entire bipinnately compound
structure supported by the ▹ has rachis and rachila
petiole is one leaf
netted/reticulated venation
▹ veins form networks across palmately netted venation
the blade, veinlets form ▹ several midribs extend from
interconnecting netlike patterns, the base of the leaf like the
common in eudicots fingers of a hand
eudicots monocots
▹ broad blades with various shapes ▹ usually narrow and linear blades
▹ netted venation ▹ parallel venation
▹ present petioles with paired stipules ▹ has leaf sheaths
▹ dorsiventral (has two surfaces ▹ isobilateral (having identical parts on
differing from each other in appearance) each side of an axis)
▹ has 2 mesophyll layers ▹ has no distinct mesophyll layers
▹ xylem and phloem forms a crescent ▹ xylem and phloem arranged in
near the midrib parallel series (upper and lower)
▹ bulliform cells are absent ▹ bulliform cells are present
▹ hypostomatic (stomata on lower ep.) ▹ amphistomatic (stomata on both ep.)
cuticle→ waxy, waterproof
epidermis→ layer of
transparent cells both on the
covering of the outer surfaces of
upper and lower surfaces of the
the leaf, reduces the evaporation
leaf; contains cuticle and gives
of water from the leaf
rise to trichomes
mesophyll → ground tissue of two epidermal layers:
the leaf located between the ▹ upper epidermis →responsible for
upper and lower epidermis, most preventing water loss by evaporation
active photosynthetic tissue
▹ lower epidermis → contains most of
the stomata, especially in eudicots
two mesophyll layers:
light→ stimulates guard cells to
water/moisture availability→ the
accumulate K+ and become
stomata closes when there is too much
turgid, usually attributed to a
moisture to prevent water loss
reduction in intercellular CO₂
abscisic acid produced in roots and
environmental stresses → leaves in response to water deficiency,
droughts cause stomata to close signals guard cells to close stomata,
during the daytime reduces wilting but also restricts CO₂
hydrophytes xerophytes
ADAPTATIONS ▹ stomata on upper ▹ thick and reduced leaves
ep. for air exposure ▹ stomata opens at night
TO REDUCE ▹ long petioles
▹ large spaces in
▹ thick waxy cuticle layer
functions of transpiration:
▹ regulate the temperature of the plant
and provides water for photosynthesis
▹ prevents overheating
▹ moves nutrients and sugars through
the vascular tissues
▹ helps regulate turgor pressure
relative humidity → the amount light → when the stomata are open, the
of water vapor in the air transpiration rates are higher, stomata
compared to the amount of are most sensitive to blue light
water vapor that air could hold
at a given temperature, the lower
the RH, the less moist the
atmosphere, the greater the
driving force for transpiration
stomata: transpiration:
▹ located on the upper and lower ▹ occurs through the stomata, cuticle
epidermis of leaves & stems and lenticels of all higher terrestrial
▹ has guard cells that open and close plants
▹ releases oxygen and water in the ▹ loss of water in the form of vapor
form of vapor with no salts
▹ performs transpiration ▹ only happens at daytime
▹ regulates temperature and does
not involve root pressure
▹ located along the margin and apex guttation:
of leaf at the vein end ▹ occurs at hydathodes of mostly
▹ no guard cells and is always open herbaceous plants
▹ releases water with ▹ loss of water containing organic &
mineral/inorganic salts inorganic compounds
▹ performs guttation ▹ can happen at day or night
▹ has no relation with temperature
and involves root pressure
protective layer
▹ deposition of fatty material
within and between the cells on the
stem side of the separation layer
▹ produces a leaf scar
tendrils→ "lassoes" a support
and forms a coil that brings the
MODIFIED LEAVES plant closer to the support
ex. peas