Gesetz Und Richteramt
Gesetz Und Richteramt
Gesetz Und Richteramt
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to The American Journal of Legal History
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Gesetz und Richteramt
Summary of Contents
Introduction .............................................72
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This writing is based upon two public lectures: the speech which was
given March 6 of this year on the birthday of his majesty, King Karl of
Wiirttemberg, by me, at that time rector of the University of Tiibingen,
and the inaugural lecture with which I became qualified a few weeks ago
as ordinary professor in the University of Leipzig.
The scanty extent of the writing will probably appear to some to
stand in disproportion to the importance of its subject matter. However,
since I had been compelled from the first drafting of these rich materials
to a treatment that was summarized as tightly as possible and at the same
time aimed at being generally understandable, I had doubts about aban-
doning this dual advantage (which was not won without some difficulty).
For that reason, as I revised the two lectures for the purpose of their com-
bination, I have resisted the attempt, upon good advice, to let them grow
to a greater work. Therefore, I allowed myself to be excused from the
addition of a bibliography. Nevertheless, with the publication of opinions
which are completely opposed to the traditional theory, I believed that I
should account for the way I reached them.
Although the results are relevant to the general theory of legal
sources, they have not arisen from reflections that have been aimed
towards a reexamination of the question of legal sources. To the contrary,
they have developed from procedural observations and investigations,
especially those which had as their subject matter the nature and the effec-
tiveness of the judicial decision.
From there, the conviction arose at the beginning that court adjudica-
tion stands in a much closer relationship to the objective legal rules than is
generally assumed. I have already spoken of this in my publication on the
Theory of Procedural Defenses and Requirements, page 3 (1868). This
opinion concurs, at least in one main direction, with the view of judicial
decisions that was thoughtfully developed in Kierulff's Theory of the
General Civil Law (1839) which, however, had strangely remained almost
completely unnoticed. This was probably in consequence of the over-
whelming influence exercised by the decision theories of Puchta and
Savigny (System of Contemporary Roman Law, volume 6, 1847) who
hardly took notice of Kierulff's view. Perhaps, it was also for the reason
that a sufficiently-prepared foundation of understanding had not been laid
for Kierulff's apodictically-made contention. This is a conjecture that at
least had occurred to me through my own experience because to me the
significance of the Kierulffian view had remained completely hidden and
unintelligible before I arrived at a similar result through procedural
research. Otherwise, to my knowledge, a related view emerged only in the
illuminating remarks with which Blihr's The State under the Rule of Law
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(1864) is introduced.
That fundamental idea gradually became more establis
more fully developed. Therefore, I could proceed in a
before a scientific society in Tiibingen about the unavoid
of the law as it emerged in legal decisions from the statu
could then move ahead to one part of that developmen
more maturely thought out and better grounded as publish
ing. Also, from then on, it no longer lacked commentary
sources which further encouraged me in the pursuit of th
Likewise, Degenkolb stressed in his writing on Compulsor
and Decisional Norms (1877) the statute-like nature of jud
sure, under all sorts of reservations and qualification
expressed without specific reference to the judicial decisio
observed about the individual precept in his Purpose in the
pp. 327-333, 1877) contributed to my maturity of thinking
judicial creation of the law. Long ago, I had already o
Jhering's earlier works valuable elucidation of many
which are of indirect significance for the problem in hand.
Incidental to an article on Fictions and Truth in Civil Procedure
(Archiv fuir die civil. Praxis, vol. 62, pp. 1-96, 1879), it became clear to
me that an important point of support that the traditional conception of the
judicial function had found in the fiction of the legality of all judgments
had become indefensible, and I there indicated somewhat more sharply
my conception of the judicial function in an excursus (pp. 93-94). In the
article on The Dispositive Law of Civil Procedure in the same journal
(p. 84, 1881), an even broader suggestion of this was made.
Until now, all these suggestions have been advanced against no
opposition. This could perhaps count as a hopeful sign judging by most
experiences connected with the raising of new juristic insights. But
express agreement has also not failed to occur. At the most complete, I
have found it from Kl6ppel, The Defense of Legal Force (1882), (particu-
larly pp. 60-67), who grasped my train of thought with deep penetrating
comprehension and pursued it further independently. The book by A.G.
Schultze, Private Law and Procedure (Part I, 1883), on the other hand, in
spite of some points of apparent contact with my ideas, takes paths that
themselves lead further astray. Of the expressions which point to agree-
ment, at least with a part of the opinions represented here, I call special
attention by name to: Laband, The Constitutional Law of the German
Empire (vol. 3, sec. 2, p. 25, 1882); Merkel, Juristic Encyclopedia (1885),
especially pp. 165-167; Windscheid, The Tasks of Legal Science (Address
upon taking over the Rectorship of the University of Leipzig, 1884),
where, on pages 13 and 14, under the direct pressure of highly important
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42. This refers to the rise of the "historical school" of jurisprudence led by Friedri
von Savigny. See W. Friedmann, Legal Theory 209-223 (5th ed. 1967).
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That which the deciding judge has to perform for the state and the
legal order is, however, no mere mental labor. The decision of the judges
is not a judgment in the usual logical sense of the word. It is something
more, more significant, more powerful than its name appears to signify!
The judicial decision rests, like every prudent expression of inten-
tion, upon an act of thought. It embodies and signifies, however, a legal
determination, a legal disposition. It is an expression of will, indeed, a
legal expression of will proclaimed by the power of the state, similar to a
The state does not announce its legal commands, its legal authority,
its legal prohibitions, merely through the mute words of the statute, but
also and even much more determinitively and forcefully through the
mouth of the judge. The judicial decision as well as the statute are acts of
the state power that forms the law. Like the statutory, the judicial legal
determinations are filled with the power and compulsory force of the
state. The judicial decision has legal force; it carries the entire power of
the law in itself. The judicial determination of law approaches, in its
assigned domain, the power of a fixed obligatory command, even in fuller
measure and with still stronger direct effectiveness than the merely
abstract standards of the Statute.43 Legal force is stronger than statutory
force. The non-appealable legal decision holds its own even if it runs
contrary to the statute. The power of the state, which makes the laws,
speaks its last word, not with the statutory, but with the judicial legal
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44. The trial by ordeal common in western Europe in the middle ages
methods as the red-hot poker and submersion in water. It was thought that G
a supernatural intervention through these devices and thereby make the "jud
legal judgment was not a rational act by human beings. See R. Bartlett, T
Water (1986).
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upon the designation "Urteil," which was originally very remote from
In the use of the other word for the legal decision, which lies
similar direction of thought, namely the word "Erkenntnis," the Ge
language has used its gift for sensitive distinction so much more sec
since it discriminates carefully between the private, non-legally-bi
recognition of a truth and the judicially permitted recognition wh
equipped with the power of objective law.
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fit to stir doubts about the foundations of the legal order and
Is it not true that what the judge on his own and independ
for the state and the law is exclusively to establish wheth
brought before him are true, sufficient, and the same as th
the statute has fixed the legal consequences prescribed by h
er, this proof-activity and subsumption-activity then not
pure truth-finding, remote from all legislation and law cre
not, therefore, coming back on this path anew to convince
the judgment of the judge is a judgment in the pure logical
And if this were once to be accepted as proven, then th
be lacking a way to accept the legally binding force that
the judicial judgment. If the judgment is taken only out of
legal provisions, then the legal force of the judgment
looked upon as something coming exclusively from the bi
the statute of origin as a consequence or a variation of sta
And, if it were also conceded that occasionally someth
emerges in the judgment than what the statute says, well, t
torily contrary aberrations must be ignored and carefully c
law as something actually legally impossible. The judgmen
have to say, according to law would be considered as exact
the statute even if it contradicts it. Res judicata pro veritat
legal force of the judgment according to Savigny is nothi
"The invention of its truth." Then, why shouldn't the
invention, the fabrication, also come to the aid of the juris
many other predicaments?
With these arguments and accounts, only that opinion
decisionmaking has been restated that has been generally d
short time ago and has remained, even now, the most wides
refutation and with the proof that the judicial office is an in
of the legal order and law-making job of government, noth
is at stake than the significance and dignity of the judicial o
to a still higher degree, also that of legal science.
According to the first interpretation, the independent wo
of the judge would be restricted to the factual side of the
judged, that is, he confirms with diligence, care, and non
whether the facts required by the statute as a condition of
have materialized in the case before him. With respect to t
the question of which legal consequences are to be joined w
facts, nothing would remain for him to do on his own in
These would be given to him by the statute without anyth
order to discover them, he would need nothing else than a
of the statute, the knowledge of reading, diligence, an
understanding. He would only have to repeat the statutory
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45. Billow was familiar with Roman and Continental legal history
phases of judicial lawmaking. He seems not to have been familiar with
common law whose history would have supported his argument as w
Roman and Continental examples.
46. This sentence is an interesting parallel to Holmes' statement
(1881) that, "The life of the law has not been logic, but experience
statement of Rudolf von Jhering, "Das Leben ist nicht der Begriffe,
sind des Lebens wegen da. Nicht was die Logik, sondern was das Leb
Rechtsgefiihl postuliert, hat zu geschehen, mige es logisch deduzierba
[Life is not from conceptions, but conceptions are there because of lif
tulates, but what life, intercourse, the sense of justice demand, has to
logically deducible or impossible.] R. Jhering, 4 Geist des r6mische
1891) (original published 1852-65).
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break off some pieces and to add new ones. And when the need for de
changes of the law became apparent, these also were not, for the most
part, accomplished by statute, but were left up to the law-transformi
work of the courts, at least as far as the inner, particularly private lega
circumstances are concerned.
The authority of the court, the praetor takes care of this task for
almost half a millennium. A court-made or civil servant-made law comes
into existence, a ius praetorium or honorarium, that is not satisfied merely
to execute the statutory law and to complete it, but which also steps into
its way everywhere with contradictory, adverse rules.47 From case to case,
it pushes them through, safeguarded against too much inequality and arbi-
trariness merely through the annual preannouncement of the intended new
legal rules for the term of a year. In addition, the lay judges appointed by
the court authorities were not hindered but were even ordered to take
more and more into account the many new needs of legal intercourse tha
extended far beyond Rome and the Romans, including the needs of goo
faith, business honor, and equity. The observance of these values ha
been until then only a free de facto custom without statutory authority
often in full contradiction to the rigid and narrow-minded statutory law. It
was a judicial creation of the law with which modern theory does not
quite know what to do because it applies the crooked stencil of the cus-
tomary law, modern theory having turned its back on the law-creating
function of the judge, yet also having given up the belief in the omnipo-
tence of the legislature.
The Roman law owes most of the greatness that secured its world
power beyond the existence of the Roman Empire to the work of judge
made law which was industrious, free and yet moderate, noble-minded,
and led by brilliant jurisprudence.
As a consequence of just that work, only ruins of the statutory law
remained at the beginning of the era of the Roman emperors. Once again
as before with the legislation of the Twelve Tables, the bad state of affair
of a too unstable judicial legal order not secured by statutes was felt in th
extreme. But even the new rising power of the emperors did not dare or
could not always make headway against the huge stream of that legal pro
duction. It limited itself originally to isolated attempts to confine it here or
there. The opinions of legal scholars, which the courts had learned to fol
low on their own, were given some legal force by Augustus. Under the
following emperors, some matters of the legal order were improved by
Senatusconsulta. How little one tended to leave the traditional paths of
court-made law can be clearly seen in the fact that these senate decrees
47. For discussion of Roman legal development, see P. Thomas, Introduction to Roman
Law (1986) (hereinafter cited as "THOMAS"); H. Jolowicz, Historical Introduction to th
Study of Roman Law (2nd ed. 1952).
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48. Justinian's Code was promulgated in 533 A.D. after a drafting period
in which the drafters sought to utilize the best of the earlier legal schola
14-17 (1986).
49. Justinian's Code was rediscovered in the eleventh century and was taught in one form
or another at the newly formed universities from that time down to the present. See C.
Radding, The Origins of Medieval Jurisprudence (1988).
50. For discussion of medieval Germanic law, see J. Wigmore, ed., General Survey of
Continental Legal History 9-89 (1912). See also H. Berman, Law and Revolution 49-84
(1983) (hereinafter cited as "BERMAN").
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And the judge did not even have to decide himself. The law w
"found" by the court assembly, the community, by lay judges, and jur
It was "asked" of them by the judge and his officials from case to cas
It was a "people-questioning law," free of the proscription of st
The only thing that held this judge-made law together was the actual,
not legal power of custom and the loyalty with which the people making
the decisions were tied to the traditional decisional wisdom that was hand-
ed down'from generation to generation. The research of our century
turned to that law again with loyal love and brought to the surface that
richness of thoughtful, healthy, and prudent legal construction hidden in
the old German decisional law.52 But it was not blessed with the luck of
the Roman law! Nowhere did judicial law creation, untouched by statuto-
ry constraint, appear in such purity. But also nowhere did its inadequacy
appear with such clarity as in our medieval law.
Lacking statutory and even judicial discipline, without the guidance
of a learned profession,and without a firm state center, our domestic law
was split into numerous village, city, and guild tribunal traditions which
persistently and stubbornly held on. In the long run, they were unable to
do justice to changes in social conditions and needs and to make out of
themselves the difficult transition from an old rural law to a legal order
which corresponded to the upswing of commerce and trade. Since the
13th century, the emperors as well as the highest judicial authorities of the
individual states and countries became gradually unable to exercise the
power to enforce judgments. Then, a period of bleak legal confusion and
legal insecurity began in which the possibility of transforming domestic
law through our own radical statutes, already a far-fetched possibility,
became completely unreachable. Germany could not help itself out of the
predicament of its judicial law.
Then came rescue across the Alps through exactly that code that
once was destined to end the predicament of Roman judicial law!
Germany abandoned its free and colorful judge-made law in order to
obtain the benefit of a firm and generally effective statutory law. But at a
heavy price! Instead of its own warm-blooded law that had intimately
grown together with the German character, it had to accept a law written
in a foreign language, thought in a foreign spirit--dead law, the code of a
long perished nation!
And in which manner, through what legal sources, arose this
immense change in the law that deeply shattered the national life? Solely
51. For description of the handling of cases by folk courts in the middle ages, see
BERMAN, supra note 50, at 58-60.
52. The study of Germanic law was revived in the nineteenth century in Germany. See
REIMANN, supra note 140.
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53. For discussion of the causes of the "reception" of Roman law in Europe, see A.
Watson, The Evolution of Law 66-97 (1985).
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other newly discovered legal source, the customary law, had to ser
the means of creation. In order to satisfy this prejudice, one was will
believe that a transformation of the law that contained the steepest
with legal tradition, the renunciation of all law one was used to, w
consequence of customary law!
The simple solution to the puzzle is given by the law-produ
power of the judiciary itself. The judicial power to develop the
unlimited by a statute and certainly not limited and directed b
abstract legal rules, celebrated its most complete and highest trium
the reception of the Roman law. To be sure, it was also its last one
celebrating it, it already placed itself under the yoke of the statutory l
But, our adversaries will interject, after the courts have subjec
themselves to the reign of the statute, and after the modern state
entirely learned to exercise its legislative tasks better, more indepen
ly, and more completely, is not now the position of the judiciary so
pletely changed that nothing remains of its former law creating mi
At least is not the judge reduced to the more modest task of merely
cally subsuming the law?
It has to be plainly conceded that the original complete legal f
dom of creating the law judicially has disappeared and will probabl
gone for all foreseeable time.
The more decisively, sensibly, and carefully the legislature see
complete its task of ordering the law, the narrower have been the
ways for the judge when decreeing his legal rulings. Consequently,
legal order is more protected against individual judicial arbitrarine
desire for innovation in the law, more protected against insecurity
confusion. That is exactly the blessing which the statutory legal or
(that was won while sacrificing the domestic law) brought us. This
ing is yet further enhanced since legislation now shows the only po
decision in advance for an infinitely huge number of cases. Thus, l
tion is cut off in advance, and, at least in civil cases, the need for a j
determination of the law does not arise.
But through this and because of it, the task for the judiciary itself to
find and create the law is only limited, not eliminated. Within the limits of
the statutes, there is still plenty of room for the judge to determine the law
independently. This is a much ampler and freer leeway than someone may
suspect who is not close to the inner workings of court life. Unless the
freedom of judicial legal movement becomes suddenly clear to him when
he himself gets involved in a lawsuit, he may find the rights that he was
granted by one court were later taken away from him by a higher court for
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legal reasons. It can be seen with the greatest clarity when the legal
ation of the findings of fact undergo changes by the judge from one
to the next. Each of these innumerable cases is a characteristic legal
lem for which the appropriate legal rule is not yet ready at hand i
statutes, and, as experience has shown so painfully, also cann
deduced from the statutory rules with the absolute certainty of a c
logical conclusion.
Not only for the legislator, but also for the judge, there is miss
logical necessity of connection between facts and legal consequence
legislator, however, cannot anticipate and think through for the jud
legal ideas because of the individual case's different factual elemen
each other and entangle, oppose one another and cross. The statute
depend upon the isolation of factual types cannot provide for these
connections,and, thus, also cannot be thought of with a legal rule w
directed towards them.
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persons! They are collective declarations; many and diverse human beings
participated in their development. If we wanted to make a survey of all of
them as to what "he," what this many-headed legislator actually thought
and intended, we would find that some, as honest men, would be com-
pletely at a loss for an answer. They may not have thought anything at all
about this legal rule, and maybe they were not even able to understand the
legal draft which was full of legal terms, even if they really read it
through. As for the rest, we would have to be ready for the possibility of
various types of answers. How often appear openly opposing opinions of
the jointly adopted statute in the legislative proceedings!
Under these circumstances, the unity of the legislative expression of
intent is limited to the text. Under the deceptive veil of the same statutory
text, there lies a multitude of legal opinions and directions of legal intent!
The statute does not tell us which one of them is the right one. It is left up
to the judge to make an inner unity out of this multitude or to chose that
legal rule which to him appears as the one that is most correct on the aver-
age. And as dutifully and carefully as he uses all available sources of
information, there is nevertheless no statutory order given to him, and
there is no legal limit in this choice. Any result that he reaches is
approved in advance by the state as the correct one and endowed with
legal force!
It is possible that the result was not thought of by even one of the
persons involved in the adoption of the law! What subtle and deep legal
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thoughts can be found in our Roman-law treatises and lectures with the
assurance that they restore that which is already in Justinian's Code. The
judges who judge according to these rules are convinced and have to be
convinced that they decide according to Justinian's law. And yet, who
would want to believe that Justinian and his assistants already had all thi
exquisite legal wisdom in their heads or had even a clue to the major part
of these legal ideas? How would then the much desired and praised "new-
ness" of a model legal opinion comport with its rightness when merely
that which the legislator has already thought of would be right?
Certainly, the law is often shrewder than its drafter, the Code wiser
than the legislature! With other, more moderate words, and probably also
more on point, one often credits judges with a greater and better legal
insight than the personnel of the legislature.
It is much more often than one might think that the legislator openly
confers this trust on the judge. He himself refrains from his own opinion
and interpretation of the statutory word and leaves it up to the judge to
determine the true meaning and to announce that which he recognizes as
right to the parties involved who cannot agree about the meaning of the
statute as the final expression of the will of the state.
This regularly happens when the legislature adopts a traditional legal
rule in the conventional formulation into its Code without determining it
true importance, but only for the reasons that it has proven good so far;
and thus, the hope is justified that it will prove right in the future. And i
this not the manner in which every Code attains the adoption of entire
large groups of legal rules and not exactly of the most unimportant or
least successful? Did the drafters of the Justinian Codes, when they mad
the noble legal wisdom of the old times the law, take this fully into thei
minds, into their legal thoughts and desires? Would they even have bee
able to do this during barely a three-year term for their work in tanta
legum compositione quae ab immenso librorum numero collecta est? Can
we not in our times also read in the motives of statutory drafts often
enough that the true meaning of this or that traditional rule remains to b
seen for the time being and that the determination shall be left up to th
efforts of "science" which is often asked for help under such circum-
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V. Closing Considerations
The fact that our science has still not wanted to acknowledge this
truth can only be explained through a deeply rooted prejudice which the
legal theory of our times has taken over and adhered to from the times of
the most exaggerated statutory cults.
It is true that at the beginning of our century under the leadership of
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Savigny, the fight against the belief in the omnipotent power of legi
was taken up enthusiastically and carried out victoriously. With the
buttable proof that legislation is not the single dominant kind of lega
struction, the historical school inaugurated its great successes. But d
all this animosity toward the traditional theory of legislation, we rem
caught in an erroneous conception which has its origin in that theory
we are still caught in it now. Today, it is still assumed as settled, i
even taken as self-evident, that the non-statutory construction of
could take place only by creating generally valid abstract legal rule
lar to the statutory ones.
Such statute-like determinations of the law, however, are impos
for the judge to make. His power of determining and ordering the
does not go beyond the individual legal relationship to be decided. B
only the assumption that a legal order can be created solely by abs
generally binding legal commands can explain the fact that concrete
cial determinations should not have been allowed to be regarded as
ordering acts of state power. That assumption has been rebutted by
clearest testimonies of legal history. It has been caused by the analog
statutory law; it has been furthered through the erroneous equating
judicial decree with logical decision, and, in addition, through the fi
of the "truth of the judgment." Surely, a legal order that the state c
and maintains exclusively by individual judicial legal rules is a f
incomplete one, exposed to many insecurities and fluctuations.
despite all defects, it is and remains a legal order, too. And even be
the concrete judicial determinations of law finally came under the le
ship and regulation of abstract statutory legal precepts, that happy tren
social accommodation, the power of habit, deeply rooted in human n
had taken care that this judicial case-law reached a high degree of co
tency. In addition, this was greatly increased by the fact that the ju
who were not yet governed and covered by the authority of the sta
had to feel an urgency at that point to gain at least some firm grip o
law. They had to create that law on their own responsibility by takin
consideration the custom and practice of legal intercourse, even if o
the hope of thus obtaining the approval of their legal colleagues.
As the reception of the Roman law shows with particular clarity
theory now took flight to this unimportant and purely factual (not
character of nonstatutory law in order to be able to find in that nonsta
ry law, pursuant to that prejudice, the appearance also of abstract re
tion. The incidental trait of approximate consistency was taken as it
trait, and in consequence its true character as judicial law was misu
stood. Thus, it happened that the judicial creation of law was so long
den and covered under the false cloak of customary law which was
lored after the model of statutory law.
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But the statute itself is not the source! The legislator does not him-
self produce the legal substance. He only gives the order as to where it is
to be found and how it is to be fashioned. The law does not lie on the sur-
face, comfortably reachable by anybody: it is hidden in the totality of the
life of the people and state, deeply entrenched in the past of the people --
of the peoples!
In order to get the law from there, it takes serious work, broad
knowledge, and a sharp, educated spirit to fashion it according to the mea-
sure of the statute. It takes fine and delicate legal sense in order to strike
the correct determination of the law within the statutory limits, and it
takes firm will constantly directed towards the law to administer this
responsibility-filled high office justly and impartially!
The law-creating insight and ability is gained through education in
legal science. The just way of thinking is the achievement of moral char-
acter-building. Fortunate is the country whose judges have done entirely
well with both! A people who cannot rely on the legal insight and justice
of its judges is perished and lost despite the best statutes.
Not just the statute, but statute and judiciary create law for the
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