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The Hobbit Term I and II

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The City School

Darakhshan Campus Prep Boys Section

2018-19 (First Term)
Class: 8 Subject: English

Name:_________________________ Sec: _______ Date: ________________

The Hobbit
Vocabulary List
First Term

Chapter 1 An Unexpected Party

Words Meanings
Porthole a small window on the outside of a ship or aircraft.
Absurd ridiculous,
Discreetly Showing good judgement in one’s conduct or speech.
Scuttling  hastening
Depredations an act of attacking or plundering.
Throng crowd
Flummoxed bewildered or perplexed.
Audacious extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave
Ingenious creative
Estimable worthy of great respect.
Runes  ancient Germanic alphabets
Obstinately firmly or stubbornly holding on to one's purpose, opinion, etc.;
Prudent wise
Remuneration Payment
Reverence appreciation
Flustered upset
Stowed pack or store (an object) carefully and neatly in a particular place.
Abreast alongside or level with something
Necromancer a person who practices necromancy ; a wizard or magician

Chapter 2 Roast Mutton

Words Meanings
Dismal  dull
Outlandish looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar.
Esteemed respected and admired.
Repose a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility.
Paraphernalia  objects that are used to do a particular activity
Ambling walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace.
Dreary dull and uninteresting
Purloin steal (something).
Lout an uncouth and aggressive man or boy
Bickering argue about petty and trivial matters.
Incantations a series of words said as a magic spell or charm.
Scabbards a sheath for the blade of a sword or dagger,
Replenish restore (a stock or supply) to a former level or condition.
Chapter 3 A Short Rest

Words Meanings
Forded cross (a river or stream) at a shallow place.
Wondrous marvelous.
Parapet a low protective wall along the edge of a roof, bridge, or balcony.
Ponder think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision
Plunder steal goods from (a place or person), typically using force and in a time of
war or civil disorder.
Vexed annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
Drear depressingly dull and bleak or repetitive.
Glade an open space in a wood or forest.
Bannock a round, flat loaf, typically unleavened, associated with Scotland and northern
Palpitating (of the heart) beat rapidly, strongly, or irregularly.
Cleave split or sever (something), especially along a natural line or grain.

Chapter 4 Over Hill And Under Hill

Words Meanings
Dumbfounded surprised
Scurrying (of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps.
Hustling push roughly
Deception the action of deceiving someone.
Shirk avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility).
Quaff drink (something, especially an alcoholic drink) heartily.
Ingenious (of a machine or idea) cleverly and originally devised and well suited to its
Inconveniencing cause trouble or difficulty to.
Gnash grind (one's teeth) together as a sign of anger (often used hyperbolically).

Chapter 5 Riddles In The Dark

Words Meanings
Scrumptiously deliciously
Spluttered make a series of short explosive spitting or choking sounds.
Brooded think deeply about something that makes one unhappy, angry, or worried.
Groping searching blindly or with uncertainty by feeling with the hands.
Snag hurdle
Subterranean existing, occurring, or done under the earth's surface.
Unbeknown without the knowledge of (someone).
Flummoxed bewildered or perplexed.
Chestnut a glossy hard brown edible nut which develops within a bristly case and which may be roasted
and eaten.

Chapter 6 Out Of The Frying-Pan Into The Fire

Words Meanings
Ridges a long, narrow hilltop, mountain range, or watershed.
Peering appearing
Benighted  overtaken by darkness or night.
Infested (of insects or animals) be present (in a place or site) in large numbers,
typically so as to cause damage or disease.
Clambered climb or move in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands
and feet.
Glade an open space in a wood or forest.
Uncanny strange
Afoot in preparation or progress; happening or beginning to happen.
Precipice a very steep rock face or cliff, especially a tall one.
Boughs branches
Sorrel a European plant of the dock family, with arrow-shaped leaves that are used in
salads and cookery for their acidic flavour.
Marjoram an aromatic southern European plant of the mint family, the leaves of which are
used as a culinary herb.
Bracken a tall fern with coarse lobed fronds, which occurs worldwide and can cover large
Larch a coniferous tree with bunches of deciduous bright green needles, found in cool
regions of the northern hemisphere. It is grown for its tough timber and its resin
(which yields turpentine).

Chapter 7 Queer Lodgings

Word Meaning
Pinnacles the most successful highest points
Droning making a continuous low humming sound.
Unimpeachable not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized
Westering (especially of the sun) nearing the west.
Trestles a framework consisting of a horizontal beam supported by two pairs of
sloping legs, used in pairs to support a flat surface such as a table top.
Scuffling engaging in a short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters.
Wearisome causing tiredness; fatigue:
Appalling horrifying; shocking.
Dale a valley, especially in northern England.
Mead an alcoholic drink of fermented honey and water.
Withered fall into decay or decline.
Stark severe or bare in appearance or outline.
Hart an adult male deer, especially a red deer over five years old.
Tippet a woman's long fur scarf or shawl worn around the neck and shoulders.
Chapter 8 Flies And Spiders

Word Meaning
Parch to make dry, hot, or thirsty:
Twined to form by twisting, intertwining, or interlacing: 
Stealthily secretly and quietly to avoid being noticed
Scuttled run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps.

Chapter 9 Barrels Out Of Bond

Word Meaning
Realm A Kingdom
Clamour a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting.
Lurking Being or remaining hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something.
Tramping Walking heavily or noisily.
Nimble quick and light in movement or action; agile.
Muddled  confused.
Eddying (of water, air, or smoke) move in a circular way.
Portcullis a strong, heavy grating that can be lowered down grooves on each side of a gateway
to block it.
Flagon a large container in which drink is served, typically with a handle and spout.
Potent having great power, influence, or effect.
Vintage denoting something from the past of high quality, especially something representing
the best of its kind.

Chapter 10 A Warm Welcome

Draggled hung untidily.
Solemnities  states or qualities of being serious and dignified.
Ominous giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly
Promontory a point of high land that juts out into the sea or a large lake; a headland.
Vagabond a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.
Muttering a privately expressed complaint or expression of dissatisfaction.
Enmity a state or feeling of active opposition or hostility.
Circuitous (of a route or journey) longer than the most direct way.
The City School
Class 8
The Hobbit
2nd Term

Chapter 11 On the Doorstep

Word Meaning
Alluding Suggesting or calling attention to indirectly; hint at.
Ominous threatening
Receded went or moved back or further away from a previous position.
Promontory a point of high land that juts out into the sea or a large lake; a headland.
Moored make fast (a boat) by attaching it by cable or rope to the shore or to an anchor

Disembark leave a ship, aircraft, or train.

Desolation a state of complete emptiness or destruction.
Spurs a high piece of land that sticks out from a mountain or a group of mountains
Crevice narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall.
Lintel a horizontal support of timber, stone, concrete, or steel across the top of a
door or window.
Implored begged someone earnestly or desperately to do something.
Roving roaming or wandering
Beady (of a person's eyes) small,
round, and gleaming.

Chapter 12 Inside Information

Word Meaning
Thrumming making a continuous rhythmic humming sound.
Splendour magnificent and splendid appearance
Dire extremely serious or urgent.
Toiled worked extremely hard or incessantly.
Creditable able to be believed; convincing.
Infuriate able to be believed; convincing.
Skulking keep out of sight, typically with a sinister or cowardly motive.
Grievous (of something bad) very severe or serious.
Cartage the conveyance of something in a cart or other vehicle.
Unassessable Uncountable
Antiquated old-fashioned or outdated.
Spouted to emit or discharge forcibly (a liquid, granulated substance, fire etc.) in a
stream or jet
Stumbled trip or momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall
Dubious hesitating or doubting
Stratagems a plan or scheme
Battering-rams a heavy object swung or rammed against a door to break it down.
Smoldering burn slowly with smoke but no flame.
Stealth (of something bad) very severe or serious.

Chapter 13 Not At Home

Word Meaning
Pallid pale
Splintered broke into small sharp fragments.
Fleeting lasting for a very short time.
Helms Armour
Perpetually continuing without interruption
Dominion sovereignty or control.

Chapter 14 Fire And Water

Word Meaning
Forging make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and
hammering it.
Kindle set (something) on fire
Marvel something that causes wonder, admiration, or astonishment;
Smote To strike or hit hard
Recompense make amends to (someone) for loss or harm suffered; 
Contrived deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously.
Perished died
Desolate (of a place) uninhabited and giving an impression of bleak emptiness.

Chapter 15 The Gathering Of The Clouds

Word Meaning
Decrepit worn out or ruined because of age or neglect.
Alighted (of a bird) descended from the air and settled
Carrion the decaying flesh of dead animals
Remnant  remainder
Dwelt lived in or at a specified place
Fortifying providing (a place) with defensive works as protection against attack.
Mirth amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.
Reckoning the action or process of calculating or estimating something.
Kindred one's family and relations.
Succoured Assisted or aided

Chapter 16 A Thief In The Night

Word Meaning
Comely attractive
Clambered climbed or moved in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both
hands and feet.
Oddments scraps and leftover pieces
Bade past of bid
Wearily feeling or showing extreme tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion.
Piling place (things) one on top of the other

Chapter 17 The Clouds Burst

Word Meaning
Astir in a state of excited movement.
Tarry to remain or stay
Besiege to surround with hostile forces
Strongholds a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack.
Vanguard a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas.
Feint a deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, or other movement,
Onslaught  attack
Wielding waving or twirling
Precipice a very steep rock face or cliff, especially a tall one.
Scimitars a short sword with a curved blade that broadens towards the point, used
originally in Eastern countries.
Flanks the side of a person's or animal's body between the ribs and the hip.
Hauberk a piece of armour originally covering only the neck and shoulders but later consisting
of a full-length coat of mail or military tunic.
Mattocks an agricultural tool shaped like a pickaxe, with an adze and a chisel edge as the ends
of the head
Chapter 18 The Return Journey

Word Meaning
Notched marked
Dismay concern and distress caused by something unexpected.
Bidding the ordering or requesting of someone to do something.
Outstretched went beyond the limit of
Mustering collect or assemble (a number or amount)

Chapter 19 The Last Stage

Word Meaning
Commotion disturbance
Contented happy and satisfied 
Commence begin
Extravagant lacking restraint in spending money or using resources.

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