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Chapter 6: Architecture and Infrastructure

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Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 1

Chapter 6: Architecture and

This chapter focuses on how organizations move from strategy (vision) to architecture (design)
to infrastructure (implementation of design). This is a good chapter in which to include
discussions of hardware, software, and network technologies that make up the infrastructure of
an organization. That includes the latest architectural trends (mainframe, client/server, peer-to-
peer, wireless, etc.), business communications trends (broadband, ISDN, DSL, etc.), and
information management trends (data warehousing, database management, web services such as
Web 2.0, etc). This should be supplemented appropriately based on the instructor's and the
student's interests and background. Consult the instructor’s community site for current
technologies and trends.

Discussion Opener: In the slides, questions are furnished about the Mohawk opening case, as
well as answers in the notes section of the first slide.

Alternate Discussion Opener: What are some of the challenges companies face when they
implement large, complex information systems, such as ERP systems? Summarize actions
managers can take to mitigate the effects of end user resistance.

Key Points in Chapter

Most students believe they need a thorough understanding of technologies to understand how
their businesses can prosper with information systems. They are both right and wrong. A basic,
fundamental understanding of technologies is necessary; but a detailed, technical understanding
of all technologies is not only unnecessary but a fruitless exercise. Any technology covered in a
course today will most likely be out of date by graduation time. Therefore it is the point of view
of this book, and this chapter in particular, to offer a very basic framework for understanding
technologies and for learning how to manage them. It is envisioned that students will use the
basic framework, but in any specific situation, they will need to deeply study the specific
technology they intend to use.

The beginning of this chapter describes Mohawk paper’s transformation of their business due to
opportunities presented by a major bankruptcy in the envelope industry. Mohawk was able to
make use of business partners to assist in their adaptation of particular product lines, on the road
to insourcing each product line.

This chapter focuses on architecture and infrastructure using comparisons to a structural

architecture approach. First, there is a vision of what should be built. This equates to the strategy.
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 2

Then, the architect develops plans based on the vision. The plans provide guidance and direction
for others involved in building the system (or building). The architecture is the blueprint which
translates the business strategy into a workable plan. The infrastructure includes the physical
components which, once assembled, execute the plan.

The large number of IT choices available, coupled with the fast pace of technology changes,
makes it nearly impossible to build the perfect architecture. But managers must, nevertheless,
make decisions in this environment. The first step is translating strategy into architecture, and the
second is to translate architecture into infrastructure. Strategy drives a number of business goals.
The goals, in turn, drive business requirements, which drive architectural requirements. The
architecture drives a number of functional specifications, which drive decisions about hardware,
software, networks, and data. Essentially, the process model begins with an abstract concept and
finishes with tangible elements that satisfy the original vision.

A simple framework is presented for use by managers who seek to understand both what a
current information system looks like, and what questions to ask in order to build a new one.
The framework is shown in the table below (this is a simplified version of the Figure 6.3 in the

Component What Who Where


This framework is most useful when applied to both architectural and infrastructure decisions.

Figure 6.4 describes common architectures, and software-defined architecture is new to this
edition. This new concept is still emerging and new cases and examples are likely to be found in
the future.

The concept “Bring Your Own Device” is described. This topic can be used to engage students
in a friendly debate on the pros (e.g. transfer the cost of the device to the employee, familiarity
using a personal device, less training required) and cons (e.g. security, lack of standardization,
maintenance headaches for IT staff) of a BYOD corporate policy.

Consumerization of IT is also discussed. This involves creating mobile applications for

employee and customer convenience. The expectation is that you will provide an online “app”
for most software functionality that is web-enabled.

Enterprise Architecture includes four key components: core business processes, shared data
(e.g. centralized repository or data warehouse), linking and automation technologies, and
customer groups. Information from experts Ross, Weill and Robertson from their book
“Enterprise Architecture as a Strategy” (2006) is the main source of information for this section.
Enterprise Architecture is important to highlight as many companies have embraced enterprise
systems (SAP, Peoplesoft/Oracle, etc.). A good discussion point for this section may be to discuss
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 3

the challenges of implementing such a framework, particularly within a global organization, or

use the GiantCo.com case (later in the chapter).

Virtualization and cloud computing are two concepts that move computing requirements to
third party vendors, transferring the responsibilities and maintenance from the corporate IT group
to a separate entity. Core components that are typically offloaded to vendors are servers, storage,
backup, network, and disaster recovery.

Other managerial considerations when designing and implementing an appropriate information

system are explored. The first is to understand existing architecture, which allows the manager to
evaluate the requirements of an evolving business strategy in terms of current IT capacity and
capability. Second, there is the issue of strategic timeframe. By the time an IT decision is made,
the technology is often already out of date. The architecture must take into account technological
advances and have the capability to adapt as technologies evolve. Third, technical issues
including adaptability, scalability, standardization, maintainability, and security are
introduced. It is important to focus on the security portion of this discussion since that is a
tremendous risk for organizations and must be carefully and properly planned. Fourth, financial
justifications for IT investments are difficult, if not impossible, to calculate since they include
both tangible and intangible costs. Payback calculations in the form of increased productivity,
increased interoperability, improved service, and others are often considered "soft numbers."
(Financial issues are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 8: The Business of IT.)

This chapter takes students through a simple case, GiantCo.com, to illustrate how to go from
strategy to infrastructure, using the framework and questions posed in the chapter. Figure 6.7
provides an example of the managerial considerations using the GiantCo.com case.

Social Business Lens: Building Social-Mobile Applications – Given the ubiquitous usage of
mobile communications devices, social mobile applications are becoming an expectation by this
population. The widespread adoption of smartphones is changing digital communications in
general. Corporations must respond to this demand.

Illustrative Answers to Discussion

1. Think about a company you know well. What would be an example of IT architecture at that
company? An example of the IT infrastructure?

Ans: This is an open-ended question, asking students to draw upon their personal experiences.
An answer would include a description of the architecture as distinct from the infrastructure, and
the advanced student might even start with a strategic business goal and show how it was
translated into both an architectural goal and an infrastructure. Others might use the matrix
framework from the chapter to describe the architecture or infrastructure. Architectural goals
might be used to build an information system that efficiently connects employees, customers, and
vendors, and supplies them with information they need at the time they need it. The
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 4

infrastructure that supports that architectural goal might be an intranet connecting personal
computers in every office, supporting software, and a centralized data warehouse with the data

2. What, in your opinion, is the difference between a decentralized architecture and a centralized
architecture? What is an example of a business decision that would be affected by the choice of
the architecture?

Ans: This is a more difficult question for a non-IT manager. Decentralized architecture
(previously referred to as client/server architecture) would be one where the personal computers
(e.g. laptops or desktops) and the network itself contain intelligence, store data, and perform
localized processing. In comparison, a centralized architecture (previously called mainframe
architecture) is one where the majority, if not all, of the data storage and processing functions are
performed by the server. In a centralized architecture, the local systems simply "connect" to the
server and the server does all the work. An example of a business decision that might be affected
is the decision to open up the company's systems to customers. If the architecture is centralized,
the customers need only connect to the server. If the system is decentralized, the customers need
to be added as separate and independent nodes on the network. Security concerns differ for both
architectures, based on where the data is stored and where the processing is performed. For
example, centralized architectures would need protection against problems that might bring
down the whole system. Decentralized architectures would need protection from corrupting the
data and software that might be stored on the local PCs.

3. From your personal experience, what is an example of software as a service? Of BYOD?

Ans: Students will offer a variety of answers from their personal experiences. Google Docs is a
useful starting point for classroom discussion. The software is maintained by the vendor, not
installed on the personal device. The local (or client) device uses the applications through an
Internet connection, making the software universally available and accessible, as long as the user
is online.

BYOD is a hot topic being discussed by managers, without a clear consensus on the outcome.
Students should critically assess the benefits and risks associated with a BYOD corporate policy.
For example, the benefits might include employee familiarity with the devices, transferring the
cost of the device to the employee, and less training required by the employer. Risks might
include network security, lack of standardization and compatibility across the network, and
maintenance headaches for IT staff trying to troubleshoot a large variety of device malfunctions.
Finally, a clear and comprehensive BYOD corporate policy would be required in order to protect
the company from liability with employees and customers.

4. Each of the following companies would benefit from software-defined architecture or

conventional, owned hardware and software. State which you would advise each of the following
fictitious firms (plus the IRS) to adopt and explain why.
a. StableCo is a firm that sells industrial paper shredders. Its business has remained steady
for two decades and it has a strong and diverse customer base.
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 5

Ans: Stableco could benefit from a conventional approach, as they do not suffer from
dynamic changes. They are also not dependent on one or two customers. If they intend to
move into new markets, however, they might need to adapt to a software-defined
b. DynamicCo is a fast-growing six-year old firm that has relied on three to five key
wholesale customers for its entire existence. However, the list of key customers changes
every year, and during two of the years, sales declined sharply.
Ans: DynamicCo requires agility and could benefit from software-defined architecture.
Their needs change often, and they are dependent on a small number of customers that
change often as well.
c. Plastics3000 is an old, stable plastics manufacturing firm that has kept its sales steady in
the face of competitors as the result of an active research and development team that uses
advanced software to analyze large amounts of data to develop new compounds. Once or
twice a week, office personnel complain of the network becoming very slow.
Ans: Plastics3000 sometimes requires R&D to have more capacity and a software-
defined network would be very useful in allocating capacity when necessary.
d. A downtown Las Vegas casino monitors each slot machine continuously for early
detection of malfunctions such as winnings or losses trending beyond their threshold
Ans: The casino is likely to need only small amounts of data communication for
performing the monitoring. A small amount of telecommunications bandwidth would
likely be adequate, and there would be little gain from “borrowing” from it.
e. CallPerfect provides call center services to pharmacies. Phone calls are routed to the
company after hours and messages are delivered to the pharmacy manager the next
If the call center’s bandwidth needs are high during the day but needs are low overnight,
a software-defined architecture would make sense.
f. At the IRS, tax forms are available online for citizens to complete and file with the IRS
electronically by April 15. A call center routes calls to agents who answer taxpayers’
Because the website takes care of high-bandwidth needs (complex and graphical forms),
the greatest concern is the call center. Like CallPerfect in (e) above, if the call center’s
needs for bandwidth are high during the day, a software-defined architecture would be
quite appropriate.
g. At LittlePeople, Inc., a day care center, parents are called using software on the
administrator’s computer when there is a weather emergency. The school has averaged
120 families for many years.

Because the day care center has only intermittent needs to use a relatively small number
of regular telephone calls, a conventional architecture would save money and complexity
without missed opportunities.
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 6

Further Discussion Questions

1. The use of mobile technologies in the workplace has the potential to provide advantage to the
organization. When thinking of mobile computing and communication devices such as a
smartphone, how does this affect the complex interplay between choices of IT infrastructure,
architecture, and software?

2. To supplement this chapter in a classroom setting, students can be asked to research and report
on a current technology. The reporting can take place in a number of ways: students can prepare
a written report (I suggest making it 5 pages or less, since writing less is much more difficult
than writing more); students can prepare a 1-2 page briefing (which they can copy or post on a
web site for their classmates); students can deliver a presentation on the topic and distribute a
one-page “take away” summary; or students can be charged with teaching the topic to classmates
(which, in my class, meant anything but a PowerPoint-type presentation; it had to be fun,
entertaining, and teach something specific about their chosen topic).

4. Corporations are making the assumption that everyone uses a smartphone. For example, QR
(Quick Response) codes can be found in magazines, on posters, and on brochures for all sorts of
products. How does this perpetuate the negative outcomes created by the “Digital Divide”? What
can companies do to change this perception of alienating a sub-population of their customer

Case Study 6-1: Enterprise Architecture at American Express

This case covers American Express’s use of enterprise architecture to provide a framework to
unite IT and business strategies. Individual units use a common set of road maps to develop and
build architecture and governance processes.

1. What are the key components of the architecture American Express has created?

Ans: The key components presented in the case focus on reference architectures and road maps.
Using a standardized language and initiatives, the company is able to create applications that
work on a common platform.

2. Why was it important to standardize so much of the architecture? What are the advantages
and disadvantages of a standard EA for American Express?
Ans: American Express was determined to maintain a common architecture to improve
efficiency. The advantages include easier maintenance for the IT staff, common language and
general understanding for American Express employees, and a consistent interface for customers.
The disadvantages will focus on the requirement for units to comply with the standardized
architecture. This might require significant changes and modifications, leading to some initial
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 7

confusion. There might be resistance from individuals less convinced of the importance of
developing a common architecture.

3. Describe how the new architecture supports the goals and strategy of American Express.

Ans: The corporate goals are to align IT and the business strategy. This includes a consistent
customer experience and the ability to evolve as the industry changes. The enterprise architecture
will facilitate the presentation of new products and services that come along. This structure will
permit the company to grow and change as necessary.

4. What types of future payment products and services should be anticipated and prepared for
by the EA group? What is your vision of how payments might work? If you were advising the
CIO of American Express, what would you suggest his group prepare for?

Ans: With the consumerization of applications, customers will expect to be able to make mobile
payments, check their accounts using their smartphones, and use American Express services at
any time. Smartphone apps will need to include scanner features to deposit checks. Customers
will expect to be able to reconcile problems with their accounts without having to interact with a
human service agent. Electronic signatures will be the norm, allowing for real-time processing of
transactions. American Express will have to continue to innovate. Maintaining a continuous
dialogue with customers and listening to their feedback will allow the company to respond
quickly to new demands. This feedback can also be obtained through social networking outlets.

Case Study 6-2: The Case of Extreme Scientists

This case discusses the use of cloud computing to analyze large, complex data sets. No longer
will individuals require expensive, proprietary technologies to perform intensive calculations.
These functions can be performed relatively cheaply, requiring users to only pay for the capacity

Sample answers to discussion

1. How would you describe the architecture Dr. Schadt uses to do his research?

Ans: The architecture used by Dr. Schadt is a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Amazon.com
is a web-enabled service that the scientist can access using an Internet connection.

2. What are the risks Dr. Schadt faces by using Amazon for his supercomputing? What are the

Ans: The risks would include security, reliability, and scalability. Dr. Schadt must rely on the
third party vendor to ensure that any sensitive data is adequately and reasonably protected from
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 8

unauthorized access. Users are dependent on the vendor for 24/7 reliability as part of the
contractual agreement. Dr. Schadt is also counting on Amazon to ensure that the capacity is
available, even if his needs increase dramatically. In each case, the end-users must trust that the
vendor will meet their needs. The benefits are that Dr. Schadt can use an advanced analytical
system to process his data while not having to maintain that system himself. He pays a relatively
minimal cost for only the services he uses, without having the expense of hardware, software,
network, and IT staff to ensure the operation of the system. This meets the user’s needs while
shifting the burden of responsibility to the vendor.

3. If you were advising a company trying to make a decision about using cloud computing for
key business applications, what would you advise and why?

Ans: My advice would be to research carefully before signing any contracts. The company needs
to be confident that the vendor is reliable and that the data will be secure. A mutually acceptable
fee structure would be negotiated, as well as intentions for the vendor to maintain current
technologies. It would be unacceptable for the vendor to allow the technologies to lapse, ignoring
any relevant innovations that enter the market. I would consult other clients to determine their
satisfaction with the vendor, and assess the stability of the firm. I would also prefer a vendor that
is somewhat familiar with the needs of companies in our industry.

Supplemental Readings:
Other Cases:

Saab mini-case (now available at https://books.google.com/books?

hXMND4KHbdwA3UQ6AEIOTAG#v=onepage&q=cio%20magazine%20saab&f=false). The
case is described in more detail at the source. It shows how Saab’s vision is embodied in its
infrastructure. They were able to facilitate dealer access to corporate information to improve the
timeliness of the information and to consolidate the information about vehicles, customers,
warranties, sales, and service that is accurate to the xxx% level. These requirements were then
translated into infrastructure: this IRIS system is written in Java using IBM DB2 running on the
IBM AS/400. Lotus Domino is the middleware that mediates between the legacy system and the
front-end Web interface.

Cisco Systems Architecture: ERP and Web-Enabled IT by Nolan, R.L., Harvard Business
School, 301099, 23 pages, 2005 (setting: California)

This case discusses Cisco’s replacement of legacy back-office systems with its strategic I-Net.
This includes the ERP implementation and connecting with customers over the Internet. Students
will gain an appreciation of the complexity of implementing an ERP system.

Mercedes-Benz India by Chandrasekhar, R., Haggerty, N., and Venkatagiri, S., Richard Ivey
School of Business, W11084, 13 pages, (setting: India)
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 9

While relocating a manufacturing facility to India, the company’s CIO must decide on the
appropriate architecture, IT infrastructure, and IT skills necessary to support the new plant.
Students will be required to consider various tradeoffs as they make managerial decisions. The
international setting will also help students to appreciate the added complexity of global

Offshoring at EDC by H.W. Lane & D.T.A. Wesley; Richard Ivey School of Business

Education Development Center (EDC), a non-governmental organization, is an example of

offshoring best practice and will help identify factors for successful implementation of an
outsourcing project.

Up In Smoke: Rebuilding After an IT Disaster by S. C. Ross, C. K. Tyran, D. J. Auer Idea

Group Publishing, 2005 (18 pages)

This case discusses the issues faced by the college as they resumed operations and planned for
rebuilding their information technology operations. The almost-total destruction of the college's
server assets offered a unique opportunity to rethink the IT architecture for the college.

End-User System Development: Lessons from a Case Study of IT Usage, by M. E. Jennex;

Idea Group Publishing; 2005; (14 pages)

This case looks at a study of end-user computing within the engineering organizations of an
electric utility undergoing deregulation. The case was initiated when management perceived that
too much engineering time was spent doing IS functions.

Power Conflict, Commitment & the Development of Sales & Marketing IS/IT
Infrastructures at Digital Devices, Inc., T. Butler; Idea Group Publishing. 2005; (18 pages)

The case reports on the web of individual, group and institutional commitments and influences
on the IS development and implementation processes in an organizational culture that promoted
and supported user-led development.

Prudential Chamberlain Stiehl: The Evolution of an IT Architecture for a Residential Real

Estate Firm, A. Borchers and B. Mills, Idea Publishing Group, 16 pages, IT5622, (setting: U.S.)

This case describes the evolution of an IT architecture for Prudential Chamberlain Stiehl Realtors
(PCSR), a 14 office, 250 sales agent real estate firm located in Southeast Michigan.

Information Systems Development and Business Fit in Dynamic Environments, P. Kanellis,

P. Papadopoulou, and D. Martakos, Idea Publishing Group, 12 pages, IT5669

This case describes the effects of privatization on a large industrial organization and sets the
context for illustrating the vulnerability of information systems in turbulent environments. The
case presents a detailed chronology of the events that lead to an increased awareness of the
importance of information systems flexibility. The case examines the difficulties faced by an
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 10

organization when its information systems were incapable of dealing with frantic changes in
environmental contingencies.

Nation-Wide ICT Infrastructure Introduction and Its Leverage for Overall Development,
P. Pale and J. Gojsi, Idea Publishing Group, 24 pages, IT5690

This case describes a ten-year effort of creating an information and communications technology
infrastructure in Croatia. Although initially an independent agency, five years after it began
operation, the Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNet—had been transformed into
a government agency. The case explores the question of whether or not CARNet has truly been
successful and seeks to answer the question of whether the initial goals have been realistic and
achievements sufficient, considering the low penetration of ICT into the Croatian society.

Outrigger Hotels and Resorts: A Case Study, Gabe Piccoli, 2005, Communications of AIS,
Volume 15, Article 5

This case describes the history, strategy, and current information systems infrastructure of a mid-
size, privately owned hospitality firm. The case is designed to provide the substantial background
information needed to engage successfully in setting a direction for IS resources and their use at
Outrigger Hotels and Resorts headquartered in Hawaii.

Supplemental Readings/Articles
Stamas, Paul J., Michelle L. Kaarst-Brown, and Scott A. Bernard. "The Business
Transformation Payoffs of Cloud Services at Mohawk." MIS Quarterly Executive 13.4

Grisot, Miria, Ole Hanseth, and Anne Asmyr Thorseng. "Innovation of, in, on
infrastructures: articulating the role of architecture in information infrastructure
evolution." Journal of the Association for Information Systems 15.4 (2014): 197-219.

McAfee, A. “What Every CEO Needs to Know About the Cloud,” Harvard Business Review
R1111J, November, 2011.

This article provides a general discussion of the anticipated benefits of cloud computing. It also
includes a discussion of the challenges associated with the conversion to cloud computing, and
the resources necessary to facilitate a smooth transition.

Apgar, M. & Keane, J.M. “New Business with the New Military,” Harvard Business
Review. 82(2). 2004.

Virtually all aspects of the military are changing to ensure that it can fight unpredictable threats
while sustaining the infrastructure needed to support and train forces. The military is turning to
nontraditional business partners to meet a wide range of needs, from health care to housing to
information technology.
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 11

Kane, K. “Leveraging the New IT Infrastructure for Strategic Agility,” Balanced Scorecard
Report. Harvard Business School Publishing, 2003 (5 pages).

In most companies, IT infrastructure is built in an ad hoc, piecemeal manner, with heavy

investments made on a project or operational basis--and little forethought given to how it must
support the enterprise's evolving strategy. IT infrastructure along with thoughtful, deliberate
decision-making made jointly by business and IT leaders delivers the strategic agility
organizations need in a rapidly changing world.

Managing Your 'Ecosystem', William M. Ulrich, Computerworld, (January 22, 2001)

Component-based frameworks for E-commerce, Peter Fingar, Communications of the ACM

Volume 43, No. 10 (Oct. 2000). Pages 61 - 67.

Personalized communication networks, Doug Riecken, Communications of the ACM

Volume 43, No. 8 (Aug. 2000). Pages 41 - 42.

Capturing human intelligence in the net, Paul B. Kantor, Endre Boros, Benjamin Melamed,
Vladimir Meñkov, Bracha Shapira and David J. Neu. Communications of the ACM
Volume 43, No. 8 (Aug. 2000). Pages 112 - 115.

New I/O architecture draws strong backers, Nancy Weil, Computerworld, (January 08, 1999).
See also the companion article on this architecture at: I/O Rivals Declare Truce, Plan New
Architecture, Stacy Collett, Computerworld, (September 06, 1999).

Schwab simplifies Web trade architecture, Carol Sliwa, Computerworld, (February 22, 1999).

Architecture's promise of better performance will take a while, April Jacobs,

Computerworld, (April 27, 1998).

NOTE: There are many books written about IT architecture and infrastructures, ranging from
very technical to highly managerial. Interested faculty and students should visit local bookstores
and/or online bookstores for the most current titles. Below is just a sampling.

McGovern, J. The Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture. NY: Prentice Hall, 2003.

Wiell, P. and Marianne Broadbent Leveraging the New Infrastructure: How Market Leaders
Capitalize on Information Technology. MA: HBS Publishing, 1998.

Cook, M. Building Enterprise Information Architecture: Reengineering Information Systems.

Prentice Hall, 1996.
Managing and Using IS, Sixth Edition-Chapter 6 Page 12

Fitzgerald, Jerry, and Alan Dennis. Business Data Communications and Networking. John
Wiley, 1996.

Keen, Peter G.W. & Cummins, J. Michael. Networks in Action: Business Choices and
Telecommunications Decisions. Belmont, CA; Wadsworth, 1994.

Rowe, Stanford H., Telecommunications for Managers. 3rd. ed., Prentice Hall, 1995.

Stallings, William, & Van Slyke, Richard. Business Data Communications. 2nd. ed.,
Macmillan, New York, 1994.

Stallings, William. Data and Computer Communication. MacMillan, 1993.


TechWeb's TechEncyclopedia offers definitions and links for more than 20000 information
technology terms.

A dictionary of more than 1,000 terms is available at http://www.consp.com/it-information-


A glossary of thousands of technology definitions can be found at http://whatis.techtarget.com/

Sept 25, 2015: Fortune says there is mounting evidence that we have a "multi-cloud" world.
Have students read the article at http://fortune.com/2015/09/25/multi-cloud-management/ and
ask them the following: (1) Why would a firm use multiple clouds? (2) Are many vendors
supporting multi-cloud environments? (3) What are "bare metal" implementations? What is an
advantage and a disadvantage of "bare metal" applications?

January 29, 2015: Microsoft has released Office for Tablets, which can have powerful
implications on infrastructure decisions. Have students read the article
at http://www.informationweek.com/mobile/mobile-applications/microsoft-office-arrives-on-
android-tablets-/d/d-id/1318861?itc=edit_in_body_cro and ask them to think of a situation in
which a firm would provide Android tablets to managers who travel quite a bit. Ask them the
following: (1) Would the absence or presence of Office on tablet platform affect the decision? (2)
Given the roll-out, how would a tablet now be more attractive than a thin laptop for the travelers?
(3) Would the pricing model have an impact on the screen size that you would choose to provide
to the travelers? (4) What infrastructure decision would you make in the area of soft keyboards
versus keyboard cases with real keys? Would keyboard size enter into your decision-making?

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