Week 11 Endocrinology Part 2 3
Week 11 Endocrinology Part 2 3
Week 11 Endocrinology Part 2 3
Associated with neck pain, low-grade fever and Describes the peculiar nonpitting swelling of the
swings in thyroid function tests skin
Thyroidal peroxidase (TPO) antibodies are The skin becomes infiltrated by
absent mucopolysaccharides
ESR and thyroglobulin levels are elevated (due Clinical feature: “puffy” face, weight gain, slow
to inflammation of the thyroid tissue) speech, eyebrows thinned, dry and yellow skin,
Hypothyroidism: Myxedema coma – severe form of primary
Develops whenever insufficient amounts of
thyroid hormone are available to tissues
Treated with thyroid hormone replacement
therapy (levothyroxine)
o Cold intolerance
o Weight gain
o Dryness skin
o Mental dullness
Primary Hypothyroidism:
TT 4 x T 3 U ( % )
FT 4 I = ∨¿
T3 Uptake Test:
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
Develops in response to decrease serum
There is a diffuse hyperplasia of all 4 glands
Causes: vitamin D deficiency and chronic renal
failure (causes increase excretion of calcium; Adrenal glands are pyramid-shaped glands
Parathyroid gland response to the release to the located on top of the kidneys
decrease of calcium concentration in the serum Composed of distinct but conjoined glands, tha
so it produces more parathyroid hormone out adrenal cortex (yellow) and inner adrenal
Occurs in response to low blood calcium in the medulla (dark mahogany)
body. Over time, increased parathyroid hormone
levels occur
Due to the response to this stimulus increased in
sizes of all 4 glands
Lab results:
o Ionized calcium- decreased
o PTH- increased
Due to accidental injury to the parathyroid
glands (neck) during surgery- post surgical
Other cause: I) Radioactive treatment for
o Very low magnesium level in the blood
o Autoimmune attack on the parathyroid Has prime effects on blood pressure
o DiGeorge syndrome Adrenal Cortex
o Familial hypoparathyroidism
Individuals are unable to maintains calcium The major site of steroid hormone production
concentration in blood without calcium Cholesterol is the parent/main molecule of all
supplementation steroid hormones
Calcium level <6mg/dL (1.5 mmol/L) The secretion of adrenal glucocorticoids and
o Laryngeal stridor and tonic-clonic androgens is regulated by ACTH
seizures (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone), which is under
Calcium level <8mg/dL (2.0 mmol/L) the control of the hypothalamic CRH
o Leads to tetany and altered (Corticotropin Releasing Hormone)
neuromuscular activity (chvostek’s sign Mineralocorticoid secretion is controlled by the
and trousseau’s sign) RAS (Renin Angiotensin System)
Chronic deficiency of calcium can lead to Only the adrenal cortical mitochondria contain a
osteoporosis mixed function oxidase capable of converting
cholesterol to pregnenolone (precursor of all
hormone in the adrenal gland such as
aldosterone, cortisol, and sex hormones
testosterone and estrone)
The cholesterol side chain enzyme contains
flavoproteins and cytochrome P40 SCC
Clinical Chemistry 2
Week 11- Parathyroid Gland Part 2 and 3
rounded face, pink or purple stretch marks on
3 Layers of Adrenal Cortex the skin, high blood pressure, bone loss, on
occasion Type 2 diabetes, hyperglycemia,
Zona glomerulosa (outermost layer)- 10% thinning of the skin, poor wound healing,
o Principal source of mineralocorticoid hypertension, decreased WBC (lymphocytes)
Zona fasciculata (middlemost layer)- 75%
o Site of glucocorticoid production
Zona reticularis (innermost layer)- 10%
o Produces androstenedione and DHEA
Principal glucocorticoid
Stimulates gluconeogenesis in the liver resulting
in hyperglycemia (anti-insulin effect)
Synthesis is regulated by ACTH
The only adrenal hormone that inhibit the
secretion of ACTH (when plasma cortisol levels
is elevated)
Valuable therapeutic agent for rheumatoid
arthritis, SLE and multiple sclerosis
o Anti-inflammatory and
immunosuppressive actions
Secretion is diurnal and is associated with a
person’s sleep-wake cycle Test For Hypercortisolism
High levels in the morning (6-8am)
Lowest at night (10pm to 12am) 24-hour urinary free cortisol test
Serum, plasma, saliva and urine may be used; o Best screening test
blood sample for analysis should be drawn o 3 different collection sample
around 8am
Overnight dexamethasone suppression test
Increased urine free cortisol levels are sensitive o Normal: suppressed; abnormal: not
indicators of adrenal hyperfunction using 24-
hour urine collection
Low dose dexamethasone suppression test
o Confirmatory test
Urinary Metabolites Include
o Abnormal: not suppressed
ACTH Measurement
o Measured by porter-silber method
(positive result is yellow)
Cushing’s syndrome (primary adrenal lesion)
o Reagent: phenyl hydrazine in H2SO4 +
o ↑ (increase) cortisol, ↓ (decrease) ACTH
Cushing’s disease (tertiary hypercortisolism
17-ketogenic steroid
ACTH producing pituitary adenoma)
o Measured by Zimmerman Reaction
o ↑ (increase) cortisol, ↑ (increase) ACTH
(produces reddish purple reaction)
o Refers only to hypercortisolism
o Reagent: meta-dinitrobenzene
o Secondary to excess production of
o Oxidation procedure: Norymbersky
ACTH from a corticotroph pituitary
(using Na bismutate)
o Secondary hypercortisolism
Clinical Disorders
o Due to excess production of
Hypercortisolism (Cushing’s Syndrome) hyperthalamic corticotropin releasing
Caused primarily by excessive production of hormone (Tertiary hypercortisolism)
cortisol and ACTH
Signs and symptoms: weight gain but thin High Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test
extremities (“buffalo bump” in shoulders), a
Clinical Chemistry 2
Week 11- Parathyroid Gland Part 2 and 3
2mg dexamethasone every 6 hours for 2 days from tertiary adrenal insufficiency (increased
Cushing’s syndrome ACTH response)
o Not suppressed (17-OH steroid and Metyrapone (inhibitor of 11-B-hydroxylase) test
cortisol) is used as an alternative diagnostic or
Cushing’s disease confirmatory test for secondary or tertiary
o Suppressed adrenal insufficiency (positive result is
decreased response- decreased ACTH)
Primary hypocortisolism (Primary adrenal Results from deficiency of enzymes such as 21-
insufficiency) hydroxylase (most common), 11-B-hydroxylase
o Due to decreased cortisol production- (2nd most common) and 3b-hydroxysteroid
90% destruction of the adrenal cortex; dehydrogenase-osemerase, necessary for the
aldosterone deficiency; excess ACTH synthesis of cortisol
release Decreased plasma cortisol, increased ACTH
o Disorder: Addison’s disease levels and increased levels of androgens
(hypotension, hyponatremia,
hyperkalemia, hyperpigmentation and Aldosterone
darkening of the skin
o Lab test: ACTH stimulation test The most potent mineralocorticoid (electro-
(Cosyntropin stimulation test) regulating hormone)
o Increase frequency in the evaluation and A steroid hormone that helps regulate water and
the diagnosis of primary adrenal electrolytes (sodium and potassium and blood
insufficiency pressure
o A random cortisol level is checked Acts on renal tubular epithelium to increase
retention of Na and excretion of K and H
before a 200microgram of injection of
cosyntropin and then 36-60 minutes The synthesis of this hormone is primarily
later controlled by the renin-angiotensin system
o (+) result- delayed response to
Clinical Disorders
stimulation test/ decreased ACTH and
Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s disease)
Secondary and Tertiary hypocortisolism Caused by aldosterone-secreting adrenal
o Rare condition caused by over
Also known as 2° and 3° adrenal insufficiency
production of aldosterone hormone that
Is due to hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency with
controls Na and K in the blood
loss of ACTH
o 33% cases are due adrenal adenoma
No problem with mineralocorticoid (does not get
its stimulation from ACTH) secretion; absence of that produces aldosterone
hyperpigmentation o 66% cases are due to an enlargement of
Lab test: ACTH stimulation test (Cosyntropin adrenal glands
stimulation test) o Common causes include adrenal cancer
(+) result- delayed response to stimulation and inherited disorder or familial
test/decreased ACTH and cortisol hyperaldosteronism
Symptoms: hypertension, hypokalemia, mild
Notes to Remember hypernatremia, and metabolic alkalosis