Lesson 1components of Instructional Planning
Lesson 1components of Instructional Planning
Lesson 1components of Instructional Planning
How do you plan for instruction? Describe the process you do. If possible, show instructional plans
you have previously made.
It is possible that you have several questions to consider when planning for your daily classroom
teaching. Which among the questions on the succeeding page will most likely guide you? Put a
check mark() before all questions that apply. Then rank the questions from your highest (1) to
least (11) priority.
_____A What should the students know, understand, or be able to do?
_____B How will your students demonstrate mastery?
_____C How will you instruct your students so they can reach that level of mastery?
_____D What learning materials will you utilize?
_____E What method will you use to assess?
What learning activities will enable the students to acquire target
_____F knowledge, and develop target skills and competencies?
_____G How much time will each activity require?
_____H What are the interests and learning preferences of the students?
What are the criteria for success? How well should the students know the
_____I content after instruction?
_____J How will the students’ outputs be graded?
_____K What do students already know about the topic?
Listed on the table below are questions we consider when planning for instruction. Each question
pertains to elements of classroom instruction (e.g., teacher, students, learning resources, time,
assessment, etc.) that must be prepared before an instruction happens. Identify the classroom
instruction element each question refers to. The first item is done for you.
A What should your students know, understand or be able to do? Academic plan or
B How will your students demonstrate their mastery?
How will you instruct your students so they can reach that level of
C mastery?
D What learning materials will you utilize?
E What method will you use to assess?
What learning activities will enable the students to acquire target
F knowledge, and develop target skill and competencies?
G How much time will each activity require?
H What are the interests and learning preferences of the students?
What are the criteria for success? How well should the students
I know the content after instruction?
J How will the students’ outputs be graded?
K What do students should already know about the topic?
In what way are they similar? In what way are they different?
1. For each in Gagne’s list, come up with tips and guidelines for teachers. Read relevant print and
online sources.
Example: Techniques for gaining learner’s attention:
Stimulate learners’ attention with novelty of surprise
Pose thought-provoking questions
Present an intriguing problem
Present meaningful and relevant challenge
2. Gather examples of instructional plans from friends and colleagues. Examine the presence of
any of the nine events of instruction proposed by Gagne.
Did you find any new element/ Identify and discuss.
3. What makes an instruction effective? Develop a rubric for an effective instructional plan.
Lesson Synthesis:
1. What new insights did you learn from the lesson?
2. What is the importance of instructional Planning?