Sources of CHO: ACTIVITY No. 5 Blood Glucose Test
Sources of CHO: ACTIVITY No. 5 Blood Glucose Test
Sources of CHO: ACTIVITY No. 5 Blood Glucose Test
FASTING BLOOD GLUCOSE (FBG) 3-Hours Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Normal
The patient has not eaten or taken in reference range
calories for 8 -10 hours prior to
testing FBS < 95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L)
A fasting blood sample is drawn from One-hours < 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L)
the patient. Two hours < 155 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L)
Allowed to clot and centrifuged. Three hours < 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L)
The serum or plasma should be
separated from clotted blood 2-hours postprandial glucose
Glucose analysis is done on the
blood sample taken from the patient 2-hours
serum or plasma free from hemolysis.
after eating for diagnosis of diabetes.
The fasting glucose level indicates Postprandial tests are most reliable if the
the glucose level at the specific time patient is tested following a standard glucose
the specimen is collected. dose (50 or 75gms) – ADA
Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) Normal Reference How to perform 2-HOURS POSTPRANDIAL
Normal : <100 mg/dL (<5.5 mmol/L)
Prediabetic/impaired Plasma Glucose : 100-125 1. Patient must fast for 8-10 hrs. then eat a meal with
mg/dL (5.5-6.9 mmol/L) at least 75 gms of carbohydrates
Diabetic : ≥126 mg/dL (>7.0 mmol/L) diabetes
2. Two hours after the meal blood sample will be
drawn for glucose analysis.
(OGTT) Modification method for 2-HPPBS
= gold standard for the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. 1. Patient must fast for 8-10 hrs
= used during pregnancy for diagnosing gestational 2. A standard glucose dose (50 or 75 gms) will be
diabetes. consumed rather than a
= the person fasts overnight (at least 8 hours, but random meal.
not more than 16 hours). the next morning, the 3. Two hours after blood sample will be drawn for
fasting plasma glucose is tested. glucose analysis.
= the person receives a dose of oral glucose 2-HOUR POSTPRANDIAL GLUCOSE Reference
= Blood samples are taken up to four times at Normal range
different time points after consumption of the sugar Normal/Non-diabetic 2- hr plasma glucose : < 140
to measure the blood glucose. mg/dL
How to perform 3-HOURS ORAL GLUCOSE Impaired GTT 2- hrs PPG : 140-199 mg/dL
TOLERANCE TEST (OGTT) Diabetes mellitus 2- hrs PPG : > 200 mg/dL
1. The patient should consume a normal diet or one
that contains approximately 150 grams of
carbohydrates per day.
2. The patient should arrive fasting for a minimum of
eight hours before the test If the patient does not
arrive fasting, the test should be rescheduled.
3. The fasting sample should be taken and the time
point should be noted.
4. The patient should then consume the correct
amount of glucose (established by weight, up to 75
grams) over a maximum of a 5-minute period.
5. Additional blood samples should be taken at 1
hour, 2 hours and 3 hours
6. The blood samples should be processed for
ACTIVITY No. 5 Blood Glucose Test
glycated hemoglobin
is hemoglobin with glucose attached.
evaluates the average amount of glucose in the
blood over the last 2 to 3 months by measuring the
percentage of glycated hemoglobin in the blood.
reliable method for diagnosing diabetes.
Folin-Wu :
- uses tungstic acid to remove protein from serum
- measure sugar (FBS)
cuprous ions + phosphomolybdate acid /phosphomolbdenum
- uses Zn (OH)2
- measure true glucose (FBG)
cuprous ions + arsenomlybdate
Conversion factor: mg/dL x 0.0555= mmol/L. um blue
Benedict’s method
used for detection and quantitation of reducing
substance in body fluids
O–toluidine Method
= chemical color reaction; most sensitive, but carcinogenic
―Dubowski Reaction‖
Glucose + O-toluidine 𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙 Glycosylamine