Q4 TVL Eim 12 Week2
Q4 TVL Eim 12 Week2
Q4 TVL Eim 12 Week2
The Cabinet, according to the Philippine Electrical Code must have doors and are thus distinguished from large boxes
with covers consisting of plates attached with screws and bolts.
The Philippine Electrical Code requires that all boxes used to enclose operating apparatus, i.e., Apparatus having moving
parts or requiring inspection or attention.
1. Generally inside terminal room are preferred. This allows for access to power for telephone equipment. With the
engineering approval wall, Cabinets are acceptable for buildings less than 20,000 square feet with external mounted SRP
power cabinets. If power is provided in an inside terminal room Saddleback will collocate with them.
2. Sun West Engineering, Inc. MPOP-09604808 cabinet is the only one approved by Saddleback Communications
engineering. Other cabinets may be used but must be approved prior to installation.
3. An area 8’ in front of the cabinet must be kept clear for technician access.
4. One isolated 20 Amp breaker circuit is extended to plywood backboard inside the cabinet is to be provided.
5. One #6 insulated copper wire terminated at the main power service panel ground bus bar at one end and the other end
terminated on a suitable buss bar located on the left side of the cabinet near the splice compartment is to be provided.
6. All access handles to accommodate a padlock.
7. Two 4” conduits equipped with calibrated mule tape are provided for Saddleback Communications facilities. Both enter
on the left side of the cabinet. Point off feed locations will be provided by Saddleback Engineering.
8. A maximum on three-foot radius 90-degree bends are allowed in each pulling section.
Learning Task 1
Answer the following question base on the PEC requirements for telephone installation. Write your answers on your
answer sheet or work sheet notebook.
1. Why should all telephone apparatus have enclosure?
2. What should be the type and measurement of the enclosure?
3. In a descriptive way, what are the required specifications of materials for telephone installation?
To make the connection and installation properly done, the work plan must execute properly. Making a diagram of the
connection of each part may help to easily determine the proper flow of each portion. Even in troubleshooting may done
accurately if symptoms and problems may occur. The technician must consider reading, understand and interpret the work
plan and diagram.
Learning Task 2
Supply the missing link in the given pictorial diagram by choosing the right word inside the box. Write your answers on
your answer sheet or work sheet notebook.
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________
Learning Task 3
A. Supply the specifications of the following needed for the telephone installation. Write your answers on your answer
sheet or work sheet notebook.
1. Claw Hammer
2. Lineman’s Pliers
3. Longnose Pliers
4. Level Bar
5. Try Square
6. Pull Push Rule
7. Cold Chisel
8. Cross Cut Saw
9. Plumb Bob
10. Chalk Line Reel
B. Identify the uses of the following materials by matching column A to column B. Write your answers on your answer sheet
or work sheet notebook.
Learning Task 4
Arrange the step-by-step procedure for installing telephone cabinet from 1-8.
________A. Locate the power and ground terminations at the top front side of the cabinet backplane.
________B. Ensure that mounting screws are installed in the upper and lower flanges on the right and left side of the
________C. Observe housekeeping activities.
________D. Prepare the area for the installation of telephone terminal cabinet and frames.
________E. Check the vertical and horizontal alignment of the cabinet using testing tool.
________F. Follow the proper use of PPE
________G. All the necessary tools, materials and equipment should be ready.
________H. Layout and interpret the work drawing based on the required measurements.
3. It is used to hold telephone system and terminals in place inside the cabinet.
a. Utility box b. Frames c. Fastening device d. Junction box
9. It is used to fix fitting and pipes to prevent moisture and ensure closed contact.
a. Adhesive solvent b. Fittings c. Utility box d. Junction box