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Basica Ido-English Dictionary

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This document provides a vocabulary list with Ido and English translations along with definitions and usage examples.

The purpose of this document is to provide a basic Ido to English vocabulary with explanations to help users understand the meanings and proper usage of the words.

This document discusses the constructed language Ido and its vocabulary equivalents in English.


Understanding the vocabularies

In the Ido-English vocabulary, the division of Ido words into their elements is shown by a full sto (US:
period). This is just for the benefit of users and is not the way in which the words are normally written.
Where there might be doubt as to whether a verb is transitive or intransitive an indication is given.
Some verbs (for example, movar) are both transitive and intransitive, meaning that they may be used in
either way. For some intransitive verbs (which cannot take a direct object) the preposition normally
used after the verb has been given where this is likely to be helpful.

In view of the ambiguity of many English words, in both vocabularies every effort has been made to
indicate in parentheses which meaning is intended. However, where several English words are given as
equivalents of an Ido word, they must be understood as together showing the meaning of any one of
them which on its own would be ambiguous. Different meanings of a word are separated with a semi-
colon, while synonyms and near-synonyms are separated with a comma. US usage is indicated by (US).

Abbreviations include:
adj. = adjective; adv. = adverb; conj. = conjunction; fig. = figurative(ly); intr. = intransitive; n. = noun;
prep. = preposition; pron. = pronoun; tr. = transitive; tr./intr. = transitive or intransitive; v. = verb.

A -al- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) apunt.ar (tr.) to aim at (with a camera,
al.o wing (also fig. of aeroplane, army, gun etc.)
a (= ad) (prep.) to building, windmill, etc.) aqu.o water
-ab- (verbal suffix: see grammar) alberg.o inn aquir.ar to acquire, get
abandon.ar to abandon, forsake alfabet.o alphabet -ar- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
abon.ar to subscribe to (a periodical, alonge alongside, along arab.a Arabic
etc.) alt.a high (dimension, sound or Arabi.a Arabia
absent.a absent pressure), tall aranj.ar to arrange
absolut.a absolute, unrestricted alternativ.o alternative arbor.o tree; axletree, shaft (revolving
absorb.ar to absorb; (fig.) engross altr.a other, another rod)
absurd.a absurd, preposterous altr.u another person arbust.o shrub, small bush
acend.ar to light (a lamp, a fire), set am.ar to love, like very much ardu.a rugged; arduous, hard
alight; (fig.) inflame (passion) am.o love are.o area, extent of surface
acens.ar (tr./intr.) to go up, ascend, Amerik.a America (the continent) argument.ar (intr.) to argue (a case,
mount amas.o mass, pile, heap using reason)
acept.ar to accept; receive (a guest) amator.o amateur -ari- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
-ach- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) amb.a both ariv.ar to arrive
acident.o accident (good or bad; also ambigu.a ambiguous arjent.o silver
philos.); mishap amik.o friend arm.o weapon, arm
ad (= a) (prep.) to amuz.ar to amuse, entertain armor.o cupboard
-ad- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) an (prep.) at, on (indicates contiguity, art.o art
ad.en into juxtaposition) artikl.o article (newspaper, etc;
ad.junt.ar to add, join (something to -an- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) grammar)
something else) ancien.a old (opposite of new) asert.ar to assert (make an assertion,
ad.vok.ar to hail, call (to) angl.a English state as a fact)
adapt.ar (tr.) to adapt Angli.a England asist.ar (tr.) to attend (be present at)
adicion.ar (tr.) to add (numbers) angul.o angle, corner askolt.ar (tr.) to listen to
adjektiv.o adjective animal.o animal aspekt.ar to look (like), appear (have
administr.ar to administer, manage anke, ank (adv.) also an appearance)
admir.ar to admire ankore, ankor (adv.) still, yet aston.ar to astonish, amaze
admis.ar to admit (let in) ankor.foy.e again atak.ar to attack
adopt.ar to adopt (opinion, belief, anorak.o anorak atenc.ar to pay attention to, heed
child); agree upon ante (prep.) before (of time), earlier ating.ar to attain, reach
adres.o address (on letter etc) than -atr- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
adult.a adult ante.a former, previous atrakt.ar to attract, draw
adverb.o adverb anticip.ar to anticipate aud.ar to hear
aer.o air antiqu.a antique, ancient, of a former audac.ar (tr.) to dare, be so bold as
aeroplan.o aeroplane, (US) airplane epoch augment.ar (tr./intr.) to increase,
afabl.a affable, amiable anunc.ar to announce augment
afer.o affair, matter; business apar.ar to appear Australi.a Australia
Afrik.a Africa aparat.o apparatus Austri.a Austria
-ag- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) apart.a apart, separate autobus.o bus (vehicle)
ag.ar (tr./intr.) to do, act apartament.o apartment, flat automobil.o car, motor-car, automobile
agnosk.ar to acknowledge, admit aparten.ar to belong autor.o author; (fig.) creator
agost.o August apene, apen (adv.) hardly, scarcely autun.o autumn, (US) fall (season)
agr.o field, piece of ground apert.ar (tr.) to open av.o grandparent
agreabl.a agreeable, pleasant aplast.ar to crush, squash; (fig.) avan (prep.) in front of, ahead of,
-aj- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) oppress before (in space)
akompan.ar to accompany (also mus.), aplaud.ar to applaud avanc.ar (tr./intr.) to advance (in space
escort aplik.ar to apply (also fig.), lay on or time)
aktiv.a active apog.ar (tr.) to support, prop (up); base avantaj.o advantage
aktor.o actor, actress (one thing on another) avar.a miserly, avaricious
aktual.a existing now, current, actual april.o April aventur.o adventure
akut.a sharp, acute (also fig. of sound, aprob.ar (tr.) to approve of avert.ar (tr.) to give notice to or
pain, sickness, accent) apt.a apt, suitable apprise (of a future event or
akuz.ar to accuse apud (prep.) next to, beside possibility), warn
al (= a la) to the apud.a adjacent Azi.a Asia
branch.o branch (also geom., geneal.) dal (= da la) by the (indicating doer)
B brav.a brave damzel.o miss, maid (unmarried
brik.o brick woman)
bagaj.o luggage, baggage bril.ar (intr.) to shine dan.a Danish
bak.ar (tr.) to bake Britani.a (Great) Britain Dani.a Denmark
bald.e (adv.) soon bros.ar to brush danjer.o danger, peril, jeopardy
baln.ar (tr.) to bathe bruis.ar (intr.) to make a noise dank.ar to thank
balon.o ball (hollow, air-filled); brul.ar (tr./intr.) to burn (also fig.) dans.ar (tr./intr.) to dance
balloon brun.a brown darf.ar to be permitted, may
bank.o bank (financial) bul.o ball dat.o date (calendar)
bar.ar to bar, stop up (a way, a route) burs.o purse; wallet, (US) pocket book de (prep.) from (indicating starting
barb.o beard butik.o shop, store point, origin or derivation); of (where
bas.a low (dimension, sound or buton.o button an amount is indicated; e.g. 'peco de
pressure) butr.o butter pano', 'glaso de aquo')
basen.o basin (pan; catchment area of bux.o box de.pos (prep.) since
river; geol.) de.o God, (a) god
baston.o stick, staff; cudgel; cue; pole C deb.ar to owe (something to someone),
bat.ar to beat, strike repeatedly be under obligation
batali.ar (intr.) to battle ca (=ica) this (adj.) decembr.o December
batel.o boat ced.ar (tr.) to cede, yield, give up decens.ar (tr./intr.) to descend, go
bateri.o battery (elec.; milit.) cel.ar (tr.) to hide, conceal, secrete down, move down
bay.o bay (of sea) celebr.ar to celebrate, commemorate decept.ar to disappoint
baz.o base (lowest part); (fig.) basis, cent hundred decid.ar to decide, settle
foundation centr.o centre, (US) center (also fig.) defekt.o defect, flaw
bel.a fine, beautiful, handsome cert.a certain, sure defens.ar to defend
belg.a Belgian certen.a a certain, a particular defi.ar to defy, challenge, dare
Belgi.a Belgium ces.ar (tr./intr.) to cease defin.ar to define, state the meaning of
bend.o strip, stripe, band chambr.o room, chamber; house (of dejun.ar to (have) lunch
benign.a kind, benign; mild (of parliament) dek ten
medicines, diseases) chanc.o chance, (good or bad) luck, del (= de la) from the
benk.o bench (long seat) likelihood demand.ar (tr.) to ask for
ber.o berry chanj.ar (tr./intr.) to change demand.o request
beton.o concrete (building material) chapel.o hat (with a brim) demision.ar to resign (from a position,
bezon.ar to need chapitr.o chapter (of a book) office or job)
bibliotek.o library (establishment); charm.ar to charm, delight demolis.ar to demolish
book-case chas.ar to chase; hunt demonstr.ar (tr.) to demonstrate (show
bicikl.o bicycle che (prep.) at, in, to (someone in his or by reason; make evident)
biliet.o ticket, pass, written order her house, home or place), with (a dens.a dense, crowded; thick (of a
bir.o beer people, in respect of their customs) liquid)
bisquit.o biscuit, (US) cookie chef.a chief, leading dent.o tooth (also fig.)
bitr.a bitter (lit. & fig.) chef.o leader, chief, head depart.ar (de) to depart (intr.)
blam.ar to blame chek.o cheque, (US) check (financial) depend.ar (de; di) to depend (be
blank.a white; (fig.) blank cher.a costly, dear, expensive influenced or determined; rely on for
blind.a blind Chini.a China support)
blok.o block, lump chip.a cheap, inexpensive deriv.ar to derive (gram., math., etc)
blu.a blue ci these (pron.) des- (pref.) (see list of prefixes)
bok.o mouth; opening, entrance ciel.o sky; heaven des.apar.ar to disappear
(volcano, harbour, etc) cienc.o science des.facil.a difficult
bol.o bowl cirkl.o circle des.kovr.ar to discover, uncover
boli.ar (intr.) to boil cirkond.ar to surround desegn.ar to draw (sketch)
bon.a good cirkonstanc.o circumstance deskript.ar to describe
bon.ven.ig.ar to welcome cirkum (prep.) about, around destrukt.ar to destroy
bonbon.o sweet (confection) co (= ico) this (thing) detal.o detail
bord.o border, edge, brink, brim determin.ar to determine, ascertain
bosk.o (a) wood (trees) D definitely, settle conclusively
botel.o bottle dev.ar to be obliged, have a duty
bov.o bull (bovulo) or cow (bovino) da (prep.) by (indicates the doer of an dev.as ought, should, must (as an
braki.o arm (anat.; fig.) action) obligation)
dev.o obligation, duty du.im.o half (n.) -eri- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
develop.ar (tr.) to develop du.opl.a double (adj.) erod.ar (tr.) to erode
dextr.a right (opposite of left) dubit.ar (intr.) to doubt eror.ar to err, be mistaken
dezert.a deserted, desert dukt.ar to lead es (= es.as) am, is, are
dezert.o desert, wilderness dum (prep.) during -es- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
dezir.ar to desire dum ke (konj.) while, whilst es.ar to be
di (prep.) of (indicates possession or dum.e (adv.) meanwhile, meantime esforc.ar to strive, endeavour, (US)
association) dur.ar to last, continue, endure endeavor
di.o day (of 24 hours) durst.ar to thirst -esk- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
dic.ar to say, tell eskaler.o staircase, stairs
difer.ar to differ E eskap.ar (tr./intr.) to escape (from),
difuz.ar (tr.) to disperse, spread, evade (someone or something)
diffuse e (= ed) and eskarp.a steep (of slopes)
dik.a thick -e- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) eskombr.o rubbish, refuse
dil (= di la) of the -ebl- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) -esm- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
diminut.ar (tr./intr.) to lessen, decrease, ecept.ar to leave out, except, exclude esper.ar (tr./intr.) to hope (for)
diminish eces.ar to exceed, be excessive est.o east
din.a thin (lean) ecit.ar to excite, arouse estim.ar to esteem, hold in high regard
direcion.o direction (two-way), ed (= e) and -et- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
bearing (both ways) -ed- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) etaj.o storey, floor (of a building); tier
direkt.ar to direct, manage, conduct edit.ar to publish (print and sell) Europ.a Europe
diret.a direct (opposite of indirect) eduk.ar to educate, bring up (people); ev.ar (tr./intr.) to be (some length of
diret.e directly, straight (adv.) rear, raise (animals, plants) time) old, be aged (some length of
dis- (prep.) (see list of prefixes) efac.ar to erase, efface (also fig.) time)
disip.ar to squander, waste, dissipate efekt.o effect ev.o age
diskut.ar to discuss efik.ar to be effectual event.ar to happen, occur, come about
dispers.ar (tr.) to scatter, disperse efik.iv.a effective, efficacious evident.a obvious, evident
disput.ar (intr.) to quarrel, have a -eg- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) evit.ar to avoid, evade, shun, obviate
dispute egal.a equal exajer.ar to exaggerate
dist.ar to be at a distance egal.es.o equality exakt.a accurate, exact (faithful to the
dist.o distance egard.ar to pay regard to, take into facts), faithful (of a copy)
distrakt.ar to distract, divert attention account examen.ar to examine (test someone)
of; (fig.) amuse Egipti.a Egypt exempl.o example
distribut.ar to apportion, distribute, ek (prep.) out of (from), out from exempler.o copy (of a book,
dispense el (= elu) (pron.) she, her newspaper, etc)
distrikt.o district (area of jurisdiction) elastik.a elastic, springy exist.ar to exist
diven.ar to become, get (intr.) elekt.ar to elect (someone by vote) exkav.ar to excavate
diverg.ar to diverge elektr.o electricity exkluz.ar to exclude, debar
divers.a various, sundry, diverse elev.ar to elevate, raise and set up exkuz.ar to excuse (seek pardon for)
divid.ar (tr.) to divide elu (pron.) she, her exkuz.ar su to apologise
divin.ar to guess elu.a her (possessive), hers expekt.ar to expect
doc.ar to teach (something) -em- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) experienc.ar to experience
dolc.a sweet, pleasant emfaz.ar to emphasize, stress expert.a expert (adj.)
dolor.ar (intr.) to feel pain, hurt employ.ar to employ (someone) explik.ar to explain
dom.o house (dwelling; building for a en (prep.) in explor.ar to investigate, examine,
specific purpose) en.ir.ar to enter explore, reconnoitre, (US) reconnoiter
domaj.ar to damage, harm, impair, en.ter.ig.ar to bury, inter exploz.ar (intr.) to explode
spoil -end- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) expres.ar to express (an idea, thought,
don.ar to give (general sense) enemik.o enemy, foe feeling etc)
donac.ar to give (as a gift), donate energi.o energy extens.ar (tr.) to extend, stretch, spread
dop (prep.) behind engaj.ar to engage, hire (someone), exter (prep.) outside, (US) outside of;
dorm.ar to sleep enlist (someone, milit.) besides
dors.o back (of body, hand etc) enigmat.o puzzle, enigma exter.land.a foreign, external (abroad)
drink.ar to drink entuziasm.ar to enthuse (intr.), be exting.ar (tr./intr.) to extinguish, put
drol.a funny, humorous enthusiastic out, quench (also fig.)
dron.ar (tr.) to drown entuziasm.o enthusiasm extrem.a extreme, utmost
du two envidi.ar to envy, be envious of -ey- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
du.esm.a second (adj.) -er- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
F fleg.ar to nurse, care for (a child, a funcion.ar to function (all senses), act
sick person) (as)
fab.o bean flex.ar (tr./intr.) to bend, bow fund.o bottom, lowest part (of
fabrik.ar to manufacture flor.o flower, bloom something hollow, of a vase, of a well,
fac.ar to make (an object); do (an act) flotac.ar (intr.) to float of a sea); (fig.) background
facil.a easy (to do) flu.ar to flow fundament.o foundation, that on which
fair.o fire (also fig.) flug.ar (intr.) to fly anything rests, (fig.) basis
fak.o (anything portioned off) fluid.a fluid furi.ar to be enraged or furious
compartment, branch, department, fluktu.ar to move to and fro, fluctuate, furnis.ar to furnish, provide or supply
speciality, stall (in a stable) waver (also fig.) (something to someone)
fakt.o fact fluvi.o (large) river (flowing into the furt.ar to steal, thieve
faktur.o invoice, bill sea) fush.ar (tr.) to botch, bungle
fal.ar to fall, fall down fol.a crazy, mad; (fig.) foolish futbal.o football (game)
fald.ar (tr.) to fold foli.o leaf (plant or book), sheet (paper futur.a future
fali.ar (tr./intr.) to fail, miss (an aim); etc) futur.o future (also the tense)
(com.) become insolvent for (prep.) away from, far from fuz.ar (tr.) to melt
fals.a false, spurious for.a remote, distant
fam.o fame for.e (far) away G
famili.o family (also bot., zool.), kin forc.o force (mechanical)
familiar.a familiar forest.o forest gamb.o leg
fang.o mud, mire fork.o pitchfork or similar fork (also gan.ar to gain, earn, win
farb.o paint fig.) gard.ar to guard (persons); tend
farin.o flour fork.et.o (table) fork (animals)
fatig.ar (tr.) to tire, fatigue, weary form.o shape, form, conformation, garden.o garden
favor.ar to favour (fig.) mode, appearance gas.o gas
febl.a weak, feeble, feint formac.ar to shape, form gast.o guest
februar.o February formik.o ant gay.a merry, gay, cheerful
felic.a happy (of a person) forn.o oven; kiln gener.al.a general (adj.), generic
femin.a female, feminine forsan (adv.) perhaps, maybe genitor.o parent
fenc.o fence fort.a strong (also fig.) genu.o knee
fend.ar (tr.) to split, slit fortun.o good luck, good fortune german.a German
fenestr.o window fortun.oz.a lucky, fortunate Germani.a Germany
fer.o iron fos.o pit, hole (in the ground) glaci.o ice
ferm.a firm, steady (also fig.) fotograf.ar to photograph glas.o (drinking) glass, tumbler
feroc.a ferocious foy.o time (in counting), occasion (in glat.a smooth, sleek
fid.ar (intr.) (ad ulu od ulo) to trust, repetition), turn glit.ar to glide, slide, slip
have faith, have confidence frajil.a fragile glut.ar to swallow, gulp down (also
fidel.a faithful, true, trusty franc.a French fig.)
fier.a proud Franci.a France glutin.ar (tr./intr.) to stick, paste, glue
fil.o thread; yarn; (metal-fil.o) wire frap.ar to strike, hit, knock, slap (together)
fili.o child (son or daughter) frat.o brother or sister, sibling grad.o step (of stairs); rank, grade;
fili.in.o daughter frat.in.o sister degree (temperature etc); degree
fili.ul.o son frat.ul.o brother (academic); size (of shoes etc)
fin.ar (tr./intr.) to end, finish fraud.ar to defraud, cheat grand.a big, large, great
fingr.o finger; (ped-fingr.o) toe fraz.o sentence (gram.), phrase (mus.) gras.o fat, grease
firm.o firm (commercial) fren.o brake grat.ar to scrape (against), scratch
fish.o fish fresh.a fresh (lightly)
fit.ar (intr.) to fit; suit (as to shape or frit.ar (tr.) to fry gratitud.ar (ulu pri ulo) to be grateful
size) frivol.a (of a person) frivolous; (of a to
fix.a fixed (of a star, look, idea, etc) thing) trifling, pointless gratitud.oza grateful
flak.o puddle, small pool fromaj.o cheese gratuit.a free (of cost), gratuitous
flam.o flame front.o forehead; (fig.) front gratul.ar to congratulate
flank.o side (as distinct from front or frost.ar (intr.) to freeze grav.a heavy; (fig.) weighty,
back), breast (of ship), flank (of army) frot.ar (tr.) to rub momentous, grave; (accent) grave
flar.ar to scent, smell (an odour, an fru.a early (adj.) grek.a Greek
object) frukt.o fruit (also fig.) Greki.a Greece
flav.a yellow fum.ar (tr./intr.) to smoke griz.a grey, (US) gray
gros.a bulky, fat, gross, thick
grup.o group; clump (of trees); flock I intenc.ar to intend, have in view
(of sheep) intenc.o intent, intention
guid.ar to guide ibe (adv.) there intens.a intense
gust.ar (tr.) to taste (something) ica (= ca) this (adj.) inter (prep.) between; among
gut.o drop (of liquid) ici (= ci) these (pron.), these things inter.nacion.a international
guvern.ar to govern (child, ship, in ico (= co) this (pron.), this thing interdikt.ar to prohibit, forbid
politics, grammar, machinery, etc), -id- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) interes.ar to interest
rule directly ide.o idea intern.a internal, inner, interior, inside
-ig- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) introdukt.ar to introduce (someone or
H ig.ar to make, cause, render something)
ignor.ar to ignore, disregard, refuse to inund.ar (tr.) to flood, overflow
ha! ha!, ah! acknowledge invent.ar to invent
habil.a clever, skilful, adroit il (= ilu) he, him invit.ar to invite
habit.ar to inhabit, live in -il- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) ips.a selfsame, myself, yourself,
(permanently) ilu he, him himself, herself, itself, ourselves,
hal.o very large room, hall ilu.a his yourselves, themselves (used for
halt.ar (intr.) to halt, stop (in travel or -im- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) emphasis immediately after a
movement) imagin.ar to imagine pronoun)
har.o (a single) hair (of a person's imaj.o picture, image, visual ir.ar to go (be on one's way)
head) representation irac.ar (kontre) to be angry
har.ar.o hair (collectively, on a person's imit.ar to imitate irg.a any (whatever)
head) imped.ar to impede, hamper, hinder irg.o anything (whatever)
hard.a hard (not soft) imper.ar to order (e.g. that something irg.u anyone at all
hast.ar (intr.) to hurry, hasten be done), command irg.ube wherever
hav.ar to have (something) import.ar to matter, be important irga.lok.e anywhere
hazard.o chance occurrence, imprim.ar to print (a book, paper, etc) irge.kande whenever, no matter when
(hap)hazard -in- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) Irland.o Ireland
help.ar to help, assist, aid incit.ar to incite, urge on -ism- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
hem.o home -ind- (suf.) (see list of suffixes) -ist- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
herb.o herbaceous plant, herb (bot.); Indi.a India ita (= ta) that, those (adj.)
(fig.) grass indij.ar to lack, be in want of Itali.a Italy
hezit.ar to hesitate, falter indik.ar to indicate, point out, denote iter.ar to do again, repeat (an action),
hier.e yesterday indolent.a lazy, indolent, slothful iterate
hik.e here industri.o industry iti (= ti) those (pron.), those ones
hispan.a Spanish indut.ar to coat (with paint, plaster ito (= to) that (pron.), that thing
Hispani.a Spain etc), paint (a wall etc) -iv- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
histori.o history infant.o infant (child under 7 years of -iz- (suf.) (see list of suffixes)
ho.di.e today, this day age)
hobi.o hobby influ.ar to influence J
hok.o hook inform.ar to inform
hom.o human, man (human being) infr.a lowest, bottom (of different ja already
honest.a honest levels) jac.ar to lie (on something)
honor.o honour, (US) honor infr.e (adv.) at the bottom or lowest jaluz.a jealous
hor.o hour part januar.o January
horloj.o clock, timepiece injenior.o engineer Japoni.a Japan
hospital.o hospital inklin.ar (tr./intr.) to incline (phys., jar.o jar (container)
hotel.o hotel mental), lean; be disposed jen.ar to discomfort, incommode,
humid.a humid, damp, moist inkluz.ar to include, enclose, inclose inconvenience
humil.a humble, meek insekt.o insect jeneroz.a generous
humor.o temper, mood, humour, (US) insert.ar to insert jet.ar to throw
humor (state of mind) insist.ar to insist, be insistent jok.ar to joke, jest, banter
humur.o humour, (US) humor inspekt.ar to inspect, examine, oversee jorn.o daytime, day (opposite of night)
(appreciation of the comic or instant.o instant, moment (of time) jovdi.o Thursday
ludicrous) instrukt.ar to teach (someone), instruct joy.ar to be joyful, be glad
hund.o dog instrument.o instrument joy.o joy
Hungari.a Hungary insul.o island, isle ju.ar to enjoy
hungr.ar to be hungry (also fig.) insult.ar to insult judik.ar to judge (general, not legal
inteligent.a intelligent sense), deem
juli.o July klam.ar (tr.) to shout, exclaim komun.a common (pertaining to
juni.o June klar.a clear (to sight or hearing), (fig.) several), joint
junt.ar (tr.) to join (place one thing in plain, evident komunik.ar (tr./intr.) to communicate,
contact with another) klas.o class (all senses) impart; be connected by passage
jup.o skirt; kilt klef.o key (for a lock; also fig.) koncern.ar to relate or belong to,
jurnal.o newspaper, gazette, journal klem.ar to tighten, clench (e.g., screw, concern (relate to)
jus (adv.) just, just now (e.g. il jus knot, brake, joint, hand) koncern.o concern, affair
arivis = he's just arrived) klim.ar to climb (up) koncienc.o conscience
just.a right, proper, correct (of klok.o (of time) o'clock, hour on the kondut.ar to behave (in some manner),
measure, time, word, thought etc) clock conduct oneself
juvel.o jewel klosh.o bell (also anything bell- kondut.o behaviour, conduct
shaped) konekt.ar to connect (one thing with
K klov.o nail (metal) another, mechanically or electrically)
kloz.ar (tr.) to shut, close konfund.ar (... kun; ad) to confuse
ka, kad whether, if; (also used at the klub.o club (social) (things in one's mind), muddle (in
beginning of a sentence to turn it into koakt.ar to compel, force, coerce one's mind)
a question) koincid.ar (kun) to coincide (in form konjuncion.o conjunction (gram., astr.)
kafe.o coffee (substance or drink) or in time) konkord.ar (intr.) to agree, be in
kalkul.ar to calculate kol.o neck (anat. & fig.) agreement, be concordant
kalm.a calm (of objects; fig. of kold.a cold (pr. & fig.) konoc.ar to know (be acquainted with)
persons), still, placid kolekt.ar (tr.) to collect, gather konsent.ar to agree (to something or
kalz.o stocking together with someone), consent
kam (adv.) than, as, to (in comparison) koli.ar (tr.) to pluck (fruits, flowers, konsider.ar to consider, think carefully
kambi.ar to exchange (money, goods), etc) about
barter kolin.o hill konsil.ar to advise, counsel
kamer.o camera kolor.o colour, (US) color konsist.ar (ek, ye) to consist, be
kamion.o lorry, dray, (US) truck kom (prep.) as (being), in the capacity composed (of)
kamiz.o shirt; chemise of (e.g. 'la arboro komencis kom konstituc.ar to constitute, form
Kanad.a Canada semino' = the tree began as a seed) konstrukt.ar to build, construct
kande, kand when kom.o comma (in text) konsult.ar to consult (someone or
kanson.o (a) song kombat.ar (tr./intr.) to fight something)
kant.ar to sing kombin.ar (tr.) to combine konsum.ar to consume, use up, wear
kap.o head (anat. & fig.) komenc.ar (tr./intr.) to begin, start, out, expend
kapabl.a capable, able commence kont.ar (tr.) to count (add up)
kapt.ar to capture, catch komend.ar to order (goods, etc) kontakt.ar (kun) to be in touch, have
kar.a dear (showing affection) koment.ar (tr.) to comment on contact
karakter.o character (distinctive komerc.ar (intr.) to trade, deal konten.ar to contain, hold
quality) komerc.o trade, commerce kontent.a contented, satisfied
karn.o flesh; meat komfort.o comfort kontinu.a continuous
karot.o carrot (plant & root) komik.a comic, ludicrous kontor.o bureau, office
karton.o cardboard komod.o chest of drawers, commode kontre (prep.) against, contrary to,
kat.o cat (of drawers) versus
katen.o chain (pr. & fig.) kompan.o companion kontrol.ar to check, verify
kaud.o tail (also fig.) kompani.o company (business, konven.ar (intr/imp) (intr.) to suit, be
kaul.o cabbage military) fitting; (also impers.) be appropriate
kauz.o cause (of an event) kompar.ar (tr.) to compare konvers.ar to converse
kav.a hollow, sunken kompat.ar (tr./intr.) to pity, konvink.ar to convince
kaval.o horse; (in chess) knight commiserate (with), be compassionate kopi.ar to copy, make a copy of
kavalk.ar to ride (as on a horse) kompat.o pity, compassion, mercy koqu.ar (tr.) to cook
kaz.o case (all senses: jur., gram., med. komplet.a complete kord.o line, string, cord, rope; (geom.)
& general, except casing) komplik.ar to complicate chord
ke (konj.) that (see also: dum ke, pro kompoz.ar to put together, compound kordi.o heart (also fig.)
ke, etc) (make by combining parts), compose Kore.a Korea
kelk.a some (of), a few (of), a little (not in printing) korekt.a correct, right
(of) kompr.ar to buy, purchase korespond.ar to correspond (relate or
kin five kompren.ar to understand conform in character; communicate by
kirk.o church (building) kompres.ar to squeeze, compress letter)
kis.ar to kiss
korp.o body (entire physical being; last.a last (in time or space)
main part) later.o side (geom., archit.) ma but
kostum.o costume, dress, garb laud.ar to praise, laud mal.a bad; evil
koton.o cotton laut.a loud (voice or sound) malad.a sick, ill, unwell
kovr.ar to cover lav.ar (tr.) to wash; launder maleol.o ankle
koz.o thing lecion.o lesson, lecture malgre (prep.) despite, in spite of,
krayon.o pencil, crayon led.a ugly notwithstanding
kre.ar to create ledr.o leather malgre ke although, even though
kred.ar to believe (someone, leg.o law (natural, moral, social, manier.o manner, way of behaving or
something) legislative) of doing anything
kresk.ar (intr.) to grow legum.o vegetable manj.ar to eat, (fig.) consume
kri.ar (intr.) to scream, cry out lejer.a light (in weight or force); (fig.) mank.ar (intr.) to be lacking, be
kruc.o cross not severe missing
krud.a raw, uncooked; crude, lekt.ar to read manu.o hand
unworked (also fig.) lent.a slow map.o map
kruel.a cruel lern.ar to learn mar.o sea
kuk.o cake letr.o letter (correspondence) march.ar (intr.) to walk, step, tread;
kul.o bottom (of an object) lev.ar to lift (up), raise march
kulier.o spoon li they, them mardi.o Tuesday
kulp.ar to be at fault, commit a fault, li.a their, theirs mariaj.ar (tr.) to unite in wedlock,
fail in one's duty liber.a free (from restraint), at liberty marry (others)
kultel.o knife libr.o book mark.o mark, token, stamp
kultiv.ar to cultivate (soil, plants, the lig.ar to tie, fasten, bind mart.o March
mind, the arts, etc), till lign.o wood (the material) mas.o mass (body of matter)
kun (prep.) with (in company with) limit.o limit, bound(s) mashin.o machine, engine
kun.e together line.o line (geom., writing, genealogy, maskul.a male, masculine
kun.ven.ar to meet, come together etc) materi.o material, matter, stuff (also
kur.ar to run lingu.o language fig.)
kurac.ar to treat (medically) liquid.a liquid matin.o morning, forenoon
kuraj.ar ? to be courageous list.o list matr.o mother
kurt.a short, brief lit.o bed (for sleeping; also fig. of a matur.a mature, ripe
kurv.a curved, bent river etc) maxim (adv.) most (preceding an
kusen.o cushion, pillow liter.o letter (of the alphabet) adjective or adverb)
kush.ar (tr.) to lay down to rest, put to liv.ar (tr.) to leave, depart from (a may.o May
bed place or person), quit me I, me
kush.ar su to lie down to rest, go to livr.ar to deliver (goods, etc) me.a my, mine
bed loj.ar (intr.) to lodge, live (at a stated medicin.o medicine (science,
kust.ar (tr.) to cost, be bought for place) profession)
kustum.ar (tr.) to be accustomed to, be lok.o place, locality, spot medik.o physician, doctor (of
used to lokac.ar to hire, rent medicine)
kustum.o custom, habit long.a long (of time or space), tall medikament.o medicine (for an
kuz.o cousin lor (prep.) at the time of (an event), at illness)
the same time as mem (adv.) even, still (e.g. 'mem
L lor.e then, at that time hundi natas' = even dogs swim)
lu he, she, it (common gender form) membr.o member (of a club, society,
la the lu.a his, her, hers, its etc); limb (arm or leg)
labor.ar (tr./intr.) to work (intr.), work lud.ar (intr.) (per) to play (in a game or memor.ar (tr.) to remember, recollect
(earth, iron, wood, etc) sport) mencion.ar to mention
lacer.ar (tr.) to tear, rip; lacerate lug.ar to let, rent (out), hire (out) ment.o mind (n.)
lag.o lake lukt.ar (intr.) (kontre) to wrestle; (fig.) menti.ar to lie (tell an untruth)
lakrim.o tear struggle, strive menton.o chin
lakt.o milk lum.ar (intr.) to shine, give light (also merit.ar to deserve, merit
lamp.o lamp fig.) merkat.o market (public place for
lan.o wool lum.o light selling; also fig.)
land.o a country, a land lun.o moon merkurdi.o Wednesday
lang.o tongue (anat. & tech.) lundi.o Monday mesaj.o message
larj.a broad, wide mestier.o trade, craft, occupation
las.ar to let, allow; leave (behind) M (manual)
metal.o metal nam (konj.) for, since (conj.), seeing
metod.o method that o (= od) (konj.) or
metr.o metre (measure; poetic) narac.ar to narrate, tell (something that o ... o (= od ... od) (konj.) either ... or
mez.a middle (adj.), median happened) obedi.ar (tr.) to obey
mez.o middle (n.), midst narac.o narrative, story, account objecion.ar (tr.) to object to, adduce as
mezur.ar to measure; (land) survey nask.ar (intr.) to be born an objection to or reason against
mi- (pref.) semi-, hemi-, demi- nat.ar to swim objekt.o object (tangible or visible;
mikr.a small, little natur.o nature (all senses) focus of thought or feelings)
mil thousand nav.o ship; nave (of a church) oblivi.ar to forget
mili.o mile naz.o nose observ.ar to observe, watch carefully
milion.o million ne (adv.) not obskur.a obscure (all senses)
milit.ar (intr.) (por, kontre) to make ne- (pref.) non- (see list of prefixes) obstakl.o obstacle, hindrance,
war, (fig.) militate nebul.o fog impediment (also fig.)
milit.o war neces.a necessary obten.ar to obtain, get
min (adv.) less (preceding an adjective Nederland.o Netherlands ocid.ar to slay, kill with violence
or adverb) neglij.ar to neglect od (= o) (konj.) or
minim (adv.) least (preceding an nek ... nek neither ... nor od ... od (= o ... o) (konj.) either ... or
adjective or adverb) net.a clean, spotless; (of price) net, odor.ar (intr.) to smell (have a smell or
minus (prep.) minus nett scent)
minut.o minute (of time or angle) ni we, us odor.o smell, scent, odour, (US) odor
mis- (pref.) mis- (see list of prefixes) ni.a our, ours ofic.o office (position, function), post,
mix.ar (tr.) to mix, blend; shuffle nigr.a black duty
(cards) nilon.o nylon ofic.al.a official
mobl.o piece of furniture niv.ar (imp.) to snow oficir.o officer (military, naval; of an
modern.a modern no no (opposite of yes) order)
modest.a modest (not pretentious or noc.ar (tr.) to harm, injure ofr.ar to offer, proffer
ostentatious; not presumptuous) nod.o knot (in string, etc; unit of oft.a repeated, frequent
mol.a soft, yielding easily to pressure; speed) oft.e often
tender, mellow nokt.o night ok eight
monat.o month nom.o name okazion.o occasion, opportunity
mond.o world nombr.o number (indicating quantity; oktobr.o October
monet.o coin, cash, change gram.) okul.o eye
mont.o mountain, mount non nine okup.ar to occupy
montr.ar (tr.) to show nord.o north ol (= olu) (pron.) it
mord.ar to bite (also fig.) norm.o norm old.a old (opposite of young)
morg.e tomorrow Norvegi.a Norway ole.o oil
mort.ar to die (also fig., e.g. of fire, of not.ar to note down, set down in oli (pron.) they (those things)
a movement) writing olu (pron.) it
motiv.o motive, reason; motif nov.a new olu.a its
motor.o motor Nov-Zeland.o New Zealand ombr.o shadow, shade
mov.ar (tr./intr.) to move, set in novembr.o November omis.ar to omit
motion, propel nuanc.o nuance (of tone, meaning, omn.a all, every (collective sense)
moyen.o means (through which colour etc) omn.i all, everybody (collectively)
something is done) nub.o cloud omn.o everything
mulier.o woman nul.a no (adj.), not any omn.u everyone
mult.a many, much nul.o nothing on (= onu) (pron.) one (someone), they
mur.o wall nul.temp.e never (as used loosely)
must.ar to have to (from necessity) nul.u no-one, nobody ond.o wave, swell (of water, also fig.)
must.as must (from need) numer.o number (indicating order or onkl.o uncle or aunt
muton.o sheep succession (not quantity); e.g. the onkl.in.o aunt
muzik.ar (intr.) to play music number of a house or room) onkl.ul.o uncle
muzik.o music nun (adv.) now onu (pron.) one (someone)
nur (adv) only (adv.) onu.a one's
N nur.a sole onyon.o onion
nutr.ar to nourish, feed opinion.ar to opine, hold an opinion
nacion.o nation nutr.iv.o nourishment, food opinion.o opinion
naiv.a naive opoz.ar to put (someone or something)
O in opposition, set opposite
or.o gold perman.ar to be permanent, exist pord.o door; gate; doorway
ordin.ar to put in order, arrange (in indefinitely pork.o pig
proper order) perman.ant.a permanent port.ar to carry, bear, take, bring (of
ordinar.a ordinary, common permis.ar to permit, allow person, vehicle, wind, water etc); wear
orel.o ear person.o person (also gram.) (clothes, watch etc)
ost.o bone persuad.ar to persuade portu.o port (sea or air), harbour, (US)
ov.o egg pesk.ar to fish, angle harbor
-oz- (suf.) -ful, -ous (see list of petr.o stone (material) Portugal Portugal
suffixes) pez.ar (intr.) to weigh (have a certain pos (prep.) after (in time)
weight) pos.di.mez.o afternoon
P pikt.ar to paint (pictures) posed.ar to possess
pikt.ur.o painting, (painted) picture posh.o pocket
pac.o peace plac.o square (in a town), place, piazza posibl.a possible
pacient.a patient (adj.) plad.o plate (dish to eat off) post.o postal service, post, mail
paf.ar to shoot (with a firearm) plafon.o ceiling postul.ar to demand, require, exact
pag.ar (ulu ye ulo, ulo ad ulu) to pay plaj.o beach (something from someone)
(someone or something), pay for plan.a flat, level, plane pot.o pot, jug, pan (for holding
(something; also fig.) plank.o plank, board something or for cooking)
pagin.o page (of a book etc) plant.o plant (bot.) pov.ar to be able (to do something)
pak.o bundle, package, parcel plantac.ar to plant (seeds etc in the pov.as can (v.)
pak.et.o packet ground) povr.a poor, needy
pal.a pale, pallid plas.o place (for a person or thing), poz.ar to place, put, set, lay down (lit.
palp.ar to feel (by touch), feel about space for one & fig.)
pan.o bread plat.a (having an) even or flat praktik.ar to practise, (US) practice,
pantalon.o (long) trousers, (US) pants (surface); (fig.) dull, flat put in practice, exercise; observe (a
paper.o paper ple.ar to play (a musical instrument, rule etc)
par.o pair, couple role in a play, etc) prec.o price, charge (lit. & fig.)
pardon.ar to forgive, pardon (s-o. or s- plen.a full precipu.a main, principal
t.) plend.ar to complain; (jur.) lodge a preciz.a precise (not used of a person),
park.o park (n.) complaint exact, strictly defined or determined
parol.ar (intr.) (pri) to speak, talk plez.ar (tr./intr.) to please, be pleasing (e.g., preciza nombro)
part.o part, portion; part (in games, plezur.o pleasure prefer.ar to prefer (like better)
music etc) plor.ar to cry, weep preg.ar (tr.) to pray; beg (s-o. for s-t.),
partikular.a particular, special, plu (adv.) more (before an adj. or adv.) beseech
peculiar, specific plum.o feather, plume; pen (for pren.ar to take, take hold of
pas.ar (tr./intr.) to pass (one's life, time writing), quill prepar.ar to prepare
etc), pass (through, above, etc.) plunj.ar (intr.) to dive, plunge pres.ar to press
pasabl.a passable, fair, middling, plur.a several preske (adv.) almost, nearly
mediocre plus further(more), in addition; plus prest.ar to lend (s-t. to s-o.), loan
patr.o father (arith.) pretend.ar (tr.) to claim (lay claim to)
pauz.ar to pause plus.a additional, extra preter (prep.) past, beyond
pavor.ar (tr./intr.) to be (instinctively pluv.ar (imp.) to rain prevent.ar to prevent
or emotionally) afraid (of) po (prep.) for, at the price of, in prezent.a present (here or now)
paz.ar to step, stride exchange for; per pri (prep.) about, concerning, re
paz.o step, pace pok.a few, little printemp.o spring(time)
pec.o piece; lump (e.g. of sugar) polic.o maintenance of public order privat.a private (adj.)
ped.o foot (anat. & fig.); paw; foot (of and security, policing priz.ar to appreciate, prize, value
verse) polit.a polite, civil (in manner) prizent.ar to present, set or place
pekuni.o money, cash polon.a Polish before
pel.o skin; hide (on the body) Poloni.a Poland pro (prep.) because of, owing to, out
pend.ar (tr./intr.) to hang (up, down), polv.o dust, powder of, on account of
dangle pom.o apple pro ke (konj.) because
pens.ar (tr./intr.) to think pont.o bridge; culvert; gangplank, pro quo why
per (prep.) by means of, by, with gangway (nav.) prob.ar to try out, attempt, test
(some means); (arith.) multiplied by popul.o people (of a town, country (something); assay
perd.ar to lose (something), lose out etc), population probabl.a likely, probable
perfekt.a perfect popular.a popular problem.o problem
period.o period por (prep.) for, on behalf of produkt.ar to produce, bring forth
profesion.o profession (occupational) R rezult.ar (de) to result, be the
profit.ar (tr.) to profit from, benefit consequence
from rakont.ar (tr.) to tell (a tale, a story) rich.a rich (lit. & fig.)
profit.o profit, benefit rakont.o tale, story rid.ar to laugh
profund.a deep, profound; (fig.) rang.o row, tier, range; rank rid.et.ar to smile
abstruse rapid.a fast, quick, rapid rigid.a rigid, stiff, inflexible (lit. &
projet.ar (tr.) to plan, form a project of rar.a rare, unusual, infrequent fig.)
promen.ar to (go for a) walk, stroll rar.e seldom, rarely risk.ar (tr.) to risk, hazard, venture
promis.ar to promise (something (to real.a real, actual riv.o shore, coast (by a sea); bank (of a
someone); to do something) recent.a recent river)
pront.a ready, prepared recev.ar to receive river.o river, (large) stream
proporcion.o proportion, ratio red.a red riz.o rice
propoz.ar to propose (offer for redakt.ar to edit (a newspaper, journal robinet.o tap, cock, (US) faucet, spigot
consideration); propound; move (a etc) rok.o (a) rock, boulder
resolution) reflekt.ar (tr./intr.) to reflect (phys., rol.o role, rôle (theat. & gen.), part,
propr.a own, proper, belonging (to) mental, gram.) character
propriet.ar to own refuz.ar to refuse, decline rond.a round (adj.)
protekt.ar to protect regard.ar to regard (look at attentively) rot.o wheel
proviz.ar to provide (s-o. with s-t.), region.o region (all senses) rud.a rough (of things, persons,
supply registr.o register, record book; account manners), uncouth, rude (lacking
proxim (prep.) near (to), close to (in book refinement)
time or space) regret.ar to regret, be sorry about rul.ar (tr./intr.) to roll, roll along; roll
prudent.a prudent, cautious regul.ar to regulate (tech. & fig.) (of a ship)
prunt.ar to borrow reklam.ar (tr.) to advertise rupt.ar (tr./intr.) to break, snap, rupture
pruv.ar to prove (truth or validity) rekomend.ar to recommend, commend rur.o country (as opposed to town)
publik.a public rekt.a straight (not curved or crooked) rus.a Russian
puer.o child (over 7 years of age) relat.ar (tr.) to relate to; be connected Rusi.a Russia
puer.in.o girl to (by business etc)
puer.ul.o boy remark.ar (tr.) to notice S
puls.ar to push, thrust, impel; beat remplas.ar to replace (take or be in the
(e.g., heart), throb, pulsate place of) sabl.o sand
punis.ar to punish renkontr.ar to meet, encounter saj.a wise, sensible
punt.o point (geom., typo., games); repar.ar to mend, repair, restore sak.o sack, bag, pouch (also anat. &
full stop, (US) period (punctuation) repast.ar (intr.) to have a meal, eat (a bot.)
pur.a pure meal) salad.o salad
repast.o meal salari.ar to pay salary or wages to
Q repet.ar (tr.) to tell or say again, repeat salari.o salary, wage(s)
(something said) salon.o drawing room, parlour, (US)
qua (pron.) who, what, which (refers repoz.ar to rest (take a rest), repose parlor
to a definite person or thing, sing., repres.ar to restrain, hold back, check, salt.ar (intr.) to leap, jump, bound
interrog. & rel.) suppress, repress salut.ar to greet, salute
quadrat.a square (geom., arith.) rept.ar to crawl, creep (also fig.) salut.o greeting, salute
qual.a what sort of, what kind of, what respekt.ar to respect salv.ar to save (from danger etc),
a, like respir.ar (tr./intr.) to breathe, respire rescue; salvage
qual.e how, as respond.ar (tr./intr.) to reply, answer, sam.a same
quankam (konj.) although, though respond san.a healthy, well; (fig.) sound
quant.a how much, how many (adj.) rest.ar to remain, stay sandwich.o sandwich
quar four reten.ar to keep (back), retain, sang.o blood
quer.ar to fetch withhold; (arith.) carry sapor.ar (intr.) to taste (have a certain
question.ar to question (s-o.) retro (adv.) backwards, back taste)
qui who, which (plural, interrog. & retro- (pref.) re- (indicating return; see sapor.o flavour, (US) flavor, taste
rel.) list of prefixes) satisfac.ar to fulfil or satisfy (a duty,
quik (adv.) immediately. at once rev.ar to day-dream expectation, promise); discharge (an
quo what, which (sing.; interrog. & revenu.o revenue; income obligation)
rel.; used as an interrog. refers to rezid.ar to reside, dwell, live saturdi.o Saturday
something indefinite, e.g. 'quo rezist.ar to resist, stand firm against, sav.ar to know (by learning), have a
eventis?' = what happened?) not yield to, withstand knowledge of, know how (to do s-t.)
se (konj.) if
sed.o bottom (of the body), backside sior.in.o Mrs, Miss, madam, lady strad.o street
segun (prep.) according to (woman) stranj.a strange, odd
sek.ar to make a cut in, cut partially sior.ul.o Mr, sir, gentleman (man) stranjer.a foreign, not native; (fig.)
through; section (divide into sections) sis six extraneous
sekret.a secret situ.ar to site, place, locate, seat strek.o dash (written), stroke; (geom.)
sekund.o second (of time or angle) siz.ar to seize, grab; (fig.) grasp (e.g. straight line
sekur.a safe, secure an opportunity) stret.a narrow
selekt.ar to choose, select skol.o school (educational student.o student, undergraduate
sem.ar to sow (lit. & fig.), scatter establishment; group of disciples) studi.ar (tr./intr.) to study (s-t., about s-
seeds skop.o aim, objective, purpose, goal, t.)
seman.o week target stul.o chair (seat with a back)
sembl.ar (intr.) to seem, appear (to be) skot.a Scottish stult.a foolish, silly
sempr.e (adv.) always Skoti.a Scotland stult.o fool
sen (prep.) without skrap.ar to scrape (off), abrade sturm.o storm (with thunder &
senc.o sense, meaning skrib.ar to write, write out lightning)
send.ar to send, cause to go soci.o society (in general), community su (reflex. pron., 3rd person, sing. or
sent.ar to feel (a sensation) (people in a locality) plur.) herself, himself, itself, oneself,
sentiment.o sentiment, mental feeling, soci.et.o society (club) themselves
emotional attitude sol.a alone su.a her own, his own, its own, one's
sep seven soldat.o soldier own, their own
separ.ar (tr.) to separate, part solid.a solid (not liquid; geom.); (fig.) sub (prep.) under, beneath, below
septembr.o September firm, sound subit.a sudden
sequ.ar to follow (lit. & fig.) solv.ar to solve (a problem etc); loosen subjekt.o subject (gram., log.)
serch.ar to seek, look for, search for (of a solute) substantiv.o noun
seri.o series, row, file, queue somer.o summer suces.ar to succeed (be successful)
serioz.a serious, grave (not frivolous, somit.o summit (highest point) suci.ar (tr.) to be concerned or anxious
not trivial) son.ar (intr.) to sound (emit a sound), about, care about
serur.o lock (for fastening) strike (of a clock) sud.o south
serv.ar (tr./intr.) to serve, be of service sonj.ar to dream (while asleep) sued.a Swedish
to sordid.a dirty, sordid, soiled; (fig.) Suedi.a Sweden
sever.a severe, stern, harsh, strict nasty, foul sufic.ar to suffice, be sufficient
sezon.o season (of the year) sorg.ar to take care of, look after sufl.ar (tr./intr.) to blow, blow upon;
sfer.o sphere sort.o sort, kind prompt (theatre); huff (draughts,
sham.ar (intr.) to be ashamed sovaj.a wild, savage (untamed); (fig.) checkers)
sham.o shame (the emotion) fierce sufr.ar (tr./intr.) (de, pro) to suffer
shok.ar to strike against; shock spac.o space (from), be afflicted (with)
(mentally) spec.o species; (fig.) kind sug.ar to suck
shok.o shock (physical or mental), spegul.o mirror sugest.ar to suggest, intimate
impact spens.ar to spend, expend (money, suis.a Swiss
shu.o shoe effort etc) Suisi.a Switzerland
shultr.o shoulder splendid.a splendid, magnificent suk.o juice
sid.ar to sit (be sitting); (fig.) lie, spoli.ar to rob, plunder, loot, despoil, sukr.o sugar
reside (of things) pillage sul.o soil
sign.o sign (natural or artificial), mark sport.o sport sun.o sun
(indication) spoz.o spouse sundi.o Sunday
signifik.ar to mean, signify spoz.in.o wife sup.o soup
sik.a dry (adj.) spoz.ul.o husband super (prep.) over, above (also fig.)
silk.o silk stac.ar (intr.) to stand (upright) suport.ar to support (lit., fig.), bear the
simil.a similar, like, alike stacion.o station (place, building) weight of
simpl.a simple, uncomplicated, not stal.o steel supoz.ar to suppose, assume (take for
complex; plain, unadorned stand.ar to be (well, ill etc; e.g., quale granted)
sincer.a sincere vu standas? = how are you?) supr.a top (highest up in space or
singl.a each stand.o state (of being), condition degree)
singl.u each one (person), each (pron.) stat.o state (political) supr.e on top, on high, aloft; (fig.)
sinistr.a left (adj.), left-hand, (nav.) stel.o star (all senses) upstairs
port stipul.ar (tr.) to stipulate sur (prep.) on, upon, on top of; (arith.)
sink.ar (tr./intr.) to sink, settle, subside stof.o fabric, cloth, stuff divided by
sior.o sir (or madam) ston.o pebble, small stone
surfac.o surface, outside; (fig.) tord.ar to twist, wring, contort; sprain; union.ar (tr.) to unite (join together in
appearance warp (wood) purpose)
surpriz.ar to surprise, take unawares tot.a whole, entire urb.o town, (US) city
surtut.o overcoat, greatcoat tra (prep.) through urj.ar to be urgent
suspekt.ar to suspect, distrust traduk.ar (de ... ad) to translate (from us.an.a American (of the USA)
one language to another) Us.a USA
T trahiz.ar to betray utensil.o tool, implement, utensil
trakt.ar to deal with, behave toward, util.a useful
ta (= ita) that, those (adj.) treat, handle (a person or subject) uz.ar to use, employ (make use of)
tabl.o table (furniture) tranch.ar to cut through, cut off; carve,
tal.a such (of that kind), such like cut up V
tal.e so, in such a manner, thus tranquil.a still, tranquil, quiet
tam ... kam as ... as (e.g., tam granda (physically or mentally) vagon.o railway carriage, car (railway)
kam) trans (prep.) on the other side of, vakanc.ar to have (or, be on) a holiday
tamen (konj.) however, nevertheless beyond, across or (US) vacation
tant.a so much, so many transport.ar to transport, convey vaku.a empty, void, vacuous
tant.e so (followed by an adjective or tre (adv.) very val.o valley, vale, dale
adverb) trem.ar (pro, de) to tremble, shake, valid.a valid
tard.a late, tardy shiver; flutter (of wings); quaver valor.ar (tr.) to be worth, be equal in
tas.o cup (music); flicker (light) value to
task.o task, job tren.o train (railway) van.a futile, fruitless, vain
te.o tea (leaves; infusion) tri three vanitat.o vanity (conceit)
ted.ar to bore; (fig.) weary trist.a sad, doleful (of persons or vapor.o steam, vapour, (US) vapor
tekt.o roof; top (of car or carriage) things) var.o ware, commodity; (vari) goods
tem.o topic, subject, theme tro (adv.) too (followed by an adjective vari.ar (tr./intr.) to vary, change (in
temp.o time (duration); tense (of a or adverb) amount or intensity)
verb); tempo (mus.) tromp.ar to deceive varm.a warm (also fig.)
ten.ar to hold trov.ar to find, come across vars.ar (tr.) to pour (out); spill; shed
tenebr.o (the) dark, darkness, gloom tru.o hole (blood, etc)
tens.ar (tr.) to strain (draw taut), trubl.ar to disturb, trouble vart.ar to await, wait for
stretch, tense (also fig.); cock (a gun); trup.o band (company of people vast.a vast, extensive
wind up (a clock) having a common purpose), troup; veh.ar to go or travel in a vehicle (ride,
tent.ar to tempt, entice herd, flock sail, drive or fly)
ter.o earth; Earth tu thou, you (familiar form of 'you', vek.ar (intr.) to wake, awaken (emerge
ter.pom.o potato like French 'tu', German 'du') from sleep)
teror.ar (intr.) to be terrified, be (badly) tu.a thy, thine, your (see 'tu') vek.ig.ar (tr.) to rouse, wake
frightened tub.o tube, pipe ven.ar to come
teror.o terror, fright tuk.o (piece of) cloth vend.ar to sell
text.o text tur.o tour venen.o poison, venom (also fig.)
ti (= iti) those (pron.), those ones turb.o crowd, throng venerdi.o Friday
til (prep.) until, till (in time); to, up to, turk.a Turkish vent.o wind
as far as (in space) Turki.a Turkey ver.a true (not false)
tim.ar to fear (for a reason), be turn.ar (tr./intr.) to turn (around an verb.o verb
apprehensive axis), turn around verd.a green
tip.o type (print., med., nat. hist.); tush.ar to touch (physically) verk.o work (literary, artistic etc)
conceptual model having traits vers (prep.) toward(s), in the direction
characteristic of a group U of
tir.ar to pull, draw, tug; draw (of vesper.o evening
chimneys) ube (adv.) where vest.o garment, item of clothing
titul.o title (of a book, article, person, ucel.o bird veston.o jacket (man's)
etc) ul.a any, some (indeterminite) veter.o weather
to (= ito) that (pron.), that thing ul.a.lok.e somewhere vetur.o vehicle (wheeled)
toler.ar to tolerate, put up with, endure ul.o something vex.ar to annoy, irritate, vex
tomat.o tomato ul.u anyone, someone vi you (plural)
tondr.ar (imp/intr) to thunder (also ultr.e (prep.) besides vi.a your(s) (plural)
fig.) un one (1) vice (prep.) instead of
tondr.o thunder un.esm.a first vicin.a neighbouring, (US)
un.foy.e one time, once neighboring
vicin.o neighbour, (US) neighbor vizit.ar to visit west.o west
vid.ar to see voc.o voice (also gram.); (fig.)
vilaj.o village expression of opinion XYZ
vink.ar to conquer, defeat, overcome vok.ar (tr./intr.) to call (for attention or
(an enemy, competitor or obstacle), ask to come), summons ya indeed, truly (used for emphasis)
win vol.ar (tr.) to want (to), have a will (to) yar.o year
vintr.o winter vort.o word (written or spoken) ye (prep.) at, by (preposition used
violent.ar (tr.) to use violence on voy.o way, road, track, route when no other fits the meaning)
violent.o violence; force (in law) voyaj.ar (intr.) to travel, voyage yen here is/are, there is/are (e.g., 'yen
vir.o man (male adult person) vu you (sing.) la ucelo!')
vitr.o glass (the material) vu.a your(s) (sing.) yes yes
viv.ar (tr./intr.) to live, be alive vund.ar to wound yun.a young (adj.)
viv.o life yur.o right (legal or moral)
viz.ar (tr./intr.) to aim at (a target, etc); W yust.a just, fair, equitable
take aim
vizaj.o face (of a person), visage Wals Wales

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